#happy bi visibility day to questioning people
szsariii19 · 1 year
I just wanted to wish happy bi visibility day to my fellow questioning people. You deserve to be seen on this day as much as others do and I want you to know you're not alone <3
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chubypotato · 4 months
When you make crochet for them and people makes fun of it
@hell-hoound for you 🫶🫶 you basically gave me the half of the idea luv u 🫶🫶🫶
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You made him a cute little accessories for his jacket. He loves his jacket so much and wear it often so you made something not too much visible but still something.
Even though Sakura won't admit it he really love this accessory it makes him feel like you are with him.
Suo tents to tease him with it but in a friendly way he would often compliments it till the bi color head become red.
But one day someone dared made fun of it said it was ugly and that he shouldn't wear that.
That's it Sakura took it personally like this person just insulted you.
He didn't need anything else to jump on that guy and beat him hard enough he couldn't talk.
No one and he means it no one would ever insult you (even though they just made a bad comment about your crochet.)
He cherish this accessory with his life.
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You made him a jewelry close enough to looks like his earing but still different. I think you would match it with a bracelet you would wear all the time.
The simple thought you would match with him on something like that or you taking enough time to make him a gift made him fall over you again.
He would wear it every time you are with him or just when he misses you.
When people questioned him about it he just replied that you made it for him. People could feel how proud he was to have you in his life and that you made him that.
One day he was outside doing a patrol with other when a guy started making fun of his earing. Usually he would let it slide but since these one was the one you made him he didn't let that person keep talking that he respond.
He would break this guy emotionally not a single remorse in him. No one should say something about your work only compliments only that.
The guy ended up crying and left running away as far as possible.
The other were just looking at him and swear to never said something about his earing ever not even compliments they were scared.
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You made him a cardigan. Since he loves wear these type of close you thought he would be a good idea to make him one.
You took so much time on it cause well it's really long to make but his reaction worth it to be honest. Boy was so happy he hugged you thight and wear that cardigan as often as possible.
He would be non stop talking about it to the other yapping again and again about how much you are talented and cute and every compliments he could gave you.
One day he was on the street heading to kotoha cafe's with the other talking about the cardigan you made for him to sugushita when a random guy on the street would say it's not even that pretty.
That was too much for him. He tried to keep it cool but he was so pissed of about it.
He went to the guy and made him realised how shitty he was compared to you and that he didn't have 1℅ of your talent. The guy left just like his dignity and ego.
After that Kiryu went back to sugushita telling him how much he loves that cardigan for 50 times of the week.
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You made him an accesorry for his hair. You know how much your boyfriend loves mode and putting things on his hair so it was natural for you to make him an accessory about it.
You thought this guy would cry when you gave him. He was so emotional. He would wear it every day.
Once he got to school he would go straight to Sakura and Suo to show them how cute it was. He was so proud of it. He couldn't stop touching it and smile.
One day while you were waiting for your boyfriend you noticed the unusual time he took to comeback to you so you started looking for him.
And you found him. A guy were talking bad about your boyfriend saying hair accesorry do not suit him and to throw it away.
While your boyfriend were like trying to calm the guy by telling not to say that and to not letting hear you that. You were very protective of Nireii.
Too bad you were behind him. You started to be very angry how dare that guy telling bad thing about your precious angel.
You wanted to throw hand so you started to walk straight to the guy but your boyfriend took you away telling you he wasn't worth it.
After that he bought you food and listen to you being very angry at that guy.
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You made her a cute phone accessory and a matching one. It was a tiny things but still really precious to her.
She would not drag it to people but Umemiya wouldn't stop talking about it and saying he wants something like that too. But kotoha stopped him by telling it was a thing between her and you.
One day she was shopping for the cafe's patiently waiting on the line her turn on her phone when a guy starting making fun of her accessory.
Kotoha like the queen she is started to laugh ironically at the guy and telling him that he must be very insecure about himself to make fun of these kind of things.
She even started listing all the things he must be insecure about. When the situation started to curiously make people turn around the guy would left line his dignity.
Once she come back she would give you a big hug with a cute earing for the both of you to match and asked you to teach her how to crochet.
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You would have made him an accesorry for his glasses. You know how much your boyfriend loves wearing color glasses so one day while he was asleep you take his glasses and crocheting an accessory color matching his glasses.
He was not expecting you to do such a thing and would be so happy. Poor boy would not be used to be cared of like that he is always the one who takes care of everyone.
He would cherish it to much that he would prefer broke his bones instead of this gift.
But one day, one day someone didn't even make fun of the accesorry but of the glasses but Togame took it as it was the same thing.
He would jump on that guy and beat him so hard no one would dared to approach scared by the fact they would end up like that guy.
Later without knowing why you would have a boy on his knees face on the floor begging you for forgiveness.
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You would have make him a little tiger plush. It is so fluffy so adorable that he took it with him everywhere he just love it so much.
I mean how could he left your child alone at his home that is not good parenting.
Boy would even want to change the gang logo by the plush but you told him he shouldnt do that.
He would always show it to togame and even give him a name.
But one day it was the end of the world someone took his plush someone took your child!
Choji would ask togame to look for it with him. This boy would cry if he doesn't find it. He lost your child what would you say, he would lost the privilege to have it with him.
But he finally found it with some people of the gang making fun of it for no reason.
Choji would push the door asking the guy what they are doing and that they better make they payer now.
He would beat them out to unconsciousness and take their jacket. No one on the gang is allowed to make fun of his child.
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Definitely an accessory for his hair you could see how much they were bothering them when he was looking down so you decided to help him a bit.
Even thought he didn't let his emotion showed you know he enjoyed it since he wears it.
Especially with the fact that Umemiya told him it was cute and we could see how proud he was on his face.
You guys were together on the street having fun and stuff. Especially buying new yarns cause you really wanting to make something.
When boy would have receive a phone call he would go outside to take it when a guy started to make fun of the gift you gave him.
The guy didn't even finished his word that he was already on the floor getting punched by sugushita without even a chance to hit back.
When you get out of the store you told your boyfriend to stopped cause you didn't like to see him fight.
He went back and explained the whole situation to you. He was just defending your honor. You thought it was cute he get angry at such a silly things.
To ask for forgiveness he would make a bracelet for you. It wasn't that cute or well maid but he tried the best he could for you and that all that matters.
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Criminal Minds PRIDE Fic Challenge!
Here we go! First writing challenge ever and I'm even more excited about the theme. During June I ask fic writers to challenge themselves a little bit by writing a piece that is LGBTQ+ inclusive!!! Don't let the topic intimidate you; If you want to participate, but don't know where to start, there are prompts to help. All the fics will be collected in a Masterlist that will be avalible by July 1st.
Note: if you have accessibility issues with this post (or any of my posts!) let me know and I can send you the information in an accessible format.
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Prompts and rules are under the cut!
These prompts are only ideas to help get you started! You can write any LGBTQ+ centered fic you want! Feel free to modify any of the more specific prompts to your liking.
Character coming out to their friends/family/the team.
Character's found family is more supportive than biological family when they come out.
Characters go to a pride parade/festival/event!
Characters discuss queer coding in media.
Character(s) explains their new, queer relationship to a child.
Character 1's child comes out to them. They go to Character 2 to ask what they wish their parents would have done.
Character 1 is having an identity crisis (gender or sexuality). They go to Character 2 for help.
Character 1 is confident about their identity. Character 2 isn't, so they ask for some advice.
Character 1 takes Character 2 to a gay bar for the first time to act as their wingman/wingwoman/wingperson.
Character 1 is unsure if they're attracted to or envious of Character 2's confidence in their identity.
Character has been dating Morgan, but realizes they're not attracted to men. He isn't sure how he ended up in this situation twice, but it's the perfect opportunity for him to play matchmaker for his ex girlfriends.
Character comes out to the team (or it's just pride month) and Penelope goes a bit overboard with decorations.
For the writers who are intimidated by this topic or unsure if they can write it: write something with GN!reader. It's less intimidating than you think, and it can make someone's day to be able to read a fic they might otherwise not relate to!
Bi and Pan Prompts:
Character 1 has always thought they were straight, but they realize their feelings for their best friend, Character 2, are more than platonic.
Character 1 is in a straight passing relationship and worries about the visibility of their queer identity. Their partner is incredibly supportive in helping them express themselves.
(NSFW) What does Emily really do during a sin to win weekend?
Trans and Nonbinary Prompts:
Character 1 gives Character 2 a gender affirming haircut.
Hotch teaches Character how to shave.
JJ teaches Character how to do make up.
Character finds themselves needing gender affirming clothes. Rossi makes sure they have the best of the best.
(NSFW) Character 1 gifts Character 2 gender affirming lingerie and it gives them quite the confidence boost.
Aro and Ace Prompts:
Character 1 keeps trying to set up Character 2 with people/telling them to find someone to help ease their stress. Character 2 has had enough of it.
Character has a monthly spike in libido and it makes them question their identity. Spencer tries to help with a ramble about science (NSFW add on: and a few other ways).
The fic can reader insert, OC, character x character, general fic, etc. as long as the character(s) is from Criminal Minds (yes, even the ones I don't write for).
Fics can be any genre and can be platonic or romantic in nature... and yes, this includes smut (I know, I know my brand is ruined. Oh well). You must be 18+ if you are going to submit smut. You all know I love platonic fics very much if not more!
You can write something new or dig up something you've already written! I'm also happy to add on fics that are sent to me after the masterlist is posted.
Tag me in your fic or message me the link. Please list the ship, content warnings, and have a 1-2 sentence summary of your piece! If you have multiple pieces, you can submit a mini masterlist.
Be kind and respectful! Reach out to me if you have any concerns. This blog is a safe space!
Thank you to @imagining-in-the-margins for the support and for sending some of the prompts from discord! (and telling me it's safe to tag @foxy-eva for this too)
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nerdygaymormon · 3 months
Happy Pride
I want to wish a happy Pride to:
Ice Coffee
On the surface, it’s so commonplace, it’s just coffee, how can it be gay? Well, a lot of ordinary things have been coded queer over the years: thumb rings, which ear you have pierced, handkerchiefs, and carabiners. Signaling to other queers that you are also queer, while once essential, has now become a fun part of cultural communication.
Will and Grace was one of the first times popular media recognized iced coffee is associated with the gays when in a 2001 episode, Jack signals himself as gay to his barista by repeatedly ordering frappuccinos. Why frappuccinos? "Fancy" coffee was seen as feminine, so men ordering these drinks is a form of gender subversion, a way to signal to other gay men that you are gay.
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Bert & Ernie
Sesame Street debuted 1969 and from the beginning Bert and Ernie behaved in the same loving & discreet way that millions of queer people had to do at that time. For anyone with eyes to see, Bert and Ernie’s subtextual queerness has been there for everyone to see. They share a bedroom. Bert watches Ernie take baths. They’re together on the cover of a Sesame Street album titled "Love." They cook and eat together. They vacation together.
Mark Saltzman, one of the script and song writers on Sesame Street, stated in an interview with Queerty that he wrote Bert and Ernie as reflections of himself and his longtime partner, Arnold Glassman. However, Sesame Street won't acknowledge that Bert and Ernie are a gay couple because, even to this day, many people view heterosexuality as neutral and queerness of any kind as obscene and inappropriate for children.
In 2013, the US Supreme Court ordered the US government to recognize same-sex marriages performed by states, and in response to that sweeping victory, The New Yorker magazine ran this cover:
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Biangles and Double Crescent Moon
The biangles are the first symbol for bisexual visibility and were designed by Liz Nania in 1987. The design of the biangles began with the pink triangle, a Nazi concentration camp badge that later became a symbol of gay liberation representing homosexuality. The addition of a blue triangle contrasts the pink and represents heterosexuality. The two triangles overlap and form lavender, which represents the "queerness of bisexuality", referencing the Lavender Menace and 1980s and 1990s associations of lavender with queerness. The colors of the biangles were later used to create the Bi Pride flag.
Because the biangles incorporate the Nazi pink triangle symbol which was used to identify gay & bi men and trans women in concentration camps, some bisexual individuals objected to the biangles. In response to this, in 1998 Vivian Wagner created the bisexual double moon as an alternative. This double moon symbol is most popular with the bisexual community in Germany and surrounding countries, though bi people throughout the world use it as well.
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Question: What does a lesbian bring on a second date? Answer: A U-Haul.
This joke plays on the perception that lesbians quickly form intense emotional connections and move in together, referred to in gay slang as an "urge to merge".
Especially before the internet when it was much harder to find other queer people unless you lived in a big city with gay bars, there was no guarantee that you would find another person you could be compatible with, so everyone snatched everyone else up and just made it work, and thus the stereotype that lesbians quickly move in together.
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Nail Polish Emoji 💅
Since wearing nail polish has been for females, gay men (or queer people in general) wear it to express some sort of femininity or just to feel free to do things that are outside the norms. The nail polish emoji is a vibe for when you feel powerful/femme/boldly gay, and has become the emoji version of the limp wrist, in other words, shorthand for gay.
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A lot of LGBTQ+ oppression involves people telling us what we can and can't do with our own body. You can't hold hands or kiss the cheek of a same sex partner without risking others expressing their disapproval and disgust. You can’t get hormone therapy or gender affirmation surgery as a grown adult without having to go through years of psychological evaluations.
Getting piercings is a signal of rebellion against expected social and cultural norms. The queer association with piercings became widely known when a 1991 article from the New York Times claimed that gay men could be identified by their earrings, stating that they “often [wore] a single piece of jewelry in the right ear to indicate sexual preference.” The phenomenon isn't limited to gay men, many queer people get multiple piercings in their ears, nose, and other places, as a way to express freedom to be who they are and not fit the gender expectations of what is feminine or masculine.
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The labrys is a double headed axe featured in Greek & Roman mythology, frequently seen in depictions of women warriors, like Amazons. The labrys was adopted by the lesbian community in the 1970s to represents the strength and feminism of homosexual women. 
An early flag representing lesbians was violet in color with a black triangle containing a labrys. The color violet comes from the poet Sappho who associated the violet flowers with her female lovers. The upside down black triangle was used in concentration camps to identify women who did not conform to Nazi ideals (this included lesbians). The flag may not be popular anymore, but the labrys continues as a lesbian symbol.
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The first gay–straight alliance (GSA) was formed in November 1988 in Massachusetts, after a teacher came out as gay and a straight student approached him because she was upset by the treatment of gay students and others. The second GSA was established in 1989 and the concept spread. GSAs made headlines in 1999 when Salt Lake City School District banned a GSA from being started at East High School, but a court case determined this was a violation of the students' rights. Eventually the acronym GSA changed to mean Genders & Sexualities Alliance to be inclusive of gender minorities. GSAs are associated with positive social, academic, and health outcomes for LGBTQ students and improves school climates for all students, not just those who are LGBTQ.
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Doc Martens
Doc Martens gained popularity in the 70s as the ultimate protest footwear among activists. A significant number of protests were LGBTQ and so before long the shoes turned into an image of LGBTQ pride as they stomped all over the status quo. Also, butch women who were more likely to work nontraditional jobs in male-dominated fields wore Doc Martens with a flannel shirt and jeans as everyday workwear.
In the 1980's, lesbians carried on the shoes' reputation for rebellion by wearing them to gay marches and to hospitals where gay men lay in beds suffering from AIDS. Doc Martens grew in popularity throughout the 1990s when they became associated with the grunge movement, but as grunge faded, so did the popularity of these shoes among the general populace. In the 2020's they are still widely worn by butch lesbians and baby dykes. Docs were likewise well known among cross-dressers, who valued the boots' capacity to make their legs look longer and thinner.
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Eurovision Song Contest
Like so many other things that acquire “gay icon” status, the Eurovision Song Contest unintentionally became a queer favorite because of the glamour, kitsch and flamboyance of the performances, and songs with themes of overcoming struggle and standing stoically through the turmoils of life. Also helping were performers who are examples of trans excellence, drag queens, and who made pleas for marriage equality.
Some notable queer performances from over the years:
Paul Oscar became the contest's first openly gay artist when he represented Iceland at the 1997 contest.
The following year, Israel's Dana International became the contest's first trans performer and won the 1998 contest and is considered the symbolic coming out of Eurovision.
In 2007, Ukraine drag queen Verka Serduchka finished in 2nd place with the song "Dancing Lasha Tumbai", and has been brought back several times over the years for guest appearances.
Drag persona Conchita Wurst won the 2014 contest for Austria
Openly bisexual performer Duncan Laurence was the winner of the 2019 contest for the Netherlands.
Victoria De Angelis, a member of the 2021 Italian winning band Måneskin, is openly bisexual.
Loreen, won the 2012 contest for Sweden, came out as bisexual in 2017, then won the contest again in 2023.
2024 had 9 queer artists in the competition, with the winner being Nemo who identifies as non-binary and pansexual.
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drop-dead-dropout · 6 months
NEW USERNAME local-queer-disappointment -> drop-dead-dropout
unpinning my other post because i want to talk a little about me and this space that i've created! hi i'm alex and i dropped out of high school twice lol
i think a dni is stupid because people never listen anyways, which is why i haven't had one, but i still see the value in at least telling people who this little corner is for.
anyways opinion stuff under the cut. you don't have to read it, and you don't even have to listen if you do, but i might argue with you (<- serial arguer) so if you want to avoid the Discourse here ya go.
you are welcome here:
- ALL queers. trans men, trans women, nonbinary, intersex, poc queers, xenogender, "contradictory" labels like mspec gays/lesbians lesboys/turigirls/sapphileans (omg it's me!!), slur reclaims, detransitioners (who are not transphobic), mspec lesbians, aro/ace and all variations thereupon, unlabeled, questioning, etc. i love all of you. i love the community that we share. we are family, whether or not some of us want to be, and exclusionism is Not Funky Fresh!!
- pro Palestine!! i don't always rb posts as much as i used to (i am scared of spreading misinformation) but i think i'll start doing that again! (don't forget your daily click guys)
- jewish people. i am specifically adding this one to say that because of the shitty Everything, i've seen a lot of concerning antisemitic stuff recently so i'm just, yk, putting this out there.
- disabilities/cluster b disorders/systems/AAC users. i am not any of these things so if i say/do something out of line please tell me! but i love you guys and you're absolutely welcome here.
- proshippers (if this bothers you block and move on)
- furries. not personally one of y'all but i think you're neat and you make cool art :]
- literally, like, anyone, as long as you're not a dick
you are not welcome here:
- terfs, transphobes, exclusionists, anti-mspec, anti-lesboy, and people who think transandrophobia is "fake" or whatever. go away i don't like you (or at least be prepared to be blocked or yelled at)
- similarly to last, anyone who starts queer infighting or hates on less visible queers/strangers who don't "look" queer, the whole "bi girl's straight bf" nonsense (i don't care if you think someone is cishet. you have no way of knowing that. let's stop hating people for immutable characteristics and start having thoughtful criticisms of people's actions thanks)
- (but also antisemites because come on now let's notttt. judiasm ≠ zionism)
- ableists, fatphobia, racists/bigots, general dickheads
- antishippers (again, you can either leave now or expect to be argued with)
other general stuff:
- i accept anonymous asks! and also non anonymous ones. ask me shit idk
- i am autistic and VERY gullible. if i reblog a "bait" post, or something that's clearly fake or a joke with a genuine reaction, i'm probably not playing some 5d irony chess i'm probably just stupid. sorry y'all i'm trying :\
- i don't rb nsfw. not as, like, a rule, i just don't see the value in doing so lol. if i ever did i'd tag it and probably update this
UPDATE: thought i should clarify, i don't rb nsfw but i do rb nsfw humor, like dick jokes and stuff. hope there's no confusion
- i argue with people!! i enjoy arguing with people!! usually it's in replies and not reblogs but still. if you are allergic to stuff like that maybe don't follow me? i also rb "discourse" posts, mostly transmasc support stuff and callouts of transandrophobia, general solidarity stuff with the trans community or lgbt community as a whole, proship stuff, politics, current events, that kinda thing.
- this is, shockingly, supposed to be a fandom blog! (i got carried away; i always do.) current fandoms include: ace attorney (the one this blog was supposed to be about), doctor who (childhood hyperfixation come back to bite my ass), and splatoon (no excuse). also mha is basically my abusive boyfriend stockholm syndroming me to stay at this point but i'm trying to get better (not). you can find the records of my failing recovery at @alex-is-losing-sleep-over-krbk /hj (i also sometimes shamelessly rb this blog's posts over there lol)
and i guess since i'm mentioning fandoms, here are my fav ships: wrightworth, klapollo, franmaya, thoschei, pearlina, agent 24, & cuttletavio.
anyways, that's about it. love you all :]
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liliallowed · 6 months
I wish all the trans people who come across this post a happy trans visibility day! you're valid. trans fem. trans masc. genderqueer. bi gender. genderfluid. Agender. non-binary. demi gender. genderqueer. xinogender... gender none-conforming.
I tried listing all I could think of... if I didn't list you here then I apologize I didn't mean to exclude you on purpose. gender isn't black and white. it's an entire sea of colors. not just a gradient but also the hue. the light intensity and sometimes it's even beyond our immediate perception in between ultraViolet and infrared. there's electro magnetic waves even beyond what we see. there's more colors...
like... I'm trying to say... you're all valid. and I love this beautiful colorful landscape of diverse identities. it's genuinely beautiful. accept and love yourselves.
those who don't feel "trans enough" you're valid. I personally feel that too tbh as a demigirl-nonbinary.
to those who are still questioning? completely valid.
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goldammerchen · 12 days
Hi! I have a bunch of works in progress that I am more than happy to leave in an unfinished state, satisfied with that, which is, not ideal... For readers, I'm fine with that. I'm trying to trick my motivation by asking if there is interest in these wips, help!
"Warning": All of these fics have Gil (my fave, my muse, my pony), even when it isn't his POV—though in one of these he is sporadic and not blatantly there until [spoilers].
Actual warning: Some of these fics have heavy topics, the post should be marked for adults just in case. Also in this post I will mention yet not tag ships, muting them altogether could be useful.
Thank you! Hopefully some of these will be available for some fandom events in October (help, time is ticking, brain is broken and not even that is working as motivation).
Semi sorted by priority, subject to change. Actual final summaries might have less details, aka less spoilers.
A. Series, codenamed here as Potatocest Angst.
(1). Träumerei At death's door, Reinmar [HRE] fever dreams send him into the future. It goes from bad to worse when he gets trapped in a nightmarish loop, at portas the next great war...
(Crying over milk yet to be spilled.) (Sweet berries ready for two...)
(2). [Main fic, names the series too. Can't show it yet] Modern era. Something is not right. Rain drops are floating in the air, stars trails are visible behind their movement, until the astro rey king of the sky hides them. Something is definitely not right, and the only way to stop it, the only way for Gilbert to keep his mind, is to move away from his younger brother. Can he do it?
(3). [Also spoilery title sorry] Consequences from the previous fic, people aren't happy with Ludwig, things spiral faster than he is able to manage, secrets he keeps since his birth might be revealed.
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“You brought me to this world; you cannot leave me (I won’t let you)” is so central to GerPru…
B. Series, codenamed here as Cold Boot AU. Gil dies in 1947, a new personality is born.
Main fic (1) either to be named Kaspar's story or Neustart. Offshots:
(2). [Follow the springs/streams] Gilbert is back in the void, his refuge nowhere to be seen. This time he surrounded by strange springs; what else he can do but follow? He will find a surprise... (*coughs* someone!)
(3). [???, something something final goodbyes] Moscow, Ivan's place. Erzsébet convinces Fabian (Rom) to try to contact Gilbert, whenever he is, if he is somewhere. Candles on hand, Kaspar's room gets full of people. The pair is joined by a curious a [Bul] (that also rather not leave Fabian alone), by Feliks who's there to morally support Erzsi (otherwise he wouldn't want to be there), and by Tolys, who's there to morally support Feliks. Gilbert is somewhere; the following day Raivis says too much as Kaspar learns something happened last night. Fights with Fabian, Olga intervenes.
And more Gil+Kaspar oneshots :D! Talking about oneshots, and about killing Gil... (I have fics where that doesn't happen I promise).
Ghost WIP 1: Bis wir uns wiederseh’n / bis ich dich wiedersehe (HELP) 20XX, the person who was the representative of Pru/ssia and GD/R has finally met their demise, after years of simply living as a retired country. Years later, during the next century, he appears uninvited in the dreams of some old friends (and not so friends). Arthur, with the help of Rhys, invoke Gilbert for questioning. Or, Gil dying from illness (like my fic Inevitable), and an analysis of Art and Gil's friendship.
Ghost WIP 2: [Never came -back- home] The 90s, a Saturday morning, while Ludwig waits for his brother Gilbert he instead get a terrible call. Or a fic where Gilbert is murdered in a park in BerIin, that he will never leave, unless people forget about his story and death. [Heta Ghost Meta!] Friends and fam at first are afraid of meeting Gil, people will need to get used to the Ghost, the Ghost needs to get used to being one.
[I like the comics with Grandpa R/ome and Ger/mania visiting Earth (funny, cute, bittersweet); oneshots like that happening way in the future, with Gil and maybe others too]
More fics where bad things happen to Gil—Oops, one of these still involves his momentary death...
Something with this below, soon. Counts as bad things happen to Gil.
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Obsessed since yesterday about Ludwig being like “I am everything you wanted me to be, except being [insert HRE’s name]” to a freaked out Gilbert. 🥰🥰🥰
[Solitary confinement since post-war to the 90s] While the Soviets are transferring his prisoner to the East Germans, strangers ambush them and steal Gilbert (once this is admitted after decades, nobody in the West believes the story of course). He is only found after the Reunification. Because the solitary confinement effects, he will never be the same anymore. Ashamed of who he has become, overwhelmed by all the changes, he will have to adapt and continue... Immortality isn't revoked, ancients are— (*coughs* fire punch)
[Next part for Der jäger, a CNC WW1 fic] His current lover actually manages to find a place and time for alone time, when Gil has some of guts hanging out of him. His face is thankfully in one piece though. While gone, Gil remember his mercenary lover from when he was a knight, and also remember the aftermath of his encounter with the jäger...
Now, continuation of existing fics:
Playmate next chapter, Tolys finds Gilbert before Feliks gets him out (and out the pony gear) (Gilbert feels like wanting to die). As soon as Gilbert gets on his clothes he leaves, through a window. That night, Tolys and Feliks have a married couple fight, and the former learns that their subject was supposed to only go back to the monastery with a letter saying he was an useful subject/fief to his lords. They go to the monastery the next day.
[PolPruHun to PolPru] After a fun day (and night :)), Erzsi leaves the boys for working reasons, meanwhile, being retired, Gil can stay while Feliks gets to work at home. Instead of working they try something fun... It doesn't work. Besides questioning if they are only still friends because of Erzsi, they talk about their relationship over the centuries; turns out both remember things very differently.
Optional Sequel to Klavier Using fever dreams again, Gil meets Zofia, Erzsebet, and Roderich again. Also remembers his marriage with Zofia and her illness. Ludwig comes back, not alone.
Previous fic to Fool's blood, FraPru/PruFra hate sex, post Fra/nco-Pruss/ian war.
Surprise, this is actually a series:
(1). Continuing/Finishing Hate me a little and come back to me Kinktober fic, two horny people playing games until feelings get hurt, actually the first part of a series.
(2). [Post 90s] Gilbert expresses himself better through writing, in fact saying too much while chatting. Worried, Erzsi goes to see him after he stops texting. Analysis of how both see and deal with romance.
(3). [Kinky fic again] Erzsi and Gil decide to share Rod, even sign a fake treaty. They dinner with him at his home, and he plays a uno reverse card on them.
(4). [He who laughs last] In a hurry, someone tries to leave the bed before the sun before sunrise. Frying Pangle fight.
(5). [???] Ludwig: Isn't this everything you wanted?
Finishing (I saw this in a dream), Alfred talks with an evil scientist, Rakesh talks with Zombie!Gilbert. Relates overlap, the future looks grim. Roderich is found by others.
Finishing The Trickster. Are the nation-people actually gone? And what happened to Gilbert after. Not sure if OC First Person POV or if switching to Gil.
Finishing Thanatos, last two chapter. Rode survives and joins the polycule. Next ideas: a prequel where the story about Gil almost murdering Tolys is retold from Feliks' perspective; The next clutch of eggs [Eros], multiple fathers, and also flashback to the first clutch. Tag for the fic: Myth AU Fic.
Insane list of smut fics wips. Here ones that might not be there: Gilbert says Erzsi doesn't trust in him, she shows him he trusts in him by having sex with him while her arms are tied up... Aside that, pretty vanilla (getting horny other the other being horny); PruAus after sex at Rode's house, his phone of the first floor begins ringing--this before brick cellphones exist. Gil installs a new one of the second floor, maybe more sex; one I know I have mentioned before, Rode and Erzsi visit Lud and Gil's house while Lud isn't there, Gil is like "you only come here for work, not for me..." They show him his wrong—and fall asleep, forgetting to shower before Lud arrives.
Other oneshots:
Evil sex pollen ItaGerPru (x) A more fucked up scarecrow exposes a gas to nation-people and politicians. Gilbert will do anything to help his afflicted younger brother, even if it brings up his trauma, and even if Feli opens a pandora box.
WIP named "von sdffsdd" until I find a surname that convinces me, or I just leave things vague. (x) XIX: Young Ludwig makes someone of a higher angry, goes tell Gilbert his version before someone else does, and asks what to do. Gilbert goes to fix things himself... Ludwig doesn't feel right about whatever happened, decides to find out what happened, against his brother's order (lost of innocence). Someone used to people abusing their authority until it involves someone he cares about. Tries to protect Ludwig from this.
AU where Gil actually manages to retire in 1947, living as a normal human (Bran becomes the GD/R). Normal is a stretch, govt pressures him to pressure Bran, and other nation-people harass him. //Post.
Another AU where he leaves Lud house in the 90s and cuts contact with everybody. Fics begins when nation-people force him to reconnect. //Post.
Postwall fics (canon-compliant-ish unlike the others). Planned since many years, writing a series would be easier than a fic with chapters.
Oleander, human AU RusLiet. I'm afraid that Gil is here too, in prison. Not in prison: Feliks, Ludwig.
Cardverse PruHun! The jokers are shapeshifter dragons-devils, and more than that. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Shapeshifters/Hybrids AU. Nation-people are magical and less tied to bosses.
Binary [Code] Life After Death, or something like that. Scifi+Gender. Post 1 + Post 2.
This is long enough, let's get to the crossovers--will leave one vague.
(1) The way home (War is Over) An A/merican soldier begins his journey back home, after learning the war ended, four years ago, from the mouth of a sick looking blonde Pole, who threatens him despite of his looks. Going west, the soldier is captured by a recently allowed more freedom former N/azi Ge/rmany soldier, one with red-ish eyes. Mr. Pru/ssia wants to learn how the fuck the Ame/rican was never captured or killed, before deciding what to do with him. Note, this world is crazier to our world and that Heta, forcing me—well not really is fun—to write soft alternative history.
(2) Decades later, somewhere in Ba/varia. A town was evacuated thanks to an AustraIian company bringing a robot invasion. A couple of governments are interested in the technology used by the mercenaries defending the company.
(3+) Fights, Interrogation, secret about souls (Vivisection), forced to ally, traveling to Australia to stop blood sucking robots?
Codename: Chainsaw x Heta, something something about bridges supposed to stay burned... After the great war, conflicts [actually] stopped, governments and people focusing on fighting devils. The state of Prus/sia is divided in smaller states, and after living for centuries in BerIin, Gilbert is sent to Königs/berg. He is not happy about it—in fact, he hits rock bottom, hurting his ability to fight devils. Things only get worse after the Priest Devil attack several cities of Eur/ope, including his city. His neighbors, his former enemies, take pity on his, because otherwise why they would go there?
First chapter begins with youngster finding him so dead he is unrecognizable... ("hey, I injured the devil!" "you were drunk, again!")
Heta x N/GE
The end of Evangelion, Gil seeing the first children (Rei) and also ghost of people killed by him.
Different one, during the rebuilds. Ludwig, living alone because Gilbert didn't survive the disasters after the second impact. NE/RV asks for weekly samples from him. In those days he often sees Asu/ka.
Part of the previous one, Alfred suspects [correctly] about N/ERV and the UN/SeeIe. Gets Ludwig and Kiku in trouble.
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Hello and happy Lesbian day!
I've just discovered your blog, and I'm so happy i did!
My country is Quite homophobic, so are my relatieves and even many of my peers. Sometimes i feel very lonely, especially considering that i've never met another lesbian in the wild (and i've been around for 20+ years!), not even to mention butches
However, you give me hope and the thought of growing up to be as inspirational (at least in the looks) for younger generations as you are warms my heart. Thank you for sharing your life and being who you are!
Even though being gnc and a lesbian can be hard sometimes, i am really happy with the way i am and i wish everyone felt that way about themselves too
I am glad you found me as well!!
The Western World makes in hard enough to be a lesbian, expecially a visible on, ie butch or gnc or a maculine woman. To exist in places where it is truly dangerous and punishment is doled out by both society and the government is almost beyond my comprehension since I have not experienced that to any degree.
I think often of my friends who exist in other counties like Iran, and how much effort they put into being as unnoticed as possible. I hope for them to someday to have a place where they can thrive and be surrounded by the support and love of other lesbian, bi women and even some family members who reject the teachings of their own culture when it comes to gay people.
Even in my part of the world, I pushed back hard against the idea that I was a lesbian or that my masculinity was permanent, an innate and intregal part of me. I tried to think of being "butch" as a passing phase, a lingering aspect of Tomboyhood that would fade as I matured. I questioned my interests, my actions, my clothing and my connection with other women. Was I broken? Was I supposed to be a boy and something got crossed or messed up? Why could i not just like what girls are supposed to like?
Then I listened to other girls, and women, and realized that many of them were playing a game. Pretending to love what our society said they were supposed to in order to garner the support and rewards that come with conforming. It just so happened that my very phyical presence was not ever going to fit in. It was not as simple as putting on a dress, because THAT made things even more obvious.
Once I learned the word butch and met lesbians of all ages who talked about how great it was to be one, to hear other women say they "look for the butch in the room as a safe person" I started to think of myself as unique but not "not like other girls".
I want to be that beacon in the world to others, expecially other lesbians and butches who don't see us in "the wild". Who otherwise feel isolated, alone and like a fringe element of society because they see no others who can relate to their experiences.
I often write with 14 year old me in mine. What did I need to see?? What truths about being a lesbian would have been benefitial for me to love who I am earlier?
I am doing my best and my promise is to be as honest and open as possible, even when things are hard to hear or not the anwer people want.
I am so glad you love and embrace yourself in a place where you have to be your own cheerleader, for now. I wish for you to find support from others in your life someday and I have every hope that it will happen.
(photo me in a dress, trying to NOT look butch---FAIL. And WHY did I think puffy shoulder were a good idea??) Circa 1984
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luxgalador · 2 years
Hey Lux, I normally don't message people but I wanted to share this, since I saw you say you got some mean messages recently.
I've been following you since like 2015 youtube, back when I was a closeted lil bi girl looking for representation. Back then I remember you were one of the only openly bi people on the platform. You made me feel comfortable in my own skin, heart & mind, so im forever grateful for that. And now, seeing you transition on tumblr, seeing you becoming comfortable and empowered in YOUR skin heart & mind, has just made me so happy for you!!! You look so beautiful and are a genuinely kind and creative soul in my eyes. Much love
I'm gonna cry for real
Thank you
I was so lost back then, but I loved the way I chose to seek answers to all my questions. I want you and anyone else reading this to know how seriously I took my visibility back then. It was and is still so precious to me. There weren't many people doing what I was doing, thus I was kinda thrust into the forefront of the YouTube bi community despite not really understanding a lot of things.
Thank you for allowing me to learn with you all.
I'm gonna be honest, once I realized that I was a lesbian about a year ago and not bi after all, I did feel a little bit that I was betraying my own past, the bi+ community, and anyone who ever looked to me as a source of bi visibility from back then. After all the videos debunking bi stereotypes and misconceptions, I felt guilt over the fact that it actually for me was a phase and that I actually was confused.
I'm glad that didn't last long. The whole point of those videos was to encourage curiosity of the self, to ask questions, and to embrace whatever answers we come to as our truth, whether that truth lasts a moment or a lifetime.
Thank you for trusting me back then. I was a patchwork person held together so tenuously by a relentless pursuit of understanding born out of a need for survival in those days. The very fabric of the reality of my existence felt so warped and unstable, at risk of tearing entirely. I had to learn and understand and speak to as many pieces of truth I could hold onto or else I'd fall apart entirely. The people who stuck around for what I was doing, who sent me messages then and occasionally now, are so responsible for my existing on the other side of that era into the present.
I'm in awe of every one of you. I'm in awe of all of us. How beautiful that we've all grown up so much.
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showmethesneer · 1 year
I just want to say this to someone and you are my most visibly bisexual mutual. Don't post it if you don't want to.
I didn't figure out I was bi until I was already married and since I made a vow and neither of us are cool with poly, I'll always present heterosexual.
I don't feel like a "real" member of the queer community and I probably never will unless one of us dies (I'm happily married). I worry people will accuse me of trying to falsely claim membership. I still read so much denial and exclusion of bisexual people. It's hard enough that I was brought up so conservative that I wasn't able to recognize who I really was, I don't need people telling me to my face that what I know to be true isn't real.
I feel like there must be lots of people like me, who because we loved the "right" gender too, never really questioned the days we spent intensely crushing on the "wrong" one. People who won't speak out because we present as straight and neither side seems willing to welcome us.
I know my life is much easier than someone who is visibly in a sexual/gender minority, but the same forces that discriminate against them, made me lose the chance to ever explore my own sexuality. That loss is real to me, even if I'm happy.
I've been holding on to this one because I wanted to post it today on National Coming Out Day.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I love you. I am so grateful that you consider me a safe space to trust with this loss that complicates your pride.
It's not a competition. You know that you're bi. That's your identity. This is your community. Everyone has a different struggle and different pain. Your struggle to claim your rightful place in this community is valid. And it sucks. And it's hard for you, no matter how happy your marriage is.
You're bi. And that's wonderful, that you are so happily married. It's a beautiful thing. And at the end of the day, this is all about love. I'm so happy that you found love. So happy that you figured out a label and identity that makes you feel the most authentically you. And so sad for your sense of loss. But I am here, I'm queer, and we'll get through this together 💗💜💙
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indri-on-ao3 · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️
This got long. TLDR: science, friends, helping, art, queer. I want to follow up with 5 things I don't like about myself, but that is against the spirit of the ask.
I’m a pretty good applied scientist. I have a reasonable grasp of the relative importance of things, but also an ability to focus on detail when it’s needed—the combination is a useful one. These days I’m more of a science facilitator. I talk with people who need science done, work out the critical and achievable questions, find researchers with the right skills and the funding bodies looking for projects, then persuade everyone to work together. It can take years of patience and frustration, but when it happens it’s fantastic. I love it.
I have a lot of friends, many of whom I’ve known a long time now, all of whom are superb people. This means a lot to me, as I had few friends at school. I was still wary when I started making friends at uni, uncertain as to whether they actually liked me or just found me useful or inoffensive. Eventually, the evidence that they liked me for myself became insurmountable and I had to accept it. What’s more, I keep making friends: there are many compatible and fascinating people out there and I keep finding them. But I’ve retained the core friends from my late teenage years; we’ve seen so much together and most of us are still close.
I’ve been able to help and mentor junior scientists since I became a bit more established. Sometimes I introduced them to a field they came to love. Other times, they faced serious—undeserved—difficulties and I could support them, like helping them find a new job. And once an excellent person had to leave science for the sake of her mental health, and all I could do was say that her life and happiness was worth more than whatever projects she was working on.
I’ve become a great supporter of amateur and semi-pro artists, especially local ones. I give substantial financial support to a studio for diverse visual artists. I regularly turn up and pay money at tiny cupboard venues to see comedians, musicians, cabaret artists, acrobats and drag queens. I go to art exhibition openings in cafés and the backs of sheds. I used to edit an amateur fiction magazine. Online, I give kudos to AO3 authors and reblog Tumblr commentary and art. All of these forms of self-expression are worthy and fascinating, if sometimes a little raw. Their value under capitalism is not an indicator of their artistic value. Wanting to make and share something is a fundamental human activity and I am here to be your audience, except when I’m busy making something myself.
I persevere in being queer. When I was a young adult, I was unable to find any support for bi+ people—my identity was invalid and my peers invisible (even when, as we later discovered, we had been standing right next to each other). Then I got into a long-term relationship with a lovely different-sex partner, and I thought my straight-passing privilege outweighed the heterosexism and biphobia. But it did not. I now know that bi+ people in straight-looking relationships have terrible statistics for mental health and life outcomes: we’re sometimes missing something vital. I found myself gravitating to hobbies and venues where the gender of my partner didn’t matter, for who wants to feel that their welcome is conditional? And now that times have changed a bit, I’m trying to be more visible and I’ve joined a committee to help others and I’m still working out what more to do. And yes, I joined Tumblr so I could obsessively reblog pictures of Loki and the Valkyrie and sometimes other bi+ pop culture characters because it comforts me somehow, I’m retroactively trying to tend the hapless teenager I once was. I always knew I was real, but it still shocks and shakes me when someone else acknowledges it. I scared but I’m still moving. 
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shaftking · 2 years
Found this comic about biphobia and I find it strange how the pan orb thing is presented as the bi ally in the end due to how contradictory that is. Then again the comic has a bunch of other questionable aspects to it (q slur, more than 2 genders, pro nb, etc) so I don’t really take it seriously. Tbh it’s just the overall lack of self awareness here that really baffles me.
They really want to keep pushing that they’re being allies to bi people while they push the kind of rhetoric that keeps bisexuality stigmatized. This whole comic is a mess and honestly way too wordy. Like get to the point.
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sparrowmoss · 1 year
in the past couple days i watched 1. the series The Midnight Club, and 2. the movie Do Revenge. and i thought they both were super good like !!!!! both media with main characters who are POC and ALSO lgbt ??$:);!; it feels so rare but. if anyone is interested i will like summarize and content warning them below
the midnight club is not happy feel good media to be clear it is more geared toward teenagers i think but deals with some seriously heavy stuff because every single main character has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and multiple of them do die through the series. its about all these terminally ill teens living in a hospice care house together and bonding/coping/passing time by coming up with horror stories to tell each other. the horror stories are acted out by the same actors so its really cool. obviously lots of dark topics like cancer and HIV/AIDS and death and hopelessness vibes but also empowerment for those kids. additional content warnings i can remember rn would be for discussion of suicide and self harm, murder in a lot of the midnight club horror stories, cult stuff and the like vulnerability and manipulation that goes into cult recruitment, disturbing imagery like corpse people and jumpscares and hallucinations (?) and unreality and stuff i guess idk. it was SO good. main character is a black girl and there is also a gay black girl and a gay black guy in the main cast as well as lots of other POC characters and some other lgbt characters
do revenge is SUPER DIFFERENT but i thought would also be more for teenager audience, though now i dont think so as much because like those high schoolers were doing coke and ketamine for gods sake it was insane. i thought i knew what was going on but there was a plot twist that i fucking never ever saw coming and my jaw literally was wide open atp but i wont spoil that ! its generally about two girls who meet and decide to help each other get revenge on two people who seriously wronged them. and in the process of that, shit gets so wildly beyond out of hand. everything spirals out of their control so fucking fast. it was hilarious and upsetting and shocking. so good. for that the content warnings i think would just be like… shitty guy cheating, revenge porn stuff, drugging people without their knowledge or consent, some shitty stuff is done to someone who presumably is a lesbian but shes rich and white so she ends up fine, car accident scene that was a little scary, ummmm general fucked up shitty asshole teenager shenanigans by which i mean cruel actions and questionable priorities and general lack of awareness for how characters only care about themselves ??? idk if that would bother someone nfbdjfndf anyway one of the two mains is a lesbian and the other is implied bi and is a POC and theres a bunch of other POC and other lgbt characters
and both of them have mild emetophobia warning scenes with only very fake puking sounds and nothing actually visibly shown just that super fake audio like i have pretty bad emetophobia and cannot handle Seeing it but i was totally fine. i would tend to rec the movie more just because it was a happy ending and like. everyone in it was not terminally ill and dying. no one died. they did a shitload of drugs but they were okay
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“To be visibly Queer is to choose your happiness over your safety” 
It’s pride month and this is the only space I feel save being honest about MY experience. I knew in middle school I liked girls, this was before I determined I was NB. I was scared, a bully in my gym class often put me down by calling me a lesbian, I did not know what it was really, fragments maybe. I knew my Uncle was gay, I knew that was something my family accepted and I never knew anything different, but no one explained what it meant to be a lesbian. Growing up lesbian and gay were the popular slurs. In middle school I played traveling volleyball, it was what I considered my main sport, I was always on the outside socially because I tried very hard at practice and the rest of my team wouldn’t meet my energy as they considered it a leisure sport to engage in during their off season. There was always this one girl who was nice to me when we’d talk, I had a crush on a girl in my friend group from school (Not volleyball), and I wasn’t sure what to do. I talked with girl and she actually gave me great advice and I followed it the next day at school, didn’t work out but thats okay. So I come home from school that next day feelin good and I walk into my mother screaming into the phone, I don’t remember that part but I know when she saw me she dismissed the person on the phone, came marching up to me (which with her I’m so mad face that wasn’t great) and asked if I’m a lesbian. Being young and afraid of this big bad word that was an insult I said no! I just liked this One Girl, I still liked boys. Turns out the girl not only told the whole team and all their parents had been harassing my mom all day. She looked at me, asked if I loved volleyball, I said of course I do! She then looked at me and said “Then you’re going to practice tomorrow, fuck ‘em”. That was my last (? or second to last) season on the court. I regret not looking for another team to this day. I can’t tell you how many couples want to bring me in their bed for their pleasure, Or you turn down some guy at the bar and they take it as a challenge and maybe they can now have two girls instead of one. It’s dehumanizing and gross. Being queer has always held me apart from most. Being known is truly difficult.
One of my mutuals on another platform posted the quote at the top this week, and I have some mixed feelings about it. To Clarify the feelings are not about my mutual but the quote itself that was posted on twitter. (I found it on their page and quoted it word for word but I’m horrible with links so if you want to see it I’ll do my best or just search it I guess lol.) This person is someone I hold a lot of respect for in my community. They are a transperson, are very visible as a transperson with their partners. With the dangerous conditions in America right now for our community, transpeople especially, trans poly people even more so. The strength to follow the heart when things are tough, persevering, it is irreplaceable. It did get me thinking though, and I have a lot of questions. What does it even mean to be visibly queer? Is there a definition? Is it a box to check off to feel “included”? 
To Me: For pride month it’s important to support the things you believe in, for yourself and others. Sharing individual and personal struggles to bring awareness and education during this month is great! I always learn so much this time of year. I will say this though, I don’t like such generalized statements. This quote is fine for specific groups, but doesn’t always apply to the community as a whole and I hope I can properly articulate why I think this. First queer people are diverse! A lot of people in the community ‘pass’ as cisgendered heterosexual couples but could be bi or pan or ace (or closeted). The other thing that comes to mind is you could be single! I am! and maybe that is why this bothered me so much, both of these apply to me. I am nonbinary and have been told and done my own research to tentatively know I am technically part of the transcommunity although I never felt I truly “count” whatever that means, and would not label myself that way, the statement felt almost criticizing??... I’m not sure. I’m as plain jane as they come. Dark long hair, nail appointments and feminine clothes are being reincorporated into my space from what I couldn’t explore in childhood. I do pass as cis. and I know how important those kinda statements are so I’m not saying it’s inherently wrong.... I guess what I’m trying to say to you and myself is you don’t have to be visible to count. We all have different challenges and what I experience will be different from you. I want to use this post to personally recognize the groups that may get overlooked or receive a not so warm welcome because we all know our own commuity can be very exclusive. Bi, poly, ace and pan people get flack from both sides, straight and queer a like. Maybe that’s why it’s taken me two days to get this out on a page. During these trying times I believe we must speak out for others, not just ourselves. We are here, We are Queer, We are united. No one gets left behind. We must strive to be open-minded and curious to our differences. If you got this far thank you for taking the time to read this. Happy Pride Month my friends!
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Happy Lesbian Day of Visibility to all the lovely lesbians out there!
I'm talking 'bout...
Cis lesbians, trans lesbians, and nonbinary lesbians
Bi lesbians, pan lesbians, ply lesbians, and omni lesbians
Old lesbians and young lesbians
Disabled, neurodivergent, and mentally ill lesbians
Lesbians of color
Fat lesbians
Questioning and closeted lesbians
Butch, stud, futch, stem/stemme, and fem/femme lesbians
Acespec and arospec lesbians
Lesbians who use they/them, he/him, neopronouns, nounself pronouns, and more
And all other lesbians! Y'all are wonderful, stunning people, and I love y'all so much! You make the lesbian community so diverse, and you are so important and vital to this community! I just wanna thank y'all for existing. You truly make the lesbian community and the overall queer community amazing! You make our communities and the world a better place. Y'all are truly a blessing to this earth ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 Have a an amazing LDOV, y'all!
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kikithebooknerd · 3 years
Happy Bi Visibility Day 💓💜💙
Happy Bi Visibility Day to all the beautiful bisexual people!
Including the closeted bi's and those questioning if they are bi.
Your reminder that bisexuality is valid and beautiful ✌️ That bisexuals are part of the LGBTQ+ community!
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