#find something else that wasn't UA or being a hero
lucianinsanity · 1 year
I decided to buy the bnha manga from the beginning, I have the first one now, and look
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Why are you like this, Izuku?
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flammingnachos · 3 months
“𝘱𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘴“ 𝗄𝖺𝗍𝗌𝗎𝗄𝗂 𝖻𝖺𝗄𝗎𝗀𝗈𝗎 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 (𝘔)
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𝖲𝗒𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗌𝗂𝗌;Katsuki Bakugou is your teacher - and maybe a little more. You push his buttons just a LITTLE too hard one day. Remember to stay quiet, this is a library after all...
Sighing to yourself as your foot lightly tapped the metal leg of your desk, your thoughts pondered on what you could do at lunch.
You could wander around the grounds and find a nice spot under a tree and advance your quirk? Maybe you could huddle into the food court with the other UA students? or lastly, there was the library. You still had a paper to write for Mr Kirishima, which was due in 2 days, so that option deemed most wise. Yay.
You had completely zoned out now and unaware of the imposing presence towering you, until a cough broke your chain of thought.
"Miss [ l /n ], my class really that boring huh?" The gruff voice of your homeroom teacher spoke.
A little surprised, you looked up at him and mustered an apologetic smile.
"Sorry Mr Bakugou. I... Er..."
He looked pissed. Not full on angry, but pissed enough that his lips pouted slightly. Wow, he really did seem like a child at times, you thought.
"Lunch, be here." was all he said before making his way back to the front. "Anybody else want to not fucking pay attention whilst I speak?" his dark eyes scanned the class, and everyone hushed. No one dared even breathe too hard when he almost scrutinized everyone like this.
"Good." He said firmly and carried on with the discussion you had not been tuned into earlier; although now, since his overpowering aura still lingered around you, he had your full attention.
* * *
The bell rang out for lunch, and Mrs Izuku smiled warmly before dismissing the class, and reminded everybody to fill out their sidekick applications. As third years, now was the time to think about becoming a sidekick. Everybody would be scrambling for the top 10, and you had your eyes on a particular hot headed pro; Katsuki Bakugou.
It was rumoured he was leaving UA after you graduated to keep up his pro status. After pro heros Deku and Shoto dommed the top two spots, The explosive pro hero Bakugou took time out to help the up coming stars. It didn't seem like something of his character, but it was also rumoured he had been bribed by an old time hero, Eraserhead.
Either way, you had your sights set. He was exceptionally powerful, he had morals and knew how to get a job done; albeit he was a little rough around the edges, he noticed your quirk and even made a point of saying how strong you are. He said you had potential to be great, and since that encounter, you've wanted nothing but to be along side him. So, his retirement from teaching after only 3 years was a blessing.
You'd sat back at your desk and was waiting for Mr Bakugou to return for your...detention? He didn't explicitly say that, but it seemed to be what he was aiming at.
The classroom door opened, and as if he'd just been reading your mind, in walked Mr grumpy pants himself. His crimson eyes looked over at you, and he stood at the front, shoulders back and almost looking down his nose at you. Why was he so attractive?
"So, zoning out in my class is more fun for you, huh?" He spoke, his booming voice bouncing off the walls and causing you to flinch in your seat. He wasn't exactly scary to you, just, his aura screamed power, and when his moods were foul, he could be intimidating.
"N-no sir. Unfortunately being seated next to the window causes my mind to wonder. I'm kinda hopeless..." You rubbed the back of your neck and smiled at him, hoping he'd take it.
"Not good enough." he barked, walking toward you. He stopped a couple feet in front of your desk. Hands sunk into his trouser pockets, an arch on his brow as his top lip curled. "I expect your undivided attention, and as you want to become my sidekick, I expected more from you."
That stung.
"Hey, that's not fair!" you protested. You had a lot on your mind with the end of the year not too far away, exams, and project papers to hand in. Besides, it was him who told you to advance your quirk.
"Don't bullshit me [f/n]. Are you serious about becoming my sidekick?" He was frowning now, and boy did it look good from this angle.
"Of course!"
"Then fucking act like it!"
You huffed, turning to face out of the window. You knew he was your teacher, and that he had no choice but to ride your ass every once in a while, but he was also your (sort of) boyfriend, and this was cutting close.
"Katsuki.... you're not being fair." You spoke softly, and he knew just by the tone that you were upset.
His demeanor softened, and he looked around to make sure no one was looking, even if the classroom was empty aside from you two. Sighing, he sat himself on your desk, and looked down at you.
"I'm sorry..." It almost sounded like a struggle for him to say, but came out in one piece none the less; definitely an improvement from the first time he had to apologise for upsetting you.
"I'm not hard on you, not compared to others. I want you as my fucking sidekick, but you have to give it your all in classes too. I used to think I knew it all, but fuck, once I stepped out into the real world, it bit my ass." He reached out, and gently cupped your cheek, forcing you to look up at him. "I don't want you to get out there and fuck it up. You have to be good on paper too."
"I know..." Your voice was soft. Too soft in fact, and his expression was void of all anger from just moments ago. You rubbed your face against his open palm. There was nothing more attractive than a bad boy, who was only good to you.
"I want to be your sidekick, it's just, the last year is tough.... I know I'm getting distracted, but I will not let my grades slip. I made you a promise..." Your eyes locked on his, and it seemed like he was searching them for a flicker of regret in your words.
The corner of his mouth twitched into a lopsided grin, and he leaned closer to you. Your heart squeezed; his more gentle side was deadly.
"Then focus in my class, dumb ass." His breath ghosted against your lips as he spoke, and you couldn't wait any longer. He was teasing you, and you had to bite back.
Closing the inch gap, you pressed your lips to his and kissed him slowly. He shifted a little from where he sat, and his other hand came up to grip the back of your hair. Mr Bakugou was rough at many things, and kissing was certainly one of them. He dominated over you, and forced his tongue into your mouth. You moaned, allowing him all the access he desired, and attempted to lift yourself in your seat, curling your fingers in his shirt, and pulling him closer. Closer. I want him closer.
Katsuki noticed your need, and broke away from the kiss, his forehead pressed against yours.
"Later." he panted, his voice husk with arousal. "Now get out of here before I forget where we are, and fuck you."
You moaned at the thought, but knew better. He had a job he needed to keep, and also a reputation. Pecking his lips, you got up from your seat and placed your bag strap on your shoulder.
"See you later." You faked innocence, and before you could get away from him, he reached over and spanked you. You let out a small yelp and your face flamed. He was wearing his fuckable half grin, and you struggled to walk out of that classroom without pouncing on him
You had opted to go to the cafeteria instead of the library to do your paper. You had 30 minutes to eat, no thanks to a certain someone, and there was the option of getting on with Mr Kirishima's work during free period later on.
You managed to get something to eat and spotted your friends at a table. During the time of you lining up and getting to your seat, Mr Bakugou had entered the lunch hall, and your eyes immediately locked. You had given him a small smile, and he gave a subtle nod. It was a modest exchange considering you'd just almost been dry humping.
Now seated with your friends, you had began eating whilst they talked. They had finished before you even sat down, but that didn't bother them or you much.
Yumi, the lively brunette to your left, was nit picking at her crush, a raven haired boy named Hiroshi, sat facing her. They bickered back and forth, which caused you to giggle. Atsushi, the pale blue haired male to your right leaned in closer to you.
"They're like an old married couple, aren't they?" His voice hushed just for you to hear. You turned to face him and nodded, laughing as you did.
"I don't get how they can't see it themselves." You shrugged, turning your back on the practically married duo.
Atsushi was fairly tall, and a kind person. His quirk was Giant, and his dream was to become a sidekick to depend on. You had talked in length with him about him becoming pro, but it just wasn't in his stars, or atleast that's what he would say. You got along well, and it dawned on you after Katsuki had pointed it out, that he had a crush on you. But that didn't stop your friendship, much to the fiery blondes dismay. Plus, you enjoyed how jealous the older man got over it.
"So Kirishima's paper, have you started that yet?" Atsushi quizzed, knowing the answer already of course.
"Well, you see, it's a working progress." You laughed, and he shook his head. Reaching out his hand, he ruffled your hair and sighed, feigning frustration.
"Whatever will we do with you." He poked your nose and you let out a small giggle. Then you felt the need to look over past Hiroshi, and Katsuki's ruby eyes bore into you. Knowing full well the reason, you were more than relieved when the bell rang to call everyone into their classes. He tore his gaze away, got to his feet and left the mess hall. Your heart sank a little; he didn't smirk or give a 'I'll-make-you-pay-for-that' look like he usually would. Maybe you had over stepped the mark this time?
You said your goodbyes to Yumi, Hiroshi and Atsushi, promising to meet up after school to walk home together. The trio belonged to class 3-C , whilst you homed class 3-B. It sucked being the only one left out, but there was nothing you could do about that. Besides, he was your teacher next period, and your gut felt heavy with a bad feeling.
You entered the room, Katsuki was at his desk leaning on his hand, calling out names of the class to check everyone was present. He didn't bother even looking in your direction as you crossed the room to your seat at the window, and set yourself up.
Finishing the attendance register, he got to his feet and walked to stand before the class, again not even looking in your direction once. This was bad. He began his lesson, he spoke and acted like normal, only he avoided choosing you to answer when you had put up your hand, and also didn't pick you to answer any on the spot questions.
You grew agitated; how could he be acting so childish? he is a teacher for crying out loud.
"Sir!" You said a little too loudly, and everyone, including Katuski, looked at you confused.
"What?" He replied with his usual bluntness.
Shrinking back into your chair, you shook your head and looked away from him and around at the other students still watching you. A couple girls at the back started to laugh, and you'd never felt so embarrassed.
"I aint got all day [l/n], wanna get on with it?" his tone was assertive and you flushed from it.
"Sorry sir. I've forgot." You managed, still sunken into your chair.
Katuski tsk'd and then carried on, ignoring you once again.
"Thanks for today, and don't forget to actually do something fucking productive with your free period.." Mr Bakugou stated, his deep voice sounding almost lazily when he spoke.
"Yes sir!" The class unitedly exclaimed, and with that he went to sit back at his desk.
You watched him, and when he looked up at you, you quickly turned away. Two can play that game, sir.
You heard him tsk as you left, but honestly, at this point you didn't care. He had no right to get so annoyed, and even though you admittedly enjoyed his petty jealous side, ignoring you was another level.
* * *
The library was quiet considering it was a free period, but with it being a beautiful summer day, people likely opted to study outside, or go home. Sighing, you wished you had that kind of self control. If you were to leave early, there was no way this paper would get done, and you'd have to spend lunch time tomorrow starting it. No, this had to get done. That way you could submit it early, and Katsuki would know how determined you are to keep getting better.
You had become engrossed with your writing, and hardly realised almost an hour had passed. Stretching, you groaned lazily at the tingling feeling, and slumped over the mass of paper spread all over the desk. You were actually half way through and found it surprisingly easy. Mr Kirishima wasn't a devil, so his assignments never took too long to complete. You just had a hard time getting started was all.
The door for the library suddenly opened and closed, and you turned to see if you could see someone through the shelves. There was only you and the lady way back at the front desk, it would be nice if one of your friends came in to keep you company - but you saw no body, which wasn't a shocker considering you were pretty much buried in the middle of the monstrous room. Facing your paper again, you decided to read over it before calling it a day and going home.
Absorbed in your homework, you didn't even sense the person coming behind you, and didn't realise until a hand was cupping your face and turning you to look upward.
You almost screamed and fought, but then caught ruby red eyes and a smug smirk.
"What the fu-" You began protesting, before Katsuki quickly closed the gap and pressed his lips to yours.
"Shh, or the hag at the front will hear you and think you're under attack." He let go of your face, but still remained imposingly over you. You narrowed your eyes at him, and pushed his hand away.
"Now you want to speak to me, hmm." You challenged.
"What are you talking about? You're the one flirting with a giant toothpick!" He countered, and you pressed a finger to your lips signalling him to hush. He huffed at that and rolled his eyes, clearly exasperated, but you wouldn't budge on this, he was acting a tool. Crossing your arms defensively over your chest, you stuck up your chin and raised an eyebrow.
"You're acting like a jealous child."
"Yeah, fucking sue me." He scoffed, his usual pissed off pout on his face and his eyes narrowed dangerously at you. "I'll go flirt with hag lady at the desk, how about that."
You gave him a once over and got up out of your chair, forcing him to take a step back and slammed your book shut, then huddled the scattered pieces of papers together.
"Y'know what Katsuki, I'm not doing this. Go take a damn chill pill, and then come speak to me." You said, trying to gather your stuff together. His hand then came in contact with the book you were about to pick up, keeping it firmly on the table.
"Don't piss me off." He warned, but you had had enough of his shit for today.
"Or what?"
With your threat came a punishment; but an extremely satisfying one.
Katsuki had you pinned against a ceiling high bookcase in a matter of seconds, his tongue hungrily wanting access to your mouth. You denied him, until his hand came up to clasp firmly around your throat, squeezing just enough for you to open your mouth for him. He smirked into the kiss, as arousal churned in your stomach.
Was he really going to do this here?! The answer to your unasked question, yes, yes he was.
His free hand roamed down your back and to your butt. He worked under your skirt and grabbed a handful of your ass. You moaned softly against his mouth, which earned you another slight squeeze from the hand around your throat, like he was making sure you stayed quiet. You felt a finger gently start to stroke you from under your skirt; your eyes shot open to look at the older man, who was already staring down at you. He pulled away from your lips, his mouth hanging open just a little as he whispered 'shh'.
Nodding your understanding, he had moved his fingers into your panties from behind, shifting so he could get easier access when needed. You arched forward, hand gripping onto his shirt and fisting into the fabric. All that could be heard was your slick wetness as his fingers picked up speed rubbing your clit, and your hushed gasps of pleasure.
"Fuck. You're pretty dirty huh [f/n], getting excited in a place like this." You could hear the smug smile in his voice, but the sensation kept you from biting at him. You nodded, biting your lip and placed a hand on his arm for support. How're you this worked up already from just being stroked by him?
He gave a satisfied hum, and slid a finger inside of you, which in addition caused you to gasp a little louder. Your mouth now hanging open, he grinned and pecked your cheek.
"Shh, baby." The husk of his voice made you wetter.
The closed in area, the heat, the pleasure, everything about this situation was filthy in the best way imaginable. You'd never have pegged him for an exhibitionist either.
Your head dropped to hang, and you reached out to place your hand on the bookcase in front of you. He'd added another finger as you'd been in your thoughts, and the sound of him pushing in and out of you grew louder as his pace quickened. Staying quiet was a struggle now, the pleasure growing more intense. The mere smell of his cologne was making you horny.
"Kat-suu-ki.." You managed between breaths, in an attempt to not be louder that necessary.
"What?" Same bluntness as always, even in moments like these.
"I want y-you now..." Your voice was meek, but demanding. If he didn't take you now, you'd go insane.
His fingers still working you, curling and lightly rubbing at that blissful spot inside you, he thoughtfully hummed. You moaned shakily, giving a small whine as you did to edge on his decision.
"P-please." You begged, the knot growing in your abdomen.
With that, he pulled out his fingers without warning, and ripped down your skirt, your panties following. He was on his knee's now, his hands running up and down your sides, inner thighs, your ass; he bit and sucked against the skin of your hip, groaning his approval of your slickness as his fingers ghosted your vagina.
He got to his feet, unbuttoning his shirt, as you helped with his pants. You left them hanging open, and he lowered you at the waist, face pressing against the cooling surface of the wooden library table. He looked around, making sure to check through the gaps and up and down the isle. Clear. He readied his cock in his hand, and ran the other up your back, causing you to arch at the touch. Once meeting your neck, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and slowly pushed himself in. He didn't edge, he just slowly went straight to the hilt. You inhaled deeply, feeling the delicious type of full you loved, and gripped onto the table edge with your left hand, the other palm down next to your face.
He let you get used to him for a moment, then began thrusting punishingly into you. The table creaked under the weight of you both, and the forcefullness of him. You almost swore he wanted you to get caught. You could feel the soft fabric of his trousers against your bare ass, and for some reason it turned you on more; he'd never fucked you with clothes on before. It was hot as hell.
Katsuki buried himself inside you repeatedly, with as much power as his explosive fire blasts. He wasn't just an animal when it came to his quirk. You became neglectful of your surroundings, and a moan escaped as you tried to lift yourself slightly from the table, arching your back as Katsuki pulled on your hair. He leaned over, his top half still clad in his shirt, and pressed against your back, causing you to yet again use the table as a pillow. He groaned breathlessly against your ear,
"Quiet. This is a library after all." He growled lowly, and still mercilessly thrust into you.
At this point, you wondered if it mattered. There was no one here, and even if there was, they would certainly know what was going on by now. The lewd slapping of skin against skin, the creaking of the table, the hushed breaths and odd muffled moan from being held down. For good measure though, you brought your hand over to cover your own mouth, and closed your eyes tight as the knot tightened inside of you. Mr Bakugou hit the sweet spot inside of you and your legs buckled; thank god for that table.
You bit down on your lip and a smothered moan left your wracked body. You breathlessly tried to gather yourself as Katsuki fucked you through your orgasm, and then his own. He had withdrawn from leaning against you and was stood straight, shoulders back as he brusingly gripped your waist. He gave one last thrust then came to a halt, panting heavily.
You had fixed yourself and watched the handsome blonde man as he did too. He ran his fingers through his hair to give it his signature spikiness; it had dampened to his head in the front from your session, which you quietly thought looked adorable. Katsuki stood in front of you, looking down at his hand as he opened then clenched it into a fist, you tilted your head questioningly at him.
"Just aches from, that." He stated simply, and you nodded. Sometimes during your intimate moments he would release his quirk, but since he almost burned you that one time, he now has to fight not to. It hurt him sometimes, but he'd go blow off some steam in the gym after school.
Mr Bakugou leaned over and pressed a kiss to your forehead, and with a half smile, shoved his hands into his pockets and turned to walk away.
"Get home safe. I'll see you tomorrow in class."
"User!" You yelled at him playfully, which earned you the middle finger as he took a turn heading out of the library. You giggled to yourself then jumped off the table; bad move. Your legs still shaky, you quickly looked at the clock. SHIT. Yumi, Hiroshi and Atsushi were likely waiting for you at the gates. There was no choice, you had to persevere.
* * *
"Hey [f/n], you're late?" Yumi questioned, whilst both her and Hiroshi looked you over quizzically. "Why're you so red?"
"Fever?" Atsushi pitched in, to which you gave a nod.
"I fell asleep in the library and woke up like this. It's nothing to worry over though!" You said, waving your hands in front of your face to fan yourself. That seemed to stow them. Yumi latched onto your arm and began dragging you along, your Bambi like legs still unsteady, it took all your might not to fall.
You had started walking off of the school premisis, and turned to look over your shoulder. You caught Mr Bakugou getting into his car, he lifted his head up and you gave him a smile, which he returned in a ridicuously handsome fashion. Your attention turning back to your friends, and you thought about how if they knew what you had been up to just a few moments earlier, they would definitely have heart attacks.
You could feel the heat of a bruise blossoming on your hips from his vice like grip, and your insides tingled at the memory. You knew having a relationship with your teacher wasn't exactly good, but like Katsuki had told you once before; when you become his sidekick, everything will be fine and you could be together openly.
Your heart swelled at the thought, and you then went on to enjoy the rest of your evening with your friends; even if you had jelly legs.
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sassypantsjaxon · 1 year
Okay, but the idea of erasermic actually being married is so funny to me, because I also went to a specialized school where two of the teachers were married to each other. And like...??? They didn't talk about it. It wasn't common knowledge to any old person. You had to have either been involved with more than just basic classes, or you had to have been a student for a while before you realized it.
So like with erasermic. Mirio, Amajiki, and Nejire know because they've been at UA longer. Shinsou figured it out through Aizawa mentoring him. Jirou went to Mic's office to talk to him about something and saw the pictures on his desk. Iida only knows because of his brother. The work study students find out after Eri moves in.
At some point in one of their lessons, there's a discussion about the separation between hero life and personal life. And since Eraserhead and Present Mic's marriage is now relevant, that's how everybody else finds out. And then once new students who don't know come in, there's just this attitude of 'no, they can't know yet, they haven't earned it' and so nobody actually talks about it and that's how it remains a secret.
Honestly, Shouta and Hizashi are both surprised that it's still a secret after so long.
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Accidents Almost Happen
Aizawa X Daughter! Reader
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The 5-year-old girl skipped her way down the halls of UA, making her way outside to find her father. She had overheard that he was outside with his class, and that the students would be sparring. Though she wasn't sure what this meant, the laughter she had heard from the two teachers in question made her believe it was some kind of game.
Little (Y/n)'s hair swayed as she managed to walk out of the large building, she saw a large group of people that were in a circle. Her father had seen her but, unfortunately, he had spotted his little girl too late. When she arrived Todoroki and Bakugou were sparring. What made it so unfortunate? Todoroki had launched a series of large ice shards, Bakugou had deflected them but this cause several to fly towards the girl.
But someone else had noticed the girl as well, and in moments his large body had engulfed her. All she saw was a flash of red before she was pulled into this hug, with the help of their quirk the spikes shattered on impact. "(Y/N)!" The fight had stopped the moment Aizawa called out, he rushed over as Kirishima slowly stood up. Sure, his back still hurt a little from the sudden impact, but it was nothing he'd complain about.
"She's ok Sensei." Kirishima smiled as the little girl ran right to her father, of course Aizawa had scooped up the little girl and held her close. The class had stared in amazement and confusion, amazed by their sensei's display of emotion and confused as to who the little girl was. Even still Kirishima had been congratulated, he saved the little girl from being impaled.
"(Y/N) what are you doing out here, you know you're supposed to be in the daycare." Being a single parent Aizawa took advantage of the school's day care, many of the teachers had children that weren't old enough to be alone. "I missed you daddy; I heard you were playing a game and I wanted to see." She gazed at him with glossy innocent eyes, unaware of just how much danger she had put herself in. With a sigh Aizawa turned to Kirishima, the young man could see the raging emotions within the frightened father. "Thank you, Kirishima... You saved my daughter despite the risk to yourself."
Kirishima simply smiled to his teacher, bowing slightly. "I'm training to be a hero; what kind of hero would leave a child to die." Aizawa gave a tired smile, the little girl gazed at Kirishima before smiling and reached for him. This of course surprised her father, (Y/N) never usually let anyone else hold her. Of course, Kirishima didn't deny her, he held her close to him and chuckled as the young girl buried her face in the crook of his neck. "You smell good..."
As young (Y/N) cuddled with Kirishima, Aizawa decided it was time to confront his class, who had surprisingly stayed calm and quiet and let the tired man calm down. "Class... This little girl is my daughter (Y/N). I apologize for the interruption; she isn't usually so rebellious." He raised an eyebrow as Bakugou stepped forward, he wore his usual irritated face but there was also a hint of disappointment. "I apologize for placing her in danger, I should have noticed her and been more careful with my actions." This left the class in awe, Bakugou never usually cared for anything but himself. But those close to him know he does have a sense of honor, placing a child in danger so recklessly made him disappointed in himself. He thought he was more observant than that, how can he brag about being the best if he couldn't even see the girl in his peripheral.
"Thank you Bakugou, though it isn't your fault. You're still training, and you weren't prepared for something like this, don't be so hard on yourself." Bakugou had simply nodded then looked away, the sound of soft snores had drawn everyone's attention. (Y/N) had fallen asleep against Kirishima. The class struggled to hold their laughter and remain quiet, even after all of this and nearly giving her father a heart attack, it turns out it was all for a nap. The only fraise that could come to mind, like father like daughter.
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s-sugustar · 22 days
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synopsis : after an injury caused him to retire at an early age, aizawa has a lot of money in his bank account that was hardly ever used in his prime time; so why not splurge it on someone else?
pairings: yandere sugardaddy!aizawa x black!fem!reader
content warning : nothing yet.
word count : 2.2k
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It has been a few months since Aizawa was no longer a hero. After the fight with Shigaraki, the sleep deprived man had no choice but to sever his leg from the rest of his body in order to stop the decay from spreading. Although immobilizing him to an extent, Aizawa still had the perks of being a UA teacher to his students.
Instead of fighting crime late at night into the wee hours of the morning, Aizawa finds himself catching on things he hadn't been able to do or complete for some time. This included reading literature, taking care of his plants and gaining much more rest than he had before.
It felt refreshing, he felt renewed but a small flicker of want called out to him. Of course, Aizawa had no idea what it could possibly be. Aizawa felt hopeless, like nothing could fill this growing void that garbled inside of him. It wasn't until one day that Hisashi, Aizawa's closest friend figured out what has made him so drained.
It was a night out for both Aizawa and Yamada; a bit unfortunate that Midnight wasn't able to attend due to a last-minute mission that required her assistance. Instead of crying over one less friend, they both decided to head out to a bar nearby. As the two settled down and ordered drinks, Hisashi started off the conversation. Gleefully updating Aizawa on the outer world things since Aizawa chose to move away from the world heroics and politics.
“So what have you been up to since you have all this time in the world now?” Haisahi questined, his drink in one hand and his chin laid flat on his open palm facing toward Aizawa. The man in question huffed, downing the cup of whiskey he had ordered earlier. “Not much. Other than school and reading a few literature books here and there.” Hisashi raised an eyebrow which caused the raven haired man to sigh in annoyance. “No Hisashi, there’s no ‘special person’ in my life.” Shouta commented, earning a dramatic groan from the blond next time.
After Aizawa left the heroic life, Hisashi pestered the man to find something that would take up most of his time, rather than sleep, working out and reading books. More so, Hisashi hinted at him getting into a relationship, but Aizawa quickly shot down the idea; claiming that him getting into a relationship of some sorts wouldn’t help him in any form or fashion so Hisashi pestered on. Aizawa never really had any love life as others would call it; in all honesty, he wasn;t interested in such trivial things.
A friendship seemed as pleasant as a relationship so what’s the big idea about a relationship? Was it the status, the wants and needs of being held? Aizawa never focused too long on such things, they were always on the back burner for him.
“I know you said you didn’t want a relationship of some sorts but have you tired being a sugar daddy?” Hisashi asked, a malicious smile on his face when he saw the way Aizawa’s eyes widen before coughing up the drink he had just downed. The poor man barely caught his breath before sneering at Hisashi, who seemed to have a blast at his misfortune. “Why is that even an idea for me? “ Aizawa asked, not bothering to stress of hte reason Hisashi thoughts this was a good idea in the first place.
“Oh come on, I mean, it isn’t a relationship as you said you had no interest in but you know, you have allllll that money sitting peacefully in your bank account and with me knowing the type of person you are, you won’t spend a red cent unless it is absolutely necessary for you to. So why not give the sugar daddy thing a try. Just for one week. If you don’t like it then we can totally stop whenever you are ready.” Hisashi voiced, giving Aizawa the option to opt out if he isn’t feeling it.”
With many thoughts running through his head , Aizawa stared at the empty glass in his hand before quietly answering, “I’ll think about it.” Hisashi squealed in delight, causing some of the others in the bar to look at him for a brief moment before turning back to whatever they were doing.
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The alarm from your phone went off around 6:30 a.m. causing you to groan. The yawn that fell from your lips was a testament to how tired you were from your last shift. You stretched your limbs before moving from your position in your bed. After fixing your bed, you made your way over to your closet, pulling out your uniform from inside. The cold shower washed off any remaining tiredness that was in your body, soothing your skin and pushing your mind into a work state.
After locking your door, you made your way out of the apartment and onto the street, quickly checking your watch to see that you only had half an hour to get to work. ‘Shit.’ you thought, you ran over down to the metro station which was only a couple minutes away from your home. Hopping on, you placed your headphones into your ears, shuffling your playlist as you were on your way to work.
Upon entering, you quickly went over to your locker, the small tabby cat sticker that you had placed on it when you first came to work there. After pushing your bag into your locker, you quickly grabbed your apron before heading over to the cashier to start your day. You worked in a pastry shop as a source of retaining money. You first started it off as a way to pay off your student debt, but after a while and a bit of saving, you were able to move out and move into your own space.
Now it wasn’t massive or anything, but it was good enough for you to reside in. As you greeted customers with a smile and cashed in their orders. When it was close to your lunch hour, you exchanged with your other co-worker. After taking off your apron , you clocked out before grabbing your phone and heading down to a cafe nearby. As silly as it sounds, there was a small cafe nearby that you normally venture to during your lunch break. It was a small cute cat cafe that you heard about from some people back at where you worked.
You were cashing out an order when you heard Maxi, a chubby girl, who;s entire aesthetic was surrounded by barbie and white lace was gushing to her girlfriend Ana, who had been the complete opposite to Maxi; arm tattoos, piercings almost everywhere and bubble-pink hair. Without noticing, you tuned into their conversation. “Come on Ana, it’s super duper cute and they have cute cats there too. And I know how much you adore cats. It’s called Cat’s Haven you know, the people that own it, bring in rescued cats and give them a place to live.”
You zoned out after hearing about the cats, focusing on the customer that was in front of you. When it was time for your lunch hour, you handed over before going over to Maxi who was rolling the dough. “Hey Maxi, I uh, overheard you this morning talking about the new cat cafe that opened recently, I didn’t mean to listen in on your conversation I just -”, you were interrupted when Maxi shook her head at you before answering. “Oh, no worries. I kind of figured you would tune in since I do recall you telling me that you love cats.” She gushed, handing over the rolled dough to her girlfriend before facing you.
“You remember where the old flower shop that Ms.Hatti once had?”, you nodded your head in agreement, remembering the times when you would go over there after you finished work and bought daisies for your mother on your way to home. A bittersweet memory when you think about it; mainly because your mother hadn’t been interested in much of anything pertaining to you during that time, even up until now. Ridding yourself of those negative emotions, you zoned in on what Maxi was saying, pushing away those negative thoughts that tried to force themselves inside the centre of your present state. After you were given directions, you thanked Maxi before heading out to the cafe.
Outside was a bit warmer than you had expected, so you pulled off your cardigan and wrapped it aroumd your waist, tying the sleeves to the front so that it wouldn’t fall. Once you got closer to the cafe, you could hear the slight buzz and chatter from those who were nearby. The feeling surrounding the cafe was that of newness and solitude.
As you entered the cafe, the bell jingled once you opened the door, alerting customers as well as workers. A comfortable buzz fell through the air as you entered, small meows and soft purrs filled the air . You looked around at the variety of cats that were all over the cafe. Small and big, different types varying from american bobtail to balinese.
Your heart warmed at the sight before spotting a lone maine coon resting near on a table near the back of the cafe; an empty booth where the lone cat rested. You were close to approaching when one of the waitresses stopped you. “ I know where you are going and i would advise you not to, “ she paused before continuing, “ that particular cat isn’t one we let customers interact with because of previous incidents. She’s known to be aggressive towards customers. Unfortunately, we can’t giver her back to the shelter so we just advise customers to steer clear from her.” You nodded in agreement, taking in the lady’s words but still hell bent on going after her. You thanked the waitress before walking over to the same table that you were warned of.
You slowed your actions, making sure not to startle the cat. Once you sat down, it seems that the cat that laid before you noticed your presence; so in return, she sat up and hissed in your direction, probably hoping that you would leave her alone, but you stayed. With a bright smile on your face, you pulled out a few treats from the little cat bag you were given when you entered.
Placing a small treat on the table for the orange cat, not bothering to annoy her. You stayed silent as the cat whose name you learned was Cinnamon, stared you down for while before slowly moving to the treat you had placed on the table. “Atta girl.” you whispered, silently placing down another treat for her to pick up. Many customers watched in awe and adoration of how you handled the cat.
As she ate, you watched in silence, barely resisting the urge to pet her. In a calm and cool environment, both you and the cat sat in silence, not bothering to intrude on one another’s presence but merely enjoying the low noise with hardly any interaction; other than you slowly feeding her treats, time and time again.
It was couple minutes before your lunch time was up so you decided to finish your treat before giving Cinnamon the rest of her treats before getting up to leave. Once you stood, you gathered all that had been yours and started towards the door.
Before you could leave, you were stopped by the same waitress who had warned you earlier. In awe and amazement at how easily you handled the fiesty cat, she gave you a warm smile, almost begging you to come back more oftern and tame the said cat.
“You must be some sort of cat whisperer,” she started, “I’ve never seen someone tame that cat as how you did, even more so stand aroundher for so long.” she mentioned, looking back at the said cat who rested quietly on the table, looking through the window at the birds outside. You giggled at the compliment before shaking your head. “I’m no cat whisperer, I’ve just had experience with cats like her before.” you smiled before making your way theough the door back to your job.
Now weeks after, going to the cat cafe had been a routine for you, once your lunch started, you quickly took off your apron and made a bee line straight to the cafe, only sitting wherever Cinnamon had been. You weren’t the only one who the cat had tolerated. Apparently, there was some other person who was able to do just as you did with the cat. Were you jealous, somewhat; since you did want that particular cat all to yourself but you didn’t catch a hissy fit over such things.
As you sat quietly in the booth, patiently waiting on your order, you watched as Cinnamon pushed her head against the palm of your hand, you chuckled before combing your hands through her fur, sighing at the vibrations her fluffy body made.
You really weren’t paying attention to your surroundings when it came to other people; you were a bit too engrossed by the fluffball in front of you. “So you’re the other ‘cat whisperer’ I’ve heard others talking about.”
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A/n: it’s been awhile. Not as good but i’m getting back there.
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
Shigaraki dies, and goes back in time. To the day OFA was transferred to Deku…
[part 1]
rough idea/summary [part 2]
It's the day of the UA entrance exam - late afternoon. Testing is over. Results, of course, haven't even begun to be calculated yet; they will be announced by mail next week. Nothing left but to go home.
And so Deku walks out the gates, dejected. He's going over the whole day in his head: all the questions he read and answers he's given in the written portions, every move he made during the practical. By his own calculations, he just barely passed the written exam... which is nothing compared to the big fat zero he's definitely getting from the practical.
So caught up in his bleak thoughts, Deku walks straight into someone. Embarrassed, Deku apologizes, even though he's the one who's been knocked to the ground. The other guy seems perfectly fine. Well, he's older and is dressed in all black and looks like a ghoul and is staring creepily at Deku, but he seems fine.
When the guy calls out his name - Midoriya Izuku - though...
D-Do I know you?
The guy gives a strange answer: I guess not. But let's talk.
The guy asks Deku if he just took the UA exam to be a Hero, and Deku answers in the affirmative. (Almost starts to ramble about, well, he took the exam, because he wants to be a Hero, yeah, but it didn't go so well... but stops himself in time. No need to tell a stranger all that.)
Why? The guy asks. Why does he want to be a Hero? 
That's a simple and easy question. Deku says, to help people. To save them. He wants to be like All Might, saving people with a smile. Deku gives his own smile here, because who wouldn't know of All Might and All Might's smile.
The guy has no reaction to that. He only asks again, Why? Why does he want to save people? 
This makes Deku think a little, but not too much. The answer is simple - because they need saving. When someone is in trouble, it's just natural to want to help, right? 
Is it?
Well—yeah. Deku finds that it's hard to explain his answer, which is clearly what this guys wants him to do. (Is this a secret UA exam? Judging his character? Determining if he's worthy???) Seeing someone having trouble, being in pain or going through something hard and difficult, it's only right to give them a hand. They should be helped, because... they need it.
So it's pity.
No! Not exactly. It's not judging them, it... shouldn't be that? - it's just... easing their burden. And the burden you'd feel as well. It's hard to see someone suffering, isn't it? Helping them feels better, for everyone.
So it's about your ego.
No!!! (Oh, Deku's so failing this part of the exam too.) He just wants to save people! Isn't that enough?
This time, the guy asks: What if they don't deserve it? What if they're done terrible things, things that are unforgivable? And they'll continue to do them, no matter what. Would you help those people, Midoriya Izuku, if they're in trouble?
It's a moral question that feels a little more complex than any entrance exam would require (so is this guy just... some random weirdo?) but Deku realizes he has the answer. He talks about - who else? - Bakugou, a friend, a bully, and someone who's probably never going to change. But one day last year, his friend needed help. He looked scared. He was in pain. At that moment, he needed saving. Deku wasn't really thinking about any of the stuff Bakugou did, or what he will do, in the future. All Deku thought was... that someone should be there for him. 
I don't know about forgiveness, or anything like that, and maybe it really is just a shallow answer, but... if someone looks like they need help, then I'll help them.
The guy is quiet for a long while. Not looking at Deku, just staring off into the distance. Deku wonders and rehearses how he'll make a polite excuse to leave, when the guy finally gives a huff. Says, Nothing has changed, huh?
Deku is very, very confused, but the guy only says nevermind, and turns to leave the same way he entered Deku's day - suddenly and bizarrely.
But when moving, the guy winces; there's a stiffness to him, to his arm; and Deku has to ask, Are you okay? Is it your arm? Do you need help? 
The guy says he's fine, and tries to dodge around Deku, but that only makes his wrist visible - with blood. Which alarms Deku, who tries to gently herd the guy toward UA. There's a doctor inside the school - a Hero, actually, with a healing quirk, it's really cool - she can help, she actually just helped me—
Their tiny commotion thankfully gets some of the staff - and All Might!? - to the scene, and just one word from Deku about the guy being hurt immediately has All Might carrying him off to Recovery Girl.
At the medical bay, the guy is utterly ungrateful. He says to All Might, You're as annoying as ever; but All Might takes it in stride, keeping his signature smile, even though Deku can see that he's confused and a little hurt.
Recovery Girl heals the guy. Then also brings attention to everything else wrong about the guy. You have multiple puncture wounds... And I see lots of blood, too much to be healthy, but it's all not yours, is it?
(Black is a good color to hide dried blood.)
Surprisingly, the guy answers bluntly and honestly. No.
At this, Deku can feel the atmosphere gets heavier, a little. All Might immediately gets more serious, asking if something had happen, if the young man - because in better lighting, he looked only to be a couple of years older than Deku - was in danger. Was it a Villain? Are they still in the area?
The guy refuses answering and tries to leave, but All Might blocks his path - with a showy flourish - and persists in trying to help. It's okay to tell him - All Might is here! There's no need to be afraid. He'll keep him safe. Evil will be caught and punished. Things will be okay. (Meanwhile, Deku watches Recovery Girl call the police.)
Unstoppable force vs. immovable object. Guy is a quick dodger and won't stop trying to leave, while All Might won't quit trying to get the guy to stay and talk.
Let's get your name! Can you tell us your name?
Fine, you want my name? The guy snaps. The family name is Shimura.
All Might freezes, and Deku sees something he thought was impossible - (Hero form) All Might's smile fading.
Shimura continues. But I don't want anything to do with you. So don't follow me.
Deku can just hear something shattering inside All Might. As he rushes over to All Might to see if he's okay, Shimura walks past them and leaves... but not before pausing at the door and saying something that breaks All Might again.
All For One is dead. I just killed him.
(A clattering sound. Recovery Girl's dropped her cane. Deku wants to grab it and give it back to her, but he doesn't want to leave All Might in his catatonic state either.)
Shimura says, I don't know if it'll stick, but if he does come back, I'll deal with it. You don't have to worry about him anymore.
Deku has so many questions. All Might, what's going on? Do you know Shimura-san? Who's All For One? Who just died? Are you okay?
Shimura gives a laugh at this. Says to Deku, so no one told you anything either. Says to All Might, better tell your successor everything, so he's prepared.
Prepared? All Might finally breaks out of his daze. But you just said...
It's me you'll need to worry about, from now on. Shimura says. You are Heroes. And I'm still a Villain.
Shimura walks out the door. And somehow, in the second between that and Deku running out to chase after him, Shimura has disappeared.
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bibibbon · 7 months
MHA chapter 416 (rambles)
Ok so this was like mainly a conclusion chapter for many characters and I guess I like that we are getting clarity on what's going on with some of the characters.
This chapter definitely gives me some very mixed feelings I feel like it's one of the best chapters horikoshi has produced in a long time if we exclude whatever is going on with Izuku and shigaraki.
There are still some things I definitely do dislike in this chapter which are:
The overall dismissal of izuku in general by other characters. Like no offense but I feel like we should of seen more people being worried for izuku instead of dismissing their worry and being like oh Iam not putting my faith in him or something because what do you mean you're not worrying for a 16 year old who has to fight an insane psychopath killer?!?? I still hate how momo dismissed this like wasn't 1A's whole objective when it came to getting Izuku back in the vigilante arc was because they were worried and scared for him?!?!? What happend now it makes no sense?!?!? Also i still hate momos atrocious hero costume
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Ochako and Toga's character conclusions?!?! Like excuse me what's going on where is toga how is she not in the picture at all if the whole point was that she sacrificed herself for ochako and layed their dying next to her now she is nowhere to be?!?! People just accept it and are like oh well she has been defeated no need to worry but you do realise that she can probably cause damage if she wanted to right?!?? Also Ausi deserves better because what's going on with her she was so out of place and somewhat irrelevant when it came to this arc like seriously hori did her dirty. Also who is next to ochako in that plane ?!?! Am I speaking to early and that could be toga or someone else
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Monoma deserved better. Oh did monoma deserve more screentime to shine and actually do more instead he got injured and knocked out offscreen which is such a shame. I really wanted to see more of him
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Lady nagant's take on izuku?!?? No offense but Iam sick and tired of characters having some wild takes of izuku. One minute it's oh he sees the good in everyone and he is a saint to the next which is oh he is a puppet who follows instructions to a letter and does more than he should. I still don't like kudo and his views whenever it concerns midoriya it seriously infuriates me. However, now that kudo is gone guess it's lady nagant's turn to take some of the role because hey is she saying that his pain is a good thing and that izuku has a morally grey view of villains which I cannot lie hasn't been proven at all. Don't get me wrong I love that idea but I think like everything in MHA it just has a horrible execution and I can't bring myself to like it. Lady nagant deserves better characterisation then this
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This chapter was a 50/50 when it came to the character if Eri. I absolutely adored her interaction with Kota and I find them absolutely adorable also at least ectoplasm is doing something and didn't let the girl run into the battlefield which is good enough (bare minimum). However, it still feels all icky that the heroes used her or well tried to utilise her anyway even if it's with good intentions or whatever the fact that they tried to make her heal aizawa but she lacked energy so she couldn't or whatever. Her lacking energy also feels like somewhat of a horribly introduced plot point because wasn't the whole problem she had when she came to UA was that she had a lot of her quirk built up and shouldn't the power in her horn be enough rewind aizawa into a week back in time like ?!?!! She couldn't be lacking that much energy it makes absolutely no sense to me. Also dam it's sad that Eri is out here being the only one worrying for izuku. They deserve better
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Hawks and tokoyami. They deserve their win section I love them and their dynamic just wish the series could of given us more when it came to them seriously the wasted potential the wasted dynamic and tensions get me
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The ending of the chapter?!?! Why is izuku in his uniform what happend?!?! I still don't get how they're merging into one person or one entity with different and same memories. Also why is this all about shigaraki like they're sharing memories so why aren't we seeing Izuku's memories this feels iffy to me. The dfo truthers have risen but tbh I don't see how this can benefit izuku in anyway and why does izuku have to watch the shimura family murder. Also if izuku is in his uniform does that mean he has become part of the memory did they do some space jumbo thing where they time travel and now they're changing fate and reality or some shenanigans like that?!??? The kotaro and tenko parallel hit tho that was good but other than that this whole Izuku's Nd shigaraki fight falls flat it's really such a disappointment and disaster to me.
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I LOVE THE CONTRAST BETWEEN THESE TWO IZUKU'S. I also adore his relationship with eri I wish we got more of them!!!
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gentrychild · 6 months
Hi Gentry, I would like to ask your rats for help.
I'm looking for an old bnha fic, posted on ao3 possibly more than 2 yrs ago. It's an AU of some kind, or canon divergence right from the beginning of the series? I think it maybe centered an hypercompetent-ish(?) Izuku.
One of the subplot was about Trigger being used in Class A. There's definitely a scene of Aizawa telling the whole Class A about Trigger - he placed a box and tells them if they gotten their hands on Trigger, anyone who (annonymously) drops off their Trigger would not get punished. Some time later, we get a scene of Ojiro's (I think) POV being alone and dropping off his Trigger shot in the box.
But there's someone else who *didn't* give up their Trigger and actively used it. To the point where he got mutations? Mineta swelled up and became like, a giant grape or purple skin or something. So he called Izuku for help.
Izuku then called Aizawa-sensei and went off on a hyperthetical question what actions would UA take against a hero student who took Trigger, with wordings that made Aizawa assume it was Izuku who took it. Aizawa answered that UA would help Izuku get rehab, not expulsion. Once they confirm the actions UA would take for Best Boy Izuku, they then disclose it was actually for Mineta.
Fic continued with Mineta's absent in class (sent to rehab).
Here's to hoping that fic wasn't deleted and I'm just having trouble finding it. Food for the rats: 🍇🍫🍬🎂🍪🍧🍰
If I am not mistaken, the fic is named Ascendant. I heard that the author has a eight pack. Quite handsome too.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Au where Izuku buys a quirk from giran
Like- like Giran gets OfA and Izuku is the one who buys it off him??? There's a hilarious au to be made about that, how Izuku got the money and what he'll do with the quirk after, and I'm sure it's somewhere up there with Anyone in terms of absolute insanity.
Anyway, this is not that au.
1- Giran is a go between- he connects supply and demand. AfO has a supply of quirks, but is hidden in layers of conspiracy. Giran has worked with AfO long enough that AfO doesn't mind giving his people uninteresting quirks, since he trusts their work will eventually come around to help him, and it's nice to get a cash deposit instead of just a promise to spy for you in a decade. Plus, it's another layer when playing dead and hiding from All Might.
2- Izuku finds Giran much easier than he could find AfO. He goes, mostly because he's sure he'll be laughed away, but he's got to make sure getting a quirk is impossible before he gives up his dream of being a hero forever. (All Might told him he couldn't, the slime villain never dropped out of his pocket for round two.) Giran is curious as to why he wants it, and says he'll consider it if he thinks Izuku won't waste whatever quirk he's given. Izuku takes apart a few random quirks Giran mentions, getting pretty analytical, mentions a lot of use in heroics. Giran could use another friend on the hero side, and so offers his deal: Izuku will pay for a quirk, and if he's able to train it and get into UA, he can keep it in exchange for a percentage of his hero salary and loyalty after he's licensed. If he can't, Giran takes the quirk back, and Izuku's out of the money and his dream. Izuku accepts.
3- Izuku is unconscious and blindfolded when he's given the quirk- Giran protects his customers and their identities from each other, after all- and spends the next ten months training it, his body, and mind. Every other week he checks in with Giran. Aldera is all abuzz at Deku suddenly having a quirk to use in gym, but that fades. He eventually takes the exam, and is sure he failed - after explaining it on the phone, Giran laughs and tells him to at least wait for the rejection letter before offering the quirk back. And then: it's not a rejection letter. He had rescue points. He's in. Also, All Might is going to be teaching there. He'd be excited if he wasn't scared. Because he knows All Might's secret and injury, and that's incredibly valuable information. Giran would want to know- anyone would. And Izuku would die before telling them. But he just calls Giran excited to be accepted, and Giran laughs again, says he'll almost miss their check ins but not his reproachful glares for smoking, and wishes him luck until he graduates and can pay back the investment.
4- UA is eventful, and because of that it's a full month before Izuku even sees All Might- he's busy with the third then second years, and also the school's attacked twice. On seeing him, in the hero course uniform, All Might does a double take. He recognizes him, and he's pretty sure that kid is supposed to be quirkless, which means everything is Very Suspicious! To stay calm, he asks Tsukauchi to be at the school the next morning, and pulls Izuku aside before class. He asks Izuku where he got his quirk. Izuku, honestly, says he bought it. He's earnest and says he doesn't mind paying for the chance to become a hero, and gives All Might the details of the deal, everything except Giran's name. After all, Izuku doesn't know his real one. Tsukauchi and All Might are stunned for different but overlapping reasons. Once Izuku connects their questions with the school attacks (After all, buying a quirk is not illegal, he checked first. There aren't laws about what's supposed to be impossible. Which means something else must be wrong.) he's horrified and apologizes, asks if there's anything he can do. If needed, he could be a double agent - he just has to help, somehow.
5- Tsukauchi is horrified because they are not going to ask a fifteen year old without a license to be a double agent. Toshinori is horrified because he's pretty sure that at this point, if they tell Izuku no, he's just going to try to do it on his own anyway. The only way to stop him would be to arrest him, and since Toshinori is feeling a whole lot of self blame for everything here, he wants to avoid that too. So, with varying levels of enthusiasm, they start to hash out a plan...
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doodlegirl1998 · 11 months
I never liked the Traitor twist. If I were given a chance to rewrite it, here's how I would've done it.
Instead of a traitor, it would instead be a person with a quirk to travel as a shadow, that would explain how they would be able to get the information for the USJ and the Training Camp. and Izuku could even have a bit of a meetup with them who blackmails him into keeping quiet about who they are or else they'll reveal he's the reason All Might retired.
They're a spy for hire, charging a hefty price to spill/keep secrets to villains. As being in the shadows can help with learning various things about people, no matter how big or small.
And to top it all off... they were previously a student of Aizawa's class that was expelled for "not having enough potential" Thus they couldn't face their family and ran away from home, becoming a villain.
This would show the effects of Aizawa's expulsion and how it's not as clear cut as he thinks it is, that it actually has negative consequences and where his students might end up. This would make Aizawa think twice and realize that his expulsions did more harm than good and now it's come back to hit him with the cold reality.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
That is an excellent rewrite of the Traitor twist because how Hori wrote it in canon it just doesn't make sense.
1) Yuuga should have been caught way before now. He doesn't have invisibility to conceivably sneak around the way that Toru does. And UA should have security cameras.
2) He is one of the bottom students of the class. An argument could be made that he was hiding some of his skill set but Hori doesn't set that up (unlike that moment in the sports festival when he did for Kaminari) beyond occaisional fourth wall breaks.
3) What even is Aoyama doing as traitor? I've seen @justatalkingface talk about how they would have utilised the traitor plot and it is so scary and narrative breaking how AFO could have used this effectively yet he just didn't... For some reason. (A DFO argument could be made here, yet even if this theory turns out being true, AFO has no reason not to go after All Might, the rest of the staff and students properly.)
4) How is he getting Info to AFO directly without the staff / students with hearing quirks finding out? This just is a plot hole. Perhaps Yuuga didn't call, perhaps he passed on coded messages to his parents, perhaps... Nothing. This is giving Hori too much credit. You can't tell me Nedzu didn't monitor communications of everyone when they were in the dorms via the schools wifi / network. Nedzu should think something is suss especially if a student is talking with their parents in code.
5) The parallels with Izu are perhaps the only positive thing about this. But even that is utilised poorly. Izuku isn't allowed to reflect on his own past once when this Aoyama situation should have opened a lot of old wounds for him. Izuku wasn't allowed to think of the grey area of this situation once he brushed off Mic's concerns that they were all victims here along with Toru and Ojiro's hurt to tell Aoyama "you can still be a hero." While this is nice for Yuuga (since he was a traitor by force) it brushes off everyone elses feelings on the matter. Izuku has become more and more black and white as a character (and in his views) and this starkly highlights it.
Furthermore, your version where a villainous ex-student of Aizawa's with a shadow quirk is the cause of the traitor suspicions is much more interesting and plausible.
It would make more sense for them to be able to sneak around undetected.
It confronts Aizawa with the devastating impact of his teaching without any narrative cushioning.
It encourage Aizawa to grow as a teacher or quit after getting 1A through their first year.
This would tie the class closer together rather than tearing them apart and pitting members against each other (which is why I dislike the Izuku vs 1A fight along with how this Traitor arc was handled.)
It makes Nedzu look like less of a moron in general for the disbelief of Mic suggesting there is a traitor because he wouldn't be able to see any evidence of one in the cameras or student communications.
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talaofthevalley · 2 years
I think, at the end of the day, what I want above all else from the end of the Todoroki family story arc and Dabi's story, beyond Enji not just getting off scotfree after ruining his family's lives but I feel that's a given but beyond that-
I want Dabi to be given time.
One reocurring thing running among the Todoroki's is that most of them has been given time away from the fucked up family situation, away from Enji, to grow as their own people.
Fuyumi complicates this obviously. You could argue her becoming a teacher and building an adult life could count, but Fuyumi also wants other things compared to her siblings, and that's okay! But if you look at the other three, I think it's easier to see what I mean.
Shouto is the most obvious example. It's thanks to not having his thoughts occupied by his father and letting them rule his actions and mindset, even if just to piss his dad off, that Shouto is able to grow. UA and his classmates give him that, he's given a space and time to develop as a person and find out who he is and who he wants to be. Bouncing off his classmates and interacting with people his own age as equals helped him.
It's a big part of Shouto's character that he thinks about his decisions thoroughly and what he wants to do. And he's able to do this because he is given the time and space to do so. It's not explicitly stated, but I think moving to the dorms helped him a lot with this. Shouto is no longer at risk of interacting with his father everyday, letting Shouto distance himself and decide how he feels about his father, being his son, and his ow quirk, without his abuser there to influence him.
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I think this page best shows what a bad influence Endeavour can be on Shouto's mind. Shouto was calm before this, just trying to get to his match and not engaging, but his worsening mental state is called to attention the longer Endeavour talks. Keep in mind this match and moving to the dorms happens long before Enji decides to be a better parent when he realises becoming No.1 wasn't satisfying.
Shouto had not even given Enji his contact information before this and Enji had to get it from Fuyumi(a breach of boundary most definitely, but we don't know Shouto's reaction to this). Shouto doesn't even reply to his fathers incessant messaging until he himself needs something from him, and it's from Endeavour the hero, not Enji the father.
Shouto's development is gradual, but noticeable, and never really stops happening. Even now in the manga he's not finished his arc. But that's what made it very satisfying to watch him grow and find what kind of hero he wants to be.
I think it's worth noting that no one tells Shouto he should go visit his mother. Neither does anyone tell him he should try and talk to his siblings. How Shouto got started on properly talking to them is unknown, but it's clear it's on his terms, and because he wants to. Visiting Rei and reconnecting with her is something Shouto decided himself, and he goes to see her when he can and writes to her. How these visits go are never shown, but it's clear both of them want to connect again, and that both Rei and Shouto are in good places to actually do so in a healthy way.
Rei being in a good place is very important for this, and she is because she has been getting help and been away from the source of her distress and breakdown. When we see Rei out of a flashback, she's calm. She even seems happy, smiling with her children. Happy Shouto is keeping in touch with her through letters despite being so busy.
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Rei was in dire need of getting away, that is obvious when you read the flashbacks. Her worsening mental health and situation ended up hurting not only her, but her children, especially Touya and Shouto. And she's been getting help and getting better since. At this point, she hasn't seen Enji since she was admitted to the hospital. Thanks to all that, Rei has been able to better process her trauma, what went on in their family, and her part in it, and she can face it. Rei, unlike Enji, is open about scarring Shouto, how she couldn't reach Touya and ultimately failed him as a mother.
We don't know a lot about Natsuo, but in his character profile, it's stated that thanks to Fuyumi, he was able to make the decision to go to college. It's said he spends a lot of time away from home and Fuyumi teases him about not keeping in contact enough. For Natsuo, who was one of the 'worthless' children of the house along with Fuyumi, going to college, making friends and getting a girlfriend, probably did wonders for him.
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Natsuo is very upfront about his dislike for Enji, and his refusal to ever forgive him for what he's done. He's taken up the role of holding Enji responsible for his actions after Touya was no longer able to. I think it's pretty clear what Natsuo would like to do is go no-contact with Enji, but he doesn't want to hurt Fuyumi's feelings, so he goes to the family dinners where he has to sit in Enji's presence anyway. Though we still see him stand up and leave sometimes because he can't stand to be in the same room as his father. Natsuo getting up and leaving is, I think, the mature thing to do. He's looking out for himself.
So, where the heck am I going with this? Basically, I want Dabi, Touya, to be given the time and space to decide himself what kind of relationship he wants to have with his family, every single one, in the same way the others have.
Touya up to the point of his death had his life defined by decisions made for him or things happening out of his control. His life after his death were dedicated to one day kill his father, with the heavy implication he has no plan to get out of that confrontation alive.
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You could say Dabi has no identity outside of the Todoroki family, outside of killing Endeavour and getting revenge for himself because no one else ever would. He was born, raised and groomed to be Enji's successor and the next number one, only to have that ripped away from him and expected to just, deal with that and move on, when he had no tools or methods to do that. Touya had no identity outside of being Enji's successor because that wasn't how he was raised. In his mind, he had no worth outside of that.
He was scapegoated by his family for most of his time living with them, and he might not even remember what being with them without being treated as the source of all the problems in the family is like. He went back home and thought they continued on as if he never died. And while that might not be fully true, just telling him that isn't going to magically absolve and fix the damage that left him with.
Throwing him right back into the family, with or without Enji involved, when the rest of the Todoroki's doesn't even know how to treat him now either, could end up really badly.
Especially when they still appear to lean into Touya being the problem. Dabi is the problem for acting out and "involving unrelated people in family matters" as Shouto so eloquently put it(not word for word don't shoot me), when Dabi wanted society to hold Enji accountable for his actions. They still say Dabi needs to be stopped, not saved.
At this point of the arc, Dabi is expecting to die, and he'll have to deal with the fact he's still alive after all this. I don't think he's gonna have the mental strenght to reconnect with the family he hasn't seen for years, not to mention we don't know if Dabi believes they even want him around or ever truly loved him. What does he think of them? We don't know, and chances are big he doesn't know either.
And that's why, I think a timeskip is one of the absolute best ways MHA can end, with time to see, years later, how all the characters are doing. And for the Todoroki's, it could mean Dabi has gotten time by himself to heal, to find out who he is outside of being a Todoroki, outside of being Enji's son, the failed experiment, his own avenger, and deciding on his terms how they should finally meet and talk and what kind of relationship he wants to have with them, if any at all.
It would also give the rest of them the time to once again process Touya's death, Dabi's existence, the fact their brother and child is alive once more and what that means to them individually. It's clear Touya's death was a big open wound for the family even years later, and if it wasn't still bleeding it definitely was after Dabi revealed himself, and that shits messy to deal with.
Then, we can have them meet at a dinner table. Maybe even have it be a picnic or something. When Dabi, Touya, is in a better place, because he was given the time and space to get better and finally decide for himself what he wants to do. It's the very least he's owed.
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BKDK Hurt/Comfort Recs
NOTES: you all voted, and I have answered. Here are a few Hurt/Comfort works. I know I say this on every rec I do, but please be careful with your mental health. If you don't like the tags or if something is too much please don't read it. I am doing this by myself, and is why there will not be too many works compiled at one time.
***I have personally ordered this from the least hurt to the most hurt. I will also take more care in tags, as there are various triggers that could be throughout this. This list is not objective, but it should help you to not go past your limit.***
1. the being unknown by twinstarsies
Tags: secret relationship, top Bakugou/bottom Midoriya, a/b/o, smut, Alternate Universe - Regency, elopement
Summary: Izuku comes to realize that home is, truly, where the heart is.
2. It Must Have Been the Wind by battybabe
Tags: (domestic) abuse, izuku/omc, sexual abuse/rape (mentioned), smut, quirkless au
Summary: New neighbors moved in above Bakugo and something's not right
(Inspired by It Must Have Been the Wind by Alec Benjamin)
3. true friends (stab you in the front) by saturnsorbit
Tags: quirkless Izuku, bullying, bully Dekusquad, pre-relationship bkdk
Summary: Days into his first year of UA, Midoriya Izuku believes this school really is different. He's happy! He has his absolute best friend, Katsuki, with him and they're learning and training to become proper heroes together! He even made some new friends. It all falls apart two months in when his secret comes out.
4. oh, mama's boy (kissyshima)/ Mama's Boy (Dqrk_Mxxn)
Tags: abuse, verbal abuse, abusive mitsuki bakugou, child abuse, panic attacks
Summary: Bakugou has a panic attack after being called "Mama's Boy" and Izuku finds him in his room. Discover Bakugou's past and what led up to this panic attack.
5. So Much Worse Than A Phantom Limb by s_the_queen
Tags: brief major character death, abusive/controlling/mean dekusquad, class divide, panic attacks, continued arguments
Summary: There was a buzzing under his skin and a tightness in his chest. Lesser mortals would call it panic—or maybe terror. But he was the strong one. He didn't even panic when he'd been kidnapped. If he panicked now, everyone else would break. He didn't have that luxury, but he supposed that was the price of being the strongest. Only one person could handle the full weight of his fears. He could panic when Deku woke up. -or- Izuku is involved in an incident with a villain and Katsuki *goes through it*.
6. The Dragon's Consort by Mrs_Galaxy_M
Tags: abuse, domestic abuse, child abuse, a/b/o, hurt no comfort, they legit hate eachother, twins Uruaraka and Izuku, Omega izuku, sick izuku, dragon hybrid Bakugou, soulmates
Summary: Everyone believed ochako and katsuki were soulmates, the reincarnation of the first-ever soulmates who sadly never ended together Izuku, her twin, was bullied and starved since he just wasn't considered as important as ochako Yet in their wedding. Katsuki could only feel izuku through a just formed bond
7. Love Me (Not) by Scaevus
Tags: suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, abuse, child abuse, child neglect, alcohol abuse, overdose (attempt), self-harm, depression, dissociation, torture
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki believes two things with his entire being. One-he's destined to be a villain. Two-he should definitely kill himself before that happens. Or, Katsuki show up to the dorms drunk when he's supposed to be spending the weekend home. Suddenly, his classmates are starting to notice little things that don't add up about their explosive friend. And Izuku is oddly closer to his childhood friend than they thought.
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notsunnyowo · 1 year
 Your Name
Bakugou Katsuki x Female Reader (part 2)
(part 1)
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Such a fascinating concept. One would be lucky to find the other half of their soul, their mate. That one person who completes you, makes you feel whole again.
Even if you might've never known that you could ever feel in such a way.
"Mom! Have you seen my other shoe? I can't find it anywhere!" (Y/n) called out, crouching down and looking around for her missing shoe.
"Have you tried looking on the drawers?"
"Of course I have! It's not anywhere!" The girl slumped. "I can't believe I managed to loose my shoe! I've officially got the worst luck ever." 
"Oh quit your sulking." Her mother said as she entered the hallway and walked over to her daughter. "I'll find that shoe of yours."
"It's pointless mom! I've literally looked everywhere and there's absolutely no sign of my other-"
"Found it."
The awestruck girl looked at her mother as if she'd just done the most mind-blowing magic trick of all time. "What? How?"
Handing her the other shoe (Y/n)'s mother patted her daughter on the back. "Not important, now get a move on kiddo! You don't want to be late for school now, do you?"
Wiping the disbelief off her features, the (h/c) haired girl took the shoe and put it on, tying the laces into a neat knot.
"Bag? Check. ~ Uniform? Check. ~ Awesome attitude? Double check. M'all ready to go!" She smiled before giving her mom a quick hug goodbye.
"Bye mom! I'll see you after school!"
A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. Most would consider themselves lucky not to have an encounter with such a person.
Although a few. There are certain exceptions who'd be thrilled to meet that exact person.
With her hand tightly holding the strap of her bag, the girl made her way towards her new school.
UA High.
The school for the best of the best. The best school in Japan for any and all who sought a career in the hero business. Be it as a support item designer or a hero, UA was the best place for the job!
After all.. The top heroes had graduated there, so it only made sense that it was the best.
I can't believe I'm actually attending UA! This is so cool! Maybe I'll get to meet some Pro-Heros while on campus. ~ Wasn't there a rumor about All Might teaching here?
That would be so coo-
Thanks to her daydreaming and not paying enough attention to her surroundings, the young girl walked right into something, or rather, someone.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!-" She immediately apologized, embarrassment seeping into her with each passing second as she glanced at the tall blonde in front of get.
Sweet mother of cheese, is this guy real? 
Right in front of her was standing a tall, broad guy who by her standards, looked like someone out of a teen magazine. She felt the heat rising to her cheecks as she realized that she was still pressed against his chest.
Am I dreaming or is that a six pack?-
Shooing those thoughts out of her head she immediately backed up.
Good lord he was hot.
"Are you blind or something? Can't you fucking see where you're going?" His gruff and extremely abrasive voice sounded.
So much for being hot.-
Upon further inspection the boy appeared to be around her age and absolutely pissed.
With a scowl matching the boy's one, (Y/n) crossed her arms over her chest. Tilting her head up, she glared back at him.
"Rude much." She spat, a strong distaste coating her words.
So what if she found him attractive? That was no way to speak to someone you just met! Even if they'd just bumped into you.
"I already said I'm sorry! What else do you want me to say? ~ Perhaps a written apology? Would that suit your needs?"
"Oi, are you mocking me?!" The blonde shot back as a set of tiny explosions ignited in his hand.
Must be his quirk.
"And what if I am?" She said under her breath. "Mr. Blasty Mc-splody." The nickname rolled off her tounge with such ease she almost didn't realize she'd said it.
At that nickname, the already irritated blonde was now fuming with rage. Who did this girl think she was? Talking to him like that! He ought'a show her who's boss.
"You wanna say that again, you extra?" The boy growled, his words laced with venom.
"Oh, I dunno." Replied (Y/n), giving him a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders. "Look. I'd love to stay and chat but- I've got places to be, people to meet. ~ So, y'know."
The girl further emphasized her words with a quick shoulder raze and a simultaneous side-tilt of her head.
"See ya!" She waved, before walking around the awestruck blonde and continuing on her merry way.
What the fuck just happened?
"UA at last!" (Y/n) sighed as she looked up at the large school building. "I still can't actually believe I made it here!"
The school was big, almost too big for her liking. There were so many different corridors and areas, one might get lost trying to navigate them! It was a pure miracle that (Y/n) didn't loose her way on her little quest to find class 1-A's homeroom.
Once she finally did though, she was immediately met with the colossal door in front of her classroom.
Taking in a deep breath, the girl stepped trough the door and into the classroom. There weren't too many students inside giving the girl just about enough seating spots to choose from. Opting for a spot near the window she placed her backpack onto the desk.
"Hi there!" A voice from behind called out to her, causing the young student to quickly turn around and face whoever had approached her.
A girl with short pink hair and matching pink skin was smiling widely at her.
"Oh, hello." (Y/n) replied, sounding a bit more nervous than she intended to.
"I'm Mina Ashido! It's nice to meet'cha!" 
Seeing the cheerful girl (Y/n) couldn't help but smile back. "Nice to meet you too. I'm (L/n) (Y/n)."
"So what school are you from (L/n)?" The pink-toned girl asked, leaning on the desk.
"Oh, I'm from Yokosuka Junior High." She answered before shooting the girl with a question of her own. "And you?"
"Mustafa Private Middle School." The pink skinned girl replied.
For the next few minutes Mina and (Y/n) conversed on various topics. From their middle school years to their future plans and aspirations. The two girls really hit it off. 
But all good things must come to an end.
And so (Y/n)'s carefree conversation was interrupted from the abrupt commotion coming from the desk behind her.
"You cannot sit in such a manner! You are disrespecting the school with your behavior! You are at UA, show some respect!" The stern voice caught (Y/n)'s attention.
But what really had her head turning was the painstakingly familiar, gruff voice that followed.
"Did they shove a stick up your ass? Or were you just born with it?"
Oh you've gotta be kidding me-
(Y/n) simply couldn't believe her luck. Out of all the people that could be in her class why did it have to be that hot arrogant guy she stumbled upon on her way to school?
For a split second the two locked eyes with one another. Vermillion orbs meeting (e/c) ones. In that moment, the girl felt an odd sensation in her wrist. It was as if a sudden source of heat had been brought right up to it causing the flesh to warm up.
That was.. odd, to say the least.
Noticing that the blonde's attention was no longer situated on him, the blue haired male glanced over to what, or in this case who, had managed to steal his attention away from the clearly extremely important lecture, young Tenya was giving to this brash boy who was now his classmate.
He did not recognize the girl, leasing him to the clear assumption that she must be from another school. And if that was the case he must do the proper thing in this situation and introduce himself to her.
"You there!" The boy said gesturing to the startalled female.
"Indeed. I apologize, I haven't introduced myself yet. ~ I'm Tenya Iida, from Somei Private Academy." He finished.
"O-Oh, I'm (L/n) (Y/n).. From Yokosuka Junior High." (L/n) answered. "It's nice to meet you." 
Well this guy's attention sure did a full 180! Wasn't he busy lecturing to Blasty over there just a minute ago?
"The pleasure is all mine." He answered, however his words fell on deaf ears as young (L/n) was far too occupied with trying to ignore the ruby eyes boaring holes into the side of her head.
If looks could kill she was sure she'd be a gonner.
It took her all the strength she could muster to simply not look back at the blonde.
Lucky for her however, their teacher soon came to the rescue and pried the blonde's eyes off her. Thank you Erasure Head!
"Settle down class.." The way too tiered-looking man began. His whole demeanor really did fit the whole "I don't get payed enough for this" trope. Disheveled and unkept look, tiered eyes, he looked like everything except what you'd normally expect a proper teacher to look like.
"Since most of you don't know each other we can start off by introducing yourselves to the rest of your classmates."
The air was silent for a moment as everyone looked at one another, waiting to see if anyone was good Ng to step up and be the first to break this deafening silence.
Not waisting any more time Aizawa gestured to a green green haired boy. "Go on." He began, gesturing to the boy with his hand, giving him the que to start with his introduction.
The next few minutes were filled spent with students telling the others their names and a few interesting things about themselves. Just as (Y/n) had expected. 
That was until his turn came.
In all honesty she hadn't expected to find him so quickly. She was sure that it was going Ng to take quite a long time, perhaps even a lifetime till she found him.a
She saw it as quite astonishing if she were to be completely honest.
And.. slightly saddening at the same time. Or perhaps disappointing would be a better a better fit?
"The name's Bakugou Katsuki."
The name your get on your hand belongs to either your soulmate..
Or your mortal enemy.
There's a fifty percent chance that a person gets either choice which at first doesn't seem like such a bad deal.
And perhaps it isn't? Who wouldn't be happy that it isn't a lower percentage?
The only thing that would make it better would be for there to exist a simple and easy way to determine which one you've got, instead of leaving it up to your own judgement of that person.
So then..
What does that leave me at?
A game of soulmate or not?
Author Note:
Thank you all for the support on the first chapter! You can also find this story on Ao3 under the same title. My account is IAintSunny.
This will be a multiple part story and I hope to see you all in the next chapter of Your Name!
(part 3)
Requested tag: @shininjjongg
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honeyglz · 2 years
Then and now.
A/N - This is my third time writing this A/N because of my wifi (Im going to cry) BUT that wont stop me. As always enjoy and if you enjoy my stuff be sure to follow. Ill be using polls to ask yall for your input so be sure to stick around <3
Reader - Fem (She/Her ,You/Your/Yours)
Pairing - Bakugou x reader (ex's to lovers)
P1 - Breaking up with them </3 (headcannons) P2 - Pride before the fall
Au - None!!
Disclaimer - I do not own any of these character aside form Y/N / the reader.
Warning! - None Im aware of ! Aside from no proof reading and poor grammar lmao
3 Years. 1095 days. 26280 hours. She had been gone for 3 year. Alot had happened in the 3 years she had left. She found herself looking forward constantly in those 3 years. Fearful that if she looked back for even a moment she would simply stop. Stop moving forward, stop moving on. She would just...stop.
And so she didn't stop, she never looked back, continuously moving towards goals and aspirations, even if she didn't care for the rewards.
It was a warm summer day, the air sweet and sticky on her skin as she walked along the cracked pavement. There was a small crowd forming up ahead, people flocking to a hero no doubt. Slowly she tried to make her way through the crowd, cringing at the heat that radiated around her. People pushed and shoved against her, from behind and back she felt like she was being invaded on all sides. Eventually she managed to squeeze out in one piece, stopping for a moment to gather her self and smooth out her clothes she felt a burning gaze land on her. Slowly her eyes moved up looking around before she turned her attention in front of her. There stood the man she had walked out on 3 years ago, staring at her dumbfounded almost. She felt her heart skip a beat as they locked eyes, the outside world melting away. Suddenly she was 3 years younger.
Suddenly she was looking at the love of her life once again.
The crowd pushed past her, all flocking to the pro hero not that she cared. Her eye's were glued to his, and he could say nothing but the same. It was weird. It was like she was dreaming, she had to be. More and more people pushed past her until she was left in the back, Bakugou long gone from her vision. She thought of turning back, of leaving before she had a chance to second guess herself. And she was about to. But like a fuck you from the universe something stopped her, a call that finally made her stop. "Y/N!-" Frantic almost desperate, Bakugou Katsuki pushed past everyone in his way as he searched through the growing crowd for the face he longed so dearly to see just one more time. To say all the things he had rehearsed over long sleepless nights, word for word he would apologise for everything. For the missed dates, for the constant working. Everything. He just had to find her. He stumbled abit losing his footing as he called out your name asif a prayer, eyes scanning scanning over everyone he in his sights. The heat unbearable under his thick padded suit. How ironic, he thought to himself bitterly. Real fucking comedy. -♡- Flashback...Third year of UA..... It was hot, which was an understatement in Bakugou's eye's because he felt like he was fucking melting. But still he went about his day, went to class and listened intently to everything he could soak up. At lunch he ate whatever it was he had and stayed mostly quite during conversation, enjoying the time to just observe for once. At first everything seemed normal in the cafeteria, boringly so. It wasn't until his eyes wondered over to another class that his attention was snatched from his thoughts. A girl. She was seated near the side of the cafeteria, chatting away happily with some idiots from another class. Strangely enough Bakugou couldn't quite place why he couldn't tear his eyes from her. Maybe it was that he had just never noticed her before, but then again he never noticed anyone he didn't deem worthy of his time. Maybe it was something else entirely. But whatever it was, he didn't really care. All he knew was that she was hypnotic and it annoyed him to no end. Her stupid fucking smile that made him want to break out into one himself.
The way her eye's creased when she laughed hard enough or the way she seemed too damn content to be laughing with an extra. The way she hadn't even spoken to him yet and he was whipped. Hell, she hadn't even spared him so much as a glance. He felt his heart speed up as one of her classmates pointed over to his table.
'Fuck.' They were talking about someone to you. 'Double fuck.' He watched as she turned her head, eyes locking onto his as she looked abit shocked. Confused even. The bell had rung and suddenly she was walking up to him. 'Fuck!- Think Katsuki- Be smooth. Be cool. Say something nice-' Closer and closer she walked until- "Hi Bakugou." 'SHIT-' "The fuck you want extra?-" He shoved his hands deep into his pockets, an attempt at stopping them from sweating so damn much. His face was felt warm as a soft blush coated his checks. She just smiled warmly before continuing. "Nothing, just though you might wanna walk to class together. Seein as were both late and all." He grumbled out some lame excuse but followed regardless, heart still thumping against his ears as he forced himself to keep a straight face.
He could get used to this.
Sweat dripped off his head and god he was so uncomfortable being seen like this but he didn't give a rats ass if it meant seeing you again. People stepped away from the searching hero, some scared others worried. He was starting to lose hope.
Of course you had left. Why wouldn't you?
Bakugou turned his head one last time, watching as the crowd seemed to swallow any fleeting chance of seeing you once again. Everyone was watching. Everyone.
Were you watching?
And again that feeling came back. That feeling that no one was there but you and him. Even if he couldn't see you, he needed to tell you.
Tell you he was sorry.
That he was an idiot.
That if hated him for the rest of his life he would understand.
Tell you once and for all that he loved you more than anything.
More than the press.
More than anyone watching right now.
More than his job.
God so much more then his stupid job. He would tell you all these things in a heart beat. And so, he did.
Letting out a loud blast in the sky he felt all eyes on him; not that he didn't have everyone's attention before. He exhaled before dropping his gaze to the floor, heart hammering against his ears, blood rushing to his face before he could even speak. Swallowing his pride he allowed his ego to settle as he spoke. Voice raw with emotion.
"Listen up, I know you somewhere in this crowd so please just listen to me before ya run off" he barked out almost asif an order.
"I just wanted to say 'm sorry for all the shitty things I did. Or didn't. Dammit what am I doing.." mumbling the last part he continued. The silence deafening.
"'m sorry I didn't make the dates or dinners- And the late nights. I'm sorry I was a fucking ass-hole and left you on read all the time." He paused for a moment his eyes still trained on the grey pavement below. "And I'm sorry about how things ended… Real sorry about it actually."
"Worst fucking regret I have is letting you walk out that door and I swear to you not a day goes by I don't kick myself in the ass for it." He took a breath before going on.
"I know ya probably don't wanna hear this bullshit and think I'm all shit but I'm not, you don't have to talk to me or anythin like that but I just-"
Another shaky breath. This time he looked up, gazing into the sea of faceless people.
"I just wanted to let ya know I loved you and 'm sorry I couldn't love you enough back then."
By now his heart was roaring in his ears, heart thumping at an uncontrollable pace and he couldn't do anything but look back at the damn floor.
Again silence engulfed him and that was all he needed to turn on his heel and walk away. Leaving the crowd speechless as the heartfelt confession that had just taken place.
To anyone else this wasn't the Dynamight they knew. And they would be right.
But to you it wasn't Dynamight, because after 3 years you had finally seen Katsuki again.
It was late and Bakugou was tried. His PR team had chewed his head off for his little stunt he pulled but he didn't give two shits. He never would. That apology was for one person and one person only, so what if a few others saw? To hell with others. He walked into his apartment, cringing at the lonely air it held. Throwing off his hero gear he slumped onto his couch, thinking back on the day. He grabbed his phone slowly checking the time. 2:00 am Sounded about right for him. Slowly he made his way to the bathroom doing whatever the hell he needed to before going to bed. It was a slow process but a much needed one. By the time he had gotten into bed his mind hadn't yet stopped racing at the events that had happened today. He lay on his back, eyes staring up at the blank ceiling before the soft ring of his phone caught him off guard.
Checking the phone his eyes widened at the unknown number displayed on his screen. In all honesty he should of hung up there and then. But something compelled him to pick it up. It was like he was hypnotised. His fingers tapped on the small glass screen as he held the phone to his ear lazily. Voice low and gruff as he spoke "The fuck is this?" "Hi Bakugou." Your voice rang through the phone, he stayed silent for a moment. Praying. Hoping that by some miracle this wasn't a dream. Before he could muster any words you quickly cut him off unknowingly. "I didn't mean to wake you or anything- I just thought that..." You trailed off for a moment before continuing "This is stupid- I'm sorry for waking you" "You didnt wake me-!" That came out quicker than he had hoped, and unfortunately, louder too. There was silence on the line once again and he felt his eye's start to grow heavy. The sound of a gentle laugh caught his ears, it was so quite he nearly missed it. He could hear the smile in your voice as you spoke, causing a soft smile of his own to break out. God you could still do that after all this time, but then again he wouldn't have it any other way. "Well then.. Hi." "Hey" Again a pause of silence before you continued.. "I know its late but I was wondering if you'd wanna stay on call and just- talk?.. Seeing as we're both up late and all." You bit your tongue as you waited for his answer. Unsure if calling was the right thing to do. "I'd love to." And there it was again. That strange feeling. But this time he wasn't 3 years younger And he wasn't in UA. This time he was on a call, at 2 AM, talking to you. And somehow that was enough to make him smile. -♡- A/N- Thank you for any support and hydrate ! Be sure to follow for updates and other works of mine <3 Interactions are greatly appreciated :)
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rose-riot-johnson · 1 year
Okay another request since you're so good at writing my bb!!!
Shinsou x a they them reader who has insomnia because of horrid nightmares... so they don't sleep for days. They start as friends cuddling but eventually confess feelings?? It's not just to help each other sleep now.
Okay sounds good😃👍I will definitely see about working on that type fanfic then😃👍 And this is definitely my first time working on the fanfic pertaining insomnia and nightmares, as well, so I will see with about writing this fanfic then😁👍I do hope I'm doing the request correctly🤞🤞
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The Cure For Our Insomnia (Hitoshi Shinsou x They/Them Reader)
Genres: Nightmare Comfort and Fluff (Warning⚠️: Depending on the reader's imagination, Mentions of Insomnia (and Insomnia), and Scary mentions of Nightmares)
Both you and Shinsou knew eachother, since childhood and even went to UA together in the same class together. After graduating UA together, both you and Shinsou became a pro heroes together, as a joint agency. Since both you and Shinsou want to find your own place without living all alone, both of you decided to become roommates. The both of you found and apartment that has two beds in the same room, which was perfect for you both. So both you and Shinsou became roommates for about a year.
It was going great. The only issue was recently was both you and Shinsou have be having horrid nightmares for the last few days. Shinsou's nightmares are about being defeated by villains who look like scorpions, then after they defeated him, they told him that he should join them, then called his brainwashing, villainous, as they felt it would come in handy, then stab him with the scorpion tail, then he transformed into a evil scorpion. Well with your nightmares, you basically only remember the end of the dream. You didn't remember any part of it except the end of the dream for some reason, however the ending was horrible. In your dream you remember being in the bed, only Shinsou wasn't there, you were all alone. The room actually had some pink smoke or clouds or something, then the next thing you know something was (choking and/or smuthering) you, as you tried to yell for help, you said (anything said to the thing (choking and/or smuthering) the reader is up to the reader's imagination), then it laughed at you for what you said, then you saw a face of one other the characters of (any show or movie or cartoon or anime, up to the reader's imagination) popped up randomly and it really frightened you to the point where you thought you were a goner, then both you and Shinsou woke up from your nightmares.
For the next several days neither you nor Shinsou could even sleeeven if the both of you both tried, both you and Shinsou have been going to your doctor's appointments separately, as Shinsou went first. The doctor diagnosed him with insomnia, then suggested for him to find something or someone to cuddle with. After he got done with his doctor's appointment, it was your turn. Your doctor then diagnosed you with insomnia,then suggested to you that you should cuddle someone or something, as well.
Then both you and Shinsou talk about what the doctor said then you realized he was having nightmares, while he just realized that you were having nightmares, as well. Neither of you wanted to talk about it yet, then looked at eachother, as you both realized there's no one else and nothing else for either of you to cuddle. So, the both of you pushed the beds together, the proceeded to start cuddling eachother, just to see, if it will help with the insomnia.
As weeks went by you're getting better with your insomnia and so is Shinsou. Cuddling together has been making a huge difference. Even after both yours and Shinsou's doctor's appointments, the doctor even noticed the difference. However, something else has changed from cuddling eachother.
Both you and Shinsou have been having feelings for eachother, since the second week the both of you started cuddling eachother. Then, after the results from the doctor's appointments the both of you had from cuddling with eachother, the both of you decided to confess about how the both of you feel about eachother. And that includes what the cuddling did for the both of you.
Shinsou confessed, "Well, (They/Them Reader Name)... I have a confession. These last few weeks of cuddling helped with my insomnia and during those few weeks I did feel in love with you longer, than I caught on. I just have been getting butterflies in my stomach about you, wheather we're cuddling or anything else. You really helped me with my insomnia. And your cuddles are just amazing, because they comfort me.". You then confessed back, "Honestly, Shinsou... I feel the same exact way about you and I never knew that cuddling could or ever would feel, so nice and relaxing. Your cuddles helped with my insomnia, as well. So, since I see that it's mutual that we have mutual feelings towards eachother. I will date you, if you're willing date me, too.". Shinsou was surprised about what you said, then he said, "Ofcourse. I'm perfectly fine with us being in the relationship together, since our feelings for eachother are mutual.".
After the both of you came home, you both then, decided to tell eachother's nightmares. Shinsou tells his nightmare about the scorpion villains and you were shocked about it, you then comfort him, as you said, "These nightmares are definitely no fun. And by the way, if these scorpion creeps are ever around in real life and they touch you, I would have broken their tails and legs off to makesure they wish they had never met, either of us!", then Shinsou smiled, as he said, "Well, that's good to hear. Now, what happened with your nightmare, my guardian angel?", in an encouraging way. You admitted that you didn't remember most of your dream and you only remembered the ending of the dream as you mentioned everything you could remember about the end of your (choking and/or smuthering) dream.
After you finished, you then went to hug Shinsou, as you began to breakdown. When Shinsou realized it he began to comfort and pet you, as he said, "Don't worry, my guardian angel. If this thing or these things ever come here to lay anything on you, I will use my brainwashing to scare them away to makesure they never come back and I will makesure to hurt it or then that way also. I will makesure these nightmares don't bother you anymore. I will not let anyone not anything hurt you now and that includes nightmares, since I will not let them hurt you anymore.", then you calmed down and smile before Shinsou gives you a wink.
After the conversation, both you and Shinsou decided to get eachother ready for bed. As a month went by, the both of you decided to get a king size bed since the both of you have been cuddling eachother due the the insomnia both you and Shinsou were having. The both of you also enjoyed this bed better that the separate beds the both of you had, because it's comfy, for better cuddling, and as it turned out... Both of the separate beds were haunted to the point of where, if only one person sleep on one of the separate beds, that person will have nightmares, meaning one person by themselves. Also you and Shinsou aren't sure how long the both of you can stay on the separate beds for. So, in many ways the big bed is much better than the separate beds. Now both you and Shinsou will get able to sleep more peacefully, than ever. Not just the bed, however it's also, because of your relationship and mutual love with Shinsou, plus the fact the both of you get to cuddle with eachother more than ever.
The End
I do hope you enjoy a different type of Shinsou fanfic my Tumblr Peeps😃👍 @shinaevordie I hope you enjoyed the fanfic, as well. I did us a little bit of a wild imagination with the dream part, however I figured I'd try to put in some thought in the fanfic🤔😃👍I still hope I worked on the fanfic properly🤞 Anyways I do hope you enjoyed reading the fanfic otherwise😁👍
Ps, For some reason I managed to finish the fanfic earlier than expected.
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prince-honeypaw · 2 years
Would it be ok to ask if you could write something with little Hitoshi and cg dabi like somehow dabi came across a smoll toshi? /Genq
♡ Sure! However, I only see this matchup truly working in something of an AU, so hold on tight! >:3 ♡ I got pretty attached to this concept too, so I may write more for it!
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♡ Shinsou didn't really have a plan for if he failed both of UA's entrance exams.
♡ He had figured that even if he failed the practical exam, he could at least make it in on the written one–or even just get into one of the general courses! But, he didn't.
♡ Two points. Hitoshi had missed the qualification cut off for the general course by two points. That was devastating on its own, but hearing that several of his middle school classmates had been accepted into places like Ketsubutsu or Shiketsu–even one or two got into UA!–that... That hurt worse. He told himself it didn't have to be UA! He.. He could apply to another school.
♡ So he did. Again, and again, and again. He'd been rejected by Shiketsu, Isamu, and even Seijin High before it finally sank in.
♡ Everyone was right about him. His quirk... It was more befitting of a villain than a hero if even a nobody school like Seijin High didn't even want him.
♡ So, sitting in the guest bedroom of his current foster home while looking at applications for average high schools, he decided that he didn't need to be a hero... But, he wouldn't just fall through the cracks and become a victim to save.
♡ If society wanted him to be a villain, then that's what he'd become.
♡ He ran away not long after and set himself up as something of an information broker, using his quirk to get documents, pictures, texts, emails, weapons- Anything he could pass on to the highest bidder.
♡ Hitoshi makes a name for himself by going after pro-heroes specifically, digging into their hidden agendas and selling anything worth knowing. This catches the eye of a fellow underground broker, Giran.
♡ Sure he's seen kids do bad things to survive, but this one? He was good at it. Making a name and reputation for himself as the guy that can get you the clothes off a hero's back with a few good words.
♡ But, Giran also knows that strays like this one don't show up unharmed... He has another kid he's been watching out for in some rough shape already, so he extends a hand. Says a kid shouldn't have to rough this lifestyle on his own.
♡ Shinsou accepts the offer to bunk up with Giran since it's better than crashing on benches or at the local boy's shelter. And if Giran tried to betray him, Shinsou was certain he could take him down. After all, what did one old man have on him?
♡ The answer was the old man had a very burned up cohort that crashed on his couch now and again.
♡ Hitoshi had been warned about the guy–Dabi was allegedly his name–but he made a point to stay out of his way. When not swinging manic he usually looked... Pretty lost? Maybe even lonely. It wasn't Hitoshi's place to stick his nose into another runaway's business, so they had an unspoken agreement to keep their distance.
♡ Until they didn't.
♡ Being a foster child, Hitoshi was very good at slipping into new routines–whether he wanted to or not. And this included finding gaps in these routines where he could indulge in one of his favorite pass times: Tiny Time. Sure, he knew what regression was called now that he had a real phone and unrestricted access to the internet, but Tiny Time got him through the thick and thin of his foster life, so he isn't going to start calling it something else.
♡ Still, he knew what the best times to have his little time in the living room were! Friday nights and Saturdays were usually the best stretches of time he could get without Giran poking his nose into his business all, "You okay there, kiddo?" and "Tell me if you need anything."
♡ Hitoshi did as he always would when Giran left for the night, which was get dressed up in his calico onesie and drag out his blanket with the toys he'd be accompanied by for the night to drop on the couch, followed by gathering his bottle and pacifier of the evening. He deposited his bottle in the kitchen like usual and got down to business... Picking out one of the DVDs Giran got him on clearance.
♡ Everything is going great for awhile! He's got Aristocats on for the third week in a row, Miss Spooky and Grimalkin are reconciling their differences from last week's harrowing play session, and the window is sliding open-
♡ Hold up. Hitoshi bristles at the unlocked window steadily slides up until it's certain not to drop on the intruder. A bundle of black and purple tumbles in with all the grace of a rock through glass and Dabi picks himself up off the floor like it's nothing, turning to close the window and lock it.
♡ Usually, Hitoshi would know better. He'd know that it's just Dabi coming to crash on Giran's couch or raid his fridge or whatever other Dabisms follow him, but this isn't usually. This is Hitoshi's time to be small, vulnerable, and safe.
♡ Dabi looms in front of him with that unreadable expression and a curious tilt to his head, smelling like cigarettes and looking like a demon to the poor baby... He doesn't know what to do other than back up, crying and floundering in panic when Dabi's boots pursue and stop to crouch in front of him.
♡ To Dabi though? This is a grossly familiar sight.
♡ A frightened child, huddled into himself in hopes of being small enough to ignore, but this time the sight doesn't bring out old vices of anger and other emotions he's stomped into embers. It brings out something else, something softer and sadder. So he crouches as low as his aching body allows and holds up his hands where the kid can see them. "Hey," His voice is gravely but not harsh, "Look at me."
♡ Hitoshi does so without a fight, but with eyes as wide as saucers. Not comforting to see that even in such a small state, Hitoshi has obedience nailed deep into the recesses of his mind, but Dabi isn't what most call the picture of mental health. So he does what he can for now. "See? Got my guard down for you here, so there's no need to be all coiled up like that. Making my back hurt looking at you," Dabi continues, hoping to get Shinsou to at least unfurl. Thankfully, Shinsou only regards him with a bit more suspicion before untucking from his protective hunch. Dabi still stays put until Hitoshi slowly crawls up onto the couch after determining that he isn't a threat.
♡ Now Dabi can go about his night as he'd planned: Raiding Giran's medicine cabinet for something to kill the pinching and burning in his muscles, and seeing what food the old man's got that looks palatable.
♡ With painkillers and water he drank straight from the sink in his system, Dabi slinks through the living room like an alley cat. Of course he sees Hitoshi watching him from over the back of the couch with these wide, innocent eyes that speak less of terror and more of childlike curiosity. A monotone "Boo" has the kid tucking back into his blanket like a startled kitten.
♡ The kitchen is pretty easy to raid now that Giran is feeding a hungry teenager and a full box of Cosmic brownies turn into Dabi's dinner when the empty bottle on the counter registers. Thinking about the kid being alone all night makes his mouth go sour so he curses under his breath, snatches the offending item up and fills it with the vanilla milk Giran started picking up because it was like currency with Shinsou.
♡ Wondering when he started to go all soft, Dabi also makes good use of the toaster oven to heat up leftover pizza so at least he can shake the creeping feeling that Hitoshi hasn't really eaten in awhile. After a moment of debate... The bottle of milk goes in the microwave for a bit too.
♡ It's just this one time he tells himself. He just feels guilty for scaring him. It's just because he's a kid, that's it- Using any and every excuse he can tell himself while dropping the reheated pizza and warmed milk on the coffee table. "Here. Don't let it get cold," He mutters and drops his body into a recliner with a dull thump.
♡ Hitoshi looks out from under the hood of his onesie at the offering with those impossibly round eyes, then at Dabi like the guy had just hung the stars in the sky rather than just heating up some food for him. He scoots to the floor and tugs his pacifier out so he can eat, looking less tense the longer he's in Dabi's presence.
♡ And so what if Dabi doesn't mind the warm feeling in his chest? Hitoshi is just a kid that needs more than just a roof over his head and food on his plate just like he was once.
♡ It's just one time, he'd insist to himself. He'd just start the cat movie over for him because Shinsou pointed at the screen and blinked up at him until he did it. He'd just pull the kid's blanket off the couch because it had gotten tucked into the cushions. He'd just let him lean against his leg because he knows he's warm. He'd just pull the little tyke and his bottle up in his lap so he doesn't drop it and make a mess. He'd just do these things because they were convenient and right there, not because he wanted to.
♡ And yet... When Shinsou falls asleep on him he doesn't move him, no matter how convenient it would be. Even when his arm falls asleep and Hitoshi starts to curl up like he's been freezing for his entire life until now. Hitoshi needed it... Maybe Dabi did too.
♡ And maybe, just maybe, it doesn't have to be just one time.
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