#he was def a mythology kid
lake-cosay · 1 year
potentially hot take but jesse's favorite musical would be hadestown, hands down
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taitavva · 9 months
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yaldabaoth couldn't help but make his whole team overpowered huh ... how are the phantom thieves supposed to survive ?? "oh noo akechi ur so hot haha .. please don't kill me" brilliant strategy pego (entire ask under cut)
[ACTUALLY UR PUTFITS WERE SO ON POINT. I HAVE 2 OUTFIT IDEAS 4 HIFUMI & SHIHO (MINUS MASKS) & 1 mask idea for yuuki but idk what else. i was thinking for the leaders it would def be chaotic but goro has most metaverse experience so hes the leader. ken kinda acts like mona in giving useful tips abt personas etc and hifumi takes on the role of makoto where she gives out different strategies (her, ken, & goro debate over these tips & strategies but usually end up doing them anyway). I have an urge to show u these outfits omg. i can ramble abt these outfits & their personas for forever .. i chose jormungandr for yuuki, skadi for shiho hela for hifumi, and persephone for eiko. ik its not very in the literacy scene for them to all have deities as personas but... goro breaks it with loki anyway, so ..
explainations:: hela & jormungandr are 2/6 of loki's kids in norse mythology, aiding him in the ragnarok/end of the world, and hela is sentenced down to the underworld to be the goddess of that realm since she was born half alive half dead, and she's sentenced to it by odin (basically. kinda the zeus of norse mythology, like the "king" of all of them) because she's the daughter of loki & all this other stuff .. chose her for hifumi because hifumi's mom basically forces her to be a shoji star after hifumi's dad and yeah. jormungandr i chose because hes kinda just a sleepy little guy: in norse mythology he's known as "the World Serpent" and he wraps around the entire ocean with his tail in his mouth kind of in a constant sleep until the ragnarok (all of loki's kids --aside from 2, one being dead & the other being a gift to odin-- including loki himself, are kinda trapped somewhere before the ragnarok happens) and he's not talked about a lot but he aids in so much and he's important (like how yuuki is kind of ignored by the pts, the dialogue options being horrid, despite him aiding in them. also yuuki is the bm's navi in the au & he runs a "revenge site" like how Strega/takaya sakaki, jin shirato, & chidori yoshino do in p3-- strega also does death calling cards , mainly shown in the novels which is p cool.. first ppl to use mental shutdowns despite not beinf called that then either. i love strega sorry. they all agreed to it because shiho wanted to deal with more people like kamoshida, goro wanted to deal with more people like shido, hifumi wanted to deal w more people like her mom, etc).. i chose persephone for eiko because in greek mythology, persephone is (most commonly accepted form of the myth) kidnapped by hades and forced into marriage with him by eating a pomegranate out of the underworld .. point blank, persephone reminds me of eiko being trapped and persephone's shown to overcome it , ( honestly eventually making the underworld & hades her Bitch. she kills the goddess/nymph of mints and creates the mint plant because she got too handsy with hades).. also hifumi and eiko are a little gay for eachother so why not have their personas be, too? anyway. SHIHO!! i chose skadi for her because skadi , in norse mythology , is both jotunn (giant) and a god like how loki is, but she's an accepted form of it because she was given over to the gods as a peace treaty, and thats pretty important to norse mythology i'd say (like how rooftop scene is important to kamoshida arc), and skadi claws up the aesir (council of gods) thru both her marriage (ann? ann. hehe.) and her own sheer will (shiho's recovery and goro's ..... questionable aid.) and skadi just fits. the goddess of mountains and winter? sign me the FUCK UP.
Anyway . this was long I apologise]
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
Some Tang-y asks;
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Both asks referencing; this previous about Tang realising his buddies are the Monkey King and the Six Eared Macaque + he's the godfather to their upcoming baby.
Tang is freaking tf out after the shock/fainting wears off. His academic career has revolved around the Journey to the West and connected mythology. Even as a lowly libarian who does mythology talks on the side, even he recognises that this is historical Iridium. He has *The People Who Were There* in his apartment (eating his chips)!!
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Afterwards he has a moment of; "Oh gods, I've pretty much adopted the Monkey King." since he's been helping the monkeys learn how to read/write in modern chinese and generally giving Wukong life advice in the manner of a father-figure (all mid-twenty years of him).
And although he def shares all his secret wuxia and isekai fantasies with Macaque (fantasy nerd to theatre nerd communication); he certainly didn't expect to end up like This.
Tang knows he at least has a genetic link to the historical Tang dynasty - something he isn't really proud of since he's been kicked out by his parents. But with all the Monkey King stuff starting to pile up, he wonders...
Then he gets kidnapped by a firey toddler calling him "The Tang Monk", and is told to help out in a super specific ritual that requires the skill of an enlightened sage. Tang faints in the backseat of Red Son's mini-car when the penny drops. His frantic call to Pigsy straight afterwards is a babbling info-dump that sounds more like a cicada screaming.
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Bonus ask!: Did Wukong *know* that Pigsy and Tang were reincarnations of his friends?
Sort of.
You see, after the Harbringer accidentally got sealed in Macaque (and the shadow monkey was still passed out); Wukong asked Guanyin to help him seek guidance from his old master - since he isn't exactly able to contact the Pure Lands himself. Guanyin tries calling up the Golden Cicada and... she appears to a confused, bleary-eyed Tang in the noodle shop at like 11pm. Even the bodhisattva is confused. Tang Sanzang/Tripitaka was supposed to be the last Golden Cicada incarnation. Tf is he hanging out on earth for?
Guanyin mentions this fact to SWK, and Wukong has a heart-stopping second of "Oh sweet buddha, Master is alive!!", before the goddess confirms otherwise. Wukong is super-confused, and a little disappointed, but really wants to seek out this new version of the GC even if for his own comfort. He's given a vague direction of where his master's soul is now residing, and the bodhisattva doesn't discourage him from following it. Wukong does hide his main reason for hiding in the city when Mac wakes up.
Eventually as the duo are ducking the sight of curious local demons/human (the meteorite and battle on the mountain def drew attention), Mac and Wukong bump into a strangely famililar face...
You see, after Tang literally glimpsed at the Goddess of Mercy, he became super-awake and rambled to Pigsy about his vision. Pigsy, despite being dismissive of most magic talk, thought that his suspicions of the meteor shower being a "sign" could be correct. The two went downstairs to eat/talk about what Tang's vision of Guanyin could mean.
Ironically, it's Pigsy who catches the monkeys walking down the street. He'd gone out to grab something from the convenience store and saw the two young, kinda skinny-looking, monkey demons arguing and trying to dodge the rain. The ginger-haired of the two shielding the darker-furred one with an old cape.
Pigsy has a moment of "No. No no no no. Good samaritan sh*t only gets you hurt." before he recognises something off about the two "kids" words. And with Tang's talk about having a vision of the Goddess of Mercy...
"Mihou": "This is all your fault!" "Wu": "How is it all my fault?!" "Mihou": "You put this... this thing in me! Now we've got no money, our magic isn't working, we can't go home, and we don't even have shelter for the night! I'm so..." *crying* "I have no idea what to do Wu..." "Wu", holding the other's face: "Hey, hey, it's ok Mihou. We'll figure this out." *presses foreheads together* "I won't let anything happen to you or the ki... guess it's too early at the moment. Egg, I guess?" *goofy, hopeful smile* "Mihou", sniffling: "You're so dumb."
They hear a cough beside them and turn. Wukong looks at the face illuminated by the neon of the storefront like its wearing a halo. It can't be!
Pigsy, holding grocery bags: "Hey... you kids sound like you're in a tough spot right now. If you need a roof over your head 'til the rain eases off, my restaurant is around the corner. Door's opened either way."
Wukong happily jumps at the offer, seeing the familiar glow of his pilgrim brother's soul resting warmly in the cook's body. Macaque is super sus of the situation; he kinda recognises the face infront of him but he just knows it isn't Zhu Bajie. The tired, sincere look on the demon's face is far too unalike the greedy gluttonous fool he'd seen getting his King into so much trouble. Just for now will he trust only his instincts - which at the moment wish for him to get dry.
Wukong sees it as a sign from the Buddha. Clearly someone is looking out for them. Even if this isn't Zhu Bajie, and the man inside the noodle shop isn't his master, then something in the Pure Lands or Diyu has shifted to allow them to reunite in this life - just in time for the King's heir responsibility to be brought into the world.
And then Pigsy ruffles his hair? Calls him "kid"? And then Tang is helping him with his writing? And telling him all the stories he's heard a million times in a way thats never boring?
Wukong feels queasy in a good way. He doesn't know how to describe it. He cries when he sees the silly mock shop logo he drew pinned to the corkboard by the kitchen - pinned amongst the pig-chef's most prized moments in his cooking journey. He doesn't know why he's crying but it feels like something he's been left out of for so long... thats the moment he decides that Pigsy and Tang (+Sandy) would be the godparents of the Egg. He just knows they'd all be great parents cus they already are.
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percabeth4life · 10 months
Do you know if the whole “Gods can’t interfere in their kids’ lives because of the Ancient Laws” thing is based on mythology, or if that’s something Rick just made up?
It's not an Ancient Laws thing, it's "the Gods cannot defy fate" thing, which does exist in mythology. The Gods can interact with their kids, they can even offer help and advice and often did in some manner. But there's also a time in the Iliad-
Iliad. 16.433-8, tr. R. Lattimore Ah me, that it is destined that the dearest of men, Sarpedon, must go down under the hands of Menoitios’ son Patroklos. The heart in my breast is balanced between two ways as I ponder, whether I should snatch him out of the sorrowful battle and set him down still alive in the rich country of Lykia, or beat him under at the hands of the son of Menoitios.
She spoke, nor did the father of gods and men disobey her; yet he wept tears of blood that fell to the ground, for the sake of his beloved son, whom now Patroklos was presently to kill, by generous Troy and far from the land of his fathers.
So basically, the Gods can't interfere. Zeus wants to interfere, he wants to save his kid. But he can't, and he does mourn it. Zeus has a duty as king of the Gods, he of all the Gods cannot defy Fate. But equally so none of the Gods can, though at times they may try.
So he didn't necessarily make it up, but his way of handling it is def made up.
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wrongcaitlyn · 4 days
Nico and Apollo def have geek out sessions over greek mythology like they are NERDS and Apollo def grew up having snippets of the Iliad and Odyssey read to him so the moment Nico showed even the slightest of interest in Greek mythology as a kid, best believe Apollo used that to warm up to him 😭🙏
ALSO I can just picture little Apollo curled up next to Leto as she read him all these different poems (I'd like to think she read to him in Greek and while Apollo wasn't completely fluent in Greek, he def understood it very well but then he lost it 😞)
Also, Leto definitely called Apollo sunshine, and that's why he calls his own kids that. Every time Apollo would ask why he was named Apollo, Leto would scoop him up and say it was bc he was the light of her life, and Apollo is the god of light, so ofc she named her pride and joy after the god of light
Anyways whatever u do don't think about sixteen year old Apollo drunk (and probably high) out of his mind, curled up in a hotel room that he hardly spent any time in wishing he could've spent more time with his mother before his father whisked him away and into the spotlight :(
clearly I have very strong feelings towards the relationship Apollo has with his mother and the fact that he should've had more time with her but bc he was in the spotlight all the time as a kid he didn't get to :(
Wait, oh my god, did Apollo go to his own mother's funeral?? Bc like Will was in middle school when she died, right?? So would have he trusted Will enough to be alone in the house for a few days, or did he just not go?? And how many times did Apollo look at his sixteen year old son and realize that the neglect Zeus put him through (ignoring Apollo's very clear addiction in favor of making him famous ofc) was definitely abuse. HOW MANY TIMES DID APOLLO HAVE TO REALIZE THAT HE GREW UP TOO FAST EVERY TIME HE LOOKED AT WILL??? 😭😭😭
I think Kayla def tried to teach everyone that Will was friends with archery. Just bc archery is severely underrated 😞
(Only Piper managed to actually hit the target, and Jason somehow sliced his hand open??? He has a very faint scar now, and if someone asks about it while he's with Leo, then Leo will come up with the most ridiculous stories instead of telling them the truth 😭)
Also, I think you've mentioned it before, but did either Darren or Kayla try to teach him archery? Idk but the mental image is very funny and it probably took him a plethora of tries to hit the target and Kayla was probably so proud
the whole part about apollo and leto... YES YES YESLKJDSFASDF AHHH apollo was 100% raised on greek mythology and he does have various copies of the iliad and the odyssey and other myths, an old worn-down version from his mom which had been passed down to him in her will, and a bunch of fancy pretty ones bc if he ever sees a pretty copy of the iliad or the odyssey he WILL buy it.
i think that he did go through a phase where like,,, he was just completely uninterested in that sort of stuff, considered it childhood and whatever. but i think that eventually, esp when taking in will, he went through what i'll call the "dumb and poetic try-hard intellectual" phase where he actually did read through the whole thing, read through various translations, annotated some copies, attempted to learn greek (modern greek, not ancient greek lmao), and just in general getting in touch with his heritage bc he realizes, watching will who's so small and resembles him so much, that those memories of him and his mom were actually some of his happiest moments of childhood, not annoying ones. and so he does try to replicate that, despite having not left his family on the best of terms *cough* really bad onesSLKJDF
and as someone who had a parent speak to them in their language, knew how to understand that language, but refused to learn it themselves bc it was boring, there's gonna be such an intense regret there from apollo, thinking that he should've taken the opportunity to learn when he could. he definitely would still understand bits and pieces, maybe a few quotes that were his or his mom's favorites, but it's just a lot harder to learn a language once you've grown up ://
as for the funeral, he did not go, because he still wasn't on speaking terms with his father, and well,,, yeah. he didn't want to cause a scene, also didn't want to tell will much about it, but i do think leto left some things to apollo in her will that apollo had to fight pretty hard to actually get sent to him
and GOD the emotions of apollo watchign will grow up... AHSDFJ ILL NEVER GET OVER IT like its hard to accept but he eventually does recognize it. and it's painful but it also feels good to know that that'll never happen. to watch his son at 16 spend his afternoon doing homework, and at 17 having a healthy relationship with his best friend, and at 18 applying to colleges... it definitely makes apollo proud, but it also breaks his heart a bit. because he couldn't imagine ever forcing the childhood that he had on his son, and he has to admit that his father hadn't felt the same sense of protection or care, and that even though his mom did, she wasn't in a position to do anything that would truly help :/
KSDJFLKASJDFSD PARALLELS AHHSDHFHDSFJ no bc that actually just makes me so happyyyyy like yes apollo is a good father yes he always has been and yes he always will be!!!! to literally anyone who needs it. i love him so much. can you believe when i was first outlining this fic i was like "hm, yeah, he plays an important role, but like i'll make sure not to make him a major character or anything"
now we're here. apollo is probably like. the third most major character after nico and will. in greatest of luxuries, at least.
kayla absoluTELY tried to train everyone in archery, and apollo's trying to avoid it bc he's trying not to think back to 2002 when darren tried to teach him archery, and kayla has the exact same instruction style bc darren had taught her, and hes actually better than will and will's friends bc he's learned before, but he fails on purpose bc the memories are too painful because THEY WERE HAPPY-
sorry pollen is possessing me! it will never leave
this is SO real bc i am responding to this to avoid doing my lit essaysdlkjf
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journalsouppe · 10 months
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Mwah Mwah Mwah I love you the Adventure of Link <3 You're a tough game but you don't deserve all the hate you get. OUGH yall i love this game so much the soundtrack slaps incredibly hard
Genuinely one of my favorite Zelda games esp in terms of lore and musici, if I grew up in the 80s and played this this game would've been my special interest for sure
The stickers are from the ALTTP sticker pack by Comstock Cafe and I just took the stickers that were the most generic to use for this game and the original Legend of Zelda ^_^;
Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.0 Played: Sp 2023 Port: NES Switch Special Edition (YES I PLAYED THE EASY VERSION I WAS TRYING TO BEAT THIS BEFORE TOTK)
Initial thoughts: reminds me of the claymation mythology movies (aka Jason and the Argonauts and Clash of the Titans)
This reminds me a lot of Joust
little link statue <3
this feels nothing like a zelda game
(in reference to above comment) the mechanics are a little off putting but this is actually a very zelda game, it takes getting used to but i'm enjoying it
I'm actually really obsessed with the zelda II lore and story, love the magic system
omg the iron knuckle
interesting bosses! it would be fun to see them return
damn gooma was so hard
wolfheads can burn in hell
I like how much the future zelda games are insp by this game!!!
how would you ever know how to find new kasuto without a guide T^T
-> they were't too bad in this game bc you can actually block them (I hate top down wizzrobes and hate a visceral reaction lol)
i absolutely love that you can turn into a fairy, this should've been a reused mechanic
"this is the first game where Link shape shifts as well as the first game where the process is voluntary and beneficial" oh my god T^T
I love how Barba/Volvagian returned in Ocarina!!!! LOVE!!
It's funny how Link can't swim in these games so he walks on water instead
items collected are used in the overworld
I love this game a lot actually
the mega demon looking bubble?? T-T
the regional differences are really interesting
the design of the thunderbird is crazy cool
love the shadow link fight also insane you don't get to heal and replenish magic
zelda and link having 2 different styles is so funny, link looks so goofy
This game had a massive difficulty spike compared to the original The Legend of Zelda game. However, I loved this game so much and you can see how much influence games like OOT and TWW took from it. The music is incredible and iconic, I love the enemy designs and their grittiness, and I love how despite never playing this game before, I had a lot of nostalgia for it bc I played Joust as a kid. This was a great sequel for its time and continued the story well -- Link has gotten 2/3 of the triforce pieces and rescued zelda and defeated Ganon in the first game. Now he has to complete multiple trials in order to get the triforce of courage and save zelda from the past. The end fight being a 2 boss rush AND the true boss being the shadow of youself -- AKA the hardest boss in the series if you don't cheese the battle, it's great what an incredible idea. And OOT used it again with another incredible idea -- reflection, conquer yourself. Are you a true hero if you can't even outmatch, out wit, out last your own self, your own shadow? UGH as a huge OOT fan I just loved this game and seeing all the influence it had. I'd def play it again in the future.
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joyboyish · 9 months
ykw strawhats monster high au bc im whimsical except i couldnt find many creatures that matched them so a lot of them are demi gods
luffy - son of meri - this one is kind of obvious, luffys brazilian and meri is considered the sun god to the bororò people, an indigenous ethnicity in brazil. nika is based on a lot of different cultures. the one piece wiki has some guesses in its trivia section as to what inspired nika u should def check it out,
zoro - son of enma - another obvious one since one of his swords is named enma.. enma is the king of buddhist hell.. idk if its true but ive seen a few people associate enma with the moon so theres some more sun/moon symbolism for you
nami - the daughter of apsaras - according to the wiki "apsaras or apsara is a member of a class of celestial beings in Hindu and Buddhist culture. They are originally a type of female spirit of the clouds and waters, who later plays the role of a 'nymph' or 'fairy'." and that just feels very nami
usopp - son of the tikoloshe - the tikoloshe are mischievous water spirits in south african mythology, if you cant tell im trying to have the characters of color be the kids of myths from their own culture and usopp is just a mischievous little lad
chopper - son of airmids - the celtic goddess of healing herbs!
robin - daughter of saraswati - the indian goddess of knowledge, she also has six arms and since robin can grow those it made sense to me
franky - son of hephaestus - the greek god of black smithing and craftsmanship, just made sense to me
brook - son of ihy - the egyptian god of music!
jinbe - son of the varuna - the indian god of the water, he is the lord of justice and truth, and the way jinbe vouches for fishman everywhere reminded me of that so
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iamthewhole · 2 months
🦷,🍎, &☕️!
3 dr specific skills and how I’d learn them:
It’s knowing many many languages and I’d already know some cause my dr dad is Spanish so espanol from there, my dr mom is Indian so Hindi plus punjabi from there, I was really into Greek mythology from Greek from there, Latin I’ll be taught in school, so yeah.
I’d know how to play guitar and drums and dance and music stiff, I don’t know maybe I’ll take some classes for that I suppose.
Lawn tennis and table tennis (I know table tennis in the Cr aswell tho but yeah) and I’ll know it cause my dr dad plays lawn tennis and table tennis for fun and he’s really good and such, and my SO is a professional lawn tennis player and so yeah…
3 habits of my cr that I’ll carry on to dr:
lol I suppose tilting my toes? Idk I just do that subconsciously and I been told it’s kinda cute so
being hella engrossed in my novels that I literally have no idea wtf is going on around me? And I ain’t kidding like there could be a fire and I would just be reading my novel lol
listening to music while making my coffee I think would be one thing I would def do
(the apple one I already answered it in other asks<3)
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thebigqueer · 3 months
Genuine thoughts on the pjo tv series?
i had a lot more thoughts when i first finished the show so this isnt as comprehensive as it could be but these are all the most important things i can remember. but im glad you asked cuz im alwasy ready to answer this question
i didnt hate it. i think i might have had too high expectations but ill be watching s2.
i will say that i think they def stuck to the books more, which i liked, but they made some changes i def didnt like.
my biggest issue was probably with the way that the kids - especially percy - just knew everything going on, because it took a lot away from the childlike wonder that the books had when the trio went on their first quest. i think the fact that percy didn't know a lot in the books was also essential to kid readers, who most likely dont know anything about greek mythology. obviously i think the fact that show percy knows a lot is good because it highlights his intelligence & could be explained by the fact that his mother told him all the stories, but at the same time i think percy served as a really important way to teach kids about the greek myths, so it kind of sucks that he immediately knows whats going on at some points, especially when we have no idea as to how he even learned about it. for example, at some points it made sense that percy knew what was going on, like when they realized quick that Auntie Em's Gnome Emporium was where medusa lived. but when we came to crusty's place, they just totally skipped everything about how percy came to find out about who crusty even was. taking out that context totally messed things up, because if i wasnt a reader i literally would not have understood how we even got there and how percy knew who this guy was. i understand it was to save time, but i think it couldve been handled better.
on the note of medusa, LOVED THAT EPISODE. i thought it had to be one of the best episodes of the season because it really displayed how no one is ever 1 dimensional, and i loved the way they drew to sally and medusa's similariteis because it really made percy consider what "good" and "bad" really meant - which is to say, theres never a clear line. and i loved that annabeth was so reserved because it really served to how wholly she beleives in her mother and the gods because it sets up her character arc so well. the entire episode was just so good. ALSO THE ACTRESS FOR MEDUSA WAS WAYYYYY TOO GOOD. too good.
the lotus casino episode was probably my least-liked because of the way they executed it. in the books that part was so fun and colorful because it was just the kids being kids - of course they were going to waste time having fun. but in the show they were so caught up in the mission that it kind of sucked not being able to see them just having fun like kids do. thats what i mean when i feel like the show just took so much away from that whimsy that kids have. i dont remember where i read it, but someone once replied to one of my posts with something about how they were kids just by physical appearance but not in character (or not completely) and i agree with that. i mean, sure, they had their scenes where they argued over trivial things like candy and chips and splashed percy with water because they seriously thought it would help, but i just so wish we coudlve seen them having fun being kids at the lotus casino.
im also not saying that they act like adults. they def dont act like adults (which is good) but theyre just not as childish as they were in the books, which is why im kind of disappointed. to sum it up, what im trying to say is that i think the show was just so focused on the plot points that they forgot to add in the children's characteristic qualities at points, because the storyline was just so plot-focused that i feel like even the points that the kids were supposed to be silly and funny just didnt hit the way they wouldve in the books.
this is more minor but i wish the scene where annabeth tries to reason with hephaestus when percy's stuck in the chair was somehow longer, or just ended with more vagueness. i loved the way leah took charge of that scene and i thought it was a really good execution, but i didnt understand how it only took hephaestus 5 minute of being scolded by a 12 year old to suddenly change his mind about power. i guess that could say something about annabeth's persuasiveness, but in reality it was just the showrunners trying to finish up scenes lol. i think what im trying to say is that the scene just felt sped up when it couldve been slower, or maybe the scene couldve ended with a little more of a lingering question that would make viewers wonder about the implications of this scene.
i didnt like the way hades was portrayed. im not saying the king of the underworld cant be funny but i felt like the way they changed hades will not do good to the rest of the show, especially if we get into season 3 or when we learn about hades' kids, beacuse i dont think itll line up with the way hades treats his kids later on in the series. like i cant imagine we get to season 5 and this is the hades storming into the battle in manhattan. sure, hes funny, but it does not line up with his character in the books at all. i dont mind minor changes to the books, but when youre completely changing an entire character - one whos important to the series as a whole - whats the point in calling it a book-accurate show 😭
i loveddd the lsat episode i loved the dream sequence and i loved that they went back to montauk i thought it added so much to the show.
this is minor but also not - WHY DIDNT ANYONE BOW WHEN PERCY GOT CLAIMED. THAT WAS SUCH A POWERFUL SCENE IN THE BOOK AND IT REALLY SET PERCY APART WHICH WOUDLVE DONE WONDERS FOR THE WAY PERCY ACTS IN TEH FIRST TWO EPS because hes like 'im so different and everyone keeps telling me im special but it all feels so condescending and no ones explaining anything to me.' FOREVER MAD THAT I COULDNT SEE THAT SHIT WITH MY OWN EYES. WHATS EVEN THE POINT OF ANYTHING ANYMORE
sally was portrayed interestingly. i know everyone has a lot of different opinions about how she was portrayed, as well as how gabe and the way the abuse in their family was potrayed and i agree and disagree with a lot of the points ive seen on the internet. firstly i did like that sally was portrayed with a lot more strength and stubbornness than the movie did, but at the same time there were points where i felt like she acted so un-sally like. ex. i like the way she was so serious & nervous & anxious with percy at the pool because that made sense; but i didnt think the scene where she was ordering percy to open the door was something i was expecting. and i understand that the entire situation was so difficult for both her and percy so it makes sense that she was easily frustrated with percy not listening to her, but i feel like at the very least she wouldve tried another line or two of reasoning with percy before ordering him to open the door, because in the books she seems a little more patient with him. idk this was a super specific moment lol i think what im trying to say is she doesnt feel like the same sally that i remember in the books, and thats def not a bad thing at all but at the same time i feel like the way they potrayed sally in terms of her mannerisms just isnt who she is. she is adamant and indepednent and blah blah but its the little things in her portrayal that dont feel the same.
on the topic of gabe's abuse - i know abuse can be more than just physical and we def saw aspects of the more financial and emotional abuse in the show. but i didnt like how gabe was portrayed because yeah he seems like a shitty guy but thats all he had; theres no context as to why hes even in their life or even how he got in there. i think the best way to describe it is the way i saw someone else describe it: he's gabe, just not smelly gabe from the books. so its essentially teh same thing as the sally bullet - i feel like they got rid of some of the important characteristics of gabe so his presence in teh story doesnt feel the same. i think this could be said about most of the characters in the show.
thats about all i can remember. theyre just my thoughts, and theyre not the most clean thoughts so sorry if its confusing. its been a minute since ive watched the show so im sure theres other thoughts and im sure my opinions could change if i watch again. but yeah thanks for asking anon!!
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birb-tangleblog · 1 year
12. What have you named Hector's
animals in your mind?
The bearcats' names are "Good Quirin" and "Good Adira". The rhino is Edmund Jr. 😌
For real tho, this is so embarrassing- b/c for as much as I've brainrotted about Hector, I don't really have concrete headcanon names for them?? Whenever I'm chatting with friends, they're always just 'the bearcats' or 'the girls'.
That said, I tend to think Hector wouldn't actually be the most creative or poetic when it comes to naming his animals? I think he would name them more simply, almost like a kid names a pet, based on their qualities and wanting something that sounds warrior-like. I kind of like Shade for the bearcat with a slightly darker pelt, and Fang for the one with a snaggletooth? Alternatively, Talon, Dagger, Spear, Shadow, Smoke, Ash, Thorn, Briar- that kind of vibe.
I could def see names from mythology or astronomy paired with the HC that Adira, Edmund, or Quirin (anyone well-read) helped name them! Or maybe foodie names if he asked Adira for ideas? She dubs the rhino 'Cupcake' or 'Bonbon' to annoy him and it sticks- imagining one of the Corona chars asking his (the rhino's) name and Hector just groans lmao
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angelsdean · 1 year
home always feels like an episode they should have waited a season or two to do to me, when the mythology and characters were a little more lived it. I don't know if this makes sense, but i think in any other season, or even this season in the backhalf, this set up would have lent itself to a classic Dean Studies episode, and it feels weird that once we're actually in the house, we're actually seeing Mary, we totally pull back on Dean. Honestly, outside of the phone call to John, he's very sidelined despite this being an easy set up to explore backstory for him as the only character there who has a memory of the fire. And even Sam as the POV character falls flat not because there isn't interesting tension there, it could have worked! but because it's so heavy unfolding the psychic plot point and it's clear that that's more important to the episode than the family mythology. It just feels like you could take the bones of the episode, drop into season 3, and get something that looks completely different. (You said this much more eloquently re: the narrative, but I'm on s2 of my own rewatch and i keep thinking about this, haha).
hii sorry i didn't answer this sooner, but yea that's def how i felt rewatching it like, it just feels like it comes too soon for it to really *do* anything. we haven't yet really felt the haunting absence of mary. their main plot focuses rn are 1.) finding john (and in conjunction w/ that, finding and killing azazel) and 2.) literally just starting in this ep, sam's psychic visions. the whole concept of going back home and being confronted w/ their mother's literal ghost who recognizes and can talk to them is a HUGE thing that deserved to be the main focus, not a footnote in an ep trying to introduce a major plot element, sam's visions.
literally like you said, there's IS tension from sam's POV but they just don't go anywhere with it, since the focus is more on his psychic visions. like the scene w/ sam and mary could've been so much more. and if this came later in the season, or even a few seasons later, mary's "i'm sorry" to sam would've held more weight and packed a punch bc she feels responsible for what's happened to sam !!! for the deal w/ azazel and causing sam to be infected w/ demon blood. but sitting in the 9th episode of s1 where we still barely know anything it just falls flat and feels like she's just apologizing for what? dying? of course we have the gift of knowing everything to come later, but i'm trying to put myself in the shoes of the 2005 audience. what would they have thought she was apologizing for? like up until s4 that audience doesn't even know about mary being a hunter or her deal. so like, for those early years, it would just seem like she was apologizing for i guess not getting to sam fast enough to stop azazel and for dying ??
but yea anyways i feel like dean should've been the central character for an episode like this and we already know mary's death was traumatic for him. he tells lucas in 1x03 how he stopped talking after mary died. he tells lucas he's scared all the time but tries his best to be brave bc he thinks it's what his mom would've wanted. mary is such a central figure in dean's life and memories and is thee anchor to the myth of the "perfect family" that never was that dean is constantly yearning for and why family is so important to him. also comments like dean saying he always wanted to be a firefighter when he was a kid reveal a lot abt how much the fire affected him and fueled his desire to save people. and then in 1x09 Home itself, we see dean go in to save the blonde mom while he tells sam to save the kids which is interesting bc in 1x03 dean immediately goes for the kid and lets sam save the mom. so, it feels like subconsciously there's something there with dean and his desire to save mary. and this would've been a great episode to explore that trauma and guilt he has for not being able to save her (and god it's so irrational and he must know it, he was literally 4 yrs old what could he have done !!!) but still.
anyways this is getting long but yea i think at the very least, home should've come later in the season and not have to share the plot w/ introducing sam's psychic powers. there's just SO much they could've done with the whole concept of going back home and seeing mary's ghost. i wanted them to feel haunted !!!! haunted by home and the myth of mary !!!!!
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netherworldpost · 1 year
I know this could get complicated based on industry/product/etc. but do you have any overarching advice on starting a business from ground zero with very few assets or money in general and no real following yet? I've read some of your business advice posts and like the idea of creating things at a reasonable price - both so people can buy them for a reasonable price and also to keep starting costs low - but I know a lot of people launch a business when they already have a following. How do you start when you're starting fresh/starting over from scratch?
You start within yourself and building within yourself the foundation of being strong, and flexible, as hell.
It is a wonderful, romantic idea of "I have this vision of x-y-z company and I'll see that through the end." There are a lot of fuzzy-to-factual-history biopics about people who do this.
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You build a strength in yourself to keep going when everything is failing for years.
You retain notes, you resist the urge to say "this didn't work, I shall delete everything to date," you keep old mood boards and supplier contacts. I repeat: for years.
Your work is a high-yield savings account, the success compounds slowly over time. You are trading scarcity of money for abundance of time.
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You learn to experiment A LOT. Not with money (per your note, there isn't money to experiment with) but with subjects.
Evil Supply Co. had monsters (typically Halloween), ghosts (mythology + Halloween + history), witches (Halloween + magic + mythology + history), and mermaids (mythology + monster lore). It dabbled in science fiction/outer space, it dabbled in 80s/90s/retro enjoyment of aesthetics. I found overlaps, I BUILT overlaps, in subject-matter.
Now is a good time to mention that Evil Supply Co. was, like, my tenth business idea.
So Netherworld Post is 10-B?
Before that I was working in web design + graphic design and experimented with furniture and about a dozen software ideas and I've produced plays and dabbled in day trading on the stock market and ten billion other things.
Musical instrument making, web hosting, stock photography, character design... etc.
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The connecting device between these two tenets is the ability and willingness to pivot -- here again a learned, practiced, strengthened skill.
"I want to do ABC."
Okay I don't have the resources for ABC and/or the tech for ABC isn't cheap enough/available enough. I'll learn to do DEF.
Okay the tech isn't ready for DEF, but BCD is, so I can tinker with that for six months -- it's not the entire vision I started with, or wound up on, but I can handle some of the middle.
Okay, that's.... not working yet, but EF is, so I'll work on that for six months. Then AB. Oh, now ADEF is ready? Cool, I'll work on that.
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Don't compete with your friends with bad will in your heart. Don't be friends with people who compete with you with bad will in theirs.
For many years, one of my best friends and partner-in-shenanigans and I would have semi-daily meetings at a bar down the street from an office space we shared. At least 5 times a day one of us would pop into the other's office and say "I have this idea--"
We were, on paper, competitors. If you were looking for graphic design services, there was as solid a chance you would bump into either of us.
(His business pivoted and now he is several hundred miles away focusing on family and his kid and I wish him the absolute best, there is no other shoe to drop in this story. And -- that's kinda the point entirely -- he was Weird Business Art Guy, now he is a dad doing a 9-5 in a small town, to all accounts very happy)
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Do not try to force a community to build up if you don't have that kind of support system in your life right now -- at the moment, none of my friends are in business shenanigans -- either.
It's part of being flexible.
At some point, I'll again run into one or several weirdos making weird things and we'll say "let's chat about making weird things a lot" and we will.
Right now I am thoroughly enjoying quiet "this is me time" and doing whatever the hell I want with extremely limited plans with other people. Instead of bouncing ideas off of people and shaping them that way, I'm layering them slowly as I ramble through long strings of days mostly spent alone.
I'm flexible to the current time + I keep going.
I remember when I had my design firm, it was hugely en vogue to be a power romantic + business couple and run a two-person design + illustration studio. Maybe it still is, I don't know, I've been out of design gossip for ages.
Anyway. The "big thing" was to have one person be an illustrator, the other a graphic designer, and via work and a picture perfect marriage, you were getting constant awards and clients etc.
Beautiful idea, drove me wild for years with envy, never manifested for me personally, every time I recognized I desired it greatly + it wasn't going to happen for me, I moved on with my life and goals and interests and business.
Learn. To. Pivot.
When things go wrong, when things go right in an unexpected way, when you realize "I am lusting for X and it won't happen," when you realize "I am ignoring Y opportunity because of ego, because of ignorance, because it is objectively great but isn't what I thought I wanted, because it is objectively great but I am a snob in this area, etc."
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I really, really, really wanted to be a fancy New York art director in advertising at {very specific, very short list of agencies} when I was starting out.
I wanted big awards, I wanted to climb the ranks, become a global creative director of {short list of above} being published in {list of design news sites and gossip rags} etc.
Prior to that, I wanted to be an animator. I was lining up an internship at Disney! Then they shut down the studio I was applying at (laugh). Prior to that I was going to be a psychologist! I repeat, above, I've started a billion things!
I did not expect to be a private academic in monsters and myths (re-)building a stationery start up and yet here I am.
Maybe this will last 50 years and maybe it'll last a week.
All business is secondary to the quality of life I lead. I would as strong as possible recommend this for you as well.
Maybe you have Genius Art Idea that is intensely cool and wonderful making Affordable Art Thing and in six months to six years you start pulling it together and you're like "this is great this is fantastic this is wonderful" --
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-- and just before you make it big you find a job in accounting that is surprisingly enjoyable and/or is surprisingly tolerable but the paycheck allows you to say "rather than focus all my time and effort into making widgets, I can do it as a hobby, or not do it, and do ten million other things--"
Great! Pivot to that!
I think I got off track.
I want to circle back into "business and work isn't everything, it's not even the most important thing -- a good life is the important thing."
I want to circle back into "you see someone doing something and think 'I want to do that,'" which is great, go for trying, but don't worry if it doesn't work out to plan, or even if the plans themselves fade away into a different reality all together.
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Learn things, plan things, keep going when the learning is boring and the plans fall apart, change what you want to learn and what you're planning and what you're building when something else comes along, keep notes of it all handy.
If you are by nature an organized person, keep notes organized.
If you are not, keep them in a shoe box or digital folder to rummage through later.
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charliechaotic · 8 months
ayup. gonna do some headcanon / writing requests for a specific set of au sanses, except its just gonna be my am versions, as kinda a way to develop it a bit :>
(note: esp for Cross/Backstab, I dont know what im doing! The others I have at least vague concepts of TvT)
Name references:
The Stars:
Ink -> Sketch, 'Squid'
Dream -> Solaria, 'Sunshine', 'Ria', 'Glowstick'
Swap -> Orion, 'Blue', 'Rigel'
The Bad Sanses/Nightmares Gang -> The Comets
Nightmare -> Lunaris, 'Luna'
Horror -> Butcher, 'Butch'
Killer -> Blade
Murder -> Fracture
Cross -> Backstab, 'Bax'
Error -> Terminal
•Sketch is kindaaaa a manipulative bastard(sorry gang)
•Solaria is transfem! (also, was in stone 1000 years instead of 500, so the apple twins are older!)
•Orion is very freshly 16 years old, universe was destroyed, and is the current main target of Sketch's manipulation- cowabummer! (is aware of being a replacement.) Uhhh right also he isnt Technically a 'Sans'- Think of it like.. Au-ing an Au. He's from an AU of the Swap au? [also he may be my favorite] TRANS MASC !!
•Lunaris is very non nightmare- more dadmare core, really? Also, its the kinda thing where the corrupted and past version are kinda the same? Corrupted Lunaris has his memories, and isnt Quite the original, but he isnt some random dude. Think of the corruption even like his birthday ig?
•Butcher is also very dad core- He doesn't eat until he's made sure everyone else has- also, doesn't have a 'papyrus' / general brother character-
•Blade is like a goofy uncle kinda guy, def a prankster- Tends to go against Lunaris the most often
•Fracture doesn't speak too much, general keeps to himself- but when he does it's either a Lot, or something important to listen to- Also he's a major space and greek mythology nerd.
•Backstab uh. Doesn't have anything to him yet? I'll mostly base it off of fandom stuff I've seen of cross shdjej (gladlt accepting suggestions- my buddy helped start this stuff and he kinda has the role of Backstab but is hyperfixating on smth else rn 😔)
•Terminal is 16, and WAY less destructive than Error. He still destroys stuff, but 1. He's a kid, and 2. Once he joined The Comets he's kinda only destroyed stuff for when its needed for a job. (note: terminal i ALSO made by my other buddy, but I have a better hand of him) HUMAN RACIST!!(/hj) He is a BULLY to HUMANS ONLY!!
Also yeah these guys aren't skeletons anymore lmao- different kinda monster species that comes with the AM. Monsters are the ones with Soul traits in this too :> (Havent worked out who is what yet- Solaria is /Probably/ Kindness)
I have refs for everyone except Fracture and Backstab rn but theyre all done in gachalife2 except for like. one drawing ive done of Orion (literally done less than thirty minutes ago)
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Trying to figure out a Celestial family tree from the Jade Emperor, even in it's most basic form is kinda hard.
In Journey to the West he def got a sister (Yaoji) and she had 3 kids including Erlang Shen (his nephew). Yang Chan/Sanniang (Erlang's sister) had Liu Chen Xiang according to one version of the Lotus Lantern fairytale.
Him and Queen Mother of the West have at least has 7 daughters according to "Weaver Girl and the Cowherd" which includes; Zhinu (the star Vega), Yanguang Niangniang (Goddess of Eyesight), Songzi/Zhusheng Niangniang (Goddess of Fertility/Childbirth). But the last one occasionally is three separate goddesses rolled into one, or is depicted as a version of Guanyin. Guanyin herself is either a former mortal than became a Bodhisattva, or a daughter of the Jade Emperor who became buddist.
But the tale of "Hou Yi and the 10 Suns" seems to change who's kids the Suns/Sons (puns) are depending on the variant - Jade Emperor is either their dad, granddad, or more often unrelated entirely.
Mythology is confusing.
In the LMK au Im crafting; I have it down that the Jade Emperor and QMotW only got the 7 daughters who are either alive but estranged/disowned (Zhinu and Princess Iron Fan), or reincarnated/died as mortals without their parents permission (Lady Yin). Erlang Shen is so high ranked cus he's technicallly the only male heir in line for the throne. Nezha barely scrapping the royal bloodline since his mom is a reincarnation of the Second Daughter.
This what I got:
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If anyone with greater knowledge in Chinese mythos could give me a heads up regarding family trees, it would be cool.
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creabirds · 9 months
recently i really fell into percy jackson hole again and started thinking about max and charles in it. imo max is def ares' kid and charles is aphrodite's one, and like the amount of parallels with their godly parents? insane. i once read a piarles fic where charles is aphrodite himself and at this point, honestly, he can be aphrodite and max can be ares as well (dirtytalk after finding out about each other's another demigod child would go crazy tho)
@grubbyraccoonhands this u?
i must admit i have only read the first book of the series and watched the movies……. however i am a greek mythology nerd (og) and i must agree with this analysis
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3gremlins · 9 months
obviously it's early yet and there have only been 2 episodes but so far i am underwhelmed by the percy jackson tv show. thoughts behind cut (i guess very mild spoilers but nothing big)
mostly b/c every time it uses cgi fx the lighting gets DULL AF and terrible and i am begging disney etc to just pay for lighting people and practical effects/mixture of cgi and practical so it can be lit properly and not rely on making everything dark to hide shitty looking composition with weird flattening color grading (the actual models don't look that bad, they're just badly composited. like let a dramatic rim light enter your life, fam, i am begging you).
The props also look a little cheap? Esp in the capture the flag war scene, they all look/sound like plastic with little to make it seem like they're not (also the fit on the helmets was kinda meh, but i realize this is nitpicky).
it just added to making the show look cheap in a way it def shouldn't be b/c the mouse has so much freaking money. idk, it feels like they got a meager budget for a thing that deserves a GoT or at least a Mandalorian/SW budget tbh (orrrrrr i wish they'd just done a cool animated show in the style of the opening/closing credits but obviously that would be more expensive and the house of mouse are cowards T.T)
also the writing has been a lot of "tell instead of show" exposition so far which makes for not so great tv (it would have been much cooler to see the luke/thalia/anabeth bg stuff as a flashback instead of just having luke explain it on screen- stuff like that. Which is probably a budget/direction issue and less of a writing issue tbf). More characterization in general- like it just feels a little rushed like they were trying to hit major plot points faster (esp with the inter god house relations).
It also feels like someone told Jason Mantzoukas to dial it back and so he feels weirdly restrained as mr.d (a very strange choice imho). Like you hire him to be loud and a little obnoxious and i'm not sure about this directing choice for this character (this is sort of minor but it contributed to the first 2 eps feeling overall kinda muted?)
Book 1 is the weakest book by far tho so probably season 1 will be the weakest since it's an adaptation of that but I thought maybe they'd be able to fix some of the issues since Riordan has more direct control over that with this adaptation. Like move some plot points around/character narratives to make it a little more dynamic and make us care about more of the main characters sooner.
it also feels like it's missing a little bit of that rick riordan is a huge classics/mythology nerd DEEP CUT references that are in the books (we got a little with that one kid talking about the goddess of failure but not really enough)
the casting is great tho and maybe it will get rolling as the season goes on, i will keep watching for sure. I'm just sad it wasn't better b/c now I'm not going to be able to convince my partner to read the books lol. He already read the Magnus Chase books which he liked, but he's afraid of the PJ books b/c the first few aren't as good/were written earlier
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