jesytr · 8 months
you don't see color & want to go back to black & white .
it hit her like a nail pushed into a coffin. the needle lunging in deep enough to keep its living corpse trapped within. she could feel a thought stirring deeply within her noggin'. rustling around with other more important thoughts. those like . . . define black and white ?? . . . what did it matter to him ?? . . . and how'd he guess it so easily??
reading her like an educated tutor telling their student how to do mathematics. she didn't enjoy the thought that what he was doing was digging deeper into the parts of her that lacked color. that crept forwards with an afterthought of feeling left behind. that how she saw the world was exactly like a colorful giraffe on a tight rope. eventually they'd either break the rope , or . . .
" ya' know me. " she chewed out her words. though with slight fascination on how he had figured it all out in the span of a couple words. MASKING QUICKLY BEHIND BLUE EYES THAT LOOKED AWAY, " it's not my fault. " she added. her hands flexed and she pulled out a chewable piece of candy. rolling it in her fingers. feeling the texture of the wax paper settling against her fingers.
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" ya' don't know this about me, but my dad used ta' kick me around. " eyes went down. no longer presently there. her mind floating away from her body. pulling up out of daydreams she was somewhere else. listening to looney tunes intros on repeat. as if that old man could still reach her from his stay plugged up in Gotham height's hospital bed, " yea . . . real messed up childhood. ma didn't think ta' leave him then , only when it was her turn ta' look black n' blue. "
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she pulled the papers off her piece of caramel before plopping it in her mouth. sticking to candy as one of her main habits of nervousness. not quite stable enough to understand maybe it was a coping skill. settling back in her seat. legs crossed. hands beginning to fidget. keeping up a described version of what anyone wanted out of herself. she let out a nervous chuckle. one that pitched almost to the extreme. only laughing at the memories of her father. kept safely locked behind her eyes. she laughed, and laughed before settling on her next words, " Ahh! Too funny! I haven't laughed like that in awhile. maybe next time I'll tell ya' about this boy I knew. he thought he'd hurt me like my old man. " she wiped tears out of her eyes before continuing, " I knocked out a few o' his teeth. "
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cntloup · 5 months
Mafia!Simon x Bartender!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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You've been working here for ages, in this once rusty old bar which is now adorned by lively colors and music, turned into the best nightclub in the city, serving the best drinks and entertainments with the most beautiful dancers.
All in all, you have witnessed the worst and the best of this place. 
And you have come to know the people who own the place. 
In fact, you know them like the back of your hand, even better than themselves one might say. 
You're bright and perceptive, and working as a bartender in a place like this where it is jam-packed with important people all the time has its own perks. 
With a little bit of booze and honeyed words you bring out everyone’s hidden side and in no time, they’re spilling their deepest darkest secrets to who seems like just a sweet, harmless bartender. 
“Here you go.” you say to Simon, placing his usual Kentucky Bourbon on the counter, “Thanks, dove.” he says and brings the glass to his lips. 
“You know... I say don’t fuck around with the Russians!” you remark while drying the cups and placing them on the shelves. 
They asked your opinion on the matter since you’re their most trusted ally outside the group. As a matter of fact, they consider you part of the group by now. 
He chuckles before saying “That’s what I told Price.” 
“So why is he doing this?” you ask regarding cutting a deal with the Russians and Simon shrugs. 
You’ve had a weird feeling about it since they mentioned it to you. 
“Well, if any of you care about my opinion, don’t do it. It just doesn’t feel right to me.” you say with a shrug and look over to find him deep in thought, eyebrows furrowed and gorgeous brown eyes focused on somewhere far away. 
Gods, he’s so handsome! You've been fond of him for some time now, and by the looks and little touches he gives you, you’d say the feeling is somewhat mutual. 
Out of all of them, he’s always been the closest to you.  
And he’s been your biggest protector all throughout this wild ride you’ve been on together. 
He always keeps an eye on you in case any of the customers gets too close and makes you uncomfortable; God forbid if any of them gets touchy, they’d be digging their own grave by doing that. 
You come back from your daydreams after hearing him clear his throat. 
You notice you’ve been staring far too long, choosing to ignore the faint smirk on his lips. 
“Sorry... just thinking about the deal.” you lie and dip your head, busying yourself with cleaning the cups and hoping he won’t notice your burning cheeks. 
“Well, I'm off to meet John now. I'll make sure to give him your opinion too.” he says while standing from his chair, “Thanks for the drink.” he offers a small smile with a nod. 
“You’re welcome, Si... and I'm sure he won’t listen to me. His mind is set on the idea and that’s that. Not that I would ever question his decisions. I have too much respect for the man to do that. He must know something that we don’t.” you mention while grabbing his glass and placing it in the sink. 
“I can assure you that he values your opinion just as much as you do his. He'll think about it. Don't worry.” he says while gathering his stuff and placing your tip on the counter, a hefty envelope, so generous as always. 
“Simon! I can’t accept this! This is... too much! You do this every time!” you exclaim with a frown, nudging the envelope in his direction. 
“Take it. I insist. You can renovate your apartment. Last time I was there, it was a bloody mess!” he teases with a playful smirk.
“HEY!” you say in mock annoyance while throwing the rag in your hand at him.
“My apartment is fine as it is, thank you very much!” you retort, failing to hide the smile forming on your lips. 
You take the envelope hesitantly after so much persuasion on his part and wave him goodbye, feeling butterflies dance in your belly as thoughts of him linger in your mind.
You dip your head and go on with what you were doing, lost in your own world and not noticing the dark shadow lurking in the distance and standing in a corner, carefully observing the place, and most importantly... you. 
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erwinsvow · 6 months
rafe topper and kelce being protective of you at a party !!
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"wan' some?" the boy next to you offers you the little mirror with white lines, his eyes big and bloodshot. you don't recognize him, you just took a seat on the nearest surface since your feet hurt from dancing.
"i've never done it. what's it like?" you cock your head, interested in the answer. rafe is particularly strict about coke—you're not allowed anywhere near the stuff. it's a stupid double standard since topper and kelce get high with him all the time, and you're stuck driving their asses home.
you glance around, making sure the boys aren't nearby. you aren't really a troublemaker but you've always been able to hold your own with them. especially rafe, since the two of you rarely agree on anything—where to go for lunch, what music to play in the car, which kind of beer to buy.
coke is the one thing he's stern about, and you don't really like testing him about it either, since he's so much more pleasant when you listen. you like to tease him but he thought you were smart enough not to mess with the only rule he'd given you.
"once you start you won't be able to stop," the boy replies, passing the plate onto your lap. the whole thing feels a little grimy, the way he's touching your legs, how high he looks.
"yeah, i think i'm gonna pass.” you try to slide it back, when he grabs your wrist.
"no, try some."
"no, i'm good-" you try to get up, the mirror clanging to the ground, white powder hitting the floor.
"you bitch-" you turn and try to get away, trying to get your wrist free of his grip, when he holds on tighter.
"what the fuck is this?" you hear the boom of kelce's voice, coming over and pushing the boy aside.
"are you deaf, man? she said no, don't keep fucking asking, you creep-" you hear topper defend you.
oddly enough, you hadn't expected it. the boys are nice, and they're your best friends, but you thought you were almost just another one of the boys, didn't think they'd care enough like this.
"you okay?" kelce asks, while the boy scrambles on the floor. your eyes are wet, you're not sure when you started crying. "rafe, over here."
"no, don't tell him-"
"don't tell me what?" rafe asks, taking in the boy darting away, the broken glass and spilled drugs on the floor. he picks up your red marked wrist. "hey, hey."
you turn to face rafe, tears spilling down your cheeks. you feel even more embarrassed infront of him.
"you okay?" he asks, leaning in close. you nod, trying to speak but it comes out in a wrangled sob. "hey, s'okay, you're fine now." he brings you into a hug, and you cry softly against his chest for a few minutes.
you think you're incredibly thankful for your friends.
rafe thinks he's never letting you out of his eye sight again at a party.
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mntalbrakdown · 1 year
sober thoughts - C. Fisher
mentions of: underage drinking, cussing, fluff, smut. MDNI. piv, unprotected sex, fingering
synopsis: you were once friends with conrad until summer happened and he just stopped talking to you
wc: 5.7k
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“don’t ever forget me” your little twelve-year-old self whispered to Conrad who was a year older than you
“never,” he said playing with your hair as you both lay on the grass watching the fireworks on the fourth of July. your head laying on his chest.
“y/n are you almost ready” Belly yelled at you trying to get you to hurry up for the party you were about to go to with her and Taylor
“yes almost,” you say playing with your hair and making sure each strand is not misbehaving
“chill belly being hot takes time,” Taylor says applying more lip gloss
“anyways y/n how are you and Conrad” Taylor puts away her lip gloss in her purse
“he’s an ass and I don’t even talk to him,” you said
“What did you even do,” Belly asked playing with the ends of her hair
“I don’t know we were really close in Cousins and like two years ago in summer I started to get guys' attention and all of a sudden he got distant,” you said reminiscing the best summer of your whole life you told the girls you pulled 6 boys the whole summer but that came at a cost, losing the one guy you loved
“you had a glow-up,” Taylor says looking at you and holding your hand
“yeah, she did” you see Jeremiah at Belly’s door frame which made you smile. they've been flirting back and forth
“are we ready,” Belly asked and you nodded
you all headed downstairs to see Susannah and Laurel in the kitchen probably stoned and said goodbye to them. when you arrived at the car Belly called shotgun which meant you and Taylor would sit in the back of Jeremiah’s Jeep.
“so y/n you're the driver tonight right” Jeremiah looked at you from the rearview mirror
“when am I not” you scoff looking out the window. it wasn’t a rude remark it was a sarcastic one because you don’t really do any substances. so it was common sense that you would drive
everyone in Cousins lived close to one another so it didn’t take long to hear the loud music and the screams coming from a house. the house was already spilling bright colors on the street making you excited. when Jeremiah finally parked he handed you the keys because one time he held onto them and lost them. it was a whole ordeal, you spent an extra hour at the house trying to find them when he had them in a random coat that was hung up by the front door.
“hey Steven is here” Taylor pointed out to his car seeing that they also just got here.
“who’s that next to him,” Belly asks as you were getting out of the car looking at your phone for any new notifications when you accidentally bump into a tall stature
“oh sorry,” you both say looking at each other
"con what is wrong with you" you yelled at him. it was no use when he was in his own world he stayed there for at least a week. usually, you could get him out, but something was different that summer, you couldn't change him
"leave me alone" Conrad yelled at you, he was running up the stairs and the next thing you heard was his door closed shut. it was hard to miss, it echoed all over the house
"I'm so sorry for him," Susannah said.
the plan that day was to go watch a movie that was playing in the drive-in and then play at the beach with the whole group and watch the tide as you and Conrad listened to the music and possibly help you surf. but all that went down the drain and you didn't even know why.
“conrad” you say looking to meet his gaze.
“Conrad is here, y/n let’s go, no,” Taylor says screaming ready for you to get into the car making him laugh which you missed hearing
“Taylor it’s ok,” you say as she is getting out of the car with a stank face already plastered on
“hi Conrad,” she says moving her way in between the two of you and grabbing your hand to drag you to the party
as you were getting dragged into the party you were greeted by a group of people already by the door and a couple making out at the end of the hall
“hey I'm going to go get a drink” Taylor yells at you trying to get her voice to be heard over the music. you on the other hand were ready to go to the living room just to people watch
the thing was when you were at parties you would straight b-line to the living room because although people liked to conversate, that is the last place they would go. You liked to sit there and try to find other drivers there and you would make friends with them. It was hard to talk to a drunk person because they were boring and slur their words together. Today you saw Cameron, he is always there. You grew to like him like it was hard to anyway. He was so nice and you both had things in common.
"hey" you heard his little smile in his voice
"hi cam," you say receiving a bottle of water he got you
"so who are you here tonight with" cam asked you
"Jeremiah, Taylor, and Belly," you say
"so Conrad is still being weird," cam asked
"yeah," you said a bit disappointed. you told Cam everything because he was there and being sober at a party is pretty boring
"that's weird because he is staring at us," Cam says looking over at him; making you follow his gaze. Conrad had this weird look on his face, his eyes were dark, but it wasn't because of the lighting it was something else. hatred? you brushed it off he isn't your problem, never will be.
"y/n want to play uno" Conrad yelled at you from the bottom of the stairs.
Uno was your favorite game to play at Susannah's house in the summer. It was always perfect. The adults were never there so it would make you feel comfortable with everyone else. It was when you would sit next to Conrad before he was unavailable and you two would team up without everyone knowing. In reality, everyone knew. and you both would win. you would take turns on who would win to make it seem "less" suspicious.
"so" cam says snapping you from your haze
"right duh" you laugh grabbing the mini uno you would always carry it around because it helped you make friends with people
"ooo can we play" Some random girls joined in and you said yes because you had no real reason to say no, plus uno is best played with more than two
"I'll join too," Conrad says gripping his beer rather firmly. he sat next to you on the couch ready to get the cards you shuffled.
when the games began you kept beating everyone. the games were simple, leave the best cards until the very end, unless and only if you ever need them, then go for it.
bzzz bzzz
you quickly checked the notification that came from your phone trying to not miss what was going on in the game.
"who is it" conrad asks his jaw clenching
"no one," you say giving him a weak smile, it was also none of his business because he doesn't care about you anymore
"sure" Conrad says putting a plus four that is directed towards you. so this is how he wanted to play the game? you grabbed the four cards, getting nothing that would help you against him. it was Cam's turn and he put reverse to try to protect you from Conrad
"your little boyfriend is now your new buddy," Conrad questioned under his breath
"not like you give a shit" you retort back
"you are so clueless," Conrad says making you the most confused person at the party. you just continued to play after the game ended you decided you wanted a coke. so you got up and told Cam you would be back for another round
you walked through crowded groups and at one point you saw Belly makeout with Jeremiah. taking note of that to bring up later. You than saw Taylor with another man who looked like three years older than her. When you finally got your coke you opened it taking a sip going back to the couch
"oh fuck" you let out spilling some of the coke onto your white tube top.
"sorry" you hear a familiar voice come out it was Conrad.
"we have to stop doing this or else we might actually get hurt," you say smiling at the way Conrad was trying to get napkins to clean the mess up. It was no use. your shirt was ruined.
"it's the universe trying to get us together" Conrad blurted out "I'm drunk" he tried to fix the situation, but he was never drunk, he was only ever tipsy.
"drunk words are just sober thoughts" you say looking down at your shorts to see if they were dirty.
"can we talk" conrad asks looking down at you
"yeah" you smile at him
he grabbed your hand and led you outside to the front yard where there were only a couple of people out. he saw that the stain on your shirt only got worse so he gave you his button-up shirt that he never lets go of.
"what's up," you say to him
"the stars look beautiful don't they" conrad was looking up
as a kid, you were obsessed with the moon and the stars. you had a friend that was the stars to your moon. you missed her, and you kept in touch but if you could you would bring her to Cousins. you would always talk about her to the others, knowing they would love her as well. You also face-timed her all the time. Conrad would get mad, saying that you were his for the summer and that she has you all year round. that she was selfish
"it's my time," Conrad says to your friend who was on your phone screen
"con give me my phone," you say slapping him and tugging at his hand
"it's summer byeee" he says as he pressed the red button on the phone
"i hate you," you say to him
"in your sweet dreams you do," he says cockily
"Conrad I thought this was going to be more of a serious conversation," you say trying to shake the idea of the summers you once had with the man standing in front of you
"I miss you," he says to you. sober thoughts. it took you aback it wasn't something you expected from him
"that isn't my fault," you say back with an attitude
"i know, i just got jealous" he said to you
"jealous of what con" he could have grabbed you and kissed you on the spot. he missed that name from your mouth. he craved it every day to the point he would replay voice memos you would send to him back when you two would speak
"of other guys," he said looking into your eyes to see if he scared you off, but all he saw was your face brightening up
"you were the only person on my mind con," you said to him grabbing his hand. if this was a dream, never wake him up. "you were the only thing coming out of my mouth when I was at school, all the guys that you saw hit me up are left on seen, I wanted you, I want you, I always have" you say looking at his face finally tug at his lips to form a smile
"good because I don't want to share," he says leaning down ready to kiss you. As he did he wrapped one arm around your waist the other in your hair tugging at it as you were smiling through the kiss and your hands on both his cheeks.
"get a room" Steven yelled at you two, leading Conrad to release the hand that was in your hair and flipping him off. making you laugh while you both kissed.
"let's get out of here," Conrad said to you
"i can't," you said, you had a job
"fuck the others Steven can drive them," he said in a way that he just wanted you to be by his side
"but how will they get home" you try to reason
"Steven has his keys c'mon let's go to my house, please" he kisses the top of your forehead.
"fine, but if they complain that is your fault," you say pointing at him
"that is fine by me," he says carrying you to spin you around
as you two were getting in the Jeep you started to fasten your seatbelt as Conrad did the same. He looked over at you, seeing how you adjusted the mirrors to get all the angles.
"I think this is the first time I see you drive," he says admiring you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear
"get used to it con," you say looking at him, melting at his touch
"Oh I will" he whispered
you started the car, you hated driving the Jeep it was so big and excessive. But desperate times call for desperate measures. You played some music in the car for the six-minute car ride. you could feel Conrad's eyes on you the whole time, seeing how you turned and how you checked the mirrors.
as you arrive at their house you park the car and let him get out, you were collecting your things in the car to get out when Conrad opens the door for you.
"thank you" you smile, he closes the door behind you and you lock the car. he holds your hand as he heads over to the front door to open it
"hi conrad" you hear Susannah
"hi y/n nice seeing you two together again," Laurel says from the couch
"glad to be back" you smile at the two adults
"oh you are so beautiful, we missed you," Susannah said
"thank you I missed you too" you smile and let go of Conrad's hand to hug her. She was always so sweet to you
"Mom, she's mine back off, we're going to my room" Conrad says taking your hand again
"bye talk to you guys later" you scream as Conrad is dragging you upstairs
once you got upstairs you see Conrad's door. he opened it with his free hand and led you in. It was still the same. the beach aesthetic and the colors. He had the plush you gave him. it was an orange cat with a pink collar, you named it Lasnaga and you had an orange cat with a blue collar named Garfield. it was funnier when you actually named them.
"oh ignore that" he said looking at the cat
"you still have it" you question, a smile forming on your face
"yeah" it looked like he slept with it and he even still had the perfume you gifted him it was now half empty
"I miss you" you heard from the other line of your phone
"I miss you too," you say back, it was almost Christmas and it was a time when you wished you could go to Cousins, but your mom would say no. "I got you a Christmas present," you say smiling through the camera lens
"yeah, I got it, thank you" One of the gifts was a perfume bottle, it smelled like vanilla and it was your go-to scent "Thank you" Conrad says
"I don't use that scent anymore," you say picking it up
"what" Conrad looked defeated, he was spraying that scent to remember you and you switched scents. he felt betrayed
"I'll get you a new one for Christmas" You smile at him grabbing his hands which made his smile come back
"y/n" he grabbed your attention using his pointer finger to make you look at him
"yes con" one moment you were just staring at his eyes the next thing you knew Conrad was leaning in to kiss you. this kiss was more meaningful as if to pick up from lost time, from the time that was wasted on jealousy and insecurity, because even though it wasn't official that you were Conrad's, you both knew you were meant for one another
Conrad's hands went back to their respective place, one in your hair and the other around your waist. yours were on his cheek and the other in his hair.
"fuck I missed you," he says catching his breath from the kiss
conrad went back but deepened the kiss, it was something that made you happy. You kept smiling through the kiss. you couldn't believe this was happening. Conrad pulled at your hair to make you moan so he could slip his tongue in and fight for dominance, he obviously won; you were still smiling throughout the make out because you couldn’t believe what was happening. Conrad guided you to his bed, he sat on the corner making you straddle his lap.
"are you ok with this," Conrad asked pulling away from the kiss, you could see some of your lipstick on his mouth
"yes, god fuck yes Conrad," you say giggling at the way his face quickly erased his worriedness to pure excitement
Conrad continued his attack, but this time it was on your neck, making sure it would show to others that you were his, that even though people haven't seen you both together for almost two years, you guys are better than ever. Conrad tugged and took off the button-down that he gave you and the dirty tube top. You weren't wearing a bra underneath, and Conrad couldn't be more excited
Conrad carried you off the bed for a second and laid you down on his bed. your hair was perfectly sprawled on the pillow as if it made a halo. Conrad could’ve sworn he saw a little heart that was made from your hair. as you waited for Conrad to take his shirt you got the cat to play around with.
"you're so beautiful," Conrad says going down to kiss you
when he pulls away he takes off your shorts and shoes followed by your socks making you giggle at his fast antics. you were wearing a lace thong that was pink making Conrad smile.
"what's going on in that pretty head of yours,” you say reaching for Conrad's face as he melts into your touch, practically purring.
"you, you're all I think about" Conrad says smiling at you his hand traveling down to your thighs removing your panties too, and then he feels how wet you already are. he licked his two fingers as a lubricant and started to finger you. he slipped two fingers in seeing how tight you were and kept pacing in and out. you followed his fingers as they disappeared and reappeared. sucking on your bottom lip to not draw attention to his room. he looked at your face seeing how it contoured to the way the rhythm, then added more stimulation by massaging your clit.
"fuck Conrad, so good," you say almost screaming as you scratch his back with your nails
"shhh, look at me" Conrad says covering your mouth, but he loved the way your eyes looked at him "Sound so pretty but they can't hear you or the fun is over," he says leaning in to kiss you to muffle your screams.
Conrad soon leaves your mouth to go to your tits to suck on as you grab his hair for extra support. you tugged once and heard a yelp, making you want to fuck him already
he continued with his action. adding fingers as he goes. As he did you gasped, you kept your nails on his back almost drawing blood. conrad was circling your clit with his other hand to speed the process up. he needed you.
“god you’re so tight” he says looking at you with lust filled eyes
Conrad added a third finger as he saw you were about to release and reattached his lips onto yours wanting the fun to continue. he saw the way your body arched off the bed and made sure to continue the pace you were on. to make you orgasm
“look so pretty, come for me” he said spurring you on
“fuck conny” you say pulling at his hair to kiss you and something inside you snapped when he kissed you. you were leaking off his finger. when he looked down in between the two of you he saw the mess grabbing some of your liquid and putting it in your mouth
“fuck so hot” he said going in to kiss you tasting you as well
“my turn” you say with your fucked up makeup and some of your cum on the side of your mouth
“no i just really need you right now” conrad says taking his pants and underwear off as well as everything else.
“i want to be on top” you say to him biting the bottom of your lip
“whatever you want pretty girl” he says grabbing you and putting you on top of him
once you were on top of him you saw how big he was. you grabbed his member massaged him than started to glide him into your heat seeing how he threw his head back in pure pleasure
“stop teasing” he said grabbing onto your wrists and leading his length to your heat
“fuck fisher” you said mad he took all the fun out
“i’m trying to” he retorted making you laugh but that made you sink into him and turned into a loud pornagraphic moan making Conrad startled soon hearing footsteps leading to the door and a knock
“conny is everything ok” you could hear Susannah but this made the experience even better you fucked him up and down side to side to try to make it hard for him to answer his mom
“y-yeah everything is good there’s a porn scene on the horror movie we were watching- fuck” he said yelling to his mom
“oh ok” she says retreating backstairs
“you’re so dead” conrad said to you, but he never meant it. you looked so beautiful riding him as your boobs bounced up and down and saw how your hair was messily parted to the side and fell beautifully over your body. he knew you knew you looked great by the way you bit the bottom of your lip
“god you’re so big” you say looking down at him. putting your hand on his chest for extra support
he couldn’t help admire you. how your tits would go up and down and he had to massage them with his hand. the other was on your waist wanting you to go faster, but he just made your body lay against his as he took your lips with his teeth. his hand that was once on your tits went to your hair and tugged on it earning a low moan from you. the other traced his name on your back adding tickles to make you moan and hopefully come close. once he noticed your body become sloppy he held onto your waist and switched positions with him
“holy fuck that was hot” you said out loud to him
“only for you” he says leaning into your neck to suck on your sweet spot making you moan even more
he saw the way your hair fell back on his pillow. the image he once had of you will forever be tainted by this memory. the memory of him fucking you into oblivion. how his penis would go in and out of you seeing his length covered in white paint from the two of you
he didn’t know that you liked the way his hair fell from his forehead and floated in the air as he fucked you. how his arms would be veiny and how you followed them like a dog to bacon. that every time he wanted to show you something you just looked at his hands.
“fuck me harder” you said to Conrad as you dragged his face to yours to go in for a kiss. he took his free hand and started to massage your clit wanting you to come already.
“come for me again, want to see you come on my dick” he said so close to your face that his hair tickled you, his breath as well. “need you to come for me” his blue eyes following yours and how they were sparkling from pure euphoria
with one last thrust you came for him. his lips covering your mouth and when you were done moaning. his mouth was on your chin ready for another hickey. he nibbled at it. when his thrusts started to become sloppy you started to nibble at his ear. moaning in it to spur him on and saying sweet nothings like “god you’re so big” “taking me so good” “fuck me just like that”
“im yours conny, only yours” was the one that made him shoot his load into you
“oh fuck i’m so sorry” he said as he still kept thrusting into you coming down from his high
“don’t worry about it i’m on the pill” you say looking at his fucked out face and tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear
he leaned in to kiss you deepening the kiss he felt the cum that was leaking outside the two of you. when he was ready to let go you bit the bottom of his lip to see what he would do
“god you’re all i need” Conrad said going back to kiss you. when you both got out of breathe he went into his bathroom to get a cloth to clean you up
“you look beautiful from this angle” Conrad looked at you wanting to take a picture of the way your legs were open for him as the liquid oozed out of you
“get used to it” you said to him as he cleaned you up. he smiled at the thought that this wasn’t a one time thing
“oh i will” he says going to your face and peppering your face with kisses all over
he went over to a drawer he had always designated to you. it had some clothes that you left there when you would stay over. he handed you some shorts you always wore when you were here that did nothing but show your ass, but they were cute; they were white with pink polka dots and tossed you a shirt that was Conrad’s but you always used to use it because it was baggy and had your home state with it.
“i don’t want to wear that shirt today” you said
“what why” Conrad asked puzzled he didn’t do anything to that shirt
“you wear it, not in the mood to wear a shirt” you say to him mischievously. he took the hint as he was putting on some shorts and was ready to go under the covers of his bed making you follow behind
“than neither am i” he said kissing your forehead “some makeup wipes are on the nightstand by the way” he says pointing at the drawer next to you
“thank you” you say taking one and wiping your face off when you were done you threw it away in the trash can that was next to you
“so you never forgot me did you” you asked as you were going to cuddle his chest
“no never” he said looking down at you as he was turning the tv on to watch superbad one of your favorites
“and you never forgot about my things did you” you say giddily seeing what he was doing
“nope, i watched this every time i missed you” he said it as a matter of fact
“kiss me” you say out loud. and he did he leaned down to kiss you as you waited for the movie to load in. he was so delicate this time as if what he did was not him and someone else. that he would always be delicate with you
“you’re all i ever wanted” he said whispering it into you making you smile as the movie played.
you both laughed at the scenes. this movie has seen it all: your childhood, Conrad being by himself without you , and the two of you after you fucked each other. when another funny scene happened and you didn’t laugh Conrad looked down to see you asleep in his arms. your boobs were pressed against his chest and he decided it was time for him to go to sleep as well.
in the morning it was Conrad who woke up first from the rays of the sun. he then saw his clock and saw that it was only 9 am. he decided to just look at you sleep. how you would breathe and how you looked in his arms. the little smile on your face as your dream progressed. god he wished that was him making you smile. Conrad reached for his phone to take a picture of you. knowing this would be a perfect wallpaper. the way the hickeys he left on you were now visible. how you had no makeup but your hair was still as perfect as it was last night and this time noticing the locket necklace he got you from when you were kids on your thirteenth birthday
“thank you Conrad” you say hugging him once you finished opening the box that held the necklace. it was a picture of the two of you from when you were younger when you were both about seven and six.
“you’re welcome. you were practically begging for one all year” he said glad you liked his gift and ever since than you never took it off
he was infatuated with you.
“i’ll never forget you” Conrad whispered into your hair kissing the top of your head
“hey” you say in a raspy voice
“morning” he said back with a big grin on his face
“smells good” you could smell the muffins from downstairs. making Conrad laugh. he looked at you for about thirty minutes admiring you and the first thing you think about is food? “you look pretty con” you said kissing his lips. his hair was messy and his eyes were brighter today. he looked happy.
“so do you” he said smiling at you. if only you knew.
“what time is it” you ask finally rubbing your eyes. when you were done Conrad gave you his phone to look at the clock but the first thing you saw was you. the photo he took this morning. “con did you take this right now” you asked looking into his eyes
“yes do you like it” he asked looking to see if you were mad but he only saw a smile form on your face
“it’s cute i need one now too” you say trying to let go of his grip to get up and get a muffin
“no stay” he says grumpy
“i need one of those muffins, i’ll come back” you say prying at his hands
“fine i’ll race you” he says getting up and trying to find a shirt as you do the same when you did. you ran out the door fighting Conrad downstairs almost falling like ten times.
“woah” you here from downstairs
“i thought we were going to go into war right now” Jeremiah joked
“shut up” Conrad said hitting Jeremiah’s chest
“oh hey y/n didn’t know you were still here” Laurel said
“yeah I accidentally fell asleep to superbad” you say which wasn’t a lie. it was hard to lie to Laurel she could smell bullshit from a mile away.
“wait what happened between you guys” Taylor asked looking at your neck making you hide your hickeys with your hair
“nothing, we just made up” you said looking at her and the last muffin
“more like made out” Belly added which made you send her a death stare which caused you to lose the muffin to Conrad
“fuck you” you whisper to him
“oh but you already did” he said with the most shit eating grin you’ve ever seen as he eats the muffin. when you hit his stomach he hands over the muffin with a loud groan
“thank you” you say kissing him
“eww get a room” Jeremiah said
“we just came out of one” Conrad said as quick as the speed of light making you look at him with wide eyes
“I missed this” Susannah said “y’know ever since you left y/n he has never been this chipper”
“is that so” you say looking at Conrad all this time you thought he was fine especially with all the girls he dated
“so true” Steven added
“we missed you” Belly said. she meant it in the way you could finally be in the same room as all of them without having to walk on eggshells “also Cam told me to give you this” it was your uno cards from the other night
“thank you” you smile at her
“give me another bite” Conrad said as he wraps his arms around your waist and you practically feed him “thank you” he said which followed by an mhm coming from your mouth
“want to go to the beach later” you asked looking up at him to see if he would agree or not
“sure” he replied. making you already excited and smiling back at the muffin before taking a bite and feeding another piece to Conrad
“can we go at night” he questioned
“and skinny dip” you whispered for only him to hear which made him already look forward to see the moon.
“this is seriously cute” Taylor says to Belly who nods
“i love you” Conrad said to you kissing the top of your head as he saw how everyone was so welcoming of the new couple
“i love you more” you say looking up at him which made him kiss you
a/n: part two..??
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wzrd-wheezes · 1 year
Lean Down - R.L x S.B x Reader
"Reader gets embarrassed by the way Remus or Sirius (your choice) leans down to listen to what she says and she’s deprived of almost any human interaction or touch so it was so obvious that she’s embarrassed and gets teased over it."
AN: this turned out way filthier (and way longer) than i intended it to be lol. I couldn't decide which one of them I wanted to write this for so I just did them both hahaha. This is also a modern day au just cause why not. Enjoy!
Warnings: a whole load of sex, swearing, use of the word slut, blowjobs and the like. as always dont read if you're a minor and also make sure you wrap it before you tap it <3
Sirius Black was never on time for anything, unless that thing was a party that he was absolutely itching to get to. This being the reason that he was currently stood on Y/N’s doorstep, a bottle of liquor in one hand and a cigarette in the other.  
“C’mon, Y/N, get your shit and let's go.” he called, banging on her front door with his fist. 
“You’re so impatient, Pads, you know that, don’t you?” Remus laughed, leaning against the wall as they waited for their friend to emerge, “You’re acting like you’ve never been to a party before.”  
He didn’t get chance to reply as Y/N opened the door and stepped out to meet them. Sirius let out a low whistle as he laid eyes on her, making Remus’s eyes snap up from the spot he was staring at on the ground. 
“Looks like we’re gonna have to keep an eye on you tonight, eh, Moony?” he grinned. 
“What’s that supposed to mean then?” Y/N asked, looking over her shoulder at him as she locked the door behind her. 
“It’s his way of saying that he thinks you look fit,” Remus chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Hey, with any luck you might find a nice bloke to bring home with you tonight.” Sirius smirked, “It’s about time, isn’t it?” 
“Rude. It’s not been that long. Sorry that we’re not all horny bastards like you, Sirius.” Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes at him. 
“It has been a while though,” Remus said, smiling slightly, “I can’t remember the last time you told us about a bloke you were seeing.” 
“Because she’s not had any action since she shagged Jam-” Y/N shut him up by jabbing him sharply in the ribs, earning a dramatic groan from Sirius. 
The party was being hosted in the house of one of their old school friends and when they arrived the place was already packed, people already beginning to spill out onto the front lawn. Music blared out of the speakers and the tables were littered with plastic cups, people were scattered all over the place, some slouched on sofas and others tucked away in corners.  
“The fact that we’ve been at this party for approximately two minutes and I still don’t have a drink in my hand should be illegal.” Sirius said dramatically, making his way over to a tabled that was filled with various drinks. He made a concoction and poured it into a cup for each of them. 
“This tastes like paint stripper.” Y/N grimaced, taking a swig. 
“Yeah, you should really let me make the drinks next time, Pads.” Remus said, taking a sip of his own drink and pulling a face, “This is grim.” 
Sirius just laughed at them, chugging his own drink down and beckoning for them to follow him into the crowd. Within minutes, they were in the thick of it, their bodies pressed against each other, dancing to the music that boomed out. The air was thick and warm and Y/N drained the last of her drink from her cup before tossing it to the side. 
“I’m gonna go make another drink, do you want one?” Y/N asked, raising her voice slightly so the pair could hear her.  
“What was that, love?” Remus asked, leaning down so he could hear her properly. 
“Yeah, I didn’t catch that.” Sirius followed suit, pressing himself closer to her and tilting his head downwards. Y/N looked up at them towering over her and felt the heat rush to her cheeks. 
“Go on, what did you say?” Remus leaned closer to her face, his stubble scratching against her cheek. 
“I- er- I said that I was going to get a drink.” Y/N stuttered, feeling flustered all of a sudden. Remus shot a look at Sirius who smirked and grabbed Y/N’s hand and dragged her out of the crowd and into the garden where it was significantly quieter. 
“What’s got you all jittery?” Sirius quizzed, looking down at her, still smirking. 
“I think I know what it is...” Remus mumbled, taking a step closer to her. 
“Are you really that touch starved that us leaning down to talk to you has got you all flustered?” Sirius teased. 
“No, no-” 
“No?” Remus mocked, “Why are you blushing then? I could feel the fucking heat radiating from your cheeks when I leaned down to hear you.” 
Sirius stepped closer to her as well, snaking an arm around her waist and pressing himself against her back. 
“You don’t need to be embarrassed, darling." Sirius whispered in her ear, resting his chin against her shoulder, his arms wrapped around her waist. She could smell the cigarettes and the alcohol on his breath and she squeezed her eyes shut, taking in a sharp breath. Remus stood in front of her, placing a large hand on her cheek. 
“You’re very cute when you’re flustered,” He grinned, “Why don’t we go back to our place, yeah?” 
Y/N bit her lip and nodded, knowing exactly what she was getting herself into. 
Sirius stumbled through the front door of his and Remus’s apartment, not even bothering to turn the lights on, just dragging Y/N to his room. His room was dark, clothes strewn over a chair and his bed unmade. The pair backed Y/N up to the bed, until her legs hit the edge of it and she sank onto it. 
“You look so fucking hot tonight,” Sirius grumbled, sitting down next to her, “Can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting to do this,” He nuzzled into her neck leaving a trail of kisses, his hands rubbing up and down her thigh . Remus sat on the other side on her, his lips finding the other side of her neck, sucking gently at the spot just above her collarbone, while he had one hand on her waist. 
“We saw the way you’ve been looking at us, love,” Remus whispered, “You could’ve just asked and we could’ve done this a lot sooner.” 
“Was too scared... didn’t wanna ruin our friendship, y’know...” Y/N mumbled. 
“Well we’re gonna ruin you.” Sirius said lowly. She could feel him smirking against her skin. 
The boys both suddenly stood up in front of her, their crotches almost level with her face. Sirius’s ring clad fingers skimmed over his belt, quickly undoing it and pulling down his jeans.  
“You’re gonna suck us both off, okay?” Remus said firmly, also undoing his trousers, palming his bulge as he spoke. Y/N just nodded in response and dropped to her knees in front of them. 
“Y’look so pretty on your knees for us, babe.” Sirius said gruffly, pulling down his boxers and giving his dick a few quick pumps. He put a hand in her hair and guided her forward so the tip of his dick bumped gently against her lips. Y/N darted her tongue out, licking a stripe over the head before taking it into her mouth properly. Sirius groaned, running a hand through his hair as he looked down at her. Remus cleared his throat, seemingly impatient from the lack of attention he was getting. 
“I can just leave you two to it, if you like?” He said sarcastically. 
“No. No. I want you both.” Y/N said, shuffling over and focusing her attention on the other boy. 
“I’m not normally one for sharing,” Sirius said, moving over and sitting on the edge of the bed behind Y/N, “but I suppose this is going to have to be an exception.”  
Sirius once again grabbed a handful of her hair, but this time shoved her roughly down onto Remus’s dick. She spluttered around him, her eyes going wide and prickling with tears.  
“Atta girl.” he grumbled, “You can take him all.” 
Remus’s head tipped back and he let out a groan as he felt her throat clench around him as she gagged. He reached down and wiped a stray tear from her cheek. 
“Don’t be too rough with her, Pads.” 
“She likes it. Can tell from the way she’s clenching her thighs together,” He chuckled, “Jus’ a little slut really, aren’t you.” He carried on pushing her onto the other boy's dick, holding her in place while he fucked her throat. Eventually, he released her giving her chance to catch her breath. Y/N’s face was tear stained and her lips were swollen but she looked up at the pair needily. 
“Need you both,” she gasped. “Please.” 
Remus and Sirius both shared a glance and lifted her onto the bed, quickly removing her clothes. 
“Fuck.” Sirius gasped as his eyes roamed over her body. 
“So fuckin’ pretty.” Remus agreed. His handed grabbed at the flesh of her thighs as he pulled them apart, “She’s soaked already, mate.” 
“That right, baby?” Sirius asked, a rough finger going up to trace a line over the girls swollen lips, “Nice and needy for us, aren’t you?”  
Y/N let out a soft moan, nodding quickly. Sirius smirked as he pushed two of his fingers into her mouth, Y/N’s tongue immediately swirling around them desperately. 
“I’d stop doing that unless you want me to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours again.” 
The girl tried to speak but was cut off by Remus roughly shoving two of his fingers into her dripping cunt, making her gasp. He fucked his fingers into her softly and leaned down to suck gently on her clit. Sirius’s hands roamed over her chest, fingers quickly flicking at one of her nipples while he took the other one into his mouth.  
“Move over then, Moony.” he said after a while, “I wanna taste her before I fuck her.” 
Remus nodded and swapped places with him, pressing his lips against Y/N’s as Sirius settled between her thighs. Sirius was rougher than Remus was, he was eating her out like he was a man starved. He looked up after a while, chin glistening and eyes dark. 
“M’gonna fuck you and Moony’s gonna fuck that pretty mouth, yeah?”  
Y/N nodded and Remus flipped her round so that she was on her hands and knees. Sirius shifted her legs apart and slowly ran the head of his cock up and down her slit. 
“Sirius, stop teasing and just fuck me already.” Y/N whined. 
“Don’t start whining.” he tutted, “I don’t give brats what they want.” 
Remus chuckled and moved so that Y/N’s face was level with his cock. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out and he tapped his dick against it. 
“Eager little slut, aren’t you?” he grinned, thrusting deeply into her mouth earning a gag from her. Sirius lined himself up and entered in one swift movement, stopping briefly to give her a moment to adjust before continuing to pound into her. Y/N released an unholy moan around Remus’s cock as Sirius slammed into her. 
“That it, baby, moan around my cock,” Remus mumbled, “keep making those pretty noises for us.” His hand rested against her jaw, holding her in place as he rocked into her mouth. Sirius had one hand gripped onto her waist while the other roamed over the flesh of her arse cheeks, occasionally slapping it as he fucked her. 
“Feel so good around me, darling.” he groaned, leaning forward and pressing a kiss against her shoulder, the chain of his necklace dangling cooly against her hot back, “Can feel you clenching around me. You getting close?” 
Y/N tried to nod as best as she could without taking Remus’s cock out of her mouth. Sirius just chuckled in response to her moans and fucked into her harder. The sounds coming from the trio were filthy, Sirius’s hips slamming against her arse, Y/N moaning around Remus’s cock as he let out low groans of encouragement. 
“Fuck, M’getting close, baby.” he murmured, “You gonna come with me, yeah?” he reached around and rubbed her clit as he rammed into her. 
“That’s it, gorgeous. Come for us,” Remus encouraged, “Look so good when you’re getting fucked from both ends.”  
Sirius’s hips stuttered as he chased his high, Y/N backing herself up onto him as she chased hers. He collapsed against her as he came, fingers still dancing over her clit as he tipped her over the edge. Remus let his dick slip out from her mouth so that they could hear the moans that escaped her lips properly. After giving her a moment to recover, Remus took Sirius’s spot at the end of the bed and flipped the girl over so that she was laying on her back. 
“What are you doing, Rem?” she mumbled, her eyes glazed over slightly, “I’ve already come...” 
“You thought that it was just going to be Sirius that fucked you?” he asked, peering down at her, “Can’t let him be the only one that gets to try out that pretty pussy, can I?” 
Just as the other boy did, Remus thrust into her swiftly, hoisting her legs up so that they were wrapped around his waist. Sirius shifted so that Y/N’s head rested in his lap and he leaned down to play with her tits as she got fucked. His calloused fingers ran over the soft skin of her chest, occasionally flicking over one of her nipples. 
“Fucking hell, she does feel good,” Remus said, “can’t believe we haven’t done this sooner.” 
“I’ve got a funny feeling this is gonna be a regular occurrence,” Sirius laughed, “We just fuck you too good, don’t we, love?” 
“So good.” Y/N moaned breathlessly, “I-I’m close, Rem.” 
“Me too, baby. Be a good girl and come for me.” 
That was all it took to tip her over the edge, her eyes squeezing shut as she arched her back and let her head fall into Sirius’s lap. A filthy moan ripped from her body as Remus fucked into her overstimulated cunt. His thrusts were getting sloppy as he reached his peak, a string of swear words falling from his lips as he unravelled, finishing inside of her. He flopped down onto the bed, three pairs of legs tangled together on Sirius’s messy sheets. 
“That was...wow.” Y/N gasped, snuggling into the boys. 
“Amazing. You were great,” Remus smiled, pressing a kiss against her temple. 
“Always knew you would be.” Sirius grinned. 
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eddywoww · 1 year
Steve as a frat boy who would obviously clearly very much never look at another boy and he has a crush on this girl who’s bi and Robin is like yeah I don’t think you’re her type at all but Steve is Steve and he keeps trying to charm her and it isn’t working, so he’s like hey Robin can I please come to your queer alliance meeting bc she’s gonna be there and I want to show her I’m an ally
And Robin is like I Don’t Think That’s What Being An Ally Is, Steve. With the blandest look on her face but she lets him come with her anyway because she thinks it could be entertaining and god knows watching Steve strike out is FUNNY
so Steve goes to a little introduction night for new members with her and he meets the “board” and their president is this like, guy. This guy who is unfortunately pretty in a way that Steve isn’t used to. And he wears all these rings and eyeliner and he’s so loud and boisterous and funny and Steve can see the girl HE likes watching THIS fucking guy and he just deflates because like yeah, of course. Of course Steve isn’t interesting enough here at college. He’s just like every other frat guy in existence and he doesn’t even know how to step out of his carefully constructed comfort zone
Cut to Steve holding a grudge against Eddie but still coming to events. Standing around with his arms crossed, all grumpy and pissed off because the girl he likes won’t even look at him and of course she’s always watching Eddie because everyone is always watching Eddie
And then one day Eddie confronts him but it’s not actually a confrontation. He just walks up to him at a party and goes “You know I’m gay, right? Like gay-gay. Like very into men, not into *insert girls name here*” and Steve is stunned and doesn’t know what to say. So he doesn’t say anything. No. He panics and runs out of the party and avoids Eddie for an entire week.
A week of over thinking. Because Eddie is gay. Which shouldn’t be shocking but Steve hadn’t been paying attention at their intros, he’d been too distracted by the stupid eyeliner. Which should have been an indication in the first place, really. He starts thinking about Eddie and then he can’t stop thinking about Eddie.
Until Robin invites Steve out to a nightclub and she’s being shady about it but Steve doesn’t even ask because he’s too stressed about his own thoughts to even realize but then he gets to her dorm and several people are there and one of those people is Eddie and he’s getting ready, laughing with all these girls and- and he offers to put eyeliner on Steve. Gets him up on the tiny bathroom counter with the door closed, the girls listening to music and shouting just beyond. And Eddie makes him stay very still, pencils the eyeliners on with gentle hands. Smiling at Steve, close enough to smell his cologne.
“Didn’t think you’d go for this,” Eddie says, quirking the funniest smile at Steve. It feels like a challenge, so-
“I’m very adventurous,” Steve says without thinking. Eyes blinking open a moment later to Eddie smirking at him. “That’s not- I didn’t mean-“
“Oh no, go on. How adventurous are you, Stevie?” Eddie asks, recapping his pencil. “Adventurous enough to stop being weird around me?”
“I’m not weird around you,” Is what Steve chooses to say. With all the air of a cornered animal, panicking for zero reason. Eddie raises an eyebrow and Steve deflates. “I’m not. You just- you intimidate me. That’s all.”
Eddie looks surprised, shocked maybe.
“And why’s that?” He asks. And it sucks because then Steve starts spilling his guts out to Eddie, right there in Robins tiny bathroom.
“You’re just- you’re confident and you wear these clothes that I don’t think I could ever get away with and everyone listens to you and watches you and flocks to you and I’m kind of just, like. Here, you know? Like I’m not as bright as you. A lot of people aren’t as bright as you.”
Eddie watches Steve for a beat. Really stares into his fucking soul.
“That’s stupid,” He says, smiling smaller now as he leans both hands in next to Steve’s hips. As he pushes into his space and doesn’t let up. “You’re so bright. It’s almost blinding. I’ve just been waiting for you to actually talk to me.”
“Yeah?” Steve asks quietly because yeah, he can’t think. Eddie is too close. He’s right there, leaning into Steve.
He mutters, “Yeah.” And finally kisses him. As it turns out, Steve wasn’t that interested in that girl at all.
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starglitterz · 5 months
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❝ hey, pretty stranger, i think you look cute! can i get your number? i wanna know you. // cute encounters with genshin guys on the bus.  ❞
✧ feat ; childe, heizou, xiao x gn!reader ✧ warning(s) ; childe’s can be viewed as platonic ✧ a/n ; so i think the bus at my university is like. a meet-cute spot for me or something HAHAHA here are a couple of drabbles based on my irl experiences <3 ! shout out to my one irl that has to listen to me being delusional all the time LOL ur a real one (she’s never going to see this). also the title has no relation to the fic at all sorry i just could not think of a title for the life of me so i just went with a random vocaloid song JDSJDJS ok bye i hope u enjoy this!!
please reblog w tags + leave comments ! it rlly makes my day :)
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✦ CHILDE. [ tartaglia ]
“childe? is that you?” you grin, leaning over the back of your seat as you realise who’s sitting behind you, “i didn’t know you take the bus back too!” his face cracks into a wide beam upon noticing you, “y/n! hi! i do sometimes when i’m too tired to walk.” and just like that, the two of you start talking excitedly – you’re classmates, though you aren’t too close you both still consider each other friends, and it’s nice to have someone to talk to instead of staring out the window at the rain with your earphones plugged in to pretend you’re in a music video. 
somehow, the conversation turns to birthdays, and as childe asks when yours is, you smirk, “it’s today!” you swear his blue eyes open so big you’re worried they might just tumble out of his head as he gasps, “what?! today?! so you’re turning a year older today?!” “yeah!” you nod, giggling at his exaggerated reaction. “nah, you’ve got to come here so i can wish you properly,” he shakes his head seriously, and you tilt your head in confusion, “there’s someone sitting beside you already though…”
you shouldn’t have doubted the one and only tartaglia for even a moment, because the next second, he turns to the man beside him with zero hesitation and gives them the most blinding persuasive smile ever, “hey! would you mind switching seats with my friend over there? it’s their birthday, and i really want to wish them!” “childe!” you scold, heat rushing to your face at his casual confession to this total stranger, “stop disturbing random people!” “but it’s your birthday!” he replies innocently, ocean eyes gleaming aquamarine. the man beside him seems a little confused by childe’s demeanour, but he’s probably more scared of what his reaction would be if he said no, so he nods, “sure, i guess…” and as the bus rattles along its familiar route, you switch places with the stranger, profuse thanks spilling from your lips before you fix childe with a scolding gaze. 
“hey, it worked!” he raises his hands in surrender, only to quickly grasp yours and shake it heartily, “happy birthday, comrade!” you laugh, shaking your head, “you’re so silly. thank you, childe.” you both hide your chuckles as you joke about the poor guy that had to switch with you, and you tease and banter with each other all the way to the train station.
✦ SHIKANOIN HEIZOU. [ analytical harmony ]
it has been a long day. not necessarily bad, but one of those days where the universe seems to be conspiring against you to make every small thing go wrong enough to get on your nerves. right now, you’re at your wits end as you stumble onto the bus, sending the bus driver a sheepish smile when your card only buzzes on the third tap. your eyes scan the interior – almost all of the seats are occupied, and your friend has skipped ahead to sit with someone else she knows. 
but your gaze stops short on a maroon-haired guy looking out the window, and with an internal cheer you realise that the seat next to him is empty and quickly slide into it. now that you’re closer, you notice that he’s actually quite handsome; all fluffy maroon hair and forest green eyes with a few moles dotted across his pale skin. you’re so busy staring that you don’t realise he’s trying to tell you something until he clears his throat. “y-yeah?!” you stutter in surprise at his sudden attempt at conversation. that was a dumb reply. now you’re staring at him with wide eyes as he softly asks, “um, is that your wallet?”
you look at the floor where he’s pointing, only to realise with horror: that is your wallet! “oh… hahaha, that is mine. thank you,” you’re ninety percent sure you are giving off the worst first impression of all time with your stupid responses. it’s almost like you’ve never spoken to another human being in your life. and what’s with your outfit?! of course the one day you don’t dress up is the day you end up sitting next to the world’s cutest stranger. as you bend down to pick up your wallet, you silently curse your unlucky stars. you dropped your purse in front of a cute guy! can this day get any worse?! 
famous last words.
because two seconds later, you’re trying to sit up straight again, and you hit your head on the hard back of the seat in front of yours. even worse, you groan loudly, “ow!” “holy archons… are you okay?” the stranger beside you gasps, although as you rub your head and look at them, it’s pretty obvious that they’re trying to hold back laughter. you’re torn between laughing or crying your eyes out, but the humour of the absolutely idiotic situation you’re in kicks in and you end up giggling even as you’re wincing in pain, “i’m fine, thank you… i promise i’m not usually this clumsy.” “really?” he quirks an eyebrow with a teasing smile, “could’ve fooled me.” “hey!” you pout, folding your arms across your chest in playful offence, “i know i might have just made the worst first impression ever, but i swear i’m a lot cooler!” “i’ll be the judge of that,” his gaze softens and he tilts his head, “i’m heizou, by the way.” “i’m y/n! let’s restart this whole thing – it’s nice to meet you!”
luckily for you, the bus is stuck in traffic, and the two of you end up talking about everything under the sun on the long journey to the train station. you aren’t certain if he’s convinced that you’re cool yet, but you’ll definitely keep working on it – even if it’s only to see the way his cute dimples appear whenever his features crease into a smile at your jokes. 
✦ XIAO. [ vigilant yaksha ]
it’s been a tiring day of an exhausting course. but at the very least, you’ve got your new friend to complain to as the two of you wait for the bus. “you know, i was so glad you asked me to join your group!” you grin at xiao, adjusting your tote bag. “it’s no big deal… you were alone, so i thought you could join us,” he gives you a soft smile, jade streaks of hair framing his face as they peek out from under his dark cap. “yeah, but still! it’s so difficult to make friends when the classes are so huge, so it was really nice of you.” “that’s true. you’re the first person i’m talking to outside class,” he nods in agreement. his casual statement makes you remember that you’re a professional yapper and you panic, “oh! by the way, if i’m talking too much, just tell me to shut up! i talk a lot, so that’s totally fine.” he chuckles, and his response makes a happy smile grace your lips, “no, it’s okay. i prefer listening, so it’s fine if you talk a lot.” so talk is what you do until the bus finally rumbles into the bus stop. 
the constant bumping of the bus on the rough roads combined with the soothing noise of the rain tapping against the window makes you drowsy, and you turn to xiao, “if i fall asleep before we reach the train station, you better wake me up, okay? don’t abandon me on the bus and just go home!” the corner of his lips quirk up into what might be a teasing smile, “no promises.” but when he sees your distraught expression, he reassures you, “just kidding. i’ll wake you up.” “okay…” you mumble a response, and within a few seconds, you’re asleep, head lolling forward as the bus continues along. you don’t usually fall asleep on public transport, far too worried that you’ll miss your stop and end up on the other end of teyvat, but with xiao beside you, you’ve got nothing to worry about, right?
you’re in the middle of a very nice dream when you hear xiao’s soft voice calling you, “y/n?” and his tone is so gentle, like he didn’t want to startle you, that it almost makes your heart beat right out of your chest. you stretch a little, eyes flickering open before sliding shut again, “mmm…” “we’re almost there,” he murmurs. and there it is again, that soft, gentle voice that you swear sounds like honey. you’re almost going to pass out, and definitely not from sleepiness. “okay… i’m awake.” you manage a smile, and he tilts his head almost worriedly, “don’t fall asleep on the train.” “i won’t!” you grin widely as you hop off the bus, hoping that shows how you’re 100% awake right now, and he smiles, “okay then, i’ll see you tomorrow.” 
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bahaha these are very messy but i just needed to get these out of my system before i went insane i think i should take the bus more often 😋 also yes these are all 100% experienced by yours truly and have not even been exaggerated for the sake of this fic // general masterlist
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way - reblog and leave comments if you enjoyed !
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ebsmind · 9 months
𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 ❀ tom blyth x fem!singer reader
summary : readers reputation isn’t all that good but who cares since she’s met the love of her life
warning(s) : reader gets slut shamed :( but that’s it
a/n : i’m going to be real honest i wanted to use hailee steinfeld as the fc BUT i just had to do olivia bc she’s so me and i listened to delicate by taylor swift about 10 times while i made this 🙃
i also had a really hard time coming up with why the readers reputation is 👎🏼 so i kinda just went with the whole olivia and sabrina thing but it’s reversed!! 😼 (so instead of olivia getting broken up with it’s sabrina who got broken up with)
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ynuser happiness 🙃
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user1 oh so ur happy bc ur a home wrecker?
user2 yikes…
user4 y’all don’t even know the full story pls
user5 she’s such a slut
*comments have been disabled
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ynuserupdates the tea is popping hot between these three! y/n rodrigo has now claimed that she has never had any romantic relationship with joshua basset…will sabrina carpenter clear the air between the situation??
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user1 she SPOKE on the situation??
↳ user2 yeah she went on a podcast
user3 oh shit
user4 this is why yall shouldn’t believe everything on the internet 😭
user5 poor y/n and sabrina :(
↳ user6 all over a guy too :(
user7 guys will always be the problem
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ynuser i’m soooo excited to announce that i wrote a song called Can’t Catch Me Now for the new Hunger Games : The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie!!! 🕊️🐍🧡
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rachelzegler THATS MY GIRL!!!
user1 sis really said lemme just make the greatest comeback of all time
user2 oh she’s slaying ur honor
hunterschafer the best person who could’ve written a song for this movie
tomblyth so proud of you
user4 i just KNOW this song is gonna be so good
user5 girl was probably finishing up writing this song when the whole sabrina and josh thing was going on 😭😭
thehungergames 🧡🧡🧡
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ynuser life recently 🖤
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tomblyth cutie
❤️ by creator
↳ user2 SHUT UP OMG
user3 TOM AND Y/N????
user5 pls wasn’t she just with that josh guy?
↳ user6 girl she went on a podcast and said it was a fake rumor
user7 oh this next album is gonna HIT
❤️ by creator
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tomblyth premier day
tagged : @/ynuser , @/rachelzegler , @/hunterschafer , @/thehungergames
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ynuser hey that’s me!!!
ynuser took the last pic on tom’s phone
❤️ by creator
rachelzegler oh we ate that
user1 y’all SLAYEDDDD
user2 stream can’t catch me now yall ✌️
❤️ by creator
user3 y/n taking a .5 on tom’s phone is so cute
↳ user4 no literally they are my PARENTSSSS
user5 the girls are slaying ur honor
hunterschafer love you!!
tomblyth added to their story!
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ynuser delicate mv out now!!
tagged : @/tomblyth
tomblyth i’m in love with you
↳ ynuser i love you more
rachelzegler omg the cats finally out of the bag I CAN TALK ABOUT THEM NOW
↳ ynuser PLSSSS sis was eager and almost spilled the beans like a week ago 😭
↳ rachelzegler i just LOVE YALL SO MUCH
hunterschafer such a perfect song for a perfect couple 🖤
user5 i cannot do this today
user6 joshua basset is def crying in the corner
conangray ate
user8 y/n be so fr we been knew since the announcement of can’t catch me now
❤️ by creator
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into-f0lkl0re · 3 months
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Paige bueckers x reader
warnings: nsfw and my horrendous spelling and grammar inaccuracies (my ap lang teacher would be so disappointed)
not spell checked (i typed this whole thing on my phone( yes i have a computer) )
i hope yall like it
~I don’t got a single problem with provocative~
she had on a mini black skirt with ripped shear tights and doc martins
a yellow lacy tube top with stars in orange and red thread embroidered through out the top little tattoos littered her arms. an outline of a moon on her shoulder. A bow on her upper left arm, a bouquet of flowers above her elbow on her right. tiny stars coated both of her forearms. she was perfect.
~See the bodies, how they burn, it’s just the way it is~
A couple of minutes ago paige was trying to come up with some sort of excuse to tell her teammates why she had to leave this random club but then she spotted her. dancing with who paige assumed were her friends. one hand held a clear plastic cup with translucent light green liquid with a salted rim. paige felt her cheeks heat up. was it always this hot in here? paige forgot why she wanted to leave in the first place.
~ Smoky, dark, crowded room, I need nothing Under pink light in June. I was so cool, but then, all of a sudden You saw me look at you~
The room was filled with intoxicated college students trying to have a night off from the stress of their lives. today had been the last day of finals. school was officially out for the summer. everyone presumably celebrating.
“you’re staring” a voice whispered in paige’s ear
paige jumped almost spilling her drink
nika laughed patting paige’s back
“you’ve been staring at that poor girl for almost 8 minutes”
“is it that obvious?”
“yes extremely” a new voice replies
paige looks down and sees kk laughing with ice
“keep looking at her with that face and your eyes are gonna get stuck like that”
“fuck off”
“oh shit, paige she’s looking at you”
Nika elbows paige’s side.
paige turns and makes eye contact with the golden girl herself
~I burn for you and you don’t even know my name. If you’d asked me to i’d give up everything~
Paige felt her chest contract as the girl leaves the dance floor walking past paige and making her way to the bar while briefly making eye contact again and smiling. once the girl was at the bar she looked back at paige and laughed.
“stop standing there gaping like a god damn fish and go over there dumb ass” ice pushed paige towards the bar
~To be close to you pull the trigger on the gun i have you when we met~
“i’m paige” she almost shouts because of the deafening volume of the music
“i know who you are. Im pretty sure everyone at uconn knows who you are” y/n laughs
“can i buy you a drink?”
“ you don’t even know my name and you’re trying to buy me a drink? you move fast”
“ well what’s your name?”
“y/n and i like dirty shirley’s”
~I wanna be close to you. break my heart and start a fire, you got me overnight just let me be close to you~
“so what’s your major?”
“art history”
“oh what do you wanna do with that”
“i have no fucking clue”
paige laughs leaning her head against the bar holding her chest
“ok what about you? what’s your major?”
“uhm-human development and family sciences”
“ wow that sounds important. what do you want to do with that?”
paige lets out another laugh than sighs
“uh hopefully nothing i really wanna go pro”
“hey uh listen do you wanna maybe get out of here?”
“you read my mind”
~And now your mouth is moving, cinematic timing You pull me in and touch my neck, and now I'm dying~
barely making it through the threshold of paige’s apartment before her lips are on y/ns. tugging on her small tube top for dear life. paige blindly moves them towards her bedroom. they hit a couple walls on the way to their final destination. paige pushes her down on the bed before climbing over y/ns body and reconnecting their lips groaning into her mouth.
~You should be mine for life, I'll be signing
Every dotted line
Chemical override, ultraviolet
You could be mine tonight~
clothes long forgotten. two bodies grasping at each other letting out high pitched sighs and moans. paige’s hands are everywhere. groping her chest, paige slowly makes her way down y/ns body leaving a trail of love bites. taking her sweet time teasing, nipping and kissing at y/ns thighs.
“paige” y/n exhales
“say my name again” paige says again before sucking on her clit
“oh-god paige-please don’t stop”
“don’t worry ma i’m not stopping anytime soon.”
~ and i burn for you and you don’t even know my name
if you asked me to id give up everything to be close to you
break my heart and start a fire, you got me overnight
just let me be~
this was not a request i just thought this would be fun because i have been listening to secret of us on repeat for the past 48 hours
i’m working on an actual request a kk arnold x reader fic which i’m excited for. that should be out soon. i also wanna do a kate martin fic inspired by risk. send requests my way and ideas🙏
big forehead kisses 💕
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pourts · 1 month
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ warnings ; smut , sex mention , pet names , breeding kink ( apologies if you aren’t into that aha ) , m!dominance , p in v , unprotected sex ( safe sex is great sex, always wear latex ) .
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he just couldn’t keep away from those soft, lace stockings and the pretty, silk ribbons.
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chris has never been the type to enjoy being dominant toward women—controlling them, taking what they want when they want it, not having much remorse. but hell, does he love it now. meeting you changed his perspective on relationships. a lot.
a sweet, doe-eyed princess. white, lace stockings. soft, moisturised skin. you are the last girl chris was expecting to find, but everything he’s ever wanted and more.
he met you during one of tara’s parties, a week after turning twenty-one; after sliding through the door, you were glued to tara’s side as she greeted the triplets, laughing and joking around whilst you remained silent—polar opposites.
that’s what caught his eye. you didn’t put yourself out there. didn’t show off. he adored that about you. so he approached you with a welcoming ‘hey, pretty’. got to know you, made you feel comfortable with him, got you back to his place and fucked you senseless.
and now he’s here.
his solid cock buried in your puffy, leaky pussy, listening to your sweet whines and pleas. “fuck, princess, that’s it. keep taking me like a good girl, hm?” his tone remained soft and gentle, all while his thrusts became rougher and deeper, each one drawing another loud, gasped moan. then they became quicker, and you didn’t even get the chance to moan. each time you went to let out another filthy sound, it would be cut off with a sharp gasp.
“you like that, yeah? want me to fill you with my cum? stuff every last drop back into your tight hole?” he asked teasingly, smirking as he watched your face contort in pleasure, head thrown back with your plush lips ajar. “wanna be all full with my babies, yeah?”
“hmph! right there, chris!” your high-pitched whines could’ve made him finish, if he didn’t have any self control.
he slammed his hips harder. a lot harder. just to listen to you scream—which you did. music to his ears. he chuckled, the sound morphing into a low grunt as he felt you clench around the base of his dick. he pulled his hips back, slamming them back in, and then repeating it. again and again and again. faster and faster each time.
and each time, your moans became louder and more telling to how close you were to your peak.
he gripped your hips, holding you in place as you began to wriggle and writhe, his movements automatically becoming faster and harder.
”stop fuckin’ moving, pretty,” he hissed out, pounding you into the pillows, his bed’s headboard slamming against the wall. as your moans grew louder, he only came closer to cumming, head tipped back in pure bliss, lewd praises and groans leaving his mouth.
“yeah, that’s it. keep clenching around me, i’m so so close, princess,” he panted, slowing his movements slightly as your cunt began leaking, loud whines and gasps slipping from your mouth, the sound being strained from how loud you’ve been.
that brought him to his peak.
those pretty, perfect moans becoming more and more strained as you went on, his seed spilling inside of you, a lustful moan leaving his mouth.
the moment he was finished, he gave a few final thrusts before pulling out and bringing his hand down to your swollen pussy, wiping the leaking cum around from your entrance, smearing it over your clit and rubbing for a moment before shoving his fingers into you, stuffing his seed inside the tight dip.
“still not done with you, pretty,” he stated, a smirk planting on his plush lips as he smacked your clit.
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could you tell i got lazy?
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violetarks · 3 months
hello hello!! congrats on 3k. i love your work so much so you deserve it!! ^_^
if it’s okay could i request luka from alien stage with miscommunication & high school au? ( ´ ▽ ` ) and if it’s okay could the reader be amab? thank you!!
congrats again!!ヽ(;▽;)ノ✨✨💖💖
“but we can’t take back all the words that we said!”
show: alien stage
character: luka
summary: you overhear luka tell his friends that he missed being in ‘the single league’.
warnings: g/n! reader, no pronouns used (i didn’t end up put any gender indications at all, i hope that’s okay!!), miscommunication, high school! au, hurt/comfort, angst/comfort, reader is very self-conscious, established relationship, popstar! luka, he’s nicer in this au LMAO
"are you kidding me?" luka laughs out from inside the classroom.
you recognised that sound from anywhere. it was lunch time and you had told your boyfriend that, as class president, you had to prepare some things for the upcoming school festival during lunch, so you wouldn't be able to eat with him. he was a bit whiney and teasing, but soon let you go. you thought he'd be with some of his friends from his choir class, but no; he was in the classroom with a few of his peers.
you stop before you enter to talk to him for a bit. you were wondering what he was doing here.
"i mean, it's a bit hard, isn't it?" someone says.
"i wouldn't say it's hard," luka sighs out, "it's just a bit of a hassle trying to work around other people."
you're even more curious now. you hold your clipboard to your chest and wait to hear more.
"do you ever miss it? being on your own?" another person asks.
you stop, even halting your breathing in case he would stop talking because you were there.
dating someone as popular as luka was hard, but it was worth it. he was such a handsome guy and had an even sweeter voice. it was hard not to fall for him. you felt lucky enough that he loved you too. he was always on tv or always in the studio, and he brought you along too. you wondered the same thing sometimes; did he miss not being in a relationship?
you weren't a jealous person, but you didn't enjoy luka having a partner in music videos or anything. you had told him such, and he told you that he could fix that. maybe he didn't like the hassle.
"oh, of course," he replies far more quicker than you'd like, "i'd much rather be a single idol. i could do whatever i want, but now… i always gotta’ think of others. such a pain…"
the others around him begin to ask questions about why, but you only stand still. hearing it for yourself only confirms it; luka didn't really want to be with you. it only made his life harder. you somehow always knew that.
he probably didn't want to be rude in fear that you might spread something around to everyone that he was a bad boyfriend and ruin his reputation. or maybe he was just bored.
after all, you weren’t a popstar like him. you were just another student.
“y/n, hey,” mizi and sua turn the corner to see you. the pink-haired girl holds out a pamphlet to you with a smile. “here, this is what we came up with for the concert. is it okay?”
you take it from her and try to ignore the tears threatening to spill. you don't care to stay and listen to more. instead, you turn around and walk away with the girls at your side. you couldn't let him know that you knew, not until you were ready.
after school, luka is waiting at your locker. he is leaning against the wall and scrolling on his phone with his bag on his shoulder. once you're close enough, he tucks his phone away and smiles.
"hey, pretty thing," he greets you as you put your books away, "how was your little presidential duty?"
"it was fine," you retort shortly as you pack up your things, "don't you have a recording today?"
"oh, uh, yeah," he says as he watches your face, "it's later though, i can walk you home."
"it's okay, luka, i need to do some things before i go home anyway," you state as you shut your locker. you look back to him and his pretty face that tilts at you. it takes everything in you to not show that you’re upset. “i’ll see you on monday.”
“hey, wait,” he grasps your wrist as you try to walk passed him. he’s a music sensation, he knows when people are upset and when people are angry with him. you have both of those looks on you. “what about…?”
you two are supposed to go out together on sunday. you had organised something this time — a nice picnic by the lake. the both of you were so excited for it. until now, that is.
“oh, right,” you sigh out. he freezes as you lean closer to him and press a kiss to his cheek. “have fun.”
with that, you slip out of his grasp and leave. luka doesn’t call out. maybe you were just not in the mood, or it slipped your mind and you would come to your senses later.
he texts you when he gets home, when he leaves two hours later for his recording session, and when he gets home. he even sends you photos of his dinner with him and his new band. you only heart the photo and reply dryly. you’ve never acted like this.
you just want to make it easier for him to break up with you. maybe if he realised how little you added to his amazing life then he’d finally agree to let you go.
saturday comes and goes, and finally sunday does too.
sorry, can’t come today, i have some things to organise before the school fest next week
luka stares down at the text with his other hand holding the picnic blanket. he stands outside his door in dismay. at this point, he’s had enough.
seriously? whatever.
there, you think, he’s finally done with you.
he's gotten annoyed with this change of pace. you weren't acting like yourself, and he hasn't had any good time to ask you about it properly. you just shrug it off and then leave.
he tries to think about what he did, if he did anything, and nothing comes to mind. maybe he forgot to pick something up for you? or maybe he made you miss an important meeting? he couldn't think of anything.
monday comes around and you’ve prepared yourself. you two haven’t spoken since sunday morning and you’ve found it a bit hard to do so.
luka is upset with you, and you feel unable to be enough for him. so you put your things away, attend homeroom and explain the plans for the festival that runs from wednesday to friday, and head off to help your peers.
“y/n,” a voice calls from the doorway. you glance up from painting something. luka stands there with crossed arms. “can i talk to you for a sec?”
you stand up and and follow him out to the school yard. everyone else is planning their things for the festival, so nobody would be out yet.
“okay, out with it,” he grumbles with furrowed brows, “what’s going on with us? you’ve been totally gone and i have no idea why. did something happen?”
you don’t say anything, despite what you want to say. and that makes luka a bit more upset.
“y/n, seriously. can you just talk to me? i really wanted to see you yesterday and…” he holds his breath as you continue to stare at the floor, “why are you being so distant? you act like you want nothing to do with me! and instead of talking to me, you just—”
“you’re the one who wants nothing to do with me,” you grumble out with a hot face. luka stops. “you and… you just want to be by yourself, you don’t want to be with me anymore, luka.”
“what are you talking about?” he questions, now even more confused.
“i heard you!” you say as you jab a finger into his chest, “you told your friends that you missed being single and—and you didn’t like having me around. so i… i just thought that if i stopped being around you so much, that you would break up with me. at least then it would make sense.”
you have tears pricking your eyes. luka is almost the same, simply by looking at you. he knows what you’re talking about.
“i know it’s impossible, but i sometimes wish you and i were the same,” you mumble out, “it’s hard for the both of us, i guess. i’m sorry.”
he lets out a small sigh to himself before a smile dawns on his lips. he pushes his hair back and tugs you closer, gently.
“c’mere,” he mutters out. you’re reluctant, but seeing him with a sorry smile makes you step forward and wrap your arms around his waist. he holds you around your shoulders and presses a kiss to the side of your head. “oh, you poor thing. that must’ve been holding you down all weekend.”
“luka…” you say against his shoulder as tears stain his blazer.
“i know, baby, i’m sorry,” he shushes you, “i didn’t know you were nearby when i said that, i confused you. i wasn’t talking about you, sweetheart. i was talking about how much i missed being a solo idol.”
you blink and slowly lift your head from him. with slightly puffy eyes and an embarrassed look on your face, you stare at him.
“solo idol?” you repeat.
he chuckles and reaches a hand up to brush away the tears from your cheek.
“yes, i was talking about music,” he states, “not you, my love. i’m sorry that i said it that way, i didn’t intend on making you feel that way. i would’ve never said something like that if i knew it would make you feel like this.”
you can’t even look at him anymore. you cover your face with your hands.
“ah, i’m so sorry, luka,” you mumble into your hands, “i made a big deal out of nothing.”
“it’s okay, i understand, sweet thing,” he replies to you, “you can make it up to me with that picnic date if you feel so inclined.”
you nod your head at him before luka begins pressing chaste kisses to your tear-stained cheeks.
“aw, look at you, my poor baby,” he says to you, “don’t ever think i’d say such a thing. you’re my favourite person in the world, okay? don’t want you thinking otherwise.”
you wipe away your tears and nod your head again with a smile. luka grins as well at your return of personality. he leans forward and finally presses a sweet kiss to your lips.
“now c’mon,” he says after he pulls away from you, “let’s skip the planning stuff and go get something to eat.”
“no, luka," you chuckle out as he tries to drag you away. he forgets that you take your job as class president seriously. "i need to talk to class c's representative about their event."
"ivan's such a bore," he groans, "hang out with me instead."
you have to pull him by his blazer back to his classroom as he sulks behind you. you were glad that things were back to normal, at least.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
Warnings: Smut of all kinds, this is filthy and sad, angst, like heartbreaking angst
Word Count: 1.7k
A/n: Anon requested this one! "Can you please do a Rafe Cameron imagine where the reader is a Pogue and has a secret friends with benefits with Rafe, which was going well until they started catching feelings for each other and became increasingly jealous. Thank you so much!" I love this angsty, smutty, fluffy thing- it's so fun.
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"Rafe, fuck." I breathe, face crashing onto the bed as he drills into me from behind, large hands bruising my hips as he thrusts in and out of me with an evil laugh.
"Talk to me, baby." He coos, his voice the opposite of his rough touch as his hand soothes up my spine to wrap his fingers around the back of my neck, pulling me back against him, my back flattening against his chest.
"Feels so good." I grit, tears billowing behind my eyes as I reach out to wrap my arms around his neck, fingers fisting some of his hair while I try desperately to ground myself to him- to anything. "You're so deep."
"Wanna be deeper." His lips skim desperately against my chest as he searches for my lips, our lips meeting in a messy kiss that seems to satisy both of our hunger to be impossibly closer. "Missed you all day. I wanted nothing more than to be between these thighs- most perfect fucking place in the whole goddamn world."
"What was that? Couldn't hear you." Rafe cuts me off, hand slipping down the front of my body to play with my clit, rubbing fast circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves with no remorse, my jaw dropping in a loud moan. My head falls back against his shoulder, unable to hold myself up anymore as I slump against him.
"Fuck you." I hiss, gripping onto anything I can, feeling Rafe's hand flatten on my back as he presses me against the mattress once more, the slapping of his hips against mine and the low music are the only things to be heard in the room.
"That's what you're doing, sweetheart. You want more?"
"Yes, more, please." I beg, fingers twisting up in the sheets as I can feel my orgasm sneaking up on me, heat spreading throughout my core as my legs begin to tremble.
"Greedy fucking girl." I tip over the edge with a dropped jaw, feeling Rafe right behind me as he spills into me, his whole body hunching over mine as he groans loudly, fingers leaving bruises in my waist as he catches his breath.
I've barely registered that he's slipping out of me and slipping on his shirt when I'm coming out of my post-orgasm haze, my hands rubbing at my eyes as I beg myself to ask him for a hug or something, anything to show that he cares about me but he just turns to me, holding his hand up.
"I'll see you at the party?" I give his extended hand a high five with a half assed nod, clutching the shirt he tosses my way to my chest.
"That's all?" I ask with a breathless sigh, tilting my head dumbly at him.
"Anything else you want?"
"A kiss." He laughs at my puckered lips and his eyes roll in fake annoyance but there's still a shit eating grin on his lips as he leans down towards me.
"Ugh, I guess." He whines, pressing a longing kiss to my lips, lingering a bit before giving my nose a peck. "See you later, sweetheart."
I watch them from across the room, the pretty blonde seated atop Rafe's lap with no hesitation, pouring a shot between his lips. Kie is talking to me but I'm not listening to a word she's saying, my eyes locked on Rafe and Rafe alone as he shoots me a wink.
I'm on my feet in a moment, jealousy consuming me and I no longer can bare looking at him and feeling the possessiveness that I'm consumed by and I make it out to the driveway by the time I feel Rafe's fingers wrapping around my wrist, tugging me back into him.
"Hey, hey, hey, where are you going?" He asks, trying to reach up to cup my cheeks but I bat him away, shoving him away from me with an angry groan.
"I'm leaving, Rafe." I try to fumble with my keys to start my car, pressing the alarm button so I can find it in the sea of cars but Rafe snatches my keys from me and holds them over my head. Asshole.
"C'mon- fuck, stop. Come back to the party, we'll have some fun." He offers with a sickly sweet smile. "Wanna fuck?"
"C'mon, let me fuck that attitude right out of you." His hands slide down to my hips, pulling me flush against him and he almost convinces me to stay just from the look in his eyes.
"I'm not in the mood." I huff, smacking him away again as his brows furrow deeply, hands now settled at his side, his eyes uncomfortably sweeping over my tense frame.
"You're always in the mood."
"Yeah well I'm in a mood, just not the one you want me to be in." I smile bitterly, going to turn around again but he runs in front of me, blocking my way and my view of the cars in the distance.
"Hey," he whispers softly, "talk to me." I can feel tears bubbling behind my eye lids as I stare down at the blacktop, thinking of what to say to him to get him to go away, not wanting to confront him and my feelings at the same time.
"You should be careful, wouldn't want you to be seen with me."
"I- what?" He turns his head to look back at the party with a scoff, eyes squinting under the bright sun that's setting above us. "You really think I care about that? That other people care about that?" He asks and I nod, sticking to my gut, settled on pushing him away the best that I can. "I think the disputed narcissism and coke addiction will upset people before me fucking a pogue upsets anyone."
"I can't do this right now." I scoff, stepping away from him as his face pales in fear and I feel my aching heart drop to my stomach.
"You're really freaking me out." He breathes shakily. "Are you dumping me?" If I didn't know him any better, I'd think he was wounded and actually hurt by the mention of no longer seeing me and based on the redness in the whites of his eyes, I'm starting to doubt how much I know him.
"Nothing to dump, there's nothing between us, right?" I lie.
"Right." He looks as if I slapped him across the face, his jaw clenching as he takes a tentative step away from me with a deep frown. He scoffs once more before spinning around on his heel and he begins to walk away but turns right back around. "You know what- fuck you." He juts a finger in my direction and I feel my heart sink to my stomach. "I don't open up, I don't keep people around unless I want to." He finally cracks, tears filling his eyes in frustration. "I keep you around because I want to keep you around!"
"Go keep Ashely around or whatever that bimbo's name is."
"You're jealous." He breathes, a lonesome tear slipping down his cheek as my lips part in quiet shock, feeling overwhelmingly stupid all of a sudden that he's able to read me so easily, as if he actually knows me.
"Fuck you."
"You're jealous because you like me and don't want to admit it." He reaches out to me, wrapping his fingers around my upper arms in an attempt to keep me close to him and I don't fight him, feeling frustrated tears lift to my eyes as I frown, not wanting to talk about this right now.
"How could I like you?!" I screech but he grins like a fool, hands reaching up to cup my cheeks in his hands, pulling my body flush against his. "You're brutal, you leave bruises on me every time we fuck which is so annoying, there's absolutely nothing affectionate about you-"
"So, what? You want me to be gentle?" He asks softly, almost as a coo, lip jutting out in a gentle pout as he presses a kiss to my lips, leaving me hanging on the edge, waiting for him to kiss me desperately again after almost losing me.
"You're incapable of being gentle." I whisper against his lips, knowing my words are fake because he's being so soft, so gentle as he kisses my cheeks, back and forth.
"That a bet?" He asks with a wicked smile and I smile bashfully.
"C'mon." He pleads. "I'm sorry." His words are a whisper against my lips, a pleading, desperate whisper and I nod, apologizing too under my breath. "I want to keep you around, don't want you going anywhere." He holds me as if his words are true, arms wrapped tightly around my back and I smile, letting myself fall into him, no longer mad. "Tell me what I have to do to keep you around."
"Stop fucking hiding me." I whisper against his neck and he nods with a hearty laugh and I can already hear him making fun of me before he even opens his mouth.
"So you wanna be my girlfriend?" He teases, soothing a hand down my back as he grins wolfishly.
"How disgustingly cheesy."
"Hmm?" He hums, finding my eyes again as I soften a bit, giving him a gentle nod. "What do you want? You want everyone here to know I'm yours?" There's a fire behind his eyes that only deepens as I nod desperately, wanting nothing more than for every girl here that's chasing after him to know better than to look at him. "Well I am. Have been since we started fucking."
"Shut up." I giggle, nervously tucking my face in the crook of his neck.
"Shut me up."
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jedipoodoo · 6 months
Hey! I was wondering if I could request a HunterxReader. Something where Hunter is like really possessive over reader with like another guy? Or one of his brother getting a little too close for his comfort, nothing nefarious, just lite teasing.
Thank you in advance.
Again, you’re doing amazing sweetie!
Me reading this request:
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I hope you enjoy this one!
Man After Midnight (Jealous!Sergeant Hunter x Reader)
Notes: Hunter POV, The Return of The Kyle™, guy gets handsy with reader and Hunter does something about it, alcohol consumption, bar fight, 79s, feel free to check out my personal 79's Playlist here. Spoilers tagged for the gif. Y'all do not know how long it took me to find a season three gif for this one.
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Whenever the squad convinced Hunter to join them at 79's, he tuned out the noises and smells to the best of his abilities. The overlapping of a million voices, all too similar to differentiate, the body odors and cologne, the pounding bass of the pop music, it could get to be too much. 
But when you asked him to join you, he couldn't say no. He was powerless to the pleading in your eyes and the joy in your smile when he finally said yes. Or it could have been how Crosshair commented on how good you looked in the new outfit you'd bought for clubbing, but he'd never admit it.
The six of you crowded into a booth at the back of the bar, farthest from the speakers. Hunter made sure that he got the seat next to you, only for Tech to remind you that it was your turn to grab the drinks from the bar. You smiled at Hunter apologetically as you tried to climb over him without bothering him too much. He had a better idea though, and gently placed his hands on your waist, easily lifting you over his legs and placing you on the outside of the booth. 
Wrecker gave a wolf-whistle at the wide-eyed look on your face, and you quickly looked away, running over to the bar as fast as you could through the crowd. 
The others were chuckling as Hunter frowned. Had he messed up? Was he too forward? He didn't consider himself a shy person, but he'd been so sure that you were sending him signals that you were interested. 
"Hmm," Crosshair hummed. 
"What is it?" Hunter sat up.
Cross smirked, "It seems our resident civilian is attracting some attention." 
Hunter quickly scanned the crowd, looking for you. Halfway between the bar and the squad's booth, drinks spilling out of your arms, you were stopped talking with a senate guard. What one of them was doing here was beyond him, but Hunter didn't like the way he was looking you up and down, and half-blocking you from the booth. He wasn't even offering to help you with the drinks. 
Hunter slammed his hands on the table to push himself out of his seat and marched over to you, shoving the guard to the side. 
"Let me help you with that," He said, taking Wrecker's boilermaker and Tech's martini from where you had kept them expertly balanced. 
"Hey, excuse me clone-" 
"You're excused," Hunter rolled his eyes at the senate guard and nodded you towards the booth, "Let's go." 
"Thank you," You said softly, but he heard it all the same. And you were smiling at him, so he hadn't totally messed up. 
The two of you handed out the drinks to their respective drinkers, and Hunter herded you back into your seat. 
"Who was that?" Wrecker asked, downing half his drink in one go. 
You shrugged, "No one in particular. I think his name was Kyle?"
Hunter huffed. He couldn't tell himself if he was annoyed or amused by this revelation. Of course the smarmy senate guard would have a name like Kyle. 
The evening carried on, Wrecker ordered more drinks, Echo found some old friends from the 212th, and Hunter could hear Tech rambling to a very interested Rodian woman who listened to him describe the nesting habits of rancors with stars in her eyes.
You, of course, were on the dance floor. You were always dancing around the Marauder, humming to yourself as you cleaned up your workspace or made the caff. Whenever Hunter saw you dancing, it felt like all was right with the world.
He spotted Kyle across the room. Hunter was surprised he'd stuck around, the senate guards typically didn't deign the clones to be good enough company to make the way across town to 79's.
But Kyle wasn't paying attention to any of the clones. His beady eyes tracked your every movement out on the dance floor. Hunter felt a rumbling in his chest, like a reek warning others to stay back. 
Kyle, of course, couldn't hear it, and even if he could, he probably would have ignored it anyway. The senate guard shouldered his way through the crowd on the dance floor, announcing his presence by placing his hands on your hips. 
Hunter heard your yelp of surprise and grit his teeth. He launched himself from the booth and marched across the room. Several startled patrons hopped out of the way when they saw the look of pure rage on his face, but all Hunter could focus on were your protests as Kyle grinned. 
"Really sweetheart, I'm just trying to give you a compliment, is all!" Kyle laughed as you flushed in embarrassment, trying to push him away. Kyle's grip tightened on you, but Hunter grabbed him by the shoulder. When Kyle turned with a smart quip, Hunter decked him across the face. 
"They said no!" He snarled, his arm out in front of you like a shield.
A few clones gave out supporting cheers as the senate's flunkie was laid out across the nearest table, but Kyle wasn't the only one present. Two more men, decidedly not clones, approached Hunter menacingly, trying to defend their friend. He saw them coming, but he had to take a hit from the first one so that the other could get close without suspecting too much. Then Hunter took the both of them with one swing. 
"Hunter!" You cried out. A crowd was gathering, and Wrecker was trying to make his way over to you and help Hunter out.
Hunter placed his hands on your shoulder, standing in between you and Kyle.
"You alright?" He asked.
"Look out!" Someone shouted. Hunter shielded you with his body to see the senate guards standing up.
Kyle pushed himself to his feet, though he still leaned unsteadily against the table.
"You're gonna regret that, meatdroid!" He snarled, blood dripping down his chin from a broken nose. Kyle charged towards the two of you, but Hunter stepped to the side at the last minute, catching Kyle by the collar of his dress uniform. It was tight enough already, but with Hunter gripping the fabric, Kyle had to gasped for air. Hunter swung him around and right into his would-be bodyguards.
"No fighting! No fighting!" the steward droid waved its arms, but no one was paying it much attention. Wrecker caught the three stooges by the scruff and happily carried them out the door like a mother tooka, dropping them on the veranda where they could hail a hovertaxi. 
Once he was certain that Kyle was taken care of, Hunter turned to you.
"Are you alright?" He repeated.
"Am I-?" You shook your head, "You have a black eye!" You pointed out, as if Hunter wasn't wincing every time he blinked.
"Just a scrape," He insisted.
"If I had a credit for every time-" You were too upset to even finish your thought, but you grabbed Hunter by the lip of his chestplate, pulling him over to the bar. You asked the serving droid for the medkit, and brought him back into the bathroom stalls.
"That was incredibly stupid of you. You know what kind of trouble you could get into if you hurt them too badly!" You made Hunter sit on the edge of one of the sinks so that you could treat him properly.
Hunter sighed, "Trouble seems to find me regardless of whether I do anything or not."
You fixed him with a death glare that made it clear he was better off not saying anything until you were done treating his wounds, superficial as they may be.
"Don't do that again, you hear me?" You slathered bacta over his eye, and dabbed some on the cut on his lip. Fortunately, there was one more ice pack in the poorly-stocked kit, so you snapped it in half to activate the cooling gel. 
"Sorry cyare, but I'm afraid I can't make that promise."
You froze, the ice back an inch above his eye. He could feel the air cooling around it, and gently took the ice pack from your slackened grasp, pacing it against the swelling skin.
"Hunter," You gasped, "don't say things like that. Even for me, it's not worth the risk." Your hands were shaking, so you busied them by packing up the remains of the medikit. 
Hunter grit his teeth as you turned your back to him, "You are worth every sacrifice I have made. Every shot I've taken, every nightmare that haunts me, every humiliation I've had to endure from those miserable excuses for sentient beings," He waved the ice pack in the air, trying to indicate Kyle and his flunkies.
"It's worth it," He insisted, "Just to see you smile."
He heard your heart beat faster as you swallowed the lump in your throat, and he knew he'd gone too far.
"I... I didn't know you felt that way..." You whispered.
Hunter hopped down from the sink and marched out the bathroom door. He needed a nice, stiff drink.
A couple of the other clones gave him strange looks for the eyepatch, and a few who'd seen the fight asked if he was okay. Hunter ignored them all, trying to flag down a steward droid.
"Hunter!" You shouted his name above the din of the music. He decided it was best to ignore you too.
By the time you finally made your way to him at the bartop, he was halfway through a drink he'd regret in a couple hours.
"What do you think you're doing!?" you demanded, hands on your hips.
"Having a drink, what's it look like I'm doing?" He grunted miserably.
"You can't just tell me you love me and walk away like that!"
Hunter spat out a mouthful of alcohol all over the serving droid, leaving his tongue and his nose burning from the taste.
You, however, were unperturbed by his reaction, folding your arms across your chest.
"Now are you going to ask me to dance or not?"
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victorbutnotreally · 3 months
i have an idea but i can't write for shit, so i'll give it to my favorite tumblr writer (which is youuu)
smau where han messages the wrong number and it's some guy from like another country. and they become friends and then han comes to find out that his text pal is actually a celeb he fanboys over.
(bonus points if mn knows han as well)
OMG - Han Jisung x Male Reader
A/N: Love that!! Thank you sm for requesting <3 (I can't title things for the life of me, so you can ask for a different title in the replies and I'll change it) French music makes writing so much more fun.
warnings: slight swearing
blue {} - han purple {} - Mn
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{Oh. How nice of this person to wish me a good practice session.
"Is he getting here anytime soon?" Minho's voice echoed through the practice room.
"I'll ask!"
When he opened his phone again to change the number, he saw a familiar figure in the random person's profile picture. Mn Ln. Finally, someone who he can rant about the Mn Ln. }
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{ Great. Got my hopes up for nothing }
{ Naturally, Mn wouldn't want his personal number leaked. So he lied. He was surprised at how smooth that was, but hey, it's text. He wanted to know more, though. Is that narcissistic?
He set his coffee mug down on his nightstand and looked a lot more like a contortionist as he continued to text, the risk of spilling coffee being gone now. }
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{ Being called the best vocalist ever was certainly not something he expected. He was great, sure, but the best? Not when Freddie Mercury has music out there. But he'll take that compliment.
He was impressed at the fan. 'Achilles, my love" was one of his more niche songs, having been written when he was only 15 when he got completely shattered after reading 'The Song of Achilles' and decided to pour his heart and soul into a song which he released years later.}
{They don't know Mn yet, but who wouldn't like him after listening to Achilles my love? The way Jisung made the members listen to Mn's music was like a little kid making their parents watch Frozen. But the members never complained, the music was really good. Would they roll their eyes when Jisung keeps sending Mn memes into the groupchat? Sure. Did they have certain parts of certain songs memorized because Jisung kept watching his edits on repeat? Oh yes. }
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{Mn didn't want his identity leaked. He had to think of a name quick. Chris, as in Bang Chan from Stray Kids was what came to mind. }
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At the Paris Fashion Week
{Jisung found a spot away from the cameras and was texting 'Chris'. After a few months of them being 'text pals', he was pretty fond of the random citizen. But despite the sheer amount of songs, pictures, and videos he's sent of Mn, 'Chris' was never as obsessed with him as Jisung was.}
{Holding a glass of champagne in his hand and dearly missing his coffee, Mn who was decked head to toe in Hermes, makes his way over to the figure he recognized as Han Jisung of Stray Kids. How he loved that band. He was listening to Han's song 'Volcano' on the way there. As he goes to talk to him, his eyes caught onto the rapper's phone screen. And by instinct, he accidentally read a few texts. Texts that were from him. He wanted to tell Jisung, but how?}
"Hi! Huge fan, Jisung.." Jisung's eyes widened as he shoved his phone into his pocket and extended his hand for a handshake. It was his first time seeing his favorite singer in real life.
"Oh my god...you..sorry, I'm just flustered all of a sudden. I'm your biggest fan, really."
"I appreciate it. We should collab someday." "Yes!!" Was that too loud? No, right?
Mn was endeared by the enthusiasm. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and unlocked it.
"Care for a selfie?"
"I'd love to.." Jisung tried keeping his voice from sounding too loud and excited as he smiled beautifully in the selfie he took with the singer. He took one on his phone as well, along with a photo of just Mn, not being able to resist the opportunity.
A/N: I'm ending so abruptly since I have really bad writer's block rn and I didn't even know how I posted this much. If you have any ideas on how Jisung finds out he's been texting Mn all this time, then let me know in the replies or send a DM.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Hiii can you please write a blurb where its hockey player h getting jealous? It can be at a party or maybe at one of figure skater y/ns competitions?
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i did that thing where i took an ask in a different direction, so if this was your request, message me and i'll do an actual jealous fic! i apologize, i was feeling angsty, protective boyfriendrry🤭🤭
trigger warnings: light depictions of sa, coping with sa
i don't pretend to know what it's like to be a victim/survivor or sexual assault, so if there is something that you may find offensive or unrealistic or glorified, please know that was not my intention. feel free to message me if you take issue with this fic, and i'll take it down.
all the love💕💕
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"Do you wanna get out of here?"
You were quick to shake your head, stepping away from the guy you'd been talking to. It was just a conversation, nothing more, one you didn't even really want to be having in the first place. But the guy had cornered you in the fraternity's kitchen, and you were looking for a polite way out.
"Uh...no. I'm actually here with my boyfriend," you said.
You hoped that would be the end of it, but instead of backing off he stepped closer. "You don't have to play hard to get, Y/n. I'm already into you, so come on."
Dread started to fill your belly. Peeking over the guy's shoulder, you saw that you were the only ones in the kitchen, and with the loud music playing throughout the house, no one would hear you if you needed to call for help. You hoped you wouldn't need to, but it was all you could think about as he leaned in.
"No," you said, trying to sound firm despite your trembling voice. "I said no, so if you'll excuse me—Get off m—!"
His hand was on your wrists and pushed you roughly into the wall hard enough to hurt. While you were still in a daze from being shoved, he made his move. His mouth, which was not at all like Harry's, was on yours before you could say anything. The guy tasted like stale beer, and his tongue kept trying to push past your tightly closed lips. Your skin crawled every place he touched—under your shirt and skirt, the inside of your thigh—and every time he whispered in your ear and his breath unfurled across your neck. You wanted to call out or push him off but you couldn't. You never thought you would be in this position, and now you were, and you just...froze.
When his lips moved to your neck, you whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut and hoping if you stayed still enough your mind might drift elsewhere. "Please," you whimpered one last time, willing yourself to push back, but you couldn't make yourself move.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Harry's voice, that was Harry's voice. For a moment, you thought his angry tone was pointed at you, that he thought he'd caught you cheating.
"Nothing, man, leave us alone. We're—"
Things were a blur after that, but all you knew was the guy wasn't on you anymore and you felt exposed. The skirt you had carefully tucked into your skirt at the start of the evening was rucked up, the neckline pulled down. You kept your eyes closed, tears slipping out as you listened to the sound of a fight, of someone getting shoved against a wall and plates or cups crashing and fists connecting with skin. You didn't want to cry, you felt stupid for crying, but the tears wouldn't stop.
"Harry, please."
"Shut up!"
Your eyes stayed squeezed shut, but you could hear the altercation coming to an end as more people came into the kitchen, most likely pulling Harry and the other guy apart. Feeling someone crowd your space again, you tensed and shook your head, completely terrified.
"Hey, it's just me. It's just me, love. Can you open your eyes for me?" Harry said, his voice the softest you'd ever heard it.
Slowly, you blinked your eyes open, more tears spilling out. "I promise I didn't—"
"None of that, baby. I know what happened. You don't have to explain," he said. Harry reached out to gently push a strand of hair out of your face, but you flinched. "Sorry. I—Should I get Kate? She's here somewhere. I'll—Let me text her."
Kate came in minutes, and she quickly ushered you out of the party and into her car. Everything felt like white noise, and you were seeing without really seeing. You knew Harry was there and keeping his distance, but you just wanted to go home, be alone. So Kate drove you, got you into bed and slept on the couch in the living room, making sure to lock the door when you started to cry and hyperventilate because she'd forgotten.
The next morning you felt marginally better, but not great, and the day after that was more of the same. On the third day, you felt comfortable enough to get out of bed, to shower and scrub at your skin until it was rubbed raw. You were shaken up, but you felt like you were back in your body again. That night you did everything in your power to not be where you were mentally. A few days later, you were more aware once again, not so scared or skittish, but that only meant the memories and the feelings you were keeping at bay returned in full force.
"Harry's at the door. Wants to check in," Kate said, poking your head into your room. You'd been up for a couple hours, watching TV on your laptop after you finally stepped out of the shower, but you hadn't come out of your room yet, hadn't said a word to anyone. Hadn't spoken to Harry since the party. "He's been coming here for the last three days, and I've been holding him off, but—He's worried about you."
You knew he was worried. He called and texted until your phone died, and then he resorted to emails. Harry hardly even checked his email unless he had to message a professor about a late assignment, but he'd been emailing you relentlessly when you didn't answer your phone.
"Did he...hit that guy?" you asked, recalling bits and pieces from that night.
"Did a little more than just hit him, but well-deserved in my opinion," Kate muttered. "Was like one of those brawls he gets into on the ice at games except he had a good center of gravity. That piece of shit didn't stand a chance."
You didn't know how to feel about that. You were well aware that Harry got into fights at his hockey games, you always rolled your eyes when he got sent to the penalty box after shoving a player into plexiglass or taking a swing when she should've skated back to his position. And he was the jealous type, you were well aware of that. Sometimes Harry would glare or kiss your neck when he thought guys stared too long. He was protective and jealous, but a sweetheart on the inside, and part of you liked how strongly he felt for you and that he wasn't afraid to show it. Now...you didn't know how to feel.
"He...He can come in."
Kate nodded and left your room. A minute later, she was back with Harry. He had a split lip and dark bags under his eyes, but other than that, he looked fine. Kate was right, Harry seemed to take care of that guy without much trouble.
"Hi," he said, stepping inside your bedroom. Kate closed the door once he did, leaving the two of you alone.
"How—How are you?" he asked then frowned. "That was a stupid question. Sorry, I—"
"I'm okay. Not okay, but better, I guess."
"Good. That's—That's good. I'm glad. I was worried about you. Couldn't sleep."
Harry's hands were tucked into his back pockets as he leaned back and forth on his heels, his eyes struggling to pick something to focus on. He was nervous, you realized.
"You can sit down," you said, bringing your knees up to your chest so he could have space to sit on your bed.
"Right thanks."
He approached the bed, sitting down on the very edge. His hands stayed in his lap, foot tapping rapidly. Your eyes narrowed, a hand reaching out to take one of his hands in yours before you could think much of it. Harry's knuckles were cut up, reddish-purple bruises covering his skin. Ever so gently, you ran a finger over the bruises.
"It looks worse than it feels," he said, probably lying. "I know how you feel about fighting, but I couldn't let him get away with that. He—I saw red, and—Sorry, we don't need to talk about me."
"I didn't think anyone would come," you said. "We were just talking, and then all of a sudden we were alone and the music was so loud. I—I didn't think anyone would've heard me."
"I'm sorry I wasn't there. I went to the bathroom and went looking for you, I—I should've—"
"I don't blame you for not being there," you said. "You were there. I was just so scared, and I—I froze, I couldn't move, and I was so—"
"Hey, it's okay," he said. Harry tried to reach for you, but you pulled back. "I'm sorry I don't want to make you uncomfortable by touching you. I can go—"
"I have bruises on my wrists," you said, pulling the sleeves of her sweatshirt over your hands. "And I don't want to feel ashamed, and I know I shouldn't feel ashamed, but—but I do. I feel ashamed of what happened."
When you began to sniffle, Harry looked like he wanted to come closer, but he stayed put. "Can I?"
You gave him a small nod, and he gently took your left wrist in his hands. His touch was so delicate, you didn't even think he was capable of being that gentle. Harry pushed your sweatshirt back, and you quickly turned your head to the side, not wanting to see the bruised fingerprints on your wrists. You felt his thumb brush over the skin, and when your skin began to crawl, your shoulders tensed, and his thumb stopped.
"I went to the school board," he said. "The dean, or whatever. I told them what happened. I—I didn't mention your name, but I told them what happened so that...he could get expelled or reprimanded or something."
Your head had been resting on your knees, but at that, you looked at him. "You did?"
"Yeah, I—I'm sorry if I overstepped, but I couldn't just let him get away with it," he said.
You didn't know what to say. You'd been officially dating for a few weeks now, a little over a month, and things were still new, still fresh. But you liked this new relationship, and you didn't want what happened at the party to get in the way of something so good with Harry.
"I don't feel great, and I may have taken like a hundred showers since, but I think I just want...I think I could use a hug."
"I love hugs," Harry said, a small smile on his face.
You pushed the corner of your bedspread back to let him in, and Harry was quick to kick off his shoes and join you. His body was warm, the smell of his clothes perfect, his cheek against yours perfect. He was perfect. You felt comfortable in your own skin again with him next to you.
"And I could use a movie buddy," you said, opening your laptop again, firing up a rom-com.
"You've been pestering me to watch this with you," he mumbled against your temple. "But I'll watch anything if it means I get to hold you like this."
You blushed and squeezed his hand tight. Harry hissed a little, which made you mumble an apology before gently kissing his knuckles.
"I do hate when you fight," you mumbled, opening up your laptop again. "But this time it was deserved. If I have bruises, so should he. And I'm—I'm glad you told someone. Thank you."
"I wish I had been there," he said quietly, taking your hand in his and kissing your wrist gently. "I should have been there."
You knew both of you could go around in circles about hypotheticals about that night, but it would be no use. Something horrible happened, and you wouldn't forget it, and neither would he. But the bruises would fade soon, and Harry was there for you, and so was Kate, and you would be okay. When he kissed your wrist, your shoulders tensed, but your skin didn't crawl, and when he rested his arm on your waist, you felt safe, not trapped, and when he asked if you wanted to get dinner when the credits of the movie rolled, you found yourself saying yes.
"This might be everything that happened and my emotions might be all over the place, so take this with a grain of salt. In the nicest way," you said. "But I think I might be in love with you."
Harry chuckled and helped you out of bed, waiting by the door as you slipped into a pair of sneakers. You didn't bother changing out of your sweats, even though you had to hike up the sweatpants you were wearing every few seconds because they were Harry's. Both of you were more than familiar with walking around in comfy clothes after practice or a training session. You were probably headed to McDonald's and back to your apartment for another movie anyway.
"Then I'll wait to tell you I'm in love with you in a month when we're on a proper date. Until then, shall we?"
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"I don't want to feel like this."
"I know."
"I shouldn't feel like this," you said, pulling Harry's covers up to your chest.
"You're allowed to have all the feelings you want, Y/n," Harry said softly, careful to keep his distance on the narrow bed. "We can wait. I don't mind just laying next to you."
"Yeah?" you asked, getting teary eyed for an entirely different reason.
"However long it takes."
You sniffled and reached for his hand, which he took. "Sorry about the uh... unfinished business."
"That? Can't even feel it," he said.
"Liar," you said, laughing a little. "But it makes you a reeeaaly good boyfriend."
Harry kissed the top of your head. "And it'll be reeeaaly worth the wait."
You laughed even louder, even fuller, this time, flicking him on the nose. "Pig."
Harry teased and joked with you, but on the inside, he felt relief. You'd come out of your room and gone back to class the last couple weeks, but you weren't quite yourself. You stayed covered up from head to toe, you stayed home on the weekends, and your heart wasn't in your training. You went and you were brilliant, but Harry could tell. He'd watched you enough to know if your heart was in it, and it wasn't.
So he learned when to be a shoulder to cry on and when to make jokes to make you laugh and when to put on your favorite movie. Harry had never been in this position before, he never thought he would ever be in this position before. But he didn't imagine you did either, so he tried his best.
He wasn't worried, though. You were in therapy and going to class and getting good grades and you didn't flinch anymore when people tried to touch you. Friends, anyway, sometimes strangers startled you. Progress was progress, though. Some areas were better than others, though. Since the party, you and Harry hadn't had sex, hadn't even kissed on the lips. You held hands and Harry kissed your head and cuddled on the couch or a bed, but it didn't go much further than that. And you were fully clothed each time.
But he was more than willing to wait. Harry knew taking time was important and he hadn't put pressure on you to do anything. It was you who wanted to do more tonight. You thought you were ready, you insisted that you were ready, but when Harry tried to take your top off, you pushed him away, feeling sick to your stomach.
"You'll get there. We'll get there," Harry promised, going over to his dresser to get a shirt. He tossed it to you, wanting you to be as comfortable in a t-shirt instead of the top you'd worn out tonight. He grabbed one for himself and was halfway into it when you stopped him.
"Could you maybe just—"
"What?" He asked, coming over to the bed where you were still covered up.
"It's stupid," you said.
"I can promise you it's not."
Blowing out a large sigh, you looked at him. "Could you maybe just not wear a shirt?"
"Of course," Harry said immediately. He shrugged out of the one he just put on and slid into bed next to you. "Not stupid at all."
"I just want...to feel you, but I don't want—"
"To do anything more. I understand."
So Harry let you position him just how you wanted on his bed, making sure not to accidentally lean or lay on your hair. Your hands were feather-light on him, like you were barely touching him at all.
Sometimes, late at night when you were fast asleep, Harry would feel inexplicably angry. Not at you, never at you. At that guy for hurting you the way he did, for violating you in a way that was still affecting you when he probably hadn't thought about it since. Harry could tell you looked for him when you were on campus together. Your eyes flitted to each face that passed you by, squeezing Harry's hand when you saw similar hair or frame. You were terrified to see him again, and seeing the panicked look on your face when you thought you did enraged Harry even more.
But there wasn't much he could do except wait. Wait for you to heal, wait for the storm to pass, wait to kiss you again. All of it was worth it, you were worth it, but sometimes he thought there was something he could've done to prevent all of this.
"You can stop beating yourself up, you know," you said out of the blue.
"Don't think I don't know that look, Harry," you said, leaning up on your elbow to look at him. "I have never blamed you for what happened."
"I just wish I could help," he said, feeling his shoulders release tension they'd been holding since that night.
"You are. I don't know how to explain it, but I promise you are," you said, and that relaxed something in Harry too.
He was about to put on another movie when an idea came to him. "Get up."
"Get up. I have an idea," he said, slipping back into his t-shirt and a hoodie.
Curious, you followed his lead, putting on shoes and letting him lead you to your car. "The rink," he said quietly, and even though you knew it was closed for the night, you went anyway. Harry didn't say anything, but you weren't really up for conversation anyway. You felt bad that you'd become a burden to Harry, that instead of a girlfriend he got...you. You wanted to be okay again, you wanted him to kiss you and feel you, you wanted to do more than just fall asleep next to him. But you just couldn't get his touch out of your head. You felt dirty and overexposed, and you weren't sure if you'd ever not feel that way again. You weren't sure if you should be selfish and keep Harry shackled to you while you found out.
"Come on," he said when you parked in the empty lot. It was almost midnight, which meant there were no more practices, no more games or private training sessions. It was just you and Harry.
He pulled out a set of keys from his pocket, taking you by surprise when one slid into the lock with ease. The front door to the rink opened, cold air immediately hitting you as you stepped inside.
"Why do you have keys to the rink?"
"Being captain of the hockey team has its perks," Harry said with a shrug. "Come on, I want to show you something."
You followed him back to the boy's locker rooms, and past that to where the rink stored the equipment they rented out to local teams or families who wanted to start training their kids but didn't know what to buy yet. Harry grabbed a hockey stick, not quite as big as the one he used, and then a bigger one, and a few pucks.
"Do you have spare skates in your locker?"
"Of course."
"They'll do. We're not gonna actually play," he said, but he wasn't looking at you as he pulled out small nets from the back of the storage room.
When he had everything, he told you to grab yours and his skates while he set up the rink, not giving you a chance to respond. You did as he asked, using the combination he gave you before leaving the locker room to cross over to the girl's. Your spares were old, and the blades could've used a tune up, but they were comfortable and would hopefully work for whatever Harry had planned.
You quickly got into your skates and got on the ice, handing Harry's over once you reached him. "I think you need to get angry, and I think you need a way to just let it all out," he said as he laced up his own skates, which were much clunkier than yours. "So I'm gonna teach you how to shoot, and we'll go from there, okay?"
"Harry, I don't think—"
"Do you trust me?" he asked, looking at you like he wasn't actually sure if you did.
"Yes," you said almost immediately.
"Then let me help you do this."
So you did.
Harry showed you the basics of shooting a hockey puck at the net. He made it look so easy, so effortless, but when it was your turn, you hardly made the puck move. But Harry was patient, quietly telling you what you did wrong and helping you adjust your stance. Eventually, you got the hang of it, and when you hit the first puck with force, you didn't stop.
Harry had been right, you needed an outlet for everything you were feeling, and each swing of the hockey stick had you feeling more than just uncomfortable in your own skin or scared or sorry for yourself. You were furious that this happened to you, that you couldn't do anything to stop it, that this person left you feeling weak and broken. All of that anger went into your movements, and everything else fell away, including Harry, who hadn't said a word since you got the hang of it.
You didn't know how long you stayed on the rink, all you knew was the stick in your hand and the ice beneath your skates. It wasn't until Harry tapped you on the shoulder that you finally stopped. Your cheeks felt flushed and you were breathing heavily, but you felt good, and you hadn't felt good since that night.
"Your arms are gonna be sore tomorrow," Harry explained, taking the hockey stick before skating around to gather up the other equipment. When he made his way back to you, you were still huffing and puffing. Gently, Harry reached out and brushed a thumb across your cheek, then the other. You didn't even realize you'd been crying. "How do you feel?"
"Different," you said. "Like I could sleep forever."
Grinning, Harry said, "Then let's get you back."
Harry had been right, your arms were already starting to feel like jello. You were worn out, but in a good way. You and Harry walked back to the car in silence, though when you looked over at him, he had a small smile on his face.
"Nothing, it's just the way you were hitting the puck," he said, shaking his head, curls falling into his eyes. He hadn't gotten a haircut recently, and now his hair curled past his ears and touched the collar of his shirt.
"What? Do I play like a girl?" you teased.
"No, but, like, you're really graceful about it. It's not a bad thing, just different."
"Well, maybe I could teach you a thing or two about grace," you said, leaning into his side. The rest of the walk to the car was quiet, like both of you were stuck in your own heads. But when you started the car to go back to his place, you said, "Thank you. You've been...more patient than other people might've been, I think."
"You don't have to thank me for being a good friend," Harry said. "You would've done the same for me."
He was right. If something traumatic happened to him, you would've been bending over backwards to help him. Somewhere down the line, you cared enough about him that you would be devastated if he was hurt in any way. It would've hurt you to see him hurt.
"When I'm ready...you're in for a treat," you said, trying to lighten the mood. You didn't want to feel like you were shrouded by a dark cloud anymore. "
Almost like he knew what you were trying to do, Harry played along. "Oh yeah? What can I expect?"
"That would ruin the surprise."
You saw Harry shake his head in your periphery, but it was an amused shake.
This felt right, the teasing and flirting. It felt normal. You weren't one hundred percent okay, but for the first time since that night, you believed that you would be, and Harry knew it too.
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wongyuseokie · 8 months
Sweetest Kiss | x.m.h
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Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and you and your boyfriend are determined to make it the best one ever, and a little edible lingerie never hurt anyone in the process. ☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ♕ smut | ♥ completed works
Word Count: 1632 words
Pairings: Xu Minghao x Female Reader
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Established Relationship. Boyfriend! Minghao. FLUFFY FLUFF, and smut, plot with smut. Content Warnings: Mentions of food, smut, tooth-rotting fluff. Smut Warnings: Food Play (it's mild, she wears edible lingerie), kissing, breast play, unprotected sex (even if it's Valentine's Day, don't behave like this). Vanilla sex. Oral sex (f receiving), squirting, use of the pet name baby. Overstimulation, fingering. Authors Note: This is written for the Cupid For You Fic Exchange hosted by @svthub. Happy Valentine's my lovely @sluttyminghao / @myungho I hope you enjoy this! It's been a pleasure being your Valentine 💘 Authors Note 2: Thank you to my lovely @wooahaeproductions for beta'ing this for me so quickly! I love you sm 💘💘 Permanent Taglist: @aaniag Cross Posted to AO3 © wongyuseokie 2024. All rights reserved.
You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Minghao holding a tray filled with a delicious breakfast. Heart-shaped pancakes, fresh strawberries, and a steaming cup of your favourite coffee were on the tray.
“For my favourite person,” he said, placing the tray on your lap.
You looked at him, feeling a rush of warmth in your heart. “Minghao, you didn’t have to do all this.”
“But I wanted to,” he replied, sitting beside you on the bed. “It’s Valentine’s Day, and I wanted to start your day with a little extra love.”
You couldn’t help but be touched by his sweet gesture as you enjoyed the delicious breakfast he had prepared. 
The air was filled with a hint of excitement as you planned a surprise for Minghao. With a mischievous smile, you turned to him and said. “Hey Hao, could you momentarily wait for me in the living room? I’ve got a little surprise for you.”
Minghao raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. “A surprise? What is it?”
You chuckled, resisting the urge to spill the secret. “Patience, my love. Just wait in the living room, and I’ll be there in a minute.”
He nodded, a playful grin on his face. “Alright, but you better not keep me waiting too long.”
Minghao kissed your forehead and slowly made his way out of the bedroom, and you took the opportunity to make your way to stand in front of the full-length mirror in the bedroom. 
You took a deep breath and disrobed yourself, revealing a lingerie set made entirely from candy. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness all at once. Today is a special day, and you want everything to be perfect.
You glanced down at the outfit you carefully chose for this occasion. You stepped closer to the mirror, ensuring every strand of your hair was in place. 
With a final glance in the mirror, you grabbed your phone and left your bedroom. You go to the living room, where your boyfriend awaits you. You can hear music from the living room and know he is listening to your favourite playlist.
With the surprise set, you went to the living room, your heart fluttering with anticipation. As you entered, Minghao looked up from the couch, his eyes widening with curiosity.
Minghao’s eyes grew even bigger as he saw you enter the living room, wearing only edible lingerie made from candy. You could see the desire in his eyes as he took in your appearance. You couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious, but Minghao’s admiring gaze made you feel confident.
“Valentine’s chocolate is so overpriced, I got us edible lingerie instead,” you said with a mischievous smile, walking towards him slowly.
Minghao couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you got closer. He ran his hands over your body, feeling the smooth texture of the candy lingerie against your skin. He couldn’t resist the temptation and leaned in to taste a piece of the candy on your shoulder. The sweet taste of the candy mixed with your skin was a sensation he couldn’t get enough of.
You let out a soft moan as Minghao’s lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of kisses. His hands roamed over your body, exploring every inch of you. The candy lingerie made it even more exciting as he nibbled on the pieces, leaving marks on your skin.
You could feel yourself getting more and more turned on as Minghao’s hands travelled down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips met yours in a passionate kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hands continued to roam over your body.
The candy lingerie melted against your skin, sticking to your body. But you didn’t care. The sensation of Minghao’s hands and lips on your skin was too intoxicating. You could feel yourself getting wetter with each passing moment.
Minghao’s hands made their way down to your thighs, pulling you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. He carried you to the bed, laying you down gently. He continued to kiss and nibble on your skin, making you moan in pleasure.
Minghao hovered above you and captured your lips in a sweet kiss and then slowly moved them down your body as he placed his plush lips on your breast; as he reached your breasts, he took a piece of the candy lingerie in his mouth, sucking on it gently. His warm mouth and the sweet taste of the candy drove you wild. As you arched your back, pressing your body closer to his, he sucked and nibbled at your hardened nipples while his other hand massaged your other breast. 
Minghao then pushed your thighs apart and laid down between them, his lips kissing your inner thighs until his mouth finally landed on your cunt. Minghao groaned softly when he tasted you. He moaned at how wet you were. Minghao threw your legs over his shoulders and secured his plump lips to your clit.
“Oh my god,” you gasped at the pleasure. He was incredible, but everything felt so unbelievable. You failed to hold your moans as he sucked on your clit. His hands moved to interlock at your waist as he kept sucking your clit.
You felt your eyes roll back as your orgasm approached you, “Hao,” you gasped, and Minghao could tell you were close, and he simply continued to suck your clit until you started to shake in his grip. Minghao’s mouth never left your clit as you came.
You whimpered as his touch pushed you to the brink of overstimulation, but you didn’t care. It felt too good. Minghao slowly moved his mouth away from your clit, smiling when he saw how swollen and wet your cunt was. He could see it throbbing and pulsating with aftershocks of pleasure.
“Hao, fuck,” you whispered as he pushed two fingers into you. Minghao stood up slightly as he pushed his middle and ring finger into your cunt and hooked them there.
“Scream for me,” Minghao said as he started to vigorously pump his fingers in and out of your cunt. He used his other hand to press down your pubic bone, holding you still as you began to thrash about.
“Do you hear how wet you are?” Minghao asked as he kept fingering you. You nodded, whimpering, fisting the sheets between your hands and letting out a scream as you came hard.
“Hao, I can’t,” You whimpered when you noticed that he hadn’t stopped his movements, “yes, you can. I know you can,” Minghao said as he repeated his actions, this time making you squirt all over his hands.
“I love it when you squirt, baby,” Minghao praised, making your eyes widen.
“Hao, I,” you babbled, and Minghao smiled as he pulled you into his arms.
“Please fuck me,” you begged, and Minghao smiled at you as he got onto his knees and positioned himself between you.
“Fucking hell, you’re so big,” you mewled as you took in his impressive length. Minghao leaned forward to kiss your forehead; he then spread your legs and wrapped them around his waist, and then ran his cock against your folds, choosing to run it over your clit several times.
Minghao took a deep breath as he placed the head of his cock at your entrance.
“Are you ready, baby?” Minghao asked.
“Yes,” you breathed out, and Minghao slowly pushed his length inside you, making you whimper as he stretched you out. 
Minghao inched himself inside you until he was fully sheathed inside your tight cunt.
“Fuck Y/N, baby, you’re so fucking tight, so fucking good,” Minghao praised.
Minghao started to thrust into you with just the right amount of pressure and force. He trailed his fingers to your clit and rubbed. Your legs shook as your second orgasm washed over you, this time more intense. Minghao came seconds after as your cunt clenched around him.
He gently pulled out of you, leaned down and gently placed his lips at your entrance, lapping at your combined arousal, licking you clean, making you cum for the third time. Minghao moved up your body, kissed you softly and laid down next to you.
As you both lay there, catching your breath, you couldn’t help but feel grateful for this unique and unforgettable Valentine’s Day. The edible lingerie may have been a fun and playful idea, but the love and passion between you and Minghao made it truly special. You couldn’t wait to see what other surprises he had for you.
“Hao, today was perfect,” you whispered, looking up at him.
He smiled, his eyes filled with love. “You deserve nothing but the best, my love.”
As the evening settled in, you and Minghao found yourselves cosied up on the couch, surrounded by the soft glow of fairy lights. The room was filled with a warm ambience, creating the perfect atmosphere for a heartfelt moment.
Minghao looked at you, his eyes filled with playfulness and sincerity. With a gentle smile, he took a deep breath, his cheeks tinged with a subtle blush.
“This might sound cheesy,” he began, his gaze never leaving yours, “but will you be my Valentine?”
A soft gasp escaped your lips, and you couldn’t help but giggle at the adorable expression on his face. Minghao’s earnestness melted your heart, and you felt warmth wash over you.
“Of course,” you replied, your voice filled with affection. “I’d love to be your Valentine.”
Minghao’s face lit up joyfully, and he kissed your forehead sweetly. As you snuggled closer, you couldn’t help but savour the moment’s sweetness, appreciating the simplicity and genuine connection that made your relationship with Minghao special.
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