#fucking lifeguard take care of them already !!
fineprintedsunsets · 10 months
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This Is For Haunted Hoedown Day 7! | My Haunted Hoedown Master-List
summer camp au + "i can't stop thinking about how perfect we would be together"
Synopsis: Ari Levinson is a lot better after hours. 
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: (this is definitely a tribute to my childhood) good ol' angst. pool sex. dirty talk. lifeguard!ari levinson x f reader :). use of pet names "mama" etc. brief mentions of injury. unprotected sex. (reader is on the pill although never mentioned, #stayawaypregnancytrope) (wrap it before you tap it, kids) sweet, worried ari.
It’s days like today you find yourself appreciating Lifeguards more. It’s not just about shirtless men baring their pecs for the whole world to see, (although a bonus) It’s more than the praise and hero complex.
It’s about wanting to make a difference, to be a savior, sure, but going to bed at night is just a bit easier knowing you helped a human being breathe again. Ari was a lot like that, you noticed.
His tanned cheeks would lift in a slight smile when anyone congratulated him on his newest rescue. Ari didn’t care about the compliments, or how he was perceived-
“You gonna say hi, or just stare?” Lou’s voice breaks through your head, causing you to stutter, your eyes breaking from where Ari sits on his post, searching the pool for any trouble.
“Staring is good enough.”
It wasn’t.
You murmur, continuing to wipe at the Snack Bar counter. The adults were more messy than the kids. Sweat breaks above your brow as the heat fills your veins, wishing you were inside the pool or inside an air-conditioner.
Either one would work.
“Those vultures have been gobbling him up all night, guess your one of them too,” Lou says, her brows lifting in amusement. She takes her yellow rubber gloves off and lays them down on one of the chairs The Snack Bar was designed with sliding windows that face the pool, mostly to receive money and dish out snacks, but you had found a much better use for it.
Lou wasn’t wrong either, four women well into their 50s had been sitting out tanning all day, not even bothering to watch their kids. Each set of eyes had never left Ari’s body, and although you were just doing the same thing-
“Don’t say it’s different. It’s not.”
You huff, throwing down the rag on the table you were just wiping down, leaving it half-completed.
“Do you have anything better to do, Lou?” You get a glimpse of her ponytail and her small body. Although a pest, Lou was almost like a mother to you. “Summer Mother” that is.
Every year you worked at Camp Constaga’s Snack Bar. Although it meant switching TV for bracelet-making and campfires, it didn’t matter. If anything, you’d prefer the woods over home.
She flashes you her lucky smile, throwing a rag over her shoulder, making the edges of her uniform damp. “You know I don’t!” You shake your head, a smile blooming on your lips.
Lou tosses you a look, clearly seeing the blush on your cheeks. “Go!” Throwing her hand up in mock threat, she disappears into the back of the bar.
Yeah, that’s right, Go prepare the chicken nuggets. It takes you a couple of moments to realize she took your rag, the one you need to finish cleaning the tables.
The only sound is the rustling of frozen chicken nugget bags and the echo of Lou chuckling.
“Shut Up And Dance” plays loudly over the pool speakers. It’s the anthem of every summer, and boy does it never get old. Night falls silently on Camp Conastoga’s pool, tonight is a very special night.
It’s glow swim.
It’s a camp tradition, every month they hold a “glow” swim. Kids and adults wear trippy bathing suits and a whole shit ton of glow sticks are thrown in the pool. It’s simple, but fun.
Really Fucking Fun.
“Lou! Where did you put the paint?” You call over the loud splashing of children. The lifeguards are already on duty, and the adult swim doesn't start for another hour or so. You see her signature auburn ponytail exit the bathroom, her bare stomach, thighs, and arms marked with glow-in-the-dark paint.
“Handprints? That simple Louie girl?” You tease, grabbing the paint from her hands. You bought a whole array of colors yesterday, the kids used all of the pool’s supply.
“I’m sorry, shall I draw a pentacle?” She adjusted the strap on her neon green bathing suit, pulling it to snugly fit on her shoulder.
You elicit a chuckle, filling the pool’s backroom with the ungodly sound. “It would fit, you are a demon.”
“Very funny.” Lou rolls her green eyes, sending them back into her head with far more exaggeration than necessary. Holding tight onto the bottle of green paint, you turn around, and walk away from her, heading to your cabin to receive the other colors.
“See you out there-” You choke down a strangled whine, your face colliding with something hard and solid. Pain shoots through your jaw, and the only thing you can hear is labored breathing and music.
Upbeat and happy music.
Not very fit for this situation.
A backless dress and some beat-up sneaks…
My discotheque, Juliet teenage dream…
I felt it in my chest as she looked at me…
And then darkness.
Waking up in the infirmary was not the plan tonight. You blink your eyes, once… twice… You can see a window to the right of you, it’s pitch black outside. You stir, quickly trying to get up, but a hand on your stomach stops you, splaying against your belly and pushing you down.
You whine, squirming against the hand. It’s big and feels as if sparks are being emitted through your body from the fingers. When you open your eyes, you understand why.
“Shh…- It’s okay, sweet girl.”
All it took was a few words to get you rising, slowly this time as Ari’s hand fell from your stomach, tanned fingers grabbing your elbow to ease you into a sitting position. The pain has reduced to a dull ache, you don’t focus on it, not when Ari is standing above you, lifeguard shorts on, shirt nowhere to be found, and is that…worry in his eyes?
You grab at your head, attempting to find the source of your pain. You must have hit something, now it’s reduced to just a small headache. “What happened?” The words you speak are discombobulated as you try to adjust to the light in the infirmary.
Children can be heard screaming and splashing outside.
So you hadn’t been put in a coma.
You aren’t going to wake up to a zombie apocalypse.
This is very good news.
“You slammed into my chest, I’m so sorry, mama.”
Mama? Surely it was just a name lifeguards give to crying little girls, it was a cute, sweet nickname.
Until it came out of Ari Levinson's mouth.
“What time is it?” You shift, still holding your head, expecting the headache to just disappear at your touch.
It doesn't.
“10:00” Lou answers from seemingly nowhere. Did she just watch that interaction go down?
When she steps in front of you, the gleam in her eye tells you all you need to know.
“Adult swim starts soon, I have to put my paint on.”
“Woah, you sure? You did pass out on us, mama.”
Will he shut up and keep talking?
The heat that pools between your thighs isn't normal, and you can’t stand to be close to Ari anymore. If you would… there’s no telling what you might do.
Something you would regret. Ari doesn't even know you.
“It’s just a headache. I’m not dying.” The words have more bite than you wish, but this room is getting crowded, and the heat that encircles you is suffocating. Especially when Ari tilts his chin up, his fingers perching on his hips in confusion.
You didn’t want to be rude, but it seems it may be the only way to get out of this room.
“I gotta go get the paint.” You slid off the table, hearing the paper crinkle beneath your weight. Lou moves out of the way, and when she does, you accidentally clip Ari’s shoulder. You don’t turn around to apologize though. The heat is too much, you need to get that paint and get in the pool.
Even though being away from him has made the heat worse.
Adult swim had started the moment you finished in the pool bathroom. All over your body are neon pink swirls and made-up symbols, matching your pink bikini. Ari sat perched on the very end, his eyes wandering over the kids complaining to their parents.
You were aware of the way your nipples hardened against the thin slice of fabric, how your breath picked up when Ari’s eyes landed on your face. His usual sunglasses were gone, and even from across the people, his blue eyes drilling holes in your body.
You turn away, internally wishing your hips wouldn’t swish as you did so.
They did.
“Hey! Over here!” Lou and Reed call from their positions in the water, the reflective surface bringing the night sky into the pool. Your head still ached, but enough that you could get some swimming in. You wouldn’t miss this night for the world.
You walk to the side of the pool and before Lou or Reed pulls you in, you jump. There’s a moment when you do so, where the rest of the world disappears, it’s only you, the wind, and the water you're about to plunge into.
The glow sticks leave a path to which you follow, feeling your breathing dissipate as you're pulled into the water, swishing your hair around, wetting the fabric of your bathing suit, and crowding you in cool relief.
It’s the polar opposite of Ari’s warm presence.
You come up for air, swimming to the top of the pool. Lou and Reed are already next to you, splashing from every angle. “What are you five!” You yell, despite doing the same, gathering water in the scoop of your palm and tossing it across your best friend's faces.
For the moment, for the night, you would forget about Ari’s eyes burning into your back, watching as you splash your friends, hearing your laughter fill the pool as it gets lost in the night.
This is purgatory and paradise at once.
Being away from him, but relishing in the memories you're creating.
Both hot and cold.
You sink into the water again, allowing it to swallow all your fears, soon they would come back, you were on after-hour duty. With none other than Ari himself.
All of the adults left hours ago, Lou and Reed went back to their shared cabin, and the Camp Children gathered around the campfire deep in the woods. It was just you and Ari, and the simple task of gathering all of the glowsticks.
You let out a breath, your fingers finding the smudge pain on your hips as you stand over the edge of the pool. The sky is deeper than before, the stars shining bright above you. And the waning crescent moon, hidden beneath crowded clouds.
It was a beautiful night indeed.
“You ready?” Ari’s voice breaks through your head-space, before talking yourself out of it, you turn around. It’s hard not to roam Ari’s body, his tanned abs, his long blond hair, and his beard.
No one could ignore that, no one.
You stomp a foot on instinct. “No one could ignore it” was your excuse for “this man turns me on with just his smile.”
“Yeah.” You squeak, watching Ari’s arms form a perfect dive pattern, jumping into the water with ease. The glow sticks make it visible to you, how easy he glides, picking up each stick as his path goes dark.
You do the same, jumping on the opposite end, with less grace than him. Usually one of the other lifeguards would be doing this, but most went to join the campfire. The pool gets darker and darker as you pick up each glowstick, resurfacing every few seconds for breath. You break from your trance when something hard hits the top of your head, the headache rocking through you with a sharp pain. You know it’s Ari, he must have been going for the glow sticks in the middle of the pool.
“Mama.” Ari resurfaces, watching as you do the same, rubbing the top of your head.
“Are you okay? Goddamn me. I don’t mean to keep hurting you, sweet girl.” Ari’s hair is wet, framing his features perfectly. A dozen glow sticks reside in his palm, matching your own.
“Come here.” He leads you to the very edge of the pool, and although you shout at your body to stop moving, your legs ignore your pleas. The heat grows with every second you spend in lifeguards presence.
You both toss your glow sticks into the basket, as you pool yourself up and out of the pool, water splashing as you turn around to sit on the edge, your legs still in the water. Ari stands in front of you, not exactly between your thighs, but very fucking close to them.
“Does it hurt?” He asks, running a hand over his wet hair, looking to the top of your head.
“I’ll be fine.” You utter, looking away from him. This man will be the death of you. They kick up a little bit of water, watching it swirl at your feet.
“Look at me, mama.” Ari pleads, moving through the water, so close to where your knees touch his chest.
“Please.” It’s almost inaudible, but you catch it, you see the desperation in his eyes,
“Fuck, Ari.”
You don’t even try to talk yourself out of it. You jump back into the pool quickly, water droplets spraying everywhere as you grab the back of Ari’s head, pulling him down to your lips.
He’s surprised at first, but when you groan, feeling the heat of his lips, the way they kiss and wrap you in warmth, he kisses back. Moving you to rest your back against the side of the pool, pushing you gently into the smooth tile.
Ari pulls away first, and the way he looks at you, it seems as though he is fighting with himself. “Sweet girl-”
You bring a finger to his puffy lips, silencing him. “No talking, more kissing”
Ari doesn't pretest, because this time it’s him that’s pressing into you, water grabbing at you both, your tongues intertwining in perfect harmony. You both pull away for air, the buzzing sound of crickets overwhelming you.
“Do you want me here, mama?” Your eyebrows quirked up as your hands still rest in his hair, forever tugging him closer.
“I will take you anywhere, Ari.”
It’s all the permission he needs. His fingers come around to your back, reaching for the tie of your pink bathing suit. Your body racks with anticipation as Ari tugs, and the fabric falls away, revealing your nipples to the cool night air.
His breath heaves as he stares down at you, his eyes locking with the point nubs. He groans. “Your perfect, sweet girl.”
“Fucking perfect”
He dives down, taking a peak into his mouth, and swirling it around his tongue. You arch your back away from the pool tiles, pressing into his hardened cock. The water makes it easier for you two to move, as Ari nurses your breasts, you undo the string of his lifeguard shorts.
He removes his mouth from you with a pop, helping you free himself from the restaurants. Your top and his shorts are thrown with the glow sticks, forgotten. His cock is hard against his chest, even in the water it’s not hard to tell.
His tanned fingers find your bottoms, running over your stomach, until they're stationed at their ties. “You ready, perfect girl?”
Your breath fans, your response is merely a rasp as Ari crowds you, his cock pressing against your stomach. “No.”
The ties snap as he tugs at them, water crowds you, between your legs as your slick folds are exposed to the cool sensation. Ari takes your right leg carefully in his rough palm, lifting it to pin the appendage against the pool tile. He pushed further, his cock lining up at your entrance.
He wants this as much as you do.
“Open for me, sweet girl.”
You part your other leg a bit, leaving enough room for Ari to settle comfortably in between your thighs.
“Doing really good for me, this is going to hurt.” You nod, not caring.
The heat is bubbling, threatening to boil over now and the anticipation is getting irritating. Ari places a kiss against your temple, his beard scratching against your skin as he thrust, pushing the tip of his cock against your folds.
You yelp, grabbing at his bare back, feeling the water around you, paired with his cock dipping inside of you was otherworldly.
“That’s it..” Ari smiles, his unoccupied hand coming up to cradle your face, tilting your head down to where your bodies meet.
“Watch as you take me, mama.”
You do, with both pain and pleasure as Ari inches his cock into you slowly. The reflection of the water enhances his every feature, and the wins of his cock are pulsating with pleasure.
“Good girl, just a little more-” His voice is husky with need but still soft and caring.
It turns you on just the more.
“I’m gonna fill you up, Breathe for me alright?” His words are so filthy yet so… soft.
Ari watches you, your eyes still on your pussy, watching it take more of his cock in, feeling the pain as he stretches your walls. You take a deep breath as he asks, and scream when he thrust to the hilt.
“Shh…Good girl.” Ari drags out each syllable as he whispers, his cock buried inside you, as his body fully presses into yours, his hand balancing your pinned leg against the wall.
“Can I move, mama?”
Words do not escape your throat, you just tug at Ari’s hair, clenching around his cock a few times, attempting to adjust. You nod as your lips collide, it silences the scream as he deals his first thrust.
Your heavy breaths fixate on the point of completion, each time Ari drags his cock out of you, more water fills its spot, adding stimulation to your clit. Your fingers wrap around the pool's edge, your eyes snapping shut.
“You take me so well, sweetheart.”
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna get you over that edge.”
Ari’s words make you clench harder, a smile passes his lips as he groans, feeling what he does to you, feeling what you do to him every time his cock pulsates at your tightness.
Your breath speeds up with Ari's thrust, your back arching against the pool tiles as he fucks you deeper into the concrete, making sure your head never hits the ground. The words that come out of your mouth are rushed, but nonetheless true.
“I can’t stop thinking about how perfect we would be together.” You say them with urgency with rush, as if they were slipping from your mind. Ari’s thrust doesn't cease, he only groans, melting against you.
“Me too, sweet girl.”
“Me. Fucking. Too.” Your orgasm is so close, it feels like you're drowning in pleasure. Your nails find safety in Ari’s back, holding onto him for support as his fingers dip into the water, finding your clit and begging to rub.
He knows you're close.
“Come for me, mama. Make a mess on my cock.” Ari echos, his cock fighting the force of the waves he’s making, slamming into you each time, his fingers rubbing faster. You whimper, meeting his thrust with your own attempts, chasing the pleasure. You clench down hard, “There you go…doing so good.”
Your orgasm hits you at full force as Ari pumps his cock, his fingers riding you through it. Until he halts, filling you with his release. The warm feeling settles deep into your stomach.
“Mama.” Ari finishes, you can still feel his cock pulsating inside you, his labored breathing slowing to match your own. Despite the cool water, sweat runs down both of your bodies.
“Your-” He starts, you giggle, deciding to cut the sexual tension. Ari’s brows turn up, waiting to hear what you have to say,
“Hot? Beautiful? Fantastic? Best sex you’ve ever had?”
“Mine” Ari whispers against your lips, shutting you up.
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babybammargera · 4 months
Bunny and Baby Lifeguards on duty
Party boy x fem reader (early jackass era)
You’re sitting on the floor of the van brainstorming ideas for skits with the boys and Jeff. Normally you’d get thrown into something chaotic with Ryan or maybe Ehren but apparently, fans like it when you interact with Party Boy. Jeff looks at you, “How do you feel about doing the lifeguard bit with Pontius?” You shrug and look up from your iPod, “depends on the context. “Tony Hawk just bought a house and the pool is currently empty. And we somehow convinced him to film a bit with Bam, Dave, Steveo, Ehren, and Weeman where they're skating the pool basically slamming into each other trying to skate and you two get to shoot them with paintball guns and look pretty in bikinis. You in?” You crack a smile, “Chris is prettier than me and pulls off a bikini better but I'm down, Bam and Sleepo have been pranking me a ton this week so I'm ready to get them back.”
The next day the crew arrives at the house and everyone is setting up and getting ready. You had already gotten dressed for the day, A black bikini top with the jackass logo on it and short black shorts to match. You touch up your makeup and hair in the mirror then head outside. Pontius bounces up full of energy wearing a full cheetah print bikini with matching bunny ears, “Hey if there's time could you braid my hair in two fishtail braids it's fucking hot.” You nod and sit down on one of the pool chairs Jeff had brought for the bit, “Pigtails?” He settles on the ground between your feet smiling, “You know me so well.” Despite how long his hair is you make quick work of the task and finish them just as Jeff gathers everyone up for filming, “Okay so here's the paintball guns I'll let you two figure out how you wanna introduce the bit but we've settled on Pool of Pain for the name.” he runs to his director's chair and sits down. Pontius strikes a “sexy” pose as Spike starts filming, “Hi I'm Bunny the lifeguard and I'm here with my friend and the true eye candy of jackass y/n and she's helping me on lifeguard duty today at the pool.”You look over your sunglasses at the camera and smile, “This is the Pool of Pain and trust me there's gonna be a lot of it.” You turn as the camera pans to the other boys and nail Steveo right in the leg with a brightly colored paintball. One by one they drop into the pool narrowly avoiding each other at first but then quickly beginning to collide as they try to avoid the paintballs. Ryan is the first to bail scrambling out of the pool tossing the battered-up skateboard he probably borrowed from Bam to the side, “All right I'm out!” You crack up at the sight, “Come on Ry can't take the heat?” He flips you off and lays in the grass. Soon the others follow suit one by one crawling out of the empty pool with various bruises and scrapes splattered with neon paint. Steveo gets close to the camera wiping his face with his shirt, “That fucking sucked dude.” Jeff giggling behind the monitors calls it a wrap. Adjusting your top you glance at your partner in crime for the day, “Ya know if you take away the paintballs it looked pretty fun.” Tony walks by and puts his helmet on your head, “Go skate if you want.” You make a face and set the sweaty helmet to the side before picking up Bam and Steveo's discarded boards, “care to join the party Pontus?” He grins and takes off his bunny ears, “hell yeah!”
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layla4567 · 6 months
Until the birds stop singing 🐦
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Young!Coriolanus!Snow x OC!Fem!reader
Summary: Soleil come from district 8, the textile district and she have been chosen for the hunger games. When she hear her name she hesitates whether to approach or not but since she have no other option she go up to the podium. What the girl don't know is that from the screen sapphire eyes are observing her carefully, wondering if she will be his tribute or not. Warnings: Everything is probably too inaccurate with the Hunger Games universe because I have no fucking idea what the movies are about, I've never seen them, sorry!-- I have a lifeguard complex so Coriolanus may not be such an asshole in this fic-- the typical "i can fix him" (no you can't)-- first time using an OC and not Y/N-- basically Soleil replaces Lucy--not proofread--english isn't my first language--injuries and blood--spoilers I think Wc: 4.6k
divider not mine, credits to whom it may apply (I don't remember the user, sorry)
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Coriolanus was with his body upright and tense in his seat, staring at the screen and trying to maintain a calm breathing. Next to him, Sejanus looked at him askance, but his classmate didn't return his gaze. It was an open secret that everyone was tense about the hunger games and knowing what tribute they would get, everyone wanted the prize and others needed it more than others. But Coriolanus would never admit it, he preferred to starve before saying that he needed money, he didn't want to compare himself with the poor of the district.
The screen showed people from different districts, all of them standing in rows according to their number. Some mentors had already been assigned his tribute except for Snow, he felt nervous and lightly rubbed his fingers on his thigh to calm the anxiety and stress. Suddenly the presenter put the microphone to his lips and uttered words that someone wished they didn't hear.
"From District 8, Soleil Allen!"
The young girl's blood turned cold as ice and she felt her breath hitch for a second. On the other hand, Coriolanus leaned in his chair, approaching the screen without being able to believe what he saw and heard. Soleil was behind a tall woman so the camera couldn't capture her.
"Come on Miss Allen, don't be shy and come closer"
She sighed deeply and with hesitant and trembling steps she moved away from the rows and slowly approached with almost ceremonial steps towards where the presenter was. People watched her pass as they watch a bull pass to the slaughterhouse. The closer she got, the slower her steps and the more distraught her face became. Her clothes drew attention wherever she went, you could clearly see that they were sewn by hand, for some reason she came from District 8. The camera focused on her worried face and on the screens Snow looked at her for a long time, she had soft and sweet features as a fairy, but her upward frown gave her the look of a scared puppy
When Soleil gently climbed the stairs her gaze went straight to the floor, scared and ashamed. She definitely didn't want to be there, she didn't want to be chosen, she was just unlucky.
"aww is the girl scared?"
A girl who was close to Coryo mocked Soleil, pretending to be compassionate, but her laugh sounded poisonous. Coriolanus looked at her frowning for a second and then turned his face to the screen swallowing nervously, if that girl was his tribute he would be doomed.
"Alright Soleil Allen do you have anything to say to the civilians or the camera? We are recording you right now!"
Soleil kept looking at the floor and wringing her hands like a little girl, some citizens laughed at her and others looked at her with pity. Suddenly she slowly raised her head and looked at the people and then at the camera. Coriolanus on the other side didn't know why but he felt that those eyes were looking only at him. Soleil's eyes showed regret and pain like those of a sheep in danger. Suddenly she approached the presenter and looking at him begged him.
"Please take care of my mother, she is alone…please"
The girl's request and the urgency in her voice caused the presenter's charming and bright smile to fall for a few seconds. Coryo through the screen frowned in confusion while he kept looking at her. Why would she ask for something like that? Doesn't she know that's not possible? Seriously, would she be so delusional to think that someone from here would care about someone from a district? Even Coryo knew that deep down he considered the people of the districts inferior, like animals. Around the room where young Snow was sitting there was also confusion.
"Uhmm well Miss Allen I'm afraid that won't be possible, but thank you for your suggestion!"
The look of sadness that the girl's eyes expressed caused something in Coryo, a certain discomfort that he couldn't identify but the situation bothered him and he didn't know if it was because of the girl's request or because of her reaction when it was rejected. The presenter smiled again as usual and some men took Soleil by both arms, dragging her like a sack of potatoes, she moaned fearfully and looked at the camera again as if she were looking for help, and again Coriolanus felt that she was asking him for help even though she didn't know him.
Young Snow remained still in his seat watching as the girl was taken away until she was just a blurry dot on the screen. The tributes continued to be announced but Coriolanus was not paying attention, his head was somewhere else, very far away. He couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened to his tribute, he didn't even seem to notice when they announced the tribute of his friend Sejanus. For the first time Coryo felt that the situation was slipping out of his hands. He who always felt prepared for any adversity now felt like he was losing control and the games hadn't even started yet. The room began to empty little by little and only Snow was left standing in the middle of the room with his gaze fixed on the already turned off screen, even so he could continue seeing Soleil as if it were on. Sighing, he slowly walked away with languid steps and went outside.
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Coriolanus Snow in his scarlet red uniform was standing in the middle of the train station alone. He had decided to receive the girl with a welcome and a white rose, a rose that he now held in his hand, turning it over thoughtfully and anxiously. After thinking about it for a while and analyzing what he had seen on the screen, he said that Soleil needed to trust someone and that someone was none other than his mentor. If he did not achieve this he risked losing the opportunity to win the Plinth Prize. Snow had to achieve a favorable and calm environment to calm the waters, she is probably scared and confused now so he will be her anchor, her lighthouse in the storm.
Meanwhile, Soleil was sitting on the floor of the train car with her knees bent up to chest height and her hands clasped in front of her legs. She had her chin buried in her knees and her gaze was empty and lost. She made great efforts not to cry, but she told herself that she was not weak or cowardly and that no matter how ugly things looked, she would always know how to find the light. Precious and sweet memories of just a few days ago came to her mind, she and her mother sewing dresses together singing happy songs of yesteryear. Or years ago when she was a girl of only 10 and her father was still alive and taught her to dance, but since she was very short she always ended up resting her feet on his while her father made her spin around until she burst into laughter. These memories were like a balm for her heart and she allowed herself to smile shyly. She looked around at the people next to her in the car, poor, dirty-looking men and women who were in almost the same situation. Their faces did not reflect any comfort or joy in all this that was happening. You couldn't even make friends because in the end in the arena it will be a pitched battle of all against all. And to be honest, even if it had been possible to establish some kind of friendly relationship with those people, she would not have been able to due to her introversion.
Suddenly a little girl looked at Soleil, at first shyly but then she smiled warmly and Soleil couldn't help but smile too. The girl approached her walking slowly due to the constant rattling of the train. When he was close enough he greeted Soleil.
"Hey.."-She smiled, speaking softly.
"You're Soleil Allen right?"
"Yeah I am"
"My name is Wovey."
Now the little girl smiled with all her teeth, causing her eyes to narrow in a tender way. Soleil smiled more calmly, at least of all those people there was someone kind enough to introduce themselves.
"What a cute name"
Wovey seemed delighted and thanked him while bowing slightly.
"Why did you say about your mother?"
Soleil's smile faded little by little as she remembered her little "speech" and she became sad when she remembered her mother. The girl had a huge heart and great compassion and she couldn't think about anything other than that her mother was okay. Since her father left, the two of them had learned to be alone and take care of each other and Soleil couldn't imagine how empty her mother must feel now without her by her side.
"I- well...uhm.."
Soleil's eyes felt wet again and she looked away so they wouldn't see her crying, she hated crying in front of everyone. Wovey's face turned serious, fearing that he had made a mistake by asking that question.
"Come Wovey, leave her alone"
A man in a beret took the girl's hand and led her away from Soleil until he returned to her side and sat with the boy. As the train shook faster and faster, announcing that it was about to reach its destination
Young Snow grew impatient as he waited for the carriage and turned the rose faster and faster between his fingers. Suddenly a familiar beep woke him up from his daydreams and he saw the train loaded with passengers stopping right in front of his eyes. The young blonde tensed and adjusted the folds of his suit. A peacekeeper grabbed his hand on the car door and roughly slid it open. A few people got out, men and women of different ages. Coriolanus looked frantically around the train car hoping to find you. When I was beginning to lose hope, a somewhat short and thin girl with short brown hair down to her collarbones emerged from the car cautiously. She walked with slow but elegant steps, looking at everything around her in surprise as if she were on another planet. The peacekeeper snorted irritably and impatiently.
"Are you getting off the train or not? I don't have all day."
Soleil blushed embarrassed by the reprimand and nodded timidly. First he sat on the wagon and then jumped down, bending his legs and shaking his clothes. Coryo, who was a few meters away from her, noticed that she was even prettier in person than what the cameras showed. Her clothes seemed timeless, a shirt with long, puffy sleeves that left her shoulders exposed, a tight corset tied towards the front adorned her chest and highlighted her waist and hips, the flowered pattern looked like a rustic fabric. At the bottom she wore a long soft pink skirt that reached just above her knees and on her feet she wore simple brown boots. Yes, you could definitely tell that girl was pretty. Young Snow saw that the girl was looking everywhere lost trying to look for someone, when she was about to walk away he walked in her direction calling her.
"Soleil Allen, wait!"
The tribute turned around abruptly upon hearing her name and among the crowd of people she saw a mop of platinum blonde hair and beneath that hair the bluest eyes she had ever seen in her life. A tall boy dressed in red approached her confidently, pushing his way through the crowd. Who was that handsome and distinguished boy who had called his name? What did hers want? Despite being a girl who does not think badly of people, at first a small distrust settled deep inside her being.
Now the rose that Coriolanus was holding began to tremble slightly in his hand at the side of his body, he had made a little speeches about what he would say to his tribute but now when he had it in front of him and looked into her eyes he fell silent and his mind remained silent. in white. If he had the bluest and most crystalline eyes, she had the brownest eyes I had ever seen, almost the color of honey, or the golden sun when reflected in the water. And her thick, long eyelashes seemed to simply complete her look. He suddenly felt his palms sweat, and he wished she didn't notice.
"I'm Coriolanus Snow, welcome to the Capitol"
The boy raised his arm and brought the flower to her face. Soleil's face transformed completely, first she frowned in confusion and then her face relaxed until her lips formed a big smile. She inhaled the perfume of the rose with her eyes closed, even though it was not open, the smell was still sweet. Coriolanus seemed relieved that he liked the white rose and smiled softly as well. Soleil opened her eyes by gently batting her eyelashes and looked at the blonde boy.
"Thank you very much, it's beautiful"
Soleil tilted her head, still smiling, and lovingly massaged the petals of the fragile rose. Snow couldn't stop watching her movements, always delicate like those of a princess and smiled even more, something inside him tingled and for a moment he forgot what he really thought about the people of the districts. But he decided to suppress those thoughts and emotions that he didn't know where they came from and he didn't want to find out, the people of the districts were still inferior to him, this was just a gesture to gain the trust of his tribute… right?
"Umh maybe you don't know it but I'm your mentor, I'll help you win the hunger games"
"To win? and how exactly?"
"Well with strategies I guess, we'll see about that later"-He tried to look confident but quickly scratched his neck.
Soleil nodded when suddenly two uniformed men grabbed her by both arms, lifted her off the ground and took her away, leaving Coryo surprised and confused. She kicked and screamed while in the air without her feet touching the ground. In the midst of all the commotion she dropped the rose into her hands. Young Snow rushed to grab it and chased after the men.
"Stop! Don't take her, I'm her mentor!"
Other peacekeepers quickly did the same with the other tributes. They were dragged as if they were light as feathers and were pushed onto a garbage truck-like transport. Screams and commotion echoed in the air and deafened Coryo's ears but he followed your trail closely. He couldn't lose his last ticket to win the prize. At a time when the men dispersed to catch more tributes Coriolanus quickly climbed onto the truck and entered without hesitation. The doors closed and before he realized it he was already fully in the lion's den. Soleil was scared to see his mentor there, his bright clothes made him see a red ant in the middle of warm and dark colors. Soon the other tributes rose from their seats or the floor and looked at him with frowns. Soleil was afraid that they would do something to the blonde boy so before anyone else could move she approached him.
"Why did you get on the transport? You shouldn't be here!"-She said with a thin voice
"Well, I'm your mentor, I can't leave you alone…"
Coryo's gaze moved nervously around the place and became more uncomfortable when he saw that a robust guy was approaching dangerously towards him.
"And who is this clown?"
Young Snow was going to say something but Soleil quickly did it for him.
"He's my mentor, he's supposed to help me win the games."
After saying that, the girl quickly realized that she made a serious mistake. Now others will think she was cheating or something like that. She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip, wishing the earth would swallow her. The other tributes looked at her offended and murmurs of disapproval arose. The sturdy guy behind her moved even closer to Coriolanus and pushed Soleil away with his arm, which displeased the mentor.
"So the rich kid is going to help the 8 win huh? And what the fuck is going on with the rest of us?"
The man had Coryo cornered against the wall, yet he cleared his throat and did his best to maintain a calm attitude.
"I promise you that everyone will have a mentor who will help you"
The guy laughed sarcastically, looking at the others who also started laughing as if Coryo had made a great joke. Suddenly the robust man turned around to look at him, this time completely serious, and grabbed him by the lapels. Soleil, scared, put a hand on the boy's arm, trying to calm him down to no avail.
"Well, I think the pretty boy is lying."
Before anyone could say anything Coriolanus received a strong punch in the face, leaving his lip split and bloody. As if a spring had been activated in her system, Soleil shouted No! and with one jump he climbed onto the back of the man who had hit his mentor. She clung to him like a circus monkey and placed her hands on his head and eyes, preventing him from seeing or moving.
"Leave him alone!!"
The man turned and made great efforts to get the girl off of him but it was useless, she held on tightly as if her life depended on it. Coryo, recovering from the shock of the blow, looked at his tribute with amazement and some admiration. He began to think that maybe you weren't so weak and useless. Soon the other tributes approached helping their companion and trying to remove Soleil and without thinking it all turned into a small fight because Coriolanus separated the others as best he could so that they would not hurt his tribute.
Out of nowhere a strong shock like an earthquake caused everyone to fall to the ground with a thud. The transport was moving from left to right as if it were going to overturn and the people inside were pushed like potatoes towards the walls, causing several bruises. When everything seemed to get worse the door opened and everyone was thrown like garbage into a zoo. Soleil tried to grab onto something and reached for his mentor's hand, who was still clinging to the door, refusing to fall, but another jolt caused the tribute and mentor to fall silent, hitting rocks and scraping their hands as they passed. The fall was hard and the girl felt her palms burning and when she looked at them they were red and she had some cuts with blood.
Soleil felt the veins in her temples throbbing strongly and her face felt hot from the shock. Gasping and squeezing his eyes shut, she stood up slowly and unsteadily, trying to maintain her balance and figure out where she was. She shook the dust off her clothes and to her horror saw that they were locked in a kind of zoo with thick iron bars. Did they really see them as animals?
The girl with light brown, almost hazel eyes looked around at the other people who were with her. Some were still injured on the ground and were getting up as best they could or with the help of someone, but there was one thing in common, and that was that no one knew or understood why they were in that place. The young tribute looked everywhere for her mentor but gave up on that idea when she saw the girl from the train who had greeted her sitting on the floor crying with her injured knee. Soleil felt her heart sink and she didn't hesitate for a second and trotted towards where the little girl was.
"Hey, are you okay? I'm here."
Soleil carefully wiped away the tears that were rolling down Wovey's cheeks and tried to smile so that the girl would understand that everything was going to be okay…or so she hoped.
"That's it, that's better. Now, would you like to tell me where it hurts?"
Wovey with a pout pointed a little finger at her knee. Soleil moved the fabric of her skirt and saw the bruised skin. It was scratched and red and bleeding a little. She quickly tore a piece of the hem of her skirt and gently cleaned Wovey's wounds. She then improvised a bandage by wrapping the cloth around the knee. At all this Coriolanus found her tribute first after looking and searching everywhere, he saw her crouching helping the girl on the train and tried with all his might to suppress a smile but he couldn't. He decided not to get closer but watched her from afar.
"There, this should be enough."
Wovey looked at her bandaged knee and could smile, Soleil saw her finished work with satisfaction and pride. It wasn't the best bandage but at least it would help prevent the wound from opening further. The girl smiled warmly at Wovey and stroked her chin.
"I wanted to see that smile, you are very brave, you know that?"
The little girl giggled in response, which infected Soleil. Suddenly a clearing of the throat behind her surprised her and she turned around to see blue eyes looking down at her in amusement. She stood up quickly happy to see her mentor but then her smile faded when she saw Coryo's busted lip, she remembered the brute man who had hit him and frowned. Coriolanus noticed that she was looking too closely at his lips and became nervous.
"What's wrong?"
Soleil did not respond and instead placed her hands on the sides of Coryo's face and moved closer to get a better look at the wound. His first instinct was to back away but he suppressed it.
"Your lip is bleeding"-she said running her thumb slowly over the cut to which he grimaced-"I'll see if I can heal it…"
The tribute grabbed her skirt again and was about to tear the fabric when Coriolanus's firm hand stopped her.
"No! You don't need to ruin your clothes for me, besides it doesn't hurt that much"-he lied
She was going to protest but a grimace of pain prevented her. Suddenly a burning sensation in her hands reminded her that she was hurt. She looked at her palms that were red and full of dirt. Frowning in concern, Snow pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and offered to clean her hands. Coryo's eyes were on her hands but Soleil only saw his eyes. When he finished he looked up smiling satisfied and she looked down embarrassed not wanting to be caught looking at him.
"Thanks…"-she mumbled
"No problem"
Suddenly he remembered something and raised his index finger in a sign of waiting and took out of his jacket pocket the rose that had fallen earlier at the station. It was a little crushed but still just as beautiful. He looked at Soleil and gently placed it behind her ear. Her honey eyes pierced his ocean blue ones. She thought he was just being nice and wanted to gain her trust because he was her mentor and she was supposed to help him win the prize and in turn he was supposed to help her win the games. But still she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach.
The sound of a microphone startled them both. A man was talking to a camera held by another man. The one holding the microphone seemed excited to broadcast live what was happening on the other side of the bars, as if the tributes were aliens who had just landed on earth. Soleil didn't like all this at all, she felt helpless and vulnerable and instinctively sought the protection of her mentor as if it were her father. She wrapped herself in his arm and clung to him like a little girl. Coriolanus Snow frowned in surprise and confusion but then he saw her scared face and placed a hand on the back of her.
The presenter was still talking to the camera when he turned around and saw Coryo. It was so easy to spot him, his clothes bright red not only because of the color but because he dressed more elegantly than the other people there.
"Excuse me, little boy, yes, yes, the blonde in red. What are you doing here young man and what is your name?"
The camera got dangerously close to Coryo who began to sweat and stutter slightly. He looked for help in his tribute's eyes but she was as mute as he was. Coryo cleared his throat and simply said
"I'm Coriolanus Snow but why don't I introduce you to my tribute, instead?"
The blonde boy pointed at Soleil with one hand and invited her to come closer to the camera. She looked at him scared but he winked at her. He knew this was the best way to start winning over the public.
"Excellent, excellent!"-exclaimed the man enthusiastically
And quickly he brought the microphone as close as the bars would allow to the girl's face.
"Tell me, you're Soleil Allen, right? The one from District 8."
Soleil swallowed and, trying not to look at the camera, answered.
"Y-yeah, it's me"
Coriolanus squeezed her arm to give her courage and to make a good impression and she thanked him with a smile.
"Oh, but what do I see here! Is that a rose you're wearing behind your ear?"
The girl blushed and quickly took off the flower and squeezed it in her hand. The man with the microphone seemed happy with the nervous gesture of the tribute.
"Oh ho ho and may I know who gave you that rose? Was it your mentor?"-he winked mischievously
Mentor and tribute were getting nervous when some children of 5 to 6 years old approached the bars to say hello, they were like angels sent from heaven to save them from the embarrassing situation. The girl approached and placed her hands on the bars.
"You're pretty"-she said to Soleil in a childish voice
Soleil Allen crouched down to the little girl's height and smiled with all her teeth.
"Thank you sweetie, so you are"
Coryo looked proudly at his tribute, with her natural charm and genuine kindness she was winning over the crowd even before the games began. The girl ran her fingers through the tribute's blouse.
"I like your clothes"
"Oh really? I made it"
The presenter looked at the camera again, smiling like never before.
"What do you think of that? Soleil Allen, the girl from 8, is tenderly earning the trust of two little children!"
Soleil looked at the boy who had his hands in his pockets.
"What's your name?"
He hesitated before answering. "I'm Pontius"
"And I'm Venus, his sister!"
"What beautiful names"-she smiled
Pontius looked at Coryo for a long time and then said innocently
"Your girlfriend is pretty"
Soleil opened her eyes and blushed as she looked at the boy. Coriolanus just smiled
"Thank you"
Soleil looked at him confused and he smiled calmly again. The presenter kept talking to the camera.
"Very well we will continue to report on the other tributes later, don't miss the 10th annual Hunger Games!"
With this the man said goodbye and left the zoo. While a peacekeeper led Coriolanus by the arm. Soleil, worried about being alone, clung to her mentor's hand. It was becoming a tug-of-war when another peacekeeper abruptly removed Soleil's hand and pushed the girl aside. Snow wanted to protest but they mercilessly dragged him out of the zoo. Soleil quickly approached the bars and gripped her hands on them as she stuck her head out through a gap.
"Will you come back? Promise!"
"I promise you"
Coriolanus's cry echoed as they took him away and Soleil felt emptier than ever, even more than when she had to leave her mother alone at home.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
Hi hi, first of all LOVED SDMC you truly are a fic genius (also the way you continuously churn out quality content with blurbs and stuff on top of big fics like that is so impressive you’re amazing but also pls remember to take care of yourself). That all being said, I know you mentioned what blurbs we’d wanna see from SDMC so I was wondering if you’d be interested in writing out the billy/Steve argument that ended in the fight?? I’m just curious about how how you would’ve written it because the way you wrote their dynamic overall was really interesting to me! Anyway hope you’re doing well sending you love!!
Hi! Thank you so much my lovely, I'm so happy you liked it! You're far, far too sweet! I hope this fills in that little missing scene! 🧡
Steve was already in a strange mood. 
He’d left your cabin that morning with a small smile and no words, slipping into the forest whilst the sky was still a pale purple, the camp still asleep. 
He’d ached in such a good way, the feeling that came from having someone climb all over him the night before, the push and pull of bodies against walls and beds and desks. His lips still felt swollen from your kisses and his skin and hair smelled like you, his clothes creased from where they spent the night on the floor. 
Eddie had grinned when he’d snuck back in, a sleepy, slow beam that stretched from cheek to cheek, but he didn’t say anything about it until the next day, when they were both unfortunately within earshot of Billy. 
For his part, Eddie looked immediately sorry, not knowing the blonde boy was lingering behind them on the trail, too close and able to hear how Eddie had said your name, a whisper about “what happened, what time did you even come home?”
Billy had laughed, stopping them both, Steve turning to find the other boy grinning, teeth sharper and eyes wicked. He huffed out a chuckle at the sight of Steve’s neck, all pretty little bruises in the shape of your lips. 
Billy whistled, long and low and Eddie was already gripping the back of Steve’s shirt, a silent warning. 
“Well, goddamn, would you look at that?” Billy crowed. “Did she finally let you get your dick wet, Harrington?”
Eddie could feel the way Steve tensed underneath his hand and the silence that fizzed through the trees was palpable. Steve didn’t say a word and it only made Billy grin wider, like he’d found something new to poke with a stick. 
It all came to a head a few days later, after hardly being able to talk to you, only stealing glances across the mess hall, across the camp and over the heads of the kids. 
It was making Steve’s chest hurt, his stomach tumble in a way he wasn’t used to, ‘cause Christ almighty, he couldn’t stop thinking about you and that night. 
And then Billy was walking towards him on the dock, red lifeguard shorts matching Steve’s, whistle around his neck, sunglasses over his eyes and another on obnoxious smile pulling at his lips. 
He waited until he was standing shoulder to shoulder with Steve, both of them staring out into the lake, kids swimming in the section cordoned off by bouys and red rope. 
Steve could hear the smack of Billy’s gum, the crack of his knuckles as he flexed his hands and stared at him from behind the dark glasses. Steve knew what was coming, he felt it, his hands were already balled into fists at the thought. 
“So, was she good?”
“Get fucked, Hargrove.”
Billy laughed, all deep and sarcastic, turning to face Steve fully. 
“What?” He pouted, all fake and insincere. “Can’t we have some guy time, Stevie? Little locker room chit chat?”
Steve scoffed, “I’ve never had much to say to you, man, I’m not gonna start now.”
It was the most sensible he could be. There weren't any other counsellors around, the kids were too close - oblivious but close - and Steve wasn’t ready to get pulled into Hop’s office for shouting some bad words. 
No. If that was going to happen, he’d make it worth his while. 
“Does she fuck like she argues?” Billy continued, head tilted to the side, pulling his glasses off so he could look at Steve with those discerning baby blues. “Did you give it to her rough?”
Steve took a deep breath, held it in his chest until it burned before blowing it back out with a dark chuckle. His nails were biting into his palms and he wondered where you were, what you were doing, if you would’ve smacked Billy across the jaw already if you had been here. 
“My shift’s over,” Steve grunted, shouldering the other boy out of the way so he could walk back up the dock, away from Billy on dry land. 
Billy’s smile became a thin line, tight lipped and annoyed that he wasn’t getting the response he wanted so he pulled at the whistle around his neck, spun it around his index finger instead and called out cheerily:
“You should’ve asked Byers for a loan of that fancy ass camcorder,” Billy’s smile was devilish. “I would’ve loved to have seen if Hawkins was as tight as she see-“
Honestly, Steve was impressed that he managed to hold off that long. The sickening crack of bone against bone was satisfying - and a long time coming. His fist connected with Billy’s jaw, the pain searing up across the blonde boy’s cheekbone and Steve wanted to grin at the look of complete shock he managed to pull from him. 
But then Billy was on him, hands grabbing at the front of Steve’s shirt as he wrestled him forward, pulling him into him before he swung his own fist back and caught him on the chin. Another punch, landing by his temple, making his eyes sparkle and the lake turn a little blurry. 
Steve could taste blood, could hear kids yelling, the sound of a shrill whistle in the distance and he managed to throw two more punches at the blonde, snarling “fuck you,” as Eddie grabbed around his waist and hauled him off of the blonde. 
Murray was there first, Hopper behind, steaming coming out of his ears but Steve didn’t care. He didn’t care about the pain pulsing through his face either, that sharp sting of his skin being split. 
Billy looked worse. 
And Steve was pretty fucking sure he wasn’t going to talk about you again. Not in front of him, at least. 
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melachonyof-lilies · 2 months
Modern AU! Ideas i will not get to write cause writers block be damn. (18+ content) Feel free to get inspiration/write some of these, and please message me if you made one of them. I wanna read.
Though, if a miracle sturck, i might write one of these.
Tav x Haarlep x Raphael centric. Mostly Haarlep fucking around and getting Tav and Raphael to sleep with them and each other.
University Au
Punkstar Tav singing you give love a bad name in a party at campus while her Proffessor Raphael on the corner sipping his whisky.
Haarlep, top class slut, caught professor Raphael flirting with Tav. Oopps Blackmail!
Or reverse
PunkTav sings you give love a bad name to Haarlep smirking, thinking of creative ways you could sing in their dorm room tonight.
Proffessor Raphael caught them instead in the classroom and Haarlep coos him to join.
Bonus! Karaoke with Tav and Haarlep and their shy back up singer Raphael. Though after a bottle of whisky he will sing his theme
"In flames, forever more!" Haarlep and Tav sang
Office Au!
Nepo baby (jk, he would totally build his own sucessful company to spite daddy Mephi) CEO Raphael and his secretary Haarlep who was sent by Mephi to spy on his son. They got caught making out with the ceo by HR manager Tav. Whoops, they somehow convince her to shut her mouth, in moreways than one.
"I need a raise and vaction after this."
"Don't be a cranky square, you can join us again."
"I need those reports by tomorrow, harlot!"
Bonus! HR Tav has to cover for them everytime Haarlep does not company regulated action on Raphael.
Lifeguard Au!
Tav the lifeguard have to always save this surfer Haarlep from drowning (but of course Haarlep is faking it to get Tav's attention. Tav can't avoid it cause its her job/it might be true next time). Huh, a handsome hot millionaire Raphael is enjoying his time in the beach? Not for long with Haarlep's intervention.
Bonus! The three are doing the devil's tango at the beach, at night Or day. Only for them to be ban on the beach the next sequence.
Mafia AU!
Raphael has an amazing range of power across Not-Italy his father sends him a spy. Haarlep is a mischeveous one and smart. Though, they didn't expect Raphael's hold on Tav the politician. Gods forbid the tension they are creating, oh, Haarlep can play with this.
Bonus! Haarlep took a bullet for Tav when she is giving her speech. Raphael & Tav takes care of Haarlep.
Churh AU!
Priest Raphael having trouble with an incubus in town eating the towns people, figurative and literally. Its up to him and nun Tav to stop the beast, demon, Haarlep.
Bonus! Their devil child is now running in the church in disguise, with their Haarlep in disguise. Tav and Raphael had to cover for the two.
Bonus! Haarlep was sent by pappa Mephis to check on the devil Raphael.
Arranged marriage AU!
Raphael has to marry Haarlep, cause Father dearest don't want him to embarass himself. Just to be sure, matchmaker & couple theraphist will hold them together for years to come in their ever blossoming relationship.
Or reverse! With a tiny angst.
Raphael has to marry Tav and Haarlep will make sure of it cause pappa Mephis wants that marriage. Though, they are now falling for them but the married couple already look so happy, they could not, even if they want it too. The end, they just elope, the three of them and they all kiss.
Spy Tav is working to defeat Raphael a dangerous individual, threatening their spy agency their right of freedom. Unfortunately, Tav's partner Haarlep betrays Tav, at the head of the bed while Raphael carresses Tav's head.
Bonus! Tav become's Raphael's spy and have to take down the organisation Tav has work before with Haarlep making it harder than it should be.
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skinnywalker · 2 years
🍑 Suburban mom 🍑 ~NSFW
(karen wheeler x male reader)
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Hawkins was so small. Sometimes Y/n felt like he could never escape the judging eyes of bored middle mothers desperate for some change to they're lives. To them he was a living, breathing romance cover model. A thing to list after. It was draining to be honest. The only reason he had moved to Hawkins was to give C/n a better life. I mean, Hawkins was known for being boringly safe.
It's didn't help he often had to worked in smaller, sleeveless shirts with the midwest heat.
Going to the pool was even worse.
Y/n learned quickly that Hawkins mothers gathered in much public places to 'people watch'. Every Saturday they formed a line of chair and stared at the lifeguards like zoo animals.
Y/n had no issues with keeping his distance from the gang of gawking housewives until C/n started to make friends with a certain group of kids. With him now stuck in the midst of hopper, joyce and a irritating earbuzz named Murray, having the calm and sweet present of Karen was a blessing.
Y/n knew he was catching feelings, I mean how couldn't he! She was so caring and warm and just the thought of her made his chest ache. It was an open secret she didn't love Ted. Not that he blamed her for staying, Hawkins wasn't the most loving place for a single mom. So he was surprised when she asked him to come over. Alone.
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Holding an store bought berry pie, Y/n stood shifting awkwardly on the Wheeler's doorstep. He didn't know why he had agreed to dinner. For all he could tell Ted despised him. Giving the most passive form of a 'fuck you'. So the fact that he had been let into their house with a warm embrace was odd to say the least.
"I'm so glad you could come Mr. L/n"
"Please you can call me Y/n"
Karen's eyes fluttered up and down Y/n's chest, her lips ghosting into a grin.
"I'll show you where to put the food"
The two made idle small talk working over the dinner table chatting about anything that came to mind, their children, the weather and random gossip. During their whole conversation karen couldn't keep her eyes off him. Eyeing the opening in his button up shirt that showed off his chest.
"Thank you again for helping me set up dinner Y/n. It really is a blessing have a neighbor like you."
Karen smoothed out her floral dress. It hugged her curves so well Y/n had a light pink on his cheeks during the set up.
"Really I wish there was a way I could repay you" she cooed, pressing her half exposed chest against his. She knew exactly what she was doing.
"Oh well its r-really nothing-"
"No I insist. You're really such a gentleman. Taking care of me and completing me. Giving me that teasing smirk"
Karen pulled her up her skirt and ground down on his thigh.
"Let me show you my gratitude"
She reached up removing her arms from her sleeves and leaving her bra falling on view.
"Ted is asleep on the armchair, the bed is all ours"
"Are you sure about this karen? I don't want to get you in trouble."
"Too bad honey. That's all i want to do"
She nipped the edge of his ear finally awakening him, Y/n then slipped his hands underneath her skirt yanked her free of the dress. He then attacked her neck, sucking and bite hickies where he knew he could cover. In seconds karen became putty in his fingers. He kissed down to her chest and froze before pushing her bra aside and taking her breast into his mouth. Karen moaned and began to hump herself against his hand. Y/n, then bit down, hollowing his cheeks to take her deeper into his mouth.
"Oh God Y/n! I feel like I'm gonna cum already!"
Y/n smiled.
He grabbed her thighs and pulled them up to his head. Ripping her panties aside he lefts little kiss bites across the skin.
"Gonna make up for every time he's disappointed you."
Karen bit down on her hand to not scream in pleasure. He sloppily ate her out as if he was starving, running his fingers against her cunt.
Karen could no longer hold back the pressure in her stomach. She gripped his scalpe as the white heat filled her chest. Spots of white clouding her vision.
"God you taste good angel"
Y/n pulled her against his chest.
"Let's just stay like this ok?"
"OK karen. Whatever you want"
She smiled cuddling into his neck as the two fell asleep together.
(Thinking of a part two but idk)
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maybankxw · 2 years
Could you do like a blurb for Pacifier? Just to check in and see how they’re doing? ☺️
𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛: 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐭 (post story) 
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
warnings: mature content ahead! [ fluff; mentions of violence; unprotected sex; talking about kids; ] minors dni!!!
summary: jj talking about her
word count: 1.8k
a/n: thank you sm for asking! because i didn’t even realise how much i missed them until now, it’s JJ’s pov and the guy is whipped but honestly as he should, she’s so in love with him too, i promise. enjoy!
links: masterlist / taglist / ask box
any feedback (comments, reblogs, anon asks) would be appreciated! (gif is mine)
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My head was in between her thighs as we laid on our bed. Everything here became ours since she moved in and I couldn’t be any happier with the decision I’ve made. Her fingers played with my hair, fiddling with the dump strands. It was around nine in the evening, she’d made dinner, while I showered after a long day at work. I had to return the money she paid for my fine, so I got a job as a waiter and part time lifeguard. We had a good life. 
Her parents were hesitant about me and the whole Topper situation, who, by the way, still gave her an apologetic look whenever we crossed paths, but we were working on it, slowly. The only things that mattered to me were what she thought of me and her safety.
She still wore the blue ribbon tied around her wrist, I got myself one too, it matched the color of her eyes. It’s been months, we lived together, I grew to love her even more, I learned things about her and she felt like family, like home. 
Her favourite color was purple, she still loved sour red raspberry tea, she only drank it three times a week so it won’t seem overused and she won’t get tired of it. She loved music, blasted it every time I was out. Whenever she cooked, something was always on, loud or quiet, it had to be playing. Her favourite song was ‘talk tonight’ by oasis, it said: ‘I wanna talk tonight, ‘bout how you save my life’ and that’s what she did to me, she saved me, made me feel safe and calm. My pacifier.
We had a plenty of midnight talks, we fucked a lot, we made love even more. Her scent was all around this house, her toothbrush kept a company for mine, which stood lonely for ages and her shower bottles filled the empty space in a bathroom cabinet.
I watched her smiling, the only times she cried were at the movie endings. I hoped with everything I had, that the reason of that beautiful smile was me. She stole my shirts and never wore pants, only her underwear, I didn’t complain.
She loved the windows opened, a breath of fresh air was always appreciated and she adored the rain. It wasn’t raining a lot here but when it was she never missed an opportunity to get outside and just stand and watch, inhale and consume the power from it. Once we ran home in the rain after our late evening swim, she never looked more alive and I watched her, mesmerised.
“When I was thirteen, I thought I’d become a superstar or an actress, magically noticed by someone who’d want to take care of me and promote,” she spoke as she kept playing with my hair and my grip on her hips tightened, “So dumb of me,” she sighed, shifting, caressing my temple with her thumb, “What did you want to be?”
“I don’t know,” I frowned, not really remembering much about those years of my life, “I think I just didn’t want to end up like my dad.”
“I’m sorry.”
I turned and kissed the inside of her thigh, “We can talk about it, it’s actually kind of relieving I can talk about him with you.”
“Tell me more about him then?” she threaded her fingers through my already messy strands, slicking them back off of my forehead.
“I lived by ‘it won’t always be like this’ mantra. One day he hit me and I locked myself in my room, sat on the edge of my bed, covering my ears, but then realisation hit me — I’d grow up, I’d move the fuck out of that house and start a new life, so I kind of waited for it to happen. I think the moment came,” I let out a breathy laugh, feeling her still. 
Propping myself up on my elbows I flipped onto my stomach, planting more kisses on the insides of her thighs, fixing my gaze on her pretty face, “We had good moments too, he bought me ice cream and taught me to fish. When he didn’t drink he was bearable.”
“I wish I was there to comfort you,” she whispered, stroking my cheek, looking me right in the eye, I couldn’t help it, I buried my face into her belly, the waistband of her panties levelled my lips and I left another soft kiss.
She flipped us to the side and winded her hands around my neck, keeping my face buried into her skin, threading her fingers through my hair again and again, “You know, when we first met,” she swallowed thickly, I could hear it, “I didn’t plan on falling for you. You were fun to be around, I didn’t lie about anything what I said that night on the couch, but for a while I wanted you to be a distraction, just it, because I was scared of not being able to give the love back,” I brushed my nose against her stomach and she inhaled abruptly, “But then,” she licked her dry lips, “The more time I spent with you, the more I never wanted it to end. It was only about sex at first, but then sex became more than just fucking on your couch when I was mad. I was worried where’d you go, jealous of who you were with and lonely at nights when you didn’t hold me to sleep.”
She sniffled a little, rubbing little circles on the side of my neck, “You don’t even know how much you mean to me, JJ Maybank.”
I couldn’t take it anymore, I needed to kiss her. Pulling away from her arms, I crawled over, straddling her waist, leaning close, locking my eyes with hers, “I do, because you mean the world to me.” I kissed her, fuck we kissed thousands of times, but it always felt like the first one. 
It was soft and so loving, soothing and caring, I sucked on her lower lip, retrieving and slipping my tongue into her mouth. She rolled us over and now she was the one straddling me, pushing her palms into my chest as we kissed, not ready to stop yet.
My fingers grazed her underwear, she was getting wet. Always for me. I pressed my fingers harder and she moaned, catching her breath in the back of her throat. My cock hardened, pressing her belly and she grind herself slightly, eliciting a groan from me. I stroked her bare skin, covering my fingertips in her wetness, grateful.
She dragged my boxers down, making my cock jut out to my stomach and rubbed the tip, spreading the pre cum over the base. I replaced my hand with hers and pushed her panties to the side, caressing her wet slit and slipping just one finger inside. She buried her face into the crook of my neck, allowing me to finger her. Adding another one, I curled them inside making her bite my shoulder, a smile tugged on my lips. She enjoyed it.
Lifting her up, I slowly sat her down on me, a cry burst out of her as I started moving back and forth in a slow pace, easing myself inside until I was buried all the way in her and her ass met my thighs. Her shirt went off and her breasts looked so tempting, so close to my face my breaths became rapid. I took a mouthful, sucking and grazing her nipples slightly as she moved her hot core on me, mind clouded with the intimacy and our uneven breaths. I did the same with her other breast, taking a hold on her hips. 
“I fuck you almost everyday,” I grunted, bucking my hips up to meet her movements, “But you’re so addicting, I can never get enough.”
She was riding my cock, with my arms tight around her body, our bodies locked together, her chest against mine. We kissed again, hot this time, still loving, but with more fire in it. I laid her to the side, thrusting a little faster, diving into her chest and sucking on her nipples again, leaving them wet and throbbing.
“JJ,” she whimpered, arching towards me and I smiled against her skin, palming her other breast.
I pulled out and slid down, swirling my lips over her clit, sucking mercilessly, gliding lower, licking a stripe up, parting her and tasting her on my tongue. Taking her swollen bud in my mouth again and releasing with a sloppy sound, that invaded the room. My girl. Only mine.
Hips flexed and I drove into her again, my eyes immersed hers, hazy and dark with desire, drunk on sex, “I love you so much, you know this?” I rasped, skimming her hip, propping it higher, so I could go deeper, “I love you and I love fucking you in every way possible.” 
I moved faster, taking handfuls of her tits, kneading them, while kissing her and fucking harder and faster, triggering her orgasm.
“Please, come inside,” she whispered, breathless as the bed bounced with us, the headboard banged against the wall slightly.
She was on the pill, but fuck if she wanted my babies, I’d let her have them. 
I propped her legs over my shoulders, quickening the pace, listening to her moans, watching her coming, I loved it. Her eyes closed as she screamed, while I dove deeper into her, bringing my thumb to flick her clit, feeling her clench. My cock twitched and she tightened again, I stilled, letting her grind herself on me, feeling her ripples intensifying, my cock jerking and the cum rushing out deep inside her.
Moving a few more times I allowed us to savour the moment and retrieved, watching the thick white liquid leaking out of her entrance.
She panted, looking at me, drowsy, with a faint smile on her face, “What if I get pregnant?” she laughed under her breath, her chest heaved up and down as she turned to the side facing me and bracing her leg over mine, jerking, still sensitive, when her clit brushed my cock.
“I’ll be the happiest person alive,” I murmured, pulling her close and planting a kiss on her temple, “Have you ever thought about it?”
“What, kids?”
“Yeah,” I propped myself up on my elbow, coiling the strand of her hair over my finger, “A boy or a girl? How many?”
“Have you?”
“Not really, but I think I wouldn’t mind as long as the kid is raised in love and prosperity.”
“I don’t mind either,” she bit her lip, suppressing a smile, trying to hide her face from me.
“What?” I smiled, curious, giving her hair a short tug, to bring her attention back to me.
“I would want to have your kids one day,” she whispered, fiddling with my necklace as if she never saw it before.
“Is that so?” I whispered back, closing the remained distance between our faces, taking her lips into mine, clutching her back and pushing her onto my body.
tags: @icedcold @maybankforlife @novxturient @mackenzielovee @alwaysclassyeagle @kaelibaby @sunset-styles @nope-thanks @absolute-fcking-chaos @tomhollandlol @langcvn @loveyru @rottenstyx @lovin-aurelia @rafecameronswhore @sansasdove @herejustforjj @ameliaalvarez06 @my-baexht-ls @luversgirl @wannabestarkeysgirl @liamthedunbar @instabull @dudenhaaa27 @jessmaybank @ofherscarlettwitchways
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lovebillyhargrove · 10 months
Wake me up when July is around
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
I incorporated my other story "Cucumbers" (which was written earlier as part of this fic when the fic was still in the drafts) into this chapter.
*** Steve's POV
It's Tuesday, and Billy hates Health. It's so fucking boring. Smoking kills you slowly, alcohol kills you faster. Drugs - that's if you want a fast-train ticket out of this life. He doesn't need a performance set up to show how sperm are swimming to get to the egg. He knows about STDs. He's aware if you have unprotected sex, you just might become a papa too early in life.
Blah blah blah, zero new information.
However. He likes some lessons. Like today, Ms. Babcock is handing out cucumbers and condoms. Ms. Babcock is around 30 and probably still a virgin judging by the unsure way she's holding those cucumbers like she's not used to holding anything close in shape, and her tomato-red face betrays her on the spot.
"Let me help, Ms. Babcock," - stressing the cock. Billy's just trying to be nice. He's smiling his nicest smile, no implications whatsoever.
Ms. Babcock almost faints
"Oh. Thank you?"
Steve's rolling his eyes. Of course. Billy fucking Hargrove. Always the charmer. Always having a finger in every pie.
Stupid asshole.
Hargrove's handing out the cucumbers, choosing the biggest one for Harrington. The fuck?
Judging by the look on Steve's face, he wants to shove the giant cucumber up Hargrove's ass. Just to make him less smug, take him down a notch or two.
Not only Ms. Babcock's face is red. Girls are blushing and giggling, and the colour on Harrington's face is close to that of someone who's about to have a stroke.
When all the poor vegetables have been distributed with Billy's kind assistance, Ms. Babcock proceeds to show how you should actually put a condom on a hard shaft-shaped object. She's not doing a good job, maybe it's the nervous shake of her hands, the inexperience? .. but the condom just pops off the tip of the cucumber, refusing to stay there.
Naturally, Hargrove is at it again.
"If you need any help .. I'd be happy to demonstrate, Ms. Babcock, I've trained for that uh .. in my lifeguard classes."
Oh, now he's also a lifeguard. What a bunch of crap, they don't train lifeguards to roll rubbers on dicks.
He's just an idiot, why do all teachers keep believing all the bullshit he tells them?
As for sliding that condom down the cucumber, Billy's making a show so entertaining, everyone is watching. Closely. All girls, some with mouths open, Ms. Babcock, and, what's more interesting, more than a couple of boys. Tommy and the rest of them are lost somewhere under the desks wheezing and in urgent need of CPR probably, which Billy can actually provide since he's a licensed lifeguard and shit.
Everyone is watching and listening as well. To that husky drawl?? Please. Girls' panties are already soaked. Ms. Babcock is going to re-evaluate all her life goals tonight. Not sure the information is sinking, but the words like "penis, shaft, ejaculation and sperm" are definitely getting across.
There's only one person who's purposefully not watching and trying not to listen, although the latter is impossible.
Harrington. Sitting there with the biggest cucumber of all, totally disrespectful of the lecture and the lecturer.
".. So a very important thing is to hold the tip of the condom .. like that.. to let all the air out of the reservoir."
There's literally a moan which escapes someone's mouth right now
"Mmm-hmm .. the reservoir should be able to accommodate all the sperm and not burst under all the uh .. pressure during the ejaculation. Trust me, no-one wants a condom to break."
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, dumbass.
"When you have correctly placed the tip of the condom on the head of the erected penis .."
A girl is leaving the classroom.
".. You should roll the condom down the shaft .. slowly. Some may prefer to do it with their mouth."
Ex-fucking-cuse me??
Ms. Babcock is past the point if caring.
"Once the condom covers the full shaft of the penis, it's time for the actual
The douchebag is clearly enjoying it.
"Here, let me demonstrate it once again. Or better yet, any volunteers from the class?"
Steve's heart pounds in his chest and he's afraid everyone will hear the sound of his heart, suddenly being so ridiculously loud and stupid, what if Hargrove calls his name ??
Oh god, he's the dumbest. Like with a capital D. Why did he even think that Hargrove's gonna say Harrington ?
Vicky and Billy look like newly weds excited to spend their first night together. Vicky is on cloud nine and still ascending.
"Now, with two demonstrations, everyone should try doing it on their own. Right, Ms. Babcock?"
There's a pile of ashes on the chair where the teacher was sitting. Tommy and the guys from the team are having a cucumber fight and stuffing unpacked condoms in their pockets in case they get lucky later. Girls are doing what they were told to do, diligently rolling those condoms down. Like they expect Billy to whisper a hot You're doing such a good job, honey.. in their ear. Vicky looks as if she's won a million dollars. Everyone is in excellent mood, actually.
Except, of course, for Steve.
Hargrove goes the extra mile and helps the teacher to collect the cucumbers at the end of the class. He stops near Harrington's desk and stretches his hand out.
Steve is not gonna do it. He's not gonna take the cucumber and fucking put it in Hargrove's hand.
"Well, well, well, looks like you've ignored the assignment, Harrington. Why, you don't think it's a man's job? Have all your girlfriends done it for you?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, dipshit."
Hargrove is grinning obnoxiously still waiting for Steve to pass him the vegetable
"If you have an interesting story to tell, I'm all ears."
"Fuck off."
Steve slaps Billy's hand away. Hargrove glances at the teacher but her eyes are on him, so he lets it slide. He proceeds to another desk, leaving the goddamn cucumber still lying in front of Harrington.
Steve really fights the urge to grab it and throw it at the asshole's back.
Hargrove gets extra points for being of such huge assistance, the annoying ass-kisser. How did he manage to get everyone wrapped around his fucking finger, in a matter of what .. a bit more than a month? Even Tommy eats out of his hand, how is this fucking possible. Hargrove this, Hargrove that. Especially after that prank they've concocted together. Tommy was the mastermind behind it, but they sure must've had fun putting the plan into action together. They even kinda included Steve in the whole thing, with the crown, which was cool, but did it make him regret not being there even more?
It's like the crown doesn't belong to him anymore.
After the shitshow with rubbers and cucumbers Steve's even more pissed, than he usually is lately, and he doesn't know at what exactly. He sees Hargrove sitting on the camaro's hood in the parking lot after school, smoking a cigarette and looking at his watch in irritation. Vicky is with him. She definitely wants some, and she looks determined to get it.
Steve wraps his arm around Nancy's shoulder. They are walking towards the beamer
"Hey Nance? Whatcha doing tonight? You want to come over?"
"I'd love to but .. "
Wait, Steve knows what's gonna follow
I have to study
"I have to study cause I have two big tests this week."
"Won't you have enough time now? I could pick you up at .. I don't know, seven?"
"I guess.. I don't know, Steve. It might take a while."
She's looking at him with those big eyes, and her voice is so gentle, and Steve thinks he's so in love with her. It's been a tough summer, it'll all get better little by little. He just has to be patient.
When he gets home, his mom tells him she and dad are going to Alfredo's for dinner, and Steve's welcome to come with. Steve kinda wants to get out of the house but he's afraid his parents aren't gonna eat that much of the dinner, but pick at his brain, with a little spoon, slowly, asking him questions about his future and speculating about the importance of getting a proper education. Steve's aware, like, really. He has written his application essay, and Nancy was kind enough to go over it and correct it in a couple of places .. more like, rewrite it in a few places.
His essay sucked, okay? He's not good at such stuff. Never been good.
He's not the worst though.
But surely not the best. Anyways.
Steve doesn't want to listen to his dad droning on about all that stuff, so he asks mom to bring him some lasagna from the restaurant, tells her he's got plenty of homework to do for tomorrow, and goes to his room to do some. When he hears "Bye, Steve!" at six, he comes down to watch TV and rummage around the fridge for a little snack. At around seven he thinks he could again try asking Nancy to come over. They haven't been spending much time together recently. He misses her. He misses being close to her.
Steve dials the number he knows by heart now.
"Hello, Wheeler residence, how can I help you?"
"Good evening, Mrs. Wheeler! It's Steve Harrington, I would like to talk to Nancy please?"
"Oh hi, Steve! How are you? Haven't been seeing you around lately."
"Yeah well .. you know, just .. school stuff. It's kinda busy."
"I bet. Hold on a second."
Mrs. Wheeler is covering the receiver with a hand and shouting
"Nancy! Naaancy! .. A phone call for you!"
And a few seconds later
"Hi, Nance! I'm just calling to see if you're uh .. done with studying for tonight?"
"Oh .. Steve?"
Is she actually happy to hear him, or not really? What's with the tone?
"Uhm .. not quite. Haven't even done half of my flashcards. Sorry."
"Well uh .. maybe you still wanna ditch those flashcards and I'll pick you up in half an hour? You can stay overnight. My parents are at home, but they won't mind. Maybe we can .. you know. Make loooove?"
Steve is trying to sound sweet and goofy, although he's had a feeling in the past few weeks, like every time he wants to sleep with his girlfriend he has to actually beg for it.
There's an exasperated sigh at the other end of the line.
"I told you I wanted to study tonight. Maybe some other time? At the weekend?"
"Yeah. Yeah, okay. The weekend is fine."
He's begged her enough, right?
"See you tomorrow!"
On the other hand, you wanted to date a smart girl, Steve. Here you go.
Parents come back at half past eight, and the lasagna is delicious.
When Harrington gets in bed, he doesn't fall asleep right away. He's tossing and turning. Would really appreciate having his girlfriend by his side right now. They haven't slept together for a couple of weeks already, and Steve's .. well, he has needs.
Like .. people always talk about finding someone's who makes you happy. Who takes care of you and your needs and who makes you complete, and content and it's like you're on the same wavelength when it comes down to what you both want.
In bed, too.
Steve sometimes wonders if that's actually realistic. With all of the girls he's been with, including Nancy, he's never been satisfied. He's always wanted more, and never got it. Like he wanted to give so much, but none of his girlfriends needed that much.
Thank God for other ways to attend to your desires. Steve opens the lowest drawer in his bedside table and digs deep. Fishes out a skin magazine with a busty blonde on the cover.
Hello, beautiful.
He starts turning the pages to get into the mood. Slides his boxers down, his dick already hard and heavy on his belly.
Let's get down to business, ladies.
Steve cups and fondles his balls first, slowly, feeling the slight ache rolling around, the want. Moves his palm up and down his rock hard cock. Smears the precome over the sensitive head, bites back a moan.
Come on, baby.. He's looking at a set of nice bouncy tits, and blue eyes and a slightly open mouth, inviting Steve to put his dick inside the warm heat.
Yeah .. yeah baby, just like that. The head of Steve's dick is wet with precome, and it urges him to stroke himself faster.
He closes his eyes and pictures those blue eyes looking up at him, lips wrapped around his cock and delicate fingers rubbing his shaft. Only .. fuck, what the hell? For a fraction of a second there's an image of a guy's fingers, no, not just any guy's, it's fucking Hargrove's thick fingers sliding a condom on a dick
Fucking shit
Steve opens his eyes quickly, trying to erase the image
Are you fucking kidding me? He needs only a couple of minutes to do his thing, and that asshole crawls into the back of his mind, trying to ruin it??
Steve's still painfully hard, so he doesn't stop stroking his cock but he keeps his eyes open, just in case. Looks at the open welcoming mouth and the blue eyes staring at him from the glossy page
Baby come on, I just need a little.. little bit more .. yeah, like that, take it all in your pretty mouth, all of it, deep .. oh fuck ..
He grabs the shaft, close, he's so close ..
Hargrove said shaft today, Steve can hear him saying the word so clearly, the shhhh of it, the depth of his fucking voice
Okay, just uhm .. he needs to refocus.
Steve imagines how his cock would slide into a warm pussy, wet and tight, in and out, in and out .. that's right, that's good ..
The head of his dick feels full and the balls feel heavy, just a bit fucking more of the tightness..
Harrington lets out a moan of pleasure and a hot stream of cum lands on his chest and belly
Fuck yeah
He strokes himself till he's not shooting cum anymore and lies in his bed breathing heavily
Head empty.
He wants more sex. He's fucking seventeen, has a girlfriend and he wants to fucking have more sex.
Steve doesn't want to take a shower cause he already took one before getting in bed, so he finds some tissues to wipe the cum off of himself, pulls his boxers up, tucks the magazine back in the drawer and closes his eyes.
He's not even gonna think too hard about Hargrove interrupting his masturbation. The jackass is annoying as fuck, he's all over the basketball court, he's all over each class they're having together, he's all over the parking lot, and the whole damn school.
Fucking piece of California trash.
Steve doesn't realize how everything becomes blurry in his mind and he finally falls asleep.
*** Billy's POV
Fucking Maxine is late. Again. Last couple of times she was late? Billy waited for her. Didn't even give her much shit for that, just asked her nicely to pay attention to the time. He fucking has a job now, he has homework to do, he can't really dance to the tune of a thirteen? .. fourteen? year-old skanky teen. He's not sure how old she is.
He knows he has to, he has no choice. She is his responsibility. What a wonderful way to delegate stuff. Neil and Susan got married, and Max is suddenly Billy's number one chore, like he asked for it. Like he doesn't have his own life. Everything has become a problem, because he always has to line up his schedule with hers.
Just like now. He actually needs to get to work at 4, and he wanted to have some fun time with this girl who's been following him around since day one, Vicky .. he doesn't remember her last name.
Billy glances at his watch one more time, and decides
Fuck it.
"The little shit can skate home."
He and Vicky get in the car, and he drives her to her house. They park nearby and make out. She smells nice, sweet and girly, and she's cute and so willing to go further.
"My parents aren't home till six, do you want to come inside?"
"Would love to, sweetheart. Can't. Gotta be someplace in an hour."
Vicky is disappointed but at least they sucked each other's faces. That's progress, and she'll be telling her friends all about it.
Billy is strangely not excited about it, like at all. He's not even hard, and he hasn't had anything close to sex since .. well, since summer, when he ended up in bed with a girl he doesn't remember the name of, drunk to oblivion.
He jerks off almost every day, otherwise he'd already be crawling up the walls. Still, the fact that Billy is not turned on by physical contact, and yes, he did feel Vicky's nice soft tits, is a bit worrisome.
Fucking Hawkins.
When he gets home, no-one is there. The little rat must be still skating, and Susan must be out grocery shopping. Billy throws a sandwich together, changes his clothes and is off to Old Joe's garage. Tommy did not let him down. He did ask around, and although the whole Starcourt thing fell through cause they didn't hire anyone from the outside,
"They have weird secrecy around it and stuff, man. Very strange, considering it's a regular shopping mall."
Tommy told him to go check out Old Joe's car repair on Cornwallis. Said he saw a "Help wanted" sign put up there.
Old Joe's son, Pete, decided to move to Indianapolis after marrying a girl from the big city, so the old man was in urgent need of an assistant.
Andy, a guy from school, is bringing his yellow camaro to the garage for a check-up today. He says the engine's making funny noises. Billy can look into that. Give him a chance to get his hands on a Camaro, please. And who knew that he would come across such a beauty in this shithole? Back in San Diego a muscle car was nothing extraordinary, and a couple of guys he knew had really nice ones. Billy's own camaro is his baby, of course, there's no competition, but the chances of having two Camaros in the same small town? Andy and he, they should definitely set up a date for a race.
There's also an old Buick at the garage that needs some work. Billy has already had this job for more than a week. Every other day plus some shifts at the weekends. He's good with cars, and Old Joe seems pleased with his new assistant.
When Billy comes home at 9, his dad is sitting in the living room watching a baseball match on TV. The moment the door closes, there's a stern voice calling his name
"Billy? Can you come here for a second?"
Billy has an unpleasant feeling in his gut. Whenever his dad tells him "to come here for a second" it doesn't mean anything good.
"Good evening, dad."
"Evening. Would you care to explain why your little sister had to skate home from school today? You were supposed to pick her up."
Of fucking course. The snitch.
"Dad, I know! I was waiting for her for half an hour, and she was late! I kinda have a job now, I can't be .."
Neil springs up from his armchair and in a second he's slapping Billy on his mouth. It's quick and humiliating and burns Billy like a brand.
"Exactly. You kinda have a job. Do not ever use such a disrespectful tone talking to your parents! Do you understand?"
Does he understand what
That his own dad hates him
Neil puts an index finger up in Billy's face
"I pay for every day of your life. You'll wait for your sister as long as it takes."
Billy is silent
"Do you understand me, son?"
Billy chokes out a quiet
Neil is grabbing him by the collar of his shirt
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Go apologize to Maxine."
"Dad, it's not my fault! She was late!"
Neil grabs his collar tighter and Billy feels his father's breath on his face
"I repeat, do not use such a tone talking to me." Slowly, quietly, menacingly
"Apologize to your sister, and always wait for her even if she's running late."
Neil shoves Billy in the direction in Max's room.
It's less than a year.
It's only less than a year.
Billy goes to the door of his stepsister's room, followed by Neil. He knocks on it, and Max's voice pipes up
Billy cracks the door open and mutters
"I'm sorry I didn't pick you up today."
"Okay." Max squeaks.
"Was it so hard, son?"
"No, sir."
"Alright. Now let me get back to the game."
Neil walks back to the living room and Billy shuts Max's door. He wants to slam it, to bang on it, hot tears are choking him, but he's not .. he's not gonna cry.
It's not fucking fair.
There's only less than a year left.
Billy is not feeling hungry anymore. He goes straight to the shower.
Max listens till the water stops running in the shower and goes out of her room. Waits a little more not far from the bathroom door. When Billy comes out she's blocking his way, whispering hurriedly
"Billy, I didn't .. Mom saw me skating home. I didn't even say anything."
Billy stops for a second and then shoulder-bumps her out of the way
"Piss off, Maxine."
He's not in the mood to do any homework, so he just slides under the blanket and closes his eyes.
It's basketball practice, which means Billy's suffering. Just pick up the pace, people, for the love of god! Tommy is trying. Andy is actually not playing so bad today. Gotta talk to him about his yellow beast of a car. It looks chic, with black stripes over the hood and the boot. Come on, Andy, you've got such a fast gorgeous-looking babe on your hands. You have to match the high standard.
Hargrove is faster than anyone anyway. He's here, he's there and he's every-fucking-where. Harrington is being exceptionally irritating today. Always getting in his way. He seems to get under Billy's feet on purpose, to annoy him even more. As if he enjoys rubbing against the sweaty bulk of Billy's body. Alright, let's do it, it won't hurt. You want attention? Your girlfriend has you on a sex diet or something?
Come on, take the ball from me. Take it!
Billy lets the loser snatch the ball but then catches up with him
"King Steve, huh?" Billy's chuckling and panting in Steve's ear
"Used to run this school, right?"
"Then you turned bitch."
Harrington is huffing
"Hey maybe you should just shut up, asshole, and play the game."
The next second the ball is in Hargrove's hands again and he sends it straight home. He looks at Steve triumphantly
"Oh I am playing. Question is, what the fuck are you doing here?"
Harrington just stares at him with quiet hatred deep in that brown and tries to steady his breath.
Later in the showers Billy catches himself looking at the dickhead shampooing his hair. He looks kinda pretty. Not that Billy cares. The pathetic jerk just bugs him for some reason, that's all. Like, have some self-respect, dude. Stop moping about your love life, it's just a girl, for fucks sake. It seriously hurts to watch you. Billy has never let himself pine over someone like that. No-one gets called King for nothing, so where is that something you got crowned for?
*** Steve's POV
Will his whole year be like that? Steve didn't sign up for that shit. Of all the places in the wide United States of America god has decided to send this douchebag here. To Hawkins. To Steve's town. The asshole ruins every basketball game. Today he called him bitch and told him that Steve used to run this school? Used to, huh. We'll see about that, motherfucker. Steve notices that Hargrove's looking at him in the showers when nobody else sees that. Harrington's eyes were closed too cause of shampoo, but he cracked an eye open and there Hargrove was. Staring. The fuck is his deal.
It's Friday, and Steve's on a mission to spend some quality time with his girlfriend. Nancy remembers that she promised to hang out with him at the weekend, and they agree that Steve will pick her up at six. They can have dinner at Steve's place with his parents and she'll stay for the evening.
Everything seems great. Steve knows that his mom and dad like Nancy, they like the Wheelers. Dinner's good and the sex that happens later in his bedroom is wonderful. They have to be quiet cause of the parents downstairs but it's not a big problem.
When he's driving Nancy back to her house at a quarter to ten, however, things stop being so good.
"Steve? Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Yeah, what is it?"
"I think .. look, I .. remember how you broke Jonathan's camera a month ago?"
"What? Jonathan?"
Who's Jonathan?
"Jonathan Byers? You broke his camera cause he had taken pictures of us in June, and you didn't like that."
"Of course, I didn't like that. Did .. did you like that?"
"No! Of course not, but .."
Nancy's taking a deep breath
"I had a talk with him. He didn't mean anything bad. He was just looking for his little brother that night, Will. He was missing and Jonathan was uh .. searching for him that night, in the woods."
The information is settling in Steve's brain
"Wait, you had a talk with Byers?? When?"
"A couple of weeks ago maybe? I'm just .. I think that .."
"Have you actually been talking to that sicko?"
"He's not a sicko, okay!? He was looking for his missing brother!!"
"How would taking pictures of us and of you naked have helped him to find his brother?"
"I don't know! He was just .. looking for some clues! But what you did wasn't nice."
"Nance, what he did wasn't nice! I mean .. search the woods all you want, but don't take photos of people who don't even know you're there! It was creepy as fuck and I still think I made a mistake of not going to the police to report that freak!"
"I don't think the police can help find Barb."
"Find Barb? Nancy she's been missing for five months already.. I don't think.. I don't think she's out there alive."
"I know. But at least we can find out what happened. Jonathan thinks .."
Nancy understands she's repeatedly said something she probably shouldn't have
"Okay, Nance, I'm.. I really .. I just think you shouldn't be talking to him."
"Okay and I think you should really get him a new camera."
"I should what ??"
"To replace the one that you broke!"
Steve's speechless
"Also I think you shouldn't be telling me who to talk to or not."
And here Steve thought that he was having a perfect evening with the love of his life
"Okay, Nance uhm .."
He shouldn't .. he should probably take some time to process the information. He's at a loss.
They are stopping near Nancy's house. She looks at him, disapprovingly but with a spark of hope.
"Steve I know you were upset at that time but .. what you did, was .. vile. Jonathan can't afford to buy a new camera, and uh .. he really was just looking for Will that night. Think about it, okay?"
Steve's still majorly speechless.
"Yeah uhm.. okay."
"You promise?"
"Yeah, sure."
He doesn't even kiss Nancy goodbye, and neither does she.
"Bye, Steve."
"Yeah. Bye."
That's not the turn of the events he saw coming.
He is not buying Byers anything.
Steve has a suspicion this conversation is far from being finished. Like it's the beginning of something way bigger than just a little misunderstanding.
The weekend lets him take his mind off certain things. On Saturday morning Steve goes to Indianapolis with his parents. Spends the whole afternoon shopping. Gets himself some new clothes and a black suit a-la Tom Cruise's character in "Risky Business". Nancy has mentioned earlier, she'd like to dress up as .. what's the girl's name .. Lana for Halloween, so.
Well, maybe. Steve isn't even sure where this is all going. He hopes their love will conquer all the unfortunate events life keeps throwing their way.
Steve also visits a special shop in Indianapolis. The kind they don't have in Hawkins. It's a secret though. He'll reveal the secret next week.
He and his parents stay at their big city apartment for the night.
On Sunday Steve drives back to Hawkins alone and calls Tommy. He invites him and Carol over for the evening, they drink some beer, grill burgers in the backyard and shoot the shit. Just like in the old times. When they both start saying some unpleasant stuff about Nancy, Steve tells them to cut the crap which they do, and the evening is alright.
Steve wakes up on Monday morning covered in cum, head all fuzzy from a wet dream he's been having at night. He doesn't remember the details, but is was something involving photo cameras, Hargrove's sweaty, heated body grinding on him, and penis-shaped objects.
The same thought has been on Steve's mind for quite a long time now, and this morning seems to be the right time to repeat it.
Chapter 5/?
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polkadotjersey · 5 months
For the fic asks: maybe 4, 13, 29?
Hello :) Thank you for these <3
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
Harder question that it looks ahah I have one WIP for F1 (Lifeguard AU). I suppose everything else I've started to write counts more as abandoned than a work in progress. I think I need new ideas 😅
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
The amount of planning of a fic is directly proportional to the probability I will abandon it, so ideally I don't plan much. Maybe I'll do a rough sketch for more complicated things (like non-linear narratives), but most often I start writing something and it goes on an unexpected path so I just let it happen. Then the nightmare of editing everything into a coherent story begins.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
Here's an entire scene from 'got milk?' that didn't survive the editing cut (because it was really pointless 😂 also I reused parts of it in other scenes):
Fifteen minutes is a deceptively short amount of time. Jonas wastes no time in slipping into the first pair of jeans he can find, but it all derails after that. 
He spends a good five minutes in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to flatten his bed-mussed hair with his hands, then fluffing it up again when it becomes too flat, then frantically dragging his fingers over the uncooperative blonde strands before giving up altogether and leaving it as it is, flopping uselessly over his forehead. 
His face looks too pale even for Jonas, doing nothing to hide the blooming dark circles under his eyes. It irks him—even if Jonas has never cared much for the way he looks, it’s still an expression of weakness. And Tadej—he never looks weak. The last time Jonas saw him, he’d looked—
‘It’s Armani, eh’ Tadej had told Jonas, holding the right side of his jacket open to show him something—the brand tag, maybe, Jonas couldn’t tell you because his eyes immediately strayed to the fabric of the shirt clung to Tadej’s chest. Delicate, white linen, almost see-through, the hint of a pebbled nipple underneath—god. He’d seen Tadej shirtless countless times before, of course. Again, it’s the sort of thing that comes with the job. This shouldn’t have been news to Jonas. There was no logical reason for him to get flustered over the mere suggestion of a perfectly normal anatomical feature. Except—
‘Looks good,’ Jonas had mumbled, averting his eyes. A waiter passed by, offering him a timely distraction in the form of free champagne. (In hindsight, that was the first poor decision of the night.) At least Tadej had seemed pleased about his answer.
Except, maybe Jonas should have seen this coming. He’s worked through this in therapy too—how he shouldn’t let his feelings bottle up inside him until they blow up. How he should cut them into small, manageable pieces. Work through them, one at a time, so he can remain calm and focused. 
Of course, in therapy they meant to address things like anxiety, anger, the fear of failure. Not-- Not whatever it is that grips inside Jonas’ chest whenever Tadej smiles at him. So, of course, he’d let that bottle up inside, and, of course, it has now blown up in the most spectacular, ill-advised, world-rocking fashion. 
And so all there’s left for Jonas is to scour through the depths of his suitcase, trying to find a shirt that is not team-branded, or contains the words colouring history, or is an actual yellow jersey—what the fuck, he needs to start packing properly—so he can meet Tadej and figure out where do they go from here.
His fifteen minutes are up and his phone rings once more just as he manages to find a plain white t-shirt with a wash-resistant ketchup stain near the collar that will just have to do.
“Your Uber ride has arrived, sir,” Tadej announces in a mock-solemn voice. It takes the edge off Jonas’ shoulders, even if only momentarily. Maybe things can be as easy as before. Maybe nothing has to change.
“Yeah, I’m coming.”
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nothingunrealistic · 10 months
hurt/comfort 20 for taylip
20. cut
Philip answers the door with a rather ungracious “What?”, which he’ll blame on his thumb, hastily swaddled in a paper towel, and his smoke detector, beeping insistently over a not-quite-clean stove burner, and his expectation that no one would knock for another seven minutes.
“I realize I’m early,” says Taylor. Their gaze travels from his face to the kitchen behind him to his hand. “What happened to your —”
“Washing a knife. My hand slipped.” The smoke alarm had startled him at exactly the wrong time. “But everything’s still attached, so don’t worry about it.”
He’s half-hoping they’ll take the hint and wait in the hall for six minutes while he pulls it together. This is Taylor, though, so of course they come right in and brush past him without a word.
“What are you doing?”
Taylor drags one of his chairs across the kitchen, climbs up, and presses something on the smoke detector that stops the beeping. Though the silence is a relief, the pain in his hand seems amplified without anything to drown it out.
“It won’t last.” They step down and approach the pan of potatoes and cauliflower on the faintly-smoking burner. “Can this come off the heat?”
“No, it’s still simmering. Could you turn on the hood, though?”
The fan clicks on and whirs up to speed. Philip goes to the sink to wash the cut, and with the blood and the initial shock of fuck, I sliced my hand open cleared away, he can see it’s not that bad. It’s confined to the pad of his thumb, short and shallow with straight edges, and pretty much done bleeding. Likely he can manage without stitches.
“Do you want me to take a look?” says Taylor, close enough in his ear that he’s sure they’re already looking.
“Sure, if you have a medical degree I don’t know about. I’m only first aid certified.”
“So was I.”
Past tense. “When?”
“High school. Lifeguarding.”
“Well, mine’s still on the right side of its expiration date, so I’ll handle it.”
Philip feels Taylor watching his every move as he reaches into the cupboard over the sink, gets out the box of butterfly bandages, tips out a few onto the island — all wrong-handed and clumsy — and realizes what they must have already figured out. Namely, unless he grows an extra hand or a knack for contortionism, he won’t be able to do this himself.
He turns to Taylor. They’re sitting in the chair and mostly succeeding in not looking smug.
“Did your lifeguard classes cover these?”
Taylor rises. Philip offers his right hand to them; they step closer and grasp his wrist. 
“Careful,” he says, mostly out of some sense that he should.
“Of course.”
Taylor tilts his hand, just a few degrees’ supination, to study the cut, then reaches past him to pick up a loose bandage from the island. It suddenly strikes him as vitally important that he hold very, very still, and stay that way even as they’re in motion — straightening up again, peeling off the backing, pinching the flesh of his thumb, placing the bandage, all their attention focused on a single square inch of his skin.
“So,” they say, a transparent attempt to break the newly forming ice. Not that he objects. “Aloo gobi, yes?”
Honest to God, he’d forgotten he was cooking anything. “Yeah.”
“And DoorDash didn’t cut it?”
“My usual place changed their recipe.” He holds his breath while Taylor grabs another bandage. “Trying to recreate the original.”
“Ben Kim is something of a hobby chef. He might have suggestions.”
“I’ll ask him next time.”
Taylor’s hands slow — not long, but long enough for him to notice — and the conversation peters out, leaving the hood fan to fill the silence.
“That should hold it,” they say once the second bandage is in place. “Assuming it’s up to your standard.”
Philip examines his newly relinquished hand. The cut is neatly closed; the bandages are snug but not overly tight. He doubts he could have done a better job even with two hands. “I think I’ll survive.”
(Put a number and two characters in my ask box and get a hurt/comfort drabble)
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hauntedxwritings · 3 months
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He was going to burn it to the ground. Billy didn't care what happened. He was going to make them all answer for Eddie's death. He was going to make them all pay for taking such a wonderful person and making his days on earth a living hell. Not a damn person in that town deserved Eddie Munson. Not even Billy. Hands were clenched into tight fists, breathing coming in labored pants. Billy wasn't sure how he'd ended up at lovers rock but it had been one of their special places. The moment his eyes laid sight on their little spot, tears spilled unbidden down his cheeks. He clutched the lighter in his hand as if it were a lifeline. Part of him wondered if that was what Eddie would want. But he already knew the answer: no. Eddie had died protecting the people who treated him like shit. He had been that noble and selfless. The lifeguard lowered himself on the rock bed, head slumped in defeat. "I don't know what to do, Eddie...I didn't think it would ever be just me. I didn't think one day I'd end up without you. I...-" A thick swallow. As if Eddie could actually hear him. "I miss you. I need you." His voice cracked, shoulders slumping as he stared blearily down at the rock bed. "I'm so fucking sorry I didn't keep you safe."
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My muse has died. Send in your muse’s reaction. The mun reblogging this meme can specify the circumstances, or leave it up to the asker(s)!
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professor-kay-redwood · 9 months
Behold, the little guys!!! I was just informed I would also have to take care of them as well because why wouldn't I have yet something else do to other than get myself set up. These are Mitling, Smobby, and Topour, don't know what they'll evolve into yet but I can always ask my Uncle if it comes up.
They have special abilities so let me explain them real quick:
Safe Haven basically means the less Mitling attacks, the better they can take a hit, because well it hides in its log until then.
Over Prepared means if you hand them a berry there is a good chance they will find a second one somewhere else but won't reveal that until it's already eaten the first one.
Speedy Hit is kinda a "fuck u" where when it gets faster it ALSO gets stronger. Have no idea how that works. That's gonna be a pain to deal with...
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Behold!!! Edonia's starter trio! I'll discuss each of them one at a time. Before that the Trio theme is hard to give a single describing word for but I'll try my best. Mitling evolves into a Gardener, providing food and shelter (if the Pokemon is smaller then them) for people. Topour becomes a Lifeguard, actively going out and saving/helping people. Finally Smobby turns into a Park Ranger that educates people on controlled fires. I've explained this as community jobs/different ways of helping but idk.
So, Mitling is what happens when you smush a hermit crab and a fairy house together. I really liked the idea of a crab Pokemon having an intricate house on its back so I made it a starter because you find fairy houses in more woodland settings! The Gardener thing comes from me needing something to tie in the trio theming, and because Mitling is the more reserved of them I thought gardening would make a nice fit, plus rooftop gardens. Currently the house is a simply log that'll get fancier as it evolves. This is also the design I did last and was the most on edge about but I think it turned out well enough. Though it might be prone fot a redesign at some point.
Smobby I had a lot of difficulty deciding on the typing. I knew I wanted one of the starters to be based of Smokey the Bear, Cali's resident Forest Fire PSA, Buti didn't know which. Grass made sense because Park Ranger but then it'd be weak against fire when Smokey is meant to be fighting against forest fires, water was the next choice because water beats fire, and then we have fire type, the one I settled on. This was ultimately decided by my choice for Topour but my reasoning for it is that "Well not all fire is bad! Smokey's whole thing is preventing Forest fires by telling people about how to make safe fires!" So viola fire typing! Design wise Smobby is the simplest of the bunch just being a bear with some fire motifs slapped onto him. I plan on having some more fun with the middle and final stages however!
Topour was the first of the trio I designed, I wanted to make a roadrunner for the trip simply because I thought I'd be fun, I didn't know if I wanted them to be Fire or Water, fire with it being the idea of they run so fast they leave of a trail of fire behind them, and water being the idea of them running so fast they can run across water. I ended up liking the water idea better so here he is! I then came up with the Lifeguard thing because running on water would be very useful for saving people from drowning. I also tried making his little wings kinda look like a poncho, I plan on making it into a full on raincoat for the evolution :)
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twstbrainrot · 2 years
TWST boys at the pool HC’s PART TWO
(A/N: Thanks for the interactions with the first post, guys. Unfortunately my quality of writing will not improve. Instead I will word-vomit and nothing else. Good luck.)
Silver made the mistake of falling asleep on one of those loungers while riding the lazy river with Diasomnia. At some point, he drifted behind, tangled in the sea of other floaties. Lilia, Sebek, and Malleus leave and just assume he’d gotten out already to get a drink or something… no. That man is lying in direct sunlight for 2 hours unattended. One of the lifeguards wake him up thinking he’d fucking died. And he probably would’ve preferred that outcome after waking up to a blistering sunburn on par with Adeuce’s.
Y’all know the toilet bowl ride where you ride in a 4-person float? Yeah, Ace, Deuce, and Grim are pulling you on the ride with them. And they’re those fuckers that intentionally grab at the sides of the slide to slow down and get stuck in the bowl. The lifeguard that pulls y’all out is less than pleased. Enjoy your 1-hour ban from the rides. At least use this time to reapply the sunscreen you’ve been dodging, you twits.
Ruggie’s working the Tiki Bar during this day trip, but don’t think that means he’s out for the count. He strategically waits to take his break until you and the first year gang board the raft ride and stations himself at the water cannons. Y’all are enjoying your time, not a care in the world. You come underneath the bridge and lock eyes with Ruggie, giant shit-eating grin plastered on his face. And then he starts blasting. Blasting without mercy. Y’all emerge with water up your nose, in your ears, and clothes absolutely soaked. Shyheeheheee.
Kalim is that kid at the public pool that is running anywhere he goes. And Jamil is the lifeguard constantly blowing his whistle for him to slow down. Does he listen? No. Take a guess on who the first one to the infirmary is. The scraped knee does not slow him down, much to Jamil’s dismay. If anything, that mf was just reinvigorated from all the pity attention he received. He is also the lost child that needs to be picked up at the security booth at the end of the day.
Cater is so stoked about the Magicam opportunities at this water park. Obviously plenty of selfies are taken, but those aren’t the only photos he’s after. It takes him most of the day to convince (read; beg, whine at, bargain with) Trey and Riddle to ride the log flume with him. “It’s just a teensy tiny drop! :3” *puppy dog eyes* “You’ll barely get wet!” *lip pout* “I’ll be on hedgehog duties for a week!” *eye sparkle, hands clasped, on knees like a Victorian child begging for a humble scrap of bread* Said “teensy tiny drop” nearly has Riddle take flight from his seat. Cater is on hedgehog duties for far more than a week, but it was all worth it for the commemorative photo of his besties 🥺 Please forgive him, Riddle! It was for the Gram!
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nessaxc · 3 years
All Wet || Mammon
A beach walk with Mammon turns into something more
~ Rating: Explicit
~ Words: 2.4k
~ Tags: Shower Sex, Public Hand Job, Ocean Hand Job, Skinny Dipping, Vaginal Fingering
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“Nothing.” Mammon had his hands shoved deep in his pockets as you two walked along the beach. The resort was quiet; it was late in the season and you both were some of the few tourists who were still in the area. Your rented bungalow was right near the water, which made it perfect for taking strolls in the sand whenever you felt like it – like now, at midnight – as well as for having mind-blowing, toe-curling, screaming sex whenever you wanted it since the waves typically drowned you both out.
You rolled your eyes. “You’re up to something, Mammon.”
He smirked, his eyes cast downward as you walked leisurely. “Maybe.”
“Like what?”
He glanced up at you, and before you knew what was happening he ripped off his t-shirt, dropped trou, and ran straight into the surf stark naked.
You stared after him, dumbfounded.
“Oh, fuck, that’s cold!” he yelped, right before diving under an incoming wave.
“Mammon, what the fuck?” you called out, laughing, as his head bobbed back up.
“Come on. Water’s fine.”
“You just said it was freezing!”
You heaved a sigh and glanced around; the beach was completely empty. Oh, fuck it. You pulled off your dress and then your bra and panties before you had time to second-guess yourself and made a run for the water. As soon as the waves hit your knees you squealed. “Holy fuck!”
“Get in here before everyone sees you in your altogether!” he laughed.
You took a deep breath and dove in, the chilly saltwater sending a shock through your system. You emerged and Mammon paddled over to you. It was shallow enough that your feet could still touch the sand, but deep enough that the waves broke just past you. “You’re an idiot,” you said, teeth chattering.
“I was just thinking the same thing, to be honest,” he replied. “Come here. Body warmth.”
“I don’t have any left,” you said as you curled up to him.
“Mmmm. You have some.” He squeezed your breasts and motorboated them, sending a spray of water into your both faces.
“Ass,” you said, giggling.
He kissed you, and his mouth tasted of salt and tequila. You melted into his kiss as you both floated on the gently heaving sea.
“We can’t stay out here long,” you murmured as he grasped your hips and pulled you so that you were wrapped around him.
“I know.”
“No lifeguard. Dark out. Dangerous.”
“And romantic. And fun. Come on.” His eyes sparkled as he winked at you. “Let’s be naughty.”
You pursed your lips and raised an eyebrow. “Well, salt and sand are no fun in my naughty bits… but if you can get it up quickly, I can jerk you off.”
He was still shivering from cold when he nodded.
“Baby, I’m already hard.”
You reached into the water and was impressed to find he was. “Even with the cold, Mammon?”
“What can I say? You do magical things to me.”
You giggled as you wrapped one hand around his shoulder to keep balance in the currents. The other hand firmly gripped him and started stroking, pausing every so often to add a little twist at his tip. His eyes were closed as he leaned his head against yours and began nuzzling your ear, giving little grunts of pleasure.
“You’re so big and hard, Mammon,” you cooed.
“Oh, fuck, baby… your hand is perfect… oh, don’t stop,” he whispered.
“You like that? You like it when I use my hand to get you off?”
“What are you going to do to make it up to me when we get back to the bungalow?” You nipped his ear.
He groaned as his hips bucked forward involuntarily. “I’m going to… make you come… at least twice…”
“Promises, promises…” you were teasing him now, running your thumb over his head and dipping it into the slit before stroking down to his base and back.
“I’m going to… drag you into the shower…go down on you…oh, fuck,” he moaned.
You stroked him harder, pressing your legs together as he talked.
“Then… push you up against the shower wall… fuck you from behind… slam into you… oh, oh, Shit,” he gasped, gritting his teeth as you jerked him faster. “Oh God, I’m going to… fuck!” he cried out as his cock twitched in your hand, the warmth of his come momentarily floating past your fingers and legs before dissolving into the cold seawater. He leaned against you heavily, leaving a hot, open-mouthed kiss on your shoulder as you both bobbed with the motion of the waves.
“Always,” he replied, breathless.
“Ready to make good on your promise?”
He gave a low, suggestive laugh. “Oh, yes. Or at least, I will be, once I recover from that, you damn succubus.”
“Hey, this was your idea, you filthy man.” you stuck your tongue out at him, then you quickly checked the beach again and saw you both were still, thankfully, alone. You gave him a wink and dove under the next wave, riding it to the sand. You picked yourself up and took off towards your clothes, pulling on your dress quickly and grabbing your bra and panties.
He followed right behind, his spent cock flapping ridiculously between his legs as he grabbed for his pants, and you couldn’t help but laugh. He yanked his shorts on and picked up his t-shirt before grabbing you in a tight embrace and kissing you as though his life depended on it. “That was fucking incredible, baby… thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you giggled. “Now… I believe I heard some mention of two orgasms in the shower.”
“Oh… did I say that?”
“Why? You going back on your word, Mammon?”
“No,” he grinned. “But I could’ve sworn I said three.” He grabbed your hand and you both sprinted back to the bungalow.
It only took you three minutes to get back at the rate you were going and the moment you got inside Mammon kicked the door shut behind him and slammed you up against the wall, kissing and nipping at your neck. You slipped out from his grasp and ran for the bathroom, but he caught up with you. He hoisted you over his shoulder caveman-style and carried you into the washroom while you squealed and laughed. He placed you on the countertop and turned on the tap water before turning and attacking your lips once more, pausing only to pull your dress up over your head so that you were naked once again. You pushed his pants down past his hips as steam from the shower filled the room. His hands roamed over your damp flesh, exploring the curves of your breasts and waist while you ran your fingers through his wet hair.
He suddenly gripped your ass and picked you up again, this time so that your legs were wrapped around his hips, and stepped into the shower with you. He put you down gently and grabbed your body wash, squirting a generous amount into his palm.
“Turn around, babe,” he murmured, and you obeyed. He worked the soap into a lather and started massaging your back with his strong fingers, and you moaned out loud. He kneaded and stroked the kinks out of your shoulders before he moved down your spine, finally scrubbing and squeezing your ass. He ran both hands up and down each of your legs, soaping them up thoroughly before finally turning you back around. He kissed your forehead while he soaped up your arms and belly, saving his final attentions for your breasts. He traced circles around your nipples before radiating his touches outwards, covering you completely with the sweet-smelling bubbles. Then he whirled you around so that we switched places and you were under the stream of hot water, the body wash dripping off your skin in sudsy streams.
You grabbed his soap and began to reciprocate, scrubbing it across the tan, taut muscles of his chest and abs before you knelt down. You gave his cock a teasing stroke as you soaped him up, then moved to his long, strong legs. He had his eyes closed when you stood back up and turned him around, pressing into his shoulders with firm squeezes, and he let out soft grunts of pleasure as you massaged the tension out of his back. You admired the soft curve of his ass and thighs as you finished soaping him up; by now you were clean, so you pulled him under the showerhead with you and kissed him while the hot water rinsed him off. His fingers probed you curiously as the last of the seawater ran down the drain, and you gave a little gasp as he rolled your clit between his thumb and forefinger.
You weren’t expecting what he did next. He placed you gently on the floor of the tub so that the gentle fall of the shower was aimed right on your belly and pelvis. Then, he knelt between your legs and hoisted them over his shoulders, dipping his head down to put his mouth on you. The combination of the warm water running over your body as well as his rough, hot tongue poking inside you was intense and arousing, and you cried out as he traced his tongue over your clit in maddening circles.
“Oh, fuck, Mammon, that’s… perfect,” you gasped. You were already close, the heightened anticipation from our escapade in the ocean ensuring your body was more than ready for his careful ministrations.
He hummed against you as he drew the little bud into his mouth and suckled at it, and it didn’t take long for you to lose control. You came, your back arching off the floor as your hips bucked into his face, the waves of pleasure rolling through you. He didn’t let up, though; he seemed determined to make good on his promise and he thrust two soaked fingers inside of you, curling them and tapping them against your G-spot. You had barely come down from your first climax when the second hit, even harder, and you let out a tortured cry as ecstasy wracked your body. He extracted his fingers and licked you gently as I floated back down to earth, the hot water streaming over his head and pooling on your skin.
“That’s two down,” he murmured as he kissed right above your mound. “One more to go.”
You grabbed his hair and yanked him up roughly so that he was on top of you. You kissed him fiercely and swallowed his chuckles. His erection was back in full force now, jabbing you in the thigh, and he grasped your arms and pulled you up to your feet as he stood. “You wanted to fuck me from behind, right?” You whispered, turning and grinding your bare ass against his groin.
He moaned as he grabbed both of your arms and held them against the cool tile of the shower wall. “I did… because I still owe you another orgasm…” His voice was deep and full of sinful promise as he spoke into my ear and pressed his torso to your back. “That, and I love the way your ass bounces when I fuck you like this… and those little noises you make, oh God… and the way you reach back and dig your nails into my ass when you’re close and you want me to fuck you harder… the way you come and fall forward and I have to catch you, usually by grabbing onto your magnificent tits while I finish you off…”
You were circling your hips back against him now, desperate to have him inside me. “Please, Mammon…”
“As you wish, Y/N,” he whispered as he pushed your legs apart with his knee and slid forward. You groaned at the intrusion as his cock filled me up; he still held my arms in place against the wall as he undulated his hips against you, his tip just brushing your G-spot.
“Oh, Mammon, that’s… that’s good,” I breathed as the water continued to cascade around us.
“You like that, don’t you?”
“Yes… oh, fuck, baby… more… faster…”
He growled as he slammed into you; he shifted his hands so that he was holding both of yours up against the wall with one while the other snaked around your waist to massage your clit. You arched your back and started to push back to meet his thrusts, urging him forward.
“Baby.” His voice was strained. “Keep that up and I’ll come too quickly…”
“I want to feel you come, Mammon,” you panted. “Please…”
“Not until I feel you…” He paused his rhythm and you let out a frustrated whine, which he silenced with a firm tweak of your clit. You bucked into his hand and leaned your forehead against the wall; You weren’t sure how much more my body could take. “… are you going to behave?”
“Yes, Mammon… yes, please,” you babbled, desperate for your finish.
He started moving again, fucking you even harder while you held still, biting your lip so hard you could swear you were going to draw blood. He sucked at your shoulder while he continued to roll your sensitive nub between his fingers and piston into you from behind. You cried out as you climbed higher and higher, and finally you let out an uncontrollable scream as your pussy clamped down on him in powerful release, your entire body trembling as your brain shut down. Stars burst behind your eyelids as you tried to breathe, pleasure shooting through every nerve in your body. As your cunt contracted and released around him he came with an animalistic roar, spilling everything he had left deep inside you. He caught you just as you began to pitch forward and slipped out of you, holding you close while you both caught your breath.
At that moment, you two were shocked by a deluge of frigid water from the shower. You shrieked and leaped out of the tub, grabbing a towel as he followed behind you, laughing.
“Well, I guess we went through all the hot water,” he said, chuckling as he wrapped a towel around his waist and picked me up again. He threw you on the bed and cuddled next to you. “Not that we need it to stay warm. Right, babe?”
“Shut up, Mammon,” you said sleepily.
“Hey! I just gave you three orgasms in less than 30 minutes. I think I deserve a little more tenderness than ‘shut up.’”
“And I jerked you off while skinny-dipping in the frigid ocean,” you said, snuggling into him. “I’d say we’re square.”
He gave a soft chuckle as he pulled you close, then nuzzled your hair as you both drifted off to sleep, sated and happy.
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reimagine7 · 3 years
Hot Lifeguard (Emily Sonnett x reader)
My first story. Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. Opened for  suggestions.
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It was just another day at work. Days like this were one of my favorites. Just a few people at the beach and less people in the water, that is almost the perfect scenario for a lifeguard. Because normally that means no incidents. My shift was almost over, just one more hour and I could go home to prepare for dinner tonight with my girlfriend.
Right now I am sitting at the cabbing along with Josh, my partner for the day.
“No fucking way” I heard Josh yell while loking at something through the glass.
“What? What did you see?” I asked “You’re not going to believe who just arrived at the beach” “Well, if you give me the binoculars I could see by myself.” “There is no need to. Look at the group over there.” He said pointing to a place in the sand “Okay, I’m looking but I’m not getting it.”
Just as I said that I saw a blond girl running a few meters at the sand and trying to do a cartwheel on the sand and failing miserably, ending with her butt at the sand. Yep, now I know of who Josh is talking about.
“Girl, that is the US women’s soccer team, seems like the whole team is in here.” He was really excited “Josh, clean it right here…” (I rubbed my hand on my chin and he copied me) “Why?” He asked, after seeing nothing on her hand “You’re drooling.” “Oh, fuck up.” She pushes me and keeps looking at the team, it wasn’t the whole team but is probably half of the girls.
“Okay, I’m gonna say hi. Do you wanna come?” Josh asked me “You can go, someone has to stay here and actually do the work.” Josh rolled his eyes but got the walktalk. “Fine, I would tell them you say hi, I’m bringing the walktalk” “Go there looser.”
I was just watching a few surfers at the beach, when I looked to my left and saw Josh coming back with the group of girls following him. He gave me a sign for me to come down.
“So Y/n these are the players from USWNT and girls this is Y/n.” “Hi girls, I actually know you all, I’m a big fan, you’re all badasses.” “Thank you. We heard that so was you.” Ashlyn said and Alex followed. “Josh here went to say hi and told us that his coworker was a woman and a badass so we needed to come check out.” “Well, it’s my pleasure to meet you.”
“For how long have you been working here?” Ali asked. “In this part of the beach not much, but as a lifeguard, 10 years.” The girls were shocked “Oh, 10 years? Sorry to ask but how old are you?” “25” “You can be a lifeguard while you’re 15?” “Yes. I was a good swimmer and at a young age I started to learn surfing, I always loved the water. So one day I got the opportunity to be a lifeguard at a waterpark near home, since then I never stopped. And soon as I had enough experience to be a lifeguard at the beach I moved and here I am.” Tobin spoke this time. “So do you also surf?” Before I could answer, Josh interrupted us “Oh yeah, this is almost like an unofficial rule to be a lifeguard, and Y/n is like the best here. Sorry girls, but I’ll go upstairs and check the beach” “Bye Josh, it was a pleasure to meet you.” The girls said and then looked back at me.
“I’m probably not that good, but yes I can surf.” “We would love to see that, it’s a shame you’re at work.” Tobin answered. “Isn’t your shift ending?” Emily spoke this time, I looked at her and the sun was hitting her face, making her blue eyes shine, she is so beautiful. “Yeah, actually. I have probably just one more hour left.” 
“So what about you meeting us after it and we can see how good you actually are?” Ashlyn asked me with a smirk. “That is a challenge Ashlyn?” “You can bet on it.” Ali smacks Ashlyn in the back of her head. “Ashlyn, you can’t go out challenging people.” “Just a moment girls.”
I interrupted whoever was saying, as soon as I spotted something on the ocean. I climbed the ladder from the cabin and called for Josh. “Josh!” “Yeah boss!” “Look at the water, 10 o’clock. What do you see?” “There is noth… shit looks like two people. Maybe kids. Go!” I jump in the sand and get the surfboard. “Sorry girls, and it’s a bet Ash.” I ran as fast as I could toward the people, wishing this day could end as good as it started.
As I was getting closer to them I noticed that one of them was a little girl, around 5 years old and the other was a boy around 12 years old. I was going as fast as I could but it looked like it wasn't enough. As I was about to get to them, the boy pushed the girl up, and sank. Fuck! 
“Help! Lucas!” I got the girl, put her over the board and tried to find the boy but he didn’t get back up. What should I do? I looked up and saw the girl was using diving glasses. “Can you lend me this? Okay, look, you see these ropes? Hold them as strong as you can and don’t let them go. I’ll get Lucas.”
I know it look like a stupid ideia, let the girl up there by herself, but if I wait for Josh to get here the boy could be dead. So I got in the water and dived trying to find the boy. I surf back up, check with the little girl, get some breath and dive back. I was almost giving up when I felt something on my left leg and when I looked at it was him. So I get his hand and rise back. “Lucas!!” I got back on the board, laid him down and asked for the girl to sit in front of me holding the ropes. He’s unconscious, I need to get to the beach as fast as possible.
I got to the beach and Josh was already there with the equipment and said he had already called an ambulance. I barely got that, the boy was my first priority, I looked up and saw the national team girls were close. “Hey little girl, you see these women over there?” She nodded. “Stay with them, for me to take care of Lucas okay?” She didn’t want to let go of him, must be her brother. Probably noticing my expression, Emily came over and got the girl, she started to scream. But my focus was somewhere else now. The boy wasn’t breathing, so I started the compression. “Come on, come on. Spit the water. Come on Lucas, you can do it.” I must be doing it for like 1 minute, but it felt like an hour, when the boy spit the water. “Good boy. Calm down, you’re safe now.” I put him on oxigen, and the ambulance arrived just in time as he regained consciousness. “Hey boy, what’s your name?” The paramedic asked. “Lucas.” “Hi, Lucas. My name is Daniel and I’m a paramedic and I’m going to help you okay? How old are you?” “12. Where is my sister?” “Hey Lucas, it’s okay, she is over there, stay calm okay.”
I looked back at the girl and went to calm her down. “Hey little girl, how are you?” She came running for my arms. “Lucas?” She asked while crying in my arms. “He is better now, you see? He is talking with the doctors now. Where are your parents sweety?” “Don’t know.” And as it was agreed the mother shows up. “Lucas? Lucy?” “Mom!” The little girl ran to the women's arms. “Where is Lucas?” “Hi Mrs, my name is Y/N. Lucas is over there being taken care of. Do you know what happened?” “No, I told them that I was going to get some water and when I came back they weren’t there so I started to freak out and I saw the comotion here.” They start to take the boy to the ambulance. “Okay, Mrs…” “Grey” “Mrs. Grey, they are taking Lucas to the ambulance right now, they will check on him, he drowned trying to save his sister, I’m going to explain everything to you until we get to the ambulance, can you just pack your stuff? Are you alone here?” “Yes, my husband is at work. And I already packed everything, it is in here.” “Good, come on. And I would like Lucy to have a check up as well, she hasn’t drowned but she could have drunk some water. We don’t want to take risks right?” With that I went up to the ambulance with the mom and then let the paramedics do their job. I hope the kid stays good.
I went back to the post and Josh was there. “What a way to end the shift right?” “Thank god, I found the boy under water. Otherwise it would ruin the day.” “Yeah, and the super boss shows up again to save the day.” “Stop.” “Fine, now get out of here. There are some people waiting for you. Go have some fun.” I had completely forgotten about them, time to go say hi, again. 
Emily pov
We were still excited about what just happened at the beach.
“She is totally a badass, she was just talking with us and still caught the kids drowning in the water.” Tobin said. “When she left the girl alone at the board I was like ‘what is she doing?’ and then she just got the boy under water, that was amazing.” Christen said “That’s why she is the boss.” Ali complement.
“Okay, but let’s not forget how hot she is. When she ran toward the water, it was just like we were in Baywatch, and her body. God!” “Kelley!!” “What Linds, is not like you don’t agree with me you were drooling watching her doing her job.” Kelley fought back. “I was not…” Lindsey said pouting, Megan put a hand on her shoulder and said. “Sorry Linds but you totally were. But that’s fine, she is hot as fuck and I think that half of the girls here were drooling, even the “straight” ones”.  She intensifies the quotation marks.
Then Christen intervened. “She also looks like a good person, she looks smart, determined and kind. You saw her with the little girl?” “Hey, I don’t have a competition do I?” Tobin protested. “Of course not babe, but she may be good for some other girls here. And watch out cause she is coming here.”
I looked behind me and Y/N was coming over, she had changed off her uniform and was now just in her swimming suit, a backpack and a surfboard. She was more beautiful, if that was even possible and hotter.
“Hey girls, my shift is just over. So I remembered that one of you challenged me on surfing. So I want to know if she is still up to it?” Ash stood up “Oh yeah, game on bitch. Tobs, Kell are you coming?” “Of course, let’s go.” Both of them replied.
Some girls went along with them for the water, others decided to take a walk on the sand and others were just going to lay and get a tan. Before Y/N followed the girls to the water she came near me. “So, beautiful, can I put my stuff here near you?” “I think so.” “Good, you’re not coming?” “Not today.” “Okay, be right back.” She winked at me and left toward the ocean.
I sat back in the sand and just watched her get some waves with the girls, she was stunning. Of course she was winning the challenge, but who cares, everyone was just amazed by her. 
I was contemplating her beauty when Moe sat beside me and asked. “So, are you gonna spill the beans?” “There is nothing to spill. Don’t know what you are talking about?” “You sure do. If you do nothing the others will keep flirting with her and who knows what could happen.” I look at her shocked. “It’s in your eyes Sonny.” 
An hour later everyone came back from the water and we went to play some footvolley. We paired everyone up and Y/N ended up being my partner. She was amazing at that and we had a lot of fun. She was flirting with me the whole time and I was hoping the girls weren't noticing it.
We stopped playing and were getting ready to leave, when Kelley whispered in my ear. “You better do something girl, she is flirting with you the whole day, everyone noticed. If you don’t do something we will.” “I don’t know what you are talking about.” She just shaked her head and went toward Ash and Tobin, whispered something to them and they went to Y/N.
“So Y/n, we had a lot of fun today and we really wanted to get to know you better. Tell us a little bit more about you.” Tobin asked. “Well, you already know I’m 25 and am a lifeguard. I graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in exercise and sports science. I give surf classes for kids and I’m also a coach for some amatour surfer athletes. And I’m a sports lover.”
“Wait, too much information. You’re a surf coach?” Ashlyn asked incredibly. “Yeah? Sorry but you were the one who made the bet.” “That explains a lot.”
Becky was the one to speak now. “You went to Virginia? That’s awesome me too, so does Moe and Sonnett, but it doesn’t have a beach there.” “Yeah, I know. I took a pause from the beach while I was studying and worked at a waterpark over there.”
“I got a question…” Oh no, Kelley shut up. “Are you single?” With that Y/N wined her eyes and blush a little, she looked at me and then back to Kelley.
“No?” “You don’t seem too sure about that.” Tobin interjected. “I mean, no, I’m not single. But we haven’t told anyone besides family yet, so…” “Wait a second, so you’re not single? Are you sure? I’m way confused right now.” “Yeah, I’m sure. She actually loves soccer, she loves you guys.”
While the rest of the girls started asking other questions for Y/n. Kelley looked at me with a ‘sorry dude’ look. I understand why she was like that, I mean Y/n was indeed flirting with me, everyone was probably confused as to why she was flirting with me if she has a girlfriend. But they were clueless and I was having a lot of fun with it, so I decided to enjoy it a little bit more and so I spoke up.
“Hey Y/N we actually have the whole day off, so we were thinking of hanging out together and going out for dinner. What do you say? Wanna come?” Y/N looked at me with a intrigued look, but agreed either way. “Yeah, I would love to.” 
“Your girlfriend would be okay with that?” Ashlyn asked. “Yeah she wouldn’t mind.”
“Maybe you can call her right now and talk to her just to make sure?” I said, Y/n was really confused right now, she was trying to understand what I mean with that. I just nodded and saw a smirk appear on her face. “Yeah, that will be great.” Some girls looked at me, don’t getting what I was doing. Christen added. “And if you want to invite her, you said she was a fan, we can surprise her if you want to” “Of course, it will be fun”.
Y/n got her phone and made the call. “So who is gonna talk?” Y/N look at me and I nod toward Kelley. “O’hara you think you can do it? She would love that?” Y/n asked “Of course. What's her name again?” “Oh, you don’t need that” She looked at her phone and back at me, I gave her a reassuring look as she started to talk.
“Hi babe. So I’m at the beach now, and there are some girls here that want to say hi to you.” She put on speaker for everyone to hear. “Hi. It’s Kelley O’hara here, and you are talking with half of the national team.” Silent went over the line, the girls started looking at each other and Y/n spoke.
“She is probably in shock, can you tell her about the dinner?” “Yeah, so we just asked Y/n if she wants to come to dinner with us and we also would like to invite you, so what do you say?” I waited a moment and answered on my phone. “I would love to, but I thought that as I was the one who made the invitation I was already invited.”
Everyone looked at me and then back to Y/n, they were in shock. Y/n has that stupid smile on her face that I love so much and answered. “That’s good babe, can’t wait.” We just kept looking at each other's eyes. Oh god, I love this girl so much. When Kelley yelled. 
“Wait a minute. Why did you call Sonnett?” “Well you asked for me to call my girlfriend. So I did.” Y/n spoke with a smirk on her face “The Emily Sonnett, this girl here is your girlfriend?” “Hey, what do you mean by that? I can’t date a hot girl?” 
With that I went to Y/n side, hugged her and she gave me a peck “And you let me, no, you let us, drool over you girlfriend and didn’t say a thing?” I couldn’t get the smile out of my face. “It was funny and I didn’t know yet if she was going to be okay with that.” “That is no excuse, you should have told me, it is not like I was going to tell the world.” Kelley complained and crossed her arms on her chest. “Okay Kelley, less drama. We are happy for you Sonny.” “Thanks Chris, someone here is mature.”
“Wait, does it mean that now we have to give Y/n the shovel talk?” Tobin asked with a serious face. “No!” I protest. “Sorry Sonnett, we have to, it's the team's rules.” Ash responded. “That’s okay babe, I can take it.”
“Fine, but only if Moe gets to be there.” “What? Why? Moe can’t hurt a fly” Becky said. “Because she will make sure you don’t scare Y/n away, she will be on her side.” “Why would she do that?” “Babe you can’t ask Moe that, just because she is my friend.” “Wait, Moe knew?” Kelley said, trying to look hurt. “Way to throw me under the bus Sonny.” Moe complained.
“Of course, she helped me with the plan of asking Y/n out. We studied together, you forgot?” “Of course you were all Cavaliers. That’s it Y/n you are coming with us for dinner, there is no space for debate. We need to see if you are good for Sonnett. Let’s go everyone” With Megan orders everyone start to go back to where the vans were. I got my stuff and I was about to follow the girls, when Y/n pulled my arm.
“Hey hot stuff, I missed you.” She passed her arms over my shoulders and I hugged her waist. “Hi babe, I missed you too. Sorry about doing it without asking you first. But when the girls pulled over and I saw which beach we were at and that you were here, I started thinking about it, and then you were so hot saving the boy, and the girls liked you so much, and they saw you flirting with me, so…” I was interrupted by a kiss. Y/n ’s lips were so soft and rough at the same time. The way she pulls me closer to her and deepens the kiss, I miss her so much.
“That’s okay honey. I loved meeting your teammates.” “What do you say about us skipping dinner? I really missed your lips...” I kissed her lips. “Your neck...” I kissed her neck, and started to touch her body. “I missed all of this, your body is perfect.” She gave a large sigh and pushed me away “Even though I would love to go to our house and make out with you for the rest of the night. I'm sure the girls wouldn’t approve of it. Let’s go, as soon as we get to dinner, sooner you can get this body.” “Nooo, I’m really regretting telling the girls today.” “The good point is that now you don’t have to sneak out anymore, you can always say you are going out with your girlfriend.” “Okay, but one last thing.” I gave her a passionate kiss, until we heard the girls yelling at us from afar. “I love you Y/n.” “I love you too Em. Now let’s go.” We intercalated our hands and walked to where the girls were waiting for us. This night was amazing and now I can say to the world that the Hot Lifeguard is mine.
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folkloreguk · 3 years
🍒Cherry Ice Cream (2)🍒
A/N: Part two is here! There won't be another one after this. I just wanted to split it into two little scenarios with one being cute and the other not so cute lmao...I hope you enjoy - as always I appreciate feedback a lot!
taglist: @lovely-ateez
genre: smut, optional bias (m) x reader (f), lifeguard!au, pool sex, unprotected sex
words: 3.4 k
PART 1 (fluff, both parts can be read independently)
It was the middle of the summer holidays and you had never been happier. Sunny weather, swimming, lots of free time and as much ice cream as you wanted were only a few of the reasons for your luck. The main cause was the boy of your dreams. A few weeks ago, you had met. It had been the most chaotic, embarrassing day at the public swimming pool – or so you had initially thought. Turns out being a walking disaster could not only attract negative attention. When the otherworldly handsome and kind lifeguard had pulled your clumsy figure out of the water and even bought you ice cream to make you feel better, you had a feeling things were about to change. And you hadn’t been wrong. Maybe you were seeing things through rose-colored glasses and a mix of lovestruck hormones, but you suspected he might just really be this great.
Ever since your first ice cream date, the two of you had been inseparable. Looks were one thing – and you had made yourself aware that though he was a picture of perfection, he could still have turned out to not be your type at all. But the inside reflected on his outside. Every day you found out a new enrapturing detail about him. He was a never-ending book that you were utterly unwilling to put back down.
Your days were spent at the public swimming pool, watching your lifeguard boyfriend do his job and questioning if this was all some sort of hidden camera prank. During his break he came running straight to your spot under the trees and plopped down on your towel, ready to spend the most time with you until he had to go back. Although your streak of bad luck was over, he still took care of you and made sure you were okay in the heat. He reminded you to drink enough water and sent you a good morning text every day. When he had first asked you to help him put sunscreen on his shoulders, you had hesitated with cheeks hotter than the sunlight that day. Now it was a daily thing, and sometimes when his hands were on your back, rubbing in the lotion, you caught yourself wishing there weren’t a hundred families around you. But it was hard scoring alone time with him at the pool. Even later at night, right before closing time, there were always one or two diehard swimming fans there.
“I love watching my cute girlfriend swim,” he would keep telling you.
“You better make sure you’re paying attention to the rest of the visitors, too,” you would reply, but secretly love his flirty remarks. Perhaps he wasn’t even so far off. After your first encounter, it was apparent that maybe you were the one guest who didneed the closest monitoring. Even his co-workers knew of you. They had made it their life mission to remind him daily how whipped he was for you, but he never cared about their teasing.
At night, you rode your bikes home. Towards the candy cotton clouds on the horizon, through the small suburb, you rode side by side, still damp hair flowing in the wind. Outside your home he cupped your face then, the sun kissed skin of his hands still warm to the touch. Like he was the slowly setting sun himself, he kissed you goodnight. You were addicted to his lips. He made you fly, brought back all your fondest memories as if he himself was in them, and let you forget every worry you’ve ever had in the world.
One evening at the pool, you lay on your bathmat, headphones in your ears and your favorite summer playlist taking you to another world. Suddenly, two hands grabbed you by the shoulders. You jerked up in surprise.
“Oh my god, we could have hit our heads together!” you scolded your boyfriend, who was smiling at you like an innocent five-year old.
“Guess what. My boss just told me that I can close the place up tonight. You know what that means, right?” he said.
“Tell me more,” you smirked.
“Technically, we can stay here however long we want. And do whatever we want. As long as no one finds out,” he whispered the last part into your ear. Chills ran up your spine despite the heat in the air.
“Do whatever we want, huh?” you said. “I thought you were being a model employee?”
“I am,” he shrugged with his child-like smile. “And the model employee needs to go back to work now. I have a reputation to uphold. You’ll be waiting for me, right?”
“Of course,” you nodded, watching his figure as he jogged back to his seat by the pool. The next hours seemed to go by extra-slowly, to your dismay. After his announcement, you only found yourself staring in his direction more than on any other day. Truly, you could never get used to his handsomeness. You thought of his voice that made you melt like ice and his hands when he kissed you. Too often they remained in innocent, safe territory. Maybe that was about to change. It was a Friday, meaning the opening hours were longer than usual. By 10 pm however, even the last person had left. The public swimming pool was closed. Officially.
You had to admit, you could get used to having an enormous swimming pool all to yourself. Blissfully, you dived through the water, not having to worry about crashing into anybody’s legs or losing track of your surroundings. You had always felt as though swimming was a little like flying. Not that you knew what flying would be like. But if you had to make a guess, feeling weightless and small in a seemingly endless space probably came close. All your life, it had remained the same. Playing pretend in the water, acting like a mermaid scavenging for the most precious treasure of the seven seas – all your loveliest ideas lingered in your memory like it had been yesterday.
The pool had a shallow end, about the depth which allowed your head to reach above the surface, and progressively deepened towards the other end. You took a gulp of air and descended into the darkness. Taking long strokes, you dived towards the white light at the wall of the shallower pool end. With the brightness ahead of you, you failed to notice the shadow behind you.
As you were in the process of coming up from the water, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around you. For the second time that day, you jolted in surprise and quickly gasped for air.
“You scared me out of my wits! Will you stop that!” you said, but you were already smiling. It was hard to carry grudges against the boy behind you. Not when he held your waist and rested his chin on your bare shoulder, grinning as if it was a crime to even suspect him of such things.
“Hi, there,” he said and pecked your cheek sweetly. “I missed you.”
“So did I,” you admitted. Only months ago, you had made fun of how lovestruck your friend had been. You weren’t one to speak now. His hands let go of you while you turned your body to face him. Then they were on you again, and although it was a small touch, your lack of clothes created a tension between you right away.
“Wanna race me?” he whispered into your ear, as if there was anyone around to listen in. Was he serious? Did he really think you wanted him to let go of you now? His voice on your neck rendered you wanting him so bad, you had to take a deep breath to compose yourself.
“I’ve been swimming all day,” you said. “Besides, didn’t you say we could do whatever we wanted? We can swim whenever we want, during opening hours.”
“Oh, sounds like you have better plans?” he asked. For a moment, he touched your forehead with his. If you bent forward slightly, you could have kissed him. His hungry eyes were on your lips when you had finished the thought.
“I was thinking you could kiss me, for starters?” you coaxed him. He chuckled.
“So you’ve been thinking about it too, the past few hours,” he realized. “You know, I was trying to be subtle about it.”
“Forget about being subtle,” you said. “Let’s just make out, please?”
“I’d like nothing better than that,” he smiled, and then your mouths touched. His gentle lips tasted faintly of chlorine and salt, a taste you had come to associate with him and magnificent things. You held his face in your hands tightly and pushed your body against him yearningly. Reacting, he sighed and deepened the kiss. His wandering hands found the small of your backside as you arched your back into his frame. You hummed quietly, hands burying in his wet hair and playing with it at the nape of his neck.
All your childhood you had been searching for your treasure under the water. Now you understood. He was right there in front of you. Little you would be proud you had found someone this precious and incomparable. And hot.
“Jump,” he said. You did as he suggested and wrapped your legs around his waist. The proximity of his body made your heart hammer against your ribcage with such feverishness, you worried it might jump through your chest. With the way he touched every curve of your body, you almost forgot how to kiss. Luckily, your instincts did the job for you as you sipped on his lips and sighed every so often. He caught your bottom lip between his teeth, and you felt his smirk when you moaned in surprise. Every inch of your skin burned with desire for him.
As he carried you over to the side of the pool, you pulled away shortly. You took the liberty to attack his neck with frenzied kisses. It felt just as you had imagined a thousand times. You couldn’t possibly recount all the instances when you had found yourself staring at his neck and shoulders in the past weeks. He was easily the biggest distraction you had ever known. But it wasn’t your fault his tanned skin was so inviting and his strong presence ever so alluring. Returning his teasing, you bit into his shoulder, kissing and sucking on it right after.
“Fuck, baby,” he said in a throaty tone. “You’re amazing.”
Softly, he rubbed his nose against yours before your lips locked again. The kiss was all but soft. Your tongues meddled as if you were starved people and you could barely keep your hands in one place. Not that you would want to. You wanted to glue his hands onto your body or better yet handcuff him to your wrists. What was the opposite of a restraining order called? You were about to invent a word for it. Never before had you been so intoxicated, so in ecstasy with another person.
He pulled aside the fabric of your top momentarily and cupped your breasts in his hands. You gasped and melted into his touch and the way he played with your nipples. He attacked your neck in kisses and you shut your eyes, enjoying the sensation of his lips.
“I really want you.” He had his hands on your ass and all you could think about was the growing bulge in his swimming shorts. Your hard nipples rubbed against his chest, the thin fabric of your swim top doing little to nothing to separate your bodies. How could somebody’s whole existence be so titillating? He pulled away, just far enough to speak but barely. “I’ve wanted you like this for a while. But I didn’t want to unsettle you by making you think I just want sex from you. Truth is, I don’t want you to be just some summer romance, Y/N. Every day I hope you’ll still be here when summer is over.”
“Why would you think I’m going anywhere?” you asked. “You’re the reason I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I ask myself every day how I managed to end up with you in the first place.”
“That’s easy. First, threaten to demolish the turnstile with your stubbornness, second, offer your head to a bunch of kids with a water ball, third, square up against a bug in front of a hundred people, fourth- “
“Okay! Enough,” you said. “Don’t bring up my clumsiness. That’s just about the least sexy thing in the world.”
“Baby, I think there’s nothing not sexy about you,” he spoke. He kissed you deeply and all your embarrassing memories vanished at once. “So, you’re cool with this?”
His sudden change in tone caused your breath to hitch in your throat, as his hands lingered by your hips, just above your bikini bottom. You only nodded, the motion getting more eager as the words sunk in. He slid his fingers along the inside of your thigh, and you squirmed under his touch in desperation. Swiftly, he pushed aside the material above your center. His digits slid through your wetness, catching the nub between them, and rubbing ever so slowly. An overwhelmed gasp spilled over your lips, and you closed your eyelids.
“Fuck- ,“ you muttered under your breath. He teased your core, nearly sliding his finger into you, but then pulling away to find your nub to toy with.
“You look so beautiful,” he said. At his words, you looked at him through fluttering eyelids. He was one to talk about beauty. The luminescence from underwater sharpened his features, and his eyes had something magical, something enchanting about them. Like he could have you – or anyone – without saying a word. He reminded you of a merman, or rather a siren. Ready to drag you along with him, deep under the surface. And you were so willing to let it happen. For all you knew, you were long lost and under his spell anyway.
“Have you ever done it in public?” he asked. You were too distracted by his fingers on you at first, head hanging back in ecstasy, until you snapped out of it.
“No, but – fuck – I guess I can strike that one off my sex bucket list after tonight, can’t I?” you said.
“You have a sex bucket list? Interesting, tell me more about it,” he smirked. His eyes darkened and his tongue licked over his lips once. As if on command, his lazy ministrations on you quickened, rubbing your clit in small, circular motions until you were a moaning, stammering mess. You suspected he did so just to see your immediate reaction, and you gave him just what he wanted.
“Can we postpone the – the talking…on later?” you murmured, feeling like collapsing against his broad shoulders. “I’m kind of too busy to – to talk.”
“I can see that,” he teased you, kissing you gently. The delicacy of his lips only made your head spin more. “You’re so sweet, baby.”
“Don’t you want to get busy too?” you asked. You reached for his swimming trunks and wrapped your hand around his hard member through the material. “I don’t want to wait any longer.”
“Shit- me too.” His arousal echoed in his moans, and he sucked in a breath. There was a sense of power in knowing you could make him react so gravely by doing so little. You tugged on his trunks and pulled them down a little to reveal his full length. Palming him, you felt how painfully hard he must have been for a while now. He groaned and it was the best thing you had ever heard. Eagerly, you slid your bikini bottom off and watched for a moment as it sunk down into the depths of the pool. Your legs wrapped around his waist again as he aligned his cock with your core.
At this point you supposed you were both out of words. Hunger had taken over and you barely managed to form a sentence. He kissed you and you hummed and nodded, wanting him to know you were ready. Easily, he entered you and you whimpered at the way he stretched your velvet walls after all the wait. Your senses were overcome with everything around you. The warm water enveloping the both of you, the soft summer breeze caressing your faces, his hands on your hips as he guided your body into his thrusts and the sound of your breathless moans and sighs – it was pure bliss. Night had almost fallen, with the sky being a deep blue, almost black by now. It was a perfect setting for a perfect night with your favorite person.
You gazed into his dilated pupils and the coil in your stomach tightened in the most delicious way possible. Now you recounted a myriad of dreams you’d seen him in. Not always, but occasionally he showed up in your dirtiest of dreams, with his gorgeous, addictive smile and strong arms. But now he was right there, in front of you – inside of you – and you apprehended how weak your boldest imaginations had been. Your nails dug into the skin of his shoulders as you clenched around his cock. He moaned your name huskily and it only clouded your head further.
It was crazy how loving a person could magnify everything. Even with closed eyes, the mere idea of him fucking you, at night in a public pool, could beat every single other experience you’d ever had. You felt like you were blessed with the audience with a god. A god, who had manifested on earth only to scoop you up and show you the finest things in life. You definitely couldn’t think of a finer thing than his cock dragging through your walls, hitting your g-spot repeatedly, while he had you cased against the pool tiles. Moans and little whimpers fell from your lips, and you were glad there wasn’t a single soul close by who could have heard.
He was jaw-dropping. With the way he pounded into you hard, using the poolside wall as support on your back, you felt your head spin as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your skin seemed to prickle wherever he touched you and you pushed your chest against his. Just a little closer, you told yourself, even though you were running out of space already. It was body against body while he whispered naughty things into your ears, telling you how incredible you felt, how lucky he had gotten with you and how sexy he found you.
“You’re the fucking best I’ve ever had, baby,” he said. His teeth grazed your neck as he kissed your sensitive skin messily. You could have counted every single drop of water hanging from the strands of his hair and adorning his face. Could have taken notice of every single eyelash and even the tiniest speckles of color in his irises. But you could barely command your eyes to stay open.
“So- close,” you said. In your ecstasy, you clawed at his back as another wave of pleasure went through your entire body.
“Together, hm?” he said, lips brushing over your cheek with every thrust. You hummed and nodded, as he picked up his thrusts to a toe-curling speed. With every touch of your sweet spot, you felt reality slip away a little further, and you were doing nothing to fight it. You invited the feeling in, resting your forehead against his, breaths coming out in short puffs. And then it overcame you. Your orgasm jolted through you like electricity, and you clung to him as if you might have sunken otherwise. It made your shared moans high pitched, and he followed you, pulling you into his arms like it was alone you who was keeping him afloat.
The splashing of the water softened as he drew out your highs for as long as possible with slower thrusts. Eventually, he halted completely. He cradled your face in his hands and when you finally opened your tired eyes, he was watching you with full adoration. His charming smile caused an eruption of butterflies in your stomach. This was only the beginning of your time together, yet you could barely fathom your fortune. And as it seemed, this time fate was on your side.
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