#gavin reed x reader requests open
honey-beann · 11 months
🐾 - Pet names
Thanks for the drabble request, anon! I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun writing something this lighthearted :)
Also I totally went over the word count here but since it took me less than an hour I've decided no one can question or judge me about this >:)
Honeyed Words (I'm Yours)
rk boys (Nines, Connor, Sixty) x Reader
Word Count: 1,849 (yeah... I know)
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Leaning forward against the back of Hank's sofa with your arms folded over one another, you couldn't help but roll your eyes and fight back a sigh at the sight of the movies that Gavin, Tina, and Chris were saving to tonight's potential watch list.
"All rom coms? Seriously guys?"
You scoffed, watching as Gavin all but sneered in response, turning slightly to face you as you continued.
"Come on dude, where's your Halloween spirit?"
You teased, nudging him with your knuckles gently as he rolled his eyes at your antics, clearly far less amused than you were.
"It's September 23rd, don't you talk to me about Halloween until the month is over."
Groaning, you flung your body to the side, pressing your spine against the back of the couch and extending your arms straight out to either side of you as you pouted exaggeratedly,
"C'mon Reed, do you have to be such a stickler for seasonal deadlines?"
Instead of responding, your coworker just flipped you off, opening his mouth to call into the kitchen where all three of your boyfriends and their familiarly gruff father figure were standing around like divorcees at a barbecue.
"Hey robo cops, could you please come get your feral creature before I put it down myself?!"
He shouted, a smirk crossing his features when you pulled away from the couch to glare at him, already hearing the familiar sound of slightly swishing fabric and nearly silent footsteps that signaled the oncoming arrival of one of your partners.
"Y'know Reed, if you're really so worried about her being feral, you could consider getting a rabies shot. You've been looking a little sickly lately."
Sixty countered easily in response to your coworker's previous quip as he flung his arm across your shoulders, pulling you against him with a slight smirk.
You smiled at his easy embrace, nearly vibrating with joy as he kissed the top of your head, smiling down at you with that lopsided grin that always made you feel so giddy inside.
"Oh fuck off bullet brain, you're the one who let her do three shots of tequila tonight, don't act like I'm not allowed to be annoyed by her weird ass antics."
Sixty hummed in response, clearly feeling no urge to argue as he began guiding you towards the kitchen.
"C'mon Sugar, lets get some real food in you hmm?"
He purred against the shell of your ear, instantly lighting your cheeks on fire both with his proximity and his use of one of his favorite pet names for you, which never failed to give you butterflies.
As you grew closer to the dining area, he pressed gently on the small of your back to urge you past the threshold, though clearly you were a bit more tipsy than he'd realized, because you absolutely would've toppled over if not for the pair of familiarly strong hands that caught you by your shoulders.
You looked up slightly, taking in the sight of pale arms dotted with freckles that were barren of sleeves all the way up until just above the elbow, kept in place solely by the incredibly thorough job this individual had done while rolling them upward.
And that could only be...
You breathed out softly, feeling yourself melt a bit as you looked up into his eyes.
After well over a year of affection from all three of your partners, you just never got used to the way they all looked at you, or the sweet and familiar things they would call you in favor of your name.
And speaking of...
"Well hello there, Darling."
Nines spoke gently, quirking a brow at you in minor amusement as he looked you over for any signs of injury just in case he'd missed something during your brief fall.
You felt your cheeks grow warmer as the sound of his affectionate pet name for you passed his lips, making you melt even further beneath his persistent gaze.
"I uh, got kicked out of the living room."
You explained quietly, watching as Nines tilted his head slightly in response before looking towards Sixty, who shrugged before taking a few steps closer and placing his palm on top of your head affectionately.
"Gavin wasn't impressed at her input regarding tonight's films of choice. I figured if she was being that disruptive she likely needed something to eat. Isn't that right, Sweetheart?"
You blushed harder as yet another pet name passed his lips, but nodded nonetheless, hoping they hadn't noticed just how much you enjoyed it when they spoke of you so sweetly.
Of course, they had long since noticed your reactions, in fact, it was almost a bit of a game now to see who could get you to blush the hardest with affectionate nicknames alone.
Not that they would ever tell you that.
"Is that so?"
Nines questioned gently, his hand raising to your face to push a stray hair of yours behind your ear before his thumb and index finger trailed down to your chin, which he caught with ease between the two, tilting your face upwards to make sure you were looking at him as he spoke.
"Have you been up to no good, Little one?"
He all but purred, making you squeak a bit in response as you attempted to find words that just wouldn't come.
Thankfully though, you did have one saving grace, and his name was Connor.
"Are you two tormenting her again?"
He asked as he stepped away from the stove, wiping his hands off on a nearby dish rag before he moved closer to you, offering his open arms for you to all but leap into, happy to have the opportunity to hug the one android who you hadn't gotten the chance to be affectionate with since before you'd even arrived at the house earlier.
Sixty scoffed at Connor's question, but Nines simply gave a dismissive hum, leaning back against the counter and watching as you nuzzled against his predecessor's chest with a content sigh.
Meanwhile, Connor glared at his successors with mock disappointment, hoping to appease you and your childish attitude (tipsiness) by offering them a fake scolding.
"You both know better, look at her, she's being perfectly good tonight."
He said pseudo-sternly, smiling down at you with a grin that immediately left you breathless the moment that you looked up and took it in.
God, why were they all so damn beautiful?
At the sight of your eyes meeting his own, Connor leaned down to kiss your forehead, bringing one of his hands up to palm your cheek lovingly as he did so, stroking is softly with his thumb all the while.
He continued this in silence for a few moments before giving you yet another reason to attempt melting into the grout marks in Hank's kitchen floor.
"Don't you worry about them Honey, they're just being difficult because they want to see you squirm."
You swallowed thickly at the familiar and yet still immensely impactful nickname, which never failed to make your heart leap in your chest.
You whispered, watching as Connor nodded in satisfaction at your response before guiding you back into the waiting arms of your other two android partners, who were watching you with marked amusement.
"I'll bring dinner out to you in just a few minutes."
Connor murmured against the back of your head as he pressed another gentle kiss to it.
"I was thinking you could go pick a comfy spot in the living room for all of us to sit together while you wait though. Does that sound alright, Baby?"
He asked gently, taking you by surprise yet again with his use of another pet name that made you feel like you were left gasping for air.
Still, you managed a floundering nod in spite of yourself, and followed Nines and Sixty out into the living room, where they helped you make a rather comfortable seating area on the floor, one that consisted of two huge bean bags, several couch pillows that no one was using, and at least four big blankets, one of which was for you to lay under.
And with that, the seating arrangements were completed, and all that was left to do was actually use them, which with how dizzy you were beginning to feel from the tequila earlier, was something you were quite eager for.
Nines chuckled as he took a seat a bit further back on one of the beanbags, spreading his legs apart for you to sit in between as he held himself up on his palms so that you could lean against his chest.
This was a fairly normal position for the two of you, but even so, it made your heart race as you felt his firm chest press against your back, solidly holding you up without any issue.
Still, even with this added distraction, your persistent urge to celebrate the upcoming holiday had you complaining to Gavin once more about his list of potential options, although this time you were hoping that at least one of your loving boyfriends would consider helping you out.
Sadly though, they seemed far too amused by your insistence to actually say anything, instead choosing to press gentle kisses against your head and the back of your hand as they laid the blanket over you wordlessly.
"Aww c'mon you guys, do you really wanna watch any of this junk?"
You asked, motioning towards the screen with a grumble of annoyance.
From the left of you, Sixty chuckled and raised your knuckles to his lips without a word.
Nines on the other hand, did speak up, placing a kiss to your cheek just before he did so, a certain level of amusement to his tone that had you squirming between his strong legs.
"I couldn't care less about what we watch, Sweetling."
He murmured against the shell of your ear, immediately causing you to shiver.
"And honestly, I think these are all movies Connor has mentioned wanting to see. Don't you want to make him happy?"
He teased, running a finger up and down your cheek as you nodded almost dreamily, sinking into his touch as if your body were suddenly weighed down by bricks.
"Y-yeah, sure, okay."
You said quietly, hearing Nines hum from above you just as Connor came out of the kitchen with a steaming bowl of food to offer you, Hank hot on his heels with a large bowl of popcorn for him and the other couch users to share.
You dug in immediately, not paying any attention to the movie choice debate until it was basically over, and by that point, you were already so sleepy that you hardly realized anyone was talking at all.
Drowsy and more than a little bit intoxicated, you sighed contentedly as you moved to squeeze between Nines and Sixty, allowing Connor to rest his head upon your lap as you played with his hair all the way up until you lost consciousness entirely.
Yeah, okay. Maybe rom com movie nights weren't so bad after all.
I hope you enjoyed this little drabble fic! If you want to request one for yourself feel free to check out this post :)
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lostquinn · 2 years
Can i request Connor with diabetics or depressed s/o . I just have both and life is pretty hard so i just want to be comforted be my lovely android boy . But if your not comfortable with it it's fine
Feeling low?
Connor (dbh) x diabetic!fem!reader
Fluff // hurt comfort
Summary - reader makes an attempt to fix her low blood sugar, making he way towards the break room swiftly ready to relieve the symptoms. It isn't long before Gavin inturrups and Connor comes to her rescue.
Ahhh, hi friend thank you so much for the ask!! The depression comfort piece will be coming later as I'm splitting it up^^ any of my lil followers can send me an ask or even message me to be on my tag list for upcoming pieces!! I hope I did a good job !!
Word count - 824
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With heavy eyelids, you lifted yourself from the seat at your desk. Your mug firmly in hand as you began your mission to the break room in search of coffee. Any sugar you added to the beverage would rescue you from your low blood sugar.
A sigh escaped you lips as you noticed Gavin Reed looming around by the coffee pot. You decided to hesitantly continue, your decision was swayed by the way your hands began to shake as they clutched your mug.
Quietly, you stumbled up to the coffee pot and began to pile sugar into your mug, creating the bitter beverage the way you had done so many times before.
"Woah, coffee is for humans only," Gavin grumbled, swiping your mug from the counter.
You felt eyes lingering on you from somewhere in the police department as you met his gaze, your expression soft as you reached for the mug.
"Gavin- please,"
"Why should I let a perfectly good drink go to waste?" He responded, holding the mug up high.
You heard footsteps approaching swiftly, stopping in the doorway. Briefly, you glanced to check who it was and upon seeing Connor a slight smile graced your lips. He was always there for you.
"Give her the mug, Detective Reed," Connor moved to stand next to you, noticing your shakey demeanour as sweat gathered on your forehead.
Gavin furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at the two of you. "The plastic prick standing up for the other plastic prick, how funny. No human cares about you androids so you have to care about each other."
As he spoke, Gavin began to tip the contents of your mug into the sink. His words hit you like a train, followed by the sight of your saving grace disappearing caused your eyes to burn as tears began to well, daring to spill over.
Once the mug was empty, he dropped it into the sink. Gavin then brought two fingers to your arm, tapping where your glucose monitor sat.
"Fucking android."
Beside you, Connor balled his hand into a fist and squared out his shoulders, shifting on his feet slightly. You glanced up at him from the corner of your eye as tears began to spill down your cheeks.
Connor swung his arm, connecting his fist swiftly with Gavins stomach. Gavin brought one of his hands up to his stomach and fell to the floor with a thud. He began coughing as Connor lifted his foot and connected it with the detectives shoulder, kicking him over so that he lay on the floor.
"You should watch your mouth around her, and treat her with respect." Connor hissed at Gavin.
He quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you from the break room, dragging you down a hallway of the police department for a short while before he pushed you into an empty room.
Connor let go of your hand, his cold hand retracting briefly before he pushed you further in the room. His hands wrapped around your waist as he lifted you onto an empty desk. Your face flushed red at this act.
The android smiled at you as you sat on the desk, confused. Soon, he furrowed his eyebrows then began to dig in his pockets. It didn't take long for him to produce a bag of your favourite candy, thrusting it into your direction.
"It's for you," His expression was soft and warm as he looked at you.
You reached your shakey hand out, taking the candy and opening it. "Connor, these are my favourite,"
"I know, that's why I got them for you," he leant against another desk, which sat behind him.
A slight blue blush lit up his cheeks as he watched you enjoying the candy, glad he could help you. He loved being the one to help you, no matter what the issue he was there for you.
"You didn't have to do that to Gavin you know," you mumbled after a short while.
"I know, I wanted to," His smile widened.
Soon, you had had enough of the candy and held it on your lap. "Thank you for everything,"
"May I give you something else?" Something in his eyes seemed to light up as he looked at you.
"Sure," you shrugged.
Swiftly, he stood up and moved closer to you, using the space between your legs to get as close as he could. He seemed to embrace your warmth as he placed a delicate kiss on your cheek. His hand wiped away any stray tears, his touch gentle as he leant into you.
"You're perfect," He muttered into you ear.
Butterflies spiralled in your stomach as you clutched the packet of candy in your hand, your skin lighting up under his touch.
"I- Connor-"
He then leant down towards you glucose pump, your eyes on him as he inched closer. He left a soft kiss on top if it before mumbling once more.
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telleroftime · 2 years
Commission ||| Gavin Reed x Reader
- Florist/Tattoo Artist AU -
A florist and a tattoo artist. Two starkly different careers, yet somehow they tend to intertwine, especially when one needs an outside opinion to push their work forward.
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——————————————— Request - Anonymous : Can you please do a romantic Tattoo Artist ! Gavin x Florist ! Reader?
Pairing: Tattoo Artist ! Gavin Reed x Florist ! Gender Neutral ! Reader
Relationship: Romantic
Tone: Fluff
Word Count: 1.9k
Oneshot Masterlist
Gavin’s apartment sat in a mist of evening heat, the sharp rays of the setting autumn sun filtering through the gaps in his wooden blinds leaving even stripes on any surface that got in the way. The living room that the two of you sat in was practically painted golden, the original vibrant colours of books and throw pillows muted to hues of orange and brown. It was almost as if you were looking at the world through a choppy filter. The shadows were darker than before, pronounced by the light, and if you looked closely you could see small bits of dust float in the direct spotlight. Almost like glitter that in the end brought the surroundings of high contrast back to life.
Even with such a pretty moment, you couldn’t help but spare a few glances to your boyfriend as he sat on the floor, wearing the sweater you bought him not that long ago paired with mismatched sweats. A line of shadow comfortably blocked out Gavin's eyes as an adjacent strand of light did the opposite to his lips. The stubble practically sparkled from his hunched position over the coffee table, his scar pronounced with a slick sheen. However, that was the most you could see from where you sat, as the open laptop obscured most of your view. There were blank sheets of paper haphazardly scattered around him on the dark wood of both the table and the floor; pens and pencils of many brands were a mess of piles on the desk. You could almost make out the tiny metal shine of a sharpener. Everything but the current thing Gavin was drawing, the sound of the pencil scratching against paper the largest hint you were getting.
With a small puff, you turned your attention back to your phone, bringing your knees up to your chest and sinking into the back cushion of the loveseat.
Your small shop needed a new order of seasonal flowers, however you only had enough money spare for a small sample of them as opposed to what you usually bought. The changing seasons meant recycling the leftover summer collection, your earnings taking a hit in the process. Paired with the pressure of rent and how costly the heat was during the actual months of summer, you were on a tight budget that you didn't want to waste. And, as you scrolled through the supplier's website, you also had a budget you didn't know how to use. You practically frowned at the vast selection.
It's not like variety wasn’t good, though. The issue was that you had to choose and soon  before the plants went out of stock. You wanted to buy ones of yellow to match with the overall warm colours of autumn. Coneflowers and Sneezeweeds stood out to you as an interesting option, unique in essence however those would not only have to be imported from a different farm as the small text told you – meaning that you'd have to wait a week or two longer for their arrival – but you also feared that their almost protruding centre bulb would be seen as unattractive by most. That, and you weren’t sure if you would be able to group them in any coherent compositions as they were usually garden flowers and not ones you would pick for a vase. You held onto the thought though, wishing to experiment with them once your finances became more favourable.
Scrolling further, you noted that you already had some Orange Lilies in stock, alongside Peach Bloom Chrysanthemums. Maybe you could buy some other colours, like Orange Chrysanthemums as they were easy to use and easy to source. However the issue was that they could also be associated with funerals and death, so involving them in casual compositions would be risky with the people that are fans of flowers. More roses could always be a safe bet, although… the cost of freshly picked ones would bite into too much of the budget…
Your fingers pinched at the bridge of your nose whilst you forced yourself to take a steady breath. When they slowly slipped from your face, plopping to your side, your head turned back to Gavin. A fresh mind, you thought. With careful intent, you leaned ever so slightly, causing the cushions beneath you to puff in the silence of the room.
“Gavin love, I need your help picking some flowers for the store. I can’t make up my mind.”
Your voice carried itself into a moment of beating silence, the only thing breaking it up being the loud scratching of a 4B pencil. It scratched louder and louder, right until the lead audibly snapped, and your boyfriend let out a grumbly, irritated curse with a small slam of his fist, tossing the wood to the side.
“Whatever you choose will be good,” he grumbled, visibly pocketing his anger as he ran a hand down his cheek. It didn’t stop the pout from gracing your lips.
Standing up from your spot on the loveseat, you slowly waddled over towards where Gavin sat on the wooden floor, all the while getting a better look at the piles of work in front of him. You didn’t stop until you stood just about next to him, your legs gently bumping into him as you bent at your waist to look at what exactly he was doing.
From the looks of it, Gavin had designed the beginnings of a tattoo, something autumn themed if the crayons of oranges and yellows and reds were anything to go by. And, evident by the rough stacks of slightly scrunched up paper, it wasn’t going as well as he wanted. Some sheets of paper had tears in them, the small beads of residue placing the small eraser as the culprit. Others looked like they were scrunched, folded back out, only to be scrunched again and thrown to the floor. The references on the laptop’s dimmed screen were also a mess. Most of the tabs were opened into their own windows, however all but one were shrunk tiny. Amongst the images of forests and grass and twigs and flowers was a wall of black text on a white background.
You raised your brows as your knees bent underneath you and you lowered yourself to sit next to him, “is this for that commission you got a few days ago?”
“Yeah,” he answered, letting out a huff of anger, “and the bastard didn’t give me nearly enough fucking detail.”
Placing a hand on his tense shoulder, you gave it a soft squeeze in offer of comfort, giving him time to shake you off if physical touch wasn’t what he needed. When he didn’t make an effort to move, you slipped the hand behind him, slowly rubbing circles on his back. After a moment, your other hand gently lifted the drawing he was working on before you came over, giving it a light shake to remove any excess lead.
“What did they give you?”
Your eyes moved up to look at him, feeling him relax into your touch before answering, “they want something fall themed. I drew some shit up but apparently there wasn’t enough fucking nature in them.”
Briefly, you glanced at the phone you left behind on the loveseat, before looking back at his work and then up at his face. His brows were still furrowed, deep valleys forming where they wished to meet. His dark eyes were completely still and unblinking, staring murder at the laptop like a hawk would its prey. You noticed the moisture building up on their surface, and with a soft sigh you shuffled your position so that you could easily lean in and placed a kiss on his cheek, the hand that previously examined the artwork now cupping his cheek. “Have you asked them for more details?”
He scoffed, “it’s been a week. Asking now will make me look like a fucking idiot.”
“It wouldn’t,” you defended, but you didn’t push him, instead leaving another kiss on his cheek and lingering near his face for a short moment before pulling away from him completely. You shuffled closer to the coffee table, leaning over its area to look at his work more clearly. “What if you add more flowers?”
“Yeah, you said they wanted nature. What’s more natural than flowers?”
With your eyes trained on the array of sketches spread in front of you, you felt Gavin slither an arm around your waist as his body shifted on the ground to sit closer to you and follow your gaze.
“They want the design to be masculine.”
A humm of response bubbled in your throat as you took a minute to think, blinking twice before pointing your finger at the now sleeping laptop. Wordlessly, you tilted your head in request and waited for him to give you the go ahead. When he nodded and gave your waist a gentle squeeze, you instantly reached for the device and pulled it close and into your lap. You were careful as to not close any of his tabs, manoeuvring the cursor around on the big red boxes that threatened to cause trouble, quickly opening a new tab and fullscreening it. It didn't take you long to pull up a few varieties of blooms, mostly choosing ones familiar to your flower shop incase Gavin needed real references, and you pointed to some specific examples.
“If you want the arrangement to be masculine, you want to keep it minimal. Large shapes with varied detail.”
Sunflowers, Lilies. No matter how much you hated to say it, you suggested including vegetables and fruits. Pumpkins namely, to which he nodded. A short while later, his arm left your waist as he returned the laptop to its previous spot and leaned over the table, pulling out a new piece of paper from the misshapen stack and doodling some thumbnail composition sketches. A minute after minute passed as you observed Gavin work, passion for the work making his eyes glitter in concentration. When he was done with a few solid designs – circled in the yet-to-be-broken 3B pencil – you couldn’t stop the proud smile from forming on your lips.
“Huh, would you look at that…” he said quietly, examining his own work.
“I told you-”
He dropped the pencil on the table before twisting his body to the side, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist once again and pulling you onto his lap. One of his arms travelled to your back as he adjusted your position, and when he was happy, he peppered kisses on your face and your neck, causing you to giggle.
When he was satisfied with that, you felt his body physically deflate as he cuddled into you, his breath fanning against the skin of your neck - right before pushing you in front of him so that your back lay flat against his warm chest, his arms wrapped over your shoulders and his legs on either side of your body. Both of you were facing the coffee table, and he pulled his laptop closer, leaving it on top of his drawings as if they weren't as important to him. Closing all the tabs, he gestured at the screen with his hand.
“It’s only fair if I help you with your flower shop.”
You chuckled, “I love you too Gavin.”
Oneshot Masterlist
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inactiveuser374 · 2 years
request status; OPEN
I only write male readers
I only write x reader fics (no character x character unless it’s a poly relationship w/ the reader)
I write in second person only, sometimes third person if specifically requested
Anyone is allowed to read/follow but please don’t request fem readers
★ ★ ★
MARVEL; Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Erik Killmonger, Eddie Brock
TLOU (game and/or show); Joel Miller, Tommy Miller,
COD MW2; König, Simon ‘ghost’ Riley, Mace, Kyle ‘gaz’ Garrick, John Price
MIA (simon riley x winter soldier!reader) 2 3 4
Star Wars; Din Djarin, Poe Dameron
DBH; Marcus, RK800 (Connor), RK900 (Nines), Gavin Reed
Gavin Reed GIF set
Other; David Loki (Prisoners, 2013), Officer K (Bladerunner 2049, 2017), TBA
additions to fics I’ve already written (if you want to request something that is based on a fic I’ve already written, I will keep the events that have happened and I won’t change the way the two interact)
fics inspired from given prompts or songs
characters that are not on the list BUT I know of (list is just the main ones)
sexual content (not PWP, it’s gotta have a story or plot of some sort) nothing past 3rd base
character and or reader deaths 
smoking/alcohol/drug use 
comfort (including potentially triggering topics like abuse, death, etc) - warnings will always be at the beginning
fetishizing or glorifying certain topics.
characters that I don’t know
female reader or anything besides male reader
I won’t write anything I’m uncomfortable with
real people
incest or anything close to that (no step siblings or parents either)
minor x adult (platonic or family is OK)
just ask first if you think your request might fall under something I won’t write, I’m pretty tolerant of most things, there’s just some boundaries I have
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bleedingthirium · 5 years
Gavin x Reader (Dreams Come True)
Title: Dreams Come True Words: 10,300 (sorrynotsorry) Genre: Emotional Hurt-Comfort, Fluff, Romance Characters: Gavin Reed x Fem!Reader + Nines (platonically) Warnings: Um, it’s super long, rushed in some places, completely unedited because, let’s be real, who has time to edit? and just chaotically structured writing. Authors Note: Really self-concious of this fic. It didn’t turn out anywhere near as good as I hoped it would. So catch my sobbing at Gavin’s desk. This is for @bring-me-a-coffee-dipshit because she’s been feeling down and no one hurts my baby! Me & my DCPD boys will protecc this gem. Also, I don’t know how to write long fics. Hence the chaotic messy structure of writing. I’m not a professional. I also don’t know how to write short fics either because this was supposed to be written done ‘n’ dusted within a day. And it took over a week! Probs should’ve put in parts. But I’m also lazy so... ENJOY!
Summary: Gavin gets a phonecall stating reader has been admitted to hospital due to fainting from stress. There’s only one thing that can stress reader out to such a point and Gavin is PISSED.
◇─◇──◇────◇────◇────◇────◇────◇─────◇──◇─◇ Nothing ever seemed to feel good enough for anyone. You tried your best, but your best wasn’t good enough. You were in desperate need of a break because you could feel yourself breaking down. It was hard to find the strength to smile, and where you normally would smile, tears threatened to present themselves in the corners of your eyes. Luckily a deep, slow breath and an eye-roll to the heavens as if praying the pain away, seemed to keep those negative emotions at bay. The factor of your stress was the preparation of exams, and understandably so. Exams were always a stressful time for everybody, but it seemed to be the worst time for everything to come crumbling down around you.
You had a phone call from your Mother, who seemed to always find something to nitpick about you. Normally you could just shrug your shoulders at the end of the phone call and go about your day. Either you were high on stress already, or what your Mother said seemed to have hit too close to your heart, validating those fears you had; that you were destined to be a failure, your grandparents would be disappointed in you, your mother is currently disappointed in you (yes, she said that!), all because you decided to pursue business studies and get a degree in Business so that, one day, you could open a new bookstore and run it the way you want to; for it to be a unique and welcomed independent store rather than a big chain retail store. Your Mother would have much preferred you to pursue a more beneficial career, something like Politics, Medicine or Law. Something that was, unfortunately, too out of your league of knowledge. It wasn’t for lack of trying. You would have loved to have become a woman of medicine, a scientist even! You find all that fascinating and constantly reading journals, watching documentaries… but you are just unable to retain the information. It’s not because you’re dumb. It’s just how life is. But your Mother had no problem calling you out on it and quite plainly stating that you’re dumb. “I never expected to raise a child whose IQ is lower than the average person. What was the point in supporting your studies if you weren’t going to build a decent career for yourself? At least your boyfriend has a decent career. You should be disappointed and ashamed of yourself. Because I am.” That was the phone call of the morning that had started your bad day. You already had a bad week regardless. Stressing over studies and exams, and then dealing with rude customers at your local part-time job. You loved your job, you enjoyed helping customers but the rude ones… It really began to take its toll on you. And you didn’t want to whine to your boyfriend at the end of the day because he has much longer shifts than you, and his occupation is physically and mentally demanding. The last thing you wanted to do was bitch to him about your menial day when he could’ve been dealing with bigger shit. “Can’t believe someone as dumb as you is working in a place like this. The easiest job in the world and you managed to fuck up my order. I want to speak to your manager.” It was one tiny mistake that could have easily been rectified had this customer given you the chance to apologise and correct your mistake. No harm done. Instead, you were left speechless at the sudden onslaught of insults that your own mother basically spat at you hours earlier. You call your manager as per requested and allowed him to deescalate the situation while you excused yourself to assist other customers. At the end of the day you were called in to his office and even with the door shut, every word could loudly be heard in the staff lunch room as you were being berated over the incident earlier. The entire day had been an extremely bad one in general and you were more than glad to go home. Unfortunately everything began to drown you all at once. You didn’t even make it to your bus stop when your hands began to tremble violently, your legs felt like jelly, your heart was pounding so painfully in your chest that it was like knives were beginning to stab at you from the inside, noises were muted out yet you swore you could hear yourself struggling to breathe as well as hearing the blood rushing in your veins right in your ear. You didn’t even hear anyone call out when you collapsed.
It was a slow day at the Precinct which was both a blessing and a curse; it meant no major crimes had taken place, but it also meant that Gavin was stuck with paperwork – something that he despised doing and would often neglect to do, and then in situations like today, he now has a mountain of neglected paperwork to get through. It was beginning to drive him mental, and oddly enough, Gavin was beginning to get on Nines’ nerves. Understand that Nines can deal with every annoying, conceivable flaw that Gavin has, but today Gavin had managed to push Nines over the edge. “Let’s go get some lunch. Out of the office.” Nines suggested, placing his pen down and leaning back against his chair, blue eyes looking over at Gavin. “Best idea you’ve had all day.” Gavin agreed a bit too quickly, though it didn’t come as a surprise to Nines. Typical that Gavin would agree to anything that would get him out of doing paperwork. Nevertheless, Nines hadn’t seen Gavin consume anything nutritious since arriving at the Precinct. This would be a great subtle way to get him to consume some sustenance. Gavin drove downtown, a little bit away from the Precinct just so he didn’t feel so closed-in with work; he wanted to enjoy his food not think about work. But as luck would have it, his phone rang. “You gotta be fucking kidding me! Can’t even take a lunch break!” came the grumbled as one hand left the steering wheel to answer the phone, only for his hand to be swatted away. “I’ll answer it, you need to abide by the road laws.” “Bite me. If it’s Fowler, remind him that he does have other fucking officers there.” It wasn’t Fowler. It was an unknown number, but local, according to the area code. “Detective Reed’s phone.” “Is this Gavin Reed?” “Detective Reed is currently driving. May I ask what the nature of the call is?” “I’m Doctor William Kent from the Detroit General Hospital, I’m calling to let Mr. Reed know that his partner is currently admitted under our care.” “Any injuries?” “No, she came through the emergency from fainting.” “Fainting? What was the cause?” “A panic attack most likely.” “We’re on our way.” “What?” Gavin asked as Nines ended the call but continued to hold the communications device in his hands to prevent Gavin from breaking the law of being on the phone while driving. He ought to upgrade his car a little, get a Bluetooth speaker that can accept incoming and outgoing calls. Or invest in a phone cradle at the very least. What was the point in becoming a Detective if you weren’t going to uphold the law? “Y/N has been admitted to the Detroit General Hospital under –“ “Why? What’s wrong? Is she hurt? Did they say anything?” Gavin interrupted in a mild state of his own panic, Nines noticing his stress levels rising a little bit. “Under the emergency of fainting from a panic attack.” Nines calmly finished despite being interrupted. Gripping the steering wheel of the car tightly to the point where his knuckles turned white, Gavin forced himself to keep to the speed limit as he took a left turn instead of going straight ahead to their original location. You weren’t injured, that was his main priority. You weren’t injured. But you fainted. You weren’t pregnant, it wasn’t a hot day, and as far as he knew you didn’t have a fever… It was just… Stress. He knew you were stressing over your studies but he didn’t think it was this bad. Was he really that shit of a boyfriend that he overlooked the clues of your stress levels? What kind of Detective doesn’t pick up on displays of body behavior? Gavin had been oddly quiet since the phone call and arriving at the hospital. Mentally beating himself up for not being as attentive to her as a boyfriend should. He was so caught up in a case that he took to working around the clock in order to bring it close. - “Babe? I gotta stay back. We’ve got a lead and we’re so close.” The dreaded phone call came through one night, but you weren’t surprised or frustrated. He had began coming home late at night so you knew he was working on a case that required a lot of his attention as well as priority of needing to bring it to a close before anything more bad comes of it. “It’s fine, Gavin. Honestly. Just make sure you eat something. Coffee isn’t food.” “You sound like Nines.” “Well maybe you should listen. You’re a good Detective but you’re a shit listener.” You both chuckled at the light teasing before he needed to get back to work. “I love you Gavin.” “Yeah. Yeah… I love you too. G’night Babe.” “’Night.” You both hung up and Gavin remembered how lucky he felt to have someone who understood him and his position. Granted, he didn’t have to stay back and pull an all-nighter, but when he had a lead and he was on a roll, it was best to let him go. His previous partner didn’t understand and he would often come home to a pissed-off partner, yelling arguments ensued… But with you, he came home to a home-cooked meal wrapped up in the fridge so all he had to do was microwave it, sometimes there was a little note on the fridge of microwave door that simply read ‘I love you.’ One time you even put a note on the coffee machine with two large letters, ‘NO’ and a frowny face. Guess you caught on to the fact that he’d come home and have a coffee before bed. A bad habit you were trying to get him out of. “If you want something that tastes sweet but bitter, come have me.” You teased when you first told him off for having coffee so late at night. Precinct nights are fine, you understood the need for caffeine then, but when he’s home – that’s a solid ‘no’. He had tilted his head back and let out a deep, gorgeous laugh. His eyes crinkling from the wide grin he wore on his permanently exhausted features, “Babe, there is nothing bitter about you. I don’t think you even know how to be ‘bitter’.” You definitely won that argument as his hands rested on your hips and pulled them to his. His smiling lips brushed against yours before taking you into a deep kiss, only to pull back ever so slightly, “Mm, definitely no bitterness.” “No bitterness?” “Only sweetness.” Your own lips turned up into a playful smirk, eyebrows quirking up ever so slightly, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled him down into another heated kiss, murmuring “I know something else that’s sweet.” “Oh yeah?” “Yeah.” You breathed against his lips as you began to tug him out of the kitchen. - “Gavin!” A stern voice interrupted the males thoughts as he was still tightly gripping the steering wheel, car idling despite already pulled into a parking bay. Head quickly turned to glance at Nines, blinking as Gavin came back to his surroundings with a sinking heart. “I let her down, Nines.” He sighed out the burdened confession as his hands dropped from the wheel, one hand pulling the gear stick into ‘park.’, the other flicking the engine off before both hands dropped into his lap. Nines LED flickered to yellow as he watched the storm of emotions engulf Gavin, who was staring guiltily ahead at the looming building of the hospital. “You did no such thing, Gavin. I can’t always tell when you’re stressed out until you snap. It doesn’t make me any less of a competent colleague to you, does it?” “Friend.” Gavin corrected but sighed softly as he agreed, “No, it doesn’t. But…fuck!” Nines quietly waited until Gavin’s strew of emotions calmed down. Sometimes the more Nines tried to reason with the Detective, the more angered Gavin became. He found it beneficial to wait until Gavin was calm enough to see reason. “Alright. Let’s go. You comin’ with me or what?” “Only to protect the medical faculty should you lose your temper at them.” Nines made up the half excuse. Partially knowing that if something involving Gavin’s lover ‘girlfriend’, there’s a high percentage that Gavin would lose his patience with the medical team over things he didn’t understand. Such a situation being if they needed to keep her in for a few nights, Gavin might argue about taking her home, not understanding their reason. At least with Nines there, he can easily diffuse any situation before Gavin escalates to an annoyingly level of inconvenience. As they entered the hospital, Gavin made a beeline for the reception desk. “Can you tell me where Y/N Y/L/N is?” Nines caught up to Gavin just as directions were given. She wasn’t too far. Second floor. At least she wasn’t in the opposite wing of the hospital. Taking the elevator to the floor, Nines quietly accompanied Gavin as the two began the pathway to where your room was located. The only times Nines spoke was when he called Gavin’s attention and gestured to the correct room number. As the two walked past the window where the blinds were open, they could see you sitting on the bed, cross-legged but curled in on yourself, staring at the white blanket. Your face void of emotion but also looking like you’re about to burst into tears at any given moment. Nines would be lying if he said that what he saw didn’t affect him somehow. Something tugged painfully at his synthetic heart. Which was odd because he knew his systems were running at 100% perfect stability. The flicker of his LED from the calm blue to a violent red was enough physical evidence to give away that the stoic RK900 android was worried about you. This was not you. You were normally cheerful, bubbly, hardly ever without a smile unless you were deep in thought or focused on a task. Even being given something as simple as a single flower or a cup of tea would cause you to smile for hours. You cherished the little things. Nines thought you were just a clueless naïve human being when he first met you. Little did he realize, at the time, that there was nothing naïve about having a heart of gold. For the heart you carried brought so much joy to Gavin, made him more tolerable in the workplace, and seemingly a better and healthier person. You were a good influence on him. And Nines couldn’t help but notice how everyone welcomed you when you stepped into the Precinct. They were all happy to talk to someone new, get some stories of an adorable domestic Gavin… To put it simply, you were a walking ray of sunshine. Even Nines found himself feeling elated whenever he saw you. Nines stood to the side, allowing Gavin some privacy with you as he entered the room with a gentle rap of his knuckles against the door. “Babe?” ◇─◇──◇────◇────◇────◇────◇────◇─────◇──◇─◇ You lifted your head at the sound of a voice that always felt like home to you. The first words to you spoke was a heartbroken plea, “Gavin? God, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!” Immediately Gavin was by your side. “Hey, hey. No. No, you’re okay. It’s okay.” He sat down on the edge of the bed, taking your hand and enveloping it in his. Your other hand had a strap around the wrist and finger, attached to a machine as it monitored your pulse rate. You also had two sticky pads to your chest with thin wires popping out from the neckline of your work shirt, monitoring your heartrate.
“You got me out of paperwork so, y’know, thank you.” He murmured playfully, trying to lighten your mood and bring a smile to your face. But it didn’t work and he certainly didn’t expect it to. You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t say anything. Sometimes it was like everything shut down and plunged you in a numb state, and then the next minute you felt like you could burst into tears and drown your soul beneath the floods. Nines watched from the window as you collapsed your head against Gavin’s shoulder, hiding your face in his neck. You didn’t appear to be sobbing but your shoulders sagged in defeat. Gavin’s torso twisted slightly to accommodate the new position as he wrapped his arms around you, murmuring softly in your ear. (“It’s alright. ‘M here. I’ve got you.”) Occasionally pressing kisses against your forehead. It fascinated him the way Detective Reed worked. He was a smart-mouthed asshole at work, probably less since you’ve been with him. Heavy sarcasm. Matching quip for quip with Nines. Dangerously short-tempered. Definitely plays the role of ‘bad cop’ in the interrogation rooms. But with you… it’s hard to see him as the short-tempered grumpy Detective he’s known to be. There’s a new gentle side that Nines knew he had but never saw it. Until now.
There was a knock to the door as the Doctor approached, the nursing staff most likely have informed him that your emergency contacts have arrived. You immediately pulled away and curled back in on yourself as Gavin stood up to shake hands with the Doctor. “Detective Reed, I presume? Doctor Kent.” This time Nines entered the room now that the Doctor was present and blue eyes immediately dropped onto your huddled figure. Your cortisol levels were high, your serotonin levels were low. There was clearly more than just stress, hints of depression perhaps? None of the medical staff seemed to have picked up on that. Mind, Nines wasn’t programmed to read a human body psychologically, so he wasn’t equipped to make such bold conclusions. “I’m relieved to see your unharmed, Y/N.” Nines gently greeted you, trying to bring a softer tone to his usually sharp matter-of-fact tone. You offered a small smile but Nines could see your bottom lip quivering and the smile and gaze immediately dropped, going unnoticed by both Doctor and Detective as the two conversed, Nines bringing his attention back to the conversation. “How’s she been sleeping?” “Uh, decently. She studies throughout the night. Not coming to bed until near midnight.” “What time does she wake up in the mornings?” “5 or 6ish, I guess.” “The healthy amount of sleep an average person should be getting is 8 hours. 7 at the bare minimum. The lack of sleep that, I’m assuming has been ongoing, leaves her in a sleep-deprived state on top of studies for exams. As a Doctor, I know how grueling studies and exams can be. So I know that her lack of sleep isn’t helping in any way whatsoever to her studies. Any other stressful factors in her life? At home?” “Not that I’m aware of.” Gavin looked over at you but you only ducked your head out of his line of sight. He didn’t bother asking about any more stresses, knowing you wouldn’t be up to talking. The Doctor shifted on his feet as he came to a final conclusion. “I would prefer to keep her in overnight under observation. Prescribe a mild sedation to help her get a peaceful night’s rest.” “No!” Your small voice quickly interjected, shooting down the idea as your head snapped up and panicked eyes set upon the Doctor,  “I want to go home.” Your E/C left the Doctor’s and fell on your boyfriend, silently begging him. “Please?” It was like a fist hand squeezed at Gavin’s heart and then proceeded to stab it against a sharp knife. Never, in the past two years of being with you, has he ever seen you look so broken before. His gaze dropped from yours and back to the Doctor, “Can I not bring her home?” “It is with my professional opinion that we do keep her in overnight.” “You are within your rights to go against medical advice, Detective.” Nines quietly spoke from the side, having noticed your stress levels increased drastically at the thought of staying here.  His cold blue eyes seemed to have softened a little as he looked over at you before, also, dropping his gaze on the Doctor. “If I may interject, it might be beneficial to bring Y/N home. Her stress levels might decrease once she’s in a familiar environment that she deems comforting and safe. I can offer to stay the night to keep an eye on her levels. If they reach critical condition, we can bring her straight back.” And this is why Nines came along. He made a compelling argument against the Doctor whereas Gavin would’ve lost his temper. Nines could already see the panic flash in the Detective’s eyes with the thought of leaving a distraught girlfriend at the hospital overnight. That panic would immediately flicker to anger within the flick of a switch. “Very well. On the proviso that her levels are to be regularly scanned. If there are signs of no improvement, you are to bring her straight back.” “Of course.” It was settled then. The Nurse was called in by the Doctor to disconnect you from the being hooked up to the machines while Gavin walked out of the room (dropping a kiss on the top of your head with a murmured ‘Be right back’) so he could sign the DAMA form. (Discharged Against Medical Advice). Nines watched as everyone left the room, leaving you and the RK900 unit alone. You were still sitting on the bed and your gaze dropped to your hands in your lap. Under the ever-watchful gaze of Nines as his blue eyes studied you for a moment before breaking the silence. “You still seem quite withdrawn.” His tone was quite gentle, surprising you (though you didn’t show that you acknowledged his efforts) and also surprising him. You ducked your head further away from his gaze, your hair finally falling down around your face to obscure your features from view. “I don’t deserve him.” You whispered, your hands beginning to fidget, picking at your nails, rubbing your fingers together, fingernails pressing hard against your skin to the point where you were leaving little crescent moon indents. Your Mother’s words echoing loudly in your head. Unfortunately, your fall to the ground didn’t cause amnesia so you remembered everything about that phone-call. Your fidgeting was a sign that another panic attack was coming on and Nines seemed to have picked up on your stress levels as he came over and sat down on the edge of the bed. His larger hand reaching over and placing it over your fidgeting ones. A gentle squeeze of reassurance was given. “Quite the contrary Y/N. Gavin is the one who doesn’t deserve you. But I know he’s quite lucky to have you. I must say I’m grateful you’ve entered into his life. He’s become much less insufferable.” A very quiet whimper escaped your lips, that if the RK900 didn’t have highly incredible audio sensors, he would have easily missed it. He didn’t fully turn to you, remaining his usual professional self but when he felt two hands grip his tightly, he glanced down. Your fingers were white with how tightly you were holding on to him just as how tightly you were holding onto the lid of emotions that were threatening to spill forth. Ever so slightly, Nines leant forward a little – just a little, but enough for you to know he was silently offering an embrace if you needed it. And you did. You dropped your head into his shoulder and let out a deep sigh. “He could do so much better than me. I’m just…” you struggled to find the right words to describe just how despicable you are compared to many other successful and far more beautiful women out there are. “Perfect.” Nines supplied as his free hand wrapped around your upper arm/shoulder. “You are incorrect to state that he can do better than you. You are the better. Detective Reed is quite out of his league with you.” You merely scoffed at hearing this but the words were comforting to the voice that voice inside your head that was telling you otherwise. There was nothing more Nines could do or say. He wasn’t equipped to be dealing with psychological matters of a sensitive nature such as the situation you’re currently in, so he opted to remain silent and just hold you in this semi-embrace.
◇─◇──◇────◇────◇────◇────◇────◇─────◇──◇─◇ Gavin had finished with the paperwork outside and stopped in his tracks as he walked past the window and saw Nines holding you. Kind of. It looked awkward to Gavin but you seemed content in the embrace. There was no pang of jealousy from Gavin at seeing Nines holding you (why would there be? Nines and you weren’t interested in each other like that), however, Gavin couldn’t help but marvel at how attached Nines had become to you. The RK900 became intrigued with your cheery personality and the way your presence seems to melt all the insufferable behavior away from Gavin. Yours and Nines friendship deepened the more you and Gavin hung out together with Nines, getting to the point where Nines would call you for advice either on Gavin or to do with women (what’s the best approach etc.) most likely related to crime cases with female victims since neither he nor Gavin were the best people to deal with emotionally distraught women. Sometimes you’d even ring Nines to ask about Gavin (if he came home in an exhausted or closed-off mood). Gavin would never have picked Nines to be the one to settle with a bond of friendship other than himself (not to sound vain). Phone ringing in his pocket, Gavin stepped away from the window – probably should give Nines privacy since always seems to be allergic to initiating (or participating) in physical interaction that isn’t violent. He didn’t even get a chance to greet the caller when Fowler’s voice immediately screamed down from the other end of the receiver. “Where the hell are you two!?” “Technically on our lunch break.” “Well get your asses back here and do some of that damn paperwork! It’s overflowing on your desk like Niagra-fucking-falls!” Normally Gavin would hit back with a quip that would leave others to wonder how the hell he hasn’t gotten himself fired yet, but instead his voice was oddly calm, probably because he was also in the hospital hallway. “I’m at the hospital. Something personal came up.” The voice on the other end dropped its raised tone as concern laced through, “Everything alright?” “Yeah. It’s just… personal. Gonna need a couple of days. Nines will be back tomorrow.” “S’fine, s’fine. It’s slow here anyway. Just keep me in the loop.” “Yeah… yeah, thanks.” “Take care, son.” With that, Gavin hung up and slipped his phone back in his pocket, relieved that Captain Fowler didn’t pester with questions. It’s not like Gavin took days off anyway – only when forced to by the Captain himself. One of the excused had been; ‘Reed, you’ve been working non-stop and you’re pissing me off. Go home and stay home for a couple of days.’ He walked past the window to see Nines standing by the bed with his hands behind his back, awaiting for Gavin’s return, as though he hadn’t just shared a gentle embrace with Y/N. Stepping into the room, Gavin walked over and placed a hand on the back of your shoulder in a gentle touch, “C’mon.” his voice so soft that if you weren’t in such a state, it would’ve melted your heart. Hands wrapped tightly around your arms as though you were giving yourself a hug, you leaned into Gavin’s side as he guided you out of the room with his arm around your mid-back. Nines following behind as he watched the two of you. You still seem quite withdrawn and quiet. Your levels seemingly decreased since leaving the room and Nines was satisfied he put forth the offer to bring you home. It was silent as they walked out of the hospital and to the car. Gavin occasionally peering over at you but you kept your head down with your gaze on the ground. He felt so out of his depth right now. He was worried about you, actually worried about you. And because he was so worried about you, he worried further that he would say the wrong thing or not be able to help you. He was gentle and kind with you, but he was still the blunt-speaking Detective he’d always been. It didn’t help that this is the first time you’ve ever been this bad. The worst you’ve ever done was breakdown and cry while stressed. All of which can be fixed with hugs and soft murmurs. That was easy. This wasn’t. This required a gentle and fragile approach. Something that Gavin will truly fuck up somehow. Yet the figure following behind them thought otherwise. Had he been able to hear Gavin’s thoughts, Nines would reassure him that he is the perfect person to handle this. Nines has witnessed the true gentleman that Gavin is when he’s around you. He knows Gavin is capable of empathy and sensitivity. Unlocking the car, Gavin opened the door for the backseat behind the driver, his hand leaving your back as you lowered into the seat. He left the door open momentarily as he popped the trunk of the car and pulled out the blanket you made him keep in their in case of emergencies. - “You don’t even have a first aid kit in your car?!” you queried as you and Gavin made your first shopping trip together and were placing grocery bags in the back of the car. “No. Why would I?” “Gavin! You’re a Detective!” “So?” “So…shouldn’t you have one!?…what if someone was in trouble?” “That’s what paramedics are for Y/N.” “You’ve got first aid training, right?” “Yeah they make us do that shit every two to three years.” “Well you ought to have a first aid kit in the back of your car in case of emergencies. It’s only a matter of moments between life and death for some. Paramedics may not arrive in time and you could be the one to make that difference.” Gavin went quiet for a moment as he mulled over the point you made, sighing excessively loudly (which made you giggle because it was one of those defeated sighs where he knew you were right and rather than telling you you’re right, he just sighed it out.) “Alright. I’ll get one if it’ll make you happy.” “And a blanket.” “Why the fuck would someone need a blanket?” “In case of situations like shock, or it’s in freezing cold temperatures.” Another sigh and then a defeated, “Fine. Fine. You win. But you better kiss me for this.” You grinned and did as he asked, leaning over you brushed your lips against before his hand pressed against your lower back, pulling you against him as his lips captured yours. “Mm, that’s what I thought.” He murmured. You could feel his grin through the kiss and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh against his lips. - Nines ever-observant eyes watched with curiosity as Gavin retrieved the blanket from the trunk of the car, shaking it out of its folded-up state and brought it around to you. It smelt a bit musty from being cooped up in the dark back of his trunk but you didn’t mind as he draped it over you. “Guess you were right, huh?” he smiled softly as he tugged it around your sides. You could only nod. It was like you hit such a numb state. You couldn’t share in his humor, you couldn’t bring yourself to reciprocate his smile. You could only be glad that you did something right for once. With your door finally closed and you were safely situated in the backseat, Nines finally moved from his spot and slid into the passenger seat just as Gavin slid into the driver’s seat. Unlike when he and Nines left the Precinct, Gavin was much more careful in reversing and driving out of the hospital carpark. Mostly because you were in the vehicle. The drive home was quiet. Gavin constantly checking his rearview mirror to keep an eye on you. Occasionally you both made eye contact and you would always look away in shame. He deserved so much better than you. Perhaps your mother was right. Look how you’re inconveniencing him. He’s had to take time off work because of you. “Would you like me to inform Captain Fowler of your sudden absence?” Nines quietly asked, purposefully keeping his voice at a gentle lull so as to not disturb you. “I’ve already called him. Said you were coming in tomorrow though.” Eyes focused on the road, Gavin answered Nines without breaking concentration, his voice equally quiet. “Is that wise? An agreement was made between the Doctor and myself that I would ensure Y/N’s safety outside Hospital Grounds.” “So? S’not like you got it in writing.” “No. I did, however, record the conversation.” “Without his consent? Why, Nines, you devil, you.” Gavin quietly joked. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the statement, deeming an action unnecessary, Nines decided to correct the name-calling, “I’m an android, not a devil. Regardless, that agreement still stands.” “Look, Nines, we’re about to crack this case. Let’s face it, you’ll work quicker when I’m not there. You got Anderson and that annoying plastic prick as backup.” Gavin turned the corner and was only now three streets from arriving home. “Very well.” You heard the entire conversation, they weren’t being quiet in an attempt for you not to overhear, they were being quiet out of respect for your already quiet state. But you did readjust yourself, sinking further beneath the blanket and leaning your head against the window. The hum of the vehicle’s engine, the flickering of the indicator and the quietened toned voices that were usually loud and bickering (mostly Gavin instigating the arguments) was enough to make you drowsy with the heavy onslaught of emotions you were fighting back. ◇─◇──◇────◇────◇────◇────◇────◇─────◇──◇─◇ You hadn’t realized you were home until your door opened and you jerked in surprise. “Shit, sorry babe. You okay?” You hummed softly as you undid your seatbelt and climbed out of the car with the blanket wrapped around you. Immediately Gavin’s arm came around the small of your back and guided you up to the house. “Would you like a cup of tea Y/N? I’ve heard herbal teas are beneficial in calming ones nerves.” Nines asked as he followed up behind you and Gavin, hands behind his back. You only shook your head, “I think I just want to go to sleep.” You muttered and felt Gavin’s hand rub your back in comfort. The small home that you and Gavin shared was always warm and welcoming. Unlike bare yet always messy apartment Gavin had prior to you coming on the scene. There were artwork on the wall, photos in frames displayed on different types of shelving, alongside little ornaments that you and Gavin collected over time. Mostly things you found cute whenever you would visit a market or something. Occasionally something on display would be from Gavin; “I saw this and thought you might like it.” Had been his way of telling you he’s thinking of you and taking an interest in what you like. And because he wanted to spoil you with something you’d like personally rather than just the average gift of jewelry.
Gavin took you down the hall while Nines stayed in the living room, waiting Gavin’s return. “How are you feeling?” Gavin murmured as he shut the bedroom door and walking around you to pull back the blankets of the bed on your side. You merely raised your shoulders in a small shrug. Today had escalated drastically for you; physically, mentally and emotionally. You climbed into the bed, still wrapped in the blanket from the car as an additional comfort. You snuggled down with the blanket being tugged right up around your chin by Gavin. He had no idea what the fuck to do but he could only hope this would work. His hand came down to rest on the curve of where your hip was hidden beneath the blanket as he crouched down on his quarters. His other arm resting above your head as his fingers gently caressed your hair from your forehead. “What the hell happened to you today, Y/N/N?” “I don’t know… stress, I guess.” “I’ve seen you stressed, babe. This isn’t that. There’s something more. Something you’re not telling me. What is it?” Damn him and his Detective skills, able to pinpoint when someone wasn’t telling the truth. You licked your lips in nervousness as you stared at his grey orbs. “Can I ask you something Gavin?” “Yeah. ‘Course.” “Do I…Do I, um… Do I…” your voice wavered as you stammered your words, the remaining question was whispered because you were barely holding on now, “disgust you? Make you ashamed to be with me?” His fingers stopped their ministrations, his face twisting into a mix of disbelief and anger. “What the fuck Y/N?! No! Where the hell did this all come from?” Just like that, the gates to the dam opened and the tears fell uncontrollably from your eyes, your own features twisting into so much hurt that it tugged painfully at Gavin’s heartstrings, already filling with anger and who caused you to be so distraught. A sob broke out and you turned your face into the pillow, away from his gaze as your body violently trembled beneath each sob that tore out. “Shit. Hey, hey, hey…S’alright. It’s alright.” Gavin quickly moved to sit in the small space on the edge of the bed. Everything that had built up for weeks, only for the phone call from your mother to finally be that tipping point for you came bursting out. You felt one hand grip whatever part of you he could reach, and the other caressing the material of the blanket that was covering your body. “I’ve got you, babe. I got you. You’re alright. ‘M right here.” Soft words were murmured as he continued to caress your back in comfort but his efforts hadn’t even managed to calm you down at all. “Babe, can you look at me?” “No….” you wailed into the pillow, curling further in on yourself. Quietly adding an “I can’t!” between sobs. Your cries were really getting to Gavin and he had to find the strength not to explode in anger and hunt down whoever it was that hurt you like this. “’M right here Y/N. I’m not going anywhere. Talk to me.” Gavin’s voice rose a little to be heard over the volume of your cries but still, somehow, remained a gentle tone about it. He barely managed to catch it but he heard it loud and clear, “I’m a disappointment.” “Who said that?” “Everyone! My boss! Customers! My own M-Mom!” Gavin was well aware what your mother was like. What your family was like. They expected too much from you and had you at high standards that were impossible for you to achieve. Not everyone was built to become a surgeon or a firefighter, or even a Detective. At first, he tried to reason with himself that they just wanted the best for you but it was clear that they bullied you – and he swore that sometimes they would do it for fun. He lost all respect for your family and wanted to shield you away from them as best as he could without it falling into the ‘possessive/alienating’ category of being in a relationship.  It was part of the reason he asked you to move in with him. Give you an offer of a new life. Hopefully ceasing as much contact with the toxicity of your family. “God-fucking-damnit!” The curse fell past his lips before he could even catch it, startling you and causing you to curl into a tight ball – how that was even possible, he had no idea. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry for everything!” “Fuck. No. I… No, I’m not mad at you… Fuck, babe… I, uh…” His hand hovered midair, debating whether continuing to offer you comfort was the right course of action. He had sent you into such a pleading state with his verbal outburst, he didn’t want to be the one to add to that. “I’m not worth it. Any of it. You deserve better than me.” Without thinking, his hand came down and rested firmly on your shoulder. Sliding off the bed, he resumed his position of crouching down to peer at you since you were curled into a tight fetal position. “No.” he firmly stated. “You are worth everything to me, Y/N. Everything. Don’t you dare think you’re not.” He dropped his head, muttering under his breath, “I’m going to fucking kill that woman.” It was no use. Whatever Gavin said to you, you only cried through his words. You hadn’t meant to be so rude but you couldn’t calm down. This was years and years of your Mother’s verbal abuse coming out. The more you cried, the more Gavin swore bloody murder. It was hard; he wasn’t the type of guy who knew the right things to say. He was far from the ‘ideal perfect boyfriend’ that women seem to desire. But he was doing all he could, and all that he knew how. That also includes staying with you until you fell asleep. Your body stopped trembling but his hand never ceased those comforting motions against your frame. Gentle hushing every now and then emitted past those lips that were known to swear like a sailor and argue with anything that moves. Gavin had since resumed his original position; crouched by the bedside, one hand caressing the hair back from your now tear-stained face, the other rubbing circular motions in comfort – which had now ceased to where his thumb was just gentle caressing while his hand remained firmly against the curve of your hip. He waited until you were asleep before he left, gently tugging the blankets around you, his gaze lingering on your sleeping form – features now relaxed and set into a peaceful slumber as if you didn’t just suffer a massive breakdown. The moment he turned from you, however, there was a murderous rage in those stormy grey orbs of his. Quietly shutting the door behind him, he walked out to Nines who was holding a framed photo of the three of them. This was definitely your doing. Gavin would never place photos up, particularly personal ones. But you insisted, and you really adored the one of you three. It was just a dumb selfie at the beach with your faces squished together in order to fit in the frame. It was silly, and one of the very rare times that Nines stepped out of his level of comfort from his professional appearance to just be ‘normal’. His LED was circling the soft amber glow, occasionally red would flicker through. He was quite concerned about you. Particularly when he heard the heartbroken wails filter through the shut door. Audio components picking up some of the conversation as he eavesdropped a little, however, he decided that this was one of those times where you could not be comforted. A shame that you weren’t under hospital care, they could have given you a sedation to avoid the mess of emotions. Perhaps with the decent night sleep, you could wake up feeling more refreshed and a stronger state of mind to begin the day’s problems. Which is what he hoped would work for you now. Hearing the door click shut, he placed the photo back on the shelf and waited for Gavin to reappear. “How is Y/N?” Gavin didn’t even look at Nines as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and thumb began scrolling through the screen of contacts. “Cried herself to sleep. Fuck all I could do for her.” “Surprisingly her cortisol levels are back to a regular state but there’s been a significant drop in her serotonin levels.” Nines reported as he followed Gavin into the kitchen. Glancing up from his phone in annoyance, wanting to just get the person he was looking for on the phone and rip into them. “What?! English, Nines.” “I was speaking English, Detective. To put it simply, her stress levels are back to normal but she’s taken quite the plunge with her happiness.” “Yeah, no shit Sherlock. You seen the state she’s in? She’s far from happy. She’s hurtin’ Nines. And there’s fuck all I can do for her. And this wouldn’t have happened if her fucking mother kept her goddamn mouth shut.” “I’m afraid I’m not following.” “I couldn’t get much out of her but…” Gavin went on to explain just the real level of nastiness your Mother can be. And whenever there’s a family get-together, they all put their two-cents worth it. And not in a supportive manner either. They were jabs, accusations, insults, remarks… playground bullying that was clearly taking it’s toll on you. “…Which is why I asked her to move in with me. To get her away from all this bullshit as much as I can.” “I see.” “Enough’s enough. This ends now.” Phone gripped in his fist, pointer finger came out and jabbed at the air towards the ground, emphasis his words before he extended his arm out and pointed towards the door of where you were sleeping, “Because the next time this happens, I don’t want to get a phone call saying Y/N’s topped herself.” Nines would have interjected, maybe offered for Gavin to calm down while making an irrational phone call but from what he had just been informed with regarding your family, well… they had this coming. Nines was standing by for… moral support. And to also make sure Gavin doesn’t say something stupid that could jeopardize your relationship with him or his job as an officer of the law. Finally hitting the green call button on his phone, Gavin waited for your Mother to pick up. When the line connected, he offered no greeting and go straight to the point,
“What did you say to her?!” “Nothing that any other Mother wouldn’t give advice to their child.” “You call that advice!? Do you have any idea what you’ve fucking done!?” “I gave her a reality check, Mr. Reed. Get her to pull her head in and do something good with her life.” “No. You gave her a hospital check. You’ve fucked her up.” “Excuse me?” “You heard me, lady. Every time I manage to bring her to where she can finally see her own worth, you bring her right back to the fucking ground again. And this time she landed in the fucking hospital!” Gavin’s finger never ceased the jabbing in midair with every point he made. If only the Mother could see how close Gavin was to losing his shit, perhaps she’d actually shut up and listen to him. “That’s at no-one’s fault but her own.” “No, that’s at your own fucking fault. If you were a decent mother and supported her -” “Y/N has had this fantasy dream since she was a child. It’s time she outgrew it and got a proper job.” “Since when is wanting to own to a business a fucking fantasy?! She can do it. She has the smarts to but you keep fucking her up.” At this point, Nines yanked the phone out of Gavin’s clutches when the Detective’s began to rise and his anger would be to blame for waking you up, which is something that Nines wanted to avoid. You needed the sleep and listening to Gavin scream down the other line of the phone would only stress you out further. Placing the communications device to ear, a much more calmer tone greeted the line, “Good evening Mrs Y/L/N. What my colleague is trying to convey is that one Y/N has successfully surpassed her examinations, she has a solid proposal to put forth to the bank and town-council officials. There is a 15% she will be knocked back, but that is a very low percentile so I highly doubt she will become the failure that you are clearly so worried about. I understand that every parent wishes for their child to succeed. Your concern is admirable but the unsolicited advice is not. I suggest that if you cannot be as supportive of her as her own boyfriend and his work colleagues down at the Detroit City Police Department, perhaps it is best if you minimalize your contact with Y/N. I assure you that your daughter has people in her corner to support her, people that you ought to be wary of the next time you break the law. Because the next time you bring Y/N down again, we will bring you down the next time you break the law, regardless of how small it is. Good day Mrs. L/N.” Just as well that Nines took over from the phone call. Had it been Gavin, he would’ve been screaming down the line with a much worse threat; ‘Break Y/N again, and I’ll break your fucking face.” Gavin temper can get away from him particularly when it involves you. Before your mother could get a word in, Nines hung up the phone and looked over at Gavin whose mouth was slightly agape before they turned into a snarl as he took his phone back. “She got off lightly if you ask me.” “Yes, well the alternative is against the law.” “Tch.” “It would be advisable that you also retrieve Y/N’s phone in case the mother tries to contact her while she’s recovering.” “Fuck. Yeah… Yeah, I’ll do that.” Instead of doing as Nines advised, Gavin grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, some pain relief from the top of the fridge and then rummaged around one of the top drawers in the kitchen. Grabbing a marker and a piece of notepad paper, he quickly scribbled something on it before gathering everything and making his way down the hallway to the bedroom. Quietly opening the door, he made an effort to be quiet with his steps as he set down his phone beside yours so he could unload the rest of his items; placing the bottle of water down, the packet of pain relief tablets in case you awake with a headache or any other aches from today. Lastly, the little note that simply said; ‘Love you X.’
Despite the murderous anger that had consumed him earlier, it all melted when he saw you curled up beneath the covers. One of these days he was going to marry you. If you’ll have him, that is. He can only hope he’d make a decent husband to you. Leaning down, lips softly kissed your temple, gaze lingering on you for a moment, flames of fierce protection flickered around Gavin’s heart, who was prepared to burn anyone whoever dare hurt you like this. Grabbing both phones, he left the room and quietly shut the door behind him. ◇─◇──◇────◇────◇────◇────◇────◇─────◇──◇─◇ He found Nines in the kitchen with a fresh cup of coffee made for Gavin, knowing the Detective would be in dire need of something after the stressful few hours. Sitting at one of the barstools at the kitchen counter, Gavin groaned and rubbed his face as Nines took your phone and switched it off completely before sliding it back to Gavin. “Nines? Uh… listen – uh, thanks for everything today. Didn’t mean to rope you in with all this shit.” “You’re quite welcome. I’m just relieved to know that Y/N is home.” “Yeah. Me too.” A quiet moment transpired between them as Gavin sipped away at his coffee and Nines running his regular internal checks with his system. “’M gonna marry her Nines.” The statement came as no surprise to Nines, he was well aware how smitten Gavin was for you, but he hadn’t expected to see the tips of Gavin’s ears turn pink at the statement. Gavin’s face was turned slightly from Nines’ complete view, but Nines knew this was something that Gavin was embarrassed to confess but clearly wanted to open up to Nines about. “I know, Detective.”
It was close to 8 months since you successfully graduated from your university. Gavin and Nines were both there to see you accept your certificate, they were both there when you signed documents and contracts for various things. Gavin wanted to be there for every crucial moment for you, and Nines wanted to be there to ensure that you weren’t getting screwed over by what was stated in the contracts and documents.
It was the evening before the bookstore opening and everything was in place. Unfortunately, there wouldn’t be a grand opening of sorts so Gavin didn’t book the day off; having booked quite a number of days off already with wanting to be there for the other stuff in the past few days. So, he decided to take you out to dinner tonight. Or so you thought. He came home early so he could have a shower and get ready while you also had time to do your hair and makeup, wearing the dress that you knew drew him wild. It wasn’t your intention to tease him but you also know he’s been stressed with work but has also been there for you with everything… you knew there was only one way to show your appreciation… but that was for after dinner. You hadn’t even left the house yet, let alone the bedroom when two large hands had your hips pinned against the wall. You let out a small gasp and arched against him with a small hum. His lips trailing from your cheek and down your jawline, “You look delicious babe.” One of your hands rested on his forearm, the other trailed up the nape of his neck, fingers pressing against the smaller parts of his hair. “Dinner first and then dessert.” “I’d rather have you for dinner.” Came the husky murmur against your ear as his hands gripped your hips and pressed his own against yours, feeling the slight bulge in his pants. You forced yourself to hold back a moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of how much you really want to cave and give him what he wants. “And not dessert? Shame. Dessert’s always the best part.” You teased, tilting your head sideways for his lips to have better access. He refused to kiss your lips because he didn’t want to mess up your makeup. “Can’t I have both?” he groaned out but forced himself to pull away, especially if he wants tonight to go as planned; which didn’t exactly interfere with your plans but will definitely delay them somewhat. His lust-filled green eyes stared at yours as a finger gently hooked under your chin, thumb very lightly caressed across your dark red painted lips. “You really are fucking beautiful, you know that, right?” Luckily the blush you were wearing covered up the natural heat of your cheeks at his compliment. “I do now.” You murmured softly as your gaze met his and your lips smiled softly. You had no idea how much Gavin worshipped the ground you walked on, adored you in every single aspect of the word. At the same time, he was your entire world to you. He may not look like it, but he was the epitome of a gentleman to you. You’ve been told by so many that he’s an absolute asshole at work (granted he’s calmed down since he’d been dating you) but you just can’t see it. Smiling, you placed a chaste kiss on his cheek and leaned back, thumb wiping away the lipstick residue left on his cheek. “And you, Detective Reed, are quite the charmer.” If he could wink, he would, but he’d given up trying ages ago. Instead, his lips turned up into a smirk and his hand connected with the curve of your ass. “C’mon.” Gavin took you both to the bookstore first. Night was falling and you could only make out the sign by the street lamps; ‘Cozy Book Nook Store’ a name that suited the theme of the bookstore you designed. Even with the curtains drawn, the windows and signage already had a welcoming and cozy tone. Gavin had wanted to see the final product before anyone else when the doors opened tomorrow. Unlocking the door, you flicked some of the lights and let him in. He wondered around a little, taking it all in. Mind, he’s been coming in every few days to see the progress, spending his weekends dedicated to helping you unbox books and placing them on the shelves. But he knows you’ve been working hard nonstop between then and now, adding the finishing touches and such. You quietly stood to the side, hands clasped together in front of you as you watched his reaction. Did it look good? Did you do a good job at setting it up? It was a rustic themed look inside with little nooks lit up by soft fairy lights where people could sit and read. Eventually you were going to incorporate a hot chocolate machine but that also came with a lot of pros and cons, and not quite in budget at the moment. “This looks amazing! You nervous?” he turned as he watched you walk over to him, forcing himself to keep his eyes on yours and not wander down to the curve of your hips as they sway while you walked. “Excited mostly, but yeah, a little nervous.” “You know I’m proud of you, babe. I’m so fucking proud of you.” He glanced around at the store before his gaze landed back on yours. “You achieved all this on your own.” “Well, I can’t take all the credit. You helped too.” “Hm, I think I mostly got in the way.” There was one weekend where Gavin kept slapping your ass as he walked past while you were bent over some books or boxes, a couple of times you both fooled around too. It was basically a wasted weekend because Gavin clearly had other things on his mind. He took your hand in his, lifting it to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss to the palm of your hand. “You’ve come a long way Y/N. You should be proud of yourself. I am. I am so fucking proud of you, you have no idea. I know things weren’t easy. But I will always be there for you. And I…” Gavin had wanted to say something romantic, something that would sweep you off your feet but he wasn’t capable of doing that. He still struggles to open up on a heart-to-heart level at times. Instead, his free hand disappeared into the inside pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out a small square box. Before you even had time to process anything, he was down on one knee, still holding your hand while managing to flick the box open to reveal a beautiful gold diamond ring. “I would be even more proud to call you my wife. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?” He had every intention of asking you to marry him regardless of whether you graduated or not. If you didn’t graduate, it would give him the opportunity to whisk you away for a weekend to help forget your troubles, to propose even if it means you don’t become the successful bookstore owner you’ve always dreamed of being. Whether you were an assistant, or at a ‘menial’ job like retail or at Starbucks… he’d still be proud to call you his wife. But when you graduated and bought the building that was only a block away from the Precinct (expect a lot of visits from Gavin, sometimes Nines too, on his lunchbreak), he knew the perfect way to propose to you; When your Bookstore was all set up and ready to open. “I… Gavin are you sure?” “I’m on my knees, asking. I’m pretty sure Y/N.” “No, I meant… my family aren’t exactly –” “I’m well aware of your family and I would really rather not talk about them while I’m trying to ask you to marry me here.” You laughed softly at accidentally leaving him in limbo like that. But your laughter soon turned into tears of happiness as you sobbed out a “Yes.” Being a physically active Detective, he was able to unexpectedly brace himself as you lunged your body against him. Arms coming around his neck while you kissed whatever part of him you could. “Oh my god, yes!”   Still holding the box, his arms snaked around your lower back as he held you to him, his lips managing to catch yours in a tender but deep kiss in the middle of your bookstore.
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rampagext70 · 4 years
Hi! May I throw a dbh request in for Connor x female!reader? One where the reader is a detective alongside Hank and she’s the only one who’s been friendly to Connor, and maybe he only realises that he’s fallen for her after he becomes deviant? Thanks and take care! 🥰
Of course darling~! Thank you for requesting
I’m also gonna turn this into a bit of a headcanon if you don’t mind! Sorry I’m advance!
At the department, there’s quiet a few people who always treat Connor like trash pretty much Gavin because he wants too, but there are others like Hank, who have other reasons for their hatred with Androids.
So Connor was pretty much use to getting treated badly but he didn’t mind it, just was concerned with how this would affect him with getting the objective done. Yet, you had been working alongside Hank before the Android had appeared, so getting to be the one to break up the fights was pretty much your job.
Yes you were a young, female adult, but Hank looked to you as a daughter. And with Connor joining, the Detective honestly couldn’t understand why you were so nice to something that was just plastic in his head.
Either way you ended up getting close to Connor as you all started to work together on the homicide cases that appeared so quickly.
You always stood up for Connor, even if he told you it was fine. The robot didn’t really understand before his deviancy why you were so kind to him.
For example, there had been a time in the office where Connor had been getting picked on by Gavin and you had stood up for him:
Hank had been talking with the Chief so you had went to the coffee room when you had noticed Gavin going over to Connor. Of course you hadn’t heard most of what was going on but you had moved in before anything else could happen. “Gavin fuck off,” you told the shorter prick, placing your hand on Connor’s shoulder. “Nobody needs to deal with your bullshit excuses of bullying.” You told him, slightly pushing the Android to move away.
“And why are you protecting this thing (L/n)? It’s just a hunk of plastic like your alcoholic partner says.” Gavin retorted, obviously pissed that you had interrupted his business.
“Obviously because I don’t find fun in hurting or picking on others because of my own damaged ego like you are.” You said, taking Connor away and leaving a flabbergasted Reed behind.
Everything you did for him was so kind and caring. He never understood that before, but it always kept his LED a calming blue. Yet now here he was, standing in front of Markus himself who had been asking the man to join him.
Connor had became deviant.
He had went against his entire creation, escaped Amanda’s clutches, and was able to think freely for himself in the end.
And in the end he thought of you. When he stood with the others as Markus gave his speech to all the Cyberlife androids he woke; all his thoughts lead to you. He only thought of the times you stood for him and taught him new ways of thinking, new ways to live. Ways to feel alive. It had been because of you that his heart had lead him to turning deviant.
It also had been what turned him to falling in love with you. He didn’t understand until he searched the words and until a sober Hank had hugged him, that he truly realized two different types of love. He looked to Hank as a father, and looked to you in a different way.
He looked at you with pure romance. Looked to you and hoped you would become his girlfriend. It lead to him confronting Hank with this problem and what he should do with these feelings. It only made the older man laugh before just telling the Deviant to go simple and talk it from the heart. And that had lead to the now:
“...And I just wish to confess those feelings I have in the hopes that you will reciprocate and accept them as my own.” Connor finished, looking into your eyes, his own filled with adoration as he had such a sweet smile on his face. You in return, gave his smile back and moved a little bit closer to hold his hands in your own.
“Connor,” you started. “Throughout the time I have spent with you, with time I really ended up falling in love with you as well.” You confirmed, your smile only widening when you saw his face overfill with joy.
“Would I be able to ask you to be my girlfriend? Hank told me I should ask if you returned my feelings..” he told you quickly, obviously excited at the fact that you had felt the same way.
“I would love to be your girlfriend Connor.”
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Reader Insert with No Regrets!
Hello everyone! I’m a new ‘x reader’ blog that mainly focus’s on the hurt-comfort fluff, sweet romantic fluff side of things. It’s all in my Rules but I’ll sum it up here as it’s 2am and I’m hoping to get some requests on the way! Though, I do have a couple of ideas in mind already!  Anyway!  I write as Levi and Reiner; they’re all I feel comfortable with right now!  My other fandoms are:  Detroit: Become Human (Gavin Reed/RK900) (Separate blog: @bleedingthirium)  Marvel: Bucky Barnes [including 1940s, but you’ll have to specify if you want that era]. (Separate Blog @multi-fandom-reader) So yeah! You don’t have to follow as gaining 100 followers isn’t my goal. I just want to be able to write some fics for people. But please read my rules before requesting! They are found here (as well as my bio and tab for both mobile/desktop users).
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bluehairedtracii · 5 years
Always here|| Gavin Reed x reader one-shot
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Requested: by anon
Warnings: kinda sad? Traumatized reader, also cute Gavin
Pairings: Gavin Reed x female detective! Reader
Author's note: everyone deserves love, no matter what 🖤
Here you were...crying. A recent case really just struck you, hit you hard. You didn't mind that you were crying you mind that you're crying in the precinct... You haven't been working for the DPD for a long time. Only a couple months right before the Android revolution. You've had traumatic cases here and there but nothing even comes close to this last one...
In your cubicle you shook slightly, but tried to carry on with your filing while releasing soft sobs. Also at this time Gavin had been walking by with your daily coffee, everyday he'd bring you coffee and you'd talk for hours, and occasionally he'll help you work on your paperwork, that's something you looked forward to every morning...but not today. You couldn't let anyone see you like this today... especially not Gavin.
"hey doll, I've got your morning coff-" "doll?" He put down the two cups of coffee on the vacant desk next to yours and touched your shoulder hesitantly. You looked up at him red faced and tear stained. Trying to hold yourself together but you couldn't. You stood up and tried to walk away, but he caught you. He caught you in a warm embrace his strong arms wrapped around you and in this one moment, you felt safe, loved, and not alone. You hugged back wrapping your arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.
"shhh, hey, y/n doll.... Everything's gonna be okay.." he rubbed small circles into my back and kissed the top of my head gently. You pulled away. Gavin looked at you and caressed your face wiping away a small tear that was left behind. "Come to my place tonight...please... We can talk about what happened if you want... And I'll buy you some takeout??" You laughed a little and nodded your head. "Of course.." he smiled a little and grabbed the coffees again. "I'm always here for you Doll, don't you worry that pretty little face of yours."
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I’m bored and have nothing to do with my time today so I’m gonna be that bitch and remind y’all that my requests are open 
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Introduction To Hank (Connor X Fem!Andoid!Reader)
Characters: Connor X Fem!Android!Reader
Universe: Detroit: Become Human
Warnings: Swearing
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Request: Heyyyy~ How y’all doin? Er, so I see requests are open? And if you don’t mind, could you write for Connor from DBH with a very high fashion android gf (aka reader) working in the fashion industry. When Connor introduced her when she visits the station everyone is like “?!? He has a girlfriend? And how do they even meet??? Their jobs are completely different”. And because I’m such a lazy assh*le, could you make up a back story on how they meet? Or if not you could just end it there and make it a goofy moment where everyone’s just shocked that Connor even has a girlfriend. I’m just... very sorry.
“Lieutenant?” The call of the android right behind Hank made the man jump, nearly knocking over the coffee on his desk, flailing but succeeding in catching it and steadying it in time.
“Jesus! Connor, don't scare me like that!” Hank complained, turning to face the android to give him a lecture and a reminder of the fact that he was stealthy and he needed to learn to not be, when he noticed that the woman stood behind Connor, smiling over his shoulder, he stopped. “Sorry- Connor, who’s this?” He asked, lowering his voice, cooling himself off. 
“My bad Lieutenant, I should have announced we were here- this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Lieutenant Hank Anderson who I told you about.” Connor introduced you, taking a step to the side, letting you step forward, allowing Hank to properly see you. He immediately identified that you were dressed in a Cyberlife Android attire, further proven as he looked closer, seeing the glowing blue LED on your temple. Your outfit was quite beautifully designed, everything seeming to fit you perfectly with lined designs across it almost creating an optical illusion, and it gave him a very clear image of what your job was. You were a high fashion android, originally made to be a walking mannequin to show off clothes and free labour when models were overworked and also capable of adjusting clothing in record time for clients, but now the role had shifted into actually talking with customers, making your own sales, and actually having working hours and time off. He’d never been in one of those stores, but he’d passed by, though he never paid attention to the faces, so he didn’t recognise you. 
However, that wasn’t his main focus. What he focussed on was how Connor interacted with you. As he stepped aside, his hand found its way to your back to gently push you forward to meet him, something that Connor never did. Ever. 
“Nice to meet you. Connor told me all about you!” You greeted warmly, a kind smile on your face as you shook his hand. 
“It’s nice to meet you too… hope you don’t mind me asking, but how do you two know each other?” Hank inquired, looking at Connor mostly for the answers.
“Oh, well the brand that Y/N works for is partnered with Cyberlife, and they make and repair the clothing of androids, so when I got a rip in a jacket, I took it in to have it repaired, and Y/N was the one who served me. We found out we get along quite well.” Connor explained, and you nodded along. 
“After the 6th time of him coming in with rips, burns and stains on his clothes, I actually asked Connor if he was doing it to see me, and when he confirmed he was, I asked if he’d like to go for a walk after work.” You explained further. Well, that explained why Connor was so friendly with you- you were his girlfriend!
“Wait- you’re dating?” Hank asked, the pair in front of him nodding excitedly. 
“How the fuck have you managed that?” The other voice made you and Connor turn, being met by Gavin, looking between the two of you. “No, like seriously, you have no personality, plastic-” 
“You must be Gavin.” You interrupted him. Hank got up from his seat, manoeuvring around you so he could properly see your expression as you interacted with Reed. He noted you had slightly tlilted your head, a kind but synthetic smile on your face, and your hands clasped in front of you, professionally. Oh, Hank knew what you were doing. Customer Service. “Connor talked so much about you!” You expressed. 
Oh yeah, Hank bet he did. 
“He did?” Gavin asked, glancing at Connor, who didn’t react, but when Hank looked closer, he could see the very, very faint smile on his face that he was trying to hold back.
“Yes! I have to thank you though- if you hadn’t had thrown your coffee on him that one time we wouldn’t have gone on our first date! In a way I have to thank you for helping me find the man I love!” You gushed, wrapping your arms around Connor to pull him closer, resting your head on Connor’s shoulder. Connor’s hand instinctively wrapped around you too, resting his head on yours. It was so lovey dovey it made Hank almost want to be sick, and it was enough to make Gavin uncomfortable, but also a little guilty for being cruel to Connor. 
“Uh… yeah.” He stuttered before making his exit. With him gone, you giggled, pulling back on the affection, but remaining connected with Connor as you focussed back on Hank. 
“Anyway- I wanted to let you know about us being together because you two are two of the most important people in my life, and I wanted you two to meet.” Connor explained. Hank looked at you. Your Customer Service smile was gone, now back to a real one as you looked at Connor. Hank relaxed his shoulders. 
“How’d you feel about dogs, Y/N? I imagine the shedding is a nightmare for you.” He asked. 
“Actually, I love animals! We have a section where we actually make clothes for pets, and it means I get to interact with them often and fuss them. We also collaborate with local vets and groomers, so if you need a discount, I’m sure I can get that sorted for you.” You offered to him. 
“Oh, Sumo definitely needs a groomer, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.” Hank agreed, before turning to Connor, pointing to him. “You better keep in her good books.”
“Of course Lieutenant.” Connor grinned, giving you a little squeeze, before he excused you both to walk you back to your work as Hank mumbled about him being a puppy for you.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @ssa-uglywhore27 @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-lies @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible 
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thekingthatwrites · 3 years
Request Rules
Please read these rules before requesting anything! If you do not, and send me an ask beyond my rules or against them, I will be blocking you.
Scroll to my master list to know who and what I will write for!
Do know that sometimes I do get tired of writing, so if I just stop writing then I will get back to doing so as soon as I can, please be patient with me.
I will get to requests as soon as I can.
I do write x readers but I do not feel comfortable with writing x female readers. I will only do x Male and x GN readers but mainly GN.
If you have a specific request then please make sure to give me the details I need to write what you want me to.
This is all for fun, as I want people to enjoy my writing, so if you’re unhappy with something I write then Im sorry.
You can also request me to try and write a character from media that I have listed and I will try my best. 
I will do x reader, as said before.
I will also write oneshots for just the characters as well.
I will also do character ships just ask!
You can also ask for more than one character
Podophilic ships
x Oc
Nor Abuse
Fandoms I write for:
Fullmetal Alchemist
Genshin Impact
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Five Nights at Freddys Security Breach
Identity V Detroit Become Human Bungou Stray Dogs
The Owl House
The Legend of Vox Machina
The Adventure Zone: Balance 
God of War: Ragnarok
Hermitcraft/Life Series
Characters I write as:
Encanto Camilo Madrigal (Main) Bruno Madrigal Mirabel Madrigal
FMAB Greed (Main) Ling Yao Edward Elric Envy
Undertale Sans (Main) Chara Frisk Papyrus Asgore
Homestuck Karkat Vantas (Main) Jade Harley Dave Strider Roxy Lalonde Rose Lalonde Tavros Nitram Eridan Ampora Feferi Peixes Gamzee Makara Nepeta Leijon Kanaya Maryam Sollux Captor Vriska Serket Cronus Ampora
Genshin Impact Aether (Main) Venti (Main) Noelle Childe Zhongli Xiao Kaeya Diluc Thoma Beidou Xinyan Scaramouche
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Sunnydrop  Moondrop Glamrock Freddy 
Naib Subedar William Ellis Norton Campbell Mike Morton Luca Balsa Ganji Gupta Antonio Paganini  Robbie White (Platonic Only) Detroit Become Human
Connor Nines Gavin Reed
Bungou Stray Dogs
Dazai Osamu (Mafia and Ada)  Atsushi Nakajima Chuuya Nakahara  Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
The Owl House 
Hunter (Main)  Gus Porter Willow Park Amity Blight Luz Noceda Raine Whispers King Darius  The Collector 
The Legend of Vox Machina
Percival De Rolo Vax Vex Scanlan Shorthalt
Steven Grant Mark Spector Peter Parker (Tom Holland)  Doctor Stephen Strange Tony Stark
The Adventure Zone
Barry Bluejeans Lup Tacco Taako Tacco Kravitz Magnus Burnsides Lucretia Davenport Angus Mcdonald (Platonic) Lucas Miller  Duck Newton Minerva Aubrey Little Ned Chicane Dani Indrid Cold Amber Gris Devo La Main Oksana
God of War Ragnarok
Kratos Atreus Sindri Tyr Thor Baldur Fryer
Hermitcraft Impulse Skizz Grian Scar Tango (?) Bdubs Etho (I Can TRY some others)
Thank you for reading!
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Greeting fellow homosexual!
May I request Either RK800 or 900 or hank (whichever one is fine with you) with a really big S/O who plays baseball for the Yankees who looks scary but wouldn't harm a fly. Like, he's 6'7, 250 pounds of pure muscle but he has the heart of a teddy bear
A/N: Thank you for the request, warning I don’t know anything about sports, so I hope I was able to write everything properly. I decided to go with Hank because mans doesn’t get enough love. I know it’s not the best but I hope you guys like it!!
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Plot: Requested
Pairing: Hank Anderson x Male Reader
Y/n: Your name
L/n: Last name
E/c: Eye color
Warnings: Gavin is a bitch, fluff, cussing
Word count: 646
Hank Anderson was a private man, he didn’t like his coworkers knowing about his life out of work. The only coworker who really knew anything about him was Connor, the android who had wormed his way into his heart. He loved the boy like his son, so of course Connor knew about his private life. Everyone at the station could tell something was going on with Hank, He was drinking less, not being late to work, hell he was actually happy for the first time in years. The lieutenant didn’t mention what was making him happy, but many assumed it was a partner; judging by the way he’d smile at his phone or come to work with fresh hickeys on his neck.
Today was a boring day at the station, there were no new cases, so Hank’s attention was on paperwork. Hank’s head perked up when he heard a familiar voice, embarrassingly a smile spread across his lips. His eyes landed on his boyfriend, Y/n L/n, aka the famous pitcher of the Yankees. His partner was a mountain of a man, tall as hell and built with pure muscle. Admittedly his boyfriend looked intimidating, he had a resting bitch face (as Connor had put it) and towered over most people. In reality though Y/n was a sweetheart who couldn’t hurt a bug without bursting into teras.
Hank stood from his desk, grin widening when their gazes met. “Y/n!” Hank’s voice echoed throughout the bullpen, making his coworkers look over at the pair. A smile spread across Y/n’s face, making his E/c eyes shine.
“Hey baby! You forgot your wallet at home, and you weren’t answering your phone, so I just brought it.” Hank took the wallet from your hands, grinning widely. Usually, he had a stoic face at work, but he was a lovesick puppy when it came to you.
“I knew I forgot something, thank you sweetheart.” The nickname rolled off his tongue smoothly, and the way your cheeks flushed made his chest swell with pride. He leaned up as you leaned down, pecking your lips softly. “I’ll see you tonight, yeah?” Hank breathed out cheeks a light pink.
“Of course, baby, training and practice don’t start for a few more weeks, so I’m all yours till then.” You assured him, making his heart flutter a bit. He leaned into you a bit when he kissed his head before bidding him goodbye. He stood there for a moment, a goofy grin on his lips. God he was a lucky man.
“What the hell was that?!” Gavin’s nasally voice broke through Hank’s momentary bliss, groaning inwardly. “That was my boyfriend dropping something off.” Hank replied, tone bored as he rolled his eyes slightly.
He’d never liked Reed, the kid annoyed the hell out of him, and he found him disrespectful. Gavin opened his mouth, letting out a scoff.
“He’s famous, why the fuck would he want to date you?” Came his reply, and it honestly pissed him off. Hank was about to yell at the man, when Connor rested a hand on his shoulder.
“For your information detective Reed, Hank and Y/n have been dating for over 6 months, and the two of them have elevated vitals when around each other, which means they have a love for each other. Something you’ve obviously never experienced.” Connor gave him a sweet smile, before leading Hank back to his desk, leaving the angry detective to curse them out and stomp away.
When Hank saw his phone ding, showing a text from Y/n and Sumo cuddling he couldn’t find it in himself to be annoyed anymore. He had an amazing boyfriend with a golden heart, and that’s all he could really ask for.
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Heart of Steel - Part I
DBH Connor x Male Reader
Word Count: 2.5K+
Content warning: Minor injury detail, PTSD, language
Original game dialogue I got from this video:
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We were attacked in the night.
After returning from a mission back to an outpost several miles from the red zone, we removed our gear save for a few pouches on our belts we could bother with later. Our team leader set up a fire while the SQ800s, CyberLife commissioned combat androids, began loading up the trucks with extra artillery and resources. A job that could have waited until morning, but Alpha always gave the androids something to do. He said that they creeped him out when they would just stand there in a dormant state, waiting for their next mission to be given to them.
"You know what I'm going to do when I get home?"
"Here we go again."
"I'm going to get me a WR400," Foxtrot; not everyone's favourite but he certainly kept us entertained when there was nothing to do.
"Uh-huh and with what money are you going to be using to pay for this WR400? A military salary definitely ain't gonna cut it." Echo always called out Foxtrot's bullshit, he was the only one that had the patience to deal with him.
"Fine, my birthday is comin' up, if you put towards two-thirds of what it costs we can share. How does that sound?"
"I am not sharing anything with you, I don't know what diseases you carry." Their constant back forth sent chuckles through the group.
"Alright, that's enough you two. It's getting late and past everyone's bedtime, I want you all awake by O-five-hundred at the latest," Alpha would often stop them before Foxtrot would take it too far, but he could never hide the twitching smile on his face.
"Yes sir," Foxtrot mock saluted as he stood from his seat around the campfire. "Hey Echo, that offer is still-"
One moment Foxtrot had a wide grin on his face, the next there was a hole in his head between his eyes, the sound of gunshot ringing in everyone's ears.
It was dark, we couldn't see where they were firing from. The android was the only one still standing, firing off in random directions as they were gunned down. The next was Delta, shot in the left shoulder, then the throat. My gun was back in my tent and there was no chance of me getting it. Stupid.
I heard the thump by my feet before I saw it. You would think it would be terrifying, to know you're staring death in the face, but for a second it was peaceful. My body was cold and I already felt like a corpse, the Rigour Mortis freezing me in place, just softly gazing at what would kill me.
Something grabbed me before the grenade exploded, saving my life but destroying the android.
The bedsheets were crumpled and soaked in sweat again when my eyes shot open. It was hard to breathe, the panic was still running through me and closing up my throat at the memory.
In; one, two, three, four. Hold; one, two, three, four. Out; one, two, three, four. Hold; one, two, three, four.
It took a few minutes for me to remember where I was. That I was home and that I was safe. Out of nervous habit, I gripped my dog tags, they were wet from the sweat that had soaked through my shirt in the night.
"Shit." It was four in the morning, there was no chance of getting any more sleep and the station wouldn't be open for another two more hours at the least. Saying that; Fowler wanted to speak to me first thing, which never meant anything good for anyone.
It was aching again at the joint. The biomechanical component always felt itchy where it joined at the elbow. Anytime I would have that dream I would scratch at it in my sleep, it was like my subconscious knew it didn't belong. It knew my rotting left arm was still in the desert somewhere being picked apart by vultures.
It's almost ironic; to be saved by an android and then to have part of one attached to me. I hated it.
"Morning Cyborg, you look like shit." Gavin was forever pleasant to talk to.
"Fuck off, Reed." He constantly hovered around the coffee machine, hogging it like it was his newborn baby. "Is Fowler in yet?"
"Not yet, you in trouble?" He took his time making his coffee, exceeding in being the department's resident asshat. "Did he catch you looking at porn on your work terminal again?"
"I'm pretty sure that's only ever happened to you." Not wanting to be reminded of his previous escapades I got no response. Gavin let out a small huff before moving to the side with his fresh cup of coffee, freeing up the machine.
"Officer (L/N)." Oh for fuck's sake.
"Sir?" Captain Fowler stood outside his office, his coat half soaked from the rain.
"My office, I need to speak to you." He didn't give a second glance to me before turning and letting the glass door shut behind him.
"Ha, good luck cyborg." Shooting Gavin the middle finger, I followed Captian Fowler into his office.
"What was it you wished to talk about, sir?" Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight and hands behind my back; habits from the army were destined to die hard. Often I would find myself moving my hand up to salute before leaving the presence of a superior, something else for Gavin to make fun of.
"You're aware of the deviant cases I've assigned to Lieutenant Anderson, correct?" Fowler sat at his desk, wet coat now hung on its rack, but there was slight dampness to his suit blazer where his coat had been left open.
"Yes sir. I believe he's being accompanied by a prototype RK800 from Cyberlife."
"That's correct. I'm sure you're aware that these deviancy cases are on the more..."
"...Unpredictable side. Now, I can't exactly issue a gun to a prototype android if it's going to be in the field and, while I value Hank as a police officer, his record is on the rougher side."
"Captain Fowler, with all due respect, I don't believe-"
"Office (L/N), with all due respect, you don't have an opinion in this matter. I want you to accompany Lieutenant Anderson in these assignments just in case a deviant becomes too much for him or this android to handle. You've certainly got the skillset for it and you're not unfamiliar with working alongside androids, unlike quite a few officers in this department."
"I understand that, but-"
"Whatever you're gonna say I don't want to hear it." Captain Fowler didn't give me a chance to argue as he stood and walked to his office door, the annoyed look on his face worsening. "Hank, in my office!"
I let out a sigh before Captain Fowler turned back to his desk. Through the office wall made of glass Hank reluctantly made his way towards us grumbling something under his breath at the request, the RK800 model obediently following behind him like a little, lost puppy. Hank sat in the chair opposite Fowler while the android stood next to me, giving a small smile as a greeting.
Captain Fowler was the first to talk, "I've got ten new cases involving androids on my desk every day. We've always had isolated incidents, old ladies losing their android maids and that kind of crap... But now, we're getting reports of assaults and even homicides, like that guy last night. This isn't just cyberlife's problem anymore, it's now a criminal investigation and we've gotta deal with it before the shit hits the fan. I want you to investigate these cases, alongside officer (L/N) and see if there's any link."
"Why me? And why do I need a god damned partner? A stupid android is already too much. Why do I gotta be the one to deal with this shit?" Props to Hank for trying, but arguing with Fowler was like talking to a brick wall. "I am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case! I know jack shit about androids, Jeffery. I can barely change the settings on my own phone."
"Everybody's overloaded. I think you're perfectly qualified for this type of investigation," They were already starting to blow up at each other.
"Bullshit! The truth is nobody wants to investigate these fuckin' androids and you left me holdin' the bag!"
"CyberLife sent over this android to help with this investigation and I've given you (L/N) as well. You've got a state of the art prototype and a leading police officer to act as your partners."
"No fuckin' way! I don't need partners, and certainly not this plastic prick and some action hero fucker."
"Nice working with you too, Lieutenant Anderson," I said under my breath, not intending for the others to hear. Connor turned his head slightly in my direction, I could see his LED blink yellow for a moment before going back to its bright blue.
"Hank, you are seriously starting to piss me off! You are a police lieutenant, you are supposed to do what I say and shut your goddamn mouth!"
"You know what my goddamn mouth has to say to you, huh?"
"I'll pretend like I didn't hear that, so I don't have to add any more pages to your disciplinary folder 'cause it already looks like a fuckin' novel! This conversation is over."
"Jeffrey, Jesus Christ! Why are you doin' this to me? You know how much I hate these fuckin' things. Why are you doin' this to me?" Most of the department knew why he had such a distaste towards androids, no one could necessarily blame him. Ever since losing his son Hank had become completely different as both a person and an officer. Admittedly, Fowler was harsh on him, but if he wasn't then Hank would drift.
"I've had just enough of your bitching. Either you do your job or you hand in your badge. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do." Hank left in a strop, letting out his frustration on Fowler's office door.
"Well then..." Connor was quick to break the tense silence. His voice caught me off guard, it was smoother, more human than any android's I had heard before. The SQ800's voices had always been more robotic than other models so it had been a shock when the androids back home had sounded so normal, it felt like that all over again. It was jarring. "I won't keep you any longer. Have a nice day captain."
Connor left and I followed behind, giving a small nod of dismissal to Fowler despite him still looking at his terminal screen.
The android went straight to Hank either oblivious or ignoring the lieutenant's current bad mood, granted there was never a time the bastard was in a good mood. Heaven itself could rain down on Detroit and he'd huff at it like a hair in his food.
"I got the impression my presence causes you some inconvenience, Lieutenant. I'd like you to know I'm very sorry about that. In any case, I'd like you to know I'm very to be working with you." Ever the enthusiast.
"I'd give in now. You're talking to a toddler in a fifty-year old's body and the toddler is having a hissy fit." I half sat and half leant against Hank's desk, using my arms to support my weight.
"Apologies, I don't believe I've introduced myself. My name is Connor, I am the android sent by CyberLife." He turned to me, a gentle and manufactured smile on his face. "It's a pleasure to be working with you too, officer (L/N). I'm sure we'll make a great team."
"Er... (Y/N) is just fine."
"Is there a desk anywhere I could use?"
"No one's using that one." Hank points to the desk opposite him, while still sulking like a child.
"Gasp, it speaks," I said in a sarcastic tone while turning to Hank.
"Fuck off. I've already got an android on my ass, I don't need you on it too."
I grabbed a terminal pad before perching myself back at the edge of Hank's desk while Connor got comfortable at the empty one. The light at the side of his head flashing yellow for a moment like he was hesitant to speak."You have a dog, right?"
"How do you know that?"
"The dog hairs on your chair. I like dogs. What's your dog's name?"
"What's it to you?" Hank shifted in his seat, "...Sumo... I call him Sumo."
"Under all those shitty shirts and questionable stains there's a warm, beating heart," I say more to myself than the other two, skimming over the recent case files sent in by Fowler.
"Officer (L/N)... (Y/N), knowing that we'd be working together I read your academy and field records. You have quite an interesting background."
"Oh yeah, then you understand that I may be a little driven to get these cases over with. I can't say I'm a fan of you terminators."
"I understand you have a... warped view of androids due to what you've experienced, but I hope you understand that I am your partner and not your enemy."
"Connor, you're not my partner, you're cyberlife's latest gizmo for us kick around." I sigh, turning to sit at my desk adjacent to hanks, taking the terminal pad with me. "Just look through the deviant case files. Terminals on your desk, knock yourself out."
They're nothing but machines. They are not your friends.
"Two-hundred and forty-three files, the first date back nine months. It all started in Detroit... And quickly spread across the country." Connor had only connected the terminal moments before.
"Don't work your CPU too hard," I mutter under my breath, catching a quick huff of amusement from Hank.
"An AX400 is reported to have murdered a man last night. That could be a good starting point for our investigation." Hank was doing his best to pretend Connor didn't exist, but the android was persistent. Connor stood from his chair and made his way into Hank's personal space.
"Uh, Jesus..." Hank turned his chair away.
"I understand you're facing personal issues, Lieutenant, but you need to move past them and-" For an android, Connor has some balls on him.
"Hey! Don't talk to me like you know me. I'm not your friend and I don't need your advice, okay?" Hank's mood had soured like milk, it wouldn't be long until Fowler was adding another page to Hank's disciplinary folder.
"I've been assigned this mission Lieutenant, I didn't come here to wait until you feel like working."
"Connor, you're just gonna-" I had wasted my breath, Hank had already stood and was grabbing onto Connor by the collar of his Cyberlife jacket and slamming against the screen next to his desk. "Hank!"
"Listen asshole. If it were up to me, I'd rather throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it. So, stop pissing me off... or things are gonna get nasty."
"Hank," I placed a hand on his shoulder to try and lightly pull him away from Connor but only earned a nasty side-eye. "Leave off him, you don't get paid enough to replace him."
"Lieutenant... Officer (L/N), uh... sorry to disturb you," Looks like the tin can was saved before Hank could knock the light out of him, "I have some information on the AX400 that killed that guy last night. It's been sighted in the Ravendale district."
"I'm on it." Hank didn't glance back when he dropped Connor's collar. The puppy dog look on his face almost made me feel bad for him... almost.
"Come on, WALL-E. Don't want to keep the old man waiting."
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Pairing: D:BH!CONNOR x HUMAN!READER (gender neutral)
Words: 4.058
Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING! mention of suicide; odd behavior; cursing; hurt - comfort;
A/N: Another day - another request...
I really hope you like it! Thanks again for your idea.
Synopsis: You are a Detective of the DPD and had worked many cases with Hank. Until something went utterly wrong. Since then, you get haunted by your past until you see only one last way out. Luckily, Connor is there to help you.
"You know you don't have to do this.", you said serious.
Sara pulled the wire of the bug underneath her shirt before it got taped on her back, "Yes, but I want to. I have to. I owe it to my sister to do this. She shall find peace finally and like the Lieutenant said, me as her twin, I have the best chance to get this bastard. He doesn't know that she's dead. Therefore, I'm your best chance to get the information you need, Detective."
"Detective, YLN!"
As if awakening from a deep trance like state, you focused back on reality as your name got called out. Haunted by your typical dark memories, you hadn't even noticed where you were. Slowly, you opened your eyes. The owner of the calm male voice stood on the outside of your car, next to the window of the driver seat, and looked concerned at you through the glass.
You blinked several times. The sun, which already fell through your windshield because it stood so high in the morning sky, made you blind for several moments and as you moved, you noticed your aching back and neck from sleeping in the car in an unhealthy position. Obviously, you had knocked yourself out with booze again.
"Detective YLN, my name's Connor. I'm your new partner. I'm the android sent by CyberLi- I got sent from Captain Fowler to meet you. Rather, he sent me to find you because you missed a meeting this morning. And now, he wants to see you.", Connor said and watched you. Even if he had already learned a lot about human behavior from Hank, there were still some mysteries to solve.
Like: why are you sleeping in a car in a position that harms eighty percent of your muscle tissue through soreness and lets your bones and joints burn like fire when you move?
Or: why are you drunk this early in the morning-
"Hey, tin can! Shut the fuck up!", you shouted.
Connor stared at you in shock as he realized that he had asked the questions out loud instead of just thinking about them. A habit he started with as Hank had left the DPD to retire finally, "I'm sorry, Detective. I haven't notice-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah... what do you want, Carlos?", you asked, searching for your flask you couldn't find.
"My name's Connor, Detective. And as I said, Captain Fowl-"
"Oh, yeah... the meeting... right. Get in the car.", you ordered and even if Connor was sure that it wasn't a good idea for you to drive in the state you were, he also knew that any kind of discussion would lead to nowhere. He still knew that from his time with Hank.
Twenty minutes later, for a way that only took ten minutes usually, you, followed by Connor, entered the DPD which was crowded with androids, policemen and people who were complaining about some uninteresting nonsense. You made your way through all these people, trying to dodge as many colleagues as you could - but of course, one of them caught you. Like always.
"Hey, YN! This is the DPD and not some bar. You won't find any kind of booze around here."
"Just shut the fuck up, Reed! Or otherwise, I will tell everyone that you own some pair of bright pink panties- oh, upsi! My bad!", you called out, gleaming at him with a smirk. Everyone started to laugh.
Gavin stared at you with a hate-filled glance, he was fuming, "Fuck you!", he muttered.
"Oh, sweet. That's all you got, Reed?", you shot back with a grin.
But before Gavin could respond to anything, Captain Fowler stepped out of his office, "Detective YLN! In my office!"
"And? Who's laughing now?", Gavin said with a smirk and winked at you before he left the DPD to do some work.
Connor closed the door of the office behind him as you were inside. You walked over to the Captain's desk to sit down in one of the chairs but even without looking up you sensed the anger radiating from your boss. It was tangible in the air. Without asking, you took one of the fresh glasses on Fowler's desk to throw an aspirin into it. Then, you pulled out the flask you had found finally to fill the glass with a transparent liquid.
Fowler watched you, half shocked and half concerned, "What are you doing?"
"Taking an aspirin, Sir. I have a murderous headache."
"And what was in the flask if I may ask?"
"Vo- uhm... water. Just water, Sir.", you answered before you gulped down the bubbling mixture.
Fowler looked from you at Connor who also seemed to be concerned about the fact that you had mixed pharmaceuticals with alcohol before the Captain looked back at you, "Where have you been this morning? We had a meeting."
You put the empty glass back on the desk, "Oh, yeah... the meeting. I'm sorry, Sir. I was on observation and obviously, I lost track of time.", you explained, leaning back in the chair, waiting for the aspirin and ‘water’ to do its magic.
"Observation, huh? For what case? What's the file number?", Fowler asked, leaning back in his own seat, folding his hands in front of him while waiting for your answer.
"Oh, yeah... the file number. One moment, Sir-"
Fowler slammed his plane hand on the desk's surface that you were jumping in your seat, "Cut this shit, god dammit! You have no file number because you have no current case, Detective! Let me guess, Connor had found you sleeping in your car, right? How many nights had it been this time?"
You kept eye contact but you gave him no answer. You just gritted your teeth and pressed your jaws together.
Fowler sighed, "Listen, YN, you're a great Detective but since the things with Sara happened-"
"No!", you called out, jumping from your chair and stopping the Captain mid-sentence with your sudden outburst, "We won't talk about this!", you said serious before you turned around to let your glance roam through the office with all the busy people, "Alright, Sir. What's the matter with the android? Monitoring what I do and what I don't do?"
"Connor is the former partner of Hank-"
"Oh and now, Hank doesn't want to play with it anymore so you give it to the next screwed up cop you can find?", you asked, turning around to look at Connor with his fancy clothes and neat hairstyle before you looked back at the Captain.
"Hank retired two weeks ago. I thought you knew that.", Fowler said and looked even more concerned at you.
"No, I'm sorry. I didn't get invited to any funny parties nor did I got a notification. But who cares. So, the android's with me then? How long?", you asked emotionlessly.
"It's your partner now. Brief it into your cases-"
You stepped forward, aiming for the door, "Cases, Sir? What cases? You already said I have none.", you pointed out while leaving the office.
Fowler watched after you, not amused about your unpredictable behavior and the fact that you were carrying a gun.
"Sir?", Connor asked and brought the Captain back from his thoughts.
"Yeah... Listen... as you can see YN has a few problems. They used to be a good cop in the past until one of the cases they and Hank had operated went wrong. The anniversary is in two days and I fear... well...", Captain Fowler stopped himself, watching you grabbing a coffee from the kitchen.
"I will keep an eye on them.", Connor said and left the office as well.
Connor was surprised how carelessly you were in managing your cases - even if it were just a few. There was nothing special or difficult and yet, you weren't able to file the cases properly, "Detective, this report here, I'm not sure to which case it belongs.", Connor asked as he had read an interview of a woman who had reported her dog as missing. Added to that, the interview was part of a file about an armed theft in the heart of the city. There was no connection at all to these two cases.
Without looking up, you took a folder from your desk to hand it over to Connor, "Yeah...here. That's the case you're searching for."
Connor took the case and skimmed through the pages several times before he looked at you, frowning, "Detective, this is a file about a stolen android.", he pointed out.
"Yeah, just ... put the page in this file. I'm sure it will be right.", you said, ignoring the android's expression.
"Detective, I'm not sure-"
"Excuse me, I need some more coffee.", you cut him off, standing up to aim for the kitchen with your mug in your hands.
"And I thought Hank was challenging.", Connor whispered under his breath and shook his head while he still tried to figure out which pages were parts of which cases.
"You're a murderer, Detective! That you still think yourself as worthy enough to call yourself a cop is way out of my understanding!", a jarring, female voice echoed through the office and drew the attention of everyone to her and to the person that stood in front of her - you.
Connor craned his head to watch the scene like everyone else did. But while the attention of the others was because of curiosity and spitefulness, Connor watched you and your bodily reaction to the woman's accusations. You stood there like a timid fawn. The cockiness you presented before seemed to be gone completely. Your heart rate increased, you were shaking and your eyes became big as if you were intimidated by the woman in front of you. The woman stepped even closer and Connor watched, surprised, that you stayed where you were. Easily, you could have escaped the unknown woman and yet you stayed rooted to the spot.
"Because of you I lost both of my daughters! I already have lost the one and yet, you thought it would be fair to take the other away from me as well!", the woman screamed erratic, tears were already running down her cheeks but she was still not able to stop herself and no one else was brave enough to step into the scene, "You and your partner will pay for what you have done! You will burn in hell for that!"
"Chris! Escort Mrs. Mason into my office!", Captain Fowler ordered and stopped the woman's outburst even if it was a bit too late.
Connor saw tears building in the corners of your eyes. Quickly, your glance scanned the area but the only way you could find was the way out. You aimed for the precinct's main entrance to leave the building in a hurry. Connor followed you. He ran through the office and left the building as well but as he stepped onto the pavement you were nowhere to be seen. Like a ghost, you had vanished between all the other pedestrians.
Hank had just taken a new beer to watch the next half of the Detroit Gears game as someone rang his doorbell. In the penetrant way how this person used his doorbell and the way how Sumo reacted, Hank knew who the visitor was, "Connor, hey. What are you doing here? It's a bit too early to go for a walk with Sumo.", the older man said but he already saw that something else was bothering the android.
"Yeah, actually, I'm not here because of Sumo.", Connor said.
Hank let him in and Connor came straight to the point that kept him busy, "One year ago, you and Detective YLN had a case together. But something went wrong. What exactly happened? I couldn't find the case file."
Hank frowned, "Why do you ask?"
"Captain Fowler teamed me up with Detective YLN because of the anniversary of this case. He's concerned about the instability of their constitution."
Hank shook his head. He missed working with the android but he didn't miss the long-winded explanations of him. Then, suddenly, he became serious again, "Instability, huh?"
"Yes. They seem to be so unpredictable in their behavior that Captain Fowler fears something worse will happen because the anniversary would be in two days. I ... I found them this morning sleeping in their car.", Connor explained with a frown.
Hank raised his brows in surprise and at the same time, he felt worried, "YN and I, we... In the past, we worked together on some cases. Well, that changed with our last case. Lynn and Sara Mason.", he said slowly, feeling the pain stinging his heart as he remembered what had happened one year ago.
"Why couldn't I find much about it in the archives of the DPD?"
Hank stood up from the couch, walking over to the book shelf to pull something out that was hidden between his several jazz vinyl. He walked back to Connor, offering the android the case file but stopped as Connor was grabbing for it, "You just can find the basics of this case because I kept it printed. Some wounds are so deep, it's better if not everyone is able to find a tool to reopen them all over again.", he said and gave Connor the file finally.
The next day, Connor drove again to your place and was happy to see that you weren't sleeping in your car again. As he knocked at your door, you opened him with a smile. You had taken a shower, your hair was still damp and your clothes were all fresh and clean. Connor noticed that you weren't accompanied by the scent of alcohol and he even couldn't smell anything in your breath as you talked with him.
"I... I want to apologize, Connor. Our start yesterday wasn't the best. I'm looking forward to working with you. I'm sure we will make a great team."
Connor knew you just one day, not enough to understand a person completely, and yet he had the strange feeling of something going on that occupied his mind suddenly by the way you acted.
"Oh, can you call a taxi?", you asked while sipping on your coffee.
"What happened to your car, Detective?", Connor asked surprised while ordering the vehicle.
You smiled at him, "Oh, I sold it. I will have no use of it anymore. And please, call me YN."
To Connor's surprise, your behavior stayed kinda strange even if he couldn't say what it was exactly. You and Connor went early to the DPD. On your way in, you talked with colleagues. You joked with Chris and as Gavin entered the kitchen, you pressed a cup of coffee into the Detective's hand which left him utterly confused.
Gavin stopped Connor by stepping into his way, "Hey, tin can. Is this coffee drugged or what is going on here?"
In the way Gavin looked at Connor, the android noticed real unease, "No, Detective. The coffee is not drugged or anything. I guess others would call it 'tasty'. You can drink it.", he said but looked frowning at you. As Connor left Gavin, the green-eyed man was still sniffing suspiciously on the hot liquid as if the mug might contain acid instead of his most favorite beverage.
Connor went back to the desk opposite of yours and was surprised to see how you cleared out the different pages of the case files. Several small piles were lying in front of you while you tried to bring them into the right order and to collate them.
Later that day, Connor was puzzled as you went to the Captain to apologize to him as well as you had done it with Connor in the beginning of the day. You apologized for your behavior the day before and of all the past weeks, "I know I did a few things wrong, Captain. But I promise to change that in the future. In fact, the change will happen soon and then, everyone will be pleased with me again.", you said before you took your jacket to leave the precinct.
Connor looked at the Captain and saw on the man's face what he was thinking: strange.
‘Strange’ was the only word Connor could find to describe your work day even although you were acting practically perfect. You were nice. You had sorted your cases. You had apologized for your behavior. And yet, something was odd. Something felt wrong. Connor sensed that something was ... going on. But he couldn't put his finger on it. So, out of instinct, Connor followed you and drove to your place with a taxi.
As he knocked at your door, you opened, smiling at him and dressed in a bathrobe, "Oh, Connor, hey. What is it? I just wanted to take a bath."
Surprised, Connor looked at you. He was sure you had taken a shower this morning so there was no need to take a bath and then, he reminded himself that he still had not much knowledge about humans and their several oddities, "Yeah, I ... I just wanted to ask if everything is alright, Detective.", he said honestly.
You smiled at him, "Of course, Connor. Everything is more than alright. I just need some time to relax and tomorrow, everything will make sense to you and the others. Thanks for checking on me, that means a lot to me. Goodnight.", you said and closed the door.
Connor stared at your closed door for several moments before he stepped slowly back to walk down the hallway. Since he turned deviant, Connor's systems needed a bit longer to process information - not much, it were just seconds, but sometimes that could be more than enough.
As Connor was still connecting the different dots and hints you had spread the whole day, Hank called him, "Connor! Where are you?"
"I'm leaving YN's place. They want to take a bath. Why? What's the matter?", Connor asked as he sensed the slightly concerned undertone in Hank's voice.
"You have to go back, Connor! Go back to them! YN hates to bath!", Hank demanded worried.
Even if Connor was confused, he turned around, walking back the way to your apartment, "Hank?"
"I just got a letter from YN. It got brought by a delivery man. It's a handwritten suicide letter. Hurry and stop them!", Hank ordered.
Connor ended the call, hurried down the corridor and without knocking, he broke down the door of your apartment. Quickly, Connor ran through your small apartment, already seeing the door of your bathroom ajar. He stormed into the room and the second his eyes landed on you lying in the bathtub with the razor blade between your fingers, he was by your side, taking the blade away to throw it into a far corner before you could even cut. Slowly but demanding, Connor dragged you out of the water, took a towel and laid it around your shaking frame because you already were ice cold. Obviously, you had filled the bathtub with cold water to support a fast sleep while your blood would have drained from your body after the cut.
You were screaming and yelling for Connor to let go of you. You demanded the razor back and that he should leave your apartment but Connor ignored everything. You punched against his chest with your fists but Connor stayed unimpressed, determined to save your life. With a strong grip, he wrapped you into the towel and also laid the bathrobe around your shoulders before he guided you out of the bathroom. You were still struggling in Connor's arms to get free. All you wanted was to end what you had started. Desperate, hot tears were running down your cheeks as you were crying violently about the fact that you were still alive. Alive and alone with the memories which were still haunting you like mean demons.
Connor placed you on the couch, sitting next to you and wrapping his arms around your frame to give you even more support and comfort while you cried against his chest, "Please, just let me die...", you cried out between two heavy sobs.
"No, Detective. I have to refuse your request."
"Cut this 'Detective' shit. Just call me YN, god damnit.", you whimpered helplessly because now, everything was just worse than you had expected. You had planned everything and yet, the android was there to destroy your neatly made plans, "What are you even doing here, Connor?"
"Hank received your letter and called me right on time."
You leant closer against Connor's chest with closed eyes, seeking the android’s presence while cursing about yourself, "Hell, the letter. I should have changed the delivery time to a later one. Then, everything would be over. All the pain. All the guilt. All the haunting.", you breathed with a sad voice.
Connor tightened the embrace around you even more, "It's about Sara Mason and her sister, isn't it?", he whispered softly, placing his chin on top of your head to enclose you even more.
You nodded, not surprised that Connor already knew it, "Yeah... it's my fault that Sara died. It's my fault that her mother lost both daughters.", you cried out, clawing into Connor's white shirt with your fingers.
"Well, I read the file. Sara came up with the idea to get bugged and to infiltrate the drug dealer who had killed her sister Lynn. I mean, the idea was good. It was just bad luck that the dealer already knew about Lynn's death and looked right through the façade you and Hank had planned.", Connor said softly. To calm you even more, he stroked soothingly over your back with his hands.
You leant back to look into the android's face and for the first time, you noticed the incredibly intense, brown color of his soft eyes, "Y-you don't understand. Not even Hank knew that but Sara didn't come up with the idea to get bugged on her own. I dropped this idea as I was alone with her and manipulated her to think it was her own idea. I mean, how evil can someone be to do this, huh?", you asked, closing your eyes about this painful memory.
Connor cupped your face, knowing that humans needed physical contact to feel secure and safe and he wanted to provide you both as well as he could. He was glad to see that you opened your eyes again and that you stayed where you were, "Listen, neither you nor Hank nor someone else could have known every single possibility in this case. The idea was good. The Captain said the same in his official statement. But ... Look, kid, sometimes bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it.", he said softly.
Through a sob of new tears because Connor was the first for a very long time that was caring about you this much, you chuckled low, "Have you... did you just quote the Lion King to cheer me up?"
Connor looked slightly caught with a sheepishly smile playing around his lips, "Yeah... Hank said I should improve my knowledge about pop culture. I binge watched all the Disney movies I could find last week. I thought this quote was suitable... Or did I have done it wrong?"
You chuckled a bit more about his innocence and strong will to help you, "No, it was pretty good. Thanks for... you know... thanks for being here with me.", you whispered low, feeling your cheeks reddening.
Connor leant back on your couch, bringing you close to his chest so you could snuggle against him, "I'm your partner now, YN. And partners are looking out for each other. You can count on me no matter what it is.", he said softly and after five minutes where he just stroked comforting over your back, he noticed your even breathing that told him that you had fallen asleep. Hank called and without making too much noise, Connor briefed his former partner that you were alright.
You were still alive. You still had a long way to go to leave your haunting ghosts behind but Connor was sure you would make it. You were strong enough to do it - and he would be by your side to support you as promised.
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bleedingthirium · 5 years
I need to do some RK900 x Reader. There isn’t much out there. I don’t have any ideas. I’m not the greatest at writing him but let me try. I’m a sucker for bringing out a softness in tough boys. SEND ME SOME REQUESTS!  Or more Gavin/Hank x reader if you’d like. I’m a sucker for Hurt/comfort mush but I know that can get boring for you all after a while. But whatever goes. Just not smut because I’m real crappy at writing it (LOVE reading it though!) I’ve still got a couple of Hank requests sitting there.I promise I WILL be getting to them. My poor Nonnies have been so patient. 
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rampagext70 · 5 years
Gavin: you think you're smarter than everyone else.
Nines: I don't think I'm smarter than everyone else. I know I am.
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