#haven’t made an edit in awhile
cryscendo · 5 months
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the many attributes of kurt hummel (insp)
spotify layout by uservalerian
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violetbudd · 2 years
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deanjohn · 9 months
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- Michael Cunningham, “The Hours”
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theerastour · 5 months
I’ve been in a real slump with creating. Anyone know of any January art/edit challenges or prompt lists?
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rosicheeks · 1 year
You are so fucking beautiful and anyone who doesn't have you on their blog is stupid. Pleaaaseee don't think that you aren't good enough...ever! You are stunning and I love your posts ❤️❤️
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Things I don’t get about the marauders fandom as someone who’s been obsessed with them for literal years
1. How we let so many characters be only children?? like I get that people don’t necessarily want to make OCs but HOW did it get to this? James, Marlene, Peter, Remus, Mary, Barty, Dorcas, Alice, Frank and so many others! Idk maybe it’s just where I’m from but look me in the eyes and tell me you know that many people who don’t have siblings ALSO the ratio is so off and barely any of them have only child energy. It’s just not right.
2. How sooo many of you aren’t multi shippers. Like what do you MEAN you can only see James with Regulus and Regulus with James?? What about bartylus? what about sunrose? what about draksun/sunkiller? what about moonwater? what about jily? what about prongstail? WHAT do you read?? Aren’t you bored??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN you only have ONE ship for each character???? As a multi shipper, I can be convinced of any ship with anything ranging from a real good fic or a pretty edit to an enthusiastic rant from a random person on TikTok and it just makes things interesting. Maybe my adhd brain just needs more ships to focus on or maybe some of you just lack flexibility ( or imagination), but we need to fix this cause there aren’t enough fics with the ships I like 😭😭
3. THE SHIP NAMES. I can’t be the only one who thinks some of these suck right? Like why are we saying jegulus when starchaser and sunseeker are RIGHT THERE?? Same with jily and flowerpot, and bartylus and starkiller. ALSO some names make me wonder if some of you just haven’t grasped the concept of ship names or if I just got it all wrong cause marylily and jegulily are just annoying, why are we keeping the L in Lily? The point is to merge the names together not stick them one beside the other, I just say marily and jeguily because it rolls off the tongue so much more easily
4. The Peter erasure. I just don’t get it, it’s so easy to include him in things, you don’t have to make him a main character, but just mention him every once in awhile. Sometimes I’m reading an important scene in a fic and everyone is mentioned EXCEPT for Peter! It’s so easy, just make him roll his eyes at his friends being idiots or something. And it’s not like you’ll get his personality wrong, ALL THESE CHARACTERS PERSONALITIES WERE MADE UP BY FANS but I understand that some people lack imagination so here’s some things about Peter I like to imagine: he’s a HUGE gossip, like my man sees and hears everything and he takes notes!! He likes to randomly turn into a rat and take a nap in one of the other marauders’ pocket, he does it so much that they had to tell the girls that they had a pet rat cause they were asking too many questions. He’s really perceptive and his friends are all oblivious so it leads to funny scenarios like:
Remus & Sirius after YEARS of pining: we’re dating
Peter: I thought you guys had been together since third year?
Sirius: I’ve literally introduced you to people I was dating?!
Peter, shrugging: look mate I don’t question you lot anymore, you do whatever you want, I don’t care what you’re into, I just don’t wanna know about it
He also pulls people, like he’s really nice and will gossip to anyone who’s in his vicinity so he’s friends with basically everyone and he’s funny and pretty and he’s got charisma so he just charms everyone and when I say everyone, I mean everyone, even the slytherins have a soft spot for him (that’s how he gets accepted among the death eaters during the war actually). In pranks he’s the lookout so he often has to distract the teachers so he asks them random things and spits out half-made up facts about anything so he’s besties with most of the teachers which means he doesn’t get many detentions.
5. The Black brothers, more specifically the way the speak to each other in most fics, like they call each other “brother” so often and as someone who has a brother I’ve never called him that. Is it an anglophone thing? Like do people who speak English at home all do that or are fic writers only children?? (That would explain my first point actually) Or is it more a rich people thin?? Cause I know it’s not a francophone thing that’s for sure (also special mention to people who don’t know anything about French writing Sirius and Regulus as French speakers, I can tell you don’t know what you’re writing about but I eat it up everytime anyway)
6. This is actually just about ao3 but I WANNA BE ABLE TO LEAVE MORE KUDOS!!! I just loooooove fics but I can’t leave kudos at every single chapter and I’m bad at writing comments so I can’t show the author how much I love their work, I hate itttt 😭
7. Why there aren’t more fics about the Black family, and not just Sirius and Regulus, but Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa as well like that would be so interesting and maybe like a deep dive into the Black family ideals and all that (if you have fic recs I’m all ears!!)
8. How jegulily is a pretty popular ship (which I LOVE) yet SO FEW people ship Regulus and Lily outside of it! They are a power couple and I love them and they don’t need James to work!!!
9. Why there isn’t more background Minnie x Poppy cause they are my mothers and I wanna see them moooooreeee
If you read all of this I love you 🥰 have an amazing day/night
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bellaireland1981 · 1 year
Rescue Mission at the Hard Deck
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Summary: You’ve been eyeing a certain aviator at the Hard Deck for awhile... and according to friends, he’s been eyeing you right back, neither making the first move. That is... until his friends leave him hanging and in need of rescuing and you have to embark on a rescue mission... at the Hard Deck. 
Pairing:  Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Reader, appearances by the Dagger squad, Penny and some OC friends. 
Warnings: None, Pure fluff. (Maybe slight mentions of anxiety/angsty feelings if you squint REALLY hard) 
WC: 3,397
A/N: I Do not own Top Gun: Maverick characters. All OC’s/Reader characters are my own. I do not give permission to copy or translate my work onto any other platform of site. Reblogs are always welcome! As always, THANK YOU to @beyondthesefourwalls​ and @waywardodysseys​ for always being willing to bounce ideas around with me and being my biggest encouragers with writing! You both are AMAZING! :) 
You were sitting with your friends off to the side and tucked slightly back from the pool table currently occupied by a group of regular aviators to the Hard Deck. It was a known hangout for Naval Aviators but your friends and you never let that deter your group. You’d stumbled upon the bar one of the first weekends after arriving at UCSD for grad school and had continued to come long after you’d graduated and started your career. Friday nights were Hard Deck nights. It was an unwritten rule among your friends. Lately, you’d come to look forward to Friday nights. Not only because you got to unwind after a long week of reading manuscripts and editing until you started to go crosseyed, or because you got to spend time with your friends… but because as of a few months ago, a new squadron of aviators had become regulars at the Hard Deck and one of them in particular had caught your eye. An incredibly tall, muscled flyboy with warm brown eyes, wavy sun kissed brown hair, a mustache that on anyone else would have looked stupid, and a penchant for Hawaiian shirts.
“So when do you plan on actually TALKING to him, Y/N?” Ashley asked. “You’ve been eyeing him since they showed up a few months ago, but haven’t made a move.”
“He’s been eyeing her right back,” Lia said laughing, “If it wasn’t so obnoxiously frustrating, it would be adorable.”
“Stop it.” You grumbled, “Nobody is eyeing anyone. Y’all are the obnoxious ones.”
“You, ma’am, are a liar!” Lia exclaimed, “And because you’re a liar, the next round is on you.”
“You both suck.” You grumbled, getting up to head to the bar.
You made your way through the crowd, pushing through people as needed to finally reach the bar.
“Hey, Kiddo” Penny greeted you, smiling, “Need another round?”
“Yup.” You replied, “Because my friends suck and conned me into this round.”
“How did you manage to let that happen?” She asked, preparing the drinks.
“I simply said that nobody was making eyes at anyone and got called a liar so had to buy drinks.” You complained.
“Sorry, Kiddo.” She laughed, “I’m with the girls on this one. You and Rooster have definitely been makin’ eyes at one another for weeks. I’m actually pretty sure there are bets on when and who will make a move first.”
“Are you serious?” You groaned, “Well, that’s embarrassing.
“My money’s on you, Kiddo.” She winked, sliding the drinks your way.
“You too?” You questioned, horrified. “Penny, as much as I love this place, I might need to find a new bar now.”
“You’d break my heart, Kiddo.” She said, then nodded in the direction of the piano, causing you to look over your shoulder to where Bradley was sitting down getting ready to play, “And his.”
“Y’all are the worst.” You said, gather the drinks. “Add these to my tab, please.”
You carefully carried the drinks back to your table to your friends, setting them down on the table. Your friends eyed you knowingly as you sipped your drink, watching Bradley entertain the crowd.
The following Friday night finds you once again at the Hard Deck. Your friends are running late though, so you’re sitting at the bar while you wait. It’s not overly crowded yet, but several aviators had found their way in after finishing up for the day. There were a few groups of civilians that had wandered in off the beach as well. Penny was serving drinks on the other side of the bar so you just sat and took in the crowd.
“You’re not normally at the bar.” An amused  voice sounded next to you. “And you’re usually here with friends.”
Turning you see the only regular female in the group of aviators that hang out by the pool table.
“Could say the same about you” You laughed, “My friends are running late so I decided to hang out here while I wait.”
“I’m Natasha.” She said, smiling, sitting on the vacant stool next to you, “Or Phoenix, which is what the boneheads over there call me mostly.”
“I’m Y/n.” You offered, “You’re a very patient person to put up with all of that testosterone on the regular.”
“I’m used to it.” She shrugged, laughing, “They’re not so bad once you get them under control.”
“Like wrangling a bunch of puppies?” You asked, “Are they at least housebroken?”
“Oh my God, I love you!” She laughed, almost snorting her drink, “You wanna join us while you wait on your friends? I’m guessing it would make one of those puppies very happy.”
“And here I thought we were on the road to becoming friends, Natasha.” You said, rolling your eyes.
“Oh come on,” She replied, “He’s never gonna get off the perch and make the first move, the man’s notorious for that. He’ll die on that perch. Help him out. He’s not good at reading signals… even when you’re clearly into him. This game of cat and mouse will go on for literally…forever.”
“There is no game.” You said. “He’s hot. Really. Fucking. Hot. I’ve seen the girls that hit on him and that he actually flirts with and I am not them. He’s kinda outta my league, so while I will happily look, I’m gonna leave it at that.”
“You’ve got that absolutely backwards, my new friend.” She said, “The offer to join us is always open.”
With that she headed back to her squadron, leaving you at the bar to replay the interaction in your head long after your friends arrived and you were once more seated at your normal table.
It was a couple of Fridays later before you were able to make it to the Hard Deck again. You’d been buried at work under manuscripts, working insanely long hours, and had had to fly home the week before for a friend’s wedding that you had agreed to be a bridesmaids in. Needless to say, you were more than happy to be back with your friends in your normal routine at the bar.
“Well look who finally decided to join us again.” Penny teased when you finally made it to the bar, having to push your way through the crowded bar. “Missed seeing your smiling face.”
“It’s good to be back, Penny.” You smiled back, “I missed you too.”
“Where’ve ya been?” She asked, pouring your vodka soda. “Have had a couple of inquiries on that actually.”
“Work has been absolutely insane, and I had to fly home for a wedding.” You said. “It’s just been a busy couple of weeks. What’ve I missed?”
“Just a sad flyboy.” She replied, nodding her head towards the pool table. You rolled your eyes but looked over to the pool table, seeing the group unwinding as usual. The man in question didn’t appear to be as sad as she made him seem. He was actually surrounded by a couple of very attractive women, a smirk on his face.
“Oh yeah, real broken up by my lack of patronage at the Hard Deck.” You said dryly, rolling your eyes again Penny, when you’d turned back around. “Start a tab, please? I saw the girls at the table.”
“Sure.” She said, “It’d be worth a closer look too, Kiddo. It’s not always as it seems from afar.”
“I’ll take it under advisement.” You said, “I wouldn’t place any more bets though.”
You headed over to the table by your friends, setting your drink down and sliding up onto the chair.
“I have absolutely missed this.” You said, “No more skipping Fridays.”
“How was the wedding?” Ashley asked, “You haven’t really said much about it.”
“It was alright.” You said, “Just weird to be back around everyone from high school. Definitely sucked to be single and fielding the ‘so when will you be settling down and blah blah blah’ questions from everyone. And to make it even more wonderful I ran into my ex.”
“Ouch.” Lia said, “How did THAT go?”
“Not great.” You simply said, “I ended up kneeing him in the dick when he got too handsy with me after one too many cocktails.”
“Damn, I wish I’d have gone with you!” Ashley exclaimed, “I always hated that asshole.”
“I wanted to do a lot worse than kneeing him in the dick after the way he treated you.” Lia agreed.
“I love you both.” You smiled, “Karma took revenge though. He’s literally working a dead end job back home and the girl he cheated on me with turned around and cheated on HIM with his best friend.”
“Good. He deserved that and more.” They agreed.
“The female pilot that’s usually with that group… Phoenix?” Lia said, “She was asking about you last weekend, I guess Hawaiian Mustache was moping pretty badly because you were gone again.”
“Natasha.” You said, “We talked a bit the week you were both late. She’s great. She invited me to join them while I waited for you both.”
“And you didn’t because…?” Ashley asked.
“Ashley, look at the girls currently surrounding him.” You said, “Then look at me.”
She glanced over, taking in the women trying to shoot their shot with the aviator. Turning back to you, she leveled you with an honest look, “Y/N, sweetie, I am looking, and all I’m seeing is a man trying to be nice but who is desperately trying to get clear from unwanted advances. His body language is screaming he’s uninterested.” She explained, “Look over there and you will see the tense grip he’s got on the pool cue, the stance trying to turn his body away from them, looking anywhere but at them, smiling politely but it’s not reaching his eyes… Sweetie, that man is super uncomfortable.”
“Sad really, because he’s got all of his friends who are supposed to be his wingmen in the air but apparently they don’t protect him on the ground?” Lia added.
You looked over, taking in the situation with new eyes. Penny was right… the situation wasn’t always as it seemed when you got a closer look. Bradley was clearly uncomfortable and trying to make it known but his friends weren’t stepping in and the women weren’t taking a hint. You hated seeing anyone put in situations they weren’t comfortable in and you weren't going to leave him hanging….even if rescuing him would make you extremely uncomfortable.
“Ok, I can’t watch that anymore.” You said, “I’ll be right back…. Just … promise if this gets too awkward y’all will come rescue ME?”
“Absolutely.” Ashley promised, smiling.
“We’ve got you.” Lia said, “Wait, Y/N, you’re going the wrong way!”
“I need reinforcements.” You tossed over your shoulder, heading to the bar quickly. You pushed your way through people, not willing to waste time.
“What can I get you, Kiddo?” Penny asked, “Conned into another round?”
“Nope. I need a shot of something strong STAT.” You said, “And whatever Bradley’s drinking. I’m going on a rescue mission.”
“You got it, Kiddo.” She smiled, pouring you a shot of tequila and handing you a lime to chase it with. You took the shot, tossing it back and popping the lime into your mouth while she grabbed a beer from the fridge for Bradley. “Here you go. Mission is a go.”
“Oh my God, I might throw up.” You grumbled, “I don’t do this kinda stuff, Penny! What am I doing?”
“I’ll let you in on a secret, Kiddo.” Penny said leaning over the bar, “My money was always on you. I have all the confidence in the world in you.”
With that you turned, taking the bottle of beer for Bradley and hoping the tequila kicked in before you got to the pool table. You had to push through people once more but you were a girl on a mission, tunnel vision in full swing.
Much too soon for your liking, you found yourself at the pool table and for the first time face to face with the man you’d been eyeing from the safety of your table for months. Taking a deep breath and putting on a smile, you handed him the beer and slid your arms around him, plastering yourself to his side. Sweet Jesus nobody warned you the man was this ripped under his Hawaiian shirts. You could feel the muscles rippling under your fingers when you rested your palm over his abs.
“Sorry I’m late, Babe,I got stuck at work.” You smiled widely, looking up at him and hoping he caught on. A surprised but warm smile spread across his face as his own arm came up to wrap around you, pulling you in closely.
“You’re right on time, Sweetheart.” He replied, his smile growing, “Thanks for grabbing me a beer, but where’s your drink?”
“I downed that before leaving the bar.” You replied, honestly, “Will probably need another soon. And you two would be?” You asked, turning your attention to the women who’d been making Bradley uncomfortable.
“Who are YOU?” The blonde with way too much makeup and clearly fake boobs asked, looking you up and down.
“The girlfriend, but who I am doesn’t really matter. What DOES matter is the fact that neither one of you can read social cues.” You said. “Because obviously, he isn’t interested in either one of your fake tit, dog tag chasing asses.”
“Excuse me?” The other one piped up, jumping in.
“No, I don’t think I will.” You replied, “Now take your Bitch ass selves away from here and next time, when a guy is literally trying to move away from you, doesn't make eye contact, is gripping the pool cue to the point it’s almost breaking, and looks like he’d rather vomit than talk to you… chances are.. He’s just not that into you.”
“Alright ladies…” One of Bradley’s friends…Hangman you think… finally stepped in, “Time to leave.”
You took a small step back from Bradley, taking a gulp of fresh air into your lungs, the realization that you’d really done that sinking in. The women finally stomped off, to the applause from your friends sitting at the table.
“Thank you.” Bradley chuckled, reluctant to let the beautiful firecracker he’d had eye on and been longing to talk to for months go now that you were right there. You felt good in his arms, and he about fell in love on the spot the way you’d come to his defense.  “I’m Bradley. Or Rooster.”
“I’m Y/N.” You replied. “You’re welcome. It was painful to watch, someone had to step in.”
“He’d have shaken them eventually”  Hangman said, rejoining after chasing off the women.
“But should he have to?” You asked, turning your body to face down the rest of the group now. Might as well go all in at this point. “Y’all are supposed to be a squad right? Does protecting one another only apply while flying at stupid high speeds? You’d think if you were friends you’d have his back on the ground too and realize that those women were making him REALLY uncomfortable. Hell, MY friends picked up on it from three tables over and were ready to come in guns blazing.” You turned back to Bradley offering him a small smile, “I think you need new friends. Yours are broken. It was nice to finally meet you though, Bradley.”
Turning, you headed back towards your friends, but then beelined for the bar again, in need of another drink. You had  a feeling at this rate you’d need to get a ride home with Ashley or Lia, or call an Uber if they couldn't drive either.
As you walked away to the bar, Bradley turned to look at his friends who all had looks of utter shock and disbelief on their faces. His heart bursting at your complete defense of him. Had Phoenix been there she’d have high-fived you. He couldn’t wait to call her and tell her what she’d missed. He turned back to watch you walk to the bar, a smile pulling at his lips. He was officially a goner. “I’m gonna marry that girl.” He said, turning to follow you to the bar.
“I see it went well.” Penny said as you got back to the bar.
“Vodka cranberry, please, heavy on the vodka.” You replied, plopping down onto a stool.
“You got it, Kiddo.” She laughed, pouring you the drink.
“If that’s your post game drink, what was your pregame?” Bradley asked, sliding up to the bar next to you.
“A shot of tequila.” You replied, peeking over at him. You were unsure what kind of ground you stood on now that’d you’d basically said his friends sucked. You weren’t wrong and you stood by it, but it left you very unsure.
“At least let me buy the post game celebratory drink.” He offered, flashing you a heart stopping smile, “You make a great wing woman, Sweetheart.”
“Thank you.” You said, feeling heat creep up into your face, “I’m sorry for calling your friends broken.”
“Don’t be.” He laughed, “You weren’t wrong. They do suck sometimes. In the air though, they really do have my back, I promise.”
“That’s good to know. I’d hate for them to leave you hanging when it’s really dangerous.” You said, “Although, those women looked pretty scary.”
“I’m really glad you came to rescue me.” He said, “Phoenix will probably never let me live it down… I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to come talk to you for a while.”
“Did you know there are apparently bets on how long it would take and which one of us would approach the other first?” You asked him.
“I did not know that.” He said, “But I can guess who started it, and you most likely already told him off once tonight.”
“Actually,” Jake said, approaching the bar cautiously, because honestly you kinda scared him, “I’ll have you know it was Trace that started the bet. So take it up with her. Also, Spitfire, you were right before. We let Rooster down as his friends and his wingmen. We’re sorry.”
“You don’t owe ME an apology.” You said, “I’m not the one you hung out to dry and let the vipers sink their claws into.”
“Damn, you really don’t hold back.” He laughed, “I think I like you… you scare me a little… but I like you.”
You simply stared at him, until he turned to Bradley, smiling and shaking his head.
“Rooster, man I’m sorry we didn’t intervene.” He said, “We were shitty friends and had we been in the air sure as shit wouldn’t have let that happen, shouldn’t have let it happen on the ground either.”
“Thanks, Hangman.” Bradley smiled, then looked over at you and winked. Satisfied you smiled and returned your attention to sipping your drink.
“So who won the bet?” Bradley asked.
“I dunno.” You replied, “I guess you’ll have to ask your friend Natasha. Penny told me she put her money on me though.”
“I say we find out who won and make them pay for our first date.” Bradley suggestd, looking at you hopefully.
“Is that your way of asking me out on a date?”  You asked, looking up at him, a smile tugging at your lips.
“Seemed fitting.” He replied, “I mean after all you’re my girlfriend right? That’s what you told those women… We should probably have our first date, if you’re already my girlfriend. Besides, we’ll need a good first date story to tell the grandkids.”
“We jumped from a first date to grandkids?” You asked, laughing, “Let’s just start with the first date, see where it takes us.”
“I’ll take it.” He agreed, “Any chance you’re free tomorrow night? Figured we’ve waited long enough.”
“I am.” You replied, smiling. “I think we have too.”
“Here.” Penny said, sliding an envelope across the bar in between the two of you, smiling, “Phoenix organized the bet, but I was in charge of collecting bets. And… I told you my money was always on you, Kiddo. First date is on all of us.”
Bradley opened the envelope and counted the money inside, laughing as he set it back down.
“Sweetheart, we’re going to have one hell of a first date story for our grandkids one day.” He said.
@harrysgothicbitch​ ,
, fulla02 ,
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angstysebfan · 1 year
You Matter To Me
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary:  This is based on the song “You Matter To Me” from Waitress the Musical. It’s not a replica of what happens in the play, but the words in the song. Song lyrics are in italics. Warnings: Slight Angst, Sad Lonely Reader, Fluff
A/N: I’ve wanted to rewrite this fic for awhile. The story is the same, but I didn’t like how I did it the first time. I hope you all enjoy it even more than before. Please know that my stories were no beta’d or edited, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes or misspellings. Also please note again I am rewriting most if not all of my masterlist, so if you read my stories, be prepared cause most of them are going to be fixed if they haven’t already lol.
I can find the whole meaning of life in those sad eyes They see things you never quite say, but I hear Come out of hiding, I’m right here beside you and I’ll stay there as long as you let me
You’re in your living room of your small one bedroom apartment, slow dancing with him. He holds you close and sings softly into your ear as you release a sigh of contentment. You never in a million years thought that you could ever find the happiness you’re currently engulfed in. People assume that being the only child of the rich and famous (your dads name), your life is set and happiness is a given. You know for a fact that it's not true, as you purposely ran away from the "rich kid" life the moment you were able to.
Your parents always treated more like a burden then their child. You were practically raised by nannies because they didn't want to give up the partying lifestyle. They never once celebrated the day you were born, always going out with friends on trips or something instead. When they were home, you were never allowed to make any noise or be a normal kid because they considered that a disturbance.
As you got older, you started to resent your life. Any "friends" you made didn't really care about you at all. They wanted to be seen with the daughter of the famous Y/F/N, the richest man in the country. They knew if the paparazzi saw them with you, they would be on Page Six and be set. You never wanted to be the center of attention. It never interested you, but you also didn't want to be used. You found yourself feeling very lonely all the time, even in a crowded room.
Eventually, when you were old enough, you ran away from that life. You wanted as much separation as possible. Your parents wouldn't care anyway, so you didn't move far. You found yourself in the middle of Brooklyn working as a waitress as a small diner. It didn't pay much, but it helped you afford your tiny shoebox apartment that you loved and food. You felt like you were finally free and happy. You started going out more, and even made some real friends who liked you for your personality, rather your wealth, since you no longer had any.
Once night you were out with some friends and were sitting at a bar. Nursing your cranberry vodka, you kept thinking how much your life has improved, and how much happier you were without your parents money. You suddenly saw someone sit next to you and you looked over with a smile. You would lie if you said he wasn't the most handsome man you have ever seen. He had short brown hair, the bluest eyes imaginable, and a strong jawline partially hidden under some scruff. When he looked at you and smiled, your heart immediately fluttered.
Because you matter to me Simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody You matter to me, I promise you do, you matter too I promise you do, you’ll see You matter to me
You found yourself falling into easy conversation with the handsome man, whose name was Bucky. You learned he was a mechanic who lived in the same neighborhood as you, and that he grew up in Brooklyn to middle class parents and knew the value of hard work. It was refreshing to say the least. Listening to how his parents supported him and his siblings with their aspirations and dreams, no matter what they were. You were jealous, because your parents couldn't give a damn about you. Hell they never even tried to find you when you left. Bucky tried to ask about your life, but you weren't ready to hash that out, so you just quickly changed the subject. He smiled and decided to go with it.
You and Bucky start to hangout more often and you find yourself falling... hard. He would take you on little dates around Brooklyn, and you both would stay out late just talking about things. You wanted to tell him about your past, but you were scared it would scare him away. When he wanted to treat you to a fancy restaurant in Manhattan that you know your parents frequent, you immediately decline. You felt it was time to finally tell him the truth about yourself. Bucky sat with you, holding your hand as you told him all about your upbringing and your thoughts and feelings about your parents. You were in awe when you were done he pulled you to him and kissed you.
"I can't imagine how hard that much have been for you," he said with no sarcasm.
You then and there that he actually cared about you and your feelings. He didn't think you were some spoiled brat that didn't get enough attention. He knew money was not important to you, and that all you've ever longed for was to be loved. He wanted to be the one to show you the love you've always deserved, and hopefully you can let him in. And maybe love him just as much in return.
It’s addictive the minute you let yourself think The things that I say, just might matter to someone, All of this time I’ve been keeping my mind on the running away For the first time I think I’d consider the stay.
At first you were worried when Bucky asked you to move in with him. Yes, you had been dating for over a year, and yes you cared for him with ever fiber of your being, but you still had hesitations when he said it back. You kept telling yourself he really loved you and to let him in, but it was harder to do than you realized. Bucky was always patient and understanding. He allowed you to take your time and really think about it with no pressure. But you wanted to let him in so bad. He's been so good to you, so you finally agree to move in.
It took some time for you to get used to Bucky constantly wanting to take care of you. You've always taken care of yourself, so to have him wanting to do that was surprising. He constantly tells you how much you mean to him, but you still find it hard to believe sometimes. He buys you flowers every week, takes you on small romantic trips, and cooks you dinners. Your walls slowly start crumbling little by little as you let him in, because you know you are as much in love with him, as he seems to be with you. Every day when you come home from work, he asks about your day, and generally cares. He pays attention to every word you say, he laughs at jokes you make, gets irritated when hearing about stupid customers, or holds you as you cry after a hard frustrating day. He's there every time you need him, and even when you don’t.
You are there for him just as much, knowing that a true relationship means you both have to give the same amount. As time goes on, your walls around your heart are gone, and you've completely given your heart to Bucky. He and his family have welcomed you with open arms, and you never felt as loved and accepted as you do with him. When he dropped to one knee to ask you to be his wife, you didn't hesitate for a second before saying yes, because there was no other answer.
Because you matter to me Simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody You matter to me, I promise you do, you matter too I promise you do, you’ll see You matter to me
You look up at your fiancee and smile before giving him a soft kiss. You then look at the small diamond on your finger with so much happiness. Bucky apologized it wasn't bigger, but you told him, and you meant it, that you wouldn't want anything more than what he has given you. Your life is perfect as long as you have him, and are in his arms. Bucky was everything you didn’t know you needed in your life.
For the first time, you feel loved and cherished. You feel like you finally matter to someone. Not just someone, Bucky Barnes, the man you love and are going to spend the rest of your life with. 
Bucky is so fucking amazing in this story. I love him so much! Feedback is appreciated! Also if you wish to be apart of my new taglist, please let me know.
Permanent Taglist: @rebekahdawkins @marajade1974 @missvelvetsstuff @phillygirl77 @pattiemac1 @winterslove1917 @vampire7595
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livyjh · 2 months
Here’s an edit I made awhile back but I haven’t posted it anywhere yet!!! So I’m posting it for Pedro’s 49th 💕
Gosh I love him
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venusgirltarot · 2 years
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Although the pictures above are edited by me to fit a theme, the original pictures are not mine! All credit goes to the original owners!
Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, envision the person you are thinking of and then choose the pile(s) you feel most drawn to.
If you would like a personal reading from me, you can get one, here!
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Hello, lovely pile one! The last time you saw your person they may have confessed feelings for you or there was some sort of conversation between the two of you that took your connection with them to the next level. This could be someone you’ve had a crush on or been in the talking phase with for awhile and one of you made the first move and asked the other out on a date.
This has a very lovey honeymoon phase type of vibe. Before this conversation or offer, your person had a lot of anxiety and stress towards you and the connection you two have. Like a fear that they’ve been reading the situation wrong, the feelings are one sided, you don’t see them as anymore than a friend, etc. but this conversation the two of you had completely eliminated those fears for them.
There’s this fresh, vibrant and excited energy surrounding them. I heard “the stars shine brighter” almost like every part of life for them is more vibrant and meaningful now that they’ve made this next step with you. I keep getting a message about Mary Poppins? I keep getting an image from the beginning of the original movie where that guy is walking around the town and singing? (I’m sorry if that’s off, I haven’t watched that movie since I was a kid) this may resonate with some of you somehow (if it does, please let me know! I love hearing about how odd little messages like this resonate with you all!)
The people around your person may also notice that they’re happier. I heard “pep in their step” your person just comes off as so much lighter, happier and vibrant to those around them.
As for how this person felt the last time you saw each other:
When I was shuffling for this portion, I heard “giddy” and “blind hope” The last time you saw your person may have been in some sort of group setting or small gathering. They may have been jealous or upset about the lack of attention they were getting from you but I don’t think they made this known or told you about it. They may have seen you talking to someone else and they felt very jealous and this is what pushed them to have this conversation with you or ask you out (I keep hearing “blind hope” again) the way this person approached you or asked you out may have seemed abrupt to you but I don’t think you were upset about it, at all. In fact, I think you may have been waiting for this for awhile. This jealousy pushes them to make the first move and it’s not something thought out or planned and afterward, it feels like a weight lifted off their shoulders. There may be this mentality for them of like “I’ve been stressing about pile one and whether or not they have feelings for me for so long and I let it hold me back from asking them out but now that I have, I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner” it feels like the easiest thing they’ve ever done because your connection and conversations are just so effortless. The two of you mesh together really well.
They have this overall very giddy and excited energy but also more relaxed than they have been in a long time. They may be sleeping better now that they’ve asked you out. Truly, they were so worried about the feelings being one sided and you not wanting them that it kept them up at night. I just heard “I missed you so much”
I feel like I’m not supposed to say much more, I believe you’ll be going on a date with this person soon and I’m strongly feeling that I’m not supposed to give out too much information and to let you experience this for yourself and I would recommend you also do the same! Get to know this person through them themselves (so no social media stalking lol) and don’t obsess or stress about the connection too much! Let it flow effortlessly and enjoy this person and the time you spend with them! The feelings are most definitely mutual and there’s nothing to be afraid of.
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Hello, Pile Twos!
The last time you saw your person could have been at some sort of charity event or work event. They were really excited to see you and really nervous, as well. They spent a lot of time looking at you. There was something about you that came off as very giving and mature. Everything about you seemed so effortless and elegant to them.
You could have also been around children. This person thinks you’re very good with children and have a very motherly/fatherly/parental vibe and they really like that about you. They may have seen a more intimate side to you or less professional side to you. Maybe you know them through work or something professional and when they last saw you, it was somewhere outside of work where you didn’t have to be as straight forward or professional.
You came off as very easy going and friendly to them. You know how to work a crowd and keep a conversation going. A lot of the time, your person just stood back in awe of you. You may have felt that they didn’t like you or something because they didn’t talk to you much or seem to be making an effort to be around you more but that’s not the case at all, they definitely noticed you. I heard “spent the whole night noticing you” I don’t get the vibe that they were too intimidated to talk to you or felt like they couldn’t, I think they just enjoyed seeing you socialize and just be yourself.
They really like getting to see you in a setting that’s very different from the kind of setting they usually see you in. They also thought you were very funny and easy going. I know I’ve said easy going before but it’s a message that keeps coming in frequently. Maybe you’re serious at work or wherever you usually see this person? There’s just something so different about you and the way you act here like more light and carefree, just enjoying yourself and not worrying about anything or stressing. Maybe you have a very stressful job? Or your job has been very stressful lately?
After this last interaction, your person saw you as someone very balanced. Grounded but carefree and kind of go with the flow, funny and outgoing but also serious and professional. I think this person is seeing more of you and your personality and they really like what they see. They want to know more about you, you definitely fascinate them.
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This could be a very recent ex. The last time you saw them could have been when you were meeting up to give each other back all your old stuff or something or maybe you share custody of your children or a pet or something? The reason for the breakup could be due to infidelity. For some of you (especially if children are involved) your person could even still be in a relationship with the person they cheated on you with.
No matter the situation, your person felt very flustered around you. You came off as very self sufficient and happy, like you’re doing fine without this person in your life. Some of the cards you got were The Empress, The 10 of Cups and The Four of Wands. To them, it seems like luck is on your side and you’re doing just fine.
I heard “best you’ve ever been” I keep hearing a 5SOS song. I think it’s “Mood Swings” (I could definitely be wrong tho) but the lyric is “I can tell by the look in your eyes that you don’t wanna fight on a Friday night” and “I hope you don’t mind that I ruined our time” I’m getting very emotional and on the verge of tears rn so hearing this may be very emotional for you? If this is an ex, you may still have love for them and are fond of the memories you share with them but are also aware that they aren’t good for you and that you need to move forward without them or at the very least, without them playing the same role or taking up the same space in your life that they did previously. If no one else has told you, I want you to know that that is okay and I’m proud of you for knowing when a situation/person is no longer serving you and moving forward without them while still healing from that loss and hurt. Your feelings are valid and it’s okay to move on. The time you spent with this person was not time wasted and it’s okay to think back on it and appreciate it while still moving forward without this person.
Now, back to this person’s thoughts/feelings, they may have even expressed to you that they wanted to try again but if so, you turned them down (some of you may have told them you’d think about it and it’s not my place to tell you what you should/shouldn’t do and I can only see so much of this situation but I do want to tell you that just because someone wants you back, doesn’t mean you have to or should take them back. Always do what’s best for you and what will make you happiest but don’t feel like you have to do anything for anyone other than yourself.)
I’ll finish off by saying pretty much what I’ve been saying, this person sees you as an elevated person. Like someone that has gone through a post breakup sort of glow-up and is thriving on their own. You’re coming off to them as very successful and self sufficient. I heard “you’re absolutely glowing” you don’t need this person and it’s obvious to them. They may have even been a little jealous seeing you and knowing others would want you (I heard ���why wouldn’t they”) you could definitely move on to someone else and have no problem doing it and that kind of drives this person insane. They’re feeling a lot of regret for their past actions and rethinking their decisions but that’s not on you at all.
I’m going to end the reading here because I feel it’s best for you to focus on yourself and not worry about this person. You’re doing so much better and are going to continue to get better with time. You shouldn’t have to worry about this person or their thoughts/feelings. Don’t let their energy hold you back or weigh you down. Do what’s best for you and what makes you happy!
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I hope this reading has brought you some sort of peace, clarification, or happiness! Feedback is always appreciated :) have a good day or night. Sending you love and light!
࿐ mara
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ivys-agere · 8 months
Content warning: diapers
Felt like the last one was maybe a bit much
CVS health stretch fit briefs review
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These are by far my favorite diaper! I like them a lot because they are actually adult sized and even though I’m still a minor and a small one at that, they fit way better then Goodnites or the other pull ups I’ve tried. Mostly because they are more like an actual diaper and not a pull up.
I have a couple things before I start the actual review one I can only get diapers form In stores. I can’t order anything so this is so far the best thing I’ve found. Second this is my second pack of these. So I’ve used quite a few of them so hopefully that makes this review a bit better then the last one I made.
They aren’t cute at all just plain white with a wetness indicator. But you can still totally draw on them! I can heavily recommend using brush tip markers if you have them, but any marker will work. I find this a super fun way to make diapers like this more adorable! Id give them about a 6 out of 10 sense they still have a wetness indicator and the surface is easy enough to draw on.
They aren’t the most comfortable dip ever but they are still really pretty soft overall they get like a 8 or 9 out of 10. The outside is a little bit rough but the padding is super soft it’s kinda thin but to be far it’s still a cvs diaper. I have no problem wearing them for awhile since they are so soft and comfy.
They fit well ish however the tabs cross like all the way over each other on me. It’s not a to big of a deal it just means that when your putting it on you have to l fold one tape on the first side up that way the first side doesn’t move after you put the second one on. Overall like 7 out of 10 on fit they fit tight and good just the tabs have to cross
Overall I would give them about a 8 out of 10 they are the best diapers I’ve tried so far, since I can only get diapers in stores, but I really hope I can try some other diapers soon. Anyway if your not gonna stay for the bit where a talk about using them then thanks for reading, hope it helped if you were thinking about getting them, and I hope you have an awesome day!
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Content warning: talk of using diapers
In this part which will be the last part I’ll be talking about my experience with using these diapers. If that is a trigger for you, or you just don’t wanna hear about it, then don’t keep reading please.
These are absolutely the most absorbent dips I’ve tried! I like them a ton because of this they are cheap and get the job done I haven’t ever had them leak on the first use they tend to hold at most two ish wettings much more then that and they leak for me overall I’m gonna give them a 9 out of 10 cause they are the best I’ve ever tried.
Thanks for reading, hope this helped if you were thinking about getting these I personally really like them, and I hope you have a awesome day!
(P.s I’m sorry if there are any typos or weird sentences this was super long and hard to edit and fix.)
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nozirohhex · 8 months
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haven’t made edits in awhile 🩷🤍🖤💜💚 @yungblud @olobersykes @bringmethehorizon
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loud-trash-arcade · 26 days
Fuck it, I wrote fanfiction @sadgayscientist and @reaninateor, I wrote this because of you two:) if you read it let me know what you think😊I’m new to posting fanfics on Tumblr, and this is my first fanfiction, so I’m open to criticism, but pls be nice:) also this is based off the image at the bottom
Daniel cain had worked with Herbert west for many months, the two had slowly gotten closer to a point where he would consider them friends, but lately he has noticed his feelings when it came to Herbert weren’t exactly platonic. He noticed little things he wouldn’t notice when he was just observing someone normally, like the way Herbert’s glasses sat on his nose, the way his eyebrows furrowed when he was thinking, and how he would twitch when he got annoyed or bored, he also noticed how Herbert seemed to look at him differently, like he was trying to figure something out. Dan knew that his feelings toward his friend weren’t non-intimate, he worried about this, he was pretty sure it’s not normal to have romantic thoughts about your friend, especially if that friend was a man. What made this worse was the fact that they where constantly very close together, whether doing autopsies on dead bodies, or forcing Herbert to eat dinner for once, they were always either side by side or across from one another.
Dan stared at Herbert, he watched him carefully cut through the skin of the corpse in front of them, he watched him smile as he did so, Dan could never tell if he was smiling because he was happy he was working, or smiling because he was cutting through someone’s skin, he figured it would be best not to find out.
Dan looked over in surprise,
“Daniel I would highly suggest that you stop staring at the corpse and hand me the cloth I’ve been asking for, for the past two minutes!” Herbert huffed, looking up at Dan in annoyance and tapping his fingers on the table in frustration, a scene that Daniel couldn’t help but find cute. Dan then realized what he had just been asked and quickly handed Herbert the cloth. “Are we done then?” Questioned Dan. “Not quite, I’m just cleaning up this body so I can bring out the rats.” Herbert explained, turning away from him. “You haven’t experimented on rats for awhile, why are you switching back? Get tired of the screaming when you inject human subjects?” Dan snickered. “Daniel you do realize that a scientist must return to smaller subjects in order to have proper results, I am not giving up on human subjects because the noises they make are irritating.” Herbert looked up at Dan in playful annoyance, a small smile playing at his lips, as Dan looked back down at him, he realized his mind was going in a direction he would rather not confront, and subconsciously he thought about what Herbert’s lips would feel like against his, realizing that a thought like that was going to land him in a very uncomfortable situation given the fact that he could feel blood rushing down, he quickly decided he needed an excuse to distract from the current problem he was facing. “Mind if I put on some tunes?” He asked, glancing over at the dusty record player in the corner. “ I do not understand why you want to distract yourself more by listening to music, but if you must.” Herbert said, not looking up from the table. Daniel hurried over to his record stash in the corner, grabbing his newest edition, his Tears for fears “songs from the big chair” record, he hadn’t gotten to play it yet, so he was quite happy to have a chance too. He put the record on and hurried back to the autopsy table as the first notes of shout played. He returned to the table to find Herbert carefully putting the body away and searching for the bag in which he kept the rats. “Have you ever loved someone?” Dan jumped at the sound of his own voice, he hadn’t meant to say that out loud, he looked over at Herbert, who had stopped what he had been doing, seemingly thinking. He looked back at Dan. “Why do you care if I’ve ever loved someone?” He said it in his normally cold tone, but Dan could hear a hint of amusement in his tone, damn it, Dan needed an answer to Herbert’s question.” I was just wondering if you planned on marrying the reagent.” Dan tried to say in a goofy tone, but it came out sounding shaky and nervous. Herbert looked back at him, once again looking as though he was trying to figure something out about him, Herbert smiled, “I don’t believe that is a question I can answer truthfully Danny.”Herbert grabbed the clear plastic bag containing the rats and returned to the table. Dan, still trying what the actual hell he meant by that, returned to the table with him. He tried to distract himself from his annoying thoughts by focusing on the lyrics in the background, and returned to helping Herbert set up the reagent. Dan barely knew what Herbert used in the reagent, and how the fuck it could bring dead things back to life, but with Herbert it was usually better to leave some questions unanswered, Dan recalled the time in which he asked Herbert something about iguanas and their habitats, and Herbert went on a thirty minute long rant about iguanas, their habitats, what they eat, and their mating habits, Dan didn’t mind Herbert’s long winded explanation on iguanas, he looked so happy explaining, he just let it go for a few minutes. Daniel then realized Herbert was using his rant as a distraction from the fact he had put blood in the microwave again. “Daniel, pass me the syringe please.” Herbert asked pleasantly. He seemed to be happier than he was before. Dan passed over the syringe. He noticed the last notes of “everybody wants to rule the world” in the background, he thought about Herbert’s entire goal with his experiments, what would happen when he finally reached his goal of
successfully bringing the dead back to life, part of him hoped it would still take awhile for him to figure it out, he feared Herbert would leave him once he succeeded, he doubted this, but there was still that nagging fear. He didn’t know why he was so infatuated with his best friend, he guessed it was some strange obsession at first, but at this point he had come to accept it: he was pretty sure he was in love with his best friend, why? That’s a good question. Maybe it was because of how excited he got when something he loved was brought up, and how fast he talked, the rare time Dan could get him to laugh, he wished he would never stop, Daniel didn’t know why Herbert insisted on hiding his happiness in exchange for his cold exterior, but he assumed that was another question he would never get an answer too. “Dan, are you there? Snap out of it!” Dan jumped and looked down to see Herbert once again staring at him in annoyance. “Daniel if you don’t stop zoning out you’ll be no more use to me than a dead ant.” “Damn it sorry” Daniel laughed, looking down, “I’m just a bit out of it today.” “Clearly” Herbert remarked,” now are you going to help me inject the dose or continue staring at the wall like it’s got you in a trance?” Herbert looked up at him and then returned to his work. Daniel helped him inject the reagent by holding the rats head up as Hebert injected the needle into the base of its neck. Daniel put the rat back down. The two watched the rodent lay still, and then spasm suddenly and come to life. Herbert pulled out his notes and watched the rat as it quietly looked around. “Interesting.” He said, looking curiously at the subject, “this one’s not shrieking!” “Is it really all that rare for one to come back and not immediately lose its shit?” Dan asked.””Actually, according to my recent studies, it is.” Herbert spoke like this was common knowledge, even though it definitely was not. “Is that good?”Dan asked. “I do not think you understand Danny, this could possibly be a breakthrough!” Herbert basically yelled this in excitement, Dan didn’t think he’d ever seen him so happy. Herbert started walking towards him and waving his hands. “This could mean so many things!” Herbert said with a huge smile. “All this because one of your experiments isn’t trying to brutally murder you?” Dan said, trying to mask how nervous he was getting as Herbert continued to invade his personal space. “Yes Daniel, this means my reagent is working properly!” If Herbert got any closer he was going to be pressing up against him, and that was not a situation Dan needed to be in, he tried to back up but ended up falling backward, and not wanting to fall, accidentally grabbed on to Herbert’s jacket and pulled him down with him. Well fuck, now Herbert was basically on top of him, but Herbert, unfazed, and now sitting between his legs, continued ranting in excitement. “Danny, this means we’re close to success!” Dan registered the playing of “head over heels” in the background, how fitting. Herbert put both of his hands down on the pavement next to Dans legs and pushed his face closer to his. “Danny! We brought the dead back to life and they’re not mindless zombies!” Dan didn’t register what he said before Herbert was kissing him, and he was kissing back, the universe had to be fucking with him, because as he and Herbert were kissing he could here “something happens and I’m head over heels!”In the background. The kiss definitely took him by surprise, he hadn’t expected Herbert to initiate anything between them, he was obviously wrong about that. Herbert pulled back, he looked like he had made a mistake, his cheeks were red, and he looked surprised. “I’m sorry Daniel, I don’t know what came ov-. Daniel cut him off with a kiss again. When he pulled back Herbert still look surprised, but there was a faint smile. “Why did you do that?” Herbert asked him. He didn’t sound regretful, just a little confused. “Because I’ve wanted to do that for awhile” said Dan, in a cheerful tone. “Oh, I wasn’t aware you felt that way.” Said Herbert blushing a little,
“ I didn’t know how to tell you how I felt, but I am most definitely glad you reciprocate the feeling.”Daniel smiled. “I’m glad too Herbert, but you’re kind of crushing me.” Dan laughed as he said this. “Oh, I apologize.” For the first time Daniel could hear Herbert speaking in an embarrassed tone, he couldn’t help but laugh at the sound of it. “Well, I am going to go and make dinner, do you care to join me?” Said Dan jokingly, expecting Herbert to make an excuse to continue with his work, as he normally does. “Yes, I suppose I will.” Herbert said as he returned to the table. Looks like Dan was incorrect again, he guessed the earlier events might have something to do with it. “Well I’ll see you upstairs then, love you.” Dan hoped the love you wasn’t too much, luckily Herbert answered with a simple response. “Love you too Danny.” And with that Daniel went upstairs to cook dinner.
Hope you liked it:)
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alannacouture · 1 year
Weirdly curious why HOTD/GOT fandoms* seem to think that if you like Rhaenyra, you automatically like Daenerys, and if you like Sansa, you automatically like Alicent. I love Sansa. I think she had the best character arc out of everyone on GOT & truly deserves recognition for growing and learning as a character. I despise Alicent. She spends 10 years tormenting her former bestie and refuses to see her father is a self-serving jerk who manipulated her against Rhaenyra, causing Alicent to become an equally shitty parent, manipulating her own children against their sister. If it’s not obvious, I’m a huge fan of Rhaenyra. Despite her (considerable) flaws, she’s a loving mother and daughter & would make an amazing Queen (since she’s been trained for it since childhood). I used to like Daenerys, but her later behavior (even before S8) completely changed my perception of her. After awhile, she began to believe she is owed obedience and loyalty just because of her family. While this argument could also be made against Rhaenyra, she never believed she was owed the Iron Throne and honestly seemed happiest at Dragonstone w Daemon and their delightful, blended family. She accepts the crown because it’s what her father wanted, but you never truly see Rhaenyra expecting blind obedience from people, while Daenerys is offended when she isn’t given automatic loyalty. Anyway, this was my very brief rant concerning this weird fandom situation & the strange assumption that those who like Sansa must like Alicent & those who like Rhaenyra must like Daenerys. Despite some interesting parallels, they’re four VERY different women, who each add something interesting to their respective shows.
EDIT: Maybe this is just my utter frustration at trying to have civilized conversations online, but if you’re a dick in the comments, I will block you. This is a rule I have across all social media platforms. It is not worth the energy or anxiety to argue with people when they’re clearly just looking for a fight. Since I’ve only recently started using Tumblr (despite having an account for a decade; thanks, porn bots, for forcing me to make a real page), I had hoped it would be different than Twitter or Instagram, where people can be wildly toxic. Guess I was wrong.
*Strictly TV fandoms, as I haven’t read any GRRM & refuse to wade into those hurricane-tossed waters
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beesonhoneytoast · 6 months
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FruBa Music Tastes Headcanons
a/n: been wanting to do this kind of post again for awhile now, and i finally got the inspiration to do it! enjoy! :3
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🍙Tohru Honda🍙
A lot of lofi/instrumental stuff. Usually for when she’s cleaning or doing some chores around the house. Otherwise it’s Taylor Swift (don’t look at me! The Kyoru edits made me do it)
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🐈Kyo Sohma🐈
To be honest I think he listens to whatever Tohru likes (god he’s hopelessly in love with her it’s pathetic)
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🐀Yuki Sohma🐀
I honestly don’t know what Yuki would listen to, he’d probably have a little bit of everything?
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👘Akito Sohma👘
Probably traditional Biwa music, idk. Akito is a tricky one.
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🐕Shigure Sohma🐕
Like Kyo to Tohru, I feel like Shigure would listen to whatever Akito would like.
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🐇Momiji Sohma🐇
Now from my chat with my Momiji bot on c.ai, it mentioned it liked Hozier. And I can see it to be honest. Hozier makes a lot of R&B and blues, and I can honestly see Momiji vibing with that. 
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🐉Hatori Sohma🐉
Jazz. I don’t make the rules (but I do) mans likes his jazz cos he’s a very sophisticated guy. 
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🐄Hatsuharu Sohma🐄
Metal. No elaboration will be made
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❤️‍🩹Arisa Uotani❤️‍🩹
It’s a tie between either girl in red or Conan Gray. Perhaps both. Both is good.
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🖤Saki Hanajima🖤
She listens to Phantom of the Opera on loop like me. No elaboration. Moving on. 
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🐍Ayame Sohma🐍
Todrick Hall and any other queer musician that has walked the earth.
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🐗Kagura Sohma🐗
Definitely listens to Vocaloid. Oh and those cutesy songs you find on playlists for relaxing. She scours the internet for every last song on them.
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🐒Ritsu Sohma🐒
Now for those who haven’t read My Girl (which you definitely should), I stated that Ritsu is a girl in red fan. She also likes Taylor Swift, Halsey, and AURORA, though. Also Madonna and ABBA, Blondie, maybe Joan Jett when she’s feeling daring.
Def would apologize for her music taste if you don’t like it like no bby it’s okay 🥺🥺🥺
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🐅Kisa Sohma🐅
Baby Shark /j
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🐏Hiro Sohma🐏
Would sing Baby Shark with Kisa cos he loves her 🥹
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🐎Rin/Isuzu Sohma🐎
Marina and the Diamonds, and also Mitski. 
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🐓Kureno Sohma🐓
I feel like he listens to Michael Bublé. No reason why, he just does and that’s on my headcanon.
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About my last ask
Got two lads I want to know about
"who hasn’t realized yet that their Vulcan coworker is an alien, and keeps summing up their behavior as them being autistic like the oc or it being a religious thing as their coworker is clearly religious (they assume the Teachings of Surak is a religion) "
Because honestly this is my favourite thing ever. Also my brain is so stuck on *oh yeah, vulcans do just look like goth humans don't they?*
And also "Mostly just because I want Vulcans to come into contact with a knitted Sehlat and stop functioning for a second, I don’t want to look at everyone through a human lens but I still think coming across a small plushie that resembles your pet growing up is a universal want "
Because mmm funky ass interactions of "I made this for you?" "What? H o w???"
Idk if I'm explaining my thoughts correctly but my autism has latched onto your ocs
(Real quick, none of my oc’s are named because I’m terrible at naming 😭)
Unfortunately I don’t have too much for the first one, the main thing was just misunderstandings of them like, offering chocolate to their coworker and when they reject it, they assume it’s either a religious thing or they’re allergic to chocolate, so they take great care to not offer it again to not make them uncomfortable (especially if they want chocolate but aren’t allowed to, wouldn’t be nice of them to dangle a treat like that in front of them knowing they can’t accept it)
Their Vulcan coworker just thinks they’re the most accepting Human they’ve ever worked with:
very courteous of their personal space and eating requirements, tries to communicate with them on the same level (mirroring them), i.e., trying to avoid words that imply emotions, they don’t ever make them feel unwanted or like an outsider, but they also don’t ignore that they’re a Vulcan, they’re always inquiring about Surak and acknowledging the differences in how they view things since they’re from a different species (their coworker is actually just acknowledging how coming from different time periods and religions causes them to view things differently)
I got stuck on what would happen after awhile, I was thinking that maybe their other coworkers figure out what’s happening first based on how the Human coworker has phrased some stuff about their Vulcan coworker or Vulcans in general, but I couldn’t think of how I’d want the reveal to go down (other than the Human bouncing back immediately because I can’t stand the thought of the Vulcan coworker having to deal with the fact that the Human actually is freaked out by them being different species or anything like that) so this little au/story/thing is on the back burner for now
And for the second one, oh my god I haven’t thought about those ocs in awhile, they’re connected to a type of ocs I was making for awhile that included “Humans making videos that Vulcans watch for entertainment”:
So the premise was that this Human wakes up in the future (I forget the buildup, really need to write stuff down more often), and they’re trying to adjust to the fact that since the world is post-scarcity they can actually follow their interests, but also since the world has changed so much, they don’t even know how to enter their world of interests anymore (if that makes sense?)
While trying to acclimate to everything, they look into their hobbies to see how much has changed, and find out that knitting (both fortunately and unfortunately) hasn’t changed that much, like there’s way more patterns for Human stuff, i.e., more realistic patterns for earth animals, but patterns for non-Terran stuff? Nonexistent.
The Human starts filling this niche, coming up with patterns for them, and then making long “how to” videos with no cuts (they have no idea how to edit videos, so all their videos are real time how they made the item), and then they post it where it doesn’t really get a lot of Human views, but it starts gathering the attention of other species’ who all start to really enjoy learning this Human hobby
Because the videos are so long, the audio is the Human talking about customs and stuff surrounding knitting (like baby blankets for baby showers, making scarves for crushes in media, the “boyfriend curse”, etc), which leads to other Human customs, and gives everyone who watches it a new view of Humans, while the Human gets an appreciation for these other species that other Humans don’t normally get, as their first introduction to these species is searching up customs and stuff that other Humans don’t even think about as they try to see if there’s anything similar to Human knitting customs
(Like do other species ever gift handmade blankets to each other? if they did what’s everything surrounding them? like do different patterns and different colors have different meanings? can any of these blankets be recreated with knitting? etc)
I’m so upset that I forgot what the setup was with the Vulcan in this scenario, the main things I remember was them seeing the stuffed sehlat for the first time and just freezing, and the other thing was them knowing the Human before ever knowing that they knit and getting a crush on them through the videos after seeing how focused and competent they were while knitting
(I love Vulcans falling for wacky or whatever types of Humans, but I also like them first logically getting a crush on Humans after seeing them serious or competent in a way they never really thought of Humans being like, and then the crush getting worse after seeing them be silly and they don’t understand it)
Edit: I have another oc set that’s similar to this (like I said I have a lot of Human ocs that follow this outline) except: they specifically make miniature realistic figurines, they’re academic rivals with the Vulcan (huge misunderstanding, neutralness sometimes sounds like being an asshole especially when the other person has been having a terrible day and doesn’t know anything about Vulcans and them being neutral, but the misunderstanding eventually led to both of them considering the other one a rival)
And one of their rivalries is over getting this specific study room, the Vulcan thinks it’s the most logical place to study, and the Human uses the room to make their figurine videos and hates the idea of switching to a different room when they’ve become accustomed to this one, so the two keep trying to arrive earlier and earlier than the other one to claim it, even going to the lengths of underhanded methods (the Vulcan swears they didn’t mess with the coding on the door to not let the Human in when they got the key first that one time, but they totally did)
Eventually a professor steps in and forces them to share the study room, which leads to the Vulcan’s new fascination with these tiny figurines and then a fascination with the one who makes them (although tbh that fascination was already building while they were fighting over who gets the room first, the Vulcan just doesn’t want to admit to ever having a crush on such a hot headed Human)
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