#he is autism ceo
elengo4it · 2 years
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greghatecrimes · 8 months
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Amber looking cunty as always. and Thirteen in the middle there... hello autism
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plutonium-love · 2 years
Ricky Lafleur
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carolofthebell · 3 months
Our nation is burning because Boomers refuse to respect anyone younger than them.
They don’t pay livable wages to younger people, so we’re all in debt or living paycheck to paycheck, and don’t have enough money to contribute to campaigns. They won’t contribute to campaigns of anyone younger than them. Neither party has put forth a Gen-Xer since Obama (and born in 61 he’s barely Gen-X.) Does anyone else remember the articles about Obama being the first of a new Generation of leaders? That hasn’t happened.
List I made organizing Presidents by Birth Year:
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gigamuffin · 8 months
man speaking of blonde sailors i want to go insane over røde ruben again right now.....
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dejjablu · 2 years
forever gonna be on my thorin is autistic agenda....hes the autism
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weirdtakoyaki · 2 years
Broke: woobified goofy do-good rhys who is just one long joke about how he's dorkyand cringe
Bespoke: scumbag dyed in the wool capitalist Rhys who's about what you'd expect from a CEO of a major weapons corporation but still a cringe dork
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asfshfrgfg · 1 year
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autism is his superpower
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rad-batson · 8 months
I’m like 99% sure the Gotham Elite’s social customs are fucked up because Autism-in-Human-Form Bruce Wayne was just so fucking tired of high society’s weird and incomprehensible (and frankly ableist) social etiquette that he went full Virgin Mary About-to-Invent-a-Major-World-Religion, said “oh haven’t you heard?” and just started making his own random social rules. Like who’s going to stop him? The other elites? The dinosaur CEO’s? He’s richer. He hosts the better parties. He could tank your business in a weekend. So when he says “Weird passive aggressive fork language is out. Having a different utensil for every different food texture is in,” you use a different utensil for every food texture. Now when foreign elites visit Gotham, they have to learn a completely new set of social customs to fit in. It’s like a cult, but the cult is run by the most influential man in the world and Gotham’s personal Jesus. The followers are more likely than not mafia bosses named after a bird. You will be judged. There’s a test. Yes, you do get brownie points for being nice to the servers. For the love of god, stop making so much eye contact. The cloth napkins are folded into little ducks. Welcome to Gotham.
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beausprouts · 3 months
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I made this timeline JUST FOR THIS MOMENT. More rambling under the cut if anyone is curious 👍
So essentially I changed everything because I can. I've been in the fandom since like the first game came out and I was a baby so it's my right to mold the lore to what I want thank you very much.
I essentially just condensed it. So FNAF 3 and the events of the Steel Wool era are combined. It makes sense to me that a company like the one that owns the Pizzaplex would use a literal real life murder spree to make a haunted house. Did you guys see the Scraptrap arcade cabinet? Yeah. Exactly.
I took inspiration from the movie with how Will was able to have a weird psychic connection to the kids, and controlled them in a way to how Henry's relationship with the missing children is in this continuity. He was essentially able to convince them it was Will that killed them. Only Charlie knows the truth, because she hasn't revealed herself to her father and pretty much saw everything happen (yikes). I like to think that Charlie and Will kind of team up similarly to how Henry and Mike team up in canon? A perfect mirror flip.
I'm toying big time with some twists, I do like the mimic as a villain but I haven't decided yet if I'm going to use him for this plotline. Maybe! Who knows maybe Henry never made it to his 70s and the current CEO was the mimic all along ooh spoookyyy.
My OC Beau essentially replaces Vanny as the partner in crime to Springtrap. Though this time the goal is to clear his name and to free the souls of the children. Vanessa is still around but nothing bad ever happens to her because she doesn't deserve it and I love her.
I want Michael to get out of the Sister Location spot under the Pizzaplex and become a minor antagonist too because him, Evan, and Elizabeth all also blame William for what happened, what reason would they have to believe otherwise its fair.
So yeah y'know, drawing my stupid oc being silly with Springs ended up getting its own lore bible my bad. Autism moment.
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mudboowl · 1 year
hi Hello.
How would you describe the ship dynamic of PeskyBlaze? Any Headcanons or lil ideas of moments between them?
(This totally isn't an excuse to hear more about the ship and potentially draw and/or it. Definitely not)
Thank you beloved PeskyBlaze CEO.
They're like, This Hyperfocused Genius who is still incredibly silly cuz bro says stuff like Skadoodle & All over the place Chaos bringer who visits his busy Boyfriend so he isn't as alone while working on his passion project
(My moot described them as Autism x ADHD and I have not been able to get that out of my head)
I think they just have such amazing energy when they're together, like they just amplify eachothers Goofy silly nature and I just hope we see even more of them together
And for headcanons:
I like to imagine Tango pretends to be oblivious and surprised sometimes when Grian pulls pranks on him just so Grian has his fun
I also imagine Tango communicates through the small blue flames I gave him in my design, and sometimes he sends them to Grian to whisper Sweet nothings to him <3
Oh I had so many but I am very forgetful... I will add to this eventually!!
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marlenacantswim · 1 year
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"I don't remember a time when I didn't want to be a police officer, apart from the summer of 1979 when I wanted to be Kermit the Frog."
for @whoophoney, with love.
i know for a fact that nicholas angel, autism CEO, would absolutely, as a child, refuse to watch any movie that didn't feature kermit. he rewatched the muppet movies like crazy. if anyone lied about kermit being in a movie just so he'd watch it, he'd have a meltdown once he realized.
danny's so lucky nicholas loves him so incredibly. for the first time, his cinema palette is expanding, and he's okay with it.
lineart and flats under the cut, snippy snip
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why are there so many... songs, about rainbows... and what's on the other side...?
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thebetterbrogane · 3 months
what a week (quotes pt 6)
"If I'm tired, drunk, and I need to shit, I could collapse empires with my rage."
"I love the taste of nagleria fowleri in the morning."
"Why is the ground shaking?" "Did yo mama step in the room?"
"Don't joke about that, my daddy's dead! You keep playing like that, you can meet his ass!"
"I will defeat you with the power of friendship... and this GUN I found!"
"The three alignments: OCD, ADHD, and autism." "The three genders?"
"You can always take a shit in a McDonalds." "Doesn't even have to be in the bathroom, in some towns!"
"You all bring up Weird Al like he isn't hot, either. And yes, Shiro, you can absolutely quote that."
"She Katherine on my Lindsey 'til I Holt."
"Ah, yes. My favorite author, J. R. R. Jorkin."
"I, too, could beat the shit out of a small fish right now."
"Why is it called a restroom? I was fighting for my life in there."
"Having long nails is nice until I have to wipe my ass." sarcastically "I love tearing out hemorrhoids with my Wolverine claws." in response "Ya wanna know how I got these scars, Batman?"
"My everything hurts, I think I'm having growing pains." "Shit, me too, my back's killing me!" "Oh, I bet, you old coot."
"The CEO of Coca Cola himself could shit in a can and it'd be their new best-seller."
"Imagine you're just walking through the park and you come across someone pants-down, mid-shit in the river." shrugs "Average day in Texas." in response "In the river? Do you normally sit in the toilet when you take a shit, as opposed to on it?"
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odinsblog · 7 months
Since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched his campaign challenging President Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination, he has given hours of interviews to podcasts, magazines and TV networks. He paints a dark, conspiratorial picture of the world, bristling with debunked theories, misleading claims and outright falsehoods.
Wi-Fi causes cancer and “leaky brain,” Kennedy told podcaster Joe Rogan last month. Antidepressants are to blame for school shootings, he mused during an appearance with Twitter CEO Elon Musk. Chemicals in the water supply could turn children transgender, he told right-wing Canadian psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson, echoing a false assertion made by serial fabulist Alex Jones. AIDS may not be caused by HIV, he has suggested multiple times.
There's no credible evidence for any of these assertions or for Kennedy's longest-running false claims: that vaccines cause autism and are more harmful than the diseases they're designed to protect against.
Yet Kennedy is building a campaign for the highest office around these conspiracy theories and the idea that fact-checking or criticizing them amounts to censorship. His throughline is the bedrock conspiratorial premise that “they” (the government, pharmaceutical companies, the media) are lying to you, but that he is telling the truth.
—RFK Jr.’s presidential campaign is built around conspiracy theories
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
KICKING DOWN THE DOOR TO YOUR ASK BOX. AUTISTIC PHANTOM (he is crying, shock) omg he is just like me. "Are those good tears or bad tears?" Asked byyyy Dewdrop who really does care a whole lot, but doesn't really know what to do when the new guy cries after rituals & has limited experience with ghautism so he can seem like he is irritated with the new bug sometimes when he is actually just frustrated he cant help (can we pretend Rain isnt ceo of autism just for this one?💀)
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!Emetophobia warning! It’s not graphic but it’s there
When Dew walked into the Venue bathroom, the last thing he had expected to see was a very wet, very naked Phantom, curled up in a ball on the shower floor sobbing. 
“Hey, shit, what happened?” Dew knelt down beside him, gently pushing his wet hair out of his eyes. “Are those good tears or bad tears?
Phantom looks up at Dew, tear’s rolling down his cheeks and his body jumps with the intensity of his sob, before burying his head back into knees.
“Bad tears, of course they’re bad tears, no one cries like that because they happy.” Dew says out loud to himself. He places a hand on Phantoms shoulder, feeling him jump at the touch, another harsh sob wracking his body. “I don’t- what happened? Can- can I help?”
Phantom shakes his head, his hands slapping over his ears so hard it created an echo in the bathroom. His breathing picks up, coming out in short sharp pants. He looks at Dew with panic written all over his face. His eyes go wide and he gags, slapping his hands over his mouth.
“Oh shit, oh for fuck sake.” Dew rolls his eyes at Phantom, storming out of the bathroom, leaving Phantom all alone on the floor of the bathroom once again.
Phantom hyperventilates fully, he can’t catch his breath, his chest feels like it’s closing in on itself. He gags again, feeling his mouth fill with saliva, and lets out a pathetic whimper, pressing his hands harder into his mouth. He pulls his knees tighter to his chest, shaking wildly as he gags again. He feels bile rise in his throat and lets out a scream, desperately screwing his eyes closed.
The bathroom door opens again, and Dew back walks in, a thick white blanket in his hands.
Phantom makes a choked off sound and gags again, looking up at Dew with pure fear in his eyes.
Dew drops to his knees in front of him just in time for Phantom to turn his head to the side and vomits.
“Oh shit, I um- don’t - its okay?” Dew very cautiously pets at Phantoms shoulder as he gags and vomits once again.
Phantom whimpers, pressing his hands to his mouth once again. 
“Hey, hey, don’t do that. If you’re gunna vomit just let it happen. 
Phantom screws his eyes closed again, shaking his head, gagging harshly. 
“Look at me, look at me, darling.” Dew tucks a strand of hair behind Phantoms ear. phantom looks up at him with big wet eyes. “That’s it, good boy. Keep look at me, okay? 
Phantom sobs, shaking his head, vomiting again. 
“It’s okay, let it out. You’re doing so good.” Dew rubs at his back, in what he hopes is comforting circles, remembering what Aether had done to him to get him to calm down. 
Dew takes Phantoms hand, placing them on his chest. 
“Feel my breathing, okay? Follow my breathing.” He takes a deep exaggerated breath, letting his chest expand with it. 
Phantom copies him, taking a shaky breath in and exhales with a sob. 
“That’s it, good boy.” 
Dew takes another breath and Phantom copies him once again. 
They go on like that for a while, until Phantoms breathing had evened out and the tears had stopped rolling down his cheeks. He eventually slumps into Dews arms, exhausted. Dew uses the sleeve of his T-shirt to clean off Phantoms mouth. 
Dew pulls him onto his arms fully, pulling the naked ghoul onto his lap. 
“You did so well, darling. I’m so proud of you.” 
Phantom squeaks, resting his head on Dews shoulder. 
“Words still too hard for you?”
Phantom shakes his head, clinging to Dews T-shirt. 
Dew runs a hand through his hair, scratching behind his ears.
“That’s okay, baby. You don’t have to talk yet.” 
Dew rocks them gently from side to side, pulling the blanket he’d brought with him around phantom. The quintessence ghoul squeaks, rubbing the soft fabric against his cheek. 
“It’s nice right? So soft. Cumulus use to wrap me up in when I’d get like this” Dew let’s out a small laugh. “I think I stole it from her more then she gave it to me. It’s like a cloud, it always reminds me of her.” 
Phantom let’s put a hum, feeling himself sink into the blanket and Dews embrace, the feeling of the soft fabric all over his body made him relax. 
“Next time you feel like this, like everything is too much and like the world is going to crush you, you come to me, okay? I might not be the best with these kinds of situations, but I will always try to help.” 
Phantom hums in agreement, pressing his forehead Dews with a happy thrill, and finally, finally, a purr rumbles though his chest. 
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taptrial2 · 5 months
oh god the autism it's overlapping. we see vlad use a variety of different fountain pens in danny phantom and he is TOTALLY a montblanc guy. one of those hyperexpensive one in 1,000 limited edition world leader pens or something, probably a football player themed one. he uses de atramentis document inks or platinum carbon black if hes feeling a little zesty and different. he gives danny a lime green glow in the dark kaweco sport and at first danny HATES it and think its a trap or a tracker or something but its legit just a pen. he thinks it makes him look nerdy to use it at school but he DOES use it at home and manages not to spring the tines because of some stern instruction from vlad (that he also hated). it inevitably gets dropped nib down or something but just vlad replaces it whenever that happens. danny hates benefiting from vlad's wealth or getting ANY gifts from him... but it is a really nice pen and he uses it a lot so he begrudgingly accepts the replacements
btw vlad absolutely has one of the urushi vanishing points on his desk hes totally that kind of ceo. one of the ones with sparkly blue.
also sidenote jack and maddie are using those oily ballpoint bic pens that come in packs of 40 and jazz either uses pilot g2s, sparkly gel pens from the dollar store, or eventually a twsbi eco because she wanted something "fancy" to use to make her feel more mature and girlbossed up (is baby)
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