mina-alexia · 2 years
My U.S. readers: 
if you love dystopian apocalyptic fiction, this story is an amazing read! You’ll get hooked! 
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anotheraiartblog · 2 years
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Glad to see that everyone is collectively going apeshit for Progenitor!Kaveh
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cannedcherries · 2 years
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kerdui · 2 years
My new character in Shadowrun ! So excited to play this androgynous-alt-cyber-rockerboy elf. Yes.
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logitechq · 2 years
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good afternoon loves! i’m popping in to announce that logitech will be taking a small hiatus! it will only be until next wednesday, but due to admin kaya going out of town, and me subsequently being on the graveyard shift until then,  we wont have much time to adequately tend to the blog! rather than leave you stranded with a quiet main we’ve decided to take a little break. we’ll resume regular promotions on Thursday, February 2nd.
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logitechads · 2 years
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logitech hq is a futuristic, slice of life rp set in the rainy, fictional heulim, washington. it is specifically based around the staff of the korean based company logitech the second biggest, (the biggest non-american), technology company (after apple) that specializes in biotechnology, cybernetics, and aerospace technology. the rp follows the lives of the employees that work and run the global flagship lab located in heulim. 18+
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
oh my GOD ok so. in the just roll what-if, zeroes to heroes, the riptide pirates are superheroes on prime. yes? good. additionally, jay has some ties to the police (i’m guessing her family is very involved in it, just like the navy on mana,) and chip is roughly the same. but it’s a modern/furturistic version of the two of them. gillion, though? he’s EXACTLY the same.
i think it’s implied that this is a timeline in which his banishment from the undersea was far more severe. he wasn’t just sent to the oversea, he was sent to another world entirely. i’ve been rotating this in my head for a few days now.
but then i was thinking about it further and- i may have been influenced by the new spiderverse movie, what about it(mild spoilers for that but only vaguely)- what if that wasn’t meant to happen. what if in being sent to another world, he never got to fulfill his prophecy, and never met HIS chip and jay. since several other riptide characters are, in fact, on this version of prime, but are human instead of whatever they were on mana, this could apply to all of them, gillion included.
so there’s a human gillion running around at the same time as fish gill. that’s not what’s important here though. what’s important is THIS gillion is on prime even though he shouldn’t be, and the mana he came from is without its gillion. what effect could this have on both universes? a prime where things play out wildly differently, and a mana where chip and jay are on opposite sides of a war they both care very much about, and will do just about anything to win, is what i’m thinking.
do send asks if you want me to talk about this further. or you could add to this post. if you’ve got ideas on the subject, TELL ME. i’m losing my mind over this. i will for sure be posting about this again if i have more thoughts
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258punkweight · 6 months
last week in my credit recovery class the teacher played this vid which was like a compilation of summer songs. it started out pretty normal, with some songs i remember hearing on the radio in middle school. but then it was just a bunch of post-2020 pop songs that all melted together after a while
today she played even more music like this. just a bunch of pop songs that sound the same. not only was it distracting but it made me realizw. this shit is just background music. ur supposed to hear it in like target or somethign and ONLY there. no one listens to this shit of their own free will and if they do they're an npc
it didn't used to be this way. before 2020 i'd hear songs on the radio and then listen to them of my own free will. i still listen to some songs i heard on the radio years ago. but in 2020 there was some sort of shift. it only affects radio pop tho, there's normal music made after 2020
this shift also affected cars, it's why every car made after 2020 is ugly as ball.s. btu why do ppl buy them ? they're npcs ! well my grandma that i see less often has a new suv but it's not one of those ugly futuristic looking ones, it's just a normal suv. she isn't an npc bc her car is normal. but ppl who drive those ugly furturistic cars ? THEY'RE NPCS
idk if they existed before then but i think they came to prevalence in 2020. idk WHY they exist. i get the feelnig thayt they're meant to "take up space" ????? idk but i'll keep u updated i fi have any disocveries or theiries
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altered-tiababylo · 7 months
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BELLY OF THE BEAST · groupe aux opinions qui divergent bien souvent, débats animés et mesures souvent prises sur le pouce ; c'est une drôle de famille qui s'anime de façon très récurrente sous les éclats de rire et les absurdités générales. si les liens entre chaque individus seront à définir entre chaque joueur·euse pour plus de liberté, il y a toutefois une cohésion de groupe indiscutable, et une confiance - même partielle - qui règne entre chaque individu. iels ont tous·tes leur particularités, et si iels ne sont pas constamment sur le dos de chacun·e, iels veillent les uns sur les autres autant que sur l'Atlantis en tant que tel. loyauté qui fait figure de mot d'ordre au milieu de ce drôle de cirque, et il est certain d'une chose : Zola les apprécie tous·tes autant qu'iels sont, deuxième famille choisie.
sur never fade away, un forum city-gang furturiste, je suis à la recherche des quelques membres du staff du club de mercenaire nommé l'Atlantis ; réouvert sur les ruines d'un ancien club mythique au sein de la communauté du mercenariat de Night City, le club a réouvert ses portes avec à sa tête mon personnage : Zola, mercenaire, et surtout fixer du club. Divisé en plusieurs étages, l'Atlantis est ouvert autant au tout public qu'aux mercenaires.
comme mentionné plus haut, le staff est une drôle de seconde famille, où si tout le monde ne s'apprécie pas forcément, il y a un lien unique et une loyauté certaine entre tous les membres et le lieu en tant que tel. les PL disponibles ne sont que des idées globales, mais il est évident que tu peux venir avec tous les idées que tu veux et on s'en parlera avec plaisir, tout est possible et tout est négociable, arrangeable, viens comme tu es ! de nombreux liens seront possibles avec les membres déjà présents, mais aussi avec les membres du forum qui constituent une communauté adorable qui n'hésite pas à accueillir comme il se doit les petit·e·s nouveaux·elles ! Je me permets de glisser un petit résumé de chaque juste en dessous 🔥
· PAGE OF WANDS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: oscar isaac, ursula corbero, kelly reilly, lupita nyong'o. Chauffeur·euse et agent·e de sécurité de l'Atlantis, street racer nomade, membre des aldecaldos, tête brûlée, stable, responsable, confiant, observateur·rice, loyal·e.
· QUEEN OF SWORDS [NF/F/M] FCs suggérés: gemma chan, teyonah parris, jesse williams, freddy carter. Nettoyeur·euse de l'Atlantis, videur·euse du 2nd floor oeil d'acier, moralité en biais, vengeur·eresse, perfectionniste, solitaire, passé·e maître dans l'art du camouflage, loyal·e.
· FIVE OF SWORDS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: emma d'arcy, lola leon, ash stymest, reece king, daisuke ueda Videur·euse de l'Atlantis, autre job au choix griffes d'or, street kid, tête brûlée, poings d'argent, emmerdes sur emmerdes, wicked, provocateur·rice, adrenaline sucker, loyal·e.
· SEVEN OF CUPS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: riz ahmed, merle dandrige, lauren cohan, sofia boutella Armurier·ière de l'Atlantis, proprio d'une armurerie et stand de tir combat de rues, armure corporative, amour des armes, expert·e, oeil vif, calme, tempéré·e, sage, loval·e.
· KING OF PENTACLES [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: laverne cox, tommaso ragno, viola davis, lenny kravitz Indic de l'Atlantis, ancien·ne membre d'une corporation manières et paillettes, client·e de la haute, toile tentaculaire, contacts par milliers, social butterfly, observateur·rice, loyal·e.
· KNIGHT OF SWORDS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: mei pang, lesley-ann brandt, diego luna, noah sebastian Mercenaire de l'Atlantis, membre des aldecaldos premier·ière mercenaire de l'atlantis, loyal·e jusqu'à la faute, frisson et adrénaline, urbex sucker, lien entre nomade et ville, impuslif·ve.
· NINE OF WANDS [NB/F/M] FCs suggérés: lee dong wook, elliot page, joseph quinn, zendaya coleman, elizabeth olsen Cuisinier·ière, ancien·ne employé·e d'Arasaka au Konpeki Plaza prix de l'excellence, toujours briller, compétitif·ve, connaît pas le sommeil, loyal·e, vif·ve, futé·e.
le forum en tant que tel est ouvert aux néophytes du genre, et on met un point d'honneur à offrir des event qualitatifs pour avoir un beau contexte évolutif grâce aux actions diverses des membres, on ne demande qu'un rp par mois, avec un petit recensement ouvert sur tout le mois ! bref, n'hésite pas à me mp si un pl t'intéresse ou que tu as des questions ! 🔥
>>> check les PL juste ici <<<
(pour vrai, venez venez, on est bien sur NFA 🥳 désolée, c'est pas souvent que je fais ma pub ici, surtout deux fois d'affilée, mais l'occasion était toute présente etoo, bref puis en plus on fête les un an du forum !! et ça c'est vraiment trop cool. bref, hésitez pas à venir, on est vraiment bien sur NFA !
bsx à vous et merci si vous prenez le temps de regarder/de lire 🧡)
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aiyaxs · 9 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ quick note: just in case you might be confused on what this is, this is basically an introduction to me, and my blog!
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01. "THE PERFECT GIRL." lovestruck! satoru x gn! reader.
02. "ETERNITY." - my sanemi headcanon's.
03. "SKYLIGHT." bestfriend! satoru x gn! reader.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ continues later on soon.. (will edit once future work's are created and published.)
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ oc's for the following fandom's.
01. Marohai Ulami - Grade 2 Sorcerer - Has romantic relation's with Suguru.
02. Lambodia Saki - Grade 1 Sorcerer - Has romantic relation's with Kento.
03. Hagi - Special Grade Curse - No romantic relation's with anybody.
01. Molukai Isumu - Fear Hashira - Has romantic relation's with Sanemi.
02. Mai - Upper 4 (replacement for Hantengu) - Has romantic relation's with Akaza.
03. Ura Lakimo - Soul Hashira - Has romantic relation's with Tomioka.
01. Aimu Hiroshima - L.O.V. member - Has romantic relation's with Dabi / Touya.
02. Saimou Komo - 1-A student - Has romantic relation's with Sero.
03. Dakimu Jomi - #4 Hero - No romantic relation's with anybody.
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ none are avalible at this moment, please move to the next section!
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ headcanons for my favourite anime characters !!
01. Satoru - Satoru / Gojo has a HUGE sweet tooth, but not any ordinary sweet tooth...
02. Kento - Kento / Nanami is known to be a mature, humongous man, right? I feel like deep inside of him, he would turn all soft for SOMETHING.
03. Sanemi - Sanemi / Shinazugawa deep in the heart is a kind, loving man.
04. Akaza - Akaza / Hakuji sometimes cries to the view, or even sound of fireworks because he always gets the memory of Koyuki.
05. Dabi - Dabi / Touya can't cry because of his burns, right? Well, I feel like the last time he really ever cried was his flashbacks at the hospital he was staying at after the fire.
06. Hawks - Hawks / Keigo's weakness as we all know, is fire. So, I feel like he would have an obsession towards the scenery of fire, but not the feeling of getting burned, burned TO death, or the thought of people getting injured or dying in fires.
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ none are avalible at this moment, please move to the next section!
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ all of my future series (one per fandom) !!
01. "UNKNOWN DIMENSION." toji x sorcerer! fem! reader (5 parts at most.)
01. "FURTURISTICAL." kyojuro x martial arts master! gn! reader (4 parts at most.)
01. "SUN SHINE'S SO BRIGHT." pro hero! shoto x ice skater! fem! reader (6 parts at most.)
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ rule's to my blogs if you are commenting, rebloging, following. interacting w/ me, or my blog in general.
01. No Bullying - i don't support bullying in anyway shape or form, and because of that, i'd like to try and keep this blog as kind as possible.
02. No Harassment - kind of related to the first one, please don't try to harass me, or anybody else on this blog.
03. MDNI Posts - guaranteed in the future, i plan on making 18+ / NSFW fanfiction's in the future, so whenever there's a MDNI warning, if you are younger than 18, please do not interact.
04. Just Have Fun - please, follow these rules and have as much fun as you want!! :)
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ all about me !!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ name: aiya h.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ age: 20 y/o
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ job: barista.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ likes: reptiles, fanfiction, anime, writing, water, cats, thunderstorms, gojo.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ dislikes: spiders, mahito.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ anime crush!?!?: gojo..!
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ thank you for reading this blog introduction. reblogs, likes, comments, and follows are appreciated greatly!!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ sincerely, aiya.
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Happy STS, Anna! If you were to set any of your stories into another year or century, which one would it be? And why? Sending good ~~ vibes ~~ and good luck to ya! 🍀🍀🍀 - ✨ Enc
Happy STS!
I think it might be cool to write TCIO like a few thousand years into the future with more furturistic technology, but I also like the modern time period its set in. Not sure why honestly, guess I like the vibe 😅
Thanks @enchanted-lightning-aes !
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walkingdisasterey · 1 year
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Furturistic Fashion, Givenchy
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scarletooyoroi · 1 year
Two things hitting the Genshin brain today.
From a pure architectural standpoint, I would love to see how big Gurabad truly was when extended to one piece. As it stands, it was a city that had a layer above and below the desert sands, all woven with stonework and actually so furturistically set compared to other places, it's genuinely kind of nuts.
We could see the insane level of sacrifice and horrors it took to orchestrate that however.
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Cause the idea of this is wild.
On another hand. Running around introduced me to this sight again.
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Rhukkadevata's terms of vegetation from her power always led to fresh greenery, actual life trying to stick back into locations. (Which can get confused to what Jinni fragments infused into the ground can reproduce as well, but still!)
This feels undeniably Nabu Malikata however, which serves to also tap my intrigue.
So much of her remnants are actually in this more vicious line of life. Primarily how the vegetation grows in this brand of thorny magnificence while always sprouting violet flowers. Which-- upon a closer look..
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Does feel like it has a tinge of that abyssal influence running strong in its veins.
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And I'm finding concentrations of these mystery meat alien snakes hanging close to it!
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And some unknown energy is just radiating it from it at this point. :I The fact that above this particular portion that a hole unveiling fresh moonlight onto these surroundings is no thematic coincidence either. ...Actually, these deadass just padisarahs due the story quest giving that good good food.
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Re-Exploring through the old content is fun for the slow paced patches.
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deadlinecom · 16 days
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logitechq · 2 years
excuse the mobile post on the main but !! we are excited to share that we decided to go ahead and proceed with opening with the 9 apps that we already have !!. we’ll keep accepting applications up until the to be determined opening date as well. with that being said look out for a poll on the main to choose our opening day!
we’re so excited to move forward with our quaint, futuristic little world :)
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