#hellfire speaks
hellfiredarling · 29 days
Been having thoughts about the Batfams different hobbies and I can't stop thinking about cozy rainy afternoons in the manor with everyone sitting around doing their own lil crafts/hobbies I feel like Jason crochets and/or knits (Babs taught him how to knit). And he's really good at sewing and can do pretty intricate embroidery. He and Alfred used to/sometimes still do sit around and mend clothes/costumes and talk about their lives and whatever else. Damian obviously likes to draw and paint. Sometimes Duke will join him (not because he's particularly amazing at it but because he enjoys just chilling). Tim is a sucker for puzzles of all kinds and I think that speaks for itself. Sometimes Dick or Bruce will pop in and help him unprompted (Tim pretends to be mad about it) Cass, Babs and Steph will sit around for HOURS doing those really intricate coloring books and they'll shade and highlight and everything. The table is completely covered with colored pencils, crayons, gel pens, you name it.
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withacapitalp · 1 year
(Okay I saw a post about a premise similar to this but I cannot find it for the life of me. Anyway I loved it so much that I had to write a version of it myself. A post s2 AU!) Now with Part Two
Steve was never exactly the most perceptive person in the world. 
He missed all of the signals that Nancy had given him, every sign that had pointed to their failing relationship. He hadn’t seen the moments that proved she was right about everything going on in their town either. Steve overlooked important details in his college applications, and took shots in basketball that almost always missed. He even sometimes walked right into walls these days, because his spacial awareness had kinda been shot since Billy smashed a plate over his head fifteen days ago. 
A lot of that could be forgiven, but, this…
Well this was a little bit obtuse, even for him. 
“You know you’re sitting at our table, right, King Steve?” 
Steve looked up from his Tuna Surprise, resisting the urge to flinch at both the blinding light from the windows in the cafeteria and the nickname he hated so much. Eddie Munson stared back, carrying a lunch tray in one hand and his signature metal lunch box in the other. 
“Your humble court is awaiting you on the haves side of this blessed cookery. This side is where the dweebs and the nerds parlay. A single place we get a reprieve from the endless bombardment of the average” Munson continued, flinging his arms to and fro, gesturing to the group of teens behind him who were staring at Steve like he was dirt under the bottom of their shoes. 
He hadn’t understood the majority of what Eddie had just said to him, but those looks were enough to give Steve the gist. He was not welcome here. 
“Sorry,” He muttered, grabbing his tray and sliding it to the other end of the table. He took a deep breath the second he was alone again, letting the tension melt away from his body as he collapsed back in his seat. 
Even though he was no longer welcome to sit at his old table, Steve probably could have gone and eaten in the library with Nancy and Jonathan. They had awkwardly invited him to join them a few times since everything had gone down, but he always said no. 
It was better this way. Better to be alone. Better to not have to watch the two of them try and hide how much happier they were now that they could be together. They deserved that happiness, Nancy deserved that happiness, and Steve refused to be the one to make her try and stifle any of that. 
He had hurt her enough already. 
“What happened to your face?”
Once again Eddie dragged Steve out of his thoughts. He was standing over Steve’s head, nearly hovering on top of him, watching Steve like he was trying to work him out. Like Steve was a particularly complex puzzle that he could solve just with his eyes. 
Nancy had always looked at him that way. Steve had hated it when it was her, and he hated it even more coming from Munson now. 
“Got into a fight,” Steve grunted, stabbing at his shitty cafeteria food and hoping that his abrasiveness would be enough to get Munson to leave him alone.
He wasn’t exactly sure what he could say now that they had all signed another round of NDAs, but he was pretty sure even talking about this was toeing the line. It was safer all around to get Eddie to go away as quickly as possible. 
It wouldn’t be all that hard. Usually all it took were a few well placed bitchy comments to get people to see the picture and give up on him. The only group of people who hadn’t been perturbed by Steve’s spikiness was the kids. They had shown up at his house pretty much daily since the gate had closed, and had even taken to begging on him for rides to and from school. 
Dustin in particular seemed determined to stay latched onto him like a barnacle, but Steve found that he didn’t really mind their clinginess.
 It was nice to be needed, even if it was only a group of pre-teen smartasses. 
“With who?” Eddie asked, leaning his hip on the table next to Steve and crossing his arms over his chest, “Cause Billy Hargrove is telling everyone he can that he beat your ass for messing with his sister,”
“I would never do something like that,” Steve shot back instantly, feeling the fading bruises on his face twinge as his jaw clenched in fury. He couldn’t help the words spilling out of his mouth, unable to stop them, “Billy’s a racist jackass who tried to put his hands on one of my fucking kids,”
“There is…so many confusing parts of that sentence,” Eddie stated, blinking in shock.
“Whatever,” Steve murmured, biting his cheek to stop himself from saying anything more and hunching his shoulders up around his ears. They weren’t exactly his kids, per say, but Steve was invested in keeping them safe now. The idea of doing anything to hurt any of them was painful, and the thought of Billy spreading that kind of rumor made bile rise up in his throat. 
Fuck Billy. Fuck this. Fuck his life honestly. 
“Look, Munson, I’m really not in the mood right now,” Steve sighed, hating how weary he sounded. It would have been better to fight his way out of this. Steve was crappy at fighting though, and there wasn’t much spirit left in him. Not after two weeks of perpetual stress and tension. 
“I moved down, I’m not in your way, isn’t that good enough?” Steve bit out, halfway to just grabbing his tray and throwing it in the trash. He was barely eating anyway, might as well go to the gym to shoot some hoops instead of sitting here being interrogated by drug dealing  extraordinaire, Eddie goddamn Munson.
Couldn’t he just let Steve eat in peace? Everything else was already so goddamn difficult these days. Could Steve at least manage to eat a mediocre meal without the entire world demanding something from him? 
By the grace of whatever god was potentially out there, Eddie took the hint, pushing off of his resting place and stalking back over to his group of weirdos on the other side. Steve let his eyes slip shut and dragged in a heavy breath, utterly exhausted. 
He was contemplating skipping the rest of the day and going home to sleep when a blue plastic tray identical to the one in front of him bumped his right hand
“What are you doing?” Steve wondered aloud, raising his eyebrows and fixing Eddie with a confused look as he sat down right next to Steve and began to dig into his meal. 
“Eating lunch alone sucks?” Eddie offered, shoveling Tuna Surprise into his mouth and shuddering, pushing the rest of the disgusting concoction to the far side of his tray, “Plus I’m hoping that if I get in your good graces you’ll give me your pudding cup,”
Steve stared at him for a few more moments, waiting for whatever prank was about to be pulled. But Eddie didn’t budge, continuing to eat around his main dish with strange efficiency and ignoring Steve’s gaze. 
“Go nuts,” He finally said, offering the plastic container over to Eddie who grabbed it and gave Steve a big smile
“Mazel Tov, Eddie said, hoisting the pudding aloft and tearing into it, “So, you have children?”
“I- I babysit,” Steve stammered out, completely perplexed by the strange set of circumstances that was playing out in front of him. Eddie paused with his spoon midair in front of him. 
“You babysit,” He repeated, turning his head towards Steve. The younger teen nodded and Eddie hummed. He put his pudding down and licked his spoon clean. When he was done, he hefted it aloft, bringing it down on the back of his right hand with a smack that echoed all around the cafeteria. 
“Ouch!” Eddie yelped, flapping his hand around in the air to try and get rid of the sting. Steve looked frantically to and fro as the rest of the room stared at them, whispering behind their hands. 
“Why would you-” 
“Had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming,” Eddie explained, interrupting Steve’s furious whisper with a breathless little laugh, “Because I just heard the words ‘I babysit’ come out of King Steve’s mouth,”
“Would you cut it out with the King stuff?” Steve snapped, beginning to lose his appetite, “It’s been a while since I was King of anything, and it was a stupid fucking idea to begin with,” 
There was a beat of awkward silence as Eddie gave him another one of those soul searching looks. 
“What are you doing Thursday afternoon?” He finally asked when he found whatever he was looking to find. Steve startled, dropping his fork. 
What kind of question was that? 
Was Munson asking him on some sort of date?!
“I’m…benched from basketball ‘cause of my concussion. So nothing, I guess,” Steve said cautiously, carefully picking his words and trying to avoid the spike of hurt that shot along his chest as he said them. 
It wasn’t much, but basketball was one of the only things Steve really thought he was genuinely good at. Not having it was kind of pure torture. 
Almost as bad as not having Nancy in his life anymore. 
“In that case, come to Hellfire,” Eddie offered, glancing at the clock on the wall and grabbing both of their trays. Steve scrambled to grab his backpack, hefting it onto one shoulder and jogging to keep up with Eddie. 
“Hellfire?” Eddie repeated, dumping their trash into the bin and stacking the trays next to it, “It’s the club I run,”
“What is it?” Steve asked, curious but unwilling to commit just yet. There was still a part of him that was kind of convinced all of this was some elaborate ruse to fuck with him. 
But before Eddie could say anything the bell chimed all around them. The rest of the student population moved as one, and the sound in the lunchroom immediately went from dull roar to cacophonous mess. Steve’s left ear started to ring again, and he winced, shying away from the sudden noise. 
“You’ll have to come and see,” Eddie said, waggling his eyebrows, completely ignorant to Steve’s pain. He turned on his heel, raising a hand in a wave behind him as he loped towards the rest of his friend group.
“Thursday after school! In the drama room, don’t be late!”
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 years
seeing massive amounts of people making fun of stans of stranger things for cosplaying/playing D&D etc, when the show is literally about a bunch of nerds who would do the exact same fucking thing. those people clearly dont think critically about the content they consume
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ranminfan · 9 months
Goodness- I can't....
I've listened to Hellfire numerous times, and I still get chills on how beautiful Tony Jay sang.
His baritone voice made it seem that Frollo sang so passionately, singing his heart out of the temptation he's trying so hard to deny.
As if he's convincing Beata Maria (or really, himself) that this was not his fault... this is not his doing....
It started off like a prayer...
Adoration, yet it's filled with prideful remarks of his own regards, praising himself instead of God. Then transitioned to sound like accusations, Why does he sees her, why does he feel her?...
It went to Confessions.... only, he didn't acknowledge his wrong doings.... instead he claims it's not his fault, and even had the gall to blame Esmeralda...
Beautifully partnered with an ensemble singing Mea Culpa.... through my fault, through my fault... through my most grievious fault... The penitential act, he's supposed to confess his sins, and yet he didn't...
Then finally, Supplication, humbly begging for assistance... guidance... protection... yet even still he demanded for the source of his sins to burn...
The part,
"... or else let her be mine and mine alone...", absolutely chilling, gives me goosebumps everytime. Even in prayer he acts as if he has the power to let things go his way....
.....Was it even a prayer?
I'm convinced not even Disney's live action remakes can top Hellfire, no matter how many artists they hire to sing, no matter how famous, they cannot make another song sound so haunting and beautiful at the same time.
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munsonsfairy · 1 year
mhm mhm 🫢🧍🏻‍♀️
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ryan-waddell11 · 1 year
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he was too stunned to speak
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killukoo · 2 years
no bc i would 100% support will byers having a villain arc
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lower-management · 6 months
I was wondering...can hellfire be put out? Can holy water douse it?
Hellfire cannot be put out with normal water, as holy water cannot be evaporated (or else us demons would be fucked). If they came in contact they would mutually distruct eachother, Hellfire making the holy water evaporate (and at the same time removing its holiness- don't know how to explain it) and holy water putting out hellfire. I don't really know the specifics, I did some little tests but that's as far as I was able to get due to time and resources. If only I was able I'd love to continue experimenting.
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minniesmelody · 2 years
Eddie Munson head canons #2
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗥: these are “my” head canons for Eddie, we might not all agree on something about him so pls don’t get offended by any of these, please and thank you. Enjoy!
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♥︎chewing and talking at the same time, gives no fucks.
♥︎Hufflepuff, no doubt about it.
♥︎ he will sleep in socks and even shoes, I feel like he forgets to change into something more comfortable and usually falls asleep most nights accidentally
♥︎this dude sneezes so freaking loud
♥︎he smells like cheap cologne and weed, I don’t know where y’all are getting coconut and vanilla and cinnamon from, weed has a strong smell and it will stick to him and follow him almost everywhere
♥︎he suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, we saw him after the whole Chrissy thing happened and how he reacted for the rest of the show after that, he tries his hardest to conceal it but in the inside he is losing his shit
♥︎he would feed stray animals, even raccoons
♥︎doesn’t like sushi or any kind of fish, man hates seafood, but what he will eat like it’s his last meal is that pus-
♥︎doesn’t drink a lot of water, let’s be real here
♥︎this man lives for grilled cheeses, he lives in a trailer park and doesn’t have much money, 25 slices of fake cheese for 3 bucks with a loaf of bread, definitely one of his comfort foods
♥︎definitely does “your mom” jokes but don’t say it back to him….just don’t
♥︎he sheds like a dog, you find his hair everywhere
♥︎has never washed a dish, either they use a dish washer or he makes Wayne was the dishes, most of the reason why they use so much plastic and paper products
♥︎uses 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner
♥︎actually sorta likes science class, says he hates it tho
♥︎favorite planet is Uranus, yes he is one of those people who tells Uranus jokes
♥︎I feel like he secretly loves romance movies
♥︎obsessed with tattoos, ofc we already know that but he is that type of person who likes having conversations with others that have tattoos and talk about their meanings and who did them
♥︎following up with that, Modern! Eddie would have watched Ink Master and loved it
♥︎while we on the subject of Modern!Eddie, he would have been the biggest DBD player in my opinion, he would have loved that game through and through, we saw how he was in dungeons and dragons, he was dungeons master and played the villains, he would have played the killers too in DBD for sure!!!
♥︎horror movies, he claims he loves them, he does truly like them, but he almost shits his pants way too many times while watching them
♥︎he buys at least 2-3 hairbrushes every few months, you have seen that hair, he destroys so many of them with how knotted his hair gets
♥︎he likes all types of bodies and girls, but curvy girls with some chub on them, he is literally on his knees for them
♥︎claims he hates tears for fears but he secretly jams out to them when he is alone
♥︎definitely buys those cans of fake cheese and put them on crackers, cheese wiz or whatever it’s called
♥︎favorite ramen noodle flavor is chicken
♥︎hates mint chip with a passion
♥︎the only way him and Jason get along is when he sells some drugs to him
♥︎speaking of drugs, he definitely does some but he mostly just sells them for the most part, it’s more smoking weed than yk snorting and all that
♥︎BONUS: he has been arrested by Hopper a handful of times
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hellfiredarling · 3 months
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I already sent this to my friends but I feel the need to put it here too. I join fandoms and collect traumatized characters like people in the 90s did with beanie babies. (Yes, this playlist will be getting longer. And yes, I am hurting my own feelings with the song selections.)
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st-dionysus · 1 year
Someone set fire to the building I live in. I am ok and so is my cat and neighbors. The fire was started in the cafe that is under the apartments. None of the units caught flame, however many of the studios were filled with smoke (mine especially, since it is the closet to the cafe and directly in front of the awning that was on fire.) Ended up throwing up from smoke inhalation. Sailor (my cat) seems to be doing OK, but I'm keeping an eye on him. Not an ideal day.
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standard-human · 22 days
old man gets a boner. hundreds dead, all of paris traumatized
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stedebonnit · 9 months
Just saw a post that irked me that started off by saying Aziraphale has never suffered and as someone with religious trauma and who grew up in an emotionally neglectful and chronically invalidating envrionment I want to be the first to say that suffering is not defined by rigid standards and that there's a reason neglect and manipulation are classed as forms of abuse. I didn't finish reading the post because I got really angry seeing it so I apologize if I missed context by choosing not to engage further but I just want to make it abundantly clear that suffering and abuse are not black and white concepts, and just because someone is in a space that tries to paint themselves as good doesn't mean that they are good (I mean, seriously, if you haven't learned that from this show then idk if you've even watched it), and just because someone is unable to see that their situation is abusive does not mean that they aren't suffering (and in fact people saying that reeeeally smell of "if they were abusive why didnt you just leave?" Vibes)
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”I don’t want to give Jehovah’s organization a black eye so I have to suffer in silence. Oh the pain! The pain!”
Mhm. Have you ever considered that Jehovah’s organization has given you not one, but two proverbial black eyes, broken ribs, and a concussion over the years; and maybe you should expose them for the abusers they are, if only enough to get yourself help to heal from the abuse you’ve experienced? You’ve got Stockholm syndrome bad, and you’re making it everyone else’s problem. You cared about your abusers so much that you abused me in their name, just because I wanted no part of their organization. Even if I didn’t seek out apostate resources, I wouldn’t have needed them to make my decision to leave because of how much you vented about them to me since I was about five years old. Did you just expect me to stay here and take the abuse like you did? I’m better than that; I’m better than you.
#exjw#ex cult#I woke up and he was venting about it to my mom very loudly so I just went “fuck that”#I could’ve went somewhere in the house to eat but I specifically chose the 20 degrees F screen room so that both of them know#I’d rather freeze than hear one more second of his venting knowing that he is still refusing to get help#Mom wants to watch the convention? Glorious. I’m not leaving my room until he’s done talking. I will not be her deus ex machina#I will not be her excuse to end the conversation so she can watch the convention with me#She can sit there and listen to it; and maybe she’ll grow some reasoning ability and realize#the religion she so piously subscribes herself to is splitting us apart and killing her husband#and maybe she’ll begin to take his triggers seriously and not make passive-aggressive remarks about how she wants to listen#to all the comments and not mute it when an elder who sexually harassed him begins speaking#and maybe my dad will grow some common sense and realize that continuing to go to meetings will ensure he is in a state of trauma#for all eternity#and maybe — just maybe — they will realize that everything they read in my diaries was right#and that they were absolutely positively 100% in the wrong for screaming at me about their contents#and apologize for what they’ve done to each other and to me#But that’s wishful thinking because [first name] “I’m more stubborn than you” [last name] will hold out until it kills him#and my mom is ex-Catholic and convinced the JWs are entirely truthful just because she prefers the possibility of death over hellfire#You can’t make this shit up#I live in a madhouse with crazy people
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minniesmelody · 2 years
I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if they still were because I have an idea for Eddie. So reader and eddie have been friends for a couple months since reader moved to Hawkins in the winter. so obviously wearing lots of layers and stuff. But come late spring/early summer it's shorts and tank top season. This leads Eddie to seeing all their tattoos and being super awestruck and just a little jealous. I think it would be kinda cute. Like two full sleeves, one whole leg, one massive rib piece, and working on a back piece. Kinda like what I got going 😊
April weather
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN! Reader
Summary: The winters are cold in Hawkins, meaning lots of sweaters, hoodies, and sweat pants will be worn. But that also means lots of skin will not be shown, also meaning you're newly best friend has zero idea of what is inked into you're skin underneath the clothes.
Genre: Fluff
POV: First person- Y/N
Warnings: a few cuss words, tattoos? I know some people are against tattoos for their own personal reasons so i'm just gonna put it as a warning even though it's pretty much the whole plot.
A/n: i'm obsessed with this request! I've been thinking about tattoos a lot lately so this request came at the perfect moment! I have already decided that i want a handful or two of tattoos. I love that you kinda based it off yourself too, i bet you're tattoos look amazing! Thank you sm for requesting my love! Hugs and kisses - Minnie x
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April, the start of spring. The perfect season for weather, not too hot, not too cold, just the weather, other than it raining most days of the week.
Ever since i moved to Hawkins in December, it's been nothing snowy and chilly. Weather that requires long sleeve shirts and heavy sweaters, clothes that cover most skin.
Speaking of Hawkins, It fucking sucks here.
Not everything sucks, but most of it does.
One of the very few things that didn't suck was i met one of my best friends here. The trailer park freak, Eddie Munson. He was one of the very few people to actually understand me in this town. Or any place i've ever lived if i'm being completely honest here. He was one year older than me, me starting school late and him failing and having to repeat his senior year twice now, him currently in his third attempt in graduating. But ever since my first day at Hawkins high, he has been there for me, and i have been there for him.
We would hang out every weekend together, sometimes we would go out and go to the drive in or something, and other times we would just stay at his beat up trailer that he shared with his uncle and watch a movie there or just do whatever in the moment we felt like doing, even if it was just sitting in each others presence, we always did something.
Which lead us here, me walking into his trailer, the first Saturday of some semi-what warmish weather.
I didn't even knock, Eddie knows when i come over so usually he keeps the door unlocked for me, easy access for me to just let myself in, the door is always open for me.
I didn't see Eddie sitting in the living room, looking over down the hallway of the trailer was the door to Eddies bedroom, slightly cracked open, like usual i started walking towards his bedroom.
"oh Eddie!" i said as I opened the door a bit more and walked inside.
His bedroom, a mess like usual, cassettes placed everywhere, and of course Eddie, sitting on his bed, dnd folder open, writing down different ideas for the next Hellfire campaign.
He went to look back me and like usually, give me a nice welcome, but this time, it's like he....froze?
He just stared at me, his face unreadable.
"Um- Eds? You alright there?" i asked
"I- uh-"
"Hello? Earth to Eddie" i said, snapping my fingers in front of his face, breaking him out of whatever planet his just went to.
"Uh yeah- sorry it's just...i never knew you had uh...tattoos"
Shit, it had totally slipped my mind that Eddie had never seen my tattoos, let alone just hear or have any knowledge that i have any in the first place.
Most of my tattoos, currently on display for eyes to see since the weather became suddenly warmer, meaning i was in a tank top and shorts, also meaning my arms and legs were free to the eye.
"oh yeah, um- surprise?" i said with a small smile.
"you got more than i do, can i have a closer look?" He asked, a look of plea and hope in his eyes.
"sure, i don't mind Eds" i said as i sat down on his bed with him, he quickly took my arm and started examining all the art work inked into my skin.
"Who did all these? they all look fucking amazing"
"lots of different tattoo artists, some i did myself, and there a few that some random people at this frat party did"
He looked back up at me and raised his left eyebrow "You did some of these yourself?"
i nodded my head "Yup, i have a tattoo gun back at my house, i usually do easy designs on myself, you know? Let the pro's do the hard ones" i said, giggling at my words, him laughing along with me.
"Maybe you can give me one some day? or get matching ones? i mean if you don't want to i totally-"
"Like i don't wanna pressure you into-"
"Tattoos are like perm-"
"i'd love that"
I may not be a pro tattoo artist, but for Eddie, i will try my best.
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hellfiredarling · 2 months
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Me? Obsessing over a new (to me, kinda, it’s complicated) character? More likely than you think.
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