#health vent
xkao · 25 days
i am so tired. physically. i don’t know how im supposed to function when my entire body aches and feels like it’s on fire. i just want to sleep but my body won’t let me.
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azrael-is-haunted · 1 month
To my wonderful family that just doesn't get it (and won't see this)
Imagine an illness that just doesn't go away. Your body aches, your organs feel wrong, you're constantly exhausted and just feel bad. You feel like you have to be in bed to feel even nearly human. You want to do things, but you're in so much pain constantly that even eating food you enjoy is hard. On top of that, you're struggling mentally not only with the guilt of being sick and not being able to do the things you want, but also with massive anxiety. You tell people phone calls are hard, you don't want to go out even for necessities because the pain makes walking hard, and any physical energy expended feels 10x harder than when you were well.
Now, imagine that people keep calling even when you tell them you struggle to talk. They keep asking you to help them, get together in person, and just do the things. You feel so sick you can't imagine doing anything, every little step feels like trying to climb a mountain. Imagine that you repeatedly tell them your needs, they tell you they care, and then continue to call and push and pry.
It doesn't feel good. I'm angry and sad enough that I can't do the things I want to do. Please stop making me feel worse for being unable to do the things you want me to do.
No, I don't want to be on the phone for over an hour while my body fights itself and my energy drains like water from a tub. Send me a text, an email, with no obligation to do more. Surviving right now is hard, please stop asking me to do more.
I know you can't see my pain or fatigue, because it doesn't come as a visible marring, but it's real nonetheless. It's disabling, nonetheless.
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shonpota · 7 months
So yeah i have slight damage on my venous sinuses called cerebral venous sinus thrombosis which is basically a blood clot and it does makes me messed around balance, headache, numbness/weakness and strokes.
I can also dies or have coma so ye
I hope i can get better treatment since it is very rare disease
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tommyssupercoolblog · 7 months
(edit: technically it's kinetic not active but u get it)
ok so turns out the "tummy hurts disease" is called "Hyperactive gallbladder" and the one (1) (only) solution is to remove our organs
....which i predicted months ago in SEPTEMBER when this started, telling our doctor "hey this seems gallbladder related"
but the doctor ignored me. and Seán (although we share a body so that's not a huge jump for him prolly). and our mom. and our grandmother, who is a retired doctor.
and we were forced to do like fifty unrelated tests and take medicine that didn't help. but now that we has like three relatives yell at him he tested our gallbladder and it's like 14 points pasts the "this is too high" mark. SIGH.
(more ranting under cut)
plus since under-active gallbladders are more common than overactive and were researched sooner, not all doctors know about them depending on when they finished school, so depending on his response we might have to email him all the studies n shit and yell at him AGAIN, so bigger sighhhh.
girl i can't eat more than 3 grams of fat without experiencing indescribable pain that renders me immobile for hours what the fuck why is this such an ordeal I just want us to be BETTERRRRRR
on top of all that, once we remove it we'll still have to eat under 3 g for a whille, and then slowly work our way up, and if we fuck up even a little bit and up the ammount too soon we risk ruining the entire healing process forever, so wether our body learns how to digest fat without this organ depends entirely on: 1- my patience and impulse control (NOTORIOUSLY HORRIBLE, Seán's is good but mine is dangerously low) *
2- our collective ability to understand when to know it's okay to eat more, considering we'll be given a rough schedule but everyone's body is different so there's no guarantee it'll be late enough if we just eat in the blocks given.
*- bonus- how often people tempt us or go "oh well maybe it's okay...you should really give it a shot haha,,, why not," which has already gotten us food related pain like three times because someone went "this can't have THAT much fat right?" and encouraged us to eat when we initially said no and then I gave in (because. no self control and also this was before we found out the exact gram ammount) and it hurt really bad
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katsukiizmoon · 10 months
Health issues vent ✨
I noticed more of my hair is shedding when I brush my hair. Possibly because of it knotting so fast but I am so worried. My hair feels thinner at the back.
I keep getting fevers and losing my appetite and I’m so tired
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malaky-nightm4r3 · 1 year
Rant or something
Getting so sick of constantly being so physically drained thanks to whatever disabilities I have, and feeling so isolated and useless and a burden. Getting sick of feeling like if I voice issues with anyone online, it'll end the same way it always does — blame turns around to point at me and my faults (usually their points lead back to whatever my brain's issues are. be it ADHD or Autism, BPD or Anxiety and PTSD anymore, who knows,all I'm only properly diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety, and PTSD lol)
getting sick of feeling like there's nothing left for me anymore in the UTMV or even sometimes with my friends beyond just that we've been friends for several years now and vibe I guess
Getting sick of not being able to get a new special interest because UTMV was the thing that got me through the hardest years of my life, and now I'm afraid to let it go and move on, because nothing fills that hole.
Getting sick of getting more and more exhausted and fatigued from even the simplest things and not being able to hardly do what I love anymore
I just want everything to get better. My life is turning up, yeah, not homeless anymore, stuff improving and luck turning up, but that doesn't fix my worsening health or worsening mental health. I don't know. I'm constantly ill and sore and struggling with my mind turning against me. More and more DID symptoms grow, amnesia spots and everything. Forgetting more and more. Been using 'I' this whole rant mostly cus it makes more sense to read. Just, tired of my entire being seeming to deteriorate. I'm even feeling super distant from who I consider a best friend. I'm just really tired, physically, mentally, I guess emotionally? Even though I'm not an incredibly emotional person.
Either way it seems history will repeat and I'll probably isolate again, who knows. I don't know. I don't want to, but I'm falling apart.
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sezja · 1 year
The benefits of having a coworker who's dealt with IBD for far longer than I have include, but are not limited to, various tips and tricks about dealing with Pain
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Warning: This is a vent post about health complications.
I dunno where else to put this, buh I need ta get dis out. I'm bein tested for auto-immune issues an I'm really scared cuz the results came back weird... da doctor wants me ta redo the tests an I'm super stressed.
An my migraines are gettin worse an worse. Dey were down ta 12 a month an have gone up ta 20 again. I've been dizzy an started falling... I'm jus scared an don't know what ta do.
An my partner stopped bein supportive of my regression an it's been makin all dis worse. I feel so alone in dis an jus dunno anymore.
If chu read dis thank you an I wishes you da best.
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bernkastel-ao3 · 1 year
I have no good idea why I suddenly woke up at 6am, given how much I need more sleep. It's like my body decided it didn't want that, me actually looking after myself a bit better. So instead of sleeping like I should, my heart's beating in an uncomfortable way and I'm stuck awake even though I'm still tired.
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devildomsprincess · 1 year
this isn’t obey me but i need some support, please don’t read if you’re not in a good mindset too (TW: unknown health problems) | vent under the photo
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i’m tired. i’m so tired of feeling bad all the time. i’m tired of feeling exhausted from the point i wake up to the point i go to sleep. i hate having headaches every day because it hurts and it makes me dizzy and i’m just so tired. i feel like my life is wasting away while i sit here light headed and in pain. i’m exhausted i could sleep forever and never feel rested. i think it’s because my prescription glasses is out of dateish and i need a new prescription and i hope that’s it and it’s nothing more. i need to get an id to get new glasses. maybe it’s because i’m on my phone so much. my head hurts rn. it’s making my vision blurry and i have glasses on. my head hurts, my eyes are drooping but maybe that’s because im just exhausted. im tired of this. this is so exhausting. you don’t get it, i wake up mostly every day feeling like shit. please i need some encouragement or a supportive message or something.
i don’t want people in my real life to worry so much that’s why i’m posting here
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spacey-daydreams · 1 year
Turns out ya boi might have some fuckin nerve problems :1 can't sit up or move without feeling like I'm being electrocuted but nothing showing up on X-ray which means it's most likely nerves baybee 🙃
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tmnt2k12defender · 2 years
So after my sickness of seeing food/anything to do with food leaves me, I’m suddenly hungry. Probably shouldn’t have waited this long to eat cause now it’s gonna mess with my sugars but this is just frustrating.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
just had to do a biology lab that included physical exercise (take pulse for resting HR, do 1 minute of exercise, take pulse again, do 2 ½ minutes of exercise, take final pulse), and me being the idiot I am thought that my chronically ill ass (I have pots and GI issues so I haven't been able to really eat in days no matter how hard I try) would be able to do it.
my resting heart was 94 and just standing up to do work around the classroom and lab winded me, that should have been my sign to not partake in the lab and talk to my teacher (who is super accommodating might I add, she had pre-prepared alternative work).
first wave of jumping jacks (1 minute) my heartrate was too fast to take manually and I still got a reading of 180, but it was most likely higher.
I couldnt finish the second wave (2 ½ minutes) and had an unreadable pulse rate. I had about 5 minutes to sit down before my class ended.
I walked to my next class (campus style school, it was a 2 minute walk) and immediately had to get escorted to the nurse because my chest hurt so bad, my heartrate still hadn't come down, and I was having trouble seeing. I sat for about 20 minutes and my heartrate plateaued at around 120 and still hasn't come down any further.
I want to die, my whole body hurts, because my dumbass, overestimated my physical capabilities once again.
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leroleroart · 13 days
Depression comic
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asphodelagnia · 2 months
Everything hurts and i want to take a nap. My vision keeps going blurry, everything moves and spins, im nauseous, i can’t keep my eyes open because im so tired. I can barely see what i am typing and i can barely think.
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bunniibpd · 1 year
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