#go pro hero 4
plexivie · 2 months
I kind of love the trope of pro hero Bakugo keeping his s/o a secret
He comes home late at night to you sleeping. Sometimes he regrets keeping you all to himself. But him seeing you sleeping all comfortably like this? It’s worth every bit of privacy.
“Hey,” he nudges you a bit to try and wake you up. “Baby, ‘m home.”
You’ve been alone all day waiting for your pro boyfriend to get home. Today wasn’t the best day for you. Yea some days are lonely but today was the definitely the worst. You recently found out how your friends aren’t very fond of you and actually talk bad about you all the time. To say it was heartbreaking was an understatement.
The only thing, person that could cheer you up though was busy all day. You’re usually not one to cry, but you’ve never felt this alone. He felt heartbroken when he saw the dried tears that stained your cheeks.
“Baby, wake up f’me” he says as he nudges you once again. This time you finally do wake up. It doesn’t take him long to embrace you tightly. He gives you sweet kisses while he whispers to you, “ ‘M so sorry baby, so so sorry. Those dumbasses don’t deserve you. Even I don’t deserve you much.”
You finally melt into his body as you begin to cry once again. “I-I just… they’re the only friends I have w-what do I do now” you say sniffling into his shoulder. He pulls away from the hug and looks into your eyes. “You didn’t need ‘em baby. They’re not good enough for you.” You look at him still with tears in your eyes. “I wish you could’ve been with me today.” He sighs, “I know baby I wanted to be with you too.” He lied down on the bed and pulled your body towards him.
“I know I said that..” he sighs before he speaks, “that I wanted us to be a secret. But I just can’t do that shit anymore. I want to take you out. Tomorrow. I get off at 4 so we can go out for dinner.” You look up at him and smile, “really?” He kisses you and nods, “Yes baby, really. Now go to sleep. Can’t have you tired for our date tomorrow night.” You nod and nuzzle into his chest.
“I love you, don’t forget that shit.”
Maybe I just love pro hero Bakugo
A/N: if anyone knows where I can find the little line photos pls help a girl out🙏😓
Also I have a rockstar dabi smau on TikTok @shigarak1sbigfan so go check it out‼️🤗
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evilminji · 4 months
Okay but? We of the DPxDC? Are COMPLETELY Sleeping on DPXBNHA?
And not even for the Main Plot Shenanigans!
Just?? It has ALL of DC's super powers? But MORE OF THEM. And like 80% of the population has um! Danny can?? Finally achieve his DREAM of being???
Yeah, he's in Japan. That's a bit of a learning curve. And YEAH, there was a cataclysmic war like a few centuries back that sorta... fucked everybody up. No one wants to talk about it. There may be mass graves and Never Forget memorials. But?
This place seems utopian!
No ghost hunters! Advanced technology! Robust social services*!
Wait... what was that asterisk? What do you mean "corrupt shadowy government organizations"? What do you MEAN "Immortal Supervillians"? NO SPACE PROGRAM!?!? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH?!?!? I'M IN HELL!!! This is ACTUALLY THE BAD PLACE, THIS IS HELL, OH GOD NOOOOOOO-!!!!!!
Cause see?
There are SO MANY REASONS he'd end up there?
Think about it! Wish that he lived somewhere his weird biology wouldn't exclude him from becoming an astronaut? In Quirks having Bnha Japan EVERYBODY has weird biology! Y'ain't special! You could TOTALLY be an astronaut!..... if we HAD those! We do not. Shut down that program during the Quirk Wars and never really started it again. (And somewhere, Desiree LAUGHS)
Or MAYBE? Things are getting a little hot on the ground? Bit TOO spicy. The Family Fenton and Friends have fallen back, behind the barely holding shields. Not even the Mansons considerable political maneuvering could stop the inevitably of human fear and blind unthinking hatred. Money can't buy everything, in the end. There is only ONE(1) way out.
Through the Zone.
Plan: Strangers In A Strange World is a go.
They're all Limnal enough to fake it. Sam with her plants. Tucker with his technology and persuasion. Jazz with her limited empathy. Their parents with their... well, weirdness. And with a touch of ghostly assisted meddling? Well, they've always BEEN there! Haven't they?
And that's not to MENTION the random 4 year olds with no control! JUST coming into their powers! With all those big emotions in tiny bodies? Startling events and tantrums? Villian attacks? What could THEY possibly hope to do to control or guide that fresh new power? It does what it does and the rest of us are just along for the ride!
If Danny happens to be minding his business and gets accidentally kidnapped by a VERY distraught 4 year old? Well, that's hardly the KIDS fault, now is it? They're FOUR! That is basically a toddler! Tiny child! They are upset, confused, and didn't mean to do ANYTHING. He's a hero. And Heros don't blame little kids from accidents, no matter HOW stressed it makes them.
No, the curse like a sailor INSIDE their head. Like an ADULT.
Just? Imagine~☆
The slow transition from *starry eyed shoujo sparkles* "This is SO COOL~!" to "huh, that's... kinda weird. And Sus. Weird Sus. Maybe nothing... oh! A distraction!" To "okay, this KEEPS happening, that was shady. You all saw that right? You realize that's not NORMAL, right? That that's fucked up? Not cool?" To "oh god, oh God, OH GOD! I'm in HELL! This is actually HELL! I'm trapped in HELL!!! WHAT THE FUC-"
Like? This kid LOVES space. LOVES the stars. And this is one of the few Superhero Cannon that SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS that IN CANNON? Thanks to Quirks? As in Superpowers? That VERY THING got fuckin SCRAPPED. Gutted. Consigned to be a relic of the past so they could all focus on punching each other Real Good.
He would weep BLOOD. Chew the WALLS. The LEVEL of unhinged this child would unleash? Not as Danny Phantom... but as DANNY J. FENTON? Beautiful. Vaguely psychotic. Definitely doing the Fenton Name proud. God, the NOISE HE WOULD MAKE would be inhuman and yet somehow? Come entirely from his human half.
They👏 Would👏 Hear👏 BOSS👏 MUSIC👏
I don't even know if he'd CARE about the main characters. They'd be tangential at best. The man would be in a one man war with I-Island over their lack of space program and hoarding of scientific progress. Probably living out of an abandoned building or forgotten subway station. Just? The MOST bedraggled, feral genius to ever haunt Japan.
As opposed to the REFINED feral genius. Who is Nedzu.
I bet Danny stands outside his school at one AM waving his scientific papers at a camera and YELLS. Like a deranged lunatic. Mismatched slippers and a "haven't slept in a week" crazed glint in his eyes.
He's Nedzu's new best friend. They GET each other.
And, yes, Nedzu COULD let him in... but it's faster to just let him yell and read the papers through the camera. Who CARES if they both seem insane! Let's shout about advanced physics and engineering at 1 am! Over the speakers!!! Oh? You need to physically SHOW me the notes? Well I COULD unlock the gates... OR just wait for you to finish scrambling up the walls like a feral Racoon, to then throw yourself OVER them.
Either, Or.
I'm just SAYING! We are SLEEPING on this! There is so, SO much fun to be had! Danny breaks rules and minds! His outrage over injustice and the complete lack of SPACE! His protection instincts going BUCK FUCKIN WILD. The INDESCRIBABLE hate boner he would have for Mr. "Lemme just rip parts of your soul out so I can collect your powers like pokemon cards" AfO.
There? Is SO MUCH, guys. SO MUCH!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @babbling-babull @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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simpee9000 · 1 month
Not Just Friends - 8 -
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M.List : Prologue : Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Words 2.6k
Childhood best friends turned into something more, at least with the label. Katsuki Bakugo, a fast-rising hero and fast-learning guy who is ever so slow in getting attached to and loving someone. Even three long years into a relationship, and your friends even forget you're even dating. Nothing happening, spare a few kisses.. like 3 kisses, during high school. Graduated and living together, and you guys have done absolutely nothing to further the relationship. Are you sure you're not just friends? Also not edited!! CW: Smut, brief domestic violence discussion, virginity loss, aggressive flirting from creeps, gore with pro hero stuff (lmk if i missed any) Applies to all chapters regardless of it is in said chapter.
"It's been two weeks," you pointed out, telling yourself and him.
"That doesn't mean you have to be okay already," Katsuki huffed at you, crossing his arms as he leaned against the makeup table in front of you.
You were going on for the interview that you promised that night. Truth quirk and all. They were prepping you right now for it, covering the dark circles under your eyes as they made sure to add highlights.
"I go back to work tomorrow, I want everything to be dealt with before hand," you dismissed. You wanted your plate clean so you could throw yourself fully back into work, you were itching to use the equipment. "Besides, Aizawa is here. He'll make sure to turn off the truth quirk if needed."
He grumbled, watching you intently as you got up, makeup finished and TV ready. "I don't like this." He didn't want you to go back to step one, even if you claimed to be fine.
"I know," you patted his arm, he's been trying to convince you not to. But his PR manager advise you to do it, knowing if you switched up that the public would think the worst.
An assistant knocked on the door, peeking through when you told them it was okay. "You're on in five," and with that, they left.
You swallowed nervously. "It's not to late," Katsuki offered.
"I said I'd do it, so I will," you looked yourself over in the mirror one last time, brushing your clothes smooth before you walked to the door. Katsuki following behind as you waited behind the curtain, ready for your cue. You made eye contact with Aizawa who was on the other side, next to the interviewer with a truth quirk. You gave a small wave and gained a nod back.
"Remember that you can dodge the question, it's not considered lying," Katsuki informed you for the millionth time, going down his prep list, "I studied them, they make you say the truth but not blurt it, so you have time to form your words."
"And now we have Dynamight's girlfriend," the talk show host called your name, greeting you on stage. "She'll be giving us all the details of her juicy relationship with our number two hero! All under a truth quirk." You walked onto the stage, giving Katsuki a nervous smile before turning to wave at the crowd.
It wasn't your first interview but it was the first major one. A huge live audience that filled the room. You shook hands with Gossip, the hostess nickname for the public. Shaking hands with the truth quirk interviewer as well before sitting down. Aizawa stayed off stage, ready to cancel things if needed.
"Nell, here," Gossip called attention to the truth quirk, "Known as 'Spills' will activate her quirk and ask questions about her secret relationship with Dynamight." Nell waved at her introduction, smiling brightly. "We've opened questions to the audience as well, so let's get started," Gossip grabbed a stack of cards from her desk, nodding to Nell to start.
You crossed your legs, hands clasped in your lap as you waited for the effect.
Gossip handed Nell the cards to read out. "You were the one on the phone with Dynamight two weeks ago, correct?"
"Yes, called me while I was making dinner," you laughed trying to add anything you could to the questions because you wanted good press.
"How long have you been dating?"
"Three years," you answered easily, feeling the small buzz of the truth quirk in your mind, "Since second year of high school, even though I liked him way before that." Well, you haven't meant to say that, the truth quirk making the small bit of information slip out.
Gossip grinned at what you were saying. "And you've never liked Deku? No romantic feelings there?"
"He's like my younger brother, absolutely no feelings there," you confirmed.
"You don't even find him attractive?"
"I do, just not like that. I only have eyes for Katsuki really," you didn't even know why you were anxious at this point. Part of you was worried it'd make you slip up, say something in the wrong way and make it seem like you wanted him.
"How cute!" Gossip gushed to the crowd. "Well now that we have that settled, lets get to the nitty gritty." You paled at that.
Opening your mouth the protest before Nell interrupted you, "What about Dynamight annoys you the most?"
You rolled your eyes, "He leaves his socks everywhere. Literally only his socks, everything else he is a neat freak about."
"Anything else?" they pushed for something more.
"He literally argues with himself while getting ready, calling his teeth stupid for getting dirty," you ranted, glad you had no real issue with him.
Nell and Gossip shared a look, unsure of where to go. "What do you love most about him?" the decided to switch from negatives to positives, trying to feed his fan base.
"Oh," you paused, mind swirling with too many truths, "He remembers all the small things," you settled on, talking fondly, "He bought an extra chair for his office because he knew I hated the ones he had. He might not talk a lot but he does so much."
The crowd swooned at how fondly you talked of him.
"Why are you with him?"
"Cause I love him?" you questioned back confused, paleing when you realized you haven't directly said it yet. You've been together for three years and knew you loved each other, it was just hardly, if ever, spoken.
"How about we open questions to the fans?" Gossip turned from you and pointed at someone who raised their hand.
"What's Dynamight's biggest weakness?" the crowd called out, Nell immediately asking you the question.
You froze, Aizawa was being distracted and couldn't save you. You faintly heard Katsuki's loud foot steps coming up, trying to save you.
"He loves his back being popped," you answered, truthfully, the interviews losing the spark in their eye as you didn't give good enough gossip. "Seriously, he loves it. Practically melts afterwards."
Katsuki stood next to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you to stand. "This shit is done."
"Dynamight," Nell called out as Katsuki dragged you away. The truth quirk likely making him stop. "Do you seriously love her?" She spit those words out in a manner that reminded you of the break in.
"Yeah, so fuck off," he barked over his shoulder, pulling you off stage.
In just the drive home, your phone was blowing up entirely. You were trending on Twitter, Tiktok, and any social media already. All they needed was an hour. You scrolled through TikTok as you curled in on the couch, swiping from one video of you to another video of you. People were gushing over your relationship, loving how he protected you and how you talked about him.
It turned the fan girls more on your side, having gotten a glimpse of your life with him. They concluded that you were one of them. You even saw videos of how you cheered him on during the first-year sports festival. They took any social media post with the two of you and over-analyzed it. Talking about how you looked at each other.
"Still looking at that shit?" Katsuki called from the kitchen. Currently packing up the leftovers of dinner.
"It's cute," you defended, "They found a photo of us during graduation," you lifted your phone over the couch for him to look, hearing him shuffle over to look.
It was a photo of you two hugging after the ceremony, probably seconds after he asked you to move in with you. "This is horrible for my image," he complained as he saw the caption, "Makes me look fuckin' soft."
You rolled your eyes, looking up at him from where he leaned over the couch, "You are soft."
He scoffed, "Sure."
Humming, you got up from the couch, moving to head to your room, wanting to grab a book from a box. You hardly unpacked, your room still empty as you've been spending the past few nights in Katsuki's room.
"Hey Kats," you called from your doorway, seeing more boxes in your room than before. Probably and entire third of boxes that you didn't put there, you were at work all day, busy with meetings while Katsuki got home early.
"What?" he asked when he met you in your doorway, looking over your room.
You stepped in, glancing into an open box and seeing Katsuki's stuff filling it. "What's all this?"
"Figured with you sleepin' in my room all the time we might as well share," he crossed his arms as he shrugged, leaning into the doorframe.
"Really?" you looked up at him, taking your eyes of the open box, lighting up inside as you looked at him.
"Why not?"
You've been waiting for this since he first asked you to move, but you knew that if you freaked out he would back out. You bit back a huge smile, joy seeping through your expression regardless. "Want to set things up then?" you offered, answering his unasked question of it was okay.
He didn't give an answer before he moved in the room fully, grabbing a box of his clothes and going into the walk in closet. You stepped out of your room, seeing how his old room was empty minus a bed. Smiling, you moved back into your room, grabbing another box of his clothes and placing it beside him before grabbing your own clothes and finally unpacking. You took two of the walls of the closet, him taking the last wall, having less clothes.
Cycling through each box until they were all unpacked, your room looking like a mixture of the two of you. His comforter but your sheets on the bed, pillows stacked the way you loved and his limited edition All Might alarm clock sitting on the nightstand. The dresser being spilt for the two of you with small touches of each of you adding to the room. Giving it personality.
It made you giddy, to see everything done up as a combined. You let a bright smile grace your features as you changed for bed, Katsuki showering in the connected bathroom while you slid under the covers. You grabbed a book from your nightstand and flipped to the bookmark.
Reading through the rest of the chapter before Katsuki came out of the bathroom, ruffling his hair under a towel as he walked in. Hanging the towel up and shaking his head like a wet dog to fluff it back up. He stayed shirtless, how he's been sleeping the past few nights, and only wore his boxers.
You eyed him over your book, watching his arms flex with any simple motion he made. Eyeing him as he walked to his side of the bed, slipping under the covers fully before wrapping his arms around your waist.
The motion was surprising, filling your stomach with butterflies as you accepted his hug. You were propped up on pillows, making it easier to read with the posture, his arm slipped easily under you, his other going under your book. He squeezed light, wearily of the wound that was still present on your left side.
"Your shower is so much better than the one in the hall," he grumbled, digging his face into your shoulder. His shampoo scenting the air as you leaned your head onto his.
"Our shower," you couldn't help but correct him.
"Do we want the old room to be your office? The other mine?" he questioned.
You closed your book, setting it on the nightstand as you held onto his arm. "Maybe one can be a guest room? Your mom called and said she wants to visit," you suggested.
"That hag been callin' you often?"
You slapped his arm for how he addressed his mom, "She's worried."
"Hm," he dismissed, "I don't care."
"The interview wasn't that bad," you changed topics, "Just made me say softer versions of the truth."
He took his head off you, moving to sit up so he could look at you, "They asked you about my weakness? Do you know how bad that coulda been?"
"But it wasn't, I did what I said and nothing bad happened," you matched his glare.
He rolled his eyes, falling back onto you.
"I surprised how cuddly you are," you said, not to tease but point out.
"Fuck off," he scoffed, moving to flip away from you. You hooked your arms over his shoulders, trying to pull him back but just got flipped back over with him, letting out a squeal of surprised. Situated right on his lap, close to his face. His hands held your thighs as you straddled him unintentionally. "'m not cuddly," he pinched your thigh.
"Sure," you teased now, "That's why you've been all over me."
"I can finally touch you, think I'm not going to take advantage of it?"
You pulled back, sitting up right on his lap as you looked down at him. Brows furrowed, "Is your watch always on?"
He shrugged, "Not always, but most of the time, 'round you."
Your stomach dropped, you moved to grab his hand and saw that it was on. Turning his quirk off. "You can't use it that often," you told him, worried.
"I turn it off before I sleep," he brushed off, moving his hand away from yours.
"When was the last time it was off around me?"
"When I was asleep last night," he answered easily.
"Katsuki," you frowned, "That's not good for you, you need to turn it off." You reached for his hand again.
He snatched it out of your hand, "The fuck's your problem?"
"I don't want every time you touch me you need that stupid watch on," you complained. It made you feel disconnected from him, like he had to hide his true self.
"It's not on all the fuckin' time," he argued.
"Then you should have no problem turning it off right now," you challenged. His face was all scrunched in distaste as he looked at you.
"I don't have shit to prove."
"You're using it as a crutch," you dug, "I shoulda never built it for you."
"So you would of prefered staying how it was? Don't want me to touch you?" he argued, getting frustrated that you were upset. Defaulting into anger.
"I'd prefer you," you clarified, "The actual you that doesn't need to suppress his fucking quirk."
"I don't need anything," he hissed, "I was doing it to make you fuckin' happy but now you're all bitchy about nothing."
You widdened your eyes, pushing yourself off his lap finally and moving to your side of the bed. "You'll kill yourself," you commented, "Not having access to your quirk is deadly."
"No I won't," he huffed, not moving from where he laided.
"You're right, cause you can turn it off," you decided, "I'm not going to touch you until I know it's off."
He sat up right, "Really?" he looked down at you.
"Yep," you popped the 'p', "I only made the watch for work training, not sex training like how you're using it."
"That's ridiculous," he tried to reason.
"Well, I'm going to be 'bitchy' about something that'll kill you," you crossed your arms, standing your ground.
He shifted, "So we're going back to square one? That what you fuckin' want?"
"Sure," your chest felt tight, hating how frustrated he was. But your side made sense. "I want you alive."
"I'm not going to die."
"Yep, cause I'm not encouraging you to turn it off anymore."
"Can't kiss you or anything then," he tried to threaten, failing to change your mind.
"Okay," you shrugged. Internally mourning the loss of it already.
"Seriously?" he was in disbelief.
"Goodnight Katsuki," you turned onto your side, making him unable to look at you anymore.
When he huffed and turned away you were worried he'd leave. Go back on sharing a room. Truly test how far you were willing to go.
But all he did was adjust onto his side of the bed, angrily turning his lamp off, darkness coating the room.
At least you had that, but who knows how long you would. You clutched at your chest as you sunk in on yourself. It would suck to go back to how it was two months ago. Not being able to kiss him, or hug him freely.
You've gotten so far and had to throw it away. But it was necessary. The nitroglycerin made his heart run slowly, he needed to have his quirk flowing or you didn't know what would happen. You weren't trying to risk it so you could feel him up.
-Next Part-
In them m.list of this fic comment if you want to be added into a tag list <3
I'll no longer add people to the taglist if they haven't commented there. It's too much to keep up with all the new part. Hope you understand <3
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breesperez139 · 1 year
Dc x Dp Prompt #4
Viral Thirst Trap AU:
The only thing Danny could feel right now was complete and utter humiliation. As always, it started off as a joke. Tiktok was something Amity Park didn’t have access to for a while considering the fact that they were cut off from the rest of the world until a few months ago when Technus and Tucker teamed up to fix the media blackout.
Amity Park debated on this topic heavily weighing the pros and cons and eventually decided on the outside world only knowing about things Amity Park allowed. Meaning unless an Amity Parker posted it on social media platform meant for the public, no one would know. Hacking would be impossible without ghost resistant tech and visitors wouldn’t be able to expose anything without it so truly there was no downside to this unless someone slipped.
Inside jokes on Phantom and Amity Park were a norm often leaving others confused before scrolling and moving on. In fact most of the posts coming from Amity Park are ignored by the masses. But not this one. No this time someone just had to post a thirst trap edit of him under the “think I need someone older” sound with the caption “when he fits the Bill 😍😍“ on tiktok.
And he knows it’s meant to tease him because of the Invis-o-Bill reference (which fuck whoever’s acc that was for bringing that up) but why did it have to go viral?? Like yes he knows this is a joke on him being “older” because of time travel shenanigans and “colder” because of his ice and “take the weight off your shoulders” because he’s a hero. But why??
Now he had people simping over him and wanting to know more about him and Amity Park (and man where they overjoyed to let others know about their local (and favorite) hero). And just when he thought his undead life couldn’t get any worse, the fucking JL had to show up after he was kidnapped (summoned) by some crazy ass cult. Even worse, their sidekicks immediately recognized him as the quote unquote “hot dead hero from tiktok”. Someone finish killing him now.
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elmushterri · 3 months
Heyyyy, I love ur au sm! It's really cool, and the thing I'm most curious abt, if u don't mind me asking, is romeo and connor's relationship.
I really wanna know more abt it cause of how many directions this could go. Like, does Connor still care for romeo abit even after he figures out that romeo is manipulating him, or is he just fighting tooth and nail to get away from him at that point??
And I know Romeo's first intention is to just experiment on things to make them "better" but did spending alot of time with Connor not have him form some kind of attachment towards him?
And are there times where they both genuinely enjoy each others presence and where romeo helps him, cuz it would be so interesting to see Connor going through something when their still friends where Connor hates and likes him at the same time in a way. Where he's like weighing out the pro's and con's of being his friend and questioning how bad romeo really is
(That's all, and thank u for reading!🙏)
LOVE THIS. Romeo and Connor probably bonded in the first place cause of some kind of act of kindness or something trauma related?? Maybe young Romeo (like 6-10 years old? I have no concept of child ages) was the one that rescued Connor from being in the pools/the showers they put him in to get him used to water. Probably did it genuinely as well. Romeo CAN be genuine. He was probably lonely as well, not being in school but instead having his mother bring him to the labs.
In the start he probably wasn’t even manipulating Connor consciously, just pressuring him into things like sneaking around the labs and whatnot.
But then Connor made better friends with Amaya and Greg, and Romeo felt threatened so he leaned into “Oh, so you like them better than me?” so Connor would feel guilty.
Romeo probably has times where he goes between, “I miss Connor, I shouldn’t have done all that” and “Screw Connor, he didn’t get it. I don’t need him,”
They probably do care for each other on some level. Like if Romeo got hurt, Connor would go and cradle him dude 😭. ‘Cause at some points in their childhood the friendship was good, and comforted them both.
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Here’s a little sketch. Reason Greg’s not there/why the kids are the same age as in present day but in GunnTech outfits is ‘cause this is probably in season 4 or 5 when the other heroes + Gekko are being mind controlled? Idk, Romeo probably pushed Connor out the way to take a hit from something or general self sacrifice science stuff from him. Maybe he took some kind of star/light blast from Newton? Real Catradora vibes.
It’s things like this that make me sort of want to redeem Romeo but I’m still unsure.
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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the first time it happens, bakugou is caught completely off guard and is therefore unable to properly act upon it. 
he’s just gotten off his patrol, groaning loudly as he sinks into his plush desk chair. he still needs to type up his report and go over the notes left by his assistant before he can call it a day, but as he waits for his monitor to boot up, exhaustion creeps over him. 
as a rule, bakugou did not usually nap in order to keep his strict sleep schedule. but after a long week of work, he can’t help but let his eyes drift shut and a yawn escape as he lays his head back. 
that is, of course, when the door to his office opens. and there’s only one person brave enough to open the door without knocking first. “hey.”
“hi,” you smile, stepping inside to place a bottle of water and a pack of electrolytes on his desk. “will i see you at home soon?” 
he glances at his monitor, the clock in the corner reading 4:48pm, twelve minutes before the workday is over. wincing, he rubs his temple. “might still be a while, sorry.”
“do you want me to stay and keep you company?”
it’s a tempting offer, but he shakes his head. “no, ’s alright. just pick up some takeout and i’ll meet you at home soon.” 
“okay,” you agree, but only because you both know that after you grab some takeout, you’ll be right back here to keep him company anyway. “just don’t work yourself too hard, promise?” 
“yeah, yeah,” he mutters, letting you press a kiss to his temple. 
“alright, see you later, pumpkin!” 
bakugou pauses, brows furrowing. “wait–”
you’re already sailing out of the room though, and bakugou slumps back into his chair. you did not just call him, dynamight, pumpkin. that was something people named orange tabbys, not the number two pro with the highest offensive stats on the charts.
he wishes that he could say the first time was the last, but it turns out that pumpkin wasn’t the worst nickname you could bestow upon him. 
you’re just sauntering out of the bedroom when you join him in the kitchen the next morning, freshly showered after his jog and fixing you a cup of coffee. you’re not a person until at least 9am, responding to his good morning, baby with a grumble as presses the mug into your hands.
you wake up a little after you’ve had a few sips, smiling at him over the rim of your mug as you murmur, “thanks, sweetpea.”
bakugou, who’d been gulping down a glass of water, nearly chokes, sputtering, “babe—”
“do you want to make waffles?” you ask, smiling so sweetly at him that he doesn’t have the heart to reprimand you. so he just doesn’t answer right away, wary of any more saccharine sweet nicknames you might fire off. 
“yeah, waffles. sure,” he replies stupidly, watching as you nod and begin pulling ingredients from the cupboards, criminally oblivious to the quarter-life crisis he’s having. 
bakugou doesn’t know what’s going on with you. he’s heavily considering a trip to the er, because you must have been hit with some sort of quirk that makes you call him disgustingly corny pet names.
“nice catch, cupcake!” you applaud upon his return to the agency after apprehending a villain. one of the interns starts to laugh, but quickly smothers it when the pro-hero shoots him a withering stare.
“looking good, sugarplum,” you compliment when he’s in the middle of a quick, post-lunch workout in his office. he’d stopped mid curl, almost dropping 50 pounds on his foot. 
“thanks, muffin,” you grin after getting his signature on the report he’d missed earlier in the day. he tells kirishima, who’d been there trying to steal a protein bar from his desk and is starting to laugh, to shut the fuck up or get out.
it wasn’t that he hated pet names (he thought they could be cute). what he hated was being referred to as various pastries that sound like they’d come out of his dad’s cookbook. 
but he could handle it. could handle you because, well, he loved you. and you make sacrifices for those you love, even if it means his friends and fellow pros stop calling him dynamite and start calling him honeycakes instead. besides, you’d get over…whatever kind of phase this was eventually.
and you do. 
“goodnight, lovebug,” you murmur, just as he’s on the precipice of sleep. but he’s wide awake now, sitting up to flick the bedside lamp on.
“how do you just say things like that?” he asks, genuinely bewildered. 
you rub the sleep from your eyes, blinking yourself awake. “like what?”
“the names!” he groans, rubbing a hand over his face. “they’re ridiculous.” 
“they’re not ridiculous,” you huff indignantly as you turn to face him. “they’re cute, like you.” 
“i am not cute,” he scoffs, batting your hand away when you poke his cheeks. “you just— you can’t keep callin’ me shit like cupcake or lovebug. just pick somethin’ else to call me.” 
you’re looking at him with a shit-eating grin on your face, and bakugou feels he’s made a mistake of some kind. “should i call you my love instead?”
heat crawls up his neck as he averts his gaze. “that’s alright.”
you shuffle closer. “yeah? what about…darling?” 
“you can use that, sure,” he shrugs, hoping he doesn’t look as flustered as he feels. 
you’re straddling his lap now, dipping your head down to whisper,
“what if i called you daddy?” 
he freezes, fingers digging into your hips as your teeth graze the shell of his ear. 
you get your answer when he flips you both over so you’re trapped against the mattress, swallowing your gasp with a heated kiss.
you hum contentedly as kirishima places a stack of bills into your waiting palm. “i told you he would break in less than a week.”
the redhead groans loudly, lamenting his empty wallet. “man, i thought he was stronger than this!”
“if i’d called him something like ‘kitten,’ this whole thing would have gone a lot faster,” you muse, shaking your head. 
kirishima, clearly having not learned from his recent loss, suggests, “i’ll buy you lunch for a week if you call him that during the board meeting later.”
“i’ll buy you lunch for two weeks if you do it,” you counter. 
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cupidsblonde · 1 month
"well you may not like it but you better learn the fuck how!" is what you yelled at the reporters surrounding you after your huge fight, grabbing the camera that was in your face and smashing it, you would definitely hear from your PR team about that. but in this moment you didn't care.
you where bruised, tired, and all you wanted to do was go home and sleep, hopefully see your husband, katsuki. god how you missed him you turned around and storm away from the reporters who where really getting on your nerves and you know who the first person you see is?
katsuki, you basically ran into his arms when you did see him. later, when you guys where at home you had turned the TV on, drying our hair from your shower and sitting on the couch next to katsuki, who was in his reading glasses and reading his book.
the first thing you see is "#4 pro-hero y/n bakugo tells everyone its time to step up!" that catches your attention and when katsuki hears your voice coming from the tv and not next to him, he was intrigued.
you could hear yourself telling the reporters to speak one at a time, you really where trying your best at the time to keep them all at bay, after a few questions the main event of the night began.
"how are we all supposed to trust the hero's if all they do if cause damage and maybe capture a few villains?" the reporter had yelled out to you, any other time you would've had a professional answer but after putting your life on the line you just where not having it.
"we are all doing our best right now yes?" is how it started, very professional right?
"well it just isn't good enough anymore! we need more and what we are accepting now, we as the public just don't like it anymore!'
silence had come from you at the beginning not wanting to put so much work onto your PR team but as the reporter goes to open this mouth again,
"I'd like to see you do all of the things we heros do for not only the "public" you say anger rising in your voice, "you wouldn't have the guts nor the will to do half the things we do on a daily to keep you all safe, so with that said, well, you may not like it but you learn the fuck how" is all you said, way louder than the words that had come out of your mouth before
"you may not like it but you better learn the fuck how, huh?" is all you heard, from a smirking katsuki next to you. "shut up" is what you say to him, throwing the towel you were previously using to dry your hair.
all of a sudden your phone rang, it was your PR manager.
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seiwas · 4 months
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hello!! this is my lil contribution to the wonderful fundraising initiative started by @ficsforgaza!! i've added a list of my wips that i'd love to work on in exchange for your donations to a vetted fundraiser!! most of them are relatively short to assure that i can work on them faster and hopefully post them as soon as possible!! i hope they appeal to you and enjoin you to donate!
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RATE: $1 per 100 words
INSTRUCTIONS: please donate to a vetted fundraiser and send me an ask with a screenshot of your proof of donation (please private your information) + the wip you'd like to sponsor! — example: sel! i'd love to sponsor your wip, 'grow on me like a dog loved fondly'! here's my proof of donation for [chosen fundraiser], thank you so much! [attached photo of proof] *i'll be sending the screenshots to @ficsforgaza for transparency and tracking + to ensure that proofs are not reused for other wips!
other additional information/faqs will be added at the end of this post, but i'd like to thank you in advance for supporting this initiative and choosing to donate! 🥹 there is absolutely no pressure to! even just a simple reblog can help spread the word 🥹 please do check out @ficsforgaza for more updates and a more extensive list of writers (sponsor wips writers) (request writers) who are also joining in on this initiative 🥹
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ಇ. grow on me like a dog loved fondly - kamo choso x reader ⚬ ongoing series. prologue / +++. ⌗ f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, non-curse!au, animal shelter employee!choso x flower shop owner!reader, slowburn, hurt/comfort + fluff.
summary: your regular to the flower shop is more than what he seems.
current wc: 1,014 / 15,000+ donated (goal) wc: 2,045 / 5,000 progress tracker: 0 / 5,000
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ಇ. i'll stay on this drive for as long as you'd like - fushiguro megumi x reader [FULLY SPONSORED; COMPLETE & POSTED] ⚬ event. mini series: by your passenger seat. part 1 / part 2. *this will be the 3rd part of the mini-series. ⌗ f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, non-curse!au, college!au, established relationship, hurt/comfort.
summary: megumi knows you a lot better than you think. prompt: acting like it's okay when you know it's too much.
completed wc: 3,229
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ಇ. do you know what love is like? - gojo satoru x reader ⚬ ongoing mini series: do you know what love is like?. happens before the ongoing main series: conversations on love. part 020 / part 021 / +++. *i have 6 parts planned for this, but i didn't write them linearly, so only part 021 is posted so far. the numbers represent the ages reader and gojo are during the events of the fic. ⌗ f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, canon-adjacent (reader is also a sorcerer), slowburn, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort + fluff.
summary: a series of almost's when you and gojo nearly get together, but don't.
current wc: 2,120 / 15,000+ donated (goal) wc: 0 / 5,000 progress tracker: 0 / 5,000
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ಇ. can i get your number? (your bpm, i mean) - kirishima eijirou x reader [FULLY SPONSORED] ⚬ event. ⌗ f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, non-canon!au, gym fic, kind of meet cute, crushes and confessions, strangers to ???, fluff.
summary: being clumsy does have its perks; how else could you have found yourself falling into the arms of the cute, beefy guy who quite literally smiles like sunshine? prompt: going to the gym for yourself (and totally not for that cute guy who sometimes says hi).
current wc: 0 / 3,215 ❣️ donated (goal) wc: 3,215 / 3,215 ❣️ progress tracker: 0 / 3,215
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ಇ. three-part honesty - todoroki shouto x reader [FULLY SPONSORED; COMPLETE & POSTED] ⚬ sequel to two-part something. ⌗ f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, post-canon, aged-up pro-hero!shouto and assistant!reader, workplace romance, development of feelings, confessions, boss/assistant dynamics, co-workers to lovers (ish), fluff.
summary: honesty, you've realized, is shouto’s most cunning trait—a quality that's endeared you over the years now rendering you into a stuttering, fumbling mess like never before.
completed wc: 16,365
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ಇ. found you in my dreams (only to wake up next to home) - bakugo katsuki x reader [FULLY SPONSORED] ⚬ event. ⌗ f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, post-canon, aged-up pro-hero!bakugo, vulnerabilities, falling in love (and deserving it), established relationship, hurt/comfort + fluff.
summary: bakugo finds love seeping into the hours of his day. prompt: falling in love as part of your everyday routine.
current wc: 235 / 4,000+ ❣️ donated (goal) wc: 2,500 / 2,500 ❣️ progress tracker: 0 / 2,500
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ಇ. AITA (25M) FOR BEING TWO-FACED WITH MY GIRLFRIEND (24F)? I KNOW IT SOUNDS WRONG, BUT LET ME EXPLAIN MYSELF. - iwaizumi hajime x reader ⚬ was supposed to be for a collab event by tallulah, who has now deactivated. i wasn't able to post it on time but am still very interested in writing the idea! ⌗ f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, canon-adjacent, sexual themes, teasing, iwaizumi is a bit mean (mean = leaving you wanting), established relationship, fluff + suggestive.
summary: you haven't been giving iwaizumi much attention lately; is it wrong for him to want payback?
current wc: 29 / 4,500+ donated (goal) wc: 0 / 2,500 progress tracker: 0 / 2,500
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ಇ. this stays ‘till tomorrow - oikawa tooru x reader ⚬ event. ⌗ f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, canon-adjacent, long distance relationship, vignettes, a few arguments, established relationship, hurt/comfort.
summary: you cling onto phone calls, hoping they'll one day be enough. prompt: falling in love as part of your everyday routine.
current wc: 0 / 4,000+ donated (goal) wc: 542 / 2,500 progress tracker: 0 / 2,500
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ಇ. you’re the reason (i got a weakness) - miya atsumu x reader [FULLY SPONSORED] ⚬ event. ⌗ f!reader, canon-adjacent, misunderstanding/arguments, atsumu and you are fighting (but you're still the prettiest he's ever seen), established relationship, hurt/comfort + fluff.
summary: it’s not that atsumu doesn't like you dressing up like this—in fact, he loves it. just not when you're fighting. not when he can't even call you 'baby'. prompt: making yourself look good to feel good (your partner has something to say to you).
current wc: 1,708 / 2,500 ❣️ donated (goal) wc: 2,118 / 2,000 ❣️ progress tracker: 1,708 / 2,118
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i will not be publishing the ask you send me with the proof of donation, but i will be sending you an ask to confirm the receipt of the donation and to let you know that i'll be crediting your sponsorship!
i gave 3 wips each for each fandom, for variety! this is my first time doing something like this, so i'm also still learning as i go! please be kind!!
if you want to know more about a wip, you can ask me about it! a lot of these are low in current word count because i heavily outline fics before writing them, so these fics already have plot and dialogue points down, just not in full writing yet.
update schedule: every 3 days! i'll try to update as soon as i can (within a day) but if you notice that i haven't acknowledged your donation after 3 days, please send me a message about it again!
the progress tracker for each fic will track how many words have been written from the donated amount. i added a donation goal per fic to make tracking more organised! this is also so it doesn't feel as overwhelming to donate, especially for the bigger word counts.
writing schedule: i will write based off the order the fic is sponsored. i will honour the donated words regardless of whether the fic is fully sponsored or not. when i finish writing the donated amount, i'll update it in the progress tracker!
posting schedule: to manage expectations, i work full-time and have a few side hustles too, so i may take a while to finish writing fics 🥺 i also tend to exceed word counts, which may also affect how fast i finish writing! but, i am doing my best to write at least 500 words a day to keep myself accountable, and to hopefully get the fics up as soon as possible. i will only post the finished fics once they are fully sponsored!
boosts are appreciated!!
if you have any other questions, please let me know!
322 notes · View notes
flannel-cladpika · 2 months
Hawks x F!Reader - Better Late Than Never
A/N: I kept imagining what he'd be like as a dad, and what he'd go through after finding out that he is one.
TW: Slight Angst, Suggestive Themes, Fluff
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It had just been a drunken one night stand.
You'd been pretty tipsy at the bar, trying to get over your long-term boyfriend-turned-ex who cheated on you.
The next thing you knew, you were kissing an equally drunk, very handsome blonde with red wings, and dragging him out of the bar and into your bed.
You awoke the next morning alone, with an ache in your back and a killer hangover.
It wasn't until you missed your next period that you realized what you'd done.
And that was how you got your little buddle of joy, Sen.
You tried to find the guy who'd turned you into a single mom, but you couldn't remember his name. You were pretty sure he'd used a fake name anyway, since it sounded like the name of a bird. Heron? Eagle? You couldn't quite remember.
Your family pestered you with questions about who the father was, but were ultimately supportive of your choice to keep the baby. You got a place not far from your parents, who helped you with raising your daughter and were there to give you advice and support when you needed it.
Your little Sen looked just like her father, golden hair and daffodil eyes with a smile that could melt even the iciest of hearts.
Eventually, you caught sight of him on the news one night after putting your 3 year-old to bed. He was saving hostages from a bank hold-up, his red wings spread wide as he used his feathers to get people out of the building.
Turned out; the father of your child was the freaking number two hero of Japan.
Your first instinct was to freak out. What if paparazzi found out about your daughter? After all, she was clearly her father's child. What if villains targeted her for being related to him? What if-
But then you did some digging into the winged hero and found out he operated mostly in Fukuoka, which was a relief, because you lived 10 hours away in Okayama. Well, it was 3 hours by air (you checked flights to see how far he would've had to fly), so Hawks must have just stopped over for a night of letting loose to get away from his hero life that night.
After that, you just went about your days like normal. You never tried to contact the pro-hero, nor did you ever tell your daughter. She didn't need to know that her father was someone who she'd never be able to meet. Nor did she need to know that he had no idea that she even existed.
"Mama! Ice-cream!" your small daughter exclaimed excitedly as she held onto your hand, pointing towards an ice-cream stall.
You smile down at your blonde 4 year-old and chuckle softly, watching as her little red tufts of feathers wiggle excitedly.
You were visiting your brother in Tokyo and had brought your little one to see the sights and her uncle, whom she hadn't seen since New Years.
A lot had happened in the hero world, what with a major battle against a villain organization that had proved fatal for some pro-heroes. You had silently hoped that Hawks wasn't one of them, and when his name wasn't on the list of the deceased, you breathed a small sigh of relief.
You pick up your little golden-haired child and held her in your arms as you kissed her nose playfully.
"Sure, sweetheart~. How about we get some ice-cream and then go to the playground?" you offer, smiling as you hear your daughter giggle happily.
"Okay!" she replies, smiling brightly.
You walk up and get a small dish of ice-cream for your daughter and a medium for yourself, handing the smaller one to your child who is still in your arms.
"Here you go, sweetie"
As your daughter is about to take a lick of her frozen dessert, you stop her.
"Sen, what do we say to the nice man who just gave us ice-cream?" you prompt, waiting for her to say it.
The little girl turns towards the teenager behind the stall, and smiles.
"Thank you, mister!" she says, beaming.
The young man smiles at the sight, clearly endeared by the adorable small child.
"You're welcome" he says as the two of you walk away towards the park.
She gobbles down her ice-cream in the blink of an eye, throwing away her container and rushing over to the playground to walk up the steps and go down the slide as you watch from the nearby bench and finish your own frozen treat.
Suddenly, Sen loses her footing, and your world seems to go in slow-motion.
As she starts to fall off the play structure, you run to save her, your feet carrying you faster than they ever have before, your arms outstretched, prepared to catch your child.
But someone else gets there before you do.
"Woah there little bird! Careful now. Don't want you getting hurt, now.~" says a smooth, masculine voice.
You look up to see a familiar hero holding your daughter aloft, having caught her mid-fall in his arms.
The little girl looks at the citrine-haired man with wide eyes, amazement and wonder in her expression.
"Angel?" she asks, looking at his sparsely feathered wings, trying to reach for his feathers.
The blonde male chuckles as he looks down at the child with a bright television-worthy smile.
He pauses as he notices her saffron hair and amber eyes.
Your eyes widen as you rush forward and take your child from his arms, watching as her crimson baby feathers ruffle as she sneezes.
The man's eyes widen as he sees you and looks down at the child in your arms that resembles him so much, slowly piecing things together as he steps back.
You back up, holding your daughter close.
"Mama, you're squishing me!" she giggles, not sensing the change in atmosphere.
Her voice jolts you out of your trance and you look down at your child in your arms, checking her for injuries.
"Sorry, honeybee. Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" you ask, checking her over.
The little one in your arms shook her head.
"Nuh-uh. The angel saved me from getting hurt!" she said, smile on her face as she looked over at the blonde man.
You look over at him and awkwardly bow.
"T-Thank you, sir. We should be going-" you begin, about to step away before he steps closer, his hand outstretched, but not reaching you.
"Hang on. You...we... is she..?" he started, clearly trying to find the words for this situation.
You hold your daughter away from him and step back.
"N-No...she's not" you respond unconvincingly, not able to look him in the eye.
The blonde scoffs. "Really? Cause she sure looks a lot like me. Practically a carbon copy."
You glare at him holding her close as you set down at the young girl.
"Sen, sweetie, why don't you go play in the sandbox over there while mama thanks this nice man?" you say softly.
The small child nods happily and runs off towards the nearby sandbox where you could keep an eye on her. You then sit down on the bench from before and pat the spot next to you as you look at the man you'd dreaded meeting.
"Well?" you ask, raising a brow with an unenthusiastic expression.
He took a seat next to you, rubbing his face as he groaned.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, looking at the ground.
You scoff mirthlessly. "And how would I have done that? Not like you left a name or number to contact you." you respond a bit bitterly.
The man winces slightly. "Yeah, that was kind of a dick move on my part. But I'm sure you know who I am. You could've come to my agency, or something."
You roll your eyes. "And what would I have said? 'Oh hey, one of the top heroes knocked me up in a one-night stand, let me see him'? Yeah, I'm sure THAT would've gone well."
Hawks sighs as he runs a hand over his face.
"You're not wrong... but still, you could've called my agent or... something. Anything to let me know."
You rub your temple as you let out a sigh. "And what could you have done? You're a top hero, and have a reputation to uphold. You have a lot of female fans that like you because you're hot and single and they can dream of dating you. We would've hurt your image."
The man groaned as he put his head in his hands. "I hate that you're right...goddammit..."
You give him a sympathetic smile as you pat his back reassuringly.
"Hey...it's ok. You can walk away. I wouldn't even blame you. I don't expect you to suddenly become a father, especially after everything you've had to go through recently. I promise I won't ask for money or tell anyone."
The topaz-eyed hero looked up at you, before looking up and glancing at his daughter playing in the sandbox, her tiny wings spread out as she pretended she was digging for buried treasure. A small smile crept up his face as he watched her.
"Nah. I think she might be exactly what I need right now. Hell, I bet the media would be happy to see me playing the doting father role." he half chuckled.
You narrowed your eyes as you grasped his chin and made him look at you, your voice drenched in venom and warning.
"My daughter is not a prop for you to use to increase your popularity, Hawks. Whether you're her biological father or not."
The hero's eyes widened at your tone and raised his hands in surrender with a smile.
"Hey now, I was just kidding! I would never do such a thing to my own kid."
You continued to glare at him as you released him and looked back at your child with a softer expression.
"She's a wonderful girl, you know. She's so curious and adventurous." you say gently.
The man looked back at his child and smiled. "She seems like it. And if you'd let me, I'd like to be there for those adventures."
You glance his way as you chuckle softly. "Maybe. I'll give you a 2 month trial. Then we'll talk."
Hawks smirked as you looked your way.
A/N: Not sure if I love this one, but I might edit it later
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peachsukii · 7 months
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Burn Out
『♡』  pro-hero fem!reader  x pro-hero bakugo ╰➤ ꒰ pro-hero au | engaged | aged to 23 | bakugo POV! ꒱ -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist 
summary: Japan’s #4 Hero, Dynamight, is holding (forced by his agency) a meet and greet with fans - for the fifth time this year - by popular demand. The only difference? It’s three hours longer than the previous four. tags & warnings: fluff, soft bakugo, pro-hero bakugo, reader has a quirk & is also a pro hero, reader & bakugo are engaged! a/n: i thought the idea of reader waiting in line every time he has a meet and greet was such a cute gesture and relaxes him when he’s overwhelmed by fans :) ꒰ Ao3 version | word count; 1,300 ꒱
“I really gotta do this shit for 4 hours?!”
“Sorry, Dynamight. It’s standard hours for meet and greets, plus you get the exposure to retain popularity amongst the public.”
God, what a fuckin’ joke.
How the hell does Deku do this all the time? I’m not a people person, end of story. I’ll sign shit and let them sell it, but actually meeting people? My goddamn nightmare. Especially the damn fan girls, they’re rabid fuckin’ animals. I hate when people only see me a piece of goddamn meat and not a top rated hero.
“Why are you still here?” This agency lady is really pissin’ me off. What the hell else does she want from me?
“Just going over the logistics. You’ll be hosting at a store in Shibuya Crossing from 1PM to 5PM tomorrow. You’ll be doing signatures on pre-approved official photos. We’ll meet at the agency at noon and you’ll get suited up.”
I hate these stupid publicity pricks.
“Can’t I just sign ‘em and you sell ‘em? I really gotta do it in person?”
“No can do, you know the process by now. The hours are just extended to allow as many fans access as we can.”
Why the fuck do fans need “access” to me? They don’t. I’ve got better shit to do.
“Whatever. See ya tomorrow.”
It’s almost 1PM and I’m already fuckin’ over being here. Nonstop “do this, not that,” “don’t take too long,” “don’t accept large gifts,” blah blah blah. It’s a damn signing, not a conference, I shouldn’t need to follow some stupid rule book.
“Before settling in for a grueling four goddamn hours, I gotta call my fiancé.”
“Make it fast, you’re set to start in 15.”
Was it an excuse to talk to her? Hell yeah it was. I didn’t need to call her for shit, I needed to get the hell away from that agency lady before I said shit I can’t take back.
Really wish she could sit here with me instead of with the agent with stick up her ass.
[y/n] Hey babe, what’s up? I thought your meet and greet was happening now? [Bakugo] Yeah, in 15 minutes. I needed to step out before I sit here for four fuckin’ hours. What are you up to? Sounds like you’re outside or somethin’. [y/n] Nothing really, grocery shopping and boring stuff. Are you nervous? [Bakugo] Me, nervous? Fuck no. I just don’t wanna be here for that long. It’s exhausting. [y/n] I don’t blame you, the last few were much shorter. Do you need me to bring you anything? [Bakugo] Even if you did, I don’t think they’d let me take it from ya. [y/n] That’s so annoying. It’s not like I’m a stranger. [Bakugo] Y’would think so. Fu-dammit, sorry baby, but I gotta cut ya short. This agency bitch has been breathin’ down my neck all week. [y/n] It’s alright. Make sure those fan girls don’t take all of you, I still want my share of the number 4 hero! [Bakugo] Hah, y’know you’re the only one who gets that. I’ll talk to you later baby, love you. [y/n] Love you too, good luck!
I. Am. So. Fucking. Tired.
If I hear another person screech over me just looking at them? I’m gonna lose my damn mind - and it’s only 2:30PM.
“Dynamight! You’re my favorite hero, thank you for signing this!”
At least most of the kids that showed up weren’t loud and annoyin’ brats.
“Thanks, appreciate th’ support.”
I’ve signed my name so many damn times that it’s starting to look like gibberish. They wouldn’t even let me use a stamp or some shit like that. Y’think that would appeal to their “access” plan if more people could come and go if it meant signing this shit faster.
Fifteen. More. Minutes.
Exhausted is a goddamn understatement. I don’t wanna talk to anyone for the next 24 hours when this is over.
I’m grabbing the next poster from the agent, tunnel visioned on gettin’ the fuck outta here, when a familiar voice catches my attention.
“Hiya Dynamight!”
I can’t help but laugh. Did she really stand in line this whole time?
“The hell you doin’ here?”
She’s dressed head to toe in my merch - sweatshirt from the winter line, joggers from the athletic set, even her damn shoes are the limited release sneakers from the crossover line with Deku.
“Just supporting my favorite hero. I’d love if you could personalize my poster.”
God, I love this woman.
“Hah, y’got it.”
To my favorite hero, y/h/n, my shining star - love, dynamight
I slide it over the table to her and the look on her face is priceless. Her smile never fails to brighten my day, no matter how shitty it is. Really feels like no one else is here but her in the moment.
“This’ll be worth at least $50 online. Thanks!”
“Hey! That’s special, idiot.”
“I’m kidding, Ka-Dynamight.”
“Did ya wait in line this whole time?”
“I did! I wasn’t shopping earlier, I was in line for you. I wanted to support my soon-to-be husband.”
The high school girl behind her makes a face when she says “husband.” It’s not like our engagement is a damn secret. Can’t help but shoot her a dirty look, hoping she gets the “fuck off” memo.
“Dynamight, 5 minutes until we wrap.”
“Back off! It’s my damn fiancé. I’ll take as long as I want.”
All I wanna do is jump over this table, throw her over my shoulder and blast our way home. Dive onto the couch, crammed together against the cushions and pass the fuck out to the sound of TV static.
“It’s okay, I’ll let you go.”
She leans over the table to whisper, “I’ll see you at home, baby. Love you!”
I don’t really care who hears. I shouldn’t have to fuckin’ whisper to my soon-to-be wife in public.
“Love you too. Thanks, sweets. You’re the best.”
Fuck, her ass looks damn good in those joggers. I’ll never get tired of watching her walk away. The way she sways her hips when she walks is dangerous game for me.
“Alright, Dynamight. Last one.”
Thank fucking god.
“Hey, thanks for-”
“Was that your fiancé?”
These damn high school girls are such a pain in the ass.
“…yes. What of it?”
“Isn’t she, like, number 42 or something super low ranked?”
Not fallin’ for whatever shit she’s trying to pull. I sign the poster and slide it over to her, hoping she shuts the hell up and leaves.
“What, I can’t get a personalized photo like her?”
Well, she asked for it.
“Fine, give it back.”
number 42 and still better than you. fuck you - dynamight
I shove the poster back to her roughly on purpose, crinkling the edge against her stupid long claws-for-nails that were tapping impatiently on the table.
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Learn some damn manners.”
I don't feel any remorse as the stupid agent starts scolding me for "mistreating fans." The brat had it comin', what can I say?
"I'm outta here. Later."
"Wait, Dynamight, you need to -"
"No, I don't. Not my problem. I'm done."
Finally, home sweet home. "Hey baby, I'm home."
"Hey Kats! Made you some early dinner on the stove and the blanket is nice and toasty for you."
When did she even have time to do that? It's only been 45 minutes.
"Damn, what are ya, superwoman?"
"Hah, I wish. Have you checked your phone yet?"
"...No, why?"
She laughs. "#dynamight is trending again. Somethin' about you signing 'fuck off' on a fan's poster?"
"Yeah, well I -"
"Fuck her, she's lucky I didn't smack her upside the head."
And that's why I'm marrying her.
Just a cute little "Bakugo hates people" fluff lol
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actuallysaiyan · 30 days
🫣🫣🫣 4 with Hawks pls
warnings: alcohol, smut, suggestive themes, unprotected sex
my first time writing Hawks, please be gentle
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He’s not your usual pick for lovers. For a pro hero, he seems to be so extravagant and flippant as well. It excites you in ways you can’t even quite explain. You know you should be more careful and more responsible, but the more you hang out with Hawks, the more you want to lose yourself to his exciting life.
He spends his time signing autographs and flirting with the ladies. You can’t say he’s not a strong hero, because he very much is. But he really does seem like he enjoys the popularity more than most. And you find yourself being dragged into his crazy life the more you two partner up to stop crime and go on patrols.
“Drinks after this?” he asks you, winking.
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“Excuse me?” You want to make sure you actually heard him correctly.
“You heard me. Me and you, drinks after this patrol.”
You finally decide to humor him and you accept the invite for drinks. After your patrol is done, you two go your own way to get dressed into something a little more casual. He meets you at this little dive bar in town and you find yourself growing even more attracted to him the more you two spend time together.
It’s on your third drink that he decides to lean in and whisper something flirty in your ear. You giggle at the way his warm breath tickles your skin. It must be the alcohol, but the way he’s rubbing your thigh makes you feel butterflies in your tummy. You keep leaning in, wanting to hear those dumb cheesy pick up lines.
By your fifth drink, you have to lean on Hawks to walk. He hails down a cab, not trusting himself to be able to fly you both back to his place. The entire ride to his apartment, Keigo is all over you. His hands on your thighs, rubbing up and down and discreetly bumping up against your most sensitive parts.
The minute he has you on his bed, he’s stripping you of your clothes. Your heart races at the pace Keigo is taking everything. He has your mind spinning and you know it’s no longer because of the alcohol. His hands are all over your body, caressing you and kneading tender flesh.
“I’m going to fucking wreck you,”
You feel like your heart leaps into your throat when you hear this. His eyes have such a deep, dark look of lust in them. He kisses you fiercely before spreading your legs. You watch as he uses the tip of his cock to gather up your juices before he slides into you. With that first move, he’s balls deep inside of you. His thumb rubs your clit, making you cling to the bedsheets under you.
“Just hold on, baby. You’ve seen nothing yet.”
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dividers: @adornedwithlight
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vyxensworld · 9 months
Villain: *on the phone* Pro Hero Deku?
P.H. Deku: Uh yeah? Who’s this?
Villain: I’ve got your husband and-
P.H. Deku: Oh, well good luck.
Villain: What?
P.H. Deku: I said good luck. You’re going to need it in 5, 4, 3, 2, …1
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simpee9000 · 23 days
Not Just Friends - 10 -
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M.List : Prologue : Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Part 8 : Part 9 : Words 3.1k
Childhood best friends turned into something more, at least with the label. Katsuki Bakugo, a fast-rising hero and fast-learning guy who is ever so slow in getting attached to and loving someone. Even three long years into a relationship, and your friends even forget you're even dating. Nothing happening, spare a few kisses.. like 3 kisses, during high school. Graduated and living together, and you guys have done absolutely nothing to further the relationship. Are you sure you're not just friends? Also not edited!! CW: Smut, brief domestic violence discussion, virginity loss, aggressive flirting from creeps, gore with pro hero stuff (lmk if i missed any) Applies to all chapters regardless of it is in said chapter.
It was a turn back to normal after the long conversation between the two of you. Tears sliding down your faces, majority yours but you saw a couple fall from his. It was a necessary conversation. He opened up about his quirk and apologized for ditching you. You apologize for the same.
Easily enough, the two of you moved on from it quickly. Talking about the past two months when all the overwhelming emotions passed. You blabbed about how many new offers you were getting and he talked about how he was hiring more and more people to his agency.
Despite not being able to ignore the last two months, it was easy to move past.
Growing past it within the night, having everything off your chest. It still didn't make things go back to normal.
You continued to share a bed, but changed your schedules around again to see more of each other. Flipping back into your old routine as much as possible. Not without a few changes though. Lunches would only be once a week rather than daily, and you'd be working for another hour or two after he got home. Since you wanted to sleep in still.
But it still improved your relationship again. Building it back up slowly. You were able to eat a late dinner together each night and share an off day. Sharing your off day made it easier for you anyway. After the break-in it was hard to be home without him, so the last two months were rough. Your therapist said you were doing great though, so that helped.
The first days of going back to normal was rough, having to adjust to seeing each other daily again. Conversations between the two of you felt awkward, mainly on your side. You grew so much in those two months, no longer relying on him. It shifted the dynamic.
"Y'good?" Katsuki's gruff voice broke your train of thought. Your eyes flickered up to him.
"Been fuckin' playin' with your food," he points his fork at your plate, "Don't like it or some shit?"
"No, I like it," you looked back down. It was definitely not your favorite meal he made, but it was good.
His silverware claddered roughly against his plate, his arms crossing, "The fuck has been wrong with you?"
"Do you have to swear with every sentence?" you avoided, taking a bite of your food instead.
You could feel him roll his eyes along with his heavy sigh, "You've been off since."
"A relationship doesn't heal just like that," you pointed out.
"Will you look at me?" he asked annoyed. A glance up at his expression made you cut your attitude. He was trying, that much was obvious. And after all your talk of communication, you were doing nothing.
"Sorry," you set your fork down, engaging in the conversation, "I'm just lost? I guess. Hard to place it. I've changed a lot in the past two months-"
You glared at him for interrupting you. "I've stopped prioritizing you. I'm more focused on myself now. It's hard to go back to normal when the 'normal,' was me running circles around you."
He shuffled in his seat, "That's fine. I'm glad you've moved on in that sense, done you good."
"You're not worried how it'll change us?" you asked softly, it's been all you were thinking of for the past few weeks.
"I'm always fuckin' worried," he admitted, eyes drifting to look at the wall instead of you, "But we'll work it out."
You were glad he still viewed the two of you as a 'we,' heart melting slightly as you reached your hand across the table. "I'm not going to tip-toe around you anymore, Kats."
"Good," he gruffed out, uncrossing his arms and grabbing onto your hand. Changing his focus onto that, "I don't want you to."
"Good," you agreed, smiling at how he let his thumb trace over your knuckles.
"You, um," he fumbled for a minute, eyebrows furrowing, "You're still okay with us not doing shit right?"
"I'd never push that," you confirmed, shocked he even thought you would complain about that.
"Don't get me wrong, I would, just-" he pulled his hands back wiping them on his pants before running them down his face, "my dumb fuckin' quirk."
"You love your quirk," you pointed out.
"Yeah and I'd fuckin' love to touch my girlfriend but no, I gotta be a horny virgin 'cause of it," he groaned, crossing his arms again.
Stifling a laugh was difficult, but you managed, "Maybe we can just work up to it? Get you used to the baseline first before, that."
His quirk went off suddenly, "Can't even fuckin' think of it," he groaned, standing up to go wash his hands off.
"It's cute." You followed behind him to place dishes in the skin, having cleared your plates a while ago.
"Fuck you."
"Hey," you laughed, "At least you can tell Denki and Sero that you beat them at No Nut November. And have for the past 19 years."
He shot you a glare from the sink, "The one challenge I wouldn't want to beat, great."
"It's what makes you number one to me, baby," you teased, kissing his shoulder as you moved past him, wanting to pester him while the mood was light and he was already flustered. It was nice how easy it was to move past something with him. But you wanted to test how much he'd react to you not tiptoeing around him anymore.
With success, his quirk popped off again.
"Fuck off."
You let out a crackle of laughter, "You're too easy."
He finally stopped washing his hands, turning to dry them off. You watched from the counter, plotting. "Your back looks nice," you commented, his muscles have been more defined lately and you only got to appreciate it now. His tank top showcases his shoulders nicely.
He froze for a moment, side-eyeing you. "Do you want to get blown up or something?"
"No, do you want to get blown?" you asked back, letting Denki's crude humor influence you.
Like a charm, his quirk sparked off. "Quit it."
"Nah, it's too much fun," you smiled at him, kicking off the counter you were leaning on and moving to leave the kitchen. Hand squeezing his bicep when you walked by.
He didn't let you get even a step away before he grabbed your hand and pulled you into him. His hands grabbing at your hips and moving to push you into the counter. "Where do y'think you're goin'?" he smirked down at you.
Your face bloomed a deep shade, blushing harshly at how close he was. He hasn't been that close since you argued two months ago.
"Nothin' to say?"
You blinked up at him, trying to steady the rapid beating of your heart with the way he was tracing circles onto your hips.
"Might like you but that doesn't mean I'll let you say shit and get away with it," he crowded you closer to the counter.
"What happened to your quirk?" you whispered, losing your voice at the proximity.
"You offered to work up to it, right?" he brushed his hands clean on his shirt briefly before going back to your hips.
"Yeah," you looked down at his hands, trying to make sure the watch was off.
"It's off," he confirmed, twisting his wrist so you could see. When you looked back up at him, he held his gaze deeply, "What happened to that smart mouth?"
"Want me to show you?" you placed your hands on his chest, running over the span of his shoulders. Your body was on fire, the two of you flirted, sure, but this was different. His quirk was fully there. He was fully there.
His eyes lidded slightly, zeroing in his focus on your lips, "Fuck yeah I do."
Your lips closed the gap between the two of you. It wasn't as soft and nervous as all the past kisses, it was something you just threw yourself in. Stomach crazy with butterflies as your mind started buzzing. His hands tightened their grip on your hips as he stepped even closer to you.
Bodies curled into each other to get closer. Your hands digging into the hair at the base of his neck as you deepened the kiss. Full of passion and sexual tension. There was hardly any innocence to the kiss, and if there was, it faded within seconds.
A sigh of relief falling from your lips when his hands slipped under your shirt, brushing over your skin roughly. Fingers being callused and dry from work.
As soon as his hands met your skin he pulled away frantically. Pulling his body from yours completely before his quirk started popping off.
"Fuck me," he groaned in frustration, grabbing a dish towel and wiping his hands off.
"I wish I could," you teased.
He shot you a glare, blush flaring all over his face and coating his neck with a red. "Stop," he grumbled.
"Stop what?"
"Stop looking at me like that," he shied away, washing his hands in water for a moment.
You paused for a moment, considering how you looked. With how flushed his face was you could tell you were no better. Lips plumped and freshly kissed red as your shirt was ruffled up from his hands as you leaned back into the counter. "Why would I? You clearly like what you see?"
The confidence within you came from nowhere. There has been sexual tension between the two of you before, many times before. Even before he had the watch. But normally you had to be drunk as hell to make such obvious jokes towards him, especially ones about sex. Maybe it was the fact that it was on the table, when before it wasn't. You knew he wanted it as much as you did.
"Fuck off," he grumbled.
"Come on, Kats," you pushed your luck.
"I love you, but please stop whatever the fuck you're doing before we need a new apartment," he spoke without thought, freezing the second he realized what he said.
You barked out a laugh, he spoke so plainly. You didn't want him to get wrapped up in his head, so you ignored the rushing butterflies over his admissions. "Fine, fine," you gave in, smiling happily at him, "Hug?"
He looked at you, untrusting of you before he opened his arms, gesturing you near.
Taking the moment, you threw yourself in his arms. Wrapping your arms around his waist he pulled you in fully. Letting you rest your head on his chest as he rested his on yours.
Everything felt secure in your relationship, you'd move one step at a time together. With a lot of teasing between, but that was common between you and him, despite the lack of it lately.
"I love you too, by the way," you mumbled into his chest, having a happy feeling travel through your body at the small number of times he's actually said it.
"I know."
You moved slightly to look up at him, his eyes fell on yours before you spoke, "Are you hard?"
He glared sharply, embarrassment covering his features as you felt him grow hot. You were going to ignore the feeling of him pressing into your lower stomach, but decided you wanted the chance to rub it in his face that you have the upper hand here. He tried to pull away, only for you to keep your grip.
"Stop," he warned, his hands raised away from you.
"It's only a little spark, Kats," you tried to comfort.
With a roll of his eyes he smiled evilly down at you, "You asked for it," before you could protest, he wiped his sweaty hands on your face before rubbing the rest of it off on your sweater, down your chest.
"Katsuki! That's gross," you pulled away from him, using your sleeve to wipe away the damp residue of his sweat off your cheek before you pulled the bottom of your shirt out, seeing if he got sweat marks on it. "You just used that as an excuse to touch my tits," you glared at him, seeing the faint marks of his handprint on your shirt, right over your tits. It surprised you that he sweat enough to leave a mark.
He laughed sharply, walking out of the kitchen, "Got no proof, Brains."
"I literally have the proof of your hands on my tits," you called out to him.
He looked over you, "How do I know those are mine?"
"Really? Cause I'd let a random guy grope me and he'd be sweaty enough to leave a mark like you do," you snarked.
"No way to know," he shrugged.
"You're such an ass," you groaned.
His phone buzzing loudly cut off his laughter.
"This late?" you asked as you eyed his work phone.
"It's PR," he said as he furrowed his brows, answering the phone, "Dynamight."
You heard mumbling for a moment before he huffed and put his phone on speaker. "Can she hear me now?" the lady's voice rang through, the same manager you've spoken with before.
"Hello," you answered for him, "What can I do?"
"You've done quite enough," she spoke abruptly. It took a lot to get her mad, so to have pissed her off five words was a record. "People are spreading pictures of you crying in the middle of the street."
Katsuki's eyes shot to you, concerned.
"They also claim to of heard you talking to Deku, saying you said his name several times."
His concerned look turned to a glare quickly.
"I can explain that," you said quickly before Katsuki added his two cents, "I was having a rough time and decided to call a friend, simple."
She laughed, "It's not the simple. It was the night of your party. And with the lack of social outings between Dynamight and you, people are saying the two of you broken up."
"Why does this matter?" you asked annoyed. It was still a sore subject.
"It matters because bad things are being said about the two of you. It's not just Dynamight's image anymore, but yours too. They're saying he's abusive while also saying that you're sleeping your way to the top."
You've heard that said too many times to count. Both things. So filled with anger, you grabbed the phone from Katsuki's hand and hung up.
"The fuck?"
"I don't know! I'm annoyed," you huffed, tossing his phone onto the couch before pacing, "I'm sick of people talking."
"I get it's annoying but you're gonna hear it-"
"Not helping," you glared at him.
"PR helps get them to knock it off," he pushed.
"She hardly says anything but the obvious," you rolled your eyes, "We can just post a picture of us or something."
"How does that prove I don't hit you?"
You paused your pacing, "Under a truth quirk I said the worst thing about you was your socks. I think if you abused me I would have said that."
He gave up his fight with a shrug, moving to sit on the couch instead.
"Don't get me wrong, it pisses me off that they say that. There is just no way to prove otherwise. Nothing is ever enough for them," you corrected, not wanting him to get the idea that you were only concerned for yourself.
"If you think that, why are you so pissed right now?" he crossed his arms.
You shook your eyes off the flex of his arms, throwing your hands up in frustration, "Because everyone says that, I hate hearing it."
"What do you mean?"
"Everyone thinks you hit me or some bullshit," you huff.
"Like people that don't know you," you changed, "you're a softy and they ignore it.
"Who you callin soft?" he sat up straight.
You smiled at him, "Kats, you can't even look mad at me."
He glared at you, eyebrows being the only thing supporting it. His eyes were soft. "Die."
"Let's just forget about it," you sighed, not wanting to talk about the press or your relationship. Nothing stressful.
"Why were you even cryin' to Deku?"
"You," you admitted shamefully, looking away. Talking about this would be stressful.
When he said nothing, you turned back to him. He was staring out the window. The view was filled with city lights.
"I only called him 'cause I couldn't call you," you comforted, stepping closer to him.
"Could always call me," he spoke softly.
"Kats," at this point you were standing right in front of him
You swallowed quickly, "We don't need to do everything together."
He took a deep breath, "I know, just want you to know you can call me, no matter what."
"I already know that," you smiled fondly at him. It was one of the best things about him. No matter how mad he was at a friend or family, he would never ignore them if they needed anything, even a random call. He might ignore a stupid text, but he never missed a call from someone close to him.
"Maybe," he looked up at you, "We don't do anything publically? If they think I'm dating you then good, if they think I'm not, I don't care."
"If you want," he shrugged.
"You don't mind?" you step closer to him, him making space for you by manspreading further.
"Not really, just don't go making 'em think you're dating that damn nerd."
"Want somethin'?" he looked at you with a brow up. His eyes flickering from your chest to your face.
"Seems like you do," you smiled, inviting yourself more into his personal space by straddling him, both knees by his side.
"What are you doing?" his hands were pushed outwards, far from you.
"It's fine," you hushed him, sitting your weight on his lap.
"We didn't even do this stuff with the watch," he hissed at you, face flushed.
"Yes we did," you looked at him confused, "I made you cum y-"
"Shut it," he huffed, hands popping with the sound of his quirk, "Get off."
"Look, if you really want to, I will, but I don't think you want me to," you didn't want to force him into anything.
"What even put you in this mood?" he glared at you.
"You looked at my tits," you shrugged.
"Cause you still have my handprint on em," he smirked proudly.
You looked down at them quickly, "Bakugo."
"What? It's how it should be."
"Will it stain?"
"I hate you," you glared at him.
"Sure, cause one glance at your tits makes you wanna jump me, cause you hate me," he was too cocky.
"Shut up you can hardly kiss me without losing your mind," you fought back.
"Kissed ya earlier didn't I?"
"Barely, come on, kiss me like a man-"
Forgetting his prior reluctance, he pulled you into him. Connecting your lips in a messy kiss as his hand held you to him by the back of your neck. Slowly losing its grip before sliding down to your waist. Losing himself into the kiss just as you were.
You were shocked he was even kissing you, cherishing the win regardless. Moving more onto him. Wrapping your arms around him, scratching at his scalp as you pulled on his hair.
The groan that left his lips encouraged you to push down more in his lap, wanting something more. You could never get enough of him. Anything he'd give, you'd take.
A rough push of yourself onto him caused his quirk to go off, not just a small spark either.
It singed your top, burning your skin.
You jumped off his lap once he let go, holding your sides.
His hand was placed right over your old scar.
Posted late cause I forgot to finish the chapter, and the tag list is being a bitch rn. (phone is glitching and laptop is weird) if it's fucked up mb.
-Next Part-
In them m.list of this fic comment if you want to be added into a tag list <3
@supersecretsamm @maeveorsomethinggg @zoast32 @54fangirl @ellielover69 @aomi04 @mithicakurogo @ez4raa @suki0 @wildernessflora @dumbbitchenergy17 @schniti-is-in-the-house @xbieditz @poemzcheng @jaxyy219 @truwaifu @111june111 @eyesforbkg @mushroomsneedystuff @kazuumii @keiva1000 @atashiboba @ofcqdesi @americasass1942 @kaboomkayla @ilovedenk-i @iamyoursonly @albakugo @fairiesgloss @limitedstar @i-bitch-you-bitch @drageonix24 @sinyaaa @oddball08 @imsuperawkward @lomlchi @anime-manga-fanatic @irlpadfoot @chocoyanchan @gollumsmygel @yuptha-tsme @icedemon1314 @alstrums @andysdrafts @your-mum3000
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edensfixations · 3 months
hehe imagine if Deku had a twin sibling who was a big Hawks fan (but is more low-key about it) and coincidentally had a recessive quirk that gave them 2 pairs of retractable wings
AHH i LOVE these platonic au's!
we're going bullet point form!
• izuku has a twin sister? 🤨 her name? isaki!!
• isaki, just like her brother, doesn't hold much height! she's around 5 feet tall, very defensive about it! she's got the same green curly hair but longer! she has freakles and glasses (courtesy of her reading late at night in the dark and unlucky genetics.)
• anyway, contrary to her brother, she has a quirk. she got it when she was five and absolutely went batshit crazy when feathers sprouted out of her back a random saturday morning. she ran straight to izuku and he was no help whatsoever. he screamed louder than her!
• over the years her quirk has grown and developed! for a bit she ended up randomly floating causing a massive panic to her mother and amusement from her brother. her wings had grown into large black wings that resembles a crows.
• she's gained many nicknames from people. from her mother, dove. from her brother, saki and raven! katsuki however calls her shadow for an array of unfortunate reasons but at least she doesn't get the same treatment as her brother!!
• when the midoriya twins turned 12 a new hero made his way onto the scene! an 18 year old with his own company??!?!? suddenly in the top 10 in only 6 months???? WHAT?!?
• hawks having an amazing reputation like this immediately after debuting had him have eyes on him constantly! and isaki wasn't any different!
• while her brother was OBSESSED with all might since they were kids, she had only idolised him a bit. he was 100% her biggest inspiration and thought only the most highly of him but she never wanted to be a hero until she saw hawks! I mean she practically bounced off the walls when she saw someone with a similar quirk!
• over the next 2 years she had slowly built a merch a collection, a pathetic one really because she mostly used her pocket money for food and books while her brother never really used his money for anything but all might!
•her merch collection includes a few posters, 3 hoodies, an action figure and a bobble head as well as some limited edition sneakers that she'll NEVER admit she qued overnight for.
• similar to her twin brother, she also keeps a little notebooks. she however keeps about 4? 2 for hawks and 2 for everyone else. after deciding she'd like to follow her quirkless brother and his deranged frenemy to ua, she starts assessing some of her favourite heroes, namely hawks and his techniques and how to utilise them.
• so from ages 13-15 you'll just see an isaki midoriya flying around in her backyard practicing moves she learnt from hawks via the internet.
• when izuku had started his 10 month intense training with a mystery man izuku hadn't told her about, she decided to start her own 10 month training. hers however contained a gym and her doing combat training with whoever was training there too and up for it! there she met tenya iida! story for another time.
• however, about 5 months into her training, she had particularly drained herself that day. because of this she was barely paying attention to her surroundings. it was quite a shock to her when she had been suddenly grabbed from the ground and sped off about a block away when where she once was!
• who was it? pro hero hawks of course! naturally, isaki was completely star struck. she could not BELIEVE who was standing in front of her right now!!! she was barely listening to him warning her to watch where she's walking so she doesn't get run over by a car (she walked into traffic, whoops!) she snapped out of trance when she heard him say, "nice wings, kid" before he was gone.
•isaki flew home and screamed into her pillow!!! she couldn't believe that happened! HE COMPLIMENTED HER WINGS!!!!!! she was so close to him! practically hugging him! (delusion)
• upon her screaming her mother and brother enter her room, curious, afraid and wanting answers.
• she looks up from her pillow, pink faced and hyperventilating, "HE SAID I HAVE NICE WINGS!!" her wings start fluttering creating a small breeze. it's a small habit she picked up from when she was little. her little family chuckled at her words. "Who??" "That guy from the gym??" "NO HAWKS. I CAN DIE HAPPY."
• isaki is now laying on the ground while her brothers jaw is slack and her mother leaves, giggling to herself.
• needless to say, she wore her hoodie and limited edition sneakers to bed that night.
(pls send requests I loved doing this so muchhhh!!)
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ayasuki · 10 months
6th Bakugou x Reader FANFIC RECS
some are short but they're good hehe (most of these are suggestive :P)
> • 𝑹𝒆𝒄 𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒕
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" Dream Eater " by justatypicaltrash
dream eater!bakugou x reader
warning: slight angst
bakugo is an eternal living dream eater.
" I Like You, Okay?! " by kikyo-bnha-imagines
bakugou x fem!reader
summary: katsuki struggles to confess to his crush.
" Workshopped Romance " by itsmm4hiii
pro-hero!bakugou x fem!reader
summary: working for a hero costume designer has its perks like; meeting heroes, playing with cool technologies, getting you're name out- y/n didn't  really expect her own boss will try and hook her up with a customer. 
" Blood Moonlit, Must be Counterfeit " by irisintheafterglow
pro-hero!bakugou x reader
warning: swearing ofc cuz it's bakugo, mentions of drinking and alcohol, halloween party, first meeting, emotionally constipated katsuki and reader is kinda oblivious lol
summary: a guy at a party has a really good dynamight costume, and you two get to talking about your favorite heroes.
WARNING | beneath the cut are slightly suggestive to full on smut fics
" no title " by moominsuki
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: ch. 359-362 spoilers kinda. a little suggestive but fluff all around
summary: katsuki hates being off the job. but what he hates more is being treated like glass, especially by you.
" as the years go by " by quitesins
pro-hero!bakugou x fem!reader
warning: suggestive, slight nsfw, friends to lovers, unrequited love ig? virgin!reader, drabble
summary: being friends with bakugou since UA, watching each other change as the years go by, but still having room to learn more, so much more.
" no title " by izvmimi
warning: palace drama au, multiple wives, fem!reader, brief explicit sex.
" One More Time " by yanderenightmare
warning: derogatory dirty talk, spanking, angsty but with a fluffy ending
" no title " by dreamland03
bakugou x reader
warning: mention of sex like once, drinking, mention of trauma, bad self image
" Come Sit " by saturnorbits
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: cock-warming
summary: after a long day, all you need is bakugo.
" Feral " by smiley-babe
wolfhybrid!bakugou x fem!reader
warnings: aged up characters, lowkey monster fucking (hybrid bakugo has wolf ears, a tail, and fangs), knotting, HUGE breeding kink, no specific dynamics, biting, small blood kink (if you squint), marking/ bonding, heat/ rut behavior, panty sniffing, kind of rough sex, oral (f receiving), and fingering
summary: taking in a wolf hybrid already didn’t seem like a good idea, but when spring hits… all hell breaks loose.
" Personal Trainer!BKG " by bakubunny
personal trainer!bakugou x plus size!fem!reader
warning: oral sex (m receiving), rough sex.
" On To Better Things " by savnofilter
prohero!dilf!bakugou x fem!reader
warning: angst, strangers to lovers
sfw | toxic & abusive relationship, toxic baby daddy, mentions postpartum, mental health, arguing, mentions of legal proceedings, counseling, drama, cultural family expectations, love bombing, manipulation, a man being a hypocrite, reader low-key needs a new circle of people around them but that's neither here nor there, reader loves their daughter to pieces </3, reader's daughter is a hand full but we stan!, reader spaces out a lot, "our kids are best friends but we never met before and so happen to be single" trope.
nsfw | fingering, cunnilingus, groping, praise kink, reader has multiple orgasms (2, hinted 4), reader is a bit shy as it's been awhile and feels nervous, vocal queen reader, clothed sex, protected sex, comforting!bakugo, non-established relationship.
" Swipe Right " by ryukatters
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: dubcon, quirkless/college! au, jealousy, possessiveness, breeding, creampie, unprotected sex, cum eating, cunnilingus, overstimulation, praise, biting, bkg gets a little rough with you, and bkg's also a fucking simp
summary: your boyfriend decides to make a fake tinder profile for you just to see how many matches you get. he comes to a realization just how many other people want what’s already his.
" no title " by katbakubae
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: language, dom!bakugou, possessiveness, jealousy, (mild) stalking, name calling, spanking, rough oral.
summary: sick of your boyfriends lack of time with you because of his busy schedule, you decided to take some time for yourself. unfortunately, letting that happen was never an option for him.
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lovelyiida · 2 years
mha marriage headcanons<3
INCLUDES: bakugo, iida, midoriya, denki, kirishima, sero
WARNINGS: implied fem reader, vulgar language, sexual themes.
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• the both of you always have hectic schedules...being pro heroes and all.
even when you guys are apart, you never shut up about each other. Especially bakugo whether that be interviews, events, etc. he's always about 'my wife my wife my wife.'
when both of you finally have time off, you need to be physically ripped off one another. hip to hip, chest to chest, lips to lips, you name it.
he loves it when he's finally able to relax from his hard days and come home and cuddle with his wife, he's not able to show his timid side all the time, he was so thankful for you.
you were the sun, moon, and stars for him. nothing you could do was bad in his eyes.
that's why if anyone ever talked shit about you, he'd lose his shit.
pull the "do you know who the fuck I am? Do you know who my wife is?"
he's just so happy to have you.
the. perfect. husband.
anything you want, you get.
hair? done. nails? did.
he feels bad that he's never really there due to him being the top pro hero. so he always makes sure you're taken care of.
multiple calls day and night, he loves to hear your voice...or moans.
loves to show you off when he can, usually at special events where he's able to bring a date.
"hey! have you met my wife? she's lovely isn't she?"
"yeah my wife and I have been married for three years now, she's the most perfect wife I could ever have!"
high school sweethearts, proposed at graduation.
had the biggest wedding out of everyone
values both of your privacy very deeply, one day he caught a peeping tom at your vacation villa. finding out that it was the paparazzi, he punched him square in the mouth.
wants kids, very, VERY, badly.
preferably 3 (2 boys and 1 girl).
if you ever were pregnant, he'd spoil you ROTTEN.
not one finger would be lifted.
sadly, Iida is the type to have favorites (he's a girl dad, no questions)
will do anything and everything for you, sometimes he does too much.
"I don't need your help, Iida"
"baby please."
he didn't love you at first...
forced into a quirk marriage, it was cold, quiet, and lonely.
things would be so awkward, laying in a bed with a stranger that you are miraculously married to.
he knew that you didn't want your marriage to turn out like this, not speaking to each other only when necessary, empty conversations, and no signs of love or adoration besides a hand held in public outings.
so he decided to get to know you.
sooner than later, your relationship began to blossom into a beautiful relationship. the both of you felt like teenagers falling in love, the bond you discovered was so deep and intimate, it was love at second sight.
he became absolutely smitten for you, so smitten, he decided he wanted to get re-married. and you gladly complied.
he cried seeing you walk down the aisle, he honestly cried the whole wedding. he was so thankful for a woman like you in his life.
beautiful marriage, a happy home , and way too many kids. six youngsters in total, 4 girls and 2 boys.
no one expected you to have so many kids, he just can't help to be all over your beautiful body.
from the loud tea partys with sharp plastic tiaras and itchy too-toos, to the late video game nights, he loves every moment with his children. and to top it off, he gets to kiss you goodnight.
even though you two have so many children, they have never been seen by the public. only photos of them when they were just born.
if he ever found out that his children were exposed to the media, he will go apeshit.
loves all of his kids, there are no favorites in this household.
but if he did have a favorite, it would be you.
also, high school sweethearts, split up before graduation but got back together two years later.
it took a couple of years before Denki popped the big question, he wanted to be sure about your relationship before he made such a big commitment.
the proposal was intimate and private, just like the wedding. only your and his closest friends and family could attend. he wanted to make sure things were absolutely perfect.
the both of you are the peoples' favorite couple, always seen on variety shows/competitions.
CANNOT keep his hands off of you, no matter where you are.
in private or in public, his hand would be on your lower back when standing, or when you'd be sitting next to him he would rest his head on top of yours whilst his hand caressing your thigh.
from someone who is known to be of higher energy, he loves that he's able to be his calmer self around you.
he just can't get enough of you.
the last to marry
he loves you SO MUCH
he also had a big wedding, but the honeymoon was amazing, so amazing, it became the reason why you had two beautiful children today.
while they may not be angels, they are yours.
sometimes sero and your little devils would play pranks on you, hearing their loud giggles and tiny footstep ran away from you, it was annoying but you loved it.
sometimes you would come home from a patrolling shift and see sero singing the kids to sleep as he softly strings at his guitar.
you think to yourself how you wouldn't have it any other way.
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hello guys!!! glad to be back for a little, I know I've been gone for a long time but I've been in school and it's currently beating my ass. hopefully I'll have more time to write soon.
also, like my new user and theme??
- lovleyiida<3
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