#fortunately however i am real so that won’t be happening
gobbluthbutagirl · 2 years
favorite lead at my job happened to come into the break room while i had my mask off today and he mentioned he had NEVER seen my whole face before. which is like. i have literally broken down crying in front of this man before and you’re telling me i didn’t take my mask off. Yeah that does sound like me
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hanihaato · 7 months
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a/n: jealousy themes, yandere sunday x reader, mentions of abduction, incapacitation, drabble
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Your artistic silence is broken with a snap of fingers and a question.
“Now, who is that man?”
Before the vision disappears, you have a split second to admire your efforts. Your skills have improved over the last three hours where Sunday had left your dreamscape to attend to some urgent and questionable matters.
This time, you have delved into the concept of imaginary creations that followed your newfound belief that even in this kind of twisted dream, deliberately manipulated by Sunday, you could still treat it like… a dream.
Do wonders. Keep yourself occupied to take care of your sanity.
The man you’ve created doesn’t have a name as you don’t recognize him. Maybe he was your own creation, or maybe he was one of the countless tourists at Reverie Hotel whose face you’ve been fortunate to remember. He would have made for a much more entertaining company than Sunday is, especially as he presses his lips into a thin line and looks disappointed in you.
“A secret boyfriend. We were planning to elope tonight, before you…” The story cuts short, as Sunday closes his eyes and sighs heavily, as if dealing with a troublesome kid. You take the warning and end your joke here, but because you know you have the privilege to as his beloved, you pout at him. “Alright. I was bored. Happy now? I thought you said I can do whatever I want here. Well, you keep calling it my dreamscape, after all.”
Sunday sits you down on a sofa that materializes within a blink of an eye. It’s another reminder you’re not in Penacony; there, nothing like that could happen, as it’s a dream with rules you are bound to obey. But at least there, you could understand its mechanism as it was created to mimic the real world.
‘Your’ dreamscape was solely ruled by Sunday’s whims.
You fall on a stack of heavenly puffy cushions, with his arm draped around your waist.
“Dearest. It’s our dream. This fantasy wouldn’t exist without any of us,” Sunday promptly corrects you and smiles gently at your irate gaze. “Believe me, I wholeheartedly would love to give you a fair share of power over this place, but it would be a bit dangerous to someone not practised in lucid dreaming.”
If you didn’t exceed his tolerance for defiance for today, you would have hit him with one of the pillows. Instead, you sink yourself deeper into them.
“Alright, then… What do I have to do to be classified as experienced? As far as I am aware, spending a whole three months in a dream should have made me an expert.”
“That’s a lovely conclusion. But does spending time in a library make you able to get a degree in every subject that’s written in the books?”
The question silences you. The break is long enough for Sunday to design your surroundings: a coffee table that matches the times, a porcelain tea set with golden details and some infusion with fascinating taste. They go with a tray of cookies and little sandwiches, as well as a bowl of fruits and nuts that would taste better if they were real.
However, you have to do with what you have on your hands.
You bite into a biscuit. “Then, what should I do? To be adept enough, that is.”
“There are many other requirements…” He falls into a reverie, and just as you think he closes the topic—you’ve been willing to give it up at this point, solely for the quiet to continue—Sunday speaks again. “If you can wake up on your own or overwrite any of the aspects of this dream, for example, gravity, I will consider giving you a little more power here.”
So, he’s asking you for the impossible.
“…I won’t be wiping myself out only for you to ‘consider’.”
Sunday takes a sip of tea. The porcelain can’t hide a tenderish smile, but the unexplainable gleam in his eyes is exposed.
“There is always a shortcut.”
“That doesn’t, um, doom me for eternity?”
“Yes. If I have a say in this, it’s a very delightful one.” And after the next sentence, you know why he’s so engaged in this discussion. “Marrying me.”
Sighing, you cross your arms and shake off Sunday’s arm from your shoulder. “I thought you hated liars.”
“Which part of what I said do you consider a lie?”
You ignore him and get up from the sofa, heading towards the big door. Sunday might have changed the look of the place, but the layout always remains the same. Behind that door, you will find a short hall that leads to several other rooms that don’t have Sunday in them and so are preferred.
“I don’t want to talk (to you) anymore, sorry,” you mutter out the apology just to defend yourself if Sunday was going to accuse you of being rude. “I am going to daydream—dreamdream?—about, I guess, men, if I can’t have anyone here. Goodbye.”
You reach for the pair of doors and find them uncharacteristically too heavy. You try to open the door, but just then a big silver chain crosses over their handles, a small lock appears, but you don’t have time to notice the details as you find yourself staring into a plain wall.
“Now, no need to rush,” Sunday purrs, and you turn around to see your beloved doors behind his back. “Would you like to play a round or two with me? I think we could have a wonderful conversation about how to pry the imaginary door locks and who are the people you’ve been thinking about so much.” He smiles. “All with names and examples. There shouldn’t be any secrets between us, isn’t that so?”
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tmntstorycomp · 23 days
All the Comp Writing that was behind Puzzles
Hi hi! I realized if you followed the blog but weren't in the discord then you may have missed some of the hidden hints and clues that we had. Here you go!
The Notes:
From Raph
Hey Mikester,
I just wanted to reach out and see how you were doing! I know it’s been a rough past couple of weeks, being alone again probably isn’t all that fun.. But you’re welcome to we want you to come home. 
We want to support you right now, even if you’d rather be alone but..
You can’t do it alone. And we want to help. Come home, Mikey.
Sinserly sinceraly Love, your big brother Raph
From Leo
You need to answer my texts, I should not have to send you notes via portal. BUT. I am trying to respect your space because you are my little brother and I love you. 
As someone who has had my fair share of awful break ups: You didn’t need her. There are plenty of.. Fish in the er… Yeah. 
Listen, my point is that moping around alone is only going to make you feel worse. Come home and we can mope together.
Your favorite brother, Leo
From Donnie
Salutations, Angelo. 
It has come to my attention that you are in need of help, and fortunately for you, I am more than willing to help. 
I have already taken it upon myself to research the best online courses I can find, cross referencing them with affordability- not that we need to worry about that. Your old room is just the way we left it, and I’m sure we can expand it for your expanded inventory. But of course, we can’t do that until you come home. 
I expect a swift reply. 
Sincerely, Donatello.
From April
Hey Mikey!
It’s been awhile! But I heard what happened. I get it. And it can’t be easy raising a little one on your own. You know, my cousin had a baby recently, and I’ve gotten real good at taking care of that! 
And you need a break. Come on, I want to see the little one. It’s been far too long and who knows how big they are! And! I’ll get pizza on my way over, does that sound like a deal?
I miss you Angie, and I’m bringing toys for your kid. 
Love you, April
From Splinter
If you do not bring young Masaccio back to the lair, there will be dire consequences. DIRE. I will not die not knowing my little grand baby!
And we can have tea. I hope you will tell me all that troubles you, my son. 
Forever, your father. 
The Letters:
To Massy
Dear Masaccio,
I bet you have a lot of questions. And many of them I don’t have answers to. I wish I could explain everything to you.
I wish I could have been better for you.
But you’ll come to find out that taking care of someone else is.. well, it’s a big responsibility. One that you have to be prepared for in order to give them the best chances. And I want you to have the best chances you can have. 
I can’t give that to you. 
I wasn’t prepared for the toll that having you would have on me. And I can’t be your caretaker any more. I’m not strong enough for you, and I understand if that leaves you angry with me. 
You deserve to be angry with me.
But it’s important you understand. I may dislike being your parent, but I have always loved you.
You probably won’t remember, but as I’m writing you this letter, I have you curled up in my tail. We had spent the entire day together. You were practically bouncing off the walls, my little frog. You have so much energy, just like your father. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up! 
Today, you learned how to finger paint. Daddy sat with you the entire time, he said you had the magic touch, just like him. You smeared paint across the table and the pages and the carpet. You were having fun and your laughter was infectious.
I’m trying not to laugh now at how happy you looked with splotches of red, green, and blue every which way. I remember making daddy swear he would clean it all up..
But then his brothers called. You know how daddy is a hero. He’s always out there keeping our city safe. But, with daddy gone, it was just you and me.
You fought the bath, you fought dinner, you wanted him. And I wasn’t him. 
Maybe you remember then… how I raised my voice. I shouted at you to behave and you looked… so sad.
I’m so very sorry Massy, I should have never raised my voice, I should’ve never said those things to you. But I can’t promise it won’t happen again. 
Like I wrote, I’m not prepared for a wonderful child like you. And because of that, I need to go before I deal any more damage to you. 
You cried yourself to sleep because of what I did, because I couldn’t bring myself to hold you and wipe your tears. Daddy’s home now, and he’ll be there when I’m gone.
I believe in the turtle you can become, Masaccio.
To Mikey
Dear Michelangelo,
This isn’t how I wanted to do this, he’s only just a kid. I look at him now and wonder how I was silly enough to let these years pass me by. He’s so little now, his eyes are so full of light that sometimes it’s hard to peer into them.
Sometimes, it stings. But even now as I write this, I have him curled around my tail and you’re fast asleep. He’s almost cute. But then I remember the tantrum that I battled just to get him here. Just to get him to stay quiet so I have a few moments of peace and suddenly he’s not the cute toddler that I had hoped. He’s a screeching monster of tears and snot.
And I love him. I love him so much. But Michelangelo, he’s not mine to love. He’s not my baby. I can’t be here to raise him. 
And I’m sorry.
But I can’t do more. You keep saying that if we just push through it then we will come out the other side but the further I push the deeper into the earth I feel.
I shouldn’t have allowed this to go so far, but you were so happy. 
Do you remember the night we met? 
It was raining in New York. I was just freshly mutated, I didn’t know where I was going. I didn’t know who I was anymore. I’d heard stories of mutants in New York for years by then but I guess I never believed them. I was squatted underneath a bunch of cardboard and you…
I still smile thinking about the way you fell into my life. You said you’d been dancing on the rooftops and slipped.
Dancing, while the city around you was nothing but gloom, you danced until you came tumbling into my life.
We were so happy. I was happy. And I found the place where I belonged in your arms and everything was fine. 
Late nights staying up, playing with the soft strands of hair along your scalp as you showed off drawing after drawing. Taking in the soft glow of the candles every which way. We were in our very own slice of heaven. Then you asked me to marry you and the world came to a halt.
I could’ve sworn my heart had exploded that day from my excitement…
… maybe it did.
Because we were wed and we were happy and we were- We were us! Nothing could tear us down until..
Until you said you wanted a baby.
And I was hesitant. Were we even ready for that? Was I ready for it? No.. and I said that, you understood and we waited a year and you asked again. And you looked so hopeful that I would say “Yes, I’m ready!”
But I wasn’t.
I’m still not.
But I said yes anyways and you were so excited that I convinced myself I wanted this. And that’s when we had our Masaccio…
I love him t
o the moon and back, Mikey, I really do. But I’m not ready to be his parent, and he needs someone whose ready. He needs someone who won’t grow to resent him just for being a kid. I can’t grow to resent him. 
Your family will love him, pick up the burdens that I leave behind. You will love him.
You’ve always been extraordinary, Mikey. You’ve always been as bright as the sun. I don’t want to eclipse our little planet. 
I love you, Michelangelo. 
Be brave,  Taina
Massy's Father's Day Poem
Happy Father’s Day, I say to the man who told me I was loved, Who has been there in every way, Splattered paints and shiny toys,  A happy home to grow my heart,
Happy Father’s Day, I say to the man who kept me safe, Who tended to scrapes whenever I’d play, Bruised knees and tiny cuts, A safe home to protect my heart,
Happy Father’s Day, I say to the man who lied to me, Who told me everything was okay, Ancient letters and pleas to stay, A quiet home to pierce my heart,
Happy Mother’s Day, I say to no one who cares to listen, Who left because I was too much a fray, An old photograph and mental strain, An empty home to break my heart.
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anderscim · 1 year
another david chiem-related train of thought (wow i totally am NOT obsessed with him)
huge incoming tangent warning
as well as major ch2 part 1 spoilers
(take this theory with a grain of salt)
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just wanted to talk about david’s plan in ch2. though it had a bunch of flaws, it was probably better than any of the other options the group had
okay i’m not a david apologist or anything but let me explain my train of thought—
there’s really only a couple of ways you can take action in a situation like that:
do nothing and all of the secrets get revealed. given the fact that a lot of these secrets are specifically written to incite emotion (trauma, anger, etc) it’ll likely stir a hell ton of conflict all at once as people inevitably scramble to identify who’s secret is whose and will probably lead to a worse predicament
someone actually gets murdered before the deadline. true, the secrets won’t be revealed, but they would be trading a human life, which for obvious reasons can’t work out
everyone reveals whose secret they have, and what they are. we can already know from j/arturo and arturo/eden’s situations that having someone else reveal a secret that you’re holding close to your chest will make people react very emotionally—and will just make more conflict
or, like david’s plan, have everyone reveal what they know about their own secrets. in that case, each person would be able to explain the context behind their secret so there’s less likely of a chance they’ll be confronted for it when it eventually gets revealed, and in some cases trauma dumping can actually be good therapy for some people.
however… that’s about where the benefits end for david’s plan. it’s honestly just as risky as the others; for example, some of the cast have secrets that are horrible and seem irredeemable regardless of context. additionally, there’s cases where people retaliate especially if it’s a secret that the person holds very close to their chest / that they’re really sensitive about. we see as much for a lot of scenes in chapter 2.
but the thing is… though it is incredibly risky, it has a slightly higher chance of working compared to the other methods. in a more “better than the alternatives” sort of context.
even if david recognized that he’d essentially be gambling with this plan, and knew he probably wouldn’t get the best outcome possible (in fact i think he was aware it probably wouldn’t work), he likely decided to ignore that and roll with it anyways—besides, a 5% success rate is better than a 2% success rate.
so really, the only place where he would’ve “lied” was the way he promoted his plan. in order to get the ball rolling, he had to present his argument in a way that made the plan sound foolproof—which, given the holes the plan had, wouldn’t work unless he covered up all the possible risks and convinced everyone to blindly have faith in him.
fortunately, with his speaking skills, he could probably pull that off quite well. which leads to what happened in ep4 onwards
also, i don’t think he could’ve intentionally lied about his secret during that moment (although him slightly modifying it is possible—i’ll explain that later). whit likely never reached out to david about his actual secret so he didn’t know for sure what it was.
but the thing is, everyone else’s secret, though written in a way that took out crucial context and painted them in a bad light, was at least somewhat based on an actual occurrence, portion of their identity, and real information.
david’s secret is the most vague and was written in a way to attack his purpose and what he personally (secretly) believes his actions to entail. but, unlike everyone else, there’s no concrete occurrence, action that he’s done, or any specific detail in that secret that connects him to manipulation. additionally, his is the most open-ended. i’m going to assume guessing a secret like that would’ve been very difficult
given david’s behaviors and dialogue as well as some subtle details about his preferences and such, it’s very likely that he has depression and was desperately trying to hide it in order to keep his optimistic image. so for him, it would make more sense for his secret to be something related to depression—which is probably why he said what he said in episode 4.
that being said, i think he did half-lie a little about what he believed to be his true secret in order to preserve his image.
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note how he specifically says “family history of depression.”
this is a really subtle wording detail, but david only claims there was a tendency for depression to run through his family—he never says that he has depression himself.
as a similar example—though this may just be me—if my family has a tendency to develop certain cardiovascular diseases, though it does increase the risk that i may develop the same disease in the future, it doesn’t necessarily mean i have that disease.
david likely used this same philosophy, and by saying that depression “runs in his family,” he’s subtly implying that he doesn’t have depression (though admitting he has a higher risk for it).
and like what i said before, i’m 90% sure he’s actually struggling with depression—but he decides not to admit it here in order to keep his own “optimistic leader” image.
(and don’t get me wrong, i don’t think the family history of depression is a lie—just the way he expressed it was kind of… intriguing for me)
i may be wrong about all of this, especially that last part because that may just be my own overthinking and assumptions influencing me 😅
so as always, feel free to refute literally anything i said and i will listen.
and again, please take this with a grain of salt
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oboetemasuka · 9 months
Order of Attack (part 4)
The second trial begins!
Warning: Jackalope is very callous about the prisoners' lives. Other than that, there's are descriptions of violence, injuries, and Amane's cult mindset.
Once again, I'm posting this ahead of the AO3 version, and I'll look over it again before I post there.
(Anything in the ellipses is pretty much the same as the original.)
Second trial commencement notice
Rise and shine, Es. So much within Milgram has changed since your little slumber. Allow me to enlighten you on what you missed around here. …
Prisoner No. 2: Yuno Kashiki
… With this verdict of “innocent”, she has tried to isolate herself. However, as cold as she may be, she checks on the “guilty” prisoners from time to time. Something about them must really strike a chord in her.
One fateful day, a certain Mahiru Shiina sought her out. And so, while the rest of the “innocent” prisoners were going around doing who-knows-what, Yuno was close enough to witness the attacks and call for help, keeping Mahiru away from harm while she was at it. She’s a hero. She’s not the most fond of the title and would rather stay away, but she’s not going to turn her back on a friend in need.
Frosty girls with a soft spot. I like- hey, don’t give me that glare.
Prisoner No. 3: Fuuta Kajiyama
Because he was found “guilty”, he’s lost that fire in his blood. Trapped in the never-ending darkness of his own guilt and regret, he wonders if he even deserves to live. A certain Amane Momose has been visiting him frequently, trying to help him out of this slump.
Huh, you’re surprised about how he looks? Oh, because you found Prisoner No. 10 Kotoko “innocent”, she went and attacked the guilty prisoners. Now Fuuta is broken in both body and mind. Fortunately, Shidou treated what he could, or else Fuuta would be dead. Lost.
But see if I care. It’s not like you showed him any mercy either.
Ever since the attacks, he’s gotten closer with Amane. That was bound to happen since she was the first witness. Let him lean on that kid, won’t you? What’s the worst that could happen?
Prisoner No. 5: Shidou Kirisaki
… He’s the one who treated Fuuta and Amane after the attacks. If not for him, they would both be dead. But they don’t seem to be particularly grateful. Their loss.
Prisoner No. 6: Mahiru Shiina
Because she was found “guilty”, she lives in a painful state of shattered norms. Looks like she’s going to have to rethink her definition of love a lot now, romantic or otherwise.
Thanks to some miraculous factors in play, she was able to avoid being attacked. But now she’s wracked with an intense survivor’s guilt. No matter how you slice it, she should’ve been attacked before Amane. Even so, she’s constantly looking over her shoulder, wondering if Kotoko will finish the job. Trapped between two turbulent states of mind. Is this what she deserves? Well, that’s for you to decide.
Prisoner No. 7: Kazui Mukuhara
… Regrettably, he arrived to late to save Fuuta and Amane from serious injuries, but he put an end to Kotoko’s attacks. Better late than never, am I right? Who knows how much more damage she could have caused if not for him?
Prisoner No. 8: Amane Momose
Because she was found “guilty”… no no, she hasn’t learned a thing, at least not in the way you intended. Especially after Kotoko’s attacks, Amane has only leaned into her faith more intensely. She’s gotten closer with Fuuta over their shared injuries. Also, she’s completely hostile to Shidou, going so far as to reject or sabotage his care at every opportunity. Something about his actions must really tick her off. That’s incredibly self-destructive of her. She knows she needs that treatment to survive, right? Well, it’s up to you to endorse her actions or not… whatever that means for you.
Prisoner No. 9: Mikoto Kayano
… He got into a real dogfight with Kotoko. In the midst of her attacks, no less. Who knows what he was up to, but you can’t deny that it was well-timed. If he wasn’t around, Amane would have sustained fatal injuries; even Shidou wouldn’t have been able to save her then.
Prisoner No. 10: Kotoko Yuzuriha
… Kotoko attacked three.
Prisoner No. 3: Fuuta Kajiyama. He’s severely injured. Bedridden. He would be dead if not for Shidou.
Prisnoer No. 8: Amane Momose. She has fewer injuries in comparison, but she would’ve been beyond saving if she sustained any more.
And lastly, Prisoner No. 9: Mikoto Kayano. They were evenly matched, and their fight was broken up by Kazui. Thanks to Mikoto’s spectacular timing, Amane was saved from further injury.
A strange order of attack, isn’t it? Well, that’s interpersonal dynamics in this prison for you.
And that’s all that happened within the prison thus far. It would do you well to keep in mind how the prisoners interact with each other when you make your judgments this time around. I’m counting on you, Es.
Let the second trial of Milgram begin.
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iameliseposts · 2 years
Study For Spoils - Riddle x MC
I’m absolutely awful at proofreading, so if there are any grammar mistakes, uh oops. I hope you all enjoy!
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“Scrap paper?” 
“Dude, I got everything,” You sigh, “I brought my entire bag.”
Riddle takes a seat beside you. The quiet atmosphere of the library was just right. The lights were dimmed down, suiting the evening mood. You and Riddle choose to sit at the very corner of the library. A small peaceful space for you two. 
It was hard learning about this new world. You just got thrown into these new surroundings; it's only natural to get some help. And who else to ask other than the school’s number one student? Riddle was exemplary, to say the least. You knew this first hand. After his overblot, the two of you quickly hit it off, despite the rocky start. You were basically an honorary member of Heartslaybul with how much you were over there. You were invited to all unbirthday parties or just the regular tea parties Riddle hosted. 
At first you went for your two friends, Ace and Deuce. They needed help with edicate anyways, let’s be real. However now… spending time with Riddle was enjoyable. You couldn’t the times you giggled into your teacup while Riddle was being, well Riddle. And he *never* got mad at you for breaking a rule. Most people would have gotten a 1000 word essay or extra work as punishment, but you merely got a curt reprimand. It was clear Riddle was trying really hard to be laid back for you. Oh how wonderful it feels! 
It was only natural you gained feelings. He was so dedicated and diligent, you couldn’t help it! And he was so sweet. You already expected your feelings to be one sided. He was already in a long term relationship with his schoolwork. However, each day only increased your feelings for him. He helped you numerous times with work and was still helping. 
“Alright, so. Before we go onto more difficult minerals,” Riddle started, “let’s start with some of the more known ones. I’m sure you’re familiar with Magestones?”
“Yes I am,” You preen, feeling proud of yourself for knowing. “They’re the stone on your pen! Oh, and on Grim’s collar! Despite being known as common, it does take some effort to get a sizeable amount.”
Riddle smiled, pleased with the response, “Yes correct. You’ve been studying well.”
“It's because I have a great tutor!” You replied immediately. After all, you wanted to tell him how much he’s helped you.
Riddle’s cheeks turned a little pink as he looked away. “Please, it's because of your efforts. You put in the work and are now rewarded.” 
You pouted a bit. ‘Come on!’ You thought furiously, ‘At least some of the credit is Riddle’s! Why won’t he accept it??’ You wanted to scoot closer to reply, but you underestimated how sturdy the chair was. 
You got launched forward and you heard Riddle call your name. It all happened in a blur. Riddle had tried to catch you, but ended up falling underneath, with you. Fortunately, the fall was soft for you. After all, you landed on… Riddle’s chest??
“AH I’M SO SORRY!” You nearly screech, lifting your head off his chest. You got on your hands to stop invading his personal space, but now you went and pinned him to the floor.
You look over at Riddle to apologize again, but he was staring at you. His face was bright red, redder than his hair. This usually meant he was furious and no one should be within a 100 meter radius from him, but he looks flustered. Or maybe shy? He was looking longingly at your lips. *Pitter patter pitter patter* You hoped he couldn’t hear your speeding heartbeat. …Okay, you made a decision. Which was basically a gamble on your feelings. 
You bent down, closing in on Riddle’s lips. But right before both your lips touched, you whispered, “May I?” Riddle was an actions over words person. And he responded by crashing his lips into yours.
Riddle was sheltered his whole life. He didn’t make many friends, let alone actual relationships. He didn’t know how to kiss properly. His teeth bumped into yours and his lips were stiff. …But it was the most magical thing you’ve seen in this world. You balanced yourself up on one hand and caressed his check with your free hand. He seemed to relax with your touch.
You pulled back to give yourself air. Riddle panted a bit, not used to these activities in the slightest. You never would have thought he would divorce homework for you, but you were endlessly happy. “You know,” you started, “I’d study more if you rewarded me some.” 
Riddle’s eyebrows raised in surprise before he gave one of his adorable and genuine smiles. “Alright. I’ll spoil you if you do well on the self test about minerals that I brought.” 
Oh right, you forgot about that.
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notstilinski · 1 year
Dead Silence Starters !
Taken from the 2022 novel by S.A. Barnes, Dead Silence! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! 
“My crew… Their dead but I didn’t kill them.”
“It’s fine. Better if you’d shut up and let me concentrate.”
“Why are you always defending them? We’re not a real team. We all just got stuck with a shitty assignment for the last go.”
“Show some respect. You’re not in charge here.”
“I don’t believe you. Talk to me.”
“(Name). You scare the hell out of me sometimes, you know that?”
“What are you waiting for? Let’s get out of here and report it. It’s like staring at a mass grave.”
“Oh, yeah. Exactly. That’s the kind of crazy I’m talking about.”
“Has anyone ever managed to talk you out of anything?”
“Buddy system, right?”
“And, yet, somehow you managed to survive. And it’s not even the first time ‘lone survivor’ has been attached to your name. Is it?”
“You do seem particularly susceptible to… Shall we say, instability, to begin with.”
“Since when has practicality ever stopped a rich guy from doing anything?”
“Is it possible for you to be more offensive?”
“This way to fame and fortune, bitches!”
“Looks like they were barricading themselves in.”
“No, sweetheart, I’m a pragmatist. And a survivor.”
“Smart means scared. And in this case, poor.”
“Can you get to the point before (Name) kills me?”
“I don’t want to leave them behind, but I don’t want to lock myself in a tomb with them, either.”
“Why apologize to them? It’s our lives you’re ruining.”
“You’re either the bravest person I ever met or the craziest.”
“This is fun. I’m uncomfortable.”
“Enough to let them discard you when they’re done with you?”
“(Name)… (Name). Is it okay if I close my eyes?”
“Hoping I didn’t kill us all by deciding to do this.”
“No thanks, I prefer my stomach lining intact.”
“And I’m not avoiding you. I was trying to give you the space you seemed to want.”
“You’re not exactly easy to figure out sometimes, (Name).”
“Everyone you care about dies. Because of you.”
“It hurts to want things.”
“You know (Name) won’t be rolling in here until ten seconds before.”
“It’s too dangerous. I am too dangerous.”
“It doesn’t happen much anymore, not when everything’s normal. But right now? I can’t tell what’s real and what’s not. Which means I am a danger. And I cannot take the risk of hurting anyone again. You need to remove me from the equation until we’re back.”
“You are so determined to blame yourself.”
“You wouldn’t hurt someone, not on purpose.”
“People died the last time I didn’t distance myself!”
“You’re not fucking suggesting the hat this place is haunted, are you?”
“Ghosts and aliens? Are you fucking kidding me?”
“You’re not seriously suggesting that I fractured the back of my own skull.”
“I would have never left them.”
“Are you sure about that? Old habits die hard, too.”
“So it’s my fault no matter what?”
“I am not leading innocent people to their deaths!”
“I think it’s impossible for any of us to know what we would or would not do after experiencing what you’ve been through.”
“Surviving is nothing to be ashamed of, (Name).”
“Maybe that’s why you don’t remember it. You don’t want to.”
I made it. I survived the night.”
“Not exactly the luxury cruise you were expecting?”
“Is there any scenario in which you don’t boot my ass?”
“Look I don’t like you, but you could be useful.”
“Let me out! Let me out! I won’t hurt them again, I promise…”
“He’s not going to stop. He’s going to kill you.”
“You’re going to die, unless you kill him first…”
“Shut up! I was useful to you. That’s all.”
“Isn’t that what we all want? To be useful, valuable. For our contributions to matter. To leave a legacy that remains after we’re gone.”
“If you can’t trust yourself, can you trust me?”
“At least this way (Name)’s name will be remembered. All their names will be remembered.”
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Project RBH Devlog 0 – The Story So Far
I’ve wanted to make video games for approximately two-thirds of my life at this point. I hear a lot of indie developers who make devlogs and videos and posts talking about their Dream Game that they’ve always wanted to make.
I don’t have one of those.
I just really want to make games. Plural.
I do however happen to have a budget of zero dollars. Which is, I will admit, something of an issue when it comes to game development and design. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of powerful free tools out there. Unity, Unreal, Blender, I’m not exactly short on options. Okay, so I was put off of Unity from their CEO calling people who don’t monetize their games ‘idiots,’ but the point stands.
I was also fortunate enough to be gifted Game Maker Studio 2 right before they updated their Terms of Service to a subscription system or whatever nonsense YoYo did. What matters is that I own the engine and don’t have to pay subscription because they were nice enough to not try and retroactively alter legal user agreements, unlike some game companies I could name did recently.
But enough digs at the evils of capitalism, let’s talk about Project RBH.
Project RBH is a placeholder name I’m giving this game while we’re in development until I can come up with a better one. It stands for Reverse Bullet Hell, which is a decent summary of the main goal. Project RBH is a top-down twin-stick roguelike. The Reverse Bullet Hell comes from the main mechanical twist I’m putting on similar roguelikes, like Enter the Gungeon. The upgrades and pick-ups found during your run aren’t better weapons or equipment, but upgrades to the behavior of your primary attack. Most of them will do basic things like increasing the speed of the projectile or making it bigger, but there are other things that can be done to really make your attacks crazy.
The goal is to have a game where it is possible, over the course of a run, to build a gun that shoots a gun that shoots chainsaw bullets.
So Where To Start?
Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve watched multiple devlogs on YouTube, read Devlog posts, etc. And I see many of them running into what seems to be the same or similar problems: a lack of focus.
I also happen to have a degree in game design. And fortunately we had industry veterans in the course, so one of the things they taught us was the importance of a Game Design Document, or GDD.
Warren Spector, one of the leads on the classic Deus Ex, talks a lot about having a GDD during the development of that project. It’s an incredibly useful tool for pre-production, as well as for ensuring that people from across the project all have the same understanding of the creative vision. Obviously, I am a solo developer because I am broke and insane, so that last one won’t be much of an issue. But that first one is extremely important to combating many issues that crop up during game design and development, like feature creep and decision paralysis.
Which is why I haven’t made one.
Okay, no, that’s not the reason, and I will, but it was too good a transition to pass up.
The real reason I haven’t made a GDD yet is because there is another way that one can start a project. I would not recommend you do this, the GDD is a really good idea and I’ll go into more detail about it in a future Devlog, probably the next one. The reason I have chosen to do things this way is because I wasn’t confidant about the planned gameplay, so I wanted to quickly prototype it and experiment with it to see if it was actually, you know, fun. It’s nothing fancy, I have no background and the character sprites are squares, but it gives me something I can mess with.
This prototype is where I’m at right now. There isn’t even Procedural Generation, just a giant room with some walls and a whole lot of enemies.
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You know what, I didn’t even realize the player and enemies are both green.
So that’s where Project RBH stands right now, a single prototype that I’ve been toying with so I can decide where and how I want to focus this game. From my experiments so far, I’ve noticed a few different directions I can take the project.
A game with a wide variety of weapons which the player can loot during runs. The player’s collected weapon improvements carry over between weapons. This has the pro of providing things for the player to unlock from runs without affecting game balance, but comes with the con that certain upgrades will make weapons feel too similar.
The original plan, in which the player has a single weapon which is reset after each run. The pro of this is that the random weapon upgrades can do some crazy stuff to this weapon, but comes at the con of being very same-y at the start of each run.
Additionally, my experiments have lead me to the realization that having a lot of powerups that drastically alter your weapon leads to a chaotic mess as you rain doom and destruction upon your pathetic enemies. This leads to the third direction I’m considering.
Much like the first one, there are a variety of weapons, however these weapons are far more powerful and do not upgrade. The player mows down hordes and hordes of foes and has a power fantasy. This has the con of being basically an entirely different game.
Here is me with no upgrades versus me with many upgrades.
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As we are so early in preproduction, I don’t feel like showing off video is strictly necessary yet, but yes, it’s more obvious what’s happening in motion.
Which is where we will end this Devlog. I’ll run some more tests, maybe ask some people I know to try my experiments to get some more opinions, decide on a direction for the project, and make a GDD.
Until next Devlog!
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dogpelts-art · 1 year
trigger warning: sexual assault (child sexual assault, animal child rape, grooming), mass harassment, zoophilia mention, beastiality mention, sexual nudity mention, self destructive behaviours
thank you everyone who sincerely wished for me to get help! fortunately i am already engaged with several therapists. i am thankful to the select few people who reached out & let me talk through everything with them, and helped me realize what was going on. this all led to me being able to speak about it with my support system and start working through my years of online exposure, break out of the cycle of harmful sexual behavior towards myself, learn to unpack why i felt the need to continue that unhealthy cycle and work on understanding the long term effects of animal on child rape, CSA, grooming, etc had on my hypersexuality, online presence and relationships.
turns out being dehumanized through years of sexual abuse and portraying those feelings by drawing yourself as a dog being sexually tortured is not normal behavior! crazy
trying to explore these very complex feelings through art ended with me, once again, exposing myself, my past trauma and my body to others. this is a vicious cycle and i now know just how dangerous, common, yet unspoken about the victimization cycle is for survivors of csa. this is why i won’t be apologizing for fleeing. it was the safest thing for me to do, not just because of some angry people on twitter, but from actual predators i was engaged with. i was in no state to speak up about everything considering all this entails.
in regards to the one zoophile i followed, they had ΘΔζ in their display name. from my understanding the first two are therian symbols (?) and i assumed the third was too. i assure you i shared the shock everyone else had when i realized what it actually meant. taking the time to actually look through shit & when i saw that person fantasizing about committing beastiality in their tweets, the realization hit that i was interacting with people who might’ve been harming real animals, it made me sick to my fucking stomach and thankfully changed my entire view on the situation. you are of course free to believe what you want, but i personally think it’s fucking insane that because of this mistake i am being made out to be someone who “actively endorses animal cruelty and rape”. i can promise you i’d have offed myself long ago if that was the case. i am horrified enough at myself for engaging in feral art at any point in my life but please know i do not align at all with people who wish harm or sexual acts on animals.
as much as i believe i was influenced during all this, i certainly did make decisions to make situations worse, including an attempt to make money, and i take full responsibility for that. i am sincerely sorry for any harm caused. none of this should have happened in the first place and it shouldn't have spiraled so far.
to reiterate and make clear: my art was not real and was not intended to represent reality. it was not meant to represent any harm or sexual acts being done to actual animals. it was not made to encourage zoophilia or acts of beastiality, nor did it represent my personal feelings towards animals. everything depicted was a character meant to represent parts of myself and used as a way to express feelings of dehumanization and to reclaim traumatic experiences. i am now of the understanding it was entirely wrong, and was unintentionally used by zoophiles. i am extremely sorry.
i promise you i have heard quite literally every variation of threat or disparage you could possibly make towards me. i wish to say that you are valid in your anger, however, all i ask is no other people get harassed. i have never and will never encourage hate speech of any kind, no matter what side you’re on.
the original callout itself inherently caused further harm to myself and others. i beg you to stop sending minors explicit porn and directing them to nsfw accounts. no drama is worth endangering more people.
i am putting hard limits on my future online presence and i simply won’t be further engaging with the furry community. however, art is something i am still passionate about and is my main source of income, so i am working on making that a safe activity for myself. my social media will be monitored with help from my disability support workers to help me with my muted fear response and lack of perception concerning safety & danger. i will not be personally interacting or messaging anyone, simply just using my platform to post illustrations. i am focusing on recovery, and you can choose to respect that or not. i know the harassment is something i will just have to live with, but know i will try not to be engaging with it for my own safety.
if you’ve experienced any form of sexual assault as a child, please know you have a higher risk of revictimization. protect yourself. learn from my mistakes. access resources, speak to trusted adults. follow your gut. being led to seeing yourself as an inhuman animal and object can be incredibly dangerous. you don’t deserve to feel that way. don’t let people treat you as such.
for those of you who are genuinely trying to do the right thing and need an outlet for your anger — rather than doxxing, threatening and sending mass harrassment to already at risk individuals, i encourage you to utilize your time, skill sets and donations to support your local animal welfare officers. consider joining animal protection forces. report evidence of occurring animal abuse to authorities.
thanks for reading.
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outsidereveries · 1 year
Yujin and Youngji was apparently mocking black women. Could you do a reading on the outcome or somethin like that?
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— ive’s yujin and lee youngji’s mocking and disrespecting issue
disclaimer: my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation. i have little to no knowledge of both girls. (little of yujin and none to youngji).
what were their intentions of allegedly mocking black women?
yujin: six of pentacles, wheel of fortune, three of wands, six of cups, ten of swords rx • eight of swords rx
i think she wanted to give her fans content however she really changed her opinion about this whole thing. i can feel she’s sorry for doing it, to be honest. i believe this wasn’t intentional at all from her side, however should the community* accept the apology if she apologise for real, it’s up to them.
youngji: queen of cups, nine of pentacles, page of pentacles, ace of pentacles, ten of cups • the devil rx
hm. i am certain she’s aware she did this, however like yujin, the intentions of doing it are also for the content. i can see youngji not caring at all about it and doing whatever she wants in the end. i am also sure her intentions aren’t about mocking at all but also just doing it for fun. her intentions might be also for popularity, clout, even for some people to be invited in the future but up to that, i don’t see anything with bad intentions tbh.
were they mocking on purpose?
yujin: eight of diamonds, ten of diamonds, queens of spades and diamonds, ten of spades, nine of diamonds, two of spades — hmmm.. i’d say yes, but it was definitely for the content. i believe there was mixed opinion about it at some point from her side before doing it though, so i can say she had some sense about this.
youngji: king of hearts, six of diamonds, ace of clubs, nine of swords, four of diamonds, ace of diamonds, two of clubs — i’d say yes for her too. i think it is new strategy that she will be more and more controversial only for the talks of everyone and she might try to make her future guests agree with this idea of hers. i can see this strategy in the nearly future repeating.
was youngji disrespecting lord ganesha?: eight of spades, nine of clubs, ace of diamonds, four of diamonds, king of diamonds — i believe this was also for publicity.., so i’d assume the answer is yes.
is the editor in fault?: ace of diamonds, seven of spades, queen of diamonds, five of spades, two of diamonds — hm. i’d say not exactly? i feel this was planned beforehand.
does they hate one of the two girls?: seven and two of swords, four of hearts, jack of spades, three of diamonds — i think they have on and off contract with youngji, so i could say no, but i could also say yes. i don’t think it’s about yujin but rather about youngji. the editor could want rise in their salary either probably per video but youngji is against it? it looks like they aren’t working with her on daily basis, so yeah.
will the drama deep inside more than now publicly?: king of diamonds, queen of spades, five of diamonds, six of spades, five of hearts, king of spades, seven of diamonds — i can see only apologies, so unless if it’s about them being sorry, no. l
what will be the outcome after this issue?:
yujin: three of swords, three of cups, six of cups, justice, queen of pentacles rx • the chariot
nothing much is changing, to be honest. just working as always. some collaborations that are planned will still happen, especially with people she knows, so yeah. i won’t be suprised if there’s something that will make her name a bit clean about this issue. however, she’s hurt. i won’t be suprised if her solo activities is changing for a bit.
youngji: the hanged man, four of cups rx, ten of pentacles rx, five of swords rx, king of swords • the magician
her strategy won’t work at all😭 if she tries again with the same strategy, her yt series will be definitely canceled. i am seeing absolutely nothing prepared canceled soon as of current time and starting another series on yt. if i happen to be wrong, this could be about something in her solo career.
*black community
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inkfulinsight · 1 year
Coffee Talks - Chapter 1
There are many things I do not know of love, or I haven’t desired to know about love. Something about the whole love package makes it seem undesirable. Telling pieces of myself to someone that could wake up one morning and decided I was irrelevant in that first morning stretch. Then my stories do they keep it to themselves, or do they tell it as a joke at the next hang out or gathering with some friends? Over a glass of beer with his guys in a dimly lit bar he would say, “I was with this girl once, she was so insecure she’d have me tell her, I loved her many times, I realized she liked to hear it, so it didn’t matter if I meant it,” and then they’d all laugh like he’d told a funny joke. I am sure there’d be one person who wouldn’t laugh but I was certain he was the bottom of the list for all the friends they probably still kept him around because he was rich, or they’d known him for too long to leave him. Both chances were equally weighty.
It didn’t matter though because what he had said was true. I was the pathetic girl who had wanted to be sure she was loved by someone who wasn’t even capable of loving himself. I am sure deep down he was as self-loathing as I was. The only difference is that I was more vocal about how I despised myself while he buried his under gym weights, beer and a false believe that he was the best thing that happened to my life.
Initially I believed it, that he was in fact the best thing that happened to my life. I was a young girl approaching her mid-twenties with a heart opened to love. I was becoming less pessimistic and more optimistic which is why rather than narrate a fake number I gave him a real one. Rather than wear a scowl, I wore a smile that day. Rather than reject his call, I answered the phone. Rather than cancel that date, we went on it, a date that turned in to several dates and by the third week he asked me to date him. It should have been worrying he knew nothing asides the things I told him about me. I mean people only know what you tell them of yourself which meant a person could probably lie to you your whole relationship and the scariest part is you won’t even question it because from their first encounter it had been lies and off, they went building you a castle of lies. When it crumbled, the pain must have been intense. However, this wasn’t the case with Jack, that was his name, short for Jackson, as bland as a name gets, he really told me that the first time we met. “Jack short for Jackson” like I thought it was Jack short for ‘Oluwajackson’ or ‘Jackrine’. Unfortunately for me, and fortunately for him I found it funny then, no not what he said but the weird name assumptions I had made in my head.
Anyway, Jackson who we have established isn’t one to dig further or pay much attention to anything but the obvious had only known me through my spoken words or texts. That meant if I had told Jackson I liked milk and he saw me take milk and get irritated by it, Jackson would still have said I liked milk if he spoke about me. He was a little dense and though it was initially charming because it meant he wouldn’t probe into the parts of my life I wasn’t comfortable divulging, it later dawned on me that Jack really didn’t care that much for me. It was very tasteless too the way he broke up with me. A text message that read. ‘I don’t think we are compatible’ to which I replied, ‘I know’. I don’t know what he said after that because I deleted his number and then the application off my phone and I cried myself to sleep. No not because Jackrine had dumped me and over text at that- I would deal with that humiliation another day- but because I had stayed with him that long tolerating his nonsense and surface level conversations only to be later dumped. All my hard work and forced smiling and pretend happiness and he dumped me. He should have at least said thank you. Thank you Dami for putting up with my nonsense, thank you for ironing my rumpled clothes so I don’t go out looking homeless, thank you for the cooked dinners and for always replacing my milk and eggs. Thank you for putting up with me! That is what he should have begun his text with before he proceeded with the astrology things. I am sure his sun or moon probably told him to do so, he believes in those star sign things.
That was another red flag I had ignored because I was desperately trying to give this love thing a chance for the benefits of those who found my singleness to be loneliness. They were two separate things; sure, I didn’t like being by myself, but it necessarily did not translate to being involved with someone else and I am sure anyone else would have been much better than settling for the first fish I caught.
“Hey,” I hear as someone taps my shoulder, I look up to see my friend. His brown eyes soften on meeting mine and then I see sympathy in them. I must have been frowning, he only looks at me this way when I am sad or crying. When I am angry, he hugs me, so I don’t see his face. “Are you still upset about Jack?” he asked softly, sitting in the chair by me. I push my half- drunk coffee forward; I had added too much sugar and now it tastes too sweet. Tom drags my cup to his side, he touches the body of the cup and when he sees it is still warm, he brings it to his lips and drinks it, right from the point I drank, his lips planted on top of my lipstick stain.
“You enjoy kissing me,” I say to him. He drops the cup and there is a look of confusion on his face, and I just shrug in response.
“Are you out of it?” he asked bringing his hand to my face, but I push back so he drops his hand, “Sorry I forget you are allergic to touching,” he says with his tone dripping with sarcasm. “However, the rule didn’t apply to Jackson, did it?” he said with a brow up. I can feel a bile coming up my throat as I remember some spot in this coffee shop- I sit up turning around, yes, there in the back, away from the eyes of the public I sat with Jack, his hand around my shoulders, while he had his strawberry milkshake- which grown man had a strawberry milkshake for breakfast?-his hands would play with my braids, he’d nudge my face with his nose, he’d kiss my cheek repeatedly with his sugar stained mouth from the shake and then he'd make a lame joke saying “look now, I sweetened you up” and I’d giggle and say he was funny. I was truly pathetic, worst of all for putting up with it for that long.
“He wasn’t very funny,” I say turning back to the table.
“Hun?” Tom responds he had turned to face me fully; his legs are spread apart in front of me, and his chair pulled so closed to mine he’d have to shift if I wanted to get out from my seat. He is wearing a white shirt with several buttons undone, his collar bones are exposed and so hollow you could store coins in them. His sleeves are partially rolled up and he is wearing dark blue jeans with it and white air forces. He looks like your standard definition of ‘I belong to the streets’, and I would happily have him there than attempt to pull him from it. I have seen the tears and messages and occasional threats of those who have attempted but somehow, he had been stuck with me as my best friend for a while now that I have grown used to just having him around me, so much so that this attempt of his to completely invade my personal space it something normal between us.
The lights reflect in his eyes as he leans into his arm resting on the table, his hand acting as a stand for his head, his beard his well-groomed framing a perfectly chiseled jaw and his black hair has been cut into a fade. His coffee skin glitters even though I was certain he used Vaseline on it, the same Vaseline that if I had used would have me looking like burnt-out coal, not even the shiny unused one but here was Tom looking like he was on his way to shoot an ad for them. Then there was me who on less than 10 days out of 365 looked like a real beauty queen but the other days I resembled a homeless hobo. Today was one of those hobo days and it upsets me that it has to do more with boring Oluwajackson than anything else.
“Why are you spacing out a lot?” Tom says using his free hand to tug on the silver necklace on his neck, the necklace I gave him 2 years ago on his birthday. I bring my hand to his neck taking the silver leaf pendant from between his finger, he doesn’t resist dropping his hand and allowing me to play with the pendant.
“I am glad you like it this much,” I say dropping my hand, it falls lazily on him, and he take my hand in his and begins playing with my fingers. I stare out window watching people hurry off to several destinations. Time seemed to be running except in this little coffee shop, where George Michaels is singing out his heart -to a possibly betrayed lover- from the pink wall speakers that matched the coffee shop’s aesthetics. “How is Kira?” I ask and his fingers playing with mine go rigid for a bit. For several seconds it is the sound of careless whisper playing lowly out of the speakers behind the counter that fills the silence that envelopes us.
“She left me,” he blurts out and I turn to him my shock evident on my face. He scrunches his pointy nose at me. He looks cute like a child when he does that, but I’ve never told him that. Anymore ego boost and his head might just explode. “She said I wasn’t ready to be someone,” he added.
“Well haven’t you heard that line before,” I said to him and nodded his head, resuming to play with my fingers.
“Are you upset about Jack?” I heard him whisper and I realized I had been ignoring his concern this whole time.
“Not really,” I answered honestly. “I am more upset with myself for putting up with him,” I tell him.
“Well, it is kind of our fault, my fault for pushing you out there,” he says solemnly. I find his eyes and I can tell they are sad, and I shake my head indicating it wasn’t his fault. Nobody held a gun to my head and forced me to be with Jack. I chose to be with him- maybe slight peer pressure might have played a part. Also, I did actually kind of find him interesting initially my mistake was mistaking interest with love. The love you see, never came, it was just buckets and buckets of tolerance for very terrible jokes.
“Damilola!” I hear forcing my thoughts back to the present.
“Tomiwa!” I reply equally shouting and he cracks a smile, and my heart feels full in this moment just watching him smile. His phone goes off and my eyes flicker to the screen, Kira with a red heart calling. My heart deflates. His eyes travel to the phone then back to mine.
I give him a small smile as he unlaces his hands from mine, get ups and answers the call. “Baby,” I hear him begin as he picks the call, I force my attention to the music to avoid listening further as he walks out the coffee shop door, his tall framing forcing him to bend his head as passed the door. A sigh escapes my lips as I pull the coffee back to myself and then I drink what is left of it. Another lipstick mark on cup to avoid drinking from where he drank from. Kira with a red heart. Of all the many girls he’s date he’d saved them with a blue, green, yellow and the red heart with an exclamation mark never a just red heart. Asides his mother no one else is saved with a red heart. Even I that was somewhat important to him was saved with the heart with an arrow pierced through it. I was saved as cupid’s shot on his phone. He says it is because he feels he cannot ever really get away from me and he doesn’t know why. I shrugged when he told me that because it didn’t really sound like a compliment. He is saved as Tomiwa (TIMF)-The TIMF meaning ‘thorn in my flesh’- with a red heart on my phone. I do value using red hearts but not as much as him and to be entirely honest, when he is not annoying me, I find that he is that important to me. Sometimes however, I don’t know if I am that important to him. I shake my head because I cannot deal with this thought right now on top of the thoughts, I have of Jackmantha.
————————To be continued—————————
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alyjojo · 5 months
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Next Major Life Change 🏃🏻‍♀️ - April 2024 - Pisces
Meditation: I am so lost with yours, I just heard “coming in waves”, and I must’ve seen ten different things going on, like flashes, but they were more like dreams that didn’t make sense, and I “woke up” and didn’t remember. Except I’m not asleep. And I remember nothing, except that it comes in waves. Massive ones. Pulling The High Priestess for advice, your intuition is guiding you better than anyone else ever could - keep listening to what you know to be true 💯 To the rest of us it doesn’t make any logical sense, it’s not supposed to. Spiritual downloads are definitely part of this.
What It Is: First Light 🌅, Fellow Travelers 🧳(bottom), Fortune (Sun Leo), King of Pentacles with Practical ♍️, 9 Cups, 6 Cups, 10 Cups, and Enterprise (Jupiter Aries)
“Beginning a new cycle.”
“Support is all around you.”
You will get *exactly* what you want. Who you want. The job you want, the pay you want, whatever it is your mind is laser focused on, you will refuse to take “no” for an answer and that’s exactly what it takes to get whatever this is. For most, it’s a person. For others, it’s a job. You have a lot of people in your corner supporting your dreams and decisions, ready to help you however they can, and it’s these people that have helped inspire you to direct your focus in this way in the first place. You have big dreams, have had them for some time already, that’s old news, now it’s time to collect them & watch them manifest before your eyes. Your manifesting energy is on point, you seem to know exactly what to do, how, and when, many of these may be nudges from Spirit or dreams, you *just* know, and then you act. You’re going to win with whatever or whoever you’re working towards. King of Pentacles and Practical could be a Virgo, earth sign, or someone very down to earth, logical, makes sound decisions, doesn’t waste their time with bs - everything has a purpose. If career, you’re aiming high, not dealing with small fish, you’re about to catch a big fish.
Why It’s Happening: Ace of Cups, 2 Cups, 10 Pentacles, Generosity & Success
“You can afford to be generous with the gift of your time and attention.”
“Enjoying your life and the unfolding of your creative abilities as much as possible is real success.”
If this is love, you’ve fallen in love with this person and it’s mutual, they’re in love with you too 🥰 Both of you are ready and willing to build 10 Pentacles together, this is the kind of reading dreams are made of. If it hasn’t happened yet, it will soon. If work, you’re deeply connected to your career - via your heart, meaning this isn’t even work for you, it’s part of your entire identity and you LOVE what you do. And others love you too, it’s like you were made for whatever lane you’re in and all of the pieces are falling into place perfectly 💯
Advice: Capable, Queen of Wands with Pisces ♓️, The High Priestess, Ace of Wands, The Lovers & Vision (Sun Pisces) - 7 Swords on the bottom
“You can deal successfully with whatever challenges and circumstances arise.”
This one is tricky. You’re this Queen of Wands, sexy, ambitious, social and magnetic, you have some kind of suggestive power over the situation. Not manipulative - confident, and your energy is contagious, people want to help you as much as they can because they love to be around you, and you leave them wanting more. Especially this person, if a person. You may have been a lover to this person - that’s a side story - if they were involved before, they won’t be for long. I don’t see toxicity, or even cheating, just someone using their powers of seduction and it’s working. This would be a situation where the person would leave before getting involved, but they’re ready and you know it. There may be a time period of having to stay quiet and respectful, depending on what was going on with them, or even you if it’s you, before moving on to someone else - I’m hearing “the right way.”
For others, you just know the power you have over people and you use it to the best of your ability, work, love, whatever. You have Vision, creatively, psychically for some, and you inspire people to move in the direction you want them to, again I don’t see this being wrong or self-serving. You’re a great leader. In love, you may be ramping up the sexual energy to 1000, and again…it’s not meant to be manipulative, but it’s also kinda like you’re “rewarding” this person for doing what you want? I mean they’re not complaining, and your intentions aren’t anything bad I can see. This 7 Swords is more like a means of self protection, you could have put off sex altogether unless some standards were met - commitment, taking something seriously, a certain amount of time, essentially not wanting to be treated as an object. You’re confident, you know you leave this person wanting, but you’re no fool either. If they’re really on your page, you’ll blow their mind, and if not…their loss 🤷 You’re being advised to act strategically like this, I think your person likes the chase, or the games, and Spirit is calling you Capable of playing the seductor/tress. Once you know they’re serious. They are 💯
For work - keep your love life quiet. That’s that on that. Sex work could be involved - or just amping up the attractiveness or sex appeal. Fortune could show you as well known, and financially well rewarded. Sex sells, and for someone I’m seeing an attractive salesperson, doesn’t have to be sex related, many fish will bite if you play your cards right - but you already know that.
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thepete77 · 8 months
Primal Vision
Realistic Views and Social Perspectives on Social Media and Adult Entertainment in Positive Support for the Instinctive Male.
By rev. Peter Chamberland, aka The Pete. Found on most social media as cpeteland and ThePete77.
I’m gonna be real here and not bullshit anyone, I am a 42 yr old adult male, and I got sex instincts. They don’t go away, and I’ve had some life experiences with emotional and mental and spiritual conflicts in this regard. It’s just a simple fact of existence that I have a penis. All the implications entailed in this view I’ve considered a priority to focus on in a healthy way.
Throughout my spiritual studies and thoughts I’ve always had problem with any application of the original sin. The idea that man was punished and exiled and is in a fallen state of being as the whole human species, seemed like a negative beginning defeatist view to me and in many ways entirely a redundant focus. Even when I held Christian beliefs.
We are human beings with our feet planted on earth, and the sky and universe visibly above. We presently exist, and in many ways that’s all we need to know. Part of our responsibilities as human beings is to live in mental and physical health the truest and best way possible. Healthy sexual views and activity are part of this process.
There are people of all different sorts with all their own experiences and independence. Normally people have some form of positive experience at least once in their life and experience good fortune, many have a consistent focus about the negative that shades all that they think of. Whatever excuses someone comes up with about why they have the views they have, there is always change possible.
Don’t get caught up in the fluffy shit mudslide about spiritual focus; without the authentic and genuine objective painful efforts of change, change won’t happen otherwise. Part of the deficit that we modern humans face is the automatic habits and gravitation to negative behavior. In this way I think there are some metaphorical possibilities to the idea of sin, and much more of a relevant focus for somebody in a Christian environment, albeit an eccentric type of focus very much still a defeatist approach to self improvement.
It costs effort to pay attention and it is worthwhile to spend time and energy in putting effort into thinking power at its core essence and develop critical thinking skills and problem solving solutions.
That is more the focus of this article. As much of a cliche as it is, Preparation is an essential habit to develop in life. True preparation is exactly opposite the generation x model of social media leisure entertainment. Common remarks for the practical smart technology users is the frustration and irritation and sometimes straight up pissed off rage, about the requirements of settings and sign up features of technology that has become the main process of focus for the beginning use of apps. Subscription fees and maintaining income to pay for them is another. Imagine the difference in the experience of technology if people became pre aware and prepared with the knowledge of functioning with technology. Life would be so much better.
But here you are already on social media and you know already your own pet peeves, so let’s start there. Content on social media is wide and varied of genre types: Male technology users have the reputation of getting involved with adult entertainment, and there are some stereotypes especially against middle and upperclassmen white males for being sex offenders. However they get skewed about their views of women and children, they do and it costs them their whole lives. This reputation of white middle class males has prominently stuck on the entire race.
Maturity and Self Confidence is a factor about managing male sexual health. It’s not a process of being brain fucked by a therapist about this view. On practical emotional and mental levels self confidence has its place. I feel lack of self confidence is a main factor of not the main factor of sexual assault related crimes.
Human beings are genetically existent creatures on earth. We have genetic components down to the atomic particle and DNA level. Our physical characteristics of existence and our capacity to interpret them is the very beginning of personality development. How one begins to see themselves on innate emotional levels. This is the very essence of self confidence. A standard feature of human beings is foreknowledge and after knowledge, after knowledge being more of a deficit feature in figuring things out after the fact. A very common experience for many people is a very low key and tame childhood. Regardless of underprivileged poverty levels or region of the world, most aspects of life for children are very tame. Later on in life , when people begin to ask severe questions about the purpose of life, and start to doubt their childhood, especially in comparison to people of prominence and success.
This focus in adolescent teen years for males, in a truly objective way, is a natural stage of life that has mass influence on their personality and judgement skills for decision making . I personally abhor this natural epidemic of non thought and popularity contests that all the wrong people get the first attention about. Men should think of and implement tried and true values of their own in honest and sincere ways. There has been so much obfuscation and distortion in interpretations of classic value words when people do focus on them, that they seem very archaic in use and a complete lame ass way to go. Instantly it feels like a religious spiritual focus of a conservative nature, and people naturally feel restricted from a free world of fun loving experience when they’re brought up in social experiences. Pool parties and beaches, night clubs and bars; are filled with people who don’t what to hear any of that shit at all from some lame ass poser wanna be smashin their party hour. This becomes a life focus for many males.
On many levels of thinking about these topics and this material I was severely faded because of this lack of interest. I had to remind myself and follow through with my personal discipline of living the experience first before I preach, and realize that I need to hold to my personal values the way I believe about them and not lie to kick it and when the situation is in need, to give a big fuck off attitude to failures just skimming by in life and posing the successful business man routine:
This is part of the pain that happens when going through life changes, because the easy way out is to conform to the mass herd, and just follow along and do things for their applicable benefits and your true personal advantage and not for everyone else. No pain, no gain.
This is a draw back to social media trends, and with the idea of preparations take the time to prepare for the social content and place reasonable expectations about what you view, and don’t try and change what other people post or create. That is an uphill mudslide to drain all interests.
Adult Media entertainment, in all its controversial forms, is going to exist. Plain and simple. It is here to stay. It is the decision of conservative types of people and professional business type of people, for the sake of avoiding that reputation of ill repute of middle class white boys, to just not view adult entertainment. Married men also make these decisions to be loyal to their spouses. Demanding or promoting the viewing of adult entertainment is not my point: I have chosen the adult entertainment viewing lifestyle, and had to make changes myself throughout the process.
The major factor that I’ve gotten adjusted to is about realistic views about the photography process and the views of the physical woman in the picture. The supermodel industry on all levels have defined what beauty and ugliness are. They are externally set standards now that exist, and finding women beautiful on the inside, is a misinterpreted factor by many. Men in long term relationships who have had the experience of loving their spouses, have brought this focus as advice for single men. And some men who have not been so selective about their partner focus on this in both positive mature ways, as well as ways in negative excuses about settling for less and having technical social incapacities.
So I am not excusing desperate behavior or social failures when I bring up realistic expectations. Recognize the fact when you’re on social media about all the digital edit techniques applied to a photo. The pictures at the top of the page are specifically chosen to show this contrast of souped up models highly digital edited, and standard common females.
Analyze and notice their physical bodies, realistically in the very city you’re living now , are you going to find the supermodel diameters to exactness in women around you? Odds are automatically stacked against you about this finding. Expecting and practicing comparisons on physical women around you in this way leads to long term accrue mental stress and very great emotional disappointment.
Men who are instinctive in their sexual nature are better off in the long run to apply their developed social skill sets, even on social media.
This is the first article I’m writing with this topic in mind, if you are into it and read it, great, otherwise it might just not be your cup of tea. No harm done.
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loveekb · 1 year
The Truth About Being Adopted
I’ve thought of writing about this topic because aside from being adopted myself, I have childhood friends who were adopted too. Some of us didn’t take it well upon knowing that we were not biological children. I wouldn’t blame them though since we all have different ways of dealing with such issue.
For myself, I found out that I was adopted when I was 4 years old, and it was a funny story that I’ve always looked back to from time to time. When I was 4 years old, I was with our family friends because they invited me to spend the holiday in Baguio. Aica, not her real name, went to me and said,
“I need to tell you a secret. But promise me you won’t tell anyone? My mom will kill me if you do!”
“Okay”, I replied.
“We are both adopted. I am your real sister.”
“Really? I can’t believe it. What do you think our real names are?”
That time, we did what kids usually do, we imagined what could have been as sisters if we were not separated. Hehe!
I had a lot of questions while growing up, even before I found out that I was really adopted like, where were my ultrasound and baby pictures? Why were there times I hear people saying that I’m adopted? They kept denying the truth and made-up excuses that filled the blanks in mind. There was a hole in my heart when I was growing up, I felt like something was missing and I didn’t know what it was, but that didn’t make me stop loving my adoptive family any less.
My family loved me like I’m their own, they provided me with more than anything I could ask for. However, like Cinderella, I had evil relatives who took advantage of the situation and bullied me whenever they could. Of course, there is always an antagonist in every fairytale, and I kept everything to myself until someone saw what they were doing and told my family about it. After that, I haven’t seen them ever since.
In 1996, my father died from brain cancer. I was 6 years old back then, but I can still remember some of the memories during that time. I was heartbroken. My mother tried to deal with the pain by going out with her friends and there was one time where we went to Subic with her friends after my dad’s burial. While I was sleeping during the trip, I suddenly woke up and I overheard them taking about him.
“Days before he died, he told me to look after Mary (that’s me!) and that all the investment he did was to ensure that she will have a good future.”
I cried, and at the back of my mind, “I have 3 other siblings, why me? I’m adopted?”
For my 18th birthday, they sent me to the US as a gift. My oldest sister migrated there with her family around 2005. On that day, my sister bought a pack of beer and she called me to the kitchen, sat down on the counter, opened 3 bottles of beer, and gave me one. Her husband was standing next to her.
“Mary, there is something we need to tell you.”, my eldest sister said.
“What is it?”
“You are adopted. But-” she tried to explain.
I laughed and said, “I KNOW!”
They were both shocked.
“We love you so much. We never treated you differently.”
Being adopted is a blessing, not a curse. To be honest, I was always proud to tell people that I am adopted. In fact, there was a time my teacher asked me to speak in front of the whole school in 5th grade about being adopted and talking about it soothes my heart, it made me more thankful than ever. It helped me cope with the emotional baggage that I carried throughout my childhood, and I will always be forever grateful.
In Jeremiah 29:11, it says, “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Everything happens for a reason. God has put you there because He has plans for you. You may not know what it is yet but soon, you will realize it. Don’t blame your parents. Be thankful that you have a family who loved and accepted you as their own. You are blessed to have one. You are fortunate enough that you were not aborted.  If it’s not for your family, will you be able to get your degree? Do you think you would eat delicious food, 3 times a day?
Think about it.
Ask yourself this question before you throw a fit, am I well provided?
If yes, embrace what you have and always be thankful.
Not everyone can live the life that you have.
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queen-of-elves · 2 years
Good morning
Steven grant x fem!reader (implied marc spector x reader )
Author note: I am still waiting for episode 2 to write this mess and I will be probably posting second part also after ep. 2 for Missed date.
Summary: Steven finds himself in disbelief one confusing morning.
Word count: over 900 words
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Nowadays Steven was a bit used to waking up with a headache and no memory of yesterday, at least of the real yesterday. He remembered “last” night checking the tape on his door, the sand around his bed and putting on his leg the restraint and finally going to bed. It took him some time to fall asleep, but he was actually lucky to have at least a wink of sleep, well, that’s what he thought. He really thought himself to be lucky for once, until he woke up. The moment his eyes peeled open he knew something was off, as if the air in his apartment completely changed overnight. Headache was beating him violently from inside his skull and even though in his eyes catching a bit of sleep was fortunate, he felt as if he was run over by a train. Shifting slightly so he won’t interrupt his sore muscles he notices weight on his left side and warmth seeping out of it.
There was a woman sleeping next to him, a gorgeous one with soft looking lips and completely…naked? Was this real or another dream? Hallucination caused by the lack of actual sleep? There is no way he has a woman in his bed, naked on top of that, happily sleeping and snuggled in him. You were laying on his left shoulder, taking shallow breaths and from time to time furrowing your eyebrows while his mind was screaming.
How can someone be so pretty?
Sound from the hall outside made you stir in your sleep, pausing Steven and his thoughts from running even wilder. Should he pretend to be sleeping? Maybe you are not waking up. He shouldn’t be panicking, at his age it’s completely normal to wake up with someone in bed. However Steven doesn’t have this sort of experience.
And there it was again, you moving closer to him in your sleep making his cheeks flush with red and his heartbeat skyrocketing.
Is this a nightmare or a dream?
Steven couldn’t decide, your warm and soft skin bringing him so much comfort as nothing before it in contrast with his thoughts unfortunately going back again to the fact that he has no recollection of events preceding this moment. He could have gotten drunk and picked you up in some pub, an absolutely normal occurrence for people, but no, that was nothing like Steven even under the effect of alcohol. He had no such luck in sober state let alone when he was tipsy or drunk.
Perhaps nothing happened, you were drunk and needed somewhere to sleep and it could be your thing sleeping naked or…oh god, maybe you were too drunk and would be disgusted by his pathetic self after waking up next to him or what if you won’t even remember… And now his thoughts were spiraling down a deep rabbit hole of possibilities and probable outcomes of a beautiful stranger waking up in his bed. His thought process is a never ending cycle of overthinking after all.
Once again your movement shocked him. You lazily got up on your forearms to sleepily gaze at Steven, moving your hair out of your face and laying down again. “Good morning. Sorry, did I wake you up?” He looked down expecting to see realization hit you the moment you look at him, for sure you wouldn’t spare him a second glance if you weren’t drunk last night. There is no other explanation. You, an absolutely stunning woman with a melodic voice, choosing to go to his apartment with him? Nah.
But no, you were looking up at him still snuggled in his shoulder and smiling widely waiting for his response.
“No.” Steven whispered as if still trying not to wake you up.
Your smile didn’t falter for a moment and Steven thought he could die like this. In a warm bed with a pretty woman hugging him and affectionately smiling at him. Unfortunately for him even this bliss had its end when you got up from the bed in search of your clothes. You looked totally comfortable in his apartment, like this was not your first time here. His shy nature came back and he averted his gaze, holding it to the ceiling no matter how hard he wanted to stare at you moving around his space in nothing but your beauty. This was probably it, nothing more than just a fling.
“I will call you later, Marc.” You laughed, grabbing your keys after you dressed and moving to his apartment’s door while he still laid on his back in a mess of blankets and pillows.
“My name is…,” he could hear you close the door,” …Steven.”
Slowly getting up from his bed after you left, he went to the bathroom. Maybe he is not a lost case after all. Maybe he will get a girlfriend this year.
When he turned on the water in the basin it was freezing, causing him to slightly jump before adjusting the temperature. Washing his face, he was ready to start his day with new positivity in him.
“Why did she call me Marc tho?”Steven said out loud looking in the dirty mirror.
“Yea, we need to talk.” That was weird, he was sure reflections are not supposed to talk and move without the reflected object moving.
taglist: @laufeyamp
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
Hello!! Just a few days ago I stumble upon your blog and I'm wondering if you have some recommendations for Hybrid AUs, much appreciated if it is an OT7 and completed, but if so I will still be so thankful. (I just need some cure from the stress that modules brings) Thank You in Advance (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
🌷 Hello! welcome to my mini fic-reading land. I’ve actually received asks for Hybrid AUs (I pinned the requests in the navi) but I just have a very messy draft.
But to help you with your stress, I think I can share a few of my ongoing reads (sorry they won’t be complete but they’re OT7). But, I added completed ones I could remember too (●'◡'●)
*note: will edit this later and organize this per member - maybe add other fics I’ll remember*
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Fic Recs | BTS Hybrid AUs
→ A Place Called Home @agustdakasuga -  OT7 x Reader
series [27/27] | 88k | Hybrid AU, Poly AU, Soulmate AU, Romance Humor | Fluff
Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
→  If I Can Never Give You Peace @candlewaxandp0lar0ids - Jungkook x Reader
series [3/?] | 17.6k+ | Mafia AU, Enemies to Lovers | A (so far)
It starts like quite a few stories do, in your world. Girl meets boy, who happens to be a hybrid, girl buys him at an auction where hybrids are sold, boy falls in love with her, girl gets bored of him. Then it’s not so typical anymore, when the boy ends up forced into illegal fighting rings, until he makes a wrong move and her father decides he needs to be killed.
Where does that leave you? Well, you’re the one who handled Jungkook’s fight and generally organized his life, and, when the girl’s father, your boss and mafia leader, tells you he wants him ‘put down’, you’re the one who has to get it done. Except, instead, you let him escape, and everything turns out fine.
🌷ggukkienote: I am so hooked on this (because I am a sucker for Mafia AUs too). This is such a great story and the OC is really different from the usual OCs. Very interesting.
→  Eunoia @wishesunderthestars -  OT7 x Reader
series [15/?] | 100k+ (I just assumed this, masterpost doesn’t have wc but it’s 6k per chapter or more?) | Director!Reader, hurt/comfort | fluff, eventual smut
You are a world famous director and you have dedicated your life to your job. You have everything you could ever dream of; wealth, recognision, talent, your friends and family. But loneliness ins’t cured by success. So what happens when you somehow rescue seven hybrids? Can they fill the void?
→  Restitution @cloudteawrites - OT7 x Reader
series [7/?] | 48k+ | slow burn, poly, mystery, romance
when an estranged uncle leaves you his massive fortune you wonder if the universe is playing a joke on you. when that fortune comes with seven hybrids, you know for sure that it is.
→ Lacuna @barbika1508 - Jungkook x Reader
series [42/42] | 324.3k | Hybrid AU, check for TW | Fluff, Angst, Smut
Lacuna - (n.) a blank space, a missing part
Y/N just wanted to go back home, to enjoy her peace and quiet away from problems and people. But typically, her luck strikes as she stumbles upon a horrific scene of two guys mistreating an already beaten down hybrid. Will she take matters into her own hands and help him? Or let someone else help along the way???
🌷 This is on AO3 and I got a recent ask about author’s tumblr.  So if you prefer AO3 you can check their profile
→ A Hundred Percent Human by wrienne- OT7 x Reader
series [12/?] | 88k+ | Hybrid AU, fluff, angst, smut |
In which you (reader) are forced to take care of seven hybrids in a twist of fate. Drunk and down on life, you finally decide to deal with the house and the unsavory business your mother left behind. However, to your shock, you find that seven very different hybrids are included with both the house - and the business. Seven hybrids you never even met before - even less agreed to take care of.
🌷 This is on AO3. I don’t normally reco AO3 since my blog is focused on tumblr fics but someone sent an ask about this so I’m including it
→ Inferiority Complex @starlightauroras-writes - Jimin x Reader
series [10/?] | 88k+ | political themes, themes of abuse (hybrids) | A, S
You had never liked hybrids. You disagreed with their very existence, and you never wanted to have anything to do with them. And then one day, you discovered a hybrid who was more scared of you than you were of him, and everything changed as you realised you were the only hope he had…
→ Sanctuary @chimchimsauce - Jimin x Reader
series [16/16] | 20k |  Wolf Hybrid!Jimin, Barista!OC, feat sanctuary staff Taehyung, hurt/comfort | F, A
YN is a young girl, bright and ambitious, but due to her busy schedule, she's been unable to make any real friends. When an ad for Saint Mary's Sanctuary catches her attention, she never expected her life to be changed by a certain hybrid named Jimin.
→  Summer Nights @marginalmadness - Jungkook x Reader
series [4/4] | 23k | Hybrid!Fantasy, Romance | F, S
A freak weather anomaly leads to a chance encounter with a rabbit-hybrid, and your kind nature results in you gaining a small, fluffy lodger, who questions your taste in television shows. It’s won’t be for long...will it?
→  Risk it All @/httpjeon - Jungkook x Reader
series [5/5] | 8.3k  | hybrid au, alpha wolf!jungkook | A, F, S
ripped from your family, you find yourself in a warehouse filled with predators. just your luck, you’re right across from a caged alpha wolf.
🌷 (I linked Chapter 5 because for some reason others couldn’t find this chapter so they thought it’s still incomplete)
→  Outro Love is Not Over @kiirokero - Hoseok x Reader
series [12/?] |  Daycare Teacher!Hoseok x Single Mom!Reader
You are the single mother of a beautiful 6-year-old golden retriever hybrid who you named Yunho.  But you’re a human.  You can’t show him the ropes of being a hybrid, and you can’t teach him things the other moms can.  So, when a handsome German Shepard hybrid comes into your life, helping you and guiding Yunho in a way you can’t, you can’t help the cozy home he sets up in your heart.
→  It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Right @imaginethisbts - TaeKook x Reader
two shot [2/2] | 11k | dom/sub themes, heat cycles | S
What’s better than one dogboy lover? Two dogboy lovers. But when Tae and Jungkook seem unusually clingy, it can only mean one thing. That time of the month has snuck up on you and your dogboy lovers do not want to share.
🌷 Also try their other Jungkook hybrid series Out of the Blue
→  Peculiar Park @daydreamindollie -  OT7 x Reader
series [9/?] | 38k+ | imagines, slice of life | Writer!Reader, Psychologist!Reader, imagines | fluff
you’re a successful hybrid writer and psychologist who takes in seven hybrids on one stormy night after finding one of their pack stealing from your garden
→ Yeouiju @nomseok - Namjoon x Reader
one shot | 33.7k | Mythical AU, Hybrid AU (if you squint), suspense | A, F, S
you find an ancient stone in the middle of the mountains and bring it home with you, oblivious to the consequences of taking a dragon’s yeouiju.
→ Beautiful Stranger @/nomseok - Taehyung x Reader
one shot | 19k | circus AU | A, S, F
your dream is to take care of animals for the rest of your life in the big city, making sure that they’re cared for. but you stumble upon a malnourished, rare tiger in your local circus, and you can’t help but want to take care of him.
→ Evolution of You and I @readyplayerhobi - Jimin x Reader
one shot | 10.2k | kind of epistolary (letters), chat, childhood friends | F
For 15 years, Park Jimin has been in your life in some form. From childhood penpal’s to the closest of friends now, you can’t imagine your life without him even if you’ve never actually met him in person. It doesn’t help that you’ve fallen for him, even across the distance that separates you. But what happens when you finally meet up and you discover he’s been keeping something secret?
→  Fish are Friends @httpjeon - Taehyung x Reader
one shot | 10.2k | seahorse hybrid!taehyung | A, S, F
after moving to the seaside, there is a dreadful storm. when all is clear, a man washes up on shore…only he isn’t quite human.
🌷 you know seahorses mate for life and it’s the male that gets pregnant? Interesting huh
→  Pink Panther @gimmesumsuga - Seokjin x Reader
one shot | 13k | boss-employee | F, S
The one where your boss, Kim Seokjin, tries to show you how beautiful you are.
→  Ragdoll @ausblack - Jimin x Reader
series [17/17] | Hybrid AU, College AU | F, A
As you were studying to obtain your medical & veterinary degree, your professor came up with the idea of organizing an internship - where you found yourself side by side with a sick hybrid that needed nothing other that complete care.
→  Jagged + Catnap  @opaljm - Jimin x Reader
one shot + sequel | 18k |  jaguar/black panther!jimin, sand dune cat!reader, mutual pining, friends to lovers, established relationship (sequel)| S, F, slight A
The pretty little sand cat hybrid Jimin has been in love with for the past year experiences her first heat and Jimin would love nothing more than to be the one to guide her through it and breed her with his kittens.
🌷 there’s also a possible spin-off for Taehyung (Eye of the Tiger)
→  Owner @jessikahathaway - Jungkook x Reader
series [6/?] | 17.4k | Fake Dating AU, Hybrid AU, based on Kimi Wa Petto (Japanese anime) | F, S, A
With your mother hounding on you (no pun intended), you decided to get a little help from a hybrid, who was also in need of assistance.
→ Loving Him Was Red + Somewhere Only We Know @userseok - Jungkook x Reader
series [3/?] | 12.8k+ | enemies to lovers, childhood friends (sorta), college au, jock!jungkook, unrequited love (for OC) | S, F, A
you’ve been chasing after jungkook for years. after a harsh verbal altercation between both of you, you decide to leave him alone and pursue a relationship with someone who seems genuinely interested in you, thinking he would never return your feelings.
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I would like to recommend the catalog of these writers:
@ditttiii - so I realize I’m following them on AO3 when I realized the fics looked familiar 🤭. They have an ongoing series called Enchanted to Meet You which you might want to check out if you like Soulmate AUs too! I recently reblogged a Jungkook two-shot comfort fic (hybrid au too) so I recommend going through their masterlist!
@aroseforyoongi - who I discovered because of Gossamer (KTH). It was completed but I think it’s up for re-write/re-post? You can try the others:
Navy Blue - Jungkook [completed]
Forever Yours - Yoongi [one shot, prequel to Navy Blue]
Let Me Love You- Jungkook [one shot]
@magicalsalamander - another favorite author of mine I just feel like I’m reading a great tale every time I start on a series or one shot. They have great fics with supernatural themes too
Rabbit on the Moon - Jungkook | if you’re in the mood for police officer Jungkook [6/6]
The Act of Persuasion - Seokjin | if you are in the mood for Single Dad AU x Arranged Marriage too [one shot]
Firefly that Guards the Fox - Taehyung | if you are in the mood for mystery [11/12 - just epilogue left]
Kitten’s Little Flame - Yoongi | if you like BF to Lovers between dragon and a cat [6/6]
There’s more so please check their Masterlist
@hollyhomburg - I just love Of Fire and Love (hello dragon!yoongi and baby!jungkook? 🥺) But you can check:
their masterlist of all their hybrid fics
Dance to This series which I’ve added to fic recs based on an ask about stories that include members/readers with disability.
Don’t care if it Hurts - Jimin | this is probably my favorite (again I’m a sucker for Mafia AUs) , guard dog hybrid!jimin [12/13, just epilogue]
@angelicyoongie - I got hooked after reading their stories on AO3 but they have tumblr too! Check their masterlist for ongoing hybrid fic (Abundance - OT7)  but these are completed ones:
Desolate - Yoongi, grumypy cat hybrid [14/14]
Out of the Woods - Namjoon, wolf hybrid, strangers to lovers [3/3]
@worldwidebt7 - if you like webtoons! I read parts of Jungkook’s webtoon and I think currently we’re on Yoongi’s story. Access it here
@jincherie - One of the first hybrid fics I remember encountering is Inheritance (MYG). Other fics:
Perihelion - Hoseok, college, roommate, enemies [2/?]
Butterfingers - Namjoon, teacher au, this is cuuuute READ IT if you’re looking for something fluffy [one shot]
4 o’ clock - Taehyung, single dad au (I included this in the singel dad fic recs too) [3/?]
Under the Bridge - Jungkook, found jungkook under the bridge [one shot]
@whitesparrows97 - a writer I discovered because of a Yoongi soulmate fic but I found that they also have other hybrid fics:
Cat’s Cradle - Yoongi, bestfriend [5/5]
Underdog - Taehyung, shifter, brought home what she thought a stray dog [5/5]
@foxymoxynoona - and what would my reco be without foxymoxy? So they have tumblr but their works are on AO3. I’ve listed their current works here but I didn’t include their completed works which are must-reads:
Sugar Fairy - Jungkook, mating, adopted hybrids [48/48]
A Sea of Indigo - Jungkook, ex-fighter [48/48] ⭐⭐⭐
@therealmintedmango - They have a whole masterlist of their hybrid!au fics. I recently finished Kingdom Come and I always remember Jimin from King (for some reason)
@joonbird - check their Zodiac Hybrid Masterlist of one shot per member
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There are more (usually one shot per member) but I’ll probably put them in another Fic Rec List for Hybrid AUs. Sorry this list is kind of all over the place (not even organized per member 🤭). But good luck with your modules and I hope these help!
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