#this could be before arkham or while shes his therapist or after!
jesytr · 8 months
you don't see color & want to go back to black & white .
it hit her like a nail pushed into a coffin. the needle lunging in deep enough to keep its living corpse trapped within. she could feel a thought stirring deeply within her noggin'. rustling around with other more important thoughts. those like . . . define black and white ?? . . . what did it matter to him ?? . . . and how'd he guess it so easily??
reading her like an educated tutor telling their student how to do mathematics. she didn't enjoy the thought that what he was doing was digging deeper into the parts of her that lacked color. that crept forwards with an afterthought of feeling left behind. that how she saw the world was exactly like a colorful giraffe on a tight rope. eventually they'd either break the rope , or . . .
" ya' know me. " she chewed out her words. though with slight fascination on how he had figured it all out in the span of a couple words. MASKING QUICKLY BEHIND BLUE EYES THAT LOOKED AWAY, " it's not my fault. " she added. her hands flexed and she pulled out a chewable piece of candy. rolling it in her fingers. feeling the texture of the wax paper settling against her fingers.
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" ya' don't know this about me, but my dad used ta' kick me around. " eyes went down. no longer presently there. her mind floating away from her body. pulling up out of daydreams she was somewhere else. listening to looney tunes intros on repeat. as if that old man could still reach her from his stay plugged up in Gotham height's hospital bed, " yea . . . real messed up childhood. ma didn't think ta' leave him then , only when it was her turn ta' look black n' blue. "
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she pulled the papers off her piece of caramel before plopping it in her mouth. sticking to candy as one of her main habits of nervousness. not quite stable enough to understand maybe it was a coping skill. settling back in her seat. legs crossed. hands beginning to fidget. keeping up a described version of what anyone wanted out of herself. she let out a nervous chuckle. one that pitched almost to the extreme. only laughing at the memories of her father. kept safely locked behind her eyes. she laughed, and laughed before settling on her next words, " Ahh! Too funny! I haven't laughed like that in awhile. maybe next time I'll tell ya' about this boy I knew. he thought he'd hurt me like my old man. " she wiped tears out of her eyes before continuing, " I knocked out a few o' his teeth. "
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raynewolferune · 5 months
Meta Jazz, the Arkham Intern Therapist Pt1
Update 5/16/2024: Congrats guys, gals, and others! You have planted the seeds and they have grown. Today I wrote another 46 pages on this story (the first section was only 9 pages ya'll). I'm working on splitting it up into smaller sections so I can post it now because tumblr said no to doing it as one piece. I'll be using the tag #Meta Jazz Arkham Intern Therapist if you want to follow it.
Original Note: I'm going to go ahead and apologize for how OOC Bane is in this. It originally was Joker but I couldn't see Jazz tolerating his proximity for more than a single millisecond so Bane it is.
The hardest thing about being a Meta in Gotham was responding appropriately during a Rouge's attack, Jazz mused to herself. Or perhaps that was just the hardest part about being a Meta intern at Arkham while studying psychology at Gotham University. Or maybe it was just her, she considered watching the guards and Dr. Rylie whom she'd been shadowing for the past 2 weeks wide eyed, pale, and shaking as theybstared at Bane behind her. It must just be her, Jazz decided, newbie guard Kyle Jennings was definitely a Meta after all. She should probably give him some tips on hiding his enhanced strength considering how often he broke mugs, door handles, and other delicate items used in daily life.
"Weapons down or I'll snap her skinny little neck." Bane growled out, shaking her slightly for emphasis. She very much doubted that. Liminials were built different than the standard Meta, stronger, faster, better endurance, and senses even if they could mostly appear to be standard humans on the outside.  As such, their bones and muscles were much were much denser than regular humans or even Meta humans. Technically, she could be considered "invulnerable" much like the Kryptonians are.
"Back up! Let him through!" Dr. Rylie  shouted at the guards. "She's my student! Let him through!" His voice was higher pitched than she could recall hearing it before.
Ah. That was panic.
Jazz sighed involuntarily and glanced over her shoulder at Bane. Why the man had grabbed the only person close to his own height nearby was a mystery to her - no, nevermind, he clearly meant to use her as a shield - but it made looking him in the eye more difficult than necessary.
"Mr. Bane, remove your hands from my person, please." Jazz stated calmly, channeling what Danny called her inner mom as she spoke. "I will give you to one to comply."
Bane looked stunned for a moment then laughed.
The laughing continued. Jazz could sense a stir of uncertainty through her colleagues as they looked on.
"Did you really think that would work?" Bane snorted out, arms tensing more around her.
"Three." She continued, indifferent to his words from her experiences raising her brother. Once the count down starts you mustn't respond to anything the kids do or say until they comply or the count is done.
"What cab you even do if I don't?" Bane asked darkly breathing directly in her ear. She kept her face expressionless despite the urge to express disgust.
"Jasmine..."  Kyle whispered halfway across the hall from her looking on with a pained and horrified expression. Gun tilting towards the floor. Sloppy.
"One." She finished and Bane gave a derisive snort.
Then she was moving. Hauling the enormous man up and over her shoulder using the arm that had been wrapped around her neck. Bane hit the cold tile hard enough that the tiles, subfloor, structural supports, and part of the concrete foundation buckled beneath him. His shoulder popped out of joint, his wrist cracked - a hairline fracture by the sound of it -  and his breath was punched out of him from the force of impact. She released his arm as soon as his was embedded in the tiles and moved forward. Kneeling over him, support most of her weight on her left foot resting on the broken ground, her right knees pressed firmly across his throat without supporting any of her weight. The position put more strain on her muscles than she would've liked but at least Bane couldn't risk fighting back without crushing his own neck in the process. He could hardly throw her while flat on his back with a mangled arm.
"Now," Jazz began, looking directly into the behemoth's pained eyes. "Do you know what you've done wrong?" She asked like she would have done with Danny as a child.
"Yes, Ma'am." Bane choked out. Jazz heard movement and murmuring behind her. She didn't turn to look.
"What did you do wrong?" She asked. It was important to make sure children correctly understood why they were in trouble after all. There was a long pause as Bane appeared to cast around for the exact right answer as if he feared getting it wrong. A bad habit Danny still uses as well, Jazz thought to herself.
"I tried to hold you hostage," He choked out in a rush, words tumbling over one another as he tried to get them all out. "I scared you coworkers and it was very disrespectful."
So he'd gone for the grab-bag response. It wasn't wrong per sey but it did indicate a past history of abuse. The type of answer given by someone who expected to be harmed or ignored if they gave the "wrong" answer. Danny tended to use that method also and their parents had always been negligent at best.
"And are you going to do it again?" She asked giving him a Look as she did. Bane's eyes widened and he tried to frantically shake his head as much as possible with the pressure on his neck.
"No, Ma'am." He promised fervently.
"Alright then," Jazz said giving him a warm smile. She gestured vaguely towards the guards without turning to look at them. "Kyle here is going to take you to see the nurse and then back to your room then. I'm sure you'll behave for him?"
"Yes, Ma'am. I'll behave." Bane said. Jazz stood slowly asking sure not to put any additional pressure on his neck as she did. Kyle came and stood next to her as the giant of a man slowly pulled himself to his feet then led him away with 5 other guards.
Jazz heaved a sigh. Well, time to find out whether or not she could play all that off as normal, non-Meta human behavior.
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battymommastuff · 2 years
The Accident (Pt. 2)
Batmom x Batfamily Prompt: At least you did something...
Part 1
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"She isn't making any progress. We've tried everything from electroshock therapy to simply giving her a journal to write her feelings." 
You could hear your personal therapist talking to your husband...well ex husband by now. Your marriage died the day he put you in this damn place. What place? None other than Arkham Asylum. At first he could live with what you did, he understood what you did. Everyone understood why you did it, but what happened after...he couldn't live with it. 
Bruce watched as his wife shut down. You became a shell of what you once were. The warm, welcoming mother that everyone knew you to be died. Something cold, and sinister was left in her place. The Gotham criminals began to fear you more than Batman himself. Batman held back...he pulled his punches. You...you didn't. You couldn't. This life, the scum of Gotham took your son away from you. How could Bruce just sit there and be okay with it? 
Everything came to a boiling point when he walked into the manor with his newest sidekick, Tim Drake...
"Y/N, this is Tim Drake. He will be assisting us in our...work." Bruce said and rested a hand on the young man's shoulder. Instead of a warm greeting or a smile that one usually got when meeting Y/N Wayne, Tim got a stone cold glare. 
"Jason's grave isn't even covered in grass, and you're already replacing him?" You growled as you stood from your seat on the couch. Tim flinched at your tone, and moved back a bit. He heard such good things about you. This wasn't how he was expecting things to go. 
"Good job Bruce, get another kid...let's see how long he lasts before he's in the grave too." You spat before storming off. That night, you chose to go on patrol alone. While Bruce and Tim were doing their own thing, you were spending your night alone. As you sat perched on a ledge, watching the city that you've grown to hate, all you could think of was Tim. How could Bruce just move on so quickly? You weren't surprised. He spent most of that night scolding you and lecturing you for nearly killing the Joker. Now the bastard was in a coma, and you wished he was dead. 
The sound of a woman screaming knocked you from your thoughts, and you looked down seeing the said woman blocking her young child from an attacker. You don't know what happened at that moment, but something snapped. You weren't going to let another mother's heart be broken, or the child's. No more families were going to be broken because of scum like this. You blacked out again, and this time you came to be pinned to the brick wall by Batman. Robin was hovering over the man you'd just beaten. He pressed two fingers to his neck then looked at Batman. Robin shook his head, and then looked at you. Instead of horror, or remorse...you smirked, "At least I did something." You whispered to your husband. 
Now here you were, wasting away in the cells of Arkham. Eating food that was stale, and cold. It made you miss Alfred's cooking. Several inmates tried to gang up on you, and quickly learned why that was a bad idea. 
"The doctors are beginning to fear her. She's got a rage inside of her that can't be tamed. Whatever set her off...doesn't seem to want to fade away." Your therapist looked over at you, chained to the table that you were forced to sit at. Bruce clenched his jaw as he looked at you. You'd lost weight, and your face was sunken in. You looked half dead. 
"Then we'll find something new. I'm not giving up on her. If you can't help her, then I'll have to find someone who can." Bruce snapped. He knew that keeping you here would kill you in the end. You weren't made for a place like this. He wanted you home with him and Alfred. It was where you belonged. 
Little did he know that the solution to his problem was going to be solved...
It would be several weeks later, close to when visiting hours would end. You were sitting in your cell with your back facing the door when you heard it open. 
That voice made your entire body go cold. Yes the tone was deeper, and a little gravely, but you knew that voice. The Gotham accent...it couldn't be anyone else. Slowly your head turned, and you nearly fainted when your eyes met the ones staring back at you...
To be continued...
(I know most wanted a pt.2 with Jason's reaction, but I got a little carried away lol. I promise I will make a pt.3 with his reaction!)
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hisaribi · 4 months
Reverse robins brainrot but not to the side even I expected
So Tim aged eighteen goes to circus with his father, because that was one of the last happy memories they had with Janet. Bruce also comes with sixteen years old Jason, who weren't in the field, just adopted by Bruce, because he uncovered student of his orphanage to criminal pipeline and was mostly training under Bruce and Damian to follow them, Damian is a part of covert operations team under the Justice League, he couldn't come because Arkham had an escape this day and he needed to come here to deal with it.
Apparently Mary Grayson remembered Drakes and specifically Janet, and seemed really sad that she died. Drakes and Graysons made a photo about ten years ago, and well, somehow they decided to make another photo together. Back than it was Mary, her brother Rick, his wife Karla and their son John, who at that time was six and didn't act on trapeze. Now they expanded with Mary's husband John and their child Dick. The kid was very enthusiastic, telling Tim he was allowed to family's routine for the first time (which was a lie, he just tells it to everyone who aren't really deep into the following circus circles on media or whatever, because people get worried if they hear he's been doing it for a couple of years already). But this time he was mostly to do some tricks in the begining with cousin John and at the end with his parents, because he was still getting better from a bad cold he had, and he was only allowed to act out the less risky parts of their show. Tim told him he would watch for his performance, even though this whole thing still left a bittersweet taste in his mouth, but the kid didn't need to know that. Dick was a very tactile kid and hugged Tim closely. What neither Drakes noted was how Dick stole Tim's wallet, and how cousin John got it back to exactly the same pocket. He promised not to tell parents, but for that Dick would have to bring him an ice cream after the show.
Tim and Jason were sort of friendly in a way that our father's get all over each other but not in the romantic sense and we have to awkwardly stand next to them while they talk to each other and catch up for literal hours. Jason also shared that Damian couldn't come, but was somewhat indifferent to that, because Damian had always called Jason a charity case, so their relationship were strained, he didn't know about the current Arkham escape, while Bruce did. They politely talked about school, circus and some tv show that was big lately.
From time to time they made jokes or comment about the act on stage, sometimes framing everything as a reference to some meme or show just because they could.
And then the Flying Graysons came, a closing act, and Tim told Jason about what he knew about the family and their youngest member, Jason sort of frowned about the kid this young being allowed to risk so much, but both just decided that circus people were crazy just like that.
And then they saw the family fall during the difficult trick Dick didn't participate in.
His only alive Grayson relative from the group was Rick, all the news were about it, and well, Mr Wayne was somewhat invested, and well, Tim followed news, all movements and threads, he almost ready to reason with his father to adopt Dick, because... there was some other player that didn't let the kid stay in circus' care, and it surely wasn't out of his best interests, because he ended up in juvenile.
And then somehow an alive relative resurfaces, a sister of Karla living in the Gotham, Harleen Quinzel. Mind you that she isn't Harley Quinn yet, even though she already works with Joker and other mentally unstable villains as an Arkham therapist, and while she's single, she can afford take a good care of a child. She didn't have a chance to meet him in person yet before all of that happened, but they were both aware of each other, and even talked like once over video call, mostly because Harleen's nephew John was showing her some moves and Dick also wanted to show off with his cousin who he loved dearly, so yes, they were practically strangers. She was to come to their performance, but got caught up in an Arkham escape attempt.
And yet she was his relative, even though they didn't share any blood, so she took him in. Aunt-in-law and all that.
And then the Joker and Harley era came, and while Harleen really tried to make sure Dick stays out of it, he was searching for ways to avenge his parents. So it all turned into a big mess. Tim followed what was going on, he learned that the kid everyone called Pierrot, after he got caught on camera doing a trick no even much of adult athletes could do, was Dick Grayson, and well, he didn't kill, but he acted as a decoy more than once, he taunted police, other goons, Batman and Wraith, while at the same time leading children away from the craziness and harm's way. Also he was as likely to help bad guys as he (though everybody thought Pierrot was a girl, and more than that, Harley and Joker's daughter) was likely to help good guys.
Was as likely to take victims to safety as to danger. Show vigilante and police a way to ruin Joker's plans as to lead them into traps. Do what he was told to do by Harley and Joker as to do exactly opposite.
He covered his face with two-sided black and white mask, one part was smiling. Some said that it could be understood what he was going to do by the way he tilted his head, but so far it wasn't ever accurate.
And then Harley and Joker got caught and put to Arkham. At that point Tim tipped Batman on who the kid possibly was, and he told that to Jim, because having a tiny child running errands for super-vilains wasn't really sitting with any of them well.
So Batman was let to talk to Harley.
"Where is your nephew-in-law, Richard Grayson?" Batman said. Harley looked a bit out of it, but then smiled.
"He's in the walls." But then Harley surprised everyone when she grabbed Batman, he was expecting her to steal something from him, but he still let her do so. "There is a Talon after him, Bats, don't let him take little guy away."
First thought they got was that they killed a child and put him literally inside some wall, but then some records showed Pierrot from time to time coming to Harley, and that was how they caught him. And the phrase about Talon sort of made sense, as there was a figure in black following the kid.
Tim was the one to actually follow and find Dick. Mostly because Dick remembered him from circus and became curious why Tim was jumping on roofs without funny costume.
So ye, here we have this brainrot
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redhoodedangel · 1 year
“Safety in Pills, Y/N” - Arkham Knight! Jason X Reader
I’m not sure how many people who played or seen the Arkham Games also watched ‘The Walten Files’ by Martin Walls on YouTube cause that’s what this is inspired off of…
In essence, Y/N is Sophie Walten…
The premise is that Jason and Y/N were dating around the time he was Robin. Y/N did know about the identities of the others. When Jason is kidnapped and later killed by Joker, Y/N is left traumatized and heartbroken. She is then given meds in order to better cope with the loss. Unfortunately, this caused her to drift apart from the Bat Family and blurs her memories of Jason. However, around the time of Joker’s death, she starts having nightmares and dreams about Jason. Her meds then stop working and she rejoins the Batman Family around when the Arkham Knight makes an appearance.
Warning ⚠️: themes of torture, death and mental health, mentions of medical drug use, amnesia (sort of)
Y/N and Jason are the same age
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‘Don’t forget your medicine, Y/N!’
‘Take your meds, kiddo!'
‘Safety in pills, Y/N…’
That’s all you’ve heard since you were seventeen. You were now twenty-one and no longer needed your meds that help you through your trauma. Or rather, the meds were not helping you at all, but were hindering you in a way you didn’t realize until about nine to ten months ago.
Your medication was blurring many memories of your childhood, teenage years and even early adult years. During the time you had started taking the pills, you had drifted apart from your late boyfriend, Jason Todd’s, family. Hell, you even lost many memories of him as well. All those good and happy memories you made together…
This went on for over three years… until the nightmares crept in around the time Joker had gotten sick and was dying…
The nightmares were horrific, like a home movie gone wrong. It showed horrible visions of what happened to your boyfriend while he was being held hostage by Joker. Those flashing images are what kept you up most nights.
You immediately made your way back to Bruce and the others after the death of the Joker. After explaining everything that happened, they welcomed you back with open arms. Bruce even started looking into your therapist, who prescribed you your meds. Her email showed many threatening messages from a Mr. Jerome V, ordering her to tamper with your meds or she and her family would die. Bruce then relaid to you that Jerome V was one of many of Joker’s old aliases he used during his early years of crime.
However, when Joker fell ill, your therapist took you off the meds that were blocking your memories. This, of course, is what led to your nightmares and varied dreams about Jason. Without the barrier keeping your past memories locked up, you were prone to regaining them.
Joker wanted you to forget about Jason…
For what reason, you nor Bruce nor anyone could figure out…
And it was likely you never would find out…
Fast forward to now, Halloween night during Scarecrow’s big takeover. You were currently with Barbara in the Clock Tower, munching on some burgers you pulled from a fast food restaurant that was abandoned during the evacuation.
This whole situation had you on edge, especially in regards to Scarecrow’s new partner, the Arkham Knight. Much of the information you all had on him showed what he was capable of. He was young and skilled, judging by how he called Bruce ‘old man’. His true voice was disguised, but it felt familiar to you. You just couldn’t understand why…
You clutched at the oversized dark red hoodie you were wearing. It was big on you because it had originally belonged to Jason before he died. It was given to you by Alfred as a reminder of who you had loved and lost. It quickly became a comfort item to you, even holding the remaining scent of cologne, rainwater and smoke that was Jason’s.
“How are you holding up, Y/N?” Barbara asked with a tone of concern, still looking and typing away at her screens.
“I’m fine, Barb. This whole thing just has me in knots.”
“That’s not what I meant…” Barbara said softly, looking at you now for an honest answer. She then added, “How are you doing really?”
You sighed and took another bite out of your half-eaten burger. You chewed thoroughly before answering, “You remember that NCIS two-parter, ‘Hiatus’?”
Barbara thought on your response, “That’s the episode where Gibbs nearly gets killed in an explosion and loses years worth of his memories, right?”
“Yeah… well, I feel like Gibbs after that two part episode. My memory is still fuzzy… I screw up remembering certain people’s names… I remember a lot of things about Jason… our relationship and things like that… but I feel like there’s still some things I’m forgetting about… but I don’t know what…” You said solemnly, looking out of the clock face onto the rest of the city.
“I’m sorry, Y/N/N. I know this is hard for you. Jason’s death affected us all in more than one way. Just know that he really liked you, even loved you…”
You smiled at the redhead, a little more reassured than before. It was always nice to have someone to talk to and rely on during tough times.
After what was probably several hours, you and Barbara got a call from Batman…
“Barbara, you and Y/N need to get out there now!” He exclaimed through the comms. You immediately went over and grabbed your baseball bat before hiding behind one of the bookshelves.
The power then cut out and the elevator opened abruptly. Just then, the Arkham Knight and his men came in, barreling towards Barbara. Barbara fired off a few rubber rounds before being overpowered.
Another soldier came around your bookshelf and you immediately started swinging. You nailed him in the head and flipped him over the shelf. One more militiaman came over and you swung, shattering his left arm. He dropped his gun and you kicked him down.
The Arkham Knight immediately sprung into action, grabbing the bat in your hands in an attempt to disarm you. Knowing that punching him would be a death wish and a half, you immediately let go of the bat. Unfortunately, you lose your footing and hit the back of your head against a nearby bookshelf.
The impact from the fall sent pain shooting through your head. Your vision blurred the more you struggled to stay awake, your body fading away to unconsciousness. The last thing you saw before passing out was the Arkham Knight throwing your bat to the side and walking up to you. You could hear the click of handcuffs when everything faded to black.
Your whole body stirred as you groaned from the pain in your head. As your raised your hand to touch your head, you then realized that you were bound in handcuffs. You also figured out that your head was bandaged up.
You slowly sat up, trying to prevent any more pain or disorientation. Judging by your surroundings, you were locked up in a rectangular box of a cell. Nothing but a makeshift mattress under you and a table near the sealed door. The fact that you were so small compared to the room began to overwhelm you. Some of the anxiety was curbed on account that you were still wearing Jason’s hoodie, but you were still trembling.
Through the glass, you could see the soldiers guarding the outside your cell. You even spotted one of them, who looks at you and noticed that you were awake, began to call someone on his comm. You assumed that he was calling his boss, the Arkham Knight. It just seemed like the most logical explanation for what was going on.
This assumption was proven right as the man himself walked into the room…
He then came right into your cell, his men leaving to who knows where. He reached for his guns before placing them on the nearby table, where your phone and baseball bat were placed. This alone had you backing further into the corner of your cell.
“Y’know, you don’t have to be afraid of me…” The Arkham Knight’s voice was surprisingly gentle when addressing you, despite the harsh edge of the voice modulator.
“Isn’t exactly easy when one of the people responsible for Gotham’s takeover is in the same room as you…” you stammered, clutching Jason’s, now your hoodie.
The Knight then turned around, making his way towards you. You did your best not to panic and look afraid, but you were terrified. He soon swiped a piece of your hair softly, which you lightly flinched at. As if he felt it, the Arkham Knight slowly pulled his hand back. Instead, his gloved hand made contact with the crimson fabric of your hoodie.
“That’s oddly big on you… Someone gave this to you…”
Your eyes grew blurry as tears began to bubble to the surface. Abandoning all your promises of keeping your secret from strangers, you spoke…
“A friend of my late boyfriend’s gave it to me… it was originally his… before he was killed…”
The Knight took a moment to speak, as if your sorrow took him by surprise, “I’m sorry…”
“You got nothing to be sorry about. You’re not the one who shot him… it was Joker and he doesn’t feel remorse for anyone or regret anything for shit. He as hell didn’t regret when he forced my therapist to give me a memory-blocking antidepressant…”
The Arkham Knight cocked his head in question and confusion.
“The pills my therapist prescribed to me made me forget previous years of my life. Including when I was dating my boyfriend and everything we did together. I started taking my medication when he was killed to keep me afloat.”
“Why was he killed?” The Arkham Knight asked, sitting on top of the table next to his weapons coolly. You almost chose not to tell him when you realized that he knew almost everything about Batman and the others. So, who knows what else he might know…
“He was a Robin… the previous one before the current one. I only knew because he chose to tell me… to keep things honest and on the table…”
You took a deep breath as words became harder to speak and come up with…
“The Joker… he took him… tortured and broke him… I… I spent a lot of that time, wondering if he was ever going to come home… if everything was okay and go back to the way it was. But that video came up and…”
Tears overwhelmed you as you begin to remember that horrible year. Your whole body trembled as you recalled every gruesome and excruciating detail. You hiccuped and heaved on the sobs that escaped your mouth.
“H-He didn’t deserve any of what Joker put him through… he-… he just wanted to help others. Sure, he had a different perspective on crime compared to Batman, but… he was willing to take the risk… Hell, telling me he was Robin at the time was a risk… I just miss him so fucking much…”
“It wasn’t your fault. Never has been and never will be…”
“It should’ve been me…”
“Yeah, and then your boyfriend would’ve still gone after the Joker. Nothing would’ve changed except the timing…”
“How would you know?! It’s not like you’re here… in his cell…”
Silence cut the air like a hammer striking a nail once cleanly. You began to wonder what was going on in the Arkham Knight’s head. Why he hadn’t said anything yet or walk away with little care for what you had just said. However, you were not prepared for what he said next…
“Actually, I was…”
You looked at him in shock, wondering what he meant. Surely, he wasn’t insinuating that he was witness to the horrors that Jason was. Surely, he wasn’t saying that he was living in the same hell as your deceased love. What exactly was he trying to say?
Letting out what sound like a heavy sigh, the Knight reached for his helmet. He latched onto the sides of the mocked cowl and began to lift. You backed away further, almost as if you were trying to move through the wall. Suddenly, the masked was finally off…
“Oh, god…”
Part one done!
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talisverse · 3 months
I've always kinda wanted to know how your versions are similar/different from the ogs, story wise i mean! you already have wonderfully different visual designs! you've probably talked about some of their stories before I probably just missed it (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
I have talked about their backstories, there on this blog somewhere. I don’t know which version of the rogues to compare them to though. I’ll just give a brief summary.
Edward: hosts a game show for his crimes, very book smart (trivia), cringe fail, divorced
Jervis: looking for his childhood friend Alice, invented a dream machine at Wayne Tech, trapped in a wonderland dream while awake
Scarecrow: parents were both doctors, murdered his father after mother’s death, worked at Arkham as a psychologist, special connection to crows since childhood
Arnold: worked on a puppet tv show, detective scare face tried to solve a real murder on set, now they interfere with police investigations for blackmail and other gain
Babydoll: I think she’ll be the same as BTAS
Joker: professional clown that never laughed, the circus collapsed/burned which he found hilarious, unsure of where the joker toxin comes in
Poison Ivy: plant scientist, got her DNA altered after a lab accident, becomes a carnivore, has a vendetta against humans
Harley Quinn: therapist in Arkham, wanted a silly fun lifestyle, humdrum until she met Joker, they become best friends, joker toxin unsure??
Catwoman: lives on the streets, wanted to be a magical girl since childhood, steals from the rich and gives to the poor
Polkadot man: experimented on since childhood to gain superpowers, mother wanted him to be a hero, perpetually sick due to alien parasites (dots), currently quarantined in Amanda Waller’s facility
Bookworm: works at public library, funding cut and threaded to close, other options didn’t work so he resorted to crime for money, anger issues
Mad mod: British fashion designer, kept mod fashion alive, thinks he deserves to be queen of England, inspired by Teen Titans episode “revolution”
Calculator: college student, major in robotics and computer science, main character syndrome, loves mecha anime, making his own mech suit (the calculator)
Hugo Strange: works at Arkham in pharmacy, regularly mixes medicine and creates something new, random patients fall victim to testing them, original creator of fear toxin
Mr Freeze: scientist working in Artic lab, wife sick in Gotham hospital, neglect caused her to pass before he could find a cure
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batmanfruitloops · 9 months
Finally finished Harley's backstory!
Also, please let me know if I need more trigger warning tags, I'm not sure I covered them all, but I'm drawing a blank,
Harleen couldn't remember a time when her parents had gotten along, nor was she old enough to remember when they divorced, but she did remember how different living with each of them was, and that she much preferred the time with her father.
Her mother treated Harleen well enough, but she was almost always out of the house partying or gambling, leaving Harleen to take care of herself if she was unable to on a given day. She woke herself up for school, made herself food, and sometimes if she was lucky, her mother wasn't too hungover to spend a little time with her.
Her father, on the other hand, treated Harleen like his most precious treasure, taking her out to the circus whenever he could and buying her ice cream after picking her up from school. He had Bipolar (I'm not too sure which one, I need to do more research) and depression for a long time, but he did his best not to let it affect Harleen. From about middle school, Harleen started to show similar traits as her father, as well as being tested for narcissism, but her father knew how to help, so Harleen was able to keep them in check.
It wasn't until his own health started to drastically decline when Harleen was graduating high school that things got hard. She had already balanced having a job with her schoolwork, but found herself looking for a better paying job, as her father could no longer work as well to help with rent. She managed all that while still preparing to get a degree to go in therapy, but it was starting to affect her. Worse, her father's attitude towards her started to change. Not only was he extremely depressed all the time, he would have bouts of extreme aggression or hysteria before becoming despondent, judgemental, and intensely suicidal. Harleen was terrified, especially since she couldn't stay home with him all the time. Not if she wanted to keep her job and finish her degree.
She took him to a lot of doctors to see if they could help, but their answers all lead to an unknown form of disease that seemed to latch unto the brain and affect pre-existing health issues. This devastated Harley, and she was honestly terrified too. The doctors had warned that it tended to run in the family, so there was a high chance this would happen to her too.
It was all too much, her brain was swimming, practically drowning her thought after thought, and she could hardly tread on. She continued to work, albeit her coworkers noticed the shift. She had exams coming up, ones that would determine if she got her degree or not, but she'd barely been able to study and so…she cheated. She'd never done so in her life. It hurt her pride, and her father would be so disappointed, but he didn't have to know. It was all for him anyway,
Harleen passed, and she was lucky to get a job as a Blackgate therapist. Her schedule made it possible to watch her father most of the time, and this eased her mind, although her father's treatment kept her morale low. After a few years, she was offered a new therapist position at Arkham that was better paying for less hours, and she gladly accepted.
This is where she became John's (Jokers) therapist. They shared an interest in circus’, but there wasn't much else they agreed on. Harleen was also very drained by her father at this point, and had taken a lot of what he said to heart, so despite not agreeing with everything she said, Harleen still repeated harsh, personal things to John. Something about his genuine, fragile nature bothered her. And much in the same way, Harleen reminded John of his mother in the worst aspects.
On one particularly exhausting day, Harleen found her father had hung himself while she was at work. Her heart sank. She almost didn't believe it, but it really was him. She barely allowed herself to mourn and continued to work, finding herself lashing out at John even more. She lost it, starting to beat him as he helplessly buckled.
Now Strange didn't usually care if his patients were treated poorly, he often engaged such behavior himself, but some higher ups were visiting to access the Asylum because of Attorney Dent and Mr. Wayne's concerns. So when they witnessed Harleen beating John, she had to be fired.
At this point, Harleen feels she has nothing left, and after a bout of depression she goes back out as Harley Quinn, tired of trying to fight all the emotions and pain tangled up inside her.
- Sarsee
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dramatisperscnae · 10 months
@personae-obscura [x]
"I was hoping to discuss some of the practices at the Asylum. I understand the name is a legacy, I've been doing my reading, however I believe the word Asylum is somewhat outdated and highly inaccurate." She started, a soft voice with clipped British tones. I also understand that Gotham City is rather unique with the number of vigilantes and the calibre of its... rogues, I believe is the common word." A well manicured hand tucked wispy blonde strands behind her hair before she pulled a notebook and fountain pen out of her puse. She flipped through the pages until she found what she had written during her first visits. "Who exactly does the hiring at Arkham? I find it odd that the place felt the need to reach out halfway across the world for a suitable therapist to reach their more unruly patients. And speaking of therapists, I find the current staffing laughable. Practically a skeleton crew and I highly doubt they are able to seek help themselves given the confidential nature of their complex cases." Not once did Imogen raise her voice, she remained polite, meeting Dick's gaze. Simply summarising the notes she'd been making the last few weeks. "And then there's more specific concerns regarding the man I've been assigned to but we can get to that. I'd like to learn a little more about Arkham from the perspective of a local and a man on the Board. Though given you can't be much older than myself, I'm assuming you haven't held the position long?"
A fountain pen…? Interesting. Dick settled in his own chair, watching her with a calm, open expression that was carefully practiced to hide just how closely he was observing her. British, he knew, and she had quite the professional reputation, having assisted with a murder case not long after obtaining her qualifications. That much he'd learned just doing basic research on her. Now he had a chance to get his own read of this woman.
So far, she was impressive. Businesslike, to the point, those traits he could certainly respect. The fountain pen pointed to a meticulous nature - the damned things were notoriously finicky in Dick's experience, requiring a careful hand to make them work correctly and not leave the writing looking like shit. And, from what he understood, she was currently working with Harvey; only someone capable of keeping close track of details could handle that man and his other half.
At her final question he allowed a faint, slightly sad smile. "Not long, no; just a few months. But I'm fairly well acquainted with Arkham and all its…troubles, growing up in Gotham as I did. My-…guardian," he'd nearly said father; god he missed Bruce. It should be Bruce having this conversation right now, not Dick. "took a special interest in the place. Did what he could for it until the day he died."
Dick sighed then. "As for your question on staffing, theoretically the chief of staff does the hiring, but I believe currently it's being…I think the polite term is 'delegated' to others. Reaching out halfway across the world for a good therapist, though, doesn't surprise me; Arkham's reputation is such that actually finding people who want to work there is difficult at best.
"There are far more problems with Arkham than there are successes at this point, though there are plans in the works to attempt to rectify that. The board has already agreed to the foundation of an independent oversight committee, as an example, to ensure that reports of abuse by security and staff are properly investigated and punished as necessary."
Dick's smile warmed as he continued, "And while Asylum may be considered an outdated term, I prefer to keep it as a guidepost as well as a legacy. An asylum is a place of safety and assistance; it's what Arkham should always have been. Besides," he added with a wry laugh, "even the board will admit it sounds better than 'Hospital for the Criminally Insane'. The term 'Asylum' offers hope that some of our rogues may yet find a way to live peacefully. I want to hold to that."
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acidcaught-a · 2 years
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so focusing on two things here as i finally dig deeper into my portrayal of harvey.
love. harvey loves with his heart, body, and soul, and he loves fiercely. when bruce introduced him to gilda, it was love at first sight. he’s a romantic ( far ) underneath the tough exterior. her death was what broke him. he wears his wedding ring still, has her tissue in his coat’s breast pocket, and her photo by his bed. there are times he looks at it and asks the coin if it’s time to join her. he’s not sure if he’s lucky it hasn’t said yes.
he hasn’t found another like her. and if he does, he’ll ask for her permission at the grave. you can find him there pretty often. his heart still belongs to the angel up above. and there’s no way in hell that he’ll ever be able to give it all away again. gilda was, and will forever be, his soulmate.  ( even if he does remarry, settle down, the plot beside gilda has been bought, and it’s where he’ll lay, next to her. )
sex. after gilda died, harvey went into a spiral. after his stint in arkham, he went to their home and set most of it aflame. he spent the months later abstaining from physical contact, unable to look himself in the mirror and not see a monster. he had enough people shun him in the streets because of his appearance that he refused to see if there was a woman who could look past it like her. he wouldn’t even touch himself. 
but the years passed and the further he fell into two-face’s persona, the less he cared. his men hired a sex worker eventually because they were tired of his outbursts. “ you just need to bone, boss. ” the man brave enough to say that, well. but the woman was kind and while he didn’t sleep with her, she acted like a therapist. he gave her a stack of cash and hasn’t seen her since. after that though, he paid for company time and again, scratching an itch that was out of arm’s length. 
that boy is a bottom. you can still control the tempo from that position, but he likes to hand over the control. it’s the one place he will - but not to anyone he doesn’t trust, not to someone he doesn’t know well enough. 
and no, there was no acid that hit below a couple spots on his hand, so everything is intact. he can’t get drunk before, however, sometimes that’s how age hits you. but everything else works just fine, thank you. and he’s good at it. because he wants the woman to be happy, to enjoy herself, it’s a thrill rush when she’s pleased, like he’s the fucking best at fucking. 
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normaltothemax · 2 months
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She's taking a sip from her thermos of tea when heavy boots land on her roof top. "Red Hood." Polite nod to greet him. "Right on time. Make yourself comfortable." Here she is all wrapped up in a thick coat with a small tent, bean bag and tiny space heater to help keep her warm while waiting for him. Long hair loosely tied back to keep the wind from tangling it and to give her scalp a break from the tight bun used for her day job. "There's spare tea in that thermos and a tub of biscuits to your left." She shifts in her spot, straightening up and pulling out a fresh notebook. "Feel free to call me Imogen, Miss Imogen, Miss Caldwell, Doctor Imogen or Doctor Caldwell. Whether you choose to continue with me after this or not, no one will know what I write down. Anything I do write down is not a judgement upon you, it will be things like body language or word choice or a reminder to myself to ask a question when you have finished speaking. Is this acceptable to you?" ((one potential therapist for Jason!))
Jason makes sure to get there early. He spends a little while just watching the doctor from a distance, scoping her out. Scoping out what would be their surroundings, as well, to make sure there aren’t any forms of surveillance, digital or human. Only once he’s decided it’s all clear, and only once he’s gotten over his own nerves about the situation, does he make his way over to her rooftop, touching down at 11 o’clock, on the dot.
Imogen Caldwell. He’d done a very thorough background check on her before ever reaching out in the first place. British, only been in town a few months, hasn’t worked with the cape and cowl crew before, but has been working at Arkham, so she knows her crazies. She’s got a good reputation, seems to know her shit, has loads of good references. More importantly, she knows how to be discreet, from what he could find. Jason’s not sold on her yet, but he’s willing to at least sit down with her once.
The tea and cookies don’t even get spared a look—no way in hell he’s touching any of that—as he makes his way towards her. Geared up in full Red Hood garb, all the usual weapons strapped to his body, he comes to a stop near where she clearly expects him to take a seat, but remains standing. Arms cross over his chest as he frowns, staring down at the notebook in her hands. “Not really.” Off to a great start there, Jason. “I’d rather nothing get written down at all. Poses a bit of a security issue.”
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deathb1oomsarchive · 6 months
harley quinn / doctor harleen quinzel is originally from detective comics
harley was an extremely smart and capable young woman who’s mind simply would not shut up. she would think and think and think , constantly having new and exciting theories about the people in her life , the people on the news , and people in general. this theory led to her college thesis , ‘ there are only two circumstances in which a person would completely disregard the rules of society ; when committing a crime , and when in love ‘. in an attempt to prove her theory , an incident occurred in which her long term boyfriend was killed. it is unknown whether she killed him or he killed himself. this entire situation fueled her thoughts and proved , to herself if no one else , that she was right.
throughout college , harley had become obsessed with the joker. she would comb over any interview given that was about him , watch his videos over and over again , and spend days imagining what he would say if she ever was about to speak with him. it was her number one career goal.
after graduating university and getting her PHD , harley’s first stop was arkham asylum. she knew that they were lousy with keeping doctors on staff , and that meant she could possibly get in good with them enough to grant her access to the clown. nearly six months after being hired on at the asylum , her dreams came true and she was allowed to meet with the joker. the first few sessions were uneventful , the joker refusing to speak to her or sometimes even acknowledge her. after a while , though , he started to warm up to her. it wasn’t long before the two had started having an affair. less than a month later , harley helped the joker escape arkham asylum.
her license was revoked and once she left the hearing that decided her fate , harley transformed from quiet and brunette trained therapist to blonde bombshell harlequin.
short and sweet verses :
alternate verse 1 , mad love. harley and joker are in a severely toxic relationship and neither are sad about it. harley knows what she’s gotten herself into and she’s okay with it. she is a member of the gotham rogue’s gallery and the gotham city sirens. she is forever the joker’s right hand woman and nobody can tell her a single thing about it. shipping unavailable to any muse that isn’t the joker. faceclaim for this verse is samara weaving.
alternate verse 2 , nolan / TBM verse. the two are similar enough to be grouped in together. gotham is darker than ever and the young psychologist is just now learning her place in the world. in this verse , she has not met the joker yet ( nolan she is still obsessed but tbm has not introduced him yet ). shipping is available in this verse and my faceclaim is samara weaving
main verse , suicide squad , after being locked away in arkham asylum for more than a year and realizing that the joker had abandoned her , harley decided that they were broken up. she had had enough. he was the reason she was there , ten times over , and he’d done enough to ruin her life. it’s time to take it back. amanda waller offered a position on a task force , and there was no good reason not to take it. harley would never be a good guy , even anti hero was pushing it , but she could do something that was all her own.
so much more to be added when it comes up
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raynewolferune · 4 months
Meta Jazz, the Arkham Intern Therapist Pt 2.2
Note: Part 2.2! The Bane Incident from Kon's POV! 😁
Two days later, Kon was back at Arkham undercover again. The Bats had caught Bane nearly 12 hours earlier after Red Hood showed up midway through the fight, lept off the overpass, and landed a blow directly to the top of Bane's head with a metal pipe on the way down. The behemoth of a man had crashed hard into the cement, immediately unconscious, and been taken directly to Arkham's medical facilities as soon as he arrived. He'd been checked over and cleared to head to his usual room in less than 15 minutes once he woke up the following afternoon.
Kon found out all of this afterwards. 
He was headed back to the briefing room for his nect assignment after lunch when he spotted four senior guards, Collins, Ryans, Dorr, and Miles, escorting Bane from medical to his usual cell. He stepped into a doorway to let them pass by before continuing on his way. Kon had spent a productive lunch break chatting with Jasmine "please don't call me Fenton" while she waited for Dr. Rylie before he had to head back to the guards room so he wouldn't be late. He'd have to make sure to catch up with Dr. Rylie on the way out at the end of the day instead, Kon mused.
There was a shout behind him. Two bodies slamming hard into the walls on either side of the hall. A rush of fabric sliding across fabric. Rapid pounding footsteps.
Kon spun letting out a gasp as he saw Bane grab Jasmine's upper arm and yank her hard enough to make her stumble. The large man turned to face the guards behind him as he pulled her firmly back against his chest. Kon had the dart gun in his hands and leveled at Bane before he even realized he was moving. Dorr and Ryans had also already done the same. Miles was scrambling to his feet, drawing both his dart gun and baton. Collins slid to the ground, right shoulder visibly dislocated from hitting the wall at the wrong angle but he drew his tranquilizer dart gun as well.
"Weapons down or I'll snap her skinny little neck." Bane growled out, shaking Jasmine as emphasis. Her braid swung from the force of it. 
Kon expected her to panic. He was panicking; a full grown, fully recognized superhero. Of course, he expected her to panic.
But Jasmine didn't. 
Her expression smoothed out turning from barely-there surprise to blank calm in the span of a few seconds. Her breathing stayed deep and even. Her heart beat steady was steady. Was she in some kind of shock? But he had never heard of someone reacting like that to shock before.
"Back up! Let him through!" Dr. Rylie shouted to Kon and the other guards from where he had pressed himself against the wall on the opposite side from Bane. He must have been just a few steps ahead of Jasmine.
"She's my student! Let him through!" Dr. Rylie screamed again. His voice high pitched with fear for his intern. 
Kon didn't know what to do. From the way Ryans and Dorr were exchanging looks, he wasn't sure they knew what the best approach was in this situation either. Of the five of them, Ryans was the most senior guard but he wasn't one of the six guards trained for hostage negotiations either. None of the scenarios they had trained for would work here. Jasmine was too similar in height to Bane for a good shot and a single tranquilizer wouldn't knock him out anyway. They couldn't possibly circle around behind him in this narrow hallway either.
Kon could practically taste the panic building in the air. The tension was rising. If he didn't think fast someone else was going to make the first move and Jasmine would get hurt and -
She sighed.
Long, heavy, and disappointed. It felt like every muscle in Kon's body locked up suddenly.
"Mr. Bane, remove your hands from my person, please. I will give you to one to comply." She said voice calm and heavy like - like she was disappointed in him?
Kon's stared at her bland expression in shock for a moment before his eyes darted back to Bane. The rogue looked momentarily stunned then started laughing.
"Five." Jasmine said, ignoring his laughter. Kon felt himself paling. His colleagues were shifting, white faced with fear as they traded glances again.
"Four." She continued. Bane snorted derisively at her.
"Did you really think that would work?" He asked. His arms tightened around her. There was no way Jasmine was getting out of this without bruises.
"Three." She said ignoring Bane's question. Holy shit. Had she lost her mind?
"What can you even do if I don't?" Bane mocked with a rabid gleam in his eye. He's going to kill her, Kon realized faintly, even if we let him go now he's going to snap her neck for this.
"Jasmine..." Kon whispered pained and horrified by his realization. Loosening his grip on the dart gun without meaning too. She met his gaze across the hall, eyes resolved. 
"One." She finished, brows furrowing slightly in concentration as her lips thinned, pressed together. Bane gave a derisive snort. 
And then the massive man was airborne. 
"Holy shit." Miles breathed out.
Kon stared at the crater in the floor. Collins and Dorr were absolutely silent, hearts racing in their chests. Ryans took a half step forward, heart stuttering - Kon really hoped the man wasn't about to have a heart attack because he could rush him to medical right now. Dr. Rylie was half collapsed against the wall he'd been pressing himself against a strangled sound of shock coming from his throat. Bane was embedded in the floor breath wheezing as Jasmine half knelt on top of his neck. Oh wow, Kon registered, Bane's arm is fucked.
"Now, do you know what you've done wrong?" Jasmine asked looking down at the giant.
"Yes, Ma'am." Bane choked out.
"Fucked with the wrong HBIC." Collins muttered under his breath faintly still stunned.
"Jasmine for president." Miles whispered back automatically.
"Boys," Dorr scolded as he half lowered his dart gun, shifting his weight at the same time.
"Won't be making her angry around that time of month." Ryans mumbled to himself softly enough that Kon was the only person who could have possibly heard him. 
"What did you do wrong?" Jasmine pressed. Collins choked back an inappropriate hysterical giggle at the question. Bane appeared to panic when he realized he'd have to respond. 
No wonder, Kon thought, the man literally grew up in Santa Prisca's prisons. Did he even know how to respond to -Kon choked on air - a maternal scolding?! What the ever loving fuck? He bluescreened. Stood there in the hallway, absolutely stunned, completely unaware of his surroundings as he struggled to process the fact that Jasmine was giving Bane a maternal scolding in the middle of an Arkham hallway right in front of him. Maybe I've finally gone nuts? Kon wondered. 
Jasmine gestured vaguely towards the group of them without turning to look and Kon snapped back to the present. 
"Kyle here is going to take you to see the nurse and then back to your room then. I'm sure you'll behave for him?" Oh shit, that's me she's talking about. Kon walked towards her still a bit numb.
"Yes, Ma'am. I'll behave." Bane answered her. Kon watched as Jasmine stood up carefully and backed away from Bane far enough for him to pull himself out of the crater in the floor. Once he was on his feet, Kon led Bane back towards medical realizing as he did that there had been four other guards behind him this whole time.
Two of them darted forward and scooped up Collins, probably to take him to the guards medical ward along the outer wall patrol route. The other two fell in with Kon, Dorr, Miles, and Ryans. As they walked away Kon could hear Jasmine talking to Dr. Rylie.
"I'm fine, really. My mother was an extremely skilled martial artist. I've been learning from her since I started to walk." She explained honestly, trying to sooth the frazzled doctor's nerves. "I didn't know he was heavy enough to break the floor though!" Jasmine laughed. 
That - heart beat uneven, vocal cords tense - that second part was a lie.
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hartsmusings · 1 year
Op from a long since deactivated roleplay Twitter account with Taylor Momsen as a faceclaim
Kaira De'Medici-Napier
Kaira’s parents aren't your typical love story… in fact it wasnt a love story at all … more like a once in a while thing between a psych nurse and a psychotic patient .
Mercy Medici, kaira’s mother, was fresh out of New Orleans finest nursing school. Her friends and family were all born and raised in and around new orleans bayou, and had a long line of family secrets, and she had wanted out of there since she was a child, so she wouldn't end up howling at the moon like the rest of her family, so when her fellow nurse friends got her a job at Arkham asylum up in gotham, thinking it would help “spice up” her resume before she moved on to gotham general, she hopped on the first buss out of there.
On her first set of rounds is when she meets Jack Napier , also known as “the joker” on his what seemed like billionth incarceration into Arkham. His charm and wit drew mercy in like a moth to a flame...on more than one occasion.
To Mercy, it was the best sex she had ever expereanced, due to the fact the it was expressly forbidden for staff and patients to...well...fuck . dodging cameras, stealing keys, helping Jack escape …. Until the day Mercy discovered that she...in fact..was pregnant.
A handful of pregnancy tests , a blood test and a fluttering heartbeat on an ultrasound later, it was confirmed. Mercy confronted Jack with the news, and he was more than ecstatic. that night…..he escaped again with Mercy’s help, saying he would return for her later that week….but he never did.
The pregnancy was a difficult one with Mercy working every day in the asylum...she’d see Jack every now and then when Batman threw him in the asylum, but it was like he didn't even know her.
(9 months later)
Mercy’s depression had gotten so bad, even after talking with the asylum's newest therapist ...Mercy told them everything, even who the father of the baby was, but being around Jack and in the asylum took a toll on her mind and body.
It was during a therapy session that her water broke, and oh boy was I coming in hot….feet first
With no time to get to the hospital, the doctors and nurses performed an emergency cesarean. Mercy was screaming and moaning the whole time due to no epidural...a nurse slapped a breathing mask on mercy, filled with laughing gas (nitrous-oxide) to try and help with the pain, but mercy had a bad reaction to the gas and died on the table as they pulled little me out of the hole they had sliced open in mercy’s stomach.
I came into this world streaming and covered in my mothers blood… They named me Kaira ( meaning beloved friend ) and smudged some paperwork to say I died in the process , just in case Jack ever came looking for me, and sent me to the Gotham orphanage with the name in my file Kaira Anna Smith, i wouldnt find out till years later … where I came from and who I was...
( 17 years and 11 months later )
Gotham City Orphanage
The headmaster called out for what seemed like the hundredth time today, a slather of green paint across his backside from sitting in the puddle of it...The paint now dripping down the legs of his chair.
The clatter of a paint can along with a painful grunt could be heard in the hallway , a child like laughter faded into a slur of curse words as one of the teachers in the orphanage dragged Kaira in to the headmasters office by her neck, a pained expression on their face and their slight limp showed that Kaira had punched them in the groin to try and get away.
Kaira went to get up but the teacher pushed her back down into the chair by her shoulder.
“ you wouldn't happen to know who did this….would you?” motioning to the green paint now on the floor, a smirk appeared on kaira’s face as she went to laugh but quickly looked down when she saw how red the headmaster’s face was.
“ very...festive headmaster….“ Kaira softly chuckled and the headmaster's face went from peeved to pissed off red.
“ it’s always something with you , isn't it...well i think this time...i'm out of options kaira”
Opening the filing cabinet and pulling out her file, it looked more like a book with all the pranks and injuries she had caused over the years, slamming it down on the desk and adding today's incident to the pile.
“ I've already called the asylum…”
Kaira had only heard the stories about that place.
“ you what…” the teacher pushed her back down into the chair as she tried to get up again, this time planting their hands on both her shoulders
“ please, don't send me there...please “
“ you have given me no choice Kaira...im sorry it has to come to this but we can't risk the safety of the other children any longer, at least it's better the throwing you out on the streets in a month ” his gaze traveled to the monitors on one wall, the fuzzy blue lit screen showed a white van pulling up to the back of the orphanage “ you'll at least have a roof over your head”
The white clad men from the van came into the building and straight to the office .
Kaira tried to run but they grabbed her by her arms , injected her with a tranquilizer to knock her out and moved her to the van without anyone seeing them…
( a few months later )
Kaira pounded on the tempered glass wall of her cell
“ You can't keep me here mother fuckers “ she yelled at the camera pointed at her cell, flipping it off.
“ oh yes they can my dear...and they will do alot worse if you dont shut your fucking mouth “ a mans voice chuckled from across the way. A pale faced ,green haired man leaned up against the glass of his cell and smiled “ you look familiar, have we met before? '' gazing at her, with the image of mercy in his head.
By the time jack had returned to the asylum, he was told by the head doctor there that mercy had died along with the child, Mercy's cremated remains were sent to her family back in new orleans, he slumped into a deep depression cuz he had developed feelings for this nurse….these are in the days before harleen…the child mercy had been carrying was his hope at a better future….this girl across from him now, had Mercy's eyes...had the doctors lied to him all those years ago?
Kaira glared at the man across from her, she knew who the joker was, but seeing him this close was frighting, his menacing grin had her taking a step back in her own cell, even though there were 4 panes of tempered glass and a walkway between them...for now.
A buzz rang through the lockup area of the asylum and the cell doors opened as armed guards walked by
“Dinner time freaks”
Jack slicked behind her in the cafeteria line
“ What's your name child?” he whispered, even from behind she looked like mercy.
“ Leave me alone joker, i don't care to know the monster who killed my mother” kaira sneered as she grabbed a tray of food and made her way to the far back corner of the small cafeteria , sitting on the floor with her back to the wall.
Jack made his way over to her “what do you mean i killed her? I was told she died in childbirth...along with...wait a minute...how old are you?”
“ 18 last month “ shoving a slice of bread dipped in applesauce into her mouth.
“Kaira…” Jack slid down the wall to sit beside her “ your mother’s name was mercy..…she died bringing you into this world...i was told you died with her….you have her eyes”
This was out of character for Jack, the stories kaira was told and heard painted him out to be a ruthless mad man, not this...wannabe-father figure sitting next to her.
“ What's it to you old man?” she was cold to him, not expecting what came next, he scribbled something on a piece of paper and slid it to her…
“ open that later “ he jumped up, visibly upset, and walked away through the crowded cafeteria .
After returning to her cell she unfolded the note, on the note was four words
“I aM YOUr FaTher”
Over the next few years, kaira and jack became close, even escaped together a few times, causing turmoil and chaos throughout gotham…as a father and daughter crime family, the clown king and the clown princess of crime… kaira had finally found her family
It was nearing her 21st birthday when her father met the incomparable miss quinzell...and well we all know how that sickening gag inducing story went….and once again Kaira was left behind…again
Her and Quinn never got along at the asylum, quinn would try and keep kaira away from her father… outside the asylum, when Kaira was out and her father was still inside, Harleenkicked kaira out of the place her and her father had made their own, down in the docks of Gotham city...so she found her own hidden spot, far from the kissy faces and the sex noises….kaira did not need to the “ whos your daddy” coming from her own father… *audibly gags*
It was a bit of slink down a few allies ways, a hop skip and a jump over a few docks and a short climb up a sketchy fire escape and thru a broken widow and down a hallway thru a door in to a semi livable studio apartment , that she paid for by doing repairs round the building for the landlord, as a thank you for helping in many escapes from the asylum.
A kitchen in one corner and her bed was behind a pull away curtain in the other corner...her own little place, but it wasn't enough...she needed to get out of gotham…
So she grabbed an old worn duffle from her closet, tossing it on her bed, she threw in a few set of clothes in to it, her toothbrush and a locket with her mother's picture inside...borrowing some cash from her neighbor, kaira hopped a bus to the farthest place she could think of...new orleans.
Sliding out of the broken window for the last time, kaira made her way to the bus station in the middle of downtown, and as she slid on to the outbound bus she felt like she could finally breathe… closing her eyes for a little while, since it was gonna be a long, long night.
( the next evening - new orleans buss depot )
“NOW ARRIVING IN NEW ORLEANS '' the mechanical voice rang out, pulling kaira from a dreamless sleep, stretching her arms up and letting out a yawn, she got up from her seat and grabbed her bag from the overhead bin.
New orleans was in the mist of one of its many holidays, because no matter what day it was, the following night was packing bourbon street with as many patrons as possible, getting blackout drunk at anyone of its many bars and diners, as people flashed each other for dollar store plastic beads.
Kaira snuck into an alleyway that was dimly lit, into what seemed to be an abandoned courtyard, with overhead wrap around balconies, she could smell pastries cooking and followed the smell to a little kitchen, where the cook was pulling a fresh batch of beignets out of the oven. Kaira peeked in just as they were sprinkling powdered sugar over them. She looked quite disheveled and homeless with her bag over her shoulder, and the cook noticed her in the doorway.
“ oh my cher, come her’ child and warm up by the stove “ they motion to a chair by the stove “ let aunty bring ya’ some fresh Beignets “kairas bag was whisked out of her hands , dropped by her feet and replaced with a plate of steaming hot beignets smothered in brown butter and powdered sugar “ eat up child, you gave me quite a fright, but aunty always has extras for those who need a full belly”
Taking her first bite, kairas face smoothed into one of joy , she had never had a beighet before, these were so delicious.
“ thank you” she said , with a full mouth “ these are… so...good”
The cook nodded as they whisked away the rest of the food to the patrons out front, kaira stuffed another one in her mouth, dusting off the powdered sugar from her white top and reaching for the glass of milk the cook had placed near her..overreaching and ending up knocking it over on to the floor as the cook came back in.
“ shit, im sorry...let me help with tha…” kaira leaned down on to the floor to help pick up and then cut her hand on the broken glass “ouch, fuck that stings” the thin line of ruby red blood formed on her palm as the next thing she knew , something had pushed her out of the way and pinned her up agenist the wall and was growling in her ear, her eyes were closed tight in fear.
“ open your eyes '' a gravely english accented ordered, kaira breath quickened as she opened her eyes to a pair of deep blue eyes staring back at her “ calm your breathing” he ordered as a calmness washed over her “ now don't move or scream '' Kaira nodded softly, what was happening to her? Why couldn't she move? Why couldn't she look away from the man before her? The blood from her palm made a stain on her pant leg as she left his hot breath on her neck, he bit down as she passed out from fear.
The next thing she knew she was in the courtyard again, this time she was on one of the many old style beaches … kaira heard voices around her, conversing on what to do with her..
“ you never let me have any fun klaus “ a female voice pouted
“ we could just compel her away “ a studious proper sounding voice spoke next
“ i think we are being listened to “ the first gravely english voice said
Kaira held her breath, she felt a woosh of cold air then the man from before was seated next to her with his hand upon her throat, turning it to reveal puncture wounds .
“ i don't believe she is from around here Nicklaus “ the proper one said
“ i'm not ” kaira managed to choke out His grip tighten on her throat
“ I was thinking of turning her “ the man with his hand on her throat said “ I just wanted to see what you two thought of her before I did.
“ she is quite beautiful” the female said
“ and you could use the new plaything rebecka “ the prober one said
“ it's settled then” turning kairas eyes to his “ this is gonna hurt, just don't move or scream okay” kairas body went limp as he bit in to his own wrist and forced it into her mouth “ drink” he ordered as the blood from his wrist dripped onto her tongue. Kaira drank as ordered, what she didn't see coming was the female behind her, gripping her head on both sides and snapping her neck….
Was this death? Was this where she was gonna die? These questions and more swirled through her head as she collapsed on the ground, her huma life now over….a child of the night...a vampire life...was now beginning.
(nighttime ,basement of the mikaelson’s compound, a full day later)
Kaira woke up in a daze, in ...was this a coffin...was she dead? Kaira began to scream as she pounded on the lid, pushing it up, she heard it clatter to the ground…
“ Look who finally woke up” the man known as Klaus stepped out of the shadows, helping her out of the coffin. Kaira was still in a daze, her throat burned and she was so thirsty.
“ I bet you're thirsty aren't ya?” kaira nodded, her throat hurt too much to speak. Klaus led her over to a form nearby, it was the cook from last night, the one that had been so nice to her when she arrived in New Orleans. Kalus pulled the cooks arm up to kairas mouth, the smell of the blood was intoxicating and devine at the same time, sher bit down and let the rush of warm blood run down her throat, she drank so deeply in fact that kaira didn't realize that the cook’s heart had long since gave out and died...triggering something deep inside kaira...something primal..the pain of cracking bones had her screaming as she dropped the cooks arm. Throwing her head back as her shoulder blades and spine cracked and broke, changing her, the next thing she knew...kaira was howling. She wasn't the only wolf in the rook, Klaus was gone and in his place stood a large brown wolf with golden eyes, he kicked a blood bag over to her and she snapped it up with no second thought.
The basement had a tunnel that led out to the bayou, she followed klaus down the tunnel and as soon as the cold night air blew through her brown and golden fur...she had fur, kairas mind was a scramble of questions….but all she wanted right now...was to run.
( the following morning, back at the compound)
Kaira awoke in bed this time, hoping last night was a fever dream….until she began to look around… her bag was on the chair across from the bed….she went to get up and realized she was naked. pulling the sheet from the bed ,she wrapped it around her, the blood stains on the sheet had her turning back to the bed and she screamed at what she saw....a guy she didn't even recognize, with his neck and stomach torn out…. Had she done that, what was she...the images of last night replayed in her head…
“ You’re a hybrid if that's what you're wondering” Klaus was in the doorway, one of his classic smirks on his face ” a wolf and a vampire” he motions for two of the staff he kept around , to clean up the room. “ you didn't know about your wolf side ...did you?”
“ I was raised in an orphanage, so no, I didn't know about my wolf side…” klaus pinned her to the wall, her grip on the sheet was faltering
“ don't you snap at me pup” releasing his grip when he realized she was in a sheet, his gaze went up to the ceiling “ get dressed , you have a lot to learn about the family you have joined here in new orleans” and with that klaus stormed out of the room whilst kaira pulled an outfit out of her bag.
Kaira was a hybrid, that much she knew now, in her whole human life the most she had to worry about was Batman throwing her in the asylum, but now...there were witches, wolves, vampires, doppelgangers...oh my!
What would this new life bring?
TBC…(when I have muse for it)
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gilbirda · 2 years
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 1
Meet Jasmine Fenton: Smart, resourceful, kind and the very proud sister of Amity Park's own undead superhero Danny Phantom. Therapist at your service. Intern at Arkham Asylum. Can kick your ass. Likes tea and long walks at the beach.
Meet Jason Todd: Smart, resourceful, not-that-kind (if you say he's soft you may get knifed) and the very proud vigilante and protector of Crime Alley. Died for a while but got better. Holds grudges. Likes reading a nice book and the sound of the rain against the window.
They are neighbors now.
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post by @impyssadobsessions
Next chapter >>
“And that’s the last of the boxes!” a booming voice awoke Jason from his post patrol nap that turned into a dreamless sleep.
The vigilante glanced at the windows and yep, it was morning already. Why was it morning? He didn’t want it to be morning, he wanted to sleep a bit more. Lately he didn’t have much time, being in the middle of seizing absolute control over Gotham’s underworld.
“Does my Jazzy-princess need anything else?” said the same voice. It was male, adult, and clearly not from this part of the town or even from Gotham.
Jason rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and his face and stood from the couch. Last night he had the foresight to take off the suit before collapsing, but not enough foresight to put everything away before sleeping. So now he had to shower, clean the suit, clean the weapons and ugh —
There was a loud bang from the apartment next door, followed by a loud “Danny!” and a “I’m fine, I’m fine.”
Oh joy. New neighbors.
Jason was ecstatic. (Not really)
Still, he needed to make sure that this new neighbor, who for some fucked up reason had decided to move in close to the East End and next to the only other one apartment occupied in this floor, was not some kind of criminal going after the Red Hood. Of course there shouldn’t be a single reason one would connect this run down apartment with one of Gotham’s most famous (anti) heroes, but being paranoid paid off.
No, he was not like Bruce. He just took care of wild cards and loose ends.
Before going to the kitchen to make breakfast, he decided to look through the peephole to get a glimpse of the people moving in next to his latest safehouse.
It took a minute or so, but he saw first a woman with short red hair walk past his door. She was wearing a full blue hazmat suit, with heavy boots and everything. In Gotham no one would turn to look with so many capes and people in costume, but it was weird seeing it from someone from out of town.
Next, a big man, about as big as Bruce, walked past his door, this time with an horrendous orange suit. Look, he wasn’t a fashionista or anything, but he had eyes and those suits were a crime against fashion.
It was another few minutes, and he was about to give up and make some breakfast, when a new person walked past his door. Weird. He didn’t hear any footsteps, and with the cheap linoleum of the hallway it was an amazing feat.
The person stopped right in front of his apartment door and turned with a tilted head, as if he were listening to something. It was a kid. Well, not exactly ‘a kid’ but he was younger than him and it was enough for Jason to consider him a kid. Probably twenty or something like that, but he fell on the scrawnier and shorter side. He only guessed his age because his face wasn’t as round as it would be for a younger person.
“Everything okay, Danny?” A voice he recognized as the one that screamed earlier called from outside of Jason’s field of view.
Danny’s eyes zeroed on the man’s, as if he could see him or something. It was impossible he knew he was there — Jason was skilled in stealth and knew how to control his breathing for cases just like these. Why did the kid’s blue eyes burn into his as if he stared right into his soul?
“Danny?” The voice said again, and this time Danny broke the staring contest, walking away from his door and walking back
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” He smiled at the owner of the voice. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay for a few days?”
“It’ll be fine, really!” Said the unnamed voice, female, young, also from out of Gotham. “If I need you I’ll just call.”
“And I’ll fly here right away.”
So they lived far enough from Gotham. Enough to require a flight there.
Whatever. They’ll be gone in a week. A month, tops.
Around the three week mark since his new neighbor moved in, Jason ran into a young woman at the elevator. He didn’t know her, so he just nodded in greeting and ignored her as he waited for her to click the button of her floor in the elevator panel first. It was the same as his. But nobody lived in —
Huh. That’s right. He had new neighbors.
He looked at her from the corner of his eye since this was the first time he had seen this mysterious person up close.
She was young, but older than the kid he saw through the peephole the other day. Older sister, maybe. Redhead, too, like her mother. Thin but strong, she held herself with the confidence of someone that worked out, but not built like his sister.
And she was looking at him.
“So this is my stop.” She said with a smile. When both walked out of the elevator she stopped and blinked. “Oh, you also stop here?”
She didn’t know they were the only ones on that floor?
“Yeah.” Jason tried not to be too friendly or too unfriendly. People remember your face if you are either of those.
They walked in relative silence to their door, the young woman — he needed a name soon at least to call her something less creepy in his head — stopping first at her door and looking at him when he pulled out his keys at the same time.
“You live next door! That’s fun.” Ugh, she smiled just like Dick. Was it an annoying older sibling trait? “I didn’t know someone lived there, it’s always so quiet.”
He used the apartment mainly to sleep, eat and recover from injuries; and he was usually pretty quiet when he was alone. But she didn’t need to know that.
Jason shrugged. “I don’t like the noise.”
“I know right? I also like the quiet — especially while reading. I know some people listen to music but I just can’t concentrate on the words if there’s too much noise.”
To be honest? She struck him as someone that read a lot. She had this librarian vibe. Or maybe a teacher? He wondered what she was doing in Gotham, and why hadn’t she left already.
“Read anything interesting?” He couldn’t stop the words from coming. It was automatic — interrogating and subtly getting information from this mysterious non-Gothamite that had the balls to move to this building.
“Oh, well, just stuff for my work. You’d think it’s boring.” She laughed it off, playing with her keys. Eyes down, biting her lip. Someone she cared about dismissed her passion.
That rubbed Jason the wrong way. “Try me.”
She smiled a little bit. “I’m currently halfway through ‘Into the Mind of the Murderer: Why did I do it?’ by Steven Morrison. It’s riveting! It is written by this dude that killed his abuser then decided to become a serial killer. He was caught, of course, but in his memoirs he explains the reasoning behind why and how. Also the perspective of time and reflection on his part allows for a more complete picture of — And I lost you, right?”
Jason blinked a few times, his mind kicking into overdrive. He was speechless, but not because he was bored by her review of the book. He was aware that true crime was all the rage right now and people read about famous serial killers for fun — but she said it was for her work.
“What did you say you work at?”
“Oh, um. I am a therapist. I mean, a psychiatrist that specializes in therapy. Uh, I focus more in criminals and their reinclusion into society.”
Fun. A fucking shrink lived next door. He hadn’t had good experiences with those.
When he didn’t say anything, she continued rambling. Nervous habit, it looked like. “I’m doing an internship at Arkham, actually. I guess you know what that is, since you are from here.” Then she laughed nervously, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
“And you are still alive?” Jason managed to say, unable to process that this soft looking, smiley cinnamon roll could be a therapist at Arkham. They would devour her in mere days.
And yet, it has been three weeks.
His neighbor giggled. Honest to god girly giggles. “So far so good, Mister neighbor. I can take care of myself, but thanks for worrying.”
“Oh shit, I haven't introduced myself, right?” He hoped his expression was sheepish enough. “I’m Jason.” He extended his hand for her to shake.
“I’m Jasmine, but call me Jazz!” Her grip was firm, brief and professional. She wasn’t afraid of taking the lead.
Jazz smiled again, pulling her hair behind her ear, eyes confidently fixed in his. He didn’t get creepy vibes from her somehow. Instead, he felt like she was analyzing him as much as he was doing her.
His phone decided to ring in that moment, ending the conversation. He looked at who was the caller. It was Dick, so he had to take this, since his brother would throw a fit if he ignored his calls.
And so, the two said goodbye and Jason entered his apartment, preparing himself for the conversation. It could be a friendly call to ‘catch up’ or asking for help with a case with Bruce. Either way it was going to take a while.
Any thought about redhead neighbors that are therapists at Arkham left his mind after the hour and a half long conversation with Dick.
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nightcolorz · 3 years
Random Gotham Rogues Headcanons
(In honor of all the wonderful people who wanted more after my last post, yes I see y’all)
*Jonathan has a huge sweet tooth, the poor bastard didn’t try sugar until he was like 12 and eats candy like it’s his last meal.
*He’ll forget he needs food to live for way too long and eat a gallon of ice cream or some shit that’ll give any sensible man heart palpitations and just be like “😐👍”.
*Selina tells the newer rogues she was raised by cats to freak them out, Jervis still believes her. (Tbf, Selina does walk around with a cat tail on hissing at people and purring on their laps, I don’t blame him).
*Edward has a tiktok account that he made to fule his own ego, he’s a fragile little shit, literally all of his hate comments have video responses (as you can imagine, Edward gets A LOT of hate comments).
*One time a teenager called Edward “submissive and breedable” and he was too baffled to make a clap back.
*The Rogues have a surprising amount of stans. Ivy’s fan base consists mostly of lowly simps, Joker gets stopped on the street daily by greasy redditors and zealous scene kids.
*No one likes Joker, he thinks it’s because he’s “Batman’s favorite” (it’s not).
*For a while Joker has been insistent that he fucked Bruce Wayne once at one of his many parties, no one believes him except for Harvey (begrudgingly).
*He says it’s “Perfectly in character for Bruce” as much as he may hate it.
*Selina denies everything.
*Oswald and Jonathan share solidarity as “the weird bird people”. At first Oswald was a little put off that Jonathan only held knowledge of crows but soon got over that when he realized that now he had an excuse to infodump on someone who might actually be interested.
*Every time Jonathan visits Oswald’s aviary to pick up Nightmare and Craw Oswald jumps at the opportunity to talk about his numerous birds in excess, Jonathan’s a surprisingly good listener.
*Despite Edward and Joker’s long term rivalry Edward has remained relatively civil when faced with Joker’s constant egging on. That is until one iconic day in Arkham Asylum when Edward beat the absolute, ever loving shit out of Joker in the cafeteria. To this day no one knows what exactly got him to snap, not even Joker.
*Harley keeps a scrapbook about all her misadventures + friendships as a rogue, she has a habit of taking pictures of the others at the most inappropriate times (during a heist, while being beaten to a crisp by Batman, ex).
*One time Harley asked Batman to pose for a picture to put in her scrapbook, he obliged to everyone’s surprise.
*Edward is wholly insistent that he doesn’t belong in Arkham, and is convinced he’s completely sane. He’s weirdly obsessed with the fact that Oswald is sane “as well” and will make unprompted snide remarks like: “Blackgate sounds terrific, unfortunately I’ve been misplaced among MORONS, it’s a shame that the system is too incompetent to properly judge my un-categorizable psyche.”
*Oswald usually responds with a simple “🙂👍” or “ok” to avoid conflict, disagreeing with Edward could be catastrophic.
*Art therapy is an occupational hazard for all the Arkham staff. (Seriously, who thought giving super villains an outlet to express themselves was a good idea).
*Edward can’t draw so he spends his time harshly criticizing the other rogues art, that’s caused more than a few fights. The one time Edward’s ever actually done art in art therapy was when he drew a green triangle and explained in complex detail how he colored it to perfection.
*Jonathan is no longer allowed to share his art with the group before having it reviewed by a staff member after emotionally scarring a few patients. He’s one of the few rogues who presents his art every time, just to see the disturbed looks on the others faces when he explains whatever twisted art piece he came up with this time.
*Jervis is probably the most dedicated artist of the bunch, he‘s not allowed to make himself any hats (for obvious reasons) but he’s still a very skilled seamstress and has a very interesting art style (Jervis tries not to draw anything explicitly linked to Alice in Wonderland in fear of getting repercussions, as rogues often do when they engage with their ‘personas’).
*Harvey isn’t very technically skilled in drawing, but Harv usually spices their art up enough to make it interesting. Their drawings are always two themed, as expected. One time Edward criticized a painting of theirs for being “too unrealistic” and Harv had to manually restrain himself from kicking Edward in the teeth.
*Victor can’t draw either, but he writes pretty good poetry. His writing is excessively melodramatic and flowery, and his themes even more so. Half of the presentation period is spent listening to Victor muse about the meaning of life or some shit, his poems are VERY long.
*Waylon and Ivy are the obligatory pretentious painters, both have a fondness for flowers (for very separate reasons). The two will often compare their paintings and wax poetics about the beauty of nature or some bullshit before never speaking again. That’s one of the positives of Art therapy, it brings rogues together who would otherwise not grant each other a passing glance.
*Group therapy is just as (if not more) atrocious than Art therapy.
*The only one who ever talks is Joker (and sometimes Harley, but way less).
*Joker is the embodiment of an irl troll, he does a much better job at getting responses from the other rogues in therapy than the therapists ever could (usually hostile responses but still).
*Occasionally a new and bright eyed therapist will try and coax childhood memories out of the rogues, it never ends well (usually with the rogue or the therapist in hysterics).
*The majority of the Arkham staff are either terribly unqualified or terrible period.
*Music Meister lived with Edward for a short while after escaping Arkham together but he was promptly kicked out because he wouldn’t stop singing.
*Selina and Ivy had a huge argument once because Selina’s cats nibbled on Ivy’s plants.
Okay this post is all ready super long so I’m gonna end it here, as I said last time I can always make more if you guys like these (I’m not running out of headcanons anytime soon!)
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cleanlenins · 3 years
Ectober Day 9: Mask
When The Clown No Longer Laughed
Things have been going well for Arkham Asylum. There haven't been any breakouts in a while, a new team of Psychologists are starting to make a breakthrough with the residents, and Gotham is starting to heal.
But with the recent suicide of one Mr. Freeze, Batman decides to look into what is happening in Arkham Asylum. Dr. Penelope Spectra talks about the good she is doing for the inmates, and how they are finally being rehabilitated.
But Batman knew something was deeply wrong.
When the Clown no longer laughed.
Warnings: Suicide, Depression, Character Death
inspired by @lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks
“It’s really amazing. It seems like we are finally doing something right,” Commissioner Gordan’s voice echoed through the Batcave. Batman sat in his computer chair, hands clasped, as he frowned in thought. “We haven’t had anyone breakout in at least a month. Hell, we haven’t even had anyone try to break out. Most of the residents are even going to their therapy appointments with minimal fuss.”
“Most?” Batman asked. Gordon sighed.
“We can’t help everyone. Quinzel has been really vocal against some of the new therapists we hired a few months ago. She nearly fist fought one of them after Ivy had an appointment with her.”
“Who was the therapist?”
“Dr. Penelope Spectra,” Gordon responded. “Apparently, she wasn’t all that phased by it. Said she expected it, at least once. But she wouldn’t let it scare away from her work.”
Batman hummed in thought, before starting to pull up Dr. Spectra on the Bat Computer.
“Who are some of Dr. Spectra���s clients?” Batman asked.
“She honestly has taken on quite a caseload. She’s got Crane, Isley, Dent, Fries...and Joker,” Gordon said the last one quickly. Batman narrowed his eyes as he looked at his screen. The image of a smiling redhead, dressed to the nines. Her green eyes seemed to peer into his soul. Something about the color seemed familiar. 
“And she has made progress with them?” Batman asked.
“Most of them, yes. You know how Joker is.” Batman didn’t feel a need to respond to that.
“They should keep an eye on her. You know how the Joker can be,” Batman advised.
“Yeah, we don’t want another Quinzel, that’s for sure,” The Commissioner grumbled before ending the call. Batman looked at the image of the woman, and started digging. He didn’t get far before he was alerted to a hostage situation on the east side of Gotham. He rushed out, putting his thoughts behind him as he focused on the problem at hand. 
“He’s dead?” Batman asked, Red Robin shifted uncomfortably beside him as they both focused on Oracle.
“It hasn’t been announced, but yes,” Barbara said. She pulled up an image of the scene. It was gruesome, mostly because the victim was so familiar. The dangling body of Victor Fries. Shredded blanket plaited into a crude noose. “All signs point to suicide.”
“Which signs?” Red Robin asked.
“There is no security footage of anyone going in or out of the cell. His therapist, Dr. Spectra reported to the guards that he seemed depressed lately. And of course, he left a note,” Oracle projected the note onto the screen. “I already checked the handwriting, and it matches that of Victor Fries. He also seemed to be keeping a journal, as part of his treatment. And you can tell that he did seem to be spiraling for a while.”
Batman listened to Barbara rattle off more information from the scene as he read the note.
To Any It Concerns,
I have come to the realization that I am a failure. A failure of all that I have ever tried to do. I am a failure as a Husband, as I could do nothing to save the one I loved more than anything. I’m a failure of a man, as I could not face the consequences of my mistakes and instead chose to blame others. And I am a failure as a human being, as I chose to hurt and maim and sow the same grief that I used to rationalize my own actions. 
I know that none shall miss me, as all I have done was act as a plague on the human race. But know that, in these last moments, I am sorry.
-Victor Fries
Batman hid his sorrow. When he had heard of the changes at Arkham, he had hoped. Hoped that some of them could get the help they needed. Gordon’s words that they couldn’t save everyone rang in his ears, but still Batman mourned. Quietly, and unnoticed.
“I can’t believe this,” TIm said, running his fingers through his hair. “What did Dr. Spectra say?”
“She said she blamed herself. That as his therapist, she should have seen this coming,” Oracle said. She pulled up video footage of Dr. Spectra talking to the inspector. She wiped at her eyes with a tissue. Batman’s eyes narrowed, taking in her body language.
“It’s such a shock. I thought he was close to a breakthrough. We discussed some of the negative thoughts he had been journaling. I had hope for a full recovery,” The Therapist said, continuing to dab at completely dry eyes. 
“Well, she doesn’t seem all that upset,” Tim muttered. Batman nodded in agreement.
“I need to check this out myself,” Batman said.
“I’ll come to,” Red Robin said, and Batman nodded in agreement. Static briefly overtook the comm.
“I would like to come as well,” Nightwing said. 
“You don’t have to do that, Nightwing,” Batman grumbled, already strapping into the batmobile.
“I know. I just...I never would have seen Victor doing something like this. And I would like-”
“If you are emotionally compromised, you need to stay away from this,” Batman grumbled back. As if he wasn’t emotionally shaken as well.
“I’m not compromised, I just-”
“Let us handle this, Nightwing,” Red Robin said, not unkindly over the comm. A long pause.
“Fine,” Nightwing sighed. “Just-please keep me in the loop.”
“Of course,” Red Robin responded.
The rest of the drive to Arkham was silent. Batman and Red Robin jumped out of the Batmobile as soon as the door was open and walked into the secure facility. Security guards whispered as they passed.
The first thing Batman noticed was how quiet the place was. Red Robin seemed to be unnerved as well. Usually, the place was filled with riotous noise, insults and jeers thrown around. Angry swearing as Batman made his way through the facility. But there was none of that. The place felt dreary. Like a heavy blanket had settled over the place, muffling the loud personalities Arkham was known to house. Batman’s eyes narrowed under his cowl as he took in the slumping bodies and defeated expressions most of the inmates sported. Until he finally got to the cell of one Mr. Freeze.
The body had already been removed, as it should. The man deserved at least that much dignity. The room was a shock, however. It seemed cluttered and messy, where Fries was usually immaculate and tidy. Trash was spilling out of the trashcan, unemptied and untended. Bits of paper were ripped from one of the many books kept in the cell. Said books were not kept in their proper place, but instead laid around the cell haphazardly. The chair for the desk was still on its side on the floor, makeshift noose hanging from the ceiling.
The security guard that escorted them fidgeted uneasily outside the cell, giving them room to work. Red Robin started going through books, careful not to disturb anything that could be evidence. Batman analyzed the whole scene before him. 
There was very little to glean that Barbara had not already reported. It seemed very much like the many suicides Batman had witnessed over the years. No sign of foul play. It seemed to be cut and dry that Victor had finally just...had enough. Batman ignored the sense of regret that began to build in his chest.
“It really is a tragedy,” A voice broke Batman out of his musing. He hid his surprise well and turned to see Dr. Spectra in the flesh. Batman felt goosebumps as he looked into her eyes. He had not heard her approach at all. “He had come so far. I really should have been more attentive. I just didn’t realize he had been having such thoughts. It is such a waste.”
“A waste?” Batman asked. Dr. Spectra smiled at him.
“Yes. So much potential. Such a brilliant man, brought so low by his grief. He could have done so much in the world,” Dr. Spectra shook her head. “So much potential. You shouldn’t blame yourself, you know.”
“Why would I blame myself?” Batman stepped closer to the Doctor, who held her ground.
“Do you not? That is a very healthy attitude, then. I just assumed since you knew him for years that you might be feeling some guilt. Since you were never able to get through to him,” Dr. Spectra said nonchalantly. “I certainly feel bad, and I only knew him for a few months. I can only imagine how bad the people who have been trying to help him for years feel. But I suppose it really isn’t my place to tell you how you feel.”
Batman did not respond to such a statement. Truly, he did feel some guilt. He should have done more. He had tried to talk to Victor many times, but to no avail. But this was not his fault. He knew it was not his fault. Logically it was not his fault.
“If you never need anyone to talk to, I am available. No need to take off the mask and the cape. Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone,” Dr. Spectra said, putting a hand on the Bat’s shoulder. When did she get so close? Batman shook her off with a glare.
“Is there anything I should know about your other patients? Have any of them displayed any questionable behavior?” Batman said. Dr. Spectra crossed her arms.
“You are free to go and see them yourself. Honestly, I think they could use the company. All the people in Arkham are just so...miserable,” Dr. Spectra turned, and walked away. Batman watched her until he was out of sight.
“Red Robin,” Batman said. Tim was suddenly at his side. “See what you can find about the sessions with Dr. Spectra and Victor Fries.”
“Okay. What are you going to do?” Red Robin was already typing on his portable computer.
“I’m going to go see the Joker,” Batman walked away, the security guard jumping out of his way.
Batman didn’t need to know the way to where the Joker was kept. He was familiar with the long walk, through many security checks. The different locked doors that guard after guard swiped keycards to let him through. The Batman stayed silent, not having to communicate his intent.
Before long, Batman stood looking into the tempered glass that housed Gotham’s most notorious villain. The Joker sat there, scribbling on a paper with a black crayon. Amorphous blobs of black were doodled across multiple sheets of paper that littered the floor of the cell. The scribbling stopped when Batman made himself known.
“You’ve been quiet, Joker,” Batman said. The Joker said nothing, continuing his scribbling on the sheet in front of him. He did not turn to acknowledge Batman. Batman stepped closer to the glass, taking note of the black shapes on the pages. Each of them seemed to harbor a pair of glowing red eyes.
“Victor Fries is dead. Do you know anything about it?” Batman asked. Once more, the Clown stopped his scribbling, but did not look up.
“...no,” The joker responded.
“No,” Batman repeated. “Is that all you have to say?”
Batman watched the Joker nod, before continuing his scribbling even more frantic than before. Batman waited for the Joker to continue. To say anything. But the Joker completely ignored him. After a while, Batman turned to leave.
“...goodbye,” Batman paused as he heard the Joker speak no louder than a whisper. He turned back to see the criminal still scribbling, making no motions to continue the conversation. Batman left the area, mind working overtime. 
He knew something was very wrong. Since the Clown no longer laughed. 
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