#for even longer. because the only other way to get a shiny stone is with rock climb. which you unlock after getting all 16 badges.
fynsh · 2 months
Currently reading a lot of Coruscant Guard fics
What if upon receiving info about their assigned positions the whole command batch came up with a strategy of regularly switching posts while on Coruscant.
Initially it's to provide cover for the expected medical emergencies (because Coruscant is safe) or if they'll be in need of different talents for specific long-term missions. Cause even after receiving the same standard training, all of them have specialized in different areas. Not enough to be noticed by outsiders since the batchers know how to secretly provide info and apply eachother's shared knowledge immediately.
Of course it doesn't work out because:
- Some Jedi unexpectedly pay way more attention to their commanders and men. General Kenobi spots Cody in the mess and goes to sit at the same table. Even when the clones switch around he recognizes everyone instantly, so Cody is staying on The Negotiator permanently. One of the best things coming out of this is the opportunity to meet up with Captain Rex and the 501st
- Wolffe sustains an injury that they won't be able to cover like they usually do with other tattoos or scars and after losing almost all of the 104th decides to stay and rebuild his battalion with a very protective General Koon
- Ponds is finds himself suddenly taking over responsibility for the most feral kid in the galaxy. He sometimes wonders if Boba distracting Sing before she could actually shoot him was an elaborate ploy to get a better chance to kill General Windu himself or if the boy actually cared about his not-brothers (Boba cares a lot)
- Bly cannot for the life of him stand motionless during another debate in the Senate without going crazy cause he just cares too much about every honest voice being silenced by corruption and greed. His general also seems to watch him closer than others do and he takes the chance to try to learn more about the war efforts from the perspective of the Jedi council
- Bacara, Monnk, Gree and Neyo are on missions taking them to the other side of the galaxy, so far away that they barely make it back to Coruscant. They can't even enter the batchers' secret communication channels most of the times
- Which leaves Fox to become the "permanent" Marshall Commander of the Corries. He guesses it's only fair because more than half of the awards and decorations on the wall of the office were rewarded for his actions. The other half are mostly thanks to Thorn and Bacara being reckless but highly competent idiots
- Thire, Stone and Thorn joke they got stuck with the most uptight of the batch but later realize that Fox strict approach is keeping their men relatively safe. Cause Fox realized very quickly that Coruscant is in fact not safe
- Everyone else takes a whole lot longer to catch on to the not so subtle dangers stretching their claws from the very inside of the Republic's heart, especially with the Guard starting to drift apart from the GAR silently. It takes the CMOs meeting and drinking too much moonshine to finally connect the dots of why the communication lines went mostly dead
- Cody immediately starts strategizing for escape scenarios and researches uninhibited planets. He needs to survive any possible scenario so he can reunite his brothers. His general notices. Rex does as well
- Wolffe is furious and the wolfpack starts finishing their rescue missions in record time to get to the homefront as quickly as possible. He stops drinking alone like he sometimes did and starts accompanying all of his actions with softer words than usual. His general notices
- Ponds is shocked and starts taking to the shinys more. He also asks Boba about his point of view cause the boy definitely notices things a grown man doesn't. He starts sending regular updates about the developments of the general public's moods and tries to find ways to engage in a positive way with the natborns to bring attention to the men fighting a war for them. His general notices
- Bly is sad and starts reading up on all political and especially civil rights debates he can get his hands on. His general notices and asks her master if he has more intel on current developments in all parts of the galaxy. General Vos hasn't been on Coruscant since the start of the second year of war but draws the conclusion he should dig deeper into the heart of the republic
- Bacara is seething and keeps perfecting his already optimized battle plans. The marines train to annihilate droids by hand. He also keeps stocking up on medical equipment. His general doesn't notice
- Neyo doesn't acknowledge feeling anything. He starts tinkering again. He's looking for ways to design communication and transportation devices from all the droid scrap they usually leave behind on the battlefield. He even learns Jawaese. His general doesn't notice
- Monnk and Gree are determined. They comm eachother and start researching on how to survive long term in unknown environments and writing guides on how to identify edibles plants, safe water supplies, how to test for breathable atmosphere and which species like to live in symbiotic or peaceful ways with humanoids. They mask it as personal interest. Their generals notice
- Fox is panicking. He needs to find a new way to keep Hound from being decommissioned for Grizzer peeing in front of a senator's door the second after a natborn noticed their carefully crafted loop hole to switch designations of fallen brothers for the ones they could still save in the official documentations the Guard issues. He hasn't slept or eaten in two days as his comm blinks with the notification of a General striding through the Guard's front door like he belonged among the Corries. He has no time to deal with whatever the Jedi council wants from them but Thire is already on the brink of breaking down scanning data pads for a new loop hole so he grabs his helmet and runs to stop the force user from asking his questions at the wrong time. Not-his general notices
No idea for an actual plot. Just wanted to think about some hurt/comfort and competent clone commanders being brothers before being soldiers
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qierxing · 1 year
yandere Corpse bride AU, where you're a undead person who died in their wedding attire and swore to be reunited with their spouse.
When Trey accidentally summons you after practicing his wedding vows to his fiance, he nearly faints when you stagger to your feet, covered in dirt and silk white tatters that barely cover flesh and bones. You happily accept the polished silver ring and trap him in a tight hug. It's much too late for him to get a word in while you babble about plans on whether the wedding venue should be decorated in white lilies or red roses. But he's too kind, and he can't find it in himself to squash the sparkling hope that lights your gaunt eyes, and so–
–he keeps quiet. His groomsman, an eccentric cat like gentleman who has a fondness of unsolvable riddles and mischief, merely grins widely when he hears Trey's conflicted explanation.
"The poor dear probably means no harm," he laughs and shrugs. "And if you help them, then they might be able to pass on."
Trey sincerely hopes so. From your overall look, it's clear that you've been dead for a good while, and although you refuse to talk about it, the gaping hole in your chest most likely meant that your death was not caused by natural means.
He comes to learn that you had planned to elope with your fiance, but somewhere along the way, you had perished waiting for them. Robbed of the meager gold coins you took to keep you and partner afloat, you were resigned to waiting for the day they would come back to your waiting arms.
He didn't plan on this. He thought it was just pity that kept him by your side, gently adjusting your limbs when they became askew from rot or making sure to fix your tattered wedding wear back to its original luster, with the help of an old teacher. No, it was not pity when he showed you how he baked cakes, watching with a soft smile as you admired wholeheartedly his frosting skills. It was not pity he felt when he let himself listen to you play elegant piano pieces, haunting melodies echoing off stone walls.
Somewhere, along the way, you had become endearing.
He doesn't think about the fiance who wonders where he must be, whose curiosity leads them to follow Trey to his meeting place with you. They are horrified, but most of all, outraged. How dare you take away their future partner? And that is indeed what they shout when they confront you when you're alone, shrieking about how you were a monster and taking someone else's husband away. Needless to say, you run from them in confusion and fear.
Is that really what you are? Just a heartless monster? The more you ponder upon it, the more you realize their words ring true as you try to search your memory of Trey agreeing to marry you. Anything that would have confirmed that he loved you. But it all comes up blank. There are no watery tears when you weep; but your ribs crack under the weight of your stuttering breaths, your lifeless body barely able to maintain your lively emotions.
And so, you decide to let go. Perhaps you can bear to love Trey, but you can't bear being the reason he couldn't love. When Trey comes to see you again, you quietly slip off the silver ring, still shiny and new, and hand it back to him. His face pales, worried confusion lacing his questions on if you changed your mind because of something he said? Were you mad at him for not staying longer with you the other day? You can only smile as he rambles on, and it's only when you clasp both his hands gently, he finally, finally, looks you in the eyes.
You apologize for everything: not asking him whether he wanted to even marry you, forcing him to spend time with you, making him acquiesce to your stubborn demands. It's a miracle you don't break down midway through.
There's a comforting pull when you laugh with tears in your eyes at Trey's horrified face. It's so soothing, there's barely any resistance, as pieces of you start flickering away, flesh finally rendering itself to dust, silk fluttering into petals that float away on the wind.
If you're lucky, you'll pass on before Trey grabs you in desperation, attempting to bring back dust and particles in hopes of making you stay. You can finally be free of your mortal coil and sorrows–even if you leave behind a man who spirals into madness and insanity. Cursed to roam the earth until he could find a way to join you in the afterlife and beyond.
–but if not, beware.
Death is not torture, it is repreive. Being forced to endure your flesh falling apart at the seams, while in the arms of someone who cannot see sense, is more agonizing than being able to accept your life and move on.
Yes, beware the man who has learned to love so fiercely, he's willing to defy nature's laws and whatever god is out there so you can remain his lovely spouse, for the rest of eternity.
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cqaeluvs · 9 days
can you do the housewardens with a m!mc who collects a bunch of stuff? like cool rocks or gadgets (and he gives them to people he cares about a lot or has a big crush on)
A familiar books seems to shine, begging for your attention .. would you like to join in ..?
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omggg hii... i totally havent vanished from tumblr.. its been like, a year and nearly a week !! so im back !! this was an interesting request and a bit w self insert(? since i do then to collect rock of gadgets and give them to friends/ family !! anon didnt specified much so im going to do little headcanons & scenarios !
some of them might be longer that others !! because i am under huge stress and writers block !!3kfjger gejrg send help (i wrote this at 3am)
(reader is gender neutral, and implied to be yuu !!) (no proof reading so maybe spelling mistakes !!)
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-- Even if you two started with the wrong foot, as you did with almost half of the school...
-- Time went on and after the event's of chapter 2, both of you went into a more friendly territory, and not long after was when he started to notice the way you seem to collect diferent types of rocks, somehow you found a ruby and gave it to him like nothing ?!
-- Now even if he looks at you with a blank expression, the moment he gets to his dorm, carefully looking around his hands go to a drawer and he takes out a box, that kept every single rock and gadget you given to him safe and sound, perfectly clean too!.
" Oh, another one? .. and of amazing quality too, as long as you are not stealing them from anyone nor are you breaking any rules to get these, i am more than willing to take all of them. "
-- He smiled at you, your hands came into contact with his own as you handed him another of the pretty rocks you find, he can't help but think that only someone as gorgeous as you could find this type of good quality gadgets.
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-- Oh?, and from where did you found such a good quality brooch, you aren't stealing from other people are you Herbivore? he chuckles as you looked at him annoyed that he would think of you as a thief. both of you know he doesn't mean it, and even if you were actually stealing them he would turn a blind eye
-- He does the same thing Riddle does, he saves them in a box away from any public eye, including Ruggie's. Every morning he checks them and makes sure every one is there, as he goes back to sleep.
-- He enjoys the feeling of your presence, nose twitching at the faint smell of that perfume he left on Ramshackles' door on your birthday, so he knew that a new rock or gadget was gonna be soon layed on his chest.
Leona's ears twitched as your footsteps became louder, one of his eyes opening slowly as he watched you carefully placed a shiny small rock on his chest, when you left his hand went to his chest grabbing carefully the rock with a caring yet tight grip in a case someone wanted to act funny and steal it from him.
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-- Azul and you also didn't start with the right foot !!, but since you seem to have a fascination for the beach you guys started to bond quite a lot.
-- It was one of this days that the sea decided to give you quite the beautiful stone to gift to your beloved crush, a beautiful lilac that reminded you of the octopus that stole your heart without knowing.
-- You cleaned it really well, looked at the sea one last time as you decided to run as fast as your legs can let you, nearly bumping into Azul himself, who seemed startled as you placed the beautiful stone on his gloved hands.
Azul ajusted his glasses that slided a bit from his nose because of the jump you cause him since you appeared out of nowhere screaming at him when you saw him from the corner of your eyes. He cleaned some inexistent dust as he looked at you nerveous, his hand your hand. He felt the small rock placed on his palm, as you told him how much i reminded you of him because of the lilac color feeling the need of giving it to him.
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-- You must be really naive if you think you can give him anything and not expect anything in return, Jamil is starting to get gray hairs because of you two. Kalim needs to stop throwing so much money, especially with how greedy NRC students can be.
-- The first time you gifted him an cheese shaped erased he felt to happy and also unable of using it because it's a gift from you !!.
-- And at the next day, there was a silver necklace for you, or if you are one of the gold people!, a beautiful gold ring was in quite the expensive box, behind it .. more boxes, with clothes and food.
" Ah, Hello !, did you liked the gift i left at your porch this morning?, i felt like its the least i could do for you. How do you feel about some ride on the carpet in the night?, or you can go and have dinner with us in Scarabia!, im sure Jamil won't mind. "
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-- A rainbow diamond ? .. Dear potato from where you got this ?.
-- The Dwarfs' Mines .. !? Potato that so dangerous ! How and when did you go there ?!
-- A rainbow diamond is what you found the first day as a janitor, in that cave after the chandelier accident, you couldn't help yourself from grabbing it besides the magestone that Deuce grabbed. And until now, you have kept that diamond safe.
-- When you met Vil, your first thought was the rainbow diamond no one but him seemed fit for the gem in your eyes, every thing about him reminded you of the diamond, and so when the VDC camp started, late at night when it was just you two, you carefully gave the blond the perfect and beautiful rainbow diamond.
" How.. Potato, do you know how rare and expensive this is..? " Vil looked at you in a disbelief he masked immideatly, his gloved hands carefully traced over the beautiful gem, he hid how flustered he felt when you explained him that out of everyone in NRC, you only saw him fit to have such a rare and expensive gem but you didnt know it was that rare, he cleared his throat as he sent you off to sleep, considering how late it was. As he walked towards his dorm in Ramshackle he made sure to hide it very well as a small pink adorned his cheeks.
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-- Since Idia barely comes out of his room, you mostly go find Ortho, giving him rocks and flowers. Some for him and Of course, Idia.
-- As you cleaned around Ramshackle, something fell on your head .. some weird blue heart shaped rock? weirdly specific, as you caressed the rock your thought drifted to the blue-fire haired man, such an awkward man that you couldn't help but find him endearing, and his little brother has always been there for you.
-- You placed the cleaning kit back into that small room, fixing yourself a little bit as you decided to give the rock to your crush face to face, you walked towards the mirrow hall then you stood infront of the mirror that lead to Ignihyde.
-- As you looked around, Ortho who looked beyond happy to see you there, taking your hand he lead you into his and Idia's room.
Idia jumped from his chair as Ortho open the door with a loud bang, as he was about to sigh and scold him, the familiar picture of his crush appeared, he jumped even higher as he tried to escape. He closed his eyes as he felt his hands touch something cold, his slim finger wrapped around your warm hands. His hair started to turn pink the moment you left the dorm, he could feel the smoke leaving his head, feeling like an overheated console. when he open his hands, he nearly fainted at the small heart shaped rock with a flower, putting the rock into his pocket, playing with inbetween his fingers, Idia looked the monitor screen with a blank stare with tainted cheeks.
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-- Oh?, trying to court him now or are you not, dear child of man?.
-- When you first gave him a random rock you found outside of Ramshackle, he looked perplexed. Not only you were not afraid of him, but you were also actively trying to court him?. Oh dear, you two just met a few minutes ago, but he wont mind.
-- Infact he love it, and as dragons have their fascination for special types of treasure, of course as Riddle. Malleus has a special box where he saves all of the rocks and gadgets you had given to him.
" Child of man, are you aware of what this means .. ? " Malleus looked at you, many stones in his hands. Different sizes and colors as he looked at you crouched a few miles infront of him, colleting more rocks and gadgets to give him. If Malleus had his dragon tail out, it would be wagging like crazy, dilated pupils as he stared at the back of your head, with pure adoration as he extended his hands for the new pile of rocks that you are placing.
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AND ITS NOW OFFICIALLY 6 AM AS I FINISH WRITING THIS !! I CANT TO THIS ANYMORE, im going to vanish for a year again because oh lord !!, i hope you guys enjoyed it (i cant put more tags?!?!?!)
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enderham · 5 months
Some Aventurine headcenons:
- He can't swim properly (never got to learn)
- He has a lot of plants and hires someone to take care of them when he's away. His place looks like a jungle and his balcony is overflowing with them, that's where he spends most of his time when he's in Pier Point. (If there's a cold season in Pier Point his balcony has a sliding glass window that turns it into a greenhouse)
- Thankfully offset by the plants, the rest of his IPC accommodation is just as gaudy and luxurious as his outfits. It's somewhat eclectic because he chooses decorations by process of 'ooh shiny/cool' but there's a clear preference for art nouveu and art deco even though he probably wouldn't know that's what it's called.(He likes the interior design of the reverie but doesn't know why) It's in a luxury apartment block and he had to finesse his way through the chain of command to get it approved for him.
- He genuinely likes green, it's not just cause of his stone(he's wearing the wrong shade anyway) (yeah, the plants)
- He'd wear a lot of colour and jewelry even if he weren't "rich" or maintaining an image(based on the splashes of colour on little Kakavasha's Avgin clothes)
- He doesn't have an actual birthday on file. It's logged as the day the IPC "acquired" him. The only reason he knows the standard system date is because of the massacre. The Avgin calendar is different from the standard system one, so the documentation of the Katican attack was his only way of finding out. Since finding out, all he does on his birthday is burn a Knot of Cyclicality and say a prayer. He's no longer sure if it matches up with the Avgin calendar's Kakava.
- Since he gives out money like it grows on trees and I can imagine his project plans are fairly fluid that would mean that so are his budgets too. It makes me wonder if he's got money on off-shore accounts someplace in the galaxy the IPC hasn't reached yet.
-Converseley, the jewelry he's wearing could be his final asset. I can imagine that watch to be worth at least enough to sustain one person for a year(especially on worlds with a lower cost of living). The bracelets could buy you a vehicle and his other accessories are pocket money, all in case he's gotta run.
-He can drive and he wants to learn how to pilot a ship but the IPC is barring him
-He'd never sell the earring tho
-He also carries his family's heirlooms (the shirt, necklace and charm) everywhere he travels, also in case he has to run. I believe only the most dire of circumstances would stop him from retrieving them. (I also think the charm is the earring so these two are basically the same headcanon)
- Back to the swimming, he's both afraid of submerging his head under water(having to play dead in a pool of blood, probably thinking you'll drown in it does that to a kid) and drawn to large bodies of water.
-His gloves conceal scars on his hands from the chains he had to use as a "tool"
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sseniita · 10 months
hero vs domesticity
(in which hero quits and villain takes them in)
“Are you sure?” 
“What do you mean, am I sure?” 
The villain leaned against the brick wall, twiddling his thumbs as he imagined the hero as a civilian. Her shiny, loud, and awfully tight outfit blurred his vision of her in jeans and a t-shirt. “I mean,” he shrugged, “What’ll you do?” 
The hero, hands on her hips and oddly calm about quitting heroism, considered this. 
“I don’t know. I’ll probably start off quietly, adjust. Then I’ll get a job to pay for a house. Maybe get a dog.” 
“Do you have any savings?” asked the Villain, lifting himself from the wall to get a better look at the hero. “A place to stay? A job set up?” 
Hero scoffed, “It can’t be that hard!” 
The villain laughed at this. She had no idea. The villain supposed that the hero would never quit, perhaps one day they’ll just lose popularity like the rest before her did. He never considered what happened to other heroes either. “It definitely is. Perhaps even harder.” 
The villain pitied the hero when her spirits were crushed. Her shoulders drooped and the world famous grin was quickly replaced by an exaggerated pout. Something in him knew this was her way of asking- no- fishing for help or any sort of comfort. They had gotten closer over the many years fighting each other and many times were each other's only shoulder to lean (albeit awkwardly) on. But never in a million years did the villain ever think they’d be the first to know if the hero quit. After a few doe-eyed side glances at the villain he finally caved, sighing dejectedly, cursing her honey brown eyes.
“Would you like to stay in my guestroom-” 
“Oh really?” she practically sang. 
“-until you get on your feet?” 
“Yes, yes! Oh, you’re a lifesaver!” 
“I’m literally not.” 
The trip to get the hero's few belongings was quick, the trip to the drugstore for basic necessities took longer. The villain insisted on replacing her Hero Corporation issued… everything, opting to get the hero new toiletries, towels, blankets, pillows and quick bite to eat before heading back to villain’s place. During the car ride, the hero had asked many questions about how to get into a normal life, many of which were almost impossible for the villain to answer, dealing much damage to his ego. 
“Well- normal people don’t usually have to ask how to be normal. Most normal people don’t have to pretend to be normal. In fact- that might be an indicator that they’re not normal.” The villain relied on confusing others on the very odd occasion he didn’t know the answer. 
“Oh. ok. I get it.” The hero said unconfidently. “How do you start not pretending to be normal then?”
“Great question…” The hero waited for an answer while staring intently. “Do you have any hobbies…?” he said, rather timidly. 
“Hobbies? Um, well. I like to work out!” 
“Doesn’t count. Something unrelated to heroism.” 
“How do you know I don’t do it for fun?”
“Mhm. Sure.” The villain muttered, turning into a street with pleasantly colored row houses adorned with Christmas lights. The hero could see downtown was still very close but the adorable homes were nestled between trees and lined a thin road making it feel safe, cozy and like a home. Because it was dark, the hero could see into the large windows of the houses illuminated by yellow lighted lamps, enclosed in picket fences. Happy families getting dinner ready, some relaxing watching tv, others were out walking dogs with warm drinks in hands, they all had one thing in common, and it was the one thing that made the hero quit. 
The villain turned into the stone paved driveway of an old and blue three story house. His christmas lights weren’t hung up yet and his path to the front door was unshoveled, he turned to hero and sarcastically uttered, “Not the castle you were hoping for?” 
The hero could only grin. “It’s adorable.” Before the hero fell into the knee deep snow, the villain offered to shovel a path. The hero watched gleefully from inside the warm car until finally the passenger door was opened. “Done. Now let’s get in- it’s freezing out here.” 
The interior of the house was even more pleasantly decorated. The Hero didn’t know the exact name of the style but it involved gold accents, warm lights, wallpaper, and dark hardwood floors. The couches were fluffy with pillows coordinated in colors of beige and sage, the fireplace had dark bricks that were seemingly very old and very much the original ones. Art pieces and plants littered the walls and floors respectively and the warm colors from the walls spread like the fire the villain had just started. The hero followed the villain like a duckling to the third floor, passing the villain's room, office and second bathroom as he hurried around making preparations for the hero's stay. 
“This is your room, it has its own bathroom and fireplace so obviously, feel free to use those. I only have one tv on the first floor, I don’t really use it, so again, feel free.” The hero never had their own room or bathroom. Always sharing with teammates in rather ugly, white walled boxes, half full with the squeaky metal bunkbeds. This room was more than an upgrade. A comfy bed hero couldn't wait to get into, a nice view of the sparkling lights of the skyscrapers in the near distance, classy decor and two lamps on two nightstands on either side of the bed. The carpet was fuzzy and bathroom was clean and hero was in heaven.
The villain could only stare in amazement of how well she fit in the house. Resembling a character in one of his many framed pieces. He cursed whoever made her be born with superpowers instead of two loving parents. To snap the hero out of it he pointed towards a door across the hallway from the hero's room. 
“Library. It's small but it’s got a few good ones. Maybe you can make that your new hobby.” He opened the door, letting the hero in to explore the floor to ceiling bookshelves. There was an armchair in the corner with a end table harboring a few old and dirty mugs. The villain seemed to try to cover it with his body so the hero pretended she didn’t notice. 
The villain’s home was everything she thought it wasn’t. Cozy, homey, safe and definitely not hiding a super evil lair. She quickly realized she hit the jackpot of situations in which to start a new life. Although she had tried to stay calm, her body hadn’t stopped shaking since she decided to quit this morning. It all happened so fast and when she made the decision it was clearest she had ever seen. She knew repercussions would arise later, but luckily the villain was here now. Just like he always had been. She could feel herself turning red at the final realization that she would be roommates with her very handsome and evil nemesis. 
“You good?” the hero stumbled, not noticing the villain's stare.
“Ya! Ya… I just…” she faltered, fidgeting with her sweater. One that the villain thought looked far better than the spandex suit she wore constantly, of course, it did have the Hero Corporation logo but the villain just kept it in mind to buy the hero new clothes. 
“I really don’t want to mess this up.” she admitted. The villain tilted his head, teasingly. A familiar mischievous smile reappeared on his face. 
"For starters, you can get a hobby. A very 'totally normal person' thing to have.” He randomly picked a book from his collection and handed it over to the hero, before quickly regretting it when he realized it was a copy of a particularly incriminating book on advanced security systems. Before the hero could lecture him, he yanked it away back to its place. 
“How about cooking?”
part 2
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evoblue · 3 months
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re: kanto gym circuit team
These are the pokémon that stood alongside Blue as she won her way through Kanto’s eight gyms and the KanJoh E4, and who naturally are her strongest and most reliable partners. Tidbits about them are found below read more.
Hurley the Blastoise is the starter pokémon that she stole from Oak's lab so she could join Red and Green. Though he is a powerful and experienced battler, he isn't quick to pick fights and is almost impossible to provoke. He can often be found basking in the sun when not otherwise occupied. Blue has mastered surfing on his back at high speeds without wiping out.
Ava the Nidoqueen is the first pokémon that Blue caught by herself as a small female Nidoran and one of her most reliable team members. While she’s very calm by nature, she turns ferocious when provoked or when she senses distress from her trainer. She played a key part in helping Blue mow through the waves of Rocket grunts that tried to stop her during the Silph Co. takeover.
Shade is Blue's Gengar actual name, though he responds more to BooFace so that's what she calls him almost exclusively now. He often finds himself caught in a battle of wits and pranks with Arden the Ninetales. He also has a tendency to randomly disappear to do his own thing for hours at a time and without prior warning. Blue doesn't mind much because she knows that, if she were to need him for any reason, he'd re-appear in an instant.
Arden the Ninetales used to be a very sensitive and easily stressed Vulpix that matured into a calm and thoroughly cunning Ninetales. The rest of Blue's team knows not to mess with her, lest she curse them. BooFace is the only one immune to this, as he is both a ghost and loves to mess with her even if she no longer overreacts to his pranks.
Lucine the Clefable was her coveted Mt. Moon catch and a bold personality. She adores being the center of attention and will actually get jealous if Blue spends too much time around other pokémon in the Clefairy line. She is highly curious and observant and likes to collect shiny trinkets (like star pieces, pearls, and nuggets) and pretty rocks (that most often turn out to be evolutionary stones) that she randomly displays around Blue's villa.
Zia the Espeon is the daughter of an Eevee that Blue's mother kept around her mansion in Celadon. She has a mischievous streak and often uses her psychic powers to cause trouble, such as teleporting objects to faraway places. She loves to play cute for pets and tends to plop herself in front of people so they'll pet her and give her attention. If she's ignored, she'll shift into prankster mode.
Briar the Vileplume was an Oddish that Blue saved from a flock of Spearow near Cerulean Cape. He's the only loner in Blue's team and tends to spend most of his time dozing off or burying himself in soil to ignore the others' antics. His only socializing with his team mates comes during nights of the full moon, where he likes to dance with Lucine while Aria sings.
Aria the Wigglytuff was another one of Blue's earlier captures outside of Mt. Moon. After hearing several people in Pewter City complaining about an unseen Jigglypuff putting hikers to sleep, she hyped herself on energy drinks (a decision she came to regret later) and went to find her. Aria is quite timid and doesn't like to be the center of attention even though she likes to sing so she will often hide herself in cozy spots and sing from there. She also loves to eat and hoards berries in her hiding spots.
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The Pink Rose, part 3
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Part Three- July 4th, 74 ADD
Pairing: Haymitch Abernathy x reader 
Word count: 2,972
Warnings: 18+, fluff and smut, couple argument, slapping, guilt, age gap, pet names, heterosexual relationship
**** Almost all characters and parts of the storyline are not my original creation and are credited to Suzanne Collins. And please be nice. Warning line marks 18+ part
[Y/n] had almost forgotten what it felt like to sit in the plush, velvet seats on the train that would take them to the Capitol. Haymitch was on the train somewhere; probably the bar car, and Effie would be escorting Katniss and Peeta to the train station about now. [Y/n] had boarded the train early to make herself up to Effie and the Capitol’s standards. She pinned her hair up with a hairpin that had a snake on one end and it’s eyes made of green stones. Her silk dress was a deep emerald color and wrapped around her shoulders was a sheer, matching shawl. On her feet were a set of black high heels with what might have been the sharpest toe point in history. Starting today and until the end of the games, [Y/n] would have to step into the role of the glamorous, voluptuous, female victor from District 12. The diamond in the rough who had been extracted from 12 by the Hunger Games. This was an embarrassing way to be seen and [Y/n] hated it. She felt dirty wearing an outfit that could no doubt have been sold to feed a family of 4 for at least a month. But the other Victors would only see her for what she was: a formidable opponent who had defied the odds in her own game, but never had tributes who could do the same.
Shaking her head away from the superficial complaints she’d kept to herself, she thought of Katniss and Peeta. Would they be receptive to her help? To what extent did they even have a chance? How long would they last? [Y/n] felt evil thinking that last part; but as Haymitch had said in the past, the earlier they die, the longer you have to drink about it. 
After an eternity of waiting, the silver door to the train car slid open, and in walked Katniss, followed by Peeta and Effie. The two teens had identical looks of shock on their faces. It would’ve been quite the sight to a young person from District 12. Nothing in their District was this shiny or immaculate. Even with Peeta being the son of a baker, [Y/n] doubted that neither he or Katniss had ever seen such an array of baked goods and fruit in their lives. The two took seats near [Y/n]. They moved slowly as if they were afraid they might break something. No doubt the very color of the fabric on the chairs was foreign to them.
Effie poured two cups of tea- one for herself and one for [Y/n]. She brought the cups over and made herself comfortable.
“200 miles per hour and you can barely feel a thing,” she mused excitedly to the teens, “I think it’s one of the wonderful things about this opportunity- that even though you’re here and even though it’s just for a little while, you get to enjoy all of this!”
[Y/n] smirked because Peeta and Katniss did not appear to fully share Effie’s excitement at their “opportunity”. 
Effie could only stand so much awkward tension before she got up and walked out of the car, “I’m going to find Haymitch; he’s probably in the bar car!”
[Y/n], Katniss, and Peeta sat in silence for several minutes, just observing each other and glancing around the car so as not to make eye contact. Just when the silence was about to break, the car door slid open and in walked Haymitch. He had the slightest sway when he walked, but other than that he was still in a functional stage of drunkenness. 
He looked at Katniss and Peeta and with a hint of sarcasm said, “Congratulations,” before walking to the small liquor cart to pour himself another drink. [Y/n] rolled her eyes at the snide comment from her fellow victor. The group continued to sit in silence, this time all watching Haymitch as he rummaged through the cart and mumbled, “No ice? Why can’t they get ice?” he slammed down the lid on the ice bucket, making Peeta jump in his seat. With a glass in one hand, Haymitch decided to just drink straight from the bottle if he couldn’t have his drink iced. Katniss’ eyes followed him suspiciously as he walked towards them and sat down next to [Y/n]. Katniss was just worried that he’d try and hug her again.
Peeta looked at Haymitch and [Y/n], cleared his throat and asked “Okay, when do we start?”
Haymitch immediately held up one hand, “Whoa! So eager!” [Y/n] placed a hand on his shoulder as he continued his sarcastic remark, “Usually you all aren’t in such a… hurry,”
Before [Y/n] could open her mouth, Peeta looked right at Haymitch and without missing a beat, “Yeah, well, you’re our mentor, you’re supposed to tell us how to get sponsors and give us advice!”
Haymitch looked at him with an irritated expression, “Oh, well then, embrace the possibility of your imminent death and know- in your heart- that there’s nothing I can do to save you,”
Peeta glared at him as Katniss shot back, “So why are you here then?”
“For the refreshments,” Haymitch got up, put his hand on [Y/n]’s shoulder and then walked back towards the bar car.
Peeta shot up before calmly stating, “He’ll come around, I’m gonna go talk to him,”
“Peeta!” [Y/n] called, but he ignored her and followed Haymitch out. 
[Y/n] and Katniss stared at each other for a second before [Y/n] sighed, “I’ll apologize for the rude welcoming; not that the whole idea of the Hunger Games is welcoming in the first place. But you should at least be able to trust the few people from your District who will be in the Capitol,”
Katniss nodded and quietly thanked her.
“I think we should wait to talk strategy until the boys are less… riled up,” [Y/n] suggested, “Why don’t you go take some time to yourself? Have a snack and a shower- those will be nonexistent in the arena. Might as well use Capitol resources for your benefit while you can,” she smiled at Katniss and declared she was going to take a nap before dinner as she left the car in the opposite direction of Haymitch and Peeta. 
So far, Katniss liked [Y/n] much better than Haymitch or Effie. There was something about [Y/n] that was kind and comforting, but also mysterious and seemingly held some contempt for the Capitol.
*     *     *
After dinner had been cleared, [Y/n] shooed Katniss and Peeta to bed and told them they had a long day tomorrow. The two didn’t hesitate to leave and struggled to drag their bodies- who’d never been this full of food- back to their quarters.
As soon as the doors slid closed, [Y/n] looked at Haymitch and gave him a disapproving look. Effie looked at the two of them and straightened up in her seat, wondering if [Y/n] would finally be taking her side.
Haymitch looked up at [Y/n] with an oblivious look, “What?”
“Really Haymitch? Those kids need people they can trust before they go into that arena. You didn’t have a mentor at all, and I’ll admit you were no help until you realized I actually had a chance! You could at least try. That’s all I ask is you not act like a drunken fool when you’re around kids from our District who’ve been sent to the slaughterhouse!”
“Why do you suddenly care so much about these two?” He stood up and walked over to her side of the table, “Over ten years and all of a sudden,” he put one hand on the table and one on her chair. He leaned in, “You think you can point the finger and be the only one who cares? You, the one who disappeared to the Capitol for months at a time? Boy, the Capitol must really love you- what did Snow offer you to starting caring more for-”
[Y/n] shot out of her seat and slapped Haymitch sharply across the face as Effie gasped her name loudly.
[Y/n] glowered into Haymitch’s face, “Don’t. Ever. Use Snow and the Capitol against me,” Feeling the tears begin to build, she rushed from the car. Haymitch had no idea what he was talking about. After becoming a Victor, she did spends up to 3 months in the Capitol at a time, but not by choice. Haymitch wouldn’t know. There were maybe two other Victors in all of Panem who more or less knew what she had experienced, and [Y/n] didn’t want her tears to tell the others.
*     *     *
[Y/n] lay in her bed staring at the dark ceiling of her chambers. She had enough experience with the Capitol’s trickery to know that at least one of the four sconce chandeliers held a camera. She was one of the desirable victors, so the Capitol used any chance to collect even a glimpse of her body. This was one of the ironies of being spontaneous at Haymitch’s house; the Capitol could not care less about Haymitch or his sex life. [Y/n] chuckled at the thought of someone paying money to see Haymitch pace around his room, drunk. 
Drunk and angry? How upset was he that she had slapped him? The guilt of attacking the only person who meant anything to her began to build. Did she ruin her chances with him? They’d never had an interaction like that before. A tear ran down her cheek- putting on a show, being nice, and then attacking when they’ve upset you. She was no better than the Capitol.
Her mind raced in circles: she’d just been mad at him for being drunk hours earlier. No- not for being drunk, for how he treated Katniss and Peeta. And she acted irrationally when he said something she didn’t like. And despite how they’d acted, she knew neither of them meant it- she hoped he didn’t mean it. The Capitol had done a number on her and every other Victor. No one came out of the arena the same way they went in, and that followed them until the day they died.
[Y/n]’s mind raced through the countless Victors she’d met who were unstable in so many ways. She must’ve seen crazy to someone too. She threw herself out of bed and realized she hadn’t changed out of her dinner dress or taken off her makeup. At least her hair wasn’t a disaster; not that she cared, Haymitch had seen her bedhead before. [Y/n] wouldn’t be able to sleep again until she apologized. Now.
She picked out a pair of black slippers and made her way to the next train car. The train never ceased to amaze her, sneaking around like a delinquent child and she couldn’t feel the train moving beneath her feet. But the train would feel her and it would see her too. Every hall had a camera to watch who was moving where. [Y/n] shrugged, they could know she was going to see Haymitch at 11:30 at night, but they could only assume what would happen once she went inside.
[Y/n] made it to the next car and found Haymitch’s chambers. She lightly knocked on the door and listened for a response. Instead of a voice, the door quickly slid open. Standing in the doorway was a disheveled Haymitch. His shirt was unbuttoned, his pants wrinkled, and his feet bare. His salt and pepper curls were wild and his grey eyes tired. But something about those eyes became brighter when he realized who was at his door.
After a brief moment, Haymitch grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the room and embraced her, “I’m sorry for today,” he whispered into her hair.
[Y/n] was stunned, she didn’t come here looking for an apology, “I came to apologize to you… are you still drunk?”
“No,” he said quietly and let go except for her hand, “I know I’m not because I can feel it… I understand if you don’t want to deal with… this,” he gestured to himself. 
[Y/n] sighed, “You must be forgetting, I’m the one who slapped you. I can’t even begin to say how sorry I am,”
Haymitch chuckled and pointed at the scars across his abdomen, “Not the worst I’ve had,”
She rolled her eyes, “Haymitch, I still feel bad. It was uncalled for and irrational and -”
Haymitch grabbed [Y/n] by her upper arms, and smashed his lips onto her. [Y/n] placed one hand on Haymitch’s chest. He pulled his mouth a few inches away and touched his forehead to hers, “I love you,” [Y/n] felt the fireworks in her chest leap forth.
“I love you Haymitch,” [Y/n] threw her arms around his neck and resumed the kiss. She was noticeably more enthusiastic this time. Haymitch was much taller than her so when he stood all the way up, her feet came off the ground. When their lips parted for air, [Y/n] felt bold and breathed, “Haymitch, I need you,”
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Haymitch set her on her feet and stroked his hands down her sides and around to her back. He pulled the small zipper down and let his fingers lightly trail down her spine before allowing the silky dress to slip down her soft curves with ease. His eyes rested on her breasts as a deep breath caught in his chest. [Y/n] slowly pushed Haymitch backwards until he fell onto the bed. He propped himself up onto his elbows and looked into [Y/n]s deep brown eyes. As she gazed down at him, she reached behind her back and unclipped her bra, tossing it aside. Haymitch’s eyes widened, his reaction was like he had never seen her body before.He noticed her underwear were made of black lace and cut into a V shape that was hardly there. Haymitch’s breathing faltered as [Y/n] approached him. Unzipping his trousers, she helped him shimmy them lower with his briefs, and allowed him to spring up at attention.
“Well someone is ready to go,” she smiled devilishly.
[Y/n] crawled up the end of the bed and up over Haymitch until she was hovering above him, nose to nose. Haymitch reached up and ran his fingers into her hair, pulling her face towards his and kissing her deeply. She smiled into the kiss and lowered her hips to lightly grind on Haymitch. He released a deep chesty groan before sitting up and whispering into her mouth, “Damn sweetheart, I wanna fuck you again!”
[Y/n] smiled and bit her lip, “Then do it already!”
Haymitch chuckled lightly before getting up on his knees and roughly flipping [Y/n] onto her stomach, “Is this what you want?” He blew into her ear as he pinned her down by her wrists.
“Yes,” [Y/n] wiggled her rear and felt Haymitch stiffen as he moaned lightly.
Unexpectedly, Haymitch let go and [Y/n] felt the bed move as he leaned away from her. She turned around and gave him a confused look.
He furrowed his brow as he stood up and pulled his briefs back on, “What’re we doin’ Sweetheart?”
[Y/n] hadn’t been this confused in a long time, “Wha-?”
“I mean this is great- you’re amazing- but what is this?” He asked.
“What are you talking about? Not five minutes ago you said you loved me!”
“Which makes sense; you’re beautiful, smart, cunning, fiery, and you put up with me. But you loving me? That makes no sense; I’m a miserable, old drunk who took advantage of a girl who I have more than a decade on!” 
“Haymitch… when you’re not absolutely hammered, you’re also smart and cunning… and you’ve always put up with me. We’ve known each other for 13 years. You might be older than I am, but we didn’t start here- I honestly hated you when we first met,” she got off the bed and walked over to him, placing her hand gently on his face, “But I’ve considered you a great friend for a very long time; and I’ve come to realize  in the last few years that you’re the one person in Panem who has ever cared for me in the last 13 years- and I love you,”
Haymitch wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace, “Well, I’m sorry I made you love me,” he said with a hint of amusement.
She pulled back in disbelief, “Haymitch, I just poured my heart out!”
“And I’m not good with the lovey stuff; but I can say I love you too,” They stood locked in their embrace for a moment before Haymitch whispered, “Would you be mad if we finished this another night?”
“Absolutely not,” her smile disappeared, “Are we making this into something?”
“Thirteen years seems good enough… you want a title Sweetheart?”
“If we’re gonna sleep together more, I’d like to get rid of any speculation that could imply ‘desperate whore’ in my Victor description,”
Haymitch threw his head back and laughed, “Well I guess you’re gonna be my girlfriend wether the Capitol likes it or not,”
“Wether anyone likes it or not,” she kissed his jaw, “Get some sleep, you need to be a mentor tomorrow,”
Haymitch shook his head as he tossed her a robe, “Get outta here Sweetheart,”
She chuckled lightly as she put on the robe and gathered her things, “Are we crazy?”
“Crazy?” he questioned, “Maybe a little nuts. I’m a drunk. You don’t trust anyone. But I don’t think we’re crazy,” He walked over and hugged her again, lingering a little longer that time.
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This got longer than I expected I'm so sorry
The reason why mcu is not the same as comics is not usually because they are trying to be creative
One of the reasons is money (shocking I know) for example civil war In movies was just a fight between 12 people while in the comics there were more characters involved which made the fights much more crazy. In movies they took both hulk and thor out of the way. They didn't even wanted to cast rdj because he was an "expensive actor"
marvel comics were a thing since 40s Mcu has only been around since 2008. I'm gonna go with civil war as example again. The surprising part of that story in comics involved Peter. He always been so careful with his secret identity but when he takes Tony's side he reveals it in front of cameras and the consequences was that aunt may almost dies. In mcu civil war we've JUST met Peter so instead they held that storyline and used it when it was more convenient for them (in nwh). another example is Tony's origin story changing from Vietnam war
Third one is the lack of some characters in mcu. wandavision for example was based of house of M comics But the mutants are a big part of that story so they had to change a lot of things in that show to make it work in mcu
Another thing is that mcu doesn't have or had the right to some of the characters so like when they couldn't make a planet hulk movie they took that storyline and put it in thor ragnorak. two birds one stone
I'm gonna give mcu some credits tho because some of these changes were so smart and some times made the movie much more better than it comics version like what they did with thanos motives in infinity war
but still anthony mackie is really not wrong. In fact when he says "marvel is such a space of controlled entertainment" he is so fucking correct
The first ever mcu movie didn't had a full script but in no universe I can imagine marvel doing that ever again
They don't give actors and directors that much freedom. they seem to just make this movie for this next big movie.
Marvel being all connected was one of the reasons I liked it so much but know it seems to become a problem
I feel ya. It's only normal that they need to alter certain stories and characters, but this insane scrutiny is so over the top. Hell, I still remember The Marvels' director saying her movie turned out to be more Feige's than hers.
I'd argue in the past, that "connected universe" only enriched the stories. But that's because they left that "connection" to the post-credits or maybe a scene or two, it was never part of the story. They don't do that anymore. Now that connection IS the movie and they want us to get attached to characters we don't know just because we are told (not shown) that they're better than the old ones (why does it have to be a competition?).
I miss stories like when Stephen defeats Dormammu by losing and losing and losing until he annoys the hell out of him. I miss scenes like the ones we have in TDW (the Asgard ones) that are so heavy on the characterization that they give up on shiny battles, choosing to have characters just talk to each other instead. I miss honest talks like Steve's or Clint's to Wanda in AoU or the vulnerability of Quill...
They can't translate comic books to the screen, I get that. It's like movies based on regular books, you know you're not gonna get a page-by-page recreation, but it doesn't matter as long as the story is interesting, as long as it says something. Mackie says it pretty well, they're overly controlled by the execs and those are mostly business men who only see numbers and money but have no clue about art.
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caffieneaddictt18 · 11 months
Waterhaven Chalet
sorceress!reader is a mage who went to aretuza, but politics did not suit her. As such she took what she learned, magic wise, and left to the countryside. she now has a cottage/chalet where her and her friends can rest and be hidden off the map from the multitude of wards and protections she has around her chalet. sorceress!reader still practices magic but only practices water magic. geralt needs a place for him, ciri, and jaskier to stay after a long few days and she offers her stronghold. she plays host for a few days, and practices in between hosting. one day ciri finds reader practicing on a rock, in the middle of the river that runs by readers home. geralt sees ciri admiring reader and admires her as well. ends with ciri learning readers water magic/waterbending and jaskier having a new song about a dame who coulld part seas and make the waters bend to her will.
"Ciri! Come!" Geralt gruffly beckoned the girl. They had been on the road for weeks, or even months, and they just went through another rough monster hunt that didn't pay much.
Geralt had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind after the third underpaid, overworked contract he took. Especially with trying to train Ciri in between contracts and outings, it was getting rough. Jaskier being with them made things easier because he was great at distracting Ciri when she needed to be. By the fourth contract, Geralt's body was begging for a rest... and he could think of only one place safe enough to hold both him and Ciri under the same roof.
Waterhaven Chalet
A mini castle that his friend had bought long ago. It was surrounded by wards that make it imperceivable to the naked eye. It was also protected by the most powerful sorceress Geralt knows. Y/N. There was no doubt she could protect the three of them plus herself.
They had met during a monster hunt of Geralt's. It was a simple Water Hag, but the monster had proven to be... quicker than most. Probably because it had fed more. Geralt still killed the Hag, but at the cost of what he was certain was his own life.
Of course... Destiny had other plans.
Y/N stumbled upon him as his vision was starting to darken and he could no longer keep himself in this sphere of existence. She had manipulated the waters to carry him back to her home where she nursed him back to health, sharpened his swords, refined his armor, and got him a new Roach. A pitch-black mare. Fitting for a man who carried the scent of death with him wherever the White Wolf went.
Geralt went on his way after Y/N nursed him to health but promised to return when he needed to.
And now he needs to. Ciri trudges after the man while Jaskier strums his lute to try and bring up Ciri's spirits. Geralt rides his pitch-black mare named Roach and leads the way to Waterhaven Chalet.
__________________time skip about a day________________
"Where are we going?" Jaskier asks, trying to stay hopeful that Geralt isn't just dragging them around the forest aimlessly.
"A place to rest," is all Geralt says before continuing to walk. Ciri was getting tired, so Geralt put her on Roach to rest.
"It's not winter... Are we going to Kaer Morhen even though it's not time yet?" Ciri, using her wits, tries to press Geralt of where they are going by backing his logic into a corner.
"A Witcher never has only one card up their sleeve, Ciri. Remember, the Witcher carries steel and silver swords. Why would we limit our options?" Geralt continues walking before looking around, checking for a sign that they might be close.
He finds one. embedded in a stone in the river that he has been following for the past 4 hours. Three rolling waves on wavy lines surrounded by a circle. The Chalet's crest. He was getting close to the border.
"OOH! Shiny!" Jaskier said, picking up a blue stone with the Chalet's crest from the forest floor.
"WHO DARES ENTER MY HOME?" A deep and booming, disembodied voice comes from nowhere. Jaskier screams and drops the engraved crystal.
"It's Geralt! I brought a couple of..." Geralt looks at the jumpy teen who had her sword out with a stone-cold face, and the frightened grown man who looked like he might piss himself, "friends."
"Oh no! Why didn't you say so earlier?" A soft and pitched voice still disembodied speaks. A woman wearing purple, and blue appears from thin-air and picks up the crystal that Jaskier dropped. She dropped to her knees at the edge of the river and held the crystal in the running water before imbuing with her magic and burying it once more. Deeper, this time.
"Well, I do believe introductions are in order, but let's get you cleaned up first." Y/N opened a 'door' in the barrier that showed her home, the Waterhaven Chalet. Geralt, Ciri, Roach, and Jaskier all made it through before she shut the 'door' on the protective wards.
Ciri was in awe at such a beautiful place. Jaskier was concerned and curious. Geralt was smirking. Roach wanted some apples and hay to have. Finally, a decent meal.
As the woman walked down the path, she turned to look back at the group. "Well, come on! The soup will burn! Its already sunset!"
Geralt smiles, chuckling and shaking his head before walking with Roach in tow. Ciri hopped off the back of the horse and started running to the woman. The two girls whispered to each other, beaming, before taking off down the road to the house. Jaskier was walking slowly, taking everything in; hoping he won't happen upon a magical landmine.
Geralt takes Roach to the stables, and holes her up there before entering the home.
"Geralt! Wash up and then come eat! Its savory potato soup!" The woman called to him. He smiled and tapped his boots like she showed him. He once stepped foot on her floors without tapping his boots. He still sweats thinking about the memory.
He goes to the basin that is near the door, and washes his hands, scrubbing with the rough stone to get the dirt out of his hands. He dries his hands on the towel she keeps near.
As he enters, he sees her gently stirring the enormous pot of soup. He stands there in peace, seeing Jaskier and Ciri play fighting with sticks through the window.
"Did you tap your boots before you walked into my home, Geralt?"
"Of course. I shiver at the thought of what might happen if I don't..." Geralt hesitates to say her name, "Desna."
The woman, Desna, pauses. "You remembered." She keeps on stirring her pot, ensuring nothing burns.
"How could I? The first time we met, you tried to kill me." Geralt sat down, probably in Jaskier's seat, seeing as a pint of blackberry-honey wine was already there.
"You intruded on my land. It's only fair to kill a trespasser who is as strapping and capable as you." Desna shrugs as she continues to stir, smelling the soup. "Ciri! Jaskier! It's time to come in!"
The two looked at each other, nodding in agreement, before racing for the door, tumbling through it. They almost leave the dirt mat before Desna speaks: "If you don't tap your boots and wash your hands, you will be meeting the monsters alone tonight."
The two freeze before taking a step onto the floor. Geralt chuckles, taking a drink of the wine.
They tap their boots and wash their hands in the basin. They then go to their seats, Jaskier pouting that Geralt stole his seat. Desna laughs and shakes her head, gathering another mug for his wine. Desna grabs the bowls and scoops the soup for all of them.
"For tonight, my specialty, Savory Potato Soup. It's got potatoes, carrots, cream, cheese, bacon, and onions. So very yummy." She hands everyone their bowls and sits next to them. Her cat, Kore, brushes up against everyone's legs as she gnaws on the chicken carcass that Desna left for her.
"Thank you... Desna..." Geralt thanks their host before the other 2 nod and continue wolfing down the soup.
"Eat it slowly. You'll burn yourself, choke, or both." Desna nods as accepting their thanks. ______________________________________________________________
One day, Desna walks around and grabs all of her dirty laundry. As she plops it outside at the washing station, she shakes her head and goes inside with a basket on her hip.
As she knocks on Jaskier's door, Geralt walks down the hallway. "Oh, Geralt. Do you have any laundering that needs to be done? I'm doing some right now and thought I would do everyone's."
"Yes. I'll have it outside the door when you walk by it again."
"Thank you, Geralt." The hunkering man walks away, leaving deep sounds to echo in the hall.
Jaskier opens the door. "Hey, Jaskier. Do you have any laundering that needs to be done?"
He looks mortified. "Good god, woman. Don't tell me you're going to be doing everyone's laundry!" You shrug.
"Well, in that case..." Jaskier hurries off to get his laundry, clearly not affected anymore. Jaskier comes back and plops it in the basket on your hip. "Thank you, Desna!"
"Anytime, Jaskier!" Desna walks off towards Ciri's room, where it seems Geralt had visited. Ciri's laundry was already in front of her room, and as Desna was walking past Geralt's room once more, she could see his laundry in front of his door. Desna silently thanks the man and puts the laundry in the basket with everyone else's.
When Desna has everyone's laundry outside, she looks to the clearwater stream and does a few movements to pull a stream of the water towards her and into the bucket that she washes the clothes in. Desna does a little happy dance and washes everyone's clothes carefully and thoughtfully.
Once Desna finishes, she hangs everyone's clothes on their own wire, so as to not confuse anyone's clothes. Not that they could.
Geralt's were enormous. And always an off-black shirt, black pants, and black everything. Perfectly comfy to wear around the house...
Ciri's clothes were smaller than the others. She also had mismatching pants and shirt. Her pants were a deep blue, almost black, whereas she had a green shirt, stained by rolling around in dirt and grass.
And Jaskier's clothes were almost gaudy. All in varying colors and still dirt stained but hidden within the crevices of the snakeskin pattern and metallic bronze-gold shirts. The one normal shirt he had was 2 or 3 sizes smaller than Geralt's and off-white instead of off-black. ______________________________________________________________
It has been a couple weeks since the group has come to Waterhaven Chalet, and Desna can feel it.
She can feel it in the routine of the group. Ciri training with Geralt as Jaskier sits outside with his lute. Geralt tends to Roach and Ciri takes a bath. Jaskier comes in and helps make dinner to the best of his abilities. It always ends in a laugh, and always at someone else's expense. Once, Geralt got flour in his hair and Jaskier joked that he could pass for blonde.
She can also feel it in the stagnant energy. As much as she has been wanting to, she hasn't used her magic in a while. She can feel the dust settling in corners that are normally swirling with energy and the wind that used to flow through the windows, but now seems to avoid them.
The wonderful routine this group has is silently killing her.
Desna puts on a pair of pants that have slits down the sides and a shirt that covers her top half without sleeves or any straps. She walks outside, putting her hair into a ponytail, and to the stream. She walks along the bank of the stream until she comes across a spot where it widens. She notices a rock in the middle and touches her foot to the water, turning it to a patch of ice. It continues as she walks to the big boulder in the middle, and she sits onto it. As she sits, she listens to the water. The splash of a fish. The gurgle of water flowing in small spaces. The rocks tumbling with the flow of the water.
Once she finally finds peace, she slides down the rock and walks back to next to the Chalet. There is a small clearing of trees next to her for easy access to the stream. This...
This place... will be her peace.
As soon as a bird chirps a specific note, her body finds the flow. The flow of the water around bigger stones. The flow of the fish that swim around her feet. They aren't biting her or anything. Just swimming downstream. The sounds of the wind rustling the green leaves.
Every splash,
Every gurgle,
Every bit of animal and Earth,
It all seems to come together.
She understands the song Mother Earth sings...
And she dances.
As Ciri goes out to talk to Roach, something catches her eyes. She sees water swirling around. Almost like a whirlpool... or just the lip of one.
As she approaches, she puts her hand on her sword. Ciri has no idea who or what this is. What can make water behave this way.
It could be a mage... But what's a mage doing on the grounds of Waterhaven?
It could be an elf... but no elves have been said to possess the abilities to control any elements of the world, other than Chaos.
Geralt looks on from afar, in his window, only seeing the occasional flick of glinting light from the water. He smiles and turns away from the window.
Ciri continues on, not knowing what might await her at the stream. She sneaks up on the thing, trying to get a good look at it without making herself obvious.
"Having fun peeping?"
Ciri just about yelps before Geralt puts a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.
"You know... she hasn't felt right. She does this every day. And because of us, she's missed doing this for weeks. Leave this to her." Geralt guides Ciri's head to just above the brush so she can see Desna.
The woman who took care of them. The woman who washed their clothes and refilled their baths. The woman who fed them.
The one who laughed with Jaskier.
The one who made Geralt smile.
The one who showed Ciri all the things a mother or older sister would.
As Geralt and Ciri are crouched, making no noise, they continue to watch Desna do what she does best. Magic. The water seems to glow around her and flow along her arms as she dances with the stream, never tripping, never swaying, never second-guessing.
Until someone makes a twig snap.
It all happens so fast. Geralt pulls Ciri to the ground and grabs Jaskier by the ankle, pulling him down just before a spike of ice impales him.
"You should show yourself... It will only be worse if you hide." A deep and frightening voice carries through the trees. No footsteps could be heard and nothing living could move.
When people talked about a force of nature, they talked about Desna.
Geralt slowly stood, followed by Ciri and finally Jaskier. They could all see Desna as she was as though there was a threat.
She was surrounded with a ring of water, ice spikes in a circle around her, and walking on the water. Her eyes were surrounded by darkness and glowed blue. When she walked, her hips swayed as though walking on stairs.
Immediately, she let go of the ice and water, letting herself back into the stream. Her eyes no longer glowed, and the highlights of her face came back. "Oh! I am so sorry! You have no idea how many mages try to slip through the wards."
"You are so cool!" Ciri's eyes seemed to light up at the display of power Desna contains.
"Whoa... The Lady of The World..." Jaskier seemed to already be planning a song.
Geralt merely smiled and Desna winked at him.
What a cute family...
Author's Cup of Tea:
Okay, so I have been working on this for a while now and I am so happy to have this out of my drafts. I'm so excited for you all to read this.
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ameliagiovanna0 · 2 years
I Kinda Might Sorta Like Love You A Little Bit
Title from Love You a Little Bit by Tanner Adell
(Sort of) Requested by @tolkienis4ever ​
“Tim thinking of proposing to Lucy”
Valentine's Day fluff based on 5x16
1.8k words
Valentine’s Day. It was an overly commercialized, overly sensationalized, ridiculous, glitter-covered holiday. Tim and Isabel never really did Valentine’s Day. They weren’t particularly amorous. Despite the occasional bouquet of roses on February 14 th , they showed each other affection in other ways. They had date nights and small gifts here and there throughout the year. Birthdays and Christmas were more their speed.
Rachel was only around for one Valentine’s Day. Fortunately for Tim, she was on a business trip over the holiday. When she got back, they went to dinner, but that was the extent of their celebrations.
Ashley, while still only having been in Tim’s life for one Valentine’s Day, loved the holiday. Her intense affinity for it made him squirm. Her first suggestion for their date included a modern French dinner at République and dessert on the beach. Her second suggestion was a tour of The Getty Villa’s Asia exhibit and a paint and sip on the beach. He compromised with dinner at République and dessert at her place. He hoped to God he picked the least painful option.
Tim picked Ashley up at her townhouse, a bouquet of daisies in hand, only because it was the expected thing for him to do. Roses seemed too cliché, for good reason. They were too sure, too I’m committed to this relationship . He knew they weren’t meant to last. He knew when she told him she didn’t want to get married or have kids. He knew when pulling the proposal prank made his stomach turn. He knew when Lucy kissed him in her apartment. He knew when she kissed him in the airplane bathroom. He knew when he followed her into her apartment after they got back from Vegas.
Throughout the whole evening, Ashley talked about her job, her friends, and new things she wanted Tim to try. He zoned out about an hour in, only nodding and mhmm-ing when it seemed appropriate. The longer he sat there with a woman he should be content with, the more he realized that he hated being with her. She was kind and beautiful and intelligent. She would make someone very happy, but that someone wasn’t him.
It was a shitty thing to do, breaking up with him when his eyes were barely open from emergency spinal surgery. But at the same time, Tim felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, like he could breathe easier. The feeling increased tenfold when Lucy came bounding around the corner of his hospital room giving him hell for not telling her about his condition sooner.
It was their first Valentine’s Day together, and despite his usual detest for the holiday, he wanted to do something for Lucy. They both knew it was their last first. It was their last first kiss, their last first time, their last first Valentine’s Day.
Tim found himself standing in front of a glass case, various shiny stones and metals displayed in ornate patterns and designs laid out in front of him. He came into the mom-and-pop jewelry store looking for a necklace, but one of the other cases caught his attention. Round, cushion, oval, round, and princess diamonds sparkled back at him.
If he was being honest with himself, it wasn’t the first time he’d thought about proposing. Of course, he’d caught himself thinking about the little things here and there. But the first time he really knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Lucy was when he told her he got the job at Metro. He got off the phone with Lt. Pine, and she was the first person he sought out. She was the first person he even thought of telling. He was so excited.
That wasn’t a word he’d used to describe himself very often, but it was becoming more and more common the more he and Lucy intertwined their lives.
When Tim told Lucy he got the job, she was proud of him, something else he wasn’t used to. She told him he was amazing and looked at him in such a way that she reserved for only him. He reached for her hand in the middle of the bullpen, seeming to forget the dozen other people around them. He almost kissed her, and she almost let him.
At some point, between staring intently at various diamonds and settings, Tim registered that there was someone standing on the other side of the display case.
“Sir?” the man questioned.
“Yes? Hello.”
“Hi, I’m David. Can I help you find anything? Anything specific you’re looking for?” the man asks, extending his hand out toward Tim.
He shakes his hand, “Uh, I was looking for something for my girlfriend,” he replies as he desperately tries to stop the blush from spreading beyond his ears.
Tim Bradford does not get flustered. He does not get distracted by shiny things and thoughts about the future. Until, apparently, he did.
He wasn’t like this with Isabel. He loved her. He loved her fiercely, in a way that almost killed him, but he’d never felt like this. It was foreign to him, but he was getting used to the swarm of butterflies that now called his stomach home.
“Are we talking an engagement ring?” David asked with a raised eyebrow and a kind smile.
A smile of his own broke out across Tim’s features, his hands shoved in his pockets, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look.”
“Not what you initially came in for?”
“Um, no. But I’m going to need one sooner or later,” he chuckles.
“Tell me about the girlfriend. What does she like?
David showed Tim a selection of rings; big, small, shiny, sparkly, plain, ornate, gold, and silver. He’d bought a ring before, but this, like everything else with Lucy, felt different. He took a few photos, saving them in a hidden folder on his phone. He and Lucy shared passwords and routinely used each other’s devices, but it wasn’t something he wanted her to see just yet. He left the shop with a collection of hidden pictures and a simple, gold chain with a circular pendant, 7-A-19 inscribed on the back.
“Ok,” he smiled, “I accept your non-apology.”
“So, are we going to dinner or what?”
“We are, but your, uh, outfit is missing a little something.”
Tim grabbed the black box sitting in front of his monitor and stood up, handing it to Lucy.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Lucy smiled that adorable little smile of hers and opened the box, “Oh, wow. It’s beautiful. Did you pick this out yourself?”
“I did,” he replied, feigning offense, “Is that shocking?”
“No, you clearly have good taste,” she quipped as she moved her hair out of the way.
“Thank you.”
Tim clasped the necklace and leaned into her space, grinning at her, admiring her.
His face was a mere six inches from hers when she asked, “Do you want to skip dinner?”
“No, I’m hungry, and you’re going to need that fuel for later.”
Before Lucy could turn around, Tim was gone. She clasped her fingers around the tiny pendant, giggling at his choice of words.
She chased after him in the hall, her heels clicking on the linoleum floor. She caught up to him without much effort and reached for his wrist.
He turned to face her, the corners of his mouth quirking up at the feeling of her hand against his skin. Lucy looked around them, making sure they were free from the prying eyes of their fellow officers. Their relationship was out in the open now, but they still tried to remain (mostly) professional at work.
Her fingers were still gripping the pendant when she peered up at him, “Is there something engraved on this?”  She could tell the back wasn’t entirely smooth.
“Come on. Seriously, Tim!”
“Why don’t you take it off and find out?”
“I don’t want to take it off. You just put it on.”
“I’m not going to tell you what may or may not be there.”
“Unclip it for me,” she grumbled as she turned her back to him and lifted her hair out of the way again.
He unclasped it and reclasped it, handing it back to her.
She huffed, attempting but failing to convey any real annoyance, as she took the delicate chain from between his fingers. She flipped it over and looked at the numbers and single letter etched into the metal.
She looked up at him, eyes sparkling in the station’s shitty fluorescent light, “You had our call sign engraved into my necklace?”
Tim’s arms rested on his duty belt, making it hard for him to shrug, but he managed.
“Tim!” she giggled, running her thumb over the numbers and eventually shoving his shoulder.
“Ah, what was that for?”
“You’re just a big softie, aren’t you?”
He could feel heat rising in his ears, but he tried his best to ignore it as he smiled at the woman in front of him.
“I love it. Thank you,” she threw her arms around his neck, the chain dangling from her fingertips as she pulled him down for a kiss.
“You’re welcome,” he managed between his lips fitting against hers.
Lucy commanded that he put the necklace back on her as they broke away.
“You’re very bossy,” he said as she lifted her hair from her neck.
She turned her head just enough to look at him from where he stood behind her, “I love you.”
His hands stilled against her skin, “Oh, my God!” she blinked, “I didn’t mean to say that.”
“Lucy,” he said, almost blankly.
She turned fully toward him, “I mean, I did, but not right now-“
“I had this whole speech planned. I was going to tell you after dinner tonight, and af-“
He was smiling now, “I love you, too.”
“You do?” her voice broke.
“It wasn’t obvious?” he teased.
She shoved him again, “I hate you!”
“You just said you loved me!”
“I guess I did, didn’t I?” she asked rhetorically as her smile grew brighter. “It’s true,” she continued.
“Good,” she declared as he pulled her in for another kiss, his hands on her waist.
“Are you sure you don’t want to skip dinner?”
“Nope. Like I said, fuel,”
He finally managed to put some distance between them, in hopes of resisting the urge to drag her back into his office and lock the door.
“Let me change out, and we can go.”
“Fine,” she faked a pout.
He threw a smile her way before rounding the corner toward the locker room. Lucy found herself running the pads of her fingers over the numbers on the otherwise smooth piece of metal once again. She had a feeling she’d be doing that pretty often.
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dothwrites · 1 year
as far as season premieres go, this one is... okay? i thought we were getting zombie apocalypse and i got weird boring daytime ghosts. bloody mary is THEE scariest episode of spn but man, spn forgot how to make stuff scary somewhere along the way because the ghosts in this episode just look... like cosplayers who got lost
but that being said the PATHOS in this episode gives me some good fucking food. the way that cas is SO very careful with jack's body. like. that's his KID. and he had to watch him die. and he couldn't do anything. and it was his dad that killed him. and this is cas losing the very last bit of his faith. and cas smiting things will never cease to be amazing. but we're concentrating on the SAD here.
cas' "well i wouldn't starve" is SO VERY BITCHY. and he has every right to be at this point.
dean is doing an AWFUL lot of hindsight declarations. first he always knew that jack would go bad and then he always knew that chuck would go bad. he is very conveniently rewriting his own history and it is a very interesting choice for him to make.
cas lifts that giant slab of stone above his head and all i can do is have a dean winchester "SO STRONG" moment. (so STRONG!)
cas having to watch a demon parade around wearing the corpse of his kid is... he is literally going through one of the worst experiences of his life. and sam and dean are pretty much completely ignoring it and telling him to suck it up and get over it. and then he's ORDERED to give up his blood. cas is no longer "always happy to bleed for the winchesters" and you know what? HE'S RIGHT!
this is why the divorce arc is SO necessary (in my opinion). cas has reached a point where he has NO autonomy with the winchesters. dean, and to an extent sam, are treating him like a soldier--like how john treated them. they're giving him orders and expecting him to obey them. cas has lost EVERYTHING--his son, his family, his faith--and sam and dean don't acknowledge his loss or his pain. they expect him to get over it and do his job--follow their orders. and that is why it is so VITAL that cas leave.
cas' pain being so much that he can't even stand to be in the car with dean and belphagor... he is HURTING! he is in TRAUMA! (and i guess everyone else is too but cas is the only one who is visibly showing it, other than dean making a "whoopsie" statement in the crypt)
good to know that cas doesn't need to touch people to heal them. he just does that for dean because dean is ✨special✨. and when it comes time to fix sam cas is like "ew yucky" and makes sure to keep a good five inches between his hand and sam's body
these broad daylight ghosts are stupid
though cas being pissy because sam shot him is fun. see, that's why cas doesn't touch you when he heals you, sam. all i can think about in this scene watching cas run is misha running on his shitty old man hips and his brand new shiny titanium hips
and then belphagor mocking cas over dean's treatment over him... dean not being able to keep himself from coming to cas but immediately forcing himself away... AH IT'S SO PAINFUL. i love it.
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an-idiot-in-a-costume · 4 months
i made my own pokemon creepy pasta :D
I think you've all heard about those haunted pokemon game stories, ones about kids that commit suicide over a game song, or ones talking about a kid getting killed by a Pikachu on a mountain, but this, I think this was more than some hacked game, I think this was an awakening of some sorts.
About a week ago, one of my friends sent me a text message asking me if I wanted their copy of pokemon diamond, since they had just finished the game. I remember diamond used to be my dream pokemon game, but I never got to play it, so I decided to take it from them. I popped by their house a few hours later, mainly because we planned on hanging out anyway, and after we were done, they handed me the game on the way out, saying “I already deleted my old file, so you don't have to feel guilty about deleting it or anything.” After that, we said our goodbyes and I left and went home.
I was incredibly excited to play it, so the moment I got in my house I ran to my room and practically shoved the game into my ds, the game start-up was normal, the entire thing was, it was practically just like buying an unused version of the game. I choose piplup, and kept my eye out for any glitches or anything, just to make sure everything was just like a normal game and that my friend didn't just hand me a hacked game.
Eventually, I came to the 6th gym leader, Bryon, his steel type pokemon we're just a bit too over leveled for my team, so I went to a pokecenter to heal my pokemon, and just decided to talk to the other people in there. I came across an NPC named dean, he was your standard NPC that asked to trade pokemon, he said for a gallade, hed trade me a garchomp. I just decided I'd be a good training opportunity, plus a garchomp is a good pokemon, so I went and found a male ralts after a lot of hunting, and after lots of training and opening lots of poke balls for a dawn stone, I finally had the gallade that dean wanted.
After a bit of traveling, I finally got back to that pokecenter and went to give dean his pokemon, but in the middle of the trade sequence, a text box came up with his name on it, saying “no.” The screen went back to the pokecenter, and another text box of deans popped up “I don't want a gallade, why did I ask you for one? Why am I in this pokecenter? I dont even have pokemon to heal.” Dean then just shook his head and ran out of the pokecenter.
This was the only weird thing that happened the entire game, but I wanted to know something,was this just ment to happen? So I texted my friend who gave me the game.
Me: hey, if you went to the pokecenter by bryons gym, did some npc while you were trading with them run out?
Friend: nah, that npc is the reason I got a garchomp
Me: seriously? Because when I tried to give him that gallade he said he didn't want it and left
Friend: bring it to like game stop or something that's where I got it.
The only problem was that I was pretty far from the nearby game stop, plus it was midnight. I decided to just go in the morning and continue the game for now.
Everything in the game was pretty normal, no glitches, couple of shinies, but everything changed when I got to Spear pillar, suddenly the whole game was in black and white, and small red pixels were seen going towards where giratina would steal Cyrus, but instead there was that npc again, and a cut scene happened. The NPCs name box no longer said dean, it just said npc, and he was yelling, things like “why did you give me consciousness!?” And “I didn't ask for this!” I couldn't tell if he was yelling at arceus or giratina or a different legendary. But suddenly a glitchy scream came from my ds speakers, and the npc fell over, I went up to them and hit A…
“This npc has died, they're lying in a pool of blood and missing an arm and both of their eyes.”
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Please give me honest criticism on it! Id also love to know if you guys think I should post this on the pokemon creepy pasta wiki too!
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randomnameless · 1 year
I've seen a post on redshit saying deghinsea was racist and I don't understand how people even came to that conclusion. The fandom isn't ready to Tellius remakes
Are you sure it was on redshit and not here anon? lol
If it's about the branded issue, Deghinsea received a very crappy hand to deal with - and we sure as hell don't see what happens or how the Branded are dealt with in Hatari, save for a meaningless "kumbaya" because the Tellius verse completely falls on its head with this question -
Tellius is all about discriminations and how stupid it is - only to, uh, biologically, tell you one race is "superior" to the other because the other "dies" when both races mix to make a baby.
Ergo, if beorcs and laguz "coexist" peacefully and make tons of babies, the laguz will cease to exist - because each time a branded is born (or even just conceived?) the laguz parent ceases to be a laguz.
In a context of racial tensions (Tellius isn't very clear on the details, but there used to be a war where laguz enslaved beorcs, then beorcs enslave laguz?) revealing this to the public meant ultimately yes, Laguz were going to go extinct unless they got rid of beorcs.
In a way, I find it very different from the manakete - dragon stone - problem, because Manaketes still can access to their power through a device, but they are still manaketes. In the Archanea verse at least (but it's suggested even in Elibe?) the dragon parent doesn't lose their power, even if they have a dragon stone, when they hold hands with a human to make a baby, Nah exists, the Nini siblings exist (and iirc it's implied their mom was a dragon when she went "missing"?) etc etc.
But in Tellius?
Lehran wanted to kill himself because he wasn't a "laguz" anymore, he can't sing, he can't hear the voice of the Goddess, he can't transform - he is not a laguz anymore, but he isn't a beorc either.
In an era where people genuinely thought Claude "killed the CEO of racism" and don't even want to think more than 12 seconds about the Nabateans and what revealing the truth about them may create as a result (it's a egg hunt, but this time, humans are hunting chocolate eggs for easter, they hunt living beings to vivisect them to create more shiny weapons or magic milkshakes to gain a longer life and superpowers), Tellius remakes and the kind of themes and discussion brought by this duology are completely inaudible.
(and especially since Tellius's main lead doesn't give a fuck about the world or the consequences of his and the general party's actions as he fucks off to another continent with his besties, letting everyone else piece back and rebuild the continent)
What was Deghinsea supposed to do? Reveal to Laguz that yes, coexistence is impossible because they are bound to disappear if they coexist too much with Beorcs? How would the Laguz react? Lash out against Beorcs and exterminate them to make sure the Laguz, as a race, will continue to exist? And how would the Beorc react? Feel even more superior because whatever happens the "punished" parent for branded unions will forever be the Laguz and not the Beorc, and thus will start to call Laguz "subhumans" even more recently than they do in canon?
What was the solution? His lie sure led branded to be shunned and outright despised - but let's be real, if he revealed the truth, wouldn't branded still be despised by Laguz, who would see them as symbols and reasons why "their race" loses to Beorcs ?
I've seen some fics try to dance around the question by saying, more or less, Laguz are seen as giving their powers to the baby and it's a gesture of affection - but still, why should the Laguz be the only to "pass on" something to the baby when the Beorc can just, you know, get said baby without "losing"/"passing on" anything ?
I really don't know what IS was thinking when they made this "rule" - especially coupled with Yune's insane "teehee it was never intended it just happened like that!" that made Stefan weep, at Deghinshea's lie, of course, but in general, at the entire "Branded issue" ; ffs the Goddess (or one half of the goddess) said Laguz and Beorcs cannot coexists, and it wasn't something that was planned, it just happens.
I honestly consider this message "race A is superior to race B because race B ceases to exist if it breeds too much with race A" as bad as Fodlan's "imperialism good akshually" and honestly don't know why IS went through this route.
To add more drama maybe, but damn if this is a stinky message to have in a series about acceptance and coexistence - especially coming after Elibe and the heavily implied (as of FE7) dragon hybrid hero (of FE6).
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Marring of Arda and Aging of Mortals
I have been thinking about this for a while, that Arda Marred aged just like Mortals, in a much slower rate over a much longer period of time, yet in a quite similar way.
The process was irreversible. When Arda was aging the magic gradually diminished. Just like body of mortals will gradually lose its energy, unable to do what it used to be able to do. The body will fail you and eventually stop functioning, despite all your best effort to preserve it and keep it healthy. It was a losing war.
Arda is a song, isn’t it? It was supposed to be wonderful and end at the right time to move on and maybe renew itself into a new song, by initial design of Eru. Just like Gift of Men was supposed to be that they would be healthy physically and mentally and live their fulfilled life and be willing to move on to the next adventure to explore what is beyond the world.
Melkor: Hello let me introduce terror, pain, and mental illness.
So Arda was marred. Gift of Men was tainted.
Mortals needed to live with the mortality of their bodies. Elves and Ainur needed to live with the mortality of Arda. It can be argued that Arda is almost like their bodies? They are bound to Arda until the world died, just like mortals were bound to their bodies until their bodies died.
I have been thinking. Maybe mortals were created as a response to the Marring of Arda. Their fate parallel so much with Arda Marred.
I don’t think they were meant to replace elves. I don’t care what canon said canon is dead. Only tools can be replaced by other newer tools, and none of them were tools. I think even Melkor was not treated as a tool. 
I think mortals and immortals were supposed to learn from each other, something like that.
Elves and Ainur lived forever, they live through time and history. Some of them had this tendency to just claim a piece of land and be like “I am going to stay at home forever and make nice art even the world is burning as long as the fire does not come to me everything is okay or at least I need to focus on my personal wellbeing.” (Yes, Gondolin, Valinor, I am badmouthing you.)
I think mortals were created with some thoughts to be different with the immortals and hopefully knock them out of their fucking delusional dream. Like, they were created to experience and live. Not hiding in a blissful sanctuary.
I don’t believe mortals were sturdier. Some of them were sturdier because they actually had to deal with their pain and trauma with their limited power and short lifespan and extra exposure to Morgoth & Sauron style horrors. They did not have the leisure to pretend everything is fine and hope the trouble would go away with enough time because they did not have enough time. They were just forced to learn to be resilient and support each other.
Despite all the monster fucker jokes, it actually really makes sense elves would look at a mortal and be like “oh I want to date this mayfly.”
Mortals aged and died. Arda was aging and would die one day. But sometimes you do not stop loving something even when it gets old and die. The point is to have good time and accept that it will pass, but you still get to have good time and the memory of it.
If an elf loved a mortal, they loved them like they loved the dying world.
First age elves had to waste the good nice time of the Youth of Arda fighting and killing each other over shiny stones. (INTERNALLY SCREAMING) Teenagers. Fucking TEENAGERS.
Then second age came they be like “wait Arda is actually losing its health.” And tried to make these shiny rings to keep it healthy eternally advised by this pretty guy came out of nowhere. Then it turned out the whole thing was a SCAM and the medication they thought they purchased was some awful addictive drug and things only got worse from there.
In third age basically they had to make peace with the mortality of Arda and accept it, and try to find happiness within the dimming world.
I still have this personal-contrary-with-canon headcanon that elves should not stay in Valinor, at least not staying there forever. I think they were supposed to stay in middle earth, and Valinor was like a hospital or something that they go to heal mentally and physically every once in a while. Instead when they went to middle earth they just tried to recreate Valinor except Valinor was a dream that was not sustainable in the marred world. They needed to adapt, or something like that. You should not expect a body to do something it could not do. But no, they wanted their cakes, even when cake is not available. Like, go eat your vegetables. You don’t need cake to survive, eat your Brussel sprouts and it’s even healthy for you.
Numenor was definitely, DEFINITELY awful horrible no good very bad decision. When Valar fucked up they fucked up extraordinarily.
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sinnedxkiwix · 1 year
Xiaoyun mer au
random scenario
Chongyun had always thought Xiao was attractive.
With the way his hair sways along the wind, the faint glow in his sharp golden eyes that shows resilience in the darkest of nights, the sight of his reliable back in the frontlines of a battle, his gentle and kind heart under the cold exterior.
It was hard not to fall heads over heels over such a person.
Chongyun had found himself staring absentmindedly at the yaksha too many times to count.
The only reason Xiao hadn't said anything about it was because of Bosacius's comment about him being a "fish brain", to which Xiao only stared at the other yaksha with bewilderment along with an exasperated Menogias. (As soon as Xiao's back was turned, Bosacius looked back at Chongyun with a thumb up)
Until now.
It was a mundane evening, they were staring at the sunset with Chongyun inhis mer form in the ocean with his arms on a boulder stone supporting his upper body and with Xiao seated beside him.
It started normal enough, with them admiring the scenery and enjoying the calm the ocean brought to them both.
And in the middle of it, Chongyun had gotten distracted by how ethereal Xiao looked under the setting sun.
"You're staring again." Xiao stated with a straight face
"You've been doing that for a while now."
"I'm not stupid, and I know neither are you."
Chongyun gulped, in a feeble attempt at getting rid of the lump in his throat.
He'd been found out, most likely for a while now.
Chongyun cast his eyes down at his scaled webbed hands and the thought of his slimy tail came to mind.
He'll have to come clean, at least to an extent.
He'll have to deal with these feelings of his at a latter date, in a more secluded place.
"I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable," Chongyun couldn't bear to look at Xiao's expression and just settled on staring at the ocean waves.
“I get easily distracted when I’m around you…”
It took Xiao longer than expected to reply, but when he did, Chongyun almost hoped he could drown himself.
“Why is that?”
Chongyun winched and clenched his fists. Xiao revealed nothing in his tone, and somehow that makes it scarier.
Chongyun chuckled awkwardly and closed his eyes “You’re just…”
he could feel Xiao’s intense gaze staring holes into him.
Chongyun opens his eyes to stare at his scaly hands again
“Too pretty…”
“You don’t make me uncomfortable,” Chongyun almost snapped his head towards Xiao, heart thumping in his chest and ears ringing
Xiao’s voice started to grow small “You’re the one…”
Chongyun slowly tilt his head up towards him. A pair of gentle ember eyes stared back with intent
“who’s too pretty.”
Chongyun could practically feel his cheeks heating up and tail gently swaying behind him. Xiao took a glance at his disobedient tail and whipped his head away, his eyes hidden behind his hair and ears turning crimson red.
Hope you guys like this little thing I wrote and also a little fact.
Some birds have better eye sight than humans and I decided to add that for Xiao here.
So if people sees Chongyun as a really attractive mer, than you can onlly imagine what Xiao is seeing with his sharp eye-sight hehe (●'◡'●)
people only see shiny baby blue tail, Xiao sees glowy tail with white, baby blue, midnight blue and the light reflected from the sun/moon-
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
One of the hardest pills for me to swallow (and I think this goes for a lot of writers out there) is that just because I enjoy writing and have written a fair amount over the years does not, by any stretch of the imagination, mean I "should" get published. Or that I even want to, let alone can.
The fact of the matter is: I am atrociously bad at writing/planning Plot Fics. And not just with fics: almost every "wannabe writer" I knew in my youth had written and completed at least one shitty Baby's First Novel or Novel-Length Fic by the time they graduated high school. Whereas I never wrote more than 30 pages of coherent story, with a beginning, middle, and an end. And for the fellow writers who struggled with completing their stories? Still had a Tolkienesque level of world-building, story background, and details.
Me? I never had any creativity beyond a vague premise, some shiny details of a particularly pretty scenery, and a longing to accomplish more. I couldn't plot or world-build to save my life, and even moving on to fanfiction didn't inspire my imagination any further.
This is not a pity-party or a plea for compliments. These are cold-stone facts. It's not that I'm a bad writer, it's that I'm a very shitty Planner, World-Builder, and Novelist. All I am capable of writing is fluff and smut.
It seems that even in the realm of fandom, we have this expectation above writers' necks, a Sword of Damocles threatening us to write these sorts of fics, and those sorts of stories, longer, more detailed, more slow burn, more anticipation, more planning, more, more, more!! And we writers are just as bad at staring up at this proverbial trap, wishing to be more, wishing to do more, wishing to be something that we are not.
If all fanfics were epic slow burn 100k+ stories, that'd be pretty boring, right? Just like walking into a library and finding literally nothing but Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Rings rip-offs. Eventually you're gonna want something else, right? Or least have the option.
Sometimes we crave fairytales. Sometimes we seek fluffy romantic nonsense or thrilling gore and horror. Sometimes we read poetry, essays, and behind-the-scenes detailed notes of a grand story we love.
Sometimes we just want porn. Sometimes we avoid porn.
Sometimes, dare I say, the longer stories are boring. They drag on too long, and we want something short and sweet.
Or sometimes the short stories do not satisfy, but the longer ones do.
Can you imagine a world where you only had one choice? Can you imagine a world where all fics were exactly the same style and length, with no oneshots, no quick little ficlets or parodies or smut? Or the other way around?
Can you imagine a bookstore or library that carried only one title?
I am not a novelist or a novel-length fic writer. And that's okay. I am not a poet or a prose poet or a slam poet. And that's okay.
I write fluff and porn and the occasional haphazard AU that's slapped together with duct tape and a prayer and a whole lot of "pay no attention to the lack of world-building behind the curtain." But mostly porn and fluff.
Write your porn. Write your fluff. Write your incoherent blurbs and essays where you proverbially smash your keyboards as you gush about your favorite things. Write your poems and epics and AUs. Write your self-inserts. Write your nonsense.
You a writer, but not a novelist. And that's perfectly, 1000% a-okay.
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