#he’d just pick him up and throw him out a window tbh
moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Who would win in a fist fight between James and severus?
Severus would wipe the floor with James 🥰
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pinkaditty · 21 days
He Knows
(Subaru Kagami x MC X Haku Kusanagi; Tokyo Debunker)
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omg guess who's back!!!!! im posting porn as per usual. 2day's porn is about tokyo debunkers!! recently started playing that game and WOW haku kusanagi has stolen my heart holy shit man. i picked him and then proceeded 2 watch him jump off a burning ledge it was really something!!! anyways the more of him i saw the more of him i just ended up liking. like when i found out he's left handed i jus melted on impact bro wtf's wrong with me. anyways here have the result of my 72 hour long haku kusanagi brainrot: porn.
summary: haku's been avoiding you. it's because you're with subaru all the damn time. it's only at a party where you're in close proximity that things get... interesting.
a/n: note that the tokyo debunkers characters have no confirmed ages. i am running on the assumption that, since they refer to themselves as adults in the game, drink, smoke, and gamble that they are at least in the college student age range. also, i have never heard of a high school with a chancellor. typically it's universities that have those. i am running on the assumption that all characters are at least 18 years of age. if canon ages come out and turn out to be lower, i will delete this! thank you <3
cw: MINORS DNI, suggestive, no real smut happening but u get kinda close, mostly buildup tbh, self-indulgent (pls like this i spent hours writing it), gn!mc bc mc isn't described physically at all, strongly implied sexual relations, semi-public?, slight cucking if u wanna call it that?, subaru x reader x haku yea
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Casino parties in Sinostra were a lot different from Frostheim parties. 
Where Frostheim parties were the peak of elegance; blue and white and silver, the mood just as frosty as the scenery, the dress code limited to the finest silks and satins, the food limited to the neatest hors d'oeuvres, and the conversation limited to humble whispers; Sinostra parties were the peak of gaucheness; all colors gaudy and neon, the mood joyful and jubilant and raunchy, the dress code ranging from evening dresses to last week’s uniform, the food being whatever was served at the nearest table, and the conversation loud and constantly overlapping. If you asked Haku, he didn’t have a preference. Parties were parties. It didn’t matter what kind.
He was here to have a good time. That was somewhat dampened when he realized he’d have no choice but to hang around you. He’d been avoiding you for a reason, after all.
It had been recently when he realized why his heart thrummed like a drum when you were nearby, the beat loud and monotonous in his ears. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one he’d scarcely felt, and when he realized what it was, he almost didn’t believe it was genuine. Sure, you were attractive, but all his flirting was, at best, to get your attention and to mess with someone cute. Who doesn’t like attention from an attractive person? He blew it off for the longest time, chalking it up to nerves at how you would respond to his brazen flirting, or perhaps surprise when you would talk to him with a sincere glint in your eye. It was crazy, falling for someone who might be doomed to die, but it was like he couldn’t help himself. Something about how you kept going, even despite that, accepting your potential fate but seeking a way to rewrite it all the same—it impressed him. You had the resilience of a ghoul, a will strong enough to devour a curse. So be it. He promised to himself from the moment he saw Taiga attempt to throw you out of the train window that he wouldn’t let you succumb to such horrors just yet. He had thought that, with the mesmer matches, his promise would be fulfilled. But when your eyes shined with recognition upon meeting his gaze again on that train, he knew he’d bitten off far more than he could chew. So be it. His fate was sealed, as it always had been. 
And, of course, like any romance story, you’d gotten quite close with another guy, Subaru. The odd pangs in his heart rang quite clear through his head when he saw the two of you walking together on campus yet again, or sitting together at mealtimes yet again, or when you’d come by Hotarubi to visit him yet again. He felt childish, feeling an odd jealousy bubbling up in him that he immediately tried to tamp down. He didn’t like feeling that way, not at all. He figured he’d have to rid himself of this somehow, so he distanced himself. Yet, the pull towards you was still strong and hard to ignore.
And then he started falling for you, harder, even after he’d implemented distance, completely unplanned. So, yeah, being here with you after weeks of attempting to avoid your presence after such a revelation was something of a downer. And, super awkward. But whatever, he could take it. He didn’t want to walk aimlessly around this party and see something he shouldn’t, so he was stuck with his dormmates, particularly Subaru, who was stuck—albeit, happily—with you. 
The party was going alright so far. The alcohol had given him a light buzz, enough to at least alleviate his nerves, and relax just slightly. He sank into the couch he sat on, adjacent to the bar. Next to him was Subaru, next to Subaru was Zenji, and next to Zenji was you. At least there was some distance, but his eyes met yours in fleeting glances quite often. It was minimally frustrating, but the buzz helped him ignore it. You were engaged in friendly, flamboyant conversation with Zenji, Subaru seemed a little shifty, though that could be chalked up to being in a loud environment, and Haku was leaning back, swirling his drink in his hands. The endless noise of loud voices and gambling wins and losses echoed in his ears as he did all he could to refrain from indulging much more. But your presence wasn’t exactly helping. 
He turned back to you, to give you another fleeting glance, but his eyes landed on Subaru instead. He seemed a little out of it, his skin shining in the low light with a thin layer of sweat, his breathing heavy and laboured, his face flushed a bright pink. Haku stared at him curiously, concern creasing his eyebrows and quirking his lips downwards. He reached a hand out to gently pat Subaru on the shoulder, who flinched suddenly. Haku looked at him quizzically, his eyebrows furrowing further. “You good?” He examined Subaru’s condition further, noticing his bangs beginning to stick to his forehead from the sweat. “Do we need to leave?”
Haku’s mumbled queries gained the attention of Zenji, who glanced over his shoulder. Upon seeing Subaru’s state, he frets, turning towards him and grabbing his chin, tilting his head back and forth. Haku wished he wouldn’t do that, and hoped onlookers assumed Subaru was just shaking his head. Not that anyone would be looking in this direction, anyway. He notices you curiously peering over Zenji’s shoulder. You showed no signs of concern, rather interest.
“Oh my! Are you alright? You’re quite flushed!” Zenji’s voice was pitched with worry, as he further examined Subaru’s face. “Did you perhaps—ah, but you’re not holding anything…” Zenji tapped his fingers to his lips, his eyebrows furrowing with concern. Subaru shook his head at both Zenji and Haku, and waved his hand.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Haku heard a slight tremor in Subaru’s voice.
“Are you sure?” Zenji pressed, leaning towards Subaru, his eyes searching his face for any signs of further ailment.
“I’m fine! Please, enjoy yourselves.” To his credit, Subaru hid the tremor this time, but Haku could still sense something was wrong. However, he decided to let it go, assuming that they wouldn’t be here much longer. 
He took note of your lack of concern. He found it odd, but didn’t think on it much. You were close with Subaru, but maybe not as close as he thought. He hated how the thought of the two of you not being as close planted a seed of hope in his heart. Still, wasn’t concern a normal reaction to a friend being ill?
Haku let it go. They’d be out of here soon, anyway. 
Time seems to crawl by and speed up at the same time, the chaotic haze of the party warping his perception of time. Before he knows it, he’s on his second drink, even after internally swearing he wouldn’t overindulge. And before he knows it, he’s lost count of how many times he’s glanced your way, each time holding your gaze longer than the last. His pining was ridiculous. He felt like a teenager. And the drink in his hand was only a reminder of his low self-control, further shaming him. He sighs and places it down on the table in front of the couch, promptly leaning back in his seat. Once he falsely settles in, his finds his eyes drifting to you again. He quickly snaps his gaze away, but not before he spots Subaru’s quivering figure out of the corner of his eye. He turns to him again, concern once again etching itself into his expression. 
Subaru was trembling now, slouching just slightly, which was unlike him. His chest heaved with the effort to breathe normally, and he was sweating more now, more of his bangs stuck to his forehead. Instead of the modest blush pink his face had been before, he was now a bright red, color spreading from his cheeks to his ears and even to his neck. Alright, this was too much. Even Haku knew Subaru was pushing himself too far. He sat upright and gently placed a hand on Subaru’s back, to which he flinched again. Haku’s concern quickly turned to worry, and his hand moved to Subaru’s shoulder instead, leaning closer to him. He could feel the heat radiating off of him. “Hey, Subaru.” Subaru turned to him, still heaving and blinking at him blearily. “...We should go.” Subaru promptly shook his head, despite his body still trembling. The movement alerted Zenji yet again, who turned to Subaru, noticing his trembling form.
“My goodness, look at you!” Zenji grabbed Subaru’s face, squishing his cheeks. “Are you well? Do we need to take you to Montkranken?” Haku sighed as Subaru shook his head again, stubborn as a mule on this.
“N-No, I swear I’m fine, truly.” His voice shook audibly. Haku had half a mind to take him to Montkranken by force, but knew that no good would come of making Subaru any more uncomfortable. 
Zenji hesitantly let go of Subaru’s face, staring at him dubiously. He carefully inspected him, checking his complexion and forehead. As Zenji flitted back and forth around Subaru, Haku found his gaze once again slipping towards you. This time he didn’t stop it, deciding to let it go so he could hold your gaze at least once more before he shifted his full focus to Subaru. However, he notices you aren’t looking at Subaru, or Zenji, or him. You’re staring off to the left, as though watching the people of the party. He’s confused. Why are you so nonchalant about this? Even before, no concern was on your face, mere interest. And now, it’s like you couldn’t care less. It didn’t seem quite like you not to care about one of your friends. It was quite confusing and frustrating, watching you act so nonchalantly, hardly noticing Subaru’s ailment. But, whatever. Maybe you were just distracted. As he turns his gaze back to Subaru, about to gently encourage him to stand so they could leave, he notices your hand moving out of the corner of his eye. Your hand disappears into your pocket and shifts a bit more. Simultaneously, Subaru lurches forward, grunting. His whole body was trembling now, and his fingers dug into his arms as he desperately tried to keep it together. Zenji immediately leans over, placing a hand on Subaru’s back. Haku feels a rush of panic and leans towards him. “Subaru! What’s—”
Haku stops in his tracks. On the side of Subaru’s neck, facing Haku, there were small red and purple bruises. For a moment, Haku’s confused. What are those markings on the side of his neck? And what’s got him so—
Out of nowhere, something clicks. 
As Zenji continues fussing over Subaru, Haku slowly lifts his gaze to you. He finds your gaze boring straight into him. A shock runs down his spine. 
No. No way.
Haku watches as you smirk at him and you pull something out of your pocket, purposely angling the object so only he could see it. It is something very closely resembling a remote. His eyes flick between the remote and your face, your eyes still holding him captive. He tears his gaze away from you and the remote, and turns to Subaru’s trembling form, Zenji fussing over him. He turns back to you, observing the wicked smile on your face. This can’t be real, right?
He watches as your smirk widens, and you press a button on the remote, slipping it back into your pocket. 
Subaru groans, crumpling further forward, immediately pressing a hand to his mouth to muffle his voice. Haku studies him carefully, watching his expression. Subaru’s eyes roll back just once and the corner of his lips turn upwards in a smile, peeking behind his palm pressed tight against his mouth. 
Oh. Oh god.
Something akin to heat pools in Haku’s lower abdomen. He finds himself gripping the cushion of the sofa he’s sitting on so hard his knuckles turn white. Haku swallows thickly, and jerks his gaze back up to you, finding your gaze boring straight into him once again. Subaru’s muffled grunts grow louder, and now that he knows it’s out of pleasure and not pain, Haku feels the urge to squirm. He feels warm all of a sudden, his own body beginning to tremble with nerves and heat. His lips part as he breathes heavily, his gaze flickering from you, to your pocket, to Subaru, and back to you. Maybe it was a bad idea to have so much alcohol. Your gaze, the knowledge of what was really going on, and Subaru’s grunts—which were quickly evolving into moans, further confusing Zenji—all made quite a potent concoction, and with the alcohol running through his system, it really only served to shame him further yet again. 
Shame is all he can think about… Even as a tent forms in his pants.
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a/n: YIPPEE!!!!!!! i finished at long last
also here have this fuckass meme i made thinkging abt all the fics im writing atm:
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i guess i have a niche. my roommate literally asked me as i was telling her abt this fic "is it gonna be cuckold" and i was like "WHATEKSLSJK?!?!?!??!" and then i realized. i write a lot of these fics and call them all self-indulgent. is something wrong with me?
anyways wrapping this up!!!!!!! note that i appreciate likes, reblogs, and comments!!! please, tell me all about how much you enjoyed my work, if you did!!!! i really like when people tell me they loved it bc it encourages me 2 keep going ahhhh!!! until next time, readers!!!!!
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scrunckled-idiot · 3 months
(chat please it took me so long to figure this out)
So uhhg ughm uh-
I got the idea of A survival tf2 horror game based off this post by @the-sound-of-progress (bbg please you haven’t posed in 8 months ☹)
Like my brain is fucked so I like um i- ghuh just hear my idea out please chat-
So the premise of the game is to steal a randomised amount of randomised weapons (min 10 to 15) scattered around the battlefield in 25 or something minuets while giant medic stalks around. Like the game description would be something like:
“what was going to be just a quick and easy heist of stealing some valuable weapons from that freaky base near your town, turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse. as the bases medic has found an interesting way to defend the base at night. Stay out of sight and evade his clutches as you navigate the abandoned battlefield, collect all weapons, and escape back to your vehicle.”
Or something. Like I kept thinking of game mechanics, unique death animations, and achievements for it to. Damn fucking autism. Like firstly how medic would function based on the images.
Medics mechanics and how to counter them:
medic is giant, which means he’ll be slow, right? Makes sense so you could probably outrun him… as long as your sprint meter doesn’t run out. (refillable with MRE packs). In that case, try and take cover in the nearest building.
You’re still not safe yet if you hide in a building. Either medic will wait until you come out (random chance that he will or not), which you can tell he is or not by listening for his breathing or watching for his shadow. Or he’ll try to reach his hand inside and grab you, counter this by pressing against the wall next to the opening.
If you’re atop of a building, he will try to swipe at you or use his bone saw to slash over the roof. Just go further to the middle of the roof to avoid them or just duck.
If he does manage to grab you, time will slow down and you will have a 5 second window to mash the jump button to “wiggle free” or something.
you can bait him to go somewhere else by using walkie talkies. can only use this trick a minimum amount of times before he learns ts a trick.
At the end of the game it will tell you the total cost of the weapons you stole was, how long it took you, how many MRE packs you ate, and other cool stuff perhaps.
He will hide behind corners of buildings and jump out at you. No counter to this, just a cool jumpscare while he laughs like a fucking madman.
Some Cool and unique death scenes when you’re caught. depending on range:
Long range: shooting a big-ass needle at you from his crossbow, throwing a boulder at you.
Close range: stomped to death, crushed to death, eaten, getting picked up and thunder-cunted into the stratosphere like a baseball, sliced by his bone saw, getting carried away in a comically sized jar.
Player will restart in the spawn rooms or back at the gate if they die.
You’ll know he’s near when the ground starts quaking.
ending cutscene will either have you successfully drive away after stealing the required amount of weapons, or have medic stomp your car while you try to escape if you don't steal the required amounts of weapons. or a secret ending where he follows you home and kills you since you've seen too much (canon ending). not sure what triggers the endings yet.
Achievements (shitty names tbh someone come up with something better ong):
An apple a day, keeps the doctor away- don’t die once during the whole run
monk diet- don’t eat a single MRE pack during the whole run.
Wiggly woo- escape medics grasp every time you’re caught.
by the skin of your teeth- escape with the good ending.
midnight snack- get the bad ending
you didn't see anything- get the secret ending
Uhhhh… some other ones I cant think of yet. sorry :(
I wanted to do voice lines as well but I couldn’t do it, felt cringe. He’d mostly just use voice lines from the game anyway. Typical laughter and taunts. And Probably some cool things that im not creative enough to think about. Maybe deaths will also have a zestier variant just to awaken something in someone. But ye, just something I came up with within the span of a day. Now wanting this to be real and not fiction :( maybe some kids doing game design in my collage will bring my idea to life? Idk man no promises.
Thank you for listening to me autistically ramble about my tf2 g/t horror game pitch. that is all.
Well, off to hang myself! Watch and lear-
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patchworkgargoyle · 7 months
oc fic: freaks to the front
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For @strangerthingsocweek!! This isn't the first idea I had, and I wrote it in a rush, but hopefully it's fun.
You all might get sick of me and Dominik by the end of this week tbh, but too bad.
Pairing: transmasc OMC x Unnamed Freak || Rating: T for language || Words: 1,192 || Tags/Side Characters: Canon setting, post-season 4, Kali Prasad and her crew, Dustin Henderson, Jeff, and Gareth. Title from Freaks to the Front - Amyl and the Sniffers, mostly for the Freak reference and also for the vibes.
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When Kali had told him they had to go help her sister, Dominik hadn’t imagined this.
Spending a couple days on the road to drive through Indiana to get to a shitty little town? Easy. Dodging past a military blockade? Fucking concerning, but not that different from evading police. Seeing ash fall from unsettlingly dark clouds that flashed with red lightning? Well past concerning and right into what the fuck is happening?
Kali sat in the front passenger seat of the van, staring intensely out the windshield as she told Funshine where to go, apparently getting directions from her telepathic sister named Eleven, of all things. Dom had seen a lot in his short time with Kali, he knew all about her strange powers, but he hadn’t heard the whole, basic rundown of her story until now.
Figures that the government would be running shitty experiments on little kids. That the experiments worked was still wigging him the fuck out.
“Turn left,” Kali said, and the van veered around a corner, jolting and rocking over some rubble, knocking Dom off-kilter and into the wall with a metallic thud. Axel whooped, loud in the crowded space, Dottie cackling from the floor, and Dom just glared at them. He looked to Mick, who was watching the tiny town speed by with a serious frown.
“What’s going on out there?” he asked, and Mick shook her head.
“Hard to tell. Kali, where are we going?”
“El said some of her friends are in trouble, asked us to pick them up on our way,” she said calmly, before giving another direction. Funshine sped up.
“I hope they aren’t more brats like she was,” Axel grumbled, and Mick shot him a look.
Dom craned around to look out the tiny window by his head and saw a crumbling building whiz by. “This place looks like a fucking warzone,” he said under his breath, hearing Mick hum in agreement.
 Kali glanced into the back. “We’re close. Dottie, get ready to open the door, El says to watch out, and that guns won’t hurt it, only push it back.”
“It? What do you mean, ‘it?’” Dom asked, sounding more shrill than he’d admit, but the van barreled over more debris and interrupted anyone who might’ve poked fun. His heart raced in his throat when Kali told Funshine to speed up, and for the first time since he’d been kicked out of his home, Dom regretted throwing himself in with these maniacs.
“Get ready,” Kali commanded, and Dom’s hand clenched around the handle of his machete. Dottie clung to the door handle next to him, ready to whip it open, and Axel and Mick braced, guns at the ready anyway.
Tires screeched, Dom tensed, and the door whipped open. He launched himself out of the van, brandishing his machete, shouting at the five people he spotted immediately. “Get in!”
All five looked at him. Or, four of them did. It was only when he had a chance to pause that he saw the fifth was way too tall and didn’t have a fucking face. It was a maw of teeth and flesh surrounded by… petals, or something, and his skin crawled just looking at this—this monster. In real fucking life.
Then it roared, or screamed, sounding like a chainsaw on crack, and absolute disbelief was the only thing that kept him from fleeing from the thing in terror as the sound of it pierced his eardrums and made his hair stand on end.
“The fuck is that!?” Axel screeched.
“Demogorgon!” one of the actual humans said, and Dom was shaken from his fear when he realized he was a child.
“Like fucking Dungeons and Dragons!?” Dom yelled, and the kid gave him a surprised look before shouting at the other guys as he raced to the van.
The monster roared again and tried to follow, but Mick and Axel started shooting, bullets not even piercing its sickly grey, leathery skin. But the impacts distracted it, knocked it back, and Dom motioned for the kid to haul ass and praying to a god he didn’t believe in that that thing wouldn’t recover too quickly.
The kid barreled past with a slight limp, shouting at the other guys as they scrambled into action. When he reached the van, Dottie hauled the kid inside, getting out of the way for the others. Two clambered in, but not before the monster got its bearings, straightening up as he heard the telltale click of a pistol out of ammo. Shit.
The shortest, a floppy-haired guy, spat fuck fuck fuck fuck as he ran. Shaking its awful, disgusting head, the thing walked, and then picked up speed. Dom backed up to the van and said, “Kali, do something!”
“I’m trying,” she hissed.
Of course, right then, the guy tripped. Dom darted forward on instinct and snagged his hand, yanking at him as he flailed for balance.
But the monster was on them.
Shouting, “Go, go, fucking go,” Dom hauled them both backwards into the van. His legs hit the floor, he toppled back, and strong hands grabbed his arms and pulled him and the floppy-haired guy clung to each other in a blind panic.
The monster lashed out, one massive clawed hand raking down the guy’s leg before grabbing his ankle. He screamed, and Dom acted without thinking. He kicked, teeth bared in a furious grimace, steel-toed boot colliding wetly with the meaty, tooth-filled hole that passed for a mouth. Someone yanked the machete out of his hand and started chopping at the thing’s arm as he kept brutally kicking out.
Tires squealed and spun until they caught on the pavement and the van lurched into motion just as the monster let go with a wounded, wailing gurgle. The person behind him pulled Dom and the guy further in and Dottie slammed the door closed, leaving that horror in the dust.
The van was quiet except for the road of the engine and everyone’s panicked breathing. Dom blinked, realizing that Axel and Mick were still by the door. Who the hell had gotten them in the van?
Dom looked back and came face to face with the biggest of the four guys. His pretty blue eyes were still wide with fear, but he was looking back at Dom, darting over his face, inevitably glancing at all his piercings before pausing at the ones in his lips just a touch too long. When Dom’s jaw dropped in surprise, the guy blushed and looked away.
His usual recklessness reared up, fueled by the adrenaline pumping through his veins. “Thanks for the save, darling,” he purred, smirking, and the guy’s face flushed an even deeper red.
“Dominik, can you not be a slut for one minute?” Axel sneered, and Dom just flipped him off, still watching the cute guy’s face as he tried to look at anyone but Dom. Oh, he was cute, and Dom thought he might have fun in this shithole called Hawkins after all. Aside from the fucking monsters.
The floppy-haired guy put an end the awkward pause. "Could someone please do something about my leg?"
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sluts4shigaraki · 2 years
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CW ♡ none, cute kissing scene
Pairing ♡ shigaraki/fem!reader
Word count ♡ 2,200
minors/ageless blogs DNI ♡ you will be blocked
A/N ♡ i’m so glad everyone’s enjoying it. the cute pining from tomura made my heart go doki doki tbh
The next day, you felt like each class lasted forever. For whatever reason, you wanted to see him again. Test out your feelings one more time. This time, you were going to his dorm. Or, at least you wanted to. This might help you decide. You texted him, asking if you could come to his dorm for this session, giving the excuse that it was only fair. Tomura texted back almost instantly, you have no idea how his fingers moved so fast. That made you think things you didn’t want to.
T : sounds good
T : what time?
xxx : i get out of chem at 4:30, so 5?
T : see you then
The way he texted didn’t reflect his anxiety. Tomura could throw up. The only thing he could do to soothe himself was rock in his chair. How could you ask that? Of course, he wanted you around, but his room was disgusting. On top of that, Touya was here. He split his lip, blood trickling towards his chin. When he looked towards the other side of the dorm, Touya was sitting at the window smoking.
“Touya. I need something from you,” Tomura heard him laugh, of course. He was going to ask something inconvenient in return.
“Twenty bucks and a week of all my homework. Every class,” that sounds right. Every time he asked for anything, Tomura had to do something if he wanted the favor done. “So, what is it? Does it concern you know who?” Touya put out his cigarette and smirked at him, waggling his eyebrows.
“No. Well, sort of. They want to come here. I can clean up, but I need you to leave till I text you,” Tomura hoped he would agree. Maybe he’d get even closer to you. Touya would somehow fuck it up for him, or even steal you from him.
“Ohhh! Finally getting some pussy? Free of charge, dude, I’m proud of you. I can find somewhere to be, don’t worry,” Touya slinked out of the door, making faces at him the whole way out.
Tomura got what little cleaning supplies they kept, ripped the photo of you off of his computer and started throwing away his garbage. The dirty clothes got piled in the closet, along with all of his anime figures. He might have to get rid of them. It almost felt like cheating, even though he knew you weren’t dating. It took him a lot longer than he thought, but it looked almost as clean as when he moved in. He had just enough time to shower, which he did as quickly as possible. After yesterday, he made a note to buy some cologne. He picked out something less obnoxious than Touya’s, something more subtle and musky. It was closer to his natural scent, and he hoped that would do something for you. Just as he was finishing up, he heard a small, delicate knock at his dorm.
Your throat was dry, your feet were stuck to the floor. Every part of your body was scared and yet you were so excited. Tomura opened the door and he was so close, you had to crane your head up to look at his face. Neither of you could speak. Eventually he stepped back and invited you in.
“Sorry if it smells like pot. Or cigarettes. Touya doesn’t have manners,” you weren’t even concerned about that smell, because of him. Tomura smelled musky, a complicated smell that wasn’t too heavy. You resisted the urge to bury your head in his neck as he offered you a spot on his bed. You sat your bag down, and he sat across from you at his desk.
“It’s not that strong, but uh, Touya Todoroki is your roommate?” He knew this was going to happen. He should’ve kept his mouth shut. Next you were going to ask him for Touya’s number, or if he’s single. Of course, Touya was always technically single, but he hoped you weren’t the type to join his harem of people he cycled through.
“…Yeah. He is. Why?” Tomura sounded snippy, but he didn’t mean to. Not towards you at least. The very thought of that asshole made him on edge.
“God, I’m sorry. He’s such a prick. That guy doesn’t know when to stop or shut up,” a wave of relief washed over him. He’s never been happier to hear someone talk shit about Touya.
“Yeah, I know. Thankfully he’s always gone,” he pulled out a text book, and flipped to the spot he marked last time. “So, I figured we could run through some practice questions. Then we can see what you’re still having trouble with. You’re doing a really good job, though,” the praise lit a fire in your core, making you press your thighs together. You could not afford to be horny right now. Every time you got a question right without his help, you got praised. It wasn’t enough and you didn’t want to hear it this way. The praise would sound a lot better when you were under him. Eventually, you got through an entire page of questions, getting a lot more right than wrong.
“That wasn’t too bad, I kinda feel smart. Is this what you feel like, except all the time?” He laughed, setting the text book down on his desk. Bravery or stupidity motivated him and he sat next to you.
“No, not really. I’m not that smart, not about everything, I promise,” his knee was touching yours, it made your heart try to jump out of your chest. Words wanted to escape you, but you were going to choke on them. If you could do calculus, you could do this.
“Tomura…” your throat was closing up, so if you were gonna say it, you had to say it now. “I know we’re supposed to be just… tutor-er and tutor-ee, but I just, I feel something and I need to try something,” Tomura was spellbound, his eyes wide. This was exactly what he wanted but he didn’t know what to do when he got it. “Do you get what I’m saying?”
“I think so, and I think I want to try it too. Just-,” his large hands cupped your face, grazing his thumb across your bottom lip. His lip darted out to wet his own, regretting he didn’t wear chapstick. Slowly, you met each other in the middle, and when your lips touched, it was electric. You tasted exactly like he expected. Sweet, enough to give him a tooth ache, but so incredibly hard to pull away from. He wasn’t sure if it was the kiss or if being this close did it, it but his whole body felt like it was going to explode. Tomura’s hands moved their way to your hips, tentatively, waiting for you to push him off and tell everyone how gross he was. Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in. It started slow, delicate. Your lips were full and soft, he wanted to bite them but he held back, letting you lead. Breath failed him as you moved to sit on his lap. Luckily, his lust took a back seat, which shocked him. His lips were rough, but it was a turn on. Tomura wasn’t someone you’d give the time of day, or so you thought. No kiss has ever been this good for you. You knew he was probably scared, and it was probably his first kiss, but you wanted him to do more. The kiss got rougher, sloppier. Finally, Tomura got the nerve and nipped your bottom lip, and you moaned into his mouth. He reigned himself in and didn’t buck up into you, as much as he wanted to. Swiping his tongue across it, he tasted a tinge of blood. He felt a touch guilty, but you liked it. Your mouth opened, letting his tongue explore. Hands moved up your shirt, groping at your hips. His hands were cold, but it was like he set you on fire. When he pulled away to take a breath, you couldn’t stop staring. Tomura’s pale skin showed how deep his flush was.
“I think that answered my question,” you took a deep breath and put your hands on his chest. Tomura couldn’t stop staring at you. This was everything he wanted. How he managed to do it, he didn’t know, but he was ecstatic. “W-was that too much?”
“No, no, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for that. You were just so pretty and so nice and I’m, well. I’m me,” Tomura’s face dropped, and he looked away from you.
“Tomura…” fingers pulled his jaw towards you, forcing his eyes to meet yours. “I’m gonna admit something, and I need you to promise me you’ll listen to the whole thing before you get upset,” you held out your pinkie finger. He hesitantly linked his own. Biting the inside of your cheek, you tried to find the right words. “I did think you were weird, and gross. I believed everything I was told about you but you’re so much more complicated than that. In a good way. You make me feel weird, like I’m gonna vomit feathers.”
“You make me feel the same way. It’s like my heart want to escape my body. And, I am.. um, a little gross and weird. They’re not really wrong,” To him, he was. Tomura realized so many things he did were creepy. He was born looking odd, and the things he went through didn’t help. You apparently saw past that. Somehow, you saw what he couldn’t see in himself.
“Maybe you are. But that doesn’t change how I feel,” your hands had a tight grip on his hoodie, like any moment he could jump away and leave you behind. Tomura took a moment to speak, voice quivering.
“Can I take you out? Not now, but, maybe go somewhere? Together?” His body shook. Where did that come from? Not that he cares. He was proud of himself for once.
“That sounds good, I’d love that,” you hoped he wouldn’t make you leave. Now more than ever you wanted to stay. It was like some invisible string had tied you two together long before you met, and coming together now was meant to be.
“Well, d-do you wanna watch a movie or…?” His hand moved up to scratch his neck, force of habit and nervousness guiding it. You grabbed his wrist, trying to be gentle.
“Please, don’t do that. It’s made the skin irritated, since you do it a lot, right? I’ve got some lotion that’ll help, I’ll bring it tomorrow,” the way you cared for him made his chest hurt. His fear told him you’d probably end up leaving, but he couldn’t help but love any touch you gave him.
“It’s a nervous tick. It doesn’t calm me down at all, but, I’ve done it for so long,” Tomura fumbled with the remote to his TV, mounted on the wall with a massive collection of games sitting just below it. It made you wonder where he got this kind of money. He let you pick out a movie you liked and you gently guided him back, so you could lay on his chest. His arms went stiff, unsure of what to do with them till you grabbed his hands and put them around you. When you got settled, and burrowed yourself into him, he felt like he could relax. You wanted to touch him. Be close to him. He wasn’t revolting, or weird, or creepy to you. Not anymore. It was so strange, he thought he would have to work so hard to make this happen but it felt natural once he understood you wanted it too. After everything that he’s dealt with, maybe this was fate giving him a break. Tomura wasn’t sure if he believed in soul mates, but it felt like you were his.
Every time a movie would end, you’d take turns picking one out. Eventually, as the dark settled in, you fell asleep on his chest. Watching you sleep was comforting. Tomura ran his hands through your hair and let the back of his hands graze your cheeks. He pulled the blanket over the two of you and pulled you close to his chest. Soon he followed, falling asleep before midnight, for once. At some point in the night, Touya woke him up, smacking his forehead.
“Dude, nice,” he whispered, holding his hand up for a high five.
“Dude, fuck off. She’s sleeping. We didn’t even do anything and I’m fine with that, I’m not like you,” Touya rolled his eyes, grabbing a few things from his desk and opened the door.
“Well, either way. You gotta bitch in your bed, that’s close enough. Nice,” his praise meant nothing to Tomura.
“She’s not a bitch. Say that shit again. I will black your goddamn eye again,” normally, Tomura would’ve done it already, but he had you. You were on his chest, and he cared more about you than satisfying his desire to maim Touya. “Lock the fucking door on your way out.”
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myarlert · 2 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐓𝐔𝐁 + 𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫
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the hotel has a hot tub, and lucky for you two, there’s nobody around. oh, and there’s only one bed.
— cw; language, kinda boring in the beginning tbh, but you might think different. smut; public sex, some making out, dry humping, unprotected sex [pls practice safe sex], use of ‘baby’, little bit of degradation, mild cervix fucking, creampie
— wc; 2,505 aka the most i’ve written in a LONG TIME so fucking ENJOY
minors do not interact
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arriving at the hotel later than predicted, due to that flat you had on the freeway. eren had instructed you to stay in the car, it was to dangerous to get out he said. after it was all fixed up, you two were on your way again. it was a group of you traveling for vacation, armin was with mikasa, jean was with annie, and connie was riding with reiner. but you two were the last to arrive.
it was a little windy out, maybe about sixty degrees. a little chilly, too much so to have the windows down. of course, eren had to argue with you about that. ‘you know i get overheated easily,’ he’d say, having you roll your eyes. just wanting to get out of the car quicker, sick of him being a stinker, you put in your headphones and blast some music. the first song that came on was terrible lie by nine inch nails, so naturally you cranked it up.
as soon as he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, you peered out the window at the multi-story building, glancing around to see a fenced off pool area, dog park and smoking area. this is exactly why you brought a swim suit on such a cold trip, the hot tubs.
‘eren just find a fucking parking spot already.’ you say, grabbing your purse, ready to hop the fuck outta the car. he takes a deep breath and parks, letting you get out to get your backpack. quickly walking into the building, you were greeted by a warm smile from jean. waving at him you stand behind him in line, waiting to check in and receive your room key.
‘hi! i have a room reserved, it’s under the name eren yeager, yeah. thank you!’ you say. it’s crazy how slow it seems to feel while you wait for them to get the key ready, it’s like you immediately have to go pee and can’t wait. and you didn’t have to go before, it’s just one of those things, like right when you get comfortable in bed and bam. when you get your room key, you hear the lobby doors slide open, seeing eren standing there with a bag in his hand and a backpack thrown over his shoulder. he gazes at you as you flash him the room key, gesturing for him to follow you.
he picks up his pace in order to keep up with you into the elevator. ‘so what floor are we on?’ he asks, shifting the backpack on his shoulder up more so it would stop threatening to slide off. ‘fifth.’ you replied, ‘i asked the others and i guess we got the highest, they are all on the first floor. the lady said this was the last room available.’ he nods.
once the door opens and you find your way to the room, you tap the key against the lock and it flashes a green light. opening the door your shoulders drop. one bed? and a fucking twin? no couch either.
‘you’ve got to be shitting me.’ you sound defeated as eren pushes past you into the room, setting his bags on the small desk beside the tv stand. ‘i’m going back down, this is ridiculous.’ you set your things down but throw your purse over your body. he snorts and crosses his arms over his chest.
‘hey wait, didn’t you say she said this was the last room available? we can make it work, don’t you?’ your jaw dropped and you gave him a ‘are you serious’ look. ‘eren this is a twin size bed. i don’t want to sleep that close to you.’ he makes a fake pained gesture and chuckles again. ‘it isn’t the worst thing in the world y/n. deal with it. if it makes you feel any better, i can sleep on the floor.’ ‘eren don’t be dumb. hotel floors are fucking disgusting. we’ll just.. have to fit i guess. but anyways, i’m going to take a shower and head to the hot tub. i need to get this car ride gunk off me.’
shit. you were so tired that your backpack was still out on the bed, and with the small body towels they leave in the bathroom, there is no way you can get it.
‘uh, eren? you out there?’ you call out, hearing the bed squeak a little and some footsteps there’s a soft knock on the door. ‘you good?’
‘yeah can you just- can you get my bag for me?’ rubbing your eyes, getting a little water in them you hear another knock on the door. opening it slightly you see his hand enter with your purse. ‘not that one, my backpack please. i need my bathing suit.’ he clears his throat and returns with just your bathing suit. the strings of your top wrapped around his fingers. not looking at his hands very often, you get distracted by the pretty veins that adorn the top of his hand. before you could grab it or even come back to reality, you can hear him clear his throat again. ‘you gonna take it? i’m heading down there too, i’ll just change out here. i’ll meet you down there, yeah?’ you give him a short response and close the door again. thoughts rush into your head, how he would pull the shit up over his head.. the muscles on his back..
fuck. you cant reach the other string on this top, keeps slipping. dropping your shoulders and turning around, you call out to eren again who promptly knocks on the door again, letting you know he was still in the room.
‘can you tie this for me? the doors unlocked, you can come in.’ you turn your back to the door, hearing it open and close behind him. he didn’t need to close it, but he did. you feel his warm touch on your shoulders, ‘i’m right here, don’t punch me.’ you smile and hand him the strings. he definitely catches sight of your side boob, his own lips twisting into a smirk and he lets his fingertips ‘accidentally’ brush against your back a few times. you didn’t hate him, you see, you were just nervous around him and it made you seem that way. you’ve never hated him. and he knows that, he knows what he fucking does to you. he can see the goosebumps creep onto your skin.
‘all done. it’s a nice bikini by the way, cool color.’ he gives you a dorky thumbs up as you turn around, throwing on a t-shirt that wasn’t quite long enough. ‘damn it.’ you whispered to yourself, trying to tug it down to at least cover your rear. ‘want mine? i’ll give you a clean one.’
finally stepping down into the hot water, your senses immediately get foggy. happy, bliss, comfort were running through your system. taking a seat on the bench beneath the bubbles, you rest your head back against the edge of the tub. hearing eren get in as well, you try your best to hold back a smile but it definitely shows.
‘why are you smiling? is there a rip in my trunks?’ now you laugh a little, opening your eyes to see him sitting much closer than you thought he was. his thigh brushing against yours softly, again giving you chills. ‘no, i’m just happy. warm. these are so relaxing.’ you moan when you feel a jet right in the middle of your back turn on. opening your eyes wide as you realize the noise you just made, turning to eren to see him gazing down at you with his eyes hooded. such a sultry look for him. his hair was pulled back into a loose bun, the tips getting wet from the water and water vapor. he looked like a god, you couldn’t deny it. the next thing he says however, definitely catches you off guard.
‘feels good?’ the smirk on his lips is taunting almost. he lets his hand slide onto your thigh, giving it a firm squeeze. you would be absolutely lying if you said he didn’t turn you on. he definitely did. you nod, the tips of your hair touching the water, getting wet. you watch as his gaze pans from your eyes, to your tits, into the water at your thighs and back up. he looks around for a brief moment, then back at you, squeezing your thigh once again. ‘do you wanna do something crazy?’
‘uhh define crazy?’ you say, furrowing your brows as he dips his head down to yours, the hand that was on your thigh now lifting your chin up slightly. the burn from the hot water now lingering on your chin. his lips are soft and warm, tasting a little like the strawberry lemonade he had been drinking earlier. it takes you off guard however when his teeth gently nip at your bottom lip, then feeling his tongue grazing over it just a second later. he was so intoxicating.
‘mhm, wanna do something crazy eren, please..’ he chuckles against your lips, the vibrations tickling yours. he grips harder at your thighs, gesturing for you to straddle his hips. as you do, he gently but needlingly grinds your hips down against his, letting you feel just how hard he was getting beneath his trunks. smiling into the kiss, ‘and i thought it was just me that was super fucking horny.’ grinding down on your own now, getting quicker and quicker. ‘pull them to the side baby, yeah?’ he pulls away and messes with the string on the back of your top. not taking it off, but just wrapping his fingers around the strings like earlier. ‘won’t someone see us ‘ren? what if someone comes out?’ you stop your movements and feel his cock under you. ‘would you rather go to the twin size bed? or would you rather me slide my cock in that little pussy here, where it would look oh so inconspicuous. like you were just sitting on my lap. kissing me. hm?
fuck he was persuasive. you wrap a hand around his neck and lift your hips a little, allowing for him to slip himself out of his trunks and slide your bottoms to the side. a gasp falls from your lips as you feel his wet tip brushing against your clit, running up and down between your lips. ‘j-just put it in already ‘ren.’ your eyes nervously scanned the pool area, not seeing any security cameras in sight nor people inside the building near the exit. you feel his warm, wet hands on your hips, pushing you down so lightly, letting his cock fill you up. his head rolls back and you watch as his eyebrows furrow at the feeling, mouth hanging open.
‘s-shit you feel so fucking good baby, oohhfff-’ he grunts as you start to slowly bounce, not wanting to seem completely obvious about what you were doing in the hotels hot tub. ‘n-no, don’t go any faster, go slow. let it bubble inside okay? want this to last..’ he groans again, one hand traveling up your spine, letting it rest at the back of your neck, his other hand resting on your hip, squeezing tightly every now and then. you can feel every inch of him moving in and out of you.
he chuckles as you whine, wanting to go faster but his hand stops you from doing so. ‘will me rubbing that little clit help you baby? you wanna cum that bad? oh.. you’re so naughty for riding me in public like this.. so fucking sexy baby.’ his lips are parted yet meet yours in a heated, breathless kiss as his thumb presses against you, rubbing little circles against your clit, causing you to break the kiss and whine. the pleasure is so blinding it has you losing complete control of your hips, sinking all the way down onto him. almost painfully so, the way his cock kisses your cervix.
you feel his lips brush your ear, wrapping an arm around your waist, using the other hand to brush some hair out of your face. ‘be quiet for me and i’ll make you cum.’ you desperately nod as he angles you in a way that you’re just above him, and he begins fucking himself up into you. biting you lip to hold in the desperate moans you want to let tumble out because you are so fucking close to the edge it isn’t even funny. ‘oh yes baby, FUCK. can feel you getting more tense.. you gonna cum f’ me baby?’ he growls. his right hand is now caressing your cheek, his thumb brushing it softly. it is such a sharp contrast between that and the way his cock is quite literally balls deep inside you.
your hands desperately find purchase on the backs of his shoulders and neck, ‘e-eren, eren, EREN,’ as you cum around his cock, soaking it in your slick. your voice sounds like fucking liquid, molten gold to him, an actual symphony and hearing you moan his name like that has him cumming. his grip on your waist is piercing, but hearing his broken, strangled noises as he tries his hardest to subdue them added in with the feeling of his cum pumping into you, rope after warm rope catapults you into another more intense orgasm. ‘h-holy shit.. did you finish twice baby?’ he grunts, tossing his head back letting out a deep breath as he rubs your hips with his hot hands.
your nails scratch lightly at his shoulder blades, eyes closed while you take some breaths through your nose to try to calm yourself. you nod into his neck and laugh. he chuckles as well, shifting upwards a little to slip out of you, allowing you to quickly put your bikini to normal and for him to pull his trunks back up. ‘fuck.. did you see all that cum? shit baby.. took me so fucking well.’ he kisses your forehead and you giggle, jokingly saying, ‘yeah i felt it too.’
‘so since you came twice.. how’s about we go back up to the room, eat a bit of food, drink some water and then go for round two?’ he helps you out of the hot tub while speaking, watching as your knees gently wobble when standing up, smirking to himself at the achievement. ‘i think that sounds good, really thirsty.’
and halfway through eating eren gets a phone call from jean, and upon answering it you can hear jean singing loudly through it, ‘Y/N AND EREN FUCKIN IN THE HOT TUB..’
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tagging @pocks-waifu @paradisdementor
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swirlysmile · 2 years
idk what this is tbh just something
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warnings: mentions of illness, death, etc. kinda a little sad
word count: 948
The small kitchen of your shared home had become a favorite of you and Bradley. It always smelt of cinnamon and apples, courtesy of the little wax melt stationed by the stove. 
He loved it.
The smell had always reminded him of Carole.
   She’d always been a baker. When he was little, three or four, he’d wake up to the smell of cinnamon rolls, or banana bread. Whatever it was, it was always something sweet. Baking with her was one of his fondest memories, or rather, watching her bake and then eating her creations.
    On days when she baked in the morning, the smell would seep into his bedroom, efficiently waking him up before Carole had to, and little Bradley would bolt. It was funny to see such a small boy run down the stairs and just scarf down whatever she had made.
    On days when she chose to bake a sweet treat for dinner, he’d sit at the counter talking to her about whatever his small mind could think of. Sometimes, these conversations got insanely creative. Sometimes he’d talk about his hopes and aspirations of becoming a great pilot. ‘Like Uncle Mav!’ he’d cheer, neglecting to mention his own father. Other times, he would talk about things like time travel, and dinosaurs.
     After Goose died, the treats had slowed down a little bit. She still baked, trying to keep that little sense of familiarity left in her life.
When he was six, she had stopped altogether, but the smell lingered. The point is, Rooster thought of the smell fondly.
The small kitchen of your shared home was the resting place of Carole’s recipe cards. They were a little bit weathered, despite the years of dust they’d accumulated, but Bradley loved to reread them, even if he was a disaster in the kitchen, and his wife wasn’t much better. 
When Carole had started to deteriorate, illness taking its toll on her body, she picked up a pen and some small notecards. She relived the days when all she would do was bake for hours. 
  She didn’t really forget the recipes, how could she? They were her lifeline when her husband was flying. Carole didn’t know what he was doing, so instead of pacing, she’d bake. 
Now, here she was. Her hands were shaky, but it would have to do. She wrote on the notecards with care, every recipe she could think of was on a notecard. It made Carole sad, sad that she had to do this so soon with scribbled cursive, cursive that used to be neat and gorgeous. 
  That amazing cursive had definitely passed down to Bradley, so when he chose to write letters, you’d cherish it.
  Those notecards lived in a small bin on the left side of a shelf in the cabinet closest to the fridge, and if Bradley was lucky, you’d attempt (and succeed) in making these recipes.
The small kitchen of your shared home had these feminine frilly curtains lining the windows. They were a bit old and loved, but certainly not retired. 
  They had been in Carole’s kitchen as long as Bradley could remember. She’d tell him about how she and Goose went to go pick out the fabric, and then she saw lace. 
  Goose couldn’t change her mind about it, so they bought the lace and she sat at the old sewing machine that was her grandmothers and sewed. 
  They were white, a little more stained now thanks to baby Bradley throwing food at it,  but the curtains were still white. The curtains wouldn’t have been Roosters style at all, if not for Carole.
  The familiarity of it all probably helped too.
The small kitchen of your shared home had a matching tablecloth. They were newer.
  A few years before Carole died, she rediscovered the white fabric and the lace that she loved so much. She recoiled a little in shock because nowadays, she would have turned the other way.
  Not that it was ugly, no, she hadn’t seen it in a while. Her old curtains had been there forever, and yet she still felt as though she hadn’t seen these materials.
  So, she did one of her favorite things and sewed. A matching tablecloth. A tablecloth that should be much more stained than it was.
  It’s stained in one spot, just barely, the seat where Carole used to eat. When she got older and shakier, she dropped more food than she used to. 
  By the end of it, she just didn’t have enough energy to clean the tablecloth, to scrub those stains out.
Most of all, Bradley loves dancing with you in the kitchen. It might not be physical, but it’s just as special to him.
  Carole would be cooking, humming a small song to herself while Bradley sat at the couch watching television, or reading. Something to keep him entertained for god knows how long.
  “Honey, I’m home!” Goose would call, his voice booming throughout the house. Bradley would run up to him to get a hug, but find him already in the kitchen, arms around Carole while they slow danced. Some days, there'd be music playing. Other days, they just sang their own little song..
  He’d sit at the counter and watch for a little bit until something inevitably started burning and Carole would push him out of the kitchen.
  “Nick! Stop distracting me.” she’d shout, trying to show as much authority as possible. Goose just laughed, carefully maneuvering around the counters and picking up Bradley on his way out.
It connects him to his parents, and Bradley loves that. It connects you to his parents, people he loved that you never had the pleasure of meeting. That’s what he loves.
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jasntodds · 2 years
Hamartia [Epilogue]
Pairing: Dark!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Words: 2,062
Warnings: Fluff, minor mention of death, mentions of blood, mentions of bruises, mentions of scars, it’s just some bittersweet fluff tbh
Summary: New beginnings
A/N: It’s finally here, the end of Hamartia!! Thank you guys so much for sticking around and thank you for all of your comments!! It’s taken a long time to finish but I’m so glad you guys have liked the series and it’s been a lot of fun writing it. It’s definitely a series I’m very proud of so thank you to everyone who’s read it!! I hope you guys like it!! Please lemme know what y’all think!!
ch. 18 || ch. 19 || ch. 20
series masterlist // masterlist
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The trip to Amsterdam was one of the best times of your and Peter’s lives. For the first time since becoming Spider-Man, not a single villain showed up on this trip. Instead, him and you got to go to the museum in peace and he watched you become so enthralled with every single painting you witnessed and he fell that much more in love with you with every painting. You found love in the art while he found more love in you.
You went to Body Worlds, the NEMO museum, and took tours around the city. Something about the whole trip brought you closer together and neither of you wanted to leave and go back home. But, Peter promised he’d bring you back, when he won’t need Harley’s help. And you vowed to take him wherever he wanted next, as a thank you.
Now, it’s July and you’ve been back home for three months, going into a routine. Peter has been enjoying his job at the Daily Bugle and is thrilled to be back being Spider-Man. He’s back to saving people, and promising to take a break if he ever needs it again. You’ve actually been learning some of the ins and outs of Stark Industries. You’re still very intent that you won’t be taking it over, Harley can absolutely have the company, but you still wants to be a part of that and that means you have to learn at least something. So, you pack up almost every morning and go with Harley and Pepper. You’ve gotten back into coaching which started earlier in the month. Life feels good for the both of you and you’re ready to move on to something bigger and better.
You’re standing in your room, looking around in athletic shorts and one of Peter’s shirts. A soft and sad smile holds your lips. Memories were made in this room, so many memories. Late-night study sessions where all of your friends were still alive and happy. You remember all of the laughter, spilled snacks, the games of “Never Have I Ever” being played for more than actually studying. The walls, you’re sure, still hold your friends’ laughter like your memory. And you remember movie nights with just Harley and you throwing popcorn at him until he stopped quoting Interstellar for the millionth time. Your first night with Peter plays back like an old film.
The night he came to your window, all of the nights he’d come to your window through high school, bloody and bruised usually, apologizing profusely but asking if you'd help him so May or MJ didn’t worry. And you always helped, you started keeping a first aid kit in your room because of him. and you remember the time, the Star Wars movies after everything had happened, fixing the prosthetic leg, giving him his camera. Every memory floods black like a flooded dam.
The walls have heard and seen so many things and now that’s it. The walls hold those memories in like a padlock, sealing them away with no one there to make more memories, none of you and your friends anyway. It’s a bit bittersweet but you know, if you want to be closer to the memories, you can always come back. So, you bend down, and pick up the last cardboard box before turning around towards the door.
“Need any help?” Peter asks, voice as cheery as ever as he hangs upside down from your door, scaring you and getting a good yell out you.
“Damn it, Peter!” You yell, Peter laughing and nearly slipping while still upside down. “You scared the shit out of me!” Your heart is racing in your chest but you’re laughing with Peter. “Why are you on the ceiling?”
He gives you a cheeky grin. “Thought it’d be fun to scare you.”
“I think you’ve hung out with Clint one too many times.” You mutter with the shake of your head. “But yeah, if you wanna take the box.”
Peter chuckles but nods, lowering himself onto the floor and walking over to you, taking the box from you. “You sure about this?”
“Well, we’ve been living together for a year now anyway. Can’t be too much different, right?”
“Yeah, uh, that’s a good point.” Peter nods, smile decorating his face but he saw you standing there so he knows something’s up. “You, uh, you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah,” You nod with a gentle smile. “Just weird, I guess. I lived with Cinder, ya know? But, I was usually here. I think I was here more than there.” You admit with a scoff. “There’s a lot of memories here.”
Peter nods with understanding. “We, uh, we’ll make more. Better ones.” His eyes are big and soft, gentle and pretty as ever.
“Yeah, we will.” You look to the ground and back to him. “Let’s go, spider-boy, I’m ready, I promise. Are you sure about this?”
“Absolutely.” Peter nods his head towards the door.
You head out first, leading the way out the door. You say your final goodbyes to who’s at the tower before getting into the U-Haul. It was a month after you got back from Amsterdam, you were up late one night, cuddling in bed with Peter tracing the scar on your shoulder and he asked if you wanted to get a place with him. He’d been saving almost every penny from his paycheck for an apartment but after what you’ve been through and already living together for a year, he didn’t want to be away from you even if it was just to sleep.
There was no hesitation in your voice when you agreed, not seconds after Peter finished the question. You were ready to leave, as sad as it is t leave the childhood home, you were ready. You aren’t moving far, you’re still in the city but now Peter will be within walking distance of the Daily Bugle and Happy still offered to pick you up if you wanted. You declined but appreciated the offer. But, this was it, you were officially moving out and into your own place to live your own lives for the first time and you both are so excited.
The apartment is rundown a little. But you have permission from the landlord to fix up a few things and paint, kind of really make it your place. And so, after getting a few things unpacked, you and Peter are sitting on a hand-me-down couch from the tower, takeout on a box in front of you while you look through places like Home Depot and Menards, looking at furniture and paint. And you’re laughing at each other’s ideas and suggestions, saying neither of you have taste, only for Peter to let you pick out whatever you want, besides the paint. He does not want red and blue walls as much as you think it would be funny.
“Please, think about--”
“I’m begging you, no.” Peter shakes his head, scrolling away and searching for green paint.
He will not have red and blue walls. Absolutely not, he will cave with almost everything else but not that. But, he likes green and Ned has a green wall. He always liked it so surely you will like it, right?
“GREEN?!” You yell, face contorted with disgust.
“What’s wrong with green?” Peter yells back. He glances between you and the phone, pointing at the screen with his free hand. "It's a good color!"
“Lots of things, like grass stains.” You state. "Those are terrible and like, asparagus."
Peter’s eyes are narrowed as he lets out a laugh. “Did grass stains scar you so bad, Y/n? I will give you the asparagus though. Gross.”
“Yes, actually. I ruined my favorite shorts once." Your voice is filled with sarcasm.
"Then why'd you start coaching?" Peter retorts.
"No, green, Pete." You laugh. “You wouldn’t let me help with first, last, or the security deposit. So, no green.”
With everything Peter went through and then drowning himself in bills, he wants to be able to do this. Not for you, but for himself. He wants to afford the apartment so when you offered to just pay for it, pay more so you could have a new apartment with all upgraded features and appliances, he said no. He didn’t want you to pay for any of it. So, you compromised, you picked an apartment you could afford if both of you made the same pay. What he doesn’t know is that you’ll still be buying all of the furniture, paint, and groceries.
“Yellow?” Peter offers with hopeful eyes.
“Ew.” You scrunch your nose.
"What's wrong with yellow?" Peter shakes his head in confusion.
"It's too bright!"
"You, uh, had a wall of windows in your bedroom your whole life?" Peter's head goes back as he laughs.
"Exactly! I need something that's not so blinding. Pick another."
“Off-white?” Peter lets out a sigh, going for something too simple hoping you’ll say no.
“Well, we’re doing white cabinets.” You point behind Peter towards the kitchen where there are old, dark wooden cabinets which you’ll be replacing.
“WHY WHITE CABINETS?!” Peter's eyes are wide and that cannot do. He's very messy sometimes, especially with food and the cabinets will just be dirty all the time. What is with people and white cabinets?
“They’re sleek!” Shiloh defends.
“So, is black!” Peter comes back, both of you still maintaining smiles during this whole thing, a bit surprised it’s the paint you can’t agree on.
“Too dark!”
Peter narrows his eyes again. You want something dark but not too dark and it just makes him laugh because there are a million colors. He knows you'll agree on something but it's funny to him how different your ideas are. It's something he hadn't thought of it but it's a lot of fun figuring it out with you. You'll be able to mold your home into something that really is this combination of the both of you, a comprise will work because it always does and it will be yours. He won't feel like a guest, and you won't feel like you have to keep the aesthetic of the tower. This is yours.
“Compromise?” Peter asks.
“I think you should just watch HGTV.” You offer with a grin.
“I’ll watch it if we don’t do white cabinets and red and blue walls.” Peter chuckles, pleading eyes. “Pease.”
You pause for a second, eyes narrowed at him but a smile dances across your face. “Alright, deal. 100 Day Dream Home, grey cabinets, white walls?” You offer with raised brows.
“Green accent wall?” Peter counters.
“Brick red accent wall?” You offer, gaining a not-so-pleased look from Peter. "I really just like the color and as an accent wall, it won't be too much. No blue, promise." You chuckle.
The corner of Peter’s mouth twitches. “Deal.”
You lean over, pulling Peter’s mouth to yours in a soft and gentle kiss. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Peter chuckles.
“Asking me to live with you, compromising, being you.”
Peter adjusts himself so he’s facing you before cupping your face in his hands. “I don’t wanna live with anyone else.”
You put your forehead to his. “I love you, ya know?”
“I love you, too.” Peter pulls you closer to him, your lips colliding against his, his mouth moving in sync with you as you smile and hum against him. “Wanna go to the bedroom?” His eyes dart from yours, behind you to your bedroom.
“Do you have to ask?” You grab his hand, pulling him with you, connecting your lips to his as Peter’s hands go to the hem of your shirt, pulling it off of you as you walk backwards towards the bedroom.
To find someone who loves you, truly, for who you are and who you can be is something indescribable. It's almost magical but what Peter and you have is so much more because you have seen everything horrible and grimy and dark that could possibly happen to someone and you have come out of it, together. You ended up on the other side with scars and bright flashlights, arm in and arm, leading the way to a better and brighter future. You don't love each other despite the bad, you love each other in spite of it all. Finding someone who chooses you, over everything, that is something to keep close. And for you and Peter, right here, right now, entangled in each other arms with the love only dreamt about, it’s a new beginning after the tragic downfall of a hero.
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A/n: Thank you guys so much reading!! 😭💕
Tag list: @tomzfrog​ // @underoosmarvel​ // @spiderboytotherescue​ // @starponywars​ // @softholand​ // @lookalivefrosty​ // @rainbowsinthestorm​ // @keepingupwiththeparkers​ // @watsonparker​  // @t-hollandss​ // @whatareyouhidingpeter​ // @bibliophile-grasshopp​ // @pancakefancake​ // @lilleone​ // @lilbeatlebear​ // @eternal-fangirling​ // @parkersvibes​ // @slitherysneke​ // @wymbean​​ // @grandmascottlang​​ // @lionfart​​ // @whatbuckywrote​​ // @tothestarsandreams​​ // @yourbiggestspiderfan​​ // @originalpinkpowerranger​​ // @unleashthebeees​​ // @mrs-hollandstan​​ // @butwhyduh​​ // @peterspizzashirt​​ // @commoncurtains​​ // @escapetheshackles​​ // @angelhaz11​​ // @kebonita​​ // @dreamerofzaldrizes​​ // @parkerspideyman​​ // @lovely-luke​​ // @saintlavrents​​ // @deartomholland​​ // @tommyhollandaisesauce​​ // @saturn-aka-six​​ // @mycocoapuffs​​ // @cleopatera​​ // @annacarolinafeelings​​ // @shirukitsune​​ // @spideylovin​​ // @skelkitt // @sweetcxeature​​ // @newbrokenscene-1998​​ // @eridanuswave​ // @michelleofthesea // @bansheeshavok // @silktoyourspidey​ // @txmhoelland​ 
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Hi! I hope your requests are open because I wanted to ask for a platonic Southpark x reader fic (4th grade not Post COVID). Could you write a Cartman x reader who forgets to eat and almost passes out in class, causing Cartman to get mad and basically try to force them to eat quite a bit after school to make up for what they haven’t. Lol I just like the idea of Cartman being caring but also pissed. Thank you! If you don’t like the request just ignore this lol.
So cute I love this idea a lot <//3 I forget to eat all the time tbh lmao
Class was so boring. If you were being honest with yourself, you couldn’t tell if you were falling in and out of conscious due to tiredness or just because you haven’t ate anything today. It’s hard to remember to eat, especially so early in the damn morning. You wish lunch would come sooner, but you have two more fucking periods. You thought you were gonna throw up a whole ass hour ago, but that damn nurse just sent you back to class regardless. You were thankful nobody else caught on, especially not your close friends Cartman, Kenny, Stan and Kyle.
Those guys were the closest friends you had (despite the fact they’re assholes). Despite this though, they worried about you greatly. This was because of your little habits. Those little habits being .. forgetting things. You forget things all the time. Even simple things normal people usually remember, such as eating. You forget to eat all the time, even when you’re hungry you forget to eat and get distracted by something. Sometimes you forget to sleep cause you got distracted on some game. The list goes on and on. You wished you weren’t so forgetful sometimes, but that’s just how you were.
Honestly, the one you were worried the most about was cartman. Sure, the other three would worry a lot about you.. but cartman got especially mad about the food thing. Food is clearly a passion of his.. right..? You hope that’s not mean to think but.. it does make sense why he’d be more angry about it. He loves eating, and can’t understand how somebody could forget to do something so important. Kenny would at least be forgiving.. even though he kinda struggles with getting food from time to time (which kinda makes you feel like a dick). Kenny actually thought you may have had a eating disorder, but you reassured him you really just forgot. Stan and Kyle believed you on that, but those two always get so concerned about you (which you don’t want).
But cartman always got the angriest, when Kyle is concerned for somebody, even he doesn’t get angry. But cartman? Pissed. But you didn’t have time to worry about the consequences of cartmans anger, because it was too late and you feel yourself passing out. You know you should .. say something. Any part of you that tries to keep this a secret from the bigger kid next to you goes out the window as you reach over and grab onto his arm.
He jolts from this sudden contact, confused for a moment and is about to yell at you before he notices your state. “oh shit!” and that alerts Stan and Kyle to tell Garrison what’s happening.
You were quickly sent to the nurse, unfortunately you could not be picked up from your parents (or any other guardian) and you can’t just walk home by yourself (you questioned why somebody can’t just walk with you, you were told that is just simply not possible), and were told to just stay there at the nurses office until school was over and you had somebody in school walk you home. The nurse didn’t have any food unfortunately, but she was able to at the very least get you some water to drink.
When school was finally over, the nurse told you that you apparently had a volunteer take you home. A part of you prayed it may have been Kenny, maybe even Stan and Kyle. But you knew better. Maybe a small part of you hoped for butters since you lived right next to eachother, but deep down you already knew who it was gonna be.
Eric Cartman.
The boy you’ve been dreading to see since you went in the nurses office. He was acting all innocent and nice to the teacher, even gave you a sweet smile. But you knew that wasn’t a sweet smile. You knew him too well. He was fucking pissed.
He held out his hand for you to grab, “we don’t need to-” “grab my hand.” he said in a warning tone. You knew better than to piss off the kid that made his own half brother eat his parents, so you obliged and grabbed his hand and walked out of the office and you grabbed your things and walked out with him to school, hand in hand. “Why are you holding my hand?” “Why aren’t you eating?” He snapped back, and you went silent. “Jesus Christ! What will it take for you to remember to eat every once in awhile!” He rolled his eyes. You’ll admit, you expected more than that.
As to which you were right. “Cartman this isn’t by my house.” I know that. I’m taking you to KFC.” “Oh.” “And then we’re going to McDonald’s. Wendys. Burger King (even though it tastes like ass),” he went on for awhile and he certainly didn’t disappoint. He took you to all of those places, and you felt like puking from how much you ate.
You had fun though, yeah cartmans a bit scary when you don’t eat but his anger doesn’t last for long and you two can just talk about normal things again.
And after that, he said “I hope you don’t do this again dumbass. You seriously know how to piss me off.”
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zellerysworld · 3 years
Hey There! Hope you’re doing okay. May I request a Househusband!Sukuna x Breadwinner! Wife headcanons? I think you understand his character very well and I would love to see more from you :)
A/n: thank you so much for the compliment! I hope you like my representation of Sukuna. This will take place in modern times, with Y/n being an office worker. Enjoy!!
『HouseHusband!Sukuna Head canons』
Tags: Fluff, crack, Sukuna x F!Reader
*chef Sukuna has entered the chat*
Okay no seriously this guy can cOOK. And not some regular old chicken fried rice, or making sandwiches- nah this dude cooks TRADITIONAL Japanese style.
He has spent ages figuring out your favorite foods, and then mastering them
But he’s not that good of a cleaner tbh
he attempts though and that’s all that matters :)
You may or may not have gotten into an argument a while back when he tried to use windex to clean the tv, ruining the tv in the process
Sukuna lowkey loves to sew, but if you try to ask him about it, he’d deny it. He’d say he only does it “because the rest of your clothes aren’t presentable”
But he specifically makes you robes like his, in your favorite colors and with pretty designs/patterns.
Sometimes he makes you sweaters in the winter time
When he gives the clothes to you, he always has this serious expression on him that also has disgust on it, and he’s just like “here.” While throwing it at you.
Children isnt really an option considering you work, and sukuna didn’t like kids.
However, you came home early one day and found sukuna arguing with a kid outside the apartments
They were arguing about which ball was better to throw, his or the kids.
You kinda just watched from the window while they argued until deciding to just use both balls on different days.
It made you think he was warming up to the idea as the two of you got older together.
Sukuna likes to talk to the neighborhood watch dads because he can talk about grills with them
When he goes to the store; he gets super aggressive about shopping but at the same time not??
Like he could spend hours in the vegetable and fruit section trying to debate how much cilantro he needs
Sometimes you have to sneakily buy junk food because sukuna only does it if your period is bad and you crave it.
But usually he only buys the healthiest and best of foods for you and him to eat so you both stay strong and healthy.
It’s sweet he loves you so much that he cares about your health, but at the same time you just want some mf potato chips
Okay so sukuna may or may not have accidentally built a mini zoo in y’all’s apartment
Hear me out, y/n
So sukuna is on his way back from the grocery store, having a resting bitch face per usual. Usually even animals are scared of his intimidating looks.
But this one dog, specifically a chihuahua, felt challenged by the look of his bitch face
The chi stood in front of him and in sukunas eyes, this was an automatic stand off
The entire neighborhood saw and warned you that sukuna was going insane the next day
Back to the story though- sukuna and the chi just stared at each other until sukuna said “the milk is going to go bad.” And walked past the dog.
Of course the dog took offense, but also appreciated sukunas bravery to just walk away so he followed Sukuna home
And sukuna respected the dog for being brave enough to follow him, so he just adopted it-
When you got home, Sukuna was sitting in his usual ground spot, but the dog was sitting next to him on the other side of the square table
The conversation started with you saying “what the fuck?” And ended with you saying “oh, makes sense”
So now y’all have a small demon hound
Anyways, sukuna was on the patio trying to tend to your plants while you were at work, but he heard the sound of plastic hitting something for a few minutes
After looking up, he squinted to see a hamster ball trying to make it’s ball over the curb (you can already see what’s gonna happen here-)
Sukuna goes outside and picks the hamster up. He’s wondering how a hamster even got here to begin with, but seeing as he looked hungry, sukuna went to the pet store and bought the hamster some food and a temporary cage
He might be evil and menacing, but sukuna has a soft spot for animals and nature. You being the only human he has a soft spot for.
So sukuna basically adopts the hamster and when you get home, you find your husband sitting at his spot at the table, with the chihuahua sitting in his, and now a random hamster cage in the spot across from the dog
Sukuna has so much audacity that he just looks at you like nothing is wrong in any way, shape, or form
He made you your favorite meal so you ended up ignoring the hamster and just eating
Sometimes you’ll come home to sukuna playing jazz music since it’s relaxing for you after a long day at work
When you have bad days and come home, sukuna will try to relax you with slow dancing, soul food, and giving you messages
One time, his petco coupon expired and he *almost* had a mental breakdown
Hope you enjoyed!! I’m almost finished with all the other requests to those wondering for any updates. <3
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another helping of living w/ bakugou thoughts:
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pls i am so sorry, i feel like i bombard y’all with these constantly, but u don’t understand, he literally lives in my brain full time
- if you’re rolling your sleeves up, to wash your hands before dinner, he’ll whack your hands away and do it himself. very much “you’re takin’ too long, idiot. i wanna eat already. let me do it.”,, don’t be fooled tho, you could do it in 2.5 seconds and he’d still open his mouth. bc it has absolutely nothing to do with u and everything to do with him wanting to be close to you
-ik he watches the mha equivalent of the history channel. i just know it. dude is a grandpa at heart, n im so confident he would 100% sit down and watch a 3 hr docu on like, old weaponry or some nerdy shit
-bakugou is annoyingly arrogant, but only about things that don’t matter. like, he’ll fully sit in front of you and tell you he’s stronger/faster/smarter in passing conversation,, but when he does actually impressive shit??? the man clams up. absolutely clams up the second you praise him, trying to brush off whatever ridiculous feat he just pulled to protect u with a “It’s not that big a deal, shut up about it already, dumbass.” 
- pls mans is an absolute simp. u ask him to do something and he’s on his feet in a second. ofc he’s complaining but he’s also then following that up by doing things you didn’t even ask him to do. fan behavior honestly.
-when you’ve had a bad day, he’ll make u food and throw blankets in the dryer for u. don’t expect much verbal comforting from him, bc obviously, but he’s pretty good with actions. you always feel a little warmer after he’s wrapped you in a blanket n fed you something ungodly spicy
- i have absolutely no basis for this but ik he secretly watches kids movies. like, if it’s animated then he’s there. ofc no one is allowed to find out about this ‘embarrassing’ behavior tho, except maybe you. maybe. if you accidentally happen to see it bc he’d never tell u himself.
- he’s a beast to wake up in the morning, but he’s a lot more easy to convince if u pet his hair. or rub his back/shoulders. maybe even kiss his neck. look, u cannot tell me that he doesn’t want to be absolutely coddled in the morning- especially when he can get away with it so easily. 
-bakugou always pulls ur legs into his lap if u sit down next to him. pls he’s so weird, he’ll just like, tap his fingers on ur calves absentmindedly while he’s watching tv
-he probably created a playlist of songs ur ‘allowed’ to play around him. meaning, it’s only the songs on ur phone that he likes 🙄
-bakugou always takes his work phone calls outside. like if his phone rings he’ll just stand up n walk tf out the door to take it. even if it’s cold. u ask him once about it n he just “Work stays at work. This is my fuckin’ home. Now shut up about it already.”
-you’ve never once seen this man wearing socks around the house. don’t ask me, i cannot explain this whatsoever, but i just kno this man walks around constantly barefoot 🤢🤮 unfortunately.
-he’s like, the most functional person ever in almost every aspect, but the stuff katsuki is bad at?? pls he is hopelessly bad. like, lets say art stuff. omg he just doesnt have the patience for it, okay, so say goodbye to any dreams of cute lil couple’s crafts. like, he’ll sit there while u do yours, but his will look like utter shit
- during the week, katsuki is either at work, training, or at home. pls, he works so hard during the day that i highly doubt he’s anything but an absolute homebody during the work week.
- bakugou gets pissy if u re-arrange any of the furniture on a whim. pls he likes comfort and familiarity n if he stubs his toe on the stupid coffee table one more fucking time, he’s going to scream
-its a rare occurance,, especially bc of the crazy hours he works,, but bakugou rlly likes making dinner for u to come home to. he just likes to feel like he’s taking care of u tbh
-he still goes to bed at like 8:30. or thats what u think, but rlly he just goes to sit in your room and have some time to himself for a bit. as much as he loves u, he prob still needs some alone time to recharge
-bakugou takes meticulous care of any plants u have in the house. like he’ll water them on a strict-ass schedule, n preen them when necessary. pls the way he’ll curse them out if they even dare to wilt under his care?? very much “What the hell, you bitch? ‘m doin’ everything fuckin’ perfect! Grow already!”
-katsuki is such a little bitch when he’s sick. he’ll be running like a 103 temp, brain literally melting, and still trying to get up and work out. the only way u can get him to chill the hell out is if u take a nap with him. ofc that means u always get sick too,, but hey- lil sacrifices right??
-he never lets you get the door. like, if there’s a knock n neither of u knows who it could be,, pls he’s on his feet so fast. waving u away n looking thru the keyhole w/ sm suspicion
-he has his spot on the couch, n u will not find him sitting anywhere else. like, that’s his spot. u better pray for anybody who mistakenly takes it
-bakugou doesn’t like dirt or grime, so he won’t allow you or himself, to sit on your bed with clothes that have been outside. like, even if you’re just sitting on top of the covers, he’s gonna throw a fit and demand you change your clothes first bc “No way in hell am I gonna let your dumbass dirty up my bed.”
-katsuki rlly likes when it storms outside. he’ll go sit in front of the window and watch the rain, sipping on a warm drink while he waits for more thunder. 
-living with bakugou is incredibly frustrating, bc he’ll just show up with new skills all of the goddamn time. like you’ll be like, “hmm i’d love to remodel the bathroom someday”,, and the very next weekend bakugou is meticulously re-tiling the bathroom floor by hand, probably also painting the walls in a new color, maybe even installing a new sink just to spruce it up. n then he’ll just present the entirely new, upgraded room with such weird nonchalance that it pisses u off. pls and if you watch him while he does these little projects, with all the weird precision and skill he suddenly gains?? pls you’re sure he must be possessed by the ghost of a craftsman
- when he hangs out with the bakusquad, he’ll drag you along every time. he expects you to sit with him the entire time and act as a social buffer?? basically, someone’ll ask him a question, one he deems stupid and therefore not worth answering, and bakugou will just look at you expectantly. he’ll just stare at you blankly, hardly even blinking until you pick up the slack and answer for him. you call him out on this many times, but it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t change anything. he does this over and over and over again
-bakugou gets really unsettled when you guys fight. like, he can’t sleep and he’s snapping at everybody, and is somehow more aggressive than usual. he always wants to just make up already, but the pride in the way won’t allow it
-he’s a weird stickler about intended furniture functionality?? like, the table is for eating, and the couch is for watching tv, and then only way you’re gonna get him to mix the two is if you ask him rlly rlly nicely
-finally- i have no basis for this one, but ik it in my heart: bakugou has a very intense fight with your thermostat nearly every single day. he swears up and down that it never ‘behaves’ for him, but every time you check it, it’s working perfectly fine
ahahhaa sorry y’all for the super random spam today,, but here were are back to our regularly scheduled bakugou programming,,,, bc idk if it’s obvious ur honor, but i love him
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vneuns · 3 years
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— “SIGN AN NDA” + Sapnap
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author’s note(s): i was actually gonna cry if this shit didn’t save tbh. but shoutout to art and someone who shall not be named for helping me out ily mwa mwa
cw: cursing , talk of suggestive themes ( inspired by bils new song <3 )
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The bright sunlight from the window next to your bed woke you up as you sighed groggily knowing it was too early for anyone in their right mind to be awake.
You had lots of things to do today and you knew your body was doing this on purpose. It was as if it wanted you to face the wrath of your manager and makeup artist when they noticed the bags under your eyes.
The body behind you groaned before throwing their arm over your stomach pulling you in closer to their warmth. Mornings like this were your favorite cuddled up with your boyfri “sneaky link” as he groaned about not wanting to leave your expensive bed.
This- thi- whatever you want to call it was suppose to be a one time thing. You two had met through a few mutual friends and neither of you were looking for anything serious so one thing led to another and well.. you know how that went.
And after talking a bit in the morning you found out you had a lot more in common than you had thought. Well you also weren’t really thinking about during the .. events.
So after exchanging numbers it became a common thing for you to text each other randomly wanting the other to come over.
For activities…
Knowing you weren’t gonna be able to go back to sleep for a little while you blindly placed your hand on your bedside table reaching for your phone. After knocking over a few things you decided to stop being lazy and say up slightly taking it off the charger before laying back down.
“quit moving around.” sapnap grumbled into the back of your neck.
“get up, big baby.”
he mumbled something incoherent rubbing his slightly rough calloused thumb on your exposed stomach tiredly.
you bit your lip at the sentimental action. He was always doing things like this to you and then when you’d call him out on it he’d just brush it off and pretend as if he hadn't heard you.
Your phone buzzed with a notification which brought you out of your daze and unlocked it, going to check all of your social medias.
Once you scrolled for a little while and didn’t find anything too interesting you decided it was time to start getting ready and then a headline in bold mentioning your name caught your eye.
you clicked the link as you read the article about you having a potential new boyfriend after pictures leaked of you walking sap to his car after he had come over for dinner.
There were multiple words used to describe what was happening since you were leaning down on his car, your head slightly in his window.
The one used the most was kiss.
“You’re such a fucking dumbass.” You mumbled arms interlocked with the gingers next to you as you walked down the slight hill to his car. “Don’t act like you weren’t the one who called me.” He told you rolling his eyes playfully taking out his car keys and unlocking the car.
“Don’t act like you weren’t the one who called me.” You deepened your voice slightly making a face and hand movements.
“You answered.” Sapnap unhooked his arm from yours as he opened the driver side door getting inside. “You’d probably send some assassin after me.”
The thought of that pondered your mind at one point when you thought he was ghosting you for a few days when it turns out he had lost his phone but it would’ve made you seem like you actually had feelings for the boy or you were some type of psychotic girlfriend.
Startling you out of your thoughts your eyes snapped over to him when the window started going down.
“Whew look at this ride.” A catcall like whistle left your lips as you leant inside looking at the interior.
“Could be my sugar daddy if you wanted.”
Sap laughed turning off the ac shaking his head. “You wanna live off of cereal and ramen for days at a time?”
The idea sounded.. not great at all. Going from something lavish to .. that. Wasn’t in your best interest.
“M’ ok thanks though.”
“Text me when you get home ya?”
“Aw look at you caring for my well being.”
“I don’t care i just don’t need you to die right after leaving my humble adobe.”
Sapnap shook his head before leaning a bit closer to you your lips inches apart.
“It’s freezing and you’re wearing shorts and a tank top. go inside.”
Of course they were there that day. They were always there. Creeping in the corners trying to pry into your personal life.
When your fame started to grow you knew what you were getting yourself into. But what you didn’t sign up for was having your privacy invaded in your own home.
You didn’t put your “love life” out there so it was nothing anyone should have an opinion on. Though it was the internet and just because you personally didn’t want it out there that’s where it was going to be whether you liked it or not.
“So warm in the morning.” Without any warning his arms slotted around you squeezing impossibly tighter. “Like a little teddy bear.”
“God you’re annoying.” It was out there. Nothing you could do now so you had to embrace it aka act like it never happened. “make me breakfast.”
“Go pour a bowl of cereal.” You managed to twist around in his hold to face him. His eyes were barely open a small barely there smile on his face. “You still haven’t gotten me the one I like yet.”
He knew exactly how to get whatever he wanted out of you one way or another. So after a bit of random “Pillow talk.” you got up and made some crepes. The two of you talked for a little bit before it was time for him to go and get ready for a stream he had in a few hours.
“Hey umm..” His greenish grayish eyes looked up at you giving you his full attention as he tied his shoes.
“I texted my manager a few minutes and he’s gonna send you an NDA.”
The boys eyebrows furrowed at the words that left your mouth.
“An NDA..? wh-why for what?”
“Just don’t want paparazzi coming up to you or anything.” Your eyesight moved to the floor as you picked at your cuticles.
“We’ve been seeing each other for months. Why are you bringing this up now?”
You chewed at your bottom lip as he got up from the couch in your peripheral.
“My career and all of that.”
“You know what fuck you Y/n don’t fucking call me about all your problems or text me asking me to come over because you’re fucking lonely.” And with that he stormed out
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kelieah · 4 years
lover boy (arvin russell x reader)
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summary: a group of boys kept picking on you and arvin’s relationship, and you knew just what to do to shut them up
word count: 1.2k
warnings: sexual themes, foreplay, language, no spoilers and doesn’t follow the plot!
edited: tbh idk what the fuck this is but enjoy ig lol
a/n: i can’t get enough of arvin basjhdbsd, so for some reason i can write a one-shot but not finish a chapter </3
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It became a daily routine for Arvin to pick you up from high school. You loved the adrenaline rush of sprinting out of class first thing when the bell rings, making your ways down the halls and out the door. Seeing his pretty face waiting in that damn car of his erupted butterflies in your stomach every single time.
He glances over at you with a small smirk on his lips, pushing the door open and taking another puff of his cigarette.
“Hi there, pretty boy,” you breathe out and rush into his car, sitting down. You close the door and lean towards him, connecting your lips with his.
He smiles against your lips and cups your cheek, kissing you back. “Hey there, doll. Y’ hungry?” 
“For you? Always,” you place your bag down, sending a wink his way.
He rolls his eyes, disregarding the way his heart jumped out of his chest at your tease. “Y’ know what I mean, babe. Wanna head to the diner?” he asks as he hands you his cigarette. You nod and take a puff, flicking off some ash out of the window.
“Yea yea, of course,” you smile and lean back, furrowing your brows as you realize he had another black eye. You sit up and place a hand on his jaw before he drove off.
“What?” he glances at you, licking his lips.
 “Darlin’, what’s this,” you mutter and gently brush your fingers against his bruise.
“It’s nothin’, don’t worry,” he shakes his head and starts the car again.
“Arvin,” you hold his chin and make him look at you, a stubborn expression upon your face. 
He sighs heavily and grumbles out his words, “Just the same damn low lifes picking on me because they saw me come to y’ house with some flowers.”
Arvin was always known as the outcast who could never get it and you were always known as the church girl who’s life was dedicated to God. Both were wrong. Arvin was never the same after he met you, he would’ve never thought that you’d be the one to take his virginity. He wasn’t complaining but from then on, he’d never judge a person by their looks. Turns out, you hated your religion just as much as he did. You were no typical church girl, that’s for sure.
“Jesus fuck, can’t you do anything without getting picked on? I’ll fucking show them-” you pull away from his face, about to exit the car.
You instantly melt as he places his hand on your thigh, sitting you back down. “Sweet heart, y’ know damn well you can’t take on three boys like ‘em.”
“I-I know, but damnit Arvin. It’s like you can’t even breathe without them wanting to beat your ass,” you huff and glance over at him.
He admires your passion and stubbornness, it’s two of the many things he loved about you. “Remember?”
“Wait for the right time,” you mutter in memory of every single time Arvin had told you that saying he learned from his own daddy.
“They’ll get what’s comin’ for them one day. If anything, they’re probably just jealous that they don’t have what I got,” he teases and squeezes your thigh.
“O-Oh shush you,” you blush and bite your lip, looking away.
“Let’s head on to the diner now, yeah?” he asks, driving out of your school parking lot.
“Sounds good to me,” you smile at the feeling of him caressing your leg.
Not too long after, the two of you arrive at the diner and pull towards the front to park.
You and Arvin immediately tense at the sight of the three boys exiting the diner, their obnoxious laughing and yelling filling your ears.
“Look who pulled up, damn! Is that lover boy and his little prude bitch!?” one of them insult, pointing at the two of you.
“Shit, I thought them boys are usually at the drive-in. Why the hell are they here?” he mutters, about to put his car in reverse to leave.
You send them a piercing glare as they continue to stand in front of his car, harrassing you both. “I don’t-” you mutter and instantly jump when a piece of cream pie was thrown at your window.
“Here’s the only kind of cream pie you’ll be getting, fucking loser,” another one of the boys spit, wiping their hand on the back of their jeans. Arvin clenches his jaw and grips on his wheel harshly.
“Let’s get out of here,” he scoffs about to back up until he heard your seatbelt click. “Doll, don’t you dare go out there-” he quickly looks over at you, his eyebrows knit with concern. 
You roll up your skirt a bit and sit on his lap, “Can I do this?” you murmur against his lips and wrap your arms around his neck.
“S-Shit I mean, y-yeah but they’re right there- mmph-” he blushes as you bring yourself closer to him and smash his lips against yours.
“I don’t give a fuck, I’ll show them ‘em much of a lover boy you can be,” you say in between kisses and smirk against his lips as you feel him grown beneath you.
“Holy shit!” you hear one them gasp as they notice you and Arvin’s heated make out.
“G-Goddamn, Y-Y/n,” he grunts as you roll your hips against him, your heat brushing onto his.
“Yeah?” you breath out and thread your fingers through his hair, reconnecting your lips with his.
“Mhm, f-fucking hell,” he groans into your mouth when you palm him through his jeans.
You quickly roll down his window and grind yourself down onto him, making him let out a loud moan.
The three boys instantly shut up and begin to back away, “L-Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
“Y-Yeah,” one them agrees and they all walk off to their car, driving away.
You grin mischievously in triumph and slip your tongue into Arvin’s mouth, continuing to move against him.
“Baby d-doll, they’re gone,” he chokes and places his hands on your hips, holding you down for a moment.
“I know,” you exhale and lean your forehead against his. You give him a look and he easily catches your drift.
“You wanna go to our spot?” he breathlessly chuckles, his breath fanning your lips.
“Please,” you pout and peck his lips, climbing off his lap.
As soon as you both drive into a forest that you both called your “spot” near his house, you were back on his lap. Needy kisses and touches being exchanged here and there.
“Watching, seeing and feeling you take over l-like that darlin’, fuck. The things you do to me,” he mutters lowly.
“I had to shut them up somehow,” you giggle and leave gentle kisses down his neck.
“You, my love. Surprise me everyday,” he cups your face and presses a kiss against your forehead.
“I know.”
“Can’t believe you got me harder than a rock and didn’t finish me off though,” he pouts, causing you to throw back your head and laugh loudly. 
“Why do you think I asked you to drive here?”
“To talk- oh.”
“W-Well shit, you should’ve told me e-earlier,” he scrambles beneath you and slides off his shirt.
“Oh, lover boy,” you roll your eyes and bite your lip, bringing your lips towards his once again.
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taglist + inbox link under the cut! thanks for reading ツ
leave a comment, give me some feedback pls! it’s greatly appreciated mwah
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realcube · 4 years
comforting you during a thunderstorm ⛈
summary: you’re not much of a scaredy-cat but you do have an immense fear of thunder storms which you didn’t tell him about. so this is how he comforts you
characters: saiki k, bokuto, suna
tw// thunderstorms, hurt/comfort
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thanks to anon for the wholesome request 🥺 this reminds me of ohshc & i love it so much 💞
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Kusuo Saiki
he just popped downstairs to bid farewell to his mother before she headed out to buy groceries, leaving you and him home alone
he didn’t even notice the thunderstorm, until his mom mentioned it
‘oh, i have to walk to the bus-stop in this horrible weather. is there anyway you could make it stop, ku?’
as much as he wanted to say ‘yes, but i cba. cope.’  he just blurted out a ‘no.’ before heading back up to his room
he didn’t think you were scared of anything tbh
i mean you killed a cockroach for him one time so you were basically a fearless god, in his eyes
so imagine his surprise when he walked into his room and..you were gone
he was confused for a moment until he heard faint sobs and whimpers from inside his closet
he slid the door open to reveal you cowering in the corner with your knees pulled up to your chest and your face buried between them, sniffing and only moving when you had to use your hand to wipe away the tears that poured from your eyes and threatened to stain your leggings
‘i go for a minute and this is what happens-- are you crying?’ 
that was when you realised that saiki had entered the room once again and when you looked up, you saw his tall, daunting figure looking down at you - the glow from the lightening behind him not doing any favours as it just made him look even more unnerving
‘i don’t cry. i’m just.. excreting my eye juices. it clears your skin-- ah!’ you tried to explain but you were cut of by another boom of thunder rattle through the house
‘you’re lying.’ 
yeah, you knew he was a psychic so you weren’t really sure why you thought you’d be able to get the lie passed him
also, due to his psychic abilities and common sense, he figured that the thunder/lightening was the reason for your distress
saiki sighed, not really sure if he should do what he was about to but upon seeing how frightened you were and the nervous series of continuous thoughts rushing through your head...he just had to
you heard another noise which sounded rather different from thunder but it startled you none the less
you looked up at your boyfriend for comfort, only to notice that he was gone
then, you caught a glimpse of something unusual from the window 
you approached it hesitantly and peered outside to see the cluster of storm clouds being swept aside like dust by some unknown force, to reveal the bright blue sky that was hiding behind it 
you were in awe and although the masses probably thought this was the work of god or the wind, it didn’t take long for you to figure out that it was your psychic boyfriend who was behind it all
‘it’s gone now.’ his voice tickled your ears from behind and to say it gave you the fright of your life was an understatement
you jumped, alarmed at first but once you turned around for your eyes to meet his, you couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief wash over you 
‘oh, yes. thank you, saiki!’  you chirped, throwing your arms around him and pulling him into a tight embrace
he was a bit taken back at first but it didn’t take long for him to melt into your touch and hug back, cradling your head and patting it bc i hc that is how he hugs/cuddles
(he just wants you to feel safe with him 🥺 even though he is an OP psychic who could probably kill you if he’s not careful)
anyway, saiki will ensure that you never experience another thunderstorm for as long as you live
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Kōtarō Bokuto
you already know that the first thing bokuto is going to do when he sees you cry and cuddle up next to you and cry too so you don’t feel embarrassed
but like when he comes back from the kitchen and heating the pizza he was about to eat, then he noticed you curled up under a blanket on the couch, shivering and whimpering..he drops the pizza
like he is so shocked 
he didn’t want to believe that you were crying tbh
but as your bf it was his duty to comfort you 
bc you always comfort him so well when he feels down and he wants to do the same for you!!
anyway, the first thing he does is join you under the blanket and cry with you for a bit
but his fake wails are so bad that you can’t help but laugh FVHIDBFA
once he notices that he’d cheered you up slightly, he’ll inquire, ‘are you scared of thunder?’
you nodded slightly, gently leaning your head on his strong shoulder, ‘a bit.’
bokuto bent his arm to pat and rub your head reassuringly, ‘but you’re so fearless, (y/n)! remember that time you went bungee jumping and even I was too afraid to do it?!’
you simply shrugged, tensing as you heard the thunder rumble through the living room
‘but anyway,’ bokuto hummed, placing a gentle kiss on your temple, ‘is there anything i can do to make you feel better?’
you shrugged once again, ‘maybe just stay with me for a bit longer, please.’ 
your wish was his command ✨
now there is no way he’s leaving your side until the storm passes
whether that takes a few minutes or the whole night
he’s not going to leave you even to eat the pizza he had dropped on the living room floor
and he hold you close against his chest so you know that he’s not going going anywhere
also, he started talking not only instinctively but also to drown out the sound of the thunder and redirect your attention onto him
‘and then kuroo was all like SUPRISE!! and i was all like THANKS, MAN BUT IT’S NOT EVEN MY BIRTHDAY and then kuroo was like I KNOW!! god, he knows me so well.’
‘hey, (y/n) - we should dress up for halloween his year! kuroo and his girlfriend are doing a couples costume so i think we should do one too and out-shine them! i was thinkin’ fred and daphne except you can be fred.’
‘i was looking on five minute crafts of food the other day - don’t ask why - and some of the desserts were lookin’ kinda tasty tbh. i’ll send you the link so we can make ‘em sometime.’
‘why did you comment ‘i’ll give you my first born child in exchange for you to crush my skull with your thicc, juicy, scrumptious thighs 🤤😳’ under my instagram pic? and why does it have 1k likes?’
needless to say, you can’t be sad for too when you’re around bokuto lmao
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Rintarō Suna
RAIEVABTG DON’T EVEN LIE HE’D JUST BE LIKE ‘cover your ears den lmao’
ok ok so you’re on facetime with him and thunder blares through your room - it’s so loud that even he can hear it through the phone - and you jump, immediately pulling your blankets over yourself 
he was hitting his vape then he pulled away to look at his phone again and you were gone (bc you had brought your phone under the covers with you and obvs it was dark)
he could also hear your little whimpers even though you tried you best to hide them by slapping your hand over your mouth
‘doll, where’d ya go?’ he inquired, concern laced in his voice. he opened his drawer to toss his vape away but he did not avert his eyes from the screen just in case something happened
‘i’m still here. just under the covers.’ you spoke, doing your best to hide how shaky your voice was
‘why?’ he puffed, allowing the vapor to leak from his mouth and escape out to his surrounding - which was his bedroom 
‘oh, no reason.’
suna knew you were lying, it wasn’t hard to tell, ‘well, if that’s the case, can you come out from the cover, doll? i wanna see your face.’
‘-no.’ you immediately replied, letting out a feeble sigh as you realised that lying wasn’t going to get you anywhere. ‘i’m just a bit afraid of the thunder, that’s all.’
suna cocked his head to the side, ‘thunder? never heard that one before.’ he said, mentally cursing himself out just as he said that since it came out a lot harsher than he intended, ‘erm, why don’t you try putting your headphones on?’ he suggested in a soft voice, trying to make up for the uncalled-for comment he made
you hummed in agreement, wondering why you didn’t think of that
momentarily tossing your duvet aside, you rushed to your desk where you black headphones were laying, you picked them up and dashed back towards your bed as if someone was chasing you, diving onto it, pulling the cover back over your head and plugging the headphones into your phone before pulling them over your ears
‘this helps a bit. thanks, suna.’
suna’s eyes widened as he slumped back against his headboard, ‘suna? what happened to babe?’ 
‘thanks, babe.’ you corrected yourself with a giggle
now that suna’s voice was the most prominent sound in your ears, the thunder seemed to fade into satisfying background noise
you couldn’t get over the random flashes of lightening though, those always made you yelp - and he noticed this 
‘i really wish you were here right now.’ you mused, hugging your pillow to your chest to imitate what you’d to if he was here with you, ‘i’d give you all my kisses.’
‘bet.’ was the last thing you heard before he hung up on you 
you were quite bummed at first but then you registered that he was probably on his way over :))
and he was!
you heard a few loud knocks on your door followed by a monotone mutter ‘let me in, i’m freezing my tits off out here.’
ofc you let him in and after you led him to your bedroom, he immediately pinned you to your bed, ‘you know what i’m here for.’
he was confused for a moment but then he noticed that you still had the headphones on
he snickered, momentarily pulling one of the earpads away from your ear to say, ‘kisses.’
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johnnys-green-pen · 2 years
Random E! Thoughts: S6E20 - Isolation
Johnny looking out the clearly sunny window that they’re clearly hitting with a glorified garden hose for the rain effects complaining about the weather.
Johnny trying to not tell Chet about his date
Chet getting sleeping lessons from Henry
Chet trying to get on that both with Johnny
Johnny’s “bet that sailboat cabin is gonna be real cozy during a storm”. Dude. You get seasick.
Johnny mentions that he’d “get a house out there if he ever bought one”
Probably just a continuity snarl, but I’d say that also confirms that the house that Johnny did buy didn’t stick. 
I like to think that Roy did get his hands on it after all
Johnny continues to be really good with kids
Johnny sticking the cardiac patient’s IV to the wall with medical tape
As much as I enjoy the psychiatrist being there to assist them, the entirety of that cardiac patient’s treatment seems exceedingly cobbled together
Johnny’s surprised expression when he tries reaching Rampart again after their power failure and somebody actually picks up
Morton getting a few lines!
And Roy’s “that’s what friends are for”
(things Season 1 Morton would have never expected to hear from either of them, probably)
Johnny calling half the county trying to get a message to his girl of the week
Johnny throwing the pencil back to Dix before literally running off
Sooo, we’ve got a Black doctor and a female doctor and a Native American paramedic (and Roy) as the medical team for the last part of this episode, and THAT feels like somebody was making a point again. Love to see it, tbh.
Chet ruining Johnny’s date for him
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leoneslover · 4 years
Rainy days ༄
Bucci gang x reader(gn!)
Synopsis: How do you guys spend rainy days together <3
Warnings: a little bit of angst if you squint during Abbacchio’s and Narancia’s bit.
A/n: I wrote this while it was raining like crazy during a black out, enjoy.
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* I feel like he would be the type to actually enjoy rain a lot.
* If it’s raining during the day, then he’d definitely get up to make himself some piping hot tea.
* It doesn’t matter if it’s one of those summer storms where even though it’s raining, it’s still hot as hell.
* He will make himself some tea and slightly burn his tongue when he takes the first sip.
* He’ll make you one too, if you’d like. But be careful with it lol.
* He’d probably either sit by the window and watch the rain fall, or cuddle with you on the couch.
* Or sit with you on his lap by the window while you drink from the same cup.
* He likes to take moments like these to just relax and just be with you for a while.
* Please play with his hair if you’re cuddling, it’s his favorite way to fall asleep 🥺
* He’ll be pretty silent though, but don’t worry about it, he’s just ~breathing and thinking~
* Overall it’s a pretty relaxing experience, definitely helps a lot if you’re too stressed from work or just life in general.
* Oh he doesn’t like rain.
* In fact, he hates it.
* It’s reminds him too much of a lot of bad stuff that has happened.
* Specially if it’s a thunderstorm.
* The sound of the thunders makes him anxious.
* So, if you happen to be with him when the water starts to pour, please don’t let him get too lost in his thoughts.
* It’s one of the very few times where he won’t put much of a fight if you just want to take care of him.
* Maybe get in the bed and hold him close to your chest, or let him use you as personal teddy bear.
* PLEASE Stroke his hair and kiss his forehead, it puts him at ease.
* These probably would be the times where he actually decides to open up a little to you, if he feels comfortable enough.
* He won’t go too deep into his past (he’ll probably never tell you much about it), but he will let you know how he’s feeling, or what’s on his mind at least.
* You don’t have to really say anything back, just the fact that you’re listening is enough for him.
* But if you really wanna say something, then just reassure him that he’s doing his best, and that he’s the best boyfriend that you could even ask for <3
* Just help him take his mind out of his bad thoughts please.
* He’s pretty indifferent about rain tbh.
* He’ll probably have some weird conspiracy against it though (like his whole anti-4 thing)
* “Did you know that doing certain stuff while it rains can mean that you’ll die soon?”
* He’ll probably whisper that in your ear while you’re cuddling and he hears a thunder in the distance.
* Let him rant about it, the rest of the squad didn’t even pay attention to him while he told them this the first time.
* “Well I guess I won’t be going out when it rains anymore”
* “Exactly, you shouldn’t!”
* Though if you guys ever happen to be outside when it starts to rain, he will insist you to kiss him under the rain.
* He doesn’t mind getting wet, he just wants to see if it’s as romantic as the movies make it seem.
* Will probably end up convincing you one way or another.
* And it’ll be vary awkward and gross.
* The rain picked up while you were in the middle of it and it kept getting into your mouth.
* Not a great experience really, -5/10 not romantic at all.
* He wants to try with an umbrella next time tho.
* You guys end up going to a nearby cafe to wait for the rain to stop while eating some strawberry shortcake so that’s a win ;)
* He has mixed opinions when it comes to rain.
* In one hand, he kinda likes the whole running under rain or jumping on puddles to get other people wet kinda stuff.
* But on the other hand, it reminds him of the times where he was homeless, having to brace himself in the middle of the night while the wind got colder and colder.
* You might catch him staring out the window while the rain picks up, with an uncharacteristic melancholic look on his face.
* This is the times where you have to distract him, otherwise he might have a little breakdown and we don’t want that do we.
* Offer to make him some snacks, put his favorite movie on while you cuddle on the couch, let him show you and ramble about his current favorite albums.
* Anything to take his mind out of the gutter will be welcomed.
* I feel like he’d also be kinda scared of thunders, or really loud wind or something.
* Just hug him close to your chest and remind him that you’re there for him.
* His favorite thing to distract him from thunderstorms is when you tell him fun stories about your childhood, or just funny and slightly embarrassing stuff that has happened to you before you guys met.
* He find comfort in them, and in you in general <3
☆彡 FUGO:
* He doesn’t really like the technical aspect of rain (he doesn’t like getting wet), but he appreciates summer storms.
* If it’s raining at night, then he’ll probably just hold you closer to him and fall asleep almost immediately.
* (Rain sounds actually lull him to sleep and calms him down but you didn’t hear that from me).
* If you happen to be with him when there’s a black out because of the storm, then he’ll probably try his best to comfort you (in case stuff like this makes you anxious).
* “Hey, how about we keep reading that book you mentioned the other day?”
* He will lay down, making you get in between his legs with your back against his chest, some hot beverage or snacks in your hands while he holds a book that you like in front of you two for him to read.
* It’s cannon that he has the best reading voice out of the entire team (followed by Bruno or Giorno probably), and you can’t tell me otherwise.
* He’ll also tell you stories or just random stuff that he knows when you get bored of it, playing with your hair or hands while he talks.
* These are one of the few moments where he truly feels calm, just spending time with his s/o without any distraction or worries.
* He likes to think of these moments when he gets really angry.
* He likes the sound of rain, but hates thunders.
* They’re so unnecessarily loud.
* He’ll probably be the one to sit by the fireplace (because of course he has a fireplace) with a book and some coffee and just wait for the rain to stop.
* He’ll let you sit on his lap and maybe even read to you if you want.
* He likes the smell of rain too, so expect to find him with all the windows open in the middle of a storm.
* (If the wind starts to throw wet leaves and stuff into the room then he’ll close them, but will probably sit closer to them so he can still get a little scent).
* This is when he discovered his new favorite thing to do (specially with you)
* Which is to sit by the window, watching the rain fall and then suddenly using his stand to turn some water droplets into flowers.
* He still remembers your expression the first time he did this and he treasures it forever.
* It became your n1 activity to do since then.
* He finds it hilarious to do it when there’s people walking around just to see their confused expressions when they get hit in the head by a whole damn rose during a storm.
* Sometimes he makes them fall into his balcony so after the rain stops you can have a space filled with your favorite flowers.
* “I swear to god Giorno if you turn them into water again I’ll cut that stupid braid of yours in your sleep”
* (He did it once to see what’ll happen and he still teases you about it even to this day).
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