#he literally sculpted her as a goddess
osinthewhite · 9 months
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brb I'm gonna go cry in a corner
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audreyscribes · 2 months
If Hera were to have a child, all of Camp Half-Blood would realistically be turned on their heads, but with that said, how would Camp react if Artemis or Hestia were revealed to have a child (daughter in Artemis' case, as there is NO WAY that Artemis would ever have a son, if she did ever have a child)?
A/n: I’m going to preface that Artemis and Hestia are still virgin goddesses so you’re all going to get an unusual birth version, so we’re going with something similar to how Athena’s children are born. The child of Artemis will be referred with She/Her pronouns, but the child of Hestia will be referred with they/them because I don't think Hestia would aim for a specific gender.
No one knows how this is happening but when everyone learns of their existence as they step into Camp Half Blood, everyone thinks the world is going to end. Sure, everyone eventually learned how the children of Arthena were born and took some time to wrap their minds around it, but in the end they accepted it as natural. 
But when the other two virgin goddesses have their own demigods, you can imagine the chaos. It’s only tampered with the fact that Hestia has been known to be good towards children and Artemis being the goddess of Childbirth, it’s not that unexpected. 
No one knows for sure how the daughter of Artemis came to be, who confirms you were born from the wilderness and that Artemis is still very much a virgin goddess; any further questions were met with the threat of a silver tipped arrow. 
The child of Hestia comes forward and enlights everyone how they came to be. They gather everyone around the fire as they tell them how Hestia took the ashes from the Hearth, and mixed with the clay of which how humans came to be. She moulded the clay and ash with the worn hands that leaked ichor from small cuts of hardworking hands, and with the hands of a gentle caregivers, she sculpted the clay and ash into small shape of a babe. With that, sat by the fire of the hearth that warmed their skin with the fires of life that helped humanity, Hestia pressed her lips to the forehead bestowing the babe life. Everyone looks at the child of Hestia with awe and wonder, seeing the warmth you radiate and how much they seem like Hestia. Quite literally warming up to you as you make around camp with the virtues of Hestia. People get often confused between the child of Hestia and Hestia herself, as she often portrays herself around camp as a girl. 
The daughter of Artemis takes some time getting used to but it gets easier when they learn that the daughter of Artemis is only at Camp during the summer to learn alongside other demigods, before taking part in the hunts every other seasons with the huntress and her mother. 
The children of Apollo become the first campers to welcome the daughter of Artemis, not because they made the first move and they were their other opposite; it's because Apollo welcomed them and acted every bit as the annoying and affectionate uncle as he is towards his twin sister. When She shows up for the rounds at the medical ward with the children of Apollo, everyone gets used to her very quickly, getting over the fact she’s a daughter of Artemis, she’s just like them. After the Apollo cabin, the Demeter cabin, the Hecate cabin, and the Athena cabin are the ones who you are close to. Overtime, she opens up about herself bit by bit like the waning and waxing moons before she opens up like a full bright full moon, allowing everyone to see how she is, and think although faraway and maybe cold, she is pretty and she is nice. 
Overall, I think the campers will take some time to get used to the children of Hestia and Artemis. Some will come around to the thought of it and some might be disturbed by it, but with everything going on in their lives as demigods, this isn’t the worst or weirdest thing to happen. Putting aside the looming possibility of a quest or prophecy that might relate to them, but at this point, a world threatening prophecy is just another Tuesday. 
Eventually, the two will become another part of Camp.
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adina123 · 10 months
Empires smp god au
Pearl Goddess of the harvest and farming her title was literally the farmer pearl and in the past people kept track of harvest by looking at the phases of the moon and positioning of the constellations
Lizzie the trickster goddess of the ocean and government ocean because in season one she was a fish goddess and government because in season two she was a mayor and in both she is a scam artist trying to make a profit through morality ambiguous means
Joel god of thunder and art in canon he is the god of thunder and if anyone in empires was a art god it would be the guy that sculpted clones of himself and built stratos/mezalia
Katherine goddess order and balance and duality she fights evil by transforming from the pretty pink princess to the axe wielding warrior and as lady Katherine of the overgrown she is the one that is neutral the one that Try’s to keep order
Jimmy is The god of death for obvious reasons
Joey is the god of wealth and desire because he is a pirate and pirates like gold also he steals from false and really wants to get in xornoth s pants he also Katherine’s (understandable)
Shubble is the goddess of nature and the wild because her whole wolf thing she had going on in the first season of empires and the infected outlaw thing she had in season 2
Scott god of the passage of time and the four seasons (and rainbows) because he has connections to flowers (spring) in life series and stars in origin smp and winter in empires smp
Pix god of messengers and prophecies( he is in charge of the recaps that gives people information they might have missed also he is a prophet)
Fwhip god of fire and revenge because in both seasons of empires he has had a stubborn heated rivalry with jimmy and did not take the break up well also in art his hair is fire truck red
Gem goddess knowledge and magic because she as the wizard gem she is a powerful magician and because as the princess of dawn she teaches others about the sun god also the wizard gems empire is literally a school
Sausage love and family and lust because he is known for his platonic love (Hermes and Eddie and pearl) and let’s say his passionate spicy love( pole dancing and flirting)
Oli god of music and insanity he is a bard and who’s words make zero sense to everyone and watching him you get sensory overload ( he is the oldest but nobody believes him)
false goddess of mystery and adventure and new beginnings because she is lost her memory and is a very adventurous person also do to the lost memories she basically started from square one when she came to empires
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I have so many bishop thoughts and headcanons in my mind I can't focus on anything else so I'm just gonna regurgitate them here:
- Leshy has whatever the godly equivalent of ADHD. He is chaos incarnate, literally. He is always moving, always fidgeting with things under his cloak, is always pacing around and talks to himself a lot
- Also my man's invented flowers. Plants existed before his birth, of course, but modern day flowers were his creation, plants shaped and crafted to be bowls for the insects to dine from. He looks out for the smallest amongst them, even the most insignificant
- Among the siblings he was the most artistically inclined. He loved to paint, and sculpt, and in fact glass making was a great passion of his alongside gardening. On his 1,000th year anniversary of godhood, he surprised each of his siblings with a stained glass portrait in their temples, depicting each of them in the most significant memory he had of them: for Heket, it was her grandest harvest ritual. For Narinder, the very first sacrifice in his name. For Kallamar, the day he parted the seas to pluck the deepest ocean crystals for a ritual. And for Shamura, their weaving of a Time Tapestry that depicted the future
- Leshy hasn't made a single artistic piece since loding his vision. His crown can show him his surroundings, but it's not the same. Narinder's betrayal drained away his creative spark, and he has no desire to make anymore
- As a frog, Heket is very musically inclined. Before losing her voice, she'd often lead her congregations in the most vibrant hymns and choruses of praise, and in fact composed almost every musical piece that is used to sing glory to their names. She wrote hundreds, thousands, countless songs for her siblings, and her favorite way to funnel devotion was to have her followers sing to her. Wind and string instruments were her favorite, but she could play just about anything
- Even before Narinder's banishment, Heket was a very serious, rather surly individual. It wasn't easy to make her laugh, and in fact only her siblings could, and even then it was an uphill battle. But if they could, she had the deepest, biggest belly laughs, the kind that would leave a person bent over with their arms around their middle, tears of mirth streaming down her face. She hasn't had a good laugh since Narinder was imprisoned, and of course hasn't sung or danced either. Music now just makes her sad, and the sadness makes her angry: she forbids any sort of music in her temple
- Heket mothered/fathered most if not all of the mini-bosses of Anura. Frogs can swap their sex with ease, and she's a goddess: I think she should be able to lay her own eggs or fertilize another's on a whim 😌 each was the strongest child of each clutch, only one selected among hundreds as worthy to serve their mother's temple in lofty positions. Trained and cultivated from the moment of hatching, she is both incredibly proud of and incredibly hard on them, demanding perfection and depthless devotion at all times. Her children give it gladly, for they are so lucky to be in the presence of their mother who is holy
- Before banishment, Narinder was very close to Shamura. They all were, really, but him especially: he shared the eldest's passion for the written word. As a godling he'd so often sneak into Shamura's forbidden library to partake in ancient knowledge and prophecies, though he was of course too young to understand it. He'd often beg Shamura to read to him, and even after outgrowing that need, he'd often seek out his sibling so they could read in amicable silence together, shoulder to shoulder with each holding one side of the book
- As the god of death and the shepherd of souls, he was expected to pass judgements on the deceased, be they blessed or damned. It was a special joy of his, getting his chance to play with the heretics his siblings tortured and sacrificed. They would know no peace, even in death, for daring to go against the Old Faith
- The first time Narinder reversed death and let a mortal walk again was actually his niece: Heket's half-mortal daughter, Zepar. She had been slain tragically by a traitorous dissenter, and the way his sister wailed with grief rattled him to his very core. He didn't even realize death could be undone, he just... grabbed the little one's soul, fixed her body with his power, and breathed life back into her. It was a shock to everyone but especially to him
- Kallamar wasn't always so timid and faint of heart. After Shamura he's the oldest, and his sibling was already an adult when he was born. In comparison, the other 4 were born in relatively short periods of time, close together. Kallamar was kind of their ringleader when they were growing up, and Shamura once remarked it seemed he was, "Born without fear." He was cocky, knowing he was a god and therefore immortal and invulnerable. He wasn't afraid of anything: the entire world was his playground. He led his three youngers siblings on adventures all the time, always dragging them into some mischief or other. He was perhaps the most gullible of the siblings, believing them all to be truly indestructible. Was it any surprise, though? For several hundred thousand years, they were
- When Narinder attacked them all, it basly affected all of them but Kallamar the worst: it was the first time he'd ever truly felt pain, had ever bled, had ever been afraid for his life. Had ever been truly afraid in general. And it deeply scarred him; PTSD left him a husk of his former self. He developed crippling paranoia and anxiety as his mind introduced a slew of previously unconsidered possibilities: if the Red Crown could hurt them, then could anything else? How would he know it was coming? Would he know? Could he? Would... would his other siblings turn on him the same way? He felt horrible for thinking that way, because he trusted and loved them so much, but anxiety cannot be reasoned with. He started to doubt his safety with them, and withdrew into his shell. He stopped speaking to them as much, and whenever they were together he couldn't keep his eyes from starting around nervously. Looking for a trap, looking for a way out, hands subtly shaking and shoulders trembling beneath his robes. It makes him miserable, torments him, because how can he be suspicious of the family he so dearly adores? But Narinder has shattered his ability to trust--once the safest place, their family is no longer an undefeatable bastion and he's riddled with fear because of it
- Kallamar is very hard of hearing even with his crown: it amplifies any and every sound around him so he can always be aware of what's going on. He prefers to be underwater, deep in the Seas of Sorrow, where underwater volcanoes power his forges and he can make his many weapon for defense in peace
- He desperately needs therapy and regularly has night terrors and flashbacks
- Shamura is a prophet, clairvoyance a gift they've always possessed. There are many ways they record the future: in books as written riddles, sometimes as images woven into countless silk threads that make up their webs, and sometimes at their loom. Tapestry weaving takes a long, long time, and is only reserved for the holiest of visions: the birth of their siblings was each recorded in one wuch tapestry millenia before any came to be, and they waited anxiously for the stars to reach the appropriate alignment recorded in the threads
- On the day of Narinder's birth, they recieved a terrible vision, fortelling of the way their baby brother would one day betray them. They tried so hard to stop the prophecy, thinking perhaps it could be foiled with endless love and devotion, but despite their affections Narinder still raised his blades against them. It's a regret that weighs heavy on their mind for all eternity, even though they know there's nothing they could have done
- As the god of war and wisdom they know best to pick their battles, and are sought out for their brilliant mind as often as they are for blessings in battle. Silk Cradle was the origin of ritualistic pit fights, though usually reserved for heretics as a punishment, forced to bludgeon each other to death for the amusement of the faithful before their souls could be passed to Narinder for judgement
- Shamura raised all 4 of the bishops, naturally, and loves their siblings with all their heart. Watching them all grow into fine adults is something they will always take immense pride in. Their greatest wish is that the five of them can be together, for eternity, living in happiness while the mortals worship them and feed them their endless devotion
- Shamura is actually rather vain: they made and designed all of the bishops' robes by hand, spun of their finest silk and embroidered with golden threads. They preen frequently, and thoroughly enjoy bathing in the hot springs. A god must always look their best to inspire and strike awe into the mortals that worship them, no?
- Shamura doesn't need to eat, none of them do, but thoroughly enjoys nothing more than delicately sipping warm blood directly from a sacrifice's veins. In true spider fashion they'll occasionally leave particularly tasty mortals strung up in trapped webs, delightful little bloodbags for them to drink from again later. Sometimes they'll even feed the really yummy ones, just so they'll stay alive longer and keep naturally producing blood
I think that's it for now. Maybe now I can sleep lmao. I love the bishops
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lunarnillinia · 20 days
The magnus protocol theory - greek mythology themes
@torkhin @amelie-isnt-french @field-cryptobotanist & I have been picking up on some greek mythology associations (more specifically the odyssey) in protocol. We might be onto something or it might just be the craziest red herring ever.
There are definitely connections between alchemy and greek mythology, so who knows at this point, am i right??
Here's an overview of connections i made, along with connections @torkhin made previously
*disclaimer* i am well aware i am REACHING with a lot of these, but i need to get my thoughts out nonetheless, let me nerd about greek mythology...
TMAGP 1: Orpheus & Euridice
Going to the place of the dead to find your lover that you just can't let go
TMAGP 2: Pygmalion & Galatea
Artist's desire to create the perfect image of a woman (sculpting). Falls in love with the art & causes it to become a reality
TMAGP 3: : Daphne & Apollo
Toxic 'lovers' where one of them turns into a fucking tree
TMAGP 4: Sirens
Music that leads to your death
(Sirens are also often depicted with instruments, to lure their victims with)
TMAGP 5: Eros & Psyche
This one is especially far fetched but: being urged to reveal and *actually see* this thing that everyone keeps on saying is horrific
(Myth explanation: Psyche gets banished to an island alone. She gets told by her sisters that her lover that comes to her in the night, which she is never allowed to see, is a terrific monster. Eventually they urge her to light a candle to see and kill the monster.)
TMAGP 6: Charybdis
Monster that wants to completely draw you in and 'embrace' you
(Charybdis is sometimes depicted as a sea monster with a lot of sharp teeth or as a giant whirpool)
TMAGP 7: Penelope's suitors
These people that you didn't invite just keep coming into your place, enjoying themselves, making the place unliveable and you just can't get them to leave
TMAGP 8: Lotus eaters (/Laestrygonians)
Strange place with these people that just seem 'off' want you to eat there and 'stay awhile'
(Laestrygonians were cannibalistic giants that killed many of Odysseus' men)
TMAGP 9: Palamedes (& Tyche)
The whole thing with dice & luck
Dude who's supposed to be your friend/ally tricks you into doing something you don't want. You then play into it and get your revenge on him later
(Myth explanation: Palamedes was a greek ally but also an enemy of Odysseus. He tricked Odysseus, who was trying to get out of joining the trojan war by acting insane, into revealing himself when Odysseus' baby was threatened. Odysseus never forgave him and framed him for being a traitor and then had him killed by the rest of the greeks or killed Palamedes himself in some accounts.
Now get this: Palamedes is the inventor of dice gave the first dice to Tyche, the goddess of good and bad luck.)
TMAGP 10: Hermes & Poseidon
Again far fetched: Gwen playing a fucked up little messenger & an unknown enemy emerging from the waters
TMAGP 11: Poseidon
(Tattoo of) a ship in the middle of the ocean, being chased by something in the water
TMAGP 12: Polyphemus
Big monster with googly eye(s) crashes a party and starts brutally ripping people apart and eating them. His teeth are not soft.
TMAGP 13: Hermes
Far fetched: Hermes is a trickster god of trade and commerce, but also thieves
Same-ish theme of cheating the system for wealth
TMAGP 14: Circe
Snakes & people being transformed into animals?
TMAGP 15: Scylla
Noble lady is actually a monster with dogs (literally) by her hips and eats human flesh
TMAGP 16: no idea honestly
+ bonus thoughts on Lena: i think she might be an Athena type character:
stern authority figure, highly practical, scheming and placing her pawns just right, sees most people as tools/assets, but!! still cares about her people in some way too, protects them and helps them to succeed
Definitely add on your own thoughts :)
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krsnaradhika · 10 months
A snippet from Krishavyayam hehe-
Small points to be noted before you get started—
Kamalnayani/ Hridayaa/ Mohini are the same person. The same oc has multiple names.
Mohini is also Hari here, as we know. Hence, Mohini and Mohini it is hehe-
Please if this offends you, tell me and I'll pull it down. This is purely fiction and does not intend to offend any religious beliefs and sentiments.
You'll find the whole book on Wattpad, so cheers! ✨
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She was bewitching. The woman before whom demons swooned and caelitis were rendered wordless. Dark as the zenith hour of dusk and as radiant as a nymph who rose from the cerulean waves, she had her wife in a daze for she had poof-ed out of the blue (god).
Kamalnayani looked half amused, half moonstruck as Mohini grinned at her, winking notoriously. She sported a red and black lehenga of chiffon, diamantes stuck to the flowy fringes as well as her kohl-lined eyes and she swung a vial of mead in her willowy fingers— all too coquettishly.
Why, you ask?
"Because I last saw her so long ago," Hridayaa accentuated, sheepishly batting her eyes at Kanha and linking an arm of his to hers. The latter had mirth dancing in his very handsome features and it wouldn't be wrong to say he missed those precious moments either.
Ogres raced hither and thither for one touch of Mohini who swaggered through the waves, effortlessly charming all. Flowy tresses wrapped in the whiff of lotus and pearl ornaments dangled on her voluptuous form. She was beautiful and lethal. Woman and vulpine.
"And I miss her."
He snorted out a laugh, tendrils jumping up to his forehead to kiss them and then he obstructed them with a rake of his sculpted fingers, "I am literally right here, Hridayae."
"No, Mohini." She whined, almost hopping in her place but he disciplined her with quasi glare. Krishu pouted, seeming more of a child than a mother— as if demanding not a woman but a candy. "I want Mohini! She can give me excellent company these days and you know we're nearing the due date. Also she had a kid so she can give me great parenting tips meant for mothers. Kanha pleaseeeeee?"
"As my queen pleases."
And so, Mohini and Mohini were now face to face after ages— giggling vivaciously and maniacally at each other's sight.
"So where should I escort you now, wife?"
"Jhumka shopping!" Krishu tugged her, then waddling around to the brass and copper caskets to arrange for casual robes for herself. Mohini hummed and slipped herself in the quilts of the soigne bed, then spat her beverage right through her mauve lips out of pure whammy when the whims of Kamalnayani surprised her again.
"And we're hitched. We are begetting a kid through the blessing of an austere sage. I don't want anyone ogling at you in the marketplace, hmm? They don't have any right to."
She shortly inclined her head in a yes, inarticulate. Of course, they were married.
"Right. Only you do." The goddess simpered through the chalice sitting on her mouth. Then she clipped her bracelet against her dainty wrists, kissing where the pulse chanted the name of an archeress.
───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───
"This for Bhadra Jiji, this for Lakshu Jiji and oh— Jambavati Jiji adores teals and turquoise!"
Oxidized silver bracelets, bronze armbands, floral rings and arabesque silks brimmed the tawny stalls on wheels as the two goddesses stirred past them, riveted by the grandeur of the city that was their latibule. Krisha and Mohini walked hand in hand, occasionally picking a bloom or two to profess their love in dramatic whispers as their secretive chortles became the fantasies of little girls who watched them from afar.
The ivory and maroon turban with pearl motifs caught her attention and then she waved her hand at her husband- urhm, wife.
Kamalnayani smiled at the lady vendor who beamed at her with gentle eyes. "What do you expect?"
"A healthy baby. Nothing more." She shrugged cordially, looking over her shoulder to find Mohini partially veiling herself as she peered at the bustling streets through the rich translucence of her raiments.
"She seems new here. Do you know her?" The genial old woman squinted, "Why would she do that? Does she not know it's not normal to mantle her face in Aryan practices?"
"She's new here, Kaaki," Hridayaa answered in a jiffy as Mohini sprang to catch up with her, flashing the gleam of her cloaked dagger to the bandits who gawked at her. The bunch inhaled sharply, going about their own businesses when they recognised her as a beguiling mirage. An elusive dream.
Women with lethal beauty were to be feared. It was doltish to trust her who had other eyes trailing on every gait she took.
"Mohini. She's enchanting and gravitates a lot of attention to herself she doesn't wish for."
"Oh. Your friend?"
"This is my wife, aunt." Mohini giggled instead as the seller flushed, then ducked her head while murmuring a small apology. "No worries."
"Exquisite couple, best wishes to both of you." She fished out a leaf of tamarind from her purse, then slid the velvet turban from the honey-eyed woman to the one whose smile was as sweet as it. Kanha— now Mohini, brought a pair of suryakanthi jhumkas and slipped in Hridayaa's lotus palms.
"Pretty moms make pretty babies."
Kaaki Sulochanaa— with eyes as pulchritudinous as her name— chuckled once again at the flushed women who squirmed a little closer to each other, surreptitiously stealing gazes and then shuffling in opposite ways, the presents never seeming enough.
"Oh, so you both aren't yet out of the mushy-mushy phase?"
───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───
The dusk and the moon and their realm in Dvaravati wasn't exotic to their ardor for each other. It was the atelier of the art they painted each other in.
The scarlet roses and ivory jasmines embraced each other in the curls of the enchantress who sat between the legs of her wife, inclining her swan neck to the side as her eyes shut themselves when ivory fingertips skimmed through her scalps and skin. The sleek obsidian waterfalls and warm breaths of the woman of flames fondled her nape and Mohini wanted to flee into the aisles to escape from her namesake, but she knew the sacred smokes and ambrosia would chase her still. For the woman who carried their child was said to have seized the sense of a thousand men too around her.
"You are seducing me, good lady Kamya?" She crooned, her voice as soothing as the psithurism of the forest they promised to be each other's.
"Keep dreaming. I have always wanted to do your shringara," Agneyaa murmured lying through her teeth and when she felt a frisson run down below her touch she smirked. "Hesitate for nothing though, darling. I am quite a charmer I am told."
Mohini let out a shuddered breath, rolling her eyes and then she caught the hand of Mohini who was yet sniggering at her. "Enough now. Your skills are laudable. I have never looked this beautiful." Her gaze traversed to the mirror which gaped at two women like long lost lovers. The stones of lapis lazuli and rubies and diamonds were bestrewed upon her lithe physique like stars on the ether. A spark birthed in her guts and she was an art. An art to be ravished by her lover.
Kamalnayani giggled and pressed a chaste kiss to the cheeks of that beauty who turned pink. Then she filled the dips of the curves of Mohini's spine with her fingers binding the kamarbandh, husking near her earlobes, "Lies."
She stifled the throes of her heart and an amaranthine smile stayed on her visage. As they multiplied and she was unwavered, she was the epitome of every mother. Mohini whisked around and pulled her in a slow dance, unhurried and buoyant as their limbs swayed in poised waves— grinning as they found forelsket again and again.
Afterall, nightmares were dreams too. The heart of Keshava was living a vision of a lover for now.
───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───
Kanha found blue roses, azure water lilies and peacock feathers all tied together by a string as a gauzy navy robe enveloped them. "They reminded me of you, love." The whimsical note read, stuck to the spruce wood table and he grinned plucking them from it.
"And oh, I loved being with Mohini."
He was a fuchsia yet again.
The setting was an atelier of a picturesque art in making— born of the love of an archeress and the chakradhaari.
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theessenceofbeautyy · 2 months
RomanGerri Prompt Party 2024
For those of you who have never participated in a prompt party you choose a number or a number is requested (depending on if you take asks) and you do the prompt that goes with that number. You can use multiple prompts for one fic and just because you see someone else use a prompt DOES NOT mean you can’t use the same one (a common misconception). All prompts are left up to your very own interpretation and you can use them at any time but when posting on Tumblr be sure to use the tag “RomanGerriPromptParty” so it’ll be easy to find. If this gets any participants I’ll add art and video edit prompts.
One of them gets injured and the other has to take care of them.
Gerri as a sex therapist
Getting caught
Game Of Thrones AU
Gerri praise kink
Mother’s Day
Sharing body heat to stay alive
An "accidental" kiss
Gerri as a female knight and Roman as her Squire
Roman catches Gerri dancing around in the kitchen while making dinner
Person A hates celebrating their birthday but Person B finds out and does something special for them
Going shopping
Roman the handyman
Roman & Gerri get into a fight and have near death experience and angsty make up sex after (canon)
Gerri loses her memories, Roman must make her fall in love with him again
Lonely Roman paints/sculpts a picture a woman from his dreams and she comes to life
Roman & Gerri are professors at the same university, enemy-to-lovers
Gerri is Romans College professor, he can’t focus
What if Logan hadn’t called (a universe where he got to lay her badly but gladly)
Roman is custodian of a cemetery and meets Gerri when she buries Baird and keep meeting as she mourns.
Roman is disguised as a priest and seeks shelter at a monastery where he meets novice Gerri
Person A is a member of the royal family. An assassination destroys their family, but Person A manages to escape and is believed to be dead. Person A finds out that their power-hungry relative (Person C) was behind the attack and wanted the throne for themself. While on the run, Person A meets Person B, who invites A to their camp. After finding out A's true identity, B and their friends agree to help A to stop Person C's tyranny so A can be crowned as the rightful king/queen
Roman buys a motorcycle
“Come inside” (wink wink) (or not)
Gerri and Roman are actors on the same Broadway show
Gerri is a neglected housewife, in comes Roman
Roman catches Gerri watching "Bridezilla" & "Say Yes to the Dress" and starts planning a secret wedding based on her commentary
Vampire AU
Drunk Gerri accidentally admits something really embarrassing
Soldier/Nurse AU
“Would you like to share the blanket?”
“We have to be quick”
Roman accidentally ingests viagra
Roman comes to bring Gerri lunch but finds her sexually frustrated
"This can never happen again" *happens again*
RomanGerri at a strip club
"I'm really angry at you but also really horny so can we press pause on this fight and fuck first?"
Jealous Gerri (when they aren't even together) and she gets all possessive, angry then takes matters into her own hands so they have a get together sex.
Gerri is a goddess of love. She is responsible to bring people together and help everyone find their true love. However, her fate is to be alone forever. Then she meets Roman and while he’s destined to be with Grace he goes against powers older than life on earth itself in order to be with her.
Drinking Game with 20 Questions
RomanGerri have sex in a library
Gerri being selfish in bed
Gerri’s hair is getting long. Roman is going insane.
Roman getting carried away during sexy times and telling Gerri he’s gonna put a baby in her, Gerri being confused because she’s literally in her 60s but going with it, they have a talk afterwards (crack prompt)
Roman is an assassin hired to kill Gerri but when he discovers a sweet older blonde he decides to protect her instead
Roman discovering Gerris curls
"Please, sing for me!"
“I’ve spoiled you.” Roman being needy
The sibs witnessing them being sweet together (post season 4)
Roman wants Gerri to sit on his lap
“Gerri’s hot right?” Roman trying to figure out if others see what he sees, word gets around to Gerri and she confronts him
RomanGerri make a sex tape (bonus points if they watch it)
Funeral sex
"You can't just run around and threaten to kill everyone." "Oh but you never told me that so how would I know?"
RomanGerri cover up a murder
Roman & Gerri are secretly together when he gets made CEO. A very special congratulations is in order (canon divergence AU)
Through a glitch in the system (or was it?) two strangers find  themselves married to each other (inspired by the movie Accidental Husband)
Roman is a gladiator and Gerri is his Domina (pure smut) (totally not at all self indulgent)
Dressing room shenanigans
RomanGerri on their honeymoon
The Devil Wears Prada AU
Surprise orgasm
Gerri meets Caroline as Romans partner for the first time
Roman loves Gerris speaking voice and she finds out just how much
Roman being “weird about Gerri” from Shivs POV
Logan thinks she coddles him
Gerri tries to teach Roman to bake
RomanGerri smoke a blunt (in honor of 4/20 being last week)
RomanGerri and Tomshiv double date (or any ship i just thought TomShiv would have the most angst potential) (angst/comfort)
Accidental orgasm
Roman has the horrible habit of staring at her breasts during meetings, Gerri notices
Desk sex
RomanGerri get stuck in an elevator for hours
Gerri shares an irrational fear with Roman
Roman is convinced he’s gonna die before Gerri and she finds it endearing
RomanGerri make love for the first time in lieu of their usual shenanigans
Pet names
Gerri discovers poems Roman has written about her
Roman unintentionally distracting Gerri
Roman finds out Gerri is weak for his puppy dog eyes
Roman fucks her tits (i literally don’t know a pretty way to put this)
Bathroom scene but the version where Gerri lends him a hand
Gerri catching Roman during one of his many “sessions” in his office
Submissive Gerri
Gerri tells Roman he’s pretty
Gerri watching Roman and Shiv cat fight
During one of their top secret sexy conference calls Gerri decides to try a new method to talk him off (praise vs degradation)
Gerri is dangerously horny
RomanGerri go to the movies
Roman walks in on Gerri in the bath
Roman wants to be her sugar daddy and is upset when Gerri won’t let him take care of her
Roman being possessive
Roman seeks comfort in Gerri after the hostage situation in Turkey
Roman calls Gerri cute, she’s amused “Roman…I’m 64.” “So? You’re still fucking-I don’t know!”
RomanGerri Apocalypse AU
Roman kidnaps Gerri, she’s not entirely mad
Roman can’t stay mad at Gerri and that makes him mad
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as-i-watch · 2 years
Game time: what type of gods would you assign all the Straw Hats as (plus any bonus characters you feel like).
I mean, the roles gods play: sun god, hearth god, psychopomp, etc - not specific gods in myths.
Oh im a mythology bitch so im down!!
Luffy: Sun God ☀️
In most mythologies (ignore greek/roman/viking) the sun is the main deity. Also he's literal sunshine boy
Zoro: Wariors' God ⚔️
Not god of wars but wariors, they pray to him that they may be victorious and come home safe. For many cultures, being a warior was a high honor and a big responsability to the whole comunity. Zoro is all about protecring his people and his honor as a swordman
Nami: Goddess of Tides and Wind 🌬️
Basicaly a nautical goddess, not goddess of the sea, that usually is percieved as its own entity, but rather of those thing the sailors can rely on. Basically the sea is cruel but the tides can get you home. Nami not only is their navigator but also there's that 'you want to be on her good side' aspect that i think fits well
[Alt: Wealth Godess]
Usopp: God of artisans and craftsmen ⚒️
Who is more crafty that him? He lit made all his weapons and Nami's one too. He can draw, sculpt, built, etc. He is bit of a jake of all trades in that aspect so i think this god is perfect for him. Also the god of the normal dude, what is Usopp if not the normal dude
Sanji: God of Love ❣️
Yeah you heard me. Not in a cupid way tho, in a Aphrodite way. God is kind love but also burning passion. He would be a simpy aphrodite but you get the gist of it
[Alt: Fire God]
Chopper: Nature God 🌿
Not only bc he is an animal and camt talk to animals, but nature was central in healing too. There are of course healing gods, but bc of Chopper's background and liked this better. Also he can go from human to full animal, so also fitting.
[Alt: Healing God]
Robin: Goddess of knowledge🔮
Not only knowledge bc she is the smartest straw hat and dedicated her life to learning, but also hidden knowledge, specially for her wish to know about the lost century. I think she could also fuction a bit a prophetic goddess in that sense
[Alt: Moon Godess just bc i like her vibe]
Franky: God of Crafsting ⚙️
Yes its different than Usopp, hear me out. Usopp is more artsy side of craft, Feanky is more ingeneer side. Basicaly extrovert and party type Hephaestus. He will biuld anything, weald, blacksmith, shipwright, he can do it all
[Alt: Party God hell yeah]
Brook: God of Arts 🎼
Make him death god would be too on the nose (and he doesnt even have a nose yo-ho) and he was a musician way before he was dead. Its only fair
[Alt: yes, God of the Dead]
Jinbe: Ocean God 🌊
Ok this one really was on the nose but come on, he's literally a fishman, he attacks with water, he can speak with sea animals. My hands are tied
Law: Death God 💀
I know he lit isna doctor, he saves lives...but he is also called the sorgeon of death, so... Either way, i mean death god in a sense of kinda of a ripper, were he can take you to your grave or give you another day to live
[Alt: Heart God but bc of Cora-san]
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shmreduplication · 4 months
on the topic of pygmalion, the version i heard was that our boy Pyg was a sculptor who all the single women on the island wanted to marry him to the point that Aphrodite came down and was like 'hey you need to marry a woman' and he cunningly suggests that he will as soon as he can finish a sculpture using her as his model (thinking she'll say no because she's busy with goddess stuff). She says yes and then he proceeds to sculpt as slowly as he possibly can but eventually finishes because you can't just keep carving into marble forever if you want a life-size statue because you'll wear it down to a nub. She says ok time to pick a wife and in his final cunning move he says the only woman he's ever loved is this statue, so she turns it into a real person
the version on wikipedia is different but it still has that air of "oh i'm totally heterosexual, I have a crush on [platonic ideal of a woman that he'll never have to interact with for real]! it's just that all the women i know irl are unappealing to me" which is a common thread when gay and ace people reminisce about lying to their het classmates in middle school (except the platonic ideal is whoever is a current popular celebrity of the correct gender, rather than a statue like pygmalion chose)
so yeah i love pygmalion but i'm still squicked out by the "born sexy yesterday" trope and loathe the "man literally creates a woman and then has sex with her" trope even tho those are all clearly indirectly influenced by the pygmalion myth
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Deleted Scenes from The Aeneid
This statue is the best explanation for why I do not want any children. Like, first of all, they do nothing for you. I mean, they may put you on one shoulder and take you from Troy to Rome in their arms because you are too old and tired to do it on your own legs, but why are you that tired in the first place? Because they worn you off and had to take part in a war that destroyed your whole city and now you are homeless and old and wrinkled (and therefore no more hot, even though those abs seem to be still rock hard, and the hot goddess you had this menace with doesn’t want you anymore, damn it Aphrodite!). At least, though, this particular son, Aeneas, is trying, he is carrying the old man, this poor Anchises, on his shoulder at the end of the day. But just because he knows the pain that being a parent is, because what is Ascanius doing? Literally nothing. Actually, he is making it even worst, weighting his poor father down, like the nightmare he is. Not helping at all and being an utter annoyance. I bet he never let his poor daddy sleep.
And the daddy here is another reason you should not have children. Look at his thighs flexing under the weight of his filial duties. What a damn waste. Why distract this dilf (look at that little goatee, what a charm) with family messes? And, honestly that child is not even that cute, why waste your time on a draft? No way.
I do know this all may sound hypocritical, insulting the act of birthing babies, since it distracts Daddy Aeneas, as the Daddy himself was also kind of birthed, as seen above, BUT hot man here is the son of a Goddess, she definitely did not waste her time on contractions. Do I have to explain it better? Well, I won’t, because unless Bernini took is time sculpting your thighs (or you do Crossfit, which is the fitness version of it), you clearly do not deserve my attention and you can keep going not understanding the obvious.
Aeneas, though, totally deserve my attention and I must help him with this filial duty nonsense, those thighs and that abs are not forever, they have to be focused on something worth their time. I may leave the grandpa in the game because, at the end of the day, he contributed to the creation of this beauty, he must have some deeper value I will take my time to find out. But the ugly brat is out. We have better business to occupy our time with instead of hearing his cries. There are other filial duties to attend to now, I dare say that, yes, and I am sure they will be less annoying and will weight nobody down. To make it more explicit, there is me in the game now. And I am certainly more worthy of their time.
(Statue: Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius, Gian Lorenzo Bernini)
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csphire · 5 months
7, 12, 30 for the Tav ask!
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30 Questions for your Tav
Anna - Half-Elf, Artisan, Warlock (Arch Fey) & Light Cleric of Tymora
7. What circumstances led to your Tav becoming their Class/Subclass?
Anna entered into a pact shortly after fleeing an abusive lover. It was not the best of plans, to just leave him and Baldur’s Gate as fast as possible for another city where she could start over but she feared for her life. How she met her patron one could say was a whole lucky meet-cute story. She literally stumbled over them and profusely apologized. Charmed by her sweet nature, good manners and also finding out why she was in such a hurry, the fey extended to her a bargain for power and also taught her how to enchant her goods. However, all of Anna’s enchantments always turn out to have a tiny bit of chaos to them but nothing her customers will ever notice… usually. 
Unlike Wyll, Anna and her patron have a mostly respectful, sometimes chaotic, very protective, and loving relationship. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Anna is well aware fey can be fickle, easily offended, and therefore dangerous. For starters, she suspects her patron is behind her abusive lover’s untimely and grisly demise. Something she found out years later after her patron coaxed her into returning to Baldur’s Gate with assurances that with her new powers, she would not need to leave and she could disappear easily enough in the large city. 
Currently, her patron on occasion only asks her to do some odd and seemingly harmless things to set off a little chaos in the world. What seems like a few setups for pranks or displacing a stone from a circle of them in some forest. Some of these things lead to disastrous results but nothing fatal for anyone… usually. Her patron loves chaos like most fey and was tickled pink when she stole the Blood of Lathander mace. Anna is also obligated to help other fey in need from the Seelie court like the pixie in the lamp. Killing fey from the Unseelie court such as hags and redcaps also delights her patron as well.
As for her becoming a Light Cleric of Tymora, that happened later. I guess all those prayers for luck and in offering gratitude along with her boldness when it came to adventure caught the goddess's attention. With it came some of her divine favor.
12. What opinion does your Tav have about the Gods?
It all depends upon the god or goddess. Although she leans towards good-aligned deities she doesn’t give a hoot who one worships so long as it doesn’t cause any harm to those she cares about, herself, and any nearby innocents. She's not deeply motivated to convert anyone. However, she did think Shadowheart was naive for worshiping Shar. A thought she kept to herself for the most part as she gently guided Shadowheart back to her original goddess Selûne.
To most deities, she’s not about to push her luck and be rude. Any stranger that crosses her path she strives to always be polite because one can never know when one will show up in disguise. If they offer her a boon for completing a task she would rarely pass the chance up.
Out of all of them Tymora, Anna prays to the most followed by extending respects to Jergal, Lathander, Ilmater, Loviatar, and Corellon Larethian too.
30. What are your Tav’s intentions/goals after the end of the game?
Besides, scold Dammon for treating her like a carrier pigeon and then promptly seduce him if she hasn't already? She wants to go back to making jewelry, drawing, sculpting, and painting. She wants to wallow in luxury at least for a few months after roughing it for so long and have a few kids. More adventure? Naw… well not unless it’s to help Dammon, and Wyll find a solution for Karlach's heart. Or help Astarion find a cure or some solution so he can walk in the sun again along with helping keep seven thousand spawn in the Underdark in check.
Thank you for the asks!!! <3
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russieraholic · 1 year
It’s come to the point where the Yiga Clan in my brain has diverted so extensively that it would literally make more sense to just name them something else. Like. Seriously. And I’ve had the name “East Desert Rogues” in mind for months now.
The lore is, in a nutshell:
The land of Terra-Exodeum was the first place to ever exist in the world and was the birthplace of the gods which correlated to and were the pure source and physical manifestation of all the elements, tangible or not. These deities were what created essentially everything- the serpent of ice formed mighty glaciers, the hyena of lightning called on powerful storms, the hound of water procured rivers and waterfalls, the bull of earth sculpted mountains and valleys.
After assuming more human forms as the eons passed, the deities who chose to not forfeit their godhood in order to pass down their elemental powers into their bloodlines, of course, had the desire to rule over their own territory. This was relatively easy and peaceful, for a while. One such deity, Saint Equinox, hound of water, was undemanding of a domain to rule over and generally spent his time lounging, training in martial arts and wizardry in his monastery.
A few thousand years later, however, the deity of Plague, along with the deity of Wind, held a massive siege against much of the land in hopes to gain territory. This lasted for centuries, in which the incredible power of the goddess of Ice eventually overcame and ended the siege.
Still, many descendants of deities, commoners, and even a few of the deities themselves chose to leave the tainted land in search of brighter prospects, Saint Equinox no exception.
After changing his name inspired by his element (“Kohga” meaning “old river”), Kohga eventually settled in a distant land, in a village that was just starting its roots (many of the settlers being direct descendants of the deities.) For centuries he would quietly watch over this tribe, elusively enough as to where he was not questioned about his longevity. He came to adore these people like his own. Their technological achievements were incredible, and intellectual prowess immediately evident.
However, one fateful day, a horrific attempt by the corrupt hierarchy to wipe out the tribe was made. The king both despised the race for no apparent reason, and also thought their advancements were a threat to his rule.
Many lost their lives that day. Kohga, of course, fought hard to protect them- but the only other survivors that were able to hold their ground without surrendering were the descendants of his fellow deities. He gathered up the survivors, and offered a chance to run away from and rebel against the wretched kingdom. Many chose to instead forfeit their prowess and go on to lead mundane, heavily governed lives. Those who didn’t, which were the descendants, chose to flee alongside Kohga.
From there they formed a rudimentary group, which Kohga vowed to the seven young men that he would teach them as their sensei and pass on all of his knowledge. Kohga realized that the way they could best protect themselves was by gathering as many descendants, or “elemental wielders/masters”, as possible and beginning a clan of their own, passing the deific powers through the bloodlines in said clan.
Not too far into their journey, however, they were accosted by kingdom soldiers and officials. Already exhausted from the days of walking and trekking through harsh conditions, all looked bleak, until a very powerful woman intervened and annihilated the squadron. After some questioning this woman turned out to be none other than the goddess of ice that had defeated the siege that drove Saint Equinox and many others away to begin with. She vowed to take the men under her wing and became their protector.
For a few years, the group searched for any other elemental descendants that could aid their cause- in the end they ended up with twelve founders (including Kohga himself). They would go on to found the culture, settle in the desert, and establish their yet-to-grow community in the heart of the desert.
Much of their culture focuses on deep understanding and celebration of both ethnic diversity and homosexuality. And though of course it’s evolved over time to be about queerness and diversity in general, it’s important to remember their roots.
Important things to note:
-The typical bodysuit that you see Yiga soldiers wear wasn’t established until about 1,000 years before the current time (the lore I mentioned ends at about 50,000 years before current time).
-Even though the clan’s main goal is to fight against the prejudice they face, it isn’t free from its own glaring prejudice. Over 98% of the clan are male/masculine. This problem lasted until their assimilation with the Marine Embassy, which had the same problem but with female/feminine.
Anyways. I think it’s abundantly clear that with the adjustment of just a few things, this whole story could be its complete own. I’m not saying it will be or won’t be, I just think it’s impressive to see how far it’s diverted from its source material.
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mahvaladara · 11 months
Can I have all the Character solidifying asks for your newest dragon Sael please? Or as many as you feel like giving me! Cause.. I needs to know this new handsome thing!
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The rest of the questions it is. All bellow.
Part 1 - Family and Childhood
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
Sael has an extreme reverence and respect for Havura, as do all of his siblings. Havura has always been a pillar to his children, he's a good father, he's just, honorable and rational. He may not always appear fair, but he's always just and always knows what he is doing. Logic and justice are two things his children can always count with, even if they don't like his decisions, they both love and hate this about him. But he's also strict and will punish his children with the same fairness he'd punish anyone. They will not always get what they want or worked for, as Havura will sometimes favour what is logical over what is fair. Havura has influenced Sael to be pragmatic in his actions, but also be honorable and try to be just and responsible.
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
Sael's mother is Myra. When a dragon dies, they become either a tree or a mountain. As Myra was a massive dragon, she became an archipelago, with her heartlights at the heart of Mount Myra, where fire burns within. Sael was born from this fire, alongside his sister. He presents male while she presents female. Sael often sees Myra in spirit form. She doesn't usually speak with him but she does not need to. They have a silent understanding. Myra was the former goddess of Beauty and Art, and her skills and interests brushed on Sael.
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
Sael has many siblings, but he isn't close to all. He's very close to Lacerta, his older sibling. Lacerta is universally feared as the Executioner. But Sael has great respect for Lacerta. They share a common understanding, both being harmed by their reputations. Besides, Lacerta is one of the few people who appreciates and recognises Sael's skill and intelligence. Sael has a sister from the same mother, Dem'Myr. She's the Goddess of Art, Music and Dance, patron of bards and artists. They are civil with one another but they're not friendly. They actually have envy towards one another. Dem is envious of how many hidden talents Sael has (he's a Jack of all trades) and Sael is envious of Dem's creativity and talent in music and art. Dem was taught to sculpt by Sael and he was the one who made her tools (the hammer, the knifes, brushes, and the instruments too). He applied to become God of Art as did Dem. But seeing that Sael was a better smith than artist, Havura gave the patronage of arts to Dem, a smithing to Sael. Because he taught her, Sael felt robbed. His sister got to do art, while Sael was stuck building weapons and armours for eternity. While Dem could dance and sing, Sael had to travel to wars to arm soldiers of kings and fight alongside them. He was enraged and trivialized her talent, said she was only good because he taught her, that her skill depended on his tools, and that Art could never have the power of a well crafted Blade. To prove him wrong, she sculpted his image, where she portrayed him as old, fat, pot bellied and ugly dragon, akin an ogre or orc. She then made music about him, where she compared him to pigs, portrayed him as an idiot, a brute and slow-witted, said he was a vulcano of a man, short tempered and destructive. As it came from the goddess of Art herself, everyone believed he was an idiot and didn't truly believe such a fair and elegant and well spoken dragon was the Mountain God described to be a pig-faced brute and idiot. For a long time they have been bitter at one another. But Sael is older and has experienced things Dem'Myr has not and that has made him relativize their relationship, so he treats her in a way that she absolutely detests, with civility. This is also why he usually keeps to his mountain. He has a bad reputation and does not like explaining why.
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
Sael was fairly well behaved as a shill. He was a bit of a scaredy cat as a child, became more courageous and adventurous as a teen. Set a piece of furniture or two on fire and broke a couple of vases trying to fly as do all shills. But he was relatively... human for a dragon. The worse he once did was eat a cat when he was really young and still believed he could eat anything. His father made him spit the cat and spanked him well, but he was just one year old at the time. He had the IQ of the avarage human 4 year old toddler and dragon shills do try to eat anything new. One thing that helped Sael got off the hook more often than his siblings was his honesty. Seal is honest and blunt to a flaw. Much like his older brother, he does not sugarcoat what he says, and he thinks he'll hurt someone with his words he'll just keep them to himself. But Sael was always honest with Havura and never lied to his father. He learned from watching his older siblings be punished. But he did get a few spanks or a tail pull when he misbehaved.
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
Sael was not overprotected nor sheltered. As gods or future gods, Havura needed his shills to be realistic and aware of the reality of the world, so, from a early age they knew how the world worked. They were raised among both nobility, and civilians, between the religious and the free vala, between human and vala, and even among the beastfolk, the mixed and the seafolk. So, they knew all aspects of life by the time they were adults. Havura also made sure to impose responsibility among his children.
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
Sael actually felt affection. They had a good upbringing, Havura is a good and just father, even if strict. Even today, as adult, when Sael feels lost he will look for his father for guidance or his nursemaid.
7. What was the economic status of their family?
Havura is one of the richest gods alive. He rules over the entire continent of Malivia, besides that, he is worshiped in nearly the entire planet, with the exception of Valora where people are not allowed to worship the dragon gods. Havura's economic status has passed to his shills who have never struggled with economic needs. Sael has enjoyed this boon of being a rich dragon, but, much like his siblings has always been quite humble. Even now, living in Mount Myra, despite his wealth, he is very charitable and humble. They would give more, but though dragons believe in charity they are against handouts and do not help who does not help themself.
@izayoichan I'll answer the rest in part two and three and maybe four XD.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
All down the walkway stood the statues, but the ones that truly caught Fjolnir’s eye laid at the end, nearest the doors. His greatest triumph, his masterpiece of war and planning. The two alicorn sisters of the pony kingdom of Equestria. Celestia sat on her haunches, gazing up at the door behind her in longing and adoration. At least, that is what the artist had gone for as he sculpted the molten gold as it cooled around the unconscious alicorn’s regal body. Luna, the supposed ‘Warmistress’ of Equestria, stood braced in the typical breeding position, head pointed towards the ground, body tightly wrapped in silver and platinum melted from the Equestrian treasury. Fjolnir had seen the Princesses’ flanks and he still regretted not taking advantage when he had the chance.
"BWAHAHAHAHA!" Solaris cackled, rolling on the floor, wheezing and laughing.
"I-I'M SORRY?? DID ANY OF US MISS ANYTHING ON THAT SCENE? WHY LUNA'S IN THAT POSITION AS A STATUE WITH CELESTIA!?" Shadow Facade shouted, utterly confused and screaming because of Luna's pose.
Solaris just pointed at Celestia's unconscious statue, still laughing. "LOOK— LOOK AT HER! SHE'S— *laugh* SERVES THAT BITCH RIGHT HAHAHAH! SHE GOT BEATEN UP BY SOMEONE NAMED FJOLNIR HAHA!"" The Alicorn Goddess just kept cackling and wheezing on the floor, even holding the wall with her hand (centaur form with clothes and protective armour) in laughter to stand up as her mane became flames.
Thunder Orb, an OC who had a broken horn like Tempest Shadow, just kept laughing too.
"Do you guys think he can hear us?" He asked.
"Tib, please, I literally casted a powerful invisibility spell and a powerful silencing spell to the three of us, we can't be heard NOR seen, anything we do can't be seen or heard."
Thunder Orb froze.
"Wait, who's even Fjolnir?"
Solaris and Facade froze.
"LMAO THEY GOT BEATEN UP BY HIM???" "they took the L"
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Epimetheus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Father of Excuses by the people of Olympius
My Wild Man by Pandora
Sculpted Joker by Dione & Aphrodite
Age- 32 (immortal)
Location- Thessaly, Olympius
Personality- Most times, he can be very impulsive and reckless, not thinking about the consequences of his actions till it's too late. He can also be very thoughtless, scatterbrained, & disorganized. Despite his flaws, he's very energetic and passionate, often being the life of the party. He's married.
He and his brother Prometheus (Titan god of forethought) are fraternal twins. Their names literally means "forethought" and "afterthought." He has often felt second best compared to his brother. They are currently not on speaking terms. Epimetheus said as much when he trash talked him on The Godly Hour. He, of course, regretted it later when he found out that his niece Aidos (goddess of shame, modesty, humility, & respect) was watching it back home.
As the Titan god of afterthought and the creator of most animals, his abilities include being able communicate with/shapeshift into any animal, seeing into the past (a few minutes back), adapting animal physiology into his humanoid form, and inducing anyone to act foolish or stupid temporarily.
Epimetheus lives in Thessaly with his wife Pandora and their two young daughters Prophasis (goddess of excuses) & Pyrrha in a sprawling Mediterranean estate with many acres of free roaming land for the many pets he owns. He says he has his own personal zoo with a wide variety of animals- marine, wild, woodland, arctic, desert, and domestic. Animal print & bright bold colors were a main theme when it came to the interior design, including carpets made of various animal furs. His mother Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown) bought the property as a wedding gift.
His favorite pets are some of his chimpanzees named Chucky, Bingo, Fiona, & Lulu. He's taught them all sorts of tricks!
Regardless of the whispers he hears about himself, his wife, his brother, or the rest of his family, Epimetheus lets most of them roll off his back. Despite his wife's expensive spending habits (venturing into credit card debt) and her ineptitude in cooking, he worships the ground Pandora walks on. The two of them have even discussed potentially starting a joint business together- an animal entertainment for birthday parties. He has even come up with a name- Exotic Enchantments. Epimetheus has released a cologne called Ágrio Pnévma. The scent has notes of olibanum, sandalwood, musk, jasmine, & black suede. A 50 ml bottle sells for 295 drachmas while a 100 ml bottle sells for 445 drachmas. For other work/means if income, he's a contributing writer for Zeus' magazine as well as modeling for Platinum Alchemy. He’s also been thinking about creating his own line of tequilas!
Epimetheus is a notorious borrower of money and is even more well known for paying the debt extremely late. He even managed to convince Hestia (goddess of the hearth) to loan him three million drachmas. His mother ended up repaying all his debts.
Out of his brothers, he's definitely closer to Menoetius (Titan god of rage, violence, & rash actions) despite their disagreements. They often ride their motorcycles together. Epimetheus speaks with his other brother Atlas (Titan god of strength & endurance) on the phone every week.
His go-to drink is orange juice (with some heavy splashes of vodka). He also likes scotch, rum & cokes, red wine, cola, negronis, champagne, dirty martinis, & beer. His usuals from The Roasted Bean is an olympian sized dark roast coffee and a large iced tea.
Epimetheus is thinking about getting a yacht.
His favorite frozen treat is chunky monkey ice cream (banana ice cream with dark fudge chunks and chopped walnuts).
Despite his "special relationship" with his mom, Epimetheus is cool with Helios (Titan god of the sun), despite his "special" relationship with his mother. They sometimes go out tanning. He has also taken a young god under his wing, mentoring Horme (god of energy). He's also friends with Momus (god of mockery, satire, & ridicule), Matikós (god of performance), Lycana (Titaness of lycanthropy), Karmanor (demi-god of the harvest), Orthosia (goddess of wealth) Koros (god of surfeit & disdain), Apólafsi (god of enjoyment), Felis (Titaness of cats), Psionikós (god of the mind), Aplistos (god of avarice), Sponde (goddess of libations), Hydros (god of water), and Aisa (goddess of lot & fate). Epimetheus is also in talks to mentor Koalemos (god of foolishness).
He's a notorious procrastinator, often waiting till the last minute to complete tasks.
Epimetheus isn't really close with his other nieces & nephew Calypso, The Hyades, & Deucalion- not by choice, but he does want to open up a line of communication with them.
He personally describes himself as an "outstanding omnivore." His all time favorite meal is a bloomin' onion, a slab of chipotle barbeque baby back ribs, extra large calamari rings, lobster tails drenched in butter, and mac n' cheese.
Epimetheus is totally secure in his relationship with his wife. He doesn't get jealous when Pandora does photoshoots with male models.
In his free time (when he's not with his wife, kids, or pets), Epimetheus loves cliff diving, cloud surfing, riding go-karts, regular surfing, basketball, clubbing, football (soccer), wind sailing, fishing, mountain climbing, horseback riding, bungee jumping, and mountain biking. He also enjoys playing video games- sometimes doing online streams on Fatestagram.
"There's many more mistakes I haven't made yet!"
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an-indecisive-mess · 1 month
Hermes x Aria Headcanons
Aria refused to fall in love after what happened between her parents. 
Her being asexual has nothing to do with it. Aria had always been uncomfortable with the mere thought of intimacy and refuses to even consider doing it with any potential romantic partner. However, kisses, hugs, fully clothed snuggles, and hand holding are acceptable to her.
Unfortunately, her parents’s relationship problems didn’t stop her from being awkward and somewhat bashful whenever she was around Hermes.
They first officially met after literally running into each other at Aria’s school. Although, Hermes had seen Aria briefly during the whole missing sun incident and even thought her being straightforward about being thrown into the air (her making a comment about nearly throwing up after that) was funny.
Aria realized she was really in love with Hermes after their first date… which was exactly 7 years after they met.
Aria and Hermes got married about two years after she gained her godhood.
She was 22 and he was 2,500 (25 in god years).
Don’t engage in intercourse. When Aria told Hermes that she wasn’t sure if she ever wanted to have it, he understood completely, even admitting that while it wasn’t a bad experience for him with his exes, Hermes didn’t enjoy it and it once left him being “taken advantage of” by a past partner. 
It also ended up with Hermes not being told/being completely unaware he had demigod children with that partner. He was devastated that he couldn’t be a father to his child.
When they both wanted children, however, Aria and Hermes made their kids through magic. Sculpting each infant with dirt, taking a drop of each’s ichor and marking it on the infant’s forehead, and reciting a spell that gives the infant life. They had five kids this way.
Abderus: Decided to live life as a mortal hero and joined his uncle, Hercules, on adventures.
Angelia: Messenger of the Underworld and Goddess of Messages.
Alastor (aka Al): God of Portals.
Palaestra: Goddess of Wrestling.
Desdemona (aka Desi or Demona): Goddess of Misfortune.
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