#feel dumb even tagging as sr
masschase · 1 year
Casey Belle isn't real and she can't shoot me
Casey Belle:
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This is the most 'internet' thing I have done
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cheesiedomino · 7 months
Second Chances ꙳ ੭ * ‧
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synopsis: your old situationship from many years ago just moved back in town and of course, he has to text you. but it’s not just any normal text — he’s asking you out on a proper date this time. will you give a second chance to Cupid? or will you be left here feeling stupid?
genre: lee minho x fem!reader | exes (??) to lovers wc: 4.6k tags/warnings: fluff, some light angst, slightly suggestive but nothing srs, mild cursing, kissing, small mentions of crying T-T
now playing 🎧: from the start by laufey
[this is part of my valentine’s series where i write a short story for each member surrounding themes of love, newfound romance, relationship hardships & more.]
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“Why don’t you give Tinder a try already? I’m sick of hearing you nagging all day about being lonely!” Areum abruptly suggests mid-convo , resting her palm on the side of her face.
As you both casually wait for the food to arrive, you end up on the dreadful topic of dating again. You got into a real heated discussion with her, sitting in a booth at this new restaurant one of your coworker’s recommended. It wasn’t super well known but they wouldn’t stop raving about how delicious their breadsticks were. The place wasn’t too jam packed but definitely had a decent amount of people. What you weren’t anticipating on was seeing dozens of couples here, it kind of threw your whole vibe off since it only reminded you of your current sad relationship status. Maybe you were putting far too much thought into it but everything seemed so highly unfair. Glaring in envy while they all happily rub in your face that they’ve found their forever companion.
Life really can be cruel at times.
“You can’t be for real right now..” you instantly side eye your friend from across the table. Feeling personally triggered whenever she mentions online dating. You refuse to try it, never wanting to partake in such a vain concept where you swipe left and right based solely on looks. “That’s not the same as real romance. I want to meet someone naturally, wanna tell my kids when they grow up how I met their dreamy, hunk of a father in aisle 39 at Whole Foods.”
One could say it’s almost pathetic in a way— this burning desire you harbor within, longing for a pure, quaint, and beautiful love. Constantly catching yourself daydreaming about finding your life partner, the person you’re going to marry and possibly create an eternal family with. That day has yet to come unfortunately, but you still hold onto the thought of you someday meeting the one.
You thought you found them before, but thou shalt not speak thy names out into existence.
“Well, good luck finding ‘real romance’ in the big age of 2024-” Areum snorts in amusement, taking a pause to sip on her mango strawberry lemonade. “I need whatever drugs you’re on that’s making you this delulu so I can fantasize about my knight and shining armor that’s never coming!”
God you hate that word. Delulu. Why are you suddenly “delusional” for wanting a picture perfect romance? It doesn’t need to be perfect per se, but you want to feel adored, swept off your feet and embraced like the true queen you are. Was that too much to ask? Considering the current state of dating in this day and age, it might just be.
“I mean, let’s face it girl. You literally don’t know the first thing about love ___, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows like in the K-dramas y’know! Haven’t you only had like one boyfriend in high school? You barely even dated that guy for a month-”
“That’s because he dumped me to go move to LA and become a dumb YouTuber!” You snapped back, cutting her off to get all the facts straight.
It was hard not to grimace while thinking of such old memories. Dating a Minecraft streamer definitely had to be one of the most embarrassingly cringe choices you’ve ever made.
“Whatever that’s beside the point. What I’m trying to get at here is you don’t have the best track record when it comes to men. Remember that other guy you were seeing before we graduated? I thought y’all would’ve dated for sure but he turned out to be a dickhole just like the rest of ‘em…” Areum shakes her head in disbelief, recalling all those times you’d call in a frenzied panic about things not working out.
“What was his name again? Min… Minwoo? No, that’s not it.. it was definitely Min something.” She attempts on remembering but keeps drawing a blank.
“Minho.” You answer almost instantaneously. His name still rolled off the tongue smooth as velvet.
It felt weird though. Saying it out loud after so many years of blocking it from your immediate vocabulary. A name you thought would never escape your lips again.
“Damn, you really still think about him don’t you?” She dares to ask, knowing how difficult it is for you to even talk about this anymore.
You only respond by nodding slowly, unable to bring yourself to look at her. It was far too intense; bearing the emotions of hurt and guilt from a past fling that meant more to you but nothing to the other. That’s how most of your tragic stories end— always too overly into them while they barely reciprocate any of that energy towards you. The thing is, you thought Minho actually liked you, even so far as wanting to date in the near future. Considering he brought you over his parent’s house (to hook up of course), and though you didn’t meet them you still think that meant something. Most men don’t just bring any woman they’re seeing to their parent’s place without somewhat thinking a potential relationship could happen down the line.
“So that’s why you should download Tinder and start swipin’ on some other cuties! It’ll at least distract you for a bit and get your mind off that asswipe,” Areum pitches her idea once more, “there’s plenty other fish in the sea ___. Not everyone online is some crazy serial killer, plus you clearly don’t seem to be having much luck out in the real world.”
You wanted to jump up from the table and erase that smirk from her face but instead you roll your eyes at that last remark. “I don’t need those shitty dating apps. I’m very capable of finding someone in real life for your information!” You quickly retort as a means to defend yourself. Even though she did have a point, her delivery could’ve been a little bit nicer.
It’s not easy being a hopeless romantic, you can’t help but yearn for that special someone to enter your life and change it for the better. You won’t feel wholly satisfied nor complete until you do. The sad reality of the matter was that you are still painfully single. No one’s interesting enough to cease your attention, let alone go on any actual dates. Areum’s had enough of your bitching and whining though, there’s only so many rants and tirades she can keep listening to about your vicious hatred for men before she loses it completely. Your nonexistent love life has become more of a nuisance as that time of year approaches— Valentine’s Day. A god forsaken holiday you’ve always loathed with a passion. Wanting nothing more than to be one of those girls on the receiving end getting flowers and chocolates. A day full of the utmost joy and pleasant surprises from your loving significant other.
Must be nice..
Speaking of surprises.. The buzzing in your ear echoes from your phone pinging loudly, indefinitely startling you. Grabbing it to check the sudden notification, your eyes go absurdly wide at the contact name displayed on your screen. Blinking numerous times from shock, you stare at your phone in incredulity; making sure your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you.
Lee Minho. The Lee Minho?
What kind of sorcery is being conjured where the instant you bring him up, he somehow texts you after all these years of not speaking? This coincidence was more than unsettling to you. A part of your inner thoughts still believes this is all some elaborate joke being played on you, waiting for a cameraman to pop out of some curtain to announce you’ve just been pranked. But nothing happens, life proceeds as normal. Now you’re left with the most puzzling notification you might’ve ever received.
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It was your last year of college and the pressure of your academics along with appeasing your family was getting to you immensely. You needed an escape from all of it, desperately. Which you found through none other than Lee Minho, the boy who worked as a barista at Cozmo’s; this coffee shop you used to frequent a lot. It was a cute, small family-owned establishment and they made the best matcha lattes— in your humble opinion. You’d pick one up almost every day along with a slice of freshly baked cinnamon bread. It started off as only playful banter with him in the beginning, then it lead to more as time went on. One day, as you reached out to pay he blocked your hand from moving any closer, letting you freely walk away without spending a dime. This soon became a regular occurrence, as you’d start seeing Minho outside of work, getting to know more and more about him. You remember so desperately wanting to date back then, pitying your past self for thinking there was even a chance.
‘Maybe he’s just texted the wrong person’ you psyche yourself into thinking, but when you unlock your phone to finally read the message — an uncomfortable lump forms in the pit of your throat.
Minho 🐈:
Hey is this still ___’s number?
You honestly don’t know why you still have his number saved, let alone allowing a whole emoji to be next to it. Though it never was like you to delete anything, no matter how painful it may have been. More lingering questions makes you want to seek out the possible solutions. Why would he text you of all people ? None of this adds up in your mind realistically. Furrowing your brows in concentration, you think of what to say as you draft out a response.
Yes… who’s this?
After a tedious struggle of typing out multiple paragraphs and immediately deleting them, you went over your words a few more times before sending a final reply. It would’ve been strange had you knew exactly who he was off the bat, that’ll just be dead giveaway you still had his contact info saved this whole time. But with that logic, doesn’t that make Minho just as odd for still keeping your number after all this time has passed?
Your phone dings again.
Minho 🐈:
Srsly -_-
Did you really delete my number??
Bet he didn’t see that one coming. He probably thought the moment he texts you, you were gonna kiss up to him like you’ve always done in the past. Mentally giggling to yourself at the image of him getting flustered by you not knowing who he was at first. Feels good to know you knocked his confidence down a peg.
Lol, chillax.. I know it’s you Minho :P
Not even a minute later, a flood of incoming messages appear. Biting your lip out of nervousness, your heart couldn’t stop beating so fast— anxiously checking your phone as the atmosphere around you suddenly gets stuffier.
Minho 🐈:
Better be lucky I didn’t block you after that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Guess who’s back in the city btw. Did ya miss me? ;)
No need to answer that, I already know you did. You should stop by at Cozmo’s again sometime!
Also what’re you up to this week? I need you to clear out all your plans because I’m taking you out on a date.
You always knew Minho was the bold type but this was on another level. The sheer audacity he has to even ask something like this after not reaching out for almost 3 years was more than ballsy on his part. It felt like a surge of butterflies erupting in your stomach, getting lightheaded as you think about seeing him again. He really had an effect on you like no other.
Glancing up from your screen to finally pay attention to Areum again, you assure her everything’s going to be just fine. “Looks like I won’t be needing to download Tinder after all.”
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Later on that day you ended up going to Cozmo’s and meeting up with Minho. It never really took much convincing from him to get you to budge, though it was a hell of a lot worse back then. You used to blindly follow along with anything he said just to seek his approval, hoping that eventually he’ll see you as the girl he wants to settle down with. Alas, nothing ever blossomed into something more, and you knew deep down that this was headed nowhere— but that still didn’t stop you from fantasizing about a future with him. Getting lost into deep thought, head heavy in the clouds as you imagine the idea of Minho confessing his undying love for you. You’ll be so caught off guard as he gets down on one knee, looking at you with the entire solar system in eyes while he proposes in the most charming way. It really is pitiful how much you still daydream about a guy who wasn’t your boyfriend but would constantly act like he was, then up and leaves without mentioning a single word about it.
You convinced yourself he ran off with someone else to have a better life with, even hearing through town gossip that he’s moved to South Korea to pursue becoming an idol. Whatever the case may be it still weighed heavily on your mind that he never bothered to tell you anything, even a simple ‘goodbye’ would’ve sufficed the empty hole in your heart. The main reason you agreed on meeting up with Minho was to finally ask, why? Why did he pretend to like you? Why did he act like your boyfriend when he never had intentions on seriously dating? Why was he so good at making you fall so hard for him..?
“You look great.” You subconsciously blurt out, affixed in a daze as you stare in awe at the man in front of you.
It’s been a while since you came here— never able to fully bring yourself to try and go back. Though you knew this place first, and they really did have the best Mactha lattes in the universe. It reminded you too much of him and you sadly had to let it go.
You weren’t proud of it but you did go home quickly to change clothes and redo your makeup. Usually you wouldn’t care but this was the only guy you’ve been consistently crushing on for years, you had to feel good inside and out. Minho was just as gorgeous as you remembered, if not he looked even more ethereal — which seemed impossible in itself already. He’s grown up so beautifully, his facial features became more sharp, especially his jawline which looks so defined and sculpted by the Gods.
Minho lightly chuckles at your timidness, some things just never change. “You look way better.” His lips drew into a faint smirk as he admires your presence.
He meant every word of what he said, you looked really good, and it was making him even more frustrated that so much time has passed. Regretting the way he handled things so many years ago, wishing he could take it all back and do everything differently. Seeing you again made it easier for Minho to suppress the guilt he’s borne for so long. This moment feels like a second chance to make amends for his past mistakes.
You couldn’t help but blush when you hear his compliment, feeling your ears grow hot as you look at the ground. There was a silent pause between you that lasted for what seemed like ages. Weirdly enough the conversation flowed well after he finally broke the awkwardness, the chemistry was overall still there and were able to pick up right where it left off.
“I’m so glad you came ___, I’ve been dying to see you since I got here. I’m surprised you even still responded to my lame ass.”
Minho’s light confession puzzles you. If he really was dying to see you, why’d he wait so long to get in contact with you? To be fair, you don’t know the exact time he came back.
“Oh, is that so? When’d you come back? Also show me pics of Korea, I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like there.” You fondly inquire, leaning against the side of the wall as he’s still behind the counter. He mentioned to you he’s only working part time because his parents would rather mooch off their son for free labor than to hire and pay a new employee.
“Yesterday,” he quickly states before taking out his phone to scroll through his gallery, “guess my sister must’ve told you I went there huh?”
You shook your head, “Nah, I haven’t talked to Elle in a while. She’s tried hitting me up a few times though.. but I found out through Areum ‘cause she was seeing Hoseok back then.”
They were definitely “seeing” each other alright, but mostly in the bedroom. Areum didn’t want anything exclusive with Hoseok and neither did he, it was the perfect friends with benefits situation. Minho and Hoseok were good friends who’ve known each other for a while, so naturally he’d tell Areum everything and overshare at some point.
“Agh, there’s a customer gotta take this. One sec, sorry!” He briefly apologizes before bringing his attention to the new person heading inside. You nod, signaling he’s good to go. “I’ll be waiting over there,” you point to a small wooden table with 2 chairs in a corner.
Once Minho comes back you notice he’s no longer wearing his purple work apron; back in his regular attire now and sporting an oversized dark grey hoodie that was three times too big. He was holding a large cup with green liquid and a paper bag in his hand, that’s when it clicks for you— he still remembers your favorite meal.
He’s grinning the whole time he’s handing you the matcha latte and cinnamon pastry, smiling from ear to ear like a kid on Christmas Day. This was the most you’ve seen him be so enthusiastic about something, even back when you were “with” him you can’t recall him beaming with such energy like this.
“Awh, thank you. I haven’t had either one of these in years!” You wanted to give him the biggest hug but you refrained from doing so, feeling as though it may be too early for that.
“Of course dear, anything for you.”
Why does everything he says have to make you melt from the inside out? It’s not fair! >:(
Glancing down at your yummy beverage, you see a message written on the side of the glass with bold permanent sharpie. Tilting your head to read it, the words are bit jumbled together but you get the gist. You’re almost left speechless after it reads: ‘___, Will you be my valentine?’
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Your most dreaded and least favorite holiday is here, yippee! But, there’s a twist on this year’s turn of events; you actually have someone to celebrate this wretched tradition with. You should be excited but all you’re feeling is the sudden urge to vomit as you were nervous out of your mind. This was kind of weird to you, going on a date with your ex boyfriend who was never even your real boyfriend. Looking back on it now you shouldn’t have tolerated a relationship dynamic like that, Minho was clearly taking advantage of your passiveness by not explicitly saying what he wanted. On the contrary, you had no one to blame but yourself, you never spoke up or criticized anything even if it didn’t coincide with your personal morals.
The fact he never took you on an actual date until now speaks volumes, you obviously didn’t have enough self worth back to demand better treatment. It took you years of figuring out what a real, healthy relationship is supposed to be like through trials of therapy and that was an emotional rollercoaster in itself. All your uncertainties soon faded away once you became more secure and knew exactly what you wanted for yourself. It took every ounce of patience and acceptance to unlearn all your bad coping mechanisms and other toxic behaviors that were only stunting your inner growth. You’re happy to be in a position now where you’re able to express wholeheartedly what you deserve, it’s the best feeling ever to feel like you’re in control of your own life.
You spent almost 3 hours getting ready and your bedroom now looked like a war zone. The outfit you chose was super girly, a frilly white dress with pink platform heels— Minho’s going to drool in amazement when he sees you. When you sent Areum photos of you before heading out, she responds right way with a series of hearts and other sweet comments— hyping you up to no end like the best friend she is. She’s also able to help pull you out of your doubtful headspace, when you felt unsure if you could really go through with this she quickly psyched you out of it. Reminding you exactly who you are and why you are the prize, not him. ‘He should be the one who’s nervous, not the other way around’ you assure yourself over and over as a mini ego boost.
His jaw dropped when he spotted you walking up to his car, infatuated by how pretty and perfect you looked in every way possible. It angers him so much to know he took all this for granted, he didn’t appreciate all of you the way he should’ve but now he gets another chance to redo everything and right his wrongs. It’s a lot of pressure but he bravely accepts it, he could never mess up another opportunity like this again. The car ride was fairly silent in the beginning, you were vibing in peace as the only thing you could hear was Minho’s soft indie playlist as background music.
You ultimately chose to be the one to speak first, breaking the ice with a simple inquiry about the date. “So where are we going?” Looking out at the scenery from the window, all you is trees and more trees. If it’s something to do with nature you surely don’t want any parts of it, you’ve never been too fond of the wilderness.
“It’s a surprise, I can’t tell you.” He keeps a tight seal on today’s destination without dropping a single hint, forcing you to go completely blind into this. As he goes back to focus on the road, you sigh anxiously after hearing him refuse to disclose anything.
Did he seriously forget what kind of person you are? Anyone who’s close to you at all knows you’ve never been into those types of things. Ever.
“You know I hate surprises Minho,” you remind him, attempting to pry for more information. Even shooting him a doe eyed look along with poking out your bottom lip, but he doesn’t falter.
He simply nods, “I know but you’ll like this one, just have a little bit of faith me.” Flashing an innocent smile at you, he seems to be overly confident in whatever his plan consists of.
After almost half an hour passes the car finally comes to a stop, you scan the area and instantly notice a sense of familiarity among the place. Across from you was an ice cream parlor you thought didn’t exist anymore. But there it is, still standing with dozens of customers waiting in line. The small shop was famously known for its fish-shaped ice cream cones, you’ve always wanted to visit the place and try it when you were a little from seeing it on TV all the time. When you told Minho about it, you said how your parents would say it was too far but it actually closed down and they didn’t know how to tell you. From time to time you’d still think about that place, but you would’ve never thought they relocated. Being here with Minho brings an indescribable amount of happiness to your spirit.
“I mentioned this place like one time in passing, how’d you even remember?” You wonder in amazement, after all these years he still remembers something as minuscule as this.
“It may not have seemed like it but I paid attention to every little detail you told me ___, all it. Of course I know you don’t like surprises but how else would I have been able to take you here?” He sweetly expresses to you, not wanting to hold back anymore.
You wanted to cry right here, right now. All your emotions came crashing down at once and it’s hard to keep them concealed. A lot has changed within these years, things feel so different with him now, especially with how much he’s matured. You notice how he doesn’t act like the typical fuckboy in his early 20’s anymore, he’s much more interested in getting to know only person — that being you.
“I’ve rehearsed this in my head like a million times and I don’t think I’ll ever say it the right way I want but it’s time I start being as transparent as possible with you…” Minho takes a deep breath before continuing, “I’ve always liked you ___, from the start actually,” he keeps going, “I was just scared, of what I don’t know.. Commitment maybe?”
Slightly looking in another direction, your vision faintly blurs from tears welling up, “I- I honestly don’t know what to say..”
“Then don’t say anything at all, I don’t need you to. I may not know the first thing about how to love someone, but I want to learn all of it with you.” He feels all the remorse of leaving you alone for all these years, unable to process the pain you must’ve endured at him not getting into contact with you. “I’m so sorry ___. For everything, I’m going to make it all better I promise.”
Your eyes subconsciously flutter shut when he comes in contact with you. Connecting in perfect symmetry with your lips to sync together in motion. His gentle hands cupped your face delicately; his touch was so warm and inviting. Your fingers were deeply tangled in his brunette locks, relishing every minute as he tilts his head to capture more of you. He genuinely couldn’t believe he went this long without kissing these luscious lips again. His tongue grazed the bottom of your lip to subtly ask for entry and you comply. Dopamine floods both your senses like a series of fireworks going off, feeling intoxicated by each other’s taste. It was probably that vanilla bean chapstick you always wore— an old favorite of his and is still your go-to flavor of choice. He wanted to savor you in this moment for as long as he could, cherish the fact he has you in his hold again.
“Want to know something funny?” He asks out of nowhere, still smirking from that heated kiss that just happened seconds ago.
“You’re the reason I ended up coming back here.” Minho states bluntly, no hesitation detected in his voice whatsoever.
You struggle to comprehend anything, overwhelmed by all his sudden confessions. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I never want to leave your side ever again ___. I’m staying here with you, I already made the biggest mistake of losing you once I can’t let the same thing happen twice.” He spoke tenderly from the bottom of his heart, it felt so genuine you couldn’t not believe him.
Going back to rewind time isn’t possible, but “do-over’s” are, and sometimes we’re able to get those second chances to make things right when we get them wrong the first time.
[End <3].
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triglycercule · 1 month
dusttale canon fics translated!!!
have you ever wanted to know MORE about canon dusttale/murder!sans??? heard that one of dusttale's creators wrote fics but it's in korean and you can't be bothered to translate it??? WELL BOY do i have the solution to you because I TRANSLATED THE FICS!!!
well technically i localized it because the fics straight out of translation were a bit funky and out of context in some parts. also the fics are actually not all that detailed (and idk if this is a good thing) so i added more detail and such but idk if some people would rather just the straight translation no extra flourishes
IN THAT CASE if you just wanna read the straight translation dw! if you go to the og korean version HERE and go to the comments some else will have already done a direct translation
keep in mind i do NOT actually know korean and this entire project was done with the help of google translate (god bless the camera translate feature), some research, and my sheer brainpower. if something is messed up PLEASE lmk
heartfelt message below because this is 1/2 of my thanks for 100 followers gift to the world don't open if you don't wanna read CRINGE (ew,,, APPRECIATION AND FEELINGS??? GROSS!)
when will we get more canon dust content i cry out. the delusional side of me says one day but the realistic side says never
so uhhh i hit 100 followers. WOOO YIPPEE!!! and i just wanna say tysm for following me and liking and reblogging all my posts and all that stuff it GENUINELY means a lot. like fr /srs type of meaning to me. i don't remember how and i don't really know why but the murder time trio genuinely mean so much to me and i'm glad that there are a whole ONE HUNDRED ass people that also like all the ideas and dumb stuff i come up with for them and they liked it enough to follow it. like i can't even come up with 100 people i know irl. i never knew i would actually get people to see the shit i post on here and i remember how actually terrified i was when i tagged one of my posts and it actually got interactions (i'm still scared when i post. not a thing has changed)
but ya! im really glad that there are this many people that actually care about my ideas so that's cool. someday im gonna run out of ideas and panic but that day has yet to come. i guess you could consider this the first half of my 100 followers thankgratulations because i still have my horror sans character analysis that i'm still working on and paused to work on this (a simple side quest this was). if i weren't a LAZY FUCK than maybe i wouldve done a DTIYS or something that people do for big milestones like this but like i said. i'm lazy. call me sans. comic sans
anyways triglycercule OUT! time to delete this account! jk!(fashion au)
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little-annie · 8 months
WIP WEDNESDAY | The Honeymooner's | Steddie | Eddie's chaotic unreliable POV
It's just supposed to be a fun week away for the two friends, but when Eddie's guilt gets a hold of him and he learns if he and Steve were on their honeymoon Steve would save 30% on the room, well things get a little carried away.
Okay, so yes, Eddie is very excited and very appreciative of this little boy's week-long getaway that he and Steve planned and yes he can't wait to finally spend a few days without the gremlins gnawing on his ankles or demanding for a ride to the arcade. But… but he feels guilty, very very guilty. And why, you may ask. Well, Steve's paying for the whole thing, that's why. The guy insisted upon it, saying something about how Eddie's been working so hard on getting his GED and working at Thatcher Tire and helping Steve take care of their somehow combined 7 children. That he deserved it. That, "Don't worry man, you can get me back sometime if you're so worried about it."
Steve's a good friend like that. Always has been.
Eddie's not really sure how they happened, really it seems like some weird anomaly that they can even coexist in the same space let alone willingly spend the majority of their free time together, but they do. He supposes though, one particular gremlin is to blame for the colliding of their souls. Dustin Henderson specifically. At first Eddie was jealous then when he met Steve, well, then he was kinda infatuated and it's all been downhill from there. Eddie's in love now. Hopelessly, irrevocably in love. With his straight best friend. How cliche.
How fucking cliche.
Eddie huffs to himself and tries to avoid checking out Steve's ass in his way too tight Levi's as they enter the lobby of some too nice hotel in the middle of what he thinks to be some Indiana State Park. Truthfully, he doesn't remember where they are, slept the majority of the way here since they left after work and he's exhausted, but the place is nice. Cosy almost if it weren't for its vastness. Really it resembles what he'd imagine to be a lodge. A giant log cabin if you will. Somewhere he supposes Harrington Sr. probably stays for some fancy men's hunting trip or something. Looks like the type of place that'd be a resort in the winter. Large fireplaces, overstuffed leather furniture, mounts from what he assumes to be the owners hunting trips.
In all honesty it isn't what he expected, but it's still nice and well, he's not paying for it so he's not complaining.
God he doesn't even want to think about what the room cost Steve for the week.
"Checking in under Harrington," Steve's voice pulls Eddie from the fog of his thoughts as he checks in, a young giggling couple to their left doing the same.
Trying to not grimace at the sight of the love birds, Eddie too approaches the front desk, leans against its edge and watches Steve as he signs a piece of paper and hands over his ID and credit card to the receptionist or whatever the front desk lady is called, Chrissy, he assumes if the strawberry blondes name tag is anything to go by.
Idle and waiting to get to their room and sleep in until noon tomorrow, Eddie zones out, all too focused on Steve's profile as he talks. The only thing filtering through his brain is the crushing guilt of this weekend, Steve's sharp jaw and the couple next to him talking a little too loudly to ignore as they boast about their recent wedding to their receptionist, the poor young man looking far too exhausted to give a shit. But it's then that Eddie hears that same receptionist say to the couple, "With your honeymoon package, you'll be saving 30% on your stay with us. Here are your keys … -"
It's then too, that something occurs to Eddie and his mouth runs away from him as he more or less blurts out, "Oh congratulations, we're honeymooning too."
The couple squeals and congratulates them as they scurry off to their room and Eddie has all but two seconds to process what he's just done (tried to save Steve money in the dumbest way possible) before Chrissy is doing the same, saying to he and Steve, "Congratulations! Oh my goodness that's so exciting! Well, let me do something special for your little week away then. I'll upgrade you two to the Honeymooner's Package and Mr. and Mr. Harrington," the gal winks, "you'll receive a room upgrade, 30% off of your stay and free access to so many of our great amenities."
Red in the cheeks at the idea of being married to Steve Harrington, Eddie, for the first time in a long time is speechless. What has he done? They're going to have to act like a couple now or they'll get found out and kicked out. Fuck. What the fuc-
An arm slips around Eddie's waist and squeezes, his whole body going up in flames as he goes rigid.
"Thank you," Steve says, Eddie assumes to Chrissy as he momentarily blacks out and is solely held up by the muscular arm that wraps tighter around him, fingers on his waist that have never been there before.
What the fuck?
Then there's a kiss on his cheek and Eddie has never snapped so suddenly back to reality.
Steve's eyes find Eddie's almost immediately, somehow communicating at the same time, 'Are you okay?' and 'Man, you got us into this mess, act the part.'
He really did, didn't he?
Eddie leans into Steve more intentionally, trying to ignore the desperate flutter in his chest when Steve smiles and pulls him closer, his thumb gently caressing the thin fabric at Eddie's side while they wait for Chrissy to make the changes in the system and hand them their keys.
It's all so foreign, but really it's not. They're touchy, maybe in each other's space a bit too much, sometimes to the point that one of the kids or Robin feels the need to shout at them to get a room. But it's never this. It's never long lasting lingering touches that kinda make Eddie want to cry. It's never this intimate. It's normally teasing or comforting. Sitting in each other's lap just to be a pain in the ass or squeezes to the arm when they can tell the other is stressed out. Things like that. Never coupley shit. Never this.
"Honey?" Steve's voice comes as a whisper close to Eddie's ear, sweet like honey and teasing, there's a smirk on his lips, "Wanna go check out the room?"
Chrissy giggles after handing Steve the keys and disappears behind a door leaving just the two twenty-somethings alone in the lobby. Steve's arm is still around Eddie's waist.
Eddie blinks, nods like a fucking idiot and lets out a horrible, barely there gasp when Steve's hand leaves his body only to ghost down his arm and intertwine their fingers together, pulling him along.
It's not until they're in the closed elevator that their hands separate and Eddie's able to manage words again. "What the fuck did I just do?"
Steve snorts a laugh before he shrugs, leans against the wall next to Eddie and says simply, "Made our week away a lot more interesting, that's for sure."
All Eddie can manage is a groan, knocking his head against the wall to which Steve responds, "Well that and saved me a couple hundred bucks."
Things only get worse once they get to their room. Not only did they get upgraded to the Honeymooner's Package, it appears they too got upgraded to a honeymoon suite.
Jesus H Christ
Steve's cackling at the door of the room, gaudy red carpet beneath his feet as Eddie shoulders past him to get a better look. And Christ alive, it's awful. So, so awful.
For starters there's only one bed. Heart shaped in all its glory beneath a mirrored ceiling with a basket of what looks to be condoms, lube and lotions stationed artfully in its centre.
Than, there's the bathroom that's more or less a fucking fish bowl. From where he's standing, only a few feet further into the room than Steve, Eddie can see that those glass walls provide no privacy. NONE. What the ever loving fuck!? There's a huge tub and shower and nothing more than a thick pane of glass separating them from the rest of the room.
What has he gotten himself into?
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hello!! you can call me ethan, mind and apollo. but honestly idc much. call me a slur [i've been called worse /ref]
i use he/it, and i am a trans man + aroacespec
mind fictionkin
i am a minor!
feel free to use any of my art as a pfp, just make sure to credit me [and don't steal or repost it!! that's a loser move!!] my time zone is EST/EDT, so be aware that if you expect a quick response for anything sent at like 4am, i can assure you that is not what you will get
here's my strawpage!!
anyways. onto the other things people put in these. possible eyestrain warning at the bottom for userboxes, i guess
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in order of what comes to mind [ha], my main interests that have me in a chokehold are chonny jash [duh], will wood, ut/dr, homestuck, rain world, the stanley parable, the glass scientists, and mlp
some other things i enjoy are lemon demon, cult of the lamb, miraculous [don't @ me i know it's shit /j], sonic the hedgehog, tmnt, jekyll and hyde, sanders sides, cattails, dsaf, dialtown, regretevator, and probably a lot more. essentially, if i reblog something related to it, you can assume i have at least some interest in it
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i'm diagnosed with adhd and am self-diagnosed with autism and apd [audio processing disorder], though there could be more neurodivergencies hidden somewhere in there
my favorite characters ever are mind [cccc] [obviously], dirk strider [homestuck], berdly [deltarune], gregoriah [regretevator], and donnie [rottmnt]
i will call anything and everything a reference to something [reference? like vampire reference in a minor? will wood???!!!]
my most used emoji's are 🗣, 💥, and 👍. i think this is important to mention
i tend to have a hard time remembering pronouns if you use multiple sets and/or neos, so if i use the wrong ones or use one set too often then don't hesitate to tell me!
i am a leo [august 19] and my mbti is intp-t. do with this what you will
i can take a bit to respond to messages or really anything direct and/or private, so if i end up taking a while to respond to anything, i don't hate you! i tend to forget to respond, be busy, or just end up too nervous to say something regardless of how good of friends we are
speaking of communication, i tend to elaborate on what i mean often, and use tone tags even when probably unnecessary and sometimes repetitively. /srs
please keep any nsfw or explicit topics out of conversation, because as stated in the first part, i am a minor and. it's just gross idk what to tell you
i swear a lot. i've been trying to not do it as often recently but. yeah
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#ethan's yapping again - General Talking™ tag
#ethan's romanceless art - art tag
#ethan's asks!! - ask tag #ethan's saved sillies :3 - save tag
#ethan's on the dumb pony game again :3 - abandoned ponytown tag that i haven't gotten rid of yet
#friendship truly is magic <3 - interactions with @irusanw4
#zilly friend :3 - interactions with @c0smicallyk1ssed
#rizzful friend - interactions with @adhdrizzy
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now to the userboxes with no organization whatsoever [again, possible eyestrain warning]
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thefloatingstone · 6 months
Tagged by @craftylittlenerd
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Garrus is a mainstay in all 3 games so for any "Fave squad member?" question it's always gonna be Garrus. So He just goes without question and I'll answer for everyone BESIDES Garrus to make it more interesting;
1: Wrex
2: Mordin Solus my beloved
3: I actually vary a lot in ME3 because I love so many of the characters, but I'll usually rotate between Liara, Tali and EDI
6: Infiltrator! because you can set things on fire and go invisible. You don't even need anything else.
7: oh oof that's actually VERY hard... Guessing the Citadel doesn't count because it's not a planet. The one that keeps coming to mind is Sur'Kesh for some reason. Although Rannoch is also really really good. As for favourite planet you never actually land on, I am a big fan of Klendagon with it's huge scar inflicted by a reaper
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8: Virmire
9: Mordin's Recruitment, Garrus' Loyalty mission, or the Normandy's final resting place
10: Leviathan, Rannoch and the entirety of the Citadel DLC.
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12: Tali/Femshep. I know the dumb reasons Bioware didn't include it but not only is Tali canonically jacking it to Femshep, she ALSO drunkenly admitted she wants a threesome with her and Garrus. It's not even subtext it's just fucking text. (also Miranda/Femshep is also a massive oversight). I think Javik/Shepard COULD be interesting from a writing perspective as well.
13: Mako forever
14: I don't find any of the characters overrated?? The ones that are very mid are not very popular (looks directly at Jacob) so I can't say there are any that get too much love.
15: Mordin and Legion but I am incredibly bias. I always felt I like Mordin more than Shepard likes Mordin which is a damn shame. Other MASSIVELY underrated character as a whole tho is Aethyta. I actually had a bug in my last playthrough where she just... never spawned on the Citadel which means I completely missed out on tying up the strings of that storyline which I am very annoyed about. Oh ALSO an underrated character is Bray!
16: I can't remember them
17: Firebase Dagger
18: SR-2 (sorry SR-1)
19: Synthesis. It's the whole thesis statement of the entire trilogy.
20: Paragon for life.
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I'm bad at tagging so please ignore this if you want to, I just always feel I'm bothering people when I tag then 😭
@milkywayes @messedupessy @me-and-my-gaster
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Mass Effect Questionnaire
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I saw @littleneonlily do this, so I figured I'd give it a shot, too, while I still have Mass Effect on the brain. 1. Tie between Garrus, Wrex, and Liara
2. Mordin, Samara, Zaeed, and Garrus again
3. Liara again, Kaidan, and Garrus...again
4. The M-76 Revenant. Who doesn't love a non-stop barrage of death?
5. Still like the Revenant, but if you want me to pick something else, I'll do the N7 Crusader
6. Soldier. Go ahead, call me bland, but I think it best fits both the gameplay and the story. Though I do also like the Vanguard and Sentinel classes.
7. Noveria in Mass Effect 1. I dunno why, but I just love the atmosphere this planet has, both setting and story wise.
8. Tying in with the above, the entirety of Noveria's arc, for the same reasons, with Bringing Down the Sky right behind it.
9. The Suicide Mission itself, which is my favorite level in all of gaming. Runner-ups would have to include Garrus's Recruitment, Tali and Grunt's Loyalty Missions, and the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC.
10. It's gonna be a tie between Priority Rannoch and Tuchanka. And the entirety of the Citadel DLC, too.
11. Depends. With Male Shepard, I like to pair him with Kaidan (shameless Mshenko fan here). With Female Shepard, I like to romance Liara. For Runner ups, I'd do Garrus and Tali (hetero normies)
12. I kinda wish James Vega was a romance option, preferably Bi, because I love my himbos. Other than that, I'd love to see some bisexual romance options from currently romanceable companions, such as Garrus, Tali, Thane, and Miranda.
13. Mako. Both control like ass, but at least the Mako isn't made of wet tissue paper.
14. Oh boy, you guys are gonna hate me for this one, but to me...it's Tali. Look, I don't hate her at all. In fact, she's pretty good, but HOLY SHIT, some of her fans are zealous.
15. I dunno how the rest of the fandom sees them, but I do really like Samantha Traynor and Steve Cortez. For side characters, they're really well written, both character and romance wise.
16. Haven't played Multiplayer in ages.
17. Refer to above, though I do recall liking the Earth maps.
18. I'd say SR-2. If you wanna be more specific, I like the version of it in ME3.
19. Destroy all the way...and maybe control. I know, E.D.I. and the Geth won't survive, but it's not like folks are just gonna forget how to rebuild synthetics (unless you're a moron who gets everyone killed). Control is a decent runner up if you wanna spare the robots. Synthesis is bullshit space magic (seriously, what the fuck even happens in Synthesis?). And Refusal is just...dumb.
20. I tend to lean more towards Paragon. Granted, I do make some Renegade Choices here and there, either for the sake of pragmatism or sheer amusement, but generally, the Shepards I play will lean a bit more on the Paragon side.
Not tagging anyone this time, since IDK how many of my mutuals are Mass Effect Fans, but feel free to give it a shot.
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snowzing1 · 8 months
I hereby give permission to any and all to spam like my posts or general interactions, I have notifications turned off for a reason, now raise my ego 😌
🧼Supporter of anti-censor & anti-bullying🧼
I make really good friends or really whiny enemies™️
Art suggestions/ requests welcome
I'm open to hearing art requests/ suggestions in comments, reposts, asks or otherwise, nor do I mind multiple from the same person. As of now, I have no intention of ever doing commissions so you don't have to feel bad asking me to draw anything. I just may not, and honestly probably won't, do all. And the quality of drawing may vary. Don't take it personally if I don't do it or its just a rough doodle, it's most likely not personal, but I do still enjoy seeing people's suggestions on what to draw and sometimes it's a nice challenge, thank you
If you accidentally follow me;
Feel free to unfollow. It happens to all of us, I won't judge lmao
How Old Are Sans and Frisk to Me?
I interpreted the original game versions of Sans and Frisk to be around their 20s
People who lack common sense.
This post will silently update incase you think you're going crazy lollll
If someone else's fiction is causing you emotional or psychological harm, or distress, you can put it down and not read/watch it.
I'm an open book but don't like being expected to give personal answers >^^<
"Someone else's fiction cannot cause you physical harm.
Your emotional well-being is not the responsibility of fiction writers.
Someone else's fiction is not about your personal trauma.
When reading or watching fiction, you always have the power. You can always stop. You are never reading fiction without your own consent.
Fiction writers are not responsible for other people's mental health.
The content of a piece of fiction does not reflect on the morality of its author.
Just because someone writes about bad things happening, doesn't mean they want those things"
-Some random guy on the internet
I do not care if you tag anything of mine as ship art between characters, regardless of my intention. For that is not how ship art works. Go wild, none of my business what you do
Adoptables are, in my opinion, kind of dumb and, at worst, controlling scams
Full believe in separating the work from the artist- actually I don't even wanna know the artist~
I am in the most dead and sad shipping community possible, slowly withering away (not true. This is pretty average)
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astharoshebarvon · 2 years
To think there are people actually celebrating the death of a boy whose tragic and horrifying end even their fav regretted shows exactly how straight shippers/homophobes minds work, you know they are the ones who despise lucerys/aemond.
Anti Lucerys tag? Ugh, seriously? What did the boy ever do to you except being shipped with Aemond in fandom thus driving straight shippers, homophobes completely mad.
Then they shouldn’t get upset if other side says we look forward to Daemon driving the dark sister through his nephew. That fact will never ever change. I look forward to Caraxes biting grandma Vhagar’s neck. And he is the one who at least gets to the shore with his last breath. Go Caraxes!
You can’t quote your books one second and dismiss the show then quote show and dismiss the book. Pick one.
This weird behaviour isn’t even something new. I’ve seen it enough times that now I just feel kind of tired. It’s just - sometimes it gets too much, the homophobic comments and attitude, people excusing women off their gross actions, not calling bastard women bastard, because gasp, we can’t do that. Not calling women rapists even if the book shows you they were that.
I am sorry Tom Riddle Sr, you have always been a victim and are still reviled by the mad fandom and author. Good of you to run from your rapist and never forgiving her. You deserve to be applauded for being brave.
As someone who likes Ben Barnes and adored his portrayal of Darkling, you could see how manipulative, power hungry he was, he was brilliant!
I can say without hesitation his character deserves to be in purgatory regardless of how good looking he is. Did I like how he controlled the volcra and came out of the fold, yes! Do I look forward to him being defeated? Yes!
It’s hilarious how far straight shippers will go to excuse a character’s horrendous actions. I am sorry if you think how he looked the other way with Genya is not extremely vile of him. What good person doesn’t care if the people they are supposed to care about are hurt like that?
And, no I don’t care if people ship Darkling and Alina or not. I read a few works of it on ao3 and laughed when most were grooming, that creepy parent kink, pseudo parent child relationship. It turned me off the ship completely.
I like Lucerys/Aemond but if you are going to sit there and say that boy deserved to die then I feel sorry for you. Though it doesn’t stop the straight purists from erasing the boy from HIS ship and putting their self insert/ofc and clogging the MM ship tag with their fem luc bull.
Have a bit decency, even his name tag says son. Ugh.
The best part of this whole thing is straight shippers getting upset and saying slash ship will be forgotten once xyz fem characters comes.
Now lets take a look at how true that statement is. It’s not.
Geralt/Jaskier- 19k thousand fics and lots of fanart and shippable moments. Top ship on tumblr, pretty sure ship with Yennefer didn’t make it and has 2k fics. But they have sex scenes on the show so, yeah.
Steve/Aunty, I refuse to call her anything else. It’s laughed at by even casual viewers. My friend doesn’t ship Stucky and she was like, why’d he go back to aunt ? What is this?
Stucky and Stony’s popularity shouldn’t even be a surprise.
Mcu is so hell bent on shoving straight steve down people’s throats they have to specify he is not a virgin and had sex with a female in their lame shows. As if it’s a crime if he died virgin or is asexual. God, seriously!
And that show invalidated Bruce’s trauma. We should forget the man put a bullet in his mouth and care about their lame, dumb girlboss show character.
Merlin/Arthur- it’s been almost a decade and they are still loved.
Sirius/Remus- I needn’t elaborate, it’s that loved.
Thorki, it still remains to this day popular ship for both characters.
not loki with mary sue oc was loathed by people who don’t even care about thorki, so, there is that too.
Hannigram! Still beloved by so manys that it’s embarrassing if you try to say but the sex scenes were with females. Please don’t. You have to be deaf, blind and plain stupid if you think they werent a thing.
Anakin and Obi Wan, yup, it exists and is loved, even more after the show came.
I can go on but it would just become embarrassing and pitiable.
My beloved cherik, Erik Lehnsherrr/Charles Xavier. I should just stop.
I am not surprised by this behaviour since the fans of got deluded themselves with thinking jonsa was a thing, and it was somehow better than aunt nephew since they are cousins. Incest is incest, don’t be stupid.
I dislike both, Jon is happier with his wolf, grey ghost than with either women. It’s predominantly het fandom and now they are pissed a MM ship is getting all the love. Isn’t that the crux of the situation? God, don’t take it out on that sweet boy, he doesn’t deserve it.
Then again this callous behaviour shouldn’t be surprising. I remember seeing top tumblr ships post of last year, characters posts and even there the posters were upset that majority of ships were slash. Only twenty percent were straight or something like that, they even went so far as to say this isn’t diversity. Seriously?
My God, please, don’t be so horrid. Don’t get so pressed if people like gay ships.
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs.
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Summary: How would Hybrid!Bakugou would react to being adopted by the reader and their domestic life together. Headcanons and believe me, it's a long one... [2k WORDS OF HCS psjxksdj stop me pls] PLATONIC/ROOMMATES HCS, will do a part two later on with continuation and romance cuz 2kwordsbro...
Notes: I love Hybrid AU!s and I want to indulge myself with this. I barely see these in the fandom, so maybe you guys will like it! Also, depending on how it goes, I'm gonna consider making more for other characters, whachu say? Tell me what you thought and I hope you enjoy!~ ♥
Part 2 here!
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× he's a wolf hybrid, and the workers at the shelter warn you that he's feral as you pass by where he was locked
× it seems he was in an illegal fighting ring and nobody could get close to him even if his living conditions now were much better than the hell hole he lived in before
× he growled, scratched, yelled, overall he needed so much help
× normally that would've been very intimidating to you but while the workers tried to push you towards some bunny or dog hybrids they had around, you just froze because the mf said they were considering sacrificing him
× like wHat the fuck?? he's a human being?????? sure he has a tail but what????????
× and you just foken went crazy for a moment cuz you didn't even see him in his cage, he was hiding somewhere under the bundle of blankets he had, probably asleep
× so you just went mental, demanding an explanation because hybrid shelters do not and should not sacrifice a person
× and your increasing yelling just made all the hybrids anxious
× and Bakugou heard everything [who wouldn't]
× i shit you not, the employee tried to explain why
× legit said cuz he's aggressive
× Bitch I'd be aggressive too! I'd bite your jugular off
× course, security was called but you already prepared to call the police, Hybrid Protection Services, your lawyer, your friends, the president, you name it
× and that's when you said you're adopting whoever was under the blankets. NOW.
× always hated the word adopting, but you were looking to give a hybrid a chance since you finally had a spare bedroom in your new apartment
× so like security and the worker just look at each other cuz who tf is gonna be the brave soul to go inside the cage to retrieve Bakugou Katsuki and get rid of you both already
× you're just staring at them like u srs bro? so you just send them to do the paperwork while you decide to go in yourself because you needed to get out of that place ASAP to still contact HPS on this shelter
× security stayed by the door while you hesitantly walked towards the blanket bundle [not so brave anymore] cuz why did that dude have his gun out??????
× but when you approached the bundle and kneeled in front of it you noticed movement
× a fluffy sand yellow tail suddenly came to view and it was big, slowly moving from side to side
× so with the gentlest voice you could muster [after screaming your lungs out moments ago] you tried to talk to whoever was underneath
× you introduced yourself and said you're here to take them home but got nothing, just casual tail movement
× Big Hunkus Brutus Security Guardus™ was getting impatient so he told you to just "fuckin put the collar and leash on the stupid beast" and you just 🙃 fucking excuse u?? while turning towards him
× it was a delicate time and you needed to take it slow, and anyway you knew you'd get that crap off your [hopefully] new friend as soon as possible
× what you didn't expect was the guard to freeze and raise his gun again, but was pointing above your head, not even looking in your eyes
× so you turn and meet a naked chest, scarred, with recent bruising on and big
× looking up you see Bakugou Katsuki, ruffled blonde hair, wild in all directions, red eyes harsh and staring at the guy behind you, only some pants on his form and tail still waving very slowly behind him
× while Chunkus Brutus trembled in place, gun shaking in hands, you were in the fuckin middle of it all
× what you didn't expect is the hybrid to take the collar in your hands and wrap it around his neck, now looking at you, expression still harsh but this time it didn't scream murder [and then grabbed a shirt, thank the heavens]
× progress? making friends? good first impressions?
× na lol you wish but that's spoilers 👀
× the process of adoption went smoothly, and when I say smoothly I mean Robustus Dumbus Brutus behind both of you with his hand still on his gun while all the workers gathered around to see the crazy insane person that adopted The Devil™, the guy that told you about the sacrificing was actually filing the paperwork as fast as possible under the intense gaze of the wolf
× and Bakugou was standing very close to you, btw, like i can feel your body heat close
× he was compliant at first, when you got in the car you started rambling about your house and how he has a room while trying to take the collar off him but he grabbed your hands
× like insanely fast, one blink and firm grip on your hands
× "i ain't gon be your fuckin pet, understood?" he growled at you but made no movement to bolt and run away
× and you just wanted to roll your eyes cuz ok he can kill you anytime but like didn't he get the message when you screamed back there? [also there was this sense of security you had around him or maybe you were just really dumb]
× so when you said you weren't looking for a pet but to help someone and maybe a friend and roommate, he just narrowed his eyes at you
× suspish human, wild doggo no trust
× anywho he took the collar off himself [like extra fast] but you explained that you are going to get him a bracelet or something less degrading since he still needed something with the information tag to have on himself so police will know he's no stray and he wouldn't end in the same craphole again
× journey home was silent, like eery silent
× he just looked out the window intensely, you noticed how he focused on every sign and turn
× you considered asking him questions but honestly with his past you doubted he would even answer so you just started to ramble about your home, stuff you could do around the city [which caught his attention], items you'd have to go buy for him, like clothes, shampoo, any special food, the bracelet
× he stopped looking out the window and just looked at you
× ok he was intensely staring at your side, basically drilling a hole in your cheek with those crimson eyes and it was making you N e r v o u s because making new friends is hard when you're just vomiting monologs, all while driving
× buying things was awkward to say at least, special hybrid stores were rare and for a guy his size it was even more difficult to find anything, which ended up in getting normal clothes and deciding to adjust them for his tail
× while grocery shopping you discovered he actually knew very well what he wanted after a lot of questioning from you
× he finally sighed at your persistent act and just threw stuff in the shopping cart, a surprising amount of spices too
× now for the bracelet part... you decided to spend more on a code that could be scanned to identify him rather than the distasteful ones with name and who owns him
× good thing you planned ahead a long time ago and saved money but you did notice his sharp eyes on you whenever you paid
× and his grunts and judgemental looks at other people with hybrids
× it's as if he wanted to say something, anything, but was stopping himself, which lowkey worried you because from what you heard Bakugou's supposed to be very vocal
× maybe he was glad to be out of the shelter, you know you'd be
× you get home and he follows you to your house, again giving him another chance to bolt somewhere away from you but c'mon both of you knew he'd outrun you so why force him, just let him take his time
× "So this is your room" shook him to the core, legit he just stood silent in the hallway as you presented your house calmly
× sniffing around
× so much sniffing around, tail low while he checked every corner
× once he did decide to check his bedroom, he closed the door leaving you to set everything up
× what you didn't know is that he looked around, shaking with anger
× this is what normal people have?
× sat on the edge of the most confortable bed he's ever had and hoped the idiots of his friends managed to get something like this too
× and the shitshow began when you called him for dinner
× not enough salt, not enough spices
× he was a pain in the ass and as he let go, little by little you started to see him for who he was
× this, this was Bakugou Katsuki, the guy that started to scold you because of the seasoning of the food
× it formed a bond between you, the start of you seeing his real personality
× a Mom™
× slowly started owning the house, although you found it hilarious
× next day you found him cooking breakfast with such an ease it shocked you to the core
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" as he puts a plate of pancakes in front of your
× you just lowkey uwu when you realize he's waiting for your approval as you ate and I swear to you, best pancakes ever
× chest puffed when you complimented his food and this was the first time he mentioned something about his past; seems he had to cook for everyone at the fighting ring he was at, but he didn't mention more
× talking about his past took forever, putting together bits and pieces he mentioned, yet they were so little
× he'd go silent after mentioning his [what you assumed] friends
× if you asked or pressed too much he'd click his tongue or snap at you
× not everything was dandy though; yes, he was a good roommate, but he did have THE attitude
× but not as the people at the shelter made it to be, like he'd snap at you from time to time but it would get better as he'd start to trust you
× ok, ok, hear me out,,,,
× play with his hair
× it happened by accident; you started to have this tradition after a couple of months of living together: movie nights
× he really liked action stuff but both your dirty secret was watching those shitty horror movies and make fun of everyone in them, so every Friday Night was Movie Night
× he just threw himself on the couch and his hair looked puffy and those adorable wolf ears were twitching, you straightforwardly asked him if you could play with it
× [ask if you don't want your hand bit off]
× he scoffed
× silence
× when he nodded and looked away, you squealed and started scratching, just playing with his hair, mindlessly doing so while snickering at the TV when movement caught your attention
× he was wiggling his tail softly
× you guys never mentioned it but now he sits down on the sofa head close to you on a pillow and wait for them god sent scratches; will 100% roll his eyes and scoff at you when you start, acting like YOU want this
× seriously glares at whoever comes inside the house
× has a problem with every single soul since they dirty his home
× you don't notice it first but he finally starts calling your house home and that's the ultimate progress
× boy had a lot of hardships in his life so he appreciates what he has
× yet it is very, very hard to gain his trust at first
× when you finally do though? he's a loyal friend forever
× he's thankful to have you
× will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever tell you
× his actions speak for him
× you're part of his pack now
× but seriously wash the dishes or you'll die.
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illogicallyinclined · 3 years
I sent an ask a while ago, but it may have been eaten so I'm resending just in case.
I just read through all the hockey au tagged posts which took,,,, a while, but it's so good (I was following it like early last year and then life happened so I completely stopped keeping up, but I remembered it and decided to read All Of It to catch up)! I saw social media mentioned in a few posts and that made me wonder, how do the boys interact with each other and their fans on various social medias? And how do the fans interact with them? Funniest fan/fan and fan/team member interactions?
(Also, while reading, I thought of quite a few questions, which I will send separately over the next few days because I don't want to overwhelm you by sending all of them at once)
Sorry for the long ramble😅
the Florida Aces roster consists of nothing but Dumb College Students and their Big Memes
one time, a fan (jokingly) referred to D as "my little hiss hiss," and he ratioed them by (also jokingly) replying "Deactivate Your Account /srs"
Logan usually only uses his Twitter account to post fun facts (or occasionally ratio ["is that the term?"] someone who has Crossed the Line), but every once in a while, he'll respond to a fan, and Florida Aces Twitter will fall into pieces
random fan on Twitter: @FloridaAces pls provide me with my daily dose of Serotonin with a Single Win pls; Logan, replying to that same fan the Moment he enters the locker room after a 40+ save win: You're welcome.
Roman, surprisingly, was one of the last people on the Florida Aces to learn what tone tags were, so when he saw a group of fans tweeting "Roman Prince pos," he legitimately thought they were referring to him as a Piece of Shit until Emile explained what it Actually Meant
D: like for a tbh; D: @SirSing_a_Long tbh you're kind of ugly; Roman: i didn't even like the tweet???
one fan had the AUDACITY to refer to themselves as "Leader of the Logan Crofter Fan Club," so Remy replied with a photo of himself cradling Logan's face against his chest and the caption "BITCH, i am the FOUNDER"
Remy literally follows a few Logan Crofter fan accounts because 1) it's funny seeing the fans' reactions, and 2) It's! What! Logan! Deserves!!!
fans constantly ask Remus for help naming their pets, and he always answers with the most Cursed Shit Imaginable; (i'd get into some names he's suggested, but i don't feel like getting shadow banned again quite yet)
Virgil once hinted that he had a Tumblr account during one of his after-game interviews, and the Florida Aces Tumblr community responded accordingly by fondly generating a "Virgil Fosc DNI" banner within the next business day
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riallasheng · 2 years
Hello my dearest one. I want you to tell me what opinion would be received poorly by most fans, and why that answer is 'The Adventures of Tin Tin' is superior!!
*sighs and stares up at the heavens with a smile* Hi, Tian! This likely would have been a surprise like you wanted if you hadn't called me to have me walk you through sending the message Just sayin' XD
Granted I woulda figured out it was you just with the last bit XD
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Hmmmm Well, I'll put what I think the BIG one will be up above the cut and go into more detail below:
I don't think the 04 film is as bad as a lot of people make it out to be
*throws up cute puppy picture as shield and flees behind the readmore!!!*
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Fireball: hm, tough one. A change I did in my old fanfics (now long lost) was that instead of going to other solar systems / galaxies the Fireball craft were travelling to other dimensions via dimensional Rifts located within our solar system? ...also I think the Oxygen Pills were dumb (yes I know it was cause of limitations of puppets^^) I would have preferred the weak forcefields that canonically are a thing in Century 21 to be used to create a bubble of atmosphere around people and only the Fireball XL and SR crews trust this new technology enough to use it instead of suiting up.
Stingray: Something that tended to vary a bit was how many people knew about the Aquaphibians and Marina in particular. I... really like it when it's implied to be (overall) a secret with only WASP really being in the know and I wish that had been the case clearly and all the time. (Also Stingray bounces between being known and being a secret and I prefer her being a secret too XD )
Lady Penelope: The 'Penny as a Young Adult' run of her comics SUCKED. We suddenly jump from the 2050s to the 1960s, ALL of the build up to Penny becoming a spy is dropped, Penny undergoes a personality change and loses most of her calm nature AND her determination and so much of what makes her HER (that were present for the 'Young Girl' and 'Teen' arcs). And all of a sudden she's middle class and there are no mentions of her father, her governess or the groundskeeper, all of whom were REALLY COOL characters?! It was like it was a story written for a completely different character and they just slapped Penny's name and likeness onto it.
TAG Penny: I don't like that she's basically a completely new character. She lost her spy status and skills to Kayo, she is no longer calm with nerves of steel and a very worldly knowledge and the like. She's naïve, she's uncertain, she gets nervous or even panicked, she never really DOES much of anything herself outside of using social clout - instead Parker does the kickass stuff. I understand she's younger, but she never really felt like Penny to me. In baseline personality she reminds me more of TinTin, but lacking the stubbornness and willingness to stand up to anyone (and in a way not as kind and gentle as TinTin could be?) I don't dislike her, but I don't adore her as I do Lady Penelope.
Thunderbirds: hmmmm... hard one. In the show proper (not counting the novels and comics) the Hood really sucks as a villain. The boys have no clue he even EXISTS, he keeps failing, he never comes across as a threat. The comics and novels corrected this (WOW did they ever, the Hood is wicked as a villain in those).
TAG: There are times that the show feels more 'at kids' rather than 'family', esp with some of the 'sell the toys' aspects of the Thunderbirds themselves but that's rather minor. ...I hate the Birds all sharing a single hanger, particularly Fours pool because that is SUCH a STUPID way of docking a boat or sub. If you can dry dock a boat you DRY DOCK IT. the pool is such a waste of water, space, and would make maintenance almost impossible, getting INTO Four difficult, and adds a LOT of time to getting her into Pod 4. sorry Mod 4. But mostly there are some episodes where the message really bugs me because it requires lying or the like. The nuclear power SCARY AND BAD AND EVIL ones especially.
04 film: It.... honestly isn't as bad as a lot of people seem to think? I mean I'm guilty of this myself, as when I first saw it back in 04 I ***HATED*** it. Then a few years later I went back and watched it with fresh eyes and trying to give it a fair chance (mostly cause Penny and Parker are FREAKING AWESOME in it) and... it honestly is not that bad. It's not GREAT, but it borders on decent and there are quite a few things that are actually really good!! Penny and Parker are at their best, perfectly IC and both getting to show off their skill sets, there are even knowing tips of the hat to the fct that Penny was changing her outfits ALL THE TIME in her comics since her fashion was actually a draw for the comic. Alan and Fermat's friendship and character arc is really solid and I quite like both Fermat and Brains in the film (Fermat more than Brains, but honestly Fermat IS brains, just younger). TinTin is decent, if a bit more action girl gung ho than her usual self (precursor to Kayo there). The Launch Sequences and Birds themselves are all pretty damn awesome. The theme song is a bop and a half. I can get the CONCEPT behind Jeff and Alan's arc, even if I think he execution was lacking. The Hood was GREAT and the threat he presented was solid all the way through (from the rocket to even just the scene where LOOM he's right behind Alan in the doorway). It's actually become something I enjoy watching over the years ^^ Rewatching it, it really seems like the creators (or at least actors) were BIG thunderbirds fans, they seem to be having a grand old time making it, and I wish it had been better (there ARE issues, don't get me wrong)
Captain Scarlet: the theme song / opening is annoying after one episode ^^;; Outside of that... I wish we'd gotten to see instances of Black fighting back and that the other Angels and Captains could have gotten up to more.
New Captain Scarlet: I really hate that so many characters are totally new in personality, behavior, etc but are using the OG names. I know they're CODE names but.. I wish they'd had different colors. Some of the characters are close enough that I don't mind it (Scarlet and White for example) but others I just... wish for different color codes like we did with Doctor Gold ^^;; Blue, Green, Ochre... quite a few where I love 'em to bits, but I wish that they had new names. (Also nMagenta and nDestiny suuuuuuuuck)
The Adventures of Tin Tin ARE REALLY AWESOME and the cgi movie was GREAT and I will forever be bitter that I won't be getting a sequel XD
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jangmi-latte · 4 years
❞ 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐈𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐌𝐞𝐭.. ❝
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➻ content: four smoothies! the last two, served
➻ warnings: uwu
➻ comments: here is the next part of the request! part one involves riddle and leona. mentions events from epel’s ceremonial robe sr card and chapter four!!! (not really spoilers) 
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…⚘  I Met You…
➺ you met because of rook.
➺ being a part of pomefiore meant you specialised in science, are hard-working, and beautiful. you and epel are both from the same homeland and knowing that both of you are neighbours, oh dear… 
➺ if epel is a brash young boy, then you’re no exception. maybe a little less brash than epel but you do have that country accent along with seeing the fun in being non-sophisticated like vil. 
➺ now, let’s go back to how rook was able to make you and vil meet. apparently, during the entrance ceremony, after being sorted into pomefiore, you escaped and wandered around the grounds of night raven college.
➺ in the end, you got lost. you nearly missed the welcome party that vil threw. up until the dorm head did a roll-call that rook started to look around for the only female in the whole college. you were sorted into pomefiore too. even epel was surprised not to see you around.
➺ rook found you wandering around the main building, near the tower just in front of the school and led you back to the dorm. you were baffled by how rook spoke plus the culture shock you experienced was enough to make the vil schoenheit be your mentor.
➺ the look on epel’s face told you it isn’t a good experience. rook was his babysitter, how unfortunate of you to have vil as YOUR mentor. see how i used different terms to refer to your babysitters?
➺ unlike what epel is going through, your meeting with vil was rather, surprising. you knew basic table manners, which made epel want you to be his mentor instead, and you can easily carry yourself. just a little work on your choice of words because vil wasn’t entirely impressed by how you said ‘absobloodylutely’ instead of saying a ‘yes’.
➺ by surprising, vil’s treatment to you wasn’t any different to how he treated epel. he was a little lenient on you (you want that in percentages? let’s say 5% lenient) since he had bigger trust on you. aha, jokes on him you’re also shovelling horseshit with epel.
➺ he has yet to know what happens behind his back and rook has also become your babysitter because of that.
…⚘  Closer To You…
➺ how do i say this…
➺ if anyone would describe how you two got close, it would be a heart monitor. it’s a rollercoaster for sure and rook enjoys watching two people with different personalities trying to get along.
➺ you’re epel 2.0 and vil nearly pulled his hair out with how carefree you are. one time he saw you and epel covered in mud after chasing a runaway horse and he’s not impressed. you’re a lady, hold yourself better! rook is laughing is ass off while vil dragged you to clean up. epel looked at you apologetically while you just pouted. 
➺ “you are pomefiore’s student! in the name of the queen, be more graceful!” “but that’s not me!” 
➺ woowee, you just made vil dumbfounded. that’s right, that’s not you. but vil won’t just take that easily. how about we do things your way while also make you be more of how a pomefiore student should be.
➺ you are now epel 2.0 and rook 2.0. while rook is away, you are tagging behind him. how did that happen? despite being who you are, you are a hard-working student. you were able to maintain your grades, help other fellow first years, and was even to point out some of vil’s not-so-obvious flaws. 
➺ “vil…” and you’ll suddenly cut a loose thread from his uniform.
➺ with you being a lady, vil is able to earn some knowledge from your nonstop blabbers. he’ll let you talk about anything you want while he corrects your proper use fo words. subconsciously, you’re learning and vil couldn’t be happier.
➺ if epel can carve apples, you can cook. living in a village which population is mostly old people, you have developed a talent for cooking. vil would just suddenly smell something good coming from pomefiore’s kitchen and rook would say, “that’s the mademoiselle!”
➺ he prefers your handmade smoothies rather than those from mostro lounge. 
➺ you two grew closer the more you accompany. you’re learning from him, he’s learning from you, and epel is beyond surprised to see you getting along with the strict model. “how did you do it?” he would ask while you just shrug. 
➺ he didn’t force you to do anything, in fact, he’s just brainwashing you in a good way. surely, he may have been a bit forceful at first, but once he got to know you more – with just his skilful way of using words – he was able to bring out your full potential. still rusty but you’ll get there.
➺ rook is starting to ship both you and vil.
…⚘  I’m Yours…
➺ vil eventually learned to trust you. you have a somewhat good taste of judgement. he always reminds you, “i didn’t build you, you built yourself. i just showed you the right way to do it.” and honestly, that’s some motivational words from a professional model.
➺ if vil gave someone his trust, then you’re a special person indeed. if he lends you some of his makeup brushes or palettes, you’re blessed. one of the rare moments of vil showing his trust to you is when he would subconsciously share some of his stories to you.
➺ “roi des poisons, i can see in your eyes that you have fallen in love!” rook would proclaim and vil would just roll his eyes. he’s in denial, of course.
➺ you, however, began to be all flustered the more you’re around vil. his touches would make you melt, his words will make your bad mood go away, and just his presence would make you be all gushy. how much more will you surprise epel? how could you fall in love with vil schoenheit?!
➺ you honestly don’t know. do you really love him? how could you ignore your fast heartbeat every time he’s close to you? okay, maybe you do have a little crush on him. who wouldn’t it’s vil schoenheit!
➺ but really, besides his gorgeous appearance, vil has really helped you, y’know?
➺ with you first weeks in pomefiore, you were nearly as brash as epel, and now you’re just you. he helped you shape you into who you really are. he helped you uncover talents you never knew you had. everyone just needs to look past vil’s strict nature.
➺ while you’re being a gushy highschool girl, vil is just…well, vil. he’s still confused with his own feelings himself despite rook’s constant convincing. he’ll always look out the window if he hears your voice from outside and if he sees your breathtaking smile, he’ll just smile himself.
➺ the more you present vil with your delicious cooking, the more he would adore your hard-work. vil was used to taking care and working for himself that when someone would take care of him, he’s just speechless.
➺ “vil, have you ate?” he would always hear that every day.
➺ rook’s just waiting for the opportunity to make the both of you confess and he’s irked for that day to come. that opportunity came when you ran into the dorm crying. 
➺ you failed the project you’ve been working hard on that rook knew the only person to comfort you was vil. ah, how it crushes vil to see your adorable face contort into an expression so unsightly. he hates seeing you in distress so, with the use of his words, vil was able to motivate you back into your smiley self.
➺ it was you who confessed to him first just by saying, “i guess this is why i love you.”
➺ rook had to contain himself from making noise after he heard that. vil was surprised but who could deny love? you two became an ideal couple. you still had your differences, but opposites attract don’t they? 
➺ you were finally recognized as his when he posted a picture of you – you were combing his hair and the shot was you smiling in front of the mirror – on his magicam.
➺ epel wanted to faint.
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…☾  I Met You…
➺ let’s do a little twisted and say your meeting with azul was unexpected.
➺ you are a human, he was a mer-octopus. how did these two different species meet besides meeting in night raven college? well, remember that one moment where azul and the twins earned their legs? that’s how you two met.
➺ you were walking along the beach where azul and the twins laid after recovering from the sudden limb change. you grew concerned on why there are three – rather handsome – men laying on the shore looking like they just escaped death.
➺ you rushed to them and the closest person to your reach was azul. “sir?” you lightly tapped his cheeks and that’s when azul opened his eyes and saw you. followed by jade and floyd, they were all in surprise and you totally didn’t notice they were naked.
➺ azul and the twins didn’t know how to react. this was their first time encountering a human. jade pointed out they’re naked and ohhh boy the embarrassment. you immediately covered your eyes while saying you’re sorry.
➺ azul was able to use clothes changing magic to give the three of them pants and they were really uncomfortable. since it isn’t uncommon to have merfolk going out of the water, it wasn’t hard for azul to explain to you that they’re transferring to night raven college next week and that they have to practice walking.
➺ again, to their surprise, you offered to help them walk. the trio looked at each other before agreeing to your help. you first helped azul by holding his arms, it was a little tricky at first considering their legs were really weak and that the twins are so tall you needed to hold their torso.
➺ they needed a place to stay after all that walking and since you just live near the shores, you offered your little townhouse and made them stay there for a remainder of a week.
➺ one would think how dumb are you to let some strangers stay in your home. either way, if they did plan anything magic is the key to defending yourself, no?
➺ for the whole week, you have helped the three move their feet and azul is greatly thankful for your help. jade had to stop floyd from squeezing you since you’re so huggable.
➺ when it was time they take their leave, they promised to come back and pay you back your generosity even if you keep declining. azul is a kind man after all.
➺ now you have started your first step into a good friendship.
…☾  Closer To You…
➺ in a span of a year, azul kept his promise and kept in contact with you. you didn’t expect to suddenly earn a friend, let alone someone from under the sea. jade had a keen eye and was more than happy to see azul finally have another friend other than both him and floyd.
➺ unbeknownst to azul, a year later after his enrollment, you were pulled into night raven college and into octavinelle. you know that one moment in chapter four where the mc and grim flew their way to octavinelle? yeah, that happened to you except you were thrown out the mirror and landed on floyd.
➺ the twin was annoyed alright but was surprised to see you. now you got to experience his deadly hug that you got dizzy.
➺ floyd easily carried you to the vip room where jade and azul are saying, “little shrimp is here!”
➺ oh god, floyd give y/n a break…
➺ azul was astonished to see you in in nrc. you were in your pajamas too so you were still trying to process everything.
➺ so timeskip, timeskip. crowley let you stay as a member of octavinelle, earned your uniform, let you study there, and get to help azul with the lounge.
➺ your job was to serve and accompany customers who wanted business with azul AND is jade’s replacement when the latter isn’t present. with your stay in the vip room, you would distract azul by talking to him. maybe even help with some paperwork too if he lets you.
➺ your friendship blossomed more the more you stuck to him. everyone would say that azul’s rubbing off of you when really, you’re the one who scolds azul with his antics.
➺ “please don’t tell me you’re going to play a trick over that one client of yours…?” “of course not! i’m generous, there’s no way i’ll make them have a hard time!” “azul.” “yes?” “put that potion down.”
➺ jade is thankful for your presence since azul is starting to open up to you. azul is a mysterious person but when someone cracks his shell, his vulnerable side shows up. he’s still that soft little octopus in the inside who’s scared to lose everyone.
…☾  I’m Yours…
➺ if azul’s a sly friend then he’s a shy romantic. azul makes sure not to let his emotions get to him so it took him quite a while for him to realize he has feelings for you.
➺ azul tends to be clingy and vulnerable when it comes to his friends so he made sure to always think ways through and ignore his feelings to avoid any conflict that may fail his plans.
➺ you weren't any different either. with a new school life to handle, love is something out of your league and as someone situated in a dorm where intelligent people resides, academics are your top priority.
➺ your relationship with azul remained in the constant line of friendship. you remained as friends for years, up until azul turned into his third year did you both finally come into the realization that you two might have feelings for one another.
➺ it was floyd who noticed that azul has been smiling a lot whenever you're around or how his mood seems to be uplifted when you come to him. he bluntly pointed out by saying, "azul looks happier when little shrimp is around. ne ne...y/n stay with azul more often. i don't want him to nag at me."
➺ this made azul's face burn 150 degrees (overreacting? maybe) and he sent floyd away while jade just patted his shoulder and smiled at him. you were confused but nevertheless smiled at azul, feeling thankful that azul finds comfort in your presence.
➺ "it's your chance," jade mouthed before leaving the two of you behind. you looked at azul, talking to him more and eventually started to hold his hand a lot, place your head on his shoulder, and whatnot. azul would be malfunctioning while you did this. like riddle, he isn't entirely used to affection and let alone a girl doing it was making his heart beat erratically.
➺ it was azul who confessed first. he tried to keep his emotions in tact but when you asked what's wrong and if you're making him uncomfortable, he just blurted out, "it's because i like you" before wanting to be in his pot again.
➺ awww...little octopus has made his appearance again as you cooed and said your feelings back before pecking his cheek. if azul could camouflage as an octopus, he can camouflage into heatslabyul's red walls by how red he is.
➺ anywho, you're now officially his girlfriend after that. the twins are happy for your relationship and wishes you two to last long. who knew that just a simple encounter on the beach would lead to this?
➺ you just earned yourself two bodyguards when azul's not around. ah, the perks of having a boyfriend who's good with business and picks the right friends.
➺ he's protective so you'll be safe and sound around nrc from then on.
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starboystation · 3 years
hey id love to see your crutchie headcanons about his backstory!!
*sits* ok get ready this is gonna be a long one (under the cut!!)
Big tws for: abuse/abusive parent, death, self harm, mental health issues, suicide attempts, and abandonment (please let me know if I missed anything there!!)
OK SO. Crutchie (then he was just Charlie, he hadn't gotten his nickname yet) lived with his parents until he was around 7 or 8
His father was really abusive, both emotionally/verbally and physically
His mother, on the other hand, was an absolute godsend, one of the sweetest people you'd ever meet (that's where Crutchie got most of his kindness from, his mom was his biggest role model when he was young and she affected him a lot)
His father only continued abusing the both of them for years, but his mom tried to protect Crutchie as best she could
Eventually though, she gets sick and she's bedridden for a while, before passing away, which obviously breaks Crutchie to pieces. She was pretty much the only good thing in his life at that point, and now he's stuck with his father and no one else
After his mom passed away, the abuse only got worse, now turning into neglect as well, and Crutchie ended up getting sick with polio, which, obviously, affected his leg pretty bad
With everything happening at home, Crutchie starts getting really overwhelmed, and being a dumb reckless kids, grabs his crutch, his teddy bear, and his mom's old necklace, and just runs away in his pajamas without really thinking it through
After who knows how long of running, he ends up just hiding away in a little alley and just starts crying because obviously this was ,, a really bad idea
And eventually someone else finds him and introduces himself as Jack (!!!)
Jack calms him down and takes him over to the lodge, they'd planned to only keep him there for a week at the most, but obviously things didn't work out that way
Crutchie was really quiet for the first while he was there, for a week or so he didn't even say a word, just nodded or shook his head
Eventually he starts saying a few small things, but still never talked much as a result of trauma
Jack keeps popping by to check if Crutchie's doing alright and stuff, usually brings him food at the end of the day if he can
By now Crutchie begins to really trust Jack, and the two become best friends (yay!!)
They both went through really similar trauma, so they kinda help eachother out yknow :]
And soon enough Crutchie's selling papers by Jack's side just like a real newsie !! Woo woo!!
And everything seems fine and lovely up until the strike
Things had been just fine before then, but that's when Davey, Les, and Katherine come along
Jack suddenly starts hanging out with them all the time and Crutchie just tries to brush it off
At least until Jack calls Les his little brother and Crutchie's abandonment issues are going through the roof, cause Jack used to call Crutchie just the same thing, but now he's being replaced and he thinks Jack hates him and that he's not good enough and all that
Crutchie's mental health wasn't great in the first place, given he couldn't really get help for any of his trauma, but now he's just hit rock bottom
He keeps a smile on his face and acts like everything is fine so the others don't worry, everyone sees him as this soft happy lil boy and he can't bring himself to ask for help because he doesn't want anyone being disappointed in him or anything
But the moment he's alone he just breaks down entirely
Soon enough he ends up just resorting to self harm because he doesn't know how else to cope, which uh ,, doesn't end too well for him
Sometimes he sits up on the rooftop and just hangs his legs over the edge and just. Debates jumping off because it's all just too much for him to handle
There was only one time he actually tried, but he didn't think it through too much, and Jack woke up and managed to stop him before anything bad happened
He hadn't tried again since then but he ,, definitely Thinks about it
And all of this just keeps building up and his mental health just keeps getting worse and worse and worse
And then he ends up in the Refuge and just feels ,, so betrayed and abandoned and like Jack never cared about him
And deep down he knows it wasn't Jack's fault, he froze up because he was scared and didn't know what to do, but Crutchie still feels so awful thinking about it
And now he's right back to being abused and so many awful memories of his father start resurfacing because of it
By the time he's back he's hardly himself, he feels like he's an entirely different person
Everyone was so happy they won the strike but he'd just sit up on the rooftop and stare at the stars every night and just start to cry because he feels so unloved and unwanted here, but he can't bring himself to say a word about any of it and try to get help
Jack just keeps blowing him off over and over and making excuses not to hang out with him and sometimes he just wishes he was never born because every single day is just so painful for him
After a long time of dealing with it, he finally just asks Jack if they can talk up on the rooftop one night
And he reluctantly opens up about all of this and it hurts so much for him to talk about but he knows he can't go much longer staying silent about this
And Jack understands all too well what he's going through, he used to feel the same way, sometimes still does
So he helps Crutchie try to get a bit better and learn to talk about his feelings instead of taking them out on himself
Jack brings the whole thing up to Davey and they manage to gather up the money to get a few small therapy sessions for Crutchie because. He definitely needs it
And Crutchie tries to deny that he needs it but. Once he finally goes it helps a lot to talk about everything
And of course he never like, fully recovers but. He's happy now so that's what matters :]
(P.s. if anyone reblogs this, please don't say you relate to this/vent about things in the tags!! It happens a lot on posts like these and it's very upsetting for me /nm /srs)
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trashcatsnark · 4 years
FC5 GFH: Deputy Dahlia Hale
I was tagged by the awesome @shallow-gravy, to do this uhhhhhh a while ago, but this took a lot of time. I will be tagging @enchantedbythebidders and @kizucute and @madsismad if any of you want to, and anyone who wants to do it please do!
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TW: A dark humor jokey mention of suicide, cause my baby is a depressed dumbass
Selected as GFH:
               “Coming your way, mon cher.”
               “You got it.”
               “Won’t let you down.”
           Seeing Threat:
                               “Peggies, up ahead.”
                               “Careful, enemy spotted.”
                               “Watch out, cultists.”
               Stealth/being told to go stealth:
                               “Good thinkin’”
                               “Stay low.”
                               “We got this.”
               In Combat with Peggies:
                               “Fuck oFF!”
                               “Is that all you got?”
                               “C’mon, you can do better than that.”
               Pushing an Enemy Down:
                               “Stay down.”
                               “Eat shit.”  
               Killing an Enemy:
                               “Where’s your god, now?”
                               “I told you not to fuck with me.”
                               “Lights out, motherfucker!”
               Post Combat:
                               “Just what I needed, more blood on my hands.”
                               “Well, that was exciting.”
                               “I need a smoke...”
               When she’s hurt/dying:
                               “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.”
                               “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m okay,shit,fuck.”
                               “No pressure, but I’m kinda dying here!”
Thanking Player:
               “Fuck, I owe you one.”
               “Seriously, thanks.”
               “Anything I can do to thank ya?”
Reviving Player:
               “No dying on me, mon cher.”
               “Stay strong, we can do this.”
               “C’mon, we can’t do this without you.”
Player Points Weapon at her;
               “You got a fuckin’ problem with me?”
               “Put that down, before I make you.”
               “If you’re looking for a fight, I’ll give you one.”
Player Attacks her:
               “We’re on the same side, asswipe.”
               “Fine, you know what, let’s go, asshole!”
               “You really think you can take me?”
Has to Kill Player:
               “I thought we were friends…”
               “I didn’t want to do this.”
               “Everyone looks at me weird when I call them mon cher, but I swear it’s just a thing we say in Louisiana, at least where I’m from.”
               “People keep talking about when things are back to normal. But, that’s not how it works. Trauma lingers, trust me, none of us are gonna be the same after this.”
               “Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn if the world is ending. If the world dies, I’ll die with it. Better than living in some freak’s bunker.”
               “Guns are cool and all, but nothing beats a proper fist fight, knife fights are a close second though.”
               “I wanna smoke so bad, but everywhere smell like gasoline and I don’t wanna go up in flames, at least not right now.”
 Holland Valley:
               “John’s real fucked in the head, but when he loses his cool is when he starts making mistakes, he’ll get sloppy and we can take the valley back.”
               “Something about John never sat right with me, he’s so fake, feels more like a mannequin than a real person. Pissing him off is pretty fun though.”
               “John’s capture parties are annoying, but they aren’t as well trained as Jacob’s hunters, I managed to dodge the fuckers for days. Actually? Are they still after me?”
 Henbane River:
               “God I fucking hate this place, the way it fucks with your head is just ugh. Damn that Church Mouse.”
               “Like, how does this shit even make sense? I know Bliss fucks up your head, but how can they control what we see? Like, not everyone on an LSD trip sees the same thing. Is it the power of suggestion or, I mean Faith can’t be an actual siren, can she?”
               “You know, I use to not get why everyone was so fixated on how pretty Faith was, too delicate for my taste I guess. But now that I know she can kick ass, not gonna lie, little more into it. Uh, don’t tell anyone I said that though, please.”
 Whitetail Mountains:
               “You think Jacob quotes that alpha omega wolf bullshit? I bet he does, shit ain’t even true, scientist who said it took it back.”
               “Jakey Boy’s gonna pay for what he’s doing to Pratt and I’m gonna make damn sure of it.”
               “Big Red out here is obsessed with creating soldiers, the ultimate tools, he uses people like it’s nothing. If you’re not careful, he’ll get in your head and use you like a puppet.”  
 Joseph’s Compound:
               “Where it all began, blegh, I wish I could have kicked Joe’s ass right then.”
               “You know I came here for church once, just to check it out, I puked behind the church. Hope that fucker stepped in it.”
               “Joseph preaches this bullshit about welcoming misfits, outcasts, pariahs of society. Every peggie is someone who didn’t feel like they belonged anywhere else, they think he saved them. But, you wanna know the truth? Joseph Seed preyed on them. He saw they were vulnerable and he swooped in like a fucking vulture to eat ‘em alive. And they thank him for it.”
 Dutch’s Island:
               “Dutch is ornery old man, makes me wonder why he ain’t out here fighting with us.”
               “Bunker man Dutch knows everything about everyone, also got camera all around, it’d be creepy if he wasn’t such a cool guy.”
 Falls End:
               “Mary May is a grade-A badass, don’t let the baby face fool ya.”
               “Hudson, Pratt, and I use to hang out at The Spread Eagle after work, almost every day, it’s weird going there without them now.”
               “Jerome is officially the only holy man I trust, everyone else can get fucked.”
 Wolfs Den:
               “Eli is incredible, seriously, I don’t know what we’d do without him. He’s just, so fuckin’ awesome, I-uh, that sounds weirdly gushy doesn’t it. It’s not like, I just- He’s a cool dude, shut up!”
               “Every time Eli compliments me, I could scream, like in a good way.”
               “You think we could hook up the beacons to blast Wheaty’s music? Be better than those weird animal moans for sure.”
 Hope County Jail:
               “May sound weird coming from a deputy, but, uh, I kinda figured I’d be in jail someday.”
               “Whitehorse has always been like the station’s dad, having him here means a lot.”
               “Virgil means well, but I’m pretty sure he’s on Tracey’s last nerve.”
  With Boomer;
               *in cutesy voice* “Who’s the cutest boy in the whole wide world, that’s right, you are!~”
               “Any peggies hurt Boomer and they’re gonna get my boot up their ass.”
               “Sorry, bud, I ain’t got any treats on me.”
 With Peaches:
               “You wanna see me carry a cougar?”
               “Ahhh, she’s so fuckin’ cute, she could claw my face off and I’d thank her.”
               *Meows back at Peaches*
 With Cheeseburger:
               “Awwwwwwwww, you’re so cute, so beautiful, what a precious boy!~”
               “Do you think I could pick him up?”
               “What’s new, Paddington?” *Cheeseburger growsl* “Oh, I’m sorry bro, that’s rough.”
 When paired with Sharky:
               “He is the fire boy; he is the one ignites. That was a dumb joke, please ignore me.”
               “Set me on fire and we’re gonna have problems, Boshaw.”
               “Wait, you had a job, Sharky?! Uh, that sounded mean, didn’t it? Sorry…”
 When paired with Adelaide: (anytime Addie says anything sexual) “Please stop, please stop, please stop, please stop.”
               “Any hole? What the hell does that mea-I don’t wanna know, do I?”
               “I still don’t get what you saw in Hurk Sr, but I’m damn glad you got out of that mess.”
 When paired with Hurk Jr.:
               “So, not a stealth mission, got ya.”
               “I’m gonna kill you, Hurk, seriously.”
               “Why do you smell like beer? Are you drinking right now? Seriously!?”
 When paired with Jess:                “Arrows are cool and all, but being able to beat the fuck out of a peggie is way more satisfying, you can fight me on that, mon cher.”
               “Hey, Jess, you think any of these stores have working slushie machines?”
               “You got any idea what you’re gonna do after all this? Pff, me neither.”
 When paired with Grace:
               “I never got to meet your dad, but he sounds like an incredible man.”
               “You know a lot about PTSD, right? We’re all gonna be fucked up after this, aren’t we?”
               “Could I theoretically pay you to blow my brains out? Yeah, yeah, not funny, I know.”
 When paired with Nick:
               “Don’t do anything dumb, man. Kim and that baby need you.”
               “One more pun and I’m climbing in that plane to kick your ass.”
               “You and Kim are adorable, seriously.”
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bluevioletz0 · 4 years
I'm mad, I'm actually so mad right now, people are so stupid. "The people at the Capitol are not violent cause their not burning it unlike BLM huhhohh I'm so smart". No! You freaking idiot! Did you not hear that one of the police you love so very much DIED." Or does that only matter when if it fits your Dumb*ss agenda? Not to mention ALL OF THEM are freaking trespassing, not to mention that BLM was protesting MURDER. You are rioting because your feelings got hurt. But yes we're the snowflakes
😊💗 Don't even think about interacting with this if you agree with the riots TY! 😊💗
💗💗Let me know if you want me to tag this as another trigger ily /srs /p 💗💗
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