#glam magic power
djphantomlight · 11 months
Bloom is dead.
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Long live Icy.
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Unpopular opinion: I prefer the newer Barbie Roberts and family to the old stuff… the newer Barbie movies and tv shows are much better than the old ones
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avokaidoll · 10 months
⑅ Self Discipline ⑅
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Self-discipline is like having a personal cheerleader in your head, helping you stay focused and achieve your goals. It's the ability to control and direct yourself, making choices that align with your long-term objectives rather than giving in to immediate impulses. Think of it as the secret sauce for personal growth, productivity, and success. It involves setting priorities, making conscious decisions, and consistently putting in effort to reach your desired outcomes. Self-discipline empowers you to stay on track, overcome challenges, and ultimately become the best version of yourself.
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Let's break down the essence of self-discipline in dfrnt aspects of your life
1. Morning Routine Magic:
Your morning routine is like crafting a daily sanctuary. Beyond skincare, imagine incorporating moments of tranquility like yoga or a quick workout. It's not just a checklist; it's setting the stage for a day of conquering.
2. To-Do List Love:
Your to-do list is a dynamic tool, more than a mere inventory of tasks. It's a glam planner, outlining your roadmap to success. Writing down your ambitions transforms them into tangible goals, making the conquest all the more empowering.
3. Snack on Goals, Not Junk:
Goals aren't just targets; they're your daily sustenance. Instead of mindless snacking, consider each accomplished task as a delicious victory bite, satisfying your hunger for achievement.
4. Wardrobe Power Moves:
Dressing for success isn't a superficial act; it's about embodying confidence. Your outfit becomes a statement, shaping your mindset for the day. It's akin to wearing a tangible boost of self-assurance. I want you to wear for the day you want, not the day you have !!!
5. Breaks Aren't Breakdowns:
Taking breaks is a strategic recharge, not a sign of weakness. It's not about slacking off but strategically powering up. These moments are not breakdowns; they are breakthroughs, allowing you to return with renewed sparkle. So don't beat yourself up when your really need the rest :)
6. Learn, Don't Stress:
In the face of challenges, see them as opportunities for growth. Self-discipline is not a pursuit of perfection but a commitment to a journey of continual learning. Remember, nobody is born with all the answers; it's about evolving.
7. Consistency is the Glow-Up Secret:
Consistency is more than a routine; it's the highlighter of your life's narrative. It infuses your journey with an extra pop, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Even on tough days, maintaining consistency becomes your guiding light.
8. Celebrate Small Wins:
Every step toward your goals, irrespective of size, is a cause for celebration. It's not just recognizing achievements; it's throwing a confetti party for yourself. Celebrate not just the destination but the entire journey.
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9. Consistent Routine:
Envision self-discipline as a daily sanctuary, akin to your skincare routine. Skipping it is like neglecting a crucial step in your beauty ritual. Embrace it daily for a consistent, empowering glow.
10. Setting Goals:
Picture self-discipline as the GPS that is guiding you to your dreams. Establish small, attainable goals as waypoints on your journey. These goals serve as markers, leading you steadily toward your grand aspirations.
11. Prioritizing Tasks:
Think of self-discipline as your wise older sister, advising you on what truly matters. Prioritize tasks that contribute to your glow-up, whether it's acquiring a new skill or taking care of your well-being.
12. Resisting Temptations:
It's important to saying no to that extra slice of cake when you know you're full. Self-discipline aids in resisting temptations that might divert you from your goals, whether it's procrastination or unhealthy habits.
13. Building Habits:
Like establishing a routine of daily water intake, self-discipline helps in cultivating positive habits. These habits become second nature, contributing to your overall well-being and success.
14. Time Management:
Imagine self-discipline as a magical time-turner. It assists in managing your time wisely, allowing you to balance academics, self-care, and the pursuit of your passions effectively.
15. Learning from Mistakes:
Self-discipline is forgiving; it encourages learning from mistakes rather than dwelling on them. It's a compassionate guide, acknowledging that growth comes from understanding and overcoming challenges.
16. Celebrating Achievements:
Consider self-discipline your personal cheerleader. It not only recognizes but actively celebrates your achievements, big or small, in your journey of self-improvement and success.
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Visualize self-discipline as your personal superhero cape, guiding you through the journey of glowing up and being super productive. You're on the path to becoming a true girlboss.
Keep shining doll !
Xoxo signing off,
Angela ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
ps: this is my first post I hope it was informative enough as I am also in my own journey of being better mentally and physically and I see self discipline as something essential for that to happen.
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As promised, some initial thoughts on the things I loved about seeing this show. Spoiler free, since most of us haven't gotten to see it yet, and under the cut since I do wax a bit poetic...
Cinderella’s Castle is, in a strange way, an exercise in irony. The show is a retelling of an ancient story that is beloved and recited throughout so many cultures, and yet somehow feels completely fresh. The modern take on glam-punk lighting, a score infused with styles from 80s synth to anime, a high fantasy set with the costumes to match, the spirit of Jim Henson lingering through both the puppets and some larger and intangible vibe, a script combining that Starkid humor and Hatchetfield darkness with a whole different style of speaking… all of these beautifully executed elements melted together into something that I’ve never before seen. To take a tale as old as time and make it unique is no easy feat, but Starkid did so with magic and charm to spare.
Like any good Starkid show, Cinderella’s Castle is relentlessly dynamic: fun and tragic and exciting and just-plain-silly, with many twists and turns and character moments will make you gasp or cheer just as often as you laugh. It simply rollicks. The story clicks right along, especially in act 2, but the characters are so distinct and fun that I found myself almost wishing the Langs had sacrificed their plotting and pace just to spend more time hanging with every single member of this ensemble of personalities.
And that’s also a tribute to the actors themselves. Jeff is David Bowie reborn as the impish and fabulous narrator. Jon and Joey bring Hop A Lot and Crumb to life with so much charm and presence that they practically had the audience eating out of their hands from the very first second. Like, seriously, you will not believe how invested you will immediately become in these talking animals. Kim’s Fairy Queen is as radiant and terrible as promised; her portrayal of immortal inhuman power compels and commands and stands fully distinct from the Lords in Black. Lauren and Mariah are delightfully disgusting as the vile but deeply lovable troll step-sisters; you can feel the fun they’re having practically radiating off of them. Curt’s Tadius is dryly funny and put-upon, but also provides a vitally grounding and centering presence in the larger-than-life world of the Lands That Are. His big scene with Bryce is probably my favorite part of the whole show. James Tolbert is nothing short of an absolute STAR as the Prince, stealing scene after scene after scene with ease and charm and more jokes about genitalia than I think any of us expected. Angela once again displays a completely different facet of her never-ending range, exuding such elegance and control even in trollish filth that I do fear that the kids on the internet are going to start calling her “mother” with greatly increasing frequency. "Facade" was an absolute highlight of the night. And of course Bryce anchors, propels, and heightens every scene she’s in with such apparent ease you forget she’s been rehearsing for weeks and isn’t simply Ella herself. Ella is this world’s bruised, brave, and angry heart, and you will absolutely root for her every step of the way as she wrestles with who she is and learns what it means to claim her own power.
This was Starkid’s biggest budgeted show to date, and you could tell. This group of Michigan Wolverines and friends have accomplished incredible things since the Very Potter days of a single door and some cardboard columns, and I’m so proud of how far they’ve come. And yet Cinderella’s Castle, the fifteenth musical in the fifteenth year, still retains some of that core Starkid magic that I’ve always believed boils down to love. You can so often see that love emanating from the performers on a Starkid stage: love for the show, for their friends, for their craft, for the audience’s energy pushing them through. And the sense of love and support and community radiating from the audience is just as palpable. The man sitting behind me last night was at his first ever Starkid show, and afterwards he remarked in awe how that was the best audience he’d ever been in. And all that love isn’t unearned—it is built and it is nourished by a proud history of creativity, of song and of dance and of laughter and tears. And Cinderella’s Castle, I think, is going to prove an installment worthy of both Starkid’s past and future.
Starkid family, Bogs Hollow grants thee Starlight.
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enchanted-moura · 1 month
Pick a Dior Serum - How to find more inner peace?
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Pile 1 - Plump Filler
Despair, poverty, sadness and hardship may have been something you've been experiencing for some time. You are only going to get out of this situation. The answer to a healing and slowly rebuilding is to tap into your magical side! Stop thinking that this reality is the only or even the one that has all the power, it is not. Sometimes our blockages and pain and come from such a deep internal place that all we can do is go to the root. Before you start casting spells of curiosity and enchantment, research spiritual work for healing, rebuilding self & coming out of dark situations. Painful situations and thoughts have to be replaced with beautiful and abundant ones. Have a look through this page for plenty of ways to add abundance to your life🛍️
Pile 2 - Glow Booster
You may have many fake friends and sneaky allies who may be disrupting your dazzling gorgeous lucky and abundant energy. You are my unique pile, intriguing, and alluring and that draws both beneficial and toxic people like moths to a flame. You have to be cautious of who you keep around you and why. What do you let influence you? What do you let have the final say in your life? Why are randoms more important to you than you? Check out my salt cleansing bath to get rid of all that energetic heaviness off your aura once you commit to getting rid of the junk! You can do this cleansing shower or bath surrounded by candles and listening to serene music, letting the stress wash away 🛁🎶
Pile 3 - Matte Maximizer
You are a sensual being! You are in a position where you are highly desired, coveted and wanted. You just have to believe it and start each and everyday with the notion that you are the most beautiful being ever! You shine the brightest,your vibrant energy is infectious and makes everyone around you feel like they're part of your fabulous, glittering world. So be sure to let yourself shine and paint the world with your unique glitz and glam! 💖
Pile 4 - Lift Sculptor
You may be at a crossroads in your love life juggling options, choices and love styles and preferences. This may be causing unnecessary stress so its time to make a decision. Love and Lust and Desire are all related so if you do not want something bad enough, you simply do not desire it and you cannot force chemistry, desire or even love. Tap into your inner Erotic Goddess and ask her what she desires from her relationships right now. Did she want to explore rotation dating? She looking for a sugar daddy? She wants to commit to a long term relationship? Is she ready for Marriage. Let go of the moralistic judgement and just feel. reflect, dream big, and sprinkle a little more clear love in your life. 🌌💖
Pile 5 - Redness Soother
My money pile, my investor barbies and future millionaires are listening to this. In the same way other piles may stress about friends and love, I feel that your financial life is causing a headache and great distress. You're glamorous af, your ideal closets are stocked with the latest bikinis, lace tops, chic skirts and couture, you desire for your home to have floating crystal chandeliers & fluffy plush carpets. You can have it all but you have to be cautious of your spending habits as well as certain career choices. Are you in the most optimal field for your financial well-being but also mental health? Are you happy in your line of work? Do you have any concrete tangible plans for your prosperity or just pipe dreams. Journal about this and see what you feel 💎👠
More pick a cards available on patreon - https://www.patreon.com/missCordoba 💗
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thesharktanksdriver · 2 years
Being a Magical Girl in Gotham (Platonic)
Y/n is 15 in this and started being a magical girl at 10
I don’t read the comics so the timeline is likely fucked along with some characters maybe being out of character. I don’t care tho cause this took a long ass time to write and I had fun writing this. So please enjoy
Part 2 Part 3 part 4
3302 word count lol
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Becoming a magical girl like in the cartoons you watched as a young girl initially seemed like a dream come true
A wish wrapped in a big pink sparkly bow that when unwrapped opened Pandora’s box to the amount of responsibilities that would be carried over to you
You were naive back then, but after years of being one your much mature now
That initially girly sense of joy soon fading away as the glitter and glam could no longer shield your eyes from the weight of something bigger than yourself was voluntarily placed on your shoulders
Doesn’t matter much in the end. there's no turning back time no matter how you longed to reset its hands
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
You hunt shadow-like creatures you had nicknamed shadowmites. Entities from a different realm that feed themselves off of traits like greed and anger before sucking out its targets life
It’s no surprise that they ended up gravitating towards earth. Even more so Gotham, a breeding ground for the worst of the worst
Their mindless creatures. Just feeding and taking over entire universe’s to suck them dry until moving to the next
You used to feel sympathy for them, how horrific it would be to one of them. but now you feel nothing for them. 5 Years of watching them shrivel into nothing and hurt others made that go away though
Their screeches of pain becoming background noise along with their snarls of hunger.
You're now desensitised to it all. The loneliness and sadness at watching others you age enjoys their lives oblivious to everything.
Sometimes it makes you smile though. Knowing that because of your actions those same girls can live their lives, happy and full of joy.
At least you're not truly alone though. Your mentor/companion/eldritch-type being in the form of a ferret named Rigel.
They're an odd company. A being of seemingly endless knowledge and power, one that traversed through countless dimensions and universes, something that could end the world with a single thought…in the body of a adorable ferret that curls around your neck and perched on your shoulder
Rigel is stern but caring. A mentor who pushes you to your limits but knows when to stop and when you need a break despite how much you protest.
Someone/something that cares for you despite the fact that compared to them you're a single dim star in an entire cosmos of brighter shining ones.
As a Gothamite you know the streets well, and its people even better. Giving you the advantage at tracking down and stopping shadowmites as the midnight hour ticks onwards
You usually get rid of around 7-16 a night. Most being weaker varieties but occasionally having to toughen up to defeat the strong ones who had found a particular rageful host.
During the 5 years you had been doing this ever since your 10th birthday you surprisingly (and luckily) hadn’t had the chance to meet Batman face to face
Sure, they had been times you saw him off in the distance but you hadn’t fully talked to him by a stroke of chance
His enemy’s on the other hand, oh boy do you know them well
You had saved quite a few of them.
The goal was to eliminate the shadowmites, it didn't matter who you saved in the process…unless it’s Joker.
Even Rigel would allow you to let Joker be sucked dry like a cool-aid packet lol
Because of you saving a ton of them you're on their good lists. A metaphorical safe card given to you as you spend your nights saving more people
After saving Penguin the older man allowed you free use to the iceberg despite your complaints of not wanting anything
You have your own little private table set up.
Mr.Cobblepot insists you don’t need to pay but you do so anyway
The food is much better than the McDonald’s you buy on a daily basis. It deserves the money you insist to spend on it
Most of His goons now know you. Sometimes joking you when off duty to talk while you eat
Most are pretty nice (to you anyways), often times rambling about their day or talking about their families
Some have kids your age. Some of them you even recognize from Gotham academy
The waitresses are also nice. Most of them very pretty and always fawning over how cute you look.
Penguin himself occasionally joins you in his spare time. Making causal talk, asking of your hunting and how your life has been
It’s….nice?. Kinda weird to be having a mob boss ask about your day but it’s a change of pace from your relatively lonely life
Kinda reminds you of some rich uncle who swoops by every now or then. Spoiling you before being whisked off on a new endeavor
He tells you that you're welcome during closing hours as well. This place serving as a safe haven of sorts if you should need it
Riddler is another though you see him less than Penguin
It’s the occasional blink and you see it kinda encounters but their amusing
The green clad man finds it fun to bitch about how the Gotham time’s riddles are too easy or how Batman is a dick
He (of course) also tells riddles. Seemingly getting a ride out of watching you try to figure them out
He also seems weirdly protective. Warning that if the bat gave you trouble then come to him
He’s not the only one to say that to you but you appreciate the sentiment
Seems oddly worried that if your in school and if your getting a good education
You tell him you are but don’t specify where just in case
He’s satisfied with that answer though. Even offers to help with math and or science homework
Gloats a lot and talks even more. Seems to appreciate that you actually listen to him and his ramblings
At one point he suggests making your colour scheme to match his
You politely decline saying you couldn’t pull it off like he did which makes his ego expand
Sometimes he hacks into security cameras or large screens to give you a riddle cause he’s bored
May or may not slip Rigel a 20 for you to have some spare change that you desperately need
Harley, Ivy and Catwoman fucking love you
You had initially only saved Harley but after that the two just joined in with her on basically becoming your honorary aunts
You end up running into them a lot during your long nights. Usually stopping by Ivy’s and Harley’s apartment for small breaks
They patch you up as best they can, ivy fixing you a cup of tea as Harley’s hyena’s curl up near your lap
Catwoman usually stops by during these breaks. Sometimes with a box of kittens whom she has you name
All of them are worried for you both mentally and physically so they make you a deal. On Saturdays after 12am unless super urgent you have a girls night with them, in return you have their help in patching up your wounds
They prep popcorn, drinks and the whole 9 yards to give you a break. They play a movie (usually a chick flick) and just let you rewind
If they hadn’t made this deal you probably wouldn’t have taken any breaks
Their all silently impressed that you’ve not only survived this long but also somehow ended up befriending half the villains in this damn city
You say that their just acquaintances but Ivy argues that Mr.Cobblepot is a cheapskate who wouldn’t give you a basically lifetime pass to his lounge for nothing
Harley warns you to stay away from Joker no matter what. And that if he even walks 10 metres near you he’s getting a lifetime trip to deadsville
Red Hood is the first of the bats that you run into. During his whole escapade to take over the underworld something that was kinda considered a myth to the rest of Gotham but was confirmed by the many people you saved
The meeting was ok…but then derailed when you noticed the black clawed tendrils clinging into his shoulders
His shadowmite that feed off his rage was fucking hard to beat. It took a lot out of you, almost killed you and left you hobbling to Harley’s for help before passing out
You woke up in a warehouse, patched up by him personally before he began to question you
Like usual you gave him the rundown of things. The entities that feed off negative emotions, eventually drained their life force, your the only one who can stop them with your magical powers etc etc
What catches you off guard though is when he asks if your parents know
The silence answers his question. One that feels deafening to his ears as he realizes that your basically alone in this
Pitted against a cruel world with no one but yourself and the kindness of literal criminals to accomplish an impossible task
It seems to shake something in him, something that’s not your business to ask about but makes him seem fragile in that moment
It’s not a word you’d associate with him yet that’s the only thing you can describe him as in the moment
The dim blue glow of his helmet’s eyes seeming now less intimidating to your smaller shaking form
He then asks how you got away with this so long without the bat (he says it with a certain poison in his voice) didn’t stop this
You just answer that you were just lucky in evading his notice. You were careful not to gain public attention and just focused on your job (his fists tightened a bit at this wording)
He helps you after this, dropping you off at Harley and Ivy’s
He seems hesitant in letting you go but trusts your decision enough once he sees the two fuss over you from a distance
He appears commonly to you after that. Inviting you to sit atop the old Gotham library with a bag of Dairy Queen in hand
It makes you wonder if he has younger siblings, if this is how it felt to be cared for by a older brother
You used to wonder what that felt like along with having parents. It makes your normally hollow chest feel warm and fuzzy
Couple months later he ends up working with batman. Whatever disagreement with the man now resolved as his uniform now has a red bat added to his chest
Your initially nervous until he promises not to “rat you out to the old man” as he put it
He opens up a bit more during your talks with him. Talking of how he grew up in the slums, had to rely on himself to survive just as you do
It’s kinda comical to see the gun wielding, motorcycle driving, leather jacket clad vigilante talk about Jane Austen but it certainly becomes a fun pastime as you work on an english essay
Just like the Gotham Sirens he worries. But even more than they do
He suggests tagging along with you on some of your hunts but you decline. Appreciating the sentiment but making a clear line in what you are comfortable with.
He accepts but there’s still a sense of worry that seems to claw at him everytime he finds you with cuts, bruises and dried blood caking your elaborate uniform
Eventually during your meetups with him your talk of pride and prejudice is interrupted by Nightwing
It’s kinda awkward sitting there eating ice cream with Rigel as the two grown men bicker like brothers about you
You end up leaving midway though to hunt again
But then the blue wearing hero ends up finding you much to your displeasure of just wanting to get back to work
He’s much more cheery and charismatic compared to Red hood. More of a people person by how he easily seems to break down your hesitation to talk to him
Like hood he’s definitely worried for you but seems to hide it a bit better with humour and general polite talk
You notice he does acrobatics a lot, leading to you asking him him about it
He kinda ends up being your teacher and you now know how to cartwheel and a few other tricks
Like hood he promises not to tell Batman he even jokes that at this point he should get red Robin and Robin so Batman is the last to know
He talks about a variety of subjects but kinda focuses in on how you have a healthy way to relive the stress you have
Doesn’t exactly approve of you stopping by the Gotham sirens for that but he relents after red hood calls him out on also being friends with villains before (an apparently more than friends in some cases?)
Both he and Red hood argue quite a bit but it’s funny especially when it has both grown men throwing fries at one another like 10 year olds
He has you swear not to drink coffee cause apparently red Robin is addicted to that shit and he doesn’t need another coffee adict
Briefly mentions how he has a friend named Raven whom you should meet
Y’all have mock battles cause he wants to see you in battle. Safe to say he likes the sparkles and the glamour of it all
He finds it interesting that your magical girl weapon can change depending on the situation and still looks cute
Those once cold and lonely nights that you spent fighting evil shadow creatures has changed seemingly for the better
Despite the fact that frost nips at your fingertips through your gloves, attempting to suck the warmth from your flesh you feel oddly warm inside
During the day your a seemingly normal 15 year old student at Gotham academy. Someone who blends into the Background, someone who no one really knows about but doesn’t question why
The only really noticeable thing about you is your above average grades and quiet nature
You're just known as that one seemingly nice student. That’s really the only thing people can label you as, you don’t really mind.
It was your goal to be unnoticeable, to just be another face to everyone.
It kinda becomes a bit complicated though as through your normal school year you notice the infamous Damien Wayne seemingly gaining an interest in you?
Odd. You never really interacted with him other than polite hello’s and the occasional moment you’d sit near somewhat near him in the library for lunch
Hell he wasn’t even in the same grade as you. He was 13, you never even had a project or something that led you to actually talk to him.
And now for some reason he decided to have a curiosity in you. The one thing you didn’t want happening.
During lunch you end up eating in random places. Randomly Rotating between areas and locations like the courtyard, library, empty classrooms and the gym
He’s smart though, scarily so. Almost as if he was experienced in tracking people down. Leaving you light on your toes as you dance to weave past and try to outsmart and outlast him until the bell rings
It doesn’t get any better when you leave for the end of the though. He waits for a few minutes by the front of the school, limo ready to take him home yet he still tries to spot you as you leave.
Eventually you up and ask him why he's been stalking you for the past 2 weeks, turns out Damien saw Rigel and wanted to pet them plus his older brothers encouraged him to make a friend
Safe to say he got to pet Rigel who crawled out your bag and scurried up his arm
The friend bit is a bit more complicated
You never had a friend your age after gaining your abilities. Being so busy had deterred people at the orphanage before you ran off, faked some paperwork and found yourself an apartment who didn’t ask questions as long as you paid for rent.
You had purposefully made yourself invisible to everyone, to avoid becoming gaining attention and becoming attached knowing they’d leave you for being so busy
You know you should say no but…your heart tugs at the somewhat nervous look he has in his eyes despite how much he tries to hide it along with the feeling of joy clawing at your heart
For the first time at school you smile genuinely as you nod. His eyes light up with joy, a small somewhat prideful smile painting his face
Your days at school after this are much more eventful, less of a cycle like it was before
Due to your new friendship with the elusive and loner wayne it causes some stir but the young boy quickly silences all hushed talking with his infamous glare
He’s actually quite fun to be around, always talking about his pets or how his step-brothers were a pain in the ass
He still sometimes has an attitude but you got to eventually see past that. To see the real Damien who nerded out over random animal facts or had his dog as his screensaver
It took a long time to get to this point but you don’t find yourself regretting the decision because of the fact he’s understanding of you being busy or having a far off look in your eyes that looked eternally tired.
His are the same sometimes, drained and empty of colour and life
You asked him one day while you both ate lunch in the courtyard, laying down on the dark green grass, why he decided out of all people to befriend you. The wallflower, the name without a face, the kid whom everyone just knew as nice and that’s it
He said it's because of your eyes. How they reminded him of himself, not in personality per say but in the fact they held untold secrets and a weight that no one else but you would understand.
That day he invited you to his home. The glorious wayne manor as to finally meet his canine friend Titus
It feels kinda out of nowhere but with some hesitance you agree, hopping into the limo that picked him up everyday as a old butler greeted you with a surprised smile
Damien greets him with the same fondness he seemed to hold for you, introducing the older british man as Alfred
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its-elioo · 6 months
A huge thanks to @yuki2sksksk for coming up with such brilliant ideas and for the amazing fanarts she did based on the 'Robots and Magic' crossover series
Context: After I posted the RnM Headcanons a few days ago, Yuki suggested a very adorable scenario between Bumblebee and Fluttershy. Since I adore them both very much and they have a special place in my heart, I had to write it down as a one-shot.
Plot: After the girl's musical performance inside the base, Bumblebee struggled to muster the courage to ask his charge for an autograph.
Words: 2.6k
Melodic Adoration
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The deafening sound of a loud rock song echoed through the corridors of the highly secure military base, causing vibrations in the walls and floors as it filled the entire space with an energizing and exciting rhythm. The source of the powerful music was coming from the main area, where every Cybertronian and human was gathered.
A band consisting of seven teenage girls, also known as the Rainbooms, were energetically performing their original rock song while they were surrounded by their loyal and supportive robot companions, clapping their metallic servos and cheering for their friends. The Equestrian magic was activated the moment they began to demonstrate their abilities on their musical instruments. Their pony ears and tails suddenly appeared while the element of magic, loyalty and kindness also gained their feathery wings.
Each member played a crucial role in the band's dynamic sound: Twilight Sparkle shined with her captivating lead vocals, Rainbow Dash sent waves of thrill with her electrifying guitar solos, Applejack fastened the melody on bass, while Rarity added a touch of glam with her keytar. Fluttershy played with her delicate tambourine beats, Pinkie Pie's lively drumming and Sunset Shimmer's rhythmic guitar strumming all blended seamlessly, creating a harmonious symphony that resonated throughout the whole place.
Knock Out and Arcee were both leaning over one of the platforms while the rhythm of the melody made them slightly bob their helms in sync with it, clearly enjoying the small concert. Sideswipe, Smokescreen, Bulkhead, Grimlock and Spike were having the time of their lives as they were dancing and rocking around with energy and hyping the teenagers up. Meanwhile, the ones who had more control of themselves, Ratchet, Strongarm, Fixit, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, stood a bit further behind as they watched the girls with intrigued expressions.
It took a lot of pleading for the grumpy medical officer to finally let them play inside their base, especially since he didn’t want to be distracted at all from his important work. He also had quite a hatred for loud annoying noises but after he decided to listen to their song, he realized it did not bother him as much as he first assumed. To his very own surprise, he even found the entertainment somehow pleasant.
Right next to him stood the young lieutenant who was trying his best to stay serious among his comrades, especially in the presence of his old Prime leader. But man, it sure was very challenging as a rock fan himself not to slightly tap his pede on the ground. During that moment, the small movement of his leg caught the attention of Optimus. His face-plate focused on the yellow Autobot who kept faintly moving to the rhythm of the song. The young Cybertronian’s optics soon landed on the staring leader and quickly stopped, returning to his firm position. The Prime’s intake formed a small smile and turned his helm back to the band. Bumblebee then decided to get distracted with something else.
As he tried to concentrate on their human companions, his gaze was mindlessly directed to his charge, Fluttershy, who was playing and singing along with her close friends. He felt a deep sense of admiration and fondness growing within him as he watched her joyful and carefree demeanor. Such instances were rare for him to witness, largely due to her timid nature. Wistfully, he longed for more opportunities to behold this side of her.
However, as their song reached its final crescendo, the girls gradually slowed down, letting the last chords hang in the air before the music finally faded away, leaving the audience in a state of amazement. Eventually, the whole Autobot team broke the silence with thunderous applause that filled the space with joy and gratitude.
“WOO YEAH!” noisily cheered Grimlock as he lifted his fists in the air, “That was awesome!”
As the rest approached, Strongarm commended, “You guys were fantastic!”
“Those are one heck of good talents.” delightfully added Bulkhead afterwards.
“My audials didn’t explode from the loud volume, so I suppose the song was rather… nice.” remarked Ratchet, mostly glad it was over.
Sideswipe looked at him in surprise, “Pfft, nice? Come on! That was hands down one of the most epic rock songs I’ve ever heard! Can’t wait till you girls officially release it.”
“I thought human musical performances weren’t so entertaining.” Fixit chuckled, “Glad that you proved me wrong.”
Sunset warmly smiled at them as she placed her guitar down, “Thanks guys, it means a lot.”
“Gotta say, we wouldn’t have done this great without yer encouragements.” replied Applejack.
While they kept on congratulating them, Fluttershy’s eyes settled on her guardian. A wave of uneasiness washed over him as he immediately repositioned his face-plate to a different corner of the spacious room, avoiding her gaze. It was then that his attention was drawn to a stack of posters featuring their rock band's illustrations, placed on the nearby table in their shared human area. The girls must have brought them earlier upon their arrival. As Bumblebee's processor whirred with thoughts, a small idea crossed his mind.
Perhaps he could work up the courage to ask her for an autograph?
The yellow robot continued to stare at the pile with a hesitant look.
…could he?
He shook his helm.
Bad idea.
Realizing that it might make her feel uncomfortable made him reconsider, deciding it was best to just keep it to himself. At that moment, Smokescreen, who was standing right beside him, followed his close teammate’s glance and saw the printed pictures, “Hey.” the blue mech suddenly spoke up to the whole group, everyone focused on him as he pointed to the pile, “About those posters- can I grab one?” he questioned curiously.
“Sure, go ahead!” Twilight kindly responded, gesturing to the paper, “Feel free to take as much as you like, we have a lot to spare anyway.” Smokescreen grinned and went to the collection, cautiously picking up the one that was on the very top.
“We printed them out for the school event this week so everyone could come and join the concert.” informed Sunset.
“Do you- maybe have something to write with?” he inquired.
The red-yellow-haired girl kneeled to open her school bag, “You’re lucky I brought some markers for art class today.” she took one and handed it to him. As he gratefully and thoughtfully took hold of it with his large digits, Sunset couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow at him and ask, “What do you need it for exactly?” the mech formed a smirk and glanced to his energetic charge, who was happily putting her drum sticks inside her backpack. While she was distracted, Smokescreen approached her closely from behind, clearing his vocalizer loudly enough for her to hear.
Pinkie Pie turned around only to see her guardian with a beaming face, offering her the small objects he was currently holding between his metal fingers, “May I have your autograph, miss?” he quizzed smoothly.
Bumblebee became wide-eyed in an instant, staring at his ally in disbelief.
“Of course you can, silly!” Pinkie giggled at her guardian’s sweet attitude and delightedly signed it for him.
“Huh, no one has asked us this before.” said Rainbow a bit surprised by Smokescreen’s sudden request.
The second she said that though, Sideswipe impatiently exclaimed, “Wait- I want yours too!” he rushed to get one and hand it over to his human companion.
Rainbow smirked as she looked at him, “Dude, c’mon- I’m not that famous.”
“Yet.” he added, “I even bet these signatures will get pretty expensive once you become one of the world’s greatest bands.”
She rolled her eyes in return and teasingly responded, “Well… since you are such a big fan I guess I could sign it for ya.”
As the young leader stayed speechless, he couldn’t comprehend what was happening. He thought about this first! How come they-
“Don’t mind if I take one for myself then~” Knock Out quipped in amusement as he delicately took out another printed-out poster with his sharp digits.
“Pass some to the rest of us, will you?” Arcee chimed in from behind. More and more team members became enthusiastic about keeping their talented friends’ signs as a memory. Bumblebee stood frozen as he watched them, happily chatting with each other while the girls excitedly wrote down their initials on the prints. All of them seemed to be having fun. He looked at his charge, he couldn’t catch what exactly she was talking about due to the numerous conversations around the base but he noticed her giving an autographed poster to the dinobot who formed a big toothy grin in return. Fluttershy brightly smiled at his delighted reaction.
“Maybe It wouldn’t hurt that much to ask…?”
Yet, Bumblebee still didn’t move from his spot. Why was he still hesitating?!
He groaned, “You know what? This is getting ridiculous. At least I’m not the only one who—“
“Can I get one from each?” Strongarm eagerly questioned as she presented the illustration to Twilight.
“Yeah, absolutely.” the element of magic replied warmly as she signed it and returned it to her, after that, she looked at the old medic who was standing near them with a firm expression, crossing his arms as he observed the whole scene in the room, “Ratchet?” he glanced down at her the moment he was called. With a playful yet inviting gesture, the girl dangled the marker between her fingers at him.
“Come on now, doc.” Arcee persisted, fixing a gentle but determined gaze on the obstinate doctor, “We know you want one too.” she extended a second piece of paper towards him, inviting him to partake in the engaging activity.
He sighed tiredly in defeat, “Alright, alright. But I’m doing this only so you can stop annoying me.”
The blue femme smirked back, clearly not believing him, “Whatever you say.”
“Okay, Ratchet is down…“ the lieutenant was now even more nervous, “T-that’s fine, I’m sure Optimus wouldn’t— wait. Where did he go?“
His question was quickly answered once he heard his old leader’s voice from the other part of the room, “You had quite the astonishing performance, little one.” Bumblebee quickly turned his helm to the older mech. The yellow Autobot stood in complete shock as he watched how the Prime kept a poster gently in his hold while speaking to Sunset, “Would it be much of a nuisance to have your signature as well?”
She chuckled, “Of course not, big guy.”
He couldn’t believe this.... now he was the only one without an autograph!
That’s it. The whole situation drove him absolutely crazy. He was going to do this, now or never. He took a print and stared at it, letting out a deep ex-vent, “Alright, Bee. It’s only an autograph. Not a big deal... just- go and ask her. It can’t be that hard… right?”
Meanwhile, amidst the conversations with her friends, Fluttershy kept on waiting for the lieutenant to appear but couldn't shake off a sense of melancholy that crept over her. Wondering why her guardian still seemed distant and uncertain to engage with her, she pondered on what might have caused him to stay away. The troubled expression on his face-plate didn't escape her notice, adding to her own feeling of unease. Was his unusual behavior somehow... her fault?
Suddenly, a pair of heavy pedes approached her, bringing her back to reality. She looked up, only to be greeted by the yellow Cybertronian’s awkward smile and tense posture, “H-hey…um- I hope I’m not interrupting,” he stammered softly and rubbed the back of his helm, trying to gather some courage to articulate his request, “I just- you know, came here for a…uh-“ his voice trailed off momentarily, caught in the struggle to find the right way to express the thoughts swirling in his circuits.
His unusual state grabbed the attention of a few members of his team, both robots and humans were watching them with puzzled expressions, “What in Primus' name has gotten into him?” questioned Ratchet completely confused.
“I’ve never seen the lieutenant acting in this way before.” stated Strongarm, gazing at her superior with a mix of wonder and concern.
Twilight was curiously observing them, “Is he… nervous?”
Sideswipe snorted, “This is one sad, sad scene.” reacting to the red mech's comment, the cadet smacked him behind the helm with a servo.
Unfortunately for the young leader, no matter how much he tried to muster up his question, his words continued to tremble, “I- I was wondering if I can… have your autograph?” the kind girl couldn’t help but smile, “It’s totally fine if you don’t-”
“Bumblebee, it’s okay.” Fluttershy reassured calmly with a tiny chuckle, “I will be… more than glad to sign it for you.” she answered with a timid tone, feeling her face getting warm.
He stared at her in a mix of surprise and delight for a second, processing her response while astonishment flickered across his features, “…really? I mean-! T-that’s great!” he exclaimed, his optics reflecting genuine gratitude. When she wrote down her initials and drew a pair of tiny butterflies, which resembled her element, the teenager lifted the poster and he gently took it. Bumblebee examined it with a tender look, his intake curling up, “I will make sure to keep it safe, thank you. I appreciate it a lot… “ he replied, still somewhat apprehensively, “G-good job, on the song by the way.” he complimented.
“You were wonderful.”
The instant that sentence came out of his mouth, the two of them froze on the spot. Fluttershy stood motionless, her cheeks bloomed with a rosy hue, eyes widened in surprise. An awkward silence hung heavy between them until it was broken by her guardian, who was now flushing in blue, rapidly shaking his servos in the air in front of her while fumbling to explain, “I- I MEANT THE SONG! Yeah, the song was wonderful! N-not that you weren’t-! You’re incredible- Wait, no-! I- I didn’t--!” he jumbled his words, hoping to diffuse the accidental confession that had slipped from his glossa.
His whole team could only watch him in sympathy from the opposite corner of the area, “He is definitely malfunctioning....” Arcee notified.
“Someone please go stop him before he embarrasses himself even more.” suggested Sunset.
“I got it.” the cherry medic answered, already walking up to his comrade, “Aaalright, my dear friend.” Knock Out interrupted all casually, patting Bumblebee’s back with his claw, “I think it’s time for our ladies to take some well-deserved break after their grand show.“ he gently guided him away from the awkward situation.
Bumblebee immediately apologized before they could leave the area, “R-right. Sorry for that- and thanks again!”
The shiny red mech chuckled softly and teased the poor mortified robot, “Come along now, Romeo.”
As they faded away from everyone’s vision, Rainbow stood baffled, “Dude, what the heck was that?”
Twilight leaned closer to her and giggled, “I think someone has a little crush.”
Once her guardian left, Fluttershy focused on her friends, “D-did I do something wrong?” she asked worryingly, holding her hands.
“Oh, nono, not at all, darling.” Rarity reassured, caressing the girl’s shoulders in comfort, “It seemed our Bumblebee was just really excited to get a signature from you.”
Sunset chimed in, "Don't worry about it too much. It's sweet, really. And besides, you made quite the impression on him with your singing skills." she winked playfully with a small nudge.
Fluttershy blushed slightly at the thought, her gaze flickering between them, "Oh, I-I don't know about that."  as they continued talking, the tension eased, replaced by laughter and camaraderie. She couldn't shake the feeling of warmth spreading through her chest, though, as she replayed the encounter in her mind.
Maybe, just maybe, there was something more to Bumblebee's reaction than just simple admiration for her talent. But for now, she decided to simply enjoy the moment and cherish the memory of their unexpected exchange.
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thevanityofthefox · 2 months
What is glam cat's relationship with other characters? (besides Homelander) like Starlight, Hughie, A-Train.
I’m sending this ask for the second time, in case the first one didn’t go, sorry 😭😭😭😭
I know! I saw it! but I forgot to answer!😭😭
Queen Maeve
Glam would like to get along with Maeve but the closeness she has with Homelander makes Maeve feel rejection for her. So their relationship is neutral, Glam tried to approach her because she admired her since she was a child and Maeve rejected any attempt to rapprochement.
Her relationship with A-Train is neutral, they don't get along well and they don't get along badly either. Glam Cat saw A-Train save Hughie (ch3 s4) but decided not to say anything to Homelander because “it's none of my business” (except that she did tell Sage). The only thing A-Train and Glam have in common is that they hate Deep.
Black Noir
There's not much to say because Glam didn't interact with him too much, until Homelander killed him, so in a way Glam Cat liked him because he didn't talk and she could talk all she wanted.
New Noir
The new Black Noir likes Glam, they can talk nonstop about anything. There is not much to say either, they do not interact too much
Sister Sage
Who knows if Sage likes Glam or not, but she definitely keeps Glam Cat around as a contingency plan against Firecracker. Glam likes how smart Sage is, although Glam doesn't know that Sage has the only copy of her private information, reports from her last official mission led by Vought, information that Homelander will not be amused by.
They definitely don't like each other, they are like a dog and a cat, Glam Cat mocks her powers all the time, while Firecracker threatens her. Sage or Homelander have to interfere with each other from time to time. “Go do your magic trick at a birthday party or something, sparky”
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blues824 · 1 year
De Angelo Marvel scenario where the whole Obey Me cast shows up for Endgame final battle and attends Tony Stark funeral after his sacrifice?
Alr, so I have no motivation for this, so have some headcanons.
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If you think Thanos could go up against a literal demon, and a former archangel
You thought wrong
He wasn’t Lucifer Morningstar for nothing, after all
But he does show respect at the funeral
Decked out in black 
His arm around you so as to offer you some comfort
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Bro was scared shitless, not gonna lie
But one of the enemies got a hand on Goldie
Then he went ballistic
Also shows respect at the funeral
Might not have known Stark that well
Mammon can tell that he must have made an impact 
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Dude went ballistic at the beginning
Summoning Lotan as well as Hell’s Navy
Really showed you who was the General
But when it came to the funeral
He could read the atmosphere
Very depressing, he almost cried.
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Finally got to let his anger out in a productive way
He didn’t need any help
Went for the head, so to speak
At the funeral, he remained quiet
Didn’t know Stark well
Offered you his shoulder to cry on if need be
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Did not want to fight at all
But maybe he could do the Kill Bill trend!
If you thought this guy was concerned about dying, you underestimate him
At the funeral, he is glammed up but wearing black
Knows that this must be sad for you
Whips out some tissues for you 
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Is a lover rather than a fighter
But when he sees that you are in danger
Man sizes up and fights
At the funeral, he’s not hungry at all
So many casualties can do that for a person
Even if that person was a demon
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He might hate humans
But he certainly loves you.
Thus, he fights to the best of his ability
However, at the funeral
He’s trying his hardest not to fall asleep
Somebody help him please
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Thanos could not even come close to defeating him
For he was still mortal, and Diavolo was not
He really got to exercise his powers as the future prince of the Devildom
At the funeral, he pays his respects to Stark
Deep down, he knows that Stark redeemed himself
So he’s going to the Celestial Realm
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At the order of the young master, he fought
It wasn’t against his will, though
Someone tried to hurt you, after all
Probably prepared the funeral, if I’m being honest
Made a lot of the food
Provided some fresh flowers
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Used his magic to give all the others more power
Indirectly fighting, you could call it
It definitely helps though
Unfortunately, magic can’t be used to bring back the dead
So we still have to deal with the loss
Will comfort you if needed
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A literal archangel who fights for the Celestial Realm
Paired up with someone who wants to get rid of half the universe
If you thought he would lose, you would be mistaken
At the funeral, he whispers to you
He’s in the Celestial Realm
It offers a great deal of comfort
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djphantomlight · 8 months
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Bloom is on fire. At least more so than usual… 😅
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bobbybutterfly · 5 months
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I’m back ya’ll with more art! I had all the characters designed for a while but didn’t get around to posting them. Now I’m going through sort of an art block. I’ve got lots of ideas for stuff but everything I draw is crap. So I thought I should catch up on my other stuff. Like talking about this squirrel design for Apple Jack. Now isn’t she cute!
I really like the colours on the powered up ponies. Though I did give her a different shade of pink I thought suited her better. I also gave her a bolo because southern. These uniforms aren’t supposed to be realistic. More like something they would wear in promo images. Lastly look at the little band I put in her tail. I should do something like that with other squirrels.
I made her a squirrel because they’re farmers and Apple Jack’s personality is farm. Nah. I don’t approve Apple Jack hate. I didn’t think of her all that much, when I watched MLP as a kid. Now as an adult (it feels so weird writing that) I find her relationship with her family quite interesting. She always puts herself last. Probably because she was parentified, by having to take care of Apple Bloom and the farm. One of these days I got to write an Apple Jack / Rainbow Dash fanfic. I think she contrasts well with Rainbow Dash’s selfishness.
In the Squirrel and Hedgehog universe she would be raised very patriotic. She would often be the voice of reason. Though she would butt heads with Pinkie Pie over leaving her family and Fluttershy for not wanting to serve her country.
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I don’t know why my ramble about the first character is always so long. Anyways. One of my best designs, Rarity! Originally I wanted to make her a mouse and reserve the weasels for the alicorns. But come on. Rarity deserved all the glam only reserved for high ranking military officers.
She was born into a royal family. Given a high ranking position in military since birth. Rainbow Dash had to earn her high rank through blood sweat and tears. With both of them having quite strong personalities they would of course hate each other. Rarity likes being in the military and bossing animals around. Though she can be a bit too much sometimes, she has a soft spot for mice. She doesn’t see them as her equals, but treats them better than many weasels.
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Lastly Twilling Sparkle! My best design. It’s the bangs and eyes. I specially didn’t put any highlights in them. The idea for her came from my IRL friend. She told me Twilight Sparkle should be a lab rat. Technically she’s a lab mouse but the joke still works! Once I get over this drawing problem I might do the honorary seventh members. Sunset Shimmer (probably a fox) and Starlight Glimmer (definitely a hedgehog).
Until now I haven’t thought of how Twilight became a scientist. She probably started as a regular soldier. Then one day they needed a lab assistant. She would prove to be quite good so the scientist decided to teach her the ways.
Now I guess I should mention my idea for this MLP Squirrel and Hedgehog fanfic. Basically the mane six would crash on a deserted island. They would have to throw away all their prejudices to survive. Proving friendship is magic. I should do some research how war prisoners are transported. And some research on military ranks too. I’m not sure who is captured. I thought it would be the weasel side considering there’s a scientist amongst them. But on the other paw how would a group of ordinary soldiers manage to catch such high ranking animals?
If you got any ideas for this story, please write to me.
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hd-wireless · 2 months
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻 Lonely Rivers 
🎵 Mature, 7,370  ❗ Warnings/Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Getting Together, Weddings, Kissing, Guitarist Harry Potter, Singer Draco Malfoy, Music, music magic, novelty cat clock  🎵 Song Prompt: 'Unchained Melody' by 'The Righteous Brothers' 
🎵 Summary: 
Six years after the end of the war, Harry takes care of Teddy Lupin and has started to learn guitar. Hermione negotiates with foreign powers. Draco's a trainee Healer with a glam karaoke routine. And when Ron and Parvati decide to get married, they find a job for everyone...
Read on AO3
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Round Two
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Defeated opponents: 10cc
Formation: 1981
Genres: Groove Metal, Trash Metal, Glam Metal
Lineup: Phil Anselmo- vocals
Dimebag Darrell- guitar, vocals
Rex Rocker- bass, tubular bells
Vinnie Paul- drums
Albums from the 80s: 
Metal Magic (1983)
Projects in the Jungle (1984)
I Am the Night (1985)
Power Metal (1988)
Guns N’Roses 
Defeated opponents: ZZ Top
Formed in: 1985
Genres: Hard rock 
Lineup: Axl Rose- vocals 
Slash- lead guitar
Izzy Stradlin- rhythmic guitar
Duff McKagan- bass
Steven Adler- drums 
Albums from the 80s: 
Appetite for destruction (1987)
G N’ R Lies (1988)
Propaganda: the sluttiest a man can do is be in the Guns’N Roses’s original lineup 
Visual propaganda for Guns N’Roses:
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tuesday again 2/6/2024
some weeks it's really hard to come up with a snappy little bon mot to put here
Barbarella, by a fuck of a lot of people. yes i DID watch this movie this week! this is the single catchiest theme song i have ever heard. i cannot link the actual opening credits scene bc tumblr will censor that shit SO fast. spotify
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Rebecca Roanhorse's Tread of Angels novella. this is an urban magic old west religious fantasy novella. VERY sangfielle friendsatthetable vibes, there's an old west mining town centered around the body of the demon Abbadon, which is being mined for its powerful properties. demons and angels have sort of interbred throughout the human population. there is some deeply nerdy catholic bullshit and i say that as someone who was in catholic school for fifteen years. actually let's just take Roanhorse's explanation
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the setting and premise are not where the novella bites off way more than it can chew. the main character, a cardsharp, has a chanteuse sister being held accused of a murder and she's got 48hrs to prove her innocence. the time limit and general structure is good, and it uses its side characters wisely, there's just a fuck of a lot of them.
in general, this novella does not have the emotional room to make its emotional beats really count. for example, there was a second breakup with an ex after a night of passion that mostly just left me confused. more broadly, the main character has an oldest sister's selfsacrificing nature that has twisted into utter ruthlessness with regards to her sister, and i'm both impressed Roanhorse managed to convey that in so few pages and annoyed bc i really wanted to see more of that in way more detail. due to the nature of it being a novella, the series of escalating decisions she takes feel very jagged in their escalation. i hope that makes sense.
it's got really interesting ideas! i want to know more about the ideas! i wish this was a full book instead of a novella, so the ending hits a little better instead of a Well That Just Happened way. from this interview it seems Roanhorse also wanted it to be a full book, but it was sort of a "i need something short and sweet so i don't go insane while adapting my other book for TV" (which is very exciting!!!)
really a bizarre set of films. extremely unemployed energy in this watchlist this week. largely composed of "what's on my letterboxed watchlist and also available for free on tubi, with brief forays into hulu"
Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons (2013, dir. Chow). loved the overall visual design of the antagonists and the monsters, did not overall love this movie. it is a solid martial arts showcase and the first twenty minutes with freshwater JAWS are the most tightly plotted. it kind of flounders (lol) after that. can't find a gif i like.
INU-OH (2021, dir. Yuasa) genuinely healed my heart a little i think. queer (complimentary, not queer in the western massachusetts housing coop way) feudal anime glam rock opera. i am sooooooo picky about bad dads in movies as a driving force but this really soothed my daddy issues. stuck the landing on both storytelling and visuals.
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Barbarella (1968, dir. Vadim) WOW Jane Fonda was hot. this was both sillier and less porny than i was led to believe (if we ignore the softcore porn opening credits). however horny this movie was it was not brave enough to have some girl-on-girl action with barbarella and the evil empress, even though the evil empress never seems to actually learn her name and just calls her “pretty” or “pretty-pretty”. shoutout to the one fic on ao3 that rectifies this situation. certainly a piece of scifi history, i wish modern scifi was as brave with its theatrical set dressing, i think one viewing is good enough for me bc i cannot stop thinking about how all the women on set might have been treated.
john philip law popped up and i said out loud to my cat “hey i know him from cowboys”
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Flower Drum Song (1961, dir. Koster) got conned into watching this by the hotvintagemen poll bc i wanted to see what james shigeta’s deal was, and if he did have a sort of ratpack sensibility as the propaganda described. he does! however this movie is unrelentingly awful. it is so so so slow. all of its comedy is racism-based. it feels like a three and a half hour two-VHS set instead of two hours. i like to think i have a stronger stomach for older media and am able to consider things as products of their times but this is my upper limit i think. one brief fleeting moment of cool production with this triple mirror effect
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Dirty Dancing (1987, dir. Ardolino). we were trying to find something to watch on either peacock or hbo max, and when i said "oh i've never seen that" out loud my my best friend said "that's insane we're watching it". i did not hate this movie, but i feel like i missed some critical window of development in which i would have had to see this movie to really love it. i had sort of an abnormal high school experience and i am a smidge too old to relate to bildungsroman any more. but it was cute! it was fine! i think patrick swayze’s jawline could cut glass. this film was made after Roe v Wade (1973) and i feel like the backstreet abortion b-plot has done this interesting 180 from sort of a historical novelty to a real threat and terror again. fun!
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that’s it for the watching section i promise
im doing the thing where i play a game for ten minutes, put it down, and then pick it back up again, which is probably not terrific for the health of my elderly switch. but whatever. what have i been up to in breath of the wild?
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not a ton of progress map-wise, but did make it up to zora’s domain.
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i was planning on the camel being the first divine beast, to get that over with bc i had such a devil of a time in my last playthrough, but the thing about the desert is it’s really far away.
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dicked around the dueling peaks stables for a while without managing to defeat that guardian and unlock that shrine. so it goes. i think i really need an actual guardian shield from one of the minor tests of strength shrines instead of a normie shield. this line and sidequest made me laugh— it wasn’t terribly hard to find this little cache but it was a tricky bit of gliding.
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didn’t realize the horses don’t have that much vertical threat perception, just like real horses. this little band walked right under me and i failed to glide down and land perfectly on someone’s back, which did freak them all out.
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i think my new favorite place in a game is this little grove clinging to the side of the dueling peaks. it felt very peaceful and cozy. nothing can get me up there and there’s more than enough room to make a little campfire and cook dinner and not roll off the mountain in a sleeping bag the middle of the night.
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also fully kitted out my house bc i had a very successful mining expedition along dueling peaks. EXTREMELY forgiving and generous secondary opening area imo, thanks game
i started this glitch sampler pattern by tumblr's own mathysphere (not @'d bc this is a fuck of a long post) at the beginning of the pandemic, june 2020, while thinking "eh let's give this friends at the table counterweight thing a shot" got most of the way through both counterweight and this piece, put it down bc i was so annoyed with all the confetti stitches (random one-off stitches of colors that aren't anywhere near other stitches of the same color. i think i resorted to fraychek at several points in the rover square) and then put it down so long i had to throw it out during the great moth debacle, bc it was partly eaten.
here's what it will look like finished, and a link to buy the pattern
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i think this time around i am a much better technical stitcher (the first crack at this i didn't know the loop method of starting, or pin stitches, or really any alternate endings except running the tail under the last few stitches). i usually stitch with three strands bc i like the look, but i think the loop method with three strands is overly fiddly. i have not picked up cross stitch since mmmm 2021, but any mistakes or unevenness in this will simply contribute to the glitch effect. i'm going to go back and backstitch the four "frames" and key portions of the sampler to highlight portions of the glitches (eg the yellow and blue centers of the spiral galaxy, the interior of the eclipse, perhaps add an antenna to the rover).
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still not my tidiest back, but hey. it's going to sit in a frame and not have any sort of friction or extra force applied to it ever
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i am really looking forward to framing this in a deep shadowbox, i have an idea about how to mat it with little melty cutouts for the drips at the bottom.
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chernobog13 · 6 months
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No, this ain't some refugee from an '80s glam metal band! This is the Japanese tokusatsu hero Shiro Jishi Kamen, aka White Lion Mask, star of the eponymous television series.
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Produced by the now-defunct Nippon Denpa Eiga, White Lion Mask ran for 13 episodes from April 4 to June 27, 1973.
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Frankly, I dunno where the name White Lion Mask came from, because that's NOT a lion mask, and there's nothing remotely lion-like about this guy. Although he is pretty creepy looking.
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Shiro Jishi Kamen (White Lion Mask) doing his signature hair tug. I think the suit actor did this so the wig wouldn't fly off when he did back-flips.
I think the "white lion" part comes from the wig, which vaguely resembles the mane of Kaiketsu Lion-Maru, whose popular series had begun broadcasting a year earlier.
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P Productions' Kaiketsu Lion-Maru. Now that's a real lion mask!
Beyond the hair style, both series had other similarities: both were satin Japan around the year 1600; both characters were ordinary men given the ability to transform into powerful warriors; both fought fantastical enemies; both had a woman and little boy as sidekicks; and both rode magical horses that appeared when summoned, although Lion-Maru's had wings and could fly.
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White Lion Mask's secret identity was a young samurai named Hyoma Tsurugi. He was tasked by a magistrate, Echizen Ooka (based on a real historical figure), to deal with evil yokai that were terrorizing the countryside.
Tsurugi battles the first group of yokai, the Wolfmen, but is defeated and left for dead in a cave. A supernatural entity decides to gift Tsurugi the ability to transform into the powerful White Lion Mask in order to combat and defeat the yokai.
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Infernal Devil, also called Daimoah, ruler of the evil yokai; Hyoma Tsurugi; and White Lion Mask.
White Lion Mask battled a different type of yokai every episode. While he was skilled with a sword and other bladed weapons, the tool he used most often was a long whip. There was also an episode wherein he was able to emit a powerful light that weakened the yokai.
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White Lion Mask astride his magic horse, which wears a mask to protect its secret identity.
Unfortunately, White Lion Mask was up against some stiff competition on the television scene with other period jidaigeki tokusatsu shows - Fuun Lion-Maru, Henshin Ninja Arashi, and Demon Hunter Mitsurugi, to name a few - and had a hard time finding an audience. This led to the show's sponsor to drop it, and White Lion Mask stopped broadcasting for a short while.
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A new sponsor was found, but the writing was on the wall: White Lion Mask's run was over. The series was cut short, and the storyline was wrapped up in the 13th - and final - episode. White Lion Mask takes on several resurrected yokai that he had defeated earlier in the series, before finally going mano a mano with the big bad, Daimoah the Infernal Devil.
The series finally received a DVD release in Japan in 2003, after several years of various parties haggling over the rights (Nippon Denpa Eiga went bankrupt in 1990). The DVD is currently out of print, but I've managed to find a few episodes on YouTube. They are not subtitled or dubbed, but I hold out hope that some enterprising soul will get around to doing so someday.
Here's the first episode, in case you're interested:
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todomemolesta18 · 9 months
Helluva boss they actually have much more accurate portrayal of bullying through blitzo and loona. Not stella not glitz and glam. So anyone is capable being a bully whether that individual have any experience being mistreated or not. Helluva boss they on the part the bully have experience being mistreated some of this writing i see have several issue while it does explain why the bully acted like that they making it as an excuse. Some manage to do it well by explaining whether they have redemption or not it doesnt matter.
Stella 'bullying' is very laughable to me and unbelievable. I see some comic make it their way how stella bullying stolas then join by andrealphus. Heres the thing they re rank is are lower compare to stolas so they receive immediate consequence for doing that the ars goetia is not gonna let that slide so easily regardless of their intention of doing that. Stella is not a threat not even in the slightest, people make big deal out of her hiring assassin like stolas have powerful magic so he'll be fine. Glitz and glam they just come across as a more of rude contestant over being a bully to me personally. Blitzo and Loona now thats the bully we can talk about they work in the same enviroment as moxxie, they constantly bully him verbally sometime psyhically, blitzo threatening him with sexual assault, blitzo stalking hes own employee hes really obsessed. Theres also moment where he can be nice toward moxxie the bullying he does is coming like bullying from closest friend. Blitzo himself have trauma and is being mistreated so he need to have that power this also apply to loona
I seen some female bully who is much more believable pose as a threat and their bullying is more convincing. In percy jackson story percy jackson is being bullied by nancy bobofit. She have much more friend the teacher liked her percg jackson is neurodivergent too this we believe she bullying percy. Bullying is bad yes but some people should be more aware and careful how to depict it.
Female character dont have the same treatment toward male character. They are more easily seen as irredemable, annoying, and people are also have unrealistic expectation put on them, they are less forgiven for their mistake than the male character. In percy jackson fandom theres misogny nancy bobofit she is annoying but i think fans are went too far to seen as irredemable when theres human adult and gods who done way worse than her this happen in helluva boss look at how they treated stella, millie, glitz glam, verosika, barbie
Yes, I hate the misoginy and hipocresy so much. Now, yes Blitzo and Loona are bullies and it doesnt matter how sad their backstory is, they are shitty people
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