#he's talking complete nonsense again and it's making my day so much better
amid-fandoms · 6 months
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nice shirt there philly
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starsofang · 3 months
still thinking about johnny x extremely reserved!reader. ):
johnny was always the one to joke with you under normal circumstances. it had taken him a long time to even crack a smile out of you from some of his horrible one-liners, and even then, most of your smiles appeared similar to a grimace. over time, he came to learn that it was just how you preferred to smile until you could let out a true one, but he was as patient as ever.
however, the more time passed, the more the tables turned. you were starting to pull the jokes on him.
it threw him in for a complete loop the first time it happened. he was the one who started it, yet you finished it before he could make an attempt.
there was nothing special going on. you and johnny were seated in the common room, you propped much more politely than he was, while he rattled on about nonsense.
he never minded that you didn’t say much. you were always as quiet as could be. even now, you remained engrossed in your book but gave him an occasional hum to show you were listening, and that was enough for him.
johnny liked you. he wasn’t sure why, especially considering the thick, unbreakable wall you had built around yourself like a cocoon.
getting you to open up was like chipping away at a block of ice with an ice pick, only allowed one good swing each and every day. it was slow and tedious, requiring lots of patience. johnny had gotten you to smile before, sure, but he desired more. he wanted you to let loose, to reveal that silly side to you that was cowering away in the corner of your soul.
the first time it happened, johnny could’ve been mistaken for the damn sun with how much it lit him up.
“elephant would beat a lion in a fight,” johnny claimed to gaz, who had swiftly joined the two of you in the common room for the sole purpose of getting an answer to an unhinged question.
“you think an elephant would beat a lion?” gaz gawked. johnny grinned at him.
“aye, c’mon, lad, elephants are huge. and heavy.”
“and lions are the strongest predators in the wild,” gaz explained. “elephant stands no chance.”
the bicker between johnny and gaz continued while you sat silently reading your book, eyes darted downwards in attempts to avoid eye contact. you looked like your were deep in thought, perhaps even in a fit of mischief in johnny’s eyes when he’d sneak glances to you.
“why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?” you asked when gaz had stepped out of the room, leaving you two alone.
johnny’s head whipped in your direction, mouth parting as he stared at you. “what?”
you peeked up from your book, expression unreadable but johnny could decipher the faintest hint of amusement.
“why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?” you repeated. johnny huffed out a laugh, a cheeky grin curling on his face.
“why?” he mused.
“because they’re really good at it.”
the silence that filled the room was deafening. it had your mind reeling, wanting to crawl back into your shell and remain tucked away. but when johnny suddenly burst into bashful laughter, it put your mind at ease.
“did ye just make a joke, bonnie?” johnny exclaimed in excitement, unable to contain the unadulterated joy that poured out of him like a broken faucet.
“no,” you muttered in slight embarrassment, sinking into your seat.
johnny could tell it had taken a lot of courage for you to share such a silly thing with him, and it warmed his heart. he gained a reminder of why he had fallen for you all over again, and why he was working so damn hard to get you to see that you could trust him.
he couldn’t recall how long it had truly been of him picking apart the slow crumbling of your walls, but seeing you take initiative and try to get him to smile and laugh at a ridiculously cute joke, it was absolutely worth it. his patience would never thin if it meant seeing you crack open the jar of quips (that were definitely better than his own).
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for my reserved queens, kings, and other lovely royalties because i am not bold or talkative nor do i show smile/expressions a lot, so this is your reminder that if you’re like meeee, then you’re still just as deserving for someone patient and understanding like johnny <3
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thisonehere · 2 months
The Lin Kuei boys find your diary and learn that you're in love with them
Mk Headkanons
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A/n: Here you are, the winner of my recent poll. Just a little fun headcanon while I work on another request. It should be ready by Wednesday or Thursday.
Tags: MK1, Polls winner, invasion of privacy (but their hot so it's okay)
C/w: None
This wasn't usually like Bi-Han, of all things the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei was, invading someone's privacy wasn't one of them. Until today of course.
Today was the 4th time in a row that you were missing from your training session with him. He would've thought that being allowed to train with the Lin Kuei's very own grandmother would be considered an honor. Yet here he was, standing alone looking like a fool waiting for you.
Bi-Han does not like being stood up, especially not by you. You whom he holds in such a high regard. He has so much respect for, he is generally fond of you, he feels things for you he can't even explain. So he goes to look for you, bringing him to your room.
He enters with even knocking, you don't deserve such a thing with how many times you stood him up. When he sees you aren't here he turns to leave, still eager to find, to let you know how hurt furious he is by your actions.
But before he can make it to the door, he sees something at the corner of his eye. A book. No, not just any book. Your diary.
Bi-Han thinks such things are stupid, and a waste of time. Nonsense made for children not adults. Surely anyone who partakes in this are ridiculous...But...this is your diary, and he doesn't think your ridiculous or a child at all.
He picks it up, showing care as he holds it carefully in his hands. He inspects from front cover to the back with a perplexed curiosity. Why would anyone have this? Why would you have this? He holds you in such a high regard that he views such trivial things as beneath you. What could be so important you would need have your very thoughts and deepest darkest secrets left on paper.
He knows his brothers wouldn't hesitate to open it and read. But not him though. Because unlike them he has restraint, he has strength, he has-
Bi-Han starts flipping through the pages. There has to be something in here that explains why you've so distant and absent lately. His eyes scan each and every word like they have a sacred meaning.
He especially looks for parts where you talk about him. Surely you will speak with utmost respect for your grandmaster. Maybe you explain why you've been avoiding him too.
Eventually he finds a part where you bring him up, he completely ignores the part where you talk about his brothers and goes straight t6o part where he is involved.
He takes notice with how you talk about him. You talk about how you felt butterflies in your stomach when you were near him, the way he made your heart race, the fear you had that he'd notice you blushing, how much you loved him, you wanted to be with him until the end of all time. You then go one to say the dirtiest, the most depraved things he has ever read in his life about him.
But Bi-Han reads on. He takes note of all the nasty things you'd like him to do to you. Part of him is slightly appalled. The other is very amused.
After staring at it for a while, Bi-Han clears his throat and sits the book back to where he found it and leaves.
From that point on, you can't help but notice that Bi-Han has been staring at you whenever you were in the same room. He is noticeably more patient with you than he was before. In fact, it's almost like he's being nice to you.
He has never really thought of you in such a manner before, but now, now you have his interest.
Kuai Liang
Like his brother, Kuai is a man very respectful of other people's privacy...sort of. Kuai will respect your privacy most of the time, he'll try to at least.
Kuai had been looking for you all day, he wanted to talk to you about a very private Lin Kuei business. He also wanted to see you again, just hearing your voice made his day better. But you were just friends so he never told you about it because then that would make things weird.
Kuai gets to your door and gently knocks before he enters. He happily calls your name as he enters. When he sees that you aren't present he disappointedly turns to leave. But he catches something in the corner of his eye.
He goes to pick it up, he doesn't really know what it is at first. He's not as familiar with concpt as Bi-Han and Tomas. So he opens it and starts reading. It doesn't take him long to figure out what it is after reading the first page.
After that something clicks and he goes to put it down and leave. Or that is at least what he wants to do. He is so tempted to continue that he has to remind himself how wrong thus is.
To continue reading is wrong. It's a violation of you, one of his closest friends. Besides, he is an honorable man, he believes in duty and respect and-
Anyway, now he is sitting on your bed reading through your diary like it's the Bible. He's basically halfway through the books so he convince himself that it's far too late to turn back now.
He is specifically interested in reading what you have to say about him. So he flips ahead to a writing log where you mention him. Kuai takes a deep breath before reading, he generally hopes you like him.
You talk about how nice you think Kuai is, how cool, also hot he is. Pun intended.
It took Kuai a few seconds to process what you just said. He reads on, finding more writing logs about him and they all say similar things about how attracted you are to him. He gets one specific one where you were talking about all the things you liked about him.
Kuai was overwhelmed with all this affection you had on paper for him. At the end, you confess that you have feelings for him, that you were in love with him.
Kuai couldn't believe what he was seeing, it was on paper in front of him yet he still couldn't believe it. He sets the book back where he found it and quickly leaves your room.
The next coming days were tough for him. Whenever he looked at you, all he could think about was your words. He was still in shock, this all felt so unreal. He stares into your eyes and wonders how long you felt this way, if you still feel this way.
He wants to come up to you, tell me that he feels the same way. But that would also mean he'd have to confess about reading your diary. Would you be forgiving if he tells you? Maybe, you'll just need time to forgive.
He will just fantasize about the potential future he could have with you if everything goes. Please, Elder gods of you're listening, let things go well.
Tomas is a sweetheart, that is known. But he is also a very nosey sweetheart. Unlike his brothers, Tomas is a very curious person. That often is much to his and others slcurgrine
He comes to your room with the hopes of being able to hang out with you. Kuai and Bi-Han were always so busy so it was often you two who hung out the most.
Tomas enjoys the time he spent with you. Bi-Han and Kuai can often be pretty intense for him to be around, so he finds comfort with being just with you.
After knocking a few times he enters, much to his disappointment you aren't here. He goes to leave hoping to find you, until he notices your diary. It caught his attention the single second he laid eyes on it. He immediately recognizes what it is, he has one himself.
The thoughts of opening and reading all your dark and dirty secrets pop into Tomas's head instantly. I can't, he thinks. How could I possibly do this to you? I would be violating your personal space. There could be something in there that is really embarrassing, or be about your deepest darkest desires, maybe even someone you might have a crush on.
Tomas tries to fight off the temptation to read it, but he fails. He carefully picks up the book and opens it. Already he feels filthy with guilt.
He begins to look through it, every page feels like a sin to read, but he couldn't stop reading. The thrill of it all kept him going to the point that he already got through almost half of the book. He laughed at your most embarrassing stories, he felt sad when you expressed any tragedy or hardship you faced, he felt overjoyed at your victories.
He felt pretty good...until you began to talk about him and his brothers. At this point he got nervous at what you could potentially think about him and his brothers, especially him. It was pretty standard things, you thought Kuai was nice, Bi-Han was a hothead, and you thought Tomas was cute...wait...
Tomas's eyes grew ten inches wide at this. What? N-No, that's all wrong he has to read it again. Cute? What do you mean cute? Cute as in nice, o-or as in attractive. Surely you meant as in kind.
He flips forward, finding another log where you talked about him. Here you go into much more detail about how you felt towards Tomas, how much you loved, the way he made useful so giddy, you just wanted to plant kisses him all over his cute little face.
Tomas, jaw on the floor and eyes wide opened to the point of almost popping out, couldn't believe what he was reading. He cheeks were turning red with blush and he was without words as he continued reading. Okay, now he really regrets reading this.
In a panicked state, Tomas throws your book somewhere and runs out of your room.
The next few days were hell for Tomas. He felt like such a horrible friend. He betrayed your trust and privacy, and now he knows that you're in love with him. He feels horrible whenever he sees and remembers what he's read, how he invaded your privacy.
As he continues, Tomas can't help but think of you differently now. He fears that he's falling in love with you now. He thinks. He doesn't know.
Gods, he just wishes he never opened that book. Now he has developed feeling for you in such a rapid pace, he doesn't know what to do. Maybe he'll just have to confess to reading your diary.
He plans too eventually, the guilt eats him up every day. He just needs to work up the courage to do so. Hopefully you won't hate him, please don't hate him.
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sminiac · 8 months
Heyy can we get soul bf if not its okay i really live your intak,theo and keeho ver.
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⋆ Haku Shota + Reader
💌 — Of course I can my sweets! Thank you sm <3!!!
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Bf!Soul who buys you the silliest gifts whether he’s travelling or not, the type to see ads of utterly ridiculous items that would have no practical value to it and still put them into his cart without hesitation and giggles to himself when handing the package to you when it comes in, wouldn’t say a word even if you repeatedly ask him what it is, just sits and waits patiently for you to open it.
Ex: Sometimes he even goes out of his way to buy you matching accessories, but sometimes it’s the most absurd looking thing you’ll ever see. Also yk how he has 2 custom rings of his dogs? He’d 100% get custom pieces for the two of you, the design pertaining to something that only you and him understand! Would also get a few pieces with your initials engraved in the back, another little secret only you’d know about.
Bf!Soul who doesn’t like messaging you when he’s away, he absolutely will when there’s no other option but he’d much rather hear your voice, and he makes sure to tell you too! “I just missed hearing you talk to me that’s why I called, it makes me feel better, you know?” He’d also send you little texts throughout the day to keep you updated on where he is, what he’s doing, but they’d never be in great detail, you’d look down randomly at your phone and there’s just: “Baby I ate a bug!!” and “Walked head first into a pole >ヮ< I’m okay I think”
Ex: He’d also frequently tell you “I miss you” but every time he’d explain why, and it would almost always be a different reason each time :,)
Bf!Soul who is such an affectionate person, hugs and kisses given to you for the smallest reasons, you open something for him? You’re suddenly being smothered in kisses, they’re so quick and gentle that before you know it he’s pulling away like he didn’t just leave you blinded and dizzy from his lips. Also the type to hug you unexpectedly, just slowly raises his arms leaving his chest open until you get the hint and pull yourself into him, the same with holding your hand, but instead he’d keep reaching, pulling, trying to dig his fingers to his designated spot between yours.
Bf!Soul who builds you the cutest, most aesthetic buildings you’ve ever seen in your shared Minecraft world, the amount of time and effort he’d put into making everything pretty for you is insane. Takes care of your cats, dogs, and other random plethora of animals when you’re offline, would also leave you random little signs with messages on them for you to find whenever you’re active again, sometimes they’re just silly nonsense, others you’ll find really cute ones of him just completely gushing over you.
Bf!Soul who I feel like is so “Guess what Y/n did?” To his members, a constant yapper about you, if you’ve done anything to your hair recently, that one makeup look you did, that outfit you wore, that thing you said, everything and anything he’s constantly connecting to you and then he just has to tell everyone!
Bf!Soul who lets you do anything you want to him, he’s just pure putty in your hands! You want to put his hair in cute pigtails again? He’s already finding a spot between your legs so you have easier access to his head. You want to see him in a certain outfit? He’s laying out all of his options for you to pick from, and he doesn’t complain even one bit throughout the process.
Ex: Small spontaneous photoshoots happen quite often with this, does so many poses for you, even refers to you as his ‘pretty photographer’ when crediting you in the caption of his posts for taking the pictures of him.
Bf!Soul who would request of you to send your favourite songs to him just so he can make a freestyle video for you :,)
Bf!Soul who I feel like puts an incredible amount of effort into conveying his love for you, he really appreciates someone who can even help him, whether that’s guiding him into the words he can’t seem to find or just simply being patient with him. Likes cuddling into you while you play with his hair as he rambles on and on about you, what you mean to him, how lucky he must be to have found someone so reactive to his energy that not a lot of people can match in the way he feels is genuine. When he has the time he really gets into the details about how he feels, the emotion behind it, I feel like he’d really like the deep, touching talks late at night where everything just pieces together right in front of his eyes thanks to your presence, your kind heart. He could talk to you for hours, things are just easy with you.
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masiola · 1 year
How Lucifer, Mammon and Leviathan would react to MC coming home drunk, calling them handsome and asking them out (even though they are already dating lol).
Contents warning: intoxication, alcohol, flirting
A/N: I wasn't sure if I should make this brothers x MC or x reader. Reading back on this, it's not my best work 😭
MC goes clubbing with a few demon friends from RAD. They finally find a drink that affects them, and let's just say they go way overboard. The drinks slowly start to take effect, by the time they get back to the HoL they are completely out of it. They barely make it to the stairs in the lobby, loosing their balance and grabbing onto the handrail for dear life. This causes an onset of giggles and laughter that alerts one of the brothers.
Lucifer is not impressed. He's going to lecture MC in the morning because all that matters right now is getting them to bed. He'll probably humour them or say something he normally wouldn't because they won't remember it the next day.
"Who's making so much noise this late at ni-" He comes storming in. His expression softens slightly when he sees MC.
"Hello handsome~"MC winks.
"You should stop talking or you might say something you regret tomorrow." SIGHS. He picks them up into his arms so it's easier to take them to their room.
"Oh really? Then I have a question."
"Yes?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Will you go out with me?"
"You're a mess MC let's get you to bed." He grumbles
"Am not! I can walk by myself and you didn't answer my question!" MC huffs.
"Okay, show me." He let's go of MC and crosses his arms.
"Watch this."
MC walks relatively straight but walks into the wall. Lucifer pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs deeply.
"Come on dear, let's get you to bed."
"Skipping straight to bed? You're bold."
"That's if you can handle it." He smirks.
MC happily takes his hand and leads him to their room. As soon as MC gets on the bed, they pass out. Lucifer chuckles softly.
"Sweet dreams MC." He whispers kissing the top of their head.
Mammon would become serious here because he wants to make sure his human is safe.
"Jeez MC, how much did ya drink?" He sighs.
"C'mon on up ya get." He carefully picks them up off the ground.
"Mammon can I ask you a question?"
"Do you want to go out with me?"
"MC yer drunk..."
"Is that a no to going out with me?" MC sulks and tears threaten to fall down their face.
"Huh? N-no! MC listen. Yer beautiful, kind and amazing in every way. I-l like ya a lot 'kay. So please just cooperate with me for a bit until we get ya to yer room." He stops walking to look them in the eyes, caressing their cheek with his thumb.
"Alright...babygirl." They smile cheekily at the nickname, before erupting with laughter.
"N-now why'd ya call me that?!" He yells, hiding his blush because he secretly enjoyed it. Will he ask you to call him babygirl again? Probably.
Removes MCs makeup if they're wearing any, and helps to change them into something more comfy, maybe one of his t-shirts.
He gets really worried and panics a little.
"MC? What's so funny? OMG are you okay?!" He helps them stand up
MC looks up. "Oh hello, handsome." They smile sweetly causing Levi to blush.
"S-stop that! Let's just get you into bed." He holds MC by the waist, helping them up the stairs.
"Levi...I want to ask you something."
"Do you want to go out with me?"
"MC! We're a-already dating!! Don't you remember?" He's flustered at how bold they are right now. MC stops walking to look at him dumbfounded and proceeds to kiss him on the cheek.
"I must be the luckiest human ever!" They cheer.
"That's not true you could do so much better." He mumbles under his breath.
"Nonsense I only want you!" MC pouts.
"Speaking of... we're sleeping in your bed right? So we can be nice and close to each other." They smile innocently.
"MC!" He feels like his heart is going to explode.
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henrioo · 4 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Being a father was not easy, imposing limits was necessary and no matter how cute his face was, that of the Crocodile's only son, he couldn't allow you to do whatever you wanted... Especially when you're running around with three deadly wild animals."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP! NON ROMANCE, Father and Son! Male reader! Child reader! Soft dad Crocodile! Cross guild! Savage animals (bananawani), the reader has a powerful man in his control (his own dad)
꒰ WC ꒱ : 1k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : And here I'm again, trying to post again and idk, nothing much to say today, my mood is horrible and my life sucks, but here some family fluffy to see if that motivates me to write again. Also the names of the wani are terrible because my discord friends choose them lol hahahah blank/no pronouns/fem=block
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Crocodile was listening to Mihawk talking about the latest news he had gotten on his last trip, Buggy was looking at some maps that his henchmen had given him and the lizard himself was looking at the management papers of that entire alliance. At least now it was working a little better and giving more profit than headaches, but Crocodile still refused to accept that a circus really had so many needs and needed such a big budget just for those pathetic shows... that clown was probably deceiving.
“FUCK!” Buggy shouted, making the dark-haired man snap out of his reverie and try to figure out what the shouting was about.
It was then that he saw a peculiar scene that had curiously been repeated a lot in the last few days. One of the baby bananawani was biting Buggy's leg, another seemed to be eager to eat the clown's colorful papers and the third and last was trying... no, he was begging for a lap to the strongest swordsman in the world who simply stared at him without reaction.
You see, being a parent is extremely difficult. Being a father and being a pirate with a young son and with Crocodile's current situation is even more so, he wouldn't want that to be the case but he really managed to be quite absent, he tried to make up for it by spoiling you and the problem was that he spoiled you a bit too much. You weren't a bad or rude child, but you simply faithfully believed that you could have the world at your feet if you asked your father nicely. Of course you could, but it wasn't good for your ego to be completely sure of it.
So, in a way of trying to teach you some good values like responsibility and any other nonsense, he left you in charge of taking care of three bananawani babies. You needed to feed them, take them out of the water tank, clean the tank, all the normal activities of a normal pet. With the difference that your pets were deadly creatures even as babies and were more than ready to rip off some arms for your protection.
“(Y/n), what did we talk about getting them out of the tank?” Crocodile sighed, this wasn't the first time the babies had wandered around the ship instead of being safe in their water tanks. He can still hear the cries of the henchmen who received unexpected bites because their pets were out of control.
“I’m sorry daddy” you said entering the room, you quickly went to the baby in Mihawk and picked him up. Not completely up since that single bananawani baby must have been heavier than you, so you just held him the best you could with his entire lower part dragging on the floor.
Buggy whimpered trying to pull the baby off his leg which only made him bite harder, causing the clown to scream again. Crocodile sighed and got up to help you deal with the mess.
“They’re still too young to wander around alone, they’ll just create trouble” he tried to convince you again.
“But... Miss Banana Split was sad” you said worriedly as you looked at the lizard in your arms who was smiling happily like a baby in his parents arms. Crocodile could feel Mihawk's eyes on him from the animal's name but he decided to ignore it.
“They are sweet animals, they don’t get sad” he tried to convince you, ruffling your hair.
“Of course they stay! Mr. Banana even whines!” You said with a huge hurt pout, heavens you really loved those animals...
“Look at feelings, I don’t know, but this pest is really hungry and is about to swallow my leg, so if you can have a father-son moment another time, I’d appreciate it!” Buggy screamed desperately, shaking his leg again, trying to free the animal, but in vain.
“Sorry, Mr. Buggy… Drake is eating too much these days…” you said, releasing the one in your arms and going to take the other one off the clown’s leg. Luckily the animal was happy to be picked up by you and easily released its prey.
“Drake?” Buffy looked at you perplexed, was that the fucking name you chose?
“Don’t you dare” Crocodile growled at him as if he could read his thoughts. It was a clear message, make my son ashamed of the names he chose and you will become real bananawani food.
“They like being close to you daddy” you said petting Drake who was rubbing against you, the other two cubs at Crocodile’s feet.
“Of course they do, I was there when they were born, that doesn't mean you can let them loose like that” he crouched down to your height “They're still cubs and without training, you won't find it fun if they actually eat someone's leg would you?” Crocodile would find it hilarious, but you were a good-hearted child so you just shook your head “See? So for now let’s keep them in the tank and teach them some tricks, if they can behave you can spend more time with them, okay?”
"Okay!" You smiled happily at the possibility of continuing the walk with your animals, without waiting any longer you picked up Drake and dragged him out of the room, followed by the other two animals.
Crocodile sighed, satisfied that you would obey him for now, at least this way he would stop hearing the clown crying.
“Drake? Seriously? What the fuck is that name? For a bananawani!” Buffy said shocked once you were far enough away, he wasn't even paying attention to the ruined maps.
“Shut up…” your father would also love to know where you got that name from but that was an answer that not even you had.
“I actually found Miss Banana Split quite charming” Mihawk said with a cocky grin at Crocodile who just snorted, getting annoyed. He didn't mind having a son as his weakness, but having that weakness exposed and made fun of was something he hadn't gotten used to yet.
“Go back to work” he said irritably, just wanting to pretend that none of that had happened.
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leclerc-s · 9 months
big reputations - part eight
series masterlist // previous // next
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charles leclerc i've decided that this week i will be driving like a menace.
daniel ricciardo i see track terror is making a comeback this week.
max verstappen no more inchidents please.
charles leclerc mate let it go already. it's been over 10 years.
max verstappen admit you pushed me into that puddle and i'll let it go!
oscar piastri i see why the entire internet is convinced you two are secretly dating
charles leclerc excuse me? max verstappen they're what? sabrina carpenter lestappen is lestappening
daniel ricciardo to be fair, they think k-mag and nico are in love with each other, have been since the whole 'suck my balls' thing
daphne jones didn't we have this conversation already?
max verstappen that was in the other group chat
oscar piastri OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
charles leclerc THIS IS TREACHEROUS!
daphne jones oh grow up, it was started before you three were even in the picture. we don't use it much these days.
sabrina carpenter good. otherwise i'd throw a fit.
max verstappen don't you always?
sabrina carpenter i will make your life miserable verstappen
max verstappen you already do by existing every day.
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daniel ricciardo the hell are you talking about lando?
pierre gasly so you saw the same twitter thread i did?
max verstappen i completely forgot daphne had performed at the 2016 austin grand prix.
lewis hamilton huh that did happen
logan sargeant was going to ask why but then i realized what the song is about.
mark webber i don't get it? what's the song about?
oscar piastri forgive him, he's uncultured.
mark webber that's it, no more sabrina time for you. oscar piastri sabrina said you can't separate siblings. tell him charles! charles leclerc yeah! what she said! lando norris wait a fucking minute, are you all together right now?
carlos sainz is that family thing working for you guys?
max verstappen it actually is. you should've seen the group chat after texas.
max verstappen on second thought maybe not. daniel ricciardo yeah, that's not a good idea. oscar piastri things were said by sabrina. charles leclerc well when you say it like that you make it sound bad. nothing bad was said, they're being dramatic. although, she might be in love with fernando daniel ricciardo you do remember the spa inchident don't you? alex albon they call him fernando rizzlonso
lando norris renamed daniel ricciardo
mastermind hilarious lando. truely.
lando norris you never confirmed or denied it. i took matters into my own hands.
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pierre gasly question for sabrina, how does one get a song like nonsense written about them?
sabrina carpenter what an odd question pear gasly, i'd say by dating a singer? which is better for me because that way i can steal your girlfriend with no obstacles.
aelx albon she's a menace.
max verstappen THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!
oscar piastri it's not that great of a song. i don't get the hype?
sabrina carpenter added one person
sabrina carpenter oscar's been disowned. he didn't know the words to love story.
charles leclerc max doesn't either?
oscar piastri what the hell are you talking about sabrina?
sabrina carpenter i saw that mclaren video.
daphne jones it's one song sabrina, let it go. this is not going to turn into another spa situation.
yuki tsunoda excuse me while i go scream into the void
logan sargeant wait for me! lance stroll and me!
lando norris daniel probably
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sabrina carpenter lando with all of his teammates
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lando norris man fuck you sabrina
carlos sainz what's the spa situation?
daphne jones you don't want to know, trust me. oscar piastri for your sanity, you don't want to know. daniel ricciardo please don't get her started again.
sabrina carpenter mr. sainz, you truly do not want to get me started. as i said before, i may not have been present for spa but i can and will bite ankles for oscar.
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mastermind so who's free to go to daphne's concert in argentina on the 11th?
lando norris SIGN ME TF UP!!
yuki tsunoda I'M IN!
alex albon depends, can i bring lily?
mastermind of course! - sabrina mastermind that's my wife! - sabrina
logan sargeant ready to dance along to the fearless era
mastermind bold of any of you to think you have a choice. I EXPECT ALL OF YOU THERE! - SABRINA
mastermind love the name btw - sabrina
charles leclerc to quote sabrina, "i expect ass shaking for vigilante shit."
oscar piastri dear i god i hope none of you do that.
lando norris well now i'm going to.
sebastian vettel well she's certainly something.
max verstappen she's a menace.
lewis hamilton huh, sounds like someone back in 2016 to 2018. max verstappen YOU TAKE THAT BACK! lewis hamilton i don't think i will
oscar piastri she just likes to stir the pot.
mark webber sounds like someone else and the infamous alpine tweet.
oscar piastri okay, that was one time.
esteban ocon argentina right before vegas? doesn't seem like a good idea to me but i'm in.
jenson button so is daniel dating daphne or not?
mastermind that's a secret i'll never tell - xoxo gossip girl.
alex albon something is brewing i can feel it.
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taglist: @glow-ish @agustdpeach @msolbesg @spilled-coffee-cup @1nt3rnetgf @six-call @smol-scream @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @tygecjjd @cataf1 @nothaqks @caipng @nataliambc @formulaal @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @hobiismyhopeu @melissayalene @nikfigueiredo
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i’m back for 2024! i tried something different for this chapter and i think i liked it so i'm going to change it for all of the other parts, which is going to be a bitch because it's gonna take forever. it's also not that big of a change but i think it makes a difference.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet. enjoy!
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
Mikaelsons & Marijuana
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Hello my loves, I have reached the (very important) milestone of 420 followers! So I thought it would be a fun (& very stupid) idea to do some silly little headcanons about what kind of stoner each of the Mikaelsons would be...
♡♡ Ps. This is definitely the dumbest thing I've ever written, and I didn't tag anyone because I respect your time ~ lol ~ ♡♡
1k words - Warnings: drugs use
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~☮~ Klaus ~☮~
- He smoked a lot of weed in the 18th century, mostly to just pass the time. It's not something he likes to make a habit of, because it makes him feel very human and that unsettles him.
- It somehow makes him more paranoid, but about stupid things, like, what if the reason he can't find a matching sock is because Kol is trying to make him think he's going crazy? Turn the family against him? Does Elijah really know what's in his shampoo?
- He will start a new painting every time he gets high, but never finishes it because he starts a new one when he's high again, and that one looks so much better, why would he finish this one when there's such a great one he can work on?
- He also gets really fascinated by the moon, he will just lay out on the roof or in the garden and just stare at it for hours. Wondering if he could survive the vacuum of space. Everyone ignores him when he gets like this, because they are afraid if he is even slightly encouraged, he’ll do it. Imagine him in charge of the ISS?? Terrifying.
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~☮~ Rebekah ~☮~
- Her fav way to get high is through edibles. She will make a whole day out of it, baking the best treats and doing lots of self-care. It makes her very giggly and snuggly.
- She loves to take long baths when she's high, they make her feel like she's floating. She uses bath bombs, candles, rose petals, soft music, etc. Creating a relaxing environment for herself.
- She prefers to be alone, treats it a lot like meditation and will get a little annoyed if someone disturbs her.
- After all of the self-care she will put on her softest pajamas and sleep for at least a whole day.
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~☮~ Kol ~☮~
- Kol is a bit of a scientist, always finding a new way to consume. He will try any form; smoking, vaping, edibles, drinks, dabs, tincture. You name it.
- He prefers to just smoke it, because it has the most powerful and immediate effect. He likes to see what it will do to his brain, or make him do. It makes him a very curious boy, he will test his own limits.
- As a witch, he will get his room all smoky and do stupid spells that will cause a light show. Sometimes the spells will even backfire on him and make him lose control of his limbs, or start levitating. It's pretty funny.
- As a vampire he gets incredibly horny and hungry, and often needs to be watched over so he won't go completely off the rails.
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~☮~ Davina ~☮~
- Gets frightened and doesn't like the paranoia and lack of control. But sometimes she will try it with Kol and they will just cuddle and watch her favorite movies. He never pressures her to try it and always makes her feel safe.
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~☮~ Elijah ~☮~
- Always refined, he will only smoke the best hydroponics mixed with the finest tobacco. It has to be premium and it has to be a very special occasion. He has to feel like he earned it, and that's difficult to do.
- He will spend a long time rolling it, making sure it's perfect. It's got to have just the right amount of weed, be perfectly shaped, the paper has to be perfectly smooth, the rolling motion has to be flawless and the filter just right.
- He can't stand the smell and will immediately shower afterwards, then he will get dressed up in his nicest suit, sit in his study and listen to classical music.
- If he gets really high he will want affection. He will lay with you and talk about some nonsensical philosophy, try to unpack things like the meaning of life. He will whisper poetry and kiss your cheeks. It's quite endearing, he gets all blushy and bashful.
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~☮~ Marcel ~☮~
- He is always up for sharing, and always has the best bud on him. He will make it a very casual experience and offer some to the other vampire's that have been good to him. It's a time for everyone to unwind and chill for a little bit.
- He's definitely just a social smoker though, when he gets high alone he can fall into melancholy.
- He loves to get high with Rebekah, he will take her on the most elaborate and romantic dates, where they just eat an enormous amount of food... And maybe find someone to drink from together.
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~☮~ Hayley ~☮~
- Has tried it a few times when hanging out with the werewolves. It makes her feel calm, and the colours around her just get brighter. She doesn't really understand it and isn't that into it, but she likes that she feels more connected to her pack.
- She likes to use CBD before she transforms into a wolf. It dulls the excruciating pain that comes from that, and she's grateful that it takes her mind off the torture for just a while.
- Jackson loves it, uses it in a spiritual way and is a very good guide for her on the matter. He makes her laugh and makes her feel safe when they are alone, sharing a joint, talking about life, and their plans for the pack.
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~☮~ Freya ~☮~
- It freaks her out because it makes her feel sleepy and unfocused, which she does not enjoy at all. She finds it to be a waste of her time and feels like it could never be that enjoyable to be stoned all of the time, there are so many better ways to pass the time.
- But she will experiment with using it in her magic, and will make some potent edibles for her beloved sister. She does think it has some medicinal purposes.
- She is very fascinated by it, and will watch as the other's indulge. She will be the one to find Klaus watching the moon, it amuses her to see him so carefree.
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~☮~ Esther ~☮~
- Didn't know exactly what it was one thousand years ago, but liked to add some to her tea. It would make the stress of living with Mikael much easier to deal with.
- Perhaps drank too much tea one day and had the genius idea to make her children immortal. Totally worked out well for her.
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~☮~ Mikael ~☮~
- Would never, makes you weak and complacent. If you wanted to be so carefree and useless you might as well be dead.
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~☮~ Finn ~☮~
- Tried it once, didn't inhale.
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1dcommunityficrecs · 18 days
Rec List: Teacher AUs!
I........ may have completely forgotten to post this for two days. In my defense, last week was about three separate nightmares, followed by attending a lovely but loud and long wedding and then driving home in a torrentially downpouring thunderstorm while my inebriated fiancee babbled adorable nonsense from the passenger seat.
Also my ADHD ass made it 8 months before this happened so we're gonna take that as a win.
ANYWAYS. Teachers. They have so much influence -- I've had teachers who inspired me and made me want to be better, and teachers who made me vow to never take that subject ever again from anyone. Teaching someone can be such a gift, such a sense of intimacy and vulnerabillity and trust, a unique bond.
And thus, I bring you ten teaching fics, from preschool to high school to university to diving to yoga and beyond. We've got 11k, we've got 111k, and plenty in between. Please enjoy, read, reblog, kudos, comment, and get ready for the next theme!
Breathe Me by Elsi-bee (25609, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Louis is a songwriter forced to take part in a meditation retreat, Harry is the coach.
Reccer says: It's a lovely story! Comfort fic! There's pinning, the relationship is sweet and very believable even though the fic isn't very long. There are feelings and emotion. I really loved it and highly recommend it!
Take My Breath Away by RealityBetterThanFiction (153658, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Top Gun AU
Reccer says: It's a remake of Top Gun en Larry, so it's ten thousand times better. Louis aka Rogue is something else. And Sparrow aka Harry is not to be outdone.
You Watched Me Sink by bananasandboots (38000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Harry and Louis are teachers at the same school and they're sort of casually dating except maybe neither of them is quite as casual about it as they mean to be but they refuse to talk about it until they do.
Reccer says: No matter how many times Harry and Louis tell Niall that they're dating, Niall is absolutely certain that they're not dating BUT THEY SHOULD BE. It's so fucking funny every time.
Hands Clasped Tight by afirethatcannotdie (44300, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
Harry and Louis are teachers at the same school and all their students either think they're dating or want them to date. They're half-right: they've been married for three years.
Reccer says: It's just so sweet and cute and funny, they fit together so well and know each other so well but their relationship still feels vibrant and alive and hot and full of love
Hold My Breath by Zarah5 (19749, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis is a footballer, Harry is a yoga teacher
Reccer says: Why do I love this fic? It can be summed up in a few words: Zarah5, footie Louis. And Harry is the Harry I like: a little clumsy, sweet and kind.
Into the Blue by Zarah5 (117218, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis is Harry's diving teacher
Reccer says: I can't say it often enough: I love Zarah's writing. She makes every one of her stories a wonderful read, and Into the Blue confirms that rule. Pinning, a little angst. Perfection
An Unbalanced Force by kingsofeverything (110000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry's picture-perfect future starts to crumble, but something else is born out of the rubble.
Reccer says: Mature OT5 in a realistic world where things aren't perfect. Angst with a happy ending.
come as you are by Stylinsoncity (77438, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
louis is a professor of literature at oxford and harry is his newest and most eager protege. both are caught in a story about forbidden love, loss and second chances, in which one is on the brink of heartbreak and the other comes along when he's needed most.
Reccer says: This fic—the whole series actually—so brilliantly explores complex feelings, poor choices, falling in love, hating oneself…
All in the Golden Afternoon by Leighllbealright (126007, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) – fic post
When Louis Tomlinson needed to find a new preschool for his daughter, he wasn't expecting the one across the street to be everything he and Goldie ever needed. Or: the one where Louis is closed off, Harry is the weirdest person ever, and Gemma may as well be a psychic.
Reccer says: This fic is possibly one of the best kid fics I’ve ever read! Goldie is a star in her own right. Harry’s reaction to meeting Louis for the first time is so delightfully weird and memorable.
The Section by Bananaheathen (11144, Mature, Harry Styles / Louis Tomlinson)
In which Louis is a TA for an Intro to Cinema course, and Harry is an undergrad with a bit of a crush. Or, the one with "Name: Harry Styles, Date: me please”
Reccer says: The “date: me please” makes me giggle every single time. I love the Zouis friendship and the lusting over the Likely Lads!
48 notes · View notes
jinkoh · 7 months
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lip gloss
younghoon x fem!reader
summary: younghoon really likes your lip gloss. what he doesn't like is the silly bet his friends made about you...
tags: strangers to friends to lovers, secret relationship (kinda), fluff, a little jealousy, alternating povs, clothes sharing (v briefly), SFW
wordcount: ~4,8k
a/n: who would have thought i'm coming back after a writer's block with a completely new group--certainly not me lol 🤡 i have accidentally developed an obsession with the lip gloss mv and spent an ungodly amount of time watching it
this is my first time writing for tbz (and i also don't know them that well yet) so pls be kind 👉🏻👈🏻
also this fic is entirely to be blamed on @blizzardfluffykpop bc we came up with the idea together. thanks for brainrotting with me, kate ❤️
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Younghoon liked his friends, he really did. It was just that at times he had to remind himself of the fact. Like now, when they were making yet another stupid bet among themselves, fueled as so often by the never ending quarrel between the beach volleyball players and the surfers. Younghoon wasn’t a surfer but neither did he play beach volleyball, except for the rare occasions when they were missing a man, so he usually got out of these antics fine without picking a side. Still, this time the guys were being too much. Younghoon had already turned to Sangyeon in hopes of ending this nonsense, but to his utter disappointment even Sangyeon was in on this, confidently nodding along that his team would win.
It wasn’t that Younghoon didn’t understand the temptation—who wouldn’t want an excuse to talk to you? You’d caught his attention too when he’d come to the beach a few days ago. It was starting to get hot, spring slowly turning into summer, and the owner of the little beach bar had decided it was time to kick off the season. Instead of him though, someone else was manning the bar. You had an arm propped up on the counter and mindlessly scrolled on your phone. Younghoon couldn’t blame you, the bar wasn’t usually busy until later so it wasn’t like you had anything better to do. Without paying it any mind, he jogged down the beach to the volleyball net where he knew to find the others, the girl from the bar quickly forgotten over a very imbalanced game. In fact he didn’t think of you again until he walked back to the bar to get some soda for everyone. There still weren’t any customers around, but instead of doom scrolling you’d taken out some lip gloss, using your phone’s camera as a mirror as you swiftly applied it to your lower lip. He felt he shouldn’t be watching this, but he also couldn’t look away. There was something so captivating about this scene. Just when you were smacking your lips together (twice) you seemed to have noticed his gaze. You looked up with surprise in your eyes before giving him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, didn’t see you there. What can I get you?” The gloss made your lips look shiny. Maybe he had already been a goner then.
So, it really wasn't that he didn't understand. But betting on who’d get your number first seemed a bit much and, frankly, kind of rude too. There was no stopping them though, but perhaps he could at least give you a little warning?
He got up from where everyone was sitting on the sand, just far enough from the shore to not get wet, and jogged back to the wooden path that led further up the beach and to the bar.
“Where are you going?” Eric yelled behind him. “Not getting a head start, are you?”
Younghoon huffed a laugh. “What makes you think I’d join a silly bet like that?”
Eric grinned. “Scared of even trying, huh?”
“Mhm, sure.”
With a shake of his head he walked the last few meters to the bar, where he sat down on one of the stools at the counter. Once more, it was empty despite being late at night, but he supposed not everyone had the freedom to come out here this late on a weekday.
“So,”  you turned to him with a mischievous grin, before he could even say anything. “What kind of bet were you talking about?”
He ran his hands through his hair. “You heard that?”
“Was hard not to.”
“I’m not sure you really want to know.”
“I don’t care either way. But you guys have been stealing glances at the bar this whole time—you better not do anything that will get me in trouble with the boss.”
“They wouldn’t,” Younghoon didn’t hesitate to reply. Sure, they were silly and stupid at times, but they wouldn’t put someone’s job on the line for funsies. “But they also weren’t exactly looking at the bar.”
“They weren’t, huh?” You grinned and Younghoon couldn’t help but notice the shimmer of your lip gloss.
“It’s your number,” he said, tearing his eyes away from your lips. “They want your number.”
You nodded slowly, looking more amused than offended. There was a challenging glint in your eyes. “So, you think getting my number is silly?”
The question caught him off guard so his reply came out a little too slow to be smooth. “No, that’s far from silly. Just betting on it is.”
“Hmm, how do I know you’re not secretly in on it though?”
“Why would I butcher my chances by telling you about the bet then?”
You leaned over the counter a bit, propping up your head with your closed hand. “Maybe this is your strategy to appear upright and honest?”
He stifled a laugh. “Well, I’m honest. I don’t know about the rest.”
 “Fair enough.”
Younghoon didn’t get your number that night, but neither did anyone else and that gave him a little satisfaction. He’d offered to try and talk them out of it again, but you’d declined. “No,” you’d said with a grin. “I wanna see them try. It sounds fun.” 
He thought he possibly liked more about you than just your lip gloss.
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The guys went all out. Some attempts didn’t seem too bad while others gave him a strong sense of secondhand embarrassment. But you seemed to be having fun with it, so who was he to intervene? And maybe, just maybe, he liked the way you’d throw him knowing glances from time to time, sharing a secret only for the two of you to know.
Yet, he wondered if maybe one of them would manage to sway your heart—he’d seen Kevin steal you away during your break earlier, to take you to the wooden jump tower near the cliffs. He liked to boast about his diving, and from the way Younghoon could hear you laughing from afar you seemed to be having fun. He stalled for a moment, watching how you were sitting on the pier, your feet dangling in the water. When Kevin pushed himself up with his arms to get onto the pier next to you, you playfully shoved him back, making him go under with a splash. He was laughing when he came back up, and so were you. That was a good thing, right? You were having fun. You already knew the thing with the bet too, so if you liked Kevin in spite of that then who was Younghoon to interfere? Kevin was a good guy anyway, and bet or not he seemed genuinely interested. No, there shouldn’t be any problem.
And yet, Younghoon felt bitter about it, a greedy part of him wishing he could have that laugh all to himself.
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“So, can I have your number? In case I need a buddy to go diving with again sometime?” Kevin grinned up at you from the water, brushing back his wet hair. It reminded you of Younghoon, the way he’d run his hand through his hair every few minutes, pushing it out of his forehead just for it to fall right back into place. Maybe you should buy him some bobby pins—probably not. After all, you liked when he did that.
“Is that smile a yes?” Kevin pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Huh? Ah, sorry, left my phone at the bar,” you both knew it was just an excuse, but Kevin didn’t seem particularly offended. He swam over to the pier, resting his arms on the wooden board and propping up his chin.
“What has you so happy then?”
“Nothing much. Just a friend.”
“I can be a friend too,” he replied playfully. 
“Sure, friend,” you easily agreed, ignoring the flirty undertone that defeated the meaning of his words. Friends you could do.
To be honest, your expectations for this summer had been low. You didn't know anyone in this small town aside from your uncle and even though you had a good relationship with him, you could picture better ways to spend the hot season than helping out at his bar. To your surprise though, you were slowly starting to enjoy your time here. When you’d first heard of the bet it hadn’t left the best impression, but seeing them try so hard to impress you was a little cute and despite everything they seemed like sweet, genuine guys. And the fact that you knew about the bet made it pretty fun to watch the spectacle, even more so since you had someone to share mischievous smiles about it with. It felt like you were partners in crime, a secret friendship blooming between the two of you that had no real reason to be secret aside from the thrill of it all. 
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You weren’t the fondest of riding the bicycle. In fact, back at home you didn’t even own one. You lived in the next bigger town and you got around just fine using public transport. That seemed unthinkable here though, with two buses running a day—one in the morning and one at night. So, if you didn’t want to walk everywhere, you had to make do with your cousin’s old bicycle that he’d used before he’d moved out for college. It was a little rattly but it was holding up pretty well—or at least that had been the case until today. You weren’t sure what exactly happened, but suddenly the counter pressure when pedaling had disappeared, and you’d almost fallen forward over the bicycle’s handlebars. Now you were standing at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, not even half way back to your uncle’s place with no reception and a chain that was just loosely hanging off the gears. It being night didn’t really help you to feel better about it all. While you knew it was probably safer here than in some street downtown that was bustling with drunk people, it still felt scarier, the tall trees along the road looming over you. Begrudgingly you pushed the bicycle forward, the lamp flickering weakly and barely doing anything to lighten up the path ahead.
In the distance, you heard the sound of an engine approaching, and the thought of coming across someone on this deserted street made your stomach churn with dread. A brief glance behind you told you it was a motorcycle, the headlight almost a little blinding in the darkness. Just before it went past you, you squeezed your eyes shut, hoping it would go by fast. You wanted to let out a relieved breath once it did, but then you heard the motor stopping only a few meters ahead. Your eyes snapped open, panic rushing through your veins as you watched the driver get off. Your grip around the handle bars tightened, making your knuckles turn white. You made a point of not looking at the guy, even when he came closer, but then you heard a familiar voice.
“Y/n? You good?”
You raised your gaze in time to see him take off his helmet. He shook out his black hair before pushing it out of his forehead the way he always did.
“Younghoon.” Relief washed over you.
“Sorry, did I frighten you?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“So, what happened?” He took an examining look at your bicycle. “Chain came off?”
You shrugged helplessly. “Whatever you say.”
He nodded slowly, running his hand through his hair once more. “I can fix that for you.”
“It’s pretty simple. But maybe something for daylight. Let me give you a ride home and we’ll come back for it tomorrow?”
You glanced over to the motorcycle that was waiting a little ahead and then back to Younghoon. Your expression must have been weary because he grinned. “Don’t worry I have a spare helmet. And I’m a safe driver too.”
“I wasn’t doubting you.”
“It’s fine if you were.”
“I wasn’t.”
“Mhm, sure,” he stepped a little closer, putting the helmet on for you and closing the fastener under your chin. Your breath caught when his fingers brushed against your skin, the feeling lingering despite the fleetingness of the touch. “Ready to go?”
You swallowed around the lump in your throat, trying to get a grip of yourself. “Just a—let me just—,” instead of finishing your sentence you just gestured towards your bicycle instead. He huffed a laugh and watched as you pushed it further to the side and leaned it against a tree in safe distance to the road. Once you’d locked it, you turned back around to Younghoon who was still looking at you. 
“Ready,” you croaked.
He smiled, and despite the darkness of the night you could see the small crinkles forming in the corners of his eyes. “Good.” 
You walked the few meters to his bike in silence and you thought there was an odd tension there. Or maybe you were just nervous about the ride, you reasoned with yourself. He got out his spare helmet, pushing his hair out of his forehead once more before putting it on. With ease he swung his leg over the machine before patting the leather of the seat behind him. You got on too, certainly looking a lot less dignified than he did and shuffled back as far as you could to bring some distance between the two of you. Before starting the motor, he looked back at you once more. “Hold on tight.” Unsure what exactly to hold onto, you clung to the edges of the seat, your nails digging into the leather.
He didn’t drive too fast, surely out of consideration for you, but you still couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. When he hit a small bump in the road, you let out a shriek, your arms instinctively letting go of the seat to wrap around his waist instead. You held on tight, the distance you’d made sure of before completely forgotten. Once you’d recovered from the brief shock though, you wondered if this was okay or if you’d overstepped. But Younghoon didn’t say anything about it and you didn’t want to let go again, not when you felt so safe with your arms wrapped around him.
The ride was over way too quickly, and you almost wished you’d given him wrong directions when he stopped in front of your uncle’s house. Chances of him catching on would have probably been high though, considering he was from here while you were just here for the summer.
“Are you sure it’s this one?” Younghoon said, after he’d taken off his helmet, looking at the house questioningly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I just didn’t know you were related to the owner.”
“He’s my uncle,” you explained matter of factly. “But how do you know he lives here?”
Younghoon chuckled. “This is a pretty small town, you know?”
“Right,” you nodded. You took your helmet off too, awkwardly holding it out for him to take. “So, uh, thanks for the ride.”
He tore his gaze away from the house to meet yours. “Was my pleasure.” There was that sweet smile again, making your heart melt. You smacked your lips together, the way you did when applying lipstick—a nervous habit of yours. His gaze flickered to the movement before wandering back up to your eyes. There was something there. He took a small step towards you, just a few inches but it felt like he was suddenly way up in your personal space. You thought he was going to kiss you, but he didn't move. Instead he just kept looking at you with an unreadable expression.
Unable to hold eye contact, you lowered your head, staring at your feet instead. “I should go inside then.”
“Mhm, you should. I’ll pick you up tomorrow? Is around noon good?”
“Pick me up?”
He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. “Your bicycle, remember?”
“Oh, of course. Noon is good. Should I give you my number? Maybe you can text me fifteen minutes or so before you’ll be here tomorrow?”
“Not worried that this is all just part of my scheme to win the bet?” His voice was quiet and yet there was a cockiness to it that made your heart race.
"Shut up." It was a weak comeback, but it put a grin on Younghoon's face. His gaze dropped to your lips once more before coming back up.
"Make me."
Your eyes widened in surprise, caught off guard by the bold implication of his words. You swallowed around the lump in your throat, your whole body was thrumming with nerves. Your gaze flickered to his lips. You inched closer. That's what he'd meant right? You wouldn't be overstepping if you kissed him now, right? You looked up into his eyes, just to be sure that you weren't misunderstanding things. But right when you did, he cupped your jaw with his hand, pulling you in until his lips crashed into yours. 
Kissing him felt so natural, it was as if all your secret smiles and shared grins had naturally led up to this moment. You kissed him until you felt breathless and even then you were reluctant to pull away. When you finally did, he didn't let you go too far, his thumb drawing patterns on your cheek and his eyes taking in every inch of your face.
"I think I should really go now," you eventually broke the silence when you couldn't endure it anymore.
"Okay," he whispered.
"Okay," you repeated. "I'll see you around noon."
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Younghoon couldn’t stop himself from smiling on the whole ride home. You'd forgotten to give him your number, but he felt that it didn't really matter anymore. He could just ask you again tomorrow. After all, he'd gotten something way better tonight. He recalled the way your arms had held onto him tightly on the ride and your tousled hair after you’d taken off the helmet. Mostly, he recalled how warm your lips had felt against his. He couldn’t wait to see you again.
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The chain was back on in a matter of seconds. Younghoon looked as if he’d done it a zillion times before.
“And you couldn’t have done that last night?” You asked from where you were standing next to him, watching as he wiped his fingers on a cloth. Nothing had happened since he'd picked you up and you'd driven back to your bicycle together. You almost wondered if it was all an odd fever dream and he didn’t actually kiss you.
“I did say it was easy," He admitted simply, "But it’s always better to check everything with proper lighting rather than letting you ride home on a potentially broken bicycle. Can’t risk you getting hurt, can we?" 
It was just common decency but somehow the way he said it, looking up at you with a cheeky grin, made your heart skip a beat and your cheeks flush. You avoided his gaze, your focus falling onto his jaw instead. “You have a little—” you motioned to your own face, trying to mirror where he’d stained his skin with grease just below the jaw line. He tried to wipe it away with the back of his hand, his grin traded for something more innocent. “There?”
The scene captivated you a little too much, thoughts of touching that jaw, of pulling him into a kiss circling your mind. In your daze, it took you a second to snap out of it. “Yeah,” you mumbled, not really paying attention. "There."
Younghoon thoroughly made sure the bicycle was safe to ride and only then started to pack up his tools. You watched as he diligently put them away. 
“How come you know how to do this?” you eventually broke the silence.
“What, putting a chain back on?”
“Hm,” he shrugged. “I like fixing things. And it comes in handy too, doesn’t it?” He said the last bit with a smile that you couldn’t help but return.
“Yeah, it does. Thanks again.” 
He got up and dusted off his pants. “It’s nothing. Call me if something happens again.”
“I will.” Your gaze followed him as he walked back to his bike, getting his helmet from where it hung off the handle bars. He didn't put it on just yet, taking a quick glance at the wing mirror first.
“You lied!” He complained in mocked offense, before turning back around to you. He wore a pout, his finger pointing at the grease stain that was still right there below his jaw line.
You giggled. “What can I say, I’m neither upright nor honest.”
Younghoon grinned and walked back over to you, his helmet still in his hand. "Is that so?" He asked as he stepped back into your personal space. You took a tiny step towards him too, closely watching his reaction. That grin was still there. With a racing heart you tugged the cloth out from where he had messily shoved it into his pocket. Then you reached up to his jaw, slowly wiping at the grease stain until it was gone. The whole time, Younghoon was watching you intently, your eyes, your nose your lips—
You lowered your hand when you were done, but he caught your wrist to stop you from going too far.
"Thanks." His voice was barely a whisper. Your eyes flickered to his mouth.
"You're welcome," you replied just as quietly, inching just the tiniest bit closer. You felt his breath on your skin and then his lips on yours, again and again and again.
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Things between the two of you felt exciting and new and good—but there was also this looming uncertainty. Younghoon knew what it meant to him. But what about you? What was all this to you? Even though he didn't want to delude himself, he couldn't help hoping that this, that he was special to you. The secret smiles you exchanged started to feel a little different, like there was a little more. And there was: the two of you were texting a lot now that you'd exchanged numbers and you often came down to the beach earlier to hang out with him on the old lighthouse before your shift. You weren’t doing that for the other guys. Your gaze also didn't linger on them the way it did on him, no matter how much they pestered you. And of course you weren't kissing them either. That was, as far as he knew, reserved for him alone. That made it easy to endure when you were laughing and joking around with the guys. Except at times, you'd glance over to him with a cocky grin. Almost as if you wanted to make sure he was watching, as if you wanted to purposely rile him up. It made him want to walk over and kiss you right there in front of them, but you hadn't talked about these things yet and you seemed to enjoy the thrill of hide and seek. So, kissing was only allowed for when you were alone with no one to see.
Consequently he was keeping a low profile, sitting in the sand with some of the others and pretending not to watch from afar how Changmin and Juyeon were leaning on the counter, competing for your attention. Eventually he tore his gaze away to focus on the conversation in front of him instead, which only got interrupted when Jacob remarked that Changmin and Juyeon must have been unsuccessful, as they were coming back down to the beach. You on the other hand were not behind the bar anymore, a small sign indicating that it was closed for now. A feeling of worry started to spread in his guts. Did something happen? Did they make you feel uncomfortable? He knew his friends were good guys and wouldn’t ever intentionally do that, but just because it wasn't their intention didn't mean it couldn’t happen. Maybe it was nothing, but he just needed to make sure you were okay.
Without thinking further he got up from the sand, jogging past Changmin and Juyeon who looked at him in confusion, and up to the bar. You weren't anywhere to be found though, the little door locked and the space behind the counter empty. The other only place he could come up with was the lighthouse, so he made his way there, hurrying up the spiral staircase until he got to you, sitting in the middle of the steps and munching on a sandwich. You looked up at him in surprise as he stood before you, breathing a little heavy, but a smile spreading on his lips. He chuckled. He should have known he was worrying for nothing.
"You're on break?"
"Mhm," you nodded and scooted over a bit, making space for you to sit with him. "What's the hurry for?" 
There was a little sauce on your upper lip. He reached out to wipe it away and you simply let him.
"I don't know, I was wondering if you're fine."
"Why wouldn't I be?'
He shrugged. He didn't know either, after all you'd never been uncomfortable with the boys' advances. Maybe he was the only one who felt that way. 
You leaned in a little closer, bumping your shoulder against his with a cheeky grin. "Or were you maybe jealous?"
With a huffed laugh he met your gaze. "What if I was?"
He thought he saw your cheeks flush when you focused back on your sandwich. "Maybe I'd like that."
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It was late, around midnight, and you listened to the sound of the waves as you sat side by side in the sand. The bar was still open, but your uncle had taken on the night shift, giving you the freedom to spend your time out here, away from people. You hear the music and laughter from afar and if you turned around you'd see the colorful string lights too, but you much preferred the view of the ocean in front of you. At least for now.
Younghoon was sitting close to you, his hand just barely touching yours. You wondered if he was cold in his white tee while you were all wrapped up in his cozy hoodie. You inched closer, intertwining your fingers and pulling his hand into your lap. Maybe you could at least keep his arm warm. He turned to look at you with a smile, before running his free hand through his hair.
"The boys would hate this," he said with a chuckle. 
"Would they really?" Your voice sounded more serious than intended. You knew it was just an offhand comment, but it made you wonder if that could be a dealbreaker for him. You knew he treasured his friends.
He considered for a moment. "Only if I'm not serious. They care about you, you know." 
"So, are you? Serious?"
"Yeah." He didn't shy away from your gaze. "I'm serious."
You squeezed his hand in yours and he squeezed right back and even though it was such a small gesture it gave you butterflies. He was serious about you, about this. With flushed cheeks and a smile tugging at your lips, you leaned your head against his shoulder. You sat like that for a while, back to listening to the waves.
"Maybe we should end their bet," you eventually mumbled. "Since they already lost." You could imagine the surprise on their face if you were to tell them.
"Mhm, we should," he rested his head against yours, "but not now. Let's stay here a little longer."
 "Yeah, let's."
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"That actually makes so much sense," Eric exclaimed dramatically, after you'd told them a few days later. "How else would you have resisted my charm?" 
Changmin huffed a laugh. "Right, because you're so irresistible."
"Anyway," Sangyeon interrupted, "that means the bet is off."
Sunwoo looked at him with a raised eyebrow, casually resting his arm on Younghoon's shoulder. "You're only saying that because you've lost. Younghoon is clearly on team beach volleyball. He just joined in on a game the other day."
Eric shook his head and formed an X with his arms. "Nope, no, he clearly said he wasn't joining."
Younghoon rolled his eyes at their antics, wondering if he should say something to make them shut up. But then he met your amused gaze and decided to leave it be. 
"What was the wager anyway?" You asked him quietly. 
Younghoon shrugged as he intertwined his fingers with yours. "I have no idea." 
You giggled. He liked the sound of it and the happy glint in your eyes. He also liked the shimmer of your lip gloss.
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no tbz masterlist (edit: nvmnd here it is) but feel free to check out my other works if you liked this or leave a follow to keep up with future works~
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shuyui-nether · 2 months
My Blue Sky
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Chapter 02: AO3
Summary: She hated this bitter fate and wished that her father would return even for one day. But this was an impossible wish that will never come true.
Admin talks: Hey guys long time no see. I miss you all. Forgive me for disappearing. As you know I had therapy sessions for my mental status. Now I'm completely fine and will update more. I can't wait to write again. Please welcome me with your reviews 😭.
With the sunlight shining on his face, Kou slowly opened his eyes. He was never a morning person. He usually couldn't sleep well at night because of his nightmares, so he woke up in the morning with great difficulty. Sometimes he wished he could just sleep peacefully for one day without any nightmares.
Kou: Damn it... why do I have to go to school every day? Ahhhhhh...
With great difficulty, Kou got up from his bed and went to his wardrobe to put on a shirt. After choosing his shirt, he put it on and tried to fasten the buttons.
Kou: Ahhh... this is very difficult... I wish someone else would do this for me.
Saying this, Kou remembered the pale girl who is now in the dungeon. And he smiled with this thought.
Kou: ...! Hahaha... I remembered now. I have a new little girl. Maybe I can make her listen to me. Of course, I am sure that she will do it with full satisfaction. She is probably one of those fangirls who is dying to be with me for just a few seconds. What a lucky girl you are...
Thinking about his weaving and dreaming, he buttoned his shirt hard and went out of his room and went to his brothers.
Kou: Yahooooo.... Good morning...
Yuma slowly appeared from behind Kou while yawning.
Yuma: Why are ya making so much noise in the morning?
Azusa: Good morning... Kou... Yuma
Ruki, who had woken up earlier than everyone else and was busy making breakfast in the kitchen, entered the living room with a breakfast tray.
Ruki: Good morning everyone. Breakfast is ready. You can go to the kitchen and start.
Kou: Ruki, do you want to eat breakfast alone?
Ruki: No. This is not for me. It's for Eve.
Kou: Ahhhh... you are right... I was forgetting that, that girl is now in the dungeon. Poor girl must have had a hard night. I am sure she is scared now. Haha, her scared face must be so cute.
Yuma: Haha... did ya really forget or were ya thinking about her all night haha?
Kou: what the fuck Yuma? Why should I think about that ugly girl?
Azusa: Kou... you're such a liar... we all saw yesterday... how you... were staring at Eve. Besides... she is very... cute and beautiful... if you call her ugly, you are lying.
Kou: Azusa, you should see my fans, they appear in front of me every day with the best makeup. I'm sure this girl has never put on makeup.
Azusa: That... makes her more beautiful...
Kou: It's ridiculous...
Yuma: Haha, just say you love her.
Kou: Never...
Ruki: Enough. Your fights are like children's fights. Do not forget the right behavior. Anyway, I will take het breakfast to explain some rules to het. Then we all have to go to school.
Kou: Shall we take Eve too?
Ruki: Of course not. She disappeared last night. Besides, we can't let the Sakamaki brothers see her.
Kou: Ruki, isn't it better to have someone stay with her at home. I mean, even if you make rules for her, she will still be a rebellious girl.
Ruki: Yeah. I will stay with her.
Yuma: Ya...
Ruki: Is there a problem?
Kou: No, you are just an honor student. Are you sure you want to stay?
Yuma: Hahahaha... What's wrong? Don't say that you want to stay with her. Boy, you fell in love with her badly.
Kou: Ahhh.... Stop Yuma. Don't say such nonsense. I'm just tired. I didn't sleep well last night. I prefer to stay at home.
Ruki: Okay.
Yuma: ...!
Kou: ....! Really? Is it okay?
Ruki: yes, but just this once.
Ruki went to the dungeon with the breakfast tray to see Eve and explain the rules to her. Kou went to the dungeon with him. Ruki frowned when he noticed Kou is following him and turned towards him.
Ruki: Why are you following me?
Kou: I want to see Eve. Her pitiful scared face should be interesting. And since I'm going to take care of her today, I need to know what rules you set for her.
Ruki: Ah... okay.
Ruki and Kou continued on their way until they reached the pale girl. It was unbelievable. She was sitting quietly staring at the door without any attempt to escape. It was as if she was waiting for them to arrive.
Ruki: Good morning Eve. So you are awake.
Hearing Ruki's voice, the girl raised her head and looked at him. You can tell from her shaking eyes and hands that she is scared. But she was trying to show herself strong. That's why she looked at those two people without showing any fear.
Yui: Who are you? where am I?
Ruki: Don't worry Eve, I will explain everything to you soon.
Ruki put the breakfast tray in front of Yui.
Ruki: You must be hungry. you can eat I will open your hands, but remember, if you make a foolish attempt to escape, you will be punished.
Ruki slowly unchained Yui's hands. Yui was hesitant at first, but she was very hungry. Since the Sakamaki brothers are vampires, they eat little, Yui also eats very little, and this has affected her health.
Yui first took the glass of water and drank it. She seemed very thirsty. She looked at Ruki as she ate some of the food and waited for his explanation.
Ruki: Listen Eve. Or Komori Yui. You are here on the orders of an important person and you must obey us. You are going to stay here for a long time. Remember, don't think of stupid attempts to escape, they will all be futile and you will only get yourself in trouble. From today you have no right to go to school. You have no right to contact the Sakamakis and most importantly, you have no right to disobey. It is in your best interest to listen to everything I say, otherwise you will be severely punished.
Yui: Why am I here? On whose orders am I here?
Ruki: This is not important anymore. I am Ruki, the older brother of this family. And this is the second brother of the family Kou. You will meet Yuma and Azusa soon.
Kou was listening to the conversation of these two people without saying anything. He was staring at Yui. He knew he had seen Yui somewhere before, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember.
Ruki: We will free you. As long as you respect all the rules I said. Do you have anything to say?
Yui: Please... let me go...
Ruki: Ahhhh.... Didn't you hear what I said? Do not resist, you will only make it difficult for yourself. Now eat your breakfast as soon as possible. I will introduce you to my other two brothers and we have to go to school. But don't worry, you aren't going to be alone. Kou is by your side and makes sure you don't break the rules.
Yui was afraid of Ruki. She had to obey him, otherwise it was not clear what fate awaited her.
After Ruki introduced his brothers to Yui, they left the mansion and went to school, leaving Kou and Yui alone at home.
Kou: Ahhhhh... I'm finally alone. I can't wait to just have fun and relax today.
Kou walked over to the couch in the living room and threw himself onto it, yawning deeply and chuckling. He could see Yui staring at him. He smirked at Yui's look.
Kou: What happened? Didn't you think you would see your favorite idol up close, M-Neko-chan?
Yui: Idol? Are you an idol?
Kou: Haaaaaaaaa? Don't say you don't know me.
Yui: I'm sorry, but I don't know you.
Kou: Are you kidding me?
Kou went to Bookshelf and picked up some of the magazines and came to Yui. He put the magazines on the table and pointed at them angrily.
Kou: My picture is in almost every magazine. What do you mean you don't know me?
Yui: Fufu... I never read such magazines. I am sorry. But I felt that I have seen your face before. Maybe that's why you looked familiar?
Kou: Familiar? Are you crazy or something? All the girls in Japan know me. I am a famous idol that girls die to be with me for just a few seconds. How can you not know me?
Yui: I'm sorry... but I've never been interested in this kind of thing... but that doesn't make the value of your work less.
Kou: You bitch... are you trying to pity me?
Yui: No... I just...
Kou: Shut up... you worthless bastard... you are the one who is worthless. You are just a moving blood bag.
Kou angrily walked over to Yui and grabbed Yui's narrow neck in his fist and began to squeeze it to strangle Yui.
Kou: You see... you are so worthless... if I kill you now, no one will be upset. No one even knows you exist.
Yui: Kou-kun... I can't... breathe...
Kou: If I feel a little sick all the girls in Japan send me postcards and gifts to wish me well. You see, this is the difference between you and me.
Yui: Kou...kun...my breath...
Kou: Hahaha... yes, hurry up and beg for your life. You have to beg even for your life. You are just worthless prey, nothing more.
Yui's eyes were about to close when Kou released his hand and let go of Yui's neck. Yui fell to the ground in despair, coughing and struggling to breathe. Tears were flowing from her eyes and her vision was blurry.
Kou: Don't forget your place. You are as worthless as a mouse and I can easily crush you under my feet. I don't even have to do it myself. Just mention it and the fans will destroy you.
Yui: Huh...huh...I'm sorry...
Kou smirked when he saw Yui in that state and walked out of the living room. When Yui was alone in the room, she started to cry. She hated this bitter fate and wished that her father would return even for one day. But this was an impossible wish that will never come true.
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landos-meat-rider · 1 year
mastermind, part three
oh my goshhh im so sorry this one took me like ten years (i had exams🤡🙏) i wrote part four as well as an apology🤞🤞
anyways heres part three, getting into that situationship situation rn we love to see it
but no fr idk how i feel abt this part so please lmk ur thoughts and that, hopefully the next parts will be better idk ily guys sm omg-
warnings: none i think, probably some swearing, mostly fluff
theodore nott masterlist
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I walk over to Theo, passing by drunken teenagers either making out or snorting cocaine. The strobe lights hit his face, bringing his bright eyes out every now and again as he looks up at me.
“Hey,” he says as I come to sit next to him on the sofa in the dark corner.
“Hey.” I reply back looking towards his book, “What are you reading?”
“Bukawoski,” he responded plainly, dog-earing the book and putting it aside to direct his full attention to me.
“Bukawoski? A muggle writer?” I ask in surprise “What possessed your pureblood mind to read that?”
He shrugs and answers, “I heard you and that curly-haired girl over there talking about it one time at dinner and I thought I’d see what all the nonsense was about.”
“Oh yeah? And how are you finding it?” I ask, a grin creeping up to my lips.
“Love is a dog from hell is pretty good. Bloody questionable, no doubt but good.” He says staring down at my lips from time to time.
We sit in silence for a moment, observing each other as the music played in the background until his strong unwavering gaze becomes too much for me and I break away and try to talk about something.
“So how was the match? Had fun losing?” I smirk at him and see his soft smile becoming a frown but I could see the tiniest sliver of a smile under it.
“Shut the fuck up, we didn’t have enough time for warm-ups and it was bloody freezing.” he complains whiningly which sends me into a burst of creasing laughter.
With a smile on his face, Theo asks me, “What’s so funny?”
I barely manage to get any words out from the laughter that has taken over my body, spreading to Theo’s too.
Our little moment is interrupted by a figure in front of us.
“Hi, care to join the others for a game?”, Cormac grins down at us, making Theo cease his laughter almost immediately and glare up at him.
Before he has the chance to say anything rude I take mine, “Yeah sure, we’d love to.” I smile up at Cormac and grab Theo by the arm dragging him towards the group settled on the carpet with an empty beer bottle in the middle of the circle.
“Ah welcome! Nott, Lestrange, joining us for seven minutes in heaven?” Ron asks from his place on the carpet.
“I don’t think I have much of a choice Weasley.” Theo jokes with Ron. Or at least I think it’s a joke. Whatever, at least they’re not bruising each other right now.
Though if Theo’s looks could kill, Cormac would’ve been six feet under by now…
“Okay, I’m going first!” Ginny Weasley says and spins the bottle making it turn a few times before landing on…Harry.
“No. Absolutely not. Ginny go back to your dorm, I’m not having this.” Ron says strictly before passing the bottle to me.
I spin it as Ginny grumbles and goes to another corner of the room being closely followed by Harry, away from Ron’s sights for once. Theo seems to catch my gaze and smiles softly.
“Oh now won’t you look at that, it was almost Gryffindor and Slytherin but I guess the choosing hat’s powers radiate all the way here.” Ron jokes as the bottle nearly lands on Theo, erupting butterflies in my tummy until they all fall down again when the bottle finally lands on Cormac.
Lord please no.
I stay in my position on the carpet, refusing to look at Cormac’s disturbingly growing grin and reach for Theo’s hand instead.
“Oh, Y/N I completely forgot about our detention with Flitwick from the other day, we’d better be going now.” Theo says as he pretends to check his watch, pulls me up and sarcastically smiles at Cormac before saying, “Sorry mate.”
We make it out of the common room easily, thank God, and I have a million thanks for Theo but a question still remains.
“Why did you do that?” I say plainly as we start walking and Theo pulls out a cigarette, putting it between his pink lips and reaching for a lighter in his pocket.
“No reason,” he mumbles through his teeth as the cold autumn air hits our faces.
“You sure? You’d normally just walk out. No explanation.”
“Well,” he begins, looking at me for a second before taking a drag of his cigarette and breathing it out, “I would. But you wouldn’t, and if I just pulled you up with no explanation then the others might think something else. And anyway I can’t stand seeing you with that bastard.” he says frowning to himself.
“Oh yeah?” I smirk at him, “Why’s that?”
“Not good enough for you.”
“Then what is good enough for me Theo?” I say as we enter the castle again and walk into a deserted, dark hallway.
He says nothing but brushes his hand with mine before pausing and offering me a drag from his cigarette. “Mm, no, I like my lungs, thanks.”
“Suit yourself.” he shrugs and as he puts the cigarette back in his mouth the sleeve of his shirt lifts a bit showing his soft skin tainted with something…black?
“What’s that?” I ask, taking my hands out of my pockets and point to his arm quickly.
He pulls his sleeve back down as quickly as he can and mumbles a quick ‘nothing’, looking panicked and anxious all of a sudden.
“Theo? Are you okay? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” I apologise and regardless of his “No don’t worry lovie you don’t need to apologise"s, I still feel unsure and try to reach out for him but he flinches away before I can say anything.
“M’sorry I just- I have to go. I’ll um, I’ll see you tomorrow.” he says quickly and strides off to the Slytherin common room. As he was mumbling this, I had a chance to asses his behaviour. Rather than the cool, calm and nonchalant Theo that I’m used to, I saw the glassy-eyed, apprehensive and slightly vulnerable Theo.
What was that?
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theo’s pov
“Well, good morning to you too,” Draco says to me, smiling as I harshly drop my bag down on the breakfast table.
“What’s wrong with you?” Pansy asks, before putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.
I sigh before answering, “I’ve got potions first period.”
“...And that’s bad because…?” Blaise drags out, looking at me in curiosity.
“Because she’s there and the Yule Ball’s coming up, and I should’ve asked her earlier but I didn’t, and now that that bloody git Cormac’s probably going to go with her.”
My short rant left the table in silence for a moment before Pansy replied,
“Don’t worry about it Theo, even if she is going with Cormac I’m pretty sure she’s not going to have much fun with him.”
“Yeah no for real, guy’s a fucking pussy.” Blaise agrees, having had many classes with him before.
We get into our nonsensical chatter until the bell rings and everyone starts clearing off to lessons and I hold Draco back by his elbow before he moves off and whisper nervously to him, “What if she sees it?”
“Sees what?” he says with furrowed brows, making me roll my eyes and point to my forearm saying, “What if she sees it.”
Draco looks down at my covered arm and looks at his and says, “Don’t worry mate, we’ll be fine.”, smiles and moves off.
“Thanks for the reassurance mate,” I say after him as we walk together with Blaise to our classes, them to dark arts and me to potions.
“Trust me I know, she’s my cousin after all.” Draco smiles before Blaise nods to my class door, “Make sure you ask her.”
I enter the room and looking up towards my seat I can see Y/N smiling and waving excitedly at me, as I get closer I wave back reciprocating her enthusiasm.
“How come you’re so happy on a Monday morning?” I ask as I place my books down and take my seat.
“Look what I made for you,” she says as she pulls out a silver ring with stars engraved on the sides with both our initials, “I always see you wearing that one ring on your hand so I thought I’d make you another for the other hand. And you like astrology a lot so I thought I’d put some stars on it or something I don’t know. Do you like it?”
My heart skips a beat and blood rushes to my ears and cheeks as I sit there stunned as she looks back at me expectantly.
“No ones given me a present before.” I say quietly and meet her eyes getting softer by my words.
“What? Like ever?” she asks as she tilts her head slightly to the right in question.
God this girl’s gonna be the death of me.
“No uhm,” I clear my throat before continuing, “My mother used to give me loads, you know for my birthday or Christmas or whatever but after she uhm…” I take a pause, trying to collect my emotions and reach out for the ring in her soft hands, “I don’t really get that many any more, my dad’s not really big on presents or anything.” I try to block out the thought of him and look up at the gorgeous girl in front of me but the look in her eyes breaks me more than my father ever could.
“Don’t worry Teddy, we’re friends now so you’re getting showered in presents starting with this one.
Now show me your homework, I need to copy it before he comes around to check.” she says as she takes my books and starts copying out my work, leaving me stunned by her words.
I look down at the small piece of jewellery between my fingers and slip it on with a small smile on my face.
I’m so fucked.
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚
ok omg that was part three, kinda shitty ik but dw i did part four too and its probably already up rn so go read that too, part five is currently in progress😋🤞
taglist: @timmytime17 @cherry-hoe @jetblackpayne @ash-tarte @coolestgirlhere
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
A request: reader dying in Yelena’s arms. Maybe a classic “I’m totally fine” *collapses* situation?
This Was Fun
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: You have to pick between your friend and team member or risk your own life.
Angst | Character Death |Physical Violence | Detailed Mentions of Graphic Scene & Mentions of Blood | Gun Violence | Language Warning | Grief | 1.2K | 
AC: I decided to make this platonic because it fit the idea in my head, I hope you enjoy! X
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A glock pointed at your best friend was all you saw as you silently made your way into the abandoned factory. Yelena was tied to a chair, chained to be exact. She was beaten and bruised and from what little part of her you could see that she was doing her best to not let her captor know the amount of pain she was really in. 
Quietly you crept forward, unaware of the creaking floorboards that alerted Yelena's thug. "Ah, you have friends I see!" the man chuckled as he pointed his gun in your direction, "you better come out or you'll regret it" he adds. It would be so easy for you to pull your own weapon and kill this man although you were both under strict intrusions that he was to be taken back to S.H.E.I.L.D alive. 
"Alright, alright, you got me" You rolled your eyes as you came out of hiding, Yelena looked up at you and shook her head before you were shoved down onto a chair next to her. The targeted man tied you to the chair and returned to his previous position in front of you Yelena, gun pointed directly at the two of you. "So, who will it be huh? The blonde or the hero?" He waved his glock from Yelena to you then back to Yelena, "one of you is going to die for what you've done. Killing my all my men, taking down my business. You have no idea who you've fucked with!" he rambled. 
Yelena looked at the man and didn't speak a word, meanwhile you worked your way of discreetly cutting yourself free from the bindings that kept you to the chair. "Maybe it should be you huh?" He took a step forward towards Yelena, "the famous Black Widow's sister, dead. What a headline that would be" he chuckled. 
"Imagine the headlines when you're dead" you snapped, gaining the criminal's attention.
"Killing you wouldn't do much, would it?" he asked, pointing his gun at you as he took a few steps in your direction, "what would I have to gain from killing scum like you?" he adds. You smirked as you looked up at him, loving the mind game he was trying to play, "a big, fat target that's bigger than the one you already have now" you replied. 
The man laughed at your words, "Maybe I just kill you both and be done with it" He looked at Yelena, giving you enough time to finally free yourself. You made sure to hold the rope tightly in your hands to keep the targeted man from seeing your handy work. He wondered back to Yelena, grabbing the key to the padlock on her chair from the rusted table beside him. "You're up first" he sent her a cold smirk before unlocking the lock. 
You watched as he pulled Yelena over towards the window and kicking her to her feet. Her hands were tied behind her back, with chains once again. Quietly you dropped the cut rope in your hands and began to free your ankles while the man tormented Yelena even more. 
"Nobody is coming to save you both, look around you widow. This is the last time you'll ever see the sun, the last time you'll see the light of day" you heard him speak, his gun now pointed to the back of Yelena's head. "Where is your famous sister now, huh? Off saving everybody else but her only family" he chuckled. Yelena didn't say a word as her captor continued to talk nonsense, completely unaware that you had freed yourself. 
"Times up buddy!" you spoke before charging at the man, tackling him to the floor making him drop his gun. While you forgot off the wanted man, Yelena was working on freeing herself to help you. She dislocated her right wrist to free herself, groaning once more at the pain she caused herself. Yelena worked quickly to put her wrist back in place as you continued to fight off the target. Punches were thrown, kicks were dealt while you kept him from getting to Yelena. 
You weren't sure where the glock had landed until you heard the gun shot fill the room. Yelena charged at the man, jumping onto his shoulders and wrapping her arms around his head without a second thought, snapping his neck and letting his now lifeless body hit the floor. 
"Y/n!" She rushed to you as you stumbled to your feet, "are you okay?" she asked as you reached for her hand. "Yeah, I'm good, you took your time" you smiled softly at her, your vision going blurry as you fell to your knees, only to have Yelena catch you. "Y/n! can you hear me?" Yelena's voice rushed through you as you struggled to keep your eyes open. 
"Hey" she slapped your face lightly, not hard but just enough to get you to open your eyes again, "stay with me, you're going to be okay!" she assured you. Her hands covered in your blood, your body getting colder by the second, darkness slowly became your vision. 
"Y-Yelena" you mumbled quietly. 
"I'm here, just stay with me! The others, they're on the way, I promise! Just stay with me, keep your eyes open" She squeezed your cold hand. Your breathing began to grow weak and there were longer pauses between each breath, "R-remember w-when we m-met?" you asked her in a stutter. Tears filled Yelena's eyes, she knew the team weren't going to make it in time and the thought of losing her best friend cut deeper than she ever thought she'd allow. 
"I do" she replied, earning a faint and weak smile to tug at your lips. 
"B-best d-day of m-my life" you struggled to string the words together, "y-y-you're my b-best f-friend, lena" you added. 
"Don't talk like that, Natasha and Steve and the others, they're coming! I just need you to hold on a little longer, please!" The tears fell from her eyes as she felt you close to her, squeezing your hand from time to time in hopes it'd help you cling onto the little light you had left within you. 
A tear rolled down the side of your eyes, your vision got darker, and your body felt colder but still you somehow managed to pull one last smile to your lips, "t-this w-w-was f-fun" you mumbled ever so quietly. Your eyes closed and Yelena felt the life in you leave from the slight drop she felt in your hand as she squeezed it one last time. 
You were gone.
"This was f-fun" Yelena broke, sobbing as she held your lifeless body close to her. Your last words would now leave an imprint on her. A sarcastic saying that you both shared after any mission but truth be told, anytime Yelena got to go on a mission with you it was always fun. No matter how dangerous or life threating, it was always fun and something you both loved to joke about after. 
"T-this was f-fun" she repeated. Yelena never left your side, not even when the team came and took your body back to the compound where they'd make sure you were to be remembered by all.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok |  @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | 
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sorin-in-the-stars · 2 years
Hey dear i saw hr request being open so i decided to slide jn heh
Maybe angst to fluff? (pls dont make the angst to brutal i cant handle it well) heh
Anyways have a nice day dont overworm urself AND EAT.
Spit it Out.
Scaramouche x GN! Reader
Contents : Arguments, Angst to Fluff, sharing a bed, soft Scara at the end
Summary : What Scaramouche said about Haypasia hurt you. Have you not been here for him this entire time has a follower?
Wc : 1k
Requeted? Yes!
Hi! Thank you so so much for this request, i've been DYING to write more for scara, but i had no idea what to write.
This type of thing has been on my mind for a bit so I am glad i was finally able to write it out
I hope you enjoy it!!
You sat there in shock and awe. How could he be so stupid? Oh, yeah sure he didn’t have a single devoted follower up until Haypasia. It wasn’t like you were there this entire time, right? There for him throughout all the years, committed solely to him. 
Hell, you even left the Fatui with him! He may have thought he forced you to, but you were willing to do as he says! You were his only follower from day one. 
Yet he dare treats you as if you were…Nothing!?
You scoffed, crossing your arms and looking away from him. You visibly looked upset, from the look in your eyes, and to your completely untouched food. 
What is it that he had done? He was incredibly confused in the moment. Why weren’t you eating the food he made for you?
You always ate what he made for you, no matter its contents. At this point his plate was completely empty, even if he didn’t need to eat.
He sat back in his chair, kicking your leg under the able in the process. “Spit it out, mortal.” When had he started using ‘Mortal’ instead of some deranged insult? 
You didn’t reply, feeling that he didn’t need to know as your supposed ‘God’. He should be able to put two and two together, right?
“What? Is my cooking suddenly not to your standards?” He furrowed his brows, getting irritated. His hands clenched in on themselves under the table. “I said to spit it out. Who are you to ignore my demands?”
“Why don’t you go ask your first and most devoted follower? Hm?” You turned you body to face the other direction, refusing to look at him. You felt hurt because of what he had said to the Traveler. Did you mean nothing to him?
“Stop spouting nonsense. She has nothing to do with this.” He scoffed, his irritation and confusing growing immensely. 
Your eyes widened slightly, the pain growing from simple words. “So you admit that she’s a better follower than I am?” You closed your eyes tightly, body curling in on itself.
Is this what you’re upset about? How ridiculous! “What are you talking about? She is my first follower, you are merely a-” He cut himself off. 
What were you to him? A soldier? A pet? A follower? Why has he kept you around this long? You didn’t provide much service to him other than patching him up, and occasionally cleaning. 
Was it because of your company? 
No that can’t be it…
“A what? What am I then?” You turned to him, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. His silence towards you did not help the feeling you held in your chest. The pain was getting unbearable.
You stood up, ready to leave the makeshift home the two of you shared. “If I mean nothing to my own god, should I really worship him?” You spoke, staring down at his sitting form. You held both anger and pain in your eyes and voice.
Suddenly, Scaramouche felt a pang of pain where his heart should be. He didn’t speak, he was at a loss for words.
Did you truly feel that way? Were you really his first follower? Did he mess this up? “Don’t you dare say words such as those again, Mortal.” He stood up, coming eye to eye with you. He grabbed your wrist, and pulled you closer. “You worship me?” He asked. There was a certain air to his words. Uncertainty? Curiosity? Hesitation? You couldn’t put your finger on it.
“Of couse I do! Why do you think I follow you around? Do as you ask? Hm? You think I do those because I fear I might die if I don't like all the other Fatui soldiers?” You raised your voice, your breathing getting rather unsteady.
“If you truly are my first follower, then she is nothing.” He said, clearly trying to look intimidating. His eyes betrayed him and softened at your response.
“Run off to your little devotee. I’m going to bed.” You yanked your arm from his hand, walking off to the makeshift bedroom you two had.
What did he do wrong? He was sure that what he said should have made everything better.
He hated humans and their stupid emotions.
__ At some point in the night, you felt your blankets move. DId he really come crawling to you? In bed? You pulled the blankets over your body tightly, refusing to share with him.
“Stop being a brat and give me the blanket.” Scaramouche tugged at the blanket knowing full well there were other ones. 
You didn’t reply, faking being asleep to see what he would do. 
He scoffed, settling with the small amount he had. “Stupid brat, you should be honored to even be in the same room as me. Yet here you are being greedy.” He spoke softly, as to not ‘wake you’ it seemed. 
You heard him sigh, and felt more movement. He leaned his head against your back, clearly looking down inside the blanket.
“...I’m sorry…My most devoted.” He whispered, moving his hand to gently grip the back of your shirt. It was a habit it seemed. One he did often while asleep. 
“Don’t say anyone is more devoted to me, Scaramouche.” You replied, letting go of the blanket to turn around to face him.
Scaramouche froze up. You weren’t meant to hear that. His facial expression showed that much.
You move a hand from under the blanket up to his face, gently cupping it. “You can do no real harm, my god.” You leaned your head onto his, voice softening “My Love.” 
Scaramouches cheeks dusted pink. “Don’t leave me.” His voice cracked. 
Maybe he didn’t see you as a follower because he didn’t want you as one? 
You hummed in response, leaving a small kiss on his forehead. “I wouldn’t dare try.” 
Scaramouche lifted one of his hands up to your face, cupping it in the same way you were doing to him. He just stared at you, not knowing what else to say or to do. 
He was tired. He wanted to sleep.
“Good. Now sleep, my most devoted.” He whispered, trailing his hand down to your neck to urge you forward gently. 
Scaramouche moved his head to your neck, enjoying the small bit of warmth it brought to his otherwise cold body. Carefully, he left small kisses there. 
He felt comfortable in your arms.
Finally, he could sleep.
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beesdelusion · 1 year
General Gorou In heat
Pairing Gorou x male reader
Summery Gorou is in heat and has been avoiding his partner, who is less than merciful when he finds out
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- Gorou had been so distant the past few days, nervously running away whenever your near, spluttering nonsensical excuses
-You couldn’t help but feel a little rejected, he hadn’t been this skittish since your first date, was it you? Had you done something to offend or upset him?
-Every time you tried to confront him however, he would mutter something along the lines of:
-“I don’t know what your talking about, I’m too busy for this right now”
- eventually the loneliness’s was starting to get the better of you, you missed your caring and attentive boyfriend and you needed him back
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“Gorou! We need to talk”
The sound of a pen banging down drew your attention to the table your usually darling boyfriend used to complete work. He looked at you with a slight glint of sadness, you almost never called him by his given name.
“Y/N, I’m very busy can this wait?”
You stomped over banging your hands down on the table. His ears jumped back at the sound and he looked up at you as if only now noticing you’re truly there.
“ What could you possibly be busy with in the middle of the night? Kokomi has you on medical leave, what’s going on?”
Sure enough the only things sat on his table were old mission reports, already signed off on. Not to mention his pen had not even been dipped in any ink.
“You’ve been ignoring me and I need to know why! What’s going on? If you want to end things you should just tell me not string me along it’s just cruel”
Gorou jumped up out of his seat at your words grabbing onto your shoulders, finally face to face with you for the first time in days.
“NO!no I-I don’t want that, I never want that”
You shrugged his hands off and tipped his chin up with your hand, tilting his face up
“What’s going on then, tell me and I won’t be mad, what’s happened”
“I-It’s complicated y/n, I don’t think you’d understand”
His gaze lowers, he’s twiddling his hands and his ears are plastered against his head, typical scared gorou behaviour you often see before an important meeting or before a battle.
“It’s my heat-”
His face turned bright red at his confession, immediately burring his head into your chest, his safe space.
“Usually I just continue as normal, but now y-your around and it’s so much harder I want to be with you all the time and-“
You interrupt him, pulling him off your chest and holding him by the shoulders,
“Okay I think i understand now”
“hush puppy I’m talking now, You thought just because you were feeling pent up you thought you could run around and ignore me, making me worry like that, honestly if you had just told me this would be a lot nicer for you”
He doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as you pick him up and throw his smaller body up into your shoulder.
Strolling towards the cot where you throw him down onto the sheets, after all he’s the general of a army. He can take a little rough housing.
“I-I’m confused are you still mad at me”
He whimpers out looking up at you with those big wet eyes , that expression always drives you crazy but now it’s something new.
“Yes I am, you should have told me gorou and now your about to make up for it”
You lean down and lock your lips with his in a passionate kiss that makes his brain spin, he wouldn’t have avoided you so long if he knew it was going to feel this good to kiss you again.
He reaches up his hands gripping your shirt to prevent you from pulling away from him, not that you were planning on leaving any time soon, although leaving him desperate and alone like this would be a good punishment for what he’s put you through these past few days.
You broke the kiss and began undoing the ropes that made up his belt, he squirms and whimpers up at you.
“Hold still and be quiet general, such unbecoming behaviour”
You tease with a hard stare, as you finally manage to undo the belt, and yank down his baggy pants.
“Oh poor puppy, you’ve been like this all week haven’t you, pathetic ”
Gorou, finally having enough of your teasing reaches up and grabs our face with this puppy dog eyes baring into your souls.
“I’m sorry okay, just please….. touch me”
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Struggling to Finnish this one might come back for a pt2
-Bees delusions
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cfr749 · 5 months
I still dont understand how you went from Lucy supporter to this nonsense. She is again just a vehicle for the man pain and you are celebrating it. Disappointed and disgusted
Welcome back, anon! First off, thanks for sending two rude messages so I can respond to one and use the other to block you 👋
To be clear, the only reason I’m giving this the the time of day is because I think the “man pain” issue is worth addressing.
I’m always open to talking about this show and issues with misogyny, representation, race, etc. Even with people I don’t completely agree with.
What I’m not gonna do is discuss it with someone who can’t converse like a rational adult and finds joy in sending toxic, judgmental anonymous messages, so this little exchange of ours is over after this.
I am so sorry that my feelings about the show don’t line up exactly with what you want them to be. Sounds like you have some pretty strong feelings of your own though, so here’s an idea 💡 : post them on your own blog!
Shockingly, I’m capable of considering that there might be multiple perspectives on specific decisions the show makes. And that more than one of them can be valid at the same time!
I completely get how this could be viewed as growth for Tim at Lucy’s expense. I agree that sucks. I’ve posted multiple times that I will be LIVID if Lucy doesn’t actually end up with any type of storyline of her own or character development resulting from all the shit they put her through, and just ends up as a supporting character in another Tim-centric SL.
But, I can feel that way and also have other opinions all at the same time:
- I am glad they let Tim be the flawed human instead of the victim.
- I’m glad they didn’t villify Lucy in the breakup because god knows how quickly this fandom would tear her to pieces if she ever did to Tim what Tim just did to her.
- After years of Lucy doing barely anything on screen other than the odd UC op and propping up storylines for Tim and Chenford, I’m glad her character is 3-dimensional again both in the relationship and outside of it.
- I am heartbroken over the break up. I can’t watch the scene without bawling my eyes out. I feel nauseous thinking about it. But I am also glad they now have another chance to get it right this time for Chenford. Specifically because I love Lucy. Because I feel like she deserved so much better than what she got the first time.
- I’d love to see Tim value her and fight for her instead of just having her drop everything on a dime for him bc he deigned to look her direction after getting dumped by his girlfriend.
- I’d love to see him deal with all his unresolved baggage and realize what a complete and total idiot he is for throwing away what they had.
- And I’d love to see Lucy [continue to] recognize her own worth and thrive in the meantime. I am SO proud of who she’s been this season. And I hope she becomes even stronger and more sure of herself.
- I hope she recognizes she deserves so much better than what Tim gave her and that his decision has nothing to do with her worth (even if it feels like that at first), and I hope she *demands* better from him before even considering taking him back.
I’m not psychic. I don’t know what they have planned for the rest of the season (and no, I’m not gonna jump to conclusions off of a few vague interviews either). Maybe I’ll love it; maybe I’ll hate it. We’ll see.
Either way, I’m clear that’s it’s still just a TV show and that these are fictional characters. Are you?
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