#gif creators
spirk-trek · 7 months
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I bought this BEAUTIFUL print from @sevvrael, who is donating all proceeds to charity for Palestine. See their post for all the details and here is their etsy shop!
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katy-133 · 5 months
I come online and find out that not only has Drake responded to the Euphoria diss track, but Kendrick Lamar responded to that with his own diss track less than 6 hours later and this time he didn't pull his punches, I can't even keep up with this. People haven't even had time to fully process and analyse the lyrics of the first diss track.
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80ssuperstar · 12 days
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For: @fxe4596 , @nicomxm23 , @russthevampireboy , @jgquintelslut , @pinkcandycatmakesart , @anifaz , @isrrael120 , @notadumbdog , @martingeekermmd , @eeveepalooza , @apollothedeity , @sidoresca , @siinhorhy , @insomniacz , @rhyliethecaterfly , @yeetafry , @calledattherndoftime , @breekitty17 , @kiwithekool11437 , @kiko2032 , @orchestralauthor , @untitled14360 , @loudlyhappycupcake, @rigby123, @finn-pot, @konikatt2, @konikat1, @moonlighteclipse17, @furrypandacollective, @dbd0812, @issacxjacob, @starwarspurgefan, @pokemonartextreme, @musclemanveryregular, @nastyablossomsworldxclover, @roseelgacha36
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nova4576 · 3 months
Fuck buddies
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Tw: mentions of sex and both people being jealous (Lmk if i forgot anything)
"Am I going crazy or am I just going crazy?" Y/N pondered as she lay in bed looking up at the ceiling while Oliver stood in the doorway dressing himself. The fact that he would come over and fuck her silly was a regular occurrence of theirs, and he would then quickly leave after they were done. That was the agreement between the two of them, they didn't want the hassle of being in a relationship and being held down by someone else.
With Oliver's music-making and him having the time of his life, and you being out with your homegirls partying and building your social media presence you bboth didn't have the time to be together or be under a “label” but that didn’t stop Oliver from telling you “Block him he’s liking your pictures too much” while he is getting dressed, Or you telling him “So you just gonna text other girls” as you scroll through his dm’s after he gives you his phone.
Yeah you admit it was toxic if you both do that with each other but it's how you both worked and you liked how possessive he is over you, and he liked how jealous he got you when he responded to a dm or like another girl’s pictures.
But in the end you both knew that you would end up together sooner or later and you were fine with that even if that took a while
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freckledjoes · 7 months
💜 This post is for YOU, reader 💜
Why? Because you’re a wonderful person who deserves the best. Whether you’re a lovely creator who gives us wonderful content in the form of fiction, gifs, edits, art… or you’re the sweet person who reblogs and leaves lovely comments/tags on said creations - you rock.
You’re the ones keeping fandom alive the way it used to be and should continue to be. By giving back when you receive, you create a cycle of joy we all want to be a part of 💜
Have a wonderful day x
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toongamer4 · 1 year
Are we all like Prismo?
Interesting thought I had Yall ever think how most of us online are like Prismo in a way? Us artists have the ability to create entire worlds and most of the time we see those amazing worlds created by us and others on a screen. All of us observers and creators using a projection. Prismo to an extent is a lot like an internet persona A simplified version of himself, projected onto the world, with the ability to create anything, while in his true reality, he is just a simple man, with a dream, and that dream manifested into the prismo we know! We dream, we make personas, and that persona is percived by the world as us....a creator with limitless power.
And all of us in some way, are all in our own little time rooms, we do our stuff, we enjoy our hobbies, we watch our favorite things, and even make things for ourselves or others.
We are all like Prismo.
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afolksongs · 1 year
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loveindeeair · 3 months
Join, Let's create a safespace for creators 💕
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🅛🅞🅥🅔 𝕯𝖊𝖊𝕾𝖎𝖌𝖓𝖎𝖆🐾
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caw4brandon · 2 years
How AI Kills Creatives
Human beings love to express themselves in many unique ways. From dance, to singing, to creative writing and of course, by art. Artists wrestle everyday to stay relevant to the masses while doing their favorite hobbies to earn a living.
This however may become null and void as the art community is facing another difficult challenge that could put them into jeopardy. The answer as to what can pose a danger to our beloved creative types is the hot topic for this Wednesday's piece. Let's discuss the complex situation of AI Art.
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- Being a Creative Online -
For as long as I can remember, Creative work is either something industrial for advertisements or for entertainment, like comic books or animated shows. Often times, it involves expressive and also very dead people of influence like [Van Gogh], [Picasso] and [Da Vinci]
This however changed when the world was introduced to the internet. Allowing creative work to be presented to the masses, pass the borders and beyond. A timeless time capsule of creativity that can reach places traditional methods failed to do at rapid speeds.
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Places like [Artstation], [DeviantArt], [Behance] and [Pixvi] are some of the most popular websites where aspiring artists can produce and express their craft to be shared and may potentially, give them the confidence to do commissions. These sites laid out a platform that can attract beginners and professionals alike for a chance to find an audience and develop themselves. This however, doesn’t mean an easy climb.
Creators need to combat against the algorithm and the occasional critics of these respective sites to be recognized. Creators need to claw their way out of the crowds to be graced by algorithm which means, they probably need to churn out backlogs of content to be seen and favored.
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- Rise of The AIs -
A few years ago, I stumbled across a program called [Artbreeder]
Its a free to use program that allows you to create close to realistic portraits or stylized artworks by using a base picture and some photo manipulation for the desired effect. 
I myself have also used Artbreeder to create a version of my character; Sadie mac Lir based on the game version of her in HPHM.
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Around that time, there was also the discovery of the mix and match dress up site by the name of [Picrew] which I too have used on more than one occasion. As time went on, better and smarter programs start appearing. Thus, allowing the masses to create scuffed or impressive images of whatever they so wish. From OCs to potential future babies to fiction turned real characters. 
At frightening speeds, AI programs created by intelligent software and application builders have grown to observe and steal from artists in various parts of the world to produce excellent works of art within seconds. Thus, threatening the very livelihoods of those who produce art as a job.
Enter the most controversial AI Art program [Lensa AI by Prisma Labs] Who is accused by multiple professional artists for committing art theft. Using the styles, compositions and signatures of said artists to reproduce works under the program's watermark.
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- This is Art Theft! -
First, let's make a few things clear. I am not an expert to the subject of AI Art Theft but I highly recommend reading these few posts by better experts who can explain things better than me.
You can read [Megrae's Post] and [Jonlamart's Post] to gain a better understanding of the situation. From here on out however, I will be using my own words to breakdown how this can potentially kill the Creative community at large in the long run. Including us little guys.
To loosely summarize, the application takes a massive data collection of posts created by professional artists to be learned and recreated. Infamously, the application uses works of art by the late [Kim Jung Gi US] and others without the respective artist's permission to gain traffic and profit.
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The disturbing factor in question, is that the developers of Lensa AI created this application with data that is NOT CONSENTED for such use. The program blatantly steals the artistic skills and styles of the Creative, allowing instant results via prompts which puts Creatives into obscurity. And, this is just the beginning.
Heaven knows, if the big guys in this industry are not safe from this AI. The time will come, where even small time artists will suffer such a fate.
Worst still, it places the general world view that the art community is an irrelevant industry. It takes away the trouble and cost of doing commissions and requests be a lot more to the AI's favor.
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Looking into it further, a video essay by [Ana Isabel] (Which I highly recommend you watch as well) showed several other AI programs that has gotten better into writing articles via processing a database of samples and a few keywords. Thus, removing the need for a creative writer. (Like I am right now) 
What we are looking at right now is, for the first time in history. We are at odds of replacing Creatives from job opportunities. With these programs available, the phrase "Any Tom, Dick and Harry can do it" has gotten too close for comfort.
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- Arguments Against AI Art -
Of course, the application can't work without us Creatives feeding the program samples and data. In some way, it still requires some form of human creativity to feed it data and develop and it also requires a little bit of luck to trigger the right prompt.
As stated in Ana Isabel’s video, some artists welcome the AI as an additional tool to help lay some groundwork for the artist to improve and build upon. Which creates a new label; [CyberArtist] or Cyborg Artist. 
Their argument is that the AI can be a helpful tool to conceptualize ideas as a first draft in productions or help with small time gigs such as promotional art or E-flyers. These Cyborg Artists also pointed out that AI Art will set a unique benchmark for what “good art” actually is, focusing more on the concept/ prompt than the process of creation.
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Tempting as it may to say the world cares more about the idea than the craft. This is still detrimental to small timers or freelancers who want to pursue art as a profession with their own new ideas. It can discourage new and rising artists from chasing their ventures as they will be aware of the competition upon them.  
The comment; “it won't happen because, MY art is not that great" is not the point. If I were to guess. The AI will absorb any artwork that emits a large following and activity as food for the AI to feed and replicate which might even include doodles if left unchecked.
Although, not all hope is lost. As with these new improvements arise new problems. For that, new laws and new policies are being made to combat this troubling issue. Though not effective, it does raise the awareness. What is very important is that the general public must be made aware of such an issue. The world still looks down on Creatives, and sees their work as still "just a hobby" which is why this awareness needs to be raised and why we need to prove we are better.
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On a hopeful note, AI is but an imitation of what is considered as great art but the one thing it can't ever do is produce Personal Art. It can't emote the hard hours spent, the process of improvement, the personalized charm, and the very heart that the artist cares about the audience.
That is something the AI CAN’T ever do. Its easy to feel fear knowing that the days as a Creative is numbered now that everyone can have access to such a program and to some, it may even be disheartening. But be aware that the True Value of an artist is the heart they have to share their craft. To show the imperfections and to do so anyway because they believe it inspires people. That is perhaps, what AI Art can’t ever kill.
To give because they enjoy the fun of it.
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Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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heyheyto · 8 months
Shops v2: Commissions
Hey everyone!
We're very excited to tell you that our newest update, Shops v2, lets you offer digital services (commissions) to your followers without any middlemen (other than us 😄).
If you're subscribed to HEYHEY Pro, you should see a new tab called Services under Shop Settings. There, you can see your active orders and chat with clients.
After a purchase, the buyer will explain what they want specifically, and you can either accept or refuse their order. Don't worry though, they will get a full refund if you refuse the order (still, try to accept as many orders as possible and be a good seller 😁).
When you're done with the service, simply upload it as a ZIP file and click on Complete Transaction — this will notify the buyer and let them give you their final feedback before finalizing the transaction.
If you do not complete the order within 7 days, the buyer is entitled to a full refund and can request it by contacting us or by clicking on the Cancel Order button that shows up when the time comes.
Here's what the order flow looks like:
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If any problems arise, the buyer can easily contact us so that we can swiftly take action and make sure everybody's happy, which should be a pretty easy job, right?
Anyway, we're proud of this update, especially since we managed to grind through this development cycle during a particularly though time at college.
What we're not proud of, however, are the themes 🤣, which we've decided to make our next priority. We simply NEED HEYHEY to look gorgeous even if you suck at picking colors for your custom themes, so stay tuned for the Themes v3 Update.
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kenialazo · 1 year
please support my YouTube channel by subscribing today!
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glorianasims · 1 year
When you wanna request animation for sims 2
but most of your request are not so god holy due to the context of your story and you fear beign blocked by the peoples you wanna ask
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Character: handsome, smart, mysterious, dark, charismatic, hot
I'm watching the show for him
Creators: He's a villain, he can be defeated
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1introvertedsage · 2 years
How wrong is it for a woman to expect a man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself. ~Anais Nin~
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madoutlawz-tv · 1 year
Post whatever you want! SELF PROMOS AND MORE
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solarrene · 2 years
As an artist, sure i love getting praises and compliments for my works but one thing i love more about being one is that when i praise another artist and they're really happy about it, nothing can beat that shit, idk, might just be me. I just love praising what i really love like the piece they did was one of the greatest to have ever been made, because it is. Charlotte in this gif is literally me when they reply to my comment being all gushy.
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