#for legal reasons this is a joke but also no it isnt
hotanddistraught · 2 years
alright its been about 6 months and im ready to be gaslit again, where is my indie boy
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venn-ila-ve · 2 months
not to be unnationalistic but they dont do assassinations like they used to
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Eddie has rainbow decorations on his store. he is gay.
Sally's house is mostly rainbow. therefore-
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scattered-winter · 11 months
i NEED to be more autistic
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rejectedproject · 1 year
i hope all gensh/tters perish actually 😁
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spaghettimafiapixie · 5 months
literally will never understand y wen war is looming or capitalism is capitalisming some weird women will go... time 2 get married n bcome a tradwife like hello?? wat happened 2 trapping??? to mlm scams/ ponzi schemes ??? click link in bio 2 find out more??? I'd go 2 jail b4 getting dragged into a war or cooking cleaning all day alone in my house 4 days while my husband dies 4 OIL AND EMPERIAL EXPANSION lolllllll or just idk spinning around in an office chair either way a mi no me cojen ty amen
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txttletale · 2 months
can you elaborate on the reasons ? what criticisms do you disagree with?
criticisms i disagree with:
"they character assassinated jane" amiguita there was no character to assisnate.
"they character assassinated dirk" dirk is at his most interesting and likeable ever and is just about the only redeeming thing about these
"they were just written to spite the fans" if true tht would have been Epic, and Based. but they very obviously werent
"its too violent and sexual for cheap shock humour" did you. read homestuck, the web comic? what were you Expecting... also like it or not the sexual content isnt just random or gratuitous it is obviously trying to be a conclusion to the whoel coming-of-age theme of homestuck as a work.
"so-and-so is out of character" homestuck characters are malleable little dolls that can be rearranged to suit the narrative at a whim. this is true about all fictional characters ofc but it is like explicitly textually metaphysically true in homestuck
my criticisms:
the heavy-handed political messaging is fucking tedious and awful and so profoundly of its time in a bad way. its clearly a reaction to trump but it doesnt have anything interesting to say about him or fascism or racism or anything, really, except, um. Cheeto in the white house?. the whole Evil Jane plot is too stupid and contrived for the sake of the satire to take seriously but also its awful satire written by liberals who think fascism as invented in 2016 by the orange man
god can we fucking talk about how fucking embarassing the obama shit is. jesus fucking christ. for a start it's a callback to a running jhoke in homestuck that is straight up just super racist. and they decide to pivot from the joke being 'its funny that theres a black president', which is good, but they pivot it to 'obama seems so heroic and magical now that we're stuck with the Orange Man', which, admittedly, is better than Being Racist, but also sucks shit. he killed people amiguitas.
'post-canon' is cheap bullshit. like, the work makes a big deal about tryng to talk about What Canon Is, without ever acknowledging the concept of, like, IP law. claiming to just be a non-canon continuation like any other when it's made by people with the Official Exclusive Legal Rights just feels hollow and detooths any liberatory/deconstructive potential there. unironically my opinion of it would go up like tenfold if it had been actually published in AO3 instead of just joking about it.
in general i think that all of the attempt to deconstruct fiction or storytelling is rooted in a really weird and flawed model of storytelling. a lot of it seems to be taking an extremely long route to writing something bad on purpose and then saying 'see, if you wrote something like this, it would be bad'. Okay. i like deconstructive collapsing narrative shit in e.g. if on a winter's night a traveller because i think calvino has trenchant and interesting insights about literature and storytelling. i do think hussie also has those but they essentially dropped and explored all of them in homestuck and the epilogues just seem like an attempt to connect ohomstuck's disparate and contradictory approaches to Narrative into one overarching schemata and then crtiique that schemata, which i think is a doomed project that results in little of interest to me.
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mugentakeda · 4 months
some random lighthearted hcs ^_^ 👍👍 cus all ive been posting is angst shit tralalalaaa
-iroh and lu tens biggest beef (satirical exaggeration) was always over tea preferences. they both love it- but in just wildly different ways. lu ten liked tea with milk and ginger and cardamom and sugar and black pepper and all kinds of other spices and shit (aka saffron chai). meanwhile his father is, as we all know, one of those snobs that dies on the hill of appreciating tea with its delicate and natural flavors alone. even if it just tasted like grass. one time, though, iroh was overjoyed to hear lu ten found a tea he liked just on its own (aka hibiscus tea), without add ons. but then was dismayed to immediately discover that lu ten liked it served cold (aka karkadeh). later, just to fuck with his dad, lu ten announced that he discovered its even better with the additions of citrus juice, honey, and mint. iroh just cant ever win with his boys
-azula is the youngest so its like instinct to be annoying. like shed get genuine urges to go and annoy zuko somehow someway. not all the times shes annoyed him are malicious- sometimes shed go in his room and if he was at his desk shed pluck the brush out of his hand and throw it across the room and take all the candles out and leave without closing the door behind her. or if he was laying down shed pull his socks halfway off throw his blanket on the floor and leave. she did it all wordlessly for comedic effect until he was like “why.” and then shed start cackling like a maniac
-lu ten enjoyed engaging in little kid activities with azula and zuko. hed sit on his stomach and kick his feet while finger painting. hed play whatever the fire nation version of hopscotch is with them, along with mai and ty lee. when azula covered his mouth before he said something to embarrass her in front of ty lee hed lick her hand and shed start screeching. hed make jokes about zuko being short even though lu ten could legally drink and zuko was like 10 so it didnt even make sense
-lu tens azula nicknames: lala (naturally), pumpkin, crab cake, sweetheart, baby (the last two only come out when its just the two of them or if shes upset. she has a reputation.)
lu tens zuko nicknames: zuzu (naturally), turtleduck (also naturally), princeling, squirt, shrimpmunk (note how most of these are a cute joke about him being Tiny and Small)
the kids called him lulu when he called them zuzu and lala. when he was teaching azula how to talk she called him baba for like a week to his dismay and panic, even if she didnt know what that meant, until he got it through her head that he wasnt the one to be called that. and ozai wasnt either because unfortunately he isnt the casual type
(he also called ursa auntie in front of anyone. to his great joy, ursa told him that ozai complained about it to her. thus, he continued to do it)
-lu ten made time for the kids not by ignoring his duties in their favor but by overachieving and overworking to stay as far ahead of his duties as possible. the faster he got shit done the more time leftover he had. his favorite thing to do with them aside from ember island was sneak them out of the palace and into the town during the evening, when they had all the best street food and outdoor theater set out
-roughhousing and chasing each other around was always a thing iroh and lu ten did before things got awkward and sour. their pai sho games- when they werent using it as a vessel for serious conversations- were loud, dramatic, and funny to witness. like iroh would be swearing and lu ten would be laughing hysterically. the servants would come and go with refreshments while giggling
-iroh and lu ten also engaged in Old Man Activities together. like you know how old folks just sit on porches for hours for no reason??? iroh and lu ten would do that together in the palace garden. they also did morning meditation and prayer at the ass crack of dawn
-before zuko was born and it was for the most part just ursa and lu ten, she got homesick a lot, and taught lu ten some of the stuff she did before marrying into the family. so lu ten knew how to make shit like jewelry, clay masks, and embroidered fans
-on ember island trips the three did a lot of cooking together. azula liked making sweet treats and fruit platters, zuko liked making kimchi and fried snacks. cleaning the mess is just as much a bonding activity as making the mess
-lu ten managed to keep whatever the hell he had going on with zhao a complete secret from iroh and ursa, zuko was just oblivious, but azula… is perceptive. and nosy. and protective. so one day when zhao leaves the palace azula approaches lu ten from out of nowhere and is basically like “(Katt Williams voice) You have an unnatural allegiance to losers and its not like you 😐”. he has no clue what to say to that
(it was not to azulas knowledge that zhao was harassing zuko constantly during his banishment. had she known, she wouldve done something about it. Not something that would inconvenience her father or the navy, obviously, but she wouldve definitely done something. #Trust.)
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bug-bites · 6 months
one of my fav things to read/write is a f!reader x Simon "Ghost" Riley, where the reader is almost exactly like ghost. I'm talking full black mask, (maybe legally dead) few words, silent, callsign generally spooky like Reaper or Phantom, and I was wondering if you would wanna do that?
Usually I have reader as a childhood friend or adopted sibling of Roach, which is why roach is so comfortable around ghost. He's just used to it. If it's pure fluff or platonic that's completely fine, and if you don't wanna do that it's also fine!! I just thought I might as well shoot my shot :)
Your an amazing writer, have an awesome day <3
seeing double
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cw: canon-typical violence, breif (pun intended) mention of ghost having skeleton boxers (nothing like explicit though i dont even know if this needs to be mentioned tbh but better safe than sorry), ghost gets shot womp womp, angst w/ a happy ending, so many military inaccuracies, barely proofread :P
pairing: platonic!simon 'ghost' riley x f!reader, gary 'roach' sanderson & reader
characters: simon 'ghost' riley, gary 'roach' sanderson (price, gaz and soap mentioned v briefly!)
authors note: omg you are so sweet thank you so much!! sorry this took so long i've been so busy with things, i hope you don't mind that i got a bit silly with this one and basically wrote a fic in jot notes 😭 (ALSO ROACH MENTION!! I LOVE MY BBYG THANK YOU ANON <3)
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when you first met ghost he genuinely thought this was a joke. the balaclava, the whole death motif, your callsign being phantom which is literally synonymous with ghost, even your attitude was so eerily similar to him. it was like looking in a mirror
it didn't help when he tilted his head you mirrored your actions
i think he wouldn't gravitate immediately to you, it's not that he didn't like you he just felt a bit odd with how similar you two were, in all honesty he was probably slightly unnerved by you
soap and gaz definitely crack jokes about you being the second coming of ghost or something dumb like that
whenever anyone is referring to you and ghost and phantom it was always "the ghosts" or "ghost and girl ghost" which pissed you OFF
roach cant count all the times you have ranted to him about how everyone treats ghost like he came up with your whole aesthetic and you copied him when you have been doing this for YEARS before you even met ghost!
"and everyone acts like he invented skeletons and being legally dead! how self centered do you have to be to act like you invented skeleton iconography?! THEYRE SKELETONS. THATS LIKE BASIC HUMAN ANATOMY. and its always men taking the credit- god its so stupid! i did shit this first and how do i know that he isn't copying me huh?? did we ever think of that?? and ghost is such a basic ass fucking name like really. ghost? bet the only reason he wears that mask is to cover up his casper sized forehead."
roach knows that you're annoyed and you probably aren't trying to be super mean- maybe you don't even think ghosts forehead is casper sized! but hey, he isn't trying to argue while you look like you're about to rip someone's head off
instead he opts for calmly signing words of comfort lest you tear ghosts head off (with a few minor corrections)
"yes roach i know phantoms are pretty much the same as ghosts but that's not the point. you're basically my brother. you have to be on my side. that's how it works."
its good you and roach get along with each other. however, since you are just so similar with someone whos name starts with s and ends with imon "ghost" riley he becomes friends with roach quite easily and rants to him too
"she thinks shes so fookin crea'ive but you know wha? she isnt. bet ive been in SAS longer than her. wheres 'er skull tattoo at?? cause i got a whole sleeve done almost a decade ago! she isnt the first to come up wi' this. see, i get youre friends wi' 'er but truth is she di'nt come up wi' all o' this 'erself and she isn't half as dedicated as me. i even got skeleton boxers! she got those??- wait no dont answer tha' i dont wan' tha' image in my head."
for the first month or two whenever you see each other its clear you two do not get along.
roach tried to crack a joke but if anything it just made you hate ghost more
"hey, phantom. what's got two legs and bleeds?" "half a dog." you and ghost respond in unison
the rest of the day you dont even acknowledge each other. price makes a joke about how "you both are acting like you killed someone" which you mutter a small "oh im going to that's for sure" under your breath
safe to say you had a long rant to roach about how now not only is he stealing your whole persona, he's taking your jokes now too
you think roach would be torn between choosing sides but no this man loves every second of it. its so petty- so stupid he just needs to see how long you two idiots will keep butting heads
you mention how you were planning on getting a red mask? he's going up to ghost being like "hey, ghost did i ever tell you red is totally your colour? you know what actually? you should get a red mask!"
you both walk into the next briefing with your new masks and you couldn't be more pissed
to make matters worse you both are teamed up for the next mission. something about stopping a major arms dealer but ghost is the one getting his hands dirty. all you need to do is get into security, guide him through the complex enough for him to grab intel and leave
its simple. you've done it a billion times before, same with ghost. the first half goes fine. you both get in, he grabs the intel and is ready to head out, both of you speaking only when necessary.
minor issue- actually major issue, getting out wasn't as smooth. somehow ghost ended up shot right as he's notifying you that he's almost out. you hear the gunshot ring out, a grunt and scuffling.
"phantom to ghost. how copy."
your voice rings out, an eerie silence following after
"ghost. how copy."
you repeat again, this time earning a response
"m' alive. shot in the leg. bullet went clean through, makin a torniquet as we speak" he grunts back. you have never been happier to hear his stupid manchester accent "keep it that way."
if past you knew those four words directed at ghost would come out of your mouth, you're pretty sure you would've stolen a tank and driven it off a cliff immediately with ghost in it too probably
but now is not the time hotwiring a tank and locating a cliff would take too long anyways, you guide him out, occasionally telling him some stupid fun fact to make sure he's still there or just to keep him alert
"did you know that jellyfish have one hole for their mouth and asshole?" "these get more concerning the more you tell me." "most koalas have chlamydia." "alrigh', 'nuff of that. fun facts are s'pposed to be fun, you know that right?" "learning is fun."
this earns a chuckle from him which he quickly covers up with a cough
he makes it out alive, busted up that's for sure but alive nonetheless
you hook his arm over your shoulder, talking about everything and anything to keep him conscious. he's going to listen anyways so might as well make the most of it
"you're not as bad as i thought you'd be, 'specially for a copy cat." he says after you tell him yet another bizarre animal fact "i got a red mask first by the way" "piss off. this is why i don't compliment you" he rolls his eyes, for once not out of annoyance "i wear it better anyways." "sure, sure. believe what you want, but just know that i'm the cooler one." "you also are shit at making tourniquets" "so you finally admit that i'm cooler." no amount of eyerolling or snappy comebacks can hide your grin at this point. you silently thank your past self for choosing to wear a mask all the time "you're quite bold for someone who got shot in the leg"
once you two get back, practically everyone is surprised how all the deadly glares and colorful insults muttered under heavy sighs between you two have now been replaced with playful banter and empty threats with no murderous intent behind them
price heard you laughing with ghost followed up with you telling ghost "they will never find your body" which did scare the shit out of him but it made ghost laugh so hard he nearly pissed himself
price made sure to check that ghost was in fact alive for the next few days, just to make sure you were joking
when asked about it both of you just shrug and reply "trauma bonding."
roach, although disappointed with the absence of drama is glad to see two of the most special people in his life getting along bros just sad he cant be an instigator anymore
and as soon as ghost comes back from leave, he's got double the scary dog privileges he originally had
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 7 months
Idk if you've done it before but got any serenedy hcs?👉👈
Edit: this turned into a glorified fanfic but sssssssssshhuddup
. Luis is Like one of those dogs who are really massive but don’t realise they’re massive so they try to be lap dogs and all you can do is just sit there and accept it. You know the dogs right. Yeah that’s Luis to me; he’s tall and he’s lanky and he’s 95% limbs and he INSISTS on sitting on Leon’s lap or being the little spoon and Leon lets him every single time no matter how uncomfortable it is
. They’re both Transgender Capcom actually told me so but also I think it’d be hilarious if Leon was pre-top surgery when he went on that initial mission and first met Luis so when he tells him Luis is like “??????????????YOUVE BEEN RUNNING AROUND HIS ENTIRE TIME WITH A BINDER ON?????? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU??????????????”
. They take their t-shots together (Capcom told me so)
. Leon goes out of his way to find the specific and exact brand of cigarettes Luis likes even though they’re really expensive and hard to find (this isnt even a headcannon the brand of cigarettes he smokes in-game are E X P E N S I V E )
. Luis would ABSOLUTELY be disabled if he DID survive the knife to the back cuz speaking from a family members experience there is NO WAY he’d be walking again with a giant hole in his spine like that
. So when Luis first started using a wheelchair and moved in with Leon at first in the mornings when they’d both just get up and Leon would be getting ready for work, Luis would always ask Leon to crouch down so he could fix his suit collar, and for the first few times alone would wave him off (classic I-can-do-it-myself Leon) but after a couple times Luis explained that being able to help Leon even with something small like that gives him a sense of agency that he’s lost so Leon immediately apologised and now every morning it’s a habit for Leon to wake up, get his suit on, and crouch down in front of Luis to let him fix the collar up (and give him a kiss on the cheek)
. They both have really weird work scheduled so most of the time Luis will stay up in the labs until midnight meanwhile Leon has a super early start but their lunch breaks line up so that they get a few hours in the afternoon to spend together, and usually that just involves them sleeping away in their shared bed hdbehdbdhdnxhxn
. Leon is one to pick Luis up from the labs (because he’s the only one with a legal licence dhbshdbshdnd) and Luis usually finishes an hour or so earlier than him so he waits at the door for Leon like a little kid and he gets super excited every single time when he sees him in the doorway no matter how many times they’ve done this BDBSHDBDHD
. I’ve said rhis before and I’ll say it again. Luis sleeps starfish style. He has every limb thrown over Leon at all times and he always somehow ends up on the floor in the mornings
. Luis buys Leon new jackets all the time. Which like. Yknow. SOUNDS cute on paper. Except he’s using Leon’s credit card cuz he doesn’t have one HXNHWNWUSNSIZMS
. Leon keeps a photo of Luis in his pocket whenever he’s on missions. Yknow. For reasons.
. Leon brought Luis a brand new copy of Don Quixote when they first moved in and as a joke Luis asked Leon to read it to him but then it became a tradition every night except Leon is a REAAAAALLYYY slow reader and he has a BAAAAD reading voice like he struggles to get through a sentance out loud and Luis finds it SO so so endearing he encourages Leon to do it more often
. Luis is allergic to cats, and he’s also not much of a dog person (for obvious reasons) but he’d LOVE to have a pet of some kind someday
. Also I will keep spreading this propaganda but Luis IS A HORSE BOY LUIS IS A HORSE BOY AND HED LOVE TO TEACH LEON HOW TO RIDE
. Luis really likes feeding birds outside and it gives Leon an excuse to slow down and chill out so he does it with him whenever he can
. Also spreading my propaganda that Leon can’t cook. What did he eat before he met Luis? God knows. Chris found him raiding his fridge for pieces of cheese multiple times. Now Luis always makes sure to cook Leon a big nice breakfast and dinner no matter how much leon insists he doesn’t have to
. Also a self indulgent headcannon that Luis is a wee bit of an artist. He learnt how to do quick realistic sketches of anomalies during his time with Umbrella so every now and then when Leon’s off in his own world doing work at the table or just staring out the window Luis will do tiny lil sketches of him just to admire him. But he’d never admit that to leon he’s way too shy HCSHNESHSNHS
. Leon isn’t very good at audibly asking for attention or phsyical contact, so the two of them have come up with a system where Leon will wrap his arms around Luis’ waist or shoulders and Luis will immediately know that he wants a cuddle for whatever reason. He doesn’t pry, either; he knows that sometimes Leon just has Bad Days and needs some physical support and to feel wanted
. Leon pretends to not know how to smoke a joint just so Luis will teach him and baby him through it. He gets all clingy when he’s high ok
. I don’t think Luis would still be religious after a l l t h a t BDNEHENHEJS but I Imagine he still prays every now and then just for some comfort and he always asks Leon to sit with him while he does for some support
. Pulling this straight from my own fanfic but I think Luis would propose to Leon with one of his own rings BXNEHENEHENE and they would DEFINITELY get married with literally zero witnesses just for themselves too
. Luis forced Leon to get a car cuz he’s scared shitless of motorcycles
. Leon always helps massage Luis’ back whenever his pain is flaring up
. Leon is secretly a lot clingier than Luis and cries to himself whenever they have to be apart for whatever reason he is a big crybaby to M E
. Luis likes swimming cuz it helps his chronic pain and Leon sucks up his fear of big open waters for him HSHEHENEHDNDJ
. Luis is very very proud of his appearance and so him showing up all messy for Leon is a lil act of love <<33
. Also they accidentally steal each others clothes all the time and they look ridiculous
. Finally, this is FULLY self-Indulgent, but I do think Luis would wanna be a dad someday. Idk about Leon, but I think Luis still truly does look up to his Grandfather and wants to be the same kind of man he was and raise a kid of his own and see that kid grow and not have to abandon him the same way his Grandfather did (And I think Leon would share similar emotions too)
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yourlocalmechanism · 2 days
Ill be talking abit about my trans experience, first some facts:
-i only want top surgery, no bottom surgery or hormone therapy
-my name isnt legally changed, sadly. I currently habe a first and a second name(more to my name later)
-i use he/they/it- i try it/its out so it may be temporary ^^
-i dont have a binder or tape(i meed to buy myslef tape goddammit)
-i luckily dont suffer from voice dysphoria or body dysphoria; idc about my boobs(they are a tool for me when i cosplay female characters, i am good at really drawing the line between character and me). Also i just want my uterus gone cause periods SUCK.
Sooo.. my sister was abit sleptical at first, as i wasnt the "typical trans guy" ..which was kinda not very nice, like i felt mot taken serious. And her and my younger sister did amde clmments "thats not very masculine" when i wore make up or "feminkne" clothes- they meant it as a joke but its annoying. I5 went quite quick with my parents, they adjusted and accept. But i jsut say i use he/him (as kn german tehre aint a term for they/them and i dont think they would go with it/its). Now i did had my fair share of names whuch i am not proud lf. Yes one of my current names is from a podcast i like- but my family outright refuses to use it. They use a outdated name i dont use anymore(not my deadname) which is like...it could be worse yet it still hurts. I think they will onyl avvept a name that "i picked oit myself and that ksnt from a fictional character i like" and then my dad ks like "you dont know who you are really..." which is like..oh thanks, now i have a identity crisis, well done! Or when he said that (the topic was therapy) "adhd isnt your biggest problem, you dint know who you are right nwo, you are in a transition" and its like..thanks parents. Hwo will i ever KNOW a name i like if you refuse tl adapt?theres a reason why i dlnt share stuff that bothers me with them, they wouldnt understand...atleast they accept my pronouns. Butnalso, thus causes me to invalidate myself sometimes...yea its not great
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d10nsaint · 2 years
Includes: @sidra-29 / @lady-navier0357 /
@that-one-pretty-bitch / @rouecentric / @fuoon / @thotsposts / @u1tr4vio1ence / @dxmoness / @forbidden-sunlight / @honestly-oceanie / @jeweledflowers / @manicmagic1 / @meenasmagic / @dion-s-lawyer
Note:if you arent here,you’re probably a relatively new mutual or because this is part 1 (because theres a limit on the amount of dividers i can have.
@sidra-29 —
Shes the kind of one who always disapproves of our lovers..no matter how handsome, cute, loving, malewife, babygirl, submissive, dashing, gorgeous, stunning, and eye-catching they are.
yet,she is always single.Maybe because her standards are so high.
I feel like she can cook,and very very well.
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@that-one-pretty-bitch —
Can never keep a boyfriend
or a crush,for that matter
She also seems to be very influenced by others thoughts,kinda like the popular girl in the group.Gives Misa Amane vibes,except she doesn't go pining for men.The men do that for her (live laugh love her tbh)
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@rouecentric —
Has alot of weird friends(including me),and is like..the only normal one.I feel like all their friends would be like, “lets trash a house!” And they'd say, “Lets not trash a house!” And then proceed to explain all the legal factors
they may do that,but..isnt a total party pooper.Is very sweet.
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@fuoon —
Is the kind to stalk her crush in every way possible.Like,photos on the wall,blushing like crazy,eyes with hearts, all that.
Shes always looking at them,and her crush never notices.Like,shes batman or smth
Nonetheless, I just think that because she always likes my posts without fail.Its kinda crazy.
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@thotsposts —
shes like..the main character's best friend.Yk..the one whos a major simp but cant keep a man?
Yea.thats her.
jokes aside,shes the first to die in a horror movie
(gonna add the divider here later)
@forbidden-sunlight / @acuriousmoon —
Has the best life out of all of us.Its a fact.
Shes like..the yoo sangah of our group (why i chose that profile picture for her <3)
I mean,shes very encouraging,and knows when the lines are crossed for things.
She also is very good at giving and asking for advice!! No big ego to her<3
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@jeweledflowers —
She def is like the kid you’d think is high.Like.Shes super calm,and its kinda odd.
Is the definition of 'chill'.Listens to music while doing her hw.
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@manicmagic1 —
Theres no way she doesnt have a horrid temper
Anything bad happens, shes cursing and lashing out
Is a hard simp,though.
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@meenasmagic —
l know close to zero about her.
Infact, the reason why this post took so long to make was because i didnt know if she and @/manicmagic1 were the same person.
looks up to a bunch of people,and thinks they're amazing,but theyre just normal ppl.
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@dion-s-lawyer —
Shes a total sweetheart.
Like,her ice cream would fall off the cone,and she’d be the type to go, ‘awh man:(’ and actually look like she's about to cry.
Listens to classical music,unironically.
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alias-mike · 1 month
i would like to take this opportunity to tell everyone about this one time (recently. like within the last 3 months) where i made up an extraordinarily detailed transmasc headcanon for conner from cytus 2. details below cut
OK FIRST OF ALL. why does this guy have 7485382002 names. like i guess you can do that For Fun because you Want To but itd be more interesting if its bc hes trans and was trying out different names/likes multiple so he goes by multiple. its canon that his legal name is colin but he just. goes by conner online and sometimes irl. his alias is also R or rald and im Pretty Sure he got one of those bc sasha (the first person he met on the black market) was like "bro why are you doxxing yourself..... heres a fake name just tell ppl that instead". so bro is just colin/conner/rald/r depending on who hes talking to which is cool both as canon character building and meshes well with a trans headcanon! i too have different names depending on who im talking to just bc of the backstory of our relationship so. #relatable
the reason he easily passes as a cis man is bc his family is rich and he could get all of the gender affirming care he needs, plus he started hrt when he was like 12. side note, in my headcanon his father may be abusive but he isnt transphobic! like in a "no daughter of mine only gets 99 on the exam!!!" "im a boy" "no SON of mine only gets 99 on the exam!!!!" way yk. at the present day in the timeline he is 90% satisfied with his transition, the only thing hes missing is phalloplasty and the reason he hasnt gotten it yet is bc the recovery time is too long and hes got stuff to do (bros out in the wilderness most of the time exploring ruins and exposing history that the government tried to hide, he doesnt have time to make sure everything heals properly and doesnt get infected for 3 months. the only time hes properly recovered from surgery was when ARC kidnapped him for knowing too much and they needed to blow up his right side to do that, so they did sci fi surgery to give him permanent prostheses, which he did not consent to and also didnt want. <- thats canon btw, in my headcanon specifically after he was mad abt that he was also like "WDYM YOU DIDNT ALSO DO BOTTOM SURGERY WHILE YOU WERE THERE. WTF GUYS THATS THE ONLY SURGERY I WANT". also the reason he recovered properly instead of breaking out and running away at the first given opportunity is bc they offered him a job and he was like "hmm yes i shall use this chance to further pry into their secrets")
also hes one of those guys who are completely heterosexual but still makes gay jokes and flirts with men for the bit or something. it can get annoying when ppl do that irl but its actually characterization when this guy does it bc he just enjoys messing with people for no reason. everyone also hates him because of that
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77ngiez · 1 year
do tell abt the transfem shuichi hcs..
Ok so i think she is a beast with a Lot of internalized stuff (mostly pertaining to herself) and she bottled it up for a Looooooong time. a lot of her depression and self-hatred/self-doubt comes from the dysphoria stuff! she also has a bit of an irrational fear that being transfem will lose her her career (this isnt smth shes thought abt consciously bcs logically she knows its not true since kyouko is a trans woman detective & doing just fine).
she figures at out one day in her mid-20s when shes at home sick and she tries on one of kyoukos bras "as a joke" and then kyouko comes home to her "husband" sobbing for no discernible reason. so she walks her thru it both logically and emotionally (kyouko has experience w this bcs as previously mentioned shes a trans woman) and helps shuichi come to the realization that she is a Woman.
theyve been married for a couple of years but still havent legally changed their surnames bcs its kinda expensive and they already have lots of legal stuff in their jobs, they dont want more paperwork + they cant rlly decide who should take whose. but in the end, post girl-realization, shuichi decides to take kyoukos surname since she already has to do a name change anyway so why not kill 2 birds with one stone? her preferred name is shiho (like the prsk character lol) although she seriously considered shiori and ichika for a while.
she is soooo much happier once she transitions! shes like a whole new person shes happy she frolicks she skirt spinny. shes a lot more confident in herself and her skills. she also didnt think she wanted to have kids when she was still in the egg zone, but after realizing shes a woman shes like "actually i DO want to have kids! i just want to be a mom not a dad"
uhhh thats abt it :3
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rainbowpui · 7 days
bc i just saw a post about it.... as an autistic person theres something i have to say about "r-slur" discourse...
my feelings about "r-slur" discourse is that why is this the one slur that the affected population isnt allowed to reclaim? when i was working at starbucks they made us take a sensitivity training. the training gave examples of "unacceptable" behavior. in the example they used.... the first year i was there they SPECIFICALLY listed that it was an Autistic employee that was using the word about themself, and that this was still not allowed. the second year i got the training they SPECIFICALLY listed that it was an "intellectually disabled" employee that used the word about themself, and that this was still not allowed. why would they use THESE specific examples..... unless it obvious that a TON of the people who are supposedly being "protected" dont actually give a shit about that word being used. my other autistic coworker and i both commented on this bc we, as the "protected category", regularly violated this rule with eachother lol. why am * I * as the "protected category" not allowed to reclaim that word? because im too "stupid" to know better and need the ""normal"" people to tell me what i should or should not be offended by??? why is it only that word that i am not allowed to say but its allowed to call someone a moron?? i call myself a retard bc society still treats me like one. i am forced to choose between pursuing an official diagnoses and being able to get accommodations that i desperately need at times or being denied these accommodations bc i know that being officially diagnosed would mean that i can legally be paid less, that i can be denied the chance to adopt in the future, that i can be denied to right to immigrate to a number of countries. but if i bring this up i am told that CLEARLY i couldnt understand bc im not disabled "enough" to count. even though i understand the plight of """"low functioning"""" autistic people more than any non autistic person ever could. even though i have friends who have had brain injuries that joke about being "retarded" for similar reasons. i cant call myself a retard but the government sure as shit still treats me like one. society still treats me like one. but im told by the same people that belittle and insult me and hate me bc of my autism that they know better what i should be offended by. im not denying that there are some people that absolutely do NOT want to reclaim that word for themselves and i would never call them that. the "f-slur" is also a slur. there are gay men who absolutely do NOT want to reclaim the f-slur and i would never call them that. but clearly this website still is wayyyyy more accepting of the gays joking about being faggots than they are about autistic people being allowed to call themselves retard. i literally got salty anons about using that word about.... myself. tbh i feel like people focus way too much on these words as a way to virtue signal about how totally woke they are while doing absolutely NOTHING to actually materially improve the lives of the people they are claiming to protect. the "r slur" is like.... bottom tier in terms of the issues that i think are actually facing the intellectually disabled community.
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biipbop · 1 year
Ooooh how about the other P5 cast? Strikers and Royal included. In the Flower child au
Havent played strikers yet (I own it and will get to it soon I swear 😞)
The first time Ann hears about Akira knowing gas chamber is from Ryuji. So its no surprise that she thinks he's full of shit and Akira would 100% commit to the bit and never confirm it. Everyone else will similarly follow suit and also think Ryuji is trying really hard to convince them that not only does Akira totally know gas chambers on a personal level but tatsujun isnt just PR. Theyre married and are Akira's adopted parents. It gets to the point that Ann and Ryuji start arguing about it publically. It becomes a running joke among there classmates.
Most of their classmates are pretty ick about it (they dont really think positively of Ann Ryuji and akira as is so they joke about how the deliquent is really out here trying to convince everyone he's related to celebrities). Mishima on the other hand believed it the instant he was told:
Ryuji: *points to Akira* This guy is the love child of tatsujun from gas chamber
Mishima: *sideeying ryuji* reaaaaally?
Akira: *straight faced knowing he looks like he knows you know hes lying* yep.
It was enough for Mishima.
Futaba already knew. She found out while doing a bg check on Akira before he moved into the cafe. She also doesnt tell anyone bc she also thinks it's fucking hilarious that no one else knows.
Haru initially doesnt believe them but she once met Jun at a charity function when she was younger. He had tatsuya with him and she did get the impression that they actually were romantically together. One day she corners Akira to find out the truth but it very much goes similarly as it did with mishima (Akira confirms but is he *actually* confirming it or just messing around??) Haru is eventually able to get a crack in the facade when she tells him how he met the two before and how she thinks they might actually be together. How encouraging it was to see a queer couple who were so in love that they couldnt really hide it. Akira breaks and ends up sharing family photos with her.
If youve seen my flower child au comics theyre kinda inconsistent with how and when morgana and Akechi find out. Earlier comics had them knowing during the events of the game while my more recent comics have them finding out post game. But i think I prefer them knowing during game cause it just makes better sense for me timeline wise so....ignoreing my own comics I guess
Morgana would technically be told the same time as Ryuji except Morgana would have 0 context as to who tatsuya and jun are or even who gas chambers is. So from Morgana's perspective Ryuji thought Akira's dad (who morgana saw pictures of from when Akira was a kid) was a girl. (He will never let Ryuji forget this). Ryuji would later be talking about gas chambers with Ann and she would be the one to show morgana their music and recordings of interviews and live shows. Because theyre fully dressed like a v-kei band Morgana wont put 2 and 2 together until after he actually meets them.
Even though he would also do a background check on Akira, Akechi doesnt know that about who Akira's parents are. (Jun and tatsuya couldnt legally adopt Akira so technically Katsuya and Maya would be Akira's legal parents but everyone in sumaru knows bc Jun and Tatsuya never hid their relationship. Also all the members of Gas Chambers go by a stage name for privacy reasons)
Like Ryuji Akechi also grew up familar with Gas Chamber bc his mom was a fan (side note: I think both Ryuji and Akechi would have young moms who couldve been good friends). Akechi, gun to head, would never admit this to anyone especially not akira but Jun would be his gay awakening. Akira only finds this out after Akechi meets his parents. They dont break up over this but they get close to it. Akira would refuse to talk to his dads for a week when he finds out leaving his parents panicked bc their bby boy is big sad and might have broken up with his first bf but doesnt want their help. They stay together and all is good but lord help Akechi if he ever points out any similarities between Jun and Akira.
Yusuke has no fucking clue who Gas Chambers is. But when he meets Eikichi he will go to stalker level to get a chance to draw him. Luckily for him Eikichi finds out about the little weirdo thinking hes beautiful and is all about it. He keeps every piece Yusuke gives him and even has Yusuke's paintings in the family restaurant as well as his home.
Sorry this is rambly!
Edit: I forgot Sumire!! I'll be honest, I have no clue. I dont believe she would know who Gas Chambers is. Futaba would probably only know bc she's a gremlin and constantly online.
Sumire most likely would think Ryuji is trying to tease her and not believe him either. She would be with the squad when they go visit Akira and find out Ryuji didnt lie. Shed be glad that Futaba and Akira got the pleasure of their long con going through without failure.
Also the p2 squad will realize that the metaverse was a thing when they hear Morgana talk.
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