#granted they're professionals and I'm not
Listen i’ve seen some OFMD kiss discussion again so let  me just put this out there. I would agree with you if that was the only kiss we’re ever going to get, but since we’re getting season two I’m actually kinda glad that their kiss was akin to two 12 year olds who have no idea what they’re doing, because that means we get to watch them improve. don’t you see? This is their first kiss not their only kiss. we get to see different types of kisses. Their first was tender chaste and a little bit awkward, but maybe their next one will be honest to god sucking face. maybe we’ll see one that starts out like the first one and then they open their mouths. maybe we’ll get one that’s slow and sensual. maybe we’ll get one that’s desperate and horny. Maybe, if we’re really lucky, we’ll get a broke-back mountain style nosebreaker. If they only ever kiss like that I will criticize that but I personally am looking forward to seeing them improve. There will be another kiss.
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saja-star · 4 months
I've had a hard time articulating to people just how fundamental spinning used to be in people's lives, and how eerie it is that it's vanished so entirely. It occurred to me today that it's a bit like if in the future all food was made by machine, and people forgot what farming and cooking were. Not just that they forgot how to do it; they had never heard of it.
When they use phrases like "spinning yarns" for telling stories or "heckling a performer" without understanding where they come from, I imagine a scene in the future where someone uses the phrase "stir the pot" to mean "cause a disagreement" and I say, did you know a pot used to be a container for heating food, and stirring was a way of combining different components of food together? "Wow, you're full of weird facts! How do you even know that?"
When I say I spin and people say "What, like you do exercise bikes? Is that a kind of dancing? What's drafting? What's a hackle?" it's like if I started talking about my cooking hobby and my friend asked "What's salt? Also, what's cooking?" Well, you see, there are a lot of stages to food preparation, starting with planting crops, and cooking is one of the later stages. Salt is a chemical used in cooking which mostly alters the flavor of the food but can also be used for other things, like drawing out moisture...
"Wow, that sounds so complicated. You must have done a lot of research. You're so good at cooking!" I'm really not. In the past, children started learning about cooking as early as age five ("Isn't that child labor?"), and many people cooked every day their whole lives ("Man, people worked so hard back then."). And that's just an average person, not to mention people called "chefs" who did it professionally. I go to the historic preservation center to use their stove once or twice a week, and I started learning a couple years ago. So what I know is less sophisticated than what some children could do back in the day.
"Can you make me a snickers bar?" No, that would be pretty hard. I just make sandwiches mostly. Sometimes I do scrambled eggs. "Oh, I would've thought a snickers bar would be way more basic than eggs. They seem so simple!"
Haven't you ever wondered where food comes from? I ask them. When you were a kid, did you ever pick apart the different colored bits in your food and wonder what it was made of? "No, I never really thought about it." Did you know rice balls are called that because they're made from part of a plant called rice? "Oh haha, that's so weird. I thought 'rice' was just an adjective for anything that was soft and white."
People always ask me why I took up spinning. Isn't it weird that there are things we take so much for granted that we don't even notice when they're gone? Isn't it strange that something which has been part of humanity all across the planet since the Neanderthals is being forgotten in our generation? Isn't it funny that when knowledge dies, it leaves behind a ghost, just like a person? Don't you want to commune with it?
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idontdrinkgatorade · 2 months
i hope the church starts up a youtube channel before i leave because i want to be in charge of that
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theforesteldritch · 4 months
My mom's going back to university to study to become a therapist and her biopsych textbook is... interesting. It straight up states that XX chromosomes=female and XY=male, no variation or exceptions, forget about the existance of monosomy or trisomy of sex chromosomes I guess let alone AIS, Swyer syndrome or de la chappelle syndrome. Oh but wait it gets worse. It later brings up intersex variations as 'exceptions that prove the rule' of bullshit binary ideas about sex and brings up some case studies, one of which is about a woman with CAIS and then proceeds to invite a debate over if she should be told the truth and that she has CAIS. Im going to fucking rip a wall apart, at least my mom has me as the context to know that that's bullshit, but what about people that just take that at face value? People that want to go on to be psychologists or therapists? They're going to fuck any intersex patients up so bad if they think it's debatable if we should be told the truth about our intersex-ness, and not only that but think its ok to surgically 'treat' us without telling us or giving any semblance of informed consent.
I'm reminded of how I read about how one intersex woman had to break into her doctor's office to steal her medical records, because she knew something was up but even as an adult they refused to tell her. And how intersex people are far more likely to have poor physical and mental health, a good chunk of that probably attributable to the fact that shit like this happens and so we're probably more likely to avoid doctors and mental health professionals and not trust them, for pretty good reason. Some of the things I went through during diagnosis and right after and some of the things they did were traumatic and violating. But at least they fucking told me I have CAIS and gave me a say in my plan for treatment/monitoring when I pushed back. The bar is so low that despite how horrible and traumatic some of that and how I was treated was, to the point where I'm still processing certain things almost 3 years later, by other standards I got incredible care. Because at least they fucking told me. That is the bare fucking minimum. No, that's lower than the minimum, or should be, but we've been mistreated by the medical system so much that telling us we're intersex at all is a step in the direction of progress.
But people, supposedly mental health professionals and doctors, want to debate if we should be granted the basic decency of knowing.
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annymation · 1 month
My Thoughts On Wish Deleted Scenes
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Now that we got all the deleted scenes out, I thought it would be fun to share my thoughts on them... Mostly rant, yeah, I might get pretty heated with this heheh but it'll be fun.
Villain Couple
So let's begin with my personal favorite, the villain couple that we could've had
I am literally scared with how I nailed their characterization in my rewrite, like, that's them, that's King Magnus (Magnifico) of Rosas and Amaya (Amable) of Rosas right there. The dramatic, power hungry dude that can barely control his temper + a cunning, calm and collected queen that thinks before acting but is just as vicious as him.
Now let's talk about... WHY this was scrapped, according to Mark Kennedy, the head of story in Wish, he says in the Behind the Scenes documentary that the reason they changed this, and I quote:
"We didn't want people to know Magnifico was evil right away, we wanted the people of Rosas to love Magnifico, and have only Asha realize he's not as good as he seems"
... Okay? That's not a reason to not make him SECRETLY evil, just have the rebels be like a group of people who are considered ungrateful weirdos by the people of Rosas, and the king spreads rumors that they're a threat, since they think NO ONE should get their wishes granted. So we have Asha being part of this rebellion, that doesn't fully know what Magnifico does with the wishes, but they know he's doing something bad, so it's up to Asha to find proof and open the eyes of the citizens of Rosas who love Magnifico, easy.
"Also it serve the story better to have Amaya be a good person"
Why? Because she distracted Magnifico and told them about the pulleys they needed to open the castle's ceiling? Just have one of Asha's MANY FRIENDS be a spy of the rebels that became close to the king and queen, maybe the king's apprentice, let's say Safi, and he tells them that info and also distracts them if needed, there, no need for good queen.
This one is the cheery on top, are you guys ready? I don't think you are, but here goes... "Additionally we couldn't really answer the question of why Magnifico wanted a star, and what it would do for him."
............................. I don't know if I can put into words how ENRAGED this make me feel, but I will try.
Mark, my guy, I'm sure you're a lovely person, but I know for a fact that you are lying. Because in a room full of professional screen writers THAT MADE IT TO DISNEY there's absolutely NO WAY no one stepped in and said "Oh but why does the villain want power though?"... THAT'S LIKE ASKING WHY JAFAR WANTED THE LAMP OR WHY URSULA WANTED THE TRIDENT!!!! HE'S A VILLAIN!!! VILLAINS ALWAYS WANT POWER!!!
"Oh buT MaGNiFicO Is DiFfERRenT bEcAuSE He'S A kINg sO He alREadY HaS pOWeR" SO WHAT??? Villains are never satisfied! Magnifico says it himself in the deleted scene
"I can't take it, this wanting that is never satisfied"
THERE! That's your villain motivation, he wants to fill a cup with no bottom, he wants more and more than he already has! Which makes him a PERFECT FOIL to Asha, because Asha wishes for more to her people, because they indeed are struggling, she wants what they need! And she'll fight for it, while Magnifico will only lie, cheat and steal his way into more power! GAAAAH IT WOULD BE SUCH A NEAT CONFLICT I'M GOING FERAL!
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Anyway, on to the next one
Wishing Tree
Deleted Sabino my beloved, you only get one scene in my rewrite, Tiana's father style, but I love you so much you sassy old man
I love this concept of the wishing tree so much, because this is actually a tradition here where I'm from, we take colorful ribbons, think of a wish, and tie them on a tree.
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Would be lovely if Wish showed many types of different traditions of wishing besides just wishing stars, like blowing dandelions, throwing a coin down a well and soon.
But I digress, Asha has such an inspiring personality here, her writings show how she's fierce, longing for adventure
She has an undying hope in her, and she wonders if it'll take Magnifico to DIE for her people to be free to wish, this is amazing, this is what I wrote my Asha into in Kingdom of Wishes
@uva124 joked the other day saying I might secretly be one of the disney writers just pretending to be a fan and sharing the original script, guys I swear that's not the case, they just communicated with me telepathically.
Jokes aside, this scene is so beautiful, Asha had everything to be an amazing protagonist.
Now for what Mark said in the documentary... Oh boy...
"The people of Asha's village keep their wishes a secret, and don't say them out loud, because if they do Magnifico will find their wishes"
Now THIS is very interesting, making Magnifico this almost omnipresent threat that even if you just SAY what you desire he might hear with his magic, maybe with a crystal ball or something Idk but regardless this is a great way to make him aware of who Asha is.
Cause think about it, Asha does make a wish, upon a star, so Magnifico would probably feel that wish, and thus he'd know Asha is the one who summoned a wishing star, so the chase would begin.
Heck, with this concept he could manipulate Asha into giving away star by promising that if she did so all her people would be free and he'd stop eating wishes all together because he wouldn't need more power anymore, obviously that'd be a lie, but it would make Asha have to choose between taking the easy way out and giving away her friend/love interest in exchange of her wish coming true, or risk it all and protecting him at all cost, ya know, a internal conflict.
"We wanted people to love Magnifico, and Asha to be the only one who finds out about his true evil nature, that way, when she tries to tell people, nobody believes her, and that's make fighting him much harder for her"
See Mark, that's a good idea, thing is, that's not what happened... Asha didn't try to tell people, and the times she did tell her family that Magnifico would never grant their wishes, they DID believe her, and Sabino got mad she wanted to tell him his wish. And when she told her friends, they didn't question her much about the fact she challenged the king, Dahlia just rolled with it like it was no big deal...
So yeah it would've been great if Asha tried to spread the truth but people didn't believe her, it really would, but that's not quite what we got
Star and Asha Chase Scene
And there it is, the closest thing we'll ever get of Star Boy, and I love him
Star can take shape of any animal in this version, and that made him too similar to Maui and the genie, well, dear Disney, riddle me this, why didn't you just scrap the idea of him being a shapeshifter? There are many ways for a being to embody magic and creativity that don't involve them turning into animals, maybe have them be- oh I don't know- ANIMATED IN 2D???
"The ability to change into anything made star very powerful"
Here's an idea, make Magnifico MORE powerful than star, by making forbidden magic Star's weakness
"We wanted Asha to be our hero, and we wanted her to solve all her problems by herself, without too much help from star"
Bruh, Walt Disney said himself "You can design and create, and bild the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make that dream a reality" Asha could NOT do this on her own, and that doesn't make her weak or less of a hero, it just means the threat was too big.
And if she was the one who had to make her wish come true, GREAT, just use Blue Fairy logic, she couldn't make Pinocchio a real boy right away, all she did was give him life so he could pursue that himself, same could happen to Asha, star gives her some magical intervention, but he can't do everything for her.
Also let me just say, that interaction between Asha and Star?
"Star we'll have to be very discreet" "Discreet? Got it, sounds like another plan, I'm getting pretty good at this planning stuff" "Uh you know what would help that plan? If you weren't so bright" "Oh-hoho thank you!- oh wait, you mean-" "Shinny, glowy, way too much light, turn it down"
I can SEE KOW!Asha and Aster having this exact same interaction!
And then that scene Star holds her hand under water! Bruh don't tell me they wouldn't be a thing Disney!
And all the sea creatures coming together to make a big spectacle, THAT felt like Disney magic, that WHALE!!!
That would've been so beautiful to see fully animated.
In The Dungeon
Can't believe that I also wrote a scene of the 7 teens and Asha going to the dungeon before this scene came out, like, it's such an specific scenario
Anyway, so once again we see this better version of Asha, that is caring, smart and inspiring.
And Magnifico being a freaking DESPICABLE monster, saying that Dahlia is a burden that no one would miss because of her disability, like DANG that's something I never considered writing because it's so heavy, but they almost did include it, and I think it would've been great to show just how evil he is, and in turn, how amazing Asha is because of what she says next
"He underestimates you, and that's a good thing. When you're underestimated, they don't see your power coming until after it changed the world"
Thank you Wish deleted scenes, I'mma take this line and fit it in my rewrite somehow cause WOW imagine that, the 100th disney princess teaching something very valuable for children of today!
Think of all the disabled kids that would've felt seen in this scene! Instead Dahlia's disability is more of an after thought, and from what I've read, the way she walks doesn't even seem like she's disabled according to some crutch users.
"Also, Asha already had 7 friends, and we thought adding another one was too many"
I agree Mark, so here's a thought, make ONE OF THE 7 TEENS the apprentice that gets locked up in the dungeon, like Safi for example, and they find him by hearing him sneeze! There, suddenly the character whose only personality is sneezing get's something to do!
Magnifico breaking the wishes of people "No one would miss" is actually a thing in my rewrite, I didn't explore it that much cause it wasn't that important, but I'm glad I also got that right
Star was more useful in this clip than he was in the whole movie
Not much to say about this one, hot take, but I'm actually glad this one was changed, sure I like Magnifico eating a bunch of the wishes to get more powerful, but personally I'm not a fan of him turning into a giant muscular monster, but I understand if you're into that.
Though, it's still a funny scene, it's silly yeah, but it's definitely entertaining, which is more than what I can say about the movie
Also Valentino is cute here
I like how Magnifico uses the wishes to shine a spotlight on Asha
This face, lmao
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The thing about this scene though is that... I can't imagine where they were going with this, like, then what? Magnifico climbs the tower to get star and Star manages to defeat him somehow? If so then yeah no wonder you deleted star for doing all the work for Asha, what's Asha supposed to do now that the king is all powerful???
Star saying "We just need one more ingredient" YALL MAKING A POTION??? This feels weird, a magical being making a potion... Wait hold up, I thought of this in this second, was the last ingredient Asha? Like she goes up there to warn them and it turns out she was what they needed to figure out how to defeat Magnifico?... Probably not but who we will never know.
Wish Worth Making
This made me CRY when I first watched it, like WOW Disney, are you TRYING to make this movie as soulless as possible???
This is such a powerful moment that would make us actually CARE about Sabino, feel what Asha feels, and it's a calm and beautiful moment in this movie that never stops to just BREATHE.
Can you imagine Magnifico showing up after THIS?? It would've been so scary because it was the calm before the storm.
Imagine him breaking not only Sakina's wish but also Sabino's lute!
If I was Sabino's voice actor I'd be pissed to find out they deleted my song but kept the chicken dance song... That was a thing.
Anyway, hope yall had fun with this little rant, let me know YOUR thoughts on these scenes too! See ya next time!
Thank You For Reading!
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talaricula · 1 year
I know this is a gay lawyer opinion and as such probably spectacularly biased but ever since ntn came out I have been going absolutely crazy about the reveal that Cassiopeia is a gay lawyer and that she was the one to, first, call Jod out for granting more importance to punishing billionaires than to saving the billions of other people on Earth, and to, second, plot for ten thousand years to betray him. Idk if tazmuir did it on purpose but this reveal hit me right in the fucking heart and is for some reason incredibly meaningful to me.
Other ppl have already pointed out that Jod picked his STEM buddies to be necromancers and the more humanities leaning people/very broadly service workers (not that I'm a big fan of cops or clergy but you catch my drift) as cavaliers. But what's interesting here is that Cassiopeia is the exception to that. She's a necromancer and she's a lawyer. Which speaks v interestingly to the position law holds in a lot of STEM ppl's minds - it's "tough" enough to kind of be honorary STEM. But, crucially, it is factually not STEM. It is factually, very obviously, humanities. Its whole point is analysing society and figuring out how we want to shape it. And STEM people forget that. Which means that Of Course it's the STEM ppl who forge ahead, doing things because they have the capacity to, and of course it's the lawyer who is the first to question whether they should do so, what the impact of that is on the actual world, whether there shouldn't be agreements and rules about this.
And look don't get me wrong, I don't have an idealised view of law. Law can be one of the most oppressive forces in our current society. People often uphold it for the sake of itself and not for the sake of what it can do for people, to make the world and people's lives better, and the consequences of that are, unquestionably, a net bad. But that's where the gay lawyer part comes in. I work in an office where over half of us are queer lawyers and there is something fundamentally delicate and "in the middle" about being gay and a lawyer. Law is often actively hostile to queer people, and most queer people who go into law go into it with the intent to change it (or its application, even on a very small scale) rather than to uphold it because they are aware of its unfairness and oppressiveness. But simultaneously you need to believe in law enough to believe that it can be a useful tool for change if you're going to devote your professional life to it, which is a relatively idealistic position to hold. In my experience, the consequence of that is that queer lawyers are often the most likely to be very critical and sceptical of law and agreements and systems and people in power, even the ones they're close to, because a significant part of their lives is led in the midst of, very close to, or at least in a state of constant hyper awareness, of a system that is hostile to them for being queer.
Which is why it is so crucial that Cassiopeia is a Gay Lawyer. Of course she is the one who realises that the new rules and agreements implemented by her friend who suddenly finds himself with incredible power are detrimental to society as a whole. Of course she's the one who sees the inconsistencies between what he says he wants to achieve and what he's de facto working towards. Of course she's the one who calls him out for it. Being in close contact with both the rules and the people who makes them or enforce them isn't new to her, and analysing them is literally her job. He made a contract with his friends and with the world and he's not upholding it. Of course she's the one who takes issue.
Cassiopeia has to be radical enough to actively support Jod's cause at the beginning and traditionalist enough to see when he's going overboard and then again radical enough to call him out for it and build her own revolution. Cassiopeia has to be idealistic enough to believe a better world is possible and sceptical enough to realise when the new world they're building is emphatically not better and then idealistic enough again to believe it is possible to change it again, not back but forward, to something even newer. Cassiopeia has to be radical enough to spend thousands of years fomenting a rebellion against Jod and also traditionalist enough and enough of a Fucking Nerd to decide that the best and most efficient way to do that is to turn her House into a Rebellion University over that time period instead of, idk, anything a normal Rebel Against The Established Order would do. Of fucking course she's a gay lawyer.
Last point and then I'll shut up but equally crucial to this is that Nigella, her wife and cavalier, is AN ARTIST. The biggest cliché of "useless humanities", the person STEM looks at and thinks "I mean sure, fun enough, but ultimately a luxury at best and a waste of money and resources at worst". Because part of the divide within the field of law wrt what law means for society (is law a tool for society as it is or as it should be) is very much informed by how you look at society, of course, and while part of that outlook is informed by personal identity and experiences (ie the gay thing), another part is informed by the experiences and views of the people you surround yourself with. And Cassiopeia who loves an artist, Cassiopeia who strongly believes in the value of art for society, Cassiopeia who admires her lover for the way she studies and represents and transforms society through her art? That's so relevant to her specific brand of gay lawyer. That's the same Cassiopeia who's enough of an active idealist to side with Jod in an active rebellion against the agents of climate change at first, to stress the importance of helping innocents over punishing the guilty second, and to, finally, try to organise a revolution which, if I am interpreting all the care she takes with the Sixth correctly, prioritises helping the people Jod fucked over over punishing Jod.
TL;DR: Of course Cassiopeia is a gay lawyer and I love her, your honour.
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 2
more observations today for ya? this time both signs and aspects. 🦊 
Should I call it the Aquarius post? 🤔 I mentioned Aquarius too many times, sorry I relate too hard, bear with me. 
Highlights: aquarius, MC, IC, sun, virgo, capricorn, gemini, sagittarius, jupiter, mercury, moon, scorpio, aries, uranus
🦋 Aquarius placements especially sun, moon, mercury, mars, MC and ascendant are PROS at ignoring your texts until they want to answer. It's like they either consciously ignore your text to rebel against what others expect them to do and do exactly what they want at that time, or unconsciously rebel in the same way desiring complete "freedom". My bestie is aquarius sun and I'm aquarius MC, we answer each other's texts days or weeks later and are okay with it 💀 oh, the answer is also too irrelevant it makes you want to throw your phone at a wall yay 😻
🦋 Fire moon + fire/air mars and anger issues 🤝
🦋 Virgo moons, you had a critical mom or parental figure, you internalized her voice, you criticize without knowing. Your words can make someone self conscious even if you think it's innocent judgment 🥺 Your words can also make some's day because you are trusted! (applies to gemini moons and mercury too). Don’t take it for granted. Until you know how to use your judgment for good, with balance and kindness you become the warmest most looked up to friend.
🦋 Capricorn moons are such complex individuals, their trauma is unique to them, they can endure and have endured a LOT. They are extremely caring or deadly careless no in between. Keeping it professional is what they're good at. Each one I met is so much different than the other, they have similar but different stories, but they all have this grounded energy that can make them even seem heavy energetically. Once evolved, they can be the wisest people to talk to.
🦋 Aquarius MC individuals might have been too emotionally attached to their family at a young age, especially their mom (with leo 4th). They had so much passion and love for their mom and realized it wasn't equally reciprocated, they were manipulated (hits home). They also might have been jealous and needed the love and attention all on them, but they dgaf anymore. 😎 At a certain age, their family broke their trust and they became completely detached. They learned to be emotionally secure and set strong boundaries with people which shocked everyone. They stopped giving energy to their family or anyone else. They ran out of f*cks to give so soon.
🦋 Aquarius MC/IC they were and always will be seen as weird and different from their family and everyone else (hell I'm seen as controversial and questionable even when I sit still and do nothing). love that.
🦋 Also if you have Aquarius MC, IC or Ascendant check when saturn transits 4th or 10th or aspects the nodes/mc. This indicates the end of karmic cycles with your family related to your self concept and self expression. You will have a chance to break cycles and be more individualistic. It may be painful but hold on. 🥺
🦋 Gemini and Virgo ascendants can be introverted or extroverted, mostly introverted, unless they have planets in the 1st, much air or fire energy. They always have a way with words tho no matter what, and they always are nervous, their minds never shut down, they keep thinking and rethinking lol. These individuals break social norms, research and discuss topics much more profoundly than what has been done before. They have topics to talk about that were forgotten or not discussed enough.
🦋 Sagittarius moons and placements, feeling the need to laugh at the wrong, very wrong time. LOUD laughs . Laughs that make others stare with a look of concern. Making jokes when it's time to get serious. Repeating jokes as it gets more serious. Making more jokes when someone tells them to stop. Laughs at people not laughing at their jokes. Laughs at their own joke before they say it. plz I admire. 
🦋 Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Scorpio mercuries intrigue me the most, they got something impressive about them, the way they talk and their words are powerful, can equally be destructive and toxic. People can take them the wrong way. What they have to say should be heard period. Watch your speech if you have these signs, you don’t want to hurt people or yourself.
🦋 Now I don’t like to talk about how Scorpio and Aries mars are seen as "sexy" because it's been said trillions of times (even tho I like to read them because I'm a scorpio mars 💀). But hear me out, the most prominent thing about all scorpio mars individuals is that they like to move in complete silence, like they don't exist, like you will never catch them. Every decision they take in life is private, because that's the only way they can shock you with their big success and revenge on all people that didn't believe in them. They want to keep you guessing and never give you answers but will show actions and accomplishments only. Their biggest dream is to come out on top once everyone has forgotten about them (or not), but to see your jaw droppin is their wet dream loool.  
🦋 Mercury conjunct Uranus? and all aspects for that matter, but especially the conjunction. You cannot convince me that these individuals are not geniuses, no matter how dumb they act. Take care of your mind, it's something special gorg. Also your voice must be so unique, it stays on someone's mind and is so vivid when they think of you. 
🦋 Mercury conjunct Jupiter, the philosopher. You just like to talk about abstract and broad topics. Spiritualist at heart, rational to deny it often tho. You have sooo many interests it's insane. You are the jack of all trades. People expect you to know things? You come off as a know it all, even if you don't mean it (yea I have it I relate). You have lessons to learn and teach those around you especially about their concept of life and beliefs. Any compliment you give can mean a lot to people. Your positivity is infectious. 
🦋 Mercury aspecting Jupiter, especially conjunctions can give a lot of optimism, this applies to neptune positively aspecting chiron as well. I see it in charts of people that have heavy saturn, pluto or chiron energy, to balance the darkness, their ability to think positively is healing to them and others because likely other things are destroying them in life and they already have many wounds. Your optimism is not an illusion, it's a gift from the universe. Life gets better as you spiritually evolve. 
🦋 Moon opposite/square mercury, such a hard aspect. A constant mental and emotional conflict. You don't know whether to trust your thoughts or emotions. You don't know when you're trusting either. There is a direct and strong influence of thoughts on emotions. Now that means your thought can hurt you or elevate you so be careful. Especially at a young age your thoughts and others' thoughts have hurt you deeply, as you grow you learn how to balance it out, to not give a f*ck. The good thing about this aspect is that these people pick up on their thought patterns easily and have potential to manipulate their minds to their benefit. Mental health is important to these individuals. Don't let your mind run wild especially in a negative direction. It's also important to surround yourselves with positive people. Music might be important for you to process emotions. 
🦋 Conjunctions are far from being "neutral" aspects imo. They are powerful natural talents and gifts in perspective, confidence, expression and skills. These aspects are always positive, even to challenging planets, if they act negatively then there are likely other challenging aspects to the same planets, the native might have not learned yet how to work with this energy or hasn’t realized their potential. Conjunctions are the highest and strongest potential any two planets can reach. The planets don't become "one", they rather meet eye to eye, acknowledge their qualities fully and work out their differences beautifully which manifests in the form of talents and potential. Yes like all aspects they got their negatives too but their positives enormously surpass the negatives. Conjunctions are highly positive aspects, it's unfair to call them neutral.
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mirai-e-jump · 6 months
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Hero Vision Vol.43 (2012/Winter) ft. Kamen Rider OOO Cast Members Watanabe Shu & Miura Ryosuke Memorial Trip (translations below)
Publication: March 7, 2012
-Silent Relationship-
Miura: In the year and a half since I first met Shu, the more I got to know him, the more I liked him.
Watanabe: In what ways?
Miura: Shu's been an actor for 3 years, right? Just as anything can be mastered after 3 years, I think you're at the stage where you've established your "base."
Watanabe: During that time, I was able to work on "Kamen Rider OOO," something I had always dreamed of doing, and, I was also able to meet Ryon-kun
Miura: Shu was grateful for everything and didn't take anything for granted, so he was able to establish a proper base. It's become his strength, and now he can go anywhere and do anything. If we want to learn from our mistakes, we make them, if we want to succeed, we make it happen. He's only 20 years old, so he's got alot of potential. I've been an actor for 10 years, and I'm at the point where I'm thinking, "What should I be doing from now on?" There are many people who say that if you can't do something, you're not allowed to do it. At the 10 year turning point, I was able to be apart of OOO, a work that I could really devote myself to. I realized that because I had the opportunity to meet Shu, who had so much potential, I had the chance to reflect on myself.
Watanabe: I've noticed alot of things from Ryon-kun too. Ryon-kun must've been thinking alot about how to make Ankh a "beloved monster," and how to express "Ryosuke Miura" himself in his photobooks. Never wasting any energy or time. The clothes, makeup, facial expressions, and movements all convey the desire to create a theme or concept, and then accomplishing it. That's why I used to get so angry during the filming of OOO. Especially when the makeup artist didn't arrive at the right time or there was a delay on set.
Miura: There were many times when I'd "freeze" the scene with a single word I said…..But, that was because I thought, "This isn't the way work should be done," or "This isn't the way the workplace should be."
Watanabe: Yeah, I want to learn from Ryon-kun's professionalism. That's how I was taught to be aware in the field, with a straight forward attitude to straighten things out. Ryon-kun has his own principles, and he wants to make sure that they're properly carried out, right?
Miura: I don't like being taken advantage of like I used to. I don't want people to think, "This is good enough for a young actor." Shu and I would never suck up to someone in a higher position. That's not what we're about, we want to make ourselves recognized by growing on the set. That's why I didn't have any unnecessary conversations with Shu or anyone else before a real take. Being an actor is job where you have to keep fighting with yourself, and there are many times where you'll feel lonely. There are some sites where the cast members act casual in order to make up for it, but I don't like that.
Watanabe: When Ryon-kun was on standby, there was a sense of tension that spread through the set. I could hear him quietly saying, "No more playing around." It was then that I realized, "This isn't the place to be screwing around," and I think the rest of the cast and staff felt the same way.
Miura: Everyone in OOO was able to perform with a high level of professionalism. If someone as talkative as Shu was on the scene without thinking, I feel like he would've caused too much trouble.
Watanabe: The reason that didn't happen was because of Ryon-kun. He led us through his actions. I did many things to Ryon-kun though. Things like the "Cola Incident."
Miura: You're going to bring this up again?! (laughs)
Watanabe: While on location for filming of the second half, Ryon-kun said he, "Wanted to drink some cola", so I told him, "I'll buy some for you," but I couldn't find a vending machine. While on the location bus eating my boxed lunch and thinking, "I'll take care of it later," Ryon-kun came to me and said, "Why are you eating food instead of buying me a cola?" You were just messing around, but you were still angry, right?
Miura: I just wanted to eat together with you.
Watanabe: It didn't feel like that (laughs). It wasn't just the cola, you were frustrated by alot of other things, right? I tried to lighten the mood by saying, "Why don't you have lunch?," I was able to buy a cola on location after filming, so I left it on Ryon-kun's seat.
Miura: When Eitoku-san (Suit Actor who played Ankh) told me, "It's from Shu-kun," I remember being really happy. Doing things like that, Shu always fills the space in my heart.
-On an adventure together-
Miura: Since OOO is over, I think we should go on more adventures.
Watanabe: Adventures?
Miura: To use a styling analogy, Shu often says, "Ryon-kun, what are you going to wear today? What should I do?" But, it doesn't matter what I answer. I know that you're always looking for the answer that's inside of you. I know this because I usually have an answer in my mind, even though you ask for opinions from others.
Watanabe: That's right. I'm impatient and want to know the answer right away, so I'll ask, "What do you mean?," and sometimes I'll say, "That's what it means, right?," responding before the other person can answer.
Miura: When it comes to clothing, Shu would say, "This isn't my style, so I won't wear it." I used to think, "I can't do this," but wearing different clothes changes you, and sometimes you like them even better. I've come to believe that these things are like anything else.
Watanabe: It's easy to understand if you compare it with clothes. Ryon-kun's visual sense of adventure is incredible. Are you still exploring things? Or have you decided that this is your style?
Miura: I don't decide. It's not that I think, "I'm the one who wears leopard print," I just think, "I'm the coolest" or "I'm definitely cuter than other people." Coolness and cuteness differs depending on the person, but I want to do everything I can and can only do now, fully utilizing both my own ideals and the appeal of the Ryosuke Miura that others desire.
Watanabe: Hmmm~ (is impressed). When I saw Ryon-kun's paisley patterned setup with a blue background, I thought, "So cute!~" (From Miura-kun's blog, February 20, 2011). When I saw it, I thought, "People can do so many things!" But since it's Ryon-kun, it'll probably take some time before I can pull it off myself~.
Miura: Wanna do it? (laughs). You've got an adventurous spirit.
Watanabe: Ryon-kun is slim, so he looks good in both cool and cute styles.
Miura: I used to avoid leather jackets because they didn't fit my body type, but after I was allowed to wear a biker's jacket as part of Ankh's costume, I began to think, "They're cool." Then I started to wear them in my private life, and now I wear them alot. You should try wearing them too.
Watanabe: Isn't it boring to settle on an idea?
Miura: No matter what Shu wears or what he does, he's still Shu. But it's definitely fun to be particular. Now, let's try wearing skinny jeans in our private lives.
Watanabe: Can I really wear them~?
Miura:: It doesn't matter if the zipper doesn't close. Just think that skinny is the only thing in this world!
Watanabe: That's an interesting concept! (laughs).
-We want to be "special" to each other-
Watanabe: In contrast to his fashion, Ryon-kun keeps his own problems to himself.
Miura: I just don't tell Shu about them.
Watanabe: What?! I should be the first one you tell!
Miura: Shu doesn't listen to other people. When he speaks, he looks the other person in the eye and leans forward, but when the other person begins to speak, he lowers his tone and says, "Hmm, hmm…."
Watanabe: My goal this year will be to listen!
Miura: Shu wants to be the center of attention. It's cute how visibly flustered he gets when someone other than himself is being focused on (laughs).
Watanabe: I don't like it when Ryon-kun hangs out with someone else, talks to someone else without me, or talks about something I don't understand even though we're together. I think, "What? Is Ryon-kun that type of person?," it's similar to the jealousy of accusing someone of cheating.
Miura: !!! (he burst out laughing). It's fine when he interrupts the conversation or tries to compete with me by saying, "I'm better than you," but it's a problem when he stays quiet. Shu doesn't talk when he's angry. When I say something, I have to say it all…..
Watanabe: That anger may be because he thought of me, or it may be about something that isn't negotiable at work. While I was happy, I was also worried about Ryon-kun himself.
Miura: At times like that, he'd ask, "Ryon-kun, what's wrong?" Whenever he's in a bad mood, I always try to calm him down, and I'm lucky if I also don't get stuck in a bad mood.
Watanabe: I overdid it sometimes (laughs). However, many things happened during our time together. I had alot of happy times and alot of frustrating times. I don't want to talk about it because it might distort my position and my feelings about the show……but, I thought it was great that Ankh was loved by so many people.
Miura: I think so too. Every time I saw Shu acting brave as the main character, and seeing him being loved by the staff, I thought it was something I couldn't do. Humans are always begging for something they don't have. We have different positions and characters, so it's not like we want to change for the other person (bitter smile).
Watanabe: Thanks to that, I was able to become more attached to my role and love it even more. What may seem like a negative thing can end up improving each other. Because I'm like that, no matter how close Ryon-kun is to other actors in his private life, he always comes back to me in the end. I'm number one among Ryon-kun.
Miura: Where does that confidence come from?
Watanabe: It's my desire for it to be that way.
Miura: (laughs). It's true that Shu is special to me. I've been surrounded by older people since I was little. There are people who pampered me and people who took good care of me, but somehow I couldn't trust them enough, and I always thought, "I have to get my act together." Especially on set, there's no place to relax….
Watanabe: That's true….
Miura: But, Shu's special. Only Shu can be spoiled. Shu's the first one where I think I can do anything with this person. Whether it's a photo shoot or an event, when Shu says, "Ryon-kun, it's okay," I can trust him with everything. Shu changed me from my very core.
Watanabe: Ehhh? Am I spoiled?
Miura: Shu was given special treatment during the photo shoot, right? When we all went to a donut shop to celebrate the makeup artist's birthday, I only bought grape juice for Shu (laughs).
Watanabe: That's right! I was the only one! (is happy).
Miura: I remember things like that every now and then. "We were together every day when we co starred together, so now it's fine if we don't see each other for a few months," I don't know why I ever said that……
Watanabe: Did you realize how much I meant to you after you left? Perhaps you got stuck in the "Watanabe Spiral?"
Miura: What does that mean?! (laughs).
Watanabe: It's the same for me. When I entered the set of OOO, I realized how blessed I was to be there. I felt like everyone loved me so much. At such times, I want to meet Ryon-kun and to confirm that, "I'm not alone."
Miura: Ahahaha!! (he bursts out laughing).
Watanabe: Well, after all, it's lonely, and we have to say "bye bye" now that we've finished filming.
Miura: I thought it was fine up until now, but I want to continue working with Shu and the others…..But, Shu doesn't think I'm special. To Shu, everyone is special.
Watanabe: What are you talking about?! Ryon-kun is the only one who keeps in touch with me this much.
Miura: I don't contact you as much as you say.
Watanabe: Is this because of the "email incident?"
Miura: When we first met, I said, "I don't feel comfortable messaging men."
Watanabe: I don't even message my friends to say, "See you tomorrow." The only emails I send are things like reminding my parents to send me contact lenses, or business matters like saying "I understand" to my manager (laughs). And yet, even though I send them to Ryon-kun myself, I can't?
Miura: You attach heart marks too.
Watanabe: That's right. Because you're really special to me.
Miura: I see (is satisfied). I'm a person who wants "Love" to exist in everything, including people, things, and work. I expect the same from others, can be jealous, and am abit troublesome.
Watanabe: Really? What if I want love too?
Miura: Then we're the same (is satisfied again).
Watanabe: I also rely on Ryon-kun. If I'm at a loss for materials at an event, if I'm talking too much, or if I feel like I'm going to make things worse, I'll say, "Hey, Ryon-kun?" and wave at him. When Ryon-kun replies, "Yeah?" or "What is it~," I respond with, "Miura-san, can I ask you something?," and then we end it with a joke.
Miura: Ah, that interaction, it really saved you (laughs). I'm glad~.
-The complete opposite path-
Miura: I feel at ease knowing that I'll be able to meet Shu again in the future, whether it's for interviews or at someone's birthday party. But, I'd like to keep in touch with Shu more easily. Even if it's, "I'm hungry, let's get something to eat even though we only have an hour."
Watanabe: Let's do it, let's do it!
Miura: And yet, for some reason, Shu can't do that……
Watanabe: Me being underage was probably a big part of it, huh? I also found myself wanting to meet Ryon-kun. Well, I already told you today, I'll change our relationship.
Miura: Please, by all means.
Watanabe: But, I'm short of money, and lately I've been eating alot of foods with a combination of bean sprouts (laughs). I don't like it when Ryon-kun takes care of me.
Miura: It'd be fun to have a "tasty bean sprout eating contest" at Shu's house.
Watanabe: Sounds good! I'm the best when it comes to bean sprouts, right?
Miura: Save some for me (laughs). Even if you say, "I can't do it because I don't have enough money," I'll say, "Okay, let's do it next time," or "It's okay, let's go together." Shu is serious about things like this. He seems to live freely, but he always tightens up where he needs to. It was the same with OOO.
Watanabe: That's because, as much as I was happy to be able to appear in a production that I admired, I also felt anxious and pressured. When it came to my acting, my responsibilities as the lead role, and communicating with Ryon-kun and the others…..I had alot of worries. When I saw Ryon-kun worrying, I had an optimistic attitude and said, "That's not something to worry about, right?," and it was because I didn't want to show everyone that I myself was worried and depressed.
Miura: Ah…I see…..
Watanabe: For me, I wanted to be everyone's "sunshine" on set. I felt that it was required of me, and I really wanted to make my dreams come true in a better way by being that way. That's why I wanted to challenge myself to do things that were beyond my capacity.
Miura: You overdid things.
Watanabe: I feel so too. There were times when I held in what I wanted to say because I didn't want to get into a fight with Ryon-kun. I instinctively avoided him because I was afraid that if my relationship with Ryon-kun deteriorated, it would become even more difficult to stand firm.
Miura: Why can we talk like this now?
Watanabe: I guess it's because I started seeing things from a different perspective. Just because I talked to someone about my troubles doesn't mean that the tension on set goes down. I don't think I needed to hold myself back so much, and I probably should have talked to Ryon-kun about it. I had too many assumptions about how things should be.
Miura: But, everyone was at ease saying, "Shu-kun doesn't change every day," and they respected Shu for that. This work was possible only because Shu was able to suppress his "insecurity" and "impossibility" and stand firm. By letting me out, the both of us survived together.
Watanabe: I see……We were complete opposites, but we faced the same direction as well.
Miura: That's why my feelings for Shu are actually very simple. At first I was surprised and thought, "Such a person exists!," then I thought, "He's amazing," "He's wonderful," and "I love him." I'm so grateful for him.
Watanabe: It feel the same. For me, this year and a half was because of Ryon-kun.
Miura: Now that our environments are changing, I think it's okay to feel down and talk to others when things get tough. You may run into conflicts when you ask for someone's opinion, and they may not tell you how to solve them, but it is much better than worrying about them alone. I don't want to run into the same problems again, so I think about them until the very last moment, and if it still doesn't work, I vent about it to someone else.
Watanabe: I see…..that sounds fine. Ryon-kun will listen to me now, right?
Miura: Of course, go ahead.
Watanabe: Thank you. Hah~……Today was the first time I've heard or talked about many things. I didn't have as much time as I thought I did while we were performing together (bitter smile). I think there are still alot of things I haven't talked about with Ryon-kun.
Miura: Let's talk whenever you want. It's sad to see the show end, but it was a year and a half of many encounters. I'm very happy that the people who came to know us through these encounters are supporting both of us together. I hope everyone will continue to watch over and support us as husband and wife for many years to come.
Watanabe: (laughs). It's been over a year and a half since me and Ryon-kun became a pair….I believe that together we were able to bring dreams and smiles to many people. We want you to support us forever, and let's grow even more so that we can live up to that.
Miura: Right!
Japanese Alphabet with Shu and Ryosuke (+ other page details)
Go to Hakone (page 65)
A: "The moment I'm in love" (Ai o kanjiru toki)
Shu: It's constant……Like the other day, when Ryon-kun gave me the bracelet that he'd been wearing for such a long time. Why'd you do that?
Ryosuke: I've been wearing it for many years now, and I wanted someone I cherish to have something that I cared about. I wonder if Shu writes about me on his blog or talks about me at events.
Shu: I wrote about Ryon-kun in my first blog of the year!
E: "The important part" (Erai tokoro)
Shu: It's strange for me to say this, but he's extremely professional. However, when he messes up, he really messes up.
Ryosuke: The organizers do a better job (laughs).
Shu: I was the organizer of my 20th birthday party and the New Year's party during OOO (laughs). Because it was a party with Ryon-kun and the others, I took the initiative.
Ryosuke: Everyone gets together because it's Shu, and even if they can't make it, they'll definitely let him know.
I: "Want to hold an event?" (Ibento o yarunara)
Ryosuke: A comedy act. At the request of one of my fans at a live event, they said I should be the funny man and Shu should be the straight man (laughs).
Shu: I like singing with Ryon-kun, so it'd be a concert.
O: "What happens when you're mad?" (Okoruto dounaru)
Shu: Ryon-kun stops talking to me and drags me through the day. He's never honest, even if he's sorry during the middle of the day, he won't talk to me until the next day.
Ryosuke: Shu is more flustered than mad. He always wants to be the center of attention, so when I'm talking to someone else, he wants to get between us (laughs).
U: "The jealous part" (Urayamashii tokoro)
Shu: Your visuals and the way you present yourself to the media. The way that you know what's expected of you and can express it.
Ryosuke: That you're full of potential. _
Arrives in Hakone Yumoto (page 66)
(top right) "Although the Romancecar (express train) had some trouble and had to stop at Odawara, it arrived safely at Hakone Yumoto without incident! "We have to take a picture that we've arrived!," and Watanabe-kun and Miura-kun went together to stand in front of the signboard."
KU: "A frustrated heart" (Kuyashii kokoro)
Ryosuke: There are alot of things. He bought an iPhone before I did, he built the cool and stylish house he lives in now, and he's a really strong drinker (laughs).
Shu: His fashion sense. Even if it's a single bag, it's an expensive high brand item!
KE: "Your ideal marriage partner" (Kekkon aite ni osusume ha)
Ryosuke: Definitely Shu. I think he'd be a good dad. He'd take us to various places to have fun, find amazing things for us to do during Summer vacation, and make delicious food to eat.
Shu: Definitely Ryon-kun. He can cook and do housework like a wife. Just being together with him is healing.
KO: "Love" (Koi)
Shu: When it comes to love, I want an answer immediately, so all I want to know is, "I like you or I don't like you." I don't think I could play around.
Ryosuke: I can't do it either. And I'm pretty jealous, so I'm sure I'll weigh them down.
Shu: There are some people who feel more loved the more they're bound!
Ryosuke: I guess so…..I wonder if it has to do with compatibility….
KA: "The cute parts" (Kawaii tokoro)
Ryosuke: His smile and dimples!
Shu: He's surprisingly innocent. I'm the same way, but when he's moved by something, he becomes all, "Uwa~ah!! (with sparkling eyes)"
KI: "Areas of concern" (Ki ni naru tokoro)
Shu: Sometimes, at our events, we'd speak using a fake Kansai dialect (laughs). Saying things like, "Why's that?" and "Is that so?"
Ryosuke: Even though neither of us are from the Kansai region (laughs).
Shu: It did make me feel closer to the guests though. _
Hatsuhana (page 67)
(top center) "When walking in front of Hakone Yumoto Station,"
Shu: Is that the soba shop? Right over there?
Ryosuke: It says "Inn" (laughs).
"Within a 5 minute walk, Watanabe-kun discovers multiple phantom soba shops."
SA: "The surprising thing" (Sapuraizu na koto)
Shu: I'll say it here. I got a Bluray recorder from Ryon-kun as a present for my 20th birthday!
Ryosuke: It's too late to say it! People think I didn't give it to you (laughs).
Shu: I missed the opportunity. So here it is now.
Ryosuke: In a good way, my impression of Shu hasn't changed since I met him. Also, I was really surprised at how well he eats (laughs).
SHI: "Horror story" (Shippaidan)
Shu: I don't mean to offend, but I often end up hurting people with my words…..
Ryosuke: If it were me who had done it, I wouldn't think, "That's terrible"….(laughs).
SU: "My favorite part" (Sukina tokoro)
Shu: There are alot of things, but if I had to pick one, I'd be that he's devoted to me.
Ryosuke: The part where he's always pulling me along, whether it's out of excitement or just to talk.
SE: "World view" (Sekaikan)
Shu: Recently, when we're together, we sometimes spend quiet time together.
Ryosuke: During the stage greeting for the film, "Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO: Movie War Mega Max," when I saw Shu sitting at the very back of the location bus, silently admiring the scenery outside the window, I thought to myself, "He's become more sexy since turning 20" (laughs).
Shu: I was probably just trying to appear cool (laughs).
SO: "When you need me by your side" (Soba ni ite hoshii toki)
Ryosuke: Now that Kamen Rider OOO is over, I hate that I'm not next to you.
Shu: I currently feel the same way. I've never been loved so much on a set, so I want to meet up with him once in awhile and spoil him, and I want to confirm that, "Ah, I have friends, and I can do my best going towards tomorrow."
TO: "Times where I make him feel special" (Tokubetsuda to omou toki)
Ryosuke: Always. In front of the other OOO members, I've always shown that, "Shu is the best."
Shu: I rarely send emails outside of business, but I only send emails with hearts attached to Ryon-kun.
TE: "The appropriate part" (Tekitona tokoro)
Shu: When I'm messing around. Sometimes I respond with, "I'm too busy to bother you" (laughs).
Ryosuke: Shu basically relaxes when he doesn't have to do something for himself or others (laughs).
TSU: "The cold (hearted) part" (Tsumetai tokoro)
Ryosuke: It wasn't towards me, but Shu's face was cold during a pre event meeting with the MC. I immediately asked, "What's this all about?," as it was a face you don't want to show to the visitors.
Shu: When I talked to Ryon-kun after the "Cola Incident", usually he'd laugh and say, "I see~," but he instead responded with, "No, I don't understand" in a cold way……It was scary.
CHI: "The part that's different" (Chigau tokoro)
Shu: Our personalities are the exact opposite. We're like the S and N on a magnet, so we fit together perfectly and can't be separated.
Ryosuke: Yeah, I'm interested because we're different, and I like seeing how things play out.
Shu: We look completely different too! A Japanese face and a Western face!
TA: "Fun memories" (Tanoshi katta omoide)
Ryosuke: During filming for OOO, we had our first date in Ueno! (May 22, 2011)
Shu: After filming, we went to Fuji Q Highland (interview done by Tokyo News Mook: Good Come, November 16 issue). But, you know, I always enjoyed those moments when we had off time, whether it was having a meal during a break or just sitting on the location bus. _
In the Corridor (page 68-69)
NA: "What would you name it?" (Namae wo tsukerunara?)
Shu: E&A, since it's Eiji & Ankh….."EA!" (pronounced ia = ear)
Ryosuke: Hey, are you sure that's okay? (giving a dirty look).
Shu: Eh~? (unhappy). Then, what about Miura-san?
Ryosuke: I want to be on "Team (blank)"
Shu: Since it's the year of the Dragon, how about "Ryuseikai?"
Ryosuke: Sounds good! Our goal is also to get more male fans, so it doesn't matter how grand it is!
NU: "The part I want to leave out" (Nukitai tokoro)
Shu: Dance! And also, professionalism!
Ryosuke: I have none. In the first place, I can't beat Shu, so I have no desire to lose to Shu, or to destroy Shu.
NI: "Similar parts" (Ni teru tokoro)
Ryosuke: That we value our family. Shu loves his family too, doesn't he?
Shu: Yeah, I love them. The similarity with Ryon-kun is……(thinking hard)……I can't think of any! I always see him as my complete opposite.
NE: "Sleeping face" (Negao)
Shu: Ryon-kun's sleeping face is beautiful.
Ryosuke: Shu's is cute. He's like a baby. He must feel comfortable, because he drools down to his collarbone (laughs).
Shu: That's how "Lake Watanabe" will be created.
Ryosuke: That's so gross! (he bursts out laughing).
NO: "Drinking" (Nomi)
Ryosuke: I want to drink at a kushikatsu (skewer) restaurant or some place with a counter.
Shu: I'd rather go to a dirty restaurant than a fancy one and share my true feelings with him. _
Hakone Glass Forest Art Museum (page 70)
HA: "Embarrassing things" (Hazukashii koto)
Ryosuke: I didn't want anyone to see the moments where I went into water, stood on high places, or anything I don't like, but I showed them all to Shu during the filming of OOO. I have nothing left to hide from Shu.
Shu: I'm lazy at home. I watch TV with just a towel wrapped around me after a bath, and my laundry is sometimes left in the washing machine, where it becomes stiff and crumpled…..
HI: "Secrets" (Himitsu)
Ryosuke: There's none. We're generally talkative, and when Shu acts stranger than usual, I get curious and ask what's up. Shu will often ask me, "Ryon-kun, did anything happen today?," so there are no secrets (laughs).
Shu: I have none either!
FU: "Dissatisfaction" (Fuman)
Ryosuke: When I'm having trouble with something I don't want to talk about, he asks me in front of everyone, "Ryon-kun, did something happen yesterday?" I'd like it to be just between the two of us.
Shu: Sometimes he says things that are impossible. Like, "Come to my concert in Osaka."
Ryosuke: Why's that? I'm requesting for Shu to show off his cute performance.
Shu: But, I also have plans…..
Ryosuke: I'll be in a bad mood if you don't come, okay?
Shu: Yeah, I'm not dissatisfied. This isn't dissatisfaction (laughs).
HE: "Disguise" (Hensou)
Ryosuke: I want to act cool like you always do.
Shu: Me too. I'm going to be cool like you always are.
Ryosuke: Can I pull it off?
Shu: Ryon-kun's coolness might be too difficult for me right now (laughs).
HO: "A serious moment" (Honki no shunkan)
Shu: The look in your eyes the moment you start your performance. It's completely different from usual.
Ryosuke: As expected, it's times during the performance.
(middle right) Fusing Experience "While wearing matching friendship bracelets, Miura-kun gave Watanabe-kun the handmade bracelet as a gift, and the two have a close relationship when it comes to accessories. They both made accessories by melting glass and presented them to each other."
Shu: Since it's the year of the Dragon, I think I'll choose something with a dragon motif for Ryon-kun~.
Ryosuke: Eh~? (unhappy).
Shu: No good? Well then, let's do something cute then.
Ryosuke: Hmmm, as I thought, Shu should get a "mask."
"And with that, they start with a complete showdown!"
(middle left) "They also created a gift for the readers."
Ryosuke: Don't move everything I just put down~ (laughs).
Shu: Ah, sorry.
"Watanabe-kun said, shifting the glass beads while curling, so we couldn't see the finished product."
Shu: The one I placed (a glass bead in the bottom center) doesn't make too much of an impression, huh? (laughs). Ryon-kun, please do something about it~
"In the end, Miura-kun arranged and completed it by hand."
(bottom left) Their collaborative "Heart Spoon" will be given away to 1 person!
(bottom middle) From Ryosuke to Shu: A mask necklace
From Shu to Ryosuke: A sparkling key holder _
Onsen (page 71)
MU: "Defenseless moments" (Mubobi na shunkan)
Ryosuke: The times when Shu is sleeping, right? (laughs). I personally think I'm flawless.
Shu: That's a lie~. He already said he's revealed alot of things to me.
Ryosuke: Hmmm, the truth is, the more I like someone, the more conscious I am about how I'm perceived. I just don't do it well with Shu (laughs).
Shu: Ah, I see!
MA: "Things I'm serious about" (Majimeda to omou tokoro)
Shu & Ryosuke: Things relatings to work.
MI: Miura Ryosuke
Shu: The kanji that make up bewitching, "Mysterious" and "Gorgeous," and even "Beautiful" suits him. His appearance, expressions, and everything about him is erotic and cool. Anyway, he's very sexy.
Ryosuke: Are you serious? That makes me happy! I think the eternal theme for me is to have "Love" in everything.
ME: "Meal" (Meshi)
Ryosuke: I'd like to pound real mochi using a mortar and pestle. I'll do the pounding and Shu will do the kneading. And, I want to try different flavors, like chocolate.
Shu: I want to have dinner at a fancy French restaurant in Ginza that costs 30,000 yen per person. I wonder what'll happen to us there.
Ryosuke: We'd probably panic? (laughs)
MO: "The popular parts" (Moteru tokoro)
Ryosuke: You have vitality, and the confidence to do so for whatever reason (laughs).
Shu: I think it's because I want to lead. I'm recommend by younger people (?). But, I'm not looked up to by people my age or those older than me……Ryon-kun is devoted. I can feel that he thinks of me as the center of his life.
Ryosuke: I still think that's heavy to say.
Shu: That's because there are some people in this world that want to be bound. _
Kiritani Hakoneso (page 72-73)
RU: "The parts of his looks that I like" (Rukkusu de sukina yo koro)
Shu: His small, well defined face and slim legs (he slaps Miura-kun's thighs). And, he has a flexible body.
Ryosuke: Actually I'm pretty stiff (his fingers can't reach the floor when he bends forward). I'm like Shu, I've got a firm face.
Shu: We both want things the other has.
RI: Request (Rikuesuto)
Shu: I want Ryon-kun to hurry up and invite me to his house!
Ryosuke: I don't want to because it's a mess right now. I'm planning to move, so wait until I'm in my new home.
Shu: Of course!
Ryosuke: My request would be to go out to eat a meal casually, not just for birthdays or New Year's parties, but also on days when there's nothing going on.
RA: "The lucky things" (Rakki na koto)
Ryosuke: After I met Shu, we started eating alot more food, and we started talking alot. I'm a much more positive person than before.
Shu: I learned alot about the rules of how things should be in the field and how things should be in this industry.
YO: "Weakness" (Yowami)
Ryosuke: It's no good to ignore Shu.
Shu: Loneliness and indifference are the worst. Ryon-kun is lonely too, isn't he?
Ryosuke: It's because I'm a Rabbit, as I was born in the year of the Rabbit.
Shu: I see, you're a Rabbit-chan~ (Does he even understand?)
YU: "How did you come up with your unit name?" (Yunitto mei o tsukerunara)
Shu: Ryosuke's R and Shu's S are taken to make "R&S." By the way, the "&" is taken away from "Earth." Earth also has it's meaning!
Ryosuke: I think it's nice to be big (laughs).
YA: "Being kind to me" (Yasashiku sa reta koto)
Ryosuke: Shu often asks, "Ryon-kun, are you eating your food properly? Are you hungry?" and "Ryon-kun, if there's any leftover, please give it to me."
Shu: In the end, it's my desires (laughs). When I call someone and they don't notice, Ryon-kun joins me and we call together.
Ryosuke: That?! (laughs)
Shu: It's too much that no one moves!
RE: "Means of contact" (Renraku shudan)
Shu: It's mainly emails. We send each other about the same amount. Ryon-kun often sends me messages when he's drunk, saying, "Shu-chan" or "To my beloved Shu."
Ryosuke: When I'm drunk and lonely, I want to meet Shu. It varies whether we respond to each other or not (laughs).
RO: "Lost (what they don't want to lose)" (Rosuto)
Shu: Our friendly relationship. The rest is my personality. As people often say, "I hope you don't change," and if there is a part of me that can support Ryon-kun now, I want to continue to do so.
Ryosuke: My job. I met Shu through work, and if it wasn't for this job, we might have never met.
WA: Watanabe Shu
Ryosuke: He's free…..the way I see it, he's not pretending about it.
Shu: I'm bright and positive. But, I may not be able to show my true self easily.
(bottom right) Since the Hero Vision release date was close to Miura-kun's 25th birthday (February 16th), Watanabe-kun gave him a surprise after dinner. Watanabe-kun was enthusiastically singing "Happy Birthday dear Ryon-kun~" (with a hint of euphoria), and Miura-kun was surprised and said, "Eh? Eh? You're kidding, right?" Miura-kun, with some tears in his eyes, said "Thank you," and Watanabe-kun gave him the biggest smile in return. _
Return to Tokyo (page 74)
(W)O: "The end" (Owari)
Shu: I heard that Hakone got the most snow this winter today. The snow must've been waiting for us to come. Maybe the snow said, "Ryon-kun, Shu-kun, why don't you come quickly? The scenery will be beautiful when it's all piled up."
Ryosuke: What's wrong with you? Saying such cute things (laughs).
Shu: It was alot of fun. The hot springs and the food were great, but I really enjoyed being with Ryon-kun! What about you Ryon-kun?
Ryosuke: It was fun. Since I was with Shu, I ate alot more food than usual (laughs). _
See You! (page 75)
N: "From now on" (Kore kara)
Shu: Next time, we'll climb Mt. Fuji, and at the top we'll shout, "Waaah~!"
Ryosuke: I want to climb it. But, it's said that you're risking your life.
Shu: Is that so? Well then, let's go fishing instead.
Ryosuke: Let's go to a river. I want to eat river fish.
Shu: Then let's go camping! Decide on sweets up to 300 yen.
Ryosuke: Then it's a field trip (laughs). I don't mind if we go to Korea and enjoy fancy gourmet food, or if I pick up some bamboo and go to Shu's house to have Nagashi Somen.
Shu: That's a wide range. Also, are you planning on leaving my house drenched? (laughs)
Ryosuke: Anywhere is fine if I'm with Shu.
Shu: Eh? (is happy)
Ryosuke: It'd be interesting to have an interview where we're just eating (laughs).
Shu: Then you can visit anytime! (laughs)
(*no Japanese word starts with the singular "N" character)
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genericpuff · 9 months
i've been finding lately that there are so many topics i still wanna talk about concerning LO and its development and they just don't happen because i get distracted or busy and my brain is like "ok we're just gonna pretend we've already talked about it even though we haven't" JFKDLSAJFDASKLFJSLKA
Let's talk about the Eisners and LO's recent 'win'.
I've already briefly mentioned in previous posts that LO has had a lot of its awards and accolades bought for it. This is especially true for both the NYT Bestseller label (seriously, none of those labels are ever earned, it's not some top 100 list that you compete on, it goes to whoever is willing to pay for it or whoever an editorial column wants to highlight) and, of course, the Eisner Award, which is not exactly an award judged by the industry's finest (the judges this year were made up of largely comic book shop owners and librarians).
But we're not here to talk about that. I wanna talk about what happened after LO won its second Eisner.
First off, the fact that it can be nominated at all when it doesn't even really fit the criteria for their submissions is sketchy at best:
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see: "new, professionally produced long-form original comics work posted online in 2022." LO is not 'new'. Sure, it has new episodes, but I don't think that really follows the spirit of what they meant by 'new'. The Eisner doesn't seem like an award that should be granted to the same series twice, is my point, and that's one of the many complaints brought up in the absolute dressing down that LO got in its announcement post on the Webtoons Official IG page.
Of course, you can see for yourself right here.
But for the sake of fun, let's share some of the excerpts here.
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(and yes I'm sharing a LOT of these because frankly I don't trust WT to not delete them in an attempt to hide all the shit that's being thrown at their precious "baby")
While names have been censored to protect the users involve, I will say one thing - this isn't some attempt from antiLO/ULO members to brigade the series' win, there are other comic creators in this discussion as well from the Canvas section who aren't pleased with seeing LO win another Eisner when there are multiple new series from this past year alone which deserve more attention than they're getting. Again, see for yourself if you click on the link above, the vast majority of comments on this post are expressing their disappointment and you can tell from how they've been sitting at the top while all the positive comments are being 'pushed' to the bottom - the like counts say it all.
All of this, paired with the fact that LO didn't win a SINGLE user-voted award during the Webtoonies, goes to show that the Webtoons audience is over LO. They're done with it. It's not relevant anymore, the only ones who still keep up with it are the stans and those holding on in the hopes that the story gets around to resolving the SA plotline and gets its TV show (which I've also mentioned has a real possibility of not happening, at least not now when it would count the most LMAO)
It still gets more likes than any other series on the platform (for now) but you can tell during its current hiatus that when LO is out of sight, it's out of people's minds - despite many of these episodes now being weeks old, their like counts aren't going up, no new readers are being pulled in. And the fact that a series with over 6 million subscribers can barely scratch 100k likes nowadays is... really something.
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And that's on its free to read episodes, it's FP episodes - where views count the most because it's where LO makes its money and initial views - aren't even a fraction of what the free episodes often take well over a week to gain at this point.
Episode 252:
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And the midseason finale, 253:
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Compare it to Down to Earth which gets 70k likes on average on its free episodes (though its current new FP is sitting at the 1k mark), is LO still bringing in higher numbers than other series? Yes. But it's clearly falling to a point where it's going to be on par with every other comic on the platform in no time. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like after it comes back from this poorly-timed hiatus, when all of its official fan groups have also been shuttered preventing people from staying in touch within their own fandom.
Awards like the Webtoonies are, while largely just for street cred, still audience-based, and I really hope the fact that the people have spoken not once, but twice through their engagement with the platform - both through the comment section on LO's Eisner win and the votes in favor of other series in the Webtoonies - will be a major wake-up call to WT that they can't keep trying the same things over and over again expecting different results. They can't keep stuffing money into LO as if advertising or awards are the reason LO isn't pulling in the numbers it used to. They can't keep pretending that LO still has the merit and credibility that it once had 5 years ago.
It's like that comparison from Super Eyepatch Wolf talking about why you shouldn't take advice on how to be "successful" from Youtubers who got famous 5+ years ago:
"Say you decide you want to become a carpenter, and particularly, how to build a nice chair. Think about the kind of person you'd want to learn that skill from. Would it be from someone who has built nice chairs every day for 20 years? Or would it be the guy who built one nice chair five years ago out of a special kind of wood that doesn't exist anymore, who has no experience with the kind of wood available to you now?"
LO is a byproduct of a version of Webtoons that no longer exists. It was fortunate enough to join the Canvas section when the Canvas section was still only lightly populated, before WT started trying to sell the idea that anyone could become "rich" on their platform (an idea largely perpetuated by creators LIKE RACHEL who only became big because WT threw all of their money at them), before Greek myth comics became commonplace (again, something that's a consequence of Rachel/Lore Olympus) and before the romance genre became largely filled with problematic "dark" romances (again, see Lore Olympus).
Do you see the pattern of what I'm talking about here? A lot of what Webtoons became known for was a byproduct of Lore Olympus and series like it, because those series did phenomenally well, due to being in the right place at the right time, so WT went "hey, cool, this makes us lots of money! Let's do more of that!" Obviously this isn't to say that Lore Olympus is the root of all evil here OR that it didn't have its own merit back in the day, but if you make a series that blows every other series out of the water in stats, it's only natural for a company to want to pursue more series and story tropes like it in the hopes that it'll replicate exactly what comics like LO did, completely misunderstanding why LO did well in the first place. At the time, LO's art was unique for the platform, and it was tackling a story that was extremely popular on platforms like Tumblr so it naturally gained a crowd.
But that was five years ago. Since then, the WT audience climate has changed dramatically, as it always does every few years; and LO and WT haven't kept up. We went through a phase of BL, isekai, and now WT seems to be in an odd limbo because it's still clinging to a series from three whole lifetimes ago, especially now with so many of its other signature series either finally ending (True Beauty) or walking away from the platform entirely (Let's Play).
At this point, Lore Olympus is a chair that was nice five years ago, but has since started to fall apart - its paint is chipping, and its legs don't stand up so well anymore - and WT is still trying to sell it you as the exact same chair - with cheap new paint and a few bits and bobs attached to try and convince you that the chair is new - but it's long past its prime. This isn't to say that the chair itself doesn't deserve to exist, just that it shouldn't be given so much proprietary advertising and attention when there are so many other works on the platform that deserve to be uplifted and seen.
LO was good for its era, it was successful for a reason, but we're halfway through 2023 and it's painfully obvious that the comic and the platform's audience is ready to move on to new territories. Webtoons just needs to learn to let go.
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meowgazing · 6 months
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sooooooo I finally made a wallet for myself based on this super helpful tutorial (her channel has taught me a lot and her voice is so soothing!), just changed the flower into pikachu (incase no one recognized what the hell is that) cause mind you I'm a pika enthusiast
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anyway, I think it's not 100% perfect, like the zipper part was so uneven (?) maybe because I pulled too hard, and stupid me got wrong side of the fabric (that's why it turned out 2 different shades) but I kinda like it that way, adding some forest vibe and looking FUN (hopefully)
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the card part is not as smooth as I would like it to be either and I'm too tired to fix it, AND THE BINDING omg hand binding curved corner is so fucking hard I need to practice more
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wrapped buttons are my shit so here I made my own version
I suppose most of troubles I got when quilting came from myself not learning things in any specific order, as I was always simply diving headfirst into whatever I felt like sewing at the time then picking up certain techniques and freestyling if I made silly mistakes.
I was doing it even before I began to take up quilting seriously (about a year ago), possibly because I was born to a professional tailor. I had grown up watching my mom sew and had intuitively picked up some basic hand sewing. That helps me a lot when I'm watching thousands of tutorials on youtube, like sometimes I immediately get what they're doing without having to look too hard into explanations, so I can just fast forward to parts I'm not familiar with. Even so, there is a lot to learn and, more importantly, unlearn. I'm still making silly mistakes, but I'm having lot of FUN.
Doing all this also makes me realize what an ARTIST my mom is and how I have taken her talent for granted my whole life.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 7 months
Lost and Found ♧| 2.
Leon S. Kennedy x reader (ft. my girl Ash)
A/N: This... this took me so long lmao I rewrote it like five times. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, though! I don't really write slow burn, so this might suck. I wanna apologize for how fucking wonky the events of Part one are???? They're all out of order lmao anyway, Enjoy!
~Fi 🪻
Warnings: swearing, reader is an idiot (lovingly, of course), mention of a small injury, sucky slow burn
Word count: 2.7k
Check out part one here!
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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It had been a couple of months since Spain happened. Your life has definitely... changed. Both good and bad. You were plagued by nightmares frequently, instinctively grasping your arm every time you shot awake. A faint, pink scar had formed where the gash once sat. Tracing it absent mindedly was a common occurrence ever since the first dream. You'd stare at the blank wall in your living room, gently caressing it.
That mission took a toll on you, so you were granted a few months off to work through your night terrors and process everything. Ashley had been a great help with that. She made sure you hung out at least once a week and always stayed in contact, calling you and you calling her. The events of Spain didn't leave Ashley without any struggles either. But, she had assured you that she was save, protected at all times and getting support from professionals. Talking to her, about Spain or anything really, helped you get out of the hole you were in.
She was your best friend. Whether or not she knew it, she really was. You didn't really have friends. Not since Raccoon City. You stayed inside your dull little home the last few years, working a boring office job for the government. Your only friend had been Dave, a middle-aged man who worked in the security department. So you rotted away for years, mourning your past life. Your past you.
Honestly, you have no idea how you ended up as a special agent in the first place. Your police background increased your chances at scoring the position, but you didn't really have much experience. When you were offered the 'promotion', you didn't think too much of it. Couldn't be that hard, could it? You'd survived Raccoon City after all.
You were so wrong. You basically traded the mediocre lunch breaks you had with Dave, with running for your life from Zombies. Bad fucking trade. And the worst part, your officials didn't give a shit. They just wanted this to be dealt with as discretely as possible. End of the story, they underestimated how big this whole thing actually was, and now you were the one left with the shitty consequences. But you had Ashley! And Leon, of course, but that was a little more complicated.
You still hadn't gotten around to the promise of getting drinks together. He was going away on missions all the time, so although you kept in touch no matter what, he wasn't there. You thought, after some excruciating years, you had found your best friend again. Your person. And you did, but he was so close yet so out of reach. You couldn't take it anymore. You lost 7 whole years with him, and you finally had him back, but he was still gone.
"I don't know what to do, Ash." You sighed, playing with your shirt while you held the phone to your ear.
"Well, have you told him that? I'm sure he wants to spend more time with you too, but you need to tell him that!" She urged. Biting your lip, you hestitated.
"I just... he was my best friend. We did everything together, and now.. I know that it's him but I don't recognize him. He's.. different now. I thought he didn't change, but.. he did. That scares me. What scares me even more is the fact that he's always on my mind, I can't seem to function without him here. I only think about him. 24/7." You mumbled into the phone.
"Sounds a whole lot like you're in love with him."
"I- what? No! I mean, of course I love him, he's my best friend, but that's it. He's just my friend and you can love your friends, right? Like, everyone does, it's not something odd or anything." you rambled.
Sure, your heart lit a flame every time he smiled, and the sound of his laugh was heaven. His dumb jokes never failed to put a smile on your face but that's just how friends are. Yes. Totally. Friends feel like that. Just some regular friendly feelings.
"You're so oblivious! That's NOT how friends feel about eachother. Like ever. I've seen the way you look at him!" She argued. "What look? I don't look at him differently... do I?"
"Yes, you do. Everytime he's near you, that lovesick smile on your face kinda gives it away. Or the blush when he asks if you're okay. Not to mention how you panic when he gets hurt. Just admit it!" Ashley whined.
"I'm not in love with him, Ashley! He's my best friend, that's it!" You argued. She groaned into the phone. "I can't believe you're so smart yet so stupid." She said, clearly annoyed. "Rude." you mumbled.
"I have to go now, Miss Denial. Seriously though, you're not doing yourself a favor by denying your feelings." She said softly. You rolled your eyes and huffed.
"Would it make you feel better if I told you I'll think about it?"
"Definitely. Love you!" She beamed.
"Love you too." You chuckled as she hung up. Maybe you would think about it. If not for yourself, then for her. She was right about suppressing your feelings but about you being in love with Leon... you weren't sure.
Eh, that was a problem for the future you. For now, all you wanted to do was enjoy some drinks with him.
Your teeth gnawed at your lip, trying to decided how to go about this situation. Do you call Leon now? Tomorrow, maybe? Should you call him at all? You hadn't talked to eachother in a while... would it be awkward? Before you can lend any more attention to those thoughts, your phone rang and it was none other than Leon. Speak of the devil. You picked up, your heart racing.
"Hey... look, I'm sorry for not calling more, work s'just been busy. I.. Do you want to go for those drinks I promised tonight?" He sounded nervous. Unsure. He sounded so much like the Leon you knew. Your Leon. Maybe he hadn't changed that much after all. "Y-yeah, I'd love that. Um-  how does eight sound?" You responded, a little more nervous than you wanted to. "Sounds good. See you." And with that, he hung up.
Something's up with him. Your brows furrowed. Maybe he worked more to get his mind off Spain? He was a workaholic, trying to do more and more and not realizing how much it actually affected him. He was hurting himself by trying to protect others from harm. Maybe it's just the stress. You had plenty of time to question him at the bar, supported by a few Piña Coladas.
A couple of hours before, the anxiety hit you like a truck. It was safe to say that you were scared out of your mind right now. How the fuck were you supposed to talk to Leon like nothing was going on? Like nothing happened? You couldn't. And after that conversation with Ashley? Nope. No chance. Panic was bubbling up your throat. You felt like you could never face him again. Everytime you looked at him, or even thought of him, it was just pain. The pain of the building collapsing on top of you. Your pained cries when you realized he hadn't come back for you. The pain when you thought he was dead. The pain that if Ashley was right and you really were in love with him, you could lose him again.
He made your world bright and vibrant and when he was ripped from your grasp, you were lost in a sea of grey. Drowning. Desperately gasping for air, refusing to let the water in. Now, he had brought the color back to your life but all the vibrant hues made your head spin and your eyes hurt. You grew comfortable in your sea of grey. Embracing the cold kiss of the water filling your lungs, making you float peacefully.
Could you let the color back into your world? Could you pull yourself from the tide and cough up the water? Did you even want to? You didn't know. It was all too much. You were pulled out of your head when you dropped your glass of water. You were so consumed in your thoughts and anxieties that it had just slipped out of your hand. Carefully cleaning it up, you felt a sharp sting in your finger.
You had accidentally cut yourself on the broken glass shards. A small stream of blood was running down your finger and along your palm. A drop of blood hit the puddle of water, and it bloomed in red. You haven't felt like this in years. You could actually feel something. It's not like you didn't you feel the last seven years, but your soul was too numb to care. You actually felt something. Not like those times when you hit your head or nicked yourself while cooking. You would react relatively neutral to those incidents, but now... you could feel the burn of the cut, a searing sting in your skin. A small smile tugged at your lips.
It's because of him. Because you had him back, and he made you feel alive again. He had just stumbled into your life and turned it upside down. Like he always does. But you wouldn't want to have it any other way. God, how you had missed feeling like this. So vulnerable. So sensitive. So human.
You cleaned up the glass but hung on to the feeling of the cut. You didn't like it per se, but it made you feel like something inside you had been fixed. A missing puzzle piece that slotted right into place. It just felt so right.
Just like he did. You shook your thoughts, having the habit of spiraling, wether it may be good or bad, and continued on with your afternoon. Your nerves about spending time with Leon calmed, it was just Leon! Your best friend. You had nothing to worry about. Well, with Leon, usually there was at least a little something to be worried about.
You were out the door, into the night, on your way to Leon. You had decided to just walk there since parking was an absolute nightmare in this city. Besides, the fresh air in your lungs and cooling breeze on your face was something you hadn't felt in a while. Fumbling with a small box in your pocket, you continued to the bar you two had agreed to meet up at. It wasn't really a present, more something you wanted to return. You never thought you could.
You took a deep breath before stepping into the warmth of the bar. Your eyes were searching for Leon, looking for that familiar blonde head of hair. Spotting him in the back, an inevitable smile crept onto your face. When Leon noticed you, his face lit up, a hand reaching up to signal you over to him. He stood up when you approached and immediately pulled you into a tight hug.
"Hey." He mumbled, muffled by your hair. "Hi." You said, the joy in your voice evident. The first real hug in seven years. You could've melted on the spot. It felt so good. So right.
You reluctantly pulled away, smiling at him. "Wow... It's been a while, huh?" He said with a small laugh. "Yeah.." you responded with a chuckle. You sat down and ordered your drinks. "So.. what have you been up to? How have you been?" You asked. He pondered for a moment. "Not a lot to be honest. Worked a lot, you know, saved the world once or twice." He joked at which you just playfully rolled your eyes.
"What about you?"
"I uh... I adopted a dog. Her name is Lady, she's a Bernese mountain dog. I couldn't stand being alone anymore so I got Lady and yeah... that's about it when it comes to major life events." You laughed, a little nervous but the tension was fading by the minute.
"You gave in, huh? You used to talk my ear off about wanting a dog back then, remember?" He smiled. You did talk about wanting a dog all throughout your time at the police academy and it seemed like you had finally fulfilled that dream.
"Yeah, I did. She's so sweet, you'll love her." you said with a smile. Leon let out a laugh. "I'm more worried about her liking me." He joked.
You two continued to talk and drink, just laughing and having a good time. The night got closer and closer to ending when you remembered the box in your pocket.
"I have something for you." You mumbled, nervous to how he would react. He piped up at that and raised his eyebrows. "Aw, for me?" He teased. You just gave him a shy smile. Now or never. You pulled out the small box and slid it over to him. "I wanted to return this." you said quietly. His brows furrowed and a confused look fell on his face. "Return? Alright."
Leon carefully undid the bow and opened the lid. Not in a million years had he expected this. His jaw hit the fucking floor. It was his goddamn RPD badge. What the fuck? How did you even get this? It was tattered and faded. He gently ran his fingers across his barely legible name.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. You had no idea how he would react. Leon looked at you completely bewildered. "I.. How?" He asked, still shocked. You shifted in your chair and fiddled with your fingers. "When... when I got out, I found it on the ground. It was the only thing I had left of you." You mumbled, avoiding eye contact. By 'got out' you meant fighting and clawing your way through infected residents and escaping the ruins of the collapsed building.
You could see the pain in his eyes. Whether it was his own for the pain he felt for you, you weren't sure. You spoke before he could. "I made a promise to myself that I would get it back to you one day, but.. at some point, I gave up and just kept it for myself. I thought you were dead and that this," you gestured to the badge," was the only thing I had left of you. My best friend. But it's yours, I want you to have it back." You said, your voice cracking, trying not to cry.
You could see the tears glistening in his eyes, his knuckles turning white as he tightly gripped his badge. "Thank you..." was all he managed to get out. You quickly wiped the tears that were threatening to fall and let out a sad laugh.
"God... I'm sorry for ruining the mood like that. It probably would've burned a hole in my pocket if I kept it any longer, though..."
Leon placed his badge on the table and took your hands in his. "You didn't. Well, a little maybe, but I'm really grateful for this. Thank you." He assured you, sqeezing your hands.  Your skin lit on fire. His touch was so addicting. And so comforting. A blush made its way onto your face. Oh, fuck. Was Ashley right? No. No way, it's just a little hot in here. That's all. But you couldn't deny the way your heart twisted and turned when he touched you, the butterflies in your stomach were having a fucking rave right now. Jesus, it's just Leon. Get it together You thought to yourself.
Shaking off all those annoying feelings, you returned a smile. "How about I make it up to you with a Movie Night, hm? Ice cream and cuddles from Lady included." You proposed. He grinned and leaned in a little closer. "What about cuddles from you?" He asked, a teasing smirk on his face. It didn't come off nearly was confident as he wanted it to. His voice shook a little, making him sound nervous.
Leon Kennedy? Nervous? Something was definitely up. His nervousness didn't stop the bubbling feeling in your stomach, though. There go the butterflies again. Stupid bugs. This is normal, though. Right? You always cuddled. Friends cuddle. No big deal. He's always been like that. No sweat. Just a little friendly cuddle session. That. Is. It. Is it bad that you wanted it to be more than that? The idea of being in love with him suddenly didn't feel as scary anymore.
Part three is coming soon~
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the-ellia-west · 4 days
Hey hey hey!
I just realized that every WIP I have and really like, has either...
A Drunk, An insane person, An Assassin, A rejected dishevelled outcast, or A sassy Thief as an Antihero
And they're always my favorite character...
For example, TCOT has three of these: Marril - (Assassin), Geon - (Insanity), Honrul - (Thief)
StF has One, Alkain as the outcast
And you all know where Jak lies on this scale...
Butttttt, My brain had been throwing ideas around recently, so I have a new potential WIP (which also coincidentally follows this format)
Officially to be Temporarily named C4
Now, please tell me if you'd like me to add this to my list of WIPs and work on dumb shit when I'm bored
A story about people from 4 kingdoms. All of the characters are named after nature items but have a nickname that matches a Real life name. Including 4 of the 5 characters above (P.S. Each kingdom is modeled after one of the 4 standard elements)
1. (Thief) MC, Granite Hall [Grant] is a Sassy Thief who Smuggles gemstones from the Earth/Cave-themed kingdom.
2. (Outcast) 100% Disheveled Idgaf guy, Aragonite Hollins [Aaron/Argon] is a random city insider who nobody likes because he's lowkey kind of a bitch - Also from the Earth-themed caves
3. (Insanity) Savanna Fields [Anna] is batshit insane and terrifies her coworker and fellow slave Mesa [Mace] by harassing their masters and earning herself punishment on purpose as a fuck you. Other than that... she's just crazy - From the Fire-themed Mesas
4. (Assassin) Kelp Stryker [Kel] He fucking hates his name, and is a professional Assassin under the Queen of his water-themed kingdom. He is forced to work with a Freelance spy/burglar named Brook Swann
@oliolioxenfreewrites @friendfromdsmp @thepeculiarbird @corinneglass @phoenixradiant @sunflowerrosy @kia-is-poisoned @rivenantiqnerd @aestheic-writer18 @ryahisbored @nkikio @somethingclevermahogony @mjparkerwriting @sl-vega @darkandstormydolls @agirlandherquill @baconandeggs-25 @alnaperera @fantasy-things-and-such @ajgrey9647 @aalinaaaaaa @cybercelestian @danielleitloudernow @illarian-rambling @idunnobutliaiscool @jeremy-no @fandom-pits-dweller @xenascribbles @katwritesshit @smudged-red-ink @sunnyjustice @thelazywitchphotographer @pastellbg @louudthoughts @bigwipscholar @killingthemoon84 @attemptingwriter @purplehandshumanfeelings @bluberimufim
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hello death! how are you? I hope you're doing well, this is my first time requesting so I'm a little nervous uhh
can I have a male or gender neutral reader (with haku from spirited away) that cold, serious and intimidating, but once you get to know them they're very kind.
thank you!
Intimidating S/O headcanons | Haku
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thank you for requesting, anon!
reader is assumed as male but can mostly be read as neutral
haku always presents himself as being professional in every part of his life at the bathhouse: greeting guests and colleagues politely, tending to the grounds, keeping the building safe and completing any and all tasks assigned to him by his mistress
that being said, his professional and neutral persona can at times come across as intimidating or cold — so he does understand your experience as being perceived that way
as your partner he’d be able to see both sides of you, as you would him; the intimidating air that may concern strangers at first meeting, and the softer kinder side of you that you save for those you care about
he’s usually amused when people who know him well ask about your relationship — ask if you’re always so cold/serious/even scary when with him — and he’ll laugh it off with an assurance that you’re very similar to him, more so than one might think
haku definitely enjoys the privacy and intimacy allowed to him when he sees that other side of you as it’s symbolic of the trust your relationship is built upon — something that he’d be caught dead before ever taking it for granted
but he also enjoys seeing the shock on people’s faces when they meet you for the first time and ask after him about if you’re the compassionate, kindhearted boyfriend he’d told them about
that being said, if you’d rather keep that other side of your personality private, then he’s more than happy to keep tightlipped about the whole thing
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cladestruction · 8 months
got sad today thinking of the parallel between Nathan feeling stuck with the band in aotd and Pickles feeling like he's got nothing if he doesn't have the band in Dethdinner (S4E10).
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the fact that (for a moment, at least) the band meant shit to Nathan while for Pickles it was everything he had is uuugh i'm sorry i just Love when two characters are really the two sides of the same coin.
and it's so consistent with their characters too! Nathan has a loving supporting family and he kinda desires a simple happy life ("what regular people have") while Pickles despises his family (because they're assholes to him) and never shows interest in anything outside his present lifestyle with Dethklok.
by Dethdinner Pickles had already cut ties with everyone in his family, the last being his mom who he told to go fuck herself. in that episode (motherklok, S4E4) he's even shown to not even care about career/professional success, all he cares about is people appreciating him. all he wanted was for his mom to stop treating him like shit and finally acknowledge the things that he's doing or at the very least trying to do. and despite Nathan destroying the album and not apologizing as he continued to take the drummer for granted, Pickles kept going and going. only at the very end of the antepenultimate episode of the last season Pickles breaks down and quits. and of course he does. he no longer feels comfortable in the band and is not willing to continue being overlooked. but he says it, very clearly and very sadly: he's got nothing left. the band was everything he had.
and for fuck's sake, he even gives Nathan a chance to make things right. one apology, one single apology and he would go back to the band without a second thought. you see how desperate this man is for the smallest amount of appreciation from the only people left in his life??? yes don't even get me started on how it's visible in SnB II how hurt Pickles is when his ex-bandmates and ex-FRIENDS got a restraining order on him and everything. all this makes it even more painful when he calls Nathan greedy and how he just "takes and takes". yes they are both in the most famous band in the world and all but in Pickles mind Nathan still has so much more than him.
in summary yeah i was happy when Pickles slapped Nathan in aotd and the latter finally acknowledged once again the band's importance to him. good shit.
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schneiderenjoyer · 1 month
whats your headcanons for TWTR!Vertin?
Oh, boy! Get ready to see how much of a disaster TWTR!Vertin is (by my own doing) Thank you for asking too! It'll be fun to share things about this AU of mine.
The list is long so continue with that in mind:
Vertin uses she/they pronouns. It's one of the first headcanons I thought of the moment I saw their design and how lovely they look in a suit!
Vertin is ambidextrous, they use their right hand for professional documents and their left hand for personal letters. It's actually canon and mentioned in the game's story that they're ambidextrous!
Vertin has freckles. I know this is canon, but there's still people who prefer her without them. I'm not one of them. I'm a freckle believer.
Vertin can play the piano. SPDM offers their students some form of entertainment through the arts like dance and music. They kept the ones they found most interesting. Mainly composing music sheets and playing it on the piano.
Vertin is an engineer. They have many hobbies and tried many things, but only few really stuck. Engineering is one of them.
Vertin created the Storm clock! Using their skills in engineering and high sensitivity towards arcanum, they've managed to accurately create a clock that tells when the Storm arrives. Only that it can tell its arrival within 24 hours. It doubles as a normal clock sometimes too.
The realm inside the suitcase is part of Vertin's arcane skill! Vertin can't use their arcanum effectively for offensive purposes, but it's useful in other avenues like support. Their arcane skill is [Ne iru milde en tiun bonan nokton] which has created the space. It also explains how the suitcase sustained some anti Storm properties, even if it doesn't fully protect everyone from the Storm.
Vertin is skilled in physical combat. With their arcanum mostly inferior and ineffective for battle, they've trained to be more resourceful in combining melee with arcane tools or potions for self defense.
Vertin is an insomniac. You can hold so much trauma in this Timekeeper. They're plagued by nightmares and even in quiet nights, it's hard to sleep. Schneider's presence and the occasional sleepy poppy pill helps most of the time.
Vertin has abandonment issues. Their fate is set on the day of the breakout incident, nothing can stop the Storm from taking people they love away. As a result, it's become detrimental for them to make friends, but never become too close. There's always a chance to lose them in the Storm. Well, except maybe Schneider.
Vertin has separation anxiety. This is extremely strong with Schneider, but they've gotten better over the years. They still panic if they don't know where she is for too long, especially when they're asleep and wakes up to Schneider missing. It only takes 5 minutes for them to notice her gone and 5 more minutes for them to start panicking.
Vertin has a sweet tooth. Candies, cakes, toffees, you name it! It keeps their sugar levels up when extremely exhausted and throughout all the bitterness they go through, they deserve a bit of sweetness in life.
Vertin is touchy. Their every word and action is always observed, they can't say what they want most times. So they express their fondness towards someone through action. Their favorite form of affection is patting someone on the head. For Schneider, it's to completely cling onto her and smell her all over. No, that's not appropriate. Yes, they still want to do it.
Vertin has a body pillow of Schneider. It's self explanatory. Those were dark times... Schneider lets it slide knowing it helps with their anxiety.
Vertin is selfless to a fault. It ties in to their abandonment issues and desire to grant people's wishes as much as they can. It's only recently they've express selfish desires around Schneider more.
Vertin likes critters. They often veer towards befriending them than fighting them if they can help it. But self defense is self defense.
Vertin is strong. They can lift alright, like a whole lot. They may not be magically strong, but they can at least punch like a bear.
Vertin is a mediocre learner. They're not the smartest and even find studying to be boring (like math). If it's something they take interest in, they hype fixate on it and eventually just be good at it.
Vertin is often misunderstood to be talented. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of the rumors and facts know about the Timekeeper is all a matter of circumstance and misinterpretation. They're just fortunately at the right place in the right time and most, if not all, their plans always ties in to the fact they have connections that help them get through it. Vertin doesn't actually have much skills in many departments. They just have the power of friendship on their side lmao.
Vertin is...passionate. Life of oppression, depression, and trauma can't be good for developing relationships of any kind. Fortunately the one they have now is four years in the making. While it still has a lot of bumps on the road, it's far more stable than what could've been if they haven't been given all those years to develop it. Still, Vertin being desperate to feel and smell their lover both privately and publicly needs some work...
Vertin is jealous and possessive. Ties in with being passionate and the whole "working out the bumps" part. They're not fully aware of it either, but their "selfless to a fault" nature aids in keeping this side of them strangely dormant for the most part. Timekeeper is very complicated.
Vertin shows signs of disassociation. While this one is a lot more hard to pin point, when overwhelmed by trauma and emotions, Timekeeper starts losing focus on their autonomy and action. They see with their eyes and hear with their ears, but they start noticing less of what they're doing and only know what's happening. Ties in with their anxiety.
Vertin is both touch starved and touch repulsed. The worst and most conflicting of their problems due to the Foundation's experimentation. They enjoy being affectionate, but flinches or stiffens when others try to be. Only Schneider gets a pass, but even then they still twitch occasionally. They're growing to be more comfortable receiving affection from their friends too.
Vertin's favorite food is Trifle. Their favorite drink is Butterfly Pea Tea.
Vertin is a terrible cook. No, it's not because they're British. It's because they're spoiled by Schneider's cooking. They also think that an entire jar of picrasma candy counts as a meal.
Vertin doesn't like chess. They know how to play it, but they stopped liking it for...obvious reasons. Instead, they picked up playing Go from Madam Z.
Vertin makes dioramas and terrariums. Another hobby they kept. It bolsters their architectural crafts, but mainly it's to have fun homes for the frogs and creatures they collect.
Vertin is a prankster. That's never disappeared as they grow up. They have a particular sense of humor and they like teasing their friends like Sonetto to get a reaction. This stems from having a partner that rarely reacts with anything but a smile. Getting an open, honest response excites them.
That's about all the ones I can list at the top of my head for now! Thanks again for the ask!
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galene-gothic · 2 years
Love life predictions
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⋆*。📧⁕ 🚏🚙
i) who is coming in towards you?
ii) how do/will they feel towards you?
iii) what is your relationship with them going to be like?
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Pile 1
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Who is coming towards you?
Your person seems to be a pretty stable person. They seem to have a good relationship with most people and things in life, they carry a lot of good memories from the past. They might have cancer placements or just have a very nostalgic personality. They seem to have a lot of good friendships as well or atleast friends that significantly affect their mood. I feel like you both are in an energy where you embrace new ideas more easily. One or both of your ability to idealise life and the other might be benefiting the situation. I feel like some of you are or will be struggling with other connections or in a professional setting, you might be getting taken for granted, criticized heavily when it's barely your fault or straight out mistreated ☠️. They might want to help you during that time which is how you might meet. You might be acting a bit egoistic though, you might try to act indifferent to this person or the both of you might get into a fight. One of you might have had a relationship/situation in the past that didn't go too well which might cause a few problems too. I feel like you're really in your element with this person though, you might roast them in a friendly manner and roll your eyes at stuff they say while feeling all happy and giddy on the inside. 🔞 This person also seems to have a really strong sex drive. I'm getting a lot of daddy energy from them. There are probably going to be other options too but I feel like you'll be the most focused on them.
Things that might help you recognise them:
Anime, genshin, suit, spectacles, art, photographer/photography, Aries, septum piercing, golden retriever, black glasses, lethal, black cat, heart shaped accessories, stains on clothes, ukelele, leather jacket, cousins.
How do/will they feel about you?
'Still into you' by Paramore is coming through. "Let them wonder how we got this far cause I don't really need to wonder at all." This person knows very deep stuff about you as a person but doesn't know the basic stuff like they could answer everything about you and how your brain works, what triggers you, the number of moles you have (jkjk) but won't be able to name your favourite colour. You both might try to stay away from the other or atleast not contact the other. I feel like they might try to dodge any and every fight/argument that you have by saying "sorry it's my fault." It's funny because this person came out really balanced earlier, it's as if this connection is not the best for the both of you. They might try to act as a mentor to you but be struggling all by themself. I'm also getting a very unconditional sense of love coming from them. They'll feel as if they're having to give too much while receiving nothing in return but they continue doing so until they get sick. There'll be times when they wonder if you even like them at all, they wonder if it's all in their head. They might wonder if they're just overromanticising you. I feel like for the majority of you, you'll either accept your feelings for them or get into a relationship which will make them feel like finally their efforts paid off. They just daydream about you being totally in love with them though. They'll wonder if they're good enough for you. They might also be very critical of themselves. I'm getting things being unfair here actually, you might treat them like crap. Most (if not all) of this is going to be during the talking stage.
What is your relationship with them going to be like?
I actually understand why they are going to feel so insecure. To be honest, you're coming off pretty loyal (atleast to this person.) Oh shit... It's all over the place, they might stop putting in as much effort now that the both of you are already dating. The both of you coming together seems like an experiment actually. You both might have clashing love languages. The both of you might eventually end up breaking up and pretending as if you don't miss the other or the both of you are just going to be there like "their loss." I'm not getting much for you pile 1, please take care.
Pile 2
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Who is coming towards you?
They're the type to sit down and analyse everything before moving forward. They seem to be someone who has to make a lot of decisions regarding stuff. They know how to efficiently plan the future. This person has a knack for danger though. They might like flowers. They might have feline features or like cats. Eleven from stranger things is coming through for some reason. I feel like the both of you might meet by chance or these feelings just come unexpectedly, it's like you wake up and go to class and shake hands with your homie and they suddenly start looking hotter, you start getting excited about everything they bring to the table. You're just going to be really grateful to have met this person. This person might touch their neck a lot.
Things that might help you recognise them:
Café, cosplay, wig, "why not?", "You're cute and you're... Cuter!", White sweater, shirt or t-shirt.
How do/will they feel towards you?
Um, I feel like you might like this person first. One thing I can guarantee you is that your mood will depend on the texts this person sends. I'm getting you being heartbroken over them even during the talking stage :(. They might actually start dating someone else even when the both of you are involved, not cheating, considering the fact that I'm not getting the both of you dating but you seem to be sad about it. The feelings are definitely mutual though, you both will look at each other with a lot of regrets and 'what ifs' but you'll choose to stay friends instead. I'm getting you feeling really betrayed 😭. You just want to be someone they'll think of whenever they face a problem in life. It's actually mutual breaking of hearts ☠️ I can't pick up on what exactly happens but the fear of rejection and abandonment is really strong on both sides. I'm getting them starting to either date someone else or leave you (or just something similar) and feeling hurt seeing you be fine without them. You won't seem hurt over them at all :(, they'll feel bad about that. They're scared, what if they can't move on from you? The thought scares them, the things that they are willing to do for you scares them more.
What is your relationship with them going to be like?
You might take this person for granted or vice versa or one of you might get so comfortable with the situationship that is doesn't move past that. Taking time for deep introspection before taking actions in this relationship seems really important though. Getting more in touch with yourself is going to be important for this relationship to flourish. Both of your personal character and strength are being tested in this relationship, make sure you stay persistent if you're sure that you want this person. You both might need a lot of courage to accept the feelings you have for each other. This relationship is going to be an eye opener regarding how emotions prevent mental clarity and decisions, the importance of balance and trying to control your emotions effectively is highlighted here. You both might face problems from the others, community backlash might be a thing here. You might even reject this person or vice versa because of the possible backlash.
Pile 3
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Who is coming towards you?
First, you need to let go of whoever or whatever you're holding onto. Someone cute, I feel like this person isn't very comfortable in their own skin right now since they've changed a lot. They might not be the type that you would like romantically because they're just too cute. Very youthful and bubbly. This person might send snacks for you and shit. There's a chance that they're younger than you. "When I see his face, there's not a thing that I would change cause you're beautiful just the way you are and when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while cause you're beautiful just the way you are." I'm getting you absolutely adoring this person and wanting to protect them too. They are a fluff ball. They might have or do play basketball. Someone here doesn't like cucumbers. Mint chocolate is coming through for some reason 😭. One thing that I can assure you is that even though this person is cute and not very comfortable in their own skin, they have a sense of empowerment, they won't stick with you if they find out that you're hung up on your past person :).
Random things that might help you recognise them:
11:11, feline beauty, bunny teeth, eye smile, whisker dimples.
How do/will they feel towards you?
They will love your intensity and the way you express affection. They find you like the cold and unapproachable vampire-like person who's actually just shy and is really cute when flustered. I'm getting them intentionally doing daring and bold stuff. They just want to touch you like initiate skinship. They tend to be really confident with you and they really enjoy that. I feel like one or both of you might like holding hands. I'm not getting much here since their attraction to you seems very "I'll ignore all their red flags for right now." They might not know much about you but they know a lot about you. I'm getting them knowing that you have some issues with your mother without you having to tell them or that you have a hard time trusting people but they won't know your favourite colour. You might be the colder person who receives in the relationship.
What is your relationship with them going to be like?
I don't think that you'll be entering a relationship with them. You might start seeing someone else which will make this person feel really betrayed, however, they'll just work on themselves and might make a move towards you once you break up with the other person or something. They won't entirely give up on you.
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