#had my parents get angry at me for playing certain songs
lyroa · 1 year
I got to scream about a little something 
But today one of my friends asked me for an entire playlist because she really liked listening to it while we worked. And she also said that she things I got really good taste in music. 
It just made me so happy, I shared two playlists, the one she asked for and another that’s a lot more experimental/strange, to see if she might like it too. She was really happy too. 
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baocean · 2 years
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First of my country songs series, listen to the song!!! (Give country a chance, I’m begging you)
Summary: Seventeen years old or twenty-seven, it didn’t matter, you still loved JJ Maybank.
Warnings: none!
Pairing: JJ Maybank x touron!reader JJ Maybank x kook!reader
It had been almost ten years since you last saw him. You could still remember like it was yesterday, though. You were freshly seventeen and were spending the summer on the Banks with your family.
The first time he saw you was when he was passing your beach house in the Twinkie, along with his other friends. John B called a hello out the window and JJ turned his head to watch you play with your little cousins in the front yard until he couldn’t see you anymore.
You were stuck in his head like a piece of bubblegum. Sort of like the one you were popping in your mouth when he first drove by. He memorized the way you looked, the way your white top made your tan skin shine, how your cut off jeans made his fingers tingle. The Ray-bands that were stuck in your messy hair, fresh from the ocean. You were wearing flip flops and still, JJ couldn’t get enough.
He made up stupid reasons to take the Twinkie, drive it across town and down your street, hoping to get another glance at you.
When he did, he pulled onto the side of the road. You were getting out of your car, an iced coffee in one hand and a bouquet of flowers from the supermarket in the other. He thought you looked like a dream.
“Are you new?” He called out the window, swallowing the nerves. He felt like he was talking to a celebrity. Something told him he wouldn’t be as nervous to talk to an actual celeb as he was calling out for you.
“I’m here for the summer. Who are you?” You replied.
“JJ. Would you go to a party with me tonight?”
“Are you going to murder me after, JJ?”
The cute blonde sticking his head out of the Volkswagen Touran was grinning ear to ear at your response. He shook his head, then you smiled, too. You shrugged your shoulders and agreed.
“I’ll pick you up at seven. You’ll be here?” He yelled, smacking his head against the door, it made a loud sound from the metal of his rings.
“I’ll be here. See you tonight.” You smiled and turned to walk up the stairs to the front door.
Fourteen days later, you were pretty sure you had fallen in love. For the first time, you were feeling something like you could jump off a cliff and no matter what or where, JJ would be at the bottom to catch you. Maybe you were just being a silly teenager, but you were certain that’s what love felt like.
JJ would take you to the old shipyard and find a container to sit on and watch the ships sail out onto the ocean or take you to his friend Kiara’s restaurant where you would sit and talk as a date until Mr. Carrera forced you guys out.
At the end of everyday, he’d take his sweet time driving you home, taking the far way around the island. He’d make you so late your parents would be angry every time you got home. You didn’t care, neither did he.
“Don’t go.” You whined one night. Sitting in the Twinkie, in your driveway. It was the third week of summer, it was a hot and sticky night, the ac was blowing your hair in a way that made JJ think you looked like an angel. He gave you a sickly, sweet smile that made you want him to kiss you. You had only known JJ for three weeks but when he kissed you, it felt like it had been years. He kissed you so sweet, he put his hand on your cheek and pulled you over to sit closer to him. It was the best kiss of your life.
At twenty-seven, you still thought about him like the last time you saw him was the day before. You wondered if now, at twenty-seven, JJ would think about you too when he would hear a song from Bruce Springsteen. That summer, at eighteen, JJ was obsessed with him and Snoop Dog, saying he wanted to smoke like Snoop and sing like Bruce. He certainly smoked enough to run with Snoop Dog but you used to laugh and cover your ears when he sung along to the radio.
You were back in the Banks, in the same house on the same street, almost ten years later. The same family you were with the last time were there, except your father. When he died six months ago, he made you promise to start a tradition of making good use out the the house he paid an expensive mortgage for. So there you were, with the same cousins you used to play with in the front yard, now the same age as you were the last time.
When you saw him, he was driving by in a beat up, black Jeep. You were unloading things from your white BMW, the one you had been dreaming of buying since you graduated college from Clemson. He hit the breaks so hard the hodgepodge of items on his passenger seat went flying. You dropped your bags back into the backseat.
You almost couldn’t believe it was him. He was so handsome, the same blonde hair and pretty blue eyes, just all grown up. He let his arm hang out the side of his car as you walked over. You caught sight of your name, tattooed into his wrist. It had faded since you last saw it. He had gotten it a few weeks before you left that summer. You could remember the god awful look your mother gave you when she saw your name, tattooed on the pogue boys wrist as he shook her hand for the first time. You also remembered you didn’t care what she thought, all you could think about is that when he got it, you were holding his hand and he was telling you how much he loved you.
“Is that you, JJ Maybank?” You wrapped your fingers around the door handle and pulled it open, not thinking about what you were doing. You had guessed you just wanted to see him, all of him.
He smiled and it’s like you were sent back into time, the first time he smiled at you, in the same driveway. He nodded, stepping out the car that was still running. JJ needed to see you too, without a stupid door in the way. He wanted to see what ten years did to you.
He grew taller. Even at seventeen when sleeping at the Chateau, he would complain about not being able to rest because of his growing pains. He used to pull you into his body and tell you to kiss it better.
JJ thought you were even more beautiful than you were at seventeen. At eighteen, he thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. At twenty-eight, he knew you were the most beautiful woman there was.
That night, he took you out to The Wreck, where Mr. Carrera greeted you, telling you all about Kiara’s successes in Australia. ‘Born in the USA’ played over the speakers in the restaurant. JJ sang along to the lyrics.
“You haven’t gotten any better at singing.” You laughed over the Bruce Springsteen song.
“Yea, I quit smoking too. So there goes both my dreams.” He shook his head, looking up at you through his blonde hair.
“What’s your dream now?” You head your head in your hands, watching him think. His eyebrows furrowed anytime he thought hard about something. You learned that about him early on.
“Move out of my apartment, I’m barely there anyway. Get a nice house on the water and surf a ton. Open up my own surfboard company. Probably marry you, too.”
He took you by surprise. You found yourself thinking the same thing, though. Time didn’t seem to matter when it came to you and JJ.
That summer, you spent any free time with JJ. When he bought the small warehouse to start his business, you were there when he signed the lease. The first surfboard he made was for you. When you got sick as a dog for a week, he was there. You learned how good JJ was at making chicken noodle soup.
Three years later, on the other side of town, the nicer side of town, JJ and you walked along the beach. Your house was just a few hundred feet down. It was a dark blue, with a wrap around pouch and had a hammock you laid in when the sun was setting.
Your boyfriend’s business took off, he was shipping surfboards across the world daily, with lots of orders waiting for him. Your career in marketing was taking off well.
He proposed to you three years after twenty-seven. On the beach your dark blue house rested on. With a ring he saved up his entire life for.
At seventeen, you thought that summer would be the last time you saw JJ. At thirty, you wanted to laugh and tell her she was a silly teenager. You wanted to tell her that her cliff jumping love was real, and it lasted.
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marinerainbow · 3 months
Ok, listen. I know that there is so much potential for angst in the royal koopa family, and I love what people have done with them! Bowser favoring his only blood son and spurring resentment within the Koopalings. Ludwig and Junior having a rivalry- especially in regards to the throne. All the kids feel neglected because of their dad's emotional blockage and him focusing on taking over the world instead of family, etc. I truly love what people can do with all this royal drama and angst potential!! I want to write novelizations of some of your guys' adaptations of the koopalings + Junior and Bowser!!!
(Long post that's a positive rant incoming/my headcannons of the Koopa Royal Family incoming)
Don't get me wrong, he definitely has anger issues, and I believe in MatPats Bowser's backstory theory. I'm certain there have been plenty of instances he messed up as a dad. And having a bunch of kids, sometimes some of them slip his attention- at least the first year or so when he first had them and was learning how to Dad. But I'm telling ya'll, if my Bowser ever heard any one of his kids, from his eldest Ludwig or his only darling daughter Wendy or his baby son Junior, were feeling any sort of bad, he'd be like "Oh Hell no!" And take that child out one-on-one and give them lots of love, lots of assurance, and set fire to any fool who tried to tell him that they aren't really his kid.
One time, Bowser got so mad and roared within Lemmy's presence and made the baby boy cry. To this day, after he's long made up for it, Bowser still feels so guilty and heartbroken that he did that and has vowed himself to never let himself get that angry around his kids again... Unless when it came to Mario because they know in that instance, his fury isn't directed at them.
THIS IS THE SAME GUY WHO, EVEN THOUGH BOWSER JUNIOR DISOBEYED THE SCREEN TIME ALERT IN THAT NINTENDO SWITCH PARENTAL CONTROLS VIDEO, HE HESITATED TO SHUT OFF THE CONSOLE BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT HIS SON DEVASTATED!!! And- And we see in Bowsers head, he imagined Junior to be sad and heartbroken! Junior is still a baby, and he's a little spoiled, so more than likely, he would have thrown a tantrum if Bowser had switched the console off. But BOWSER DIDN'T HESITATE NOT BECAUSE OF THE HEADACHE A TANTRUM WOULD CAUSE, BUT BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT TO BREAK HIS SONS HEART! I CAN'T EVEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'll take it this far; you guys wanna know what my headcannon on who is Bowsers' successor? Well, in my headcannon, when he adopted the koopalings and had Junior, he knew it was going to be an issue. And he loved ALL of his kids so much, he didn't want to have to choose between any of them! The rest would hate him and the chosen one! All of his babies would start fighting! So what is a koopa king to do? 🤔🤔🤔 well, as we see in Super Mario Wii and in Super Mario Bros 3, he lets his kids run the world's he takes over! They all have their individual world/kingdom to rule!!! He makes sure that A L L of his kids get to be kings and a queen! Until Mario ruins it all saves the day. If Bowser had his way, the whole world would really be family run instead of just Bowser run.
Again, I must emphasize how much I absolutely ADORE everyone else's depictions of the royal koopa family. One of my favorites is Tyrranux's dark Mario AU that I found on Deviantart years ago, and one of my favorite blogs for the koopalings asktehkoopz shows a much-more-wholesome-but-still-angsty depiction of the family. This post is not AT ALL intended to bring you guys down! This post is to show you guys how weak I am compared to you. I love angst and dark themes, but... I CAN'T do it with the koopa family! They are wholesome and loving while attempting to take over the world in my headcannon 🥺🥺🥺🥺
So, tldr; in my headcannon, outside of invading kingdoms and kidnapping princesses every other week, Bowser is a loving, emotional, a bit goofy, not so great at disciplining his kids unless it's really bad like when Bowser Jr. Turned him into a monster in Bowsers Fury, dad who would blow up his whole kingdom if any of his kids got hurt.
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Hi! I had the Outsiders prompt and that works for me! If you ever have the chance to watch it I highly recommend it especially the new musical! Speaking of musicals while I’m not sure you’re into them there is talk of the Lost Boys becoming a musical and the trailer looked promising! Thank you again and I’m so sorry for picking something you’ve never seen before! <333
I'm glad! I'll go and see if I can find it on YouTube/Spotify, I absolutely love musicals! I know they're working on a new musical for the Lost Boys, with music from a band (I've forgotten their name) but like three years ago G Tom Mac released a lost boys musical concept album and honestly - that version of Cry Little Sister is so good? It is a bloody shame that the whole album wasn't on Spotify anymore last time I checked. And they had this song that the Frogs were supposed to sing, "when all the damn vampires are dead," and it was a jam, seriously.😅
Thank you for requesting! No need to apologise for your initial request, hon! I hope you like this💜
You would have thought that growing up with four older brothers would have prepared me for a life with four boyfriends. I was used to people coming into my personal space, used to people stealing my stuff, stealing my food, poking fun at me. I had seriously thought that having brothers would prepare me for living with said four boyfriends, but in all honesty, it didn't. I didn't think so, anyway.
No, take David, for instance. He could be the sweetest person in the whole world, but sometimes? Sometimes, he would be insufferable. Playing mind tricks on me to mess with me, laughing at my expense whenever I didn't want to eat any worms, maggots, or beatles.
It reminded me sometimes of my oldest brother, who would jokingly hold worms on a stick in front of me, daring me to eat it. Of course, this was when we were little. I had been four, and my brother had been ten. Once, he had actually convinced me to eat it, but mom had gotten so angry and worried that we spent the rest of the afternoon in the hospital. I never felt the need to prove myself to my brother again, and ever since that day, I'd sworn off impressing others by doing stuff I didn't want.
Maybe my eldest brother had prepared me, just in a way I didn't expect. After all, David could try all he wanted to have his twisted idea of fun, but I wouldn't budge. I smiled at the thought, realising that he might find me at times just as infuriating as I found him at times.
When I was younger, my second eldest brother would always play wrestle with me. It started when I was six, and a girl at school had begun to bully me. My brother noticed and took me out to the backyard that same afternoon. He said he'd help me stand up for myself, and he taught me how to fight back. How to hold my own. I liked it in such a way that my parents agreed to let me take actual classes.
It was that skill set, initially taught to me by my brother, that absolutely excited Marko. He was always ready for a fight and to have someone next to him who not only could fight but didn't mind getting into fights? He loved it. So sometimes, when either he or I were in an explosive mood, we'd go to the boardwalk and pick fights, just for the fun of it. And if we couldn't find anyone, we would go against each other. Often, those moments lead to more passionate encounters, but still.
If it hadn't been for my brother, I was certain it would have taken more for me and Marko to become close.
My third oldest brother, who was three years older than me, had always been obsessed with music. He always picked what would be played in the car on road trips, always handed me the tapes and cassettes he didn't want to listen to anymore. My brother and I definitely bonded over that music, and now I realised that it helped me bond with Paul. Hell, it was the sole reason I met the boys.
After all, I had been working in a record store at night when Paul came in, asking whether or not we had the latest Springsteen album. We did, and after I sold it to him, we kept talking. About the Doors and the Beatles - whether or not the white album was worth the hype - about singers we thought were got and who we thought had the best songs. We talked for hours, and the night ended with an invitation to join him and his friends at a concert the next evening.
I'm glad I went. I was encouraged to go by my youngest elder brother, who was beyond happy that I was meeting someone I liked. He had always been supportive. Whether I wanted to talk about my crushes on boys or girls, he had always understood and always been open to it. He helped me get ready, forced me out of the door when nerves threatened to keep me inside, and in the end I met up with the boys.
And then there was Dwayne, the last of my four boyfriends, and quite possibly the easiest to hang out with. He wasn't big on mind tricks, wasn't big on fights - as much as I loved them - wasn't as loud as the others. With him, it didn't matter what you did, as long as it was done together. It was comfortable and often just very lovely. I could just be - and nothing else was expected.
As I looked at them, my boys, knowing I was theirs and they were mine, I couldn't help but feel as if my brothers had prepared me for a live they could never know about. Not since David had offered to turn me, and I agreed. Once I fully turned, I could never see my brothers again. But knowing what they taught me and what I took along with me - the lessons I learned from them - it brought a smile to my face. It was comforting to know that I always carried a piece of my brothers with me, even if they were no longer there.
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
Don’t know if you’ve done this already but do you have any Max and Neil headcannons? separately I mean
I gotchu fam
Let's kick this off with a big one: I think Neil has a secret laboratory at one of his parents houses. Think Dexter's lab from CN or even Moon girl from Disney. I'd think he would wanna put it in his dad's place bc his mom would find it faster but I always imagined his dad had an apartment. Neil makes it work somehow. It's where he goes to have ultimate me time and just get to work on stuff. He's created an area where he feels so comfortable/safe he really lets loose in there. His friends do NOT get to know about it !!!!! They end up stumbling across it by mistake and he'll let them in there occasionally as a treat. Nothing more!!! That's his area.
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Neil secretly likes bee gees. He grew up with Carl playing it all the time and regrettably it gets stuck in his head sometimes. He more openly likes lyricless techno. Something to just zone out to. A little bit back to the lab hc: he dances while he works sometimes.
This next one is cannon to me: he likes bedazzled/studded(?) lab coats and leather jackets. He probably doesn't think he can pull leather jackets off normally or will get made fun of if he tries but like every time throughout the show his confidence hits a certain high that's what he puts on. Ered gets her cool back, and in the Hanukkah episode too. In Cameron Campbell can't handle the truth he winks/walks in slow motion wearing his bedazzled studded lab coat again. I'm so certain he made it himself.
Funny/joke HC: as he gets older he starts having a gun on stand by if what he's working on becomes too sentient
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Okay before this gets too long I'll move on to the Max ones
Marina fan!!!!! I take no criticisms on this!!/j I have broken down my reasons in detail why multiple of her songs fit in my interpretation of him multiple times and I would gladly do it again.
I think Max has this version of himself in his mind he's always trying to achieve and convey to others. For the most part it works, and that's what he is, but he's still human and it falters and it pisses him off when it does.
I think in the parents day episode, he wasn't just crying bc his parents didn't care to show up. (and it had nothing to do with the fact David raised his voice at him imo, David had done that before) it was the fact his parents didn't show up/give him an activity and he was trying to play it off and hide it all day and when David found out this man's face dropped in front of him. It embarrassed Max bc he was actively trying to hide that and instead it came out. It was a mix of the situation itself and the embarrassment he didn't want anyone to know that's what was happening or that it affected him.
Y'all are gonna hate me for this one/j: those piercings I cover my older Max design with? Fake. He's afraid of needles but can't let that interfere with the drip. They're faux. Kept on with an eyelash glue equivalent.
He pulls his hair and kicks his legs to stim. He does It all the time throughout the show. The hair pulling when he gets too happy or angry or stressed for him to handle and the leg kicking when bored or scared in different degrees. When he's standing up he tries to mask it more but sometimes it comes out of him as a stomp.
He will literally be stomping and pulling his hair and some people don't take him seriously when it gets to that point.
He's undiagnosed too.💪
His friends rub off on him over time and he's alot more evilly goofy/mischievous instead of just "over it" all the time. He's still plenty over it, just not as much.
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I feel like I should add at least one joke I've written onto Max's portion just to even It out
I feel like I have loads more I just can't remember them all rn aaaaaa
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borajibolala · 4 months
That's my interpretation..
I'll talk about spoilers so read at your own discretion.
To start:
I had forgotten completely that RM already performed it at one of the D-Day last shows.
So I got the experience of hearing it for the first time twice.
I consider that a bonus!
But let's get to the important part:
The day it was released I barely woke up and rushed to watch the video.
We knew it was in Letterbox (it's a movie rating platform, really cool) so the cinematography wasn't really a surprise.
I just checked and they took it out of letterbox 😭
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What caught me off guard was the total absence of rapping.
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I always rooted for RM to find his singing voice, but that certain part just HITS the spot.
And the GENRE?? I wasn't expecting it at all.
It has a bit of folk with the whistle and the talking-singing, along with the chorus sounds very R&B.
Not only he is singing a whole song by himself for the first time, but he is experimenting with the genre too!!!
Major indie vibes.
And the lyrics hit me so hard too.
I forgot the hour. I don't wanna know 'bout the hour. I forgot to shower. Even washing my face seems like a waste of time.
In case you don't know, this is depression.
It was very bold and brave of him to talk so openly about it like this, thank you Joonie.
You keep making us proud.
If I ever doubted about the members ability to grow artistically, now I'm a believer.
And the cherry in this amazing cake:
The MV:
It's cinematic, it's moody, it's confusing, it's DIFFERENT.
We see RM going through different scenes where he's role changes with the room he enters.
The colors change, the light changes, the clothes change.
In the beginning we see him in a party looking apathetic.
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A drunk man offers him a cigarette twice and he refuses (which reminds me of that one picture that was posted on Instagram).
We see him walk in and out of rooms looking confused.
In one of the rooms, he is even in a baby bed! Probably my favorite part.
Do you see something familiar?
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Eventually he comes across a young woman that seems to be another version of him.
From then on, he looks changed, at ease.
He looks like he's finally the
right person in the right place
A friend having fun at the party.
A husband brushing teeth with his family.
A baby playing with his parents
And a boyfriend talking to a girlfriend.
I think this MV could have a lot of different meanings.
But the feeling like an outsider and running around, the apathetic look, the being misunderstood (in the fight with his girl) and then finally smiling and going back at peace....
It seems like making peace with the past, making peace with the old self.
It's ok to disappoint people sometimes.
The scene as a baby in the crib with the parents, the scene with the angry girlfriend made me think about that. Read expectations and disappointment.
"My kid will be this, my kid will do that"
"You promised this, you lied about that"
It might take time for us to understand life and ourselves, but when we are finally ready for it is liberating.
You don't have to be, you don't have to be the anything you see
He was free to simply be a baby for his parents.
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The present is the party, he's thinking about his childhood and past (and future?) relationship but he's not living in the moment, at least he wasn't in the beginning.
I am rewatching Suchwita and RM says that his dream is to live more in the moment:
While interviewing Jin, Suga also brought back a conversation between him and Jin that happened while they were recording the first In The Soup:
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Those are obvious things, in theory it's easy to understand. But when it comes to real life it's just different.
Without being careful we get caught up in moments, regrets, feeling overwhelmed.
The girl he meets in the end could represent many things: himself, his inner peace, happiness, army or spring.
As he mentions in the lyrics:
spring always been here, I will sleep in her eyes
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That scene represents meeting a good friend, having a laugh, letting the weight off your shoulders.
And I just noticed the sunlight moving in the room representing the passage of time, interesting. That could mean how we lose track of time when with the right people, but it could also mean something else that I don't know.
He might be referencing Army, as spring day is such a loved song in the fandom.
What makes me think he might be talking about army is the lyrics too.
You are my pain, divine.
We know this life, although very beautiful, isn't always easy to BTS.
Along with all the prizes and support comes expectations.
I like to think this could be Namjoon making peace with his love for music, army and fame.
I see you come back to me.
That's what I could think on my own.
The references
I saw armys pointing there were references to the other members in the video:
The video starts in a party with people drinking - Jimin (Like Crazy)
Namjoon is sitting beside a couple kissing - V (Friends)
He enters a room where his girlfriend is mad at him - JK (Seven)
He is in a crib with a snoop plushie - Jhope
And the tangerine - Suga
? -Jin
There was also this theme of doors representing a different reality, and I guess this is very on brand with BTS as their logo represents a door. Yoongi also used a door in his Amygdala MV. The final door he passes also has a purple shine for a second.
All in all, I love the MV.
Once again RM is flexing his sexy brain in his art for our delight.
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Stay happy and healthy, Joonie.
Love ya.
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fcknstar · 2 years
,, want you "
harryosborn x fem!reader
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a.n : i actually couldnt find a gif that fits this story omfg. thought abt this at night. cooties ig. lmao my taglist
warnings : mentions of drinking, clubbing
**lowercase intended**
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being family friends with harrys parents meant you had to face him 24/7. it was very cliche for you guys to get close and start playing childish games. but who were you to say when the good times end. 
“ what? mom, please tell me you are kidding. no, i am not showing harry around the campus! you already know that we are not that close anymore and i do not want to do anything with him. “ you had wished that what she said had been a joke. you were so glad to find out that you were finally away from harry after stepping foot in boarding school. but sure, you had to savor every moment you had left without harry. 
“ are you still angry about that small incident? cooties arent even real- “ 
“ mom! it very is okay? “ you huffed, your mother has never been so unsupportive towards you before. 
“ okay, okay. dont show harry around and ill take away your card- “
“ mom! i earned that.. okay fine. “ you smiled when an idea popped up into your mind.
“ i have eyes darling~ “ your mother ended the call, her last sentence serving you a reminder that she could have telepathic powers that meant she could read your mind.
the next few hours were unnerving, you were just getting prepared to see the face you dearly hated. walking back to your dorm, you were met with one of your friends, ace.
“ there you are darling ! i thought i had to flip the entire campus around to find you ! “ his heavy british accent soared through the empty halls.
“ dont need to exaggerate- “ your sentence had halted when you saw a head popping out the cornee. 
“ something wrong love? “ ace had caught onto you stare at a certain direction behind him. looking behind him, he was met with an obvious empty hall. 
“ yea, m fine. you were looking for me ? “ 
“ oh yea, i just wanted to ask if you wanted to accompany me to tonights party. you down? the group is coming, but not with me. but we are probably meeting up after. “ 
“ i..uhm yea sure why not. “ you smiled. you had just forgotten about the party that was a big thing in the campus as it was the only time the school let it slide. 
the next few hours you prepared for the party. you didnt want to overdress because no one will actually dress code you or even care about what you wore. so you just decided on a plain black slip om dress. 
walking in with ace, you were met with bodies jumping in hall where the party was held. 
" want to grab a drink? " you asked ace. 
" mhm, sure. then wanna get on the floor and lose your minds? " ace cheered on. ace was a very fun person to be with, he was always so welcoming and knew how to set the vibe. 
taking a drink from the table, you bumped into someone.
" so sorry about that, shes abit clumsy! " ace apologized. you seemingly were too stunned by how good looking the said guy was and wondered why you had never seen him before. 
" did you see that guy? hes so hot. " 
" now, you dont want to hook up with some guy you just met, hes new isnt it? " ace started swaying to the beat of the song. 
" never seen him before, so must be. " you continued dancing with the people around you, making jokes on the way. 
that was when you made eye contact with the same guy. he was watching you dance, watching the way your dress slid up higher and higher everytime you swayed more. he was enjoying the show that was very much free. 
noticing walking up to you, you braced yourself for what could eventually happen. ace saw the guy and you knew how protective ace was, gesturing that you were fine. 
the said guy began swaying his body against yours, dancing behind you. you didnt know whether you felt hot and restless because of the way your dress gripped tightly onto your curves or the way his hands were gripped onto your hips. 
you never really enjoyed physical touch if it meant romantically, but your body somehow allowed this. it was as if he understood the way your body worked, the way you worked. 
" fuck.. " you let out by accident, you didnt realise how hard he was when he flushed your body against him when someone nearly hit you.
" whats wrong darling? " his blue eyes piercing into your dark ones. 
you felt hot and had to get some relief at some point. 
" feeling tad bit hot, wanna go for a walk. " you let his hands drop and told ace where youd be if he wanted to find you. 
walking out of the hall, you rested your head against the brick wall, catching a breather. 
" fucking hell.. " you whispered, you hadnt felt this way for a long time and it killed you. 
" thought id find you here.. " the guy you just met broke you concentration. his deep voice would be able to make you cum on the spot. 
he advanced towards you, grabbing your chin to make you look at him. 
" you are even prettier now.. " you didnt care about what he said, not knowing by what he meant. you let your body move, face inching towards his. and then it happened, you were on your toes kissing a guy you thought you didnt know. he, obviously reciprocated it, but before it became anything more, you pulled away. 
" so sorry.. it just kind of happened- " 
you were cut off when his lips smashed into yours, you backing up until your back hit the wall. you felt his hands roam your waist to your bottom. you felt him tap your thigh, gesturing you to jump. and you did. oh how quick was he to catch you like a feather, pressing you against the wall. inching closer to you as if he was being squished by a nonexistent wall. his lips then latched onto your neck, your body jumped up slightly by the way he sucked onto your sweet, soft skin. it was as if he was waiting for this moment, waiting for the moment when you surrender yourself to him. 
he enjoyed the way your gripped onto him, while steadying your breath. you enjoyed the way he gripped you down onto him, the way he quickly found your vulnerable spot. a breathy moan was quick to erupt from you, indicating that you enjoyed every part of this. something in you wanted more of him. but you knew you had to stop before anything bad happened. 
" fuck.. thank you " it wa an awkward thing to say of course, but you didnt know what to do after he handled you in ways you craved more of. 
" pleasure. harry, harry osborn. " harry leaned against the wall next to you. 
no.. you heard that wrong. definitely. 
" hey, whats yours? " he asked, looking at you. the moonlight making it easier for you to look at him. 
" ( name. )  " you nodded. 
" oh i know.. i just wanted to know if you knew your name.. " he chuckled, walking away into the distance. 
you did not just do that… kissed harry? your childhood friend.. who gave you cooties? oh fuck. 
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Tough It Out
it makes me so irrationaly angry that Grey's primary offensive weapon is a FUCKING SAI. AGAINST GUNS AND SHIT????
Prompt: "They don't care about you"
Fandom: Mech-X4
Characters: Spyder, Grey
Summary: Spyder is kidnapped by Grey and Traeger. Luckily, he's got the life experience to tough it out... ish.
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, torture, emotional manipulation, manipulation, referenced abuse and starvation
1448 words
Spyder’s head snapped to the side, reeling in pain from the aggression of the slap. It hurt, sure, but he’d had worse. He looked back up, grinning smugly at his captor. “That all you got?”
Grey glared at him, hitting him again. And again. 
He wheezed, but kept up his smile, even as his nose began to dribble blood. He’d had worse.
“You seem frustrated,” he said, peppy as ever, “boss treating you badly?”
“Insufferable brat,” she grumbled below her breath, just loud enough for Spyder to hear. Well, that was pretty rude. “I’ve had just about enough of you,” she said, snatching up a roll of duct tape off a nearby table. He wondered if it was the same roll that had been confiscated off his person when he’d first been captured. He never did leave home without duct tape, after all.
He was just about to voice his question, genuinely curious, but of course, he wasn’t granted the chance. Grey ripped of a strip, threw the roll back on the table, and reapproached him with that same level of fury. 
He was just about to voice his question, genuinely curious (and so he could save his helpful friend when he got out of here), but he didn’t get the chance. Grey ripped off a strip, threw the roll back on the table, and reproached with that same level of fury. 
His squirming to avoid it was only half-hearted as she pressed it firmly over his mouth. Why waste the energy?
“We’ll see if you’re more willing after the rest of us eat. Hope you don’t get too hungry, brat.”
He hummed a positive acknowledgement, just to irk her. Grey huffed out a frustrated groan, but turned on her heel, slamming the door behind her.
Trying to starve him, huh? Now that was child’s play. He often went to bed with a deep pit in his stomach, nothing to do but sleep away the hunger. Sometimes he would give in and dig out a long-expired can of spaghetti-o’s or beef ravioli, though… that would bring its own set of problems. There was a reason it was only his most desperate measure.
The point was: he’d had far, far worse than a skipped dinner.
It was like Grey had never even met his parents! Though, considering how sloppy of a principal she’d been, he was fairly certain she hadn’t met most of the students’ parents. Though she had gone through all that recon when she was stalking Ryan… hmm.
Whatever. He could do this literally all day (not that he had much choice, tied up as he was). With nothing better to do, he started humming to himself, mentally reciting the lyrics to every Ariana Grande song he knew. 
An hour or two later (maybe more, maybe less. He really had no way to tell), Grey returned, looking no less pissy than she had when she’d left.
In one fluid movement, she ripped the tape off his face (ow). 
“Where did they take him?” she demanded.
“Sorry, who were we talking about again?”
She let out a frustrated yell, dragging the chair he was bound to closer, thrusting her pointy weapon thing right against his chest. 
Spyder laughed. He’d had enough glass bottles thrown at him, enough shards sunken into his skin, that the threat hardly even registered in his mind. “Oh, please,” he said, rolling his eyes. “We both know you won’t kill me until my friends show up to save me.”
The sharp tip pressed harder against his skin, nearly enough to draw blood. He really hoped she didn’t rip a hole in his shirt. This was one of the very few he had that wasn’t already ratty.
“Are you sure?” she asked with a smirk.
He shrugged, using the opportunity to nudge the sharp point away. “Eh, I know you want to, but I also know your boss needs me as a hostage, so.”
“I meant,” she said, grinning with teeth that kind of looked like the wolf about to eat a grandmother, “about your so-called “friends” wasting their time to come and save you.”
“Wait, sorry, what?”
She lowered her weapon, like they were about to have a casual conversation between friends. But he’d watched enough documentaries on the animal kingdom to recognize an incoming attack.
“I mean, the robot certainly seems to be functioning just fine without you,” she shrugged, “and it’s kind of obvious that they only like you out of pity.”
He’d only been here for like, a few hours, max, right? At most, they’d only needed to fight one monster in that time, because Traeger was a bitch. But without their weapons specialist… how exactly had they managed a victory? Had they managed a victory?
…Had they replaced him, and put Veracity on weapons? Was she better than him at it?
He flung that thought to the other corner of his mind palace. He was getting distracted and losing focus (not that it was unusual for him). But he couldn’t afford to get anxious right now! “Sure,” he bluffed, as if he knew exactly what was going on with his team, “maybe they’re functioning, but that doesn’t mean anything about them not needing me.” He hoped. “And Ryan, Harris, and I are like, best friends, so fuck off.”
“Oh, yes,” she nodded sarcastically, “because trios are notorious for working out. Which of you usually walked behind the others in the school hallways, again?”
Pfft, that didn’t mean a thing! That just meant that hallways were too crowded, and Spyder just happened to fall to the back… a majority of the time. “Yeah, well. If you don’t think they’ll save me, what’s the point in taking me?”
She pulled her weapon back, studying it in her hand. “Honestly? Traeger thinks they’ll come for you. But I was your principal, remember. I’ve seen the way they interact with you. After you rot here long enough for my boss to get bored… well, I think I’ll enjoy finally shutting you up for good.”
He may have flinched slightly, when she said that. The death threat (or promise, his mind supplied), while far from the first aimed his way, settled at the bottom of his stomach like a rock. 
But she wouldn’t get to kill him. Because the others would come for him. What did she know, anyway? Nothing, that was what. She knew even less than Spyder did, and that was saying so much. 
At least. That’s what one of the others would say. Spyder liked to think he was smart in some areas — but, you know… he preferred not to bring it up, if he could help it. Because if he showed that he could learn things, they would just be… disappointed in him. For not applying himself harder in the actual important areas. If he could immerse himself in interior design and general architecture styles, why couldn’t he do the same with school?
If he brought it up, they wouldn’t just think he was dumb. They would realize exactly how deeply, hopelessly useless he really was. He much preferred just dumb. At least he could play into that, make it something that could be endearing on a good day.
“Are you gonna torture me for fun or what, lady?” He snapped.
Grey smiled, twirling her weapon in her hand. “I would. But I have more important things to attend to. In the meantime…” she sheathed the blade, then snatched up his roll of duct tape, tearing off a strip. Again. “We don’t need you annoying the neighbors.”
“Bullshit, you don’t have any neighbors out her—” he was forced into silence as she gripped his face hard, forcing the duct tape over his mouth. This time, he did struggle. It made approximately zero difference.
Harris would probably know exactly what percentage of a difference it did make. Probably zero point nine nine nine or something like that. And then he’d judge him for being too stupid to understand what that meant.
The door locked shut with a click as Grey left, and a moment later, the singular lightbulb illuminating his small prison went out, leaving him in absolute darkness. 
Great. Great. This was just awesome. 
He may have been slick enough to get out of the poorly tied ropes that the butcher had restrained him with in the woods, but this was a whole new ballgame. No matter how he squirmed, he couldn’t get loose.
The important thing was not to panic. There was no reason at all to panic! His friends were coming for him (probably). 
He just had to be patient. Which of course, he was… famously bad at.
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sirensea14 · 1 year
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(dont mind the blurry letters above them, theyre descriptions of what they wear so i can visualize them--)
My Royalty au is originally called Julieta au (bcoz this is inspired of "Juliet" song by lipxlip which is the op song heroine run the show) and i switched it to 'medieval au' but doesn't suit it since Bendy's clothes doesn't match the era (and i have no plan on changing it cuz im too lazy WHAHAHAHA), so i changed it to Royalty Au, plus it involved kingdoms, knights, monsters, demons, angels, kings, queens, princes and princesses, magic etc. It was supposed to be a love triangle of us...
But then i added more characters
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Here they are. And yes--MUGMAN HAS HAIR (ignore the arrows)
So here are their descriptions:
Cuphead the Ace - prince, prodigy knight of Calix Animi, foster father: king of Dish, King Kettle (or elder kettle behind the doors). He and mugs were found by Kettle when their house was raided by goblins, evil fae and elves bcoz of their potential magic powers. Kettle was a knight and king at the same time, he rescued them. Their parents are dead (not sure if it will be cannikin and demitasse from inky mystery) and so is the Queen, thats why Kettle vowed to protect people from monsters and is very serious abt it. He is the heir to the throne, his smaller twin brother is Mugman. Like King Kettle, he is also brutal towards monsters, he is 24 yrs old. He is infatuated to a woman who is queen of the oceans
Mugman the Beast Tamer - (beast tamer title is inspired by Cannikin) younger twin brother of The Ace, very close to king kettle, he has heart of gold, he has a girlfriend who lives by the sea, 24 yrs old
The Legendary Chalice - or Ms. Chalice is the general (or any rank called, she's a higher up) of the Calix Animi Knights. She was referred to as "Legendary" due to her skills and experience being so vast. She is 26 yrs old
Siren of the Sea - and that's me! (lol, cringe, ok lets do this in 3rd person pov) she is the isolated queen of the sea who rules every bit of seas and oceans. Seas sounds cooler that ocean right? And smaller too, so every kings and queens have underestimated her power. And also her looks, she prefers minimal jewelries and accessories, another reason for people to belittle her. Tho dont mess with her as she can get a little brutal when she gets angry. She likes the pacific ocean and atlantic ocean a lot. Specifically the Mariana trench, its full of monsters and leviathans down there. She had a stoned heart and always looked tired but she met 2 men who eventually softened her, tho she is torn between the Knight and the Demon, 25 yrs old physically, she was sitting on the throne lately, no one knew what her real age is
Cala Maria the Mergon (mermaid+ gorgon lol) - she is isolated as she is known to have gorgon blood. She was saved by a brave knight named Mugman so she gave him a metal ring with a chain holding a fish hook, she's happy seeing mugman wearing it. They had mutual feelings for each other. She knows Siren and is slightly afraid of her, tho she tries her best to befriend her. 26 yrs old
Alice Angel - sent from above, the princess of the Heavens and a healer. People always says that even tho she has horns. She has bright white wings which made her look more angelic aside from her beauty and kindness. She is vibrant yet calm and isnt shaken by Siren's cold attitude, instead, she always talks to her. Over time, siren seemed to respond to her. And thats when they began being friends. 25 yrs old, She is currently inlove with a wolf. And despite all her feminine traits, she won't hesitate to defend those in need when attacked, or help her friends who are troubled. She's a feisty Angel after all.
Boris the Wolf - a handyman who can do everything ; hunter, chef, play the clarinet, scavenger, messanger--anything u can think is something he can do. He is also a quick learner, thats why. He is close friends to a certain Demon and a lover to an Angel, 28 yrs old, he is calm and wise
(okay lemme explain this real quick--I ship Alice angel and boris, not based on Twisted alice and buddy boris, but rather on Tom Boris and Allison Angel. Theyre married in batim/batdr right? And theyre portrayed as Boris and Alice clones so i dont see why not--)
Bendy the Devil Darlin' or Bendy the Ink Demon - known as the Prince of Hell and next to the Throne, he has a playful yet dangerous attitude towards people, which made them fear him. They always obeyed his orders, and when something goes wrong well u might not like it. The only person who seemed to defy him was the Queen of the Seas, she perked his interest and somehow evolved into something demons cannot feel, love. He is 26 physically, but 257 chronologically, his race--Demons--has an ongoing cold war with the dishes
Holly the Sorceress - a character from inky mystery (i added her bcoz i love her so much), she is known as an archeologist, who continues to learn and discover the unknown. She loves playing with runes and runs a shop that sells potions, food and weapons that will help knights and adventurers alike. She's basically like a merchant famously known to play with dangerous runes. Enthusiastic, ambitious and curious, she is 23 yrs old (i aged her up a bit) and has a pearl necklace given to her by a mermaid friend, Cala Maria, when she helped her walk on land. She has her interest on Siren, a mysterious siren who acts cold. She visited her once to buy something, but she was busy playing with runes so she didn't get much hold of it, also she blabbers about how amazing runes and magic are despite her being a human. Whenever night strikes, she rides a broom and flies. She turns to a witch named 'Mayhem'. People say they were the same but some were defending Holly. Holly don't know about this either, so life continues. Little did she know that Mayhem is her Alter ego, she also has a magic cog from a mysterious machinery she has obtained during one of her digs (note: she only digs sites ALONE so this is her own discovery), tho it is very small.
(the Cog from inky mystery is inspired by the Gear in Batim/batdr, however in this au the ink machine does not exist--or might have been but crumbled to dust, anyways it does not serve something in the au)
Now the setting or place of it all? I dunno aesthetics but i like to imagine it as... Just ur usual generic medieval castle stuff, kingdoms. Also there are many kingdoms here, mainly:
Angels : hovering the sky
Demons: below(hell)
Dish : on land, apparently their land is huge and vast, but is surrounded by water
Sea monsters/leviathans: under the sea and oceans of course, full of corals
Normal humans (but they have access to magic) witch, wizards, animal toons etc : land, but separated from the Dish kingdom
For me, its hard to create kingdoms, but maybe i can get a sketch outta my head? That is if im in the mood
Some people of their races move or migrate to other kingdoms, for example, Holly moved to the Dish Kingdom.
I imagine this au to take place mainly on Dish Kingdom but i dunnoooo maybe it will be changed? Not sure
These are my thoughts abt it so far...
I may make some heavy art abt this (i mean, the FINISHED art and not a sketch one) tho im not sureeee since its hard to draw when ur using only a phone, and im drawing digitally using my thumb, but well i guess im gonna adjust myself, thank u for reading all this nonsense and make it up to the end. Ta-ta!
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wonik1ss · 1 year
cruel summer — hy.n
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pairing : non idol!hyein x reader
synopsis : Your summer was horrible! You were sent to see your grandparents and made to not come back until the summer was over! But maybe a certain someone could make it just a little more bearable. Maybe being sent to the beach wasn’t so bad at least now you had a friend.
song rec : cruel summer - taylor swift
“ ARE YOU SERIOUS ?! “. You yelled as parents sat still on the couch were they just told you they were basically shipping you of to Cali.
“ Y/n baby it’ll just be for a months or two!! “. Your mom tried to reason as you walked around the couch stoping in front of them.
“ MONTHS ?!?! “. You yelled as your dad sighed.
“ You spend every summer here honey we just.. wanted one to our selfs “. Your dad also tried to reason as your mom nodded.
“ SO YOUR SICK OF ME ?! “. You started yell louder as you gave up and ran to your room slamming it. You couldn’t believe you were being sent of to Cali to see two old people you barely new! As sat on your bed angry as ever your mom and dad talked.
“ If she broke that door I’m beating her- “. You dad tried to calm your mom down. But that was the least of his problems an angry teenager was way worse.
“ Your face is going to stay like that forever if you don’t move it! “. Your dad yelled, you held your angry face all the way from the airport to the drive now to your grandparents house.
But your face softened when you saw the view. Beautiful beaches, tall trees and a big blue house near the shore. “ That’s your grandparents house! “. Your mom said as she smiled while you rolled your eyes.
2 months or so with old grumps who don’t know you.. how fun. As your dad parked in the parking lot two miles away from your grandparents house you all got out; as your dad got your bags while your mom slung her arm around your shoulder.
“ It’s not going to be that bad I swear! “. Your mom said as you walked to the blue house, she held out her pinky and you reluctantly hooked your pinky with hers.
“ If they make me play chess I’m running all the way back home “. You said as your mom laughed, but your face was still that was no joke you were making.
“ Ok we’re here! “. Your dad said as he sighed. Maybe you shouldn’t have backed half your room in your bag..
“ Y/N! “. You went bug eyed eyes your grandma ran out to hug you.
“ You sure she’s my grandma? “. You said as your grandpa came out laughing.
“ This is what happens when you get pregnant with a baby girl at 18! “. Your grandpa said as he went to hug you.
“ Come on now princess let’s get you settled into your castle! “. Your grandpa said as he hauled your stuff inside as you said goodbye to your parents.
What a summer this will be..
As you stated at the oceans water while you sat at the shore you felt someone’s eye on you. But when you turned around you weren’t expecting to see a girl your age staring back at you. She smiled as she got closer and sat next to you.
“ Are you the new girl? “. She said her eyes seeming to never leave your face. You nodded, who the hell was this creep girl.
“ I’m Hyein.. I live in the purple house right next to your.. “
“ Grandparents house “. Here mouth went into an O as you told her.
“ ..Everyone’s been talking about you but no one’s seen you so I’m happy I’m the first “. You giggled as she blushed.
“ Was there anything else you wanted to know? “. She nodded her head so much you felt like you were getting wip lash.
“ I wanted if you wanted to see my butterfly sanctuary!! “. You titled your head.
“ You mean your parents? “. You asked as she laughed.
“ Kinda.. they built it.. But I got the butterfly’s! “. Hyein said trying to impress you as you giggled more.
“ Sur- “.
“ Y/N DINNERS READY “. You looked back and gave a thumbs up to your grandma as you stood up and Hyein followed.
“ How about tomorr- “
“ Definitely! “. She said as you smiled and ran to your house as she stood there and watched.
She could finally have a friend..
As you skipped over to Hyein’s house she ran in front of you almost making you trip before she grabbed your hand.
“ Mornin’ Y/n! “
“ Morning Hyein! “
“ Ready to see the butterfly’s “. As the girl talked she wiggled her eyebrows and acted like a butterfly’s as you giggled.
“ Definitely! “.
With that Hyein dragged you into her house. You were only able to say a simple hi to her parents as she dragged you over to her sanctuary’s doors.
“ Are you ready to rumble “. Hyein said in and announcer voice as she opened her sanctuary’s doors quickly pulled you in and closed the doors.
“ Wow “. You said, Hyein had about 500 purple butterfly’s in different shades. As you looked around in aww she smiled. You liked it.. someone finally liked it.
She dragged you around telling you there names.
“ This one’s Peanut.. this one’s Butter.. This one’s Ja- “.
“ I’m guessing you were really hungry while naming them “. Hyein shyly nodded as she dragged you to her desk and showed you her notes.
“ I write everything about them in here.. “. You read through the girls pages as she stared at you.
“ Hyein “
“ Ya! “
“ Why do you seem so happy to show me stuff.. “. You said as you slowly looked at the girl as her smile slowly dropped as she walked; it ver to a bench patting the spot next to her for you to sit.
“.. All of the people living on the beach think I’m weird.. so when I heard you were coming.. I just hopped you wouldn’t think I was weird too.. “. As she said that you lunged at her for a hug.
As you both hugged Hyein held on tight making you have to tap out like you were in a boxing ring to tell her you couldn’t breathe. She apologized profusely as you giggled and side hugged her.
“ As long as I’m here you’ll never be lonely Hyein! And I mean never! “. You said as you tickled the girl and she giggled.
You keep your promise by always hanging out with Hyein from morning to night. One night you both laid on the beach under the stars when Hyein asked you.
“ Hay.. Y/n are we friends “. As you turned to face her you laughed and her face dropped.
“ Hyein we are bff’s “. She smiled as she tickled you.
Maybe you wouldn’t have such a cruel summer after all…
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Growing up as a missionary kid with ARFID
I recently found out I may have ARFID. no official diagnosis yet, but learning about this disorder has resonated so strongly with me. It also has made me so angry and sad about the shit I had to go through because of my parents' decision to become missionaries.
If you don't know what ARFID is, it's basically an eating disorder that messes with the way your brain perceives food and causes you to avoid certain foods because of sensory issues like texture, or anxiety about possible reactions to food. in my case, I am very sensitive to textures, tastes, and smells, and cannot eat certain foods without gagging, nausea, and/or being unable to physically swallow. It is uncomfortable at best, painful at worst. As a kid, I had a much smaller list of safe, edible foods than I have now, but I have always had this experience with new or unsafe foods and still do at 28 years old.
Now, if you don't know what being a missionary kid is like, well, I don't blame you. I wish I didn't either. But here we are.
When I was a toddler, my parents decided God was calling them to go to a foreign country to win souls for the kingdom or whatever. This required us to travel around the states for years going to different churches and families to ask for money to support this lifestyle. Once we had enough money, we then moved to overseas to tell people about Jesus. Woohoo.
My ARFID pals can probably imagine what a horror this sounds like. Almost every week, I had to travel to a new church and go to a new restaurant or eat at a stranger's house. Sometimes we had lunch with the pastor, sometimes we stayed at a stranger's house for several nights and ate with them.
I had plenty of issues at home surrounding food. I was constantly getting in trouble for not finishing my potatoes, being sentenced to sit at the dinner table for hours until I ate 4 more bites of broccoli, or being threatened with no dessert or other punishments. None of this ever worked, and I would just sit there filled with shame but unable to eat.
Eating with strangers was another story. Most of my memories of this time are of my mother harshly whispering threats into my ear if I didn't eat, apologizing for me being a "picky eater" and complaining about me right in front of my face, or whisking me off to the bathroom to spank me. None of it helped me. I would cry, I would sulk, I would beg. But no matter the punishment, I could not make myself eat a bite of lasagna or try a bit of sauerkraut. On a couple of occassions, I even threw up at the table.
Unsurprisingly, things did not get better when we moved overseas. We moved to a country with a cuisine almost entirely comprised of food that I still can't stomach to this day. Seafood, lumpy potatoes, complicated stews, dry sandwiches, meats with large ribbons of fat running through them.
I don't mean to be culturally insensitive; there is nothing at all strange or bad about what they ate. My brain just couldn't handle it. Every time I had to go to a church lunch, I would basically starve and get sick from not eating. Church camp was the worst, with multiple days of suffering through meals that I could barely eat tiny bites of, getting constant headaches and feeling weak and unable to enjoy being with the other kids. I loved sleeping out in a tent, singing songs, playing games with them. But I hated the food experience so much, I would contemplate jumping out of my window so I could break my legs and not have to go.
I did get to eat at home more. But did you know that manufacturing processes are different in other countries? Did you know vegetables can have different shapes, sizes, and textures? I did. Nobody else could tell, but every single food was new and different and strange and unsafe to me, except for the peanut butter we brought over with us. Slowly, I would find foods I could handle and get accustomed to my new safe foods and eating routines. Then, we would have to go back the states to visit family and supporting churches.
Suddenly, everything was new again. I hated M&Ms because they were too small. Cheese and milk tasted weird. Hot dogs had too thick of a skin. Cucumber slices were too big and watery. Now the process had to start over again, forcing myself to find new safe foods, until it was time to return overseas and switch back to the old ones.
So it went, like a yoyo, being yanked around the world, trying desperately to find safety and consistency. I was tiny, couldn't gain any weight until years after adulthood. I was full of constant guilt, and I always felt othered. Singled out for being too stupid and stubborn to just eat a fish sandwich with the rest of the kids. It compounded with my awkwardness and social anxiety and I ended up with no friends, just the weird kid who didn't talk and never ate lunch.
I know my parents were totally unprepared for this and they did what they thought was best. ARFID wasn't added to the DSM-V until after I had graduated high school. None of the strategies to deal with picky eaters worked on me. How could they know what to do?
I do wish they wouldn't have made me feel like such a useless sack of shit every time, though.
But I get it. I made them look bad in front of their donors.
Missionary kids are told they must be adventerous, brave, charismatic, intelligent, flexible, generous. We were supposed to evangelize too, after all. More importantly, we were supposed to be model kids that people would want to give money to.
Instead, my parents got a small, weird, unsocial, anxious kid who couldn't eat food, couldn't talk to people, couldn't take a car ride without throwing up, much less a plane ride.
It wasn't my fault. It was just too much for me.
Doesn't stop me from feeling like a failure.
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spid3namy · 1 year
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𓇼 boy most definitely a taylor swift fan like he fr be jamming out to that shit and his friends be like "😨 taylor swift???"
𓇼 in addition to listening to ms. tay tay swift, he listens to kali uchis and knows EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN LYRIC TO EACH SONG like this man is OBSESSED with that woman's music
𓇼 has called earth 1610 miles the n-word once on accident and apologized for it almost immediately
𓇼 loves when he gets his hair played with despite it being in braids majority of the time
𓇼 this man is SUCH a smooth talker like you say something normal, he'll turn it around on you and flirt with you.
𓇼 bro fr only let's his mama braid his hair.. like he fr a mama's boy and you can't convince me otherwise
𓇼 when rio found out about the other miles, it made him jealous cus he got more attention than him (bro is so cute like omg 🥺 pouting and shit)
𓇼 gets flustered hella easy. call him cute, his face redder than tomato like this man is so easy to make blush
𓇼 he knows how to ride a motorcycle cus his uncle taught him like the bad influence he is
𓇼 him and earth 1610 miles def switch places just to fool people
𓇼 he snorts when he laughs then he be getting all angry and shit cus he fr embarrassed
𓇼 if he's too lazy to fix up his braids, he'll just wear a durag all day or a bonnet whichever one he feels like
𓇼 knowing that earth 1610 miles isn't that fluent in spanish, he calls him names and plays it off like he doesn't but rio knows. she knows.
𓇼 yall know huey and riley from the boondocks right??? im not that old??? well, whatever.. him and earth 1610 are literally them. that one episode where the two were home alone and beat the shit out of each and huey won??? yeah happened between those two. and that tall ass basketball player looking boy earth 1610 miles beat prowler miles up so badly... like he was so embarrassed by his loss that he ain't talk to him for a week. (bitch ass)
𓇼 he secretly loves animals like he fr be begging his mama for a pet. only to get told no then having a tantrum over it.
𓇼 bro used to be that one "weird" kid in school that played with barbies.. like he had such a weird obsession with being like barbie. it made his parents and uncle concerned about him
𓇼 his uncle is that person to come pick him up when he get in trouble and be praising him like "YEAHHH, YOU SHOULDVE BEAT THEY ASS 😍" and the principal be like "😨.. he sent a kid to the ER, sir???" then miles be there just vibing cus he knew he was right for what he did.
𓇼 bro is a sucker for neck kisses, don't even gotta be sexual.. like he becomes weak to his knees at them bitches. like, you want him to shut the hell up??? kiss his neck.
𓇼 def a gamer boy in free time, got the set up and headset and everything
𓇼 i kid you not, bro can't take being called short like if you taller than him and call him "shorty" or anything like that, he will personally punch you so hard to just make himself feel better.
𓇼 him and earth 1610 miles def do that whole "😨 you got my face!" or like that mirror thing when people clones of themselves in front of people just to scare them. they be thinking they so damn funny with it too 🙄
𓇼 probably has kissed a man before. on purpose. and liked it.
𓇼bitch ass boy with a tough persona. that's all i gotta say about that
𓇼 bro most DEFINITELY had a my little pony phase and i ain't being convinced otherwise like it's just a fact atp
𓇼 enjoys watching horror movies with his uncle.. makes him feel safe and happy
𓇼 kid you not, he would be the type to tell lame ass "yo mama" or dad jokes then be thinking he so damn funny for it
𓇼 TERRIFIED of bugs. screamed when he saw what he thought was a fly in the house. turns out it was just a strand of his hair in his face..
𓇼 he one of them people who be like going to a certain fast food place/restaurant so often that the workers through know not only his name but his order as well like its engraved into their brains.
𓇼 can't ever take this boy no where 🙄 like he's one of them little kids that touch and ask for shit they don't need then be making a mess everywhere. OH AND DEFINITELY DO NOT TAKE EARTH 1610 MILES WIT YALL.. these boys be acting a fool so rio gotta beat their asses when she get home.
𓇼 he be one of those people who laughs at literally anyone crying in movies.. like he know it ain't right, but he straight up don't give a shit.
𓇼 he was also one of those kids who never got anything for valentine's day in elementary school because they thought he was weird so rio got him candy and told him a friend from overseas gave it to him... somehow.
𓇼 you two play video games... you better not hold back on him. you doing your hardest and still beating him? he act like he hate it but he loves how you don't ever try and let him win (even tho he a sore loser and for what 🙄)
𓇼 he tried to cook you a meal once cus he wanted to be nice... almost burned your damn place down to the ground. and it was to the point where the WHOLE ASS POT WAS BURNT LIKE WHAT???
𓇼 enjoys getting things rather than receiving cus he don't even be knowing what to get fr
𓇼 flirty as hell. that's it.
𓇼 can't dance. bro ain't got no rhythm. can't even play just dance the right way that's how bad it is.
𓇼 he's secretly a sucker for anything romance related. not that he'd ever admit it. he has put in his draft of his will to get rid of any romance related item in his room so no one finds out.
𓇼 when earth 1610 miles told him about how gwen went through his sketchbook without asking and played it off as cool, he got smacked. like prowler miles smacked him so damn hard, it echoed through the whole apartment, and rio had to make sure the two were okay.
𓇼 he would most definitely make tiktok thirst traps but get embarrassed when people he knows finds them.
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that's all i got for now 😍 i might do another part to this cus, let's be honest here, this boy got a chokehold on me, and i ain't mad about it 🤭
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rogeliodavid · 1 year
My Spiritual Warfare Testimony
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My experience with the dark forces started back in college, back in the fall semester of 2011. I was dabbling in alternate spiritualities, namely, New Age spirituality. I was reading channelings that were filled with half-truths devised to hook you. I read some channelings that were supposedly channeling ‘Ascended Master’ St. Germaine, and I was hooked…
The hot-topic back then was the supposed 2012 paradigm shift that was supposed to happen on December 21, 2012. There was so many sources back then pointing to the same event (all New Age), that it was easy to get caught up in it.
This is where my thinking got the better of me… I figured that if there was only 1 year left before the big ‘Shift’, then the only logical conclusion was that I should withdraw from college (which I did) and go out and proselytize to all my friends and anyone who would listen!
So I got into my honda civic, drove back up to Chicago and started spreading the word. This went on for a few weeks which turned into months until one day I found myself in a smoke circle in Hyde Park.
The freaky thing was then I was so high that when I looked into the bedroom mirror, I saw two black vortexes, like black holes, right where my eyes usually are. This freaked me out for real so I laid down on the bed and that’s when I felt a hyper palpable feeling of love in my chest. Instantly my mind went to thoughts of my girlfriend at the time, and I decided right then and there that I had to go visit her. (She went to school in Northwestern)
I got in my car and drove up Lake Shore Drive. At some point the radio in the car became scarily tuned in to what I was thinking… In the sense that it was playing certain music and certain popular songs that seemed as though they were talking directly to my inner thoughts…
I felt like I needed to relax so I found a parking spot near Sheridan. As I drifted to sleep to take a nap in my car, I noticed that I was regressing to a child-like, inner child state. To cope with my fear, I started to identify with who I imagined was the strongest character I could think of, which of course was the Incredible Hulk.
When I woke up from my nap, I felt the angriest I’ve ever been in my life, as if I got posessed by the Hulk himself. This ‘Hulk’ was self-destructive, with the sole aim of leaving this world by crashing into something. As I hit the petal to the metal and started zooming forward, a thought crossed my mind in the form of a question…
It asked: are you sure there’s nothing in this world worth living for? Instantly my mind went to my family and I had a change of heart— and at that very moment I veered off to the right and thankfully crashed into a tree and not into any human beings.
The ambulance came and took me into the hospital, where I was in what can only be described as a really goofy, spontaneous mood. My family came and took me home and my thoughts only became more regressed, child-like, and irrational.
It got so bad that they had to take me back to the hospital to get me checked out. At some point I fell asleep and when I woke up I was met with bed restraints that essentially had me chained to the bed without capacity to move freely. This is when I snapped, and got angry and upset and started yelling louder and louder until I was yelling at the top of my lungs.
I was alternating between yelling for them to let me go free and for the fact that I wanted to go see my then girlfriend.
Unfortunately my mental condition started to feel tortured and tormented, which I now see was because of a demon that got a foothold from my New Age spirituality that I dabbled in.
However, back then, I chalked it up to ‘psychic thoughts’ from those gawking around me.
The climax of this psychological torture at the hand of the demon was when my parents were behind my hospital bed, praying over me. They prayed over me in Jesus name, and that’s exactly the moment when I was freed from the torment like an enormous sigh of relief…
That was my real first experience with the dark forces.
One of the latest experiences with the dark forces happened while I was in my bedroom, reading some spiritual channelings. (I still hadn’t kicked the habit at the time)
All of a sudden, my girlfriend sent me an annotated version of a spiritual channeling that I had sent her. It was filled with references to Ancient Near Eastern gods that confused me. I felt a dark presence in my room after reading the names of those false gods (demons).
I was instantly aghast as I finally put 2 and 2 together that I shouldn’t be messing with alternate spiritualities. That was when I renounced all those alternate spiritualities, including channelings and astrology.
Thus began my path back to God, this time as an adult…
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marsconer · 2 years
fire at the end of the lane, touya todoroki
two: one hand, one heart
“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.”― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
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As the years went on, he became ever more certain that if the two of them were left alone in the world to find their way back to each other all would be well. But if he was blinded and stolen from her sight, all would crumble and the universe would be nothing but remains of the great monument of her existence. ( He stole that from a book, one of hers, it’s secret but Touya actually listens )
When he wasn’t training he was with her. Locked away in her glittery pastel world
Touya would always remember the day after Christmas when she dragged him up and down the hills to see what her parents got her.
It was the size of a large shed, a small house of wood painted pink and white. Inside it was even worse, a sore sight indeed. Flowing curtains, a small floral patterned sofa covered in plushies, a tea table and some chairs. A perfectly comfortable living space for a human-sized Barbie.
Cordelia smiled at him, like she was proud of it. Touya imagined her picking the cushions for the sofa or the perfectly sparkly shade of blue for the curtains. “I loved it.”, he didn’t loved it but he would have made the entire world look like a candy store if it meant she would smile like that forever.
“I have something for you”, she said, revealing a small blue wrapping and handing it to him, “i asked you what you wanted and i know you said nothing so i made something!”
Touya opened it in a surprisingly careful manner. It was a bracelet of beads of colorful hearts and smiley faces. He put it on, it was nothing like he usually wore but Cordelia had a way of making him do almost anything.
“Now we match!”, she raised her hand so he could see her wrist adorning it.
He felt his cheeks fluster. “I didn’t get you anything, now I’m feeling bit bad about it”
“You didn’t have to”, she said
“I did, I do now”
“In that case, you have until New Year's to get me something. I love flowers this time of years”
He appeared with a bouquet of flowers bought with mom’s approval at her front door on December 31st. One of each type of flower in some atrocious aesthetic-crime against the precious art of making a bouquet. Cordelia loved it like no other.
Life was good. As good as it would get, they would walk home together and he would talk about his progress in training, even if it came with burn marks her songs couldn’t fully heal.
They stopped playing tag and swinging the day away but they were still together. Touya could hide away at her sanctuary. The sun was bright and gentle in the summer and winter was made of snow days and hot chocolate and mistletoes.
The change started before she could feel, like any storm worth it’s name does. It was serious, his voice gave it away. It was always his voice that cracked first.
Touya was laying on her bed again when he should be training. Trying to not be so angry he couldn’t speak and try as he might, he could not find the words to express the bomb planting itself in his heart, his vocabulary was not vast enough yet. He stared at her ceiling for one hour instead, counting and recounting starts.
“239”, he announced through gritted teeth.
“I did need six boxes”, she looked at him, she was the only one who did these days so he spilled it all out.
“Do you think I can still do it?”, he sat back on the mattress, “Become a hero” that would surpass All Might. That would make my father proud.
“You? Why not? I think you can do anything if you have enough nerve”, she barely gave it much thought, as if it was obvious.
The reason for his questioning became apparent when Shouto’s quirk awakened. At age four he was better than his older brother. Half fire and half ice, exactly how some people think the whole world will end. The toddler lacked his weakness towards fire and had a mighty power of freezing ( which mostly made itself known through ice houses and the ice people tiny Shouto held and moved around like dolls ).
He was moldable, a child is soft as clay and it can become anything his father wants if his father is attentive enough. Endeavor is all but dismissive of his youngest’s talent.
Touya learns how to make himself at home anywhere but his own. His fire is using his flesh as fuel, he is flame, wood and pyre and for that reason, training is no longer on his schedule. Not officially at least. So he takes back roads to learn, old tapes to get the intricacies of his father’s moves and using candy to get Natsuo, who is barely eleven and too busy studying most of the time now, to join him in sparring sessions.
He learns the simpler things too. How to use the stove and how to make the strawberry milkshake Cordelia loves and how to use the shower at her place when he sleeps over, and how to lie to her parents about staying the whole night on the couch when he can’t even sleep alone.
Training in secret doesn’t make the burning any less painful. It shows in his skin just as clearly and he doesn’t know what to do with himself when his efforts to hide are successful even at their worst stage, even when he’s not trying at all.
He’s at the breakfast table with Fuyumi and mom and Natsuo and he can hear the faint voice of his fathers talking to Shouto with the tone that was reserved for him. He crouches over his food and makes himself so small he fades away.
Cordelia knows. He hates her for it but she always does. He lays on the wooden floor in her dollhouse. They are getting too old for this but it smells of eternal spring so they spent the afternoon there. She sings and it’s the first time in weeks his skin starts to force itself to heal, his cells responding to the sound waves of her voice.
“Maybe you should stop pushing yourself so hard, that or your skin will fall off”, she says, bitter, worried and some other emotion he has never seen before.
“I can’t”, he can’t handle opening his eyes, Touya’s covered in ice packs and thinks that if he lays still he’ll cool down faster, “And you said I could! How am I supposed to become a hero if I don’t go to U.A High School?”
“So that’s what the training was for?”, Cordelia asked.
“We are graduating this year.”
“And you would be taking the admission exam behind your family’s back?”, she raised a brow.
“I would and maybe father will realize that he made a mistake by giving up on me!”, Touya tried to sat up and winced, his whole body rejected it.
“You need rest, idiot”, she kneeled by his side and forced him to lay back. Her hand on his shoulder.
“Cordelia?”, he laid once more, “What do you plan on doing after graduation?”
“Go to high school? And then University? I’m not you, Touya. I’m okay with the fact that I’m destined for normalcy. No hero will ever save from an average life”
“I will”, he said, so plainly and honestly she couldn’t help but to believe in him.
Shouto took his place almost everywhere now and there’s a black hole stretching in size every time his brother takes something new from him. Touya tries to fill in the gaps and not worry over growing grey at a preteen age. Shouto takes away most of their dad’s time and attention and love and Touya does nothing. A new favourite.
The Todoroki family has been exposing a lot of favorites lately. Mom’s Fuyumi, they are very alike. Left behind, away in the kitchen, talking in whispers and tense shoulders.
Fuyumi’s favorite is Natsuo. They are almost twins, barely a year apart but she watches over him like a mother would when Mom can’t. They are both ice. They understand each other and Mom has an easier time understanding them.
Natsuo’s favorite should be him. It used to be before Touya’s single mindedness took the best of him and divided his life in two.
Shouto was maybe too young to play the favorites game but to Touya’s distaste, it was him. Shouto followed his older brother around like a lost puppy from the minute he could walk.
“Touya”, Shouto ran to brother one morning and he found Touya, sitting in grass outside. Shouto raised his tiny baby fingers to Touya’s hair. “We have the same hair!”
Shouto grabbed the white strand amidst the red.
“I think—Ouch! Don’t pull my hair, idiot”, Touya pushed his brother’s hand away from his hair.
“Sorry, Tou”, and his younger brother put his hands innocently behind his tiny body.
Little does his brother know that his hair was completely red once, like Dad's. He almost looks like an old man and no one noticed. No one ever notices, he could set the house on fire and his family would rather say it was struck by lightning before admitting it was him.
Touya was standing in the hallway. Not his hallway. Cordelia 's. He is staring at the altar, so different from his own. All candles and incense too but crosses and images. Rosaries hanging on the wall, a man holding a flaming heart, pointing at it. Where's the blood, he wonders. Do all wounds look this obvious? Does his own?
"We are catholic", she explains, "My mom is, guess that is dad is too, they got married in a church so-."
"Oh", Touya knows his parents didn't. It's not about the candles and the rosaries or the angels. Is it alright that his family never had any of that, that they weren't supposed to. It's about love but he doesn't know that yet so he blames the angels. Maybe it's the feathers and halos. That's what's missing.
Her house is dark half empty the next time they both stand in that hallway.
“Would you light me some candles?”, she asks.
They sit down and he lights their multitudes one by one, looking at her dumbfounded. Under the soft orange lights she’s beautiful.
The weight of this realization dawned on him. She was beautiful. He could lie and say he always knew that. But maybe Cordelia wasn't. She was a little wild thing for sure when they met. Pointy ears, big glimmering eyes almost half inhuman. And she was ethereal now. Candlelight on the right angle, her long hair glowed like the sun. No, it glowed like a halo.
“Give me your hand, Touya.”
“Why?”, he said, already placing his hand on hers.
“I saw my prima do this with her boyfriend once, it made them one", it was the first time he saw her blush, "Do you want to be one?"
It's such a heavy question but his truest answer was heavier. Sometimes I feel like we already are. Touya can't say that so he says yes.
"Will you repeat it with me?", Cordelia laces their fingers.
"Yes.", it falls from his lips so easily he should have the decency to be scared.
"Make of our hands", she says.
"Make of our hands”, he becomes her echo
"One hand"
"Make of our hearts, one heart'’
"Only death can part us now"
"Make of our lives, one life"
"Only death–"
"Not even", Touya is somber and serious, he means. He means it even if he's too young to mean it. He means it so hard it kills him.
"Not even death can part us now",
It's a promise he intends to keep. It's last thing he thinks about when the hills burn blue.
"You can stay the week if you tell me what happened", her voice echoes in his mind, a memory intruding.
"Can I stay the week, then?", he asked, with the weakest voice she had ever heard.
"You can stay forever.", he thinks about forever and about how he won't have it.
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alrissamariam · 28 days
Constructions of a Family Line
If I had a choice to construct my own family line, I would choose only my siblings without a second thought. 
Growing up was never easy. How do I answer when somebody asks me what my childhood was like?
No, I would not tell them that it was wonderful, therefore I will always choose my parents.
Am I supposed to tell them about the time my mother left the four of us in the house overnight to fend for ourselves when I was six while she went to an exclusive party?
Am I supposed to tell them about the time my parents were arguing at the dinner table after my father came over for my birthday, and when I told them to please stop fighting, my mother’s immediate answer was shut up?
Am I supposed to tell them about the countless times my mother would cook food less than enough for the four of us, but take half of it to give to a man that was barely there, leaving us to split an already half portioned food into four?
Am I supposed to tell them about the time I had to watch my mother terrorised my brother and wound him so badly, he thought it was better to hurt himself?
Am I supposed to tell them about the time my mother got angry that I didn’t dress a certain way and yelled at me, accusing me and faulting me as she pointed her finger in my tear-stained face with the words this is all your fault, you love to watch this family fall apart, don’t you?
Am I supposed to tell them about all the times my mother has made fun of my face, hair, skin, weight, appearance, and how it instilled my bad eating habits that led to me eventually falling sick?
Or am I supposed to tell them about the time my mother made us believe my father was the monster the entire time, only for her to be the enemy hiding behind a wall of lies and money?
I don’t think that’s the childhood I want to talk about.
I want to tell them about the time my sister rescued me from school at seven in the evening as the skies were turning dark and the rain was about to pour because mother had an alumni dinner and forgot me.
I want to tell them about the times my sister would ask if I had eaten before she proceeded to cook for us anyway.
I want to tell them about the time my brother protected me in front of the entire school when the boy I made friends with threatened to hit me like my father did.
I want to tell them about the times my siblings came to pick me up, called and offered food, saved the last piece of kuih lapis because I got home late from work, left the food on the table to wait for me so we could all eat together.
I want to tell them about the time we all huddled in one room and slept together after the most frustrating, stressful and painful night we had to go through.
I want to tell them about the once-in-a-while fancy sibling dinners we go to every now and then, how we look out for one another when we’re out together.
I want to tell them about the nights we’d go out to eat by the roadside and how Myra would lean her chair down while driving, and how it would make Rifqi scream, and how Iqa would play the best songs for everyone.
I want to tell them about Nikk, our childhood friend, formerly neighbour at the age of four, who became a part of the siblings.
I want to tell them about the countless hours, days, weeks, months, years my siblings and I spent mending each other of the things parents should never do to their children. 
I want to tell them how we overcame it, how we’re finally together again now after the torture and lashes. How we finally, finally have a safe space to call home.
Our home.
So, no. I wouldn’t choose my parents. I would choose my sister, Myra–the idiot who can’t contain her anger but loves her younger siblings like her own child in her own way.
I would choose my sister, Iqa–the blonde that gets on my nerves sometimes when it comes to explaining but loves her siblings like she’s a mother.
I would choose my brother, Rif–the smartass who can’t stop using big words but makes sure his sisters understand and are civil, always.
They kept me alive physically, and while mentally and emotionally I don’t feel them, their physical affection is enough to keep me afloat.
I would choose them, who taught me the cycle of hatred brought down by generations of fucked up individuals can, in fact, be broken–and now it has.
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Idia Shroud Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 3
"Be more self aware"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia’s Room]
Idia: …
Ortho: Nii-san…
Ortho: I've been listening here beside you this whole time, but, um… don't think about it too much…okay?
Ortho: It's terrible that they're smearing something you love like that, Nii-san. I'll hook myself up and kick out the perpetrator!
Idia: … Kick out… Ortho will?
Ortho: Yeah! So please don't feel so down…
Idia: Then… I won't be able to forgive them at all…!
Ortho: Eh?
Idia: This is just a test of my love for the Fates...
Idia: The nerve. Fine, I'll play their little game.
Idia: I'll hunt down the villain who attacked the Fates website with my own hands!
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Idia: These… worms don't know what they should and shouldn't do!
Idia: I'll teach a lesson to those who think that just because they're anonymous, that they can casually just spout whatever they want without thinking!
Idia: Whhhhhhaaat is "shabby," huh!? The Fates' clothes are all neat and classical and cute, yo!
Idia: You think your eyes are so great that you can say for certain whether someone is shabby or not!? Are all the mirrors in your house broken!?
Idia: Even if you're some kind of superior specimen sponsored by high-end brands...
Idia: The moment you've stained your hands with such a vile deed, you're absolutely nothing! You're no different from me in my worn-out hoodie! Done!
Idia: Shut up, worm! More like my hair's red, what’s wrong with that!? It’s way better than a cowardly hater with no aesthetic or common sense.
Idia: I’m gonna find everything there is out there about you and make you regret you were ever born, so prepare yourself!!!!!
Ortho: Nii-san is super ticked off…
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Ortho: This might be the first time in a while I've seen Nii-san this angry where he's not just making fun or acting silly.
Idia: K, I'm finished.
Ortho: Eh?
Idia: So lame, I could crack their IP so fast. They left so many footprints in their entry path into the system, that it was so easy to find them, these wannabes!
Ortho: So fast… It didn't even take him 3 minutes to identify the perpetrator!
Ortho: That might be faster than I could have done.
Idia: I'll restore the website and ban access to all those who helped launch this foolish attack…
Idia: While I'm at it, I'll place parental controls on all their computers!
Idia: Wet's onwy wook at websites that'll wead-awoud bwooks to you fwom now on, k― I'll change aww the bwookmawks to baby stowe sites―
Idia: Because you'we aww widdle babies who don't know wight fwom wong, right―?
Ortho: Wow. The probability that the perpetrator will get angry… Even without calculating I know it would be 100%, Nii-san.
Idia: Sooo… What should I do now!?
Idia: Heeheehee! First, I'll grab their personal information from their IP…
Idia: …Mm?
Ortho: Huh. This IP looks familiar… Wait, could the perpetrator be…
Idia: …...
Idia: Aaaaahh―――――――――――――― It's fine, fine. I'm cool. I'm fine.
Ortho: Nii-san?
Idia: Ortho. Your brother is going to step out for a bit.
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Lounge]
Ignihyde Student A: [yawns] …We were already asleep. Why in the world are you calling us out here in the middle of the night?
Idia: …
Ignihyde Student B: He already figured it out, huh… Well, this is still within our expectations so far.
Ignihyde Student C: This is just the usual timid Idia. If we face him right on, he'll probably be unable to say anything anyway.
Idia: ……Uhhh……So……
Ignihyde Student A: What's wrong, "Dorm Leader" Idia? C'mon, we're listening. Don't you have something to say?
Idia: …
Idia: Then, I'll just come out and say it, what was with that super lame cyber-attack? It was so ill-mannered you had my head spinning.
Idia: It was like you had just walked over a carpet wearing muddy shoes. Didn't you learn as a child to remove all mud at the door?
Idia: Besides, you should only be allowed to play in the mud like that until you're about five years old.
Idia: That software you guys used, you picked it up on a forum where hackers generally go, didn't you?
Idia: I know because I made and released that software when I was five years old. It's ancient trash that I had forgotten I even made it. I wanted to forget it.
Idia: Just checking, but you are all students of Ignihyde, the dorm that is modeled on the dilligence of the Lord of the Underworld, right?
Idia: From beginning to end, everything you did was so sloppy. Both your idea and actions were so low-leveled and lazy. Where'd that diligence go?
Idia: If you're Ignihyde students, then be more self aware.
Ignihyde Students: …
Idia: Do you want to say something? If not, then we're done here.
Ignihyde Student A: Ah, no…
Ignihyde Student B: Not… really…
Idia: Okay. Don't do something this embarrassing next time. Bye.
Ignihyde Students: …
Ignihyde Student A: So, Idia… really can speak normally, huh…
Ignihyde Student B: More like, I'm getting more and more embarrassed that we were so proud of what we did…
Ignihyde Student C: I-I feel you! The difference in our abilities is so vast that if there was a hole here right now, I'd want to climb into it!
Ignihyde Student A: But y'know, that last thing he said…
Ignihyde Student A: Was Idia encouraging us to "try harder" in his own way?
Ignihyde Student A: What's more, I had heard that he loved the "Fates" but he didn't get angry at all… The way he left all coolly…
Ignihyde Student C: Urgh, so cool…! I'm so weak to stuff like that!!
Ignihyde Student B: Humph… This was just such a roundabout way to do this. If it wasn't for us, we never would have seen that sincere side of him, y'know?
Ignihyde Student A: Man, what a handful. …That's our Idia-ryōchō!
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia’s Room]
Ortho: Oh, welcome back, Nii-san. You were pretty fas…
Idia: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH――――――――!!!!
Idia: Sliding into home at just at midnight on the dot! Gotta access the Fates website immediately!
Idia: Great, the site's been restored already! I'd expect nothing less of the Fates. They way that they never falter before adversity is the best!
Idia: Yessss! I got it!
Ortho: You got it…? …Oh, right!
Ortho: I remember now, the Fates on the Edge concert tickets go on sale today.
Idia: Yeah!
Idia: Only 100 of these premium tickets are being sold at midnight, and it comes with a post-performance interview!
Idia: Maaan, when I saw the site went down, my entire mind went blank, but I'm glad that I was able to purchase it.
Idia: Ufufu. I absolutely must report such an exciting thing to Crimson Muscle-shi.
Idia: I'm sure he'll definitely be happy for me too! And then one day we can… go see them together…!
Idia: Ufufu… Fuheeheehee…!
Ortho: I would think that there may be other things to report…
Ortho: But it seems like to my brother, something like disciplining a dormitory student is so trivial that he doesn't even consider it trouble.
Idia: Alright. Now that I was able to safely get the ticket… Wait for me―! Crimson Muscle-shi!
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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