#god knows what. i dunno it feels not great
Logan x Reader pt.16
They say you write what you know so Y/N is having a lil bit of a tough time
There be a little bit of a time jump - nothing major but I haven't written for a week and a bit so it felt necessary
It may not be massively long but don't worry, Victor is in this one, how we feeling about his characteristics? I want him to be the same but different because this world doesn't hate mutants but I don't know if I'm just butchering the character
<<Part 15 Masterlist
“So I'm conclusion, Dave, I'm still not having a great time. I'm being supportive of Gambit and Laura because they want to go to the X-Mansion and it kills me that she stays the night. Yeah, she texts me, lets me know how things are and sends me photos but she is making connections with people that I knew! She is becoming a member of the family. I returned home and it wasn't home. She returned there and it is. And I know that's selfish and stupid and I sound horrid but I am jealous. Jealous of my own daughter, fucking hell. I'm embarrassed about that too! Having to hide it from the others. Wade's off with the Avengers badgering Thor, Elektra has Maria and Natalie - oh no, sorry Natasha, they sent an agent to spy on us, I bet you're one, and the agent became friends, it's.... Anyway. Blade gets up to god knows what. And I'm lying to Logan. He asks for updates and I say I'm fine and I am really, I dunno why I'm moaning. I dunno why I'm making a huge deal out of this. But I'm sad. There's not really a logical reason for me to be sad but I am. And I tell him I’ve gone for a jog or I began a new book when in reality I barely get out of bed to feed the pigeons on my fire escape.” You held your arms, hugging yourself. “I dunno, and I know you're going to say communication is key, talk to everyone, but I don't want them to know I'm sad because I'm always sad. I don't want to be sad any more. I'm bored of it. I'm always the one that's struggling or that needs support and they always provide it but it gets tiring after a while, repeating the same task over and over again."
Dave's eyes pierced yours. He stared directly through them and at your brain, trying to dissect your thoughts straight from the source.
He observed your body language, how frustrated you were at yourself, how tired your bones were.
“First of all: communication is key.” You groaned. “Second of all: there are valid reasons for your lapse. You entered a place where you had made a home, you visited members of your family and they did not recognise or acknowledge who they were to you because they do not know. They are unaware of your pain, unaware that you share this bond. It is natural to feel displaced, especially with the bombardment of memories that you experienced, to be there in the past vs the future is striking, is jarring. And to top that off some of your closest frie-family have decided to make themselves at home there. Yes, you are jealous but you are hurt. Hurt that they would dare to go where you cannot. And I haven't even brought up your parents, yet.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “Go ahead, why not?”
“Seeing your mother and father brings up your childhood trauma as well as feelings of neglect because she is doing well. She expressed pride when talking about mutants where your mother was scared. Was ashamed.”
You nod again, a lump in your throat preventing you from talking.
“And no it is not healthy to be lying to your partner. I'm sure he would not appreciate it and frankly I don't think he deserves to be lied to.
Fuck you.
“I guess it's just easier because it's texting.” You shrugged. “I couldn't lie to his face, not convincingly anyway. But he's found Victor and they seem to be getting along. I don't know why it was so important to find him. I don't think there was an actual reason to do so, I think it was the same reason I looked up my mom. I think he just needed to see his brother. Which I am not diminishing I just- I know it's important but I don't know why.. so I guess I'm confused about that, too?”
“You are feeling a lot of emotions.” He commented.
“Yeah,” your voice was an octave higher as you agreed. “I haven't felt like this in a long while.”
Dave's lip pulled in a half hearted smile and he began scratching down some notes. “Are you taking your meds?”
“I have been yes.” At your last session Dave had given you a prescription for some antidepressants. Well, no they were more like antianxieties but that didn't really roll off the tongue as well. You had seen Dave twice before this and, as everyone says, each time did get easier. He was still as curt as ever but you grew to appreciate that. No use in a therapist that coddled you.
“We may need to up them if you still feel like this in two months.”
“Two months?!”
“Medication takes its time to get into your system. The only pills that work instantaneously are placebos.”
Fair play.
“How's your sleep pattern?”
“Oh, did I tell you I found a coping mechanism?” He waved his hand for you to proceed. “At night when the nightmares come I do this-” you wrapped a field around yourself but this one was different. This field was stronger, was lighter, was flexible. Moulded to your very being. You had never been able to form anything like this before but one night in sheer terror you accidentally created it. It felt warm. Like a security blanket. “- and I don't feel as bad.”
“That's very good.” He smiled, his eyes scanning your body. “Is that new? The invisibility?”
“The what?” The field immediately fell.
“You were invisible.”
“I beg your finest pardon.”
“Y/N. You were invisible.” You weren't. You could see yourself when the field wrapped around your limbs, it was just the familiar purple hue around your body. “Did you not know?”
“I haven't been able to do that.” It sounded like a question. “I can see myself!"
"I couldn't."
"I have a new power? So I can heal and I can turn invisible? Wh-what else did Stark do to me?!”
“I'm sure Tony Stark didn't mean for this particular side effec-”
“Well, what side effects did he mean for?”
Dave didn't answer you, he let out a sigh and scribbled down on his paper.
Walking home was fine. You stopped off to grab some seeds - the pigeons liked peanuts the best but they ate anything so you might be wrong - and ended up back at your apartment block in no time.
In the elevator your thoughts were wild, bouncing off the box walls.
So invisibility was a thing.
You could be invisible.
That wasn't bad.
Okay it was odd.
Really weird.
When you got back you'd have to take a video to send to Logan.
But why could you see yourself?
You'd have to test it in front of a mirror.
The doors pulled open and you waddled down to your front door in no time, key in hand.
Unlocking the door, you pushed it and paused at the man standing inside. He was in your front room behind the sofa (more towards your kitchen) scanning the place.
Even from his side profile you knew it was Victor.
His head swivelled towards you and he gave you a smile, canines on full display.
“Victor.” Your eyes left him for barely a moment, frantically darting around to see where Logan was, before landing back on him.
Victor eyed you up and down. “You must be Y/N.” He had such an intimidating aura, it was unnatural.
“Where's Logan?”
What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
You didn't want to think the worst, however that's all your brain could do at the moment. Still though, you kept your chin up, not giving him the satisfaction of looking away again. Victor's hair was longer - facial hair included, he had a beard rather than the stubble you were used to - which made it look lighter. It was still brown and wasn't quite touching his shoulders but the soft locks made him look vastly different. He still had the edge to him but this made him… he seemed wilder? His clothes were plain: a black tee with tan pants and combat boots but he had paired them with a long tan fur trimmed coat.
“Why are you here?”
“Why not?” He smirked, nose twitching. “I see why he chose you.”
You didn't know what to do. Why was he being so unsettling?
The door to your room opened and Logan came out, despite his face being covered by a beard you could see it lit up when he saw you.
“Y/N, hey!” He grinned, making a beeline straight to you. “You've met Victor?”
Logan's arm wrapped itself around your waist as he glanced at his brother. “He's being fucking weird but yeah, we've met.”
“Vic, c’mon don't be an ass to my girl.”
Victor gave a shrug, stepping backwards and running his nails against your counter top. “Can’t help it. She's divine, a nice little catch.”
“Victor, I won't ask twice. Not in her home.”
The man in question rolled his eyes but put his hands up in surrender.
“So he's staying for how long?” You questioned sitting on the lip of the bath whilst Logan carefully shaved his face.
“I don't know.” His eyes met yours in the mirror. “When I found him we got talking, I explained the situation and I wanted to ask him about our father, I- I just wanted to talk to him. When the illuminati assessed me they asked about relatives and despite it all I said Victor’s name. Got them to update me if they found him because I knew if he didn't want to be found he wouldn't be. That's why I had to leave, if I hadn't and he vanished again I'd have missed the chance.”
“So… how long's he staying?” You repeated with a playful smirk.
Logan rolled his eyes. “I know he can be a bit intimidating but if he's anything like my Victor it's all an act.”
“I've just never managed to get along with a Victor Creed.”
“He didn't have anywhere to go, was roaming about in the snow.” Logan let out a soft sigh. “We have these spare apartments here and… he's my brother.” You could see the conflict behind the decision. See how Logan was unsure of himself. “Wanted him to meet you. To meet Laura, too.”
Your heart lurched at the low confessions. He was such a girl dad you loved it. “She's been at the mansion a lot. I can call her, tell her to come back tomorrow or the next day, we could go out for a meal or a museum or bowling?”
Would bowling work with his nails?
Logan tried not to smile but it didn't work. “I'd like that.”
Your eyes left his, flittering down to your knees. You couldn't begrudge his decision, he wanted his brother to meet his partner and child. It was a decision made out of love as that just made your heart swell.
“How did you find the mansion?” Logan finished with his face, turning to lean against the sinks countertop. “I know we've spoken about it on text but it's not the same as talking.”
“Uh, yeah, the mansion was alright.” You clasped your hands. “The same as it ever was.”
Logan was waiting for more. “That's it?”
“Yeah. Not much more to say.” You shrug one shoulder.
He frowned. “What happened?”
“Nothing.” You told him honestly because technically nothing did happen at the mansion when you went. You were just preoccupied with memories and then left to see your parents but that was off Charles' property. “Just was a bit meh.”
Logan still waited for any elaboration. He wasn't a fool, he'd noticed the sag in your shoulders and the bags under your eyes. Your hair needed some love and your skin a shade paler. The telltale signs of ‘Y/N having nightmares’, he had seen them back in his universe and been able to soothe you so why would this be any different?
“Please talk to me.”
You opened your mouth, wanting to talk to him. Wanting to divulge what had happened these past few weeks but you didn't. You couldn't. “I will but not yet.” You outstretched your hand and he immediately accepted it. “I promise I'm okay and I will tell you.”
Logan hated that. Hated that you couldn't tell him this. Weren't you marri- no, you weren't. Why weren't you? You were married but he wasn't but you were married to him. But not to him.
He should remedy that.
“I must confess though,” your sweet voice cemented it. He had to. “I liked the beard.”
Logan's eyes crinkled and he held your cheek in one palm. “Thank you.”
"It grew so quickly."
"My hair does."
Your eyes shone under the fluorescent tube. “But this is you. This is Logan."
Logan considered his appearance - his ‘kitten ears’ and mutton chops - and wondered if he was born in this time would he look different? Most people eyed him with caution but not you. You gazed lovingly at him. “I've looked like this for about 200 years, no use in changing it now.”
You kissed his palm.
Victor had also shaved his facial hair when you reconnected. He wore the same oversized sideburns as Logan and fuck me they looked similar.
You gave him an awkward smile from the kitchen as Logan set the table. The two of you had decided on enchiladas for dinner and had obviously invited Victor.
Logan had offered up Laura's original apartment to his brother seeing as she fully moved into yours when you fully moved into his.
Your phone buzzed on the countertop, Elektra's name lighting the screen.
Elektra: Who's the man Logan let into the 16? X
Y/N: His brother x
Y/N: Long story, I will inform you when I have all the details x
Elektra: he's cute x
Y/N: if you want to keep thinking like that don't talk to him x
Elektra: LOL
You placed your phone into your pocket and, bent to pull the food out of the oven, calling ‘dinners ready’ over your shoulder.
Logan gestured for Victor to sit at the table, unlike the other apartments this one was circular so there was no faffing about with who's sitting where.
Victor sat, giving you a wary glance as the food was placed in the centre. “Careful it's hot.”
He chuckled. “You don't have to worry about me.”
“Sorry.” Of course you didn't. “Force of habit.”
Logan ran a hand up your arm. “Don't worry, it's sweet.” And then sat in-between the two of you.
“Oh!” You remembered drinks. “You guys want a beer?”
The two nodded and said ‘thanks’ at the same time before eyeing each other.
This was so strange. You darted off to the fridge grabbing two beers and a can of 7up for yourself. Beer tasted too much like alcohol for your liking and you were afraid to have any flavoured gin or rum in case the sour mood you'd been living in for the past week made itself known.
Logan dished up an enchilada for Victor, then himself and just as you were sitting he placed one on your plate.
“Right, Victor, I hope you like it.” You wanted him before he took a bite. “I had to look in the fridge and just make it work.”
“I've lived through wars, I'm sure this is acceptable.” He gave you a wink except this time you didn't feel revulsion. He was making a joke and you imagined many missed them due to how dry his wit was.
“It'll be the best thing you've ever had.” Logan boasted. “Y/N pretends she isn't but she's the best chef I know.”
You roll your eyes. “It isn't hard to put some ingredients together. I'm not amazing but living in the Mansion made me cook.”
Victor took a bite and scanned you. “You lived in the X-Mansion?”
You nodded, mouth full of food. “Mhmm.”
“In your universe?”
Raising a hand in a ‘one sec' sign, you chewed faster. “Yes, I've actually met another version of you. Your hair is longer.”
“The version Logan met?”
Logan shook his head. “Nah, we're not from the same universe. In mine his hair is longer, eyebrows too.”
Victor's eyes squint as he gives the two of you a look of disbelief. “You are aware this sounds like a crock of shit.”
“You're a mutant living in a world where there's super soldiers and planetary travel but alternate universes are where you draw the line?”
Logan sniggered at your response, looking over to Victor. “In both our worlds being a mutant wasn't a good thing. I ain't saying this world is perfect. There's still racism and homophobia and all other sorts of hate but in ours we were the most targeted group.”
“People sold mutants in the streets in mine.” You shoved the memory out of your mind. “There was this country Magneto had - a safe haven - but even that wasn't completely safe from the humans.”
Victor considered the words, silently chewing his food. “What did we do about it then?”
Logan puffed air out of his mouth. “You and I fought in wars mostly, we, uh, we differed. You liked the fight too much. We met again later and were on opposite sides.”
He frowned. “So you were with the humans?”
“No. But I didn't want to kill them all or enslave them. You were part of a group that wanted that. Don't get me wrong, you were your own man but you did work with them.”
“I fought you.” You chimed in. “It wasn't easy. You're fucking strong.”
Victor smirked. “What is your ability?”
“Force fields.”
Logan scoffed. “It's more than that. She can bend them to her will, create shapes, fight with them.”
“Oh, yes and Lo' I've just discovered that I can do this.” You recalled, forming the newer field around yourself. “Apparently you can't see me but I can see me.”
Logan's eyes were massive, his fork landing on the plate below. “Y/N? W-thats a new power!”
You released yourself. “Yes, I was having a horsey dream-” translation: nightmare “-and I did this then I spoke about it at therapy because it feels different - it's like a warm blanket around my body - and Dave told me I was invisible.”
“That's- that's incredible.” Logan's grin was so wide you were worried it would hurt. His hand squeezed yours tightly.
“I bet it has something to do with Stark altering me. So, Tony Stark changed my DNA because I got stabbed a little bit and he was upset that Logan called him in the early hours.”
“A little bit stabbed?” Logan sassed.
“Laura didn't mean it.”
Victor just watched you both, appreciating the background knowledge but still fairly clueless.
“Victor, Laura is our daughter. She's from another universe. One where they cloned Logan. She has claws too.” You supplied, addressing Logan. “She did actually respond, Lo', should be here tomorrow in the afternoon.”
He wiped his mouth with a thumb. “That's good, been a while since I've seen the kid.”
After that there was a natural lull in the conversation, the only sound being cutlery and mouth sounds until you asked, “What about you Victor? Tell us about your life.”
The man's eyes enlarged and he scratched his chin.
“Uh, my father - Thomas - was a groundskeeper in the Northwest, he had an affair with his employer so life was good until it wasn't. And that was at the same time that my mutation began to reveal itself too so shit hit the fan for us. We survived, I lived a lot longer than him. I fought in the Civil war, World War I and II, Nam. Uhm, like in your experience, I was not well received back in the Northwest due to my mutation, so it's good to see the changes in how humans treat mutants.”
“Have you got any family? Friends?” You pushed.
“I keep in contact with some of the War buddies - Steve, James, Isaiah, Grimm, Rex and Frank but I’ve never felt the need to settle. Outlive them anyway.” The last sentence was said with such a final tone that you didn't want to pry any more.
After the meal had been eaten, you spent longer at the table merely chatting about anything and nothing. Victor told you as he rose with his plate that the meal was “tolerable” with another pointed wink.
Logan's eyes hadn't left you since you began your nightly routine. He watched you from the lip of the bath, mirroring your own actions hours ago.
"I barely survived out there." He told you as you cleaned your face.
"No?" You quirked a brow.
"You were all I could think about." He confessed without a hint of embarrassment. "I hated being apart. I don't want to be apart again."
Your cheeks warmed. "We don't have to be."
"I know." He hopped up and wrapped you into a hug, watching you in the mirror. "You're beautiful."
"What do you want?" You chuckled, suspicions growing.
Logan kissed your shoulder. "You, always."
You watched, more than felt, as his right hand slowly made its way downwards.
It took little to no effort in slipping under the sleep shorts and caressing your pussy. Your breath stuttered as he cupped you but not wholly because of the action but because of the determination in his eyes.
He had missed you.
Logan's fingers played with you and you let your head fall backwards, leaning on him, moth agape.
"Look at yourself, look how fucking hot you are." He nipped your ear. "How long's it been since I smelt like you?"
He entered his middle finger, met with slight resistance. You hadn't had the energy to fool around so it had been a hot minute since anything was in you.
Logan pumped his hand, finger sliding deeper. You whimpered as he met knuckle.
You'd missed this.
Missed Logan making you cum and forgetting all else. When you were bouncing on his dick was when you were happiest.
He kept the slow rhythm, carefully introducing his ring finger, and you were more relaxed than you had been in a long while.
Logan watched the tension ebb from you. Noticed the weight leaving your shoulders as you melt into his chest.
Briefly the short speech of your pharmacist echoed in your mind, telling you that these pills come with side effects - one being that it may take a while to climax. But then Logan licked your neck and you were back here. Fuck that noise, this was real and this was happening.
"He's jealous." Logan whispered, the hand that was settled on your hip pinched your left nipple. "He could smell how sweet you were."
Logan bit down on your neck, biting and sucking the flesh, marking you to high heavens before the skin faded back to its natural colour. "Fuck Stark."
"Logan, everyone knows I'm yours." Your eyes felt heavy with how relaxed you had become.
"Need to show them." The rhythm picked up and he kneaded your breast.
You released a breathy noise in response.
"Wish I kept my dog tags." Logan was genuinely upset. "Kept thinking about you in nothing but them." His hips shifted against you and you arched your spine.
"You thought about me?" When had your eyes shut? Either way you opened them to watch Logan lost in your pleasure.
"Every damn minute." He answered. "Nothing different."
"I missed you." Your eyes fluttered closed as your mouth opened, a moan tumbling out.
Logan's chest vibrated with his groan. "I love you."
He cranked the dial up to 11 and pinched your clit with his left hand so you could only reply with a nod. Logan kissed your neck in apology for being harsh to her but he could never say he wouldn't do that again. Not after your aroused yelp.
With a hand in you, the other paying attention to your clit, his mouth leaving open kisses on your neck and his own growls you were a goner.
Pussy pulsing around his fingers as you fell into his back. Your orgasm taking it out of you.
Logan - with an arousing amount of ease - bent to pick you up and carry you over the threshold into your room.
@killerwendigo @littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @br3nt-12 @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @ravenmedows @electricreader @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae @mei-simp @slightlymediocree @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @the-ruler-of-death
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probably bc it was less bothersome in ShB but the whole botanist/fisher studium quests are weird
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piplupod · 6 months
second hater post of the day: I am glad that not everybody has experienced abuse at the hands of their parents, but sometimes these people say honestly really unbelievably stupid (insensitive or just plain baffling) things because they are so disconnected from the experiences of abuse survivors/victims
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nonuggetshere · 8 months
I NEED to update my Radiance's gijinka design I stg I have such cool art ideas for her and PK but I am. So lazy.
Two sides of the same coin, equally as awful morally grey people that would maul each other to death if put in the same room, I love them 💜
I need to also focus more on her role in my AU because while I've rewritten pretty much the entire thing she was left behind and now idk what to do with her in the long run oopsie. All ik is that she ends up being mortal or near mortal after her fight with Ghost and Flower and she is Not happy about it, but it's also the only way PK would have left her alive and Flower is big on second chances so now she's just here, bitter and angry and a shadow of her former self (and actually I just didn't have it in me to kill her before I could do something cool with her + I like the potential dynamic she could have with other characters)
#thylacines can talk#faaf au#dunno where to put her now. originally she was going to return to her moth tribe and i might. do that still. have her try to live as just a#part of her people? what do ya think? humbles her a lot over time id imagine. but at first she's furious#she DESPISES the entire Palelight family especially PK and the two of his spawn that did this to her. doesn't help that Flower likes to go#to the blue lake to relax and its worringly close to the resting grounds. might have to abandon that habit for a bit if a certain#malice-eminating moth finds out about it. hard to relax when theres an angry ex god glaring at you. looking as if theyre planning your#demise. ya know?#i like the scene where Flower takes her to the palace and they walk in on PK having a meeting with his court about possible solutions to the#plague. suddenly becomes most stressful meeting of his life <3#pk: And what stops me from just killing you right now? | Radi: UH-#flower steps between them#Radi internally: Oh thank god they're this stupid#one of initial character traits of Radis was the fact she kept referring to Flower as PK's child and praising them and rubbing their#existence in his face. like in a 'oh you must be so proud' way. because she KNEW it made him feel awful and she took delight in it#couldnt give two shits about flower she just liked to use them as a poking stick on their father#theyd bicker so much it was funny#WL sarcastic: Oh. Great. Wonderful. Thanks for that. As if we didn't have enough on our heads.#Flower barely standing and bleeding all over the place: 👍
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thats that me espresso!! // theodore nott x fem reader
playlist: espresso - sabrina carpenter
summary : theodore nott hasnt slept in days, and it was for one reason only. (or one person)
fluff , hufflepuff reader , y/n , short
lucky girl syndrome!! (another theo fic) masterlist
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rubbing his eyes wearily , theodore nott poked at his breakfast , feeling the eyes of concerened friends burning into him.
"what?" he asked blankly finally looking up at his friends.
"theo is something wrong?" lorenzo asked with genuine concern snaking through his face and tone.
"yes something- no someone is wrong!" theodore said angrily as he dropped his fork , "i have not slept well for days!"
"why?" draco asked , not really that bothered by theodores insomnia , just wanting to get the tired vibe out of the friendgroup.
"because..beacause!" he started before pausing each time , finally sighing and saying in a hushed voice ,"her!"
his whisper shout and eyes staring into the distance made the whole friend group follow his eyeline , landing on a hufflepuff girl talking to her friends , y/n.
"stop staring!" he said loudly making the whole group turn back to him , drawing their eyes away from the girl , eventhough theodore himself didnt look away.
"y/n? what has she done?" lorenzo asked , confused why his hufflepuff friend would be causing theodore struggle.
"great , of course youre on a first name basis with her!" theodore seethed in jealousy finally tearing his eyes away from your smiling face , "shes not really....done anything.. God i dont know shes like an espresso , i cant look at her without getting a burst of energy! and i cant stop thinking about her its keeping me up all fucking night!!"
the group watched as theodore ranted , exchanging knowing looks before pansy decided to speak up , "theodore dont get angry with that poor girl , its not her fault you like her!"
"how could i ever get angry with her," theodore muttered and stopped talking , until matteos laugh filled the short silence , "what are you laughing at dickhead!" theodore snapped , assuming matteo was laughing at him.
"oh nothing im just laughing at diggory trying to chat up your girl," matteo smirked watching everyone frantically look back to the hufflepuff girl , only to see that she was still sat and talking with her friends , cedric no where to be seen.
theodore , who had stood up in a panic smacked matteo on the back of the head and angrily snapped at the laughing boy, "shut up man not funny."
"sorry , sorry youre really gulible ," matteo laughed to himself , draco smirking at the two.
"i shoudlve never told you lot ," theodore grumbled himself , going back to poking his food.
"dont be like that theo , just a bit of fun , " blaise smirked as theodore threw him an angry look.
"no but seriously theodore , you cant let yourself be exhausted because of a girl" pansy said.
"shes not just a girl , shes nice and funny and beautiful and!-... im pathetic," theo sighed in frustration and ran a hand through his curls.
"im done with all this sappy , annoying shit , go ask her to hogsmeade or ill do it. and trust me i wont rest until she falls in love with me, " draco warned , attempting at making his friend confess.
"DONT!" theodore shouted at him , immediatly letting embrassment sink in as everyone , including you, turned to look at him, "ill....do it"
lorenzo and pansy spoke words of encouragment as the petrified boy rose from the table , draco , matteo and blaise forgetting the whole ordeal and discussing quidditch instead.
once theodore was far enough from the table pansy turned to enzo , "why is that the most emotion ive ever seen out of him in our whole lifelong friendship?"
"dunno , hufflepuffs are really effective i guess," enzo shrugged before they both skipped to another conversation and started eating again.
theodore walked towards your table with a confident stride , stopping behind you and sliding in next to you on the bench , close enough to the point that your bodies were pressed togther. as you jumped in suprise theo gave you a flirty smile and stared you dead in the eye.
"hi theodore , can i help you?" you asked wearily , glancing away from him and at your confused friends for a split second.
"yes, you can ," thedore smirked , "how about hogsmeade , this weekend , you and me?"
you physically paused as your mouth hung open , this was the second time you had ever talked to theodore nott and he was suddenly asking you out??!
"oh um....yeah - yeah sure id love to" you gave him a smile , a little cautious and very much confused.
"great , see you then beautiful ,"he winked, planting a kiss on your cheek before slipping out of the bench and confidently walking back to the slytherin table.
you looked at your friends with deep confusion, before going on to watch theo walk away , whilst your friends yapped about how hot he is.
"so how was it?" pansy asked theodore as he sat down.
he quickly dropped his confident , cool face and let a wide grin bless his features , "perfect!!! she said yes! i walked up and acted real calm and collected ,and she didnt know i was nervous at all!!"
pansy and lorenzo smiled at him as the other boys just ignored him , uninterested. "thats great theo! so are you gonna be able to sleep now?" enzo laughed.
"like a baby." theodore grinned.
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
Steve got the tattoo the day they held the very small, very secret service for Eddie.
He knew he had to get it somewhere hidden, didn’t wanna answer questions, not even from Robin.
The E+S on his upper thigh was precious to him, all he had left of the promises they made to each other as children and again as teenagers.
Eddie was Steve’s, even if he wasn’t here, and Steve would always be Eddie’s, even if Eddie no longer knew.
But eventually, the end of summer came, and the kids wanted to have something normal. Normal for them was a pool party that ended in a sleepover, and Steve didn’t have much choice about making it happen.
He wanted them to have something normal.
So he got his bathing suit on, forgetting the tattoo was in a spot that might show in it, and tried to have fun with them.
Robin noticed and then Max noticed, and once he’d tried getting out of the explanation twice in a row, Dustin and Will noticed.
So he just explained that he lost a dare with Tommy years ago and that got them to stop asking.
But he found himself crying in the shower that evening, trying his best not to make any noise as sobs wracked his body and it got harder and harder to breathe.
The only thing that snapped him out of it was the knowledge that Eddie would want him to go back downstairs to be with the kids. He wouldn’t want to see Steve like this.
He kissed his fingertips and pressed them to his tattoo, just like he’d done every single day since he got it.
And then he went downstairs to be with the kids.
His one rule during sleepovers at his house was he still go to sleep in his own bed. Sometimes Robin would join him, but most of the time, he slept alone.
He couldn’t sleep.
He could feel the exhaustion deep in his bones, but every time he closed his eyes and tried to drift, he’d get an overwhelming feeling of being watched.
His eyes would open and he’d look around, confused and frustrated.
And nothing would be there.
Which was good, great even. He didn’t want there to be anyone or anything there. But he did want an explanation for this feeling.
He sat up in his bed and sighed.
Maybe he could-
Something was definitely in his bathroom. The door had been closed earlier, like it always was, and now it was halfway open.
The light was off.
Steve stood from his bed silently, crept to the bathroom with his nail bat raised, and considered what would happen if he died up here.
“That’s a depressing thought even for your melodramatics, sweetheart.”
Steve barely resisted screaming at Eddie’s voice.
“Oh god. I’ve finally fuckin’ lost it,” he said as he turned the bathroom light on.
“I dunno. You still got it, baby. Even if you lost some weight in your ass.”
Eddie, or something that looked and talked like Eddie, was sitting on the sink in the bathroom.
“I did like those little swim trunks, though. Hope you wear those again for me.”
“What the fuck.”
“You know, that’s exactly what I said when I woke up alive. Kinda thought I was dying. Imagine my surprise when I didn’t.”
Steve held his bat tighter.
“Eddie? How?”
Eddie hopped off the sink and stepped closer, slowly, so he wouldn’t scare Steve.
“Not sure. But it’s not the craziest thing that’s happened.” Eddie wanted to touch him, Steve could tell. His hands were clenching into fists to resist. “I know I’m not human, but I’m close enough, I think.”
“Close enough for what?”
“To love you.”
Steve dropped the bat and fell against Eddie, burying his face in his neck and breathing him in, not caring about the dirt or sweat or grime clinging to his skin.
It was Eddie, and he’d take him any way he could have him.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’ve been trying to get back here for so long.” Eddie’s arms held him tight enough to bruise. “Won’t happen again, won’t leave you again.”
Steve’s sobs were loud, but trying to contain them physically pained him. He’d been in enough pain for months. He had to let these out.
He felt Eddie waving his hands behind him, but then heard Robin’s rambling and decided to turn.
“-and he’s been distraught for months but didn’t tell me anything and then I saw his tattoo earlier and I thought, well, must just be a joke you guys had. And then I was like, no, can’t be, because you barely spoke. Or at least I thought you did. Clearly I’m wrong. I’m super wrong. Wrongest I’ve ever been maybe.”
“Robs.” Steve’s choked voice silenced her. “You know how I told you to go for it with Nancy because I really didn’t have feelings for her?”
“I don’t see how this is relevant, but yeah.”
“She protected me, both of us, really, so we could be together. Offered to pretend to date me so no one would get suspicious.”
“Steve. Steve Harrington. You had a beard?”
Eddie snorted. “I know you said she was funny, but I’m pretty she’s my second favorite human now.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I’ve been with Eddie for forever. I mean, since we were kids practically.”
Robin was silent. A rare thing for her.
“Sorry, just taking this in.”
“Yeah, Eddie being alive is a lot-“
“Not that. That is gonna come a lot later once I stop and think about the fact that he’s some kind of zombie.” Robin leaned against the doorway. “The fact that I came out to my best friend and he didn’t return the favor. That is queer code, Steve.”
Eddie laughed, and Steve let out another sob. He’d missed him so much, missed his laugh, his arms around him, his heartbeat-
“Eds. Eddie.” Steve lifted his head and pressed both hands to his chest. “You-“
“Ah. So I don’t seem to have a heartbeat anymore. As far as I can tell, I did actually die.” Eddie shrugged as if this news wasn’t absolutely insane. “So my best guess is vampire since I prefer blood to brains. But I can get by without it for a pretty long time.”
“How long?”
“Well, I haven’t had any since the day I woke up. Which is a few months according to your calendar.”
Robin held her hands up. “I’m going. Good luck. The kids are gonna flip.”
“Do not tell them. Not yet.”
Steve needed tonight, needed to have Eddie to himself before everyone else stole it for a while. He wanted to be selfish for the first time in a very long time. He knew Robin would understand.
“Sure thing. But you’re gonna have to be quiet. You’re lucky none of them heard you crying.”
Steve nodded and curled back into Eddie, placing a kiss against his neck.
“Glad you’re back Eddie,” she said as she left.
“I need a shower,” Eddie said. “Think it’ll wake the kids?”
“Nah. They slept through a tree falling in the yard last month during a storm. Just need to be quick,” Steve pulled away to start grabbing what he’d need for a shower, but Eddie pulled him back on, running his nose along his neck and sending chills down his spine.
“You wanna join me?” He asked.
“Of course I do. But we won’t be quick if I join you,” Steve smiled.
A real smile. One he realized he hadn’t had on his face since spring break.
“You wanna wait in bed for me, then?” Eddie beamed back at him.
“Can I stay in here? I don’t-“ Steve sighed. “I don’t wanna leave you.”
Eddie’s smile softened into something endeared. “Yeah, sweetheart. You can stay. Talk to me. Tell me what I missed.”
Steve told him about everything he could while he showered away the Upside Down grime, watching his shadow behind the glass door of the shower to make sure it never disappeared.
They made sure the bedroom door was locked before crawling into bed together, Steve laying on top of Eddie like he always did before.
He was heavier, but Eddie never cared.
Steve slept so long, Eddie had no choice but to go downstairs in the morning so no one would wake him up.
The chaos that ensued was nothing short of overwhelming, but Eddie didn’t mind.
He was happy to back with all the kids, even if they asked incredibly inappropriate questions about his body to find out what he was.
When Steve finally came down, he was still half asleep and barely registered the open-mouth stares of everyone as he came up to Eddie and rested his head on his chest, wrapped his arms around his waist.
Eddie smiled down at him and kissed the top of his head.
“Morning, sunshine.”
“Morning, baby.”
“Sunshine?!” Dustin yelled.
“Baby?!” Mike yelled louder.
“Make them go away,” Steve sighed against his neck.
“You don’t wanna explain?” Eddie asked him, half joking.
“Not today. Scare them or something.”
“You think Eddie can scare us? We’ve all almost died!” Lucas said.
“Fine. Eddie and I are together, have been forever. The tattoo on me is our initials. Get out of my house.”
The kids just stared at them in silence until Steve finally turned from Eddie and put his hands on his hips.
“I wasn’t asking. Get out.”
The kids scrambled to leave, making promises (threats) to come back soon.
Robin waved as she walked out with them, throwing them both a wink and knowing smile.
“So how long do you think we have until they come back?” Eddie asked, rocking them back and forth gently.
“Few hours maybe.”
“I can do a lot in a few hours,” Eddie nipped at Steve’s ear, making him shiver and laugh.
“You got super strength with your new life?” Steve grinned at him.
“I wouldn’t call it super, but I could definitely carry you back to bed.”
Steve jumped up and wrapped his legs around Eddie’s waist, arms around his neck.
“Carry me to bed, then, Eds.”
“Anything your heart desires, Stevie.”
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6gumi · 1 year
synopsis ﹒jjk men giving you surprise kisses gone wrong (GONE SEXUAL!) that’s it. that’s the fic
pairings ﹒toji fushiguro, yuuta okkotsu, yuuji itadori, satoru gojo x f!reader
cw ﹒a little suggestive. not proofread (oops), makeout sessions kinda?, yuuji + yuuta aged up! slight vaginal fingering involved, dirty talk, petnames used ! (princess, baby, etc etc) you guys literally just make out n it goes wrong . . . do i need to say more ? <3
note ﹒sm thoughts sm thoughts sm thoughts !!! yuuji’s is the only fluff n innocent one LMFAO feel free 2 interact w me by sending an ask ! i’m still trying 2 finish up my requests so please be patient and know that only thirsts r open for now <3 — millie ! ♡
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toji always loved teasing you, especially during makeout sessions you both would have occasionally. he does a lot and i mean a lot of things to tease you during them too, it’s unfair! he loved it whenever you had your arms crossed infront of him, eyebrows furrowed while you lectured him for his laziness. he merely just chuckled at your attempts to tell him off for being such a lazy jerk, slowly closing the distance between both of you. you can’t blame him, can you? it’s not like you wanted him to stop either.. it’s crazy how your voice and that irritated look in your eyes left him feeling light-headed. before he knew it, toji you in his arms, holding you just a little too tight. “hey! let go of me, toji. ‘m not finished saying what i wanna say—“ and.. there he goes again. a deep groan left him as his lips traced each inch of your neck, his entire body clenched as he grabbed your wrist. toji’s other hand buried itself in your hair, caressing and pulling at it from the back, interlocking his lips with yours..
god.. your makeout sessions always begin this way, but honestly you didn’t really complain. toji ran his hand up your body, wrapping it around your neck as she squeezed it lightly.. careful not to hurt you too much. his lips on yours was the sweetest torture you had ever felt in your whole life, your heart pounding against your chest at a furious pace as he held you closer to him, not letting go of you anytime soon. “sorry, doll. what’d ya say earlier? too busy kissin’ these pretty lips of yours.” “oh great, and you weren’t even listening too?” the raven just shrugged, a smug expression painted on his face. “dunno, just wanted t’kiss your lips, you talk too much princess.. needed to shut you up.” gosh, you could’ve sworn you felt a vein popping out of your forehead out of frustration, is this guy for real? “mm.. can i continue kissing your lips?” was all he said, a low sigh leaving your lips before you waited for him to kiss you again. “oh no baby, not these lips. i mean the other ones.” oh yeah, expect yourself to be breathless after this.. kisses or not!
yuuta can’t help it! he couldn’t help but admire you the whole time you rambled about a weird first interaction you had with his companion toge inumaki and how hard it was to understand him! thank the lord you didn’t even notice just how intensely his eyes stared at you, as if they were digging daggers into your soul. this is probably a constant thing for him, i feel like yuuta likes giving you shy surprise kisses out of nowhere! and sometimes, he can’t even control his body and they just smooooch your lips, atleast.. that’s what he says! he can’t help but grin every single time he sees that flustered expression on your face after he catches you off guard with his surprise kisses, he’s just trying to have after all. though sometimes he’s aware that, these “small yet shy surprise kisses” will turn into much more than what they seem. and you wanna know what they turn into? heated makeout sessions of course!
yuuta’s large hands rest on the nape of your neck, the other on your waist as he pushes you down the mattress with his weight, trying his best not to crush you completely with his body as his kisses were slow.. slow and passionate yet you knew that was gonna change in a few minutes or so, and you were right! in the blink of an eye, yuuta wraps his two hands beneath your thighs, lifting you up slightly so your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling the both of you closer and into a more passionate yet lustful embrace and kiss. the special grade sorcerer pulled away, chuckling when you puckered your lips a tiiny bit to taste his sweet lips on yours again, yuuta gave your jaw a small peck. “may i?..” the raven muttered under his breath.. lifting your skirt and tugging at the hem of your panties. just know that.. if you nod and say yes, oh boy. be prepared to stay up all night! those surprise kisses were a trap to kiss you until you were breathless!
let’s see here.. to sum things up, yuuji loves giving you surprises kisses! and i mean loves it! he likes catching you off guard whenever he presses a kiss against you, your boyfriend gives you small little surprise kisses literally anywhere and everywhere, so much that you even have to tell him to tone down a bit because of how flustered you were! “but why, babe? i like kissing you..” he knew you liked it whenever he was affectionate so he would plant many many love kisses all over you nonstop! usually sometimes he even just gives you one when it’s unnecessary or so, kissing you on the cheek while you scroll on your phone.. kissing the nape of your neck from behind whenever you were in the kitchen, sneakily kissing your inner thigh from beneath the bedsheets, you name it! yuuji yawned as he wrapped an arm around your waist, scooting you even closer against him. “babe, can i kiss you?” no answer, you were too focused on that stupid movie you wanted to watch, he didn’t think you’d get this invested. the male gently put a hand on your thigh, surprise-kissing the blade of your shoulder with much desire and love.
anndd.. here you both go again.. on the couch as the room was filled with sharp heavy panting and lewd noises. yuuji’s hands grabbed onto your waist and moved you back and forth on his gap, feeling a bulge press against you as your cunt pulsed around nothing.. you prayed he didn’t feel anything. you always wondered how he’s so sweet and delicate with your kisses as if you were some kind of gentle flower you needed to protect, his touches were so soft.. so gentle and yet a little hesitant.. not wanting to hurt you in anyway. his mouth moved towards your jaw and then your hands. “you should kiss me more babe, i like how soft your lips feel on mine.” “i already allow you to give me surprises kisses in private and public, what more do you need, hm?” “.. another kiss, maybe? or maybe.. more kisses? more than the amount i give you in one day?” ahh.. you know you can’t say no to him, you knew just how much he wanted to kiss you breathless.
surprise kisses with him are a must (atleast 2 him!) he loves sneaking small little pecks on your cheek and lips, though.. his surprise kisses are rather bold and lead to more intimate moments between the both of you. heated and long messy makeout sessions to more.. bolder ones, though you aren’t complaining really, he isn’t either.. in-fact he loves the faces you make whenever he plunges his tongue inside your mouth with no warning at all, grabbing at your ass.. your waist, you name it! scolding him about his “surprise” kisses won’t help either, he just knows how to rile you up in no time! the special grade groaned into the kiss as he pulled you onto his lap, grabbing your hips and squeezing at it with his hands. satoru sighs lowly, struggling against the heat and lust that was now flowing through his body like hot lava, he wanted more and he craved more.. he didn’t even care that it was supposed to be a “small” surprise kiss, he wanted you and he wanted you now. you sure do have that effect on him.
“you’re such a cute little angel for me, mhm? stay still for me a bit, yeah?” oh you knew what he was gonna do. you hear him spit on the top of his fingers for a second, body jolting as you felt his fingers rubbing your clit. “i’m sorry. i can’t get enough of you. look at this, you’re so wet already, angel. all this for me? all because of the kissing, hm?” he rubbed the slit of your pussy with two fingers at a harsher pace.. feeling your wetness on his fingers. “c’mon, keep kissing me pretty. don’t let these fingers distract you, yeah?” was all he said before the sweetness of his lips returned on your own, his kisses were sloppy and messy but yet he didn’t show any signs of stopping anytime soon.. his digits curling in your cunt, forcing a muffled moan from your lips. adding another finger in, he could feel how tight his pants felt.. getting all hard just from fingering you and kissing you alone was crazy enough, he wasn’t playing around.. he wanted more.. and he’ll get more. satoru will do this over and over again until you’re absolutely breathless.
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joonipertree · 7 months
Sano Manjiro, the most frustrating man to have a crush on
You learnt that Mikey punched a guy who asked you out. Mikey refuses to explain why. Both of you are dumbasses.
Tags: fluff, stupid shit, getting together, friends to lovers, fem bodied reader, smut at the end, it's him just eating you out sjsns, slight Dom/sub undertones because I can't help myself
  Mikey was a dumbass. 
In every sense of the word, he was a short fucking dumbass with a deep melodic voice and great hair. The biggest dumbass in the world. You wanted to punch him in the face and kiss him at the same time. Genuinely, you couldn’t stand that man. In no way could you imagine him ever being a good boyfriend. He’d suck at it-----
“Oi, Sano Manjiro.” 
The man in question turned, face dead and eyebrow twitching. 
“Did you beat up the guy? 
“I beat up a lot of guys.”
“The guy who asked me out.”
Mikey sat back with his palms on the ground and Toman jacket secured on his back. His hair had gotten long, a bit too long for his liking and he still hadn’t decided how to cut it. You’d already taken the liberty over the last few weeks to tie them in pigtails and braid them to your heart’s content. He’d just walk around like that without batting an eye. 
“Yeah, he went out with one hit. You could do better.”
“Do you know who you are? The fuck. That could have killed him.”
“He isn’t in the hospital or anything.”
You turned around, not being able to take a look at your friend anymore than you needed to. Everyone around you stared with either pity or annoyance. Sanzu, Emma and Ken-chin were utterly done with Mikey’s dumbassery and Chifuyu was done with yours. Baji and Kazutora were done with both of you. They just always choose the stupid people as friends. 
“You weren’t gonna say ‘yes’ were you?”
And you weren’t. The boy had very bravely confessed his feelings for you (unlike some people) and before you could even tell him your answer, he’d told you to think about it at least. You’d appreciated it and left at that, already planning on saying no. 
“Maybe I was, what’s it to you?”
“Oh my god,” Emma muttered out in agony. 
"Maybe you should nurse him back to health then." 
"Yeah I was already planning on it." 
No you were not.
You left with an emphasis on your steps, back straight and eyes hard because you were stubborn. You didn't care if Mikey won at being the most stubborn person in the block, you would beat him at his own game.
"You know he likes you. He has for years. He knows you like him. Just fuck already." Chifuyu moaned out, having gotten over the shoujo vibes very quickly after seeing the slow burn drag out. 
"I dunno what you're talking about." 
You wanted to deny it. Not deny that you were in love with Mikey but deny he was in love with you. Because admitting it meant hoping for something to happen and false hope got you hurt. People got close, they saw you in your humanity and ran away. The only people you trusted not to leave were your friends, Mikey included. 
"Oh come on. I have given you a powerpoint presentation and a whole binder worth of evidence that Mikey likes you. I nearly got wiped out by Draken for taking one too many pictures." 
You snorted. Chifuyu being a romantic buffoon with an overeager imagination made it harder for you to accept it. But you did acknowledge, not with the binder full of pictures and 'receipts', that Mikey had a soft spot for you. 
You got close at 17, Mikey being an extroverted loud mouth and you being a shy but curious introvert. He took you on bike rides, talked to you while making eye contact, held your hand and pulled you next to him and you fed him bites of your food and let him sleep on your lap. 
But you wanted to argue that….Mikey was just friendly like that. 
It had been a few years before you noticed that Mikey rarely made eye contact with people while talking but always asked for your attention. You both were hopeless and were just waiting for the other one to confess. It was getting painful. 
Chifuyu's eyes shifting to the side made you alert because he wasn't good at acting. And when he got up and ran, you knew who came inside. 
"Hi, Captain! Bye, Captain!" 
Mikey sat in front of you, dark bottomless eyes staring into your soul. You looked back at him, still pissed that he punched a perfectly nice guy. He then eyed your sundae and you immediately pulled it closer to you. He needed to learn that actions had consequences and that you weren't weak for him.
  With a pout, Mikey placed his chin on his arms, splayed out on the table. It made you aware how broad he was, fingers nimble and boney and angular.
 Pretty. Always so pretty. 
"How's your boyfriend doing?" 
Your teeth clicked and with a roll of your eyes, you established that Mikey needed to get pushed off a cliff somewhere. 
"So you aren't gonna tell me?" 
"Tell you what?" Mikey drawled out, looking up at you through his eyelashes. 
"Why you punched an innocent dude."
"He pissed me off." 
"Did you say yes?" 
"Answer me first." 
"I did." 
You glared, taking a petty bite of your ice cream in retaliation. Mikey glared back harder, only changing when he looked out the corner of his eyes. You were about to turn your head before he spoke up again. 
"It was an accident." 
Your snort was loud and unattractive, hiding your face to try and compose yourself. When you looked up,Mikey's face had softened. 
"I don't believe you." 
"It's the truth. Answer my question." 
You debated your options. Because maybe saying that 'yeah I want to date him' would be going too far considering it would be a lie. But admitting that you didn't meant even more probing questions. Like why you were annoyed at Mikey for punching someone you didn't wanna date.
"Why do you care?" You retaliated like a dumbass.
"You're pissing me off." 
There was another pause. Mikey's hand moving to steal your bowl. You swerve it away from him with no chance of winning with his reflexes and the limited space. So your hand went to grab his wrist. 
Your heart raced at immediate contact. You became all too aware of him. Aware of his delicate wrist, the muscle, the bone that jutted out, the blue veins against pale skin. You became aware of his reddened and bruised knuckles, his calluses and ripped cuticles. They were hands of a delinquent, that liked to grip things too tight and didn't mind rough surfaces and reveled in strenuous activity. They were big too, too big against your own hand and too rough for your soft skin. 
And they were warm, soaking into you to leave a lasting impression. 
Mikey let go of the bowl in favor of holding your arm, gentle and all encompassing. His thumb rubbed against your skin, causing goosebumps to form and a shiver to run down your spine. 
"I was fighting with Takemitchy. The dude got caught in the crossfire. My hand landed on his face by accident. I can show you Mitchy as proof. He still looks run down. Even I took a few hits." 
You saw. Saw the scratches on his face and the redness of his jaw. It made you want to chide him for not bandaging himself. But he always liked it when you did it. Your eyes couldn't meet his, staring at your fingers wrapped around his wrist and his thumb rubbing your skin. 
"You need to stop fighting in public settings." 
"It wasn't that bad. A tire or two got thrown around but that's about it." 
"Where did you--- not gonna ask." 
Mikey giggled, soft and gravelly. You were reminded that the years changed his voice in a way that was still his. There was a pause and you realised the question eating away at you wouldn't go away until you asked it. The secret you kept wouldn't help being hidden away. You were tired and just wanted him. 
"You know……I talked to the guy today. Went to meet him." 
Mikey's eyes instantly hardened, looking away with a click of his tongue. 
"Ah, did he tell you I knocked his brains out? You shouldn't date a liar." 
"No," you tried to keep your voice casual, "he told me that it hurt but you weren't even looking at him when it happened. He just got too close." 
"Then why did you ask---" 
"He apologised though, said he didn't know I had a boyfriend." 
Mikey’s lips tugged upwards, turning his head to the side so he could catch his composure. And you were ready to slap the shit out of him. 
“Huh, I don’t know what gave him that impression. We must look good together.”
“I feel like you saying ‘that’s for asking my girl out’ after you hit him might’ve done the trick.”
Mikey held his hands up in surrender, knees knocking against yours almost to tease. 
"I didn't hit him, I just repurposed the accident. Didn't want it to go to waste." 
"I'm not yours." 
"Since when?" 
"Since always!!" 
His eyebrows furrowed, leaning back with a huge frown like you'd just told him his house burnt down. 
"What the fuck?"
"You can't just make me yours without asking me first, asshat." 
"Everyone knows you're mine."
"I dont." 
Mikey took your hand, lips on the back of it as if it was a normal part of his day. But your breath hitched and you froze. Because oh---
"I found you first." 
Your palms slammed against the table.
"If you wanna kiss me so bad then do it on my mouth, you coward---"
And within the next second, Manjiro’s mouth crashed into yours. It nearly knocked you back, if it wasn��t for his hand at the back of your head, curling into your hair. You whimpered against him, his lips tugging into a satisfied smirk. 
Chifuyu had yelled out, “Fucking finally!!”
The sound of your lips parting away from each other was enough to make you want to lean back in. Your lips weren’t willing to move even an inch away from him. He tasted good. Like vanilla. And he had trouble keeping himself away from you as well, leaving chaste kisses on the corners of your mouth, fingers keeping your chin lifted up. 
A throat was cleared, your cheeks instantly burned with the realisation of where you were. Mikey glared at the waiter who just let him know that it was time to leave. And with fingers interlocked, Mikey pulled you away from the diner, sticking out his tongue to Ken-chin who sighed in relief and leaned against Emma.
You got on his bike without question, heart racing because oh god--
The door to his room slammed open and he barely paid attention to anything with his arm around you. You giggled as he lifted you up and swirled you inside with a flourish. Once the door was shut, his laughter was loud and warm as his lips crashed into you, hungry for more. And you let him lead you, combing your hand through his hair causing him to shiver. 
Mikey hugged you close, gentle in his touch and you let him swallow you whole and envelop you. When his tongue prodded against your lip, you parted them easily as if he didn’t even have to ask. And oh, he felt good.
 But Mikey will spend the rest of your lives telling you that you were the best feeling in the world. 
“Mine.” Manjiro murmured out, sucking on your lower lip so harshly that your whole body did a visceral shudder. 
You were breathing hard when you parted, eyes hazy but daring as you looked your best friend in the eye. 
“You still haven’t asked me, asshat.”
Manjiro growled, eyes narrowed and twitching. Your head and body threw itself back as you burst out laughing, feeling free because you knew Mikey’s arm would never let you fall. That led your neck to be exposed to the littering kisses Manjiro gave out of vengeance.
 You squealed as it tickled and felt your knees give out against the bed beneath you. He’d backed you up, without you noticing, like a predator cornering its prey for a meal well earned. 
You felt yourself sink into the soft mattress, hand reached out to tug his shirt down towards you. Manjiro just stared at you, eyes gleaming with an emotion you didn’t understand and a grin so wide you could see all his teeth. 
“Mine, in every timeline.” Mikey whispered. 
And your breath hitched, speaking out without a second thought. 
“Yours, in every universe.” 
Manjiro’s eyes watered and he finally enveloped you, body a welcomed weight as he kissed you in slow languid bliss. 
“Good baby,” he whispered and you whined out. 
You pawed at him, liking the praise a little too much. Manjiro’s kisses left a wet hot trail as he went from your chin to your cheek. A wet sound heard every time his lips disconnected from you. You let him have his way, feeling his hand pat the side of your head. 
You wanted to kiss him back but every time you tried, he clicked his tongue in disapproval and you just laid there as he poured his love into you. You had begun to tear up because Manjiro's love was overwhelming and it was for you.
Your eyes closed as his lips met your eyelids, tasting the salty tears and pulling back to inspect your face. You mewled at the lost contact, opening your eyes and pouting.
Oh, how dare he 
He hushed you, hand patting your head again, lips continuing their venture on your face. 
 Your legs wrapped themselves around his waist. And both of you became aware of the effect the intimacy had on you.
 Manjiro pressed into you, hips solid and confident. And you felt his bulge against your pussy, only his pants and your underwear in the way. it was enough to drive you insane. 
You yearned and yearned and begged with pretty fluttery eyes that had him breathless. 
“Yeah? You wan’ me, honey?”
And despite the embarrassment, you nodded with the biggest pout you could muster. And Manjiro melted just at that, ready to burn the world for you if you asked him to. In another timeline, he probably had. 
“Haven’t even been dating for a minute and you're already so needy.”
He didn’t even let you blubber out a complaint before your underwear was exposed to him. And you craved him so badly that your legs made space for only Manjiro. He appreciated it, boney fingers squeezing your hips before imprinting the memory of the wet patch into his mind. 
Oh you were so sweet. A type of pliable that was only given to those you trusted. 
“Not allowed to hide anything, okay?”
And with that, his nose traced the outline of your pussy, tongue peaking out for a taste that just wasn’t enough for you. Your thighs squished against his cheeks and he groaned, pressing his full mouth onto you. Your hips jutted upwards, a cry weak and wobbly escaping your lips. And with effort, you spoke.
“Stop teasing, jerk.”
The warmth was too much, you could feel him right there but the cotton was in the way. Despite your protest, he lapped you up out of greed. And your hands clutched onto his hair. 
“If there’s nothing between us, I won’t be sane.” You heard him say and it just made you needier. 
“Don’ want you to be. Please.”
And with that, his hand ripped your panties out of the way. Manjiro took a second to stare in awe at your pretty pussy. It was so wet, begging him to eat it out, practically drooling. Many thoughts went through his head.
How it would feel to be inside you, how warm it would be, if he could last long in the tightness? If he'd ever be able to survive without the taste of your pussy after this moment? If he gave your cunt a smack, would you like it?
Manjiro decided that keeping you waiting was the worst thing he could possibly do. 
Mikey was a lot more hungry than he thought he was. Your pussy was engulfed in his mouth.
 The direct contact was enough to make him moan. Your own got stuck in your throat, not realising how overwhelming it would be. When his tongue prodded inside, you let him guide your legs against your chest so that he could have more access. And then it plunged inside and you let out a warbled moan that felt too loud in your own ears. With a hand covering your mouth, you tried to suppress the little sounds tumbling out of you.
Manjiro’s middle finger tapped against the plush of your thigh and he pulled away with effort to say:
“No hiding. Be good.”
You cried out, flexing your fingers in his hair as he went back to the task at hand. And you let yourself voice out the feeling, soft “ah, ah, ah”s filling the air and causing you to tear up in embarrassment. 
“Wan’ to be-be good for you.”
“Mhmmm,” He answered with the vibration of his hum shooting through your pussy and into your back that arched almost painfully. 
The orgasm came out of nowhere, crashing into you the second Manjiro’s mouth wrapped around your clit and sucked. 
You didn’t even care how loud you were being, brain wiping out everything it had as your body arched and twitched. Manjiro only stopped lapping your cum when you flinched away, kissing your inner thigh before moving to you for a kiss. 
You let him inside your mouth easily, whimpering and pawing at his shoulder as you held him close. You shook in his embrace, muttering out weak and tiny ‘thank you’s that had him chuckling at you. 
“Did your Manjiro make you feel good, bubba?” 
“Uh-huh.” You nodded, kissing the corner of his lips in appreciation. 
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Hello! I loved your last hobie fic btw it was really good!!
Imagine that in hobies universe you died but when he travels to miles universe he sees you alive 😭 and then the reader introduces themselves to him the same way they did in his universe
Keep feeding us with these ATSV fics 😈😈
Have a great day!!!
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Thank you for enjoying my Hobie Brown stuff anon cuz he’s been invading my mind recently. I hope to god this is okay for ya. 🦦
Hobie remembered first meeting you as though it were yesterday, you were within an alleyway vandalising the walls with your spray paint, he happened to be passing by when one of your masterpieces caught his eye; it was of him…well him as Spider-Man clocking a cartoonish Osborne -appropriately adorned with devil horns and a tail- in the head with his eyes crossed out in red spray paint as though he were dead.
It got a good chuckle out of him that was for sure and from that alone he knew he had to know you more on a personal level. ‘Whatcha gonna call that?’ He asked aloud, making you jolt, you were pretty sure you had chosen a spot where you weren’t going to get caught by the authorities or those that’d grass you up for expressing how you truly felt about Osborne and all those just like him. You shrugged, looking up at your finished product before looking back over at Hobie, ‘dunno yet,’ you told him truthfully, ‘my working titles are either anarchy incarnate or death to capitalism.’
Hobie hummed in approval, but he thought you could do better, ‘how about anarchy is the death of capitalism?’ He suggested and he couldn’t never forget the light in your eyes upon hearing his working title, that in the midst of your excitement you had grabbed him by the arm, ‘that’s it! That’s what I should call it, you’re a genius man!’ You cried before realising what you did and immediately removed your hand from his arm, ‘sorry about that.’ Hobie dismissed your apology by slinging an arm over your shoulder. ‘Nah, don’t give me that shit, you shouldn’t have to apologise for being yourself for that’s what they want you to do.’
‘I don’t think I ever got your name.’ You said. ‘Hobie. Hobie brown and may I get to know the name of the amazing artist behind this.’ Hobie gestured to the spray painting. ‘Y/n l/n.’ You replied. ‘Well y/n, I think we’re going to get along quite well.’ And you did.
So when your untimely death happened, Hobie felt as though he were Achilles having lost his Patroclus. He cradled your body into his arms even long after you had said your final words, ‘keep fighting the good fight, my little anarchist.’ and much longer after it had already gone cold. You had told him that you were heading out to go spray paint with some people you’ve met and the worst soon came when despite knowing that you didn’t have to, you still went out of your way to act as a distraction so that the rest may escape; which resulted in the way that it did.He knew he should’ve gone with you that day because then maybe you would still be alive and taking the piss out of him for worrying about you but he didn’t, so you weren’t.
Ever since then Hobie had made it his goal to keep fighting for not only his chase but yours as well in your memory. He made you a memorial in the exact same place where you first met, always paying it a visit whenever he felt as though he needed you with him, which has lead him to start talking to your spray pairings as though they were actually you. There was without a shadow of a doubt that you were quite possibly one of the greatest artists to have ever lived, alongside with being an avid inspiration to many to the youths who felt as though they had no way of expressing themselves when feeling slighted by the society they were born in. Hell you even inspired him! So much so that there were a multitude of songs he would perform that depicted a individual with stardust in their eyes, a rebellious fire in their heart and a insatiably need to insight the themes of anarchy within anything they touched.
After your death Hobie kept a good portion of your things; such as your spray cans that would never get used, your clothes that still clung onto the very last essence of you much like he did and even kept the picture you took together after helping you finish a project you had been wanting to pursue for a long while; and who would’ve thought that it would be him, not as Spider-Man, just good old Hobie Brown with the message, ‘keep fighting the good fight, my little anarchist.’
So when he caught himself walking down a alleyway much like he did long ago but this time in a completely new place, he felt as though he was being hit with a wave of de ja vu when his ears picked up on the familiar hissing sound of a spray can. It was like he was back there again and if his memory serves him right, he knew what was to come next the moment he, Gwen and Miles made it into a clearing where they were greeted with the sight of someone’s back as they were deeply engrossed with their own handy work. ‘You’re going to love them Hobie, they’re like super cool and awesome.’ Gwen told him but her words went in one ear and out the next as he stared up at the spray painting of Miles as Spider-Man mid swing; it was beautiful without a doubt but they style in which it was drawn was all too familiar.
‘Whatcha gonna call that?’ Hobie had said without realising it until you jolted before turning to look directly at him, regaining your composure, ‘dunno yet.’ You shrugged and your voice sounded like an echo to the past for Hobie who so desperately wanted to pinch himself in that moment. ‘my working titles are either a bright new era or rising above all expectations.’ Hobie didn’t say anything for he knew he was going to say something that would only scare you away, just because you were another version of his y/n didn’t mean you shared the same memories; to you, he was just another spider-man from another reality, he wasn’t your Hobie despite how he wish he was but he knew he couldn’t put that on you.
He also couldn’t blame you for being alive while his version of you was dead. It wouldn’t be fair on you for being blamed for something that wasn’t your fault to begin with and it wouldn’t be fair on him either, as despite how many times he made himself believe that he has accepted your death, his heart would remind him that he truly hadn’t. You were such a pivotal part of his life that he couldn’t seem to let go of. ‘Hmm, both titles sound cool but I think we can do better.’ Miles pipped up, breaking Hobie out of his headspace that was running rampant with all the best memories you shared together. ‘How about…the bright new era of rising above all expectations?’ Hobie interjected.
You made a face at the suggestion before a wide smile spread across your face as you lost yourself in your excitement and grabbed ahold of his arm like you did when your first met, ‘that’s it! That’s what I should call it! You’re a genius dude, thank you.’ But before you could remove your hand from his arm, Hobie grasped your hand and held it firmly. ‘I don’t believe I told you my name, it’s Hobie by the way.’ Your excused his actions as an exchange of formal greeting and grasped onto his hand with the same about of force. ‘Nice to meet you Hobie, I’m y/n.’
‘I know’ is what Hobie desperately wanted to say but kept it all contained under a strained smile.
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jorongbak · 2 months
So I just watched Deadpool & Wolverine. Here's a short jumbled review
1. I think this might be my favorite Deadpool movie. ..and I'm definitely going to be broke by the end of August
3. This movie feels like a tribute to 20th Century Fox's Marvel and 2000s Marvel movies. As a 2000's kid who grew up watching and loving Fox's Marvel movies, it's a nice feeling of nostalgia and surprises
3-1. Love the amount of appreciation and respect they show to 20th Century Fox
4. The balance between the comedy and the serious emotional scenes are done very well. Made me laugh hard as well as made me feel for Logan and Wade. There are more serious moments than they let on from the trailers.
5. All of the fight scenes are also great. R-ratings giving Wolverine and Deadpool the permission to go all out, put Maximum Effort into all the gory, bloody, violent, satisfactory action sequences. We all know it's a sin if DP and W don't get to fight in a R-rated style, and this movie do them justice (especially Wolvie)
They are so chaotic together you'll love every time when their combined chaotic insanity intensifies.
5-1. Yes. He wears the cowl, and I goddamn loved every second Wolverine's cowl was on the screen. He wears it much longer than I expected
6. "Like a Prayer" is a perfect choice. It's beautiful
7. If you're a Wolverine fan, like me, please don't miss this movie. Hugh Jackman is of course amazing as ever as Wolverine. And with R-rated blessings, we get to see Logan being the angry grumpy cranky unsociable foul-mouthed violent no hesitation quick to stab self in his iconic yellow suit. (That was already a Hugh-ge win for me)
And the way he fights. YES. YES. YES. That's the Wolverine I love.
+) Also there's the way he moves for a very short amount of seconds in his fight with Deadpool that I want to talk so much about... but I'll hold my tongue until more of you watch the movie. It was the first time I saw him do that. It's a new move and I freakin' loved it. Wish we'd get to see him do that again later
8. I f**kin' love the ending so much. It's perfect for me. It's the very best ending I could have asked for. The ending made me love the movie so much more
9. Can they save MCU? I dunno and TBH I don't care about the whole MCU, I just care about them. I'm willing to stick around for more of Wolverine and Deadpool stuffs, and hopefully some good X-men stuffs from the Mutant saga.
10. While I can't say this movie is a masterpiece like Logan, it is definitely entertaining and a good fun watch. That is enough for me. They give what the audience came for and I absolutely love it for that.
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wannabeanotter · 2 months
Genetics (twink to bear tf)
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"Urgh, you know what I fucking hate? Fat men. Like, bears, you know? It's just so gross. I can't believe they don't take care of their bodies"
I fucking hate twinks like this. Just because he's skinny, smooth, pretty, he thinks he's so special? It's just genetics! It's not anyone else's fault their DNA has made them a real man, not like him.
If he thinks it's so fucking easy to be them, why doesn't he try walking a mile in their shoes?
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SNAP - a nice, big, pair of work boots (don't mind the smell). Their last owner has soaked then nice and deep in sweat, and the traces of DNA left in them will be just what this twink needs to remodel his life.
I leave them in his bedroom. When he finds them, his curiosity will get the better of him, and as he slips them on his cells will start to squirm and wriggle and edit their genetic code into the perfect pig. His balls swell, pumping more and more testosterone around his body. His muscles thicken and bulge, and a layer of fat coats his stomach. He tries to yelp, but a low, rumbling growl comes out of the new, thick Adam's apple instead. When he clutches it, he feels that his hands are thicker, meatier.
A real man should have thick, sweaty armpit hair too. All that extra testosterone makes you stink, you know? It's intoxicating, and he reaches down and grabs his new, thick cock.
Fuuck, he smells great. At least, he thinks so ;)
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But damn bros, I dunno, do you think it's enough? That's not a bear, that's a cub at best
Cuz like, while his old twink genetics had kept his body hair to zero, in a real man, those follicles get turned on everywhere. His back, his hands, especially his ass. He should have after wave of dark hair creeping all over him, up over his shoulders, deep into his crack...
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And no one keeps up a gym routine forever. Eventually he'll start skipping, taking cheat days, and those things have consequences, ya know: big consequences. With all this new appetite his body starts to bulge, stretching out at the waist, each can of beer going straight into his new gut. His brain cells rewire - from now on, he's gonna be always hungry, always just wanting to sit on the couch, scratch his balls, and stuff his face like a pig
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There, bros, don't you think he's perfect? Of course when he snaps out of it, he's gonna scream, sob, and whinge about his new body, but I'm sure he'll come round eventually. He'll understand how much better it is to have a body like this, to have a set of genetics blessed by the god of pigs
But if not, hey, he can just lose some weight, right? It's so easy
[I hope this one is good! Remember, asks and dms are always open for tf requests or roleplay. Maybe tell me what you'd do to me, or request a visit from the god of pigs]
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katstarry · 2 months
no one noticed | take our time
eddie munson x reader
part ii
masterlist ☆
part i | part iii
summary: you and eddie grow closer when eddie invites you to hangout outside of school.
warnings: fluff, pining, the upside down doesn’t exist here! a slow burn apparently, reader is introverted kinda
a/n: my obsession with him comes and goes but whenever it comes back IT COMES BACK HARDD 😭 it’s been a week of it consuming me again, i need more content of eddie! (robin & reader are very birds of a feather coded in my head)
feedback + reblogs are appreciated! ☆
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you rush over to where robin is seated, not bothering to get in line for food. you’ll go later.
“i’m going crazy.” is what you say as soon as you reach her, interrupting what she was about to say, her mouth agape.
an amused expression covers her features, “oh? and why exactly, are you going crazy?” she leans closer to you, a knowing look in her eye.
you take a seat beside her, your back to eddie’s table.
“we got paired up for a project in history class.” is all you say as you steal a cold french fry from her tray.
“hey!” she swats your hand away, but she’s too late, “paired up, huh? i bet you’re thrilled!” she smiles over at you.
you groan and put your face in your hands.
“it wasn’t so bad, honestly. it was pretty fun. i didn’t make a fool of myself.” your words were muffled in between your hands, “…at least i hope not.” you say, facing your friend once again.
she laughs at your distress, “oh c’mon! you should be happy that you finally have an excuse to talk to him!”
“it’s not funny, robin! how am i going to survive this? oh my god, robin.” you look at her smiling, you know that you’re being dramatic. but besides your nerves, you are pretty excited to finally be talking to eddie.
“what?” she raises her eyebrows at you, eating her fries.
“he’s so dreamy.”
robin gags, “gross.”
you nudge her shoulder laughing, “oh please! maybe you’re right. i should just be happy about this. he was pretty nice.” you look at her and sigh dramatically, “it was pretty nice.”
“you’re hopeless.”
“you’re supposed to be hyping me up right now! i finally talked to my crush.”
“yeah, and i still can’t believe it only took you being partners for it to happen. by force.” she laughs when you pout.
“okay, okay! yes, of course i’ll hype you up. he’ll totally ask you out, though. i bet he’s thinking of you right now, planning how to do it. actually, he’s planning your marriage as we speak.”
“okay. let’s not get too crazy now.” you laugh, moving to stand to finally get in line for some food, but blushing at the thought nonetheless.
robin rolls your eyes at you, “you are too far gone.”
you steal one last fry from her before leaving, hearing a faint “oh c’mon!” behind you.
standing in line, you see the same girl from your history class in front of you, elizabeth? you think her name is?
she turns around, “oh, hey!”
“hey, elizabeth, right?”
“yes! you’re y/n? right?”
you smile, “yeah, we have history together.”
“right! i hope this project is over with quickly, i got stuck with byers,” she glanced at a table, “but it can’t be as bad as munson.”
you were taken aback, you knew what other people thought of him, but being outright rude is crazy.
“oh! eddie’s a great partner, honestly… we spent the class coming up with ideas. jonathan’s really nice too, i’ve helped him take some photos before for the yearbook.”
she raises an eyebrow at you, “hm. hopefully he won’t bring your grade down.”
you feel uneasy now, what’s her problem? do these people even give eddie a chance and actually talk to him?
“i doubt it, he seemed pretty excited.”
she laughs, “that’s because a girl is finally giving him some attention.”
“no, it’s because we’re working on a project together. and i dunno, i don’t talk trash about him?” you state, plainly, giving her an unamused look, not interested in continuing the conversation.
“wow, didn’t know you could even talk that much. that’s the most i’ve ever heard you speak!” she tilts her head at you mockingly, clearly you’ve upset her.
you don’t answer her, “could you move up? the lines moving.” avoiding her taunting gaze.
you see her roll her eyes from your peripheral, and she finally turns back around.
letting out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in, you finally make it to the food. mood ruined. why are people so mean. you’re starving. at least they’re serving your favorite today, chicken nuggets and fries. such an amazing meal, the best school food gets.
walking back to robin you catch a glimpse of eddie, he’s making another dramatic display. you don’t catch what he’s saying, since he stops his rant as you’re about to walk by, where he happens to be walking.
he bows dramatically, giving you room to walk around him, “my apologies, madame.” he smiles at you.
you shake your head laughing, “thank you, sir.”
you sit beside robin once again.
“finally! you’re back. it’s been too long! we’re finally reunited.” robin gives you a dramatic side hug.
“i know, sorry! i was held up by a troll. asked me to solve a riddle, couldn’t figure it out.”
she laughs, “oh yeah? how’d you make your away around it?”
“i ate it.” you deadpan, opening your pack of ketchup.
you finally turn to look over at her, both of you burst out laughing.
as you eat, you explain to robin your conversation with elizabeth.
“what an asshole.” she says as you both stand to throw away your trash and put away your trays.
“i know right!” you shake your head, putting your tray away.
“i just don’t understand why it bothers people so much if people don’t talk. like, hello! maybe they just don’t want to talk to you?” she says, “or- or, like why it bothers people so much that people are different from them, in general? the times i’ve occasionally spoken with eddie, he seemed pretty chill.” she raises her hands in exasperation.
“right? i don’t get it either.” you sigh.
walking out the cafeteria you join robin by her locker, before going to your own, where she accompanies you as well, and grab what you need.
“see you at dismissal?” you say.
“yup! i don’t have practice today, steve’s gonna pick me up. i got a shift after school today.” she gives you a fist bump before going on her way to class.
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it’s finally the end of the day.
you can finally take that nap.
you make your way to your locker, leaving your books.
by the door on your way out you see robin, “we’re free!” she exclaims.
she wraps her arms around your shoulders, “let’s get outta here.” you say.
“what do you plan to do? while i’m away at family video, locked inside there, along with an annoying dingus, with no other choice but to do work?” she lets out an exasperated breath, looking over to you.
“i was planning on taking a nap.”
“fun!” she says, with fake enthusiasm. “was kinda hoping for a, ‘i’ll come by and see you, of course! you’re my bestest friend! i won’t let you suffer alone!’ but i see now how much you truly care about me.”
you laugh, “i’ll come by to see you, robs.” making your way to your car, steve isn’t here yet, so robin walks with you.
“really?” she says hopefully.
“yeah, after i take my nap.” you say, looking straight ahead.
“oh c’mon! your naps always last, like, forever!” she whines.
“it won’t be that long this time!” you look at her, and she looks at you.
“okay maybe it will be.”
she shakes her head as you reach your car, leaning onto it.
“you and your fucked sleep schedule.”
“it’s me and my crap sleep schedule against the world.”
“hey, i thought it was you and me against the world!”
you were too busy bantering with robin that you didn’t realize eddie walking up behind you.
he was looking for you in the hallways, even stopped by your locker. he was working up his courage all throughout lunchtime, and his last classes.
“y/n! wait!” he calls out your name, jogging to reach you.
you stop what you were about to say, staring at robin.
seeing her light up, a smirk appearing on her face.
turning your head, you’re met with eddie, hands on his knees, catching his breath.
“yeah, hey. it’s me. givemeasec.” he breathes out, before standing upright again.
“hello.” he turns to robin, “and hello.” he nods his head to her.
“hey.” she looks behind him and looks back at you, “oh would you look at that? my rides here! i’ll call you later y/n! bye!” she leaves before you can even respond. you look at the direction she ran, steve’s not even here yet.
eddie turns back to face you, also looking confused by robin’s sudden disappearance.
“s’that usually happen?” he has an amused look on his face.
you shake your head, “no.”
“ah well- uh anyway. i wanna ask you something.”
oh? okay. cool. he wants to ask you something.
“yeah.” he looks at you.
“okay.. you can ask me anything, eddie.”
“right! shit, uh. i was wondering, are you doing anything? later?” he sees your panicked look, he backtracks, “i mean to, y’know, work on the project.” nice save.
ah. you hide your disappointment, “oh, yeah sure. i’m not doing anything today.” oh robin’s gonna be pissed that you canceled your nap for this and not see her at work.
“okay, cool. uhh where do you wanna meet? i mean, we could go to my place? or if not that’s cool too we could go to the library or something. dunno.” he kicks a loose pebble in the parking lot, messing with his rings. cute.
“your place is fine. i could just follow right behind you,” you jiggle your keys in-front of you, “i gotta call my mom first though, let her know.” you flush, “uh, where is your place?” you ask, knowing your mom would want to know.
“it’s uh the forest hills trailer park.” he continues to fiddle with his rings, looking at you now.
“right, i know where that is. let me just ring her real quick, yeah? i’ll be right back!” you head towards the telephones outside the school, call your mom and assure her it’s just for a project and that you won’t take that long.
you head back to your car, seeing eddie still standing nearby.
“all good?” he says, smiling.
“yeah, let’s go.” you smile back.
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on your drive there you realize what exactly you’re doing.
your going to eddie’s place.
you’re freaking out.
it’s okay, that’s cool. it’s just for the project. you have your notebook in your book bag still. you have your notes.
entering the trailer park and parking beside his van, you mentally prepare yourself. oh god, you’re going into his home.
breathe! you still can’t even believe your mom let you come over in the first place, to a boys place.
seeing eddie get out his van, you get out your car with your bag and stand awkwardly as you wait for him.
“this way, madame.” he says, walking ahead of you and up to the trailer. grabbing his keys from his pocket, he opens the door and lets you in first.
“welcome to my paradise.” he walks in after you, shutting the door behind him.
you look around the small living room. it’s cozy, comfortable, it feels homey. you gently place your bag on the couch.
“it’s a nice place eddie.”
he laughs and turns away, heading to the kitchen.
“you don’t have to lie.”
“i’m not lying.” you say, genuinely. “i used to live in a trailer too.”
he looks up, grabbing two cups. “really?”
you nod, “best years of my life, honestly. we moved to our current house when i was about,” you look up in thought, “7? 8? maybe?” you head over to where eddie stood.
he hums in acknowledgment. “didn’t know that.”
you shrug, “never really talked about it, not a big deal really.”
looking at you, he asks “would you like some water? soda? you can take a seat y’know.” he smiles over at you as he heads to the fridge.
taking a seat at one of the chairs at the table you answer, “hmm, what soda do you have?”
“uhh.. let me see.” he moves things around, “got some pepsi, sprite, coke..”
“i’ll take some coke, please.”
“comin’ right up, sweetheart.”
your brain nearly explodes.
oh you’re definitely calling robin after this.
he comes back to you with two cans of coke for the both of you.
“thank you. what a wonderful host.” you smile at him as he pulls out the chair beside yours and sits in it.
“you’re welcome.” he laughs.
“right.. so..” you open your can, “the project?”
a brief look of confusion crosses eddie’s face. right. the project.
he clears his throat, “yeah, the project. um, i’ll be getting the stuff tomorrow.” he stepped out during lunch for a bit to sell and earn some more cash, thankfully he got enough for the materials for the poster board, they’re pretty affordable anyway.
“alright, cool! thank you for that, by the way. i wouldn’t of had minded buying it.”
he shakes his head, drinking from his can. “no, no. it’s fine. i don’t mind.”
you’re about to say something when he gives you a look, “fine.” you huff in defeat.
“good.” he smiles, knowing he won.
“let me grab my notebook from my bag.” you get up and grab your book bag from the couch, unzipping it and looking for your notebook.
you look through it again, pulling out the ones you do have, double checking.
you can’t believe it. you literally have all your notebooks, except your history one. you sigh frustratedly, zipping your bag back up and heading back towards the kitchen, empty handed.
“couldn’t find it?”
“couldn’t find it.” you continue to stand, “sorry.”
“nah, it’s fine. uh.” he looks at his watch, “hasn’t been that long, if you, maybe wanna stay for a bit longer?” he taps on his can, please say yes.
you keep your excitement at bay, trying to remain cool.
“yeah, that’d be cool.” nice. super cool.
you sit back down, “so..” you smile, looking down at your can of coke.
“soo….” he mimicks.
“i wanted to let you know, about me calling my mom, it isn’t because i don’t trust you, i swear. she just likes knowing where i am, she worries.” you look at him.
“it’s all good. don’t worry ‘bout it.” though he does look as though he feels more comfortable now, “you get used to it.”
“you shouldn’t have to.”
he shrugs, changing the subject, “nice that your mom’s protective of you though.”
you laugh, “not as much as my dad though.”
“really? what’s he like?” he tilts his head at you, asking in genuine curiosity.
“well.. i’m the only girl. so you could imagine how protective he can be. he’s not like, controlling, but he’s just a bit strict. curfews and stuff like that.”
“hmm. you have siblings, then? brothers?”
“yeah,” you smile, “three actually. 2 older brothers and one younger. my older brothers moved out already though, but they visit frequently.. do you have any?”
“me? nah, no, i don’t. only son.”
you nod your head.
“live here with my uncle wayne, actually.” he moves his gaze back down to the table, “he works at the factory most days, ‘s why he’s not here right now.”
“oh cool, my dad used to work there too.”
“what’s he work in now?”
“construction. he’s out of the city on the weekdays, comes home on weekends. though sometimes he doesn’t come for a few weeks if the job is too far away.”
this is the most you’ve told someone about yourself, other than robin, in just a day.
you’re really going crazy.
“that’s cool-” he tries to find a way to lighten the mood after seeing your expression, but accidentally lets out a loud burp.
you laugh and he smiles.
“‘scuse me.” he laughs, covering his mouth.
“i lived with my brothers, trust me, you’re all good.” still laughing.
“what’s your uncle like?”
he goes on to talk about his uncle wayne, the conversation goes smoothly. you feel at ease with eddie’s jokes and banter, it’s an automatic click. a rare thing for you to come by, you hope this is the first of many hangouts. you realize that your closest friends are the complete opposite of you—robin, who can somehow make a conversation not boring, always including you with her other friends and makes you be apart of the conversation. it’s the same with eddie, how do they do it? it must be a superpower, or something.
you finish laughing after a story he had been telling you involving his friends from hellfire when you speak up, “could you tell me the time?”
he looks down at his watch, “uhh, it’s about to be 7 o’clock,” looking at you through his bangs, “tryna ditch me, sweetheart?”
dramatically grabbing at his chest, he says “i’m wounded.” and nearly falls out his chair.
“definitely. yeah, i can’t wait to get outta here.” you reply sarcastically, “i do have to go though.” you sigh.
“i had a lot of fun.”
he crosses his arms and smiles. “as did i.”
you get up from the chair, eddie does too and walks to the couch, grabbing your bag and handing it to you once you reach him. “thanks.”
he opens the door for you and walks you to your car, “we should uh, do this again sometime. hangout..” he scratches his neck, looking around before looking at you once again.
“i’d love to!” you twirl your keys in your hand.
“cool! can’t wait.” he clears his throat. “see you tomorrow? at school?”
“see you, eddie.” you smile over at him when you open your car door, getting in and closing it.
you can’t stop smiling on your drive home, you just hung out with your crush. you’re friends with your crush now.
right as you get home and talk to your mom, you immediately call robin spending another few hours talking to her.
you go to sleep that night feeling happy, and you can’t wait for the next day to come.
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jazzyoranges · 10 months
Saw you take requests!! Can you do a fluffy Wednesday x Shape shifter!Reader (no smut please) where it's Wednesday's writing time but she can't think of ideas so reader turns into a cat and curls up on Wednesday's lap? Basically helping Wednesday by making sure Wednesday can't get up until she writes a chapter. Thanks!
Orange kitty - drabble
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Words: 0.8k
A/n: i feel like we as a fandom haven’t been putting the orange cat x black cat trope in enough fics. this is me advocating for orange cat!r
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“I feel your eyes on me, (Y/n).”
“I’m not allowed to look at my friend anymore?”
“It’s distracting. You’re inhibiting me from writing.” Wednesday isn’t fully lying. She just doesn’t add how you give her an odd feeling. An odd feeling she doesn’t like.
“Aww, do I make you nervous, Wens?” You laugh, deciding to ignore the glare she sends your way
“Keep talking and I’ll remove your voice box.”
“Please, I think you’d miss me too much” You roll your eyes, stretching on Wednesday’s bed
You turn into a cat as per Thing’s request, and you two start to play tag around Wednesday and Enid’s shared room. Thing happily bragged that you and him were better friends once. His hubris only resulted in Wednesday taking away his favorite lotions for an entire week.
The Addams girl huffs when she, yet again, makes a mistake on her typewriter. This was unlike her. The tiny trash can under her desk was nearing being full only after one or two hours of her failed attempts at writing. Wednesday put her hands in her lap after she realized her words only became futile
The abrupt stop of clacking keys makes you turn your head, giving Thing the perfect opportunity to tag you back on Enid’s bed. You quickly turn human again with almost a cartoon-ish pop, and ask Thing if Wednesday was allergic to cats
“She’s not, why do you ask?” He signs
“Do you think she’d kill me if I sat on her lap?” You sign back, not wanting Wednesday to hear
“As a human, most definitely. But if you were a cat maybe she’d tolerate you. No promises, though” Thing somehow shrugs using his thumb and pinkie finger as arms. God, you loved the weird appendage
“I can hear you two talking. I’d prefer if you’d leave me in silence.”
“Writers block?”
“No, I’m merely thinking of the correct words to use.”
“Maybe you should ask Enid for help. The woman can reach over the Twitter character limit in like… three seconds. Two if she’s really excited”
“Recommend such a horrid idea again and I’ll release you in my pen of hellhounds.”
“We both know I’d win” You cockily smirk, again ignoring what looks to be annoyance on Wednesday’s face. Then again, she always looked annoyed
“Your hubris is laughable. Let’s see how you suffice when your digestive system is ripped open.”
“Tempting, but I’d rather stay here with you”
You can only assume Thing listens with watchful… fingers? You execute your plan to him, and a quick pinkie-promise indicates he gets to bury you if Wednesday decides to kill you after the stunt you’re about to pull
“Hey, Wens?” The Addams doesn’t show any form of talking but you decide to keep going
“Did you know people say cats can lessen anxiety?”
The Addams hums in acknowledgement, so you continue
“Well, I don’t exactly believe it”
“And why is that.” Wednesday sighs. Sometimes she wonders why she indulges in you
“I dunno, just seems fake. I was wondering if you’d do an experiment with me?”
“I’d rather not.”
“Great! Thanks, Wens” You give Thing a quick wink after turning into a cat and hopping up onto her desk. Turning your head to the side as if you were asking a question, you looked at Wednesday for an answer
You were crazy, but not crazy enough to do something to make Wednesday hate you
For some reason, the Addams girl doesn’t even have a second chance to think before scooting back her chair. You’re about to jump into her lap with a paw over the edge of her desk, but you glance up to make sure Wednesday was sure. You receive a small nod
The action is enough to make you whisper a small “thank you” but it only comes out as a small meow
You circle around her lap for a good area to lay, and you quickly take your spot with a tiny smile that makes your eyes close. Wednesday scoots her chair back in, and she has absolutely no idea what to do.
Only when you start to purr a shiver goes up her spine. The vibrations are light, and something about you happily laying on her lap makes you chip away at Wednesday’s walls the tiniest bit. She contemplates where to put her hands before Thing scurries on top of you to scratch behind your ear. Wednesday shoots him a deathly glare in return, but your favorite Addams (don’t tell Wednesday) stays put
As if showing Wednesday how to pet a cat, Thing gets off of your back and points a finger in your direction. Hesitantly, the Addams girl copies the actions Thing showed her
And you? You were having an amazing time. Wednesday’s fingers were cold but every stroke of her hand was calculated. She took note of which spots you purred louder, and continued her movements
Fuck you and your ability to get what you want, Wednesday thinks. Of course your smug ass knew cats lessened anxiety. Of course.
But Wednesday can’t help being addicted to your tiny purrs and vibrations
With her left hand fondling your ear and her right on her typewriter, she decides maybe a cat could be arranged in her novel.
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gallaghersgal · 10 months
𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || 𝐥𝐢𝐩 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫
pairing: lip gallagher x fem!reader
summary: just lip being a cute bf + debbie and ian being little shits
warnings: lowercase on purpose. poorly written tbh. swearing but y’all know how it is. heavily unedited. gen said yolo so i’m posting
A/N: i’ve been on hiatus for god knows how long but my roommate and i started watching shameless and i can’t get this mfer out of my head. things w school and life are hard rn so i just wrote this comfy cozy little thing in my notes app. yolo asf.
wordcount: probably like 500 or less idk i wrote it in my notes app at 1am
— — — — — — — — — — —
you’re nestled in lip’s arms, high up on his rickety top bunk. somewhere between finishing your nails and kissing until you could barely breathe, you had fallen asleep right against his chest.
you stirred now, your cozy world interrupted a squeaky little voice. “are you in love with her?” debbie questions.
lip shushes his sister, “be quiet, she’s sleeping.”
you were wide awake now, but much too comfortable to move and make that little fact known. plus, you wanted to hear his answer.
“i asked you a question dummy. are you in love with her?”
lip stutters, “i-i dunno. i really like her, okay?”
you’re satisfied with that answer. “in love” was a little too much too quick. but “really like” was something that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“what d’ya like about her?” ian presses.
you can practically hear the gears turning in lip’s head as his siblings impatiently await a response.
“she’s- i dunno, she’s pretty?” lip replies. you hold back a scowl, annoyed at him for not having a better answer.
“yeah, great rack,” debbie comments.
“jesus, deb!” lip’s head falls back in frustration, one hand coming to cradle your head as not to wake you with the sudden motion.
“cut the shit lip,” ian interrupts. “tell us what you really think.”
you hold your breath as you wait for his response. his lips brush your hairline before he sighs. “she’s sweet, yeah? real kind.”
“a real woman of the people,” ian snorts, “princess diana type.” then “ow!” as you hear debbie shove him.
“and- and she’s real smart, too,” lip continues. “really, really fuckin’ smart. an’ she works hard. she just tires herself out sometimes.”
he strokes your hair gently, pressing a few more fleeting kisses to your forehead.
“you’re so whipped.”
you hear debbie shove her brother again, and this time ian fights back, the two making a ruckus as they push each other back and forth.
“come on guys, out. now.” lip orders his siblings around with that same stern voice you’ve heard plenty of times before.
debbie pouts. “but-“
“no buts. go on, she’s fuckin’ sleepin’ in here an’ you’re gonna wake her up. fuck off.”
“we were just-“
“fuck. off.”
“jesus,” you can practically hear ian roll his eyes. “alright, alright. we’re going.”
debbie yells for fiona as the two shuffle out of the room, not bothering to close the door behind them.
you smirk to yourself as lip groans above you, showing your cards. “you’re awake?”
you peer up at him through your lashes, a smirk planted on your lips that he’s just dying to kiss off. “can’t believe your little sister said i have a great rack,” you whisper.
lip laughs, loud and genuine. “yeah, she’s been stuffing fi’s old training bras. growin’ up an’ shit. i don’t like it.”
you’re quiet for a moment, admiring him. you know how important those kids are to him. he’d do just about anything for them, including the minor crimes you find him tangled up in on a weekly basis. he loves them like they’re his own kids, which honestly they kind of are. they may shove each other around, curse each other out, yell and scream at the top of their lungs, but at the end of the day lip has been more of a father to his siblings than frank ever was.
“you really meant all that?” you ask.
lip looks down at you, his blue eyes soft in the dim light. “yeah. yeah, i did. meant every word.”
you smile, leaning up to place a solid kiss on his lips. “for what it’s worth,” you murmur, “i really like you too.”
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dumplingsjinson · 11 months
List of random dialogue prompts (pt. 3)
“Truth be told? I miss the times — the me — before I fell in love with you.” 
“You know, I can see myself in, on top of, or under you. What do you say?” “I can see you buried six feet under my very feet if you don’t stop joking about this shit with me.” 
“Was there a point when you fell out of love with me?” “There was a point when I fell in love with you, but never out.”
“When did you fall out of love with me?” “That’s the thing: I never fell out of love with you. You’re the one who fell out of love with me.”
“Right person, wrong time… What if this is the right time? We’re just the wrong people for each other.”
“You have me wrapped around your fingers. Crazy part is, I don’t mind it.” 
“Don’t forget this: I made you. I can easily break you if I wanted to.” 
“I shared pieces of me, with so many people, and none of them kept those pieces safe, and I don’t know if I can risk that with you because it would devastate me if you turn out to be the same as them all. I would be completely destroyed.” 
“Don’t give me that look.”
“You okay?” “No. I need hugs. From you. I need you to hug me.” 
“I just wanna fucking get over you so I can be okay again.” 
“Stop trying to remind me that you’re still in my life. I’m trying to not think about you, for God’s sake.”
“I wanna kiss you so badly right now but we’re in public and I know you hate public display of affection—“ “I’ll allow you to do it this time.” “Wait… Really?” 
“I make shitty decisions and you’re a testament to that matter.”
“I have things to do, and most of them include me trying not to think about you.”
“I’ve never cried because of someone, you know? I didn’t have anyone to cry over. You’re the first, and you’ll also be the last, or so God help me through this embarrassment.” 
“Breaking up with me does not mean you had to kick me off your Spotify playlist, you know? Because damn. As much as I’m upset, your list had some bangers.” 
“You don’t get to do decide my feelings for you.” 
“I’m not bitchless, you fucking dickhead. Take that back!” 
“Every little thing reminds me of you, which sucks because you’re not in my life anymore.”
“It’s kinda weird not seeing your name on my phone when I wake up. It’s gonna take me some time to get used to this.”
“I think I knew this wasn’t going to last when I realised it’s not that I trust you. It’s that I don’t care what you do, and who you might be fucking around with.”
“One text from you has me happier than a child whose mother bought them their favourite candy. It’s not okay.” 
“I don’t share my Spotify playlist with just anyone. It’s like a secret love language of mine, reserved for those I want to let in. You’re one of them, yet you’re here thinking I don’t feel the same way about you?”
“I dunno, I just… Kinda fell for you.”
“You’re the reason why I fell in love with you. You, as a whole.” 
“There are some songs that I can’t listen to anymore, because they remind me of you; of all the times we’ve had together. And it sucks because some of them are great songs. And you fucking ruined them, you asshole.”
“I’m tired of acting like I don’t care, because I do. I fucking do, and that’s what makes this even worse.” 
“One thing you should know about me is that I suck at letting go.”
“So you’re telling me I’m supposed to sit here and give a fuck? You couldn’t pay me enough to do that. I have places to be and things to do.” 
“You need to stop being such a dramatic bitch.” “It’s the only way I can entertain myself, okay? Now piss off and leave me be.” 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have let you go.”
“You deserve someone better than me—” “You don’t get to decide that for me.”
“You ever think about how good we could have been together?” “Yeah. I think about it all the time, and then I remember how badly you fumbled. So yeah, good job.”
“You’re blushing.” “I’m not.” “…Then I guess I’ll have to give you something to blush over.”
“I lost myself while trying to find the good in you.”
“I think it’s comforting that they’re somewhere out there… Even if we never speak again, you know? They were a part of my life, even if it was only for a little while. They made me feel good, even if it was only for a short amount of time.” 
“Remember when you said you’d catch me when I fell? Well, you’re a fucking liar. Figuratively and literally. Now I’m hospitalised and also emotionally scarred. I hope you’re fucking happy about that.” 
“If we break up, I’d look for you in other people and be reminded that they are not you, and that I’d never find someone like you again. And… I don’t think I can bear the thought of that.”
“I give you permission to break my heart.” “And I give you permission to end me if I ever do break your heart.” 
“I have things to do—“ “And I’m one of them.”
“You’re only saying sorry because you want to make yourself feel better, so you can go shove that sweet apology up your ass because it doesn’t mean shit. I hope you continue to feel like shit over what you did, because I’m never forgiving you.”
“I had expectations for someone I knew couldn’t meet those expectations, so that’s my fault for expecting anything from you at all.”
“You? Breaking my heart? It’s funny how you think you even have that power over me.”
“You were like a routine that I loved and it felt… comfortable. But I guess that’s not the case anymore.” 
“You fell in love with the idea of someone that wasn’t even real. You fell in love with your own projections. How are you so foolish to think that it would have worked out?”
“I’m fine. Of course I’m fine.” “Everything about this interaction is telling me you’re not fine — not even close.”
“The idea of us was perfect. Blame me for thinking it would turn out into something good and as fantastical as what I made it out to be in my head.”
“Because no matter what I do, I can’t stop thinking about you and it’s about to drive me to the very brink of insanity, so if you’ll excuse me for not wanting to be near you, that would great.”
“I would not be who I am today if not for you.” 
(pt 1.) | (pt. 2)
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steddieas-shegoes · 8 months
When Eddie is introduced to Jonathan, they both give each other a look that says “if you say anything, you’re dead” and naturally, Nancy clocks it immediately.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” they said at the same time, only growing the suspicion.
“Seriously? Do you know each other already?”
“Yes, but-“
They glare at each other, but Eddie speaks up again.
“He bought from me a couple times. No big deal.”
Nancy looks between them, shakes her head. “There’s something else going on. But we’ve got bigger problems.”
And they did.
For months, their problems seemed to get worse by the day. It was a great distraction.
But honestly, anytime Eddie spent more time with Jonathan, it got harder not to say how they actually knew each other: a make out session in a bathroom at a party when Jonathan was yearning for Nancy.
He told Steve eventually, had to with the way he kept finding ways to avoid being around Jonathan and Steve got suspicious.
“If he said something to you about us, I’ll take care of it. He doesn’t get to say shit about what makes us happy.”
And Eddie couldn’t have Steve lose another fight, so he told him.
“So wait. You and Jonathan…”
“Made out. Yes.”
“Like…with tongue?”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I remember tongue being involved.”
“And hands?”
“They were there too.”
Steve puts his hands on his hips, lifts one to wipe over his face, then settles it back on his hip. “And you liked it?”
“Considering at the time my options were Jonathan or the girl in Hellfire who insisted I wasn’t gay because I looked at her during campaigns, yeah. It wasn’t the worst thing I’ve been through.”
Steve huffed. “Yeah, but like. Compared to me-“
“Oh my god.”
“I cannot believe you’re jealous of Jonathan Byers. Again.”
“I’m not! I’ve never-“
Eddie raised his brows. “Never? Not once?”
“That was different!”
“That was worse.”
“I dunno, finding out your boyfriend has made out with the only other guy in Hawkins who’d be up for it is arguably worse.”
Steve pouted for hours. Eddie let him.
It was cute, alright?
And when he got over it, they made out for hours in his bed.
Steve, of course, was the one who told Nancy.
In his defense, he was very high, and Nancy had been pushing him all night, from the moment she caught wind that he might know how they knew each other.
Eddie went inside to grab them all water, and she pounced.
By the time Eddie got back, Steve was half asleep and Nancy was smirking at Eddie.
“You could’ve just said.”
“He’s never getting high for free again.”
“He’s your boyfriend.”
“He’s back to being a paying customer, too.”
Nancy laughed, startling Steve into opening his eyes. He smiled up at Eddie, no clue he’d just given up one of their secrets.
“Hi, baby. You know Nancy didn’t know about you and Jonathan?”
Eddie glanced over to see Nancy rolling on her side, laughing hysterically.
“Yeah. I’m sure that was on purpose. How about we get you to bed, superstar?”
He managed to get Steve onto the couch, where he immediately passed out.
Nancy hugged him, kissed his cheek, like she always did before leaving.
“It’s not a big deal, you know. He’s mentioned that he isn’t only into women. We’ve talked a lot about the Argyle situation.” She walked towards the door. “Steve will get over the jealousy eventually. It’s not like Jonathan wouldn’t have made out with him if he could have.”
She left before Eddie could respond.
Eddie suddenly understood exactly what Steve was feeling.
“Not gonna happen,” he mumbled to himself before joining Steve on the couch and pulling him close.
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