#gaza municipality services
tangyyrine · 3 months
The Gaza Municipality still needs donations!!
The Gaza Municipality works to create access to water, treat sewage, manage waste, and clear debris- all extremely important things that aid Palestinians. Currently the donations have only met 21% of the desired goal!
Some info from the donation website:
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Please donate and/or share this info to help the Gaza Municipality reach their goal 🇵🇸
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 3 months
Gaza Municipality staff were targeted and killed by the occupation while working on water wells‼
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Alt text under the cut:
Press Release from Gaza Municipality
The Israeli occupation targets Gaza Municipality staff involved in operating water wells.
On Friday, June 21, 2024 at 10:40 AM, Israeli occupation forces targeted Gaza Municipality staff involved in operating water wells, resulting in the deaths of five employees:
Engineer, Anwar Subhi Al-Jundi (54 years old) - Emergency Committee Member.
Zahir Hamdi Al-Haddad (41 years old).
Sharif Omar Al-Jundi (33 years old).
Ibrahim Zuhair Abu Khater (32 years old).
Ahmed Ismail Al-Helou (24 years old).
In response to this heinous crime, Gaza Municipality mourns its heroic martyrs and extends heartfelt condolences to their families. The municipality asserts the following:
Gaza Municipality strongly condemns the Israeli occupation forces' targeting of its civilian employees, who were performing their national duty and serving citizens despite extremely limited resources and high risks.
Gaza Municipality calls for an immediate investigation into the crime of targeting its employees, who are classified as relief workers, as they were working to pump water for citizens.
Gaza Municipality urges the United Nations and international organizations to urgently intervene to protect its employees who have been working tirelessly since the beginning of the aggression to continue providing essential services to the citizens.
Gaza Municipality warns of the potential collapse of municipal services due to the targeting of its employees, which could endanger citizen's lives through the potential halt of essential services such as water, sewage, and waste collection.
In conclusion, Gaza Municipality emphasizes that it is a civilian organization dedicated to providing essential services, and that its teams are protected by international laws and regulations.
The Gaza Municipality
June 21, 2024
When the WCK convoy was targeted it was branded a mistake. It wasn't and neither is this but the west isn't going to care one bit about this attack and we know why.
Please check this post for more information on the Gaza Municipality as well as donate to them if you can!
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You can support the Municipality of Gaza’s water, sewage, and waste treatment projects at the link below!
Repost from @amaalysse:
|| Engineer and PhD researcher Asem Al-Nabeh, who also serves as the spokesperson for Gaza Municipality, states that rebuilding Gaza will not take as long as some reports suggest. Recent reports indicated that removing the rubble from Gaza City alone could take up to 15 years, not accounting for the subsequent rebuilding phase. However, Al-Nabeh argues that these estimates do not consider several critical factors, such as the number of workers, daily work hours, and the availability of heavy machinery.
Al-Nabeh emphasizes that with adequate resources and equipment, the process of rubble removal could be completed in less than a year. He points out that previous experiences have shown that the cost of rubble removal can be significantly reduced or even generate income. Many private companies are willing to clear rubble in exchange for acquiring it, making the process much more economical. He remains optimistic that with the necessary support, Gaza’s reconstruction can proceed swiftly and effectively.
المهندس والباحث الدكتور عاصم النابه، والمتحدث باسم بلدية غزة، يوضح أن إعادة بناء غزة لن تستغرق وقتًا طويلاً كما تشير بعض التقارير. أشارت تقارير حديثة إلى أن إزالة الأنقاض من مدينة غزة وحدها قد يستغرق ما يصل إلى 15 عامًا، دون احتساب مرحلة إعادة البناء التالية. ومع ذلك، يؤكد النبه أن هذه التقديرات لا تأخذ في الاعتبار عدة عوامل حاسمة، مثل عدد العمال، ساعات العمل اليومية، وتوافر الآليات الثقيلة.
يؤكد النبه أنه مع الموارد والمعدات الكافية، يمكن إتمام عملية إزالة الأنقاض في أقل من عام. يشير إلى أن التجارب السابقة أظهرت أن تكلفة إزالة الأنقاض يمكن تخفيضها بشكل كبير أو حتى تحقيق دخل منها. العديد من الشركات الخاصة على استعداد لإزالة الأنقاض مقابل الحصول عليها، مما يجعل العملية أكثر اقتصادية. يبقى النبه متفائلا بأنه مع الدعم اللازم، يمكن أن تسير عملية إعادة إعمار غزة بسرعة وفعالية. ||
Sources: @asemalnabeh
Translation: @translating_falasteen
🔁 @translating_falasteen
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hualianisms · 4 months
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
[this post is outdated. up-to-date version here.]
Donate to a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical treatment, daily necessities or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents:
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine on IG. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*urgent and crucial!)
Gaza Municipality: The official Municipality of Gaza is doing vital, life-saving work to rebuild the water pipes in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
eSIMs (*very urgent):
guide to buy & send esims to gaza
Crips for eSims for Gaza: donate any amount to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care: Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, equipment, and medical supplies. Currently raising funds to support their efforts to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (gfm) (paypal) (gogetfunding)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
How to help if you can't donate:
Share & amplify Palestinian fundraisers in your irl & online circles
Organize or help to run an online/irl event to raise funds for Palestine
Get involved with a protest/strike/direct action in your area
Contact your reps
Educate yourself & others both irl & online
Daily clicks on Arab.org
(you can even adopt 1 fundraiser campaign to regularly boost it & make materials promoting it online, or print posters/flyers about Palestinian fundraisers to encourage others to donate. (poster/graphic about gazafunds.com: here, flyers about esims: here, flyers about gazafamilyfunds: here)
(longer masterpost of all ways you can help)
(*all these links and more now in this rentry page. will no longer be updating this post, instead refer to the rentry page)
Last updated 3/6/2024 with Gaza Wound Care & We Feed Gaza. Wanted to focus on Palestinian-run grassroots initiatives that will actually reach Gazans on the ground, so all of these except eSIMs, PCRF, MAP are by Palestinians. Donating to international orgs is not ideal rn as aid is still being stopped at the border. Please focus on Palestinian-run initiatives on the ground in Gaza.
Remember, small donations really do add up. Any amount counts, even $1!
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nataliesnews · 9 months
It is a very sad day. Veronica phoned me this morning to tell me that Uta's mother had died after a long illness. I spoke to her just a few days ago and she knew she was dying and was so brave. I am glad that I had the opportunity of meeting her, even if only for a few days and since then we have been in touch all the time. I often thought of her when I was writing my letters and wondering what she thought.
Then yesterday too my friend's grandson was mortally  wounded. He has particles in his brain and there does not seem to be much hope. It was only the other day that I had supper with her and Robbie and she said that she does not sleep at night. That it would break them if something happened to him .
 I can think of nothing positive happening in my life. Then I read of our president whom I realise does not have a brain in his head.  He signs a rocket which is going to kill people as if he were writing on someone's bandages leg or knee?  And then there are people who laugh at their sufferings. 
It is getting harder and harder to write.  woman Orit Stroch. a settler, who wrote demanding to know whether the pilots who said they would not report for future reserve duty had refused to take part in the war? By the way she is also the one who said that  no doctor should have to treat anyone from the gay community if it conflicted with their religious beliefs. And for support which Netanyahu gave the general who replied to her read the attached
Outrage as far-right minister suggests some pilots refusing air support for Gaza troops
Settlements Minister Orit Strock widely reported to ask at cabinet if some in Air Force are failing to carry out their duties for ideological reasons
Today the Jerusalem municipality came to the tent of the families and took down and tore  all their signs  and a bunch of hooligans came past screaming that all the families are traitors and caused the death of their children and the war and that piece of shit whose two sons cower behind them is quiet. That is Israel today of Netanyahu.  
After a long interval because of the war, we had not been to the DCO and decided to go.  We were surprised to find about 15 men there. They had all been summoned by the ISA, the secret service. One indignantly told us that he had to pull his trousers down to his ankles and did not know why. They also told us that the Satmar cult comes into their neighborhoods with the Palestinian flag with no problem. They were all very pleasant.
We then decided to see what is happening at the entrance to Beit Lechem from road 60. Until the war the road was completely open but this is the way it looks now. We stopped a short distance before the checkpoint. 
Shlomit got out to photograph and immediately a soldier came running up demanding our IDs. We told him we only have to show IDs to a policeman and when he said he was also a policeman asked to be shown identification.  Also , as we were on the main road of the town and not in the area of the checkpoint, to be shown proof that where we were standing was a closed army area. He claimed that we had photographed him and said that it was easy to identify him....I leave that to your judgement,He said he would phone the police and we said to be our guest. I said to Shlomit that it was just as well we  had not driven off before we saw him approaching us as in this day and age he would probably have taken a shot at us. But all's well that ends well....He had evidently phoned the representative of the DCO. He   knew us from former days at Etzion and we showed him the photo which he did not  ask to have deleted  and  after a short and pleasant conversation continued on our way home. 
Today we went to plant trees with one of the farmers from Burin. Not that I could help but I go to identify. This is how the others went up. Her ladyship went up by taxi. i don't think it is the help which is important but that we come. We left early though as the Palestinian authority phoned and said that the area was getting restless and we should go and then too soldiers and settlers started coming down the mountain. But people bought a lot of his olives and olive oil. I asked where his family was ...usually it is very joyous there and the house was so empty but he said it was too dangerous from them to be there so they had gone to live in the village.
But then we also have this......I remember how Israelis said what animals the Palestinians are that whenever there was an attack on Israelis they would go out to celebrate and give out sweets. Evidently Israelis are also keen to learn from Palestinians as this is what some soldiers did.... singing and dancing in the street and giving out sweets at the death of one of the Hamas. Not that I feel any grief for him but this is not the Jewish way. But today I no longer think that there is a Jewish way. I think we have learned only too well of how to hate and how to conduct pogroms. They should remember the Peisach seder where God rebukes his angels for singing when the Egyptians drowned. 
and this caricature appeared in one of the far right newspapers. If it  had been from a newspaper on the left or a journalist/ whoever published it would already be sitting in jail/ If you want to know what this is about look at the pdf below. It is too complicated for me to go into it.
Sorry I wish I could write something positive
Henrietta Szold 2
Migdal Nofim Room 708
Kiryat Hayovel
Jerusalem 9650230
Tel 0528-375593
Nofim Tel 972-(0)2-6580222
Home 972 (2)6418387 no messages
It is a very sad day. Veronica phoned me this morning to tell me that Uta's mother had died after a long illness. I spoke to her just a few days ago and she knew she was dying and was so brave. I am glad that I had the opportunity of meeting her, even if only for a few days and since then we have been in touch all the time. I often thought of her when I was writing my letters and wondering what she thought.
Then yesterday too my friend's grandson was mortally  wounded. He has particles in his brain and there does not seem to be much hope. It was only the other day that I had supper with her and Robbie and she said that she does not sleep at night. That it would break them if something happened to him .
 I can think of nothing positive happening in my life. Then I read of our president whom I realise does not have a brain in his head.  He signs a rocket which is going to kill people as if he were writing on someone's bandages leg or knee?  And then there are people who laugh at their sufferings. 
It is getting harder and harder to write.  woman Orit Stroch. a settler, who wrote demanding to know whether the pilots who said they would not report for future reserve duty had refused to take part in the war? By the way she is also the one who said that  no doctor should have to treat anyone from the gay community if it conflicted with their religious beliefs. And for support which Netanyahu gave the general who replied to her read the attached
Outrage as far-right minister suggests some pilots refusing air support for Gaza troops
Settlements Minister Orit Strock widely reported to ask at cabinet if some in Air Force are failing to carry out their duties for ideological reasons
Today the Jerusalem municipality came to the tent of the families and took down and tore  all their signs  and a bunch of hooligans came past screaming that all the families are traitors and caused the death of their children and the war and that piece of shit whose two sons cower behind them is quiet. That is Israel today of Netanyahu.  
After a long interval because of the war, we had not been to the DCO and decided to go.  We were surprised to find about 15 men there. They had all been summoned by the ISA, the secret service. One indignantly told us that he had to pull his trousers down to his ankles and did not know why. They also told us that the Satmar cult comes into their neighborhoods with the Palestinian flag with no problem. They were all very pleasant.
We then decided to see what is happening at the entrance to Beit Lechem from road 60. Until the war the road was completely open but this is the way it looks now. We stopped a short distance before the checkpoint. 
Shlomit got out to photograph and immediately a soldier came running up demanding our IDs. We told him we only have to show IDs to a policeman and when he said he was also a policeman asked to be shown identification.  Also , as we were on the main road of the town and not in the area of the checkpoint, to be shown proof that where we were standing was a closed army area. He claimed that we had photographed him and said that it was easy to identify him....I leave that to your judgement,He said he would phone the police and we said to be our guest. I said to Shlomit that it was just as well we  had not driven off before we saw him approaching us as in this day and age he would probably have taken a shot at us. But all's well that ends well....He had evidently phoned the representative of the DCO. He   knew us from former days at Etzion and we showed him the photo which he did not  ask to have deleted  and  after a short and pleasant conversation continued on our way home. 
Today we went to plant trees with one of the farmers from Burin. Not that I could help but I go to identify. This is how the others went up. Her ladyship went up by taxi. i don't think it is the help which is important but that we come. We left early though as the Palestinian authority phoned and said that the area was getting restless and we should go and then too soldiers and settlers started coming down the mountain. But people bought a lot of his olives and olive oil. I asked where his family was ...usually it is very joyous there and the house was so empty but he said it was too dangerous from them to be there so they had gone to live in the village.
But then we also have this......I remember how Israelis said what animals the Palestinians are that whenever there was an attack on Israelis they would go out to celebrate and give out sweets. Evidently Israelis are also keen to learn from Palestinians as this is what some soldiers did.... singing and dancing in the street and giving out sweets at the death of one of the Hamas. Not that I feel any grief for him but this is not the Jewish way. But today I no longer think that there is a Jewish way. I think we have learned only too well of how to hate and how to conduct pogroms. They should remember the Peisach seder where God rebukes his angels for singing when the Egyptians drowned. 
and this caricature appeared in one of the far right newspapers. If it  had been from a newspaper on the left or a journalist/ whoever published it would already be sitting in jail/ If you want to know what this is about look at the pdf below. It is too complicated for me to go into it.
Sorry I wish I could write something positive
Henrietta Szold 2
Migdal Nofim Room 708
Kiryat Hayovel
Jerusalem 9650230
Tel 0528-375593
Nofim Tel 972-(0)2-6580222
Home 972 (2)6418387 no messages
#It is a very sad day. Veronica phoned me this morning to tell me that Uta's mother had died after a long illness. I spoke to her just a few#even if only for a few days and since then we have been in touch all the time. I often thought of her when I was writing my letters and won#Then yesterday too my friend's grandson was mortally wounded. He has particles in his brain and there does not seem to be much hope. It wa#I can think of nothing positive happening in my life. Then I read of our president whom I realise does not have a brain in his head. He si#It is getting harder and harder to write. woman Orit Stroch. a settler#who wrote demanding to know whether the pilots who said they would not report for future reserve duty had refused to take part in the war?#Outrage as far-right minister suggests some pilots refusing air support for Gaza troops#Settlements Minister Orit Strock widely reported to ask at cabinet if some in Air Force are failing to carry out their duties for ideologic#https://www.timesofisrael.com/outrage-after-far-right-minister-suggests-some-pilots-refusing-to-support-gaza-troops#Today the Jerusalem municipality came to the tent of the families and took down and tore all their signs and a bunch of hooligans came pa#https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/crime-in-israel/article-779881#779881#After a long interval because of the war#we had not been to the DCO and decided to go. We were surprised to find about 15 men there. They had all been summoned by the ISA#the secret service. One indignantly told us that he had to pull his trousers down to his ankles and did not know why. They also told us tha#We then decided to see what is happening at the entrance to Beit Lechem from road 60. Until the war the road was completely open but this i#Shlomit got out to photograph and immediately a soldier came running up demanding our IDs. We told him we only have to show IDs to a police#as we were on the main road of the town and not in the area of the checkpoint#to be shown proof that where we were standing was a closed army area. He claimed that we had photographed him and said that it was easy to#He said he would phone the police and we said to be our guest. I said to Shlomit that it was just as well we had not driven off before we#Today we went to plant trees with one of the farmers from Burin. Not that I could help but I go to identify. This is how the others went up#But then we also have this......I remember how Israelis said what animals the Palestinians are that whenever there was an attack on Israeli#and this caricature appeared in one of the far right newspapers. If it had been from a newspaper on the left or a journalist/ whoever publ#Sorry I wish I could write something positive#Henrietta Szold 2#Migdal Nofim Room 708#Kiryat Hayovel#Jerusalem 9650230#Israel#Tel 0528-375593
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sayruq · 3 months
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sophia-zofia · 5 months
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gazanarchive · 5 months
Life For Gaza: Each Cent Counts, Quenching the Thirst of Humanity in Gaza City
The Gaza Municipality is tasked with providing vital services such as water supply, waste management and sewage treatment. However, the widespread destruction in Gaza City has severely hampered the Municipality's ability to deliver even the most basic necessities to its residents. With limited access to water, the population faces a dire health and environmental crisis, especially affecting children.
By joining forces in this initiative, we cultivate hope and solidarity, fostering empathy and collaboration across communities while easing the hardships endured by those in Gaza. This collective effort reassures them that they are not alone in their struggle. The Gaza Municipality earnestly appeals for your support to help reinstate essential services, currently the foremost priority. In the northern regions of the Gaza Strip alone, over 500,000 individuals urgently require these services.
Where your donations will be directed:
- Water supply enhancement projects
- Maintenance of water wells
- Implementation of water desalination initiatives
- Management of waste collection and disposal systems
- Reconstruction of roads demolished during war
- Implementation of sewage water pumping and treatment schemes
- Execution of pest control and rodent eradication programs
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soon-palestine · 5 months
The Gaza Municipality is tasked with providing vital services such as water supply, waste management and sewage treatmentl. However, the widespread destruction in Gaza City has severely hampered the Municipality's ability to deliver even the most basic necessities to its residents. With limited access to water, the population faces a dire health and environmental crisis, especially affecting children.
By joining forces in this initiative, we cultivate hope and solidarity, fostering empathy and collaboration across communities while easing the hardships endured by those in Gaza. This collective effort reassures them that they are not alone in their struggle.The Gaza Municipality earnestly appeals for your support to help reinstate essential services, currently the foremost priority. In the northern regions of the Gaza Strip alone, over 500,000 individuals urgently require these services.
Where your donations will be directed:- Water supply enhancement projects - Maintenance of water wells - Implementation of water desalination initiatives - Management of waste collection and disposal systems - Reconstruction of roads demolished during war - Implementation of sewage water pumping and treatment schemes - Execution of pest control and rodent eradication programs
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witchhatexchange · 4 months
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Hello! I am happy to announce that Donation Period is now open! It will stay open until June 1st midnight EST.
(see here for charities)
this is how it works!
1. donate $5 USD (or equivalent in your currency)
2. submit the proof
3. fill the form!
here is the form:
places you can donate to:
care for gaza
palestine children’s relief fund
life for gaza
direct aid for gaza
for gofundme you can pick any gfm you want however if you are struggling with it there is a website that does the choosing for you!
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2dmax · 5 months
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digital collage out of my sketchbook page
tumblr is making it look blurry so pls click on it lol
if you like my art please donate to restoring municipal services in Gaza, or another Palestinian fundraiser of your choosing 🌼
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thinking about a larger/more involved piece with these guys. finally, finally got to agate city in my on-again-off-again replay of colosseum (mostly off again). so now i can finally start purifying my pkmn lol
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workersolidarity · 6 months
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[ 📹 A child, killed in an Israeli airstrike, is found in the arms of his dead father by Palestinian civil defense personnel under the rubble of their residential home in the Gaza Strip on Saturday after a long night of IOF warplanes bombing their way across the entirety of the enclave.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏠💥🚑 🚨
On the 176th day of "Israel's" ongoing war of genocide in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 7 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of at least 71 Palestinians, mostly women and children, while another 112 others have been wounded over the previous 24-hours.
The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) reported on Saturday that a total of 26 personnel have been killed since the beginning of the Zionist aggression on Gaza, including 15 team members who were killed while performing their duties.
PRCS crews also reported transporting the bodies of two martyrs, killed as a result of occupation artillery shelling of a civilian structure in the Al-Maghazi Camp, in the central Gaza Strip.
Israeli occupation forces continued with their offensive near Al-Shifa Medical Complex, located in the Al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, besieging the hospital for at least 10 consecutive days, while horrific attacks on civilians, patients and medical personnel in the hospital are being reported, including field executions of civilians, illegal detentions, torture, and forced displacement of local residents and civilians sheltering in the complex.
Elsewhere, Zionist occupation forces bombed a residential home belonging to the Abdo family on Al-Wahda Street, in the Al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of 10 family members.
In yet another horrific atrocity, Zionist soldiers assassinated a police officer in Gaza City as he drove his wife and children in his civilian vehicle, killing all seven family members.
IOF warplanes also bombarded The Shuja'iyya Club, a local sports club in the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, resulting in the martyrdom of several citizens, including members of the popular committees in charge of organizing the distribution of humanitarian aid.
The Zionist occupation army also targeted starving Palestinians waiting for food aid on Salah al-Din Street, in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City, wounding a number of civilians.
Occupation bombing, shelling and gunfire also continues to target civilians across the northern Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation forces also completed the destruction of the city of Prisoners, north of the Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, leveling 21 out of 24 buildings in the area.
Simultaneously, Zionist warplanes bombed several civilian homes near the Prisoner Towers, west of the Al-Nuseirat Camp, martyring five civilians.
Occupation fighter jets also bombarded the town of Al-Mughraqa, along with the Al-Nuseirat Camp, Al-Maghazi and in the vicinity of the Wadi Gaza Bridge in the central Gaza Strip.
The IOF also targeted the headquarters of the municipalities of Al-Bureij and Al-Zawayda in the central Governate of the Gaza Strip, which can no longer provide basic services as a result.
In yet another horrific crime, IOF warplanes bombed a civilian residence belonging to the Musa family in the Al-Maghazi Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing several family members and wounding a number of others, while the explosion from the blast also wrought massive destruction on nearby houses.
In the south of Gaza, local paramedic and civil defense crews say they transported the bodies of 13 Palestinians who were slaughtered in mass killings after the occupation bombing of the town of Al-Qarara, north of Khan Yunis.
Violent raids continued when Zionist aircraft bombed central Abasan al-Kabira, east of Khan Yunis, in the south of the Gaza Strip, martyring two Palestinian civilians and wounding a number of others, while occupation warplanes also wrought massive destruction after bombing several multi-storied residential buildings in the Austrian neighborhood west of Khan Yunis.
The Zionist occupation army, including tanks, armored vehicles, and warplanes, have been hammering, with violent airstrikes and heavy artillery shelling, targeting various areas of Khan Yunis, with special attention paid to the eastern and western neighborhoods of the city, and also in the vicinity of Nasser Medical Complex.
Several firebelts were also launched by IOF fighter jets targeting the Khuza'a neighborhood, east of Khan Yunis, along with the Sufa and Abasan areas, northeast of the city.
It is also being reported that the number of dead as a result of the IOF bombing of the Abu Muammar family home in Rafah City, in southern Gaza, on Thursday morning has risen to 14.
The infinitely rising death toll resulting from "Israel's" war of genocide in the Gaza Strip has now exceeded 32'705 Palestinians killed, with more than 25'000 of the victims being women and children according to the United States Pentagon, while an additional 75'190 civilians have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression beginning on October 7th, 2023.
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titleknown · 1 month
Okay, a thing I found out about via someone on Twitter griping that nobody was talking about it, apparently the municipality of Gaza itself is trying to raise funds to fix their water services, waste management and sewage treatment.
Which, given how thoroughly fucked those things over there happen to be, and how many people stuck there are suffering without them, is pretty vital. So, if you want a campaign to donate to that can help on a huge scale...
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theygender · 2 months
Donation Drive for Palestine
Hi everyone! I just passed 10,000 followers. I want to do something to celebrate this moment, and after some consideration I've decided that the thing I would most like to do for this milestone is host a donation drive for Palestine
I will be donating 1¢ in support of Palestine for each of my followers and YOU get to decide where this money goes. At the time of this post that totals to $100.19 from 10,019 followers, but I will continue counting additional followers towards the goal until this poll ends
Here's how it works:
I'll be donating 1¢ for each of my followers. New followers will continue to be counted until either this poll ends or I can no longer afford it
You can vote in the poll below to decide where the money should be donated. I've selected 10 charities that are supporting Gaza and I'll be donating amounts to each of them based on my follower count and the percentage of votes they receive (ie. 10% of votes with the current total of $100.19 = $10.02 to that charity)
Once the poll ends, I'll make my donations and post an update with the final amounts donated to each charity
All of the charities are described and linked below the poll and I encourage people to make their own donations as well. If everyone who votes (and is able to donate) gives even $1 to the charity they vote for then it could add up quickly. Let's drive those donations!
Children Not Numbers: An organization providing immediate support and long-term rehabilitation for children in Gaza, as well as evacuating children to states equipped to manage their healthcare needs
Crips for eSIMs for Gaza: A fundraiser organized by the Disability Visibility Project which purchases eSIMs for Gaza to allow Palestinians to maintain contact with the outside world
Direct Aid Initiative & Encampment: An initiative organized by Operation Olive Branch to provide direct aid to families in Gaza and establish a family encampment which will house ~300 displaced individuals. (Operation Olive Branch also hosts a spreadsheet of verified fundraisers which spotlights different ones, found here)
Gaza Emergency Appeal: A fundraiser by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) which serves to provide families with lifesaving food and water and repair UNRWA shelters. (Also remember to click for Palestine)
Life for Gaza: A donation drive organized by the Municipality of Gaza to help them reinstate essential water services
Medical Aid for Palestinians: An organization that provides immediate medical aid to those in great need while also developing local capacity and skills to ensure the long-term development of the Palestinian healthcare system
Palestinian Children's Relief Fund: A humanitarian organization in Palestine providing urgent medical care and humanitarian aid to children in Gaza
Palestinian Red Crescent: A National Society in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement which provides humanitarian assistance and health and social services to Palestinians
Revive Gaza's Farmlands: A project organized by the Arab Group for Protection of Nature which aims to rehabilitate Gaza’s agricultural sector and restore local food systems to combat famine, counter the blockade, and build food sovereignty
Vegetables, Food, and Water for Palestinian Families: A fundraiser organized by the volunteer group Ele Elna Elak and shared by Bisan which provides food, water, and other necessities to families in Gaza
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Follow @MuniGaza and DONATE NOW: bit.ly/munigaza
$313,940/$1,000,000 collected so far
The Gaza Municipality is tasked with providing essential services such as water supply and sanitization, waste management, and sewage treatment. Due to the ongoing genocide of Gaza, the Municipality’s ability to provide their residents with even the most basic necessities has become severely strained and obsructed.
By joining us in spreading the word and donating generously — you can assist the Gaza Municipality in fostering an atmosphere of solidarity with the people of Gaza. There are over 500,000 Palestinians that are in desperate need of these life sustaining amenities, and with your support they can work efficiently towards reinstating essential services.
“Where will my donations go?”
-Water supply enhancement projects
-Maintenance of water wells
-Implementation of water desalination initiatives
-Reconstruction of demolished roads
-Implementation of sewage water pumping and treatment schemes
-Pest and rodent control
“But what does all of that really mean?”
-Enhancing access to water provisions while maintaining consistency
-Managing the collection and disposal of the accumulated waste throughout Gaza
-Addressing sewage overflow and sanitation issues across the city
-Initiate the opening of key through-fares, which would facilitate the access and entry of emergency vehicles
-Clearing debris from the city to restore the ease of movement for it’s residents
-Providing aid to the personnel of the Gaza Municipality Emergency Committee
$313,940/$1,000,000 has been collected
They still need: $686,060
Contribute to opening a damaged road in Gaza City: $300
Provide Water to 10,000 people for a Day: $500
Contribute to Cleaning up Waste Accumulated in Gaza City: $200
Follow @MuniGaza
DONATE NOW: bit.ly/munigaza
find the link in our link tree in bio!
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intersectionalpraxis · 9 months
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People trapped under the rubble for more than ten hours. [@/ gazanotice on X. 12/23/23.]
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Chilling information from the Gaza Government Media Office: “The Israeli army established detention camps east of Gaza, digging large pits where dozens of Palestinian civilians from our people were placed alive. They were then executed by direct gunfire & buried with bulldozers.” [@/ RamAbdu on X. 12/23/23.]
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After 78 days of working under fire and due to the continued aggression and complete fuel outage, the municipality of Gaza City announces the collapse of its services.
The local government of the Gaza Strip's capital has officially collapsed. This is a disaster. [@/ Hanine09 on X. 12/23/23.]
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