#hectic day
roadkill-dreaming · 5 months
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alfalfaaarya · 2 years
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02.01.2023. Monday
I have two words for today : pleasantly hectic
The pleasant part :
Going back to college after vacation felt nice
Hectic part
Completing the journal. It's not even complete yet . Ugh.
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Hectic Day (Obey Me! Fanfic)
summary: the group is getting settled in after a stressful day in the Devildom. With Retha taking a moment to just vent her anger for a few friends to assist.
characters: OC (who is NOT the MC just a 3rd exchange student), Beelzebub, Diavolo, Lucifer
content: mention of violence, stressed characters, getting their anger out in a healthy(ish) way, showing support, sparring match
The back gardens of the Demon Lord's Castle would hold several occupants this evening. What with what had transpired earlier in the afternoon. Some random lesser demon had chosen to try and harm both Luke and the human exchange student while they were out shopping. Leading to Luke getting grabbed and his wrist injured. Only for the favored human of the Demon Brothers to just lay the magic smack down in the unsuspecting lesser demon. The group gathering at the castle to do damage control and keep everyone in one place.
Retha was the one to help with healing Luke's wrist. Since she was getting used to being a hybrid of Demon, Angel, Vampire and Sorceress. Solomon had insisted she try out her healing magic on Luke. Which she was more than eager to do and also give Luke several face kisses besides. Which left Luke blushing and huffing that he 'wasn't a little kid' as Simeon and Barbatos assured Luke that Retha was just being a protective friend. With Simeon and the exchange student whisking Luke to a guest room to rest and have a meal together.
But Retha had been pent up with anger ever since they had retired for the evening for her to be on edge. Her talon feet having her pace around the back garden as Lucifer and Diavolo saw to the fallout of the incident. The lesser demon had been placed under house arrest and was facing stern punishment for their actions. But Retha was fighting the urge to stomp over and beat the criminal into the dirt. Her tail whipping this way and that as she huffed and fumed almost cuss words in rapid fire mode. Which Diavolo chuckled over as Lucifer's eyebrow gave a twitch at every almost profanity.
Beelzebub soon walked into the back garden to drop his jacket to the ground. His gaze going to Retha to ask her a pointed comment. "Retha. You need to get all your anger out. So spar with me. No holding back." Both Diavolo and Lucifer went bug eyed for Retha to stop stomping around and turn to Beelzebub. Her gaze pointed as her dragon wings gave a shiver. "Really? As in try to rip every bone out of your flesh to sunder your insides? Because that is what no holding back means, Beel." Diavolo looked concerned for Lucifer and Beelzebub to shift to their demon forms. Lucifer's words holding an arctic tone. "You wouldn't get that far to do such. Anyone that actually was able to fell my brother would have it's heart ripped out and head caved in before they had a chance to do so."
Retha gave a shiver at that mental image to just roll her shoulders. A smile on her lips as she got into a fighting stance. "Right. But we all know that fighting for keeps means going for kills. But we all know I can't actually make any progress with that when it's any of you. I am a Welsh Corgi trying to down a Tibetan Mastiff on that front. Beel. Try to leave me in two pieces."
So it was that Beelzebub and Retha got into a serious sparring match. Lucifer and Diavolo providing a barrier for an arena so they didn't ruin the garden in their escapade. Retha held nothing back as she lunged and pivoted at Beelzebub with all her fury and bloodlust let loose. But the Avatar of Gluttony was easily able to block or counter with his massive strength alone. Although the claws and talon feet did leave some scratches in places. But Beelzebub just maneuvered Retha around and around for the hybrid to lash and weave at him. The minutes ticking by as Diavolo and Lucifer spectated. With Diavolo looking highly impressed as he noted, "She really is coming into her own. I honestly feel so proud of Retha my heart might burst. Just look at her. Must be that human tendency to flourish in the fact of adversity." Lucifer crossed his arms for his wings to give a slight shiver of movement. His gaze staying on Beelzebub as he nodded his head. "We have given Retha a foundation to stand on and also be weak against sorrow and shadow. Leviathan and Asmodeus have been able to be there when Retha broke down crying. So she is letting her emotions out for them to ebb and flow naturally. I just hope the Devildom is ready for her when she finally does master herself and her new life with all of us."
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emberdune · 1 year
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lizardsfromspace · 4 months
I can't get over the Star Wars Hotel making you log in to Disney+ to watch anything. $6000 experience that can't give you free Disney+ for two days. Back in the day a lot of people decided to get cable off experiencing it for free in hotel rooms and now you're expected to bring your cable with you lest they give you anything for free for two days
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mixedupmilly · 1 year
Not today
Hiya. I hope you’re ok, it’s been rather hectic here today, so not managed to blog for which I apologise. The UK had our emergency alert phone test today. If you’re in the UK what did you think of it? I was quite surprised how quiet it was, I’d expected it to be much more intrusive. Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com
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juniemunie · 4 months
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whoopsie, ink didn't like that
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f1incorrectquotess · 5 months
Yuki: I hate you with every inch of my being.
George: Well, that's not a lot of inches.
Yuki: Run.
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flipdebeeer · 11 days
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superbatweek day 1 - identity shenanigans
a scene from my own wip! clark kent meets matches malone on a late night outside the red lagoon...
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i like em without colors too -_-
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limbokidd · 4 months
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Hey I’m back
Some alien stage au shit cause I’ve been busy mb yall🤚
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raineandsky · 4 months
When the villains caught wind of a new hero on the team, they’d all taken interest. When someone came back claiming he’s blind, it’d sparked a whole new debate.
Straightforward, they’d all said. He won’t even see us coming. They’d laughed at how easy it’d seemed.
The villain feels like they’ve stumbled on a pile of gold when they come across the hero. He’s running his hand along something on the fence in front of him, something that the villain will later realise is a braille description of the view ahead of him. A white cape drifts around his ankles, an equally white suit flattering against his typical heroic body, the lightest of smiles on his face as his fingers trace the patterns of dots along the railing.
The villain can’t help but grin as they slowly make their way towards the poor hero, so oblivious, so stupid. They’re barely a hair breadth away, their dagger practically unsheathing itself, when the hero spins towards them with a swish of his cape and a flick of a blade.
The villain barely reels back in time. Staying quiet doesn’t occur to them when they’re startled. The hero looks like he’s staring right through them, an arrogant smirk on his face.
“Ah,” he says brightly, “you’re one of those criminals I’m meant to be looking out for?”
The villain sidesteps, careful to keep their footing quiet, but it doesn’t matter. The hero’s head cocks towards them as they try to step out of his blade’s path.
“You’re almost silent,” the hero continues. A smirk adorns his face, intrigued. “Incredible.”
The villain is close enough to strike, the hero looking slightly too far beyond them to be right in his assumptions. The villain shifts in fast, their dagger poised. The hero dodges back and retaliates with a swing of his own.
The villain stumbles out of reach and the hero follows. The villain’s unprepared; they were expecting a hero who’s unsure who they’re looking for, where the villain is. They were expecting an easy plaything that they could stab when they got bored.
But this—the hero is nothing but brazen confidence.
The villain shoves their dagger up to meet his blade, throwing his arm out. They move in for another strike but the hero’s already recovered. His blade easily tucks under their arm and slices into their side.
Something of a strangled gasp escapes the villain before they can stop it. They stagger back, a hand touched timidly to the wound, their eyes flitting back up to the hero. He simply waits, his blade crimson and his eyes blank. How? How?
“Would you do me the honour of telling me who I’ve met?” he asks, as if this is nothing more than a casual meeting between friends of friends. The villain wants to snap him in half for the audacity.
“That’s none of your fuckin’ business.”
“Aha,” the hero says, almost a laugh, “You’re [Villain].”
The villain can only stare at him in horror. The hero seems to feel the tension in the silence, because he continues. “You’ve a bad mouth, favour in the blade, light on your feet.” A teasing smile. “And you’ve a smooth, caramel voice I haven’t heard in many like you.”
“Wh— Excuse me— You—” 
The hero just smirks, the stupid smirk of someone who knows he’s untouchable in every sense of the word. “Flustered by compliments, too,” the hero finishes with a laugh. “Good to remember for next time.”
“I’m not flustered!” the villain finally manages, “and my voice isn’t caramel. That isn’t a thing. You sound stupid.”
“I’m happy to be stupid if it means I can recognise you as the villain who speaks in caramel.”
The villain’s side is beginning to really ache. They need to be somewhere that’s not here when it inevitably gets worse. “Do what you want. I’m going home.”
“May I escort you to a prison cell?”
The villain barks a laugh, their side practically splitting with the forced fakeness of it. “As if you know where the agency is from here.”
“I always know where I am, [Villain].” A smile again, softer this time. Knowing. “You underestimate me for a characteristic I think makes me as interesting to you as you are to me.”
The burn in the villain’s skin is an ode to that. “Sure.” The villain turns on their heel before a thought occurs to them. “I’m going to walk away, loudly. Do me a favour and don’t fucking shank me when I do.”
The hero’s face twists back into a smirk. “As long as I hear you moving away. Until next time, [Villain].”
A blind hero! everyone had cried. It’s almost too easy!
The villain scurries away with a gash to the side and a slam to their ego, and they know now to know better than that.
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ministarfruit · 7 months
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day 27: diamond ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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daily-ethoslab · 3 months
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[773] 👍👍👍👍👍
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princessbrunette · 4 months
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lord!rafe — the moodboard ♡
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caseythebunnyboy · 9 months
nothing else in my bunny brain, only a much bigger and stronger dom teasing you for being so small and vulnerable by whispering things like this in your ear:
"awww, look at that. all it takes is one of my hands to pin down both of your little wrists together, so cute."
"such a small boy, wouldnt be able to fight back much if i decided to be a little forceful with your body, could you?"
"look how easy it is for me to carry you! gosh, such an easy little thing to toss and play around with whenever i want."
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bamsara · 6 months
do i art stream tonight or do i play dragons dogma again. both will have cat lamb shenanigans and at least 2 hours stream time (i am saying this with genuine honest and not lying at all :))
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