#gentle fluff
anebarone · 1 year
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A lovely commission for @nocturnal-birdie featuring her characters Regan and Donna. ☄ Thank yoooou!
A bunch more giant people
And more from my secondary blog ♥ ty!
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ironstrangle · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet Additional Tags: Hair-pulling, Hair Braiding, Hair Kink, Loving Marriage, Innkeeper Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Innkeeper Stede Bonnet Summary:
Innkeepers Era. Stede learns that Ed has a thing for having his hair touched. Fluff and other things ensue.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Butterfly Dating
Summery: Glorfindel takes Lindir to a first date in Imladris' butterfly garden Lindir didn't even know existed and one came and landed on his noise, and Elrond is spying on there first date worrying if it's good for Lindir that the golden warrior loves him so much
Oc Introduction: Eirian of Gondolin (I'll make a page about him later and link it)
Pairing: Lindir x Glorfindel
Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings thought some fluff would cheer you up | @elablackcat my partner in crime coming up with ideas for this fic
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Soft golden light of late afternoon made way through the archways of the last homely house, it was awfully quite, everyone was still tired after last nights festivities in the hall of fire, few elves roamed the grounds most of them were tired guards who miss the festivities who just got back from there patrol and were changing shifts, Erestor was wide awake in the library given he did not go, even Lord Elrond was having a slow day today, dealing with elves from the greenwood is much harder work than you would of thought, most of the elves from the greenwood were passed out drunk somewhere or another.
Lindir sighed shaking his head as he cleared the empty bottles of wine and glasses from the hall of fire, Glorfindel bounded through the door as energetic as ever.
"Lindir just the ellon I was looking for" The rather cranky elf this day glanced to Glorfindel
"I am clearly very busy at the moment my lord Glorfindel" Lindir said Glorfindel hmmed in displeasure.
"I am sure the staff can clear this up" Glorfindel said looking around wine bottles and empty glass were laying on the floor and tables some even had spilled, the tapestry's and banners that once hang grand in place were now not aligned some even had passed out elves at the bottom of them.
"I am the staff, or well the only one awake the rest are passed out with there mirkwood friends" Lindir said
"You need a break, this is supposed to be your day off take it, leave this mess for them to wake up to and deal with I doubt you want to be moving passed out elves all day to set stuff back in place" Glorfindel said Lindir hmmed that did sound nice, would Lord Elrond punish him probably not, would Erestor maybe.
"If Erestor gives you crap I'll say it was my suggestion, come spend what we have left of the day with me little songbird" Glorfindel said Lindir's ears turned pink at the new nickname the lord gave him.
"What did you have in mind" Lindir questioned.
"Well first I wanna play a prank on Aran Thranduil, Eirian played it on me once in Gondolin, it hurt a lot but it only seems right for what he did" Glorfindel said looking around
"I don't think we sh-" Lindir stopped as Glorfindel grabbed his wrist and started walking explaining the prank, the pink dusting on his ears slowly turned red and spread, soon Glorfindel had situated a small table which he stole from the library a few months back for his office and sat a plant on it.
"Are you sure we should use master Erestor's most prized plant to do this" Lindir said as Glorfindel set some books on the table.
"Just watch he doesn't wake up, I do not want to start a war due to this, you know how overdramatic this drama queen is" Glorfindel said
"I don't think this is the best idea, you should leave Elrond's twins to the pranks" Lindir said Glorfindel let out a laugh
"Never now come on, I want to get to the butterfly house before sunset, don't want them to go to sleep before we arrive" Glorfindel said Lindir followed the lord given the passed out king one more glance
"This Eirian was Evil" Lindir said in concern Glorfindel laughed
"Eirian had a good heart, he was a good man and an even better marksman and warrior" Glorfindel said
"What happened to him" Lindir questioned Glorfindel
"He went to buy us time he faced down both Morgoth and that snake Salgant the stupid traitor, the battle was great i could see it as I was falling, Darkness and Light clashing against each other but he was weakened from the Balrogs and fire drakes he had already fought, I could see the light grow dim and the darkness over take" Glorfindel said
"I'm sorry for asking" Lindir said
"It's my fault for turning it dark I am sorry" Glorfindel said his light and cheerfulness coming back to him Lindir had to admit Glorfindel was scary when he was angry or sad.
"Where is this butterfly house and how did I not know about it" Lindir said
"It's just a bit further, and Erestor made it no one knows I only know because I followed him here once, he got annoyed when he found out though" Glorfindel said as he moved a branch out the way, Lindir could see a round glass house, it had plants hiding it but there was a clean path to it, Glorfindel followed him to it and opened the door and closed it after him.
Glorfindel smiled as he saw the awe on Lindir's face maybe it was due to the butterflies or the fact Erestor kept them, or because of him Glorfindel did not know but he enjoyed seeing the look of pure happiness on Lindir's face, A Blue spotted Charaxes landed on his nose he gently placed his finger behind it to pick it up, he smiled at the butterfly it looked like his friend Ecthelion it flew away turning his attention back to Lindir who was looking at his nose standing very still, a swallowtail had landed on his noise it was one of Glorfindel's favourite butterflies that Erestor kept.
Lindir's eyes widened and though he tried to stay collected, his expression was clearly very, very uncomfortable, not that he was scared of it, he was nervous he might hurt it or do something wrong, Glorfindel chuckled as he watched Lindir neither had noticed the Lord which had followed them, Glorfindel held his finger out and the butterfly came onto it which made it fly off as Glorfindel kissed Lindir's nose.
"You are the most beautiful butterfly in this house" Glorfindel said Lindir had turned red yet again, He's cute when he blushes Glorfindel thought
"are you okay do you have a fever" Glorfindel said placing his hand to Lindir's forehead
"I though I was a songbird" Lindir said making Glorfindel laugh
"you mean everything in this world to me, so you'll get all the nicknames I sees fit, if you turn anymore red the butterflies will think you are the most beautiful rose in the gardens and come and land on you my little swallowtail" Glorfindel said with a laugh, Lindir really was like a cat to a sunray with Glorfindel.
"Your staring are you okay" Glorfindel asked the flustered elf who whacked his chest
"Why do you have to have everything, your adorable, your hot, Gi Melin Hîr nin Glorfindel" Lindir said frustrated and looking away, it had been a long time coming with lots of encouragement from Elrond and Elladan, Lindir scrunched his eyes shut expecting to hear Glorfindel walk away, the blond lord ducked down and to were Lindir's face was and cupped his face and placed a kiss on Lindir's lips, making his eyes shoot open in shock.
"Gi Melin ana Songbird, I thought you were taking my hints to show you that I wanted to court you" Glorfindel said
"I thought it was some cruel prank" Lindir said Glorfindel laughed
"No why would it be, I may prank people, but I don't play with feelings, so we are courting now" Glorfindel said not taking a no for an answer after Lindir just confessed to him
"That means I can hug you whenever and wherever i want" Glorfindel said Lindir sighed Glorfindel would scare him with hugs from now on instead of jumping him with complements
"I suppose it does" Lindir said rubbing his arm in awkwardness
"Same goes with kisses, I can kiss all your freckles now and tell you how the reflected the stars and varda painted them carefully onto you" Glorfindel said Lindir started stuttering at the blond who picked him up with ease and span him around before setting the poor minstrel down and kissing him again.
Elrond sighed in worry is it really good for Lindir that the golden warrior loves him so much the poor elf was overwhelmed by even knowing the legendary warrior and now he was courting the warrior, Elrond was happy for them but he really could not help but worry for Lindir, besides Lindir flustered easily he would be so flustered every time Glorfindel did something and that can't be good for you can it.
"Oh the sun is setting, come on we can reach it before the sun sets fully I have to show you Erestor's favourite place, it's amazing" Glorfindel said grabbing Lindir's hand.
Lindir and Glorfindel ended there day at the waterfall with bioluminescent algae, the blond decided against asking Lindir for a swim it was to early in there courtship for that to even be appropriate to ask and Lindir would be to flustered he would break so they settled for putting there legs in the pool and watching the algae look like thousands of stars after the sunset.
"I enjoyed today, thank you for talking me out of my job my lord" Lindir said
"Still with the rank even if we are courting, you can call me Glorfindel or Glorf if you want songbird" Glorfindel said as he put his arm around Lindir the ellon leaned into Glorfindel.
"I'll try and get used to calling you just Glorfindel" Lindir said saying Glorfindel slowly without the lord testing the waters.
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Thranduil groaned as he arouse from his slumber he sat up hitting his head against the table above him he glared up at it and slide himself out from underneath it, Meludir and Elros who were passing started giggling at there king
"Was this your doing" Thranduil asked the two shrugged
"We do not know who placed that there Aran-nin" Elros said, Elladan came racing around the corner dragging Legolas
"Awwww we missed it, I told you we would" Elladan said looking to Legolas
"It's not my fault Galion wanted me for something, you could of stayed here alone but no you just had to come with me" Legolas said
"Come on it would of been funny" Elladan said
"It was indeed" Meludir said getting a glare from Thranduil and Elros elbowed him in the side
"Did you do this" Thranduil asked
"No but I wish I did" Elladan said
"I guess whoever did this will remain a mystery" Feren said making the group jump
"How long have you been there" Elladan asked
"For quite a while actually" Feren said
"You two will be cleaning the stables for 100 years when we get back for laughing" Thranduil said the twos jaws dropped
"That's not far we didn't do it" Meludir said Elros however knew better than to fight it, he watched as Meludir followed the king and his sentence got upped to 1000 years until he gave up.
Feren chuckled "Do you know who did it please say you do" Elladan said Feren shook his head
"Glorfindel did it" Erestor said coming out of the conjoining hallway
"How did you know that" Feren questioned
"He stole that table and that plant from me a few months ago, I left the plant in the hallway were he left it but the table is from his office, besides it has his name written all over it metaphorically at least" Erestor said setting the plant back and taking the table
Elvish Translation:
Gi Melin Hîr nin - I love you my lord
Gi Melin ana - i love you to
Aran nin - my king
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sleepwalkersqueen · 2 months
Healthy Birb >:3
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He's very kitten shaped ur honor
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youneedsomeprompts · 4 months
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requested by: anonymous request: hi!! idk if this has been req before but do u have prompts for subtle love? it will take some time for u to realise that their actions are somth u do out of love. thank u!
Feel free to use and reblog!
Part 1 (kinda): ~ GENTLE LOVE ~ PROMPTS
listening attentively when the other is talking
taking the other into consideration whenever making a decision
smiling at the other to encourage them
taking over the other's tasks to disburden them
the last thing they're thinking about before falling asleep is always the other
sitting back and staying quiet to leave the stage for the other
giving the other their space, knowing they need it
enjoying the sound of the other's voice
distracting the other when they see they're distressed and close to freaking out
trying to learn every way to put a smile on the other's face
experiencing this strange feeling in their chest when the other comes to them for support and a word of kindness
"You can call me. Day or night. I'm there for you."
enjoying the most basic time spent together just sitting next to each other, each doing their own
hyping the other up
being their biggest cheerleader
checking up on the other regularly when they know they're not feeling their best
thinking about the other at the most random times
'Oh, this coffee has such nice latte art! I wonder if [person B] would like it.'
'Oh, there's a new movie showing in the cinema about an ice skater. [Person B] once did ice skating. Would they like this movie? Or are they even better at ice skating than the ones in the movie? I'm sure they're the best ice skater!'
stopping themselves from messaging the other too often
sharing their food with the other
always making another coffee/tea when they're making one for themselves because sharing is caring
smiling by instinct when they see the other
^ breaking into a grin and being unable to stop it
sending the other little notes of encouragement to show that they're thinking of them
"You're doing just fine. I know you've got this."
promising to catch up, even when there is no time at the moment, they're making sure it doesn't go under
"Wanna talk about it later? I will make time."
making the other a priority
giving their honest opinion when it's asked
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sadsstoptalkingfr · 4 months
Reader being the first person to treat Spencer gently...
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Reader who buys Spencer things that remind her of him while she's out and about just because she knows he'll like it (he'd keep every single pointless item you give him
Reader who shuts people down when Spencer doesn't speak up for himself and saying things like "he doesn't want to go" people who don't know the two well would think she's being controlling when she's just looking out for him
Reader who constantly reminds him of his worth and won't give him room to think about how he doesn't deserve her.
Reader who wants to help Spencer heal his inner child by taking care of him and taking him to do all the things he wanted to do as a kid
Reader who always holds Spencer hand tightly whenever he's beside her. (Headcanon that he hates gentle touches and perfurs pressure)
He loves you like a dog
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wifeyoozi · 1 month
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🍚 boyfriend!woozi headcanons (sfw + nsfw) this accidentally came out so sweet pls I am down bad sucker for softcore uji
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🍚 boyfriend!woozi who's tsundere™ like literally head over heels for you but keeps a straight face about it
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who's almost constantly thinking of you no matter what he's doing making it so hard for him to work sometimes (figuratively and literally)
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who regularly calls you when he's on tour and keeps you on video call whenever he's free even if you two aren't talking
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who casually gets you little and big gifts and acts nonchalant about it when internally he's literally melting from the way you burst of joy, even if it's just a cat keychain he gifted you.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who does not shut up about how amazing his girlfriend is to all of his friends almost without realising it
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who's literally so grateful to have you in his life and is so serious about it he literally thanks God to let him have you in his life.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who loves nothing more than holding you in his arms and everytime he holds you, it looks like he's holding his whole world in his arms (he pretty much is)
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who's shy to even hold your hand in public but will NOT stop touching you and clinging on you whenever you're home
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who's heart literally melts when you come to his studio with warm (homemade) food to take care of him when he doesn't take care of himself.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who feels all of his stress evaporate when he looks at your smile.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who loves kissing you and making you feel loved in the bed you share.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who's a service dom and makes every night you spend intimately only about you, loves making you feel like you are the most beautiful thing in the world
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who is practically a god at making you cum, he's THAT good with his mouth, fingers and dick
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who knows how rarely he gets to take you properly in bed with his busy schedule so he makes sure you're pleasured all night long, putting you to sleep only around early morning after a good aftercare and cuddling.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who cannot fall asleep as peacefully unless you are cuddling against him like a bear, making him feel all warm and loved and safe.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who tends to get horny when you come to his studio wearing skimpy clothes.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi with whom studio sex is literally canon. He will make you sleep on his lap cockwarming him as he finishes his work
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who would put up with mingyu for a whole evening just to make dinner for you if it meant he could see you all happy and jumpy and excited like that.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who loves doing the silliest and simplest things with you, like brushing your teeth or watching cartoon/anime or going on late night walk, just because it's with you.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who literally has heart eyes everytime he looks at you and he cannot stop it even if he wanted to.
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who loves giving you a head, he's so fucking pussy drunk
🍚 boyfriend!woozi who also loves your boobs, not just sexually but also emotionally, like they are his personal stress balls that he gotta get a handful of everytime he's stressed.
🍚 boyfriend!jihoon who occasionally holds you and cries, apologising prefusely for not being good enough, for not giving you enough time and attention that you deserve, for not being able to love you like he wants to, even when you keep telling him he's more than you have ever wanted and how much you love him regardless and how happy he's made you feel.
🍚 boyfriend!jihoon who really wants to understand the lengths to which he loves you, and even when he can't verbally tell you always, he would do it with his actions by doing something silly like writing a song for you and having seokmin or seungkwan sing it as he plays his guitar, unable to meet your eyes with how shy he gets but cannot let go of the smile that plasters on his face.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Y/N puts their hand on Wanda’s face…
Wanda: Y/N? What are you doing?
Y/N: Natasha said you like face touches.
Natasha just laughs from the corner…
Wanda: well I do but-
Y/N tries to move their hand away, Wanda immediately grabs it and puts it back…
Wanda: I didn’t tell you to stop
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thelilfae · 2 months
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must be hard being sad, at such a liddol size 🥺
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year
Cont of this
*Wails profusely at the idea of reader walking in on Katsuki and baby play fighting in the nursery*
The thick mahogany door separating your hall to your living room creaked loudly as you pushed it open before kicking off your shoes. You sigh in relief; you adored your friends, but by god could Mina and Denki talk.
“Katsuki? Keiko? I’m home my babies!” You shouted into the silence of your usually noisy home, before realising that Keiko could be down for a nap.
The delicious aromatic smell of Katsuki’s noodles filtered through the air and enticed you to your spotless kitchen. A small note was left on your kitchen island with Katsuki’s neat handwriting.
Hope you had a good time out with the losers, food’s in the fridge and Kei had his bottle. We’re probably upstairs in the nursery
- love, Ki
You smiled at his loving note, before prepping the food and tucking in.
After the delectable dish of noodles and vegetables, you meandered your way up the stairs to the large nursery you had for Keiko. You crept the white door open slowly, before tears started pricking at your eyes.
Katsuki was laying on the floor with your chunky baby resting on his chest with a tiny Dynamight costume on. Katsuki was making Keiko punch his face, revelling in his laughter.
“What the hell?! Why is this hero so damn strong?!” He pretended to be scared as he gently manoeuvred Keiko’s tiny fists to make contact with his cheeks. Keiko was giggling away, drooly mouth flashing his proud daddy his singular tooth. Katsuki let out little “pew pew” and “whoopash” noises at every point of contact.
“No more Mr Hero! I’m too weak, don’t punch me again!” He faked groans of pain as he repeatedly made Keiko punch his cheeks, before delivering the final blow.
Katsuki slumped his head to the side as he made convincing sounds of death.
“Blehhhhggg,” he moaned as he died. Keiko laughed loudly as he tried to plunge for his daddy. Katsuki let out his own laugh as he snuggled his baby closer to him.
“This certainly looks like naptime,” you laughed out loud as Katsuki jumped.
“Uhhh. He woke up?” He offered, embarrassed you saw him admit defeat for his son. You shook your head playfully as you approached your two heroes.
You picked Keiko up as he cooed in your arms.
“You did a wonderful job of beating your daddy up, Keiko,” you nuzzled your face into his slightly pink cheeks, earning a babble.
Katsuki smiled widely at his family before groaning at the way his legs had gone numb from the assault from his son. He joined your hug, swaying the three of you softly together. Katsuki pressed small kisses to each of you as Keiko burbled away. You nuzzled your face into Katsuki’s neck, smiling when you feel him smile back.
“I missed you both today,” you murmured. Katsuki continued to smile.
“We missed you too, didn’t we little guy?” He nudged Keiko, who yawned sleepily in response. He rubbed his eyes before nestling into you, breaths slowly deepening as you gave him a gentle goodnight kiss.
“Time for a real nap now, isn’t it sweetheart?” You murmured, giving your husband a pointed look, who only let out a breathy laugh.
“Ain’t my fault he’s a damn good hero.”
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bambi-slxt · 2 months
✨ a concept ✨
"is this okay? yeah? okay baby girl," he says with a smile, curling his fingers into you as he gazes lovingly down at your pleasure-drunk face.
"you're doing so good baby, just like that."
"aww...good girl, you look so pretty falling apart on my fingers like that."
"more? baby, you can barely handle my hand, you're not ready for my cock yet. silly girl," as he kisses you so sweetly.
"there we go, mama, that's it..." he murmurs, as if your whimpers of pleasure and erratically bucking hips are nothing new. "let it out, pretty girl, let it out."
"come on, one more for me babydoll," he says softly against your temple, holding you against his chest, your legs thrown out on the bed as he caresses your hair and assaults your clit with his thumb, faster and faster and lighter and lighter until you're chasing your orgasm again and again and again...
finally collapsing, a trembling mess, you curl your fingers into his shirt, tears staining your cheeks from the overwhelming love and pleasure. "i love you, i love you, i love you..."
"i know, sweet girl," he whispers, pressing oh-so-gentle kisses atop your head. "you did so good. breathe, there we go. i'm so fucking proud of you. in and out, through your nose, attagirl. you're such a good girl for me."
he chuckles and tilts your head up with his utterly pruned fingertips. "you're the best girl in the whole world, sweetheart."
he tucks stray hairs away from your glistening face and behind your ear. "i love you too. drink this," matt says, pulling his water bottle from the nightstand and pressing the cold plastic into your hand. "such a good girl, my god."
he touches his nose to yours and nuzzles you tenderly. "favorite girl in the whole world."
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duscarasheddinn · 3 months
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I just think it's adorable when Arrietty rides Sho's shoulder. And I ship them (and have written several fics shipping them). They're already friends, so maybe shipping them romantically would be friends to lovers?
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artofalassa · 6 months
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Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am whole again Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am young again
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fathomlessgaze · 3 months
artistry: you paint colors all over zayne's skin before he has to leave
very suggestive mdni + maybe some fluff+angst, zayne/reader, ~1.2k
warnings: 18+ only, making out, lots of hickeys/marking/bruises, they're both possessive tbh, an innuendo, implied to take place before medical rescue with allusions to things discussed in it but no spoilers for what happens in the card itself, allusions to foreseer lore, use of yn, pet names (my love, darling)
an: zayne in turtlenecks...the dawns shadow card......yeah...
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pulling back, you take a look at your handiwork, the colors and splotches scattered over zayne’s neck. with his face tinged an uncharacteristic red and his collarbones no longer an empty canvas of pale skin, you think he’s nothing like the rumors that fly around the hospital. it doesn’t take much at all to reduce him to putty at your fingertips, so long as that person is, well, you.
you lace a hand through his hair, only further tousling the ruffled strands and causing a little groan to fall from his lips. on instinct, his hands fly to your hips, lowering your frame that straddles him to his lap. “yn,” he breathes, “please, hold on.”
he pants as he raises his lowered gaze to meet your eyes, his hazel orbs boring into your own with a sternness that makes you bite down on your lip. “just because i’m not in the hospital this week doesn’t mean i won’t be going outside at all,” he sighs.
pouting, you bring your palm to his jaw, brushing over his cheek. “i’m just…i’m gonna miss you.”
“we will see each other in a few days, won’t we, my love?” 
you drape your wrists on his shoulders and lay your head down in the crook of his neck with a quiet sigh. “i don’t like waiting…” 
there’s a quirk to his lips at your words and he turns his head to plant a kiss on the crown of yours. “it’s just a couple days, and i’m sure you have a lot of preparations to do at work in the meantime.” 
while you know you’re being petulant, you can’t help it. you think zayne and his presence have bled themselves into every part of your life and being. you can’t remember what you did before him, and knowing the frequent power outages near the mountain and both of your busy upcoming schedules, you probably won’t be able to talk much. what are you supposed to do without him? what are you supposed to do when one day feels like a year? when a week brings an air of deja vu that makes a pit form in your stomach, as if you’ve been torn apart without him beside you before?
“i guess,” you mumble, sniffling.
“don’t cry, yn,” he exhales. he brings a hand from your hip to your face, thumbing away the small droplet that falls from the corner of your eye. 
“what if something happens to you?” your murmur.  
“nothing will happen,” he whispers. “i will be okay; i have done these rescue missions many times before.”
you let out a small whimper as you kiss the corner of his mouth, letting your own linger, your breaths practically becoming his. “promise me you’ll take care of yourself.”
even though he tries his best to downplay the way your care and concern reach his heart, you know him better than that, the faintest blush of pink building on his hot cheeks. he attempts once more at a serious expression as you discuss safety, a topic he wishes you would yield more to, but alas… pondering his options, a small smirk sneaks past his attempt to put on a nonchalant facade at your words. “i will promise that…but only if you promise me the same thing first.” 
“fine.” you pout, a much quicker agreement than he was expecting. “i promise.” 
you lean in close, your small exhale lingering between the two of you before your mouths meet once more and you gently nibble on his lower lip. a small moan escapes him, vibrating through your kiss and to your own body, but even he can’t make you forget your purpose. not this time, at least.
steeling yourself, you put on a stern glare as you pull away and ignore the pang from your separation that blooms in your gut. “your turn.”
he stares with a quiet intensity as you pull away, trying to feign impassivity despite his round pupils that watch your movement carefully, giving away everything you may want to know. taking your fingers in his own, he brings them to his lips, locking eyes with you all the way. “very well then. i promise.” 
knowing him, you can predict how his business trip will begin without you there and you shoot him a pointed look. “and the first thing we’re doing when i get there is having a meal together.”
his hand reaches for your jaw and cheekbones once more, cupping your face tenderly in his large palm. “alright then.” 
when you finally are satisfied with his response, resting your head back on his shoulder, you pucker your lips to his skin once again, pressing lazy kisses along his jaw. his muscles stiffen beneath you as you continue adding new colors and marks to his skin, his head falling forward to rest on your shoulder as he caves in.
“yn,” he warns lowly, the last bits of rationality trying to claw back at what’s taken over the rest of his thoughts. “at this rate everyone will know what we’ve been up to when i get to the base.”
“good,” you hum, the vibrations echoing along his skin. “i don’t know who’ll be there.”
maybe this was always a losing battle.
“so maybe that’s what i want.”
this was definitely always a losing battle, he decides. zayne would like to think he’s very diligent in whatever he decides to put his mind to, but if there’s anything he just can’t do, at least not without extreme difficulty, it’s saying no to you, especially when you give him your signature cute little look or use some of your other equally persuasive methods. 
your eyes flicker to his before you resume your work, painting warm splotches along his neck and collarbone. “maybe everyone should know you’re mine. just in case.”  
he moans at your words, tightening his grip around your waist, but he admittedly tilts his head, giving you more room to continue your efforts. 
a beat passes before you pull away to admire the latest artwork you’ve added to the collection of marks you’ve made tonight. “you look really good in that turtleneck anyway,” you whisper, pressing one last gentle kiss to soothe the spot before moving to the next inch of his skin to tease. 
something in your words jumpstarts what’s been hiding, lying low, in the back of his mind. his gaze hardens at your words, his hands finding and squeezing your hips to still you so he can flip you both and is hovering over you. “oh, darling, you better believe i won’t be the only one who will have to cover up marks and bruises.”
sure, he’ll have to get up earlier and do a lot to hide all the work you’ve done on his collarbones for the next few days at minimum…at least until you arrive and can help him conceal all of your “art” on his skin. but there’s no way he’s going down without a fight. and when he plants his lips under your jaw, hovering dangerously close to your pulse point that thuds along to the unsteady rhythm in your ears, you know it’s over for you. it’s gonna be a long night. not that you mind exactly…
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whatifitwasgttho · 4 months
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get you a giant boyfriend that is helplessly devoted to you
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thelilfae · 3 months
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anim practice 🤍
not the best but, thats why we practice <33
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