#gatekeeping the concept
fuckmyskywalker · 8 months
Professor!Anakin vibes <3.
(Update: The bot got terminated so I did another one in JanitorAI :)
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"I wouldn't expect less from my star student"
"Be a good girl and bend over my desk, unless you want a C- on that essay of yours..."
"Stay under my desk and suck my cock while I grade these tests."
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glowupwithamy · 2 months
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Don't try this unless you want to massively transform your life
1. Get an alter ego, give them a bad ass name
2. Make a blue print for who they are, how they dress, talk, think, act figure out what their life is like and their routine etc.
3.start acting like them everyday
4. When you have a choice to make ask yourself "what would X do?
5. Give it a month and look at how you've reinvented your life
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deus-lapidis · 2 years
After hundreds of years, since you've died, Zhongli's wedding ring breaks.
He has taken great care of it, but time thinned it out, for he has worn it every day since you two have pledged yourself to each other. He's heartbroken, his voice wavering, every time he looks at the imprint it left on his ring finger. The band was well worn, worn with pride and solemn, but now nothing more than a mark and reminder of your wedding.
And once again, he's lost a small bit of you, that he misses so dearly.
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poemsfor-her · 10 months
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— all of these youtubers mentioned down below film similar contant as thewizardliz but i'm not going to be mentioning the ones everyone already knows such as tam kaur, elicia goguen or simone simmo. and yup, i'm aware that i just mentioned them. (even tho they are so amazing and i love their content) i just think that there are more lovely channels that also deserve love and recognition ♡
— persephonesmind
— lenalifts
— manifestelle
— kelly stamps
— francesca psychology
— love your natural
— asha christina
— urbbylin
— hailey gamba
— isabel palacios
— lisa bilyeu
— luma aziz
— jillz guerin
— sheraseven
that's it! i've had more youtubers but i forgot their names :( if i remember some of them i'll comment it.
with love, 𝒯
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prokopetz · 10 months
All the recent discourse about gatekeeping in the tabletop RPG community has got me toying with the idea of a short-form game where you play as literal gatekeepers
I'm thinking one of those "one player, many GMs" dealies. A session begins with brainstorming a gate of some description: it could be an interdimensional portal, a gate of horn and ivory between the waking world and the land of dreams, the literal gates of Hell, whatever. Each player then creates a guardian for the gate; for example, in the gates-of-dreamland scenario, a group of three players might consist of a giant two-headed snake (with one head that always speaks the truth and one head that always lies, naturally), a singing pillar of lambent crystal, and an apparition which takes the form of the querent's mother. Probably this would use a playbook-driven approach which boils the various possibilities down to several broad archetypes.
Play consists of a rotating spotlight in which one player assumes the role of a randomly generated interloper who wants to pass through the gate (in or out!), and the others play as their guardian characters and figure out what to do with this shmuck.
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emeraldsubliminals · 6 months
fun things to manifest (physical appearance edition)
your hair shines a certain color
not like a tint, only the shine. I saw a tiktok of this girl with curly black hair and the shine was like shifting colours/rainbow n it was so pretty, brown hair and a golden shine is the best combo🙏
(I feel like this is great for people like me who are horrible at committing to fully changing your hair color)
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lash lengths/styles (like the shape of false lashes, fox eyes,cat eyes, etc.)
Just manifest that your natural lashes look like the desired style, I’d reccomend looking into what would compliment your eye shape and vibe, (I’m stuck between fox and doll eye for me!)
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permanent/natural contour/bronzer (no makeup)
make sure to look into the different styles of contouring to make sure it suits your face shape and gives you the desired illusion. (eg. Hollow cheekbones, vshape chin,etc) or use it to naturally elevate your facial structure so it’s more noticeable! (It’s Kinda like the people who contour their face with fake tan)
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I do not own any photos, all pictures were found on Pinterest.
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awhkacey · 1 year
𝑠𝚑𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝚑𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑦 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙 𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑒
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✰ i am the luckiest girl alive
✰ everything goes my way and way only
✰ i love how everything just naturally goes my way
✰ i always get what i want because i have luck on my side
✰ i was born into this life to be the luckiest girl alive
✰ why am i so god dam lucky?
✰ everything i want just instantly falls into my lap
✰ i am a magnet for miracles
✰ i attract more success and luck everywhere i go
✰ I always get special treatment
✰ amazing opportunities flow to me like water
✰ everything just loves to work in my favour
✰ literally everything always works out for me
✰ luck is always on my side so i never have to worry about anything
✰ everything i want just easily and effortlessly flow into my life
✰ i am always in the right place at the right time
✰ everything is working and happening for me
✰ i am blessed with the abundance of luck
✰ everything comes easily to me
✰ life is a game and it is rigged in my favour
✰ life is a game i always win
✰ i was born lucky
✰ i am just naturally lucky
✰ everything falls into place perfectly for me
✰ things just naturally go my way no matter what
✰ i don’t even try and im still the luckiest person in the world
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hamoodmood · 1 year
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flowerflowerflo · 3 months
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𓍢ִ໋♡𓂃 ࣪ ִ receiving your blessings! ୨🧸୧
˚₊‧꒰ა roots ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
• feeling guilty about being given things you supposedly "dont deserve", like lots of love or gifts or whatever it may be, comes from a lack mindset.
• that is where you feel there is not enough of these things like love, gifts, money, etc. to go around. you think of the world as though there is always "not enough" and feel the need to push away the blessings you receive for someone or something else, or hold on to every little scrap of everything you find bc you fear you wont find it again.
• this comes from having a lack of things like love, money, affection, etc. in childhood and continues on as you grow up & get older.
one thing i've noticed is a lot of people actually treat this as a normal thing to push away the things youre given because you think "this is too much" or "i dont deserve this" or anything along those lines.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ "i dont feel worthy of this" if you werent worthy it wouldnt be given to you. everyone and everything comes into your life for a reason, good or bad, and its your job to accept that and learn the lesson that comes from said thing or person. if someone offers you a gift, money, a job offer you've wanted, etc. if you know its safe then take it !!
── there are people with less money than you, less talent than you, less potential than you, out living your dreams just because you were too scared to take that opportunity you were given and just go for it. dont look back and think "oh, i should have taken that". dont let yourself have regrets when you know you can avoid them. life is to be lived, not feared.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ "im not sure if i should" the opportunity wouldnt arise if it wasnt 100% certain it would benefit you in someway. obviously if you feel its sketchy or unsafe for whatever reason stay away from it and obviously do not go through with it or take it but if you know its safe and fine but youre still not sure then what are you doing!!! take it!!!
── you are refusing the gifts being given for what? worry? worry about what? who are you to doubt the gifts you are being given when you know its safe and you should take it? would you be concerned if someone gave you a gift on your birthday? this is the same thing. every day is your birthday if youve got the right mindset 🫶
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🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ "someone else deserves it more" what. think if you got a present on your birthday and it was something you'd wanted for aaaaages. would you sit there and think "no, someone else deserves this more than me"? if the answer's yes then you need to get your priorities straight ml im sorry. this was given to you for you. why are you doubting the universe- the world????? what???? girl what
── ok this can go two ways. if its something someone else genuinely needs because they dont have it and could heavily benefit from like fresh water, a job offer, a housing offer, fresh food, i would give it to them if i already had those resources for myself too because everybody needs those. they're basic necessities to live & thats basic empathy. but if its something you dont need to live but really really want and are being given the chance to obtain then what. are you doing. girl. take it! what is your problem!
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ i think if you find yourself saying or thinking these things often, pause for a second and ask yourself why you think this. is it something to do with growing up, the people around you, your financial status.. whatever it may be, it always helps to find the root of the problem. ♡
treat yourself to whatever you wish! you deserve it just because you are alive. that is a difficult task in itself. you deserve it just because you want it. you work so hard, so why shouldnt you have the things you want? take that gift, take that money, take that date, take that offer. life is too short to regret what you could have had 🫶💕
lots of love 💘
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Being hot is a mindset. Decide you're the hot girl. She's yours to claim.
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yourecitten · 10 months
youtube channels for the girls
the wizard liz: self concept, advice , mindset
rita kaminski: manifestation, law of assumption
simonesquared: mindset , manifestation
stephanie concepcion: vlogs , makeup routines
manifestelle: advice , self work , mindset , feminity
madeleine abeid: pilates workouts
persephonesmind: feminity , mindset
deb smikle: funny content, storytimes
jasmine le: productive vlogs, fashion, makeup routines
sheena kim: aesthetic vlogs
adelala: productivity, vlogs
nailea devora: funny content, fashion, vlogs
via li: self love , vlogs
lenalifts: routines, tips
dear peachie: find your face/eyes/etc shape , makeups that fits you. HER CHANNEL IS A LIFE SAVER
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wolfylch · 3 months
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Holly upgrade concept for AU
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glowupwithamy · 2 months
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Solitude is your path of personal independence -
Being alone makes me really happy its like my special place where i can be myself and feel good i don't feel the need for another person to take responsibility for my happiness and emotional needs and i don't really want somebody in the phase i am in i can think and be creative without any interruptions it's like a peaceful break from everything else
Being alone helps me find peace in simple things like reading or walking outside these moments refresh me and make me feel more creative. Being alone also helps me understand myself better now I can think deeply about my feelings and thoughts which helps me grow as a person indeed.
Solitude is a phase that teaches you how to handle your emotions and bad days without relying on someone else. It actually teaches you how to live without depending on others and without ranting about your problems to them
And i want to message those people who constantly seek emotional support from everyone and keep crying that they need someone i feel they need to work on themselves or they have to accept the situation and think about what they can do themselves..instead of constantly seeking attention. Seeking attention all the time makes you mentally weak remember that. I feel that they should question themselves "Why do i need someone else am i not enough?"
Being alone doesn't mean staying comfortable It's about finding strength and discovering who you are ...it's about facing challenges, overcoming fears, and becoming stronger ..when you're alone you have the power to chase your dreams and conquer obstacles so don't think it's not brave to be alone it actually shows how strong and determined you really are.
Solitude makes you quickly observe things around you apart from the world of social media. If you begin on a journey of self discovery and learn to be with yourself ...you won't feel the need for others as much. This journey is very difficult I'm not saying that it's easy lol no!! especially for those who can't live without relying on others but if you want your future self to thank you then don't hesitate just start today . Because today's generation is busy distracting people but we need to bring self control. If you want to understand yourself better.
It took me three years to get in this habit and now i don't need anyone. I don't like to share my problems with anyone because i don't feel it's necessary. I have made myself mentally strong to the point where i don't feel the need for a second person
Last Note :
And if you guys have any questions or anything to ask related to this don't hesitate you can ask me freely :) thanks for giving your time
I have a self discovery questions sheets so that you can guys know yourself better if you want that Dm me 🎀
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joons · 9 months
In emphasizing that Ken needs to look past romantic love and search for satisfaction within, Barbie is of course also staking a claim about her own identity and value. In doing so, she’s joining with a broad trend in kid-friendly entertainment: we no longer make movies where a heroine’s destiny is to fall in love. If you look at Disney movies in particular, the classic storyline of the protagonist getting her man in the end has been pretty definitively retired. The last movie of theirs that could be said to hold romantic love as the fundamental goal of the protagonist is Tangled, and even that’s debatable. Frozen and its sequel very directly reject that story structure, while films like Moana and Raya and the Last Dragon are indifferent to it. And, you know, that’s all fine; there’s lots of different good stories out there. But I do think that the out-and-out abandonment of the notion that love is the noblest pursuit of human life says a lot about our cult of self-worship. Because once you’ve dropped the romantic ideal, that’s all our culture really has to offer. ... The individual problem is that telling people they are enough is a cruel thing to do, because they aren’t enough. None of us is enough. I don’t know you, personally, but I can still say with great confidence that you are not enough. If you go through life uncritically accepting the Instagram ideology that you can #manifest everything you deserve because you practice #self-care and are #valid, on a long enough time frame you’re going to end up alone and miserable and profoundly aware that the idea of total emotional self-sufficiency is a transparent lie. Human beings need other human beings. All of us. You might be inclined to lament that fact, and you’re entitled to if you want. But you don’t get to choose to be self-sufficient, any more than you can choose to not require oxygen or water. We’re all interconnected in these vast webs of social influence and causality, whether we want to be or not, and very very few of us can last for long without relying on other people. The connections that save us don’t have to be romantic, but they do have to be connections.
No One Is Kenough, Freddie deBoer
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poemsfor-her · 10 months
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Body language is a type of communication in which physical behaviors, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey information.
Body language refers to the nonverbal signals that we use to communicate. These nonverbal signals make up a huge part of daily communication. In fact, body language may account for between 60% to 65% of all communication. - verywellmind.com
The eyes are frequently referred to as the "windows to the soul" since they are capable of revealing a great deal about what a person is feeling or thinking.
1. when you are engaging in a conversation with someone and they suddenly lose eye contact with you that means something bothered them.
2. people usually tend to blink a lot when they are uncomfortable or distressed.
3. having a good eye contact means that you have full attention from that person.
1. Crossed arms might indicate that a person feels defensive, self-protective, or closed-off.
2. Standing with hands placed on the hips can be an indication that a person is ready and in control, or it can also possibly be a sign of aggressiveness.
3. Clasping the hands behind the back might indicate that a person is feeling bored, anxious, or even angry.
4. Rapidly tapping fingers or fidgeting can be a sign that a person is bored, impatient, or frustrated.
5. Crossed legs can indicate that a person is feeling closed-off or in need of privacy.
how we hold our bodies can also serve as an important part of body language.
1. Open posture involves keeping the trunk of the body open and exposed. This type of posture indicates friendliness, openness, and willingness
2. Closed posture involves hiding the trunk of the body often by hunching forward and keeping the arms and legs crossed. This type of posture can be an indicator of hostility, unfriendliness, and anxiety.
3. when someone leans into you that means that they like you.
i feel that learning body language is so beneficial because you can basically know how someone feels based on the way they are moving their body. i read the definitive book of body language and i suggest that everyone reads it, just don't read it in one sitting and take notes. There is a lot good information there!
with love, 𝒯
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legendofscarf · 1 year
Wild disappearing for Totk could be really funny if Hylia just whisked him away, he completed his adventure and then she dropped him back with the group exactly where he left off. Except he now has a new arm.
Literally anyone: Hey Wild have you seen- sweet hylia what happened to your arm??
Wild (choosing violence): wdym what happened to my arm. It's always been like this?
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