#harry potter raised by others
t1oui · 1 day
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i uh
i might've gotten an idea for another wip
this (jegulus raising harry) will probably be a small part of it but i just had this scene in my brain so i wrote it
it's a muggle high school au where harry's just transferred to a new school and is a new student along with hermione :))
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sommerregenjuniluft · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic december 4 - glimpse - 1044 words - cw: mentions of sex and weed
another feat. of jegulus granddads because they set up camp in my brain<3 emjoy
James talks in his sleep.
Regulus feels very, very bad.
They’re currently crowded in front of the living room door with their grandkids because—
Because they’re a bunch of useless, horrible adults that have gotten way too tipsy on mulled wine last evening over charades. Regulus was riding high on his win over Harry in Monopoly and so he might have had one or two or three sips too many. Or cups.
And so when they’d all bid their Goodnights and gotten ready for bed, pleasantly tipsy and airy-minded—distracted what with James nosing at the dark curls behind Regulus’ ear as he was brushing his teeth and then the press of him, a hard line against the seam between Regulus thigh and bum, when he’d bent Regulus over to spit out the toothpaste into the sink—well, there’s no pleasant way to say that they forgot to put the bloody presents under the tree.
And Regulus often doesn’t wake up anymore after all the years of sharing a bed with his husband but he remembers having woken up to James babbling about ‘The gifts, honey- wait, the gifts’ and Regulus in his barely state of consciousness had simply told him to shut it, pulled James head into the crook of his neck and forced him to fall asleep again, goddamnit.
The looks on their three, round, big eyed, little faces had just about nearly broken Regulus’ heart and that was before he’d seen Harry blanch and turn white as a sheet.
Luckily Regulus has married someone who’s good at improvising and so James had casually draped against the doorframe and told them that, “Ah, don’t worry, loves– It’s a leap year! Santa always starts a little later to deliver the presents during those years!”
Which leaves them hiding out in the hallway right now while Harry quietly brings in the presents through the kitchen. 
“Just a glimpse, Pops!” Louis whispers loudly, leaning his little body with all of his 5 year old body strength against where James has a single broad palm over his small chest.
“Nah-uh, Louibear,” James whispers back from where he’s squatting behind him. 
Regulus knows his knees will pop something horrible when he stands up but the sight of his husband’s thick thighs filling out the pleated pyjama bottoms is making Regulus selfishly keep his smart mouth shut.
“But Grandpo-ops!” Louis whines.
Chelsea shushes him immediately and rather aggressively. She’s between Regulus’ knees, bouncing up on the balls of her feet every now and then, her pigtails tickling Regulus’ nose.
Teagan is draped over James’ wide back and continuously throwing Regulus conspiratorial looks and mischievous little smiles. She’s 8 now, the Santa bubble has already been burst for her.
Regulus winks back at her every time.
“We have to wait until Santa is done putting all his presents under the tree, bug.” James drives placating fingers through their grandson’s wild hair before he goes on in a gentle murmur, “If we go and disturb him now he’ll bolt out through the chimney, up on his reindeer sled and whisk away with half of the presents that were meant for our family, you see.”
Louis gasps horrified.
James bites down on the smile trying to break to the surface. It’s unfair how handsome he looks in the dim light with his hair sleep mussed and his trimmed beard sprinkled white like the snowflakes making their way onto the ground outside.
Regulus forces his eyes away when Chelsea makes a little pained, squirming noise. Like she’s barely suppressing ripping herself from Regulus’ loose embrace and dashing through the door back into the living room.
There’s a clatter of wood and then a badly imitated Hohoho from what Regulus recognises to be Harry.
Louis and Chelsea look at each other with wide eyes and then back at James and Regulus respectively, vibrating with anticipation yet waiting politely for permission.
His husband throws Regulus a warm grin, a hint of teeth and a glint in his chocolate brown eyes that makes his heart stumble a little in his chest.
Regulus rolls his eyes and gives him a single nod. He kisses the side of Chelsea’s head and tells her to go on.
She barrels through the door with a squeal followed closely by a skittering Louis where he’s hasting over the smooth linoleum after his sister in his too big, woollen socks. Teagan throws Regulus another excited grin and then rushes after her younger siblings as well.
When Regulus pulls out of his seat there’s only a faint sting in his lower back while as James follows the motion his husband instantly buckles under his renewed weight, joints predictably cracking several loud pops. 
Regulus snaps out his arm for James to steady himself as this one grunts and pants under the pain and slowly lifts himself into an upright position.
Regulus snorts. “Getting old, Potter? Shouldn’t have been so enthusiastic with bending me over that bloody sofa ledge last night, huh…”
James growls playfully as he yanks Regulus closer by his arm though he catches his husband wince at the sudden motion of that half step.
He squeezes Regulus hip bone, right over the teeth mark he put there a few hours ago and then it’s Regulus’ turn to suck the air in through his teeth.
“Worth it,” James rasps low into his ear before kissing a fluttering path up Regulus’ jaw until he finally reaches his mouth, tilting his chin back with two fingers.
Regulus sighs happily into James’ mouth, shivers at the familiar sensation of beard rasping against his own stubbly skin.
They’re ripped out of the moment by Chelsea’s voice droning around the corner, “Gramps, look! Santa brought you dried cat grass for Mochi!”
“Cat grass?” comes Harry’s confused voice from the living room.
Regulus scrunches his nose at James, sharing the cluelessness. James shrugs.
Crinkling sounds, then Teagan’s voice, “It smells weird.”
“Fu– That is not cat grass, Chelsea!” Harry responds panicky, “Honey, please put that down right now. I’m not joking, sweetheart. No, gimme– unhg.”
Regulus raises his eyebrows at James but his husband simply tugs his lips in and hurries into the living room, presumably to help his son purloin the weed from his six year old little grandchild.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 month
Was thinking about eleven year old Fawn Spots Harry and made myself laugh because he would be so angry that technology doesn’t work at Hogwarts.
Full on “What do you mean Olympus has cell service and the middle of Scotland doesn’t?! It’s not even the same plane of fucking existence and calls aren’t even long distance!” Little man has not been more than a phone call away from his family since he was adopted and he is not coping well, but beyond that the lack of online databases, easy way to compile notes and write the eight million essays they’re assigned, and actual entertainment that isn’t ’dangerous flying dodgeball’ (which he does love tbh but still not everyone does) would drive him up the wall. Fuck the lack of things like highlighters and binders would piss him off. 
He would show up with a spiral notebook and a mechanical pencil and a pureblood child would pass out from shock. He writes his family constantly begging for any and all stationary they can send. He uses breaks to type up last term’s notes and introduces the first final study guide in Times New Roman into Hogwarts and makes a killing off of selling them. The older pureblood students beg on bended knee for help making their own and the muggleborns realize oh shit they can corner the market per year and subject. Harry will drag Hogwarts into the modern age if he has to do so kicking and screaming.
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venus-sqturn · 6 months
imagine struggling mother lily evans, with a 3 year old harry potter, and she meets mary macdonald, who is a daycare worker and they hit it tf off
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v-a-l · 9 months
The worst thing about Wolfstar is that Remus’ mediocrity and negligence is blamed on Sirius to facilitate a false equivalence that hinges entirely on Remus having Sirius’ personality and Sirius having no personality.
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procrastinating studying by reading fanfic... and reading the third chapter and being absolutely SLAPPED in the face with mischaracterisation. and then im like: this concept had SO MUCH potential? *goes to write the fic im thinking of*
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oxydiane · 2 years
‘Now, now,’ Remus whispers softly, rubbing Sirius’ back. ‘Let it all out, come on, it’ll help.’
‘I just can’t believe —‘ Sirius sobs into his own hands. ‘that this is the second time I get to see a Potter marry a redhead.’
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Snape: I grew up with your mother.
Harry: You’re her brother!?
Snape: Definitely not.
Sirius, snickering: Say bye bye to Uncle Severus!
Harry: Good bye Uncle Severus!
Snape: *disapparates away angrily*
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touchlikethesun · 2 years
james would be the kind of dad that everyone thinks is like the super chill one, but in reality he’s kinda overprotective and just a bit controlling because well you have to be consistent with children everyone knows that.
meanwhile, no one expect regulus to even raise his kids himself, but he’s always the one that breaks as soon as one of his kids pulls out the puppy dog eyes.
like i see it being a very common conversation in the potter household once harry’s born, just “reg, did you let harry have biscuits before dinner again?” “james, look our son in the eyes, and tell me if you can say no to that face” *harry immediately puts on his best innocent expression trying to help his papa out* and james just has to shake his head and resign himself to being the disciplinary one for the next 17 years.
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kiirous · 2 months
There is nothing more homoerotic than attempting to kill the other at least once.
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neongreenllama · 1 year
cw mentions of sex, nudity, (none of it is explicit or even sexual), excessive use of the word ‘lover’
Sirius sighed in contentment as he leaned back into the warm water filling the bathtub. He’s had a long, stressful week full of politics and business meetings and loud teenagers. Months, if he thought about it. Years.
But today he had a free day and for once nothing to worry about for the upcoming week, and he intended to cherish every last –
A gentle knock on the bathroom door disturbed the peace and quiet he had built for himself.
He sighed as the door opened a tiny bit, just so a head could poke in.
“Pads? I really need to piss.”
“Come in, don’t mind me.”
Remus entered and closed the door behind him.
“I’m really sorry to disturb your well-deserved bubble bath, but I’d rather not have to go to the garden and be watched by Mrs. Dawson.”
Sirius waved him off. “Eh, I don’t care. What better sound to accompany your relaxing bath than your lover relieving himself.”
He played with his foam for a while with no other sound in the small room than the quiet popping of bubbles. Then he looked up to find Remus giving him a very pointed look, rolled his eyes, and let himself slide down until the water enveloped his head completely, so that his lover could piss in peace. It really was nice and quiet down there, surrounded only by the calming sounds of water. Unfortunately, the bathtub wasn’t big enough to contain him completely, so his knees ended up poking out and quickly getting uncomfortably cold.
Also, he wasn’t a fish, so he did need to breathe sometimes.
He emerged just as Remus was finishing up and bit back all the comments he wanted make because he knew they would not be appreciated. Just as he was about to ask Remus if he would join him, the door swung open again – no knock, he thought he’d raised him better than that – and a rude teenager waltzed in only to stop in his tracks at the sight of them.
Sirius threw his hands in the air.
“Oh, please, come in. Let’s all piss together as a family. What’s privacy anyway?”
“Er …” the rude teenager said.
“I’ll leave you to it,” Remus said and turned to leave.
“No. Stay,” Sirius drew the words out and reached for Remus’s arm to hold him back. “Join me?” he asked with the sweetest voice he could muster and played with the bubbles to lure him in.
The annoying teenager made a disgusted face. “Maybe I’ll just go to the garden, come to think of it. If Mrs. Dawson asks, I’m fertilizing the flowers.”
“No need,” Remus stopped him. “I’ve work to do anyways.”
And then his lover closed the door behind him (gently, not like other people) and he was left with one moody teenager.
“Go on, then. Do your business.” The annoyingly moody teenager did, and Sirius leaned into the warmth one more. “Will you join me, then? We can play battleship like we used to.” He accentuated his speech by splashing the water.
“Ew, no. I’m not sharing a bath with you.”
Sirius shot him a very dirty look. “I liked you better when you were little.”
“I liked you better when I was little too,” the sassy teenager shot back, and Sirius had to put him in his place by splashing the water at him.
In his attempt to duck out of the way (failed. miserably.) he made a mess.
“Ugh. Aim. Jesus fucking Christ, have I taught you nothing?”
“You –“
“Clean that up,” he interrupted before this could be mistaken for a democracy.
The hormonal teenager rolled his eyes but surprisingly did as he was told – probably because he realized how disgusting he was.
“Get my lover for me, will you?” Sirius spoke as he was finishing up and getting ready to leave.
“Eugh! Stop calling him that!” the hormonal monster that came in the deceivingly innocent form of a teenager spat, making a very disgusted face.
“What else should I call him? Boyfriend? We’re not sixteen anymore. Partner? We’re not cowboys.”
“Anything but that, it’s gross. What happened to good old 'Moony'? Or ‘Remus’?”
Sirius ignored his question and frowned. “When did you start thinking our love is gross? When I had to explain to you what sex was because you walked in on us when you were five – “ he kept talking over the loud groan that erupted “– you asked what it’s called and I said ‘It’s called making love’ and you looked at me with such awe when you asked ‘You can make love?’” The door slammed shut but Sirius kept telling the story he’d told a hundred times to the empty room. “And with big eyes you asked me ‘Where do you put all the love that you make?’ My heart melted. And I said ‘We give it to each other.’” He put a hand to his chest where his heart was. “’And sometimes two people make so much love that they make a baby. Like your when they parents made you.’ And you nodded like that made all the sense in the world. You were so adorable.”
Sirius closed his eyes and breathed in the quiet that came after he had finished speaking. Then he dipped his head under water once more, letting himself sit in total peace for a while. When he emerged, Remus had quietly entered the room.
Sirius smiled sweetly at him. “Changed your mind?”
Remus smiled back. “You’re hard to resist. Work can wait.”
Sirius played with his bubbles while Remus got undressed.
“What happened to our cute little Hazza?” he asked into the companionable silence.
Remus huffed as he pulled off his last clothes.
“Hormones,” he answered, confirming Sirius’s suspicion.
He scooted forward so Remus could get in behind him – the only way they fit into the tub.
“I miss little Harry. He was fun. We should have cherished him more.”
“You seem to forget how much he kept us on our toes,” Remus said as folded his long limbs around him. “You have to see the positive side. We get way more time for ourselves now.”
He settled in and Sirius leaned back into his chest, sinking into his lover’s arms and just che –
“What did you do to Harry by the way? He seemed very put out.”
“Nothing! I didn’t do anything! He started it!”
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 months
Double Standards: Quidditch Merit Edition
Hermione Granger is a hypocrite.
Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 7 - MUDBLOODS AND MURMURS
“At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in,” said Hermione sharply. “They got in on pure talent.”
Hmm...pure talent you say...
Harry in book 1 getting on the team due to Gryffindor nepotism
“I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can’t bend the first-year rule. Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn’t look Severus Snape in the face for weeks. . . .” Professor McGonagall peered sternly over her glasses at Harry. “I want to hear you’re training hard, Potter, or I may change my mind about punishing you.”
Hermione in book 6 sabotaging Cormac in tryouts for Ron
“I thought I was going to miss that fourth penalty,” Ron was saying happily. “Tricky shot from Demelza, did you see, had a bit of spin on it —” “Yes, yes, you were magnificent,” said Hermione, looking amused. “I was better than that McLaggen anyway,” said Ron in a highly satisfied voice. “Did you see him lumbering off in the wrong direction on his fifth? Looked like he’d been Confunded. . . .” To Harry’s surprise, Hermione turned a very deep shade of pink at these words. Ron noticed nothing; he was too busy describing each of his other penalties in loving detail.
Rules for thee and not for me - the true Gryffindor House motto
Hermione can go screw herself and choke on her self righteousness.
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i want it known that in a better world Regulus and Hermione would have gotten on like a house on FIRE
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
Ughhh the Harry/Touya fic idea is sooo good. Also all the death imagery they have with Touya almost being like a phoenix, being reborn from ashes and Harry's whole Mod thing. Can they please save Shouto together too? I am already obsessed.
I can’t decide if I want them to know of each other younger (pre everything and maybe avoiding the whole “death” thing) or if I really want to lean into the parallels of two dead boys (two phoenixes in a way) seeing the worlds that screwed them over and deciding to give them both the finger.
Either way they’re both feral and snarky assholes so that will be a lot of fun.
Oh no matter what road they go down the Todoroki kids get saved. All of them. Harry’s saving people thing will not allow anything else even if he has to one v one Endeavor himself. (It would always be a two v one. Touya would never let Harry face that man on his own and get the full satisfaction of kicking Enji’s ass without him there)
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putting the fun in dysfunctional - Chapter 1 - chaoscookiescrimes - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
The problem with dismissing and at best barely tolerating squibs and muggleborns is that the wizarding world never realized that every muggleborn has at least one squib ancestor in the last two generations or that these squibs still carry the family magic they are unable to wield. The totems are sought out either during a ritual at age seven or during extensive meditation. Usually, because of the nature of children, they never focus enough on these totems to befriend them and for them to claim them in return.
There are sometimes though when a child has nothing but time to spend. One such time occurs when Harry Potter, the child of a muggleborn and a pureblood, a child who had never lived with them long enough to be taught that he’s a Potter and therefore wasn’t taught to expect a gryphon. When he falls into a healing coma enforced by his own body at age four, he has no expectations, so he doesn’t subconsciously seek any singular totem above any others- the usual reason only one family magic is accepted. He attracts them all and he’s curious enough, lonely enough, to befriend every animal that visits him in his mind, no matter how faint they are or how distant. It changes more than his state of loneliness.
A cute and fun story using the idea of meeting and accepting family magic via animal totems.
Harry of course is unique in that he is unaware it's what he's doing and his need to be fair lead him to accept them all instead of just 1.
His resulting snake and crow companions get him kicked out of the Dursleys at age 4 but never fear a member of one of the families is told by the family magic and meets him after about an hour.
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phantomgrimalkin · 1 year
Chapters 20 & 21 are now up!
Christmas at Grimmauld Place, visits to St Mungo's, Remus helping a baby werewolf, and discussions of totally completely legal potions planning.
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