#harry high school
stephgingrichs · 7 months
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PETER PARKER & HARRY OSBORN (teenage version) Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (2023)
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mustasekittens · 6 months
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power puff girls
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High Infidelity
Regulus Black x f!reader, Sirius Black x f!reader (mentioned)
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warnings: smut, unprotected p in v, slight mention of fingering, underage drinking, cheating sorry guys i couldn’t stop myself
summary: your boyfriend sirius and his friends have never felt welcoming. but his little brother is…
word count: 5.3k
a/n: once again i’m bad at summaries so basically you fuck regulus spoiler alert hahaha. inspired by taylor swift of course. she’s been inspiring too much smut from me tbh. anywaysss. hope you enjoy (my sneaky link “broke up” w me today and i’m devastated) so here’s this !!!
April 20, 1978
“That’s precisely what I was thinking Moony!”
“Are you sure Padfoot? I got the understanding that it was you and Prongs who shared thoughts.”
“I second that.”
“Honestly I believe if James didn’t have Lily, you blokes would be together.”
“Well, Sirius also has y/n as well.”
You felt the boy beside you brush your shoulder with his, and you gave him a smile. “Oh, yes.”
The conversation continued, but you zoned out once again. You played with the vegetables on your plate and tapped your foot. Anxiety was a common thing you felt during meals with your boyfriend and his friend group. They were wonderful, but you always felt they had something secretly against you.
You were a year younger than your boyfriend, you were in Slytherin, you were pureblood, and you were cordial with the other members of your house. You weren’t stupid enough to believe the Marauders didn’t suspect something bad of you, or the Gryffindor girls. Some of them were muggle born and while you didn’t care much for blood purity, you could tell they thought you did.
When you and Sirius had begun dating a few months earlier, you were far from oblivious to the initial disapproval of his friends. You could see the skeptical looks Lily would share with her friends; you could hear the small whispers in classes. It didn’t bother you at first, in fact, you understood their distrust. You thought it would go away with time. But by the end of your second month dating their friend, you realized it was never going to change.
Your relationship with Sirius in short was far from perfect. You liked him, of course, and he liked you. However, it was clear neither of you saw it lasting forever. Deep in the corners of your mind, you’d thought it that before, a life with the infamous Sirius Black. You imagined the two of you would get your own flat after you graduated, you’d be shunned of course by your family, but it wouldn’t matter because you’d have him. Realistically though, you knew that life would never be possible. If he didn’t care enough to tell you why he sneaks off on full moons, if he didn’t care enough to let you in on jokes, if he didn’t care enough to even assure his friends fully that you weren’t like the rest of your house, you’d never have a life with him.
Without thinking about it, your eyes drifted across the great hall to a certain person in your house. He sat straight with a smile on his face as he conversed with his mates. A piece of his hair was in his eye, you watched as he brushed it away. You always wondered why people said he wasn’t as good-looking as his brother. He was just as handsome in your opinion. He was tall, his eyes were starry, and his black curls were never frizzy. His accomplishments spoke for themself. Top of the year, star seeker for Slytherin, prefect, he was the ideal boy. His only flaw in your eyes was his obsession with Voldemort and blood purity. Though your family and his were close in that aspect, you never cared much for the topic. He did though.
Suddenly, his eyes met yours. You watched his smile falter for a few seconds and a different expression formed. You looked away quickly, your cheeks turned pink. That wasn’t the first time you’d been caught staring at Regulus Black during dinner. It was far from it.
That night you sat alone by the fire in your common room. You’d been invited up to Sirius’s dorm with a promise that the other Marauders wouldn’t be there, but you declined. Sirius was a great shag; it would be impossible for him not to be with how many girls he’d been with. Truthfully, you didn’t like the number of girls that came before you, but you never said anything. You simply weren’t in the mood that night for any more patronizing looks, so you opted to silently work on homework instead.
After some time of working, the door opened. You instinctively looked up and found your pulse quicken as you were met with the beautiful eyes of Regulus Black. He was with his friends, Barty Crouch Jr, and Evan Rosier, but his eyes were on you. You looked down at the sheets of paper in your lap and pretended to not notice the sound of Regulus telling his friends to go up to their dorm without him. When they left though, you were forced to drop the act.
“I thought you’d be up in the Gryffindor tower with all your blood traitor and mudblood friends,” he said after taking a few steps closer to you.
You swallowed and kept your eyes on your paper. “I wasn’t in the mood, and they aren’t really my friends.”
“Really? Y/n you’re shagging my brother I’m not daft.”
He was slowly getting closer; you could see his shoes in your peripheral vision. You subconsciously held your breath. You kept your composure as well as you could.
“Great observation Reg, not as if the whole school knows that. And besides, since when have you cared about that?”
“I always care when someone with blood as pure as yours taints it with someone like my blood traitor brother,” he replied as if it were obvious. “Plus, if you have forgotten I’ve caught you staring at me at least a dozen times within the past month.”
Your cheeks turned bright red. “About that-”
“Look at me.”
His sudden authority made a warm feeling spread in your stomach. Slowly, you lifted your head to look up at him. He was close, barely a foot away. There was an expression on his face you once again couldn’t fully understand. You watched him examine your blushing face in silence.
“Go on then, explain yourself,” he said after a few seconds.
“I didn’t mean to; it was just an... accident,” you mumbled, your eyes moving around the room as you spoke.
Regulus tisked and without warning bent down slightly and gently touched his fingers to your chin. You were speechless. “I prefer to be looked at when spoken to y/n it’s a sign of respect. Can you do that?” You nodded and he moved to his previous position of standing. “Continue.”
“Like I said it was an accident, I sort of space out a lot and I guess my eyes go back to our table,” you continued. You stared in his eyes the entire time as your heart began to beat in your ears.
“I would’ve believed that if it had happened only once or twice, but this has been quite a few times. What is Sirius not fulfilling you enough?”
“No, it’s nothing like that he’s great I just... I dunno. You’re just...” You found it hard to speak with his eyes on you. “I dunno all right? Let’s just forget it’s ever happened yeah?”
It was the truth. You really didn’t know what it was that made you stare at him. It was just something. He fascinated you with his complexity. Sirius was outgoing and popular, but Regulus was closed off and reserved. He’d only had one known girlfriend in Hogwarts, he only talked to his friends, and he was mysterious. He was the opposite of his brother. And you found it perplexing.
“If you say so,” he spoke after a moment. Then he turned and started to walk toward the staircase to the boy's dorm. But before he was too far, he looked back at you with a sliver of a smirk. “You can talk to me though, if you need to. You don’t have to simply stare because my brother is insecure.”
He disappeared up the stairs before you could reply. And you spent the rest of the evening with his words replaying in your head.
April 22, 1978
You sat at lunch; Sirius’s arm was draped over your shoulders, and he shook as he laughed hysterically at something James said. You tried to put on a fake smile, but you weren’t sure how convincing it was. There was something about the way Sirius held you that made you feel off. You felt almost trapped. You felt as though you were being tested or put on display.
As if it was a sixth sense, your eyes looked at the one table you’d been purposely avoiding. He was already looking at you, it caused your breath to catch in your throat. For a few seconds, the two of you stared at each other, what felt like a mutual feeling of understanding was communicated through your eyes. So, when he nodded to the doorway you understood completely what he wanted. And you agreed.
“I’ve got to run down to my dorm I just remembered I forgot my essay for McGonagal.” You made up an excuse. From across the hall, you noticed Regulus already walking toward the exit. “I should go get it before class.”
Sirius dropped his arm from your shoulders and smiled. “You’re too forgetful y/n/n, but be quick I was hoping to get a quick snog in before that dreadful class.”
“Right, I’ll be as quick as I can,” you said as you stood up. You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek, ignoring the eyes that were on you. “Don’t have too much fun without me.”
“I could never!” He exclaimed as you began to walk away.
Truthfully, you weren’t too sure of where Regulus went. You relied on the gut feeling in your stomach to guide you. With anxiety and anticipation flowing through your body, you made your way down a few halls before you found an abandoned classroom. The door was open a sliver, and somehow you knew it was the one.
He was inside, leaning on one of the desks with his arms crossed over his chest. “Close the door.”
You didn’t hesitate to listen to his request. Once it was closed you turned back to face him. “I don’t... I don’t really know what to say.”
“You looked like you needed to escape, you don’t have to talk,” he replied. His face was almost soft. “Am I the only one who knows how you feel?”
“You don’t know how I feel,” you mumbled.
Regulus rolled his eyes. “Just because you haven’t told me doesn’t mean I can’t read your face. It’s almost unbearable how miserable you look while you sit there. Why do you do it?”
You only stared at him, almost starstruck. Has he always been so observant? Or was your pain noticeable? You didn’t know what came over you, but you only acted on it. Before you could stop yourself, you moved across the room until you were barely a foot away from him. Regulus has always been perceived as cold and rude, but in that moment, he looked at you with sincerity no one could deny. Regulus knew you. That was all it took.
Without another thought you grabbed his tie and crashed your lips on his. His lips were soft and warm. Unlike his brothers, Regulus’s lips didn’t feel as though they’d been kissed thousands of times. He felt far less welcoming but nevertheless inviting. But your senses came flooding back fast and you pushed yourself away from him.
You stepped back and covered your burning lips with your hand. “Oh my... I’m- I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have. Fuck I’m terrible.”
“No, I can’t do this. I have to go.” You cut him off as you began to move to the door, tears forming in your eyes.
The last thing you heard was Regulus calling your name before you ran down to your dorm.
April 23, 1978
He was watching you. You could feel his eyes burning into you through every class and meal. Is that how he felt all those times you’d stared at him? It was uncomfortable, to say the least. You tried to pretend he wasn’t, you really did. But it was nearly impossible. You made sure you were accompanied by Sirius or one of your other friends throughout the entire day until you weren’t.
You were just running to the bathroom. You thought it would be quick enough for him to even notice you slipped out of class. It was stupid of you to think that. Just as you were about to enter the girl's bathroom, you felt a hand grab one of your wrists to stop you.
“You can’t avoid this y/n,” he said softly.
You inhaled sharply, refusing to look at him. “Let me go Regulus.”
“I don’t care about what happened and I’m not going to tell on you if that’s what you’re worried about,” he replied quickly.
“Then what do you want? I just- it was a mistake all right?” You felt your heart pounding in your chest. His hand was still on your wrist, your skin practically burned from the contact.
“Look at me.” His voice was hard. You turned slowly to look at him. His expression was soft, he looked almost... worried. “I know we’ve never been that close, but I suppose I’m now involved in your issues. You can talk to me; I want you to talk to me. You can’t keep all of whatever you’re feeling built up inside. It’ll only make you act out impulsively like yesterday.”
You let out a shaky breath. “It was a mistake. It should have never happened I was just... overwhelmed.”
“I know. And I don’t blame you.”
You hated how he said just the right words to make you fold completely.
“They don’t trust me. Even your brother. They seem to think I have some deep plot or that I want to murder the muggle-borns. It’s just... it’s too much Reg. I hate being constantly watched, it’s like they’re waiting for me to make a wrong move that proves their theories.”
“So, why don’t you leave?”
His question caught you off guard. Why didn’t you leave? You hadn’t really thought about it. Sure, you knew that you and Sirius were going to end eventually. But you hadn’t given much thought to how it would occur. Perhaps a mutual agreement? You didn’t know. And you told Regulus exactly that.
“Well, then it’s your fault you feel this way,” he replied.
You scoffed and pulled your wrist from his grip. “Thanks, Reg, you really know how to cheer a girl up.”
“Do you want me to lie and say it’s not your fault? Sorry, I’ll give it another go. It’s not your fault at all y/n, you’re being forced to be around my blood-traitor brother and all his mud-blood friends.” His voice was cold, but for some reason, it didn’t make you feel small. “Was that better?”
“Listen I know I have the choice but it’s just... it’s hard when you care about someone,” you said, ignoring his question.
He sighed and shook his head. “If leaving isn’t what you plan on, then I suppose you’ll have to settle on talking to Sirius about how you feel. I assume you haven’t done that yet?” You shook your head, and he rolled his eyes. “Then talk to him and see if maybe that helps.”
“But what if-”
“If he reacts badly then you break up with him, it’s not that hard to comprehend y/n. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to return to our class, so no one gets any more suspicious.” He cut you off.
You were left outside the girl's bathroom with your mind racing, and your wrist still tingling where Regulus had held it.
April 25, 1978
It took you over a day to muster up the courage to follow through with Regulus’s suggestion. No wonder you weren’t in Gryffindor. The opportunity for you to speak with Sirius alone came after lunch when the two of you had a free period. As usual, you spent most of the time up in Sirius’s bed. So, as the two of you laid next to each other, spent from another good time, you decided it was a good time to bring up how you felt.
“Sirius,” you spoke softly. Your head was on his chest, your fingers drawing circles on his skin. “Can I talk to you about something?”
“’ Course love, anything,” he replied sweetly.
You inhaled deeply and kept your head down. “We’ve been seeing each other for a decent amount of time now and I’ve enjoyed it very much, but it’s just...” You swallowed. “Your friends... they don’t accept me.”
“How do you mean?”
“Come on, don’t you see how they treat me? They always give me these looks; they whisper about me. I’m sure they’ve all voiced their concern about me to you,” you answered.
“They don’t mean it to make you feel bad, they just you know... Lily is muggle-born, and so is Mary.”
“I’m aware of that. That has nothing to do with me, you should know I don’t care about blood status.”
“Well yes but your house, the people you are friends with, they care. You can’t blame my friends for being weary.”
You sat up and looked at Sirius, suddenly full of anger. “I am not like the other people in my house, and it’s hypocritical for them to judge me based on that. Have I ever proven myself to be anything like the other Slytherins?”
“No, but-”
“But nothing Sirius. I’m not like them, and it hurts that you don’t even bother to make your friends believe that.” You cut him off. You got off his bed and began to gather your clothes. “It’s clear I’m not welcome here.”
You began to button your shirt. “No Sirius it’s fine, I understand. I thought you Gryffindors were supposed to be welcoming, I suppose that assumption was wrong too.”
Just as you were about to bend down to retrieve your tie, you felt Sirius’s warm hands on your hips. Instinctively, you turned to look at him. He stared up at you with a frown on his face. You hated how perfect he still looked with such a sour expression.
“You’re right, I should advocate for you more. I’ll do that from now on. You are nothing like the other Slytherins, you’re perfect y/n. I’m sorry for not catching on to this sooner.” His words were sincere, you could tell. It made your anger subside.
“Thank you,” you said, a small smile on your lips.
“Now, can you get back into bed for a little longer?” He asked.
You nodded with a chuckle and slid back beneath the sheets. Though you felt relieved and happy at the outcome of your conversation, you couldn’t help but think about what Regulus’s reaction to the news would be.
For some reason, you knew he wouldn’t be pleased.
April 26, 1978
His eyes searched your face; you tried your hardest to keep your expression neutral. The two of you were up in the astronomy tower, the glow of the moon and stars your only source of light. You didn’t know why you felt almost ashamed telling him about the conversation you had with Sirius. Something deep within you knew the outcome wasn’t what the younger Black brother wanted.
“I’m a bit confused,” he said after a moment of silence.
“What about?”
“If the conversation truly went as you say it did, why aren’t you happy?”
“What do you mean? I am happy. I think I even saw a bit of improvement today,” you answered honestly.
Regulus only shrugged and turned to look off the balcony. “Could’ve fooled me.”
“I really am happy Reg this is what I wanted. Now they won’t be so judgmental and perhaps I’ll start to finally feel welcomed,” you replied.
You stared at him for a minute. The soft glow of the moonlight illuminated his features in a way you’d never seen before. He was handsome. With his sharp jawline, his dark curly hair, and his prominent cheekbones how could he not be handsome?
Eventually, he turned his eyes back to you, and for a split second, your breath caught in your throat. There was something intense in his light eyes that you couldn’t decode. It made heat rush straight to your face.
“All right, if that’s what you want,” he said. “See you around.”
With that, he left. And you almost followed him, almost.
April 27, 1978
Something was wrong with you. Very wrong.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the one boy in Hogwarts you really shouldn’t have been thinking about. It was wrong, especially in the way you were thinking about him. You tried to distract yourself in every way you could. With your friends, with Sirius, with schoolwork. But nothing worked.
Perhaps it was the intense dream you’d had the previous night that kept your mind wandering. After all, who could simply brush off an intense sexual dream about their boyfriend's brother? It made you blush and feel ashamed each time it crossed your mind throughout the day. And when you saw Regulus around the school, you almost fell apart.
It was as though a switch had been flipped inside you. Gone were the innocent friendly thoughts you had about the younger Black brother. They were replaced by awfully inappropriate ones.
But you were determined to make them vanish. Because to act on such thoughts would be terrible.
April 28, 1978
Avoiding Regulus was hard given he was in almost all your classes, and he shared the same common room as you. But you tried your hardest. You spent the day clung to Sirius as much as you could, despite the fact you were upset with him. Being around him meant being away from his brother. That was the important thing.
Things between you and Sirius’s friends had not changed much. You wondered if he had even said anything to them. If he did, it didn’t seem like it. It hurt you, but it didn’t occupy your thoughts as much as it previously had.
Actually, it made you realize something you were too afraid to admit.
Regulus seemed to care more about your feelings than your boyfriend.
That thought scared you. And it only made your improper thoughts about him grow.
April 29, 1978
You sat up in the Astronomy tower with your legs dangling off the balcony, a bottle of firewhiskey beside you. For the first time in months, you couldn’t deal with your thoughts without a substance. Luckily your boyfriend had a stash of alcohol and was able to spare you a small bottle. So, you took it with a big thank you and practically ran up to the tower. You needed to clear your head. You needed to escape.
There was a slight breeze, it made you clutch your robe tighter around your body. The alcohol helped too. You took another swig, a sigh escaping your lips at the feeling. You liked the way it made your chest warm, and how it made the thoughts of Regulus fade.
Suddenly, you heard footsteps. You gathered the bottle into your robe but remained seated. Whoever it was, they’d catch you anyway. There weren’t many hiding spaces in the tower. So, you prepared for an angry Filch to scold you.
“I figured you’d be up here, your roommates said they hadn’t seen you, neither did my brother.” The gentle voice of the boy you were trying to avoid spoke.
You whipped your head around fast, your mouth hung open slightly. He was only a few feet away from you, and still getting closer. “You talked to him about me?”
“Told him we have a project together and he still wasn’t very welcoming. I see why you feel out of place now,” he answered as he lowered himself to sit beside you. “Care to share any of that with me?”
“Since when do you drink Mr. Prefect?” You questioned skeptically.
He shrugged. “I’ve indulged before, is that surprising? I am almost of age you know.”
“You just don’t seem like the type that’s all,” you replied honestly. You removed the bottle from under your robe and handed it to him. “I’m a bit ahead of you though.”
Regulus didn’t reply. Instead, he popped the cap off the bottle and took a few swigs. You watched carefully, unable to hide your smile when his face scrunched up from the bitterness. Even then, he was still beautiful.
“Wine is much better than this,” he said after a minute as he handed the bottle back to you.
You nodded. “Taste wise, yes, but this gets you drunk much faster.”
“Is that what you want? To get drunk?”
You nodded again and took a swig from the bottle. He had a point, firewhiskey tasted awful. But you needed it, especially since Regulus had caught you alone and even more because he looked far too good in the moonlight.
“I thought things were going to get better with my brother,” he spoke.
“I thought so too but it seems he isn’t good at keeping his word,” you replied with a frown.
Regulus chuckled and took the bottle again. “Well look at him, he’s a filthy blood traitor, what do you see in him?”
“He’s kind, outgoing, very fun to party with, and of course one of the most handsome boys in the school,” you answered. You couldn’t help but smile when Regulus rolled his eyes. “None of that matters though. We’ll be splitting up soon.”
The hope in his voice was undeniable. It made your heart rate quicken.
“Yeah. He’ll be leaving school soon and we never really planned to last this long anyway so it only makes sense that we’ll be splitting.”
As he handed you the bottle back, your fingers brushed. You held in your breath, your mouth suddenly felt dry, and a tingle began in the small place where his skin met yours. Your eyes met again and from the way his starry eyes suddenly appeared darker you knew he felt what you did.
You should’ve looked away. You knew you should’ve. You’d like to blame the alcohol for the way you felt, but Regulus Black had proven himself to be more magnetic than any boy you’d ever met so there was no use excusing it. So, despite the fact it was wrong, you didn’t move when he started to lean closer.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he said, his voice quieter than before.
“I’m sure you are,” you replied. He was close, his lips only inches away from yours.
“Why’s that?” He asked.
His eyes were so beautiful, you could barely focus on the words that came out of his mouth. “Because you...”
Your eyes fluttered shut and you felt his soft lips brush against yours. He was so gentle; you could barely even feel him. And after only a few seconds he pulled back. Your eyes remained closed.
“Because I’m...?”
“Reg, don’t make me ask you.”
“Oh, but I want to hear it so bad.”
“Just shut up and kiss me already.”
He didn’t hesitate to fulfill your request and soon enough he was kissing you with an intensity you weren’t sure you ever felt before. One of his hands fell to your waist, his fingers quickly untucking your shirt from your skirt. You let your fingers run through his curls as you’d imagined doing so many times over the previous days.
When he pushed you back and urged you to lie down, you did it. When he pushed your knees apart and slid between your legs you didn’t protest. It was terrible, you were cheating on your boyfriend with his little brother. But at that moment no thoughts could even register in your head. All you could think about was how good Regulus’s body felt against yours and how good he was at kissing.
Perhaps things moved faster than they should’ve. Perhaps they should’ve never moved in that direction to begin with. Either way, within only a few minutes both of your robes were discarded and one of Regulus’s hands was between your thighs. His lips remained on yours as he toyed with you, his soft kiss engulfed each of your moans. You traced your fingertips up and down his back, your hand under his shirt. He was soft but rough, he was perfect.
“I want you,” he suddenly whispered against your lips.
Your eyes opened, he pulled back a bit, and your eyes met his. He didn’t stop his fingers; you could barely think of what to say. “I want you too Reg.”
“Right now?” He asked.
“Right now,” you assured him breathlessly.
You watched him fumble with his belt for a few seconds before he distracted you with another kiss. He was intoxicating, to say the least. Every one of your senses was flooded with Regulus Black. The scent of his cologne, the feeling of his hands under your skirt, the taste of the firewhiskey he’d previously drank, the sound of his shallow breath, the brief glimpses you stole of his pretty face, it was almost too much for you to handle.
Once his belt was finally undone you felt him shift and you knew what was to come. You didn’t think of stopping him for a second. Instead, you threaded your fingers back in his black curls and held him tighter. He pushed your panties to the side and without warning began to slowly push his cock inside you.
You bit down on his lip, your back arched off the floor, and your thighs squeezed around him. He didn’t stutter with his movements and began to thrust in and out at a pace that made your head spin and your insides warm.
After a few minutes, he began to trail his mouth down your neck, the sensation making it impossible for you to stay quiet. You gripped one of his biceps with your hand and your eyes squeezed shut as he fucked you. He was careful despite the heat of the moment, however. You were silently grateful. No marks would be left on your skin.
“Reg,” you moaned. “Fuck Reg.”
He staggered for a moment. “Are you okay?” The vibration of his voice on your skin made you almost moan again.
“Yes, yes. Please don’t stop,” you whimpered.
It would be impossible for you to know exactly how long it went on. But by the time it was over, you felt no effects from the alcohol you’d drank before. You came hard, arguably harder than you’d ever come in your life. Regulus did something to you that you couldn’t understand. So, when he asked if it was ok for him to finish inside you said yes.
The two of you laid next to each other in the aftermath, a few inches between your bodies. Sweat covered the inside of your shirt, and another substance leaked between your thighs. You only stared at the ceiling and the stars above as you steadied your breathing.
“I won’t tell,” Regulus said after some time.
“Thank you,” you replied quietly. You were still in a daze; your mind couldn’t process what had just occurred. You sat up, your back was already starting to ache. “I should go.”
From the corner of your eye, you saw Regulus sit up too. “Yeah, you should.”
You slid your robe over your arms and straightened out your tie and shirt. Before you stood, you made sure to grab the bottle of firewhiskey and conceal it under your clothes. You looked down at Regulus briefly, he was already looking at you. It made your face heat up.
You gave him a weak smile. “I’ll um... I’ll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight.”
You escaped before anything else could be said and raced down to your dorm.
The whole night you tossed and turned in bed, your head full of thoughts that would not let you sleep. You cheated on Sirius. With his brother. It was almost unimaginable. You’d never thought of cheating before, it never crossed your mind. But there you were a cheater.
You just hoped Sirius wouldn’t ask where you were on April 29th.
Because he really wouldn’t want to know.
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driftingoffthegrid · 17 days
*me at 15 trying to act normal around my friend(s) after spending the entire previous night furiously reading atyd for the first time*
“so have you guys heard of david bowie?”
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zero-site · 3 months
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a screenshot of Eric Harris' website, he would write lyrics of KMFDM's songs "waste" and "son of a gun" before sharing his link to his AOL page
see it here!
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 1 month
"you know how to ball, i know aristotle" is actually about wolfstar where remus who grew up smoking pot on street corners knows how to ball and sheltered little victorian kid sirius knows aristotle
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nikkinikums · 1 year
All Eric & Dylan scenes in 2016 movie, “I’m Not Ashamed”
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mustasekittens · 7 months
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high school parksbornson go trick-or-treating (ignore that its almost December)
you see the joke here is that both Graham Phillips (harry) and Yuri Lowenthal (peter) played Be-[gunshot]
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finelinefae · 2 months
tongue tied outtake:::
“Is that Y/N?” One of Harry’s team mates asked him as they warmed up on the field before football practice started.
“Yeah,” Harry smiled when his eyes fell on her. She was wearing his puffer jacket as she sat on the sidelines, reading words out loud from a book she had picked out of the library.
“What’s she doing?” His teammate wondered.
“Speaking.” Harry replied, vaguely.
Harry chuckled when he saw her angrily throw the book on the floor in front of her, crossing her arms as though she had just gotten into an argument with it.
He jogged over, picking the book up off the floor. He squatted down in front of her and saw her pouty, frustrated face. He flicked her chin up, “Hello baby,” He smiled, ticking his head to the side.
“H-Hi,” Y/N mumbled.
“Would y’ mind telling me what’s got y’ all upset?” He grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it.
“I hate that book, the words are too hard.” She pouts, crossing her arms like an angry toddler.
“Hey enough of that,” He tried not to laugh, “What do we do when the words are too tough?”
She huffs, her hands falling to her sides, “Breathe and sound them out slow.”
“Mhm,” He grabs both her hands in his palms and inhales deeply. Y/N copies his actions and closes her eyes as she does, “Okay, read me the first few words.”
Y/N did as she was told, sounding out each word as though they were the longest words in the dictionary. It took her a while to get through the first sentence but Harry listened patiently, his smile growing with every word she spoke aloud without stuttering.
“Good job baby!” He held her face in his hands, “You’re so smart and clever.”
Y/N gave him a deadpan stare in return but he quickly kissed her and her lips curved against his, “I love you.”
“I love you more,” He grinned, “Gonna let me go play now? No more throwing books on the ground okay?”
“Kay,” She nodded and sat back down on the bench to finish reading aloud.
Harry jogged back over to join his team, his eyes glancing over at Y/N every now and then to make sure she was okay.
“She alright?” Harry’s teammate asked again when he had returned.
Harry looked over at his girlfriend fondly and wondered if it were possible to fall in love this heard at this age. “Yeah,” He spoke, “She’s perfect.”
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bandshirts-andbooks · 2 years
Apologies for those who joined my blog for a specific fandom, just to watch me float from fandom to fandom like a little hyperfixated bee
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severussnapemylove · 25 days
Harry going to Hogwarts for the first time...
"We're all gonna be safe, and we're all gonna have a great time."
Harry at the end of every school year after...
"What the Jesus Christ was that?!"
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 month
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zero-site · 3 months
Eric and Dylans school photos
just them over the years
Dylan Klebolds
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Eric Harris
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Harris seemingly has way more then Klebold...
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
*Y/n and Lee laughing their asses off*
George: Merlin, are they drunk?
Y/n: We are not drunk! *Continues to laugh*
Lee: Yeah! We lust jack oxygen!....we juck last oxygen? We luck jast- fuck.
Y/n: *laughing to the point she falls to the floor* I can't breath *wheezes*
Fred: Yeah they're either drunk or Lee is having a stroke and Y/n might just be high.
Y/n: *gasp* I am not high!...Heh,luck jast-*starts laughing again*
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
I think it's funny if every Voyager au has its own 'delta quadrant' and 'Maquis v Starfleet' circumstance that they're treating with the same level of seriousness and angst. Flight attendant Au but they're experiencing several long layovers and are from two competing airlines. High School Au but they're from different schools on a tense joint overnight trip.
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trohpi · 3 months
“God, but he’s gorgeous,” Regulus says mindlessly, his eyes trained on the other boy’s abs.
“Isn’t he?” Lily mumbles beside him in agreement.
Right on cue, James slips on the wet concrete and stumbles, falling face-first with a resounding smack. Regulus drops his head in his hands. Lily can’t help but watch as James quickly pushes himself back up, brushing off the other swimmers’ concerned offers of help with a carefree laugh and a blinding smile. Evan snickers and casually tosses an arm over the other boy’s shoulder, tugging him over to the changing rooms. James goes along with him, his head blissfully empty.
Lily stares after him in resignation. “God, but he’s an idiot.”
“Isn’t he?” Regulus sighs into his hands.
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