#harry potter has issues
hollowed-theory-hall · 3 months
Do you think Harry could be scary at times? Like put actual fear into people? Because I think I remember some moments where Hermione was afraid of him or was a least kinda hesitant with him. Like this quote here from HP and the Deathly Hallows:
“You nev­er re­al­ly tried!” she said hot­ly. “I don’t get it, Har­ry – do you like hav­ing this spe­cial con­nec­tion or re­la­tion­ship or what – what­ev­er – “
She fal­tered un­der the look he gave her as he stood up.
“Like it?” he said qui­et­ly. “Would you like it?”
“I – no – I’m sor­ry, Har­ry. I just didn’t mean – “
He literally just looked at her, stood, and she was over there stuttering and backing down.
Yes! OMG, yes! Harry can and is scary when he wants to be and I love him for it!
A few more examples that popped into my head:
“I haven’t finished with you, boy!” “Get out of the way,” said Harry quietly. “You’re going to stay here and explain how my son —” “If you don’t get out of the way I’m going to jinx you,” said Harry, raising the wand. “You can’t pull that one on me!” snarled Uncle Vernon. “I know you’re not allowed to use it outside that madhouse you call a school!” “The madhouse has chucked me out,” said Harry. “So I can do whatever I like. You’ve got three seconds. One — two —”
(OotP, 45)
Uncle Vernon reacts to him with anger, which is his fear response. But Harry is talking quietly and deliberately, he isn't shouting and Vernon shuts up and listens, not cutting Harry off with his shouts. Harry actually cuts him off speaking quietly and Vernon lets him. And Vernon lashes out, as he always does when it comes to magic — because it scares him. Harry scares him.
“Well, it’s like Hagrid said, they can look after themselves,” said Hermione impatiently, “and I suppose a teacher like Grubbly-Plank wouldn’t usually show them to us before N.E.W.T. level, but, well, they are very interesting, aren’t they? The way some people can see them and some can’t! I wish I could.” “Do you?” Harry asked her quietly. She looked horrorstruck. “Oh Harry — I’m sorry — no, of course I don’t — that was a really stupid thing to say —”
(OotP, 450)
Hermione stutters around Harry quite a bit. I think she is, like, concerned about him at all times at the back of her head a bit since it takes very little from him to rattle her. I'm not copying it here but you see it too when Harry shouts at her and Ron at the beginning of OotP, Ron argues back a bit, but Hermione gets incredibly rattled. Hermione doesn't deal with Harry's anger well. There are more scenes like the one you mentioned as well.
I'm re-reading Deathly Hallows right now and came upon this scene:
Somehow her [Hermione's] panic seemed to clear Harry’s head. “Lock the door,” he told her, “and Ron, turn out the lights.” He looked down at the paralyzed Dolohov, thinking fast as the lock clicked and Ron used the Deluminator to plunge the caf into darkness. Harry could hear the men who had jeered at Hermione earlier, yelling at another girl in the distance. “What are we going to do with them?” Ron whispered to Harry through the dark; then, even more quietly, “Kill them? They’d kill us. They had a good go just now.” Hermione shuddered and took a step backward. Harry shook his head. “We just need to wipe their memories,” said Harry. “It’s better like that, it’ll throw them off the scent. If we killed them it’d be obvious we were here.” “You’re the boss,” said Ron, sounding profoundly relieved. “But I’ve never done a Memory Charm.”
(DH, 146)
That needs to be talked about more.
Some people like to point at Remus telling Harry that "the time for Expeliarmos is over" as proof Harry isn't willing to kill, but this isn't true. Harry isn't willing to kill Stan Shunpike, whom he considers innocent, Harry was the calmest of the trio and very much considered killing the Death Eaters and chose not to for completely tactical and cold reasons, not ones of ethics or qualms about murder. And I love the dynamic this short scene portrays with the trio a lot. Like, Harry is calm under pressure and calls the shots, Ron offers a way to deal with things, and then Hermione actually executes the memory charms. And here too, when Hermione stepped back, she was scared of Harry (and Ron a little). She doesn't for a second think he wouldn't kill them if he thought it was the right thing to do. She stepped back because she was scared Harry would kill them.
“...Thank you!” said Mundungus, snatching the goblet out of Ron’s hand and stuffing it back into the case. “Well, I’ll see you all — OUCH!” Harry had pinned Mundungus against the wall of the pub by the throat. Holding him fast with one hand, he pulled out his wand. “Harry!” squealed Hermione. “You took that from Sirius’s house,” said Harry, who was almost nose to nose with Mundungus and was breathing in an unpleasant smell of old tobacco and spirits. “That had the Black family crest on it.” “I — no — what — ?” spluttered Mundungus, who was slowly turning purple. “What did you do, go back the night he died and strip the place?” snarled Harry. “I — no —” “Give it to me!”
(HBP, 245-246)
Harry lifts Mundungus and strangles him... and both Mundungus and Hermione are scared of him... because he is scary.
said Voldemort coldly, and though he could not see it, Harry pictured Bellatrix withdrawing a helpful hand. “The boy . . . Is he dead?” There was complete silence in the clearing. Nobody approached Harry, but he felt their concentrated gaze; it seemed to press him harder into the ground, and he was terrified a finger or an eyelid might twitch. “You,” said Voldemort, and there was a bang and a small shriek of pain. “Examine him. Tell me whether he is dead.” Harry did not know who had been sent to verify. He could only lie there, with his heart thumping traitorously, and wait to be examined, but at the same time noting, small comfort though it was, that Voldemort was wary of approaching him, that Voldemort suspected that all had not gone to plan. . . .
(DH, 612)
Voldemort is outright scared of Harry and isn't willing to come near him to check if he's dead...
Like, I am not a fan of the weaker, softer fanon version of Harry James Potter that I see on occasion (obviously everyone can do what they want, I just personally don't like it much when he's portrayed as small and submissive as if Harry has ever submitted in his life). He is not as tall as Ron, but he isn't short either (the same height as James, so likely around 6 feet), he is physically capable of lifting Mundungus even without magic with a single hand and he is so magically capable (more than almost every other character, bar exceptions like Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Snape). No wonder he can be scary, both physically and magically. And yes, Hermione is outright scared of Harry at times. So are other characters.
So, yeah, I strongly agree, Harry can definitely scare people if he wants to, and sometimes even when he doesn't. He seems to have an intimidation factor he isn't fully aware of and therefore doesn't notice all that much.
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
ginny to harry: we cant leave the boys in their room with the door closed!! dont u know what that means!?! dont you see how eerily quiet they are?? its a silencing spell, harry!
harry: im sure theyre just sleeping or something.
ginny: yeah sleeping TOGETHER im sure
- meanwhile -
albus after playing his weezer music at scorp for 40 minutes: soooo (trying to seem dark and mysterious), what do you want to do now?
scorpius: i dont know :)
albus: wanna rob james?
scorpius: no! :) i actually am a tad tired and kind of want to sleep here for a bit :) do you want to join me :)
albus, nodding because scorp is a genius: yeah thats fire. shuffle over
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severussnapemylove · 2 months
Why does no one talk about the fact that Neville’s uncle nearly drowned him and dropped him out of a second story window???? That the idea of him not having magic was so out of the question that his family put his life in danger????
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 month
Bit of a shame I left hp before I entered svsss because one of my favourite tropes at the time was 'dumbledore calls in External Support from different fandom during ootp and they show up to grimmauld to help (and utterly upstage everyone in the process)'.
And needless to say Sqq, at any point, would have been perfect.
Like. He's a teacher too. A scholar. Secretly from the modern world so he'd have no trouble with its intricate and mysterious workings, incidentally making himself look very cool and competent in the process. He'd have So Many Opinions. He'd incite bloody war with umbridge. He'd project his feelings for sj onto Snape with a side of commiseration for his role and fate. He'd mostly pretend to know so much less about hp than he actually does (which, hilariously, he canonically name drops in svsss, AND his system is pretty heavily implied to have previously worked in, like wow). He'd be constantly comparing Harry with lbh. He'd have a running internal dialogue bemoaning the world building, the characters, Harry's fate, the general decision making process, maybe some death of the author. Geeking out about magic. Raiding the library whenever he's free.
He might bring his students as part of an exchange, he might bring a fellow peak lord if it was a serious mission (liushen anyone?) he could bring adult lbh. Maybe sqh? Or sqh could be the messenger with the system and/or mbj.
A self aware character who couldn't live with himself if he didn't at least try to change Harry's fate whether or not he actually likes the kid? He could canon that divergence before you could say horcrux. That kind, oblivious, smoking hot exotic teacher who had people ruining their lives for him in a world that was used to people that pretty and also hated him specifically?? The hogwarts students wouldn't stand a CHANCE.
Man the scenes are coming to me so strongly I almost want to write it just as a like. Satire piece or something. Just Sqq ripping everything to shreds, accidentally or not. Diatribes on the author biases. Unintentional themes. Iffy world building choices. Nothing new, but through the lens of svsss' Sqq it'd be something for sure XD.
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sybill-the-seer · 1 year
Young ~3-y/o Harry following Petunia around the house while she does chores. Young Harry holding onto Petunia’s skirt and sucking his thumb while she does the dishes. Young Harry playing quietly in the grass near Petunia while she weeds the garden. Young Harry just wanting to be WITH someone at all times. Young Harry trotting along after Petunia all day being her little shadow until her patience wears thin and she sends him to his cupboard. Young Harry being a clingy child who desperately needs affection but never gets it.
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little-demy · 7 months
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The Sword Cane; Rayne Ames
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pennedmusings · 10 months
Thumb Fight
Summary: You are in a bar waiting for Sirius and the boys to show up, but the chaos and the hubbub of the setting make it difficult for you to have a good time. Thankfully, Sirius shows up just in time.
Note: fluff, comfort, Muggle!AU, Sirius and the reader are friends but with mutual pining! because I'm a slut for that. Gender-neutral reader. Neurodivergent reader. Not very well edited
Relationship: Sirius Black x Reader (mutual pining)
Warnings: Sensory overstimulation, sensory icks, crying, self-depreciation, reader is not very fond of themselves, mentions of drinking! reader almost has a panic attack (?)
Word count: approx 2K words
Likes and reblogs are much appreciated, comments even more so!
The music was so loud you could barely hear your own thoughts.
It had been a pleasant hum before, a singer crooning softly from a corner, stuff that you could handle, stuff that you enjoyed actually. But as the night went on, the crowd got progressively drunker, and their tastes got progressively rambunctious. Right now, the speakers boomed with the heavy bass of some pop song. The crowd that had clamoured to put on “real” music instead of the Chris Isaak that you were so at ease with, now no longer cared for the song and wanted to focus on their chatter. People yelled at decibels far beyond the human capacity just to say hello to someone.
It was a Saturday night so the bar was packed to the brim, and you could feel several arms brushing past yours. You escaped the corner you had thought to seclude yourself in when a couple came in with each other’s tongues down their throats. You walked over to the bar and laid your hands flat against the marble when your skin came in contact with something wet. It was probably just condensed water from a cold drink, your brain tried to reason, but your instinct was to recoil in disgust and immediately wipe your hands off the cold, wet, annoying sensation on your hand.
It was a nightmare for you.
You flinched every time you so much as heard another glass hit the bar.
The glasses clinked.
The crowd roared.
Somebody said “hello” a little too loudly.
The bass pumped.
The door squeaks.
The bar top is wet.
Someone’s arm is brushing yours.
Too much, too much, too much, too much, too much, too much, too-
“Hey, hey, hey, puppy, what’s wrong?” warm hands lift your chin up and you almost flinch before realising who it is. Your eyes meet the concerned grey of Sirius’s. and as his eyes widen you realise how bad you must look in the moment. Surely, Sirius pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and starts dabbing around your eyes.
Oh, you didn’t know you’d started crying.
His thumbs smooth out the furrows of your eyebrows as he moves closer to you, as if he’s trying to shield you from the rest of the bar.
“Wanna get out of here?” he asks softly, and you nod.
In no time he’s wading through the crowd, trying to create an opening for you to follow him out with. He holds your hands in his throughout the whole deal. Finally when you are both outside, the crisp, chilly autumn air hits you and you sit on the pavement in grateful silence. You don’t need to speak and Sirius doesn’t demand an answer as well.  
You lose track of time as you rub your hands over your body. Crack your joints, gnaw on your lip, braid a portion of your hair, and tap your feet to a rhythm stuck in your head. After a minute, or maybe 10, or  maybe 20, when you’re humming the same part of a Mitski song over and over again,  Sirius speaks up.
“You feeling better now?”
“Good,” the relief is evident in his voice, “ I got really worried seeing you like that.” He admits.
An apology comes out of you instinctively.
Sirius scoffs and settles down beside you, “it’s not your fault lovely.” He offers you his hand and you take him up. He quickly moulds your hands into a position for a thumb-fight and you are grateful for the distraction. Because he is sitting next to you and you can smell his cologne, and you can feel the heat emanating from his body; you might go into a different kind of panic attack if you focus on just him for longer. 
“It kind of is though,” you soldier on with your self-criticism. “If I wasn’t so fucked in the head, you wouldn’t have to leave everything and sit with me outside a bar.”
The thumb fight has reached a strategic impasse, both of you hold your thumbs poised, ready to attack, but none making the first move.
“For the record, I didn’t leave anything.”
You look up to his eyes for the first time since coming outside the bar. But perhaps for the first time, he’s the one avoiding eye contact. You try to hold his gaze but he is adamant to not let you.
“What do you mean? I know for a fact that James and Remus are in there waiting for you to join them.” you point out. The boys were supposed to get to the bar together, being the roommates that they are. They had offered to pick you up from your apartment so that all of you could be there together but you knew they’d have to take a detour to accommodate that. Besides, your shift ended earlier today so you figured that going to the bar was less depressing than sitting by yourself at home waiting for someone to pick you up. Maybe you should have taken Remus up on his offer after all.
“They’re twats who have separation anxiety.” He deadpans but both of you know he’s only teasing. He’d take a bullet for them through his heart.  
His face looks peculiar, unfamiliar in this setting because you’ve never seen him like this- all shy and red in the cheeks, avoiding eye contact, for once you’re the pursuer.
“Twats they may be, they’re still your friends. You should go inside with them. I’m much better here, you don’t need to stay.” You brush your thumb against his in challenge.
“Oh but I do,” the response is prompt, “need to be here to look after you. All alone, looking so pretty in the night, someone might steal you away. And where will be after that?” his thumb bashes yours away.
“You’ll all be much better off.” You huff.
He tsks very loudly and soon your thumb is pressed underneath his. You try to wriggle it free but he is a rugby player and his strength is not to be messed with. “ Quit it.” He warns.
There’s a pregnant pause. You’ve had this conversation before. Maybe not with the others, but definitely more times with Sirius than you could count. None of you say anything. You have long given up on trying to retrieve the thumb that’s stored underneath his firm grip.
“It’s rotten work.” You finally huff out.
He sighs, “Not to me. Not if its you.”
The stupid bastard knows Euripides. Great.
Anger and self-loathing forgotten you now try to get to the bottom of this enigma. “Pray tell, how did you know what to say?”
“I’m a man of culture-!” you smack him upside down. “OW!” he rubs the back of his head tenderly.
“You binge-watched all of Dance Moms in a week.”
“It’s a cultural revolution.” 
“You have the attention span of a very small baby without any object permanence, you did not go through all of Euripides.” You say decidedly.
“Okay, I did not. You just mentioned it one day and said that you liked it a lot. So I thought of reading it but I couldn’t get past the first page.” Here you crack a smile, “ so then I just went on the internet to find something popular from the book and this was the first thing that showed up. Of course, knowing you, I could bet that you would quote this at some point or the other at me, and I wanted to be prepared.”
The chilly London air feels so much hotter than before. Even though its late at night, you think you can see the sun trying to shine its way out from the darkness. Sirius Orion Black will kill you one day. You think he’s trying to kill you right now. With his stupid shy smile, his stupid grey eyes looking at the pavement like it’s the most interesting thing in the world, the stupid blush creeping over his cheeks.
“Oh so when I asked you to take the chicken out of the freezer that one day, it was too much work for you, but Y/N just mentions a book and you’re off cramming its Wikipedia page? Some roommate you are Pads!”
Both of you whip your head around at the sudden intrusion. James leans against the door with his arms crossed over his chest in a display of anger that you know is all fake. Remus is standing next to him with his hands in his pocket and a small smile on his face. They look like they’ve been here for a while now and the realisation makes you want to disintegrate into the asphalt.
Intrusion into your quiet time with Sirius it may be, but you are in a way grateful for it; the conversation was going into realms you aren’t prepared at all to face. You look towards Sirius and judging by his face, he’s relieved too.
“What are you lot doing outside?” Sirius demands nonetheless (your thumb is still firmly wrapped under his), “aren’t you supposed to be getting piss drunk today?”
“We were supposed to get piss drunk together” James explains with all the patience of a tired rugby player who’s been working without break for the whole day, “We ordered shots and everything but we couldn’t find you or Y/N, so we came outside looking for you.”
You feel heat rising to your cheeks. Oh, so your breakdowns were that predictable. Being perceived is a mortifying ordeal.
However when you look to James and Remus there is nothing but kindness, understanding, and concern in their eyes. That lessens some of the awkwardness.
(Sirius’s hand has now enveloped yours, and that’s doing wonders for the anxiety too)
“Anyway,” Remus begins with a long drawl in that usual ‘Let’s-get-to-the-point-shall-we’ way of his, “are we heading back inside? No offense darling Y/N but its fucking freezing out here.”
Despite his words, you know there isn’t any malice to his position. It’s his way of asking if you’re okay in front of everyone; if you’re okay to face the inside.  
Though the question is meant for you, you look to Sirius for some sort of inclination. You get nothing but a soft smile. You know what it means. You just have to say the word and they would camp outside and start a party by the pavement.
It’s overwhelming and heartwarming at the same time to think about how deep their friendship goes. To abandon everything simply because one person isn’t comfortable with it. You are beyond lucky to have this in your life. But however tempting the idea of leaving all this to go sleep in your bed might seem on other nights, tonight you find yourself looking forward to getting piss drunk with this group of men who crashed into your life like a storm.
Your hand is now being properly caressed and massaged by Sirius’s and you feel all the stress slipping away. The prospect of the daunting inside seems less and less like a bad idea knowing that you have him by your side. You need only make the smallest protest and he’ll escort you out immediately. No matter the amount of wet table tops, or too-loud people, you know that with him around none of your senses would have enough sense to make you feel anxious.
So you nod.
James lets out a whoop and Remus chuckles at his antics. Sirius- well, Sirius is smiling at you again before he’s hauling himself up to his feet. He takes a second to adjust before he’s pulling you up as well (by the hand he had never let go of).
The gates to the bar are swung open by one of the boys, and the inside is as you expected it to be: loud, with people clambering all over the place. But you don’t notice that not when Sirius pulls your thumb into another fight and the rest of the world blurs away.
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Every time I hear someone say certain fandom things are not canon compliant in this fandom I want to fucking die from laughter. No, Regulus questioning Voldemort’s politics and methods and not actually wanting to join the DE and doing it to please his family isn’t against canon. CANON DOESNT FUCKING EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE. For many marauders characters we have like. 2 lines in seven books total. 90% of them are dead before the first chapter of the first book starts and it’s set literally 10 years before the plot starts. If you want canon compliant you are not in the right fandom
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cheekyboybeth · 4 months
Marauders incorrect quotes
James: hey, what if we had some people over?
Regulus: look, if you don’t wanna be with me, just say so
Regulus: you wanna have people over
Regulus: over what? My dead body?
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alien-slushie · 1 year
*Warning: Cussing*
Hermione: Mum didn't raise no fucking bitch. We keep going.
Ron: Na na na, Mum raised a bitch. Let's go.
Harry: My Mum didn't raise anybody actually. My Mum is dead.
Ron: Oh my god.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 11 days
Summer Aflame, A Future Hearth (Series) by Otaku6337 Pairing: Gen, Severitus Rating: T Word Count: 8k Harry is sent to live with Snape for most of his summer after Voldemort is resurrected, much to his chagrin. And he has to learn some obscure mental magic too? Except maybe it isn't as awful as he had expected. More than that, he might even find an adult that he can trust and be comfortable with. A father figure, perhaps.
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dasyr0se-blog · 8 months
minerva, high as fuck: severus what would you do if you found yourself in a life and death situation?
severus, equally high: i'd kill myself
minerva: severus, no!
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lepoltergeist · 1 year
Unpopular opinion, Harry Potter doesn't have a "Hero complex" or a "Saving people thing", he is just a distrustful traumatized kid.
Implying he has a hero complex would be saying that he does the saving thing to feed his ego. He doesn't do things to feed his ego or fulfill a urge. He only took things into his own hands when the adults failed him, he always tried to go to the authorities before acting.
In first year, he first tried to go to Dumbledore to warn him about the philosopher's stone, McGonagall dismissed his worries about the stone.
In second year, he and Ron went to Lockhart for help. Why didn't Harry go to McGonagall? Remember that McGonagall dismissed him during his first year, his trust in McGonagall was already dead.
The thing in third year happened spontaneously, Harry didn't have anyone to ask for help close by, so he took things into his own hands.
In fourth year there is the famous incident where Hermione tells him he had a saving people thing, when Harry saved Gabrielle in the second task. But remember Harry's perspective, the egg poem literally said "But past an hour, the prospect's black; too late, it's gone, it won't come back." Harry didn't have the best track record with adults until this time, so he would obviously think that the hostages would be left to die.
Fifth year, is the year where all the adults failed him. First he was isolated with his relatives with only his trauma keeping him company. Then he found out almost everyone in wizarding britain hated him because the ministry had a vendetta against him. He was abused for the entirety of the year and almost no one gave him emotional support. Even then, when he received the vision of Sirius, he tried to go to adults as well, but also the adults he found trustworthy were all unavailable, so he decided to take matters on his own hands.
Then in sixth year no one believed him Malfoy was a death eater, and the one that believed him had his own bizarre plans for him.
Then in seventh year he was on the run.
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severussnapemylove · 8 months
Albus; "And what do we say when life disappoints us?"
Severus; "Called it."
Trelawney; "As the prophecy foretold..."
Sprout; “It really do be like that.”
Hooch; “Oof...”
Remus; “Tonight’s a great night to never wake up.”
Minerva; "Time to fist fight God."
Albus; “NO!”
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Baby Harry who latches onto Solas and follows him around with big eyes and sits very good for his stories and who has magic coming out his ears is adorable.
(Varric sitting down to teach Harry how to read and praising the kid getting wide eyed reactions that makes sense his hands clench)
Harry is a skittish thing. All but tethered to Lavellan’s side, hiding mostly behind the herald as he takes in his surroundings with wide eyes.
It is Varric’s idea to have Harry sit with him while Lavellan meets with their advisors. “That’s basically torture for a kid,” He claims with no easy smile as Harry looks between him and Lavellan with those same big eyes. Varric’s eyes, however, drift to the team of scouts heading for the Hinterlands.
Harry will have to get used to being without them, and it makes Lavellan want to scream.
Soon others began to offer to watch Harry. Josie set up a space for him in her office, Leliana took him down to the stables to feed the nugs that liked to gather there, and Solas was always eager to have someone listen to his stories.
And Creators how Harry loved Solas’ stories.
(Lavellan was still annoyed with Solas. Still irritated at how he liked down on the Dalish like he was so much better than them. Still wanted to shake him and make him see that culture could change in this world even if it stayed forever preserved in the Fade.
They couldn’t deny their chest flared with warmth when they saw Harry curled up in one of the many furs Solas seemed to collect listening to stories of spirits and ancient elves. Or gods forbid perched on Solas’s hip while the made walked around Haven. Stupid tall bastard who is good with kids and looked so damn good when he smiled and—
Annoyed. They were annoyed.)
Even the new members of their little inner circle took to Harry rather quickly.
Dorian had joined Varric and Solas in teaching Harry. Blackwall had pressed a little carved owl into his hands that Harry treasured like it was carved of pure gold. The Iron Bull was so damn gentle for his size as he led Harry through basic training with a dagger (“Magic is all well and good, boss, but you can’t rely on a fancy stoic all the time”). Sera was always willing to spring Harry from his lessons to cause a little chaos. Cole seemed to make it his mission to make Harry smile.
Cullen and Vivienne seemed to be the only ones who didn’t immediately bond to Harry, but they had still shown they were willing to fight for him when Haven was attacked.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
How antis think Snape fans treat Snape:
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How Snape fans actually treat him:
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