#he just sleeps in a hammock after all. hes not used to blankets
thought about the idea of giving mangey a weighted blanket
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he didn't stand a chance against it
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onepiece-fics · 7 months
Strawhats' reaction to their S/O napping randomly in weird places
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Summary: Strawhats reacting to their partner falling asleep in weird places in positions randomly.
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader. General fluff. Mentions of gaslighting but in a joking way (incredibly unserious).
Word count: 1126 
Honestly, he’s too stupid to consider that it could be a health issue so he just kinda thinks it’s cute
It’s not until someone like Chopper or Nami asks him if you’re okay that he’s like “Wait a damn minute…. Is my partner okay???”
He’ll confront you about it, super concerned, asking if you’re dying and you’ll be like “ ??? what now???”
He’ll sit with you as Chopper examines you with very stern eyebrows. When Chopper tells him that you’re fine he has the BIGGEST smile on his face.
Would probably either join your naps (and also sleep in weird places/positions) or poke you until you wake up lol. 
Dude will join your naps, no questions asked.
He’ll ask you if you’re okay, but once you tell him that you’re fine he shrugs his shoulders and just lies down near you. 
If you look particularly uncomfortable if you’ve somehow squeezed yourself in between two boxes or something he might pick you up and plop you down in a hammock instead.
Most of the time though he just sits or lays down next to you, with an arm around your shoulder or waist.
He knows you think it's adorable to wake up with him half-snuggled into you <3
Before you start dating she might judge you a little. She might give you a weird look when she finds you hanging from your legs in her tangerine trees lmao.
When you start dating though she’ll find it cute as hell. Whenever she’s just walking around on the ship and finds you in the most random places it’ll make her giggle. 
When she finds you she’ll squat down beside you, move your hair from your face, and give you a kiss on your forehead as you wake up.
“Wake up sleepyhead, surely this can’t be comfortable?” she’ll say teasingly as she pulls you up on your feet (and drags you away to go cuddle somewhere) 
He thinks it’s soooo cute but…. He might jokingly gaslight you about it.
“Oh Y/N? Remember that time I found you sleeping in the Cola barrel and you heat all of Franky's cola up with your body temperature? No? Dang, and Franky got so sad about the Cola too…”
He’ll only gaslight you for a little bit though before kissing you and telling you it’s a joke. He’s not doing it maliciously, he just thinks it’s funny to tease you and make up stories (and tell them to Chopper who totally believes it every time)
Honestly, I feel like Usopp would be the type to tuck blankets and pillows away in the most random places that you tend to fall asleep in, in hopes that you would use them.
He would also tell you to call for him if you start feeling sleepy so he can wake you up! 
In reality though, if you do call for him he’ll just get super soft and cuddly with you and you’d both end up napping together. 
He’d be SO worried about you it’s not even funny
Would be sprinting to Chopper with you in his arms the first time you fall asleep in a weird place asking him to cure you immediately
After an intense check-up from Chopper (with Sanji crying, holding your hand) he’ll be so relieved that you’re fine.
He might scold you if he finds you in positions that look particularly uncomfortable, but he wouldn’t ever wake you up. He’d just pick you up and place you on a sofa somewhere and wait until you woke up to scold you.
Like Usopp, he would also ask you to tell him if you were feeling sleepy, but with cuddling 110% in mind.
If you ever come over to him and tell him that you’re sleepy you best believe this man is dropping WHATEVER he’s doing to pick you up and run somewhere you two could cuddle. 
As a doctor, he’ll ask you some questions about it and be able to give you some advice on what to do.
Might prescribe you melatonin pills to take when you go to bed at night in hopes that you don’t nap at weird times/places.
Would definitely keep an eye on you and might get upset if you nap when he tells you not to (how could you do that to the poor doctor T_T)
I don’t think Robin would be all too worried honestly, I think she’d just find it cute
Similarly to Zoro, I think she might sit/lay next to you if she finds you and just read for a bit, stroking your hair if you’re lying in her lap.
She trusts that both you and Chopper know what’s healthy or not regarding your naps.
She might propose a daily naptime for you lol. Like, just a 40 min nap time where you’re leaning against her in the hammock or something like that.
It takes him a while to notice at first, and when someone tells him they found you under a carpet in the dining room he doesn’t believe them at all. When he goes to look for you and finds you under the dining room carpet though…. He loses his mind.
Honestly, I feel like Franky would just be baffled more than anything.
“But why would you nap there?? Aren’t there better places to nap? What if someone steps on you?” Mans is just incredibly confused. 
Might make you a smartwatch that gives him a notification whenever you fall asleep so he can go get you and put you to bed lol 
After it happens like 10 times he just starts joking about it even though he still doesn’t really understand. 
Another one that doesn’t really reflect on how weird it is lol
If he sees you lying somewhere random on deck he might just laugh at you
Will tease you about it when you wake up, might even make a stupid rhyme about it and get Luffy and Chopper in on the teasing as well 
But it’s all lighthearted at the end of the day!
I feel like Jinbei would be very confused like Franky, but would ultimately find it kind of cute. 
Might pick you up and carry you to your or his bed and tuck you in with a little kiss on the forehead
More than anything I feel like if another strawhat found you sleeping somewhere weird they would come up to him like “Jinbeiiii, they fell asleep on the stairs againnn” like it’s his duty to go pick you up lol. 
He might tease you a little bit about it because he finds it silly, but more than anything he finds it cute. 
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mydearlybeloathed · 8 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you just can't get to sleep thanks to a terrible rainstorm terrorizing the ship. luckily, your tossing and turning inspired nami with an idea: just go sleep with the swordsman.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: roronoa zoro x fem!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k
don' ask about the aesthetic k? k 💙
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With how the hail storm rattled against the hull of the ship, and how the vessel careened on the waves, you were at a loss as to how Nami was fast asleep already.
The crew had settled down for sleep hours ago, the laughter and teasing from dinner falling into a soft silence draping over each and every one of you—well, except you, that is.
Even after months at sea, the incessant rocking had you curling into yourself, headache blooming under the skin of your temples. Groaning, you rolled around on your sheets, burying your face in your pillow as you shoved the blanket off your shoulders and down your body. Chill air hit you instantly, a contrast to the sweat rising from your skin. All you wanted was sleep, but your ears rang with the sound of rainfall and the far off thunder rumbling through the sky.
You tossed and turned again and again, rest ever so far away and the sway of the Going Merry making kept your mind alert with all its tilts and jumps. Yet another grunt of frustration huffed from your lips, and Nami finally sprang up, glaring at you from across the cabin.
“What’s wrong?” she demanded, her eyes heavy and her annoyance high.
Great. Now Nami was upset, which usually lasted a whole day if you were unlucky. You didn’t bother turning back to look at her, digging yourself deeper into your blanket. “Sorry…”
She sighed and rubbed at her cheek, gaze drifting over your exhausted form, taking in what she could in the dark. Settling back down, Nami said what she’d been thinking for the past two hours of listening to you loll around restlessly. “Just go sleep with Zoro.”
A beat passed, your eyes slowly opening as you tried to convince yourself you’d heard her wrong. You flipped around and gaped at the girl slinking into her sheets with a smirk you would catch through any dark room. “What? Why would I—Why would you—Nami!”
She chuckled darkly, her bright eyes finding yours. Nami propped her head up on her hand. “It wouldn’t be the first time, right?”
Trying and failing to make a comeback, you opened and closed your mouth like a gaping fish, settling on crossing your arms over your chest. “That’s none of your business.”
“Uh-huh,” she drawled. “But I’ve got dawn watch and am in desperate need of sleep.” All you did was stare at her, your glare fading. Nami rolled onto her back, offering into the silence, “It’s not like he’ll turn you away.”
You tried so very hard to let her logic roll off your shoulders, but it was cold (Zoro was warm) and you were tired (Zoro was a good napping buddy). As appealing as the idea was, you didn’t want to bother him. Zoro was probably just getting back from his night watch, Sanji heading up to the deck in his wake. Zoro wouldn’t turn you away, but he might grumble at you, and sometimes that was worse.
“Stop overthinking,” Nami’s voice whispered through a hiss. “He likes you.”
She was just trying to give you heart palpitations saying stuff like that. “Does not.”
“Mhmm. Get some sleep… with Zoro.”
You threw your pillow across the room, missing her bed by a longshot. You could throw pillows and shout whispered words at her all you wanted—it didn’t change that she had a point.
It wouldn’t be the first time you crawled into Zoro’s hammock late at night, seeking shelter from sleeplessness that seemed to miraculously melt in his embrace. Nami might’ve been right; Zoro might like you, at least more than he liked anybody else. It was confusing most days, but your mind was so mushy with fatigue you didn’t bother running over the finer details of your affections for the swordsman.
You puffed out a huff, eliciting a growl from the dark, “Go. Or neither of us will sleep.”
“Fine.” You threw off your blanket and marched out of the cabin before you could lose your nerve, trudging through the nearly pitch black hall of the Merry. 
You yelped as you tripped over a discarded broom, cursing into the night as you kicked it aside and kept on toward the boy’s cabin. As soon as you laid eyes on the closed door, your footsteps faltered, heart stuttering. 
The ship leaned on the waves and sent you teetering into the wall, and the decision was suddenly easy. You inched the door open gently, wincing at the momentary creak, and slipped inside. 
The boys’ cabin always had a… unique scent to it. Somewhere between burning socks and musk is how Nami described it. Honestly (now, you would never tell her this), you just thought it smelled like Zoro. Though Zoro might’ve been slightly less odorous on good days, you mused.
The swordsman of your infatuation lay in a swaying hammock tied up between two support beams holding up the ceiling. A flash of lightning illuminated his peaceful face for a brief moment, and the room was back to black. 
Collecting your wits, you approached him slowly, careful not to step on any of the clutters the boys left lying about. Lip pinched between your teeth, you stepped around a crate of slingshot ammo Usopp had crafted, catching your foot on the slingshot itself and jumping out of the way. 
You swept the room fretfully, yet no one stirred, the usual snores rising and falling. A sigh puffed form your chest as you turned back to Zoro’s hammock, only to lock eyes with the stoic swordsman as he gazed blearily up at you.
Lurching back, you calmed your racing heart and huffed at him. “You scared me.”
Zoro leaned up on his elbows, confused. “You scared me.” His gaze flickered all over your face. “What’re you doing?”
You fisted your hands, feeling like a deer at headlights, and blurted, “Nami kicked me out.”
Zoro’s brows drew instantly. “What?” He rose halfway when you hand found his chest, gently pushing him back down.
“I mean,” you amended. “I couldn’t sleep, and she got tired of me rolling around…” Bashful in how you averted your eyes, swaying on your feet, “I… sleep better with you. Y’know?”
Not even a second later he tugged on your arm to draw you closer, shuffling over to offer you some room. You smiled softly, falling into the space beside him, molding right into his side. “Yeah, I know.”
Your face warmed, your heart swelled, and you rested your head on the rigid outline of his shoulder, adjusting to find a comfortable place. Zoro’s arm slid under you and curled you further into his side, a sigh pulling from his chest, his muscles literally relaxing under each of your touches. 
There wasn’t a name for what you and Zoro were, not yet anyway, and somehow you were fine with that. He was there, and you were there, and that felt like enough. For now, you let your eyes finally give way to exhaustion, the pelting of the rain growing fainter and fainter. 
Nami was a tease, but she made some good points a lot of the time. You’d have to thank her in the morning, after you finally got to sleep in the arms of your swordsman.
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ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
konig or ghost w/ a reader whos like a weighted blanket for them!!
cant sleep without em’
Help I wrote this out all wrong at first and had to rewrite it bc I misread it lol, so I'll also post the alternate version bc it was good >> here
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
You always laid on him because he was comfy, crawling up between his legs and wrapping your arms underneath his torso and resting your head on his chest as it slowly rose and fell with his calming breaths.
Loves it, honestly probably more than you do.
Finally was able to sleep well, like a baby, with your weight comforting him.
It was such a routine, he always had a hard time sleeping but now it was much harder, so much that he couldn't sleep without you.
Embraces you completely, whispering sweet words into your ear as he caressed your head, stroking your hair and back.
When he was on deployment, he had to try to replace your weight with an actual weighted blanket but it wasn't near the same as holding you.
He even bunched it up in a way to resemble you, then got mad at it for not being as good as you, throwing it across the room before he gave up on sleeping.
You were laying down for bed, straddling him as you lay across his bare chest, giving it soft kisses as you soothed him. It's been one of those nights - incredibly needy for each other, being all sappy and sweet. He was packed to leave the next day and you were spending the last night cuddled as close as you could get to him, although it wasn't enough - you needed to be inside of his skin at this point.
"I'm going to miss you, Simon," you whispered sadly.
"I know, luv," he muttered. "'M goin' to miss you layin' on me. Won't be able to sleep worth shite without you."
"I've spoiled you too much, huh?" you tease as you lean up to stroke his jawline.
"I just actually sleep when I'm around you, doll," he sighed as he rubbed the back of your head, looking down at you lovingly. "I love you."
"I love you, too, baby," you smiled.
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He was so sweet about it.
You had always fell asleep on him at night, becoming such a routine that he couldn't sleep without your full body weight on top of him.
You found yourselves falling asleep in the random places you were cuddling at - the couch, the floor, the hammock in your backyard, etc, because you were always laying on top of him.
You were pretty much sprawled out all over him as his body was big enough for you to call a bed, lol.
He's so comfy, too.
He'll rub your head, kiss your forehead and sleepily tell you how much he loves and cherishes you as y'all fall asleep.
Bought an actual weighted blanket for when he's on deployment but couldn't bring himself to use it knowing that it wouldn't compare to you.
After a very difficult week of little to no sleep, he finally walked through the door of his home, and through the holes of his hood, you spotted his very tired eyes. You could tell he hasn't got much sleep this past week.
"Oh, honey," you frown, walking up to him and hug him tightly. He instantly melted into your touch, gently picking you up off the ground as he made his way to your bedroom, plopping onto the bed with you on top of him. "You didn't sleep, did you...?"
He simply shook his head, pulling you down lower to lay on his chest. "I missed you so much, Maus, I went crazy without you."
"My sleepy baby," you cooed, lifting his veil for him as he was too tired to do it himself. You look him into his blue eyes with a soft gaze. "I missed you too, baby, you need to sleep."
"Mhm," he softly replied, rubbing the back of your head as you leaned in for a deep kiss. You smiled as you lay your head across his chest, more than ready to help him sleep. It wasn't long before you fell into your own slumber at listening to his heartbeat settle in slow beats.
"Ich liebe dich," you whispered to him.
"Ich liebe dich, baby..."
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borathae · 1 year
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"I’m honestly so free use with you when I sleep", you told him after a very passionate morning in the sheets. That was weeks ago. Right now, your confession is haunting Jungkook. Free use, you called it. Free use...The words sound sweet to his pleasure twisted mind. Free use... Jungkook gulps and chases the ecstatic feelings your sleeping body gives him. One more time. He needs it one more time. 
Alternatively: After accidentally turning Jungkook on before you fall asleep, you wake up to him using your willing body to get off. Not that you mind, as his reward for your submission is as sweet as honey.”
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, polyamory!AU, Camping Trip!AU, Smut 
Warnings: switch!Jungkook, subby!Reader, he calls her Mistress at first but then gets so needy that he takes the lead, Yoongi makes a short appearance, hints at various threesomes, hints at bondage, sex in a camper van, needy!Jungkook, consensual free use kink (free use in this story = you can do whatever you want to me, whenever you want), consensual somnophilia, kinda sensory deprivation because he does all of this to her in a dark room & she can’t see, Koo has sensitive nipples, nipple sucking, he rubs his nipples against her lips as she sleeps, he humps her thigh while she sleeps, and plays with her pussy while she sleeps, big cock, vampire fangs, needy begging, body & breast worship, strength kink (he rips her clothes & pins her down), dirty talk, sloppy oral (f.receiving), fast pussy fingering, lotsa drool & slick, squirting, he cums humping the mattress, cuddly aftercare, they’re in love & very needy for each other
Wordcount: 5.4k
a/n: besties, it is finally happening. Sanguis!Kookie is getting the smut he deserves. Get ready for lots of it because I am obsessed with him. I fucking LOVE him. This is set once he learned how to control his urges. Oh yeah, and it’s a Kinktober22 request that didn’t make the cut, surprise it’s here now! Have fun! 🤍
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Today was a first for you and Jungkook. Your first ever couple trip. It wasn’t far. Just four hours by car to a small coastal town where every restaurant offered seafood and the air smelled of ocean. He drove while you napped.  
You spent the first day putting up your camper van by the beach and checking out the camp side. You spent too many minutes in the ocean and even napped under the shade of a big tree, cuddled up in a spacious hammock where Jungkook stole way too many kisses from you. Later in the evening – and after washing off the salt from your bodies and putting on pretty clothes – you went to eat at one of the restaurants where you ended up talking about too many things and drinking way too much wine.
It resulted in you getting so sleepy that you had just about enough energy to walk back to the camp side, wash up and fall into bed. The movie night you promised Jungkook was cancelled as you fell asleep five minutes after your head hit the pillows. 
Jungkook was left gawking at you with a big pout. He didn’t even have time to wash up and cuddle you in bed and you were already sleeping. 
Feeling utterly defeated, Jungkook leaves the camper to talk with Yoongi on the phone and make way for his frustrations.
“Hey, Kookie”, Yoongi picks up after the second ring, “what happened? Are you okay? Why are you calling me?”
“Yes, we’re okay. I’m sad. ___ already fell asleep because she drank too much wine.”
Yoongi chuckles fondly. 
“She’s cute”, he says, shifting on the chair in the music room. He was writing music on the piano before Jungkook called. He is smiling because hearing Jungkook’s voice makes him happy and hearing about your shared day makes him even happier.
“Yeah she is. Fuck hyung, it’s so unfair I want her but she’s asleep.”
“I can’t help you with that”, Yoongi says in a laugh, “why are you telling me?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t know who else to tell.”
Yoongi laughs harder, “you are so silly sometimes, Kookie. Just enjoy your time with her, slip under the blanket and hold her. Listen to her sleep, kiss her neck. She’s so soft when she sleeps.”
Jungkook presses his legs together even when standing up. You would fit so snugly against his chest. Jungkook can perfectly imagine just how warm and soft you would feel. How you would press against the spots which are so incredibly sensitive. Jungkook shifts, feeling heat threaten to gather between his legs.
“Kook?” Yoongi’s voice rips him out of his thoughts and to his reality. Shit. He completely forgot that he was talking with Yoongi on the phone. Jungkook feels his cheeks heat up at the realisation.
“Did you hear what I just said?”
“Yeah uh, yeah I did. Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Mhm I could tell”, the fond smirk in Yoongi’s voice is obvious to Jungkook.
He flusters.
“I’m so stupid for calling”, he mumbles, “I’m sorry hyung, I know you can’t help me.”
“It’s alright, kiddo. You know you can always call me, yeah?”
“Mhm, yeah I do.”
“Good”, Yoongi says and chuckles softly, “I gotta agree though. I can’t help you. You gotta help yourself.”
“I know”, Jungkook whines, “shit, I’m just nervous.”
“Why? It’s just ___.”
“Exactly”, Jungkook widens his eyes, “I’m so scared to lose control.”
“Kookie”, Yoongi’s voice was soft but carried the slightest hint of a scold with it, “if there was even the slightest possibility that you could lose control, I wouldn’t have let you go on this trip. You are ready. Trust in yourself, my lovely.”
Jungkook smiles giddily, “thanks, my hyungie. I needed to hear this.”
“Always happy to help”, Yoongi says, “now stop talking to me and hold our princess, you fucking deserve it, goddamn it.”
Jungkook chuckles, “yeah okay, you’re right”, he giggles, “I’m excited, hyung.”
“Mhm, you can be. She feels like heaven.”
They end their call soon after. Yoongi will continue playing piano, but he will do so with a soft smile ever so slightly present on his lips. Jungkook returns to your camper van, sneaking a glance at your resting form. You are sleeping peacefully with your mouth agape in soft snores. Jungkook finds himself melting at the view and wanting to cradle you against his chest. He perseveres however, sneaking away into the small bathroom to clean off the day.
Jungkook returns after some time, wearing nothing more than a pair of satin boxers. He tiptoes to the bed and crawls on top. He knows that he can be careful without even having to try. Sneaking comes natural to his race. A vampire is, after all, meant to surprise its prey when they least expect it. 
He opens the blanket to slip inside. You roll to your back and then to your side. Jungkook halts, holding his breath. Your eyes open, searching for him in the darkness. Jungkook can see you perfectly, while you are clearly blind.
“Honey?” your voice is frail in sleep. 
“Go back to sleep”, Jungkook whispers. 
“I can’t.”
“Why not? Nightmare?”
You shake your head, eyes focusing on his face. At least you think that you do. You are looking right past him. Jungkook thinks it’s adorable. 
“I want snuggles”, you say and pout. 
Jungkook feels flutters in his tummy. You are so cute when you’re sleepy and a little tipsy. He closes the distance between you and him and picks you up just to rest you against his chest.
You rub yourself against him like a cuddly cat, humming softly.
“So nice”, you mumble, burying your face in his naked chest, “I love you, honey.”
“I love you too, my honeybee”, Jungkook says, kissing your hair, “sleep tight.”
You huff out air, running your fingertips along his waist. Jungkook feels goosebumps cover every single inch of his body because of it. 
“I dreamed of you”, you whisper slowly and very quietly. 
“You did?” Jungkook is melting under your touch, squeezing his legs together.
“Mhm, you moaned for me.”
“I did?” Jungkook croaks, rolling his hips into you as inconspicuously as possible, “why?”
“I made you cum”, you say and wrap your lips around his nipple to suck softly. 
“Ah”, Jungkook gasps, parting his lips. His body shudders, his cock throbs instantly. His nipples are his weak spots. You are so warm and wet around him. 
“Oh god, why are you doing this?” he chokes out, fighting every urge inside him not to take you against the fucking sheets right here and now. It’s like you pressed a button. He feels fucking charged.
“Is nice”, you murmur and continue to suck on him in rhythmical motions, growing slower and slower as the seconds turn into minutes.
Jungkook is a mess by the time your sucks are barely there, trembling in desperation and moaning into your hair. His cock is straining his briefs, his fingers twist the pillow behind your head. He would probably hurt you if he didn’t, because the only thing he truly wants to twist is a bundle of your hair. He would be way too rough if he did, having to twist the poor pillow instead.
“Oh god, honey”, Jungkook croaks, giving you a breathy moan afterwards. If he knew that he would get to feel something so incredibly good, he would have joined you in bed sooner.
You suck and suck and…suck and…stop. Your lips part and slip from his swollen nipple. Your tongue leaves it too. 
“Please don’t stop”, Jungkook begs, releasing the pillow to caress your head, “please? More?”
“Hm”, the sound you make is barely there. Your tongue darts out and licks his sensitive nipple. Soft, slow, barely there kitten licks is all he gets, but Jungkook is so charged in pleasure that he feels no different than when you sucked him. 
He moans instantly, closing his fingers around a bundle of your hair before he realises what he was about to do and he grabs the pillow instead.
“Thank you”, he sighs, "this feels so good. Oh god, it feels so good…”
Lick. Lick. Lick. Slower and slower. The pressure gets less. You breathe on his wet nipple. Like a huff of air. Involuntary and definitely not meant to stimulate him. Jungkook still moans and squirms. Your tongue stops.
“More please”, Jungkook begs, arching his chest into your mouth. Your lips press against his nipple, but don’t move. They simply rest on him and drive him insane. “Mistress?” Jungkook gets out.
No answer. You grow soft in his arms and seconds later, your breathing returned to a slow and steady rhythm. You have fallen back to sleep, now resting safely in his arms. 
You left him in his desperation. You used the sucking as nothing more than your way of relaxation. And while you found peaceful sleep through it, Jungkook is left feeling like bursting. His cock is so hard, his balls so swollen and his nipple is so sensitive that one little pinch would be enough for him to soak his boxers in slick. 
Jungkook pulls you closer and sobs softly.
“Don’t do that to me please”, he begs, “please wake up again please.”
Sleep however doesn’t release you and Jungkook is left with a painful hard on and sensitive nipples begging for attention. 
“Please wake up, please”, Jungkook begs, trying to wake you with a little shake of your head. You don’t wake, but what does happen is that your lips rub against his nipple. Jungkook moans softly, quickly realising what he just did and going up in flames as a result. 
“Sorry”, he gets out, “I, I didn’t mean to, I-”, he hesitates. It felt so good to do. Your lips are so soft and warm and still wet from all the licking you did. Would it be disgusting of him to do it again? Just one more time? 
There is a part of him which tells him that he is disgusting for wanting it and another part of him which keeps reminding him of that one conversation you had a few months ago. 
“I’m honestly so free use with you guys when I sleep”, you told Yoongi and him after a very passionate morning in the sheets where Yoongi woke you with oral while Jungkook jerked off and watched, “as long as you make sure that I don’t get hurt, you can honestly use my body however you want. Wake me with your cock stuffed in me if you want to, I’m so down.”
Back then, your confession resulted in Yoongi and Jungkook fucking you to the point where you cried from feeling too good. 
Right now, your confession is haunting Jungkook. Haunting and tempting and turning him into a version of himself which he feels very ashamed of. Free use, you called it. Free use…The words sound sweet to his pleasure twisted mind. Free use…
Jungkook gulps and squeezes the back of your head with his fingers. One more time. He presses your head closer and moves his chest. His nipple rubs against your lips. 
“A-ah hng”, he gets out and swallows audibly, feeling his cock twitch in his briefs. The feeling was indescribable. Your lips are so soft and wet. Now that sleep is keeping them relaxed, they are moving around his nipple sloppily. 
Again. He needs it again.
Jungkook presses into you and grinds his swollen bud against your lips. Electricity shoots down his body and moves his cock in a throb.
“Oh god”, he moans, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, “I’m sorry, it’s so good. I’m sorry.”
He grinds his nipple into your lips and moans. It feels so good. You made him so swollen and hard and sensitive that now he is dizzy because of it. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t stop”, Jungkook whimpers, “Mistress, you feel so good.”
You give him no answer. You are slumbering peacefully. 
Jungkook presses himself closer, hoping for more of the sensation. He needs more of your mouth. More. You mewl and move your head away. He was too close, air was too sparse. 
Jungkook shimmies back, staring at you with glassy eyes. His nipples are throbbing. He wants more, but he knows that he should give you a break. He was greedy enough. 
He cups your cheek, runs his thumb over the lips he used so disgustingly before.
“I’m sorry”, he whispers, “I’m so horny, I didn’t know what I was doing.”
He has no idea why he apologises. He knows that he can do that to you. He was witness when Yoongi did far kinkier things to your sleeping body. He witnessed when he tied you to the bed and woke you with his fingers buried inside your already soaked pussy. And he was witness how you sleepily tried to fight the ropes only to beg for Yoongi’s vampire cock seconds later. And he was witness as Yoongi gave it to you, pounding into you until even the last ounce of sleepiness was fucked out of you.
Jungkook was witness to all of it and yet he still feels as if he committed a crime. He would feel far more terrible if his cock wasn’t that hard and his thoughts weren’t stuck on that night all of a sudden.  
“Oh god, I can’t help it”, Jungkook croaks and rolls you onto your back. He pins your hands against the pillow and wiggles his knee between your legs. Then he straddles your thigh, hovering above you that way. His curly hair hangs into his features messily, his blown out eyes are glued to your sleeping form. 
You look so innocent and sweet. Yoongi was right, watching you sleep is the best thing ever. It makes him feel so goddamn good. Especially when you look and feel so fragile under him. He feels so needed and strong, but also incredibly horny.
Jungkook angles his hips and rolls them against your thigh.
“Ah, hah ah”, he moans, squeezing your hands. Your thigh is grinding right against his swollen, hard cock. Slick covers his tip instantly, forcing his briefs to stick to it and making it slip against your naked thigh. 
You aren’t wearing panties. Jungkook can see it from the position because when he flipped you onto your back, your shirt slipped up your tummy and the blanket fell from your torso. Your pussy’s right there. Exposed to his eyes. As if you wanted to give him as little hurdles as possible. As if you wanted him to be able to access your pussy whenever he wanted to. 
Free use. 
You weren’t lying.
Jungkook moans throatily, punishing you with harsh rolls of his hips. He is aware that the only person that punishes is himself as this results in his cock rubbing against you with such vigour, Jungkook finds himself convulsing in reaction. 
“Fuck”, he rasps, “fuck, I’m so disgusting”, he chokes out and whimpers, “and you’re so perfect”, he gets out and furrows his brows, eyes focusing on your pussy. 
Maybe he is imagining it, but you are glistening. As if you are getting wet. Jungkook puts your hands together so he can hold both your wrists with one hand, then he lets his other run down your body. Along your arm, lingering on your neck and massaging your breasts for a while. 
You whimper, but don’t wake. 
“You’re perfect. Completely perfect.”
Jungkook speeds up his hips against your thigh, soaking more of his briefs. So fucking soft. You’re so soft when you sleep.
He runs his hand further down your body, your tummy is one of his favourite spots to touch. So soft and pretty. Next your hips. Jungkook fights every urge inside of him not to bruise it. Then your pussy. 
You moan in your sleep at the first touch, writhing underneath him as he drags his fingers through your folds. 
Jungkook trembles and squeezes your wrists. 
“So wet”, he growls, feeling his cheeks tingle as veins appear on his skin. He draws circles on your soaked entrance, looking at it with blown out pupils. The sexy dream you had before must have turned you on so much that you got wet. Jungkook moans and fucks your thigh in desperation. So wet and warm. So warm…
He wants to push inside, but doesn’t dare to. So he lifts his fingers, guiding them to his lips to suck them clean. 
The second your taste touches his tongue, Jungkook knows that he is done for. His eyes glow ruby instantly and his fangs are outside within not even a second. He moans deeply, cock ripping through his briefs from the sheer animalistic need he feels. Your thigh is covered in his slick instantly, resulting in his swollen cockhead to slip and slide all over your skin.
He moans, fucking your thigh as if he was already pounding your pussy. He is so turned on. He could cum right here and now if he wanted to. You are so goddamn sweet.
Jungkook sucks his fingers until even the last of your taste is gone. He slips out and moans deeply. His eyes don’t know where to look. Your pussy, your thigh, your tummy, your face, your tits. Your tits. Your nipples are swollen even under the fabric.  
Jungkook doesn’t think, he acts. He is too far gone to think. He rips your shirt and exposes your torso to his eyes. Your tits look so pretty when you are lying down and gravity does its perfect job. 
“Fuck, baby”, Jungkook whimpers and gathers one side in his spit covered fingers. He lowers himself and sucks your nipple into his mouth. 
“Ah”, you moan, arching your back. The scent of your wetness grows stronger in his nose and Jungkook swears that he sucks even harder because of it. He slides up your body, pressing his knee against your soaked pussy. 
A whimper slips past your lips. Jungkook soaks up the sound as much as he soaks up the feeling of your wet cunt against his knee. He rubs it into you demandingly, abandoning your wrists to instead gather your other breast as well. Hungry and full of greed, he leaves a sloppy trail of kisses on your chest as he changes sides. Your nipple slips between his fangs and he sucks hard. 
“Ah”, you moan, arching your back, “what? Ah! What?”
Jungkook lifts his head. You are awake again. Of course you are. It would have been a surprise if his rough touches hadn’t woken you. Your eyes search for him in the darkness. You look so out of it and confused.
“Don’t be scared”, Jungkook rasps, “I’m taking care of you.”
“I don’t get it, w-what are you doing?”
“You can’t just suck my nipples and expect me to be okay afterwards. I’m so fucking hard, feel it”, Jungkook grinds his huge cock against your thigh, pairing it with his knee grinding into your pussy. 
“Kook”, you moan, reaching for his hips.
“No”, Jungkook pins your hands above your head within a second, “stay where you are or I’m tying you up.”
“W-what?” you blink in the darkness, “I don’t understand. What are you doing?”
“Free use. That’s what you called it. Free use. I’m taking what’s promised to me.”
Jungkook watches in delight as you roll your eyes back sensually. You arch your back off the sheets and throw your head back as best as possible.
“Holy fuck”, you choke out, rubbing your thighs against his legs in a needy attempt to press them together. 
“That’s okay with you, right?” he makes sure, “can I make use of it?”
“Yeah, fuck Kook. Yes”, you allow him, opening your legs again as you squirm sensually.
“Good. Wanna exchange safewords?”
“Mhm, snowdrop.”
“Yeah, snowdrop. Fuck, I’m gonna fucking ruin you”, he rasps and lowers his tongue to your body to lick a thick and hungry stripe down your tummy. 
You writhe and whimper, allowing it to happen with a racing heart. Like this, he isn’t holding your wrists anymore, but he doesn’t have to. Your body is still droopy enough that keeping your hands above your head is an easy task to do. 
It does get harder however when Jungkook buries his tongue between your folds. You expected anything but this. 
“Ah! Kook”, you gasp, bucking your hips up. 
Jungkook grips them and pins them into the sheets, growling into your pussy as he sends you a warning look. One you can’t see because it’s dark in here and you have your face scrunched up in pleasure.
Jungkook fucks the mattress and moans, changing his grip on your hips to one around your thighs just so he can push them apart and reveal more of your pussy to him. He growls again from the pleasure this brings him, burying his hungry mouth deeper between your folds. He licks eagerly, using the animalistic hunger he feels for you to keep it quick.
“Holy fuck, please don’t stop”, you moan, panting like crazy afterwards.
The thing with Jungkook and oral is that up until two months ago, he was unable to do it with you. He wanted to do it, but his urges were too strong to do it safely. If he had given you head, it would have resulted in him biting you and therefore hurting you. Not anymore. Jungkook has been practicing with you and Yoongi almost every third night. It was the result of one terribly sexy evening where Yoongi tied up Jungkook and then made him eat you out “as practice”.
Ever since then, Jungkook couldn’t get enough. He was insatiable, asking for more practice sessions whenever he gets the chance and fantasising about nothing other than having your pussy under his tongue again and again and again. 
Your taste haunts him. It stays with him when he isn’t eating your pussy and it tortures him with its absence until he has to beg for yet another “practice session” in order not to go mad. You are all aware that calling them practice sessions is nothing but a lie. Jungkook found his sweetest drug between your legs and needs it like an addict. He doesn’t want to practice, he wants to get high on you. And you won’t complain. Practicing with Jungkook feels like fucking heaven. 
And tonight it seems that he finally had enough of pretending that what he does is nothing but practice. You are alone with each other, no Yoongi or Taehyung to monitor him in sight. This isn’t practice anymore. This is honest sex. The thing he already did every third night under the guise of practicing. 
“Don’t stop, please”, you beg, feeling your thighs shake without having any sort of control over it. He is moaning and growling so much that besides the quick licks and strong sucks, Jungkook sends vibrations through your pussy and it’s making staying still impossible.
Jungkook thinks that he still goes a little feral during those moments. That would explain why his cheeks are covered in veins and why his fangs are out. You taste way too good. Jungkook didn’t think that your pussy would taste so good, but she does. He grows feral for your taste and feels withdrawal symptoms whenever he can’t taste you.
More. He needs more.
He buries three of his fingers in your pussy just to pick up your slick and lick it off his fingers. In the current position, his tongue grinds against your clit as he licks and you whimper his name as your hands finally leave their position.
You grab a bundle of his curly hair and twist it. Your other hand slips to your own thigh just so you can grab it in desperation.
Jungkook looks up. Your head is rolled to your side, your pretty tits move each time you pant for air. He wants to touch them and squeeze them and roll your nipples, but he physically can’t bring himself to leave your pussy. Instead, he buries his fingers back in your warmth. Three at a time and covered in his drool. This time around, he does it so he can massage your g-spot as he begins sucking and licking your clit. 
You wail and arch your back, kicking the sheets because you can’t handle this feeling otherwise. You dreamed of him before you woke. Like before, you dreamed of having him lie heavy in your hands as you made him cum. It was such an immersive dream until all of a sudden it stopped feeling like a dream and became your reality.
You can’t accept that this is your reality. That Jungkook is eating your pussy as he fingers you roughly. It’s too much for your sleepy brain to comprehend and all you can do is shake and tremble and kick the sheets as your fingers dimple your own thigh. 
Jungkook out of all the people is eating you out. After two months of extensive training, you should be used to his techniques, but you really aren’t. You never know what you will get with him. He can be so gentle and slow if he wants to, whilst other times he treats you with such roughness that you want to scream. He is never terrible however. As if giving head comes to him naturally. Like a vampiric purpose he is finally able to fulfil.
Jungkook breaks his lips away from your clit and presses his thumb against it instead. You know what that means, moaning his name loudly as Jungkook drags his heavy tongue up your torso.
Not being able to see what he does, adds excitement to all of this. “Please don’t stop, holy fuck”, you beg, feeling charged in pleasure. He is massaging your g-spot with such precision that there is a constant hot pressure deep inside your pussy. As if you were constantly on the edge of orgasming. You can’t handle it, but don’t want it to stop.
He takes your right nipple between his teeth and tugs hard. 
“Fuck", you squeak at the pinch, arching your back. 
“I wanna ruin you”, Jungkook growls, “I wanna fucking break you”, he adds and lifts his head, staring down at you with swollen, parted lips. His long fangs glisten behind them, but you can’t see them. You are blind to his current state. The black veins, long fangs, feral hunger in his eyes. You have no idea that it is happening, all you can do is moan and writhe for him.
“Don’t stop, please”, you beg unaware of his confession and slave to his touches. 
He speeds up his hand between your legs, fucking your pussy with angry precision. 
“Like this, baby? Mhm?”
You squeeze your eyes shut and sob softly. Waving your hands in the air panickedly until finally grabbing your own thighs. Jungkook watches it happening with a throbbing cock. 
“Kook, please.”
“So good”, he lulls, drooling on your chest, “shake for me. That’s my girl, shake for me.”
“I’m gonna cum”, you croak and sob, “please don’t stop, please.”
Jungkook doesn’t stop. He keeps going. He is addicted to two things. Your taste and your orgasms. Knowing that he out of all people can make you feel so good that your body has to climax in order to handle it, fills him with a rush of ecstatic pleasure. He wants it to happen anytime you announce it, making it his only goal for the time it takes you to get there.
“I wanna lick you”, he pants, “will this get you there? Can I please lick your pussy?”
“Yeah”, you mewl and sob, writhing under him.
“Fuck. Thank you”, Jungkook moans and disappears between your legs. He replaces his thumb with his tongue, but keeps the speed of his fingers going. With eager curls and fast motions, he fucks your pussy open as his tongue and lips work your swollen clit. 
Your voice breaks and you grow completely silent as you hold your breath. One. Two. Three. 
“Meehngn”, you let out in whimpers, now fighting for air in quick pants until it repeats itself again. Silence as you hold your breath and then squeaky sounds as you fight for more air. 
Jungkook knows that it’s only a matter of seconds by now. You get terribly non vocal whenever you are close. He fucks the mattress harshly, whimpering into your pussy. To think that he was able to fuck you so much these days that he learned that fact about you. It’s a dream come true. He is so fucking happy!
“No-ohw”, you choke out and break under his tongue. Your legs close around his head, your pussy squeezes his fingers and your clit throbs against his tongue. Your orgasm sits so deep, making you cry out because Jungkook moves just right to turn it from good to spectacular. 
You are so turned on and sensitive from the combination of all your dreams and Jungkook’s touches that it doesn’t need a lot for you to convulse to the point where you cover his face in your wetness. 
Jungkook moans loudly and cums. He fucks his throbbing cock into the sheets as he shoots cum everywhere. He can handle everything but not drinking your squirt. The smell of it is already enough to make him climax. Your taste is another story. One which make him cum so fucking hard that he feels delirious afterwards. 
He keeps his fingers buried in your pussy to feel your rhythmic clenches, but rests his head on your thigh, panting with you as you both recover. 
“I’m sorry”, you whisper in a frail voice.
“For what?” he asks in a husky voice.
“I should have warned you.”
“Don’t apologise”, Jungkook clears his throat. Your taste still lingers on his tongue. He feels his head pound because of it, “don’t ever apologise for that.”
“I don’t know what to do”, you confess.
“Why?” he lifts his head, “are you okay?”
“No?” you laugh, “you just ruined me.”
“I told you that I would, didn’t I?”
You giggle and you sound so sweet doing it that Jungkook wants to kiss you. He gathers his already recovered strength and kisses a trail up your torso. You gasp and grow softer underneath him. This feels like heaven. To be brought to your breaking point, only to be loved so tenderly afterwards is heaven.
“Koo”, you get out, presenting your neck to him so he can kiss it. He does so with a happy sigh, slipping his fingers out of you to instead caress your waist. It fits so perfect between his fingers and all he really wants to do is cherish it. Neither of you mind that this spreads your wetness all over your skin.
“Thank you”, he whispers, stubbing your jawline with his nose.
“For what?”
“For this experience. I know you talked about free use, but it’s a privilege to be able to touch you, not a right. So thank you.”
You roll your head to look at him. You are looking right past him again. Jungkook smiles because of it. 
“I’m happy when you touch me”, you whisper and smile droopily.
Jungkook giggles and kisses your forehead.  
“I’m gonna give you so many orgasms on this trip”, he whispers against your skin, “you have no idea.”
You squirm and giggle, wrapping your fingers around his biceps to squeeze them gently.
“Don’t say that.”
“Mhm, no I will”, he whispers and snuggles into you, purring softly as he suckles on your neck to find relaxation. 
You sigh, closing your eyes as tranquillity washes over you.
“Did you rip through your briefs?” you ask him now that you feel his softened cock press against your leg. 
“Yeah”, he says and chuckles, “I lost it at your taste.”
You snicker, “you have the strongest cock ever, this is impressive.”
“In my defence, my vampire cock kinda has a mind of its own sometimes. I’m still not completely in control.”
“Don’t apologise, it’s hot”, you say and nuzzle into him, “I can’t wait to wake up to it stuffed in me tomorrow, yeah?”
“You’re unfair”, Jungkook mewls, “fuck, now Imma dream of it.” 
He makes you laugh, “sorry.”
“So mean”, he mumbles and pouts. 
He feels way too drained from his orgasm to feel truly affected by what you just said. You feel too ruined by your orgasm to want him to act on it right now. It still feels nice to tease each other. 
Jungkook cuddles into you, closing his arms around you. 
“Wanna stay like this forever”, he confesses and sighs happily.
“Me too”, you say, hugging his arm as best as possible.
You drift off to sleep together in this position, smiling because it felt so good to finally be able to love each other without any kind of restraints.
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itsrainingbubbles · 11 days
I want Luffy to be able to crochet
Winters were cold on the mountain and sweaters only lasted asl a few weeks before they tore them while running around, sparring, and hunting
And Makino loves her boys but she only had so much free time to keep fixing them and making new ones when the sweaters were past repair
Luffy in particular wore out sweaters the fastest, and after seeing Makino scramble to make him yet another new sweater after his was torn to shreds by a bear he decided he wanted to give Makino a break and make his own sweaters
So Luffy learned how to crochet that winter, and what started as just sweaters turned to gloves, hats, blankets and so on
Soon Luffy started experimenting on what he could make, like hammocks, stuffed animals, dolls, flowers
He was always out of yarn and the things he made were never the 'right' color, he just used what he had
As a result he had weird colored dolls, ("that's you ace!" "Why is my skin Orange??" "At least you're not blue and purple") pink animals of all sorts, (when he was really into doing animals all he had available was pink yarn) and blankets with no coherent color scheme cause he'd get bored, work on something else, and when he worked on the blanket again he had already used up the other yarn
Luffy didn't take any of his crochet stuff with him when he set sail, not any of his hooks, yarn, or creations, leaving them all in Makino and the villagers care (he offered dadan a doll with purple skin and told her it was her, she insisted it looked nothing like her and that she wouldn't keep it. It sits on a shelf in the house where everyone can see it, she tells any new members who ask all about how someone made her as a doll)
Because Luffy didn't have any of his stuff with him when he sailed, not that it mattered since he would have lost them if he did take it anyways, nobody on the crew knows he can crochet
Nobody knew until one day they were at an island and they were having an art festival, where Luffy used his food money to buy crochet stuff.
Luffy immediately got back into crocheting. He made a sleeping mask for Zoro, a tangerine shaped purse for Nami, a bookmark for Robin, and I can't think of any more things but he just started crocheting again.
The crew is astounded that their captain can actually sit still for more than a couple minutes AND that he's doing it out of his own free will. And maybe he never runs out of yarn again, Luffy never questions how he seems to have a never ending supply of yarn.
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undersero · 10 months
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x GN!Reader
Contains: idiots in love, unclear relationship label, lots of cute stuff, sleepy Zoro.
Word count: 731
Author’s note: Hope this gives you the fuzzy cutesy feelies. Banner by @/cafekitsune
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Exhaustion and unease settles heavily onto Zoro’s bones and his body sags with the weight of it all. Discomfort burrows so feely into his chest as he tries yet again to get comfortable, but it’s all for naught.
Tonight, sleep escapes him.
With a frustrated huff, he sits up and swings his legs over the side of the hammock. His feet carry him toward the door, up the stairs, and onto the deck where his hair is rustled by a salty breeze. It’s cool here, and quiet, and easier to breathe than it was inside.
Zoro paces to the railing where he leans forward, resting his weight on his forearms. The sea beneath the Going Merry flashes from inky black to vibrant cerulean as it reflects the moon’s light. Waves rhythmically and gently slap against the side of the ship.
Of all the times, Zoro thinks, why can’t he sleep now? Things are quiet and calm. The temperature couldn’t be more perfect and his body couldn’t be more exhausted and in need of precious rest. Annoyance builds in his chest, bubbling up and bloating out with the presence of the discomfort already lodged there.
Under the moon and the stars, Zoro realizes with a jolt that he feels creaky, old, as his body feels soreness and tension from his waking activities. There’s a knot between his shoulder blades that feels big enough to wear Luffy’s straw hat. His elbows ache and his hips feel misaligned.
Zoro closes his eyes against the breeze and sighs as he holds the position long after the breeze dies. The mast calms moments later, and then- his eyes snap open.
One thing is more appealing than sleep. Just one. Without further thought, Zoro turns on his heel to get what he needs.
You’re precisely where he knew you’d be. The blanket snugly wraps around your body and your breathing is slow and even. He’s silent as he closes your door and crosses the room, allowing soft warmth to bloom through his chest and warm his neck and cheeks.
Zoro toes his shoes off before climbing into the bed. The soft mattress sinks with his weight, but he’s quick to adjust himself so it isn’t too drastic. He’s on his side, elbow holding most of his weight as he uses his other hand to gently rub your side. He doesn’t want to wake you, but he doesn’t want to startle you either.
Like you always do, you sigh in your sleep and respond to his touch, just a little. Your hand seeks his as you lean toward the warmth coming from his body.
A smile tugs at his lips, dimpling his cheek. Slowly, he lowers himself onto your body, laying his head on your chest, broad shoulders covering your frame.
“I wondered when you’d come in,” you murmur as your arms close around his shoulders.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Zoro says, feeling guilt in the pit of his stomach.
“I know,” you say easily, massaging the knot between his shoulder blades. A relieved groan escapes him. “It’s okay.”
Zoro melts into your touch. Slowly, the discomfort in his torso eases away as he’s pulled deeper into your embrace and closer to sleep.
“You’re dangerous,” he whispers, words slurred in his comfort in a way that almost sounds like purring.
“I let my guard down with you.”
His words are matter of fact, even if he’s halfway to dreamland. You absorb them for a moment and don’t speak until the warmth of their meaning has faded from your cheeks.
“I’m not sorry about that,” you tell him, giving him a squeeze. “I like it this way.”
Zoro is so quiet for so long that you think he’s finally fallen asleep.
“I do too,” he mumbles into your shirt.
This is something to protect, whatever this is, whatever kind of relationship you have with Zoro. It’s precious, knowing that Zoro seeks you for comfort and knowing that he can let his guard down in your presence. You see a side of him the world does not; a side that most of the crew doesn’t even get to see.
But you do. You get to see him in the comfort of laying on your chest, having seeked you out on his own.
To be his comfort, you think, may just be more precious than the One Piece.
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mysterious-ocarina · 2 years
My Darling (NSFW)
Sub!Charles Xavier x female!reader
Main Masterlist Requests
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(2.6k words)
A/N this doesn’t necessarily take place in the canon timeline, somewhere near First Class is what I was imagining. I got inspiration for your mutation from poison ivy from dc comics
“It’s a very groovy muta…”
You couldn’t bring yourself to listen anymore, turning back around to face Raven with a sigh.
“I don’t need to be a mind reader to know what you’re thinking about,” Raven nudged you. You grew up with the two mutants, arriving a few years after Raven. Being the only other female, you became very close, pretty much like sisters.
“Well, what should I be thinking?” you asked with a sad look on your face.
“That we both know, you’re the only girl that Charles has had his eyes on,” Raven replied. She was under the delusion that Charles reciprocated your feelings.
“Tell that to the girl that he is literally staring at. He even used that stupid mutation line on her,” you sighed, pointing at the two of them, the girl laughing at something Charles said.
“Yeah, but he uses that line on all the girls. It’s not anything special and neither is she,” she reassured you. Before you could say anything back you watched as the girl flirtatiously walked away from Charles, offering him a small wave.
You summoned a vine, putting it in front of the woman’s heels. Both you and Raven giggled as she tripped and walked off embarrassed. Hearing your giggles, Charles looked at you, briefly hearing your thoughts.
Walking over to you guys, he admonished, “Why would you do that?”
“Do what?” you replied innocently before pettily turning your back to him, fire red hair flipping behind you. “I think I’m going to head back to the mansion, I’m getting tired.”
You quickly walked off, not waiting for a reply. Back at the mansion, you sluggishly walked past Erik who regarded you with concern. “What’s up with you?”
“A groovy mutation,” you mockingly replied, stopping your footsteps. “Is there something wrong with me? Does he really only see me as another sister?”
Surprised by your outburst, Erik calmly responded, “So, this is about Charles.”
“Of course this is about him. I’m going to grow old and become a crazy cat lady. And the only thing I’ll be known for is being Professor X’s sister. Not, his lover, his girlfriend, his wife, not even some girl he occasionally sleeps with,” you ranted. You tended to be temperamental and dramatic, so your rant wasn’t that off putting for Erik to listen to.
“You know, you could always just tell him how you feel,” Erik offered, making you sigh.
“He can read minds, for Christ's sake. I shouldn’t have to tell him anything,” you finished. You sulked all the way outside to the gardens.
Coming up to your favorite tree, you made a series of soft vines into the shape of a hammock for you to lay on. This was something you commonly did when you needed a break or you needed to calm down.
When Charles and Raven got home to the mansion, Charles went off to find you. He loved spending time with you, especially in the late hours of the night. These were the times you were most comfortable with each other, often involved in deep conversation. It was these late nights that made you fall in love with each other, not that you knew of Charles’ feelings.
Charles, looking out the window, saw you curled up in vines under your tree. Grabbing his softest blankets and a few pillows, he made his way outside to you.
“Are you awake?” Charles whispered.
You groggily turned around, barely replying with a hum, and falling right back asleep.
Charles smiled dreamily at your sleeping form, projecting the image of a calm meadow into your mind. He softly placed one of the pillows under your head then placed the other one next to yours. Crawling into the vined hammock, Charles placed the blankets over the both of you before falling into a dreamless sleep.
When you woke the next morning, you were surprised to find not only soft blankets covering you but also strong arms holding you close to a firm chest. Turning around slowly you found a peaceful Charles still sleeping. You snuggled closer into his chest, not wanting the moment to end.
Charles rustled next to you, “Good morning.”
Wow, his voice is so sexy like this, you thought. “Morning.”
Charles smiled at you, you hoped he didn’t hear your last thought.
“How did you sleep?” he asked you.
“I slept amazing actually. I dreamt of a beautiful forest scene,” you replied, raising your eyebrow at him. He often would give you good dreams, especially if you weren’t sleeping well. You had gotten so used to it, that you could tell the difference between dreams you actually had, and ones that he gave you.
“I found you out here, last night, and I didn’t want you to get cold or anything,” Charles replied bashfully.
“I’m not complaining, am I?” you sassily replied.
Charles simply just brought you closer to his chest. You both laid there for most of the day until Charles was needed by Hank.
As soon as you could, you went to find Raven. She was in the middle of a conversation with Erik when you found her. You grabbed her, urgently telling Erik, “Sorry, it’s very important. I need Raven right now.”
“What the hell?” Raven asked you once you made it to your room. You explained what you woke up to this morning, making her even more giddy than you were.
“This is perfect. He’s definitely into you,” Raven offered excitedly.
“Well what do I do about it?” you asked. You
“You should make your move tonight after dinner,” Raven explained. She then went into a detailed fake scenario about what will happen. You tuned her out to think of your own plan.
After your talk with Raven, you ended up taking a short nap. When you woke up, you realized you would be late for dinner, so you quickly freshened up and made your way down.
You could hear the usual commotion of dinner, except it sounded a bit more hectic than usual. Upon walking into the dining area you noticed three things. First, your chair that was usually between Charles and Raven, was broken to pieces in its spot. Next, you saw Hank and Alex wrestle about on the floor. Then last, you noticed an annoyed Charles, a bemused Raven, and a thrilled Erik.
“What the hell happened?” you questioned. At the sound of your voice, the two boys on the ground got up swiftly, pointing a finger at each other.
“The boys thought to bring their wrestle match inside. Your chair as well as a couple unsuspecting vases were victims of this,” Charles explained with a sigh.
“Well where do I sit?” you asked. Neither Hank or Alex made eye contact with you, not wanting to give up their seats.
“What about Charles' leg? I want you to still be next to me, but you would crush my small thighs,” Raven smirked at you. You knew exactly what she was trying to suggest, you just hoped that Charles didn’t pick up on it.
“I’m okay with that,” Charles replied, scooting his chair out a bit so you could fit.
Softly sitting on his lap, with a blush, you complimented, “Ever the gentleman.”
From there, thankfully, dinner went as usual. Noone seemed to care about you sitting on Charles lap. You were embarrassed and nervous the entire time, but no one seemed to pay any mind, except Raven who throughout your conversation was giving you slight smirks. Eventually, Raven was talking to Hank in front of you, so you were quietly finishing your food.
Finishing your food, you leaned back onto Charles. He coughed but said nothing. Turning around to look at him, you moved and you felt something under you. With direct eye contact with Charles, you softly moved your hips to confirm your suspicions.
That definitely won’t help, Charles breathily informed you in your mind. Be a good girl, and keep still.
With a blush, you replied, And if I don’t want to?
Charles gave you a raised brow in surprise. You hoped that you weren’t too forward or made him uncomfortable. The longer he took to reply, the more disappointed you got that he did not share your feelings.
As you were about to get up, Charles held your waist down. Softly rubbing one of your arms, he offered, Don’t worry Darling. I’m not opposed, I was just a bit taken by surprise. I assumed you saw me as nothing more than an adoptive brother.
Facing forward again to not alarm anyone to your silent conversation, I definitely don’t think of you as a brother.
You reassured your statement with a soft grind onto the hardened bulge in his pants. He breathed in your ear, gripping your arm tightly.
Keep grinding, and see what happens, Charles hinted.
Grinding harder against him, you replied, What are you thinking?
I’m thinking about taking you right on this table, he tried sounding harsh but the pleasure you were giving him only made him sound desperate.
Aww, are you that sensitive? Imagine what it will feel like when I do this without our clothes in the way, you seductively teased.
Charles shifted, letting out an almost silent whine. You looked around to see if anyone heard but everyone was too busy in their own conversations. You shifted again before ordering, I would be quiet if I were you Charles. We don’t want anyone to know about your little problem.
With a hard grind, you emphasized, Or should I call it a big problem?
Charles lightly panted behind you and if you saw his face, you would have seen it brushed with a red tint.
What do you say we sneak out of here? Charles almost begged.
Now that would be rude to leave in the middle of dinner, with that you turned to Raven and started a conversation with her, ignoring him.
Throughout the rest of dinner, you would shift just to tease Charles. He was squeezing your waist as a way to control himself. You noticed him to be a complete mess and when someone talked to him, you would start grinding making him stutter his words. 
When dinner was over, which Charles would claim was hours long, you two were the last to leave.
When you finally got up, you turned around to observe Charles. His face was incredibly flushed, his pants looked a bit too tight on his bulge, and there was even a small spot of precum darkening his pants.
“Do I truly have this kind of effect on you?” you questioned with a blush.
He simply got closer to you, kissing you with so much passion you thought you would fall over. It felt like fireworks finally being able to kiss him. Your whole body flushed, and you felt your panties get even more wet than they were before.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you for years,” he told you. “So yes, you very much do have that effect on me.”
“Then take me to your room, Professor,” you addressed. You watched as his eyes darkened at the use of his title. He held your hand as you both swiftly made your way to his room.
Once in his room, you softly urged him towards his bed. You continued your kiss, sitting on his lap. He had his hands exploring as much of your body as he could reach, your hands simply running through his hair.
I wonder if I should pull it, you briefly thought. Charles moaned into your mouth. You stopped kissing him to give an experimental tug on his soft hair, forcing a loud groan to come from his mouth.
“Oh, is that what you want, Professor?” you teased, with a smirk.
He simply nodded in response, grinding you on him harder.
Getting off of him, you replied, “I think I need words, Professor. What do you want me to do to you tonight?”
With a flushed face and panting breath, he begged, “Please, I need you to fuck me.”
“Such lewd words, Charles,” you teased, before summoning vines to wrap around his wrists, connecting him to the bed. He whined in protest to your actions. “I don’t think you’re allowed to touch me yet, Professor.”
You straddled his waist and resumed kissing him. With his hands tied, he wasn’t able to touch you the way that he wanted to, sending a short, please, into your mind. You ignored him to kiss all around his face and neck.
You slowly kissed down his neck, finding his sweet spots and making him moan. You made marks along his neck, then his collarbones, making your way all the way down.
You softly ran your nails down his abs making him shiver in pleasure. You gave slight pecks and licks until you got to his v-line, “Should I take off your pants, Professor?”
“Please, darling,” he whined. You pulled his pants off, but left his briefs off.
Rubbing him through his briefs, watching the wet pot of precum get bigger, you teased,” I quite like the way you look. Sitting under me, you look so handsome.”
Blushing at your compliment, he wiggled his hips, urging you to touch him. You obliged by bringing your mouth close to the tent in his briefs and blowing hot air on to him.
“Please touch me, darling. I want you to fuck me,” Charles all but cried.
“Whatever you want, honey,” you replied as you finally pulled his briefs down his legs. At the sight of his cock hitting his stomach, you quickly got up to shed all of your clothes. Charles admired your naked body, wishing that he could touch you and please you.
You sat back on his naked thighs to touch him. As your fingers rubbed his cock, he let out a loud moan that had arousal pooling in you. You quickly got on your knees and sank your body fully on him.
He felt so good, stretching you out, that you let out an erotic cry that had him twitching inside you. “You like my cunt, honey?”
“Yes, you feel absolutely perfect,” he complimented. Fully adjusted to his length, you finally started to move. You place your hands on his chest for balance and set a pulsing rhythm.
You decided that you teased Charles enough, so you let the vines wrapped around him go, letting him move freely. He swiftly grabbed your hips, pounding into you.
The rhythm and speed at which Charles was pounding you with, had him touching the right spots, making you quiver in his arms. He brought a hand down to your clit, rubbing it harshly.
“Are you close, Professor?” you asked breathily. He nodded his head in response. “Well that’s too bad, you aren’t allowed to come until I do.”
He whined in protest but kept going at a harsh pace. He flipped you over, hitting the perfect spot inside of you. You moaned and shook under him, approaching your orgasm.
“Make me cum, handsome,” you whispered. At your command, he brought his hand back down to your clit. He rubbed you inside and out with such passion that he had you cumming quickly and blissfully. You moaned out his name, squeezing around him, making him cum too.
Laying down peacefully next to him, you both dreamily stared at each other.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Charles softly whispered to you.
You smiled back at him, “You too, handsome.”
As you were drifting to sleep, Charles asked you, “Will you be my Darling forever?”
“I want nothing more,” you replied, giving him a soft kiss.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 months
Science experiment reader please? The angst is feeding my soul 🥹💛
Jason let you settle back in on the couch and left you in the library, still rubbing his sternum and clearing his throat.
But you stifled a groan. Now that you were awake, you were awake. And you would be until your brain decided it was time to sleep. Worst. Parting gift. Ever. You didn't dream unless it was nightmares and you couldn't sleep more than an hour or two at a time. Cycling between being practical narcolepsy and no sleep at all. Walk it was, then.
At least that wasn't super demanding and if you stuck to your path it would take you somewhere you could scream and cry to your heart's content- maybe if you wore your self out you could pass out for a while in your hammock out there.
So. You go in search of Alfred to let him know you were leaving- the last thing you wanted was a panicked search party looking for you in the little clearing you made. You didn't doubt people knew where it was. They ran trainings in the woods all the time. People rambled out there all the time. But, everyone pretended they didn't know about it, and you appreciated it. It was small. Tucked back in a gap in the old growth, where there was a sliver of sky. But the trees still damped the noise and you felt far enough from people to feel... free. Even if it wasn't really true. There were still other emotions at the edges of it all.
"That was a short sleep," The butler observed, frowning slightly.
"Yeah," you sigh. "It's just like that sometimes." You knew you could probably say Jason had woke you up. He'd get in trouble. But- he got himself in enough trouble without your help. And being petty wouldn't really keep you off his radar, where you wanted to be. "I figured I'd go on a walk."
"The fresh air would probably do you some good," he hummed. "I'll prepare snacks. And ice water."
"Alfred, today is your day off I can always grab-"
He waved away your concerns easily and smiled slightly, "Humor me,. I like to feel useful."
You huff, half smiling and shake your head. "Thank you."
"My pleasure," he said, "now on with it. Go find a book to smuggle out, I'm sure there's a nice sunny spot somewhere." And when you give him one of your rare actual smiles, he figures, a few minutes of putting junk food in your plastic Zoltar lunch box and water in a metal container with green sparkles is worth it.
Especially when you come back later. Green sparkly knapsack slung over your shoulder- probably holding a blanket and a book or two. Whatever solace you found out there, he hoped it was enough to make the pain easier to bear.
Bruce paced and watched the clock glancing at Alfred, "When did she leave?"
"Not long after noon, Master Bruce," the Butler said, not bothering to conceal his concern.
"How did she seem?" he asked.
"Tired," Alfred recalled, "But in good spirits. She took her knapsack. I gave her a few snacks and some water. I assumed she was simply going to find some quiet spot in the woods to read. When she hadn't come back by dinner I thought she might have fallen asleep."
"So," Dick said, "She's probably not lost or hurt. She probably knows exactly where she is."
"Probably," Tim said. "The trick would be getting back in the dark without a flashlight."
Bruce scrubbed his hand over his face. When he'd left you you'd been dozing off in the house. Having finally hit the right balance of quiet and comfort in your brain to be able to rest. "I'll go and-"
"Or you could go," Dick said, pointing at the Bat signal visible out the window.
"Damn," Bruce sighed. "Dick You'll have to go." Not just anyone could go. Especially not if you were asleep. It had to be someone you knew. And if you were in the woods- if they had to go get you from there... well. You were going to need gentle handling. And Dick would be able to do it.
Dick nodded and stood up. Watching Bruce and Tim leave to get ready to go. "Alfred, is Jason around?"
"Master Todd is unaware of this currently, I believe," he said.
"Can you keep him that way?"
"I can try."
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Self-Aware! BSD. Some bits about the house
Just wanted to write down some ideas about House layout. I have few ideas about it.
Pretty short, because I wasn't thinking too much about it.
The final layout is up to you.
What happened in the Library
- Storage room (food and some things, that right now not needed. Example: Christmas/Halloween decorations)
- Ayatsuji's doll room (Ayatsuji's old collection were transported in real world with him, but he intends to make his collection bigger. Cute fact, even if you gift him a doll for little kids from cheap store, he, after making some comments, still will make it a part of his collection)
- Shibusawa's collection (all abilities, that Shibusawa has collected, were transported to this world. Very dangerous room, because, not even Shibusawa can tell, what abilities he has down here. Dazai, Shibusawa and Chief Taneda are currently working on making a full list of abilities in collection. Still, the room is very beautiful).
- Interrogation room/Operation room (room, where BSD Gang can drag people, that wronged you. For the most part it isn't used and used as Yosano's operation room. In Part I of We will protect you Kunikida, Yosano, Ranpo and Dazai were interrogating Robber in this room)
- Bram's room. Old-fashioned. Bram sleeps in the coffin, but he has a bed here, in case you want to spend the night here and cuddle.
- Lovecraft's room. There is a small pool in the room. Small, but quite deep. Some shelves. Very comfortable bed. Floor that is covered in blankets and pillows. Lovecraft sleeps either in the pool underwater, on the bed, or in a pillow/blanket fort. Each time you decide to cuddle with him, you became a mix between plush toy for cuddling/pillow.
First floor.
- Meeting room (room right after the front doors. Sometimes, meetings are held here)
- Dining room (big, cozy. There is a back door)
- Kitchen (big, normally, at least three people are on cooking duty)
- Library (there is a back door. You also have a collection of heavy bronze busts of writers. There's also a phone, that is always on speaker. And it stands on a table with a crack on it. Let's just say, there was an incident, that involves a late night phone call, sleep deprivation, BSD Season 5 ending and real-life Dostoevsky's bronze bust.)
- The Purple Sigh is kept in the Library. Anyone can take it and spend some time with you in your room without interruption. Used by people, who feel overwhelmed, sad and lost.
- Common Room (big room where you held movie nights, play games and so on. There is a back door)
- Medical room (Yosano's/Mori's and Doc's office)
- Two bathrooms
Second, third and fourth floor
Living quarters.
It's up to you, dear readers, who, on what floor and in which room live.
There are only two things I will tell.
1. [Y/N]'s room is on the third floor 'in the middle, like it's surrounded by other rooms'.
2. Each floor has a bathroom. Some rooms have joint bathrooms ([Y/N]'s room has one. Other rooms with bathrooms are up to you.)
3. Every room is unique.
4. Ayatsuji's two cats live in his room.
5. Karl lives in Poe's room
6. Gogol has bird feeders outside his window.
7. Rimbaud's room is very warm, almost toasty.
8. Natsume has his own room and nowadays transform into a cat only if he needs to follow someone quietly or if he wants to cheer you up.
9. Ranpo has a hammock in his room.
Storage for old things.
-Small farm. John and Kenji insisted on growing their own vegetables and fruits. Right now, it is still small, but they are planning to make it bigger.
-Barn. Came with the house and land. Empty right now, but Kenji want to get some cows.
- Playground for Oda's kids.
- Picnic area with wooden tables. Good place to have lunch on the open air.
- Garage. (Few cars, Chuuya's and Albatross's bikes)
- Sports/Training area. Place for jogging and doing exercises.
- Swimming pool
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meteor752 · 2 months
The Double Life Kids headcanons 3
A whole lot has happened since the last of these headcanon posts, like, a whole lot. The last post was before the kids even went to the Empires server
So, I thought I’d do one of these again, cause I like making headcanon posts
All the kids except Liana share the same birthday, since Liana spawned as an egg and hatched like, a month later. They wouldn’t usually celebrate their birthdays in anyway, especially after their parents deaths, but when they were separated it became a tradition on both ends to get a cake and blow out their candles, celebrating both them and the ones on the other server, counting down the years until they could see them again. Liana gets a cupcake on hers
Zee (The Lizzie + Skizz child) uses She/He pronouns
Skim uses They/Them
Liana, Jekiv, and Gertrude are girlbosses while Johnny, Novo, and Jassy are boylosers. Wes is somewhere in between
Johnny brought Lily the Warden with him to Empires, and later to Hermitcraft, and then back to Empires. She’s his little sister, and where he goes, she goes
Gertrude bites in her sleep. It’s not always aggressive, usually it’s just lil love bites, but if she’s having a particularly vivid dream or is very stressed out, then she can leave pretty extreme chomps. It’s usually just her pillow or blanket, but sometimes Novo falls victim to her sleep biting. He doesn’t mind
Johnny hates using a bed to sleep, and exclusively sleeps in a hammock.
Through trial and error, and many years of work, Wes, together with Jassy, BDubs and one of his many steeds, managed to overcome his fear of horses. He even got his own, an Ardennais named Dweller
Jekiv also got his own horse, but instead of breeding one he kinda, made one. Virgil was his first successful resurrection, that didn’t just crumble into dust immediately. He’s not very friendly and struggles with obeying him, but he’s (mostly) fully alive which is all that really counts
fWhip was the one who made Liana’s prosthetic, and Doc later made improvements to it so it would hold better and be more comfortable. She has many stickers on it, just for funsies
In the good ending, where the kids all got a happy ending together, Gertrude and Jekiv were finally able to meet their other dads. Jek was thrilled to get another chance to bond with his dad, and Gert was just happy to have her dad back
Jassy also got to reunite with her little brother, Hermes
Johnny is very face blind. It usually isn’t a problem since everyone around him dresses and look very distinctively, but in Empires where everyone he knows wore entirely different outfits in varying aesthetics, he struggled a lot. It just became a habit of the kids that if you wore something different than you usually wore around him, you’d immediately tell him who you are and let him inspect you for a bit
Wes has little control over his volume. It’s kinda strange for him, as he doesn’t really take notice of it himself. When talking to him, he can go from almost whispering to straight up yelling without even realizing it. The rest of the kids are used to it, but it’s usually a surprise to any new people
Liana drinks exclusively expensive whiskey, Jassy loves tequila, Novo is a huge fan of cheap wine, Gertrude likes rum cocktails, Jekiv drinks straight Vodka, Wes sticks to cider, and Johnny makes his own moonshine. Drink nights are a mess
Speaking of which, Liana is the messiest drunk to every messy. She has absolutely zero filter, and for some reason loves to spit out random pretty miserable and dark facts that she’s read about. She tends to clonk out after like two hours though, so it’s just to put up with it
Nobody ever calls Johnny Johnathan. Nobody, except Keralis
Liana and Jassy’s first wedding was less because of love and devotions, and more because they were 14 years into life on the double life server and everyone was fucking miserable, so they thought an event could help cheer people it. It did, but like barely
This is why they remarried, to have an honest chance to express their love for each other. Also an excuse to wear fancy clothes
Jekiv and Wes, in the good ending, got married shortly after reuniting with each other on their new server. It was a very quaint ceremony, but still lovely
Gertrude and Novo are still waiting for the other to propose, and they will just keep on waiting
Also, since this will be posted on the two year anniversary of my first ever post about the kids, I thought I’d share some scrapped ideas and other bts stuff. It’s not a lot since I’m one person using Hero Forge and posting stuff on Tumblr, but there’s some things lol
Jassy was first meant to be a set of twins. It was scrapped for many reasons, one of them being the “one child per couple”, but when I was still working on their first designs I had two wips. The original idea was that one of them was going to take inspiration from some other Naruto character, I think Hinata is who I settled for, and the other was going to have more of a fantasy vibe, to fit the theme of Shrek. This was another reason this was scrapped lol, but for a short while the idea of twin sisters Hinata and Princess Fiona excited
The kids were originally going to go to Hermitcraft. This was before we knew the portal led to Empires, so I was planning of having them enter the portal and exit in Grians base. The main reason this got scrapped was of course that we found out that the portal led to Empires, but also because I knew next to nothing about the Ren The King storyline during season nine, which I was planning to have be a big part of it, with Gertrude and Liana taking center stage as the main characters
To piggy back of the last one, I was planning to make a part two to Logbook, Jekiv’s fic where he wrote journal entries throughout their 20 year stay at the Double Life series. The premise of the sequel was that Liana was to have found the journal before he left it behind, and that she was going to keep on writing in it during their time on Hermitcraft. I even started a rough first draft of it, but as the Hermitcraft storyline was scrapped, so was the journal entry sequel.
Novo and Jekiv are both based off of dnd characters I’ve used in the past, a Bard who can’t play any instruments, and a character who picked up and slowly mastered necromancy halfway through a campaign. It wasn’t planned at the beginning, but it felt fun to pay homage to it, even if I would be the only one who understood the reference.
Some scrapped design ideas is that Liana was gonna be part Vex (Scrapped because it was too messy), Novo was gonna have more of a purple shade in his hair (Scrapped because it didn’t look right, but his signature colour is still purple), Johnny was gonna have a blue fire motif (Scrapped because I like the red fire vibe more, fit him better), Jekiv was gonna have red hair (Scrapped because he just looked exactly like Cleo that way), and Jassy was gonna be entirely green (Scrapped because it looked weird and didn’t fully fit since Joel isn’t green and like no one designs him like that, she does still have some green to her tho).
I mentioned this in a previous post but Liana went through many names before I settled on Liana (The first one I came up with lol, it just stuck). These names (Sharina Ace Sage Aurelia Francesca Octavia Monroe) along with Xelqua and Jellie became her middle names
Not a fucking day goes by where I don’t regret having Jassy constantly change her hairstyle. I painted myself into a corner for that one, and by god am I suffering
And, as a final little thing to celebrate my two year anniversary of not knowing peace because of these fucking kids, I thought I’d show you all a little comparison of the first ever hero forge design I made of the kids, and the most recent one, both to show how they’ve grown but also how I’ve gotten better at using the site lol
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Ah, my babies
The funny thing is, that while yes they have changed and evolved over these two years, they canonically have not grown at all lol
Anyways, happy two year anniversary kids
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New Surroundings
Second entry for @tmnt-write-fight in the bag! Big shout out to @sonderquill for providing the following writing prompt:
Klunk is new to the family and spends some time bonding with Raph. (It may or may not be against Raph's will, and Mikey may or may not have planned it)
Get ready for some cuteness guys. And as always, glory to the Foot Clan!
Words: 1687
Rating: Gen
Tags: Fluff, Fluff Without Plot, Sleepy Cuddles, No Plot/Plotless, Slice of Life
Iteration: 2003
You can also check out the fic here on AO3!
Raph’s knuckles stung as he threw punch after punch into the sandbag. It had been hours since he started, and by now they were probably bleeding. He didn’t care, though. The more pain he felt in his hands, the less he’d think about the hundred things that were making him upset that day. It was working, too; he couldn’t even remember what had gotten his blood boiling in the first place.
Panting, he stopped and caught the sandbag as it swung back into place. Sweat dripped from his forehead and slid under his mask, stinging his eyes. His attention shifted from the pain in his hands to the growing ache in his shoulders, well-worn from his strenuous workout. Exhaustion settled over him like a warm, cozy blanket. That was enough training for one day.
Although Don had set up some heating units and insulation, some of the January chill still made its way inside the lair. Even the short walk to his bedroom was enough to cool Raph down – and being cold-blooded definitely didn’t help. His reptilian instincts were telling him to bury himself under all the thick blankets he had in his hammock and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. It wouldn’t be a bad idea if he couldn’t count on his brothers to bug him at some point. But while the lair was quiet and his brothers were occupied, he might as well squeeze in a nap. He stretched his shoulders, then reached for his hammock, ready to climb in.
Then his hammock hissed.
He jumped back, his hands instinctively flying to his belt where his sais normally were. The blankets shifted, then a small orange kitten peeked his head out from underneath the layers. Klunk.
His relief soon gave way to annoyance as he remembered what had gotten him so angry today. Klunk had decided to use his workout bench as a litterbox. And then Mikey had the gall to say that he shouldn’t be so upset about it. “Aw, come on, Raphie, he just doesn’t know any better!” Mikey had said. “He’s only been with us a few weeks, and he’s still not used to his new surroundings. Don’t be such a cat-hater, alright?”
Raph didn’t hate cats – in fact, he was more of a cat person than a dog person. What he didn’t like was their new pet thinking he had the run of the place. Like right now – Klunk was nested in the middle of the blankets as if the whole hammock was his personal hiding spot.
“Ya mind scoochin’ over?” Raph asked.
Klunk remained under the layers and wearily watched as Raph attempted to move the blankets around to make some space in the hammock. Each time he grew closer, he earned an angry hiss.
“I’m not tryna hurt ya,” Raph said. “I just wanna sleep here a bit. That too much to ask?”
Klunk hid deeper under the blankets until the only thing Raph could see was his glowing green eyes.
“Look, Klunk, I think you’re a little confused,” he continued. “This here’s my room, alright? And right there, that’s my hammock. You’re welcome to come in anytime you want, but you can’t sleep there. That’s my spot.”
The only response he got from Klunk was a slow blink. Raph wasn’t sure he was expecting from him, but he had hoped that Klunk would have gotten the message and jumped out of the hammock already. The coolness of the lair was starting to seep into his skin and take hold of his bones. He rubbed his arms to try to keep them warm and clenched his jaw so that his teeth wouldn’t chatter.
Maybe Klunk was cold, too. Now that he thought about it, it made sense why Klunk wouldn’t leave. If Raph were a small creature wandering around in the cold sewers of New York and he had stumbled upon a pile of blankets, he would’ve also probably made himself right at home. Perhaps if he showed Klunk an equally comfortable place to sleep in, he could him to move out. Kneeling, Raph rearranged the pile of pillows that he kept underneath the hammock. “See? You’re welcome to sleep here. Lots of soft pillows.” He tentatively reached his hand out to the kitten. “Whaddya say?”
Klunk emerged half-way from his hiding spot. Just when Raph thought he was going to leave the hammock for good, he batted his hand with his paws, raking his needle-sized claws across his skin.
“Ouch!” Raph yelled, recoiling. “Fine! You can have the stupid hammock. I’ll just sleep down here, no thanks to you!” he shouted.
With a huff, Raph rearranged the pillows on the floor and laid down on top of them. Now he wasn’t tired anymore – his chest burned with anger and all he could think about was how much he hated that stupid cat. Of course, Mikey just had to adopt a kitten as dumb and stubborn as he was. Klunk even had the same sense of youngest-brother entitlement and arrogance. At this point, his only saving grace was his adorableness, otherwise Raph would’ve punted him across the lair like a football by now.
He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he was aware of was the feeling of his body trembling. His arms and legs were stiff, as if they had frozen solid, and he could barely feel his fingers and toes anymore. It was a sign that he needed to get up and walk around and get some feeling back into his limbs, but it was too cold for him to even move. Raph squeezed his eyes shut and willed himself to sit up. But the cold was winning, taking over his survival instincts and forcing him into a state of lethargy. His head started to feel fuzzy, as if someone was stuffing it with cotton.
Brumation. Despite the haziness of his mind, Raph somehow remembered that word. Don had told him about it, about how reptiles often went into a state of inactivity when their environment became too cold. In the wild, that sluggishness would keep turtles alive. Some survival mechanism. All it did was remind Raph why he hated the winter so much; it made him feel vulnerable. It was a harsh reminder that the world was cold and uncaring, and that sometimes there was little he could do about it. There were just some problems he simply couldn’t punch or stab his way out of. The only thing he could do was take the hit on the chin and embrace the suck.
A soft meow came from the hammock above him, then he heard the blankets shift and the soft padding of paws on the floor just a few feet away. Klunk had finally gotten out of the hammock. But as much as Raph wanted to jump off the floor and crawl under the blankets, he couldn’t. The only thing he could do was curl his arms and legs as close to his chest as possible to try to get some warmth back into them.
Klunk’s light footsteps grew closer, then Raph felt his nose nudge at his hands. The kitten then wormed his way between his arms until at last, he was pressed up against his chest. With a yawn, Klunk rested his head against his plastron and began to purr.
Warmth radiated from the cat’s body and spread its way across Raph’s chest and torso. It was amazing how much heat could come from such a little kitten. After a few minutes, a sense of feeling returned to his arms and legs, and he could feel his hands again. When he was finally able to move them, he reached over to gently pet Klunk. His fur was soft and warm, and the steady purring filled him with a sense of calm. This was much better than a blanket.
“Hey, Raph?” came Mikey’s voice from outside his room. “Have you seen…” He popped his head inside and found the two of them cuddling. “There you are, Klunk! Aww, the two of you look so cute right now!”
A comment like that would have earned him a whole lot of shell kicking. But Raph couldn’t bother to get up and smack him upside the head. Part of it was because of the lingering cold, and part of it was because he’d have to get up and leave Klunk on the pillows. “Shut up, Mike,” he said.
“Maybe I should take a picture with the shell cell. Leo would never believe me if I just told him.”
“I swear, if you tell Leo about this, you’re gonna regret it for the rest of your life.”
Meowing, Klunk slunk out from between Raph’s arms and took a long deep stretch, his tail arching emphatically. Then he padded over to Mikey and jumped into his arms. With a gleeful giggle, Mikey spun him around. “Aww, are you finally getting along with Raphie boy?” He gently took one of Klunk’s paws and made him wave. “Yes, I am!” he said, pitching his voice into a falsetto. “I love Raphie a whole lot. And now that he’s gotten over his hatred of cats, we’re best pals.”
“That cat is way too patient with you,” Raph said with a wry grin. “And like I told ya before, I am a cat person.”
“Uh-huh. Likely story,” Mikey teased.
Now that Raph was feeling more awake, he pushed himself off the floor. “You better watch yourself Mikey. I might steal Klunk when you’re not looking.” He gave his brother an affectionate noogie.
With a meow, Klunk hopped out of Mikey’s arms. A case of zoomies suddenly took hold, and he dashed out of the room. “Hey! Wait a minute, come back!” Mikey said. “Aw man, it took me forever just to find him, too. Being a cat dad is harder than it looks, I tell ya.”
“Don’t worry about him, Mikey. He’ll turn up again.”
“You think so?”
Raph wrapped an arm around Mikey’s shoulder, and they walked out of the room. “Yeah,” he said. “I gotta feelin’.”
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
TREAT! 100 ft Away Mikey and Raph >:3
Thank you Wren for indulging me by asking about my babies c:
100ft is divided into two arcs, escape arc and recovery arc (you know, in the hypothetical future where I actually write the fic lol). Because Mikey and Raph are separated for escape arc, this is set in recovery arc. That means it's a spoiler but eh... I'm just releasing things about this AU when I feel like it haha. Skip it if you want to, though.
To give you a quick idea of where the boys are at coming into this arc, Mikey has been pretty aggressively asserting his independence from Leo (much to Leo's dismay) because he knows it's better for both of them, and Leo is also upset that Mikey is trying to get closer to Donnie and Raph, who he views as dangerous. Meanwhile, Raph and Donnie have gotten pretty close; Raph is still in a dissociative state where he doesn't talk and he still acts pretty animalistic, but he's improving the more Donnie, April, and Splinter interact with him.
Anyway no real warnings for this one.
Mikey stares at his ceiling, fingers tangled up tight in his blanket. The last tendrils of the nightmare curl cold around him, chasing away any hope of returning to sleep.
There's a steady drumbeat in his pulse telling him to go to Leo.
But he can't go to Leo. He can't, because having separate rooms was his idea. If he goes to Leo with every trouble he has, they'll fall right back into the same routine they've had the last ten years. They'll never move forward.
He knows all that. But he's scared. His heartbeat is loud and the room is so dark and he's terrified and more than anything he wants his big brother.
And it occurs to Mikey for maybe the first time that he has other big brothers here.
Leo wouldn't be happy about it. But what Leo doesn't know won't hurt him.
Slowly, carefully, Mikey crawls out of his hammock, dragging his blanket with him. The concrete floor of the sewer is cold, but it's not much different from the rock back in the facility. The familiarity doesn't really help with the terror in his veins.
He creeps out past his curtain and into the atrium. Artificial light streams in through the glass above, shining down on the big space and the swirling water. It's quiet in here, only the faint sound of Splinter's TV filtering in from the other room. It occurs to Mikey briefly that he could go there instead, but he still feels a little awkward with Splinter. And he doesn't want to worry him, anyway.
He creeps along the walkway, careful to be especially quiet as he passes Leo's room. He wouldn't be surprised if Leo is awake; he never looks like he slept more than a couple hours every morning. If he finds out Mikey is up, it'll be all over.
But he makes it past the blue curtain without attracting any attention; relief spikes through him, and he barely holds back a sigh.
The red curtain is next in line, and this one Mikey draws back.
Raph's is the biggest of the alcoves they're using as rooms; appropriate, since he dwarfs the rest of them. Even now, after a full month, Mikey's still shocked by how huge Raph is. He could easily crush any of them if he wanted to.
And yet he's gentle. He's never been anything other than careful with them. No matter what Leo thinks, their big brother is still in there. That, Mikey's sure of.
He creeps into the room, letting the curtain fall closed behind him, and surveys the room. Raph has a big bed, but he's laying on the nest of pillows and blankets they've made for him instead. He doesn't seem to understand the purpose of the bed, and they don't push it.
It's not unoccupied, though; Mikey can just see the tip of Donnie's snout where it peeks out from under a pile of blankets. He used to sleep buried in the mud at the bottom of his enclosure; maybe the blankets feel the same.
Donnie isn't afraid of Raph; Donnie sleeps in here more often than he does his own room. That gives Mikey courage, and he moves further into the room.
He freezes when Raph suddenly stirs, raising his head and opening bleary eyes, sniffing the air. He's not aggressive, just curious, trying to figure out who's there.
Mikey lets out a soft chirp, because Raph seems to understand that better than speech.
Raph sniffs a little longer, then lets out a soft chuff. Then he rolls onto his side, making space.
Mikey takes that as his cue to dive into the blanket nest.
Ever so gently, Raph settles back down on his stomach next to Mikey. He wraps one arm around Mikey, pulling until Mikey is cradled close to his side. He gives Mikey one more snuffle, making Mikey giggle, then chuffs again and lays his head back down.
Mikey feels warm and cozy and safe wrapped up under his big brother's arm. The last of the nightmare fades away, a comfortable drowsiness taking its place.
Mikey falls asleep hugging Raph's arm.
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yanban-san · 1 year
Alright but they way that my tiny touch-starved being is, I can imagine how comfy hugs are from each set of twins-
Plain ol’ twins; just barely hiding in their coats as they hug you from the front-
Droids; might be a lil cold from the metal but I bet they got some heat core tomfoolery to warm the both of us up-
Eldritch; I’ve always wanted to know what hugs from shadows and feathers both feel like, just being lost in their innumerable wings, claws, scales and whatnot- every hug could be different depending on the day!
Driders; fluffy back and legs + the little clicks and buzzes they make when they’re happy, sign me up-
Hydreigons; wrapped up in their six wings to the point where you can’t tell human from hybrid-
I want ALL OF THEM to help my attention-starved existence. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
-lemon tea anon 🍋 🍵
Honest to god that's how I feel 🥲 Lemme just have hugs from my boys, pretty please-
I always thought the image of the twins having a small darling would be really cute- Like Emmet is hugging you and then he just wraps his long coat around you and you're squirming trying to escape while he's laughing- A Depot agent comes up to see what all the commotion is about and Emmet shushes them, telling them to be real quiet like- Before he asks the Depot Agent if they'd like... to purchase... a Darling- And swishing his coat open to reveal you glaring at him. Woe be unto the Depot Agent that actually tries to purchase you though. You're priceless to your sweethearts, after all. Ingo loves hugging you, or using you in the middle of the day as a pillow to squeeze while he rests his head. He'll wrap both of you in his coat- It makes a lovely impromptu blanket.
I decided to say the 'droids have quantum computers inside of them- But if you don't know, quantum computers... In their current states require temperatures as close to absolute zero as we can possibly get in order for them to work. So if they do have qubits running their brains, they are probably venting a lot of heat all the time- Especially because they have a generator inside of them as well. Hugging them is toasty, and during the Summer they are extra toasty. Of course they also run on pokemon-logic, so maybe they just have some NeverMeltIce jammed into those processors of theirs. I have also been playing around with some- Dare I say, body horror- that might get invoked with their physical interactions with their darling. But I digress; Their hugs are generally toasty, and they will grab you from afar to pull you in for one.
Eldritch boys just constantly hold you. The rare times you're alone, you can almost always feel their presence- Lurking in the shadows and out of sight- And sometimes you get pulled into darkness when you step into the shadows- Only to find yourself in Gear Station, being held by Ingo. "I missed you," He explains, tendrils and shadows coiling around you. His body dripping with the inky void that makes up his true form. Emmet grows jealous, and takes you away the moment he can. Whining as he holds you against him, a thousand voices wondering why you didn't ask him to come cuddle you too? He wants your affections- He's far softer than his brother, and prettier too! And then they spend your sleeping hours curled around you, a bed of fluffy feathers and scales and ink and light, cradling you in their claws and arms- Their precious soulmate. Their darling soulmate.
Driders have a difficult time with the hugging thing- Humans are much shorter than them, and though they have their four arms and their pedipalps, it's difficult for them to hug you- But you can hug them easily, especially if you're riding on their back. It's a place of honor, really- To be allowed on their fluffy back side, cuddling them while being carried everywhere. Their only complaint is that they cannot look at you. Though that is easily fixed. They can hug you easily by placing you in a hammock of webbing, or trapping you under them... They can also carry you- Supporting you in one set of arms and hugging you close with the other pair, kissing you with their spider mouths.
The hydreigon boys have an easy time hugging you- You just have to avoid being nommed on by them. Being bitten is their love language. Bite them back. They'll bite you in their sleep, they'll bite you while they're awake- They'll trap you in a cage of their wings, enjoying the fright on your face- That looks to them like adoration. Together, the six wings become twelve, and they lock you against them- Snapping at each other if they think the other is causing you discomfort. They kiss you, nursing on your skin, refusing to let up- Nesting with you in a lovely bed they've prepared of furs and moss and bones and flowers, while your feet are wrapped up in their tails.
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If you're new, this all starts with Touch Starved - Echo! You can read this little chunk as a standalone, or head back to the beginning for the full experience!
Febuwhump Day 8
Panic – Echo - A quiet discussion between Doc and Hunter is delayed when Echo has a nightmare. Doc tries to ease him through it, resulting in a fun bit of shared taunts with Crosshair the following morning.
Warnings: Nightmare-induced panic attack. Non-intimate bed sharing. Fictional curses (does that need a warning?), sexual innuendo
WC: 2633
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The air was beginning to grow heavy with the staleness of long-distance travel, the chill having long since settled into my joints from diverting power throughout the ship to grant just a fraction more speed to already straining engines. There was no pressing need to push the ship like this, but the Batch had a reputation of reckless efficiency to maintain. Most of the others had settled down, but I couldn’t flip my sleep cycle with the ease Wrecker’s deep snoring flaunted.
Letting out a slow sigh, I slipped from the medbay cot – it was far from comfortable, but the limited sleeping quarters in the transport granted few options. Wrapping the gray blanket snugly around my shoulders, I tread quietly down the center isle, eyes wandering fondly over the sleeping figures: Tech’s ankles were crossed, arm draping over his chest where it had clearly landed when he’d fallen asleep, datapad still glowing from beneath his loose grip. Echo lay slightly on his side in his hammock, scomp draping over his waist, lips just parted in rhythmic breathes. Crosshair was nestled against the very corner of his bed, back flush against the wall, and Wrecker was sprawled out on his stomach, one arm curled beneath his head while the other hung thoughtlessly over the edge, a clear line of drool already glistening at the corner of his mouth and soaking into his pillow.
I wasn’t surprised to see Hunter’s rack untouched, certain I’d find him monitoring the automated systems as an excuse to appreciate the rare, relative quiet of space travel. Snatching his meticulously folded blanket thoughtlessly as I crept past the sleeping soldiers, I made my way unhurried toward the cockpit.
“You should be asleep.” He chided, but there was no heat in his calm voice as I descended the ladder.
“You’re one to talk.” I shot back with a small smile. He was still facing forward, legs stretched leisurely out before him as he leaned back in the blocky pilot’s chair, elbow just visible on the arm rest. Without waiting for him to turn toward me, I snapped his blanket out, practically throwing it over him. He startled only slightly at the sudden movement, but quickly stilled, eyebrow cocking as he shot me a sideways glance.
“Doc… you realize we were created for this, right?” Paying no mine to his gentle mocking, I sat heavily in the copilot’s chair, knees tucking against my chest to wrap my own blanket more snugly around me.
“Mmhmm.” I merely hummed in response, earning a quiet chuckle, but my lips pulled into a small smile as he repositioned the thick fabric slightly if only to humor me.
“Do you ever think about what’s after this?” I felt his gaze turn more pointedly toward me as the quiet words fluttered over my lips, eyes staring blindly at the dancing glow of hyperspace before us. Allowing my question to settle back into the silence, he finally let out a small huff before leaning into the worn padding once more.
“Pretty sure there’ll always be a demand for medics, so I doubt you have much need to worry.” He offered. Only then did I finally turn to face him, brows just hinting at a frown.
“I don’t mean for me, Hunter.” I stated, waiting him out until he finally let his head fall, chin just resting against his chest, and I loathed that troubled worry that settled heavily over the powerful features of his face.
“Don’t know.” He finally answered. “Clones don’t exactly have a place out there that doesn’t involve a battlefield.” My eyes followed the absent motion of his hand as he waved vaguely toward the viewport.
“Yet.” I offered quietly. He didn’t humor me with even the echo of a smirk, jaw shifting stiffly forward. “What if you could choose?” I pressed, question falling lightly from a kind smile. “Say we reach Kamino and find out the war is over and clones have been granted full citizenship in a show of gratitude for your service: true freedom for you and your brothers,” His eyes closed slightly, and I could see his mind beginning to wander; to want, “What then?” He let himself think for just a moment longer before releasing a dismissive breath of laughter that threatened to break my heart.
“Master of small talk tonight.” He teased, some of his usually weariness returning to those umber eyes. I merely waited expectantly as he let his attention return to the swirling blues and blacks of space. “Guess I don’t really care where we wind up,” he started, voice quiet, “so long as I can keep us all together; keep us safe… Maybe somewhere quiet.” Finally, he let himself begin to truly entertain the idea; to dream. “It would be hard to find a life that would keep them all happy, but… maybe we could find some remote planet – become settlers and just… live.” I didn’t notice the smile spreading over my face until he glanced at me with a pointed smirk, but I didn’t withdraw, beaming at him with pure glee.
“The great settlers of Clone Force 99, braving unknown worlds and taming alien wilds.” I murmured brightly, heart soaring at the earnest chuckle that shook almost silently through his chest.
“What about you, Doc?” He asked, tilting his head back towards me, “What’s next for you once you’ve had your fill of all th-” That elation of far-off hopes and desires went cold in an instant as he went still, attention shifting pointedly toward the hallway behind us. “Echo.” He stated simply, sympathy robbing him of that brief moment of weightlessness.
“I’ll go.” I said, already raising to my feet. He started to object, jaw shifting beneath those relentlessly exhausted eyes, but I settled my hand comfortingly over his shoulder, meeting his gaze in a silence that said everything words simply couldn’t. He reluctantly deflated beneath my touch, a deep gratitude stealing over him as he looked up at me. With a final smile, I quickly moved toward the ladder, hopping up the rungs to reach the bunk room that much faster.
Beneath Wrecker’s still oblivious snores, I could just catch the occasional huff of a too-sharp breath, noted the way that red hammock rocked ever so slightly despite the smoothness of our flight. Quickening my pace, I trotted the last few steps, heart twisting at the pinched crease between his brows, the tension balling overtop his jaws.
“Echo.” I barely breathed his name, one hand resting over the top lip of crimson fabric while the other reached tentatively toward him. His head jerked slightly to the side, teeth just flashing in a brief scowl. Fingers brushing tenderly over his shoulder, I called him again. “Echo… Echo, sweetie, you’re dreaming.” His chest quivered with a frantic, broken gasp, body flinching away from me. “Echo.” Voice raising ever so slightly, I reached down to carefully hold his cheeks between my palms, thumb sweeping over taut muscle. Finally, his eyes snapped open, jaw parting amidst a violent gasp as his arm swept out before him in a panic.
“Shh-shh.” The comforting sound shushed quickly from my lips, letting my touch shift against him just enough to try to draw his attention to me. “Look at me, Echo – it’s alright.” Wide eyes darted blindly around us, only resting on mine for a fleeting second before continuing their desperate search for some ancient danger.
“You’re on the Marauder, Echo. You’re okay.” His hand abandoned its defensive flailing and latched sharply around my arm, frantically shifting gaze beginning to fall on me more frequently. “Easy,” I murmured softly, “You’re safe, Echo. Look at me,” I gently pulled his face back toward me, breathing a gentle, “good” when those golden eyes lingered on mine.
“I want you to breathe with me, okay?” His hold resettled almost neurotically around my upper arm, and I didn’t doubt the bruises I’d find later, but I’d let him break the damn thing before pulling away. Lips softening into a gentle smile, I made a show of drawing in a slow, leisure breath, held it for a moment, and then, with that same unrushed ease, let my shoulders sink as I exhaled. His attention remained locked on me, but the wild terror in the dilated pools of his pupils offered no signs of understanding.
“Come on, soldier, I gave you an order.” I teased, thumb again brushing over his cheeks. Brows furrowing further over haunted eyes, he almost belated grasped some fleeting understanding of my words, and, when I began to inhale once more, his teeth ground beneath the strain of fighting to obey me. “Good. You’re doing great, Echo.” Softly spoken words settled quietly in the air between us. The terrible depth of his fear continued to rend him into a trembling mess of tense muscles and shuttered breaths, but the entirety of his focus now seemed locked on me.
“Again.” I whispered, smile growing encouragingly. His hand shifted with his next tense inhale, darting up briefly to my shoulder before clasping around the back of my neck, arm tensing to pull himself closer, and I nearly broke beneath the violent need in those pleading eyes. “Okay.” I murmured quickly, leaning down to rest my forehead against his. “Okay, Echo; I’m right here.” He was still for only a few rushed breaths, trying and failing to match my calm pace before giving into his fear once more, arm jerking up to lock around me, nearly tumbling from the hammock in his fight to hide against me, legs kicking restlessly atop the too pliant fabric.
“Shh; alright-alright.” My gentle attempts to quiet him fell on deaf ears, struggling to keep him from falling as I eagerly returned the desperate embrace. The moment my feet finally slipped off the floor as I tumbled forward on top of him barely registered in the face of his utter surrender, clinging to me even with his scomp, the augmented limb looping tightly around my lower back. Forehead tucked up into my neck, he merely held me as he trembled.
I continued pressing the soothing words and gentle promises into the fleeting breadth of air between us, carefully shifting a hand up his neck to let my fingers card through the short curls of hair just beginning to regrow around the metal nodes. Slowly, that horrid tremble began to still, breath steadying enough to match mine, but his hold never lessened, arms clutching me tightly against him even as he started to fade. Vaguely, I worried over how my weight might feel pressing against the nodes lining his chest and torso, but, if it caused him any discomfort, he seemed not to notice, nor, surprisingly, did they dig painfully into me.
Unlike the others, Echo was almost always cold. He rarely spoke of it, but I’d seen it in the way his mood fell in poor weather, felt it in the chill of his flesh during the occasional shared touch. Now, however, with the two of us nestled together in the snug cocoon of his hammock, the cool air was a distant thought, warmth quickly pooling between us.
I didn’t noticed my own weariness sneak up on me, overcome with my own relief that the man still hidden against my neck was finally free of that terrible panic, and there was no thought to leaving him, balking at even the risk of waking him. Just a short while longer… I’d stay for just a bit longer, just in case the nightmares returned.
The choked sound and sudden tensing of muscle beneath me brought me back to a reluctant awareness, brows drawing wearily together as I glanced toward the noise, frown deepening slightly in confusion to find Echo staring at me mid gasp, horror and embarrassment sending a painfully hot flush blooming over pale cheeks, arms carefully held away from my body.
“Right…” I sighed, rolling my shoulders slightly to test the stability of the hammock. “Sorry – didn’t mean to fall asleep.” I’d shifted onto my side at some point in the night, arms still coiled loosely around his head.
“S-I… um…” I had to quickly bury my teeth into my cheek to silence the giggle at how painfully flustered he was.
“You had a pretty bad nightmare. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, but I kinda couldn’t… um… leave.” I tried to explain, pulling my arm from under his head to lean onto, easing at least partially off of him.
“Maker, no-no. Kriff, Doc; I’m sorry…I-” I waved away his words dismissively.
“It’s fine, Echo; really.” I assured him once more, head twisting to glance at the edge of the hammock. “Don’t supposed there’s an easy way out of this thing?” I asked lightly, again trying not to laugh at the lingering panic in those comically wide eyes.
“Oh! Ah, um, not-not really.” He stammered apologetically, jaw opening in silence a moment as his torso started to tense before catching himself and freezing once more. “Your, uh… your legs.” His gaze turned pointedly to lock onto the wall of red fabric beside him, lips stumbling slightly over the words. “Swing your legs over first.”
With a sympathetic smile, I elected against drawing it out any longer, steadying myself with one hand on his chest while the other gripped the hammock itself before slowly craning a leg over the edge, arms tensing against how the bed rocked beneath us from the movement. His fingers flared, torn between reaching out to help me and panicking at the mere thought of initiating further contact, but I managed to touch my foot to the smooth flooring and was able to free the rest of my body with relative ease, shooting him a victorious smile that, even in the frenzy of embarrassment, gleaned a tiny huff of laughter from him.
“Yuh know, I actually haven’t slept that well in a while.” I groaned, arms stretching above my head. Without lingering for a response, I started unhurriedly from the bunk room, lured away by the faint scent of caf.
Hunter was still in his bunk, feigning sleep even as he fought to bite back his own grin, but the others were already dispersed throughout the ship. How we’d slept through Wrecker getting up was beyond me, but I was grateful they’d left us to rest - Echo certainly needed it.
Crosshair was the only one in the tiny kitchenette, lithe body stretching lavishly between two chairs, head absently tilted back with a still steaming mug cradled between his hands. He didn’t open his eyes as I entered, but those thin lips began to curl. I merely readied myself in silence for whatever clever quip he’d surely been waiting all morning to deliver, busying myself with the automated movements of preparing my own cup of caf.
“That a service you’re offering to the whole squad, now, sweetie?” The taunt dripped from that haughty smirk, sharp eyes slitting open to locked onto me in search of a bloom of embarrassment or stutter of shame. Unphased, I merely cocked an eyebrow and, voice sweetly innocent, answered calmly with a question of my own.
“Are you asking me to sleep with you, Crosshair?” The quickness with which that smirk fled his lips, heat seeping up his neck in a flush of red, nearly broke my careful façade of control, jaw tensed against the bark of laughter begging to escape, but I managed to reign it back as I casually walked toward him. Eyes wide, caught, he sat frozen as I approached, but, when I reached down to muse his hair with my hand, that spell broke, head jerking away from me with a deep snarl. Laughing softly, I said nothing more as I continued out of the room.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 months
Vignettes On Deck
Fantasy Masks AU: Chapter Thirty-Seven
A JSE Fanfic
This one is a bit shorter than usual because I've been pretty busy this week. And because it's mostly a transition chapter XD We're just continuing to travel down the river. The news from Chase's dream has spurred the Phantoms to move quickly. Chase and the kids spend some time together as the boat continues on. He also spends time with his other friends who he hasn't seen. Meanwhile, Henrik continues with his internal struggle, and decides to open up to Chase and Jameson. And yeah, it's a lot of little scenes like that. Enjoy :)
Previous Part | | From the Start | More AU | Read on AO3: CrystalNinjaPhoenix
Taglist: @brokentimewatch
Hearing that the King was personally searching for the Phantoms put everyone on alert. Even though it was the middle of the night when Chase told Jackie and the others, they proceeded to wake up more of the crew to let them know. Not everyone, only a handful of the more essential crew members—Vsevna included, who immediately started ordering the crew around, doing everything they could to speed up the boat.
Chase found he couldn’t go back to sleep after the draísling, and instead paced around the deck, nervously glancing back down the river. He only slowed down once morning dawned and everyone else started waking up. As people started coming up from the hold, he went below, hoping that their activity hadn’t woken the kids up. Quentin was still completely out, but Amabel was stirring a bit. “Dad?” she mumbled.
“Shh, you can go back to sleep, Amy,” he said, reaching out and gently moving her hair from her eyes. “You had a long day yesterday. You need some rest.”
“Hmm.” Amabel blinked sleepily. “These beds rock back and forth.”
“They do.” Chase smiled. “They’re called hammocks, remember? Do you like them?”
“Mm-hmm.” Amabel slowly closed her eyes, pulling her blanket back over her head in the hopes of blocking out light and sound.
“I’ll be back soon,” Chase whispered. Then he headed topside again.
There was a big meeting happening on deck, with everyone gathered around the mast. A lot of the Phantoms looked visibly tired, having also been awake all night. “—we were planning on maybe making camp tomorrow night, but clearly that’s not an option with the King on our tail,” Jackie was saying, pacing back and forth. “We need to keep moving.”
Will we be able to lose him once we get to the ocean? Jameson asked, looking nervous.
“Vsevna?” Henrik asked, looking at him.
Vsevna nodded slowly. “It is not guarantee, but if we sail farther out to sea, so we cannot be seen from the coast, he will have a harder time finding us. And I do not think that even the King would be able to find a ship to pursue us.”
“Speaking of finding a ship, do you think that the King is following us down the river or on land?” Marvin asked. “I didn’t see any boats in Suilthair for him to use.”
“That is true,” Henrik agreed. “He may be stuck on land. So we would...” He trailed off suddenly, eyes tracking something in the distance. Chase turned to look, but saw nothing of interest on the riverbank. Did he see a bird or something? The rest of the Phantoms shifted awkwardly, and Vsevna leaned over and tapped Henrik on his shoulder. Henrik snapped to attention. “A-ah, what?”
Is everything alright, Henrik? Jameson asked.
“Alright, alright!” Henrik said quickly. “Ah, what was I saying?”
“The King might be stuck on land,” Jackie prompted.
“Yes! Ah, the King may be stuck on land, so we would be able to outpace him easily.”
Marvin nodded slowly. “True, but... this spirit has strange, powerful magic. We shouldn’t rely too much on him being slow.”
One of the crew members raised their hand for attention. “Royals do not travel alone,” she said. “Will he not have a guard with him? Will that not slow him down as well?”
“It will, but...” Marvin shook his head. “He has strange magic.” He repeated the same thing, at a loss for a better description.
“Marvin, Jameson,” Chase said. “Do you remember that huge magic doorway we saw back in Miryfern? The King was probably behind that, right?”
Marvin nodded. Slow at first, then faster. “He most likely was. Meaning he’ll be able to cut down the distance tremendously if he does that.”
Jackie looked back and forth between Marvin and Chase. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, uh...” Chase blinked. “We saw a whole group of warriors go through a doorway that was... as wide as half this ship is long. It appeared when lightning struck the ground.”
“If the King can conjure a doorway that large, from halfway across the kingdom...” Henrik trailed off again, though this time it seemed less because of distraction and more because he was thinking about the implications.
The Phantoms all looked grim upon hearing that. Jackie glanced around at their dour expressions and stood up straight. “Nothing is untouchable,” he said. “Even something as powerful as this. We know this spirit’s weakness. It is only a shadow of a thing, possessing our true King, relying on him for shape and form. If we can expel it from his body, all its power will be for nothing!”
“And you know this for sure?” one of the crew asked.
Jackie nodded firmly. “If it couldn’t be overpowered by expulsion, it wouldn’t be afraid of us finding out its true nature. Because if we know its true nature, we know it is a thing to be expelled. We only need to figure out how. And I have no doubt that the answer to that question lies in the Wyldwood. The first King of Glasúil and the Elders themselves are supporting us. Would they do that if the cause was hopeless?”
The Phantoms nodded and muttered agreements. The ones who looked to be from outside the kingdom seemed reassured by the confidence of those who’d been born and raised here. Chase also nodded, trying to seem as confident as the other Phantoms. But internally, he was squirming with nerves. This all relied on him. On him getting to the Wyldwood, getting through it, learning something that King Samuel wanted to share, and using it to defeat the spirit inside the King. Was he really up to all that? He couldn’t help but feel like he’ll let everyone down...
“But of course, we have to get to the Wyldwood quickly,” Jackie said.
“He’s right!” Vsevna nodded. “Talinir, check the wind for today! We have to make good time.”
The crew immediately scattered, heading to various stations around the boat. The more space between them and the King, the better.
Chase walked up to Vsevna. “Anything I can do to help?”
Jameson turned around and nodded. Yes, even though we just arrived, we’d love to lend a hand.
Vsevna chuckled. “You are still injured Chase, I would not make you work.”
“I feel better,” Chase said defensively. “The wound barely hurts.” 
“You also did not get much sleep last night, and you have little ones to look after,” Vsevna insisted. “But, ah, Jameson, is it? If you would like to help, I am sure I could show you how to work the ropes and sails.”
Henrik leaned over and shoved Vsevna with his shoulder. “If you make either of them work after they went through so much in Suilthair, I am ending this.”
“Oh come, sova, I know you would not do that!”
“Hmmm, do you?” Henrik raised an eyebrow.
Vsevna laughed. “Alright, I see what you mean. Treat your friends right, and all that. Do not worry, Henrik. I won’t ask anything of them. Now, if you do not mind, it is my shift for the helm.” He smiled, and Henrik’s face turned red, and then he turned and left.
Chase and Jameson stared at Henrik. 
“What?” Henrik said.
“Sooooo...” Chase gestured vaguely in Vsevna’s direction. “You two are... hmm?” He grinned.
He’s quite handsome, congratulations, Jameson said approvingly.
Henrik rolled his eyes. “Y-you two better not do this too. Jackie and Marvin have been teasing me enough this whole voyage. I am tired of hearing it, of hearing so many things, so many things, so many, i-it is pushing me to the cliff, to hear so much, in my ears, in my ears, I would like to stop hearing so many things, so many, so—” He abruptly stopped, eyes going wide. Then he cleared his throat. “Ah... nevermind that.”
Chase blinked. “Um...” That rambling clearly became less about Jackie and Marvin teasing Henrik and more about... something else. “Everything... okay with you?”
“Fine!” Henrik suddenly turned and hurried off, disappearing into the boat’s cabin.
Jameson and Chase stared after him. Then they looked at each other. You’ve known him longer than me, has he ever done something like that? Jameson asked.
“No, never.” Chase shook his head. “I... think things are... not fine with him. But, uh... it’d be rude to pry, wouldn’t it?”
Jameson nodded. If this gets worse, we may have to.
“Yea.” Chase sighed. “Well... want to find the food stores with me? I should get breakfast for Amabel and Quentin.”
The rest of the day passed without much incident. Chase tried to help out around the boat, but all the crew members insisted he rest so his injury could heal. And honestly? The wound in his back did make it hard to move around. It didn’t hurt as much as it did yesterday, but the area around it was stiff and felt warm. He ended up lying down in the hold for most of the afternoon. Not in his hammock, but in a bedroll under the ground. It was more comfortable to lie on his stomach with his injury, and the curve of the hammock made that difficult.
Amabel and Quentin ended up spending most of the time with him. The novelty of being on a boat must have worn off. Or maybe they were worried about him? That would be sort of sweet, if that was the case. And it would explain why they were taking turns telling him stories, the way he would tell them. The stories weren’t perfect, to be honest. Quentin had a habit of trailing off and scrambling to figure out what was going to happen next, and Amabel would get distracted with describing the people and places in the story, and they both kept butting into each other’s tellings and insisting that “the story doesn’t go that way!” But it was nice, and Chase appreciated it.
Around evening, Chase went topside again for a bit, taking some food from the stores for a quick dinner. Jackie was sparring with some of the other Phantoms—including Jameson, to Chase’s surprise. He wandered over to watch. “Wanted to continue your training?” he asked Jameson.
Jameson looked back at him. He nodded, and slowly set down the knife he was holding on the deck, standing up straight to speak. I figured that now we had access to weapons, I should start practicing with them.
“Yes, and first lesson of practicing with weapons: don’t put them on the ground,” Jackie said.
Where else should I put it? I need to speak.
“Tuck it into your belt!”
Jameson looked down at his belt. Without a sheathe?
“A single knife isn’t going to slice through your shirt and trousers on its own while you’re just walking around.” Jackie bent down and scooped up the knife. “And you’re not clumsy enough to fall and land on it. But someone could easily trip over it while it’s on the ground.”
Jameson nodded slowly. He took the knife and tucked it into his belt. Like that?
“Hmm. Good enough for a quick minute spent talking.” Jackie nodded. He looked at Chase. “Want to join us? It’s pretty challenging, sparring while on a boat. It’s easier than on the ship, though.”
Chase laughed drily. “Um, no, I’ll sit it out. Do you think it’s possible to shoot arrows while on a boat, though?”
“Hmm... you’d know more about that than me.” Jackie shrugged. “I think the pitching of the deck would make it hard, but not impossible. We didn’t bring any targets, but you might be able to set up some sort of... target-like thing on a mast or the wall of the cabin.”
But you’re still injured, Chase, remember? Jameson said.
“Yea, I know. I wasn’t planning on actually shooting, I was just cur—”
A shout broke through the air. The cabin door burst open and Henrik stumbled out, looking pale. Vsevna immediately ran over to him, and Marvin was soon behind, getting up from where he was sitting in the corner of the deck.
“Wh-what?” Chase blinked. He looked at Jackie and Jameson. They both looked worried... but in different ways. Jameson’s worry reflected his own, a sharp, nervous feeling. Jackie’s was more dull, in some way. While he and Jameson were feeling a worry closer to fear, Jackie’s was more on the edge of simple concern. “Um... Jackie? What’s going on with Henrik? I-is everything okay?”
“...tell me what ‘okay’ means to you,” Jackie said slowly.
That implied that he is NOT alright, Jameson said, his face drawn.
“Well, ah, it’s not—not what you two think.” Jackie sighed. “I... shouldn’t share Henrik’s business. 
“It’s not... because of Vsevna, is it?” Chase narrowed his eyes at the other man. He knew that Henrik cared for him, but if he was doing anything to hurt him—
“No no no!” Jackie said hurriedly. “Ah, well, he is related to it, I guess? But, uh, Henrik didn’t shout because of him just now.” He sighed. “This probably doesn’t make you any less worried, does it?”
Not at all, Jameson said, and Chase nodded in agreement.
“I’ll... try to convince Schneep to tell you on his own,” Jackie said. “For now... you really need to work on your grip on your knife, Jameson.”
Jameson looked down at the knife in his belt. What do you mean?
“You’re holding it too tight! Hard to use a weapon that you’re holding too tight.”
“He’s right,” Chase agreed.
Jameson sighed. It just feels so dangerous. Chase, what if you taught me how to use a bow, instead?
Chase raised an eyebrow. “Because... you think that is less dangerous?”
Well, I feel like I won’t be able to hurt myself as easily, at least.
“Say that again after your bowstring snaps against your arm. Also, we were just talking about the difficulty of shooting while on a boat.”
“And you’re still injured,” Jackie added, looking at Chase.
“Yes, that, too, but I could probably teach without using my own bow,” Chase explained. “And in any case, Jameson, I’m not allowing you to use archery as a way to get out of work.”
Jameson sighed. That’s fair. Alright, Jackie, tell me how to hold a knife without gripping it too tight.
Jackie nodded and continued instructing Jameson in how to use a knife. Chase settled down to eat and watch. And yet, his eyes kept being drawn to Henrik...
“You are really sure, sova?” Vsevna asked. “You all feel alright?”
“I-I am sure, thank you.” Henrik tried not to let his voice shake.
“Well, ah, we do have medicine stores if you are feeling under,” Vsevna said. “Remember?”
Henrik nodded. “I-I am not sick. I am just—f-feeling on edge. Probably because of the news that Chase told us, the news about the King. That is all. I am sure things will be fine once I... calm down. A little.”
Vsevna nodded slowly. Behind him, Marvin was staring right at Henrik, eyes shooting arrows into his soul. Henrik could guess what he was thinking. Something about how he was making excuses. “Let me know if there is something I can do, yes?” Vsevna said, oblivious to the look Marvin was giving.
“I will,” Henrik breathed. “I promise.”
“Thank you.” Vsevna smiled. “I will go check around the boat, see how things are running. See you later.” And with that, he turned and left.
Marvin immediately stepped forward to fill in the space he’d left. “What really happened?” he whispered.
Henrik sighed. He’d told Vsevna that he thought he’d seen someone on the bank following them, but that it had just been a trick of his mind. “It... was not actually a lie... not really,” he mumbled. “Just... it was not a warrior I thought I saw, but some... s-something else, that—that suddenly jumped into the cabin when I stared at it too long through the window...” He shuddered.
“You saw something?” Marvin inhaled sharply. “You haven’t seen something in a while. Not since... how old were you? We’d started sneaking around, but not quite gathered a following.”
“T-twenty-three or twenty-four, I think.” Henrik takes a deep breath. “It has been... a while.”
“And how long will it be until you can make some more medicine?”
Henrik didn’t answer right away. “In the worst series of events? U-until autumn. And unfortunately, the worst events are also the most likely.”
Marvin inhaled sharply. “Do you think the symptoms will get worse?”
“I-I hope not. I think in the past, this level is the worst they have reached. And I at least have the mind soother to help with some of them.”
Marvin glanced over at Vsevna. He lowered his voice further. “Do you think you can hide this from him for two whole seasons?”
“I-if he goes out to sea, I will not have to worry,” Henrik mumbled.
“If he leaves you to go sailing while you are clearly suffering in some way, then you should reconsider your courtship,” Marvin said bluntly. “Look, I cannot make you tell Vsevna about your false world curse. But... if you are going to be living with the symptoms for two seasons at least, you should think about telling others.”
Henrik blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Well, everyone noticed you running out of your room and shouting,” Marvin pointed out. “You don’t have to tell all the Phantoms, of course. But... well, Chase doesn’t know. Jameson doesn’t know. And they’re the types to be worried about you.”
“O-oh, I was planning on telling the two of them, actually,” Henrik said. “Sometime on the voyage.”
Marvin raised an eyebrow. “And you’re fine with telling them, but not Vsevna?”
“Well I am not—I do not—” Henrik stopped, struggling to put his feelings into words. “I... could live with... the two of them looking at me differently. Though I doubt they would.”
“Feels like less risk, you mean?” Marvin asked.
“Yes, exactly.”
“Hmm.” Marvin paused. “Well... it’s up to you. Like I said, I can’t make you tell anyone about your struggles. But if you ask me, it seems far riskier to have to keep making explanations to Vsevna. The longer this goes on, the more likely he is to figure out the truth on his own.”
“...maybe,” Henrik breathed. He shook his head. “I-I am going to... to try and rest. I have not been sleeping well lately.”
“...alright, Henrik.” Marvin nodded. “Get some rest, then.”
Draco trotted over and rubbed against Henrik’s legs. Chuckling, Henrik bent down to pet him. He couldn’t help but feel the little cat was giving him support in his own way. “I will. And... I will think about things.” He stood up straight and returned to the cabin.
Marvin was right. He knew he was. Vsevna was pretty good with people; it was a necessary skill for being a captain of a crew. He was smart enough to figure this out eventually. But... he still froze up thinking about telling him.
Maybe he could practice by telling Chase and Jameson first. Pretend that he was telling Vsevna at the same time. That might help.
Around sunset, the boat arrived at a small dock, where the Phantoms went about switching boats. This ship-like model wouldn’t do well in the shallow water of the Moors; it had to be exchanged for that same flatbed boat they’d used to get down here in the first place. They quickly switched their cargo over, paid off the guys they’d borrowed this river boat from, and then journeyed into the Moors, gradually heading towards the coast.
Marvin pulled Chase and Jameson aside for a moment during the boat switch. “This time of year, bugs are starting to appear in the Moors,” he explained. “It won’t be as bad as it will be in the summer, but you should still wear some bug-repelling paste, to prevent them from biting you. We have a lot in storage.”
Chase then went on to share this with his kids. “Do we really need this?” Amabel asked, holding the small jar with the paste. She put her fingers in, and they came off covered in a thin layer of greenish medicine. She gagged. “I don’t want this on my skin!”
Quentin leaned over and wrinkled his nose. “It smells bad.”
“No protests, you two,” Chase said firmly. “Some bug bites can make you sick. And even if they don’t, they’ll be really itchy. You have to put this on. The oil feeling will fade after a while, and you’ll get used to the smell.”
The kids groaned, but let Chase help them rub the paste onto their skin. Luckily, they seemed to be quickly distracted by their surroundings, as they both stood at the wall around the boat and stared out at the Moors. This environment was so different from anything the two of them had ever seen. The trees had strange drooping branches, and there was water everywhere, not to mention very different animal sounds. Drawn-out bird calls and the croaking of frogs. And as it got darker, little glowing bugs started to appear, drifting through the air. “Oh! Dad! What are these?!” Quentin held a hand up into the air.
“I-I don’t know, Quen,” Chase said, looking around at the glowing bugs with wide eyes.
“Are they pixies?” Quentin asked.
Chase chuckled. “No, they look like normal insects. Hopefully these aren’t the ones that bite.”
Jameson was also awestruck by the glowing insects. He held out a hand as well, a bit slower and more gently than Quentin did, and a bug flew over and landed on his finger. He stared, causing it to fly away. Amazing, he said.
Jackie wandered over. “Aren’t they?” He smiled excitedly as he looked around. “Marvin’s spent some time in the Moors. He says these are called fireflies, and they’re perfectly harmless. Friendly, even!”
“Oh good!” Chase said excitedly.
Quentin immediately started trying to catch the fireflies, cupping his hands together. He moved too fast, though, and the bugs scattered, easily dodging his hands. Amabel laughed. “Here, Quen, you gotta go slow so you don’t scare them. See?” She showed him, reaching out as well.
Even though it was late, Chase didn’t have the heart to tell them to go to sleep. Not for a while, at least. Not while they were having so much fun. But soon, he had to get them to settle down. There was no room below deck for people to sleep in the hold, not while the boat was this wide and flat, so all of the Phantoms laid out bedrolls from storage and slept beneath the stars. Chase had trouble falling asleep right away. His wound had started to ache on and off. But after a while, he drifted off.
Unfortunately, sleeping under the stars also meant sleeping under the sun. While the branches of nearby trees blocked out some of the early-morning light, Chase still woke up with sunbeams in his eyes. Well. Might as well get up and start the day.
Despite the difference in boats, the day passed much the same as yesterday. The kids remained enthralled by the surrounding Moors. Amabel kept asking nearby Phantoms the names of different plants she saw around the edge of the river. Jackie and Jameson continued to spar, as well as several other Phantoms. Chase stayed in his bedroll most of the time, pushed up to the edge of the boat so that he wouldn’t get in the way of the others. Marvin tried to help out where he could, but the crew had things pretty much covered, so he ended up playing with Draco, teasing him with a length of string.
Though the Phantoms continued to be on alert, there was no sign that anyone was following them. The day passed without incident.
Or at least, without outside incident. Because Chase couldn’t help but notice that Henrik was acting... nervous. His eyes were constantly darting around, like he was expecting something to jump out. Or... expecting it even more than the rest of them were. He seemed to get distracted easily, and Chase heard him muttering to himself a couple times. Once, he saw him standing in the middle of the deck, eyes glazed and distant. Chase started to get up to approach him, but Marvin got there first, gently shaking Henrik for attention. Henrik snapped out of it, and quickly hurried to the side so he wouldn’t be in the way.
Was... he okay? Had something happened while the other three were busy traveling and trapped in Suilthair? Chase wanted to ask him, but he didn’t want to pry...
Slowly, the land of the Moors began to fall apart, turning more into small islands held together with tree roots than a single, continuous land. And then Chase saw it. The land in the distance faded away, leaving only a vast expanse of water. In the evening light, it looked almost black, like an endless well of ink. Chase can’t help but stare. “Holy flames...” He whispered.
The boat reached a small, muddy island, the last bit of land before the endless expanse of dark water, and pulled ashore. There were rowboats already on the island, other Phantoms waiting for them with masks pulled on. In the distance, Chase could see a looming shape on the water, with a few orange specks of light atop it—that must be a ship. Chase had never seen one in person, but he remembered seeing illustrations of them in art, and its shadowy form matched up with those depictions. Even from this distance, it was so much bigger than he expected.
“That is the Serpent’s Wake.” Henrik walked up next to Chase. “It is impressive, yes?”
“Yes.” Chase nodded. “Very impressive. And Vsevna... owns it? Do captains own their ships?”
“Usually. And yes, in Vsevna’s case.” Henrik smiled softly. “He has told me the story many times before. He was a regular crew member on the ship, but grew close with the last captain. And one day, he had to guide the crew through a storm while the captain and other officers were sick. And that impressed the captain so much that he decided to give Vsevna the ship once he retired.”
“Oh? That’s interesting.” Chase nodded. “And he’s told you that story many times, hm?”
“Almost every time we have seen each other in person, it has come up.”
“You never get tired of it?”
“Of course not. I could listen to him talk for a long time.”
Chase chuckled. “Really, hmm?”
“Yes, yes, I know your tone.” Henrik rolled his eyes, but he still looked at Chase fondly. “At least you are more subtle about it than Jackie and Marvin.” Then his expression shifted to something more serious. “Chase, can I... speak to you and Jameson about something?”
Chase’s attention suddenly sharpened. “Of course. I’ll go get him.”
As many of the Phantoms began unloading the cargo—Jackie and Marvin included, as Jackie helped move stores of weapons and Marvin used his magic to move some boxes by levitating them through the air—Henrik, Chase, and Jameson all gathered on the island, a bit away from the others. “I... I-I am sure you two have noticed,” Henrik said slowly, “that I am a bit... on edge, since you have seen me again.”
Jameson and Chase exchanged looks. We didn’t want to pry, Jameson said.
Henrik chuckled. “Well... I would not mind if you did.” The serious expression returned. “The truth is... I have ran out of my medicine. Or, ah, I suppose it is more accurate to say that I lost it while on the way to our new camp.”
“Your medicine?” Chase glanced down at Henrik’s belt. He didn’t notice it until now, but there was no flask hanging from it. Huh. He was so used to it dangling there that he’d just assumed it was in place.
“M-my medicine is for... for my mind,” Henrik said, fumbling over his words. “I-I have a false world curse.”
Chase inhaled sharply. “Oh.”
Jameson’s eyes also widened. And you lost your medicine for that? How long ago?
“A-a while...” Henrik said slowly.
“I’m not, uh... too familiar with false world curses,” Chase said slowly. “I only know that it makes you see and hear things that aren’t real. Is that what you’ve been going through?”
“Among other things,” Henrik mumbled. “There are more symptoms. I untether a lot, but I found that taking a mind soother elixir helps with that.”
“I’m... sorry, Henrik,” Chase said. “That must be terrible. Confusing and, uh... upsetting.” He shook his head. “I-I’m sorry, I’m not very good with comforting.”
“You are doing alright,” Henrik said.
Thank you for telling us, Jameson said. We were very worried about you. And this is also concerning to hear, that you don’t have your medicine to help, but at least we now know. Is there anything we can do? Do you... need something specific?
Henrik gave him a small smile. “Patience is enough. I-I can handle the symptoms on my own.”
“That doesn’t mean you should handle them on your own, though,” Chase said. “If there’s anything we can do to make this easier for you, we’d do it happily.”
“Ah. Th-thank you.” Henrik laughed, and looked down at his hands, fidgeting with the cuffs of his sleeves. “Jackie said the same thing when he and Marvin first found out. The symptoms showed up while we were all friends, before we made the Masked Phantoms. Marvin actually brought up the idea at first, and I went to a doctor to get a check, a-and when it was confirmed, I went back and shared with them... s-sorry, I do not mean to ramble.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Chase said. He put a hand on Henrik’s shoulder. “I just... I-I want to be clear that we’re there for you.”
Jameson nodded. Whatever you need.
Henrik was quiet for a moment. He nodded slowly. “Ah... th-thank you.”
“What do we do when you’re experiencing symptoms?” Chase asked. “Do you want us to... try and get you out of it?”
“Yes, as long as you are gentle about it,” Henrik said. “Try not to be too physical. Though you can move me around if I am untethering, I do not mind. Jackie had to guide me around sometimes while we were journeying to the new camp. And, ah, if I do not respond, do not persist. I will always come out of it on my own eventually.”
Jameson nodded. That is good to know. Please let us know if we do something wrong. We don’t want to hurt you.
“Is this okay to talk about around other people?” Chase asked.
Henrik hesitated. “Not... Do not announce it, but... We can talk about it.”
Jameson tilted his head to the side. Do you mind me asking how many other people know?
“A-ah, a lot of the higher-up Phantoms do, but... nobody on this ship.”
Chase raised an eyebrow. “Not even Vsevna? I thought you two had gotten close while me and Jameson were stuck in the city.”
Henrik froze. “I-I... Marvin and Jackie are telling me I should tell him, but... I-I am... afraid.”
Why? Jameson asked. You have good judgment, you would not fall for someone who harbors ill feelings towards curses. Henrik laughed, but Jameson continued. Is there some cultural difference here? Do you not speak about curses so much in Alterde or whatever kingdom Vsevna is from?
“Vsevna is from Leylodka, it is not a kingdom, it has a different system to rule the nation,” Henrik explained. “And... well... I will admit, my home kingdom is not... as kind to those with symptoms. B-but I have never heard such things about Leylodka. No, it is not a problem in that way, it is... I-I am just afraid.”
Jameson nodded slowly. Afraid to ruin something now that you’ve finally got it.
Henrik blinked. “Y-yes, that may be it.”
“Well, I think Vsevna would be kind about it,” Chase said. “I haven’t known him for that long, but he definitely seems... loud and excitable, but also... a good person. And you can’t be afraid forever when it comes to love. You need to act eventually. My children wouldn’t exist if Stacia and I hadn’t taken the jump to get married, even though it scared me to ask her. I was afraid she would deny the offer, and that our relationship wouldn’t be the same after that. But she said yes. And now, here we are.”
“Everyone keeps telling me the same thing,” Henrik muttered. “But... I am not sure how to do it.”
We still have two more days to travel before reaching the new camp, right? Jameson said. We can all give you advice on how to approach this.
“I think what you did just now with us worked just fine,” Chase said.
“Hah... even so, I-I would appreciate... the advice, as Jameson said.” Henrik smiled gently. “Now... we should help the others move the cargo into the rowboats. It will take a few trips for everything to reach the ship, and we do not want to go too long into the night.”
“Right, right.” Chase nodded. “Let’s do that.”
Soon, they were rowing across the waves of the ocean, the boat bucking beneath them. Amabel and Quentin kept wanting to lean over the side to touch the spray from the water, but Chase kept pulling them back. He didn’t want them to fall into the ocean. The Serpent’s Wake was even bigger up close, which the kids were very interested in. Chase was in awe as well. But he shook it off to focus on climbing up the ladder. The kids stayed in the boat, getting pulled up with it as the crew members attached wenched it aboard.
“Welcome to my ship!” Vsevna said cheerfully, grinning back at Chase and Jameson as they looked around at the deck. “Now—” He turned back to the crew. “We make way immediately!”
“Aye, captain!” Many of the crew shouted, immediately scattering off to various stations.
Henrik walked over to Vsevna. “Ah... I-I am feeling tired,” he said awkwardly. “Do you mind if I... use your cabin?”
Vsevna looked down at him and nodded. “Of course, sova. Do not worry about it. You have really been tired a lot recently. Is everything really alright?”
Henrik hesitated. Then nodded. “Yes. More or less.” He coughed. “I-I will see you later?”
“Yes. Good night, Henrik.”
“Good night.”
Chase watched Henrik walk away, feeling a vague sense of worry. But... he could handle himself. Chase looked over at the kids, who were staring up into the sails. “Um... let’s find some place to settle down for the night, Amy, Quen,” he said. 
“Okay, Dad,” Amabel said. She grabbed Quentin’s hand. “We’ll follow you.”
Chase smiled softly. “Stay close.”
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