#he can’t forgive himself for a small mistake on a good day
queenofspades6 · 2 years
New Haircut – Stephen Strange x Reader
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Summary: Stephen Strange broke your heart to protect you from himself, but when you leave the Sanctum without a word, he realised his mistake, but you’re gone… are you really?
Pairings: Stephen Strange x Reader.
Warnings: None! Just pure fluff and angst.
Author Note: Hi! I just had a new haircut, and I thought ‘what if I wrote a fic with trader having a new haircut, and Stephen Strange’. I hope you’ll like it! Feel free to like, comment and reblog my work, I am forever grateful for the support!
Want more Marvel? It’s here.
Being Stephen Strange’s apprentice and also an Avenger wasn’t always easy. With the death of Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, you couldn’t keep living in the Avenger Tower. Stephen Strange had always been of your deepest friends, and watching your distress, he asked you if you would love to learn the Mystic Arts. Without a second thought, you said yes.
And here you were, being his apprentice. There was always a spark of attractiveness, a spark of ‘something more’ between Stephen and you, but at the time he was with Christine, and then, he couldn’t let her go. However, with your stay at the Sanctum, everything changed. You were taught the Mystic Arts by several Masters, and obviously Stephen was your favorite. He was always spending more time to you, throwing you small glances when you were training, and always helping you practice after. To say you were in love with Stephen Strange was an understatement. But when you tried to tell him how you felt, Stephen almost rejected you. Not directly of course, but it still hurt. You could remember this night like it was yesterday.
“Stephen? Can we talk?”
He was sitting on the rooftop looking at the sun slowly retreating himself.
“About what?”He answered.
“About what I feel, how I feel towards you.”
His gaze was fixed on you, admiring your features, and how your brows were furrowed, scarily waiting for his answer. He took a deep breath before answering.
“We can’t.”
“ I-I… You, and me, we can’t.”He repeated, not daring to look at you.
“And why’s that?”You questioned, your hands on your hips, anger rising in you.
“You know why.”
“I don’t. But what I know is how infuriating you can be sometimes, Stephen!”
His fists clenched, and his gaze remained on the ground.
“There’s Christine.”He spat, without looking at your face.”I still care for her.”
And with these words, your heart broke. He was still in love with Christine, probably in every universe, and there was nothing you could do about it. It was just meant to be.
So, you did what you did best. Fleeing. You left the Sanctum for a month, leaving a small note to Wong and Strange.
“I’ll come back.”
And you left.
Stephen spent weeks trying to understand what he did wrong, what led you to leave. He knew deep down; he was the one responsible. Lately, he had been cold with you, making you think he didn’t really care. And he remembered the conversation you had with him before leaving. You tried to confess, and even if he didn’t want to, he rejected you. It was easier for him to reject you, than love you. He was terrified of hurting you, and ruin everything. But while trying to protect you of himself, he lost you, and he couldn’t forgive himself.
‘What if she doesn’t come back?’Stephen asked himself every night. ‘What if she’s dead?’ So many ‘What if’ without any answer. It was driving him mad. He knew if you had left, it was for a good reason, and he had no right to look for you. He couldn’t. And he waited. Days after days, transforming into weeks. He was losing hope, every day telling himself ‘one more day, and I’ll look for her’ but he never did.
“Don’t go looking for her, Stephen.”Wong told him once in an authoritarian tone.
“What if she’s hurt? Or worse, what if she’s been kidnapped?”
“She’s not. Don’t forget who she is. She is not a child; she can handle herself without you.”
“No, but, Strange. You didn’t lose her. Not yet.”Wong spilled.
“Not yet?”
“Nobody’s irreplaceable, Strange, and if you don’t say what you feel to Y/N, she’ll move on. She’s not gonna wait forever.”
Stephen Strange nodded. Wong was right. He needed to face his fears, once and for good.
And one day, when he didn’t expect you the most, you entered the Sanctum, a huge smile on your face and a new haircut. Instead of your long brown hair, he found you with a square cut. You had left the Sanctum’s robes for a lighter outfit, a skirt and a t-shirt. When Stephen saw you, he couldn’t ignore your white aura lightening the room. He smiled.
You had finally returned.
He approached you with a sudden shyness.
“Y/N.”He murmured, almost like a prayer.
“Stephen.”You smiled.
“You look-“
“Beautiful? Brilliant? I know.”
A smile escaped his lips.
“I was going to say different, but that works too.”
“I needed some change. I needed to find myself.”You whispered, smiling shyly.
“I know, he replied, I am sorry.”
You frowned.
“You don’t need to be. Now I know how you feel. I am glad you told me.”
“Y/N-“Stephen tried to say.
“Let me finish, Stephen.”
He glanced at you and nodded.
“It was hard at first, but I am glad I know the truth. Better the truth than a sweet lie. And I needed to lose you to love me. Don’t apologize.”
Stephen saw the hurt on your face, and he hated himself for that. He wanted to protect you, and he failed. Because he lied to you, he destroyed you. ‘And what if I try?’He asked himself, fearing the answer.
“Stephen? Do you hear me? If you don’t wanna see me again, I’ll leave. Just say the word.”You bluttered, tears stinging in your eyes.
“Y/N! Listen to me.”
You didn��t want to, you wanted to flee again, and never return, but you had changed, and that new haircut gave you confidence.
“I am sorry I hurt you.”Stephen muttered.”I am scared, Y/N. I am terrified that if I let myself love you, I’ll hurt you.”
He took a deep breath, before looking right into your eyes.
“I lied when I told you I still loved Christine. I don’t. She’s happy, and I understood I wasn’t the one for her. And now, I am scared, I’ll hurt you too, Y/N, if I let myself love you.”
Tears were running down your cheeks, and Stephen was looking for your hands. He grabbed your hands and caressed them slowly.
“But what if it works, Stephen? What if you take the chance? Because if you don’t, you’ll never know the answer.”
He caught one tear falling on your cheek and wiped it with his hand.
“Love can hurt, Stephen Strange, but with the right person, it’s worth it.”You declared, a new spark of hope in your eyes.
“I love you, Y/N. Deeply. Sincerely. Universally. I won’t lie to you, I am scared I am not good enough for you, but without you gone for a month, i know I want to try. I need to try. I can’t ask myself everyday ‘what if she was with me?’."
You sobbed. It was too much to process right now.
“Y/N, be with me, you won’t regret it, I promise.”
You approached him, and he took some shy steps towards you. His hand touched your face and lingered on your cheek where the tears were falling, and then on your lips, where he had dreamed of kissing you. His lips were dangerously close, and you couldn’t say no to the feeling in your stomach. You kissed him. His lips were intertwined with yours in a passionate kiss, and his hands were rested on your back.
“Be with me.”He declared, almost like an order.
“I will.”
Stephen Strange smiled, and you swore you saw some tears in the corner of his eyes.
In Stephen’s arms, you smiled, and laughed.
“What is it?”He questioned.
“It’s my new haircut that made you change your mind?”You asked in answer, still laughing in his neck.
It was definitely because of the haircut.
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ladyinwriting18 · 2 years
Disobey (Kylo Ren x Reader)
Summary: Kylo Ren is not one to take rule-breaking lightly-and now, you'll find out exactly what happens when you disobey your Master.
Words: 2,789
Warnings: Dom/Sub, Mutual Masturbation, Smut, Masturbation
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You knew you were being a bad girl by disobeying your Master.
You were a horrible, terrible submissive that couldn’t follow orders.
You groan inwardly, knowing your Master wouldn’t like you referring to yourself as such. It couldn’t be helped. You prided yourself on being the best for him—being perfect. That meant no mistakes, no misbehaving, and no disobeying.
Isn’t that what you were doing now though? Disobeying by laying in his bed, naked as the day you were born and doing exactly what Kylo had told you not to?
Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader of The First Order, and your Master.
He had told you that while he was away on his mission, you were not to touch yourself or make yourself cum.
He had promised he’d only be away for a few days, but now it had been over two weeks.
The waiting was too much to bare. You needed him...desperately.
Panic makes you jittery—that pins and needles feeling similar to when your foot falls asleep, but your arousal is too hard to ignore. You decide there’s no other option than to disobey.
"He will not find out. Everything is fine. It’s just once. He’ll never know, and I’ll still be a good girl.” You try to rationalize and clear away the guilt you feel.
You stretch your legs out wide, trying to pretend it’s The Force that peels your legs apart, revealing your cunt to your Master. You can almost feel his presence in the room with you, watching you through his mask.
Your heart thumps in your chest at the realism of your fantasy. Your hand dips down your body, trying to ignore the fact that your hands are too soft and too small to be his. Your fingers are millimeters away from your clit; your head tilts back from the anticipation.
“Were my orders not clear to you, pet?”
His voice.
Not even your best daydreams could recreate his voice so perfectly.
You peak through your lashes and find him standing there, dressed in his usual black robes, his dark eyes piercing through your soul.
“Kylo!” You yelp, scrambling away from him until your back hits the headboard. You pull your legs to your chest in an attempt to hide your nakedness.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t know? That I wouldn’t catch you? Or are you just that cock hungry that you couldn’t wait for my return?”
You whimper, your face burns with your shame. You were caught red-handed—if only you had waited just a little bit longer!
It was too late, and you were in big trouble. Kylo Ren was not one to take rule-breaking lightly.
“Master…I’m sorry-“
He cuts you off, his tone harsh from his anger. “Save your apologies—they’re useless to me. What I want is your obedience.”
Bravery gets the better of you, you look up and find him still rooted in the same spot. Why hadn’t he moved? Why wasn’t he pinning you down and delivering his punishment?
“You’re not really here….are you?” You already know the answer, that he’s caught you touching yourself through your bond and projecting himself here.
“You need to be punished.”
His words make you flinch. You know you deserve it, but that doesn’t stop you from trying to reason with him. “Please, Master Kylo, forgive me. I’ll be good, I promise.”
He holds up a gloved hand, rendering you silent. “No amount of begging is going to help you. For disobeying your Master—“ he purposely stalls from completing his sentence, knowing the waiting would make you twitch. “You’re going to put on a little show for me.”
“A s-show?” You gulp and stutter, feeling more nervous now.
Kylo nods, taking a step closer to where you sit on the bed. “Show me how you play with your nipples.” He commands softly, his voice so deep that it makes the hairs on your arms stand up.
You can’t deny how badly you want to touch yourself. You bring your hands up to your breasts, cupping them and pinching your nipples, so they harden quickly.
“Slowly now.” He redirects, so you know exactly what to do. “Tease them, for me.”
You take a deep breath and force yourself to slow down. You use your fingertips to draw light circles, your nipples becoming taut under your ministrations. You sigh as goosebumps prickle your skin.
“That’s it, my good girl.”
Your toes curl at the name. Nothing gets you off more than being his good girl.
“Pinch them; I want them nice and hard.”
You do as you're told, moaning, knowing he watches your every move. “Mmmhh, Kylo.”
He hums in response to his name. His voice drops an octave—rich like melted dark chocolate. “Does that feel good? Mmh, I know it does."
Your head rolls onto your shoulder to look in his direction. What you see causes your movements to falter—he was touching himself, rubbing the prominent bulge through his pants.
Your mouth hangs open as you gape at him.
This man was going to be the death of you.
How were you supposed to handle seeing this without being able to touch him?
“Don’t stop. Pinch them, tug on them. Show me how you’d want me to touch you if I was there.”
You resume your movements, tugging on the hardened peeks of your breasts. It sends shocks of heat through you, making your core drip. You try squeezing your thighs together to relieve the pressure and stop yourself from making a mess on his sheets.
“That’s it. Hmm, you’re getting wet, aren’t you? My dirty girl.” His tone is soft, it makes you feel safe.
You feel brave enough to look him in the eye, whining for him. You reach out to him with your thoughts, pleading with him.
“Come home to me, Kylo.”
“Beg me to forgive you.” He growls, pushing away your tenderness until after you’ve taken your punishment.
You beg in earnest, genuinely meaning every word. “Forgive me, Master. The waiting is so hard. I-I tried so hard, but…but I couldn’t help it. Please Kylo, I’m sorry, I need you.”
Your Master tilts his head to the side, as if he’s trying to decide whether or not your apology was good enough for him. “Such a needy slut, I know you can’t help yourself.” He pauses, eyes roaming over your curves before delivering his next order. “Go on then, show your Master how wet you are.”
Biting your lip, you obey. Your legs fall open, baring yourself fully to him. You can’t help but be embarrassed at how slick your folds are.
He stares you down like a predator, moaning slightly at the sight of your dripping core.
“Mmhh, is that pussy wet for me?…Touch it.”
Kylo rubs himself harder through his pants, cock straining against the leather, aching to be free. You tremble like the last Autumn leaf clinging to the branch of a tree. Your hand dives down to the apex of your thighs, your fingers about to slip in when his stern command vibrates throughout the room.
“No! You haven’t earned that yet….Just your clit, I want you throbbing.”
With a whimper, you force your hand to travel back up to your clit, stroking it with two fingers. You sigh in pleasure, arching into your touch as your eyes start to close.
“Do you see what you do to me when you obey?”
Your eyes open and widen when you find his closed fist around his now free cock, slowly stroking himself. No matter how many times you saw his thick, throbbing length, it still always managed to leave you breathless. You swallow, hard—unable to focus on your movements much to the displeasure of your Master.
“Did I say you could stop? Open your legs wider!” He commands and you  jump to respond; opening your legs further and arching your hips off the bed to give your Master a better view.
Kylo groans at the sight, his gaze unwavering as he watches his perfect little slave play with herself. “That’s my cunt, isn’t it? Say it!”
You don’t hesitate, “Yes, Master Kylo. It’s your cunt--only yours.”
“That’s right, That. Is. My. Cunt.” He wraps his lips slowly around each separate word. You rub your clit faster, breathy moans leaving your parted lips. You loved it when he spoke like this, laying claim to every bit of you—body and soul.
He stalks closer to you, teasing the head of his shaft before continuing.  “And you’re my cock starved whore…..I’m going to let you fuck yourself. Your fingers, a toy. I don’t care which—” He grins, the smugness in his voice unmistakable. “but you’re going to obey and fuck yourself while I watch.
Your breath catches in your throat, alerting your Master to the truth.
“Hm, you like that, don’t you? Having me watch you? I know you do, naughty slut.” His emphasis on the word ‘slut’ has your eyes nearly rolling back into your skull.
Not wanting to waste another moment, you sink two fingers into your hot slit. You’re so soaked that they slip in so easily. “Nngh, it feels good, Master.”
A smile plays at his full lips, praising you as his amber eyes rake over every inch of your flesh. “That’s it. There it is. Fuck your pussy deep. Every inch inside like it’s me fucking you.”
You’re more than happy to oblige, pushing your fingers deeper inside yourself. They aren’t by any means as long or as thick as Kylo’s, but they’ll do.
He tightens his grip on cock, running his hand faster up and down his length. You watch in awe as he shudders and moans, but continues to guide you while he pleases himself. “Mmh, harder, that’s it.”
You feel the walls of your cunt clench around your fingers as you slip in a third, earning you a groan of approval from the man before you. “Fuck, you look so good fucking your cunt.”
A sense of pride fills you, elated that your Master is enjoying himself despite having caught you being a bad girl.
You find it difficult to decide where to focus your gaze—on his beautiful face or his perfectly hard cock. Eyes settling on the movements of his hand, your mouth feels dry, and your thighs shake. The need you feel overwhelms you, makes you feel dizzy. The blood rushes to your face, ears, and chest, tinting your flesh red as the pleasure starts to build throughout your limbs.
“Do you like watching me jerk my cock?”
You nod and whimper, too breathless to give him a real response, but you can’t tare your eyes away from him.
“Of course my slut does. My slut loves Master’s cock.” Kylo’s free hand caresses his balls while the other continues to pump his cock. He breathes deeper as beads of precum collecting at his tip.
He’s painfully beautiful, built like a fucking god. One that you would gladly worship until all the stars in the galaxy burned out.
“Fuck yourself faster.” His voice breaks you from your thoughts, doing as you’re told and quickening the pace of your fingers. “Feel it, clenching.”
You bite your bottom lip, but your whimpers still manage to tumble past your lips. Your hips rise, thrusting to meet your fingers.
“Yes, that’s it, my pet. You’re so desperate to be filled.”
Like always, he’s right. Nothing compares to being stuffed full by his cock. You know him well enough to know that he’s going to want to watch you cum before the night is over.
“It’s not enough Master, my fingers aren’t enough. I need you!” You sob, panicked, not knowing if you’d be able to even reach your climax without his touch.
Kylo almost sounds sympathetic to your pleas, soothing you with promises of his return. “I know, I know you need me. Soon it’ll be my cock deep inside you.”
Your pleading eyes meet his, and a small smile plays at his lips. He might be punishing you for disobeying, but you were still his good girl. You relax your shoulders and push the anxiety away, curling the tips of your fingers to find that secret spot that drove you wild. Your body involuntarily jerks as you cry out in bliss.
Kylo watches you through wide, hungry eyes—panting and cursing under his breath as his pet writhes in his bed. The sight of you alone was enough to almost make him cum, but he doesn’t allow himself to finish.
Kylo Ren never came before his submissive, not even when disciplining or edging her.
“Rub your clit. Rub your clit while you fuck yourself.” He was panting but still managed to couch you through touching yourself, “I want to see you drip, for me.”
Your other hand reaches down to stroke your clit in circular motions. Your clit is so swollen and sensitive that even the softest of touch brings you closer to your peak.
“That’s it, my good girl with her tight wet cunt.”
Your toes curl at the words, wishing you could have them play on repeat. For a moment, the only sounds in the room is his heavy breathing and the sloppy wet sounds of you diving your fingers faster into your core.
You needed to cum for him—certain that you would go mad if you didn’t.
Kylo breathed out through his nose, his shoulders tensing as he drew closer to his climax, sensing that you were too. “Yes. You’re close, I can feel it. So desperate to cum for me. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To be a good fuck toy and cum while you watch your Master cum?”
“Fuck, yes. Yes Master, I want to cum with you. Please let me cum with you.”
“Moan for me louder.” Kylo commands, but you still aren’t loud enough for his liking. “I said LOUDER. Let them hear who you’re moaning for—who you belong to.”
Your whole body shakes, the tension in your lower belly and legs growing tighter almost to the point of discomfort, but you’re seconds away from falling off the edge into sweet oblivion.
All for him. Only for him.
“Kylo!” You whine, dragging out his name, both sets of fingers moving frantically in your need for release.
“That’s it. My name, say it! Tell me who you’re cuming for you little slut.” His own movements becoming sloppy and erratic as his orgasm draws near.
“I’m c-cumming for... I’m cumming for you!” You stumble over your words as you unravel before him, brows knitted together in ecstasy.
“That’s right. You cum for Kylo Ren.” Kylo pants and growls, ordering you to say exactly what he needs to hear. “Say it!”
“I cum for Kylo Ren! I-I”
“Again!” Comes his stern command.
“I cum for Kylo Ren. I cum for Kylo Ren!” You’re babbling now, repeating the phrase like a hymn.
“Good girl, scream my name. Scream my name when you cum.”
And you do, like the good submissive you are.
Your orgasm rocks your entire body--hips bucking off the mattress and legs kicking out, losing all control as blinding light clouds your vision, leaving you a trembling sweaty mess of pure mush.
Watching you reach your peak has Kylo cumming moments later. He tugs firmly on the base of his shaft, moaning and sucking breath into his lungs as if he was dying. His whole body shudders, and his head tilts back as thick ropes of cum shot from the tip of his cock. You can’t help but think what a waste that was…suddenly craving for the chance to taste him.
You remove your fingers and fully slump back into the comfort of his bed, tiredness seeping down into your bones.
It takes a moment for your Master to catch his breath, but when he does, he returns his gaze to you--eyes meeting, both of you basking in the tingling afterglow.
“When I return I’ll fill that pussy for you and fuck you till you're sore.” Kylo’s words send lighting through your veins, a dazed smile spreading across your face.
Soon he would be home and buried deep inside you--where he belonged.
Kylo returns your smile, smirkingly knowingly down at you. His form was fading now, the force connection growing weaker the sleepier you became. You can almost feel his hand stroking your cheek to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear.
You sigh, eyes starting to close, knowing you would soon be asleep, and he would be gone.
But not before leaving you with one last warning.
“Oh, and pet?...Don’t disobey me again.”
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thesunshinebunny · 3 years
I love that request with the dorm leaders walked in on their s/o changing. Can you do the same but with the first years please.
'F course sweetheart. Hope you'r having a good day, a good week too. Pls, keep taking care of yourself.
+15 content ahead
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Let's start with the fact that he grew up with an older brother, so privacy is not in his vocabulary.
And by not having privacy I mean not knocking on the door before entering your room.
Without a T-shirt and with your pants half on ... the fumes rose to his head.
We know that Ace had a girlfriend, so it's a bit of a surprise to see how careless he was.
I consider Ace as a boy who, being ashamed, says the worst things in the worst situations, for example: "What size are you?" "Daaaamn, the uniform does hide the attributes"
You threw the first thing you found handy in his face, which was the little hairball of Grimm.
Poor thing, the little ball wanted to take a nap and they end up throwing him into the air. From the shock he almost digs his nails into Ace's eyes.
The redhead learned a great lesson that day: if he doesn't want to be scratched back, try to knock on the door before entering.
Of the dynamic duo (or the single neuron duo) I consider Deuce the most polite.
Having grown up with his mother and grandmother, they instilled in him more educational values than the previous redhead.
But ... everyone can screw up.
Deuce needed help with his homework and he went to your bedroom to spend the afternoon studying. He waited patiently behind your bedroom door until a ghost tried to be funny and scare him.
Deuce didn't expect to see a head come out from under his feet and in shock he leaned back, pushing the door open and falling to the floor.
When he open his eyes, your half-dressed figure was an image that he didn't want to see ... without your consent.
He got up with a lightning speed, apologized (somewhat babbling, somewhat in a hurry), and strode out of the dorm.
When he got to Heartslabyul they all stared at him for how red he was, like...the tomatoes were put to shame.
Second Riddle some were calling him
Of the entire freshman group, I see Jack as the most respectful. It's not necessary to explain why, the way he acts and talks throughout the story demonstrates it perfectly.
Even himself can make a mistake and will regret it. He will ask for your forgiveness instantly.
Just imagine this: a normal day, a little warm in the environment, Jack went to look out for you to your dorm and when he opened the front door he saw you coming down the stairs half wearing a T-shirt ... with your torso half covered.
Your eyes met his halfway down and you stood still in the middle of the stairs.
Jack apologized and closed the door behind him you could see his ears flatten against his head, a sign that he was very sorry
When you left the dorm, he again apologized (with his hand on the back of his neck and his head lowered) and promised not to come in without knocking first again.
A knight from head to toe
Another one who, although grewing up with his grandparents, lacked the touch of privacy.
With you, Epel can be who he really is, an eccentric with a lot of energy and a desire to do many eccentric things.
And that need to do dangerous savannahclaw's type of things made him shoot out of his room into yours (running all over the school uffff) and enter like a small child at Christmas without warning beforehand.
Epel.exe stop working when sees you put on a pseudo pant, with your bottom at scene... with underwear.
He stared at you and at the same time he wasn't looking at anything. As if he had been petrified.
You had to raise your voice a little for him to react and close the door Not without first hitting his face with it when he got out
Poor thing, now it was hard for him to see you in the eyes. He kept asking for your forgiveness.
Don't go telling this episode around campus, if Rook or Vil found out, the reprimand they'll give him would have no end.
You can't tell me that this chivalrous boy ever had privacy with Bear mama Lilia in his entire life.
I refuse to believe that, with the appearance and disappearance abilities, Sebek ever had a little privacy behind closed doors.
Aside from that, being one of Malleus's knights means less privacy ... for others. C'mon, I see from a thousand leagues away that Sebek would opening the door wide, without knocking, just to see if his young master is alright.
That cost him several bad faces from Malleus.
Therefore, hearing you from behind the door, fall, Sebek didn't think for a second and entered quickly ... to find you with your legs rolled up inside your pants.
The lima hair boy immediately apologized and closed the door as quickly as he opened it.
From that moment on, Sebek learned to knock on the door and ask for permission before entering a room.
Malleus suspects that something happened ...
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
Could you maybe write something with an s/o that is super hands on? Like, if they wanna see Moreau's cool teeth or Heisenberg's scars they'll really get all up in their business, grab their faces and take a look? They're not mean, just curious and handsy
PS, this Anon sent an update for all 4 Lords plus The Duke!!!! So first time duke imagine add on, let's get handsy!
Alcina Dimitrescu
Please keep your hands out of her mouth, Darling.
Alcina is... barely tolerant of this behavior, but also a little amused. You are fascinated by her canines, despite the fact that they aren't particularly sharp or pointed like you keep assuming they are. You have this image of "vampires" I your head, and while Alcina is close to certain stereotypes, she doesn't meet all of them-- specifically the sharp teeth. You cannot seem to get over it, no matter how hard you try.
She will occasionally indulge this little habit of yours, but it's mostly because she loves you. Keep your hands clean and your nails clipped, or else she'll flick your fingers away.
Still, as much as she loves you, Alcina does have her limits when being poked and prodded.
She will only let you do it in private. Alcina won't let you stick your fingers in her mouth in public-- it's not appropriate or befitting of her station.
If you're too enthusiastic, she will playfully nibble on your fingers as a warning, and lick up the small bead of blood that comes from the cut. Is that vampiric enough for you? After all, you taste divine, Darling.
If you're so fixated on the fact that her teeth aren't as long as they are "supposed to be", well, Alcina is happy to show you the error of your ways💕💕
She will definitely use your fixation as an opening excuse for intimacy. I hope you're ready for it...
Donna Beneviento
Not okay with it.
Donna's veil isn't just for mourning-- she's also cripplingly self conscious of the scar on her face, and the Cadou mutation did not help her self esteem at all.
If you try to run your hands over her mutation, especially without warning her first? Donna will just shut down. Normally Donna and Angie will both chat and spend time with you, but after this Donna will completely back away from the relationship, and let Angie take over for her completely.
Angie is her safety net, after all. And you've just crossed a boundary she was not ready for, or even aware that you wanted to cross.
You have to explain that you mean no harm, but even then it's not a great scenario. Donna regresses almost completely if you don't warn her beforehand. You're back to communicating through Angie until you give her a genuine, meaningful apology.
You really need to push the idea that 1) you love her unconditionally and the scar will not affect that, and 2) you were only interested in touching it because you love her so much and you want to be familiar with every part of her.
Essentially: Always, always ask for consent with Donna before you go poking around. She can be alright with it in specific circumstances, but never assume, and never engage unless you have explicit permission. She needs to psych herself up beforehand.
(Still, if you ask and then press a kiss to the writhing mass that she hates so much, she will absolutely cry. There's something about that gesture that really gets across how much you adore her. It's... reassuring. Safe. It makes Donna feel adored, unconditionally. You love her to pieces, and this a gesture that reaffirms that.)
Salvatore Moreau
You... want to mess around inside his mouth? That's a little--WAIT HOLD ON NOT YET!!!
You have to warn him first, for your safety.
Moreau's mouth is full of acid, and as much as you want to get all up in there to check out his neat chompers, you have to warn him first so he can make sure you can examine him safely.
He's proud of his mutation, to a certain extent. The fact that you love him not only despite it, but because of it? It strokes his ego a little bit.
Still, he wants you to be safe. No sticking your hands in there without warning! Moreau would never forgive himself if he hurt you, so do give him a heads up if you want to take a dive in his mouth.
If he's feeling brave, he might actually use this as an excuse for intimacy like Alcina. He might wrap his tongue around your fingers or pull you in for a kiss if he wants too. You've got this focused expression on your face, and it's entirely centered on him... Salvatore couldn't resist even if he wanted to 💗
If you choose to mess around with the growths on his back, it's a little less romantic. They are very painful some days, and unless you are giving him a massage he will say no. It's not because he doesn't trust you! But Moreau needs to manage the pain, and depending on how bad the pain is on that specific day, that means you can't touch his back. Just remember to ask beforehand, and you're golden 💛
Karl Heisenberg
Hell YES
Heisenberg isn't self conscious about his body at all, to be honest. Sure he has scars, and while not All of them have good memories associated with them, he has a surprisingly healthy mindset about them. The scars are there because he's alive. He survived everything life threw at him, and he's still going strong.
While he won't tell you all the stories behind his scars, he will share the more palatable experiences. Some are from dumb mistakes he's made while doing metalwork, and he's more than happy to tell you the less painful stories when you have your hands all over him.
Because, yes, that is the best part about this whole thing. You cannot keep your hands off of him, and it is EXCELLENT. Karl loves it. He's a pretty handsy guy himself (to the point where you're starting to suspect he's a little touch starved), so he does not mind that you return the favor.
You trace his scars with this focused expression that's just so entirely absorbed, so fascinated, Karl gets hit with this weird mix of fondness for you and pride in himself. Seeing you so absorbed in him and his body makes him really want to do the same with you. He wants to return the favor.
The light touches you give his torso are so delicate... It makes him feel important and valuable to you.
Honestly, it's almost intoxicating. Heisenberg will absolutely trail off in the middle of a sentence if you run a hand across his chest. The feel of your hands on his body is so, so good. He likes physical contact with you, but if you specifically trace his scars? All bets are off.
9 times out of 10 he just can't hold back and pulls you in for a make out session. The last 1 out of 10 has a tendency to... escalate😈
The Duke
More than happy to indulge your impulses.
You being handsy is something that the Duke actually really enjoys. He likes to keep you nearby, and when you seem so obsessed with running your hands all over him it's much easier to keep you close and safe💖
You're the most focused on his hands and fingers because...uh...whoo... something about him with all those rings just really does it for you???
It's really nice to weave your fingers in between his, giving little kisses to the inside of his wrist or the tips of his fingers, and the Duke is always happy to oblige.
It's very charming, watching you coddle his hands like they're something precious. He feels a little overwhelmed by the reverence in each gesture, so he does his best to repay the favor.
The Duke will definitely smooch the tips of your fingers to reciprocate any affection you give him, and the kisses will continue up your arms, past your shoulder, and climb up to your mouth. It's a half silly, half romantic, but 100% genuine.
He loves you, and it's always entertaining to watch you squirm in anticipation as his kisses slowly approach your eager lips. The waiting is half the fun💕
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dorimena · 3 years
I seriously love Bakugou and Todoroki. Especially Bakugou in his tight winter costume in S5. And I love Dom reader and femdom more than a sub. Can I pleaseee request Todoroki or Bakugou where the reader is recording them playing with a vibrator or dildo but get overstimulated because they can't cum from the cock ring because it's their punishments since they forgot their anniversary so reader also forget to stop the toys even if they beg reader to stop in the camera.if you don't mind the request
I don’t mind~ May your sin be forgiven with this prayer (˘⌣˘人) This sounds really, really sexy, so I had a blast imagining and putting this into words.
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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯; bakugou katsuki & todoroki shoto
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 2.1k
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; fem!reader, sex toys (dildo, vibrators, cockring), overstimulation, cam sex (recording), exhibitionism, semi-public, dom!reader, sub!character
𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰; balcony sex (?), threesome, whiny Bakugou, weeping Todoroki, punishment, orgasm denial, aged-up characters, Bakugou and Todoroki are both 20+
𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢; Unravel Me by Sabrina Claudio and Fuck Love by XXXTENTACION ft. Trippie Reid somehow helped me piece this together. Sorry if there are any typos! It’s not proofread.
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𝕯𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊
“W-we! We-”
You watch as both men struggle to speak, trying to ask for forgiveness, once again. It’s the fourth time this hour, the way Bakugou tries to open his mouth wide enough to not slur his words and Todoroki tries to correct Bakugou while keeping himself coherent.
It’s cute how the smartest guys in your life seem to fail miserably in having a decent human conversation
Well, you can’t blame them either, not with the way you keep toying around with the intensity of the vibrators taped to their dicks, cum drying on the toy enough to show anyone who looks up on the balcony that these two men, with such stature and muscles, are easily falling apart.
“Speak better, sweethearts. Can’t have you guys sounding so dumb on camera, right?”
Oh yeah, and you’re even recording them, in case anyone else would want to watch the rising proheros break.
You’re not actually going to show them to the public, but maybe to their friends. Maybe Kirishima would like to watch? Kaminari? Sero? Or maybe Iida? Midoriya?
Heck, the girls might even ask some day.
But you know what makes you curious about showing this video to their friends?
The way both Bakugou and Todoroki are presenting themselves beautifully, as if they’re pro porn stars saving the wanks rather than proheros saving the day.
It’s cute, how Bakugou’s puffing his muscular chest in the air as if they were the juiciest tits ever, which they are, and how Todoroki is somehow sensually humping the air with every buzz against his furious red tip.
Your eyes stay on the screen, making sure the lighting is entering nice enough to make it seem like they’re glowing, other than their post-orgasm glow.
How many times have they come by now?
“Babes, how many times have you cum?”
They both shake their heads.
Of course they wouldn’t know. They just take what they’re receiving. They’re making up for their mistake.
You still pout, tapping the touchable screen to even out the weird lighting as another cloud covers the sun, again.
Maybe giving their punishment out on the balcony wasn’t such a good idea.
As you look down to the floor below them, seeing the once growing puddle of cum slowly be pushed by the wind to trail off towards the side of the balcony, seeping through the small opening and probably dripping feets below is what keeps you positive, happy knowing people will eventually look up and wonder ‘what the fuck is going on?’
Well, either the drying cum gives away your dirty activities or it’s Todoroki’s wailing as an orgasm is ripped out of him forcibly.
Pity nothing comes from his tip, not since some time ago.
They both thought they deserve to cum and be satisfied?
Maybe you should’ve put the cock rings on them before making them come the first two times, but their reactions and frustration with how little some cum leaves or how their body reacts with the dry convulsions makes you giggle in pride.
Pretty babes.
“Todoroki, shut up. You’ll make the neighbors look over- oh! Oh, that’s what you want? I understand.”
And poor Todoroki is just shaking his head way too fast, enough to give him whiplash, but you just snicker as you reach over to a white box.
An unfamiliar white box.
Bakugou’s eyeing Todoroki in pity, wondering what the other will have to endure as he keeps trying to fight off his orgasm.
How he’s doing it, he has no clue. But god his dick hurts.
He’s been wanting to cum for the past 30 minutes, but with the way he resents this stupid cock ring, he’d rather not humilliate himself in front of you and figure out how else to please you.
Maybe he should offer to eat you out?
The way his body is super tense and his breathing is shallow doesn’t escape your attention, less how much pity is showing itself on his face as he shakes his face in disapproval with Todoroki’s recent dry orgasm.
Good thing you invested in this double dildo.
Neither of the boys take notice with how you’re lubing the dildo that looks like it’d belong to you. It’s quite pretty, long and thick enough to hopefully please your boys.
Even if they won’t get to cum.
“Bakugou,” you start, smiling as you watch his once bright eyes suddenly darken as shock takes over his face.
What the
“Fuck is that?!” He yells out, accidentally letting his body relax as it finally submits to the vibrations of the toy, his yell turning into an unbroken series of high-pitched moans, his hips losing control with how incredibly close he is.
“A double dildo, baby. Look! It even looks like if I’d be fucking you two, isn’t that fun?”
Bakugou shakes his head, gasping ‘no, no, no!’ before he falls forward, balancing himself with his palms as he sobs through his first dry orgasm. Maybe he shouldn’t have held back for so long, not with the way his body unforgivably goes through waves of pure unsatisfied pleasure.
Todoroki, meanwhile, is nodding eagerly, eyes welling up in happy tears at the idea of getting fucked, in getting more pleasure and love from you, even if this is meant to be punishment.
But, why are you exposing them like this?
They forgot your anniversary.
Your 3rd anniversary as a throuple, the anniversary Bakugou swallowed his bite and pride to confess to you how much he loves you and how he’s falling in love with Todoroki too; the anniversary Todoroki finally let loose the dam of emotions and even if a bit tipsy, agreed he too was falling in love with both you and Bakugou, how he hasn’t ever felt so understood, so loved, so safe.
So, yeah, how dare they forget?
But if they wanna be dumb, you’ll help with that.
It’s been a while now since you’ve turned off the vibrators and since you’ve prepped them well enough to take the dildo together.
The scene in front of you is gorgeous, ethereal, sublime.
You just want to ruin them like this everyday.
“Aagh! Ugh! F-fuck! Sl-slow do-own! Haaah~”
“S-sorry! ‘m s-sorry! Ca-an’t! Nnah…”
It’s cute watching them argue a bit, how Bakugou can’t take how fast Todoroki is fucking himself back on the dildo while also pushing the toy deeper into Bakugou. And Todoroki doesn’t actually look sorry, not with how his eyes keep crossing everytime he manages to get the toy to hit his sweet spot.
He’s trying so hard to win your forgiveness by putting up with this, but it’s kind of sad knowing you’re not going to stop anytime soon, or take off the cockrings.
Not like they know anyways.
Bakugou might’ve known, might’ve noticed, with the way he’s trying to keep this dragging as slow and steady as possible; with the way his precum is struggling to escape the confines the cockring gives; with how much his red and miserably hard dick keeps jumping with every push Todoroki’s ass gives him.
You’re lounging about, resisting the urge to get off to the scene in front of you, or else they’d start begging to let them please you as apologies, and knowing how sentimental this day is for you, you know you’d immediately give in.
But this is punishment for their forgetfulness.
So, as the cherry on top of this cum covered balcony sex sundae, you’ll also forget about them.
It lasted for a while as you got bored with how neither of them seemed to be reaching another orgasm.
If only the dildo had a vibration option.
But the vibrators still taped on their dicks will have to do.
So you turn them back on, and oh would you look at that! The cockrings could also vibrate.
The pleasure-filled scream coming from Bakugou and the cute, drawled whine of your name Todoroki lets out makes you feel grateful for thinking ahead, kinda.
Now both boys are writhing against each other, different ways to let out their desperations and dying need to properly cum manifesting in either rapid fucking on the dildo to simply submitting to the minstruations of the other party.
To put it in better, shorter words, Bakugou took the reigns in fucking the dildo in such rigor and strength that made Todoroki lay on his chest, ass still up as he simply took everything Bakugou kept pushing into him, mouth opened as hiccups and drool escaped. His eyes settle onto your form, watering as more tears gather on his waterline before dropping to the ground his face is resting on.
It feels so good, so, so good he can’t believe this is punishment. Even if he hasn’t been able to properly cum for some time now, he still thinks you’re being nice with them. Must be because of the anniversary that you sadly reminded them of.
He’s trying his best to push back on the dildo, wanting Bakugou to feel just as good as him, just as fucked as him.
And everytime the toy hits him just right, Todoroki sees stars, feels an all too familiar tingly sensation as he tries to grab his dick, but when you turn the vibrator up even more, his hands just lay on the ground, nails raking as he tries gripping on something, anything.
He really, really, really needs to cum. He wants to cum.
Keep being a good boy for you.
But all he gets is a choked sob of your name leaving his mouth as his eyes roll to the back of his head, eyebrows furrowed upwards as the strongest orgasm takes over his body, he’d be convinced there’s an earthquake happening. Small whimpers of how much it hurts leaves his mouth soon after, his dick twitching pathetically as it slowly becomes purple, barely a dribble of cum managing to escape.
Bakugou is in no good shape either, loudly moaning and crying out how good you’re fucking him, how he’s taking your cock, how good he is being, to please, please, please let him cum.
But actually cum, to let him contaminate the floor even more with his sperm, to let him taste it even, if that would make you happy and forgive him.
He’s close to wailing by now, hips going impossible faster as he forgets all about poor Todoroki riding out his high.
And the moment you turn on the vibrators intensity, he gets dizzy, breath getting stuck in his throat as his brain tries to process the spiraling of his warm, hot orgasm growing too much, burning him everywhere as if it were lava.
Small sparks sound on his fingertips as he howls and gets hurled into his own orgasm, back arching and head thrown back as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
He didn’t even notice the tears rolling down his cheeks, not with how his mind only cares about how good yet bad this orgasm feels.
Not even how loud his high-pitched wails of how good it feels, how much it hurts, is enough to alarm anyone near the radius of this defiling act.
Both boys are left shuddering or twitching through their intense dry orgasm, the way their bodies react with the built up cum in their dicks, with how hot and how wreckless they’re becoming with their quirks.
Still connected with the dildo, neither move, unless it’s some pathetic hump to help drag the orgasm a little more before they try to even remember what letter your name begins with.
Bakugou’s whimpering.
Todoroki’s crying silently.
Both blinking the haze out of their vision as they remember about the buzzing, about the relentless feeling on their really, really sensitive dicks.
Bakugou’s crying now.
Todoroki’s just busy mewling like a slut by now.
And when they both turn to look at you, they gasp so loudly one of them begins choking on air and the other with saliva.
Where’d you go?!
Come back!
And ‘come back’ and ‘forgive us’ is the only thing anyone could possibly hear for the next few hours as they fuck the dildo and let the vibrators do their job in milking more and more orgasms out of them.
If only they’d look closer, they would’ve seen a post-it note stuck on the tripod of the camera telling them you went to the kitchen and that they better come crawling.
Oh well, you’re enjoying the view anyways as you sip on some liquor of your liking, turning off the vibrators as you slowly walk to the balcony.
The sun’s beginning to set. You’re not that cruel in letting them fuck each other in the cold.
The bedroom is much better, and comfier.
Perfect for you to finish the job and let them finally, finally, get their deserving orgasms.
You’ll be sure to milk out
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bubupop · 2 years
MC can’t play the flute): (obey me)
It is me again posting at ungodly hours mua ha ha. As always i’m sorry for any grammatical mistake i am only human, ok?? Also forgive me for i am a lover of soft Lucifer w MC, HE IS SOFT WITH THEM I JUST KNOW IT, OK??? Only God can judge me u_u
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Whose idea was to give MC a flute and tell them they could play???
➙ Poor man can’t take a break. If it isn’t Mammon it’s Satan and Belphie, if it isn't them it’s Diavolo or Mephisto. If it’s not one of the mentioned above it’s you. It had to be you. He has already come to terms and has surrendered to his destiny surrounded by morons, some more lovely than others but morons at the end of the day. You’re part of the black list. ➙ Anyways, he couldn’t care less about who bought you what. He only mildly cares because he’s in charge of the house finances (or so he tells himself that). One day, a bill arrived at his desk. It was a small purchase, harmless even.
➙ A flute. A human instrument. Well this could be good for a cultural exchange, no? Poor thing had no idea you couldn’t play at all but he discovered it soon enough. He was busy, as always. But then the faintest sound made his way to his office. It was almost a shy, far away sound but soon enough it grew louder. What was it? Was it Beel’s stomach rumbling again? No, his stomach couldn’t have made such a flakey sound. Then it went to a piercing high pitched hellish sound. Now that is torture if he ever knew one. ➙ He can’t concentrate now. The sound comes and goes but it bothers him so, so much. He can’t bear it so he stands up and looks for the culprit. Spoiler alert. It 's you, MC. Playing the flute, now that he hears it closely it’s even worse. ➙ He comes and before he can say anything you hit him with the deer eyes. You’re gushing about the gift and how you want to learn how to play it. You’re beaming.The man doesn’t have the heart to tell Solomon his cooking sucks, why would he have the heart to tell you the sounds you call music are killing his sanity? He can’t. It’s a parent trying to take away their child's favorite toy, an annoying loud toy that was a gift from an uncle. ➙ He can’t, so he gives up the weakest thumbs up and leaves. He might as well invest in a pair of noise canceling ear plugs. Ah, yes. Peace and quiet. ➙ Just because you weren’t punished means that someone in the house won’t be. Now there’s a manhunt for the one who bought you the flute. Beware, whoever you are, you’ll feel all of Lucifer’s wrath. 
➙ “WHO THE HELL IS MAKING THAT AWFUL SOU– Oh, hey, it’s you MC.” He, like the gorgeous dumbass he is, was walking towards the sound. You see, the flute kind of sounds like one of his little devilish crows. ➙ But this one sounded hurt. He was really worried, you see. Judging by the sound the poor thing cried in a tune of pain! Well, guess what, it’s a flute Mams! ➙ Mister man can’t tell Solomon his cooking sucks, do you think he is going to tell YOU something? No, he is going to endure it yes or yes. He is your fist man after all! He should be able to endure something small like this, no? ➙ You may notice Mammon is missing whenever it’s time to practice): when you ask him about it he gets nervous and dances around the topic. Mc he doesn’t have that great of a musical ear you know? ➙ Anyways he ends up coming to your practices a lot more. ➙ Also gets questioned by everyone. For some reason a lot of his siblings think HE is the one who bought you the flute but Mammon didn’t even know what a flute sounded like, dawg. He doesn’t go scold free because, obviously, Lucifer doesn’t believe him for some reason. ➙ He likes to spoil you, he really does, it’s his love language. But he would know if he bought you the flute, no? That’s when everyone realizes he isn’t the perpetrator, he isn’t nervous at all or trying to hide it. ➙ The manhunt continues. 
➙ He may have popped a vein. ➙ Picture this, he was reading all calmly. About to dive into the climax of the book, a mystery book. He was so sure he had solved the mystery. He just knew it. He was reading the paragraph that was to confirm or deny his hypothesis. Then it hit him. Just in the middle of it. ➙ Needless to say it ruined the experience for him a little bit. Don’t get him wrong, he is used to his brother's nuisance and noises but that thing was for somewhere deeper in hell. Partially mad, partially curious, he went on to investigate. He, just like the cats he likes so much, is very curious. ➙ It’s you. He deadpans. ➙ Well, it’s not like he was particularly mad about it. He paces a little in the hallway before approaching you. Just letting the steam blow off of him. Curiosity overpowering him. Was this a new form of torture? Have you discovered you have sadistic tendencies? Could you perhaps lend him the instrument to torture someone? ➙ Then the expression in your face changes. Ah, MC! He was joking, sorry! ➙ After talking it out he does confess you kind of suck, sorry… Ah, you are aware? Well aren’t you a little cheeky thing. He’ll keep the secret but you’ve got to practice more around Lucifer, you know? ➙ In the end he researches some books to give you in music theory and along those lines. He even learns a little himself to teach you. ➙ He is now part of your secret club that know you are kind of torturing his brothers in purpose (no complains, they deserve it).  ➙ Also doesn’t involve himself in the manhunt, he doesn’t care which makes him a suspect and after getting into a fight he is a free man. 
➙ He walks into the house, beaming. Shopping bags in toe and DDD in his hand. Gossip’s hot and interesting. He then does a full stop and looks around. ➙ Wow, somebody is being naughty in this house and nobody is doing anything about it? Well, they do sound like they’re in pain so maybe it’s one of his brothers being annoying? He carries on his day, deciding to ignore it. ➙ It’s been going for a while… Is this torture? All this frowning is going to give him wrinkles! But why doesn’t anybody else react? Is he going crazy? Is this gaslighting? Well, it’s working and the beautiful man is going insane! He can’t ignore it any more! ➙ On his way to complain to either Satan or Lucifer whoever is available at the moment. Find Lucifer first. Then the eldest brother just looks at him, Lucifer are you even sleeping? Those eyebags! Your face, noo! That’s it, mysterious sound, you can’t just come in and destroy his attractive but not attractive as his brother's faces! That’s going too far! Before Lucifer can even warn him who is making the sound he runs off, not before grumbling about some skincare he has to follow now and the promise he’ll get him the products. ➙ Debates if he should call Solomon. Maybe it’s a ghost and an exorcism needs to be done. ➙ Then something sparkles in him. Is his dear MC alright? Oh no, the poor thing must be terrified! Worry not Asmo’s in his way! ➙ It’s you. He almost… no, he cries. Cries and whines. MC, how could you?! Do you know his face could break out from the stress? Of course you didn’t! ➙ Can’t really get mad at you. It’s your little toy): and you're happy. (if you were down beforehand his heart wouldn’t allow him to actually complain complain). ➙ Well, you should repay him with cuddles and love and attention!  It’s only fair, you know? If he hears the flute he will try to give you love, compliments, gossip, anything to distract you until you forget about practicing. The House of Lamentation is very grateful for his contribution. 
➙ He was eating in the kitchen when the noise began. At first he thought it was an insect buzzing near his ear or something along those lines, you know. Maybe the sound will go away on his own. He's got more important things going on like gulping down his food. ➙ Then he focuses in the sound. Doesn’t it sound dangerously close to your room? So with half a burger still in his mouth he goes to assess the situation, a little nervous. ➙ Ah, the sound it’s you MC! He thought it was a new kind of hell insect that was dangerous, phew. He’s glad it’s only that weird whistle coming out of that thing you’re holding. ➙ Mammon, who was with you, stares at Beel, horrified. Then you laugh at that. Well, yeah you kind of really sound bad but that’s the point of learning, no? ➙ Le gasp from Mammon. ➙ Beel just sits down and stares at you. Well, yeah, the sound isn’t pleasing but it isn’t the worst he’s heard. You just need practice and he can just accompany you, something he enjoys doing. Cue Mammon leaving you, for this instance only and strictly only when you’re practicing. ➙ You reveal the secret and that Satan has been teaching you. You change the tune and while it isn’t perfect it’s an improvement. Beel is now part of the secret club of torturing his brothers. Ngl, he does enjoy it and feels special. 
➙ Who’s screeching? Is this Asmo again? Or is it Levi? *They both are famous in the house for their screeches and whines after all). ➙ He is pissed, he was sound asleep but he eventually pick up on the sound. A constant and irritable whine that sounds like it’s right in his ear. He just lays in bed, doing nothing. Debating if he should go to the source or wait for someone to do something about it. ➙ Spoiler, no one does anything. Then he hears Mammon half-heartedly complimenting you. ➙ Going to the source it is then. Walking to where you are proves a difficult task as he’s exhausted but he keeps going out of pure spite. He gets to your hideout and just s t a r e s. ➙ You see him, he sees you. He stares at you and you stare back. Then you apologize, did you wake him up? Yes, indeed, and now he’s all cranky, MC. Mammon tries to give a half assed apology and tries to hush him out of the room. Belphie is not having it and straight up ignores him. ➙ Lays his head right in your lap. Punishment is all he says. You can choose here, be a meanie and keep playing with the flute. Or two, just give in and take a break. Choosing the former can make grumpy Belphie but he will refuse to leave your lap, out of spite, again. The latter is the pacifist route and the one where you get to nap, yeah. ➙ Now he hides the flute from time to time to get a moment of quiet and peace.
➙ It was him. He’s the guilty one. Somebody come and get this guilty man. ➙ But you can’t really blame him! You were watching a human world anime together and you were beaming when the instrument was on the screen! He was being nice, you know. ➙ It was a mistake, oopsie? He is very supportive, tho. He even buys himself a flute too and practices in the corner of his room to surprise you. You often practice together, too. His room is perfect for that as it’s soundproof! ➙ He wasn’t expecting for shit to hit the fan): MC why. ➙ He was hanged from the ceiling with Mammon, why was Mammon there? He doesn’t know. What he does know it’s that he won’t get you any other instrument. He also found out you were cheating on him with Satan and Beel! You meanie! I mean, he was practicing behind your back too but he was trying to impress you!): ➙ Will do again though. 
As for you. Why did you do it? Answer is why the hell not?! It was about time you got them back>:( It’s their fault for thinking you were harmless, you were just waiting in the shadows for an opportunity to arise to torture them back.
BONUS: Diavolo caught wind of this situation and decided to give the flute a try too! Now you too practice together! Barbatos isn’t very happy but oh well. Luke also joins you two from time to time and Simeon only watches. This may or may not end up as material for his writing.
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battlemaiden13 · 2 years
How would the yanderes react to their s/o being in an accident cause of them, not even their yandere stuff just an accident or something they did without thinking or whatever, that almost killed them/left em comatose? And how would they react when said s/o wakes back up and wants to see them (and if they blame themselves s/o says it wasn't their fault)? This popped into my head and seemed neat so yea
Warning!! mentioned of depression and cutting
Sans -He takes a step back from you, from everything. He loves you so he doesn’t want to hurt you ever and yet he still did. He is going to remove himself from you. You won’t see him again as he fully blames himself for what has happened. He will keep an eye on you from a distance, using technology but he won’t interfere anymore.
Papyrus -He hadn’t left the hospital since you were admitted. He is obviously very stressed, snapping at others, and wringing his hands together. When you wake up he is right there already trying to explain himself and apologizing only to be taken aback when you tell him you don’t blame him. He tells you that he’s going to make this up to you, which has some very unsettling undertones. He is really just happy that you forgave his mistake and he soon forgets about it.
Red -He never wanted to hurt you like this. He is a very violent monster but when he falls for you he won’t physically hurt you so doing it by accident hurts him more than he thought it was but above that he was never expecting forgiveness from you. You legit break him down to tears as he doesn’t know how else to react. He wasn’t ready to let you go completely planning to lock you away if he had to but this felt completely left field to him. You actually, although not intentional, get him to promise not to hurt you again.
Edge -He had left a highly poisoned drink out that you mistook for your own. He is in full panic mode and it was very unlikely that you would wake up again. He doesn’t leave your side, mentally beating himself up the entire time. When you wake up he is fretting over you and obviously very concerned about your health, getting you anything you need and waiting on you hand and foot until your well enough to walk. It never crossed his mind that you might not want to see him again but when you tell him that you forgive him a wave of relief washes over him. He has no idea how worried he had actually been about this.
Blue -is in complete denial that this is his fault. He will not take any blame even though there’s a small part eating away at him and telling him that this is absolutely his fault. Because of the when you wake up he is by your side and trying a bit too hard to act like his normal, psychologically damaged self, and his guilt and worry is showing. When you say you forgive him he is relieved followed by anger. After all he did nothing to have to be forgiven for. You are wrong here. Luckily all he does is ignore you for a few days before acting as though this never happened
Orange -he is berating himself constantly when you are unconscious, even to the point of spiralling into a bad depressive state and cutting himself. He 100% knows that this is his fault and he can’t stand the thought that he hurt you. When you wake up and forgive him he sort of goes numb. Like you should have been a tad upset but you forgave him so easily and he doesn’t understand why you did that. Having trouble processing emotions this just makes him shut down
Berry -Berrys personality does a complete 180 from this incident. He goes into a sort of permanent work mode, he no longer follows you around like a lost puppy and is always very serious about things. Depending on what you are into this could be a good thing, he is definitely less annoying like this if not also distant. Hearing you forgive him makes him happy but it will take a long time if ever for him to forgive himself.
Syrup -he has no idea how this happened but he 100% blames himself for the incident. He doesn’t leave your side and when you wake up he is ready to hear you say you hate him or something. When you tell him that you forgive him he is overwhelmed with a feeling of joy. He still apologizes to you a lot and won’t leave your side for a while but since the incident his yandere tendency have also been put on hold.
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ikeromantic · 2 years
Sorry to bother I really liked your latest request and thought of something pretty much like this with if possible Jean Comte Dazai Napoleon and bif you feel Leonardo too, sorry so much for chosing so many characters but I really love how you write for them , How they will react in their fem s/o having strong trust issues becasue being teased on when she was younger and so there is why she is a bit afraid of showing her weakness and is sensitive at any sarcastic remark toward her, ? Thank you so much Have a nice day :)
Alright! Ikevamp boys react to a sensitive MC. Approx. 1000 words.
Jean isn’t the kind of guy to make a teasing or sarcastic comment but that doesn’t mean he can’t understand when someone else does. If it’s directed at him, he’d ignore it.
But if the teasing is directed at his choupinette, he jumps to her defense in his sweetly awkward way. “If you are trying to say ma belle is short, then she is. Do you see something wrong with that?”
Jean also likes to remind his love that it’s ok to be sensitive, to have weaknesses. No one can be strong all the time, in all things. “And that is part of your beauty.”
If Jean finds her crying or upset over some remark, he will hold her until the tears dry up. He never invalidates the way the comments make her feel, “Your soft heart is one of the things I love about you.” But he likes to remind her too, that what others say does not change the truth. That she is beautiful and wise and precious.
Le Comte
Le Comte is guilty of gentle teasing, especially when his cherie is being silly about something. Her hurt reaction surprises him and he feels terrible for upsetting her as that was never the intention.
Rather than apologizing directly, le Comte makes an apologetic gesture. Gifts, a night out, an activity of the lady’s choice . . . anything to put a smile back on her face. And when she is happy again, that’s when he will ask her forgiveness and explain what he meant when he hurt her feelings.
Should someone else make his cherie cry, they will have cause for regret. If the offense is small - he will only require an apology. If the offense is great, he will educate them on the proper treatment of a lady, and if they refuse to learn, he will ensure they are never in a position to offend again.
When le Comte realizes how defensive his cherie gets about things she doesn’t know - and other weaknesses - he first treats her to a lovely time out to remind her how much he loves her. Then he sits her on his lap and asks her, “Ma cherie, you know how precious you are to me. Why is it you guard your heart so fiercely?” He will listen to her stories of childhood bullying, then remind her. “You are here now. With me. Let us enjoy this present together and leave the past to itself. It can’t hurt you anymore.”
Dazai is absolutely the one to tease. He realizes quickly though how much it bothers his beloved. His commentary only ever elicits defensiveness or tearful retreat. He has a very hard time reining himself in, as humor is his defense mechanism, but for her he will try.
If someone else taunts his beauty, he intervenes with his off the wall humor, and gives them a new target - himself. He knows such comments often come from good intentions or are a reflection of the speaker’s insecurity, so he tries to use these moments as an opportunity to help.
Dazai is bad at apologies. Not because he doesn’t feel he needs to make them or because they are insincere. He is bad at them because he is incredibly sincere and that is a side of himself he struggles to show. When he needs to say I’m sorry to his beloved, he often does so with self-deprecating humor and a sad little smile.
Her defensiveness about mistakes and weakness make him smile. He understands what it is to dislike oneself, to find fault, and to detest failure. “But those are the things that make us who we are. Each mistake, each weakness, teaches us something. Now come here and let me show you everything good I see in you. Do I need to do it with so many kisses? Yes! How else will you remember?”
Napoleon can be an inveterate tease and sometimes, his sarcasm is quite sharp. At first, he thought his beauté was teasing him back with her defensive retorts. Playing along. Until she ran crying from the room after one exchange. After, he does his best to be gentle in speech. “Smile for me, ma belle. There. Now I can die a happy man.”
He absolutely will chase her down if she runs off crying and make her tell him why she is so upset. Napoleon will apologize like a true gentleman, and then like a passionate lover with kisses that speak his heart.
If someone else makes his girl cry, Napoleon has a hard time being reasonable about it. If the jest was cruel, the offender may find himself on the receiving end of Napoleon’s fist or remark as sharp as his sword. If it was meant in friendship, he would gently admonish them.
Should his lover need comforting after being teased or when she feels like she isn’t good enough, Napoleon will take her someplace quiet and beautiful - whether that’s a field of flowers or a tower room with a view, and kiss her tears away. “You are an amazing woman. Don’t let voices from your past define your present, ma belle. If you can’t tell yourself how wonderful you are, then let me show you.”
Sometimes Leo’s teasing is so subtle that his cara doesn’t realize what he meant until later. He doesn’t do it to be cruel, but rather to make her laugh at herself when she needs to. Her angry or tearful reactions won’t change what he does, but he makes sure to give her lots of reassurance too.
He isn’t much for apologies. Leo would rather show his cara how much she means to him than to remind her of how he made her sad or angry. When he does say he’s sorry though, he means it. And he will quickly try to cheer his lover up.
Leonardo doesn’t get visibly angry when someone else teases his compagna. Very little ruffles his feathers. He’s good at turning the comments back on the speaker, giving them a taste of their own medicine with style.
He is a master at reassuring his beloved. “Cara mia, look at me. Why would you let such silly words bring a frown to your beautiful face? Tesora mia, sei un angelo.” His kisses remind her that she is loved and precious, no matter her flaws.
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weirdos-am-i-right · 3 years
Fuck Traveling// Pete Davidson x reader
Request from @annalayton19
Hi! I’m a new follower and I really like your stuff! Could I request a Pete Davidson x reader (angst to fluff) where Pete is on tour or filming away from home and the reader is left behind. After like 6 months of being apart Pete starts to get tired of the long distance and basically like done with it. And then he realizes his mistake and comes home to make it up to her! I’m sorry if that’s super long! Also if this imagine doesn’t interest you, then no sweat! Thank you so much in advance 💕
A/n: This took so much less time then I thought it would. Anyway, here you go, I really hope you like it!
Warning: angst, swearing, like one cigarettes
Six months. Six months was an extremely long time to be away from someone you loved.
Y/n sat on the couch, a small pout on her lips. She looked at Pete—her boyfriend of a year—and frowned. “I wish I could go with you.” Pete frowns too, and sits down next to her.
“I know. I wish you were coming with me too. But hey, it’s only a couple of months, all right? I’ll be back before you know it.” He kissed her cheek.
“I just wish my contract would let me. You have no idea how annoying it is to not be able to do things because of freaking Marvel.” She groans, falling on her back with a slight ‘plop’.
“Well, because of freaking Marvel, you are one of the best actresses out there. And I know you’re going to kill it with filming. My tour isn’t even that cool. It’ll broke you to death.” He jokes, leaning back on the arm of the couch.
“Babe, you’re a comedian.”
“Oh right, I forgot.” He grabs her arm, and pulls her up into his chest. “I love you, okay?” He lifts her chin up, and kisses her. “So fucking much. We’ll face time everyday, I’ll call you every evening and wish you goodnight.”
“Okay.” She looked over a the clock, and sighed. “We have to go. Your flight is leaving soon.” He brushes hair behind her ear, bringing her eyes back to him.
“I love you. It’ll be over before you know it.”
“I love you, too.”
The car ride to the airport was long, and quiet. Pete was driving, he had one hand on the steering wheel, and one hand on Y/n’s leg, rubbing small circles into the center of her thigh.
She knew she was going to miss him so much, but she also knew she was going to be extremely busy with filming, so it wouldn’t be as bad.
Once they were at the gate, they tearfully hugged, and she kissed him. “All right, now get out of here. We’re not doing that rom-com turn back at the last second goodbye.” She laughed at him, tears steaming down her face a bit. He wiped one with his thumb, and kissed her again. “Love you. Now go, so I get to watch you walk away.”
“Yes.” She turns around, and starts walking back to her car. She knew he hated leaving her too, but he was a lot better at hiding emotions then she was, that was one of the only things she learned while dating him.
She got in her car, and put her head on her steering wheel.
She groans, and leans back. Starting her car, she pulled out of the airport, and drove home.
The first few months were the worst. Y/n hated going to bed alone, the left side of the bed always cold.
She was filming almost every day, and seeing her co-workers and friends always cheered her up, after all she had been working with the same people for quite some time now, so she felt comfortable around them.
The fourth month was slowly becoming easier. She got use to coming home to no one there, and making dinner for herself. She still talked to Pete every day, texting him good morning, and Goodnight, and FaceTiming him a lot during the day.
Though she knew he loved her, she felt as though he was slightly pulling away. The FaceTime calls were short, and he never texted her back right away like he use to.
“And so, we we’re almost done with the shoot, so close I could practically taste the coffee in my trailer waiting for me, and then Kevin calls cut, and he makes us do the whole scene over again! I swear, I was about to strange that man. Ugh, I can’t wait til you come home. Only two more weeks, I can’t believe we made it.” Y/n rants, talking to Pete on the phone.
“Uh huh. Cool.” He wasn’t looking at her, instead his attention was somewhere else. Y/n frowns, tilting her head a bit.
“Pete…are, are you okay?” That seemed to catch his attention, and he finally looked at the screen.
“What? I’m fine.”
“Okay…you just seem so…different lately. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but you seem like you don’t have time for me anymore. Or if you do, you don’t like talking to me.” Pete scoffs.
“Of course I don’t have time for you right now. I’m in between shows, I’m driving to one as we speak. I mean, god forbid I get a minute to myself without my agents or you calling me.” Pete snapped.
“Wha-I’m just talking to you. If you didn’t want to, you could have said something.”
“That’s bullshit you would have thrown a fucking hissy fit or something.” He rolls his eyes.
“That’s not true. I understand when people are tired, believe me I would know.”
“Would you?”
“Yes!” She had tears stinging her eyes. “Of course I do, you’re forgetting what I do for a living. I work from 6 am to whenever we finish which most of the time is in the middle of the night. I have to re-do the same scene about ten times because RDJ won’t stop making jokes in the middle of the scene!”
“Oh, sorry, I forgot about your super-star actress life.”
“Why are you being so mean to me? I was only concerned about you.”
“Mean? What are you, five? I can’t-I can’t do this anymore.” She huffs, crossing her arms.
“What do you talking about? Are you breaking up with me?”
“Because then fine. If you don’t want to be with me, I don’t have to take this shit. I’ll be with someone who, oh, I don’t know is actually here.”
“Oh that’s fucking rich, you know I can’t be there, don’t even do that.” She scoffs.
“I don’t care. You want to act like a petty bitch, I have no problem doing it right back.”
“No, I think you’re just a petty bitch.” She wipes her eye, and he laughs dryly. “Oh of course you’re crying.”
“Shut up. If you don’t want to be with me, fine. Go enjoy your show, Pete.” She hung up the phone, and turned off the ringer. She plugged it into her charger, and went into the bathroom, turning the shower on.
Pete rubbed his eyes, and took a drag of his cigarette. He knew he shouldn’t have snapped at her, it wasn’t her fault he was cranky, and needed to take it out on someone.
“I’m a dick.” He mumbles to himself, and bangs his steering wheel.
His phone rang again, and for a good second his heart leaping out of his chest, thinking it was his girlfriend, calling him back. He checked the phone, seeing it was Colson. He answered the call.
“What’s up, man?” Pete asks.
“The shows starting soon. You almost here?” Colson questioned. Pete looked at his google maps, seeing he was supposed to be there in ten minutes.
“I’m a good ten minutes away. I’ll be there.”
“You sound weird. What the fuck did you take without me?” Colson asks, trying to lighten the mood.
“Uh…Y/n and I just broke up. I think.” The line was silent for a few seconds.
“Why the fuck would you do that, you idiot? Are you kidding me?” Colson scoffs. “Man, what the fuck?”
“Shut up, man. I can’t stand talking on the phone with her. I’m busy, she’s busy, she plays a superhero for fuck’s sake. I didn’t even expect it to last this long to be honest.”
“Man, you fucking dumbass. That girl was probably the only good thing you had going for you. Get her the fuck back.I thought you loved her.”
“I did-I do. I do love her. I’m just so stressed right now, and excuse me for not wanting to hear about fucking Kevin Feige being a shitty director.”
“Hey, fuck-shit, you ever think that maybe this is more hard on her? Acting is fucking hard, you should know that, especially for a company like Marvel.
“Man, who’s side are you on?” Pete turns into the parking lot, and grabs his phone.
“You think I’m on your side here? You’re forgetting that we were friends before I met you. I can not believe you just fucked up the best thing in your life. Fix it, man. You’re going home in a week, fucking fix it.” And with that, Colson hung up, and put his phone away.
He kicked a rock across the pavement, and cursed under his breathe.
The worst thing about breaking up with someone you live with, who so happens to be long-distance is that their stuff fills the apartment with an existential amount of regret.
Y/n laid on her couch, flipping through the channels of the TV. She had called off work for the next few days, not feeling up to put on a performance for anyone. She knew she would get shit for it later, but she didn’t care.
Her head perked up when there was a knock on the door. She sighed, and got up, going over to the door. She really didn’t feel like company at the moment, and was sure she was going to send away whoever it was.
When she opened the door, her breathe caught in her throat. Pete stood in the doorway, looming over her. He looked like shit. She could tell he hadn’t slept, and probably didn’t eat anything, but she knew he didn’t look much better.
“Why-why didn’t you use your key?” Y/n asks, opening the door a bit for him.
“I uh, didn’t want to barge in on you. You also probably weren’t expecting me.”
“I wasn’t. I thought you didn’t get back until next week.” She says. It took every ounce of her not to jump into his arms, and kiss his face until she was sure she kissed every part of it.
“I took off early. Can we talk? Please. I was a dick. I was such a dick. I’m sorry, I know we grew apart in the last few months, and I promised we wouldn’t but we did, and I’m so sorry for that, baby.��� He grabs her hand, and she slightly pulls it back, but let’s him grab it. “Please, forgive me. I love you, so much, okay? So fucking much, you’re the best thing that’s happened to me.”
She felt tears welling up in her eyes, and she looked away from him. “What you said really hurt.”
“I know. And I’ll spend every day trying to make it up to you.” She quickly wrapped her arms around him, pushing her face into his chest. He didn’t hesitate to hug her back, leaning down and kissing the top of her head. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. Fuck traveling.”
“Fuck traveling.”
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kim-poce · 2 years
Unlearning 7 - Hospital
Agony April: Day 21 - Hospital
CW: pet whump, fear of punishment, broken bones mention, asking to be hurt, caretaker new master.  
Dan was lying on the hospital bed in a small hospital meant for people. Master decided to take him there as there are no pet hospitals anywhere close, or so he said but Dan knows better, he knows that this is a punishment. The pet tried to plead, but no amount of begging changed his owner’s mind.
“No, I don’t remember my ID number, sorry,” Dan said like Master ordered him to, he was grateful for the pain in his hand, at least his hiss of pain keep the whimper of fear inside, and if that talk was dragged any longer he was ready to press his wounds to hide the despair.
The nurse looked at him and he was sure the facade would fall, they would know that he is a pet, not a human, they will refuse treatment at the best, maybe he will be taken away from Master Ceasar, maybe he will undergo retraining to stop acting like a human, Maybe he will go back to Trainer-
“Okay, you don’t really need an ID number, it’s just a protocol question,” the nurse said, noting something down on her clipboard and making Dan’s heart race in fear, “I’ll be leaving the two of you alone now, excuse me.”
Master Ceaser had apologetic look on his face after the nurse walked away, feeling guilty both for the wound Dan caused on himself and for the fact that he forced him to pretend to be a person. “Sorry, Dan,” he tried, but the pet was too busy getting enough air to stay awake. 
“P-p-please, I’m sorry,” Dan said in a low hitching keen voice, looking up with pleading eyes full of fear, “I’m sorry, I learned it, Master, I won’t do it again I swear, please forgive me, please-”
“Hey,” Ceaser cut, making him flinch away, “I’m not mad, it’s okay.”
So he doesn’t even need to be angry to do this. “Sorry,” Dan tried again, “I’ll be- be better master, please- please hurt me instead, I’ll be good, I won’t hurt myself again, please I know I’m not a person, I won’t make decisions again. Please don’t do this, please Master, please-”
“Dan, you are not being punished, dear, we are just here to take care of your hand, okay?” Ceaser tried, but the other man was too out of it to hear.
“Please, I’ll be good, please mercy? just this time, I swear I won’t ask for it again, just this time please, Master let’s go away from here, please, b-break- break my other hand? C-can you s-spare the mercy to to break my other hand? I-I’ll behave, I I won’t scream if y-you don’t want me to, but please please master let’s go away, plea-”
Dan chocked the rest of the words in when a pair of hands was carefully placed on both his cheeks, he shivered in place out of pure dread with Master so close, “You are not being punished Dan,” Master voice was firm and he was wearing a rare serious face, “You are here because you need to heal, not to cause you harm, I don’t know exactly what you are thinking but I want you to know that I won’t let anything bad happen to you, did you understand?”
Dan nodded fearfully, this was Master’s way to tell him to fucking shut up, to keep the human act up. It doesn’t matter if he can’t breathe every time that someone passes in front of the door, it doesn’t matter how scared he is, actually, it does matter. It’s the goal, it’s a punishment after all.
“Sorry,” he let out by mistake –by fear–, biting his tongue right after, he has to feel immediate pain after misbehaving in order to learn better, Trainer said so, “I’m calmer now, M-master, I understand,” he lied, getting dizzy due to how little his lungs were working.
Taglist: @nicolepascaline, @latenightcupsofcoffee, @rose-pinkie, @wolfeyedwitch, @batfacedliar-yetagain, @cupcakes-and-pain, @nii-chans-rabiddogs, @endlesscyclezz, @extemporary-username, @whump-blog, @inpainandsuffering, @inkkswhumpandstuff
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kunimikat · 3 years
How they act after you break up with them.
(I made sure to check but there might be small grammar errors, and this is a long one so strap in 🙇, but hope you enjoy angst+fluff here) but not me actually feeling bad for them after-
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Is more out of it then usual.
The reason you broke up with him is because you felt like it wasn’t a real relationship. And more like you sometimes got to talk during class, and sometimes out of school.
He writes in his a separate notebook of ways he could’ve done better
Starts comparing himself to other guys more often
Leaves earlier then everyone else to got to dorms.
Mumbles even more then usual, and sometimes the only person that can snap him out of it is Aizawa.
Sometimes takes it out on his friends
“Hey Deku!-“
“Not right now Uraraka.”
“Oi, Deku nerd, the-“
“Can you not right now Kacchan?”
“Midoryia! Would you like to study?”
“Maybe later Iida...”
Todoroki offered him soba but it resulted in Midoriya slowly slurping up soba as he looked into the void of people
He shut everyone one out and didn’t talk barely most of the week.
He’d take out a lot of his anger during training.
It somehow finally clicks into place how bad you feel and how much you miss him when All Might pull you aside and asks. “Uhhh...Is Young Midoriya ok? I’m getting real worried....ITS NOT LIKE I DONT WORRY ABOUT MY OTHER STUDENTS HAHAHA! HOW’S-
There’s 15 minutes of your life awkwardly telling All Might how all your classmates are doing.
Which made you want to jump off the top of UA at the moment.
You decide to head to his dorm and ask him about it, cause you feel like it’s your fault.
You walk in on him crying, clutching the shirt you bought for him on his birthday.
You almost dropped to your knees in guilt at the sight
You rushed over and sat by him, comforting him, though it wasn’t much as you started crying too.
Basically a crying festival for an hour.
“Please....Please Y/N I love you so much, I promise I’ll make it work, and I’ll do my best to make it up to you, just please...PLEASE don’t leave me.” You kiss him on the lips and then his hand, “Babe it’s not all on you, I promise I’ll do better this time too, I’m so sorry for being selfish, I love you, ok?” Another crying fest.
After you start dating again:
Always makes sure you’re comfortable, and checks into your dorm before he starts a study session.
Helps you with your work before his. ( Though you insist he doesn’t as he’s gotten points off multiple times for turning in his work late.)
Goes on dates every time you have some free space in your schedules. Somehow ends up in an All Might merch shop 80% of the time.
!!CUDDLE SESSIONS AFTER HERO TRAINING AT ALL TIMES!! Even in Recovery Girl’s office, though many times she bops you both on the head and tells you to get out.
(If you both like All Might) You both geek out over new All Might stuff, and his old interviews while wearing an All Might onesies.
(If you like a different hero) You could spend hours bickering on who’s best hero, pulling up recordings and articles on the. With you holding your favorite hero plushie and him wearing All Might pajamas.
And waking up early just to take a long route to school together.
Makes sure to say ‘I love you’ at every small moment, and compliments you, though he can’t take compliments himself-
If it’s a permanent breakup:
“I...I understand, but why?”
Tears well up in his eyes and he for once he keeps eye contact with you, without looking away
It takes everything in you to not breakdown
“I’m sorry Izuku, I just don’t think it’ll work out in the end.” He grabs your hand and holds it both of his. He puts it to his forehead, nearly on his knees at this point. You try not to cry with him, but you knew it wasn’t going to end up a happily ever after in the end. And you wanted to break it off before that could happen.
“Izuku, I know, I know, I’m so sorry, I wish it couldn’t end like this-“
“Then don’t let it. Please Y/N don’t let this end.”
You eyes welled up as you put a hand over your mouth while repeating ‘I’m sorry, so sorry Izuku’. You looked away from him as you slipped your hand out of his, you close your eyes painfully, the tears finally running down your face. You couldn’t help but look back one more time, and almost wanted to run to where he was and take it all back. He sat on his knees, his head in his hands as painful sobs wracked his body. You quickly leave the room, shutting the door behind you.
You both were pretty quiet and emotionless the whole week.
Midoriya was even worse then before,
It got to the point where sometimes he didn’t eat or sleep
He barely responded to anything anyone said
Hell, even Bakugo was worried at some point
Midoriya would always go back to his dorm and cuddle with the gifts you gave him while you were dating.
It took a long time for him to get over it, and even when he thought it did, he still gets emotional over it
Even after highschool it pains him to see your off doing your own thing without you at his side the whole time
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Quieter then usual
Is so deep in thought, sometimes forgets he’s in class or what he’s doing
During tests, or while working on assignments he’d be so deep in thought he didn’t realize he broke his pencil, or used his quirk on his desk
Instead of having his usual outburst on people he’d just walk off, or click his tounge and walk off
Even during Hero Lessons he’d be less calculated, and not as pumped up
When anyone tried to ask he’d just say “Fuck off, I’m fine.”
His grades slightly dropped
He had bags under his eyes, and had even worse posture then usual
When it came time to leave, he’d be the first one out, and no one could find out where he’d go
A permanent frown was on his face at all times (basically him most of time but with a deeper frown)
No one knew what to do at this point
It didn’t click with you until one day during Hero Lessons
He was sparring with Kirishima and all of a sudden he fainted
Everyone was surprised to say the most
You rushed with Kirishima to Recover Girls office
You both almost busted the door off it’s hinges
She wacked you both on the head but quickly tended to Bakugo, surprising you both as she checked on him
“Oh....I wouldn’t have expected this from Bakugo.” You and Kirishima had confused looks on your faces. “Well he passed out from exhaustion, which I usually see with that foolish Midoriya boy. This one usually keeps up with himself, something must’ve happened.” She cut herself off as she saw the look on your face that said it all. She beckons Kirishima to follow her out, as he still wasn’t getting what was happening.
You finally got a good look at him, and saw just how exhausted he looked. The bags under his eyes, his bruised body, and how pained he looked in his sleep. You hugged the non-bruised part of his arm, and finally let the tears you held let go. “I’m sorry Katsuki...I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.” Before you realized he woke up, he placed his free hand on your head, rubbing small and soothing circles on your head. “S’okay, let’s make this work.” You knew you didn’t have to say anything else as you both stayed like that until Recovery Girl came in to kick you both out.
After you start dating again:
Comes to your dorm everyday to get you up knowing you’d oversleep if he didn’t (also wants to see your sleeping face...not in a weird way)
Cooks you breakfast in bed on off days,
You guys cook something together when you have a movie night
Instead of yelling most times, he just makes sure he understands your side of everything before jumping to conclusions
Makes sure he isn’t too rough with you verbally (lol not sure physically)
Brings you to his parents house during some free time since you get along with his mom and dad well
Won’t admit it but adores the fact that his parents love you
Whispers ‘I love you’ when he’s made sure your ‘sleeping’ (you’re not, you just wanna hear him say it all shy like)
You guys go on training dates, where you both train together, then have a picnic where you just trained
Him being more open with PDA, like holding your hand, or laying his head on your shoulder, etc. just small stuff
He loves playing with your hair and twisting it around his fingers while cuddling or studying
You both cheer on your favorite hero during a fight on TV, or you pick a random channel on TV and you just listen to him rant how stupid something is while you lean onto his shoulder at 2am (somehow got him to stay up this late)
If it’s a permanent breakup:
“No...no...you can’t, you can’t be serious”
He sounded so broken. His fists clutched so hard you thought his bones would pop out
Anger was evident in his face, and he honestly scared you with the face he was making
“Y/N....are you joking?” You frown and step back a little, did he really think everything you said was a joke? “No Bakugo, I just think this isnt gonna work out in the end.” You heard him click his tongue, then just look at you in shock, then anger. He looked down, his bangs covering his expression. “So you’re just gonna end it like that? No working anything out, just break up? It was one fucking mistake Y/N.”
“Yeah one big mistake, you don’t suck faces with some other person on accident, Bakugo.” The venom in your voice slicing through the tension filled air. “Can you just fucking forgive me? I won’t do it again.”
“You said that last time, Katsuki, then you go and clown off again-“
Before you could get anything else out Bakugo already had his quirk going in one hand, and the other holding your shoulder down. You both looked surprised, even as he backed away. “No..nononono fuck Y/N baby I’m sorry-” you smacked the hand that reached out for you. You started packing everything, Bakugo’s eyes widened as he just stood in shock. Before he knew it you were leaving already.
“N...NO NO Y/N PLEASE, I’M SORRY-“ he grabbed you by the arm that reached for the door knob. You quickly shrugged him out of his grasp, and opened the door. “Goodbye Bakugo, I hope well for the next person with you.” And you slammed it in his face. He stood there, it’s like the emotions he felt before were completely wiped when you slammed the door on him. It was 8:03pm, he should start getting ready for bed anyway.
For a few weeks he was unresponsive, and only talked when he needed to
His movements were sluggish and he’d often stare at nothing
Bakugo didn’t even glare, or really do anything when Midoriya tried talking him
Or shittyhair, dunce face, raccoon eyes, or soy sauce face
They were all the same, and just molded into one voice every time someone tried talking to him
After a while he got over it, but he still regrets what he did
You helped him through so much yet he went off and did stupid shit
Even after highschool, he’d still keep up on you frequently through social media
Basically stalking you on there, guessing he never truly got over it once he felt tears subconsciously stream down his face as he saw you with someone else, happier.
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He felt like he didn’t do anything wrong, and he was confused at the throb in his heart every time you looked away from him or ignored him.
So he did ask you, and all you did was look at him like he just hit you.
Why did you look so hurt?
Todoroki shrugged it off, thinking you’d come back like you did after every fight you guys had
But you didn’t, and that’s what took an actual toll on him
More emotional
A permanent frown on his pretty features most of the time
All he mostly eats is soba
He didn’t know how to handle this in all honesty
Sometimes he’d just stare at you, and even when you looked back he’d just stare...
Sometimes he’s so out of it he doesn’t realize he’s either froze the entire classroom or was a living breathing radiator, or both (rip Momo, Satou, and Tokoyami)
He’d ask Midoryia for help but it came out as a fumbled mess most of the time:
“Midoryia...how do you hurt....them, a lot...without...? Can you help?
Midoryia is just like:
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(Sorry I had to add that in I was cackling sm from it)
“I think you should just talk to them Todoroki.”
That was harder to do then he expected, you mangaged to avoid him pretty well,
One day he was just fed up and as soon as the bell rang he took your hand and left the class
He takes you to an empty classroom, his left side nearly giving you frostbite
You were about to yell at him before you saw his broken expression
“What...what did I do for it to be like this?” You we’re now quiet as you saw the confused and hurt expression on his face. Him barely being able to control either of his quirks, he was shaking, yet still held a confused expression. It just clicked with you, Todoroki wasn’t used to the sudden emotions or feelings, and when one of the people he’d usually go to to talk about it wasn’t there, he started to crumble.
You hugged him tightly , not caring if his quirks messed up your uniform. “I’m sorry Y/N....I’m sorry I’m not enough, but-“ You cover his mouth as tears fell from your eyes and onto the ground or his uniform. “I- I-I’m so sorry Todo...it’s just you never gave me affection and I was being so selfish and petty about it, I just- I didn’t realize that you went through your own experience for it to turn out like this. It’s not your fault, and I love you the way you are Shoto.” Todoroki didn’t even notice the tears come down his face as you kissed him over and over again. A small ‘I’m sorry’ from you every time. His quirks calmed down and now you were holding each other in a random classroom. You’re heart nearly stopped as you looked up at him and saw a small, teary eyed smile.
After you start Dating again:
Todoroki was much more observant
He’d stay up late readings articles saying “How to understand emotions” or “Is there other good food then Cold Soba” wait-
Regularly gets you gifts, even though most of the time you make him return the stuff since he’s been getting so much with his dads card
Endeavor ended up yelling at you both in a 7/11 while you were stuffing your faces with a soba flavored chips
You both figured out a way to get Todoroki to express himself without words
He’d slightly activate his left side if he wanted any sort of attention, and his right side was if he was feeling stressed or upset
He subconsciously goes to your dorm now to check up on you to make sure you’ve had a glass of water, dinner or anything really (He just wanted a reason to go to your dorm)
You played with his hair once, and he’s never going back
When cuddling he’d lay his head in the crook of your neck, hoping to feel you playing with his hair
You push him to start taking therapy sessions to understand what emotions he’s feeling and how to express them
Takes you in your free time to an empty field just to hear you talk, and learn more about you
And he’d always wake up early and made sure to get a few snacks for you before you woke up and brought them to your dorm room (Last time he tried to cook he almost burned the kitchen down)
Overall Todoroki just loves giving you small head pats now, you don’t know where it came from but you didn’t complain
Poor bby stuttered so hard the first time he said ‘I love you’ you giggled
Ended up making him feel embarrassed and like he did something wrong, but you quickly kissed him/praised him
He can’t stop saying it now, one time you picked up his pencil, before you could hand it to him just a sudden “I love you Y/N” the entire class looked at you both in shock
Todoroki is the happiest he’s been.
If it’s a permanent breakup:
“Over? What do you mean we’re over?”
You felt so horrible by the the pure confusion on his face
But the rude things he said to you, over powering your want to get back with him
Lately Todoroki has been more protective, and rude. Insulting everything you do, belittling you slightly. It just added up and you were tired of it
Todoroki tilted his head to the side, deep in thought.
“Y/N your being on the dumber side again, are you hanging out with them too much?” You were taken aback by how nonchalantly he insulted you and your friends. “Excuse me? Todoroki did I hear you right?” You stepped foward leaning your head toward him. “Of course you can, or did Bakugo’s yelling make you not hear so well?” The fact he said it with no emotion, or nothing to it was making you clench your fist. “The hell has gotten into you Todoroki?” You shove his shoulder a bit. He frowned at you heavily making you flinch. “Well if you didn’t go and ignore me most of this week maybe I wouldn’t be like this. I usually hold my tongue but you’ve been rude this entire week.”
You stood there speechless. “Well Ex-fucking-cuse me Shoto. Maybe if you didn’t insult me all the damn time I wouldn’t ignore you, or wait for an decent apology.”
You drag out the last words as you glared at him, Todoroki giving one back. “I’m only telling the truth so you don’t look dumb. I’m helping you out Y/N, I thought you’d understand.” You scoff in utter shock, you couldn’t help the sudden urge to slap some sense into him. Now he stood speechless, the force in that slap causing his hair to look messy, and a red mark on his cheek. Tears were in your eyes as you clenched your fist, biting your lip from cussing him out on the spot. “Your lucky I don’t beat your sorry ass, just...just the the fuck out Todoroki!” You pushed him toward the door. He looked at you with no emotion in his face as he saw you start to bawl your eyes out. “Just...just get the hell out Todoroki, it’s over, we’re over.” He felt a pang in his heart, but choose to ignore it and just left.
It only actually came to him during the night as he was about to walk to your dorm after a nightmare, when he realized the entire conversation
He tried knocking on your door but you didn’t answer, even though he could hear your music
He went back to his dorm, sat on his bed and just had a full mental breakdown
Realizing his main emotional support that helped him through mostly everything was gone
He felt he said stuff his father said to you already which made it even worse
He tried texting and calling you but you had him blocked on everything
He repeated the entire conversation in his head, just now coming to how disgusting he really did sound
Todoroki for that whole week was an emotional wreck
During hero training if he was thinking about you or what he did he doesn’t notice poor Satou trying to get out of his wall of Ice.
Is always with Midoryia at some given time,
He kind of clinged onto people in his circle that gave him attention of some sort
When he some time passed he eventually got over it
After Highschool you both kept in touch, but it pained him when he saw you engaged and happy with another person
But he was happy if you were happy.
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Heyyy so this is probably the longest thing I’ve written since like my last Wattpad fanfics I used to do(yikes). But hope you enjoy, and don’t be afraid to request! I’m taking them now so go wild.
Sorry that they were all confusing it’s my first hcs+scenario thingy, but I have a few other things in the works so... 💃🕺
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tom-holland-parker · 3 years
who I write for: 
Tom Holland
Peter Parker
Arvin Russel
Sebastian Stan (On hold for now)
Bucky Barnes
Kinktober masterlist 2021
Kinktober masterlist 2022
Sugar daddy AU survey 
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Champagne Problems:
Summary: Tom asked you a life changing question but you can’t give the right answer.
Warning: Themes of mental health issues such as depression and Eating disorders
Word count: 1481
Late nights:
Summary: Tom has spent more time memorizing his script than he does sleeping.
Word count: 488
A Classroom Visit:
Summary: Tom visit your kindergarten class one day to drop off your lunch bag. Now all your students know you date Spiderman
Word count: 1063
No body No crime:
Summary: Tom knows you had something to do with the victims disappearance and its driving his crazy that you don’t crack easily
Warning: Murder?? Sexual innuendos, Cops
Word Count: 1412
Summary: It’s a tradition for Tom to fuck you before going on stage
Warning: Smut, cursing
Word count: 700
Scotty Doesn't Know: (Prologue to Rockstar)
Summary: The story on how you’re relationship with Tom began
Warning: Smut, violence, and cheating
Word count: 2324
What Baby:
Summary: Dating the leader of the toughest gang in London was bound to gain you enemies. So after one particular encounter Y/N in sent to the hospital to recover but they didn’t expect this news
Warning: Car crash, slight mention of violence
Word count: 1453
Summary: Tom is terrified about you finding out his job but when he brings you to his house he has no choice but to tell you
Warning: SMALL mention of murder but nothing bad
Word count: 2374
Summary: After a bad mistake of wanting to make Tom jealous you have to deal with the consequences of being a tease
Warning: SMUT 18+
Word count: 2326
She’s not me
Summary: when Tom decides to come back to you after realizing now one else can satisfy him the way you do, you aren't as forgiving as he expected
Warning: SMUT 18+
Word count: 1400
Face the Mirror
Summary: Tom broke your rules and now he has to deal with the punishment
Warning: SMUT 18+
Word count: 1419
Painted picture
Summary: Tom has an emergency meeting and asks you to babysit. You say yes, determined to get his daughter to be comfortable around you
Word count: 1516
Are those my jeans?
Summary: When you start to suspect that you’re pregnant, you’re too scared to tell Tom
Word count: 631
Let me thank you
Summary: Tom keeps waking you up at late hours so you can patch him up. Tonight me finally thanks you
Warning:  Smut (Oral Female receiving), mentions of bruises and cuts
Word count: 1005
Perfect Little Angel
Summary: After finally getting away from your mother and her annoying party guests, you and Tom decided to make this party a little more interesting
Warning: SMUT (oral, exhibitonism daddy kink) drinking
Word count: 1365
The Wine Cellar
Summary: When you’re asked to find a wine that would go good with dinner, tom decides to help you out
Warning: SMUT (oral, daddy kink)
Word count: 1200
I Wanna Wear Your Tie
Request: Can you please do a professor tom x student reader, shes of age of course, and he takes a liking to her for being so smart and he can barely contain himself with every outfit she wears. And one day after class he asks her to hang back and things get very SMUTTY?
Warning: Smut (oral, choking, vaginal sex), student/teacher relationship, cursing, age gap (legal)
Word count: 4081
Roommates help each other out
Summary: You and your roommate Tom have always had obvious sexual tension between you, but what happens when he walks in on you masturbating
Warning: 18+ (SMUT)
Word count: 1463
Gray Blazer
Summary: It was an honest mistake forgetting your jacket but when your CEO boss offers you his blazer you end up with a date
Warning: none just fluff
Word Count: 868
Tom watching his daughter grow up (dad!tom)
Surprising Tom on set (Stepdad ! Tom Holland x mom actress reader)
Tom get jealous of your ex boyfriend
Tom apologizes after an argument (song request)
Tom fucking you on the kitchen counter (richkid!tom) part 2
Answering questions after your students find out you’re dating Tom
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Snow Day:
Summary: Peter is determined to get you to enjoy the snow
Word count: 681
Summary: dealing with the stress of your family's expectations leads you to have an anxiety attack on the roof. Thankful Peter is a great shoulder to cry on
Warning: Themes of anxiety, dropping out of college, family expectations
Word Count: 1550
Let's get married:
Summary: On a class trip to Vegas, Peter is determined to make this trip a memorable one, even if it means doing something crazy.
Word count: 2911
The Moment I knew:
Summary: All you asked for was one day to spend with your boyfriend and family, but Peter has let him role as Spiderman take over his life
Warning: maybe a curse word towards the end but other than that nothing 
Word Count: 1520
Begin Again (part 2 of the moment I knew)
Summary: 8 months after you broke up with Peter, you finally agree to meet up with him, but you’re still unsure if he deserves a second chance
Word count: 1409
Summary: Sometimes you can’t help but feel like you aren’t enough to satisfy Peter but he’s always there to remind you that he love you
Word count: 669
Warning: 18+ (not really smut but conversations about sex), Peter is obviously 18+
College!Peter dating someone clumsy
Peter loves your boobs especially when he’s stressed
Tell Peter you’re ready for more than a quick make out  (part 2 SMUT)
Peter watching you leave for the summer (Part 2 (Reuniting))
Peter dating someone with an oral fixation
Stark!reader begging Peter to not cast the spell that make her forget him
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My Boyfriend’s Back
Summary: Arvin is out of town for a few days but when he returns and hears the news about boys making you uncomfortable he decides to take matters into his own hands
Warning: Violence??, Creepy boys, curse words
Word count: 1185
Your ex boyfriend messed up Arvin’s car
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Sick days
Summary: When you get sick, Sebastian is there to take care of you
Word count: 538
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Summary: You’d never felt like this before, it was like some primal instinct deep down inside of you. You just needed to be close to him. The only problem was that you were already wrapped in his arms and it still didn’t feel close enough  
Warning: 18+ smut (cockwarming, boob worship?)
Word count: 620
I Hate you?
Summary: You’re convinced Bucky hates you. Bucky’s convinced you hate him. Steve is just tired of hearing you both complain and finally decides to set you both up
Word count: 1569
Summary: Bucky doesn’t like to be touched but when you accidentally fall asleep on him one night he realizes he could never get tired of your touch
Word count: 1175
7/11 Slushies
Summary: You give Bucky his first slushie
Word count: 415
Picnic in the park
Summary: Valentine’s day with Bucky
Word count: 1178
A good man
Summary: When Bucky has a nightmare all he wants if for you to hold him close
Word count:1272  
40s Bucky
Summary: Bucky has to tell you that he leaves tomorrow but not without leaving you with plans for when he gets back
Word count: 1344
Heat on High (Mini series)
Summary: When you and your daughter moved you expected a lot of changes, but you never expects to move across the hall from a hot firefighter than has a soft spot for you
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julek · 3 years
Idk if this counts as a poem but "Falling" by Harry Styles + Geraskier?no modern AU, if possible, please 💕
"They're about me."
Jaskier looks up, left eyebrow raised.
"The songs," Geralt continues, quietly. "They're about me."
Of course, Jaskier wants to say, of course they are. Of course you're only realizing this after twenty years of having known me. Instead, he smiles, a fragile thing.
"I've got a vast collection, Geralt," he says around a tight smile. "You'll need to be more specific."
Geralt shifts in his place, visibly uncomfortable. It's been a weird day — tragically, comically, Jaskier isn't sure — after all. He's once again sitting across from Geralt, watching as his amber gaze is directed at anything but him, his movements shy and cautious — vulnerable, almost. The wolf has finally unhinged its jaw.
Geralt clicks his tongue. "The ones... right after. The ones I wasn't here for."
Oh. Those, he means. the ones about falling into his own demise, chasing a storm that wasn't his, the imaginary planks he'd been walking on disappearing into thin air. The ones about neither leaving nor staying, being suspended in time instead, a murderous mountain and a rock to push up its trail, a myth of his own make.
Jaskier sighs. "They are."
He'd sung all afternoon to be allowed to sleep in the barkeep's hayloft. It's a cramped space, but there are miles between them, even if they're huddled around Jaskier's waning oil lamp. The light flickers over Geralt's face, shadows dancing over his features. There's a look in his eyes that Jaskier can't quite place, can't determine whether it's defeat or anger, resignation or just plain exhaustion. It scares him, the possibility that this is it — that after months and months of wondering, of subconsciously wandering around crowded market stalls and scanning tavern rooms, of feeling angry and disappointed and sad, that this is all there is. That there's simply nothing left to be said.
That it was all for nothing.
Finally, after staring at every single plank and rafter, Geralt looks at him.
"You know," he says, his tone lighter, fonder. "I didn't notice, at first. It was Ciri who pointed it out." He smiles. "You'd like her— she knows her metric and rhymes."
Jaskier can't help the way his lips curl around a smile at the mention of her name. "You found her."
Geralt nods, looking so wistful that if it weren't for their current circumstances, Jaskier would tease him relentlessly. "She found me, I think." He looks at his hands. "Much like you did."
The casual admission breaks Jaskier's heart, tearing so deep that he can't help but feel that unresolved anger come back to him. It shouldn't have happened like this.
"Why are you here, Geralt?" he snaps, and he knows there's venom in his words, but he just can't help it. "You don't get to, to— to come back to me out of the blue and just— just play catch-up like it's been just another winter apart." He looks around, feeling the hurt constricting his chest. "You don't get to just come and, and act like— like we're friends." His voice cracks, small. "It's not fair."
Jaskier breathes in. His tone is even, monotone. "You don't get to keep me in the dark for twenty years about how you really feel about me," he says, "and come back pretending it never happened."
It's silent in the hayloft, and Jaskier can feel his own heart hammering against his chest. He knows Geralt can hear it too.
"Jask," Geralt says, his voice so soft and small and pleading, it makes Jaskier want to cry. He stretches his arm, his hand barely grazing Jaskier's, and looks into his eyes. "I'm sorry."
Jaskier says nothing, but allows Geralt to thread their fingers together.
"I'm sorry for what I said to you," Geralt says after a moment. "It wasn't fair to you. It was a lie, you were never—" He cuts himself off, frustrated. Jaskier squeezes his hand. "You were never a curse. You were one of the only good things I'd ever had in my life."
"But you sent me away," Jaskier whispers, his voice broken.
Geralt closes his eyes. "It was a mistake," he replies. "You were there, and I— it was the easy road. And I took it." He opens his eyes, and they're sincere and hopeful when he whispers, "And I'm sorry."
Jaskier sighs and leans his head onto Geralt's shoulder. He's so tired. "I forgive you," he murmurs, because how could he not, looking at their joined hands in the low light.
"I came here," Geralt says, his breath tickling Jaskier's hair, "because I don't want to be without you."
Jaskier turns, and they're very close now, Geralt's face a breath away. "Geralt," he warns, but he feels hope blooming dangerously in his chest.
"I mean it," Geralt says, and presses his forehead against Jaskier's. "I can't stand the quiet."
Jaskier smiles, unsure. "Thought that was all you were looking for."
Geralt's finger traces circles on Jaskier's skin, his other hand coming up to rest on his cheek. It's warm, despite the cold wind blowing outside. "I was wrong," he admits.
Jaskier looks into Geralt's eyes, then hides his face in the crook of his neck. "It'll take time," he murmurs. "I don't—"
"I know," Geralt says, rubbing a hand down Jaskier's back. "I understand."
"But I want to," Jaskier replies, pulling back. "I do."
Geralt smiles, presses a kiss to Jaskier's forehead. Jaskier stays in his arms for a while, listening to the slow beating of his heart. Gods, how he'd missed him. That comforting smell of leather, and horse, and just a tiny hint of onion. Jaskier breathes it all in, and, for a second, he can stop worrying about the next minute, can quieten all the noise in his brain.
"You know," he says, and Geralt makes a curious hmm that makes him laugh. "They're also about you, the, uh— the other songs. The ones before."
"I thought you knew," Jaskier says, huffing a laugh. "I wasn't exactly trying to hide it."
Geralt's arms tighten around him, and he feels him nuzzle at his neck. "Could you tell me, again?"
Jaskier smiles.
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devilyn · 3 years
first priority | kageyama tobio
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— alexa, play: less of you by keshi
When you come home
I just got over being less of you
When you leave me, I’m in pieces
Maybe it’s better if we cut it loose
— synopsis: how many nights will you spend in the apartment by yourself before you finally learn that your boyfriend will always value volleyball more than he values you?
— genre: angst & happy endings
— word count: 2.3k
You were used to an empty apartment. It was the cost of dating a member of Japan’s national volleyball team, someone who had to travel constantly and was usually never home. You rarely even saw his face nowadays, and when you did, it was usually when you were cramming for exams and he had to turn in early to wake up in time for practice early the next morning.
Your relationship with Kageyama was difficult after graduating high school, to say the least. Especially since the two of you were taking different paths in life.
You’d thought about it before. He was an accomplished setter on a national team, while you were just trying to pass your university’s exams. Everything you did felt insignificant in comparison to your volleyball genius boyfriend.
The emptiness of the apartment was why the two of you always tried to schedule small dates when it was possible. When Kageyama had days where he knew he’d be let out early from practice, and when you knew you could push back doing homework for a few more hours, you’d cuddle up on the couch after cooking dinner together. Or, you’d force him to take you out to an empty park and guide your stiff boyfriend into swaying to the soft music that you’d play on your phone. No matter what, the night always ended up with your giddy laughter and his rare smiles that proved just how much he loved you.
They were small moments that the two of you would share, where no one else in the world could interrupt.
But it’d been months since the last time you’d spent more than an hour with your boyfriend. You never thought of yourself as needy, but was it too much to ask to wish that he’d keep his promises?
“I’ll be home for dinner, since practice should end at six today.”
He lied. Dinner was sitting cold at the table, and all you could do was stay frozen in your chair with your gaze on the excessive amount of side dishes you’d prepared in anticipation of finally sharing a meal with your favorite person.
You must’ve been sitting in this chair for over an hour. With a quick glance of the clock, a weak smile tugged at your lips.
You hadn’t checked your phone since you last texted your boyfriend at 7:13PM--
“Let’s talk when you get back.”
Empty promises. You were used to them. Last week, he swore he’d be back in time for your three year anniversary, then forgot about it when it arrived the next day. This dinner was supposed to make up for that, but you must’ve set your expectations too high again.
What would you say when he came back? It was unrealistic for you to wish to be a priority when he had his whole professional career in front of him--he had to focus 100% of his time into that. Yet, was it really unrealistic for you to ask for just 1% of that time?
According to your friends, it wasn’t. But the more you sat alone in this empty apartment, the more you wondered if you really were asking for too much of him.
You looked up in surprise, having not heard Kageyama come through the front door. Your eyes softened when you saw the guilt plaguing his typically stoic expression.
“Welcome home, Tobio,” you stood and he instinctively leaned down so you could press a kiss to his cheek. “The food is cold, but we can warm--”
“I’m sorry,” his arms circled around your waist, and you were suddenly pulled into his chest. He buried his face into your hair, his hold on you tightening as if he was afraid you’d run away.
You might’ve.
“You said that last week,” you murmured softly, arms rising to circle around his form and gently rub his back. He was scared--you could feel it in the way he trembled as he held you.
“I’m really sorry,” he repeated, voice quivering.
“You said that last week too,” you laughed quietly.
He wished you’d just yell at him, or scold him with an accusatory tone like you did in the past when he first started making mistakes like these. He never had valid excuses--usually he’d just stay after in the gym to perfect his serves or practice more with other teammates. It was always volleyball that made him forget he had a significant other diligently waiting for him back at home--putting off their own responsibilities because his very rare free time was precious.
But was yours not? You had asked him that once, calmly, when he came home late again. And he had tilted his head and pointed out you had more free time than him, to which you took seconds to process before smiling bitterly.
“You’re not hungry?” you asked quietly, palms still gently running over his broad back to soothe him.
“No,” he murmured into your hair, breathing in your scent and imprinting it into his memory. If he let you go now, would you leave him?
“Liar,” you whispered nonchalantly, and he flinched. “You haven’t eaten since lunch, right? It’s late, let’s eat.”
“Don’t want to.”
“You’re acting like a child, Tobio,” you sighed, pulling your head back slightly so you could meet his sharp blue eyes, filled with regret. “If you’re not hungry, I am, so let’s eat.”
You paused, before reaching up to gently hold his face. Your thumbs brushed over his cheeks, and he leaned into your touch.
“...you can’t avoid this forever, you know,” you told him softly, and his brows furrowed as he closed his eyes.
“...alright,” his voice sounded pained as he pulled away to sit across from the chair you’d sat in for over an hour. 
You popped the dishes into the microwave quickly, setting them in front of him one by one before sliding a bowl of rice in his direction. He usually loved your cooking, but now he wasn’t sure if he’d even be able to swallow a bite of it with the knowledge that this may be the last meal the two of you share together.
The apartment was silent, save for the beeping of the microwave. Kageyama stared longingly at your back, watching the way you leaned against the counter and brushed your hair behind your ear while waiting for the microwave timer to go off.
When was the last time he actually looked at you? His many trips abroad, his lack of acknowledgement of your own accomplishments and struggles, his stupid passion for volleyball, it had all ruined your relationship.
He could only hope that you would forgive him, one more time.
You slid back into the seat across from his and settled in. He was anxious. You could tell by the way he couldn’t look you in the eye, chopsticks picking at his rice as he waited for you to speak first. His tall figure stiffened at the sound of your sigh.
“Might not taste good now since it’s not as fresh, but,” you pushed a few dishes his way with a sad smile. “I worked hard to prepare dinner, could you try it?”
His heart clenched painfully in his chest. What was he doing while you were excitedly making dinner for him? He never thought of you during practice--not once, even though he knew how much he loved you. He hated that about himself.
He lifted the food to his lips and let his vision cloud over with guilt as he chewed and swallowed.
“...It’s delicious,” he murmured weakly as your smile grew slightly.
“...I’m glad,” is all you managed to muster before digging into the meal you prepared for the two of you.
“I don’t have the right to ask for forgiveness again,” he said quickly, slim fingers gripping his chopsticks tight enough to turn them white. “But I still don’t want you to leave.”
You were quiet, stiffly bringing pieces of rice to your lips and forcing yourself to chew. Every action was methodical, as if you were merely acting out actions that you knew you would normally perform if your heart wasn’t breaking into tiny bits and pieces.
“...I love you, Tobio,” you whispered quietly. “So much. I still do. More than anything. But it hurts me more because I love you so much.”
He dropped his utensils and reached across the table to grab your hands. You flinched away and he cursed, bringing his hands back to his sides before running them through his hair in frustration.
“What can I do,” he asked weakly, voice shaking, “to keep you with me?”
“I don’t know anymore,” you tried to force another smile, but your lower lip quivered and the tears you held back on lonely nights started to drip down your cheeks. 
“Please,” he stood, the sound of his chair skidding back against the floors barely registered in your ears as he hurried to kneel by your side. “Please, I’m sorry.”
“That’s all you ever say,” you cried loudly, tone finally accusatory as he’d initially wished. He took your hands into his shaking ones, watching as your tears stained the pale skin of his knuckles. “You never know what you’re apologizing for, but you always, always just say sorry as if that will make any of this any better.”
“You need to tell me--” he tried to reason.
“I’ve told you!” you ripped your hands away from his almost violently, ignoring the way the hurt in his blue eyes caused your already broken heart to sting in pain. “I’ve told you how much you coming home late hurts, how I hate when you promise that you’ll be home and then break those promises the same day, how you thinking your time is more important than mine makes me feel insignificant--”
You cut yourself off with a weak sob, bringing your hands up to hide your face in your palms.
“But you never listen! You never learn. Volleyball will always be more important than me, and I can’t find it in myself to blame you for that,” you wailed as you rubbed the back of your knuckles against your eyes to try and stop the tears from flowing, “What am I supposed to do now, Tobio? How do I leave you when I love you so much?”
You felt warm arms wrap you into a familiar embrace, and your tears soaked into your boyfriend’s athletic jacket.
“You deserve better,” he told you minutes later, after your sobs had calmed down. His palm continued to gently draw circles against your lower back--an action that he knew would soothe you. “You deserve so much better than me. You know I’m bad with words, I’m inconsiderate, I suck at putting others before me, and I’m stupid.”
You laughed tearfully.
“You do so much for me,” he murmured, and your eyes fluttered closed. “You explain to me how you feel so I can try and be better, you deal with my bluntness and verbalize how much it hurts you, you tell me when I’m acting better than everyone else and humble me, and you even used to come with me when I had to attend supplemental classes in high school.”
“You really were stupid,” you commented, and he laughed weakly.
“And you loved me, through all of that,” he lamented.
“Mm,” you sighed quietly. “Yeah. I loved you.”
“And I love you,” he responded, a bit shy to be confessing it despite your long relationship. “So give me one more chance to prove that I’ve changed for the better because of you.”
He pulled back to cup your cheeks, bringing your teary gaze up to his and brushing his thumbs over the redness under your eyes. His heart hurt. He hated making you cry, and he hated himself for making you cry this much over him.
“...one more chance,” you mumbled, turning your head to kiss his palm. His brows furrowed, and tears pricked at his eyes.
Quickly, he brought his forearm to cover his wet irises from your sight. You laughed quietly, hands reaching up to try and pull his arm away.
“Are you crying because of me, Tobio? Did I manage to make the king of the court cry?” you teased with a weak smile.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, cheeks reddening as he turned to look away from you. “You know I hate it when you call me that dumb nickname.”
“And I made the king kneel in front of me too? I should repent,” you giggled, taking his free hands into your own. 
You nearly choked on your laughter when your boyfriend suddenly dipped down to pick you up into his arms. Your arms wrapped hurriedly around his neck as you turned to look at him with wide eyes.
“I’m making use of my last chance, and I’m going to start making it up to you now,” he told you firmly, carrying you into your room and placing you onto your shared bed.
“Our dinner,” you grumbled with a pout. “I worked hard to make that…”
“And I’ll eat it tomorrow,” he caged you in his arms, hovering above you with a soft look in his sharp azure eyes. Your gaze fluttered up to his handsome face, and you grinned as a hand rose up to gently cup his cheek. He tilted his head to press a kiss to your wrist. “Can I prove to you how sorry I am?”
You laughed softly as he trailed kisses up your arm to your neck, then finally pressing his lips to yours lovingly.
“Don’t take advantage of your last chance,” you murmured, your breath mingling with his as he pressed feather-like pecks to your lips.
“I’d be even more of an idiot if I did.”
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mytheoristavenue · 3 years
Cowboy Bebop Spike Speigel x Reader - Burn
You and Spike are taken into custody on a ship of pirates, while trying to take then in for a bounty. Spike takes the chance to tell you something important. 
(Based on ‘Burn for You’ from Bridgerton the Musical.)
“So this is what you call a getaway?” You spat, pacing circles in a small holding cell. The day had started off so perfectly. You and Spike had gone out together after a ship of self proclaimed pirates for a heafty reward. You both had been increasingly close as of late, and seemed to work really well together, so Jet had thought it would be a good idea. “Pacing around this stupid cell, running with your elaborate rouse? We’re doomed!”
Spike scoffed, rolling his eyes at you, sitting in the corner, cool on the outside, but desperately trying to think you both out of this internally. “Sit down, (Y/N). You’re making me dizzy. And stop being so dramatic. It’s not like you had any better ideas.
“Oh, please forgive me, your grace!” you snapped, shooting him a nasty glare. “I’m not the one who got us in this mess!”
“Your grace? What are you, twelve?” he rolled his eyes again, shaking his head at you, before ultimately adjusting himself to lay his head on the way, turning away form you.
“You can’t even look me in the face, and now I have to lie in the mess you made!”
“The mess we made.” He corrected, his voice monotone, and his gaze still at the corner.
“It was your mistake!”
“Yes, I fucking get it, I screwed up. I shouldn’t have pulled us in the cell to hide. It’s my fault we got trapped, are you happy?” Spike snapped, finally fed up with your guilt tripping, standing up for himself, figuatively and literally.
“This isn’t about getting trapped, you fucking space cadet!” You shout in his face, taking steps to close the gap between the two of you, just to shove his shoulder.
“Then what is it about?!” you shouted back, looking over you. Suddenly you shrank beneathe his gaze, anger turning to desperate emotion, longing to be understood. 
“You kissed me last night on the ship. You were drunk, but I still thoguht it meant something.”
“Whatever I did was to prepare to give my life today. I always live in the moment, (Y/N), you know that.” he said sternly, doing his best to not yell in your year as he tilted his head from you. With a trembling lip, you truned your back on him, hugging yourself as you made your way to the other side of the cell, just wanting space from him. 
“I stole your fate...I ruined your whole plan to go find Julia. I’m distracting you.”
“No, if anything, I stole your fate. You never planned on staying on the Bebop this long.” He began to step toward you, his demenor once again gentle like you were used to. “If I hadn’t asked you to stay and look after Ed, you’d be home with your family right now.”
It was true, you’d only agreed to become apart of the Bebop when Jet promised to take you to find your family, but after you’d got word that they were safe, Spike asked you to stay with him, in case he never found Julia. He used the excuse that Ed needed a mother figure what wouldn’t abandon her, like Faye was so prone to doing.”
“I still shouldn’t have grown so attached...” You mumbled, tears beginning to well in your eyes.
“Damnit, (Y/N), would you just listen to me? You didn’t steal anything from me. I’m giving it up, willingly.” He slowly wrapped you in his arms, spinning you to face him.
“I don’t understand...”
Spike took a deep breath, sighing hard, like there was a weight shitting on his lungs. “You may not feel the same but I burn for you.”
“You burn for me?” you repeated, completely dumbfounded.
“I burn.” He clearified, leaning into your space, his eyes already half lidded and his chapped lips apart. 
“I burn...” You whispered, now completely entranced by his sober breath, as it settled on your face. You were always enamoured with how cool he was under pressure, a complete foil to your shuddering, interupted pattern of breathing. He was so close, you could’ve sworn your heard his heartbeat, ever quiet and collected. 
As he held you in tranquile stasis, he glazed over your fetures, mapping out your face in his head, aware that he intended to kiss you now, and die for you later if the need should arise. Right now, it was just himself, you, and a kiss, but afterwards, he would have to tear himself away from you long enough to get you home to Ed safely, even if that meant you leaving him to rot.
“I burn for you, (Y/N). You are my fate. I realized I can’t keep chasing the dream of my old life. Julia was perfect because she gave me everything I wanted, and more.” A pang of jealously slit your heart, and Spike noticed this, as he carassed a trail down your cheek. “But you’re everything I need.” To punctuate his centiment, he leaned into you fully, sealing your lips into a sober kiss, one you’d only dreamt of.
The world fell away as you unleashed a shaky nasal exhail, almost nervous that your unworthy breath would tangle his eyelashes. Spike had always made you nervous, no matter what he did, and you knew that would never change, even if what he said about staying with you was true. 
And God, you hoped it was.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ∖ p. parker.
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✎ paring ─ any!peter parker x fem!reader. ( characters are of age but age doesn’t really matter in this fic! )
✎ description ─ in which peter thinks back to his relationship; and how he realised he never deserved you or your love.
✎ warnings ─ pure angst lol, mention of blood, swearing and sad!angry!peter (to himself though!), ideas of insecurities? 
✎ authors note!  ─ this is based loosely off the song ‘Don’t Deserve You’ by Plump so be sure to listen to that while reading this! 
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You’re the first face that I see
And the last thing I think about
   PETER PARKER MISSED YOU. You were the golden ticket to happiness; with that smile you would make showing off your dimples when his hands would tickle your hips that you always talked down about, or the way you would get flustered and slightly embarrassed when he would lean in close to your ear and whisper whatever was on his mind.
   Which was always you.
   You were always on his mind, everyday, every night, every moment his mind replayed on you; like a broken record spinning around and around with no desire to stop. Though, he wasn’t complaining and never in his life wished for the broken record to be fixed.
You're the reason that I'm alive
You're what I can't live without
   Every breath was for you, every thought was for you, everything was for you; but yet, Peter Parker had lost you, had lost his breath and thoughts. He had to begin to rely on himself, cooking dinner alone with the cold depressing wind as his only friend and lover as you were gone.
    It hurt. Really fucking hurt to think about you, to imagine himself while he laid in his bed or at his kitchen table; his hands unknowingly holding above his slightly chapped lips and a dreamy yet sad look staring out into nothingness as if he was imaging a pair of lips on his; imaging your lips on his.
    It was pathetic how Peter Parker seemed to struggle getting out of bed everyday as the moment his eyes would flutter open and his mind began to wake up, his thoughts instantly ran to you. And how much he had fucked up with you. . .
You never give up
When I'm falling apart
   “Peter --” You let out a loud gasp as the boy you had just called out for came stumbling through your window; a large red bloody gash clearly seen on his chest, bruises covering his face and arms and small cuts on his face. You couldn’t help but run towards him, your night-wear instantly being ruined and soaked by blood and dirt as you picked up your broken down boyfriend with your arms under him, helping him stand until he could find himself in a more comfortable seating position instead of the wooden floor.
   The moment you found him in a good and comfortable position you instantly went to work; cupping his cheeks as you leaned in to kiss his nose your eyes wandering his body and face to try and see the full damage.
   “Y/N --”
    “Don’t even try and say you are okay because you aren't and you will sit here in silence and let me heal and love you ‘kay?” The stern look in your eyes made him instantly shut up, though it wasn’t like he could really fight back as all his energy left was just on keeping himself up and awake.
   Oh, and the fact you and him had this exact same routine every single day. 
   You were always so caring towards him, always taking care of him no matter the time or day you never had a issue nor complained. And he had the audacity to call you a clingy bitch. . .
Your arms are always open wide
And you're quick to forgive
When I make a mistake
You love me in the blink of an eye
   “I needed you Peter.” You sat there emotionless; a scary sight that no one wished to see but yet, it happened. All because Peter Parker had forgotten again.
   “I know love I know,” his lips met your forehead, a sign of love, but it didn’t feel like love; it felt cold and broken, sad and alone. It didn’t feel nice. “I am really sorry.”
    He was always sorry. Sorry for missing out on dinner dates, sorry for missing anniversary’s, sorry for skipping breakfast again. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
   You hated the word sorry; because you heard it more than you heard the words ‘I love you’ come out his mouth. There was a point where you used to force yourself to believe that every time Peter said the word ‘sorry’ it meant ‘I love you’ as those three words were barely heard; and the word ‘sorry’ seemed to mean so much more than ‘I love you.’
I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
   He holds onto you like the world was ending. Like if his arms were to drop from your hold his heart would stop, his air-flow would die out and his heart strings connecting to his heart would break. Everything inside of him begged for you to love him back; to forgive him for his mistakes and just hug him back.
   And of course you do; of course you wrap your arms around his waist, bringing him closer than ever and your souls meeting once more. You of course, allow him to kiss your forehead with the muffled words of “I’m sorry.”
  And of course, you gulp down your hurting and heavy heart with a muffled: “I know. And it’s okay.”
   Peter Parker threw his plate into the sink, slightly shocked it didn’t break from the throw or impact of the hard metal but he didn’t dwell on it for long.
   His mind was playing tricks on him, always on you, always about you -- during his lonely dinners and his depressing days he found himself always referring back to his mistakes; playing on a loop like the God’s above him were bringing karma down onto him by forcing him to watch his younger self fuck up again, and again and again.
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
   “Please Peter--” You were begging for him to listen, to stop, to just do something other than run away from issues again; run away from you.
   “God Y/N,” the boy snapped in the dark gloomy park, no sign of life other than you two was there; rain pouring on both of you like some cliché movie, “Leave me alone!”
   You ignored the hurt in your chest, you ignored the way tears were dwelling in your eye’s and most importantly; you ignored Peter’s asked.
   “Peter please, you need to sort this out-- don’t leave me again!” You were begging, praying through your broken voice. But Peter seemed to not care about your prayers. . .
   “Just fuck off Y/N alright! Stop being such a clingy bitch!” And with that he walked off, leaving you alone in the pouring rain all while taking your last piece of your heart with him.
   He woke up in a sweat.
   There you were again, in his mind, in his dreams; replaying one of the last days he had with you before you finally packed up your bags and left; his heart and broken promises leaving with you.
   He’d never forgave himself and probably never will. But he doesn’t deserve to forgive himself now that he thinks about it. Frankly, he deserves to live in sadness and always having a dark cloud looming above him. He deserves everything that comes to him because he was so selfish he allowed the one person who truly cared and saw him for himself walk away from him; all because of him.
   He had to stop replaying the memories on repeat and stop the slight hope he made himself feel every morning that maybe just maybe you would walk through his door with a large forgiving smile on your face ready to take him back.
   Because bottom line is, you would never forgive him, and frankly, he would never let you. Because he didn’t deserve you and he didn’t deserve your forgiveness nor your love. 
   He deserved nothing, while you deserved everything. And everything was something he failed to give you.
And I don't deserve you.
authors note!
loved this tbh, i was in such a angst mood so i hope you enjoyed!
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