#fem ian
samantha-rae-velcher · 8 months
Master List
Master list Pt.2
King pt.1 - smut
King pt.2 - smut/ fluff
Trust is for the weak - smut/angst
Trust is for the Weak Pt.2 - smut
Class final - smut
Class final Pt.2 - smut
Class final Pt.3 - smut
Dreams - smut
Frozen Treat - smut
Argument - smut
Aphrodite - smut
The Hunt - smut
Pretty Boy - smut
Crush - smut
What we once had - smut
Pipsqueak - smut
Silence - smut
Look at me - smut
Fireworks - fluff
Cuffed - fluff
Prized Possession - fluff
Moodboard - selfies your Bf Schlatt sends you
Moodboard - more selfies your Bf Schlatt sends you
Moodboard - pics you've taken of your bf Schlatt
Imagine - smut
Imagine - smut
Imagine - smut
Imagine - smut
Imagine - smut
Imagine - fluff
Imagine - fluff
So pretty - smut
Lights out - smut
The Key - smut
Psychedelic Love - smut
"Happy birthday, sweetheart" - smut
Podcast - fluff
Imagine - smut
Your Narrator
Sick Day - fluff
Wholesome Viking Warrior Pt.1 - smut
Wholesome Viking Warrior Pt.2 - smut
"Good boy" - smut
Three Way - smut
Lightning - smut
Just a downtown stroll - smut
Break it up - Smut
Pretty little thing - smut
"She's mine" - smut
Sweet submission - smut
Lust - smut
Double the man power (Mully and Narrator) - smut
Cold chill and steam - smut
Point Proven - smut
VR - fluff
Bridge the gap - fluff
"I love my girl" - fluff
Threebee (Josh and Juicy) - smut
Daddy's princess - smut
Tom Hardy
The League (Bane) - fluff
The League Pt.2 (Bane) - fluff/violence
The League Pt.3 (Bane) - smut/fluff
The League Pt.4 (Bane) - fluff
Fearless (Alfie Solomons) - smut
Red (Alfie Solomons) - angst
The club (Reggie Kray) - smut
Star Wars
Past comes to haunt Future to save (Din Djarin) - fluff
Tune up Pt.1 (Paz Vizsla) - smut
Tune up Pt.2 (Paz Vizsla) - smut
Little one Pt.1 (Paz Vizsla) - smut
Little one Pt.2 (Paz Vizsla) - smut
Little one Pt.3 (Paz Vizsla) - fluff
Two hearted love (Aaron) - fluff
Trust needs to be earned (Aaron) - fluff
"Give me your hand" (Aaron) - fluff/ Violence
One on One (Eugene Porter) - fluff/ Violence
Stranger Things
Fight or flee Pt.1 (Eddie Munson) - fluff
Fight or flee Pt.2 (Eddie Munson) - smut
Fight or flee Pt.3 (Eddie Munson) - fluff
"Don't tell me you're getting mushy"- fluff
"Tell your boyfriend I'll kill him" (Mickey Milkovich) - smut
The more you know (Mickey Milkovich) - smut
My wife (Mickey Milkovich) - angst/fluff
Keep off (Mickey and Ian) - fluff/Violence
What I own (Mickey and Ian) - fluff/ Violence
Boyfriend like Girlfriend (Mickey Milkovich) - fluff
The Last Of Us
"I love you, Y/n only you" (Joel Miller) - fluff
The Witcher
Silver and White (Geralt of Rivia) - fluff
Pretty (Joker) - Violence
I promise (Slade Wilson) - angst
General's gaze (General Zod) - smut
"Fuck you, Dinozzo" (Tony Dinozzo) - fluff
Boardwalk Empire
Gangsters Paradise Pt.1 (Al Capone) - fluff
Gangsters Paradise Pt.2 (Al Capone) - fluff
Gangsters Paradise Pt.3 (Al Capone) - fluff/Violence
Gangsters Paradise Pt.4 (Al Capone) - fluff/Violence
Gangsters Paradise Pt.5 (Al Capone) - fluff
Mafia Pt.1 (Charlie Luciano) - smut
Vecchio Amico (Charlie Luciano) - fluff
"The only monster I see is you" (Thomas Hewitt) - smut
All my stories wouldn't fit on this page, so I had to make a Pt.2
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thebearer · 7 months
Anything with lip Gallagher and your four babies on Christmas morning pls I’m so soft thinking about them
lip has been chain smoking in the garage all night putting their toys together. he thought boy toys were hard to put together until he had amelia and had to put a dream house together.
at least he has cookies he gets to eat.
"leave one, lip." you whisper. "take a bite out of it so they know santa took a bite."
he's rolling his eyes, but does bc he'd rather die than have that christmas magic ruined like frank and monica did. when santa came, and it was rare, it was clear it was frank. he would give it to monica that she at least tried.
on christmas morning, lip's slept a total of three hours but he's woken up by excited screeches, jumping on the bed.
you and him are drinking coffee, letting jude pass out all the presents. he always grins when one extra is in your lap, one you didn't know about. you give him a look and he shrugs.
"we said no gifts, phillip."
"c'mon," lip snorts, shaking his head lightly. "just be polite and say thank you."
you give him a soft smile, opening whatever it is this year- a small necklace with four birth stones on it that has you emotional.
491 notes · View notes
hotchnisslvr · 2 months
reconciliation (pt.2 to how do we carry on?)
pairing: hotch x bau!reader
rating: t
genre: hurt/comfort with a happy ending
word count: 7.2k
tagged readers: @izakopanyi2 @polireader @jihyowrrld @twilightlover2007 @queenanababy @feyrecarol @rousethemouse @endofthexline @jxvipike @donttrustlove @hiireadstuff @jenna50 @michasia24
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The coffee that was hot an hour ago is cold and bitter now. You grimace as the acrid taste slides down your throat. You try to place the disposable cup into your cup holder without taking your eyes off the road, but miss.The lid slips off and brown liquid sloshes over the edge onto the passenger seat. You curse as you grasp the wheel with one hand while you try to mop up the spill with what random napkins you’ve acquired since you started driving. Fortunately, your purse is spared any damage, but the road map and photograph you’ve kept on the seat aren’t as lucky. Ignoring the map, you pick up the photograph and shake it, splattering drops of coffee across the dash. The edges curl slightly, but the photo itself is fine. You hold it awkwardly between your fingers as you return your hand to the steering wheel.
There aren’t many cars on the road at this hour. You glance down at the dashboard and see 02:32 illuminated in green. You aren’t sure where you’re going, you just know you can’t stay there. Even your own apartment didn’t feel secure, not with how much of him is there. Your lives are so intertwined, you see and feel him everywhere you go. It’s what makes, made? God, you don’t even know anymore. It’s what is so beautiful about your relationship, how seamlessly your lives blend together that you’re not sure where yours and his start and end. You’re both so fiercely independent while being so devoted and wholly part of the threads that make up one another’s lives.
Or so you thought.
As you slow to a stop at the red light, the only car at the four way intersection, your eyes fall to the coffee stained image between your fingers. You’re smiling at the camera meanwhile Aaron is looking and smiling down on you, the soft shimmer in his deep brown eyes captured by the lens. It’s your favorite picture. You took it from the frame at the front table before leaving. The sound of his sobs echo in your ears as the red light reflecting on the photo paper shines green. You blink and drop the photo onto the center console before shifting your gaze back to the road. A sign ahead reads to keep left to stay on I-95 South. Richmond and Virginia Beach are in big white letters under it.
Three years you’ve lived in Virginia, and you’ve never made it to the coast. Shifting the steering wheel, you guide the vehicle into the left lane and take the exit.
As the waves lap at your ankles, you close your eyes and turn your face toward the sun, the briny sea breeze gently tossing your hair. You inhale deeply and the sigh you exhale is overtaken by the quiet roar of the ocean.
Turns out getting a beachfront house isn’t as expensive as one might think in the off season and fortunately for you, Virginia afternoons in September still reach the high eighties.
The beach house is nothing fancy, more like a beach shack if you’re being honest. It’s one floor supported on high rafters, old wooden steps leading down to the sand. You climb them now and they creak beneath your weight. A half rusted outdoor shower squeals to life when you reach the deck and twist the faucet. You shiver as you rinse the sand off of your legs and arms, and well, everywhere. There aren’t many crevices it doesn’t manage to stick to. You swipe the pink and white striped towel you’d found in the linen closet off the railing and wrap it around your body. Once it’s tightly secured around your chest, you work off the cheap bikini you’d purchased at a year round souvenir shop down the road and spread it out to dry.
The screen door squeaks on its hinges as you enter the house. You should probably go for a proper shower and wash the sea out of your hair, but you can’t be assed. Instead, you crack open the fridge and inspect the pathetic hodge podge of groceries you’d purchased at the corner store. Food doesn’t even sound appealing. It hasn’t for days. Every time you try to eat, you just feel sick. Your stomach roils at the thought and you grab a seltzer water before closing the fridge with a grimace.
As you exit the kitchen, your eyes catch your phone and keys on the chipped granite counter. The black screen of your phone glints beneath the fluorescent kitchen lighting. You’d turned it off when you’d arrived, ignoring the fact that you had 8 missed calls from Hotch and twice as many unread messages from him. There’d been one missed call from Emily, a name you never thought you’d see flash across your screen again. God knows how many times you’d called her phone just to hear her voice recording before leaving a message about how much you missed her and wished she were there to give you advice or talk through a case. For a fraction of a second, you wonder now if she’s gotten the chance to hear those voicemails you’d left her. Did she hear the pain in your voice? Did she feel guilt over the messages where all you’d managed to choke out were incoherent sobs? All this time you thought you’d been talking to a ghost, but she’d been out there all along.
You tear your gaze away from the counter, leaving your phone where it is and cross the cream colored carpet to the small bedroom. Yellow wallpaper splashed with repeating patterns of palm fronds plaster the four walls. The bed frame is made up of white wicker and you fall back onto the comforter, the front of which is decorated with images of shells and starfish. None of the patterns in this house match, but you don’t care. You care about very little right now.
Before you can run away down that thought pattern, there’s a knock at the door. You sit up, brow furrowed, as you lean forward on your knees, as if doing so will suddenly grant you the ability to see through walls and who could possibly be here.
Maybe the owner? A neighboring off season beach goer? Hesitantly, you rise from the bed and tug on one of the guest robes that had been hanging in the bathroom. You drop your towel and shrug it on, tying it tightly around your waist before approaching the front door. You move slowly for two reasons: one, no one should know you’re here and you don’t know why someone would be calling on you, and two; what if it’s Aaron?
The knocking repeats. It's light but firm, definitely not Aaron. A woman, you think. You twist the deadbolt and pull open the door, surprise etching into your features as a woman a few years older than you stands behind the second screen door.
“Hi, uh, can I help you?” you ask awkwardly.
The girl’s dark eyes travel up and down your body. She looks at you through the door from beneath long lashes, a knowing smile playing on her lips. You can’t control the shocked gasp that leaves your mouth when she asks for you by name.
You try your best to school your facial expressions and by the slight smirk that crosses the girl’s face, you know you did a pretty poor job of doing so. “Who wants to know?” you ask, wondering if she’s someone who’s crossed paths with you before through work.
“Aaron Hotchner,” she answers, drawing out the last syllable of his name with an amused glint in her eye.
You can’t fight the eye roll that follows. Unbelievable. “Sorry, he wasted your time.” You move to close the door, but she throws open the screen door and catches it with her foot.
Your eyes flash to hers and you see the challenge in the depth of her hazel gaze, equal to the one in yours. “Hotch wouldn’t have reached out to me unless he was desperate,” she adds. “I think you might want to hear me out.” She extends a hand toward you. “I’m Elle, Greenaway to the BAU, but when I left I shortened it to Greene.”
Your brow furrows as the name rings the slightest of bells in the back of your mind. Hesitantly, you accept her ring adorned hand and shake it as your brain sifts through the number of agents you’d heard stories about in the time before you joined the team.
“How did you find me?” you ask as you step aside and admit her into the house.
Elle nods graciously as she looks around, though there’s not much to size up in the small rental unit.
“You think Hotch didn’t immediately have Penelope ping your phone when you left?”
You exhale sharply. “I turned my phone off.”
A short laugh leaves Elle, “Not soon enough.” She turns, a hand on her hip. “You got any beer?”
Your brow furrows, wondering who the hell you just invited into your house. You shake your head as you cross into the kitchen and open the fridge. You withdraw a big bottle you’d bought at the corner drug store. “I’ve got wine.”
Elle smiles. “That’ll work. Let’s head down to the beach.”
“Thanks,” Elle says coolly as you finish tipping wine into the plastic cup in her hand. You cap the bottle and shove it down into the sand between the foldable beach chairs you’d dragged down from their place on the deck after you’d gotten changed into something more appropriate to wear outside than a bathrobe.
You retrieve your cup from where you’d been holding it between your legs and take a long sip before sighing and settling back into your chair, the canvas stretching as you do so.
For a moment, you and Elle sit there in silence; watching the orange pink colors of the sunset start to streak across the sky as the waves crash against the sand.
“I had no idea about Haley,” she says after another minute goes by and you stiffen. It isn’t that you and Aaron never talk about her. Keeping her memory alive is so important for Jack and you know a part of Hotch will always love her. That’s never bothered you though. Aaron had told you that he and Haley had talked about that if something ever happened to either one of them that they would want the other to eventually move on and find love again, that they didn’t want the other one to spend the rest of their life lonely. I’m sure neither one of them ever imagined something like what had happened to Haley would ever come to pass though.
“Did you know her?” you ask, your voice tight with emotion at the thought of ever having to endure a loss like that. You’d joined the team years after her death and hadn’t known Hotch during the time he’d grieved her loss. From the stories he and Jack had shared, she seemed like she’d been a kind soul and a good mother.
Elle nods, her gaze fixed on the view though you see a glint of memory in her eyes. “Hotch wasn’t as serious then.” She pauses and smirks to herself. “Don’t get me wrong, he was still a hard ass, but there was also a lightness to him before and right after Jack was born. I remember when they first brought him into the office, such a tiny little thing all bundled up in his arms. Him and Haley had looked so at ease.” She sighs and takes a swig of her wine before continuing. “I think that’s when the job started to get to him, after he had a kid.” Her brow pinches for a moment. “I think Hotch started to see the men and women we put away more as the proverbial monsters that kids fear are lurking in their closets, except we know what horribly evil things the monsters are really capable of versus what a kid’s imagination can drum up. The worst their little minds can conjure up pales in comparison to the heinous files that cross his desk. I think Hotch wanted to protect that innocence so badly and shield Jack from all of the evil in the world that he threw himself further and further into his work, especially after how things with The Fisher King went down.” Your eyes don’t miss the way her hand presses against her abdomen. The stake jutting out of Emily’s stomach flashes in your mind and you flinch at the memory.
“Something happened,” observes Elle. She sits up in her chair, resting her elbows on her knees as she looks at you.
You scoff and take another drink, shaking your head as you do so. “Once a profiler, always a profiler.”
Elle chuckles and shrugs. “Old habits die hard.” Her features soften as she turns toward you. “Something happened though, didn’t it? I know you probably can’t share too many details. Hotch didn’t in the voicemail he left you.”
You perk up at that. “Voicemail?”
Elle nods, the gold hoops in her ears swinging as she does so. “Sorry,” she laughs coolly as she reaches into the pocket of her jeans. “I probably should’ve led with that.” She fishes her cell phone out and swipes her thumb across the screen. You brace yourself as Aaron’s throaty tenor echoes from the speaker on her phone.
“Elle, hi,” he starts and stops. An exasperated sigh follows. “It’s Aaron Hotchner with the BAU I—of course you know I’m with the BAU I don’t know why I led with that. Look, I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from after all of these years but I didn’t know who else to call. I can’t,” his voice wavers here for a moment. “I can’t share details about the case we’re working on, but it’s bad and I had to make a decision.” He stops and clears his throat. “It was a decision that impacted the whole of the team and where it was for their protection, I may have ruined the best thing to have happened to me in years. Look, I know you left the Bureau. I know you changed your name to put distance between you and the BAU, and I don’t blame you. In fact, I think I understand you now more than ever. This job, the toll it takes—” his voice trails off and you hold your breath in anticipation. He goes on to explain who you are and why you left, obfuscating the exact details of the Ian Doyle case for security reasons. He explains how after no one had heard from you for forty eight hours that he’d worked with Garcia to ping your location, how he was more worried than anything else and just needed to know that you were safe. When Penelope had located you, he remembered that Elle had always talked about living on the coast. It had been a shot in the dark, but Penelope being Penelope, she’d been able to find Elle in a matter of hours. “I just need to know she’s safe,” he breathes. “Please, Elle. If anything happens to her, I don’t know what I’ll do. I can’t lose someone else. I have to do better; by you, by Haley, by the team. I’ll spend the rest of my life making amends, but please, with this case still active, I just need to know that she’s ok. Call me back,” his voice quavers. “Please.”
The line goes dead and Elle slides her phone back into her pocket. “That was three days ago.” Elle’s brow arches, looking for a response. “So,” she adds, drawling out the ‘o’ sound. “Sounds heavy.”
You draw in a deep breath and down the rest of your wine. Aaron had sounded so tired on the phone. Guilt squeezes around your heart as you think about what he and the team must be dealing with. It’s reckless and stupid of you to have just up and left when Doyle is still out there with you and the rest of his team in your sights. You didn’t even bring your gun, sure that you’d be sending in your resignation after this cover up; but hearing his voice on Elle’s phone, the pain in it. What you’d been trying to ignore this entire time begins to wriggle its way toward the forefront of your mind; and that’s the hell this must have put Hotch and Emily through. You know he’d never do anything to hurt you, not intentionally, but how are you supposed to trust him if he could watch you suffer through the agony of her loss knowing at any point in time he could’ve put a stop to it? You squeeze your eyes shut because you know the obvious answer. There are things he has to do as Unit Chief, choices only he can make. Choices that don’t involve you or the rest of the team, and that doesn’t change because you two are an item. Still, the conflict wages on inside of you. All of this is true and he’s made choices and decisions that impact the team before, just never on this scale; not something that alters memories and fucks the psyche so irreparably.
“The heaviest,” you finally respond.
“You can talk to me about it,” she says, and you know her words are genuine. “I know I don’t have clearance anymore, so the cliff notes version works too.”
So, you tell her. About Emily, about Hotch, what you can about Doyle, the circumstances around Emily’s death, the grief, her undeath, the betrayal you felt, and everything that brought you to this moment with her.
Elle releases a low whistle and scoops the wine bottle up from the sand, pouring herself another glass and topping yours off. “That’s—” She pops her lips, considering. “Elaborate.”
“I’d say mind-fuck, but elaborate works too.” You quip bitterly and take a drink.
Elle cocks her head. “Hotch doesn’t do anything without careful consideration.”
You inhale deeply before taking another drink, a warmth starting to crawl beneath your flesh as the alcohol sinks in. You hang your head as you respond. “I know.”
“There’s a reason that I left the Bureau,” Elle says after a long stretch of silence. “I made a decision that ended my career, and it’s one I’d make again if I had to.” Her voice grows tight for a moment before she clears her throat and continues. “This job will drain you until there’s nothing left. I remember on the day I left I told Hotch about how I’d get so excited when my phone rang because it meant we had a case; but after I got shot in my own house and was lying on the floor feeling that man’s fingers inside of my gut, something changed in me forever that day. I went back to work after some time, but it was never the same. After that, every time my phone rang I felt paralyzed with fear because I knew what it was like to feel the way those victims felt in the moments leading up to their deaths.” Her voice quavers for a second and she swipes at a stray tear before choking out a laugh. “You’re not the same after something like. I know what it’s like to come back from the brink of death, and it sounds like this Emily knows too.” She stretches out a hand and grips your knee. “The only difference is that after I nearly died, I had the team. I had Spencer, Derek, Penelope, and JJ, hell Hotch was the one that came to my house and scrubbed the blood off of my walls before I got out of the hospital.” Her brow arches in response to my widening eyes. “Didn’t know that, did you?” She smiles and reclines back in her seat. “Emily didn’t have that. She didn’t have her friends, family,” she corrects. “Let’s be honest, the BAU becomes your family after a while.”
You nod in agreement.
“She went through that alone,” Elle continues and a pang of guilt shoots through you. “She didn’t have her family to turn to in a time where she probably needed you the most.”
It’s your turn to swipe at the tears that loose from your eyes. “I know that.” Your voice is tight as you choke back a sob. “I’ve always trusted the team, every one of them. How—” you suck in a shaky breath. “How am I supposed to trust them after this? What’s to stop something like this from happening again?”
Elle’s lips purse. “That’s the job we signed up for, isn’t it? Working for the government and all the shitty red tape they weave in and around the work we do.”
“If I go back,” you start. “I don’t think they’ll forgive me. I left when they needed me most. Doyle is still out there.”
Elle frowns and tilts her head back and forth. “You’ll never know if you don’t though. I couldn’t go back. My actions decided that for me. You have a choice, but you’re the only one that can make it.” She glances down at her watch and then out at the sun. It’s almost completely sunken down beneath the sea over the horizon, the orange and pink sunset fading to the purple gray hues of dusk. “I should probably get going.” She sets her cup down in the sand and stands, turning to you as she does so.
“Here,” she says, passing you a card from the back pocket of her jeans.
You take it, fingering the edges of the sturdy cardstock. Elle Greene: Social Services Coordinator is embossed in dark blue font followed by a cell phone, office number, and email listed beneath it.
“Call me if you ever want to talk. There are ways to do some good in this world without sacrificing your own happiness in the process.” She smiles at you before she starts toward the path that leads around the house and back to the road.
After a few moments, you jump up and call after her. “Hey Elle!”
She turns, brow arched toward her hairline as she waits for you to continue.
“Why’d you come?”
She slips her hands into her pockets and doesn’t say anything for a while, her green eyes focusing on her feet. When she looks up at you, there’s the faintest of smiles on her lips. “The day I left the Bureau I looked Hotch in the eye and told him that I used to wonder why he didn’t smile. When I heard that voicemail, despite how defeated he sounded, there was something in his voice that made me believe he’d found something to smile about again. When you work the job that you do, that I used to do, you have to hold on for dear life when you find the things that can make you smile after witnessing the things we do. I guess I don’t want him to lose what made him find his smile again; even after all these years I’ve spent angry at Hotch, I never hated him.” She sighs and looks like she wants to say more, but chooses not to. “Running away doesn’t solve your problems, it just keeps them at a distance until you’re finally brave enough to face them. I hope you find clarity faster than I did.” Her jeweled rings catch the last rays of sun as she raises a hand in farewell. “I’ll see you around.”
You pull your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around them, the blue and green plaid fabric of the couch scratching the backs of your legs as you do so. You bite at your thumb nail as you eye your powered down cell phone from where it sits on the glass coffee table in front of you.
Elle’s words from two days ago hang heavy in the air around you.
Running away doesn’t solve your problems. It just keeps them at a distance until you’re brave enough to face them. I hope you find clarity faster than I did.
If you turn on your phone, you know there will be a barrage of voicemails and text messages waiting for you. Or, there won’t be anything more than there was when you first shut it down. You turned your back on them when they needed you. It would be easy to write you off, after all that’s what you did isn’t it?
You drop your head back against the couch and groan, the feelings at war within you tearing at your insides; your guts twisted with equal parts betrayal over Hotch not telling you and the guilt of leaving the team instead of facing that anger and hurt head on.
It’s a giant mess; a tangled web of necessary lies and the red tape that binds the hands of those in positions over you and the rest of the team. The rational part of you understands this. In black and white terms, you understand that Unit Chief SSA Agent Aaron Hotchner had to make a decision to protect another agent, SSA Emily Prentiss. While Ian Doyle is a fugitive from the law believing her to be dead, her going into hiding not only took the target off of her back, but off the backs of all of your team members, yourself included, who otherwise would’ve been collateral damage in Doyle’s relentless pursuit of vengeance against Emily. All of this makes perfect sense.
It’s when the emotional, feeling half of you comes into play that the black and white turns to splotchy streaks of gray and you struggle to make peace with the rational side of things. When you look at it through this lens, your boyfriend and long term partner, Aaron, watched you throw up from dehydration over how long and how hard you’d sobbed over the death of best friend, Emily. At any point, he could’ve put a stop to your pain and didn’t.
Your fingers slide into your hair, gently tugging at the roots as you try to sort through these warring versions of yourself and the pieces of information and emotions that come with each. Because in your heart, you know and understand it’s not black and white. It’s gray and it’s messy. So, why can’t you reconcile both halves of yourself and just be okay with this then? Why can’t you just be overjoyed by the fact that your best friend is back from the literal dead? How many people in this life can say that that’s happened for them? Why can’t you just tell Aaron you understand what he did because you do, but at the same time you don’t? You wouldn’t have told anyone, but then that would be Aaron showing you preferential treatment and you’d be in no better position than he or JJ when it came to hiding this fact from the rest of the team. It’s something you’d talked about extensively when you first started dating and so far, it has been fine. He makes decisions that sometimes you agree with, sometimes you don’t. It is always just part of the job. So what does it all boil down to? Where does this leave you?
“Fuck me,” you whisper aloud as you dive forward and swipe the phone off of the table before you can really think about what you’re doing. You hold down the button on the side and it titters to life. For a moment, you close your eyes as you feel the vibrations pulsing in the palm of your hand, each one a notification of some sort. When they cease, you swipe directly to your contacts and select Aaron’s. His is the first to show alphabetically anyway. Your thumb hovers over the call button for only a second, before you exhale a shaky breath and hit the dial.
The phone barely presses against your ear as you catch the tail end of his hello. It’s after hearing his voice, that you’re rendered speechless.
“Baby, are you there?”
Your chest rises and falls, your heart rate quickening beneath your chest. You sniff as tears prick your eyes, not realizing how much you’d missed his voice until now.
“Aaron,” you squeak out, your voice cracking on his name.
“Baby, I’m so sorry,” Hotch says, a plea in his apology. “I promise I’ll do everything I can to fix this. I miss you. I love you.”
A sob shudders free from your lips as all of your walls come tumbling down and you let yourself break down to pieces of ash and stone. “I’m sorry I ran when you needed me.”
“It’s okay,” Aaron soothes. “It’s okay. It's over. We got him.”
You sit up and swipe under your eyes with the backs of your hands. “Doyle?”
“He’s dead.”
Panic rises in you. “And the team? Is everyone—”
“Everyone is fine. No one was hurt.”
You close your eyes and sink back into the cushions as your pulse levels out. “I’m on my way.”
“There’s no need,” he replies coolly.
Your brow pinches. “I don’t—”
The sound of a car door slamming echoes beyond the front door. You stand and the old t-shirt that belongs to Aaron falls to your thighs as you do so. You’d not even realized you’d packed it until you pulled it on after your shower earlier. The linoleum creaks beneath your feet as you cross through the kitchen and unlock the deadbolt. When you pull open the door, you gasp and drop your phone.
Aaron’s lips tremble as he smiles at you and takes the phone down from his ear. He ends the call and slips it into the pocket of his slacks. “I got in the car and just started driving,” he says as his glimmering eyes flit across yours, always the profiler checking for micro expressions. A desperate smile clings to his lips as he looks at you. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you breathe in response; unable to think of what else to say at the moment
His smile falters as he takes a step closer to you. You see his hand twitch ever so slightly at his side.
“Honey, I—”
You leap forward and throw your arms around his neck. He breathes a sigh of relief into your hair as his arms fold around you, his hands pressed flat against your back as if he can somehow hold you closer than he already is. His hands slide up your spine to curl around the back of your neck. When he pulls away, there are tear stains on his cheeks.
You reach up and swipe your thumbs under his eyes, his skin smooth beneath your touch. A smirk tugs at one corner of your mouth as you wonder when he had time to shave.
“This doesn’t mean I forgive you,” you say, still cupping his cheek in your hand.
He nods as he leans into your touch. “I know,” he says softly.
“I know why you had to do what you did.”
Another tear leaks from his eye as he presses his forehead to yours, cradling your hand against his cheek. “I never wanted to hurt you or anyone else, but I had to protect you.”
“I know,” you say and you mean it. “I also know why you couldn’t tell me. I’m a coward for running away, but I just—I was so overwhelmed by everything. I didn’t know how to cope with your return, with Emily’s, with everything. I would’ve been a hindrance if I’d stayed, but I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have run.”
Hotch shakes his head as he steps back to look at you, the dark slash of his brow set as he does so. “What you did was not an act of cowardice. Trust me when I say you are not the only one that has a lot of anger and frustration aimed at me right now. Spencer snapped twice at JJ. Morgan laid into me, and I deserved it. JJ and I always knew that if and when this came to light, that there would be consequences for our actions. It was a calculated risk, and I take full responsibility for it. After you left, I gave everyone the option to leave if they didn’t think they could work the case. You knew you weren’t in the right headspace and pulled yourself out. It was the right decision and no one faults you for it.”
“I’m still so mad at you,” you say.
Aaron’s lips form a tight line. “I know.”
“But I also love you.”
His brow relaxes at that admission and relief floods his gaze. “I’ll take your use of the present tense as a good sign.”
You both chuckle at that and a shiver races through you as a sea breeze catches your hair and sends goosebumps up and down your arms. You wrap your arms around yourself and incline your head toward his SUV. “Your go bag in there?”
He nods and you flick your eyes up and down the length of his figure. “Go on then,” you encourage. “Get it and come inside before I change my mind.” You smile and you feel it reach your eyes for the first time in nearly a week. He withdraws the key fob from his pocket and smiles at it in his hand, before shaking his head with a quiet laugh and turns to head toward the car.
He pops the trunk and returns with his bag slung over his shoulder. “You look good in my shirt,” he compliments you with a sly smile as he passes through the front door. You close and lock the door behind him and point towards the bedroom. “Don’t think flattery will get you off the hook, Aaron.”
“You’re pointing me toward the bedroom, so I can only hope that’s a good sign.”
“Nearly a week has given me a lot of time to think,” you call after him as he disappears inside.
When he returns, his suit jacket is off and he’s loosening his tie from around his neck. “And what conclusion have you come to?”
“To be determined,” you muse as you approach him. You finger the tip of his tie and curl your fingers around it before tugging it free and dropping it to the floor.
One of Aaron’s brows arches as he regards you curiously. His hand curves around your hip and you press yourself against him. Heat pools in your belly, but you ignore the sensation, hard as that is after nine months without him. He dips his chin to kiss you and instead of meeting your mouth, he meets your finger instead. You press it against his lips and arch a brow. “Not so fast, Hotch.”
He winces and inhales sharply, a pink blush quickly coloring his cheeks. “I should’ve known it wasn’t going to be that easy.” He admits against your finger. “You only call me Hotch when I’m in trouble.”
Something between a scoff and a laugh leaves your lips as you poke him on the tip of his nose, the slope of which you’d missed so much since he’d been gone. “How about,” you start and loop your arms around his neck, “we just talk? From the beginning, tell me what went through your mind and what led to the decision. We can talk about Emily, her funeral, the grief. You can tell me what you can about Pakistan and I’ll tell you about how hard it was when you were gone. Tell me about when you and JJ knew you had to tell the team and I’ll tell you how it felt like I’d had my heart carved out of my chest and put through a blender. Tell me how it felt when I left and I’ll talk about the ways in which I wish I hadn’t but why I felt like I had to. Tell me why I should trust you and I’ll tell you why I want to, but am afraid. Tell me—”
Aaron catches your wrists in his hands and plants a firm kiss upon your lips. You envelope him with your own and revel in the familiar way they meld together, the taste of him like coming home. He pulls away, though his lips still hover over yours. “I promise I will tell you everything and more. We’ll talk until the sun comes up if that’s what it takes.”
You smile and when you speak, your lips brush against his. “I guess I ought to put some coffee on then.”
White rays of early morning sunshine break through the sheer curtains, casting soft light across the bed sheets. For the first time in nearly a year, you wake with Aaron’s arm securely around your waist. You breathe in deeply and the faint smell of coffee lingers in the air, two empty mugs leaving brown rings on the nightstand.
You don’t remember when you two had laid down to go to sleep, but remember laughing about it being 3:00 AM at one point and continuing talking in spite of that; and talked you two had. You’d tackled everything from the decision he and JJ made at the hospital all the way up until right now. You laughed and cried, and so did he. You’d never seen Aaron cry before last night, and you were grateful that he’d felt safe enough with you to be vulnerable like that. As the night had worn on, you’d felt the fractured pieces of yourself slowly start to pull together; that you can both heal from this and maybe even come out stronger on the other side.
Your phone buzzes on the nightstand and you reach for it, now being as good a time as any to tackle the number of unread texts and unheard voicemails. You can’t avoid them forever.
8 voicemails from Hotch, 2 from JJ, 6, from Penelope, 1 from Derek, and 1 from Emily. Your brow knits together as you view the time stamp next to her voicemail and it’s marked only an hour ago. Why would she have called you so early? Surely, Hotch would’ve let the team know that you’re safe and that he’s with you.
You open the app and press play, bringing the phone to your ear to avoid disturbing Hotch and Emily’s voice fills your head as you listen in.
“I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now…” Her voice is tired and her tone is genuinely apologetic. “…I missed everyone so much, but you. It tore me up inside knowing we didn’t get to say goodbye, that I didn’t get to explain to you why all of this had to happen and you had to mourn me. I knew Hotch would take care of you.” She chuckles softly and you picture her shaking her head. “God, that man adores you, you know that right? Knowing he’d be there to help you through things was a small solace, but I knew that the weight of asking him to keep this from you and the rest of the team would take a toll on him. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Doyle, he never—he never would’ve stopped hunting me and he would’ve used or killed everyone close to me to do so. If there had been any other way, I would’ve done it.” She sighs heavily. “Anyway, Hotch texted the team and myself last night that he’d gotten to you safely in Virginia Beach. I imagine you and him had a lot to talk about last night. It’s probably going to look like I’m copying a page out of his book, but you’re the only person I haven’t looked in the eye and apologized to, so I’ll be there in about an hour or so. Hopefully, you open the door.”
Your eyes widen as you drop the phone back onto the nightstand. After glancing at the clock and noticing it had been an hour and fifteen minutes since she called, you slip out of bed. Hotch stirs, but doesn’t wake and his hand moves to shift under the pillow and he nestles deeper into the blankets. God, he must be so exhausted. From the red eye flight from Pakistan to immediately leaping into and closing the Ian Doyle case, this is probably the first proper sleep he’s gotten in weeks.
The sound of tires crunching over gravel draws your attention to the living room. You pull on a pair of sweats and throw off the oversized shirt you’d slept in in exchange for a tank top, forgoing a bra in the process. You rush into the bathroom and rapidly brush your teeth, accepting there not being any time to fix your tousled bed head.
Footsteps echo up the walkway on the other side of the front door as you approach and before you can think it through, you throw the door open. You only take a second to confirm that it is in fact Emily on the other side of it before rushing forward and throwing your arms around her.
A loud oomph erupts from lips, the sound muffled as you turn your face into her neck. It takes a few seconds for her to react, her arms slowly folding around you as she realizes that it is in fact a hug that you’re giving her and not an attempt to take her to the ground.
Tears leak from your eyes onto the fabric of her purple top. “I’m sorry,” you murmur into her shoulder.
Emily pulls away, her hands not leaving your shoulders as her brown eyes flicker across your face; her features drawn. “You’re sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for. I came here to apologize.”
You shake your head as something between a laugh and a sob bubbles up from your throat. “I’m so mad at you,” you start and reach forward with both hands to clasp her face in yours. “But I am so happy that you’re not dead and I understand why you had to do what you did.” You smile and drop your hands before playfully shoving her. “A bit though, isn’t it? Faking your death and fleeing the country? Where’d you get that idea? Lifetime?”
Emily smiles, flashing her teeth as she inclines her head this way and that. “I did always have a flair for the dramatics.”
The door creaks then and you turn to watch Hotch push the door open. He smiles as he takes in the sight of you and Emily reconciling. “I put on a pot of coffee,” he says. “How many mugs should I bring out?”
You look between him and Emily. “Three,” you answer, turning your attention back to Emily. “Definitely three.”
Emily smiles and follows you inside, greeting Hotch with a short hug before joining you in the living room. As Hotch busies himself in the kitchen and the smell of coffee starts to fill the air, you start to feel like life might finally start to return to normal.
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svltzmans · 8 months
illicit affairs - f.g.
a/n: hi! here's a cute little blurb based on a request i got recently 😁 i'm kinda obsessed with this fiona x milkovich! reader concept
warnings: making out (i think that's it) (oh and also this is unedited) (but you probably knew that already lmao)
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"mmmph, fiona," y/n slurs between kisses from her girlfriend. "you're so perfect."
fiona smiles against y/n's lips, not wasting any time pressing hers against them again.
fiona and y/n had decided to keep their relationship under wraps for a while, not wanting to create any commotion.
considering that fiona had never dated a woman before and that their brothers were dating, it would be quite a shock.
nonetheless, the chemistry between them was too strong, and became undeniable.
luckily, it had been possible for them to spend time together when the kids were at school or when fiona was able to sneak off.
fiona climbs on top of y/n, the kiss heating up by the second.
fiona and y/n are too captivated by each other for either of them to hear fiona's bedroom door opening.
"hey fiona, mickey and i are gonna go to- oh, what the fuck?"
it's ian, and he's standing in the doorway with his mouth agape.
behind him is mickey, y/n's younger brother, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.
fiona practically leaps off y/n's lap, knowing they had been caught.
"i, um, ian, i thought you were out for the day?" fiona mutters, flustered by the situation.
"you guys don't knock around here?" y/n jests, trying to provide comic relief. fiona giggles, but ian and mickey are still frozen in shock.
"okay hold on a minute, you two are... fucking? or what?" mickey speaks, gesturing with his hands as he does.
"um, more than that," fiona responds first, noticing that y/n appears slightly unnerved by her brother's reaction.
ian and mickey look at each other, both cracking a smile.
"we both thought we were the gay siblings, jesus," ian laughs, the rest of the room following.
"no better connection than a gallagher and a milkovich, i guess," mickey adds, looking at ian. "right ian?" he says, giving his boyfriend a gentle smack on the ass.
"at least we got a room, unlike you two freaks," fiona quips.
"at least we told you we were dating," ian teases, hoping for a reaction from his sister.
he gets one, with fiona standing and starting to chase him.
left alone in the room, mickey and y/n look at each other for a few seconds.
"y/n?" mickey breaks the silence first.
"if ian's sister..."
"fiona," y/n interrupts.
"yeah, fiona, whatever, if she hurts you..."
"you don't have to be so protective, mickey. she is to me what ian is to you. you know that."
mickey softens, swallowing the rest of his words.
"fine. just, lock the door if you ever have her over to our house, would you?"
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cloudy-em · 10 months
Hi there! I got a request for Lip, if you don't mind 🥺
Reader is friends with either Fiona or Ian (she's the same age as Lip though), and one evening, she's dragged to the house for dinner (she's also very shy, very), so they meet and he just can't help but flirt constantly to make her blush and stutter.
And maybe later on, he hears her talking to Fiona/Ian about it, saying something like not keeping her hopes up because she can't believe he could actually like her ("no one likes the shy girl" kinda thing, I had that said to me and I need some comfort for it😂).
He basically wants to prove to her that he actually likes her. Maybe he already noticed her st school or something.
Have a good day, hun 🤘
of course!! glad to provide some comfort <3 i was the same way all from like elementary to high school so i get it! have a great day, too, thanks for the request <3
ages are pretty inconsistent in the show, but i think in season 3 he's like 18? i don't write characters when they're minors, so the reader and lip are both 18 years old and they're seniors in this! so this is set in like season 3ish i guess.
Ian and Y/N walked through the front door of the Gallagher household. Y/N took her shoes off, following Ian to his room where they dropped off their backpacks. Even though they aren't in the same grade, they're still great friends. It started when Ian found Y/N at school one day, trying to hold herself together after being made fun of for her quiet response to a teacher's question that she had to repeat multiple times. It turned out, Ian and Y/N actually had a lot in common, and the rest was history.
Y/N wasn't over at Ian's house often. The loud and chaotic nature of his family was endearing, but she didn't quite feel comfortable enough with the other Gallaghers yet to let her walls down. Not that she was ever as loud or chaotic as the family; she was just on the quieter, shyer side, and the Gallaghers respected that.
Ian had invited Y/N over for dinner, making sure Fiona was aware. Ian and Y/N both helped her with dinner, Y/N smiling quietly to herself as Ian and Fiona laughed and joked together. They set the table, and Fiona yelled up to the rest of the family to come eat.
Frank was god knows where doing god knows what, and Kev and V were busy at the alibi, so it was just Y/N and the Gallagher kids for the night. Debbie and Carl came barreling down the stairs leaving an empty seat between them because the two had recently been arguing. Lip walked down the stairs, Liam in his arms, and helped Liam get into a high chair. He sat between Carl and Debbie, clearly sick of their argument, and sighed. Y/N was stationed between Ian and Fiona, the two she was most comfortable with. Food was distributed and everyone tried to make dinner conversation.
Y/N looked at Debbie politely as she talked about a student counsel project she was working on, trying to plan out how perfect and showstopping it would be. She smiled hearing the girl's plan; it sounded great and she had no doubt Debbie could do it. Glancing towards Lip, she noticed him watching her instead of his younger sister. There's a pause, and Lip grabs her attention.
"You look really pretty today, Y/N," he says genuinely. In response, she blushes and looks towards her lap, mumbling a thank you. Lip opens his mouth, ready to say something else, when Carl pipes up.
"Yeah! You look just like the Barbie I put on the grill earlier!" He exclaims before backtracking. "Well, you look like her before I put her on the grill. And I wouldn't grill you, you're too nice." Y/N smiled and tried not to laugh at the young boy's antics as Fiona lectured him about cruel and unusual punishment. Lip kept staring at Y/N, completely mesmerized by her shy and gentle nature. He was wracking his brain on what to say next; he didn't want to try stupid or sexual pickup lines on her. He wanted to take his time with her. He'd noticed her in his literature class in school, they both sat at the back, but on opposite sides of the room. Ian was about to kick Lip under the table for his weird behavior, knowing Y/N would be uncomfortable, but Fiona beat him to it.
"Lip, it's rude to stare, especially at our guest."
Hearing his name brought him back, and he cleared his throat. "Um, Y/N? You have Mr Harbor for Physics II, right?" he asked, curious.
"Yes, 4th period," she replied quietly. Lip smiled hearing her voice, wanting to hear it more often.
"Oh great! I have him for 6th. Do you wanna come over sometime and study together? We can work through some problems if you want, maybe do some physical experiments-" he's cut off by Carl.
"Gross, Lip, you don't propose sex in front of the family!" he yells. Lip's eyes widen.
"Oh, jesus! No no I wasn't- Y/N that's not what I meant, I- I meant just calculating projectiles with a slingshot or something, not- not THAT!" he tries to explain desperately. He really did just mean doing problems and experiments together. They're both very intelligent people, and Lip thought it was a good proposition for a subtle excuse to get to know her.
"I-it's okay, Lip, n-no worries!" Y/N felt her face and neck flush. she knew he didn't mean sex, but the idea of it made her blush. Of course she'd heard plenty of rumors around school about how good Lip Gallagher was in bed.
The meal was done pretty quickly. The family all got up, Y/N waiting until most of them left to bring her plate to the sink.
"I'll take care of the dishes, Y/N," Lip said, gently placing his hand on the small of her back. She jumped slightly, moving out of the way and nodding, heading upstairs to finish her homework. Ian follows shortly after.
Lip walked up the stairs to grab a cigarette from his desk, but paused as he caught his name.
"-and it's nice to hope for just a second that maybe, just maybe, he likes me, that he cares for me, but he doesn't, Ian! There's no way someone like Lip would ever like someone like me! He's confident and attractive and smart and girls love him! I'm just me. I'm shy and quiet and it takes me forever to warm up to people and nobody likes the shy girl," she sighed sadly. "You don't think he's trying to prank me or something, do you?" she asked Ian. Lip walked away, not realizing she felt this way.
He had to do something. He went back down the stairs, no longer set on his cigarette, rather a way to prove himself to her. He thought hard for a while, realizing it was probably just best to talk her alone. He sighed, thinking of what to say without fucking up.
Lip heard Ian yell goodbye to Y/N, and her footsteps walking towards the front door. He ran towards the front door, trying to be casual.
"Hey, I'll walk you home. Make sure you get home safe," he said, sounding more like he was making a statement rather than offering.
"Oh, um, okay. Let's go then," Y/N replied.
The walk to her house was quiet. Lip didn't know what to say. 'Hey, I've been watching you at school for the past 3 months and I haven't hooked up with anybody since I noticed you because you're all I can think about even though we've barely ever talked'? He knew he needed to say that, he just needed to find a less...aggressive way of saying it.
He walked Y/N to her door, making sure she got it unlocked. He reached out and touched her arm just as she turned to enter her house. She turned to look at him with big eyes.
"Look, Y/N. I, uh, I've noticed you at school a lot over the past couple of months, and I know you're my brother's friend, but I'd really like to get to know you better. I think you're really, really smart and you're pretty, too, and Ian talks about you all the time. You just sound like a great person and I think I have a small crush on you. I know you probably don't feel the same, but if you'd give me a chance, I think we'll get along great and we can get to know each other. Please?" He poured his heart out.
Y/N hesitated, a soft blush rising to her cheeks. "I- okay, Lip. We can get to know each other. I'm just nervous and really shy around people I don't know so I'm sorry-" he cuts her off.
"That's why we'll know each other, 'kay?" he said, gently stroking her upper arm with his thumb.
"Besides, I like shy girls."
lip x shy!reader is one of my favs thank you so much for this request! let me know if you want more of this kind of content please!
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nirvanawrites111 · 8 months
Set My Wings On Fire Part 2 (Sub!Christian Yu x Fem!dom Reader)
Pairing: Christian Yu/DPR Ian x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1717
Summary: It's been 30 days since you last saw him and he needs to make up for the lost time. You're still delulu af for him, but tonight is all about your pleasure.
Warning: Smut, fem!dom, slight humiliation kink, degradation for Christian calling him bitch and slut, oral sex (fem rec), face strap, face riding, mentions of killing, handcuffing, you're called goddess, fem reader implied but no pronouns used.
Part 1
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minors and ageless blogs do not interact. Just put some indication of your age if you're going to engage, please.
"Control me, please. I need you," Christian whimpers for you. His hair is a mess, his eyes are full of darkness, and he's in front of you, begging to be dominated. His hands are restrained.
He's never had a problem relinquishing power over to you. In fact, it was his idea that he wanted to be dommed by you.
Normally, this is all it would take for you to give in to his pleading. He's in your favorite position, on his knees, willing and able to please.
But, for a particular reason, it isn't enough to sway you.
Your lover is desperate for your touch. He needs to feel your fingertips run against his skin more than he requires his next breath.
Yes, he was on the run, but this wasn't his first rodeo, and for knowing him so well, it won't be the last.
Today, was supposed to be a celebration of being able to reunite with each other. Because your man has somehow outsmarted the FBI and the police, and his name is magically no longer on the most wanted list.
You don't ask questions, because these are incriminating details that you can't afford at the moment.
You stand before him and glance down at the man below you. His beautiful dark brown hair is in messy wavy curls, and his knees are on the cold marble floor.
He's shirtless, but he has on sweats. Even through those pants, you can see that he is excited to see you. He is happy to be able to be in your presence.
Yes, you want nothing more than to pounce on your sweet lover, but this is just one problem.
He went completely radio silent on you during this "run."
Which triggered your anxiety more than usual. Every single time your phone rang, you were hoping that it was him to let you know he's safe.
"No," You finally speak after a little bit of time has passed.
It's hard for you not to give in to his wants because you love this man so much. You have blindly decided to meet him at this location in a random ass city, because of your undying loyalty to him. 
You don't even think you could exist without him, which is why those thirty days were harder than expected. Also, because you never knew when they were going to end.
"Goddess," Christian whines in such a deep tone, and his accented plea is so sexy to you. "Please. I need you. All I want to do is serve you. I've had dreams about tasting you and being fucked by you. Please."
"Oh really?"
"Yes." Christian sounds so desperate, but truth be told, you liked being desired in this way. "Use me as you will. I know I've been bad."
His whines seem sincere, but you're not convinced yet. He's going to have to prove to you how sorry he is.
"Tell me.. say it. How have you been bad?" You fold your arms, demanding an answer so that you both know why he needs to be punished.
"I neglected you. It wasn't my intention, angel. I just wanted to protect you."
"Protect me? By ignoring me." You scoff. Tell that to your many sleepless nights wondering if something happened to you.
You walk around the spacious bedroom. Your heels click against the marble floor. Somehow, he's managed to pull off getting a mansion in the middle of nowhere. As you explore the bedroom, your eyes are drawn to the exquisite chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, casting a warm glow across the room. The luxurious furnishings and tasteful decor reflect his understanding of your appreciation for elegance.
However, deep down, you hope this grand gesture isn't his way of compensating for past mistakes, longing for genuine forgiveness and understanding instead.
You turn to face him again and lift his chin to meet his eyes as he explains his reasoning.
"I had to be extra careful, because I didn't want anything getting tied to you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened. I'm madly in love with you, Y/n."
You want to cuss him out, but the truth is your feelings for him are mutual. So, you feel a bit conflicted because no one understands you the way he does. No one can make you feel the way he does.
No one can dominate you like him. No one can submit the way he does. The perks of being with him outweigh all the bullshit of what he does when he's not with you.
For some, the fear is their partners being unfaithful. For you, it's pondering if any of your disloyal exes ever faced Christian's wrath.
"Christian, I'm going to have to punish you."
"I know, goddess. I deserve it and will take whatever you give me."
"Normally, I would just spank you. But, I have something better planned. Now get over here and eat my pussy, bitch."
You sit down on the comfy bed and spread your legs. You watch as he eagerly falls between your legs. He takes his handcuff hands and pushes your dress up one side at a time. You're already not wearing panties for easy access.
Christian laps all your center. He licks across your clit and swirls around until you gush a little. His tongue trails down to catch all your juices.
You moan in pleasure as Christian's expert tongue explores every inch of your sensitive folds.
"Thank you, goddess, for letting me taste you. All I want to be is serve you."
"Yeah, yeah.. talk is cheap. Keep licking until I cum. No more talking until I do."
You're a bit harsh with him, but you know that he loves to be degraded. His mission is to make you orgasm, which you both know he has no problem doing.
Christian savors at your essence. He whimpers as he licks away at your pussy. The taste of you is something that he's been craving for the last thirty days. Every day he's spent without you left him lost in thoughts of fulfilling your desires.
He would have gladly taken the spanking from you. He loves the way you can take charge of the situation. Your ability to switch is something he admires so much.
You continue to enjoy the satisfaction of him practically worshipping you because you're literally a goddess in his eyes.
Christian isn't playing with you. His tongue is working overtime to make sure his goddess cums.
One thing about your man is he knows how to please you. He knows how you like it when he goes fast. He giving you faster licks to the point you have to grab the back of his head because you're approaching your peak.
"Fuck, I'm so close... baby. Just like that!" You cry out.
Before you can utter another word, Christian continues his reluctance pace, bringing you closer to your peak. As you tiptoe closer to your climax, your legs tremble, and you close your eyes to enjoy that final moment before you release.
The intensity of your orgasm rips through you, and you ride the familiar wave that you crave so much. Christian isn't letting up, either. He continues to suck your juices out of your pussy.
He's addicted to the way that you taste. He licks you clean until you push him away from you.
"God, I've missed you, goddess," Christian says, crawling back between your legs to give your pussy a final french kiss because he's so in love with pleasing you.
Christian is the type that you could lock him in a room with you and make him eat you for hours and hours. He would enjoy it more than you, because that's how addicted he is to you. He just wants to please you in any way he can.
Christian lays his head on your thigh, waiting for your next instruction.
"Christian," you call his name.
"Yes, goddess?"
You could see the light in his eyes and his eagerness when he was with you. This is the man that no one else gets to see. This is the side he hides from the world.
"You know... you did a great job giving me head. Which I would expect from a slut like yourself. But, you're not cumming tonight. I am. But, I'll let you fuck me."
"Really, goddess?"
"Yes, with a strap-on. You don't deserve to feel my pussy just yet."
You know that Christian was expecting to get pegged. Maybe he thought he would get a rough pegging session, and you would deny him release. But, you have a point to prove.
"Goddess, I really can't get fucked? I was really waiting for this."
"And I was really waiting to hear from you. Maybe you could earn a chance to get fucked, but until then, get on the bed."
You grab the face strap on and put it on his face so that you can ride his face this time.
"You ready?" you ask him.
"Yes, goddess."
You're still wet from when he ate your pussy, so you position yourself over his face while you ease down onto the strap. You quickly find a rhythm as he pumps from underneath you.
Although you would rather have Christian hard dick inside of you, the strap feels good inside of you. You stroke your clit as you enjoy Christian pleasuring you. 
"You're so eager to make me cum again, huh slut.. you're that desperate to get fucked in the ass?" You degrade him.
"Mmmhm.. yes, goddess. But, my priority right now is just pleasing you. I can't wait to feel your juices drip down my face."
You hold onto the headboard as you ride his face strap-on. Sure, it might be punishment, but Christian is enjoying very moment.
For the second time tonight, you feel the familiar feeling.  Your body tenses up, and a wave of pleasure washes over you as you reach your climax. Your juices coat his face, and now he's glistening with your cum all over his face.
You remove the strap from his face and slip your tongue into his mouth. "You did a great job pleasing me... maybe we could talk about you riding my strap." "I'd like that goddess."
Please reblog if you enjoyed my work! It helps my work get discovered by other readers. I would GREATLY appreciate it!!!
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reveluving · 1 year
a little more love ; peter hale x reader x deucalion
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summary: when two of the most fearsome werewolves do whatever they can to convince their beloved to cancel dinner night with the pups.
warnings: loads of kisses, hugs and but no s~mut. not yet, at least (still, minors DNI!), very cheesy ngl; peter & deuc just really love their vampire wifey &lt;3
a/n: omg a debut?? s/o to @fanficimagery​; their Peter fics + others are the reasons why I wrote this—awakening another wild side of of mine to the point of no return (affectionately) 😭 I got another one in the making tho, trust! love y’all and don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» fancy reading the series? check out the m.list!
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'Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight.' ;
The sound of blackbirds chirping outside your window was enough to wake you up from your slumber. You stirred but could barely move with the arm around you and pulling you close. Their chest rose and fell at a pace so relaxing, so comforting, it could've lulled you back to sleep right away.
"Did you sleep well?" You shivered at the voice, deep and barely awake, forcing you to crack one eye open. You craned your neck, welcoming the very sight of the man holding you dearly. You hummed, eliciting a chuckle out of him as you nuzzled into him.
"You're so comfy." You murmured, the silky sheets against your skin would've been more than enough to chain you to bed for another hour or two.
Too bad you had other plans.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" You blinked, noticing the hues ranging from orange to pink coming from the window, an indication that sunset was nearing faster than you had anticipated.
"You looked so peaceful." Deuc responded casually as if you hadn't promised the pack dinner night, which was happening in two hours.
"I didn't even hear the alarm." You blindly took your phone on the nightstand, finding it impossible for you to sleep through one in the first place.
But, Deuc's sudden lack of response told you everything you needed to know.
So, you placed your phone away before turning to him.
"Deuc," He hummed, "Did you have anything to do with this?"
He barely opened his eyes to look at you before huffing out a 'yes'.
"Can't we just order takeout?"
"Even they can do that from their own home," You grinned, poking his cheek, "And you know no one delivers to this side of the road past seven."
"Then we could always just order now and ask one of them to pick it up later," He was hell-bent on making you stay, the offer especially enticing when he pulled the covers over you with him, "Or better yet, ask him to pick it up and make himself useful for once."
You snorted, only to jump when fingers lightly traced your spine.
"Hey," You admonished lightly, "Behave."
"You can't expect a man to behave when he has such beauty in his arms." He slipped his hand under the blanket, "Come on, all you have to do is cancel it, and we'll make sure to take such good care of you."
You whined, squirming in his arms as though you were fighting your inner demons before sitting up, but not before covering your bare chest with the blanket.
"Nice try, handsome, but I’m not falling for your tricks." You pointed directly at his nose, only to sputter when he countered your sudden determination by nipping the tip of your index finger.
"Angel, you always do," Touché, "The pups can fend for themselves for another day, can't they?"
"Deuc," You sighed shaking your head in amusement; you could never get mad at him. You turned your head a little, kissing his palm before caressing his cheek with your free hand, "I haven't seen them for over a week, God knows whether or not they've taken care of themselves since. It's only for a couple of hours, I promise."
Deuc narrowed his eyes at you, trying not to give in to your puppy eyes.
But he knew better.
He let his head fall to the pillow, letting out a dramatic sigh.
"Alright, alright," You perked up, only to be caught off guard when he wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you down to him for a heated kiss, taking your breath away as his tongue lightly ran across the tip of your fangs. Your whimpers only motivated him to take back his own words and never let you leave the bed, but he loved you too much to say no.
He pulled away, satisfied with the way you looked back at him with wide eyes.
"You didn't think I'd expect some sort of return if I'm going to have to keep my hands to myself for a few hours?"
Puffing up your cheeks in embarrassment, you were barely able to maintain eye contact as intense as his before giving him a quick peck at the lips.
"Angel," He chuckled, "If that's the kind of payment you're planning to give, I'd expect at least a couple more."
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"Very much," He responded nonchalantly as though he wasn't practically basking in your reactions, "In fact, I could wake up to this every day."
There was no point arguing with this man, not especially when you had dinner to whip up in under two hours. So, you took a deep breath, lowering yourself for a proper kiss. Deuc was eager, that much was clear as he chased after your lips, keeping you still with one hand on the back of your head.
He shivered as you lightly ran your nails down his chest, slowly pulling away before letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
"Much better."
It had taken Deuc exactly a good half an hour to get his fill of you before begrudgingly letting you go to take a shower, promising to help you out right after.
You, on the other hand, have been at it in the kitchen for an hour, seasoning your stroganoff before moving on with the dessert.
Just then, you froze, feeling a pair of eyes from the living room watching your every move. You slowly placed the bowl of unwhipped cream onto the counter, hoping to look as neutral as possible. The presence, however, had seen right through you, because as soon as you faced the entrance to the foyer, you felt their warm breath against your neck before they spun you around. You yelped, feeling yourself fall backwards despite their hands securely holding onto your hips.
Your hands shot up to their back, one around his neck and the other gripping the back of their shirt. Had it been anyone else, other than Deuc, you would've instinctively torn their throat out even before they could even put their hands on you.
But, this was Peter you were talking about.
"What's cookin', good lookin'?"
‘You've got to be kidding me.’
"Jesus, Hale," He was clearly proud of himself, the debonair smile on his face especially growing when you released the grip on his shirt in favour of covering a part of your face, thoroughly embarrassed, "That is by far the worst line I've ever heard, coming from you."
"Oh, I know," He shrugged, leaning in closer, "But it's worth seeing that pretty face of yours scrunch up like that."
He pressed his lips against yours before you could even respond with a snarky remark, pulling away just as fast in favour of the adorable stupefied look you always had each time he or Deuc had taken you by surprise.
"But it does smell good in here." He brought up back up from the dip before taking a good whiff of your homemade gravy in the pot.
"Only the best for the best," You mused, hearing him purr in agreement for a moment before adding, "Oh, and for you too, I guess."
He was speechless, to say the least. At least for a while.
"Why, you," He didn't even give you the time to turn away before he attacked your neck and collarbone with wet kisses, the exaggerated sounds of his smooches growing louder the more you cried out to him to stop.
He did, eventually, but he made sure he gave you enough to sag in his arms, resting against him for a moment as he mumbled against your cold skin.
"Would be nice if we had the night to ourselves." Oh. You covered your face yet again, now with both of your hands.
"Not you too," You felt the chuckle vibrating through him, "You and Deuc planned this, didn't you?"
"Depends," He drawled, clearly feigning ignorance, "Is it working?"
Fuck yeah, it is.
"You're gonna have to try harder than that."
Big mistake.
Your mouth gaped open wide as though you had surprised yourself, knowing he had taken your statement as a challenge when he pursed his lips.
"Challenge accepted."
You squeaked as he pulled you to his chest, one of his hands remained on your hips while raising the other that he intertwined with yours. You were sure his eyes had dilated, enjoying the way you bashfully look up at him through your lashes, gasping as soon as his hand crept up past the hem of your shirt.
"Peter," You giggled nervously, "Where is that hand going?"
He hummed.
Just then, he switched directions, sliding further down before moving under the waistband of your shorts.
"Places where I'd want to touch," Down, "To kiss," Up, "To lick," Down, "To nibble on."
Each time his hands move, no matter where they ended up, all you could do was shiver. He dipped his head, nibbling on your earlobe.
"If and only if my angel says so."
He was seeking your permission—just like Deuc did.
"I want to," Oh? "But later, okay?" Oh. You tried not to giggle as he deflated from your answer, "Especially since the two of you haven't made it any easier for me to say no today."
Not that you'd ever deny these two whatsoever.
"Please?" You cupped his face, thinking through your next words before mumbling, "Just hold on for a few hours and I'm all yours and Deuc's."
His eyes dilated from the mere promise, holding onto both of your hands and pulling you in to capture your lips with his. It was as deep and passionate as the one you had with Deuc, your legs nearly buckled if it wasn't for his quick reflex.
"Pretty girl, you'll be the death of me."
The audacity.
"Oh, like you're any better," You rolled your eyes playfully, "Now, you either help me with the potatoes or take these plates and march out to the dining room."
He opted for the potatoes, occasionally leaving kisses on your shoulders and nearly causing you to burn the caramel sauce that you were making to pair with your homemade ice cream.
Deuc came down to the kitchen a little while later, only to shoot a glare at Peter for putting him on dishes duty. You saw the way Peter smirked as Deuc stalked out, dropping his expression to a barely innocent kind when he noticed you watching him.
"A grump, let me tell you," Peter commented, not bothering to lower his voice and earning himself a growl from the other room. You silently giggled before pushing him lightly.
Quarter past seven, and you walked out to serve the big pot of stroganoff and a whole bunch of sides in the dining room, where Deuc had just finished wiping the last cutlery. As soon as he did, he wrapped one arm around you, resting his head against your tummy. You could tell he was a little miffed over the petty arrangement, so you leaned in and kissed the crown of his head a couple of times, drawing a soft laugh from him.
No doubt Peter had seen you trying to cheer Deuc up and would probably cage you in his arms until you do the same for him.
A couple of hugs and hundreds more kisses later, the pack finally arrived, their exhaustion from surviving the week palpable as they greeted you with hugs or the Hale's exchanging meaningful pleasantries with you.
Deuc and Peter watched as your face continued to light up, from scooping a generous portion of noodles and stroganoff to listening to each and every one of them about the rough week they all had. Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight. This dinner was your idea, after all, treating the pack with the endless amount of love you had to offer. They only helped you out, though they'd gladly accept your gratitude at any given moment.
You were not blind to the looks they gave you either, so soft, even you didn't think they were capable of such emotion. You've either looked away or rushed out to the kitchen to 'top up the necessary' as a poor excuse to shy away from their gazes.
Soon, things began to calm down, and you shooed the pack to the living room, but not before being bombarded by offers to do the dishes. You gave in, eventually, and as soon as the final plate was washed, you pointed to the living room, much to everyone’s amusement.
Besides Deuc and Peter, who were helping you with the leftovers, everyone else started doing their own thing in the meantime; Scott, Stiles and Lydia were already lying on your rug, Malia and Kira were looking at your bookshelf, ranging from interesting novels with odd titles to the fishbowl of Marimo moss balls, because you wanted a ‘pet’ that ‘understood you best’.
None of the pack understood you till this day, not until Kira pointed out that Marimo moss balls survived best in low light, and you heard the rest of the pack answer with a collective ‘ooh’.
Derek, just like his cousin, had been doing the same, but from the comforts of the couch he was lounging on instead. Though he was the only one on his own, he seemed to be at peace, the deep wrinkles usually etched in between his eyebrows nowhere to be seen as dinner finally caught up to him. All in all, everyone was looking and feeling much better when they first arrived, but you couldn’t blame them. They were carrying responsibilities that were thrice as heavy as an average teenager.
Basically, you were glad to see them finally taking a load off.
The relief you were practically giving off to both Peter and Deuc was endearing, seeing your unfaltering smile despite the way your sensitive nose scrunched up a couple of times as you scooped the gravy into a container.
“You were right, angel,” Deuc was the first to speak up since the comfortable silence, “This dinner night was worth it.”
“Really?” The shine in your eyes was enough of a solid answer, “What changed?”
“That,” You tilted your head, “That pretty smile of yours.”
You mustered up a nervous smile, peeping out a small ‘oh’ before continuing with the leftovers.
At least, you tried to.
“No, no,” Peter came up behind you, intertwining his fingers with yours, “What did we say about hiding your smile?”
You peered up at Deuc, who nodded you encouragingly.
“That it only encourages you two to make me smile even more.” You whispered just enough for them to hear, trying your hardest to look elsewhere as they praised you with a simultaneous ‘atta girl’. Peter raised your laced hands, kissing the back of yours while Deuc took the other and did the same.
And just to spite you in the best way possible, they kissed either of your cheek, Deuc taking your left whereas Peter on your right.
But before they could melt you further, you heard an ‘oop’, followed by Lydia’s ‘Stiles!’ before she dragged him off. The poor boy had accidentally seen the tooth-rotting display at its peak, especially between his former nemeses and his godmother. It didn’t bother them in the slightest though. They turned to you, only to see your wide-eyed mortification. You could’ve really traumatized him or anyone else for that matter, had Stiles’ interruption not happened, and you had no doubt these two could care less in favour of devouring you in the kitchen.
But you loved them anyway.
That still didn’t stop you from glaring at the two, at least you tried to, losing your composure when they both ganged up on you with their knowing smirk—a telltale that they haven’t forgotten about your promise.
They eventually put you out of your misery, but their lingering touches had only been amped up to the max, letting you know that they were growing impatient to have you.
And the second the pack leaves, boy, were you in for the night.
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» gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° just an introductory tag! @christinasyellowflowers @clockworkballerina @marianne-zemo @spicymau-5
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mrgriffiths · 18 days
A request for what would it be like for a fem reader to be stalked by Terry Silver.
I'm so sorry for taking this long! Only a month late O_O
𝕾𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔨𝔢𝔯 𝕾𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯
- Mr. Silver had been associated with all kinds of people throughout the decades. He's seen the good, the bad, and the in-between. Ultimately, everyone just became a means to an end. So, for a lady to catch his attention? It would have to be someone who is different than what he's used to... even in the slightest way.
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- In the 80s, he's a playboy. Always seen with models or with women who have a million dollars to their name or two in the upper crust society. The kind that he'd flaunt around with the intention of showing off his status. These conquests wouldn't last more than a few weeks. He gets a rush out of just seeing the paparazzi in a craze to get the latest scoop on him all while he is fully in control about what gets let out to the eye of the public, even the 'leaked photos'. Everyone is merely a puppet in his world, and it gets him cackling at the very thought of it.
- But that's not all. Hell, it's the tip of the iceberg for Terry. He'd indulge in the mediocre bar dancers and hookers from the dingy parts of LA and likely all over the world too, the man's got to travel for business and he's got to keep himself entertained while he's at it! Women would practically fall at his feet just for a chance, a billionaire with looks and charm that could put the best models and actors to shame.
- So I'd imagine that the kind of lady that would catch the eye of Terry Silver would be someone who he'd seen whilst pretending to be a commoner, a broke karate instructor who's got a blue pick up truck that isn't in good shape. A random woman who works or lives in the area, just a few blocks away from the dojo. Probably isn't one to be seen as a fast or pretentious like himself. One who would generally be described as sweet and humble but would stand her ground if she's pushed too far. I think he'd like the challenge of molding someone to his liking while they have a fighting spirit in them. Makes things a whole lot more interesting.
- It would start off small. Him keeping an eye on you every day, memorizing your daily times of leaving for work in the morning and returning home. The route that you take, whether you walk, take the bus, or travel using your own vehicle, that would most likely be of the same value of his blue pick-up truck. The people that you interact with on the way.
- He'd hire a team of private investigators to get every bit of information about you after you seem to be stuck in his head even while he's coked out in the sauna. 'Nothings for free' there's a price that you will have to pay for occupying the thoughts of Terry Silver, borderline obsession sinking in.Your past, your family heritage, everything right down to your passport and social security number. Any past lovers and their history, too. If you happened to have a lover at the time, they'd swiftly be removed from the picture. He's all about the extremes, and no one will get in the way of him getting what belongs to him.
- Whilst you're away from home, he'd enter with the spare key that he'd seen you put under the small pot plant near the door although a mere door lock isn't something that would be hard for him to pick. Your apartment is small but clearly lived in. He'd have a look at everything you keep around, your drawers and shelves memorizing your interests. Your wardrobe and accessories will definitely get an upgrade in his home. He probably keeps something of yours for himself as a momento of you, your scent lingering on it. You seem to have not found one of your underwear in your laundry this week. That's strange...
- He'd come by and hide in the dead of the night to watch you in your natural state. Your mannerisms and what makes you feel relaxed. The type of shows you watch, the food you cook and whatever else you like to do in your spare time, your hobbies. He'd provide you with it all and more when the time comes. You'd get the weird feeling of having eyes on you, yet everything seems to be normal, and everything around is still in place. Nothing out of the ordinary. He'd even follow you to work and at the spots you chose to spend your leisure time at. Watching who you confide in and who you wouldn't associate with.
- After days, maybe even weeks of stalking his prey, Terry might come over and introduce himself to you. Just taking a walk on the street and offers to help you with the groceries one day. "Hey, need a hand with that?" All smiles and very friendly. He'd pick up the conversation easily with you coming off as innocent as possible. "Terry Silver, nice to meet you! I actually run the dojo a few blocks ahead." He'd tell you whilst offering a handshake after setting your groceries on the kitchen counter..
- That night whilst getting a good soak in the tub, he'd be on a call with John absolutely cackling about it all and going over the details of his plans for you. "Oh yeah! I'm just getting started, John!"
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- Present day Terry Silver has a much different style and approach to this kind of situation. His playboy reputation all cleaned up, and the CEO of Dynatox Industries, who used to illegally dump nuclear waste, is now seen as someone who is an environmentalist more than anything. He's sober, has been to therapy, and is now associated with 'like-minded 'people. Yet everyone is still a means to an end, and he's just wearing a mask in front of these people. They don't know him the way they think they do, nothing of his time in 'Nam and certainly nothing about his old-time friend Captain John Kreese..
- It isn't likely that a woman from the upper crust would get his attention this time around either. All of these people are around him because of his money and reputation anyway.. if anything, they would end up just like Cheyenne Hamidi. In this case, it's likely that the woman who catches his eye would be someone who works for him or maybe comes around to one of his dojos. After observing you for a while during the class and afterward in his office through the many cameras installed in the dojo, he'd come to the decision that you are going to be his. There's definitely a fire in you if you have the guts to try out something like martial arts even if you don't know what it is that you're getting yourself into..
- He'd take full advantage of the presence of technology these days and find out everything he needs to know about you. Stalking your social media accounts and using all means possible to get information on you. Again, he'd have everything on you down to the very last detail. No lover or potential lovers will get in the way either. All of that will be taken care of.
- He's more direct in his approach this time, he'd come off as the sensei who's intimidating during training with the most piercing eyes in the room, but the most humble and understanding man outside of it all. He'd make you feel like you could trust him and confide in him whenever you needed to. He'd easily gaslight you into the entire situation, making it seem like it was you the whole time, and he'd be downright successful.
- He'd talk you into telling him everything about you in the shortest amount of time and have you invite him over to your home with ease. He's an old man, he doesn't have all the time in the world to play these games like back in the 80s as much as he liked the chase he would likely speed up the process tenfold. He'd have a look around your home whilst you're in the kitchen or bathroom, and he'd memorize it all. Not a sound would be heard from him. For a man as big as him, he's the quietest. You'd often get spooked by his sudden presence around you.
- You'd find yourself running into him a lot these days, but you couldn't put anything past a coincidence. After all, he's the nicest person you've come across. He's probably got your phone taped while you were non the wiser. Everything you do would ultimately be in his control without him even moving past the facade of friendship with you. Your friends and family start to get distant, but Terry is always there whenever you need it... Once a snake has you secure in its coil, there's no escape other than that of death..
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astaraels · 5 months
You don’t get how bad I need your fem!gallavich headcanons 😭😭 (that being said pls - with no pressure - share some 🙏🙏🙏)
OKAY DON'T WORRY I'VE GOT A LOT OF THEM TO SHARE WITH YOU I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR SOME GOOD WLW FEM!GALLAVICH FEELS (these may be a little all over the place but just roll with me here okay? okay here we go)
to start with, Ian is a nickname for Lillian, Mickey is a nickname for Mykhaila (Ukrainian feminine form of Mikhailo)—they'd still go by Ian and Mickey, because if Lip can be a nickname for Phillip then all bets are fucking off :p
technically all of this started with my brain going "lesbian gallavich with hella self image issues" because they don't feel like they can measure up to their "prettier" sister (Mandy and Fiona) but both of them thinking the other is gorgeous as hell. Mickey being kind of a femme/butch (which is why she's the one who calls the shots with her brothers, she's the tomboy compared to Mandy), and Ian wanting to be all pretty and femme but doesn't think there's a point to it because money and also she doesn't think highly of herself
things would be way different for them both as lesbians—Ian would definitely still be the forgotten middle child, although she and Lip would still be Fiona's backup ("you two are my rocks") because I refuse to believe that girl Ian wouldn't be just as committed to ROTC and fitness as canon Ian. She'd be able to kick anyone's ass any day of the week. I think she'd really look up to Lip and ofc he'd love Ian as his little sister but like, with the same kind of condescending vibe he gives Fiona and Debbie? Although maybe since they're practically twins his misogyny toward Ian wouldn't be as blatant.
she'd still be taller than him (tallest Gallagher no matter what!) and have long red hair that she just throws back in a bun or ponytail all military style. I can't see her having short hair just because short cuts can be a lot to maintain, better just to let it grow and keep it pulled back. (I know, I've thought way too much about the little stuff lol)
Mickey would be very punk. With an undercut and all kinds of piercings. Mandy gets more attention from boys but Mickey does get her share, although of course she's like blegh. She'd rather be kicking ass and taking names and proving to her dad that she's just as good at being a fuckin Milkovich as Iggy and Colin—she's got more brains than both of them combined and she's smart as a whip when it comes to doing math, as well as where scamming people is concerned. Terry would begrudgingly acknowledge this but never misses a chance to put her down because she's just another dumb bitch. Only serves to make Mickey more determined to show what she can do, though, and her brothers and cousins are no match for her when it comes to scrappy back alley fighting. She climbed to the top of the heap early on and punches out anyone who tries to take her on.
Ian absolutely falls in the lesbian stereotype of wearing flannel constantly. I feel like she would want to do girly sorts of things but like, doesn't feel she'd measure up to Fiona or other girls so she just sticks with "comfortable" as her main fashion staple. Her and Debbie probably share a room too, although as I said above, she's still super close with Lip. Debbie would ADORE her big sister, would look up to and admire Ian because they've got so much in common—it might even be that she finds Ian's lesbian porn and that's how she knows about it ("penetration isn't required for sex to occur").
I'm not sure how they'd meet in this au but it would still probably involve Mickey chasing Ian around trying to beat her up lmao. my original thought was maybe like, either Mickey chased after Ian because of something Lip did in a reverse of canon, or Mandy thought Ian was talking shit about her. Regardless, the idea of 5'1" Mickey chasing after 5'9" Ian is hilarious especially because I feel like Ian would end up being almost six foot tall by the time she's done with puberty.
even once Ian and Mandy end up being bffs (there'd definitely be some miscommunication, but Ian doesn't wanna get murdered by the Milkovich siblings, so she manages to clear the air with Mandy when she can get away from Mickey and their brothers), Ian probably wouldn't tell Mandy she's gay, gotta keep that shit on lock. So once they're besties she's gotta endure all the boy talk and be like oh haha yeah totally…but at some point Mandy would figure it out, probably because she's not dumb and also Ian "play what cool" Gallagher is not as subtle as she thinks she is. But Mandy, other than asking if Ian has the hots for her ("you're beautiful, but I like you better as my friend"), is actually pretty chill and realizes she doesn't actually mind hanging out with a lesbo. Yes, Ian and Mandy and Mickey would use all the derogatory slurs that get used towards lesbians, although Ian is used to the casual homophobia and Mickey is the most homophobic gay ever (I feel like she'd definitely call herself a fag and a dyke once she gets more comfortable in her identity).
idk how the whole grooming thing with Kash and Ned would transfer over—maybe Ned would be some rich lesbian cougar who wants a kept girl or something. But that's unfortunately a big part of Ian's character, the middle kid who's the only one to be physically abused (and yeah, Frank would still hit Ian, boy or girl), and is desperate for any kind of affection so attaches to anyone who gives it. Kash might be a (seemingly) meek wife to some bruiser of a husband who's short and has small dog syndrome, and that makes her sympathetic in Ian's eyes, thus making it easier for her to take advantage of Ian. I try not to think about Kash too much but it is an important part of Ian's self-image
I'm gonna talk about s3 in its own post because I have some Thoughts and Ideas for some changes to make things interesting :p
season 4 would be really even more depressing because I think that when Ian is manic (there'd be no running away to the army because she couldn't use Lip's identity; instead she'd go straight her sugar mama and from there calls Monica when things get too wild) she'd end up getting pimped out by Monica to really gross straight dudes—not that there aren't creeper lesbians who like younger women, but in general it'd be easier for her to find a job stripping at a regular club (lesbian bars don't seem to have the same opportunities as a straight bar or a men's gay bar do wrt making money). Poor Lip and Debbie finding her in the skimpiest outfit, worse than anything Fiona ever had to wear for a job, with way too much makeup on and dollar bills tucked in her underwear, coked out as hell, skinny enough you can see her hipbones, brain and mouth going about 300 miles a minute...ugh.
But Mickey coming and bringing her home safe and sound <3 beating up the skeevy guys trying to roofie her <33 watching over Ian while she sleeps <333
In a happier train of thought, I love the idea that Mickey really likes Ian's long hair and plays with it when she's not really thinking and Ian gets all 😍😍😍 because it means Mickey might like her omg. Mickey has a partial undercut and Ian loves the texture of the shaved part of her hair. Tells her not to let it grow back out and everything.
Mickey having to stand on her tiptoes to kiss her stupidly tall gf ("You're too tall, Red" "Complain all you want, Mick, you know you like it”). Mickey likes getting manhandled but only by Ian—anyone else tries it and they're losing a hand. But Ian shoves her against a wall and does her whole cocky, smug, looming thing and Mickey can't help but melt in her arms (not that she'd let Ian know about it, not at first; gotta make Gallagher work for that shit. Just cause she's a fag doesn't mean that she's anyone's bitch!).
I also like to think that Ian would try the super femme thing in s4 era and Mickey, once out, would be a little more comfortable being more butch, but they both come off as a mix? I just love the idea of fem!gallavich playing with gender stuff in that very specific lesbian relationship with gender—on one of Mickey's more butch days Ian jokes and calling Mickey her boyfriend and Mickey being like oh
personally I feel like Mickey in her dyke era (s5) is an absolute pint-sized powerhouse, and still an absolute fashion icon because those cut-off vests? the tank tops? perfection🤌🏻
most of my thoughts are of early gallavich because I think things would go much differently since Sammi can't call the MPs on Ian in this au, but lemme just say that there's some fun stuff I'll be adding in another ask to add to the DRAMA
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fuckingmilkovich · 11 months
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lip gallagher x f!reader | angst | bad ending
❛i’m the other woman. . .not the main character❜
YOU were doing everything for philip to make him happy; you wanted the best for him. he was your everything, the only person who wanted to be in your life. you even dropped out of school to babysit liam every day, because you wanted to show lip that his family is also important to you.
you were in love with that boy; he was your soulmate, like a missing piece from your puzzle. maybe it was pathetic, but you didn’t see how really you were treating. people are saying that when you’re in love, you don’t see the character flaws of the person you admire. and that’s unfortunately true. he was an angel in your eyes; you loved how smart he was and how he cared about his family and his friends. yeah. . .but nobody likes how lip was treating you and doesn’t give a shit about you.
his siblings especially fiona was heartbroken watching how his brother was treating you. and using your naïveté to everything that he wasn’t wanting to do, like: groceries, cleaning or taking care of liam on weekend. you were doing all of that, because you wanted him to pay attention to you and make a confession how important you were for him.
when you started to saw karen in gallagher’s house at first you thought that she was only a friend, but then you started seeing the shine in his eyes when he was looking at karen. he seemed so happy with her, happier than he ever was with you. even when you sleep with each other, he doesn’t have this kind of shine in eyes, he probably just like sex and the fact, that you have feelings for him.
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ ⸻⸻⸻ ❝sometimes i look at myself in the mirror, wondering why i’m not enough, why every person i have met hurt my little heart. why i’m not pretty or interesting enough, wondering when it will be my turn to be happy.❞ ⸻⸻⸻ ✯
YOU were done. right now, you are sitting on Lip’s bed, waiting for him to get out of the bathroom. you wanted to confess how he made you feel about yourself. you didn’t remember a single night when you weren’t crying yourself to sleep, or thinking about philip. you've enough; you realize that you’re destroying yourself, and you need to say stop. you were disgusted with yourself for how easily you gave him permission to manipulate you with these sweet words of his. how stupid you were to believe that you finally have someone who cares about you.
because of your relationship with philip you weren’t able to look at yourself in the mirror without crying about how pathetic you are. you don’t understand why people are like that for you, i just wanted to be happy, you thought.
when you saw a tall man enter the room, you just sighed, and your eyes started to water.
“what are you doing here?” he said, looking strangely at you.
“you don’t care about me, do you?” he lifted his brows, clueless about what you were saying. “why you treat me like shit, like a fucking toy you like to use to do your duties, and you like to fuck sometimes?”
he just chuckled at you as you frowned. “why are you laughing at me?”
“you never say you don’t want to do all this, it’s not my fault you are stupid and do everything i said.” when you heard his words, you could not believe blind you were, to not see that lip was an asshole.
“i was doing all that shit because i fucking love you!” you shouted, and he just laughed again.
“y/n. . .i would never love someone like you, you are so pathetic, y/n” he said without emotion in his voice, doesn’t even look at you.
“i love you anyway.” it was everything you can say with tears in your eyes; you weren’t lying, though. you love him, even if he treated you like shit you know that he was the only person you truly admired. you were addicted to him.
“i don’t care”
“that’s fine,” you said, leaving the room, sobbing. you know that you will always be the other woman for everyone.
sorry for any mistakes!!
thank you for attention:))
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maweallgotohell · 8 months
I was reading fanfiction a few minutes ago, right? And it was about halloween costumes. Well, Cameron in halloween costumes.
okok y’all aren’t ready for this scenario-
Imagine it being Halloween and yn and Cam are going to go to a Halloween party of one of their friends. He knew what costume you’d choose, because you loved it so much, you couldn’t shut up about it. He, however, kept his costume choice a secret. You were lowkey scared he’d come up with something either incredibly scary, weird or stupid but it was
Or better, in your case.
After a few years of you and him being in a relationship, you randomly told him, that you had an immense crush on his character Jerome Valeska when you were 17. You were a few years younger than him. He was 30 now and you were 25. So when he was 22, you were 17, which was when they released the second season of Gotham. (This shit took all my math knowledge omfg)
You two laughed about it together. Cameron was a bit surprised that you randomly shared your teenage crushes with him, but he found it cute and funny.
So anyways.
It was the evening of the party and you already waited for him in the kitchen, already wearing your (fav costume) costume.
Cam‘s costume must’ve been very time-, skill- and effort-consuming, because he had called someone he once worked with, to help him with it. By the time you were really curious about his costume. Why did he make it such a secret?
You didn’t want to be late, so you knocked on the bathroom door and called:“ Cam, darling, are you ready soon? We’re gonna be late.“
„Yeah, yeah, just a sec, hun!“, he answered from the other side of the door, giggling like a little child.
What the hell was up with him? His costume must be really great.
You went back down the stairs and waited for him at the bottom of the staircase.
After a few minutes, you heard the bathroom door creak open upstairs and him giggling. As he came downstairs you turned around and-
You couldn’t believe your eyes.
Were you dreaming?
Wth was happening.
In front of you stood your boyfriend.
As Jerome mf Valeska.
You stopped breathing for a bit and felt like passing out any second. All those butterflies you felt for the character in your teens-
They were back.
„You like it?“, Cam smirked.
You just stared at him.
Then you just broke out into loud laughter.
You had to grab onto your thighs for support while wheezing and laughing.
„I thought, for this Halloween, I’d go as your teenage crush.“, he joined in on your laughter.
„I can’t take this Cam omfg. It’s so weird. I can’t take you seriously with this, you know that right?“
„Nah, I think you’re just even more in love with me right now.“, he grinned proudly.
„Yeah true.“
„Sooo“, he asked, a mischievous smirk on his face.
„ You still in love with lil ol‘ me?“, he asked in his deep Jerome voice.
Your face dropped.
„There is no way you can still do that.“, you said, blushing like mad.
He began laughing again.
„ Guess your crush on him is still there.“, he grinned.
„Yeah I guess the fictional crushes of teenage girls will never leave them.“, you said, a hand now over your mouth, still in shock.
„ Then let’s make little Yn‘s teenage dream come true and let her spend an evening with her bad boyfriend, Jerome Valeska.“, he grinned, placing an arm around your hip as he started guiding you towards the front door to leave.
„You know I’ll not be able to process this the whole evening, right?“, you asked, still a bit in shock.
„Yep.“, he grinned happily.
„Maybe my hot gf will be all over me even more the whole evening.“, he said, leaning down towards your ear, then whispering.
„ You look very hot btw hun. Gotta make sure to not let my feelings take over and take you home again just so I can have you all to myself, huh?“, he smirked.
You blushed. Yn exe literally stopped working.
You had literally the best boyfriend, Cameron Monaghan, who was also Jerome Valeska today..
„I love you so much Cameron, you know that?“
He smiled at you.
„ If you want you could even call me Jerome or J today.“, he smirked.
„But yeah, I know that. I love you too. And I love you more.“, he smiled proudly.
„But just don’t fall for Jerome more than for me, alright?“, he asked jokingly.
„No can do.“, you laughed at him as he poked your sides and started to tickle you as a response to your sassy answer.
At the party, you two leaned on the bar waiting for your drinks. Well basically he leaned with his back against the bar and you leaned with your back against his hard chest, him having his arms around you. He put his head onto your shoulder and let out a sigh, making you shoot him a questioning look.
Then he raised his voice in the Jerome tone.
„It just feels good to be back.“
You giggled.
„Just don’t start killing people for real okay?“
„Why not? I wouldn’t harm you of course, doll. You’re the Bonnie to my Clyde.“, he murmured in your ear in that raspy voice.
You laughed.
„Hell yeah I am.“
You took his hand in yours and placed a soft kiss on its back.
„And nothing’s gonna change that.“, you added, now turning your head to the side and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled, turned his head in your direction as well and kissed you on your lips, soft and gentle, the sfx make up on his lips feeling funny but also kinda real, which was astonishing.
As you pulled back, you examined every inch of his scarred face. Then you absentmindedly traced the scar where his face was „sewn on again“.
This was literally the most romntic thing Cam could’ve ever done for you and you didn’t even think about it earlier. That he could dress as Jerome.
There was a moment of silence as you two looked at each other.
„ I love you.“, you said. It was the most genuine and honest tone of yours.
„ Just please don’t get stabbed in the neck again or fall off a building. I can’t handle that shit again 8 years later. Hurt bad enough at 17.“, you smirked, rolling your eyes.
He chuckled.
„ I promise.“, he said in a playful way, but then his expression turned serious.
„I could never leave you YN, really. I love you.“
You two had an amazing evening.
Guys it’s 4:22 am and I’m sick so I really don’t give a fuck about any mistakes in this. That’s also why there aren’t any cute symbols or pictures for the aesthetic, I’m literally writing this on my phone rn. So I’ll fix that and correct them later, okay?
Love ya <3
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"What I own!"
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Mickey milkovich x Fem reader x Ian Gallagher
Requested by: none
Warnings: Polyamerous relationship, over protective Mickey, Mickey being Mickey, Swearing, violence.
A/n: if you don't like the warnings please don't read!
Y/n sat on the couch next to lip, all she could hear was Mick bitching upstairs and Ian huffing in the kitchen.
She looked at her ginger and shook her head, he gave her a sideways smile and shrugged. Suddenly Mickey's thundering footsteps came down the stairs.
"I mean am I wrong!?" He yelled, looking back and forth between Ian and Y/n.
"Uh....no." she said.
Mick dropped his arms to his sides.
"You weren't listening were you?"
Y/n stood up and walked towards him, she pulled and straightened his shirt, she reached up and spiked up his hair.
"Uh...no." she said.
"Then why was I even talking?"
Ian chuckled and sat on the couch, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned into the soft cushions.
"Because you like to talk." Y/n replied with a smiled and gently kissed his lips.
"Alright, if you two will listen....I'm gonna kill a guy."
Y/n's expression changed and Ian tore himself off the couch. He got really close to Mick and made a stern face.
"Who and why?" He asked.
"Some dude at the supermarket, and why do you think."
Y/n gave Ian a confused look, she didn't realize Mick was talking about some guy who made a few suggestive comments about her and what he would do if he got her alone, basically disrespecting the shit out of her.
"Just because some pig doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut, doesn't mean you need to kill him." Ian said.
"No no, when some pig talks like that about MY property." Mick pointed between Y/n and Ian. "I'll hand him his ass on a silver fuckin platter!"
Mickey began heading for the door when Ian and Y/n both grabbed his arms and pulled him back. He pushed them away and literally ran out the door. Y/n threw on her shoes and grabbed the car keys, she didn't know what the hell this was about but shits about to go down.
Ian hopped into the car with her and gripped the seat as Y/n pulled out of the driveway at light speed. Mick was no doubt taking back alleys so the two of them couldn't fallow him, bad news was, they didn't know where the supermarket guy lived.
"Where are we even going?" Ian asked.
"The damn market, the fucker worked there, right?"
"Yeah he was like the manager or something."
Just then, Y/n heard sirens and she looked in the rearview mirror. A cop was right up their ass, Ian spun around and gawked out the back. Y/n slammed on the breaks and ripped the keys out of the ignition.
"Get out, and run!" She yelled.
They bolted down a nearby side street and cut through backyards, finally they arrived at the market and saw Mick heading inside. He went to the office in the back and threw the door open, the manager went to stand but was quickly met with a gun.
"Sit your tub of lard ass back down!" Mick yelled.
"Hey hey hey! Let's not get crazy here!"
"Mickey!" Y/n's voice rang through the store.
He poked his head out and went to close the office door when Ian shoved his way in. The manager sat in his chair just staring at the three in front of him.
"What the fuck is this!?" He yelled. "What? Are you sensitive because I said I wanted to fuck this one like a slut?"
Mickey pointed the gun at him again, at this point Y/n swore she could see smoke coming out of his ears.
"Say it again! I fuckin want you to!"
"Mickey! Stop!" Y/n yelled.
"Ian get her out of here!"
"Y/n come on." Ian went to pull her away, but she yanked her arm from his grip.
She stepped in front of the gun and looked Mick dead in the eyes.
"I'm not doing this for him, I don't want you going to prison, Mickey! Beat this fucker into the ground! I don't give a damn! But don't kill him, that's only gonna get you locked away!"
Mickey hesitated and slowly lowered the gun, he put his hand out to her and motioned for her to come to him.
"Come here, baby."
She smiled and allowed him to wrap his arm around her, Mick held her close and kissed her shoulder. Ian thew an arm around Mickey and kissed his head.
"Gallagher, I want you to get her out of here. I'll make this quick, K?"
Ian nodded and took her hand, Y/n gripped the gun until Mick let go of it.
"I'll be quick, alright." He said as he gently caressed her cheek.
She smiled and left the room with Ian.
The two walked out of the store and leaned against the brick wall, Y/n kept a hold on Ian's hand has the thoughts of what Mick could be doing to that son of a bitch, came flooding into her brain.
About five minutes later Mickey came out of the store, he had blood on his knuckles and a scratch by his eyebrow.
"That fat fuck put up a fight in there, I could've used my gun." He said. Mick wrapped both his arms around his lovers and began strutting up the street.
The three heard police sirens and saw flashing blue and red lights in the reflection of a nearby window, Mick turned around to see what was up when he heard running feet heading in the opposite direction. When he turned back he saw Y/n and Ian bolt around the corner into an alleyway.
I hope you enjoyed
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thebearer · 8 months
lip gallagher with baby mia when one of the boys accidentally hurts her while they’re playing🥺
"How long you think they'll stay out there?" Lip rasped, hands smoothing down your waist, your hips.
"Hm," You sigh, leaning back against his chest, his chin hooking over your shoulder. "Probably not long enough." You grin.
Lip presses a kiss to your shoulder- inviting. "Think we could make it quick." Lip muttered, hips flush against yours. "Just bend over f'me, I'll be real quick-"
A screech, high pitched and urgent had you both stilling, every parental atom in your bodies halting and jumping with alarm. Lip looked out the window over the sink. Jude, Freddie, and Ronan all standing in a half circle over Amelia.
"Shit," Lip muttered, bounding out the back door towards the kids. "What happened? What's goin' on?" He demanded, looking at his boys with a stern glare.
Amelia sobbed, big tears that streamed down her cheeks, hands and knees skinned and bleeding. "What happened? C'mere, Mia." Lip cooed, picking up the four year old, holding her to his hip.
All three of his boys stared at him, unmoving, a little guilty. "Hey, I'm not askin' again." Lip snapped, firm and commanding. "What happened? How did your sister get hurt?"
You came down the steps, a wet cloth in hand, just in time to see Ronan start to crack. He was your baby, never very good at lying, especially to you.
"Oh, Mia, what happened? Are you ok?" You cooed, running a hand down her messy curls. "Roanie," You looked at your youngest softly. "What happened? Did she fall?"
"Yeah," Jude said before Ronan could answer. "She-She tripped."
"Ronan," You hummed. "Did your sister trip?"
Ronan fidgeted under the looks of you and Lip, unsure and nervous with his brother's beside him. You and Lip knew better, knew that one of them got too rough and pushed her.
"Jude pushed her." Freddie rolled his eyes. "Jude just own up to it. You're gonna get us all in trouble." He muttered.
"I didn't mean to!" Jude snarled, diving at his brother to smack him in a way that contradicted his opposition. "She wanted to play with us, and-and she got in the way!"
"Yeah? You're supposed to be careful." Lip tried to contain his irritation. Jude was a kid, they all were, only seven. "You're not 'sposed to lie to us either. What'd we say about that?"
"It's not fair!" Jude whined, shoulders dropping in a fit. "You make us play with Mia, and she doesn't even know how to! She cries all the time!"
"Hey," Lip snapped.
"Jude," You pressed a hand to Lip's arm soothingly. "You just have to be a little careful with her, ok? She's still little." Jude bristled with anger, lip jutting and face scrunching- he looked just like Lip. "And Mia, when the boys are playing, you need to get out of their way, ok?" You turn towards your youngest.
Lip glares at you, hugging Mia closer to his chest. You fight back an eye roll, he babied her so much- so soft now.
"Take her inside. I'll get the first aid in a sec." You mutter to Lip, nodding towards the door. "C'mere, Judie." You coo, pulling the sulking, young boy close.
"I know you don't like playing with your sister all the time, but thank you for including her." You whisper, your forehead against his. "She loves playing with you."
"I know." Jude sighs, breath a little shaky. "She just... She gets in the way, Mama."
"I know." You hum, hand stroking down his curls. "Just let me know next time, ok? You don't push people down."
"I didn't mean to." Jude whined. "She was in my way."
"Still," You countered. "You don't push. Tell her to move, and if she doesn't, come get me or Daddy, ok?" Jude nods, still a little pouty. "Ok, go play. You guys have about an hour then it's bath time." You announced, pressing a kiss to the top of Jude's head, before the three boys scattered back out to play.
Lip had Mia in his lap, rocking her soothingly while he tried to wipe away the dirt. He was so gentle, holding the cloth to her hands and pressing kisses to the palms. It made your heart burst.
"How's it look?" You ask, reaching under the sink for the First Aid- with four kids, it was always stocked.
"Just scraped." Lip muttered. "Think it just needs Neosporin and some bandaids."
"Does it hurt, baby?" You ask Mia, frowning lightly at her quivering little lip.
"Yeah." Amelia nodded, curling into Lip's lap. "I fell'd, and-and hurt my hands and my knees, Mama." She lisped, rubbing her wet eyes.
"I know. Daddy's been taking care of you, though, hasn't he?" You coo, pulling the Neosporin out. "Here, this will make you feel better, ok? Let Mama put it on."
"Burn?" Mia asked, pulling her hands back frantically before you could put the cream on. You'd had to use peroxide on a cut for her a few weeks ago and she'd screamed at the burn. Now she was terrified all medicine would burn.
"No, not burn. You won't feel this one at all." You hum, slathering her little scrapes in Neosporin. "You wanna pick out your bandaids?"
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Yellowstone 3
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Kayce Dutton
There's Another Girl For Him pt 2 - Monica confronts the reader and asks her about Kayce. The reader doesn't know what she is talking about but starts to be conflicted with what her heart is saying
There's Another Girl For Him pt 3 - Kayce and Y/n go up the summer camp and feelings become too hard to ignore. Some interesting news also comes along
I'm Worth a Shot - request from @timbradfordsboot Kayce Dutton request: reader has a crush on Kayce but won’t act on it due to who his dad & sister are. She’s also heard rumors about bad things happening at the Yellowstone. Kayce convinces her to give him a chance
Two Dutton’s in the Family - Request from mackleann on Wattpad. Kayce and the reader get married and on that same day Jaime tells John he has a son.
Awkward Conversation at 6am - John catches Kayce and the reader kissing in the kitchen in the early morning
Burning Desire for a Dutton - Request from Wattpad VOIDRANBOO - Reader is Rip’s best friend and is a secret relationship with Kayce. Beth helps get them together but they are both worried of how Rip will react
Is This You Asking Me Out - anonymous ask Reader is trying to sneak off to met her Stalker of a ex to tell him to stop calling her. Kayce shows up at the place where she's meeting the ex she's relief to see him.
When War Follows You Home - Navy reader x war time. Kayce and reader service together reader shoots a kid is having trouble dealing with it. Years later they run into eachother in the states.
The Sheriff’s Daughter - Kayce gets arrested and his girlfriend bails him out where he learns who her father actually is.
It’sAbout Time - Request from Wattpad mackleann Kayce or Lee ( you pick ) where the reader is a family friend who comes to help with the cattle branding. The pair confese their feelings and get teased by the bunkhouse gang
Breathe With Me - Request from @val2557 imagine of Kayce Dutton and he is helping the reader when she has a an anxiety attack when there is a lot of people at a dinner they are attending?
Two Baby Daddy’s - anonymous request where reader is pregnant after she slept with both Rip and Kayce which now makes her wonder who is the baby’s father
When She Comes Home Tonight - Request from Tumblr @child-of-of-the-sunshine How about a Kacey fic based off the song When She Comes Home Tonight by Riley Green
John Dutton
- requests open
We Got Nerves For Nothing - Readers a waitress john meets her while having coffee with the sheriff donnie haskell they hit it off immediately reader gets nervous about John meeting her child ( whatever you prefer ) only to find out John's nervous about her meeting his family and they laugh about it
Seven Morming Wake Up Call - anonymous ask John dutton and reader in bed after shes taken a pregnancy test " im too damn old for kids " John says " not old " reader says
Opinions of our Horse Trainer - your the new horse trainer and slowly reader and John fall for each other maybe Beth doesn’t trust her but Kacey likes her
Noisy Kids Can’t Ruin This - anonymous ask John and Reader have been dating for a year or longer now and they’ve been keeping it a secret from his kids, they sneak around like teenagers running through the house after hours sort of dynamic and sneaking through the ranch after hours. I’m thinking maybe they stayed up late and took two of the hours on a little “trip” and get caught by Rip and Beth and Kayce who come looking for the horses ?
Rip Wheeler
You Make Everything Better - Wattpad request Rebelmicheleamidala - Rip and the reader spend the evening at home on the couch just enjoying the night together cuddling
Wheeler's as Tough as a Beer - can u do a piece with rip x f! dutton reader when she's pregos with rips bby girl and she either have a little accident with a horse or in danger bc of one of the shows villains like beth
Don’t you have anything better to do - Wattpad request mackleann Rip and reader get married and they get teased by the bunkhouse guys
Giving second chances - Wattpad request from Silverose365 Reader is a trouble teen the state is having trouble with so after multiple failed foster families the state calls John. The reader accidentally messed up on a job and gets called out until Rip makes a different choice than her previous foster family's.
The rules of fighting…especially my wife - season 1 where jimmy got beaten up by Fred but instead of Jimmy could it be the reader is rips wife and she’s secretly pregnant with their second child and she protects her stomach and then revel to rip she’s pregnant again
He’ll go to the Train Station - anonymous ask Reader has a Stalker one night when the ranch is out doing something reader is alone at the ranch and the Stalker comes attacks her and rip gets a call from kayce after finding her
We’re All Family Here - Reader is Carter’s younger sister and she has a prosthetic leg and the reader is worried that Rip and Beth will kick her off the ranch if they found out. Wattpad request from - @Quackity_bwead
Lee Dutton
Wedding rings and a baby - Wattpad request from halidaehler2015 Lee and the reader get married because they have a baby on the way
Regardless They’ll Always Be Dutton’s - I just had an idea about a story that I think would be great. It would be a Lee Dutton x reader with alittle kayce x reader - request from @cookiez56-blog
Dutton Boys Got My Back - Anonymous ask Reader is drunk and she calls her friend jamie to come pick her up  jamie tells his dad and brother reader calls and needs to be pick up at a bar so lee and jamie go when they gets there some guy was hitting on her and Lee saves her and jamie being a lawyer threatens him
- requests open
He ain’t anything like you- anonymous ask where the reader is talking to them and she sees her ex over their shoulder and they notice her state maybe he hears them call her darling and think they are together.
Anonymous ask - How would Ryan react if you told him you were pregnant??
The Ranch Brought Us Together - @child-of-of-the-sunshine Okay so Ryan and Dutton!reader are engaged and she finds out he got branded after the whole Colby and Teter thing. That kinda the basis of what I was thinking 🤔
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svltzmans · 7 months
fiona gallagher nsfw headcanons
warnings: smut 18+ (duh), fiona is kinda kinky lowkey, but it makes sense, just stick with me, this is unedited it's just a compilation of my fiona thoughts, i hope y'all don't mind lmao
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fiona is possessive in the bedroom, and she shows it in a lot of different ways
she loves to be dominant with you, and she knows you love it just as much
she would be straddling you, leaning down to kiss you
and she'd pull out a pair of handcuffs from the bedside table
"fi, what are you doing?"
"shh, just gotta make sure you behave, yeah?"
something about seeing you restrained is a huge turn on for fiona
and she loves to tease, especially when she knows you can't do anything about it
she would cuff you to the bed, making sure the key was far out of your reach
and she'd start stripping, just far enough away that you can do nothing but watch
you'd start squirming, trying to find any way out
"the longer you can stay still, the sooner you can touch me"
fiona loves hearing you beg
anything she can do to elicit a beg from you, she will
she'd even go as far as to start touching herself in front of you
not stopping until you convince her to let you do it yourself
and she'd be sure to show how good she's feeling
"'s a shame y-you can't do this for me baby... would feel even better"
she'd tantalize you this way until she was satisfied with your begging
"god, fiona, just please let me touch, wanna touch"
when fiona finally retrieves the key, you practically pounce on her
and she's still cocky, being all like
"gonna use that mouth for something else other than begging now, pretty?"
but she's never quite ready for what exactly you're going to do with your mouth
but she never complains
in fact, she loves the feeling she gets after she's had too many orgasms to think straight
with you between her legs for hours, never letting up
"m'gonna cum again sweetheart, keep doing that"
"can't do anymore y/n, can't, oh god"
as much as fiona likes dominating you, she also loves relinquishing control
you easily make a mess of her, and she loves it
especially when she's about to hit her third or fourth orgasm
and you pull away completely, looking up at her with doe eyes
"no god y/n, don't, was so close," is all she can manage
"thought it was getting too much, baby?" you'd respond, running a finger up and down her sensitive pussy
"more," she'd insist, writhing under your touch
there's a lot of role reversal in your sex life with fiona
and it's endlessly exciting for both of you
fiona would absolutely be up for trying new things, she considers herself pretty sexually experimental
toys? she's all for it. new kink? she'll try anything once (and usually will like it)
the only thing she probably wouldn't try is threesomes or sex with multiple people in general
(again, possessive)
she usually lets you take the lead as far as new things to try
but she definitely has fantasies of her own that she brings to the table
she would absolutely want you to take her with a strap, i don't make the rules though
she also likes the thought of mutual masturbation
like watching you get yourself off?
she's obsessed
she definitely has blurted out "sit on my face" during a makeout session before
and you were like ???
but lord knows you took the opportunity lmao
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gor3ygutz · 2 months
I think we need more shameless shit ppl!! Idc if the show ended years ago, I just finished it and I'm sad so..
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