#frank woods x alex mason x reader
writeforfandoms · 1 month
The Calling - 1
Find the series masterlist
This will eventually be Frank Woods x f!reader x Alex Mason. It was planned to be Frank Woods x reader but as I started writing it, Frank and Alex insisted on sharing. Menaces.
This is part of the dragon riders AU, but shows a different part of the AU. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it.
Warnings: Swearing, yearning, repressed feelings, flirting, some politics, Frank and Alex are menaces of the best variety.
Word count: 1.4k
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You tapped your fingers against your thigh absently as you waited, gaze only half-focused on the world around you. Frank and Alex were back earlier than expected, which could be good or bad. 
It was always hard to tell, with those two. 
At least they hadn't come back bleeding this time. 
Two familiar heads of dark hair bobbed into sight, and you blinked the world back into focus. Alex and Frank entered the meeting room together, as usual. Alex nudged Frank with his elbow, and Frank grumbled something and shoved him back. You raised one eyebrow at the pair. Alex grinned at you while Frank just huffed. 
But you didn't have a chance to talk to them, as the other three walked in together. The Primes walked in together, as always, with the Director just behind them. The Director closed the door behind him, giving everyone a moment to sit. 
You already had your chair pulled away from the table, separate from the meeting. A silent observer. You sat quietly, notepad balanced on your leg, prepped to take notes. 
“What have you found?” The Director asked, firm and no nonsense, as always. 
Frank and Alex both straightened, shoulders back, though Alex was the one that answered. 
“Fewer nests than last time,” Alex reported. “Most of the activity we spotted was higher elevation, too.” 
“Higher elevation?” The Prime man, Alistair, asked, leaning forward slightly. “How much higher?”
Alex shrugged. “High enough that it was nearly impossible to get up to them,” he said, speaking slowly. Probably weighing his words, making sure he wasn't being too brusque. “They were still hunting in the valley and the lower slopes of the mountains, but they had moved. We couldn't find any evidence as to why.” 
The Director accepted this, leaning back in his seat. The Primes, on the other hand, exchanged worried looks. You didn't blame them - any change in behavior among the wyverns was… concerning. 
“What else?” The Prime woman, Erika, asked, folding her hands on the table in front of her. 
Frank shrugged. “They're wyverns,” he said, leaning back a little. “They didn't care about much except hunting and fucking.” 
You had to hide your smile, made easier by the fact that you were looking down at your notes. Frank was one of the very few people you knew that dared to use such crass language in front of the Primes. 
“Even so.” She shook her head, dark hair streaked with silver pulled back and gleaming in the light. “I don't like this change.” 
Alex shrugged. “They've changed before. There was that season half their nests were destroyed.” 
“This is different.” But she didn't say more, lips pursing together. 
“This will require more investigation,” Alistair said instead. “We will discuss this matter and inform you when we need you to go again.” 
“In the meantime, you have earned a rest,” the Director cut in. “Dismissed.” 
Alex and Frank both stood, inclining their heads to the three. Alex nudged his foot into yours and, when you looked up at him, nodded to the hallway. You shrugged, and he nodded, taking long strides after Frank. 
You shook your head just a little and looked back at your notes, waiting for the three to decide if they were going to continue their meeting. 
“This change in behavior concerns me,” Erika said softly, brow furrowed. “They do not change their behavior lightly.” 
“Especially not in a year that has been productive,” Alistair agreed. “There is no shortage of food for them, no reason for them to live so high.” 
The Director snorted. “This is not the biggest change we have seen from them,” he dismissed. “So they have gone higher up the mountain. It is no concern of ours why.” 
Alistair and Erika exchanged looks, but you didn't say anything. It wasn't your place. 
“If you're so concerned, we'll send a team to investigate further,” the Director offered, waving one careless hand. “Those two should remain until after the hatching, at least.” 
“Very well.” Erika stood. “Pick your team. I want them ready to go by the morning after tomorrow.” She swept out of the room, Alistair right on her heels. 
You remained seated, finishing your notes. Besides. You knew that the Director would require your help. 
Sure enough, the Director tapped his nails against the table. “I'll send a group of three,” he decided without actually looking at you. “They'll need the usual supplies. I expect it all arranged before midday tomorrow.”
You nodded, accepting that easily. “It will be done,” you agreed. 
“Good. Dismissed.” 
You stood, inclining your head to the Director, and walked out of the meeting room. Fortunately, arranging supplies shouldn't be a problem. It would be nice to know which three the Director was planning to send, so you could be sure to take preferences into account, but maybe you could find out later. 
You jumped, startled out of your head by Alex. He and Frank both snickered at you. Not meanly, though it had taken you a while to figure that out. They just didn't have many chances to relax, and this kind of gruff teasing was a way they showed affection. 
“Jumpy today,” Frank observed, knocking a loose fist against your shoulder. 
“Just lost in thought.” You shrugged but didn't move away from them. “Any new injuries?”
“Nah,” Frank said, waving a hand. “Nothing worth noting.”
You eyed him, because his definition of something “worth noting” varied wildly from yours. A quick glance at Alex proved that he was still relaxed and smiling. Nothing serious, then. You relaxed. 
“So, where are you going first? Food? Or your friends?” You started walking again, trusting they'd keep pace with you. They did, Alex on your left and Frank on your right. 
“Food first,” Frank said, glancing at you. “That asshole can't cook for shit.”
“Neither can you,” Alex shot back with no heat. 
“Why do you think I make sure you both have easy food?” You shook your head, amused. “Honestly.”
“Because you like us and you'd be sad if we died in the wilderness,” Alex offered, only half-teasing. 
“Well, it would make my life easier…” You couldn't help but grin at the twin indignant noises that earned you. 
“You'd be bored without us, admit it.” Frank jostled you with his elbow, though notably more gently than when he did it to Alex. 
“I'd be something without you,” you conceded, still smiling. 
“Bah. Clearly it's been too long since you've been drinking with us.” Frank shook your shoulder loosely. 
“Don't even think about it,” you warned, shooting him a quelling look. “I have work I have to do.” 
“It'll wait,” Alex started.
“Nope,” you immediately protested. “The Director is sending out another group.”
“Who?” Alex asked, a little too casually. 
“Don't know yet,” you said, only a little snappy. “You'll find out when I do.” 
For a moment, strained silence settled between the three of you, even as you turned towards the store rooms. Despite food being the opposite direction, Frank and Alex stayed with you. 
“Didn't mean it like that,” Alex murmured, pressing closer to your side. 
“I know.” You deflated, just a little. “It's just not a good time for me to slack off. Go eat, rest. You deserve it.” 
You didn't look at the two as you pulled open the door to the office. The door closed quietly behind you. 
“What do you need this time?” The question was brusque but not rude, the man in charge of the store rooms glancing at you. 
“Supplies for three, this time.” You clasped your notepad in both hands, rocking slowly from heel to toe and back. “Standard set for each.” 
He eyed you for a moment before nodding, jotting that down. “They'll be ready tomorrow morning,” he grunted at you. 
You nodded acknowledgement, but didn't leave. Instead you slipped further into the store rooms, taking a quick look for yourself. You were one of the few people allowed to roam like this, something you didn't take advantage of often. 
But, well… despite your bluster and teasing with Alex and Frank, you had missed them. You missed them every time they were gone. 
Not that you'd ever admit that. They didn't need to know. 
So you found a couple things for them. Little things. Things they'd mentioned in passing. A new comb for Alex. The soap that Frank favored. A small bag of the hard candies Alex liked but never admitted he craved. 
Just little comforts, little things, to make them feel welcomed back. They never asked. And you never admitted to bringing them. 
It was a little secret. One of many you carried on your shoulders. 
It was no work at all to deposit the bundle at the rooms they shared and be on your way. 
You still had more work to do.
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Okay everyone in the cod fandom thirsting over mw characters, it’s time to introduce u mfs to the black ops world cuz honestly I’m tired of the lack of appreciation and fanfics (mostly fanfics) these people get.
Lemme introduce you to some of the main baes
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This mf right here is a grade a ASSHOLE but it’s why we love him. Honestly if you love effed up relationships and angst you should read some of the bell x adler fics going on. Bell is YOU. It’s the customisable character in Cold War who Russell Adler brainwashed and it’s a whole thing and it’s toxic af to pair them but I fuggin loveeee itttt (second pic posted by @adlerboi)
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Alex Mason <3333 my wifey for lifey
He was brainwashed by the Soviet’s and he’s our fave lil mentally scarred old man. Seriously tho it’s criminal the lack of love this guy gets he is so handsome
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Ahhh mr frank Woods. Asshole but not in the same way Russell adler is. He’s the kinda guy who would act annoyed when you ask him to hold your drink but would protect that mf with his LIFE. Would treat you right but it’s a whole ‘dick to everyone else but sweet as pie to you’ kinda vibe yk?
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Miss Helen Park. Honestly we should hate her. She manipulated and brainwashed us alongside adler but would I kiss her on the lips? Maybe possibly yes. Nuff said
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The CRIMINALLY underrated navy seals commander david mason. Yes he’s alex masons son yes we keep it in the family here. He has some mental scars like his father but honestly who doesn’t?! Handsome as fuck, and so kind and respectful <3 I luv him
So please guys I beg you!! Play black ops 1, 2 and Cold War so we can get some love for these guys!!
If you like the sound of it please read this fic about adler x bell omg my heart
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obsessedwrhys · 2 months
I cant find any fics with the plots i want so im gonna write them myself. the agony.
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Multiple Characters Masterlist (MWI-MWIII)
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cod masterlist - crow’s mega masterlist
☁️ = fluff || ⛈️ = angst || 🔥 = sexual content
GN!Reader With An Accent ☁️
Fem!Reader With Shaved Legs ☁️
Body Switch Gas With Fem!Reader ☁️
Fem!Reader Catches 141 + König Looking At Her Ass ☁️🔥
141 + König’s Reaction To Platonic!Fem!Reader’s Ass Being Slapped By Rando ☁️
141 + König Reactions To GN!Reader Flinching ☁️⛈️
Physical Injury Prompt ☁️⛈️
Ain’t That A Kick In The Head? (Platonic!Fem!Reader)☁️
Ghost, Soap + König Comfort Asthmatic!GN!Reader ⛈️☁️
141 Fear Headcanons ☁️
MBTI Types
flufftober 2023 ☁️
400 Follower Celebration Masterlist
141 Submissive Headcanons 🔥
Pack Cuddles (Hybrid!141 x GN!Human!Reader) ☁️
4k Follower Celebration Masterlist
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 4 months
yooo is there any chance I can request parent headcanons for the safehouse crew (cod: bocw)??? been replaying the bo2 campaign and the Adler is Graves' father theory has a grip on me esp recently now that that mf is coming back
I imagine that Adler is a pretty distant parent, what with work in the CIA taking up most of his time and probably isn't able to see his kid much to begin with after the divorce, no doubt his ex wife has full custody of any of the children they had during that marriage. he's the kind of dad to buy his teenage kid expensive gifts to make up for the times he couldn't be there, usually related to something they were mildly interested in when they were like 7. And that thing is probably one of the only things he knows about them because they ranted about it to him when they were really young and naive. Russ is not as good as vocalizing his affection, but he's observant, and would zero in on any information and likes that his kid has when they express it... It's just that the usually don't with the distance between them. I think he does genuinely care about his child and still wants to show that they appreciate them, but just doesn't know how to properly connect with them on an emotional level, and usually doesn't even have the time. I don't think he'd treat his kid much differently based on their gender, he's still an emotionally-supressed mostly absentee father that his child would kind of just grow to resent as they get older. Adler is the 'he tried' dad. (I hc that Graves his kid is also the most likely to have a wild rebellious teens phase, and he'd kind of just let it happen so long as they aren't getting into any legal trouble because at that point their relationship would be so strained and he's just kinda apathetic about it. I think he's the type that would come home late to catch his kid smoking, and the only thing he'd do is ask why they started and if they know the consequences of it, then promptly asks for one and never brings it up again.)
Hudson, on the contrary, would be the perfect dad. Girl dad 100%, this man has a wife and two daughters (I think, might need to double check this one, but point still stands because I think he'd be good with girls). This man deserves a bo burnham 1985 edit. I think that he's really the type of guy who tries to squeeze in as much quality time with his family even with his work, and is the type to frequently show affection and pride for his children. Jason is completely soft for his wife and children, in contrast to how much of a no-nonsense hardass he is on the job. I am utterly convinced that this is the man who would always play along with his daughter's tea parties when he has tine and would never miss any of his son's games (he'd ask Jenny to record it for him if he's knows he's gonna be on a mission for a long time). I imagine that he really goes the extra mile to be the best role model for his kids, being both responsible and loving even with the limited presence he has because of his job. Hudson is the father figure some us needed in life ngl.
I don't think Mason would be an abusive dad contrary to what most people would take away from the one interaction we see with him and a very young David. I definitely think he'd have some major anger issues though, no doubt that trauma from The Numbers™️ and all the shit he's gone through as soldier and later CIA op would have an impact on him. He would never lay a hand on his own kid, but he's definitely shouted at them pretty frequently and has likely broken objects around them when he's angry. Much more so after his wife's death and being left as a single dad who barely has any idea what he's doing, and the only other person who can rein him in from it is Frank. I think he's more affectionate and less emotionally distant than Adler, but still just not as close as he should be to his child. He'd apologize for his outbursts and all but, being raised with traditional values from the 30s-40s, he isn't really the type to have those heartfelt talks about feelings because men are supposed to be strong and being emotional makes you weak and all that crap. Would be tougher with a son, and stricter with a daughter. Alex would become a lot more understanding and open over time when his kid grows older, and mellow out as an old man and just be proud of how they turned out despite how he was. The anger issues never really dissipates, but he learns to control it and be better for his kid for the remainder of his life. Mason is the dad you'd resent and have so much anxiety over in your teens and twenties but eventually make up with and get closure by your late thirties or so.
Woods would definitely be more of a fun uncle than a dad. More of the tough love type, but will always remind his kid that they're appreciated at the end of the day. But I also imagine he's a lot more reckless snd clumsy, specially as a first-time father. May not be perfect, has his own shortcomings in a lot of places, but he's really trying his best. I imagine that he probably tiptoed a lot when it came to raising David, trying not to yell at him too much and tried to be his anchor as much as he can after he was tricked into killing Alex (and then promptly going off on him when he shows face again after thirty years). Frank would be considerate and very vocal about his appreciation for his kid despite . Woods is the lovable old man that you'd have a lot of funny memories to look back on, and cussing you out is just his own way of saying he loves you.
I don't have as much thoughts on them but I think Park would be very overprotective, especially if she had a daughter. Would shelter her child and be very strict with them, making sure she knows how and where her kid is all the time, who her kid is with, and how safe they are. Would make her child wear a tracker watch and tell her all and any people they meet or see. Madam Shell's betrayal and her brother's death have definitely left a mark on her, and she would excessively worry about them at all times, to the point of it being suffocating and very invasive Lazar is the balance to this, more lenient and lets his kid have a right to privacy and freedom. Sure, he still worries a lot, but he has enough faith in his child to let then go off on their own when they're at an appropriate age. I also imagine that he gives the best best hugs. Sims would be somewhere in between, albeit more leaning on the stricter side.
i love this idea so I'm gonna do silly little headcannons for it
How the Safehouse Crew treat their kid
Russell Adler
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He's absolutely an absent dad
It's not that he does it on purpose, it's just what happens with his job
Russell tries so hard. So hard to be there, but a lot of the time he just can't because of work
If his kid does any sports, you can bet your ass that he's gonna be at any games he can
Now, that's not a lot, but still
Adler absolutely cheers the loudest anytime that his kid does anything
He'll also argue with the refs or umpires about dumb calls
Has been kicked out multiple times
Russell also buys his kid anything that they want
Christmas with him is like out of a damn movie
Presents are practically stacked to the roof and each one is more extravagant than the last
Is definitely the type of parent to dump a bunch of money on his kid for whatever they want
It's his way of making up for barely being around
Has missed his visitation days a lot
Every time he does, Adler sends money and presents as an apology
One time, his kid was staying over at his house because they got into an argument with their mom
He came home late and was met with the sight of his only child smoking cigarettes in the living room
"You know what those do to your lungs?"
The kid just stared for a second before nodding in shock
"Good. Don't be surprised when you get lung cancer. Lord knows I'm already getting close to that. Give me one."
The kid hands over the whole pack, and Adler takes one, lights it, and hands it back. "Don't tell your mother."
On the times that he actually has off and has the kid, he tries to make a whole day out of spending time together
Adler takes them to an amusement park or something, and its just plain awkward the whole time
But, by the end of the day, they're just a little closer
Mainly because they had a heart to heart on the car ride home
They even hugged!
And then nothing changed
Boo >:(
Jason Hudson
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Girl dad 100%
He's the dad that everyone needs
So supportive, no matter what
Jason does, in fact, have two girls. And, if I remember right, he loves them more than anything
This man absolutely has been caught playing princesses and knights with his daughters by his wife
His favorite thing is to sit at the tiny tables and have a tea party
Loves his kids so much
If he had a son, Hudson would teach him how to throw a football
Definitely would push him to join a sport
If he does, Hudson goes to every game
Just like Adler, he cheers the loudest
If his girls get boyfriends, you can bet your ass that he's going to let them know that he has multiple guns and absolutely knows how to use it
Jason has to be told by his wife to leave them alone
He only does because he loves his wife so so much and he'd kill for her
Lots of physical affection
Hugs and all that good stuff
His kids definitely won't be touch starved
Is absolutely who they go to first whenever something happens and they need help/support
If he ever catches his kid doing something that they shouldn't, like smoking, he has to try really hard not to yell at them. He pretty much has to walk away to cool off before he can approach the conversation in a way that he wants to
Hudson and his kid are going to have a long talk that ends in a hug and a promise not to do it again
Overall his kids are well behaved and he's a good dad
Alex Mason
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My poor boy
I love him so much, anger issues and all
Any time that he screams and breaks things in front of his kid, he calls Woods to come and pick them up so he can take care of things
He always feels horrible after he yells. Alex never wanted to hurt anyone. Quite the opposite, actually. He just doesn't know how to control his anger
Throughout the kids developmental years, he tries his best not to yell or get angry, but a lot of the time he can't stop himself in time
In comes one Frank Woods, who ends up coming over and taking the kid out for ice cream or to the park or just for a drive
He ends up being that cool uncle that the kid goes to when something happens
When he gets discharged (Honorably) from the military, Mason ends up going to therapy
And anger management classes
Only reason he does is because his kid ends up yelling back when he gets angry
And he realizes that he fucked up :(
So that helps him mellow out for his kids later years
Definitely apologizes to his kid for how they were raised
Alex won't over explain or get all mushy, but it'll come up as a simple "I'm sorry for how you were raised," and leave it at that
Will express his feelings through gifts or spending quality time with his kid
If he gets grandkids, Alex will take that as the time to make up for his kids shitty childhood
Best granddad for real
When he's older, he won't mind as much when it comes to telling his kid that he's proud of them
Lots of praise
Frank Woods
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Definitely the type of dad to pretend that his kid is in trouble and then it turns out to be a prank
He would absolutely do it just like he did in the scene of the gif
Frank wouldn't yell at his kid, more just yell in general
He'll scream over football games, tv shows, dropping something, anything
He does not care
His kid would be used to loud noises by double digits
Woods would absolutely not know that his kid was sneaking out until Alex caught them
He doesn't particularly care, but he's a little disappointed that they didn't ask him if they could go
Instead of yelling, he would sit them down and have a serious discussion
Lots of "You could have just asked," and, "How many times have you done it?"
Basically he'd get his kid to quit because he knows it's a bad habit
I can't remember if he's a smoker or not, but if he is he would go through the process of quitting with said kid
Helen Park
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She's kind of a shitty mom, ngl
Park can be good at it when she wants to, but she's got her own shit that he's going through
She can't handle a kid
In the early years, she's a little neglectful and absent
Then she does a full 180 and goes full over-protective mom mode
Trackers, constant phone calls, reassuring messages
The whole nine yards
She'll try her best to stop if her kid says something, but her anxiety is way too high to stop fully
Definitely the kind of mom to apologize through gifts
One fond memory that her kid would have of their younger years is her sneaking into their room and climbing into bed with them
She just sat there and held them, silently telling them how much she loved them
Helen thought their kid was asleep, not awake and hearing everything she was saying
Park definitely let her kid sneak into her bed when they had nightmares or got sick
She secretly loves it and is sad when they stop doing it
Okay that's all I got-
I didn't mean for this to take so long to make
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monotoneclown · 4 months
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I wanted to try to paint with acrylics for the first time and decided to draw Adler. He was very fun to draw, might try to draw him again in the future.
COD Black Ops Cold War’s storyline still has me effected. I would have liked to talk more about this but I’m kind of sleepy and have a stomach ache today so I doubt that I would make sense even if I tried.
There’s also a drawing of a goat, because why not, I like them.
Anyways, just know that I’ll draw him again.
Kisses to you all.
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rascal-xo · 1 year
send in y’all’s Price/Ghost/Soap suggestions |My requests are open for any other kind of fic suggestions as well!|
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cherwich · 11 months
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spcewild · 8 months
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Darling I'd wait for you
Frank Woods x (gender neutral) reader
Tw: death, mourning, battle/war, abuse of alcohol, depressing topics, etc.
It was different when you died.
When you were killed.
Woods was used to death, but yours?
There wouldn't be a day in the world where he could be prepared for what happened to you.
You, him, and Mason. You three were out on a mission, it went badly - terrible.
You ended up getting ambushed and captured. Usually it wasn't a big deal when this kind of thing happened - you all would have made it out.
If only he didn't screw up.
He took his eyes off you for one second - a solider grabbed you from behind when you were busy with one in front of you.
The solider held the gun to your head, threatening Woods and Mason.
One wrong move and it would all go wrong.
They had to think quick.
You acted quickly though - given this wasn't the first time you were held hostage. Being in war does that to you.
You reached for your knife and stabbed the man behind you swiftly. It should've went well.
It should've been over after that.
Bastard shot one bullet before he dropped dead.
That one bullet.
Costed you your life.
It pierced through your stomach. Woods was quick to your side - Mason taking care of the rest of enemies surrounding you three.
They tried getting you out of there. Woods holding you up by your shoulder - helping you walk out of there.
You knew you weren't going to make it.
It was the end as you all knew it.
"Stay with me.. just a bit longer we're almost there, dammit.."
"I'm not going anywhere Frank"
"I'm always going to be with you"
Days, weeks, months, years.. it didn't matter, he still wasn't over it.
He drowned his feelings with bitter alcohol.
Coming home and passing out on the couch, waking up - then to the bar - then to your grave.
It was a loop.
Mason and everyone tried their best to knock him out of his depressive state. Tried getting him out to go somewhere - even if was to just go eat somewhere.
Nothing worked.
Eventually he got better. Not by much.
He never moved on to someone else.
He visited at least once a day. He'd bring flowers every time.
Sometimes Mason would even come with him.
He wished that it was him that day.
What he would give to just change how everything went that day.
You were right though.
You never left. You were always with him.
Authors note:
I was listening to this song and thought of this concept :)
I hope you guys like this little angst.. I did a bit of a different writing style.
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wfanfic56 · 1 year
Change me...| Alex Mason x reader
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"...we talked about sports, and school, and she gave me some advice about studying, that I have to make pauses between subjects I have to study. And I should not worry too much about that." After his father picked him up after school, David was talking to his father about a woman he was staying with, after Jenny left for a important business meeting.
Alex was paranoid about her, as every parent should be. Leaving your child to unknown person would do only insane person. Well, she was Hudson's sister, maybe that fact was a little bit relaxing, but still, even siblings aren't the same. And there he was, standing in front of her front door, knocking to 'thank her' for taking care of his son.
"It's now or never" he whispered to himself, and he knocked. -"Coming! Just a sec!" a voice was heard from the other side of the door. And then they were opened, and she was standing there. Woman 5'8, medium length y/h/c hair, y/e/c and on her neck, underneath her chin, was a thin line - scar from a knife. He studied you for a while, and then he realized he was staring at you
"Hello, how may I help you?" -"Hey, uh...I'm Alex, David is my son. Hudson told me where you live, so I just came to thank you for taking care of David. I hope he didn't make any problem." he got red in his face. Was he blushing or was it the cold weather?
"He's a wonderful child, I really enjoyed in his company. Would you like to come in? It's pretty cold outside." -"Maybe next time, Dave is waiting for me in the car." she smiled at him. "Okay, then I wish you a wonderful day." and with a small smile he left like he never was there.
Getting in the car, his cheeks got red more than before. Mason tried to collect himself, so he tried to just start his car and leave in front of her house. "I think you like her, dad." -"Jesus Christ! You scared me." "But I was here all the time."
"I know, I was just thinking something, and I forgot that you were here. Do you have a lot of homework?" David shook his head "Okay, what do you think about pancakes for dinner? We could call uncle Frank to come, too." -"Yea! I can't wait!"
"What do you think, Frank?" Alex asked after he told almost everything what happened while David was in the living room playing games.
"Everything would be fine if there's not that one thing"
"Fuck man, you've been clinging onto that from the moment I said that. But there's a thing, she has a scar on her neck, maybe she's been working with Hudson."
"Did you say scar? Mason, she's a Captain, just like you, and she served in Marines, just like us, and she beats shit out of everyone, just like she did to me." on that Alex choked on the beer he was drinking "And yeah, I met her. She's fine, but don't get her on the nerve. She will kill you ASAP."
"So...you want me to try?"
"If you want to play with death, go on."
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twistedbloodstain · 2 years
which one in bocw
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writeforfandoms · 1 month
The Calling
You've known Frank and Alex a long time, and you've been quashing your desire for them for just as long. But it's not a habit you can keep up forever.
A dragon riders AU story
Frank Woods x Alex Mason x f!reader
chapter one |
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Hey guys!
Hopefully some of you made the switch to the black ops side since I made my last post!!
I just thought I would add a link to my own story on ao3! Some of the chapters are better than others but this is the first fanfic I’ve written since 2015 so just keep that in mind 😚
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mockerycrow · 1 year
400 Follower Celebration
JUNE 5TH - JUNE 15TH, 2023
WOOOHOOOO thank you sososo much for 400 followers!! I decided I wanted to celebrate with little blurbs and fics, so here’s a list of prompts you can choose from + pick a call of duty character to pair with!
I will continue to pump out requests until I make an announcement that I will no longer be taking prompt asks for the time being. If you have a prompt of your own, feel free to send that in, too!
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400 Follower Posts
“Please don’t tell me we fell asleep like this.” — Kyle Garrick
“I know how stress you’ve been today, so i took care of all the housework. Just sit back and relax, you’ve more than earned it.” — Alejandro Vargas
“C’mere, let me see.” — 141 + König
“Go back to sleep, baby, it’s okay.”— König
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”— Ghost
“Do you want to stay in tonight? You don’t look thrilled at the prospect of going out, and I only want to go if you want to as well.” + “Stop hogging the blankets.”— John Price
“Can I kiss you?”— Kyle Garrick
“I thought we were past this.”— Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
“What do you mean? Of course I was going to defend you, nobody has the right to talk about you like that!”— John Price
“Don’t you dare lie. I can see it hurts, so show me.”— Kyle Garrick
“I can’t wait to take this off you.”— Kyle Garrick
“I don’t know how to fix this.”— König
“Can I touch you?”— König
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 11 months
CoD Cold War Masterlist
Alex Mason
Nothing yet
Lawrence Sims
Nothing yet
Frank Woods
Nothing yet
Helen Park
Nothing yet
Russel Adler
Nothing yet
Lazar Azuolay
Nothing yet
Jason Hudson
Nothing yet
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