#hes live blogging in the family group chat (which you are not in despite being offered) and dick unfortunately has his phone on mute
sophiethewitch1 · 5 months
the start of the next chapter is just dick's confused internal monologue as tim looks on in euphoric delight at his misery.
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sweettjrose · 11 months
Detective Mickey Pilot: Character Backstories - The Core Four
Surprise! To celebrate finishing my first fanfiction with the Detective Mickey Pilot. I thought it would be fun to share the backstories I made up for the Mickey and Friends characters as part of this version of the world I made for the Pilot. I ended up having to split it into two parts, so I will share the first part with The Core Four today and the second part with the Sensational Side Characters tomorrow.
If you haven't read my pilot yet, it is pinned to my main account, though I am hoping to post an improved version on AO3 once I get a chance.
I also want to give a shout out to these lovely people as they have been very supportive of my fanfiction and have really helped me keep going:
@local-meme-lord @mafik-sun @asritca @lordspectrus @alioks-blog @noniebella @cartoonslovers
I can't explain how much seeing all your hearts, shares, and comments to my story as it grew meant to me. You are all amazing and I can't wait to share more with you.
Well without further ado. Here are the backstories for Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Peg-Leg Pete, and the Phantom Blot.
Mickey Mouse - Estimated Age: Late 20's - Early 30's
Mickey Mouse has lived in Mouseton for almost his entire life. He had a decent relationship with his parents, though he was much closer to his older sister Felicity and family friend Captain Churchmouse. He loved to listen to Captain Churchmouse about his adventures over the sea, and imagine what kind of adventures he would go on if he ever decided to leave Mouseton. He also loved to spend time with his sister, taking pictures for her homemade articles with his trusty Ol’ Reliable and just generally being with her. As a kid, he used to be quite the troublemaker, though it came from a good-nature desire to help. Overtime he developed a more modest and mild personality, but is still the brave and curious mouse we know today. He met Minnie in kindergarten and they have been together ever since. He met Donald during a regional Junior Woodchuck camping trip where they were bunk bed buddies. Even after the camp Mickey still kept in contact with him through emails and they would visit each other in Duckburg or Mouseton as much as they could. Eventually Mickey would meet Goofy who was working as a janitor at his high school and would help him out in watching Max and Goofy would help him learn life lessons. In high school, Mickey and Minnie finally started dating, despite having a crush on eachother since middle school. They have been dating ever since and can’t even imagine a life without each other.
Mickey was inspired by his sister to become a journalist just like her. So he went to college and got a journalism degree at Mouseton University. During his time at college Mickey’s relationship with Donald and Goofy deepened as they formed a bit of a trio. When Mickey and Donald finally graduated, the group split as Donald moved back to Duckburg to new responsibilities and Goofy decided to move to Spoonerville for a “promotion”. However they all still try to keep in touch through group chat and visit each other whenever they get the chance. His relationship with Minnie was also long distance for a bit when she went to a different school and eventually Paris to study fashion. Mickey actually found Pluto around this time, which helped him feel less alone when they weren’t there. After graduating, Mickey was able to get a position at the Mouseton Argus with help from his sister. They didn’t get to work together for long as Felicity ended up leaving for a position at a national news network and the Editor in Chief who liked her and Mickey retired and was replaced with one that didn’t. This new Editor in Chief refused to let Mickey be a part of any major stories and often forced Mickey to do busy work under false pretenses that Mickey will eventually be able to move up. This led Mickey to go after his own stories in hopes that he could prove himself as a journalist. Little did Mickey know that this would result in the capture of one of the biggest criminal masterminds of the world as well as a new opportunity to work as a crime-fighting detective. However, is this the direction that Mickey wants his life to go? Has the capture of the Phantom Blot improved his life… or did it make it worse?
Fun Fact: Mickey is actually a pretty good artist. He specializes in ink drawings and uses very simple organic shapes to make beautiful designs in the whitespace. Often when his friends are down he'll make them cards with unique characters he thought of to cheer them up and a kind message. He also made comics for his sister's newspapers and for the Mouseton Argus. His comics tend to vary between being experimental and artistic or silly gags.
Minnie Mouse - Estimated Age: Late 20's - Early 30's
Minnie Mouse was born and raised in Mouseton. She has a great relationship with her mother, though unfortunately not a great one with her dad and her many half brothers. Though she ends up making up with one of her half brothers, allowing her to bond with her nieces Millie and Melody Mouse. Her mom worked as a gardener and often had her clothes torn up or damaged from working. Minnie would often patch these, which gave her a love for sewing and eventually fashion design. She first met Mickey Mouse in kindergarten and they have been close ever since. Often when her mother was away at work, she would visit Mickey’s house and they would go on adventures in their local neighborhood. She was the more organized of the two, but also not afraid to speak her mind if she felt like she or any of her friends were being disrespected. She is known for her famous or rather infamous “talks” that tend to make people regret messing with her. She had a crush on Mickey since middle school, but it wasn’t until their junior year of high school that they finally confessed their feelings at the same time and started to date. They are still in a very loving relationship and care very deeply for each other. Minnie’s love for fashion design evolved into a dream to own a boutique store in Mouseton where she can display and sell her own designs. 
She is a huge advocate for bow-centric fashion and believes that she can bring bows back into style. She went to a fashion school outside of Mouseton for a couple of years, but then ended up getting a chance to study abroad in Paris for the rest of her education. Despite showing great skills and taste, Minnie struggled with many of her peers making fun of her designs claiming that bow fashion will never make a return. Thankfully she had the support of her friends and her long distance boyfriend to keep going. She eventually graduated and moved back to Mouseton, sharing an apartment with Clarabelle Cow and Lilly Lamb. She started her own online store called “Minnie’s Bowtique” and hired Lilly Lamb as well as another friend Penny Pooch as employees. Lilly helps with whatever is needed, but later becomes the marketing and social media manager. Penny is temporarily working here as she applies and interviews to get a job in graphic design. Minnie met Daisy Duck online on a forum for small business owners and they’ve been best friends ever since. They often provided each other support for their business and once it was revealed that Daisy’s new boyfriend was Donald, Mickey’s best friend, they started to hang out more as a friend group. The site has been doing decently, gaining meaningful albeit slow growth. But Minnie hopes that once she makes enough profit, she can fully complete her dream and open her own physical store. Can she truly be able to accomplish her dreams as it feels far away from becoming a reality? Would it even matter if the love of her life doesn’t survive his new much more dangerous job? Can she truly get what she wants in life?
Fun Fact: Minnie loves to play softball. She has been a part of a softball team since she was in middle school and even today still plays on the Mouseton Mousers team at the Mouseton Community Center. She is often the pitcher for the teams that she is on with very powerful and tricky throws, though she could still improve on accuracy. Mickey of course tries to make every single game and practice he can, cheering for her on the stands.
Peg-Leg Pete (Percy P. Pete/Percival) - Estimated Age: Mid 40's - Late 40's
Pete grew up in a very large criminal family in a rough part of Mouseton at the edge of town. While Pete had ups and downs with many of his family members, he was close to his mother Maw Pete (Parry) and his sisters Petunia Pete, the mother of Pierino & Pieretto and Petula Pete. But the one person he was the absolute closest to was his cousin Portis Egmont who was practically a brother to him. They bonded due to both being considered the “runts” of their generation and Portis even made him his prosthetic foot. The family Matriarch, Great Grammaw Pete (Patty), owned a settlement of townhouses that have been passed down their family for generations. It was common for members of the Pete family to drop out of high school and join one of the many criminal branches of the family. The family as a whole was never too wealthy, but supported each other through the money they made from their misdeeds. Pete dropped out of high school in his senior year so that he could join the Robbery and Theft branch of the family. He hoped to one day run the branch, but unfortunately his runt status often made that difficult. No matter how many schemes he shared and how many times he tried to prove himself, they either didn’t work or no one would listen to him. Eventually he got fed up and decided to break off from the family to start his own gang with Portis called “Pete’s Gang”.
The two did fine on their own, but decided to hire more members for their gang. They ended up hiring Scuttle and Trudy and together they committed some of the best crimes in all of their careers and formed a sort of family, both figuratively and literally as Pete proposed to and married Trudy after a couple months of working with each other. They even got to work with the Phantom Blot a couple of times just as he was skyrocketing to fame. However, this didn’t last long as Pete decided to take a risky but rewarding job for the Wind Willows Weasel gang. The job ended up failing, and when Pete got arrested he ratted out the weasels to reduce his sentence. But this ended up affecting not just the weasels, but also the rest of Pete's Gang as Scuttle and Trudy also got arrested because of this. Ashamed, he took the reduced sentence. When he got out, he did attempt a prison rescue, but was unable to find where the rest of his team went, leaving him all alone.
This caused Pete to go into another depression as he wandered around Spoonerville, the town next to the prison he was let out of, not knowing what to do. He ended up accidentally stopping a crook from stealing from a poor woman and gained her gratitude. This woman was Peg Percival who decided to take Pete out to lunch as a thank you. When she learned about how lost he was, she decided to take him in as a project. She let him rent a room at her house and got him a job as a used car salesman. Eventually they got married, he took her last name, and had Pete Junior or PJ. Though Pete likes his new family, he still thinks about Trudy and what could have been. He ended up becoming the owner of the dealership he worked at, and when she retired she made Pete the new owner and even let him change the name. Things were going great, until Pete realized that there were quite a few unpaid bills from the previous owner and that the dealership was not doing as well as he thought. It didn’t help that Peg was also pregnant with another child, Pistol. To make matters worse some of the members from the Wind Willows Weasel gang stopped by the dealership to get some getaway cars and instantly recognized him. When they questioned him, Pete quickly came up with the explanation that the dealership is a front for future criminal activity and was hoping to work with them again. He also gave them some free getaway cars, and helped them forge documents for them, in hopes of getting their good graces and to take suspicion off of him ratting them out. It works and he ends up working alongside them and makes quite a bit of money, enough to save the dealership and support his new growing family, without Peg knowing a thing. Scuttle even ended up dropping by from who knows where to help and Pete was introduced to the corrupt lawyer Sylvester Shyster who worked for the weasels and now helps Pete narrowly avoid any legal trouble. Pete even got back in contact with Portis, though he was too busy running his own criminal business to join in. Pete was so successful that he even started to impress his family, when they heard. He decided to open another “dealership” in Mouseton and move his family there so that he could work closer with them and expand his growing criminal empire. He has been in Mouseton for about a year and has been able to make massive amounts of money without the police suspecting a thing. But how can Pete keep this up? And could the new detective provide more trouble than he expected?
Fun Fact: Pete was actually part of his football team at the high school he went to. He initially joined as part of a scheme, but ended up liking it enough to stay on. He even teased the idea of going into professional football. Of course this never ended up happening, as he ended up being part of the reason why the football team lost the playoffs that would have taken them to the state championships. Though it wasn’t entirely his fault as there was a “goofy” cheerleader that got into the way. He actually still uses what he learned from football on some of his robberies.
The Phantom Blot (Full Name: N/A) - Estimated Age: Mid 40's - Late 40's
The Phantom Blot grew up in a very wealthy family. His father was a top executive at Wright & Thwaites, the largest producer of high quality ink in the world. His mother was a theater actress who had a decent career in supporting roles, but was mostly known for hosting incredible parties for the wealthy to meet and do business. The Phantom Blot was never really close with them as they were more focused on their own goals than him. However, he impressed everyone else around him and quickly gained a reputation as a child prodigy as he won nearly every competition he was in and aced all of his tests. Despite this, he was still as sneaky and manipulative as ever. Easily able to avoid getting in trouble, no matter what he did. Eventually, he decided to get into acting. He had some assistance from his mother but mostly had to guide the rest of his acting career by himself. At the private school he attended, he practically ran the entire drama department with the teacher. Being the director, lead actor, props and special effects manager, head of the costuming department, etc. After he graduated he went to Goosliard to study, while still performing whenever he could. He showed so much talent and promise that he was getting multiple offers begging him to star in their shows before he even finished college. The Phantom Blot's future seemed so bright, but also so empty.
One day, an acquaintance asked if the Phantom Blot would help them on a robbery, to pay off a big favor the Blot asked of him. The Phantom Blot, so disillusioned and bored with his life, agreed and they set off to rob a bank. However this heist ended up changing the Phantom Blot’s life as he realized how much he loved the heist and how effectively he was able to avoid the police during a chase. As the Phantom Blot still worked to finish school, he started to be a part of more and more thefts and realized he enjoyed being a thief more than he enjoyed acting. So he abandoned his previous life and started a new life as the “Phantom Blot”. As the Phantom Blot he accomplished some of the most incredible feats in criminal history and raking in billions of dollars. He gained a massive reputation around the world for being an unstoppable criminal genius who has never been caught and has always left the police befuddled in his wake. He even got a request by F.O.W.L to work as a top agent with one of the best salary and benefit packages they have ever offered. But his refusal ended up creating a rift between him and the organization. He continues to go on bigger and badder heists to prove himself. He prefers to work alone, but will hire others if it is required to complete a heist. One of the first groups he hired was Pete’s Gang and he continued to work with them a couple of times before they broke apart. Though he still works with Portis every once in a while. Except for an odd three to four month break, The Phantom Blot has been a frightening force that no one has been able to stop and most doubt that he even can be. Or at least he was, until a little mouse got into the way. Regardless, the Phantom Blot has achieved fame, power, and riches beyond anyone’s wildest dreams including his own and yet he still hungers for more. Can his greed ever be satisfied? And with a new mouse causing problems for him, is it possible that the Phantom Blot has finally reached his limit?
Fun Fact: The Phantom Blot is a fantastic singer. He was professionally taught by a private tutor while he was young and trained himself to have perfect pitch. His voice has a very operatic element to it that is both haunting and alluring. He typically doesn’t like to sing for others, unless he is performing, but he will often sing for himself in places he assumes are abandoned. However, if a place isn’t as abandoned as he thought, some others may catch his singing, though they never find out where it is coming from. This accidentally led to the creation of many urban legends about these locations being haunted by a musical ghost.
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last-necromancer · 3 years
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((Soon this blog will be switching to my new AU where their stories will change but since there are still many asks about their past I want to put their backstory out. Here is a complete 'speedrun' of their past until the 'present'. Hope this will answer all your questions~ ))
James and Ari backstory:
- Jameson was born on another Hyperion station but his family moved to Helios when J was very young to remember that, Ember was born when J was 4 years old
- J spend 4 years in the special program due to his behavior problems. So he joined the first-grade class 4 years old than others.
- Ari was born on Eden-6, father Sebastian - hunter, mother Maria - cook in their family restaurant. They moved to Helios with their restaurant when they got the chance and few other hunter families working in the restaurant moved with them. Mr. Serino was visiting Eden-6 to hunt regularly selling food to rich and to provide to their restaurant
- Ari had to take care of herself a lot, her parents insisted on her to be strong and independent from a young age. Creating a big feel of loneliness in her from an early age
- Both Ari and J entered the same class, teachers knew about J’s troubles so they sit him with the calmest kid in class. That’s how J ended up sitting next to Ari and how they met
- J annoyed Ari and they fought a lot daily. They eventually bond over the fighting and became best friends. Ari was helping J passing school a lot and often came over to Blacks to help J with homework and learning. Due to their close bond of them, J and Ari form a very sibling-like relationship and started calling each other sis/bro
- When Ember got older she showed huge intelligence and talent for explosives and complex machinery. Unlike J she kept on studying aiming to make weapons for Hyperion
- Ari and J’s high school years were again spent in the same class. J had a crush on one of the most popular girl in school which lead him to his doom. He got invited by her on a sleepover with her friends. The entire thing was staged to get him there and made fun of him. Their fun took a very dark turn. J managed to escape but he never told anyone what happened there that night
- Since the incident, J became very hostile towards women and started seeking attention from males. His behavior was worse than ever and he barely finished high school without getting kicked out. J got in a major fight with his parents to the point they kicked him out. J and Ari moved in together
- Ari worked at game shop building computers and J started selling drugs to provide enough money so they can live on their own. Ari started going on hunts with her father to learn how to hunt and to earn some money on top of her job.
- J started taking the drugs instead of selling them, the dealers told him to pay or they will get the money other ways. Again J told no one about this and didn’t pay since he had no money to do so. The dealers ended up killing his parents and taking all their money. They left J a message that they are even now
- Everyone thought it was a basic robbery, no one knew about the money J owned them and J never told anyone his parents were killed because of him. Poor Ember tried to understand why would anyone pick her parents while J could not look her in the eyes
- Unable to come with the fact his parents died because of him J overdose himself in an attempt to kill himself. In his high state J wandered into Helios labs. The docs there knew he will die so they decided to try their experiment on him to not let this free test subject just go unused. No one survived the experiment, they took him as a joke knowing twig like him will never make it. But the drugs that infected his body over a long time of using them made the acid experiment successful
-  Ari went to find J right after finding he is missing. Asking people if they saw him, they told her the labs took him in. Knowing no one leaves those labs alive Ari went for Ember to form a plan how to get him out fast. Ember went to steal a ship, Ari recorded a message for her parents that they will flee to Eden-6 where they will all met. Ari took her father‘s gun shooting guards and lab workers to get to J fast. Despite J’s horrible state of acid pouring out of him, they managed to get away from the labs
-  They all get into the stolen ship and fly away. None of them knew how to drive it so they crashed on Pandora. They left all their belonging and Echos on Helios so no way to call help. They started wondering on Pandora trying to survive by raiding and stealing from small bandit camps
-  Mr. Serino went to Eden-6 hoping to find them there but they never came. Stayed there since then still waiting and searching for his daughter and her friends. Never losing hope despite his wife not believing Ari is still alive
-  Ari and J blend ‘well‘ and were good at surviving but Ember was too scared and innocent for it. Eventually she tried to help only to step on mine trap and lose both her legs. Hyperion declared all three of them as criminals, if they ever get close to Hyperion again they will be arrested. Seriously wounded Ember and exhausted Ari made J decide they need to join a bigger group. COV was the only one accepting almost anyone as long as you swear to be loyal so they went there
-  J used his showman skills and charisma to get into the liking of many higher COV parts, making his way to Troy. He got Troy’s attention with his skills so Troy take him as his right hand and both girls to live and work for COV. Ember was meant to be working in workshops and Ari at the kitchen.
-  Ember’s health was slowly getting worse every day, J plead Troy to take her to safety, promising his life and infinite loyalty in exchange. Troy sent an echo to Maliwan that an important Hyperion engineer is on Pandora willing to work for them. Maliwan came for Ember and took her with them, offering Ari to come too but she stayed on Pandora with J
-  J did as he promised and did everything to show his loyalty. Troy refused to trust him for so long despite J being so protective and caring for him. Whenever anyone tried to call Troy sick again got it bad from him. J tried to befriend him many times but Troy was so deaf to it. Troy started trusting J after many times J risked his life for him, after J proved to listen to orders no matter what, slowly over time they started becoming friends. Both boys bond over their manipulative and smart tactics slowly becoming even closer
-  Helios crashed and with it Ari’s hopes are gone. Her mother was dead since she never left the station, it was sure she died there. She doesn’t know her dad is still waiting for her so she believes she lost everything. She stopped coming out of the cathedral and never hunt again out of depression whenever she sees the ruins of Helios or remembers that hunting is the trade of her family that she lost.
-  The whole time Ari wasn’t so happy as a cook but she wasn’t one to really complain since working outside of the cathedral was way WAY worse. J pressured Troy to make her an editor since she would fit the position. Troy listened to his advisor and give Ari a place in his editing team. This made her a very high rank in the cult and give her even better living conditions.
-  Very often Ari was coming to work late just to sleep longer and then working to late hours. Troy caught her there once and they finally had their first proper chat. They meet up there sometimes and they always chat a lil bit making Troy feel she can be his friend…
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flightofaqrow · 3 years
( repost, do not reblog. ) Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said.
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Alright, buckle up, I’m stealing this meme and repurposing it for my own use. Probably more than five, and including some quotes from others about him, though I’m going to try to keep it in groupings, and also not meant to be exhaustive of qrow’s character, but rather, to point out some very poignant lines that have effected my portrayal and... some possibly in an unpopular way compared to what I’ve seen in the fandom? I think Qrow Branwen is more complex than fitting the broody broken boi trope would give credit for (though he at least fits it as an overall stereotype).
1) I’m absolutely sure Qrow had a rough start and transition from the tribe to ‘civilized society’, coupled with typical teenage hormones and mood swings, but generally, Beacon was a good time, and he sees himself as a good huntsman, and (though we may joke about it sometimes) he absolutely does not have an active nor passive death wish.
Yeah, yeah, I know he has a song all about how he self depreciates and carries shame, but that’s a theme of his attitude, not backed up to be every single aspect of his life by actual canon. Quite the contrary. 
I don’t know where fndm gets the idea that he constantly lost his battles (especially to Raven) or was perpetually looked down on or stayed an angsty, broody teenager (who could never possibly have ever even breathed a single happy breath on his own without Summer??) all four years. As if school was hell and he never came into his own until STRQ was a graduated unit or something? If ever?
Leo tells Raven she and her brother are evenly matched. Raven herself - who takes pride in being stronger and more clever than others - describes them as a pair: “we were good.”
“you're talking to a member of the coolest team that graduated Beacon! ...we were pretty well known back in the day. ...hey, we looked good! and I have a number of inappropriate stories to back that up!”
“let me tell ya, these kids are way better than we were at their age. ...well, not better than me, specifically...”
“a professional huntsman like myself is expected to get results as soon as possible.”
The way Qrow talks about his past, as well as carrying a memento of team STRQ around with him, it’s very nostalgic for better times. The way he talks about his work, if not himself, can actually be to the point of being self-aggrandizing, instead of depreciating. He’s even able to admit that his dreaded semblance, Misfortune, “comes in handy in a fight.”
“lots of us thought you were just layin' low. eventually, we just came to accept that you were probably dead. but the stories about you, i based my weapon off of yours. i wanted to be as good as the Grimm Reaper.”
Qrow talks about himself as striving to be better. It seems he never really sees himself as reaching that standard, but it certainly implies he knows he’s not at the bottom - he had an ideal he wanted to reach and likely worked towards. Notice the use of “us” and “we” as well - he talks about himself as part of a group of larger huntsfolk circles. Who knows if this refers to students or licensed professionals or both, but this heavily, heavily implies that he was more than just a sad, outside loner, at least for a time; he chatted with others and traded stories about goings-on and missions and idols.
Somewhat related and leading into...
2)  At least around this blog, Qrow does not have an inferiority complex because of Raven.
Does he have some internalized shame about being soft that he can’t quite shake? A few insecurities about being unwanted compared to her natural leadership and competence? Yes. Does he consciously view himself as lesser than her? No. 
Also... he’s not co-dependent on her. To a degree, for while? Yeah, there was probably an unhealthy reliance going on there. But Qrow and Raven establish themselves with their own identities at some point, they’d have to, to chose different paths so stubbornly. There’s a rift there, eventually, if not always having been at odds in some ways and comfort in others.
“Raven's got an interesting way of looking at the world that I don't particularly agree with. [The weak die, the strong live. Those are the rules.]”
“...they were killers and thieves.”
We are shown that the twins were raised with this weak/strong dichotomy. Raven bought into it, but Qrow explicitly separates himself from that belief. Shown again when he mocks Raven with, “because that was your rule, right?”
He believes in true family, he believes in protecting the weak, he believes in doing good, he believes in standing up for what’s right. He may not like being emotionally vulnerable, but he shows softness and kindness to others, and for as much as he likes his flourish when fighting, he also isn’t afraid to look an absolute fool either.
He is shown de-escalating conflict time and again, even if he also falls back into violent, defensive patterns at times, too. He resents Raven for the choices she made, and as far as I interpret, thinks she’s the lesser one for running away and abandoning her family and her mission. (Meanwhile, she thinks the same of him for turning his back on the tribe.)
He all but spits on the tribe’s way of life, is willing to attack them outright to get the Spring Maiden. Why would he judge himself by those standards any longer? No, he lives by his own code, a huntsman’s code, and even has some pride in that. It’s why he can call Clover out on it. It’s why he folds when Robyn holds him to it.
It’s why it hurts when he finds out what gave him more meaning, aligned more with his own heart, than the tribe’s dogma may not actually have any purpose at all...
3) There’s so much to unpack here:
“No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good... Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life...”
No one wanted him? I believe this means the tribe, maybe even Raven, maybe trying to make friends, but no one until Oz? Does this include STRQ? I have trouble reconciling that one with everything else we’re shown. I still maintain he was part of bigger circles, but we get confirmation that these were probably fleeting or superficial. He knew people and was known, but no one stuck around.  Also more confirmation of his values. Gave me a place sounds like so much more than refocusing to me. It’s not gave me a direction, not told me what to do, it’s took who i am and gave that person a place to thrive - despite the bad that comes with - to work towards something better. Just like he always wanted.
But then he backtracks. What is it he regrets?  We do know how he likes to go into dramatic hyperbole about these things when he’s upset. [eg. “we’re not family anymore.” “i shouldn’t have come. i shouldn’t have let any of you come.” “we can kill the man who put us here.” “gone. like everybody else.”] (I love that crwby lets their characters do it. we all say things we don’t mean in the moment, give voice to those intrusive thoughts.)
I’ve talked before about how I picture him having flashes of all the lives he could have had instead. Would he have gone back with Raven and at least still had her? Would he just have been a normal huntsman defending people from Grimm without the crushing extra knowledge? Might he have been able to have a relationship or family of his own had he not signed up for the vagabond spy life? Does he just resent losing Summer and Raven because of how things went down? We don’t know, and I think the point is that he probably doesn’t either, but the weight of sacrificing all those alternatives and putting so much faith in Ozpin, stacking so much of his life’s work and identity on being part of the inner circle, comes crashing down on him all at once. 
also quite fitting...
4) "Nice place to raise a family. ...If you're ...into that sort of thing."
This is from his World of Remnant narration, talking about Patch, but it hits so damn hard. The softness and warmth in the first half of the statement, followed by the harsh need to qualify it in regards to his own outlook... We learn all we need to know about his opinion of the subject. 
We see the conflict right there - the possibility of such a thing brings a wholesome lilt to his voice, yet he implies that it’s not something he personally intends to pursue. Is that because he doesn’t want it or because he thinks he can’t or shouldn’t have it? I don’t think that’s clear, and he may not know either. 
At the very least, I fall into the camp of him believing he doesn’t want it. Combine that with the fact that he does pick up that spy life, which makes keeping his distance a necessity, and makes settling down near impossible, and then he definitely knows it’s not in the cards for him. 
So I think it ultimately falls somewhere between. Why would he make the commitment to being a lone spy if he had dreams of love and a family? ...But then why would he resent making the sacrifice of that possibility later if he didn’t? 
Having his nieces around probably softened him up to the idea, but he’d already made his decision by that point. He’s also solid and generally happy with his choices at the point it would most matter. He’s married to his job. He’s fulfilling his missions well, in well-suited ways for his strengths and flaws. He has his nieces around as a balm on any sort of biological clock. He has his purpose with Oz.  Until he doesn’t.
This is an incredibly long-winded way of restating that one of the headcanon hills I do stand to die on is: Gray-romantic Qrow.
5) “some people are just born unlucky... my semblance isn't like most - it's not exactly something i... do.”
I am constantly confused by the amount of people trying to do character analysis around Misfortune and Qrow based on standard semblance lore, when he has yet again stated explicitly to the contrary. We all have carte blanche ya’ll. We can do whatever we want with this, because he’s already told us his semblance breaks the rules. 
My full headcanon for it is here and my opinion about the direction I hope it takes is here but tl;dr
Unless we learn otherwise, there are very, very few ways I believe Misfortune is a reflection of Qrow’s soul, if at all. This is from the first headcanon, but it’s worth restating, because it’s important to me, aaand fits the theme of pulling in some quotes from other characters:
Everyone likes to quote Ren and his description of someone’s personality being incorporated into a semblance. I don’t buy it for qrow. Here’s the FULL quote: “A common philosophy is that a warrior’s Semblance is a part of who they are. Some say your personality and character can define your Semblance while some claim that it is the other way around. Of course, there are still many who don’t see a connection at all.”
So unless we find out otherwise I will also die on the hill that qrow is an example of the middle part. Qrow’s personality/soul has nothing to do with why his semblance is what it is, but being forced to grow up and live with Misfortune has defined him tremendously.
OKAY, there are some smaller quick ones, but I’ll stick to my five points like I promised at least, and maybe do a lesser version some other time. :]
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Hi, I know you’re a fan of namjoon so I wanted to ask your thoughts on this ring thing? I’m kinda new and assumed all these namjoon is married with kids stuff were a joke. But some people seem to totally believe that. I mean where he’d get the time to see a partner and kids is beyond me but who knows? Anyways I was looking at some of their recent pics and he doesn’t wear it all the time - which if it was a couples ring - wouldn’t he? I thought maybe he would only wear it if they were appearing on Run or Korean shows, but he didn’t have it on for either of the new shows they’ve been on recently, as they may not have been as widely watched. I mean I guess it’s none of our business - but I’m trying to rip of my delulu hat for making me think Seokjin gave it to him 🙈
Hi anon, I hope you don’t mind that I’ll combine my answer for you with my answer to another ask since I feel like they fall into the same kind of category, as in people taking things too far and/or blowing things out of proportion. And, coincidentally, both have something to do with rings.
I’ll start with your question though and give you another example that followed a very similar trajectory as the omg namjoon is married with kids because ring narrative/theory. Some months ago, Namjoon posted a few pictures on twitter and among them was a picture of him with another guy wearing a green sweater. His face though was covered. At first ARMY didn’t think much of it, but then, eventually, someone started a joke that “remember that sweater Joon wore for BV4? The guy is wearing the same one, what if that's his boyfriend?” and it went viral.
It started out completely harmless with hundreds of positive and funny tweets made in good humor, no one taking it that seriously knowing that we’d never find out even if it were true. But, as the jokes started to simmer down, everyone had their laugh, the next wave came in and this one decided that this isn’t a joke at all but serious matter. Quickly this harmless fun turned into a witch hunt of “ARMY” trying to figure out who the guy might be, if he is Namjoon’s mysterious friend that once sent him a coffee truck with custom drawn designs on it, perhaps the same one with whom Namjoon already once posted a picture sitting on this garden porch swing type thing, some even trying to prove that the guy is either Seokjin (in which case, what would be the need to cover his face?) or Florist Isaac whom they met during that one RUN episode.
So, very quickly a few idiots turned harmless fun into something almost malicious and got into fights with ARMY who were trying to tell them to stop.
The ring thing followed a similar story. It was once a harmless joke based on the fact that Namjoon wants to have kids one day, so some made jokes about what if he’s already married but we just didn’t know etc. But very quickly that got out of hand as well, going as far as people claiming the little girl in his pictures which he posted around his birthday or something is his daughter (even though it was said it’s probably the child actress from BTS WORLD) and that him making jokes (during a BangtanB while trying on glasses before their MOTS7 press con) about his child being able to read/write hangul at a very young age wasn’t jokes at all but solid proof of the fact that he is married with a child (despite the fact that he would’ve had to have gotten married and his wife pregnant not long after their debut for the timeline to even work out somehow which makes it seem even more ridiculous). This even went as far as people spamming the comments during this vlives with questions about it, flooded his selcas on twitter with questions and “jokes” and, again, attacked anyone who told them to stop.
In all of this, watching it happen from the sidelines as someone whose bias is Namjoon, I was confused why these particular rings (which I don’t even think were the same ones each time) caused such a reaction. The members have all worn so many different rings over the years, on all fingers, sometimes even like eight at the same time, and yet it wasn’t until 2020 and their KBS interview after their first BBH100 #1 that things went bonkers. All because Namjoon decided to take the ring off before they started filming or something.
In all of this I see two things that make me wonder:
When would he have the time to find a girl (since same sex marriage is not a thing in Korea) with whom he would have enough time to befriend her, trust her (considering who Namjoon is, that one is a major thing), fall in love, date and be together for a few years, and then get married? From Seokjin we know they have maybe two or three days off a month and work at least ten hours a day on their BH regulated schedules. Add to that the time they spend in the studio working on music outside of schedules, gym time, a few hours of sleep, and perhaps a few scarce hours of free time to (in Namjoon’s case) go to a museum or ride his bike, does that really leave enough time for romance (with an outsider) that leads to marriage (and a child)?
Is age 26 at the height of their career really the time for marriage? Even more so when you are someone like Namjoon, the leader of the world’s biggest group with more responsibilities than we can likely imagine as outsiders. Sure, he said he wants kids, but he can still have those in his thirties, he can also get married in his thirties, after all, life does not end once you hit thirty despite what some teens believe.
Lastly, I actually think that if it were true, Namjoon, or really anyone from the hyung line, would be the ones who wouldn’t have to hide it, at least not when compared to the maknaes. You could argue that “it would threaten their career” but would it really? Perhaps if the ring were from a man (some namjinists did make jokes that it’s like his promise ring from Seokjin or whatever, but it was all in good fun, nothing more than that), then yes, but connected to a woman? That one member from EXO also came out and said he’s getting married because his fiancé was pregnant and all it did was cause a few fansites to close and a handful of people to “protest” in front of the SM building. 
Little correction about my comments about that EXO member, though even with this my point still stands:
From anon: Re: your last post about namjoon’s rings! I agree with everything you said but just a small correction. I’m not an EXO stan but it wasn’t just a a few “protests” or fansites closing. From what I read online, he his fiancée and later wife, and his child were harassed, threatened and stalked to the point where he enlisted early just to give his family some relief. We all know there are people like this in every fandom and I know BTS would be aware of these things, so they’ll be extra careful.
Would there be delulus like this who’d go crazy if Namjoon were to say “ARMY, I’m (getting) married”? Of course. Would it ruin BTS’ career? I seriously doubt it. Do I think Namjoon would actually come out and say it if it were the case? No, but not because it’s bad idol etiquette or because BH wouldn’t allow him, but because people are insane and who knows what they would do.
It’s the same with times when people argue “I wish X ML members would just say he has a girlfriend so the ship wars would end” without taking into consideration the girl’s safety and the fact that a partner different than the one X member is shipped with has never been that big of an obstacle for some before. Just create a conspiracy theory about the company forcing this upon them and voila problem solved. We’ve seen that before when the tattoo scandal happened, and people thought JK might be dating that tattoo artist and therefore it would mean he isn’t in a relationship with Jimin or Tae.
Whatever happens in the members private lives, it is safer for all parties involved if it stays private, even more so if their romantic partners were non-idols, or non-celebrities, or another member.
Now onto the second ring question:
From anon: I am a young army and I am slowly losing my bearings. I've seen Vlive S, H and V. Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it, and the V even wore the friendship ring for Jungkook. Is it true? I don't understand anything about it, I don't see it. After the last BTS interview on TV, I thought Vmin are best friends, not Tk*ok. I thought V said he didn't want Tk*ok and yet he was so happy during Vlive because it was Tk*ok day? Help!
Now this one, I was curious if we’d get an ask about this, even more since, if you’re a reader of our blog, you likely already know what I’m going to say.
Let’s start where you usually do—at the beginning. The day of the vlive coincided with what T*ek*okers have decided on is T*ek*ok Day, based on how supposedly some years ago this was the day Tae and JK named their subunit like this. I tried to find where exactly this happened, as in in which piece of official content, but I couldn’t find anything except for a screenshot. Anyone have a clue or a link?
Side note: T*ek*okers love using the “ship” naming as proof that not only are they real but also proudly showing it off by giving themselves a name but continently forget that they are not the only ones who gave themselves subunit names. After all Jimin and Namjoon named themselves MiniMoni, or Yoongi and Jimin who are MiniMini, Namjoon and Seokjin calling themselves RJRJ last year, or that one vlive with JK, Jimin and Seokjin where they also put together their names the way you build ship names. At the end of that vlive Tae, thanks to come prompting from the chat, named their trio vsope, so does that mean they are a romantic ship now too?
If you were watching that vlive as it was happening, and decided to look at the chat, then you know what was happening. For those who did not, basically the chat was flooded with comments about T*ek*ok Day, asking where JK is whom Tae loves, where his boyfriend JK is, congratulating Tae for T*ek*ok Day etc. Basically shippers took their shipping into a space where it doesn’t belong, into a space where the members can see it, and therefore purposefully broke one of the shipping rules (I even saw some tweet about how they were proud of themselves for literally spamming the chat with T*ek*ok comments which is so wrong, and I mean that regardless of which ship we talk about). In between those were the usual other comments like speak English or say hello to XYZ or say XYZ in whatever language, and very few comments that actually reacted to what the members were doing on screen. Like when Tae said he didn’t shave, instead of telling him that it’s fine, which it is, it’s his face after all, some decided to tell him he should shave more often, basically telling him what to do, which he saw and read out. Great job.
But all the madness came to a “climax” when Hobi was reading comments and among some other ones read out T*ek*ok, just the word not the T*ek*ok Day ones, and unfortunately we all knew he wasn’t reading out the Korean word for Thailand, which sounds the same though it is spelled a little differently. In that moment all hell broke loose. Focus cams of Tae’s facial expression in that moment went viral among shippers, most of course claiming he looked so happy, while other non-shippers claimed he didn’t look happy at all. It’s a micro moment so I won’t get into it, who knows what Tae thought in that moment and what his facial expression meant and if it even had any connection to the word and Hobi reading it out loud at all.
Because he read that comment, Hobi was basically crowned the new leader of the T*ek*ok shippers (I thought that role already went to Jimin?) and twitter basically had a meltdown.
As for the ring, I know this is something a lot of ships have, with romantic connotations according to their shippers, so I was curious how these rings supposedly look like in T*ek*ok’s case and if they even match the ring that Tae wore in the vlive. If it would, fine, if not, well…
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If it’s not clear from the picture, the “supposed couple” or friendship rings are very delicate and thin, and sure enough I did find a lot of pictures in which both Tae and JK wore them, usually at different times, I will admit that. But the ring Tae wore during their vlive recently was much thicker and had some kind of design on it, therefore it’s a completely different one. Sorry. Why he wore it, if he bought it for himself or received it from someone, what emotional connotation to may or may not have, those are things we won’t know anything about unless he would tell us, so there's no point in speculating.
“Many say it was a Tk*ok day (?) And all three emphasized it” now this is curious to me since I watched the vlive as it was happening, and I didn’t see that at any point in the vlive. Sure, Hobi read that one comment, but if 95% of comments were about that, I wasn’t even surprised by it. Perhaps he thought that it would get people to stop? Perhaps he just read whatever comments his eyes landed on? Perhaps something else entirely? We have no way of knowing it so there is no point in trying to fixate on it. But besides that, they were talking about many other things and having fun making their smoothies, decorating them and just having a good time together with each other and with ARMY. 
So, this way of presenting the vlive basically comes down to shipper perception, confirmation bias, and simply, almost, rewriting history.
Rings do not determine who your best friend is (according to a quick google search, wearing a ring on your index finger simply means friendship or self-esteem/authority), after all many of the members have rings either from each other or ones that match, like Namjoon buying Jimin a Cartier ring for his birthday a few years ago which Jimin proudly wore since it’s really pretty, or pink and blue rings (there are several different ones, actually) that Namjoon has worn with Seokjin in the past (which fits into the Namjinist pink and blue agenda), or the rings Jimin and JK have together according to their shippers, and many more. Jimin and Tae have a whole plethora of matching jewelry in form of necklaces, rings, bracelets, even contact lenses (as in wearing one of each pair to match each other), some which were chosen by their stylists and others they bought themselves for themselves (which are all conveniently “forgotten” by those who ship either big ML ship). Though we’ve seen that even with clothes given by their stylists they were still the ones to choose their own accessories, like Namjoon choosing a pair of glasses from a whole box of different ones, or the members choosing rings from two big boxes before going on stage.
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Tae himself said, on multiple occasions across multiple years, that Jimin is his best friend, even his one and only best friend, and that he’s the one he likes most which he even proclaimed on national TV. As long as Tae doesn’t say that this has changed in the last, what, two weeks and suddenly JK is officially his new best friend, those who claim otherwise are basically nothing but shippers pushing a narrative that willfully ignores Tae’s own words. Just like they ignore and twist his Weverse comment about how T*ek*okers should get out of their imagination. What doesn’t fit is ignored or adjusted until it does fit.
Lastly, sure enough, Tae really was happy during that vlive but I’m fairly certain (though neither you, them or I will ever know for sure, we’re not in Tae’s head) it had absolutely no connection to T*ek*ok Day, something shippers created and not Tae and JK themselves, seeing as Tae has been in a very good and happy mood for a few months now. Whatever makes him so happy, I truly hope it’ll continue making him happy and I wish shippers (and solo stans) would stop trying to force a reason (which fits them) upon his emotions.
I know it’s easy to get confused by how loud shippers are online, especially as young ARMY (in this case both ARMY who are young age wise but also young in the sense of being new to the fandom), but shipper opinions, in many cases, are just noise, and also noise twisted and skewed a certain way to suit them. If you kept to OT7 spaces on the day of that vlive, no one really paid attention to the ring, most were annoyed by and furious at the shamelessness of the shippers in the comments, and tried to just focus on how fun the vlive was instead.
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lucreziasoares · 3 years
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Hi, sweethearts !! My name is June ( he / him, 27 ) and while I know I’m late to the party, I can’t tell you how excited I am to be here. ♡ Enough about me, though. I’d love to present to you 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐙𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐎𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒, otherwise known as 𝑳𝒖 to her closest friends, family, and lovers. Hailing from TX, she comes from a wealthy background and has recently relocated to Phoenix to start a new life with her husband... which she’s not exactly happy about, honestly. While she's glad for the change, she’s stuck in a loveless marriage that she ( spoiler alert ! ) steps out on whenever she can. Sooo, maybe she’s not the most faithful companion —— she definitely has her flaws, but she tries to make up for them in various other ways.
You’ll find a few links below that’ll guide you to the important pages on her blog, and beneath the cut, you’ll find some TL;DR information about her. As per usual, if you’re interested in plotting, like this post and I’ll reach out via IM! Discord available upon request from you if that’s where you prefer to plot and chat. Thank you !! ♡
Born to an old money, old tycoon heiress mother and real estate agent father.
Mom inherited the wealth of her father, dad’s a self-made multi-millionaire.
Lucrezia’s purpose in her family is to keep appearances; to be a trophy of sorts.
Mom and dad weren’t great about raising her to be independent and strong.
As her older brother is the heir to her dad’s business, she was treated like a doll.
Dressed up to the nines, sent to cotillions, taught to be submissive and meek.
Despite having the world at her fingertips, she really hates how she was raised.
In school, she was prom queen, head cheerleader, and notoriously rebellious.
Never going to college, she married at 20 years old to a man she doesn’t love.
Only reason she got married was due to a merger in the oil business in Texas.
It’s a super ❝ old school ❞ set-up and she hates that she was pushed into it.
Falling into a depression, she felt like a prisoner in her own home and family.
So, when her husband found work in Phoenix, she reluctantly moved with him.
Over time, she began to realize that she can sort of reinvent herself in Phoenix.
Now, she lives completely how she wants to; raising a middle finger high up.
She’s great at keeping up appearances still, but does whatever she wants now.
She grew up sheltered with a helicopter mother constantly over her shoulder.
That said, she remained extremely buttoned up and anxious during childhood.
She was never allowed to do anything that’d get her clothing dirty, for example.
There was a feeling of resentment for her parents and jealousy of her brother.
As she aged, she treated those closest to her with charisma, charm, and wit.
No matter how unhappy she was, she’d fake a smile if she had to; still does tbh.
In school, she was either adored or despised; many considered her snobbish.
They weren’t exactly lying back then; she expects the best of everything.
Think of the typical head cheerleader type in shows: beautiful and addictive.
But also vengeful, mysterious, competitive, wild-spirited, superficial, and vain.
Today, she’s kept her adolescent personality intact with added sophistication.
For the first 7-to-8 years of her marriage, she tried being the perfect wife.
Now that she’s no longer in TX, she’s transformed into a real, true hedonist.
She loves a good time, staying out all night, flirting with strangers and danger.
She doesn’t let people in too close to her, she loves remaining an enigma.
In her opinion, an air of mystery keeps her even sexier to men and women.
Her official plot page is still very much a work-in-progress, but here are some small ideas below. I’m also happy to brainstorm, too, of course !!
As she’s known to step out on her husband, I’d love for her to have numerous FWB’s —— gender doesn’t matter to her, really, but she does have a romantic preference for the opposite sex. Your muse can know about her marital status or they can be in the dark, whatever your comfort level is. I know this is a triggering subject, so please ask about these ideas at your own risk. I wouldn’t ever want you to be uncomfortable while writing and plotting with us. ♡
I would also KILL for her to have a really close best friend she made after moving to Arizona. In my mind, she’d definitely be the more ❝ chaotic ❞ of the two. For this, gender wouldn’t matter much either, but someone near her age is preferred.
Possibly someone who knows what she’s doing and knows a little about her past. They’re not impressed with how she’s decided to handle her life and try to steer her towards the morally right direction, but she often just shrugs off their advice.
Maybe your muse is the partner of a person she slept with, Lucrezia essentially becoming ❝ the other woman ❞ in that situation. This could help her slowly realize just how much damage she causes people, particularly her husband.
I’d love for her to have some bad blood with people, too, and I’m open to discuss these types of connections in detail with typists. Do you find her annoying and entitled? Do you think she just reeks of privilege and snobbery? Great! Let’s do something with it! Really, I’m incredibly into Real Housewives messiness for her!
I’d also be open to discussing the possibility of bringing her husband into the group if you’re interested in filling that role. He’s completely up to your creation as long as he’s from a similar part of Dallas, TX like Lucrezia is. Extensive plotting is needed here, so if you’re interested, please IM me at your convenience!
Honestly, I’m up for anything! Once I get her plot page created, I’ll let you know!
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outoftheframework · 5 years
Batkids nominating Bruce for Queer Eye is dead-ass the funniest thing I’ve read all day. It would be great, imagine Alfred in the little video cards just sassing Bruce for being useless at everything
if I must...
The Batkids nominating Bruce for Queer Eye: A SAGA
based off of this post
-As most things do around here, it started as a joke
-Duke, off hand in the batcave after Bruce takes off his mask to reveal super sweaty and matted hair: “jonathan van ness is quaking.”
-The second the words slipping his lips it was a running joke
-Tim, pulling out Bruce’s original suit with blue underwear over the pants: “What would Tan France say if he saw this, huh? Do you want to give the man a heart attack?”
-Bruce: *deliriously making himself kraft mac and cheese at 3am* Dick, through the intercom: “Are you even gonna add avocado to that or do I have to call Antoni?”
-Babs sends a poster from queer eye in the group chat, stating that they need applicants from Gotham for the upcoming season
-The group chat name is promptly changed to “karamo brown is batman and i have proof” and then once more to “make gotham gay again”
-Tim takes leadership over creating his nomination video, which everyone thought was probably a bad idea
-But he ends up creating a really sappy story about a man who has given himself to bettering the lives and his children and their friends and has forgotten about taking care of himself in the process
-However the kids do start telling increasingly wild stories about him to one-up each other and to try to really secure Bruce a spot on the show
-”One time I asked Bruce to pick me up moisturizer at the store and he just brought back a bottle of water. I don’t even think he knows what skin care is.”
-”Bruce has never cooked anything in his life besides boxed mac and cheese and toast. He can’t even make cereal. I’ve seen him try.”
-After their application is sent in, life catches up and they get distracted by work, school, and nightly activities. But after some time, Tim gets an email while on patrol.
-Everyone thinks he got injured because he screamed so loud
-The day comes where the guys were set to arrive to surprise Bruce (the kids doctored a fake introduction video for him so he would have zero idea)
-The kids all sit at the breakfast table, waiting for Bruce to come downstairs while the Queer Eye guys plus a camera crew hide behind the door
-Suddenly a crash is heard from upstairs, followed by angry footsteps, and a tired, sloppy dressed Bruce entering the kitchen
-The door bursts open and Bruce stands there flabbergasted my the unfamiliar men and camera crew in his kitchen at 8 am on a Monday 
-He lowers his head into his hands to hide the bags underneath his eyes. “Please god.. let this be a bad dream... I can’t do this again...”
-Jonathan comes running up and hugs him, stroking his stubbly beard. 
-Tan politely roasts his baggy sweatpants and ripped t-shirt as Antoni and Bobby explore the immaculate kitchen and Karamo introduces himself to all the kids
-Bruce’s episode is titled “Money Does Not Make the Man”
-Tan is overwhelmed by the amount of tailored black suits Bruce owns
-He puts him into more casual yet age-appropriate street wear
-Bruce purposely buys one shirt because he knows that Dick owns it and wears it often
-Jonathan almost faints when he looks in Bruce’s bathroom and only sees shaving cream on his vanity
-Bruce ends up with a clean-shaven face and a nine-step beauty routine, including two (2) face masks
-Jonathan is constantly play-flirting with Bruce and the kids absolutely crumble when he flirts back
-Bobby makes over the common area of the Gotham City Orphanage instead of redoing any of the manor
-He does a little extra work through funding from WE
-Karamo has a heart-to-heart with Bruce 
-At first Bruce is very closed off and annoyed that his kids forced him into this
-But as the week goes on, Bruce opens up more about how proud he is of his kids even though they can be overwhelming a lot of the time
-Antoni teaches Bruce how to make a healthy and easy family meal for Sunday dinner
-Alfred sheds a tear
-Bruce’s reveal is just a small house party with family and friends where he got dressed up in his new clothes and cooked for everyone
-The guys melt when watching the video and seeing him talk on and on about how happy he was to get his whole family together despite initially being reluctant
-He makes a killer guacamole
-Dick shows up to see that he and Bruce are wearing the same shirt
-Bruce gives a speech about being thankful for his life, family, and friends despite the the ups and downs
-He ends it by announcing that all the kids are still grounded for tricking him
 -The Queer Eye group comes over for Sunday dinner sometimes and is also available by phone any time Bruce needs some sense knocked into him
-All in all, it started out as a meme and ended up as a very positive experience for the whole family. Though it is still a huge meme on the internet, though.
I could create a whole post as just quotes from the episode but IDK if anyone wants that lol
Thanks for reading!
Check out my imagines blog!!
Thanks for the inspiration, @thelampofthemoment
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hostess-of-horror · 3 years
A Family Gathering
[M.B. is my Cadetsona OC, Shelley is my Sam and Max fanchild OC, M.J. belongs to @sleepy-heads-blog, and Sean and Nyarly belong to @drusb]
Note: This takes place after "A Day at the Diner" and before "Cadet's First Case".
Shelley: "Big brother, look!"
[With a toothy grin, Shelley lifts up a long centipede from underneath a rock. M.J. turns around to see her shaking it with glee.]
M.J.: "Oooh, that's a big one! Good job, Shelley!"
[Shelley squeaks happily and proceeds to eat the centipede, which makes a slight crunchy sound. M.J. smiles and leans onto the porch fence, looking out onto the neighborhood. The Commissioner had given Sam and Max a day off since there were no cases to be found. So in order to celebrate that sometimes-rare occasion, they invited family and friends over. M.J. could hear the commotion from inside the house; their laughter muffled by the walls. He could join them, but he was waiting for someone. He watches out towards the right side of the road patiently. Shelley looks up, climbs up the fence, and sits right on the edge next to M.J.]
M.J.: "I think you're gonna like Miss M.B. She's a really nice lady."
Shelley: "Miss... M...B...?"
M.J.: "Uh-huh. She is Dad and Papa's Cadet for the Freelance Police. Miss M.B. is our friend and she has these really cool powers that make all sorts of things appear."
[Shelley tilts her head, her ears flopping to one side. M.J. reaches out and lifts her up, carrying her like a small baby.]
M.J.: "I definitely think she'll really like you."
[Suddenly, a horn is heard. It's the DeSoto, pulling up into the front parking lot. M.J. knew what that meant.]
M.J.: "Dad! Papa! Miss M.B.!"
Sam: "Hey, son! Hey, Shelley!"
Max: "Hello, my little critters!"
[Coming out of the backseat is M.B., dressed in much nicer clothing than she wore before. A long, black, sheer kimono drapes over a soft tank top and a long black skirt, which is covered in coffin patterns. Her jewelry were a mix of spiked bracelets and several Anhks on her necklace and earrings. Over her eyes are a pair of magenta tea shades. Her dirty blonde hair is hanging loose around her shoulders, revealing her shaved hair on the right side of her head. Her boots were black leather with a touch of heel to them.]
M.B.: "Hey, lil' dude! How's it going?"
M.J.: "Miss M.B., you're here!"
[M.J. runs up to receive a big hug from M.B.]
M.B.: "Aw, did you miss me?" *gasps* "And who is this?"
M.J.: "Oh! This is Shelley, our new baby sister."
M.B.: "Awwww, she's so precious! Hi there, Shelley. It's nice to meet you."
[Shelley looks up at M.B., almost shying away. She then returns the smile. M.B. giggles.]
Sam: "Well, the rest of the family's inside, so let's not keep 'em waiting, shall we?"
[Sam wraps his arms around the two and heads up towards the entrance. They all enter inside and in the living room sits Sean and Nyarly in a couch playing Mortal Kombat while Geek and John watches.]
Sean: "Oh hey, you're back!"
Geek: "Hi, M.B.!"
M.B.: "Hey Geek."
[M.B. waves and smiles. But deep down inside, she still cannot help but feel terrible about breaking her heart over at the Diner. Even if everything has been patched up afterwards.]
Nyarly: "God, stop picking Scorpion! Choose someone else for once!"
Sean: "I do better with Scorpion, he's my main! It's not my fault you're a noob at this game."
Nyarly: "Alright, Noob Saibot it is. Let's go!"
M.B.: "Ooooh, Mortal Kombat! I love this game!"
[She goes to sit down alongside Geek and John. M.J. joins and Shelley goes over to Sam and climbs up onto his back.]
Shelley: "Father!"
Sam: "Hehe, hey there, sweetie. Father loves you too. Wanna help me with tonight's dinner? Come on. To the kitchen!"
[Sam rushes into the kitchen, giving Shelley a piggy back ride. She squeals in delight, giggling all the way. Max follows the two. The rest of the family sits and watches Sean and Nyarly battle it out on Mortal Kombat. Scorpion vs. Noob Saibot. Fighting to the death in the main tournament stage.]
Nyarly: "Oh, come on!"
Sean: *smirks*
Nyarly: "Are you spamming the special move button?!"
Sean: ".... maybe."
Nyarly: "Well, two can play at that game."
[Noob Saibot successfully dodges Scorpion's attack and perfectly lands a combo move. Soon an x-ray vision appears on the screen, revealing every graphic detail of Scorpion's bones being broken into bits. This brings his health bar all the way down.]
Nyarly: "HA!"
Sean: "What?!"
[Then the moment of truth. A voice booms, "FATALITY!" Nyarly quickly presses in the buttons and immediately Noob Saibot begins his fatality. Sean looks on in utter defeat as Scorpion gets brutally slaughtered by the hands of his opponent. M.B. claps.]
M.B.: "Well done, Nyarly!"
Nyarly: "Hey, M.B., wanna join?"
M.B.: "Oh hell yeah. Although I am a bit rusty, I must admit. Been a while since I played this game."
Nyarly: "Ah, don't worry... I'll go easy on you."
M.B.: "Is that a challenge?"
Nyarly: "....maybe."
M.B.: "Oh-kay then, let's go."
[Sean gives the controller to M.B. and switch seats. Nyarly picks Noob Saibot again. M.B. picks Mileena.]
Sean: "Oh, Mileena?"
M.B.: "Yeah, she's one of my favorites. Both beauty and beast."
[After picking a stage, the fight begins. Noob Saibot begins to win until Mileena manages to bring his health down by a landslide. Round One ends with Mileena's victory.]
M.B.: "Yes!"
Nyarly: "Ah, that was just beginner's luck!"
M.B.: "Heh... How's that denial working for ya?"
[Sean and Geek 'ooooh's and laughs. Nyarly slowly turns to M.B.]
Nyarly: "Wow, smart-ass." *chuckles* "Alright, no more Mr. Nice Guy."
[Round Two begins. Noob Saibot brings out the big guns and completely decimates Mileena.]
M.B.: "Ah sh*t!"
Geek: "You got this, M.B.!"
M.J.: "Last round!"
[The final round begins and it becomes intense. M.B. slams her buttons with all her might as Nyarly presses every combo he can remember. Eventually, Mileena manages to get an x-ray combo on Noob Saibot.]
M.B.: "YEAH!"
Nyarly: "Don't jinx yourself now!"
[This brings down Noob Saibot's health bar. Now both health bars are almost at equal amounts. Nyarly dodges Mileena's attack and gets an x-ray combo on her. M.B.'s competitiveness comes out and desperately slams the buttons even more. This leads to both characters almost dying. Just a few hits and one of them is done for.]
Sean: "Oh damn..."
Geek: "Who's it gonna be?"
M.J.: "Oh, so close!"
[Mileena makes an attempt to dodge and hit Noob Saibot with a combo attack, but wasn't quick enough. FATALITY!]
Nyarly: "Looks like I win again."
Sean: "You were so close, M.B.!"
M.B.: *chuckles* "I know!"
Nyarly: "That was a really good fight, though. You did pretty good. Alright, who's next?"
M.J.: "Oh, oh, oh, me! Me! Me!"
[M.B. hands over the controller and switches seats. Another battle begins, this time between Raiden and Kitana. Suddenly, the doorbell rings.]
Geek: "I got it!"
[Geek opens the door. Standing in front of the entrance is another family member.]
Geek: *gasps* "Granny!"
Granny Ruth: "Hello, dearie!" *hugs Geek* "I hope I wasn't late."
Geek: "Not at all. We're just getting started. Come on in!"
M.J. and John: "Granny Ruth!"
[Nyarly pauses the game and allows M.J. to join in on the group hug. Granny Ruth is immediately showered with affection by her great grandchildren. Sam and Max come out of the kitchen and greet her as well. Granny Ruth looks over to see M.B.]
Granny Ruth: "Ah, you must be the new Cadet my grandson has been telling me about. Why, it's so good to finally see you, dearie!"
M.B.: "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am."
Granny Ruth: "Oh, please, no need for formalities. You can just call me 'Granny'." *smiles*
[Granny Ruth reaches out for a hug and M.B. accepts it. M.B. has heard so many good things about Granny Ruth from Sam and Max. Amazing things, in fact. So much so that getting permission to just call her 'Granny' felt like the highest of honor. M.B. has family back home, so of course she would never forget them. But at this very moment, M.B. felt like she belonged. Like she was wanted.]
Max: "You're just in time, Granny Ruth! We just finished fixing up dinner. Just head right into the kitchen and help yourselves out!"
[Everyone headed into the kitchen and was greeted to a whole potluck dinner. The entire room smells delicious, making M.B.'s mouth water. After everyone got their plates and their meals, they all sat down together and ate. Soon M.B. learns that Sam and Max's family were anything but "normal." Boisterous laughter erupted as conversations began turning into jokes. M.B. felt more and more comfortable with them, for all of this was very familiar to her. Her own family were full of funny people, especially her uncle. As she was getting really comfortable sitting in silence, watching everyone chat, a question gave her quite the surprise.]
M.J.: "Oh, Miss M.B.! Can you show us your powers after dinner?"
Granny Ruth: "Powers?"
Sam: "The kid has illusionary abilities. She can make things appear out of thin air."
Max: "I think she's some sort of witch or something."
M.J.: "Yeah, she once defended me from a bully once. Come on, Miss M.B.! Please~?"
M.B.: "Oh, uh... sure! Sorry, you just caught me off guard. Wasn't expecting it, that's all. I'll think of something after dinner."
M.J.: "Yay!"
[The spotlight has fallen upon M.B. She always hated stuff like this, having other people ask for her to do or perform something. Despite having an immense interest in theater, she wasn't one to always try to attract attention. Especially when the spotlight is forced upon her. However, this was different - an exception, because how could anyone resist an adorable little bunny in a sweater? When dinner was finished, everyone gathered outside in the backyard as M.B. walks further from them, making the entire lot her stage. She checks her phone for Wi-Fi and searches up some music. M.B. finally picks a song: "Dance with the Dragon" by Dark Sarah. As it begins to play, she focuses in on her powers. The purple and green aura emerges from her hands and evoke a wondrous scene. A decadent ballroom lit with multiple candles where a young lady in a black gown is captured by well-dressed gentleman, who is a dragon in disguise. The lyrics begin to sing.]
🎶I know why you're here, don't try to escape my dear, you've been naughty I know by trying to steal something of my own🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶I have no idea, why I have been dragged down here...🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶Don't lie!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶...Nor what you're talking about, and sir there's no reason to shout!🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶And sure there's a reason to shout!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶I saw the key but didn't steal!🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶You saw the key and tried to steal!🎶 [DRAGON:] I see... What do we have here?
[DARK SARAH:] What?... nothing... [DRAGON:] 🎶Now I know why you're here, you are a mischievous thief,🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶... just can't lie to him...🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶But if you want the key, you need to earn it my my dear!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶He sees right through me, oh bugger! He just..🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶This is how we treat our guests who are trying to cheat, you need to earn it my dear!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶...took the only ticket I had, I guess I have to🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶so you will be my rag doll tonight, tonight,🎶
[DARK SARAH:] 🎶see where this leads🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶At the dragon's ball!🎶
[The lady and the Dragon then begin to dance.] [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Take my all, I surrender, surrender! Look at me and the way I ask for forgiveness, kindness and help! Take my all, I surrender, surrender! You/I will die another day, another way🎶 [DARK SARAH:] I think we're done now [DRAGON:] You think so? [DARK SARAH:] ...I have to go! [DRAGON:] 🎶You're not going anywhere!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶Why are you, making this🎶
[DRAGON:] 🎶You don't know...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶...Harder than it is?🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶I cry on my own...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶You have the key,🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶In this lonely place...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶That you don't even need🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶That is why...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶You're standing here between me and my life.🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶...I'm standing here between you and your life!🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶...I'm sorry to say...🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶What now?🎶
🎶...just get off with your tail!🎶 🎶Hahhah!!!🎶 [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Take my all, I surrender, surrender! Look at me and the way I ask for forgiveness, kindness and help! Take my all, I surrender, surrender! You/I will die another day, another way🎶
[Then M.B. morphs the scene into a beautiful garden. This is the dragon's backstory, where he was once happy. There with him is his bride, who looks very similar to the lady.] [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Nannannannanna, Leoleolelee!🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶May I have this dance?🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶Aaaah!🎶 [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Nannannannanna, Leoleolelee!🎶 [DRAGON:] 🎶I will show you my best moves...🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶Aaaah, you best moves...🎶
[The flashback fades and the scene returns to the present.] [DRAGON:] 🎶... Why don't you?🎶 [DARK SARAH:] 🎶I just need the key, I'm trying to get out of here I know that it's a bad deal And disappointed you must feel But please help me to escape🎶 [DARK SARAH & DRAGON:] 🎶Take my all, I surrender, surrender! Look at me and the way I ask for forgiveness, kindness and help! Take my all, I surrender, surrender! You/I will die another day, another way Look at me and the way I ask for Forgiveness, kindness and help! Take my all, I surrender, surrender! We will die another day, another way... another way...another way...another day...another way...! 🎶
[M.B. ends her illusionary show. The whole family goes into a roaring applauds, cheering at the amazing spectacle.]
Geek: "Dude!"
Shelley: *happy bat squeaks*
Granny Ruth: "Well I'll be... I've never seen such a wonderful show since I was a little girl. You, dearie, have such a wonderful gift."
M.B.: "Thanks, Granny. Thank you all so very much!"
[Sam leans over and nudges Max.]
Sam: *whispering* "You know, little buddy, she can make quite a difference when it comes to cases."
Max: *whispering back* "You mean like making mushy fairy tales while blasting musical numbers from her phone?"
Sam: "I mean as our Cadet, pinhead! Imagine all the things she could do for the law!"
Max: "I dunno, Sam... is she even prepared to get smacked down by a bunch of hardened criminals? 'Cause she's giving me theater kid vibes, as the youth put it."
[Sam and Max watch as M.B. is surrounded by the rest of the family. M.B. is receiving hugs and pats on the back. She even lifts and hold Shelley in her arms, creating a tiny blue butterfly for her to marvel at. It lands on her nose, tickling her.]
Sam: "Heh... let's find out, shall we?"
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aresrl · 3 years
hihi! saw your new blog and I’m excited to see ur writing! if it’s alright can I request for a genshin matchup (lmao can I ask for all of them: vision, partner, friend and enemy if it’s possible? idm the gender!) ignore this if the requests are actually closed lmfao
im an ambivert, I’m rather softhearted and emotional (I do cry a lot after all,,) I’m quite talkative tbh as long as someone started a conversation,, yet when I get close with someone I act clingy and prefer being a listener. i think I can say that I’m pretty supportive over my friends and family too! I tend to live in the moment and im quite stubborn about my own morals. I’m quite independent I’ll say but I prefer working in groups over working alone. I’m also pretty forgiving ig and I don’t hold grudges. However I’m on the lazy side and I’m quite stubborn (?) Im not good at standing up for myself and I’m also not the type to stand out too much. im quite clumsy and careless. I enjoy playing games (any sort of games tbh as long as it’s not too bloody) and I like chatting with my friends.
thankyou so much and hope you have a great day <3 good luck on ur new blog and i hope u don’t feel pressured by it!! get enough rest and stay happy!
I wasn't expecting a message in my inbox so quickly after my first post, wow ! Thanks a lot Anon for your words of encouragement, this is so kind and it motivates me a lot ! And of course everything is alright, you shouldn't be the one feeling pressured haha, here are your awaited answers !
You received... A Pyro vision ! Optimistic, enthusiastic, impulsive, reckless and a lot of energy are the general characteristics held by the Pyro vision. • Compared to the Hydro vision you almost received, I feel that you could spend your energy doing or entertaining things you love limitlessly despite the fact that you're on the lazy side. • You seem to have a reckless side (being stubborn especially makes me think that) which is for me the biggest characteristic of the Pyro vision • You said that you lived at the moment which means that you're ready to face anything. • I also feel that you're independent enough to do what you want (whether it be emotionally or materialistically), nothing could stop you from doing something except yourself. But for the sake of your loved ones you could put your insecurities away and protect them without thinking. Your partner would be... Fischl ! You complete each other perfectly ! With her, you will never get bored and she will never get tired of you ! • The first thing Fischl noticed and instantly liked about you is that you seemed to have understood and accepted her quickly. • The fact that you easily talk a lot to her makes her feel appreciated and enthusiastic. • Also the fact that you can switch from being the one to talk to the listener is a great thing for her as she won't feel an imbalance. • Fischl likes the fact that you become clingy with her because again, it makes her feel loved and she even finds it cute. • Your stubbornness is not a problem for her ! She thinks it represents how strong is your moral sense. • There are also traits of yourself that she will love and also be proud of like your forgiveness. • Your dynamic is like "We're in for an adventure ! But let's keep cool about it." • Fischl would usually be the one to propose things to do together but if you're too lazy to do something then she will order you not to move just to join and cuddle you. Your friend would be... Qiqi ! “I love you the most” • It seems that you easily make people feel loved because Qiqi too feels it thanks to you ! • She finds you kind, pleasant and loving : enough for her to want to be friends with you. • You also enjoy Qiqi's company and like to help her with her duties and thoughts Your enemy would be... Diona ! “All poor Diona can do is puff up her cheeks, tears forming in her eyes” • There are a lot of disagreements between you two, mostly because Diona doesn't understand how you can think this or that about certain subjects. • It will just make her really angry and as stubborn as she is, seeing that you don't even seem to take the situation seriously, she will get even more frustrated. Worth to mention : • If you had a relationship with Kaeya it would be weird and interesting at the same time. Whether it be romantic or friendly, it would base itself by a day where you're crossing your paths, look into each other's eyes, think you perceived something and then just go back into your own paths, but not as if nothing happened. Both of you would keep questioning these moments inside of your head. A relationship that goes beyond reason. • Diluc could also have been your partner but your relationship would have been more likely to have conflicts even though they are not really important because it would simply be different points of view. Your relationship would also be more calm and serene, mostly filled with a pleasant silence. • As your friend he would find you pleasant and interesting. He would admire your forgiveness but yet couldn't agree with it. • Zhongli could aslo be your friend as he finds you pleasant too and you always find his words interesting. You also like each other's company. • Finally Mona would not appreciate some of your traits, but that doesn't make her your enemy because she would still be willing to help you if you need, she doesn't hate you deep down. Wow I wrote all of that, I'm so proud of myself. Thanks again for your request and kindness Anon, it took me a pretty long time but I truly enjoyed every second, that was really
interesting and fun !
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Mod Kou’s Intro~
Hihi all!! My name is Kou (also been called Crimson/Crispy), and I’m one of the mods of this lovely little chaotic blog! 
A little bit about me, I am a tiny, anxious fire bunny who loves music, drawing, and worldbuilding! (eh,, I’m always really bad at listing likes and dislikes lkgfgfk) I am very very terrified of spiders and I cannot, for the life of me, confront people. My main blog is @crimsonsolace and my art blog is @bunny-arts !!  I’ll most likely be answering asks with drawings and stuff ^^
Anyways, enough about me... Time to meet my characters! I’m gonna put them under a read more (which I just figured out how to do, yay!) so you don’t get floodedkdfslk 
Uh. be prepared for a lot of text. I’m so sorry. I got carried away. 
Earth Chat
Crimzon - A guardian Demon, born with only the reason to protect others in war. She came to Earth with no clear purpose, worried her illness would take her over and kill her before she found someone to serve. But, thankfully! She found a child, Willow, out on the streets with no caretakers! Despite being awful with children, she took matters into her own hands and now protects Willow as she searches for proper parents for the child! 
Trilis - Riil’s ‘mother’, having fled to Earth after their family was killed by a group of vampires. Though not actually their mother, Trilis is Riil’s Mom’s cousin, and they took it as their responsibility to care for the child, even though they have a deadly illness that will soon take their life. Unfortunately, Riil knows nothing of their dead family nor Trilis’s illness.. Oh! They also have an adopted child, Melody, and are good friends with Eos! They are,,, the Mama Demon that you NEVER mess with. terrifying.. uses a spear with a leaf etched on its blade.. other stuff,
Teen!Riil - The teenage version of Riil, a salty demon whose best friend is Beep! They refuse to go anywhere without either their mother (Trilis) or Beep with them unless they’re horribly upset, and can tend to get jealous when they see another child with their mother. They’re also very willing to throw down for their bestie, even if they wont admit he’s their best friendkfflkkfjgfd 
Universe - The goddess of the universe, a tall, joyful, kind woman! Married to Eos, her child is Osiris, she lives a happy life with her family and works at a lab! I dunno if there’s much to say on her, honestly,, 
Teen!Osiris - A teenage version of Osiris! Child of Universe and Eos, she’s like.. 16 here? They are very playful, still curious as ever, but is terrified of learning how to fly and sort of procrastinates on learning her magic and stuff. They’re a very childish life god ^^;
Faura + Ufio - FAURA! The, uh. Meme master and fourth-wall breaker of my bunch- She’s a witch who came to Earth to break free of her chains back home, and now runs Faura’s Bakery! She has a special interest in tech, after finding her best bud Ufio- which is a small UFO that she’s been fixing up ever since she found him in a junkyard! She’s also really, really clumsy,
Helroe + Gaser - The parents of Ainara, who brought her to Earth to punish her for attempting to run away. Both are magic users who force the same profession on Ain, despite the fact she’s always had difficulties with magic. They are cold, harsh, and often would refuse her food if she couldn’t study properly. They are bastards(tm) 
Earth!Ainara - This Ain is a mouse, and extra tiny! She’s also a magic user instead of an axe user, and is much more easily startled than the normal Ain. Thankfully, she was rescued and taken in by Axis, and now she lives with him sorta! Oh also she can turn into a littol mouse,
DnD Chat
Elyscia - An Elf bard who plays harp, violin, and piano! She’s elegant, glittery, and very charismatic! Has an adopted child, Connor, and a girlfriend, Nathala :> She’s... probably one of my most sane characters ngl. Oh also she’s 7′5-
Shizue - A Mermaid sorceress, doomed to be lost in the woods forever... The silly Mermaid has a very low attention span, and gets distracted by anything and everything very quickly! She’s seen with her big pet guinea pig, Chonk! 
Ainara - A Gnome barbarian wielding a giant axe, two handaxes, and a boomerang axe! Ran from her abusive parents and met her master Faerghis, who took her in and taught her how to use her weapons! However, they died, and she ended up in the forest of the DnD chat where she met her current best friend, Axis, and her adopted child, Willow! She is Feral Gnome.
DnD!Riil - Less than a year old, this Riil lost most of their family in an attack, found and saved by Roisin, their new mother. The small demon has made a dragon friend who they named Xilr, after their late brother, and a friend named Beep! 
Aav - The only other member of Riil’s family that survived, Aav is a sorrowful demon who only misses her siblings and her parents. She stays with Riil and Roisin, rarely speaking- but she’s a fast and silent demon with a gun, so don’t mess with her or her new family! 
DnD!Osiris - A young life god, the daughter of Universe and Eos! They are curious, love hair, and hates the fact their mom tries to cover their inhuman features with a cloak- but really, that’s only for their safety. Their token baby phrase is “BWBWBWBWBWBWB” and that is all you need to know 
DnD!Universe (Hevasrra) - The goddess of the universe, yet here she’s very disguised- hiding her normal godlike features under a more humanlike appearance. She also goes by her ‘true’ name rather than the one she prefers. Her wife is Eos, her child is Osiris! She’s a,, lot more on edge in this chat
Space Chat
Crimson - A nervous human(?) who came to the ship to escape her step-father, Crimson is sort of... Like a persona? But honestly, not really ^^; Her (best? Maybe?) friend is Tone (it is an important rule to know that if she dies, so does he,) and her enemy is Impo!Riil, who keeps trying to attack her! yay.. 
Impo!Riil - That’s right- an Imposter version of Riil! This is a version of them who found out about the fact Trilis was not their real mother, and they flew into a rage and killed them. Due to this, they turned to delusions, calling and talking to their spear as if it were “Mom”. It’s quite easy to tick them off, and once you do, they’ll become blinded by rage and try to attack you,, According to Blue. They need therapy badly
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dr-skellington · 4 years
And The Winner Is...
So I was hella bummed to miss HIV/AIDS Awareness Day... So I wrote this for National HIV/AIDS Testing Day but I feel like it can emcompass both
anyways happy National HIV/AIDS Testing Day! If you’re sexually active y’all better go get tested! 😜
This is being posted to both my main and nsfs blogs because all of us nsfs content creators are guilty of (more often than not) creating content that doesn’t portray safe sex, which is the only way to prevent STDs and AIDS. For all my followers out there, please use condoms when engaging in sexual activity and if you don’t want to get pregnant, use some form of contraceptive as well. Stay safe. Love you guys <3
Please reblog the version with links
Fandom: Sanders’ Sides
Pairing: Loceit
Words: 2,899
Summary: Janus has been in the epicenter of the AIDS pandemic since it began. He’s seen more death, felt more loss, and heard more pain than any human should just within the last seven years. He’d all but given up on family, friends, forming bonds of any kind, because he knew they would just be taken away from him.
Until he met Logan Abbott.
Tags/Warnings: death, character death, HIV/AIDS, takes place in the 80s, specifically ‘87-’89, mentions of ballroom culture, descriptions of illness, descriptions of delirium/fever, descriptions of unintentional minor starvation, this is not a cheery fic guys just keep that in mind and be careful
December, 1987
“Number 37?”
“Number 37.”
People glancing around. Logan nudges Janus. “Janus, that’s you.”
Janus startles slightly when Logan nudges him, blinking. He’d been completely zoned out, staring at the white wall opposite their chairs. “Ah, yes. Right. Thank you, I’ll be back in a moment.” He stands up, meeting the nurse’s kind smile with a blank look and following her back to the doctor’s office.
Janus shuts the door behind him, the click of the deadlatch nearly deafening in the silence. He takes a seat across from the doctor in a stiff polyester chair, shifting his weight nervously and crossing one leg over the other. Janus folds his hands in front of him and gives a slight nod.
The doctor smiles at him, opening up his file and looking over a page as she speaks. “So, are you ready to hear the results of your test?” She looks up, one of her eyebrows slightly raised.
All he can manage is a nod, his heart hammering in his chest. Please let it be negative, please let it be negative, it has to be negative.
“You tested positive, Janus. I’m sorry.”
Janus sits in numb silence for a moment, his mind screeching to a halt, the sound of his racing heart unheard past the ringing in his ears. Positive. He had HIV.
“Run the test again.”
He doesn’t even realize he spoke until the doctor is replying, a sympathetic frown pulling at her lips. “We’ve run the test twice. I’m sorry, but that’s the result.” He shakes his head, looking at her with wide, frantic eyes.
“I can’t have HIV, I can’t die! Not yet!”
The doctor raises her hands in an effort to placate him. “Janus, you aren’t going to die. This doesn’t have to be a death sentence. There are options; treatments, support groups. There’s AZT. You don’t need to fight this forever, you just need to fight until a cure is found-”
Janus jumps to his feet, pushing the chair back. “What cure?! No one is looking! The world wants us dead!” He’s bordering on hysterical; shouting, trembling with his racing heartbeat, tears streaming down his face. He wasn’t an idiot. Doctors may promise help and support and solutions but the facts were that no one cared enough to even look for a cure and the only worthwhile treatment killed as many people as it helped. He’d seen the effects of AZT, seen how it can make your body shut down. He was just as well off not doing anything, in his mind.
His doctor sighs, lowering her hands. “I understand that this is hard to accept. I’ll give you a moment to yourself, I’ll be right outside if you need me.” She walks past Janus and shuts the door quietly behind her, leaving him in silence.
It lasts for all of ten seconds before he’s falling back into his chair and hiding his face in his hands as sobs wracked his body. In the span of thirty seconds his entire life had been thrown up in the air, all plans for the future shrouded in a veil of futile hope that he’d even live long enough to see them happen.
The virus had swept through the gay community like the final plague of Egypt, claiming countless lives in the last seven years and looming over thousands more. It had become apparent very quickly that there would be no help. Not from the president, or any governors; no one. Hospital staff would do their best, but even they could only do so much and due to lack of knowledge many of them were afraid to get too close to those on the downslide, afraid of catching the virus themselves. It was the kind of plague that left even the most healthy man riddled with anxiety. It was the kind of plague that didn’t care about sex, race, gender, religion; it only cared about spreading death.
It was the one thing in this world Janus was afraid of.
Janus had been only nineteen when the pandemic began. He remembered hearing of it through rumor, how so-and-so’s brother/cousin/son had become mysteriously ill, only to die months later. He remembered when it was no longer a rumor and people in his own backyard began to drop like flies. He remembered friends locking themselves away, ending relationships, never leaving the house in fear of catching it. He remembered moments of silence in ballroom and the absence of it on the television. He remembered the first house he had joined and the exact number of days it took for him to be the only one left standing. He remembered burying friends, brothers, sisters, mothers.
And now Logan would have to bury him.
Oh god, Logan. How could he tell him? He knew the pain of watching the man you love withering to nothing before your eyes while no one offered help. Now that he was on the other side, though, nothing terrified him more than Logan not being there, being left alone to rot in a hospital bed while this virus stole his life from him. But Janus was not a cruel man.
He had to tell him. He had to give him a choice.
Janus took another moment to collect himself, wipe the tears from his face, and stood. He left the doctor’s office without a word and made his way back to the hall Logan was waiting in like countless others from their community. The way Logan straightened up and looked up at him with hopeful eyes when Janus finally turned the corner crushed his heart in his chest. This may be the last time that he gets to see that face, hold those hands, kiss those lips.
He walks up to Logan, who’s stood up to meet him with an expectant look. “Well? What’d she say, Janus?”
Janus takes Logan’s hand in his, squeezing it gently. Logan’s expression morphs into one of pain and sadness.
“I’m positive.”
Janus takes a breath through his nose and lets go of Logan’s hand. “I’ve been on your side of this too many times to ask that you stay in good conscience. If you… If it’s easier for you to leave, to move on now before things get bad… I understand.”
“Ten, ten, ten, ten, ten! The winner is Janus from the House of Fidelity!”
Janus Jackson was twenty-three when he met Logan Abbott. By then he had buried half of his house and five boyfriends, and had decided life would be more tolerable if he stopped forming close bonds with other people. Despite this self-declaration, anyone you asked would claim that Janus was an open, kind, charismatic young man. He could make the terminal men laugh, gossip with the most effeminate queens, and trade beauty tips with all the trans women without making anyone feel awkward, out of place, or invalidated. No one knew his whole story, but everyone loved to fill in the blanks. This was just as well, in Janus’ mind, as it made it nearly impossible to tell which parts were fictional gossip and which were the sad tale of his life.
Logan was a twenty year-old nobody from out of state. He’d moved to the city for a change of scenery, or so he claimed to anyone who would ask. Janus could tell there was more to it though, and had he cared at all about making friends he might have pried. He assumed Logan came out and got shamed by his community, as was the story for many of the people in the ballroom scene. It was their home, their refuge where they could be themselves when the world told them they were a mistake, a disease, a cancer. Logan had taken quickly to the ballroom scene, finding like-minded people to watch the night’s categories with.
Logan blinks, his eyebrows furrowed and lips slightly parted. “I… Janus, I would never leave you just because you have the virus. You mean more to me than that. I love you.”
Janus sighs, relief and sadness washing over him; he was thankful he had met Logan, that he wouldn’t have to go through this alone, but the guilt of putting Logan through the same pain he’d gone through would weigh him down until his dying breath.
“I love you, too.”
At some point during the night, be it during a category Janus was participating in or just idle chit-chat, someone had pointed Logan his way. Janus swore he would find out who it was and make them suffer, but for the moment he had to uphold his reputation and make Logan feel welcome. Logan had come wandering over like a little lost lamb, taking the chair next to Janus tentatively and glancing at him.
“Are you… Janice?”
Oh, this bitch.
Janus rolls his eyes. “Janus.”
Logan blinks. “That is what I said.”
“You said Janice. My name is Janus. J-A-N-U-S. I can hear the difference.”
Logan looks at his lap. “I see. I apologize. Though admittedly I feel a little better not having had the chance to accidentally misgender you.” He casts a glance around the room; gay men, a few lesbians, trans women - some more obvious than others - and those you couldn’t label at first glance.
Janus snrks. “Oh honey. You better watch those comments before you offend the wrong people. This isn’t the suburbs, where you can gossip and slander behind closed doors.” He sighs through his nose, crossing one leg over the other as he gives Logan a once-over. “But I can’t fault you for not knowing. Yet. What is your name, pup?”
“Logan,” he says, just loud enough over the emcee to be heard. Janus leans in with a soft smirk.
“Well Logan, after the ball you’ll be coming to my house and talking to mother. We can’t have a cute thing like you living on the streets.”
Logan blushes and nods, and the two turn their attentions to the next category being walked.
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚
In the spring of ‘88, Janus got a bad flu. Janus and Logan had just buried their house mother the week before, leaving the two of them and Roman - their newest and youngest house member, a gay Latino boy who was barely older than eighteen - in their house. Roman had been debating leaving to join another house, but his loyalty to Janus as an older brother-now-house-father (oh, the irony) kept him in that dingy apartment. Roman and Logan did their best to look after Janus, checking his temperature every few hours, feeding him soup and helping him drink water, helping him bathe when he was too weak to stand on his own. The flu lasted nearly a week before his fever finally broke. Once it did, Logan was hopeful that Janus would recover quickly, but he never fully did.
As the months went by, Janus seemed to have less and less energy. By the beginning of fall his diagnosis had been moved from HIV to AIDS, and he had stopped walking the balls. If he was having a particularly good day, he would still show up and show support for friends in other houses. Roman had even walked a category on one of Janus’ good days to cheer him up, earning the House of Fidelity their first trophy in almost a year. Janus had cried when Logan wheeled him down the runway to accept the trophy at Roman’s insistence.
The days began to grow colder and Janus never left the apartment. If he even got a cold, he could die, so he and Logan decided it would be better, safer, to stay indoors with the heat on. It didn’t last too long; November rolled around and Janus was admitted to the hospital with an infection. He couldn’t sleep, had trouble breathing, and would only eat if Logan was there to make him. No one thought he would live to see Christmas. Even after his infection cleared, Janus stayed in the AIDS ward with the other men who were too sick to leave. The place smelled of chemicals, with a backdrop of hacking coughs, desperate prayers, and crying. He hated it there, but Roman and Logan made sure to visit as often as they could to keep him company.
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚
On Thanksgiving, Logan walked into Janus’ room to find him gripping the pole of his IV stand, walking the length of his room like it was a runway. His eyes were unfocused, swinging his arms around in a delirious attempt at vogueing. Logan carefully approached Janus, gently guiding him back to bed, his heart beating anxiously in his chest. Janus sat on the edge of the mattress and looked up at Logan with a soft smile.
“What are my scores, baby?” He asked airily. Logan swallowed, his eyes burning with tears.
“Tens across the board, my love.”
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚
“Everyone misses you in ballroom, dad. Every night I got people comin’ up to me and telling me they hope you’re doin’ okay.”
Janus gives Roman a small smile, patting the teen’s knee as he sits before him on the bed. “And what do you tell them, Roman?”
Roman grins. “I tell them my dad’s the strongest guy there is! Just watch, spring’s gonna come and you’re gonna get better, I just know it.”
“I’d love to see the looks on their faces when I walk into the room like nothing happened.”
Logan smiles, running his fingers through Janus’ matted hair. “I’m sure you will, love. You just need to rest up.”
“Rest up later, it’s Christmas!” Roman shouts, bouncing a little. Janus chuckles.
“Yes, yes it is. Logan, did you bring the packages I told you about?” Logan nods and hands Janus two sloppily-wrapped presents. Janus hands the blue one to Logan, and the red one to Roman. “Merry Christmas, you two.”
Roman grins and snatches the present out of Janus’ hand, ripping the paper off. “Oh, bitchin’! Thanks, dad!” Roman holds up the leather jacket to inspect it, showing it off to Logan. Logan nods in amusement, watching Roman put the jacket on before he carefully unwraps his own present. He gasps as he looks down at the picture of him and Janus laughing together as they sit next to each other, Janus’ hand on Logan’s knee.
“Just in case. Don’t want you forgetting how hot I am,” Janus jokes lightly. Logan looks at him with teary eyes and takes his hand, squeezing gently.
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚
“I’m sorry, I’m s-sorry, Logan,” Janus sobs, his body shaking as tears make their way down bony cheeks.
Logan shakes his head, taking Janus’ hands and looking him in the eye. “You have nothing to apologize for, my love.”
“I-I didn’t want to d-die alone, I’m sorry, I’m s-so selfish.”
“You couldn’t have gotten rid of me if you’d tried.”
The pair sit in silence for a moment, Logan rubbing Janus’ knuckles as Janus cries. It was one of those days where a fever made Janus overemotional. Sometimes he thought it was still 1987, and when he realized it was almost 1989 he would lay there and cry, apologizing for trapping Logan with him. It was the same conversation every time.
“I don’t w-want to die.”
“You won’t die, my heart, not for a long time.”
“I should h-have taken the AZT, I should have tried e-everything I could.”
“You said so yourself, there is a significant chance that taking AZT would have shortened your lifespan even more. I’m thankful that we’ve had this time together, I wouldn’t want to change a thing.”
“I-I’m so sorry.”
“... I know.”
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚
Janus Jackson passed away on January 2nd, 1989, just twenty minutes after his boyfriend Logan had left the hospital. He’d passed away in his sleep, having been well looked-after and held in the arms of the one he loved until he drifted off. The funeral was a week later, and something told Logan that he would need to find a big space to hold it in. True to thought, the day of the funeral the entire church was full of people coming to say goodbye to Janus and celebrate his life, drawing a crowd so big that it spilled out the front doors. No one had known that Janus was religious. No one except Logan.
Logan tested positive for HIV just two months later. He’d sat in the doctor’s office in contemplative silence, nodded, and thanked them before leaving the room. That day, he’d walked the streets of Brooklyn and thought about his time with Janus; all the laughter, the excitement, and the tears. The one thing that kept coming back to mind was all the nights he would sit by Janus’ side in that hospital bed, listening to him cry and apologize, listening to his regrets. Logan returned to the doctor the next day and got a prescription for AZT.
Logan Abbott lived to the age of fifty-four. He had a small number of boyfriends in his life, a few after Janus’ passing, and had buried almost all of them. Shortly after testing positive he had joined ACT UP, leaving behind the balls that Janus loved so dearly to instead fight for his community’s life. When he finally passed on a cool spring day in his own home, Janus’ gift in his hands, he found he had no regrets, looking forward to seeing Janus once again.
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achaosfilledworld · 4 years
Mod Kou’s Intro~
Hihi all!! My name is Kou (also been called Crimson/Crispy), and I’m one of the mods of this lovely little chaotic blog! 
A little bit about me, I am a tiny, anxious fire bunny who loves music, drawing, and worldbuilding! (eh,, I’m always really bad at listing likes and dislikes lkgfgfk) I am very very terrified of spiders and I cannot, for the life of me, confront people. My main blog is @crimsonsolace and my art blog is @bunny-arts !!  I’ll most likely be answering asks with drawings and stuff ^^
Anyways, enough about me... Time to meet my characters! I’m gonna put them under a read more (which I just figured out how to do, yay!) so you don’t get floodedkdfslk 
Uh. be prepared for a lot of text. I’m so sorry. I got carried away. 
Earth Chat
Crimzon - A guardian Demon, born with only the reason to protect others in war. She came to Earth with no clear purpose, worried her illness would take her over and kill her before she found someone to serve. But, thankfully! She found a child, Willow, out on the streets with no caretakers! Despite being awful with children, she took matters into her own hands and now protects Willow as she searches for proper parents for the child! 
Trilis - Riil’s ‘mother’, having fled to Earth after their family was killed by a group of vampires. Though not actually their mother, Trilis is Riil’s Mom’s cousin, and they took it as their responsibility to care for the child, even though they have a deadly illness that will soon take their life. Unfortunately, Riil knows nothing of their dead family nor Trilis’s illness.. Oh! They also have an adopted child, Melody, and are good friends with Eos! They are,,, the Mama Demon that you NEVER mess with. terrifying.. uses a spear with a leaf etched on its blade.. other stuff,
Teen!Riil - The teenage version of Riil, a salty demon whose best friend is Beep! They refuse to go anywhere without either their mother (Trilis) or Beep with them unless they’re horribly upset, and can tend to get jealous when they see another child with their mother. They’re also very willing to throw down for their bestie, even if they wont admit he’s their best friendkfflkkfjgfd 
Universe - The goddess of the universe, a tall, joyful, kind woman! Married to Eos, her child is Osiris, she lives a happy life with her family and works at a lab! I dunno if there’s much to say on her, honestly,, 
Teen!Osiris - A teenage version of Osiris! Child of Universe and Eos, she’s like.. 16 here? They are very playful, still curious as ever, but is terrified of learning how to fly and sort of procrastinates on learning her magic and stuff. They’re a very childish life god ^^;
Faura + Ufio - FAURA! The, uh. Meme master and fourth-wall breaker of my bunch- She’s a witch who came to Earth to break free of her chains back home, and now runs Faura’s Bakery! She has a special interest in tech, after finding her best bud Ufio- which is a small UFO that she’s been fixing up ever since she found him in a junkyard! She’s also really, really clumsy,
Helroe + Gaser - The parents of Ainara, who brought her to Earth to punish her for attempting to run away. Both are magic users who force the same profession on Ain, despite the fact she’s always had difficulties with magic. They are cold, harsh, and often would refuse her food if she couldn’t study properly. They are bastards(tm) 
Earth!Ainara - This Ain is a mouse, and extra tiny! She’s also a magic user instead of an axe user, and is much more easily startled than the normal Ain. Thankfully, she was rescued and taken in by Axis, and now she lives with him sorta! Oh also she can turn into a littol mouse,
DnD Chat
Elyscia - An Elf bard who plays harp, violin, and piano! She’s elegant, glittery, and very charismatic! Has an adopted child, Connor, and a girlfriend, Nathala :> She’s... probably one of my most sane characters ngl. Oh also she’s 7′5-
Shizue - A Mermaid sorceress, doomed to be lost in the woods forever... The silly Mermaid has a very low attention span, and gets distracted by anything and everything very quickly! She’s seen with her big pet guinea pig, Chonk! 
Ainara - A Gnome barbarian wielding a giant axe, two handaxes, and a boomerang axe! Ran from her abusive parents and met her master Faerghis, who took her in and taught her how to use her weapons! However, they died, and she ended up in the forest of the DnD chat where she met her current best friend, Axis, and her adopted child, Willow! She is Feral Gnome.
DnD!Riil - Less than a year old, this Riil lost most of their family in an attack, found and saved by Roisin, their new mother. The small demon has made a dragon friend who they named Xilr, after their late brother, and a friend named Beep! 
Aav - The only other member of Riil’s family that survived, Aav is a sorrowful demon who only misses her siblings and her parents. She stays with Riil and Roisin, rarely speaking- but she’s a fast and silent demon with a gun, so don’t mess with her or her new family! 
DnD!Osiris - A young life god, the daughter of Universe and Eos! They are curious, love hair, and hates the fact their mom tries to cover their inhuman features with a cloak- but really, that’s only for their safety. Their token baby phrase is “BWBWBWBWBWBWB” and that is all you need to know 
DnD!Universe (Hevasrra) - The goddess of the universe, yet here she’s very disguised- hiding her normal godlike features under a more humanlike appearance. She also goes by her ‘true’ name rather than the one she prefers. Her wife is Eos, her child is Osiris! She’s a,, lot more on edge in this chat
Space Chat
Crimson - A nervous human(?) who came to the ship to escape her step-father, Crimson is sort of... Like a persona? But honestly, not really ^^; Her (best? Maybe?) friend is Tone (it is an important rule to know that if she dies, so does he,) and her enemy is Impo!Riil, who keeps trying to attack her! yay.. 
Impo!Riil - That’s right- an Imposter version of Riil! This is a version of them who found out about the fact Trilis was not their real mother, and they flew into a rage and killed them. Due to this, they turned to delusions, calling and talking to their spear as if it were “Mom”. It’s quite easy to tick them off, and once you do, they’ll become blinded by rage and try to attack you,, According to Blue. They need therapy badly
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ko-fanatic · 4 years
Paint on the Wall, Black in Our Minds (part three)
Rating: Teen and up, but dark themes present
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club
Trigger Warnings: Suicide attempt, self harm, eating disorders (anorexia), depression
Summary: It seems he’s willing to sacrifice a little for the sake of being seen as normal, but that’s normal... Right?
Other parts in this series: Part one | Part two
Kyoya swallowed thickly, feeling too tall and awkward as he stood at the front of his new classroom beside the teacher. He never liked being so... prominent. Stared at. Part of the reason he hadn't done a face reveal on the blog, despite the literal years of asks and curiosity from his followers.
He forced himself to ignore his sleeves. Constant tugging would only draw attention, after all, and Fuyumi had helped him secure his shirt to his fresh bandages with a couple of white stitches. He had no clue what to do when they had to come off and he would have to consciously make sure the gnarled wounds were fully covered at all times, without something to anchor his cuffs to. Still, he'd cross that bridge when he came to it; when he wasn't fighting back the churning of his stomach.
The nutritional shakes sat heavy in his gut, anxiety only making it worse - like usual. Honestly, vomiting in front of this entire class of strangers would be like the crowning turd on the flaming garbage pile that was his life right now.
"Alright, everyone," The teacher began, chatter stilling and far too many eyes burning into his thin frame like a brand - NOT NORMAL.
Logically, they were simply looking, but he couldn't help but try to dig for "proof" that they hated him on-sight. Learned behaviour was a bitch, but he really needed to stop making this worse for himself. His father and brothers' lives were completely uprooted and changed for him and his recovery, after all; he needed to try and not screw it up...
"This is Kyoya Ootori, transferring from the Tokyo area," The teacher introduced, clapping Kyoya on the shoulder and nearly making him fall over - both from shock and the fact that he could be taken away by a strong breeze, at least if Akito was to be believed, "Why don't you introduce yourself, Kyoya?"
Fuck, this was the worst part. He had to talk, but not too much or too little, and make himself seem like a well-rounded and well-adjusted person who definitely isn't a cutter or suicidal. The emo hair didn't really help...
"Well, as sensei said, I used to live in Tokyo, but my family decided that a change of pace was needed. We've been living here about a week now, and I hope you all take care of me," He bowed, not looking anyone in the face, not wanting to know if he'd already made a misstep. He simply straightened and took his seat in an empty chair in the middle row. Not too near the front - teacher's pet - or too near the back - weird loner.
He let himself release the breath he was holding, getting out his books and pen from his satchel, allowing the teacher’s lesson just wash over him. He could do this. He could get through two years in this place, middling through, as long as he didn't give anyone a reason to dislike him. Be so plain that it was impossible to actively hate, even if no one liked him.
It helped that the lesson seemed to be something he'd actually been taught by the tutor at the hospital and was told he was competent at. He didn't have to worry about making himself seem like an idiot if he were called upon, but still decided to note down questions and answers in his notebook so he could have an answer on hand immediately, rather than fumbling and stuttering. He couldn't stand the thought of being seen as unintelligent, to the point that the suggestion at all sent an army of fire ants under his skin.
It was something contradictory, he supposed; the wish to be invisible juxtaposed with the want to be recognised as special for his intellect. He felt eternally annoyed by himself, honestly, but this wasn’t exactly the most irritating of his traits, and so he brushed the internal monologue to the side.
Papers were handed out by the teacher, saying that they could talk amongst themselves as they completed the work, albeit quietly. Usually, Kyoya would just sit in silence and get through the work, every so often interrupted by snickering behind him and the odd physical annoyances; balled up paper, pinches, the usual adolescent mischief.
Not here, though.
People chatted in their little groups, paying no mind to him. Well, an occasional glance, but no snorts of derision, as far as he could tell.
“Hey, I love your hair!”
The exclamation startled him, shoulders tensing on instinct and his pen falling to the floor. Eyes snapping from his work to the person before him, he was met with a bright smile quickly turning bashful, blonde hair, and a pair of the bluest eyes he’d ever seen.
“Oops, sorry!” The boy apologised, “I’m not great with volume control. I just thought you looked really cool, y’know?”
Kyoya didn’t respond, wracking his brain for a normal response to the compliment, the simple two words “thank you” seeming so far from his grasp. He wouldn’t call it “cool”, too edgy for his own good, even if he preferred to keep the shaggy fringe because he could hide under it, and it wasn’t like the hospital had a hairdresser’s on site, and with moving and all –
And now he’d been quiet for too long, so he forced his mouth to actually move.
“Th-thanks,” He stammered, gaze instantly fleeing from the pretty boy in front of him, hair falling into his eyes as he stared down at his desk, biting at the inside of his cheek. He hadn’t meant to stammer, but fuck! He really wasn’t expecting such a direct approach to starting a conversation. In fact, he hadn’t really expected anyone to interact with him at all, even if he was fresh meat, “It’s rather overgrown, though…”
“Ah, but you look just like an anime character! So awesome!” The other enthused once more, earning a reminder to keep quiet from the teacher, and Kyoya kind of wanted to die of embarrassment then and there, “You said your name was Ootori, right?”
“I… don’t know about that,” He muttered, which was true, “Yes, you’re correct.”
“So, Ootori-kun, considering you’re new in town, I guess you haven’t had much of a chance to meet the locals yet?” The blonde grinned, “You can join me and my friends at lunch if you like! I know that being the new kid sucks.”
He couldn’t use his words today, apparently. Well, few words were probably best; an idiot who didn’t speak was much more tolerable than one that did, even if his aversion to be labelled as such send a near-visible shiver up his spine.
Still, the blond seemed undeterred.
“My name’s Tamaki, by the way. Tamaki Suoh.”
He smiled, and it was warm, yet left him feeling unbearably cold. Lunch meant a meal, and he needed those, but for him that included a couple of bottles in his bag. The name was emblazoned in red across the front, several groups of kanji pronouncing the drink’s high vitamin content and other such things – including the weight gain effects. That wasn’t normal, at all. So, between classes, he simply got rid of the problem.
He dumped them in the bin.
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allmight-amiright · 5 years
Biggest Fan. Todoroki Shouto
Request: Paparazzi by Lady Gaga ft. Todohoeki (not direct quote but close enough)
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: Dark themes.  Stalking.  Murder.  Yandere character
Notes: I’m still weak that you called him Todohoeki and I haven’t stopped calling him that since.  MORE IMPORTANTLY: FAMOUS MUSIC ARTIST!READER AU
He had been there from the beginning.  You was one of the ones who tuned in to every live stream, left comments and likes on all of your social media posts.  He would leave you really kind dms and tagged you in posts when called for.  He did everything every other fan did.  To be honest, he had now become another username in the notifications.  You cared for all of your fans, but you finally made it big in the music industry and with the big influx of fans, you just didn’t have as much time for the personal interactions like you used to.  Those who had been there from the start were so glad that you were finally getting the recognition they thought you deserved.
Well, most of them were. 
Todoroki Shouto missed the attention from you.  He missed having conversations with you during your live streams, seeing you laugh and smile at his comments.  He missed seeing the Instagram notifications like “@y/u/n liked your comment” and “@y/u/n replied to your comment” and the soft sounds of Twitter alerting him of a new message from you.  The two of you, in his mind, had become really good friends and he thought that there was a spark hidden somewhere in those private messages.  
You were his everything.  You were his wallpaper on his phone.  He had photos of you hung up around his room.  Your albums were the only thing he listened to.  He had blogs dedicated to you, all of your official merchandise, fan-made merchandise.  If you were in anyway associated with it, he probably had it.  
The alarm on his phone went off, alerting him that it was time for your weekly live stream.  He always tried to be early so he could have some time with you, just the two of you and a few other people, just like the old days.  He logged onto Twitch, selecting your profile and patiently waiting for you to go live.  Minutes passed until your face showed up on the screen of his laptop.  
“Hi, everyone!  Yes, jamie_tries, I know I’m late,” you say with a laugh.  “I may have gotten a little distracted by Say Yes To The Dress, but the episode is over, so I’m here- No, chat, I’m not getting married.  I just like watching other people get married.  Anyway, I asked you guys yesterday to submit some fun questions over on Twitter for today’s stream, so while people still join, I’m going to pull up some of the ones that I had saved.”
You pulled your phone out.  Todoroki narrowed his eyes at your phone case.  You had changed it since your last stream.  It was no longer the one with the black flowers, but instead you changed it to a sleek black case.  That’s not what put him off though.  It was the letter on the case that threw him for an unwanted loop.  There was nothing that started with the letter J in your brand nor did have anything to do with your life, so why was there a yellow J on your phone case?
Your eyes flit down to the chat where everyone else is asking the same questions Todoroki is and you laugh slightly, hiding the initial with your hand.  “It was a gift from a friend.  They thought they were funny when they gave me their initial.”
Your best friend’s name was Ashley.  Todoroki didn’t know any of your friends that had a J name.  He opened another tab, bringing up all of your social media pages.  He scrolled through all of your following and followers, compiling a list of users that had the letter j anywhere in their username.  It was a deep dive and he was barely paying attention to your stream, but this was important.  He needed to figure out who was threatening to steal you away from him.  After an hour, he had list narrowed down to a few mutuals that he was suspicious of: an old high school classmate named Jason, the nephew of your producer named Justin, a backup dancer named Jasper, Jake the sound guy, and Johnny who was Ashley’s distant cousin.  The frustration began to build in his chest, knuckles turning white as the grip on his pen tightened with each passing moment of not knowing the truth.  He was your biggest fan.  He was supposed to know everything about you.  He was supposed to meet you in person at your next concert and you would look him in the eyes, say, “No way! You’re @scream-and-shouto!  I’m so glad to finally meet you!”  He would ask you out to dinner.  You would obviously say yes.  The two of you would date and then would eventually have a grand wedding in your favorite place on the planet.  You would start a family together and live the fairytale life that he had planned for you.  
But none of that was going to happen with this J person in the picture.  
J was a boyfriend, obviously.  It didn’t take a genius to figure that out.  The way your cheeks turned the most adorable shade of pink at the mention of the phone case alluded to that easily enough.  
The phone case started a whole new chapter in his life that he never intended to get this out of hand.  He was at every single one of your concerts while you were out on tour, following you at a distance that wouldn’t be seen as suspicious by most people.  He would wait down the hall from your hotel room every time you were there, waiting to see if anyone other than you came in or out of the room.
After the sixth tour destination, you started acting differently.  You were constantly looking over your shoulder and you tended to walk with a larger group of your dancers rather than just one or two.  You would lead the group twenty minutes out of the way to get wherever you were going.  You were skiddish at even the slightest noises and if a fan stopped you in the streets you kept the conversation short, obviously wanting to get away quickly, eyes darting every which way as you hurridly took a selfie with the fan and gave them a hug.  It wasn’t like you to brush your fans off.  You were scared.  Todoroki didn’t know what had you so spooked, but he was going to find out if it was the last thing he did.  He was going to keep you safe, no matter the consequences.  
It was the ninth stop on the tour before anyone said anything to him.  He was sitting at a table across the restaurant from your group when one of them got up from their chair and walked over.  The man cleared his throat.  “Can I sit?”
Todoroki’s eyes narrow, but he nods anyway.
“What’s your name, man?” the man asks.
“Why are you interested?”
“Listen, we know that you’ve been following us.  I don’t know what magazine you’re working for, but this is ridiculous.  You’re not going to dig up any dirt on Y/N.  Honestly, you’re starting to freak them out more than anything.  So, could you maybe lay off?  Y/N isn’t used to being followed by the paparazzi yet.”
It wasn’t until the tenth stop that the news came out about one of your back up dancers being found murdered in a hotel bath tub.  It was the tenth stop when Todoroki Shouto became a suspect in a homicide.  It was that tenth stop when he finally got to talk to you.  
Was the situation ideal?  No.  He never imagined his first real conversation with you to happen in your hotel room, your wrists tied to the arm rests of a chair, your boyfriend bleeding out on the hotel bed.  Tears streamed down your face, silent from terror as Todoroki stood in front of you, the shard of broken mirror that was stained red with blood still dangling from his fingers.  
His thumb traced your face, wicking away tear drops and leaving behind streaks of blood.
“Shh, princess.  Don’t cry,” he whispered, holding your chin lovingly in his hand.  Despite his words, the tears continued down your face.
“What do you want from me?  I have money.  Just please, don’t hurt me,” you whimper.
Todoroki is taken aback.  He would never hurt you and the fact that you would ever think he would, made his heart break. “Y/N, princess, I would never hurt you.  That’s the last thing I would ever do to you.  I love you, princess.  All I want to do is protect you from all of those bad people out there in the world, okay?”  The restraints are removed from your wrists and he pulls you to your feet.  He tugs you into his chest, stroking your hair as you cry, keeping you firmly in place with his other arm. 
“I love you more than anything, princess.  Remember that, okay?  No one will ever come between us again.  It’s you and me until the end.”
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blankpaigefics · 4 years
This blog is dead.
This year has been the worst.
Half of my birthday was cancelled in March due to the first wave of lockdown. I hate my job and an scared of being stuck there forever. People I thought care about me have just up and left my life. The only person I left the house for has moved. My parents are on the other side of the country. My family dog died last month which I'm still on denial about because it happened on the other side of the country and I hadn't seen him since March, so I keep thinking when I visit he will be there, then I realise he won't be. I have 4 siblings, none of which I've heard from basically all year despite living in the same town. I've gotten the impression that people I consider friends don't actually care because they only talk to me when a) I send the first message, or b) they need something. I tried to come out of my shell this year, to be a better person, but it still seems people don't care. It hurts. It's hard. My boyfriend is a social butterfly. People always messaging and calling, wanting to spend time with him. From the second he walks in the door after work, to the second he goes to sleep, he can spend every second online with friends. I go days, weeks, without hearing a word from anyone. Second wave of lockdown. I'm going insane. I feel so lonely. Mark doesnt understand, he's never had to deal with his mental health. He doesn't understand what anxiety feels like. Doesnt understand what depression feels like. I love him so much, and am so thankful to have him around. He makes it easier, spending time with him makes me forget how alone I feel. I just want some friends that care. Someone that can send a simple message. A simple "hey, haven't heard from you in a few days, wanna grab a coffee and catch up?"
Mark always says, the best way to be friends with someone is to ask them about themselves. People love to talk about themselves. And thats so true. Every group chat, everyone just talks about themselves. If I ever asked a question, a simple "How is everyone?" It's just about them. They never direct a question back. It's a one sided conversation. A one sided friendship. It always feels like that.
"Hey, how are you?"
"I'm good!"
... cool, yeah I'm doing fine too, thanks.
I don't know where this is going.
I'm not okay, and I haven't been for a while now.
I don't know if I'll ever go back to writing.
I don't know if I'll ever come back to post on here regularly.
I won't delete the blog.
But it think its pretty kaput at this point.
Cya 'round.
- Red ✌
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testifytime · 4 years
Do me as all of them. Do it. Destroy me. -Angelique
- A Pokemon team/type theme (+ fun facts abt your team!)
Your theme is cute/feminine Pokemon!
Your signature Pokemon is Eevee, but your team also consists of Chikorita, Alolan Ninetales, Galarian Rapidash, Dragonair, and Delcatty!
Eevee refuses to evolve. You’re not really sure why, but you think a lot of it is down to indecision on who she wants to be! You’ve given her an everstone to hold for now. You figure she’ll know when she’s ready - if she ever is!
Your Chikorita is a pretty old hand at this point, maybe even your very first Pokemon! You’re not too sure why she hasn’t evolved yet, but you’ve got your suspicions that she likes being babied too much to get any bigger; she already knows that she won’t fit in your lap if she evolves into a Bayleef, after all!
Your Alolan Ninetales and Galarian Rapidash were gifts from your fathers! They’re completely intertwined with one another, often curling up together whenever they’re out of their Pokeballs. They’re great for double-battles, but you sometimes have to try and remind the other Pokemon that they CAN’T join in when it comes to single battles. 
Your Dragonair is shiny! You got it after climbing several floors in a giant tower. It chose you, after a moment of battle and a long, awkward silence. You’re not sure why. But it seems to Know things, and you’re not inclined to question that anymore. 
Your Delcatty is a little madam. Ever since she evolved, she’s demanded even MORE attention than before, even going so far as to claw up your clothes if she’s decided that she’s not getting enough. You have to brush her for at least an hour a day to keep her happy - and even then, she’s gotten so picky with her food, chances are you’ll still offend her at dinner time. 
- Bloodcaste/lusus/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck troll (+lore)
You’re a violetblood with a Deepseacreature lusus! Your chumhandle is absurdlyAbstract.
You and your Deepseacreature lusus live in the depths of the ocean, with your hive built into the side of an abyss wall. It’s less of a “hive” and more of a “palace”, with hundreds of bedrooms and bathrooms, a grand hall, a feasting hall, a ballroom, wine cellars and about ten different pantries - but there’s only one room that’s yours, and it’s the only one you really use. The rest of the hive is empty and silent, filled only by your lusus’ tendrils as he tidies, cooks, and protects. 
Your room is so big that it looks barren despite being filled with your interests. It’s mostly pretty things that you’ve collected; pearls and crystals, glowing corals and trinkets from above that have floated down deep enough for you to reach. There’s an entire hidden wardrobe filled with your clothes, and all the jewelry that your lusus has made for you over the years. That aside, your deepwaters husktop is probably one of the only things that’s really yours? It’s high-end, of course, because your lusus wouldn’t buy you anything BUT the best - but it’s got all of your RFLARP (Remote FLARP, for the uninitiated) stuff on it, as well as all of your RPG games. It’s practically your whole life, considering there’s buttall to do down in the middle of darkass nowhere.
You’re a princess! Though, a princess of what, you don’t really know. Unlike other violetbloods, you’ve got nothing that’s really yours; your little kingdom is vast and empty, with the only living things being the glowing corals you pluck from the deepest caverns every few sweeps. You’ve got no love for your caste, though; you’ve heard enough about them, even though you’ve never met them, to know that they’re all kind of assholes!
You have a few friends online that you love to pieces. They’re like your family! You roleplay with them all the time, both in normal chat and in the games you all play together, and it’s nice, because it means you can pretend, for a while, that you’re not a lonely princess hiding in the dark with nobody but your lusus to keep you company. They don’t even know you’re violet! It’s nice, to be able to be someone else. The only problem is, you’re worried about telling them who you really are - and you’re so, so jealous of the fact that they have other people around them that can interact with them as easily as breathing. 
Your Deepseacreature lusus is huge. You’re not actually sure how big he is? You’ve never seen his whole body, that’s for sure, mostly because he stops you whenever you go too far down. You’ve only ever really seen his multitude of eyes and his empty maw of a mouth, and the very smallest of his tendrils that he works in through your hive like servants. 
- Symbol/guardian/chumhandle as if you were a Homestuck kid (+lore)
Your symbol is an angel wing, and your guardian is your dad! Your chumhandle is absoluteAngelic. 
You and your dad live in a gorgeous mansion up on a cliff. It’s not actually your mansion, technically; it’s probably some place so old that nobody really cared to own it anymore, even though it’s almost definitely on private property. You’ve lived here for as long as you can remember, though, and you’re pretty sure your dad’s lived here even longer than that, too, though he’s never confirmed or denied that point. In fact, he doesn’t tell you a whole lot about the mansion, or the village settled on the valley beneath the cliff. You guess he just likes having secrets.
Your room is one of the LEAST musty in the whole building, and that’s mostly because you and your dad actually bother to keep it clean. You’ve got all your dresses in there, and your collection of crystals, as well as the dice you like to collect for your (potential) future DND sessions! There’s also an ever-growing pile of plushies in the corner of your room, mostly sent to you by your bestest of friends, which you think might be getting a little out of hand? You love them too much to even consider getting rid of any, though, and it’s not like you can’t just give them their own room eventually! There’s not really much else in your room besides your laptop and the huge stack of games and consoles that you managed to convince your dad to get you every Christmas since you could talk. Your whole life besides that is pretty much online, so you don’t really mind not having a room stuffed to the brim with things. 
Online, you love to roleplay. Pretty much everything you do comes back to roleplay! Roleplay blogs, MMORPG games, general conversations - it seeps into everything you do in the best possible way, and keeps you from feeling lonely in your giant home all by yourself. There’s more that you wish you could do, like go to actual DND groups and visit your friends in person, but they all live so far away and you don’t even have a car. For now? Just having them online is enough. Or, so you try to convince yourself, anyway...
Your dad doesn’t give you a lot of rules, but the ones he does he’s super strict on. You’re not allowed to go to the village; you’re not allowed to go to the library, ever, but especially at night; you’re not allowed to research anything about the village or the mansion under any circumstances. You’ve never been brave enough to try and look it up behind his back, because you’re pretty sure he’d know somehow that you did, but you can’t lie and say you’re not curious. 
At night, when you’re most awake, you like to wander the halls of your mansion with nothing but the pale moonlight to guide you. It’s silent and peaceful, with only the soft sound of crickets outside and the wind rustling through leaves to accompany you on your walks. Sometimes, even without meaning to, without paying attention, you end up standing in front of the grand doors of the library. It’s like you’re being called there. You’ll stand there for several hours, debating going in, succumbing to the call, finding what hides inside - but the feeling of eyes, thousands of them, watching you has always stayed your hand. 
- A FNAF animatronic design and name
You’re a pure white fox-cat animatronic with big, white fluff around your neck and all the way down your belly! More of the fluff appears in rings around your wrists and ankles, but beyond that, your fur is pretty short. Your ears are more fox-like than cat-like, but you’ve got a purely feline face - and that includes a tiny button nose and black eyes with crescent moons for pupils!
You’re part of a trio that’re meant for the older kids at the pizzaria. They don’t always like the sillier-looking animatronics, and don’t always want to join in despite internally wishing that they could. No grown kid wants to be seen with baby stuff, after all. 
You dance and sing soothing melodies for them, and are filled with facts about modern media. Your job is pretty much just to talk to and entertain them, connect with them, as if you’re their age! You’re frequently updated with information whenever some new show or game comes out, and though you’ve never seen them, you’re often gifted with little toys from the media you talk about from the kids who love you most. 
(Alongside the other two animatronics in your trio - your “fathers”, one of which tells adventurous stories and the other who acts as a silent listener - you’re a pretty popular attraction for the older kids. You’re a gateway back into childhood, and though they’ll never admit it, they love you for it.)
Your name, unsurprisingly, is Luna! Luna Knite. You’re one of the only animatronics with a last name because you’re part of a family group.  
- A BNHA Quirk and hero title
Your quirk is Angelic! Despite its simple name, it’s actually kind of complex. 
Firstly, your quirk gives you a mutation in the form of actual wings on your back. They’re not functional - at least, not yet? - and are fairly small; about the span of your elbow if you stretch your arms out wide. Any time you use your quirk, they glow a blinding blue-white. The more intense the light, the stronger your quirk is.
Secondly, the actual meat of your quirk: it’s essentially super-faith. If you Wish for something, or Believe in it really hard, or have incredible Faith in something (or someone!) you can affect reality to bring these things into existence. 
Believe that salt tastes sweet? Anyone salt in your vacinity will suddenly taste sweet - but as soon as you’re gone, it’ll taste salty again. Wish that someone’s wounds were healed? The wound will magically stitch itself back together. Have Faith in someone’s abilities to take down a villain? They’ll be given a buff for the duration of the fight.
Naturally, each fragment - Belief, Faith, and Wishes - have different effects on you. 
Beliefs stay for as long as you personally believe in them, and have a radius-like effect around you. If other people believe the thing you believe, then the radius around you grows bigger, and can even pass onto them.
Faith, likewise, stays for as long a you have Faith in it. Unlike Belief, however, Faith will fade once the primary reason behind your Faith is dealt with, and cannot be increased by the Faith of other people. 
Wishes will last forever. They also take the heaviest toll on you, though, and often result in you passing out for several days. The more demanding the wish, the harsher it is on your body, and the longer you’re out for.
Your hero title is The Angelic Hero: Angel Dust! It’s a bit silly, you suppose, but it’s a name you’ve been adamant on since you were a little girl, and you didn’t have the heart to change it by the time you were a teen at school. 
You’re a support hero who works more than happily as a sidekick for your team, often doing crowd control and rescue missions. Your unwavering Faith and Belief is what people often need in times of crisis, and even just the radiant glow of your costume is enough to let people know that things are going to be okay. 
On the side, you work as a hero counsellor. You like to make sure that your fellow heroes are doing okay, that they’re mentally coping with the demands of the job, and that they’re also not letting their egos get to their heads. You’ve got a bit of a hatred for the top ten because of this; too few of them do it because they really want to save people, and too many because they want the fame. 
You’re actually in the top 30 despite your desire to not be on the leaderboard at all - partly because your design is pretty popular with young girls.   
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