#gonna be shipping him with Frostbite
ghostblobbletea · 7 months
A little drabble for my OC Isfrid meeting Frostbite
Yellow eyes.
That was all the small dragon saw when he woke from his sleep, his fur along his shoulders and spine spiking as a growl slipped past blue tinted lips, fangs bared in a defensive posture. Wings flared, and claws were sunk into frozen ground, a half furred tail whipping up frost behind him.
The Yeti looked just as startled, yet... Not alarmed.
There was a gruff laugh before the Yeti Chieftain moved back.
"So, the rumors were true..."
The laugh and voice made the dragon's eyes widen before he sat up a bit, one palm against the icy cave's floor as his tail twitched behind him, the other curled near his chest.
Teal eyes narrowed before the yeti-ghost put up one paw, showing he wasn't a threat.
"No need to get so defensive, I didn't intend to frighten you, young one... My name is Frostbite, I had heard from a few scouts that a new face had been seen in the tundra. I'm the Chieftain of the Yeti Village."
Ears twitched before the dragon slowly seemed to relax for the moment.
"... Isfrid... Am I trespassing?"
His voice was soft, scratchy... He hadn't spoken in so long.
Frostbite shook his head before he kneeled down in front of the newcomer, Isfrid. "The Far Frozen is plenty big enough for all of us, little dragon... You must be new here."
Isfrid slowly nodded before he settled back on his haunches, his wings relaxing back down on his back. This yeti...
Despite that frozen arm, and formidable icicle horns, he seemed... Warm.
A paw was held out to him and he seemed startled by it all the same, hesitant and unsure.
Frostbite smiled.
"Don't worry... I won't hurt you."
It wasn't the Yeti that Isfrid was worried about.
"What if I hurt you?"
"Will you?"
The question made the furred dragon pause, the third eye on his forehead widening.
He shook his head.
"I don't want to."
Yellow eyes softened.
"Then you won't... Come along. It must be lonely in this cave..."
He wouldn't have to be alone...?
His core .thrummed.
Blue talons reached out and took the out stretched paw, and he followed the Yeti out of the cave, his three eyes never leaving the yeti, mystified.
He could be a Guardian again.
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evilminji · 8 months
You Know How There Are Those AU? Where SUPER Injured Ghosts Need To Retreat To Their Core?
No one seems to be USING that to its fullest potential! For SHENANIGANS! Because! Who?? Could POSSIBLY carry a Halfa's Core safely... but another Halfa?! A FULL ghost would KILL them. A human would be killed! What terribly precarious peril we find ourselves in! Oh nooooooo!
Well, no worry!
As much as Dani fuckin HATES this. That there is her brother. Her Template. Her Clone Daddy and Bestest of Bros. Like HECK she's gonna let him suffer for centuries and possibly DIE. She can take it, Doc! Pop him in! We'll go road tripping and-
What do you MEAN "No"?
Unstable??! Of course she's unstable! But the-.... Oh.
Turns OUT? Dani? Can hitch a ride in DANNY for Emergency Medical Aid... but NOT the other way around. Her body is too loosely held together. He would parasiticly consume her from within. Instead of feeding off her Ecto System like injured ghosts are supposed too, because she's a CLONE? AND an unstable one at that? His Core would just... see her body as free ectoplasm. All of it.
He'd eat her.
Which mean Frostbite can not and WILL NOT allow that.
But he's HURT! That big, off screen, cataclysmic Fight To Save Everybody From *cough cough mumbles* and settle us all in the DC universe, REALLY messed him up! What are we supposed to DO!? He can't STAY like this!!!
Enter-> My FAVORITE DCxDP Trash Ship! Vlad&Lex!!! *horrified screaming from the crowds, someone shouts "oh god, no! Please!"* Ha! There are no gods here, silly billys! Only two terrible, terrible HIGHLY Dramatic, self serving, incredibly damaged, gay peacocks. In Business Suits that cost more then your house is worth.
They're AWFUL~♡
And! Vlad was sent ahead to lay the ground work. Insure there would be no GIWs. Also because no one could stand him and his EXTENSIVE criminal record. But that's besides the point.
You know what he found? A Business Nemesis. Who he routinely dates and/or Dramatically Hate Fu-*coughs* I mean, attempts a Corporate Take Over(tm) off. You know how it is. Business. He ALSO gets to make it no secret he's a "Meta", thanks to the INCOMPETENCE of one Jack Fenton, because that- *seething rant*
Yet? Dispite his STILL burning hatred for Jack? And his finally letting go of Maddie? You know what he STILL wants?
For Danny to be his Son.
*Gets a call from Frostbite*
...............soooooo........ what you're SAYING is..... I can be pregnant with Daniel.
You, Frostbite, need ME, Vladimir Masters, THE ONLY OTHER HALFA, to carry Daniel around inside my body, in what to all appearances resembles a pregnancy, in order to heal him. Because I am an Older And Stronger Halfa Upon Which He Relies.
*instantly begins plotting*
Just? Imagine. Vlad is a FUCKIN LIAR. No one but him would even KNOW what was going on! He just? Rocks up one day, like? *falsely demure* "oh I couldn't POSSIBLY has any scotch, Lex! >:) I'm eating for Two~☆" and just? Deals the MAXIMUM amount of psychic damage he can.
Probably says it at their weekly, public, Veiled Threats Brunch.
It makes front page news. Luthor choked on his eggs. The paparazzi lost their SHIT. Vlad is doing the FULL Celebrity Mom Thing. The classes. The photo shoots. The Gucci sunglasses as he peruses high end strollers. All while HEAVILY suggesting that not only is "The Baby" Lex's.... but that he's going to withhold the child and deny Lex any access.
Danny isn't even aware. He's in a lovely lil medical coma. Dani is trying to find a good spot to plop down Amity. She just know Vlad is being... Vlad. Meh. He can handle it. Dan? He's not even IN the human realm and is not sure he wants to be.
But over in the LEAGUE? Everything's on fuckin FIRE.
Kon is losing his SHIT and Clark is thousand yard staring into the void. Kon's half brother is in the hands of a... Less Then Ideal... Meta that Batman is PRETTY sure is highly suspect. Might be a deliberate weapons experiment. Certainly is a hostage. And the DRAMA.
Lex has never been worse.
He might actually stab his...partner? Vlad. At the hospital. The SECOND the child is born. There are already long term kidnapping plans in the making. He's hiring lawyers. Getting VICIOUS. There have been talks with DEATHSTROKE. By BOTH OF THEM.
Clark wants to cry.
@hypewinter @ailithnight @nerdpoe @hdgnj @the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation @babbling-babull
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bokutosbiceps · 9 months
‘tis the season | one piece
eustass kid/monkey d luffy/roronoa zoro/trafalgar d water law/usopp/vinsmoke sanji x gn!reader | fluff | ~2.1k words
warnings: some suggestive/18+ themes but nothing explicit
a/n: welcome to my xmas special for the one piece boys !! OKAY before anyone comes @ me for not choosing a food related activity for luffy, pls know that y’all would not be able to decorate shit. he would eat all of the ingredients and/or you would have to lock him out of the kitchen. some of these are loooooooooong. pls enjoy 🎄
18+ MDNI | under the cut for length
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eustass kid and the kid pirates will make a competition out of chopping down a christmas tree to put on the bow of their ship. it happens every single year, and kid didn’t used to participate, but when he started dating you, he wanted to be the one to provide you with a tree to decorate and admire.
you always enjoyed watching kid get riled up over something as small as a christmas tree, though. killer, a man with taste, would always find the perfect tree, then kid would lay his claim to it, boasting about how he had an eye for things like this.
this year, it was different, though. kid seemed to be more calm about it than usual and it made the whole crew restless until they reached the island where they'd always look for the trees.
kid’s face stretched into a calm grin at seeing the island approaching, remaining still till the ship was docked and the plank was thrown onto land.
“you comin’ with me?” kid asks, snaking a hand around your waist while he watches the rest of the kid pirates disperse on the island.
“of course!” you happily jump onto kid’s back and point out all the different trees you see and like. kid just shakes his head at you and keeps moving, knowing exactly what he's looking for.
he reaches the edge of the forest and sets you down, shrugging off his coat and grabbing an axe from his belt. it takes him one swing each to fell two small trees.
“will you take those back to the ship, doll? make em look nice.” kid asks, a mischievous smile still settled onto his lips. you don't ask questions and tug the two small trees back to the ship to start decorating them. they likely won't be in the running for the trees the crew will vote on to keep so you figure they’ll look nice to keep in the corners of the captain’s quarters.
one by one, the kid pirates start to make their way back to the ship. and one by one, they trim and prune their trees to make em look especially nice and voteable.
“where’s kid?” killer settles next to you on the port side, looking out at the forest. you're leaning on the railing and watching the tree line for any speck of red.
“i dunno! he told me to bring back those runt trees to decorate but i haven't seen him since.”
you speak too soon, because not even ten seconds later, you see kid emerge from the tree line, his metal arm gripping what looks to be a twenty foot tall tree.  
“i think we all know which one we're keepin'!” kid spreads his arms and looks around at his crew. “right? captain’s orders!” kid grins and gestures toward his tree. the rest of the crew doesn't even argue, they just start stripping the trees of their branches to use as tinder for later.
“so? impressed?” kid approaches you, looking proud as ever.
“bigger isn't always better, kid.” you tease, lightly punching him on the shoulder. he scoops you up into his arms and presses a kiss to your chin.
“oh, you know you love it when it's bigger, baby.”
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monkey d luffy is an expert at building snow men because he tries his best to make it look like him! every single year, as soon as there’s enough snow on the ground, he’ll crack his knuckles and start rolling snow into big spheres. the very first time he did this, he made three huge balls of snow and ended up making something resembling more of a snowy caterpillar than an actual human. but he’s learned from his mistakes and is now a master at his craft.
“luffy, can you please put on some gloves? you’re gonna get frostbite!” you call out to him as you watch him roll snow around on the deck. his cheeks and nose are red and he’s sniffling as he shapes the snow into spheres, a big grin on his face despite the freezing temperatures.
“does rubber even freeze?” luffy muses, thinking he’s out of earshot from you and tapping his chin cutely. you smile and shake your head.
“yes, it does!” you say, knowing full well that it doesn’t. but you're hoping your boyfriend might listen to your logic nonetheless. “so that means you can, too!” 
“eh, i’ll be fine! i need to be able to feel the snow between my fingertips, anyways!” luffy grins at you and gives you a shivering thumbs up. “you can’t look till i’m done, okay? and no peeking!”
you raise your hands in surrender and join robin and nami in the warm library upstairs while you wait for luffy to finish up with his masterpiece. 
almost an hour later, luffy bursts into the library with an excited ready! and wraps his arms around you, pulling you up and out of the warmth and into the cold. once you're close enough to the deck, he releases you and moves his hands over your eyes.
“m’kay, one…two…surprise!” luffy removes his hands from your face and smiles brightly at you as he watches you take in his snow artwork.
there are two snow people, one with a straw hat, and another with features similar to yours. you smile and hug yourself, shivering slightly. luffy notices and drapes himself over your shoulders, effectively warming you up and hearing your cheeks up from both his embrace and his sweet gesture.
“it’s us!” he says proudly, pointing to the way that he situated the twig hands of each snow person to make it look like they’re holding hands. you giggle at his thoughtfulness and kiss the tip of his very red and very cold and very cute nose. 
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roronoa zoro allows his eyes to follow you around the aquarium bar below the sunny’s deck as you put the finishing touches on two mugs of warm apple cider you made while zoro’s been napping by the fireplace. you smile and settle down next to zoro, sitting cross legged and sipping your drink while you use zoro’s chest to prop up your book.
zoro props himself up on one of his elbows and you move your book back into your lap, not taking your eyes off of the words. zoro takes a long swig of the cider, humming in enjoyment at the way the sweet notes of the rum you'd spiked the cider with hit his tongue.
“what're you doin’?” zoro asks, peering up at you with a slight frown on his face and placing his now empty mug behind him.
“what does it look like?” you answer, turning a page of your book and giving zoro a teasing smile. he just grunts and plucks the book out of your fingers. “zoro, what—”
zoro quickly and carefully, so as to not spill your mug of warm cider, grabs you by the hips and places you on top of his chest. you purse your lips and glare down at your boyfriend, whose eyes are now closed and lips curled into quiet satisfaction.
you decide not to say anything and instead rest your cheek against zoro’s chest. he brings his hands up to rub his fingers over your spine, stopping at the small of your back.
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trafalgar d water law decides that his least favorite thing in the world to do is going to a christmas market on christmas eve. who could choose a worse day to go to a christmas market? bepo. and since the bear was the one who had begged law to allow them to dock at the sea bound christmas market, law had reluctantly agreed. bepo had made a pretty good argument after all.
“maybe you could find something for y/n-chan while we’re there?” bepo had said, hoping to sweeten the deal with possibly finding something nice for you. you’d only been with law for a little less than a year, so this is your first holiday season as a couple, and law had never really thought of whether or not you’d like something for the holidays.
law is dragged around the market, stopping only at stalls where he notices cute little things that he thinks you might like. he shoves his pride down his own throat to hold up various little knick knacks with a do you think they'd like something like this? to bepo.
law, with a little help from bepo, eventually decides on a tiny little mouse soldier statue, complete with the year and name of the island. when he holds it out to you, his hat covering his eyes and his eyes aimed at the snow piled around where you stood, all you can do is giggle.
you take the little statue from law, turn it over in your hands once, then twice, and smile. law feels like he's going to explode.
“well…do you…?”
“do i what?” you inch toward law, ducking your head to try and get a glimpse of his face, which is still hidden beneath his hat.
law frowns, turning his head to continue avoiding eye contact with you, and clears his throat. “do you like it?”
you look back down at the statue that your boyfriend so carefully and thoughtfully picked out for you. you tilt your head up and quickly flick the brim of law’s hat, tilting it up as well.
“hmm, no.” you say, noticing the way law’s shoulders tense up. you press a kiss intertwined with a smile to his lips before speaking again. “i love it.”
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usopp looks forward to the holidays each year because that means he’ll be decorating the sunny with christmas lights till it rivals a fully lit city on the sea!
all day, usopp is crawling around in the rafters, stringing up lights and hanging his homemade decorations on the masts. he had enlisted you to pass him various nails and push pins and tools to help him hang up the decorations, but you'd been playing catch with him the whole time.
usopp is an incredibly intelligent man, but he's clumsy. hours of missteps and slips and whoops had your blood pressure and heart rate through the roof and you don't know how much more you can take. 
usopp’s smile is wide as he plugs the two ends of the string lights together, his eyes shining in the reflection of the newly decorated Thousand Sunny.
the ship is ablaze with light, and you can't help but smile yourself. the masts glow in a soft and golden light, the snow on the deck is illuminated by the reflection of small and twinkling star decorations that usopp made just for the crow’s nest. there are ornaments and weaves of pine hanging off of every place possible, giving the ship nice red and green hues.
usopp comes up and wraps his arms around you from behind, giving you a gentle and affectionate squeeze.
“pretty, right? now all the pirates in the grand line will see the great captain usopp’s ship from miles away!” usopp makes a grand sweeping gesture with his hand and turns to grin at you proudly.
you lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. “looks amazing, captain usopp.”
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vinsmoke sanji closes off the kitchen on christmas eve, after christmas eve dinner, to allow for some privacy while the two of you decorate christmas cookies for the rest of the crew. sanji usually doesn't let anyone else in the crew help out in the kitchen, unless it's you. he likes feeling close to you, his favorite person, when he's in his favorite place, while he's doing his favorite thing.
“no competition, here, okay?” sanji’s pressed up against your back and his hands are on your shoulders when he skims a kiss to the nape of your neck. "let's just have a nice time together, hm?"
he smiles at you before he sets to decorating the cookies with you, jazz playing softly through the radio and sanji making easy conversation or praising your decorations.
you nudge sanji’s shoulder with your own and nod your head down at the cookie you're holding. sanji’s eyes light up when he sees your initials written in blue icing, separated by a pink heart. 
“y/n-chan, my love!” sanji cries, throwing his arms around your neck and hugging you tightly. he cups your face and kisses you slowly, ignoring the creaking of the kitchen door and light footsteps creeping closer to the two of you. 
you open your eyes just in time to see luffy swipe the cookie you had just shown sanji and make a run for it. sanji follows your eyes and stares at luffy’s back in horror.
you look up to tell sanji that it's no big deal, you can just decorate another one, but sanji is already running after luffy; he's desperate to save the cookie you had decorated with your names on it. 
“luffy, get the hell back here so i can put your ass down the garbage disposal!” 
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taglist: @usoppsstar | @kingofthe-egirls | @anemptypuddingcup | @pileofmush | @luffysprincess | lemme know if you wanna be added to my one piece taglist ✨
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theglamorousferal · 1 month
Persephone's Binding Part 10
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Jason woke with a start as someone gently shook his shoulder, one of his notes from the previous night sticking to his face as he shot up. He heard a soft giggle from next to him and looked up, and up at Jasmine Nightingale, Queen Regent, standing there with a plate of food and looking regal as ever in her teal toga dress.
"You missed breakfast, but it looks like you were pretty busy. What are you working on?" she asked, setting a plate of French toast on the table and taking a seat, careful to not look at the notes without permission. Still, he was thankful he had written all his notes in code.
He shuffled the papers together and stuffed them into his journal before pulling the plate closer. "Just research about this place, there's so many different places here. Where are your favorite places to visit when you get a day off?" He took a bite of the food and noticed a cinnamon flavored syrup.
"I don't really go anywhere on my days off, I usually just hang out in the library or in my room all day. Sometimes I'll go visit Lady Pandora and have sandwiches and spar with her, but I haven't had much of a chance to get out of the castle for a while now." She frowned to herself as if just now realizing. "I mean, I do sometimes for meetings and whatnot, but I haven't had a chance to explore much of the Realms."
"Is there anywhere you'd want to go visit?" Jason asked, breaking her from her thoughts.
She held a finger to her chin and looked upwards as she thought. "I'd like to go to the Boardwalk at Eternal Shores and ride the coaster there." She remembered more places she wanted to go in the Realms from when she first started learning about them. "I want to hike up Soul's Peak. I want to sail in the Mirror Sea, that's so crystal clear you can see the bottom and all the fantastical and weird corals and fish. I want to ride my bike down Highway 6-66 and go to Beelzebub's Waffle House and stay at Hestia's Bed and Breakfast." She clenched her fists as she hid her face with a curtain of her hair. "I want to go to the Second Globe Theatre to watch the plays that Shakespeare has released since his death." She whispered to herself.
Jason reached for her forearm and patted it in comfort, bringing her out of her thoughts. He smiled encouragingly at her.
"Sorry, I guess I needed to let that out." She sighed and blew her hair out of her face. "I really do need a day out."
"Sounds like it. Maybe you can let any advisors you have know you need some time away? Surely they can last one day without you?" He asked and finished his plate.
"Maybe, I'll talk to Frostbite about it when we go see him. It's gonna take us a little while to get there because the Far Frozen is about a two hour drive by Specter Speeder. You should go get ready, we're heading out in about an hour. We keep cold weather clothes in the Speeder." She stood up and wiped her hands on her dress, then snapped her fingers for a skeleton to appear and take away the dish.
"What dress code should I dress for today?" Jason asked and she froze.
"Dress code?" She asked, eyes wide.
"Well, I want to match the vibe of the day, I'd feel weird to wear modern street fashion if the others in my party were wearing more formal clothes." I want to match you, he thought.
"Oh, well." She played with her skirt. "I guess since I'm appearing in public, I should dress accordingly. I'm still going more casual today since I don't have to do any public speaking. If you want to match?" She blushed. "Then I guess casual royal court? I know we don't know each other very well yet, but I'd like to be your friend if you'd accept?" She held out her hand to shake.
He gently took her hand and, though he felt electricity shoot from his fingertips, he kept his face calm and he shook it once, then let go. "I'd be more than happy to be your friend." He said with a smile.
Jazz seemed frozen for a moment before she held her hand to her chest and turned away. "I'll meet you at the split in the hallways in an hour." She said as she fled the room. Jason let out a huff of a laugh.
An hour later has Jason dressed in a poet's shirt with a pair of black leather pants, still paired with his combat boots, standing and waiting for Jazz.
"Boo." He hears and startles as Danny fades into existence, floating upside down next to him. Somehow, his clothes did not obey gravity and clung to him as if he were upright. Today he was just in the same outfit Jason had met him in.
"Christ kid, you're gonna kill me again I swear." Jason grumbles.
"Leather pants? Really? I know I said she likes the biker look, but leather pants?" Danny looked him up and down. " And what's with the flowy shirt anyway? Not very biker there."
Jason rolled his eyes and sighed, crossing his arms. "I wanted to match your sister." He stated.
"Oh boy, does this mean you're gonna be dressing like dudes on romance novel covers?" Danny scrunched his nose. "I mean, I have seen Jazz read some of those I guess, and hey, if it works, then go for it I guess." Danny fell backwards so he was floating on his back. "I'm coming with you guys to visit the Yeti's today by the way. Jazz still gets lost getting there sometimes, and the GZPS has been on the fritz since the last time Technus was here, so I gotta guide you."
"Hey, I'm getting better at it!" Jazz said as she approached the pair. "Come on, let's head over." They made their way to the training grounds where what appeared to be a hover-submarine in gleaming chrome floated with it's side hatch wide open.
Once inside, Jason took the passenger's seat and Jazz took the pilot's seat and began take off. It was a bit weird to get used to the motion, but soon they were gliding through the green and purple sky.
"So, Shakespeare's released new plays since he died? Have you had the chance to read some?" Jason asked, and with that question, Jazz just began talking with passion. He looked softly at her as she rambled for the next hour about 'Love's Labour's Won', the play thought to have been lost to time, but that Shakespeare was able to pen again once he had his haunt established and had a full cast of ghosts willing to spend eternity performing.
"What about you? I noticed you were reading Austen's first post-mortem book. How are you liking 'Satisfaction'? I read it a few years ago when I first explored the library." It was now Jason's turn to start rambling about a topic as he praised it and compared it to some of her other books.
"We're getting close!" Danny yelled from outside the Speeder. Jason looked up to see a floating glacier rapidly approaching them.
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boosmidnighthour · 10 days
Uh... nickname headcanon time? I guess?
For a while, I needed to have Ninjago nicknames ready in my brain whenever I wrote. Then I would have to remember the ones the fandoms made up. Then I decided "fuck it; just make a list so that it's ready to go."
So, here's random list that I have slowly gathered up. As you can see, I list the character, and then I'll put the nicknames that they'll call the others below that. Some nicknames I am well aware exist, but don't like (example: "Pebble" for Cole) or my creative juices die for characters I rarely write about (literally anybody that's not the OG 4), so this is not a comprehensive list of every nickname within the fandom. Just ones that I like and would like to use at some point.
If you have any other ideas, comment below. Have fun!
Divider created by drawloverlala!
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Zane: Frost/Frosty, Frosted Flakes, Snowflake, Tin Can (rarely), Pinky, Snake Jaguar/Jaguar (occasionally), Frostbite, Ice Cube
Jay: Zaptrap, Motormouth, Zip/Zipper, Loud Mouth, Jaybird, Bluejay, Lightning Bug, Sparky, Bluebell (bruise), Chatterbox, Fruit Loops (paired with Kai), Jitterbug
Kai: Flicker (lava), Hot Head, Emerald (lava), Lover Boy, Firefly (lava), Sunshine (lava), Fireball, Fruit Loops (paired with Jay), Firework, Hair Gel
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Not one to give nicknames unless in a relationship with them or as an inside joke.
Cole: Rocky (occasionally, Rocky Dangerbuff), Honey (glacier), Angel (glacier)
Pixal: Detective (occasionally)
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Sometimes goes into a southern dialect thanks to his upbringing. (Ex: dearie, hun, etc.) (Zane may eventually start picking up on it himself. Nicknames may also be game references.
Cole: Rocky, Earthbound, Cake Pop (bruise)/Cake Pops (bruise, with child), Boulderbrain
Zane: Bucket o' Bolts (rarely), Mr. Mint (Candy Land), Vanilla Ice (rarely), Ice Bucket, McFlurry, Frostbite (techno), Icee, Gumdrop, Jack Frost
Kai: Air Head, Firefly (plasma), Fireball, Firestorm, Star/Shooting Star (plasma), Hot Shot, Sunshine
Nya: Stardew (jaya)
Lloyd: Goldilocks
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Cole: Rocky, Big Guy/Big Lug/Big Boy, Sweetheart (lava), Fruit Basket, Magma, Boulder/Boulders, Beefcake, CoCo (lava), Dirt Clod
Zane: Sweetheart (opposite), Nitro (nitroglycerin), Z, Bird Brain
Jay: Lightning Bug (plasma), Baby/Babe (plasma), Glow Bug, Loud Mouth/Blabbermouth/Motormouth, Sparky, Sparkplug, Lover Boy, Thundercloud (plasma), JayJay, Bird Brain
Nya: Blastoise, Lapras
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Pokemon nerd. Is slowly getting Kai in on it.
Zane: Glaceon
Jay: Jolteon, Thunderbolt
Kai: Blaziken, Flareon, Charizard, Torchic
Lloyd: Leafeon
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Nya: Dewdrop (amberphoenix)
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How is it that I came up with more ideas for Nya and Skylor than Lloyd? I mention them even less than I do him. I might eventually add to this, but only if I get significantly more ideas.
I'm just gonna tag all the ships because they're mentioned. I don't even like a few them. Sorry!
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eepyuii · 7 months
frostbite — pt. 12
pairing ; childe x gender neutral!reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn-ish
cw ; some self loathing talk, ending that you guys are gonna hate me for LMFAO
notes ; listen guys. i KNOW it’s been a minute, life’s just been really hectic lately- so many ups and downs and i couldn’t come up with what this chapter could be until i remembered- the inazuma trip!
and so that is what this is, the inazuma trip from childe’s POV and NOTHING ELSE happens. i promise :)
previous | next | masterlist
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if a mere gaze could incinerate, the letter before you would’ve been reduced to ashes by now.
it sits as pathetically unmoving as paper can get on the table before you— yet you can’t even bear to pick it up into your hands again, what a coward. it’s not even a bad letter either, very far from the bone-chilling mandates you receive from the doctor or directly from zapolyarny palace.
no, it’s an invitation. from ajax.
a simple invitation to a simple visit to inazuma to simply explore the scenery he had so passionately raved about to you before. your stay in sumeru had unintentionally prolonged itself, for reasons that if someone asked you out loud right now, you’d say you just ‘didn’t notice the days going by’. but any dimwit, if there is even such a thing inside sumeru city, would’ve been able to tell that you’re just cowering away from seeing ajax again.
since all of the matters had been resolved— crisis averted, dottore gone, kunikuzushi restored to his sharp-tongued self, you’d expected yourself to feel better. feel happier.
but you don’t.
because the guilt is still there, it still thrashes against your chest and scratches your throat dry, yelling out in a raucous, grating voice that you’re a terrible terrible person.
a terrible person who doesn’t deserve to go to inazuma. who doesn’t deserve to see ajax.
you still think of collei. you’ve been terrified to leave your quarters during the day, lest you bump into her on the streets of the city. you hope she’s feeling better, since all of eleazar was cured. gods, why do you even care this much? you’ve never even met the girl yet you’re desperate for her to forgive you, when you haven’t even done anything to her directly. you want to be worthy of her forgiveness so badly but.. you also think you’re not deserving of it, or any forgiveness at all. what is wrong with you?
“what is wrong with you?”
you’re brought back to reality by kunikuzushi’s voice, who looms over the table you sit at, periodically moving his judgemental gaze towards the letter then back to you.
“the last ship for inazuma leaves in an hour, y’know. and you haven’t even started packing! you humans slack so much it baffles me how anything gets done ever.”
you fidget with your fingers, averting your gaze elsewhere as to avoid the very predictable death glare kunikuzushi is about to give at what you say next.
“i’m not going.”
thank the archons that his puppet body doesn’t have built-in eye lasers, or else you’d be barbecue by now.
“what do you mean you’re not going?”
“i changed my mind, i’m not going.” you shrug simply.
“as if,” he scoffs. “seeing that imbecile again is all you’ve talked about for days! i can still hear your stupid little melancholic sigh inside my head from how much you do so much as think about it.”
you remain silent, staring down at your own fingertips and fighting the urge to pick your nails.
“now suck up your idiocy for a second and answer me truthfully— why are you not going?”
it’s safe to say that one second you opened your mouth to answer and the next you were practically beaten into the ship, but not before you were almost deafened at kunikuzushi’s yells for you to pack up faster. you don’t think you’ve ever witnessed someone be so ragingly doting, though you believe he was partially motivated by how irkingly sulky you’ve been lately.
at least you can rest knowing nahida won’t let him rest.
“i’m sure they’ll arrive today, tartaglia!”
he’s sure yoimiya is right, yet his leg keeps bouncing impatiently. surely you’d accept his invitation, or at least show sign of life by sending a rejection letter— he could live with the sting of it as long as you were alive and safe in sumeru.
…no, that might not be enough. maybe his letter never arrived to you, maybe he put in the wrong address, maybe the letter did arrive but you weren’t there to receive it because you were unsafe. maybe he should just go to sumeru himself and check in on you. childe’s leg starts bouncing faster. he hates it, this giddy feeling but in a bad way. it’s not the kind of giddy he feels when he’s about to engage in combat or.. when he sees you— it feels terrible, like his heart is beating incorrectly in his chest.
but then he feels erratic taps against his shoulder and he looks over to see yoimiya hopping excited as her other hand points toward the port, where a ship is arriving. yoimiya doesn’t know what you look like, so you might not be in that ship at all— he prepares before getting his hopes up. the two of them step closer towards the port and childe scans the passengers leaving the ship with utmost attention, like he’s never focused so hard in his life. amongst the crowd, the top of someone’s head who looks like you is visible and just from that, his heart stutters. it still beats incorrectly. finally, as though a blessing from the tsaritsa herself, it’s you.
and his heart starts beating right. erratically, but right.
his legs take him to you before can even think of it. there’s a sense of deja vu from your reunion in liyue, except now there’s assuredly nothing that’ll keep you away from each other, for the time being at least. the one thing that’s different this time is that neither of you say anything upon seeing each other, you just both wordlessly wrap yourselves in a tight, breathless hug.
neither of you pull away for a while either, until childe moves 3 inches or so back to keep you at arms length. he exhales heartily, as if he only got to breathe for the first time just now, and takes in all of your features now that he can. he notices that your eye bags seem darker, more prominent— have you not been getting enough sleep?
he’s about to ask you that very question when your eyes flicker towards something, or someone, behind him with a hint of wary surprise in your eyes and he remembers that yoimiya is here and probably shaking with excitement to meet you— he’s spoken a lot about you, but we’ve already gone over extensively just how much he does that.
“a-ah, where are my manners— y/n, this is yoimiya, owner of naganohara fireworks and friend i’ve made alon-“
a shrill squeak comes out from behind behind childe and within the blink of an eye, he’s shoved away by yoimiya, who takes you into her own bone crushing hug.
“oh, y/n, it’s so so so nice to finally meet you!”
the blonde releases you from the hug, her hands fly to hold yours as she hops up and down with joy only comparable to a prancing bunny. whatever standoffishness you felt before melts and you return yoimiya’s excitement with a big grin, one that makes childe’s chest swell more than he thought previously possible.
though much to his dismay, you’re viciously dragged around by a hyperactive firework maker around inazuma city, she shows you all the best shops and spots within the city (especially naganohara fireworks), while childe only hurries to keep up with you two. eventually, you’re released from yoimiya’s ecstatic grasp, as she mentions having to help her father with dinner— the old man won’t even hear the pot boiling on his own, she says.
the two of you end up at a viewpoint in the city, leaning against a railing, shoulders only a breath apart from each other. sunset arrives before you even notice, the caramel rays shining against the unusual violet hues nature of inazuma create a sweet ambience— one neither childe nor you dare to interrupt.
it’s almost painfully awkward, the silence. you would’ve expected to be chatting till the sun rose again about your respective escapades but nothing, perhaps you two have so much to talk about you don’t even know where to start. and so neither of you do.
childe finally decides to take the fall and fills the increasingly cooling air of the evening with a clear of his throat.
“so,” he swallows hard. “have you been well?”
you take a split second to answer, he notices that your fingers fidget as well.
“yeah, just fine.” you nod before nudging him playfully. “what about you? surviving the island weather?”
he frowns— you’re not telling the truth. firstly, changing the subject so fast before he even gets to ask about your… mission in sumeru, whatever it is he can’t seem to remember it. secondly, the way you fidget is strangely familiar to him. it takes a moment but childe recalls, it’s precisely one of your old tells.
when the two of you were young, sometimes your father would bring back board games from his job in the big city— some were guessing games, some were training cards, some murder mysteries and others games all about bluffing. and you were terrible at bluffing, eyes always scattering about, fingers itching against each other, tongue poking against your cheek. old habits die hard, he supposes.
he wishes he could feel good about reminiscing over those moments but really, right now they only serve to prove that you were lying about doing well— he doesn’t like that.
childe opts not to sour the moment, though. it’s not even your first night in inazuma yet.
“i’ve been faring. but uh.. remind me again as i seem to have forgotten,” he chuckles sheepishly. “what exactly was your mission in sumeru?”
your eyes scatter.
“just an on-field investigation about this strange disease that was born in sumeru, eleazar. unfortunately, it’s still all pretty confidential— so no snooping even for someone like you, mr. harbinger.”
“yeesh, sounds serious. i’ll do my best to make sure you unwind from all that uptight working for now, though. i’ve got the next two days planned with all sorts activities and places to show you around in inazuma.”
your shoulders seem to intense slightly at the idea of actually vacationing and childe feels some relief in his chest. he grins.
“but for now— i’d like to take you to try some inazuman cuisine and then get some rest. i’ll show you around the food district but i heavily suggest these… little stuffed balls of rice they sell at this kiosk, i believe they’re called ‘onigiri’.”
“mm, sounds tasty.”
“no, i’m telling you i saw it go over here!”
it’s somehow nostalgic, hopping around chinju forest and chasing bake-danukis around like unburdened children. childe swears he sees the esper of your younger self following after you as you hop from rock to rock over the river, giggling at the splashes of water that lick at your ankles. he hears the jingle of the monster yōkai as it tries to taunt him, but he’s long since forfeited his own goose chase to bask in the warm delight of watching you.
it’s like his limbs have shut down, locked in place for the sake of gluing his eyes to your grinning figure who runs up and down after the elusive bake-danuki without another care in the world. you know that the chase is aimless, that the yōkai has no purpose or finality other than to taunt you— but you don’t care, you’ve abandoned the rationality you usually cling to like the air in your lungs just to have stupid fun for once.
and it’s because childe took you here. the pride that fills him due to the fact is so immense that he feels as though he could fell an army of mitachurls without even using his vision.
the image of your state yesterday is still burned into his retinas, how utterly exhausted you looked, not to mention that you lied about being well. it’s the most basic state of being, just being ‘fine’, yet even that wasn’t your truth. the worst of it all is that he can’t even figure out why, what could’ve happened in sumeru that left you like that. it all terrifies him.
oh. you’re calling out to him. childe feels his entire being perk up at that and he’s fully at attention within a heartbeat.
“ajaax? you okay?”
you’re standing two rocks away from the bake-danuki over the river current, but you no longer care for it. instead, you look over to childe and wave to catch his eye, worried frown invading your features.
childe nods rapidly. “peachy! i was just, ah— thinking up a strategy to catch that slippery bake-danuki!”
he monitors you closely for the rest of the day, making sure everything goes well as to not make you frown again. he takes you up to the grand narukami shrine, where your eyes fill with light as you gaze up in wonder at the huge cherry blossom tree, a pink petal gracefully lands on your head but it compliments you so splendidly that childe doesn’t have the heart to tell you about it.
he’s only not completely enamored by how the peaceful scenery frames you so majestically because he feels an itch at the back of his neck, turning around to see the guuji of the shrine throwing him a both amused and judgemental stare. she gives him the creeps.
the next day, childe takes you to watatsumi island. it seems you’re once again possessed by a childlike spirit, as you scurry about every inch of the island to take in all of the almost magical details of it. you tell him it reminds you of the fairytales you used to read and the sheer glee in your demeanor almost makes him tear up. at some point, the two of you even go swimming in one of the beaches that frame the cascading island and it’s a sight childe’s dreams only hope to imitate, to see you canonballing into the warm seawater with pure joy— it’s completely incomprehensible to the frigid tundras of snezhnaya that you’re both used to.
to finish it off, you’re back in inazuma city to dine in a traditional inazuman restaurant and you’re both almost bursting from how much you’ve eaten by the end of it. you’re waiting patiently for a waiter to come by your table and give you the check for the food with sleepy eyes— the kind of sleepy that only hits you after a hearty meal.
when it arrives, both of you reach out for the check simultaneously.
“come on, please let me at least pay for the food this time? you already paid for our last two dinners.” you plea.
“nonsense! i invited you to inazuma to give you a tour, you’re a practically guest here-“
“not like you’re a local either… just this once, please-”
“i brought so much excess mora, it’s been weighing down on my backpack. just let me empty it a little more with this check and i promise you i’ll let you pay for our next-“
“but i’ll feel terrible. you’ve been doing everything for me these past two days, it’s the bare minimum for me to-“
“y/n. i insist.”
your poor waiter.
“fine.” you huff begrudgingly, turning to look down at your empty plate with a defeated frown. childe immediately feels like the worst person in the world.
the walk back to your hotel is quiet, eerily so. it’s almost ironically parallel to your first night here, you even pass by the same viewpoint as it’s on the way to your destination— you choose to take a wordless detour to the same railing.
childe is a step behind when he joins you, the first thing he notices is how hard you’re gripping onto the railing, knuckles turning white. the second things how tightly you press your lips to suppress their trembling. and the third thing is the wet glimmer that lines your bottom eyelids. he wishes the earth would give way and swallow him whole.
“y/n… i-“
“w-why are you doing a-all of this?” the breaking in your voice is the worst sound childe has ever heard in his life.
“w-what do you mean? have i done something to upset you?”
you shake your head.
“why are you d-doing all of this for m-me? taking me to beautiful p-places… paying for all my f-food— what did i even do to d-deserve this from y-you?”
childe scoffs incredulously. why would you even be worried about that?
“because you’re my best friend, y/n. i care about you and i wanted to show you somewhere new, somewhere i loved. people simply do that for each other someti-“
“t-that’s the thing, though, i’m not just people! i’m a t-terrible person who works for an even worse person, a fucking m-monster that i let be a monster! people are sickly and d-dying because of him and i j-just let him do it! i don’t d-deserve sceneries or g-good food for free…”
you yell, tears running freely and ceaselessly down your cheeks. childe is almost angry at the complete nonsense you’re spewing, but he scatters his brain for a gentler way to calm you down. then, he remembers a previous tactic of his— he places both of his gloved hands at either side of your face.
successfully, you immediately shut up, save for the erratic breaths that leave you. you’re staring up at him with almost enraged confusion, but not at him, rather at yourself— you truly believe what you’re saying to the point where you’d lose sleep over it, it shatters childe’s heart into a million pieces.
“y/n. please listen to me very carefully. you are not a terrible person, in fact, you’re one of the best people i have ever met-“
“but i c-could’ve done-“ you interrupt and childe immediately squishes your cheeks inward as to press your lips shut.
“shush. you are the most intelligent, caring, attentive, patient person i have ever had the privilege of meeting, y/n. dottore is a psychopath, that’s no doubt, but you couldn’t have done anything to stop him— he’s got power even i couldn’t begin to gauge and… unfortunately he uses them for evil deeds. but you, you use yours for good and for that, you’re infinitely and eternally better than him.”
you’ve stopped crying at this point.
“you’ve only ever used your capabilities to help people— help me, the traveler, all of the new cadets who get stupid injuries in zapolyarny palace.” he chuckles. “and you care so much and so deeply. you took such good care of teucer when he was in liyue, you even chose to go against me, betray our mission, for the chance to help the traveler and save the people of the harbor, you nursed me back to heal when i was at my weakest.
i believe that in this world, the lines between good and bad are blurry— many dance around in its fog, heh, including myself. but you, y/n? i think you’re as good as it gets.”
there’s no reason for childe to still be holding your face in his hands, really, but at this point it seems like the entire rest of the world has disappeared for him.
“this trip has only been the minimum of the thanks i owe you, hell, i’d pay for all of the meals in your life if that even repaid half of what you’ve done for others.”
you chuckle at that.
“but… i-i also wanted to treat you to this because i…”
oh god, why did he start that sentence, he wasn’t ready to admit that just yet. childe’s heart hammers against his chest, bound to break out at any moment, and his throat becomes dry almost immediately. his hands are so clammy that he desperately wants to pull them away from you, unfortunately his limbs betray him and stay right where they are. childe thinks he feels a heartbeat at his fingertips, like he can feel it from the pulse in your neck, but his fingers shake too much to discern.
years in the battlefield, a harbinger title over his head, falling into the abyss and childe has never felt as terrified as he does now— he feels as though he can’t breathe.
the entire world, time and space, halt at the tip of his tongue, where it’s next words will forever change your relationship. but then again, childe did say he could live with rejection so long as you were safe and sound…
…couldn’t he?
“…b-because i mean to go to fontaine soon.”
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i saw this tweet in the midst of finishing this chapter and i was like “oh my fucking god. them.” LMFAO
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taglist ; @kentply @osaemu @rain-and-a-nice-nap @koichirana
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
๑ keep safe : i'm gonna freeze my balls off, pt. 2 (8)
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one piece x male reader
but if you send for me, 
you know i'll come 
and if you call for me, 
you know i'll run
i'll run to you, 
i'll run to you
『 prev 』
that night [name] accompanied sanji in the crow’s nest. after he spent a couple of hours bugging zoro, the sun eventually fell and the moon rose. it seemed sanji was on night duty and [name] didn’t mind keeping him company.
plus, he had that question to ask him.
“sanji, do cigarettes keep you warm?”
“hah? that’s a stupid question,” sanji said, breathing out a puff of smoke. [name] realized he quite liked the smell.
“but i’m really cold, i wanted to know if that’d help me!” [name] reasoned, just wishing to get an answer out of their chef. the blonde thought about it for a moment before holding out the stick. “really, you’ll let me try?” the chef shrugged, “thanks, sanji!”
“no need to thank me, see how you feel about it first,” sanji mused, leaning back against the mast while [name] was leaning against the railing. the two were sat facing each other and sanji was carefully watching [name]’s reaction.
without hesitating [name] brought the stick up to his lips. he inhaled, feeling the smoke invade his lungs. he held it there for a moment before allowing some to escape. obviously, not all the smoke would get completely pushed out of his lungs, but when he exhaled he watched the puff of smoke turn into nothing but air.
“eh, it was alright…lemme try again,” [name] remarked, taking another drag from the cigarette before handing it to sanji. the chef didn’t seem too bothered by infecting [name] with his habit, taking the cigarette to his own lips.
“so? feeling nice and toasty?” sanji teased, watching as [name] popped another coffee bean into his mouth.
”it was warm, but probably not enough. if i get super cold though, i’ll rely on you to give me another one!” [name] said cheerfully, talking about it as if it wasn’t a nasty habit to break if he were to really get hooked on it.
“you’re gonna end up coming back for loads more if you smoke too much,” sanji pointed out, wondering if [name] even knew that cigarettes were addictive.
“i’m not really an…addictive person! i only really like coffee beans the most, it’s too bad they’re not warm when you eat them,” [name] pouted, stomping out sanji’s small concern.
“if you say so,” sanji said softly, putting out the cigarette.
slowly as time past, [name] noticed that sanji was beginning to doze off. and also noticed his cheeks, nose, and ears were turning really red with what seemed to be frostbite.
[name] gently took off his hat and put it on sanji instead, making the blonde sleepily look up at him.
“ah, thanks, [name],” he said softly, sleep invading his system before he could get another word out.
[name] chuckled, watching how easy it was for sanji to doze off. when he looked up at the sky and noticed it was almost a full moon, he smiled softly and took it upon himself to cuddle into sanji’s side.
the blonde wasn’t awake to notice as he unconsciously pressed himself closer to [name]’s side as well, navigating towards the natural body heat. even if [name] was colder than he usually was, he guessed it was more comforting that the cold wind that was breezing through.
[name] spread open the blanket that was once only covering him, fighting back the urge to shiver, and made sure it covered him and sanji completely.
he stayed awake the whole rest of the night. he was too cold to sleep and he didn’t want anything to happen to the ship while he was supposed to be on look out.
that’d only prove his incompetence to the rest of the crew. and he already had so much to prove for himself, he didn’t want to ruin this chance.
so he calmly watched as the moon rotated through the sky, until the gentle rays of the sun greeted his vision. chewing on the coffee beans also helped him not get too worked up on his lack of sleep.
the first sound he heard in the morning, though, was a loud banging coming from below them.
he left the blanket to completely cover sanji, unknowingly waking the blonde up as he got up. sanji was resting his head on [name]’s shoulder while he was sleeping, so the sudden loss of his pillow made him slowly blink open his eyes.
plus the body heat that was comforting him also went away.
“you’re up early, usopp,” [name] yawned, leaning over the edge and watching the sniper.
“oh! that’s where you were, [name], was wondering why you weren’t sleeping in the room with us last night,” usopp said, in a rather cheerful voice despite it being so early. he continued smacking away at repairing merry, “i can’t just sit around and do nothing!” usopp answered, “we gotta get out of this jam as quick as possible!”
[name] smiled gently, resting his cheek on his palm as he watched usopp work. sanji blinked slowly, waking up and coming to his senses. he was warmer than he was when he fell asleep and he noticed it was due to the extra, thick layer of blankets that were surrounding him.
the first thing he reached for within the comforts of his warm cocoon was a cigarette and his box of matches.
at the sound of the matches being struck against the box, [name] turned around. a sleepy smile was on his face and sanji noticed that his hair was a bit more ruffled. he assumed it was because of his sleep, but it was really just the cold breeze that made it go out of place.
“good morning, sanji!” [name] cheerfully replied.
“wow, you’re annoyingly energetic,” sanji said, puffing out smoke, “morning, [name],”
the greeting made [name] grin in return and, like a butterfly effect, it made sanji’s lips slowly curl into a hidden smile. sanji made his grin stay hidden behind his hands, but [name] wasn’t even looking for long as he soon directed his vision to usopp once more.
the two stayed in the crow’s nest for a while, [name] watching usopp work and sanji preserving the heat he had acquired overnight. when the sun came to warm them, to some extent, [name] decided that he’d check in on nami.
he left sanji up in the crow’s nest, going down with ease and gently patting usopp on the back. the sniper appreciated it, humming in thanks as he continued tirelessly working on repairs.
when [name] got inside of the room, he greeted vivi with a good morning and quietly walked to nami’s bedside.
“how is she?”
“i just replaced the towel on her head…there’s really nothing much we can do to help her besides that,” vivi said, a hint of regret in her voice. [name] put his hand on her head easily, seeing as she was kneeling by nami’s bed rather than standing. she looked up at him in wonderment.
“she’s gonna be fine, we’re gonna find an island soon, i can feel it,” [name] grinned, trying to uplight the princess’s spirits. and it worked. because then vivi was jumping up from her position and getting ready to walk out onto deck.
“you’re right, [name], i’ll talk with the others now to see if they’ve spotted an island yet,” she said, squeezing his arm gently before quickly walking out of the room.
once he heard the door shut behind her, he took a seat by nami.
“she’d have pulled her hair out if she stayed her another moment with you,” [name] joked, “she’s so worried. but don’t worry, nami, we’re gonna find you a doctor soon and you’re gonna get better and when you do - we’re gonna save alabasta!”
he didn’t know if nami could hear his words or not, but he assumed that if there was a chance she could, he’d want to say something that would comfort her.
“hm, i’ve taken ahold of your coffee beans, by the way,” he chuckled, popping another one into his mouth, “you’re not supposed to drink any coffee now anyway, so you can boil in your annoyance for as long as you want — not gonna change anything! haha!”
[name] laughed in glee at his own jokes, assuring himself that if nami had the energy to, she would laugh as well. in reality, she surely would have smacked him over the head at his antics.
he leaned closer to her bed, noticing that her blanket had moved in her sleep. he hummed in thought, moving around the room. he noticed there were blankets and pillows scattered all around. he got to work in piling the pillows on top of her and then dropping a couple more blankets on top of those as well.
hopefully, he thought, this mimics some sort of heated or weighted blanket.
he felt satisfaction surge in his chest when he saw nami bury herself deeper into the blankets. he stayed by her side a remainder of the journey, feeling relief to hear luffy shouting about finding an island.
“see? it’s all gonna get better soon,” he said, this time he didn’t know if he was talking to nami or himself.
there was a gunshot that rang in the air and [name] immediately positioned himself protectively in front of nami’s bed. if people were really going to invade their ship, like they did on the way to this island, he’d kill anyone that tried getting to nami.
he sat right in front of her bed, his sword resting on his knees in front of him, and he carefully watched the door.
when it opened and revealed vivi, he relaxed.
“is there a doctor?” was the first question he asked and vivi immediately answered that the villagers were willing to help.
[name] nodded and quickly got to work in getting nami prepared for a journey. he saw vivi wanted to help, but he shook his head, “i’ll make sure nami doesn’t get cold on her journey, don’t worry, tell the others i’ll bring her up soon,”
she looked at him in full confidence, nodded her head, and ran back upstairs.
if vivi had to place any amount of trust in [name] a couple of days ago, she would not be able to do so confidently. to her, [name] was a suspicious individual who very well could’ve been after her head as she is a princess. but to see him so attentive to nami and caring towards her, almost more than sanji was, her worries were gradually washed away.
[name] was trustworthy and it was obvious as he so tenderly took care of nami whenever she wasn’t there. she would trust him with her life as well. and it felt ridiculous for her to come to that conclusion so suddenly, but [name] was the reason she was confident nami would get better.
plus the fact he was reliable in medical knowledge, or as far as his medical knowledge went. so she delivered his message to those above deck without a second thought, to which they nodded their heads.
meanwhile, [name] was making sure nami would be as warm as possible when they reached the island. he put her in the jacket he stole from that other pirate crew, made sure the hood was securely around her head, and then continued to cocoon her in even more layers.
she looked more like a oval-shaped thing rather than a human. but when he expertly tied a rope around her body to attach to his own, he felt secure in knowing she’d be warm and safe. her body was on his back and the crew looked at him as if he were crazy when he emerged from the room.
“what? can’t be too safe!” he pointed out with a grin, “i did a good job, didn’t i?”
luffy clapped his hands in amazement, usopp soon joining. zoro made a comment on how [name] looked like an idiot and sanji didn’t make any snide remarks, simply complimenting him on how he was properly treating nami. vivi had tears in her eyes as she saw [name]’s care that went into making sure nami would be warm for her journey.
on the other hand, he looked greatly underdressed. he only had his shirt and pants on underneath the singular extra layer of a long cloak.
“but [name], you need a jacket,” vivi chimed in, about to go searching for one.
“no, it’s alright, i don’t need it,” [name] shook his head, prepared to find a doctor and getting angsty the longer they were standing still, “let’s get moving already, we need to get nami treated, now.”
"h-hey! hold it right there!" just as [name] touched ground on the island, he was stopped very abruptly. he almost stumbled backwards at the sudden motion because of the uneven weight of nami being on his back. luckily, in time, he steadied himself very quickly. 
he lifted his head from the ground and glared at the civilian that had physically stopped him, "what's your issue?" he asked in a hoarse voice. 
the person's legs seemed to shake from his gaze alone, but their grip on their weapon only tightened. [name]'s eyebrows furrowed at their behavior, about to repeat his question, but they cut him off, "you! you can't come onto this island!"
the crew stopped to watch the scene, vivi about to rush forward and plead for [name]'s case, but his next action made them all still. he reached his arm up and grabbed ahold of the man's collar, "get out of my way." a simple command. his stern voice made the civilian gulp in fear. "or i'll make you move, but if that happens, you won't have your limbs attached to your body," 
"[name]!!" vivi shouted at the threat, rushing forward to force [name]'s hands off of the person, but [name] already dropped the guy, "they're just civilians!!" 
"civilians that are stopping us from getting nami treated," [name] retorted, not looking at the stressed princess in front of him and keeping his gaze trained on the individual. 
"you're a pirate, we know exactly who you are! and we'd rather fight you to the death rather than let you step foot into town," another person cried, making vivi's head whip around in attention. "w-we won't go down like those other towns you've terrorized! we'll fight to protect our home!!"
"please, we sincerely do not have time to waste right now," vivi cried out, motioning frantically to the person on [name]'s back, nami, "she needs a doctor," 
"what? a little news article scare you?" [name] taunted, a smirk on his lips. he was once again ignoring vivi'snpresence, stepping forward as if to incite a reaction.
vivi turned around and shot him a glare, like a mother would to a child that was speaking out in front of her.
[name] didn't help with his next comment either, "the government lies anyway, so don't believe everything you see," 
"the government-" 
"that's enough." a authoritative voice said, breaking the argument up, "there is no need for hostility...they're only here to help their crewmate. if all goes terrible, then we will deal with it when the time comes. for now, let's just get going," 
"that's more of what i like to hear," [name] grinned, shooting a smug look to the civilians that were looking at him in fear, "don't go pissin-" 
vivi clamped her gloved hand on [name]'s face, forced him to bow wirh her hand pressing against the back of his head, and then pushed him forward to follow after the rest of the group. the rest of the crew sighed to see [name] so hostile, wondering if he was always like that. his treatment towards the crew was so different from how he treated the civilians. 
“we need to warn you though, the only doctor we have on this island, is a witch,” the supposed leader of the island said.
[name] grunted as he trudged through the snow, adjusting nami on his back to make sure she wouldn’t slip. sanji was watching carefully in alert, just in case [name] slipped or somehow would mess up and accidentally injure nami in the process.
[name] didn’t speak or complain the entire journey, dead set on getting to a doctor as fast as he can. he did bow respectfully at a passing bear, but other than he conserved his energy to the maximum.
“this is our village, big horn,” the man said as they reached some form of civilization.
[name] tuned out any conversation going on around him, desperately trying not to think about how cold he was. he felt as if he was freezing to the bone, literally. it was as if his inside were hardening to become ice.
he had lost his ability to control his facial expressions, so his face was literally stuck in one expression. eyebrows furrowed together, lips set into a thin line, jaw clenched - it was a rather scary sight only because of how intimidating it was to others. it definitely didn't ease any of the civilians that already recognized his face for the high bounty he had. it only seemed to make him live up to his terrible reputation. 
but in reality, [name] couldn’t change that facial expression even if he wanted to.
he just hopes that he doesn’t lose the nerve feelings on any other parts of his body before they found the supposed witch doctor. but, it seemed that his toes were already losing feeling.
‘my balls are gonna freeze off…’ he thought once more, gritting his teeth as he urged himself to deal with and fight off the freezing cold.
for some reason, instead of leading the crew to a doctor, they were taken to a home. [name] grit his teeth, but tried not to outwardly rejoice in the warm feeling inside of the place.
he felt his own facial features beginning to relax, as if being thawed out by the warmth.
“i appreciate the warm welcome in here,” [name] spoke, stretching his face by extending his jaw to regain control faster, “but our friend seriously needs to see a doctor.”
vivi was scrambling behind him to get nami’s temperature, seeing as she was tied to [name]’s back there was no discussion of un-doing the knots that [name] had done. so she simply angled nami’s face towards her and took her temperature that way.
“107 (42C)!!” vivi exclaimed, making [name] click his tongue.
“come on, man, where’s the doctor? it doesn’t matter if she’s a witch,” sanji said, getting exasperated.
“did you see the insanely tall mountains earlier?”
[name] nodded his head as sanji hummed in confirmation.
“those mountains are known as the drum rockies. do you see the castle at the top of the tallest one in the middle?” [name] looked out the window, nodding once more, “the castle no longer has its king. the only doctor in the land, dr. kureha, lives there. people call her a witch,”
“well, isn’t that just lovely, the farthest place from where we are,” [name] said sarcastically, feeling himself grow bitter at this island, “how convenient,”
“call her right away, tell her we have a critical patient!” sanji said, adding into the urgency of finding the doctor.
“even if we wanted to, there’s no way we can contact her,”
“of course there isn’t,” [name] said, slapping his gloved hand onto his face.
“as a doctor, she’s very skilled. but she’s an eccentric old woman, she’s nearly 140 years old now. and let’s see, she likes pickled plums,” [name] grit his teeth as he saw no point in the conversation. the guy was telling them everything they needed to know except for how to get ahold of the doctor.
at this point, he will have to go up there himself.
plus the fact now the guy was telling strange stories about creatures that had no correlation to helping nami get better. of course, they had to anchor at the most difficult island imaginable.
luffy hummed in thought before rushing over to where [name] was standing, talking to nami on his back, “nami, nami wake up! nami, wake up-”
“idiot, don’t yell at her!” [name] said, turned around and slapping luffy on the head.
“ah, it worked, she woke up! nami, listen we are gonna climb the mountain to get you to the doctor!”
[name] blinked a couple of times before grinning like a madman. luffy always knew how to get things going, no matter the situation.
“what!? what are you talking about?” usopp shouted.
“don’t make nami-san do something like that!” sanji refused.
“luffy, what do you mean?!” vivi asked.
“what’s the problem? we need to hurry, don’t we? [name] will carry her on his back and we will go and talk to this old witch lady,” luffy said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
to [name], it was. but it seemed the others didn’t think so.
“oi, [name] you can’t possibly think this is the right course of action!” usopp said, hoping that [name] would be able to talk their captain out of his antics, but [name] shook his head.
“no, i agree,” [name] said very simply, “if we wait here, nami dies. if we go up that mountain, at least we’d have a chance in seeing the doctor. i’m not waiting here and watching nami die,”
when he used the word so casually, sanji got more irritated.
”she won’t die and could you two please use your heads for once?! nami-san can’t make that journey!”
“it won’t matter if she herself can or can’t, we’re taking her up that mountain!” [name] shouted, getting irritated at everyone. “nami will have me and luffy there, that’s more than enough reliability!”
“what if you guys fall from that height?! any normal person will die,”
“i’ll be the one to break that fall,” [name] said easily, looking bored with all their questions.
“i stretch, so i’m not normal,” luffy said simply, stretching his face with his fingers for emphasis.
“you guys-”
“we need to…” nami’s weak voice spoke from behind [name], making him turn his head towards her, “we need to hurry, for vivi,”
luffy grinned at her words, picking up on her tone exactly what she meant.
“captain, [name], i’m counting on you,” she said, letting her head rest completely on [name]’s shoulder as she finished her sentence.
“see! just leave it to us, we’ll take care of it!”
“you’ll wake up, nami, and you’ll feel so much better,” [name] said in confidence to the navigator, not minding the looks that the others were giving him.
they walked out of the home, [name]’s teeth almost instantly chattering at the cold climate. but he clenched his jaw to prevent anyone else from hearing and dealt with it with a stoic face.
“i’m going too!” sanji said, desperate to play a role in nami getting better.
“if you’re really going, then i won’t stop you. but please, at least go from the other side, there are lapins on this course ahead,” [name] tilted his head, wondering what lapins were. “fierce, carnivorous rabbits. if you encounter a pack of them, you’re as good as dead.”
[name] shrugged, motioning to the sword at his waist, “i’ll cut them all up,”
“i’ll kick ‘em away,” sanji added in, but it only made dalton look at them as if they were crazy.
“are you serious?! you’ll be walking into your deaths,” luffy and sanji waved off the man's concerns, allowing [name] some time to talk to the princess.   
“vivi,” [name] spoke softly to the woman, walking up to her side and looking down at her with a gentle smile, “i promise i’ll make our trip quick so we can go to alabasta as soon as possible,”
“please, don’t feel burdened to rush — this is nami’s life, so be sure to-”
“hey, don’t worry your pretty little head about anything,” [name] chuckled, ruffling her hair and causing a mess of her blue locks, “i’m telling you this specifically to calm your nerves and worries in the first place, princess!”
she blushed furiously at his comment, clutching her fists at her sides.
“so take it easy while we get nami feeling better,” he said, sounding almost as if he were scolding her. “i always keep my ends of promises, so that’s one thing you don’t have to worry about,” he joked, earning a weak chuckle from her.
“you’re terrible, [name],” she said hopelessly, internally scolding herself. deep down she knew [name] really would stay true to his word. with how determined he was to see nami get better back on the ship, there's no way he wouldn't ensure she got her treatment.
“come on, shit for brains, we are on a schedule, if you didn’t know!!!” sanji shouted, interrupting [name] and vivi’s conversation.
[name] rolled his eyes, already going to walk ahead, “alright, alright, sorry!” he shot vivi one last smile before turning around and adjusting the grip he had on nami. once he felt secure enough, he announced, “i’m going!!!” and then ran ahead to go up the mountain.
sanji and luffy followed closely behind, luffy laughing his head off as sanji berated [name] for, “not running gently enough for nami-san!” in the distance, they could faintly hear usopp and vivi wishing them a safe journey.
“nami, you’re strong,” [name] whispered, only for the girl to hear, “so hold on a little longer, then you can rest for as long as you want. i promise — when you wake up! you’ll feel fine!”
“[name]’s gone crazy, he started talking to himself!” luffy joked with sanji, making [name] throw a snowball at his head in retaliation.
luffy was about to throw one back, but sanji kicked him to put him to a stop.
this made luffy’s laughter ring in the snowy mountains, with sanji’s grumbling, [name]’s strained exhales, and nami’s bated breath all quietly following their captain’s loud cackles.
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bucket-barnes · 10 months
(Suggestion from @shouldwemaybe)
Isle Christmas traditions
The Isle of the lost isn’t a place many would consider “merry”…quite the opposite actually, joy is an unknown emotion to most residents of the Isle, schadenfreude sure, but not any forms of Joy or merriment. When winter rolls around, and when Auradonians start getting ready for the holidays, Isle residents find their own ways to celebrate…though that term is used loosely, more so “things done to make the winter more bearable”.
The pirates often found winter to be the ample time for “caroling”, or more accurately “getting drunk and singing sea shanties at the top of your lungs to distract yourself from the frostbite” (pirate ships aren’t exactly known for being warm places to sleep). This was a tradition that the lost revenge crew found themselves partaking in during Uma’s absence (Uma wasn’t very fond of the tradition as the pirates drunken singing often drove away customers). Harry, as de facto captain in Uma’s absence, was definitely a leader in this intoxicated choir, because if he drank enough rum and sang enough shanties…who’s to say his fingertips weren’t turning dark blue? Severe frostbite? No! You’re just drunk! (Safe to say Uma was less than pleased once Gil spilled the beans after she asked him where all the new scars on Harry’s hands came from)
The Tremaine’s were a more sophisticated lot, often decorating their apartment above the salon with whatever tossed out and broken ornaments from Auradon that came in on the barges, Anthony doing his best to make a nice dinner with whatever food was the least spoiled, and little Dizzy making gifts for her family, often taking inspiration from what she saw Evie wearing on TV and daydreaming about when she would get to Auradon and would be able to give her grandmother a broach made of real emerald or give Anthony a new coat not made from leather scraps
If you were of the more religious variety, Claud Frollo often held church services from inside the crepery (a church to some), though attendance tended to be low since most people abandoned their gods once they realized they were on the isle. The Tremaine’s were often in attendance, on occasion Captain Hook would be there if the sober guilt started getting to him, maybe a couple goblins wandered inside. Claudine didn’t mind her father’s sermons, it was nice change from him berating her and calling her a sin and disappointment. She always sat at the register listening to her father speak as she continued to serve customers that weren’t there for religion
The Legume family had their own traditions. Gaston would take his sons on a “hunting trip” on the far side of the isle, well…except Gil, he was too busy making sure no one had to cut off Harry’s hands because of the frostbite he refused to acknowledge. This hunting trip usually consisted of picking off whatever wildlife managed to survive on the isle and then taking it home for Gaston’s wife to cook into…they wouldn’t call it a feast, more so the only decent food the Legume boys are gonna see for a while. Gil’s stepmother, though married to Gaston, wasn’t terrible, she always saved a little bit of meat for Gil for when he came home, it wasn’t much but, better than nothing
Overall, the Isle of the lost is far from merry or very festive but…people adapt
Hope you liked this! It’s kinda short and admittedly not my best work (it’s kinda hard to come up with unique traditions while keeping the Isle’s normal levels of overall shittiness) I’d love to flesh out some of these ideas though so let me know if you have one in particular you’d like to see made into it’s own story! And feel free to keep giving me festive writing prompts!
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lividria · 3 months
(Bad) Fangame Idea: Metroid Menace 1
A post or two ago, I brought up that some time last year I came up with a trilogy of Metroid fangame ideas trying to figure out where the series could go after Metroid Dread and instead created something truly deranged. This post will be outlining the first installment in this insanity only my mind could conjure up. It's also the most fleshed out of the trilogy, but somehow also the most reasonable. And also the only one I wrote down in detail, though I do still have all of my old notes for the other two. Strap yourself in, this is gonna be a wild ride.
(Side note, I remember specifically writing down that in this continuity Other M is non-canon just so I could recycle some of the ideas I liked from it without them being linked to that abomination, so if you pick up on that at any point, probably specifically if I write up Menace 2, yea.)
Prepare for Samus robots, way too many bosses, unnecessary explanations for things nobody cares about, lack of explanations for things you would actually care about, rehashing of ideas the series already did to an absurd degree, two (technically three) Ridley knock-offs, a Samus boss fight, and the general vibe of what I imagine Metroid pages look like on Fantendo... If you were high.
Doppler, Our Protagonist
Okay, so, one of my ideas here was that the Metroid Menace trilogy follows a different character instead of Samus. At this point, we know the Federation is shady and Samus has seen some of that already, but she hasn't seen the bigger picture. Whatever that is. Remember how, in Federation Force, they were trying to make something as strong as Samus' Power Suit but for their soldiers?
They took notes from that incident... And pivoted to making robot replicas, instead, for some reason. Doppler, derived from Doppelganger and the Doppler Effect (I had no better ideas and yes I know the Doppler Effect has no reason to be part of the etymology but at the time it sounded cooler than Doppel), is the most recent model, and for some reason I always imagined them as having Dark Samus' color scheme. Is Doppler the titular Menace? I dunno.
The head GF official overseeing the entire project, Aurlets Onora Unison (That name has a reason to be like that, I promise, it only comes up in Menace 3 though so... I'm just gonna call him Aurlets for now.), has Doppler shipped up to a space station modeled after a standard Samus mission to test & train it. They just built an entire Metroidvania up there. Now that I think about it, I might've accidentally ripped off Metroid Confrontation. Does anyone even... Know? About Metroid Confrontation? Whatever, Doppler is there now, and Aurlets acts as their ADAM, explaining the plot of the simulation.
The Plot Of The Simulation
Space Pirates stole an Aurora Unit. They have it in this space station base now. There are Metroids and X parasites, there, too. Don't ask how they coexist. Of course, they're not actually Metroids, but Mechtroids, robotic recreations that are/should be only capable of sapping electricity, and Z, GF experiments based on a sample of X they got from Samus or something that only eat & mimic certain things with a specific DNA piece placed by the GF and remain docile until attacked or shown a pre-registered threat, such as Doppler. The Feds tried to play this safe, obviously.
There's multiple sectors, each with specific tasks for Doppler to clear before being allowed to unlock the next area, all connected in a generic, undecorated hallway in the center of the space station. I have the tasks all written down, but nobody cares, they were all pretty basic like Find This Thing or Kill This Thing or Kill These Things, that type of thing, and this post is going to be pretty long anyways. The areas were also all just basic themes and loosely based off Super Metroid: Underground, Overgrowth, Heatstroke, Frostbite, and Base. I don't know why that was the naming scheme, or why Maridia froze over.
Timeline of Interesting Things That Happen / Cool Boss Ideas I Had
Alright, starting with Underground. You may have caught onto this from my previous posts, but I... Don't know how to do bulleted lists in Tumblr posts. I tried my best- Wait, no, I figured it out.
Doppler can't absorb Z, so after killing Arachnus-Z you just... Walk through to the next room and the Morph Ball is on a Chozo statue. Which I find pretty funny.
The Missiles are missing from the room they're supposed to be in. You can break into the ventilation and escape to an "out-of-bounds" sector of the space station, where a rogue, earlier model of Doppler, Doppler-2 (We follow Doppler-5), is with the stolen Missiles. You somehow defeat them with just the Beam, but they run off instead of being destroyed.
The Elephant Bird is here, of all things, but instead of collapsing into a Core-Z or something it's it's "original form", some unseen creature that's puppeteering the Chozo Statue it's in that escapes whenever you break it. I think I wanted to do something more interesting than the Torizo?
Each area has Mechtroids scattered around to destroy, with each one going up to the next tier like in Metroid 2, but this one starts with the Larval Mechtroids to pad it across all 5 areas.
And now, Overgrowth:
There's a Wave Trooper from Metroid Prime as a miniboss to obtain the Wave Beam, instead of a regular enemy, which I still find kinda neat. Probably really screws things up to have the Wave Beam so early, though, I would probably fix that.
Yakuza-Z is for some reason ground-bound? Only getting off the ground by climbing up it's webs to shoot projectiles at you? It's entire thing was that it's a jumping chaos spider, why did I...
Not only do you see signs that someone's been through this area before, I sure do wonder who, but sometimes when you enter a room you can see a Little Birdie fleeing before you can get close to it. Oh no.
I don't really have anything interesting to say in-between these. Heatstroke.
For some reason I really liked the idea of elemental Spore Spawns as a recurring miniboss across this entire series, and it starts here with the Flamespore. I think it happens like 5 times.
An entire boss is killed ahead of time, specifically the Mecha-Crocomire. You can just... Go get the Grapple Beam without any difficulty.
The Ice Trooper drops the... Ice Missiles. What?
If you saw my Meet the Space Dragon posts, you'll remember Metroid 1 had an unused Fake Ridley as a miniboss. They're here as the official GF test to see if Doppler can take on a Space Dragon, though it's obviously hilariously weaker than the real deal.
It initially looks like, to get the Plasma Beam, you just face off against a Plasma Trooper, but then a Mystery Creature instead ambushes them, devours them, and makes off with the Plasma Beam. You chase it out of bounds, kick its ass, it spits the upgrade out and skitters off. Oh no.
Aaand Frostbite.
It looks like you'll finally get the Ice Beam by fighting another Ice Trooper (But you already have the Ice Missiles, why would you need both), but then the Trooper's frozen by the Freezespore. Yup.
Another dead boss is just out and about, this time Serris. It's not actually supposed to be guarding an upgrade, you just find it.
It looks like the Super Missiles are being guarded by a Power Trooper, but then Doppler-2 blows them up with a Power Bomb and steals the upgrade. You get an actual showdown with them, resulting in the ice under them shattering, throwing them underwater, and then re-freezing above them, trapping them underwater without a Gravity Suit. At this point, Aurlets fesses up that that was a failed prototype that went rogue and kept escaping the "playground", so he had an Omega Mechtroid deal with it, but it was somehow reactivated, albeit without it's abilities. Looks like it had a grudge on its successor. But it's gone now. Probably.
You can actually find a part of the sector that isn't frozen, for some reason. I don't know why I wrote this down, it might've been to imply there was a place Doppler-2 could've escaped to?
The Screw Attack is guarded by the Terminus, a giant boss version of the Genesis, named as such because it was the last animal retrieved from SR388. I don't think Doppler was supposed to encounter it, that sounds like a valuable specimen, I don't know why it's here. It was probably just an AM2R reference.
By The Way, There Are Superbosses If You Backtrack
Side note before Base. Exactly what it says on the tin, though there's other non-superbosses to backtrack for.
An Omega Mechtroid in each area.
A Zeta Mechtroid in Underground, meant to be fought around the Heatstroke state of progression, because it gives you the Baby Mechtroid, which helps attack enemies, heals Doppler with stolen energy, and even eats Z somehow. I think my idea was the Federation made this one specifically able to do that and not the rest of the Mechtroids, but why would they even give Doppler this in the first place? And why make it optional?
Wait, what the fuck, you had to actually go through each area to get keys to Base USING THE SHINESPARK? I have fun making ideas that are intentionally miserable to go through, but that's horrible. I'm pretty sure I made it a separate upgrade from the Speed Booster, too, for some reason.
Underground's superboss is the Queen Mechtroid, lodged in the background wall for some reason, probably to differentiate it from the Metroid 2 boss fight a bit. It drops an upgrade for the Baby Mechtroid that lets it drain energy from regular enemies... Oh, god, does that imply GF figured out how to replicate the actual Metroids doing that?
Overgrowth's superboss is an Elephant Bird rematch, for some reason, and it has a Core-Z second phase this time around. It drops the... Beam Coil? Which is a damage increase? I know that was meant to explain it's violent behaviors, but... Why a coil?
Heatstroke's superboss is Klaw, the Mystery Creature from earlier all grown up. Once again, he's not in the actual intended area for Doppler. Twice again, if you remember my Meet the Space Dragons post, you'll have seen the Ridley-2 design and my headcanon that each Space Dragon has a unique ability. This guy breathes electricity, and drops the Shock Beam, which paralyzes enemies. Which is kinda useless when you should have the Ice Beam by now.
Frostbite's superboss is the... Jelzap-Z? Okay, I guess. It drops the Regeneration Suit, which regenerates your health & missiles while in the water. Because that's totally not overpowered.
The Wave Buster, Ice Spreader and Flamethrower from Prime are all hidden upgrades, and I have no clue how they'd work here because this is a traditional 2D Metroid game with beam-stacking.
I mentioned in the Google Doc for this idea you can find more out of bound areas with juicy lore, but didn't elaborate on the juicy lore. How could you do this to me, me?
Base, Basically The Most Chaotic Climax I Could've Written
Ok, you open up Base. It's Tourian, obviously. Instead of going around the area, completing a list of tasks, it's just get from Point A to Point B and kill everything in your way. Along the way, some of the Space Pirates you fight don't turn into Z, which were previously how the GF were cloning so many enemies for the area, so that has concerning implications.
Remember the stolen Aurora Unit from earlier? It's set up to be Mother Brain here, and you can even see the giant body for it a few rooms before the fight. But as it goes to raise it up for the second ohase, it gets blown up from some Super Missiles off-screen. Place your bets now, who is it? You're wrong, it's not Doppler-2, IT'S SAMUS.
Cue an intense remix of the SA-X boss theme (Which I wrote down as a way to make it unclear if this is Samus if this idea were brought to fruition but... I'm just gonna tell you it's Samus, this is a Tumblr post) as you fight her in a state of panicked confusion, probably, as a pre-recorded message from Aurlets congratulating you on completing the mission plays in the background which was just meant to be a story beat at the time but is hilarious looking back on it. He also mentions that Doppler should now enter a capsule in the next room to officially end their mission and join the Galactic Federation. Samus has a weakened version of the fucking Super Metroid Hyper Beam for some reason, according to my notes, and when the fight starts the Z from the (obviously fake) Aurora Unit is absorbed by the Baby Mechtroid and somehow gives Doppler the "Aurora Suit", which is basically this game's equivalent of the Omega Suit from Fusion or the Metroid Suit from Dread. Don't ask, I was on another level when writing this, apparently.
The fight ends, and both Doppler and Samus jump away from each other, exhausted and confused, only for a SPACE PIRATE SHIP TO BURST THROUGH THE WALL WITH ANOTHER SPACE DRAGON ON IT. This one is Talon, and breathes ice as an Ice Ridley reference (Again, if you saw Meet the Space Dragons you'll remember that), and it lashes out at both Samuses, as he's also confused. This seems pretty dire, right? You didn't get healed after the Samus fight, but instead the Baby Mechtroid somehow saps life energy from Talon and heals both Doppler and Samus, who now fights Talon alongside you for the final boss fight.
Yeah, what's going on is that the space station is being sieged by Space Pirates just as you went to fight the fake Space Pirates, which is why Klaw was running around earlier, he's Talon's son. Talon is the one leading the raid, the newly appointed commander of the Space Pirates after Ridley's death, and Samus just happened to respond to Aurlets' distress call about this and got very confused when she saw Doppler, but now she has bigger fish to fry.
You beat Talon's boss fight, but he is still ready to throw more punches, so instead Samus blows up a wall of the space station with a Super Missile, revealing the vacuum of space, which Talon is immediately launched towards. He holds onto the walls, still not wanting to give up, so Samus jumps into his mouth in her Morph Ball and Power Bombs his ass... Or, well, his mouth. He freaks the fuck out and is launched off into the distance towards the planet the station's orbiting, and since Doppler & Samus both have Gravity Suits they're completely fine. Samus' Fusion/Dread ship flies up, and you're given... Multiple ending choices, huh.
You go back to that capsule from earlier and become an officially licensed Galactic Federation robot soldier to send on bounties instead of Samus, as Doppler should be physically unable to distrust them and thus is preferable over Samus if another Fusion situation ever pops up.
You go with Samus, who for some reason mentors Doppler and the two go on missions together for a while.
You steal Talon's ship from earlier and go on your own, which doesn't make sense since Doppler was specifically designed to not have free will, but whatever. This is the canon ending, because of course it is.
OR you can try and kill Samus, resulting in a Metroid Suit Samus superboss fight where you defeat her and join the Space Pirates as an elite soldier because I wanted a really fucking dumb ending just to entertain myself, I think. You're not healed after Talon, by the way.
And then there's a post-credits scene where it's shown Talon can fly in space, just like Ridley, and willingly retreats to the planet the space station is orbiting, which you can visually identify as Twin Tabula, a planet namedropped in Prime 1. I think you could visually identify it, anyways, because wasn't it namedropped on a hologram of the system Tallon IV's in? Also, I think it was that one in specific because Doppler could be viewed as a twin of Samus, or something.
What the actual fuck?
If anyone shows interest in this, I'll be more than willing to write up Metroid Menace 2 and 3, which are... Somehow even rougher around the edges, and even more patently absurd, it'll be a lot of fun. I will spoil that, if you couldn't already tell, our Space Dragon duo will be the recurring antagonists, and Doppler-2's arc isn't over either, which would've been much harder to catch, actually.
I told @bean-counter29 I'd @ them with this after they mentioned having a similar idea, so there you go. A much stranger finale than playable SA-X versus Samus, I'd say.
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boneheadboner · 6 months
Most would think Baggs has primary dominance in the relationship between them. Nah, not the case.
Baggs is someone who is used to having things play out in his favor, using his hypnotism to tilt things *back* in his favor when things don't go as planned.
And in the setting I have him in, he's very much out of his element. He's on a surface that *isn't his*, and having to be careful and precise with how he manipulates things in his favor, to not draw too much attention.
Red on the other hand? Has *always* had the odds stacked against him. Even back in his own underground, he had to not only grow up in an environment that was very much against him, but also raise and keep his brother Edge safe in it.
Red is used to shit being so stacked against him, that he's learned to *make* openings to exploit. And turn impossible odds in his favor through sheer wit and dirty fighting
It's one of the reasons he settled in Frostbite (Snowdin in Fellverse); because there's always snow around, that can be kicked up to blind an opponent and create an opening, there's trees to pop behind to get out of sight, and that's nothing to say of how outright nasty of a fighter he can be in general.
He's not fought to be strong, he's fought to *survive*. And that makes him a tough opponent.
So when Baggs is dealing with him? Red lets Baggs think he's easy to control. That he's compliant and willing to lean happily into the good sensations that Baggs' hypnosis provides.
But the reality is, he doesn't see a reason to fight back in those situations. And lets Baggs in because Baggs *is* a therapist (in this setting), he *does* need to let the guy in to help.
But when Baggs is neglecting himself, and being argumentative about taking it easy? Yeah no, that's not going to fly by Red.
Baggs tries to use his hypnosis, only for Red to do what Red does;
Make an opening.
Giving Baggs *a lot* more resistance than usual, and going right for his neck. With his hand, or his teeth. And taking full advantage of everything he knows about the good doctor.
Getting him leaned over his own desk, pinning his hands down, and *growling* his orders right next to Baggs' head.
And letting Baggs fall to mush under his ministrations, letting the doctor get *so* taken aback by his sudden resistance and in a situation out of his control, and making that situation play out under HIS control.
And showing Baggs that it's *safe* to have the situation under Red's control, that Red's gonna take care of him RIGHT. And make him feel as good as he makes other people feel.
Red doesn't need hypnosis to counter Baggs
He just needs to make an opening he can exploit to turn Baggs into mush beneath his claws.
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starlightrows · 2 years
9 — Admiral
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Hiding In Plain Sight
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Pairing: Commander Wolffe x reader
Word count: 3.9k
Warnings: Non explicit sexual harassment, attempted assault, political extortion, antagonist is a racist piece of shit, some actual assault in defense
Summary: Admiral Sarkany decides to stick around after the recuse mission to “assist and oversee” your campaign to increase funding for all soldiers to have better thermal equipment
“You think it’ll work?” Slush asks
“I think if we show the frostbite and medical expenses it takes to treat frostbite, it will '' you tell him “You know what motivates those votes… money and blind patriotism”
He considers this with a contemplative look “Honestly, that’s true. Maybe they’ll actually listen to you” he says “And as much as I loathe to admit, Admiral Sarkany backing you up on it will probably help sell it too”
“Yeah, that is the only reason I’ve been letting him anywhere near my office” you sigh “I thought maybe he’d be less creepy once we were out of survival mode… but he’s ever creepier now that we’re back on base”
“I don’t like the way he looks at you Doc, and I’m not the only one” Slush says, with genuine concern in his voice
“Trust me, I don’t like it either. I don’t think he’s actually gonna do anything, but still” you give a little shake as a chill runs down your spine “The sooner we can get back to blasting clankers the better”
“I’ll drink to that sister” he laughs “just be careful, yeah?”
“I’m always careful,” you remind him, glancing up at the chronometer on the wall. “You better get out of here if you’re gonna make it to the hangar on time. You know Jag is probably already there waiting for you”
“Teaching the shiny patience” he grins “but yeah he’s probably pacing a hole in the ship by now. Catch ya later Doc”
You wave goodbye to Slush as he heads out, but he doesn’t get far.
“Oh! Didn’t see ya coming Commander” Slush bumps into Wolffe pretty much the second he opens the door,
“The Doc in?” Wolffe asks
“She’s all yours Commander” Slush grins slyly, making his way down the hall away from your office. Wolffe taps on the door frame, even though you saw the whole exchange.
“Need any help from me with that pitch for better thermal equipment?” He asks, closing and locking the door behind him.
“No, but I could use your help with something else” you smirk
“Yeah?” He grins devilishly, leaving his helmet on the small table by the door “And what might that be?”
You take a second too long to think of some cute quippy comeback to keep up the flirting, “Oh fuck it, just get over here”
He chuckles and steps around your desk as you stand from your office chair. His hands go straight for your hips, pulling you into his chest plate, and tilting his head just enough to catch your lips.
You place a hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek, fully embracing his kiss. It feels like it’s been forever since the two of you could have a private moment like this. He’s solid and strong and warm against you. You could get lost in those lips. But you can’t.
You pull back just a bit and rest your head against his, breathing a little harder than usual. “I wish we had more time” you whisper
“I know” he says lowly “I was actually coming by to let you know I’m gonna be swamped the next couple days”
“So no sleepovers?” you chuckle
“Well. I didn’t say that, we just have to actually get some sleep” he smirks, kissing you again
“I’m not the one who takes off all my clothes the second I get back to the room” you giggle
“No. You just put on my clothes, you know good and well that’s worse” he nips at your jaw playfully
“Quit” you giggle “I’ve got an appointment with Admiral Sarkany in five minutes, and you need to be outta here before he’s knocking on the door”
“Why hasn’t he fucking left the base yet? Shouldn’t he be overseeing whatever is taking them so long to finish our battlecruiser?” He groans, pulling away from you and sitting on the edge of your desk
You sink back into your chair and scrub a hand over your face “He’s adamant that he be involved in the “corrective measures” to ensure the way his rescue mission was handled never happens again”
Wolffe rolls his eyes and shakes his head “We just had to get the most entitled Admiral in the Republic didn’t we” he grumbles
“Lucky us” you agree “the sooner I get this proposal done the better. I’m hoping once he’s signed off on it he’ll go back to his own silly little life and get off our asses”
“That would be nice. I’d love to fucking eat something without being critizied for my poor table manners” he stands and heads for the door, scooping up his helmet
“Things will go back to normal soon” you tell him, walking him to the door
“Mm… hope so” he grumbles, leaning down a bit to kiss your cheek “Might be asleep if you come over later”
“S’okay” you assure him “Don’t worry about me”
He nods and puts his helmet back on before opening the door and heading down the hall and away from the private offices. Leaving you to get everything ready for your appointment, and mentally prepare yourself to deal with Admiral Sarkany for the next several hours.
Admiral Sarkany has the most massive superiority complex you’ve ever encountered, and you’ve spent your entire career in the military. He talks over you, corrects nearly every word out of your mouth, and talks down not only on you but on the men you serve with as well.
“The clone's thermal gear is sufficient. It’s not worth the millions of credits we would need to give each of them a coat they’ll never wear before they die” He says matter of factly
You grit your teeth and have to bargain with yourself not to rip out his tongue with your bare hands. “Would it not be more economic to have a few thousand units of thermal gear fabricated for use, if and when, troops are deployed to sub zero planets”
“Perhaps” the Admiral says, eyeing you up and down “And how else might we cut back on these manufacturing and distribution costs?”
“For one thing they should be standard. Civilian soldiers and Kaminoan born soldiers should all have the same access to the game grade of military equipment. That way we don’t have to special order anything” You’ve already explained this exact concept to him six different times this afternoon
The Admiral rolls his eyes and then immediately places his gaze back onto your chest, exactly where you don’t want it to be.
“I think that’s enough for today, Captain. I do believe the civilian soldiers such as you and I need better thermal equipment. We deserve it for our sacrifice for the good of the republic. But the clones do not” he says with finality
“With all due respect sir. I am not finished with my campaign to get better gear for all soldiers, and I will be continuing with that approach” you say, standing hurriedly and showing him to the door
Thank the maker, he does collect the few papers he brought and makes his way towards the door. “Captain, I am still planning to oversee this campaign. You need my testimony to make a case. You might consider showing me an extra measure of kindness or otherwise offering benefits for helping your cause”
That turns your stomach. Whatever this disgusting letcher is insinuating, you are having none of it. You have to remind yourself, he’s a superior officer. Breaking all of his teeth equals a court martial and dishonorable discharge.
“Have a good evening Admiral” you say sternly, opening the door and glaring at him with a cold unyielding stare.
Admiral Sarkany, takes just an extra moment to linger in your doorway, like he was considering saying something else nasty or offensive. But he doesn’t, instead he walks out and goes off on his way. You shut the door loudly, and lock it behind you.
You sit at your desk, putting your head in your hands. You’ve got a headache from listening to that Admiral talk out of his ass all day long. This is going to be a long and annoying process to get this campaign under way and the proposal into the senate.
Eventually after you deem that enough time has passed and you’ve grown so fatigued from staring at your own handwriting that you can’t get your eyes to focus. You stand from your chair and pop your back with a slight groan and start tidying things up for the night.
You sneak off to Wolffe’s quarters and find them empty, as promised. You don’t bother trying to wait up or even do much in the way of getting yourself ready for bed. You just strip out of your uniform and put on one of his shirts and flop down onto the mattress. You are out like a light.
At some point in the night Wolffe returns to his quarters. Finding the lights off and hearing your light breathing coming from the direction of the bed. He makes an effort to be quiet as he takes off his own armor and fatigues. He lays down beside you and kisses the top of your head before knocking out too.
Four days of this shit. Working your ass off, listening to Admiral Sarkany dispute every point you make, use every slur you can think of when referring to the men, and blatantly stare at your body. Every night you go back to Wolffe’s room and either pass out immediately or sit there with him with your head on his shoulder while he tells you about the stress he’s under.
To be fair, Wolffe is extremely stressed out and exhausted at the moment. Now that he’s back from medical leave and the 104th is technically back on assignment, he’s got a backlog of paperwork and war council Commanders and Generals and Admirals to listen to bicker and gripe all day long. Admiral Sarkany is stalling the 104th. You know it. Wolffe knows it. And the entire war council knows it. But he’s the highest ranking officer in this corps.
Wolffe asks how you’ve been. How your proposal is going, if Admiral Sarkany is only stalling the 104th deployment to participate in your campaign? You tell him part of the truth. That the proposal is going nowhere fast and that Admiral Sarkany is far more of a hindrance than a help at this point. But you don’t tell him how much the Admiral belittles you. Objectifies you. Or any of the terrible things he says about the men to you. Wolffe doesn’t need to hear all of that right now.
This morning you don’t feel very rested, but that isn’t unusual for you, a good strong cup of caf should take that edge right off. Wolffe is already gone by the time you wake up, so you get yourself dressed and head down to the mess to join some of the guys for breakfast and caf.
“Doin’ okay there Doc?” Cinder asks, taking in your particularly foul expression as you sip your caf.
“I would gnaw off my left leg to avoid working with that fucking Admiral again today” you grumble
“He’s looking at you” Cricket says, looking over your shoulder. You know better than to turn around, instead you watch Cricket and Cinder’s eyes to get a clue as to what’s going on over there.
“Well?” Slush asks them
“He’s just… staring” Cinder says
“Like in the cave” Cricket says coldly “Gives me the creeps”
“Staring at me in a I’m gonna harvest your organs kind of way… or in a I’m going to frame you for a crime and have you dishonorably discharged kind of way?” You ask, squirming a little in your chair
“Who’s harvesting your organs?” Sinker sits down next to Cricket with his own tray of food
“Apparently the Admiral” Slush informs him, as Boost takes the seat next to him
“Don’t worry Doc, we’ll avenge you when we find your body” Boost grins
You throw him a dirty look “Keep talking, I’m not gonna crack your back next time we have to do another night sleeping on the ground”
“Ah come on Doc. He may be creepy but I don’t think he’s actually gonna hurt ya” Boost says digging into his food
“No, he’s just gonna spout his biggoted rhetoric and stare at my tits for the next several hours. Almost makes me wish he would harvest my organs” you shake your head and drain your caf cup.
“The sooner that campaign proposal is done the sooner he’ll leave. You’ve got this Doc” Slush tries to be encouraging.
You grumble a thank you and bid them all a good day, before grabbing another cup of caf to take with you to your office. Now that it’s been pointed out, you can feel his eyes on you as you leave the mess hall. It follows you, like he’s haunting your steps. You walk quickly to your office and feel your heartbeat quicken as you get closer and closer to the door.
Moment you get the door open, you slam it closed behind you and lean back against the door. You wait to have the door knocked on or kicked in behind you, but it doesn’t come. The sound you hear is your heart
hammering away in your chest and blood rushing in your ears.
“Fuck” you mumble. This is getting ridiculous.
You sit down at your desk and try to get started working on your data pad, not even two minutes into working there’s the knock you were dreading to hear. You wince and call out your permission for entry.
Admiral Sarkany strolls in with a data pad and pinched face. The moment he closes the door he starts talking. And he doesn’t stop talking for nearly six hours. By the time you realize lunch time has come and gone, and it’s nearly dinner time; your head is throbbing and your patience is wearing thin.
Finally you cut him off “Admiral Sarkany, with all due respect, this is still my campaign. I appreciate your assistance in this matter and your testimony will still be greatly appreciated when it reaches the senate floor. But at present, our fundamental disagreement on how to present and approach this campaign is preventing me from making any headway with it”
His beady eyes narrow at you
“Young lady I—”
“Sir. I am a medical officer. A soldier. I’m not a politician. Spending days on end debating how to propose how to fix a problem is not time well spent in my line of work” you grit out, angered by him trying to interrupt you and belittle you “I will send you the necessary documents to finish you testimony. But I do not think this proposal will gain any further benefit from our collaboration”
“Stand at attention Captain” he barks
Out of reflex you do it.
“Your pretty little mouth is going to get you into trouble Captain. Remember your place and remember who you are speaking to. If you make me unhappy not only will I revoke my testimony for your proposal, I’ll lobby against it. And if you don’t clean up this little mess you’ve made here today, I’ll have you shipped off to serve on a grunt squad in a hot zone” he stands over you. Not even yelling like a drill Sergeant. It’s almost calm but with a malevolent, hateful tone.
“Answer me Captain” he says
You break form and look up at him. He’s expecting something. You’re confused. Clean up this little mess you’ve made here. What the fuck does that mean? Unless. No. Absolutely not. This can not be happening.
“Admiral Sarkany if you are asking me what I think you are asking me to do, I am telling you right now that I will put you in the fucking ground” you are seething with rage.
He laughs in your face “Yeah. Good luck with that. You really want to do time for slandering a highly decorated admiral of the Grand Army of the Republic? Or do you want to fix this right here, right now? This doesn’t have to be difficult”
This really is happening. This guy is serious. And standing between you and the door. But you don’t have a choice, not really. So with no regard for what consequences may befall you, you take a step forward into him, letting believe you’re actually gonna cave. And then jam your fist into his windpipe.
He stumbles back, choking and gasping for air. For good measure you grab your desk chair and literally fling it at him before sprinting for the door and taking off down the hallway.
Your mind is racing. You just physically assaulted an Admiral. Fuck. You’re gonna get discharged. Or go to prison. Fuck. And you have information on him, what if he has you killed?
You have to tell someone. But who to tell? Anyone that you tell what just happened could get hurt or in trouble too. And where it might mean prison or a potential hit put out on you, punishment for any of the men is being decommissioned…
But you have to tell someone. You’re panicking and still frantically trying to put as much distance between yourself and your office as possible. You barrel through an open door and realize you’re in the hanger.
“Hey Doc!” Someone calls out. You whip around in fear and see it’s Slush working on touching up the paint on the 104th ships. He looks at you, seeing how out of breath and frazzled you look. He knows something’s wrong. “Doc?”
“Where’s General Plo?” You ask him
“In a meeting I think… what’s going on?” Slush approaches you
“Fuck” now you’re really panicking “Fuck… where’s Wolffe?”
“In that meeting. Captain. What is going on?” Slush asks
“You never saw me. You hear me? I was never here. I promise I’ll explain everything later” you bark at him, backing away to find somewhere else to hide. The mere idea of being caught talking to one of your squad mates and having them be decommissioned because of that, you’d rather die.
You turn on your heel and go back the way you came while Slush calls after you. You don’t know where to go. You can’t go back to your quarters. What if he looks for you there? How is there nowhere to hide on a massive base like this? Where could you possibly hide that he won’t look for you?
You find yourself creeping through the halls towards the officers quarters. No one would think to look for you in your commanding officers private room. So you key in the code and lock the door behind you. To your surprise the room is not empty.
Wolffe is standing there having just changed back into his armor and fatigues after needing to wear his formal garments for the meeting today. He’s as surprised to see you as you are to see him.
He gives you a look “You okay?”
You lean back against the door and realize you’re starting to hyperventilate. Your head is pounding from the collective exhaustion of the last few days and the overwhelming amount of adrenaline of what happened today.
Wolffe stays calm but walks towards you. “Hey. Focus up” he says “Breathe” He reaches out and holds you at the crooks of your elbows. You latch on to him, grounding yourself while you work to take deep breaths and get control of your emotions and your body, at least enough to communicate what’s going on. You don’t want to tell him. Him most of all. You’d never forgive yourself if something bad happened to him because of you. You feel sick to your stomach and tears welling in your eyes.
“Hey. Right here” he says tapping his cheekbone underneath his brown eye. “Focus and breathe”
You nod and continue the breathing exercise, until finally you’re calmed enough to get some words out.
“I need help” you manage to get out
“Okay. Tell me how I can help” he says, staying calm and present
“I… I’m going to be arrested or discharged” you lip wobbles
“Why do you think that?” He gives your arms a squeeze
You hesitate before just coming right out and saying it “I punched Admiral Sarkany in the throat… and threw a chair at him”
That is… not what Wolffe was expecting you to say. He’s honestly a little shocked. Everyone wants to punch that guy in the face or eject him into space… but you actually did. He knows you. He knows, you know the consequences of such actions. He knows you would never do something like that… unless
“What did he do?“ he asks, an icy chill creeping into his voice as he begins to piece together what likely happened
You swallow the lump in your throat and finally let the brimming tears slip down your cheeks “He got angry at me when I asked him to take a step back from the campaign. He cornered me in my office and offered me a choice…”
Wolffe’s heart feels like it is made of lead, and his blood boils. Now he’s the one that needs to remember to breathe and keep calm. You don’t need him in a blind rage right now. Instead he pulls you away from the door and into his chest. He holds you tight against him and squeezes his eyes shut.
“You’re not going to be arrested” he says confidently
“Wolffe… I’m sorry… I promise I didn’t—“ you try to explain through tears
“It doesn’t matter sweetheart. You did the right thing” he assures you. He still wants to tear the admiral's limbs off but he knows that you need him more right now.
“Come on, go sit down” he tells you, gesturing towards the bed “I’m gonna com General Plo”
You nod and sit on the edge of his bed while gets on the coms and explains to General Plo that he needs to speak with him urgently. Never being one to brush off the needs of his team, General Plo dismisses himself from the meeting he was in and goes quickly to Wolffe’s quarters.
Even as he approaches the door, he senses many emotions running high inside the room. Anxiety, fear, shame, hatred, guilt. General Plo knocks on the door and is not at all surprised to see you there just behind Commander Wolffe.
“Commander. Captain” he addresses you both “How many I be of assistance?”
Wolffe invites General Plo to take a seat and encourages you to tell him everything. So you do. Everything from the moment he started staring at you in the cave until today where you had to defend yourself. General Plo nods along as you explain, asks a clarifying question when appropriate, and most importantly listens.
Wolffe is appalled to hear that this harassment has been going on for days and you haven’t told him, but he says nothing. Not the time.
“General. I know I probably shouldn’t have thrown a chair at him and I should have been telling someone that he was leering at me but I—“
“No Captain” General Plo says calmly “It is not your responsibility to police how others conduct themselves. And someone should have hit him with a chair a long time ago”
That makes you smile a little, and makes you feel better that you’re being taken seriously.
“Before we leave this room. I am going to ask you to repeat the entire story. Leave nothing out. I will record it and present it to the high war council. You will not be punished for defending yourself Captain” General Plo assures you
Tag List:
@maulslittlemeowmeow @lucyysthings @justanothersadperson93 @lackofhonor @paige6768 @thefact0rygirl
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Shipping Adam with others is truly an experience. Either the issues about the ship would come from what Adam had done or the character he's shipped with is Weiss or Winter.
There's no win-win in any scenario. Then again, messy complex relationships intrigue me, so maybe I do win.
But I do know the child of any Adam's ship, must be having pretty good time learning their parents history.
Frostbite child: You guys are so lucky! At least your mom's family's company wasn't responsible for ruining many Faunus's lives and leaving a nasty scar on your dad's eye in shape of a the company's logo for the rest of his life!
Tauradonna child: At least your parents didn't know each other before!! At least they weren't in a toxic relationship, forcing your mom literally run away from him! Do you really think there are no unhealed scars left?!
Redbull kid: *watching from sidelines* damn, we really are the only normal ones here, huh?
Crimsun kid: My dad was ready to throw hands with my dad in the past
Redbull kid: Not gonna ask which dad your talking about
The messy dynamics are what make character relationships interesting, platonic or otherwise.
I don’t really care about kid fics so that aspect takes up zero real estate in my head, but more power to ya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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she-karev · 4 months
Snowstorm (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev's Sister)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 16 Episode 15
Mental Health Resources: https://www.nami.org/, https://www.aacap.org/, https://www.dbsalliance.org/, https://afsp.org/
Summary: After their massive fight Amber works at the hospital during a blizzard when she finds out Andrew went on foot to retrieve an organ in the middle of the snowstorm. She and Carina visit him in his hospital room where he snaps at her again and kicks her out of their apartment.
Words: 2623
Amber’s feet crunch the snow as she paces back and forth outside the pit in her scrubs, fleece jacket and beanie to keep herself warm. She opted to go outside for some privacy to call DeLuca and reprimand him for what she considers an extremely dumbass move. A few hours ago, Carina called her up to peds where Alex told them that DeLuca volunteered to go out on foot to retrieve a liver for his dying patient. She didn’t tell him about what Andrew said to her the other night because she knew he would be angry and want to beat him up again. At the state Andrew is in he might put her brother in jail permanently just to spite her.
She breathes in the cold blizzard air through her nose that makes it stuffy causing her to become angrier. She waits for Andrew to answer her 20th call today but it goes straight to voicemail again causing her to curse under her breath. She doesn’t notice Jackson Avery approaching behind her blowing hot air into his hands looking to see how she is. Amber groans and decides to leave another message hoping he listens to this one and knows she means business.
“If your ears aren’t frozen off when you hear this then consider this your last warning Andrea Vincenzo DeLuca.” Jackson looks taken back by her harsh tone not seeing the look of fury on her face, “If your ass is not back here in this warm hospital in the next 30 minutes I will go out on foot, drag your frozen body back here where I will warm you up by setting you on fire!”
Amber hits the hang up button, “Wow and I thought Vic was angry on the phone.”
“I am not in the fucking mood Jackson.” Amber snaps at him, “If you came here to complain about your latest side piece fighting with you over the phone again, I suggest you turn around and deal with another frostbite that will be less ugly than I will be with you.”
Jackson holds his hands up in defense and walks up to Amber’s view where he can see that despite how angry she sounds she looks scared. He puts his hands down and rubs her arms to keep her warm, “I’m not here to complain about Vic again, given how you told me to screw off when I did, I know better now. Also, I can see how worried you are about DeLuca so I’m gonna let the side piece comment pass. Believe me I’ve been where you are when April went overseas but this isn’t that. It’s a hospital three miles away and as long as he’s bundled up, he’ll be fine. He’s just trying to save a little girl instead of waiting around for a miracle that might not come. He’s being a doctor like all of us.”
“He has bipolar disorder.” Amber tells him in a broken voice like a child. Jackson’s eyes shot up at that new information, “He’s manic like his father, he’s not being a doctor right now and he’s not the man that I love anymore he is a mentally ill person who is risking his life and not considering the consequence. It’s a textbook symptom.”
Jackson takes a beat before calmly responding, “Okay look I get that your mind goes to the mental illness angle because of the way you grew up but maybe you should take a second before accusing him of something he might not even have. You don’t have the right degree to diagnose him.”
“I grew up with mentally ill people all of my life.” Amber reminds him in a strained voice, “I know the signs of a breakdown when I see one Jackson. I saw it the other night when I confronted him and he yelled at me and compared me to my father.”
Jackson shakes his head in shock and looks at her offended by Andrew’s cruel comment, “Wait what? He did what?”
“Yeah, you heard me and it’s as bad as you think it is.”
Jackson turns angry at DeLuca for hurting Amber when she was trying to help him and it shows in his eyes, “I am gonna kick his ass.”
“I might beat you to it.” Amber sniffles, “I know it’s hard to accept help when you need it and I can’t force him like I couldn’t force my mom. I know he didn’t ask for this mental illness but the way he’s going its…”
“Frustrating?” Amber nods at Jackson’s suggestion, “Yeah you sound like me when me and April were having our problems. Does Alex know about this?”
“No nobody but you knows about this. If I tell him it’s gonna make him pity me and I can’t stand having people pity me. ‘Oh, the poor little girl with the crazy mom, crazy brother and crazy boyfriend’ I saw it in his eyes at the hospital after Aaron attacked me and I cannot do that again. God, I know he didn’t ask for this curse but I really hate Andrew for doing this to me. It sounds horrible I know.”
“No, it’s not you’re not horrible.” Jackson states kindly, “Your just tired and you’ve more than earned the right to be. We’re both doctors so we both know that it could have been the illness that said it and it doesn’t make him inherently selfish but it is selfish of him to bring you down with him and not doing anything about it.”
“I know, I know believe me I have recited that mantra with my mom, my brother and now…” Amber looks up at the dark sky in agony, “Is there something wrong with me?”
Jackson can immediately tell what she’s thinking and shakes his head, “No there is nothing wrong with you.”
“Because I feel like everyone, I love ends up bonkers in the end so I think maybe I’m cursed like I have a pheromone that drives people crazy and makes them attack me when I try to help.” Amber wipes a stray tear away, “If that’s the case I have the worst superpower in the world.”
“Listen to me.” Jackson grips Amber’s biceps to bring her back from that dark hole in her head, “None of that was your fault it was just…a few bad spins at the genetic wheel. You didn’t do anything wrong.” This makes Amber’s lips quiver as she’s near in tears, “This is not your fault.”
“Please stop.” Amber orders as she breaks out of his hold, “Hearing that there was no logical reason for this new mental case in my life doesn’t make me feel better. It just makes me feel like I am destined to suffer for life because of my family and the person I love. So just please stop consoling me because I will cry and I really hate crying and the person who made me cry and I can’t afford to hate you too please don’t make me hate you.”
“Okay, okay it’s okay.” Jackson rubs her arms and talks soothingly, “You’re not gonna hate me I promise. No matter what happens with DeLuca I’ll be there for you, you know that right?”
Amber nods knowing full well if she can’t trust Andrew to get help when he needs it, she can at least trust Jackson to be there to pick her up in the aftermath. Over the past 2 years their relationship has grown from wingman to friends to surrogate siblings. She never told anyone this but she considers Jackson a big brother taking Aaron’s spot when he’s not here. He does what Aaron would do in this situation, comfort her and reassure her that he is always in her corner no matter how awful she is to him.
Suddenly Jackson’s phone beeps and he looks at it with a worried look causing her to be curious, “What is it?”
“DeLuca is here right now.”
Amber’s relief is stalled as she has a question in the way, “Why did they page you for that?”
Amber quickly walks inside the pit with Jackson to find Carina and Andrew by the trauma room arguing in Italian. She sees the damage clear as day from Andrew’s hands that are frozen red, black and blue. The sight horrifies her but she keeps going with Andrew not giving her the time of day.
“Look will you all stop!” Andrew yells out in English, “I need to get back out there the pit is overrun it’s not that bad.”
“Oh god.” Amber throws a towel over his shoulders and opens the trauma room door, “Get in right the hell now before your fingers start to decay and fall off!”
“She says as gently as she can.” Jackson supports as he leads an annoyed Andrew inside the room, “In now.”
Andrew is still defiant while Jackson gets to work, “Everyone is overexaggerating okay? We’re taking away your resources from actual patients that need us. Stop.” Amber scoffs at Andrew refusing to see that his hands can’t keep still because they are still cold to the core. While she pinches the bridge of her nose Carina admonishes Andrew for his reckless behavior in Italian clearly pissed. Andrew responds back in his native tongue still insistent his condition doesn’t warrant concern. Jackson sends Simms to get the supplies to start defrosting his hands leaving them.
“Okay I don’t know what you are saying but I am guessing your still insisting on going back out there despite the fact your hands are still shaking not to mention blue, red and black.”
“Can you just stay out of this? I don’t need your help.” Andrew snaps at Amber who looks at him offended.
“You clearly needed it when you went out there in an 8-degree blizzard that left your hands frozen solid!” Andrew rolls his eyes at me that pisses Amber off more, “Meanwhile I was here calling you and worrying about you wondering if you froze to death!”
Andrew looks at her with a vicious glint, “Well, I’m sorry for trying to save a little girl while you pinned over me on the phone.”
Amber shakes her head in shock over Andrew trying to make himself into the hero and her into the villain. She pulls her hair back trying to rein in her emotions while Jackson worked on Andrew who is still insistent that he is fine.
“Stop this is ridiculous. I need to treat patients.”
“You’re not treating patients like this.” Carina tells Andrew frustrated, “W-Who are you gonna treat? Andrea you're not a doctor right now.”
“Can we get my sister out of here, please?” Jackson is too busy to listen to Andrew.
“DeLuca, I've been doing this all day, so I need you to listen close. If you do not let me treat you exactly the way I need to, you will lose one or both of your hands, and your future as a surgeon, okay? So sit tight, shut the hell up, and let me get you thawed out.” That stopped Andrew as he sat still while Jackson worked. Amber leaves the room feeling frustrated and not wanting to risk hitting Andrew while Avery tries to save his surgical career.
Two Hours Later
Carina and Amber walk side by side towards Andrew’s room looking to see how he is after Jackson defrosted his hands as best as he could. Amber spent that time working in the pit channeling her rage into treating patients and it mostly worked as she is calmer now but still angry at Andrew for risking his life without even talking to her about it. She makes a note to herself to bring that up later sensing that he is still raw and will probably snap at the first attack. They pass Jackson as he exits the room and see Andrew in bed in a hospital gown with topical cream covering his still blue and black hands.
“I’m not really in the mood for visitors.” Andrew bluntly states.
Amber inhales and exhales, “Look um I just thought you should know that Elisa is okay, she’s in the PICU and she’s stable…thanks to you. So, I just wanted you to know that.”
“I do know that.” Andrew responds coldly, “And I also know that if you'd had it your way, I wouldn't have gone out there, and that little girl would be dead. So, I guess you're thanking me for not talking to you first.”
Amber closes her eyes as she senses déjà vu from the night of their fight. It started with him refusing to see the error of his ways and ended with him saying that without him in her life she would have ended up like her father.
Carina steps in to try, “Andrea, we were just worried about you. Okay, this is just like when Papa-”
“I'm not him, okay?! I'm not him! For the first time in my career, I'm succeeding on my own, without anybody's help. Why can't you just be happy for me and accept that? Why-Why-Why do you always got to accuse me of-of not being well?”
Amber sighs and tries to make him see why they have concerns, “There is a history here Andrew-”
Andrew interrupts her with a comment that takes Amber by surprise in a bad way, “Okay, well I didn’t accuse you of having schizophrenia when you had a panic attack on our first date, did I?” Amber stands there with her eyes wide as they look hurt and shock by a new low Andrew achieved in their relationship, “You know what if your gonna keep badgering me and saying I have a problem then you should probably get out of my place!”
Carina tries to step in while Amber is still frozen in shock looking close to tears, “Andrea-”
“I asked you to leave!” Andrew continues not bothering to see how much this is hurting Amber, “I don’t need you here Amber!”
Amber can only respond in a broken voice, “You don’t mean that.”
Andrew keeps going still talking down to her despite his vulnerable state, “Your right, it’s not that I don’t need you, it’s that I don’t want you here, GET OUT!”
Amber takes a deep breath so she can keep her tears to herself to not give him the satisfaction. She promptly turns around, walks out the door and slams the door behind her as hard as humanly possible hoping it makes it clear that she is done with him just like he’s done with her.
That Night
Jackson sips his glass of whiskey ready for a good night’s sleep after about 10 hours of debriding frost bite. After his shift he ran into Vic and they made up not even remembering what their fight was about. She suggested they meet at his place but he said no saying he predicts he has a friend coming over tonight. Now he’s still up waiting for his friend to show up after the fight he heard outside DeLuca’s room. He hears a knock on the door of his penthouse causing him to groan softly but stand up. He walks to the door and as he expected Amber Karev is on the other side looking numb from heartbreak with a suitcase and duffle bag by her side. He looks at her in sympathy and simply takes her duffle bag indicating the answer to her soon to be asked question.
“I’m sorry Amber.” Jackson can only say with Amber sniffling.
“Can I crash at your place?”
“Of course, come in.” He opens the door and allows her in where she drags her suitcase with her and he closes the door.
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Whumpuary 2024 Day 1
1. (Jan 01-02) Captivity / Snow / Secret Revealed
Cycle 61.
Taako could no longer feel anything except the intense, cutting cold entrapping him. He could still walk at least, but he was slowly losing his grip on consciousness. Was he breathing? He couldn’t even tell what was cold seeping through his clothes or an icy breath filling his lungs. The snow was still whipping past him so hard that it threatened to knock him down. Nevertheless, the Starblaster was right in front of him. All he needed to do was get inside.
One foot.
After the other.
After the other.
When they landed on this planet, they were convinced it was a winter wonderland. Everyone was eager to go out and explore, the twins and Magnus opting for snowball fights and sledding. After a few months of being here, they had all let their guard down. The sun stopped coming out and the sky was constantly filled with clouds and snow.
No one was prepared for the sudden drop in temperature, and they were even less prepared for the blizzard that followed. 
Taako had been out on a scouting mission with Magnus, Merle, and Lucretia on the seventh month of this cycle. Lucretia died first, freezing to death surrounded by her friends in a cave. Merle followed after accidentally slipping off a cliff side during a particularly hard flurry. Magnus should have outlived Taako. He should have, but an avalanche took him. Taako watched as his friend shoved him to shelter first before the wave of white obliterated Magnus. 
Magnus had The Light. 
One last step, and Taako ended up tripping and finally falling into the icy slurry that built up against the ship’s main door. His body made a loud thunk as he hit the door. Taako wasn’t sure how long he’d been sitting there, but the next thing he knew, the ship's door was opened and he was facedown on the floor of the Starblaster. 
Lup screamed at the sight of Taako, gaining the attention of the rest of the crew that was left on the ship. There was a mix of relief and agony in her voice. “Taako, babe can you hear me!? Fuck, he’s freezing!!” There wasn’t much heat to be offered in the ship, but it was enough for Taako to finally feel like he could relax. It certainly wasn’t as cold as the blizzard raging outside. 
“Get him further inside, we gotta get him away from the door.” Barry shouts as Lup tries to gather her brother in her arms. 
“Barry— oh gods,” Lup pulls Taako’s hair away from his face and is met with a grim sight. Taako is frost-bitten all over his face. Skin so cracked and dry that it split open in several places around his mouth and cheeks. He’s no longer a healthy color, and he’s past the point of shivering, collapsed limply in his sister's embrace. “He’s gone unconscious, you have to help me carry him.”
The combined efforts of Barry and Lup managed to get Taako into the ship and on the couch in the main area. The only other person on the ship, Davenport, started gathering as many blankets as he could find to help Taako. Lup works on stripping Taako of all his cold, wet clothes while Barry puts some of the ice that poured briefly into the ship to boil on the stove. 
Lup grimaces when she finally can see Taako’s bare skin. There are several bad patches of frostbite on his arms and legs, and most of his skin is red and swollen with cracked skin and open wounds. “I thought he’d died… They all had just disappeared, I just assumed...” Lup mutters to Barry as she heaps Taako’s clothes on the floor. 
Barry knows that Taako doesn’t have long before the pain of thawing out starts to intensify. That, in itself, could kill Taako before Lup even has a chance to save him. Davenport knows this as well, but he still chooses to help by tucking in blanket after blanket over Taako. 
“I’ll try to find some sort of potion to help with the pain.” Davenport says to Lup. “Barry has some warm water going on the stove to fill the bathtub.” Davenport pats Lup’s knee as she kneels beside the couch. “We’re gonna help him as best we can.” 
Lup doesn’t want to believe it’s too late to save her brother, so she nods and tucks the last blanket around her brother’s shoulders. She isn’t even sure piling blankets on him like this is helping, but if it means she can see her brother smile before the year is over, then she’ll do whatever it takes.
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wolverina2002 · 11 months
Fire and Ice
They are what killed them, some say. It´s ... not quite the truth, but also not entirely wrong.
Some would argue that carrying on after loss is the hardest thing you can do.
Crosshair is cold as the blizzard. Not with his words, not anymore, but he doesn´t smile, and his eyes are like frozen whiskey or sunlight on a frosted blade. Rooms get noticably colder when he steps inside, and hoarfrost creeps over walls and floors with his anger.
He hates the cold, but he doesn´t feel it, not anymore. Not since frostbite marred his ears and took the feeling in his face, left scars all across his body. Not since the snow took one of his brothers.
People freeze around Crosshair, too. A hand send to spy on Yularen dies of hypothermia, on a climate controlled ship. Stormtroopers turn up the internal heating of their armor as far as it goes, but it never helps. His armor is almost always edged in creeping frost, white-blue on black. The only paint on his armor is the grief-gray ice vulture on his chest.
He craves warmth, desperatly. But he walks into icy blizzards, knowing that he´ll walk back out where others might not.
Fives trails fire like a particular vengefull spirit. Not in his voice, or in his actions, never. But things burst into flames if he glares at them, fires spark under his fingers and his eyes are like banked coals. Fires blaze stronger, just a little harder to control, in his vicinity.
He doesn´t like it, honestly, but it´s usefull, and Fives has been through too much to disregard that.
People don´t burst into flames, spontaniously, at least. Things melt, though, and that´s just as deadly. Blasters melt into slag in the hands about to fire them. Plastoid warps and goes soft around him. The lightsaber of an inquisitor trying to go after them flickers out, allowing Crosshair to shoot him. The wires inside are melted.
Fives seeks out cool places and water a lot, but he takes missions that involve explosions without a second thought, because he won´t die in them.
They´re a deeply odd pair, everyone agrees on that. They´re quiet, with others and one another. They don´t talk about those they lost, but they´re desperatly, fiercly protective of Dogma. He´s all they have left.
Crosshair leans into Fives´ warmth, soaking up the heat to chase away the ice clinging to his bones. It´s one of the few things that actually help.
Fives enjoys Crosshair´s cool hand on his skin, combating the excess heat swirling around him, soothing his flaming rage. It´s deeply grounding.
Most find them scary, and creepy, and deeply uncomfortable, but their brothers don´t. Both don´t know what they´d do if their brothers feared them.
Fives will never find out. Crosshair is terrified he might.
"Fuck you", Crosshair snarls and slams a palm to the ground.
Ice explodes all over the room, growing into long, white-blue spikes that impale the stormtroopers easily, pushing them away from his family. He picks up Omega, who doesn´t flinch away from his cold skin and the hoarfrost spreading like flowers over his armor.
"Gimme a moment", Fives mutters, kneeling to undo cuffs and chains.
Hunter turns his head away a little, but that´s more from the smell of melting metal than the heat as Fives places his hands on the cuffs, pulling them away easily. Echo doesn´t even hesitate to jump Fives.
"You´re a karking furnace vod I´m never letting go again", he mutters.
"You´re gonna have to share", Crosshair sneers, setting Omega down with icecrystals the shape of a flower holding back her hair.
"I would like to inquire about both of you, however I´m mostly concerned about Crosshair´s apperant hypothermia ...."
Tech trails off and Wrecker guaffs as the sniper locks eyes with Tech´s goggles and waggles his fingers, snow flakes fluttering to the ground.
"The Force", he intones in sync with FDives, grinning only slightly this side of utterly insane, "works in mysterious ways."
They are what killed them, some say. It´d be more accurate to say that they are what killed their hope.
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okok also. headcanons for the puppets from puppet master (specifically blade, jester, leech woman, torch, pinhead, tunneler and six shooter) how they celebrate christmas. what are their favorite parts abt it? do they enjoy the snowy weather? are they just little things with jackets, red noses and carrying fire wood to the fireplace? maybbeeee if you have any ships you like do something for those too? i’m asking for you to go buck wild man. begging.
warnings: small mention of hunting/an animal carcass
The puppets during christmas time!
I’m a simple man, I enjoy blade x jester.
These two absolutely snuggle next to the fire, tiny little shot glasses of egg nog (not alcoholic! they just can’t handle big glasses) next to them while jester is nestled into blade, torch always tells them to get a room.
honestly not many of the puppets besides leech and torch enjoy the cold weather! leech just enjoys it because she loves the season, while torch can cool himself down by plopping himself in the snow when he’s overheated.
However you’ve taken it upon yourself to stitch little sweaters and coats onto them anyways, even if they don’t really have to worry about hypothermia or frostbite- they just look so darn cute in their little personalized sweaters and scarves!
Leech woman however LOVES to decorate, it reminds her of when she was alive with her husband and they’d make the house look gorgeous! she’ll decorate the tree with some of your assistance, do tinsel, and hang up stockings! of course she’s more so directing you to do it, but it’s fun for both of you regardless!
Torch of course, likes to help gather the wood and light the fire himself! he feels like a big man when everyone gets impressed with his pyromaniac skills, he’ll puff his chest out with two hands on his waist- especially for you to see!
Pinhead also likes to help gather wood and lift anything remotely heavy! even if it’s you passing him a freshly wrapped gift to put under the tree, nothing puts him more into the holiday spirit than helping out his friends!
Tunneler wants to help you bake cookies and decorate! is he good at it? nope! but he gives it his all, and leech woman comes to help as well, all three of you just having a grand time making sugar cookies and gingerbread men!
Six shooter will offer to shoot and kill something for dinner, even when you repeatedly tell him that is not necessary and there is a grocery store 15 minutes away, he’ll just look at you like “>:)” because you know when you turn away he’s gonna drag in some kind of animal carcass.
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