#greg is just along for the ride
4-man · 1 year
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Wilson executing a tactical crazy bitch manoeuvre. 
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hungryforpowernotfood · 4 months
Making a Deal (Part 2)
Summary: Your date, gentlemen and distinguished folks
Warning(s): House being rude to waiting restaurant staff, being misgendered/mistaken as a woman (being called ma'am), self doubt, and anxiety
Pairing(s): Greg House x ftm reader
You stood on the sidewalk waiting for House to drive up. He had insisted on picking you up and treating it like an actual date. He was even on time when you recognized his car approaching you.
You gave him a small wave and watched as he pulled up along the sidewalk, and stopped the car a few feet ahead of where you were. 
You frowned as you started walking towards the car. He got out and started limping around to the other side.
“What’d you do that for?”
“Because if I pulled up beside you, you would get in the car myself. And if memory serves, that’s not exactly how dates go.” He responds, opening up the passenger door for you.
“Right, but isn’t that for women?”
“Ever heard of equality, l/n? Get in the car.”
You huffed, and got in—him practically slamming the door shut after you. He slammed his door shut as well after he got in, and you wondered if he knew he didn’t need to slam it for it to properly close, but decided against bringing it up.   
Aside from the radio playing, the majority of the car ride was silent between the two of you—House made a few comments about the restaurant he was taking you to, and made a joke about how he didn’t know what food you liked. He occasionally made comments about what was playing, but he never changed the station. 
“Don’t get out yet.” He ordered after he had parked the car. He got out himself, then limped to your side, and opened your door for you.
“Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” House made a point of saying the words, but he loosely linked his arm to yours as you made your way toward the restaurant. He gave the greeter his name for the reservation, and the two of you were led to your table.
The restaurant was admittedly nicer than you thought it would be, however, the conversation was as forced as you predicted it would be, despite the few compliments he made. 
It wasn’t very long before the waitress introduced herself, and offered to get your drinks. House ordered your drink for you—insisting you try something and trust him—and by the time the waitress got back with your drinks, she took your orders. 
House decided to go first, and you were about to make a biting comment about how he could’ve just picked something for you when you realized something: you had never presented as male before in public. Not like this, at least. You hadn’t been able to get any interviews yet, and when you went to the store, you were always able to go to the self-checkout. 
“And for you sir?” The waitress turned to you, and you barely registered that she was talking to you. 
You cleared your throat, attempting to deepen your voice.
“I’ll take the—” You cut yourself off by the waitress’s expression.
“I–I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize—I meant ma’am.”
You tried not to flinch at the word. You glanced at House and saw he was glaring at the waitress.
“I know they don’t pay you much,” he growled, making her turn to face him, “and obviously you didn’t get much schooling, but you must be an idiot to refer to my boyfriend as ‘ma’am’.”
He made a point of mocking the word ‘ma’am’, like a child who just learned a new nonsense word, and thinks it’s the most ridiculous thing ever to roll off their tongue. 
“I—right, I’m sorry, it’s my mistake—” She said, turning to address you now. 
“That was established.” House scoffed. 
“What can I get for you, sir?” The waitress asked a little quieter now, though you were sure it was only to avoid any more ridicule from House. 
You gave her your order—her quickly jotting it down as you said it, repeating it to the both of you to make sure she got both orders right, and quickly walking back to the kitchen.
House rolled his eyes. “Honestly, if I can’t escape idiots at work, you’d think I’d at least be able to avoid them here.”
“It’s okay.”
“Not really.”
“No, I mean…I understand why she thought…I don’t look very masculine.”
House cocked his head to the side. “Sure, maybe you don’t have a beard to make it obvious you have a mix of testosterone and the proper hormones to give some people the hint that maybe you possibly are male, but that doesn’t mean she should be rude about it.”
“She wasn’t being rude.”
“Yes, she was. You’re clearly presenting as male, she had no issue in assuming that we were two men having dinner, and did not hesitate to call you ‘sir’. She only changed when she heard her voice. Which is rude. Especially considering there could’ve been a genetic reason or medical reason for you not having a lower voice.”
“I know that, but—”
“No buts. Let her learn her lesson.”
You gave him a look. “When did you teach her a lesson?” You teased slightly.
“That she shouldn’t have just assumed what you preferred to be called. If you didn’t want to be called ‘sir’, you would’ve corrected her the first time. Or I would have.” House paused, before slightly furrowing his brow. “Besides, no one wants to be called ‘ma’am.”
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dasketcherz · 5 months
do you have any dad michael son gregory headcanons because your art for them is genuinely so so cool like omg… it all looks so good they are so cute in your style
greg absolutely secretly looks up to mike's skill set as an artist. he loves to watch him doodle, mike is the type who'd feel conscious when someone watches him draw but,,, he grew to not mind and got use to greg watchin him draw. he can tell the kid is observing and absorbing what he can learn from simply watching him do art.
^^^ with that in mind, Mike often does catch Greg drawing too, when the lil guy is very proud of his work, he shows it off to him. Mike is very encouraging that he keeps up at it cuz he genuinely thinks the kid is doing great.
^^^ As i established in the previous ask, Greg loves to give art gifts to ppl he cares about. He does the same for Mike, especially in special occasions like father's day, or his birthday and whatnot. Mike displays them either in his room or by the fridge, he is very proud of his son's creative efforts!
Mike is not the best cook out there, you can hardly entrust the kitchen to him without him setting it on fire but he tries his best to do a decent job at making pulled pork recipes ever since he found out it's Greg's favorite.
Greg loves to collect all sorts of cute and silly plushies, anytime he spots any when they stroll across a shop or smth he's so ready to persuade Mike to let em buy it for him. It doesnt take a lot of effort to really, all he has to do is stare up at mike with puppy eyes and Mike knows the drill, he sighs and then painfully pulls out his wallet every time. it's worth it tho, it's for the kid
It's always like a russian roulette who wakes up earlier than who in the morning. Sometimes its Mike, sometimes its Greg. Mike usually preps breakfast, well...as best as he could perform the basics. He's shown the ropes to Greg at some point cuz even tho Greg's a kid, Mike acknowledges that he's capable. Greg's a fast learner, if he does a specific task so often enough, he gets good at it eventually. Its a lil funny tho cuz Greg almost does breakfast better than Mike at times. Greg has some fun making Mike's morning coffee for him, he appreciates it a lot. He thinks it's really sweet, he always affectionately ruffle Greg's morning bed hair as a gesture of thanks.
They have a swear jar in the household. No further elaboration needed i think.
Mike drives a motorcycle bike that used to be owned by his mom. Every time he tells Greg he's headin off somewhere for a quick errand, the lil guy insist he wanna come along solely cuz he wanna ride the bike as well. He enjoys being on the bike, he thinks its hella cool and he feels like flyin, he has to always promise Mike he'll behave just so he lets him come too.
They absolutely love movie nights as a hang out time. They both love watching movies, they just have a good time checkin out any film that peaks their interest. Having fun lil discussion bout it during or after watching and all that. Mike is amused when Greg has a lot to say, he just lets the lil guy share his thoughts bout it.
Whenever Mike gets a call that Greg got into another fight at school and it's often cuz other kid bullies got in Greg's nerve [especially if it's them insulting his guardian to his face] or cuz he tried to defend other kids from being bullied, Mike is so ready to throw hands with said kid bully's parents to defend Greg back. Theyre always on each other's side first and foremost.
When one of them catch the other still up in the middle of the night, the instant thought they have is "cant sleep?" presumably cuz the other most likely had another nightmare. It has happened so frequent, they just came to understand that tryin to pass the time doin other things is often the other best thing they can do to doze back to sleep. They had done plenty of things to pass the time at moments like it : be it watch another movie, draw together, just stargaze outside by the front porch etc etc. They appreciate the other for keepin them company. They've grown to try makin sure they never feel so alone anymore the best they can, cuz they arent anymore when they have each other.
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waxxxwork · 6 months
sometimes I read comments on Succession video clips and then I just ruin my day because how are people out here hating Shiv like she’s the worst person alive, worshipping Greg because they think he’s so harmless and funny, saying Tom “deserved to win”, “it was always going to he him,” etc… how do they miss the point so badly? all of the characters are flawed and have evil moments; we don’t pick on Shiv specifically. the reason Greg is funny is so his corruption arc hits harder. Tom may have “won,” but he had to go belly-up to get there, snaked his way in, and had to listen to Mattson talk about how badly he wants to fuck his wife. how do you watch a show that is so clearly about the cyclic tragedy of abuse and just miss all of that. this show was not about “winning” for even a moment. the great part IS watching these characters go from being rotten to breaking your heart over and over again. they momentarily absolve themselves by showing love to each other and then choosing betrayal again shortly after. these people who don’t get it act like you need to choose some allegiance but you can just be along for the ride. this show and these characters have their hands around my heart. it’s a fight for a knife in the mud.
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dollypopup · 1 year
i don't talk nearly enough about how great Colin is
-excellent fencer, clearly dedicated to it. great taste in puffy shirts 10/10
-brave af!!!! idk about you, but the very idea of being out at sea for several months pretty much w/ no one who knows me scares the soul out of me. bruh is out here on a ship headed to a completely unfamiliar place w/ not one shred of fear
-he's such a good brother? the way he supported Benny was so sweet? and all his little quips with Eloise? they are the sarcastic siblings for SURE. boxing with Greg? playing hoops w/ Hyacinthe? his 'I'm clearly Daphne's favorite'? i adore him
-calling Anthony an ass in defense of Marina was ICONIC
-let's be honest, he was a real one w/ Marina all around. boi was out here defending her left right and center. and that scene where they go 'That's a. . .rather long engagement. . .' 'Or simply romantic! :D ' was adorable. then his 'Why does anyone, marry, Brother? For love.' line? so earnest! heart in his hands!!! and even after it all went kaboom he didn't say a bad word about her. told her he would still have married her if she just told him and he meant it. said that with his whole chest, too. got a reality check from her when he visited and then when asked STILL said 'we could have done more for her' KING 👏 SHIT. may we all have an ex that respects us this much
-canonically the best dancer out of the Bridgerbunch
-loves his mum with all his heart and soul. that scene where he's walking her up the stairs and they're joking around is so wholesome. that scene where Violet is looking for someone to escort her and A and B all flee the scene but Colin steps up? our boy is so sweet
-his scene w/ Jack where he's all puffed up and imposing and tall af going 'how dare you take advantage of them??? fix this shit, NOW' and then turning around and bashfully going 'i rehearsed that speech for hours' when he and Pen could talk privately again WAS ADORABLE, don't even TRY to deny it
-multitalented! our boy can do it all: he sings! he dances! he writes! he drinks his respect women juice on the daily! he fences! he's fluent in sarcasm! he rides horseback! he has anxiety! he's a flirt! he can't stop snacking! are you not entertained?
-also his scene w/ Will where he's like 'no, i fucked up, i insulted you and i messed with your business. i'm sorry and i'm making it right' was sexy as hell. he didn't have to, he could have totally just let it slide under the rug, but he took accountability and made amends
-speaking of sexy: our little rule breaker! holds Penelope's hands in front of everybodyyyy! no glove no love, who? writes her (love) letters while he travels! doesn't give a fuck about propriety! does drugs! I LOVE HIM
-so much integrity. when he messes up he takes full responsibility for it. he's nice as hell to Phillip, encourages his interests, nerds out with him. Stuck his whole neck out for Pen the Featheringtons. 'Do you think I would care that she loved someone else before? That would make me a hypocrite' apologizing to Pen before leaving for his tour. telling her she inspires him. is always there to escort his mum. everything good.
-lost and aimless, my beloved. he's just a dweeb putting on a front and it's so wonderfully relatable
-i love his hero complex. yeah, i said it!!! Dancing with Pen after Cressida spills the drink? HOT. Getting Marina away from the old dude clearly making her uncomfortable? HOT. Standing up to Jack? HOT. Getting Kate and Anthony to trudge along after that Pal Mall game? HOT. Daphne coming to him in the middle of the night demanding to know about the duel and him getting on a horse and heading out with her? HOT.
-he's sarcastic as hell. 'She likes me MUCH better than you, Benedict' 'Maybe he's still at the altar waiting for Miss Edwina' 'Of course not, you are *clearly* sober', Anthony: 'I wish to apologize' 'Are there locusts in the streets??? Blood in the Thames? Is the end of days upon us already?????' 'our host looks a bit fussy. do you think if he goes to bed we all have to leave?' and, of course 'Have you ever visited a farm?'
-he's just a lil shit w/ a heart of gold, how can you not love him?
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starlightscythe · 4 months
Raining in Manila
Greg Hirsch x f!Reader
Also includes an instagram!AU (idk what it's called but I added some insta interactions)
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Plot: you're the Chief of Financials at Waystar Royco and also Logan's Goddaughter, tasked to go with Greg to the Philippines to check up on the xerox business, not knowing some budding feelings will grow along the way.
Warnings: stressed!reader, will add more later.
P.S: purely written for Greg. Fuck Nicholas Braun, man. What a prick.
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"So you're half Filipino? All this time?" Greg asked, trailing you from behind. Pushing your heavy baggage cart as you walk with hands free, clutching your phone with your right hand.
"I am 1/4th Filipino, Greg. My grandma, Nerie is the Filipino. Lucky wife to my Grandpa, Victor whose a European." You explained, steps hasty as you walk towards the exit of the NAIA airport.
Greg tried to catch up with you as best as he can with his long legs, pushing the heavy cart with force to walk side by side with you.
You were sent here by Logan to check the Xerox copy machine side business and to evaluate the profit and if it's still considered to be operational by income standards. Waystar is apparently looking to cut their losses even if it means a thousand people would lose their job just to pay off Peirce.
"That's interesting. So you speak the language? B-because you know, what if we got lost and none of us speak the language? Google Translate isn't exactly eh- exact?" He pushes his hair back, adjusting the sleeve of his suit, "Is it normally this hot here?"
"I told you to lose the suit dumbass. It's a tropical country- and you know what-" You paused, stoping by a souvenir shop a saw an English-Tagalog Dictionary, "learn the language while we're here."
Quickly purchasing the book and throwing it at him which he catches clumsily mid-air.
The ride to your hotel was short, doesn't help that Greg was complaing about the tropical heat and how he's sweating underneath his suit.
"Honeymoon?" The Uber driver asked. Smiling at you and Greg from the rear view mirror.
"Uh- oh- no. No. Just work- work mates. Happy workmates" He laughed, "here for work."
"On valentines day?" The driver raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah, unfortunately." You replied, pulling your lips in a tight line as you message an unresponsive Roman about the hotel reservation.
Exiting the Uber and going straight to the hotel lobby whilst Greg was left alone to unload your bags from the trunk. A couple minutes of waiting for him, he finally emerges besides you, tapping your shoulder lightly.
"Oh, took you long enough. Show them the reservation." You spoke, returning your attention to your phone.
Greg stood there confuse, pushing his hair back and wiping his sweat from his forehead, "What reservation? I thought Roman sent it to you?"
"I thought he sent it you?!" You whispered to him, "well, call Kendall and have him sort this out."
"Is there a problem?" The receptionist finally arrived in front of you.
You quickly turned to her and smiled, "no. No. We're all good. He's just sorting out the reservation paper. Such a klutz, this one."
"Well, Ma'am if you just have a name for the reservation and an I.D I can verify it even without the papers." She assured you.
Rummaging through your bag as Greg tried calling Kendall behind you. Taking out your Waystar employee I.D and showing it to her.
"Can you try, (Y/N) Abberdon? I think my collegue might've put it under my name."
The receptionist typed for a bit and shook her head, "we don't have that name in the system Ma'am. Is there any name? Maybe under the name of your collegue?" She gestured to Greg.
Grabbing the man by the I.D which dangled from one of those laces with the retractable strings. "What- hey!" Greg exclaimed, hand still on the ringing phone.
"Try Gregory Hirsch?" You desperately looked at her. The woman did the same thing only to looked up at you once again and shook her head.
Mentally punching Roman in your head at this point, "Ok well, we don't have his I.D but, Roman Roy?"
"I see a Roman Roiland but no Roman Roy, miss. I am sorry."
"Oh my god," You backed away from the reception desk, "I am sorry- just give me a minute" Excusing yourself. The woman nodded her head and returns to her work.
You grabbed Greg by the arm and dragged him away from the desk, looking up at him for an answer.
"They won't call back. I tried Kendall, Shiv, and Roman." He panicked, "I could try Tom?"
"Then try Tom." You deadpanned, "I am going to call Roman. But keep calling whoever is in that flip phone of yours Greg or I will throw that ancient thing in the trash."
"No need to be stres-"
"Don't tell me what to do." You suddenly flipped out at him, making him flinch, "I am- I am sorry. I am just stressed, you're right. This is not big deal. If we can't reach out to any of them we'll just have to book it ourselves."
Greg nods, "yeah. Ok. I'll keep trying to call Tom."
A couple more minutes of you guys looking like anxious rats on your phone trying to contact everyone. Greg finally got a hold of Tom over the phone.
"Tom! Oh thank God. Listen I am- we- yes me and (Y/N)- we're stuck in the Philippines- yeah- can you just- Is Roman with you?- oh- right- uhuh- well, here." Greg hands the phone to you.
You took it out of his hand, "Jesus I forgot how these things work," Fiddling with the flip phone for a bit, "Hello? Tom? What the fuck is going on? Where the fuck is everyone?"
"Enjoying your vacation with my assistant? That you stole by the way. How dare you?!"
"We're not on vacation, dipshit. What's happening over there? We can't get a hold of everyone and we're stuck in another country with no hotel reservation."
"Oh yeah, well. There's been an emergency and Shiv just told me you guys might be stuck in there for another week or two because they're using the private jet to go to the bahamas."
"What the fuck?!" You exclaimed, quickly returning back to your normal tone, "well can you atleast have Roman call me b-"
The phone suddenly crackles and Roman's voice was heard though the phone, "hey god-sis. Yeah listen, I did an oopsie and I kinda forgot to put in a reservation..."
"What's happening...?" Greg tried to ask but your head was running a million miles per minute.
One thing you hated was when plans didn't go as planned and mostly being stucked in another country where you barely speak the language and your American Express might not work.
You raised your hand out of frustration, an attempt to throw Greg's phone onto the ground. But he was quick to catch your arm with his tall physique, snatching his phone out of your hand.
"He-hey. Ok. How about you sit and calm down. Ok?" He tries to comfort you, "I'll handle this. I know you're stressed out so just relax. Ok?"
You nodded, sitting by the nearby sofa of the hotel lobby. Frantically typing into your phone whilst running a hand onto your hair out of frustration.
"Yeah- ok- I can manage that. Ok. Thanks- bye" Greg ends the call and sat on the couch parallel to yours, "ok so, we'll book a hotel and have it on the company card. Shiv said we could do whatever we want for the next two weeks as an apology for your distress and inconvenience. So...there you go. Don't stress ok? Cause youre kinda freaking me out too."
Slowly nodding as you bit your lip, preventing yourself from laughing at the distressed Greg as he sighed and lean back onto the white sofa, putting his earphone on to calm himself down. You sneakily took a picture of him and posted it on Instagram.
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"Well I'll just see if they have a spare room available." You pull a tight smile , touching his shoulder as you move past him. Greg gives a nod in response.
"Hey," You greeted the receptionist again, "looks like my collegue might've missed it in his brain to book a reservation, is there a room available for two weeks? Two room separately...preferrably for me and him" Pointing at Greg behind you.
The receptionist tuts as she tapped at her keyboard for a bit, looking appologetic up at you, "sorry, looks like we're all fully booked at the moment. That's normal for valentines Day- oh wait- we have an opening for a honeymoon suite... I am afraid that's the only room available."
"Oh..." You scrunched your face. Scratching the back of your head in frustration, "is there like...another hotel?"
"Well you can try the love hotel from across the street but at valentines week I am afraid all of the hotel right now are fully booked too, miss."
Glancing at your watch, it reads 6:37 pm. And the jet lag was getting to your system. Not really wanting to go out there and dragging Greg around the block you were forced to weigh your options.
"Does it have a couch atleast?"
"Yes ma'am. But I am afraid it only has one bathroom."
"That's fine." You sighed, taking out your business card, "just do it. We're way too tired."
The woman apologized again as she took your card before handing you two keycards for the room. Telling you that your bags will be delivered in your room shortly.
Dragging your feet back to where Greg was, you handed him the other key card by shoving it in his face. Greg took it and read;
"Honeymoon suite?" He asked, looking up at you with wide eyes
"Yeah, not alot of options at valentines day, buddy." You scoffed at him, "you're welcome to run around the block for a new hotel room. They're all fully booked apparently. and I am too tired to argue for separate room. So either suck it up or get out."
Greg grunts in annoyance, standing up and following you anyways.
You turn back at him, "there's a love hotel full of jizz across the street. You're welcome to that"
"Uhuh, and if I get sick because of it, you'd have to be Tom's assistant for as long as it takes."
"He wishes, Greg"
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satureja13 · 10 months
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When Kiyoshi and the goats reached Moonwood Mill in the Otherworld, it already turned wrong and sick. And it faded. They need to hurry to find Jack and Lunatic before it's too late and they won't find a way back to the others. "Jack!? JACK!? Where are you?"
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There he is! Let's hope he's just unconscious ö.Ö'
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Kiyoshi: "Jack! Are you ok? Gods - I was so worried!" Jack: "This damn horse! Nothing good ever came from Greg!"
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Kiyoshi: "Jack we need to hurry. Little Goat is looking for your horse and then I'm going to open a bridge through my deity's realm to bring us back. You're my fated mate - so you will be able to pass along with me." Jack: "Uhm - as for that... how sure are you about this 'fated mate' thing?"
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Kiyoshi: "How sure? Do you not feel it? Why did you never tell me? Therefore you never trusted me? I am utterly sure, Jack." Jack: "I know you told me it was when you saw me for the first time. And I do have feelings for you. A lot of strong - uhm ... yes ... feelings. But I was unconscious in that Lab and never felt that 'bolt' hitting me. And before we put our lives at stake..."
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Well - they have no choice anyway. It's the only way back. And so Little Goat made the deal with Lunatic and they're finally good to go!
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Jack: "Do I really have to ride that horse again?"
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Lunatic isn't enthusiastic either...
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Temporary truce for the sake of their lives...
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And finally they headed for the bridge that would lead them through Kōjin's realm. And - hopefully - back to Chestnut Ridge.
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Kiyoshi: "You must trust me from now on. If it's not because I'm your fated mate, trust me because I'm your Alpha. You can do that at least, right?"
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Jack sucks in a deep breath: "I will trust you."
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Kiyoshi: "Close your eyes. No matter what happens - keep them close. Lunatic will follow me. Don't worry."
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And just when they were about to cross the bridge - otherworld's Moonwood Mill crumbled and faded.
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Lunatic reared up and Jack opened his eyes - of course -.-
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'The last that ever she saw him Carried away by a moonlight shadow He passed on worried and warning Carried away by a moonlight shadow'
Mike Oldfield ft. Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When Y/N is invited to a polo tournament on Deville manor, she never expects for the Holmes boys to fall for her during the weekend getaway. Though Sherlock is keen to make sparks fly, his love for Y/N seems more and more like a competition with his older brother.
Y/N soon learns that she has more on the line than simply getting her heart broken. She might also be at the centre of a dark conspiracy. 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
"Do you see John, anywhere?" Mary peered through her binoculars, searching for her husband on the open field. “I promised him we’d pop by before the match.”
Y/N huffed in amusement. Earlier that week, Mycroft had invited John, Greg, Sherlock, and by extension, Mary and Y/N to join him for a weekend's polo tournament. The four men would play against a team of Mycroft's colleagues over the course of three days. It was a prestigious event and several higher up's in the British government would be in attendance. 
The renowned Deville manor served as lodging and camp, with the lord of the house acting as master of ceremonies. Lord Deville's property extended throughout the English countryside, its picturesque landscape making the ideal spot for a tournament.  
Y/N had been quick to accept Mycroft's invitation, only waiting for Sherlock's agreement before blurting out a sharp "yes," herself. She'd been doing that a lot lately - observing Sherlock's interactions from a distance. She ached for his approval but couldn't discern why. 
Y/N ambled past a team of rival polo players with Mary still linked to her arm. Socialites mingled in groups around her. They chatted softly, their fingers wrapped around champagne glasses. Y/N instinctively smoothed down the front of her blouse. She scanned the manor's busy plot and noticed a row of security personall in the backstands working to blend into the background. It didn't come as a surprise that Mycroft had invited them to such a shrouded event. The man dealt in secrets, even during his leisure time. 
"Have you spoken to Mycroft lately?" Y/N asked absently. 
Mary dropped her binoculars. "He's not exactly my confidant. Why do you ask?" 
Secretly, Y/N was intrigued by Mycroft's low profile, but she shrugged it off under Mary's stare. "I was just wondering. Isn't it strange that he invited us all for a weekend getaway? Social niceties aren't really his speed." 
Mary pursed her lips. "You know, I was wondering that myself. I’d say he has something hidden up his sleeve." 
“There’s certainly more to him than meets the eye,” Y/N murmured. She ignored Mary’s raised brow and changed the subject. "Anyway, I can't wait to see Sherlock in his riding gear. Do you think he's ever played polo before?" She bit back a smile trying to imagine Sherlock in sport's attire. 
"Somebody is awfully curious about the Holmes boys today." Mary's eyes gleamed with mischief. "In love with them, are you? Oh, the scandal!” 
Y/N clicked her tongue in annoyance, off put by the unwitting truth in Mary’s quip.  
"I'm only teasing, love." Mary leaned her head against Y/N's shoulder and tried to suppress a giggle. "Come on, I think I see our boys just up ahead!" 
The pair stumbled along a gravel path until they came to the main stables behind the playing field. Inside, John and Greg stood next to their ponies, both dressed in their polo whites and helmets. 
Greg was the first to see them. "Oi, ladies!" he called. "What do you think?" He gave them a twirl, showing off his garb. 
They clapped, both delighted by the outfits. "Your turn, John!" Mary called to her husband. "Give us a spin!" 
John rubbed his pony's mane. "Absolutely not." 
"Come on, mate," Greg urged. "Just a small one." John glanced at his friends and sighed. He spun in a circle begrudgingly and ended with a bow. "Are you satisfied?" 
"Don't play coy," Mary chided. She slid over to her husband's side and kissed his cheek. "You really do look quite sexy." 
"You think so?" John pressed his forehead against hers, pleased with the attention. 
Greg and Y/N shared a meaningful glance, neither a stranger to the Watsons' marital bliss. "Almost make you want a love of your own, don't they, these two?" Greg whispered dreamily. Y/N hummed in agreement. The Holmes brothers flashed in her mind. There and gone again in an instant. Though she smiled, the inspector's words brought an ache to the pit of her stomach. 
She ignored it. 
The sound of footsteps sounded from the other end of the stable. "Fashionably late, are we?" Sherlock stepped in with Mycroft in tow. His posture was relaxed and he radiated a confidence that could be perceived as hubris by those that didn’t know him. The polo whites clung to his lithe frame, perfectly creased and tailored. A red stripe ran up his rider's boots, a striking contrast against the bright ensemble. Though Sherlock had never worn athlete's wear before, if Y/N hadn't known him, she'd swear that he'd been riding since his youth. 
"Terribly sorry about the holdup," Mycroft called out. He glared at his brother with controlled irritation. He also wore the team colours, though his uniform was stitched with a gold crest on the breast pocket, marking him as Captain. He stepped forwards until he reached Y/N's side. He caught her eyes, his gaze inquisitive. "A gentleman never leaves a lady waiting,” he said. Mycroft's words were deliberate and relayed an intimacy that Y/N had never expected from him before. She studied him, surprised by the soft smile peaking from the corners of his lips. He seemed pleased to see her. 
The spell was broken when Sherlock squeezed himself between the pair. "Yes, quite right. Thank you for that rather mediaeval anecdote, Mycroft. Now, why don't you check on the ladies near the playing field instead? I'm sure they're keen to see you. Wives of your colleagues and all." Though his tone was light, a darker mood hid beneath Sherlock's words. He held his brother's gaze with steady defiance, daring him to stay. 
Mycroft spared a last nod at Y/N before stepping out from the stables. Y/N stared after him, puzzled albeit intrigued by his energy. In her bewilderment, she nearly missed the gentle touch of Sherlock's hand upon the small of her back. She looked at him, flustered by the doting gleam in his eye. 
He moved his hand lower until it wrapped around her waist. With the other, he fetched the reins of his mare, guiding it out from the stall. “John, Lestrade, I’ll meet you on the pitch. Five minutes, no more.” Sherlock dipped down until his lips were level to Y/N’s ear. "Walk with me," he breathed. 
Y/N felt a pleasant warmth at the contact. She followed him and though time didn't still, it slowed enough for her to question her affections. 
Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes. 
Two brothers with distinct sovereignty. Both intent on surpassing the other on every intellectual front. Beyond that, a rivalry existed between them, one that transcended their skills of deduction. Contention came naturally between the brothers. One need only imagine what might happen if passion were introduced to the equation. 
“Are you alright?” 
Y/N blinked. Her thoughts had raced off and now Sherlock was studying her carefully, concern creasing his brow. He had led her to a garden labyrinth, the scent of English yew unfurling around them. 
Y/N braved a smile. He was beautiful in the sunlight. She reached out and caressed the mare that had cantered alongside them. It nuzzled into her palm. “I’m fine,” she said. “I was just thinking about the match.” 
Sherlock nodded absently. He placed his hand over Y/N’s so that they both caressed the horse. She could feel his pulse, controlled but forceful against her skin. She met his eyes. She nearly shied away from his focus but he tipped her chin forwards with the shadow of a touch. 
“You’re lying,” he said. “You were thinking of me.” 
Y/N tensed and the mare whinnied. 
Sherlock took both her hands in his own and held them to his chest. “Do you think of me often, I wonder? Do you think of my touch? I know I dream of yours.” Y/N dropped her arms to her sides, numb with anticipation. Though anticipation of what, she couldn’t discern. 
Sherlock Holmes was her friend and nothing more. She couldn’t let her silly fantasies seep into their exchanges.
The overshadow from the noon sun cast darkened contours on Sherlock’s face but it didn’t harden the softness of his eyes. Y/N could no longer deny the implication of his words when she felt the push of his leg press her against the labyrinth’s hedged wall. The prick of branches pierced her back but she held her breath. 
“Is this alright?” Sherlock breathed. He had already drawn nearer, his body flush against hers. His breaths were laboured, the faint touch of his lips on her cheek electric.
Y/N nodded. 
Sherlock pulled back. “I need to hear you say it,” he said. “Otherwise…” he let the sentence linger, giving weight to his words. 
He exhaled as though he were expecting a rebuff. “Thank you.”
Sherlock licked his lips before dipping forwards and catching Y/N’s kiss. He held the back of her neck, the softness of his touch suggesting a fear of fragility. Y/N tensed despite the thrill of their tryst. Her blouse dropped from a shoulder and she gasped at the sudden coolness punctuating her warmth.
Sherlock grinned as he pressed another kiss to her neck. He caught the exposed skin from the fallen sleeve and breathed in the fading scent of her perfume and the labyrinth’s flora. He pushed deeper into the crook of her neck, landing tender kisses along the delicate line towards her jaw. 
Y/N stood rigid at first, her chin resting against Sherlock’s shoulder. All she could do was grip at the back of his polo shirt, still disconcerted by his sudden show of passion. “I love you,” she heard him murmur into her neck. Her breath caught before she heard it again. “I love you.”  
Y/N let her head fall back on the hedged wall. She felt as though seeing through a veil, unsure of this new development. Just yesterday, Sherlock had treated her as a friend. Though she always wished for it to be true, she hadn’t expected to become his lover only hours later. Mycroft flashed through her mind, but she waved him away.
Why was she thinking of the elder Holmes brother when Sherlock stood there having just confessed to loving her? Mycroft had shown her a rare kindness today, but she couldn’t pretend that it meant anything. 
What had changed? 
“Sherlock, I —”
“Five minutes, nothing more, was it?” a voice called out suddenly. 
Y/N flinched and quickly straightened herself out from behind Sherlock. She peeked behind his shoulder and saw Mycroft standing across from them. He seemed bemused yet his eyes relayed vexation and hurt. 
Sherlock turned and faced his brother. “Has it been longer than that already?” he asked jokingly. “Time seems to have gotten away from me.” 
“Indeed. You’re already six minutes past the mark.” Mycroft geared forwards, his steps deliberate, his mood icy. “Hello Miss Y/N,” he said. “I didn’t expect you to be the keeper of my brother’s protraction.” 
Sherlock looked back at Y/N and grinned. “Our meeting was imperative,” he assured his brother, arrogance dripping into his tone. 
“Recreational,” Mycroft corrected. 
The tension was heavy between both brothers and Y/N shuddered at their subtle resentment. “Sherlock, lead the mare to the pitch,” Mycroft ordered. 
Sherlock stood firmly. “Can’t you?” he said innocently.
“I can’t always be the one to clean up after you. Take responsibility, brother mine. Or else you’ll lead her astray.” 
Mycroft’s words were cryptic and Y/N got the sense that the conversation had veered away from the mare. 
Sherlock tensed but did as his brother commanded. Just before he left though, he turned to smile at Y/N. “We’ll pick up on this, I swear to it,” he said, pressing one last kiss to her cheek. She smiled back but felt nervous at the unspoken truths writhing between both brothers’ obscured words.
They were hiding something and she was somehow involved. 
Mycroft watched his brother leave before approaching Y/N. “This is already a strenuous event for me,” he said to her. “Do not prolong my agony.” 
Y/N shuddered. “What do you mean?” 
He smiled, but there was a sadness to it. “You look lovely in that dress,” he said, ignoring her question. 
“Tread lightly. There are secrets to this tournament that I fear will destroy you.” He sighed. “Take care of your heart, for it will prove your undoing.” Mycroft unclipped the stitched crest from his breast pocket and handed it to Y/N. “Maybe this will help in time.” 
Y/N watched as he stepped away after his brother. Her heart was beating fast and the labyrinth’s glamour was slowly losing its appeal.
What had just happened?
Y/N felt as though caught in a web. She couldn’t distinguish sibling rivalry from the threat of something more sinister happening on the Deville manor. She tucked the crest into her pocket, too off put to inspect the strange gift just yet. 
She thought of Sherlock. Did he truly love her? It had all seemed so perfect until those last few moments. 
Y/N tried to steady the frantic beating of her heart. She would search for answers soon enough. She would unveil the Holmes brothers’ secrets. She would decipher the ragings of her emotions. Until then, there was a polo match to attend. She hoped it would run smoothly but in the deepest parts of her, she knew:
Madness would ensue.
*grabs you by the coat collar* wanna read Feels Like Christmas?
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this!!! I'm thinking of making "Game of Kings" a three part series, but I'm really not sure. It's a maybe possibly at the moment. So, if you're wondering about the sudden click where Sherlock randomly professed his love to Y/N without any context to the nature of their relationship... I'm leading up to that (hopefully). Is it genuine??? Is he playing with her heart??? Protecting her, maybe??? I don't know. And the sitch with Mycroft will come into play too. I hope this fic wasn't too messy.
tagging: @twisted-monster ​ @starryeddie ​ @the-chaotic-cow ​ @turkisherlockian ​ @aephereal ​ ​ @andthevillainshallrises ​ ​ @baby-bloos ​ ​ @cookiemumster1 ​ ​​ @eternal-silvertongued-prince ​ ​ @bogginsreadings ​ ​ @lumosouls ​ @spencerrxids​ @serenity-lattes ​ @msseijii @classickook ​ @starstruck-loner ​    @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson ​ @lucywrites02 ​ @danzalladaggers @mrs-holmes ​ @pytharuw @antsn​ @kabubsmagga @newtsniffles ​ @cemak​ @sleepilysworld ​ @bakerstreethound ​
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johnsbleu · 3 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 169
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Author’s Note: This chapter might be a little heavy for some people, so I’m putting a warning out there. This chapter deals with abuse, specifically child abuse, verbal abuse, and mental abuse. While there are no actual scenes of this happening, but there are conversations around it. So please be advised and just know that if this could potentially trigger you, it would be best if you don’t read. I only want the best for you all. I won’t be offended if you need to sit this one out 💖
warnings: slight nsfw moments, mentions of child abuse hmh masterlist
Today is errand day for you, so you dropped Ronan off with your mom since she was asking to take her--her new friends were bringing their grandkids to the park and she insisted on bringing Ronan. You love when Ronan tags along for errand days but you didn’t want your mom to be the only without her grandchild, so you dropped her off.
Since you got everything done, you were running ahead of schedule which meant you had time to stop into Jimmy’s shop. Of course you love stopping in every now and then to see Jimmy--you’ve even brought him lunch--but right now there’s a dark haired, brown eyed man that is probably sitting down in the office that you desperately want to see. Hopefully he wants to see you just as bad.
“Hey, Logan,” you smile as you walk into Jimmy’s workshop, and he jogs over to hug you. “How are things?”
Logan shrugs, “Great at work.”
“Yeah…” you nod sympathetically, “I heard you’re doing really well here.”
“I really like it. Mr. Hendricks is teaching me a lot.”
Jimmy scoffs as he walks up beside you with John next to him, “Come on, man. Mr. Hendricks is my father.”
You roll your eyes and laugh as you look at John, giving him a small wave. He wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer to hug you. You haven’t seen him since this morning since he came to the shop to help Jimmy with some things.
“I better get back to work,” Logan says, and you smile at him before he turns and walks back over to what looks like a desk he’s working on with another guy.
“How’s he doing here?”
Jimmy nods, “Great. He’s a great kid. He’s picking up everything, but I think he’s having trouble at home.”
“Yeah,” John nods, looking down at you, “He came over the other day when you were gone. I was home, just working in the yard. He’s been hanging around more often--not that we mind. We told him we’re cool with it, but…”
You bite your cheek as you look over at Logan.
It’s no secret that Logan doesn’t have the best home life. When the accident happened and you spoke with his parents, they were so mean to him. Greg, his dad, was clearly an asshole, and neither you nor John liked the way he talked to Logan. He got a job working with Jimmy and has just absolutely excelled at everything there. Jimmy speaks so highly of him and his ability to pick things up quickly, along with his willingness to learn.
Ever since the accident, Logan has been working at the shop with Jimmy, but he still stops by your place. He’ll hang out with John and learn stuff about bookbinding, he’ll tend to the yard with him, he’ll even play with Ronan. You came home one day and he was in the pool with her swimming while John was making steaks on the grill.
You trust him. He’s a great kid! There was even a time when something came up and you called him last minute to babysit Ronan. You were only gone for three hours, but he was more than happy to come watch her, and she loves him. She always runs to him whenever she sees him. He’s become a part of your lives now and you’re all incredibly protective of him.
“He always is very adamant about putting his bike in the garage,” Jimmy says, waving for you to walk with him to his office, “I think he’s telling his parents he’s going for a bike ride, but he’s actually coming over to our place. He showed up the other day and Tess said he was just so withdrawn.”
“John and I have noticed the bike thing too,” you say, sitting down in John’s lap when he sits in the chair, “He brought it into the backyard one day.”
John rubs your side, “Maybe we should just keep an eye on him?”
“Yeah,” Jimmy sighs, looking out at Logan, “He’s a great kid. I know that Greg is a piece of shit, so…let’s definitely keep an eye on him.”
You all sit in silence for a few moments before John bounces you on his knee to get you to look at him.
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I can’t just stop by and see my brother-in-law.”
Jimmy laughs, “You did not come here to see me.”
“I have before!”
“Okay, that’s true.” he laughs, nodding his head before he looks at John, “She even brought me lunch.”
You smile proudly as you look at John, “Yes, I did!”
“You never bring me lunch,” John says, and you scrunch your face up as he laughs. “Okay, yeah, you do.”
“I was just driving by after running some errands and saw your car out front and wanted to stop by.”
John laughs, “I’m about to leave in an hour or so.”
“Oh, okay, wow…” you get off his lap and roll your eyes playfully, “I guess next time I won’t come visit you.”
“Stop,” he laughs, pulling you back to him, “You can come visit me anytime.”
Jimmy laughs, “Not me though. Gonna put a sign up with your picture on it that says ‘keep this woman off these premises.’”
“Okay, then I’ll never make that casserole that you like again.” you cross your arms and watch Jimmy widen his eyes as John laughs, “Yeah, two can play that game.”
“Forgive me.” he says, and you all start to laugh.
John reaches up and rubs his thumb over your eyebrow, “Did you get your eyebrows waxed or something? They’re a little red.”
“I did,” you touch your brow, “She put some stuff over it but it’s still really sore.”
“And you got a haircut,” John says, running his fingers through the length of your hair, “You look great, baby.”
You didn’t do anything major to your hair, but you did get about three inches cut off, just the dead stuff. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a small trim, John always notices. He genuinely pays attention to you, it blows your mind.
You scratch your nails against John’s scalp, “I got all my errands done, but now I’m gonna head over to the store and grab some things for tonight. Can you get Ro?”
“Yeah,” he nods, and you lean down to kiss him a few times. When you’re close enough, John whispers, “Thank you for coming to see me. I wanted to see you too.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” you smile at him, then you playfully narrow your eyes at Jimmy and point at him, “Watch yourself.”
Jimmy does the same thing back, “Yeah, you too.”
Looking over at John, you smile as sweet as you can, “I love you, baby.”
“I love you,” he laughs as Jimmy jokingly crosses his arms and shakes his head.
You give them both a wave before you walk back out to the shop. You spot Logan, so you wave at him again when he looks at you. He smiles and waves back, then he goes back to what he’s doing as you head out to your car.
Laughter bursts from the backyard as everyone sits around and eats. John made a ton of food, so everyone’s stuffing their faces. Amanda brought over a bunch of desserts too, and you can’t wait to get your hands on those.
“Gotta pee,” you whisper to John, then you hop up and head inside, smiling when you walk past all the kids playing in the grass. You quickly use the bathroom and wash your hands before you turn the corner to head to the backyard, but something catches your eye. You furrow your brow and lean over more to see Logan walking down the driveway. You quickly rush to the door and open it, “Logan, what are you doing out here?”
“Oh, I just…” he takes a few steps back towards the house, “I just wanted to…never mind. You’re all busy.”
You laugh, waving him over, “I mean what are you doing out here? We’re all in the back. Come on, there’s tons of food.”
Logan nods his head and walks up to the house with his head down. He’s recently gotten a haircut so his hair isn’t so floppy and you can actually see his face, and you immediately notice the busted lip he’s sporting.
“Hey,” you put your hand on his shoulder and look at him, “What happened to your lip?”
“Oh,” he chuckles, avoiding your gaze, “Just work. Wasn’t paying attention.”
You watch him closely when he glances at you, “Oh…okay.”
Keeping a close eye on Logan, you follow behind him through the kitchen to the backyard. He grabs a plate and starts to put food on it, and you quickly look away when he looks at you. You smile and reach for Ronan when she toddles over to you, immediately lifting her up and hugging her. Your eyes wander back over to Logan as he sits down at the table where Amanda’s nephew is--he’s staying with them while he looks at a few colleges out here.
“Hey,” John comes up the steps and smiles as he reaches out to touch Ronan’s cheek, “What are you doing?”
“Something is going on with Logan.” you whisper, and John looks at him, “He was out front when I went to the bathroom, and…he has a bloody lip.”
John clenches his jaw and shakes his head, “Greg.”
“What do we do? He said it happened at work but I don’t believe that. Someone once got a splinter and Jimmy freaked out. He’s so protective of them there.” you hold John’s gaze, “If he got it at work, we’d know about it. Jimmy would have mentioned it.”
“Oh, yeah, skateboarding,” Logan says as everyone stares at him, “Fell earlier.”
You and John both look at each other. Logan can’t even keep his lies straight, most likely because he’s scared and nervous. John sighs as he comes up to stand next to you, then he makes eye contact with Jimmy--he knows something is up too.
“What do we do?”
“Get him out of that house as soon as possible,” John says, and you look up at him, “He’ll stay with us.”
You nod, “Okay.”
“We’ll find him a place eventually, but he needs to get out of that house. He can’t stay there anymore.” John shakes his head as he walks away, “I won’t allow it.”
You’re sitting around the table with everyone while the kids are still playing in the grass. Ronan will need to go down for a nap soon, but right now she’s having fun with Harper and you definitely don’t want to pull her away kicking and screaming for a nap. She’ll give all her tired cues when she’s ready for a nap. You look over at John as he stares at the table, and he flinches when you reach for his hand. A small spreads on your face, and he squeezes your hand before leaning over to kiss your temple.
Logan, Benji, and Amanda’s nephew, Devin, have decided to go fishing off the dock behind the house, so you’re all sitting here trying to figure out what to do.
“I want him out of that house,” John says, and you all look at him. “Something about this whole thing…it just pisses me off.”
You nod, “Rightfully so, John. I’m pissed too. I want him out of that house too.”
Jimmy shakes his head, “Greg might put up a fight, but my guess is he won’t if you’re there.”
“Oh, I’ll be there,” John says when Jimmy gestures to him.
“He can stay here. We have plenty of room.” you say as they look at you, “I just don’t want him there anymore. I say that we get him out of there tomorrow.”
Tess leans forward, “Talk to him. Get his opinion. I’m sure he wants out of there too, but let him know that he has the option. You don’t want him to feel like he’s being forced.”
“He’ll need a lot of things. We can help with that.” Amanda says, and you smile softly at her.
Aurelio nods, “I can get him a car too.”
Your heart swells as you look at your friends, “Thank you.”
John sighs heavily beside you, so you look at him. He squeezes your hand but keeps his gaze down. Ronan toddles over and reaches up for her daddy, and he smiles as he brings her into his lap. She leans against his chest and pops her thumb into her mouth, then she smiles as she looks over at you.
“Hi, bug.” you lean over and kiss her forehead, “You getting sleepy?”
Ronan nods her head before she leans back to look at John. She tries her best to talk to him about something--he’s absolutely not sure what but he listens intently. He smiles at her and kisses her, then she lays back against his chest, closing her eyes.
The back gate opens as Benji runs through it, rushing over to Aurelio, “Dad, we just caught a huuuuge fish. Devin threw it back though.”
You look up as Devin and Logan came into the backyard, and they stand back and talk. They’ve really hit it off since Devin’s been here. Aurelio stopped into the shop with him the other day to talk to Jimmy about something, and Logan and Devin instantly became friends. Logan seems to be in a bit of a better mood too now that he has a friend.
“It’s getting dark, I better head home.” Logan says, and you sit up a little. “Thanks for letting me come over. The food was great.”
“Hey, you’re welcome at our places any time, Logan,” Tess says, waving at him, “You know Finny loves you.”
You get up and walk with Logan inside, working up the courage to ask if things are okay at home. You know they’re not but you don’t want to cross any lines. John follows behind you and clears his throat when Logan gets to the door.
“Hey, Logan, can we talk to you?”
“Of course,” he turns around and looks at you both.
Taking a deep breath, you look at him and feel John’s hand on your back, “You didn’t get hurt at work.”
“Uh…” he looks down and shakes his head, “No.”
“Was it your dad?” you ask, and Logan nods his head. “How many times has he done this?”
Logan takes a few moments before he looks at you, “He usually just pushes me around, but this was the first time that he…”
“What about your mom?” John asks, and Logan’s eyes fill with tears as he nods.
“She’s…slapped me before.”
You take a deep breath and let it out shakily, “We don’t want you going back there. We want you to come stay with us. We’ll find a place for you. I know you’re 18 now and you’ve just graduated, but we want you to come stay here for a few weeks. We’ll find you an apartment too. Would you want to do this?”
Logan stares at you and John before he nods his head, “Yes. I’ve been looking for a place but it’s just too expensive.”
“Let us worry about that,” John says, and you nod in agreement. “Can you stay somewhere else tonight? You’re welcome here too.”
“I was actually gonna ask if I could stay at Aurelio’s tonight. Devin wanted to play a game. I just…needed to ask my parents.”
You smile at him, “You and Devin seem to get along.”
“Yeah, he’s cool. We like a lot of the same things.” he says, perking up, “He wants to move out here for school.”
Chatter fills the house as everyone comes back inside, and you look over at Aurelio tickling Ronan’s tummy as she laughs. He sets her down and watches as she runs over to grab one of her toys, then she brings it to him. He leans down and listens to her as she talks about it.
“I’m gonna ask my parents if I can stay the night. They’ll probably say yes, they don’t really care what I do.” he says, and you grip John’s hand. “I’ll text you.”
Devin nods his head, “Cool.”
You quickly follow Logan outside, “Hey, we’re serious, by the way.”
“Me too, Mrs. Wick.” he says, smiling at you, “Thanks.”
“Tomorrow.” you say as he nods, “Tomorrow we’ll pack up your things and you’ll come live here.”
Logan nods again, “Sounds good.”
Walking back into the house, everyone looks at you and waits for what you’re going to say. You give them all a small smile, then you walk over and sit down on the couch, exhaling softly.
“Well, we’ll get out of your hair,” Amanda says, scooping up Harper into her arms, “Call us and let us know what he needs.”
“We will,” John nods, then he looks over at you, “I’m going to walk them out.”
You nod your head, “Okay. Bye guys, thanks for coming.”
Tess leans down and hugs you, “Let us know what we can do too. We’re happy to help.”
“Thank you.”
After the door closes, you look over at Ronan and see her curled up on the couch asleep. You smile as you walk over and pick her up, then you take her up to her room to get her changed. She’s still asleep even as you change her into her pajamas, and you laugh quietly when she only moves around a little after you’ve put her in her crib.
“Is she asleep?” John whispers as he comes in, then he leans down and kisses her forehead, “Damn, I wanted to snuggle her before she fell asleep.”
“She’ll be right there in the morning,” you smile as he looks at you, “You can snuggle her then.”
John nods, “Right.”
The two of you hold hands as you walk down to your room, and you sit on the edge of your bed in silence as John undresses. He stands in front of you in his boxers for a moment before he tilts your chin up so you’ll look at him. Your eyes trail down his body before you stand up and wrap your arms around him, hugging him tight.
“I love you so much,” you whisper as he holds you, “You’re such a good man.”
“This will change things around here a little.” he says, and you nod, “We’ll have someone else living here, but that’s okay, right?”
You lean back and look into his warm brown eyes, “He needs to get out of that house. I can’t sleep knowing he’s there.”
“Yeah, me either,” he smooths your hair back and leans down to kiss you. “This will be good for him.”
“I think so too.”
You wrap your arms around John and close your eyes, listening to the sound of his heart beating. He rests his cheek on top of your head, and you stand in his warm embrace. A comfort that nothing compares to.
Logan seemed to be having second thoughts about moving out, so he called and told you that he wanted to wait and see how things were going at home first. He said they had gotten better since he was over the night you talked to him, but you weren’t convinced that they wouldn’t get bad again.
Obviously it’s a scary thing to move out and you’re sure he’s even more scared since his parents pretty much suck. You told him that you and John will support him no matter what, but you both ultimately want him to move in for the time being. He just doesn’t need to be around his parents. John is still hoping that he’ll change his mind and has even had a couple of boxes near the front door for a few days just in case he calls and needs to be moved out as quickly as possible.
It’s scary knowing that he could just be at home when Greg is there, and he could be taking out his anger on him--his mom too. You’re trying not to think about it which is why you’ve been throwing yourself into work all day. You went to the shop and decided to go through some old boxes of books that need to be donated to the library.
Just as you close the box up, you hear the bell above the door. You’re a little surprised that anyone is coming out since it’s storming really bad today. You get up and head out to greet them, but your stomach drops when you see Logan standing there drenched from the rain.
“Logan, oh my god…” you grab John’s sweatshirt that he’s left at work and rush out to warm him up, “Why are you out in the rain?”
“They were yelling at me,” he whispers, his eye red from tears.
You escort him back to the office and gesture for him to sit down, “What happened?”
“They were yelling at me. We were arguing about college. I don’t want to go to school to be a fucking lawyer,” he says, then he looks at you, “Pardon my language.”
You shake your head since it’s the least of your worries right now, but don’t say anything. You just let him talk.
“I said I was leaving, so he…” he shakes his head and looks down, “He was just yelling at me and…calling me names. I went to your house but no one was home, so I came here.”
“I’m so sorry,” you sit next to him, “John is out with Ro.”
Logan uses the sweatshirt to wipe his face dry, then he looks over at you, “I can’t stay there anymore. I know I can’t. I have to leave.”
“I know,” your eyes soften as you look at him, “I want you out of there. Now. I’m gonna call John.”
Logan nods his head as you get up and grab your phone from the desk. You press his name and cradle your phone between your ear and shoulder as you gather your things.
“Hey, peach.”
“Hey, uh, Logan is here.” you say, and he glances up at you. “He needs to move right now. I mean literally right this minute.”
John is quiet for a moment, “Okay. I’m actually on my way home right now. I’ll drop Ro off with Tess. Meet me at the house.”
“Okay,” you hang up the phone and look at Logan, “Let’s go.”
The shop is empty aside from Tony, so you walk over to quickly let him know that you won’t be back and that he can close up the shop whenever he feels like it. With the rain, no one is coming in anyway. You open your umbrella and wait for Logan to get under it, then you rush out to your car to get in.
“I just want you to be one hundred percent sure that you want to move out.”
Logan looks out the window and nods his head before he looks at you, a slight bruising forming around his eye that you couldn’t see earlier since you were on the other side of him.
That’s enough to light a fire inside of you. If you were mad before, you’re fucking livid now.
“Yeah. I’m one hundred percent sure.”
John is waiting in the living room when you get into the house. He gets up and walks over, eyeing Logan and sighing when he sees the bruise on his face. He looks over at you, checking to see if you’re okay too. You give him a small nod.
“You’re sure, Logan?”
“Yes, sir,” he nods, shivering a little, from his wet clothes and probably nerves.
John nods, “Let’s go then.”
It’s still storming outside and it only seems to be getting worse as you drive down the street to Logan’s house. You look back at him when you pull up to it, and he wrings his hands together.
“We’re gonna go in with you.” John says, and Logan gets out of the car.
You all rush up to the door and step inside, and when the door opens, all hell breaks loose.
“Logan, that better be you!” Greg yells, stomping his way to the front door. He stops when he sees you and John, “What are you two doing here?”
“Go get your things.” you say softly, and Logan runs up the stairs to his room.
John moves so you’re behind him, “Logan is coming to stay with us.”
“You can’t do that,” Greg laughs. “He’s our child.”
“He’s eighteen. He can go wherever he likes.” you say as you grip the back of John’s shirt to keep him in place, “He’s not going to be staying here with you.”
Greg laughs in disbelief, “Laura, get out here. You won’t believe this.”
Laura walks out drying her hands on a tea towel. She stops when she sees you and John, “What’s going on?”
“They’re trying to take Logan.” Greg says, gesturing to you and John, “Unbelievable.”
“We’re not trying to take him, he’s coming with us. He chose this on his own,” you look at Laura and shake your head, “He’s tired of being treated like shit.”
Laura scoffs, “We do not treat him like that.”
“Really? Where did the black eye come from? How about that busted lip he had?” John asks, staring them down, “Because we all know it didn’t happen from skateboarding. He doesn’t even like skateboarding.”
You look up the stairs to see Logan standing there, and he waves you up. You start towards the staircase but Laura stands in your way. You stare her down until she moves aside. You get into his room and immediately start helping him pack his bags, but you hear Laura coming in.
“You can’t take our son!”
“We’re not taking him,” you say as you turn around to look at Laura. You tap your temple, “You’re not fucking getting it! I’m not taking your son. He’s leaving. He can’t stand to be here anymore.”
Laura shakes her head, “This isn’t even your business.”
“Logan made it my business when he showed up with bloodshot eyes and a blood on his face!” you exclaim as she gazes at you in astonishment, “He made it my business when he told me how shitty you are to him! Laura, he’s your child! As a mother, it is your responsibility to protect and cherish your child; however, you have repeatedly failed to do so. I cannot sit back and allow him to stay in this house.”
John moves past and starts helping you and Logan pack things up. You offer a gentle smile to Logan, placing your hand on his arm while nodding reassuringly, letting him know that everything will be okay.
“I can’t…” Laura talks to herself quietly, “She’s taking him from me. She’s taking him!”
You set aside one bag and grab a few things to put in the bag that John is packing. He looks up at you and gently touches your hand, holding your gaze for a moment before you flinch when Greg yells. John instantly tenses up and turns around to protect you.
“I’ve called the police! They’re on their way.”
“Dad, come on.” Logan finally speaks up, “I’m leaving. I’m going to stay with them, then I’m getting my own place. I can’t stay here. You guys don’t even want me here anyway.”
Laura shakes her head, “That is not true and you know it!”
“Mom, you know you don’t want me here, and I know you only don’t want me to leave because you don’t like her,” he says, gesturing to you, and you look at him, “Mrs. Wick is nice to me. She actually listens to me.”
Laura scoffs and tosses the tea towel to the ground, "Oh please, don't fool yourself into thinking she actually values your input. I'm not naive to her motives; it's obvious why she's so eager for you to move in. It won't be long until she's pregnant. I know she has ulterior motives.”
You stare at her for a moment before you start to laugh since that’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard in your fucking life, “Are you serious? Are you seriously saying I’m going to be inappropriate with him?”
“Mom, she’s like a big sister.” Logan says, and Laura purses her lips and looks away.
“Laura, I have no intentions to do anything with your son, and I’m beyond offended that you think that of me. That is the furthest thing from my mind. What I do have intentions of is taking care of your son because you two are doing a terrible job at that.” you look back at Logan, his face ghost white and frightened, “He’s coming to stay with us.”
There’s a knock at the door, so Greg goes down to answer it. It’s obviously the police, but everyone knows that there isn’t much that can be done. Logan is eighteen and he’s allowed to leave. Plus the police know all about Greg, and you’re sure Jimmy has given them a heads up about what’s been happening.
“You can’t take him!”
You roll your eyes as you turn around and begin helping Logan again. It’s John’s turn to argue with them now.
“Laura, I understand that this must be hard--”
“You don’t know anything!” she yells at John, and you turn to look at her, narrowing your eyes.
She sure as shit is not going to yell at John like that. You gesture for him to help Logan instead, and you go back to arguing with her.
“Why?” you ask her, and she furrows her brow, “Why do you care what happens to him when you don’t even bother to pay attention to him? He’s been begging for attention for years, yet he goes unnoticed.”
“Why do you care?”
You start to laugh, “Because as crazy as this may sound to someone with no soul, I actually care about people. I care about Logan, and I care about what happens to him. As a mother, I can’t stand here and watch you treat him like that.”
Laura says something not very nice about you under her breath that makes John stand up straight and absolutely glare at her. You roll your eyes and grab a bag of Logan’s things to bring downstairs. Laura actually moves out of the way but she follows you back down to the front door where Greg is talking to the police.
“Well, he’s eighteen, so…” the officer nods at John, then he looks at Greg, “There’s nothing we can do. If he wants to go stay with them, he’s legally an adult and can do that.”
“So, she gets to just take my son from me?” Laura stands next to Greg and shakes her head, “This whore gets to just take our son!”
John takes a deep breath before he sets the bag down, “I haven’t said much because I’m trying my best to control my anger right now, but if you speak about my wife like that one more time, I promise I won’t be able to control it.”
“You can be as upset as you like, but Logan made this choice on his own. He doesn’t want to stay here in this environment anymore, and we’re offering him a way out.” you hold Laura’s gaze, “If you weren’t going to love your child, then you never should have had them.”
Laura fumes as she takes a step forward, “You bitch--”
You swat Laura’s hand out of your face before you shove her back. She stumbles into Greg and widens her eyes, looking over at the police officer and pointing at you. She looks like a petulant child. She starts her way back to you but you grab her arm when she tries to hit you again.
“Don’t.” you warn her firmly, “I promise you that you don’t want to do that because you won’t like what happens next. News fucking flash: you cannot put your hands on people! You don’t know me, so I’m warning you right now. If you put your hands on me, you won’t like the outcome.”
Greg puffs up his chest and steps forward, which sets John off. It happens in a flurry. One moment you’re looking at Laura and the next you see Greg making his way towards you. You’re sure he’s just protecting his wife, but John is also protecting his. He steps in front of you and his fist connects with Greg’s jaw, knocking his back against the staircase.
“Enough!” the cops yells, and you quickly pull John back towards you after he got a few good hits in.
Lacing your fingers through John’s, you hold him tight next to you since you know he’ll go back to Greg if you don’t have a hold of him.
When Logan tries to move past to the doorway, Greg stands in front of him, just staring him down, and Logan puts his head down and doesn’t move. He just shrinks as Greg towers over him. Logan’s not a short kid, but Greg just makes him look so small and powerless. If Logan really wanted to, he could probably really hurt Greg.
“Logan, you can’t just leave…” Laura says, reaching out for him but he backs away, “Honey, we’ll talk about it.”
You touch his back and lean forward to look at him, “Put your things in the car. We’ll be out shortly.”
The police officer shrugs, “There’s nothing I can do. He’s made his decision. If he feels like he’s better off with them, then that’s what he should do. Either way, he shouldn’t be here. He’s clearly not comfortable.”
“So, that’s it? They get to waltz in here and take him from us?” Greg throws his hands up, “Absolute bullshit!”
Logan opens the door and puts his cell phone on the table, “I don’t want to see you two right now. Not for a while. Maybe later down the road, but not right now. You can have your phone back. I’ll get my own. Mom, I know this is hard, but this is a decision I made for myself. You guys don’t care if I’m here or not.”
“Honey, that is not true.”
“If it wasn’t true, then you would have noticed that I wasn’t home for the past week.” he says, and you all look at him, “I never came home. I was staying with a friend, or…sleeping on a bench. I even crashed in the Wick’s backyard one night--I didn’t want to wake you guys up.”
You shake your head and wave it off, “We don’t care about that, Logan. We just want you to be safe.”
“You haven’t even noticed that I’ve been gone. It’s okay, mom.” he says softly as she cries, “Maybe we can work things out later on in life.”
John reaches for your hand and tugs it a little, pulling you to the door. You open the door and wait for Logan to step outside, then you walk to the car with him. He gets in the back and looks out the window as Laura stands on the front step with her hands over her head to shield herself from the rain. You turn around and look back at Logan, and he exhales in relief before putting his head down and closing his eyes.
When you got home, you quickly made up the guest bedroom for Logan. You gave him new sheets and told him that you’d make some dinner but he wasn’t obligated to come out or anything. In the end, he decided to just take his food to his room, which was fine by you. He said he wanted to eat and just watch some TV before falling asleep. He’s so emotionally and mentally exhausted, so you don’t blame him for wanting to just rest.
Sighing loudly, you flop down in bed and close your eyes. John trails his nails up your back and into your hair, and you hum before you open your eyes to look at him. He holds your gaze as you sit up, then he pulls you into his arms and hugs you. You melt into the warmth of his embrace, scooting up more so you’re comfortable.
John leans back and sighs, “You think he’s okay?”
“He will be,” you whisper, nodding your head, “It’s just going to be an adjustment for now. It doesn’t help that we literally live down the street from them but he’s safe here.”
“What Laura said about you earlier,” he shakes his head, “None of that is true.”
You start to laugh, “She called me a slut! And a whore! Can you believe that? Me? A slut?”
“You’re certainly not a slut,” John says, chuckling a little.
“Well, I mean, I am a slut for you.” you say, which makes John laugh harder than he has all day. “The fact that her mind even went there disgusts me. I have never looked at him like that. He’s like…a little brother or a son, really.”
John nods, “She’s just upset. I’m not justifying it, but there’s no way anyone would think that about you. She’s just mad.”
“I know,” you look down at your hands and shrug, “I feel so bad for him. I can’t imagine…ever treating Ro like that. She’s my baby. I’m suppose to love and protect her, not hurt her.”
“I think I see a lot of myself in Logan,” John admits as you look at him, “I think that’s why this situation is so hard for me and why I get so protective of him. It’s hard for me to control my anger more than it should be. I just see so much of myself in him. He’s so lost and unloved, and he really needs someone to show him that he has worth. What better person to do that than you. You did it for me.”
You tear up as you look at him, “You have so much worth, babe. Logan does too. And you both had it before I ever even came along.” Silence blankets the room for a few minutes before you look at John. “Were people…mean to you too when you were younger?” you ask, and he inhales deeply before looking over at you with the saddest eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
“It just comes with the territory.”
“It shouldn’t.” you say, holding his gaze, “No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not a child. Especially not you.”
John leans over, cupping your face and kissing you. You scoot closer to him and pull the blanket up so you can touch him, and you both lay back on the bed but his lips never leave yours. You start to pull his boxers down a little, but you’re startled by a knock on the door.
John leans up a little and looks over his shoulder at the door, “Think Ronan knows how to get out of her bed and knock yet?”
“No,” you laugh, getting out of bed. You open the door and smile when Logan stands with his back to you, “I’m decent, Logan.”
“Oh, okay,” he turns around and looks over your shoulder at John before looking at you, “I just wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here. I promise I won’t be a hassle or anything.”
You smile, “We’re not worried about it. We’re just glad you’re here and that you’re safe. Not that you’ll have to worry about it again, but next time you’re looking for somewhere to stay, you can come here. You don’t have to sleep on a bench.”
“Or in our backyard.” John chimes in, and you laugh as you move to the side so they can see each other. “That’s kind of creepy.”
Logan grimaces before smiling, “I didn’t want to wake up Ronan.”
You wave it off, “We’d rather deal with a sleepy baby than you getting sick or being uncomfortable outside.”
“About the stuff my mom said…”
You wave your hand again, “Don’t worry about it.”
“It wasn’t very nice.”
“Well, no, but she’s upset. I’m not worried about it. I know it’s not true. I’m pretty crazy about that big dope back there,” you say, using your thumb to gesture to John over your shoulder, and John starts to laugh, “Plus I’m almost old enough to be your mom, so I’m not really interested in you.”
Logan scrunches up his face, “Yeah, that’s gross. You’re like a big sister.”
John laughs, “Good. I’d fight you otherwise, kid.”
“I believe it.” Logan laughs, then he smiles at you.
“Hey, speaking of…” John gets up and walks over to join you, “I’m sorry--well, I’m not sorry that I did it--but sorry you had to see me…you know…”
Logan nods when John imitates punching his own jaw, “Oh, no, he deserved it.”
“I will do anything that I have to do to protect her,” John says, gesturing to you, “I protect my family. I hope you know that includes you.”
That totally touched Logan but he plays it off and just nods his head. The light catches a tear in his eye though. Fucking adorable.
“I won’t be loud or anything since I’m going to bed and I know Ro is sleeping, but I just wanted to let you guys know I’m watching TV.”
“You don’t have to tell us what you’re doing every minute, bud,” John says as he backs away, “You’re welcome to do whatever. Obviously Ro is sleeping, but whatever you do in your room is your business. Tomorrow we can go and get the rest of the things you need and get you a new phone as well.”
Logan looks down, “I need to get a new bank account too. My parents have me on theirs, so…”
“We’ll take care of everything that we can tomorrow.” you say to him, and he nods. “Go get some rest. If you get hungry, there’s plenty of food as well.”
“I can just get anything I want?” he says, perking up when you nod. “Wow.”
You reach out and hug him, “You’re safe here, Logan.”
“Thank you,” he hugs you tighter before he lets go, “I’ll see you two in the morning.”
“Okay, goodnight.”
Logan turns around and stares at you for a moment like he’s seeing a ghost, “Goodnight.”
Has no one ever said goodnight to him before?
Closing the door, you turn back to John and smile at him as he watches you. You crawl into bed and laugh when he leans down and kisses you several times, and you lean back to hold his gaze. His hand is resting on your hip, and you squint your eyes playfully at him.
“You arguing with Laura was pretty sexy.”
You start to laugh, “God, you’re so weird.”
“I just think you’re sexy when you get angry.”
“I don’t get this reaction when I get mad at you for leaving the toilet seat up.”
John cocks up his brow, “I don’t leave the toilet seat up.”
“Yeah, true,” you cup his face and look into his eyes, “Thanks for being such a good man.”
“I want to be the best man for you.”
A smile spreads across your face, “You are the best man for me. Ronan and I are so lucky. And you know what? Logan is lucky too. Thank you for taking him under your wing. We are so lucky to have you in our lives, babe.”
John nods as he looks down, then he looks at you with tears in his eyes, “Thank you.”
You start to tear up as you look at him, so you hug him tight and close your eyes, just holding each other for a few minutes. You start to laugh when John’s left hand slides down your thigh, and you lean back to look at him, raising your brows a little.
“You have to be insanely quiet.”
“I can do that,” he whispers as he crawls on top of you, “I can be so quiet.”
Laughing quietly, you lift your hips up so John can get your shorts off, and he licks his lips and leans down to kiss your stomach as he hums. He moves lower and inhales deeply when he gets between your legs, and you laugh when he closes his eyes and drops his head.
“God, you smell so good!”
“Quiet,” you whisper as you pull him up to you, “You have to be quiet.”
John grins as he leans down to kiss you, then he shakes his head, “It’s not me I’m worried about.”
You bite your lip as you start to laugh, “Okay, I’ll be quiet too.”
Your left arm is draped over John’s pillow and as soon as he brushes his lip between your legs, you grab his pillow and press it to your face. Yeah, being quiet is harder than it seems.
@multifandombliss @ruby-octo @tnu-ree @sakurachan-9 @beingnerdyissupercool @scream-queen-25 @ladyren33
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weclassybouquetfun · 21 days
Edward Holcroft offers up Taron Egerton proof of life.
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Taron should be in the middle of filming his latest AppleTV+ series FIREBUG. The project reunites him with his BLACKBIRD showrunner Dennis Lehane and his BLACKBIRD costar Greg Kinnear.
“Firebug,” loosely based on true events and inspired by a podcast of the same name, stars Egerton as an “enigmatic arson investigator with Jurnee Smollett as his partner Michelle, a rising detective.
It will also star another AppleTV+ vet Rafe Spall whose AppleTV+ series TRYING just returned for its fourth season.
Rafe and his TRYING costar Esther Smith are awaiting the birth of their child.
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In the pipeline for Taron is Netflix's CARRY ON which was expected to be released this year as it was teased in Netflix's "What's Next in 2024" sizzle reel. He also has SHE RIDES SHOTGUN expected out in 2025. The international distribution sales for the film is largely sold out, while there is no information on domestic distribution.
Holcroft has a limited series in the offing with the Lithuianian six-parter A WOLF'S PALATE created by Emilis Vėlyvis. What is it about?
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“Young girl Silvija has been brutally murdered. Her desecrated body was found in the woods by Ulvis, the town’s deaf-mute tattoo artist. Everyone in the small town becomes suspects in this terrible crime, divided into several fierce camps accusing each other. Little by little, the viewer discovers the dark and frightening side of life in this seemingly sleepy, backwater town.”
What are the other KINGSMAN alums up to?
Colin Firth only has one project in the offing - the five part Sky Atlantic / Peacock limited series LOCKERBIE. In this true story, Firth plays Jim Swire who, along with his wife, are in a quest for justice for the victims - which included his daughter - of the bombing and subsquent crashing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
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Mark Strong: Never not working, Mark will be seen in Max's DUNE: PROPHECY as Emperor Javicco Corrino.
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He returns to the stage opposite Lesley Manville in OEDIPUS.
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On social media, his trainer confirmed what has been on IMDB for nearly a year - Strong will be in Max's Batman universe series THE PENGUIN. You can see him starting tomorrow in the Netflix Jennifer Lopez starrer ATLAS.
Also in the Netflix family is Sofia Boutella, who can currently be seen in the second part of REBEL MOON, REBEL MOON PART TWO: THE SCARGIVER. But also in the upcoming THE KILLER'S GAME.
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June 3rd, you can see Sophie Cookson in the romantic comedy THIS TIME NEXT YEAR (written by Sophie Cousens, adapated from her novel of the same title), opposite Lucien Laviscount.
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10 notes · View notes
Quick Thoughts - Phantom of the Opera - Broadway - March 27, 2023
The main trio was Greg Mills, Julia Udine, and Paul A. Schafer.
The energy in the theater was just electric. The audience was so enthusiastic and the cast was just on top of their game; everyone just had so many good details.
This is the first time, in all 25 times I’ve seen the show that I’ve had an understudy for Madam Giry on! I would say that Janet Saia plays Madam Giry a bit kinder that Maree Johnson. I always considered Maree Johnson’s Giry’s top priority to be only her and Meg, but Janet Saia’s Giry cares about the folks in the opera house.
I was sitting close enough to the stage to realize that Jim Weitzer’s Reyer was singing along with Piangi during the Hannibal Rehearsal, not mouthing along the lyrics.
Nehal Joshi’s Andre is just so good. I know I say this every time I do a write up, but this man has so many good details.
When Carlotta was singing ‘Think of Me’ Nehal Joshi’s Andre was singing along (not mouthing, singing along like he was a Kpop stan).
The look of utter relief on Nehal Joshi’s face when he thought saying ‘These things do happen,’ to Carlotta was the right thing to say, only to have the light completely die from his eyes, the moment he realized that he messed up.
The moment Greg Mills started singing from the mirror, I knew that I was going to be in for a ride.
He just has so many good details. I don’t think I managed to catch them all.
People started applauding, when he appeared in the mirror, I think he broke character and cracked a smile? (Or we can just say that he was smiling arrogantly cause the Phantom knew he was in complete control at this moment.)
Also during the title song, when the Phantom and Christine are on the boat and the ensemble is singing the chorus, the way Greg’s Phantom caressed (I’m still not sure if this is the best word) his face, touching his lips, all while gazing at an unaware Christine???! 
A lot of good hand acting details, in which Greg’s Phantom almost touches Christine’s face. but doesn’t quite manage to close the final 2 centimeters. 
The difference you get from the masked, mysterious, almost sexually charged man to the unmasked, pitiful, unhinged man still the same high quality hand acting though. 
During Point of No Return, Greg’s Phantom starts off with an Italian accent and as he got more enthralled with his ‘brilliant’ scheme, the accent slowly started to slip away.
When Julia’s Christine flashed her leg on the bench, the man’s brain just broke. His hand reached out like he was going to go for it, but he just ended placing his hand on the bench instead.
During Down Once More, most Phantoms like to option that second why into a wail/scream. Not Greg Mills. That why was a low, raspy growl.
We love a good sarcastic bow when Raoul emerges from the lake.
It always kinda cracks me up when a Phantom looks so dejected when Christine sings the ‘tears of hate’ line. Greg’s Phantom looked extra sad and dejected, as if he was thinking to himself “where did I go wrong??!”
During the line ‘send him to his grave,’ Greg held the veil, like it was a noose around his neck.
Oh, lord, the kiss.
Greg’s Phantom is just so overcome. He can’t manage to wrap his arms around Christine during the second kiss.
Just when I was thinking to myself, “why must every Broadway Phantom gaslight me into think that they’re going to pick up the candle by walking right up to the organ,” Greg picked up the candle?????! The spark didn’t work, so now I’m wondering if the candle is part of the new standard blocking for the remaining performances or if Greg Mills just went, “Fuck it, I’m doing what I want.”
During the masquerade reprise, Greg’s Phantom was mimicking the monkey’s cymbals, before just slowly deflating and softly covering the monkey’s face.
The second ‘I love you’ was to the space Christine had left behind, and the third, softer yet, was to the veil, right before he picked it up.
Greg couldn’t get the final line out completely before the audience started cheering. That’s how enthusiastic the audience was.
Really love that when Greg Mills took his final bow as the Phantom, he ran out high-fiving his cast mates.
71 notes · View notes
dc-polls · 8 months
The DC Comics "Best Dancer" Who's Who Dance Party Post!
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[ID: Thumbnails of the characters Guy Gardner, Booster Gold, Ted Kord, Sir Justin, Greg Saunders, Cass Cain, Batman, and Virgil Hawkins. /End ID]
Here are the submissions we received for DC Best Dancer. I'll be honest, it's a very unlikely group for a dance battle, but here we are nonetheless. 😁 Feel free to comment, tag or add on to any of the polls or this post with your propaganda! Without further ado, let's bring in our contestants...
Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)
🎵I Just Want To Celebrate by Rare Earth (YouTube)🎵
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[ID: Comic panel of Guy Gardner as Green Lantern, leading in several people in a conga line all singing Celebrate drunkenly. /END ID]
Michael Jon Carter (Booster Gold)
🎵Shakedown by Bob Seger (YouTube)🎵
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[ID: Cropped comic panel of Blue Beetle leapfrogging over Booster Gold. Booster talks to Scott Free off screen saying, "The question, Scott, is - URK! I hate playing leap-hero - Why aren't you there with that girl?" /END ID]
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)
🎵Shakedown by Bob Seger (YouTube)🎵 Note: Booster and Beetle were submitted together, so they get the same song. But alas, since this is an individual tournament, we must do the unthinkable and split them up.
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[ID: Comic panel with the setting labeled "Justice League Embassy, New York". Ted Kord as Blue Beetle and Fire dance to the stereo while Ice looks on. Beetle sings along, "Oh, do the mon-kay, at the love shack, bay-ay-ay-BEE!" /END ID]
Sir Justin (Shining Knight)
🎵The Wind That Shakes the Barley by Dancing Willow (YouTube)🎵 A message from the submitter: "traditional music for a reel, a traditional dance that may have gone back to Justin's time. we don't know a lot about medieval dance but this is a bet"
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[ID: Comic panel of Sir Justin as Shining Knight riding atop the pegasus Winged Victory with sword brandished. In the background are a wizard and other figures. /END ID]
Greg Saunders (Vigilante)
🎵Roy Rogers and the Sons of the Pioneers, 1940s square dancing music (YouTube)🎵
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[ID: Character profile image of Greg Saunders as The Vigilante with one gun drawn and a hand on the other. In the background are several characters from his adventures. /END ID]
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl)
🎵Enchanted Lake from Swan Lake by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (YouTube)🎵
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[ID: Comic panel of Cassandra Cain in many graceful ballet poses. A small image in the bottom corner depicts her near a window overlooking the city. Narration reads, "And, in her own way, she begins to speak... She begins to shout... And sing." /END ID]
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
🎵Drives Us Bats by the Music Meister (YouTube)🎵
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[ID: Old comic panel of Batman stuck in what appears to be a fishing net above water. His narration reads, "I did the Batusi on that netting -- until a certain cap of my utility belt opened and the laser-torch fell out..." He thinks to himself, "It'll float on top of the water -- drift past me with the moving tide..." /END ID]
Virgil Hawkins (Static)
🎵Static by James Brown (YouTube)🎵
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[ID: Comic art of Virgil Hawkins as Static in a nighttime city with electric energy surrounding his hands. He is in a crouched pose and his hoodie flows behind him. /END ID]
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trobedgirldads · 2 months
Hey, I'm working on my Cooliver fic. Do you have a list of episodes that are best to rewatch to get their personalities and dynamics?
okay first of all i’m honored that you thought to ask me. second of all, i’m sorry i took forever to reply but i realized i didn’t have a list so i put one together lol
the otto motto (s1 e18) is the first time the idea of oliver being gay is mentioned
the walk (s1 e 20) is sooo important for cooper. first time we see his real personality instead of just his cool kid facade. also iirc this is the first appearance of “move on to your next point”
boo-who? (s2 e5) is pretty good for early oliver. it’s got his sass, some insecurities, a touch of scheming and ofc his iconic scream. cooper’s not in it tho.
blondetourage (s2 e11) is so iconic for them. the sneakers, the phone scheme. “i’m already riding bitch on your vespa.”
all coupled up (s2 e17) is their first big fight, so if you’re writing a fight/argument this is a good one. also some good cooper & katie moments.
it’s hard to say goodbye (s2 e19) is another one without cooper, but if you’re writing sad oliver this is such a good reference; he’s really well written and acted in this episode. the cgi tears take me out tho 😭😭
here we go again (s3 e2) has them work through conflicts and like resolve a fight without intervention from katie/greg. i love them <3. absolutely banger episode for each of them individually, and them as a duo.
enemies: an otto story (s3 e4) has a good oliver scheme, and he gets cooper in on it. cooper talking about tagging along to boarding school with him makes me feel things.
trust me (s3 e5) is the absolutely iconic scooby-doo halloween costumes/making out practice episode that every cooliver writer has written about. i think it’s the first time cooper is seriously brought into the whole “oliver might be gay” bit, but i might be wrong about that (i know cooper’s mentioned the first time it’s ever brought up, but i think this is the first time he really seems like a piece of the puzzle)
body image (s3 e6) again, no cooper, but very good for insecure oliver
mo’ money, mo’ problems (s3 e13) is also so iconic in my brain. idk how genuinely important it is to either of their development, but it means a lot to me. i can’t remember who it was, but someone on here posted a really good analysis of cooper in this episode and how he’s lying to try to get oliver to not go to the party, which could be useful depending what you’re writing. also this is the first time cooper calls katie and greg mom and dad :(
insta-friends (s3 e16) is another big fight for them, and also some serious cooper daddy/mommy issues. this one isn’t super helpful for individual oliver, but it’s great for individual cooper and their dynamic when they’re mad at each other
field trippin’ (s3 e20) is a much sillier, fluffier episode than a lot of what i have on this list. silly lil scheme gone wrong. cooper’s really only in the first like half of this one tho
a mom’s parade (s3 e22) ok so hot take i don’t really like this episode that much… you can do you is very queer coded tho so it’s going on the list lol
girls’ night out (s4 e6) is just so awesome. oliver’s really sweet towards the end, and it’s bcuz of cooper. cooliver/triplor double date mention!!! tiny touch of cooper angst. greg implying that cooper holds a similar role in the family to trip. just all of it is so perfectly cooliver. this is one of their best episodes imo
hip to be square (s4 e9) is the i love you episode!!!!!!!!!!!! them fighting and then saying they love each other!!!!!!!!!!! so interesting for their dynamic!!!
a very english scandal (s4 e14) is the one where the whole school thinks oliver is gay. the one time cooper denies being oliver’s boyfriend. overall very gay episode.
all is fair in love and war reenactment (s4 e17) is a good one for them supporting each other, but not enabling each other’s shitty behavior. really good for their dynamic, and cooper’s got some good layers in this episode
senior prank (s4 e18) ohhhhh they’re such big brothers in this one i love it so much. if you wanna write them as parents this might be a decent reference. also, not cooliver related but franklin is just so iconic in this.
vacation! (s4 e19) i’ve said it before and ill say it again: this episode feels more like a cooliver fic than an actual episode. so good for both of them as individuals, their dynamic as a couple, and how cooper fits into the otto family as a whole.
prom (s4 e20) is another one that i think is good for oliver as an individual and their relationship as a pair. also big brother cooper crumbs!! (they’re very small but they’re there and they’re important to me 😌)
graduation (s5 e1) is ofc so good if you’re writing some angst. seeing how they deal with issues involving them that seem out of their control. also more cooper fitting into the family as a whole <3
psych (s5 e2) is really good for later-seasons oliver and his need for validation. also supportive bf cooper :)
coupling (s5 e3) is the episode i show ppl if i want to get them into the show bcuz it gives such a good overview of all of the characters and their relationships with each other. more cooliver fighting if you need references for that. the couple coding in this episode is so intense.
kids these days (s5 e5) is sooooo good for their dynamic bcuz it really shows how they support each other without enabling each other. i love cooper so much in this episode. “our family” <3
mother’s little helper (s5 e6) is pretty good. shows off that no matter how much they’ve grown, they’re still just dumb teenage boys.
encourage, discourage (s5 e8) is soooo good for cooper fitting into the family as a whole.
the heist (s5 e9) chef cooper origin!!!!! oliver being a supportive bf!!! i love them!!!
getting frank with the ottos (s5 e10) is a big turning point in their relationship. once again, supportive bf oliver!! they’re so cute.
the election (s5 e13) i feel like their dynamic is a little bit weird in this episode (oliver’s like weirdly chill abt once again being confronted w the idea of cooper moving, but ig it’s bcuz he has his own stuff going on) but it’s so good for sad cooper/daddy issues cooper. this is definitely a huge one for cooper angst references
okok so this is a really big list. obvs i don’t know what the plot of your fic is or when it’s set, so some of these might be much more helpful than others depending what you’re writing. these are just my suggestions of the ones that stand out as important for them as individuals and as a duo. hope this is helpful!!!! i’m excited to read your fic if/when you post it :)
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17-08-66 · 9 months
Meeting the lost boys
Poly lost boys x GN reader
Warnings: use of adult language, very mild violence, my first official piece of writing: it's a bit rushed at the end my apologies.
You could see the heat hanging in the air as it carried the scent of candy floss and greasy junk food. Sweat clung to the boardwalk goers as they eagerly rushed from ride to ride never seeming to grow bored of feeling like there heads were gonna explode, you could never understand the appeal they just made you feel anxiety ridden and queasy, perhaps that was the appeal for same people, the tight knot that formed in there stomach as they reached high speeds.
Minus the rides, you loved the boardwalk the the energy was electrifying and the people unique which made it easy for you to blend in with you own aesthetic, at the moment you were wearing a pair of faded black jeans with one leg cut to mid thigh over a pair of fishnets.
You were pleased with yourself for planing ahead for the heat with your short sleeved t.rex band t. Your withered old combat boots had see better days having worn through almost entirely at the toes, they could have used being disposed of years ago but you had formed to much of an attachment to let them go that easy. Your loose sleeve less denim jacket sported many patches some pealing of which you had haphazardly sewn on by hand when you were twelve, it showed.
Breaking out of your daze you check the time on your watch, annoyingly it confirms your suspicions, your late in meeting with your friends you Hurry your pace as you weave in amongst people, for as long as you can remember whoever was last to meet up with the rest of the group had to pay for the food, the person who was late 70% of the time, was you and you were determined that it not be you again.
Trying to recall which diner you'd all arranged to meet up at, you turned a sharp corner and collide so hard strait into a couple that it knocks you off your feet and down onto the hard dirty trash covered floor. Before you could even regain your breath to apologize you were being yelled at at a volume that could shatter glass, "you b*tch why weren't you watching where you were going!", you froze, you recognised that voice all to well, you slowly dragged your head up scared to confirm what you already new to be true. It was Greg the leader of the surfer Nazi's he seemed to be dripping in what appeared to be coke? Along with his girlfriend. Paralyzed you felt all the colour leave your body in an instant, before you could even register what you were doing you drag myself up off the ground at lightning speed and you ran faster than you'd ever run before, your lungs burned and your legs ached, your mouth dry caused bile to rise at the back of your throat making it hard to breath but you didn't stop until you made it to the diner.
Infront of the mildly shabby building with red pealing paint and a yellow and blue neon sign with a weird name that you couldn't even pronounce, were your Friends all four of them, meaning once again dinner was on you, not that you even cared at that point having just run your lungs to death trying to avoid getting beaten up it seemed like a reasonable price to pay.
*Whistles* "wow, someone REALLY didn't want to have to pay today", your friend Giz says, my other friends Sandy, Brutus and tangerine snigger. You gaze up at them from you keeled over position, "ShUt Up", you mutter half heartedly.
For the next few hours things went on smoothly your friends didn't mention your frazzled entrance. And eventually you parted ways. Darker now with over half of the shops on the boardwalk closed up for the night you slowly begin to walk back home, as your crossing the parking lot you can't help but feel as someone's watching you, but before you could give it any more thought you hear a shout that you hoped you wouldn't have to hear again for a while "hey that's the dumb b*tch who bumped into me earlier!". Greg and by the sound of it drunk as well, you tuned in a nervous counterclockwise manner and your eyes regretfully fell on him and his friends sitting in the back of his truck all of which were also drunk.
You freeze, paralysed and for a while, Nothing, not a chirp of a cricket or a rumble of a car engine in the far distance. Practically blacked out I doesn't dawn on you when there car slowly starts to rumble towards you first slow as it turns then faster and faster as it accelerates at and eye watering pace.
And then WHOOSH! as it speeds so close to you it whips your hair around your face making it hard to see. Now that snapped you out of your daze fast, your brain acting on the instinct deep inside of it told you to scream like your life depended on it, who knows maybe it did.
By the time you opened your mouth to scream there was another WHOOSH! As they sped past again this time even closer yelling profanity that would make almost any person gasp. Screaming even louder you willed anyone to come and save you not that they'd probably be able to do much Greg and his goons seemed pretty set on mowing you down but at least you'd be able to see one last descent face before your, what felt like inevitable demise.
But before them could deliver one last fatal blow there was a nauseating screeching as they stepped on the brakes hard. I turn to look behind me not sure whether to be relieved or scared, sure whatever was going on had stalled you getting run over, at least for a little bit, but what could possibly loom behind you that had made your possible future murders freeze.
And that's when your saw it, four figures highlighted by the headlamps on there bikes.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
hey! can you rec me some drarry falling in love fics? not super plotty, really sweet, fluffy fics please! don't care how long. preferrably 3rd person POV
Hi there! Absolutely, I highly recommend the ones below:
Secretly, between the shadow and the soul by @teacup-tai (2021, T, 3k)
The thing about surrender is that once you accept the unavoidable rhythm of change, the surprising uncontrollability of life, and the astonishing inevitability of feelings, it is easy.
Market Saturdays by @sorrybutblog (2021, M, 3.2k)
In which Harry is an accidental part-time cheesemonger, Draco is an organic farmer and they fall in love. Not an AU.
The Long Fall by @tackytigerfic (2021, M, 3.6k)
It's supposed to be a simple house renovation, and maybe it's just the paint fumes, but Harry is feeling dizzy around Draco Malfoy. And what's the real meaning of family, anyway?
He Whose Hand and Eye Are Gentle by khalulu (2017, G, 5k)
Draco reads poems and sometimes writes them. Harry receives poems and sometimes reads them. Rutherford delivers poems via the scenic route. Wombat snores. Eventually, all comes together, with help from the foxes in red bibs and the sumo referee.
Mise en Place by @corvuscrowned (2021, T, 5k)
Draco needs to learn how to cook, and luckily, Harry knows his way around a kitchen. The fact that Draco is using his newfound cooking skills to impress another man... Well, Harry just tries not to think about that too much.
Proof of the Pudding by daisymondays (2017, T, 10k)
When Greg's bakery opens on Diagon Alley, Draco doesn’t expect it to the place he ends up finding love, but then again Harry Potter has always defied Draco's expectations.
the way you make me glow by @softlystarstruck (2022, M, 11k)
In a cottage next to the sea, love blossoms. Or perhaps it’s been there all along.
Poppiholla by @moonflower-rose (2021, M, 12k)
Harry had accepted that he would pine silently for Malfoy forever, but one, humid summer might change that.
Bridges by @cavendishbutterfly (2021, E, 16k)
Harry and Draco are on a trip to Budapest to help with Kingsley's re-election, but that's the boring bit. More interesting: Harry Potter is changing his Tinder preferences to include men.
An Improbable Bout of Summer Madness by @ghaniblue (2021, E, 16k)
Draco had planned a quiet, peaceful summer holiday with his son. The last thing he expected was to find Potter here, in Draco's little Cornish retreat. Making fudge in a shop? The idea was too ludicrous for words.
It's Friday (I'm in Love) by @punk-rock-yuppie (2018, E, 16k)
At first, Draco only hangs out with them on Fridays after work; then he starts shagging Potter after pub nights. Then all the rest of the gang tries to befriend Draco and even worse, Potter tries to date him. It’s an absolute disaster, if you ask Draco.
Take These Lies by @pennygalleon (2021, E, 19k)
There’s a portrait of his godfather in Draco Malfoy’s potions shop and Harry needs to know why. But that’s not why he keeps coming back.
amid this warm and steady sweetness by warmfoothills (2019, E, 21k)
Harry is not living in a period drama, no matter what his friends or his new house or Malfoy’s sudden affinity for horse-riding might suggest, and if one more person uses the word courting, he’s going to start hexing people.
Nice Things by aideomai (2020, M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (2016, T, 22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
Safe As Houses by @xanthippe74 (2021, T, 24k)
After five years abroad, Harry’s thrilled to be home and working at the most prestigious ward-building firm in Britain. But everything gets turned upside down when he's assigned to work for Draco Malfoy—who somehow grew up to be just the sort of sexy bastard Harry goes for.
Seeker, Chaser, Keeper by VivacissimoVoce (2013, M, 59k)
Rumor has it that a wealthy investor is starting up a brand new professional Quidditch team and he’s looking for players. Harry and Draco both want to make the team, but there can be only one Seeker.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (2014, E, 70k)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose and dustmouth (2018, M, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
The Liars Department by @dorthyanndrarry (2020, T, 103k)
This is a story about Harry meeting up with Draco Malfoy four years after the war. And a story about Harry, well, not hating his job per say, but it's not like he has much to compare it to and it seemed fine. His whole life seemed fine.
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gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
I will also acknowledge Greg and Tom are doing things together, they are clearly scheming and plotting and frankly circling the bowl together, so it's not like nothing is going on with them. they are attempting to make moves (tho idk where they're going with it. Lmao.)
and, I don't agree that Tom seems overly annoyed by Greg or no more than usual. but it's simply not as funny or engaging as it used to be. Previously the intrigue with them was wondering if a scene would become insane out of nowhere, but now they just. talk. The crying phonecall in 4.3 was a nice moment and it was funny in 4.4 when Greg fumbled the roast so badly but this episode was really slim pickings, esp for Greg.
Tom's scenes with Shiv are fantastic to me, they always have been, but Greg's scenes with the sibs are just okay- there's no way they actually include him so it's just like. Okay. It might be better if they at least played off him- i could see a universe where Roman and Shiv string him along and fuck around with him, but they generally don't do that. If they had more time, it might be interesting but it's not like they're taking him for a ride this far into it.
I think another thing is, Tom and Greg are relatively safe... like everyone is worried about losing their jobs in the deal, but in the grand scheme of things, so fucking what? With the kids, being ousted from the company has an emotional impact. Tom and Greg were most interesting when they had more precarious positions and especially when they had the threats of jail and DOJ on them. I don't care much if Greg or Tom loses a job. Greg is almost too unimportant to fire, and Tom is a total cockroach in my interpretation of him, he'll be fine, inevitably he'd, like, find another job and a new wife and move on. Tom's scenes with Shiv at least have the effect of raising the emotional sword of damocles over his head because you know he cares about her.
I know Greg is a side character and Tom is in the supporting-main cast (as someone pointed out, he is pretty prominent in the marketing, not that I pay toooo much attention to that but it is a factor) but I can favor some plots and characters even if they're not a protagonist, and when a show is excellent you want it to be ALL good not just the A plot.
Lastly. Their plotline is NOT my only issue with the past couple episodes anyway. The most compelling kid is Roman right now, and while i liked Shiv's girlbossing, something with alllll of it just a bit... off... the pace is kinda funky feeling. we were all so hype and devastated about Logan's death and the placement in the season, but it seems like it might have taken the wind out of their sails a bit?
I withhold ultimate judgment until ep 10. Until then i will discuss stuff and hope for the best
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