#health statistics
tumbler-polls · 7 months
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spaceacerat · 3 months
I see you disabled people who don't know your family medical history because your family members couldn't/wouldn't/weren't allowed to go to the doctor and never got diagnosed, or don't know your family.
I see you disabled people who didn't know you were disabled growing up, physically or mentally, maybe because your parents didn't have insurance and couldn't afford it/wouldn't take you seriously/didn't think it was a problem because they had it/doctors couldn't figure it out.
I see you disabled people who have bouts of an issue that you grew up with, that are/were infrequent enough that you never really thought about it and dealt with it on your own, and when you have one in front of people who weren't medically neglected, you wonder why they look so horrified as you describe it.
I see you disabled people who didn't/haven't had any amount of care or accommodation for their disability since it started, because you couldn't get diagnosed.
I see you disabled people who grew up thinking everyone had the same problem as you and that it was normal and so you accepted it, because you didn't understand how the human body worked and had no real frame of reference nor the language to ask for help, or the people around you saw it and just ignored it.
I see you disabled people only now understanding that what you experience is abnormal, and that there are things that can be done to help it, make it easier, or at least help you understand yourself better.
I see you disabled people that will never be able to get diagnosed or get the help you need, whether from being poor, lacking insurance, or any number of reasons.
This shit is hard, and there are people who will never quite understand your struggles. It doesn't seem to get talked about as much, but I wish it was. Please know I love you, and you aren't alone.
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everydayesterday · 2 years
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can you see when I lost my never-COVID status?  [it took three years; I’m mostly fine; fully vaxxed and boosted].  these aren’t necessarily big changes [my rhr is typically 61-63, but here it goes up to 64-65], but still noticeable.  
these are the little things that interest me.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
I would like to warn you that this post contains things like suicide and death. I believe this is a very important issue that needs to be addressed. If that makes you uncomfortable, you are free to click or scroll away. I understand.
Autistic Suicide
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The Autistic Teacher
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ao3statistics · 9 months
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Here you go! The charts resulting from the poll!
Date of creation: 05.01.2024
The second chart is the more detailed version including more tags.
I excluded the meta tag "Hurt Jason Todd" (more than 2000 tags) because its subtags are already on the chart.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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rapeculturerealities · 10 months
(5) Large study shows high BMI not associated with serious top-surgery complications
A group of researchers at Johns Hopkins published a study on November 1 (Hassan et al, Association of High Body Mass Index With Postoperative Complications After Chest Masculinization Surgery) that looks at complication rates in transgender and nonbinary patients undergoing chest masculinization surgery (often called top surgery).
The conclusion was that “Chest masculinization surgery [CMS] remains a safe option for TGNB patients and may be safe to perform in patients with higher BMI.
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Link to the calculator
(please note that you must be at least 18 years of age to use the calculator, it won't work for people younger than that)
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva actualidad del país del sol naciente, en esta ocasión en el tema de actualidad de esta opción será la natalidad y de cómo afectará al país dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - La esperanza de vida en Japón es la más alta del mundo, llegando a los 100 años, lo cual lo convierte en el país más longevo del mundo, Japón para 2046, según nuevos estudios llevados a cabo por National Geographic, será de 37.5% de población envejecida. - La tasa de natalidad y los estudios realizados por Statista Research Department en septiembre 29, 2022 natalidades son de 1,69. Seguramente llegue a un punto en el que se llegará a un equilibrio entre la tasa de natalidad y la tasa de mortalidad. - ¿Cuál será el destino de Japón? ¿Qué opinan al respecto? Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. - 今回は「出生率」と「出生率の推移」についてです。 - 日本の平均寿命は、それが世界で最も長く生きている国になり、100年に達し、世界で最も高いです、日本は2046年までに、ナショナルジオグラフィックが実施した新しい研究によると、人口の37.5%が高齢化されることになります。 - 2022年9月29日にStatista Research Departmentが行った研究によると、出生率・出生数は1.69である。おそらく、出生率と死亡率が均衡する地点に達するだろう。 - 日本の運命はどうなるのか、あなたはどう思いますか?私はあなたがそれを好きで、将来の記事であなたを参照してください願っています良い週を持っています。 - Welcome japanistasarqueologicos to a new news from the country of the rising sun, this time the topic of this option will be the birth rate and how it will affect the country, that said, make yourselves comfortable and let's start. - Life expectancy in Japan is the highest in the world, reaching 100 years, which makes it the longest living country in the world, Japan by 2046, according to new studies conducted by National Geographic, will be 37.5% of the population aged. - The birth rate and birth rates are 1.69, according to studies conducted by Statista Research Department on September 29, 2022. It will probably reach a point where a balance will be reached between the birth rate and the death rate. - What will Japan's fate be, and what do you think about it? I hope you liked it and see you in future posts have a good week.
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
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despazito · 1 year
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Pride is infested by big banks, cops, and puritanical anti kink rhetoric all while the rising tide of fascism want us dead but this is what's "gentrifying" the community, allegedly (also why the automatic assumption that these men aren't also bisexual? 🤨)
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The U.S. surgeon general on Tuesday declared gun violence a public health crisis, driven by the fast-growing number of injuries and deaths involving firearms in the country.
The advisory issued by Dr. Vivek Murthy, the nation's top doctor, came as the U.S. grappled with another summer weekend marked by mass shootings that left dozens of people dead or wounded.
"People are scared in many communities I visit around the country to do normal things like go to school or the grocery store or work and they're worried about the risk to their life," Murthy said in an interview with "CBS Mornings" on Tuesday.
To drive down gun deaths, Murthy calls on the U.S. to ban automatic rifles, introduce universal background checks for purchasing guns, regulate the industry, pass laws that would restrict their use in public spaces and penalize people who fail to safely store their weapons.
None of those suggestions can be implemented nationwide without legislation passed by Congress, which typically recoils at gun control measures. Some state legislatures, however, have enacted or may consider some of the surgeon general's proposals.
Murthy said there is "broad agreement" that gun violence is a problem, citing a poll last year that found most Americans worry at least sometimes that a loved one might be injured by a firearm. More than 48,000 Americans died from gun injuries in 2022.
"People want to be able to walk through their neighborhoods and be safe," Murthy told The Associated Press in a phone interview.
Murthy's advisory promises to be controversial and will certainly incense Republican lawmakers, most of whom opposed Murthy's confirmation — twice — to the job over his statements on gun violence.
Murthy has published warnings about troubling health trends in American life, including social media use and loneliness. He's stayed away from issuing a similar advisory about gun violence since his 2014 confirmation as surgeon general was stalled and nearly derailed by the firearm lobby and Republicans who opposed his past statements about firearms.
Murthy ended up promising the Senate that he did "not intend to use my office as surgeon general as a bully pulpit on gun control."
Then-President Donald Trump dismissed Murthy in 2017, but President Joe Biden nominated Murthy again to the position in 2021. At his second confirmation hearing, he told senators that declaring guns a public health crisis would not be his focus during a new term.
But he has faced mounting pressure from some doctors and Democratic advocacy groups to speak out more. A group of four former surgeon generals asked the Biden administration to produce a report on the problem in 2022.
"It is now time for us to take this issue out of the realm of politics and put it in the realm of public health, the way we did with smoking more than a half century ago," Murthy told the AP.
A 1964 report from the surgeon general that raised awareness about the dangers of smoking is largely credited with snubbing out tobacco use and precipitating regulations on the industry.
Children and younger Americans, in particular, are suffering from gun violence, Murthy notes in his advisory called "Firearm Violence: A Public Health Crisis in America." Suicide by gun rates have increased significantly in recent years for Americans under the age of 35. Children in the U.S. are far more likely to die from gun wounds than children in other countries, the research he gathered shows.
"My hope is that if we understand this as a kid's issue that we will raise it on the priority list, that we will see it not as a political issue but as a public health issue that should concern all of us," Murthy said.
In addition to new regulations, Murthy calls for an increase on gun violence research and for the health system — which is likely to be more amenable to his advisory — to promote gun safety education during doctor visits.
"The good news is there's a lot we can do," he said on "CBS Mornings." "There are, for example, community violence intervention programs that we can invest in. There are safe storage education programs that we can expand. There are firearm risk reduction strategies like background checks and other measures that would seek to create time and space between firearms and individuals who would seek to harm themselves and others."
Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported rates of gun injuries last year remained above levels seen before the COVID-19 pandemic for a fourth straight year. Preliminary CDC data on gun deaths also show rates last year remained worse than in 2019 nationwide, despite a slowdown off of peak levels in 2020 and 2021.
A new FBI report released Monday showed that active shooters violently targeted members of the public across the U.S. at a rate that was 89% higher from 2019 to 2023 than in the previous five-year period. Last year, 105 individuals were killed during those active shooting incidents, the highest level in recent years.
The public safety numbers released Monday by federal investigators showed a mix of slight year-over-year improvements in some areas of concern across the country — including a 4% decrease in active shootings in 2023 compared to 2022 — and small drops in other metrics, like total casualties and "mass killing" events.
Throughout the U.S., 244 victims were shot by active shooters last year; 139 were injured and 105 were killed. Compared to the previous year, total casualty rates — injuries and deaths combined — were down from 313 in 2022, but five more people were killed in 2023 than in 2022.
Those incidents represent just a fraction of the overall toll of gun violence. On average, gun homicides killed more than 53 people per day in the U.S. in 2022, according to CDC data.
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thesongthesoulsings · 3 months
He is right! LGBTQ+ should not be celebrated but seen as what it is - a cry for help.
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If it hadn´t been for perverted deviants like Kinsey, who claimed it was just fine and normal to be homosexual, based on data he got from pedophiles and criminals, we wouldn´t be living in this insanity right now.
Don´t attack those who struggle with same-sex attraction. Don´t even attack those who are misguided into being "proud" of it, but don´t be scared to speak out either.
If someone responds with "this is due to marginalization" - no, it´s not. Even prisoners and Jews under the Nazi regime did not have such high suicide rates.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Eli Lake
After Israel rescued four Hamas hostages over the weekend, Israel Defense Forces said that three detainees had been held in an apartment belonging to Abdalla al-Jamal. Al-Jamal, who was killed in the raid that liberated Almog Meir Jan, 22, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 41, had been a correspondent for The Palestine Chronicle. Since October 7, al-Jamal had published 16 stories for the Chronicle, an English-language news website and nonprofit registered in Mountlake Terrace, Washington, which has featured contributions from prominent progressive American intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky.
And al-Jamal’s articles read like a parody of Palestinian propaganda. 
“Cries of Gaza Survivors: When Will We Rescue Our Children from Under the Rubble?” blares one headline. “Actions, Not Words,” featuring interviews with local Gazans pleading with Hezbollah to increase attacks on northern Israel, is another. For one of his last stories, al-Jamal covered survivors of what his outlet called the “Nuseirat School Massacre.” A Gazan named Ibrahim Ayad said that Israel’s strikes on the building that harbored between twenty and thirty terrorists were “the very definition of genocide.” Photo of Abdallah Al Jamal shared by The Palestine Chronicle. ( @PalestineChron via X)
In an obituary, the Chronicle wrote that al-Jamal (who wrote a total of 107 stories) had contributed on a volunteer basis. But if the Chronicle ever paid al-Jamal for his work, they could be in violation of U.S. counterterrorism laws preventing any material support or payment to designated terrorist groups like Hamas. 
Whether or not he was paid, Al-Jamal’s reports offer a window into the slanted coverage of Gaza in the western media. If one wonders why it always seems that every building hit by Israel is a hospital and every casualty is a child or a woman, the story of a journalist with a side hustle as a hostage guard provides some answers. 
The Committee to Protect Journalists has said 108 reporters and media workers have been killed so far in the Gaza war. As the story of al-Jamal shows, the definition of “journalist” in a place like Gaza is loose to say the least. And yet that statistic has been recycled many times over since the war began, painting the picture of Israel as a criminal regime.
Hamas’s most effective weapon is the war’s high body count. According to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health, more than 36,000 Palestinians have perished since the war began. That’s more than thirty times the approximately 1,200 people slaughtered by Hamas in Israel on October 7.  
The Gaza Ministry of Health, like all branches of Gaza’s local government, is controlled by Hamas. And yet very few mainstream journalists have expressed skepticism about the statistics it publishes. During Israel’s raid, which freed four hostages, several outlets focused on the number of civilians that allegedly died in the process. One BBC headline, for example, said: “Gaza Health Ministry Says Israeli Hostage Rescue Killed 274 Palestinians.”
But recently, a Western report has cast doubt on the accuracy of one of Hamas’s key facts, namely that “70 percent” of Palestinian casualties in the war are women and children.
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withywindle-valley · 8 months
I think y'all wildly overestimating where your target market is hanging out
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Reblog for sample size yadda yadda
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cryptidjeepers · 4 months
lot of homophobes using june as men's mental health month as a gotcha at pride and i just gotta say. those fuckers never gave a shit about mens mental health. this past week, i have not seen a single post from these men about mental health from the so-called mental health advocates. its only used as a strawman's argument about pride overshadowing men's mental health. (also its not hard to see that they mean straight, cis men's mental health)
conservatives are obsessed with men and boys not seeking help with mental health issues or even expressing emotion. if they do theyll be called gay, a pansy, weak, etc. its so transparent to me how often conservatives will co-op certain things to weaponize against things they hate. you know who does care about men's mental health? the gay and trans men that have been on the other side of vitrolic attacks by former friends, family members, and politicians for their entire lives. If there is a group of people that understand the importance of mental health, it is transgender men. pride and mental health are not inserparable. fuck off with that.
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Warning: This post will mention autism and suicide statistics. If you find that disturbing or upsetting, you are free to scroll past.
Autism & Suicide
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