#ghosts that decided what the translations were cared if it was accurate
the-witchhunter · 1 year
Ghost King AU: Queen
So ghost king au. The ancients are, well, ancient and language constantly is evolving. So what if, certain titles and terms related to being the Ghost King are more modern interpretations of old titles, where we’re just seeing the closest English approximation. And like any translation of an ancient language, certain nuances are lost, and might not be entirely accurate.
What if, in the language of the ancients, titles are not gender specific and describe the function of the role. So anyone can have the title of the Ghost King, male or female, regardless of gender, because it describes the lynchpin of the Infinite Realms. 
So if Ghost Queen is defined as “partner of the Ghost King” someone attempting to summon the Ghost Queen would be in for a surprise...
Just imagine, cultists chanting, summoning the ghost queen, only to have [insert clearly not a ghost and/or not female character]
“Well we clearly fucked something up.”
or if they’re in a poly relationship, summoning the ghost queen results in multiple people showing up, leaving everyone confused. 
if we wanted to make it DC crossover, Summoning the Ghost Queen, expecting a ghostly woman of some sort to show up, and just an angry Red Hood pops into the circle, fully costume, body armor and guns galore. Maybe he doesn’t even know why that just happened, but he’s certainly not happy about it
or Superbraindead:
“Uh guys? Why did Tim Drake and Superboy just appear?”
Kon ready to tussle and just Tim, about to actually sleep for once just stares into the camera like he’s on the Office.
Bonus if Danny never mentioned the Ghost King thing or even being half ghost at all and they’re left scrambling to figure out why this just happened
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elvesandlanterns · 2 years
Ghost helpline part 16- Everyone goes home
Billy walked out of the, surprisingly opened at 3 am, art store with bags of painting supply. Ducking into an alley, he transformed. He felt a lot better.
Alright he was ready to head for Gotham, after all his family was waiting for him there.
Now how to get around the Bats, he could probably avoid them if he walked in Bludhaven right?
- “Ow! What the hell! Billy???” The kid had decided to detransform mid air and ended up on top of the small vampire.
The two looked at each other, “Holly shit are you bleeding! Did I do that?”
“What no of course not! I just got caught up with some bigoted werewolf.” Reds blood was already dry, skin scared as if the encounter had taken place days ago. “Billy what are you even doing here?!”
“Finished that pie at the diner and took a walk around the place. Was just starting to head home”
Translation: I’m done with my mission and patrol of Fawcett and am trying to go home.
“And you didn’t take the short cut home because?”
Billy quizzically raised an eyebrow, seriously what does my sister see in this guy? “ Taking the long way seemed like a safer bet, especially in a town like this.”
Translation: Do you want me to get caught by the Batman ?? Huh? Do you?
“Right, we should get going there’s no telling if that wolf will come back. Need a lift?”
“Can’t we just call Dandy to pick us up?”
Red shook his head, “No can do, he left to go pick up Violet chances are he’s barely coming back into town.”
“What do you mean pick Violet up? Where is she?!?”
“It’s a whole thing, just look I am not comfortable being here right now. Don’t you know wolves travel in packs? Do you want a lift or not!?!?”
“Fine.” Jack hoisted Billy over his shoulder, “This is humiliating.”
“Hardy har har, I may be a weak vampire but even I can care you in this form. Now hold tight.”
They disappeared in a blur of pink.
And Nightwing set down the binoculars, this was going to be a long report.
Dandy was ready to strangle them.
“Hold on hold on we can just check the mirror again!”
“Flipping flapjacks, where the heck is Small-ville?”
Klarion could feel Dandy’s eyes burning into him. Whoops, “Well I at least need to know what state we’re in for me to teleport more accurately… so.”
Danka smiled, “So we ask for directions! We are literally on top of a farm right now - someone has got to be here!”
“Well not like we got any other plans here.”
A short walk, a pie and a conversation later Klarion managed to teleport them to the mansion.
Dandy couldn’t enjoy it for a minute. He stopped dead in his tracks, “Klarion, we forgot the car.”
—- —- —-
Bruce’s neck hurt, did he sleep on the
bat-puter again? No it was too soft. He shifted and opened his eyes… he was on a couch? Oh, OH. That wasn’t suppose to happen, he couldn’t have been that tired. The tv was off, and there was a blanket on top of him.
Vlad was gone and the lights were dimmed.
Great he had made a fool out of himself.
Right, it was time to leave. Right now. He could apologize later but he had to leave.
Bruce jolted into action. The sound came from upstairs.
// He’s so going to get robbed.//
Dick was right, for god sakes the house didn’t even have cameras!
Bruce ran up the stairs.
CRash! ThUd! “Ow damn nmit”
Oh that didn’t sound like a criminal… that sounded like a kid.
Two doors opened, Vlad and a little boy came out of them.
The kid had black hair and blue eyes, “Who the fuck are you?”
“Whatever old man, next time just let us know before you bring some side piece over.”
Oh good god he was another Jason.
Bruce got into his car and went home.
He left felling giddy and guilty, holding Vlad’s number.
Dick knew better to keep secrets from The Batman, so he wasn’t going to lie. He just also wasn’t going to tell him what happened to his face. If Bruce really needed to know what happened tonight he could read the report on it.
—- —- —-
Violet stares at the phone longer than necessary, she’s got one shot at this. Don’t fuck up.
She plucks a number out of her inventory and dials.
Violet has never been close to Bradley, he was quiet and reserved. He insisted that she couldn’t do anything without help, well on the upside if someone thinks you’re useless it’s not like you can disappoint them more than you already do.
“Hey Brad, can you come pick me up… I’m at a pub… yeah again…”
- Brad hung up the phone and abandoned his brothers at the movie theater. His sister had called him, him! Not Dandy or Danka or Klarion! She had called him! And now he he had a little sister to save!
He checked the time on his Lock Screen, a picture of Violet having a stuffed animal tea party, it was his prized possession. His little baby sister was just so adorable and kind. And if anyone in Gotham hurt her there was going to be hell to pay! - literally!
—- —- —-
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holycow99 · 3 years
石田お寿司 19/7/21 stream translation Part 1
This is not the full translation of the stream. I only translated the parts I could understand & interpret or parts I found interesting/important. I’m still a beginner in Japanese, so the translations may not be accurate. If you want to repost, please repost at your own risk. 
(t/n: Sorry for the late update. I had so many distractions these past 2 weeks. This translation may have a lot of mistranslations as I couldn’t really catch what he said since the bgm was super loud. I tried my best to separate the voice and the bgm so that the voice would be clearer, but I didn’t manage to do that.)
I: Hello. You guys, are you ready for Ghosts n Goblins? I am.
C: You’re in high spirits tonight.
I: Of course. I’ve been busy with the rough sketches. I’ve spend the entire day fixing the sketches for chp 5.
*Fixing the sound
C: Contrarily, won’t you feel stressed playing this game for a change of pace?
I: I’m already used to this game.
I: I’m stuck in the same place so I’m gonna play this game from the start.
*Choosing mode.
I: I’ve played this game before (referring to the old ver.), so I’ll choose the harder mode.
*Choosing stage.
I: I haven’t progressed at all. I haven’t seen the other stages yet. Graveyard, execution chamber. I played the execution chamber stage for a bit during the stream with Ms. Towada. I progressed a little only. Should I play the graveyard stage?
*Playing the stage.
I: The armour used to get destroyed with just one hit. The armour has a ranking. If you collect a lot of armours, it’ll become a bronze armour. This one is probably a metal armour.
C: Fighting!
I: Kamsahamnida. Is it Kamsahamnida? Thank you.
(t/n: Kamsahamnida means thank you in Korean. He’s talking in Korean.)
C: Have you decided on the date for Kagoshima trip?
I: That’s right. What should I do with the trip? Looks like I can secure 20 buses.
(t/n: Ishida had been jokingly planned on a trip with Japanese fans.)
C: Is the stage different from the old one?
I: It looks similar, but I think it’s a completely different stage. Yeah, it’s completely different. What’s this creature? What’s his name again? Everyone said they didn’t like this boss. I like it. He’s like a friend to me.
C: Russia loves you, sensei.
I: Really? I heard that illegal uploading of manga is widespread in Russia. Haha. I have a grudge against Russia. Haha. Spasiba (thank you in Russian).
C: I like Russian girls. They’re cute.
I: I don’t think it’s because they’re Russians. I heard that their nose tends to be taller due to the climate effects. This isn’t considered as discrimination, right? That’s why they’re good-looking. The same with their white complexion. People adore those with tall nose because their noses are small and cute.
(t/n: I’m not sure about the translation of this part since I couldn’t hear him clearly. He said something more but I couldn’t catch it. Sorry.)
Y****: Are you about to snap?
I: Ah, Y****?! You’re here. You weren’t in the prev. stream, right? I’m not angry.
Y****: I was busy with club.
I: What club are you in? You must be busy. What club are you in as a middle schooler?
Y****: Theatre club.
I: Theatre club?! You’re kidding, right?! Really?! It’s so unexpected, hahaha. Theatre club? I thought you’re in a sports club, like soccer or something. So cool. That’s nice. Seriously? Do they have theatre club in middle school? Amazing.
*Ishida struggling to kill the monsters and then died.
I: I was looking at the comments, waiting for Y****’s to show up, then I became like this.
*Someone commented that they did vocalisation training in theatre club.
I: Vocalisation training? So they do have that. Wait a min, did Y**** say something? Wait, tell me when I die again.
Y****: I’m a high-school student.
I: Eh, Y****, you’re a high-school student?! Didn’t you say you’re 13?! Were you a high school student all this time?! Wait, can I talk to Y**** for a bit? Hahaha. Eh?! Have you been a high-schooler all this while?!
*Continue playing.
I: Hurry up and tell me. I suddenly become interested in human world. Y****, hurry. Did he say something?
Y****: I’m in my first year.
I: I see. A first year student. So, last year you’re 13? I remember you said you’re 13. You’ve enrolled to high school. Congrats for your admission! It must be hard with the COVID-19 situation. Y**** has further modified. His DPS (Damage Per Second) has increased to 1980.
C: I envy the youth.
I: Well, you can become anything as a high-schooler. If you work hard, you can become an actor or a playwright, though I’m not really sure. (inaudible). I think it’s a very good career.
C: What club were you in?
I: I was in volleyball club. I was in the badminton club for 3 months. I joined because of similar reason I joined volleyball club.  I joined because I wanted to be good at smashing. Then, I quit the club after I’ve mastered it. Same with volleyball. I wanted to master spike. I had other stuffs I wanted to do. I wanted to play games all day long. I didn’t wanna go for club activities. I skipped club activities and played Smash Bros. I was a boarding student, after all.
C: Have you read Look Back? (t/n: Look Back is a one shot manga by Fujimoto Tatsuki, author of Chainsaw Man.)
I: Yes, I have.
C: Which console is this?
I: This is switch. I play this because I was tired from fixing the rough sketches for chp 5.
C: Did you go and watch Yamakasa? (t/n: Yamakasa refers to the float carried by men during Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival. You can google it up for more info.)
I: I watch when there’s one. Ms. Towada went and see it. Where did she recently visit?
*Ishida having a hard time defeating the monsters & passing the stage.
I: This is harder than RE. RE is way easier compared to this.
C: Sensei is getting tired!
I: Actually, I should be resting at times like this. It’d be better for me to rest after I did the rough sketches.
*Someone commented they had to work that night.
I: It must be hard to work at this time. Night shift? Nurses and… is it correct? I’m not so sure though, but caregivers also have night shifts. Well, good luck on your job. Take care of your health, eat a lot of delicious foods, and don’t forget to wear an armour. You don’t know when you’ll be absorbed into this game.
C: I need to do excel as my assignment.
I: Must be difficult. I copy pasted the stuffs I found on the internet for my assignments. I wasn’t the only one who did that. Everyone else did the same too.
I: I like summer. If I were to pick a season…but I prefer autumn. Still, summer is great.
C: I have test tomorrow.
I: Then, you should study.
C: I hate summer since there’ll be a lot of Terra Formars.
(t/n: terra formars is a manga about humanoid cockroaches. So, OP referred cockroaches as terra formars.)
I: Yup. They’re in the drawers the other day. They’re always there mostly. 
C: What are you drinking today?
I: Barley tea. I want to drink juice. Ginger ale as well, but I’ll gain weight drinking that. I drink it occasionally. Do you guys know root beer?
*Ishida constantly failed and died.
Comments: Are you getting angry?
I: This is pissing you off, right? I’m pissed off. Of course I’d be pissed off with something like this. The ones who made this game, show yourselves. I’m gonna bring this to court and claim for compensation.
Comments: Please calm down.
I: I’m calming down. Okay, I’ve calmed down.
*Finally progressing a little.
I: Yes, finally! I’m gonna do this calmly.
*Fighting a bunch of monsters.
I: (whispering) Calmly! Calmly!
*Dead again.
I: (whispering) Shit! Just now…It might be impossible without the armour. Let’s do this calmly.
I: This game is more of a psycho break than Psychobreak.
Part 2
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chocolate-parfait · 4 years
can I suggest a headcanon for arthur, theo and comte ( or dazai ) reacting to their selectively mute s/o speaking for the first time? ( maybe even singing? ) you can decide if you want a scenario for one of them and what mc sounds like, wether shes soft spoken or has a mature voice~ whatever you feel comfortable with >:0 👌 — have a nice day ! ♡
I made some research to write this but tell me if anything's inaccurate or wrong! I'll fix it right away
Selectively mute MC - ikevamp headcanons (Arthur, Theo & Comte)
Arthur's a bit suspicious when he sees how uncomfortable you seem to be on your first night. No normal person would feel completely at ease, that's for sure, and yet the way your gaze flickers around the room, the way you fidget with your own hands, the look of pure anxiety on your pretty features, they're all blatant red flags for him, though he decides to let you be. It's your first night, after all, for all he knows you could just be terribly shy, right?
He started piecing the signs together after a couple days when your voice was yet to be heard. The only thing they knew was your name, which you wrote on a piece of paper after Vincent's many soft encouragements.
The English writer had tried flirting with you a couple times, but after being met with the same indicators of discomfort as night one, he decided to step back and watch from the sidelines, occasionally helping others translate whatever you were trying to tell them with your body language.
Selective mutism had been diagnosed around 1870 for the first time, and although it was still a relatively new medical condition, he still was a couple decades more experienced when it came to medicine. After realizing that was your case, he moved to inform everyone in the mansion so that they could adjust their behaviors and avoid causing you too much distress.
Eventually Arthur becomes the person you spend most time with in the whole house; you can feel he genuinely cares and, despite the voices you had heard about his incorrigible attitudes and questionable habits, you start appreciating all the efforts he puts into making sure you're always comfortable and understood (his efforts were very much succeeding, by the way).
On one particular night, you decided to bring some coffee to his room, a silent gesture of support in his regards, but once you entered the bedroom, he turned to look you in the eyes and you saw his beautiful blue orbs, usually alight with mischief, now dark and wavering, surrounded by puffy, red skin. He had been crying. Despite all his best efforts to hide it, everyone knew the writer had his own ghosts from the past haunting him, but seeing him so wretched and broken made your heart squeeze in sympathy and pity.
Seeing your worried expression Arthur immediately turned the other way, letting out a self deprecating laugh as he thought this was probably not helping with your case at all. "Ah- D-don't worry about me! I just got some dust in my eyes. Clumsy old me-!" You set down the tray on his desk and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"A-arthur, you can tell me. I'm here for you."
His heart almost flew out of his chest as his wide eyes stared at you in disbelief. He abruptly stood up and had to stop himself from hugging you and twirling you around, grabbing your shoulders instead. "MC, you just spoke right now, didn't you?!". He was so shocked he completely forgot about his troubles and spent minutes fawning over you. He didn't realize he was coming off as too strong until he noticed your voice getting quieter and quieter. He then apologized and took a moment to cool himself off.
From then on, your relationship goes through revolutionary changes as he finally gets to learn more about your past, tastes and personality. Each little detail makes him more and more interested in what had been a complete mystery to everyone for days. As the writer of Sherlock Holmes he certainly couldn't let this one chance fly out of the window now, could he?
If his brain malfunctioned when he heard your voice for the first time, it is pretty accurate to say that he almost passed away for the second time when he heard your laugh! It's the best and most effective antidepressant he's tried in a long time, and the more open you become, the more the look in your eyes starts to brighten up, a worthy rival to the breathtaking smile that graces your lips every now and then.
Your voice is sweet, calm and soft, and Arthur feels as if he's floating on a cloud whenever he hears it. It isn't loud, either, making everything you say seem like the most intimate secret one could whisper to a close friend. On the other hand, your laugh is like the clear and light tinkling of a bell. Each time you let out even the smallest of chuckles his cheeks flush with a rosy blush, earning him stares and teasing remarks from the closest fellow vampire in the room.
Slowly, he starts to see his reactions for what they are: sprouts of a new love. As time passes by, he realizes he wants to hear more and more of your voice. He wants to hear you whimper his name lost in overwhelming pleasure, he wants to hear all the sweet nothings and declarations of love you can offer him, comforting words, even gibberish and dark secrets. Everything that comes out of your mouth is like molten gold to him, and he wants it all to himself.
He starts bragging to others, though it does not take long before you're comfortable enough to grace them with the sound of what Arthur has come to love so much. On one side he's jealous because you've denied him the privilege of being the only one to hear your voice, but at the same time he's also extremely proud of you! You're finally happy and there's no more traces of anxiety and worry in your eyes whenever you're surrounded by the other vampires, and that's one of the most important milestones he's honored have witnessed by your side.
Let's just say that you and theo start off on the wrong foot. To say that you're frightened of him at first is an understatement, and you very much avoid him for as much as you can. He feels guilt strangling his throat whenever he sees your quivering form running away from him, and after noting that you behaved similarly with everyone and still hadn't uttered a word in days made him worry even more.
Arthur's the one who comes up with a diagnosis, and with that everyone changes their manners and speech to make you feel more at ease. Theo, just like his blue haired friend, is actually pretty good at reading body language so he has no particular struggles when it comes to your needs. Unfortunately, he's not so smooth in regulating his tone and words, which often come out a little to harsh. Vincent often reprimands him for it, and he can't help but feel even worse when he realizes he's probably ruining your whole stay.
He starts distancing himself, and you gradually start sticking by the local angel's side, never leaving him for even a second; his vibes are so pure and soothing that they help you out with your anxiety and symptoms. Needless to say, he's also very understanding and is not at all bothered to speak in your stead. This leads to Vincent being the first one to hear your voice, and he's without doubt elated, but he also wishes for you to be able to socialize with the others, too. Theo in particular.
After days and days of the artist's endless rants on how good his little brother actually is, your image of the gruff man has been replaced by that of a soft hearted puppy. Too bad that this soft puppy looks like a hungry hunt dog more than a small, soft cloud of love.
Ironically enough, what brings you and Theo to a new stage of your basically nonexistent relationship is King. In the dog's presence he lets his guards down and turns into a loving owner of a very good and friendly golden nugget, subsequently becoming more approachable. Besides, everyone knows how helpful animals are in fighting anxiety and social disorders! And on the advice of Arthur, he invites you to his daily walk with his dog, hoping your fear will melt away with time.
He's a stubborn man, and even when such delicate issues come his way, he has no intention of giving up. No matter how much time it'll take him, he believes he's going to convince you he's not that bad as you first thought. Why is he trying so hard though? Well, not only it's something that stems from Vincent's care for you, but it's also something for your own good. If you were to avoid him for a whole month, you'd get nothing out of it, and a constant lingering sense of panic would follow you pretty much anywhere; but living for a whole month in those conditions is a no-no for Theo. He has no intention of uselessly make you suffer like that, and as he reminds himself of that, his willpower strengthens his determination to search for a common ground between you two.
Albeit slowly, you start getting less tense around him, and the fright fades away bit by bit with each walk in the woods with the Dutch art dealer and the excited bundle of golden hair. It's a lengthy process that takes many days, but Theo finally knows his efforts aren't vain when he hears you coo at the golden retriever. "King... you're such a good boy.." You say with with the warmest smile he had ever seen painted on someone's face as you patted his canine friend's head lovingly. In that moment he wished he could frame the scene and hang it up in his room next to his brother's paintings.
He didn't know whether it was the emotion of hearing your voice for the first time or the implications that told him you weren't that scared of him anymore, but he became hyper aware that his wasn't a normal heartbeat. Unsteady and crazy like that of a lovestruck fool. Was this all it took him to fall head over heels for someone? Or was this a process that had started way before?
It still takes you some time to be fully able to speak complete sentences in his presence, but once you do, he's overcome with one of the greatest feelings of satisfaction he had ever felt in his two lives, and he can definitely agree that everything was worth the wait and the labour.
Just like Arthur, your laugh almost makes him fly through the roof, but what turns him into a formless puddle of mushy feelings and amazement is your singing voice. The first time he hears you intone a medley to him he turns to stone and just stays there, unmoving. He has an eye for finding hidden talents, but oh God was your singing unexpected. His feeling may be out of place here, but he's so, so glad to have your singing all to himself. He finds the act extremely intimate, and for how much he may believe he doesn't deserve it, he cannot deny the positive effects it has on him
Sometimes, when you're talking to him, you can see him turn his face away and smile to himself like an idiot. In those times, he's thinking about how far you two came, and how glad he is to have persisted as much as he did.
Comte emanates a slightly threatening and imposing aura but it can also be calm and placid, like his voice. First and foremost he's a gentleman, but he sometimes comes off as very intimidating to those who are not used being around such strong presences like his. Luckily, he's a very patient man, and you can feel no judgement nor malice coming from him. He's lived a long, long life, and he knows better than overstepping people's boundaries and making fun of their insecurities.
When with him, you can do things at your own pace! If you don't feel like talking then he's totally okay with it; take your time to find your own way and pace of doing things, he'll gladly help if you ever ask him (with gestures or, once you're closer, with words).
The panic you feel in his presence dissolves gradually; there are no particular events that cause a turning point in your relationship, it just happens. Despite living in such a big mansion, avoiding all life forms is pretty much impossible, so you happen to share some interactions every now and then. Sometimes it's an afternoon tea, others it's just him making small talk as you clean his room (he's either talking to himself or asks answers you can nod to if you feel more comfortable). He immediately makes it clear that he doesn't expect nor want to pressure you in delivering any answer, and if you ever happen to feel too overwhelmed he excuses himself and leaves the room.
One day as you were dusting the shelves in his office, he casually says:"The weather's really nice today." But your head doesn't move in assent, instead he receives a shocking reply despite the ordinariness of the topic. "It really is... T-there's not a cloud in the sky, either." A shocked expression momentarily appears on his features, soon replaced by a wide smile as he hums back in agreement.
He doesn't let it show but he's utterly in love with your voice. It's an addiction but he still wants to give you enough space and time to get comfortable with the idea of speaking around him, so he tries to keep himself in check all the time.
It's when he hears you singing that he can't help but feel greedy, and the rare sight of Comte's blushing cheeks greets you for the first time ever. It's his weak point, use it as you may deem ;)
(okay but jokes aside WHY would you ever want to use it against him, he'd build a pyramid with a butter knife while doing a backflip if you asked him to tbh,, the man is Whipped.)
Everything you do has a meaning and a significance, so he's always taking in even the smallest piece of information you may subconsciously slip his way. Seeing how you trust him enough to lower your guards about him makes him all the more appreciative of the bond you two share. For this reason, if you ever want to try and get over your anxiety, he'll be there to walk with you from the first to the last step of your journey.
His favorite thing is when he's holding you in his arms, nuzzled against his chest while he dozes off to your heavenly humming. It makes him feel like a prince living his happy ever after in a fairytale and he couldn't be more grateful.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
So I’m writing a short story in my Changelings ‘verse for a galaxy brain commission that was simply “Boyd gets a boyfriend.” Nothing wrong there. But it does mean I feel like I finally gotta nail down the full intricacies of Boyd’s magic, which is unnecessarily....extra, due to the existence of the Curse of the Specialist Snowflake that afflicts me. 
Like, I couldn’t just give him one physical change and one magic like most other Changelings, nooooooo, he’s gotta be the Zodiac Kid and have twelve completely different changes and magics, one for each sign and he changes throughout the year in accordance to the changing of the signs. Why’d I do it that way? Cuz I gotta, obviously. Hahahaha, shut up, me.
I mean, there was a point to it originally, like, his sister Alicia’s Change and magic is that she’s surrounded by ghostly versions of a bunch of her alternate universe selves at any given moment, and she can communicate with them and call upon their skills and is sometimes called Sibyl around town, so like, the common thread/theme of her and Boyd’s magic is like, an infinity of self, but also, by “there was a point to it originally” I also just mean I couldn’t settle on and pick what I wanted Boyd’s magic to be so I was like here’s a fun thing I could do, make up a reason for him to have even MORE options.
.....I feel like, potentially, this self-created problem I’m having could have been avoided somehow, but gosh, fuck if I can see how.
So most of Boyd’s magic is hammered down....
In his Sagittarius phase, he’s physically a centaur whose lower half looks like a night sky studded through with starfields and moving constellations, and his magic from November 23rd to December 21st is uncanny intuition, a kind of off-the-top-of-his-head divination. He just instinctively knows the answers to questions when he’s in his Sagittarius phase, the more specific the question the more accurate his answer. He doesn’t have context, he doesn’t KNOW how he knows the things that he knows, he just knows them. 
You ask him if you’ll meet someone who could very plausibly be the love of your life within the next week, and if he says yes, its absolutely, one hundred percent true and accurate.....but if you ask him then how can I find them, he might say well first thing you gotta do is get out of my face and stop bugging me, and then walk down the street and turn left.....and that too, would be absolutely true and accurately point you in the direction that answers your question but like, that’s all he’s got and you’re missing a few steps at that point. So. Its not an exact science or anything. 
There’s definitely tricks to maximizing the intel you get out of him when he feels like being hit up for intel and doesn’t just string you along to be a total troll. Which he is. Hence why he also spends most of December filling in all of Alicia’s large stockpile of crosswords and sudokus, as he just instinctively and whimsically knows what to fill in even if he doesn’t actually have a clue WHY the Mesozoic Era is the answer to 49 Down. Alicia maintains this is cheating. He maintains he doesn’t care, and answers 64 across with “Johannesburg.” Fuck if he knows why.
In his Capricorn phase, he sublets his apartment in Bordertown and takes a month lease on a place underwater in Sub Francisco.....as for this period he’s more of a classical merman, but also if a classical merman has goat horns. But like, whose to say they don’t? Have you ever met one? Thought so. His magic during this period is horns of plenty.....he touches something to one of his horns, and comes away holding two of that item. So it basically only works on things that can be hand-held, but other than that it could be food, physical items, medicine, etc.
In his Aquarius phase, he’s physically the same as he was when a normal mainstream human....except that his skin has a faintly translucent quality as if that of water, with faint stars spiraling in distant patterns in the depths of his slightly watery form. He’s not invisible or actually translucent, like you can’t see through him or even see his organs or anything....rather, its more like most of the time he just looks like normal, human Boyd, albeit wearing a lot of glitter for some reason....but then he turns and catches the light just so, and for a moment you can see how the light is shining THROUGH him similar to the way it shines through the surface of a body of water. His magic in this phase is based on Ganymede, the cup-bearer of the gods.....water he touches becomes imbued with healing properties. 
Like, he unscrews an ordinary bottle of Evian and reaches in with the tip of his finger, and whammo, you’ve got a healing potion whose magic will last until the last of the water is gone, even if its not used until after his Aquarius phase. Once he’s imbued a source of water with his magic, its a healing potion from then on out, which makes his shop a useful place to find healing magic year-round.....or at least until he runs out. You come into his shop even in late July, if he’s still got some healing potions lying around they’re as good as ever....but if he’s already out of stock, you’re out of luck until next year’s Aquarius phase rolls around, and you gotta go look elsewhere on Mercy Row for a healer in the meanwhile.
In his Pisces phase, he goes back to his Sub Francisco apartment as his physical Change here is that of a centaur-triton....kinda the classic ithyocentaur, but also he’s got kinda webbed-like wings spanning from his back.....its a whole thing. But a good look. His magic in this phase is ‘the perfect pair’....he cups his hands and forms a magical, elemental construct in the shape of a koi fish that’ll swim off in the direction of the perfect complement to something or someone. Like a personal, magical compass guiding him or whomever he makes one for to like, the magnetic north that exists somewhere as the perfect counterpart to an already present south pole. Whatever, this makes no sense and is super confusing, I get that. But it makes perfect sense and is not confusing in my head. Still just working on translating from point Head to point Paper without the concept getting lost in the translation.
In his Aries phase, he’s his ‘normal’ mainstream-appearing base form....but also he’s got golden wings and ram horns. And his magic is that he breathes fire. But its magic fire, and it doesn’t burn things it touches, it turns them to gold. Its a whole Golden Fleece thing mixed with a King Midas thing.
In his Taurus phase.....idk yet. I mean, bull horns seems a pretty obvious go-to motif, but haven’t decided for his magic yet. Mostly because @sunwukxng is a Taurus and he takes things like this juuuuuuuust personal enough that I know if I don’t come up with something good here he’ll decide its a mortal insult towards all Tauri and thus him as well, and he’ll declare a blood feud against me that shall last five hundred years. And he’s already got like, six of those in progress, so....trying to avoid racking up anymore.
In his Gemini phase, he splits into two selves, his physical self and astral self, so he’s basically followed everywhere by both his shadow and a spirit version of himself he can astral project elsewhere. And when his astral self goes through something, kinda like how there’s that idea that when a ghost passes through someone they feel a chill or as if they almost left their body for a second.....his astral self can kinda like....yoink other peoples’ astral selves out of their physical forms temporarily. Yoink is of course the highly technical, scientific term for the phenomenon. Obviously.
In his Cancer phase.....idk yet. Look, its hard to be classy and deep concept-y about crabs, okay? I’m sorry Cancers, but even in the original myths about the constellation the gods were like yeah, this crab constellation was a mistake, we just felt bad about Artemis kicking that one all the way up into the heavens after it pinched Orion, the only himbo she ever almost made a boytoy out of. A lot of other Zodiacs featured animals that had the common perception of being viewed as pushing the sun across the sky, so there’s maybe something there in that direction....idk yet.
In his Leo phase, Boyd mostly appears as his ‘normal’ base mainstream-human looking self....except he’s big in a way that is not exactly Giant Big (and there are a good couple dozen giant-sized Changelings living in Bordertown, so like, he isn’t officially anywhere near that) but he is possessed of a height and size that are nevertheless best described as Ridiculous. Like he’s bigger than the Strange Angel, but not as big as Teddy the Sun-snake. That means nothing to anyone but me. Whatever. Moving on. Anyway, in his Leo phase he also has a fiery red mane kinda....that’s threaded through with silver stars in the Leo constellation shape. His magic in this phase is his ‘roar of command’....basically, he can imbue anything he says with the force of his will, and thus like.....make inanimate objects do what he tells them. He’s like “Open sesame” and a locked door is like you got it, boss.
In his Virgo phase.....I am not entirely sure what he looks like yet. I’m pretty sure its mostly his mainstream-looking ‘base self’ but like.....with an unnatural charisma, but also something a little less generic than that. Needs a specific hook still, beyond just “I’m ridick pretty.” Like, he’s Sinqua Walls. He’s always ridick pretty. Its a thing. But his magic in this phase is like.....an aura of inspiration. He just sorta puts out a vibe that inspires people around him in various ways that are unique to the individual. 
He’s also way shorter than he used to be even before his Change hit, or like, shorter than he is in any of his other phases. Like, we’re talking five and a half feet max. Is there any reason for this whatsoever beyond me being amused at the juxtaposition of him going from his Biggest and Most Ridiculous Phase immediately to his Smallest and Most Ridiculous Phase? No. No there is not. Fear the deep profundity of my creative process, for it is deep and it tis profound.
In his Libra phase....I’m not sure yet what his physical change is, but I do know his skin has a scaled texture, and I know those aren’t the scales normally associated with Libra but there’s a point to it, its just......missing some ingredients still to totally make sense. But he also tends to wear a blindfold a lot of the time during his Libra phase because I know his magic here has to do with viewing things in terms of overlapping possibilities and potentialities, like, he looks at things and sees not just the way they ARE but also a whole bunch of different ways they COULD be, and his magic enables him to kinda tweak things from the way they are more towards one of those other possibilities, in a sense that’s all about ‘balancing’ things.
However, the sensory stimuli of all those potentialities 24/7 is honestly overwhelming and gives him serious migraines, so he mostly tries to rest his eyes behind some kind of blindfold most of the time and just take it off to focus on specific things in order to utilize his magic, and only a little at a time. This is probably the most technically ‘powerful’ of his magics in terms of both versatility and scope, but it takes a toll and he really tries to pace himself during his Libra phase or it just gets to be too much, really fast.
And then lastly, in his Scorpio phase, he’s got a whole scorpion tail and barbed stingers along the outsides of his arms.....but rather than lean into the whole ‘eww Scorpios are duplicitous and manipulative’ and also ‘eww scorpions,’ his magic here calls back to how scorpions are actually protective guardians in a lot of mythologies and folklore, and there’s also plenty of Zodiac lore about the idea of the Scorpio sign being all about uncovering truths at any cost, etc. So his magic here is another ‘liquid/mutable’ type and takes the form of venom from his stingers that’s almost like drops of amber.....and that have various properties aimed at uncovering truths and exposing lies and falsehoods. Like, elixirs made during his Scorpio phase are another highly sought ware at his shop, because depending on the venom concentration he places in each, they have different properties. Like, he’s got vials where just a drop placed in your drink or on your food will reveal if its been drugged or poisoned, or vials of elixirs that basically act as magical truth serum.....and then other vials where like, you splash a little of it on something you suspect to be an illusion or a magical disguise of some kind, and it’ll dispel the false magic and reveal what’s truly there. 
“What happens if like, I splash it in the face of someone I think is wearing an illusion disguise and it turns out they’re not and that’s really just what they look like?” A customer asks.
Boyd shrugs. “Then they’ll just be wet. And probably a little pissed, I imagine. That’ll be $49.95 please.”
“I thought you said it was $29.95!”
“That was before the Asked Stupid Questions tax was applied,” Boyd smiles placidly. “Will that be cash or credit?”
 Okay. So. Typing that all out cleared up some of that for me but not quite as much as I was hoping as Cancer and Taurus apparently still persist in Vexing me.
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rifroleplays · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
Does your character's name have any meaning? Is there a reason why they were named this? How much significance does your character's name have to them?
Hello there random-OC-questions-fairy, how lovely of you to drop by! I think the concept of your blog is super sweet and I’m excited to see you around! :D  
I kinda have too many characters and since you didn’t specify what character I will take this opportunity to just introduce a bunch of characters!
As a disclaimer: all of my characters’ names have a meaning and they were carefully selected, but I can’t recall a lot of them due to time past and some were chosen with a little less care than others. So, here a list of those that 1) I do remember and 2) are interesting enough to share, categorised in their character main trait! 
Zao Gao 
Zao Gao is an orphan born in a time of war that doesn't have an actual name. He was named 'Gao' for the place he grew up in, along with the rest of his orphaned peers. 'Zao' was given to him because 'Zao' means bad and Zao Gao together sounds like: 'chaos' or 'temper' which he is both. In any case, the name is given to him more as an indicator of his character than anything else and he stuck with it.
Maxwell Stirling [Argus]
While his given name was arbitrarily given his stage name was carefully selected. After his first failure as the frontman of his band and the scandal that eventually had him fall down Maxwell chose 'Argus' as his name of rebirth. It refers to a giant with hundred eyes; the all-seeing one. Maxwell (or Argus as he prefers now) will never let himself fall down the pededistal again, not by himself or by his closest friends. That's the promise he made when he chose his new stage name.
Mallory Devlin 
Mallory is born with bad luck and her name represents such as well. She always manages to get hurt, or her explosive character gets herself or another hurt. In any case, both her first and family name refer to this legendary ill luck and bad omens surrounding her. Whether this was intentional from her mother's side or not is something Mallory hasn't figured out yet, but that it is cursed is agreed upon by all.
Wayland Turing 
As an engineer stuck and condemned in the penial colony of Atlantis Wayland made the swift decision to change his name when he arrived. Turing, after the genius mathematician Alan Turing. He feels a certain kinship with the man as he hides away his intelligence and talents under a façade of wild child antics.
Literally translated his name becomes 'Stranger' and it reveals how it isn't really a name. The guardian of the spiritual borders between life and death and reincarnation has long forgotten his name, or he rather not recalls as it is easier to pretend that he is a stranger to all.
Thomas Baris 
Her parents wanted a son, after five daughters that's after all a good aim to have. Some variety. Instead they got Thomas, daughter number six. Seeing as her grandfathers really wanted to pass on their family name, and seeing as no one had actually thought of yet another girl's name the youngest Baris was named: Thomas, or more accurately: Tomasa. Luckily Tomasa, or Thomas, grew up rather wild earning her the position as 'the only son that isn't'.
Jane Plane 
Jane died, she was murdered. By whom, she has no idea, but she does know that she was very plain as a human. Unnoticed and ignored, Jane decided that she will never again be that human again, except now she is a wandering ghost terrorising a particular kid that happens to be able to see ghosts.
(put straightforwardly: Jane's name is a pun on 'Plain Jane'.)
Anya Nosferatu 
What her name was before 'father' took her in Anya rather not says, or she doesn't remember. Anya was the name 'father' gave her because she needed something to fill in the space before she would become 'Nosferatu'. A name picked from a list of names at random and one Anya grew rather more attached to than she should. As such the meaning of her name is rather more sentimental rather than truly meaningful.
Nosferatu is the name she was to adopt. The name representing the librarians of the vampire society. The one meant to record their history and their tales, but never involve themselves.
The eremurus, also known as cattail or foxtail lilies, is a plant that symbolises endurance. Eremurus, born Gabriel Engelbert (angelic names befitting his angelic appearance) chose this symbolical stage name when he came of age in the House of the Fallen Star. To represent the hardships he had to endure, to remind him of the sacrifices he has made, and the decisions the adults made for him when he was a child and he had to endure.
Emrys Jernigan 
Emrys was another name for Merlin, the mythical figure that stood next to the King that would be: Arthur. Emrys has no Arthur in his life, or so he believes, but he does possess magic, like Merlin. It is a constant joke and a promise of greatness that the warlock doesn't believe in.
Ophanim Hayyoth 
Both Ophanim’s given and surname are derived from Jewish mythology and refer to a class of heavenly beings also known as: angels. Ophanim are the wheels, the many-eyed chariot that move beneath the throne of God. Hayyoth is the name of their heavenly class. It stands to reason that with all these angelic references Ophanim also has an angel theme ongoing, what with him being an avian creature with wings. 
Ondine Fear 
Ondine's curse is a sleeping curse from the myth that takes away the breath of a beloved wife. No one would have thought that this name would be so foreboding with the birth of her younger sister. The surname Fear means 'human' and not necessarily the emotion, though it is ironic how it is exactly the emotion 'fear' her family sees when they see Ondine and that she isn't part of 'man' as her name suggests her to be. Ondine is a changeling who got swapped in the cradle with the actual human girl that was meant to be 'Ondine'.
Eirian Keegan [Ambrosia]
When Eirian grew up she had vowed herself to be desired. Now that she is grown Eirian chooses Ambrosia as her monicker to show the world that she has succeeded. God's fruit, the irresistible food of Olympus few can survive. It is the promise of a femme fatale who is unafraid to use all of her assets to reach her goals.
Shinju Maeda
Literally translated her name means 'pearl' looking deeper into it her name also sounds like 'truth' and can be interpreted as such looking at the kanji. A seemingly simplistic name holding layers of wishes and hopes from her parents. Shinju is fortunate to honour her name indeed as it was given to her.
Leto Sheridan 
Lethe is the name of the river of forgetfulness in the underworld according to Greek mythology, one drop of the river is said to be enough to forget all sorrows of life. Leto is named after that river and not after the deity that gave birth to Apollo and Artemis as popularly believed. Her parents' gave her the name with the hope that the female would grow up without sorrow, or not having to know it. Unfortunately life took a turn.
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 8
(spoilers for everything MDZS/Untamed)
[covers MDZS chapter...none, really...Team CQL pretty much goes completely rogue for this ep]
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
I really thought that Wei Ying should have named his binding technique “无聊” (“wu liao”, aka “lame”, “silly”, “boring”) in honor of Lan Zhan, since that’s his favorite response to Wei Ying. It’s a shame he didn’t end up doing that, felt like a total missed opportunity, especially since he never did decide on the actual name.  The two names he came up with, “sharing clothes” and “no clothes” (according to Viki's translation), felt little more than just Easter eggs for novel readers since we know eventually the two of them do partake in both states of dress and undress. In the context of the actual technique, they really don’t make much sense. However, interestingly enough, in the WeTV subs, the two name choices were actually translated as “binding” and “bonding”, which definitely seems more applicable. Based on my limited knowledge of Chinese words, the Viki translation seems to be a more literal translation of the words used, so I’m not sure how the WeTV team came up with binding and bonding instead, unless those are the figurative meanings of those Chinese characters.  I would love it if a fellow fan who is much more Chinese literate could school me on which is more accurate translation, but seriously, how much cuter would it have been if Wei Ying had just gone with 无聊?
Team CQL deciding to throw in more yin metals to the story was really a stroke of genius considering how much mileage they got out of that little invention: they got to introduce Xue Yang and eventually the Yi City boys earlier, provide a more extensive backstory for Lan Yi which of course also impacted other plot elements downstream, utilize Wen Ruohan more as a villainous character (which I personally consider a minus), stretch out the running time for more episodes, and most importantly, create more bonding opportunities for Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. First time I watched this episode I straight out cheered when Wei Ying skipped out on his Yunmeng fam to go after Lan Zhan; I thought that was so adorable. I was so looking forward to their adventures together. Too bad their alone time only lasted a few minutes...literally less than 4 minutes; I actually kept track this time around. Originally I thought that Nie Huaisang was brought in to be a third-wheeler because it would have been too suggestive for Lan Zhan and Wei Ying to spend time together off on their own, but after finishing the show and seeing all the other times they've spent together all alone, I soon realized I was totally overthinking things and it really was for the story's sake. One point I was never clear on was how did NHS clue into the fact that Jin Guangyao was behind his brother's death, since qi deviation actually seemed a reasonable explanation for his demise. Guy was bleeding through all his face holes, but he also had the ghost puppet lines on his neck. Because of NHS' experience here with Lan Zhan and Wei Ying when they faced off against the Wei villagers he was able to see firsthand how people affected by the Yin metal looks so I wonder if that's how he made the connection with what happened with his brother since Nie Mingjue also had those veiny markings on his neck. This had to be the only opportunity he had to see ghost puppets up close since he didn't really participate in the battle part of the Sunshot Campaign.
I could be way off base of course and perhaps the actual answer is more obvious than that, but one of the reasons I look forward to rewatching the show is filling in these gaps I have in terms of the plot and seeing if my conjectures to what I previously hadn't figured out yet are correct or not.
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Another benefit to NHS' sudden appearance was seeing how Lan Zhan seemed almost jealous at how chummy Wei Ying was being with him.  He didn't look thrilled at all when NHS popped up, and then that look on his face before he turned away from them was really the epitome of disapproval. Actually, he looked a little pissed. I wonder if he was actually disappointed to be reminded that Wei Ying's overt friendliness was not just reserved for him, since he was just as exuberantly social to NHS as well.  
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But progress was being made in their relationship just the same: take the fact that he didn’t fling off Wei Ying’s hand when he grabbed hold of him. Prior to their time in the cold pool cave, I doubt Lan Zhan would’ve allowed anyone to touch and lead him that way. In fact, he’s straight out said before that he doesn’t like physical contact with others. Obviously that’s no longer the case anymore, especially when it comes to Wei Ying. It's only the first of many more instances of hand grabbing and other touches between them. It's so exciting watching their relationship slowly but surely growing all over again.
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Although, when it comes to Wei Ying, I think it takes a much longer time for his feelings toward Lan Zhan to undergo any change from close friendship. I'm probably alone on this, but while I think he likes Lan Zhan a lot, I don’t think his feelings went through the same transformation to love that Lan Zhan’s did until much, much later.  Or at least, not in the way that he is actively aware of.  He clearly felt an instant kinship with Lan Zhan, but I think it takes a long while before he even understands that it’s different from how he feels towards someone like Jiang Cheng or even Nie Huaisang.
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Watching him as he admired Lan Zhan's beauty, I was naturally tempted at first to ascribe more meaning to his reaction than just appreciative appraisal because I wanted Wei Ying to be enamored with Lan Zhan already. But the truth of the matter is, now that I’m able to take a step back and really assess their relationship, I don’t think Wei Ying was quite at the maturity level yet to be able to properly comprehend what his admiration may actually be an indicative of. Wei Ying has a big heart, which is one of the most lovable qualities about him, but because of his heart and it's boundless capacity to love and care for others, I think even he himself can't decipher the differing levels of feelings he might have for different people.  And because it will take him a long time to realize the greater significance behind his attachment to Lan Zhan, it’s really heart-breaking how he almost carelessly friend-zones Lan Zhan at various points in this first part of their lives before he finally wakes up. In fact, I can pinpoint the exact moment when I believe he wakes up, but since it's still in the far future, I’ll save my further ramblings on that matter until then.
Bunny Time with the Yunmeng Sibs
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I love bunnies a lot and I also love the Yunmeng siblings a bunch, so naturally I wanted to love this moment completely as well, especially since seeing Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng nuzzle bunnies is just one of the cutest sights I've ever been laid eyes on. Unfortunately, there was one thing that put a damper on the scene for me and it was seeing Wei Ying throw that poor bunny at Jiang Cheng.  That wasn't a stunt bunny he tossed, it was the real thing. I rewound several times just to confirm it. I winced so hard the first time I watched the scene that I think I gave myself a toothache, and even now I still grimace a little when I see it. For my peace of mind I have to assume Wang Zhuocheng (who of course portrays Jiang Cheng) did catch the bunny and the take we saw was not a do-over because he actually missed it so they had to redo the scene again. I will also have to assume that the bunny was the same bunny throughout the rest of scene which means it survived the toss and it was just fine afterwards since bunnies are usually fragile little creatures and are susceptible to heart-attacks at just the slightest shock (and being suddenly tossed in the air would definitely qualify as that). The alternative is just too gloomy otherwise. Chinese productions don't generally have a good track record when it comes to animals so...yeah...I gotta stop thinking about it and just focus on the siblings cuddling the cute rabbits.
I hope someone adopted the bunnies and the cast and crew didn't just cook and eat them afterwards.
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It actually just crossed my mind tonight that Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing's ship name actually sounds like part of the Untamed's Chinese title. I don't know why I didn't notice it before. The extra "g" probably threw me off. Anyway, the way this scene started was rather odd because based on the way they greeted each other, it was as if Jiang Chen and Wen Qing were on the outs, like they just had an argument or something. Which doesn't make sense because the last time they saw each other was at Cloud Recesses, where Jiang Cheng was still making puppy eyes at Wen Qing while she was making her lantern wish, but then cut to here and it's like he's not even that thrilled to bump into her again. What happened to his little crush on her? I was kinda disappointed.
Wen Chao is a Close-Talking Creep
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I don't like Wen Chao but I absolutely enjoyed He Peng's performance of him because he is so effectively creepy and shitty. Just the way he purposely invades Big Bro Xichen and Wen Qing's space as he threatens them totally made my skin crawl.  More than once I've wondered how the hell Wen Qing was able to grow up around him and not get harassed in the worst way.  He's also such a petty dick, with the way he purposefully dirtied big brother's rug for no good reason other than to be a shithead. But then, later on, when he's called to be totally pathetic to the point where he's downright sympathetic, he was able to pull that off with equal aplomb. So even though I almost hate his character, I do want to take this moment to give some love to the actor, whom I think did a really good job. Playing villains is sometimes an equally thankless job as playing the straight man, especially with villains like Wen Chao which aren't meant to be alluring like Xue Yang or likable like Jin Guangyao. He could have easily veered into caricature territory, which I actually thought the actor for Wen Ruohan did so that's why I didn't like his performance nor was I able to take him seriously as a character, but He Peng's Wen Chao always seemed grounded to me. I think a big reason for that is because the actor, in his own words, viewed his character as an arrogant, spoiled rich kid instead of a soulless villain and therefore chose to play him that way. As a result, I think he was still able to infuse Wen Chao with a small degree of humanity.  The fear he felt whenever he had to face his dad was palpable. He's basically like a bully because his upbringing allows him to be one, but ultimately he's still a weak human being. That's why, when he turned into a sad, sniveling shell of a man under Wei Wuxian's torture, I found him really pitiful and actually felt bad for him.
Odds and Ends
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Seriously, why the hell was Wen Chao able to hold the yin metal with his BARE HAND like that??? They've been saying time and again how powerful the metals are, how full of resentment they are, how normal people can't just handle them cuz even a highly cultivated person like Lan Yi was done in by just one piece, so how come a medium-powered mofo like Wen Chao was able to just hold as if it was just a some rock he picked off the ground? Even if the yin metals were only just activated from their dormancy, they're still soul-sapping implements of evil, so this really should not have been possible.
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The dear translators kept on calling Wen Chao's bird an "owl" and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out WHY. There is nothing about that thing that resembles an owl, imho. It looks more like a raven with eagle talons and the sounds it made were like that of a hawk, so I really can't figure out how they got owl from that. Even the Chinese words for owl ("猫头鹰") is completely different from the characters used for that bird. I mean, I guess it could be one of those deep dives like how they came up with "Childe" for all the male honorifics, but seriously why even bother? Probably would’ve been easier to just call it a raven since that's what the cloudy mass looks like the most. Although I must say, I do love the way it looks: I like that they use the evil smoky effect for it since it’s suppose to be a bad birdy. I think it's one of the more successful CGI effects in the show.
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Team CQL can be proud of themselves for the owl/raven/whatever effect, but then they should also dunk their heads in the toilets for this shitshow at the Wen Village. There was no consistency to these guys...some had the whited out eyeballs that up until then, all ghost puppets on the show have been shown to have, but then some, like that female extra in the front had regular eyes. And then some of the extras were rolling up their eyes. It's like, was there NO direction give to these guys? This whole Night of the Living Not Dead scene was a complete embarrassment. Any tension they were trying to build up for this scene was completely destroyed as soon as these walking jokes showed up.
Lastly, I had to laugh when Wei Ying quickly divulged the secret of the yin metals to Nie Huaisang without much prompting whatsoever. He JUST pledged himself to secrecy in front of Big Bro Xichen and Uncle Lan in like the last episode, and he already broke the promise by this one. What was more amazing was that Lan Zhan didn’t even bat an eye at it nor did he even try to stop him. I guess they both completely forgot about the promise already.
Question I Still Have
Actually, I’ve had this question since the beginning but now seems to be a good time as any to ask this, since this episode ended on those guys: WHY they're called "ghost puppets"? I've actually never heard of the Chinese words they used for the zombies before, on any other show.  Was this terminology just a creation of the Untamed’s scriptwriter just for the show. And if so, I still don’t understand why they have to be called ghost puppets since they’re clearly NOT ghosts. Calling them "living" puppets would’ve been more appropriate. If someone has some insight on this, I’d appreciate the knowledge drop.
Overall Episode Rating: 7 Lil Apples out of 10
Disclaimer: The Untamed would not be possible without Mo Dao Zu Shi and Mo Xiang Tong Xiu-laozi.  I mean no disrespect whatsoever with my humble comparisons between the novel and the live action, even when I sometimes favor the changes in the show. All hail MDZS and MXTX-laozi always and forever!  
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wordsablaze · 5 years
3) Haunting Game
Playing With Fire Ariel pulls Nick into a twisted game with plans that won’t succeed if Monroe has anything to say about it… Inspired by S1E14, enjoy!
A/N: some more comfort in this one despite the title !! *peace sign*
Monroe looks disappointed. 
He’s looking down at Nick both literally and otherwise, an odd kind of irritation in his expression that’s rarely, if ever, visible. 
Nick frowns and blinks, seriously confused. 
For some reason, he’s staring up at Monroe but said Blutbad is shaking his head, disgust clear in his eyes. It's completely unlike the warm patience he usually shows and frankly, it's pretty scary. 
Monroe isn't often disappointed in him, and never to the point of grimacing directly at him, so, naturally, fear flashes through Nick; what had he done wrong now? 
"Monroe?" Nick's voice sounds wrong, even to his own ears, so he tries again. "Monroe? Monroe! 'Roe?" 
"It's Ariel, actually," a voice drawls next to his ear, making him flinch backwards and groan when his head hits something hard. 
"What? No, you… Monroe-" Nick stumbles over his words, struggling to move, to get away from her, to get back to Monroe. 
Ariel laughs and holds his wrists down above his head, her face so close to his that he can feel her poisonous breath on his lips. 
"Please," Nick hears himself mumble, squeezing his eyes shut. 
"Try harder, Knight," Ariel taunts, running a hand through his hair. 
Wait, wasn't she holding his wrists down? Nick frowns, trying to move but finding that he still can't, he can't get her away from him. 
"Monroe!" Nick yells, wondering where he'd suddenly gone. He hadn't just left him, had he? No, surely he wouldn't just leave him… 
Ariel giggles at his desperation and leans down as if to kiss him but Nick shakes his head furiously, feeling the rush of fear in his blood. 
"I can't-" 
She cuts him off by sharply pulling on his hair and he winces, a small groan escaping him as he struggles. It's in vain, she just smiles and runs a sharp nail down the side of his face. 
"Oh, you're so fun!" she tells him cheerfully, her nail pressing down on his lip. 
"Look at me!" 
Nick freezes; that didn't sound like her at all. In fact, it sounded rather like… "Monroe?" 
But he opens his eyes and Ariel is all but hissing at him, her hair tickling his neck as she leans down again, her nails now drawing blood from his arms as she tightens her hold on him. 
"Let go!" Nick shouts, twisting in her grasp, but he ends up coughing, his eyes watering as she douses him with her flammable breath.
"No, no…" Nick rasps, gasping, unable to focus on her anymore. 
She's shouting something but he can't hear her, and then he's abruptly swamped by the scent of oil and ginger.
"Monroe?" he calls again, confused and breathless and desperate. 
"-ick! Nick! It's me, it's Monroe, Nick!" 
Nick groans, his head pounding and his skin burning and his heart racing. 
"There you go! Come back to me… uh, and my poor couch, we're still waiting on that rent…"
"'Roe?" Nick asks as Ariel fades and slightly cracked paint comes into view. 
"It's 'Monroe', Nick, and you know it."
Nick finds himself smiling as he breathes deeply, his throat no longer itching and his heart gradually slowing down. 
"What-" he clears his throat, blinking- "happened?" 
As his eyes open properly, he sees Monroe hovering above him with a relieved smile on his face. "You were totally stupid."
Nick must have said that out loud without realising it because Monroe shakes his head disapprovingly. "Why didn't you tell me you felt like someone had filled your bones with lava?"
That's a very accurate description of what he'd felt like and Nick has the urge to say so, in order to applaud Monroe of phrasing it so well, but he just bites his lip and shrugs sheepishly. 
"Well, next time, give a guy some warning before collapsing on him, huh?" 
He sounds something like annoyed and Nick glances up sharply, worried that he hadn't imagined that disgusted look aimed at him. 
But no, Monroe seems to be the regular kind of irritated that comes from being unpleasantly surprised rather than the vicious kind Nick had seen just moments ago. Speaking of… 
"Was I… uh, I saw Ariel…?" 
Monroe raises an eyebrow. "I'd say it was a dream but your expression tells me it was more of a nightmare."
Nick sighs, and a shiver runs through him at the ghost of her nails on his skin. 
He lets himself feel the fabric of the couch beneath him instead, and the slight breeze brushing over him. Ariel isn't anywhere near him and that's the most important thing. 
“Hey, just a question… did you by any chance see me as well?”
He hadn’t realised they’d slipped shut but Nick’s eyes shoot open as he glances over to Monroe sharply, wondering how much of what he’d said in his dream - nightmare - had translated to the real world as well. 
“I, uh… You were…” Nick sighs, then decides to just tell the truth. “Yeah. You were- I don’t know, you looked like you hated the very sight of me or something and I guess I was just…”
…I was just shocked you'd leave me alone like that, Nick finishes in his head, not wanting to say it aloud because of how childish it sounds. 
Monroe smiles reassuringly. “I get it. I reckon I’d be pretty freaked if I suddenly had a vision of you hating me too. Well, I guess I did hate you at one point but that’s before… you know, you turned out to be an atypical Grimm. But anyway, have no fear, I quite like the sight of you.” 
Nick smiles softly. “You do?” 
“Believe it or not and at the risk of horrifying my ancestors, yeah. I do.” 
And that's enough to calm Nick's nerves and let him think clearly. Which is when he realises Monroe is in pyjamas and it's pitch black outside. 
He winces. "I'm sorry, I woke you up and… wait, are those trains?" 
Monroe looks moderately offended. "Alright, I don't mind having to wake you up from a nightmare - it's not your fault I can smell your fear so strongly - but under no circumstances are you allowed to insult my pyjamas."
Nick holds his hands up, a small smile on his face. "Sorry. But for the record, I wasn't insulting them, I was just curious."
After a moment, Monroe's expression softens. "But seriously, Nick, do you want some tea or something to help you sleep?" 
Sighing, Nick shakes his head and pushes himself into a sitting position. "It's okay, I'm not sure even your herbs can help me sleep."
"Hey, my herbs are the reason your bones don't feel like they're made of lava."
Nick gives him a puzzled look. "That's twice now you've mentioned lava. What am I missing?" 
Monroe stands up from where he was kneeling in front of Nick and sinks into the couch beside him. "Your Daemonfluer, Ariel? Yeah, well, turns out inhaling her breath is kind of toxic for literally every other species."
His eyes widening, Nick turns so he's facing Monroe. "Monroe, she- she kissed me. I mean, I'm pretty sure I must have inhaled loads of the stuff she was coughing all over me!"
Monroe places a hand on his arm, slicing through Nick's panic. "It's okay, I gave you one of my best herbal remedies. You should be fine."
"Should?" Nick echoes, raising an eyebrow. 
"Well, it was aimed at Blutbad incidents but I'm almost certain it'll work on you too," Monroe explains. 
Nick groans and lets himself slump onto the couch, not even caring that his head ends up resting on Monroe's shoulder. 
"You're welcome, by the way," Monroe says pointedly and Nick snorts. 
"Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Monroe. I-" 
"Owe me one?" Monroe offers, and Nick can imagine the amused look on his face. 
He just nods in reply, the comforting scent of coriander and something metallic coming from Monroe soothing the confused chaos in his head. He lets his eyes shut and sighs, leaning into Monroe's arm without realising. 
A small voice inside of Nick is telling him to maintain personal space but Monroe isn't complaining so he just ignores that part of his logic and settles for getting comfortable. 
He ends up pleasantly surprised as Monroe doesn't try to lie him down but just shifts and puts an arm around his shoulders. 
"Thank you," Nick mumbles sleepily, not even having the energy to open his eyes again. 
"Goodnight, Nick," Monroe whispers back as he drapes a blanket over them and the world goes dark, but in a good way this time. 
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indra-s-mann-blog · 5 years
Since I've talked about being a lama, having long life, and looking young.  I thought the next topic I'll write on is religion.  There are a variety of misunderstandings regarding religion.  After a multi-faith council and a declassification(and censorship) meeting.  It was decided that the groups would find their own way of making things clear.  But faced the fact if they didn't dispel myths and clarify things the future would see a less positive change for them.
Some churches carry secure archives.  They have historical artifacts and documentation preserved there and kept safe from people that might abuse it.  The churches sometimes are seen as irrational and not compatible with science and rational thought.  This happened after disputes saw many frauds enter the system using the community power to get people into certain habits or practices.  The churches for several faiths always had a faith and belief in technology and evidence based systems.  Some of the churches had a belief in a creator that didn't clash with science and some were atheist that saw things as a non thinking non-feeling process(un-sentient).
The word "Theist" means to have a theory.  Which is the same thing the people in churches had at the time so they often agreed to disagree.   Though some saw radical or polarized beliefs in a church environment might cause trouble.  However that doesn't mean the same process can't happen with atheist.  For churches the news would carry a consistent organization and for the atheists it would just mention individuals.  So we remember the church controversies easier from repetition.  Religious organizations often removed these groups from their list of approved or condoned groups.
Years ago we found some people setting up fake churches in ruins or remote areas.  Occasionally they moved into an old abandoned building.   These people often weren't monks or priests.  They were gangs hiding their haul from theft, their people from prosecution, or running a drug operation.  They would dress like monks or priests, keep some religious looking books around(sometimes stolen from other places or copied in part).  Then they would take donations from people, occasionally pretend to council people.
The fakes would make claims to police and military that they couldn't enter as it was a church.  Usually people would look it up unless they had been in the area a long time.  Even then we would look it up most of the time.  Often we would find that yes a church once was in the area but was either in ruins or there was a priest or monk in the area at one time.  But that the priest or monk didn't settle there and make a building.  Sometimes they have tried to falsify records at main buildings to make them look legitimate.  Part of why the Vatican openly has a police group and guard everywhere.
When people first started saying they heard voices from heaven or the sky.  It was a misunderstanding caused by some natural phenomenon such as echos carrying or people that weren't aware when radios or satellites were made.  There is a cave that has a natural crystal radio.  As a child I was in it and we wondered where the voices we heard came from.
We knew it wasn't some ghost or monster and investigated the cave more and the stones it was made of.  We found another cave that was similar and ran our own tests saying things back and forth.  The minerals are probably rare in their combination in most places but not in that area where we found more and marked them for distance communication.
Later technology saw us remove the rocks in mining operations to re-purpose them.  Look up how a crystal radio is made you will see how simple it can be; especially with certain precious metal veins or crystal veins running underground or in a mountain range.  As a fact its part of the reason we knew to run lines to carry signals.
Crystal radio(Wikipedia)
Crystal detector
Galena with Fluorite
Metamorphic rock
Hydrothermal Minerals
How to Make Electricity With Quartz or Diamonds
Electric Minerals and Natural Electricity
Cave of the Mounds
(This is a site like the cave radio system I mentioned.)
Antenna types(Wikipedia)
Directional Audio
Reflection Of Sound
Sound Echoes
Sound levels – decibels, intensity and distance
How Satellites Work
Small satellite
Military radio antenna kites
Army’s inflatable antennas make light work of satcom in the field
The military and army had piezoelectric crystal radios much longer than those articles admit.  Radio has existed for longer than the articles also mention and was known before the 1800s though not widely known or discussed.  Some of them broke while in use.  Some were in private collections and not put in public museums.
People also were testing speakers(with kite string wires or off of balloons) and directional antennas that bounced sound to the ground.   Some people in village that didn't know what was going on thought they heard the voice of god.  It wasn't that but it was a military communication system or inventors test of devices.  I used one of these while out in a rural area when I needed to send a message without more modern technology.  In the known cases with villages people tried to explain to them but they didn't understand the technology and were more comfortable thinking it was the voice of a god.
Some old languages are also not dead and have been misinterpreted by some archaeologists and anthropologist causing poor translations.   Somethings require local life knowledge to grasp their slang or word applications.  Also some people didn't consider a different language.   Some of the Tamil had lived in South America and this included some of my family.  Pachacuti was my grandpa and the Manu name is found as Manco Cápac or Manco Inca.  Siri comes from Sayri and none of the birth/death dates are quite accurate(it was seen as a security thing at the time). The Hanan dynasty is the found as the Han dynasty in China and the Xin was active in Africa(Congo/Mauritania/Nigeria).  
South America is actually the continent of Mu which once was known as the dragon (dinosaur) but suffered some continental damage in some events they had in history and then connected to North America which once was known as the Elephant(Yaṉai, Gadjah, Ane/Ana, or Haathee/Hathawa - "Hope" the Water Elephant) or some called it Ganesha. Others called the one continent Mu because it was a sound a cow makes and they thought it looked like a cow head.  A map showing it looks more like a dinosaur.  Though now the damage was enough to several areas of the world the original continent shapes aren't the same.
Lantia or Atlantis was actually China and was to look like a big ray fish.  The city attributed to that name is in Africa(Eye of the Sahara - damaged by a Tsunami during an impact offshore) but there was another "eye" city in India.  Antarctica was known as the Bird (Manuk - from the Manu/Manco/Mang) or the Bird of Paradise(Manuk Saka Swarga) but after it was covered by snow it was called white rabbit.  India and Sri Lanka was Vantu(Beetle), Europe had a horse shape(Hevonen, Hester, or Arklys - people of the Ark), and Africa as the Heart(Cuore, Xin, or Okan).
Even looking at a current map of the world if you rotate it you can see some of the original shapes.  So there aren't really any lost continents they are just shifted in maps or have other names in the modern map.   For the dynasties and overlaps the world came to use a diverse calendar system.  Some use solar some use lunar but there are a lot of calendars and rarely were people using the same one.
Many of our languages use a different glyphic system, often phonetics.   Languages became creoled meaning they have loan words and are mixed.   Some phrases are localized slang and only in more connected circumstances or shared circumstances things overlap.  But if your paying attention realize the loan words(despite language speed or accent).
In old records my family kept and others kept in secure places these facts were documented.  However others came, caused trouble, there were disasters and everyone to keep the peace just didn't talk about things anymore.  In the books that are in museums or mentioned publicly often real peoples faces are hidden by masks drawn over them using the semaphore symbol for Manaz(security).  The odd item is probably though in someones private collection as well.  If you look at a map of the earth you can still make out some of the original shapes.
Manco Inca Yupanqui
Sayri Túpac
Wang Mang(Xin Dynasty)
List of lost lands
Mu (lost continent)
History of calendars
Everything About Calendars
The Incan translations are off these words are english phonetics of chinese words turned into a phrase or single word.  Pachacuti wasn't the name of the man.  It literally translated as 啪嚓粗体 which in turn doesn't easily or properly translate unless each symbol or grouping is taken into account.  The meaning was actually a status report if others in the military came across the planets remains.  
啪 Pow - combat or land
嚓 Cracking  or snapping
粗 coarse, rough, vulgar, rude, crude, thick, heavy, bulky, drifter, homeless
体 prison, pallbearer, body, inferior, health, form, field, appearance
This translated into:  The land has cracked, it's adrift, using a containment field(to keep atmosphere).  Combat happened, it was rough, and the world(land) is dead.  Combat was heavy and we are homeless.  You can see now how the calendar they had speaks of destruction and seems to stop.
It was a compressed text cipher that is encapsulated meaning more than one word meaning is used to save space and keep things short for quicker communications.  At one point because of how it sounded in another language it got nicknamed "Papa Roach" as in "Father bug" and also "Old Man"(Old cout and Cout also means Scout).  The music was a complex cipher(Audio/Video, etc) and took a very long time to be released to the public and by then they didn't realize or necisarily care what it was. They couldn't read the messages in the cipher and took the music and lyrics at face value.
Many declassified audio/video ciphers have that sort of response.  The other names also translate into something.  As you can see the items used are two characters(one uses 3) each vs a single glyph.  But the two characters make a new third glyph when combined.  This is also a type of encapsulation.  Some of the single words in their combinations the meaning has been lost in modern times but think of them like cave drawings.
One glyph says they were looking out the window(or going through a hatch) and had taken samples(storage), one said engineering and life sciences, another said ships antenna, another also said saw(or went through hatch) damage(weapon or device).  The B like symbol was used for hatch or window and the one symbol was same meanings as the christian cross(science wise).  A similar symbol to the cross shape was used to indicate ship.  One symbol meant antenna or wind power generation(green power).
Some of the other glyphs also had secondary meaning as icons for things much like you use today.  Imagine how someone will view your emoticons and such in the future if they were an archaeologist.
These glyphs the archaeology was carefully handled in some spots and the information classified or censored at the time.  But just enough things were out that the ancient chinese and indian cultures do imply or speak of space travel.  Also as I've said the continents had mostly animal shapes.  They were planed and made those ways.  Meaning moving or creating land wasn't new.  This was a diplomatic area before damage was caused.  The damage links to issues on a much larger planet(Earth was one of its moons).
If archaeologists and anthropologists had handled things better there would be less confusion and less myths or legends for some of it.  Some did not deliberately mislead and honestly lacked some life experience or education.  A few however were simply seeking fame and got involved in antiquities fraud(for money); partly as a way to money launder stolen gold, etc.
A mistake one made once was to mix up a marker for a face mask on a sarcophagus.  Typically a wooden or ceramic mask would of been inside on the mummy.  The "gold" or stone cases sometimes depicted a mask with handle(sort of like Mardi Gras masks have them or bases of hand mirrors).
At the time people also used to use a tie on condom made of woven plant leaves.  Someone put it on his face as a joke when dealing with foreigners asking questions.  They then thought it was to be a fake beard and then proceeded to make fools of themselves.  But others were tired of them claiming to "discover" things that others already knew or taking their historical items.
In Indonesia area there are two islands with creatures outsiders think are extinct.  Others aren't welcome there and it is managed and watched over by special park rangers.  One bird is very dangerous and related to a pterodactyl and the other is a vegetarian reptile that is nocturnal and blends in with plants.  People tried to get at them once to hunt or take as a trophy.  Fearing they would kill the few that were left they attacked the foreigners and everyone got protective of the area.
Time went on and more people ended up on the islands; larger cities formed.  So unless your local to the two areas, even if your Indonesian, etc you may not know they exist and even locals will attack people who are Indonesian seeking them to protect the animals.  They will not talk of it with outsiders.  It isn't Jurassic Park but someone once tried to set up a small private island with attempts to clone some.  One dinosaur skeleton was found once that tests proved it had plastic or resin in it along with horse and alligator DNA.
7 Historical Hoaxes
Faking the Past: when archaeologists commit fraud
Art Theft News:  News and press releases related to the FBI's Art Theft Program.
Archaeological forgery
Why Is Radiocarbon Dating Important To Archaeology?
There are ways to fake age an item so that it can pass radio carbon dating.  So there is a newer method to also spot fakes vs real items.   Though it is not disclosed to the public as a result of the people that have tried to beat carbon dating and also DNA tests.  Synthetic DNA and 3d printing technologies allow people to fake bones and even soft tissues in a way that can make them seem to be from a real thing from the past.  However people good at lab work or with enough experience and knowledge can spot these frauds.
I tried to look them up online but wasn't able to find it.  Perhaps it was my search terms but it could be that it is blocked from public to reduce the problem.  Some people have made art frauds with computers and also 3d scanning or using photo realistic face masks.  I will admit in past for movies sometimes we did use skeletons with reconstructed faces as our characters.  Later we found out some resembled people that were currently alive.(possible decedents or DNA re-occurance for appearance factors.)
Somethings from history are obvious.  In an Egyptian pyramid you can clearly see some symbols still in use today.  Amut used to be a emblem used by the coroners office and a single snake on a stylus for medical.(after a fallout with Apophis and Serapis)  Some items were defaced and changed.  Aset or Set symbol animal was not originally an anteater it was a giraffe(named Qlin).  Qlin or Set is on Scandinavian boats and some mistook it for a goat head.
Somethings people assume in history were fake or "ancient aliens" but they aren't fake.  Some are from people of the time using space suits/atmosphere suits or hazmat type health safety suits and more rural people not knowing what they were.  Other things were real vehicles people were making and testing.
While most were from that time period one or two weren't and were a result of an incident involving the military.  They had to unfortunately leave something in a old building after officers were attacked and walled up in a fake pyramid(it wasn't one of the original).  It did though make people tourist money later for people that believed it really was built by ancients.
One of the religious stories of past is related to my own cousin.  His father known as a Islamic leader(family of Mohammad).  When the boy was small they realized he had hemophilia like some others in the family.   The baby got hurt as he fell down and bruised his leg and got a cut.  He died as a result.  His family mourned him greatly as he was only a toddler and they had waited until late in life to have children.  The boys mother sat at his side mourning and preparing the body.  She didn't want to leave it nor did his father.  Others convinced them to take a break and said they would sit with the body.  Later they returned and with others around the boy resuscitated scaring everyone.
They weren't sure what to think, tested the child to make sure it was the same person that left.  Weird stories were going around about hatian type zombies.  But they never used that stuff and wouldn't on their baby.  The baby(named Krishna) was fine but they needed to move because of the stir it caused.  He literally was their little miracle.  Later he had two children and passed at an older age.
His father unfortunately was grabbed by some radicals wanting to take over Islam and they tortured and murdered him.  Which is what we equate to part of Christs death.  In the word "Jesus" we find the term "Je suis" which mean's "I am"(french) and for science and engineering it links to the physicians oath, and similar oaths.
Years ago some foreigners got near some of the old books while visiting.  They were allowed to look at them as scholars.  But they became mad at a local farmer.  They enjoyed the fruits and vegetables so much they wanted to grow them at home.  The person took some and tried with no farming experience.  They didn't understand simple soil ph or soil chemistry and plant requirements.  They spoke to a farmer asking how to make the plants grow but the farmer didn't like foreigners or their remarks about historical items.  He told them to put cow manure on things.
The man's plants suffered from problems over soil ph, etc and the manure made it worse.  The man swore he'd get revenge so changed somethings in a translation.  Then said "We'll see who buys the bull this time."  The "bull" in bible is supposed to mean bibliography but church elders at the Vatican, etc could tell you they have several copies of the bible in several languages.  Some really are a load of something and others have varying accuracy of translation but nothing deliberately to mislead.
The "Testament" was a project to record the stories of elders or survivors of certain events in history.  There is more than the old and new.  There were at least 3 books that I remember and perhaps one or two others that followed.  Some are far more modern accounts of things.
The explanation of the Earth's situation at that time some people rejected it and rather than have further problems they adapted(to peoples denial and stress.  In destruction they lost much.)  This made some translations "fuzzy" not just people poorly understanding languages.
The scientific explanation isn't fully true nor is it a lie.  Long ago the first planet formed from what you might call a ball of energy in space or spark.  It materialized layers around it like a 3d printer.   Eventually the cooler outer layers developed life in a subterranean system where minerals generated light as did molten flows.
People developed moved around, mined, etc and eventually got out to the surface which had no atmosphere at the time.  Until things were put near an area to grow out of an entrance to the surface.  You can find molluscs and other creatures in subterranean areas, as well as lichens and other plant type materials.
The planet destabilized with time from all the mining and other things. Earthquakes, volcanic problems, and other things went on.  Forcing people to find an alternative.  As already curious if they were alone in space they started making ships to explore and then moved to making livable space habitats for the survival of people.  They learned how to make space ships with earth like areas inside them and figured out how to build a planet using microorganisms and advanced physics methods.
A few people stayed on the planet refusing to leave when it blew up.   After the explosion two stars emerged.  People recycled part of the destroyed planets.  One of the new suns in a sky that originally was dark with no sun; started making a new planet.
So it was learned how the original planet was made.  The one sun didn't make anything new for a long time.  When it did it didn't do it again.   The sun that started constructing a planet had similar life development on it.  Watched by its neighbours on artificially made worlds and in ships.  The world developed but they didn't make contact for awhile trying to figure out how well things would be handled for they wanted peace not war.
Also the new planets people that developed had no idea what we had witnessed to grasp their origins.  Some were in denial over how they came about until a long time passed and they also saw it.  Before that though they had seen others make worlds and were angry and combative in some cases.
One of the artificial worlds was built over a Dyson Shell with remains of the original world preserved in a field.  Which likely lead to the flat earth stories and the stories of a firmament.  Though the latter also could be remnants of being subterranean.  People at one point forgot who they were after disasters and wars.
Their new family from the one young new star that made a planet weren't so ready for contact and when they found the reconstructed world thinking it a normal planet started trying to invade and control.  They didn't want further problems so threatened others and basically held people hostage when they realized others were far more advanced in technology.  On the planet they were hassling people were mostly pacifists that didn't want war.
After people were attacked the others didn't want them to know anything of their history destroying books, technologies, etc.  Some technologies they took back to their own planet or sold.  An uprising happened and people were freed.  Returning to their technology and other people.  The others fled and became known as criminals which some in mythology might of equated to demons or pirates.
The rules described in the commandments were an attempt by leaders to stop some problems people were having socially.  Eventually it lead to a legal system to enforce rules of behaviour and protect society.
Priests used to be warriors, teachers, doctors, veterinarians, agriculturalists, architects, and scientists.  They counsel led people, lead festivals or celebrations.  They often advised or lead.  The word priest is from another word which translated into "fish" but the fish in Christianity was a symbol of DNA(life sciences).
The temples or churches used to be schools, store houses, hospitals, meeting rooms, or leaders homes where they kept a safe area for others to retreat to.  Monks(or sisters) used to maintain a treasury and would mint coins and track market exchange.  Some of them did some of the same jobs as priests.
Priests (and nuns) often weren't celibate and had partners(orientation wasn't necessarily an issue).  Sometimes people stayed single because of the job or they just didn't seem to find the right person.
When I say job related I mean they often had to come in contact with people or animals with illness and tend to them, they might have to travel a lot locally or abroad(long distance relationships or term marriages), sometimes in defence of others they had to fight causing PTSD or people reacting to the fact they were capable of killing in battle or in defence of  someone(police).
Also for married or partnered people(couples) there is trying to tend to things alone including finances, family business, household, and children or elderly.  Life is hard enough sometimes without the extra responsibilities being a certain type of leader or career calls for.
Some people equated as gods in history weren't gods they were simply leaders in some regard or people involved in events that stood out.   They were written down and talked about.  Some are claimed to be marriages of close blood relatives.
This was not true.  Often places had a co-rule system requiring a female leader and male leader; each handling their own set of duties.  Their spouses weren't always mentioned.  Sometimes they were listed by more than one name as a secondary title or as a security thing to mislead problem people.  Things were also defaced and changed more than once.
There are some christian similar african and asian religions.  None really are Egyptian related.  But people always claim they are related. Usually citing single god worship of Atun.
Christianity is called a monotheism but depending on the branch it's a Henotheism or Polytheism.  That is including saints or the concept of a triple god(father, son, holy ghost, or matron, maiden, and crone.)   Catholics fall under polytheism or Henotheism.  Monotheism wouldn't need to point out 3 forms(equated to states of life).  Humans and gods can die(according to some myths) and have stages of life(also in myths).
A singular non human entity wouldn't fit those definitions which we have humanized or made similar to us.  When Atun's beliefs are commonly described he's either Henotheistic or Monotheistic as he believes in or follows a single(not a triple).  Christians also have a mother goddess mentioned which is Mary and another the Magdalena.  Which equates to mother and mothers helper or possibly surrogate mother based on the stories.
In Christianity and several other religions a "flame" is mentioned.   Some equate this with the sun or planetary core.  Others relate it to a scientific artifact not on display to the public.  A device developed to provide assistance in an emergency by augmenting someone with a knowledge base of a person with experience that might of passed on.(Similar to what you see on the show "The 100," "Johnny Mnemonic", and one other show demonstrated similar units.)
While many devices were external people had tried medical implants some of which were socket able to clip something into for an instant intuitive update.  Since they would feel physically familiar and more confident than someone simply passing them sets of instructions from a wristband, ear piece, or augmented reality device.
Such devices if found during conflict might get confiscated and become useful to a combatant.  So one system being locked to certain things would then become useless, especially if they didn't grasped how it was made.
Catholic's once had a working device and so did the Zoroastrian's and one other religion.  Also through artificial processes people could be carriers of memory to return to recall what they knew of their own past life from that time forward.
Other people could naturally do this.  It tends to be called reincarnation.  In my family it isn't needed for those that have reincarnation it is natural and has to do with a natural genetic combination that affects memory, longevity, and ability to resuscitate.
One of the first times I died was saving a child from a bunch of criminals that were abusing her when I was a kid.  I was hurt as was the child, and took the kid somewhere safe and got medical help.  Then they found us and killed us both(the doctor and I) and took the child.   Another time I lived a ripe old age and passed with my family around me.  I've also died in battle and from sickness.
Triple deity
A List of All Religions and Belief Systems
There are things in the Islamic belief system which has been proven to be facts.  All belief systems that are considered valid choices have some proven facts.  In Islam my family proved the beliefs on people and their blood types.  With AO and BO chimeras naturally occurring they can produce children of singular blood types or mixed from chimerism.
It came to pass that some people were living in a cave city communally each doing their part and also sometimes doing trade.  They were in the cave due to other events in the world but had technologies higher than the people that came to attack them.  They didn't like war and didn't want death around.  But the group came during the season of births and celebration.
The Sheppard took the sheep out to pasture outside the caves.  The man was threatened and then they killed all the sheep and released him to bring people out.  They then called them the lambs of god and took some of the men and put a muzzle on them like one puts on a dog.
It became a tradition of their people to attack the others and do this then write up their own laws and claim that the Islam religion is theirs and that people should obey them.  This was a community under attack and the labels are a result of their attackers as are many misconceptions over what Islamic or Muslim people believe.
People didn't have to pray 5 times a day.  The clothing they wore was for different reasons as several were in medical sciences and agriculture.  The breaks were taken for health reasons.  Some of them were meals or just rest like having breaks at your job for coffee or lunch.
If prayer or meditation happened it was at sunrise or sun set.  The reason for that I won't explain here but it is very old.  Prayer or meditation was a time for reflection on the day or issues of concern or joy.  We gave thanks to life and it is symbolic in the energy of the sun.  Sometimes we sang or did yoga at those times.  Which somehow translated into prayer mats and long drawn out group prayers.
You can be alone or in a group and don't have to segregate by gender.   That only came about because someone was not well and to keep away diseases.  It came into the mythology of not looking at the bride before a wedding because the groom once got sick in travel and unknowingly made his bride ill along with the other men who spread it to their female family.  In the weddings the woman would work together so that looked like segregation when it wasn't to outsiders.
My Islam side of the family tree knows all about it and how outsiders hassled people and then tried to proclaim themselves leaders.  As leaders they demanded people donate to their church and them giving them the best food, etc or god might punish them.  These problem people didn't care if people starved to death, lived in rags, died of illness, or lost their children.  They treated them like cattle or worse at the height of their awful behaviour.  The legitimate people shared with others and others donated to the shared food reserves, etc and helped in the running, upkeep, and events.
While modern times have seen certain costs for priests that didn't once exist.  Most priests of any religion tend to work a second job and work with others on provision of pastoral care, education, counselling, and other services.  The religious communities have businesses to help fund them which some parishioners are part of but other ones systems don't allow that.  Some strictly refuse donations or demand participation.
Religious Symbolism isn't always what we think it means.  Many have seem to lost touch with the original meanings of many of them.  Some are part of a semaphoric system to communicate between communities in need of aid from war, health issues, or criminal attack.  Occasionally to commemorate something.
Religious symbolism and iconography
Religious symbol
Flag semaphore
International Code of Signals
Semaphore telegraph
Adinkra Symbols of Ashanti Kingdom
Adinkra Symbols and their meaning (English and Twi)
Some churches symbols were completely changed from their original meanings and stories linked to them that had nothing to do with that symbol.  The icon of Christ is one such symbol.  The priests were scientists and warriors.
The ring of thorns is a throwing weapon in the vine/rope category.  The mark or cut in the side is from an appendectomy as a sign of medical knowledge and surgery.  The scrawniness reminding us of how people struggled for food until we learned agricultural sciences.
The loin cloth a sign of industry and crafts in cloth manufacturing which was one of the oldest industries(outside of cooking and hunting). The spikes on the cross showing the pains miners took in learning to find precious resources and refining them; in caves sometimes you find stalactites which look like thorns and were called cave thorns.  
The cross symbolized electricity and communications as did him facing the sky to talk to his father in heaven.  Which was a sign to flight, wireless communications, and satellites(rockets and radios go way back).  The paleness symbolized pigment loss from vitiligo or albinism sometimes caused by chemistry, electronics, a possible virus, or genetics.
It also covered blood transfusions of which our first one is in conception and birth through the umbilical chord.  The book or sign on the cross a symbol of writing and putting things down to be remembered. A flower sometimes used as a memory that the world does have beauty in it and that sometimes that beauty is medicinal; though sometimes symbolizing a satellite dish.
Other symbols is the baptismal cross is a Buddhist wheel, Jerusalem cross is a Taoist continuous knot/Celtic knot and links to the alternative to mandalas, Ichthus is the same as the Taoist goldfish, the lamb connects them to Islam, the dove connects them to me, the rings link to physics(and Dyson Rings/Shells), the Star of David is linked to Astra(not astral) planes, bread and wine connects to food production and fuel production(the chalice a replacement for the linga or rocket drum), Pelican links to supply ships, the palm is similar to the seed or conch(palm plants also are used in a variety of products).
Christian symbolism
Jewish symbolism
Symbols of Islam
Buddhist and catholic prayer beads have two different meanings or historical uses.  At one time it was easy to put seeds on a string for planting a garden.  You could space the beads for easy planting like how we now use seed tape.  Also you could wear a bracelet of stones for a weapon if something might attack.  Later both seeds and stones were replaces by other ems for decorative wear.
At first wearing seeds was either a sign of wealth or that the person found a new crop of edible wild plants to grow at home and tame for medicine or food.  They would always carry a needle or have plant needles nearby and take a thread if they tore their clothes or found a edible plant.  The early days were hard and people sometimes had to go without eating to let a plant seed so they could have much more food the following year.
People learned to say rhymes, songs, or prayers, to remember how many seeds were needed to prosper for an average family.  People also learned to collect plants for other properties that weren't edible such as clothing, dyes, animal feeds, fuel, chemistry, etc.  They also would take and trade seeds with others and carrying them in bracelets or necklaces was easier.
In Hinduism the Yatra and Mendala's are linked to physics and waveform technologies.  Why some translate it to mean machine.  The Linga has to do with a space engine and is related to a drum that was later made from one.
My DNA shape oddly in it's super-coil resembled the Darmachakara.  The "Om" is for the word "Poem" as in the universe and it's consort(mirror/sibling) are believed to be from song or poetry of sound; cymatically produced.
The shape was believed to be a seed(
Loasa Chilensis
) or flower shape(
Lamourouxia viscosa
).  Another type of universe uses a seashell type, with it's equivelant of a linga, etc and two goldfish for DNA(chimera or male/female).
In Taoist we see the use of a different system from cymatic mandalas that used a type of string theory and are useful even other dimensional settings.  They also have a tree of life similar to
of the Scandinavians.
In the Taoist revered people I was the only woman.  Some people had tried to imitate some of the others but one links to my brother and chimerism causing him an obvious intersex state.  In my case physically(and reproductive organ wise) I look like a completely normal female.  As a chimera I had some health issues (double optic nerve, double urethra from bladder, menorrhagia, etc) and it was found that I had a male brain among other things(but no penis).  The one imposter for some reason was mimicking Waria(of Indonesia).
It was common to cross dress for safety.  Men would dress as women to avoid men looking for another man.  Women would dress as a man to be treated as an equal in some situations.  Some cultures had neutral dress.  Changes in society made this unnecessarily.  Though people still disguise themselves sometimes to avoid capture.
So I was female but considered gender neutral.  My family member was intersex and considered undecided on what he was.(gender fluid)
In Mayan symbols the marker on a linga say either 1925 or 2125.  I think it might be from 1925(a date of when the rockets were first used or when the satellite had to be destroyed).
History and Use of Prayer Beads Throughout the World
Hindu iconography
Hindu Symbolism
Pejeng drum
Dong Son drum
Sonoluminescence: Sound Into Light
Cymatics: The Science of Dance:  The Study of the Effects Sound Has on Matter
Cymatics Research - The Physics of Sound
The Harmonic Latice
Superstring theory
DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields.
New Science: DNA Begins As a Quantum Wave
Om mani padme hum
Buddhist symbolism
Taoism > Symbols
8 Important Taoist Visual Symbols
Mayan Symbols
The Sikh use a metal bracelet, chakram, and swords or dagger as their symbols.  The bracelet with a scarf or  piece of fabric can be used as a grapple for climbing or in self defense with hojo jutsu.  They were taught to defend and protect their families and community.
Their founder was a police officer who had trained as a child with a very old policing group (in Nawa District) and in a sense they are considered a police community.  Most associate them to farmers or the textile industry.  There used to be a joke about halos, Frisbee's, and chakram.  Frisbee and discus comes from chakrams as a more peaceful use.
Some once wore chakrams on their heads over their head scarf as they were dull on the inside and only had an exterior edge blade.  Turbans were dew rags which could also double as a bowl for drinking water when out, a helmet, extra clothing, bandages, or holding medicine/plants, or patches for clothing, and in rope method marshal arts it has many other uses.  The small dagger refers to their general medical knowledge for first aid if someone becomes ill and needs appendectomy or other treatment, it also is useful if your alone in nature.
Medicinal Botany
Sikh Khalsa Army
Hojojutsu: The Warrior’s Art of the Rope
The Nihang's nickname "The Immortals" was from life extension therapies; 3 methods were used.  I also helped equip them at one point. I remember the incident with the Nihang and Muslims at the temple in Amritsar, as I was present.
Other's in Islam that were legitimate wouldn't of deliberately shown such disrespect. But not all Mosques listened to my family even knowing our relation to Mohammad.  They did not disrespect me while there only the others.  I was able to calm down both but not until the Nihang made their point as the others thought Sikh's weak.
One of them did start to disrespect me but his elder(leader) stopped him and told him to quit it.  He asked why and he told him it was none of his business.  This is because he knew my family was linked to both Islam and Hindu's and he didn't want to discuss church politics with him.  I also had to break up the Nihang and their battle but had waited long enough to let them make their point and then said they needed to stop.
One of them wanted a special water gourd I had and something else.   Something others do not mention nor why the leader though not totally happy about things hesitated in causing me harm or insult.  Few knew the full event details.  But some did know and recorded it and that record isn't public.  Only other things relevant to them was made public.
Hindu symbology goes to things you wouldn't consider anymore and think less possible.  Ganesha as a face mask for diving or travelling high up.  Skulls on Kali's necklace pearls of war which later reminded us of re-purposing them for peace.  Pearls were a type of ship based off of us being closer to water than space.
The Vajra also a ship as were the Bramastra which you now simply know as the Astra ship since it was declassified in the non weaponized early test version.  There are other things called Astra and were reenactments of declassified projects(like NASA has done).  The Vaj Ra had a sister ship(Dor Je) but the Vajra also had an earlier incarnation as its design also mimicked a bolo weapon.  Later made as a brass children's toy.
Brahmashirsha astra
Astra (missile)
ASTRA (reactor)
Astra (satellite)
Ad Astra film(Fictionalized version about a Jumbo Space Plane/cruise Ship and what happens on it.  Based off of a true story.)
TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts
(I'm one of the pilots in the old footage they are showing.  I moved to the Space capable version
for awhile and it's larger Jumbo Space Plane.)
Symbols of Angels can also be explained by flight and also police, military, and doctors, that all rapidly deploy.  Earlier symbols showed birds by a person or another object.  Later symbols combined them into a single thing.  Alot of mythelogical creatures are created by the same process and were linked to military or police units and their tales a fictional one or real ones altered by time and circumstances.
When people met in groups during war and didn't want to hear the shouting and death, they sang songs, put on plays, and told stories, or worked together on crafts that might be noisy.  These later became church hymns or songs.  Years ago groups made up their own for their own "church" or "temple" but after people compiled popular ones into books which all the groups started to share and use as they had cultural exchanges.
Some songs are specific and used as special messages(cipher text, color and music cipher) and others more personal.  Though people may of forgot some of the authors the people of the times agreed to allow others to sing their song and learn it too.
Some songs authors are remembered but current modern books do not disclose their names and there is a reason for it and in some cases its to protect descendants.  Some songs are of struggle and others about joy and love, they are the tales of many families that shared with their community or others.
We used to use prayer with an alert system that warned us if there was a serious issue that police or military needed to check or if medical had to go help.  We don't really use that system anymore though it does track large groups focus to warn of wars or disasters.  This lead to myths about angels appearing to help people.
Generally angels don't demand your belongings, etc its just common sense.  If one is hurt it might ask for help but usually officers have what they need and wont go bothering you for money, your first born, etc.  That is some twisted person whose a criminal and misusing technology.
No they aren't using the system to spy on you but they do pay attention to some criminals who probably don't like it very much.  Most of the time the surface area police handle their stuff, the space group theirs and the core group their issues but there are a few courts that deal with all regions and any weird stuff.
There also has been research into if souls exist, life after death, etc.  The devil comes from the word development, demon from demonstrate, and evil from electronic city.  Satan comes from the words "satellite N" or Sat "N" which ended up shot down after someone took too much weird interest in it to prevent a space incident.  It has a replica in a museum and is seen a a cultural heritage piece and called the Pejeng Lunar Drum or maybe it's the other drum they had as there are two different ones and one is from a space capsule.
The people hearing broadcasts off of it started going on and on about "Satan" because they heard its call-sign and it was recorded before the decision to blow up the satellite which was also recorded.  Years later a "pearl"(Dyson Shell) was named Sat N and it is what you now call Neptune(though not the original it is a copy of Neptune 3).  People had a similar weird response to the kite and balloon communication systems.   Once triggering a war by those that didn't understand the technology.
I see religion more as spirituality.  A few of them know quite well where the universe came from, how they came into existence, etc.  Most are science aware and savvy, but a few hate and shun it.  As such many don't do life extension, anti-aging, and often perish in some disaster. They equate technology to causing more trouble and don't think much about what learning and development has done for us.
There are the ones that would like to be a literal god in the sense of non science based things.  They want people to not believe their abilities are science related.  There are somethings species specific like how an electric eel can produce energy and some sea creatures are luminescent.  But in humans most types of technology that can do "magic tricks" is science based and either an implant, suit, or gadget.
However, these others literally want to be worshipped and obeyed.  They want to kill for sport and take for gain.  Some of them are obsessed with absolute perfection and frankly seem narcissistic, antisocial, and sadistic.  We unfortunately had to deal with a bunch of these people bothering churches and trying to attack things just because they had technology and felt like being bullies.  Even using materials phase and biojacking(using electronic harassment) to make people think they were possessed or ill with specific conditions.
Some of these people believe the concept of Satan as an evil cruel thing is really cool and want to be known as Satan, or a Demon, or they want to play superhero or mythological angel.  See my video explaining "Angels" and you'll see some example of the problem people vs reasonable people just working in their day job(but trying to keep anonymity for safety).
Some of these same problem people have been trying to radicalize churches, encouraging people to suicide bomb, commit indecent acts, and use things like invisibility cloaks to steal/spy/or assault people(along with electronic harassment).  Current police vehicles now carry Faraday cages to deal with electronic devices and wear more discreet things on their uniform including specialized eye wear and monitoring devices.   Watch my video on history of policing to see some of the equipment used.
The real historical people sometimes took their job relucantly.  Some really didn't want to lead.  They wanted to have their own lives, privacy, and regular relationships.  But they had knowledge or skills, and sometimes life experience.  As a result they ended up doing a job.   Sometimes people got weird and they would tell them to stop.  Other times they just went with the flow rather than argue with people.
While etiquette required they acted a certain way and handled guests (especially diplomatic ones) a particular way.  Often when that wasn't happening they tried to have what regular life they could with their own businesses, family, and friends; outside of administration or leadership.  I often dressed in regular clothes and went out to make friends, or do things.
Sometimes I was told that wasn't how a royal should dress or occasionally how they should behave but I wasn't badly behaved.  I did have a sense of ethics, morals, and responsibility.  I did want to understand other cultures and I wasn't a bigot.  I found some peoples attitudes a challenge to deal with(this included my brother).
I do believe in a something.  I don't care to fully explain it and I do also believe in science which is spelled out enough that most people can demystify by educating themselves.  However that is a double edged sword as while some people will remain decent moral, caring, ethical people, others are dangerous people that will abuse things.  Medicine and the legal system can treat them by they try to avoid both or mess with/play the system.
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void-bunny · 6 years
Data Requisition
Ch 11 of Immortalia is now available.
Read it here or at this link on AO3
A massive Captain, decked out in banners and gold painted armor, looked up from what he was doing as his crew motioned at the Guardian, trapped for the moment behind the glass. They finished up what they were doing, and the Captain signaled for his crew to make a swift exit through another door. “Just a bit too late, Guardian.” He said, though Sloane and Zavala wouldn’t know that. Bunny slammed a fist on the polycarbonate, wishing the cracks in it would give and she could stop him. He had no idea what he was messing with, how dead he would be if Sloane and Zavala decided to send a more competent Guardian after him.
Just go in and chase them off, yeah right, Bunny thought, did Sloane have any idea how the Fallen actually operated? Chasing them off was near synonymous with ‘kill them’ when it came to Guardians. Granted-- she peered around a corner-- she did have a little bit more than just her gun to maybe help her chase them off in the literal sense. Maybe she could just ask them to leave? What if they told her to take a hike, though? She pushed a stuck door open, and stepped into a small control center for… something? Everything was so gummed up with Hive detritus that it was impossible to tell what it was. A familiar sounding hiss startled her out of her thoughts, and she pressed her hand against the cracked polycarbonate window.
A massive Captain, decked out in banners and gold painted armor, looked up from what he was doing as his crew motioned at the Guardian, trapped for the moment behind the glass. They finished up what they were doing, and the Captain signaled for his crew to make a swift exit through another door. “Just a bit too late, Guardian.” He said, though Sloane and Zavala wouldn’t know that. Bunny slammed a fist on the polycarbonate, wishing the cracks in it would give and she could stop him. He had no idea what he was messing with, how dead he would be if Sloane and Zavala decided to send a more competent Guardian after him.
They only sent her because— the door beside her opened with a loud crack, snapping some of the Hive gunk off its gears as it rolled open. Bunny shook her head, they sent her because she volunteered, she had butted into the conversation and asked specifically to be sent alone after this Captain. And he was taunting her, she was going to slap him.
“They just… left.” Hemlock said, and Sloane sighed on the other end. Bunny examined the hastily constructed Fallen terminal, and Hemlock appeared to take a closer look. “Oh, looks like they just wanted data— that’s strange for them.”
“See what you can find.” Zavala said, and Bunny found a spot to sit while Hemlock worked. She wondered why the Captain had said anything to her, though she supposed he assumed she wouldn’t understand him, or wouldn’t care enough to translate what he had said, but why was she just a bit too late?
“Alright,” Hemlock beeped, “Everything the Fallen got, we’ve got.” Bunny slid off her perch, and the door she had come through slid closed. “Oh.” Hemlock disappeared back into her robes. She should have expected that, it was never as simple as it needed to be. The Hive had apparently been alerted to something in one of their spots, and Bunny had to find another spot to take cover from a bunch of angry thrall quickly. She punched her way through an acolyte, and set Hemlock to work on the door again, maybe it could force the locks.
Fortunately the Hive seemed to only be offering a token effort to remove her, and she climbed out of the disgusting control center. “We’re out, I hope this data’s worth it.”
“Come by when you can, we’ll take a look at what you got.” Sloane said, and Bunny had to wonder if Sloane was aware that she had pretty much just given her permission to do whatever she liked for as long as she liked, but, she went back towards the command center anyways.
Hemlock shut down their outside communication, “So…” It said, “What are you going to do if Sloane asks about what that Captain said?”
Bunny gave her Ghost a look, “I’m not gonna say anything about it, if she asks I’ll just shrug.” She said, and climbed up the side of part of one of the command centers buildings to hop a small gap to the door that lead back up to Sloane. “Besides,” Bunny said, pausing next to the door, “We did what she wanted, we ‘chased’ them off.” Bunny went up the stairs, and Hemlock floated next to her, delivering the data to Sloane.
The Deputy Commander sent her off without much else, and Bunny decided to just hang around, watching crews of Fallen pick apart the Arcology, or try to, they seemed to hit a lot of roadblocks— or… more accurately, Hive-blocks. She shot a Knight to death as it ran toward a Captain, who looked far less regal than the one she’d just run into, and the Captain looked up at her, taking aim at her with their gun, but she was just out of range, so they turned away, focusing on the other Hive they were fighting. Bunny found a spot to sit, and let her legs hang over the side, over the propane ocean.
“You’re already trying to find an excuse to make friends with that one, aren’t you?” Hemlock asked, hovering over her lap, “Isn’t one enough? Maliks is more than enough, even.”
“But…” Bunny had to admit, that was a good point, her… what was he? Boyfriend? They didn’t have a word for it in their language besides ‘mate.’ “What if Zavala, or Sloane, thinks that he’s a serious threat? He was looking for some kind of data, he’s obviously smarter than some of the Captain’s we’ve encountered.” Hemlock watched her closely.
“I’m going to tell him you think he’s stupid.”
“Don’t you dare! He’s not stupid! He just values the strength of a fist over trying to talk his way out of things!”
“So he’s just like you.”
“Hemlock!” Bunny swatted at her Ghost, “I thought you were my partner! You’re so mean!” Hemlock twirled it’s shell at her, she had changed it since Maliks had given her one, stating that it was just too conspicuous to have a Ghost looking like a servitor. He had understood, but been just slightly annoyed by the choice, still, he would affectionately poke Hemlock from time to time.
She smiled at her Ghost, “I never said that was a bad thing! Both of you are sticks in the mud, though, I’m amazed either of you manage to ever get things done when you’re together.” Bunny snorted, they argued sometimes, that was true. Maliks didn’t like the idea of taking in more strays, not after Narak and Phyrik had tried to mutiny, and not after the loss of Ysyvkos, who had definitely deserved better, but Bunny often pressured him into it, didn’t they deserve to be part of a crew that wasn’t one of Salzen’s? Where they wouldn’t suffer? He usually just acquiesced and hauled the wounded dregs into his skiff, snarling at them that they were his crew now, and they had better make themselves useful.
“He knows I’m right, sometimes.” She said, watching the Captain she had saved from the Knight kick a thrall off the side of the rig, they turned to look at her again, and she waved, blowing a kiss at them. To her surprise, the Captain stood up a bit straighter, and then gestured rudely with two of their hands. Bunny frowned, though her surprise quickly faded, of course, why had she even tried that?
Hemlock shook itself, “Not all of them are going to be your friend.”
“I know.” She said, and got up. She didn’t have to sit there and be mocked by a Captain, who was now mimicking a dance that had no doubt been witnessed from another Guardian, and their crew was eating it up, hooting and hollering and laughing at her expense. She glided down to where she had initially climbed up from, and walked toward the Arcology itself, casually slipping past other crews and clusters of Fallen.
Eliksni, she corrected herself, she could so easily separate Maliks and his crew from other Eliksni, but they weren’t Fallen. Fallen was… it sounded mean, harsh in her ears, a subtle insult. They were all Eliksni.
She slid into the shattered ceramic tiles, and climbed up to a spot where the Hive couldn’t reach her, sitting down to wait for Sloane or Zavala to call her back, and either explain the data she’d nabbed or something else.
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momorabu · 7 years
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Viidog Code Event Story - ホラーハウス・パニック / Horror House . Panic
It’s a new month and I realised I haven’t post my monthly Viidog Code story yet for the last month... so here is it~! This story happens in the summer, which maybe abit late now considering we’re approaching Autumn, but it’s alright~ Let’s get chilling with a haunted theme story~! It’s great to write about light and funny stories (though abit creepy) after the difficult and complex storyline in the main story ^^
As always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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Chapter 1: 異人館街の幽霊屋敷 / The Haunted House at The Strange Street
One day, Shiro found “me” at the database room and realised that “I’m” reading up on a search report from our last case. “I” told him that “I’m” revising to learn more about detective work, but Shiro asked “me” to return him his reflection report since “I” have no need to read them. (It just sound to me that he’s embarrassed though ^^;)
Since “I” want to work so much, Shiro asked “me to head to the office with him, as it seems that Kuki had gotten himself involved in yet another case. Shiro didn’t know what case it was as he was also just being called down to the detective agency, and was also requested that he find “me” and bring “me” along to the office.
(Just want to say... Shiro looks good in summer wear~ ^///^ Hoodie~ >////<)
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We headed to the office to find that Tsubasa and Kuki were already there. Kuki was glad that Shiro had managed to find “me” and brought “me” here, since he was worried that he won’t be able to do it. Shiro rebutted at him that Kuki is just treating him as a slave XD 
With everyone in Class 7 gathered together, Kuki told Shu and Senri to start off the meeting to inform them the new case that they’ll be working on. Senri briefed us that someone had sent in a request to the agency to investigate a haunted house. Both Tsubasa and “me” showed a shock reaction, and Shiro told us that we’re overreacting. Tsubasa answered that it’s normal to be shocked about a haunted house, to which Kuki happily replied that he had taken on this case just because he wanted to see our reactions to it. 
Senri continued on talking about the case, saying that this request was sent in by people who had lived around the haunted house. Even though currently there isn’t anyone living in that house at the moment, the neighbors had heard some eerie sound and voices from it, and thus wished to get someone to investigate it. Tsubasa wondered whether it was called as “the haunted house” due to the eerie sound and voices, but the main reason was because the owner of the house had passed away, thus making it an empty residence currently. 
Rui joined us and informed that other than the person who had sent in the request, multiple people around the neighbourhood had also seen some shadows that moved and voices in the haunted house, and was sure that there must be “something” in that house. Thinking that since this was a haunted house we’re investigating anyway, Kuki announced that Class 7 shall also help to get rid of the ghosts as an add-on to the case. (Erm... how exactly are you going to do that, Kuki?)
Tsubasa, on the other hand, wanted to make friends with the ghost, as long as it is not an evil ghost, which Kuki agreed with him and even proposed bringing it back to the agency to make the agency a “unique” agency.... ^^; (It’s meant to be a joke and ”I” just smiled weakly along with them like “I’m” forced to ^^; Even Senri dissed Kuki about it that Kuki felt that Senri was just adding salt to his wound.)
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Shu finished off the briefing by telling Kuki that he hoped that he doesn’t cause any unfortunate incident in this investigation. In summary, the case this time was to investigate a haunted house, and Kuki told us that it’s going to be a very fun case. Shiro denied and remarked that it sounds like it’s going to be a very boring case, but Tsubasa told him that it’s actually rare that they might meet a ghost actually. (Tsubsa sounds very excited ^^;) 
Shiro claimed that he doesn’t believe in ghost and deemed the case to be cause by some children’s mischief definitely, but Kuki thinks otherwise and felt that Shiro actually believe in ghosts even if he claimed that he doesn’t. (i guess he already knew that Shiro was actually quite afraid of ghosts.) Shiro said that he’s not going to investigate the haunted house, and told the rest of us to investigate instead before he left the room. In the end, it was decided that we shall just take a look at the haunted house tonight, (the official operation shall start tomorrow) as Kuki told us to gather in the living room at night time.
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However, at night time, Shiro was pulled to join us in the investigation as much he rejected to join. He ultimately conceded to investigate the haunted house, but stated that he would investigate it alone and told us not to follow him along. Kuki was surprised with Shiro’s change in attitude and asked him whether he secretly wanted to meet the ghost very much. 
Kuki asked Shiro to bring “me” along with him for the investigation, to which Shiro denied and said once again that he had planned on heading there alone and that it would be hard to escape from the place if he had to bring “me” along if anything were to happen. However, Kuki stated that as the class leader he would not allow anyone to perform an investigation by himself and even offered that he shall follow Shiro himself if he doesn’t like “me” to go along with him. In the end, Shiro agreed to bring “me” along to investigate the haunted house, and Kuki told us to be careful while he sent us off.
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Chapter 2: 開かない扉 / The Door That Can’t Be Opened
After we had head off, Tsubasa worried for “me” as he’s afraid that Shiro might leave “me” unattended, but Kuki was being very positive, suggesting that perhaps we might even ended up being friends with the ghost and bring it back here. Tsubasa noticed that Kuki still seems hung up about his joke regarding the ghost just now, but Kuki just answered him not to open his old wounds instead XDD
The two started talking about ghosts, where Tsubasa said that he’s actually looking forward to meeting one since he had never met one before, and asked Kuki whether he believe in ghosts. As Kuki was one who would only believe in something if he had seen it, he found ghosts to be very unrealistic since he had never seen one. He assured Tsubasa that we’ll be alright since unlike his appearance, Shiro was actually someone who would take good care others, and thought that he’s actually quite suitable in training and teaching newbies ^^ (Shiro Sensei? XD) He also remarked that Tsubasa was suitable too since he’s someone who could have a good relationship with anyone, to which Tsubasa commented that he’s the latest newbie in the agency (before “me”), and thus he understood the feeling of being a newbie the most in all of the members in the agency. (So I guess Shiro entered the agency earlier than Tsubasa~)
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In the meanwhile, Shiro and “I” had arrived at the street where the haunted house was located. As there were many empty houses nearby, Shiro told “me” that there’s nothing much to look at even if “I” was looking around at the area. The place we’re at was pretty dark, that Shiro complained that it’s hard to go around the streets at night. Thankfully he had brought along a torch light and told “me” that we’re just going to quickly investigate this place and head back to the agency. (Shiro seems that he just wanted to get it over and done with it =w=“) He told “me” to be careful since anything could fly out at us when we’re inside the building, and to also refrain from making a loud noise too. 
When we entered the house though, the doors just shut behind us suddenly.... or what Shiro had thought so, since “I” was the one who had shut the doors actually, and Shiro told “me” to do it more quietly. (Since I guess it gave him a scare when he heard the doors closed that loudly ^^; But he claimed that he’s not scared but just abit shocked by the closing of the doors...) Shiro got yet another scare again when he walked straight into a spider web, but felt that they seems to be some mischief done by a child, and told “me” to be careful not to trip over anything. (Though he claimed that he’s not worried for “me”, just that he would found it troublesome if “I” had fallen.. ^^;)
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“I” was scared when “I” saw an arm hanging in the mid air, but Shiro investigated and realised that it was just a mannequin’s arm being hung up by some red threads. We walked down the long corridor, and didn’t opened any of the doors since the door knobs were untouched over the years. Finally, at the end of the corridor was another door, which was locked and since the knob looks clean, Shiro guessed that perhaps there was something behind that door. (The door knob being clean was an evidence that someone actually opened the door recently +W+) 
Shiro was glad that as it meant that it wasn’t the work of a ghost that had made this place haunted, as ghosts would be able to go through doors without even opening it. He guessed that perhaps the person who had cause these eerie happenings was behind that door and decided to keep a look out at the door to see if anyone would come out from the room. In the end, we decided to hide in a room next to the corridor which offers a view that we can keep a look out at the door. Shiro was sure that he would catch the “ghost” and reveal his real identity, blaming that ghost that it was because of it that he had to do such a job right now. 
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Just then, we heard the sound of doors opening, but Shiro guessed that it was just the wind that had opened the doors and he didn’t sense the presence of any humans either, claiming that it’s definitely not ghosts who had made the doors to open. We waited for awhile, but it doesn’t seems that anybody was going to open the door and come out from the room, Shiro decided that we shall head back for tonight and write our report instead.
However, suddenly there was the sound of the door from the entrance closing, along with the sound of it locking! Shiro started to get worried that we might get locked into the house, and thus hurried “me” to run along with him back to the entrance. Just as what he had expected, the door to the entrance was locked when we arrived there...
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Chapter 3: 超自然的なもの? / The Supernatural?
Even though the door looks old, it was actually strong, and Shiro guessed that it would be hard to break it down in order to escape from the house (besides he doesn’t want to destroy the house actually). He was pissed that “I” was in the mood to laugh and confirmed once again that regardless what Kuki had said, Shiro himself wasn’t scared of ghosts AT ALL, and claimed that he had no interests in such area either. (okay... if you say so... =w=“)
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However, the thing was... it wasn’t “me” who was laughing. Shiro thought that “I” had used ventriloquism, but since obviously “I” do not have such a skill, Shiro guessed that it may be coming from the person who had locked us in this house. It started to get spookier when the plates started to move by themselves, and Shiro, feeling unable to stay in this house anymore, quickly asked “me” to get away from the door as he broke down the door. As he left the place with “me”, Shiro bellowed back at the “ghost” that he’s not leaving because he’s scared, he’s going back to think of a plan and would be coming back to defeat it next time XD
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We ran for a long while after we’ve escaped from the haunted house, and finally stopped at somewhere along the street, which Shiro commented that the ghost won’t be coming out from the house to chase after us since we’re now quite far away from it. He warned “me” not to mention anything about him facing the ghost to Kuki and Tsubasa. 
Back at the agency, Kuki and Tsubasa were still continuing their conversations about the ghost, where Kuki asked Tsubasa what games he would want to play with the ghost if he had befriend it, and even suggested playing a test of courage with it. But Tsubasa felt that it would be very boring since the ghost would be the one in charge of scaring people instead like usual, and suggested hide and seek instead. Kuki felt that hide and seek would be hard since the ghost would have an advantage since it could hide in places that are hard to find for them.
Suddently, Kuki got a shock when he realised that both Shiro and “I” had returned from our investigation. Noticing that our faces looked green, Kuki asked us what had happened over at the haunted house. Shiro answered that we’re fine, but he’s sure that there’s something at that house, and that he had felt digusted that something was getting close to him even though he could not see what was it.
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Even though Kuki was worried about it, he decided to give it a rest for now and told Tsubasa that he can be happy now that it seems like there’s really a ghost over there ^^; Kuki asked Shiro that whether he had heard any sound of the water in the house, since he had read that in the report which was passed to him by Senri. Shiro remarked that he indeed heard something that resembles the sound of water, and thus Kuki decided that they should investigate more about the house.
Tsubasa was too excited and wanted to go straight away though XD Kuki had to tell him that it was too late and that they would go there tomorrow instead.
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(Shiro was too tired from the investigation today that he had fallen asleep while sitting on the sofa~ Aww~ So cute~ ^////^)
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Taking out a map, Kuki asked “me” whether it was the same as the layout of the house since “I’ve” went inside it. “I” reported to him that the map actually showed rooms that we had not seen at the house and that made Kuki quite interested about it...
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Chapter 4: 1班の推察 / The Investigations by Class 1
The next morning, Shu was quite happy to receive a new case, as it was case that was requested by their own species - Kenrouzoku. Shu was glad that they finally had a chance to help out their comrades, and that made Senri happy for him too, and guessed that the other “Kenrouzoku” who had lived in the town must have seen Shu as someone reliable to request him for help.
Shu decided that this new case from Kenrouzoku would be handled by Class 7 and told “me” (who was there) that this would be my first time in handling a case by “Kenrouzoku”, and thus thought that it would be a learning experience for “me”. However, Senri mentioned that Class 7 was working on the case regarding the haunted house currently, and the two of them started talking about that case instead.
Shiro had not handed in his report for yesterday night, to which Shu thought that he’s facing difficulty in writing it since writing report was always not Shiro’s forte. Senri explained that it seems that quite alot happened during the investigation yesterday that Shiro was burned out when he had returned. He made a guess that perhaps we had really met a ghost over there, but Shu started to get really worried about Shiro and mentioned that perhaps he would pay a visit to him later on. (Shu was actually really nice to his comrades and cares about them~ +////+)
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Rui entered the room and told them that he had compiled the reports from Class 7′s investigation at the haunted house yesterday, and from the reports... it seems that the two of us had been in contact with the “other party”. We’ve heard the weird laughter and the sound of water just like what was written by the person who had requested this case to be investigated, however, we could not know what had cause those sound to happen. The laughter was determined to be coming from a young male who was in his 10s-20s, and there’s still information lacking to know what had been making the sound of the water. Rui also reported that in the midst of our investigation, we were locked up in the house and got into trouble over there. Sensing that there might be further danger, Shiro broke through the door and we escaped from there. The culprit had not shown himself throughout the investigation and had not chased after us after we had escaped from the house.
Rui guessed that even though there’s a possibility that the sound of the laughter and water could be caused by supernatural, he thought that there’s a higher possibility that they were made by a person. It was also found that there were traces of a room being used by someone in the house, and thus Rui guessed that someone must have layed these “traps” to trigger those sound. Shu then deduced that other than the owner of the house, it seems that somebody else also had a key to the haunted house.
Continuing on his report, Rui mentioned that even for someone who was alert like Shiro didn’t sense any presence of a human, and though this also meant that even though the “other party” had no evil intentions in dealing with us, these “traps” in the house also meant that the “other party” doesn’t want anybody to bother him/her/it. 
Shu decided that we shall put the case of the haunted house on hold first and work on this new case instead.
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Chapter 5: 雛守と都市伝説 / Hinamori and the City Legends 
At night, Class 7 had gathered in the living room. Kuki talked about the seven mysteries in D.O.G agency, with Tsubasa commenting that the city legends told by Kuki were really interesting that it had gotten him into “occult mode”, since it was regarding werewolves and thus Kuki remarked that as “Kenrouzoku” themselves, they’re definitely very interested in such topics. 
However, Tsubasa noticed that “I” hardly spoke anything throughout the night, and wondered that perhaps “I” had felt bored by them chatting. Back to the case regarding the haunted house, Kuki decided to tidy the information they’ve gathered so far, and head to the house again tomorrow for more investigation. He noticed that Shiro doesn’t seems very enthusiastic to which Shiro denied it, since he wanted to catch the culprit whom had locked us in the house. 
Just then, Hinamori appeared, as he had heard about the word “city legends” and was really interested about it. Tsubasa told him that the old man from the “Kenrouzoku” who had requested our help today had told us alot of interesting city legends after we’ve finished their case for the day. One of the city legends was regarding werewolves, which Hinamori had heard of it before and mentioned that he really like it due to how bloody it was. Kuki was scared by it though Hinamori likes that it was scary since he was a huge fan of the horror genre. He likes the feeling of being scared and thus the werewolves legend was one that he would not forget about it.
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Since Hinamori was a fan of horror, Tsubasa asked him whether he had heard about the “haunted house”. Seeing that all of us were really interested in the haunted house, Hinamori decided to reveal to us what he had knew about it... He mentioned that there would always be gossips about this house at this period of time usually, but after a period of time people would forget about it and thought that those gossips were just being made up in the end. However, even though it was just a gossip, Tsubasa felt that this had been going for quite a long while, as it had been a month that the house was being rumored as a haunted house and this time, there seems to be more witness than as per usual. Hinamori felt that perhaps it had escalate past the level of a child’s mischief and may become a real legend in the end...
(Tsubasa got even more excited about heading there after listening to what Hinamori had said though XD)
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Chapter 6: 7班始動前夜 / The Eve Before Class 7′s Operations
Shiro wanted to go to the haunted house by himself again, and got nagged by Kuki that the last time he went there, he had slept straight away after returning and skipped out on writing his report ^^; Kuki felt that Shiro had just went around the house once and didn’t delve into anything much before returning the last time, though he guessed that there must be a reason why Shiro had done that. 
He agreed to let Shiro head to the haunted house by himself though, but on one condition, this time he had carry a video camera on himself so that the rest of Class 7 could monitor what had happened in the haunted house, and could also relay information to him. Shiro rejected that idea, to which Kuki felt that it wasnt’ a ridiculous request since they’ve always put on a camera on each other during investigation. He started talking about how Shiro had to lit up a little light to brighten up the room when he’s asleep, and also seems to have taken the salt from the kitchen... (He’s trying to hint that Shiro was actually afraid of the dark and ghosts, that he had to get salt from the kitchen to ward them off ^^;)
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Since Shio doesn’t agree to the condition Kuki had set and thus unable to head to the haunted house by himself, Kuki told him to just give up and let all 4 of them to head to the haunted house and investigate together. He remarked that it was the basics in detective work that more people investigating would get a better result than just one sole person investigating. He wondered perhaps than being concerned in the investigation, Shiro was more concerned in his own pride and even guessed that perhaps the person who was here wasn’t even Shiro at all.
Tsubasa was very excited about investigating, and told Shiro that he would try his best, and even if he failed, the others would be around to aid him. Since everyone insisted on tagging along, Shiro had no choice but to concede to them ^^;
Tsubasa was curious in why Shiro had denied to put on a camera when he’s heading to the haunted house by himself, but guessed that perhaps Shiro had felt that he doesn’t look good on camera and complimented that he’s good-looking actually~~ XDD
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It was decided that we shall head to the haunted house the next day instead, and thus Kuki asked us to rest up well, and not to stay up later tonight. He also told us to prepare for the investigation, and Tsubasa asked whether the ghost would be able to eat some candies, since he wanted to bring some as a present XDD (This guy... is so adorable >////<) Kuki smiled weakly and guessed that it might be impossible for them to eat, so Tsubasa wondered that pehaps he sould bring something inedible instead.
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Chapter 7: 謎のベールに包まれた屋敷 / The House That Was Surrounded By Mysterious Veil
Shu was drinking tea at the office when he realised that the taste of tea has changed. He initially thought that Rui had used a different set of tea leaves, but Rui guessed that perhaps his way of preparing tea was different to how Senri does it usually, and that changes the taste of the tea in the end. 
The two started talking about their research about the haunted house, which they’ve found out that it was a building that was a hundred years old. This was out of Shu’s expectation, and he remarked that doing research on this house made him feel like they’re archaeologist. Just then, Senri came into the room and showed them something that he had found in his research just now. It was a document regarding the ownership of the house, where the last remaining owner of the house had not transferred his ownership to anyone before he passed away. As it had been a long period of time since he had passed away. there isn’t much information that they could find out about the him. There isn’t anybody around the town who knew him, and there’s no lead in finding who might have inherit the house either. 
Rui mentioned that this was around the time when Class 7 was heading towards the haunted house for an investigation once again, and prayed that nothing would happen to them when they were there.
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As Class 7 and “I” were nearing the haunted house, Tsubasa asked “me” whether “I’ll” feel afraid of the place. However, “I” wasn’t really afraid as “I’ve” been to the house before once. Nearing the entrance, Kuki spotted the door which was broken down by Shiro, as the part where the door knob had spoiled could be seen clearly.
Heading into the house, Kuki remarked that it felt chilly in here. Tsubasa also noticed that there were some spider webs around, which Kuki remarked that it wasn’t that extraordinary since the house had been really old and untouched for years. Wanting to give a thorough investigation of the house tonight, Kuki started giving out instructions to the members. As there were three routes which they had yet to explore in the house, Kuki proposed that we split into three different teams, with Kuki himself investigating the middle route. Tsubasa would investigate the route on the left, and Shiro would take the route on the right.
However, once investigation starts, Shiro noticed that Kuki was following him and asked him wasn’t he the one who told them to split up and investigate the house. But Kuki mentioned that he had realised that there seems to more rooms that were showed in the floor plan of the house than what they could see in the house, and made a guess that perhaps there’s some hidden rooms in this house. He wondered whether they should all split up and look for the hidden rooms, or stay and wait for the eerie scenarios that we had encountered the last time to take place. 
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Kuki started teasing about Shiro that he had headed back halfway through the investigation, hinting him that he’s a scaredy cat. This pissed off Shiro that he ended up destroying the walls of the house... and exposed a secret corridor that way OWO Turns out that Kuki had actually deduced that there’s another path behind the walls and purposely angered Shiro to make him destroy the wall ^^; Heading into the corridor, they also found a wall that could turn and reveal a secret room, which Kuki remarked that they’re lucky to have spotted the secret room by chance.
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Chapter 8: いにしえの扉 / The Ancient Door 
Back at the detective agency, Senri had compiled all of the information which Class 1 had gathered regarding the haunted house. He hoped that in these information, there may lie a hint which would lead them to solve the mystery behind the haunted house. Rui remarked that the information was hard for them to read and decipher as there were parts that were hard to understand due to how old the information were. They then started talking about the times where this country was just being developed, and guess that the house might have been built at that time period. The people who had lived around the house were mostly old citizens who had viewed how the country and town had prospered throughout the year.
Looking at one of the information, Rui realised that the way of the name of the owner was written was different to how names were wrote now in the modern days. He deduced that they might have gotten the name of the owner wrong due to mistaking the way his name was written. Now that they had the correct name of the owner, Shu told them to quickly start researching for more information of the owner using the the correct name.
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Back at the haunted house, Kuki started commenting that he could smell a really strong smell from the other side of the room and guessed that it must be very dusty on that side. He told Shiro and “me” to head to the secret room and take a look at it. When Shiro asked him why doesn’t he want to go along with us in the secret room, Kuki explained that if everyone were to go together, there might be the possibility that we were all end up missing. Besides, if anything were to happen in the secret room, Kuki was confident that Shiro would be able to escape together with “me”. He told us that he would be staying behind as back up and would definitely help us if we called out for help, so we should head there without worrying too much. 
In the end, both Shiro and “me” decided to head into the secret room by ourselves. (Shiro is unexpectedly kind of sweet here asking “me’ to stay by his side and not leave him ^///^)
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Heading into the secret room, Shiro commented that the room was indeed really dusty, the dust had stacked up on the floor like a layer of snow, and our footprints could be seen clearly as we stepped into the room OWO Kuki told us to be careful as we head our way inside the room, and that he would be joining us later as soon as he found a way to make sure that the hidden door (part of the wall) stays home without anyone supporting it. 
Shiro looked around the room and remarked that bed and wallpapers of the room were really worn out and seems that they’ve been moved to this room from the other parts of the house a long time ago. He soon reached to a dead end at the end of the room, but found that there’s a big wall over there that looks really suspicious, and thus deduced that perhaps there’s something over there...
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Chapter 9: 不審な影 / The Suspicious Shadow
Suddenly, a shadow appeared and escaped from Shiro’s side. Shiro started to chase after the shadow, asking “me” to follow him but try not to fall and hurt myself along the way. (So cute that he actually called “me” assistant-chan! O/////O)
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As we chased down the shadow down the corridor, Shiro realised that the path was getting larger. He wondered whether the shadow was really a ghost but thought that a ghost won’t be able to move at such a high speed. Deducing that if the shadow was really a ghost, it doesn’t have to escape from them, Shiro guessed that it wasn’t a ghost at all and decided to chase up to it.
He noticed that the shadow had went through a door crack, he told “me” to quietly opened the door to aid him in catching it. Shiro planned to catch this “ghost” before Kuki arrived to finish this “boring / lame” case (as said by Shiro), though he was abit afraid of the mice in there ^^;
However, just when he dashed into the room, someone called out to him not to step forward! It was actually Tsubasa (who had went off investigating the house himself earlier on), and he told us that there’s a cat by Shiro’s feet and he’s afraid that Shiro was going to step onto it. Turns out that the black shadow that we’re chasing after was actually a black cat, and Shiro remarked that his heart almost stopped just now due to what had happened. Tsubasa apologised for his actions, as he didn’t thought that he would have scared Shiro non-intentionally ^^; (Aww~ This CG of Tsubasa pleading with Shiro is really adorable~ >////<)
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Shiro was confused on why Tsubasa was here as he had head towards the left corridor to investigate the house. Tsubasa answered that he guessed that the left corridor was connected to the right and created a loop in the end, and thus we would meet each other halfway along the corridor.
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Back at the detective agency again, Senri and the others had finally found out the truth regarding the haunted house. Rui guessed that this might be a trick set up in the past that made it hard to be discovered by them Kenrouzoku, but Senri replied that he guessed that even the humans themselves who had lived in this town might not have known about this “truth”. They had also researched about the person who had requested them to investigate this haunted house, and was able to find out about his identity. However, Shu wondered about the reason why the person had decided to hide his identity, to which Senri and Rui unexpectedly had the same deduction towards the reason behind it. 
They guessed that somebody might be inside that house, but it definitely can’t be the owner of the house, since according to the information that they had found, the owner had already passed away. 
However, according to Kuki’s investigation earler on, there were traces of items around the house which Senri deduced that they might have belonged to someone who has some sort of relationship with the owner of the house. But the person was not someone who was related to the owner, as Rui’s research showed that none of the owner’s relatives were staying here, nor were there any traces of them having visited the house at all.
(This entire part sounds really confusing to me actually. I tried my best to write down what I could understand and translate from the screenshots I had ><” Sorry if it ended up really confusing Orz)
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Chapter 10: そして,真相の扉 / And... Towards the Door of Truth
Shiro asked why was there a black cat doing here and who was the person who had brought it here. Tsubasa answered that he had came across the black cat during his investigation, and while following it, he realised that the black cat actually had a whole family staying in the haunted house. Shiro then wondered why Kuki had not followed us even though he told us that he would be catching up earlier on. (Hmmm... I wonder where is he exactly....?)
Tsubasa was worried whether “I” was injured, and heaved a sigh of relieve when he knew that Shiro had been protecting “me” very well all this time ^^ He was also glad that Shiro had paced himself to my speed of running when chasing after the black cat just now (even though Tsubasa commented that it was still very fast), and praised him that he’s really behaving like a good senpai taking care of me ^^
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Talking about Kuki, Tsubasa suddenly remembered that he mentioned that he had found a key when they were searching around the house in the afternoon. Shiro guessed that Kuki must be trying to use that key to open the locked door that Shiro had came across just now, and was pissed off when he realised that Kuki had lured him off into investigating the right side of the house, and mentioned that he’s going to beat Kuki off to the sky when he returned XD
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The two went back to the topic about the cats again, where Shiro asked Tsubasa that the cats were being reared in this house. (So perhaps someone is taking care of them...?) Tsubasa mentioned that there’s even more cats than the ones that were here currently, and asked Shiro whether he had came across any of them. Unfortunately, the only cat we had seen was the one that Shiro and “I” ended up chasing.
Just then, even more cats appeared (up to 5 of them), with Tsubasa mentioning that he had also came here while chasing after one of them. Shiro deduced that perhaps the sound of items banging into each other and the laughter might be caused by these cats, while Tsubasa guessed that it could be the wind too, since it had been blowing ever since they had stepped into this house. Shiro decided that they shall now have to the owner of the cats, who could be the culprit that was behind the haunted house.
Suddenly, laughter could be heard in the house, and Tsubasa who was hearing it for the first time, asked Shiro whether this was the laughter which we had heard the last time. It was then Shiro realised that one of the doors near them seems to be connected to the room with the locked door that we had came across the last time. We heard voices coming from behind it, and thus Shiro decided to open the door slowly to hear more of the conversations, as the voices currently sound really muffled and hard to listen.
However, the door creaked as Shiro complained about it, but Tsubasa was very excited, saying that his heart was racing and remarked that he was actually quite afraid of this reverse situation of being in pressure. (But... Tsubasa you look really happy though? ^^:)
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Shiro in the end decided to open the door forcefully and shouted at the people inside to show themselves (or say show their true selves). However it was too dark in the room that Tsubasa had to diss that he can’t see the “culprits” true selves due to how dark it was XD
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Just then, Kuki appeared and told us “That’s it!” He decided to reveal the culprit and that would be.... himself! (Ku...Kuki?!)
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Chapter 11: 最奥の部屋 / The Innermost Room
Shiro was confused and demanded Kuki to give an explanation about it. But, Kuki told us that he was actually joking when he said he was the culprit, and assured us that the culprit wasn’t really a ghost actually ^^; He reminded us again that he had mentioned that he's someone who would only believe in whatever he had seen, and revealed to us the “real” culprit - Hinamori!
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Kuki asked Hinamori what was he doing here, laying out all the grotesque objects out of the floor. Hinamori answered that they should be called as horror goods instead of grotesque goods and explained that he was actually laying out his collection and deciding what body organ to be put next to the heart. (In other words, I think he’s just rearranging his collection in a way.) Surprised by us who had came here, Hinamori asked us if we’re here to look at his collection ^^; (So cute that he’s asking this naively but... Hina~ Nobody would come here for no reason and visit your collection ><”)
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Kuki answered that unfortunately we aren’t here to look at his collection, instead we’re here due to our work, which is to investigate this house, as there were spotting that people had heard laughter and water sounds from this house, and also poltergeist happenings in this house. Hinamori revealed the reason behind these sounds and happenings, they were caused by the traps that were layed out by him. He further on explained that reason behind why the mannequins hand would float in the air (controlled by fibre threads), and the origin of the water sounds (water coming out by itself from the tap - probably leakage?) As for the laughter, it was coming from Hinamori himself when he was in glee whenever he had gotten blood from Suzu-kun when he was preparing the chicken... ^^: 
The key which Kuki had picked up actually belonged to Hinamori. He had lost it recently but turns out Kuki had found it in the end. Hinamori happily showed us the chicken blood which he had gotten, but ended up dropping it by accident. In the end, even Kuki doesn’t understand whether Hinamori was laughing or crying when he remarked that it’s a waste of the blood and the world is going to end. (Just because of spilled chicken blood...? o.O)
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Tsubasa offered to clean up while getting Hinamori to calm down, comforting him that he would definitely get his hands on some beautiful blood again. Hinamori calmed down, but he was in low spirits that Kuki remarked that he seems scarier like than when compared to when he was laughing or crying just now. “I” also tried to help to comfort Hinamori by handing him a handkerchief to wipe his tears. This seems to cheer him up a little as he complimented that “I’m” really a person with beautiful blood. (Erm... Thanks... I guess? ^^;) "I" even rolled up “my” sleeves to show “my” arm to Hinamori and that seems to be cheer Hinamori alot~ (Or say... was too much as he totally got too excited over seeing “my” blood pumping in the arteries O////O) There was also blood on the handkerchief actually so Hinamori got even more excited... Kuki and the others quickly tried to clamHianmori down once again, before he gets too excited to the point he collapsed =w=“
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Shiro was pissed as he realised that this was all Hinamori’s fault in the end, though Hinamori was more interested in asking “me” whether he could have “my” handkerchief and add it into his collection. (Tsubasa was quite worried whether it was alright for “me” to give the handkerchief stained with blood away to Hinamori... ^^;)
Regarding Hinamori’s key which Kuki had picked up, he explained that he had actually borrowed it from the owner of this house. This came as a shock to us as we were told that the owner of the house had been dead since a long time ago?! Hinamori wondered whether the person he had saw was actually a ghost in that case, and apparently this pissed off Shiro too much that he almost beat Hinamori up. (Violence is not good Shiro!) In the end, Kuki decided that we head back to the detective agency to talk about this incident and get Hinamori to follow us back too.
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Chapter 12: 幽霊屋敷の主 / The Owner of the Haunted House 
Back at the detective agency, Kuki told Shu that as what he had earlier text him about, they had managed to solve this “mystery” behind the haunted house. He remembered that Hinamori had behaved quite weirdly when he was talking about the city legends the last time they were discussing about that topic, and realised now that it was Hinamori himself behind it. Tsubasa was impressed that Kuki had already suspected Hinamori back then, to which Kuki answered that he had found out that Hinamori was usually out and came back later in the nights when the eerie spotting were encountered as well. 
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Hinamori apologised to everyone for causing inconvenience to us, and Senri comforted him that it wasn’t anything to apologise about actually. However, he was curious why Hinamori had specifically went to that house to layout his horror collection. Hinamori explained that his room were already full of horror items, and thus he initially wanted to display the rest of them in the laboratory.  But Naoto had found the items to be obstructing and demanded Hinamori to take it away. He was pondering what should he do with his horror collection when he unexpectedly met the owner of the haunted house, who had told him that if he had made the house to have the legend of it being a haunted house, no one would dare to come near to it, and allowed Hinamori to put his collection there.
Shiro changed the target that he should be pissed off to Naoto instead, saying that Naoto should the real culprit XD (If Naoto hasn’t demand Hinamori to move his stuff away, all these won’t have happened ^^;)
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Now what they found puzzling was that the owner of the house was known to have already passed away in the information given to them, so Kuki asked Shu if he had knew whether the owner was still alive or was really dead. Shu answered that the owner was indeed still alive, as the owner’s name was written in another way as he was born in another era different from them, and thus led to Shu and the others to read his name wrongly initially. Therefore, the person that they had found to be dead in their initial research turns out to be another person instead. Senri added on that other than the fact that the owner was still alive, he had also become the head of a really huge company. The person who Hinamori had met wasn’t a ghost, since there were records of the owner returning to the country within this month. 
However, Shu realised that there was still one mysterious part that he couldn’t understand. The person who had sent in the request to investigate the haunted house was actually someone who doesn’t exist in this world. Shu and the rest of Class 1 had searched for the name, address and age of this person to find out about his identity, but they could not find there’s such a person and thus deduced that this person was someone who doesn’t exist in this world. Kuki guessed that it’s most probably a prank set up by someone, (someone made up a fake identity =w=“) whereas Hinamori felt that it’s something more like an occult / supernatural case that he’s a fan of~ 
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Class 1 had also asked Class 5 to do a fingerprint test on the letter they had received regarding the request to investigate this case. Other than the fingerprints of the detectives in the agency, they had located a new fingerprint. However, comparing with the fingerprints in their database, the fingerprint doesn’t belong to anyone in the database either. Kuki deduced that the fingerprints might belong to a criminal and suggested to them that they check with the “secret” (or say hidden) database as well, which Senri answered that they did check using some underhanded methods, but the results ended up to be the same. Therefore, Senri came to the conclusion that the fingerprint doesn’t belong to anyone in this world, but according to Class 5, they were sure that the fingerprint belonged to a human, and definitely not a fingerprint that was made up. Even if the fingerprint was in fact something that was made up to such a high quality, Senri guessed that the person must have a large database of fingerprints and had the sick hobby to collect them =w=“ Even though the power of science had allowed them to be able to analyze fingerprint, it’s hard to create one to mimic the look of human’s skin and the little injuries as seen on the fingerprint.. 
Senri made a little joke at the end, saying that there’s a possibility that the real identity of the person who had sent in this request was actually the ghost who had stayed at that haunted house. However, he realised that he might have taken the joke too far when he saw that he had scared Shiro instead XD
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Kuki just thought of the case as being a weird case overall and just wanted to close the case, even though he knew everyone would have felt spooked and intrigued by the mysterious part behind the case. (Kuki you sound you just want to get it over and done with ^^;) He lectured Shiro to write his report this time round (since he skipped out the last time) and was glad that this case was closed in the end~
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And that was it for this spooky mystery~ It’s actually kind of interesting in the end, especially that last part of that was yet to be solved in the end~ Nobody would knew who was it who sent in the letter I guess ^^;
As this case focused mainly on Class 7 (and of course Class 1 as the support), it satisified me greatly seeing that I’m a fan of Class 7 ^^ Hinamori also get some chance to shine since he usually doesn’t appear much as compared to Suzu-kun or Naoto~
Next case would also be a happy case~! I hope I’ll be able to write about it next week, so please look forward to it~! ^^
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pendragonfics · 7 years
Queen of Darkness and Daisies
Paring: Crowley/Reader
Tags: female reader, alternate universe - everyone lives/nobody dies, angst with a happy ending, fluff
Summary:  Crowley is holed up in the Bunker after Sam and Dean's experiment. Much to their chagrin, he's got a girlfriend; the Queen of Hell. Unfortunately for the both of them, Abbadon's after them all.
Notes:  I love the idea of Crowley falling for someone who is all flowery and cutesy. Sorta like Hades and Persephone. I'm not up to date with the current season atm, but I hope Crowley is okay.
Word Count:   1,827
Posting Date:  2016-05-19
Current Date: 2017-05-09
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You'd never expected yourself to become the Queen of Hell. Or a Queen of anything, to be honest. But here you were, and here you stood. Or, sat, to be more accurate. In a bunker full of hunters and their friends, nursing a cup of something warm between your fingertips.
"How are we to know he has a freaking girlfriend?" The short one growled. "And that she'd stop the conversion?"
They stood away from you, in another room. Your ears weren't supernaturally gifted or anything like your husband, but the men were talking very, very loud.
The taller one, the one with the floppy hair sighed. "She didn't stop it. Abbadon did." He reasoned. "And while we need Crowley for interrogation, Dean, they're they're both fugitives. _________ needs a place safe from those creatures."
"No. No! I put my foot down. I've done it. My foot is down. I don't want that witch staying here."
"Don't listen to Dean, he's only half talk." You blink, and realise who had spoken to you. It's the girl, the one with red hair and a bright smile and brighter shirt. What had they introduced her as? Charisse? Charlene? Charlie. "He didn't much like me when we first met. It'll be okay."
You couldn't help but smile. "I'm sure it will, in time." You glance to your still hot mug. "But in time, what will happen to Crowley?"
She winced at the tender topic. "I'm not sure. All they really do is interrogate...and yeah, a little torture." You let out a whimper. "I mean, he's a strong guy. I mean, demon. Person. He'll, uh, make it through."
You cautioned a sip of your cup, feeling the tea heat you up. At the same time, you weren't sure, but an additional voice chimed into the Winchester argument, and drew the men forth.
"Hello, ________, my name is Castiel. I am an angel of The Lord. I am also a very good friend of Sam and Dean, and I have decided on behalf of everybody, that you will be granted asylum here for as long as it takes for us to get what we require from Crowley, or it is safe for you to return outside."
You nod, and slowly, beam up at him. "Thank you, Castiel." Shifting your hand to touch his, you add, "Your reputation for justice matches what I've you seen display. I'm very grateful."
The shorter one rolls his eyes. "Parasite."
Was this one Dean? Well, whoever he was, being rude wasn't going to get him anywhere.
"I'm not a vampire, nor one who climbs socially to reap what was not theirs to sow," you retort as quickly as you are quiet, crossing your arms. "Yes, I am married to your enemy, the King, and yes, I'm as human as you are, but can you not see how unfair this is?" You ask Dean.
His face lights up with fury, and somewhere near you, you hear Charlie whistle lowly, under her breath. "Where's Kevin when you need him?" she practically whispers, whipping her phone out to speed text.
"Unfair?" Dean repeats your words slowly, tauntingly. "Unfair? I'll tell you unfair. When your whole family dies and you have to spend all your time getting caught up saving the world from shitty stuff they all don't care about." He fumes.
You nod. For a few moments, you're not sure if you're about to cry or burn in anger, but you just sigh.
"I know. I love my husband, Dean, even if he doesn't understand feelings and love because he isn't human. And I love your fierceness to protect what is yours - a translator, a brother, a hacker, an angel, all living here ... You protect them from all to do with what's often at the other end of your gun. And, you've decided I am next in line."
You place your tea on the little table, and rise to stand off against him. Even if he's still much taller than you.
"_________, ignore Dean," Sam announces with a growl. "An idiot would come between Crowley and his...Queen. Like Cas said, you're welcome here."
Charlie pipes up. "Me and Kevin have a spare bed in our room," she pats your back gently. "Hey, roomie."
It's now many days later, and Crowley, with his new emotions, is borderline frantic. He lost it all - his reputation, his groove ... his _________. He had heard no word from his jailer, Dean, of her, and now he was afraid. Could a king be afraid? He wasn't sure. He'd only been the King of Hell for such a short time.
It was almost a week in, when he broke his resolve, and asked.
"Where is she?" He asked the squirrel, after another unsuccessful bout of torture. The room was dark, and so was his hope that ________ wasn't captured by Abbadon and waiting for death.
"__________, right?" Dean turned, just before leaving the dungeon. "No word of her."
Crowley's heart sank even lower than it already was. Could it be possible he was losing it? No. Crowley doesn't 'lose it', unless 'it' was his temper, not his sanity. He loves his ________, even if what he'd shown her before wasn't love. Crowley couldn't help but feel the cold touch of despair chill him.
"I'll find you, ________," he vows under his breath.
Meanwhile, upstairs in the shared room, you're striking awe and slight confusion into the hearts of Charlie and Kevin with the classic 'how I met my husband' story. Except, it's not like anyone's usual whirlwind romance.
"You met Crowley at a garden shop?" Kevin repeats. "What the frick was he doing there?"
You smile. "I worked there. The first time, he bought geraniums, and was considering daffodils. He needed help deciding for a plot of land, but I set him on the path to daisies." Your face lights up, and tracing a pattern on your arm, you add, "After that, he came nearly everyday and bought flowers, for almost a year. A new bloom every time. We took it -,"
Charlie's smile widens, and elbowing you, she stage-whispers. "Keep going, you're weirding out Kev. I don't think he ever thought of Crowley having a life partner."
She was right. Kevin did look uncomfortable.
You smile. "It was last year, we got married ... today's our anniversary." Suddenly, the weirded-out Kevin glanced up, with something in his eye you knew to be sympathy. "What I'd do to see him again."
The door to the bedroom opened slightly.
"__________?" Dean's jaw is set, arms crossed with his hostile air. "A word?"
Charlie and Kevin watched on as you left with curious, suspicious eyes. All week you'd kept under his radar, and they couldn't help but worry for you. Yes, you were the queen of darkness, but also of daisies.
You had to nearly run to keep up with Dean's footfalls. So this was a walk and talk. "Did I do anything wrong? Did Crowley? I've followed your rules -,"
He grumbles, and you aren't sure if it's a laugh or a throat clearing. "He asked about you. He's not cooperating, and I need leverage for this."
Your hands ghost upward to your neck.
"No, I'm not going to hurt you for him," Dean's smirk is as dry as his humour around you. "He needs motivation, and you're going to be there to help with that."
"If you think I'll help you torture my love, you're wrong," you tell Dean. "I promised him my loyalty, my love, my life when we were married ... I'm not sure I can be very useful if I'm afraid to see him hurt."
"I know. Just follow my lead." Dean stops, and turns into a door. Is it a supply closet? No, he's opened the shelves. Secret supply closet, then.
"Dean-o," the familiar voice announces. It's cracked and sore as if he's been yelling for days on end. As you come out from behind Dean, you nearly cry; Crowley's beaten up and chained to a chair like an animal. There's dried blood and sweat and muck everywhere. His eyes flicker, and still on you. "_________? Love?"
Dean nods. "She's here to help you talk. I'm sure we can work something out. I need those names, Crowley." From his jacket, he brought out a crayon, and a small paper. "Here."
"Dearest," you whisper, holding back. He is such a mighty king, but here, he looks more man than monster. Maybe that's what Sam was speaking of. Had they changed your Crowley?
Dean drew a pistol from his jacket. "If you don't give names, I'll shoot her."
Crowley's breath changed. "Your code wouldn't allow it, she's human, as human as you."
"Make a choice, Crowley." Dean growled.
"I want fifteen minutes with my wife," Crowley bargained. He was in no position to, but you knew it to be a part of his nature. "And then I'll give you a hundred names."
Dean stilled, and lowered his gun. "You've got ten minutes. I'll be outside."
The door didn't shut behind him, but as soon as Dean departed, you rushed to your King's side.
"Oh Crowley, forgive me," you shuddered, a week's worth of tears falling. "I've missed you."
He withdrew as much as he could've from your embrace with all the chains. His face was lit with confusion - and an unsullied adoration shining through his gaze.
"Me, forgive you? You've not done anything wrong, love," his voice is steady. "I'm - I'm deplorable. Despicable. A demon. And you still love me. I shouldn't even have you, I don't deserve -,"
You end his words with a kiss. "You may be a demon, and you may do wrong, but do you do them for your right reasons? I know you do not love me -,"
Tears watered in his eyes. "But I do, my Queen. I've missed you, and I know I shouldn't have..."
You gripped his collar, gripped his shoulders, gripped his dilapidated spirit in a hug. "I do not care how we came together. I do not care horrid you can be. I care that you can protect me and we have something special, something worthwhile together."
"I love you," Crowley whispered. "But how can I protect you? You're here. In a den of hunters, and I -,"
"Give Dean the names, darling," you whispered without blinking. "I know it means betrayal of our kingdom, and our way, but it is the only way we can get out from this."
Crowley was the King, and he was the King of Hell. But there was one thing a king would never do. And that was to ignore his Queen.
"Okay, time's up," Dean announced, sauntering back in. "You gonna write or writhe?"
You stepped away just in time to see Crowley roll his eyes. "Sounds like the opening line to a badly written porno," he drawled, "I agree to your terms."
The Crowley you knew was back.
It would all be okay.
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sableaire · 7 years
I know KS is well you already know but I actually want to continue it just cause I'm curious on how it'll end /or who will end up dead first/ but the thing is... we are allowed to like what we like right? As long you know what's real and what isn't it?
I’m of the opinion that people simplify this issue too much. Consuming problematic media is not inherently wrong, but it’s not just enough to know “what’s real and what isn’t”.
Now, this is one particular issue in which I use my own behavior as a model, but note that I am not going to try and claim that my views are the ‘correct one’ or that my approach is better than others. However, I would just like to offer to everyone who worries about this some insight into a philosophy that isn’t quite so black-and-white as others I have seen.  
Basically, like every ask I ever receive, the answer’s going to be long, so hang on, Anon. Please note that Google Chrome ‘ran out of memory’ while I was writing this post, so if anything cuts off at a weird point, I just lost that portion and didn’t notice…
 More below the cut:
First thing’s first: I consume problematic media. As an aspiring writer, I enjoy experiencing stories that make me feel things, even if that feeling might be “dear god, this is what it feels like to watch a train wreck”, and as someone who thrives on new experiences, I enjoy being able to feel a broad range of emotions in a safe and controlled medium - either dreams or fiction. If there was a way to try psychedelic drugs and or ‘bad trips’ without risk of physical or psychological damage, I would try it. 
Heck, I’m the kind of person who tries to induce sleep paralysis and nightmares for fun because I get a kick out of the sheer terror. It’s inevitable that I sometimes like to read about the visceral horror and sickening dread that comes from highly dangerous and awful situations. (Of course, I also have my limits, but that’s not the point of this post)
That being said, I try to be mindful about my enjoyment of such content in many ways, and I’m of the opinion that everyone else should as well. Something I always say is that “people can’t help how they feel, but they can help how they behave,” and through that behavior the feelings might change over time. However, you can’t blame someone for a reactive emotion, be it positive or negative. Humans don’t have control over their emotions.
As such, of course we’re all allowed to like what you like, but ‘liking’ something is not your ‘behavior’. Liking something is a feeling. Everything else you choose to do are actions, and you need to think them through because every action has a consequence, either on you or the environment around you.
Since you mentioned Killing Stalking, we’ll use it as an example. Although you’re allowed to like what you like, do you also know the reasons why some people are so vehemently against it? It’s not just the murder and it’s not just the depiction of abuse, and it’s not okay just to handwave it all under “haters will be haters”. These are people genuinely upset about this comic’s contents and consumption, and as someone who is choosing to enjoy it, I personally feel as though fans have a responsibility to first understand what these people are so upset about, and then make an informed decision whether or not to read it.
Once I learned that Killing Stalking was so negatively received by some individuals, I did my research. I read reasons why people dislike it. I specifically searched for primary sources, reactions of gay men and reactions of individuals with BPD. I went in with a neutral mindset - I had only just started reading the comic and I wouldn’t have minded giving it up at that point - and then decided what points I could empathize with and thought about how these viewpoints - different from my own - would affect my actions. Typically, there are three questions:
1) Will I continue reading/watching?
2) Will I financially support this content?
3) Will I socially support this content?
Question 1:In my opinion, only the first question depends on your personal likes/dislikes. Yes, you can like what you like. You can consume questionable content. However, if your answer to that is ‘yes’ or even a ‘maybe’, you absolutely have to ask yourself the next two questions.
Question 2:We live in an era of rampant digital pirating, and though yes, it is a crime and people are always encouraged not to, I’ve never personally met someone of my generation who hasn’t pirated a movie if they missed it in theaters and then couldn’t find it on Netflix and or Amazon Video. Popular books can be downloaded as PDFs or epubs. Foreign comic translation is a veritable unpaid industry of its own, on the internet (which is its own bucket of problems, but that’s not what this post is about).
So, ultimately, though the economic and moral implications are a bit hazy, you get to decide whether or not you financially support anything you watch or read. You can decide whether or not something that you find enjoyable is also something you think there should be more of in the world. In the modern capitalistic era, you as a consumer have the power to vote with your wallet, in a sense. I’m going to give an example of how this might work after this section.
I will say, however, if you plan to indirectly profit off your interaction with certain media, no matter how problematic, you have an obligation to support the author for their work. If you are going to write a movie review as an official film critic, you have to watch it in theaters. If you are going to write a book review in an official capacity, buy the book. This is partially because I believe that if you’re profiting off someone else’s work in any way, that someone should be compensated even if you hated it, and mostly because I believe that reviewers will be more accurate if they actually pay the money to see if something was “worth their money”.
This is also the reason why I bought Killing Stalking through its official channels. I had built up a surprising following for my lost-in-translation posts and even received a small sum of donations for my write-ups. As such, as an aspiring content creator myself, I could not in good conscience not pay for the webcomic when the official version was so easily accessible to me. This is also why once I felt too uncomfortable with the content and author’s comments that I stopped my lost-in-translation posts as well. I didn’t feel comfortable financially supporting her, and I didn’t feel comfortable profiting off someone else’s content for free.
Also I just didn’t want to read anymore, ahaha.
An example of something I would watch if I didn’t have to financially support it, though, is the new Ghost in the Shell movie. Even though I have pretty much vocalized everything I dislike about it, I am curious to see it for myself. If I really, really wanted to, I could easily watch the movie without providing financial support or official viewership. However, in exchange, I wouldn’t feel right writing a review about it, especially not a monetized one, due to my personal stance on creative content and also because a low-quality laptop-screen experience would greatly differ from a cinema-quality experience.
Question 3:And lastly, separate from the financial question, you have to ask whether or not you will socially support something. Word-of-mouth and fandom content are powerful, powerful forms of marketing, especially on Tumblr.
I read Killing Stalking and actively contributed to the fandom with my cultural / language translation posts. However, followers of mine might have noticed that aside from the first week or so, I never reblogged any fanart or other such content. This was because, although I personally was reading the comic with some interest, it was not content I wanted to actively encourage others to read. For the same reason, I assured all my followers that every post of mine with Killing Stalking content would be appropriately tagged so that they can blacklist it, should they feel it necessary.
There are some things that I read and enjoy that I choose not to support publicly or enthuse about. Some might call it disingenuous and others might tell me not to let others censor my behavior, but it is an intentional decision on my part. In the case of Killing Stalking, I had several reasons.
Firstly, I knew not all my followers were comfortable with it, and I want my blog to be a comfortable and accessible place for most people. This was especially true because I knew for a fact that I had some younger followers age 14 and 15 and so, and let me tell you, I remember being that age and feeling like I knew enough to make informed choices. I have learned more with age, enough to recognize that rather than controlling the media I consumed, the media I consumed was controlling me. I was young and impressionable, and I made some mistakes I’m not proud of.
I was especially careful after the first week or so to not post fanart, no matter how nice, because as a teenager, I was so, so, so easily influenced by good fanart. In fact, I am still so easily won over by good fanart and funny content, and this is a problem for me as a person, and it’s dragged me down some pretty questionable rabbit holes in the past.
Secondly, another reason I limited fandom participation outside of my lost-in-translation posts was because sure, Killing Stalking is an interesting story in some capacity, but it isn’t a story I would outright recommend to the general masses, like I would some other media. Killing Stalking is more of a story that people will end up finding if they’re interested in such content in the first place.
In fact, it’s something that I would have found worrying if it had become widely popular, because then it truly would become a social influence and start affecting people’s views of the world.
As an additional note, some people would argue that the ‘lost-in-translation’ posts that I made might have been a form of promotion for this comic. Perhaps that is true, I don’t know. However, the way I see it, the people who would have seen those posts were individuals already in the fandom, and how I saw it, the fandom needed something more than just the fanart and the fanfics. There were a lot of people explaining why fans of Killing Stalking shouldn’t support the comic, but the problem is - and I know this from experience - the vast majority of fans, especially younger fans, won’t read about people hating what they like.
More often than not, a diehard Harry Potter fan won’t read an article about how much the original Harry Potter books suck, except to judge the person who wrote it. Sure, Killing Stalking isn’t Harry Potter and honestly it’s laughable that I even made that comparison at all, but the nature of fans don’t change from story to story. Fans are fans. Killing Stalking fans either wouldn’t have read or wouldn’t have taken to heart some pretty harsh, legitimate criticisms of the comic, especially when they’re really into it.
If someone is already a fan of something and someone comes up to them telling them (often aggressively) that they are wrong to be a fan, those two individuals are already established as enemies. Heck, we see how heated sports fans get about their teams. It’s also pretty much proven human nature, especially in individualistic societies, that if someone tells you not to do something, you feel the need to continue in order to re-establish your autonomy.
So a large part of why I made those lost-in-translation posts was so that people already in the fandom had someone within the fandom they could engage with who could offer some perspective on some of the more dangerous elements within the story. And people have come to ask me for advice about it, you included, Anon! And I’m genuinely grateful that you value and trust my opinion on topics such as these.
Reasons why “I know it’s not real” is not an adequate excuse for unchecked fandom behavior:
This is a metaphor I spent some time developing, but I think it fits. Though, I did come up with the metaphor thinking of a gun-free area, so it might not apply to all parts of America, aha, but let’s just roll with it:
Say, for instance, you have a model gun. Anyone can tell that it’s fake if they take the time to look at it, but it’s still a pretty accurate depiction of a gun. You know it’s not real, and most adults can tell it’s not real. Saying “the content’s not real, so let people reblog whatever they want” is akin to saying “it’s not a real gun, so let people carry it wherever they want.” Sure, that may be a fair point… except, long-term, carrying realistic model guns wherever you want leads to two distinct but significant problems:
1) Children grow desensitized to the sight of guns.
2) It becomes harder to tell the difference between model and real guns.
Problem 1:If children become desensitized to the sight of guns, they grow desensitized to the true danger that comes with holding a gun. One of the most powerful moments of my life, to date, is the first time I held a big, sharp knife. Because I had never held a knife before, I felt the weight of the metal, saw the glint of the edge, and oh boy, I was a little terrified knowing that I held a potential weapon in my hand. It kept me wary. It kept me careful.
Children who grow up desensitized to guns wouldn’t have that with guns. They wouldn’t feel that same danger, and really, that means there’s just one less hurdle between them and real guns.
Problem 2:Where oh where to begin with this. First of all, if children grow up thinking all the model guns are real guns, they’ll end up getting a real gun instead of a model gun. What will they say when they get caught and in trouble? “Everyone else does it, though!” and it may or may not be true.
Secondly, if some people start carrying real guns around amidst the model guns, and the model guns look realistic too, we have difficulty picking out the real guns from the model guns. We know they’re out there, but we can’t tell which is which. It’s not like you could check every single person out there carrying a model gun.
Thirdly, it becomes more difficult to tell real danger from fake danger. In a model gun society, maybe it’s commonplace for people to point model guns at each other as a joke. Haha, it’s fake, we all laugh. But maybe there’s someone out there being threatened by someone close to them with a real gun, disguised as a joke, and we can’t tell.
The Explanation:Maybe I lost you a bit there. It’s a little difficult to see how this relates to problematic fictional media. But again, let’s take Killing Stalking and pretend it became widely popular and mainstream. If something gets super popular and mainstream, it becomes a fad.
I’ll be honest, I lost this entire section when the post restarted, so I’m going to just give you the cliffnotes version. I’m sorry, I’ll rewrite it at some point;;
1) Children get desensitized easily. Think of any drugs, even alcohol or tobacco. The more you take, the more your body builds a tolerance, the more you need to take next time to have the same effect. The human brain is one of the most changeable parts of the body, and it will do the same thing with fictional media. Repeated exposure to something will have an effect. That’s why exposure therapy exists. Simultaneous exposure is a whole different beast. That’s why Pavlovian conditioning exists.
2) Desensitized children grow up into desensitized adults who think that what they went through / the intensity / content of media they watched was the norm, and they will go on to raise children who might end up even more desensitized than them. Perhaps that would just make it ‘natural social change,’ but is is a desirable one?
3) Also, in the case of Killing Stalking, people wore cosplay with visible signs of abuse to conventions. Some conventions have children attending. I am of the opinion that children should not be exposed to fake signs of physical abuse as that is not something that should be normalized.
4) Just these last two weeks, two separate men in two separate countries Facebook Livestreamed the murders they committed. We are living in a technologically developing society that is simultaneously exhibitionist, voyeuristic, and Orwellian. If media like Killing Stalking became popular and mainstream and encouraged similar media to come onto the market, especially in live-action, it will become harder and harder to distinguish the ‘real’ from the ‘not real’. In the future, someone might livestream someone they keep locked in the basement, reassuring their viewers that it’s all ‘fake’ and just an ‘experimental storytelling’ thing. In a society where such media is commonplace, we just might believe it. 
In Closing:
I am aware that not everyone has the patience, energy, or desire to do this research with every controversial piece of media they choose to consume. That’s up to them. However, even these individuals have a responsibility to be mindful about their behavior. Even if you don’t research, if there are people criticizing the content of whatever you are reading/watching, acknowledge that there must be something that bothers some people. You cannot determine that you are right and they are ‘too sensitive’ without actually doing the research.
Be mindful that, no matter what measures people take, there are probably preteens in your fandom. I won’t tell you what to do with that information, but at least keep it in mind.
One person’s mindfulness changes little, but little changes build up. I would write more but it is long and I have a headache, good bye;;
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handsingsweapon · 7 years
24 for the October Writing Challenge! :3c
24. The character starts a brand new job, but quickly learns that there are warnings that come with the job. No wonder they can’t keep employees for more than a few days.
GROUNDSKEEPER / ESTATE MANAGER WANTED has been a recurring advertisement in the Salem Gazette jobs listings for at least three months. It’s the sort of oddity Phichit Chulanont tells Yuuri Katsuki about over lunch: Phichit works for the town newspaper, overseeing their fledgling social media presence, and Yuuri, well. Yuuri’s just put his graduate degree on hold, or, more accurately, he’s had it put on hold for him. When Celestino Cialdini retired from the university he hadn’t expected to get a new advisor who seemed to hate every aspect of his thesis, and the amount of work involved in a rewrite reactivated the anxiety Yuuri’s told himself he’s had under control for years.
What sweet self-deception that was. He’s been recovering at home, and Phichit’s his best friend from high school, and Phichit’s been the one sharing these little tidbits. “It’s the weirdest thing,” he explains. “Leo says the client insists on working over email and about once a week he gets told to make sure to re-publish the job. They keep calling it something different: Butler … Gardener. One week was Majordomo, that was an office highlight. I changed my email signature in its honor.”
Everyone knows about Greystone Manor. It’s a gorgeous two-hundred year old house half an hour out of town, spread out over several acres of land. Though the place is still kept in fine condition, the owners are more than somewhat mysterious. It’s the kind of place that gets brought up when people talk about New England ghosts, if only because it seems like the kind of house that’s supposed to have ghosts. Yuuri’s a double-major, though, history and art history, and he knows perfectly well that there’s no sensational stories attached to Greystone, at least, nothing like the rest of Salem. Maybe, he thinks, about the house’s reclusive owners, which seem to be a Russian family according to Phichit, they just want to be left alone.
Yuuri can certainly empathize with that.
“How long are you just going to mope around the house?” Mari wants to know. Mari’s been taking a more active role at the family business: according to their father, Yu-Topia’s the best Japanese food in all of New England, and according to Mari, someone has to bring it into the 21st century. Yuuri and Phichit aren’t convinced Mari’s the best person to respond to Yelp comments, but hey: at least they have a website now. Progress. “You could help out at Yu-Topia, you know. Start taking shifts.”
Underneath his skin, the thing that is Yuuri’s anxiety trembles. Waiting tables is the sort of job that requires handling people at their worst, sometimes. He did it in high school, developed what he thought was a set of impenetrable coping mechanisms.
Graduate school proved that hypothesis wrong. I wonder if they’ve got the original collection at Greystone, he thinks, pondering period architecture and 1800s American art. 
Greystone is out in the country, too; secluded, quiet. He imagines it’s beautiful in the fall, when the leaves change. Maybe this is why he responds to the job posting. 
Or maybe it’s something else. Maybe it’s a kind of fate.
“Oh, Jesus Christ, really,” are the first words spoken to Yuuri Katsuki when a blonde answers the door at about 7PM on a Thursday evening. Most of the family will be home by around dinnertime to meet you for an interview, a woman named Mila had explained over the phone. My older brother’s still in Europe for a few more weeks but it shouldn’t matter. 
This kid barely looks like he’s old enough to experience puberty. He’s shorter than Yuuri is, incredibly lean, with blond hair and an impressive scowl. “No,” says the blonde, without introducing himself. “This place will eat you alive.” 
He proceeds to close the door in Yuuri’s face.
Yuuri is nothing if not persistent so he knocks again.
“Who the fuck are you, anyway?”
“My name is Yuuri. Is Mila around?”
What happens next should be recorded for an anger management class somewhere: the teenager in front of Yuuri Katsuki proceeds to have a first-rate meltdown because they apparently share the same first name. Yuuri hears footsteps from the entryway, and watches as the blonde gets physically dragged away by a woman with brilliant red hair. Judging by the way the teen’s resisting, this is a pretty impressive feat of strength, done with idle ease. “Yura gets a little rabid sometimes,” she says with a bright smile, while the blonde hurls insults like Hag and Baba-Yaga and some other things in Russian that Yuuri can’t translate. “Yuuri Katsuki, right? I’m Mila Babicheva. We spoke on the phone. This is Yuri Plisetsky, and his bark’s worse than his bite. Come on in.”
Yuuri steps over the threshold, and kicks his shoes off in the entryway, a habit from home. Besides: he recognizes the original hardwood he’s just stepped onto, appreciates, even from here, the care that’s been put into maintaining the large wooden staircase leading up to the second level. 
This little gesture softens Yuri Plisetsky from an 11 on the rage scale to something more like an 8. Yuuri has earned his consideration somehow. Barely.
He’s led into a parlor where it almost feels like a crime to sit on one of the antique sofas. The preservationist in Yuuri has always felt conflicted over collections like this: part of him wants to preserve old pieces in museums, where future generations can inspect the craft and workmanship that went into everything made by hand, and another part thinks that these pieces were made to be used by families and in homes, that part of joy has to do with function.
His interview consists of an awkward conversation between Mila, Yuri, and one other man she introduces as a cousin. “Georgi Popovich,” she explains.
Georgi seems to be in a bit of a mood. “Don’t mind him,” Yuri grumble-whispers, forty-five minutes in. “He’s …” 
“He’s what?”
“Uh. He. It was a bad break-up.”
Yuuri Katsuki decides, right then and there, that Yuri Plisetsky is the last person on earth who should ever discuss relationships.
As it turns out, the job’s a little bit of a dream come true: the Russian cousins are well-aware of the heritage of their house and the collection of furniture and artwork that it houses. Yuuri’s led to understand that managing the business of the estate in terms of mundane, business-related activities like taxes and repairs is work they’re not able to keep up with on their own. Beyond that there’s managing and scheduling staff: a monthly housekeeping service, and the people who maintain the grounds. We’ve had some issues, Mila explains. Mila does most of the talking. It’s important that we find people we can trust.
Sure, trust. Trust makes sense to Yuuri. He’s been involved in Yu-Topia’s bookkeeping enough that he thinks he understands how to keep things organized here, but to be honest, that’s not what has him decide that this is something he wants. It’s the history of the place, the prospect of doing an inventory, of maintaining all of the little pieces that dot even this one room. There’s a Faberge egg sitting on a shelf in the corner, for instance, and Yuuri’s caught himself almost having a heart-attack every time he re-evaluates it and arrives at a conclusion that it’s probably an original. “This all sounds great,” he says carefully. “Why have you had so much trouble finding someone?”
Yuri Plisetsky is about to speak up when Mila Babicheva knees him by accident. “It’s our schedules,” she says, apologetically. “We’re practically nocturnal.”
Georgi sighs heavily. Yuri snorts. Yuuri Katsuki considers his schedule at college: panic-writing on his thesis until four or five in the morning, and then subsiding almost entirely on coffee. “Well,” he says, “I guess I could do an evening shift?”
Mila’s got a mega-watt smile. “That’s the spirit!”
Later, when the door closes behind Yuuri, and he’s sent safely home, Yuri Plisetsky narrows his eyes at her and mutters: I bet he doesn’t make it two weeks.
This is how Yuuri Katsuki finds himself taking a job that runs from about 7PM to 3AM most days of the week, except on the days when he’s got contractors to schedule (”assuming you’re even still here by the time they show up for appointments,” Yuri says, to which Yuuri can only frown, puzzled, and ask “well, why wouldn’t I be?”). He’s given free reign over the house with the exception of the bedrooms up on the second floor, private spaces that belong to each of the three cousins who live in the house. Usually none of them are around when he shows up and lets himself in, but gradually over the course of the evening they invariably appear. 
He’s in the library on the third day on the job, trying to come to terms with the fact that nobody has ever catalogued its contents. Project number one. Particularly incredible is the fact that there’s so much American occultism captured in one section of its shelves: terrific, first printings of books that are worth a small fortune now, all originally published in the second half of the 19th century and the first part of the 20th. 
Georgi Popovich walks in and almost knocks Yuuri over. “Sorry,” he apologizes hastily, sounding rather like there’s something stuck in his throat, and he’s working on putting together a quick retreat when Yuuri realizes it looks suspiciously like he’s been crying. “Didn’t think anyone would be here …”
“No, it’s fine, I can go work somewhere else,” Yuuri offers, and then he does something that he’ll catch himself regretting in the short term. “Are you okay?” He asks. 
Georgi Popovich stares at him, and then says no, and then bursts into tears.
Yuuri spends the next hour of his life comforting a Russian man older than he is about this breakup he’s apparently had with a woman named Anya. Georgi says some of the strangest things Yuuri has ever heard someone say about their ex, things like I just thought she could change, and don’t you think people can be together forever and Yuuri tries his best to be comforting. “It sounds like you’ve been too focused on this other person, Georgi,” he attempts to advise. “… and what you could do for them. Maybe it’s time to practice being just Georgi again for a little while?”
On the fourth day of his job he discovers Georgi back in the library. This time he’s set up a canvas and some paint. “You were right,” Georgi tells him. Yuuri can’t tell what it is he’s supposed to be painting, but he recognizes the style: it’s headed in a direction that’s very symbolic and romantic, dreamy. Klimt, Yuuri thinks, when he sees that Georgi’s got some metallics included in his supplies; golds and silvers and bronzes. It reminds me of Klimt.
The following Monday, something dawns on him as he looks at Yuri Plisetsky, who evidently has a woodcarving hobby. Yuri’s currently carving a cat out of a big oak branch that fell down in a recent storm, and it’s a little frightening how effective he is with his knives and tools. 
Maybe they’re all artists of some type, Yuuri thinks distantly. “Hey,” he says, because he’s sorting through the bills for this month, neatly organizing them into a table of expenses. “How come you don’t go to Salem High?” One of his mother’s best friends is a woman named Minako Okukawa, who does a little bit of everything in the context of fine arts at the local high school. Yuuri recalls her as his terrifying dance instructor, the woman who coaxed him into taking roles in the high school’s musicals just so the dance numbers wouldn’t suck. Minako-sensei shows up at his family’s restaurant at least twice a week, and she already knows about Yuuri’s new job, and he’s pretty sure that if Yuri Plisetsky had ever set foot inside the school he would’ve heard about it from her. 
“Oh.” Yuri frowns. “I do online classes,” he says. There’s a momentary pause before he scoffs derisively. “Who’d want to hang out with those tools?” Yuri asks, like teenagers are the most uncool thing on earth, although he, himself, is one of their number. “Too much fucking drama.”
“Oh,” Yuuri murmurs. “… Well, what about your friends?”
“Shut up, I have a friend,” Plisetsky grumbles.
“Just the one?” Yuuri asks before he can quite help himself. Plisetsky promptly calls him a pig, but it doesn’t stop him from sneaking into the kitchen an hour later while Yuuri’s putting together dinner, and stealing some stir-fry. 
“Your cooking doesn’t suck, at least,” he grouses. Yuuri’s not sure when Yuri Plisetsky’s abuse became cute instead of terrifying, but he’s brave enough to offer a small smile. 
“Let me know if you ever need help with your homework,” he says politely. Yuri flips him off, which seems a very Yuri thing to do, around people he likes.
“Give me a hand, will you?” Mila asks, the following night. “Got a whole bunch of stuff to carry down from the attic.” 
“Sure,” says Yuuri, who hasn’t even considered that there might be even more stuff related to Greystone up in the eaves. He’s already living in a paradise of historicity; already his imagination runs away with the idea of what else might be stashed upstairs. Georgi and Yuri are tucked away in the basement, which Yuuri understands has been transformed into something of a gym. Maybe they’ll let him use it someday? He thinks things are more or less going well, although from time to time, all three of the cousins mention someone named Vitya, and the way they talk about him implies that he’s really the one in charge.
Turns out, Mila wants them to carry down four old trunks. She picks one up, prompting Yuuri to do the same, although it feels like he’s loaded up with a ton of bricks. They have to work together to get each trunk down the attic’s old ladder, and on the final trunk, the handle snaps. Mila drops it, cursing swiftly in Russian, and the lid snaps open, letting the contents spill out.
Yuuri’s looking at weapons that all appear to be at least a hundred years old, maybe more: a saber with an ornate guard, several silver daggers, and what looks like an antique crossbow. “Wow,” says Mila. Yuuri will realize much later how terribly unconvincing she is, but right now he’s too impressed to string facts together. 
“Wow,” he echoes, as he picks up the sword. “You know, I think this is an old Russian saber?” He drops it as soon as the word leaves his mouth and then scrambles to pick it up and put it carefully back into the trunk. “I should inspect these for you,” he says. “It might be like three hundred years old!”
“Oh,” says Mila. “… Yeah. Yes. That’s probably a good idea.” Mila thinks it’s a terrible idea, but it’s strange, the way Yuuri handles a sword that she knows belongs, in every possible sense of the word, including ones Yuuri cannot even imagine yet, to Victor.
Yuuri has made it exactly two weeks and one day before someone tries to fire him. He’s finished the list of books in the library and he’s moved on to the conservatory, checking on the 19th century piano. No better way to test it than to try and play, he thinks, and so he gingerly sits down and taps away at a little Für Elise from memory. He took piano and dance lessons for years, all the way until college, before finally giving them both up: performance isn’t something that sits well with Yuuri, even if he absolutely loves knowing the way any kind of art tends to come together. The piano’s mechanism is still good, although it’s out of tune, another thing Yuuri will need to hire a specialist to fix.
When he stops there’s a man standing in the doorway, transfixed. He’s the most beautiful person Yuuri’s ever seen, silver-haired and blue-eyed, and when Yuuri awkwardly stands up to go and introduce himself, it takes a while for him to seemingly snap out of his thoughts. 
“You’re fired,” become the first words Victor Nikiforov ever says to Yuuri Katsuki, spinning on his heel to depart with some sense of urgency while Yuuri follows along with his heart in his throat. In just fifteen days, the house has grown on him; he’s gotten attached to the idea of being here, of helping Yuri and Mila and Georgi out. So far he’s uncovered a thousand little mysteries, histories he could spend a lifetime compiling. 
“No, please, listen – I just wanted to make sure the piano worked, and it’s in really good condition, it just needs some tuning, I think we got off on the wrong foot and I …”
“Okay,” says the man with silver hair, though he doesn’t turn around, and he doesn’t look back. “Not fired.”
“I see you’ve met Victor,” Mila says later. Met is the understatement of the year: Victor spends the next three days avoiding Yuuri at all costs as they move through the house in terribly separate orbits. Of course, that means they wind up running into each other in lots of incredibly inconvenient situations: in narrow hallways, trying to pass like ships.
What Yuuri doesn’t know is the conversation that’s had about him when he’s not around: Victor, you can’t fire someone just because you went into a trance, Mila says, as Yuri Plisetsky barks out peals of laughter and disbelief and Georgi Popovich looks off into the distance. Anya never went into a trance when I was around, he mutters, mournfully, which just makes the blonde howl louder.
Yuuri’s three weeks in when it happens, sitting in the library shortly after sundown when there’s a sound of breaking glass from down the hall. Because he’s an idiot (as he’ll hear later), he goes to investigate, picking up the beautiful saber he’s been working on dating and identifying, the one he and Mila found in the broken trunk full of some previous owner’s weapon collection. Why Yuuri thinks this is a good idea is beyond him: if there’s a robber, it makes more sense to call the cops. He makes a note that perhaps they need to register for a security system. 
At the end of the hallway are three grey-faced, sickly looking men, and they don’t ask questions before they charge.
Half an hour later, it’s somehow fallen to Victor to comfort Yuuri, who has purged the contents of his stomach twice because those three men were reduced into piles of ash and bone by his new Russian friends, and didn’t die like real humans, and Yuuri’s pretty sure he’s having a nightmare. Victor’s wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, struggling on the border of being coddling and firing I told you so style glares in Mila Babicheva’s direction. “W-wh-what were those things?” Yuuri wants to know. “Vampires?”
“Idiot,” Yuri grumbles, the way he always does, “Victor’s the vampire.”
It’s not exactly a helpful thing to say, considering Victor-the-vampire is currently draped around Yuuri’s shoulders just as much as the blanket is, protective and curiously cozy. Yuuri will later ponder whether or not he was being necked. Victor will later explain that he can’t help it, exactly: it’s how you smell. In the present, Yuuri all-but-leaps off of the couch, and he picks up the sword again, brandishes it against these crazy people.
“Yura, you’re not helping,” says Victor-the-vampire, who is looking at the sword in Yuuri’s hand as much as he’s looking at Yuuri. “Those were ghouls,” he murmurs carefully. “We get them pretty regularly.”
“Ghouls,” repeats Yuuri, from the nightmare-hell that is apparently his life now.
Victor glances over at Mila, who’s been uncharacteristically quiet ever since she and Victor burst on the scene, rushing past the one grey figure Yuuri’d been attempting to fight. “Has he always been able to hold her?” He asks, like Yuuri isn’t right there.
“I know, it’s weird, right?”
“Please stop talking about me like I’m not right here,” says the sensible part of Yuuri’s brain, followed by the part that still only lives in the wild landscape of panic: “… If you’re going to kill me, too, you should know my mother will be very, very upset.”
“It is entirely beyond me to cause you harm, I assure you,” says Victor, and Yuuri doesn’t know what it is about the way he says it that makes it believable. “Now, if you don’t mind, please return my sword, love.”
“Not until you tell me what’s going on,” Yuuri mutters. The grip on the saber’s all wrong; he grew up studying kendo at the Nishigoris, and it’s not for nothing that Takeshi went on to win all those championships, all those years ago. Still: he understands the gist of it, evidently well enough to kill something called a ghoul.
“That,” says Victor, “is a very long story. Why don’t I make us some tea?”
“Tea and murder,” says Yuuri, with a near-hysterical laugh. “Great.”
“At least he hasn’t quit yet,” Georgi remarks later, which becomes the boundary of the moment Yuuri Katsuki began a transition from one job to another: the day he began to ease out of being Greystone’s Estate Manager, and ease into becoming one of Ex Umbra in Solem, where he’s eventually matched with a sentient weapon of his own, and taught the spells that will extend his life to be nearly as long as the vampires the organization was originally formed to hunt, though their prey takes on varied shapes of evil now: werewolves and malevolent poltergeists, bad witches, sorcerers.  
Vampires like Victor. I didn’t ask for this, he says, holding himself very, very far away from Yuuri after a fight that’s cut Yuuri’s cheek, terrified of the possibility of his own frenzy. He’s dug his nails into his fists so hard they bleed. 
When he comes to his senses later he’ll admit it’s a fate he wants for no one else; that he’s hated for his defection. 
I’ve never seen him like that, says Mila.
Victor is three hundred years old and looks at Yuuri in ways that take some getting used to: sometimes like he’s something Victor absolutely cannot wait to devour, but mostly like he’s the most precious discovery of all three of those centuries.
“It’s not like we could put out a listing asking for a secretary for a bunch of vampire hunters,” notes Yuri Plisetsky, a year later, when they’re traveling to Europe for an induction ceremony with Victor’s mentor, an ancient mage named Yakov, whose name is invoked by everyone but Victor with a healthy amount of fear and trembling. 
It turns out that Yuri Plisetsky is already almost sixty years old. “Yeah,” he snorts. “Remember that time you asked me if I needed help with my homework? You’re never going to live that down.”
It’s the perfect job. Yuuri doesn’t officially quit for three more years. “You can’t fire me, I quit,” he tells Victor Nikiforov, because he practically lives in Greystone now, he’s one of them, and, besides …
You can’t just run around marrying your vampire boss.
“See,” sniffs Georgi in the background, ruining what’s supposed to be a very important moment in the conservatory where they first met, exchanging engagement rings. “I told you a vampire could really love a human.”
“Georgi, Anya led the Boston coven and slept with you to try to get information on how to ruin Ex Umbra,” Mila says, placatingly.
“She sure was fun to kill, though,” Yuri whistles.
“I know that,” mutters Georgi, and though he’s not quite sulking there is an air of wistfulness around him. “I’m just telling you it was possible.”
since i had a question from an anon on the last one i’ll chime in with a little more world-building, out-of-prompt knowledge now:
Yuri, Mila, and Georgi are trained shadowhunter types, not vampires! 
Yakov leads the entire worldwide organization, of which Team Russia is, in this case, the East Coast American chapter
Yuuri becomes a shadowhunter type, although he’s more of a researcher than a fighter really
Victor is a vampire who got changed unwillingly in the 18th century. He’s got a very Angel-esque story in the sense that he probably did some Very Bad Things for a few years before getting out of the thumb of his sire and seeking revenge etc. So eventually he also joined the hunters, and the vampires despise him because of it
Anya is one of these vampires and seduced Georgi to try to get to Victor and Yakov. 
Mila and Yuri were really delighted to kill her for it, which is exactly when Georgi started to sulk and when they first posted a job listing for extra help around the house because SOMEONE was being MELODRAMATIC and not pulling his weight
“Majordomo” was totally Georgi’s suggestion for improving the listing after they fired the fourth candidate in two weeks
It didn’t work
At the start of the story, Victor’s in Europe doing secret things with Yakov fighting Big Bad Evils
Victor has classic vampire trope fits over Yuuri: Yuuri is gorgeous and entrances him; Yuuri smells so good Victor thinks he’s going to die a second time; Yuuri is precious and needs to be protected and anyone who insults him or upsets him will meet the dangerous end of Victor’s smile or the snarling flash of his fangs; etc.
Victor thought the concept of vampire bonds or vampire mates was all manipulative bullshit (thanks to his past bad experiences) until he met Yuuri
Every hunter in this organization gets a semi-sentient weapon (think like Dr. Strange’s cloak). Victor’s is the saber. Yuuri has a kodachi. Yuri Plisetsky has throwing knives. Mila has a warhammer. Georgi uses a staff. 
It’s unusual to handle someone else’s magical item; they usually don’t cooperate outside of the hunter they select.
Yuuri will live about 2-3x as long as a regular human once he finishes all the magic rituals to slow down aging, but eventually he and Victor will have to have the conversation about either you stop using magic or I have to turn you or I need to also die and that’s a choose your own adventure ending because I have no Word of God opinions
I think that’s it. On to the next one sometime next week probably!
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her-culture · 7 years
Color and Casting
Colorism (According to Oxford’s Online Dictionary): prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.
The “Brown Paper Bag” Test:
Black individuals with skin lighter than a brown paper bag would typically gain more privileges than those who had a darker complexion compared to the color of a brown paper bag. This test was mostly used in the 1900s to determine if a black person looked white enough to gain acceptance or admittance into the upper class part of society.
Color has been something that has separated many things - crayons, laundry, and especially people. While discrimination against people of color is often talked about and brought up on various platforms, it does not seem like there is enough being said about colorism within non-white communities, like the black community. As a dark skinned African-American woman in a colorful family, I’ve grown up hearing many sides of how black people tend to receive different treatment based on the shade of brown they are. For those on the outside looking in at this issue, I am going to explain the effects of colorism in two contemporary films.
Hollywood in general often receives a lot of controversy when it comes to who they choose for roles, especially in films that are supposed to receive a lot of attention when they hit theaters. One of the many reasons for why a movie’s casting can be controversial is when a role based on an actual person, a well known fictitious figure, or even an individual who ideally is supposed to be of a certain ethnic background- is portrayed by an actor who does not accurately fit the description. Whitewashing has been a big hot button topic lately, as there is a belief that movies will sell better if there is a well known white actor involved. There are far too many examples to highlight, but a few that caused major discussion were Emma Stone’s portrayal of an Asian woman in Aloha (2015), the three principle actors in The Last Airbender (2010), Ben Affleck portraying a Mexican-American man in Argo (2012), Tilda Swinton as a Buddist monk in Doctor Strange (2016), and Scarlett Johansson playing a character from Japanese anime in Ghost in a Shell (2017).
To many, these examples are clear indicators of of casting done incorrectly, but there are also examples with films featuring stories of people of color where the ethnic background is accurate but not the right skin color. Why is this so important? Well to start, many of the key issues and conflicts within these plots tend to stem from not just the background, but the appearance of the character. This is too crucial of a detail to get wrong, especially in films that wish to showcase a portrait of someone’s black experience. Skin color is a character in itself. This can not be overlooked, otherwise the story will lose some important value in its message. No matter how well an actor can transform themselves for a role, acting the part is really half of the battle.
NINA (2016)
Director Cynthia Mort, best known for writing for the sitcom Roseanne , released this film as her directorial debut. This biopic of the late, great singer and artist Nina Simone was already eleven years in the making, and many critics had voiced that it should never been released, as not enough research and care was taken with handling the story of an individual who was more than just a black woman with the blues. Mort had spent a day with Ms. Simone in the early 90s and didn’t know herself that it would one day be the inspiration for her first film as a director. She was no doubt in awe of the singer and wanted to do something to honor her memory. It is evident that Mort did her best to research many aspects of Simone’s life, but I believe that the biggest plight of her life was lost in translation, simply because Mort could not relate to the story. As a white woman, she did not consult nearly enough black women, or even those who knew Nina well in general to be able to authentically capture what really brought out the emotion behind Simone’s voice.
In 2012, it was announced that Zoe Saldana, a well-known black but light skinned actress, would take on the role of Nina Simone in Mort’s film.
This is where any potential for the film finding positive acclaim had diminished. Nina Simone’s daughter, Simone Kelly, had even mentioned publicly that Saldana was not the best choice to portray her mother. Because Nina Simone grew up in a time where she was told “her nose was too wide, her skin was too dark,” casting a woman who couldn’t naturally relate with that struggle took away a great deal of what made Ms. Simone so unique and powerful. Simone’s family and estate denounced any ties to the film and were very vocal about their outrage towards it. A white director sticking to the decision to use a light skinned woman (who in the picture above had to paint her face in order to appear to have ‘dark’ skin) is indirectly a display of anti-black racism and further proof that the closer a black individual is to whiteness, the more desirable they are. Nina Simone’s life and legacy completely defied this notion, yet this is how she is being represented and shown to audiences.
I do not doubt that Mort’s heart was in the right place, but I cannot forgive the fact that her mind was not. Those close to Ms. Simone and those who know well of her personality would agree that even Nina herself would be insulted by this if she were alive and knew that this is how she was being shown in a film.
The trailer of the film Nina:
 I personally cannot bring myself to watch the actual film based on what I’ve seen in this trailer alone. As a dark skinned woman, I know that I would certainly be offended if I knew a light skinned woman would be portraying me, since a huge part of my identity is based around how I learned to love the skin I’ve been given.
Chadwick Boseman, a prominent black actor and dark skinned man, portrays Thurgood Marshall on screen. Boseman has actually got a great track record with representing the black community well. His filmography includes other starring roles in biopics such as 42 (2013), where he played the hall of famer baseball player Jackie Robinson and Get On Up (2015), where he portrayed the wild and complicatedly brilliant singer and musician James Brown, not to mention The Black Panther coming out this year in February, where we will see him and a mostly black cast portray heroic individuals who are also African royalty.
This makes me wonder why Boseman wanted to take on this influential figure when, unlike for his roles of Robinson and Brown, he does not carry a believable resemblance at all to the subject.
Hudlin is known for making many cult classics for the black community such House Party (1990), Boomerang , (1992), The Great White Hype (1996), The
Ladies Man (2000), etc but this will be is first time debuting a cinematic biopic. His motivation behind creating the film is pretty clear, but one might question what exactly made him decide on Boseman for the lead role. Boseman is clearly great at portraying black icons, but that doesn’t mean he needs to do it even when he has little to no likeness to the person at all. I guess I do appreciate that unlike the Nina film, Boseman did not have to wear makeup to make his skin appear lighter in order to portray Thurgood Marshall. That would have been another case of insult to injury.
Some would say this is a very minor setback, as it is predicted that Boseman will deliver another amazing performance in this role, but that is not what I’m doubting here. I’m more so worry about Thurgood’s story.
I’m sure that the plot of this film will be very engaging and the story within will have very moving and poignant aspects, but the actual Thurgood Marshall could not do a lot of what he did at that time if he was as dark as Boseman is. It feels weird for me to celebrate the release of Marshall like I did with Selma (2014) and other works that put revolutionary black leaders on the big screen, when I know already that a big part of what made his life what it was, is the fact that he had light skinned privilege. Marshall would definitely pass the brown paper bag test.
My first reaction when I first heard that this film was in the works was confusion rather than outrage. Surely there are great light skinned black men who could have taken on this role, just like there were deserving darker skinned women who could have accurately depicted Nina Simone.
Part of me understands that we’ve seen so much brilliance from Boseman that maybe it’s just assumed that he can play nearly anyone - but that is a very slippery slope and I would hope that Boseman doesn’t repeat something like this in the future. He is a great talent who doesn’t always need to be the lead, especially in a film based on a light skinned black man who used his advantage to help him get ahead in the rankings of the justice system.
I take biopics very seriously. The actor chosen to play the role, as well as the story and the key elements in the plot need to be on point, otherwise I find myself very disappointed. You are essentially showing the life and legacy of someone to people who may or may not know of that person, but feel as though they will learn more about them through watching the film. Some of the best biopics I’ve seen that beautifully capture their subject’s character and adversities are Selena (1997), Ray (2004), and Frida (2002). Not only was the casting nearly spot on, but the performance of the actors along with the story of these individual's lives comes off as authentic without me having to think too hard about how accurate the details are while watching it. I’m not claiming that these are perfect depictions, as it’s very difficult to have a completely truthful biopic and there is always some point of bias being shown, but I have always thought those those three did an incredible job of focusing more on the person rather than their politics.
I do actually plan on seeing the movie Marshall. Even though I am not satisfied with the casting since it will already make the story partially inaccurate, it still presents some type of empowerment for black people.
The trailer for Marshall: 
 The Nina film is unnecessarily dramatized to make Ms. Simone a lost soul, who needed the saving of a kind man to stay by her side even as she grew bitter. Maybe that display of Mort’s version of Nina Simone wouldn’t be that terrible to see if it was an actual dark skinned woman, who was communicating this struggle to overcome oppression along with her personal demons. Having a light skinned woman try to explore that while wearing brown paint is unfathomable. It continues the history of darker black women being treated as jokes, not even worthy enough to play women that were naturally dark like themselves on screen. Though this may appear as a double standard, having a dark skinned individual take the place as a light skinned one does not come off as damaging. It seems that black audiences are still getting used to seeing themselves in mainstream films in a positive light. Rarely do we conquer and outsmart our oppressive white counterparts, or the system which oppresses us in general without facing some fatal retaliation or lesson that will carry on to cause further pain among our our people. Marshall is triumphant. A celebration of the black mind and I will look forward to that more than it revealing a new perspective into the life of Thurgood Marshall.
As an upcoming filmmaker myself, works like these make me more cautious in how I will chose to represent people in the stories I create, whether they are based on real individuals or not. The skin color of a person does not just impact how they will be viewed by others around the world, but within their own communities - and of course, themselves. A message will be sent to the audience merely by the person chosen to lead the story. This alone is a key factor in making a work of film either feel relatable or out of touch with reality.
People should be judged by their content, not by their color; but characters on screen need to at least be the right color in order for us to judge the content of the film or how that person’s life is being visually shown to us. 
Head image sourced from http://everydayfeminism.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/dark_girls_caro_page-bg_29012.jpg
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retracing-my-steps · 7 years
The story, as I would now tell it
So when I reflect on being married twice, saying I’ve been married twice is highly misleading because it doesn’t translate well to the experience.
If I were to encapsulate it in words that would capture it more accurately, it would be this:
I was married once, it was an 8 year relationship with my high school boyfriend (which also started long-distance lol, lord help me). After that, I found myself in an abusive casual relationship with a sociopath who I was roommates with for a year because I couldn’t afford to live alone. He acted very courteous and reasonable and it wasn’t a serious relationship so I didn’t worry about the impact. I didn’t realize until moving into my new place with him that he treated me like a ghost since he didn’t have to ‘earn’ his keep anymore, and he trashed my home without hesitation, has no respect, asked permission for nothing, fucked people in our shared bed, and acted like I was unreasonable and bizarre to be angry when my apartment was full of dirty laundry and dishes and he brought home people to fuck without even giving me a heads up (or washing the sheets). Which further made the whole him treating me like a ghost thing more horrifying, seeing him being cutesy with new people when he was supposedly in at least a sort of casual romance with me, which became instead literally, me, a body, in a shared space, who he never talked to but would ask for sex daily (until I half-lied and said I couldn’t have sex anymore because I was dealing with a bout of depression and didn’t have a drive anymore— Because who can confront a person who calls themselves your boyfriend head-on about them being a sociopath and so disgusting and that you don’t want them anywhere near you ever again?) Suffice to say I started changing clothes in the bathroom and hiding at my recent ex husband’s place because I was so disturbed by the shift in personality. And I was trapped because I couldn’t afford to live alone and I was uncertain of how the fuck to kick him out.
All that right after my first divorce, I was pretty shaken as a person and highly vulnerable. So it was the worst thing that could have happened to me.
During the abusive relationship or near that time, I reconnected with an older sort of online penpal from back in the day, someone who always seemed very warm and kind and also responsible.
I dated her for a while and I was trapped living with the abusive person for 6 months more-- and at the point of dating her, I unofficially broke it off with the abusive guy (I mean it was a casual relationship from the start and he was a liar and a void of a person and he didn’t even speak to me, I didn’t feel like I needed to officially tell him I wasn’t with him anymore)– and I started a relationship with the person who was called my boyfriend but eventually I discovered was my girlfriend and that was quite fine by me and I wanted to encourage her all I could for her to be herself.
So she was my second serious relationship and she was a person I was in a relationship with, with the intention to see if she was ‘the one’, so it was very serious– I was willing to dare to have a serious relationship again after the destruction of my first marriage, because she was so many things that my husband wasn’t, and therefore I was willing to take the chance of getting hurt again. It was an open-relationship because I was scared of being trapped and neglected like I had been in my marriage. I dated a little on the side while I was with her, a couple first dates and random things but not much more. All with her thoroughly informed and with boundaries considered of course because I’m not an asshole. She knew when she started dating me that I didn’t want to settle down fully with someone at that point in my life, not until I had the safety of having dated more to know for sure. We were together until late 2015. The dates get messy in my mind because so so much was happening at once during that time period, and so much stress with the abusive person I was trapped with, and my own anxiety problems. So we were together for almost two years I believe.
At that point I knew we weren’t right for each other, which was a painful discovery. I was fighting hard and trying to be patient and trying to see if she was going to get better or if it was another case like my marriage had been. After all she was going through a lot. It was hard to have clarity. Also near the end of our relationship, I outed my abuser online and it created a shitstorm that had me on constant edge of breakdown for a number of weeks. Because the asshole had only moved two doors down when I finally got him to move out, and the poly community he belonged to tried to basically psycho-analyze me to decide if they wanted to believe me. Which was mostly because the community is a cesspool of abusers, since the people who run the community are also toxic and most of the good people didn’t have the stomach to stay- because apparently other people had been abused by other members and were suddenly banned or blocked because the admins didn’t want to deal with the drama. So I was really in for it, in for a lot of victim blaming, and worse yet, my Tumblr and personal entries started getting spread around by him. So there was a huge mess in the background of everything, things like that and the gradual act of my girlfriend disowning her family and starting to be brave enough to wear feminine clothes, her choosing a name… and just a lot of residual stress she carried from her experiences, and a fruitless job hunt. So things weren’t going well or feeling happy between us, I felt always on edge and like I couldn’t safely talk to her about problems, and there were a lot of toxic behaviors. Generally things didn’t feel right but I was scared to drop it because I didn’t know if it was really a compatibility problem or if it was simply circumstance.
But then I got in touch with someone I have been in love with since before I met my first boyfriend. Someone who had disappeared off of the face of the earth.
When I found him I warned my girlfriend I had a lot of unresolved feelings about him and I had no idea what would happen if I contacted him. ‘He probably will be embarrassed by the memory of me, frankly’ I said ‘I was utterly obsessed with him and not so subtle about the fact, and I don’t know if it was actually all that requited.. I basically threw myself at him.’ ‘But in the end, I do still feel a lot of strong feelings for him, so well if we do talk I don’t know what would happen, or if it will rekindle something in me’ We already had an open-relationship from the beginning because of my baggage with my first marriage and fear of getting trapped and neglected (and my cynicism at that point wondering if -anyone- could be fully right for me), so she was supportive of me because in the end of course my happiness was important to her.
And then I knew she wasn’t right for me. Because of how natural and easy and right things felt, talking to him. And that feeling I had- the feeling of being afraid to risk being with one person, those feelings were gone.
I was still in love with him, and him with me (to my utmost shock), and as we found a way to meet it became clear that my feeling about him was not unjustified. He felt more right than anything ever has.
As months passed and my contact with him continued and I started dating him within the complexity of my position with my girlfriend (which I was very honest with him about- I even said to him I could never 'fully’ be his, and to my amazement he didn’t care and still wanted to love me and be a part of my life)– I was still processing and figuring out if my girlfriend and I had a chance, if that was something that was going to settle down and become more stable and happy, and I was trying to figure out if the romance with my 'childhood sweetheart’ (we were 15 when we first fell in love) was just some sort of intense dream that was too good to be true, or exaggerated by my deep nostalgia, and adoration I had for him when we were young.
I contacted him in the fall, we met face to face in October 2015, just a couple weeks later.. And as the winter approached, we made plans for me to come to him in December. As December passed and I was given the joy of leaping into his arms with renewed confidence, I realized that I didn’t want to be with anyone else. That he was the most right I had ever felt. My girlfriend and I didn’t thrive together, and in his company that truth became more clear to me. And beyond that fact, I also knew that the love I felt for him was not trivial nor sugar-coated, and nor was his love for me. So it was in December, after three weeks cumulatively in his company, that I knew that what I had with him was real, and the happiness I felt and the person I was finally letting myself fall for all the way, the personality I adored was not simply him putting his best self forward. He was him, imperfect, not without his own deep scars, not without our conflict- yet, utter bliss, and contentment, and a joy in knowing him further. A joy even in conflict, which felt bizarre. Because I just felt utterly relieved and happy to know him better. I felt closer to him, instead of alienated by conflict. Troubles weren’t so troubling. I could laugh at pain for the first time. He made it feel easy. So I knew. And so the chapter with my girlfriend closed, sadly but not bitterly, because she knew too that we did not bring the best out in each other. It was not only me who was absorbing negative energy and having their anxieties amplified.
And so I moved on to a relationship that felt was right for me in every way, and I no longer felt a need to keep the doors of my heart open to anyone else.
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