#he's like shrimp from that episode of smiling friends
cowinthestars · 1 month
who would believe me if i said this
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was my favourite NPC of any game ever? not for anything he does but because i decided he wanted new eyes to get some bitches with his W rizz.
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love-marimo · 1 year
Force Feeding Zhongli Seafood (Zhongli x Reader ft. Venti)
Lolita's note: yes i know, the title is quite misleading but bare with me because i'm having a manic episode and the form of art i chose to abuse tonight is writing.
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"Today's lunch is... creamy garlic shrimp pasta!" You beamed at the two guests you have sitting in your dining room. Suddenly the loud voices that you heard from the kitchen halted. You saw Venti look at you with a mix of surprise and disbelief as he holds back a laughter while he glances at Zhongli - who is quite flabbergasted at your choice of dish as well.
Quite isn't the right word honestly. He is about to break into cold sweat and grimace at the food right in front of him. But he does his best to keep his cool and smile at you.
"Ohoho~ Somebody is about to get hit in the jugular." Venti snickers, as he looks at you expectantly.
The thing is you already know Zhongli despises seafood. But you wanted to try something out today. You want to find out what he's like in the face of something he doesn't love. You prepared yourself for an argument, him lecturing you - anything. You're so used to him being so doting on you that you can practically order him to bend the laws of nature and he would do so without a second thought.
"My love... what is this?" He asked, a blank expression in his eyes. You can't tell if he's making sure he sees it right or he's questioning you.
"Garlic shrimp pasta, your favorite!" You repeat again, and Venti almost choked on the cocktail he's drinking.
"Hahaha! There it goes. What do you say, old friend? Are you ready to take the challenge?" Venti elbows Zhongli's arm and winks at him, and his brow twitches as he shoots a glare back at the Anemo Archon.
"Shut it, Barbatos." He snaps at him, clearly growing unamused by the minute. He looks back at you and smiles flatly,
"Dear, you know I have made you aware that I do not eat seafood?"
You feign innocence and you shrug, and Venti covers his mouth, holding back his laughter (to which he obviously fails, and that irritates Zhongli even more).
You don't know if you should laugh or keep it together, because Venti's presence makes this even more trivial than you intended it to be.
You set down the dish and watch them help themselves to a portion of the food. Venti immediately digs in and takes a huge sip of his cocktail.
"Fwah! That hits the spot. You know, this is going to be my new favorite. I bet this would go well with apple pie." Venti almost mockingly voices his appreciation, as if to get a reaction from the former Geo Archon.
You smile at them both, and you waited for Zhongli to take his first bite. You notice how Zhongli keeps the shrimps at the side of his plate and only eats the pasta. He thinks he's getting away with it until you ask him,
"Are you not gonna eat the shrimps?" Part of you just wants to stop this whole thing already, but you were determined to get to the end of this. You wanted to see him eat the shrimps, at least this once in your feeble mortal life.
"Yeah, they are so juicy and delicious, right?" Venti agrees, again, holding back a smile. And you both shared a look.
"I... this is delicious, yes, but, I do not eat seafood." Zhongli finally replies, smiling apologetically - as if he's begging you to let this go.
You smile and you walk over to sit beside him. You take a spoon and begin crushing the shrimps so that it would be at least bearable for him.
"Here, say 'Ahh'." You motion at him, and Venti finally goes from having a fit of giggles to having a full blown laughter.
"'Say Ahh'." He mimics you, and looks at Zhongli, who's slightly avoiding the spoon that your holding.
"I can't believe you're doing this. I mean, look at him, he practically has his mouth shut tight at this point and he looks like a spoiled kid who doesn't want his shrimpies." Venti laughs and finishes his drink, grabbing another portion of the shrimp pasta.
"It is not shrimpies...!" Zhongli almost whines, a scowl now evident on his face, and you and Venti both pause.
Zhongli has a visible pout in his face.
Indeed, it is a sight you should put in a picture frame.
But in a matter of seconds, the former archon redeems himself, clearing his throat.
"What are you trying to get out of me, you two?" He sighs as he gives in, opening his mouth to eat the spoonful of crushed shrimp.
Venti shrugs and tilts his head towards you.
"Dunno, ask them. I'm just following their lead." And at that, you raised a brow, and he laughs.
"I believe I expect a reason for this." Zhongli wipes his lips with a napkin and drinks from the glass of wine. He groaned at the aftertaste. Well, it certainly didn't cleanse his palate as he expected.
"Zhongli, I'm sorry I just-" He was about to give you an earful when Venti chimed in.
"You two are a straaange couple, indeed." Venti smiled. Zhongli closed his eyes, his breath hitching as he did his best not to lash out at Venti.
He heaves an exasperated sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"See, that's what you get for being too doting. They probably did this to piss you off." Venti comments.
Before the silence gets too awkward, Venti takes his leave.
"Welp, I'm outta here. Thanks for the lunch! I enjoyed it very much~" Venti waves at the both of you. You mouthed a 'sorry' and smiled at him as he left. When Zhongli wasn't looking, he waved his index finger, silently telling you how much you pissed him off.
"Sorry, this won't happen again, I promise." You placed your hand on top of his and Zhongli begins to lecture you again about how he used to battle enemies at the sea and how seafood reminds him of all the bloodshed it caused.
He said your name firmly, "I love and respect you. You know that. We've talked a lot about our likes and dislikes, and we confide to each other. So, please, don't do this again." Zhongli looks at you.
"I'm sorry."
He kisses your cheek and smiles at you.
"Apology accepted."
Later in the evening, as if the mischievousness of Venti possessed you,
"Hey." You began to tiptoe behind Zhongli while he was getting ready for bed.
"How was the shrimp?" You snickered. He sighs.
"What was it again? Shrimpies?" You tease again.
"Oh, my love, whatever shall I do with you... it seems that the fickleness of a certain visitor has stayed with you today." He turns to you, and he suddenly holds you close.
Before you could protest, you're trapped in his grip and he peppers kisses on your face.
"You made a strange choice today, my love. What do you think we should do about it?" He lays you down on the bed and starts acting more suggestively, his kisses growing more... irresistible.
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— Lolita
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jq37 · 4 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 7
Fast Times at Aguefort High
Welcome back to Fantasy High where the Bad Kids are, as the episode’s title suggests, being stress tested in a major way! Before we hop into that though, we have a few short scenes at school to get through, starting with a surprise assembly called by Principal Grix. 
There’s two main orders of business. The first is to introduce Agent Clark who is going to be investigating because of Fig’s shenanigans over the past 2 seasons. Fig Disguises herself as Kristen causing a scene that forces Adaine to burn a portent roll to cancel a Nat 20 and Agent Clark to go off on a very intense rant about the improper use of Disguises, which we mostly don’t hear because the Bad Kids are busy doing bits. 
After that’s done, Grix subjects all of the students to a mandatory drug test and starts literally throwing bolo nets at the students who fail—including Max Durden of course. VP Jace is alarmed and chases after him as he chases after students. Riz was already hella suspicious of Max pushing gorgenfern on them iat the party and now interrogates him about his motives as he cuts him out of the net. Max insists that his only motive was that smoking fantasy weed is awesome and that he’s never gotten in trouble like this before. Riz asks if any of the Rat Grinders were down in the basement with him and he says that they weren’t but Ivy was supposed to be down there. She was the one who hooked him up with the fern. Everyone notes that with suspicion. 
The conversation pivots to the fact that KP has a fleet of food trucks outside offering free food as part of her campaign. Riz is on guard but everyone else kinda wants to chow down–for recon reasons of course. After a quick aside where the idea of Adaine solving her money problems by dealing drugs is discussed and quickly rebuffed–they check out the food trucks and find that the food, unfortunately, slaps. Adaine ritual casts Detect Magic to see if the food is charmed in any way and she finds that it’s not but that the paper the food is in has some vote for KP subliminal messages implanted. Which is, como se dice, INTENSE for a school election even though they brush it off.
They discuss going over to KP (who is campaigning with a bullhorn while Mary Ann hands out flyers) and intimidating her but Kristen decides to take the high road. Of course, her version of the high road involves going over in a cowboy hat full of salsa and offering to let KP dip chips into it because this is still Kristen we’re talking about. 
Kristen and KP have a very smiley but catty conversation. Kristen implies KP was at the shrimp party but KP denies and says she was busy. Kristen shoots back that she thought she was done with all her classes because the rogue teacher found her (info she got from Riz via Jawbone you’ll remember). KP gives a tight smile at that and Kristen later on a 14 Insight sees that not only is she not rattled or insulted, she’s actually the kind of person who loves breaking the spirit of the law and getting a technical success over a traditional one. Hate that! KP says that it’s nice to be able to focus and asks how things are going with Kristen’s goddess. Kristen, for reasons I can’t fathom, says that her goddess passed and then immediately backpedals and changes it to “passed the test to give me more spells” and tries to “Spiderman away”.
Luckily she has the best friends in the world and they all team up with various spells to help her make a flashy, magical escape that’s so bombastic a bunch of the food trucks drive off in terror. 
As this happens, KP says into the bullhorn, “Your goddess passed? How can you cast spells?” So it looks like that is now public knowledge. 
Also, as an aside, Riz brings this subliminal message to Max since he’s a conspiracy head and, by their estimation, a pretty cool guy. Max says he’s on the case.  
OK, Now let’s jump into downtime! The way this works is that for the clump of time time that each bit of downtime runs for (this one is from the start of the school year to the beginning of November) each Bad Kid can make a series of rolls in the following categories: Academics, Popularity, Money, Job/Money, Extracurriculars, Relationships, and Mystery. Each roll they make, the DC goes up by 5 and failing some tracks have higher consequences than others.
Having a signed MCAT means you get to roll advantage on all Academic tracks after your first. Succeeding wildly means you get extra fun stuff. 
Fig and Kristen are in danger of expulsion and if they fail their Academics by more than 5, they’ll be expelled. And Brennan says Kristen’s Academics rolls will be hard without a god
Adaine is rolling her Academic track with disadvantage until she can get enough money to get to “well off”--diamonds aren’t cheap! (Girl, take Oisin’s diamonds, I’m begging you).
And, if at any point they want to reroll, they can by taking a stress token. They can only take 2 for each roll. The players can’t see this but whenever they take one there is a countdown to 5 and it’s parked by increasingly bigger and gnarlier red crystals which, considering the theme of this season is Concerning. 
Fabian gives Bardics to everyone but Riz and Riz takes one of Fig’s corrupted Bardics. Even though this is a long period of time, they’re each only allowed one Bardic (not sure if that’s per person–like they could get one from Fig and from Fabe–or period). Likewise, Adaine can only get help from Boggy once. 
OK, that’s all the nitty gritty. Let’s jump into everyone's rolls!
Riz predictably knocks out Academics with his DC 5 roll. He gets a 24. Boom, A+ in Rogue class and he’s not breaking a sweat. 
Adaine rolls for a job and rolls an 11 which passes but she needs a 25 to get to well off. Her passing roll is enough to get her a job as Basrar’s with Aelwyn as her one reference. 
Fabian rolls Popularity and gets a 20 which is a high enough success to get a perk: He’ll now get advantage on charisma whenever he meets someone new at school AND he’ll get advantage rolling on another track because some other student will just help him. 
Gorgug rolls all four of his Academic tracks at once–3 Artificers and 1 Barbarian. He doesn’t have an MCAT so it’s way harder than it should be. 
His first roll is a 21. A+ no Sweat. His second roll is a 13 which is a C. He takes a Stress token. Nat 1. He takes another stress token. Nat 20! Another A+. He rolls his third Artificer track with advantage because of the last roll.. NAT 20 AGAIN!!! Ayda would be so proud! AND Brennan said that if he crit he’d get something super secret and special (some kind of academic resource). Excited to find out what it is so soon! His Barbarian roll is a 23 which is high but just a C since the DC keeps going up. He decides he’s cool with that. 
Kristen, before she rolls, goes to her cleric teacher Yolanda and fills her in on everything re: Cassandra. Yolanda says that if she wants to stay on the cleric track she’s going to need to do extra papers and academic stuff to make up for the lack of magic. She’ll need to get her spells back by the end of fall semester or else she’ll fail just as a matter of course And she needs to perform a miracle. You know, casual stuff. Although this is Kristen so maybe it is kind of casual. 
Yolanda does a divination spell on the Cassandra shards and we don’t learn what, if any, info she gleans from that but she does tell Kristen that as long as she still believes in Cass, she shouldn’t be fully gone. Cass can’t work through her right now so she’ll have to step up and work through Cass. 
After confirming that the Shrimp Jump doesn’t count as a miracle, she meditates on Cass and doubt and how it’s helped her in her life. When she thinks about doubt as the first step of escaping a bad situation, all the doors and windows in the room she’s in unlock–a minor bit of magic which means that she’s not totally cut off from Cass. The feeling she gets is that the cable is still there, there’s just not any juice running through it. This–tending to her religion–counts as her Extracurricular roll btw and she got a 22 on a DC 5. 
She hosts a little ceremony as almost an apology and tribute to Cass and Craig shows up! Good old Craig. 
Moving on to Fig, she suddenly has the idea that I’ve been wondering about all season: why not become a paladin to Cassandra? She needs followers. And Rebellion and Doubt go hand in hand. She seems wary cause it’s such a rash decision but Kristen encourages her to go with it.
She goes to Warlock classes where Zara once again offers her a signed MCAT before they take a field trip to the Bottomless Pit–Fig’s domain taken from Gorthalax. It’s backed up with work she’s ignoring and she tells everyone to just build a giant recording studio. Sure. 
Fig tells Zara that she’s kind of her own source of warlock power which Zara says is dangerous because it’s super easy to break a promise you made to yourself. She advises Fig to find a promise that she can make to herself that she won’t break. 
Fig then sees the Pride Armor behind her which says, “Ruin you have brought here.” Fig tells Baby to check in on who owns that armor and what its deal is. (Which is good because this is definitely the kind of thing that will SERIOUSLY bite you in the butt if you don’t stay on top of it). 
Then she rolls for her Warlock classes: 24! Fig’s an A+ student! 
DCs are higher now and we’re gonna start with Gorgug this time. 
He rolls for the Owlbears and is now at a DC 25. He fails and is told then if he fails this track 2 more times, he’ll be kicked off the team. He takes a stress but still fails, playing a truly trash game against the Hudol Hellions. 
Fabian rolls for Academics next and tries to get help from Mazey. Brennan makes him roll for the boldness of getting help from her after blowing her off but with a 22, he’s successful and has a flirty conversation with him. He also rolls a 22 on the DC 10 Bard Academic track. 
Then, he does his Fighter roll (DC 15 but with Advantage cause he has a signed MCAT) and gets a THIRTY TWO. 
His DC 20 Owlbears check? TWENTY THREE.
Fabian is the most popular kid in school, maximum party legend, lofi study nights at his house every weekday, captain of the Owlbears, and straight A student. You truly hate to see it gang.
Adaine rolls Academics next and takes the Help action from Boggy so she can roll flat. That’s a 22 on her DC 10 check. Party nerd, keeping it together even without diamonds (and eggs). 
Then, she decides she wants to put her jacket to use and become the school dealer, not of drugs but of things like extra pencils and erasers. Brennan lets her make another Job track check and with a 22 (DC 15) makes 2d10 gold. 
She does another roll (DC 20) to try and get the AV club’s help checking the Seacaster Manor security footage for info on the suspicious Mephits but even with a stress token, she can’t find anything. She does know that if they WERE her mephits then they must have been compelled because they wouldn’t have acted like that naturally. 
Also, she absolutely isn’t doing her oracle gig even though elves keep showing up at her job. Adaine, just charge them! They’re rich!  Take money from the Falinel 1%! It’s easy and ethical! 
Finally, Brennan makes her roll to keep her panic in check with all the stress and she succeeds. 
Riz rolls for his Extracurriculars next at a DC 10. Brennan allows him to do all of them at once if he takes Disadvantage. He does so and rolls a Nat 1 but with Reliable Talent, that becomes a 10+9=19. He’s doing every club he can and he’s acing it! 
October is apparently Riz and Gorgug’s Birthday (which I thought was supposed to be at the folk fairy but either I misunderstood or Brennan misspoke–either way just chalk it up to the time quangle, gang) and they have a joint Ice Cream party at Basrar’s. Gorgug gets an artificing gift card from his bio-parents who are coming down to see him at the Frosty Folk Fair which is coming up. 
Fig tells her bard teacher that she wants to do an independent study, causing her to float away in tears (though she absolutely allows it, apologizes for her behavior via email, and says she’s welcome back any time). 
Gorgug is having a harder time with his teachers (or at least with Porter because Henry loves him). He asks Fig what to do and she tries to trick Porter into signing Gorgug’s MCAT. He sees right through her and, to Gorgug’s dismay, signs Fig’s MCAT instead, saying that she’s been such a good student just from auditing. In contrast, he tells Gorgug that he needs to get an A+ or he’ll be kicked out. “Must be nice,” Gorgug laments to a baffled Fig who truly was just trying to help her friend. The signed MCAT confers the same benefits to her even though she’s not officially going for Barb levels. She is officially on the books as a Barb/Warlock multiclass. 
She does check out Paladin classes however. The poncy knight Halo St. Croix (love these names Brennan) isn’t really her speed so she checks in with one of the multiclass teachers at Brennan’s suggestion. Guess who the paladin/barb specialist is? Lmao, it’s Porter and Zac is so over it. Like, not Gorgug I felt that annoyance coming from Zac Oyama the real life person. Porter tells her that Rage and an Oath are two sides of the same coin because you’re raging to keep the oath to protect the people you care about. He does a very cool Divine Smite to demonstrate his abilities and Fig is on board for private lessons, calling him “sir” and rolling a 22 on this track (I think a DC 10 right now). A+ in Paladin. Insane. 
Kristen rolls for Popularity. It’s a DC 10 and she rolls a 12. Riz asks to take stress for her and Brennan says yes but he’s the only one who can do that for other people. I wonder if that’s an in the moment judgment to keep the whole table from taking bullets for each other or a true Riz special but, either way, it totally checks out. She rolls worse and Riz takes another stress which puts her roll at a 21. She gets the same Charisma perk as Fabian. 
Next Kristen has to do her homework which she does with advantage because of her newly gained perk. It’s a DC 15 and she gets an 18 to pass (with a C) and then an 11 on her actual research which is on Osmir, the god of magic and secrets. While doing this research, she learns that there is a lot of value in faith that’s not evangelistic and evergrowing (something common in Helioism and the Moon religion) and it can be just as powerful to have one follower who prays every day or monasteries that do their own thing and don’t do converts (which seems kind of like what Osmir’s vibe is).
Fig rolls Mystery (DC 15) to find out what Ruben’s type is so she can continue her infiltration mission. She takes a stress to reroll to get a 19 and learns he isn’t picky and actually has a big crush on Wanda Childa and hopes she’ll be at the Frosty Fair that he’s headlining. She’s delighted and magically inserts herself into his dreams to keep that fire burning. 
Fabian does a DC 25 relationship roll on Ivy and fails. He takes 2 stress tokens but fails twice more, leaving her unimpressed with him and his friendship with Mazey. She sneers and says that if it gets cold he can “wear her like a sweater”. Fabian is absolutely taken aback by the cruelty and Emily’s disgusted, “Oh my God,” at the table really sums up my feelings. I knew I never liked that bitch. Before Fabian can make a hasty retreat with an excuse about getting a phone call, Ivy gets close to Fabian’s ear and says, “You missed your shot playboy.” 
He also gets 10k gold for being a trust fund baby. Yay for Fabian. 
Riz does a DC 15 Mystery Roll for the crystal stuff and gets a 23 (2 away from a bigger clue). He learns that Ragh was in middle school when the crystal was put into Lydia so there’s no danger of him being an avatar of any kind of bad magic. 
He does another roll to research Lucy (DC 20) and a Nat 1 becomes a 21. Rogues are so good you guys. 
He learns that they never found a body but scrying magic confirmed her dead. However, it was low level scrying so all it really confirmed was that she wasn’t alive on the material plane. That still leaves a lot of options that are not quite dead. 
More info: She went missing near Lake Shimmerstone which is near the woods the Ratgrinders grind rats at. And, most notably, in that two week period where grades didn’t count anymore, she submitted paperwork to change her god but then submitted paperwork to cancel the first set of paperwork. Riz doesn’t see who she wanted to change her god to though. There’s nothing written there. 
Adaine does a Mystery roll to see what’s up with Grix. It’s a DC 25 and even with a stress she doesn’t make it. She’s not grasping anything but the uptick in bureaucracy is very weird and worrying. 
Finally, Kristen rolls Mystery to try and find out more about Lucy. It’s a DC 20 and she gets a 19 after taking a stress token. With Fig’s sketchy bardic that takes it up to a 27. 
She goes to talk to her teacher again and asks about Lucy and whatever happened to her. Yolanda gets somber and says Lucy was a wonderful student, sad but very kind. She worshiped a goddess named Ruvina who was an ancestral goddess of giants and giant-kin. Her domain is winter and sorrow. 
Kristen asks if she was thinking about switching and Yolanda is confused and alarmed. Lucy never would have switched to another god. She was extremely devoted. Kristen mentions the request form and Yolanda says she never got it and didn’t give approval–she wouldn’t have been at school when the form was sent. She thanks Kristen for bringing this to her attention and when Kristen rolls insight, a 27 tells her that her teacher is sincerely upset and frightened at what this info might mean. 
Yolanda says she’s going to talk to Grix but Kristen points out that the guy who throws nets at kids probably isn’t the best person to confide in. Yolanda agrees and plans to talk to VP Jace instead. Before she leaves, she gives Kristen a token that says “When the only thing you can believe in is believing.”
Listening to this conversation gives Riz a brain blast. What if the name on the god change form wasn’t blank or redacted. What if it was invisible, like the name of a god you can’t say? He uses some of his dad’s celestial spy gear and, sure enough, there’s something there that can’t be read by mortal eyes. 
This is where we exit downtime and everyone has taken some level of stress. Fig has one. Riz and Adaine have two. Kristen, Gorgug, and Fabian have three. They’re all fried and coping in ways that range from being hermits (Adaine) to not slowing down lest the wheels fall off (Riz). There’s a way to reduce stress but Ally says it's hard and Brennan says they can’t try till next time. Based on their stress, they’ll have to pick certain things to have disadvantage on (which isn't great considering there’s def gonna be a fight next episode and we don’t know how long until the next downtime period). 
We finish off the day of the Frosty Folk Fair which will be held at Gorgug’s house. Riz realizes he forgot to look into the fraud case his mom is defending but it’s too late now. 
At Mordred, Lydia is making a killer breakfast and she also has all the stuff the party asked her to get about her Bakur quest. Since he’s a fiend, they all expected it to be written in Infernal but no. The texts are written in the language of the Giants. 
Honor Roll
Gorgug for Acing His Artificing Classes
It’s honestly absurd how proud I am of Gorgug for this. Like I fully recognize that this is a fictional character and these were just random rolls but guys, he’s doing it! 
Ivy for Minitaur Racism and Extreme Bitchiness 
Ok look. I love characters who are bitches. Aelwyn is my favorite FH NPC. That’s well known information. But this is a nuanced thing. I’m not out here for any character who just shows up and is mean. You need style. You need flair. You need a decade of family trauma and suppressed affection you don’t know how to express. 
Ivy just showing up to be full on racist to Mazey? Jail. 
It was like Brennan looked Lou right in the eyes and was like, “If you pursue this character after this point I absolve myself from any responsibility.”
Fabian, my guy, you are under absolutely no obligation to date Mazey if you don’t see her that way but for the love of whoever Kristen is praying to right now, don’t pursue Ivy! 
Random Thoughts
Kristen’s range is such that in one breath she can be telling Max that “if we all do drugs he can’t net everyone” isn’t a union and then in the next breath she’s encouraging Adaine to sell drugs.
A little surprised Fig didn’t run into Bucky when she crashed Paladin classes. 
Curious if when KP said, “Your god passed, how are you casting spells?” in the bullhorn if that was purely to spill her secrets or if she was also genuinely baffled by that. 
I didn’t mention this before but Fig is purposefully tanking her Popularity track to focus on other things/be more stealthy. It’s good she’s not prioritizing it because it seems like she’s doing literally everything else she can! It’s interesting how right as Gorgug is digging more into techy things and magic, she’s dipping more into martial classes. I am so curious to know what her character sheet looks like by the end of the season. If she doesn’t want to take full levels, she can always take the Magic Initiate feat for some paladin spells. 
In a clutch bit of detective work from Riz, we learn that the god’s name on Lucy’s sheet can’t be read by mortal eyes. I know Kristen would be loath to do this, but I bet she could get Helio on the phone pretty easily and get him to read it for her, maybe for a price. Maybe he’d even do it pro bono if he’s not mad at her–Kristen thought he sucked but from what I remember he was pretty chill. 
The timeline of Lucy’s supposed death is throwing me off. If she’d died Freshmen year the Rat Grinders would make sense to me–why leave the woods if your cleric died the first week of school? But this seems like it was their M.O. even before whatever happened to Lucy. So what’s the deal? 
I also can’t get a read on whether the Rat Grinders (by which I mean KP and Ivy–the ones I trust the least) are pro or anti Lucy. Like, is whatever they’re going now a ploy to bring back Lucy (if she’s even dead at all which seems doubtful) or is it a second attempt at whatever did her in, now with Buddy as the sacrifice? I’ve seen people speculate that the Rat Grinders are mad that Kristen and Gorgug were resurrected by Aguefort while their cleric was not and that’s why they hate the system but that theory hinges on whether they cared about Lucy or not. So curious to know what their group dynamics are when they’re alone. 
If Lucy’s got is a god of sorrow I wonder if this nameless god was a god of rage.  Also wondering if there is any connection between the frost giant thing and the frosty folk fair thing.
I sincerely love this downtime system and I think it’s great that we’re getting more of the high school experience this season. I wonder how many times we’ll get to do this. 
I was expecting to have to ask Brennan in a Q&A what Gorgug’s nat 20 would mean, not that it would happen twice back to back on his first set of rolls! I can’t wait to see what he unlocked! 
On another note, Porter really needs to let Gorgug get his MCAT. Yes, his grades are slipping like Porter said they would but that’s kind of a self fulfilling prophecy from forcing him into this position.
Yolanda Badgood is weirdly comfortable talking to a student about others students' private business but maybe it's an adventuring school so it would be weird if students weren't breaking into school records from time to time. They literally teach students to be rogues after all.  
EDIT: Coming back a day later to make this edit because I can't believe I forgot to mention my new favorite corruption of KP's name: Littledoggy Girlcollar. Chef's kiss. No notes. They are really dragging Brennan's ass for this name--the name of one of his ACTUAL PCs. Lmao, brutal.
The main additions to the Conspiracy Board from this ep:
Not from the ep but we learned from the just released map that KP’s family owns a real estate company (thanks to the anon who gave me the heads up). I wonder if that’s why they keep grinding in that one specific plot of land. Maybe she knows something about the land that others don’t because of intel from her parents. 
Lucy seems like she was a good person and switching her god is so out of character that it was deeply worrying for her teacher. We have to wonder if she even sent the form or if one or both of them were forgeries, perhaps by a rogue. And if she did send the form, was she coerced and then quickly changed her mind? 
The dead god Bakur was trying to raise seems related to giants and Lucy worshiped an ancestral giant god. We need more to go on but that’s an obvious connection. Did KP learn about this nameless god via Lucy and decide to use it to her advantage?
No idea if this is at all relevant but Lucy's people are said to be from the Mountain's of Chaos in this episode. That's also where Tiberia Runestaff--Adaine's divination teacher who kinda sucks--is from. Doesn't necessarily mean she's implicated but it does mean she might know some information.
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wulfums · 25 days
What are Whatwulf’s thoughts on Charlie!! I think you mentioned they hang out sometimes? What’s that like?
(Anyone can send me other Smiling Friends characters to talk abt Whatwulf w. teehee)
Yeah, they're friends! They knew each other before Whatwulf knew Allan, but after Whatwulf was besties w Mr Boss, timeline wise
(The order he knew people was Grim + Gnarly(College) -> Mr Boss -> Glep and Marge -> Charlie -> Allan -> Pim )
Whatwulf and Charlie met like, half a year before Whatwulf started dating Allan. They met at the bar at Spaghetti Disco- they were forced to sit next to each other due to it being very busy there.
Whatwulf struck up a convo with Charlie about the place and how expensive it is. Here is how that went
Charlie: "Oh my god RIGHT? Like, what do you mean a mixed drink is $20?"
Whatwulf: "RIGHT!!! And I think they reheat their spaghetti, personally. Spaghetti is supposed to be cheap not $30!"
Charlie: "And they don't even give you breadsticks like Olive Garden- at least for their prices they give you the breadsticks. This place doesn't even do that. Man I wish they had breadsticks."
Whatwulf: Honestly, I only started coming here to eat after the old Salty's closed.
Both of them at once: I used to go there all the time as a homonculus/pup
So they bond over talking about the nostalgia of the old outdoor Salty's playground and the amount of times they both got injured there, and it kind of goes from there! They start hanging out weekly. Charlie never mentions where he works or who he works with the whole time and Whatwulf finds out by chance when he makes a delivery to the office- Whatwulf is excited to find out Glep works there too.
Next time Charlie and Whatwulf hang out, it's at Whatwulf's place. Charlie was like "I mean we could have hung out at my place but, you know, the centipedes." and would not elaborate further.
Whatwulf loves to ask questions about Charlie's work. At this point in the timeline it would have been a day or two past Shrimp's Odyssey.
They start watching some movies together that they're both nostalgic about and shoot the shit. Whatwulf ends up asking, "Hey, your coworker is hot. Do you know if he's single...?" And Charlie assumes Whatwulf is talking about Pim and is like ".....Im sorry are you talking about Pim?" While laughing a bit and Whatwulf is like "Uhh the red one. I don't really know his name." And Charlie is like "You know what? I have no idea. I actually don't even know what he DOES outside of work. I think he only likes girls though, sorry man." and Whatwulf is like "Yeah, I don't think Id pursue it anyways." and shrugs and they continue with their movie night.
Charlie is absolutey baffled to find out that Whatwulf and Mr Boss know each other well and call each other Bestie. He finds this out way before Whatwulf met Allan and Pim briefly on the delivery run. Whatwulf explains that they met at Pride years and years ago, and Charlie is like "Aw man, that's awesome. You know Meep City kinda sucks- but we do have a pretty good pride event."
Half a year later, When Allan says he's unsure if Whatwulf even LIKES men, Charlie is the one whose like "Are you fucking kidding me right now. I knew that before I even talked to him." and him and Glep are the ones who convince him to, you know, just talk to the guy. They both reassure him that Whatwulf is really chill, and Charlie is like "He's into you anyways." even though he prommyd to Whatwulf he wouldnt tell, but you know, its important this time.
After Allan and Whatwulf start dating, Charlie and Whatwulf keep up their Late Night Hangouts, though now Charlie is talking about his weird adventures with Pim more and more. This is after the Halloween episode but before Charlie Dies And Never Comes Back. Whatwulf was at the funeral he was just offscreen.
I think Charlie and Whatwulf start hanging out a bit less once Whatwulf moves in with Allan, but they try to hang out a couple times a month, even if it's shorter than before. But they still are good friends and stay good friends.
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common-grackle · 5 months
hello i am here to tell you about my best friend alice dyer magnusprotocol .
so she is working at thje oiar office of incident assessment and response which is like. magnus institute part two. or something. she has this ex boyfreind called samama khalid (i love him <3) and thjey are also besties and she got him the job at the oiar and in the 1st episode she shows him how to do things adn shes so silly abiut it shes likw . hold on let me screenshot thje fucking. the transed cript
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dont look at my tabs .
anywya colin is the it guy and hes so babygirl literally,, this isnt abt him though its about alice
alice shows sam the gay people on the windows 95 ALSO SHE NAMED EVERYTHING WHICH. FUCK YEAH I DO YHIS like the system thjey use on the old ass computers. it doestn have a name but also his name is freddie . because fr3-d1 . and she also named thje voices that the compiters read out statements(??) in she named them norris chester and augustus (i am so normal about norris and chester . however if i told you WHY that woudl spoil tma for you + idk maybe youvw already had it spoiled adn seen things about them . or you dont care . either way its a story for another time anyway) alice often gets scolded by gwen bouchard who is . also working there and also shes hot. who said that uhh yes alice loves to annoy her and also gwen is so interesting to me but THATS A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME !!!!! umm what else what else REMEMBER COLIN okay this is going to be a little bit about colin . he fucking . hes such a character. ok like he Knows somwthjing is wrong ?? like he can Tell . like the way the first tmagp episode ends is . interesting . to say the least . hes probably had a fucked up fear encounter . hes even scottish . and um thjeres a bit in the first episode when sam talks to him and its so silly becausw sam is like "hey colin how is the app going" and colin is like "THIS APP KILLED MY GRANDMA ))):< " or something . not that but like he got angyr You Get It and sam is like "oh my bad. i mso sorry alice told me to ask ." and colin is immediately like ". oh . (: ok then :D tell alice it was funny adn i laughed :smiling face with three hearts emoji: " LIKE . he hates everyone except alice <33 i lovw thjem so much ): AND WE SEE TJEM INTERAC T IN THE THIRD EPISODE . I LOVE THEM SO MUCH . AUGH . ummm augh the fucking conversation with sam and colin was so funny too sam is so awkward . poor boy anyway umm what else what else . YEAH UMMM AS A LOT OD PEOPLE HAVE OOINTED OUT. ALICE IS AWFULLY SIMILAR TO TIM STOKER MAGNUSARCHIVES FROM LIKE SEASON 1 . AND LIKE . god tim makes me feel shrimp emotions UMM LIKE IN SEASON ONE HES BEINGG LIKE REALLY FUNNY AND EVERYTHING . IN S2 HE LIKE. he starts getting a bit angry at everything because things have Really started to Go Wrong at the institute and also jon is being a little bitch . and at the end of s2/beginning of s3 he like . ok so theres anothjer archival assistant in like s1/s2(??) there her name is sasha and she and tim were best friends <333 some people ship them romantically some dont but either way. they were so so close and loved each other so much adn like they always come together like yk what i mean like you cant think of one of them without thinking of the other . thats how Two Of Them they were and i love them so much and augughghgh anyway ummmmm at the end of season 1 something . happens to sasha ! and its just ! not addressed until the end of s2 but like she starts acting different and everything and at the end of s2 we like learn that sasha fucking died bcause she was eaten by the not!them which is this thing thats with the fear entity known as the stranger . and um . basically it eats people and takes their place and almost no one can tell the difference like it alters everyone's memories and all the pictures and things of that person but like theres always like one or two people that can tell that it's a . whole other person . because they remember the way the real person used to be like the not!them appears in episode 3 across the street and eats this guy graham folger (love him) and amy patel (the statement giver) like remembers what og graham was like before the not!them got him yk . and in sasha's case it was this girl melanie that remembered her (i love melanie she is this youtuber she has a show called ghost hunt uk and she and jon hate each other and Cannot take each other seriously its so funny) anyway melanie was like "hgirllie that is not. sasha i?? are there two sashas" when jon assures her that sasha let her inside after she asked abt where sasha was . yk . and then jon does Researc h
i ran out of characters for this block wait
AND HE FUCKING FINDS WHAT SASHAS REAL VOICE SOUNDED LIKE BECAUSE THE NOT!THEM CANT FUCK WITH THE OLD ASS CASSETTE TAPE RECORDERS . YK and thjen he accidentally. Releases the not them into the wild lmao but um thats a whole other story the point is we learn that sasha was not. sasha . yk anyway back to tim . s3 is so bad for him and he gets like fucking . depressed . now like theres the one whole thing with sasha (thjeres this one bit where hes like "i dont even know who im sad for" UUGHGHGHGHGH) BUT ALSO we learn that the stranger also got his younger brother danny !!! traumatizing fucking experience also why is the stranhger targeting Him Specifically . one of the reasons i hate the stranger its fucking EVIL also tim hates jon now ! and he has reason to anyway um . tim is fucking . hes Sad and going through all the stages of grief aND HE DOESNT EVEN FUCKING FINISH . BECAUSE HE DIES . IN THE UNKNOWING . well trying to stop it . and UUUHUHHGHJGHJHGHJHGJHGJHJHJKJHBGHJKJHJKJHGJKJHJJHNJKJHBJKJHBMKJHBJNMKJHBJHB a bit more on this topic when jon goes to get jonah magnus' ass in s5 he like fucking sits him down adn just like fucking goes "that was for tim" "that was for sasha" AND I WAS HHDHSMDSHJDSM and then the fucking "i dont want to die" "neither did they" I AUAYUGYUHFGJHHGCFJNKNHFGVGBHJNFGH AND DONT GET ME FUCKING S T A R T E D ON THE BIRTHDAY TAPE. anyway. um. dear god how did i get from alice to this . anyway . um . YES alice reminds us so much of tim and she even has a younger brother.,,, but yes she reminds us so much of timWHICH MAKES ME SO FUCKING. WORRIED. IM GOINg TO RUN INTO MY WALL AT FULL SPEED i am so worried :thumbsup: anyway. um. uh. this was it i think i am hgoing to go play bideo games now goodbye and remember that bones are a lie peddled by big milk to keep you buying
"one of the reasons i hate the stranger its fucking EVIL" is a rly good sentence
ugh i kinda want to listen to tma now. yuor fault. affectionate
ANYWAYYYY augh tragedy fans when the tragedy tragedies
UM. this was rly good and fun to read. i dont have like. words to say about the content. but YEAG BLORBOS IN LAW YOU GO 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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miss0atae · 5 months
Random thoughts about Cooking Crush ep 1.
"Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all" -- Harriet Van Horne.
Few dishes shown in the episode : Thai pork toast (Khanom Pang Na Moo), Thai Meatballs, Green Curry, Spicy veggie Soup with shrimps, Red curry Nang Loi, Tom Kha Gai.
The series is already in their 7th episode so I'm late but I'll give my two cents about it anyway.
▪️Prem looks like a smol bean but he isn't a real one. He has big dreams but it seems harder to get to them. He seems to be close to his family and has good friends. I learnt that he cooks well but has low self esteem.
▪️Ten is the real smol bean and rich boy who has a bad relationship with his father. In this episode he showed that eating is very important in life. He shouldn't have said he won't eat in the day but it leads him to Prem so I guess it was meant to be.
▪️I'm sure Ten was the kid from Prem's childhood memory and they also met at the beginning of the episode in the market so they really had to meet. I like that Ohm plays a gentle character. I never recovered from his role in Theory of Love so I'm always glad when he is playing something very different from that. Not sure about how I feel with Prem. They didn't start well.
▪️Dynamite, Prem's friend is young and very stupid. However, I like his smile and cheekiness. Too bad he has the stalker syndrome which is not really funny in a series from 2023/2024. I don't know why they made him this way. Will he stay like that in the next episode?! Also he doesn't respect boundaries from his crush which is not really a good start in any relationship. He seems like a good friend, but lose any braincells when he sees his crush.
▪️The crush name is Fire, Ten's friend. He is played by Neo so it automatically gave him many points in beauty. He is definitely not interested by Dynamite for obvious reasons. He also has a secret crush on Jane. Like his stalker he loses any common senses when he is close to his crush. I don't know how they will make him fall in love with Dynamite. Their dynamic is not very healthy at this point.
▪️There were two others noticable characters: Samsi, friends of Dynamite and Prem and Blond Guy who according to MDL is called Metha. They had a feud about Meatballs. Blond Guy was really selfish. I agreed with Samsi about him.
▪️I felt like there were a lot of mean people around the school: the 3B, the Blond Guy, the football players... Even the teacher was mean in some way. I felt he plays favorites. Especially during the cooking test or when he calls in Prem about staying late in the kitchen. Would it have killed him to be more understanding?!
▪️ I like discovering more about Thai dishes through this series. I admit I got into Korean Food because of Kdramas so I believe it's a good medium to make people learn more about Thai Food. GMMTV should sell a cooking book as merch for this series. It would be relevant. I would buy it. It's better than the usual keychains or USB key they try to sell us. They can add tons of pictures from their stars inside. It would sell well. I'm sure.
Anyway, let's see in the next episode how Ten's cooking classes will be since Prem will need money and Ten is rich enough to afford overpriced lessons. I want to know how these foodies will fall in love. I wasn't expecting a lot from this series because it's a comedy. I don't really like comedy but it was on my watch list anyway because of OffGun and mostly because I like food. I wanna try recipes from the dishes shown in this episode. 🤤
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itsbrandy · 7 months
Burnout Chapter 8
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Summary: Bee and Claire become friends while prepping for Bee's audition.
Word Count: 7k
End of Episode song: Easier Said Than Done - Thee Sacred Souls
Chapter 8: Champagne and Shrimp Pasta
“It’s a deal,” Bee said with a smile. “After work today and tomorrow, audition on Saturday.”
“Audition on Saturday,” Mark confirmed.
“For Netflix,” Bee repeated, just to speak it out into existence one more time.
“For Netflix!” Claire shouted.
The exchange rattled Bee’s brain, leaving her feeling dizzy even after she had left her new agent’s office. They had done some activities that sounded like a standard procedure –signed paperwork and discussed their lives, dreams, and ambitions. With the minor work that Bee had done in the past, Mark felt confident that she wouldn’t totally embarrass him at the audition on Saturday. Well, that and the help that Claire had offered.
Bee hadn’t been able to work properly for the rest of the day. She stuck to icing cupcakes, cookies, and other goodies but didn’t cross anything major off of her to-do list. Around 4 p.m., she snuck to the bathroom to text her partner that she wouldn’t be home until 8 or 9 p.m. She was meeting with her acting mentor, Claire.
She made sure to tell him her name so that he wouldn’t get suspicious that she was cheating on him or anything unsavory. Another argument with her partner was the last thing that she needed. If it wasn’t for the happy distractions of this week – with Dieter Bravo visiting her at her work, to filming with Dieter Bravo, talking to Dieter Bravo, flirting with? Dieter? Bravo?...and now this Netflix audition.
To be honest with herself, she didn’t really believe that Mark and Claire weren’t just trying to boost her confidence with the whole “you’re the only one Netflix could ever decide to pick!” schtick. There had to be other Asian women out there in their 30s just waiting for the perfect opportunity.
And even more, there would be other Asian women who had been trying at this for longer, auditioning for other things with more practice. She didn’t think that she could compare to those other women, and despite the connections that Mark and Claire both had, she didn’t fully trust that they had the inside scoop on what the showrunners were expecting. Everything just seemed too good to be true.
[Partner]: That’s okay, just drive home safe after. 🙂
Bee breathed a deep sigh of relief. The text had come through nearly 30 minutes after she sent it, which made her suspect that he had questioned how to respond to it for a while before finally deciding to be levelheaded about it. He had the tendency to respond to things reactively, especially when there were lapses in his routine. She looked down at her hands, encrusted in frosting from decorating cupcakes, and typed the reply back anyway.
[Bee]: Thanks, babe! &lt;3
She shoved her phone back in her pocket and walked to the handwashing station, lost in thought, and she bumped into someone. Tall, blonde, and dressed in a bright pink button-down shirt, Bee instantly knew that it was her boss that she had walked right into.
“Oof!” Bee said, stumbling backward. “Oh, sorry, Amy, I didn’t see you there.”
Her supervisor looked at her disapprovingly, at first, before softening her expression. “Hey! I was just coming to check on you. Someone told me you seemed a little off today,” Amy said with a smile. “Are you doing alright? Is there anything that I can do to help?”
Bee stiffened, upset at the intrusion. Her thoughts went wild with annoyance. Who had spilled to Amy? I was doing the best I could today, constantly doing things all day. Maybe they weren’t the “important” tasks, but I’ve been baking my ass off.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Bee said with a shrug. “I’ve just been doing some more decor tasks today. I was feeling like my frosting technique is a little rusty.”
The lies spiled smoothly from her lips as she stepped into her acting self. She was good at this, at convincing people that everything was okay. She had done it in her first serious relationship, and she did it constantly in the one that she was in now. It wasn’t that difficult to convince other people that nothing was the matter, at least for Bee.Maybe that’s what Mark and Claire saw in her. And maybe that is what Netflix would see in her too…
“Oh,” Amy said. “Okay, well, I just wanted to check in on you. I know you took that late lunch, so I just wanted to make sure you didn’t get any like devastating news or anything.”
Bee bit her tongue. There were a series of responses that she felt in her mouth, but none that she felt comfortable with delivering to her supervisor. She wanted to tell her that it was inappropriate to inquire about her personal life. If she wanted to write her up for not doing any design work today, she was well within her rights.
“Nope,” Bee said instead, popping her lips on the ‘p.’ “Everything is great with me. I’ll submit that PTO request after I clock out for my timesheet so that you have it for payroll.”
“Thank you,” Amy replied, looking a bit startled by Bee’s casual demeanor. Whoever must’ve told her that she was seeming upset or different must have really talked it up dramatically.
“No problem!” Bee said, walking toward the hand washing station behind Amy. “Is there anything else that I can do for you?”
“Nope!” Amy responded, similarly to how Bee had said it earlier.
“Okay, thank you, Amy."
“Thanks, Bee,” Amy grinned as Bee turned the sink on and started to wash her hands. “I heard that Dieter Bravo was calling you that during filming. It’s a cute nickname. I think it suits you really well.”
Bee felt her face flush deep, hot red. “He did. I forgot how much I loved that nickname.”
“If you want to change your nametag around here for it, I can take care of the change,” Amy said, pointing to the Disney nametag on Bee’s chest.
“I-I’d love that,” Bee stammered, though she didn’t know how much longer she would be working for Disney after this audition.
“I’ll add it to my to-do list for tomorrow!” Amy said, walking back out of the kitchen with a slight wave. “Have a good rest of your night, Bee.”
“Thank you!” Bee said, waving a soap-covered hand at her.
The rest of the day finished smoothly, and with a whole batch of cupcakes for a Disneyland Hotel event frosted, decorated, and put into the cooler, she headed to the office to quickly fill out her extra lunch length slip. She had only gone about 20 minutes over, but it was better to document and eat into her PTO than sneak around her supervisors in order to go to auditions. If this Netflix audition was unsuccessful, she would still need a job to hold her over until she got the role of her dreams.
Claire had texted her the address of her condo while they were still at Mark’s office, and Bee clicked on the address in iMessage to pull up Apple Maps.
The drive to Claire’s condo was a bit longer than expected, but she supposed it was normal that Claire commuted around Los Angeles for various workshops. It was one of the major perks of living in the city, having access to so many other small towns, cities, and areas that you wouldn’t otherwise.
She could teach that workshop every day for the rest of her life, and people would still sign up, hopeful to learn more about the world of acting from her.
Claire’s neighborhood was nice – it was a newer development, which meant that it was especially expensive, even though it looked to be a studio condo. There were luxury cars parked on the street, and there didn’t seem to be a piece of litter in sight. Bee double-checked the address just to make sure that she was at the right condo, and her phone verified that she was.
“What the fuck else do you do for work?” Bee asked herself out loud after parking on the street out front of Claire’s condo.
The workshop she had attended had been so cheap, there was no way that Claire was able to afford to purchase a luxury condo in this part of L.A. on like $200 a day, tops. The salary was nothing to scoff at, but it was not luxury Los Angeles condo money.
Regardless, Bee grabbed her bag from the front seat and walked up the stairs that led to Claire’s condo. It was just after 6 p.m., after the time that Bee had spent driving and in traffic, but she was on time, according to what they had agreed to in Mark’s office. She knocked on the door, and Claire answered as if she had been standing there, waiting for her to knock after spying her car on the street down below.
“Welcome!” Claire shouted, swinging the door open wide. The interior of her apartment was trendy, stark white, and decorated with at least one hundred lush green plants. She held a bottle of wine in her right hand and a spatula in her left. “Ready for dinner?”
“Um, yeah, actually,” Bee said. She hadn’t eaten anything except for a cookie at work around 3 p.m. – a perk of being a baker. “I’m starving. Thank you, Claire. You didn’t have to cook anything. I could’ve just dealt with it.”
“No way!” Claire said. “You should be practicing on a full stomach, and I love to cook. I made champagne shrimp and pasta – is that okay with you?”
Bee’s eyes widened. “That is 100% okay with me. Please cook for me every day of my life, Claire.”
Claire laughed and ushered Bee in. “Come on! Set your stuff down. I’ll serve you a plate, and then we’ll get started on the sides.”
“The sides? Like side dishes?” Bee asked incredulously.
“No, silly. The sides that Netflix sent Mark,” Claire said, gesturing to a packet of paper on the countertop. “We’ve got to get those memorized and firmly in your noggin before Saturday.”
Bee stared at how thick the packet was. “Okay.”
“But dinner first. You can’t learn anything on an empty stomach. Would you rather sit at the bar or the table?”
Bee set her bag down by the front door and took her sneakers off as Claire closed the door behind her. “Um, whatever works best for you. I’m not sure where you prefer to eat.”
“Let’s be fancy and sit at the table,” Claire said. She skipped to the kitchen with her spatula in hand and grabbed two large plates which she piled high with pasta and grilled shrimp. The bottle of wine was still in her hand as she served them, completely unopened, so she did each step of plating them one-handed.
Bee walked over to the table and took a seat. It was a small, round table that had a tiled top. It was an obvious thrift flip, which was extremely popular in Los Angeles homes. The table was probably $10 at Goodwill, and Claire likely paid $200 or more for it. Claire set her plate of pasta down with a fork and returned to the kitchen to grab her own plate. Still, with the bottle of wine in her hand, she finally set out to uncork it.
“Sorry, I’m so rude. Do you want some? I didn’t know if you drank or not,” Claire said, pouring herself a glass.
“Sure, I’ll have a glass. I’ll be here for a bit, too, right?” Bee clarified.
“Yeah, like an hour or two. Are you that much of a lightweight?” Claire asked, pouring Bee a generous glass of white wine.
Bee laughed. “What are the stereotypes about Asians again?”
Claire brought both glasses over to the table and shrugged. “You said it, not me. So how was your day?”
“It was a day,” Bee said, blowing her breath out of her mouth. “I mean, the headshots and the meeting with Mark you know about. That was amazing, and I don’t even know if I have the words to describe how cool that was.”
“And the rest of it?” Claire asked, twirling her pasta with her fork. “I want to know all about it. What does Bee do every day?”
“Well, I went back to work, and I was a little bit shellshocked,” Bee admitted. “My boss was even super weird about it and came and checked on me. I was doing maybe not the most important task that I could be doing, but I was still doing stuff that needed to be done.”
“That’s fucking annoying. What was her problem?” Claire asked. “Did she catch you on your phone or something?”
“No – well, maybe, actually. But I literally used it once to text my partner back. “But she said that someone was concerned about me and reported to her about it. I’m not sure who would do that, but it’s definitely possible that there are girls at the bakery that are jealous of me right now.”
“Did you tell anyone about the Netflix audition? Girl, that’s a no-no,” Claire looked dumbfounded.
“What? No, I didn’t tell anyone about that. It was the Dieter filming session that I did,” Bee shrugged and dug into her pasta. It had been ages since she had eaten food that looked this good, and she knew how to cook.
“The who what?” Claire asked, her pink mouth open in shock. “The Dieter what? Dieter, as in Bravo?”
Bee felt her cheeks flush. “Um, yeah. Dieter Bravo came and did a special tour of my work, and I got to do a tasting with him that was filmed. I was chosen for it, though, and it made sense. It was me and my friend Staci who were chosen to do the gig. And we film all the time at work, honestly. Little YouTube videos and stuff for Instagram all the time.”
“But not with Dieter Bravo,” Claire gasped. “The little stuff isn’t with Dieter Bravo, bitch, I would be jealous too. I would tell on your ass if I saw you slacking off if you got to hang out with Dieter Bravo for work!”
Bee nodded with a mouthful of food. “Oh my god, Claire, this is incredible.”
“I don’t care about the food. Tell me more about Dieter! What was he like? I’ve never filmed with him before!”
“Okay, wait, that’s a question that I have for you,” Bee said. “What exactly do you do all day, Claire? This place is incredible. My partner and I have a double income, and there is no way that we could afford a condo this nice in this area.”
Claire looked a little dejected at the conversation change. “Um, well, I used to be a lot more successful than I am now. I had really big roles like 10-15 years ago, and at the time, people thought that I was going to be a big star, so I was getting paid way over what was expected for the roles I was getting because people were trying to form relationships with me.”
“Oh,” Bee said, feeling sorry that she had asked. “I’m sorry for prying. It’s just gorgeous.”
“It’s okay. I just kind of fell out of the spotlight. I fell into the early 2000s pain pills scene a little too hard to be attractive to many directors. I’m starting to get it back now, though, but I know how the industry works, and I know how auditions work. I just don’t get many roles because of my reputation. It’s no big deal.” Claire shrugged and drank more of her wine.
“I’m sorry, Claire. I’m glad you’re doing better now,” Bee said, cringing at her own stupidity for prying. She had felt brave enough to ask her the question because of how kind and hospitable Claire had been, but that clearly bit her in the ass.
“It’s fine,” Claire shrugged. “I’ve lived a very comfortable life and helped a lot of young actresses and actors make it big in Hollywood in the meantime. Besides, I’m sure you’ll see me in something big sometime soon.”
Bee raised both her eyebrows and looked down at her plate. She didn’t want to press Claire for more information after already blundering so badly. “Dieter was great. I haven’t met a kinder celebrity, and I’ve interacted with plenty in filming. He was so kind to me, and he was so cute. Like even cuter in person than I ever could’ve imagined.”
Claire looked more than slightly jealous but she continued to poke at her shrimp andpasta. “Well, I’m glad you liked him.”
Her words were cryptic, and Bee could feel her heart rate increase. She was assuming things that she probably shouldn’t be assuming, but it was hard not to. With all of the wrenches that had been thrown into how she thought her life was going to go just in the past week, there was not much more that could actually surprise her.
“And what else did you do today?” Claire asked, with her mouth full of pasta.
Bee shrugged. “Drove here, and now we’re eating dinner.”
“Nice,” Claire said with a smile. “I taught a morning workshop, met up with Mark at his office, and then came back to relax and cook dinner.”
“That sounds like a solid day,” Bee said.
“So, you have a boyfriend, right?” Claire asked, pouring herself some more wine.
Bee nodded. “Yeah, I do.”
“How is he taking this news?”
“He’s not,” Bee shrugged. “I haven’t told him yet.”
Claire winced, baring her teeth. “Bee.”
“What?” Bee looked up at her. “I know, I have to tell him at some point, but I’m just not ready yet.”
“Well, is he a bad guy?” Claire asked expectantly.
Bee shook her head. “No, he’s not a bad guy, but he would disapprove of me being so ‘flippant with our financials."
“So he’s controlling,” Claire said, taking another sip of wine.
“I mean, yeah, a bit?” Bee wasn’t sure how to answer. “But it’s more that I let him do it, more than he actually controls me.”
“It’s the same thing, babe,” Claire said with her brows raised. “It doesn’t matter, really. But you’re going to have to tell him eventually, so why not now?”
Bee thought about this for a moment but then decided not to respond except with a shrug of her shoulders.
They were both nearly done with their pasta, and the dull bubbling feeling of a buzz had started to light up her brain. She felt more relaxed from the alcohol but more on edge from the line of questioning she had received from Claire.
“Ready to get started?” Claire asked, setting her fork down. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Yeah,” Bee said. “I’m so ready.”
The entire day of Friday passed by in a blur. Bee made a point to work mostly on creative throughout the day, sketching up new ideas in her notebooks, passing them on to their designated artist to mockup, and doing test bakes of them to prototype and taste them. It was a busy day, with an upcoming Disney Pixar film about to be released, and early preparations for Halloween and the holidays had begun.
By the end of the day, her fingers were cramping from sketching and adding minute details to a prototype that she knew would get declined. It was just too intricate to be replicated on a mass scale, but it was gorgeous and reflected the new movie so well.
As she worked, she ran lines in her head. With Claire, she had spent 3 hours runninglines, practicing the scenes, and working through the beats of them. She knew how her face was supposed to move as she moved through the scene.
Now, she also knew the show. It was based on a popular romance series, as Mark and Claire had both alluded to. However, it wasn’t exactly based directly on a book. Instead, it was a spinoff series to – one of a few that were planned out to be derivatives of the main series – Bridgerton.
There was an accent – of course – for these lines, but Bee had done some accent classes in her 20s that were helpful in perfecting it. A simple RP, nothing too fancy… but it was still an added element that stressed her out.
The clock in her workroom was just 10 minutes to 5 p.m. when Amy walked in to check on her. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, anticipating that someone else had complained about her today.
What gives? I worked on creative all day. What could you really say I did this time?
“Hey, Bee,” Amy said. “I’ve got that new name tag for you.”
She held up the new name tag that was bright and shiny and said BEE in bold blue lettering.
“Oh thanks, Amy!” she said excitedly. “I’m excited to wear it on Monday.”
“Perfect!” Amy said, crossing the distance between them to deliver the name tag. “About Monday, I was wondering if you would be interested in filming a follow-up segment to the Star Wars treats? We had some interest from higher-ups and the cast in returning to catch up with you guys and discuss the desserts all together all as one big group?”
The breath caught in Bee’s throat – there were so many questions that came to her mind that she wanted to ask in one hurried rush. She would if it had been Staci who broke the news, but this was her direct supervisor. Amy was nice and all, but she would not be in favor of any unprofessional thoughts toward the actors that they would be working with.
“Yeah, I would love to! That group was a lot of fun,” Bee said, playing it off completely. “Same kind of schedule as the other day?”
“Yep! Makeup first thing in the morning, and if you could try to wear the same, like earrings or little things,” Amy said. “We want to make it seem like it’s the same day, and then Dieter can give you the ‘Bee’ name tag because he encouraged you to choose it and play with it.”
A planned interaction between her and Dieter. If she was with Staci, she would shriek. Like, actually squeal like a girl out loud.
“Oh, I love that idea,” she said, once again hiding her true feelings. “That was a really great moment during filming, so it will be great to make that connection for an ending segment. I love that idea.”
“Me too! It was Staci that came up with it, actually. She’s a genius,” Amy laughed. “But she might have ulterior motives, though I won’t comment on those.”
Bee flushed. “Oh, I might have to kill Staci.”
Amy luckily picked up on her joke and laughed with her. She handed her the nametag and smiled.
“Have a good weekend, Bee! Thank you for all of your hard work this week,” Amy said. “I don’t know what we’d do without you!”
The revelation that she would get more time with Dieter Bravo next week made Bee want to hurry through the weekend. Still, she had too much planned to sleep through the weekend in anticipation of what was to come.
She had told her partner that she once again had a planned session with her instructor. He was understanding and supportive of her trying to get auditions. She had also let slip that she had talked to her instructor’s agent and gotten headshots that were taken free of charge.
He was also surprisingly calm with these revelations, although hurt that she had been keeping some things from him during the week. Bee responded by blaming the distance on him, which in retrospect, was not the best thing to do.
Bee saw the hurt on his face when she said it, but his acceptance of his apparent faults made her feel a bit more comfortable. He seemed like he was willing to change at least a little bit, and he promised to be more attentive to her and her needs.
Once again, she worked with Claire on the lines at Claire’s house after being made an amazing dinner. The script was pretty manageable, and it was filled with angst and dramatic flair.
The character was interesting, and it was equally interesting that the lead was going to be Asian in a traditional, British high-society setting.
Claire was playing the role of the male love interest, who talked smoothly in a posh British accent. The characters were somewhat similar to Season 2 of Bridgerton, where the woman played hard to get and the man was a little abrasive, but definitely interested.
“Okay, let’s run that one again?” Claire asked, still talking in a posh accent.
Bee nodded. “Can I get some water?”
“Not if you don’t say it in character,” she scolded.
Bee laughed. “Can I get some water?”
This time, she repeated it in the accent of the character.
“Perfect!” Claire said. “Go get a glass, they’re in the cupboard. On the left.”
Bee jogged over to the kitchen and grabbed herself an empty glass to fill with water from the fancy fridge. She was feeling confident and like she had made a friend in Claire. This was an activity that didn’t seem like one that a mentor and a mentee would engage in. They felt like friends, best friends.
“I’m going to your audition tomorrow, by the way,” Claire said from the living room. “I want to be there for you to do some pre-audition work.” She said it with a wink that left Bee feeling a little unsettled – like there was something that Claire wasn’t quite telling her about the audition.
When she left Claire’s condo that night, she felt like she was ready for the audition and prepared to give this audition her best try. And maybe, just maybe, Claire and Mark had been right about the fact that they would want her to star in this project.
She got home around 10 p.m., and Bee set her stuff down and walked into the living room, where her partner was once again watching the news, as he always did. But riding on the high of her day and with the anticipation for the audition the next day, she thought that it would be the perfect time to drop the news of the audition on her partner.
“So, I have an audition,” she said. “And it’s with a big television company.”
“For tv?” he asked. “Like actual tv?”
Bee grinned. “I mean, kind of. It’s actually for Netflix. A Netflix original.”
He grabbed her around the waist and squeezed her tightly. “Oh my god, no way, babe! No fucking way!”
She laughed and tilted her head back as he jokingly shook her. “I know, I know!”
“You’re amazing! I knew you could do it. You’re amazing! Are you going to call your mom?”
“I don’t know,” Bee said, pondering the question. “Should I?”
“Yeah!” he almost yelled, still shaking her slightly with excitement. “You need to tell her. She’s going to be so proud of you!”
“Okay,” Bee said, her excitement kind of getting worn down from how overdramatic his reaction was. “I’ll call her.”
She disentangled her limbs from his and pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket. She didn’t want to call her mom, not now, but the excuse was a little better than having to deal with him. His neediness was an immediate turnoff for her, but she couldn’t put a finger on why.
Taking a step away from him, she tapped into her contacts to find where her mom was listed in order to give her a quick phone call. He looked at her eagerly, anticipating how she would share the news with her mom. The phone dialed, and he kind of bounced on his heels in excitement.
She tried to reframe his excitement as a good thing, but it felt weird. It didn’t feel genuine. He was too excited. It was fully out of character.
When she woke up, Claire was already spam calling her. It was half past eight, but her phone had rung three separate times from her mentor.
“Hello?” Bee asked sleepily. “What do you want so early?”
“Where are you?” Claire asked. “Hello??”
“I’m in bed? The audition doesn’t start until like 11 am? It’s 8:30?” Bee groaned. “What’s the matter?”
“Well, you need to get ready so you should be out of bed at 8:30 and getting ready so you can get to the audition 30 minutes early at 10:30, which means you now only have an hour to get ready because you must account for traffic. Didn’t we go over this last night? I thought I walked you through each and every step of this audition process for the morning,” Claire said, the words passing her lips at a mile a minute.
“Okay, slow down, please,” Bee begged. “What do I need to be doing right now?”
“Get out of bed and go take a shower!” Claire instructed. “And when you’re out of the shower, start on hair and makeup immediately. Come on now, get to it!”
“Okay, okay,” Bee said, throwing the covers off of her body. She got up and started following Claire’s pushy but probably correct instructions. This was Netflix, after all, and if there was any opportunity for her, it was this one. She was going to get this role if it was the last thing she did.
As she got ready, she realized just how right Claire probably was that she should’ve been getting ready sooner. She was having trouble with just about every step of her morning routine. It was like fate itself was trying to tell her that she shouldn’t be doing this, and she started to doubt herself along the way.
She was out of body wash, she got a huge dollop of mascara right on her cheek, and she couldn’t find a lint roller to get the dog hair off of her clothes for the life of her.
Adding to these troubles interfering with her getting ready for her big audition, her partner had gone back to his usual ways and he was immediately complaining that she was leaving so early in the morning and refusing to make him breakfast.
Bee almost shouted at him before deciding that it would be better if she avoided a conflict with him on the morning of her big day. If she got this role well…things would be different.
There was no way she could picture herself living her life with him if she was a celebrity, and that was that.
She left without giving him a kiss – something that she was sure to answer for when she got home. He could tell that she was pissed off with him. He just wasn’t saying anything about it.
The drive to the production company’s studio was relatively short, and she had left the house at 10 a.m., which made her adequately early in Claire’s eyes. The parking lot was guarded by security, who by some sort of miracle, accepted her explanation that she was there for an audition.
It was 10:30 a.m. on the dot when she parked her car next to Claire’s Lexus. Bee could see her squeal through their car windows, and Claire exited her own car to come and sit in Bee’s before they went into the studio.
“Okay, so there are three executive producers in there,” Claire said as she slid into the passenger seat. “And the director, and the main writer. I already went in and introduced myself, and Mark is going to be here too.”
Bee nodded, the full force of the nerves starting to really affect her now.
“Okay…wouldn’t it be better if I didn’t know exactly who was going to be in there?” Bee asked.
“Well, I just don’t want you to have any surprises because it’s a bigger casting call than I thought,” Claire explained. “There’s a lot of people auditioning today, and there are a lot of people making this decision. It’s not as lowkey as we were originally told.”
“Oh,” Bee said, a little disappointed that Mark and Claire had been wrong about the apparent lack of competition for the lead role she was going for.
“Stop it,” Claire playfully smacked Bee’s leg. “I meant this entire casting call. There is more than just one role being cast today. So chill out, and relax. Breathe. So, three executive producers, the director, the main writer, and three of the roles that are already cast in the show.”
“Okay,” Bee said, taking a deep breath in and blowing it back out. “And are all of these names publicly available? Do you know who they are? Do you know what they like?”
“Well, I mean, I know, but I don’t think it would help you to know who they are,” Claire said cryptically. “Besides, the three people who are cast aren’t there to help decide. They are just there for screen testing and compatibility testing.”
“Are they good? What background do they have?” Bee asked. She wanted to gauge how much experience the other “unknown” actors had so she could compare herself to them. Maybe if there were others who had only really done commercials 10 years ago, she would have a better shot.
Claire let out a sigh. Bee looked at her, thoroughly confused at how erratic she was being.
“Spit it out, Claire,” Bee said.
“One of them is someone that you know.”
“You?” Bee gasped. “Did you get a role?”
Claire looked sheepish and then nodded. “I have a supporting role. I’m really excited about it.”
“That’s incredible, Claire!” Bee said, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. “When did you find that out?”
“The day before I taught your workshop, actually,” Claire confessed. “I knew I was getting back into it. I told you so the other night.”
“That’s amazing, but you’re not unknown. You have experience,” Bee pointed out.
“I’m pretty much unknown completely to the younger generation. The producers think that this will be a good way to give me a fresh start,” Claire said with a smile.
“Absolutely! Well, now I really really want to get in, so we can work together. Who else is already signed on?” Bee asked.
“I guess I should’ve said two people you already know,” Claire said, once again sounding mysterious.
“Who do I know that acts?” Bee asked. She wracked her brain, trying to see if she remembered any of the other actors from the workshop. None of them struck her as someone that she would “know.” “Is it someone named Jason?”
“Who is Jason?” Claire asked.
“No one,” Bee said quickly. Whole Foods guy.
“He’s someone you met recently….” Claire continued.
“So, it’s a man. Mark?” Bee tried again.
“Okay, fine. I’m just going to say it,” Claire said, so offended by her guess that she rolled her eyes. “It’s Dieter Bravo, Bee. Dieter Bravo signed on.”
Bee stopped breathing for a moment, and she swore her vision went fully fuzzy. “What?” Bee whispered, finding it suddenly hard to breathe.
“I know,” was all Claire replied.
“Claire,” Bee said, deadly serious. “I thought you said that they wanted unknowns for this project.” Claire smiled a devilish smile. “I meant for the female lead.”
“Stop it, you’re joking,” Bee accused, pointing her finger at Claire. “You’re just messing with me to get me excited for the audition.”
Claire shrugged. “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. You will just have to go inside and see for yourself, I guess.”
“I guess I will,” Bee said confidently, though on the inside, she felt like her heart was exploding out of her chest with nerves. “But I think you’re lying just to hype me up, and you're going to be wrong.”
“Mmhm, okay, Bee,” Claire said. “Whatever you think. It’s 10:45.”
“Okay, shit,” Bee said, turning the keys in the ignition to turn off her car. “Let’s go then.”
“Do you need anything from me?” Claire asked, opening her door.
Bee shrugged. “For you to stop lying to me would be nice.”
She was joking, but it would be nice to have a fair warning about whether or not she was about to be in the same room as Dieter Bravo for a second time this week.
“No comment,” Claire said, closing the car door behind her.
Bee followed her lead as she walked into the production company’s studio. It was pretty bare bones, which surprised her. The lobby was nice, but the set itself was nearly completely blank, with a bunch of cameras set up and trained on a white background. There were wires everywhere, and the whole production setup seemed like it was in a bit of a rush.
“They’re on a deadline,” Claire whispered behind her. “If they don’t find people this week and announce casting, they might get dropped.”
So, it’s today or nothing then, she thought. Bee liked those odds.
“Check in over here,” Claire instructed, showing her where the clipboards were for sign-ins. There were drawn lines on a blank white sheet of paper for each of the roles.
The audition had been invite-only, meaning that each person there knew the role they were auditioning for. Her character’s name was Celine, and she quickly wrote her name under the three other girls that had signed in for earlier time slots. She tried not to read too much into it, but there were only two lines available for time slots after hers.
1 out of 5 was also odds that she didn’t hate.
She checked the time on her phone, and it was nearing 11. There were no executives or cast members in the seats, which made sense to Bee since she had Claire with her. They apparently had been on a break.
Claire disappeared around 10:50, back behind a series of curtains, and she could hear her laugh from all the way across the studio. This left Bee to stand awkwardly with a production assistant by the sign-in sheets. She was supposed to be the first to go after the end of the break.
Then, in response to Claire’s laugh, was another laugh there that Bee also thought was familiar. It was masculine, deep, and so sexy it made her take pause.
“Quiet, everyone!” the production assistant yelled. “It’s time to start round two of auditions, starting with the role of Celine!”
The group behind the curtains quieted and trailed out to sit in front of the white backdrop in their empty chairs. Bee tried not to look at them as they walked to their assigned seats. She didn’t want to recognize a director, or worse, Dieter. This was just a normal audition. She was just auditioning for a cereal commercial, simple as that.
Next to her, the assistant turned on their walkie-talkie and said clear as day into the receiver. “Can someone make sure Dieter knows we’re doing a compatibility test on this one?”
Her heart thundered in her chest even faster than it had before. Impossibly fast, beating in her ears, blood rushing to her head.
Then, the assistant tapped her on the shoulder. “Are you Bee?”
Bee blinked back to reality and nodded. “Yes, I’m Bee.”
“Okay, you’re up first. They’ll tell you what to do.”
“Thank you,” Bee said to them.
“Good luck!”
Bee walked as confidently as she could toward the white backdrop. There was an X on the floor right in front of it that designated where she was supposed to stand, and that X was her guide.
She stood in front of the group of elite executives, Claire and … Dieter Bravo, and gave a slight wave.
“Hello, everyone, my name is Bee, and I am auditioning for the role of Celine. I am currently represented by Mark Carter,” she said, as instructed by Claire.
“Thank you, Bee,” the director said. “We are going to start with the third side for you. Claire will read for the part of Willa.”
Bee nodded and conjured up the memory of her and Claire practicing that very scene. Now that she thought about it, Claire had gotten extra involved in her accent in that scene.
Bee took a deep breath in and waited for Claire to begin the scene from her seat.
“You cannot marry him, Celine,” Claire said in character.
Bee laughed. “I don’t want to marry him, Willa. It’s just that everyone is suggesting that I do that you are even thinking of it as an option. It isn’t an option. He isn’t an option. Not for me.”
“You are so frustrating. You make me want to pull my hair out,” Claire said.
“And you make me want to scream! Sometimes I look at you, and I just want to shout at the top of my lungs. Why can’t you just mind your own business and stay out of mine?” Bee said passionately. Her accent was good today, and she was running off the energy of the scene. They had given her a good one to start with.
“I didn’t know that,” Claire said softly. “I thought I was looking out for you. It’s what friends do, what companions do for each other.”
Bee shook her head and rolled her eyes. “You’re selfish, Willa. You want me to believe I can’t marry him so that you can instead. Well, you can have him.”
“Thank you, ladies,” the director said – interrupting the scene midway through. Bee’s stomach sank to her shoes. They usually only did that when they didn’t like what they saw. “Can we move to the next side, please? Number 4?”
“They weren’t asked to prepare for that one,” one of the producers piped up.
“Well, can someone get me two scripts, please?” the director asked, snapping her fingers.
“One for Bee and one for Dieter. I need to see them both in this scene.”
Chapter 9 | Series Masterlist
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heavenlybarnesss · 3 years
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Pairing: Ed Warren x reader
Summary: Requested by @metaphoricallysavy ✨ I decided to have some fun and base this ‘day we met’ fic off of “Enchanted” by Taylor Swift! Hope that’s okay! It just seemed so perfect 😇
Warnings: None, Fluff!
Author’s Note: Ugh, so happy you requested! I’m such a sucker for the whole ‘we just met but I’ve known you all my life’ trope. 🥺 Thank you for requesting!
There I was again tonight - forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place
You stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror, still confused as to how you could have possibly let yourself be dragged to such a boring event by your best friend. She was an intern for the local newspaper, and she was eager to get a few juicy quotes from some of the more interesting personnel attending the charity gala. She practically begged you to come, stating is was her first big break and she needed the support. You reluctantly agreed, figuring you’d at least get some free champagne and an expensive meal out of it.
You smoothed out your emerald colored dress and reapplied some sheer gloss to your lips. Your hair hung in loose curls over your shoulders, your feet already aching from the height of the black heels Claire had lent you. You were never one for dresses such as this one, for you felt a little insecure at the way it hugged your hips and stomach. All you really wanted to do was go home and plop down on the couch with some Chinese takeout while watching episodes of ‘Charlie’s Angels.’ But you had known Claire for two years now, and you’d do whatever it took to help her achieve her dreams.
You stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters walking past you. You looked around for Claire and her strawberry blonde hair, but had trouble granted the amount of people in attendance. Shit. Your stomach let out a growl, and you decided it was best to park yourself near the appetizers until you could find her.
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
You reached for a plate and started placing a couple of hors d’oeuvres on it, including some potato skins and fried shrimp. You lifted your head and continued your search for Claire, who you finally spotted across the ballroom talking to a tall, dark haired man. Based off the passion with which he was speaking, you could tell whatever he was saying was articulate and exuded intelligence. Claire was scribbling away in her notepad furiously, tenaciously attempting to jot down every word he said. You wanted a better look at the seemingly handsome stranger, but there were too many people in the way of your line of vision.
Eventually enough space had cleared so that you could see who Claire had been interviewing. He was easily six feet tall, with kind eyes the color of a midwinter sky. His hair sat in tresses of dark brown, like that of aged mahogany. His smile was warm and inviting, lighting up the entire room. You loved the way he was dressed, for it was timeless and classy. He wore a dashing black suit with a maroon colored tie and expensive looking loafers. You subconsciously bit your lip, your breath hitching when you realized you had been caught staring red handed. His head turned and his eyes locked with yours. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he was actually intrigued by you. You turned to look behind you, figuring he was looking at his wife, girlfriend, or just anyone else.
Seeing no one behind you except a couple of servers and a very overdramatic ice sculpture of a swan, you turned back to find him still looking at you. You smiled and looked away, suddenly too shy to meet his eyes. Your tucked your hair behind your ear, and gasped when someone accidentally shoulder checked you, sending your plate of appetizers flying forward. You’ve got to be kidding. So much for a first impression.
Your eyes whisper “have we met?” Across the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me. The playful conversation starts - Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy
“Damnit,” you whisper to yourself. You looked around, hoping nobody took notice to your seafood mishap, especially your newfound admirer.
“Uh oh, shrimp overboard.” You looked up in horror from your crouched position to see your mystery man smiling down at you. Before you knew it, he was down on the floor himself helping you pick up the mess of appetizers. You were mortified, too embarrassed to say anything while you tried picking up the food as quickly as possible. You gave him a shy smile and looked back towards the floor, praying your hair covered your tomato colored cheeks. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry, that’s not exactly my best conversation starter.”
“No, no! It was funny, I was just hoping nobody had seen that,” you said with a shake of your head. You groaned and covered your face with your hands. You pushed your hair out of the way and stood up quickly. It is definitely time to go home. “Thank you for helping me. You didn’t have to-“ You stumbled over your words, unsure of what else to say. This is a train wreck, you are a train wreck. Abort.
“I’m Ed. Ed Warren,” he said suddenly. Your heart leapt at his extended hand, surprised he was still carrying on the conversation. You took it reluctantly, unsure of what was happening. He smiled charmingly, causing you to blush in a different manner. This was blushing in more of a school girl crush type of way.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Y/n. Y/n L/n.” Ed smiled at the sound of your name, his hand lingering over yours. You slowly pulled your hand away and placed it at your side. “Um, my friend Claire was actually the one who invited me here. She interviewed you earlier,” you rambled. Ed placed his hands in his pockets, still grinning while you spoke.
“Oh, right! She was very kind. She gave me some hard hitting questions too.”
“Yes, she’s very good at what she does. She’s definitely not one to shy away from a challenge. I wish I had her fearlessness,” you nodded your head, smiling politely.
“I don’t know, you’re pretty fearless to me.”
“How so?”
“Well think about it.” He paused, looking around. “You’re here tonight surrounded by a sea of people you don’t know, in a place you’re unfamiliar with - all to come support your friend. That’s pretty fearless if you ask me.” You looked back down at the floor, your body feeling hot once again. What is this man doing to me?
“Well, thank you. I guess I never thought of it that way,” you say quietly. There was a moment of silence between the two of you, Ed’s eyes staring into yours. To your surprise, it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. It was different. Familiar. It was like you had known each other in another lifetime. The more you talked with Ed, the more you craved his presence. What began as a night of pointless conversation and vacant stares, became a night that you didn’t want to end.
“Do you want to get some fresh air?” Ed asked. You nodded your head eagerly, wanting nothing more. He reached his hand out and slowly interlocked your fingers, causing your heart to nearly leap out of your chest. The feeling was thrilling, like you were finally allowing yourself to step out of your comfort zone. You couldn’t help but smile as he lead you out of the crowd, feeling like a princess being whisked away from her tower.
And it was enchanting to meet you
The crisp, night air was exactly what you needed. It was the middle of October so it was a little chilly, but not enough to where you were freezing your ass off. It was awfully stuffy and humid inside of the gala, so you were thankful that Ed suggested the two of you go outside. You hadn’t realized you were still holding Ed’s hand, so you smiled bashfully and pulled it away. You could tell by the falter in his smile that he was slightly saddened by the removal of your hand from his. It wasn’t anything personal, of course. You hadn’t had a serious relationship in a long time, and the last one you did have, well - let’s just say it caused you to refrain from dating for quite some time.
“Here, follow me,” he said. You followed him as he started down the road, clearly having a spot in mind. You walked in silence until you got to an open, grassy clearing that looked out over the city lights. The sky was clear, the full moon surrounded by a plethora of incandescent stars. It was quiet, the only sound being the music from the gala and the passing of cars every so often. You couldn’t help but remove your heels, eager to let your bare feet wander through the newly dew coated grass. You looked over at Ed, and admired the way his skin looked in the glow of the moonlight.
“This is incredible. I’ve lived here for years, and I never even knew this was here,” you spoke. “How did you find this?” Ed smiled at your childlike excitement, more than content with his decision to bring you here.
“I assisted with an exorcism for a couple with a five-year-old girl about a year ago. The mother had become possessed, and I found her little girl scared and alone in her bedroom. Her name was… Maddie. That’s right, Maddie. When I found her, I asked her to think of her favorite place in the whole world. I told her that her happy memories would chase away the scary thoughts. And this is where she told me. So, after the exorcism was successful, I decided to check it out for myself.” Your heart melted at his answer, his compassion for the young girl just adding to your mental list titled ‘How the hell is this man so perfect?’
“That’s so sweet, Ed.” You took a moment to think about what you wanted to say next. “You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met.” Ed’s head turned in your direction abruptly, as if he was truly caught off guard by your comment. You continued. You weren’t sure if it was the champagne in your veins or the adrenaline pulsing through you from being in an open field with a handsome stranger; but the words just rolled right off your tongue. “I’m not good at this. You’re incredible, and you’re insanely handsome, and truth be told I’m kind of nervous-“
Your words were cut off by the feeling of warm, soft lips on yours. You hadn’t even seen Ed move towards you, it just happened. His large hand cradled your face delicately, as if he was scared you’d shatter to pieces if he didn’t. Your head was spinning with pleasure, a swarm of butterflies fluttered wildly around in your chest. It was more chilly outside than before, but you couldn’t tell because a sweet blanket of heat had wrapped itself around your body. The kiss was tender and affectionate; the type to turn your legs to jelly.
Ed broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes closed in contentment. You let out a shaky breath, waiting for him to say something.
“I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I saw you in that ballroom,” he whispered. “And I hope I wasn’t too forward, but I couldn’t resist. Everything about you is so, so beautiful.” You smiled, pulling away to look at him.
“You still wanted to kiss me even after I dropped that plate of food on the floor?” He grabbed your hips and pulled you back to him.
“Oh, especially after you dropped that plate of food on the floor. I never knew someone could look like such a fox picking shrimp up off he ground.” You squealed with laughter, jokingly smacking his shoulder.
“Hey! It’s not my fault, I was distracted.”
“I have that effect on women,” he winked. You rolled your eyes and pushed him away. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” He grabbed your hand reassuringly, rubbing his thumb over your palm. “I wanted to see if maybe after tonight, you would like to grab dinner with me?” He held his breath a little as he awaited your response.
You were scared of the unknown, and you were scared of getting your hopes up. You were scared of a lot of things, really. But something about him felt like home. Something about him screamed ‘a fresh start,’ and it was a feeling you felt was worth chasing. You took a deep breath and got a good look at the shining, city lights one more time. You welcomed the now cold air into your lungs, relishing in this perfect moment. You made a mental note to thank Claire as soon as you saw her, and turned back to smile at Ed.
“I’d love to.”
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Deep Six- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Request: May I request an insert in the episode Deep Six where the titans meet Aqualad?
Summary: Robin makes you accompany this guy name Aqualad and Beast Boy. Will you be able to handle them or will their bickering tear you apart. Also you're a katara kinnie (i know ATLA didn't exist then but still) This episode is Season 1 Episode 8!
Pairings: Platonic!Aqualad x reader, Robin x reader if you squint
Word Count: 4314
A/N: this time i decided not to split up the episode and post it as one! I made them meet for the first time here, so the Aqua kids don't bond much yet, but if you want to see more, feel free to request! (click here for guidelines) Also yes I also ended this one with "anyone up for pizza" thats all i know how to do to end a fan ficbskghs
“Ahhhh, don’t you just love the ocean?” you admired the shallow sea, the blue water flowing by you. The others prepared for launch, reading off the status of the T-Sub.
“Main power online.”
“Oxygen tanks at maximum”
“Defensive system active”
Beast boy hums confidently. “And your new secret weapon is ready to rock.”
Cyborg rolls his eyes through the headset. “Only time you qualify as a secret weapon is after eating a tofu bean burrito.” You stifled a giggle as Beast Boy yells in protest.
“Uh, 'scuse me, bud. Can you breathe underwater? Uh-uh. Can you be any fish in the sea?”
You shrugged your shoulders and smirked. “Cyborg can’t but I can. And I can breathe underwater without being a fish so I guess I’m just as much of a secret weapon as you, BB.”
You found out that you could breathe underwater a few days after you and the others formed the Teen Titans. You were surfing for the first time since that day when you fell off your board. You had accidentally inhaled underwater, and to your relief, you found that you were able to breathe in the ocean water with no problem. You offered to swim outside the sub on your own, but the team didn’t want you to get hurt, so you were stuck in the small confines of your own pod of the T-sub.
Robin ignores you three’s bickering. “We have to find out what this Trident guy is planning,” he says. “If it takes forty barrels of toxic waste, I doubt it's environmentally friendly.”
The engines warm up, the vessel humming to life. “Titan Launch!” Robin exclaims and the T-sub shoots through a tunnel and into the Jump CIty Bay. You watch in awe at the ocean life around you. Now that you had a connection to the ocean, your perspective on ocean life had changed. You clutch your seashell necklace as you continue to take in the view of the ocean, ignoring Beast Boy showing off his teeth and Cyborg turning off his mic as a result. Robin’s voice snaps you back into reality.
“Sonar contact. Beast Boy! Aquagirl! Ready to go?”
You gave a quick smile. “On it.” You unbuckle your harness and the dome unlatched, allowing you to swim out. Beast Boy gave a mischievous smirk.
“Dude, I was born ready. Try not to be jealous.” He aimed the second comment at Raven, who looked at him indifferently. Beast Boy quickly swam out of his pod and transformed into a whale.
“He just put on three hundred thousand pounds. I am so jealous.” she notes sarcastically.
You and Beast Boy made silent eye contact before swimming towards the cargo ship, examining its destroyed remains. He turns into a shark to keep investigating, and you follow his lead. You couldn’t help but feel that you were being watched, as you swam around the ship. Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you see a green figure; not a bright green like Beast Boy’s but a sicker, murkier green. You point at the green man as he swam away, and you and Beast Boy immediately bolt after it, the T-sub following behind.
Your black scuba shoes propelled you forward, and you aimed blasts of water towards the figure, but it kept dodging your shots. The monster, whom you now assumed was Trident, fired his weapon at you and Beast Boy, and when you dodged, it hit the T-sub. You forced yourself to continue to chase after Trident, hoping that the vessel was also capable of dodging his shots.
You and Beast Boy were nearing close to catching Trident when a voice rang in your head. It wasn’t yours, nor Beast Boy’s; it was clear, belonging to someone no older than you were.
“Your friends are in danger.” you heard. You and Beast Boy both stopped in your tracks, looking at each other in shock. You realized that the T-sub was no longer following you.
“Our friends are in what? Whoa! How did you say that? Dude! How did I say that? Hey!” Beast Boy also says in your mind. You turn to see the T-sub being attacked, and shot off without waiting for Beast Boy.
“Dude, questions are for later! Let’s go!” You order, not even entirely sure how you were able to talk either. You approach the vessel, which was being destroyed by Trident, who you swore you were just chasing.
Suddenly, a figure knocked Trident down. Trident and the mystery person fought each other, moving so quickly that all you could see of the person was a blur of black and blue
You turn your attention to the T-sub, which was slowly sinking into a fissure on the seafloor. Water was filling up fast and a look of panic settled on your teammates faces (except Raven, who seemed to have accepted death). Your eyes glowed blue as you outstretched your arms towards the damaged vessel. Focusing on the water around the titans, you forced the leaks to cease and the descent into the fissure to stop. Your muscles burned as you kept your stance; holding the vessel in place underwater was similar to holding it up on your arms above ground. Beast Boy raced to help as you struggled to keep grip when suddenly, two whales came and carried the sub on their backs.
You let go of the ship and breathe a sigh of relief. Beast Boy sees you almost passing out and comes to your side, now in the form of a squid. Instead of comforting you, he complains about the whales' help.
"They got it? How come they got it?"
A familiar voice rang in your head again. "Because I asked for their help." The voice belonged to the guy who was fighting Trident before. He comes to your other side and supports your other arm, putting it around his neck.
"You talk to fish? Yeah right. And let go of her!"
"You guys need help, and I'm talking to you right?" He glared at Beast Boy, keeping his grip on you.
Beast Boy was about to reply when you held your hand up in front of his squid face. "Beast Boy, I'm a solid five seconds from collapsing. I'm fine with the help."
The guy in blue gave a small smile. "And it's called telepathy. Let's go."
The three of you swam into a cavern. As you entered, the T-sub was floating on the water's surface and although it was extremely damaged, it managed to keep your teammates safe. You nodded to Beast Boy and the other teen and they let you go as you approach the other titans.
Raven asked, "where are we?"
"My place," the mysterious teen answered. "I told the whales to bring you here."
Raven and Starfire both blushed and gave bashful thank yous. You stared at them. Are they… in love with the new guy???, you thought, confused.
Beats Boy seemed angrier than ever. "He saved you?" He yelled, turning back into his human form. "Hel-lo? I was there too, you know."
Cyborg raised an eyebrow. "Were you? Because if anything I remember Aquagirl keeping us from drowning. What, you stopped Trident from kebabbing us with that souped up shrimp fork?"
"Way to go!" Robin said sarcastically. Beast Boy stuttered a response, but the blue teen interrupted.
"Aquagirl, huh? Well, I'm Aqualad. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, we Atlanteans like to keep a low profile."
You shake his hand, now taking in what Aqualad looked like. He was half a foot taller than you, with slicked back hair and black pupils. He wore a bodysuit with blue scales and black accents. He had nice features, but you couldn't figure out why the other girls were drooling over him, so you kept that thought to yourself.
"You're from Atlantis? That's so cool!" You say.
He nodded. "So is Trident." He opens up a hologram from a table in the cavern. "He's the worst criminal in Atlantis, with an ego to match."
He continues a sideshow filled with pictures of the sickly green monster. "Trident claims he's perfect in every way so he thinks he can do whatever he wants."
"Any ideas what he wants to do with all that toxic waste?" Robin asked.
"Whatever it is, it'll be bad for both our worlds. He's already gained some kind of new power. It's like he can be everywhere at once." Aqualad says.
"Noticed that," Raven says sarcastically.
"As long as we're after the same guy, maybe we can help each other." He looks at the six of you.
Your eyes sparkle. "Of co-" you begin, but Beast Boy pushed you out of the way.
"Whoa, hey, no, we're good. Got the whole Trident thing under control. 'Sides, I'm sure there's a school of minnows somewhere that need your--" He rejects Aqualad's offer, much to you and the other's dismay. Robin pulls him back, and the six of you group huddled.
"We're at the bottom of the ocean," Raven notes.
"Our sub is Swiss cheese." Cyborg adds.
"I almost died back there," You say.
"And we cannot breathe water," Starfire mentions.
Robin is the first to break away from the huddle. "We'll take any help you can give us." He says to Aqualad.
Aqualad nods and has some amphibian guy named Tramm fix the T-sub. He turns back to us. "While he's helping you, I'll track down Trident. " He turns to go into the ocean again, but Beast Boy intersects.
"You mean I'll track down Trident," He says, pushing him a little
Aqualad pushes him back a little harder. "That's ok, I can handle it."
"Thanks, but I think I should do this."
"Seriously, I can take care of it!"
The five of you watched as their quarrel turned into an all out brawl, and suddenly you couldn't take it anymore.
"GUYS," You yell, causing a wall of water to shoot up next to them to grab their attention. They both stared at you wide eyed. "Stop. The. Fighting." You say with a stern expression.
"Why don't you two both go track him down together?" Robin offers, but the two teens cross their arms and scoff.
"I usually work alone." Aqualad says.
"Yeah. Me too."
"You do not! You're part of a team!"
"And you hang out with Tramm the fish boy! What's your point?"
"Hey! Arguing isn't going anywhere. Listen, Aquagirl can go with you. That'll make sure you stay on task." Robin commands, and you perk up at the sound of your name. You quickly pulled him aside.
"What the hell man?? They obviously don't like each other, you should have seen how much they fought on the way here!." You argue, and Robin looks at you through his masked eyes.
"You're the only other person who can survive underwater, they're gonna need you. Besides, you're great at handling conflicts; you'll be fine." He says with a smile. You blush a little at his comment, and sighed.
"Alright Rob, you can count on me” You return to the rest of the group and the three of you jump into the ocean.
As you headed towards the bottom of the ocean, you decided to ask Aqualad a question that's been bothering you.
“Hey Aqualad,” you say telepathically. “Before you said that you were able to communicate with sea animals. How come you’re able to communicate with me?”
“I don’t know actually,” Aqualad admits, still swimming next to you. He points to your necklace. “I’m guessing it's because of your necklace.” He stops to examine it. Beast Boy groans and stops as well. It glowed a little in his hand as he read the ancient text off of it.
“The Shell of Poseidon,” He read out loud. “I recognize this from the library in Atlantis. Only Atlanteans can use its powers, so you must be Atlantean then, right?”
“Woah! I’m not Atlantean, I’ve never even been there,” you sputter, absolutely shocked at what the teen said.
“Well, you must have some blood in you,” he shrugged. “Hey, maybe we’re cousins or something.”
You grin. “Aquacousin? I like the sound of that!”
Beast Boy interrupts your moment. “Ok, haha, family is fun and all, but while you were floating around finding out parts of your identity or whatever, I’ve actually found something on my sonar so, try to keep up.” He swims off, leaving you two to follow him. You expected to see the sea monster, but instead came upon a group of dolphins.
“No offense B.B. but these don't look like Trident to me.” you smirk.
Aqualad swims up to the dolphins, focusing on his telepathy. The dolphins swim up together and Aqualad turns to you and Beast Boy.
“They told me where to find Trident. Try to keep up.” He mocks Beast Boy, then swims with the dolphins. You look at Beast Boy, who seemed pretty grumpy, and turn to follow Aqualad.
You tailed behind as the two boys raced each other, Beast Boy turning into various aquatic creatures to catch up with the equally competitive teen. Then you see it. In front of them, Trident swam into view. You and Aqualad stop on instinct, but Beast Boy keeps going.
"Beast Boy! Stop!" You both yell, as he barrels straight towards Trident.
"What's the matter?" He taunts. "Am I too fast for y-"
You winced as you watched him crash into the sea monster and fall to the floor.
"Heh… how's it going," Beast Boy says telepathy to the monster towering over him. Trident growled.
"Keep your thoughts to yourself, you inferior fool!" He pointed his well, trident at beast boy and fires; Beast Boy barely dodges it.
Aqualad tackles Trident and they fall off an underwater ridge.
"Oh no you! This time he's mine!" Beast Boy yells, following Aqualad to the ridge.
"Beast Boy wai-" you yell, but was cut off by something grazing the side of your head. You turn, and see Trident swing his weapon at you. You dodged his next swing, wondering how he was able to get to you right after being attacked by Aqualad. You send him flying across the ocean with your water powers, when you hear Beast Boy yelling. You turn to see Beast Boy in squid form latched onto Aqualad's face. You could see Trident swim away from the corner of your eye as you swam to pull Beast Boy off of Aqualad. Aqualad glares at Beast Boy, his face peppered with red dots from Beast Boy's accidental attack.
“I said, ‘incoming’” he defends himself. Aqualad ignores him and points to another figure swimming into a grotto.
“He’s getting away!” Aqualad swims away, Beast Boy following.
“Wait-” you say, confused. Didn't you just send Trident flying in the other direction? How did he move so quickly? You reluctantly followed your friends into the cavern. You joined them as they observed the two tunnels that split off into two different directions.
“What are we gonna do now?” you think out loud.
“Maybe the question is where were you guys?” Aqualad snaps, turning to the two of you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion while Beast Boy swims forward to be face to face with Aqualad.
“Where was I? Fighting Trident by myself!” He jabbed a squid tentacle into Aqualads shoulder.
“You barely laid a tentacle on him! At least I managed to break his weapon!”
“Dude, that's just wrong. I so broke that fork thing!”
“BOYS!” you yell. “I also fought Trident and I sent him in the opposite direction, and now he's here. There's something going on…” The two began to think, but then perked their heads up. They then point at opposite tunnels.
“There he goes!” they yell at the same time. You stare at the two of them in even deeper confusion. Beast boy swims up to you, making eye contact.
“I saw him! He's that way! I'm right, he's wrong! End of story!” He crosses his tentacles. Aqualad pushes Beast Boy aside so that you were now staring at his dark pupils.
"I'm telling you, he's this way!"
"GUYS, we can just split up," You say flatly, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. "Aqualad I'm sure you can handle yourself, so I'll go with Beast Boy."
"Aw sweet!- Heyyy…" Beast Boy says to your backhanded comment. Aqualad nods and swims off into the tunnel.
You and Beast Boy were alone in the tunnel when you sighed.
"B.B., why do you keep picking fights with Aqualad?" You asked, still looking ahead. Beast Boy turns to you, acting shocked.
"ME??? It's not my fault Mr. Pretty-Boy-Know-It-All keeps showing off!" He whines.
"Dude, he's just trying to help us. Maybe you should-" you were cut off by a loud booming voice.
"Worthless scum! You cannot beat perfection!" Trident bellowed from behind you. You and Beast Boy turned, already in a fighting position.
"How many of you fork things do you have?" He mumbled as you charged forward.
You dodged his energy bolts, Trident in return dodging your attempts to push him farther back. Beast Boy turns into a turtle, pulling his arms and legs inside. Trident threw his weapon and it bounced off of him, flying into you and sending the two of you hurtling through the water.
"I always win!" You hear him say as you regain your stance. Beast Boy turns into a giant crab, grabbing onto Trident's weapon.
"And I thought Aqualad had a big ego!" He yelled telepathically.
"BEAST BOY GET BACK!" You yell. He swiftly let go, and you shot a jet of water towards Trident, sending him flying into a cavern wall. The cavern shakes, and a mass of boulders come crashing down. All you could see was a crushed trident sticking out from under the rocks. You breathed a sigh of relief until you felt a searing pain in your leg. You look and see a burn mark; Trident probably hit you before you buried him in a pile of rocks. Beast Boy looks at you, a worried expression in his eyes (despite being in the form of an ocean animal).
“I’ll be fine,” you grimace. “Let's find a way out first.” You painstakingly swim until you find a cave similar to Aqualads. You drag yourself towards the land as Beast Boy turns back into his human form. Right after you pull yourself up, you see Aqualad jump out of the water. He sees the two of you, and runs to meet up with you. He and Beast Boy begin to talk at the same time.
“ I just saw Trident!... No, you didn't!... Yes, I did! Cut it out!”
“I don’t care what you say! I fought Trident!” Beast Boy yelled, a vein nearly jumping out of his forehead.
"That's impossible!" Aqualad counters, his fists clenched so tight you thought you saw blood.
They both seemed to be prepared to fight each other. You jumped in between them, holding both their heads back as they flail their arms, trying to get a hit at each other.
"You know," You begin, silencing the two boys. "When Robin asked me to join you guys, I didn't want to. You two are heroes that just met each other and you were already fighting! But he told me that I could handle it and he's right! I can handle the both of you; but it seems to me that you guys can't handle each other. So here's what's gonna happen: I'm gonna heal myself because oh right! I got BURNT and you two are gonna talk it out." You let go of the boys, and they watched as you limped over to the edge of the water, plopped yourself down, and started pulling the ocean water to your leg. You listened in a little as you concentrated the water on your leg. It only took a few seconds to heal your burn, it was only surface level and you had gotten better at using your healing powers. They were still talking as you noticed what was in front of you: hundreds of Trident clones and yellow Trident capsules-eggs attached to the ceiling.
"Uh guys…" you say, rejoining them, but they had seen it too.
"One Trident is bad…" Aqualad says.
"... but this is…" Beast Boy adds.
"... an entire …" You say.
"...ARMY!" One of the tridents finishes your thought.
They all charge, and the three of you brace or impact. You raise your arms and a wave of water takes out a small group of the monster clones. You dodge their attacks, shooting jets of water at their heads. You see Beast Boy get flung into a machine, and an egg hatching sequence begins on the screen. You regroup with the other boys in front of the machine.
"Oops," Beast Boy said sheepishly.
"Great," Aqualad groaned as the clones began to close in.
"We need a plan," You mumble.
A group of the clones began to speak.
"My brilliant plan is already a success"
"If one of me was perfect…"
"Why not make more?"
"You can never have too much of a good thing"
"Once my army conquers Atlantis…"
"I will declare war on the surface world! Everyone on the planet will bow down before me"
"And praise my perfection!"
Aqualad whispers to the both of you as the clones cheer. "Any bright ideas?"
Beast Boy whispered back. "Just one. Try to keep up." He turned to the clones. "So if you're all perfect, which one of you is the best?" He asked.
One of the tridents answered. "I am!... Huh?"
As soon as you understood what Beast Boy was doing, you grinned. Aqualad stepped up.
"Come on. You can't all be the best." He says.
"One of you must be better than the others," You add.
One of the tridents step forward. "I am the original!I am the best!"
"You are not the original"
"I am!" Multiple tridents yell at once.
"Nonsense you inferior fools! I am perfect! I am Trident! "
You watch in amusement as the clones turn on each other and the fight turns into a full on brawl. The fight eventually ends, and all the tridents laid on the ground, defeated. Aqualad turns to Beast Boy.
"Great idea," He says. You noticed that there were no hints of sarcasm in his voice. Whatever they said to each other earlier must have made them work better together, you figured.
"Kinda got it from you," Beast Boy says."Now we just have to stop those from hatching." He points to the yellow pod filled ceiling. Right as he said that, the screen on the machine behind you hit 0 on the timer and the word "begin" flashed on the screen.
"Too late!" The three of you yelled at the same time. New Trident clones were breaking through their membrane "eggs". Beast Boy instinctively turns into a hippopotamus and tramples the crowd, creating a path to the ocean. You and Aqualad sprint behind Beast Boy, dodging the clones' outstretched arms. You all dive into the water, the Tridents close behind.
"We can't let them escape! We need to find some way of sealing the exit!" Aqualad yells telepathically.
"Right now, I'm just worried about getting to the exit." Beast Boy replies. You didn't look back, but you could feel the clones closing in. As you got closer to the exit you saw a familiar looking silhouette.
"The T-sub!" You exclaimed as you swam out of the cave. The clones stop in their tracks in confusion.
"Huh?" You hear one of them say.
You moved out of the way as the sub sent beams towards the entrance of the cave. The Blast caused a pile of rubble to fall, blocking the exit. You smile at your team who's cheering (along with Aqualad’s friend Tramm) inside their pods. The three of you turn bad to observe the T-sub’s work.
“Good thing Trident likes himself so much, 'cause I'm thinking he won't see anybody else for a looong time.” Beast Boy says.
You find yourself on the surface again, on the shore of the Titan’s Tower. Raven and Starfire both continue to look at Aqualad with heart eyes as Robin steps forward.
“Consider yourself an honorary titan” he says with a smile, holding out a familiar black and yellow communicator for him to take. “We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks.”
“Right back at you. It's good to know there's people up here I can trust.” Aqualad looks at you and Beast boy. He says goodbye to Raven and Starfire, who blushingly say it back. He then turns to Beast Boy.
“What can I say, dude? You're the best.” Beast Boy says.
“Nah. You're the best.”
“Yeah, you're right. And if you ever want me to prove it, I'm always up for a race.”
“Just try and keep up.” Aqualad laughs, patting his head. He finally turned to you.
“Aquagirl, it's been really nice to meet you. Next time you’re near Atlantis, give me a call and I’ll show you around. There's so much to show you,” he stretched out his hand for a handshake, but you pulled him in for a hug. He was surprised at your gesture, but soon returned it. Raven and Starfire looked at you with pure envy as you pulled back with a smile.
“I’ll take your word for it, Aquacousin” you say, making a reference to your nickname for him earlier. He laughs, then waves goodbye. The six of you wave back as he swims back into the ocean. Robin gently put his hand on your shoulder.
“You did a great job today Aquagirl. I knew I could count on you.”
“You know you can always count on me, dude.” you say with a smile. “Now I’m kinda hungry. Anyone up for pizza?”
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ad1thi · 3 years
2020 fic recs!! [Part 2]
part 2 of my 2020 fic recs!! as before, ive limited this to five fics per month; and fics are ordered by the month they were published. This spans fandoms and ships, and hopefully you find something you like!! credit for the idea goes to @iam93percentstardust
this is the start: @capnwinghead
Clark and Bruce continue raising the Wayne children and encounter a number of challenges along the way.
great minds (love alike): @starklysteve
Steve’s eyes flicks down to Tony’s knees on the floor.
“Are you – are you proposing to me with my ring for you?” Steve asks incredulously, eyes wide and confused.
Or, Steve finds Tony’s ring for him, Tony finds Steve’s ring for him. Panic happens.
Marvels Unsolved: @iam93percentstardust
Marvels Unsolved was never supposed to be this popular. It started off as a novelty web-series about Tony trying to convince Bucky about the existence of the supernatural—he firmly believed that if science could turn Uncle Steve from an actual shrimp to the god of muscles, then magic had to be out there—and then they’d started talking about an unsolved crime from the early 20th century after filming an episode one day, forgetting that the camera was still rolling, and had ended up with enough footage to make a second episode about real crimes. They had stayed pretty unknown throughout that first season but then true crime podcasts had exploded in popularity and Unsolved along with them.
it’s a small world after all: @maguna-stxrk
“Great speech.”
Smiling at the compliment, Tony turns around. “Thank y—”
And nearly drops his champagne flute.
His world comes to a stop.
They had only spent a night together, but Tony would recognize those baby blues anywhere.
It’s Steve.
Steve from Tony’s London business trip. Or, as Rhodey has become accustomed to calling him—The Soulmate That Got Away.
you’re in my blood, you’re in my veins: @nethandrake
Tony always figured that if they ever were to break up, it would be like a blaze. Scorching and hot and all-too blinding. Intense like the two of them have always been.
Instead, they break up on a Tuesday, with the rain pelting the windowpane and the midnight silence stifling.
Five Times Danny said he’d marry Steve (plus one): @five-wow
Danny humphs. “Look, all I’m saying is, I think I’d probably have married you by now.”
“I’d marry you, too,” Steve says.
Or: An experiment in how many times you can say something before you have to put your money where your mouth is.
Family (You’ve Always Had It): @/SunnyQueen
A black Camaro and a scowling blond was not what Junior had been expecting.
“Hi, sir. You didn’t have to pick me up.”
The blond looked up from the screen on his phone and groaned, completely ignoring Junior's statement. “You are right, I didn't have to."
Ode To Yoga Pants: @riotfalling
OR the continued terrible mating dance of Bucky and Tony, AKA when betting on your friends stops being fun
Through The Years: @hawkbucks
Tony brings home Natasha one day, proclaiming her to be his new sister.
Natasha takes this all in stride.
The broken road that led me home to you: @just-fandomthings
A documented list of conversations between Steve and Danny via text and phone call following the events of 10x22 "Aloha." (Where, even thousands of miles apart, Steve and Danny can't go without talking to each other.)
someday, we’ll pass it on to you: @starklysteve
Steve smiles.
Reaching up, he flattens his hand against his son’s far smaller one, curling gently around it. “You wanna be like him?”
“Da!” Peter agrees again.
One year old, and you already know who’s the best of us, Steve pauses to reflect, all his fears chased away by a fierce pride. “Your Dad’s coming home real soon,” he promises, “you should tell him that.”
Or, five times Peter did the repulsor pose as a toddler
+ one time he used the repulsors as an adult
Classic Sci Fi: @notdoingsohot
Bucky wakes up to Steve telling him he's lost his memory, but not to panic, it'll only last a few days. Easier said than done when the last thing Bucky remembers is fighting Hydra with the Howlies in WWII.
He tries to make the most of it however, and there's this guy... Tony Stark. It's pretty clear the guy hates Bucky's guts, which is unfortunate because god damn is he a sight.
He tries to figure out what he did to wrong Stark, but everyone just tells him he doesn't want to know.
They were right.
Blooms in Frost: @/Diomedes
Tony coughs up his first petal on the sixth of July. He has been married to the love of his life for two years.
Bury a Hanahaki corpse in earth and it will beget the most beautiful garden. All that love, it is said, must go somewhere.
Hanahaki AU: Established relationship
A Single Thread of Gold: @lovelyirony
Rhodey doesn't believe in love at first sight or any of that cheesy shit. He just wants someone who is nice, dependable, and safe.
Tony Stark is Housing Service's little problem for the school year, and now he's stuck in Rhodey's room because he's exploded the last two dorm rooms he's been in and won't live off-campus.
high roller, place your bet: @machi-kun
“Would you kiss Stark for a hundred bucks?”
“I would pay a hundred bucks to kiss him.”
press my luck: @omg-just-peachy
But... Steve is almost ten years his junior, and he could be with just about anyone, looking and acting like he does. And then there’s the not so small fact of Tony’s name and net worth and the fact that, okay, Tony had paid for Steve’s grad school tuition, and now he’s worried Steve feels obligated to stay. Or something.
Or, Tony is a billionaire, Steve is a grad student, and they learn to let themselves be taken care of.
see it with the lights out: @starklysteve
Tony goes on a business trip, and he does not - not at all - get jealous of Dodger hogging his husband's chest, a territory otherwise known as Tony's pillow.
(or, Steve goes on an Instagram spree and Tony misses home)
adulthood is looking both ways before you cross the street and getting hit by an airplane: @starkslovemail
It was a perfect plan, if Peter did say so himself.
The Buy In: @dracusfyre
For the ImagineTonyandBucky prompt: Mafia AU with Tony as the Boss (except he's a really good one, making the streets safe, keeping drugs away from kids etc) and Bucky as the detective sent to go undercover to catch him out but ends up realizing he's actually doing more good than harm and they end up falling in love
trinkets of your affection: @starklysteve
Kissed him once for every year I loved him, Steve had written.
By that count, Steve owes him five more kisses now.
Tony traces the words, hands trembling, and tips back a shot of Howard's ancient whiskey. None of it burns anymore.
One day, he'll have lived more days without Steve than there are words in the diary.
For the first time since he'd woken with shrapnel in his chest, Tony fears the future.
Or, five things Tony keeps to remember Steve by, and one thing Steve gives him to remember.
“Hey Tony”: @riotfalling
Steve points out that Bucky never calls Tony by his actual name. Bucky doesn’t believe him, until he does.
Remembering You is Hard to Do: @lovelyirony
“The future’s crazy, honey-bear.”
Jim looks up.
“Why do you call me that?”
“Call you what?”
“Honey-bear. It’s weird.”
“Inside joke we have,” Tony says, chest tightening. “We thought those couples that have the lovey-dovey nicknames were ridiculous.”
overheard your heartbeat (calling me yours): @starklysteve
"Tony - "
"I wish I could promise to come home this time," he feels the armor crawl back down his arm, continuing unnoticed over Steve's red gloves, then up the blue uniform as Tony fights to keep Steve's gaze firmly fixed on him.
The last eyes Tony might get to see, and he wants to be lost in them.
In the end, his entire life boils down a few simple things: "JARVIS, take care of him for me."
Or, Tony overhears a phonecall where Steve proposes, a battle happens, and a paper ring settles some misunderstandings.
i (really, really, really, really, really, really) like you.: @nethandrake
For as long as Steve can remember, he's been crushing on Tony Stark. The thing is, he's pretty sure Tony doesn't know Steve exists. And how could he? Steve's scrawny and little. He's a nobody compared to Tony who's Mr Popular and the son of a billionaire.
Or at least he thought so until Tony swings by the bakery Steve's mother happens to own to enlist Steve's help in finding the perfect Valentine's Day card.
The perfect Valentine's Day card for someone who isn't Steve.
One Song (My Heart Keeps Singing): @iam93percentstardust
When Thor is old enough to understand what a Heartsong is, he goes to his mother to ask her why he can’t understand the language his is in. He listens as she tells him about the first soulmates who couldn't understand their Heartsong until the day they meet, excited by the thought of a grand adventure, one that will take him across the cosmos in search of his One.
He’ll search all the Nine Realms if he has to.
Swiping Right: @s-horne
“Ouch. Definitely a hard pass for that one?”
Steve startled at the sudden comment from the row of chairs behind him and turned around. He’d been passing the time in the airport lounge by swiping through Tinder and had gotten lost in his own world. It was almost jarring to be pulled away from the screen of hot men and back into reality where the PA was screeching and there was noise everywhere.
Adjusting to the difference, Steve frowned. Wait, he knew that face. Oh, shit… he knew that face.
“No, no, it’s fine,” the man said before Steve could get out anything other than an embarrassed sort of yelp. Waving his hand through the air, the stranger smiled ruefully. “I get it. It’s the beard, isn’t it? True be told, it was a weird winter choice that year and I knew it would come back to hurt me.”
Steve didn’t know what to say. He knew it must have shown on his face and could feel himself flushing, panicked and embarrassed all at once. What were the odds of swiping left on someone literally sat behind him?
set your flight path home (to me): @starklysteve 
Tony puts down his welding torch. “I’m building you a plane.”
Stepping carefully over the gears and tools scattered about, Rhodey slowly makes his way to him.
“And when did you become an expert on how to build a plane?”
“Last night,” Tony grins.
Tony builds a plane, and Rhodey teaches Tony how to fly it. Or he would be teaching Tony, if Tony didn't distract him so much.
I Want A Man With A Slow Hand: @thefourofswords
“Can I ask you a question?” he asked on their way to a crime scene, because no time like the present, and Danny believed in ripping off band-aids.
“Why not?” Steve replied, eyes on the road. “You’re gonna even if I say no.”
“What do you like in bed?”
Danny undertakes a very important mission to get Steve laid. For his health. Ahem.
same time next year: @omg-just-peachy
“I forgot to ask. When’s your flight home?” Steve asks, draping his arm over Tony’s shoulder and settling in against him.
Tony ignores the knot that forms in his chest at the idea of it, leaving Steve again for his own impersonal apartment, his piles of books and projects and the nights without sleep.
“Day after tomorrow.”
Steve huffs a little sigh, then brings his lips to Tony’s neck. “Well, we’ll have to make the most of it, won’t we?”
Or, four (4) Christmases with two (2) idiots who can't admit they're in love.
rearrange my heart (to fit your smile): @starklysteve
"You dare," Howard's chair makes an ugly noise as it scrapes against the stone floors, the chatter of the room shifting into hushed whispers and stolen glances. "I am your father and your King!"
"My King is my husband," Tony tips his chin up, defiant. "And I refuse to hear you suggest that my husband has been anything other than good to me."
Next to him, he feels Steve's shoulders stiffen in surprise.
Howard's fist slams loud on the table. "Your husband does not even love you!"
Tony jerks back, burned. He knows that. Knows that Steve did not marry him for love – does not need any reminder of the cold truth, of what he desperately yearns for and can't even hope to have – but the harshness of Howard's words was scalding, and Tony can't afford for this to go any further.
Or, King Steven marries Prince Tony, Tony is pretty sure he shouldn't panic when he falls in love with his own husband, and Steve tries his very best not to cause diplomatic crises.
Keyword: try
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violetfaust · 3 years
(Belated) TFATWS 1.3 roundup
This will probably be surprising to anyone whom I’ve subjected to my megaton of tfatws reblogs--but ep 1.3 was my least favorite of the series so far. And unfortunately every time I try to put together my breezy little liveblogging impressions, I get immediately stuck wanting to write ten paragraphs of WHY it’s my least favorite, which, in so many words: too little Sam POV. And by this time, plenty of other people who agree with me on this have written plenty of thoughtful threads on why, so I am just going to...let it go. For the moment. (And maybe just make it a separate ten-paragraph post.) Anyway, tl;dr:
I still enjoyed the episode
I’m still loving the show
I still think we’ll get emotional and dramatic payoff; BUT
I’m disappointed with my fave’s treatment this time around.  
Okay! Got it down to one paragraph and a bulleted list. Onward.
I’m relieved that Isaiah is at least in the previouslys.
I dunno, man, that cheesy commercial alone doesn’t make the GRC seem like the good guys, even before you follow it up with Walker throwing his weight around.
“Do you know who I am?” And just like that, Walker shows his true colors and proves he’s not worthy of the legacy. Because he’s a person who allows power and fame to corrupt him.
So is Zemo Nazi/Hydra or is he just a Nazi/Hydra fanboy? 
“What are you reading?” “Machiavelli.” “Yeah, you definitely seem like the kind of guy to break out of high-security prison. This is a good idea.”
“We are NOT breaking him out!!!” *puppy dog eyes* “sigh. fine”
I know the fandom loves Zemo, but man he is a little bitch. It literally takes him three minutes to start breaking down both Bucky and Sam. How the fuck did he even get his hands on Bucky’s notebook? (see below) Excuse me, Steve’s notebook. <x3
“Heartbreaking: Worst person you know just made a great point.”--> Sam re: Zemo and Marvin Gaye.
So Karli is friends with a cute little girl, sees her mother/mentor die unnecessarily, and just wanted to be a teacher when she grew up, and we think she’s the villain? NO.
This is getting super long so....below.
Heartbreaking Pt. 2: Yes, Sam, Zemo is right and you look good in the suit. (That is impeccable pattern matching, btw. I did not watch seven seasons of Project Runway for nothing.)
Okay, I should save this for my ten-paragraph bitching post but: I KNOW the trope of “undercover guy has to eat something gross to pass” is objectively funny. But Sam is from Louisiana.  I can guarantee you the man has eaten frog and/or alligator AT LEAST once. In fact, since the family business is shrimping, there’s a non-zero chance that he has prepared and served super-gross foods such as six-inch sea cockroaches with heads and ganglia attached. He should NOT have been fazed by a cocktail with fresh snake gonads or whatever those were. You know what would have been a funny take? Sam knocks back the drink, then says: “Delicious. And [pointing to Zemo] one for my friend here.”  (AM is hilarious here though.)
“Power Broker, really?” Goes with “Smiling Tiger is a bad name” and “Battlestar? Stop the car!” (Frankly, a person still going by “Winter Soldier” does not have a lot of room to criticize here...)
How does Zemo wearing a cool coat and dancing like a cute dork make up for what he’s doing to Bucky here? Sebstan had tears shining in his eyes. 
Love language: “You good?”
The layers of Sam, an African American man from the South, watching another human, his friend, apparently being sold...
REALLY? Sam didn’t put his phone on silent? (Bless Sarah for being a civilian and not playing along...)
HOWEVER this is a pretty ugly reminder in this episode when Zemo is throwing around his zillions and his private plane while Sam can’t get a loan to save his family business.
Was it Sharon who killed Selby? I’m confused?
Sharon! Being the poster woman for landing on her feet. Good for her. And thank you, Sharon, for having a wardrobe of men’s wear in Bucky and Sam’s sizes. Although if you could have gotten one of them to wear that sequined number...
It is just hard to accept that Steve and the Avengers did her SO dirty that they simply ignored her in the two years they were on the run. (It also doesn’t gibe with Sam and even Bucky seeming to know Sharon, since they never met before CW.) Come to think of it though, I don’t remember how Steve even got himself pardoned after IW?
I’ve read the theories that she might be the Power Broker, which seems unlikely purely on the practical basis that if she was blipped for five years she’d lose her standing, but this is Marvel, so who cares about making sense? If she is, I hope she’s not treated as a flat-out villain; maybe she deliberately let Karli and her group get the SS serum rather than Hydra wannabes? 
Let’s hear it for Sharon--kicking ass and not even bothering with the names.
Nagel is the most villainous villain who has villained here so far. What a waste.
So there are up to twelve SS serum doses left. Calling it now: Walker is going to do whatever he has to in order to get his hands on one of them.
However I do NOT want Sam to take one. He doesn’t need to be superpowered to be a hero.
“Partners each convinced the other is the sidekick.” 
We’ve all been waiting for this callback.
That had better not be the last of Sharon. She has her own minion--this should be good.
Look: the only reason Bucky would even CONSIDER taking the shield is that Sam says he doesn’t want it. (And I’m not sure he even IS seriously considering it so much as trying to make Sam reconsider.)
So I said this elsewhere but: apparently Zemo is redeemable. Sharon killed about fourteen people this episode alone. Bucky killed “almost everyone he ever met.” Sam offed helicopters full of terrorists in ep 1. Karli’s victims are not exactly innocent--they are hoarding resources meant for those refugee children and sick people.  I am not giving up on my daughter for this. ;-)
Heartbreaking #3: Bucky and Sam were dead for five years so it’s not exactly fair to call them out for not visiting the Sokovia memorial but...would they have thought of it?
WAKANDA! Finally! They’ve been teasing it since ep 1 but I didn’t think we’d actually get there. (Although I’m 100% sure that Shuri is one of the nine numbers in Bucky’s phone.)
Not a lot of Sambucky this time around, although we did get
Sam being a sweetly worried boyfriend throughout. Sam calling him “Buck” at least three times--with no pushback. 
Bucky very determinedly NOT looking at ALL at shirtless Sam. Not at all. 
And POSSIBLY Bucky reading a self-help book about forming strong erotic love relationships. 
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Ooh! If asks are open, can I ask you for a mermaid reader x dorm leaders+ octanivelle? Like, its canon that the mc is from another world, so what if she is a mermaid from a world where magic barely exists? Like, she can freely turn human at will but that's about it. Assuming that everyone has a crush on her, but hasn't confessed, how would they react to the reveal?
hello hello ! asks are usually open since i don’t have request limits and i write down all the ones i wanna do in my notebooks (or save them as drafts)ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ i get this strange sense of happiness when writing them all down with their categories and specific highlights. i hope you enjoy ! unrelated but someone said that lilia was like rei sakuma and hshshsh ive pulled out all my undead albums and started jamming to all the songs again,, call name, call name, we are undead!
📝to note: (1) i couldn’t write anything about vil ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ (2) length (and possibly comprehensibility) varies because i ran out of coffee at home and was half-asleep for most of these.
riddle rosehearts
Riddle had been reluctant to even participate in today’s swimming lesson but begrudgingly put on his attire and stood at the edge of the pool, glaring at the water as if it were an old enemy. It wasn’t a total loss, you were there-- nervously fidgeting beside him. He’s been crushing on you hard, to the point that his ears turn red and his stomach flutters with butterflies just with your presence.
From the corner of his eyes, he could see you anxiously eyeing the pool. “Are you feeling alright?” he asks you, voice laced with worry. Your reply came out garbled, like you were trying to say something but somehow forgotten how to speak. He leaves you alone then but would occasionally glance at you, concerned.
When it was time for you to showcase your swimming capabilities, all the worry Riddle had for you simply washed away the instant your legs transformed into a mermaid’s tail fin. 
He tries to be nonchalant about it but couldn’t help gawking at you as you did your laps. When you finish and settle to prop yourself up on the edge of the pool in front of him, you catch him staring at you. “It’s strange, isn’t it,” you say, sheepishly smiling to yourself as you collect your wet hair into your hands then wring all the water out of the strands.
“N-No!” he shakes his head with raised hands. “You don’t look strange at all, if anything you’re probably the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen-!” he blurts out, before bringing his hands up to silence his traitorous mouth. You stare at him with wide eyes. “O-Oh, I-,” you fumbled for words as your cheeks tinge red like blooming roses. “I see.”
After that, a silence settles itself in the air, rendering the two of you into amiable discomfiture.
“Rosehearts, it’s your turn!” 
Ashton’s booming voice makes you both jolt, ruining the moment. Reluctantly, he smiles at you and heads off.
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leona kingscholar
You always had a weird fishy smell to you. 
At first, he thought nothing of this and continued to hang around you from time to time. “You know what her scent reminds me of?” Ruggie had told him once while handing him a sandwich from the cafeteria. “She kind of smells like the Leech brothers.” 
“What do you mean?”
Ruggie scratches the back of his head. “They’ve got that sea smell to them, you know? Like how most merfolk do.”
Since that day, he’s been trying to find out why you smelled that way. You were magicless so he wasn’t about to jump into conclusions but after doing a little digging and investigating on it for weeks, all evidence pointed to one thing. He didn’t want to pry anything out of you so he kept his mouth shut until the day you revealed it to him.
It was during PE class. You had told Leona that you wanted to tell him something before going over to the school’s swimming pool. He had played it cool and quietly waited on you to say what you wanted to tell him. 
“Leona, I’m actually a mermaid,” you say with downcast eyes while twiddling your thumbs.
“Yeah, I know.”
“I know it’s hard to believe but— wait what? You know? How?”
The surprised look on your face makes him chuckle. He gives you a moment to take it all in before going into full detail on how he found out; “You honestly reek of fish.”
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azul ashengrotto
Azul thought he knew everything that there is to you. From your hobbies to your favourite music genre to your secret comfort place inside Night Raven College. You happily indulged all of his impudent questions. Yes, you preferred ice cream over cake. Yes, you were losing sleep because of Grim’s snoring. No, you don’t hate him and never thought any less of him after his overblot episode.
He liked your transparency-- admired it even. Around you, he felt like he was underwater but instead of having the constant sense of dread, he was at ease in the waters of your presence. There was never any need to worry over being judged. 
Now when you had asked him to show you around his hometown and he had told you to wear something casual, he hadn’t exactly expected you to show up as a mermaid. You were so stunning that he lost his composure just from the sight of you.
“Did you-,” he clears his voice, “Did you drink a potion?” 
Laughing, you reply, “No, this is what I really am.”
What you really were. Azul shamelessly examined you for a while as he took you to see boutiques and cafes, envious of your tail’s pale rounded scales and stylish web-like dorsal fins but all the while swooning over how breathtakingly beautiful you looked. When you had asked him if he was comfortable enough to change forms, he lets out a nervous laugh then hides his flustered face. 
“I’d rather not embarrass you.”
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floyd leech
Floyd had always found you interesting, it’s why he liked to keep close to you.
Whenever you were around, his heart would thump so fast in his chest that he’d grin and run up to you. “Little shrimp~!” was his usual greeting, his voice jingly as he takes you into his arms. He’d never tell you but he liked having you in his arms, as much as it terrified you to even be enveloped in them. 
“That’s what you do when you hunt down people!” you complained, “I’m never sure if you’d just like to greet me or if I’ve done something wrong every time I see you.”
“Ah~ That’s the fun in it though!” he said, flashing his sharp teeth at you. 
When you transformed in front of him, his eyes widened in delighted surprise. He takes your mermaid form in, ooh-ing and aah-ing at “-how pretty you looked!” before taking you around Octavinelle’s waters and making you participate in make-up competitions just so that he could get to see how fast you swam or strong you were.
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jade leech
Jade always had his suspicions. 
He wasn’t sure when it started but subconsciously he kept note of the things you did and said before coming into the realization that you have become someone very dear to him. You always spoke about the sea with a fondness that made it seem as if it were your home and frequently asked him to tag along with you to swim around and explore his dorm despite having already done so before. When you had asked him to wait then transformed in front of him before taking him out around Octavinelle, he couldn’t help but feel comforted at the fact that you trusted him enough to reveal this long held secret. 
“You’re not mad?” you asked him, shyly peering at him from behind a bed of seaweed. He gives you his signature Jade Leech smile, one that made it seem like he was laughing at your very notion and finding you amusingly silly. 
“No, not all,” he says, his eyes crinkling, “in fact, I feel very honored that you’ve told me.”
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kalim al-asim
Kalim grew up in the land of Hot Sands where, instead of water, the waves were made of gold shimmering grains and that “swimming” in it would leave you parched and drenched in sweat (he would know, he learned that the hard way!). Now swimming always brought a smile to his face. Partying in pools and sharing laughs with your friends, those were certainly fun!
Though today’s visit to the pool was more of an academic requirement than a time for leisure, Kalim still beamed brighter than any star because he was taking his PE swimming class with the light of his heart: you!
Like a toddler, he swung his feet over the edge of the pool and dipped them into the water beside you. “Aaahhh~ Today’s going to be a really great day!” he twitters on, making you chuckle at his childlike enthusiasm. “Really? Why’s that?” you ask him, sinking your own two legs into the pool and looking at him intently. Kalim, suddenly growing self conscious because of your gaze, looks away and rubs the back of his neck. “Well-” he starts, letting his confidence ease back into him as he meets your eyes, “because I’ll be swimming with you!”
You blink at his words. For a second, you stare at him in surprise but his smile gets to you and makes you laugh. “Yeah, it does feel kinda great.”
When Ashton calls you up to the platform, Kalim positions himself at the other end of the pool and cheers you on. “Go Y/N! Go~!”
Ashton’s whistle blows a second later, making you jump. Kalim eyes widen as he watches you transform mid-air before plunging into the pool. When you surfaced, his heart was sent into a frenzy. Your hair and scales twinkled and your eyes, bright and demure-- you looked like a goddess, emerging from the sea to claim his soul. 
The second you change back and dried off, he pops up beside you with gleaming eyes and bombards you with countless praises and questions: “You looked so cool!” “Can you control your shift?” “Your scales were such a pretty bright colour!” “Do you think we can go to sea adventures together?”
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idia shroud
Idia didn’t really want to be here.
The only reason he was was because his brother insisted on it and managed to drag him to class before he could properly lock the door. If he knew that PE today was going to be a swimming class, he would’ve persisted to not come at all.
“Ah, this sucks,”Idia mutters under his breath as thoughts of what could have happened if he weren’t here swarmed his mind, feeding into his growing bitterness. Clicking his tongue, he folds his legs into his chest and frowns into his knees then stares at the clear shimmering surface of the pool water.
“What sucks?”
Idia jolts at the sound of your voice in his ear. He moves his head a fraction to the right and somehow almost kisses you with how close your face was to his. Instead your noses touch, surprising you both. “Y-Y-N?” your name sputters out of his lips as his face flushes at the sight of your smile. He squirms to get away from you but only manages to get a few breaths in before slipping.
As he lays on the ground, feeling completely defeated, he brings a forearm over to cover his eyes from the sun’s mocking glare. Ah, the gods are so cruel.
“Idia, are you okay?”
You helped him up and, though he kept his head low while quietly cursing the gods, he seemed okay. Idia knew you wanted to stay with him out of kindness but when Ashton signaled your group to the platforms, you gave him a small smile and reluctantly headed over to the other end of the pool. 
Without you near him anymore, Idia found the strength to breathe again. Quietly, he makes his way over to a secluded corner to rest while keeping his eyes trained on you in the distance. He watches as your complexion changes and thin colourful appendages grow out of your arms and intertwined legs. Along with the heated gaze of the sun, all the shimmering lights that bounced off your scales and illuminated the tiles into a frenzy of dancing colours dizzied him to the point of passing out. As he slips into the depths of his consciousness, a thought echoes in his mind that was far too overwhelming for him to even continue to think about. 
My crush is a mermaid.
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malleus draconia
You and “Tsuno tarou” were running away from a couple of students that he claims to be after him and somehow managed to to end up hiding behind a rock formation in the outskirts of the Octavinelle dorm. He had used some kind of magic of the two of you to prevent drowning and getting wet and though you were impressed by his incredible magic capabilities, you had no time to express your amazement as he quietly drags you away to hide.
“Why on earth are they after you anyways?” you asked Tsuno tarou, who shrugs from behind you. “They like to keep me under close surveillance.” he replies curtly before peering over your shoulder to watch your two chasers bicker and look around the area. You puckered out your lips at his complete lack of explanation, turning to face him with folded arms, “What do you mean by that? Just-,”
“There! I see someone!” one of them exclaims from behind you, causing you to turn back around and catch a pair of blue eyes staring right at you.
You internally groan as the two of them start swimming towards your hiding place. “Well, I suppose there’s no way out of this. It’s a shame that I’ll have to stop seeing you every night,” Tsuno tarou says from behind you, disappointed. Huffing at his gutted attitude, you face him and take hold of his forearm.
“You and I both know that it’d just be the gargoyles you’d miss because you think that the moonlight ‘encapsulates their pulchritude’,” you tell him before taking in a deep breath and closing off all of your thoughts. “You better start talking about all this later, Tsuno tarou.”
He gives you a confused look then opens his mouth as if to tell you something but you look away and concentrate on transforming. When bands of scales erupted to replace the soft surface of your skin and your legs coiled into each other, you pulled on his weight and began swimming away as fast as you could.
To Malleus, you looked mystical. He didn’t know that you were a mermaid but wasn’t all too shocked to see you transform and gracefully dart across the ocean floor with him in tow. “I meant what I said about missing you Y/N,” he says, catching your attention. You let yourself look back at him for a brief moment before averting your gaze from the intensity of his stare; he told you the truth. Your cheeks grow warm despite the coolness of the water. 
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mitchpell · 3 years
On the Nature of...
Chapter #5:  Life & Loss Rating:  General Audiences Category:  Gen Fandom:  Teen Wolf (TV) Relationship:  Melissa McCall & Scott McCall Characters:  Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) & Melissa McCall Additional Tags:  Post-Season/Series 02, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene, Canon Compliant, Post-Season/Series 03, Episode: s04e04 The Benefactor, Post-Season/Series 04, Post-Episode: s06e10 Riders on the Storm
Melissa sighed as she looked across the table, watching as Scott pushed his dinner aimlessly around his plate. They were having shrimp scampi, made from Campbell’s Skillet Sauce. Ready to go in less than thirty minutes, all you had to do was add shrimp and pasta. It was cheap and simple, but still a meal that she had prepared.  Something she hadn’t done in—so long she couldn’t remember.
It was nice, if not a little bittersweet. She only had a few months left before he’d be leaving for college and moments like these, missed opportunities, time they couldn’t make up, it was starting to catch up with her. Consequently, she’d been hoping for a light evening, a chance to spend a few peaceful minutes together now that the latest crisis had been averted. Unfortunately, it didn’t appear that she was going to get her wish.
He’d been quiet for a while now, pensive and somber, practically brooding. Truth be told, she’d been a little disappointed by it. Not that she would ever begrudge him his thoughts or his need to express them. She knew he rarely did so with the others, Stiles and Deaton being about the only exceptions. Choosing instead to bottle up and pack away his fears and insecurities. As their leader, as their alpha, he felt it necessary, to keep the focus shifted off himself and onto them. It worried her, his disregard for his own physical and mental wellbeing. So, when he chose to speak up, chose to voice his concerns, she made sure she listened.
“I’m going to lose all of you, aren’t I?” Scott asked suddenly, startling her out of her thoughts.
Frowning, Melissa set her fork down and leaned forward slightly, resting her forearms against the edge of the table. “I’m afraid I’m going to need a little more context in order to accurately answer that question,” she replied, trying to keep her tone light without being flippant.
“I was just thinking about the Ghost Riders,” he told her as he continued to push the noodles around, “about the people they took.”
“What about them?” Melissa coaxed when he fell silent, concerned that he wasn’t going to continue.
“It hurt when they took Stiles,” he confessed, as he finally looked up to meet her eye.  “I could tell that something wasn’t right, that something was missing. I didn’t know what or who, but there was this open wound in my chest. I couldn’t remember him, but having him ripped away, having the pack bond severed, it left a mark.”
“I didn’t forget you, though” he continued, a small, sad smile pulling at his lips. “Maybe it was because it was Douglas that took you, or maybe the worlds were too intertwined at that point, but they didn’t take my memory of you. It was like Jennifer all over again. I just keep wondering how many times I’m going to have to do this.  How many times are they going to try and take my family, my friends, my pack? How many Allisons am I going to have to mourn?”
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essaysbyciara · 4 years
Old Habits Die Hard | Part Seven: Backseat
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Warnings: Language, mentions of sexual situations
Peace, loves! We’re back. Thank you to all who hit me up about this story. My laptop died back in July so I’ve been trying to write on a tablet which…yeah. A struggle is a nice way to put it lol😔. Go ahead and catch the vibes and thank you for the reads, likes, comments and follows. Y'all are the realest. 
“I thought you didn’t smoke”
“I don’t. Doesn’t mean I haven’t…”
You take a strong pull of Dave’s blunt in conjunction with heavy breathing caused by his right hand causing a madness in the between. The cracked window of your car brings enough of a cool down so that the both of you won’t pass out from the nighttime haze and the heat travelling from your bodies. Finally, after two weeks, Dave understands your love language; he can’t keep his hands off of you even as you try to take a break from him. He lifts up your left leg with ease, draping your thickness over his right toned, tatted up thigh. The madness is now turning into magic.
“Dave…let me ch-chill. Shit.” He immediately relents, pinching your quivering thigh with that same right hand while grabbing his dutch away from you.. As you sit in puddles of sweat and Dave’s ruins, you stare at the stars above you. It’s the clearest night you’ve seen since you arrived in the city. It just so happens to be your last.
Dave catches your gaze at the night sky through the skylight above you. “You good, shorty?”
“Yeah, I just…” a slight chuckle escapes your lips. “…I can’t believe I’m smoking blunts and fucking in a backseat like high school.”
Dave feels the ping of your words. It’s the first time in the two weeks of your summertime escapade that he’s reminded of how different you two are.
He felt the slight of your words. You and his relationship always reminded Dave that he had some growing up to do. Because of his lack of a place – and the privacy that comes along with it – you two got it in whenever and wherever you could; after his brother went to work in the AM hours, when Aunt Jerri left the house for bingo, in the backseat of your car. Your surroundings would never get in the way of what you two were there for.
Just like Dave wouldn’t let anything stop him from getting at you the day you met. It was an unseasonably cool day for a block party. He and his boys were on the stoop, shooting the shit as always, when Dave saw you walk outside of Aunt’s Jerri’s house carrying trays of food. He knew all the girls from the neighborhood but he never laid eyes on you before. Your cut off shorts toed the line between modest and disrespectful. A white crop top tee and Air Max 90s sandwiched your goodness in the booty shorts you bought with the intention of showing off.
You turned around to see this caramel-covered king, 6’5, tatted from root to tip, body sweating through a white tank top inquiring if you needed any help. You froze like the bucket of ice Aunt Jerri laid down in front of you. He caught you by surprise. You didn’t remember boys from this part of town looking this damn fine. Dave was beyond that. The man you were supposed to be in the Bahamas with didn’t look like him either. Suddenly you were happy he bailed on you.
“Oh. My bad. I didn’t see you there…” You acknowledged Dave’s reach around you to grab a bottle of water from the same ice bucket that mimicked your gaze.
“Yeah, you bad…” Your right eyebrow never arched so high. It wasn’t the only body part that moved. You didn’t know how to respond to Dave’s street-laced flirtation, only to let your tongue peek out the side of your mouth, leaving Dave no choice but to stare at your lips. Dave’s stare and loitering in your presence caught the attention of your Uncle Trace. As Trace schemed Dave down to the basement to grab more lawn chairs, Aunt Jerri gleefully tapped you on the shoulder to remind you that what happens in Philly, stays in Philly. Trace told Dave to not let anything happen.
But as you kept talking, Dave slowly fell into your grooves. Dave didn’t know that you fit in so well because of your summers visiting Aunt Jerri, Uncle Terrence and the rest of the characters that made up your Dad’s side of the family. You acclimated to the energy. Half of your DNA was Reed Street, North Philly; the same as Dave. You two fit especially well in the spare rooms, backseats and basement meetups to you hid from Trace and the rest of the world that thought you had no business together.
But after this last backseat episode, you would be going back to the place that made you so different; to your senior grant writing job, your townhouse and your Roth IRA. Dave was just months into an overnight warehouse job that paid just enough to give him some change to save money to move out of the spare bedroom of Pardi’s already packed rowhouse. He was a work in progress while some would look at Dave as a sign of regression.
But for you, in that moment, nothing – and no one – would or could be better than Dave.
Until he disappeared and you met Yahya.
Right now, you hate Yahya’s guts. It’s been weeks since he told you that he’s taking on Dave’s case on a pro bono basis as a favor to Aunt Jerri. Still seething as you tried on wedding dresses, you kept your cool just enough to keep peace between your mother and her arch nemesis. This time you sided with your mother.
Yahya caught the rest of your static. He caught the silent treatment all weekend, the AM news radio station being the only background noise as you and him drove Aunt Jerri to Union Station. Once her and her hot pink suitcase rolled out of view, you went at Yahya’s neck. You never called Yahya so many words for “inconsiderate”, your Masters in Communication coming in way too clutch. But Yahya passed the bar, so his combative energy matched your loquaciousness. Onlookers got a good look at you two spar as he weaved through Beltway traffic.
To say that you were mad that Yahya took a case this close to the wedding would be a lie. You knew him to have a kind and caring heart, a heart that wouldn’t let injustice slip by. If this was anyone else’s plight, you’d be all for Yahya’s gracious spirit. But it was Dave. Dave who ignored you not once but twice. Dave who, in the very backseat of the car you’re yelling at Yahya in, told you to give him a few weeks and he’d be down to see you. The same Dave who defied all of the rules – and Uncle Trace’s threats– to get at you. Only to leave you. Dave needed to reap that.
But the Dave you knew – despite what others thought – wouldn’t hurt anyone. He was just a hair over eighteen when he caught the gun charge that sent him to prison. A gun he carried because he witnessed his brother die in front of him. He kept it on the straight ever since. Dave was saving up money for his own place, you understood the grind. He was a stone-cold sweetheart covered in a North Philly veneer. He didn’t sow a seed worth anything for this to happen.
Despite the battle on the Capitol Beltway, Yahya and you came home to convene the most obnoxious session of make up sex known to man. Damn the celibacy. Y’all needed to be on good terms and he needed to get Dave out of jail.
“How it’s going, love?” Your dining room is becoming Yahya’s makeshift work office. You couldn’t help to sneak down at night to read some of what Yahya’s been putting together for the case. Seeing Dave’s name all over his papers remind you of how many times Dave’s name escaped from your lips.
“Man, it’s good. We got enough for this bail hearing. I think we can secure a bail low enough that his family and the local justice coalition can afford.”
“Good. Let’s get him home…”
Yahya smiles at your enthusiasm toward Dave’s case. Despite the ninth-circle-of-Hell type of sex you two had in the aftermath of that fight, Yahya knew you steamed from him taking a case just mere months before the wedding. Yet your insistence to know details – like spotting you reading his notes – remind him of why he wants to marry you in the first place. “What date is the hearing?”
“The sixth of next month. You should come up with me. Watch me in action…”
“I can’t. I can’t be in that courtroom. I’d make you nervous.” And make yourself nervous to see Dave.
“You make me nervous regardless, Y/N. But I was thinking you’d want to see your friend get out of jail…”
Your breath stops dead in its tracks.
“My friend? Dave isn’t my friend.”
“That’s not what Jerri told me…”
Although you support Yahya, you still kept you and Dave’s past relationship a secret. Knowing Aunt Jerri, keeping secrets ain’t in her resume. You grip the kitchen counter to brace yourself for Yahya’s inquisition. He passed the bar on his first try; you got some work to do.
“Yeah, about that, I … didn’t think it was relevant.”
“Of course some puppy love shit ain’t relevant. It’s cute, actually.”
Nothing about what Yahya is saying to you makes sense like it does to him. As Aunt Jerri told Yahya about Dave’s case, she slipped in a farce that you and Dave “dated” when you both were kids, Dave buying you water ices and shrimp egg rolls from the “chinese store” whenever you asked. You two allegedly fell out once puberty hit the both of you like a ton of bricks.
So when Yahya peeped Dave staring at you from across the living room of Aunt Jerri’s house, he knew that as the look of a man who now knew he let something good get away. He knew Dave ventured down to the basement not to grab a bottle for Trace but to rspit game at you. Yahya knew you would turn him down, having seen it before. When Dave grabbed your hand , Yahya wasn’t jealous nor hurt: you were set to be his wife. He won. The baddest girl in the world belonged to him.
You start breathing again as Yahya explains Aunt Jerri’s novella of you and Dave’s teenage love affair. In her own twisted, demented yet genius way, Aunt Jerri covered for you. She knew that if she gave Yahya the honest details, he would – as a man –hesitate to help Dave. Apparently you both thought Yahya wasn’t mature enough to handle the truth.
Aunt Jerri’s lie is broken up by the high pitch screeching of your cell phone. You run to answer.
“You have a collect call from PICC. Do you accept the charges? …”
How many times can you stop breathing in one night?
“Hey, yo… it’s Dave. I hope ain’t hitting you up at a bad time. Ms. Jerri gave me your number…”
“Oh, no … it-it’s cool. I, uh… how are you holding up?”
Dave couldn’t believe that you asked your fiance to help him get out of jail. At least, that’s the narrative that Aunt Jerri sold Dave on as she and Dave’s mother sat in front of him during their biweekly visits. Dave’s face, once pretty-boy and perfect, carried more wear. His jaw slipped when he talked, causing him a pain sometimes much worse than what happened that night in the store.
“This bail hearing is in two weeks.”
“Yeah, Yahya just tol-” You didn’t want to keep bringing up Yahya’s name. Though that man is Dave’s savior, he’s still the one that’s in the way of a final go around with Dave. “…the 6th, yeah.”
“I want you there.”
“You do?” Your aversion toward sitting in the courtroom subsides as Dave’s voice – sexy as ever, even through a prison phone – calls for you to be there for him.
“Yeah. If I get out, I got a chance. Especially with your dude as my lawyer. Thank you for that, for real. That’s why I’m calling, to be real. And I want you to be one of the first people I see when I get out..”
You wonder what story Aunt Jerri told Dave but you can’t take any more of her creativity. “So you comin’…?”
“…you have less than fifteen seconds left on this call…”
“…this call has ended. Goodbye…”
“…be there, Dave.”
Taglist: @yoursoulstea​​​​​​ @harleycativy ​​​​​ @twistedcharismaaa ​​​​​ @dorkskinneded ​​​​​​ @need-my-fics​​​​​ @ghostfacekill-monger ​​​​​ @writerbee-ffs ​​​​​ @chaneajoyyy ​​​​​ @amyhennessyhouse
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sweetcheol · 4 years
college boyfriend!sehun
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—genre: fluff
—au: college, friends to lovers
—pairing: oh sehun x reader
—song to listen to while reading: fall again — klang
—word count: 2.2k
—warning(s): mentions of sex, sehunnie being the best boyfriend ever, choking on chips ??? (but it’s nothing bad, i promise)
sehun was your netflix binging partner before he was even your friend
okay ... he was your netflix binging partner before you even knew his name
you guys were in an ethics class together
and it was one of those common classes everyone in uni had to take no matter their major, so it was like 60 of you in a huge ass classroom
so you resorted to the only alternative to keeping you awake during 2 hour long, powerpoint based, boring lectures: 
yoy got the best out of your netflix subscription plan
god bless airpods bc you could just hide them with your hair and nobody ever noticed anything
except for sehun
who conveniently sat one seat to the left on the row above you
so he had the perfect view to your laptop screen
and had watched the whole fifth season of peaky blinders with you
of course he never told you bc that... that would have been kind of weird
so he just kept to himself and tried his best to keep on being your anonymous netflix partner
he had even started to buy himself some snacks to munch on during class and was truly living his best life
until you finished peaky blinders ... and were about to start watching crash landing on you
sehun just ... sehun loved that show, okay?
so when he saw the intro pop on your laptop he started choking on his shrimp chips, creating a commotion
like ... even the professor stopped talking and asked him if he was okay, causing everyone to turn around and face him
red-faced, choking him
even you, who had paused the show and turned around in your seat so quickly he thought you’d cracked your neck
and in that moment, sehun did the only thing he could think of
which in that case meant bolting straight out of the classroom coughing like a madman
and just like the concerned netflix partner classmate you were, you had walked out right after him
“yah! don’t run, let me help you!”
and tbh ... sehun had never expected to turn around and come face to face with you, holding a bottle of water for him to sip on
that alone helped him stop coughing
he reluctantly accepted the water while turning beet red in the face
so the two of you sat down on a set of stairs that were near the classroom while sehun drank his water
he was trying his best to zone you out, eyes set on the floor and only focusing on the bottle in his hand
bc that had been ... embarrassing, to say the least
and he had asked you, in the smallest voice possible to please wait until class was over to pick ur things up bc he didn’t wanna go in and then interrupt the lecture again
so you granted him his wish
and when people started piling out of the classroom, you were like well
and sehun didn’t even say anything to u before he walked back inside, took his backpack with him and walked away
so you were like ???? as you stashed your laptop in ur bag and walked back to your dorm
you didn’t see him the next class
and since the room was so big you were like wtf did he sit someplace else
you couldn’t even watch your show in peace that day bc ... what had you even done to him
the lesson after that ... you were resigned
whatever was his problem you wouldn’t mind
but then someone placed a blue thunder gatorade on your desk with a hot pink post it pasted on the cap
“spare airpod ???”
and sehun was sat on the chair next to yours, drinking from his own gatorade bottle while he waited for your response
so you fished the earbuds from your bag and extended your hand, one of them resting on your palm
sehun took it
and the two of you watched the third episode of the show together
the two of u didn’t speak much though
he’d muttered a soft “thank you” when returning the airpod when class was done and that was it
but then he sat next to you the following lesson
and the next one
and the next one
a couple of weeks after that he started giving you bags of chips and cookies alongside the gatorade
until you had finished a couple of dramas
... and the semester
the two of you were quite bummed the last day of classes
bc neither of you had seen the other one in any other classes so you were sure you weren’t in the same major
and sehun had only said “it was very nice meeting you” after the last class was over
and that was it
or u thought
until half-way through the summer, you had finally found enough willpower to clean your backpack
and had found a cute little note on the bottom of it
from none other but your cute, tall classmate
“maybe we could hang out and actually talk sometime?” alongside his phone number
and at first you were like oh a month has gone by, he won’t remember me
but then you wrote a simple “hey, it’s (y/n) from ethics”
and sehun almost ... choked once again when he read it
bc he though you just weren’t going to text him at all
and so the two of you started talking
he was very funny and easy-going, so you became friends pretty fast
you texted all through-out the summer
and ofc sehun told chanyeol, his best friend and roomate, about it
which prompted chanyeol to tease him 24/7 abt how he should just ask you out
and sehun was like “it’s not like that”
but everyone could see it was like that
so sehun was like ... okay i might
and he was like “so i was thinking ... maybe we could go to the movies”
and you were like !!!!!! red code !!!!!! alert !!!!!! oh my gOD 
bc you had been like ... crushing on him ever since the chip incident
and answered him like “yeah that’d be nice” 
a few days after you went to the movies
and were both a mess at first but the date actually turned out pretty well bc you went for dinner afterwards and everything ran out pretty smoothly
sehun was like OOOOOOH YEAH I’M UR BOYFRIEND NOW ... right after he walked you to your door
but you weren’t complaining bc you liked him a lot too
onto the relationship
ngl you are like low-key done with him the week after you start dating bc he is ... a little shit
like if he feels he isn’t getting enough attention he’ll go like “(y/n) that’s so unfaiiiiiiiiir”
but then he’ll start playing around with vivi and you’re standing there like okAY
and if you tell him he’ll get all sassy and go like “i knEW u just can’t live without me”
but then when you spend enough time with vivi and he starts running to you instead of sehun ... he goes like “wAIT (y/n) he’s MY son wtf”
but inside he’s like “that’s OUR son oh my god” 
gets low-key jealous of all the lead actors of the dramas you watch together
like suddenly you’ll turn around and he’s pouting 
but he forgets about it halfway through the episode
even though you two aren’t in the same class anymore he likes studying together
and is always buying snacks for your study dates
he’ll study for like 15 min and then will start pouting bc he wants kisses
wears a lot of hoodies and sweatpants but will also clean up somedays bc he wants to look nice for you
will very subtly leave his hoodies at your dorm
he thinks it’s romantiquè
and you’re very grateful for it bc he’s very tall and thus his hoodies are very cozy
you kinda want to kill him sometimes but he’s definitely the kind of guy that calls you at three am just because he wants to talk to you“i just wanted to hear your voice”
and he’s just laying in his bed smiling like a fool while you tell him about your day
you both end up constantly falling asleep over the phone but neither of you mind
and then chanyeol enters the apartment and sees him passed out on the couch with his phone in hand and your name on his screen 
it’s safe to say sehun’s not going to live it down
i don’t think he’d be a big fan of pda
so in public, you kinda only hold hands
he might give you a little kiss from time to time but that’s pretty much it
oh but in private ... he can’t keep his hands off you
and your butt
he gives the best hugs ever??? and it doesn’t help that he loves hugging you
forehead kisses
so so so many forehead kisses
definitely takes advantage of his height
for that, and for placing stuff on high places so that he has to help you on getting them down
lowkey touches your butt when he’s doing it
okay but when you’re ... doing the do
sehun’s a switch
i feel like he’d either be such a whiny sub or a very ... whiny dom (but he’d still be very soft ngl) 
(i mean he’s the spoiled maknae for a reason)
favorite thing ever is when you ride him and he can just hold your hips really tight and guide your movements so they can match his
moans so fucking loud you’re sure your entire floor can hear the two of you
i’m not sure he’d be a very kinky lover
like i feel he’d be pretty vanilla
but i mean ... he dances ... his hips can ... do things
so it’s not like it’s anything bad, you know ????
a huge fan of hickeys
but on more ... private places
like he’ll never leave one on your neck
but your chest is a completely different story
bc he doesn’t leave them so that people can see them
he leaves them so he can see them and remind himself that you’re his
that you chose him
that was really sappy
he’s a dance major
and he’s always asking you to go with him to practices
both bc he loves being with you and bc he likes it when you watch him dance
he’s a tease and we all know it
he’d run his hands over his hair and smirk all the time bc he knows you’re looking at him
sometimes he even takes off his shirt and acts like it’s just bc of the heat
and you blush so hard and he’s just like 😌
but also when he has a show or presentation or something
he gets so so so so nervous
but then he spots you in the crowd and just smile a bit bc you’re there, supporting him, and that’s all that matters
his phone background is this selfie the two of you with face masks on
you had your hair up in a bun and both of you were lounging in sweats
you had been playing around with snapchat filters and accidentally took the sweetest photo ever
so he asked you to send it to him
and he set it up as both his lock screen and his home screen
yours is a mirror selfie you took when you were watching him practice
you were taking a photo and when sehun noticed he came to give you a kiss on the cheek
and it was the sweetest thing ever
he literally sends you each and every selfie he takes
and sometimes goes like “hey does this look okay?”
and sometimes it’s more like “your boyfriend is so hot wth”
and just as he takes so many selfies so he can send them to you
he also likes taking photos with you
literally everywhere you two go
he either takes a selfie or asks someone to take a picture of you
and everyone he asks always thinks you’re the most adorable couple ever
bc the love you two have for each other is like so obviously there
and he gets so soft whenever people tell him that
even when it’s chanyeol who says it
truth is chanyeol loves you because of how happy you make sehun
he once told you when you got back home from a club
and like ... you were kinda, slightly, a little bit drunk
and hearing him say that only made you feel like you were walking on clouds even more
bc if anyone asked you to describe just how happy sehun made you ... you were sure you weren’t going to find enough words to describe the feeling
even though he usually is like hell yeah i’m a cool bf
he gets really sappy at night (and when’s drunk) 
and goes on and on about how much he loves you and he’s happy he found you
bc you always get that look in your eyes that make his heart melt
bc he’s the sweetest boyfriend ever
and it doesn’t help that he’s my ult bias bc i reallyyyyyyyy wanna date college!boyfriend sehun 🤧
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one-shot-plus-size · 3 years
Home is where the heart is. Part 6.
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Imagine : Clayton Cardenas meets Olivia Mazru, who is on vacation in the USA for the first time.
Chapters: 6/10
Each of the 7 chapters will cover 3 days of Olivia’s vacation, and 3 chapters will cover the time after returning home.
Part 5
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Clayton took her for breakfast and then for a walk to Central Park. Their hands were all the time intertwined, they walked through the green area. All the time his hand embraced her, his thumb gently smoothed her skin. At noon, they took the food out of the pub and settled on the grass in the quietest part of the park - Sheep Meadow.
- And how do you like it? - Clayton was looking at her pushing pasta into her mouth.  
- I am not used to such noise, you know I live in the countryside. In a small house in the forest, I have a garden and a sacred peace. This city is vibrant with life, it also has its charm. But in the long run it would be tiresome - she smiled at it, putting a little shrimp in her mouth. 
- How is it where you live ? - he rested his hands on his knees. 
- I have a beautiful little house made of wood. I built it myself, my colleague is an architect. She helped me to put on paper what I had in my head, then she adjusted it to the building conditions in the area. The family helped me with the construction and in about two years my dream places were created. - She was looking at it. 
His eyebrows reached the hairline, he was surprised how resourceful it was. 
- I don't care about the picture - she pulled the phone out of her pocket. 
She searched the photo gallery on the phone until she found this one picture of her house. She turned the device in his direction, Clay looked at the photo.
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- This is a photo a few days after the construction and cleaning up of the site. Now I have an access road, I've given myself a place where I park my car. A friend helped me to make a terrace at the back of the house and a porch in front.
- I will be honest, right ? - He was looking at it. 
- Sure - she nodded her head blocking the device and putting it away. 
- Marry me - he laughed - he has lived in this world for 33 years and I have never met such a resourceful and overwhelming woman as you. You have your own company, you work on a full-time basis and you have built a house with your own hands. I am in shock, the guy you give your heart to will be the happiest guy in the world. 
She snorted under her nose and twisted her head. 
- Poland is not like the United States. In my country, people like me are somewhat excluded. Maybe not excluded but more unwanted. There, people with colorful hair, numerous earrings and quite a lot of overweight are different, avoided. Guys want beautiful women, slim with normal hair color. Well I don't fit in, I've never been like most people and never will be. My introverted character doesn't help to meet new people. Some time ago I realized that I want to live on my own terms. This is my life, I am what I am and nobody can dictate my conditions. - She looked at it - I'm sorry, I'm talking nonsense.
Clayton was staring into the space in front of him, holding a box of food in his hands. His eyebrows were wrinkled in thought. 
- You don't say stupidity, people can be cruel without any reason. And how you handled all this is admirable. Wear yourself proud, because you deserve it - He leaned slightly and wet her on the cheek. 
- Thanks - she blushed. 
After the meal they lay down on the grass and talked about everything and nothing concrete. They simply enjoyed their company. After resting they went to METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. 
- Do you want coffee? - Clay stood before her.
- With milk, please - she smiled and sat on the stairs.
- Good - he nodded his head. 
He put his hands on her knees and leaned on them. He leaned down and kissed her a little bit harder first. Her hand rested on his cheek and smiled slightly. He broke away from her, cmocked her in the forehead and went to the coffee shop. Olivia ran her thumb over her mouth and smiled like a fool. 
- It's good to be in love - a voice was heard behind her. 
She turned around behind her, saw a middle-aged woman with a smile from ear to ear. 
- That boy of yours must love you - she looked at him - you can see it from people, I used to be like that too. Please nurture love is the most important thing in your life. 
- Thank you - she smiled slightly. 
She turned her head when Clayton ordered coffee. She looked at him, his ass was perfectly exposed by dark jeans. The horizontal line shirt emphasized his shoulder muscles and slim figure well. Hair in total disorder added to his charm, he turned to her as if feeling her gaze. He smiled widely and returned to the woman in the booth with his gaze. When he smiled on his cheeks two sweet bouquets were formed on his cheeks like in small, plump children. The smile was spreading all over his face, he looked so charming then. She smiled to herself and let her head down. She wanted to have such a guy with her, all her co-workers' jaws would fall down. After a few moments, Clay fell down next to her giving her a cup of coffee. 
- Thanks - she nodded her head. 
She looked at the streets and the cars driving around, this city was really bustling with life. Crowds of people were walking the streets, people were hurrying. Businessmen in well-cut suits, women in perfect suits. Everyone was in a hurry, chasing for money. For a fortune which, after death, will be of no use to any of us. But each of us had different priorities in life, each of us wanted to experience them differently. 
- What are you so proud of? - Clay poked her on the shoulder. 
- Nothing concrete. 
He nodded his head slightly and stared at the space in front of him. 
- When do you start recording the second season of Mayan's MC? 
- In just over a month we start working on the set. 
- Cool, I watched all seasons of Sons of Anarchy on Netflix when I worked at home for some time. I was absorbed by this series endlessly, Kurt Sutter did a good job.
- Have you watched us? - He looked at her - in the sense of Mayan's MC?
- Of course I did - she was nodding her head - a bit illegal, but I had no other choice. 
- Oh - he laughed. 
- You know, in my country there is no such access to series and films as here. Sometimes you have to exercise yourself to get over something.
- He promises you that when we record the second season he will send you records with episodes so you don't have to break the law - he laughed.
- I take your word for it - she patted it on the shoulder. 
- SAMCRO's favorite character?
- Chibs - she laughed. 
- Why ? - He was drinking coffee by peeking at it.
- Throughout the whole series he probably went through the biggest change, even though he was broken so many times, he was hurt so much, he was still such a wicked Scotsman. Then I guess Jackson didn't quite understand the ending, but after a while I know that he was just being eaten by remorse. 
- And at Mayan's? 
- Honestly it's hard to say, this is only the first season, it's not known how the characters will develop. But if I were to say now it would probably be either Bishop or a young part of the club. Bishop because he emanates such strength, decisiveness and power. And young because there is a great relationship and interaction between them. Your role of Angela Reyes is really cool, you play him great.
- Thanks - he blushed on his cheeks. 
- You play really well, you are talented. 
- That's enough or I'll blush. 
- Too late - she laughed. 
- Shut up - he snorted at her. 
She leaned her chin against his shoulder. He looked at her and smiled slightly. 
- So where are you going to take me today, what?
- What would you like to see? - He finished his coffee. 
- I was planning a Time Squer in the evening. 
- So we will go there - he nodded his head - any more special wishes ?
- I guess not for today anymore, but I will come up with something for tomorrow. 
- How about if he plans a great day tomorrow, then we'll go to dinner in the evening. And we will spend the next day in bed ? You're out in a few days, and I'd like to give you some more pleasure. 
He noticed how he bites his lower lip. 
- If you want to, of course - he added quietly. 
Olivia put the coffee mug on the step between her legs, grabbed Clayton's beard and turned his face in her direction. She dipped him in the mouth without taking the look away from him.
- She wanted to - she smiled slightly. 
He leaned harder towards her, nudged her nose and kissed her lightly. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the taste of her as she opened her lips, he entered them with his tongue. He broke away from her and looked around him biting his lower lip.
- Come on - he squinted and rose. 
He dragged her behind him to the Museum building, walked quickly to the ticket offices. 
- Can we use the toilet? My girlfriend wants to pee terribly - he gave the cashier his company smile.   
- You have to buy the tickets - the cashier did not even look at them.
Clayton snorted under his nose, took the amount deducted to the counter. Then he dragged Olivia to the bathrooms. 
- What are you doing? - She followed him. 
- You'll see - He pushed her into the bathroom. 
He looked around again and followed her into the room. He locked the door behind him, pressed her firmly against the wall and kissed her. A moan came out of her mouth when he rolled his hips into her. She felt his penis pressed against his pants, her hand slipped down on his crotch. She rubbed them a few times, and he broke away from her. He leaned his forehead against her forehead and moaned.
- Do you like to do this in a public place ? - she looked into his eyes.
He smiled wide, his hands slipped on her pants. He unbuttoned them and slid his hand into her panties, he felt how wet it was. He slipped his fingers inside her, she moaned in his ear. He moved them strongly and quickly, stabbed his teeth in her neck. 
- Clay...- she moaned constantly. 
- Come on, baby - he whispered in her ear - he feels you clench, come on my toes. And I'll give you what you need. 
He moved faster and faster, she leaned her forehead against his shoulder. When she had an orgasm, she stuck her teeth into his shoulder, and he hissed. He pulled his fingers out of it and put them in his mouth, stared at her eyes. 
- You taste so good - he muttered. 
She grabbed his hand, slipped her fingers into her mouth. She braided them with her tongue and kept eye contact with him all the time. 
- Enough - he muttered.  
He grabbed her ass and led her to the sink, on which he had planted her before taking off her pants. When he kissed her, she was getting to him. She unfastened his belt buckle, button and lock. He helped slide them down to his knees together with the boxers. She embraced him with her hand and moved him several times. 
- Fuck - he leaned his forehead against her shoulder. 
She braided him with her legs at the waist and attracted to herself. He moved his penis along her entrance, irritated her for a while, and then finally went deep into her. 
- If they catch us it will burn - she moaned.
- A note of adrenaline - he laughed.
He did not brake, they did it quickly. Initially she was worried that someone might catch them having sex in the Museum bathroom, but as the pleasure grew, she did not care. She was sticking her teeth into his shoulder when she had a second orgasm, Clayton needed a longer time to come. He stabbed his face in her neck and grunted when he was falling down inside her. Olivia was smoothing his hair while he calmed his breath, raised his head slightly. He wetted her in the mouth and slipped out of her. First he wiped himself and packed into his boxers and pants and then cleaned her up. With a soaked towel, he helped her put on her underwear and pants. He pushed her to the door for a while and kissed her deeply.
- You are the first woman I have done such a thing with - he smiled at her mouth.
 - I am usually not like that. 
- Usually you are polite and laid out ? - she improved herself in the mirror. 
- So that you know - he nodded his head. 
He opened the door, slid his head through the door and looked around the hallway. When he saw that nobody was there, he pulled Olivia out of the room.  
- I won't believe you are a good boy - she laughed following him.
Part 7
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