#haldir angst
Thranduil and Josie Pt. 169- Gypsy Origins Part 2 of 3
Summary: Hypnotized under Haldir's mind manipulation, Josselyn continues her many truths of troublesome, but relevant past.
*Chapter Warnings* language, angst, sexual content, smoking, drinking
Chapter characters: Haldir, Josselyn(Delphine), Harker, Jemma, Bellamey, Toones, Carl, Narcisse, Catherine, Julian, Caroline, Cassandra, Legolas, Tauriel, Zeddicus
Chapter word count: 7,386
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Josselyn was becoming very agitated in her hypnotic state after she spoke of witnessing Harker's big bad wolf persona and Haldir knew he had to tread carefully on how hard he pushed her traumatic memories out under his spell of truth, for too much stress could cause her to forget everything, even who she was. Even so, it was more important to him to keep you and Leeanduil safe and that meant finding out everything she knew about Harker, Sarah and Caroline, so he held her hand to pass his calming effects through her as he asked her to slowly continue. Her pale lips quivered for a moment at his unexpected touch and as the elf's magic kicked in, she softly exhaled and began again.
"Harker...he's telling me we are packing up and leaving for the castle in Dorwinion to set up his carnival for a weekend summer solstice celebration. We should be at a base camp outside the borders come first light. I am happy I get to go but...I remember Thomas' words about this castle. About the reigning warlock lord being of both darkness and light. Was he dark like Harker? What will I do there? He does not mention Ravenna and he seems calm, considering what I did to him. The gash on his hand has healed. Is he still angry about that? I feel unsettled as I remember last year's solstice when he killed my father and took me and my mother as his property. I wish I would have stuck that silver dagger in his heart. He certainly does not like silver.
All but two small trailers are being loaded and locked up. Two guards and two servants remain to guard the children in the underground caverns. We are moving now. I am chained in his trailer and forced to listen to him defile my mother all night...but strangely, she sounds like she is enjoying it. I am covering my ears. I am helpless. I am scared he will take me too, but he does not.
It is a blue sky morning. We are arriving at a clearing. I can see the towers of a castle peaking over the trees through the blacked out windows that can only be seen out of.
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Harker's men are heading out on the morning hunt for food while his carnies set up the camp. Three of them are summoned and are coming inside. They scare me. My mother once called them freaks. That word is not permitted by Harker. He says if you laugh at them, you laugh at him. She doesn't call them that anymore.
Harker is bringing me out to the living quarters and is holding me close against him with a smile. Something is different about him. He...he's nicer to me and is telling them of the day's plans. He is looking at them from left to right as he speaks their names.
Mr. Bellamey, Mr. Toones, Mr. Carl. I'm sure you remember young Josselyn here?
They are silent and staring at me. They're not smiling. They don't like me. I think they are all jealous of me. Especially Carl. I..I think he is really a woman. He has breasts.
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She will be assisting with the evening's celebration and you all will show her the ropes.
Carl is speaking. He's pouty and not happy.
That makes me mad. She is not our family. She's a plain Jane little girl.
Harker sits down and smiles.
Oh but she is family now and she is far from ordinary. She is a magical being in the making like you all were and soon to be a witch like me and she will be welcomed by you just as I have welcomed her.
I...I am shaking. My knees buckle and I drop on them. I tell him I don't understand.
You will my child, all in due time. You have taken in Ravenna's power. It is your to keep.
M...M..Master...keep? I...I did not, do not want it. It was an accident. I didn't know what I was doing. I had no control over it. I am old enough to understand that nothing from Ravenna is given freely. She was so angry. She wanted me dead.
He is leaning forward and placing his hand on my shoulder.
Dear one. You are safe now. She is not going to hurt you. She and I have come to an understanding about what happened.
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I am crying.
I..I don't want to be like her...like you. You killed my father. You kill children. You gave me to Ravenna. I would be dead right now if I were younger and why are you being so nice? I..I hurt you. I cut you with that dagger. This...this makes no sense.
It does not need to make sense. You will do as you are told. You are one of us now. It cannot be reversed. Now...the guards will be coming back with a big fat juicy elk to feast on. Oh how I do love the flesh of an elk. My boys here will show you how to prepare one and when we are all finished, we will head to the castle to set up the funfair that you will be a part of.
Y..y..y..you want...ME to..to...I...I can't! It's an animal....I feel sick.
He's leaning forward again. There is a brown leather string wrapped around his hand and it has a white crystal hanging from it. He's holding it up and speaking words I do not understand. I can't free my eyes. It is forcing me to do as he is commanding. I...I don't want to do it!!!"
Haldir had to momentarily stop her. He was disgusted. Somewhat at himself, for he was doing the same thing to her by forcing her to do what she did not want to do, but more so over the fact that he knew this verbosely needed story was only going to get worse and that Josselyn would be very resentful of him when it was over.
"You do not have to do it. I need you to move forward to the arrival at the castle. Continue from there."
"I am walking with Harker and my mother on the biggest lawn I have ever seen. It is on the bay of the black sea. I feel awkward and nervous. Harker gave me a beautiful red dress to wear. My mother is wearing her usual gypsy attire but she...is very different. She does not seem fearful anymore, but proud to be at Harker's side.
I see people, children, games and tents of many colors everywhere. There are boat rides on the inlet river. I smell such delicious food. I hear music, laughter and a....a tiger's roar I think?? I see it. There's an awful woman poking him with a stick through the bars of his cage. She's teaching a small child to do it!!! I cannot watch. A man reprimands her and scoops up the blonde boy. I cannot see the man's face. He carries a sword on his hip. I hear him. He's stern but calm to not scare the child. He tells her that is not something to teach a child, let alone her 3 year old son, for it is dangerous and idiotic, nor should she ever do it to an animal. He says she should know better and she is heartless and cruel. He hands the child to a woman servant and tells her to take Francis to see the horses. He leaves and is heading this way. She call his name, Stephane, and stops him. They argue. I can now see his face.
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He's so beautiful. He dresses nothing like Harker except for the leather. He is kingly and ageless. The woman leaves and he's now coming to greet us. There's an aroma of peppermint. I...feel warm and giddy...my...my stomach feels strange when he speaks. Like butterflies are in it. I don't know why. His eyes. They are so blue.
Ahhh...Harker. You have arrived. And who are these two gorgeous creatures on your arm?
He is ogling my mother. All men do. She is beautiful and her attire is and always was very revealing of her breasts and stomach.
Lord Narcisse. What a glorious day yes? To have such eye candy at my side. This is Josselyn and Jemma. They will be assisting in tonight's festivities and Jemma, my newly acquired wife, will entertain us in the after dark jamboree. Jemma. Give Stephane a glimpse of your...talents.
Wife?? I feel sick. My heart is racing and I am speechless as she lifts her skirt and happily flaunts her body to Narcisse in front of everyone. What has Harker done to her?? I see a diamond ring on her finger. It is not the one my father gave her.
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My my. Well now Harker. Eye candy indeed. I must say am very impressed with your choice of a bride and I am highly looking forward to some carousing this night in celebration of your union, although I can see I am going to receive an earful over this delightful display.
Narcisse is looking over at Catherine. She is glaring at him. She picks up a stick and storms off.
Harker is greatly amused.
Trouble in paradise with the ever so annoying Catherine?
Far from paradise and annoying to say the least. Wretched unbearable woman seems more fitting.
The two men are laughing.
Narcisse. I notice you have more security than you normally do at the funfairs. Has something happened for such a need that I need to be aware of for the safety of my own people?
I...well. I do not want to alarm anyone, but there have been reports relayed to me of children going missing in close proximity of here and with the many children I house here, one can never be too careful.
Ahhh, yes. I see. Such a shame. Who would do such a thing?
The warlock lord, he does not seem of darkness like Thomas had told me, just unhappy which does not make him evil, but it could be an act like Harker's is. I... I don't like this. I despise Harker. I want to scream out loud that it's Harker! I don't think Lord Narcisse knows what he does. He would certainly never have dealings with Harker if he knew because he seems to genuinely love children.
The tiger is roaring again. Lord Narcisse is suddenly angry.
If you all will excuse me for now. I must tend to Blaze. His bellows have Catherine's name in them. Oh...before I forget. Harker, your brother is here with his also annoying woman. Jemma...Josselyn.
He bows to us and leaves. My stomach drops. Did he mean Ravenna and the evil goblin King are here?
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I cannot hold my panic in any longer. I ask Harker if Ravenna is here with Jareth. He is laughing. He says no. They would never come here. He and Narcisse are enemies. He tells me he has another brother who is Lord Narcisse's good friend. I'm secretly hoping he is nice like him. Surely he must be?"
Haldir's stance greatly stiffens with the mention of Julian and Caroline, for now he felt he was much closer to learning about Lola and Sarah.
"Tell me of the brother and woman. Did you meet them this night?"
"Yes...I..I smell something sweet like...honey and a hint of lilacs? It is overpowering the scent of grilled food. I hear a woman's voice behind us. She has an accent. Irish maybe? I turn to see a very stunning woman with porcelain skin. Her hair is long and fiery red with bangs. Her attire is Celtic much like my mother's and somewhat provocative. I sense darkness in her demeanor. Mostly in her eyes with the way she is looking upon me and my mother.
Well now. Harker, what do we have here? They're a bit old for your needs.
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Now Caroline, what business would that be of yours? I am surprised to even see you here with my brother since Stephane is not your favorite person. Where is Julian?
Where do you think? I sometimes wonder if he should have married Stephane instead with the way he's always up his arse.
She's smiling and walks up to me, touching my cheek.
My my sweet child. You're quite young and....how interesting. I sense some magic in you. Are you a good witch or a bad witch Dorothy?
Oh...I...I...am no witch ma'am. I am just a...
She is laughing and places her finger over my lips to silence me.
Oh indeed you are and a good one apparently with all the politeness, but that can always change. Do call me Caroline and you..are?
What a pretty name. You're going to be quite powerful someday. A gypsy witch like me. I have always wanted to have a daughter like that. Harker, what do you say you give this one to me? She would make a great travel companion. I tend to get lonely when Julian does not want to go with me on my funfairs.
Why would I ever give such a prize to you?? She is no use to you, for she is not of your blood and you have nothing to offer me, for I want I want, you will not give.
And what use is she to you? You have another new toy I see, so you have no need for her...OR for my body. Let me have the girl or I could always let it slip to Julian and Stephane about your dirty little secret. If they were to know, they will surely kill you. Do you think I do not know of your dealings with Ravenna? Nothing gets past my sixth sense. It is your way of making it up to Jareth for what you did to him. I'll never understand what Jareth sees in that wretched cheating witch. I mean, she slept with Jasper, who is his FATHER, your father and Julian's father and instead of ridding of her, he rids of him and all his men and at the approval of your own mother! One twisted little Brady Bunch indeed.
Harker is laughing and I am holding back my tears.
And YOU, Caroline, of all people are not twisted with your blackmail and your willingness to keep such a secret just to get what you want? And what would you do if Julian were to be unfaithful to you sweet Caroline? We both know you would not be so sweet then.
Jules would never be that stupid and he happens to love me, something you know nothing of.
Because it is forbidden by our mother after our father's infidelity which is why she is quite displeased with Julian's love of you and then there's the little fact that he stole Ashmole from her. Oh yes, and let us not forget that he is the good son, the 7th son that was supposed to be the darkest and most powerful of us all. And he is rather stupid yes, for trying to convert Jareth to the light and for resurrecting him using that book. Look where that got him. Jareth has become the most powerful and now more wicked than ever. Now, enough talk of things we have already known for some time. As far as the girl, she is what one might refer to as a plea bargain. Oh, and I believe I've already mentioned...she...is...mine.
Is that so? Hmmm. I thought I smelled Ravenna all over this child. Somehow she has taken some of her magic, which cannot be undone and now she wants something in return for it. Am I getting warm about this plea bargain?? Do tell. It would seem though, that you really should make one with me and do it quickly. Julian is just over there and he has seen us.
Caroline is waving to a man in the far distance who is perched upon a swing set, talking and laughing with children. Harker is nervous and clutches his crystal.
I will not give her to you. I can only allow her to go with you, BUT, when the time comes, I will reclaim her and what she owes. Will that suffice for your silence?
As frightened as I am, I am also relieved. Anything is better than remaining with Harker and this woman seems nice, even in her conniving ways and I was right about Julian. Harker confirmed he was of light...but...I..I do not want to leave my mother. I am trying not to cry as I tell them so, but I fail.
But I...I...my mother...Mama, I..I don't want to leave you alone or even at all.
She is laughing. She does not even seem to care. She is cruel like Harker.
Ew. Do not call me that! Children should be seen and not heard, remember? And I will not be alone. I have my new love Harker to keep me company in every way. You will only put a damper on our fun with your whining.
Caroline steps beside me and holds my hand. I..I smell chamomile, like sweet apples laced with red clover flowers. I hear a man's angelic voice behind us, a British accent.
Do not listen dear child. A mother does not always know best.
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His hair is long, golden and tied back. His attire is all black and made of satin. His eyes are kind and match the blue of the sky and they are locked into my mothers. He is clearly displeased with her.
Hello Harker. I wish I could say it is a pleasure. This?... is my new sister-in-law that I knew nothing of? Howww promiscuous....and fitting of your lewd and lascivious taste.
Now Jules. Are you playing pot and kettle? Your choice in women seems quite indistinguishable from what I can see. How about we play a different game instead? Jemma, will you do the honors for my insolent brother? Heads, I take your wife and mine to bed this night as you watch. Tails, you do and I watch.
She is doing it again. Revealing herself. She pulls down her vest and pulls a silver coin out of her bra, then waves it around at him in a teasing manner.
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Caroline is fuming. She swipes it from her hand, calls her a gypsy whore and throws it at her chest. My mother laughs and goes back to Harker's side. Julian picks up the coin and looks at it. He is amused.
A two headed coin. Never trust a warlock that owns a pair of magic money bosoms. Cheating will still never give you access to my wife, as if anything ever would. You wouldn't want to end up like Jareth did, would you? For the book is lost to bring you back. And Jemma darling, your gilet is rather small. Borrowing your daughter's attire?
Harker is smirking but I can see he is intimidated. Julian surely seems very powerful like Harker described. He is so confident and far from subtle. He is making my stomach flutter, even more so than Lord Narcisse does.
Judging by your silence, it would seem we have an understanding and the situation with the girl is now resolved. Welcome young Josselyn. You will be a great aid in our gallivanting travels. Caroline can use the extra hand with her trinket trades and sales and you will blend in well, as it seems you are already accustomed to the gypsy ways. She can teach you many things that you will need to learn with your newfound magic.
H..how did...you know my name?
I know many things young one, if they are not hidden from my... sight. Harker, just why is it that you are even in possession of these two ladies? They are highly out of your league of extraordinary gentlemen, if that is what one would even call them as they are far from gentle. Bellamey is a mime dressed as a clown and rips chickens heads off with his mouth to drink their blood. Toones is a back alley card shark that has been banned from all the gambling establishments, for under his attire, he conceals a sickly third arm and small hand protruding from his chest that he cheats with. Carl is not even a man but has tits and a cunt under the hat, suit, tie and 80's blue eyeshadow. The list of freaks is too long to continue. A world of wonders indeed or maybe a clockwork orange would be more suffice? It is understandable as to why Stephane saves your shows for the late night phobophile folk like yourself. It is certainly no place for a young girl to be shaped by.
Ahh Jules, that's quite the painted portrait. Always the frank farceur that loves to mock me and my family, which is the only F word they are to be called. If you truly must know, it is exactly as you have just said. I'm simply growing bored of repetition and would like to bring something extra to my funfairs. A horse of a different color per se. Some gypsy crafts, magic performances and readings would highly impress my regulars and even knew attendees. But, I suppose I can make do with just the one, beings she is more... experienced. I can see we are done here. Enjoy your time away Josselyn, for time is short.
Harker and my mother are walking away. I am sobbing and calling to her but she won't even look back at me. I try to run to her but Julian pulls me in his arms and cradles me.
Hush now child. It is for the best that you come with us. Caroline, dear, it is time to go. You have some explaining to do once we depart.
They are saying their goodbyes to Lord Narcisse. He is confused as to why they are leaving so soon and... with me. He apologizes for being so distracted by Catherine and tries to persuade them to stay longer. Julian is telling him the same he said to me, that it is for the best if they go now and to keep his eye on Harker. Narcisse assures him that he always does and he will see him soon.
Julian is helping his people pack up the wagons and trailers. Caroline quietly tells me that she and I are the only ones who know the truth and it must stay that way because of the deal she made with Harker or he will come and take me back if his dealings with Ravenna are exposed.
Night has fallen and I am not sure where we are but I know it is far away from Dorwinion. I have cried over my mother the entire ride in the small bedroom I was given. The trailer stops and the door opens and closes. I..I hear Julian and Caroline arguing outside, but their voices are too soft to make out what they are saying. I look out the window with one eye. I see Julian. His back is to me. He is relieving himself by a tree. Caroline is drinking and smoking something. She's pacing. I can hear them better now. He is angry and wants to know what she is hiding from him.
Tell me Carrie darling, why do I smell the wicked Ravenna on that child?? Did you think I would not notice such a stench? Did you also think I would buy Harker's farce of a story? He has clearly conditioned Jemma into a jezebel, for Josselyn would not be so upset to leave her if her mother was evil and had never cared about her. What are you all hiding from me? What say you woman??
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Oh Julian darling. I am hiding nothing. I could smell her too so I asked. I know nothing more than you except that Harker and Ravenna have some arrangement that he would not disclose. I was worried for the girl so I simply asked him to let us take her since she is a child.
And my wicked brother simply just let you take her? What kind of fool do you take me for? Harker does not just give away what he believes to be his. Now tell me the truth woman!
Now Caroline is angry. She glares and swears at him.
This is bullshit. Why can you not ever let anything go Julian? We have the girl and she is safe!
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She walks away from him but he grabs her arm and yanks her against him.
Because when Harker is involved, it is never good, which you already know that and now you have involved us in his dirty dealings. Now tell me!
If I tell you, can I have some of this?
She is grabbing between his legs. I...I cannot watch...I should not watch...but I cannot stop myself. I am too curious.
Tell me and I will fuck you till dawn.
He is placing his hand over hers and helping her massage him.
Mmmm. Well, all I know is that the child has somehow stolen some of Ravenna's magic and she wants something back for it. A child...a child of her own. Jareth refuses to give her one after what she did with Jasper. Soooo...whenever Josselyn has a child, Harker is to give it to her. He did not tell me this. My intuition just knows it.
My chest is tightening. I cannot breathe. Never. Never will I have a child! I will not let a part of me die for that witch's wrinkles!
My thoughts are distracted by more of their words. Julian is telling Caroline she would be happier if she had a child of her own and he does not understand why she has not become pregnant with all of their love making. She tells him they just need to keep trying and to take her now. She says the summer solstice holds magic in it's long night and it may help because she feels she is ...ovulating? I do not know what that means.
He spins her around and lifts her dress. He pulls his pants down. My eyes!! I..I have never seen that part of a man before! His hips jerk against her and she cries out in...."
Haldir swiftly reroutes her story, for it was making him extremely uncomfortable considering Josselyn's memories were that of a 14 year old girl, not to mention, it brought back horrible memories for himself of what Caroline did to him at Lestat's.
"I would like you to end this memory. Continue your future travels with Julian and Caroline."
"It has been 3 years and trouble free. I am 17 now, almost 18 and I am happy. Caroline and Julian are good to me. Caroline has taught me so much. I have learned about tarot cards like my mother used to do. We make lots of crafts and jewelry out of crystals and sell them at our funfairs. I must have been to every corner of middle earth but we stayed far away Ravenna's realm. We have not seen her, Harker or my mother since the day we left Dorwinion. I miss her.
It is the summer solstice again. I'm excited because Julian says there will be a solar eclipse. I walk out of my bedroom when I notice the trailer stopping. I see Julian go outside but Caroline is sitting in the dark at the table, meditating with a crystal in each hand. She looks sad and anxious. I sit with her and ask her where we are. She tells me we are near Lake Town and will be having a camp party and that I should go get ready. She says I am plenty old enough now. The same age she was when we met. I ask her what is wrong. She says it's nothing I would understand and that she just wants to get drunk and forget everything for the night. I leave her alone and do as she asked me.
The forest party goes on late into the night. There's music and many inebriated people, all dancing around, including Julian and Caroline.
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I'm sitting by myself around the fire, sipping Dorwinion wine. It is sweet and very strong. My hearing is strangely sensitive and keen. Even with all the noise, I can still hear close by conversations. I'm watching Caroline and Julian dance together. Sometimes I wish I was her. I wish I could dance with him like I have in my dreams.
People are coming to sit by the fire. They are very intoxicated and telling stories. Something about a formidable King of the Woodland realm and Silvan elves. An Elvenking they call him that rules Mirkwood not far from here. He carries twin swords and rides a great elk. I remember Thomas telling me of him. The way they speak of him scares me. I feel the hair on my neck raise when they say his name. King Thranduil. They see I am afraid and laugh at me. Julian is not pleased with them and intervenes. He explains and assures me that this King will be of no threat to us as long as we do not cross his borders. I feel better. Now he...he is asking me to dance!! My stomach flutters intensely. I tell him I would be honored, then smile and take his hand.
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I feel drunk against his body but it is not from the wine. I am shaking.
Child, why do you tremble?
It upsets me that he still calls me a child.
I...I am not a child anymore. I am a woman now and I have a name. You were married to Caroline when she was my age.
He is laughing and smiling. My mistake. Old habit I suppose. Forgive me. Of course you are a woman...Josselyn.
I apologize for being rude. I ask him where Caroline is. He says she is entertaining with her tarot cards. We finish the dance and he sits with me by the fire. We talk and laugh for a very long time. He tells me he has a surprise for me when we leave tomorrow. He laughs and says he must go now and make sure Caroline has not fallen down a hole somewhere. He says she does not handle the liquid spirits very well. He strokes my cheek and leaves. I am alone again and bored. I go to watch the eclipse. Caroline said we have the power to look at it.
Some time has passed and so has the eclipse. I need to pee. I'm walking through the forest. I hear moaning. I see Julian and Caroline kissing against a tree. I hide so they do not think I am spying on them. I can hear them. He asks her why she changed her dress. She says she spilled wine all over herself. They are quiet. I peek around the tree and...they are...they are having sex. I cannot watch. I sneak away. It starts to rain really hard. I am happy so no one will see my tears. I wish it was me with Julian. I...I love him.
I run into the trailer and...I cannot believe my eyes!! I see Caroline!! She's smoking, drunk and...and wearing the dress she wore earlier, the one she just told Julian only minutes ago that she spilled wine on??
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Joss? What's wrong dear? You look like you've seen a ghost.
I...I don't under...how...how did you get here so fast and...your dress...you were just wearing a different one because you told Julian you spilled wine on this one.
What ever do you mean? I have been wearing this dress all night and I have not seen Julian in awhile, so I have been in here waiting for him since I knew it was going to rain. I can always sense it.
But I...I just saw you with him...in the forest. I..I swear I did not mean to see. I..I just needed to go to the bathroom and...
See...what??? How much wine have you had?
You..you and he were...well...you...you know...what men and women....do....in the bedroom.
She is silent and staring at me. The door opens. Julian walks in soaking wet. He is silent too and extremely stunned to see Caroline. Something is happening. They both seem to know, but I do not. Caroline is shaking and very angry. Her anger is making the trailer shake too. Julian tells her she is scaring me. It is true. I am scared. I have never seen her so enraged.
That BITCH!! Where is Cassie Julian??!!! I smell her all over you!!! How could you not know it was not me?????!!!!!! I smell of honey. She smells of cherries!!!
Julian seems disoriented and stumbles to the chaise longue.
But she did smell of honey.
You bewitched fool!!
Caroline storms out the door. I tend to Julian. I ask him what has happened. Who is Cassie? He whispers to me before he falls asleep.
One of Caroline's many sisters. Her twin.
I did not know she had any sisters, let alone a twin. She never spoke of them.
Julian is fast asleep. I caress his soft cheek. I...I kiss his supple lips and confess my love for him, then I go to look for Caroline. I am worried.
It is pouring and foggy. It is so dark, but my eyes can strangely see very well. I hear voices. Angry voices that sound like the same person. I...I see them in a clearing, but I stay hidden behind a tree. I have to blink many times, for if it were not for their clothes, I would not know which one is Caroline. They are identical.
You will pay for this Cassandra! He is MY husband!
I have already unfairly suffered by you because of your unjustified jealousy. But no more! It is your turn to suffer sister! You took from me and now I have taken from you.
Unjustified?? I am the 7th born daughter. I am the one who is supposed to have children, not you!
Oh but you are so wrong. I am the 7th born. Father told me the truth of how our places were mixed up right after mother gave birth. He figured it out recently because of my powers. I am a weaver like mother. The most powerful of witches. It is not my fault that I can conceive and you cannot! You terminated all of my pregnancies with your black magic! SIX of them! All girls! Goran left me because of you! He said an unbearing wife was useless to him! But a 7th daughter I will have and it will be by a 7th son! There is no magic that will undo it! It has been written in the eclipse of the solstice. You should know the consequences of using black magic Carrie. By the power of 3 times 3, so mote it be you baby stealing bitch!
Viktor is a liar!! YOU'RE a liar!! I should have just killed you. I will kill you now. You cannot have a child, especially Julian's child if you are dead!!!
Caroline sends a bolt of electricity at her sister. Cassandra is quick and smacks it away. She is hysterically laughing at Caroline.
Oh sister. Your power is no match for mine. You know nothing of my capabilities and quite frankly, neither did I until recently...and guess what Carrie darling? I've been practicing!
Cassandra raises her hands to the sky and she screams. It's deafening. Caroline and I both cover our ears and drop to our knees. The rain pierces down like nails. I have to now cover my head. There's lightning bolts. The wind rages and howls. It is hard to see but I can definitely see what's forming in the sky. It's a tornado!!!
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I'm now clutching the tree to stay grounded as my legs are trying to be sucked into the air. Cassandra's hair and dress whips about, but she stands firm against the wind. Caroline has nothing but the earth to cling to. Lightning bolts pummel the ground around her. She's screaming. She gets up to run but the wind lifts her. She is thrown against a tree, face first. The same tree she threw Cassandra against. Cassandra begins to chant. I recognize the words. It is a nursery rhyme. The itsy bitsy spider. Any power I have is useless to fend her sister off but I must do something. I pull myself to the front of the tree where Cassandra can see me. I scream as loud as I can for her to leave Caroline alone. She hears me.
The very moment she whips her head in my direction, the storm stops. All is still and silent. Cassandra gasps and runs away when our eyes connect. I run to Caroline. She is dirty and bloody. I help her to her feet and we embrace.
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She says I cannot tell Julian or anyone what I heard. She says I must help her with a future plan to take care of Cassie. Although I don't like what she did to Cassandra, I tell her I will help because I feel responsible for what happened because I told what I saw. She tells me only Cassie and Julian are to blame and that we have to leave now. The spiders will soon come from the dark forest of Mirkwood. There will be too many to fight off, even with magic.
Everyone is packed up. It is the twilight hours before sunrise. Julian is still in a deep sleep. We cannot wake him. Caroline says he'll be fine. He is high on Belladonna. She jokes he should have been given a lethal dose. I am worried for him. Caroline blames him just as she does Cassandra. I am conflicted. I love them both but I don't want her to hurt him. After her comment and with what she has done to her own sister, I believe now that she would.
Caroline and I are heading to the trailer. I hear something and stop. A rustling sound in the forest. In the distance, I hear a woman singing. Caroline hears it too. It's that nursery rhyme again.
The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
Caroline shouts for everyone to go now!!
We don't make it inside. At least a dozen spiders as big as our trailers emerge from the trees. They barricade the path and surround us. I hide with Caroline under the trailer. The armed drivers protect the horses while the rest of our men fight to protect us and their own. Some of them are warlocks with powers. They have set some on fire.
The spiders become distracted. Someone...or something is here. What is that in the trees???!! They are attacking the spiders with bows and swords. I soon realize they are elves. 4 of them, but two stand out to me. A male with long light hair, a female with red. I have never seen one before. They are not much different from us, just their attire and ears. They move with such grace and agility. The light haired one is swinging down a spider's own line of silk. He lands on the spider and slides down a hill on top of it as if it were a sled. He pulls a knife from behind his back and kills it, then he has his bow ready to kill another before they even stop sliding.
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In merely minutes, all the remaining spiders are dead. Two of the elves are speaking with our men. It does not appear any are injured. The other two of light and red hair are speaking to one another. I cannot understand their language.
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Caroline crawls out to speak with them. I am still too scared and stay beneath the trailer. She seems to know who they are. She calls the redhead Tauriel and the blonde one Prince Legolas. Caroline thanks them and asks why they have come. She swears to them that we had not crossed their borders. Legolas speaks to her in English. His voice is deep. He tells her they were alerted by the unnatural storm. They had also heard the summoning of the spiders. It is too close to their borders and the spiders are already a nuisance to their realm. Caroline thanks them again for their help and mentions how his notorious father would not have. Legolas clarifies that he is not his father but that we must go now, for his father will not be so kind to our kind. He believes us perpetually nefarious without exception and will hold us responsible for the too near invasion. He informs that more spiders will come to claim their dead. He says they will stay and rid of them.
Legolas turns to walk away. He sees me!! He raises a curious brow at me. I'm shaking like a leaf. He smells of leaves. Minty ones. His eyes are like no other color. They remind me of moonstones. I nervously smile at him. He does not smile and walks away.
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We are now on our way. I ask where we are going now. Caroline says we are going to a friend's cabin. It is far North of the Grey mountains on remote land and it will be a very long journey. Weeks, maybe longer with resting nights and frequent stops for the horses to eat, drink and rest. I have never been past the Northern mountains.
I have forgotten what day it is. All I can focus on is the tension and silence between Julian and Caroline. They have not slept in the same room. Caroline...she's changing. She's bitter and cold...even to me sometimes. She drinks and smokes a lot more. I used to hear her cry herself to sleep, but not anymore. It is like she has went numb. The way she looks at Julian now makes my skin crawl. I try to remain helpful but at the same time, stay out of her way. I do not want her as an enemy.
We have arrived at. It is dark and late. it is very remote like Caroline said. All I see is open land and miles of forestry. The cabin is glowing with candlelight from every window. The other travelers head near the forest to set up their camps and we go inside the cabin. The table is full of food and drink. The fireplace is lit for something that is cooking in a large black kettle. It smells like stew. That is not all I smell. I...I smell...old spice. It...it can't be. I spin around and look at Julian. He is smiling his big beautiful smile.
I found something for you. Surprise Josselyn.
I spin back around and see my grandfather magically standing at the table. He...he looks so different. His clothes are different. He wears a robe. He is so thin. He has cut his long hair to shoulder length. he reminds me of a wizard.
Grandfather?? How...wh...where have you been for the past 3 years?
He grins at me. Where else? Looking for you my child. Welcome home.
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@thehiddenhero @thegreatstrongbow i hATE BOTH OF YOU (affectionately)
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gloomwitchwrites · 8 months
Gentle Dark
Haldir x Female Reader
Content & Warnings: romantic tension, yearning, passionate kissing, fade to black, admission of feelings, fluff, light angst
Word Count: 1.3k
On a patrol together, Haldir confronts you about your feelings for him even though you’re promised to another.
A/N: For @childofyuggoth
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
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The stars twinkle through the gnarled canopy. White. Bright. Bathing the forest floor with iridescent light. You close your eyes and inhale deeply, savoring the scents of the forest around you. Caras Galadhon dwells behind you, sleeping and silent in the peaceful dark.
You are attuned to every sound in the deep wood, and as you filter through it all, you find nothing out of place or suspicious. But the disturbance of the wood is not of your immediate concern. There are greater trials and closer bodies that seek your attention other than the animals that softly move through the underbrush.
Haldir of Lórien is a beacon in the dark. You sense him before you see him, standing just shy of your right shoulder.
“The night is quiet,” he whispers.
You open your eyes, turn to face him. “It is indeed.”
Haldir’s gaze casually drops to your lips and then back to your eyes. A gentle heat radiates up your body to encompass you in its embrace. You have little control over your body’s reaction to him.
The answering of your flesh when he is in your presence is unfair. It is a cruel joke. You are promised to another, but not one of your choosing. If you had a choice, you would pick Haldir.
But that is not to be. That is not the path set out before you.
Him standing here next to you, alone in the gentle dark, is agony. The heat of him is so near, so alive that it sends your senses tingling with anticipation. The clashing beat within you is a deafening drum.
Can Haldir hear the racing of your heart? Can he sense your need and your aching tremble?
You hope he can’t, but you also silently hope that he does. What would he do then?
Haldir’s gaze finally leaves you to glance out into the wood. “We should begin the patrol.”
“Of course,” you murmur, inclining your head, allowing Haldir to take the lead.
He returns his gaze to you briefly before taking a step forward to walk between two trees. You follow him at a short distance, watching the distance, keeping a constant pivot. The two of you walk in relative silence, moving like phantoms amongst the towering trees.
At a small clearing, Haldir pauses. You cozy up beside him, a question starting to form on your lips.
“Do you remember this place?” he asks softly, gaze fixated at the center of the clearing. A sharp beam of moonlight illuminates the ground. The flowers glow under its lunar light.
You do know this place. On one of your many patrols with Haldir, he confessed his love in this very clearing. He held your hands in his, kissed your knuckles and each of your fingers. He whispered in a longing of gentle song that soothed your nerves and calmed your soul. In that moment, you didn’t want anyone else, you only wished for him.
But how things change.
“It is etched upon my heart,” you answer truthfully.
Haldir’s silver hair shines like starlight. “I’d like to stay here. My memories of this place are happy ones.”
The two of you have come to this clearing on multiple occasions. It is no coincidence that Haldir’s patrol includes you. He selects you on purpose, and you go with him willingly because you desire the closeness. It will not last forever, not when you’re promised to another.
“We can only linger here for so long,” you remind him.
Haldir sighs heavily, and turns to face you. He has always been stoic. Calm. Even in your presence, even when he whispered gentle words of love to you, Haldir never appeared…desperate.
The look on his face now is anything but calm. It is intense—a billowing storm tightly contained.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you murmur, startled by the sudden change.
Haldir’s gaze goes to your lips, lingers, and then flicks up to your eyes. “Why do you deny yourself what you want?” he asks.
You swallow and tuck your clenched fist behind your back. Haldir’s directness is too much. He knows that this is not of your own choosing.
“You cannot ask this of me,” you answer, hating yourself for sounding so weak.
Haldir entirely shifts his body in your direction. Taking a step forward, he moves into your space. Your back bumps up against the tree next to you. Haldir places his hand against the trunk next to your head.
You are trapped, but by all the stars in the night sky, you do not care.
His scent is woodsy and clean. You lean in a bit, inhaling, attempting to remember his smell since this might be your last opportunity to do so.
“You stay loyal to him.” Haldir bends at the elbow, pressing in. “And yet you know that he lusts after another.” The center of his brow furrows slightly. “Why not be with someone who will always worship you?”
Him. Him, meaning, your betrothed. The one you’re supposed to be with in the end. The selection made for you. This is an expectation placed upon you.
And Haldir is right. He does not love you. While you intend to be loyal in your upcoming marriage, you also know his heart will yearn for another. But you also yearn for someone else, and Haldir is standing right here, questioning all of this, wanting to know why you won’t pick him.
“Sometimes duty comes before happiness,” you reply softly, gaze cast downward.
“Does it?” he counters quickly.
You keep your face turned toward the ground. Stare at your feet.
The two of you have lain in this clearing, limbs draped over and around each other. There has always been closeness between the two of you. There has always been touching, skin pressed to skin, lips brushing but never fully meeting. Yet, the two of you have never completed the act itself.
That is binding. That is forever.
But you see it in Haldir’s eyes now as you sneak a peek of him. That desperate hunger. The desire to be with one person for the end of your days. It is an arrow through the heart, piercing and sharp and stinging.
You wish to satiated it, to admit to what you want most in this world. Because it is him. It is Haldir that you crave more than anyone else.
“I would be breaking my oath,” you reply softly, finally having the courage to look at him directly.
“Would you?” he asks. “You have made no vow. You have created no bond. The choice is yours. Utterly.” He gestures at himself with his free hand. “And I am right here.”
With a shaking hand, you reach up to cradle his cheek. Haldir turns into your touch, sighing gently, and that snaps your resolve, dissolves it like the winter snows melting in the sun. Haldir must sense the change, because the two of you meet, lips finally joining in what they’ve been longing for.
He tastes perfect. Wonderful. A match made for the ages.
Haldir’s hand upon the tree departs, leaving the bark to encircle your waist, to draw your body against his. You do not resist. You surrender to him, opening like a flower, wanting nothing more than to forget all your fears and sorrows in this little clearing.
The night is long, but it is not forever. For now, the two of you can have this.
Haldir drags you even closer, pressing you firmly against him as he learns the contours of your lips. His hands discover the planes of your body, and yet it’s not enough for him. Haldir is charged like lightening across the sky.
The two of you have been denying these mutual feelings for far too long.
This is a tremor. Earth-shaking. A star bursting into dust.
Haldir guides you to the center of the clearing, easily removing his cloak with one hand. He breaks away a moment to lay it down on the dewy grass, reaching for you the moment it fans out to hold the two of you.
You sink down with him, buckles and straps, and armor disappearing as you go.
It is everything.
It is nothing.
It is all you need in the gentle dark.
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @firelightinferno @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @berarenado @therealbloom @ninman82 @thewulf @ferns-fics @beebeechaos
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sotwk · 10 months
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About This Recommended Fics List:
All the Tolkien fanfics in this list meet the following qualifications:
Fandom: All-inclusive Tolkien (LotR, Hobbit, Silm, RoP) Type: One-shot Length: approx. 1,000-6,000 words Ship/Pairing: Any, including OCs and Reader Inserts Rating: G or PG-13 Content: No excessive angst, violence, or death. No unresolved stress. Happy endings only!
Disclaimer: I (@sotwk) have not personally screened all of these fics for their content. There may be triggers. Please read descriptions, take responsibility for your own media consumption, and observe the Golden Rule: Don't Like, Don't Read!
Link sources are either Tumblr or Ao3. Some Ao3 works are locked to registered users only.
This list of comfort fics is a collaboration and compiled through the recommendations of Readers. Thank you to everyone who contributed!
This remains a work in progress, and I will continue to accept recommendations. Please send them via DM, Ask, or Reblog. We need more, please!
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Last updated: 1/23/2024
Hush Now by @entishramblings
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You’re the one who’s calling me to heaven by @cauliflowertree
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Winter Forest by @wordbunch
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Merry [Seeking recommendations!]
Pippin [Seeking recommendations!]
Better Company by @wordbunch
Let Met Take You Dancing by RaisingCaiin
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Why Hobbits Eat So much by Madkat89
Sweets by @blairsanne
Lost My Way by @lathalea
Sapphires by @lathalea
Catch Her by a_daydreaming_writer
Porridge by @fili-urzudel
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Royal Jar Opener, Reporting for Duty by @unendingwanderlust
Heavenly Inferno by midearthwritings
The Pairing Ceremony by dumbassunderthemountain
You Are My Happy Place by SmartassUndertheMountain
Liantë by WritingsOfAHobbit
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Dead End by @fizzyxcustard
The Arrival by @lathalea
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Nothing by @entishramblings
Goodnight by @heilith
Under A Starless Sky by My_Marvel_Musings and RinzlersGhost
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here, at the end of all things by Dalliansss
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My shadows by @thesolarangel
Dating shy Elrond by @thesolarangel
Perfectly Proper by @wordbunch
Stay by @scriberated
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It’s the Last Thing I Wanted (It’s the First Thing I Do) by Helholden
Stay by @scriberated
Covered in Colours by myfavouritelunatic
It’s the Last Thing I Wanted (It’s the First Thing I Do) by Helholden
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Divider credit: @saradika-graphics
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Holding On
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings Ship/Pairing: Haldir x Reader Trope: Best Friends to Lovers Note: Took advantage of the potentially invented elven tradition of gifting someone your most precious possession after your first kiss :D. Warnings: Angst/Miscommunication - damn you Haldir/Slight smut if you squint and zoom at the very end. Word count: 2 836 Tag-list: @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @middleearthpixie @glassgulls @evenstaredits @fizzyxcustard @sotwk
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The gentle breeze brought a soft tune to your ears. Of course, he would be playing in the first hours of the night. What else could he do, before leaving for another long month of patrol? Certainly not seek you out. The bitter lingered.
Haldir was a dear and close friend of yours. He had drawn you in with his cheekiness and teasing words. You were lucky enough to know those sides of him, usually hidden. Unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of those same unruly sides, sometimes. It felt harder and harder with each joust of words to stop the ones you wanted to say from blurting out of your mouth. Today was about fixing that. Upon walking the narrow path, your eyes met his silhouette before he could see you. The length of his hair covered his face. His bow and arrows were left in the grass, carefully propped against a branch. His head rose, and he finally saw you. A flutter of wings came to life in your stomach. He smiled at you.
“What are you doing out this early, melon?”
You had no good answer for that. Knowing he was leaving was one thing. Seeing him do so, even in your dreams, was another. Every departure was a torment for you.
Your lips curled sadly with your next words.
“Why did you not say goodbye, Haldir?”
The underlying harshness of your tone startled him. He paled, his eyes growing wide. He did not expect that. Not from you. You who were gentle and kind. Soft-spoken and careful in all manners of life. He never wanted to disappoint you. Nor hurt you. After your first encounter, he knew very quickly your presence could never be replaced by anyone else. When he identified those feelings as more than friendship, he snuffed them out. The mere thought of losing you because of them was unbearable. Deep down, he knew you would not leave him so. Yet, he feared it all the same and kept himself quiet.
“I thought I did. What is happening to you?”
A heavy sigh. Again, your emotions had got the better of you. The loneliness he left behind was a most cruel sentiment to have. Or to hold on to. His hands had stopped playing, and he laid the instrument next to him.
“I am sorry. I fear my future loneliness at your departure is haunting me in advance.”
Haldir chuckled weakly. You always did have a way with words. Even more so since becoming a script here in the palace. Where he was the one leaving, you were always the one staying. It tore his heart in two to see you afflicted so. The Marchwarden did not know what to do to alleviate the sadness in your eyes. You stepped forward until he had to raise his head to look at you. Soon, you sat down in front of him. An itch went through him from his fingertips to his shoulder blade; how he wanted to touch you right now…
“And you woke up this early because of it? Have I altered your sleeping by my rudeness? — Do not flatter yourself that much, Haldir.”
Finally, a smile had made its way onto your face. You reckoned that being mad at him was not your best skill. Unwavering, he stared at you expectantly, wishing you would answer and share your troubles with him, as you always did. This time proved harder than the other ones.
“I have made a decision.”
His eyebrows rose.
“What kind of decision? — About… us.”
His heart skipped a beat, and his breath shortened. He frowned even more, at a loss for words.
“We have been friends for a long and appreciable time. — Yes, we have. — Please do not interrupt me, it is already so hard to do…”
You bit on your lip, your courage leaving as water out of its bed. His stare became more present, his fingers tapping an invisible rhythm against the earth. Could this be it? Or had he been a fool this whole time?
“As a token of my appreciation, I want you to have this.”
Out of your hand, a piece of paper neatly folded — just as you knew how to. He had had those notes before. When you wanted to see him but could not fetch him yourself. Or when you wanted to say anything to him while he was on patrol. He took the piece of paper, seemingly heavier than the lasts. It seemed to contain something. Before he could pry it open, you stopped him.
“I also want you to wait until you are at your post.”
He looked at you as if you had grown a second head.
“Humour me. — Oh, I will.”
You laughed with him this time, inclining your head on one side. He found it entirely too endearing.
“I will, I promise. — Thank you.”
The letter clutched in his hand, he found himself speechless again.
A loud sound announced his departure. A few of his comrades passed you by. They soon waited by the end of the path for him to follow.
“Goodbye, my friend.”
While saying the words, he grabbed what was his, placing your letter in an inside pocket close to his heart. You noticed. You smiled as brightly as you could.
“Safe travels, my friend.”
He smiled brightly back, always one to try to cheer you up. Before you could register what he had done, he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles. His steps were barely echoing around you anymore when you realised. The flutter in your stomach turned into a full storm.
The advanced post took them three whole days to reach. During those three days, Haldir could not help himself from touching and toying with the piece of paper you left him with. He was patient; you knew that. When it came to you, he could have waited another lifetime. Yet, this simple piece of paper and what it contained, almost weightless, made him more impatient and frustrated than the longest watch had ever done.
Finally, he reached his destination, and they relieved the others from their patrol. He waited the middle of the night to be alone and open the gift you had left him with. The paper unfolded easily enough. It almost toppled the thin ring left inside. The details were weaved around it, organised in rows of leaves and polished silver. It could not have belonged to you. The size was too big, and the ornaments were indicative of a skilled touch. He held the jewel in his palm for the longest time, almost losing track of what he was supposed to watch out for. Luckily, his brother had joined him and kept an extra eye out when he saw him entranced by what an object he could not see. Rúmil only hoped it would be a good thing. And made a mental note to ask about it later on.
On the paper, read the following.
“Dear friend,
I have known you for the longest time. I have cared for you for just as long. In truth, I have more than cared for you. My friendship was soon turned into affections and my affections turned into love. True unbearable, unbreakable love. This seems sudden, I know, and if you do not feel the same, I wish you would forget all about this affair and we will go back to the way things were. I promise not to bring it up again. In my heart, I know that no matter what, I will always be by your side. I believe you know in our tradition, a first show of affection is to be rewarded by that which is most precious to us. With the ring, I hope to offer a payment in advance. You see, this belonged to my father. Before him, my grandfather and before him, my great grandfather. It has seen better times. I hope it will see better times. He passed it onto me, as his only child. It is my most precious and meaningful possession. I want you to have it, for if you feel the way I do, there is no other way forward but to spend the rest of my life with you.
You have known me to be meek, but when I am with you, I become brave. I want to be brave with you.
Again, if you do not wish for me in those ways, I will understand. That ring, nevertheless, shall always be yours, for I will never love anyone else.
With love, Your friend.”
Haldir’s breath stopped. The shock must have shown on his face, for the comrade next to him shook his shoulder in the hopes of waking him up from his reverie. A wide smile had spread across his face, his heart beating anew.
“Are you alright? — I am. Now go back to your posts, please.”
Never before had he said please when giving orders. They figured this letter must have broken his skull, for he spent the rest of the month whistling and daydreaming, spending more time alone than with them. The oldest knew. The youngest were still asking questions. When they received no answers, they settled for quiet speculations.
None of them could have figured out what was happening in Haldir’s head the whole time.
You waited for an answer.
It never came.
Your days were spent writing and copying the history of your people, under a strict supervision. Celeborn would have no mistake be made, whereas Galadriel encouraged you in more positive ways. They were nervous, for those scrolls were to be sent to other countries for archiving. They were a testimony and inheritance of your people’s knowledge and myths. No room for errors.
Alas, you were distracted. On the first week, you were wondering if anything had happened to Haldir during his trip to his post. Then, news came that his group had safely arrived. The second week, you convinced yourself he did not return your attachment and cried yourself to sleep every night. It was cruel, but you had expected it. After all, he was a Marchwarden and you were a mere scribe. The third one, right before he was supposed to come back, you willed yourself to go back to the way it was. He was probably giving you the space to mourn and grieve for what would never be. You had to let things go, eventually.
On the day he did come back, Haldir made no specific announcement to you, nor did he arrive during daylight. Rúmil had warned him about showing up at this hour, himself having gone directly to bed. Of course, he did not listen to his brother. Especially when he was teasing him about the love-struck face, he had a hard time hiding, all the way back home. The first thing he did was seek you out. Despite his restlessness, the odd hour triumphed over him, and he could not find you anywhere. Straight away, he went to your room, which for this hour should not have been this cold, nor this lifeless. Your bed was undone, it was obvious you had trashed around in it, the sheets left in disarray. Your work clothes were scattered around the floor. The windows were open, a faint trace of flowers in the air. He did not recognise this to be you. His worry only grew when he found inks and quills, papers thrown about on the desk. All of them with his name, some angry, others drowned in tears. The library was empty, your usual meeting point by the pond too. No guard could tell him where you had gone. He almost snapped his bow under the pressure of his hands. A quick detour to his room and he dropped off his bags and weapon. It was his fault. All of it. Not knowing what you wanted him to do, he had tried to write letters, never sending them out. It was all his fault for not telling you, even in unwisely chosen words, how he truly felt. What an actual idiot he had been. Only then did he realise where you must have been and ran.
The scribes had all left their working space. And here you were, hunched over and scrapping paper after paper, in your usual measured manners. He halted his steps. From where he was, he could not see your face, nor your hands, yet he was sure they were covered in ink stains and sore from having been overused. His feet reached you rapidly. You were about to cry out when you turned around.
Haldir had been right. You were wearing a wrinkled nightdress, clinging onto your skin with the sweat, your eyes haggard, hands covered in small ink stains. You probably had touched your face too, for it had several spots of ink there too. One by your left eye, over your eyelid. Another on your cheek, spread in a wild sprawl. The last ones on both your temples, where you must have tried to erase a headache.
As well as tears. So much tears growing in your eyes dying on your lips, nesting in your throat, making your skin damp when he reached for your face. How could he had let this happen?
“Why are you here? — I love you.”
He figured that in the state you were in, brutality was the swiftest way of ripping this sadness away. He did not think far enough to predict the anger that would follow.
“And you’re only telling me now!”
You wanted to hit him. Badly. Even tried to slap him. If it were not for his stupid reflexes, you might have done so. He would have let you, if the need to embrace you had not been so overwhelming. He pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead before securing his arms around you. You relented, too tired to fight with him. Without warning, he picked you up a hand under your knees and the other on your back. Your hands secured against his neck as he carried you out. Haldir did not bother looking out for onlookers. They would have no answer from him anyway, too focused as he was on seeing your face for the first time in a month. It was lucky this mission had been this short, otherwise… He did not want to imagine otherwise. Your room was the closest, and he reached it first, settling you in bed. You were the one to stop him. Those pleading eyes he could not resist, and a need to rest his bones close to the person he wanted to be with. He laid down with you, and you fell asleep safe and sound in his arms.
* The next morning, he woke up with a back pain, in the bed only made for one. You were nowhere in sight. He sighed. Maybe you had gone to wash and would come back soon. He waited a little while before deciding he probably had the time to wash and change too until you arrived. As he had been previously, he was wrong.
When you came back an hour later — the ink had washed away with difficulty and you needed clean clothes — your room was empty. No traces left behind. Frustration took root within you. Where could he be? Showing up in the middle of the night, no notes, no nothing announcing his return. Not directly from him, at least. You had hoped for a letter or a missive. Something, anything.
He did not have another mission yet, as far as you knew. The only logical places he could be were the bathhouse or his chambers. You chose the latter. You stomped into his bedroom with no warning.
“You did not say goodbye, Haldir.”
A chill ran down his spine. His undressed state did not seem to phase you. But then again, he thought he was the only one in love in this relationship and it had proved wrong. Deciding against his first instincts, he put a light shirt on and walked to you. You wanted to slap the smirk off of his face. Just as much as you wanted to take that shirt off of him right this instant.
“No, you did not this time. — I did not?! How… — Please…”
This time, he was the one pleading for mercy. You were looking precious, like this. A nymph or a divine being, freshly out of the water, droplets dragging against your skin. Haldir’s thumb touched your lips lightly, plump and warm against his fingertips. Your breath shortened, anger drowned by him. By his arm around your waist, by his breath fanning over your cheek, his hair caressing your collarbones, your throat, firm hands mapping your back. The fire within you could not be stopped this time.
“If you start this… — I know.”
His lips touched yours, and the world was ablaze. He brought your legs against his hips. You could feel his desire against your core. Never before had you willingly surrendered to your feelings like this.
You felt the edge of a silver ring you knew by heart around his finger. You bit your lips hard and kissed him again, even harder.
There was no letting go now.
Only holding on.
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0chemicalwaste0 · 2 months
We Will Meet Again
(Haldir x reader)
-Part 1-
request thanks to the lovely @SierraSama from Wattpad. Anyway this is her request and enjoy. "Could you possibly do a Haldir imagine in which the reader is injured when she arrives in Lóthorien with the fellowship and he helps her back on her feet?"
Warnings: Angst, fluff
Word Count: 951
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'So help me if we live to see another day I'm going to kill Mithrandir.' I thought to myself. Why? You may ask, well I, along with the Fellowship, were currently in Moria in a bit of a conundrum. You see my friends and I were having to run for our lives away from thousands upon thousands of goblins. Not to mention the fact we had to escape from a Balrog as well. Gimli had thought it would have been a wonderful idea to traverse through the abandoned mines. A few loud noises later; curtsy of Pippin, the group and I were dashing through the old halls to the nearest exit as quick as possible. And at the current moment, I was holding up the rear of the group to make sure none of the hobbits were left behind and to let some steam off while shooting goblins in the head with my arrows. And I'm not guilty to say I imagined their heads to be Gandalf's. Then running across a narrow bridge with Gandalf staying behind to make sure everyone makes it safely across, the Balrog made his appearance. For the first time in my immortal life I saw Mithrandir afraid for his life and ours. He started to make his way over to the center of the bridge. Raising his sword and staff saying " You shall not pass!" Then slamming the butt of his staff to the ground braking the bridge beneath the beast. We let out a sigh of relief too soon, because a fiery whip rapped itself around Gandalf's leg and pulled him until only his head and arms were visible over the edge of the broken bridge. Looking to us with sadness and slight fear, "Fly you fools," was his last words before releasing his grip and falling to the chasm below. I screamed in heartbreak along with Frodo, standing there in disbelief of losing a close friend and a father figure to Frodo. Boromir grabbed Frodo and slowly walked backwards with a sword in hand to protect him and himself. Looking in my direction Boromir yelled. " (Y/N)! We need to go!" I broke out of my stupor and made my way to the exit, but before I could make it fully through I felt a sharp pain in my right side from the back. I looked down to see a poorly made arrow stuck in my flesh. Standing behind the wall separating the orcs from their target to pull the arrow out. I looked at the tip of the arrowhead to see a dark substance. 'Poison.' I thought to myself then throwing the object to the side. I tore a piece of my tunic underneath my cloak and rapped it over my wound. Making sure that it was out of sight I ran out of the Mines to finally feel the sun on my (S/C) skin and feel a light breeze ruffle my (H/L), (H/C)hair. For a moment I felt better until reality set in. 'Mithrandir is gone.' I told myself. I look at the others and realized they knew this too. I felt a signal tear run down my face and drop to the ground below.
We had been traveling for about half a day and I could feel myself losing strength quickly. Everything was fuzzy around the edges of my vision, I could feel vertigo starting to set in. I could hear Gimli talking to the hobbits ahead of me but it was muffled by the sound of blood pumping in my sensitive ears. Suddenly the Fellowship had stopped. I looked up and tried to focus my sight. That's when I saw him. He looked like he was one of the Valar descending from the halls of Mandos. He was beautiful in my eyes. Perfect blonde hair in warrior braids running down to his shoulders. I thought I was dreaming, but to soon was I pulled from my revery. I felt a sharp pain over the flesh that was pierced by that foul arrow. Everyone looked to me in confusion and worry once I opened my cloak to look at my wound only to see that blood coated most of my right side. Dark spots started to set in when the blonde elf walked over to me with concern in his baby blue eyes. I realized he was speaking to me, but I could not hear him. Then I felt myself lose balance and start to fall, but before I could hit the hard ground beneath me the elf caught me and was yelling to his men and to the Fellowship asking what happened. They didn't know because I didn't tell them. I wouldn't want them to worry. Soon an elf brought a horse over to us, the beautiful blue eyed elf lifted me up bridal style, put me on the horse, and hopped on behind me. He pulled me in to his chest so I didn't put strain on my wound or fall. While one hand carefully slid around my waist and the other grabbed the rains of the horse. Then every thing fell into darkness with my head leaned into the chest of my savior. I hoped I would live long enough to know his name.
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glassgulls · 2 years
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Letters to My Love
Fandom: Lord Of The Rings Return of the King
Pairing: Haldir x fem!reader
Warnings: Mutual pining, angst, kissing, awful sugary fluff (I need a happy ending as life is a blackhole of existential dread).
Summary: You leave Lórien after spending time recuperating to visit your friend Eowyn and promise to send word back to your friend Haldir. Though you think of him more than that, does he feel the same though?
Word count: 6040
Comments: More Haldir for the Haldir throne! First longer piece in the LOTR fandom. Hopefully I've kept Haldir relatively in character. Thank you to @heilith for the encouragement and motivation to finish this and post. You're a wonderful inspiration.
Putting your quill down you stare at the ink now drying. Reading it over you frowned in concentration, trying to make sure there was a tone of friendship without any of your clear desire bleeding through. Friendly and precise was the aim as always in your now routine one sided correspondence. It was getting increasingly difficult with each letter though to tow that line especially with who the recipient was. 
You look at the envelope already set aside, Marchwarden Haldir in your neatly block printed handwriting followed by the address; it always gives you a small rush even to write his name.
You had left Lórien after promising Eowyn to visit her and her new betrothed and not wanting to outstay your welcome with your Elven hosts you had set off as soon as you were well enough to ride alone. But it had been a bittersweet parting. Of course you had wanted to come and congratulate your friend on her new love but you felt loath to leave the peaceful forest, and your new friends. 
Haldir had asked you to send word that you were safe when you had left Lórien, your logical mind telling you that it was out of friendship, but the slight frown as he had softly requested it had made your breathing hitch. It almost seemed for a moment as if he had been nervous to ask. The usual stoic mask he wore as Marchwarden slipped if but for a split second under the morning sun.
"I promise my friend." You had replied after climbing on your horse smiling gently. After all it was the least you could do after being able to rest and recuperate after the battle with Sauron in the beautiful sanctuary of Lórien. 
You tried to ignore the traitorous voice in the back of your head whispering that you were a coward and running away. 
Gripping the reins tightly till your knuckles went white you swallowed hard. The growing feelings you had developed for the ellon in front of you were pushed down and sitting uncomfortable in your chest waiting to crawl up your throat and crow out to the world. 
Haldir had stood by your horse, hand on its neck stroking it softly as he went quiet, the morning breeze stirring his immaculate hair. It had seemed to you he had wanted to say something, his brows drawn into a small frown that you didn’t know when you had started to recognise.
“You must promise me to be safe, the roads are still dangerous,” He had spoken eventually into the horse's neck, fidgeting with a lock of its mane. You had opened your mouth to try to defend your skills but the words choked in your throat, your mouth shut promptly at the way his hand stilled with its incessant action. His head turned suddenly to you and the frown had deepened. 
“I do not doubt your skill,” He continued and he pressed closer to you, his blue eyes boring into your own. “Just promise me to be watchful.” Haldir finished, his free hand moved to your calf for a brief moment of contact but enough to feed your hunger for him. 
His gaze struck you dumb, a heat rising to your cheeks. All you could do was nod mutely in return, the blue of his eyes usually clear as the summer sky were troubled and stormy. Was the thought of your safety that important to him? Perhaps he thought of you also as more of a friend?
A watery smile tugged at your lips at the possibility, a foolish notion to be sure for someone so perfect to find attraction in the imperfections of a mortal such as yourself. You leaned down and the bittersweetness of causing him concern selfishly comforted you slightly in that you were not alone in the emotion when he had parted from you to go on patrols. Now before him, you missed him so and you had not even left his presence.
“I promise you Haldir,” You had spoken softly, proud that there was no wobble to your tone as you reached out and grasped his shoulder. Those blue eyes cleared of the storm for a moment. 
“I will write every time I stop, you shall receive so many letters you will regret asking me,” you tried laughing and you saw the corner of his lips curled up slightly. “You shall receive so many you will have to clear a bookcase to house them.” You giggled lightly at the image and he gave a breathy laugh that sounded more like a relieved exhale. His hand returned to your calf and squeezed lightly.
“I shall clear two.” He stated with the deadpan tone that you have come to crave. Tilting your head you stared at him a moment to engrave the way the sunlight played across his face, it lit the blue of his eyes in a blinding shade that you would willingly go sightless staring at. He seemed to be watching you just as carefully and you smiled softly at him, in the way that only he provoked from you. 
“Just as well, Rúmil and Orophin have gifted me enough supplies to paper your flet.” You smirked and watched as the mention of his brothers made Haldir grimace a moment. The hand on your calf moved to your hand resting on his shoulder.
“Best to put them to good use then, I shall hear no end of it if you do not.” Haldir had spoke in that exasperated tone he always used when speaking of his younger brothers. You couldn’t help the grin on your face though at the twitch of a smile on his lips that always betrayed his tone. 
A tightness in your chest returned then, you would miss them all, Rúmil and Orophin never failing to make you laugh at their antics. Their merciless teasing of Haldir stretched now to you in a way that gave you a sense of pride that the brothers felt comfortable enough to torment you.
Haldir's hand was warm against your own, the rough callous of his fingers a seductive rasp against your responsive skin. Goosebumps danced up your arm at the contact. Your gazes met again and a heavy silence fell over you both. The cool breeze in the trees whispered around you as the heat from earlier played across your cheeks again. 
Parting from him shouldn’t give you such pain, but knowing you would wake up the next morning not being able to see his face made your stomach turn in unease. Goodbyes were never such a heartbreak for you before with a life constantly on the road but now? Here where the breeze was sweet in your nose and the warm sun dappled on your skin this was a place that finally felt like a home now despite being a mere mortal. 
You let your eyes lower as you don’t want Haldir to see the sadness in your gaze, not when you were parting like this.
“Promise me you will stay safe also Haldir.” You whispered, his fingers had flinched when you spoke his name.
“I promise.” Haldir stated resolutely. Slowly raising yourself straight in the saddle you reluctantly withdrew your hand from his shoulder. Haldir stood watching you again with that inscrutable look for a heartbeat before raising a hand to his chest in a farewell gesture.
You mimic the gesture and force a smile on your face though you can feel the burn of tears behind it.
“Farewell Marchwarden Haldir.” You spoke, the forced smile started to crack. Moving your horse forward through the forest you had felt eyes watching you the whole time and knew it wasn’t your imagination.
A knock and giggle from behind you snapped your mind to the present again as the door to your room opened.
Twisting around you see the familiar face of the servant girl Molly bustles in. Turning back you frown and rest your fingers on the letter in front of you again. Sighing softly you look out the window of your guest room in Minas Tirith. The sun starting to set it lit up the city below, throwing shadows across the stone you mind wanders off to tall trees and blue eyes. 
Lazily leaning on your hand the picture of Haldir gazing at you plays across your mind again. You had never seen a more perfect colour of blue than his eyes. No sky, ocean or flower could come close to his piercing gaze. It had not taken you long to understand it was not just the colour but the soul behind the eyes that made them so alluring. You felt a pull to him from the moment the two of you had met.
You counted yourself lucky that Haldir had given you the opportunity to become close. Though the act of saving the others' life in heavy battles, had helped forge a bond between you and the handsome ellon. It was he who had invited you to stay with him after Aragon's coronation having now no fixed plans. Your old companions had teased you mercilessly after finding out. 
"An invitation from the Marchwarden himself? A rare thing indeed." Aragon had asked with a large grin and a wink making flushed heat rush from head to toe as you stood beside the elf. Stealing a glance up at him you had noticed the twitch in Haldir's jaw.
You hear Molly clear her throat behind you and you blink away the memory.
“Sorry for disturbing you m’lady would you like me to lay your dress out?” Her warm voice makes you shake your thoughts.
Turning around again you face her smiling, glad of her company.
“Yes please and tell me any new gossip.” You grin. Molly clicks her tongue but throws a smile back at you.
“Of course, you need new material for your letter to your friend?” She asks but the sly look and emphasis on “friend” makes you glance at the floor as you try to squash the girlish giggle.
“I enjoy his company, he’s a very interesting person.” You try to insist as Molly opens the wardrobe and with an expert eye pulls out a long gown. 
“Of course he is,” She replies, her dark eyes are warm and clearly don’t believe you. “I caught a glimpse of him at the Kings coronation,” Molly continued plucking out accessories. Turning to you she raised an eyebrow and tried to look serious. “He looked very interesting.” She teased lightly.
“Oh stop you.” You grouse half heartedly. Standing up you make your way over to the bed and trail your fingers over the fine gown laid out. Surely it was a little over the top for a small party? You go to voice this but stop yourself after all Molly knows more than you ever could about court protocol and the younger woman had been a godsend in helping you navigate the intricate politics thus far.
“Does he answer back?” The other woman asks innocently. You stand over the dress still and go silent. Noticing your actions Molly turns from the hair pins laid out and tentatively steps over.
That was the thing, the thing that hit you like a gut punch and made you lie awake at night. All the letters you had written over the weeks you had not received any in return. You didn’t want to admit the thought made you not sleep for the last couple of weeks though the results were clear every time you saw your reflection.
“No.” You reply still gazing at the dress. Focusing on the delicate embroidery of flowers and vines it made you think of lush forests and your stomach lurched. You felt Mollys body hover near you.
“I’m sure he’s just been busy m’lady.” She voiced softly. 
“Yes, he has a lot of responsibilities.” You say carefully, feeling your throat constrict around the words. You hoped that was the case, he was on a long patrol and couldn’t write back. But what if he had been hurt or what if he just didn’t want to indulge a silly human and her infatuation? You clasp a hand to your chest at the dull ache hiding behind your ribs at the thought. Perhaps it was time to stop the letters. 
A hand drifted over your arm gently luring you away as the door knocked again.
“Come m’lady the bath is here then let's get you ready.”
You hum in agreement as the bedroom door opens and two other servants carry in a tub with jugs of hot water.
“Where is Eowyn?” You ask out of reflex, speaking to her always lifts your heart.
“Lady Eowyn went riding earlier. I’m sure she is getting ready now for tonight.”
You hum again, tonight’s party was to be a smaller affair. You hoped that it was for an announcement between Eowyn and Faramir’s wedding date. The way the two of them looked at each other, if they didn’t get married soon you were sure they would be announcing something other than a wedding.
The bath is quickly set up and Molly closes the bedroom door softly behind the other servants, before coming back over. The scent of lavender and honey drifts over from the tub of water. Scents that should give you some comfort but the icy claws of doubt have struck deep in your chest.
“May I help you with your dress?” She asks, her hands neatly folded in front of her.
You nod silently still looking at the flowers on the dress, it was a beautiful gown gifted by Eowyn for tonight. Raising your hands to your face you pinch your cheeks lightly, this was no face for a party. Seeing your old companions would cheer you up, you were sure of it.
The stone of the balcony was cold to your touch as you clutched in the night air. You had left the party and wandered outside to take a breath of fresh air, the ballrooms' heat with the tight corset of the dress you were wearing was not a happy match.
Earlier thoughts of distracting your mind with the welcomed company of your friends had worked for a little while. But after some time the world had seemed to shift, you were watching them laugh and dance as if you were looking through a window from outside. You felt an outsider lost, alone and unbearable cold in this sweltering hall. Taking your goblet you nodded to the others and whispered to Eowyn you needed a breath of air, her bright eyes had glanced at the closed main door before nodding her response.
“You look beautiful tonight.” She had whispered to you.
“I look tired.” You retorted. Her gaze is quick and sharp, little escaped her notice.
“Does something ail you?” Eowyn asked and you tried to open your mouth but one look into her eyes and you stopped. That knowing gaze, a mixture of sympathy and pity. You let a bitter smile twist on your face.
“Am I that obvious?” You asked and hoped the others wouldn’t come and pry. You know they mean well but the thought of having to talk about it fills you with an exhaustive dread.
“Only to me,” She said softly and made a show of smiling brightly, fingers running over the sleeve of your gown, pretending to comment on it. “I know that look too well my sister in arms,” You can ‘t help but smile at the honour of her calling you that. “I know because I wore it’s mirror image not that long ago.” 
Leaning close she pressed a soft kiss to your cheek she whispered softly making you close your eyes tight to shut out the threat of tears.
“I will see you happy again sister.” She finished, your closed eyes fluttered and missed the furtive glance she gave the door again.
“I’ll be back soon. I just need a moment to myself.” You said leaning back. Seeing her smile and nod, you had walked out.
Closing your eyes you feel the night air cool the sweat beading at your hairline after being in that ballroom. The heady scent of honeysuckle makes you dizzier than the wine at your elbow. The city beyond was quiet at this height, the twinkling lights below like stars. Perhaps you could make your life here now? You would be welcomed for sure. You should stop writing the letters now, let Haldir go, it could never work. He only saw you as a friend, a comrade in arms. Not as a woman, not as an equal in soul. 
Perhaps that was for the best, with how short a mortal could live compared to the age that elves did it would be selfish of you to ask for that love from him knowing it would be a blink of his eye and you would be old and grey. That you would be dead and dust and he would have to live on with that grief. 
No this would be for the best then. You nodded to yourself and picked up the wine to take a sip. Lost in your own thoughts you never notice the presence of someone approaching behind.
"Hiril vuin," comes a familiar voice from the shadows and you feel your breath hitch. Turning slowly you grip the goblet in your hand till your knuckles hurt, it can't be him? You're tired and thoughts are just added surely?
Silhouetted in the doorway stands a tall broad chested figure. The moonlight catches his features as he takes a step closer and whispers your name.
"Haldir?" You call with a pitiful whisper, praying you were not dreaming.
"Good evening," he says, all shadow and silver light.
You can't help but give an incredulous laugh and confused smile.
"I can't believe it!" You cry with a catch in your voice. "Am I dreaming?" You ask the night air as he moves to stand in front of you.
"I'm very real." he replies, smiling gently. The blond ellon is just as tall and perfect as you remember, dressed in his grey grab as Marchwarden. Reaching out a hand you let your fingertips graze his chest and sweep up to rest on his shoulder. There's a near perceptible shiver that runs through him at the physical contact. He watches you carefully, seemingly finding your giddy wonder amusing. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask, still not fully convinced this is a fanciful hallucination brought on by drink and the heat. 
He raises a perfect eyebrow and paces a hand on your own that is still on his chest. 
“I was invited and I came for an important task.” He responds, his voice low and calming as if to soothe an excitable child. Perhaps that’s what he saw you as. The thought makes the smile slip from your face and you try to pull away but his grip on your hand stops you. You pause and look at him quizzically.
“Important task?” You ask and he nods.
“Yes but now is not the moment to talk of it.” 
You press closer to him and let your trapped hand splay across the broad expanse of his chest. You can almost feel the quick thrumming of his heart, perhaps he arrived in a hurry.
“Aragon and the others are inside if it is that important.” You say and his expression gives nothing away. His eyes make you shiver though. The blue you love is a thin ring of silver in the moonlight, blond lashes catch the light like gossamer. This close you fancy you can see your desire for him in your own eyes reflected in his blown out pupils. The black expanse drawing you in.
Your earlier sensible thoughts of moving on from him are promptly forgotten now, you are a mere moth to the radiance that pours off him. It was foolish to ever think you could extract yourself from him. 
“Calad nin.” He whispers and his free hand reaches out carefully to touch your shoulder. The meaning of his words are not lost on you, you wonder if he could hear your thoughts about being drawn to his light. For surely he does not feel the same as you do.
“I have missed you.” You confess and the tell of his lips curling slightly makes you want to reach out and trace it. Engrain it in your memory till you can always feel it at your tips.
“As I have missed you.” He replies and the words alone make you grin wildly.
“You have?”
“You doubt me?” He retorts with a quirk of an eyebrow in a mockery of admonishment.
“Never.” You breathe out, a giggle escaping in the process, and fling yourself at him, clutching at him tightly. Your carefully pinned hair is surely a mess but you'll face Molly’s scolding later for wrecking her hard work.
It takes a moment before he responds. A strong arm wraps around you and drags you closer till you’re not sure where you start and he ends. If only it could always be like this. The evening wind whistles against the unforgiving stone as the two of you stand still clutched at each other.
“Did you get my letters?” You ask eventually breathing in his scent. The fresh smell of woodland and sandalwood makes you relax.
“Yes.” He responds, his arm around your waist has moved to the small of your back running his fingertips where your spine is hiding under the corset. Not moving your head you run your fingers over the edge of his robe.
“You never replied.” You say in a small voice you barely recognise as your own. You feel a sense of accomplishment you have kept out the hurt or accusation from the tone.
“When you left,” He started and then with a little protest from you he pulls you back a little so that he could see your face. “I was sent on patrol for a few weeks, you’re letters were passed on to me when they could but,” And he pauses and looks over you from head to toe as if only realising your state of dress. 
“You are truly a sight to behold,” He breathes out like a prayer. You grip his arms and feel the heat from your face rush below. Twisting your fingers in the bulky sleeves of his tunic you wet your bottom lip and don’t miss the narrow of his eyes on the action.
“You were saying?” You asked and tugged in his sleeves.
“Yes,” He continues and he looks momentarily embarrassed that he had his previous statement aloud. “I was on patrol till only a few days ago and my own stationary supply was very limited and couldn’t send my replies back,” He releases you a moment and digs into a pocket within the recesses of his robes. 
Letting go of his arms you fiddle with the sleeve of your gown as he extracts a bundle. Haldir passes it over to you solemnly like a great treasure and to you it is. Wrapped neatly with a green ribbon is a small stack of envelopes. You take them reverently and hold them in both hands. Your name is written neatly in a precise, strong hand that fits Haldir well. 
“You replied.” You say out loud as the doubts and heartbreak of unrequited affection are doused. 
“Did you think I would not?” He says and this time there is a tone of reproach to him.
“I- I know how busy you are, important,” You start and he takes a step forward to you as you stare at the bundle of letters not trusting yourself to be able to stop crying in relief if you look at him.
“With responsibilities other than replying to my silly letters.” You choke out and you curse yourself for getting so emotional. His hands are suddenly on your own cupping the letters between you both. The calluses on his fingertips trace up to your wrists causing another flush of heat to pool below.
“Nothing about you is silly.” He tells you and you close your eyes as his thumbs stroke across the pulse in your wrist. Eru, the things the ellon did to you with such a simple touch. 
“I feel it at times when it comes to you,” You say softly. “A silly human yearning for your attention.” His hands still and you bite your lip. You’ve gone too far. The hands on your wrist slide with deliberate slow ease, an illicit seductiveness.
“Look at me,” He commands and you lift your head immediately, your breath catches in your throat at his look. Silver hair and intense eyes as he moves a step closer making you tilt your head back to look up at him and keep eye contact.
“There you are,” He speaks and his voice is low like a purr. “I will only say this once, I never want you to put yourself down because you are human.”
You nod softly and bite your lip.
“The things you do to me,” He mutters. “The way you move me,” 
One of his hands trails up to your jaw tracing along it. All you can do is let out a soft whimper at the contact. “No one else has been able to do so in all my years, regardless of who or where they were born.” His thumb moves to swipe over your bottom lip.
“But I have only a short number of years Haldir compared to you. If we,” And you pause now not sure how to word your thoughts. 
“If we?” He asks provocatively.
“If we are together,” You continue and heat rushes to your face and down below at what that implies and he hums deep in his chest at the word. “How could I sleep with you beside me knowing the inevitability of what will happen to us? Of leaving you begrudgingly alone and I am nothing but bone and dust?” You raise one of your hands to cup his jaw and he leans into it his warm lips as they press against the delicate skin of your inner wrist. Goosebumps ripple along your arm and across your collarbone.
“Has this been troubling you?” He asks and rubs his nose to nuzzle your pulse.
You nod again as his gaze watches you carefully.
“I wish you had spoken to me sooner so I could ease your mind,” He states. “It is the nature of things that we will die.” He states calmly.
“But,” You start.
“Maybe it will be I who dies first.” He interrupts you.
“Haldir, that’s not funny.” You scold but he only looks at you with a flicker of surprise.
“I was trying to flatter you.”
“Flattery is telling me how pretty I look in this dress, not that there’s a chance you will leave me a grieving heartbroken woman.” You retort hotly and he presses his lips to the pounding pulse under your skin and smiles.
“You're breathtaking in that dress.” He corrects you.
“Haldir,” You start and his lips twitch into that smile.
“And when you’re angry,” He adds and you look at him with what can only be exasperation.
“You are not alone with those thoughts, I spent a long time thinking of the exact same thing.’ He continues and the irritation subsides in you. 
“And?” You say almost frightened at what his conclusion is.
He still has your hand and leans into its touch, closing his eyes a second seeming to savour it.
“That a life without you would grieve me more,” Haldir speaks softly. “In all my years I have given myself freely to the responsibilities of my position as an older brother then Marchwarden, it is something I will not ever regret,” His eyes open and flick to you and his a chaste brush of his lips to your fingertips he pulls your hand back to the letters you are both still holding. “Till I met you, grew to know you. I have never wanted anything for myself,” You watch his expression shift from contemplative to resolute.
“Neither of us knows the future and how long we have,” Haldir pauses. “But I do know that the future is meaningless without knowing your love. I shall continue to exist but it shall only be that.” He brings both your hands up to rest on his chest above his heart.
“A song does not last forever but to experience it let it live in you is what makes us alive, though we may mourn it’s end,” Haldir leans down so his nose rubs against your own softly and now it’s your turn to close your eyes to savour the action. 
“So will you take a chance and let us sing this song of ours together?” He whispers to you and you let your eyes flutter open. It should be intimidating to see his trademark intense gaze but it only makes your lip wobble and eyes fill with hot tears of happiness.
You move one of your hands from his grip and reach up to his jaw, fingers caressing it and watch as it tenses under your touch. You let it linger before following the line of Haldir's throat, his adam's apple bobbing as your fingers touch his jugular. You can feel his own heartbeat race under your skin.
“Yes Haldir.” You answer and his impassive mask breaks as he smiles as though he wasn’t sure you would agree.
“Yes?” He asks and exhales, letting his shoulders drop with a short soft laugh.
“Yes Marchwarden.” You repeat and close your eyes to let out a small giggle as he pulls you against him again. His arm tightens around your waist as he buries his nose in your hair. Your free hand wraps around his neck as you move your face to press a soft kiss to his jaw. Haldir lets out a low sound that vibrates through you and makes your toes curl. Moving slightly he presses his lips to your ear making you tremble.
“You shiver, are you cold?" He asks, his voice low and lilting. 
"No it's not the cold that makes me shiver." You say and turn to meet his gaze. Those ice blue eyes are burning and you revel in the fire.
Haldir's arm runs up your back as he mutters words in Sindarin too quickly for you to catch. His hand stops at the nape of your neck before cupping the base of your skull. His breath fans your cheeks and you close your eyes in anticipation of the handsome ellons kiss. Your ellon now, you licked your bottom lip at the realisation. 
There was a brief heartbeat before you felt his chapped lips brush against your own. The chaste action made you mewl softly and you felt the low groan from him before he pressed closer. His plush lips unforgiving against your own as you kissed back desperately. Your arm moves to loop around his neck to tug on his long hair and you're rewarded with a grunt and sigh from Haldir as he nips at your bottom lip. Sighing with content you grant him access to your own mouth which he ravishes with the keen precision he does in everything. 
You tug on his hair again and let out your own soft moan as he tilts his head to kiss you deeper. Both of you are teeth and tongue as you scrabble for one another. There’s a far away cheering and laughing over the start of a song that startles you both apart. 
You try to catch your breath but it’s difficult when you're tangled with Haldir in his vice-like grip. He’s gazing at you again with a softness that makes your chest feel like it will burst.
“If this is a dream don’t wake me.” You state to the universe and Haldir's lip curls slightly softening his usual steely expression.
"It should be I who asks if you are the dream." He finishes. 
"Why is that?" You say, your fingers moving from his hair to graze his jaw.
"Standing in the moonlight is how I often dream of you." He murmurs and nuzzles against your cheek. 
“And tell me, what do we do in these dreams, Marchwarden?” You tease and let out a breathy laugh as he lets out a shaky exhale.
“I would rather show you dearest.” He mutters his voice dark and delicious as his arm moves so his fingers hold your hip tight. 
The sound of laughing and music fades back in again interrupting 
“Maybe we should wait till we’re sure we won’t be interrupted?” You ask your throat going dry at the thought of being alone and playing out your own dreams with him. You hear him agree and press a chaste kiss to the corner of your lips.
Pulling back from each other you run a hand over your hair to try and see if it can be saved and do a half hearted attempt at fixing it. You had all you needed now, you could stand to play a little loose with propriety. Smoothing your gown down, you glance up to see him standing watching you with what only could be described as wolfishness that sent your pulse racing again. You reached up and smoothed his own hair and gasped as he grabbed your wrist. 
“Haldir?” You ask as he presses his lips against your wrist again.
“Your pulse flutters like a bird.” He states calmly.
“And who’s fault is that?” You accuse him which only makes him smile longingly at you.
“I shall bear the responsibility, I apologise I needed something to sustain me a while till we could be alone again.” He reports so matter of factly it makes you grin.
“And when shall I have time to read your replies my dearest?” You laugh and Haldir pauses a moment.
“That was the important matter I came here to discuss.” He tells you calmly and you frown.
“What is it?” You ask concerned. He steps closer again and brushes the back on his fingers against your hand which you immediately turn your own hand to clutch on to.
“On a desperate matter of if you should feel ready to return with me.” He whispers softly, leaning down so he is eye level with you.
“Return to Lórien?” You ask with a quiet excitement as he nods.
“To return home meleth nin.” He says and watches your reaction. You blink a moment as the words sink in. 
Hot tears fall immediately but Haldir is already holding your face gently and wiping them away with his thumbs.
“Meleth nin?” He asks all serious and alarm. You can’t help but give a gasping laugh which makes him relax again.
“Of course I shall you silly ellon,” You mutter and close your eyes as he kisses you again though softly as if to remind himself you are truly saying those words. “I love you after all.” You confess and you feel his smile against your lips.
“I love you too.” He whispers then says something soft in Sindarian which you need no translation for. 
A loud applause erupts from inside as the music finishes.
“We should go back inside, I need to speak to Eowyn,” You say and pull back holding his hand to trail after you to the inside door. Pausing, you look at him, grinning wide and ecstatic. 
“I shall tell her I am needed and will be going home soon.” You explain with a mock primness. He glances down and in the moonlight you swear it almost seems he is blushing.
“Yes, you are very much needed.” He agrees with such solemnity. But even in this light you can see his telltale twitch of lips.
“After all, I have important correspondence to catch up on.” You murmur with a happy smile as you press the letters close to your heart.
Haldir smiles warmly and presses a kiss to your hand before letting go and stepping close.
“I shall clear another bookcase at home for them all meleth nin.” He whispers with a smile.
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quillofspirit · 9 months
2023 fic recs
If there's one thing to know about me, is that I love to read! and I love to share the good fics, so I figured I would put them all on one list💚
pssst! it's my first time doing anything like this, so if you have recommendations for the format, please do leave them in the comments or drop me a message! thanks xx
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Key 🍬 fluff 🧯 spicy 🌡️ smut ⛈️ angst 🌪️ all
For people I have tagged, please let me know if there is anything you’d like me to add or remove — like a link to another account. It’ll be my pleasure☺️
Lord of the Rings (and related)
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⛈️🧯Fuck the Forbidden pt. 1 by @entishramblings
Boromir x mermaidfem!oc Teens and Up but read the warnings carefully 9,500 words
Now I want mermaids in everything. why aren’t there mermaids in everything? The descriptions are so well done, everything is so vividly easy to visualize, oh I just loved it.
I am so hyped for pt 2!!
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🍬⛈️ Healing Touch by @ass-deep-in-demons
Boromir x fem!oc Teens and Up 4,350 words
My film studies degree was very happy about the descriptions of movement in this one - it’s a little specific but hear me out. It’s much easier to see the actors playing the scene when it’s described this well! THAT ENDING, I have to say I joined Legolas, and I don’t have excuses.
I cannot wait to read the rest of the adventures of Joanna!
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🍬 I Might Need to Kiss You by @fizzyxcustard
Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader 400 words
I was squealing, this is so sweet. like the perfect little pick me up when you need a reminder, and Thorin is nothing if not a good king to his subjects 😇
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🍬 Sweet Conversations by @glassgulls
Haldir x fem!reader Teens and Up 5,360 words
did I almost break my mouse when I clicked on this? noooo
Would I do it again? approximately 5 times since ☺️
Who doesn’t love sneaking around and kissing pretty elves, especially when they propose the idea so nicely… Just read it, you’re welcome
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⛈️🧯Transformed by @sotwk
Thranduil’s son OC x fem!reader Teens and Up 2,400 words
There are at least two werewolves! When I tell you I read it three nights in a row, just to truly catch all the little things that made me go absolutely feral this so lovely to read. Yes, there’s gore (only a little bit) and there’s angst, but there’s also dialogue that would be made into gifs were it a movie.
Pirates of the Caribbeans
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🌪️Catch the Wind by eriathiel (@esta-elavaris)
James Norrington x fem!oc Explicit 418,000 words
101 chapters of epic, pirates, and sweetness. The definition of you will suffer and you will like it. I finished this in like two days, because I couldn’t put it down, like a child on Halloween night going through their whole bag of candy.
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⛈️🍬 Fallen Through Time by eriathiel (@esta-elavaris)
Catch the Wind AU Mature Ongoing; 34,000 words
12 Chapters so far, but it’s probably going to make me want to read everything about Theodora again. I am very normal about this character. 😌
Other fandoms
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🌡️One of Those days by @capricornafterdark
Jason Todd x fem!reader Explicit 750 words
Sometimes you need to be taken care of, and sometimes its easier to take care of others.
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🍬Patience by @velvetcloxds
Charlie Swan x fem!reader Just straight cuteness 600 words
A cute yet serious conversation with Charlie
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🌡️That Takes Trust Darlin by @capricornafterdark
Jason Todd x transmasc!reader Explicit 1,950 words
It takes a lot of trust to tell a person about your desires, and even more when you spend your time catching villains.
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🌪️ What Happens After You? by StrengthBeforeWeakness
Ominis Gaunt x fem!oc Mature 219,000 words
A badass Ravenclaw, sweet sweet Garreth, and dark!Sebastian. I am tempted to say it’s almost a Hogwarts Legacy AU because the lore in this fic is so incredible, it feels new again.
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These are my headers and dividers, please do not use them.
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lotrthobbit · 1 year
Dwarf Princess 
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Haldir x Dwarf!Reader
Warning: prejudice from elves against dwarves, angst, happy ending
a/n: For the sake of this story many things were changed in the original, also this has been in my drafts for about a year lol.
Deep within the forests where the birds sang surrounding a beautiful dwarf whom sat against a tree staring at her dear uncle chatting amongst the humans and the hobbits and his new frenemy, Legolas, the prince of Mirkwood.
She would not lie that he was pleasant site, he stood tall with long beautiful hair that fell down his back and broad shoulders that carried a head with a beautiful face adorned to it.
" Y/n" called Uncle Gimli. She got up from her seat and walked towards him," Yes uncle ? " she asked.
" What's got ya sitting by all your lonesome."
" Just thinking."
Legolas smiled at her and placed his hand upon her head, ruffling her hair as she pouted.
" Do not fret, we will soon pass over and then you can sleep peacefully on a bed." She smiled at him at the last word, bed. Oh how she longed to lay on a soft and fluffy bed, Do not get her wrong, she loved the great outdoors but she missed the comfort of her very own bed and the fluffy blankets that kept her toes warm and the morning cup of tea her mother would make her.
" I just hope we get there soon, even if it is just for a night."
" Well Lass, one more night in the woods will not kill ya." replied Gimli as he chucked. She sat down near the fire, feeling the bitter cold nip at her fingertips.
" At this point I feel like the cold will kill me before the orcs do." She chuckled as she looked up to see Legolas hand her some Lembas bread.
" Eat little one we have a journey ahead of us tomorrow."
" I AM A GROWN ADULT !" she huffed before golfing down the bread and beginning to set her cot near the fire. Legolas chuckled, he had grown quite close to y/n, he saw her as a little sister, after all it was her first journey and he felt a need to always protect her, that and her fascination of elves as he recalled their first encounter.
. flashback.....
" Uncle Gimli, look it is an elf."
" aye aye lass, be careful, they lack coordination and are coy."
Legolas chuckled to himself as he stood tall in front of the dwarf.
" funny for someone who can not even see over the table."
" Why you !!" That began the bickering friendship between the two while y/n was full of questions.
" how tall are you ?! What is your diet ?! Are all elves blonde ?! Where do you reside?!"
Legolas had never been asked so many questions in his life as of right at that moment.
end of flashback....
Gimli looked at his niece, she was in deep sleep.
" She is quite tall for a dwarf." Said Legolas.
" Aye..I believe her father was a human, although my sister never shared anything of it."
He nodded understanding that the topic was sensitive.
" Ill take first watch." said Legolas before Gimli turned around and said," What do yah think I am not capable of-"
" My friends there is no need to argue.." Aragorn spoke trying to defuse the situation.
The next morning was filled with dread, everyone was tired and the cold and hard ground did not aid their back pain. They simply longed for a warm home filled with delicious foods of all kind.
Aragron had pushed them to continue walking for hours without breaks or even lunch. Their stomachs were grumbling and the mud was piling on their feet making them feel as if the world was weighing them down.
" This is where Lothlorien should be." said Legolas as they continued trekking into the woods. It was foggy and ominous, nothing like the rumors that have spoken about the beauty of it. Legolas himself shared some stories he often heard as a small child about it.
"Daro !" spoke a voice commanding from the trees above. They all stopped as Legolas whispered to them to standstill and to not move a single muscle.
"who are they ?" whispered Frodo. " They are elves." replied Sam. Despite the fear in the other hobbits and even Uncle Gimli, Y/n could not help but feel excitement bubble up in her stomach, although she was also weary, perhaps they may not take a liking that they are stepping within their domain.
An elf dropped down in front of Legolas smiling, "Welcome!" They all looked around, they were surrounded by the elves pointing their arrows in case one wrong move was taken. " How many are there of you ?" asked an elf, Y/n's eyes widened as she stared at the elf before her, sure Legolas was beautiful but he, he was simply gorgeous, he stood tall and proud. Legolas replied with," myself, four hobbits, two men, and two dwarves."
" two Dwarves ?!" yelled the dwarf. " Is the woman a dwarf ?!" he questioned taking in her appearance, she was a beauty despite the mud on her clothes and the matted braids on her head, but she still radiated despite that.
" I can not let the dwarves pass." he declared, Frodo had done his best to try to reason with him, but another elf whispered in his ear that the Lady was expecting them. The elf presented himself as Haldir, he continued to explain that he would have to blindfold them in order to be taken to the Lady, whom was expecting them and turned to look at the dwarves, " keep a close eye on them."
Despite the beauty of Haldir, Y/n was hurt at his words, how could he say such cruel things when she had not done anything to hurt his trust. She pouted, but soon widened her eyes as she saw her uncle beginning to unsheath his axe and yell at the elves.
" We are not spies !" yelled Uncle Gimli, Y/n grabbed his wrist as she noticed the elves beginning to take aim.
" Uncle Gimli, we are on their land, we must abide by their rules and customs out of respect, the same way they would in our home." Haldir glanced at y/n she seemed uncomfortable with the accusation as she stared down at her feet rubbing her arm and tried to keep herself from looking at him.
he cleared his throat and put his axe away," very well."
As they began to be blindfolded, y/n could not help but hold her breath. She felt the cool fingers of Haldir push her hair behind her ears, his breath fanning her face as his arms came around to tie the cloth around her head and cover her pretty eyes. He questioned her lineage considering she was almost the size of an average human woman, but still quite a short stature. He grabbed her hand gently and began to lead her, unbeknownst to her, the rest of the company followed by grabbing onto a rope.
After some time, y/n felt the blindfold being removed, the sight before her left her speechless. The trees were tall and beautiful, the sun casting a beautiful glow within the forest, the air felt clear and pure, the aura of Lothlorien was unmatched. It was truly a sight.
" Lady Galadriel knows of your presence, you may wander freely." said Haldir.
As y/n began to walk away Haldir grabber her wrist," my apologies, my lady, can I perhaps show you something ?" He found himself bewildered that he even let his curiosity get the best of him, he wanted to find out more about her, he was also blinded by her beauty.
She nodded and followed closely behind, what choice did she have, he was holding her wrist afterall. From a distance, Legolas held Gimli back and smiled as the two ventured off somewhere else.
" Will you let me go you imprudent fool, that idiot is running off with me nice !" yelled Gimli
" now now, Sir Gimli, let your niece live her youth, she is a young woman afterall, she can make her own decisions." Said Aragorn.
y/n and Haldir reached a large tree. He let go of her hand and climbed up then looked back down to offer his hand towards her. She smiled and took it as he helped her up the tree.
" Is there something you wanted to show me ?" asked y/n.
" Look ahead."
There she gasped as she the vast land of Lorien, the beautiful light casting on the land, the calm waters and the beauty of nature.
" It is so beautiful." she said as she smiled and felt the wind tickle her cheeks. He stared at her mesmerized by the light in her y/e/c eyes," yes, it is."
She felt herself blush as she turned around to make eye contact with him. " Sir, Haldir, um...."
" just Haldir is fine."
" Haldir, may I ask, why did you want to show me this ?"
".. I...I don't know, I felt compelled to, as if we were destined to see this together." said Haldir.
Her eyes widened as she stared into the blue eyes of Haldir both leaning in, " Lass get down here this instant !" she felt herself almost slip if it weren't for Haldir wrapping his arm against her waist. He then held her and jumped down from the tree.
He landed in front of Gimli and Legolas," Watch yer step !" yelled Gimli as he tumbled back onto his bum.
" y/n/n, you just met this elf and you're already run off and been seduced ?! " yelled Gimli, causing y/n cheeks to turn a crimson red and stomp her feet," Uncle Gimli, I am not a child anymore ! And I am not being seduced ! Hmph." She walked away as Gimli tried to go after her but Legolas held him back sighing as he whispered to Haldir to leave at once before Gimli turned his attention to him.
It did not take long for them to meet again as a small feast was being held. They offered her a change of clothing, a beautiful lavender dress which she had not worn one since she left. She felt comfortable being freshly bathed and groomed. She had long waited to wash her hair and many of the Elven ladies helped comb and braid her hair which had grown throughout the journey. She sat next to her uncle at the table excited to eat, the seat in front of her was taken by no other than Haldir.
" You look beautiful " complimented Haldir, Y/n looked down at her lap and felt her cheeks flush as she thanked him for the compliment.
"tch." Gimli was angry at the interaction his young niece was smitten someone, an elf at that.
but that all changed when he laid his eyes on Lady Galadriel, she truly was a beauty and the air around her seemed to glow as she welcome them. The company could not help but laugh at seeing his cheeks turn red when she spoke to him.
" What was that about being seduced uncle ?" chuckled y/n. Haldir smiled to himself as he stared at her smile.
The feast went on smoothly, many retreating to their sleeping arrangements. Y/n spoke to Lady Galadriel briefly and she spoke about loving someone, y/n was confused as to why she would talk. about that but Lady Galadriel smiled," my dear child, afterall you are still young and have such a long life to live, do not fret and continue forward." She thanked her for such encouraging words as she walked away to go to sleep.
Somehow Lady Galadriel had a worried gut feeling.
The next morning the company was to leave, Haldir felt saddened that he did not get so speak to y/n, but was content when he saw her in his dreams that night. He felt a connection and could tell they were destined."
" Haldir, perhaps we may see each other again." smiled y/n
He smiled as his bent forward to place a kiss upon her hand and looked into her eyes and spoke once more," I have a feeling we will my Lady. " He said and smiled sweetly.
Despite the two barely meeting, they had a feeling that they had lived before, perhaps in their previous life they were lovers.
And yes, they met again but in unforeseen circumstances, as they fought against the orcs in Helms-Deep, protecting the people of Rohan, the elves of Lothlorien came to aid the company and the army of Rohan.
When y/n laid eyes on Haldir, she could not help but smile at his presence. They all fought bravely, to the end, but once the battle ceased, y/n tried to look for Haldir. She was held back by Legolas
" Legolas, let me go, I need to find Haldir." She felt a gut wrenching feeling, " Please y/n.." Said Legolas. She finally broke free and saw the Many dead men and elves. but her eyes traveled to where Haldir laid. HE was still blinking looking up into the sky. She quickly fell to her knees and called out
" Haldir !" she felt the tear rushing down her cheeks as she stroked his cheek trying to clear him of the blood that stained his pale skin.
He reached a shaky hand and placed it against her cheek, he began to speak," I do not know why the stars led me to you, but I...I-I am glad to have met y-"
" please save your energy, you're going to be okay !!" yelled y/n as she gripped his hand tightly. She kept repeating to herself 'you're going to be okay ' , but it was far too late as he let out his last breathe. She placed her forehead against his and closed her eyes as she cried out silently to herself. The company whom had been separated from Master Frodo and Samwise stood looking at the two, Aragorn himself could not contain his sadness as they all mourned the death of many, especially the death of an ally.
Gimli felt pain for his niece, but did not know what to do other than place his hand at her back. She did not want to let go of Haldir but Gimli told her they must. She placed a kiss on his forehead and stood up fists at her sides. She decided in that moment she would avenge his death.
And she did, together with lady Eowyn she found the strength within her and the company to strike down Sauron and many Orcs. She fought bravely.
Upon returning to Rivendell where many elves had now taken their departure to Valinor. It was now time for her departure as well along Bilbo, Frodo and Gandalf. Her uncle and Legolas were going to stay behind but as she looked into her Uncle's eyes she noticed tears within them. " Do not cry Uncle Gimli, we will be reunited soon, please take good care of him Legolas."
She embraced the both of them as she cried and soon they set sail.
Just as Haldir predicted, they soon met once again....
The End
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mismaeve · 2 years
Runaway Love
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↳ Runaway Love, Haldir x Reader, angst to fluff drabble Based on this imagine by @imagine-all-the-elves Warnings: Slight angst but little of it Word Count: 1.3k AN: I apologise for any mistakes and errors that you might find, I was only too excited to write for Haldir (yes, my first time with this ellon). But I think it turned out decent. Let me know your thoughts :)
"Imagine Haldir's reaction after you confess your feelings for him and he fails to say or do something before you think that he doesn't share your feelings and run off."
The birds chirped their spring songs in the golden trees high above you, filling your scenic afternoon walk with pleasant melodies. A great pity it was, your own anxiety preventing you from enjoying the nature around you, yet who could ever blame you for allowing your nerves to get the better of you when you had decided upon your waking this morn, that today was going to be the day at last when you would no longer hold your silence, and would bear your heart open to the one who had stolen it long ago.
“My lord Haldir,” your voice was a tad mousier than you would have wished, his effect on you seeming stronger today as if to spite your timid soul.
“Yes, my lady?” the Marchwarden gazed down towards you, his pale blue eyes finding yours in an instant, a soft questioning look making his otherwise well-guarded features look almost boyish.
“May we sit for a moment?” you tore your eyes away from him, lest unwanted color would rise to your cheeks and make you appear to be the foolish girl you had always thought yourself to be.
“Of course,” Haldir agreed softly and started you in the direction of the nearest bench.
Nearly hidden away entirely by the golden canopy of the trees that grew only in Lorien, you took your seats on the wooden bench, away from the rest of the world yet inevitably closer to the moment you had both dreaded and desperately longed for.
Your fingers became a fumbling tangle while your heart began a steady race inside your chest, trembling with every gentle breath you took in your silly hopes of calming yourself.
This was it, the moment was here. Wasn’t this what you had been dreaming of since the first day your feet had stumbled onto the precious soil of Lothlorien and your eyes had gazed upon the fair elf for the very first time?
Long had his pale eyes and golden hair haunted your dreams, more so your waking hours when deep longing had seemed to be your only companion.
His kind offer to accompany you on your daily walks had only fed your desire to unburden the feelings your heart had been nurturing in painful secret. Could you truly afford to deny yourself this moment when knowing the regret of doing so would eat you alive?
A soft yet slightly calloused hand grasped yours with a feather-like tenderness you could hardly believe possible of someone as refined a warrior as the Marchwarden.
“What troubles you, my lady?” his spoken words were not shy of honest concern.
You took a deep breath and forced yourself to look at the ellon you had come to love so dearly.
“While I’ve been enjoying our friendship and treasuring the moments of your company, there is something I feel that I should confess,” you started slowly, dragging the words from your mouth despite the growing fear in the pits of your stomach.
Haldir remained silent, waiting for you to go on in that silent patience you had come to admire.
You felt like your throat was closing up, dry and hoarse it seemed, unable or unwilling to voice your truth. You swallowed once and decided to put yourself out of this misery at once. No turning back now.
“I fear that for quite some time now, I have been…I’ve been thinking of you as in…,” try as hard as you could, the words would not come out. The expectant blue eyes staring directly at you weren’t helping either, only making you that much more flustered.
“What I want to say is that,” you trailed off, still unable to find the words, cursing yourself for not having a single ounce of confidence to help you through this increasingly awkward scene.
Fool, you silly fool of a girl. Just spit it out already before he thinks you a dimwit.  
“I fancy you.”
Three words. Your confession rolled off your lips with about as much grace as a tumbling of rocks.
The relief you felt was short lived. Haldir’s expression hardened, his pale eyes glazing over as if he was trying to distance himself from this naked display of emotion. To your growing horror, the Marchwarden withdrew his hand from yours and cleared his throat the same way he always did when something was annoying him.
You felt cold, his treatment of your precious heart freezing you to your very core, making you instantly feel sick while tears threatened to come at any moment.
Had it all been in your head? Him taking your hand, kissing it softly before tucking your arm underneath his own? The secret spark in his eyes whenever he saw you? His own tempered smile when your lips said his name.
Did I dream it?
“Forgive me,” you mumbled while biting back your tears. You had done more than enough to make him uncomfortable, last thing you wanted was to force him to comfort you when you had, compelled by your own delusions, made an utter fool of yourself.
As quickly as your trembling legs would carry you, you fled the scene where your heart and soul had withered, and your dreams had fallen to their death.
Bitter tears pooled in your eyes while you tried to see straight enough to not trip over a fallen branch or a stray rock on your way back the same golden pathway you had taken earlier.
Your mind frantically cursing you for your stupidity of thinking someone as high ranked as the Marchwarden would ever waste a single thought of affection on someone lowly as yourself, you had failed to notice the footsteps behind you, wide strides getting closer and closer until finally firm fingers gripped your arm and jerked you around where you collided with something firm.
“What-,“ you had started but at the sight of the ellon who had so mercilessly crushed your dreams, your words died on your lips.
Haldir’s pale eyes sparked with something you hadn’t witnessed before. He looked fierce, his features as hard as ever but this time, a certain determination was written plain on an otherwise impenetrable façade. His hands steadied you before he, without uttering a single word, knelt down before you and took your cold hand in his warm one.
“I beg your forgiveness, my lady,” he averted his eyes and was focusing all his attention to your clasped hands.
“My lack of an appropriate response has hurt you deeply, and for that I will never forgive myself. I can only hope that you can find it in your noble heart, to look past my shortcomings and accept my earnest explanation and my sincere apology.”
“I am ashamed to admit that your confession, as longed for as it was, caught me off-guard. I had only dreamed of it in the sweetest of dreams, but never dared hope to hear it from your own lips.”
His words pinned you to the ground, unable to move or even breathe while wide eyes stared at the crown of his golden head, unblinking and barely seeing the shimmering light dancing in his silken hair.
“Your confession was all I had yearned for, ever since I found you wandering along our boarders. You took my heart that night, and I was willing to let you have it for I selfishly hoped that one day you might offer me a piece of yours.”
Haldir’s eyes found yours then. You couldn’t help but marvel and shudder at the same time at how vulnerable and naked he looked, his eyes all but begging you to accept his apology and gift him with your heart anew.
“My heart is yours, Haldir. It’s always been yours,” you whispered quietly lest you would startle him back to his usually guarded self. To your and most likely his own surprise his lips moved and Haldir offered you a genuine smile, warm and soft like the spring day around you.
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 161- Cat Scratch Fever
Summary: A black cat crosses Josie's path bringing more bad luck to the Dorwinion castle. Narcisse is off kilter. Charles and Francis unite but not in agreement over their mother. Mary feels deep guilt of her knowledge. Francis gets under Josie's skin. She and Lola speak more about Narcisse's past. A cut won't heal. Bash has a scary story to tell. Josie panics over a possible resurrection.
*Chapter Warnings* language, angst, censored gif, sexual references, murder mentions
Chapter characters: Josie, Narcisse, Charles, Francis, Mary, Lola, Bash
Chapter word count: 8,447
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
When you got to Stephane's chambers, all was quiet after you knocked well over three times and called to him. Odd it seemed, considering the guard had told you Narcisse said it was urgent, so now you became concerned.
"Stephane?!" you loudly called to him one more time and wriggled the locked door handle.
Suddenly, you saw a shadow moving rapidly pacing about under the door and heard Stephane's charcoal gray magical Maine Coon cat Merlin, crying and clawing at the door. The crying swiftly then turned into a low emitted growl as if something were frightening him.
"Merlin sweety? What's wrong?" you asked as you bent down and placed your fingers under the door so you could scratch his chin, but he wanted no part of it. Instead, he began to hiss.
Something was wrong. Merlin was no "pussy" per se. In fact, he was quite the bad ass like all cats believed they were, so the scaredy cat persona was completely out of character for the long locked beauty of a beast.
"Alright honey. I'm coming in." you warned and gave the door handle an electric zap with a single twirl of your finger.
The latch made a loud click and then you cautiously pushed the creaking door open.
"MROWWW!!!" Merlin screeched and sped out of the room so fast, you almost tripped over him.
The room was dimly lit with all the curtains closed and on the sofa laid a sprawled out sleeping Stephane with one hand clutching an empty goblet over his stomach and the other hand grazing the floor with dried blood all over it.
Gasping, you quickly made your way to him, finding yourself crunching over a broken and bloodied shards of a mirror upon the floor. Kneeling down beside him, your widened eyes studied his chest to make sure he was breathing, which he was but it had a low raspy sound to it that reminded you of a....tiger's growl?? and he reeked of whiskey. Believing he was just snoring and intoxicated, you studied him over some more, especially his injured hand as you gently picked it up by his wrist so that you wouldn't shock him.
Angling his hand about to assess it, you noticed his gold ring, the one he always fidgeted with when he was anxious or lying. You had never paid much attention to the details of the ring before but now you could see it bore two gemstones, side by side as one piece that reminded you of the yin and yang symbol, for one stone was a black onyx and the other was a white moonstone. You knew that yin was of darkness and yang was of light. Could that be what the ring symbolized?
Moving your eyes on to his knuckles, they were all tore up so it was apparent that he had punched the mirror, but why was the question? Your hunch was the combination of the booze and his anger at you stemming from Haldir's spontaneous lip lock that he witnessed and possibly even something to do with Catherine's eldest son making an unannounced arrival that Stephane had clearly been upset about.
In that moment, Stephane had been dreaming. It was the day you first came to Dorwinion and he found you his red clover field searching for Haldir's gifted dreamcatcher you had dropped in the colossal cluster. At least he thought it was you as he viewed your long wavy scarlet strands from behind. Upon the woman's turning around, he found himself uttering the same words of shock that exited his lips that day and it wasn't the only shock he got.
"It is....you."
"Here kitty kitty kitty. Miss me? I've sure missed you. It's time to wake up once again, just as I had awoken the beast once before." Caroline cackled, forming her wicked grin and then clutched his hand, sending a burning jolt of juice through him, much like the one you and he experienced that day when your hands touched.
Feeling bad about his hand, you softly laid your hand over his wounds to heal him and in doing so, the electric current that you and he shared when your hands touched, shot right through both of you, startling him awake. But it wasn't Narcisse that you awakened.
Towering over your cowered body as you laid upon the floor in sheer terror, was a snarling and salivating beastly black panther with razor fangs as white as pearls and eyes that burned of the sun...and gusting from his roaring lungs was a fiery breath not of peppermint, but of black pepper.
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"AHHH CHOOO!" you uncontrollably sneezed, spraying out a mist of sparkling silver water droplets into the ferocious feline's face.
He roared in pain and swung his paws in a frenzy at his eyes, giving you enough time to run and hide behind Stephane's liquor bar to try and rationally think of what to do, for this colossal cat was Narcisse and you didn't want to hurt him with your magic if you didn't have to, although it seemed you accidentally already had.
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You were planted in a panic against the wooden bar, holding as still as you could as your frantic eyes scoured the darkness for movement and your ears searched for sound. Surely the beast would find you by sniffing you out, especially now that you noticed the palm of your hand had been scratched by the creature's claws and was bleeding. What in the hell was happening?? You knew nothing of his shapeshifting power. How the fuck did Narcisse transform into a giant fucking black cat before your very eyes and WHY?????
Your shallow breaths ceased as you heard grunting and groaning and then all went quiet again. As you prepared to counter attack in the least harmful way possible, you were grabbed by the arm and swiftly pulled to your feet by a sweating Stephane.
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"Are you alright Jo???" he panted, steadying himself on the bar as you gaped at him in a frightful confusion.
"I...I...uh...umm...yes. I..think I should be asking YOU that??"
Narcisse glanced around, seemingly disoriented. "I...I don't feel so well."
He began to lean and fall, but you caught him and assisted him back to the sofa.
"What...what did you do to me??" he groaned and plopped onto his back, rubbing his eyes similarly to how the elephantine ebony cat had done.
"I...I don't..know?? I..I didn't mean to do anything. Lie still. I'll get you a wet rag soaked in healing water."
You cleaned your hand in the water which seemed to have ceased the bleeding, then quickly came back and sat beside him, forcing his rebelling hands away by his wrists in order not to shock him again and then laid the cool cloth over his inflamed eyes.
Narcisse made a frown as he licked his lips. "Silverbane. I can taste it. You sprayed me with fucking silverbane."
"W..what? I..how? and...I thought you were immune to poison??"
"Well apparently I am not to yours which you seem to have as a built in defense mechanism. I really wish you'd get your magical shit together Jo." he blindly griped with gritted teeth as he held the rag firmly over his eyes.
"But...even I can be hurt by Silverbane?? So how do I...oh wait..." you gasped. "It's just like Garrett. He can be hurt by fire, but yet he has fire power inside of him....and at Lestat's...I....I almost forgot....I had somehow conjured up Silverbane from thin air and blew it at my mother when she had almost depleted all of Garrett's blood."
"And yet once again, we are back to the vicious vampire." Stephane snarled as he snapped the rag to the floor with a huff and sat up.
He was somewhat right, you supposed. There you were, referencing Garrett after what you could describe as a cruel and vicious vision he sent you only moments earlier in your chambers. Even so, what you recalled was all still very relevant which would never matter to Stephane.
"You speak to me about being vicious after I just watched you turn into a very large vicious cat???? No wonder Merlin hightailed his ass out of here. Even he was afraid....and...so were you, for my safety. I can only assume that this is what was so urgent? What the hell is going on Stephane???"
"What's going on is that I'm a bit incapacitated at the moment which you seemed to have forgotten." he defensively deflected in which you immediately pointed out.
"Stop deflecting. Here. Let me heal you and...."
"No! Do not touch me Jo. A bath in the healing waters will do just fine." Narcisse barked as he abruptly scooted away from your extended hand.
"Ok, then at least let me help you."
"I'm perfectly capable of taking a bath...alone. Don't you have some place better to be? Like say...Mirkwood?"
Narcisse rose and headed for his bar to pour another drink, for his nerves were now unbearable after what had happened.
You flung to your feet and followed him. "YOU asked me to come here to your room...and now you want me to leave...and...for good?? What, kicking Haldir out wasn't pleasurable enough for you??? You want me to travel with my child when Harker is stalking all of us???" you reeled with stinging wet eyes.
Stephane's eyes refrained from yours as he knocked his drink back and poured another. Of course he didn't want you to go but his pride wasn't about to let you know that.
"Oh it was quite pleasurable to send the Lorien sprite packing. You have Legolas now since I see I now have more unwanted guests in my castle. He will keep you and Leean safe on your travels."
Narcisse turned without so much of a glance at you and walked to the other side of the sitting room with you once again following.
"You heartless son of a bitch! Have you forgotten why I am even here???! I need that book to stop Jareth!!"
An angry tear jetted down your cheek as you sharply blinked from Stephane's aggressive advance into your face.
"Heartless??!!!!! After ALL I have done for you and your company! All of the kindness I have offered you that I have never given to anyone else! Sleeping in my bed right after I confessed I was in love with you and I even pathetically allowed myself to shed tears at your feet over the fear of losing you. You also allowed me to love that little girl. YOU are the one who has forgotten! ALL you care about are the elves and that fucking vampire. You played me well Josephine. Beat me at my own past games of using someone for pleasures of the flesh. I can see I was right when I had once told you that you were a worthy opponent because no other has ever possessed the ability to make me feel less than I was and I can see no possible means of recovery from it. But I guess I have no one to blame except myself for letting my defenses down and letting you in, allowing you to see me bare in more ways than just my skin. Do you remember when I told you that?? That if you and I were to dive into those waters, that is what you would see? But the thing is...you don't see me! And you never will. I will never make that mistake again. I opened my heart to you. I told you things I would never tell a single soul. I threw you the grandest of birthday parties to make you feel better and because you hadn't had one since you were a child. I risked my life and men for you! I have even saved you from yourself! And for what?? To watch you kiss both Haldir and Garrett. Maybe, instead of standing here tearing my own self worth to shreds, I need to realize that I am not less just because I was much more than your inexperienced little hands could handle."
"Please...please stop Stephane. This was never about who you are. I know I hurt you and I am so very sorry, but I swear I never used you. I genuinely care for you, ALL of you and appreciate all you have done for me and Leann, or I would already be running after what I had just witnessed. I don't want to lose you too. Why can't we just please sit down and talk about this...really talk and listen and stop trying to hurt each other?? Let me try to fix this."
Narcisse knew that he had already scraped the bottom of the barrel with all he had just said and now he knew he must go even lower. You just weren't safe with him anymore.
"Because I have come to see it is no longer worth it. You...are not worth it and never were. It IS very much about who I am. It's about who everyone is because no one is your precious King or even Garrett, for they are all you speak of. No one else is good enough for you. I will not let you have me without the madness that makes me. If our demons cannot dance, neither can we." he growled with cold eyes and walked away again.
This time you did not follow, but stood there with a gaping mouth as many tears now fell.
Pouring himself more of the liquid courage to help him proceed in ripping both of your hearts out some more in order to push you away, Stephane drank it down, hesitating to turn and face you, for he could feel your tears and to see it would break him, so he remained a coward and faced the bar, then reluctantly began to continue on about Catherine.
"I called you here to inform you in person about Catherine so you wouldn't be blindsided by her release. Is that what a heartless person would do?"
"Catherine's....re...lease??" you stammered. "Wh...why on earth would you do such a thing????"
"I do believe that is none of your business. My castle, my rules and it's about time people start respecting that. I told you what you needed to know, now what you need to do is pack up your daughter and go back home with Legolas after this night."
"Are...are you insane??? Not only is Harker out there but so are Jareth's orcs! They attacked Legolas and Aragorn and almost killed the man who is travelling with them!"
"Insane? I have been called much worse, although I am sure many would be inclined to agree with you. Now, you can take your opinion and run along. I have a much needed bath awaiting before entertaining the enemies."
Narcisse gulped down the last of his bottle, then grabbed a robe and stormed out of the room, leaving you not only reeling at his lack of giving a shit but also wondering where he was even going since his bath was right there in his chambers, so once again, you followed him.
The room you entered consisted of a sizeable stone pool surrounded by dim candlelight and the air scented of floral fragrance, for upon the opaque water floated multiple flower petals. Pink roses if you were to guess.
Stephane stared at you with a scowl and undressed right before your stunned eyes, then scoffed when you promptly turned away upon the removal of his leather pants.
"As if you have never viewed my cock before. Why are you still here??" he griped as he yanked his ring off, then threw that and his robe to the floor.
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The Yin and Yang gemstone clanked it's way to your feet. Keeping your back to the very nude Narcisse, you snatched it up.
"Oh stop with the infantile theatrics for once. You know why I'm here. You don't get to drop a bomb on me like that about Catherine and just walk away. I demand to know why you would set her free!!"
You trembled as you could feel him creeping up behind you. It wasn't because you feared him but because of how intimidated you were by his bare form. Not only had you laid your eyes upon the splendid sight of sculpted beauty a few times before, but you had also laid your body on it as well, so why were you so damn nervous??
"YOU will demand nothing of me." he snarled into your ear as he reached around you and swiftly snatched the ring right back out of your hand, but not fast enough to avoid the electrifying current. Gasping in unison with you, Narcisse quickly made his way into the vat of sparkling liquid and sat down to conceal his waxing wood, for the shock had greatly aroused him.
Slowly, you turned to face him once you heard the slosh of his descent beneath the water.
"Well then, I guess Catherine being on the loose is the lesser of two evils with what else has been released!"
"Alright, I'll bite. What do you mean?" he firmly asked while sitting stiffer than the stiffness below him.
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"It's what I have been trying to tell you and why I need to find Ashmole. Jareth has done it. He has risen the dead, just like that psychic woman told me at my party or...I should say, like Peter told me in that vision I saw of him and now...he will come for me! I cannot leave here Stephane! Or you would be handing me right to him."
"And just how is it that you know this?"
"How do you not?? You know he has the three page spell to do it, no thanks to my mind altered father and just before I came to you today, I...I had another vision. It was...it was the vampire Kate. I saw her, with a head and all and...with Garrett. My visions are just like my dreams, both of the present and future and they are increasing and if I saw Kate, then many more are out there somewhere, waiting for something, something that I fear will change our lives forever. I fear a war is coming for the winter solstice. An army of the dead. I feel it. Even Legolas senses something sinister in the air."
Narcisse's bright blues gaped at the water in realization that your words were true. Jareth was the reason Rahl had resurrected and in that moment, he saw his denounced dark half reflecting back at him in the ripples, clawing at his soul to fully emerge from the grave...a box bound by 7 iron chains buried deep inside of Stephane's mind where he had cast him out to, but he could feel the chains breaking, one by one as if it were the rapture.
"Ahhh, I see now. That is what has your panties all in a bunch. Once again, it is because of Garrett. You're jealous."
"W...what??? What the hell is wrong with you??!! THAT is all you can speak of after what I just told you?? Not to mention AGAIN that you are releasing Catherine and having some party tonight as if Harker and the dead are not upon us! Oh, and there's the fact that you shapeshifted into a wild cat larger than Blaze! Seriously, what is happening? WHO are you and what have you done with Stephane???"
Stephane's expression was sullen and his gaze soulless, much like the soulless orbs of the animal that preyed upon you moments earlier. A soulless animal he once told you he was not and his words were as icy and cold as his dilated blues.
"The man you speak of no longer exists."
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As you stood frozen by his words, he rose from the water. It was a shimmering sight that you now could not remove your eyes from no matter how hard you tried, almost as if magic were being used upon you, breaching your shield.
Narcisse slowly approached you in a most tantalizing manner, the water dripping and glistening over every inch of his masculine form as if he had been slathered in baby oil as his cock gave you it's undivided and full attention.
"I'm a monster. Refume by unfortunate events and given breath by necessity."
You took a staggering step back, unable to breathe. Unable to break the animal magnetism radiating between your bodies until his pupils glowed of the sun once more, followed by a low emitted growl that vibrated through his adam's apple.
Gasping, you stumbled back and found yourself racing out the door and down the hall, constantly glancing behind you, expecting to once again see the melanistic monster with paws measuring the size of both your hands combined, charging after you, but instead, you ran smack dab into Charles as you turned the corner.
"My lady?!! You...you look a fright." the young warlock exclaimed as his arms clutched tightly around your waist.
"I..." you panted and swung your head around to see an empty quiet hall behind you. "I...oh gosh. Well now I am just embarrassed." you softly said as you released Charles while a handful of people he had been speaking with, all stared at you.
"I was just...in a hurry...that's all. I apologize for my clumsiness." you explained, glancing behind you once more.
"Are you sure that is all it is? It would seem as if you believed something were...chasing you?"
His eyes were concerned and confused and you had to wonder if Charles knew of his father's "condition", but you certainly were not going to ask in front of the all the eyes still upon you.
"Oh no, no. I just need to go refresh for this evening's gathering, so I...I will just be on my way now. I'll see you then."
You awkwardly smiled and quickly resumed your path but once you came to the end of the hall, Francis and Mary rounded the corner. As the King and Queen of Lake Town passed you, Francis had slowed his pace to lock his baby blues with yours once again. He also offered you a slight head bow and a subtle smile, then continued on his way to call out to his half brother Charles.
Out of curiosity, you stood by the exit to watch as Charles turned with a sizeable smile.
"Francis." he raved and gave a hand swaying bow to the golden haired King.
Francis skipped the formal greeting altogether and went straight to embrace his little brother as Mary kept her distance and watched as well.
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You knew nothing really about Francis but from what you could see, he truly cared for Charles and vice versa.
The two stood and conversed, but not loud enough for you to hear, so after a moment, you turned to leave, only to be startled by Mary.
"Oh..my!" you halted and gasped as your hand planted onto your chest.
"Oh dear, my apologies. Forgive me. I did not mean to frighten you. I am Mary. And you are Queen Josephine of Mirkwood?"
"I am sorry we did not have the chance to meet when you and your King were in Lake Town. My King and I were away on business. Luckily I suppose, considering the dragon's destruction. I would like to thank you for your aid in ridding of the foul creature and I...I offer you my...condolences over King Thranduil."
"Thank you." you simply and softly replied as your eyes fell.
Her eyes fell too as she fidgeted with her clasped fingers that laid upon the beaded bodice of her golden gown, that from the waist down, looked as if a thousand ducks had been plucked to assemble it. The girl was most likely no older than you with long waves of dark chocolate hair coordinating with her coffee hues and in them was a pool of true sorrow. Mary knew of the breath that Thranduil still took and may have been aiding her own King in Narcisse's blackmailing, but she was far from content with it. She did it only for the happiness of Francis so his mother could be free, even when she herself knew what Catherine was, for the two always clashed. No one was good enough for Catherine's son, whom Mary deeply loved. And because of that love, she couldn't even imagine what you must be going through.
"A...penny for your thoughts?" you asked the suddenly distant girl who you just realized probably did not even know what a penny was. "Oh...sorry. It's just...modern day currency where I'm from."
Mary's rosy lipped smile grew wide as she giggled. "Oh, I know what it is. My late father-in-law was the greediest man in all of middle earth. He traveled far and wide and had quite the colossal collection of riches, even pennies, which he had mounds of."
Well, that explained to you why Peter ended up there in his search for you and bought the emerald pendant from the abhorrent Alfrid just before Thranduil had captured him. If anyone was a greedy bastard, it was piggish Peter.
"I just...I feel terrible for what you have been through. Word travels far." she continued, then smiled again. "I'll take my penny now."
"Well." you smiled back. "If I come across one again, I will give it to you."
"That would be nice. I know they are not worth much, but to be gifted one from a beautiful Queen would be quite the treasure. It is nice to meet you Josephine. I hope we will see more of each other. I better tend to my husband. He and Charles seem to be in a disagreement of sorts."
You smiled and turned to see and hear the two young men quarreling and you knew exactly what it pertained to. Catherine being released, for Charles was greatly opposed to it and it was quite apparent that Charles had the better head upon his youthful shoulders when it came to her true colors.
"Just ask Josie! She'll tell you!" Charles shouted and motioned for you to come over.
"I do not need to hear her side, for it is not her decision." Francis firmly stated.
"And it is yours?? This is not your castle. It is my father's!"
"And he has agreed to free her. She is our mother Charles. She will not be treated like an animal! Why on earth would you side with the man who destroyed our family??"
Charles scoffed at his brother and quickly turned to you, where you stood hiding slightly behind Mary.
"Is this true?? Did my father agree to release her???" he asked in desperation.
"I...Charles...I'm..sorry. He...has and.."
"Unbelievable!" he snapped and spun back to Francis. "She coerced our sister into using black magic to kill a King vampire, which could have brought a war to our lands that we would surely lose and she also forced her into helping to poison a Lorien elf! And now our sister faces being banished from here with a newborn child!"
"Claude is a grown woman and made her own choices. She was not forced. She will be better off away from here anyways and to return with me to Lake Town, our home Charles! Where you should be as well."
"THIS is my home. I will go nowhere with you, nor will my sister!! You're as mad as our mother! I am going to go have words with my father!"
Charles stormed past you, but you grasped his arm. "Charles, no! I...umm, Narcisse...he's...he's in a bad way at the moment and I would not advise a confrontation. Trust me...please." you pleaded with worried but stern eyes which Charles seemed to understand.
He stiffened up straight and sighed as he lifted his chin to glare at Francis.
"I don't know what you have done to my father, but know this. This is far from over...brother."
Your heart was racing as Charles marched off, for you were praying he would heed your warning about Narcisse. Charles may have been merely 19 years old, but he was hot headed and certainly no push over, just like his father.
Francis turned to you with a smile, showing no sign of shame or regret over the dispute. It was as if it had not even happened.
"My lady. We have not been properly introduced. I am King Francis of Lake Town and I am honored to be in the presence of such beauty."
The audacious blonde bowed down, then took your hand and kissed it right on front of Mary, making you feel terribly awkward and bad for her.
You gently and politely as possible, slipped your hand out of his and forced a smile, when really, all you wanted to do was slap him.
"I...I am Josephine."
"Oh I know exactly who you are. A queen as well. It is such a shame to hear about your King. I suppose now I will have to confer with Legolas for our trades. Or maybe...I shall speak with you instead? I would greatly prefer that. Maybe over some dinner and wine?"
The words going through your mind at that moment were far from queen like. The nerve of this jackass...oh god, Josie, calm down. Breathe. You glanced at Mary, who remained silent with her head hung low, fidgeting again with her hands.
"It is King Legolas and he would be the one to speak business with is usually not discussed over dinner and wine."
The look in his blue eyes told you he was turned on by the way you shut him down.
"We can always skip the business then and just enjoy each other's company. In the meantime, I'll let you ponder on that. Mary...come. I must go see my mother now."
Francis walked off, not even waiting for Mary, so you quickly stopped her.
"I...I am so sorry for that. Please know, I..I would never..."
She softly smiled and took your hand. "It is alright. You are not his first conquest and certainly will not be his last. I..I must go."
As you watched her catch up to Francis, you wondered the same thing that Charles had asked...how did he get Narcisse to free Catherine? Off you then went as well, for you needed to speak to Lola about Stephane's past once more.
Lola was rocking Leean's cradle and singing softly to her when you arrived and you noticed her tears before she quickly turned away to wipe them.
"Lola?? Is everything alright?"
"Oh yes." she proclaimed as she turned with a smile. "Don't mind me. I was just thinking of my mother after we had spoke of her earlier. She used to sing to me and Leean really likes it. Even more so when you do it."
"I am so sorry Lola. I never meant to upset you. I...I miss my mother too. Well, the one I used to know as a child wearing rose colored glasses. Lola, I don't mean to change the subject but...when we spoke of Narcisse earlier, you said there was a time when he was different? Could you elaborate a little more on that because...something is very wrong with him. It's like....it's like there are two of him."
"Yes, that is kind of how he was from what my mother told me. Not kind at all and he dressed much differently. Robes and such, mostly of a scarlet red. Longer hair, dark as coal and his scent was different as well...kind of like..."
"Pepper??" you abruptly interrupted.
"Y...yes? I believe so."
You paced about for a moment in deep thought, fidgeting with your own hand, for it was itching something awful, then you stopped to look at her.
"You're certain it was Narcisse and not a...twin? I know you said before that you did not believe him to have any other brother but Bash, but you were just a child. It's just that... he told me something once that is not adding up now."
"I suppose I cannot be certain. I never saw or knew the Narcisse my mother described and he..."
"He what?" you asked when Lola had paused in thought.
"Well, he...he went by some other name too, I...suppose there could be a twin? If so, he surely never speaks of him. There's only one other person that would most likely know. His brother...Bash."
"Was the name...Lord Rahl??"
"I...yes. Yes, that sounds right. I think it was?"
That is where you would head next, to Bash, for now you were worried that if there was an evil dark twin like Stephane had told you there was, was he the one you had just encountered?? Had he done something with the real Narcisse and taken his place?? Because Lola confirmed the scent of pepper and that is exactly what you smelled. Although Stephane told you that he killed Rahl, it was certainly possible he was brought back by Jareth. OR...were Narcisse and Rahl the same entity? Holy shit.
"Lola..I...I have to go. I..I will see you and Leean tonight for the dinner party and I want you both to stay at Legolas' side. I will find him and send him back here to get you."
As you turned to go refresh, Lola gasped.
"Josie?? Your hand...it's bleeding!"
You also gasped as your eyes gaped at the blood trickling down your fingers.
"Owww, god." you groaned as you quickly squeezed a cloth into your fist, then sat down, for you suddenly felt dizzy and overheated.
"What happened?" Lola asked as she promptly brought you a pitcher of healing water, then sat beside you to help clean the wound.
Not wanting to tell her the whole story just yet until you spoke to Bash, you decided to fib...just a little.
"I..uh...broke a mirror earlier and...cut my hand when I was cleaning it up."
Lola pried open your clenched fist and removed the cloth.
"Oh my. Josie, that's pretty deep and looks...possibly infected."
It did. The gash was slightly blackened around the edges and it burned, and strangely, even more so when Lola patted it with the water soaked cloth.
"Mmmmph." you flinched. "I'm sure it will be fine after I soak it for awhile."
"Maybe you should have the healers look at it? You...you seem a bit pale."
If only Thranduil were here, you thought as tears stung your eyes. He would heal you right up with one touch of his soft magical hand.
"I'm alright. The sight of blood has always made me feel queasy."
The dizziness seemed to have passed, so you took the pitcher into the wash room and filled the sink basin, then held your breath as you submersed your hand. Five seconds was all you could withstand before you had to abruptly withdraw.
"Jesus!" you cringed and then noticed a sizzling effect on the cut of both sight and sound.
"It's like it's fucking holy water. I should be asking YOU Narcisse or whomever you are, what YOU did to me??" you complained under your breath while you angrily wrapped and secured a clean dry cloth around your hand.
"Lola, if Leggy comes back while I'm gone, tell him I went to speak to Bash and that I will be back soon. We can all go to the dinner together. Keep this door locked until then. it is to only be opened for myself or Legolas. If Narcisse happens to show up, you tell him, through the door, that I am not here and that Leean is sleeping so he'll go away."
"Through...the door? Josie...what is going...."
You were out the door and rushing down the hall before she could finish. One way or another, you had to find out the truth because it now seemed that danger not only lurked outside of the castle walls, but still remained inside of them as well.
"Bash!" you loudly whispered against his chamber door as you briskly tapped upon it. "I need to speak to you again. It's urgent."
"It's open." he called to you.
Upon your swift entry, you found Sebastian leaning against the wall by the open balcony doors, looking as if he had seen a ghost. Had he?
"Bash?? Is something wro...."
You froze solid as you came into view of the dead blackbirds scattered about the terrace floor. Slowly, you walked past him with wide eyes to get a better look, praying one of them was not your Freddy, the ridiculous name Garrett had given your crow over his Scooby Doo fetish.
As you visually searched through the feathered carcasses, you soon sighed heavily in relief because they were all too small to be your faithful friend.
"Bash...w..what caused this??"
"Mayhem and death. Birds fall from the sky when evil witches like him are near."
"Him?? Are you speaking of Harker?"
You had only known Bash for merely 2 months, but in that short time, you could tell he was a warlock warrior who feared nothing, not even Harker who had almost killed him...but in that moment, he looked absolutely terrified. And he was, for he had all the answers you sought and although it was a secret to have never escaped his lips, Bash knew this time, he had to tell you and later face the consequences.
"Narcisse...did this?"
"Rahl." he simply stated with a horrified stare into your eyes.
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"So....Narcisse does have a twin." you whispered as you clutched your burning hand. "Bash...I...he told me he was dead but...I think this Rahl was one of the many Jareth has conjured back from the dead with that spell and I think he has done something with Stephane!!"
"Twin? There is no twin. My brother Stephane and Rahl are very much one and the same." Bash verified and then glanced at the dead birds. "The only difference is that everything Stephane is, Rahl is the opposite of."
You had to sit down. You knew this was a possibility, but to have it be validated was overwhelming. Stephane had what you would know as...D.I.D. Dissociative Identity Disorder, otherwise known as a split personality or an alter...but who was the true identity? At least now you knew Stephane wasn't being held captive somewhere...or dead.
"So...he...he lied to me..."
"Wouldn't you? Lie about it? It's not something he is proud of, nor did he want it. Rahl has done evil things, like Harker and Jareth. Some he recalls, some he does not and Stephane is ashamed and certainly would not want you of all people to know, in fear of what you would think of him. My brother was never perfect. He had his own bad side when he was crossed. You've seen it. He punishes the evil, but he is not a cold blooded killer like Rahl."
"I...I suppose I understand that, for I was able to talk him out of doing some horrible things and I don't feel I would have succeeded if he did not have goodness in him. I..I'm just trying to process all of this. Referring to one body by two different names. I know it's a real thing, I just have never encountered it."
"Rahl is his second given name, after our father. Our father, who I believed caused the split by making him do despicable things as an adolescent. Stephane wanted to be good...of light. Not dark like our father, but our father expected more from him, being the oldest and he placed a very heavy weight on him to follow in his footsteps and that's exactly what Rahl did."
"He...he told me Rahl had your father killed, by that man Stephane fought and killed in the gambling tournament to the death."
"Yes, but it didn't quite go as planned. That man, Theodore, was his good friend whom he met because of Catherine. He was her husband, King Henry's brother. Rahl tricked Theodore by morphing into Stephane's image and offered him a very large sum of money to kill our father. He was full of greed just like Theo, so he knew he could get him to do it and not have to get his own hands dirty, possibly due to his subconscious, which I think was Stephane trying to fight him. But that quickly changed. Before Theo arrived that night, an argument revealed the our father had killed our mother and despite his blackened heart, Rahl loved our mother, so he killed our father first. Stephane didn't remember it right away. I think the trauma caused the memory lapse and when he did recall the events years later, that's when he set out to kill Theodore and end Rahl himself. As I said, our father did terrible things and made him do the same, but to Stephane, he was still our father whom he did everything to please....and he hated himself for what he had done, although sometimes I wonder if Stephane possibly wanted our father dead too. It would be a lie if I said I did not have similar feelings. I still stood by my brother though, because I knew of the things our father made him do. I tried to help him but I could never get through to him. There was nothing I could do. Rahl was too strong and powerful, even more so than Stephane. I never blamed Stephane for the things he had done. It wasn't his fault. I believed his hand was forced and his mind was ill."
"And he did all this for the crown? Stephane said his father didn't want Rahl to have it."
"He did at one time, but that was before he noticed the new change in him, the good side, the real Stephane, the one before our father's dark influence consumed him at a young age, altering his mind and that's when things went sour. Two others knew about his condition. One being your father Julian who tried to help him. That book you seek, the one Julian has hidden, it has the spell to lock the alter away in his mind and it also has the power to release him. Your father banished Rahl before he hid the book away to keep it out of Jareth's and other evil one's hands....including your mother's....because your mother, Caroline, who was the other with the knowledge of my brother's illness...she's the reason our father was killed."
"When Julian took Ashmole from his mother Jadis to undo Jareth's death, Caroline got her hands on it temporarily. When your father unknowingly slept with her twin Carrie, she punished all who knew and kept it from her and that included my brother. She brought the darkness of Rahl out of Stephane to a diabolical head... in a way no one had ever seen and hence, Darken Rahl was born. More wicked than our father could perceive. More wicked than he. Our father believed he would destroy all he had built and he denied him his right to the throne, so Rahl chose to take it, which is why Stephane has never called himself a King. In Rahl's short years of reign, even then he strangely was addressed as Lord Rahl, for again, I believe Stephane was somewhere inside of him, very much aware."
"God...my mother, even dead, still destroys people's lives. I've always known there are many things I don't know about that she's done and I'm sure this is only a fraction of it and...."
It just hit you. Something that you should have realized long before.
"Oh dear god Bash."
He tilted his head and stepped towards you with questioning furrowed brows.
"My lady?"
"My mother! What if Jareth....could he have brought her back as well?? And could she have awoken Rahl again?? She wouldn't need the book, for I am certain she would remember the spell...or...or did Jareth wake him up???"
"I suppose either or both are possible, but I hope for your sake, your mother was not one of the resurrected. I have never met her but her wicked reputation certainly precedes her in all of middle earth."
"Damn it. Why did my father have to go back for those pages?? Harker would never have gotten his hands on them if it weren't for that and my father would not have been converted to darkness. So now, what do we do about all of this without the book?? Because if you know about Rahl, then surely you must know about his animal form, the fucking gigantic jaguar I encountered earlier."
"You saw that?? That means....he is closer to surfacing than I realized."
"I not only saw it, I was scratched and it burns like hell. I tried the healing water, but it intensified the burn." you explained as you held your bandaged and trembling hand out.
Bash tried to hide his growing concern as he took your hand to look it over, but the light tremors in his fingers told on him.
"The water won't help it. It's like adding fuel to the fire. His claws are poisonous and his bite is venomous, both like no other. As I said, Rahl and Stephane are opposites even if they share the same body. Rahl propels poison, Stephane repels it. The Rahl that Stephane created is not the Rahl your mother conjured in the past and the one brought forth now will only be 3 times worse. It's like a pain scale of mild, moderate and severe."
"Third time is definitely not a charm. So what is it going to do to me?? And how do I get rid of it...and is that even possible?? Stephane, he repels poison yes, well, except mine for some reason, possibly because it was not him I cast the silverbane upon??...and his peppermint scent...it heals poison. He healed me from the dark forest and from wolfbane, so can he not heal me??"
"The question is...will he? Unless you can get Stephane to resurface, there is not much time before you will suffer vivid hallucinations and pain, and your powers will be completely useless. You will also be at Rahl's mercy. You will need Delphine, a witch doctor, for she has the only known antidote. She resides near the city. After the party tonight, I will go and try to locate her. She doesn't trust anyone but me."
"Stephane...he...he was still himself...right after he shifted back and realized what happened and what he had done. He was extremely worried for me...but then...his personality quickly began to change and when I last saw him, well...he was definitely not himself."
"The rapid change...It's because of the shift. After the cat appears, he is all Darken Rahl."
"It's my fault. I...I accidentally brought the beast out by shocking him...god...I need Garrett!! He can heal me, I know it. BUT...he is off doing who knows what with his former mate that Jareth revived. Bash, you must be very careful. Her shock is far worse than mine and let's not forget Harker and what he has already done to you. And I know Aragorn, Bard and Gimli went looking for Haldir, but please, if you see him, tell him I'm so sorry and that I miss him."
"I will...Josie...It's not your fault. You couldn't have possibly known. I will find Delphine and I will even be on the lookout for Garrett and the newly remodeled Kate. I will tell him you need him. I do not fear her nor Harker. Stay close to Legolas this evening and I will keep my eye on my brother. You should go now, before he finds you in here again."
After you left, you went back to your room to find a note from Lola on the vanity stating she, Legolas and Leean went to the dining hall to wait for you and that Boromir was anxious to speak with you. You had forgotten all about him and that he had come all the way there to inform you of something quite urgent, almost dying in the process.
You then went to the dresser to find some lace gloves to conceal your hand and as you did so, you caught your reflection in the mirror. Tears instantly formed at the mess you had become. Not on the outside, but the inside. It was a moment when you had felt more alone than you ever had.
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You had to turn away, for you feared you would see Garrett again and you didn't need to be reminded, as if you'd ever forget, that he abandoned you and chose to be with a demon summoned from hell. All you had now were Leggy and Lola. All were gone, even Narcisse...even your letter to Thranduil that mysteriously vanished and you really wanted to read it again to feel close to him.
You sat on the bed, lost in the thought of your King, for he is all you truly wanted...and that's when the full blown tears came.
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"Thranduil?? My love.." you squeaked. "I...I don't feel you anymore and I'm scared. I'm so scared and I'm lost and...I'm in trouble and I...I just need you...please...somehow, please come back to me...please my King, come ba...."
You loudly gasped and sprung to your feet and your heart paused and dove into your gut when you realized something else. Something horrifying, yet miraculous. Something even you wanted to do once.
Your words then came flooding out of you, choking away your air.
"Oh my god...could Jareth have done it?? Is...Thranduil alive too????"
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scriberated · 3 months
Instruments of Salvation Ch. 22
Chapter 22 | Ao3
Chapter Summary:
“You’re observant – for a Man,” Haldir said, though it sounded less like a compliment than it was phrased. “No doubt it is a skill that has played a great part in how far you have risen in rank.”
“Part of it,” Halbrand agreed, growing wary, and settled on offering an amiable smile. “Some consider me charming, too. But I’d like to think it’s the love and fealty I bear for my people that have given me such strength. It’s for them that I am here now.” Well-practiced half-truths slipped from his lips with ease, a second thought to the distraction that was the turmoil radiating from Galadriel’s side of the bond. 
“We shall see,” Haldir said, shrugging. “Bronwyn seems like a good woman. She and Arondir have done well to help your people acclimate in your absence. Both spoke well of you, for what it’s worth.”
“And is it?” he asked. “Worth anything, I mean? We have only just met but you do not seem to share their opinion, nor have you tried particularly hard to pretend otherwise.” Halbrand wondered how much damage control he would need to do before meeting with the High King. It did not sit well with him that he had barely set foot in the city and already suspicion was laid at his feet. There was too much at stake for any more of this to go wrong. 
Work Summary: It is Galadriel that is mortally wounded in the battle of the Southlands, not Halbrand. He weighs her life against the consequences of her death, and, with few options and less time, decides to save her. All magic comes with a price. Multiple POVs, alternating irregularly between Galadriel and Sauron. Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Ships: Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Galadriel | Artanis/Sauron | Mairon, Elrond Peredhel & Galadriel | Artanis, Elrond Peredhel & Durin IV, Elendil the Tall/Tar-Míriel, Disa (The Rings of Power)/Durin IV (Tolkien) Tags: Fuck Or Die, Cosmic Connection Taken Literally, All Magic Comes With a Price, Eventual Smut, Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Soul Bond, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Slow Burn, Possessive Behavior, Possessive!Sauron, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Minor Character Death, Vaginal Sex, Soul Bond, Plot With Porn
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
A Broken Heart Must Be Healed On Its Own
Haldir of Lórien x Reader
Word Count: 2K Warnings: Angst
Author's Note: But the pairing of Galadriel's daughter and Haldir is just *mwah* perfection! -Thorne
It was, the first week of winter by the time she made it home from Erebor. The air had chilled considerably, and most mornings were covered in a fine layer of frost before the winter sun warmed the land. Lothlórien was never known to have true snowfall like other places, as Lady Galadriel’s magic, and the forest itself was an eternal spring and autumn, but sometimes, she would awaken in the mornings, when the moon was still in the sky, and tiny snowflakes would decorate the kingdom outside.
Oddly enough, it seemed winter had blessed Lothlorien with a bit of snowfall as she quietly crossed back into the realm and under the veil of her mother’s protection. Her heart still ached, as it would no doubt for centuries after, but even elves like she knew that sometimes, time healed even the deepest of wounds.
She arrived, greeting the elves who bowed for her and ascended the stairs to her mother and father’s chambers. As if her mother knew she was coming, and she did—always did, the eyes of Lady Galadriel met hers, and she all at once was overcome with a great grief, crystal tears filling her eyes as she dropped her bag and fell into her mother’s arms.
Lady Galadriel said nothing, save quiet hums as she caressed her daughter’s head, already knowing the tragedy that had befallen the land east of Mirkwood—word had always travelled fast, as did magic. The adventure was one her daughter had to go on, to find something of worth for herself, not in material items, but within her heart and soul, and she knew that her daughter had found it, even at the expense of such deep emotion.
It was quite a long while before the tears finally dried and she lay against her mother’s shoulder, no longer sniffling, but staring blankly at the land outside the arches. “I am deeply grieved, mother,” she whispered. “For my own loss, but the pain of my friends, grieves me too.”
“Yes,” Galadriel murmured.
“I wish I could take their pain from them. It hurts me that I cannot heal their hearts.” She shifted as much she could, trying to get closer to her mother. “What good is my ability to heal if I cannot heal the broken hearts of the ones I love?”
Her mother’s hand came up to cup her cheek, thumb brushing delicately over her skin. “Some pain we are meant to feel, hína nîn. It reminds us that we are alive.” Galadriel’s voice was soft but ever wise. “Your ability is to heal physical wounds, not the wounds of the heart. That is something someone must heal on their own.”
Pulling away, she looked at her mother, searching for something in her gaze and opened her mouth, but no words came out.
“I am proud of you though, hína nîn,” Galadriel said. “For you have done what was right. Stood up against evil in many forms to do justice. You have made us all here so honored.”
“I have only tried to live up to your own standard, mother,” she smiled halfheartedly, and Galadriel merely offered a smile of her own.
“You love has waited quite a long time for you to return home. Perhaps you should go and see him.” her mother gave her a knowing look. “It is, after all, the first time you have ever left with anger in your heart.”
She nodded, letting out a sigh. “I shall, but I would like to see father first. I wish for his comfort as well.”
Galadriel nodded, helping her daughter to her feet before taking her arm in hers, leading her to her father.
It was nightfall by the time she returned to the quarters she and her love shared. There was still an ache in her heart, but it had slowly begun to heal, as if the love from her mother and father was magic in and of itself. She pushed open the door, greeted by the sight of her husband bent over a desk, papers surrounding him as he rubbed at his temples and pinched the bridge of his nose. It reminded her of their last talk before she left.
“I simply mean I do not think this is a wise decision.”
“And I recognize this. Do not think that the mere danger of this quest is somehow beyond me, Haldir, or do you forget that I was once face to face with a terrible evil once?”
“That is not what I mean to say, and you know that.”
“I know what you mean. You do not want me going.”
“Of course I do not! You could die! Do you any how grieved all of Lórien would be if you did?”
“Life is not lived without its risks. This is something I must do.”
“Please, my love, do not go. I do not wish for you to put yourself into harm’s way as such where I cannot protect you.”
“I unfortunately cannot acquiesce to your desire, Haldir. I am leaving with Mithrandir at dawn.”
“I do not think you understand! You need—”
“Let go of my arm lest you lose it, Haldir.”
“…You have forgotten that you are no longer just your mother’s daughter. You are my wife. I am your husband. Your life is mine and mine yours. You are taking a risk without assessing my concerns and it is wrong. This is wrong. You, are wrong.”
“Then I will be wrong. But this is something I must do, and you will not stand in my way, husband or no.”
“Fine. Go then. If something befalls you so horrible that you do not come home to me, then you will know I was right.”
She huffed quietly and leaned against one of the pillars in their common room. “To think, my great, Marchwarden husband has met his final downfall, and it is not an enemy blade, but reports.”
Haldir jumped at her voice, startled eyes meeting hers as he rose from the desk, fingers touching the papers, but he didn’t move from behind it. “You—” he fell silent, gathering himself as his eyes became hidden. “I had heard you made it back to Lórien.”
“Yes,” she said, walking over to where a glass pitcher was; she poured two glasses of crimson wine and held it out for him. “Forgive the delay, I had to see Mithrandir and Bilbo back to the Shire.”
He came around the desk and took the glass but didn’t drink from it even as he watched her do so. “I heard of what happened…the battle…the dwarves. To think that you were in the middle of such a battle, I—I cannot even begin to fathom such a fearsome sight.”
She blinked slowly, gazing out towards the night. “Yes…a great sadness it was. My heart weeps for my loss and for my friend’s losses too.”
“Meleth nîn,” he begged. “For what purpose did you go on this adventure? Was such grief and sadness worth it?”
Looking at him, she smiled with great sorrow. “You still have yet to understand.” She turned, sitting on the bench, and gestured for him to do so; when he did, she rested her head on his shoulder. “Losing someone I love, is something I know well.”
“Your sister…”
“Mhm. But the loss of my sister is different from the loss of Thorin, Fili, and Kili. That was a loss I was not familiar with. That of losing a friend. Someone who I shared values, hopes, and great friendships with.”
Haldir was confused. “You went on this journey…so you would know what it was like to lose a friend?”
“You have lost friends before, Haldir. You know what it is like to grieve a fallen brother or sister in arms.”
“Well, yes, but—"
“You have no doubt heard of my mother and brother-in-law’s battle in Dol Guldur. Sauron has returned. Perhaps not in full form just yet like he was ages earlier, but he will come back to great power soon. Loss of many things and people we hold dear is coming, my life. I wished to be prepared for that loss before it happened.” She sighed heavily, feeling the dull ache in her chest again. “But my poor heart was not as prepared as I thought for the losses of my much-loved dwarves. There is a deep pit within my heart, not only for my own loss, but for the feeling of grief that my other friends felt.”
He took her hand in his and thumbed the back of it. “I am sorry for your loss, my love. I wish it is a pain I could carry for you.”
She hummed low in her throat and turned her head up, looking at him. “Haldir, my husband, I ask your forgiveness. In the end, you were right. I am my mother’s daughter, but I am also your wife. And I should have heeded your concerns more cautiously. I am sorry I did not, and that I hurt you. Of all my grief, hurting you is what has caused me the most pain. I never meant to, and I am so sorry.”
Haldir tipped his head to the side, a sad but fond look on his face as he smiled and replied, “Then I must ask your forgiveness as well. I should not have taken my anger out and spoken ill of your journey. To be so jaded to you…it was unworthy of someone who is to love you wholeheartedly.”
Lady Galadriel was the only one on Middle Earth to have seen the trees, but Haldir swore sometimes he could see them in her daughter’s eyes, like now as she smiled at him and leaned forward, nuzzling her nose to his.
“Melin gin, Haldir,” she whispered, and he closed his eyes, reaching up to cup her cheek, once more so glad to hold his wife in his arms.
“And I you, meleth nîn, from this age, to the next, and until the end of all time.” He gently tipped her head up and pressed his lips to hers. “I prayed for your safety every day,” he murmured as he pulled back, resting his forehead to hers. “I watched as you left the forest and all I thought was that I said such horrid things and I had no way of knowing if your journey would be your last.”
She hummed and he opened his eyes, gazing into hers as she professed, “Not even all the hellish forces of Utumno could keep me from coming back to you, Haldir.” Pulling away, she rose from the bench, stood before him, and held out her hands, waiting for him to place his in hers. As he did, she squeezed them tight. “I swear to you, here and now, under the light of my mother’s forest, I will never again stray so far that you do not know where I will go. And should I go, then we shall go together.”
Haldir stood to his feet, a burning passion in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. “And I to you, that I will never again let you go alone. Wherever we go, we go together.” He smiled so widely at her, taking her face in his hands. “I have missed you so greatly, meleth nîn.”
“And I you, my life.” She pulled them towards the bed. “Rest with me and in the morning, I shall tell you all about my adventure.”
“I do not wish to cause grief, my love.”
“You will not,” she promised. “Besides, there and back? It is a tale worth telling for many ages to come.” Her eyes twinkled. “I fought against many things. Orcs, spiders, dragons. So many.”
“Did you win?”
“Of course!”
They fell into bed and Haldir held her as she snuggled into his chest; kissing her head, he said softly, “Rest, meleth nîn. I will watch for you.”
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New To This - Haldir X GN Reader
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Title: New To This
Haldir X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Lórien elves (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 1,420
Warnings: Awkwardness, misunderstandings, anxiety, nervousness, slight angst, orcs mentioned, LOTR canon violence mentioned, Haldir is a quiet simp, confessions, childhood friends to lovers, and fluff
You smiled when you saw the entrance to Lórien, your home. You entered the land, bringing your horse to a stop before you hopped off your steed. You found some of the march wardens that guarded the northern border of the forest. They nodded when they saw you, watching as you smiled and ran off, in search of your childhood friend, Haldir. You had been friends with him for as long as you could remember. The two of you would spend hours together at the edge of the forest when he wasn't guarding it. You loved Haldir, that's what you knew. You loved him for such a long time, but you didn't want to say anything, you didn't want to possibly lose your friendship, and lose him forever.
You walked towards him as fast as your legs could take you, calling out his name as you did. "Haldir!" You exclaimed happily as you reached his side, instantly wrapping your arms around him. 
Haldir froze, his arms hesitantly wrapping around you in return. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he spoke, "You've returned safely I presume?" 
You stepped away, letting go and stepping back a bit. "Yes, I am fine. No bruises, cuts, or scratches. I didn't even run into any orcs." You smiled triumphantly. 
"Well, that is good then." Haldir looked at you, smiling a bit. "How was your stay in Rivendell?"
"It was wonderful." You replied quickly, shrugging. "I had a lovely time."
Haldir smiled slightly, "You are not going to leave Lórien for good, are you?" He asked, not so subtly hinting to his slight fears that you would leave Lórien, and him, for Rivendell.
You shook your head, "Forever? No, Haldir, my friend. I wouldn't leave you or Lórien. The people here are my family." You rolled your eyes, "And you can not get rid of me that easily." Haldir nodded, continuing to smile slightly as you let out a sigh, "Well, I am going to head to my room for the night, I'll see you at breakfast?"
"Of course," Haldir spoke before watching you head off to your room. He sighed, watching you go, his heart pounding as he thought about how much better he felt when you were near. A small part of him wished you stayed longer, oh, how he missed you.
You had only been gone a couple of moons, but Haldir felt like you had been gone for decades. He couldn't stand it. It was driving him crazy. When you came back, he could hardly contain himself, he wanted to tell you how much you lit up his world. How he thought you were the reason the stars above shined. He wanted you to know just how much he loved you. And that he would do everything to keep you by his side. He sighed deeply, shaking his head. It was too soon for that. And you only saw him as your friend, he was sure of it. 
He could still feel your arms wrapped around him, how warm you were, and the feeling of your clothing underneath his fingertips. Haldir was usually very uncomfortable with physical touch, though with you... Well, he didn't mind. The feeling that ran through him when you hugged him was exhilarating and he felt as if he could fly. Haldir smiled to himself, remembering how your face seemed to light up upon seeing him. He didn't know how to deal with his feelings.
For the next couple of days, you'd meet with Haldir, greeting him with a hug every time. He always seemed to be a bit surprised when you did that, but it made him smile nonetheless. Every time you hugged him, he felt something inside him flutter, something new. And that made him happy. Though as his heart fluttered, you felt more and more that Haldir disliked the hugs that you gave him. He would always freeze up, seeming to tense whenever you held onto him. Haldir seemed to have a bad habit of being stiff whenever you touched him. Slowly, you stopped hugging Haldir when you greeted him, and Haldir immediately noticed. 
He was confused by your sudden change in habits, you hadn't hugged him for a few weeks now, and he wondered if he did something wrong. Did he upset you in any way? Had he said something to hurt you? Was your friendship with him ruined? Haldir was anxious and he didn't know how to handle it. But he was determined to solve this issue, to find out what was going on with you. He hoped you weren't mad at him, because he would do anything to make things right between you. 
"Y/N," He began as you stood on one of the many wooden bridges of Lórien. "Have I done anything to offend you?" He abruptly asked, making you turn your head to look at him with wide eyes.
"No, Haldir. Why do you ask?" You spoke, confused and curious as Haldir looked off into the distance.
"You... Haven't hugged me in a long time." He began, feeling his face flush as he continued, "You usually greet me in such a way, but you haven't as of recently."
You turned to look off into the distance, "Oh."
Haldir let out a small breath before he continued to speak, "I... I will admit that I have been missing your... Touch." Haldir muttered nervously out.
You raised an eyebrow, turning back to look at his side profile, "You... Do you?" You asked, sounding shocked.
Haldir nodded, "Yes, I do." He admitted sheepishly.
You frowned lightly, looking away again. "Then why do you freeze up, like you are uncomfortable?"
"I am... Just new to this. New to the feelings that I have for you."
"Feelings?" You looked back up at him, "What feelings?"
Haldir turned to face you, "I... I am in love with you." Haldir blurted out, looking away again from your gaze. The words slipped out of his mouth without thinking. His face flushed as he waited, hoping that he hadn't ruined his friendship with you. He didn't regret telling you, but he definitely regretted telling you so suddenly. He was worried that you would leave after hearing him confess.
You blinked slowly, trying to process what Haldir had told you. "Love...?" You breathed out finally. "But... You... What?"
"I have loved you for a long time since we were still learning the scrolls together." Haldir said softly, trying to ignore his racing heart and beating heart.
"Why have you never... Said anything?" You asked, not understanding.
"Because..." Haldir hesitated, "I was afraid of rejection. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you."
"Haldir, no, I am glad you told me!" You exclaimed, taking his hand in yours abruptly. "Please don't be embarrassed or scared of rejection. I am honored to hear you say these words."
"You are?" He asked anxiously, squeezing your hands tightly.
You nodded, "Positive. I love you, Haldir." Your voice was soft yet filled with excitement.
Haldir looked down to where your hand was connected, blushing heavily as he watched you intertwine your fingers with his. "I'm so relieved, Y/N." He mumbled quietly. He squeezed your hands tightly once more, smiling widely at you as his smile spread across his entire face.
You smiled brightly, laughing quietly as Haldir grinned down softly at you. Your heart was racing as you looked up at Haldir with bright eyes. This was all you ever dreamed about; a boy who loved you, and whom you were in love with. You had always dreamt of something like this happening. Now that it was actually happening, you couldn't help but burst into giggles. Haldir smiled down at you, chuckling lightly as well. You pulled your hand away from Haldir's grasp, bringing it up to cup his cheek gently before leaning up to kiss him. Haldir tensed, a blush forming on his cheeks once more. Before he relaxed, returning the kiss. You smiled against his lips, enjoying his warmth, tasting the sweetness of the wine that he always drank during meals. It was intoxicating. Haldir pulled away slightly, a grin spreading across his face. He kissed your forehead, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"I love you, Y/N." He whispered lovingly, placing another gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I love you too, Haldir." You replied, snuggling closer to him, breathing in his scent. You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply, relishing in the feeling of his arms around you.
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maironsbigboobs · 9 months
End of Year Fic Recs!
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
I wasn't tagged by anyone, but I can't resist the chance to share some faves:
Multi-Chapter Fics/Series
Reconcillation – by @transmairon –  T, Sauron/Celebrimbor, ongoing – Fourth Age Sauron facing the consequences of his actions and trying to reintergrate himself with the world. I cannot wait to see Celebrimbor’s reaction to meeting him again.
From Mother to Daughter – by Galenfea – Gen, 5k – The fiber arts passed down through the generations. This is the kind of topic I love; a peek into the everyday lives of elves.  I loved the world-building!
companions in shipwreck – by spellworth – T, multiple, ongoing – An exploration of canon of female characters. I love this one, wonderful writing and creatvity – especially when writing about characters where canon gives them a name at most.
Haunted, Hunted  - by @imakemywings – T, Elwing & Maedhros, 9.3k - Elwing goes for a walk in the woods… This one is so cool, I loved the fairytale elements and Elwing’s horror was palpable!
dye me, nocturne – by @solmarillion – T, Daeron/Maglor, 12k – Darron finds a stranger on the shore and they get talking. I love how messy Maglor is here, trying to get what he wants out of Daeron, and how raw this fic was in the grief and bitterness in these two exiles at the end of the First Age.
Single Chapter Fics/Oneshots
elvenkings – by @meadowlarkx– Gen, 1.5k – A look through history at Menegroth’s fall. This one had me sobbing, it’s so beautiful and full of tragedy.
Bow and Helm and Hand –  by @jouissants – E, Beleg/Mablung/Túrin, 3.5k – Mablung joins Beleg and Túrin on the marches. Very sexy and filled with wonderful characterisation and delicious hints of angst and foreboding.
Echo of the Music – by @starspray– Gen, Thingol/Melian, 471 – A sweet look at Melian and Thingol’s relationship to each other, to art and to music (and the Music)
"…on a place of insecurity." – by @carlandrea – Gen, Thingol/Melian – This is one of my favourite Thingol/Melian fics, it’s so tender and Melian’s foreboding makes me so emotional.
At the Moment of Parting – by @daegred-winsterhand – T, Beleg/Túrin, 1.5k – Sweet and sad, Turin’s grief is so thick and real.
Pre 2023 Fics
The Gleaming Road – by melblue – E, Éomer/Faramir, 28k – Misunderstanding is a favourite trope of mine and it adds to the Drama here, with poor Eomer not knowing what Faramir is expecting from him. I don’t read a lot of LOTR era fics at the moment but this one is an old fave!
The Marchwardens – by roseofthebrightsea – Gen, Beleg, Mablung, Haldir etc, 6k – I love fics that are snippets of characters lives and this has some wonderful writing and sharp characterisation in short words.
A Challenge  – by @polutrope – M, Daeron/Maglor, 1.4k – The fic that got me into Daemags! Such a fun and entertaining fic!
Unkinged – by @arofili – E, Finwë/Miriel/Indis, 1k – Looove this, a beautiful moment between the three of them in a happier time.
The Gold Are Venomous – by @aipilosse – E, Sauron/Celebrimbor, 3.1k – I love Fourth Age silvergifting and I love mischievious Annatar is here, still up to no good after all this time… though Celebrimbor isn’t complaining (much) 😉Sexy and amusing.
My Fics
I risk my life to make my name – E, Galadriel/Melian, 10k – Gawain and the Green Knight AU. This was my first attempt at something multi-chaptered and I really like it still; it was fun to write and I am pretty pleased with how it turned out.
Starlight – M, Mablung, 944 – Mablung falls in Menegroth. This is was fun because I love angst and I liked playing with the structure with flashbacks.
Feast – Gen, Idril & Turgon, 1k – Idril reflects on her time on the Ice and how her father looked out for her. I love thinking about Idril & Turgon.
Reunion – Gen, Andróg & Andvir, 858 – Andvir finds his father in the wilds. I am never not thinking about the Gaurwaith.
Jealous Kiss –  Gen, Celebrimbor/Sauron, 370 – Annatar teases Tyelpe. I love it when Annatar causes problems on purpose.
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Masterlist - LOTR & Hobbit
Tumblr media
The Hobbit (movie)
What tattoo do they have, where and what’s the significance if there is any? - All characters - Physical/Tattoos/Mentions of loss
Thorin Oakenshield
Saying to Thorin you'd want to live in Lothlorien - Drabble - Thorin & Reader - Future Follow-up Piece to be posted ;)
No Title - Childhood Friends to Enemies to Lovers - Thorin x Elf!Reader
Words Etched On Skin - Pranks/Humour/Soulmate!AU - Thorin x F!Reader
I'm everybody's favourite toy but nobody's favourite love - Poverty/Prostitution(mentions of)/Use of Y/N/Fluff - Thorin x Sex Worker!Reader
Fili Durin
Words - Ask/Prompt- Fairy Tale!AU/Happy Ending/Fluff/Angst - Fili x F!Reader
Affections - Miscommunication/Rejection/Angst/Happy Ending/Reader's Legolas friend first - Thranduil x F!Reader
Lord of the Rings (movies)
Promises - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 - Romantic/Three Parts/Unrequited love/Loss/Guilt/Angst with a fluffy ending - Eomer x F!Reader
Happiness - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 - Romantic/Three Parts/Arranged Marriage/Heavy angst with a fluffy end/Pregnancy/Mentions of grief and deaths - Eomer x F!Reader
Blue Moon - One-Shot - Romantic/Humble Worker/Reader loves horses - Eomer x Reader
Holding On - One-Shot - Romantic/Miscommunications/Haldir is being mean on accident/Exhaustion/Lack of sleep/Delayed Proposal of sorts - Haldir x Reader
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