#good job friendos
damnation-if · 2 years
anyway this is going to have a slightly different Mood than my previous post but i’ve just woken up to hear about people. leaking early access builds of the games of some of my very good friends and i couldn’t be more disgusted.
if you’re not aware (i say, assuming that the people doing this actually don’t know and are not simply of the belief that it doesn’t matter because authors don’t deserve any money, which is highly possible) early access is one of the easiest things an author can give as a benefit on patreon - not everybody has the time or energy or opportunity to provide bonus content every month, and if you drive authors away from giving early access, you will put a lot of them in a position where they CANNOT offer ANY benefits at all.
there will still be some readers who are happy to support their favourite authors even with no benefits, so you’re not going to stop authors having patreons, if that’s your particularly spiteful motivation. you’re just going to make it so that nobody gets to see the game early. hooray... you win?
i’ve spent a lot of this year struggling to keep myself from becoming homeless due in large part to my physical disabilities, and the thought that once i have enough of the game out i could maybe open a patreon and provide early access to supporters for perhaps a few extra dollars a month so that i could afford to buy dinner once in a while or god forbid eat some dessert on a bad day is one of the main hopes i’ve been holding close to my chest to help keep me going when i’ve really wanted to give up on everything. now i don’t know if i can do that anymore because it’s clear that people in this community can’t be trusted.
i hope anyone who has partaken of leaked early access versions is proud of themselves for the probably irreparable damage they’ve caused to the trust relationship between authors and readers in this community :/
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swiftmitsu · 6 months
Welp it's 1am and i can't say much more about Inkcat without revealing myself so goodnight!
Idiot anon
goodnight then idiot anon :) 💛
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critterbutt · 2 years
my main bday present this year was "we're going to just leave you alone all day"
so i have been chilling, undisturbed, since i woke up this morning and it has been the single most relaxing day i have had for about 3 years
i had four chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, spicy noodles for lunch, homemade egg fried rice (thank you mother unit) for dinner, drank a near full jar of pickle juice, and now im guzzling bunny milk
also been playing our life all day too. but i do that almost every day so
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floofysmallbob · 3 months
seeing art or content from fandoms I’m not in is weird
like not in a bad way just like a “you go lil guy”
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simple-sheep · 2 years
I actually kept my 2022 resolution: minding my own business and leaving the garbage in the past (aka, not engaging with any media by people that were not good for my mental health and moving on).
And I did it! Might just do it again cause damn did my life get soooo much better without that toxic bullshit.
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💝 twst 2024 valentine gift message compilation 🎁
Yes, it’s that time of year again—
For preliminary information on what this is, please check out this post!
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This year’s messages came printed on a coffin-shaped piece of paper. (The back of it is shown in the image above.)
The common theme underlying all of the messages is that the sender (you!) gifted the character a fragrance.
***Spoilers below the cut!!***
My dear friend—
Thank you for your gift.
I’m not an expert, but I once read
that this type of thing can help with
relaxation. I’ll certainly try it out
soon. I’ll make you herbal tea
sometime as a token of my
Hello, friend—
Thank you for the lovely gift. I’ve
been busy lately, so it’s nice to have
something to help me relax. You’re
always going the extra mile for
everyone around you. I’ll bring some
homemade sweets over soon to say
thanks, okay?
Eeey, friendo!
Thanks for the totes ‘Cammable
gift! It looks nice, AND it’s got a
fragrance that’s right up Cay-Cay’s
alley. I’m super excited for the
gift-back, and hope you are, too!
I’m gonna get you something you’ll
be amped to post about on
Heya, pal—
I never thought you’d get me
something so fancy! It’s got just the
kind of scent I like. You’ve got
perfect taste. I’m gonna use it
soon—thanks! As for what to give
you in return, well… Got any
requests? Just don’t go too
My good friend—
Thanks for the gift! I didn’t think
it’d be something so fancy. You’ve
got a good eye for this stuff, Prefect!
It’s nice having a fresh scent in my
room to help me focus when I’m
studying! Wait until you see what
grade I get on my next test.
Allow me to thank you for your
generous gift. Heh. Can’t believe
you actually picked out a halfway
decent fragrance. I might actually
keep this. I thought about sending
you something in return if the mood
struck me, but this thank-you note
should do the job just fine, right?
Thanks for the gift! I don’t buy
things that aren’t absolute
necessities, so it’s nice getting
something like this. Don’t get me
wrong, though. I’m REALLY not
picky when it comes to people
giving me presents, so feel free to
keep giving me whatever you like!
Thanks for the gift.
This is the kind of subtle fragrance I
can see myself using. I don’t like
being indebted to others, so I’ll
think of something to send in return
so we’re even. Don’t expect too
much. Just sit tight.
My boon companion—
Thank you for your wonderful gift.
You have quite the eye for quality
and chose a fine fragrance. That
said, I prefer not to accept gifts
without providing anything in
return. Expect something from me
of equivalent value soon.
My dear friend—
Thank you for your lovely present.
Did you know that morays have
keen senses of smell? I’ll quite enjoy
this. I’d like to treat you to a drink
at the Mostro Lounge in return.
What do you say?
Dear Little Shrimpy—
What a neat choice for a present.
Did you pick out this scent ‘cause it
reminded you of me? Kinds funny if
this is the vibe I give you. I guess I’ll
use it if I feel like it. No promises.
To my dear friend—
Thanks for the gift. You picked this
fragrance out for me, right? I’m
flattered! Ooh, I know. Next time
you’re in a gift-giving mood, you
could take me shopping to help pick
it out! The more the merrier, right?
Then again, that might defeat the
purpose of the gift… But let’s not
sweat the details!
I was surprised enough just to
receive a gift from you, but a
fragrance? You never fail to surprise.
It couldn’t have been easy selecting
this. I’ll have to gift you something
appropriate in return.
Dearest friend—
Thank you for your gift. It was a
rather thoughtful choice; I can use
this when I’m doing stretches. What
would you like in return, I wonder?
You’re getting something
hand-picked by me, so I’ve no doubt
you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
And merci boucoup! Did you
choose this just for me? I’m
delighted. The design is so lovely
and elegant. I normally avoid using
fragrances unless it’s a special
occasion, in which case I shall
happily wear one—the one you gave
me, of course.
Dear classmate—
Thanks for the gift! I don’t know
much about fragrances, but this
one’s mighty fine! It makes my
dorm room feel a smidge more
fancy. I’d better get you something
nice in return. It’s kinds fun
thinking up ideas for that.
uh, are u saying I stink? is this like
a passive-aggressive gesture or sth?
I have questions, but since u gave
it to me, I gratefully accept. I
don’t pay much attention to
fragrances, but this one smelled pretty.
dece when I gave it a whiff.
Hello, Prefect—
Thank you for the gift! It’s a
fragrance, right? So this is how you
perceive me. That’s fascinating! I’m
about to do a thorough analysis of
its composition. Who knows? I
might discover something neat. Let
me know what fragrances you’re
into sometime!
To my good friend—
Thank you for the gift. Hmm…
This fragrance is meant for pleasure
and relaxation? What a tasteful
choice. I rather like it; perhaps I
shall take more of an interest in
these things. You would be welcome
to pay me a visit, by the way, should
you feel so inclined. I would enjoy
sharing an old tale or two.
Thank you for picking something
out for me. It’s a rather nice gift.
Immersing myself in an unusual
fragrance reminds me of my days
visiting other lands. I know! I
should cook for you some foreign
cuisine as a token of gratitude! I can
hardly wait.
Thank you for your gift. This smell
is so nice and relaxing, it makes me
want to nod off. I hope tjis
improves the quality of my sleep
and helps me want to wake up sooner
when my alarm clock goes off. I’ll let
you know how it goes. Hopefully
I’ve received your gift. Fragrances
are a part of one’s personal
grooming, and you had the nerve to
gift one to ME?! Challenge
accepted. I’ll come up with the
perfect thing to return the
sentiment. You’re going to get
what’s coming to you—mark my
Dear esteemed student—
I was quite taken aback when an
unexpected package arrived in the
headmage’s office! To think you
would send me something so
thoughtful… Hmm. This fragrance
suits my tastes nicely. Normally I
wouldn’t be able to accept personal
gifts, but I think I’ll make an
exception for this, seeing as I’m
Dear pup—
What is this? Giving personal gifts
to teachers is hardly good pup
behavior. But the moment I opened
the wrapping, I could tell you
picked this out for me. The design is
suitable enough, as is the fragrance
itself. I suppose I must commend
your knack for gift-giving. Good
Dear juvenile—
I generally decline gifts from
students, but you clearly chose this
scent out of respect for me. I won’t
use it around Lucius, but it might
be nice to use in the staff room
every once in a while. I gratefully
Dear student—
What is this? Did I give you
a homework assignment that involved
getting me a present? Kidding, of
course. This is the perfect scent for a
guy as cool as me! I’ll teach you how
to make my signature Vargas
protein drink in return!
Heya, my little imp!
What is up? Did you pick this out
just for me? It’s a fantastic scent,
thanks! If you’re interested in this
type of thing, I happen to have a
fine selection in stock, so swing by
whenever you want! I’m looking
forward to your next visit.
Dear minion—
Mrah?! I was expecting tuna, but
instead I get some weird thing
called a fragrance? What IS this
thing? I woulda taken tuna in a
heartbeat, but since my
hench-human picked this out for
me, I guess a proper boss would put
it to good use. Be grateful for my
kindness, partner!
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rcmclachlan · 2 months
wip wednesday
I was tagged by the fantabulous @alchemistc. Thanks, friendo!
Evan is nothing if not persistent, so it wasn't really a surprise when things reached a breaking point about a week ago. Over the remains of a frankly obscene braised short rib mac and cheese, Evan had looked him dead in the eye and said, "I'm going to go off the deep end if you don't fuck me." If the borderline feral expression on his face was any indication, he wasn't joking. "I appreciate you easing me into things," Evan had said, bottom lip red from the almost pathological press of his teeth. "I-It's been incredible. It's been so, so good, Tommy. I don't want you to think I haven't enjoyed every second of it, because, oh my god, I have, but I may actually crawl out of my skin if I don't get your dick in me. I don't know what we're waiting for." Tommy had squinted at him and, very reasonably, asked, "Evan, how much porn have you been watching?" "The normal amount," Evan'd said, shifty-eyed. "Look, I-I just… really want to feel what it's like. It's kind of all I think about. Like, if Bobby knew how often I thought about it on the job, he'd be well within his rights to dock my pay."
Tagging @cecilyv, @dadvans, @beefcakekinard, @epiphainie, and @newtkelly
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raviollies · 14 days
DMed a oneshot for the friendos and got a new achievement : making a player cry!
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The premise was that a Hag pulled them into her domain which was shaped by their dreams and desires, particularly Blythes! So it was a big fancy Villa with a ballroom, opera haus, fancy dinner, everything - and immediately somethings were different.
Arameia woke up NOT a werewolf and Lorelai woke up a HUMAN and not undead. Rosy cheeks, freckles and all (she was very weirded out over not being able to hear or smell as good).
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For Arameia - the dream manifested her parents, alive and well, and her pet dog Lancelot, no longer geriatric. The horror of becoming an orphan never occurring. For Lorelai, it took away her vampirism, and the root cause...her father alive and well - though distant. It wasn't that she wanted to see him...but rather proof of wiping her sin away. For Eirwen, it wiped away her Sharrian past, and the tattoo that came with it, and gave her more friends, so she'd never be lonely. And for Raha.... Well let's just say he folded like a lawn chair in a hurricane.
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Upon meeting her the gang had a lot of discussion as to how & why, though the concept of a motherly Blythe left everyone...concerned.
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Since the party was a bit of a pickle not sure where to find Raha or Blythe since they're the only party members they haven't met up with, a certain special someone made an appereance...in the form of a kitty cat!
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Theta explained that the dream is made up of Blythes wishes and desires : to have her friends with her and never die, her favourite food, a library full of artifacts, an extravagant villa with ballrooms - and the little changes to them was the Witch tapping into their own desires to keep them placated and comfortable...so they may just decide to forego reality and dream...like Blythe and Raha have. She does not want her precious petal just slowly withering away, being a meal, in another Witch's domain, that's her job, so she gives the party hints on how to break out before the Witch zaps her the hell out (she couldn't just enter as Witch's power is absolute within her domain, so it would take a lot longer for her to wiggle in strong enough to do anything substantial)
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She introduces herself as Wunsch...the party can deduce she is a Night Hag (this is where I say I just made her Fae and idgaf) (as per my fae characters, she has freaky eyes...in this case it's a starry sky instead of pupil!) . She asks the party if there is "anything else she can do"...the party notices little things change around the dream, like suddenly even more food, some of their favourites, or new faces.
In order to find Blythe they needed to restore stopped time, and find the three clockhands for a magical clock...1 of them was behind some riddles, the other one, behind a test of friendship where they had to answer 3 things correct about the person in front of them. The last key, most horrifyingly...was inside Arameias parents.
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THIS IS WHERE I MADE THE PLAYER CRY HEHE....Arameia decided she will do it herself, as she already buried them once...she does eventually manage to kill them (it was very sad because they did not Want to Die), and get the key...but not without a lot of heart ache and tears....Thankfully Lorelai was there for plenty of hugs...
Then they finally meet Raha! Who has fully drank the kool-aid and started dreaming, and he stands before them...he doesn't want them to break the spell. He fights for Blythe's dream...and his own...unwilling to let them take way her or his daughter....and that he and Blythr have nothing in the real world, no family, no home. Just hardship...and eventually he'll just die, and leave Blythe all alone.
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After defeating him, the Witch takes matter into her own hands, as the party falls into the "bedroom" where Blythe is sleeping & have to fight the actual Hag herself in her true form...or rather wake up Blythe until the clock strikes 12 and the dream is fully manifested and unable to be stopped.
Wunsch's true form is a giant marble like lion with white feathers and a 4 armed upper body reminiscent of a sphinx. In the cracks of the marble a night sky can be seen, she doesn't particularly have many offensive spells, mostly relying on her enemies being slowed/confused/held/dominated until the timer runs out. (All the reflective shards were of Blythes &co's dreams and nightmares...the party gone, Raha withering and dying in bed, Theta, herself becoming a true hag ... or happy family for Arameia as an example...Eirwen surrounded by friends and Lorelai laughing with the party)
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But the party manages to wake Blythe up using all that they've learned!! That yeah she wants these magical tomes and artifacts...but everything in here would have been things she's already found...she can never 'discover' anything new in a dream she's created, so let's go adventuring!
How she's always wanted to try Tarrasque steak but without trying she could never imagine the taste...so why not come with them and kill one?
That she's not safe from Theta in here, and if she was able to get in once, she can get it in again...so lets get out of here and break your curse!
That yeah they'll live eternally, but they won't be 'them' anymore...over time they'll have their edges smoothed over and it won't be the same people because we don't get to grow and experience new things...That Raha loves her the way she is...and that she's not a hideous monster...
When the party awakens, completely normal with..all the curses and stuff, they find out that time hasn't moved since they've fallen asleep, and immediately run to find Blythe and Raha...who don't remember anything that happened, and assume that maybe some ghost got them into a nightmare but they broke out of it. Arameia/Eirwen/Lorelai decided to keep some facts to themselves, like the presence of the child or fighting Raha.
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Hilariously, they assume they had too much 'willpower' to be got by such a spell, despite in actuality being the only ones to fold. The gang did have a newfound appreciation for them realizing that yes...Blythe does love them a lot and that they don't know much about Raha and haven't been very good friends.
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BUT IT ALL ENDED BITTERSWEET.,....with the gang now being sure all of them love each other and they can move from confronting their trauma and go forward...with fwiends :)
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natsury-kazuki · 1 month
Valentine cards 2024
Hi, this time I found them all at once, enjoy the answers from our dear NRC students and teachers! :)
My dear friend
Thank you for your gift. I’m not an expert, but I once read that this type of thing can help relaxation. I’ll certainly try it out soon? I’ll make you herbal tea sometime as a token of my gratitude.
Riddle Rosehearts
Heya, pal-
I never thought you'd get me something so fancy! It's got just the kind of scent I like. You've got perfect taste. I'm gonna use it soon-thanks! As for what to give you in return, well.. Got any requests? Just don't go too overboard.
Ace Trappola
My good friend-
Thanks for the gift! I didn't think it'd be something so fancy. You've got a good eye for this stuff, Prefect! It's nice having a fresh scent in my room to help me focus when I'm studying! Wait until you see what grade I get on my next test.
Deuce Spade
Eyyy, friendo!
Thanks for the totes' Cammable gift! It looks nice, AND it's
got a fragrance that's right up Cay-Cay's alley. I'm super excited for the gift-back, and hope you are, too! I'm gonna get you something you'll be amped to post about on Magicam.
Cater Diamond
Hello, friend-
Thank you for the lovely gift. I've been busy lately, so it's nice to have something to help me relax. You're always going the extra mile for everyone around you. I'll bring some homemade sweets over soon to say thanks, okay?
Trey Clover
Allow me to thank you for your generous gift. Heh. Can't believe you actually picked out a halfway decent fragrance. I might actually keep this. I thought about sending you something in return if the mood struck me, but this thank-you note should do the job just fine, right?
Leona Kingscholar
Thanks for the gift! I don't buy things that aren't albsolute necessities, so it's nice getting something like this. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm REALLY not picky when it comes to people giving me presents, so feel free to keep giving me whatever you like!
Ruggie Bucchi
Thanks for the gift. This is the kind of subtle fragrance I can see myself using, I don't like being indebted to others, so I'll think of something to send in return so we're even. Don't expect too nuch. Just sit tight.
Jack Howl
My boon companion-
Thank you for your wonderful gift. You have quite the eye for quality and chose a fine fragrance. That said, I prefer not to accept gifts without providing anything in return. Expect something from me of equivalent value soon.
Azul Ashengrotto
My good friend-
Thank you for your lovely present. Did you know that morays have keen senses of smell? I'll quite enjoy this. I'd like to treat you to a drink at the Mostro Lounge in return. What do you say?
Jade Leech
Dear Little Shrimpy-
What a neat choice for a present. Did you pick out this scent 'cause it reminded you of me? Kinda funny if this is the vibe I give you. I guess I'll use it if I feel like it. No promises.
Floyd Leech
To my dear friend
Thanks for the gift. You picked this fragrance out for me,right? I’m flattered! Ooh, I know? Next time you’re in a gift-giving mood, you could take me shopping to help pick it out! The more the merrier, right? Then again, that might defeat the purpose of the gift… But let’s not sweat the details!
Kalim Al-Asim
I was surprised enough just to receive a gift from you, but a fragrance? You never fail to surprise. It couldn’t have been easy selecting this. I’ll have to gift you something appropriate in return
Jamil Viper
Dearest friend-
Thank you for your gift. It was a rather thoughtful choice; I can use this when I'm doing stretches. What would you like in return, I wonder? You're getting something hand-picked by me, so I've no doubt you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Vil Schornheit
And merci boucoup! Did you choose this just for me? I'm delighted. The design is so lovely and elegant. I normally avoid using fragrances unless it's a special occasion, in which case I shall happily wear one-the one you gave me, of course.
Rook Hunt
Dear classmate—
Thanks for the gift! I don't know much about fragrances, but this one's mighty fine! It makes my dorm room feel a smidge more fancy. I'd better get you something nice in return. Its kinda fun thinking up ideas for that.
Epel Felmier  
Uh, are u saying I stink? Is this like a passive-aggressive gesture or sth? I have questions but since u gave it to me, I greatefully accept? I donc’t pay much attention to grangrances, but this one smelled p. dece when I gave it a whiff.
Idia Shroud
Hello, Perfect
Thank you for the gift! It’s a fragrance, right? So this is how you perceive me? That’s fascinating! I’m about to do a thorough analysis of its composition? Who knows? I might discover something neat. Let me know what fragrances you’re into sometimes!
Ortho shroud
To my good friend-
Thank you for your gift. Hmm... This fragrance is meant for pleasure and relaxation? What a tasteful choice. I rather like it; perhaps I shall take more of an interest in these things. You would be welcome to pay me a visit, by the way, should you feel so inclined. I would enjoy sharing an old tale or two. –
Malleus Draconia
Thank you for your gift. This smell is so nice and relaxing, it makes me want to nod off. I hope this improves the quality of my sleep and helps me to wake up sooner when my alarm clocks go off. I'll let you know how it goes, Hopefully well.
I've received your gift. Fragrances are a part of one's personal grooming, and you had the nerve to gift one to ME? Challenge accepted. I'll come up with the perfect thing to return the sentiment. You're going to get what's coming to you-mark my words!
Sebek Zigvolt
Thank you for picking something out for me. It's a rather nice gift. Immersing myself in an unusual fragrance reminds me of my days visiting other lands. I know! I should cook you some foreign cuisine as a token of gratitude! I can hardly wait.
Lilia Vanrouge
Dear esteemed student
I was quite taken aback when an unexpected package arrived at the headmage’s office ! To think you would send me something so thoughtful… Hmmm. This fragrance suits my taste nicely. Normally I wouldn’t be able to accept personal gifts, but I think I’ll make an exception for this, seeing as I’m so kind,
Dire Crowel
Dear pup
What is this? Giving personal gifts to teachers is hardly good pup behavior. But the moment I opened the wrapping, I could tell you picked this out for me. This design is suitable enough, as is the fragrance itself. I suppose I must commend your knack for gift-giving. Good boy.
Divus Crewel
Dear juvenile
I generally decline gifts from students, but you clearly chose this scent out of respect for me. I won’t use it around Lucius, but it might be nice to use in the staff room every once in a while? I gratefully accept.
Mozus Trein
Dear student
What is this? Did I give you homework assignment that involved getting me a present? Kidding, of course. This is the perfect scent for a guy as cool as me! I’ll teach you how to make my signature Vargas protein drink in return!
Ashton Vargas
Heya, my little imp!
What is up? Did you pick this out just for me? It’s fantastic scent, thanks! If you’re interested in this type of thing, I happen to have a fine looking forward to your next visit.
Dear minion
Mrah?! I was expecting tuna, but instead I get some weird thing called fragrance? What IS this thing? I woulda taken tuna in a heartbeat, but since my hench-human picked this out for me, I guess a proper boss would put it to good use. Be grateful for my kindness, partner!
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The Deadpool and Wolverine movie came out. I beg of you to do more quotes on Deadpool Reader. Ill sell you my soul.
For the price of Anon's soul, I give you Deadpool Reader: Deadpool & Wolverine edition
. . .
Alastor: Mind putting your mask back on?
Reader: Super hard to eat while I'm wearing it.
Alastor: It's super hard to eat when you're not
. . .
Vaggie: [Waking up with a second eye patch] I wish fire would find your body and finish the job Sera was too afraid to do
Reader: If you could hear the look on my face, you'd smell how sad I am
. . .
[Lucifer changes into his demon form]
Reader: Holy shit. You save the good stuff for special occasions?
Lucifer: Killing, mostly.
. . .
Angel Dust: Wanna do some cocaine?
Reader: Hey! Cocaine is the one thing that Charlie said is off limits.
Angel Dust: What about Bolivian marching powder?
Reader: She knows all the slang terms. She made a list.
Angel Dust: Even snowboarding?
Reader: Even disco dust.
Angel Dust: White Girl, Interrupted?
Reader: Even Forrest Bump.
Angel Dust: Do you want to build a snowman?
Reader: Yes! But I can't!
. . .
Reader: [Mimicking Angel's New York (?) Accent] Good 'ay toots. There's nothing that'll bring me back to life faster than a big bag of cocaine.
. . .
Reader: [Alastor threatens Reader with his radio cane for the first time] Is that supposed to be scary? Pegging isn't new for me, friendo. But it is for A24.
. . .
Reader: Ohhh, I love the smell of sunflowers!
[sniffs a dead rose Niffty gave them]
. . .
Reader: [In that one scene where Angel was showing them one of his pornos] I'm soaking wet right now
. . .
Reader: [Preparing for war against the exorcists] This is what I'm talking about: big slow-motion action sequence, who knows if you live or die? Let's fuckin' go!
Angel Dust: Let's fuck and go!
. . .
Reader: [sees the Adam's army for the first time, the army they basically trained] OH MY FUCK!
. . .
Niffty: [After Reader used her as a human shield to get through active gang territory] I think I'm hit.
Husk: No shit.
[to Reader]
Husk: You did that on purpose.
Reader: I did no such thing!
[to Niffty]
Reader: Listen to me, gorgeous. How long does it take for you to regenerate?
Niffty: [slow blink] Regenerate?
. . .
Vaggie: One more word. Please. Give me one.
Reader: Gubernatorial
[Reader immediately gets punched]
Reader: Worth it
. . .
Reader: [Getting stabbed by Vaggie's spear for the first time] You nicked it. Just got the tip with your little steak knife!
. . .
[Reader's way of getting people to come to the hotel]
Random demon: You don't want any of this.
[Reader pulls out a pistol and points it at the demon's forehead]
Reader: Unless you want to take a deep breath through your fucking forehead, I suggest you reconsider
. . .
Reader: [Staring at Lucifer as he talks] You really are God's Perfect Idiot, aren't you?
. . .
Reader: Want to talk about what's haunting you, or should we wait for a third season for you to open up to me?
Husk: Ah, go fuck yourself!
. . .
Reader: [Receptionist of the hotel, talking to any newcomer] Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. You're joining at a bit of a low point.
. . .
Reader: Don't just stand there, you ape. Give me a hand up.
[Vaggie draws her spear]
Reader: Nope, I'm actually okay, thank you very much!
. . .
Random demon: That's Charlie Morningstar.
Reader: You damn straight it is. Amazon bought her. They're gonna make her do this till she's dying.
. . .
Reader: [Walking out in a new outfit Lucifer got them] Yes, your underwear's getting tighter
. . .
[Reader falls on Husk]
Reader: What'cha thinking about?
Husk: Get the fuck off me.
Reader: Shh! Shh! Almost done...
Husk: Almost done what!?
Reader: Getting my knife out of your buttocks, you pervert! Get your mind out of my pants!
. . .
Bonus quote from the first movie:
Husk: Reader, patron saint of the pitiful. What can I do for you?
Reader: I'd love to get a Blow Job
Husk: Oh, God, me too.
Reader: The drink, moose knuckle, But first...
Husk: All right, Kahlua, Bailey's and whipped cream. I give you a Blow Job. Why do you make me make that?
Reader: *Stops Niffty passing by and places the drink on her tray* Be a dear and send this over to Bright Red and Creepy over there and tell him Angel, baby sends his love.
*Reader and Husk proceed to drink whiskey watch as Alastor tries to kill Angel dust while he hides behind Charlie for protection*
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plaguedocboi · 22 days
Apparently @pooksbedamned has a free blaze and has offered to use it to help promote my book so I’m going to compile all the info about it into this post (thank you friendo I love you)
“The ocean is vast and dark and dangerous. Nowhere is this truer than in the Queen's Quarter, a fog-shrouded corner of the world rumored to contain monsters, ghosts, and a vengeful sea god. People don't sail there anymore, and for good reason. But Cas has no choice.
When Cas's mother died, she left him an orphan with nothing to his name except an old necklace. A chance encounter with a pirate reveals that this necklace contains a secret map that could lead Cas to a legendary treasure and to his father, who disappeared in pursuit of it years ago. But to get there, he must travel deep into the heart of a place where few have ever returned from.
Accompanied by an eccentric captain and a hastily assembled crew, Cas plunges himself into a life of piracy, dark secrets, and even darker forces. To find his family and his place in the world, he must first survive the high seas and the dangers that lurk beneath.
Quest for the Sea’s Revenge is a thrilling fantasy adventure novel with a twist of horror, perfect for readers who enjoy intricate world-building and unconventional characters.”
“Alex Vega artfully created a world that pulled me away from my job (during breaks, of course). The plot is not linear and kept me enraptured. Overall, it was a very satisfying read and I hope there will be a series branching out of this novel.” — Goodreads Review
If that sounds interesting to you, here are a few places you can buy it!
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beefrobeefcal · 6 months
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Dieter Measures Up feat. Dieter Bravo & Cookie (f!reader)
a HeftyThrowaway one shot drabble | Rated: 18+ | word count: 834 warnings: weight gain, grinding, Dieter being a needy mess A/N: thank you @toxicanonymity for celebrating 900 friendos in the bistro! and yes... this is a bit more than a drabble.
Dieter groaned. He looked over the email from his manager, suggesting in the firmest way possible that wouldn’t compromise their job, that he needed to wear an actual suit to the premier. To add to his grief, they put in bold right at the end before signing off: YOU ARE NOT WEARING ANYTHING REMOTELY RESEMBLING SOMETHING YOU COULD SLEEP IN.
Included in the message was also the requirement to get fitted for the suit because they knew he hadn’t lost any of the weight he’d gained for the role. Rolling his eyes, he flipped the bird at his phone, tossed it into the pocket of his robe, and pulled the tube of raw cookie dough from the fridge. He forwent the spoon, taking a big bite of the dough, and leaned over the counter thinking.
An idea hit him: he could just send the measurements that were taken when he arrived on set to shoot ten months ago. He smiled as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his notes before it dawned on him that he had to be measured and then remeasured a few times over the course of the shoot because his costumes kept shrinking. As he wondered who he needed his assistant to contact to track down the measurements, another email arrived from his management team: DON’T ASK FOR PRIOR MEASUREMENTS. THEY WON’T BE ACCURATE ANYMORE.
He scowled at his screen. “Mother fucker.”
It had been a while since he’d been to a tailor, normally opting for off the rack because prior to this role, he was within the sample size range. He was pretty sure he still was. Sure, he had less of the iconic ‘slutty little waist’ and sure, his belly had stuck out when he wasn’t close to being full, but there was no way he was that much bigger.
At least he thought that until the seamstress, an older European woman, came out and began to measure him. Every time he felt the measuring tape pull tight against his body followed by the older woman calling out a number much higher than he anticipated, his body reacted. Not negatively – no, quite the opposite. He was getting hard.
Even after the project wrapped, he kept you on as his private cook, telling you that now he’d had a bite of his ‘Cookie’, there was no way he could have any other. And while nothing was official between you, he hadn’t fucked around with anyone else, and even cleared out his extensive vintage clown pornography collection from the guesthouse and set you up in there so you could live on sight. He loved the praise you gave when he finished his meals and he craved the look you gave when he sat back, belly heavy and sitting on his lap.
He needed to get home. Now.
You stood at the door to the pantry, debating on whether to make burritos or chicken korma for dinner that evening when you heard the door from the garage open and slam loudly. Before you could ask if everything was okay, Dieter was behind you, shoving you against the wall, his front to your back.
“Fuck, you do your job so good.”, he grunted, biting softly into your neck. His whole thick body pinned you and he bucked his hips, seeking friction.
“Most bosses offer a raise… not a full body slam.”, you breathed back with a smile.
“Most bosses…”, he panted, “aren’t grateful… enough.”
“Dieter… we can go to the bedro-“
“No… right… oh fuck… right here’s fine…”, he grunted with a whine. He ground his hips, and his painfully hard erection finally found the right angle against your left ass cheek.
“Dee! The couch! Not here!”
His breathing picked up and he bit the crux of your neck and shoulder with a whine. “Just… almost… need this…”
 You pushed your body from the wall with all your strength, but it was no use; Dieter’s additional weight had made his physical self just as stubborn as his personality.
“Got me so… fuckin’ big… Olga… measured me… no idea… who I was… said I was a… a fat man…”, he whimpered in grunts, breath panting over the skin he’s made wet on your neck and shoulder.
You couldn’t help but moan in response, and his arm snaked around to your front, cupping your legging clad mound, and pulling your ass against him harder. It was almost painful, but also euphoric. Dieter’s breaths became faster and carried high pitch whines with them.
“I promise… I’ll fuck… I’ll fuck you later… after dinner… just need… to cum n-oh fuck!”
You felt a warmth through your leggings on your ass cheek and his whines hit heights that only dogs could hear. When he finally stilled, his body relaxed enough that you could turn around and face him. He gave you a goofy half grin with heavy lidded eyes.
“Now that we got that out of the way, I’m starved. What’s for dinner?”
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jurakan · 10 months
I got a weird prompting to ask for a fun fact about someone who came up with a whole system of writing and then just disappeared. Odd, I know.
Well, you came to the right place, friendo! Today You Learned about Sequoyah.
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[I had hoped to do this around Thanksgiving, or for Indigenous Peoples Month, but no one asked for it then so better late than never!]
Okay, maybe you have heard of the man. But if not, here ya go: Sequoyah was a Cherokee man born in Tennessee around the year 1770. When he grew up, his day job was actually being a silversmith, trading with trappers and merchants that came through Cherokee territory. He was pretty darn good at it too, and signed off on all of his work.
Something he noticed, though, was that the Europeans who went through had a written language, and that it was helpful for recording information and talking to people far away. That’s handy, Sequoyah thought. We should have our own written language. Because at that point, Cherokee didn’t have a written language. So, apparently, this man decided to just… make one up.
I say “make one up” as if he came up with it on the spot without thought. No, that’s not what happened. In 1809, Sequoyah began to study English, Greek, and Hebrew, and developed a written system for the Cherokee language. Each symbol represents a syllable, rather than a letter like in the English writing system, leading to a total of over 80 symbols for the alphabet.
Everyone thought he was crazy, but I want to be clear: he did it. This man, a silversmith by trade, created a written language system that within twenty years of its creation became the official written language of the Cherokee Nation. 
That’s insane, guys! Where is this guy’s biopic? If you lived in a place with heavy Cherokee history, like the Carolinas, chances are you’ve heard of him–the NC Museum has a small exhibit on him in their section on Cherokee history, and we covered him in school in an article/essay/non-fiction story (I don’t know what we call those things) called “Sequoyah and the Riddle of the Talking Leaves”, but it’s nuts to me that he’s not a more famous figure in American history, considering this.
Sequoyah actually taught the language to his daughter Ayokeh first, so that he could prove that it worked and made sense. Then he spent a ton of time traveling through Cherokee territory to get people to see its usefulness and learn it. Apparently, it worked.
So the US government thought this was awesome and gave Sequoyah a mansion to live in, right? [/sarcasm] No, you can probably guess from the timeline what happened. He went to Washington D.C. to protest and argue with other Native American leaders against the Indian Removal laws the government was enacting, but wasn’t successful, leading to the Trail of Tears. His interactions with other nations led him to decide to try to create another system of writing for all indigenous Americans to use. I don’t think it ever got completed, but someone with more knowledge on the subject can probably tell you more.
He died in Mexico, on an expedition based on the rumor that some Cherokee had gone there–the reunification of the Cherokee people was a big deal to him, after all.
We think he died there, anyway.
See, we don’t actually know where his body is. Officially, he died in 1845 of a lung infection; we don’t know where his body is. The Cherokee funded an expedition to find his grave in the 20th century, but while they found a grave in Coahuila, Mexico, they aren’t sure if it’s his. In 2011, a newspaper argued that actually he wasn’t buried, his skeleton was found in 1903 in a cave in Oklahoma. 
I found this out by seeing that he’s listed on Wikipedia’s “List of People Who Disappeared” (which I do not recommend reading if you are sitting alone in a house at night).
Well, he’s still an important national figure. He’s got some recognition–his statue is in the US Capitol, he’s got a sculpture in front of the Cherokee Museum in North Carolina, and! Along with several figures from world cultures credited with inventing/teaching writing, he’s on the doors of the John Adams Building of the Library of Congress.
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YMMV may vary on whether or not it’s good that he’s on there with a bunch of mythological figures.
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moon-0f-m4rs · 17 days
Mercs with a borrower friendo :3
(this is my 1st time writing anything so ummmmm...... hiii)
Yaps, yaps and yaps more,, and ya gotta bear it. Like, whenever he was annoying anyone else in the team, they'd just walk away or get him to get away. But now,, cant do nothing about it. At first he definitely took advantage of it, but over time i feel like he'd pay a bit more mind to not being too insufferable. Also, therapy sessions every now nd then. Man needs a bit comfort even if he can't admit it. Hes not that bad when it comes to handling, can be gentle, but also sometimes can get a bit too careless. Oh but he teases alot, alooot. Would get u snacks, but never try bonk..... u'll explode 😓😓
Before even getting found out by him, you had to have a tiny american flag in ur bag whenever you went out. If you didnt, this guy wouldnt adopt you as THE AMERICAN BORROWER YOU ARE!!! And since, say, you did.......... best dad ever. 10/10. Well i mean,, accidents happen quite some timesss.. (racoons.. or his idiocy) He keeps an eye on ya tho, 24/7. Also, youre probably his only voice of good sense that could shush him down whenever he gets a bit dum dum, thats appreciated by everyone.
Dress ups, tea parties and some arson on the side since he provides u matches. At first he was way too curious about you to be gentle, but over time he learnt to be carefull. Likes touchin u, prodding and tapping and stuff. Keeps him aware ur real and not am image in his head. He would definitely make crafts for u, like just minature sized objects or something like that. Would get really attached, so, you get scary dog privilege :3
Wee lil' friend you are hes rather fond of. Hes caring and protective all the time. When he gets sloshed, he just becomes grabby, clingy nd loud. At times, just cuz hes used to do so, tries to get you to drink sum with him (if you're an adult ofc). This guy stuffs pepole up with granades on a daily, but would never hurt someone smaller than himself. Sometimes u gotta remind him to be quieter, but tbh, if youre living next to an everyday battlefield, your ears should be well used to it by now.
A presence he doesn't rrly mind. When hes not in battle hes a quiet man, just going through his day, so having a tiny bud on the shoulder is no issue. He'd be pretty scared of handling said bud tho, ees hard to be careful when being beeg man. But you can always just stay in the pocket or as i said already, shoulder. Guaranteed food around him too. Heavy does not mind sharing sandvich with leetle leetle friend.
Workshop assistant :D Every borrower must know how to make tools, atleast the basics, and i feel like he'd be amused by these but in a positive way. He would definitely make tiny functioning thingys for ya. And now if we dont care about the amount of noise, a small wrangler to you and you can shoot with his sentry meanwhile hes occupied with something else on the battlefield. Super fun and caring guy, one of the few that know what personal space means tbh.
Rather antisocial typa guy, so if you're around him then its either just sitting in silence or a small talk about either his job or whatever you have to offer. I also dont feel like he'd be overly touchy in any situation. He sometimes can offer you resting somewhere on him; hat, shoulder, pocket, whatever you like. But thats for whenever he's not sniping. He'd rather not get startled by a move and miss the shot.
It all.. ALL depends on how he found you, what mood he had and overall what was his first thought he had about you. And if it was all somewhat positive, then another assistant you are. He could get a full review of how it is when inside of a human body from u!!!! fun ain't it? :D He wouldnt really go out his way to be careful, at first at least. Later on he might give some respect, if you prove yourself to be productive and entertaining that is. Archimedes would definitely be interested in you, taking you as their own.
He wouldnt be too invested in you, maybe sometimes taking you on the battlefield as a extra set of eyes or something. Also it would be a pain to even spend time with him since his smoke room would be a literal gas chamber. But maybe he'd let you just ride along in some pocket, as long as you kept it clean, and just.. do spy duties idk. Maybe if he got you some of your own mini gadgets then mini spy???? hhhmmmm??? im outta ideas for him idk
hon hon france
uuhhh... yea (this took me like 2 weeks my god)
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pointss · 8 months
Privet Friendo!
*waddles into your inbox and waves excitedly*
I’m sorry for the limited Russian, but that’s all I know off the top of my head. I wish I knew more of your beautiful language to express my gratitude for your art, but alas I only know y’all’s basic greetings 😅
Anyhoo, I just wanted to say how much I thoroughly enjoy your art. You have a darling style, and I am so incredibly impressed with your animation like
It has full movement? Entirely colored? FANTASTIC EXPRESSIONS?! I am literally in awe. Especially since you’re like 16 *mama bear mode activated* There must be a great deal of hardships in your life enable to be such a fantastic creator, and for that I’d like to give you an internet hug. And just remind you that you’re doing a good job AND making a difference in peoples lives. You are good and you’re inspiring people. Even if it is lil ole me �� Keep up the good work hon and know that you and your art are both loved and appreciated ✨🙏🏼🧡
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prismaticpichu · 2 months
Hi! I'm sorry if I was bothering you, so umm can you make Seph Zack, like Seph has a diary, Zack is sick, Seph takes care of him, add angst, Protective Sephiroth, Zack needs a hug, angst with a happy ending, please? also, take your time, it's okay, I will be patient. ❤️♥️🫂
Awwww! You’re never a bother, friendo 💖 Plz don’t ever worry about that!!! 💕
Oooh!! I love a good angsty/protective sickfic!!! Thooo, admittedly, I already have a Zack sickfic that covers those points pretty well called Priorities ❤️:,3
The diary idea tho??? I LOVE <33333 💙💙💙 Have another slash fic! :,333
18+ Zack!!
ZackSeph ~ Diary Discovery
The rhythmic sound of a pen gliding against paper was what stirred Zack awake that night, blue eyes fluttering open from their purgatorial state between slumber and consciousness, their sleepy Mako glow sparkling with a hint of mischief as he spotted Sephiroth scrawling something in what looked to be a little black notebook.
The sight was just too precious to be confusing.
"...Takin' notes, pal?"
The warrior’s shoulders went slightly stiff against the polished arch of the headboard, clearly not expecting his partner to be awake, the vague coral on his cheeks visible even through the glossy threads of mercury. "Yes..." he assured in a totally-believable grunt, reflexively snapping the notebook shut. "Jotting data, researching. Nothing more. Go back to sleep."
Seph was a man of many things, Zack had come to learn over the span of their blossoming relationship. He was ethereal beautifully (inside and out), adoringly kind, bafflingly intelligent in both booksmarts and the art of wielding a blade… Gaia, was he a man of so, so many things.
But a good liar was not among them.
His expression softening into a doting smirk, Zack shifted further on his side. “Yeah? I don’t think so…” He pawed sleepily at his best friend. “Watcha really doin’?”
Sephiroth didn’t even bother swatting him away, merely lowering his head in aversion. “Go back to sleep.”
“Aww, Seph…” Zack snuggled closer to his friend’s side, his tone mellowing, realizing as the groggy mist lifted from his mind that Seph was likely afraid of tease and criticism. “It’s just me, bud. I’d never judge you. Never…” And he nuzzled into his partner’s neck for emphasis. “I promise…”
The soothing assurance was enough to soothe Seph’s muscles, at least to the point where he was comfortable enough relaxing into Zack’s touch. He leaned down to press his temple against the black-haired SOLDIER’s, noses gently rubbing, strands of silver spilling across their connected bridges like laces of silky moonlight against the night.
“…I know.”
Zack’s lips melted into a loving, tranquil smile, mischief turning to twinkle in the sapphire stars. “Then show meee… I’m curious!”
Gentle chuckles rippling against from the man’s lips, Seph’s amusement was accompanied by a playful yet resigned sigh, sheets and linens rustling as both SOLDIERs pulled back from the intimate closeness, emerald eyes gazing back down at the notebook while Zack waited in good-hearted anticipation for it to be handed over.
“…Alright…” Sephiroth continued to quietly chuckle, but the genuine embarrassment created an obvious underbelly to his voice. “…You mustn’t laugh, though.”
There came that affectionate smirk again. “I mustn’t?’”
“No. You mustn’t.” But a small smirk was budding on Sephiroth’s own lips as he handed over the notebook to eager hands, immediately lowering his head, gushing silver bangs doing their job to veil his flustered, pinkish expression.
“…Can I read it aloud?” Zack smiled over the charcoal cover, wanting to ensure that Seph was still comfortable.
“Mmph. Go ahead.”
…Was he crazy, or did it suddenly seem like Seph wanted him to read it?
Satisfied either way, Zack’s eyes glimmered with playfulness, glancing down at the small black treasure chest as he opened it up, cleared his throat, and began reading aloud.
“…Dear Diary…” Annnnd tZack’s face bloomed with a smile before reaching the first sentence, shooting his partner the messy grin. “Aww man… it’s a diary?!”
“Aww, Seph…” Zack’s heart was nothing short of swelling as he glanced back down at the immaculate handwriting, continuing to read the entry.
“I wanted to purchase this journal because there are some thoughts that turn incessantly around in my mind, and yet I don’t have the proper experience to express them. I have always been more adept with expressing myself with writing—“
Zack canted his head as the paragraph abruptly came to a stop, starting anew on the following line.
“I love him so much…” he continued to read, a velvet throb in his heart. “Zack. Zack Fair. My lieutenant, my paramour… my very best friend. Never in my life had I met someone who treats me with the kindness that Zack does; never has anyone seen me the way Zack does, so human and unafraid… Never has anyone loved me the way he does. Hojo had always played the broken record that I was unlovable, a tool… why would mother ever love me? But Zack does. Zack has always loved me. And I think he… And I pray to Gaia that he always will.”
By the time Zack was done reading, pearls of mist had formed in the oceanic eyes, lowering the journal to gaze hazily at his beloved partner. The throb in his heart had stopped completely—frozen in place, having come to a gradual stop the further he read along, swallowing slightly to keep the watery choke inside.
“Are… all the entrees like this?” Zack asked, gingerly.
Seph was fully facing him now, the emerald eyes more vulnerable than Zack had ever seen them, green fire so delicately small yet true. “…More or less,” he admitted, soft expression softening into a smile. “That was only the first one I wrote. There’s perhaps about twenty more entrees in a similar vein.”
His chest practically numb, Zack glanced back down at the journal, rapidly flipping through the pages to find over a dozen more entrees in similar length—catching the familiar script of his name, catching all the loving adjectives that accompanied it, catching all the anecdotes and places and experiences shared between them…
And the mist turned into a gentle rainfall.
“Gaia, Seph…” he dropped the journal, strong arms enveloping his friend in an overwhelmed embrace, the unspoken words written into his heart pulsing with every velvet beat. “You didn’t say it would destroy me.”
“…Heh,” Sephiroth grunted, the smile still lingering as he buried his head in the feathery raven nest. “Perhaps you shouldn’t have been so insistent.”
“You kidding?” Zack wiped the tears from his eyes. “I… I don’t even know what to say.”
“Heh… I can empathize.”
Sapphires blinked, their color rich with understanding, buried deep in the smooth terrain of his partner’s neck.
“Did you… did you never feel comfortable saying it?”
“Mmn.” Seph’s voice was muffled by his hair. “Saying what?”
“You know…” Zack’s own voice grew small, innocent. “…’I love you?’”
The swath of silence that passed was meaningful, ephemeral.
“I was… heh,” Sephiroth murmured after a few moments, the honesty drawn from his soul, cocooned in so much warmth and solace that Shame could never penetrate it. “Afraid.”
“…Afraid?” Zack repeated, tender.
“Mmn…” came his earnest nod in reply, even more muffled, the warrior’s voice slightly subdued by the truth. “Because… because what if the feelings were not reciprocated?” And he closed his eyes, burying even deeper, quickly amending himself.
“Or, should I say… to the degree that I feel.”
There was silence, raw and real. Raw and real and long. Zack took several beats to fully digest his friend’s words, emotions conflicted, the rivers in his eyes momentarily ceasing to flow. Had he… had really never said it? Said it clearly? Even if their relationship was new, still being explored…
And the words came flooding all at once.
“Bud…” Zack pulled his friend down onto the pillow, burrowing his head into his friend’s cheeks, lips pressed against angelic skin. “I love you so much… So frigging much. So, so, so frigging much. Don’t ever worry about it not being mutual… ‘kay? I love you more than anything on this planet. More than anything… That kindness, that mind, that heart… all of it, bud. I love all of it. All of you.” He burrowed deeper into his cheek, eyes creaking open to face the watering green, their faces only inches apart.
And I pray to Gaia that…
“And I always, always will.”
…Magical, really, the way he could feel Sephiroth melt into his arms, the beautiful silver shape fitting against his body so perfectly, the harmonious song of their heartbeats pulsing together as one. “I… I love you too…” Seph wrote the words against his ear in a doting murmur, faint but unhesitant, the thudding sound of a pen falling to the carpet as he pulled him closer against his chest.
And Zack melted right into it. “…You more,” he murmured blissfully.
“Hmph. I don’t think that’s possible.”
“‘Yeah’ indeed.”
“Nope. It’s just not possible.”
“Mnm. I suppose you didn’t see my January twelfth entry then.” Sephiroth’s eyes fell fluttered shut with a long, tranquil sigh. “My numerical list of things I love about Zack Fair.”
“Oh my Gaia… you did not.”
“Oh, I did. And I can recount them all from memory.”
“Don’t you dare.”
The angelic laughter rang warn and rich against his ears, the gentle vibrations rumbling against his beating heart, the closed pages of the notebook opening in front of Zack one beautiful chuckle at a time.
“Mmmn. Number ten…”
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