#healthy oils
healthnews101 · 1 year
Easy and Effective Ways to Reduce Saturated Fat in Your Diet
Saturated fat is a type of dietary fat that has been linked to various health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. While some amount of fat is necessary for a balanced diet, too much saturated fat can be harmful to your health. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to reduce your intake of saturated fat without sacrificing flavor or nutrition. In this article, we…
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
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reality-detective · 1 month
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“BSO is backed by many different scientific studies for gut health, gastrointestinal health, helping with skin health, hair health, also reducing inflammation in the body & helping with cortisol levels. It can also help with respiratory issues, sinus issues & allergy issues.”
• DOSAGE: 1/2 tsp twice daily
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Cold Pressed Organic Black Seed Oil is about $50-$60 (US) for a 16 ounce brown bottle which is what you'll want.
I will certainly be trying it. 🤔
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sensationzmedia · 2 years
Your Efforts May Go Wasted If You Didn’t Focused on Oils You Eat
Home cooks have many choices when it comes to choosing the type of oil for frying, grilling, and drizzling. Some are well known like olive oil and some are lesser known like avocado and coconut oil. It depends a lot on the type of dish. The point at which the oil starts to burn and smoke is one of the most important things to consider. Heating an oil above its smoke point not only spoils the taste, but also breaks down many of the nutrients in the oil, causing the oil to release harmful compounds called free radicals. If you want to know which oils are and which are not, there is disagreement. 
1. Olive Oil
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The nutrition and culinary expert agrees that olive oil is one of the most versatile and healthy oils for cooking and eating, as long as it is virgin. The "extra virgin" label means that the olive oil is unrefined and therefore of high quality. Extra virgin olive oil contains large amounts of monounsaturated fats and some polyunsaturated fats. Many studies show that it leads to better heart health.Olive oil has a relatively low smoke point compared to other oils, making it ideal for low to medium heat cooking.
2. Coconut Oil
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Depending on what you ask, coconut oil should be avoided or consumed in moderation. The main point of controversy is its high saturated fat content. Unlike other vegetable oils, coconut oil is primarily saturated fat. While not everyone agrees that such concentrated sources of saturated fat are bad for your health, some experts, including the American Heart Association, recommend replacing foods high in saturated fat with healthier options. It claims that it can lower cholesterol levels and improve blood lipid levels. Still, science is beginning to suggest that not all saturated fats are bad for you. Not to make you sick, but don't overdo it.
But that doesn't mean it should be banned from the pantry. Saturated fats are healthier oils to use when cooking or frying at very high temperatures because they are more stable at high temperatures (which should be done absolutely in moderation). This means they are less likely to collapse and smoke.
3. Vegetable Oil
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The term "vegetable oil" refers to an oil derived from a vegetable source, the health of which depends on its source and intended use. Most vegetable oils on the market are blends of canola, corn, soybean, safflower, palm and sunflower oils. In general, we should use olive oil whenever possible instead of corn or soybean oil.
Still, because vegetable oils are refined and processed, they lack nutrients as well as taste. "Vegetable oil is guaranteed to be highly processed. Because it's called a 'vegetable,' manufacturers can use any commodity, including soybeans, corn, cottonseed, and canola, without having to print a new label."
4. Canola Oil
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Canola oil, derived from the flowering plant canola, contains high amounts of monounsaturated fat and a moderate amount of fat. Contains polyunsaturated fat. Of all the vegetable oils, canola oil tends to have the lowest amount of saturated fat. 
5. Avocado Oil
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Avocado Oil is a good choice. Although it is not refined like extra virgin olive oil, it has a high smoke point, so it can be used for cooking at high temperatures and is ideal for stir-frying. It has almost no odor, so it is suitable for cooking. "It's creamy like an avocado," says Howard. Avocado oil contains both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (it has one of the highest levels of monounsaturated fat of any edible oil) and also contains vitamin E.
6. Sunflower Oil
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This oil is rich in vitamin E. One tablespoon contains 28% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of nutrients. It has a high smoke point and is less addictive, so it does not interfere with cooking. However, sunflower oil contains many omega-6 fatty acids. The body needs them, but omega-6 fatty acids are thought to be pro-inflammatory, whereas omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory. It is important to consume in moderation as it can cause excessive inflammation in the body.
7. Peanut Oil
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Peanut oil can be fun to experiment with in the kitchen, especially since there are so many different types. Peanut oil contains the highest levels of monounsaturated fatty acids of any edible oil. It is usually savory with a nutty taste and aroma and is well cooked over high heat.
8. Walnut Oil
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This oil has a low smoke point, making it unsuitable for cooking, but it can be used in many other ways. Howard drizzles pancakes, freshly cut fruit, and ice cream with oil. She also adds it to frothed milk to drink her coffee.Walnut oil has a high ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, which helps reduce inflammation. Images Flaxseed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids and has a very low smoke point, so don't even use it in cooking.
9. Sesame Oil
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This oil is often used because of its strong flavor. Small things make a big impact. It contains both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, but is not particularly rich in other nutrients.It has a high smoke point and can be used in high heat recipes.
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lovelessrage · 23 days
I feel like when the question is asked "do aros feel like they are forced to choose QPRs/some other type of non-romantic dynamic", it's often missing a very vital component, and that is that most people interpret that question to be someone strongarming you into that choice.
What is far more common is the societal impacts at play and how those affect someone's choices. For example, the complex of feeling incomplete or broken without a romantic partner often translates to feeling the same way without a QPR. Feeling failed without a relationship, or that you are missing out on a grand experience others can have but you can't, is also a type of pressure. When you measure your worth up against a checklist of relationships, that's an enforced idea. It's subtle, and it only comes into the light when you already hate yourself and feel empty and alone.
People don't often come up to you and tell you how sad and miserable you'll be directly; it is something you gain from being surrounded by an ideal of success that you feel you cannot meet. I often feel that, for a community that can often pride itself on its "awareness" of alloromantic relationships, or seeing things others don't, or offering relationship advice, there is that same side that sees these blindspots as unapplicable to them. That they are immune to amatonormativity and its variants, when they are not.
How much is want, a healthy want for this dynamic, and how much is based upon an implanted need? How much is based on this as the "aro experience", the "aro relationship", the "aro struggle" influencing what we see as necessary? How much is feeling like you can't be happy or complete without the last little checkmark?
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fullcravings · 2 months
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Healthy Almond Flour Blueberry Muffins (GF)
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horrorknife · 5 months
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babe, this wouldn't be the first time it will not be the last time there's no parasol that could shelter this weather
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mypimpademia · 3 months
Yt ppl thinking black people are dirty for not washing our hair often (bc we literally don’t have to) will never not be odd to me because like… you don’t think it’s nastier that you HAVE to wash your hair every few days or else it gets GREASY and stringy?
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
i tend to think about luke skywalker but in the perspective of him being a suicide survivor. truly trying to cope with the pressure of galaxy, truly facing his fears, truly understanding what his fears mean, etc.
that scene on dagobah, where he saw darth vader in that cave and killed him, but it was revealed that under the mask it was truly just him... that he had to kill himself, that he had to experience killing himself to truly understand what his fears were.
the horrible news he received from vader on bespin, that it wasn't himself under the mask, but rather his father, the one thing he was truly clinging onto to continue becoming a jedi... to staying with everyone... to stay alive. and realizing that the last thing he was clinging onto was all a lie in the end. the way he jumped, not knowing where he'd land... fully accepting that maybe this is the end, there's nothing left for him now. he'd never have to return to face the reality. but he survived, with the connection he made to his sister. maybe he was clinging onto whatever he could, no matter how little, or maybe leia reached out, or finally heard him just in time to save him, but that entire interaction with vader still affected him and his perception of his own value and self-worth. is the son of darth vader... really worth it? he shouldn't even be alive. he should've never been born. he should be dead.
that scene in rotj. "soon i'll be dead, and you with me". he was fully ready to accept the fact that he was going to die, but on his terms. he would do it for everyone else, not for himself. but he survived. he always does.
in the end luke skywalker was a good jedi because he chose selflessness instead of selfishness. that he was willing to kill himself to save the fate of the galaxy, rather than killing himself to stop his own suffering.
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wandoffire · 11 months
Essential Oils
Basil oil: focus
Clove oil: energising
Wintergreen oil: stress/tension relieving
Tangerine oil: cleansing
Rosemary oil: concentration
Chamomile oil: calming
Peppermint oil: ease stomach/headaches
Lemongrass oil: positivity
Lavender oil: sleep, relaxation
Grapefruit oil: uplifting
Frankincense oil: peace
Rose oil: lifts mood
Eucalyptus oil: clear breathing, opens chest
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* Just a general cheat sheet – there are so many more different oils and uses for them :)
* Look for “100% natural oil” on the bottle to know it’s not mixed with harmful chemicals.
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puckpocketed · 1 month
i have no idea what's happening (i know nothing about ty or ceci or anyoneelse involved), but it's very clear to me that you and the girlies (gn) are the only ones Enjoying Hockey Correctly 💕
ough thabnk u!! though i think there's no right or wrong way to be a fan as long as everyones having a good time <3
as for what's going on. um.
1) marc-édouard vlasic (pickles) is sorta like our resident cody ceci in that he's seen as a bit of a disaster and catches a lot of friendly fire for it (he used to be really good... ouhh... the passage of time.... and honestly he wasn't even the worst dman we put on the ice this past season LOL) anyway we cherish him dearly for his bitchy auras and divorcee swag!!
2) and uh last season on account of all our guys getting disease of bonebroken we stapled William Eklund to Luke Kunin, i think just so we had two lines that wouldn't get completely smoked (they still got smoked). kunin is analytically Fucking Terrible and watching him play is Also Terrible BUT management love him bc he brings the ""intangibles"" and fights a lot and fun trivia for people who didnt watch sharks games: somehow he was always where one of our d-men should've been when we inevitably gave up a rush chance........hes defending women (goalies) in stem (net) . WE love him because sometimes hockey aint about silly things such as scoring goals... backchecking effectively... not losing your man in dzone coverage... sometimes its about being a personality hire and glue-guy <3 (also hes married to Sophia Shaver, hence: goonwag) because wekky was forced to play w him on a line we think of him like the training wheels for every prospect now....macklin celebrini are u ready for ur leg weights....
and its like HOW can we make this trade as funny as possible? we r puttign these guys in situations.. proposed outcomes so far: ceci-pickles shambling corpse senior dog pairing or make ceci our d-man equivalent of luke kunin and pair him with one of our youth.
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i-donthaveanygoodidea · 7 months
One day, when I have the energy to do so and a microphone of half decent quality, I'll make a video dressed in Aziraphale inspired clothes and I'll share the best crêpes recipe in the world
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reality-detective · 24 days
When the wise men brought gifts to Jesus... Do you think they were telling us something much deeper? 🤔
Dr. Josh Axe dives into the incredible cancer-fighting properties of "Frankincense Oil"
A recent UK study shows that this natural remedy is effective against ovarian, colon, breast, and even brain cancer—thanks to its tiny molecules that can pass through the blood-brain barrier. 🤔
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vegan-nom-noms · 29 days
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Babe Ruth Copy Cat Candy Bars
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fullcravings · 3 months
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Homemade Peanut Butter Cups (V)
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histhoughtslately · 5 months
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