#first off they were stunning and i was like no wayyyyy
pink-lemonadefairy · 5 months
how do i know if im bisexual or gay or straight help
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victoryverse · 8 months
crying screaming begging the lord himself for this-
imagine simon has a wife, he been had a wife, a military so and so who ranks wayyyyy above him -
she visits the base and everyone’s treating her with the utmost respect and formality until she passes simon who js,, casually offers her a cigarette, like ???? as if she’s not super massive important formal person number one ?
i’m here for the shock and awe,, everyone just being so completely caught off guard by them
“wh whahbwhh wh?????!!!!???”
“oh yea that’s my wife btw”
y/n riley
i really liked this idea anon >.< thank you for sending this!!! hope you like this <33
. . .
Simon Ghost Riley, the infamous and elusive member of Task Force 141, had always been a mystery to his team. He was a man of few words, a deadly sniper with a dark past, and someone who could disappear without a trace. But what his team didn't know was that behind the tough exterior, Simon had a soft spot for one special person - his wife, Y/n.
Y/n was a high-ranking military officer, a woman who had worked her way up the ranks with her intelligence, bravery, and unwavering dedication to her country. She and Simon had met during a classified mission, and it was love at first sight. Despite their dangerous jobs and the constant threat of danger, they had managed to build a strong and loving relationship.
But their love was a secret, known only to a select few in the military. So when Y/n decided to surprise Simon by visiting him at the base, the reactions of his teammates were nothing short of comical.
As she walked through the base, every soldier and officer stood at attention, saluting her as she passed by. Even Captain Price, known for his stoic demeanor, couldn't help but gape at the sight of her. But it was Simon's reaction that was the most surprising.
As Y/n approached him, Simon casually took out a cigarette and offered her one. The other soldiers were stunned, their mouths hanging open in disbelief. Did Ghost just offer a cigarette to a high-ranking officer? But Y/n just smiled and took the cigarette, her eyes never leaving Simon's.
The team was in shock as Simon and Y/n walked hand in hand, laughing and talking as if they were the only ones in the base. Even Soap, who had always been the closest to Simon, couldn't believe his eyes.
'Wh-what is going on here?' he stuttered, looking at his teammates for an explanation.
'I have no idea,' replied Konig, equally confused.
But as Simon and Y/n approached them, they all snapped back to attention, saluting Y/n as she stood by Simon's side.
'Boys, this is my wife, Y/n,' Simon said with a proud smile.
The team couldn't believe their ears. Simon Ghost Riley, the man of mystery, had a wife? And not just any wife, but a high-ranking military officer?
Y/n greeted them all with a warm smile, introducing herself and making them feel at ease. As they all sat down to chat, they couldn't help but ask about their relationship.
'How did you guys meet?' asked Soap, still in shock.
Simon and Y/n shared a look before Simon spoke up. 'We met during a mission in Afghanistan. Y/n was part of a team sent to assist us, and let's just say, she caught my eye.'
The team was in awe of their love story, and as they listened to them talk and laugh, they realized that Simon was a completely different person when he was with Y/n. He was happy, carefree, and even cracked a few jokes.
As the day went on, the team got to know Y/n better and realized that she was not just a high-ranking officer but also a kind, down-to-earth person. And as they saw the love and affection between Simon and Y/n, they couldn't help but feel happy for them.
From that day on, Y/n became a regular visitor at the base, and the team welcomed her with open arms. She brought a new light to their lives, and they were grateful to have her as part of their family.
And as for Simon, he had found his true partner in life, someone who understood and accepted him for who he was. He knew that with Y/n by his side, he could face any mission and come back home to her.
Their love story may have started amid chaos, but it had blossomed into a beautiful and unbreakable bond. And for Simon Ghost Riley, there was nothing more valuable than the love of his life, his wife Y/n.
. . .
tags: @ilovehobi101
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A cave at the edge of a universe (Darkness pt.2)
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Warnings! Flashbacks.
The day had gone by in a mixture of awkward silence and mistrustful glares, nothing you weren’t used to, of course.
Now, as the sun was setting, your bare feet dug into the still heated sand, you couldn’t help but feel uneasy. The sound of silence was swirling around you, the wind carrying a salty scent.
The sea. Oh how you missed it. You remembered the days of the first sprouts of plants ever growing on the soil beneath your feet, the way Amun slipped his hand in yours, both of you running along the shore…
No. Amun was gone, he had changed, what use was to dwell in the past if it only caused you pain?
Your screwed your eyes shut, taking a deep breath and going back in the tent. You grabbed a bowl from one of the tables, pouring yourself some water for your parched throat. As you tilted the bowl, your lips pressed against the smooth ceramic carved with depictions of some pharaoh you couldn’t care less about, you felt a pair of eyes on you.
Staring at you, with a glare so sharp that it was burning the back of your head, was Seth.
“Are you just gonna keep glaring at me like that? You’ll get wrinkles.” You said, chuckling.
“You still play that game, huh?” He retorted. “Acting like you aren’t an evil god.”
You paused. Evil? Out of all the words he thought, evil was the way to describe you?
Unfair? Sure. Damned? Yeah, why not. Cursed? Go ahead! Unwanted? Unforgiven? Bring ‘em in! But evil? That didn’t sound right.
“Says the god of chaos.” You said. “At least I’m not punished to live as a demigod.”
Now it was Seth’s turn to go silent.
“You know?” He asked.
“Of course I do. I can smell it on you. Half god, half human. Such a pitiful punishment.”
“What did you just say about my punishment, you asshat?!” He snapped
“You heard me first, Weasley!” You retorted.
“…what?” He asked confused.
“Nevermind, you wouldn’t get it. What did you do to deserve that shit anyways?” You asked, putting the ceramic bowl down and tilting your hunting dog headdress back.
“I cut Osiris into pieces.” Seth said, looking away.
You paused.
One beat.
Two beats.
And then you burst out laughing.
“Fuck yeah! That green pea-looking bastard deserved it!” You managed to say between laughs.
Seth was stunned. I mean quite literally shook™️. He had no idea that someone would actually hate Osiris this much to agree with him.
“Really?” He asked.
“Of course! That dude is wayyyyy too obsessive for his own good. He didn’t do anything to you, right?” Your expression turned serious at the end. “Right?”
“HE DID WHAT?!” You gasped. “Oh you poor thing…” you extended your hand out to Seth, wrapping it around his shoulders comfortingly.
The way his head rested against your chest, it felt just like-
“Am-heh! Wait up!” Ra called out, running after you. “Slow down, love.” He whispered, trailing kisses on your skin as soon as he reached you.
“And if I don’t?” You teased.
“Then I might just make sure you can’t run away.” He winked.
“Oh? And how is that?” You inched closer, your faces inches apart.
“We’ll find out tonight, won’t we?” He teased, before turning into his female form, guiding your hands to her waist. “You won’t run away from me, right?”
“Never.” You sealed her lips.
-no. Not again. You pulled yourself together, ignoring the throbbing pain at the back of your head. Amun-Ra was gone. She wasn’t the same anymore. Now she was just Ra, goddess of the sun. Not your dear Amun. Once the love of your life, who couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you created the stars, embroidering the sky with their light, or creating the fabric of the Nile from your cloak of darkness. They weren’t the same. They would never be. Never again.
“You still don’t trust me?” You teased Seth a little bit.
“Maybe a little.” He replied, snuggling against your chest, his breath so deep that you were surprised he hadn’t fallen asleep yet.
Yet one thing couldn’t escape your mind as sleep began closing in on the both of you, as you laid face-up on the bed. The familiar rocks, the darkness surrounding you, the cool breeze seeping in your bones…. Something was calling out to you. And you knew where it was hiding.
In a cave at the edge of the universe, at the end and beginning of time, somewhere where the clock is pointing at the 25th hour, and no ticking will ever be heard. Somewhere where your memories will haunt you forever.
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coco-bean-1218 · 10 months
Chuck/Claire "why couldn't it have been us in the end?" For the five lines fic game??
Oh, my dear sweet anon, you are not prepared for the angst I have in mind.
This is wayyyyy more than 5 lines, but I couldn’t help myself!
So, here is a potential outcome in which Claire chooses someone else. You can insert whoever you want to be her fiancé.
Feel free to like, comment and reblog!
August, 1946
It was Easy Company's first annual reunion, and every member who could come was there. Claire was glad to see her fellow paratroopers again. It had been a little bit under a year since they had last been together. The party had been going on for a while, and Claire found herself in need of a moment of quiet reflection. She wandered through the venue, her eyes scanning the room in search of a place where she could gather her thoughts.
After a few moments, she saw Grant standing against the wall, drink in hand, and decided to walk over.
"I was wondering where you went," she said as she approached him.
"I was just trying to get a break from the noise," he replied with a weary smile. "You know how it is at reunions."
She offered him an inviting smile. "Care to join me outside?"
He shrugged, a sense of relief washing over him. "Sure, why not?"
As they stepped outside, Claire took a deep breath of fresh air. The noise of the venue seemed to fade away as they walked along the garden path.
"That's quite the ring you've got there," Grant commented on the ring that sparkled in the moonlight.
"Oh, this?" she held up her hand, examining the ring in the moonlight. "It's...uh...blue topaz, my birthstone."
Grant's eyes lingered on the ring for a moment. "I remember," he said softly.
You're coming to the wedding, right?" she asked eagerly.
Grant nodded. "Of course," he replied. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Besides, what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't?" he added. 
Claire smiled at him, relieved by his response.
As they continued walking, Claire noticed a fountain that caught her interest. She walked up to it, captivated by the gentle splashing sound and the mesmerizing reflections of the moonlight in the water. Grant, sensing Claire's curiosity, joined her beside the fountain. They stood side by side, watching the reflections of the moon dance on the water's surface.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Claire said, her voice filled with wonder.
Grant nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is," he replied, but his eyes weren't fixed on the fountain. Instead, his eyes were fixed on Claire. She was the real beauty of the night, and he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was the one who captivated him, body and soul.
Without warning, Grant spoke up again, his voice filled with sadness and longing. "Why couldn't it have been us in the end?" his voice barely above a whisper.
The question shocked both himself and Claire. Grant hadn’t intended to speak his thoughts so openly, but the words had already left his lips, echoing in the silent night.
Grant's question had stunned them both. Why couldn't it have been them in the end? The words hung in the air, filled with regret and a sense of missed opportunity. Claire felt her heart shatter as tears welled up in Grant's eyes. She could see the pain etched on his face, and it made her own heart ache. She took a shaky breath and tried to find the words to answer him.
"Grant, I don't… I don't know," she said softly. Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she could feel the tears threatening to spill over.
Grant shook his head, his voice filled with regret. "No, you don't."
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singtotheskiies · 4 years
operation: touch the hair // steve harrington x reader headcanons
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summary: meeting steve at scoops ahoy and catching his eye would go a lil smth like this—
- on the day you walk into scoops ahoy, steve is like - not having it - he’s already been rejected three (3) times in the span of like two hours and doesn’t know if he can handle another condescending giggle - there’s a lull in business, and he’s griping to robin in the back about how miserable he is - “i’m telling you, it’s the hat!! why else would they be turning me down?” - “sure, whatever you say, lover boy” - and then - and then - robin hisses “twelve o’clock!” and steve whirls around to see you walking into the shop - INSTANT PANIC. - his mind immediately shuts down because holy shit—you’re literally the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on - he whirls back toward robin with scared eyes - she just makes a go get ‘em gesture and he gulps - he’s gotta make the perfect first impression, so to hell with company policy—the hat comes off - he whirls around just in time to catch you walking up to the counter - “ahoy there!! what flavor voyage can i help you set sail on today?” - his voice is too loud and he doesn’t know what on earth possessed him to say,,,,, that,,,,,, - but the words have already left his mouth and there’s no going back now - robin has her marker uncapped and poised over the you suck column because let’s face it - you are wayyyyy out of his league - there’s a moment’s silence and steve’s heart sinks (haha get it?? nautical theme??) - and then you giggle - and steve m e l t s - “do you have to say that to everyone?” - “uh, no, just uh—just when i’m trying to be friendly!” - robin’s marker inches closer to the board - “aww, well i’m honored then!!” - nervous laughter - while steve is making said nervous laughter, you take a few moments to get a good look at him - his hair is glorious - like absolutely stunning - you have to touch it - you’ve seen him in the hallways sometimes, but never this close - has his hair always been this shiny? or his eyes this brown? or his mouth this— - “do i know you from somewhere? i feel like i’ve seen you,” he asks, and you break out of your daze - “uh, maybe. i go to hawkins,” you shrug. “we’ve probably seen each other around.” - “yeah, yeah, cool! i feel like i would remember someone like you, though.” - “oh?” - “yeah i mean—god, you are so pr—“ - he trails off and makes awkward eye contact - “yeah, anyway, flavor of the week is cherry. that interest you at all?” - you wish he were still talking about anything but ice cream, but you scrunch your nose up as you try to make your decision - he notices and his soul almost leaves his body - you make your choice - “wow, cool! that’s my favorite!” - (he would have said that regardless of what flavor you picked) - you laugh, saying something along the line of “twins!!” and he makes a decision then and there - “y’know, i’m gonna make this one on the house” - you start to protest - deeeeep breaths, stevie - “if you’re so set on paying, how about you spend some time with me this weekend?” - emphasis on spend - (please help he’s trying) - another earth-shattering giggle - “yeah, okay.” - “really?” - you just laugh again. “really.” - robin’s jaw is on the ground as she slowly draws a vertical line under you rule - you scribble down your number on a napkin, writing for telling me when and where - with a tiny heart!!!!!! - steve almost dies!!!!!!!!! - good thing he’s in a really cold room bc he is burning up!!!!!! - he barely manages a “t-talk to you later” as you walk out with one last smile - turns around in complete shock to see a smirking robin - “nice job, dingus” - GOD your first date is so cute!!!!!! - you were originally going to walk around starcourt (because what else is there to do in hawkins?), but on the way there, you pass another ice cream shop and steve’s eyes narrow - “we’ve gotta check out my competition” - you order the same flavor you did at scoops ahoy and joke that it doesn’t taste nearly as good as it did before - “maybe it’s because a cute boy didn’t scoop it for me” - cue some sort of nervous, stuttering “oh, stop” - when you head out, a group of kids comes riding up on their bikes - (yes it’s the gang) - they all hoot and holler and ask who you are - “someone special” - dustin wiggling his eyebrows at the two of you and whispering that he knows all sorts of secrets about steve - steve watches you laugh as you interact with the younger kids and - shit - yeah, he’s definitely a goner - they bike away a few minutes later, waving goodbye and yelling joking comments at the two of you - now that you’ve met the kids, steve makes a decision - “hey, i know this is the first date and all, but do you mind if—“ - “please,” you cut in, and meet him halfway - omg the man’s kisses are SO LOVING,,,,, - you tangle your hands in his hair like you’ve been dying to ever since you saw him - he definitely moans a bit bc his scalp is so sensitive - he walks you home and is a complete gentleman - “i’ll call you tomorrow?” - “i’ll be waiting” - big long sweet hug!!! forehead kiss!! longing glance back at you after he turns to leave!! - and it’s the start of something so so beautiful:)))))
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my-robot-heart · 3 years
I've just read your prompt-based ficlets (starting with the "hey, stay with me" one, because it's the latest, and then going back to read all the others) and, first of all, I want to say that I absolutely loved every single one of them ❤ Even the angsty ones were still much much better and far far less heartbreaking than what went down in the hellfic we call canon... which is not even surprising, considering that yours and many other talented ficwriters' fics are generally much better written and thought through than what the official screenwriters make up (or, rather, mess up, at this point).
Secondly, I'd like to ask a quick question, even though it's probably a silly one: you don't fill the same prompt twice? Even if you've got a different idea?
Least but not the last, if you don't mind, I'd also like to request a ficlet...
Liz: “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you!”
Red: “And I’m trying to subtly avoid it!”
🍒 (because I love cherries and feel like I'll pop in your inbox again)
Lolll hi 🍒
I should mention too that I'm saving the ficlets from tumblr prompts over on ao3 also, so you don't have to madly scroll and scroll forever to find them - just in case you want to revisit them or whatever, and it's virtually impossible for me to search back on my blog.
Um, I have only had the same prompt come in twice once that I'm aware of, and in that case I remembered my original ficlet and didn't really have another idea to use for the same line. I think if it was a line or prompt I was super inspired by then I would do it twice, but in that case I just didn't have another idea that I wanted to write.
Thank you so much for the kind comments about the prompt fics! I would say my maximum level of angst is still wayyyyy lower than the show so you can feel safe reading my ficlets and not having to go to therapy after or anything lol.
I'll do your prompt under the gif - and hope you enjoy 💛
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"Okay, so we need to locate the safe and then somehow find out the keycode, and then- Red! Would you stop looking down my dress, I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!" Lizzie folded her arms in front of her body and shot him a pointed look.
"And I'm trying to subtly avoid it," Red replied with a grin. "Lizzie we have plenty of time, plenty of wine, and a party full of rich people who'd be happy to give us the combinations to their safes with a bit of prompting."
"So you're planning to ignore the case at hand and what- just party all night?"
"I'm planning to enjoy myself, and I'm suggesting you do the same- after all, you're certainly dressed to catch people's eyes, not to blend in," he gave her another once over, causing her skin to warm and probably turn a colour that more closely matched the shade of her dress. "That dress is... stunning," he added, chewing the inside of his cheek.
"Thank you," she conceded. "Your tux is also pretty eye catching, I have to admit."
This surprised him, but he quickly recovered.
"You see? We're a force to be reckoned with tonight Lizzie. Let's enjoy ourselves and worry about keycodes and combinations afterwards." He held out an arm, and without entirely realizing it, Lizzie allowed herself to be swept up onto the dance floor into a quickstep.
Red moved with the confidence of someone who had danced often. Lizzie started off feeling like she was tripping over her own shoes, but when he leaned a bit closer and murmured, "Just relax, Lizzie," she focused on the feel of his hand on the small of her back and the smell of his cologne, and began to realize that it was easier than she thought. Red continued to lead her expertly around the dance floor, and she found herself forgetting about their case entirely.
The quickstep transitioned into a smoother waltz, and Red showed no signs of stopping. Lizzie felt people watching them, and wondered what they were thinking. She was thinking- that she would be happy to keep this up, actually. It felt... nice. Safe.
At the end of the waltz, the music faded out and stopped altogether, giving the band and the dancers a break. Lizzie was peripherally aware of Red's hand moving from her back to her waist, and as he broke their embrace, leading her back to a table to sit down. As his hand left her body, she felt a slight frisson of electricity, and she blinked a few times, trying to lose the lightheadedness she was feeling.
Red's eyes were on hers.
"Can I get you another drink?"
She shook her head. "I think I'll switch to water, I'm suddenly feeling a bit dizzy."
Well that made two of them, he thought.
"Maybe we should go outside and get some air," he suggested. Lizzie nodded gratefully at the suggestion.
They walked out some french doors and into a garden. The night air was brisk, and Lizzie gave a slight shiver.
Wordlessly, Red removed his jacket and placed it atop her shoulders, holding it in place for a moment longer than necessary.
"Thank you," Lizzie said in surprise, not feeling the slightest bit less dizzy at all. The garden, the stars, the night air, Red's jacket wrapped around her shoulders... everything was making her feel even more lightheaded than before, in fact.
"Why did you ask me to come with you tonight, Red?" she asked suddenly. "Aram would have been able to get the combination to the safe easily, and Ressler could have located it in half the time we're taking."
He gave her an unreadable look.
"I didn't think Aram or Ressler would fit into that dress, Lizzie."
She rolled her eyes.
"Don't be funny. I'm serious, why me?"
And then his lips were on hers, and she found herself more lightheaded than even before.
"Oh," she responded, a long while later. "I see." And she did.
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mcwriting · 5 years
one kiss is all it takes
I had this cute idea pop into my brain one night when I was tryna sleep and just couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
It’s wayyyyy overly descriptive but this whole thing was basically me imagining every little detail possible and putting it on the page. I’m not one for ambiguity in my writing if you haven’t noticed lol. 
Anyways I’m still working on starstruck so here’s this for your troubles 
Fandom: Thomas Stanley Holland (plus mention of spidey)
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader (ik the beginning has Peter but it’s explained under the cut ;) lol)
Setting: good ol’ Atlanta, GA (aka a place I wanna visit so bad) 
Word Count: 4943 (omg I almost had a stroke reading that number this is my longest story to date)
Warnings: teeny bad word, some SeXuAl themes and kissing, as the title implies
Rating: T but it ain’t that extreme 
sorry it’s so long lol rip 
“Look, Peter, you may have been gone that 5 years, but I lost almost everything during them, and then, it all somehow got worse,” you explained through gritted teeth, standing from the end of your king sized bed to face him.
“My mom, my only source of comfort, was snapped, blipped, gone, sucked into a stupid rock for five years and me? I was stuck up here in this dumb apartment with an asshole father,” tears streamed down your face, confusing you, as you continued ferociously.
“You know what happened after maybe six months? He brought home his idiot secretary and flaunted her in front of me for over four YEARS! And guess what happened after the whole shebang was over and everyone came back?”
Your voice finally cracked and you stared at Peter for a moment before continuing.
“He pretended that he was faithful the entire time, all the while ignoring me and ruining every false hope I had that he was a decent human being. So you know what, spider boy? You may have been gone those five years, but I lost every good relationship in my life, so don’t come here pretending like you’re the only one with problems in this city,” you whispered.
He stood, reaching out to say something, but you held up a hand to stop him in his tracks. 
“You know what? Just get out,” you commanded.
“Wait I-”
“Out. Now.”
He stood for a brief second before stepping to your open window. Before he could put the mask on and go, a loud voice cut through the silence over a speaker.
“Cut!” Exclaimed Jon, causing both you and Tom to relax and smile.
You wiped the unintentional tears from your face. This had been your third take and for some reason, you had finally worked up a cry for the scene. It felt right, and Tom came over to compliment you on it. 
You were filming for another Spider-Man film and your character was a fresh take on Gwen Stacy, who had a new name similarly to Zendaya’s MJ. 
The character was a rich, somewhat bratty New Yorker who had been eleven during Thanos’s snap and grown into a sixteen year old Midtown student by the time everyone was revived. 
She hadn’t been on the European trip displayed in Far From Home, the excuse being that she was a model working events and doing photoshoots all summer. She also had become one of the most popular people in the school due to her internet fame, incredible academics, and wealth.
You had been shocked to receive the role but honored to become a member of the MCU. Over the couple of months spent in Atlanta by now, you had become integrated with the rest of the cast, getting especially close with your celebrity (and now real) crush Tom Holland. 
Weekends were often spent at the house Marvel provided him, where he lived with Harry and Harrison, who was once again able to tag along as Tom’s “assistant.” You lived only minutes down the road in your own small place and would go to Tom’s to swim or just hang out.
You and Tom were currently talking, you joking that you wished the scene was done so you wouldn’t have to bring out tears again. 
Almost prophetically, the Jason Bourne theme began playing over the speakers, Jon’s way of indicating that the scene was finished and needed no further work until post-production.
You looked to Tom and both of you sighed and held out arms for a hug and congratulations, ready to wrap the day as it was a late Friday night and you wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed all weekend.
You two began walking off of set to go to the trailers when Jon jogged after, calling out,
“Hold on guys, I need to talk to you about next week!”
He was holding two manila envelopes, each printed with yours and Tom’s names. Jon gripped them tightly.
“So I thought I’d give you these tentative scripts for the kissing scene so you two could prepare for Monday. As always, you can do some improv or try to make it better but I thought I’d give this as a heads up,” the director explained.
You were stunned, and surely looked it too. A quick glance at Tom showed he was more collected but definitely confused too.
“I’m sorry, Jon, but kiss? You never said there would be one between us I mean, he and MJ are still together, right?” You asked tentatively.
“Yeah I’m gonna have to agree with y/n, man. You said we might have a ‘moment’ but never mentioned a kiss. The fans’ll hate us,” Tom concurred, “but I haven’t read it yet so I’m sure it makes sense.”
“Wait did I not warn you guys? I’m so sorry. I mean we can change the scene if it makes you guys uncomf-”
“NO!” you exclaimed way too quickly, face heating up. “No, no, I mean, I’ll do it, if Tom’s in. I just, uh, didn’t realize we’d have to do an actual, real kiss is all.”
You had never kissed anyone before, and the prospect of Tom Holland being your first was unbelievably tempting. Tom had nodded along and agreed to move forward with it as well. With that and the scripts now in hand, you began walking to your trailers again, Tom alongside you.
After a few moments of silence under the artificial lights outside, Tom spoke up.
“Hey, would you maybe want to practice this scene at my place tomorrow? I know it was all kind of just thrown on us and I’d definitely feel better with some rehearsing.”
You smiled at the gesture, but again blushed at the thought of kissing Tom Holland, the guy you had been crushing on since Homecoming. You were glad that there was a shadow hiding your pink cheeks.
“Honestly, that’s perfect. I can come over at like 11 and after we can all have lunch and hang by the pool?” You asked, nervously hoping he would accept as you stepped in front of the steps to your trailer.
“That’s perfect, darling,” he replied, voice smooth and clear. You couldn’t help but look back at him walking away as you climbed the steps and went through the door, butterflies making themselves present in your stomach.
You slung your bag containing a swimsuit, sunscreen, towel, and snacks over the back of a chair and tossed your keys on the end table in Tom’s living room. You, Harry, and Haz sat on the kitchen counters while waiting for Tom to come out from a shower, joking around and sipping on beverages.
Soon enough, Tom came out and led you into the office, a small room with a couch, desk, and bookshelves that connected to the backyard with a sliding glass door. It was pretty private and well lit, giving you both a comfortable environment to work.
You started off by just reading over the lines and doing some basic marking, always stopping before the kiss. The scene would tie into Friday’s take, where Peter would return to your room to apologize, and you would kiss him out of nowhere in your distress. Then, you would promptly kick him out again upon realizing the ramifications the kiss could have on Peter and MJ’s relationship.
Finally, Tom suggested you work on the kiss by itself, 
“Before we do, can I make a confession?,” you questioned, chest beating heavily.
“Of course,” he said, full attention on you, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“Look, Tom, I’ve never kissed anyone, in real life or acting. Can we please take this slow?”
“Absolutely y/n. I had no idea,” he looked around, “and since it’s your first time, I think a lesson is at hand.”
You cocked an eyebrow, then nodded, trying not to seem too excited. He led you over to the large, sturdy oak desk, gesturing for you to hop up.
“I know you’re in control of this during the actual scene, but if it’s okay I thought maybe I could lead it for right now? I get it if you don’t want to but-”
“No, no. That’s a great idea,” you pushed onto the desk and sat on the edge, legs dangling, “tell me what I’ve gotta do.”
He smiled and stepped forward.
“Okay, um. Well. Is it okay if I get between your legs, or put one knee in and,” you burst out in laughter at his wording, “Oh my God that sounded awful didn’t it I’m so sorry I just don’t want to push you further than you’re ready to go.”
“Tom,” you put a hand on his shoulder, pulling him closer, your knees now around his hips, “you’re doing great. And you know me, I’m not afraid to tell you what’s up if I’m not feeling it.”
He looked down at you sheepishly, then placed his hands on the desk on either side of you. Your position caused you to be only a few inches shorter than him, so as he leaned forward his face came even closer. 
The proximity made your heart race, and you tried to figure out where to put your own hands, settling on your lap for now. 
He grabbed your wrists and placed your palms on his back, then put his own on your shoulders. 
“Okay so is it alright if I put my hands on your neck and chin? Or do you want to do something different?”
“Dude, just do what feels right. You’re the one with experience. If it goes bad, then it’s bad and we figure out what to do, right?”
“Maybe you should be the one doing this then,” he chuckled, causing you to wrinkle your nose and shake your head. 
His fingers traced up your shoulders and neck, him placing the left on the nape of your neck, underneath your mess of hair, and the right just below your chin. He tipped your face up gently and you were now millimeters apart, so close that you could feel his hot breath.
“May I?” he whispered, making you gulp and give a slight nod. You could feel your eyes glazing over.
He took this as a yes and leaned in further, finally closing the gap. You closed your eyes completely to melt into his warm lips. The feeling of his fingers gripping your hair was like heaven, and after a seeming eternity, finally you separated to get some air.
Your eyes were still closed when you felt Tom brush his thumb over your lips. Upon opening your eyes and glancing up, Tom was looking at you with a soft grin mimicking yours. His left hand remained in your hair but he slid the right one down to the space between your shoulder blades.
“Was that alright for your first time, darling?” He questioned sweetly, words dripping like thick honey in the still air. 
It was like fireworks were going off around you in your head.
“I, um. It, yeah. Absolutely. I’m just... wow.” you stammered, unable to compose yourself properly. 
He breathed out a laugh and threw his head back, then went back to looking into your eyes. You studied the crinkles by his eyes and his lopsided grin closely, trying to burn the memory into your brain forever.
“Shall we try again?” he asked cheekily, and you responded with fervor once more.
He continued to move his right hand further down, palm spreading over the small of your back. Your nerves tingled at the touch and instinctively you arched your back. Your own hands found themselves on his shoulders and your legs wrapped all the way around his hips loosely.
The second time was longer, hungrier, more passionate. 
Am I dreaming? You promptly imagined, wondering how life had brought you to this moment.
After separating this time, you could see a ravenous flame in Tom’s eyes, and you decided to try something different. 
You told him to wait as you climbed further onto the desk, sitting on your knees and now towering a few inches above Tom. He looked a you with an interested glint in his eyes as you scooted closer.
Your hands found his again and this time you guided them to the lowest part of your back, hoping he would take the hint. 
With that, you were now in control, grabbing each side of his face between your palms and pulling him forward and up into another kiss, his hands instinctively traveling below your hips and onto your glutes, just as you had wanted.
Suddenly you broke the kiss, afraid you were coming on too strong. 
“This is all for research purposes, right?”
“Sure, we’ll call it that,” he quipped before pulling you back down.
Eventually you found yourself standing on the ground, once again shorter than Tom but happy nonetheless. The make out session continued, both of you trying to convince yourselves that with each new hand position or lean you were purely trying it all for the measly scene on Monday. 
Finally, you found yourselves on the couch. You had started by just sitting next to each other, similar to how the scene described your positions, but now somehow you were sitting straddled over his lap, knees digging into the sofa and his hands once again resting on your backside.
Nothing could ruin this moment you thought as your fingers ran through his curls.
Oh how wrong you were. 
You thought you were just imagining the sound of the door creaking open, but suddenly realized that you hadn’t when a new male voice spoke up.
“Woah, hey there you two,” Harry joked, causing you to whip your head around and stare at him like a deer in the headlights.
“Harry! It’s not what it looks like, I swear!” You immediately exclaimed.
Nice one, y/n. Like you aren’t just straight up making out with his brother??
“Righttttt. So anyways I just came to let you know that lunch is ready and also you guys have been in here for like an hour but feel free to finish up whatever... this is,” he trailed gesturing vaguely at you two before turning around and shutting the door behind himself.
You turned back to Tom, whose face was red as a tomato (and yours probably was too), then in record time separated yourself from his lap, heart pounding like never before.
“Sooo... lunch?” He asked awkwardly.
“Definitely. Definitely lunch.”
You were lounging on a chaise near the pool, sunglasses covering your closed eyes as you soaked in the sun. The boys were messing around in the pool and you couldn’t help but think about what happened before lunch every time Tom spoke.
“Hey y/n!” he called.
“Hmm?” you hummed, not bothering to look up. 
“Why don’t you join us? We want to do a chicken fight and I need a partner.”
“Depends. How warm is the water?” you ask, still unmoving. 
“Like 30 degrees! It’s so nice.”
“That’s below freezing in Fahrenheit. Not very appealing to me.”
“Alright that’s like, what, 85 f? It feels reeaaaally good, babe.”
You couldn’t help but smile when he called you babe. It wasn’t the first time he had, and he actually did it to a lot of people, but it still felt nice.
“Alright fine,” you sighed dramatically as you stood up, removed your sunglasses, and dove in.
An hour or so later, more members of the cast had come over and you decided to join Zendaya under the porch, both of you watching the new team of Jacob and Tom chicken fighting Harry and Harrison while Tony, Remy, and Angourie looked on from nearby.
“So I heard that Harry saw something going on earlier. Anything you wanna tell me?” Z mentioned slyly, lowering her sunglasses to eye you.
You groaned and placed your head in your hands.
“Is he really gonna tell everyone?” You managed to ask, wanting to crawl in a hole and hide forever. 
Zendaya had been the first person to confront you about your crush on Tom about two weeks after filming began. She had told you that most of the people on set had a suspicion but were afraid to ask, so ever since then you often confided in her for advice or just to spill tea.
Finally, you sat up and quietly told her what happened, her trying to hype you up occasionally while you instead tried to shush her as not to draw the boys’ attention.
That night, after pizza and drinks with everyone, you prepared to go home, grabbing your bag, keys, and script. You called out a goodbye to everyone still there and waved, heading to the door.
Tom jumped up and followed you.
“Hey, y/n!” you turned around at his voice and could see everyone elbowing each other and whispering in the beackground. He led you out the door and shut it behind him.
“I just wanted to make sure you were alright after today and say I’m sorry if I ever took things too far,” he confessed. Your heart swelled at how sweet and considerate he was.
“Honestly Tom, I could say the same. I’m was afraid you think I’m crazy or something,” you joked, causing a chuckle from both of you and him to shake his head. 
“I could never. You already know how crazy I am, and I think I’ve already seen some of your wild side too,” he shot back.
You both said your goodbyes and went in for a hug. It lasted a few seconds longer than normal, and when you pulled away, he looked down at his feet. Even then, he still waited on the porch for you to get in your car and waved as you pulled away, making sure you got out safe.
It was 5 am Monday morning and you weren’t ready to head to set. 
Your Sunday had been pretty standard, reading over lines in the morning and hanging out with some of your cast mates that afternoon. Once night fell, though, you found it difficult to sleep in fear of the kiss scene. 
Yours and Tom’s Saturday afternoon kept replaying in your head like a Twitter gif until you finally succumbed to exhaustion, dreaming still about a certain celebrity, so you weren’t exactly well rested upon waking.
Once arriving to your trailer at Pinewood Atlanta, you dropped off your things and headed straight to hair and makeup. The scene would be set at night as your character prepared to go to bed, so only a light coating of natural foundation and clear mascara adorned your face and your hair was tied back in two french braids.
You were glad that your makeup was so quick today, but you also didn’t want to leave as dread filled your stomach about the scene.
It was one thing to make out with Tom Holland in the privacy of his own home, but another to plant one on him in front of the cast, crew, and cameras.
You headed to wardrobe, where you got dressed into comfortable black leggings and an oversized midtown sweatshirt. 
You were walking out when Jon, looking down at his phone in hand, almost ran into you, stopping you in your tracks.
“Oh, hey, y/n! Just the person I was looking for. I just wanted to see how you were feeling about this whole kissing scene. Are you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess,” you laughed, “but really, Tom and I worked through it Saturday so I think it’ll be alright.”
“Right, yeah I heard about that. Harry said you guys were pretty... thorough about the scene. Well anyways, we’ll call you and Tom to set in a little bit. He’s getting in the suit right now. See you later!” Jon walked off, going back to his business on his phone.
You, on the other hand, were frozen in place, mortified. Why did Harry have the need to tell everyone that he caught you locking lips with his brother? It was just research, after all, nothing serious, you tried to convince yourself again.
You of course shouldn’t have been surprised. Leave it to a Holland brother to keep his mouth shut...
You walked onto the bedroom set, where Tom was already present with his back to you, getting some last minute translucent powder over his t-zone. 
His ass and thighs looked exceptionally good in the suit today, the tight material hugging his muscular body nicely. 
You felt a little bad that your costume was literally pajamas and Tom’s was spandex, but hey, you weren’t necessarily complaining. 
You took a deep breath, trying to shake off any “intrusive” thoughts, considering the high you were still riding from Saturday and your nervousness for the shoot. 
When Tom turned around and his eyes met yours, his face lit up.
“Hey, darling. Good morning. How are you? Are you ready?” he immediately began, his chipper voice surprising you considering how early it still was. You both went in for a hug.
“Good morning to you, too. And I think so, considering how well we prepared the other day,” you joked quietly into his shoulder. 
You both pulled away and he had his eyebrows raised in response to your smirk. 
He was about to rebut when Jon made his way over, putting one hand on each of your shoulders. 
“Alright you two. I know you worked things out over the weekend, but you guys are gonna have to hold back a little bit, this may be an intense scene, but not that kind,” he chastised, a hint of mischief in his voice. 
Jon was eyeing both of you, and you and Tom both looked to find each other blushing like mad.
With that as confirmation, Jon clapped his hands together and yelled out for the production team to get in their positions so you could camera test and eventually shoot the scene. 
With everything planned out, you both got into character and found yourself in place to begin. 
The AC held a clap board in front of the camera, waiting for the all clear to begin your take.
“Alright, action,” Jon called over the microphone. 
You walked across the room, stopping in your footsteps. 
“Peter...” you trailed in surprise. 
He pulled off the mask and shook his head, motioning for you to wait and allow him to speak.
He began apologizing, trying to convince your character to give him a second chance and even try to be friends.
Then he started talking about his parents and uncle Ben, causing your face to fall over time as realization that both characters had experienced extreme loss in different ways, his much worse than yours. 
Both of you eventually sat on the side of the bed closely and looked at each other, a sad expression glazing your features. You looked down in thought.
“Are you okay?” Peter asked tentatively.
An overwhelming urge took you over and your lips crashed into his. You had squeezed your eyes shut and put a hand on his shoulder. Peter stiffened like a board, but then kissed back.
Suddenly, you pulled back, eyes wide open. 
“Oh my God. You’re with MJ. I just kissed a taken man. Peter, you just kissed me back!” 
Panic overcame your voice. 
“You have to leave, now!” you exclaimed in your alarmed state.
“Wait, we can talk about this, it wasn’t what you think!”
“Peter, I can’t do this to your girlfriend. She doesn’t deserve this. You need to go, and you should probably give her a heads up about what happened. But please,” your voice was desperate now, “make sure she knows it’s my fault. Make her hate me, not you.”
Parallel to the last scene, Peter went back to your open window, ready to mask up and swing out.
“Cut!” Jon called out again, then asked you to stay in your positions while he came down.
“Guys that was great!” he began upon getting closer. He then gave you both a few notes, explaining that you would need to do the shot a few more times at least to get it really solid. 
After every take, both you (and hopefully Tom) became more comfortable kissing in front of the crew. It took another twenty or so takes with different motivations and movements and angles before Jon called it done.
Both of you suspected that he and everyone else really just wanted you to kiss more, but no one would mention it out loud.
With the scene finished, everyone prepared to film other parts of the movie where Peter would have his mask off and you got to have a few breaks, watching from afar with Harry, Harrison, and some of the other assistants.
Harry leaned over at some point during the afternoon.
“You two really tamed it down, huh?” he whispered. You gave him a backhanded hit to the bicep.
“Oh shut up. We were acting, that’s all.” 
He raised a suspicious eyebrow and leaned in again.
“Tell that to the video Harrison got of you two in the study. He may or may not have set up a camera in the bookcase,” he suggested, glancing over to Tom’s oblivious best friend.
You gasped and straightened up.
“I’ll kill him,” you too looked to Haz, then Harry again, “but after he shows me the footage.”
A long filming day had once again commenced, and you were packing up your bag to head home when a knock was heard on the door of your trailer. 
The distinct rapping pattern alerted you that it was Tom and you opened it up to see him looking down at his phone. 
“Hey, y/n. Ready to walk to the parking lot?” he asked holding out his hand to help you down the steps. 
For a while now, Tom or one of his “assistants” would usually walk with you to your car for safety purposes, especially if it was dark out. 
As you both strolled through the darkness, you couldn’t help but notice the slower pace you both took on, trailing quite a few yards behind Harry and Haz, both of whom laughing at who knew what while going to Tom’s vehicle.
“So I think today went well,” you brought up, not sure where it would go.
“Yeah it was fun. I do have to say, however, that Saturday was a bit more enjoyable than this morning,” he implied, eyeing you.
“Oh yeah? I’d agree, but I hear that your best friend happened to catch it all on video.” 
He huffed and rolled his eyes.
“That voyeur, always ruining the moment. Maybe we oughta try it again sometime, without the threat of others watching,” Tom suggested, surprising you. 
You decided to get bold.
“You’re not even gonna take me out first? The nerve of some people,” you jokingly scoffed, gazing away from Tom at the cars highlighted in moonlight.
“Okay,” he replied, mimicking the way you had looked away when you turned back to face him. There was a faint smile on his lips. 
“I said okay. Let’s go on a date.”
You stopped in your tracks and fully turned towards him and he followed suit. 
“You don’t mean that do you? Like, you actually would take me on a date?”
“If it meant that I could kiss you one more time I would take you on a million dates,” he replied sincerely. 
You couldn’t help the way your jaw dropped in surprise. Both of you stood silently staring at one another, unsure of what to say.
Suddenly, you burst into giggles and he did too.
“That was so cheesy!” you exclaimed between laughs, both of you doubled over, and he nodded in agreement.
After calming down you gave him a toothy grin. 
“The answer is yes, by the way.”
“Really?” he asked incredulously. 
You began walking again, your car just in sight. 
“Of course. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve had a huge crush on you since before we even met,” you confessed. You stopped again, just behind your car bumper.
“Coulda fooled me. I thought I was the one being obvious. I have been attracted to you since the first time we met, and my feelings have only grown since knowing you.”
 You couldn’t help the butterflies erupting in your stomach and your widening smile as you looked up into his eyes.
“You know, I think I could make one exception right now, as long as you’re willing to make it up later?” you proposed, your eyes looking to the moon and stars now as you awaited his reply.
“I think that’s a debt I can handle,” he responded, snaking a hand around your waist and the other up under your chin again. 
He closed the gap between you both and you smiled against his lips, eyes closing in euphoria. 
You could’ve probably stayed there forever, but the hoots and hollers of the other two British boys just across the aisle made you both pull away. 
You looked towards the voices to find Harry and Harrison sticking out of the sunroof of Tom’s Audi A8, where they were still cheering and Harrison was holding up his phone to film. 
Both you and Tom couldn’t help but laugh at the once again unfortunate circumstance as he threw an arm over your shoulder to pull you close and you put one hand on his chest next to where you rested your head. 
Maybe you two were destined to be seen every time you smooched, but hey, at least you were the one kissing Tom Holland. 
A/N: yo this took way too long to write. Mostly bc I’m still in the process of writing starstruck and I always get stuck deciding on which piece to work on every night but alas! It is done! I’m proud of this one. I know it’s long, but I think it’s worth it ya know? Hope you all enjoyed! XO love y’all :)
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keyorsomething · 5 years
►єυ∂ιєgσ яαит
✿Hello everyone!✿
Today, I'm going to simply be ranting about my thoughts on Eudora's character, and the ship between her and Diego.
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Warning! This will contain spoilers for any episodes past number three, and will discuss some serious and rather touchy topics. Reader discretion is advised.
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►1. єυ∂σяα'ѕ ¢нιℓ∂нσσ∂ (domestic violence trigger warning.)
Eudora spent a lot of her younger years in a violent situation. She grew up in the ghetto of the city, and took up martial arts when she was young to learn to better defend herself. Her father abused her mother often, and her grandfather was the main reason she grew up to be as functional as she's shown to be.
Most children who grow up around intimate partner violence (IPV) have a lot of issues. She was lucky enough to have a grandfather who kept the violence as far away from her as possible. When she was eight years old, her mother was nearly murdered by her father, causing her grandfather to call the police. They were helped out of the situation, and Eudora's father was sentenced to 38 years in prison. She dreads the day that might come- where he lives long enough to get out of where he belongs.
Often times, children are distrustful of their female caretakers who were victims of IPV. They don't believe that the victim will care for them, causing independence to be forced at a young age, even after escaping the abuse. I believe that Eudora likely loved her mother a lot- but never fully trusted her, even into adulthood. Ever since she was nine years old, she'd decided that she never wanted to be like her mother. She saved thousands of dollars through all of her years in middle school and high school, so that when she was 18, she could move out immediately.
Seeing the violence in her home caused Eudora to want to stop it. She wanted to be someone who could prevent people getting hurt as her mother was, and was determined to become a cop. She saved up as much money as she could, and once she graduated highschool, she enrolled in the police academy, and bought a small apartment near it.
Update as of May 20th, 2019:
So, I saw a comment that I absolutely agree with, and slightly adjusted my headcanon.
Perhaps, instead of actually experiencing abuse in her own home, she experienced it second hand. A childhood friend, or someone like that. A less violent headcanon that I've also had for a while is that maybe her father just left, around the same time that Eudora's mother and her would have left in the other headcanon.
This version of my headcanon could still leave Eudora's mother wary of men, raising her to be careful around them. If her mother had a close friend, or sister, who escaped from a domestic abuse situation, it could also work better. Leaving Eudora wary of men, but not a direct victim of the abuse. Idk- tell me what y'all think?
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►2. тнє єαяℓу уєαяѕ σf ∂ιєgσ αи∂ єυ∂σяα'ѕ яєℓαтισиѕнιρ.
Both Eudora and Diego had little experience with relationships. Eudora, from a young age, was raised to be scared of men. She didn't think she'd ever want to have an intimate relationship with a man- mostly because she was terrified of becoming like her mother.
Diego grew up as a Hargreeves. Romance was strictly forbidden. He followed the rules as strictly as he could- he wanted nothing more than to be better than Luther at the Academy. In high school, though, he had many girlfriends. Never a long term relationship, though- everything was touch and go for him.
Things changed when they met in the police academy.
Eudora helped Diego through a lot. She tried her best to understand him, and listen to him when all he needed was to know that he's not worthless. He did the same for her, building an incredibly strong bond between the two. Eudora struggled a lot when she fell in love with him.
Diego wasn't dangerous, and she knew he'd never hurt her. But her whole world fell apart when she fell for him. She found reason after reason not to tell him, but she eventually confessed, after months of agonizing over the possibilities. He confessed the same, and their relationship extended to be romantic.
They both had no clue what they were doing, but they figured it out together. They were more alike than they thought, and just grew closer.
They explored a lot together. What their boundaries were romance wise. Their desires sexually (more on this later.)
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►3. ∂ιєgσ тнє ∂яσρσυт.
Diego was kicked from the academy when they weren't far from graduating. He couldn't seem to agree to the laws, so despite being undeniably good at what could've been his job, defiance clearly isn't a trait suitable for a police officer. Eudora was advised to stay away from him after that, due to suspicions that he'd interfere with her career, but she loved him, and he loved her.
Eudora allowed him to help her with assignments. They made an unstoppable team.
Or, what seemed to be an unstoppable team.
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►4. тнє ∂σωиfαℓℓ σf єυ∂ιєgσ.
Diego was bored with bureaucracy. He felt as though he wasn't helping the way that he should. He managed to get access to the police radio, and listened for hours, trying to find any crime to go after. He had moved into Eudora's apartment at this point in time- so it wasn't like she had to do much digging to figure out what he was doing.
Three nights in a row, he disappeared, without her knowing. He'd stopped minor crimes- convienent store robberies, small burglaries, etc. Though one night was different- Diego snuck out as usual, to the scene of some hostage situation at a Circle K just down the street. He didn't like to have to kill the bad guys- but he did.
That night, a lot of gunfire rang out. Eudora got a call at 1:00 AM, telling her she needed to get to the scene. Diego wasn't home, obviously- so she put two and two together. She'd waited just a few minutes, when he got home.
They fought. For the first time in their whole relationship, they fought. She kicked him out of her apartment- she felt hurt, betrayed, and angry at him. They broke up, and despite both parties trying numerous times, they couldn't seem to make it work.
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►5. тнє мσяє... ѕєχυαℓ вιтѕ.
TUA doesn't exactly hide the kinkiness of Diego and Eudora's relationship. I mean- seriously.
Diego: "It's not spandex, it's leather. And you used to like it. A lot, if I recall."
Eudora: "God, please unremember that."
Diego: "Etched into the data bank, Eudora."
It's actually fucking hilarious to me- I'd probably break up someone too, if they were running around fighting crime in a BDSM suit. It's kinda great.
This subject is probably my favorite to talk about with Eudiego, cause it's really entertaining. A lot of people say that Klaus is the kinky Hargreeves sibling but uh?? No?? It's Diego?? Clearly.
Anyway, so about who would top- Eudora. I'm sorry, but her BDE is WAYYYYY too much for me to handle. Diego is, y'know, a switch- like, with Klaus, Diego would probably top (don't attack me for my opinions I swear-), but Eudora definitely topped in their relationship.
I mean, hell, she tased Diego instantly upon seeing him- like?? Hello?? Also, she shushed him just by putting her hand up. Idk, maybe I'm crazy, but I'm just obsessed with thinking about this part of their relationship. Especially when people try to argue with me about it, cause I fight anyone who dares to act like they think more about Diego and Eudora than I do lolol.
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►6. ωну ι ℓσνє тнιѕ ραιяιиg.
M'kay, so this is gonna be kinda sad. And serious- but ya. Just be warned I guess.
So, a lot of my friends ask me why I'm so obsessed with Diego and Eudora getting together again. A lot of them write it off as because it's just a ship of mine, but, actually? It's because of the ultimate feelings it gives me.
I constantly listen to "This Year's Love" (If you're somehow unaware, that's the song that played when Diego found Eudora's body.) Every time I listen to it, I can just feel the relationship they once had (and have the potential to have again). It speaks volumes for the way that they once felt about each other- and I love it.
I have been in multiple horrific relationships. Abusive, toxic, unrequited, etc. But, that song so clearly reminds me of the love that I adore. The love that I crave feeling.
One line that I constantly hear in my mind is "When ya kiss me, on that midnight street, sweep me off my feet, singin, 'ain't this life so sweet.'" The image it puts in my mind? Stunning.
As to why I think in the show that it's actually a really good pairing- they clearly care for each other. When Diego was in front of the station, waiting for Eudora, she seemed really annoyed. But the moment he mentioned his mom dying, everything about her softened. Her expression, her demeanor, and her voice changed.
Diego said "I just don't know how to-" and clearly began struggling to speak. Before he tried to continue, she just placed her hand on his arm- she didn't need him to continue. From this, I can assume that she's helped him before- or at least, she understands his emotions and struggles to some degree.
Another thing: their whole dynamic works really well. Almost a good girl likes the bad boy kinda thing, but different in a good way. Y'know? Because in most stories like that, the girl is really submissive and such- but Eudiego absolutely defies that. And I love it.
Finally, who was the first person Eudora called? Diego. The MOMENT he found out that she called- he left Five with Luther, and went after her. He was so clearly in anguish when he found her body. Luther had to hold him back from trying to attack Five when he got back to his place.
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►7. ωну ι ℓσνє єυ∂σяα.
So, I adore that we don't get a "soft" Eudora moment. We get plenty from Diego- and sure, she softened up when talking to him about Grace, but uh- we never really see a point where she's showing too much emotion. And I really like the insight that gives into her personality.
Also- I saw this article that was rating TUA characters, and it said that Eudora was the worst character in TUA. I, obviously, disagree- while I despise what they did with her, the character herself was really good. Her personality was honestly great- she was entertaining, kind, beautiful, amazing, and god dammit, I love Eudora.
She was also clearly passionate about her job. She cared about Diego- but her job came first. She did the right thing- the moment she found out where Diego's brother was, it didn't matter that she didn't have backup. She knew something needed to be done, and she did it. And even though Hazel had a gun pointed straight at her, she made sure that she clearly didn't shoot him.
Eudora is an undeniably good person. She loves helping people- otherwise, why would she be a cop?
There was a lot of potential lost, when they killed her off. Luckily, though- season two. The Hargreeves are going back in time. I understand that we got some good Diego development through her death- but what about the development we could have gotten if she lived? She knows Diego better than anyone. I think there was an entire background there that TUA really missed out on by killing her.
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My conclusion? Eudora is way underrated. I wish there was such an endless supply of fanart for her as there is for Klaus. That's why I myself draw her so frickin much- because she doesn't get as much love and appreciation.
Also- I actually once got told by this person that they don't ship Eudiego cause it's straight.
And I just-
Huh?? Like, it's still a good ship. Why once a ship is straight is it not shippable?
I don't care if you don't like Eudiego. What I care about is the reasons- and because it's not gay? That is a bullshit reason, man-
Anyway, I digress. I conclude my rant.
Oh, and, yes, I'll likely update this rant in the future :/
✿.。.:* *.:。✿
If you saw this on TUA Amino, that's because I posted this there first- so ya uwu.
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staygoldangel · 6 years
pairings: very soft dally x reader
trigger warnings: none
about: this is a little fic where you and Dally are in school, and are both in trouble at the same time lol. also you’re a Curtis sister, and it’s a lil bit angsty
“that’s it, Miss (Y/N) Curtis, go to the office!” Your very angry teacher yelled from the front of the room.
your cheeks burned as the entire class had turned to look at you. it wasn’t your fault! Two-Bit had been pestering you for the past twenty minutes, and you’d had enough. you had tolerated the whisper-shouted “Hey!”s, waving, and other annoyances. that is, until he started throwing paper airplanes. you had a hard enough time focusing in math anyway. your teacher was at least a million years old, and was so quiet and monotone you could fall asleep if you wanted.
“fine.” you stood up, slammed your chair into the desk, grabbed your things, and glared at Two-Bit as you exited the room. He only grinned and chuckled, looking satisfied. he leaned back in his chair, still watching you leave.
once you were out of the teacher’s sight, you stood a little bit outside the doorway and flipped Two-Bit off. you turned and started your walk of shame toward the office. you flipped your sunglasses down off of your head, and applied some more clear lip gloss. you wanted to keep your cool to the best of your abilities. it was decently hard, because you needed some time to cool off before facing your principal.
as you slowly walked through the halls, you took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. you looked out one of the windows. it was a beautiful day in Tulsa. it was late May, and school would be out very soon. the clouds were huge and fluffy, trees were full, and flowers were in full bloom. one thing you couldn’t help but notice was the sky. the stunning sky with all it’s brilliant shades of blue. the very same sky you had stared at your entire life. the sky your oldest brother, Darry, would yell at you to stop looking at because you had homework to do. the same sky you would watch change from day to night with your kid brother, Ponyboy. the same sky you watched for hours the night you heard your parents had died. the night you had cried with Sodapop for hours. you could’ve sworn the stars shone brighter that night then they ever did before. 
you tore yourself away from the window, continuing your walk. as the office came into view, you sighed. what is Darry gonna say this time? you would always be grateful Darry never leaned as hard into you as he did Pony. Pony had it real bad sometimes. you swore Darry would yell at him for breathing the wrong way. 
you flopped down into one of the hard, plastic chairs in the office. resting your chin on your palm, you look around. nothing out of the ordinary, except for one little detail. sitting across from you was the school’s bad boy. Dallas Winston. a pretty good friend of yours. he waved a little bit, then walked over to sit next to you. you always had the slightest crush on ‘ol Dal, but your brothers would have your head if you even thought of having a boyfriend. you looked up at him and smiled. 
“so doll, what are you in for?” he grinned.
you giggled a bit. “i was “disrupting class”, apparently.” you stuck your tongue out, mocking your teacher. “how about you?” you raised an eyebrow.
“i may or may not have threatened a kid with my switch.” he gave a dangerous smile. the same smile that had always made blush a bit.
“that’s rough. at least you don’t have an older brother that’ll ground you for a week.” you groaned. you loved your brother, but he could be a royal pain. “Two-Bit finally pushed me over the edge. i was yelling at him and crumpling up all his paper airplanes. of course i’m the one who gets in trouble.”
Dally laughed. you loved it when you made him laugh. and then, there was a minute where everything went still. Dally looked into your eyes, and he softened a little bit.
“y’know doll, you really do have pretty eyes.” he said quiet enough for only you to hear. 
your face burned. Dallas Winston, the Dallas Winston, flirting with you?!? you had decided there was no time like now. you were gonna make a move. now or never, right?
“hey Dal, i just wanna say that i rea-” you were cut off by the secretary.
“Miss Curtis, please report to Principal Smith’s office.” she pointed to a dimly lit room. 
“oh, um, yeah. ok.” you were flustered. as you got up, your hand brushed Dally’s. you looked back at him.
“Wait for me?”
your worries melted away, and so did your heart. you gave him a soft smile. you walked into the principal’s office, still love-drunk and smiling like an idiot. you tuned out most of the principal’s speech until he said, “i’m afraid i’m going to have to call your brother.” you swallowed hard. 
“Principal Smith, please! please don’t. it could have been worse...?” you grinned nervously. He only rubbed his temples and sighed.
“Miss Curtis, this has been the fifth time this month you’ve been called down for being disruptive! is there a certain student who has been bothering you?” you may have been mad at Two-Bit, but you were anything but a snitch. you guys had a strong bond, and a little thing like this was no reason to call him out. 
“no, i was just frustrated. i’m sorry, this won’t happen again.” you sighed, accepting the consequences.
“i understand. i’m still going to have to call your brother, however.” he explained to you. after around five more minutes, he let you go. you made your way back to Dally. 
“c’mon doll. let’s get out of here. the bell is gonna ring any second.” he handed you your bag.
“yeah, let’s go. im gonna have to find Pony and wait for Soda to pick us up. who knows when that’s gonna be.” you ran a hand through your hair.
“i’ll drive you home.” Dally put a hand on your shoulder. you smiled. 
“aw, thanks Dal! let’s find Pony.” you guys both left the office as the bell rang, and kids went running out of their classes. you both found Pony and Johnny, and they explained they were gonna hang out after school, and didn’t need a ride. it was just you and Dally.
the drive to your house was peaceful. it was small conversations and comfortable silence. the sun was still high in the sky. the fresh spring air filled your lungs and you relaxed. 
as you pulled up to your house, Dally lit a cigarette. “i’ll see ya later doll. say, do you wanna catch a movie sometime?” he asked nonchalantly. 
“yeah sure. tomorrow night at eight?” you tilted your head.
“i’ll pick you up then. night, honey.” he grinned. 
“g’night Dally.” you returned his grin with a cute little smile.
you had remembered the single word he told you as he drove away. the one little word that made your heart leap.
you opened the door to your house, putting your bag on one of the chairs.
“(Y/N) (M/N) Curtis! Get in the kitchen right now!” You heard Darry yell from the other side of the house.
Oh boy. 
Notes: EW WHAT IS THIS ENDING. this was wayyyyy longer than i intended im sorry. hope y’all liked my first fic.
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
your anchor // min yoongi
♥ fluffy!!
♥ 2k words
♥ summary: some friendships are forgotten while others are just meant to take a break, and evolve into something better
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wow news anchor! Yoongi with his full on attire - a crisp black suit and a black tie around his collar while his hair is swept back
A look™
But there’s a huge contrast between his appearance on and off camera
He tries his best not to wear his suit and tie that much because it gets really stuffy at the broadcasting station, people scurrying from place to place and the vicinity in general is always being packed with writers and his other fellow colleagues
Despite his calm and chill demeanor behind the camera, he still remains professional and respectful to his superiors
Unless they get on his nerves and he has to hit them with the Facts
Which Writer! Namjoon has to refrain him from doing so and drag him away from the situation
It’s also a huge bonus that his expressions are always stoic and it takes A LOT for someone to crack him up
Once he was switching the camera to his colleague, Weatherman! Taehyung, and Tae had this green suit on so only his head was floating
It was a Halloween special afterall
Everyone else in the room was trying to snifle their giggles but Yoongi just sat there with an emotionless expression and nodding his head for Tae to go on
Only the other weatherman! Hoseok and Cameraman! Jungkook has ever made him giggle
And everyone’s trying to find out why??
But we all know he has a soft spot for them
But Yoongi generally a respectful, intelligent and hardworking so even if his cold expression stirs people away, they don’t necessarily hate him because he does his work right 
so you on the other hand was a cameraperson!! because you were always interested in filming and even had a minor in it during college
and you’re pumped!! but also super stressed because what if you don’t do your job right and some sort of malfunction happens??
but you’re just being paranoid because you always double check before filming starts
sometimes it’s hard to film because someone cracks a good joke on set but you’re filming right now and it is NOT the right time to snort right now (y/n)
it happened once and the celebrities joined in the fun with you as you hid your face behind the huge camera
you were lucky enough that everyone else burst into laughter a second later because you would have been in big trouble
and what does Yoongi have to do with you???
because you guys go wayyyyy back!!
the both of you had known each other by being in the same high school
the both of you weren’t the best of friends, but you guys still put in the effort to watch out for one another 
your reason being because he was cute!!! :(((
he was 70% squishy and soft back then
but cute like a little brother, even if he was a few years older
but as time passed and it was time to part ways, there were many friends you had distanced from, one of them being Yoongi
but you didn’t expect to see him in the same broadcasting station as you
and the first time the both of you met felt so nostalgic and awkward
“Yoongi? Min Yoongi?”
“(y/n)?? What are you doing here?” he chuckled, bringing his hand out of his pocket to shake your hand
“I just got a job as a cameraperson here. Looks like you landed a job as a news anchor?” you smiled, and you couldn’t help but swoon at the sight of him
because squishy yoongi has grown mature and handsome and wow that watch on his nice hands look-
“heh yeah,”
and then it’s just s I l e n c e
“I’ll get going then, see you around?”
“yeah, sure. see you around too,”
and you just sonic zoomed right out of there because your heart is racing a mile a minute, your palms got clammy and what is this??? why is your face so red???
you only thought he was cute like just average cute
but he turned into a Whole Man
and if you hadn’t run off, maybe you could’ve caught a glimpse of his gummy smile
but you didn’t hear that from me
and it was to be expected that you’d see him almost everyday now because they were currently short on staff for the camera crew so you always took the shift for the 8 oclock news
which was when Yoongi is doing his job as the news anchor
and oh my goodness can he look any better on camera??
and every time the news ends, Yoongi comes your way and gives you a smile, saying you did a good job and you could melt on the spot
and after working there for a month, it becomes routine that the both of you hangout at the break room with instant coffee and reminisce about the old days and finding out about the current lives of your former schoolmates
and it feels like the bond had never left
It feels exactly like the old days because Min Yoongi becomes even more enamored by you
the way you smile so wide and chuckle over the shooting you had that day or the way your face turns all serious with your eyebrows furrowed when you’re concentrating
and dare I say, he is Whipped for you
since day 1 but he never had the guts to tell you
that’s when the anniversary of the broadcasting station came and all the workers were invited to celebrate it
of course it was a formal event so you had to wear something more special other than the hoodie and jeans you wore to work everyday
and it feels weird arriving to the venue all dolled up as your colleagues cheered for you because you look stunning hunny!!
and as you’re walking through the hall, talking to fellow friends and colleagues, you spot Yoongi at the corner with a wineglass in hand
you made your way to him and once he spotted you, he nearly spilled his wine
because can you get any more beautiful??
“Keeping to yourself again?” you chuckled, swooping up another glass from a waiter who was passing by as you chuckled
and that gummy smile hoLy
“You should already know how I am as a person, (y/n). Just as much as I know you feel uncomfortable wearing that, even if you look gorgeous in it”
and you kinda just,,, took a few seconds to think because,, Min Yoongi just complimented you
you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself, you thought to yourself as you took another sip from your glass
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Suga,” you teased as you looked towards him from behind your glass
and that shocked looked on his face makes your burst out laughing
“We don’t talk about my Soundcloud here you, doofus,”
“Yeah, but they’re missing out on a masterpiece,”
“Oh really?? How about the one that’s standing right in front of me?” 
and the tables just FLIP the don’t turn they FLIP because you’re losing your mind and internally panicking over that deliberate flirting
and,,,you don't know how to respond
your cheeks turn rosy pink to the point where it reaches your ears and your eyes immediately avoid his gaze because suddenly there’s this look in his eyes you can’t decipher
it’s love (y/n) get it together will you??
and yoongi is losing his mind too because where did all these obnoxious flirting come from??? who did you learn this from, min yoongi??
“I’ll go take a breather, it feels a little stuffy in here,” you chuckle nervously as you shoot him a sheepish smile before leaving the hall to enjoy the calm and quiet of the hallways
at that moment, yoongi knew he effed up
did he just destroy a friendship like that?? and the thought of him losing you had his mind running a mile an hour and before he knew it, he was tracing your steps to see where you had escaped too
a part of him wanted clarification, to see if you really didn’t reciprocate his feelings
or else he wouldn’t be able to sleep peacefully that night, or even from that day onwards
as soon as you heard footsteps behind you, you turned your head quickly to the source of the sound 
the person you least wanted to see standing in front of you with a,, worried expression?
you wished he had come later, when your thoughts were rational and not thinking about a way to plant your lips on his or runaway to another country
but you couldn’t run away now that he stood a few inches from you, a little breathless from frantically searching for you along the corridors
“Sorry if I startled you back there I just- goddamnit,” he sighed, frustration evident in his voice as he continuously ran his fingers through hi hair, his sleak and swept back hair turning messier by the minute
“What? What are you apologizing for?”
“I took it too far and flirted with you, my friend. I should’ve known you didn't like me back-”
“like you back?”
“Yes, (y/n), I like you, is it not obvious enough?”
and you’re just standing there with a flustered and frustrated Yoongi, his eyes trying to see what kind of emotion your eyes were portraying
it took you a few minutes to let everything absorb into your brain as you chuckled nervously, brushing stray strands away from your face
“so the feeling’s are mutual?” you questioned him, hope in your eyes as you bit onto your lips
and his eyes sparkle
and he wants to kiss you and sweep you off your feet
but instead, he lets out elated giggles, gently taking your hands in his as you allowed him to do so
he planted a soft kiss on your knuckles while his gaze never left you
but you catch his eyes trailing back to your lips as they curled into a soft smile
“You know, kissing doesn’t sound that bad right now. Maybe I should find a dashing guy back at the hall-”
Yoongi chuckles, his gummy grin plastered on his face as he slowly grabbed you by the waist and brought you closer
placing his hand at the back of your neck, he gave you one last look before planting a soft kiss on yours, the feeling of it melting your heart
you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, causing him to break out into another fit of giggles as the both of you broke apart, resting against one another’s foreheads
“We’re idiots aren’t we?”
“Yeah, two idiots in love,” he smiled endearingly towards you before going for another kiss
“Wanna ditch the party and get some lamb skewers? the sliders here taste like bricks,” you scrunched your nose in disgust as the both of you walked down the hallway with your fingers interlaced
“Sure thing, babe,” he smirked, as if you couldn’t get any redder by the nickname
wow you guys are so cute :’))
so now that the both of you are now a couple
meeting at the break room doesn’t only consist of instant coffee ;)) 
and now that every time your behind the camera, Yoongi sometimes break out into a smile when he reads out articles that remind him of you
and everyone around the world has been shaken to the core
because handsome stoic dude has emotions
and of course his friends tease him about it
but he’ll gladly boast about you to them
like one time Hoseok teased him for smiling at you so endearingly while you prepped the cameras before filming
because he’s Whipped, didn’t I say that already??
and he’s like so what? they’re cute as hell, of course i’ll smile
and he HAS to say it in front of you and embarrass you
now everyone is pushing you guys to get married with all these articles of famous celebrities getting married
it’s understandable because time flies and the both of you have been together for 3 years now??
but I don’t think you have to wait that long ;))
you didn’t hear that from me or Yoongles will kill me HAHA toodles
a/n: I’ve got stupid writer’s block for the past few days so I took a break and caught up with all my groups until I stumbled upon that post about Yoongi wanting to be a news anchor HAHA I love me man ok bye bye hope you guys are having a good day/night!! 
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Guys i saw beauty and the beast last night...
and i just... 
was kind of... baffled (?) by some of the choices? 
caution: spoilers/controversial opinions/randomy thought-vomity thoughts under the cut. I didn’t hate it as much as this makes it sound... I promise! 
*This got WAY too long, so I’m breaking it into sections. I’m so sorry to anyone that actually bothers to read this. It’s honestly just a reactionary stream of consciousness, for the most part. 
To set this up/disclaim: I adore Emma Watson as a human being. She is absolutely lovely, she IS and will always be Hermione Granger, and I’ve liked her in most of her other projects. That said, I found her COMPLETELY flat in this movie acting-wise (and don’t worry, I’ll get to her singing). I don’t think that Emma by nature is what I would describe as “feisty;” there’s a classy, sophisticated, “prim and proper-ness” to her that definitely has it’s place... but just not here. 
Belle needs to be fiery, empowered, passionate, and she just has to EXUDE that in everything she says or does. I think they did a lot in the script to empower Belle through the dialogue she was given, but Emma just doesn’t exude those things naturally with her acting, which I think is where the disconnect ultimately came from. 
So unfortunately, I was worried this would be a case of miscasting from the beginning, and I was sadly proven right. She looked absolutely stunning, but I personally never felt like I connected with Emma’s Belle, which KILLED me, because like so many other people that grew up with the movie, Belle was the character that no matter where I was in life, I always gravitated toward. 
Honestly, I just felt like I got more genuine emotion from 2 minutes of Human!Dan Stevens as the prince there at the end than I did from Emma the entire film.
I wouldn’t have thought this would be possible, given that the animated film script is pitch-perfect and even the Broadway show manages to be good (despite some completely worthless additions), but the script for this film was actually pretty bad. I’d give it 3.5/10. The pacing through the whole thing was... off, somehow. The relationship development between Belle and the Beast felt off-balance to me, and there were several scenes that I genuinely sat there going “well that was rushed.” (*cough* LIBRARY SCENE *cough*) 
Why on EARTH would they have given the “I’ll show you to your room” scene to anyone BUT the Beast. It’s like, the entire tee-up to the Belle x Beast relationship???!? 
Also, they BOTCHED the whole “join me for dinner” bit, BECAUSE they gave the “i’ll show you to your room” scene to the objects. 
I was not a HUGE fan of the one-line backstory they gave the beast, something about “his father turned him into a monster” or something to that effect. To me, that “woobifies” the character in a way I’m not a fan of...  I always liked the Beast because it seemed to me that he had CHOSEN to be a bad person, he got his comeuppance when he was cursed, and he consciously had to decide to change his heart in order to break the spell. It took something away from the Belle x Beast arc to insert someone else in there to tell her “oh, he’s this way because X,” and for that to serve as a catalyst for her feelings softening.
Also, the whole Paris bit was super extra, and to me, a sign that the writers were like “oh crap, we haven’t done enough to build up Belle and the Beast, so uh, here, let’s have them bond over sadness.” Like... meh? (Sidebar: if you’re GONNA do the Paris thing and you’re GONNA have HUGE SHOT OF NOTRE DAME SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING, I EXPECT A “HUNCHBACK” EASTER EGG. C’MON, DISNEY!) 
Shifting gears, NGL, I missed Gaston’s ill-attempted “wooing” scene at the beginning of the movie. It almost seemed to me like they were intentionally trying to excise some of the blatant misogny from his character... but... like... he’s SUPPOSED to be the biggest fuckboi in town... he’s supposed to be the character that you really hate. He should be narcissistic, mysogynistic and generally disgusting. I remember even being a kid being thoroughly disgusted by Gaston, and feeling like he really got what he deserved when Belle chucked him out into the mud. And I just... didn’t get that from this film. I mean, he became hateable later with what he did to Maurice, but there was a lot missing from the propsal/rejection scene for me. (Also I would have DIED to hear Luke Evans sing “ME” from the Broadway show.)
ANOTHER THING: not enough of the Gaston fangirls! They could have had SUCH FUN with Lefou and the girls all mooning over Gaston... not a huge deal, just a missed character/comedy opportunity, IMO. 
OTHER MISSING CHARACTERS: WHERE TF WAS MONSIEUR D’ARQUE?!? He was positively creeptacular in the original/stage version, plus YOU CAST ADRIAN FUCKING SCHILLER, WHY WOULD YOU NOT USE HIM!?!? My boy got seriously shortchanged. 
Also, how TF did Belle manage to pull off that full costume change while galloping away on a horse??? 
Final random casting thing: the village library guy was pretty young and hot (not at all like the old guy from the movie). If I was Belle, I’d have been all over that! :P
Seriously, I am so BEYOND done watching actors that cannot sing BUTCHER great scores. Emma was so autotuned, it was honestly cringeworthy-- wayyyyy too saccharine, way too overproduced. 
That said, Audra MacDonald was a VISION, as always, Josh Gad consistently impresses me as a vocalist/overall performer (and his upper register), Luke Evans was pitch-perfect and Emma Thompson’s rendition of “Beauty and the Beast” was absolutely everything it needed to be. Even Dan Stevens showed up with some vocal chops, but that brings me to another thing... 
Seriously... I had SUCH HIGH HOPES that they would at least carry over the Beast’s songs from the Broadway show, because of all the songs they added into the stage adaptation, I thought those added the most to the story and gave some much needed dimension to the Beast’s character, with some introspective moments that were missing from the original film. 
Instead (I’m assuming for the purpose of making people buy the new soundtrack), they wrote an utterly CRINGEWORTHY song that was musically cheap and lyrically terrible. I am getting so tired of saying this EVERY TIME a new movie musical adaptation comes out, but producers keep doing it and it irks me. So here (for the umpteenth time) is a PRO-TIP: When you have SO MUCH fantastic source material ALREADY out there, JUST USE IT. DON’T WRITE NEW STUFF. JUST USE WHAT’S ALREADY THERE. 
So in the meantime, I’ll just be over here cry/yelling in frustration about never getting to hear Dan Stevens sing “LET THE WORLD BE DONE WITH MEEEEEEEE!” 
They also lost WAY too much of the original scoring in favor of scoring that was just, well... BLAH. Really missed the original scoring during the scene in the West Wing when Belle finds the rose, in particular. [ALSO... they somehow managed to take like... ALL of the dramatic tension/sense of danger out of that scene. I don’t understand how that was possible, but they did it.]
HOWEVER, I was delightfully surprised to hear “Home” backing a few scenes throughout... I do like that song from the Broadway show, and while I had no desire whatsoever to hear Emma sing it, I’m happy that musical moment made it in somehow. 
FINALLY, whatever GOD-AWFUL song they had Celine Dion sing at the end just needs to never be heard by human ears again. But Ariana Grande and John Legend sounded pretty good. 
Would never have thought I’d be attracted to Dan Stevens all dolled up in ostentatious French facepaint, but whoops, I was wrong. 
Shoutout to Hattie Morahan for being delightfully creepy and gorgeous as the Enchantress (also, SENSE AND SENSIBILITY FEELS with Edward/Elinor in the same frame!) 
To sum it up, though: Stanley Tucci remains one of my favorite things on God’s green earth, and I just want to be Emma Thompson when I grow up. 
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richardshaver1955 · 6 years
“The Enchanted Oasis” – our official wedding film!
You guys…Sam and I are SOOOOOOOOO excited to invite you to The Enchanted Oasis. Watch our wedding film above and come relive the magic that happened in the desert on October 6th, 2018! Eeeeee!
I’ve been meaning to do a wedding recap for a LONG LONG time, but things got super crazy after the wedding. (I mean, we still haven’t gone on our honeymoon yet!) We are still getting used to calling each other “husband” and “wife” – but every time we do it, we can’t help but smile and say “Can you believe…!!??” 2 months into our marriage and over 10 years into our relationship you guys! I’m grateful that everything still feels super fresh!
Okay, ready for our wedding photo story? Let’s begin!
The morning began with me getting ready in the Master Suite at the Solomon Estate in Rancho Mirage, CA. I felt like a princess in a modern day castle! I mean, there’s a palm tree growing in the master bath for goodness sake! A PALM TREE. Oh there’s a jacuzzi, a sauna, and 2 toilets in there too. The bathroom alone is like the size of my ENTIRE first apartment x 3. Ha!
Here’s my sister Jackelyn and I taking a moment to Instagram Story our Tieks! I mean, gotta capture every moment! We’re using my Galia Lahav veil as a backdrop.
This is when I sat my mom, sister, and Sam’s mom down to give them personal cards, hand carved hangers, and robes to wear for the getting ready part of the day! Apparently I’m a really good writer because everyone is crying.
Jackelyn got these wooden hangers hand made from a vendor on Etsy! How cool right?
I love this shot. It’s me, mom and sis having a special moment before we put on our dresses.
Perspective. The train is REALLY long on my Galia Lahav dress, but you really don’t understand HOW long until you see it next to the other non-bridal dresses. There’s enough tulle for me to live in for the rest of my life.
These are my wedding shoes from Badgely Mischka! They have platform on them too, so they’re not THAT uncomfortable. There are rhinestones all around the shoe which made them SUPER glamorous (plus I love the rose gold sole which matches my ring), however, I did not know that rhinestones + tulle was going to be the worst idea ever for walking. The stones kept catching onto the inside tulle of my dress and made it nearly impossible to walk down the stairs and then down the aisle! It even ripped part of my dress. But oh well! Whatcha gonna do!?
The ceremony dress. This is the Ms. Elle from Galia Lahav, custom designed to have a deep v cut in the front as well as side cut outs.
It’s always so cool to see something go from concept to completion.
Didn’t think I was extra? Well now you know!
Meanwhile, Sam and Sir George played in their matching tuxedos!
Sam’s dad, his best man, Sam, and my dad getting ready for the big moment! Doesn’t everyone look so dapper?
Yes, Sir George sure thinks so, while posing all casual on top of a medieval leather bound book.
Here was the entry way with the welcome sign I wrote! If you get satisfaction from watching people write calligraphy, check out this video I hastily made just hours before we headed out to the venue!
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PART 13: The Calligraphy.
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My personal goal for 2018 was to learn how to do calligraphy! But, I did not anticipate doing it for our wedding! Last minute the person who I thought was going to do the calligraphy for us bailed out, so I had to up my game!
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I watched countless YouTube videos, attended a live calligraphy tutorial, and practiced with all sorts of pens until I felt comfortable enough to take on all the signage for our wedding! I’m still in my learning phase and am trying to develop my own style. Though at times I get frustrated with my lack of experience, I’m truly enjoying the feeling of not being an expert – of knowing there’s a lot more potential!!! It’s humbling and beautiful.
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(PS: The frames you see here I constructed to emulate the invitation. There’s real moss glued piece by piece onto the background – which took wayyyyyy longer and was wayyyyy messier than I thought!)
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What hobby are you currently enjoying right now?
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Music: “I Got a Girl” by Philip E. Morris. #EnchantedOasis #diybride #weddingcalligraphy #calligraphyvideo
A post shared by Cassey Ho (@blogilates) on Oct 13, 2018 at 10:08am PDT
Did you notice that the frame matches the invitation!? DIY’d it all to make sure we would be ON THEME with “enchanted oasis”!
On the entry way table, we added a nice touch to honor our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. Golden frames with pictures! I took a chalk paint pen and wrote on top of the glass. If you plan on doing this, get a chalk paint pen that is permanent, or else it will rub off. This one from Amazon is the one I used and I highly recommend it.
My sister, the Maid of Honor. OMG she looked STUNNING in her Galia Lahav. She went for Old Hollywood Glam with her look and she served it!
Here’s my mom putting on my veil! I’m about to walk down the aisle!
Speaking of aisle, we had it lined with gorgeous blooms to give the ceremony a “secret garden” feel.
Most enchanted chuppah ever. All florals by Lovesome Blossoms.
The aisle.
This was honestly the highlight of the entire wedding I must say. The moment Sir George drove down the aisle.
Here’s Nola, our flower girl! And Sam’s niece.
When my dad walked me down the aisle!
The ceremony. We began with the lighting of the unity candle. Our love story was written by my sister. We also had a guided meditation that I wrote, which was requested by Sam. We also had family members chime in and give advice on marriage! It was a very unique ceremony that blended both the Vietnamese/Chinese and Jewish cultures!
“You may kiss the bride!”
Walking hand in hand for the first time as husband and wife!!! AHH!!!
Next, the guests were surprised with a carousel that we had built on site just for them! Each horse was brought in one by one BY HAND. Why? Cuz…#ENCHANTEDOASIS. DUH!
Makes for a great Instagram photo :)
The signature drinks.
We also had a matcha bar because Sam and I are matcha FANATICS! Custom blended drinks by Midora Matcha with golden straws to matcha our theme!
The seating chart that took me a FEW tries to get right. It was SO HARD to fit all the names on there.
My 2nd dress! A whimsical gown with custom drop sleeves from Galia Lahav. It’s the Lydia.
The reception tent – made up of thousands of twinkle lights!
Me and Sam doing the Horah! SO SCARY! Also our live band Christien Anthony KILLED IT. They learned how to sing Hebrew in 2 days. WHAT!??? And their music was ON POINT! They brought all the energy onto the dance floor!
Chair decor.
Table settings.
Each guest got their own hand pressed heart napkin. The heart napkin was a big deal during wedding planning. I wasn’t going to budge on this :P
The cake swing.
Mmmm. Berries.
CUTTING THE CAKE! You have no idea how much I’ve been waiting to eat my blue velvet cake with cream cheese frosting.
SO. GOOD. Also, look at the girls’ faces! Adorable!!!
More desserts! By Midori Matcha.
I hope you enjoyed the photos from our wedding! There’s like 3,000 more but these are my faves.
Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen!
Wedding Dresses and Maid of Honor Dress: Galia Lahav
Wedding Planner: Laurie Lund of The Events Department
Location: The Solomon Estate in Rancho Mirage, CA
Photography: Kassia Phoy
Directed by: Brad Etter
Video Produced By: Ashla Soter
Director of Photography: Marco Bottiglieri
Additional Camera: Faisal Shah
Edited by: Brad Etter, Cassey Ho
Florals: Lovesome Blossom
Hair & Makeup: Beauty Marked
Catering: Fusion Flair
Matcha Bar and mini desserts: Midori Matcha
Cake: Exquisite Desserts
Tent, Lighting, Chairs etc: BRIGHT Rentals
Carousel: Christiansen Amusements
The post “The Enchanted Oasis” – our official wedding film! appeared first on Blogilates.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Logie Awards 2017: Jessica Marias wins Best Actress | Logies
A lot of his material for the opening speech of the Logies was taken from his recent comedy show Deluded at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Kennerley spent years helping to wake the nation on TV shows such as Good Morning Australia, Mornings with. After half a century appearing on Australian TV, Kerri-Anne Kennerley has become the third woman to be inducted into the Logies Hall of Fame. Waleed Aly poses with the Gold Logie Award for Best Personality On Australian TV and Silver Logie for Best Presenter 'The Project' during the 58th Annual Logie Awards at Crown Palladium on May 8, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia.
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Here is a full list of Logie Award winners from each category. The TV presenter has copped some flak for her glam get-up.Logies host Dave Hughes has made good on his pledge to take aim at some of the country's biggest personalities on Australian television's night of nights. A lot of his material for the opening speech of the Logies was taken from his recent comedy show Deluded at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
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