#for legal reasons this is a joke i do not care
cassandracain52 · 15 hours
My Batfamily piercing headcanons
(note: these are just my personal headcanons)
Dick: Has thought about getting a piercing but always ends up deciding against it because he doesn't like needles
Jason: Got his nose pierced when he was 14 and never told Bruce(don't ask how he hid it idk readers choice). Was pissed to find the hole had closed after his dip in the Lazarus pit, so he got it re-pierced but doesn't wear it often, usually just at night. And no of course it doesn't have anything to do with the fact he still hasn't told Bruce. Nope not at all
Tim: Got his left ear pierced when he was 15 because Steph told him a bunch of other skaterboarders were doing it and he ended up liking it. (she lied she just thought it would make Tim look hot. She was right) He doesn't wear it on patrol or for important meetings, but he still makes sure to wear it often enough to not let it close
Stephanie: Has both her ears pierced as well as a double helix piercing and a smiley piercing. She wants to get more but keeps changing her mind as to where.
Cass: Only has her ears pierced and that's only because Steph and Babs did it for her. Doesn't trust needles (see Batgirls #2)
Barbara: Has both ears pierced and got her belly button pierced when she was a teenager. Her belly button piercing ended up closing after she kept it out too long when recovering from getting shot and hasn't gotten around to getting it redone.
Duke: Has no piercings or a particular desire to change that fact, but he isn't really against the idea either. (Stephanie is determined to get that boy an eyebrow piercing because he would "totally own that look")
Damian: Went kinda crazy with it after Alfred died and he went off on his own. First Nika convinced him to get his eyebrow pierced and it just escalated from there. At present he has a grand total of 7 piercings with plans to get more. His piercings currently include his ear lobes, snake bites, his eyebrow, his nostril, and his septum. When Dick first saw him with all his piercings in he nearly passed out
Bruce: Had some wild teen years and got his ears, tongue, and septum pierced. Stopped wearing them when he traveled to train and they ended up closing. The only evidence they ever existed is a few stray paparazzi photos/videos and Alfred's word(he is sworn to secrecy)
Alfred: Everyone thinks the answer is a big fat "NO" as to if he's ever had a piercing but in reality he has had exactly One. When he was very young, before he met the Wayne's, he lost a bet and let an army buddy pierce his nose. A great deal of alcohol was also involved. He took it out after a few weeks when it got infected because the needle hadn't been sterilized and they were still out traveling around North Africa with little supplies. They never spoke of it again.
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sugarteeferz · 3 days
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🧪 beverlyyy-catsss reblogged dogfather5 5min ago
🐶 dogfather5
still my favorite picture of them
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🧪 beverlyyy-catsss Mutuals
u only post about ur dogs did u know that :3
🐶 dogfather5
username beverlyyy-CATSSS accuses DOGFATHER5 of posting too much about his dogs
i guess i shall stop
🧪 beverlyyy-catsss Mutuals
nah u should keep doing it, only reason to open this website at all
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🐶 dogfather5 reblogged jack56596898 5min ago
👩🏻‍🦰 tattlecrimer1 ✅ Follow
just posted a new article to the website 😁😁😁
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GAY OR EUROPEAN? The answer is so much worse
In this article we dig into the history of renowned psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter after recent cannibalism accusations...
👨🏿 jack56596898 ✅
Please get a real job.
#its the middle of pride month and she's posting THIS???
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🐶 dogfather5 reblogged frederick-baltimore 20min ago
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
I think cannibalism should be legalized. I've never understood why it's a crime. There's nothing immoral about it.
👩🏻‍🦰 tattlecrimer1 ✅ Follow
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
I'm fairly certain a tabloid journalist like you would find it rather easy to tell I don't actually think this.
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
aand there we have it everybody: schrodinger's asshole.
🌸 blooming-light Mutuals
I think he was making a weird joke...
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
pretty sure jokes are supposed to be funny.
🐶 dogfather5
but it was kinda funny
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🤓 the-man-mason reblogged 40min ago
🤓 the-man-mason ✅✅✅✅✅✅ Follow
psychiatrist currently handing me some weird ass drugs rn. LMAO. telling me to be careful. as if im a lightweight beta ffs?! these edibles aint shit
🤓 the-man-mason ✅✅✅✅✅✅ Follow
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🐶 dogfather5 reblogged cain-and-abel 45min ago
🦌 cain-and-abel Follow
this weird anonymous person has been stalking me for the past few months ever since i started posting abt being the ripper 🤣🤣🤣 bitches really be so fucking jealous
🦌 cain-and-abel Follow
#i have thoughts about this but thinking now i should probably stay quiet
@/dogfather5 wdym?? spill it out. or are you a pussy 🤣
🐶 dogfather5
no i'm deadass scared i might die
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🦌 cain-and-abel Follow 55min ago
😎 anonymous asked:
Did you actually copy my whole layout just now? Be serious.
hi """ripper"""
wtf i have no clue what ur talking about 🤣
it's just an aesthetic as kids these days call it. why so dense? 🤣
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📚 frederick-baltimore reblogged 2h ago
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
isn't it kinda weird that his name rhymes with cannibal
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
why is everyone collectively insulting me in the notes??? when i turn out to be right you all are gonna come to me with apologies 🙄🙄🙄
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🌸 blooming-light reblogged grahamprivate 3h ago
🐩 grahamprivate
been thinking some things lately
🌸 blooming-light Mutuals
This could mean so many different things I'm frankly scared to ask
🐩 grahamprivate
have u ever wondered if you weren't straight
🌸 blooming-light Mutuals
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🐩 grahamprivate reblogged beverlyyy-catsss 3h ago
🐩 grahamprivate
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🧪 beverlyyy-catsss Mutuals
hey dont be sad we'll all support you. i mean we already knew but still
🐩 grahamprivate
you WHAT
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🦌 countlecterviii reblogged dogfather5 3h ago
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
Happy Pride Month. Remember to stay safe and love each other.
👩🏻‍🦰 tattlecrimer1 ✅ Follow
when are you gonna address the murder allegations freak
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
I find it deeply concerning that you've been harrassing me particularly more often since June started, especially as a queer man myself. It's not giving the greatest of impressions.
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
who cares if you like sucking dick we're all fairly certain you feed human meat to your guests
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
Extremely disappointing to see you also partake in such behavior. I won't reply anymore.
🐶 dogfather5
youre gay???? or are you like half gay whatever thats called
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
Non-discriminating. ;)
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💋 divine-margot reblogged 5h ago
💋 divine-margot
i love kissing women
👤 mason57489265
💋 divine-margot
how many times do i need to block you before you stop annoying tf out of me was the attempted murder not enough to shut you up
💋 divine-margot
wait is this your way of coming out which one is it
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🐱 bibigail29 12h ago
i miss my mom
(0 notes)
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hannibal tumblr but its will's for you page
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tgmsunmontue · 2 days
From the top 1/? (WIP)
IceMav, (eventual) Explicit, (background Hangster who are already established). Set post-TGM. (No dead Ice obviously).
Featuring not-mistaken identities (where they (Ice and Mav) pretend to be in the dark for REASONS), Ice is Jake's Uncle Tom, Mav is Bradley's Dad, everyone knows everyone, (un)requited love, coming out as an older person, and a little bit of a circus-vibe where Ice has a horrible realization that this is indeed his circus and these are also his monkeys.
An AU where Mav married Carole and adopted Bradley to make things easier legally. A USNA Bradley who has been very careful to separate Dad/Pete from godfather/Maverick. They had an argument prior to TGM, but it was around Maverick being careless with his life (RE: Darkstar because Bradley got the call that Maverick was missing, presumed dead). So it was about risk taking and thinking while flying, so that was happening and Bradley admits to the Dagger Squadron that Maverick is his godfather and they have a ‘complicated relationship’ which isn’t a lie per se, however it’s… complicated.
                He and Bradley haven’t reached the stage yet where they’ve met any of each other’s family. They haven’t even introduced each other to their friends as boyfriends yet, and their circle of friends overlap. And he’s okay with that. More than okay actually. Doesn’t quite know how he’d broach the whole by the way I’m sort of related to the COMPACFLT through my mom conversation. He’s close with Tom now, closer than he is to any of his mom’s other cousins that’s for sure. Idolized him when he was young, and now also holds a deep-rooted respect and affection for the man. It had also helped knowing he had someone to look to as a role model, someone who was gay in the Navy and got so high up no-one could do anything to him now. Jake wanted that. Badly.
                But he also kind of wants his Uncle Tom to be happy. Although, hell, for all he knew he could have had a secret lover all these years. If anyone could keep it hidden it’s Uncle Tom, face quiet and impassive, unmoving and unflinching. He’d really hoped for a callsign half as cool as Iceman, and even if Uncle Tom jokes that he does have a literal half with man, he wishes he didn’t have the connotations of Hangman, even if it’s because of fucking song lyrics he was forever quoting and now twisted into something that make people assume things before they even know him.
                Not that he really has that problem now, with the Dagger Squadron being made a permanent detachment and with them all knowing each other so well now. They know he’s got their backs when it actually comes down to it. And he likes being based where his Uncle Tom is, because while he’s meant to be based in Hawaii they’ve made some concessions due to his cancer treatment. He knows their entire family is grateful, not least his Aunty Sarah. God, he knows it’s the high of surviving a literal suicide mission but life feels so good right now. He’s expecting Bradley to turn up any minute, they’ve got plans for dinner and a movie and then sex, not necessarily in that order.
                When he opens his door and Rooster is there, he can’t help the little happy swoop his insides do and he lets Bradley kiss him hello.
                “Hi. How are you?”
                “Good. Little annoyed… my dad is talking about getting back together with an ex…”
                “Is this the ex you like, or don’t like?”
                “You can safely bet money that it’s nearly always an ex I don’t like. I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship with anyone I’ve actually liked… shit that’s depressing.”
                “Maybe you just have really high standards for him?”
                “You mean unlike for myself, where my standards are really low?”
                They end up play-wrestling which quickly morphs into not-play making-out and yeah, the sex comes before dinner but he was sort of banking on that, making food that would be perfectly fine just staying warm in the oven. They end up curled around each other on the sofa, queuing up a movie and Jake asks about his day. Listens as Bradley talks about going out to Maverick’s hangar to work on the plane, having lunch with his dad and he wonders if Maverick has met Bradley’s step-dad. Obviously he must have, he’s been around even longer, although it must be weird to have two people called Pete wandering around, he guesses that’s why Bradley calls Maverick Maverick, and his step-dad dad. Stops the confusion.
                He knows Maverick and Bradley had a falling out of some sort, they’d been very angry with each other. He figured out that Maverick flew with Bradley’s dad, was the pilot when his dad died, and he’d thought it had been that. But then Bradley had dropped the bombshell that Maverick was his godfather and they’d had a fight over something he can’t talk about, but they would be fine. So Jake hasn’t pushed wanting to also hang out with Maverick, because when Bradley talks about the P-51 and the hangar his fingers itch but he gets Bradley wanting to mend bridges with his godfather.
                More than that though he wants to meet Bradley’s step-dad, doesn’t understand Bradley’s reticence about introducing them. It’s not like he’s going to care. But they’ve only been doing this, whatever it is, for a couple of weeks, which he guesses is early days, but with everything they’ve gone through in the last couple of months it also feels like several lifetimes. Then again, he’s in no rush to introduce Bradley to Uncle Tom, so maybe it’s for the best they wait a few weeks. Or months.
                “You still thinking about your dad?”
                “Yeah. I just need to get him seeing someone else. Anyone to take his mind off getting back with Georgia. Or any of his exes for that matter. Georgia especially is… well. I have no idea what she gets out of sleeping with Dad. She’s anti military for a start.”
                “The fact that she gets to sleep with him?”
                “Ew, gross…”
                “Maybe she thinks she can convert him to a non-military life one blowjob at a time…”
                “You could try that on me you know, see if you can convince me to do something with a blowjob…”
                “Don’t think I need the promise of a bj to convince you to do anything,” Jake says with a grin. “You know, my uncle Tom is gay, maybe we could set them up? Well, assuming your dad swings both ways?”
                “Huh. Yeah… He does. Keeps that pretty much on the down-low, very much on a need to know basis. Pretty sure I only know because I saw him trying to sneak a guy out when I was seventeen. Did make me feel safer about coming out to him myself though.”
…            …            …
                “Jake, I am not installing Grindr on my phone, work, personal or otherwise.”
                “Thought you might say that, so I bought you a burner. Well, please don’t actually burn it, but you know what I mean.”
                “Jake…” Tom lets out an exasperated sigh. “I wouldn’t burn it. I know what a burner is. I’m not an idiot. I just don’t want to go on a date…”
                “Okay, so you don’t actually have to go on a date. All my cards on the table. I’m using the app to introduce you to the step-dad of my… uh, a friend.”
                “A friend huh? Is this the same friend you won’t introduce to the family?”
                “Yes. The exact one. Anyway, I just want you to send him a couple of messages. Let’s say ten messages. After that you can go back to ignoring it, remove the battery from the phone and pretend it never happened. Okay?”
                “Will you let it go if I do this?”
                “I mean… yeah. I hope you make a friend or something, but he’s military as well, so you guys have something in common at least…”
                “Fine. But I want the name of your friend.”
                “No! You’ll just look him up.”
                “He’s Navy?”
                “He is! Good job.”
…            …            …
                “Bradley! Why is Grindr amongst my recently installed apps!”
                “I’m setting you up!” Bradley calls out, grabbing two beers to go with their takeout Chinese.
                “I don’t need setting up. I can find my own dates. I don’t need an app!”
                “Yes, you do. You can’t get back with Georgia just because you’re lonely. Look, I’m not going to make you swipe through dick-pics…”
                “Maybe I want to swipe through dick-pics!”
                “Mav, be serious! You just said you didn’t want the app!”
                “Seriously? You’re the one that installed Grindr on my phone.”
                “God, maybe this was an awful idea.”
                “Yeah, you think?”
                “Okay, give me a second,” Bradley mutters, rolling his eyes and pulling his own from his pocket and thumbing into his contacts.
                “Hi… how’s it going?” Jake asks, voice quiet, and he must still be at his Uncle’s house.
                “Not well. You think we can maybe just set them up with an app that blocks their numbers and then just let them talk that way?”
                “Can’t hurt to try… your dad resisting the Grindr approach too huh?”
                “So much. And I get it, HE’S REALLY OLD,” Bradley says, raising his voice while looking Mav dead in the eye.
                “Hey! I heard that!”
                “You were meant to!”
                He ignores the glare Mav shoots him and pokes his tongue out at the back of his head as he walks away.
                “Okay, let’s see what we can find. I’ll message you and let you know.”
                “Sure thing.”
                Fifteen minutes later Jake has sent him the information, an end-to-end encrypted messaging app, one which hides the number of the phone sending the message. It’s silent and has to be manually opened to check for notifications, which is very old-school but means there’s no potential odd sounding pings. The icon is a mundane looking tower symbol and he guesses that could mean anything.
                “Okay Mav – you need to give this guy a chance okay? Please?”
                “What’s in it for me?”
                “I will stop bothering you about… uh… your love life for six months?”
                “No deal. I want to meet the guy you just rang. Who’s he in all this?”
                “Uh… I guess he’s my boyfriend.”
                “Ooohhh… it’s new huh? You’re in that new loved-up stage where you want everyone around you to be in the same stage.”
                “Uh, I mean we’ve known each other for years, but we’ve recently… come to an arrangement.”
                “Is it boyfriends or friends with benefits?”
                “Well, we weren’t exactly friends before, so definitely closer to boyfriends I guess,” Bradley says, carefully skirting the fact that Mav actually already knows Jake quite well.
                “Great. I’ll send what, ten messages to this guy and then I get to meet your guy in two weeks.”
                “No! Three months. And twenty messages.”
                “You realize you can’t force me to do anything right? You have no bargaining power here?”
                “I know, but… for me?”
                “Ugh… sad cow eyes. Fine fine, put them away. I’ll message the guy. But I do want to meet your guy when you feel the timing is right.”
                “Yeah, of course.”
                God he hopes this works because he has no idea if Mav will like the fact he’s with Jake or not.
…            …            …
                They meet up every week when they’re both in the same place, and it’s been a treat these last few months, but also a trial. Usually the distance has been a unintended blessing, making his unfortunate case of unrequited love easier to ignore. When he was younger he’d thought it was just a crush, that it would just… fade away. Instead the opposite has happened, time and distance have hardened and solidified similar to how pressure and temperature turn limestone into marble his love for Maverick is a solid and unmoving object that is ever present. Every time Mav walks through his front door he has to fight the urge to enfold him in his arms and just hold him. Every time.
                “Did you ever want kids of your own?” Pete asks and Tom startles, looks across at him.
                “No. I have nieces and nephews and cousin’s kids coming out my ears. They’re enough trouble to be getting on with, without adding my own genes to the mix. Wasn’t ever going to happen anyway,” he tacks on, and he wonders if this, today, this moment, will be the time it twigs and Mav will ask what he means.
                “Too much trouble by half. Do you know what Bradley did the other day? Installed a dating app on my phone.”
                “What? Why would he do that?”
                “He thought I was considering getting back with Georgia for some reason.”
                “And you’re not?”
                “No. Anyway, he’s trying to set me up with someone. At least you don’t have to worry about that.”
                “You’d be surprised. My cousins kid bought me a phone, a burner phone, with a dating app installed on it.”
                “Oh yeah? Which one?”
                Tom swallows.
                No more subtle hints.
                It’s now or never.
                He didn’t purposely wait for Mav to have a sip of his drink, but he still sprays it out across the coffee table, eyes bugging out and he can’t seem to look Tom in the eye and he feels his stomach start to sink.
                “You… ah… you know that app is for gay guys right?”
                “I’m aware.”
                Pete just stares at him and he wonders if this is it. The moment his best friend just gets up and walks out of his life.
                “You never told me.”
                “You never asked.”
                “Yeah well, there was a whole thing about not asking and not telling until about ten years ago so… sorry if I thought you’d have maybe mentioned it. Or at least… alluded to it.”
                “I did Pete. With something called subtlety. I know it’s not your strong suit, but I tried to leave it there in the open for you to pick up on. I’m only just… getting to the grips with the idea of being more out.”
                “Okay. Uh. Does anyone else know?”
                Tom snorts.
                “Yeah, my whole family for a start. Had to get them to stop trying to marry me off. Slider of course.”
                “Why of course? Why Slider?”
                “He’s known me for a very long time.”
                “I’ve known you for a long time.”
                He doesn’t want to mention that Slider figured it out, because he’s had to learn to be subtle, and his weak point has and will always be the man in front of him. And he can never let him know. Still, Mav sounds annoyed.
                “Slider figured it out. He’s too perceptive for his own good,” Tom mutters, because he’s also the one person who knows about his lifelong torch bearing.
                “Huh. Okay.”
…            …            …
                Tom locks the house up, Mav having left to go home after Tom had soundly beaten him at chess. He knows it isn’t one of Mav’s favorite games, that he really only plays to humor Tom and give them something to do while they talk… his brain is catching on something and it’s going to bother him until he figures it out. Pete. Playing chess simply to spend more time with him...
                He stops.
                Pete had said Bradley had installed a dating app on his phone.
                Within a day of Jake giving him a phone with Grindr installed, which quickly morphed to a simple encrypted messaging service.
                He’s learnt to not ignore his gut and this is deeply suspicious with the coincidence.
                He wonders if Jake and Bradley are dating. The idea of that makes him smile, even if it’ll cause an administrative nightmare. He knows they know each other, they’re part of the same squadron and there are rules, however it wouldn’t surprise him at all if both Bradley and Jake decided that that particular rule was for other people.
                He suddenly needs to know which app it is exactly that Bradley installed and he has his phone in his hand ringing him before he even considers the time of night, or where Bradley might be right now.
                “Hey Uncle Ice… Everything okay?”
                “Hey Bradley. Sorry for the late call, Just, uh, Mav mentioned you installed a dating app on his phone. You mind telling me which one it was?”
                “Uh… Grindr. Why?”
                “Oh. No reason. Just curious Thanks. Have a good night.”
                Why would Bradley install Grindr.
                Maverick’s not gay.
                To his knowledge Maverick isn’t even bisexual. Or anything else that might imply he’s anything other than overwhelmingly heterosexual.
                Maverick didn’t say anything tonight when he learnt about Tom’s own sexuality.
                Maybe Bradley knows something Tom doesn’t.
                Scratch that.
                Bradley definitely knows something Tom doesn’t.
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himbohargreeves · 4 months
girl help the private accounts on Instagram are telling me to die 😭😭
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imaginmatrix · 10 months
“Percy Jackson would be a marine biologist” “no he’d be a fireman” “no he’d drop out of school” “no he’d—“
Everyone be quiet that man got his degree in social work and specializes in advocating for children with learning disabilities and rough home lives while scoping out potential demigods. He’s not gonna let any child, whether they’re mortal and dealing with a Gabe or half-god and dealing with monsters, feel like he did.
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brjeauregard · 8 months
Some of you want your favorite characters to have a happy ending, I want my favorite characters to make questionable choices and face the consequences of their actions. We are not the same
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you ever just wanna like. idk? kill everyone in a position of power and authority?? lol
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feline-evil · 3 months
I can't think of anything that could kill a generative ai system faster than letting it pull from blogs on here, its going to be fed so many erroneous callouts and pointless discourse posts that its gonna generate a way to speedrun offing itself
#jay talkin#im making jokes but fucking hell the internet sucks nowadays#i love witnessing the rot in real time (<--said extremely mentally healthily haha u can trust)#im listening to monkey wrench on repeat. feeling normal#i mean hey yr shits already been jacked by ai if it was gonna be. sorry. it woulda happened like last year at its peak#sites being more open abt it now and adding opt out toggles dont mean its just suddenly gonna start happening#believe me they were all already trawled by little ai fucknuts already. sucks but its the truth#ai bros notably do not care abt legality they have already trawled every site. all u can do is fight back best u can#damage has been done. dont fall into despair via scaremongering and doom posting#do what u can to protect yrself and yr shit snd spread info on how to do that#glaze yr art if yr an artist. opt out of shit when u can. its fucking rough out here#ai is p solely focused on ripping off whatever is most marketable or 'realistic' bc it is a capitalist leach#and nobody involved in it has a soul enough to recognise art if it spat in their face#it fucking sucks that we're still dealing w it but i promise u this capitalist mass-market tendency#is gonna end up w it poisoning itself w its own shite imagery to the point of death so#it WILL fuck off eventually. hold on w the hope of that ok. n protect yr shit. alright#oh and dont share any info u wldnt want stolen but u shldnt be doing that anyway for internet safety reasons#love u all my artists in arms i hope ai dies sooner rather than later and i hope u get to piss on its corpse#love the lawsuit speedruns this place is pulling lately. yall hadnt had yr fill last week huh
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mintjeru · 2 years
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one year ago on this day, a friend dm’ed me saying they had “fallen into the hellhole that is chiluc” i asked them to send me a couple of fics bc i thought the dynamic would be funny, and as you can see from the state of my blog, i have not known peace ever since
this is nothing short of a love letter to “And thinking of someone for whom he still burns” by faugan on ao3, the fic that singlehandedly converted me to chilucism and quite literally changed my life (link in reblog)
open for better quality | no reposts | ID under the cut
[Image description: Three drawings based on a Chiluc fic. The first drawing is of Diluc at the back of his winery, gazing at the sky nail at the top of Dragonspine. The background, which includes trees, cliffs, and Dragonspine, is the focus. The sky nail glows bluish in the distance. Diluc stands with his back turned and figure lit by the soft moonlight.
The second shows Diluc post elemental burst, his swinging arm extended to the side with his Wolf’s Gravestone glowing with fire. His phoenix flies forwards towards Childe, who barely dodges to the side. The pair are fighting on a stone path in the ruins by the Thousand Winds Temple, lit by moon and firelight.
The third is a comic with two scenes. Childe and Diluc stand atop Dragonspine at sunset. In the first scene, Childe looks back at Diluc with reddened cheeks and a smile, saying “I always do what I want. What about you?” In the second scene, Diluc stares at him speechlessly, his eyes wide and cheeks red as well, as if he has just realized something very important.]
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didthekingdieyet · 2 years
What do u think ull do if like the MI6 puts u on a watchlist or tries to interrogate u or smthn if a royal gets murked or is threatened or smthn
i would laugh SO fucking hard.
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countercharmd · 3 months
thinking about original canon for ren and had the spicy take of 'only writing with ocs' for like two seconds
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diedraechin · 2 years
Since for some today is a day of thanks, I thought I should offer up a preview of Yuuri's birthday ficlet as 1) thanks for all the support and patience you've given me in my writing and 🥰🥰 2) because we all know that Yuuri is going to end up on a pole and that is something we should be thankful for as well. 😂
Go Baby Go Go
Chris finally came back from outside and collapsed into the faux leather chair across the small table from Viktor. “Yeah, he’s lost.” Chris shook his head. “How can he get around Japan with his nose in his phone, but manage to get lost in New York?” Chris asked.
Viktor hummed. It wasn’t like Yuuri to get lost at all, and he was worried. “Maybe I should go and call him.”
But Chris grabbed his arm and shook his head. “No! No! You are not abandoning me to go and call your boyfriend. I literally just got off the phone with him. He’ll get here when he gets here. Not only is he an adult, but he was already hailing a cab when I hung up with him, all right?” Chris pulled his hand away and looked around the club that had been steadily getting more and more crowded since they’d arrived fifteen minutes ago. “Where’s Rafe? How is anyone supposed to see in this lighting?”
In his pocket, Viktor’s phone vibrated and he took it out to check his messages, hoping it was Yuuri.
💖💖 Yura 💖💖 Sorry Sure Chris told you but I got lost In a cab now [img selfie of Yuuri in a cab blowing a kiss] Be there asap Have fun
Viktor Be safe! See you soon! 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Viktor looked up from his phone, relaxing a bit having heard from Yuuri, and settled back in his seat. “I have no idea. He was going to get us drinks. Personally, I’m glad the lights are low. Could you imagine if they had blacklights?” He shuddered.
Chris snickered. “Oh, that would be something, wouldn’t it?” He looked over at Viktor. “So did you tell Yuuri that we were going to a strip club?”
Viktor shook his head, his bangs falling into his eyes. “No! I told him it was a charity drag show, and it is! It’s just being hosted here.” Viktor waved his hand around the club. Technically, the club wasn’t a strip club in the purest — or would it be prurient — sense, but it did have stripping once a week, a burlesque or drag show, and then  pole dancers — of both genders — rounding out the rest of the week. Which explained why there was a pole at the end of the stage catwalk right in front of them. “Besides, you’re the one who told me about it. So really, this was your idea, so you should have been the one to tell Yuuri.” Viktor said.
Rafe came back and settled into the last of the chairs and set their glasses on the table. “Went with the Gay and Tonics.” The former ice dancer shook his head. “Why did they feel the need to rename gin and tonics for the night and to something so… unimaginative while charging more for them?”
“For the giggles,” Chris said, lifting a glass to his lips.
Viktor took a sip of his own and then looked around once again. The club was definitely getting crowded, and he hoped that Yuuri would be able to find them when he eventually arrived. “Where is Yura supposed to sit?”
“On your lap?” Chris laughed.
Rafe, however, reached out and patted Viktor’s arm. “We’ll figure something out. If you don’t want Yuuri on your lap, I’m happy to offer mine, and I’m sure that Chris wouldn’t mind him sitting on his either.”
Viktor spluttered and then frowned as his friends laughed at him. “That wasn’t funny! I was being serious!”
With a grin, Chris replied. “So were we.”
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I’ll never forgive the people who called me a bigot for saying I don’t feel safe around any male regardless of what they look like or how they may individually face other kinds of oppression, and called me delusional for not being able to “get over” my r*pe enough to allow males who aren’t my direct family into my life. I’d say fuck them but I actually don’t wish violent sex on anyone no matter how much they hate me.
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Tom is like if someone chewed up both Logan and Connor and spat it out actually
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heich0e · 1 year
no more girl dad/boy dad discourse. stop this lateral violence. lay down your arms and join together under our shared calling. we’re all on the same side of this war
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aa-400 · 1 year
me ignoring how the king in yellow is definitely cruel and malicious with my whole chest: arthur holding john and yellow to uniquely human standards and punishing/being angry with them when they fail to meet those standards is kinda shitty and he should do more to consider where they come from or at least remember that they aren't human, actually, and haven't lived whole human lives in a human society.
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