#he doesnt bite. or if he does its more of a nibble.
faegutz · 1 year
I see the men in cod mw2 and know they have huge honkers and I only wish to bite them. Especially könig and ghost, they have phat knockers hidden under that military gear and I wanna bite them
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biting COD mens honkers ☆ pairings: könig, ghost, price, soap, alejandro x gn! reader
authors note: i have no clue if this was an actual request or not but i had to write it either way..i added who u mentioned and some others! Hope u enjoy !!
tags: crack post?, biting honkers
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- his face would literally turn SO red SO fast
- "what... what are you, um, doing, schatz?"
- of course he would let you do it if thats what you really wanted, but that doesnt mean hes gonna be any less embarrassed when you do
- i imagine youre just biting his honker and hes just standing like this '🧍‍♂️'
- when you explain that you just wanted to bite his honkers, he would be even more confused. WHY????
- if you did it unexpectedly i feel like he would go to hit you out of instinct
- he stops himself before he makes contact with you though, and he just stares down at you
- "What the fuck."
- literally so confused and a little weirded out??
- like what are you doing biting my badonkers 😭
- gives you weird looks the rest of the day LMAO
- he slowly turns his head to look down at you, his face literally the '😦' emoji
- quickly pulls you off him and just... gives you a 'wtf' look
- when you explain, hes just... flabbergasted
- "why the fuck would you want to do that?"
- he is so confused. is this another thing he doesnt know about because of his age??
- his recent search history is "is it normal for your partner to bite your chest?", "chest biting meaning", etc.
- oh okay.
- looks down at you and just acts like its normal
- when you explain why you did it, he just burts out laughing, like full on arm over stomach while wheezing laughing
- "Thats the dumbest shit ae ever heard,"
- if you did it does that mean he can too?
- if you say yes he will immediately go and softly nibble on ur honkers
- finds it hilarious and now brings it up often as a joke
- will look at you like ur insane
- but then he starts to laugh and just pats your head
- "what are you doing, mi vida?"
- when its explained to him, he just chuckles and shakes his head
- well, if you want to bite his honkers, go ahead!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
hi i uh saw the jeff x reader who eats flesh.. can you maybe do one for toby too?
ticci toby x reader who eats flesh
fellas imma be so real i was scared to post the flesh eating reader because thats outside of what i normally post but its so in tune with themes in the creepypasta fandom- i mean eyeless jack is right there.. so im relieved to see that its not being shot down
notes: reader is gn, reader is not specified to be human they can be viewed as whatever- human, monster, cursed, ect
cws: flesh eating, toby literally offering a piece of him out of genuine curiosity
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he thinks its a little... gross.. but hes not going to beat you down for it- for the most part he steps into a different room when youre eating your meals
if you are limited to only eating human meat because thats.. physically... all your body can accept... hes more understanding.. not very happy about it but at least you have the argument that its either this or dying
and lord knows he doesnt want you to die
he does take advantage of the fact that you can help dispose of bodies on nights where he catches one, tries not to make you feel like you need to help him get rid of it though
similar to the jeff post he does jokingly ask you what you think he tastes like, but hes less inclined to back track if you pretend youre about to take a bite of him
not in a sexual way, just a "hey im kind of curious, and im going to use the fact i cant feel it as an excuse to let you take a chunk" sort of way
is it reckless, and do you wish he wasnt so reckless with his body? yes, and i would assume you dont want him just tossing himself into danger... but thats an entirely different subject for a different post
bonus points if you're not human and the taste of flesh varies from person to person depending on what they were like and stuff- he will be disappointed if he tastes bland or average if you follow through with taking a nibble
i mean dont, even if hes open to it, but
you know
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h4venpha · 1 year
𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐡𝐜𝐬 𓂃 ⟡
uncanny vash x reader
cw: body horror (not rlly but just in case)
a/n: i’ve seen multiple drawings/hcs on uncanny vash so this is me mushing them all together sorry (this is slightly creature vash as well!)
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- i feel like most uncanny vash hcs are more like.. creature vash hcs
- uncanny vash: okay he’s fucking creepy guys. his pupils like voids surrounded by a shining blue iris, they’re kind of always unfocused even as you talk to him. he chitters, chirps, clicks, its scary sometimes when you wake up and hear him in the middle of the night.
- uncanny vash hums too, but its always to himself. like an almost silent humming, just a soft sweet tune rumbling from his chest as he stares at nothing in particular.
- he doesn’t talk much, truthfully. relies on vague gestures or small chirps. usually when he talks its with you, but still it mostly consists of short sentences and phrases.
- a lil self indulged but he can unhinge his jaw, drop it and there’s rows of jagged teeth. and it makes you a little scared to be honest, like shit what he could bite my face off while kissing me if he wanted to.
- but of course he doesnt. he locks his jaw back and gives you a sweet, innocent smile, just showing his front row of teeth. and the duality is so unsettling you think about his rows and rows of sharp teeth while you kiss him
- first time sleeping next to him and you genuinely thought you were going to die. like you’re falling asleep, just barely conscious, and this deep rumbling sound starts. your eyes flashing open and your heart is beating out of your fucking chest, eyes darting around for the source.
- and it’s your fucking monster, creature, boyfriend—THING sleeping. vash’s long ass arms and legs wrapped around your body while he purrs and clicks right in your ear.
- for the first couple of days, honestly, you can’t sleep. cause its so fucking loud and right next to you. it takes a while, but you end up getting used to it to the point where you can’t sleep without his silly noises. and he’s just happy to be there, he has no clue he purrs in his sleep.
- i feel like maybe he forgets how fragile humans are and he sometimes handles you too roughly. like he’s playing with your fingers and he tries to move them in a way that is impossible for a human, and you have to tell him that you don’t like that and its bad. so he learns to handle you more gently.
- uncanny vash doesn’t… really understand love. at least not in the same way humans do, like he just does not get what kissing does or hand holding, he likes to express his love in very different forms.
- he likes keeping you close to him at all times. now im kinda projecting my “normal” vash hcs but hear me out. you’re like the shiny rock he found and he just keeps you in his pocket because mm so shiny, so pretty.
- he is very much possessive of his shiny rock indeed. keeping his abnormally large hand on your back or your neck (you had to introduce hand holding to him.)
- love bites are his thing! maybe not necessarily leaving marks, but the feeling of your flesh in between his very much dangerous teeth gives him butterflies!! please let him nibble on you
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bunnyreaper · 11 months
;3 I have spooky ideas for a Vampire! TF141 au.
Like perhaps Price turned the others so that even if they were "Killed" they would be able to come back from it after a few weeks. So all of the boys are Vampires.
Well we are the new recruit and are human,and we smell so nice to all of them. It doesnt take long for us to begin letting the men take little nibbles here and there.
Soap is always rough in his biting,though its not on purpose,we just smell and taste so yummy. He likes to bite on our shoulder and breasts.
Ghost is a little rough but more gentle than Soap,he likes to leave soft kisses after feeding from that sweetspot he found on our neck.
Gaz is scared to hurt us so when he does feed from us,he chooses to feed from our wrist. He was the last to be turned into a vampire and thus is still learning to control his thirst,so he chose our wrist so that if he looses himself to a frenzy,one of the others can pull him off. His bites are gentle but demanding.
Price is well in control of himself. He loves to feed from our neck,breasts, and loves to bite our thighs. Leaving marks and little bruises to mark us up as his,but if we dont want to be marked up he knows how to bite without leaving a bruise. His bites never hurt,not unless we want it to,and he makes sure we never loose too much.
ahs8enwijqja I love these, tysm for sharing!!
i love the idea of fresh vampire gaz and experienced vampire price... im totally not having unholy thoughts abt them both 👀
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justaticklishdeer · 2 months
Tickle hcs for hazbin!
CW/TW: This has lots of sadomasochism and implied CNC (all SFW though!)
(characters included: Charlie, Alastor, The Vees (all 3), Husker, and Lucifer)
tickle rants/fic ideas and inspo stuff (Feel free to add on stuff and/or use these!) 
Rosie and Alastor. Come on lets get some potential in here, she’d totally do intense tk sessions with him. She isn’t stopping until he safewords. He may be scared, yes, but he gave her full permission + consent to do it. (We could honestly go for a CNC vibe!) Rosie is ruthless with tickles, and isn’t really too shy when it comes to lees. She knows their boundaries + limits, and is careful when pushing a lee past the limit. Rosie also owns a voodoo doll of Alastor. But other sessions can be all fluffy and sickening sweet! Soft tickles, teasing little petnames and nicknames (are those the same thing?), gentle pokes and prods. Rosie def knows how to melt a lee, (again, looking at you Alastor,) and loves seeing them be all fluffy and sweet with her.
Vox and Alastor. Alastor is probably more a 50/50 switch with this one, Vox the same. In my opinion, Alastor totally fear chases Vox down all too often for tickle sessions. Knife play isn’t uncommon. CNC is also probably in this one too! I def think Vox would be super teasy with words and tickles when he’s wrecking Alastor. He probably loves doing anticipation stuff–casual pokes and prods when in front of people, little innocent teases, and this could go on for hours on end until Alastor finally just begs Vox to wreck him. When Alastor is tickling Vox, I feel like he’d be on the more sadistic side of things. Ticklish nibbles/bites, claws (he has claws!!!), he’d probably use his tendrils when tickling him. Both can be fluffy one second and wildly sadomasochistic the next. To me its a 50/50.
Vox, Velvette, and Val. They are def on the more sadomasochistic side of things. I feel like Vox and Val are the main lees in the trio, Vel being the ler in most situations. She isn’t afraid to make her lees cry. Val and/or Vox could be crying and begging her to stop, but she isn’t going to. There’s a reason a safeword is set in place. She knows how much they can take + when they’re actually done. I think Velvette would be the one who would do tickle sessions for hours on end. Occasionally she’ll have/let Vox help with wrecking Val and pushing him past limits. They’re sadomasochists, and Vel would totally record sessions.
Val and Alastor (not my most common lee/ler thingy for me). I feel like its a 50/50 here. Alastor enjoys seeing Valentino sob from being tickled. he doesnt like Val that much anyway, so seeing him in pain brings out that sadistic side. Alastor isn’t too kind when it comes to tickles for Val. Val is kind of the same way. He would defninetly trick/force Alastor into drinking a potion that increases ticklish sensations. The poor deer will be thrashing and begging before Val even touches him. And when it actually does start, Alastor probably will be crying within the first five to ten minutes. But then again, safeword is in place. Both demons are sadomasochists. 
Velvette and Alastor. (Personal preferences for female lees have me saying Alastor is the lee in all situations). Velvette enjoys recording tickle sessions. She knows how sadomasochistic Alastor is so purposely does things to rile him up (anticipation, tapping her fingers up his back/sides/etc, talking about tickles in front of him.) When it’s time for the actual session, he’s essentially shaking from wanting the tickles so badly. He does but up a front of saying he doesnt want them until Vel forces him into saying he wants the tickles. He doesnt like the fact that she records it, but he cant really stop her.
Alastor and Husker. 50/50 switch again. Alastor loves doing fear chases with the soul he owns. Seeing the cat sprint away and try to hide while he’s calmly and slowly chasing him down is everything to him. He can sense the fear in Husker which makes it better. Husk enjoys the fear chases but would never say it. Alastor does own a voodoo doll of Husk. When Husk is tickling Alastor, he often has to chain him down so he isn’t thrashing all pver the place. Alastor likes to feel like he’s still in control. so he tells Husk what/where he can tickle and how much. Both demons enjoy the tickles, Alastor moreso than Husk. Husk can/will make cat noises when tickled. 
Charlie and Alastor. (again with my female lee stuff, Charlie isn’t a lee here.) Charlie I think is more soft tickles with Alastor. She enjoys just melting the deer with soft tickles. Charlie also enjoys seeing him start to whine and giggle for more. She loves teasing him, but I think she wouldn’t be too cruel with him. Alastor does tease her through the tickles too, because of the whole wanting to feel in control thing. 
Lucifer and Alastor. Lucifer is more the lee with these two. Alastor enjoys doing soft and rough tickles with Lucifer. He loves to see his rival/partner reduced to an absolute laughing mess from tickles. One way he loved to rile Lucifer up is to drag a hand/tendril down Lucifer’s back to make all six wings flare out, then being all innocent snd pretending it wasn’t him. Lucifer does get Alastor back, although more ruthless. Lucifer’s weak spot may be his wings, but god do angelic feathers work hellish wonders as tickle tools. He slips a wing or two underneath Alastor’s clothes to get right up against the fluffy deer. It tickles like hell. Overall, Alastor loves it.
wowowowow i went overboard lol enjoy!!
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c-nstellati-ns · 2 years
Oh boy, imagine wilder pillarmen, they sure are smart, intelligent and talkative, but they can snarl, growl and rub up against you, marking as their territory. And bite.
They're big ancient cavemen, and they like to do all kinds of crap
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IT'S A WILD, WILD WORLD — ft. kars, esidisi, wamuu, and santana
author's note — i fucking love that thought??? tbh they seem like they'd do shit like that even normally,,, but this kinda turned into fluff headcanons tbh LMFAO
all works belong to c-nstellati-ns ⓒ 2022. do not steal or repost. ask before translating.
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KARS — 🥀💎
he's extremely clingy. like. extremely.
he enjoys sticking very close to you, skin to skin. if you're working and he happens to be there doing nothing- he's either wrapping his arms around you or laying his head on your lap.
he enjoys it when you run your fingers through his hair and braid it whenever you feel like it, it causes him to start purring,, deep rumbles that shake up your whole body.
the greatest comparison to kars is a giant panther. craves your attention every other day and won't stop touching you till you finally give in and give him the attention he wants. its as if you don't acknowledge his existence constantly, he might just shrivel up and die. he's very much for the dramatics
he can be such a brat if you don't give in though- snarling at you, baring his teeth as a threat, snapping his jaws,, as if that's going to scare you anymore.
acts as if your attention isn't what he craves 24/7, whether it just be simple conversation or being in your presence in general.
when he finally notices you're going to keep ignoring him until he shapes up- kars all of the sudden becomes all whiny and pouty, trying to get on your good side by bringing/making you gifts.
it works, and he's satisfied in the end.
"What? You're leaving? Can I come with? It's much too boring here without you, dearest."
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definitely not as clingy as kars, but likes showing you overt feats of strength in hopes of impressing you.
oh you're struggling to lift up and move this couch? UP AND OVER HIS SHOULD IT GOES! he may or may not have benched said couch as well just to see you laugh and smile
a particularly tight jam jar that won't open? one loud pop later, and you've got it open because he loves you so much.
he does adore when you praise him whenever he does a good job, and with that comes the habit of him biting you whenever he gets too excited. a gentle nibble just to feel his fangs against your skin. doesn't bite thru unless you specifically say so, he's only doing it hard enough to leave a faint bruise behind.
its a sign of affection he does randomly thruout the day, even if you're speaking to someone else- he comes up from behind and gently bites down on any exposed patch of skin he can get his mouth on. he just grins whenever you turn around completely flabbergasted, he thinks you're fucking adorable
this also relates to how he likes seeing you marked up with his teeth, makes his silly brain happy.
HUGE on cuddling. he's so big and warm, so he's a master at big spooning in bed. no blankets. esidisi only. my boy.
also enjoys cooking amazing breakfasts for you just bc he can,, love of my live.
"You're so cute, I could just eat you up! Not that I would... but I could! Because I loovvee you!"
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WHAM — ⚔️☁️
he's a shy fella so you'll have to gently coax him out of his shell over time
he shows his affection through sparring with you mostly. he knows you're a lot more fragile than he is so he makes sure to be hella fucking careful with you. if he does accidentally hurt you, he's picking you up bridal style, taking you home and pampering you to all hell. def looking like a sad puppy the entire time too
he thrives off quality time and acts of service so whenever you actively put off work just to stay home and just,,, cook with him or watch a show [he doesnt understand what the fuck is going on, he's only watching it for you], he fucking LOVES IT.
he's so smitten whenever you lean in and gently kiss his lips, caress his cheek and say "i love you". you treat him like any other person but he also feels like he's the most special person in the world.
has a tendency to rub up against you like a cat, just to feel you close to him.
whenever he doesn't want you to go anywhere, he just,,,, lays on top of you. he's too huge to do much of anything so you just lay there and pretty much take a nap all day.
wham uses his size to his advantage a lot, and solely so he can squish you. clingy but,, subtly.
he's practically your shadow with how close he likes being to you.
"Hey... can we stay home today? We can watch that movie you like... We can make some snacks too."
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he and kars rival each other with how possessive they can be of you. except santana makes it known that he doesn't like people being touchy on you.
whenever you get home from a long day at work, he's immediately there to greet you with a tight hug that usually ends up in him holding onto you for a couple hours after that just bc he doesn't like the fact that he can smell other people on you.
sometimes, if he's feeling a little lonely, he'll find a way to sneak himself into your job with a bag of food and him trying to convince you to leave with him without a trace.
he got your favourite on purpose because he knows that if he gives you those puppy dog eyes along with the fact that you haven't eaten lunch yet- you're going to give in pretty quickly.
you aren't even sure how he managed to get into the building either.
def the type of guy to always have a hand on you, whether that be an arm over your shoulder or holding your hand, he's touchin a whole bunch because you're his and he is yours.
he has a wicked death glare he gives people that get too close to you. you told him not to kill people he just doesn't like so why not scare them into leaving?
also a little on the bitey side, but only if he's looking for you to stay close whenever he's feeling sad. baby boyy,,
"C'mon, it's not like they're gonna miss you.. Your shift is almost over, let's get out of here, yeah?"
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When rats are happy they grind their front teeth. This called bruxing. However because their jaw muscles are just below their eyes, more aggressive bruxing rapidly pushes their eyes in and out of their sockets. That’s called boggling. It’s cute, at least when you know what it is. Brick Boggles. Big Boggle Baby.
YES i love rats so much and brick absolutely boggles. I even had a thought (weeks ago) to draw out peppino seeing it for the first time and thinking brick is DYING 😭
Gustavo leaves Brick in his care for just one(1) hour and Peppino is like ‘please do not leave this beast with me, what if it needs something? What if it eats something its not supposed to eat? What if it chokes and dies a-and explodes-‘ and Gustavo is like u worry too much my friend :) Ill be back soon! Only an hour! 👍🏾 So hes left with this Beast as hes closing up shop for the day 😭
And Brick isnt the Most friendly and hes kind of Huge and Peppino really doesnt like being in his Presence so hes like 🧍 watching Brick from the back of the pizzeria. Because thats a fucking BEAST in his SHOP! He cannot stress this enough; a BEAST. And hes responsible for it ! Gus had to beat that thing into submission for some alpha pack leader respect shit! Thats scary! WILD ANIMALS like lions and hyenas or whatever do that! Not rats!! 😭😭
Hes wiping down the counters and when turns around to rinse off the rag, Brick is hovering over him. And he has no shame in admitting this; he screams. Thats like a bear closing the gap of an entire storefront in less than a second without a single sound made 😭 and now its SNUFFLING him and hes like im going to fucking pass away.
“I dont have anything on me you fucking rat- GO AWAY-” but hes got his hands balled up into fists against his chest and hes shaking bc Brick wont stop being Nosy. And now the fuckers bunting at his fist and hes like ‘what does that fucking MEAN do you want to fight??? I dont want to fight you, I really dont; I really really dont. You can be alpha or whatever i dont care’ 😭😭
But brick is snuffling his hand and trying to pry it open and hes like. Do you want me to fucking pet you??? And he tentatively reaches out to pet Brick, only to pull away SHARPLY when Brick nibbles at his hand. Like u little bitch u did you just bite me??? But theres no marks…and after a minute of Peppino not moving an inch, this fucking BEAST decides to use his hands to GRAB Peppinos hand, and guide it to his muzzle. As if to say ‘this, i want this! I want you to do this!’
So Peppino reluctantly caves in bc hes fucking TRAPPED between a bear rat beast and his countertop. Bricks fur is oddly sleek, yet easy to bristle when he pets their face. Running his thumb against the base of his whiskers feels Weird but Brick SEEMS content. Hes like ‘yeah…o-okay. Okay…! Yeah! O-okay; im ‘a not dead! :)’
And then bricks eyes start wobbling out of control; theyre popping in and out of his head and Peppino GRIPS this poor rats face hes like WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FUCKING DOING? DYING? ARE YOU DYING RIGHT NOW????! He didnt notice it before but NOW hes hearing this odd grinding sound and Peppino is like this fucking thing is breaking down right in front of me 😭 But despite the roughness, Brick is still staring at him, eyes wobbling furiously
Gustavo comes back to what LOOKS like Peppino (gently) holding Bricks face while Brick boggles, and hes like ‘OH look at that! Brick looks pretty happy, my friend :)’
And Peppino is like (face red; eyes wide) WHAT?? THIS ISNT A STROKE ??!
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horrorshow · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday! what do you think is sam's freakiest kink?
consensual somnophilia. but let me build up to that.
in general sam is more dominant and he likes dean as an actively engaging and happy bed partner so on a basic level his kinks are strongly related to dean's pleasure. it's pretty much 'whatever dean lets him get away with'. when dean loses his snark and he willingly lets himself get manhandled, pinned down, put into bendy positions or follow orders, you can count on it it feeds sam's lil powertripping dominant alpha brain. so whatever sam has to do to get dean there and ENJOY that, doesn't really matter (spoiler: it's not much bc dean is easy like that). it can get intense when he's pushing boundaries, but its not really all that kinky bc sam can do the bare minimum for maximum results here. if anything he's holding himself back.
(related to that, i absolutely think sam has a size kink and he nuts a bit harder when comparing dick sizes and seeing he's bigger, and knowing he's strong enough to pick dean up and hold him up when dean throws his legs around his waist etc)
hunting probably gave them some kinks as well, so the occasional hand cuffs, bondage, blind folds, choking, bit of impact play etc will be part of their routine. which i love to think and read about, but realistically speaking, won't happen too often. it's something that only works when they're both in the mood for it, and even when they are, it's nothing too extreme. sam doesnt like to seriously hurt dean or cause him pain.
where i think the interesting kinks come in is that so much of sam’s love and desire for dean has been wrapped around dean and dean’s sex life since sam was a kid. in my mind sam and dean slept in the same bed as kids/teenagers (c’mon, it’s just practical on the road) and dean was sexually active from a young age (regardless of whether you think he was sexually abused, did sex work, had random hookups, or, as i think, all three). and i think sam has unknowingly been giving dean aftercare long before sam even fully had an understanding of what it was exactly that dean did. sam would be sleeping and dean would climb into his bed late at night, smelling like sex and booze and other people, and sometimes he was happy and content, and sometimes he was a bit out of it or shaken up, and sam, recently trained in what Monsters and Horrors are out there, did the sensible thing he could do: check if dean was okay or injured. dean was always a bit softer those times at night, would allow and even welcome sam’s caressing touches, coming down after an intense fuck and longing for comfort, and sam would notice and trace the bruises and bite marks and hickeys, and if they woke up limbs entangled, shut up, they didn’t cuddle, and while nothing about this started as sexual, it did fill sam with worry and protectiveness and confusion and anger at whoever did this to him, over time turning into jealousy and desire when he had his own sexual awakening.
what i’m trying to say: sam LOVES to mark dean up. in general but SPECIFICALLY after dean had sex with someone else. sam doesn’t mind if dean has sex with other people as long as there isnt any further emotional connection and dean comes home to him, and when he does, sam loves making sweet love to a sloppy already used blissed out dean, marking up the same spots the person before him did, pressing, kissing, nibbling, biting, sucking, ejaculating, licking, and rubbing his chin all over him like a cat, and pamper him until the traces and marks left by anyone else are all reclaimed and dean tastes and smells like dean again (or... like sam, but to them thats probably the same thing). therapeutic and fulfilling to all his teenage desires. bit weird and freaky? probably. kinky? idk
(adding to this: i’d say sam’s FREAKIEST kink is probably biting hard and lapping up the blood, he’d find tasting dean’s blood on his tongue extremely erotic, but.... there’s too much shame and guilt there to enjoy it bc of the whole ruby and demonblood fiasco, and he’s convinced this kink  is a hard no for dean and dean would judge him for it, so he keeps that one locked away)
so. FREAKIEST kink  (at least to sam) they WOULD do: in this whole scenario its also realistic to assume sam woke up to sounds of dean having sex in the other bed often as a kid, and i think that made him feel helpless and scared, bc he had NO idea what was really going on there. and i think nothing gets sam harder now than sitting on top of a sleeping dean, in the dark, and explore dean’s body, hearing dean making those same noises for HIM, and knowing that they’re safe and okay bc sam has got him now, knowing he’s no longer the confused scared boy who woke up to these weird noises but the one in control now. as if he’s been competing with all those others before him (especially those who took advantage of dean) and sam won. and that makes him rock hard. which makes this an ugly and shameful thing for him, bc a secret part of him will always wonder if he’s any better than his father or any of those other men, especially if there was also incest between his father and dean, or if sam was present to any other abusive sexual situations. and that’s why he can’t have dean awake. it’s a private thing between sam and his demons, and he needs to be able to explore dean at his own pace, away from prying eyes or judgement, cause if anyone would see him he’d feel like a creep. which is unnecessary bc the sex itself wouldn’t be any freakier than any of my earlier bullet points (it’s all very loving, and he wouldn’t do anything dean wouldn’t want him to; if dean WAS awake he’d probably ask sam to stop boring him and get on with it), but the connotations are, and sam feels weird and guilty about it afterwards (also bc it’s so different to what usually gets him going), but not enough to stop bc this is an internal battle he has to make peace with and the only way to make peace with it is to enjoy it and work through that guilt, and for dean this kink would be a non-issue, if you’d ask him how he’d feel about waking up to an orgasm, he’d probably throw sam a party, so yes, they would do this. 
one other addition: i think one of dean’s freakier kinks is the kink variant of munchausen by proxy, and i think sam LOVES to indulge dean in this, especially when sam’s down and depressed and he feels like he’s losing his mind, nothing is more comforting to him than to revert back to being a little brother sometimes and suck poison off dean’s fingers and let dean take care of him. kiss me dean before i’m sick and all that. so that one would rate pretty high on the freaky kink list for him as well, even though it’s a rare one and he’d never initiate it.
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Part 4 “Bartender Steve/Steddie AU”
Part 3 HERE
Eddie wakes up and immediately has no clue where he is. He wishes he could use the excuse of his past inter-dimensional trauma for the panic that bubbles up instantly, but unfortunately he’s had morning amnesia since he was a small child. So he stays still, calms his breathing, waits until the vague memory of stumbling up the fire escape with Steve Harrington and crawling in through the window resurfaces to the front of his memory. He flings himself upward and is hit with instant regret as his head pounds and his stomach does a circus worthy flip-flop, causing him to peel himself off the couch and race towards the general direction he remembers Steve telling him the bathroom is in. He heaves bile and a rivers worth of water into the toilet, resting his head on the seat when hes sure its all up. He isnt sure how long he’s sitting there before a hand on his back startles him upwards,
“Hey, Its just me.” Steve says quietly, moving around Eddie so he can simultaneously see the mans face and rub circles along his spine. Eddie sinks back down, melting at the touch,
“G’morning, Stevie…” Eddied mumbles into the hand hes pillowed on, “Sorry for wakin’ you up.”
“You didnt, dont worry about it. Can i get you some water?” Eddie nods his response, eyes half closed, and all but whines when Steve takes his hand away. A few minutes later and steve returns with a glass of ice water and a slice of buttered toast, sitting down across from him,
“You gonna eat this while your face is on my toilet?” He asks raising the hand with the toast to specify. Eddie pushes himself up and off the toilet seat with a groan, instead leaning himself against the cupboard and taking the water first. He takes a big gulp before being handed the toast. 
“So…” Eddie says, nibbling at the crust. His voice is hoarse from vomiting, “We gonna talk about it or…” Steve flushes, even though eddie hasn't even specified what yet,
“Talk about what?” He asks, slightly strained. Eddie smirks, 
“How known womanizer and straightest man I know ends up bartending at a chicago gay club?” Steves face relaxes, the question obviously not what he was thinking it would be,
“Oh. Um…” he struggles with his words,
“Oh?” Eddie echoes, “what did you think i was gonna say?” Steve shakes his head,
“Doesnt matter.” Eddie squints at him as he starts taking bigger bites of the toast,
“You gonna answer my question?” He says through a mouth full of bread. Steve bites at his lip nervously, suddenly finding a loose thread on his pajama pants VERY interesting. He opens his mouth to speak multiple times and closes it deciding against whatever he was gonna say. Eddie feels the mirth drain from his body,
“You know you can talk to me, right? Whatever youre about to say, its not gonna change anything.” Steve takes a deep breath,
“I thought you would have already gotten your answer from your new pal Roger.” He finally looks up at Eddie, worry clouding his eyes,
“A little bit, yeah, but he said you werent gay and i should ask you.” Steves runs his hands through his sleep flattened hair,
“Um, yeah. Not gay. Not really sure where I fit in, just know Im not ‘the straightest man you know’ anymore. Or ever were, I guess.” He says the last part extra quite, then continues,
“I find more and more that I dont care about the sex side of things like i used to. I dont know…” he shrugs, “maybe all the trauma finally caught up with me.” Eddie looks him over curiously. Steve isnt meeting his eye, and hes still picking at that damn string,
“Romantic attraction and sexual attraction aren’t connected. They can vary widely in one person, y’know?” Steve nods,
“I know.” He says, but something still seems to be bothering him, “dont…” he starts, finally meeting eddies eye, “dont tell the party just yet. They know I work at a bar, they just dont know the specifics and im not ready to have this conversation with them.” 
“Were you ready to have this conversation with me?” Eddie asks, suddenly feeling a bit like an ass. Steve hesitates before saying,
“I dont think i would have ever been ready to have this conversation with you.” Its so quite eddie almost doesnt catch it, but he knows it was meant to be heard by the way steves eyes never leave his,
“What's that supposed to mean?” Eddie feels a weight in his chest. Why was he not good enough for steve to come out to?
“Im out to everyone I know here in chicago, but… the only people from hawkins that know are rob and joyce.”
“Mrs. Byers knows!?”
“Yeah, she, uh guessed and came to me about being someone i could talk to. Kinda spilled the beans in a heart to heart.”
“What made her guess?” Steves face flushed again, which he seemed to feel and covered it with both his hands,
“Dont freak out?”
“ course not stevie.” Eddie could see steve shake his head at the nickname. Steve takes a deep breath,
“Man,” he huffed a laugh, “i had the most pathetic thing for you after… yknow, everything. She saw straight through me as soon as she had us all in a room together.” Eddies eyebrows shoot up to his bangs, and he tries to think of the first big get together after the ‘earthquake’. He opens his mouth to respond, hesitating a second too long and steve jumps in instead,
“I mean, dont worry, im not about to hit on you. Not trying to make you uncomfortable. Just,since you asked. are you gay? Sorry, dont answer that. robin always says my radar is shit and i feel like the chicks probably love your look. But I didnt wanna lie to you, cause-”
“Stevie,” eddie puts a hand up to slow down the other mans robin-inspired rant. Steve stops, mouth snapping shut, cheeks pink,
“What do you think i was doing dancing on a man, not with, ON,” eddie emphasised, “in a gay club. In these clothes.” He gesturs down to his attire, and then looks down to realize hes in sweatpants and an old hawkins high shirt,
“Oh thats just cruel…” eddie mutters. Steve laughs, and eddie can just about hear all the tension release in the mans body all at once,
“Sorry, it was the first thing i grabbed and you werent really trying to stay upright for much longer.” Eddie only vaguely remembers trying to shuffle the clothes on. Hes not even sure he was really drunk at that point, mostly just exhausted. He finishes up the last of his toast,
“You think youre gonna keep that down long enough to move this to the living room? Ill stick a pot of coffee on.” Steve points at the door behind eddie, who contemplates the wobbliness of his stomach real quick,
“Yes to coffee, please.” He says, starting to push himself up. A hand shoots out in front of him, an offering of help. He takes it, and when he gets pulled up, he accidentally overcompensates and has to stop himself with his palm against steves chest. Hes mere inches away from steves face, his brown eyes, his lips... Something pools in his stomach, and he hesitates letting go of the man, but he snaps to reality and clears his throat, dropping his hands and muttering a quiet thank you.
In the living room, eddie grabs up his blankets and nests himself into the corner of the couch while steve starts the coffee. Eddie watches steve move around the open space, flitting from the sink to the cupboards and back again,
“Man, im so sorry for waking you.” He says, propping his head on his arm off the back of the couch,
“You didnt i promise, ive been up for a little bit.”
Eddie furrows his brow,
“What time even is it?”
“Almost one.”
“WHAT!?” Eddie launches himself up and steve turns around, a surprised look in his eyes at he outburst,
“What?” Steve echoes, coffee pot full of water in hand. Eddie starts looking around frantically,
“Where are my clothes, steve!”
“Oh, dryer. Closet next to the bathroom.”
Eddie practically sprints down the hallway,
“Shit shit shit…” he mutters to himself as he digs his clothes from the dryer,
“Why are you panicking, ed?” Steve asked, voice a bit muffled from the kitchen,
“Rehearsal started at 12!”
“Oh shit, um well i can drive you, let me just…” steve is now squeezing past eddie, who is mid shirt change, to get to his room and closes the door. Eddie takes this chance to switch his pants quickly. Man, he looks ridiculous wearing his nightclub clothes in broad daylight. Hes sitting on the couch putting on his shoes when steve finally comes out, dressed in an oversized sweatshirt and jeans with white sneakers. What eddie gets stuck on is the tortoishell glasses he has on his face. He looks so different from the steve he knew, with his mustache and longer hair now untied,
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up.” Steve says, taking eddies staring for anything other than what it was. God, eddie had to get over this man. By all means, this look shouldnt work for anybody, but somehow steve looked so comfortable and human that eddie cant help but smile fondly,
“You look good, stevie.” He echoes their words from last night. Pink tinges steves cheeks and ears, and he turns away quickly and snatches up his keys from the counter,
“Ready to go?” He asks, sort of breathless. Eddies smile widens,
“Onward!” He points ahead of him and marches out the door, hearing steve sigh and say with exasperation, “god i forgot how weird you are.”
“So youre in town for a show? Still with… corroded coffin, right?” Steve asks. Eddie lets out a low whistle, “damn, you were actually listening when i talked back then?” Steve rolls his eyes,
“Of course i listened to you. So yeah? The bands still together?”
“Oh, no.” Eddie chuckles, “we broke up years ago. Gareths still with me, though. We go by serial cultist now.”
“You have got to be shitting me.”
“Nope, not shitting you. The groupies are questionable but most of them are women and were all mega gay so… except gareth, but his wife keeps them at bay.” Eddie hears steve mutter “garrths married, no shit.” Under his breath and his heart feels fond. Eddie fiddles with the hem of his mesh shirt, trying to build up the courage to ask. Ah fuck it, he thinks,
“Do you, uh, wanna come to the show tonight? If not its cool, but i can add you to the list and you know theres no pressu-“
“I would love to.” Steve says smiling. Eddie goes silent, looking at the side of steves head a bit dumbstruck,
“Ok.” Is all eddie can say, and when he realizes thats not a good response, he shakes his head as if shaking away a thought and starts to smile himself,
“Ok, cool. I’ll, uh, have the venue add you to the list.” He turns so he's facing forward again, not sure what to say after that. The rest of the drive flies by and once they’re stopped, Eddie hops out. He rounds the car where steve has rolled down his window and leans in, faces only a couple inches apart,
“You can always change your mind about coming tonight. I know its not really your kind of music. Pinky promise I wont hold it against you.” Eddie puts his hand up right between them, pinky out. Steve looks at it, then back up at Eddie’s face, 
“Get the fuck out of here, Munson. I’ll see you tonight.” He leans away from the window and puts the car into drive but keeps his foot on the brake. Eddie backs up to the sidewalk, a crooked smile showing off his dimple. He gives a sloppy salute,
“Alrighty, cap’n, see ya at dusk.” He turns away and walks to the doors. He's about to go in when Steve shouts, 
“Save me a t-shirt!” And then drives off without a response. Eddie looks behind him at where the car had just been. He can’t wipe the stupid grin off his face no matter how hard he tries, and he knows the guys are never gonna let him live this down.
Tonight. He’d see steve again tonight.
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dayurno · 8 months
you are so cute and sweet but UR PINTEREST BOARD LINK DOESNT WORK FOR ME be still my tender heart…… that is ok im imagining it in my mind palace. unfortunately i actually am like. kind of a freak and all my ideas live in my brain space and jumbled notes + so i don’t have anything fic-specific BUT. i Will grant you my kevin (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jtCq6lXKxJeaIEEZ4mNoO?si=HZJJ-rwTTmShM8z1bL7M7A&pi=u-HaC1d26IRgKR) and jean (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0s4McJXNv5B0kM3zkcmWMv?si=PTIG6mYSTG2mvhqrbL7dDA&pi=u-9TZa7fgfQnS-) playlists respectively. i listen to them + my aftg playlist a lot while writing and many of the songs in them make me think of kerejean anyway :3
i am an unrepentant jeredrew enjoyer. i think they would make the silliest bffs possible. that lucky-slice art was soooo special to me. andrew just, of course, immediately hates kevin and jean and doesn’t trust their intentions. especially because of how they meet which i don’t know if we need to get into now... the feeling is very mutual though (and kevin is salty because in his last year of college he tried to have andrew recruited to the foxes and andrew ignored the hell out of him and followed jeremy to USC instead). the antics and dynamics are very very fun to write. jean compares what andrew is to jeremy as what neil is to kevin at one point and kevin is scandalized.
also due to the contents of this blog i feel like ive really undersold this fic by not mentioning the BITING sooner. i just think you need to know there’s lots of casual biting. of all varieties…. Heheh. kevin warns jeremy that jean is a biter very early on and refuses to acknowledge the fact that he too likes to nibble on boyfriends…… jeremy joins them ^-^ kevin complains so much when he’s being attacked by both of them. they’re really cute and very special to me
I'M SO SORRY LOVIE ITS UP NOW....... i forgor it was a secret board...... BUT NOW IT IS NOT >:)
CAN I SAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! YOUR KEVIN PLAYLISTTTT..... more than a woman by the bee gees you really understand it all so very clearly. acolyte!!! and vienna :) AND KILLER QUEEN WHICH MADE ME REALLY HAPPY and northern downpour too....... i always love when kevin playlists specifically include this very deliberate kind of popular classics that never go away..... and i especially always love when kevin playlists have cheerful joyful music too..... it gets boring listening to the same sad songs again and again! MORE THAN A WOMAN MADE ME REALLY HAPPY LOL kevin day... you are more than a woman to me...!!! just as a last comment the kids arent alright is such a kevinsong i'm so glad you had it too.... blessed be the boys time cant capture :)
i love your jean playlist too!!! It just had more songs i didnt know hehe but i loved glory and gore.... right where you left me;;;; first time by lucy dacus! AND NINA CRIED POWER. i think jean is such a hozier character to me the jean song of all times is 'it will come back' i think it's very how i see him. I ALWAYS WANNA DIE (SOMETIMES) awhagag...... AND ONCE MORE TO SEE YOU which is i fear kevjeanisms to the extreme.... only friend :) these were so lovely thank you i love it i love it all
i was wondering if i ever shared my jean playlist here and i dont think so because it was rather unfinished after all but decided to work some more on it and here it is! and my kevjean too but this one's a LOT more messy! you were warned!!!!
KANDREW BEEF :-) for me you have to have them growing closer later on.... please..... i need jeremy to be disconcerted because kevin gets along well with his impossible to get along with best friend. its important for me. is neil also a milf in this one? are you writing side andreil? so many questions!!!!!! AND BITING WHEH honestly this is all in terms with kevin (the normal nibbler, just autistic) and jean (Predator Instincts Only Slightly Dulled From Years Of Domestication). where does jeremy fall in the spectrum? THEY SHOULD ATTACK KEVIN as often and as hard as possible.... remind him of the food chain a little bit. sir you are under this 23 year old how do you feel. i feel like this age thing really is incredible sorry. maybe its because with canon jeremy is older than kevin but im getting light headed thinking about it..... kevin getting mauled by some guy who just graduated from college. and also of course
kevin taking a stolen drag from jeans cig: isnt that weird? when you were starting highschool i was already in college
jeremy: can yuo put that out on me. please
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gideongrovel · 8 months
2, 3 and 5 for the ask game!
Thank you bunches for send some in!! 😁😁😁 This one is super long im sorry lmao
2 and 3 Answered here
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities? Yes! since he is half m/ink he has electro powers, and it has some experience with a dagger (its able to use swords too but it is better skilled using just a dagger, and is the weapon of choice / carries on himself) He charges the electro into the weapon when fighting (get stabbed and shock at once! ouch!) He also has sharp nails he will also fight with those depending on the opponent, good for scratching especially when like combined with the electro!! He has sharp teeth as well he could use for fighting but he'd prefer not to,,, Keeping that more like sacred- saving lil bites/nibbles for people he actually likes and is fond of (gnawing on them as a form of stimming and showing affection) But he will bite a bitch for violence/defense if he has too but he'd rather not,,, save the chomps for playfulness, much to Brook's chagrin lmao
So m/inks normally have S/ulong forms they transform into when they see a full moon (They get like glowing eyes, white longer fur, as well as stronger/bigger as well,, like big time power up!!) Gideon however does not have this ability (or so he thinks 👀) since he is only like half Mink,,, tho during the full moon he does get more stronger when seeing it, just to a lesser degree and without the transformation,,, However!! 👀👀👀 AU time with E/nel ✨ actually being on the moon itself is different story!! "Surprise surprise" he does have a S/ulong from! Since being on the moon itself has a stronger effect then just seeing it down from the earth,,, Unfortunately for Gideon since during this timeline,,, It doesnt get to learn about its heritage, since he leaves the S/traw H/ats,,,, so he never gets K/uma yeeted to an island where a bunch of M/inks live, and he doesnt get to go to Z/ou 😔😔😔 Thats where he learns alot about his powers and abilities and such, ect ect,,, at this point in the story he is basically in the dark about his heritage,,,,,, So once like E/nel and him actually get to the moon,,, like transforming like that was a shock! M/inks can to transform back to their normal forms just by keep their eyes covered from the view of the full moon (so sunglass or even just cloud coverage will stop the transformation) just going inside a building where the moon is no longer visible can also stop it,,, but if a M/ink stays in their S/ulong form for too long they can loose themselves if they arent trained properly (which Gideon is not atp) So while on the moon with E/nel,,, after they both figure out whats going on ((this post is already long so i wont lore dump with all of that here lol)) Gideon mostly has to stay on the ark, or keeps his eyes covered with like a bandana/wrapping cloth of some kind when he leaves the ship,,,, Queue cute moments of E/nel holding Gideon's hand having to guide him around on the moon since Gideon cant see where he is going 🥰🤭 tho thinking about E/nel teaching Gideon M/antra / O/bservation H/aki,,, so he can become somewhat capable of moving about the moon
edit: scrapping that idea, since idk how a m/ink would react to being on the moon within canon, since like m/inks need to see the full moon to transform,,,, and being on the moon is like obvi closer then seeing it down from earth, but technically you wouldnt be seeing it in full if you were on it (you would just see whats in your field of vision) so idk if a m/ink would actually transform 🤔
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
K, E, D, and B (spicy and fluffy) for Heartslabyul and Chenya
Riddle: praise, hair pulling
Trey: food play, restrained hands
Cater: being filmed, degrading
Ace: biting/nibbling, spanking
Deuce: choking, being fully tied
Che'nya: having his tail pet, literally any kink you can think of
Riddle: He is not experienced at all lol, he hadnt even been kissed till he started dating his bfs. they do ok once they learn but theery perfer being bottom
Trey: Oh you know this man knows what hes doing, have you seen his hands? Jade certainty has. Surprisingly he doesn't have much experience other then Jade, not that anyone's complaining
Cater: He has had a few exs so he knows quite a bit, but Floyd still pounds him into oblivion before he can really do much else lol
Ace: He acts like he does but he really doesn't, like Kalim has topped him on many occasions and thats saying something
Deuce: Hes quite shy about it but hes not very experienced, but his bfs are more then happy to help with getting him a lot more experience
Che'nya: Kind of, he knows how to do foreplay he just doesnt really know much about what to do... after that. He is a quick learner though, as the poor soul below riddles room would tell you.
Riddle: Hes actually very dirty minded, and his bfs didn't know until, once, Cater was wearing a virgin killer sweater and Riddle came up to him and whispered, "That sweater better be on my floor in the next five minutes."
Trey: Oh dear.. he may or may not have a hidden stash of aphrodisiacs that he may or may not have put into Jades food once or twice...
Cater: He writes very horny fanfiction and Che'nya found it (unknown to him) and any kinks listed he will reference for the next time he tops Cater, Cater is none the wiser
Ace: He gets off before basketball games to shirtless photos of his bfs, he tries to convince himself that it makes him play better but now, hes just a horny teenager
Deuce: four words: Big porn mag stash
Che'nya: Whenever hes in heat and doesn't want his bfs to know, he steals one of their hoodies and gets off on it because of his bfs scent being on it
(I'm only gonna answer their favorite part of their partners body)
Riddle: Riddle really likes Floyds hands, they're so big and useful in more ways then one, he loves Caters legs, they're so soft when they wrap around him.. you know why. And he loves Che'nya's tail.. I'll leave it at that
Trey: His favorite part of Jade is his mouth, "That's the most useful thing you have isn't it, doll?" Jade then proceeded to whimper
Cater: His is the same as riddles except for Che'nyas is different, his favorite part off Che'nya is his knees, "You look the prettiest like that, y'know? How about you stay on them for a while, hm?" He also really likes Riddles hair because its so satisfying to pull
Ace: Ace really likes Kalims chest, he always says that its sent from the great seven themselves. He also really likes Jamil's nipples, I'll leave it at that
Deuce (we're doing this rapid fire): He loves Leonas wrists, because of how nice they look after being tied up, He loves Ruggies ears because he makes such adorable noises when he bites them, he loves Jacks tail and how it wags when hes in such deep pleasure, he loves Leonas back because of how it looks when its below the others and he loves Epels teeth because of how nice they feel biting into him
Che'nya: Same as Riddle and Cater but he likes Floyds eyes the best and how quickly the light in them changes when Che'nya flips him over and pounds him for a change
Riddle: His kisses taste like salty taffy, he prefers to kiss his bfs on the crown of their heads or go along each knuckle and plant a flowering kiss on them. He likes to be kissed on the cheeks (Floyd squeezes them and calls him a cute little mochi before doing so)
Trey: Treys kisses taste like white chocolate. He likes to kiss Jade on the shoulder or neck, hes a simple man who prefers a simple kiss on the lips
Cater: His kisses taste like honey. He loves to kiss his bois unexpectedly, it doesn't matter where, he just loves how blushy they get, lol. He likes getting kissed on the nose or eskimo kisses
Ace: His kisses taste like dragon fruit. He likes to pepper kisses all over his bfs face. He prefers being kissed on the lips though
Deuce: His kisses taste like grape juice. His kisses are typically nervous kisses on the cheek. He likes being kissed on the top of the head
Che'nya: His kisses taste like pure fucking sugar. He kisses and prefers to be kissed in the same spot, the ears
I am putting these here now, they'd never break up with their bois, however, every one of them minus trey and Che'nya would write it via a letter
Riddle: Riddle 100% wants to settle down the minute he gets out of school, he can clean pretty well but he isn't the greatest cook
Trey: Oh he'd love to settle down with Jade, they've been talking about it like five year olds for a long time. And this man is perfect house-husband material, ofc he can cook/clean u-u
Cater: He really likes the idea! He can clean... ok-ish, and his cooking also isn't great but he tries lol
Ace: Its probably gonna be hard for him to settle down considering hes dating a price and said princes servant but yeah, he likes the idea. Hes actually a good cook, hes just messy about it so Jamil has banned him from the kitchen. He can also clean pretty well
Deuce: Settling down sounds relaxing to him, he and his bois already have a plan: move out, get custody over Cheka and get married. Hes a good cook and his bfs love his cooking. Ruggie strictly makes them leave the cleaning to him because he likes things a certain way, lol
Che'nya: He finds the idea of it really domestic and adorable! He cooks and cleans well but its very chaotic
Riddle: Hes 100% the mom friend. The friendship would probably start with a lot of bossing around and reminders to do your work
Trey: He'd bring you his families pastries to try :D The friendship prolly started cuz they'd be a regular at the restaurant/café his parents run
Cater: He'd tag you in every social media post he makes. You'd prolly meet over social media, become mutuals and ye
Ace & Deuce: Chaotic bffs. You met them while they were being fucking stupid doing whatever those two do
Che'nya: He'd prolly meet you by just poofing out of nowhere and going, 'sup wanna hang out'?
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h4venpha · 1 year
chigiri hyouma, itoshi rin, isagi yoichi, shidou ryusei
the writers block is rlly hitting rn so yall get headcanons instead !!
Tumblr media
- i cannot help myself when it comes to chigiri being a tease…
- chigiri who comes up behind you and leans in close to your nape, causing you shiver at the intimacy. his hair draping over your shoulder as he presses forward.
- he nibbles at the shell of your ear, letting his teeth press gently against your skin. and you can feel his hot breath over your ear but you cant turn around or run away cause hes got a strong hold around your waist
- and hes pulling away with a breathy chuckle, watching your embarrassed reaction from just that
- chigiri who also likes to bite your tongue when you kiss him..
- you swipe at his bottom lip with your tongue and at the contact, hes surging forward to capture the tip of your tongue between his teeth.
- its not enough to make you bleed, but he bites hard enough to have you panting when you pull away. and hes wiping away at his mouth with the back of his hand letting out another chuckle before pulling you back in. except ths time he goes for you bottom lip
- rin has a possessive streak because i said so
- he wants to keep you far, far away from anyone who threatens to take you away from him
- borderline TOXIC because of how possessive he acts
- what better way to establish youre his and only his than leaving bite marks everywhere?
- hes practically on you like a rabid dog as he marks up your neck whether it be bites or hickies
- he wants everyone to see the deep bute marks and dark red bruises when he takes you out the next day. proudly and unashamedly possessive over you even in public
- bites over each side of your nape and hickies littering your collar bones, he loves tasting your skin on your tongue knowing that itll leave a mark
- and when they start fading, hes quick to give you fresh ones
- isagi’s biting problem is definitely a guilty pleasure
- he first thought it was creepy the furst time he felt the urge to bite you. eyes raking over the soft skin on your body and he has this urge to have you in between his teeth
- (i headcanon isagi loving body worship/nsx🔥)
- hes kissing up and down your arms all the way to the tip of your fingers and hes holding back the urge to just bite
- its a private thing for him to do, he only does it when hes alone with you and hes feeling affectionate. call it possessiveness
- not even hard, just a little nibble. but he gets embarrassed, he thinks its strange and kind of creepy that he wants to bite the one he loves
- but when he asks with a deep blush on his face and you simply say its okay, youre not leaving til he gets his fill
- hes not a hard biter. he likes to nip at your skin just enough to make it sore when you touch it later. and he doesnt even think about that you might be sore later, he wants to bite and thats exactly what hes going to do
- “youre so cute i could eat you up!” but in a very literal sense
- an action for affection from him, he thinks its sweet and he likes how you get grumpy because it hurt
- he likes to bite you literally anywhere. his favorites though is the soft place between the base of your neck and your shoulder
- coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist while resting his head down on your shoulder. and he just— bites you. teeth scraping lightly against the soft skin just to get a reaction out of you
- when you whip your head around and tell him to quit it, he only slyly smiles, seeing the embarrassment creeping up your face
- just like chigiri, he loves doing it just to see your reactions, how far can he go before youre chasing back for more?
- and 100% hes holding back. hes got a deep desire to just bite down and leave red teeth marks everywhere on your body.
- but he sticks to playful nibbles along your shoulder while his biting problem only brews more, waiting for the day you let him completely devour you
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skeletalheartattack · 3 years
Where is the doggy
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right there, there he is. goodest boy you ever done did see. my podey bogg. my sweet boogy boy. the douggie of all time. a real poochy boo.
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cynettic · 3 years
How to Dom Genshin Men 101
Summary - Tips, tricks, and the unofficial guide of how to dominate genshin men in bed. ( Not really- just tips and a quick sneak peak )
Pairings - Fem!Reader x Albedo / Diluc / Kaeya / Childe / Kazuha / Venti /  Zhongli / Dainsleif / Scaramouche
Warnings - NSFW ( edging, overstimulation, penetration, pegging, foreplay, bondage, degradation, humiliation, dirty talk, fingering, heavy dom, punishment, cunnilingus, blowjob )
A/N - “How to dominate Genshin Woman,” is up next ;)
Mentions - @clouds-rambles I saw you wanted someone to tag you for a post with Kazuha or Venti content :) sorry if it was comfort you were looking for tho- ;-;
Kaeya needs to be told he will be fucked. That you’re going to throw him on the bed and have your way with him. With the blue headed cavalry captain, communication is the key to seducing him into your bidding. Kaeya naturally can be submissive, but he often prefers to take control, so you’ll have to keep firm with him.
Rub his thighs while you whisper into his ear all your dirty little plans. The contact will catch his attention, and he’ll grow hard at the thought of you taking control.
But be careful.
As much as Kaeya can be a bratty sub, he is equally teasing and capable of taking control again. You need to stick hard with your decision, and never falter into his words. Keep him on edge, control his orgasm, make him long for you.
“Y/n… please… I cant take it any longer.”
Kaeya in general is open to many things, so bondage and many kinks are open to him. Use them to keep him blinded in ecstasy and want, until all he can do is whine out your name.
Degrade him.
Play with his hair as he shakes for the orgasm, and pull at his locks when he tries to get off when you pull back. You need to remind him constantly that you’re in control, that he does your bidding and that your words are law.
The room was hot, sweat dripping down your neck as you loomed over Kaeya’s toned chest. But the warmth was hardly a bother with the view in front of view, whimpers and grunts escaping the man’s lips as he clenched the white silk bedsheets.
“Y/n,” he breathed, head crushed into the bedsheets by your hand that gripped his neck. You only squeezed his throat tighter, making him flinch and unable to speak. All he could do was try to meet your uneven pace and throw his hips up in an idle attempt to orgasm.
He should’ve known better.
Because you drew up when he was close, lifting your wet dripping pussy from the slick coated juices that covered his dick. Leaving his erect and overstimulated length throbbing as he cried out. 
“I decide when you get to cum,” was your only reply, harsh and strict against his lustful desperate eyes. “I am the one in control of your needy little dick right now, so dont even try to find out what I’ll do if you do it without my permission.”
He could only nod, tears welling up in his eyes when you slammed back down on his dick. The obedient way he melted into you making you loosen the grip on his neck, slowly trailing your hand down his chest. Hand settling on his abs as you bounced on his dick, pace getting quicker. 
“Cum you slut.”
His seed filled your hole, and his hands clenched into fists as the wave of pleasure washed over him. He curled his toes at the edge of the bed, knees and thighs shaking when you sank back down on his dick. He was reduced to a mewling mess, unable to form proper words.
“You didn’t think we were done did you?”
Quick Tip - Touch his chest, especially his nipples. He was his window exposed to the cold air after all~ its sensitive and the contact there with the one on his dick will have him trembling.
Diluc doesnt know how to be anything but dominant in his sex life. He’s unlikely ever had the chance to be at someones complete and utter mercy. In a way, he liked it like that, he likes control better than the unknown. But he trusts you, openly submitting himself to you when you ask. Cause thats all you have to do when it comes to Diluc, ask with a pouty face and a “pretty please?” And its yours.
Diluc probably got the idea that you’d be gentle with him because of your words. Maybe it was your soft expression, or just the way you patted his shoulder and told him he’d enjoy it, you promised.
But you were anything but gentle.
Actually, he’ll likely try to avoid looking at you directly because he might feel ashamed for looking so vulnerable. Scared that you might find him disgusting or revulsive in the state that he’s crying and begging for your touch.
With Diluc, praise him. 
Tell him how good he’s doing, how hot he looks all wet and hard for you. Talking about what you’re going to do to him also turns him on, stroke his dick and whisper into his ear how you’ll be pounding it in your pussy.
“So g-good… dont stop… d-dont…”
“Magic word ‘Luc,” you whispered slyly into his ear. 
“Please…” he whined almost immediately. “Please, please… p-please-”
But once you start, you’re in complete and utter control.
Unlike Kaeya, he wont be able to turn the tables on you if he feels like it. Being at someones mercy is so thrilling, and all he can do is think about how to make you tell him he’s doing good.
He’ll do everything you ask without hesitation.
A good boy just for you.
“Sensitive,” you remarked smoothly as the pads on your fingers rubbed Diluc’s cock. You were gentle, slow and torturous as you rubbed the tip and drank in the boy’s muffled gasps and cries.
Diluc was face down on the bed, hands grasping the pillow and just about shoving it in his face. His hips bucked everytime you touched his needy dick, toes digging into the blanket to support him in any kind of way. 
You hovered over his quivering body, a smirk plastered over your face at the feeling of euphoria this gave you. Diluc was never a bottom, and it felt so good to know that it was you who was changing that.
‘He’s so cute being so submissive too…’
Ass up in the air as if begging you to suck his cock, to do anything instead of teasing him with your fingers. Adorable attempt, but if he wanted to be sucked off, he needed to vocally beg for it, plead and whine for your mouth.
You pressed another kiss against his neck, nipping at his tender red skin with your teeth. He struggled and whimpered when you didnt go any lower.
“You want something…?” You asked gently into his ear, holding back the grin when he nodded wildly.
“‘Ask for it.”’
He opened his mouth to say something, but was overcome with the sensation of your fingers sliding up and down his dick. The pillow didnt help, muffling his voice so you couldnt hear him either way. Feeling trapped, he could only thrust his hips into the strokes of your hand.
“Y/n…” he tried, stopping halfway. “I want you to… I n-need you to…”
So you helped him out a little bit.
Your hand quickly came to his neck, holding his face up above the pillow. It was grasped as if you’d choke him, but your touch was soft and gentle enough not to hurt him. “What was that?”
“Suck me…” he sputtered out, thighs trembling. “Please…”
You let go of his neck, instead trailing your body down. You left little kisses and love bites on the crevices of his back, noting how he arched his spine obediently. “Good boy,” you whispered when you got to his cock. You gave the tip a little kiss, “Good boy.”
Quick Tip - Get into a position with Diluc that’ll make it hard for him to escape your grip completely. He’s not used to this, so he’ll be really shifty and squirmy the entire time.
Albedo might be a little harder to go about, but it all comes down to how you phrase it. The poor boy is so obsessed with knowledge and discovering more that it really isnt that hard to persuade him with the right words. Tell him that you simply want to experiment body reactions, and that someone suggested a little something ‘different.’
Can I just start by saying that Albedo is probably one of the prettiest bottoms out there? Like the way his mouth opens to moan out your name, but then he chokes back on pleasure and now he’s just breathing really hard, eyes slitted.
During the entire process, he’ll be completely obedient to you and only you. Asking what to do so that the supposed experiment will work. 
In general he’s pretty touch craved, so even just the simplest stray of your fingers along his thigh will get him hard.
“You’re… sure this is part of the experiment?”
“Absolutely. Something wrong?”
“No… I’ve just never done this before.”
Make him sit on your lap. 
I don’t care if you’re shorter or taller than him. If you’re looking up or down to see his face, because either way its the best position to see his expressions. And the best thing about Albedo is his expressions.
You’re used to seeing his usual stoic demeanor and maybe even the slightest smile that he spares for you. But here, you get to see the pleasure that he cant hide, moaning your name and whining for more.
“Like t-this…?”
Your hand was on the soft skin of his back, fingers stroking the crevice of his spine and sending goosebumps up his spine. “Perfect,” you purred back, legs widening under the pressure of him above you. 
You could tell Albedo was desperately trying to stay in control of his face, but his body reactions gave way to his actual feelings. Face slightly tinted as he screwed his eyes shut and delved into the feeling of being inside you. His thighs shook as you grasped his hips, slamming him in and out of your pussy mercilessly.
The way he moaned your name was just as satisfactory as his dick pounding into your walls. You stroked the sensitive skin of his sides, pinching and gripping his ass. It was tender in your hands, and you rubbed the flesh as you hoisted him up and down into your hole.
“You like that?” You asked into his ear, nibbling at the exposed hollow of his neck. 
“The e-experiment?” He began, clearing his throat as if to give you a fully proper answer. 
You thrust your hips to meet his.
“Its certainly- c-certainly… I…” He pressed his face into your shoulder, breathing hard as his thighs gave away and he fully submitted into you. Into the sensation of you pumping his length into yourself. 
“Certainly what Bedo…?” You teased, satisfied with his unfinished answer. You didn’t want him to give you his hypothesis, you wanted him to tell you how good he felt, how he wanted you to fuck him harder.
One of your hands rose up to his face, harshly pushing off your shoulder. Your hand came to grip his neck, angling his face in just the ‘right’ position so you could view the ecstasy dimming his eyes. Mouth open while nothing but moans and whimpers escaped, head tilted to the side because he couldnt focus on anything but the feeling of you.
“Feels…. good…” he mumbled, hazy eyes threatening to roll to the back of his head.
Your hand on his neck tightened, and you pulled his head up higher so you could see the diamond like mark on his chest. Pressing a soft kiss to the symbol, he tensed, trying to handle the stimulation on both his dick and neck.
“Now thats the answer I wanted,” you simply said in response, thumb rubbing the sensitive spot on his collarbone. 
Quick Tip - Bondage and toys are also okay with Albedo as long as its for ‘research’ purposes. Seeing his expressions when he’s overstimulated would be all the more better :3
Childe would never willingly submit himself to you, never willingly let himself be submissive when it comes to sex or… anything. As you know, he is a very competitive man, so its easier if you trick him into it. Its consensual of course, Childe would never back down to a challenge, so who’s to say you can’t win for once?
Tell him you’ll be the one fucking him when you get back home.
He will laugh and tell you he’d like to see you try, the smirk on his face telling you he plans to be the one pumping into you all night anyways. 
But you slowly drive him crazy, occasionally brushing your fingers along his hip, up his thighs, ‘accidentally’ on his chest. Until his hard member is throbbing and needy, and he is easy to catch off guard when you make it back home.
He puts his stuff away, changing out of his dirty clothes. But you are prepared when he comes out in his boxers, the rope on his pull up bar undetected by him.
Yes, Childe has a pull up bar on his door, I swear thats canon-
Anyways, as he slowly paces towards you, lustful look in his eyes, you only smirk back. And its when you’ve pulled his hands into the waiting knot and pull the other two ends to secure the bindings, thats when he realizes he’s screwed up.
‘And yes I know Childe could probably break the pull up bar if he wanted to- shush shush.’
“Oh Childe… eating up your words now arent you?”
Tease him.
Degrade him and show him that you are in charge. That you are always in charge, that if you wanted, you could do anything to him. He is at your complete and utter mercy, and he can’t do anything about it.
Look him dead in the eye as the confidence fades from his face. As he can only acknowledge one thing, one thing only.
You’ve won.
“You’re holding up pretty well,” your fingers trailed alongside the side of his face, scanning his features. “Pretty determined arent we? Don’t worry, I’ll fix that up for you quick.”
“Go ahead and try,” was his only answer.
Your fingers gripped his dick firmly, positioning it over your pussy. “Oh I plan to,” you whispered sweetly in a promise. “I can’t wait to see you begging for me, your needy little dick at my complete and utter disposal.”
Before he could answer, you thrust your hips to meet his length, biting your bottom lip slightly. He was big, and a grunt left his lips as he thrust his dick up into your entrance. With a gasp, you grabbed his sides, pushing his ass into the door and flashing him a nasty stare.
“Don’t even try.”
With your hands restraining his body against the wooden door, he was left to deal with your terribly slow pace. As you slowly pumped his member in and out of your pussy, a torturous tempo that even had you yearning for more.
His face was worth it.
“Go faster…” he managed to get through his teeth, “You’re so damn slow-”
You pulled away from his member, letting it hang loose and dripping. Your hand still gripped it though, and with a long prolonged sigh, you looked up to give him a stern face. “Say that again and I’ll make sure you’ll stay stuck tied to the door, helpless and needy like the little whore you are.”
At this, his face scrunched in anger as he tried to pull away from the pull up bar. You pushed a hand to his chest, shoving him back into the door. Of course he wasnt used to being degraded and toyed around like this, but in his position, he needed to learn his place.
“So? What’ll it be?”
Stroking the tip of his cock hard in your hand, you watched as his resistance came to crumble, slow until you rubbed up and down his length. He closed his eyes ever so slightly, a whimper escaping his lips as he threw his head back against the door. You took a step closer, positioning his member right at the entrance of your pussy. You rubbed the tip of it against your clit, letting out a little whine out yourself.
“Fine…” you heard him mumble. “Please… Y/n, fuck me.”
You slowly pulled his cock closer against your hole, till only the tip was inside. “Louder.”
His eyes flashed open to give you a harsh glare, but nevertheless he had no choice but to beg. “Please,” he began, jerking when you pulled his cock into your pussy. So far that he hit his head against the wall in an act to hide his moan. “Oh god Y/n… just like that.” A whimper escaped his lips when you pumped in and out of him. “Dont stop… oh d-dont stop… fuck me… please.”
The slick sounds of squelches and Childe’s ass hitting the door filled the room. “Look at you,” you cooed, rubbing his cheek with your thumb as you looked at his half slitted eyes. “Looking so obedient now arent you? Who knew you were such a good little slut.”
Childe only mewled in response, knees threatening to give in as you thrust into his dick at a quicker pace. His thighs and legs were all but ready to give out, and it was the restraints on his wrists tying him to the pull up bar that kept him upright.
It wasnt till he was overstimulated and barely hanging onto the threads of consciousness when you spoke to him again. Untying the rope on the pull up bar and pulling him against you to bring him into the shower.
“Now now,” was what you whispered into his ear. “I want to hear it from you, who won?”
Your fingers treaded through his hair as he only managed to mumble back, “You.”
Quick Tip - Run. I’m not kidding, morning comes and Childe awakens with his strength back? Bro, get outta there before the mf decides to take revenge-
Kazuha is poetic and takes a gentle approach to intimacy with you. Straight out telling him you want to be in control might throw him off a bit, so its best to lure him into it. Kiss him and whisper loving words into his ear. Have him lose himself in your lips, your words, and he wont notice how you’re not not wearing clothing, and now you’re pegging him in the ass.
Like Diluc, Kazuha wants to be praised, hearing your loving words in his ear. He’s usually the poetic one, so how come you’re the one being so romantic and cute?
Whisper the haiku he read to you yesterday, and he’ll be down and ready for whatever you want.
Overall, Kazuha probably wont mind if you’re dominant in your sex life, considering that he just wants to be loved, and that the intercourse is something intimate between the two of you. Special.
“O-oh… that feels nice…”
Be aware that Kazuha has slightly heightened senses with smell and hearing, and has a general sensitivity along with his senses. So yes, he will moan a lot. Be prepared to hear his usual calm collected voice squeaking and whimpering which each thrust of your hips.
Take advantage of that, touch him, talk to him. Don’t be harsh with Kazuha though- no degradation, teasing is acceptable, but poetic verses and loving words will be his favourite.
Your hands were gentle against his hips, lifting his ass up and spreading his legs at just the right angle. Beneath you, he squirmed just a tad bit, face buried into the bedsheets as his stomach faced the bed, unable to look at you.
“You’re doing so good,” you whispered, your hands at his hips leading to his ass. You softly rubbed the flesh, squishing it in your hands and molding it to expose his needy little hole. He only mumbled something against the white silken sheets, muffled.
You drew your fingers up to your mouth, sucking on them to leave them slick and wet. Tender as you rubbed them against his hole, you slipped them in, slowly pumping in just to stretch him out. Under you, he began to clench the sheets, whimpering something and calling out your name.
Your harness was already tied around your hips and ass, ready as you positioned yourself over him, doggy style.
He jolted when even just the tip touched his tight little hole. You could see his hands shaking, face buried deeper into the mattress. You gently put a hand over his shaking one, pressing a kiss on the back of his neck. “Do you remember that Haiku you wrote me the other day?” You asked him, hoping to distract him for just a moment.
“Y-yeah…” he mumbled back, and you slowly slid the strap on farther down his ass. You felt him shiver against you, thighs trembling at the unknown feeling.
Stretching him out farther, he moaned when you got halfway through. “Mhm, me too.” Your thumb gently stroked the backside of his hand as he quivered beneath you. “It went something like this I think…” You slowly slid the strap on father down. “Sun and moon rejoice…”
He gasped, whining as you eventually did manage to shove it down his ass. His tight hole clenched at the unknown feeling, pleasurable waves rolling back at him.
“Birds of dawn sing songs anew,” you continued, beginning to thrust in and out at a gentle pace. You wished you could see the expressions he was making, the flushed look or the pleasurable one. You could imagine his eyes rolled back as he moaned into your thrusts.
You sped up.
He now tried to meet his ass along with your thrusts, trying to reach deeper and deeper until this unknown knot building up inside him would untie itself. It was uncomfortable, but it felt so good at the same time. Your words sent shivers down his spine.
“Far from home,” you stated at last. “With you.”
Kazuha hummed, clenching his bottom lip to swallow down the moans and whines. “You remembered,” was all he managed to mumble. Half pleasured, half in awe.
“Of course I did.”
Somehow, that made it all the more intimate, and Kazuha wished he could completely give himself to you. He loved you with all his heart, especially with how you made him feel so warm. So full, so happy.
You thrust faster, hands slowly drifting back to his hips so you could thrust his ass into the strap on. You could tell he was coming close with the volume of his moans, thighs shaking and hands raking up and down the beside.
“Y/n…” he cried. “Y-Y/n-”
Quick Tip - Kazuha can be really loud during sex, so make sure that if you’re anywhere public, or on the Crux, to somehow keep it on the quiet side- last thing you want is a grumpy Beidou. “I cOuld heAr yOu hOrny sHits all niGht.”
Venti is quite literally a bottom. Theres really not much convincing you have to do when it comes to actually getting him down on the bed and being in control. Actually, I have a feeling it would take more convincing to get him to be in control, mainly because he likes to be on the receiving end.
When it comes to Venti, despite his delicate small form, you can easily be rough with him. Degrade him and show him that compared to you, he’s nothing. All that Barbatos shit is nothing compared to you, your hand on his neck choking out all his noises and thrusting his dick into you. 
Tie him up.
Or rather, do anything you’d like to him. Venti is by no means fragile. He wants you to be rough with him, push him till he thinks he’s gonna break.
But you’re gonna have to have some hella nice aftercare prepared afterwards.
“Worship me, your god.”
“Worship you? You are nothing but my slut in bed, now get down on your knees and ‘beg.’”
Overstimulate him. Make him keep count everytime he orgasms until he can’t remember anymore. 
“How many times now…?”
“Too much… too m-much-”
Make him cry and cling onto you if you were his lifeline. Because you’re the only thing he can hold onto when you’re shoving his hips inside your pussy. You’re everything to him, he needs you.
It doesn’t take too long for Venti to actually submit himself fully to you, babbling incomprehensible words. Crying out your name, begging for you and agreeing with anything you say.
Venti can be extremely obedient.
You were enjoying the view.
Leaning back into the cushioned wooden chair, legs spread and wide as the smaller boy sat on your lap. He squirmed, hands tied in scratchy rope that kept his hands unavailable to him, leaving him bare and vulnerable to you. His chest was puffed out, nipples bright red as if begging to be sucked.
“Hurry up now,” you began, your unwavering eyes boring into his wide ones. “You were so confident before as well werent you? Telling me to worship you, Barbatos.” You just barely skimmed the skin of his back, up his neck and clenching the locks of hair. Pulling his hair back to get the full glory of his face, obedient for you. “All I see in front of me is a little slut.”
He grinds his throbbing member against you, needy while his lustful eyes peer at you through lidded lashes. “P-please…”
“Please what? Speak up.”
He fidgeted with his restrained hands, flashing a pouty look your way to see if it’d draw a reaction. It didnt. “Put my cock in your pussy,” he instead whimpered, moving his hips closer to your entrance.
You just leaned deeper against the chair, waving your hand to the side as if bored. “You want to bury your dick in my cunt? Go do it yourself then.” He glanced up, pleading eyes as he again pulled at the restraints on his arms. “Go on, I’m waiting.”
Whimpering, he tried to push his hips into you, his cock missing slightly and just pushing against your thighs. He felt so hot, the contrast of the cold air that tingled against his bare skin. His length throbbed and his chest pounded, your little touches igniting fireworks across his skin. “I ca-cant…” he sniffled, again thrusting his hips only to be meant with your thighs. 
You stayed quiet.
Your stare only made his member harder, and he was now lost in the sensation of rutting his hips into your thighs. The stimulation felt good, but not good enough to get him off. No, he wanted your pussy, your calloused hands roughly holding his hips while you drove him into you. The need drove tears to his eyes, thighs shaking with anticipation as he continued pumping feverishly against you.
“You really cant do anything without me can you?” Was your harsh reply, hand positioning his cock right in front of your entrance. Venti only mewled in response, cut off by the sharp motion of your hands on his ass thrusting into your entrance. He was now panting, head leaning against your shoulder for support as you pumped him in and out relentlessly.
“Y/n!! Its.. mm, so g-good.”
“As it should be, your dick belongs to me.”
And he just nodded, letting you take full control of the pace as he laid there and moaned. He couldn’t even manage to push his hips along with your hands to chase his release. Just submitting all sensation to you and the feeling of your walls clenching around his length.
Quick Tip - Make him worship you, sit down on the chair and tell him to suck all your juices dry. Degrade and tell him he’s lucky to get any taste.
Zhongli is pretty open when it comes to trying new things when it comes too sex, considering that with how long he’s lived, its probably nothing new. Nevertheless, the best way to convince Zhongli to go along with whatever you’re saying is just telling him, “Let me make you feel good love.”
Zhongli won’t be fazed by what you decide to do, no matter how kinky or odd it might be, he has no doubt seen worse somewhere else.
You don’t have to worry about being gentle with him, and he won’t really be fazed if you decide to degrade him. Of course, it doesnt turn him on as much as whispering loving words in his ear does, but he wont object either.
Very obedient.
Zhongli knows what he’s getting into, and he never goes back on his word. He says he’ll do something? He will do it.
He’s the god of contracts after all-
“Ah… so tight, just for me?”
Touch his face.
Whether its having your hands around his neck, brushing your thumb over his soft cheeks, or giving him soft forehead kisses, he’ll love it. He wants to make eye contact with you during it, always. Even if you’re the one in control, he wants to have you in his sights as he moans out your name.
You were gentle at first.
Tightening the straps on your hips, you adjusted their positioning as you climbed on the bed. The silk sheets were soft against your knees, soft on your hands as you crawled overtop of the archon. He was laying flat on his back like you’d asked, hands resting against the sheets palms up as he stared up at you. Pensive, waiting.
You went to press a kiss to his lips, one hand at the back of his neck as you bit his bottom lip. Just like you’d asked, he didnt use either one of his hands to hold you or press you tighter against him. Just melted against the rough feel of your lips against his. When you were done, you lifted yourself up to get a good look at him, satisfied with his swollen lips and breathless gasps. You held your fingers to his mouth.
He was compliant, taking your digits and swirling his tongue around in expertise. Coating them in a slick layer of wetness as you pull them out. You get more of a reaction out of him when you press your fingers against his hole, slowly sliding them in. 
“Good, just like that.”
You delved in the sight of your fingers disappearing into the clenched hole of his ass. Sucking them in greedily and making a ‘pop’ when you pulled them out. 
Taking a deep breath in, he hums into the sensation of your fingers slowly filling his ass. He isn’t impatient, instead letting you take slow torturous thrusts of your fingers in and out without complaint.
It all changes when you pull them out and align the tip of the silicon strap on to his hole.
Because you were being nice earlier, coaxing him with your gentle touches and peppering him with kisses. You knew he expected you to be kind, to handle him with care with each thrust. To say that you loved him and him to say the same.
Nothing wrong with surprises.
It must’ve been a nice surprise by the looks of it, because when you fully sheathed the strap on into his ass in one stroke, his back arched, a moan escaping his lips as he now clenched the sheets. Eyes wide and mouth wide and panting, you thrust in and out without mercy, watching the strap on disappear deeply into his ass before you pulled it all out and slammed it back into him. A pattern that had his eyes rolling back and mindless sounds escaping his lips.
Your hands, gripping both sides of his thighs, propped them up on either of your shoulder. Zhongli through his dazed eyes managed to give you one confused look before you pumped the strap on right back, and the angle had him crying out your name feverishly as he curled his toes. His walls clenched tightly around the silicon, the strap on reaching so far in his ass that all he could do was moan and cry for more.
“So pretty,” you commented, another hand stroking his hard neglected member. “Just for me.”
Quick Tip - For someone new or someone who hasnt actually dominated anyone in bed before, Zhongli is a perfect first option. Will provide no judgement at all, and might actually help you out if you get nervous.
Dainsleif prefers to be in control, to have full superiority when fucking you. He doesn’t see any reason for you to suddenly act like the boss, after all he respects you and would never do anything to hurt you. However, if you give him a reason to force him into submission, he’ll put up a fight, but will eventually sink down for you.
Tease him.
Dominating Dainsleif is a one time thing, which means you have to take advantage of it with all you can. Drink in all of his expressions because believe me when I say you wont see them anywhere else.
Tell him this is ‘punishment.’
When he asks what he did, don’t answer. Just grab the hems of his jacket and throw him on the bed. Strip him bare and tell him that you could list all the things he did, but you want him to think about it instead.
And he does.
He’s always the one coming home to tell you he needs a good little fuck after work. And then you’re laying on the bed while he takes out his frustrations, and you know he doesnt mean to hurt you but-
“Say it again.”
“I’m… I’m s-sorry Y/n. Please do-dont touch… mm, don’t touch m-me there- ah!!!”
So you do the same with him, and he lays there and takes it like a good boy. Because he deserves the punishment, at least you’ve told him that much.
Degrade him.
Overstimulate him and don’t let him orgasm, keep edging him on like Kaeya and don't allow him to have even an ounce of the release he’s craving for. After all, this is punishment, you arent giving him any rewards.
Stroke him and bring him to his orgasm, only to pull away. 
And while you edge him, whisper dirty little things in his ear. Of what you would’ve done if he wasn't being punished, how you wouldve made him feel so good. Till he was crying your name nonstop, till he couldn't walk the next morning.
Oof, better luck next time Dainsleif.
His hips bucked feverishly against your hand, the slick juices covering his dick making a squelching noise every time your palm slid up and down his length.
Dainsleif was panting, hands tied behind his back and knees tied to the bedposts as he laid there in all his vulnerability, His legs were spread wide and exposed, wet with precum just for you. 
“Y/n… please…”
You weren't sure how many times you’d heard that sentence tonight, certainly too many. And even if it was his nth time that he’d reached his climax and you didn't let him orgasm, it didn't matter. This was punishment, he wasn't supposed to like it, he was supposed to lay there and take it.
“Shut up you slut, if I want to let your pathetic little cock cum, I’ll let you.” Your thumb rubbed the tip, eliciting a gasp from him. “And if I don’t, you’ll just have to put your big boy pants on and deal with it.”
You lowered your head till your face was in line with his growing erection. As if he could sense your plans, he twitched in your grip, groaning in want, in ‘need.’ Slowly, you pressed a kiss to the tip, letting him know exactly what you planned to do.
He squeaked out in shock, or rather, as high of a squeak as he could manage. His voice was still rather deep afterall.
“If I wasnt punishing you… maybe this wouldve been my pussy instead.”
But you didn’t stop, opening up your lips to slowly suck the head of his dick. Your other two hands strokes his sides, groping and feeling around his hard length.
“If you d-do it like that… I’ll… I’ll…”
Your mouth widened to swallow more of his dick, tongue swirling around the tip as you sunk deeper into his hips. He squirmed, legs trying to thrash around but held by the restraints on his knees. Moans and whispers escaped his lips as he tried to move his arms to no avail. He was coming close, he could feel the sensation grow from the pit of his stomach, member tingling and warm as you sucked him in.
He was so close… almost there… just a little more and-
You pulled away.
Licking your lips, your hand wiped away any stray liquid on your face. 
“If I wasnt punishing you,” you began mockingly. “Maybe I would’ve let you cum.”
And Dainsleif was left to simply hit his head against the sheets, a groan of frustration escaping his lips as his throbbing member pulsed with need. 
Quick Tip - Blindfold him. He won’t know when or what you plan to do, and that makes it all the more arousing.
Scaramouche would never in hell allow you to top him, or anyone else for that matter. He is always in control, he is always thrusting into you as you sob for him, beg for him. Until he’s not. With Scaramouche, its simpler than you think, but it does involve the fact that you need to be strong. Physically, because Scaramouche without his hat and vision is basically useless :’)
Make him earn it.
Stay away from the short boy for a long time, tease him when you see him, and deny him any release when he wants to fuck you. He came back home from a tough day at work and wants to fuck you silly? You’re not there. He feels horny one night and tries to find you? Make yourself disappear.
He’ll grow needy.
And here ladies and gentleman, is where you strike. Because poor little Scaramouche needs you so much that he might even be willing to bow down and follow any of your commands so long as he gets a release.
And you better damn well take advantage of that.
Make him go on his two very own knees, make him ‘earn it.’ Earn the right to have you pleasure him.
“Lick my juices until thats the only thing you can taste, the only thing you’ll want to taste.”
“Yes… maam…”
“Yes maam.”
“I said louder you whore.”
Degrade him, make him feel like nothing compared to you. Because just for this once, this moment, you can. 
Convince him that he is nothing without you, that he needs you to survive.
And then after that, grab his hips and thrust his dick into you. Until he lost count of how many times he’s came. Till he’s hanging onto his consciousness by a thread and is fucked silly by you.
“Fucking slut.”
You leaned into the chair, watching as Scaramouche thrust into you again and again with the help of your two hands on his hips. Eyes dazed and clouded, he could no longer focus on the details. He didn’t notice how you degraded him, how it was basically you that guided his cock in and out of your pussy. 
But he was gone, far too gone. Sensations around his body sent him on a rollercoaster, and his dick felt numb, the slightest tingle of heat climbing up his chest. He felt good, that was all that mattered in him dumbed up state.
Your hand came to caress the skin of cheek, a sickening laugh erupting from your lips as you focused on the way he stared at you. “I fucked you dumb didnt I?” You cooed, never stopping the motion of your other hand guiding him in and out of your pussy. “Fucked you so good that you cant even talk.”
He just hummed in response, lips breaking off into a moan.
“Good,” you whispered to him, pulling his head closer to rest against your shoulder. “Such a good boy for me.”
And then your hands were on his neck, squeezing slightly to alter the pitch of his moans as you lead his face down to yours. Till you pressed a kiss to his gentle lips, a once in a lifetime opportunity where you could take control of the kiss, of him. Licking his bottom lip and sliding your tongue in to rub against his. Lips parting to kiss, his dumbed out whimpers a musical melody in tune with the pace of your hands dragging his dick in and out of your overstimulated cunt. 
Quick Tip - Uhm…? Run? Similarly to Childe, Scaramouche aint gonna react positively in the morning. Might discard your body for seeing him in that state. Jeez… what's up with the harbingers….
On a side note… after writing this, I kinda feel like I’ve discovered I have a choking kink… ;-;
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enhorny · 3 years
imagine that happens during a sleepover at their dorm, you and heeseung are fake dating to get jays attention (lets imagine you have a big fat crush on him :D i mean who doesnt) but heeseung is secretly falling in love with you so when you sit on his lap, butting his dick, hes having a hard time not to get hard.. and to make him look less stiff, he wraps his arm on your waist, pulling you closer to him.
youre wearing a mini skirt on purpose, knowing jay is a sucker for thighs, and it works like a magic.. heeseung caught jay eyeing your plump thighs like a predator and oh boy was he jealous.. you notice jay was eyeing you too so you lead heeseungs hand moving along your thighs, signaling him to keep on touching you.
he grips on your right thigh, leaving red mark as a result, with his other hand moving painfully close to your clothed womanhood, massaging your inner thighs.
"youre enjoying this arent you?" heeseung whispered in your ear, nibbles your earlobes, sucking and licking it hungrily.
"mhm" you keep an eye contact with jay as heeseung devour your neck, trailing wet kisses along it, sucking softly at your sweet spot making you let out soft moan, still keeping the eye contact with jay.
"like it when jay stares at you being a complete whore for me is it?" he tugs your hair, exposing your neck on full display.
"yes.." you let out a breathy moan, feeling worked up with heeseungs dirty talk.
"yes what slut?" heeseung grips on your neck tightly.
"y-yes daddy" you whined helplessly.
the thought of having jay watching you being railed by heeseung makes you wet and you just wanted to have heeseung dick you down infront of him.
"youre gonna keep the eye contact and dont cover your moans.. got it slut?" heeseung warned.
"yes daddy" he opens you thighs, sliding your panties to the side.
"what does a good girl says if she wants something?" he grips your jaw, pushing your face harshly so youre facing jay.
"please.." you whined, getting impatient as you give jay a lewd look.
"i have a name slut" he slaps you, making you let out a needy moan.
"please daddy just fuck me already!" you whined, needing his dick in you.
"you want to be punished isnt it? now bare with it slut, im not giving you my dick.. take my fingers like a good girl and dont cum until i say so" he sticks his fingers inside you, moving painfully slow as you squirm in his arms.
"gotta make him know i fuck you good with my fingers, yeah?" he smirks, pulling out his fingers, which is now coated by your wetness.
"only you can fuck me good daddy" you breathe out, staring at the tensed figure youve been crushing.
'daddy..' you mouthed to him, biting your fingers seductively.
"you ready slut?" you nod, licking your wetness off his fingers, sucking them gently, still remaining the eye contact.
heeseung removes his fingers from your mouth, spitting on them and rams his digits in your core.
"fuck d-daddy mhn" you moaned as you feel him curling his fingers, hitting your sweet spot.
heeseung uses his other hand to grip your jaw, forcing you to face jay, who is now slowly stroking his cock.
"looks like someone is enjoying the show, huh?" he quickens his pace, you swear youre going to burst right here right now with how fast he was going.
"d-daddy please.. its too much" you cried, body shaking as you feel the pleasure building up.
"with just my fingers? oh baby no, a good slut can take much more" he chuckled.
jay is now sitting on his back, strings of white cum on his button up, signalling he came just by looking at you fucked up figure.
"daddy i cant hold in any longer" you cried, shutting your eyes as your back arching away from him.
"then let it go" he pulls out almost immediately. youre body falls in his arms, squirting, body shaking as you ride out your high.
you open your eyes, seeing jay walking to your direction, and before you could even open your mouth, heeseung cuts you off,
"care to join?"
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