#fic: march hare
copper-dust · 1 year
From the writing ask meme:
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
Typically, I would assume that if a fic didn't really get many comments or kudos, that means that people didn't get or like it. However, if we're going by comments I've received that confirm that people didn't understand my story... it's got to be The Atoners. People seemed to really fixate on the Severus vs. Marauders conflict and who was in the right, when the story was actually meant to be about fathers and sons, and trying to make amends when doing so is impossible.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I did not expect to get so much positive feedback and attention on March Hare. It isn't one of my favourite stories that I've written, and I didn't think it would really take off the way it did. I also usually don't write Trio fics, and this is really my only trio story. I find writing Ron very difficult.
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
Any and all of my fics are open to rewriting and reworking. I often edit chapters to make little changes. The fics that I think need the most work right now are my long WIPs, Merry Men and Check the Spindle. With MM, what I dislike is the first scene in which we (the readers) arrive in Vietnam and meet the principle characters. It doesn't satisfy me. I don't think it's an exciting enough dive into the story and the setting. CTS I think just needs a lot of cutting.
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frost-queen · 9 months
Headcanon | Mad as a hatter
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: Imagine being Alice's sister & following along her adventures. In the end you decide to stay in Wonderland with the one you love.
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Family relations
Alice was the first one to discover Underland or as she loved to call it Wonderland. As always she was the first to do so. After her first trip she excitedly told you about all the wonders it had to offer. How cake could make you grow and a drink make you smaller. At first it sounded a bit bonkers to you, but soon you found yourself going down the rabbit hole with your sister. Entering the glooming wonders of the underland. While Alice met the white rabbit first, your first encounter was with the March Hare. That goofy looking hare. It bounced around and spoke fast with gibberish. You found the March Hare extremely funny. He would be the one to invite you to your first tea party.
"Tea for two, two for tea. Sugarcubes and milk. Half a cup or a cup a half." - he would goof out sounding like a halfwit.
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Years later after you had forgotten about your childish adventures, you were back at it. Having followed your sister down when she ran away at the party. Before you knew it, you saw her fall down. It took you but a moment to head after her without thinking. She was your sister after all. The only one who didn't presumed you mad. Once down it occured to you just how much wonderland had lost it's wonder. The place dark and gloomy. The March hare a tat more bonkers than usual. He was mumbling to himself, correcting himself as if speaking to a second person. The door mouse was ready to poke your eye out if the Mad Hatter hadn't stopped her. He immediately recognized you making his bow flutter open like a butterfly.
"Y/n!" - he would say pleasantly. A warm smile on his lips. You were relieved that someone recognized you. From up till then you had been treated like a stranger. - "You've returned." - Mad Hatter would continue. He jumped up on the table with a funny chuckle. Making his way over, knocking over cups and teapots in the process. A bit of cake flew right over the doormouse's head making her glare grumpily at the Hatter. Hatter jumped down on the other end. Bowing and kissing your hand teasingly. Upon the arrival of the red queen you lost track of your sister. Scurried off in a haste. The March Hare leading you away in secret. The queen couldn't have both of you. The Chesire cat appearing out of nowhere to give out directions.
While Alice found her way at court with the Red queen were you forming an alliance in the background. Gathering all your friends to make them rebel against the red queen and end her reign of terror. Tweedle dee and Tweedle dom, Chesire cat, doormouse, March Hare, white rabbit, the Mad Hatter, Bruno, Caterpillar, .... All wanting to reclaim their home and set the right queen on the throne. During your time grew Hatter and you closer. Closer than ever.
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After Wonderland
You hated saying goodbye's, but goodbye's were in order. The Jabberwocky had been slayed and Alice was victorious. You were rather the victor in the background, allowing your sister to shine. Saying goodbye to the Hatter was the hardest you ever had to do. There were tears. Tights hugs and cherished moments. While you couldn't stop crying, the Hatter was wiping your cheeks saying comforting things to you.
"No matter where you are Y/n, you will always be my favorite person to style a hat for. The most perfect head you have." - he would say. - "Our adventures will forever be ours and I know in my heart you will find your way back soon. No matter how long it might take or how you find your way here, I just know you shall do so."
The following weeks at home was Alice the happiest. Having discovered a new part of her. While you remained inside crying your heart out to all that you missed. The world you were from no longer feeling like home. Home felt like wonderland, like your friends and the Hatter. Specially the Hatter. He felt like home and without him it felt like you were homeless. No matter how hard Alice tried to comfort you, she just couldn't. Wishing she could do something to ease your pain.
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Return to Wonderland
The news was like a shock. A shock knowing that the Hatter, your Hatter was fading away. Losing himself in the process. When you first saw him, pale as snow, you cried. What if you were the reason for his fading? What if the reason for you leaving him made him fade away? Guilt took place in you as you wanted to reverse time. Time... you never expected for Time not be a what but rather a who. Back in Wonderland your sister and you dabbled with Time in the hopes to make it all right. To stop Hatter from fading and returning to his old self. On your journey you learned a new side of Hatter when he was younger. Understood him more.
When your sister and you finally made things right it felt like another goodbye again. Yet this time you had other plans. Turning towards your sister Alice, you gave her a big hug. Alice returned your hug with a deep breath, knowing what it meant. Hatter was confused seeing you hug your sister. - "Why are you saying goodbye to each other? Are you seperating?" - he asked. Alice kissed your cheek, wishing you well as she would miss you dearly. You then turned to a confused Hatter. - "Yes silly, for I am staying here." - you told him.
"In underland? Here?" - the Hatter would exclaim.
"Yes silly, here, there, everywhere. Wherever it is you are." - you answered moving your arms around him. The Hatter grinned sheepishly. - "Does this mean I get to keep you?" - he questioned. You would nod with a smile. - "Yes, I believe I have gone mad for staying." - you laughed out. - "Completely bonkers." - Hatter would respond before sealing his words with a kiss.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Martian’s Masterlist!
Figured it was about time I collected all of my fics into one area, will ofc be updating it as I write more. It’s sorted by ship, including wherefrom they originate, with a brief description of what type (one-shot, chapter fic, same-universe if I’m feeling saucy) and a short summary of what happens. V proud of myself for figuring out how to link these tbh, but if any of the links isn’t working for the love of Pete please let me know. Fics with more than one chapter will be linked to the first chapter because...logic.
For the tags, I have chosen to only use the ship names, not __ x __ format, for the sake of trying to keep the tags somewhat in hand. I have, however, tried to use what I’m aware of being the most popular/common names for ships, as well as the alternate ones I’ve seen for more niche stuff. Also tagged are the shipped characters. If I add new ships, I'll have to reblog bc of the tag limit.
*Hands you the rabbit hole* Have fun going down!
CaptainCroc/GoldenHook (Rumplestiltskin x Killian Jones {Once Upon A Time}):
Is This Love Persevering? (It Feels More Like The End of the World): One-shot. Established CaptainCroc mourning the loss of Baelfire. Canon-divergent for the sake of Rumple actually getting to attend his son’s funeral.
Who Makes You See Color: Chapter fic, 14 total. CaptainCroc soulmates AU where one person sees color earlier than the other. Extends from pre-Dark One era to the First Curse being broken.
The Truth Echoes Darkly: Short series; part 1 for The Truth Echoes Darkly. Echo Caves AU where instead of Emma, Hook confesses that he loves Rumple for maximum awkward.
The Echo Goes On: Short series; part 2 for The Truth Echoes Darkly. Back in Storybrooke, Rumple finds himself obsessed with Hook and realizes that he’s fallen in love as well.
My North Star: One-shot. Established CaptainCroc vow renewal, featuring Hook’s inner thoughts about how much he loves Rumple.
Better Than Blood: One-shot. Pretty racy, but the point is thinking about the poeticism of having sex with your ex-nemesis.
Cherik (Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr {X-Men Movies}):
Sweetheart Will You Sleep With Me: One-shot. The night before they fight Shaw, Charles and Erik make the most of the little time they know they have left together and sleep in Charles’ room. Fluff, don’t get too excited by the title lol.
Baby While You’re At It: One-shot. Based on a Jessie Murph song. Angst with a happy ending. Charles is furious when Erik crashes a party at the school, so they have it out in the kitchen and get more-or-less back together by the end.
Espionage Husbands (Talos x Nick Fury {Captain Marvel/Secret Invasion}):
Locked In This Embrace: One-shot. Focuses on the forehead-touching scene from Episode 1, plus an original scene or two afterwards. Mostly Talos pining for Nick with a happy ending.
If You Are Gilgamesh And Did These Things: One-shot. Angst without a happy ending because the author was very upset and sad when Talos died. Nick is grieving Talos; Sonya isn’t helping.
Frankenwolf (Ruby Lucas x Victor Frankenstein {Once Upon A Time}):
Den of Blankets: One-shot. Ruby’s wolf instincts kick in during pregnancy and she builds a blanket-fort den. V fluff.
She Deserves To Have Your Name: One-shot (possibly same-universe as Den of Blankets). Victor has doubts about whether or not their child should have the name Frankenstein, but Ruby wouldn’t hear of anything else.
It’s Just A Dream: One-shot. Ruby has a nightmare spawned from her fears of being a bad parent; Victor comforts her.
As The Storm Blows Through: One-shot. Victor has anxiety during a storm because of what happened with Gerhardt, and Ruby comforts him.
Secret Admirers Are For The Subtle: One-shot. Victor anonymously sends Ruby flowers at the diner so he can drop by, “notice” them, and stick around to sketch them, all so he can spend time with Ruby. She’s on to him the entire time.
Blue Skies Smiling At Me: One-shot. Utterly fluffy beach fic. Ruby is having a good day relaxing with her friends, and it only gets better when her handsome husband joins them.
Frankenberry And The Fruit Brute: One-shot. Fun little Halloween fic where Ruby and Victor discover the General Mills cereals that match their fairytale identities.
Precursor To A Love Song: One-shot. Hyperion Heights AU where Ruby and Victor meet and feel an instant connection, even though they don’t know why. She’s a fashion designer and he’s a piano player/freelance artist. Potential springboard for a full chapter fic if I feel like it.
HatterHare (Mad Hatter x March Hare {Adventures In Wonderland}):
The First Kiss: One-shot. Just a fluffy lil idea about what their first kiss might’ve been like.
Every Bit Of You: One-shot. Projection’n’stuff about food issues basically.
Kalluzeb (Garazeb Orrelios x Alexsandr Kallus {Star Wars Rebels}):
Don’t You Know It’s Because He Loves You?: One-shot. Kallus discovers that Zeb is in love with him via a Lasat Honor Guard tradition.
To Convince You That I Love You: Chapter fic. Kallus does risky things to prove he would do anything for love of Zeb, or that he’s worthy of him, and ends up getting hurt. Angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort.
Lokius (Loki x Mobius {Loki}):
The Man Of My Dreams And He’s Just Out Of Reach: One-shot (with a very long name lol). Mobius stands there across the street from Don’s house and misses Loki. Author was having some Feelings™.
Outlaw Queen (Regina Mills x Robin Hood {Once Upon A Time}):
A Slice Of Life: One-shot. Regina spends the day with her boys and thinks about how awesome it is to have them. V fluffy because the OQ family didn’t get enough of that.
Paxe/AxePaz (Paz Vizsla x Axe Woves {The Mandalorian}):
We Are Mandalorians: Our Love Must Be Forged: Chapter fic, 11 total. Axe and Paz slowly fall in love as they engage in the battle to retake Mandalore, more or less a fix-it for Paz dying in S3 canon.
PloKit (Plo Koon x Kit Fisto {Star Wars: the Clone Wars}):
Reader, Plo Married Him: One-shot. Plo and Kit share some quiet time just after their wedding.
The Tender Daily Ritual: One-shot. Basically just fluff; Kit helps Plo with lotioning his skin because it dries out in oxygen atmospheres.
Scogan (Scott Summers x Logan Howlett {X-Men Movies}):
Torn Between Love And Fear: One-shot. Scott wants to stay after sex and sleep in Logan’s room, but Logan is terrified of hurting him during a nightmare. Angst with a happy (and sort of spicy) ending.
You Scratch My Back, I’ll Scratch Yours: One-shot. Logan and Scott discover they have a mutual pain kink and indulge in it together for the first time. Incredibly spicy, I'm so proud of myself.
Spones (Spock x Dr. McCoy {Star Trek TOS}):
I Could Drink A Case Of You (I Would Still Be On My Feet): One-shot. Based on a Joni Mitchell song; angsty with a happy ending.
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labyrinthofcrystals · 2 years
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it is. her birthday.
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linderosse · 10 months
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✨tea party between worlds✨
Happy 10th Anniversary to one of my favorite Zelda games, LoZ: LBW!
Featuring Fable as Alice, Ravio as the March Hare, Hilda as the visiting Queen of Hearts, and Legend as both the Mad Hatter and the Dormouse >:).
Also gonna use this (relevant, I promise!) artwork to announce that Chapter 4 of The Secrets We Keep has been released! It’s an LU fic of mysteries and misconceptions that takes place in the same universe as Wielders of Wisdom. If you like that sort of thing, go check it out!
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ragdolls-and-such · 2 months
I will probably never write a real fic for this, so I'm gonna explain the general plot and ideas and lore and stuff as a way to introduce each character. Or you can just not read and look at the designs instead
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Ritsu is our Alice,
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and Sho is the rabbit he chases after. Unlike the white rabbit, Sho isn't anxious - he's mischievous more than anything. While he IS trying to be on time to the Queen's croquet game at first, teasing Ritsu as he fails to catch up with him becomes his main priority.
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Tome and Goda (do people in this fandom call him musashi or goda?? i have never seen anyone talk about him) are the first characters Ritsu meets. They play the roles of the mouse and the dodo from the book. After the whole pool of tears thing - I'm assuming you know the general story of Alice in Wonderland - Tome infodumps at everyone, much like the mouse does in the book. Goda is basically like "that's BORING we should EXERCISE the water off of us" and then the caucus race happens!!
The scene where Alice gets stuck in the Rabbit's house does happen but I have no character assigned to Bill so I didn't draw anyone for this.
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Next stop is the caterpillar!! Played by Dimple. He's the ghost of a caterpillar that looked forward to becoming a butterfly, but died before reaching the chrysalis stage, and has since become a little crazed about the butterfly idea. He finds Ritsu kind of annoying but keeps talking to him because he enjoys the attention.
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Mezato is the Cheshire cat! Psycho Helmet is not a thing in Wonderland so her time is more devoted to being mysterious and cryptic and taking photos of people and things. Plays the cheshire cat role pretty straight.
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And now! The moment everyone's been waiting for! The three characters that people usually care the most about in aiw AND mp100.
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Reigen started the hat business with his good pals Serizawa and Mob and then went a little bonkers. The Queen sentenced him and his coworkers/friends to eternal teatime for being annoying basically. (There IS lore there, but aiw is my special interest and i could talk about that forever.) He's still very Reigen-y but always a little on edge. Basically, think about Reigen's most high-energy yet pathetic little meow meow moments, it's just that.
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Serizawa is just like - imagine you teleported Serizawa into the March Hare's place without warning and he just had to figure out what to do about it. That's not what happened, but that's basically how he behaves.
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Mob is the dormouse, but like the book version of the dormouse, he gets his time in the spotlight. (anyone out there know about the three girls in the well?? no? just me?) Because this is Ritsu's dream, nobody needs to wonder whether mousemob is humanritsu's brother. Just don't worry about it
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Finally, we have Teru as the Queen of Hearts. His personality definitely matches his pre/during-that-fight-with-mob self. Violent, self-absorbed fashion disaster. Sho, being his messenger, has a very "siblings who kind of hate each other" dynamic with this Teru, in my eyes.
That's it!! If anyone wants to write or draw a wonderland au based on this casting, that's totally fine because I in no way own the idea of a wonderland au. That's like, the most basic "what if this media was actually this other story?" au concept.
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fic recs of the month
This is just a collection of my fic recs for the month of march, have fun <3
The Lab
by @de-sire-blog (de_sire) on Ao3
“I don’t get it,” Sirius says truthfully. “Remus is such a nice person, why does everyone pretend like he’s some kind of wicked stepmother?”
James laughs joyfully and winks at Sirius. “Are we even talking about the same person?” He holds out his hand above his head. “Big guy, about this tall, curly hair? Temper like a sleeping dragon? Smart, but a bit full of himself? Can kill you with his eyes?”
Sirius raises his eyebrows and laughs as well. “No, I don’t think we are talking about the same person at all.”  
A love story about healing, new beginnings and growing up. Academia! Romance! Shared cigarettes, cute cats, lots of coffee and the most amorous business trip you have ever seen.
the hare and the hound
by @steelycunt (aeridi0nis) on Ao3
‘He’ll never have to do it again, Remus realises. He can just keep being good, if he just behaves, he’ll never have to do it again, never with the dark and the bleeding and the crying. He just can’t give them reason to be angry at him, and he won’t, he hasn’t. And his mum is right – the drink does make him feel a little better.’
Remus is a terribly behaved five-year-old. He doesn’t really think so himself, but his parents lock him in the cellar every month, so he must be doing something to deserve it. Well, not anymore. He’s got a plan, see, sort of. He’ll never go downstairs again.
by @theresthesnitch on Ao3
“That’s not fair.” Sirius was crying now, and Remus swiped his tears away with his thumb. “This isn’t fair. We haven’t had enough time. It’s not fair.” 
“I know, love.” Remus leaned in for a kiss, and wondered if it would be the last. “I have loved you for sixty-two years, and it’s nowhere near enough.” 
Sirius loses his memories.
by @wolfstarbuxks (BayleyWinchester) on Ao3
Lupine adjective lu·pine | \ ˈlü-ˌpīn \ Definition of lupine : WOLFISH
Teddy is Remus' everything in life. He'd do anything for his son - including going to the same zoo, twice a week for a year so that his son could see the wolves that he had fallen in love with.
And if that meant that Remus got to met a sexy zookeeper, who was he to complain?
by darkbluedark on Ao3
In which Alastor not-yet-"Mad-Eye"-but-still-quite-Mad Moody does as Alastor "Just Mad" Moody does, and brings a sneakoscope to an Order meeting.
~The kind of fix-it that makes so much sense that the fact that it isn't canon should be considered a plot hole in itself~
A Brief History of Dragons
by @eyra on Ao3
It's lovely up here; all meadows dotted with wildflowers, wind-beaten tracks criss-crossing this way and that through the fields, weaving inland to the pinewoods. The sun's hot on his back as he passes ramshackle stone walls, long since crumbled to piles of ancient rubble and scree, and then the path winds downwards, still following the line of the coast until Sirius finds himself outside an old white cottage, tucked away behind the hill with a rose garden that faces out to the sea.
Sirius moves to Cornwall for the summer and meets a rude, beautiful boy who is writing a book that may or may not be about dragons.
The Phoenix Agency
by LupinsChocolatePraline on Ao3
Sirius Black is excited to start his first full-time job after Uni, but this life change doesn’t sit well with his boyfriend who is difficult to live with on a good day, abusive on all other days. Sirius is good at pretending that everything is alright, he can even convince himself, but sometimes he wishes things were different. The problem is – Fabian is all Sirius has. Or so they both think.
Remus Lupin is a senior copywriter at an advertising agency, currently single by choice, and very comfortable with his unchanging daily routine, his familiar colleagues and his company-issued ergonomic chair that’s been his for three years now. When his favourite graphic designer is replaced by a twitchy, fresh-out-of-university Sirius Black, his peaceful routine takes an unexpected hit.
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acapelladitty · 3 months
Mad Hatter/Reader - Lessons
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Summary - Undertaking another one of Jervis' 'etiquette' lessons proves to be a wicked undertaking indeed. (tw: dom/sub themes, teasing, oral sex, food kink etc)
Fic Masterlist
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Delicately picking up the small silver spoon, you bring it to your lips in a pretend sip as you announce your answer with a shaky confidence.
"Excellent, March Hare." Jervis' lilting voice trails out from his unseen spot behind you. "A soup spoon indeed! From tomato to broth to mock turtle. You're doing well."
Flushing with pride at the willing praise, you sigh and rub your thighs together; agitating the egg-shaped vibe which lay nestled between the walls of your sex. Wearing nothing but a white ruffled collar and a pale blue skirt so scandalously short that it may as well have been a belt, the cool air of Jervis' apartment was as familiar as ever as you remain in your place at his large kitchen table.
Speaking of the man himself, his thin hand appeared from your side, pointing expectantly at another piece of polished silverware. This one was a fork, its shape slightly smaller than the one to its side and your muddled brain struggles to remember what the hell it was for - the hesitation making your heart pick up its pace within your chest.
Rolling your ass against the chair, the movement has the unfortunate side-effect of shifting the vibe and its new position draws a keening moan from your lips.
"Jervis, oh my god-"
"Hush, March Hare!" Jervis scolds and you flinch as the tip of the riding crop which you know is sitting in his other hand arcs around to bounce off your right nipple, instantly sparking a heat-laced pain across your chest. "It's rude to speak over someone trying to give a lesson."
Fighting the urge to raise your hands and brush them across your pebbled and aching nipples, you instead focus on picking up the small china teacup which has long since been filled with tea for you to enjoy as you endured your etiquette lesson. However, the cup had barely touched your lips when your unspoken desires were answered as the reappearance of his hands made you flinch - the cool palms quickly gripping your chest in a rough pinch as Jervis' staggered breathing makes itself known just behind your head.
Delighted, you sigh into the cup as you arch your back ever so slightly, giving him easier access to your aching tits as the stimulation makes your cunt clench even more roughly around the vibe.
Finishing the last few drops of tea, you deposit the teacup back onto its assigned plate noisily as your shaking fingers make the fine china clink together. His small digits now kneading your tits almost thoughtfully, Jervis seems to be waiting for something as his mint-laden breath washes past your left ear.
Realising you were missing something, a gasp of delirious pleasure escapes you as his fingers pinch your nipples playfully - pulling at the sensitive buds as he tuts disapprovingly into your neck.
"A finished cup, my sweet rabbit. And no cry for a place change? Clean cup, clean cup. So easily forgotten."
Opening your mouth to say the words, his hand is quick to clamp around your lips and you can taste a subtle and sweet, almost sugary substance on his fingers.
"What a sad tea party." He continues to scold, his free hand teasing down your stomach, tracing every fleshy inch with reverence. "With manners and etiquette thrown to the crocodiles."
His finger drops to the seat, curling back on itself as he splits your slit and you widen your legs to allow him free access. A clear goal in mind, your body starts like it were shocked as the soft pad of his finger rubs a delicate circle around your engorged, neglected clit.
"Mmm, my rabbit?"
"Don't stop." You breathe out shakily, the tightening band of arousal making your legs tremble slightly as your toes curl towards the floor.
"Please- please don't sto-"
The plea is cut short by his fingers as his free hand presses a thin sliver of cake to your lips - the sugary vanilla taste catching you by surprise as you obediently open your mouth to swallow it.
He enjoyed this.
Feeding and watering you.
The spark which alit in his eyes as he provided for you was as endearing as it was erotic - food play long having since established itself in your games as sweet treats and edibles were shared between you.
Unfortunately, his movements caught you off guard and a small dollop of light blue buttercream slipped free of your bottom lip to drop to the lowest ruffle of your white, embroidered collar.
A theatrical gasp rings in your ear and you whine as his wicked fingers scuttle away from your aching cunt. Any protest dies however as a flash of silver just at the corner of your eye makes you still and you feel the faintest edge of his pocketknife trailing across the sensitive juncture where your collarbone meets the shoulder.
"Messy rabbit." Jervis mutters, slipping the knife up to press against the white ruffled collar which he had gently looped around your neck at the beginning of your lesson. "No point wasting a lovely outfit on such a messy rabbit."
The ruffled collar falls free into a crumpled heap in your lap, but it's swiftly removed as Jervis snatches it up with his fingers and deposits it in the pockets of his slacks.
"Hold out your hand."
More than a little petulantly, you hold your palm out and he's quick to move as he swaps the knife for the riding crop which remains tucked under his armpit. Striking down harshly, the cool leather slices across your palm in a bolt of heat and you wince at the discomfort as he stands to move before you.
"Maybe my lessons are wasted?" Jervis continues, his thin hands pressing down on your exposed thighs as his blue eyes pierced your own. "Trying to turn my March Hare into a proper lady might be one of the six impossible things I have to imagine before breakfast?"
You glance up at him, blinking your eyes coquettishly as you beg forgiveness with only a look.
"Touch me." He continues in a rough demand, accented voice slightly roughened by his clear arousal as he stands fully. The darkened slacks do little to hide how hard he is, the fabric bulging over the jut of his clothed cock, and you run your palm across it gently, enjoying just how aroused he is by his little game with you.
Looping your hands within his belt, you quickly loosen the leather and allow it to hand free. His shortened height makes the task much easier and you smile at the slight inhale he makes when your hands unzip his fly and free his straining cock from its confines. Within your cunt, the vibe pressing against your walls makes it difficult to concentrate as you clench around it desperately, chasing the release which was slowly approaching.
"My Hatter," you purr as you wrap a hand around his length, fingers brushing the blonde curl of pubes which decorate the base, "and my sweet, kindly teacher. Maybe you deserve a reward for helping me out with all these hard lessons."
Stroking along his cock, you groan sharply as the vibe within you rockets up another level and the sudden onslaught of vibration is enough to quickly tip you over the edge that has threatened you for so long. Hand dropping to curl around the edge of the wooden chair, you grind your cunt against the wood as your release forces a guttural moan from your lips - every nerve in your body firing off as your teeth bite down on your lower lip hard enough that you taste copper through the pleasurable aftershocks.
The vibrations don't stop but they do back off slightly, reducing to a pleasant hum which makes you twitch in place as your release pools across your cunt and thighs - making a sordid mess of the chair itself.
"Now, now, March Hare! Distractions aren't appreciated when hard work is required." Jervis taunts but his expression is satisfied and oddly predatory as he watches you suffer through your pleasures.
And with that, he jerked his hips forward with clear intent, targeting his cock upwards towards your mouth. Giving a cheshire grin, you drop your head slightly to make up the space and take him within your mouth; your hand swiftly reappearing to wrap around his velvety length as he demands his payment.
He tastes as familiar as ever, the salt of his pre-cum cutting through the sugariness of the cake he had forced in there earlier and you moan around his cockhead - enjoying the way that the vibrations from your moan make his eyes widened and his mouth go slack.
He's as vocal as ever as his lips spill free a mixture of muffled grunts and sweet whispers - your name mixing with soft praises as you bob your head along his length, matching the movement by twisting your wrist with every stroke.
It doesn't take him long; the eroticism of your 'lessons' and his love of your mouth making him come more quickly than he may have liked and his hands press gently at the sides of your head to keep your lips around the tip of his cock as his release floods your mouth.
Swallowing down what he has to offer, you drink in his whimpering groans with equal enthusiasm as you focus on pleasing him. As gentlemanly as ever, he pulls free of your mouth quickly and you catch your breath as he tucks his wilting cock away in his slacks.
In a flash, he's dropping to his haunches before you and his mouth is on your own - tasting himself as much as you as his tongue demands entry. It's a playful kiss, part thanks and part apology as his thumb rubs gently along the developing welt on your palm from his earlier punishment.
"My Match Hare." He mutters, whispering the words into your mouth.
Matching his energy, your hands slip up his shoulders to tug gently at the blonde hairs which sit at the nape of his neck.
"My Hatter."
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aza-writes · 1 year
All Night
Hogwarts Parties Series
Draco Malfoy x reader, Past Harry Potter x reader
Requested: no
Summary: Reader invites her boyfriend, Draco, to a Gryffindor party. What happens when she means to put on a little show for Draco, but Harry enjoys it a bit too much himself? 
Warnings: alludes to smut, actual smut, dirty talk, Draco’s hands, vague description of a female body, drug use mention. Use of y/n
A/N: This was my therapy. Also, I watched the “10 Things I Hare about You” table dance scene sooo many times prepping for this. Also, this is my first smut so feedback is welcomed. The use of drugs relates to upcoming fics, all a part of a mini non-related series that focuses on parties at Hogwarts, so Hufflepuffs smoke, grow, and sell while Slytherin is their top seller. It’s like that TikTok trend from March. 
Gif: @love-above
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Draco’s POV
Never in a million years did I think I would be at a Gryffindor party, nor would I fall in love with a Gryffindor who would invite me to a Gryffindor party.  Nonetheless, here I am, sipping on fire whisky as a mix of red and yellow figures swirl around me, but none of them matter. What matters is the giggling girl in front of me holding a ⅔ full bottle of fire whisky with her house tie wrapped around her head. And I only had a glass and a half, and she’s managed to drink the rest by herself. And no, she can not hold her liquor well. 
Even now, when we are standing close to the wall, she swayed her hips while singing along to the muggle song blasting throughout the common room, only stopping momentarily to take a swig out of the bottle. She manages to capture the attention of every guy in the room, yet she doesn’t notice. All she cares about is knowing all the words to the song, and when she doesn’t, she drinks. But I can’t even concentrate on that. All I can see is her tight, low-rise jeans that barely sit above her hips and a shirt that exposes her whole midsection. She loves the attention, and she thrives in it. No wonder she’s in Gryffindor. 
“Drayyy,” she turns around and gives me puppy dog eyes, “let's go dance! Come dance with me!” She takes a swig out of the fire whisky bottle, allowing the alcohol to give her even more confidence than she already had, causing an “I can do or say anything” mentality. 
“I’m not sure, darling; I think they’ll boo me off the dance floor.” 
Y/n frowns at this. “But yoou dance at the Sslytherinn oness.” She then wraps her arms around my neck, never stopping the movement of her hips. “Please dance with me, Dray.” 
“In a minute, my love, I need a bit more of anything in my system before I have a fraction of your courage.” 
She sticks out her tongue like a child and returns to a dopey, drunk smile before sloppily kissing me. “Okay, baby-” As soon as she was about to say something else, she pauses. She focuses hard, then gasps. “Draco! This is my song! I’m dancing with or without you.” Before I could answer, she heads off to the dancefloor. 
Y/n meets up with her friend, whose braids have appropriately incorporated red and yellow, and dances with her. More accurately, dances on her. I’m mesmerized as her hips sway to the beat, and she uses the bottle as a microphone. I don’t even recognize the song, but y/n doesn’t miss a word, even in her drunken state. 
I’m amused at her little dance and have gathered enough courage to go out and dance with her when I notice her eyes light up as the lyrics sing, “What’s wrong with right here on the counter?” Right next to her is a table that previously hosted a beer pong tournament that now sits vacant. It was like Merlin was speaking to her, telling her exactly what she had to do next. Before I could even register what was happening, with fire whisky in hand, y/n climbed onto the table and began dancing again. 
With her new stage, she gained a lot more attention. She never missed a beat, her hands, head, and hips moving in sync. As the cheers grew, so did her confidence, allowing her to do even more provocative moves. But her eyes never landed on the many boys and girls around her. No, they landed on me every second they could. And her attention enough to pull me in. 
I stride over to the table, starting to feel the effects of the fire whisky slowly sink into my system. I worm my way through the crowd, pushing people out of my way to get to the edge of the table. If this is a show for me, I want a front-row seat. 
She runs her hands over her body, keeping eye contact with me as she performs for her whole house. She throws her hair back and swirls her hips around, all aimed at me. As the first chorus comes to an end she raises the bottle to her lips and sings along. 
She keeps me up
“I keep you up!” 
She keeps me up
“I keep you up!” This time, it wasn’t just y/n but the whole common room. 
All night
“All night!”
All night
“All night!” 
As I watch her begin to dance to the second verse, I can’t help but notice one figure across the table. Staring right up at my girlfriend, my y/n, was fucking Potter. His mouth was gaped open, mesmerized at her movements. Usually, I wouldn’t be that upset; most people realize y/n is mine and back off immediately, understanding they are just making trouble for themselves. But this is different because it’s Potter, my enemy Potter, or even worse, y/n’s ex-boyfriend Potter. 
He’s so enamored with her that he doesn’t even realize I’m glaring daggers at him, but y/n notices. She looks down at me, realizing my attention isn’t on her. She follows my gaze, landing on Potter. When she makes eye contact with him he blushes, knowing he's been caught. I expected him to stop staring at her and go anywhere else, but no. All he does is smile and wave at her. 
Potter fucking smiles and waves. 
At MY y/n.
Y/n continues to dance, making her moves flow to the beat, but instead of her eyes on me, she keeps them on Potter. My jealousy forces me to keep my eyes on Potter too, watching his reaction to my girlfriend dancing. Fucking Potter couldn’t be bothered by me. He doesn’t care about how he’s staring at another man’s girlfriend. 
I’m so consumed by jealousy that y/n’s face across from mine startles me a bit. She’s all I can see. She places her hand on my chin and forces me to look at her. 
“Hi.” She smiles, her eyes glimmering with mischievous and lustful intent. 
“Hello, darling.” I can feel my face and eyes soften while looking at hers. There’s something about her, I can’t tell if it calms me down or riles me up. 
She winks at me then gets back up and dances again. She then returns her attention to me, no longer looking at Potter. Her eyes trained on mine. Her dance moves were intentional. It wasn’t until the song ended that she got off the table. The crowd that formed around her started cheering and going wild at her performance. They whistled and begged for “just one more song!” Despite everyone around her cheering, my eyes fall on Potter’s. 
He doesn’t even notice I’m there until y/n stands next to me and kisses my cheek. The whole Gryffindor common room becomes a bit quieter upon seeing me in there. I’ve been able to go unnoticed until now. Everyone just stares at me, giving me confused and disgusted looks. I’m unsure how to feel. I don’t even care. I didn’t come to insult them or to cause trouble, I came for y/n. 
She kisses my cheek again and turns my head to look at her, wrapping her arms around my neck. Instinctively my hands landed on her waist. I can feel the heat radiating off her arms. The heat of our bodies was circling between us two. 
Between kisses on my cheek, neck, and nose she giggles and says “How did you like it?” 
“I liked it when you were looking at me.” 
“Really? Cause you paid more attention to me when I looked at Potter.” She moves her arms from around my neck to hold my hand and leads me away from the middle of the room and up to her dorm and away from the scowls in my direction. 
I pause, unsure of what to say. Was this her plan? I knew she was trying to make me jealous with Potter but did she know I would become this upset? Did she know I would react this way? 
“You tricky little minx.” It’s all I can manage to say, especially when she starts to run her hands over my arms, wiggling my jacket off my shoulders. 
Y/n still faces me as she opens the door behind her back. “You weren’t watching me, so I made you.” She brings her leg up and kicks the door in with one foot, walking backward into the room as she pulls me by the collar of my jacket. As soon as the door is closed she fully takes my jacket off my body, then slowly unbuttons my shirt. 
“Like I said, tricky little thing aren’t you?” I let out a small chuckle at her boldness. Typical Gryffindor, in all the right ways.
“I know what I want, what I want is your attention.” She turns us around and pushes me onto the bed, my shirt fully unbuttoned. She smiles at me as she strips off her shirt, discarding it somewhere in the room. I couldn’t be bothered to look where it went though, my eyes were trained on y/n’s. 
“You have it love, I couldn’t imagine taking it off of you.” 
A little smile pops up on her face, a light blush creeps across her cheeks. She unbuttons her jeans, pulls them down, and steps out. “Good boy.” She climbs onto my lap and sits herself down. Instinctively my hands land on her hips, gripping tightly to ensure she doesn’t leave my sight. “You’ll keep being a good boy for me, right baby?” 
“I need to be a good boy?” She nods. “You’re the one that needs to be taught to behave. Showing off like that in front of Potter.” 
“Oh yeah?” She giggles lightly. 
“Yes darling, now be my good girl and lay down on the bed.” 
Her smirk stays as she gets up from my lap and onto the bed, resting against the perfectly propped-up pillows. “Only for you.”
I step out of my pants as I climb onto the bed. It only takes a light tap on y/n’s calf for y/n to prop her legs up and spread them. She’s still wearing the smirk on her face, naughty little thing thinks she’s won. 
“Since I danced for you, you should dance for me.” She giggles a bit. Poor girl thinks she’s going to get away with her little stunt that easily is she? 
I let out a small chuckle, not wanting her to know my true intentions for tonight. I waste no time with my plan and kiss the inside of her thighs. Even though I want the plan to start quickly, the plan is nothing but fast. This will be a very, very long night. I slowly kiss the inside of her thighs, slowly inching toward her pussy. Her breath hitches. One heel drags down the length of the bed before going back up to its prompt-up position. 
I kiss closer and closer to her clit, teasing around it. Y/n’s moans turn lighter, airier. Her hands drift down and grip my hair. I sit up and pull away, causing y/n to whine. 
“I didn’t give you permission to touch me, darling. Only good girls get to and you were so, so naughty tonight. Do you understand?” I look up at her lightly, her smirk and any pride drops. All she does is nod, I need more. “Use your words, princess.”
Her eyes turn soft, making puppy dog eyes at me. “Yes, I’m sorry.” The way she gave in too quickly isn’t enough. She’s planning on doing something again. She hasn’t learned, she’s only saying that to get her way—such a naughty girl. 
“No, that isn’t going to cut it.” I get up, causing her to whine even more, such a pathetic slut. “Stop it, or don’t. Depends on if you want to get punished. I can not make you cum tonight if that’s what you want.” That got her attention. She shakes her head, worry fills her eyes. “That’s what I thought.” 
I walk to the top of the bed and rip the Gryffindor tie off her head. “Hands.” She immediately puts her wrists together above her head. I love how submissive she becomes. She projects such a confident, independent persona that all crashes down as soon as I call her a good girl. Merlin, I fucking love it. 
I wrap her wrist tight on the headboard, making sure she can’t get out but wanting to avoid unnecessary pain. 
“Use your words, darling.” I stand at the end of her bed, facing her. “What do you want me to do to you?”
“Touch me Draco.” She keeps her eyes on me and raises her voice a bit more, trying to keep some control. 
I smirk at her, causing her to let down her guard again. “Such a confident girl, yet you can’t ask me properly how you want me to fuck you. If you just want me to touch you I can put my clothes back on and we can cuddle all night, but I think you want more.” I get on the bed, placing my hands on either side of y/n, hovering over her. “What do you want?” 
“Fuck me.” there’s a pause. I’m waiting for a complete response. She knows better. “P-please.” 
I kiss her softly. As I pull away I gently bite and pull her bottom lip a bit before letting go. “Good girl.” 
I sit up and grab my wand from the pocket of my jacket and point it at the door. “Muffilato. Colloportus.” I set my wand back where it was then hover back over y/n. “I don’t think any of your friends downstairs will notice with all the noise, but just in case.” I slowly crawl down to the edge of the bed, returning to my previous position. I kiss around her pussy again, inching closer and closer to her clit but carefully avoiding it. “ I want you as loud as possible for me.” 
She nods, but it’s cut off by her throwing her head back as I lick a long stripe up the length of her folds. Although I’m getting some sort of reaction, the lack of noise from her is very upsetting. I am the first one to admit it, I’m greedy when it comes to this. I need her screaming and shaking by the end of this. 
I move one of y/n’s legs so her thigh sits on top of my shoulder, giving me a better angle of her soaked pussy. She’s glistening at this point. Her buzzed state amplifies the teasing, making every touch linger longer. 
Every time my nose brushes against her clit, a loud, resounding moan leaves her mouth. Her eyes closed tight and she yanks on her tie, trying to escape the makeshift binding. 
After teasing her clit for a while, leaving small kisses on it then going back to tongue fucking her pussy, she squirms a bit. 
“Dray, please.” She swallows. “I need more. Quit teasing.” 
I sit up, causing her to whine even more at the loss of contact. “I’m sorry darling, I thought you said you would be good for me?” I lightly bite the inside of her thigh, instigating more little yelps and whines from y/n. 
“You’ll get what I think you deserve.” I bite the inside again, this time a little higher up. “Besides, you’re clearly enjoying this. Even though your thighs are covering my ears, I can hear every little sound you make.” I slap the outside of her thigh and make her open up her legs again. She complies almost instantly, and I go back to devouring every inch of her I can get my mouth on; this time though, I pay a bit more attention to her clit. 
She continues to pull on the restraint and buck her hips up. I had to result in holding her hips down tight against the bed so I could continue. 
She’s lucky I love her or I wouldn’t put up with this defiance. 
But she knows I like the cat and mouse just as much as she does. 
Her eyes stay shut tight as I suck on her clit and slide one finger into her dripping pussy. I curl my fingers before she gets to adjust to the new sensation. After only a few seconds, I slowly pump my fingers while feverishly sucking on her clit. Her moans went from soft and quiet to loud and breathless. Her brain is turning to mush as her walls tighten around my fingers. She’s close, but I want her on the edge. I want her on the cusp before I finally…
There it is. 
I pull my fingers out and detach my lips from her clit. She whines again, trying her hardest to buck her hips up to get some form of contact. I kiss along the inside of her thighs and up her torso, giving extra attention to her hip bones and in between her breasts.
I can feel her breath becoming increasingly rapid, her chest rising and falling faster. Little whines escape her lips as I leave hickeys all over her breast, collarbone, and neck. There wasn’t a surface unmarked when I made it to her lips. 
I pull away, making her whine even more. I go back to marking up her neck. “You won’t cover these up tomorrow. I want everyone to see them.” She nods as I suck on the spot behind her ear that makes her weak every time. “A painting just for Potter to see.” 
I can feel myself growing harder inside my boxers. Y/n can feel it too dragging against her thigh, or I assume so from the groans she lets out whenever I accidentally brush my hips against her. Even I can’t help myself from letting out a groan. 
I can’t wait any longer, I need to be in her. 
I pull away from her, shoving my underwear off before she even has the chance to complain. I get back on top of her and smash my lips onto hers. She smirks during the kiss, I do too a bit. I slip my tongue in gently as I ease myself into her dripping pussy. I hand my head down and moan, relieved to finally be inside her. Her high-pitched moans bring me so much confidence, it’s a nice ego boost knowing I get this reaction out of her. 
After giving y/n some time to adjust, I start to thrust slowly. 
As much as I love the control and dominance I have over y/n I want her hands clinging to me. I can’t just untie her hands and let her think she can be bratty whenever she wants. Right now, I would kill for her nails scratching my hair and down my back. I need the sting that mixes with the pleasure. As much as she needed my hands on her, I need hers on me right now. 
“Fuck it.” I reach up and untie her hands. Thankfully, she immediately brings her hands to the nape of my neck, letting her nails scratch my scalp and a little down my back. That little action intensifies the moment. Her hands know exactly what to do. I can feel them scratch down my back, causing me to let out a loud grunt and go faster. Her moans continue, each one ringing and lingering in my ears, my head. 
I can feel my hips faltering, stuttering with every thrust. I’m getting close, so is y/n. I lift one leg up to rest on my hip, letting me reach a better angle. 
“Dray,” her voice is so airy, “I-I’m so close.” 
“Me too darling,” I pick up my pace even more, “let go for me.” 
Almost instantly, she does. She squeezes around me and arches her back as she cums all over my cock. With two more thrusts, I cum as well. I stay in that position for a few seconds before carefully pulling out. As I do, y/n takes a long deep breath in. She only releases it when I lay down next to her. 
“I love you Draco.” I turn to look at her, her chest rising and falling, working hard to catch her breath. 
“I love you too darling.” I lean over and kiss her head. “I love you so, so much.” 
I get up to try and to get something to clean her up with, but she pulls me back into the bed. 
“Just,” she takes another deep breath, “Just stay here, with me.” 
I just nod. I don’t know what else to do, this moment is so perfect. I have everything I’ll ever need whenever I’m with her. Right here, right now must be the definition of heaven. She is my heaven. 
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devilsrecreation · 7 months
I just thought of this:
So I’m thinking in my crackfic, after Jasiri and Kenge come back from Oz (as in wake up from a dream) and she’s telling everyone about it, Janja jokingly says “Next time, I’m goin’ to a fantasy world”, hinting at a joke sequel crackfic which I’ll never make.
And now I give you…..Janja in Wonderland
Janja follows what he swears is Ushari’s ghost down a hole or an Aardvark den into a strange new world where everyone seems to be crazy
The cast:
Janja as Alice
Ushari as the White Rabbit (ghost snake)
Sumu plays the role of the Doorknob but instead is the gatekeeper
Cheezi and Chungu as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Mzingo and his Parliament as the Flowers
Shupavu and Njano as the Cheshire Cat (skinks)
Kenge as the Caterpillar
Reirei as the Mad Hatter
Kiburi as the March Hare
Goigoi is that little door mouse inside the teacup cuz he’s so sleepy
Zira as the Queen of Hearts
Scar as the King of Hearts
The rest of the Outlanders as cards
Azaad gets the role of the Dodo, with the Night Pride participating in the Caucus Race
Extra notes:
-Janja’s the self aware one this time. He recognizes all of his friends but decides to play along for the hell of it
-Wema and Tunu play the role of Dinah (Alice’s cat), who follow Janja until he falls into the hole. Then they do that little kid “BYYYYEEEEEE!!!”
-Janja never cries, instead he gets pissy and fed up with everything. “Hey, that ain’t fair!” and “Oh, that is some bullshit” is a running gag
-Kiburi gets an accessory this time. He wears a gold chain and a cute little bowtie
-Instead of smoking, Janja finds Kenge using a tree as a punching bag. He’s also carved vowels in various trees with his claws. He gets mad when Janja grows bigger than him
-The scene where Alice gets stuck in the White Rabbit’s house doesn’t happen here. Mainly cuz I wouldn’t know what to do with it
-The “eat me” and “drink me” things still exist, but it’s a bone instead of a biscuit and a drink bowl instead of a bottle
-The minute Janja sees Scar and Zira, he immediately believes he’s gonna die 😭. It goes as well as you would expect
-Mzingo and his parliament are basically a club where they talk about random stuff while holding various types of flowers
-The fic ends with Janja waking up from his dream and everybody thinking he’s crazy Jfhhfgdg
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robilover · 4 months
even if I mostly do SFW fics/headcanons/thirsts/blurbs, you must be 18+.
what I write can either be platonic or romantic.
I can do nsfw/suggestive posts, please read at your own risk.
I do fem!reader by default, but if you want gn!reader or afab!gn!reader, I can still do them! I do not do male!reader, though.
this is an LGBTQ+ safe space and is mostly a wlw/sapphic blog. therefore, strictly NO homophobia, transphobia, or anything that relates to hate to the LGBTQ+.
strictly NO incest, extreme kinks, pedophilia, etc etc.
please be respectful and kind in the asks and comments. I do not tolerate mean behavior.
if you request, please specify the gender or else I might just leave it in my inbox for a while.
I can do poly; character x reader x character. just specify if you want it separately or a poly hc or something.
additional rules are here. + here.
masterlist is under the cut together with the character list!
🪽 For NSFW:
I mostly do dom!character/top!character x sub!reader/bottom!reader.
I don’t mind doing top!reader but I actually just prefer being bottom (sorry guys💔)
again, NO extreme kinks (such as p!ss kink) and weird fetishes.
you are homophobic, transphobic, or anything related to that.
you are a hater of genshin, hsr, or wuwa.
you are racist.
you fetishize wlw/women or have weird fetishes in general.
🪽 Character List (female characters):
colored ones are favorites/who I can (mostly) write for!
I will be updating this either way, so..
Genshin Impact
Jean, Lisa, Fischl, Mona, Rosaria, Eula, Noelle, Sucrose
Beidou, Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Yanfei, Shenhe, Xinyan, Yun Jin, Yelan, Xianyun
Kamisato Ayaka, Naganohara Yoimiya, Raiden Shogun/Ei, Kujou Sara, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Yae Miko, Kuki Shinobu, Kirara
Candace, Nilou, Nahida (platonic), Layla, Faruzan, Dehya
Lynette, Charlotte, Furina, Navia, Chevreuse, Chiori, Arlecchino, Clorinde
Columbina, La Signora
Honkai Star Rail (HSR)
Astral Express:
Stelle, Himeko, March 7th
Stellaron Hunters:
Kafka, Silver Wolf, Firefly
Herta Space Station:
Herta, Asta, Ruan Mei
Bronya, Seele, Serval, Natasha
Xianzhou Alliance:
Tingyun, Sushang, Qingque, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Guinaifen, Hanya, Xueyi
Interastral Peace Corporation (IPC):
Topaz, Jade
Robin, Sparkle, Black Swan
Wuthering Waves (WUWA)
Female Rover, Yangyang, Baizhi, Chixia, Danjin, Jianxin, Sanhua, Jinhsi, Yinlin, Changli
Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)
Victoria Housekeeping:
Alexandrina Sebastiane (Rina), Ellen Joe
Cunning Hares:
Nicole Demara, Anby Demara, Nekomiya Mana (Nekomata)
Belobog Heavy Industries:
Grace Howard
Sons of Calydon:
Burnice White, Caesar King,
Criminal Investigation Special Response Team (PubSec):
Zhu Yuan, Jane Doe
Obol Squad:
Soldier 11
Section 6:
Hoshimi Miyabi
these are subjected to change. I will add the masterlist as soon as I get motivated to do so.
🪽 Masterlist:
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Wuthering Waves
Zenless Zone Zero
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Every Bit Of You (A HatterHare Fic)
*falls out of sky* *lands ungracefully on tea table* Hi! I’ve seen that some people in the AiW HatterHare fandom don’t really read fic for them unless it’s a fun lil romp a la the show, and that’s fair, but I’m not very good at writing fluff of that variety so I didn’t. This one has been sitting in my drafts for a while, basically since I watched “He’s Not Heavy, He’s My Hatter” bc I think they went a joke or a few too far in that episode, but also because I was having a bit of a rough time (still am, but that’s another story) and it’s a bit of projection/venting. CW for this: body image issues, some negative thoughts about appearance/weight/food. If the warning does not contain anything that you don’t want to read or would be upset by reading, go forth.
Hatter stared at himself in the mirror. He was dressed down to his undershirt and a pair of polka-dotted sleeping pants, and he had finally taken off that day’s coat of mauve lipstick about five minutes ago. His hat hung on a mannequin head attached to the wall, his strawberry-blonde hair slightly mussed without it.
Had he gained a few pounds? He examined his figure, frowning slightly. Hare had shared a new carrot soufflé recipe with him and he had definitely eaten a bit more in the past couple of days than usual. What could he say—having a hare for a husband had, among other things, convinced him of the deliciousness of root vegetables.
Hatter sighed. He hated to lose his trim shape, even temporarily; he wasn’t sure he had the eye appeal to spare. He didn’t think there was anything particularly unique about his face (unless maybe it was that his eyebrows were so big and wild), but he could always count on his slim physique to make him feel attractive.
Hare exited the bathroom, hair and ears slightly damp, with his freshly-showered waterlily scent clinging to him and filling the room. “Something wrong, Hatter?” he asked, pausing to tilt his head and tap the water out of one ear.
“I’m just…having one of those days,” Hatter answered, his shoulders slumping. “Nothing seems right, especially me.”
Hare immediately came over and wrapped his arms around Hatter’s waist, meeting his eyes through the mirror glass. “You’re all rights to me,” he said gently, kissing Hatter’s shoulder. “But go on, tell me what you’re feeling insecure about. Maybe I can help.”
Hatter, for once, was at a complete loss for words. It wasn’t that Hare didn’t have his own worries about his looks—he did, being one of only two bunny-like creatures in Wonderland, and he was vocal about those feelings when they became particularly acute. It was more that Hatter was used to being there for Hare, when his anxieties flared, and despite knowing that Hare would understand, he didn’t know what to say.
So he just took Hare’s hands and placed them on his own midsection, which was undeniably a bit softer to the touch than it had been a week ago.
Hare smiled, tracing the planes of Hatter’s stomach beneath his shirt. “First of all, you look very cute,” he said. “I know it’s not enough, but you do.” And it wasn’t, Hare was right; not for getting rid of that nagging, lingering, sharp little part of Hatter’s mind that kept whispering you aren’t handsome enough—but he still felt the usual warmth that came with one of Hare’s frequent compliments. “Second, I don’t care what shape you are. I don’t care how much you weigh or how much you eat. You are always handsome to me, and I don’t compare you to yourself.”
Hatter managed a small half-smile back, though he couldn’t quite take his eyes off the reflection in the mirror.
“I love this little bit of softness here that tells me you really like my Hare-family recipes.” Hare moved one hand to trip along the curve of Hatter’s bicep. “I love that you’ve got extra muscles here from lifting teapots and teakettles and heavy mixing bowls.” He nudged the back of Hatter’s right leg with his foot. “I love the scar here from when we rode a shopping cart down that big hill.”
Hare went and stood between Hatter and the mirror, taking his hands. “And whatever else your body looks like in the future, I will love that, too.”
So it still didn’t smooth over everything pricking in Hatter’s brain—he knew that wasn’t that easy. But he was able to lie in bed, with his arms wrapped tightly around Hare, reassured that Hare wasn’t thinking about him the way he thought about himself. And that was a comfort.
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helphowdoiusethis · 7 months
For Natm week 2024, using the Prompt "statue". Yes this is my fic, "In Marble Immortal" on ao3, It fits the Prompt is all.
Night at the Museum (Movies)
Jedediah/Octavius (Night at the Museum), Jedediah (Night at the Museum), Octavius (Night at the Museum), Natm Oc - Character, Statues, jealous Octavius, Holding Hands, Established Relationship
In a museum exchange, Jedediah and Octavius stumble across a statue garden where statues are scattered around.
When the two come across a statue all too familiar, the tiny Cowboy is quite interested in seeing the figure but not so much our small Roman General.
As is often the case with Jedediah and Octavius over their many years of adventures with Larry, Nicky and the other exhibits going to different museums, their accidental leaving the group and getting into misadventures, often had dangerous circumstances.
However when the whole museum had been on temporary exchange with some exhibits from a museum in Rome, Jedediah and Octavius were excited to explore and spent most nights doing so.
So when the miniature couple had wandered upon a garden indoors, the two jumped at the moment to explore new fauna and flora. Despite their initial joy when the two had seen marble bases housing beautiful/handsome Roman statues.
"These are Roman, Amica mea!" Octavius was quick to grab Jed's arm, shaking it slightly with excitement, eyes brimming with sheer joy.
"Darlin' we're in Rome, o' course their Roman." The Cowboy laughed slightly at his Roman's antics, eyes wandering over each of the statues stopping on one oddly familiar marble figure and cheeks reddening slightly.
The Roman general looked at Jedediah's face, eyes narrowing slightly as Octavius' eyes followed where Jedediah's were trained. Octavius' eyes narrowed further, brows knit together and he trained on the statue far across the way.
The statue stood with familiar a way of command, eerily similar to the smaller Roman General but vastly different in the face. Certain features held better within marble that the small features created 58 years ago within plastic.
Octavius felt jealousy flare up in him, Jedediah was blushing a bright red over a bigger version of the smaller Roman at his side.
"Jedediah we should go back," Octavius said moving in front of the small Cowboy, gently shaking him by the shoulder.
"Why? It's an adventure Sugar! We should go see 'em," Jedediah stared down at Octavius, swiftly shaking his blush away before moving around the Roman and towards the statues, one in particular.
Octavius followed after him, anger raising levels as he saw the marbleized statue of Octavius kneel down staring at the Cowboy.
"bene non prodigiosum," the statue muttered, clear as day due to the pair's miniature stature. The statue gently nudged the tiny Cowboy with one of his fingers.
"Hey now! Careful on the touching! 'Tavius, what's he saying?" Jedediah backed away from the figure, turning towards the smaller Roman who purposely stood far back from the Cowboy.
"He called you bizarre Jedediah," Octavius rolled his eyes, body language standoffish and uncomfortable.
"I didn't know, That's why I asked you," if Jedediah saw Octavius' stance he did nothing to remedy the situation. He turned back to the statue, who was muttering under his breath.
"an parvus barbarus et parvus dux Romanus? quam mirum.." Jedediah blinked and Octavius' eyes flashed with anger.
"'a tiny barbarian and a small Roman general? how strange..'? I am General Gaius Octavius! Jedediah, we should go back," Octavius' face flickered with different emotions, anger, jealousy and upset mixed in with other emotions, his stature shifted; tension rising throughout his body and his grasped his tassels sat at the end of the rope holding his cape on.
"'Tavius? You alrigh'? You're bein' as mad as a march hare?" Jed walked over to Octavius, placing a hand on the Roman's arm, however, was fast to remove it when Octavius stared daggers towards him. "Alrigh' let's go 'Tavius," Jedediah held out his hand ignoring the giant statue behind them in favour of his annoyed boyfriend.
Octavius snatched his hand back out of the Cowboy's grip, storming off while Jedediah scrambled behind him in an attempt to keep from being dragged.
"'Tavius, 'Tavius! Sweetheart, what in the blazes has you all up in arms?" Jedediah stopped himself and tugged gently at Octavius' hand, brows furrowed in confusion.
"It is nothing! Bene sum, I am fine, alright..?" Octavius sighed, stopping and letting go of Jed's hand, picking at the tassels on his cape.
"I don’t care a continental what you're saying, you're picking at those tassels hun you're all nervous. What's wrong?" Jedediah walked over, taking Oct's hands in his own, rubbing his thumb over the back of one of Octavius' hands.
Octavius said nothing.
For one beat, two beats and then three.
"Were you jealous?" There was a small level of teasing in the words but when Octavius only looked away, it clicked, "You were jealous Sugar," Jedediah dropped the hands he held to cup Octavius' hands to gently cup the Roman's cheeks and turned his face to look at him.
"I am not, there is nothing to be jealous of! It's just the way you were looking at that statue.." Octavius started before falling silent, thinking over his words trying to look away.
"You were jealous that I liked the look of a statue that looked like yeh? Octy, October, Sugar I like you, not some giant that sorta looks like you. I love you and only you," Jedediah said, making Octavius' eyes focus on him and cheeks redden slightly, "You know I ain't the type to wax any poetics to yah but I will if you don't believe anything I'm saying, y'hear?"
Octavius could only nod and as soon as the motion stopped Jed pressed a gentle kiss to Octavius lips and his cheek; blushing slightly, before letting his face go and gently took his hand gently.
"I don't need a statue anyhow, you might as well be marble with how handsome you look." Jedediah shrugged blushing more, before walking off with a blushing Octavius in toe.
"'Diah, I think you know more about speaking compliments than you believe, Amica mea."
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labyrinthofcrystals · 2 years
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Hatterhare hcs bc they mean everything to me <3 uhhmm based on my version/interpretation of them btw!
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They met each other when they were 10. Hatter saved Hare from some dangerous plants/wildlife & they’ve gotten along like wildfire ever since!
Had on/off crushes on each other for practically all their lives but never acted on them out of fear of ruining their relationship until they had a one night stand & had to confront their feelings head on.
They love kids!! The amount of children they have accidentally adopted/taken in is…a lot lol. Seriously, by now they have a Reputation for being eccentric babysitters. It’s on their business card.
Adding onto that ^ the Dormouse is their child ok that is their BOY. he's their best friend he's their pal he's their homeboy their rotten soldier their sweet cheese their good time boy etc etc.
When they announced they were dating, everyone was like "you mean you. weren't before????"
Hatter usually wakes up super early (all that tea & cake doesn’t make itself!) so he’s usually the one that makes breakfast. On the rare occasion Hare wakes up first, he likes to let Hatter sleep in, even if Hatter complains about it.
They are sssoooo clingy. Handholding, leaning on each other, etc. It is impossible for them to be in the same vicinity without some sort of physical contact going on.
90% of the time their conversations are incoherent because it’s mainly just inside jokes they have with each other. The other 10% is because they're little shits that like confusing people.
Oh they absolutely LOVE dancing with each other. There is no style of dance they have not tried at least once. I think their favorites/the styles they like most are waltzing & the tango.
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regulusrules · 6 months
Hi hi!!! I intend to start your Caesar AU tonight :) You’ve mentioned that you’ve been writing it for a year, but that it’s still a WIP as you post. So I’m just wondering what your process for this has been? Do you write a new chapter every week before the next Friday? Do you have a very detailed outline that you use? I’m just interested in hearing how other AO3 authors work. I’m sure you’ll see my name in your AO3 comments ;)
Hi love! Thank you for coming by to ask this. Be prepared for a ramble; this fic is my entire personality now, and its story of how it came into creation makes me go insane. So, on the ides of 2023's march, I was like, why don't I write a parallel of my favourite play in the entire world on my favourite show in the entire world? I came to tumblr, blurted out what came to my mind, and spent nearly the entire year trying to make it make sense. Because for real? It is an insane idea, mad as a march hare. Why for the everloving sakes would Merlin stab Arthur? And Post-Camlann too?? How could this possibly lead to the Golden Age that I am desperate for? So yeah, 2023 was basically coming up with the plot, the plot twists (you'd be SHOCKED by how many there are in this fic!), and writing down random scenes that I had no context for whatsoever. After I had nearly everything out, I finalised its outline and what I planned to do with it. Now, with the fic 95% written (save for the finale, because I'm planning for it to be an audience reaction-based kind of finale) I am at the stage where I contextualize everything in its place, and do a final round of editing. Also, I make sure to share it with my wonderful friends, @remuscariad and @clockwrkpendrxgon, who constantly put me in line regarding the angst train I'm hauling on there in the first few acts. So yeah, all in all I would say this fic is fully written, but in the process of putting it out to the world, it is writing me in its own way. Enjoy reading it, and I hope it brings you joy (and tears!) just like it did to me :) 🤍🗡
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I saw this one fic forever ago that had Adrien's Rabbit form be called 'March Hare' because Adrien couldn't resist the pun.
Honestly that's what I used for Re-Verse Bunnyx!
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