#going 'round town(Crossover)
addledmongoose · 3 days
Good Omens Fanfic Friday (20 Sep 2024)
Because I finished my first draft of my latest (a Reverse Omens AU), and because two separate bangs are starting to come out this month, I have a really long list of (mostly short) stories to recommend this week. And if you like your GO fanfic smut-free, this is the list for you. Only one of these stories is rated E.
These first three aren't part of any bang.
Tadfield Zoo (40K; Rated E) by @groovynightstrawberry
Human AU. Crowley is the zoo's herpetologist. Aziraphale is the new vet. Crowley needs a plus one for his cousin's wedding, and Anathema has a great idea.
There’s no algorithm for the ineffable (12K; Rated T) by @thinkinginscripts
Human AU. A lovely, angst-free short with a lot of wonderful witty dialogue between the Ineffable Husbands.
Aziraphale Fell has been running Heavenly Matches, bespoke dating concierge for queer professionals looking for serious relationships, for over twenty years. His success rate is unsurpassed.
His new client, Mr Crowley, is just lovely - there are plenty of candidates interested in taking him to dinner. But after three dates with three perfect men, Crowley's not even sure what he wants anymore.
Flowers From Hell (42K; Rated T) by @entanglednow
I loved this story so much. Set post-notpocalypse, Aziraphale makes an effort to get more involved in Crowley's interests, especially his love of gardening. I don't want to spoil it, but I can say you will absolutely fall in love with Ivy.
These shorts are part of the GO Fairy Tale Minibang. There are a lot of stories in this collection, so be sure to check them out if you like fairy tales.
The Marriage of Robin Redbreast and the Wren (9K; Rated G) by @starryfull13
A Scottish tale about a wild red-breasted robin and a wren of the Royal court.
A Warrior in a Garden (9.8K; Rated T) by @snarky-synesthete
Set post-scene after Wessex, Aziraphale is a Knight of the Table Round when Crowley shows up to sow discord as Morgana la Fey. This story could have easily fit in the GO world like an extended Wessex minisode.
The True(ish) Tale of Hansel and Gretel (4K; Rated G)
Aziraphale arrives in a small town to find several of the village children missing and goes to find the witch responsible, only to stumble upon a lovely, ginger-haired demon he hasn't seen in a few years.
The Bounds of Gold (18K; Rated T) by @suavissimapenna
Human AU. Nice twist on the Rumplestilskin story.
All Aziraphale wants is to Illuminate a book commissioned by the royal family, but a gold shortage in the kingdom means he has to use a cursed spell book to spin straw into gold. All Crowley wants is to escape the curse that's bound him to the spell book for centuries. When the royal family finds out about Aziraphale’s new skill, things go to hell in a handbasket. A Rumplestilskin AU.
When The Lanterns Are Lit (5.7K; Rated G) by @the-ineffable-dance
Deep in The Wood, pixies Aziraphale and Crowley live a life of carefree delight. But when a doorway into Faerie appears, Aziraphale and Crowley have to work together to help two lost human boys admit the feelings they have for each other... and maybe recognize their own feelings along the way!
These stories are part of the Do It With Style Silver Screen bang. There are a lot more stories in the works, so be sure to check it out.
The Bookshop Around the Corner (18K; Rated G) by @luinlothana
It's You've Got Mail in the GO universe. This is NOT a human AU. It's the story of angel who doesn't want to sell books and a demon who is feeling a wee bit guilty about one of his plans coming to fruition.
The Crowley Family Values (11K; Rated T) by @ezomind-the-other-one
Human AU. As the name implies, this is a crossover fic with the Addams Family Values. If you don't know the other IP, you might struggle a bit simply because the dark humor can seem odd, but if you do know the Addams Family, you'll find the story fits perfectly with the style of humor.
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hanahaki-disease · 9 days
Been Left No Choice
Hell or High Water - Percy Jackson/DC crossover
“But he also didn’t want Batman to overtake the demigod world. Bruce was a paranoid person, he had plans and contingencies and contingencies for his contingencies. He liked control. Because if he had control, then things would stick to the plan and no one would get hurt, no one would die, and he wouldn’t have to lose the people he cares about. And while the contingencies were helpful, the plans make missions and patrols and cases run as smooth as they can be, Bruce’s orders felt suffocating at times. Like a leash tethering them to the concrete block of morals that stood Batman firm in place
“I-I can’t tell you,” Percy decides. It was better to suffer this life in silence than to drag them down with him”
Bruce was going to be out of town for the next few days, a League mission he couldn’t be absent from. What it was about, Percy didn’t care. He was just glad the man was gone. He had been back for the past week and Bruce hasn’t even spoken to him much. Too wrapped up in Wayne Enterprises and Batman stuff to remember his missing adopted son had returned from a nationwide manhunt and disappearance. It made Percy wonder if he had even known about the manhunt for Percy and his friend. Did he follow the news reports on the computer downstairs? Was he listening to the various police scanners in the cities he had been sighted in, trying to figure out if he was okay?
Probably not. Bruce just picked up the next kid with dark hair and colored eyes and gave them all of his care and attention.
A loud thwack echoed in the empty cave, followed by the sound of bare feet shuffling on the practice mat and two more hits. If Percy hadn’t known any better, and if the date had rewound two years ago, Percy could believe it was Jason in the cave. His brother wasn’t allowed to go out as Robin when Bruce wasn’t in town, not wanting him to get into trouble when there was no back up. Though at the time, Barbara was Batgirl and prowling on her own and had earned her own uniform display when he upgraded to her new suit.
He’s seen pictures of it and clips in the news. A darker purple than the previous version with ticker shin guards and sharper forearm spikes, not to mention the reinforced padding on her knuckles and knees, or the tonfas attached to her belt. Growing up as the daughter of the Gotham PD Commissioner, Barbara had a preference to hand-to-hand combat, surely the influence of her father. Her fighting style closer to Jason’s brawler type, but preferring more of a jiu-jitsu and capoeira blend. Vastly different to the flippy and distracted style that Dick has, one where his excess body movements leave his opponents confused and keeps them right where he wants them, and Bruce’s close range league training.
Judging by the sound of the feet, the whooshing in the air and the deeper voice that distinctly did not belong to Barbara, Percy was not surprised to see Tim training away while Bruce was gone. He was concentrated on the punching bag in front of him, chest heaving as he caught his breath, wooden practice staff held tight in his hand, positioned for another round of attacks.
Of all the weapons, he didn’t expect for Tim to have chosen the bo-staff, but as he watched him train, it was hard to imagine him with another weapon. He didn’t seem like the type of person to have a bladed weapon besides the birdarangs or wing-dings supplied by Bruce and Dick. Nor was he made for melee like Jason or Barbra. The mid-range weapon built for mainly defense and quick-thinking just felt right in the hands of his best friends.
He twirled the staff in his hands, stepping in a careful circle around his target as the weapon seamlessly wove around his body. The center of the staff placed just below his sternum, wrists doing more of the work to spin the stick, keeping his biceps and arms tense and ready to quickly counter any attacks. Tim was light on his feet when he lunged, staying on the balls of his feet as he parried and avoided imaginary attacks from the punching bag. He even went so far as to back flip away, one hand touching the ground as he retreated Nightwing style.
It was pretty impressive, Percy had to admit. Reminded him of the more experienced campers, the older kids who have been staying year round. For the convenience that sword fighting was, Percy was surprised to see many of the campers preferring spears. The wooden shaft ending at their nose with the a foot long blade at the end. Clarisse was the first that came to mind when it came to skilled spear fighters. Her attacks were similar to Tim’s distracting twirls around her body and light footwork despite her muscled size. But where Tim’s attacks were quick hits with the long sides of the weapon, smacks and heavy hits, Clarisse and the rest of camp were more of a lunge and slash style. They handled the weapon one handed mostly, using the other to hold a shield.
Tim would have fun going against Clarisse, their opposing, but still similar styles would be an entertaining fight.
He still has yet to figure out how, when, and where Tim learned to fight with the staff. Obviously it’d have to be while he was gone, leaving the possible time frame just shy of three months. Not including the play-pretend ‘spars’ they would have before Jason’s death. When they would run around the back gardens of the Drake estate or Wayne manor, defeating imaginary foes as their own versions of Batman and Robin.
Percy swiveled the chair to the Batcomputer, the brightness of the computer blinding him for a quick second before he got used to it. He wonders if his login still worked. If the silly code name of “Scyphozoa” and simple password he created at the age of eight was still an active account in the most secure computer on earth. It did. His notes and files that past-Percy was using were still up, the rogue profiles and maps, clues and evidence reports. All of it, untouched and where he had left them last. Had Bruce never went through his account? Did he not monitor, or at least gloss over, whatever Percy had open?
He checked the audit trail for the reports and files. Bruce had this implemented when someone had accidentally written their school book report on a case file, deleting about seventy-five percent of the notes in the process. There were no logs or signs to point out who had done it (It had been Jason, who else used fancy thesaurus words in a report about Harry Potter?) and Bruce was tried of going around in circles trying to find the culprit.
Percy sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of the audit trail, the counter ticking up every second he lingered on the page. It hadn’t been closed since he left. None of the pages that he had opened had closed while he was gone. Bruce never once opened his login, and he doesn’t know if he done that out of respect for him or if he simple hadn’t cared. If he wanted to keep it the way it was, to preserve the last things Percy interacted with. It wasn’t too far of a stretch to think that, Jason’s room was the same way, but he never would think that Bruce would have done it with him as well.
He blinked away the rising tears in his eyes and closed the pages he had up, not even bothering to save the notes that he had been working on.
It wasn’t hard to find and pull up Tim’s file when the screen was clear. His name had been another subsection in the Robin tab and a whole sub-folder in the “known allies” folder. All the information about his debut as Robin was clinical. Succinct and methodical, the style much like the reports where the mission was difficult in some way, emotionally draining or an innocent life had been lost. The way Jason’s death had been reported.
“Percy?” He turned around. Tim held the wooden staff in one hand and a water bottle in the other, shock and disbelief clear on his sweaty, red face. “You—you’re back! You came back!”
Percy watched as he best friend dropped his things and ran towards him, a big smile on his face, and it hurt to step away from the hug Tim initiated. But Percy didn’t want to a) get Tim’s sweat and smell all over him, ew. And b) be near him for a while. There was too much to think about, to process when Percy let the fact that Tim was now Robin settle.
“When did you get back? How did you get back? What happened to you?!” Tim asked, brushing his sweaty hair out of his face.
“You’re Robin?” Percy countered and he watched as the excitement Tim had damped a little. The smile on his face disappeared and his shoulders dropped. “Why?”
Tim didn’t meet his as spoke at first, keeping his gaze focused on the cave around him his fist closed at his sides. “After…After you left, Bruce wasn’t the same. He hadn’t been the same since Jason’s death, either, but once you were gone and he found out you had disappeared…Batman didn’t seem like the good guy anymore.”
“His attacks were unnecessarily stronger against the rogues, against regular muggers and thieves.” Tim typed at the computer, pulling up a spreadsheet. “I tracked all the times Bruce put someone in a full-body cast, or the ICU, or even left them paralyzed. He was angrier. Ruthless, he didn’t care if he was going too far.”
That…wasn’t the answer he had been expecting. After all, Bruce hadn’t acted like he cared when Percy left, so why was his disappearance a variable to the sudden change? It made no sense. “What about Dick? Did he not help?”
“He didn’t want to talk to Bruce once he found out happened with you and Jason,” he said. “He left the Titans and moved to Bludhäven at the end of June, joined the police force there too, but, he didn’t want anything to do with Bruce. The only reason they talked was to help train me or if he needed help with a case over there.” Tim stepped away from the computer and faced Percy this time. His own questions running through his head the same way all the possible shots for a photo filtered in his mind. “He was a part of the squad that investigated the bus explosion you were a part of.”
Percy held his breath at that. He doesn’t want to involve his Gotham life with the demigod side. And while he knows that all the people here can handle themselves, they’ll be at a disadvantage against monsters. They’d never see them coming—literally. His first week at camp had Percy thinking about life at the manor and if there had been any indication that any one them had been apart of the demigod life or descendants of it, no matter how small of a chance that had been. But there wasn’t any. No hint, no hushed whispers, no trace of ichor in any of their blood. Percy even checked when he came back. He took a small celestial bronze nail that the Hephaestus kids use when making shields and poked everyone he knew with it, watching as the metal simple phased through them as if they were nothing.
(He hadn’t had a chance to try it on Tim or Dick yet, but he wouldn’t be surprised if nothing happened.)
“What happened when you disappeared, Percy?” Tim asked. “Nothing the Justice League did were able to find you, Superman wasn’t able to find you.”
“I…I…” He began. Involving Batman into the demigod life could spill the secret that Bruce was Batman and the rest of the bat-clan was their respective heroes since everyone at camp knows everyone. He was relieved when Chiron used his mother’s maiden name of Jackson instead of Todd or Wayne to introduce him to the camp, one less connection between Percy, young prince of Gotham, and Perseus, son of the sea god.
But he also didn’t want Batman to overtake the demigod world. Bruce was a paranoid person, he had plans and contingencies and contingencies for his contingencies. He liked control. Because if he had control, then things would stick to the plan and no one would get hurt, no one would die, and he wouldn’t have to loose the people he cares about. And while the contingencies were helpful, the plans make missions and patrols and cases run as smooth as they can be, Bruce’s orders felt suffocating at times. Like a leash tethering them to the concrete block of morals that stood Batman firm in place
And maybe that’s why Jason had a hard time of following the older he got, the more experienced Robin had become. Maybe that was the Poseidon’s powers in him, the restless disobedience that wanted to do as he pleases because he doesn’t like getting told what to do.
“I-I can’t tell you,” Percy decides. It was better to suffer this life in silence than to drag them down with him.
“What? What do you mean ‘you can’t tell me’?” Tim said.
“It means that I can’t tell you,” Percy answered. “I don’t have to tell you anything about it if I don’t want to.”
“But I’m you best friend! Best friends’ tell each other everything!”
“Yeah? Well best friends don’t wear their dead brother’s uniform either!” Percy shut his eyes. He didn’t want to dig into this barrel of angst, but he need a way to get to leave him alone. A way to push him aside so he doesn’t get hurt by Percy’s monsters anymore than he does with the monsters roaming around Gotham. “They don’t go behind their best friends back and take what isn’t theirs!”
It was so easy to pull the guilt and anger from this well, too. Because it wasn’t like Percy was making any of this up. He didn’t like that Tim took the mantle of Robin from Jason. He didn’t like that he changed the uniform where it was totally different than Jason’s. He didn’t like that Tim saw an opportunity to join the capped crusaders and replace his brother, how he followed Batman through the streets of Gotham that same way Jason had. It was like he was pretending to be him.
“That suit doesn’t belong to you, it’s Jason’s suit, and you know it!” Percy yelled, and while it hurt to break Tim’s heart, to mess with his emotions like this, he was glad that he was getting the reactions he wanted.
“Someone had to stop Batman from himself!” Tim fought. “You were gone and Dick said no, there was no one else!”
“That doesn’t mean it had to be you!” Percy said. “You didn’t have to be Robin. You didn’t have to use Jason’s suit. It doesn’t belong to you!”
“You didn’t want it anyway!”
“Doesn’t matter!” Percy tightened his fists. “It belonged to my brothers, their legacy was never yours. You just wanted to play pretend and think you were one of them. But you’re not! You’ll never be!”
Oof. That one hurt. Percy knows it for sure. He can see it in the way Tim deflates in his spot, the tension in his stance, and expression on his face.
He couldn’t stay down there longer. He wouldn’t be able to handle seeing his best friend (if they still were best friends after this now) break down, to watch as his trust in Percy shatter before his eyes. It wasn’t fair that he had to do this. That this was what Percy had to do to keep him and the rest of the people he cares about safe. And Tim might hate him after that, he might not want to see or talk or even bee near Percy again. But if this was what it takes to keep them safe, he’ll do it a hundred times over.
Scyphozoa: “true Jellyfish” it’s what we think of when we think of jellyfish
Also, I forgot to put this in the notes of the last installment—we have finished the first “arc” of the series. Fics #1-8 titles are all from the song “High Water” by Sleep Token, this one and the rest of this “arc” are all going to be from the song “Descending.”
And, trust me when I say that next week Dick and Percy are reuniting. I promise. They’ll be hugs and tears and all the good stuff.
Also, Percy and Tim not being besties is only for a little while, it makes sense in the end. Trust the process.
Thank you so much for reading!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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gracev0609 · 14 days
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Danny X Gilmore Girls
A crossover of my favorite things? Imagine an AU where Danny goes to a club in Hartford to check out Lane's Band, Hep Alien and meets Rory. Enamored with her they go on a date in her home town of Stars Hollow, Kirk freaked him out, Miss Patty hit on him calling him 'Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome', and Luke gave him a passive aggressive cup of coffee. Danny and Rory chat about music and literature and how Stars Hollow's wacky festivals and lively characters remind him of Frankenmuth.
Eventually, Rory invites Danny to Friday Night Dinner at the grandparents. Imagine Danny arriving in his nicest outfit, slicking his wild curls back into a neat bun to look presentable enough to impress Richard and Emily Gilmore. In true Gilmore fashion they grill him and chastise him about being in a band and forgoing a college education until Richard uncovers Danny's prestigious golf career. The evening is over, and he's sweating and clammy, standing in front of his car wondering how on earth he agreed to meet Richard at the club on Wednesday morning for a round of golf.
Now... Should I turn this into a fic?
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axel-the-goat-guy · 23 days
Stardew Valley needs an Undertale mod or crossover or something
Like how cool would that be? x3
Imagine if, mid fall during year 2 or 3 or 4 or something, when you go to sleep "There was a loud shattering sound from the mountain" and you check the T.V. and theres a news report along the lines of "Apparently, a new fissure has opened up in the mountainside near the town of Stardew Valley, and thankfully no one was injured. According to the leader of a local adventurer guild of the area, several species of non-hostile monsters have begun leaving from the new hole into mountain.
You go over to near the adventurer guild, and see Marlon talking with Asgore and Papyrus and Undyne and Frisk is there too.
Flowey could come out to spy on your farm every now and then.
You could go into the mountain and meet all the Undertale Characters. They could become new npcs and stuff.
Each major npc could give a certain buff.
Undyne would probably stick around the adventurer's guild, since the royal guard would be either disbanded or reformed into something else. She could help with stuff when you're going into the mines.
Alphys could help Harvey with medical stuff or Gunther with research and expanding the library and museum.
Asgore would be talking with Mayor lewis for a while, and probably eventually leave to talk with other parts of the world/government.
Temmie would be at Pierres cause why not lmao. Just like on a shelf somewhere lol
Grilby would be outside of the saloon, he wouldn't go inside because of all the flammable beverages and also the hazard of being extinguished lol. He might set up a small stand or shop that the player could interact with.
Sans would be all over the place, hanging with Grilby, talking with his bro, visiting Pierres and stuff. And instead of walking everywhere like all the other villagers, he'd go behind a nearby piece of scenery and teleport to somewhere else on the map.
Muffet would probably set up a small shop in the town square.
Mettaton would have a stage near the town square too. And when the Joja Mart gets turned into a theater, he would do live performaces there.
Papyrus would be at the Stardrop Saloon, working for Gus part time as he learns how the hell to actually cook lmao.
Toriel would probably be a bit all over the place, checking in on everyone and seeing how they are doing.
The Nice Cream Guy would permanently be set up at the ice cream shop near the museum year round. It would be a bit worse than the regular ice-cream, with the benefit you can get it without having to wait until summer.
Heats Flamesman would be near the Elevator in the mines. You can chat with him and remember his name, but he doesnt really do much lol.
Napstablook would set up a small dj-booth on that small island in the lake near the mounatin.
Frisk would hang out around Toriel and also Jas and Vincent lol
And thats all the ideas i got at the moment lol
I would love that to be a real mod lol. Hell if I had the resources or skills, I'd make it myself x3
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not-5-rats · 2 months
Currently having a horror marathon, which means I watched a horror movie, got scared so I couldn't sleep, had to watch more horror movies to stay entertained instead of sleeping, got more scared and am now trapped in a vicious cycle lmao
Questions/ Scenarios to try and distract us!!! :D
1) Royal! AU
What Kingdom is your Bug Prince/Princess/Royalty of?
2) One AU of themself that they like, and one that they can't stand
3) A question they've had for a while but have never been able to find an answer to?
4) How would you describe your Bug in one sentence, then how would your Bug describe you in one sentence?
5) Scenario #1 (Royalty! AU)
Bug and Chester had met a few times, their Kingdoms were having some troubles regarding trading/ stock prices between them and so had been having many discussions to try and sort that out.
Bug and Chester were being dragged along, apparently it was to 'get them some experience in dealing with issues peacefully, via democracy' when in reality they were being dragged there simply to talk and strengthen the bond between the Kingdoms.
This was the fourth meeting this month, this being the third month of these conferences happening, everyone was a bit sick of it by now. This time Chester and his family had come over to Bugs Kingdom. The two were ushered of, as usual, into a side room where they were, once again, told to remain until discussions were over.
"Well, it's a pleasure to see you again *Bugs Surname*. It's unfortunate these meetings have had to keep occurring, I'm sure it's a strain on you and the current Crown of your Kingdom. I do apologise if any of that is my or my familys fault"
Bug didn't respond at first, the two were sat at a round table, teacups delicately placed infront of them and a plate of snacks in the middle. These conferences usually went on for a while, usually hours though sometimes they would stay at the palace overnight and continue talks in the morning so it was rather boring.
When Bug finally did respond, they questioned why he was so uptight all the time? They'd met about a million times by now and he still acts as though this was their first meeting and thay he has to be the 'face of the family'. Why is he still like that?
"Oh, I apologise I...guess I don't even notice. I swear I'm not trying to be hostile towards you, no that's not my intent at all! It's just difficult, given how long I've spent trapped back home with only my parents really to talk to and well they demand I speak like that all the time so I assume its a force of habit. I'm sorry, I probably come across as quite rude, I don't mean to be really-"
He was rambling now, he knew he was so he sipped at his cup of tea in an attempt to silence himself. An embarrassed flush spread across his face as he stared down into the smooth liquid, spinning around freely in his cup. He had said too much, probably ruined the entire afternoon...fucking idiot
6) Au Crossover time! (Swap & Bloodmoon Swap)
(I wanna talk about the head system)
Bug (Swap! AU) had decided they needed to go for a walk, it had been a long day. The group were forced to go out for an emergency resource trip into town, they were spotted multiple times and almost caught every few minutes. It was a shock they all got home thay night. Fortunately though everything was fine, but Bug had been left stressed so was gonna get some fresh air.
They walked into the swamps, the light in the sky fading darker as they went on. It was peaceful, they could hear the wind, gliding past the grass, the stream running nearby, it was perfectly calm...until they saw something odd in the sky ahead.
There seemed to be a rift in the sky, as if they were looking through a window to a different place. They sky was duller...red even, the ground wasn't green on the other side, it was dark, a red-ish brown, nearly black. It was gloomy, frightening even. But Bug assumed it was simply a trick of the light so pushed forward, as they walked through the glass like haze they felt a jolt. Like something...changed, but they couldn't say what.
They kept walking, trying to ignore how silent it had suddenly become. After walking for what felt like hours they decided to turn back, try to find where they bad come from...but they couldn't find their way. They were lost in this dark, different place. They knew they had to find a way out of there.
They heard a familiar scuffle from up in the trees, they glanced up, that tail...
Chester? Bug called out, asking if he knew what was going on. But he simply ran off, they decided he was their best shot at getting back so followed the sound of him speeding through the branches. Eventually he led them back to a small hut, high up in branches, a tree house. There was a bit of light shining through the small window, and a silhouette of a familiar half-blood slinking into the house.
They followed, climbing as quickly as they could. As they got closer they noticed an odd odur seeping from the hut, a gross decaying smell. They tried to ignore it..but it was so strong, their head began to ache as they pushed froward.
Reaching the top they pushed their way into the house...what the fuck. The walls...they were covered in heads, decaying, body-less heads. They were from a range of people...not just people, half-bloods too, no two the same...except from one thing. All the heads had blond hair, many different shades of blond, some closer to ginger, some more white, but they were all blond.
The heads on the walls weren't the only remains around though, piles of heads were stacked around the house...none of them had blind hair. These were the rejects, the heads he collected but couldn't display as they didn't have the trait he was looking for.
As Bug stood there trying to comprehend what on earth was going on a voice rung out from behind them
"So...do you like it?"
They spin round to see Chester...but not the Chester they knew. This one was damaged, broken. Covered in stitches, wounds, a sick, demented smile spread over his face as he stepped out of the shadows
"My collection...reminders of all those I saved, I made sure they would be safe from the terrors of the world...like a good brother"
He fell silent awaiting your Bugs response, do they like his collection?
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@rozeliyawashereyal @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @piffany666 @idontevenknow7878 @littlesiren79 @strayharmony943 @tiefling-chaos @diamondzoey @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @astralbulldragon13 @reefhastoomanyaccs @ccstiles @puffin-smoke
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beesbeesdragons · 9 months
I have been BRAINROTTING over an FMA/Pokemon crossover and I need to share it so!!!
this is gonna be a 'characters exist in the context of another universe' crossover, btw so prepare for that!!!! mostly gonna use Kanto-Alola, bc im not familiar really with Galar and Paldea (except for SNOM and Wooloo)
regional starters don't reeeeeally matter in this version, if there's a lack of starters in one region, they'll get a starter from another region
any characters who are State Alchemists are now Gym Leaders! Roy is a fire-type, Armstrong is fighting-type, etc. Olivier is a member of the Elite Four because she's just That Good.
Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric grow up in Pallet Town, alongside Winry Rockbell, whose parents are doctors who sometimes help out Professor Oak with stuff.
Trisha Elric and Delia Ketchum are besties, so Ed and Al also grow up with Ash, who is ~2 years older (eg. when Ash goes to Hoenn, Ed is just starting his journey and drags Al along
when Ed and Al are about 4/5, Trisha gets sick when there's an outbreak of disease in the area. She died from this, but Ed and Al move in with the Rockbells (as Delia can't financially support three young children on a single salary).
Hohenheim, btw, is off doing something vaguely justice-y, maybe he's in deep cover in Team Rocket? Idk, but he's not in the picture. Ed and Al know that he's 'busy with work', but can't know what that is. He does his best to keep in contact, but Van Honhenheim is legally dead so there's that issue.
Father is Hohenheim's twin, and is all around a terrible guy. He leads a crime syndicate in one of the regions (don't ask where, maybe Kalos?) that is NOT the main evil team, and the Homunculi are his enforcers.
The homunculi all specialise in a different type (eg. Envy is a bug specialist, Pride is a ghost specialist, Sloth is a fighting specialist, etc). They're annoying as fuck to deal with, and fight by their own rules. If you're in a battle with them, you are aiming to kill, because they won't hesitate to kill you if you lose.
anyway, Winry's parents are killed during an attack by Team Rocket while they were travelling, but are fairly well-known by the Gym Leaders and Elite Four of various regions for,,,,reasons (I.e. they helped out one of the Champions in a tight spot and earned the respect of most).
Just before they get killed, however, Ash leaves on his journey. Ed does NOT particularly like Pikachu, and it's...a situation. But Ed can't WAIT to go on his journey!!!
then, of course, they're vibing and just living life when something comes round to kick their asses.
Its team rocket.
listen, these two kids are at least vaguely related to Professor Elric (aka Hohenheim, he helped out Professor Oak until he found Stuff and went into deep cover to keep the family safe) so surely they know something about his research, right? right???
they, uh, they don't. But the attack happens one night when they're in their dad's study reading about something. a lone member of team rocket is sent to 'retrieve them', and ends up fucking up so much that goddamn ARCEUS gets involved
basically, Ed and Al were just vibing when this fucker, instead of doing the sensible thing and knocking them out and then just nabbing them, decides to bring out a fuckin scyther who...can't grab stuff. shit happens, Ed loses a leg in the initial scuffle but when he's trying to get to Al, loses his arm, and Al...comes off better, but not much. He's lose a few fingers (ring and pinky on his right hand) and a chunk of his shoulder, and also got his larynx badly damaged, but he's...not in immediate danger.
A few weeks pass, and a Gym Leader named Roy comes around to investigate as a favour to one of the Officers Jenny. He's there with his best friend/sort-of girlfriend (Ed doesn't really know, it's definitely something), and he's awkward and angry.
Roy keeps it quiet, it's all under wraps, but when he was younger, before he became a Gym Leader, he was a member of Team Rocket. He...thought they were good, but he was wrong. He left soon after that and dragged his childhood friend, Riza, out with him. Since then, he's become the Elite Four and International Police's investigator and attack dog, while training to inherit the Cinnabar Island Gym.
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sunny6677 · 1 month
Spookytale: The Rewrite.
A crossover between Spooky Month and Undertale. Or a rewritten version of the last one I did.
(Tagging: @dexter-apologist-5000 @crossover-enthusiast @mayisgoingnuts @facelessthefreak )
After hearing the call of a strange, hypnotizing flute—Skid awakes to find himself laying on a bed of golden flowers—with several others surrounding him, and a strange bright light he hadn't seen before beaming it's rays down.
Meanwhile, John—who has no idea how any of them ended up in this strange place, attempts to guide the group to a way out. But he finds himself going on a journey he never thought he'd ever find himself on.
Skid grunted. Rubbing the outer shell of his white mask with his gloved hand. An ache streaked further and further into his forehead, feeling as if something sharp were stabbing into his skull over and over. A sore, aching pain had formed all across his body. And he felt his head practically wobbling from side to side.
He hadn't.. really known how long he had been falling for. Or how far he had fallen. All he knew was that as he stared at the brilliant blue sky that was suddenly shining down from above—it hadn't been the sky he had previously seen.
The sky he had seen had been pitch black, speckled with flickering stars and a high moon. And in the air was a soft, gentle tune of a flute. He had heard it while he had been playing on his computer. He didn't know where it was coming from. Somewhere outside perhaps.
And then—he saw his mother walking by in the view from the creak of his door at a slow.. zombie-like pace. Nothing about the idea of her walking past his door seemed out of the ordinary. Yet, her pace.. it didn't feel right. The strange glazed look he had caught in her eye as she went past.
And.. for once, he decided to obey his fear. Instead of continuing to play games as he normally he did, he hopped off of his chair and followed.
"Mom? Where—where are you going?" He had asked.
She didn't respond. She just kept walking.
..he stumbled behind her as she turned a corner. "Mom?"
Still, she didn't answer—her mouth slightly parted as she kept walking.
And.. even with that, he wasn't sure how long it had been. How long it had been for when he went from simply saying his mom's name to crying for her and begging for her to talk to him. He didn't know how long it had been that he had ran outside behind her with the cold, blinding chill enveloping him. How long simple tears turned into hysterical sobbing as everyone else he knew in town appeared to be walking slowly in the same direction.
He had ran along the sidewalks after her, along the roads, along the fields of grass which led into the forest, and into the forest itself. He heard the piercing sound of a siren from behind him. It.. it was a bit blurry from there though. He wasn't sure why.
He may have gone with those two officers he had occasionally seen around town, who had seemingly shown up out of nowhere asking him questions about his mom. He might have kept following his mom as the police officers pleaded for him to come back. It might have even been both, or his mind was simply making things up.
..no. No, he defintely went with the officers at some point. But he couldn't remember when. He couldn't remember if he ran away from them or if he went after them when they were gone from the car longer than they should have been.
Either way—what he did remember was stumbling foward once he had reached the gigantic, round hole that led into the darkness below—and feeling himself slowly descend into it. The air around him shifting into humidity. He could barely see as he practically felt himself being spun around. Seeing glimpses of other people in town either falling from below or above him.
It felt like forever. It might have been forever. Maybe a few minutes, or maybe an hour. Things ended up going dark for what felt like only a second—and..
..then merely a second ago, the darkness faded. And he was here. Laying on something soft, a damp atmosphere filling the area around him as warmth coated his face through the holes of his mask. A sweet, fragrant scent filled his nostrils. The more he just.. sat there, he processed the sensation of several soft but small items beneath his arms.
He forced his head to turn, squinting a little as he did so—and attempting to grasp at the ground with his little hands. Instead of firm ground though, he felt his fingers slightly grab at something. Something that felt long, thin, and delicate.
His eyes gazed down—adjusting to the faint darkness around him. Only then as he processed the vibrant shades of golden yellow from within his hands did he realize that it was a small flower. In fact, there were several flowers. Golden flowers sitting from below him in several rows on a patch of beautiful green grass.
Skid blinked. He attempted to shake his head again—but he only felt a searing ache enter his mind once more. He let out a grunt. As if to mirror his noises though, he began to hear several sounds from all around him. Several voices. Grunting at different turns, or grumbling, muttering different things he couldn't understand.
He gave a quick glance up. In the faint corner of his eye from within the darkness, he saw a gray-haired man in a green vest slowly sit up—lifting his upper body and shaking his head at a rather rapid rate. The man let out a low grunt again—sounding as if he were snarling.
Not just that—a gigantic man in the corner with a blue shirt around his muscular build had already been sitting up, grumbling in a low voice. A small girl with her light brown hair tied up in a ponytail, lifting her head up. A curvy woman with brown hair cascading down her back and running her fingers through her hair, sitting on another woman with darkish yellow hair made into a low ponytail. A slim-faced man with black hair and a pink bow around his neck—lifting his head up from the ground.
..they were faces he knew. Familiar faces.
A low, familiar voice with a feminine tone finally breathed out from beside him. Almost immediately, he snapped his head in the voices direction.
His eyes were greeted by the sight of a familiar, tall woman with straight long purple hair that went to her back—her bangs covering her squinted eyes. Her lips formed into a frown. Her hair appeared to be a slight mess from the fall.
And as she looked down at him, her eyes melting with hues of worry and not with a faint glaze—a wet sensation formed in his mind. A lump quickly formed in his throat. Almost instantly, he whimpered—"Mom!"
The ache in his body—the ache in his head. All of it felt like it didn't matter just within a few seconds. He practically hopped up onto his feet—a sob escaping his mouth.
He cried, throwing his hands around desperately for the few moments he ran. And once he finally approached closely enough, he found himself desperately wrapping his arms around her slender waist. He burrowed his masked face into her chest—sniffling. Her body tensed for a moment, but quickly weakened in his arms.
"So—Son, what.. what happened?" His mom asked in a soft tone.
He couldn't answer—weeping into her chest as he just.. held onto her. He didn't even know how to describe it. All that he knew was that his mom was seemingly okay and normal again. And that filled him with an unbelievable amount of relief.
He exhaled heavily. Inhaled heavily. He felt her slender arms slowly slip around him, pulling him closer as she looked down at him. And then looked up. He looked up only for a moment. But he could see the slow widening of anxiety in her eyes. She went silent, and her mouth hung open.
A higher, familiar voice began to mumble from behind him. And he slowly tilted head from the source of the sound. He blinked—the tears in his eyes seeming to barely stop from shock, streaking down his cheeks as he stared at the orange-masked figure in the shadows.
It was a small boy with a gigantic pumpkin mask over his head, the bright green stem emerging from the top, and a black suit worn around his chubby body. The more his eyes trailed over this boy who began to lift his head with a puzzled grunt, the more the feeling of familiarity started to fill his mind.
He blinked again. Two pairs of round eyes now stared back at him. The boy in the pumpkin mask spoke. "..Skid..?"
"Pump? Wha—what are you doing here? What's—"
His eyes trailed across the room. All around within the shadows, faces he saw slowly starting to open their eyes and gaze around the room.
The gigantic, muscular man with a blue shirt worn over him who he knew as the local man who sold ice cream from within the town. Frank.
The curvy woman with brown hair who he had only seen once, now bending down next to a man with slightly cracked blue glasses before him—and whom struggled to sit up. He couldn't place where he had seen either of them. But something about them seemed familiar.
The woman with the darkish yellow hair, her mouth formed into an almost triangular frown as she momentarily glared at the brown haired woman—and then how her gaze softened once she turned to look at a small black-haired boy with his face firmly planted on the ground. A muscular, tall man with long brown hair slowly sitting up.
Jaune. His mom's friend. Ross. Aaron.
The small girl with her hair tied up into a ponytail—the usual irritated expression she wore now gone as she looked around in confusion from beside Pump. Susie. Pumps older sister.
The slim faced man with black hair flickering his gaze around the room—a gigantic cap now sat with his knees pressed to the ground, his hands placed on them. His white button up slightly messed up from the fall. Kevin. The cashier whom he was friends with at the local candy store.
The two police officers from before—the brown haired sheriff appearing to be helped up into a standing position by his black-haired partner. A worried expression on the black-haired ones face.
A blonde haired woman who he had seen at the hospital from before—rubbing her head.
A blonde headed boy shaking his head with a dimple on the right side of his face. A man with a similar appearance and movie glasses worn over his eyes grunting rather pathetically from the ground. A large man with dark brown hair calmly looking down at him, already sitting up.
The angry neighbor with dark gray hair who had already been sitting up. An elderly bald man with a black cloak and a cross-necklace worn over his shoulders. A small brown haired boy from beside the woman with brown hair. And.. many others. All of whom which he either knew or faintly recognized.
The sheriff with brown hair and a mustache over his lips gazed around slowly in the corner of his eye. The wrinkles in his cheeks fading slightly as he gave a frown. And he blinked slowly. His eyes widened. Scanning over everyone else. The light from above which shone down onto them.
His head was tilted up still. He made himself slowly walk foward—his deputy following alongside him. And his dark eyes just.. stared at the light. The sky. The dark brown rock which he could barely see just from above it. The damp atmosphere of the room seemingly overwhelmed him.
Audibly, beneath his breath in a gruff voice—he uttered—
"Where.. where the fuck are we?"
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aprocessionofthoughts · 11 months
Exchange Students
ectoberhaunt2023 day 23- magic fandom- Harry Potter crossover TW- none summary- Harry, Hermione, and Ron visit the strangest wizarding school in America
ao3 masterlist
Harry wasn’t sure why they had agreed to this. Sure, it had sounded fun and interesting, but now they were in America and were going to be going to what had to be one of the strangest magic schools in the world. 
Most people would probably consider it normal. And sure, from a  muggle standpoint it was. But that’s what made it so strange for a wizarding school.
It looked like a normal high school. There was even functioning electricity! Harry wondered how they had managed that since magic and tech didn’t work well together.
At the front door they were met by an older woman who Harry assumed was the headmaster.
“Hello, I’m Principle Ishiyama. Welcome to Casper High.”
“Thank you for having us.” Hermoine replied.
“Yeah, thanks.” Ron said.
“If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your home rooms.” They followed her into the building, and yup, htis definitely just looked like a regular high school. “I know this must be very different than Hogwarts, but since Amity is already a magic heavy town it didn’t really make sense to send the kids to a boarding school.”
“Is it true that squibs go to this school too?” asked Hermione. 
The principal tensed but replied with a smile. “Yes, we welcome all kinds of pupils here. Though I have to ask that you refrain from using that offensive term. All Amity Parkers know about magic and we consider it important to teach them the principles. However, since Casper High caters to a more diverse student group, we also teach all the regular classes. Classes rotate between muggle and magical with students placed into the ones that will help cultivate their talents yet at the same time give them a taste of everything. It’s important to have a well rounded education. Now, about your schedules. We’ve done our best to match you up with classes that you were already taking though I’m afraid you’ll also be required to take some muggle classes as well. However, there was one class for which you’ll have to choose a replacement.”
“Which one, miss?”
“Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
“You don’t teach Defense Against the Dark Arts!” Hermione said scandalized.
“We teach similar classes but nothing quite the same. So, I have a few different options you can choose from. First there's a class on blood magic.”
“Isn’t that illegal?” Harry asked.
“Not in the states.”
The principal sighed. “It’s only if you’re using someone else’s unwillingly given blood. But if that makes you uncomfortable you can take Spiritual Connections.”
“What’s that?” Ron asked.
“Its a study on temporarily imbuing an object with part of your spirit.”
Harry’s cringed, his mind jumping to horcruxes.
“And if neither of those sound appealing, you can also take beginners Necromancy.”
The principal sighed again. “I suppose you can take a History of Dark Arts Through the Ages. Though that one isn’t hands on.”
“We’ll do that.” Harry said.
Thankfully today had been a muggle studies day so all their classes were pretty normal. Well, except for Ron who had never taken a math class beyond basic arithmetics.
They were sitting at lunch when three students approached them.
“Hello, I’m Danny and these are Sam and Tucker. We were curious about how things worked at, where is it you attend? Hogwash?”
The boy, Tucker, snorted. “Sorry, that's just such a silly name.”
“And Casper is any better?” asked Hermione.
“True.” Danny answered.
“Is it true you don’t have any technology?” Tucker asked.
“Tech doesn’t work with magic.” Hermione answered.
Tuckers furrows browed. “Yes it does. My phone works fine. You just have to imbue the object with some of your spirit.”
“But that sounds terrible. Isn’t that like giving up part of your soul?” Harry asked.
“No? It's just like sharing your magic. It's what I study, magic and tech.”
“What about you?” Hermione asked, turning toward Sam.
“Magical biology and runeology. I focus on plants and their properties as well as rune blood magic.”
“But–” Ron started but Harry elbowed him. 
“Look, it's very simple.” Sam took a piece of chalk out of her pocket and drew a circle with a rune inside it on the table. Then she reached into her pocket again, took out a needle and pricked her finger before placing it on the run. It glowed briefly before a flower sprouted up.
“But you’re still using blood.”
Sam opened her mouth but Danny interrupted. “Sam, you can’t blame them. That’s just what they’ve been taught.”
She sighed. “I suppose. Their education is controlled by an old white man who wears a bathrobe.”
“But Dumbledore's incredible! He defeated Grindelwald.”
“Maybe, but he refuses to meet with our magical president because he says that Americans are backwards and that we must adhere to his rules before he’ll speak with us. I mean, isn’t your school still illuminated by candlelight? He won’t even let you use electricity.”
“Sam, that's probably enough.” Danny said.
They were all silent for a moment before Harry turned to Danny, “So, what do you study?”
“What!” Hermione squeaked.
“Yeah, I’m naturally inclined since its what my parents studied, and then I was in an accident and I became even closer to the spiritual world. I can temporarily call up ghosts and interact with the ones already present. You've got ghosts at Hogwarts, right?”
“Oh! I can also separate from my own spirit, like this.”
Danny closed his eyes and a moment later a ghost appeared next to him. He looked like Danny except with white hair and green eyes. Both Danny’s grinned at him.
“I’m not sure how I really feel about all this.” Hermione said.
Danny shrugged. “Welcome to Amity Park.”
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Crossover fic request: Mew ( Pokemon ) meets Courage ( Courage the cowardly dog ) and then having a good time together please?
Courage Meets Mew
A blissful sigh left Courage's lips as the pink household pet laid on his tummy on the living room carpet, slowly kicking his little legs in the air while drawing and coloring a picture of a dog bone.
Today, so far, has been a normal and relaxing one for him, which he loved as he rarely gets to experience those due to the creepy and unusual things that always happen in the middle of Nowhere.
To add icing to the already delicious cake that was his day, Eustice was in town and out of the farmhouse, while Muriel was in the kitchen baking a delicious gooseberry pie.
All was well with the world.
When Courage finished adding the last detail to his drawing, he grabbed his picture and gazed at it with pride.
His art style was childlike and adorable.
To Courage, the drawing was the most spectacular thing he's ever drawn and colored, and he was certain that Muriel would think the same when he showed it to her.
He would be delighted if she displayed his drawing on the refrigerator for all to see.
As he arose to go to the kitchen, Courage heard a knock at the front door.
He sighs, setting his work down before slowly walking towards the doorway.
Looks like Eustice has returned.
When Courage twists the doorknob, expecting a scare from his ornery, elderly owner, the dog jolted some to see the complete opposite: a pale pink cat with round eyes floating in front of him.
Such a sight startled Courage greatly, but the cat in response giggles before waving a small hand at Courage.
Courage, upon noticing the cat's friendliness, timidly reciprocates the wave with his own.
After a few mews, Courage learns that the cat's name is Mew and that it was a creature called a Pokemon.
That fact amazes Courage as he's never heard of such a creature before.
The pink dog then introduces himself to Mew by babbling in high-pitched gibberish.
Now that the two are on friendly terms, Courage allows Mew inside and happily shows him his bone drawing.
To which Mew nods its head, showing its liking for the art.
Mew informs Courage that it can sense the goodness in Courage's heart, and because of that, it is willing to grant the dog three wishes.
Courage is overjoyed to hear that and gestures for Mew to come closer, which they do as the dog whispers his three wishes into the magical cat's ear.
After a pleased expression and a nod, Mew uses its poke powers to make Courage's wishes come true.
For the first wish, Courage and Mew are at the kitchen table being served by Muriel, who now has a beautiful new hairstyle, a fresh slice of her homemade gooseberry pie.
Displayed in the background on the front of the fridge is Courage's bone drawing.
For the second wish, Courage and Mew are back in the living room as Courage shows Mew some tricks on his brand new red yo-yo.
Mew, fascinated by Courage's yo-yoing, conjured up a yo-yo of their own in the shape of a pokeball and showed off their skills to Courage, who was greatly impressed by them as the two yo-yoed together.
Finally, for the third and final wish, a giant inflatable castle is standing outside the farmhouse.
Inside, Courage is buoyantly bouncing up and down while Mew merrily watches him while floating.
Its head looks up when Courage comes up and down when Courage falls down.
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the-east-art · 7 months
Easts Country Song Rec List
This is gonna lean a little mainstream, just cuz that's what I grew up with. Gonna try to pick some songs that I think are both good country songs and good exposure for the genre. Gonna try not to pick classics that have broken out of the genre (Jolene, Country Roads, etc)
God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash Mama Tried - Merle Haggard Sleeping on the Blacktop - Colter Wall Calling Baton Rouge - Garth Brooks Mama's Broken Heart - Miranda Lambert (More under the cut)
Merry Go 'Round - Kacey Musgraves There's Your Trouble - The Chicks T-R-O-U-B-L-E - Travis Tritt Life's a Dance - John Michael Montgomery Diggin' Up Bones - Randy Travis Like the Rain - Clint Black Forever and Ever, Amen - Randy Travis What Kinda Gone - Chris Cagle American Kids - Kenny Chesney The Thunder Rolls - Garth Brooks The Fireman - George Strait Hell's Coming With Me - Fancy - Reba McEntire Southern Nights - Glen Campbell Lesson in Leavin' - Jo Dee Messina Wildflower - the JaneDear girls Fastest Girl in Town - Miranda Lambert Two Black Cadillacs - Carrie Underwood Ghost Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash Big Iron - Marty Robbins Make It Sweet - Old Dominion
Uhhhh i genuinely have no clue if anyone cares. But here's some songs. I actually like a lot of the beat and vibe of country music - especially the stuff that leans more acoustic and less stadium. Back in college I took a swing dancing class that was also line dancing and I thought it was a lot of fun. Back then I also learned about to cowboy chacha and I don't remember it now but I remember it was fun. Idk, there are some sucky country songs, but I also think there are some bops, or some really sweet songs. I tried really hard to keep this just to regular country, and to songs that I think are like more interesting to the general public I guess. A lot of Indie Folk Rock I think has crossover with country vibes (thinking about The Crane Wives) but I didn't include them for the previously stated reason.
Uhhhhh if you like any of these songs lmk I guess. If you want I'll make a playlist.
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atonalginger · 19 days
WIP Wednesday
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thank for the tag @eridanidreams! I'm still so excited for that crossover you're working on with Starborn!Sam and your Cait!
for my snippet I have some Cora and her budding sweetheart and maybe a touch of drama, because I live on angst and spite at this point...
This is in Manny's POV btw
“Howdy handsome,” Cora’s voice tickled Manny’s ear and made them blush. Jazz grinned and winked at them before walking away.
Manny took a breath and turned around with a smile, “hey, how’d the indoor games go?”
“About as good as they could have,” Cora shrugged, “I think telephone went the best. The kids seemed to like the telegraph machine. Bella knocked it out of the park with the prerecorded messages making it sound like Molly was receiving actual messages and then Daiyu and I would pass them along. We got some wild changes too. One message was supposed to be ‘Akila City needs chicken eggs’ and we ended up with ‘Ack, I need some tent pegs’. Had Daiyu rolling when she got the response.”
“Ack,” Manny echoed in an exaggerated way. As if on cue, the wind picked up and caught their hat, Cora catching it before it hit the ground.
She looked it over, fixed one of the loose feathers, pulled the strings out of crown, and brushed some of the dust off the brim before reaching up, smoothing back Manny’s hair and placing the hat back on their head, “need to be more careful.”
“I do,” Manny stared into her big brown eyes and felt themselves getting lost, “luckily I have you here.”
“Yup,” Cora winked and looked over their shoulder at the range, “who’s on deck for this show?”
“Sophie wanted Rokov, Thrasher, and Seumas to go next.”
“I distinctly remember Rokov saying sharpshooting wasn’t his strong suit,” Cora glanced back, looking adorably confused.
“Thrasher and Seumas are worse,” Manny reminded her, “it’s a different sort of show. Seumas had wanted Bella in on it too but she said she doesn’t want people to know about that skillset so…no Bella.”
“Okay so if it’s not sharpshooting then what is it?”
“Knife throwing,” Jazz let a shallow bin of weighted knives drop onto the table behind the teens, “nothing too crazy, none of them are circus performers or anything, but all three are crazy accurate. I think there might be some axe throwing too if Thrasher remembers to grab the crate in the Sheriff’s office.”
“So that’s why they moved the tables up?” Cora asked.
“Yeah, and we plan on setting up a table of wonderfully explosive gourds and melons too.” Jazz smiled and then waved wildly at someone behind them, “there’s my chance to yank this duster off, don’t let any of the kids touch this bin.”
“On it,” Cora gave a salute.
Manny nodded at Thrasher as he walked up with a crate, the big Russian nodding back as he rounded the waist high barrier and plopped the crate onto the table. The axeheads and metal handles crashed into one another, the metal on metal clashing breaking the peace of the moment.
Off in the distance on the other side of town near the saloon stood Doc Melody with one of the many mothers. They couldn’t see the stranger’s face but they could see Doc’s and she looked upset. Distressed to be exact, like she was struggling to keep calm in that moment. Manny was about to say something when Tio Gabi strolled up to the pair, stopping next to Doc as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and looked to the stranger, a warm smile that didn’t reach his eyes as he started to speak.
“Do you know where your Dad is at the moment?” Manny looked back to Cora, who was busy fixing her hair.
“I believe he’s in the Sheriff’s office with Becker. Needed a break to rest his ankle.”
“I think he needs to head up toward the front of town,” Manny tried to stay calm, “your mom looks upset.”
Cora’s head snapped around and after a beat she was in motion, “I’ll let him know. Thank you.”
“No problem,” Manny said as they continued to watch the trio near the saloon, Doc’s facade starting to crack. I hope everything’s okay.
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purplesigebert · 10 months
WIP Wednesday Week #14 - DW Crossover
If, and who’s she kidding, she totally does, but if she let herself think about it, she would go crazy about how she didn’t know her true age anymore. At first, it was easy to round up or say that she was still the same age as her friends back in Mystic Falls. A missed year here, the Year That Never Was there, and she was around sixteen when the Salvatores came to town. Give or take a few months.
And then the Pandorica happened, and all her careful tracking went out the window.
70 years lost to the Hunter’s curse.
20 years making sure that everything in 1492 followed the events that she did her best to recall from Elena’s rushed retelling. And even after checking Reddit for records of those events, she still wasn’t sure that she didn’t mix up the timeline.
Was Rebekah at Klaus’ birthday party in 1492 in the original timeline, or wasn’t she? Caroline would never know.
(She wasn’t but Rebekah got curious as to why Elijah was receiving the second choice on his Bonfire Season paper, consistently. For 20 years.)
So, yes, when Senior Prank Night rolled around, Caroline Forbes was closer to a century than eighteen years old.
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disgruntledkittenface · 11 months
✨️ Twenty Questions for Fic Writers ✨️
Thank you @allwaswell16 and @haztobegood for tagging me! I love reading everyone's answers to these <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
60, including one cowrite
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
One Direction. I use the BBC Radio 1 RPF tag for pairings with Nick Grimshaw, and I used the Shawn Mendes (Musician) one a few times, too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you came into my life, caught up in your love affair, baby, you're the end of june, an honest mistake and tell me what you need
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love replying to comments, even when I feel awkward about it. I really like getting replies from authors, I find it discouraging not to, so that's partly why. But a nice comment really makes me day, and I want to let people know I appreciate that. But I might miss one occasionally, and sometimes I don't reply if I think the commenter is being rude.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's probably my first fic, This Town. The whole fic is Niall processing Zayn leaving the band – but more importantly leaving him, and they don't get back together in the end. It's not my fault, Niall wrote a sad song! But also I was in the thick of grieving, so. That's what happened.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I almost, almost always write happy endings, so I could really pick this one at random lol, but I'll go with enough to make a girl blush. I really love how far Louis has come at the end of that fic and how happy she and Niall are together and how good they are together. Plus, I wrote a happy little timestamp for Harry and Zayn (count me in).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten comments that don't sit well with me, but not really. I did post a fic set at the beginning of COVID before I knew how bad it would get, and someone messaged me to say they were sorry about the hate it was getting... but I didn't see any?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes! I write smut that I find hot, girl direction and boy direction. When I started writing, I felt like I wrote absolutely terrible smut and I worked really hard to figure it out. Practice makes progress, baby.
10. Do you write crossovers? What the craziest one you've written?
I've written a couple of reality show AUs with the actual people from the shows in the fic – you came into my life and you wanna be on top? Nothing too crazy!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I think someone stole a shiall one-shot and posted it on Wattpad. Weirdly, I feel like I haven't made it because that doesn't happen to me more often.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! Most recently, someone asked if they could translate pink like the paradise found into Russian and they were so lovely.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I took part in a round robin for Nic's (@louandhazaf) birthday a few years ago! (Louis referring to merlot as the basic bitch of wines was me!) Co-writing has come up as an idea a couple of times, but the timing or idea etc has never been right.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I kind of have to fall deep for a pairing to write them, so I love a lot of pairings! Aside from larry, I think gryles might be my favorite. Something about the pining best friends who can't be together because of... REASONS just gets me where I live.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I had an idea for a lilo exes to lovers AU based on bennifer and I wrote a snippet that I really liked for it, but I felt like I was white washing Jennifer Lopez, if that's the right word? Like you can't separate her from the fact that she's Puerto Rican, so casting Louis in that role didn't feel right. I could try to figure out another way to approach it, but I don't really think I'll feel inspired enough.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm really good at continuity, and writing scenes with lots of people and involving all of them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I always feel like I start sentences with "Niall did this" and "Harry did that" (sorry, writing narry at the moment). So, narration that's not action? Does that make sense?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can be done effectively. I liked how the French worked in Darling, so it goes. It made sense to include because Harry moved to a country where he didn't speak the language. I tried to make the meaning of the French clear when Harry understood it, but I didn't include translations in the notes because Harry didn't understand a lot, and I wanted the reader in his shoes. I worked really hard on the French because I don't speak it, but I asked @somethingwittyorother to look it over and their feedback was incredibly helpful.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
One Direction!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It's usually the last fic that I posted, so right now it's Suddenly Last Summer. I had the best time writing it and it was such a fulfilling creative outlet, and I just love it.
I'll tag: @crinkle-eyed-boo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @neondiamond @kingsofeverything @louandhazaf @absoloutenonsense @homosociallyyours @nouies @onlythebravest
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
A new head shop opened in my town, so that makes a total of five plus a dispensary. Which is a lot for a small town, but demand must be pretty high. I thought I'd check out the new store and see if they have any Rick and Morty items...
...and boy, did they deliver! Their commitment to Rick and Morty makes Spencer's look pathetic.
Head shops usually have Rick and Morty merchandise scattered around, but this store has a whole section dedicated to branded pipes.
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The "IT" crossover is still in full swing for some reason. Now with appearances from Mr. Poopybutthole!
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More bootleg illustrations, including a crying anime Rick.
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These plumbus pipes are gorgeous.
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But that wasn't all! When I rounded the aisle, I found a whole shelf reserved for Rick and Morty trays.
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I have no idea what's going on with that sports illustration. Did the artist not like Beth??
Anyway, they also had an ashtray section:
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And, finally, a kit with everything you need to get blazed and visit Rick Sanchez in the eighth dimension.
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I say that licensed merchandise is stuck in seasons 1-3, but bootleg merchandise is REALLY stuck in a rut. They just repurpose that weird "IT" crossover and generic promo shots over and over.
Hire some artists to revitalize the Rick and Morty head shop market! I'm sure Tumblr has some ideas.
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the-lighthouse-lit · 1 year
Hey remember that crossover between Miraculous and Teen Titans?
Well here’s a sort if follow up to that; Hawkmoth decides to switch up his strategy somewhat. He’s made the realization that utilizing average citizens of Paris as potential targets for his akumas only limit the chances the akumatized individual has before the need to replenish his powers for the day. If he are going to bring a person to seize the miraculouses, he might need someone who has the combat experience, knowledge and will power that can actually be a legit challenge to teenage superheroes without eh need of an akuma.
He one day looks though archival footage of one particular person who has fought against the American based team known as the Titans to a stand still numerous times and not only survive but even eludes capture from them to the present day.
With one quick phone call across the dark web, Hawkmoth is able to meet with this one super criminal who also acts as a mercenary and has a simple offer; being him both Ladybug and Cat Noir directly to him alive and their miraculouses intact and he’ll be handsomely rewarded
This individual, a Mr. Slade Wilson, is intrigued…I’ll let you take it from here
(This would probably be better if I’d watched the movie where the rest of the world’s superheroes come in, but whatever! Here I go!)
OKAY so initially I was picturing cartoon Slade (competing with Hawkmoth in classic-villain serious-business hamminess) but then I thought, 80’s/90’s comics Deathstroke… with all his brutal pragmatism and the snark for days… how glorious would it be, thrown into the Miraculous world, experiencing the over the top campiness and having a lot to say about the genre conventions?
Like picture this guy
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If he has a lot to say about Gotham’s colorful villains and the boy-scouty Titans, picture him meeting the ML squad
And maybe you were thinking ‘Hawkmoth hires Slade for money’ but my immediate thought was ‘two big villains trade arch-enemies to take them all by surprise’ (Maybe Slade’s end of the deal was ‘take care of the Titans for me’)
Now for the first showdown!
So Ladybug and Chat Noir are targeted by an actual mercenary and they have no idea. They’d break his sword, guns, and whatever else he brought (which Slade is naturally delighted about) trying to find the akuma and keep coming up empty handed.
I fully see that Ladybug is out swinging a yo-yo and Slade's trying to shoot her.
It’s a tossup whose scheme would succeed when Slade ‘90% brain function usage’ Wilson meets Lady-‘crazy contrived Lucky Charm solutions that somehow work’-bug. Maybe Ladybug and Chat Noir win the first round from having the element of surprise.
Slade would get away un-deakumatized and Ladybug and Chat Noir would have to face the possibility there's a new supervillain in town.
I see Slade leaving the battle being glad he managed to destroy Chat Noir’s staff and being surprised and mildly impressed these kids don’t care the three of them managed to destroy the Eiffel Tower (of course) and two other national monuments in the fight… only to see LB regenerate everything via a cloud of pink confetti and go “…Really?”
Meanwhile, let’s say in San Francisco, Hawkmoth holds up his end of the deal and the Titans have to fight an onslaught of new transplanted supervillains (which are incredibly colorful and kind of cheesy-looking. This one guy's motif seems to be pigeons, that lady fights from atop an entire musical pirate ship, and that other guy’s just a giant snowman made of ice cream?), and fight them in measure of the power they seem to have, only for them to revert to civilians afterwards, and maybe the Titans are met with public scrutiny when the media makes it seem like they used undue power in regular people, and disoriented French tourists to boot?
Tossing this back to you*, how do both superhero parties find out what happened?
(*Also opening this up if anyone wants to join in!)
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legofanguy · 2 months
Road Trip AUgust
A Inuyasha, Legend of Zelda, Swtor, World of Warcraft, Wildstar, Urusei Yatsura, and Fairy Tail crossover for @promptsbytaurie event AUgust 2024 day 8 road trip AU, featuring my original characters.
A group of families from New York are on a road trip across the USA. The first stop on the road is Hocking Hills in Ohio, and the families park their RVs at the camp site. The younger children run to play in the playground as their older siblings and parents set up the camp, with Inuyasha, one of the fathers, moving a table with his daughter Moroha as his wife Kagome get the food ready.
At their camp site, Charlotte Hyrule hold her phone up as she try to get a signal and she ask her mother Zelda while her father Link is put the heavy stuff up, "Mom, where can I get a signal for my phone?" and Zelda tell her older daughter, "Charlotte, the whole point of this trip is to not be on your phone." and Charlotte is spechless.
Meanwhile, Charlotte's young sister Sonia check out the camp with sisters Towa and Setsuna. The camp look nice and it has a swimming pool, but some parts of it look a little old.
At the Mirsan family camp site, the twin girls Kin'u and Gyokuto laugh about the green hair boy Kitaro Moroboshi as he try to start a fire for his little sister Nyoko and her best friend Nasha Dragneel. At the table, their younger brother Hisui is playing a card game with Michael Shan, Ash Dorne, Petra Spar, Kevin Piece, Max Revel, Samson Cadera, and Tao Yaza.
At his family RV, Gramakk the orc read a guide on Hocking Hills as his wife Zanawe put their son Kokdutu to bed.
The next day, the families get ready for a day in Hocking Hills, with Juliasa making sure that her teenage daughter is okay and to not act like her father Crual.
On the park, the families travel around the sites and the girls take selfie of themselves in nature.
Back at the campsite, the adults make plans on where to go next and Inuyasha said to them, "Why don't we travel on Route 66?" and the adults look at each other about the idea.
Soon, by the morning light, the RVs travel on the famous Route 66, starting at Chicago, Illinois. The families first explore the famous sites at Chicago for three days before they hit the road again. While traveling in Illinois, they see the Gemini, the town of Springfield, and Dixie Travel Plaza.
The RVs arrived at Missouri, and they see the World's second largest rocking chair in Fannig, Red's Giant Hamburg, 66 Drive-In, and Ted Drewes on their journey.
The RVs arrived at Kansas, where the families visit Baxter Spring Independent Oil and Gas Service station, drive through Rainbow Bridge, and visit Williams' Store as well Kan-O-Tex Service Station.
The RVs arrived at Oklahoma, where the families visit Blue Whale of Catoosa, Pops restaurant, Round barn, Milk Bottle Grocery, Rock Cafe, and Foyil Filling Station.
The RVs arrived at Texas, where the families visit the Leaning Tower of Britten, Cadiliac ranch, The Big Texan Steak Ranch, and U-Drop Inn.
The RVs arrived at New Mexico, where the families visit Blue Swallow Motel, El Rancho Hotel & Motel, and Maisel's Indian Trading Post.
The RVs arrived at Arizona, where the families visit Wigwam Motel, Standin' on the Corner Park, Jack Rabbit Trading Post, and Meteor City.
The RVs arrived at California, the last stop of Route 66. In California, the families visit Elmer's Bottle Tree Ranch, Cucamonga Service Station, Aztec Hotel, and Los Angeles.
In the Los Angeles hotel, the adults start their plans for the road trip back home and the locations to visit.
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